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I’m doing alright I guess. I got a page on my pager. The Major Pager, if you will. And it was from ToyConvict, and he’s like, this evil man Dark Vincent running amok. And I was like, I’m gonna show him what-for, brother. So, I’m here now.
Oh yes. I’m excited, it’s been a dream for me to commentate, a high caliber tournament, such as this.
Is this going to be a clean 3 stock?
.. Ok, there we go, stack it up. OH, 2 hits! Alright, but just 2.
Let’s go pit. I try to not let my bias come out but these dark world people are just too much. They need to be rid of evil.
In all my years of watching Super Smash Brothers I have never seen a callout of that magnitude.
Yeah, I’m a big fan of Pit.
It’s over.
This is not good for the timeline.
Oh my god, that tomahawk.
The power of shield!
P-parry!! Wrong game?
Pit please, the world needs you.
‘It’s ok, it’s ok.
I’m going in.
Come in please.
Always gotta be safe
Gotta say, really glad this is best of one. If this was best of 3, I’d been downloaded super hard.
Don’t worry Isabelle, all dogs go to heaven.
Yeah I’m definitely getting the download in.
I’m a little nervous.
Kinda hope this fox wins, this fox is beatable, this corrin is not.
Yeah I don’t know how to beat it either.
All of my skill that I’ve learned is all thanks to him. I’ve learned everything I know under him. I think if he can’t do it, nobody can.
I expected this. I’m not surprised by anything that has happened this game.
I’ve only heard of the legends of this secret parrying technique, but, I’ve never gone and learned it myself.
Ryu is just so strong.
Such a tough guy
Never want to fight a ryu that knows his limits.
Alright, that was interesting.
I’m just glad they’re on my team.
Just needs one, one real solid hit.
Yeah if he just runs up and does it it’ll probably kill them.
I’m glad that he’s on our side.
So I’m not familiar with the ruleset of the cpucs, if they both die at the same time do they both lose?
I was hoping there was some universe where they could both lose and if I beat the Corrin I just advance to finals.
And this wolf kinda, yknow, clutched it out against the pit.
Really not expecting something else.
I’m just that confident.
Uh, that interaction looked fixed.
Follow up with this, and then we’ll do this.
Gotta say, little bias towards Convict here.
It looks like he’s just gonna stand there and do nothing.
Oh my gosh he tried to counter that!
One hit is all it takes for P Convict though.
This falcon was, yknow, really turning it up.
He’s gotta do something special I think to bring this back.
Ok, that’s something! Oh, that’s something too!
Yep. Let’s go Vincent. Full bias.
WHY. WHY VINCENT? Why he’d do that.
Yeah, it’s ok. Vincent sd’s he’s cool. When I sd, I’m bad.
COME ON Vincent!! He’s going to beat my man and then lose!! He’s gonna get destroyed by some random falcon who likes the B button.
Do you know how Jet lagged I am coming from the THIRD timeline? Do you know how long it takes to travel from the third timeline? A long time, FIVE LIGHTYEARS. Have you guys even travelled ONE lightyear? It took FIVE and it was urgent!!!
What if Falcon saved him? Nevermind
Well, they’re not going to be proud when this Dark Wolf destroys the timeline.
I’d go back to my timeline where it’s safe.
I learned more fighting the dark realm than I ever did fighting this guy. I mean look, he can’t even kill me! I just killed him! With like 30 less percent!
We’re uh, on the way home. This is a train. Look those are are the stewardess dragons! They bring you snacks!
Nah his one was braindead.
Look at that, that was intelligent. That was actual intelligence.Of course I’m going to roll in there you moron!
He’s been holding out on me, like that?
Uh oh, we’re fine, he ran away, like a coward.
‘I’ve only flown over these stages, I haven’t actually visited them though.
They’re both trying to play the same game but who can play it better.
Oh wow, that’s just gonna send you out and kill you.
I’m still impressed.
Well, that’s less impressive.
Oh, that’s just a callout.
I hope so. I’m feeling the pressure, having to live up to all these light realm wins, but I think I think I got this.
I’m outta here . Oh, ok. Well up here, moreso.
I can’t believe I didn’t punish that.
Oh man, Wolf’s struggling already.
Oh yeah, I’ve been training. I’m actually super excited that the bracket turned out this way.
Yeah, it’s ok, just stick around, there’s more to come.
Too many moves. Wolf’s got good moves. Like that one. That one is a very good move.
Final smash is probably coming out here soon. Or maybe not. Maybe I don’t need it. Maybe Wolf just hasn’t been able to keep up with the improvement I have.
Exactly. I’m probably going to die here but that’s ok.
Ow. Alright the barrel got the best of me that time.
I like playing dangerously close to it. You know, because he has to come in.
See, see the baits?
I make it look enjoyable so he can do it too.
Yeah this final smash is just kinda hard to play around.
Feeling the nerves-the nerves are kinda kicking in a little bit not gonna lie.
Yeah, it’s just so close. And yknow i feel like I kinda have been winning the whole time but I just keep getting hit.
Oh my gosh, ok, ok. I think I’m going to do it. There it comes.
He keeps doing these up bs in the middle of the stage and I’m not sure what to do about them.
It’s fine, it’s fine, watch. He just killed himself! Like a doofus!
No, he’s just dead.
It feels good, but at the same time, expected.
That was lack of awareness and that was uh-that was probably just stupidity
And he’s living. And he’s dying.
I mean I wanna win.
That was a read on a read.
Anyone who uses their ass as an offensive tool is not welcome in my dojo
He moves like the wind yknow, he just goes with the flow.
So we know this ruleset is helpful for our Zelda, but we didn’t even realize they have the exact same thing.
I’m just surprised that Plant can survive-oh. I don’t really know anything anymore I think after seeing that.
I don’t know much about this realm but I can confidently say this is not high level.
I really wish this match was on my side of the bracket
Where did you find these guys?
Calculated airdodge into the lava.
Blood Falcon was like oh I like that move I’m gonna do it too
Is that gonna be it? That’s it
What an unnecessary read
Oh my gosh I don’t like this I don’t like where they’re fighting
He damaged boosted off of the lava wall
This is like, the all-star lineup uh-If you disregard that though.
It was pretty unnecessary
He’s searching for a death wish.
Just let the sword fly!
Aw he did it first.
I know I don’t like this.
All I have is a sword. And a helmet. And the hiccups too
What a terrible option I decided to do there. Come on, me.
I’m going to do it. Here it comes. See what I did there?
Maybe she’s just doing some multi-tournament conditioning. I’m just trying to give her some credit, yknow.
I think this is a closed case.
Oh my gosh, Is this the stage Zelda’s gonna struggle with?
Oh wow that killed ok.
Not what you want to see right now if you’re a dark realm resident.
Please go back on stage Kirby!
We’re going to see some, ball throwing for both competitors.
He’s styling
Wake up boy time to get up!
Just give it a second there could be some bumper shenanigans.
Oh my gosh is that going to kill her?
That was so smart
Almost, which is even scarier.
It’s dark magic.
Wow that just seemed a little desperate. This is the first time we’ve seen DDD on the backfoot.
This is 2 deaths now because of no ledge grab.
Oh my gosh, this Falcon’s popping off.
This is no good. Well back to square one.
Alright well, this is where it starts.
