UbuntuIRC / 2011 /11 /02 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
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[11:57] <claydoh> goooood morning!
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[14:10] <DarkwingUDS> Kubuntu Docs session starting in #ubuntu-uds-bonaire5
[14:10] <jjesse> yay
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
[14:53] <u2san> will 12.04 be 4.8 .x or 4.7.x?
[14:55] <yofel> u2san: 4.8.X
[15:06] <u2san> yofel, thanks.
[15:31] <Riddelll> UDS people, dinner tonight, disney or not disney?
[15:31] <Riddelll> you're missing out on the florida experience if you don't go to disney at least once
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
[15:32] <Riddell> maco: kubuntu accessibility rescheduled for friday
[15:32] <Riddell> agateau: rbelem wants you in kubuntu filesharing in 30 mins
[15:33] <agateau> Riddell: sir! yes, sir!
[15:34] <agateau> Riddell: actually I am already waiting for you all
[15:35] * agateau is in bonaire7 :)
[16:19] <DarkwingUDS> Riddell: I'm boycotting Disney this time around :P:P
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
[17:22] <CIA-56> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdepim] Jonathan Kolberg * 182 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream bugfix release
[17:44] <yofel> bambee: is kde-workspace in ninjas the new tar?
[17:47] <shadeslayer> \o
[17:48] <yofel> hey shadeslayer
[17:48] <shadeslayer> ssup yofi
[17:49] <yofel> ...
[17:49] <yofel> still on 4.7.3
[17:49] <shadeslayer> ah :)
[17:50] <shadeslayer> I just came back from a 4 hour exam :P
[17:50] <yofel> good or bad? ^^
[17:50] <shadeslayer> and surprisingly I scored pretty good even though I wasn't even prepared for it
[17:50] <yofel> :D
[17:50] <shadeslayer> I studied for like just 2 days
[17:50] <bambee> yofel: yes it's kde-workspace-4.7.3-0ubuntu1~ppa2 ...
[17:51] <yofel> bambee: the one with the fix for kde bug 285347 ?
[17:51] <ubottu> KDE bug 285347 in general "The powerdevilprofilesconfig kcm shows weird profiles" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=285347
[17:53] <bambee> yofel: no it is the one synced with oneiric-proposed
[17:53] <bambee> (the fix pushed by agateau for lightdm)
[17:53] <yofel> can you refresh the tar please? (bump the upstream rev. to 4.7.3a)
[17:54] <bambee> don't compute, why don't import the patch?
[17:55] <yofel> well, you can do that too, it would be easier to just take the new upstream tar though
[17:57] <bambee> that's like get a bazooka to kill an insect... :D
[17:57] <yofel> bambee: it would kill a patch :P
[17:58] <BarkingFish> bambee: what's wrong with using a bazooka to kill an insect? I'd rather shoot one than touch it :)
[17:58] <yofel> lol
[17:59] <shadeslayer> wendar: hah, The TF is now available in my country as well :P
[18:05] <bambee> BarkingFish: lol :D
[18:06] <BarkingFish> bambee: I just don't like insects. Of any description. Even if they're not insects, I still call them insects. Moths, butterflies, flies, beetles, spiders, whatever.
[18:07] <BarkingFish> One of two things happen to them - i hit them with a rolled up copy of The Times, or i use my backup (home made flamethrower, runs on cheapo aftershave)
[18:08] <BarkingFish> see you guys later, I'm going for some lunch and a rest.
