Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Apraxia ? ### Response: Apraxia (called "dyspraxia" if mild) is a neurological disorder characterized by loss of the ability to execute or carry out skilled movements and gestures, despite having the desire and the physical ability to perform them. Apraxia results from dysfunction of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, especially the parietal lobe, and can arise from many diseases or damage to the brain.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Paraneoplastic Syndromes ? ### Response: Paraneoplastic syndromes are a group of rare disorders that are triggered by an abnormal immune system response to a cancerous tumor known as a "neoplasm." Paraneoplastic syndromes are thought to happen when cancer-fighting antibodies or white blood cells (known as T cells) mistakenly attack normal cells in the nervous system.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Paraneoplastic Syndromes ? ### Response: When present, the tumor and cancer are treated first, followed by efforts to decrease the autoimmune response -- either through steroids such as cortisone or prednisone, high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin, or irradiation. Plasmapheresis, a process that cleanses antibodies from the blood, may ease symptoms in people with paraneoplastic disorders that affect the peripheral nervous system.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Paraneoplastic Syndromes ? ### Response: When present, the tumor and cancer are treated first, followed by efforts to decrease the autoimmune response -- either through steroids such as cortisone or prednisone, high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin, or irradiation. Plasmapheresis, a process that cleanses antibodies from the blood, may ease symptoms in people with paraneoplastic disorders that affect the peripheral nervous system.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Paraneoplastic Syndromes ? ### Response: Research on paraneoplastic syndromes is aimed at enhancing scientific understanding and evaluating new therapeutic interventions. Researchers seek to learn what causes the autoimmune response in these disorders. Studies are directed at developing tests that detect the presence of antibodies.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Megalencephaly ? ### Response: Megalencephaly, also called macrencephaly, is a condition in which an infant or child has an abnormally large, heavy, and usually malfunctioning brain. By definition, the brain weight is greater than average for the age and gender of the child. Head enlargement may be evident at birth or the head may become abnormally large in the early years of life.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Megalencephaly ? ### Response: Megalencephaly, also called macrencephaly, is a condition in which an infant or child has an abnormally large, heavy, and usually malfunctioning brain. By definition, the brain weight is greater than average for the age and gender of the child. Head enlargement may be evident at birth or the head may become abnormally large in the early years of life.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Megalencephaly ? ### Response: Megalencephaly, also called macrencephaly, is a condition in which an infant or child has an abnormally large, heavy, and usually malfunctioning brain. By definition, the brain weight is greater than average for the age and gender of the child. Head enlargement may be evident at birth or the head may become abnormally large in the early years of life.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Megalencephaly ? ### Response: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and other institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) conduct research related to megalencephaly in laboratories at the NIH and also support additional research through grants to major medical institutions across the country.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Diabetic Neuropathy ? ### Response: Diabetic neuropathy is a peripheral nerve disorder caused by diabetes or poor blood sugar control. The most common types of diabetic neuropathy result in problems with sensation in the feet. It can develop slowly after many years of diabetes or may occur early in the disease.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Diabetic Neuropathy ? ### Response: The goal of treating diabetic neuropathy is to prevent further tissue damage and relieve discomfort. The first step is to bring blood sugar levels under control by diet and medication. Another important part of treatment involves taking special care of the feet by wearing proper fitting shoes and routinely checking the feet for cuts and infections.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Diabetic Neuropathy ? ### Response: The prognosis for diabetic neuropathy depends largely on how well the underlying condition of diabetes is handled. Treating diabetes may halt progression and improve symptoms of the neuropathy, but recovery is slow. The painful sensations of diabetic neuropathy may become severe enough to cause depression in some patients.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Diabetic Neuropathy ? ### Response: The prognosis for diabetic neuropathy depends largely on how well the underlying condition of diabetes is handled. Treating diabetes may halt progression and improve symptoms of the neuropathy, but recovery is slow. The painful sensations of diabetic neuropathy may become severe enough to cause depression in some patients.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome ? ### Response: Wernicke's encephalopathy is a degenerative brain disorder caused by the lack of thiamine (vitamin B1). It may result from alcohol abuse, dietary deficiencies, prolonged vomiting, eating disorders, or the effects of chemotherapy. B1 deficiency causes damage to the brain's thalamus and hypothalamus.