Reddit Comment: Phonebank!
Reddit Comment: So many Knesset members just sit around all day and do absolutely nothing. They come to work and just balance the status quo in fear that any decision which deviates even a little from the consensus might fail, or worse, piss off a sub-group of voters.
Bennett makes decisions, and albeit some aren't great, but at least he makes mistakes from which he can learn. I can't say if this is a bad or good decision, but at least he's doing what we are paying him to do.
Reddit Comment: That would cause more traffic and the city would have to pay for more roads.
Reddit Comment: If it quacks like a duck, it's a duck. If it quacks like a duck and calls itself a pig, it's still a duck. That's the limitation of No True Scotsman.
Reddit Comment: but Obama is a terrorist sand nigger and bush saved us by in invading the middle East
Reddit Comment: You are arguing that because an action benefits someone that they must have only taken that action because it benefits them. This is absolutely ridiculous.
Bernie certainly is not running for president to serve his self interests like Trump.
Reddit Comment: Wooooo!!
Thank you.
Reddit Comment: However, his denomination questions whether the medical field is real.
Reddit Comment: Have you ever heard of Southern strategy? Nixon started it, and its the reason for why the Republican party has been over run by evangelical right wing nuts like Ted Cruz. So what exactly do you think will happen with Trump's new bigot strategy?
I'm sorry, you don't trust someone who appeals to the worst traits of a America for political gain, because that should generally tell you something about the character of that person.
Begin paying attention to everything your candidate says, don't just select what's convenient. I don't care if it contradicts something he's previously stated or done, every word counts. Each of these candidates shape their supporters reality, just look at the terror attacks on Planned Parent hood clinics for an understanding of what lies can do. Trump is going to get someone killed, and saying thousands of Muslims celebrated the collapse of the trade towers is a good example of how to spark that kind of fear and hate. The things Trump has said during his presidential run are evil, and most of what he says has no evidence or basis.
Reddit Comment: If you support electoral reform a referendum is a bad thing because every time voters have had a vote, electoral reform has failed to pass. This likely wouldn't change in a national referendum so if you can avoid one, why wouldn't you?
Reddit Comment: that's like Reagan and Obama.
Reddit Comment: But not on that ranch.
Reddit Comment: #33 !!
Cheers mate! Happy New Year!
Reddit Comment: taxpayers would not welcome it as much as you claim?
Yes. I'm sure they would welcome a tax, that was lower and replaced, their out of pocket expenses for their health care.
Reddit Comment: You mean kind of like this reply?:
[鈥揮shoe788 -2 points 3 hours ago
Considering a good portion of your comments are responding to your own threads, I'd say masturbation sums up your reddit activity
Reddit Comment: If you try to rape someone, and they shoot and kill you in the process, this is not a bad thing.
Reddit Comment: How is this chick even a thing anymore? She was just a liar.
Reddit Comment: I see, that makes sense. I wonder what else you can hedge against. And I mean as a regular business that doesn't really trade much on capital markets.
Often, I hear the argument that derivatives are bad because they are only good for the banks and funds who want to bet on something or use it as a hedge against capital loss. So I wonder what some good counterarguments are. Like something that will protect (for example) a software company, or a car company (etc.) against some uncertain future possible problem or something.
Reddit Comment: 8 years seems to be the standard.