User: How does Yui learn guitar so fast? She can barely breathe without Ui's help.
Reddit Comment: I couldn't even breathe for a few seconds after reading this because I was laughing so hard.
User: Not only did she look good...she was the FUNNIEST of all the roasters....
Reddit Comment: Easy now, no need to get carried away
User: The issue of this topic aside, if you are to buy a new PSTV, I suggest doing so soon. They're obviously all discontinued, and the price is steadily going up on the things. As long as it's New In-Box, they're all guaranteed to be under 3.60 since they were discontinued late last year.
Reddit Comment: Price for PSTV is going up?
User: For shrine, should I spend my shards on Self Care or Decisive Strike? Neither are on my shrine atm, but I'm wondering which would be a better investment. To help me choose, my playstyle is lone-wolf, non-altruistic. Using Prestige 1, Level 24 Nea as main.
Reddit Comment: I know the devs have no plans to nerf DS right now, but I bet they do in the next few patches
User: Not even double hearts? Weak.
Reddit Comment: If you don't have 3 you're doing something wrong.
User: Yes. I mentioned this in a different comment, but yes. That's the whole problem. Lol
Reddit Comment: Your bf sounds like he might have an extra chromosome or two
User: Checkmate
Reddit Comment: lets hope this 'Swindle' is a perpetual check and not a surprise mating ;)
User: Really? You haven't noticed that these leftist liberals swallow anything coming from Clinton's mouth? She literally could say anything rediculous and far fetched and they still will believe her. It's like a female Jim Jones running for president.
Reddit Comment: Female Jim Jones...on target !
User: ... you have fans that say that?
Reddit Comment: We didn't say they were sober fans.
User: (M)y 3 incher (be gentle, it's my first time)
Reddit Comment: Are we not doing phrasing anymore?
User: Yes, but Hillary won't care as soon as she wins.
Reddit Comment: Frankly she doesn't act like she cares now.
User: Dubai Zipline
Reddit Comment: Zip lines are cool, but I'm more interested in what appears to be a swimming pool underneath her that is larger than my hometown.
User: Yeah, that's probably why he doesn't have a car yet. At this point all he can afford is a chrome bicycle.
Reddit Comment: Them spokes on the rims are pimp though
User: My Jewish GF and her 4 family members just got Red Pilled. 5 more votes!!!!!
Reddit Comment: Grab a coat for these patriots!
User: He tripped getting in and tore both quads
Reddit Comment: He tore one getting in, and the other after refusing help to the back
User: r/ph, how do you like your mocha?
Reddit Comment: Tang in a Mocha
User: RAIDERS FANS WISH THEY HAD VON MILLER. SO TRUE &amp;a RELATABLE!!! SO TRUE!!!! @RealSkipBayless: I keep waiting for Khalil Mack to create some havoc, make one play. Waiting ... and waiting ...
Reddit Comment: Careful what you wish for, Aldon Smith comes back and the Raiders still need to play you guys at mile high.