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome ? ### Response: Treatment involves replacement of thiamine and providing proper nutrition and hydration. In some cases, drug therapy is also recommended.Stopping alcohol use may prevent further nerve and brain damage. In individuals with Wernicke's encephalopathy, it is very important to start thiamine replacement before beginning nutritional replenishment.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome ? ### Response: Most symptoms of Wernicke's encephalopathy can be reversed if detected and treated promptly and completely. Stopping alcohol use may prevent further nerve and brain damage. However, improvement in memory function is slow and, usually, incomplete. Without treatment, these disorders can be disabling and life-threatening.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Cerebellar Degeneration ? ### Response: Cerebellar degeneration is a process in which neurons in the cerebellum - the area of the brain that controls coordination and balance - deteriorate and die. Diseases that cause cerebellar degeneration can also involve other areas of the central nervous system,including the spinal cord, medulla oblongata, cerebral cortex, and brain stem.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Cerebellar Degeneration ? ### Response: The NINDS funds research to find the genes involved in diseases that cause cerebellar degeneration. Discovering these genes, identifying their mutations, and understanding how the abnormal proteins they produce cause cerebellar degeneration may eventually help scientists find ways to prevent, treat, and even cure the diseases that involve cerebellar degeneration.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Parry-Romberg ? ### Response: There is no cure and there are no treatments that can stop the progression of Parry-Romberg syndrome. Reconstructive or microvascular surgery may be needed to repair wasted tissue. The timing of surgical intervention is generally agreed to be the best following exhaustion of the disease course and completion of facial growth.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Parry-Romberg ? ### Response: There is no cure and there are no treatments that can stop the progression of Parry-Romberg syndrome. Reconstructive or microvascular surgery may be needed to repair wasted tissue. The timing of surgical intervention is generally agreed to be the best following exhaustion of the disease course and completion of facial growth.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Parry-Romberg ? ### Response: There is no cure and there are no treatments that can stop the progression of Parry-Romberg syndrome. Reconstructive or microvascular surgery may be needed to repair wasted tissue. The timing of surgical intervention is generally agreed to be the best following exhaustion of the disease course and completion of facial growth.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Myotonia Congenita ? ### Response: Myotonia congenita is an inherited neuromuscular disorder characterized by the inability of muscles to quickly relax after a voluntary contraction. The condition is present from early childhood, but symptoms can be mild. Most children will be 2 or 3 years old when parents first notice their muscle stiffness, particularly in the legs, often provoked by sudden activity after rest.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Myotonia Congenita ? ### Response: Most people with myotonia congenita dont require special treatments. Stiff muscles usually resolve with exercise, or light movement, especially after resting. For individuals whose symptoms are more limiting, doctors have had some success with medications such as quinine, or anticonvulsant drugs such as phenytoin.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Myotonia Congenita ? ### Response: Most people with myotonia congenita dont require special treatments. Stiff muscles usually resolve with exercise, or light movement, especially after resting. For individuals whose symptoms are more limiting, doctors have had some success with medications such as quinine, or anticonvulsant drugs such as phenytoin.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Myotonia Congenita ? ### Response: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) conducts research related to myotonia congenita and also supports additional research through grants to major research institutions across the country. Current research is exploring how, at the molecular level, the defective gene in myotonia congenita causes the specific symptoms of the disorder.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Congenital Myopathy ? ### Response: A myopathy is a disorder of the muscles that usually results in weakness. Congenital myopathy refers to a group of muscle disorders that appear at birth or in infancy. Typically, an infant with a congenital myopathy will be "floppy," have difficulty breathing or feeding, and will lag behind other babies in meeting normal developmental milestones such as turning over or sitting up.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Congenital Myopathy ? ### Response: A myopathy is a disorder of the muscles that usually results in weakness. Congenital myopathy refers to a group of muscle disorders that appear at birth or in infancy. Typically, an infant with a congenital myopathy will be "floppy," have difficulty breathing or feeding, and will lag behind other babies in meeting normal developmental milestones such as turning over or sitting up.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Congenital Myopathy ? ### Response: When breathing difficulties are severe, and particularly if there is also a problem with feeding and swallowing, infants may die of respiratory failure or complications such as pneumonia. Sometimes muscle weakness can lead to skeletal problems, such as scoliosis, reduced mobility of joints, or hip problems.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Congenital Myopathy ? ### Response: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and other institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) conduct research related to congenital myopathies in their laboratories at the NIH and also support additional research through grants to major medical institutions across the country.