User: Illadelph shot
Reddit Comment: I was told there was a picture of an Asian girl sucking on a long thick white pipe?
User: If you've been wondering about the futuristic new gun the IDF is using .... (TAR-21)
Reddit Comment: Thank goodness the Israelis can kill Palestinians with ergonomic comfort.
User: Obama signs order to shut Guantanamo Bay
Reddit Comment: Jeez, Obama is reneging on his promises already.
Reddit Comment: I believe looking like an idiot makes you look like an idiot... I'm not sure what being an atheist has to do with it.
User: Zimbabwe abandons its currency
Reddit Comment: Clearly this is the result of Zimbabwean officials not acting "boldly" and "swiftly" enough with their central economic planning to prevent an economic collapse... Good thing the US is taking notes on what happens.
User: Nobody forces you to either eat at a restaurant or drink a soda there.
Reddit Comment: But if there is a demand for cheaper soda capitalism should be producing restaurants that sell such cheaper soda right?
User: Eliminating the military would only eliminate the deficit. We'd also have to get rid of almost all domestic programs to make up for the income tax shortfall (e.g. Depts of Energy, Interior, Education, Health/Human Services, SEC, etc.)
Reddit Comment: those departments do such a great job
User: PC gaming isn't my area of expertise but does reddit think it might have to do with combating piracy? I know they announced a bit of research last week that said PC piracy was a big problem for them. Maybe they want to own the server so they can check the license?
Reddit Comment: That could be.. we all know that it's impossible to copy console games.
User: Out of LSD? Just 15 Minutes of Sensory Deprivation Triggers Hallucinations
Reddit Comment: Yes, LSD and sensory deprivation are pretty much exactly the same thing.
User: Collapse - Release Date: 6 November 2009
Reddit Comment: I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw the "Onion" on the critics review of this... I'd love to have them as serious critics for my movie.
User: Not with the Mono infeection, it ain't. I'm switching to Fedora
Reddit Comment: We'll miss your bitching and misspelling, belieeve me.
User: Lakota Indians want to withdraw their treaties with the US; hope to take Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming with them.
Reddit Comment: Indian Givers!
User: Living on a Prayer
Reddit Comment: Def Jams: How to be a Prayer
User: That she is.
Reddit Comment: Indeed.
User: Another way of saying that you've got nothing.
Reddit Comment: Yes, lol, clearly my refusal to copy and paste my response to the other person who made your identical argument is another of way of saying I have no response.
User: Just bring back the Model T (with a few updates such as a fuel pump and carburetor), it gets better mileage than modern cars and it's easy to work on. Plus, it's a car that Detroit can actually build.
Reddit Comment: from the marketing brochure: * A classic of American craftsmanship * Safe at speeds of up to 25mph
User: Man, just let the woman live her life you insensitive prick. Way to ruin her day and make her feel more miserable about her own existence while you go home to you mom's house and jack off to shit on the internet.