Reddit Comment: But they'll have all those reviews!
User: PGT: 9/4 vs. Indians All rants and angry posts go here. I'll start. Fuck Fernando Rodney
Reddit Comment: Kiiiiiiiil me
User: This is a great response! Too bad about the lack of accolades.
Reddit Comment: r/fuckyouididthemath
User: North Korea has never lied. Not once.
Reddit Comment: Even about that round of golf?
User: Your house is burning down and you only have time to grab one thing ( not including family or pets ), what do you grab?
Reddit Comment: My stuffed animal I've had since I was born.
User: Poor Dan. He looks like he needs some coffee or a energy drink. I don't think I've ever seen him be this quiet during a live stream.
Reddit Comment: I only watched the first 20 mins bc I fell asleep but in that time he already had drank a Coke Zero and had opened a diet Mountain Dew
User: This season's NFC equivalent of the Browns is straight up BUTT FUCKING US. I don't know how to handle this.
Reddit Comment: Lube up and take it?
User: Umm yes! It was a huge scandal, do you not member?
Reddit Comment: Funny how the media chose to never bring it up this election
User: Hey... Don't you know that a convoluted unsupported theory which is only "proven" by a **Reddit comment** is a definite fact? I mean how can a simple explanation make more sense. Clearly the tinfoil hat explanation always make more sense, always.
Reddit Comment: cant go wrong with yahudi and DAP ....Soros as well
User: 1,571,048
Reddit Comment: 1571049
User: But i liked Xpascal better with tartle then with chowex
Reddit Comment: Roger is such a good owner
User: Clinton campaign accuses FBI of 'blatant double standard'
Reddit Comment: wow it is totally unreasonable to assume that the agency that covered up Bush war crimes because "muh republican party" would be partisan as fuck
User: Anyone else think that it was interesting the way she mentioned that she had a tape recorder in her hand while he was assaulting her...
Reddit Comment: Ho ho ho... But Melania said that there is no way it could have happened because she didn't know the woman!
User: This map makes it look like there's a giant, lush, fertile valley in the middle, just waiting to produce all the food the world could possibly eat. Instead of being the endless fucking wasteland of ice and tundra that stored Captain America for 65 years.
Reddit Comment: TBH, that giant dent was probably made by the glacier itself.
User: What do you hate the most about the mainstream?
Reddit Comment: How I'm considered an asshole because I let people know that most of the shit they do or have is because of a trend that'll die out in a month.
User: Random question, how much of a pain in the ass is the appeals process for grades in college? I have a teacher who won't give me my credit for the online homework because of an obvious technical glitch.
Reddit Comment: Try talking to the department head
User: Doug Marrone named Jaguars interim head coach.
Reddit Comment: run run pass punt