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Ataxia ? ### Response: Ataxia often occurs when parts of the nervous system that control movement are damaged. People with ataxia experience a failure of muscle control in their arms and legs, resulting in a lack of balance and coordination or a disturbance of gait. While the term ataxia is primarily used to describe this set of symptoms, it is sometimes also used to refer to a family of disorders.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Ataxia ? ### Response: There is no cure for the hereditary ataxias. If the ataxia is caused by another condition, that underlying condition is treated first. For example, ataxia caused by a metabolic disorder may be treated with medications and a controlled diet. Vitamin deficiency is treated with vitamin therapy.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Ataxia ? ### Response: There is no cure for the hereditary ataxias. If the ataxia is caused by another condition, that underlying condition is treated first. For example, ataxia caused by a metabolic disorder may be treated with medications and a controlled diet. Vitamin deficiency is treated with vitamin therapy.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Ataxia ? ### Response: The NINDS supports and conducts a broad range of basic and clinical research on cerebellar and spinocerebellar degeneration, including work aimed at finding the cause(s) of ataxias and ways to treat, cure, and, ultimately, prevent them. Scientists are optimistic that understanding the genetics of these disorders may lead to breakthroughs in treatment.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Septo-Optic Dysplasia ? ### Response: Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) is a rare disorder characterized by abnormal development of the optic disk, pituitary deficiencies, and often agenesis (absence) of the septum pellucidum (the part of the brain that separates the anterior horns or the lateral ventricles of the brain).
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Septo-Optic Dysplasia ? ### Response: Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) is a rare disorder characterized by abnormal development of the optic disk, pituitary deficiencies, and often agenesis (absence) of the septum pellucidum (the part of the brain that separates the anterior horns or the lateral ventricles of the brain).
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Septo-Optic Dysplasia ? ### Response: Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) is a rare disorder characterized by abnormal development of the optic disk, pituitary deficiencies, and often agenesis (absence) of the septum pellucidum (the part of the brain that separates the anterior horns or the lateral ventricles of the brain).
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Septo-Optic Dysplasia ? ### Response: The NINDS supports and conducts neurogenetic research which focuses on identifying and studying the genes involved in normal brain development. The knowledge gained from these fundamental studies provides the foundation for understanding how this process can go awry and, thus, may eventually give clues to understanding disorders such as SOD.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Coffin Lowry Syndrome ? ### Response: Coffin-Lowry syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by craniofacial (head and facial) and skeletal abnormalities, delayed intellectual development, short stature, and hypotonia. Characteristic facial features may include an underdeveloped upper jaw bone (maxillary hypoplasia), a broad nose, protruding nostrils (nares), an abnormally prominent brow, down-slanting eyelid folds (palpebral fissures), widely spaced eyes (hypertelorism), large low-set ears, and unusually thick eyebrows.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Coffin Lowry Syndrome ? ### Response: Coffin-Lowry syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by craniofacial (head and facial) and skeletal abnormalities, delayed intellectual development, short stature, and hypotonia. Characteristic facial features may include an underdeveloped upper jaw bone (maxillary hypoplasia), a broad nose, protruding nostrils (nares), an abnormally prominent brow, down-slanting eyelid folds (palpebral fissures), widely spaced eyes (hypertelorism), large low-set ears, and unusually thick eyebrows.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Coffin Lowry Syndrome ? ### Response: Coffin-Lowry syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by craniofacial (head and facial) and skeletal abnormalities, delayed intellectual development, short stature, and hypotonia. Characteristic facial features may include an underdeveloped upper jaw bone (maxillary hypoplasia), a broad nose, protruding nostrils (nares), an abnormally prominent brow, down-slanting eyelid folds (palpebral fissures), widely spaced eyes (hypertelorism), large low-set ears, and unusually thick eyebrows.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Lipoid Proteinosis ? ### Response: Lipoid proteinosis (LP) is a rare disease that affects the skin and the brain. Three distinctive features characterize the disease: a hoarse voice, unusual growths on the skin and mucus membranes, and damage to the temporal lobes or hippocampus of the brain.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Lipoid Proteinosis ? ### Response: There is no cure for LP. Some doctors have had success treating the skin eruptions with oral steroid drugs and oral dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO). Carbon dioxide laser surgery of thickened vocal cords and eyelid bumps has proved helpful in some studies. Dermabrasion may improve the appearance of the skin lesions.