When will the carnage end.
Oh he’s running, he’s running.
I mean we saw Matt in a similar position, and he was mad close to bringing it back.
Is Blood Falcon shook now?
At least now we can sit back and relax and enjoy some good old fashioned Kirby play, with that hammer.
What other competitors would you rather see in the final 2 than Skillshare Kirby and Zelda.
Oh wow that’s gonna kill.
He’s killing Zelda so fast that Zelda’s not able to get mileage off from the final smash.
Wow, and just like that a whole stock lead for Skillshare Kirby!
I will peel you like a banana.
You can’t have brain damage if you don’t have a brain.
Major: Exactly. I have yet to master anything that is offstage. It’s just-
Blue: It’s too advanced
Major: It is! It just takes so much courage I have yet to tap into.
Joker: If I’m you, I’d be feeling terrified. How are you feeling?
Major: Terrified.
Major: He’s gonna keep him pinned against that wall
Joker: And then what?
Major: And now he has the advantage.
Major: When Punished Convict wants something, he just takes it, in life, and in the game.
Blue: That’s called theft
Major: It’s called Manifest Destiny in our realm.
Major: I’m doing great.
Blue: Do you know who Joker is?
Major: Nope
Blue: Are you ready for this?
Major: Yep.
Blue: Are you sure?
Blue: How you feel about the gun. Major?
Major: I’m not a fan of it, I’ve always been a man of the blade, I do not like guns, it’s a cowardice way to fight.
Blue: The sword, the blade, is a extension of yourself. And what is a gun?
Major: A projectile
Blue: Don’t you have a projectile?
Major: Yeah but it’s not a gun. I mean it’s a tornado, I’m tapping into the elements.
Blue: Chakras too
Major: Ok that is true. I do have chakras.
Alpha: I don’t care who wins this, blue incineroar or zelda, the strongest one has to prevail, and potentially fight off Blood Falcon.
Alpha: What happened???
Jo: *Shrugs* He baited him
*Alpha pauses*
Alpha: alRIgHT RidLey, goOd jOb MaN
Alpha: Alright, Nana’s dead!
Jo: Well….
Alpha: They got tricked. By Ridley.
Jo: Ridley did have a good trick right there.
Jo: Getting the AI to kill itself
Alpha: Alright, Nana’s dead!
Jo: Well….
Alpha: They got tricked. By Ridley.
Jo: Ridley did have a good trick right there.
Jo: Getting the AI to kill itself
Alpha: How did she live that?
Jo: I don’t know.
Alpha: How has she died to everything else in this game but lived through that?
Alpha: His entire fighting style is based upon the use of brute force!
Whereas you, on the other hand, are based upon human emotion!
Major: Human emotion?! What’s that?
Captain Parsec Falcon: I do approve of people dancing on my grave.
Captain Parsec Falcon: It makes it easier for me to grab em.
*We get a shot of the commissioner. He’s bored, but then he sees something, and he smiles. The light realmers have entered*
*Joker lands and summons Arsene.*
*Dark Incineroar sees them out of the corner of his eye.*
*Vincent kicks out of a teleporter*
*Blue Incineroar runs in with his revenge move*
*Dark Incineroar gets a better view, he sees what’s going on.*
*Matt lands and taunts*
*Punished Convict and Major run in and uses his hero’s spin move *
*Ganondorf receives the info and gives it to Dark Vince silently*
Dark Vince: ….We’re in the Endgame now. Don’t let them get far.
*Rosalina flies in*
*Lucina shoots across using her final smash*
Dark Pit: Don’t worry, I’ll stay and defend if someone gets here.
*Kirby comes in from above*
*Ridley comes in from the side*
Dark Vince: Bayonetta, keep going as well.
*Captain Parsec Falcon lands by Falcon Kick*
*Piranha Plant flies in*
Dark Meta Knight: Where’s the boy, Ganondorf, he should’ve told us.
*Dedede comes crashing down from above*
*Link lands and throws a bomb up before exploding it*
*Zelda up Bs*
Dark Vince: We’ll manage.
Dark Vince: *To Shadow Mewtwo* Ready to teleport?
*Back at Entrance, Link is in front of Zelda, holding his *Hylian* shield to defend her. Vincent gazes into the distance.*
*Suddenly, a bomb from Dark Young Link appears in the teleporter behind them.*
Zelda: THERE!
*Link rolls behind her and takes the hit from the bomb, as Zelda teleports.*
*The battle starts. However, this has the effect of throwing everyone from the stage. We also get a shot of Zelda looking over Entrance from nearby. She teleported before she was thrown out.*
*Kirby giggles*
*He’s reflected a bit in Dark Meta Knight’s eyes*
Vincent: Split up and explore! Get as far into the dark realm as you can!
Ganondorf: WHAT
Dark Vince: Change of plans. Incineroar, track every single one you can!
Dark Incineroar: GOT IT
*Blue Incineroar slams down into Dark Incineroar from interferig=*
Dark Incineroar: URGH…..
Commissioner: Threw themselves out. Smart. All the players are in the game now.
Dark Incineroar: Ugh…you little….
Blue Incineroar: So the Dark Realm has alternate versions of all of us. I guess that makes sense.
Dark Incineroar: *Over his headset* Incineroar of the blue is at Bladestorm. I have lost visual of the rest.
Blue Incineroar: *At the same time*: Forgive me-
*Blue Incineroar pauses.*
*Blue Incineroar gets ready to fight*
*Dark Incineroar stands up*
Dark Incineroar: Alternate versions of you? It ain’t as simple as that, brother. Did you ever think that YOU may be the alternates?
Are you ready for the Dark Realm’s greatest champion?
Vince’s most powerful fighter? The one cat to rule them all?
Blue Incineroar: ………….that right?
*Blue Incineroar pauses*
Blue: Let’s go.
Dark: With pleasure.
*Punished Convict and Major are wandering in an area near Entrance.*
Punished Convict: Are you ok Major?
Major: I feel like I’ve been just thrown.
Punished Convict: Did you see where the rest went?
Major: I mean Zelda’s still at entrance
*We get a shot of Zelda looking over Entrance from nearby again.*
Punished: Not good. I was going to ask her to search the dark realm due to her teleporting but…..
Major: Hey Sensei…..
Punished Convict: Yes, Major?
*Punished Convict turns around and notices Stardust.*
Punished Convict: Good going. Let’s update Vincent on it’s location then check it out.
*Punished Convict talks to Vincent, Kirby, and Dedede in the background.*
Major: Too bad Zelda or Dedede and Kirby can’t help, they could probably get up there easily….
Rosalina: *Majestic and ethereal* Then, I, Rosalina, will join you.
Major: *Headset muted* Nevermind.
Punished Convict: Ah, Rosalina. Yes your help here would be most welcome.
Major: *Headset muted* Sensei, with all due respect, I mean I wanna win
Punished Convict: *Headset muted* Do not defy me, Major. We’ll need all the help we can get.
Rosalina: *still ethereal* Is something the matter?
Captain Parsec Falcon: Hey Rosa-
Rosalina: *No longer ethereal* Hey!
Major: How easy is it to get on this line-
Captain Parsec Falcon: Listen, I need you to come meet up with me at the coordinates I’ve sent you. I think I’ve found someone there you’re gonna wanna see.
