UbuntuIRC / 2011 /11 /05 /#lubuntu.txt
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[06:05] <lubuntu214> hey guys!
[06:05] <lubuntu214> why does lubuntu have a photo manager?
[06:06] <lubuntu214> I'd recommend Shotwell. Its simple fairly lightweight. also it is Desktop independent so doesn't require a ton of gnome specific libraries.
[06:07] <holstein> you mean, why doesnt it?
[06:07] <holstein> could be that its assumed you might use a web service
[06:07] <holstein> not sure... i peronally hadnt missed it yet
[06:08] <holstein> its challenging to please everyone... but i would say file a bug about it
[06:08] <holstein> those are taken seriously
[06:08] <bioterror> we have soon software suggestions for next spin
[06:08] <bioterror> join mailing list and take part
[06:09] <lubuntu214> okay
[06:10] <lubuntu214> well most linux distros come with a photo manager and most people have some time of photo taking device.
[06:10] <lubuntu214> kind*
[06:10] <bioterror> http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/shotwell
[06:10] <lubuntu214> I know that you can't have everything I just thought to add
[06:11] <holstein> its *so* small and light too... i appreciate that
[06:11] <holstein> light but slick looking
[06:11] <lubuntu214> yes it is nice looking
[06:11] <lubuntu214> it runs fast for uploading photos on my point in shoot
[06:11] <bioterror> filemanager is my photomanager :D
[06:11] <bioterror> I can right click image and edit it with GIMP )
[06:11] <bioterror> ;)
[06:12] <lubuntu214> true
[06:12] <holstein> yeah, i just put them in a directory
[06:12] <bioterror> yeah
[06:12] <lubuntu214> but its nice to have an app to organize it
[06:12] <holstein> i dont like/need the bigger music organizers either
[06:12] <bioterror> year/month/day/
[06:12] <lubuntu214> yeah I don't like those
[06:12] <bioterror> that's how I do it
[06:12] <lubuntu214> I like the music app provided with lubuntu
[06:13] <lubuntu214> the other players have way too much features and plugins slows the player down and makes it complexed to use
[06:13] <bioterror> lubuntu214, I'm sure that the lubuntu community is eager to hear how that application performs with pentium II devices ;)
[06:13] <lubuntu214> well I am not sure about those devices
[06:14] <bioterror> application is acceptable if it doesnt take any cpu or ram
[06:14] <lubuntu214> most people don't have those anymore and you can get donated pcs with much better cpus
[06:14] <bioterror> hahaha
[06:14] <bioterror> you really have not been in here for long
[06:14] <lubuntu214> freegeekchicago.org
[06:15] <holstein> either way, its nice having something light *and* modern
[06:15] <lubuntu214> yeah
[06:15] <lubuntu214> I love lubuntu
[06:15] <bioterror> if you need shotwell, you can install it
[06:15] <bioterror> just like any application
[06:15] <lubuntu214> yeah I know
[06:15] <lubuntu214> I just thought to suggest
[06:16] <lubuntu214> well I already know to use the bug reports and other things which I can better prepare my argument and conclusion.
[06:16] <bioterror> no devels here atm. use mailing list ;)
[06:16] <lubuntu214> okay
[06:17] <lubuntu214> even if you have a fast PC I still prefer a lightweight desktop cause its super fast
[06:17] <bioterror> but be prepared for people demanding benchmarks
[06:17] <lubuntu214> hates slowness
[06:18] <lubuntu214> getting a 1gb ram upgrade soon hopefully lubuntu will be even faster!
[06:18] <lubuntu214> 2gb ram total!
[06:18] <bioterror> !!
[06:18] <bioterror> you can grab 4GB of 1333MHz DDR3 from me for 15 euros
[06:19] <lubuntu214> sorry buddy my laptop doesn't take that
[06:19] <lubuntu214> I already paid for it on amazon
[06:19] <lubuntu214> my laptop takes pc2700 max is 1gb
[06:20] <bioterror> these dell's sucks, 2GB is max
[06:20] <bioterror> I should downgrade that 64bit to 32bit
[06:20] <holstein> you think it matters as much on a server bioterror ?
[06:20] <holstein> the 64bit on 2gb of ram?
[06:20] <bioterror> desktop usage
[06:21] <bioterror> Dell D420 and D430 has limited it to max 2GB
[06:21] <bioterror> crappy chipset that is
[06:21] <lubuntu214> that blows
[06:21] <holstein> i forget what i have but its got 2gb's of ram, and i did 64bit CLI only install
[06:21] <holstein> seems OK so far
[06:21] <holstein> couple weeks
[06:21] <lubuntu214> probably a way to force you to spend more
[06:22] <lubuntu214> so you can the ones that don't have that limit
[06:22] <bioterror> put 64bit CPU, limit RAM to 2GB :D
[06:23] <bioterror> larger address space has it's benefits and cons
[06:23] <lubuntu214> what's the ram limit for 64bit?
[06:24] <bioterror> 12301923+12893901289381923 :D
[06:24] <lubuntu214> my laptop is limited to 2gb
[06:24] <lubuntu214> but that's because it is 32bit
[06:24] <bioterror> 32bit is ~3GB
[06:24] <lubuntu214> if I remember correctly 32bit's limit is 32bit
[06:24] <lubuntu214> oh okay
[06:24] <lubuntu214> well its my chipset then
[06:26] <lubuntu214> do you really need dual core to use HD webcams on lubuntu if you have the ram requires just not the dual core part?