[18:08] <BarkingFish> bbfn
[18:08] <bambee> butterflies and patch are acceptable, personnally I hate spiders and bee/wasp (I go out of the room sometimes :P)
[18:18] <apachelogger> whever happend to kubotu
[18:18] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: death by excessive IRC
[18:20] <bambee> quickgit.k.o is just unusable... seriously xD
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
[18:32] <claydoh> hallo apachelogger
[18:33] <apachelogger> halo
[18:33] * claydoh wishes he an d shadeslayer ScottK valorie and all the missing were here
[18:35] <apachelogger> awww
[18:35] * apachelogger hugs claydoh and the rest of the channel too while he is at it
[18:36] <claydoh> {{{group hug}}}
[18:47] <_Groo_> hi/2 all
[18:47] <_Groo_> Riddell: ping
[18:49] <yofel> hey _Groo_
[18:50] <bambee> that's me or... usr/lib/kde4/kerfuffle_libbz2.so is no longer installed in kdeutils... o.O
[18:50] <CIA-56> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtruby] Philip Muškovac * 11 * debian/changelog New upstream release
[18:52] <yofel> bambee: can't tell you without a full build log
[18:53] <bambee> see yourself http://paste.ubuntu.com/726601/
[18:54] <bambee> (it's not the full buildlog, just the useful part)
[18:54] * bambee checks the code
[18:54] <_Groo_> hey yofel :)
[18:55] <debfx> maybe it failed to find the bzip2 lib?
[18:55] <yofel> bambee: check cmake output
[18:55] <bambee> mmh wait
[18:55] <CIA-56> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/korundum] Philip Muškovac * 12 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release
[18:56] <bambee> debfx: yeah, apparently
[18:57] <debfx> probably related to multiarch
[18:59] <yofel> we can start uploading to precise btw.
[19:06] <bambee> well, I added libbz2-dev into dependencies
[19:09] <debfx> bambee: it's already in build-depends. the problem is that cmake doesn't seem to find it in the multiarch path.
[19:10] <bambee> debfx: no it was not
[19:10] <bambee> (at least here)
[19:10] <debfx> oh kdeutils. sorry, I looked at the wrong package
[19:10] <bambee> np
[19:12] <yofel> bambee: is your last workspace upload in bzr?
[19:23] <CIA-56> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdegraphics-mobipocket] Philip Muškovac * 23 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release
[19:24] <bambee> yofel: done
[19:24] <bambee> ahh commit conflict
[19:54] <Riddell> apachelogger: what's the state of dragon player?
[20:06] <Riddell> Kubuntu dudes - 19:00 bus to Downtown Disney
[20:07] <ejat-> Riddell: u going to downtown disney ?
[20:07] <ejat-> tonite?
[20:07] <bulldog98> Riddell: have fun all together :)
[20:07] * ejat- plan to ... last night going to pointe orlando ..
[20:09] <Riddell> ejat-: yes that's the plan, although some of us are ill or tired or annoyed with disney so it might not be too many
[20:09] <Riddell> do join us if you want
[20:10] <yofel> have fun ^^
[20:10] <ejat-> yeah .. my pleasure ..
[20:10] <ejat-> yofel: u should be here :)
[20:10] <yofel> next time, hopefully :D
[20:11] <ejat-> Riddell: maybe i need to meet ya while free to check why i cant log in to my kubuntu even i already purge and reinstall back :(
[20:11] <ejat-> yofel: yeah .. hopefully i might get go to UDS then can meet ya ..
[20:12] <ejat-> Riddell: sorry for not joining kubuntu precise session too much since im going to community and cloud session ..
[20:25] <Riddell> blog http://blogs.kde.org/node/4496
[20:28] <wendar> shadeslayer: ha, good timing. :) They might be B60 revision too (still flashable). That's what Quintasan got.
[20:29] <yofel> Quintasan: got is Dr. Pepper :D
[20:29] <Riddell> _Groo_: you pinged?
[20:30] <yofel> Riddell: when's that session on the packaging tutorial supposed to be?
[20:30] <Riddell> yofel: Friday I think
[20:30] <Riddell> do you need to learn how to package?
[20:31] <yofel> nah, and since I found it and it's 12:00 PM, I won't be there anyway
[20:32] <_Groo_> Riddell: yeah, calligra packages are in my ppa since last week
[20:32] <_Groo_> Riddell: hows UDS going? :D
[20:32] <_Groo_> Riddell: i sent you a mail too
[20:33] <_Groo_> anyone bought the latest humble bundle?
[20:34] <Riddell> _Groo_: I got that, I e-mailed the calligra guys with it
[20:35] <_Groo_> Riddell: anyway its in https://edge.launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/peppa
[20:35] <Riddell> what is humble bundle?
