UbuntuIRC / 2011 /11 /03 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
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[00:42] <stephen_> any luck with pandaboard and the oneric ti-omap repo?
[00:43] <stephen_> I have added them and installed the packages, seem to have a dependancy issue with ubuntu-extras-multimedia and totem now crashes...
[00:57] <jkfangTW> I tried ubuntu-Maverick ( 10.10) on pandaboard with 1080p hardware decoder.
[00:57] <jkfangTW> Does anyone has the same experience ?
[01:03] <twb> jkfangTW: if you have a problem, describe the problem
[01:04] <jkfangTW> twb: I can display 1080p video properly in fullscreen. But it will fail on window-mode, especially when the window is smaller then the actual size of the video.
[01:05] <jkfangTW> Have you idea why this will happen ?
[01:07] <twb> Not me, sorry
[01:09] <jkfangTW> It's okay. I think a lot people want the patch of this problem......
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[13:07] <WaltherFI> Hello again, I posted the Raspberry Pi thing to the forums to get some publicity :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11421007#post11421007
=== dabukalam is now known as google___
=== google___ is now known as dabukalam
[13:46] <ogra_> WaltherFI, hmm, i thought i was clear ... raspberry-pi support wont and cant happen unless they change their cpu
[13:47] <ogra_> (or someone does a port on his own dime)
[13:49] <ogra_> WaltherFI, and your questions were alreadey answered in bug 848154 in september
[13:49] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 848154 in ubuntu "ARM version not supporting V6 RaspPi" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/848154
[13:50] <WaltherFI> Ah, I didn't look at the bug database
=== GrueMaster changed the topic of #ubuntu-arm to: Ubuntu ARMv7 Discussion & Development | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | Submit a Bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | Get oneiric while it's hot ! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.10/release/ | Logs at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
[19:32] <highvoltage> ogra_: would hardware like this work ok with Ubuntu? I'm tempted to get one and try to put together an unofficial Edubuntu installer for it: http://news.in.msn.com/technology/article.aspx?cp-documentid=5564859
[20:02] <GrueMaster> highvoltage: If youwant, you can add it to the wish list on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/meeting/19541/ubuntu-arm-p-one-consumer-device-per-cycle/
[20:02] <GrueMaster> Currently, we have no support for it.
[21:05] <highvoltage> GrueMaster: thanks, will do
=== _MrCurious is now known as MrCurious_