*There’s a big pause…..Rosalina kinda knows what’s up.*
Rosalina: I’ll be right there.
Rosalina: *To Punished Convict and Major, ethereal again* I wish you both well on your journey. Rest assured I will be here if you ever need me.
*Rosalina leaves.*
Rosalina: Hmph. I guess they still don’t…*trails off*
Rosalina: Time to show them what this space goddess is really made of!
*Rosalina runs off*
Major: I think we should thank Captain Parsec Falcon later
*Punished sighs*
*Blue Incineroar is dodging a lot of attacks from Dark Incineroar, but at the same time not able to hit Dark Incineroar much.*
*Blue Incineroar is about to jump at Dark Incineroar*
Blue Incineroar: Give it up!
*Dark Incineroar dodges.*
Dark Incineroar: *internally* Darn it, he’s not bad. Only attacks when he knows he can, All right then…..let’s switch this up
*Blue Incineroar attacks in the wrong direction.*
Dark Incineroar: Oh what’s the matter?!!
*Dark Incineroar dodges at very close range*
Dark Incineroar: *Somewhat quietly* Not so difficult….
Dark Incineroar: *Back to normal* Are you regretting your decision to fight the strongest incineroar there is?!!!
Blue Incineroar: You’re just as underhanded and over the top as my cousin….not easy to replicate honestly.
Dark Incineroar: Heh
*Dark Incineroar has been trying to dodge more but he starts getting over-confident*
Dark Incineroar: Do you really think he could compare to me?!
*Dark Incineroar misses a hit*
Blue Incineroar: Well unlike you, he wouldn’t give into the darkness.
Dark Incineroar: I think that cousin of yours FORGOT TO INFORM YOU I WAS BORN HERE!
Blue Incineroar: In that case, maybe I should show you the power of light you’ve never KNOWN-
*Blue Incineroar slams into bumpers*
Blue Incineroar: .ow
*Matt and Luigi are wandering around*
Luigi: I don’t like this place. It’s scary.
Matt: Don’t worry. I’m sure there are other people that we’ll be able to meet up with. We already saw Rosalina.
Luigi: I’m worried about her.
Matt: Don’t worry, I feel like she’ll be okay.
*They stumble across Major and Punished Convict*
Matt: They’re closer than I thought.
*Major, hearing Matt’s footsteps, draws his blade*
Major: Someone approaches.
*Major and Punished Convict turn to face Matt and Luigi, and Major throws his charka immediately, which Matt dodges, and which barely misses Luigi*
Luigi: AH!
Matt: Whoa, hold up. We’re light realm.
Major: Well you gotta watch out, you know?
Matt: We saw someone coming from this direction.
Punished Convict: Rosalina. She tried to join up with us, but got distracted.
Luigi: C-can we do that?
Major: *Under his breath to Punished Convict* We should not join up with anyone who uses their ass as an offensive tool.
Matt/Punished Convict: Don’t even try, we’re all going with you
*Major pauses*
*Punished Convict and Matt look at each other.*
Matt: You could look less surprised.
Matt: So, we’re in agreement? Let’s go then, we’ve walked around long enough.
*The dark realmers are at their temporary base*
Dark Vince: Any more info on where our guests were thrown to?
Wolf: Still only Incineroar has encountered a fighter.
*Dark Meta Knight grumbles a bit*
Dark Vince: That just means they may be fighting some light realmers and haven’t gotten a chance to report back yet like Incineroar has. Do I sense a lack of confidence in them winning?
*We focus on Dark Meta Knight for a second*
Wolf: Of course not.
Toy Convict: Where.....is Vincent?
Wolf: Look, Convict, Vincent is important, but he’s not our only concern.
Toy Convict: Easy for you to say. I’m the one who has gone to prison 8 times after all-
Wolf: This goes beyond your little grudge. Our main focus should just be finding as many light realmers as possible
Dark Meta Knight: Agreed.
Toy Convict: I am not taking orders. You will not cease until he is found-
Wolf: The sooner we can eliminate distractions the sooner we can focus on him.
Dark Vince: Enough.
*Dark Vince and Toy Convict glare at each other*
Dark Vince: Control your anger, Toy Convict, or it will be your undoing.
*HIlda comes in*
Hilda: Dark Vince, anyone, tell me, WHERE IS ZELDA?
*Hilda glances towards Dark Samus, who completely ignores her*
Wolf: Please, I don’t want any more distractions…..
*Dark Vince silently decides to leave this to Wolf, turns around, and talks to Bayonetta in the background over the invisible headset things*
Dark Vince: *In the background* Hey Bayonetta…..
Hilda: I thought you wanted to find the light realmers! So they’re a distraction now huh-
Wolf: So what specifically do you want?
Hilda: Give me information that will help me find Zelda
Ganondorf: The other realm’s version?
Hilda: The one you’re calling a distraction-
Dark Vince, Dark Meta Knight, and Wolf: . Right
Shadow Mewtwo: Sure..
Ganondorf: I don’t have any, but I have a map if you want one.
Hilda: A map doesn’t track people!
Ganondorf: Well there’s-
Wolf: We don’t have thermal sensors or anything. It’s your best bet.
*Ganondorf looks surprised for a second*
Hilda: So I’m finding her with only that!?
*Hilda narrows her eyes or whatever I can achieve with editing*
Hilda: I’m going on my own.
*Hilda walks away. She passes by Toy Convict.*
Hilda: I recommend you do the same.
*Toy Convict’s eyes widen.*
*Toy Convict leaves soon after*
*Blue Incineroar and Dark Incineroar counter in the same direction multiple times right next to each other, but Blue Incineroar falls.*
Dark Incineroar: This is pitiful. I’ve faced countless enemies stronger than you, and they all fell before me, whatever that power of light is, it changes nothing in the face of me. At least you fell with incineroar pride…..
*Dark Incineroar gets thrown offstage by the bumpers*
Blue Incineroar: So what is that the power of?
*Dark Incineroar recovers*
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Recover!
*Blue Incineroar tries to grab Dark Incineroar at the ledge but can’t.*
Blue Incineroar: There-darn it.
*Dark Incineroar dodges a ton once he gets back onstage*
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Dodge!
I’m able to announce my moves for a reason-
*Blue Incineroar Grabs Dark Incineroar.*
Blue Incineroar: Got ya
*Dark Incineroar escapes.*
Dark Incineroar: There-
*Blue Incineroar grabs him again, and it works this time*
Dark Incineroar: INCINEROAR of the blue!-
*He is thrown into bumpers*
Blue Incineroar: Damn…..how did he know those bumpers would be there in time?
Dark Incineroar: *internally* Ow….
Blue Incineroar: Either way, I can’t just let him run away-
*Blue Incineroar jumps into bumpers and hits his head.*
Blue Incineroar: Dammit….
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Revenge!
Blue Incineroar: What?
*Dark Incineroar hits Blue Incineroar with an attack powered by revenge, sending Blue Incineroar into bumpers.*
Blue Incineroar: Ughhhhh…..Lucky those bumpers where there…...okay…..enough of your Dark Realm tricks. You can’t just dodge forever and call out your attacks and expect to win, so fight me with all you got.
*Dark Incineroar easily grabs Blue Incineroar*
Dark Incineroar: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
*Blue Incineroar comes back down and Dark Incineroar kicks him*
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Kick!
