And I'm not debating the cost-benefit of having single-payer healthcare
Then i think we are done here, as that is the heart of the matter.
I'm not going to hold it against you, I don't expect a researcher for feelthebern.org to really understand actual numbers well.
you must think we are all economists. some of us specialize in other areas.
Reddit Comment: Yes.
Again, care to support that with any evidence?
How about the completely institutionalized, up front, and uncontested discrimination? If a quota or AA gives women an edge, do you really think that doesn't affect men?
Your claim wasn't that there was discrimination, it was that it resulted in a tangible effect on men's income being less than womens. That requires a substantial amount of evidence. Again, I'm asking you to support your claim with some empirical proof or evidence which would show that this is the case.
This doesn't contradict what I said. It favors women, but men do it more.
But it's doesn't lend support for your argument either. Since it was being used as "evidence" of something which, in all honesty, you haven't even proven to be existent in the first place (That women make more than men), I don't rightly know what to say other than... you have to support your claims with some measure of evidence.
Reddit Comment: #32!
That's cool!! Happy New Year!
Reddit Comment: When he was a mod he deleted enkaras posts repeatedly and told her he would stop when she calmed down
Reddit Comment: Dudes a huge narcissist. I never looked at his campaign of anything more than an ego stroke.
Reddit Comment: Bernie says it many times, this campaign is not just about electing him as president. It's about creating a revolution of political awareness and activism in citizens so we can elect a more progressive Congress who *will* cooperate and get reforms done.
Obama can't get anything passed because most of Congress were elected on campaigns funded by corporations that want to control legislation. Bernie has promised to appoint a Supreme Court that will strike down Citizens United which gives them this loophole, and restore campaign finance system to reason.
We're counting on those two factors to bring the political system back on track.
Reddit Comment: bernie's opposition to free trade is problematic, seeing that [economists unanimously support it](http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_0dfr9yjnDcLh17m)
Reddit Comment: No, it's clear that you do not understand the law and why qualified immunity is important in a case such as this.
It is also clear that you don't understand that in order for a charge of murder to be founded against a law enforcement officer for the use of deadly force in furtherance of his job it would be necessary that the use of deadly force was an unreasonable seizure under the 4th Amendment and that he violated Ohio's law on the use of deadly force by police. He didn't.
Hence the interplay of qualified immunity and all the other civil cases referenced herein.
Now come back when you have an actual legal argument that is based upon the law and not feels.
Reddit Comment: Wow that's a mouthful, what up with the double negative? ARe you saying that you *are* doing government when people *are* distracted enough to want unions? What does that even mean?
Reddit Comment: Wow. Justify something by pointing out what the other party did doesn't make it ok.^edit it's an average of 12 bucks a person. Stop already
Reddit Comment: get a girlfriend
Have you ever crushed on a guy before? Or is it you're specifically focusing on women?
Reddit Comment: First, most of the cost is in security and presidential staff. So, where ever they go it is costly and about the same.
Taking the most vacation days when he was telling us that we had to give up civil rights is more than hypocritical. Plus refusing to come back from vacation when all US intelligence agencies were warning him of an imminent attack cost us a whole lot more than than the cost of the vacation, several trillion more.
Reddit Comment: [Anarchy Works - Q&amp;A format book that answers common questions](http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-anarchy-works)
[The Conquest of Bread - Anarcho-communism](http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/kropotkin/conquest/ch1.html)
If you're interested in Anarcho-syndicalism check out Noam Chomsky (Chomsky has lots of youtube content/lectures) and Rudolf Rocker
Other books I'd recomend: Mutual-aid by Kroptokin, Anarchism and other essays by Goldman, What is Property? by Proudhon, God and the State by Bakunin, anything by Subcomandante Marcos (leader of the Zapatistas) ... Our word is our Weapon is a good place to start
You can find audiobooks on librivox if that's more your fashion
Reddit Comment: nah ur right, they should just ignore the police caused deaths.
Reddit Comment: For Republicans you have to switch from proving you are the most crazy to trying to prove to the majority of Americans that everything you just stood for was bullshit. Can't work.