[20:35] <ulysses> _Groo_: I bought
[20:35] <_Groo_> Riddell: the packages are fully functional BUT from a packager point of view they are dirty
[20:36] <_Groo_> Riddell: i need to clean them up, but besides that, its all there
[20:36] <_Groo_> Riddell: question
[20:36] <_Groo_> ulysses: can you run binding of isaac in fullscreen in kubuntu? i cant, he doesnt go fs no mather what
[20:36] <_Groo_> Riddell: calligra have mobile and now active binaries
[20:37] <_Groo_> Riddell: should i put active inside mobile, or make a active package just for them?
[20:38] <ulysses> _Groo_: I didn't try it yet, but I'll install in a minute
[20:38] <_Groo_> ulysses: k :) its lots of fun, all 3 of them :D
[20:38] <_Groo_> ulysses: i always buy humble bundles :)
[20:38] <_Groo_> brb
[20:39] <ulysses> yeah, I bought the latest three of them
[20:39] <Riddell> _Groo_: isn't calligra mobile just an older version of calligra active?
[20:41] <_Groo_> Riddell: nope
[20:41] <_Groo_> Riddell: mobile is for the n900, aimed at smartphones, active is for tablets and the like, for now they are diferent programs and diferent binaries, thats why i ask
[20:41] <Quintasan> yofel: Oh yeah, I've got two 2,5litre bottles
[20:41] * Quintasan be happy
[20:42] <_Groo_> ulysses: pls test isaac and see if you can go fullscreen
[20:42] <_Groo_> ulysses: when you have the time
[20:42] <Riddell> _Groo_: well then I'd say we want both in separate .debs
[20:42] <Quintasan> shadeslayer, wendar: We be getting oneriric images for TF soon
[20:42] <Quintasan> oneiric*
[20:42] <Quintasan> it's so hard to spell
[20:42] <Quintasan> :S
[20:42] <ulysses> o.O qapt-deb-installer says binding-of-isaac_20111101_i386.deb isn't compatible with my system
[20:42] <Quintasan> _Groo_: Get them into Debian if possible
[20:43] <Quintasan> The less delta the better
[20:43] <Riddell> yofel: that "contour" package you made, where is the source from?
[20:44] <_Groo_> ulysses: 32 or 64?
[20:44] <ulysses> _Groo_: 32 bit, and how can I switch to full screen?
[20:44] <_Groo_> ulysses: you should press F or go to options
[20:44] <_Groo_> ulysses: thats the idead
[20:44] <ulysses> doesn't work
[20:45] <_Groo_> ulysses: isaac is basically a flash game, maybe something is broken in linux land
[20:45] <_Groo_> ulysses: yep so its confirmed
[20:45] <_Groo_> ulysses: tks, but it works fine in window mode, just maximize it.. lots of fun
[20:45] <_Groo_> ulysses: crazy sick game :D
[20:45] <wendar> Quintasan: yeah, I'm waiting for the B80 to be flashable (http://androidroot.mobi/)
[20:46] <ulysses> ghostcube: I played Voxatron a little bit, it's fun too :)
[20:46] <ulysses> meh, wrong tab
[20:46] <ulysses> _Groo_: ^_^
[20:46] <_Groo_> ulysses: heh
[20:46] <_Groo_> ulysses: all three are time wasters :D
[20:47] <_Groo_> ulysses: i should be cleaning calligra, but im playing blocks instead, shhhh ;)
[20:48] <Quintasan> wendar: Ha, good luck :)
[20:48] <Quintasan> I'll be enjoying Kubantooz on my tablet soon
[20:48] <Quintasan> Mwhahahah
[20:48] <Quintasan> <insert sinister laugh here>
[20:48] <wendar> Quintasan: yay!
[20:49] <ulysses> _Groo_: I should write 5-10 page for the Hungarian Free Software Foundation 'til today, but I'm playing too :)))
[20:52] <_Groo_> ulysses: ahah procrastination FTW!
[20:53] <ulysses> I beaten the lord of flies!
