UbuntuIRC / 2011 /11 /03 /#ubuntu+1.txt
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[00:47] <FernandoMiguel> evening
[00:48] <FernandoMiguel> status on UDS?
[00:54] <gnomefreak> any chance fglrx is fixed yet?
[00:55] <gnomefreak> FernandoMiguel: sorry im not there but there should be a UDS channel or a few maybe
[00:55] <gnomefreak> I wasa in a channel for a meeting last UDS
[01:03] <gnomefreak> how do i disable the password prompt after login? I looked in seahorse but didnt see anything that looked related
[01:05] <FernandoMiguel> I can't even get seahorse to memorize samba passwords
[01:05] <gnomefreak> brb
[01:06] <gnomefreak> I'm sorry i missd what you said
[01:06] <gnomefreak> s/missd/missed
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[01:19] <FernandoMiguel> don't think so gnomefreak
[01:19] <FernandoMiguel> btw, how are you feeling ?
[01:19] <FernandoMiguel> we haven't talked in a while
[01:19] <gnomefreak> im tired but ok and yourself?
[01:20] <FernandoMiguel> how did your cirugies go?
[01:20] <FernandoMiguel> I'm fine...
[01:20] <FernandoMiguel> waiting to have fun next week
[01:23] <gnomefreak> next week?
[01:28] <FernandoMiguel> gnomefreak: http://codebits.eu
[01:29] <gnomefreak> cool
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[06:16] <wzssyqa> hi, I multiarched gstreamer, but when install xx:i386 on amd64, I got an error: iso-codes is an virtual package
[07:35] <carli> hello
[07:36] <carli> i'm using ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS in an installation of 5 computers for educational use.
[07:36] <carli> the clients can either connect via ssh-X or remote desktop (Xvnc with rdp wrapper)
[07:36] <carli> in oneiric, xrdp was broken
[07:37] <iceroot> carli: your question is related to 12.04?
[07:37] <iceroot> wzssyqa: same for you?
[07:38] <carli> iceroot: yes. 12.04 should be LTS, right?
[07:38] <iceroot> carli: correct
[07:38] <iceroot> carli: is there an existing bug against xrdp and 11.10?
[07:39] <wzssyqa> iceroot: I am working on multiarch package for precise
[07:40] <iceroot> wzssyqa: ok, just wanted to be sure you are working on 12.04
[07:49] <carli> iceroot: i'd like to test the new LTS before it is to late and it's released
[07:50] <carli> but i did not look if there was a bug in 11.10; it just did not work (well i could fix it myself, too, but it's better when it's running out of the box)
[07:51] <iceroot> carli: of course
[07:51] <carli> or does 12.04 have better methods to synchronize installed packages and login with mounting a remote /home/*/ ?
[07:54] <iceroot> carli: there is not even an alpha-release of 12.04
[07:54] <iceroot> carli: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule
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[11:05] <gnomefreak> ok so does anyone know how to stop getting the password prompt after logging in?
[11:08] <Ian_Corne> gnomefreak: go to your keyring
[11:08] <Ian_Corne> and set the password of the ring holding all pw's to your login password
[11:09] <Ian_Corne> can't give more detailed info atm, not at an ubuntu computer sadly :(
[11:14] <gnomefreak> i looked for that but i will look again, thanks
[11:15] <gnomefreak> Ian_Corne: thanks again i think i found it
[11:37] <gnomefreak> thanks Ian_Corne its fixed
[11:38] <gnomefreak> :)
[11:51] <FernandoMiguel> morning.
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[12:02] <gnomefreak> morning
[12:11] <gnomefreak> I cant recall how to add info to a bug from terminal. Its "something bug#"
[12:12] <gnomefreak> just cant recall what something is
[12:13] <FernandoMiguel> gnomefreak: ubuntu-bug
[12:13] <FernandoMiguel> or apport-cli
[12:13] <gnomefreak> FernandoMiguel: no the bug is already filed
[12:13] <gnomefreak> thats is
[12:13] <gnomefreak> thanks
[12:13] <FernandoMiguel> -collect?
[12:13] <FernandoMiguel> gnomefreak: ^^
[12:14] <FernandoMiguel> or --update-bug=UPDATE_REPORT
[12:14] <gnomefreak> yes collect worked
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=== max_ is now known as Visionaire
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