*Dark Incineroar goes towards Blue Incin*
Blue Incineroar: What, not announcing it this time?
*Blue Incineroar grabs him and gains his final smash, but Dark Incineroar is thrown off stage*
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Recover!
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Kick-
*Dark Incineroar’s attack gets countered*
Dark Incineroar: Nevermind
Blue Incineroar: Power Of Light Counter.
*Blue Incineroar unleashes his Final Smash.*
Ganondorf: Why didn’t you let me tell Hilda about Stardust?
Wolf: *Sighing* It’s because of them.
*We get a shot of Major/Punished/Matt/Luigi*
Ganondorf: Emperor….
Dark Meta Knight: *To Dark Vince* I thought you said they would-
*Dark Vince stares at Dark Meta Knight*
Dark Vince: They are….running…..
*Wolf interrupts Dark Vince and Dark Meta Knight*
Wolf: I need to do this.
That’s my version of Convict, and the blonde one is his underling and Student. Don’t worry about the others.
Dark Meta Knight: A 2v1 isn’t possible. And as for the others-
Dark Vince: Don’t worry Meta Knight.
*Wolf looks towards Dark Samus*
Wolf: Can you join me?
Dark Samus: Of course
*Wolf takes a deep breath*
Wolf: Let’s do this then.
Shadow Mewtwo: They must be pretty strong.
Wolf: Huh?
Shadow Mewtwo They drove you back and defeated your version of Vince. They should give me a good fight.
Wolf: But I need to-
SM: Come on, they’ll be at Stardust soon.
Wolf: ….if you say so. Let’s go.
Ganondorf: Wait, there’s one more-
*Wolf, Dark Samus, and Shadow Mewtwo have already left*
Dark Incineroar: *Internally* I can’t give him any more chances. I have to make sure that he’s vulnerable when I go in. He doesn’t leave many openings, though…...I’ve gotta throw him more off his game. Wait….cousin?
Blue Incineroar: Dodging again? Can’t you do anything else?
Dark Incineroar: It’s all I need to do when you’re a less worthy opponent than your cousin was.
Blue Incineroar: WHAT DID YOU SAY?
Dark Incineroar: And even he was no match for me.
*Blue Incineroar stops*
Blue Incineroar: …...what did you do to PG?
Dark Incineroar: Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I absolutely destroyed him.
Blue Incineroar: What….
Dark Incineroar: Yeah. PG was certainly determined, but….
*Dark Incineroar jumps up and grabs him while Blue Incineroar is in shock*
Dark Incineroar: He was no match for me.
*Dark Incineroar backthrows Blue Incineroar for the stock*
*Major, Punished, Matt, and Luigi are walking around Stardust*
*Major quietly sighs*
*Wolf, Dark Samus, and Shadow Mewtwo land, right next to Luigi, who is terrified.*
*Punished and Major immediately are surprised and try to jump back, with Matt not being fast enough to jump back.*
*Wolf jumps away for a second with Dark Samus, and Shadow Mewtwo is surprised.*
*Wolf presses a button, and the bomb explodes, blasting away Luigi, Matt, Shadow Mewtwo, and part of Stardust*
Wolf: Hello Punished. Hello Major.
Major: ....hello, mother killer.
*Wolf’s eyes widen*
Punished Convict : *To wolf* Goodbye, Wolf.
*Punished Convict jumps off stardust, with Dark Samus following, with the latter almost being scared.*
*Major notices Origin in the background*
Major: …yknow, there’s a stage and dark realmer at these coordinates
*Wolf is surprised, and then rushes towards Major, to cut him off, but its too late.*
Wolf: I’m sorry….
Punished Convict: Hm.
Lucina: Don’t worry, I’ll go and check out Origin if someone is there.
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar kick,
*Dark Incineroar hits Blue Incineroar and gains his Final Smash*
Dark Incineroar: You shouldn’t even try to continue fighting me. PG never stood a chance, you won’t either. Especially now that I have this.
Blue Incineroar: You….YOU BASTARD!
Dark Incineroar: *Internally* He’s off his game.
*Dark Incineroar jumps up a lot only to fall back onto the stage.*
Blue Incineroar: Stop taunting me
Dark Incineroar: Hmmm
*Dark Incineroar almost grabs Blue Incineroar, but Blue Incineroar dodges and kicks Dark Incineroar*
Blue Incineroar: PG was like a brother to me!
Dark Incineroar: Well, he was nothing in the face of me-
*Dark Incineroar gets hit by some bumpers*
Dark Incineroar: Come on…...I really hate this stage sometimes.
*Dark Incineroar falls off, but not far*
*Dark Incineroar looks up at Blue Incineroar as Dark Incineroar falls a bit more, and Dark Incineroar eventually falls off the stage and loses a stock.*
*Dark Incineroar is lying, and did not kill PG Incineroar, and did not expect Blue Incineroar to think he killed PG Incineroar.*
*Dark Incineroar then tries to grab Blue Incineroar but misses*
Dark Incineroar: *Saying it a bit late this time* Incineroar grab…
Blue Incineroar: I’M NOT DONE YET!!!
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Kick!
*Dark Incineroar misses and Blue Incineroar attacks him*
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Grab!
*Dark Incineroar successfully grabs Blue Incineroar, but Blue Incineroar escapes*
*Blue Incineroar attacks Dark Incineroar more*
Dark Incineroar: Ugh...
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Grab
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Counter!
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Dodge!
*Incineroar Grab and Incineroar Counter do not work, but Incineroar Does does work.*
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar-
*Blue Incineroar attacks and sends Dark Incineroar up*
*Dark Incineroar lands on a platform*
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Shield
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Swing
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Grab
*Incineroar Shield works, but Incineroar Swing and Incineroar Grab do not work*
*Blue Incineroar attacks Dark Incineroar and gives Dark Incineroar his final smash again*
Dark Incineroar: *Internally* Know what, it’s fine it’s fine, I’ve got my final smash again. I should be able to find a time to use it no problem and it’ll all be ok.
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Grab
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar Recover
*Blue Incineroar knocks Dark Incineroar offstage again and takes his stock. This gives Blue Incineroar his final smash*
Blue Incineroar: You’re DEAD!
*Blue Incineroar bumps into bumpers and screams while doing it.*
*Dark Incineroar is breathing heavily*
Blue Incineroar: THERE
*Blue Incineroar uses the bumper to send him at the right angle to then approach with his Final Smash*
Dark Incineroar: WAIT HE DID THAT-
*Dark Incineroar gets hit by Blue Incineroar’s Final Smash*
Vincent: Hey Punished, can you see me?
*Punished Convict is falling very slowly*
Punished Convict: I am falling at a tremendous speed but...rest assured, all I see is Kirby and Dedede
*Kirby and Dedede are jumping around as lookouts for Vincent*
Kirby: Don’t worry Mr. Vincent, I’ll do my very very bestest to protect you!
*Vincent os hiding as he waits for Kirby and Vincent’s go ahead*
Vincent: Thank you, Kirby. But are you sure, Punished Convict.
*Vincent jumps around a lot to see if Punished Convict can see him*
Punished Convict: I can’t see you at all.
Vincent: Good, thank you.
*Punished Convict mutes his headset for a second*
Punished Convict: And…..