[20:57] <yofel> Riddell: IIRC bulldog98 got that from somewhere.... (opensuse?)
[20:57] <bulldog98> yofel: what?
[20:57] <yofel> bulldog98: contour
[20:58] <yofel> IIRC we hacked that together at DS
[20:58] <bulldog98> openbuildserver
[20:58] <bulldog98> yep
[20:59] <Riddell> it doesn't seem to do much
[20:59] <Riddell> are you sure it's not obsolete?
[21:00] <bulldog98> it is
[21:01] <Riddell> suspected so
[21:01] <bulldog98> it was put into plasma-mobile
[21:02] * bulldog98 thinks we should update the PPA
[21:03] <Riddell> right, the different bits and naming in plasma active are pretty confusing
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
[21:28] <Quintasan> bulldog98: Me and rbelem gonna get to that at some point
[21:28] <Quintasan> if not here at uds then late in the cycle
[21:29] <bulldog98> Quintasan: I’ll work on that too :)
[21:44] <maco> wendar uses quassel!
[21:45] <Quintasan> Quassel is susperior IRC technology
[21:45] <Quintasan> Sput++
[21:46] <Quintasan> superior*
[21:48] <bambee> quassel++
[21:48] <bambee> Sput++
[21:48] <yofel> quassel++
[21:48] <bambee> I use quasselcore on my server to share my irc session between differents clients... it rocks so much :D
[21:50] * Sput feels highlighted
[21:52] <bulldog98> Sput++
[21:52] <bulldog98> ~karma Sput
[21:53] <bulldog98> !karma Sput
[21:53] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about karma Sput
[21:56] <yofel> bulldog98: kubotu got lost on the way to UDS, apachelogger hasn't found him yet
[21:57] <bulldog98> apachelogger: what have you done to kubotu? how do you dare to harm him ;)
[21:59] <bulldog98> btw do we have a #kubuntu-active ?
[21:59] <yofel> for... ?
[21:59] <bulldog98> coordinating our active affort
[21:59] <bulldog98> :)
[22:00] <yofel> can't you just do that in here?
[22:00] <bulldog98> yofel: no every body is watching us here :)
[22:00] * yofel just doesn't want yet another # that ends up like -bugs
[22:00] <bulldog98> hm
[22:01] <yofel> I'm no IRC OP though
[22:03] <Riddell> I'd rather just use this channel
[22:04] <bulldog98> ok
[22:04] <yofel> hm, can we SRU new binary packages? (I'm wondering how to get the kalgebra backend for cantor back)
[22:04] <yofel> the debian folks got it on for kalgebra, adding 3 new packages to kalgebra
[22:04] <yofel> s/on/done/
[22:05] <Riddell> yofel: yes but it usually won't pass the minimal and sessential test
[22:05] <bulldog98> so maybe we have to keep kalgebra and cantor at 4.7.2
[22:06] <bulldog98> if we don’t get SRU permission
[22:06] <yofel> I guess I could just add kalgebra-dev and leave libanalitza where it is
[22:06] <yofel> bulldog98: it's not a 4.7.3 issue
[22:06] <yofel> it's just that getting the package back requires some packaging changes in kalgebra
[22:06] <bulldog98> hm
[22:07] <bulldog98> that does not sound good
[22:07] <yofel> for precise I synced it with debian, so no problem
[22:07] <yofel> now I'm wondering what to do with oneiric
[22:08] <yofel> it's really more about the headers, I guess adding a package for them should survive a SRU review
[22:21] <ejat> Riddell: r u still there ? or already waiting for the shuttle ? :)
[22:23] <bulldog98> yofel: sorry for forgetting to update the Wiki
[22:26] <Riddell> ejat: bus at 19:00
[22:27] <Riddell> so be outside conference building at 18:50ish
[22:27] <ejat> u still at conference building ? yeah .. sure .. im at the room right now .. will be there .. will join ya if u dont mind :)
[22:27] <ejat> who else ? Quintasan ?
[22:29] <Riddell> ejat: sure
[22:54] * yofel is off to bed - good night