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Lipoid Proteinosis ? ### Response: Lipoid proteinosis has a stable or slowly progressive course. Children with LP may have behavioral or learning difficulties, along with seizures. Obstruction in the throat may require a tracheostomy. Mortality rates in infants and adults are slightly increased because of problems with throat obstructions and upper respiratory tract infections.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Lipoid Proteinosis ? ### Response: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), and other institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), conduct research related to neurological diseases such as lipoid proteinosis in laboratories at the NIH, and also support additional research through grants to major medical institutions across the country.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Kleine-Levin Syndrome ? ### Response: Kleine-Levin syndrome is a rare disorder that primarily affects adolescent males (approximately 70 percent of those with Kleine-Levin syndrome are male). It is characterized by recurring but reversible periods of excessive sleep (up to 20 hours per day). Symptoms occur as "episodes," typically lasting a few days to a few weeks.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Kleine-Levin Syndrome ? ### Response: There is no definitive treatment for Kleine-Levin syndrome and watchful waiting at home, rather than pharmacotherapy, is most often advised. Stimulant pills, including amphetamines, methylphenidate, and modafinil, are used to treat sleepiness but may increase irritability and will not improve cognitive abnormalities.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Kleine-Levin Syndrome ? ### Response: There is no definitive treatment for Kleine-Levin syndrome and watchful waiting at home, rather than pharmacotherapy, is most often advised. Stimulant pills, including amphetamines, methylphenidate, and modafinil, are used to treat sleepiness but may increase irritability and will not improve cognitive abnormalities.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Kleine-Levin Syndrome ? ### Response: There is no definitive treatment for Kleine-Levin syndrome and watchful waiting at home, rather than pharmacotherapy, is most often advised. Stimulant pills, including amphetamines, methylphenidate, and modafinil, are used to treat sleepiness but may increase irritability and will not improve cognitive abnormalities.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Vasculitis Syndromes of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems ? ### Response: Vasculitis is an inflammation of blood vessels, which includes the veins, arteries, and capillaries. Inflammation occurs with infection or is thought to be due to a faulty immune system response. It also can be caused by other immune system disease, an allergic reaction to medicines or toxins, and by certain blood cancers.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Vasculitis Syndromes of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems ? ### Response: Treatment for a vasculitis syndrome depends upon the specific diagnosis, which can be difficult, as some diseases have similar symptoms of vasculitis. Most of the syndromes respond well to steroid drugs, such as prednisolone. Some may also require treatment with an immunosuppressive drug, such as cyclophosphamide.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Vasculitis Syndromes of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems ? ### Response: Treatment for a vasculitis syndrome depends upon the specific diagnosis, which can be difficult, as some diseases have similar symptoms of vasculitis. Most of the syndromes respond well to steroid drugs, such as prednisolone. Some may also require treatment with an immunosuppressive drug, such as cyclophosphamide.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Vasculitis Syndromes of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems ? ### Response: The mission of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is to seek fundamental knowledge of the brain and nervous system and to use that knowledge to reduce the burden of neurological disease. Several NINDS-funded investigators are studying blood vessel damage and cerebral blood flow as it relates to stroke.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Menkes Disease ? ### Response: Menkes disease is caused by a defective gene named ATPTA1 that regulates the metabolism of copper in the body. The disease primarily affects male infants. Copper accumulates at abnormally low levels in the liver and brain, but at higher than normal levels in the kidney and intestinal lining.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Menkes Disease ? ### Response: Menkes disease is caused by a defective gene named ATPTA1 that regulates the metabolism of copper in the body. The disease primarily affects male infants. Copper accumulates at abnormally low levels in the liver and brain, but at higher than normal levels in the kidney and intestinal lining.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Menkes Disease ? ### Response: Since newborn screening for this disorder is not available, and early detection is infrequent because the clinical signs of Menkes disease are subtle in the beginning, the disease is rarely treated early enough to make a significant difference. The prognosis for babies with Menkes disease is poor.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Menkes Disease ? ### Response: Recent research sponsored by the NINDS developed a blood test that could be given to newborns at risk for Menkes disease based on a positive family history for the disorder or other indications. The test measures 4 different chemicals in the blood and, depending upon their levels, can accurately diagnose the presence of Menkes disease before symptoms appear.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Brain and Spinal Tumors ? ### Response: Tumors of the brain and spinal cord are abnormal growths of tissue found inside the skull or the bony spinal column. The brain and spinal cord are the primary components of the central nervous system (CNS). Benign tumors are noncancerous, and malignant tumors are cancerous.