*Punished Convict sees Bayonetta*
Punished Convict: : Joker, I see someone you might be interested in……
Joker: Heh…
Punished Convict: And now to ask Matt to check on Zelda-
*Punished Convict notices something, making him pause and narrow his eyes*
Dark Incineroar: Ugh….ow...
*He tries the same thing Blue Incineroar did before, but Blue Incineroar dodges*
Blue Incineroar: Trying the same thing on me? Do you really think I’m that stupid?
*As Dark Incineroar is struggling to recover, Blue Incineroar taunts him.*
Blue Incineroar: COME ON! I thought you were the strongest Incineroar in existence.
Dark Incineroar: Ugh….
Dark Incineroar: *Internally* It’s ok, I can do this.
*The bumper sends Blue Incineroar flying into Dark Incineroar’s attack, taking Blue Incineroar’s stock*
*As Blue Incineroar respawns*
Blue Incineroar: YOU LITTLE BASTARD-
Dark Incineroar: *Internally* Can’t let him go further can’t let him go further can’t let him go further can’t get too reckless
*Blue Incineroar takes a stock from Dark Incineroar*
Wolf: I’m sorry
*Major gets thrown back*
Wolf: It’s not ok, but that place will be
*Wolf dodges Major’s attack and throws Major up.*
*Major immediately shields as Wolf attacks him*
Major: It’s fine, it’s fine
Wolf: However, I can give you this-
Major: Give us sponsors back
*Major tries to attack Wolf but accidentally goes into the lava ball instead, and Wolf jumps up, attacking Major, and sending him slightly off stage.*
*Major barely attacks Wolf back, but it doesn’t knock Wolf back that much, and Major starts running a bit*
Wolf: *regretfully* I did wish that….
Wolf: *Internally* Keep moving forward.
*Wolf makes a battle cry as he goes to chase Major, but you can still tell there is regret in Wolf’s voice*
*However, Wolf gets hit by the fireball while trying to chase Major.*
Wolf: Ughh….
Major: ...oh yeah, that exists.
*Major goes near Wolf, who is now offstage, about to attack him, but Wolf uses his jump attacks to recover and damage Major.*
Major: I’m OK.
*Major lands in front of Wolf, but Wolf rolls in front of him*
Wolf: *Internally* Keep moving forward...
Major: Just so CLOSE!
*Major’s able to get Wolf in front of him, and closer to the fireball*0
Major: I wonder if I can get you to burn
*Major throws Wolf into the fireball.*
Major: *Breathing heavily* Yep. Like our realm
*Dark Incineroar is able to grab Blue Incineroar, but that only gives Blue Incineroar his Final Smash*
Dark Incineroar: *Internally* I can do this I can do this I can do this
Blue Incineroar: I’ll make this stage into your grave
Dark Incineroar: I have to do this.
Dark Incineroar: Come on!
*Dark Incineroar sees his chance*
Dark Incineroar: THERE!
*Dark Incineroar lands his attack, taking Blue Incineroar’s stock but sending Dark Incineroar offstage to the point where he isn’t able to recover, and Dark Incineroar loses his final stock, losing the match.*
Dark Incineroar: I couldn’t.
*After the fight*
Blue Incineroar: Before I destroy you, care to tell me why you’d kill PG?
Dark Incineroar: You want the truth? Okay. I didn’t kill PG.
Blue Incineroar: And how am I supposed to believe that?
Dark Incineroar: Look, the reality is, I’m nowhere near the toughest fighter in the Dark Realm. I’m a showman. I didn’t do anything to him, I just said it to throw you off your game! And….I didn’t even mean I killed him. I just said I destroyed him. Like, beat him by a ton. Not that I ever did that but.
Blue Incineroar: So you lied to me?
Dark Incineroar: ….yes
Blue Incineroar: TEll me this then. Is PG still alive?
Dark Incineroar: ……..I don’t know.
*Blue Incineroar becomes angry*
Blue Incineroar: GRAAAAAAAGH!
*Blue Incineroar starts pummeling Dark Incineroar incessantly. He screams in mostly anger but a little bit of desperation, as well.*
*Dark Incineroar is somewhat scared, but not VERY scared now that the battle is over.*
Dark Incineroar: I didn’t do anything to him-
*Blue Incineroar gains his Final Smash*
Dark Incineroar: Incineroar of the blue?
*Blue Incineroar says nothing*
Dark Incineroar: I’m...sorry
Blue Incineroar: If he wasn’t dead, you would know.
*Blue Incineroar hits Dark Incineroar with his Final Smash. It sends him flying, but doesn’t actually do damage.*
Dark Incineroar: Good thing that wasn’t in a match….
*Major dodges an attack from Wolf*
Major: Get out…
Wolf: I can’t do that-
*Major dashes up to Wolf super fast and sends him into the fireball, taking Wolf’s stock.*
*Major doesn’t say anything for a second*
Wolf: *Internally* That precision and speed
Major: Did you say something?
Wolf: *Internally* Was he distracted?
Wolf: I can’t leave, even without the rules of the tournament. I have to-
Major: Hm? Oh no, you’re not running away again. I was just dodging.
Wolf: *Internally* What were you focused on….
Wolf: *Internally* The fireball!
*Wolf attacks Major*
Major: Just gotta keep dodging-
*Major gets hit again, this time onto the stage.*
Wolf: *Internally* I can’t back down, and you can’t split your focus.
While walking, Joker notices Bayonetta, who is his mom, walking around the corner. She’s talking to Dark Vince through the headset, but stops when Joker stops talking.
Joker: You never cease to surprise me “mother dearest”, I thought this would be the last place I’d find you.
Bayonetta: You know what can I say, I can’t turn down a man in black.
Bayonetta: We can just fight here, you know
*Bayonetta stops walking*
Joker: Quick to the trigger now, aren’t you? But, there’s no way you would stop for just me, so has something changed?
*Joker speeds up and Bayonetta follows*
Joker: So, there’s more to this job than just patrolling randomly.
Joker: Why are you following me anyway?
Bayonetta: Oh my “darling son”, you project. Hunt me down and question my motives? I know you’re not here for me.
*Bayonetta speeds up more, and Joker follows*
Joker: Messaged received. But you know, I’m a son of a bitch.
Joker: I’d quite like for this whole thing to be coming to an end.
*Joker and Bayonetta keep running, eventually running past Dark Vince’s base*
Bayonetta *quietly and to herself as they pass it*: ..heh.
Joker: THERE!
*Joker throws something that destroys the stuff around the base, and the fight itself starts.*
Bayonetta: So you found it then?
Bayonetta: In that case, all right son, time for me to finish this!
*Bayonetta tries attacking Joker, but he runs away for a second, before dashing back to hit her*
Joker: Before this is over, I’ll show you the true power of not actually running away! -------------------------------
*Matt, after the explosion that destroyed Stardust, finds that he’s separated from Luigi.*
Matt: Luigi! Luigi, come in. Where are you?
*There is no response.*
Matt: Damn……Punished, come in. Are you okay?
Punished Convict: Yes. Major and I are both fine. We’ve taken on Dark Samus and Wolf. But don’t worry about us.
Matt: Okay. Don’t suppose you know where Luigi went?
Punished Convict: No, I don’t. But there are two jobs I need you to carry out.
