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D: I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about what brought you in to the Emergency Department today?
P: Yeah, so nice to meet you. I've been having this pain right in my abdomen. It's kind of like in the upper right area.
D: OK, and so uh, when, where is this painting located exactly?
P: So it's just in the upper right corner of my abdomen, right below where the lungs are, and it, yeah, it's just I have this severe pain that's going on.
D: OK, and how long is it been going on for?
P: So it's been going on for the last few days and it got worse today.
D: OK, and how long is it been since it's like got got worse, has this been a few hours or or how long is that been?
P: So I would say it got worse, just three or four hours ago before I came to the Emergency Department.
D: OK, and does the pain radiate anywhere?
P: Uh no, it stays right in the in the spot that I told you right in the right upper corner.
D: OK, and when did the pain start? Or if you could tell me what were you doing right prior to the pain starting?
P: So I think it started after just three days ago after I had a meal like I I think it was after lunch around half an hour or an hour after lunch.
D: I see OK, has the pain gotten worse, stayed the same, or gotten better since since yesterday?
P: I think it's gotten, it was, it's the worst today, like especially like a few hours ago like 3 hours ago, it was much worse than the other two days.
D: OK, and how would you describe the character or the quality of the pain?
P: So it's like a sharp, I would describe it as like a sharp pain.
D: OK, and on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most severe pain, what would you rate it as?
P: I would rate it as, right now I would rate it as an 8.
D: OK, and has anything like this happened to you before?
P: I think it happened to me a few years back, where I had this pain and then it just kind of went away on its own. I didn't go to the Emergency Department then though.
D: OK, and has there been anything that you've tried to make this pain any better?
P: I tried taking just like Advil and Tylenol, but it didn't really seem to help the pain too much.
D: OK, and have you had any other associated symptoms such as nausea or or vomiting?
P: I've I've had some nausea over the past few days, but I haven't vomited anything.
D: OK, so no blood in your emesis uh or no vomiting at all?
P: Uh, yeah.
D: OK, and have you traveled anywhere recently?
P: Uh no like we haven't traveled anywhere recently.
D: OK, and, how has your energy levels been?
P: Uh, energy uh when it's hurting a lot like today I've been it's been difficult to move around, I've been pretty drained from the pain but uh otherwise over the last few days it hasn't affected me too much, but today I would say my energy levels are down.
D: OK, and have you noticed any skin changes or any rashes?
P: I don't think so. I mean, I don't think I've noticed any kind of skin changes.
D: OK, and how about any changes to urinary habits like painful urination or the color of your urine?
P: No no, no changes.
D: OK, and have you had any changes to bowel patterns such as diarrhea or changes in color of your stool?
P: No, I don't think so. No changes that I've noticed.
D: OK, so notice any blood in the stool?
P: No, no blood.
D: OK, and how has your appetite been?
P: It's it was around the same before the pain actually started getting worse, so today I didn't really feel like eating. I did have nausea over the past few days, but my appetite I would say is the worst today.
D: OK, and have you noticed any changes to your weight recently?
P: No, no, I don't think so.
D: OK, and have you had any recent infections?
P: No, not not that I know of.
D: OK, so next just to ask some questions about your past medical history, have you been diagnosed with any medical conditions in the past?
P: Uh so, I think the only thing is my doctor told me that I should lose some weight, but other than that no medical history.
D: OK, and any allergies to medications?
P: Uh no, no allergies.
D: And are there any medications that you take on a regular basis, either prescribed or over the counter?
P: Uh not prescribed, sometimes I take like some antacids when I get heartburn. But this is just like a couple times a month after dinner, sometimes at night, but that's about it.
D: OK, and, uh, any, um, hospitalizations?
P: Just for just when I had my children, at the time of their birth, but that's it.
D: OK, and have you been around anybody who's been sick?
P: No.
D: OK, and have you had any prior surgeries?
P: Nope, no prior surgeries.
D: OK, and any family history of gallbladder disease or cardiovascular disease in the family?
P: Um, so my father died of a stroke when he was in his 60s, my mother does have gallstones.
D: OK, and what do you do for work?
P: So I work in at the bank as a consultant.
D: OK, and do you drink alcohol?
P: Uh, yeah sometimes, maybe one or two glasses of wine every night.
D: OK, and do you feel the need to cut down on your drinking?
P: No, not really.
D: OK, have you ever felt annoyed by people criticizing your drinking?
P: Uh No.
D: OK, have you felt guilty about your drinking?
P: Uh no, so should I be?
D: Uhm no, at the at this time, just wanting to gauge a sense of how you feel about your drinking levels at this time and the follow up question to that would be, have you ever felt the need to have a drink early in the morning?
P: Uh no, no I've never drank, I don't drink in the morning.
D: OK, and do you use recreational drugs?
P: Uh, no never.
D: OK and do you smoke cigarettes?
P: Nope.
D: And um, do, oh, and then, um, who are you living with currently at home?
P: And so I'm living with my two children and my partner.
D: And can you tell me a little bit about the home situation?
P: Yeah, the home situation is fine, like kids are doing great and my partner is very supportive. No, no issues that I can think of at home.
D: OK, excellent.