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D: What brings you in here today?
P: Yeah, I have this pain in my chest.
D: OK, and where is the pain exactly?
P: It's just right over on the on the left side.
D: OK, and when did this pain start?
P: It started just 30 minutes ago.
D: OK, and did it just come on randomly or were you doing something strenuous?
P: I was just shovelling the driveway and it came on.
D: OK, and has that pain been getting worse at all over the last half an hour?
P: No, it just came on suddenly and it's uh, uh, I'm sorry. Yeah the pain has been there this whole time and it's gotten worse ever since it started.
D: OK, and how would you describe the pain? Is it kind of like an aching pain or is it a sharp or tight tightness kind of pain? How would you describe it?
P: It feels dull. I feel like there's a lot of pressure on my chest.
D: And how do you rate the pain right now on a scale of zero to 10, zero being the least amount of pain you felt in your life, 10 being the worst?
P: Uh, seven.
D: Seven, OK. Have you had ny similar episodes before?
P: No, I've never had any chest pain before.
D: OK, and is the pain just staying in the region of the left chest area that you mentioned or is it traveling to any other part of your body?
P: No, I'm kind of just feeling it right here. On the left side.
D: OK, uh, is there anything that you do that makes the pain either get worse or go away or like get better?
P: Uh. I think it's a bit bit worse if I'm moving around or when I was walking in here. I think it it made it a bit worse, but nothing has seemed to make it any better since it starting.
D: OK, and does it change at all from you changing positions like if you're standing up versus sitting down or laying down?
P: I think it's a little bit worse when I when I'm laying down.
D: OK, and other than the pain that you've been having, have you been having any other symptoms like a cough or difficulty breathing or any pain when you're breathing in or out?
P: Uh, I've felt a little bit uh short of breath or having difficulty breathing since yesterday when the sorry since the pain started, but uh just the difficulty breathing.
D: OK. And have you recently injured your chest or surrounding area at all? Like from a fall or anything like that?
P: I do I play rugby and was tackled by another player yesterday. But but my chest felt fine after that.
D: OK so but the pain just started half an hour ago?
P: Yeah.
D: OK, have you have you been traveling at all recently?
P: No, been at home.
D: OK, has anyone around you been sick at all?
P: No.
D: OK, have you been having any symptoms like nausea or vomiting or any fevers or chills?
P: No nausea or vomiting, but I do feel a little bit hot today.
D: OK, but have you measured your temperature at all?
P: Uh I did and it was 38 degrees.
D: OK, and have you been having any kind of swelling in your legs or feet?
P: Uh, no swelling in my legs.
D: OK. Have you been feeling tired at all, like increasingly fatigued?
P: No, my energy has been good.
D; Have you been having any kind of thumping or palpitations or feel like your heart has been racing at all?
P: It uhh it does feel like it's beating faster right now. It usually only feels like this when I'm playing sports.
D: OK. And have you noticed any changes in your skin at all? Any rashes?
P: No rashes.
D: OK, have you had any cough or runny nose or sore throat? Any kind of those symptoms and in the past month?
P: Uh few weeks ago I was a little runny, but that went away on its own. I haven't had any cough.
D: OK, and have you been feeling dizzy at all or have you fainted?
P: No dizziness and uh no I haven't fainted at all.
D: OK. Just a few more questions. Have you had any diagnosis made by any physician or any anything like diabetes or high blood pressure?
P: Yeah, I've been told I have high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
D: OK, and do you take any medications for the these things?
P: Um, I do take medications for both blood pressure and cholesterol, Rosuvastatin and um Lisinopril and I take a multi vitamin.
D: OK, and do you have any allergies to any medications at all?
P: No allergies.
D: OK, have you at all in the past been hospitalized for any reason?
P: No hospitalizations.
D: Any previous surgeries?
P: No.
D: OK, and within your family, has anyone passed away from a heart attack or any cancers that run in the family?
P: No.
D: OK, and currently right now, do you live alone? Do you live with someone? And where do you live, like an apartment or house?
P: I I live in a house with um, my parents.
D: OK, and do you currently work?
P: Yeah, I I drive a bus for the city.
D: OK. And in your daily routine, would you say you get enough exercise throughout the week?
P: Uhh yeah, usually on Sundays I'll go for a run.
D: OK, and how about your diet? Well, how's your diet like, just regularly?
P: Uhh, usually I feel like it's fairly balanced overall, I might I eat out a little bit too often, but try to eat as many vegetables as I can.
D: OK. And do you smoke cigarettes at all?
P: I do yes. Been smoking for the last 20 years roughly.
D: OK, how much do you smoke on an average day?
P: About a half a pack to a pack a day.
D: OK. And do you drink?
P: No alcohol.
D: OK, and any recreational drugs like marijuana?
P: Um, no marijuana, but I have used crystal meth in the past.
D: OK, and when was the last time that you used crystal meth?
P: Um, six days ago.
D: Six days ago, OK, and how often do you use crystal meth?
P: Um, I would say a couple of times a month.
D: A couple of times a month, OK. Alright, and for how long have you been using crystal meth?
P: Uh for the last seven years.
D: Seven years, OK.