Punished Convict: Toy Convict’s on a crash course with Vincent. We can’t let them meet.
Matt: What’s the second job?
Punished Convict: The second you stop him, I want you to go check Entrance. Zelda never left.
*Major and Wolf both attack each other at the same time, but Wolf mostly knocks Major away from him*
*Wolf tries going around the fireball*
Wolf: *Internally* If he can’t knock me into the fireball, then he has to split his focus, and then-
Major: Oh you’re running away again?
*Major hits Wolf as Wolf drops down*
Wolf: *Internally* So running away counts as well…..as long as it’s in relation to the fireball?
Major: You run from EVERYTHING
*Major gets his Final Smash*
Major: From our timeline, from the fireball, FROM ME
Wolf: I don’t, I can’t.
*Wolf gets his Final Smash*
Wolf: I NEED TO-....change our future.
*Wolf uses his Final Smash on Major, taking his stock.*
Wolf: I apologize for yelling.
Major: You DOG
Wolf: *Internally, and also spoken quickly* He’s pushing his luck but.....
Wolf: *Internally* DODGE
*Wolf dodges*
Major: You know how long it takes to travel from our timeline!!!!!
Wolf: *Internally* It’s because of me.
*There’s a pause*
Wolf: *Internally* Keep moving forward
*Major lands on the ground*
Major *trying to calm down*: It’s ok.
*Major shoots a projectile at Wolf, which just barely misses*
Wolf: I had to escape
*Wolf lands, and Major attacks Wolf and he dodges*
Wolf: And I need to stay-
*Major grabs Wolf*
Major: And I came here to find you. And to avenge my mom.
*Major throws Wolf into the fireball, and takes his stock.*
Bayonetta: True power of not running away? How about the true power of giving up, you should try that.
Joker: I’d rather you die instead.
Bayonetta: Do you really think you could kill me-
Joker: Like mother like son, we both have a gun
*Joker takes a stock off of Bayonetta*
Joker: Hmph
*Bayonetta tries to attack Joker but misses*
Bayonetta: Ugh…
Joker: Heh….
Bayonetta: Didn’t you say you wouldn’t run away?
Bayonetta: *sing-songy voice* You’re going back on your word again!
*Joker tries to attack Bayonetta but he completely misses*
Bayonetta: I can’t believe you missed your dear mother for once. Try looking for me next time.
*Bayonetta ends up jumping into the middle lava ball by accident and loses a stock*
Joker: I think I’m perfectly fine.
Punished Convict: Stay as hidden as possible, Kirby and Dedede will tell Vincent if they notice anything suspicious
Matt: Got it. From what you told me, he’s still quite a far a ways ahead
Punished Convict: I won’t be falling forever so it’s up to you now on that front. But he should reach them in around 10 minutes
Matt: Not a lot of time eh?
Vincent: Remember, as soon as Joker tells us where the base is, we go!
Kirby: Poyokay!!!! No delay!!!
Dedede: Don’t worry Vin, we can go whenever ya want.
*Matt is chasing Toy Convict, he’s catching up*
Matt: Come on….
*Matt catches a glimpse of Toy Convict*
Matt: There!
Kirby: Hmmmmmm?\
*Matt can’t be seen by Kirby*
*Matt has to hide behind something*
Matt: Darn it….
*Matt takes a detour*
Major: Final Smash online
*Major knocks Wolf offstage*
Major: I can save it for later.
Wolf: *Internally and also spoken quickly* Ok just need to get back on stage-
*Wolf jumps back onto the stage, but into the fireball*
Wolf: It’s ok..
Major: And then I can follow up with THIS
*Major attacks where Wolf just was*
*Many bleeps are heard to censor Major’s cursing*
Wolf: *Internally* He completely missed but if he did it a few seconds earlier….
Wolf: *Internally* Sorry, I need to
*Wolf tries to knock Major into the fireball but misses*
*Wolf accidentally goes into the fireball himself, and gets bounced back*
*However, Major IMMEDIATELY down airs him*
Major: Oh my gosh, ok, ok.
Wolf: *Internally* What? He’s not usually able to do stuff like that so fast…..I can’t underestimate him anymore. Wait what if-
Major: Maybe I don’t need to focus on the fireball. Only him.
*As Wolf tries to get back on stage, Major is able to attack him, sending him off to the completely opposite side.*
*Wolf gets to the ledge and Major is right above it. The 2 have a stare down for a second, before Wold is able to get up from the ledge, with Major trying to attack him but missing, which lets Wolf take Major’s stock.*
Wolf: I can do this….
Major: I’m not dead yet…..and you’re not gonna kill me!
Wolf: I don’t want to.
Major: Then where is my mom?
*Major’s mom is seen again in a flashback, however, this time, we also see Wolf kill her.*
*Major gets back on the stage, at the top and Wolf goes to fight him.*
*Major tries to attack Wolf more aggressively, but Wolf is able to dodge and shield it.*
*We quickly flash to Major shielding Wolf’s attack near the beginning of the fight, which was a similar situation*
*Wolf gets out of shield and grabs Major before Major can react, throwing Major offstage.*
*Wolf breathes in and out*
Wolf: *Speaking in a mentor type way* You’re not as good at this kind of style of fighting as I am.
Major: Your style is braindead
Wolf: You’re too predictable.
Wolf: *Quieter* Still though…..
Major *Internally*: Ugh...Wait….my final smash was never used. Cause I was too focused on just attacking normally….
*Joker tries to throw Bayonetta into the lava, but she is able to stop herself before she reaches the lava.*
Bayonetta: Don’t even try-
*Joker runs into the lava himself, and is thrown back, but recovers, and attacks Bayonetta*
Bayonetta: ughh
*Joker’s attack sends Bayonetta into the lava, and gives them both their Final Smashes. But the lava bounces Bayonetta into other lava things, and is about to bounce her offstage, when Bayonetta uses her Final Smash to slow time and save herself at the last second.*
Bayonetta: I’m going to count to 3, and you better run along like a good boy, or else. 1...2.3!
*Bayonetta attacks Joker, taking his stock*
Joker: *Slightly shaky, but spiteful* You couldn’t even summon that demon thing along with your final smash?
Bayonetta: I am PERFECTLY fine without it
Major: *Internally* I’m just going to keep my distance with projectiles-
*Major tries to throw a projectile, but Major goes straight into the lava ball while doing so*
*We quickly flash to Wolf running into the fireball when he tried to chase Major earlier in the fight, which was also a similar situation*
Major: It’s ok, calculated airdodge into the lava…
*Wolf tries to attack Major as he recovers from getting hit by the lava ball, but Wolf jumps back *
Wolf: *Internally* I can’t afford to underestimate him….
*Major sends out a tornado attack, and Wolf jumps over it*
*We quickly flash for a brief second to Major jumping away from Wolf’s gun when he first started to focus on the fireball, which was also a similar situation.*
*Wolf jumps even higher, and uses his reflector, but only after he’s already dodged.*
Wolf: *Internally* Almost forget I had that. Can’t take any risks now though.
Major: *Internally* He’s playing super safe now….but I feel like he’s kinda still winning.
Major: *Internally* I need to.
