User: Bruh you fit rules 1 and 2 no homo
Reddit Comment: That jawline tho
User: is there still a difference nowadays?
Reddit Comment: Oh come on
User: Monday night Drinking thread Brought to You by Infuriating capitalization Inconsistencies
Reddit Comment: gotta love the teachers who give exams on the day after halloween
User: You win this round, Simpson
Reddit Comment: my last name is simpson irl and you gave me quite a frighten before i remembered the yellow-people show
User: New anime pictures
Reddit Comment: The hell is that face in the middle left
User: How baby is made.
Reddit Comment: Page 13 - After two babies, or five years of marriage, whichever comes first, mommy and daddy will completely stop doing steps 3-5, except on their anniversary or when Daddy's secretary gets fired again.
User: Nope. Game is doo-doo.
Reddit Comment: Yeah, it's not enough like COD for you.
User: except the 2012 lakers
Reddit Comment: Hoiberg said "great players", not Dwight
User: Live Discussion (October 1st, 2016) (Margot Robbie / The Weeknd) Welcome to the SNL season premiere live discussion thread! This week's host is Margot Robbie, and the musical guest is The Weeknd. A quick recommendation to mention the sketch you're referring to in your comment. It's not a hard and fast rule, but it does make the thread more readable after the show finishes. Since this thread is likely to fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. Enjoy the show!
Reddit Comment: SPOILERS!
User: A little self lovin can turn that 99 into a 100. Turn that frown upside down and beat it like it does you money!
Reddit Comment: Oh, I never realized it was so easy, why had I, and every other lonely person on earth never thought of that before?
User: I thought it was a Geo Prizm.
Reddit Comment: 1985 Yugo HAHAHA
User: For some reason I thought BOTH of those were Ryan. I was wrong, sorry y'all, I wasn't trying shit on Ryan, just pointing out how many things could go wrong in his care. But still, he isn't a safe driver was my point, and he doesn't make Bentley wear his seat belt.
Reddit Comment: I totally agree!
User: No, minimum $220 plus tax. You have to pay for a month of service.
Reddit Comment: Which is still a really good deal
User: How much Drake represents the personality of Canadians?
Reddit Comment: About tree fiddy
User: We're through the looking glass here people. BOR is echoing Obama on something.
Reddit Comment: In the days after 9/11, America appeared quite united against *another* common threat...
User: Turn signals are in cars for a reason. Why do people not use them?
Reddit Comment: BMW drivers
User: I could scare the crap out of my kids with that clicky noise the predator makes. Id love to be able to do it.