[06:26] <lubuntu214> 1.6ghz with 2gb ram
[06:26] <lubuntu214> I'd presume it'd work on lubuntu for sure but hell no on windows
[06:26] <lubuntu214> with that hardware
[06:27] <bioterror> I dunno, I have one microsoft webcam there for my wife
[06:27] <bioterror> but never used it
[06:27] <lubuntu214> oh I see
[06:27] <bioterror> my phone can record 720p video
[06:27] <lubuntu214> watch out your wife could have secret skype boyfriends!
[06:28] <lubuntu214> just joking...
[06:28] <lubuntu214> teasin' yea bro!
[06:28] <bioterror> last time I checked, she didnt have skype account nor skype installed ;)
[09:25] <johnnyzero> Hey guys I have a question. How can I fix the default session of Lubuntu? I tried to mess around with the start menu and I screwed it up. Now it only contains the logout choice with no categories. Yet in the other sessions, the menu appears normal. How do I fix this?
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[13:30] <JadedJacob> hi.
[13:31] <JadedJacob> anyone running lubuntu on a pentium 4 2.4ghz or similar?
[14:14] <leszek> hi
[15:13] <lubuntu214> if you have hp all in one printer. you need hplip installed to use scanner. printer works fine without hplip
[16:41] <leszek> re
[18:28] <jellow> Hi there I've just installed lubuntu onto a usb stick , Though grub is messed up how do I re-install it and stop it probing my other non-related hds ?
[18:34] <Unit193> You installed it to a flash drive? You needed to use a tool like unetbootin and enable persistant mode
[18:34] <Unit193> persistent
[18:36] <jellow> I used unetbootin and created a usb , where I ran the install and onto an sd card ..
[18:37] <Unit193> You installed onto an SD card, for that one computer I'd hope?
[18:38] <jellow> No I was hoping to use the sd card on multiple computers , Does it not work like that?
[18:38] <Unit193> Not really
[18:39] <Unit193> For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[18:40] <jellow> Even a tool for it ! Great
[18:40] <Unit193> Are you using windows to make it?
[18:41] <jellow> no Ubuntu
[18:44] <jellow> Thanks will try that need to close irssi to umount /mnt
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[20:10] <witeds> greetings i have a question and an issue when i try to share internet to another lubuntu computer my connection on the host to that ethernet port constantly connects and disconnects
[20:11] <witeds> any ideas how to fix this?
[20:12] <bioterror> does it loose link or something else?
[20:12] <bioterror> how did you share it?
[20:14] <witeds> went to network connections edit and shared to other computers on the normal ubuntu this worked
[20:14] <witeds> but for lubuntu 11.10 it seems to be connecting and disconnnecting slowing down if not halting networking for the other computer
[20:16] <witeds> oh also my ahavi network discovery deamon keeps getting shut off du to my isp's router running linux and having a .local name could this be contributing and when i remove the disabler script it comes back
[20:24] <witeds> nvm problem solved with the shared connection
[20:24] <witeds> but i still need that avahi discovery daemon
[22:02] <xsaidx> hello guys
[22:03] <Timo_> hey lads, I'm trying to install Linux on my fathers laptop, but it keeps crashing in the installer when moving to the partitioner. I've tried: Linux Mint 9 & 11 64 bit, Ubuntu 11.10 32 bit, Lubuntu 11.10 64 bit and Minimal install 64 bit, anyone knows what this could be?
[22:05] <stlsaint> Timo_: sounds like a hardware issue
[22:05] <stlsaint> xsaidx: sup
[22:06] <Timo_> stlsaint: that's what I thought. I also tried installing it through Windows, with the wubi installer and that failed because 'windows iso backend was unkown'
[22:06] <Timo_> or something like that anyways
[22:06] <Timo_> But the odd thing is, I looked the laptop (Dell Latitude E5400) up on the internet, and it gave good reviews for linux
[22:07] <xsaidx> stlsaint: fine thanks and you ,, i ve got a question how to re-split the screen in a screen session for ex i split it to 3 sceens how can i go back to only 2 screens ??
[22:07] <Timo_> and the Live CD works like a charm, running from the USB is already really fast :)
[22:13] <Timo_> stlsaint: a 'hardware issue', does that mean my hardware is broken, or that the hardware is unsupported?
[22:17] <Timo_> mm I found out why the wubi didn't work..I'm gonna try it via wubi again...hope it will work :)
[22:31] <Timo_> I hope that this will hope! It would be a bummer if it wouldn't work...I really want my dad to learn linux :D
[22:40] <Timo_> Wauw! I installed Lubuntu through wubi, and now I start up in a Ubuntu 11.10 distro
[22:40] <Timo_> that's super weird
[22:41] <Timo_> How can that ever happen :D I took the Lubuntu 64 bit cd, and now it installed Ubuntu, how the hell can that happen?:D
[22:46] <Myrtti> well, if you're planning to leave the installation to be used for more than a few weeks, wubi isn't the option I'd recommend anyway
[22:52] <Timo_> Myrtti: I know, but installing it the normal way doesn't work... :(
[23:14] <Myrtti> oh well