*Major tries to attack Wolf in the air but barely misses.*
*We quickly flash to Major dodging in the air right after Wolf figured out that he was focusing on the fireball, which was also a similar situation.*
*Major jumps away from Wolf when he first lands. However, Wolf jumps away too and shoots his gun at Major from a distance.*
*We flash to Major using his tornado at the edge of the stage during the very very beginning of the fight*
Major: *Internally* I CAN.
*Major goes to the top platform and Wolf follows.*
*We flash to Wolf’s line saying that Major’s playstyle is too predictable*
Major: I’m getting the download in
*Wolf starts jumping around cautiously*
Major: It’s over.
*Major is able to perfectly hit Wolf with an attack, and take his stock.*
Wolf: *Internally* He realized it too…..glad I was able to actually help him at least.
Wolf: *Internally* But….
*Bayonetta jumps up away from Joker*
Joker: Running away AGAIN?!?!
*Bayonetta attacks him as he’s chasing her*
Bayonetta: So you don’t know what your OWN MOTHER is going to do….
Joker: THAT would require me to spend MORE TIME with YOU
*Joker hits Bayo almost offstage*
Joker: And I’d very much like you to GET. OUT.
*Bayonetta comes back towards*
Bayonetta: Oh so now you want to FORCE ME AWAY-
*Joker hits her back again, with his tether attack*
Joker: OF COURSE I do!
Joker: That IMPRESSIVE ENOUGH for you?
Bayonetta: I can’t believe you want me to be IMPRESSED BY YOUR HATRED NOW
Joker: I’ve always been impressed by yours
*Joker goes to the side of the screen and takes Bayonetta’s stock*
Wolf: *Internally* I’ll help you but. I can’t let you win this. If I do…..I can’t help anyone.
*Wolf goes all out with his aggressiveness.*
*Wolf attacks Major, giving Wolf his Final Smash. However, Wolf then goes into the fireball.*
Major: It’s ok, I’ve got the download in. just focus again……
Wolf: *internally* Keep moving forward. And don’t stop.
*They both go back towards each other. and both accidentally run into the fireball, throwing them both back*
Major: This is not good…..
*Wolf recovers and goes towards the top of the stage.*
Major: Need to follow him….
*Major recovers and goes to the top of the stage as well.*
Major: Almost there…..
*However, right as Major’s getting up from the ladder, Wolf starts using his Final Smash.*
*We flash quickly between all the times that Major got hit by the fireball or had to focus on it at the expense of other stuff, including now, when he’s thrown back, making him have to waste time getting back.*
*Wolf uses his final smash on Major, taking his stock*
Wolf: I can’t hold back anymore.
*Wolf sighs*
Wolf: Yell at me all you want but I can’t lose. I need to fix the future-
Major: You braindead…..
*Major pauses*
Major: …..I think I’m going to do it.
Joker: Though you are right about one thing. I didn’t come here for you.
Joker: But I would like to bring an END to this GAME
Joker: Don’t act like you’re some special breed
Bayonetta: Would you be satisfied if I was?
*Joker uses his final smash, and it hits Bayonetta, taking her stock.*
Bayonetta: YOU ASSHOLE
*Bayonetta uses her Final Smash, stopping time again*
*As time resumes, Bayonetta accidentally goes into the cannon.*
Bayonetta/Joker: *Casually* I hate you
*Bayonetta loses a stock, and loses the game*
Joker: I wonder where that goes….
Joker: Doesn’t matter,
Joker: As long as it’s nowhere near here.
*Major gets spiked into the stage, and then thrown off stage.*
Major: Let’s go Wolf.
Wolf: I owe that much to you.
*A timer appears in the corner of the screen*
*Major and Wolf recover, and Major immediately starts slicing, grabbing, throwing projectiles, and even at one point does a very aggressive Wolf like move when Wolf tries to dodge. Major is destroying Wolf, and eventually throws Wolf off stage. Major gets his final smash from this, though he doesn’t know it. He starts to chase Wolf offstage, but Wolf isn’t able to get back on stage anyways, and as they lock eyes, and as Wolf falls, Major gets back on stage, and the timer ends, as Wolf loses his stock.*
Major: Oh, just in time! The barrel’s on the other side anyways though.
Major: Ok wow final smash online?
*Wolf respawns*
Wolf: *Internally* How did he….wait he didn’t know?
Major: I knew that the barrel could get the best of me sometimes, so I like having some awareness of it. However, I’m trying to focus on you. But, the barrel happens to be on a track. I knew that if I just made sure that the barrel was not on our side of the stage, all of my energy and focus could be spent on you. Of course, I’m not going to get hit either! But if I didn’t do it fast enough, it would not have been good. I’m ok though, one more stock, and this is over.
Major: That was actual intelligence.
Wolf:.....Good job.
*Major curses at Wolf, refusing to accept the compliment.*
*Major releases his Final Smash*
Wolf: *internally* Keep….moving…..FORWARD
*Wolf barely survives Major’s Final Smash*
Major: What
Wolf: I can’t give up, not YET-
*Wolf takes Major’s stock*
*Matt is catching up to Toy Convict.*
Major: It’s ok mom he’s over-
Wolf: I can’t let that happen-
*Major attacks Wolf, but it gives Wolf his Final Smash.*
Wolf: It’s ok I have my final smash...I just need to recover…
Major: Ok that should be it-
*Wolf recovers and Major just barely misses him*
Major: I missed it!!!
Wolf: Climb up-no I have to use my final smash
Major: Come on dodge it-
*They both dodge towards the fireball*
Wolf: I NEED TO-
*Wolf accidentally gets hit by the fireball while Major jumps above it, and it throws Wolf off the stage, making Wolf lose his stock, and lose the game*
Wolf: change the future……
Major *breathing heavily*: Oh wow...that killed...ok…
Major: It’s over….
*Major pauses*
Major: Wait that just threw him off!!! He’s still there!!!
Blue Incineroar: Don’t worry, I got him.
*Blue Incineroar grabs Wolf, who has fallen to the ground below.*
Major: Well he can be captured at least…..thanks Blue-
Vincent: Don’t worry about him.
Blue Incineroar: Hm?
Vincent: Remind me to talk with Major and Punished after we win. I’ll include what they want in the wishes.
Major: …..ok.
Wolf:....They know where Origin is.
Blue Incineroar: YOU-
Ganondorf: GODDAMMIT-
Dark Vince: Calm down-
Dark Meta Knight: One of them is probably on their way now…..
Dark Pit: Ok, Vince, may I make a request for some backup?.
Dark Vince: …..give me a minute to figure it out.
Dark Pit: Ok.
*Dark Vince stares at Blood Falcon*
*Lucina has arrived at Origin*
Lucina: So you’re the dark realmer Major was talking about?
Dark Pit: ….can you leave please?
Lucina: You’ll find that you can’t get rid of me that easy.
Dark Pit: I’d like it if you gave me 10 minutes at least.
Lucina: I’m not letting you stall-
Dark Pit: Take a gift card and calm down.
*Lucina pauses*
Lucina: Is there a Dark McDonald’s
Dark Pit: No….that was destroyed in the war.
Lucina: The war....
Dark Pit: Starbucks is still open if you want that.
*Flashback of Wolf getting nervous at the coordinates*
*Dark Pit can tell that Lucina has realized something*
Lucina: Why do you want to protect this stage so much
Dark Pit: I’m not telling you.
Lucina: Maybe I should end this here then.