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Brain and Spinal Tumors ? ### Response: Tumors of the brain and spinal cord are abnormal growths of tissue found inside the skull or the bony spinal column. The brain and spinal cord are the primary components of the central nervous system (CNS). Benign tumors are noncancerous, and malignant tumors are cancerous.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Brain and Spinal Tumors ? ### Response: Symptoms of brain and spinal cord tumors generally develop slowly and worsen over time unless they are treated. The tumor may be classified as benign or malignant and given a numbered score that reflects its rate of malignancy. This score can help doctors determine how to treat the tumor and predict the likely outcome, or prognosis, for the individual.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Brain and Spinal Tumors ? ### Response: Scientists continue to investigate ways to better understand, diagnose, and treat CNS tumors. Experimental treatment options may include new drugs, gene therapy, surgery , radiation, biologic modulators that enhance the body's overall immune system to recognize and fight cancer cells, and a combination of therapies.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Hypersomnia ? ### Response: Hypersomnia is characterized by recurrent episodes of excessive daytime sleepiness or prolonged nighttime sleep. Different from feeling tired due to lack of or interrupted sleep at night, persons with hypersomnia are compelled to nap repeatedly during the day, often at inappropriate times such as at work, during a meal, or in conversation.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Hypersomnia ? ### Response: Treatment is symptomatic in nature. Stimulants, such as amphetamine, methylphenidate, and modafinil, may be prescribed. Other drugs used to treat hypersomnia include clonidine, levodopa, bromocriptine, antidepressants, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Changes in behavior (for example avoiding night work and social activities that delay bed time) and diet may offer some relief.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Hypersomnia ? ### Response: The prognosis for persons with hypersomnia depends on the cause of the disorder. While the disorder itself is not life threatening, it can have serious consequences, such as automobile accidents caused by falling asleep while driving. The attacks usually continue indefinitely.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Hypersomnia ? ### Response: The prognosis for persons with hypersomnia depends on the cause of the disorder. While the disorder itself is not life threatening, it can have serious consequences, such as automobile accidents caused by falling asleep while driving. The attacks usually continue indefinitely.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Guillain-Barr Syndrome ? ### Response: Guillain-Barr syndrome is a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. The first symptoms of this disorder include varying degrees of weakness or tingling sensations in the legs. In many instances, the weakness and abnormal sensations spread to the arms and upper body.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Guillain-Barr Syndrome ? ### Response: There is no known cure for Guillain-Barr syndrome, but therapies can lessen the severity of the illness and accelerate the recovery in most patients. There are also a number of ways to treat the complications of the disease. Currently, plasmapheresis (also known as plasma exchange) and high-dose immunoglobulin therapy are used.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Guillain-Barr Syndrome ? ### Response: Guillain-Barr syndrome can be a devastating disorder because of its sudden and unexpected onset. Most people reach the stage of greatest weakness within the first 2 weeks after symptoms appear, and by the third week of the illness 90 percent of all patients are at their weakest.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Guillain-Barr Syndrome ? ### Response: Scientists are concentrating on finding new treatments and refining existing ones. Scientists are also looking at the workings of the immune system to find which cells are responsible for beginning and carrying out the attack on the nervous system. The fact that so many cases of Guillain-Barr begin after a viral or bacterial infection suggests that certain characteristics of some viruses and bacteria may activate the immune system inappropriately.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) CADASIL ? ### Response: CADASIL (Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Sub-cortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy) is an inherited form of cerebrovascular disease that occurs when the thickening of blood vessel walls blocks the flow of blood to the brain. The disease primarily affects small blood vessels in the white matter of the brain.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for CADASIL ? ### Response: There is no treatment to halt this genetic disorder. Individuals are given supportive care. Migraine headaches may be treated by different drugs and a daily aspirin may reduce stroke and heart attack risk. Drug therapy for depression may be given. Affected individuals who smoke should quit as it can increase the risk of stroke in CADASIL.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for CADASIL ? ### Response: There is no treatment to halt this genetic disorder. Individuals are given supportive care. Migraine headaches may be treated by different drugs and a daily aspirin may reduce stroke and heart attack risk. Drug therapy for depression may be given. Affected individuals who smoke should quit as it can increase the risk of stroke in CADASIL.