Reddit Comment: But this still views the right as free markets. In this case, the free market mutualism of Kevin Carson & the like would be further right than capitalism. Conservatives are also still listed as further right than liberals even though they spend just as much as liberals do on social security on their subsidies & tax breaks.
Reddit Comment: It seems to me that the better question is whether Canada needs the Liberal Party, with its habitual incompetence, unprofessionalism, and penchant for corruption.
No sooner have the Liberals taken office than corruption has already begun, with the payoff to the CBC, and allowing unions and native Indian chiefs to cover up their spending.
Reddit Comment: Rest in peace.
Then you have absolute morons like [this](http://i.imgur.com/bUlLKzn.png) who doesn't acknowledge that there were Kurds among the casualties and that there's an actual death cult right outside of Qamishlo's borders who wants minorities more dead than anything in the world. What the fuck did this prick say when ISIS targeted Kurds celebrating Newroz in Cizire canton and 200 people died?
Reddit Comment: #34!
Happy New Year!! Go Bernie!
Reddit Comment: I donated earlier while i was at work for the match. I couldn't get on imgur from work. Sorry i'm late with the post but to let you know I did donate to Bernie. http://imgur.com/QBUiear
Reddit Comment: He's pretending that making a few thousand over the federal poverty limit(which no one could reasonably live off of) are more affluent families than those that make a dollar less than them.
Reddit Comment: Welcome to the club guys, you now agree with what 90% of Americans have known since Carson declared his run.
Reddit Comment: Manchin-Toomey contained more than just background checks and was from 2013. Manchin-Toomey is not a synonym for "universal background checks," therefore his argument is a straw man argument.
Reddit Comment: I have 125k comment karma and still single.
Reddit Comment: Christian beliefs are not needed (look at Japan, Korea, Singapore) so much as strong anti-corruption practices.
The countries you mentioned have plenty of corruption as well, and I didn't say that Christian beliefs were the only possible way - but the US has a western culture and a majority Christian population. We aren't likely to convert to Buddhism or Shinto. I also didn't characterize all religions as being equal, and specified Christianity for a reason, so your comparisons to ISIS and the Saudis are pointless.
I'd go on to venture to say there is a negative correlation between secular and crime when comparing countries. latin america is quite catholic - but also very corrupt - and with a lot more crime.
Depends on where you look. People with strong Christian practices tend to not be criminals, as the two are antithetical to each other. ...and it is hard to argue that Latin America in general is more prone to crime than some of our more secular areas in the US like Detroit and Chicago.
Reddit Comment: So because you specifically gain from his tax plan we should all favour it? No. Trumps tax proposals benefit less people than Bernie's tax plan does, that is a fact.
Reddit Comment: But then you run into the contrary point -- what if the owner really did only want to prohibit dogs? What if he is specifically allergic to dogs, and does not care about other animals?
Isn't the better solution to write laws well, and amend them as necessary, as opposed to trying to apply their wording to constantly changing circumstances based off best guesses regarding original intent?
Reddit Comment: But... it is psychological?
No, when I said that, I wasn't referring to the actual origins of homosexuality but the definition of proof itself. Otherwise, you are right and the possible psychology behind homosexuality does need to be brought up anytime its origins are being debated.
Reddit Comment: Just to clear this up, they're not drawing blood of every person driving a car. They still need probable cause that you have been drinking and driving. This could be the smell of alcohol, an open container, etc. If everything checks out then you'll be on your way like any other checkpoint. There's no mass collection of DNA by cops.
Reddit Comment: Nice I'm honored to have made it on that short list
Btw if you haven't picked up on it, he has the same MO as jackrousseau who was a massive asshole to you and cosmic iirc
Reddit Comment: Where can I pick up my little red book?
Reddit Comment: Of course they did more and everyone knows it. The comment is not suggesting they did not. It was one of many things they did. It was not required for Bekenel to list all of them as its pretty obvious what happened. The comment by Bekenel was not misrepresentative nor dishonest for this reason. Please don't be so dramatic.
Reddit Comment: Here's $15 more. http://i.imgur.com/mSMC65B.jpg
Reddit Comment: See rule IV.
Reddit Comment: Using taxpayer funds to pay for everyone's health care cannot and will not reduce costs.
Reddit Comment: #35!