*Lucina gets ready to attack*
Dark Pit: Fine I’ll tell you…..
Dark Pit: This…..is what’s left of the place where Vincent and Emperor Convict-well he was just Toy Convict then….first fought after Toy Convict broke out of prison.
Dark Pit: It was the start of the war….the origin.
Dark Pit: This is now considered a monument.
Dark Pit: I’m not letting you destroy this
Lucina: I assumed this place gave you some sort of tactical advantage. Guess I was wrong.
Lucina: But I’m still not leaving!
Dark Pit: After all that? Can you at least wait five more minutes-
Lucina: You’ve stalled long enough!
Dark Pit: Fine then!
Dark Pit/Lucina: *Internally* Time to prove myself.
*We see Dark Ken, looking at someone.*
*We also see Captain Parsec Falcon, determined but not budging an inch.*
*We see Dark Ken continuing to look at Captain Parsec Falcon, before slowly walking forward.*
*We also see Captain Parsec Falcon staring him down, still not moving.*
*Dark Ken and Captain Parsec Falcon continue to stare each other down a bit, before Rosalina enters the scene, and Dark Ken stops walking.*
Rosalina: So…..this is the opponent you asked me to face.
Captain Parsec Falcon: There’s something he won’t give up, and I’m not wasting my fight on him
*We get another shot of Dark Ken, before we get one of Rosalina, glancing at them both.*
Captain Parsec Falcon: He’s all yours.
Rosalina: Hello, my Ken. Or would you favor the name, my dark Ken.
Dark Ken *Deadpan*: Hello, Rosalina. You can call me Ken.
*Matt’s almost caught up to Toy Convict*
Matt: There we go, finally….
Matt: Toy Convict-
Toy Convict: You’re not Vincent.
*Toy Convict speeds up*
*We see Vincent*
Joker *over headset*: Dark Vince’s base has been located and secured
Vincent: Got it. Kirby, Dedede!!!
Dedede: The coast seems to be clear.
Kirby: I wanna goooooooo Mr. Vincent!!!
*Kirby sees Toyconvict. He doesn’t say anything though.*
Vincent: Ok, Kirby.
Vincent: Let’s go.
*We see Matt again*
Matt: Darn it, Vincent’s right up ahead-
*We see Dark Young Link, who has been launched near Toy Convict after Dark Young Link’s fight with Link. Dark Young Link opens his eyes*
Dark Young Link: Well, he launched me far.
*Dark Young Link sees Toyconvict*
Dark Young Link: ...Toyconvict?
*Dark Young Link sees Matt, and then Vincent*
Dark Young Link: …..Vincent.
*Dark Young Link realizes something*
Dark Young Link: Ohhhh, you’ve split off from the rest of our forces, haven’t you, Toyconvict.
Dark Young Link: Well you’ve always been annoying so.
*Toy Convict approaches*
Toy Convict: Huh?
*We see Matt being surprised*
*Dark Young Link attacks Toy Convict, launching him a bit away.*
Dark Young Link: See ya.
Dark Young Link: Now, where to take a nap….
*Toy Convict is trying to control himself after being thrown*
*We see Vincent/Kirby/Dedede leaving*
*Kirby is still looking at Toy Convict, but not saying anything.*
*Toyconvict kicks off something*
Toy Convict: You’ve already fought.’
Toyconvict: Vincent doesn’t have to be the only one….
*Matt turns to see Toy Convict, who is now launching himself towards Dark Young Link, who had just started to settle down to take a nap, and is only barely noticing Toy Convict.*
Link: My own dark younger self? Just what kind of realm is this?
Blue Incineroar: If you can’t take the initiative, then I will!
Joker: I’m sorry Bayonetta, but the show’s over!
Link: Charged Light Arrow!
Punished Convict: Your desire for power will be your downfall.
Ridley: BRING IT ON!
Dedede: Ya gotta be ready for da KING’S HAMMAH!
Punished Convict: I cannot let you go down the same path I did.
Dedede: What kinda King treats their subjects like trash?
Captain Parsec Falcon: I’ll take Blood Falcon on, plus how hard can it be to beat myself?
Dedede: You’re no true king, you’re a sham!
Captain Parsec Falcon: Be careful friends, I sense a dangerous presence from him.
Dark Incineroar: Why don’t we join forces and take over both realms?
Bayonetta: Isn’t it past your bedtime, Joker?
Dark Young Link *xcitement with muted fear*: I’ll prove myself today.
Dark Pit *Determined: Let’s get this over with.
Shadow Mewtwo: It seems like this one simply won’t do.
Dark Pit: I defeated you once. You think that I would have trouble doing it again?
Shadow Mewtwo: Show me your strength, come at me with all your might!
Dark Pit *angry*: We shouldn’t have done this!
Captain Parsec Falcon: HEY DARK REALMERS. I’d like to talk to you guys about a little software called PARSEC. They have been regularly sponsoring me for the past few months, and I have always done videos around games that can utilize but now I thought we could use this to branch out to a wider audience. It won’t work for console games but if you’re ever trying to play a PC game that’s only locked to local co-op and you want to play online with your friends and it won’t let you, Parsec is the answer. It has super low latency and you can play with any of your friends across the country or across the world and it plays as if they’re sitting right next to ya. You just gotta make an account for free and you get to use parsec for free and if you wanna play with your friend it costs well nothing more than free. So if you want to check out this super free software which is honestly kinda crazy that a software like this is free but anyways, check out the links in the description, I love parsec, I use it all the time, we used it for every single episode of partycast which is coming back soon, so be looking forward to that. Anyways, back to some smash bros.
*Ridley goes to destroy Origin, but Hilda teleports in and kicks him. However, Ridley is able to respond with a jab*
Ridley, condescending: Hey Princess-
*Hilda is unfazed, and attacks him again, sending him back*
Ridley: Angry now are we?
Hilda: I will be able to fight Zelda and she’s not leaving and-
Ridley: Wordy now are we?
*Ridley starts taking advantage of her anger and shields/dodges more, leaving Hilda open for more attacks.*
Ridley: Attacking recklessly now are we-
*Ridley accidentally goes off the side due to Hilda dodging one of his attacks, and he goes offstage*
Ridley: Ugh.
*Hilda goes to try to stop Ridley from getting back onstage*
*Ridley goes into the lava when he tries to get back on-stage and gets flung farther off stage, and loses a stock.*
Hilda: Well….how about that. Come on, come back! Guess you have an issue with recovery? Well if you can’t fight in the air, than I’ll let you fight here! Keep going! As long as I win, I don’t care where we brawl. So for now, ok fine let’s do the ground, but don’t push me, so I don’t fight in the air instead-
*Hilda gets attacked by ridley, who throws her up into the air, and starts attacking her*
Ridley: Words, words, words! How many more can you stuff down your damn throat before you choke on them? Imagine if you could bite as hard as you bark... You might actually live up to the rest of the dark realm!
*Hilda tries to stop Ridley from getting back onstage*
Ridley: I need context.
Hilda: UGH I AM-
*Hilda screams her backstory to Ridley*
Hilda: AND-
Ridley: Ok so….you joined….the dark realm?????
Ridley: So that means you’re really-
Ridley: I was going to say So that means you’re really worthless but both can be true.
*Hilda uses her final smash on Ridley*