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for CADASIL ? ### Response: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) conducts stroke research and clinical trials at its laboratories and clinics at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and through grants to major medical institutions across the country. Scientists are currently studying different drugs to reduce cognitive problems seen in patients with CADASIL.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Cerebral Hypoxia ? ### Response: Cerebral hypoxia refers to a condition in which there is a decrease of oxygen supply to the brain even though there is adequate blood flow. Drowning, strangling, choking, suffocation, cardiac arrest, head trauma, carbon monoxide poisoning, and complications of general anesthesia can create conditions that can lead to cerebral hypoxia.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Cerebral Hypoxia ? ### Response: Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the hypoxia, but basic life-support systems have to be put in place: mechanical ventilation to secure the airway; fluids, blood products, or medications to support blood pressure and heart rate; and medications to suppress seizures.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Cerebral Hypoxia ? ### Response: Recovery depends on how long the brain has been deprived of oxygen and how much brain damage has occurred, although carbon monoxide poisoning can cause brain damage days to weeks after the event. Most people who make a full recovery have only been briefly unconscious.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Cerebral Hypoxia ? ### Response: Recovery depends on how long the brain has been deprived of oxygen and how much brain damage has occurred, although carbon monoxide poisoning can cause brain damage days to weeks after the event. Most people who make a full recovery have only been briefly unconscious.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Cerebral Atrophy ? ### Response: Cerebral atrophy is a common feature of many of the diseases that affect the brain. Atrophy of any tissue means loss of cells. In brain tissue, atrophy describes a loss of neurons and the connections between them. Atrophy can be generalized, which means that all of the brain has shrunk; or it can be focal, affecting only a limited area of the brain and resulting in a decrease of the functions that area of the brain controls.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Cerebral Atrophy ? ### Response: The NINDS funds research looking at many of the diseases and disorders that cause cerebral atrophy. Understanding the biological mechanisms that cause neurons to die in the brain will help researchers find ways to prevent, treat, and even cure the diseases that lead to cerebral atrophy.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Pinched Nerve ? ### Response: The term "pinched nerve" is a colloquial term and not a true medical term. It is used to describe one type of damage or injury to a nerve or set of nerves. The injury may result from compression, constriction, or stretching. Symptoms include numbness, "pins and needles" or burning sensations, and pain radiating outward from the injured area.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Pinched Nerve ? ### Response: The most frequently recommended treatment for pinched nerve is rest for the affected area. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroids may be recommended to help alleviate pain. Physical therapy is often useful, and splints or collars may be used to relieve symptoms.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Pinched Nerve ? ### Response: The most frequently recommended treatment for pinched nerve is rest for the affected area. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroids may be recommended to help alleviate pain. Physical therapy is often useful, and splints or collars may be used to relieve symptoms.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Pinched Nerve ? ### Response: Within the NINDS research programs, pinched nerves are addressed primarily through studies associated with pain research. NINDS vigorously pursues a research program seeking new treatments for pain and nerve damage with the ultimate goal of reversing debilitating conditions such as pinched nerves.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Fabry Disease ? ### Response: Fabry disease is caused by the lack of or faulty enzyme needed to metabolize lipids, fat-like substances that include oils, waxes, and fatty acids. The disease is also called alpha-galactosidase-A deficiency. A mutation in the gene that controls this enzyme causes insufficient breakdown of lipids, which build up to harmful levels in the autonomic nervous system (which controls involuntary functions such as breathing and digestion), cardiovascular system, eyes, and kidneys.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Fabry Disease ? ### Response: Enzyme replacement therapy has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of Fabry disease. Enzyme replacement therapy can reduce lipid storage, ease pain, and preserve organ function in some individuals with the disorder. The pain that accompanies the disease may be treated with anticonvulsants.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Fabry Disease ? ### Response: Enzyme replacement therapy has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of Fabry disease. Enzyme replacement therapy can reduce lipid storage, ease pain, and preserve organ function in some individuals with the disorder. The pain that accompanies the disease may be treated with anticonvulsants.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Fabry Disease ? ### Response: The mission of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is to seek fundamental knowledge about the brain and nervous system and to use that knowledge to reduce the burden of neurological disease.The NINDS supports research to find ways to treat and prevent lipid storage diseases such as Fabry disease.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Iniencephaly ? ### Response: Iniencephaly is a rare birth defect caused by improper closure of the neural tube (the part of a human embryo that becomes the brain and spinal cord) during fetal development. Iniencephaly is in the same family of neural tube defects as spina bifida, but it is more severe.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Iniencephaly ? ### Response: There is no standard treatment for iniencephaly since most infants rarely live longer than a few hours. Medicine is based more on prevention using supplementation with folic acid. Numerous studies have demonstrated that mothers can reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects such as iniencephaly by up to 70 percent with daily supplements of at least 4 mg of folic acid.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Iniencephaly ? ### Response: There is no standard treatment for iniencephaly since most infants rarely live longer than a few hours. Medicine is based more on prevention using supplementation with folic acid. Numerous studies have demonstrated that mothers can reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects such as iniencephaly by up to 70 percent with daily supplements of at least 4 mg of folic acid.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Iniencephaly ? ### Response: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and other institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) conduct research related to iniencephaly in laboratories at the NIH and also support additional research through grants to major medical institutions across the country.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Developmental Dyspraxia ? ### Response: Developmental dyspraxia is a disorder characterized by an impairment in the ability to plan and carry out sensory and motor tasks. Generally, individuals with the disorder appear "out of sync" with their environment. Symptoms vary and may include poor balance and coordination, clumsiness, vision problems, perception difficulties, emotional and behavioral problems, difficulty with reading, writing, and speaking, poor social skills, poor posture, and poor short-term memory.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Developmental Dyspraxia ? ### Response: Developmental dyspraxia is a disorder characterized by an impairment in the ability to plan and carry out sensory and motor tasks. Generally, individuals with the disorder appear "out of sync" with their environment. Symptoms vary and may include poor balance and coordination, clumsiness, vision problems, perception difficulties, emotional and behavioral problems, difficulty with reading, writing, and speaking, poor social skills, poor posture, and poor short-term memory.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Developmental Dyspraxia ? ### Response: Developmental dyspraxia is a disorder characterized by an impairment in the ability to plan and carry out sensory and motor tasks. Generally, individuals with the disorder appear "out of sync" with their environment. Symptoms vary and may include poor balance and coordination, clumsiness, vision problems, perception difficulties, emotional and behavioral problems, difficulty with reading, writing, and speaking, poor social skills, poor posture, and poor short-term memory.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Fibromuscular Dysplasia ? ### Response: Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is the abnormal development or growth of cells in the walls of arteries that can cause the vessels to narrow or bulge. The carotid arteries, which pass through the neck and supply blood to the brain, are commonly affected. Arteries within the brain and kidneys can also be affected.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Fibromuscular Dysplasia ? ### Response: There is no standard protocol to treat FMD. Any treatment to improve blood flow is based on the arteries affected and the progression and severity of the disease. The carotid arteries should be tested if FMD is found elsewhere in the body since carotid involvement is linked to an increased risk of stroke.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Fibromuscular Dysplasia ? ### Response: There is no standard protocol to treat FMD. Any treatment to improve blood flow is based on the arteries affected and the progression and severity of the disease. The carotid arteries should be tested if FMD is found elsewhere in the body since carotid involvement is linked to an increased risk of stroke.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Fibromuscular Dysplasia ? ### Response: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the nations primary funding source for research on the brain and nervous system.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is (are) Headache ? ### Response: There are four types of headache: vascular, muscle contraction (tension), traction, and inflammatory. Vascular headaches include "cluster headaches, which cause repeated episodes of intense pain, and headaches resulting from high blood pressure,and toxic headache produced by fever.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What are the treatments for Headache ? ### Response: When headaches occur three or more times a month, preventive treatment is usually recommended. Drug therapy, biofeedback training, stress reduction, and elimination of certain foods from the diet are the most common methods of preventing and controlling migraine and other vascular headaches.
Below is an instruction from Human. Write a response. ### Instruction: What is the outlook for Headache ? ### Response: Not all headaches require medical attention. But some types of headache are signals of more serious disorders and call for prompt medical care. These include: sudden, severe headache or sudden headache associated with a stiff neck; headaches associated with fever, convulsions, or accompanied by confusion or loss of consciousness; headaches following a blow to the head, or associated with pain in the eye or ear; persistent headache in a person who was previously headache free; and recurring headache in children.