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Neti pot fears brought me my 2nd Anxiety attack. Hi all I had my first anxiety attack September of last year. I don't know what triggered it but it turned my world upside down. I received some support from my family and I got over the hump thinking I would never have another episode again. I thought this was a one off thing 10 days ago I used a neti pot for a few days because i was feeling stuffy. I don't know what I was thinking but I used tap water. I didn't think anything of it until I looked it up and using tap water can lead to some rare brain eating amoeba. When I read that I fell into instant panic and have not been mentally well since. I've been living in constant fear of dying and making myself sick by internalizing everything I read on webmd and Google. It's hard to function everyday without feeling like im about to break down. I know this will sound silly and I will be made fun of but this is debilitating. I am seeing my doctor today to talk about my anxiety and the options I have. It feels like I have lost control of me .
neti pot fear brought nd anxiety attack hi first september last year know triggered turned world upside received support family got hump thinking would never another episode thought one thing day ago used feeling stuffy tap water think anything looked using lead rare brain eating amoeba read fell instant panic mentally well since living constant dying making sick internalizing everything webmd google hard function everyday without like im break sound silly made fun debilitating seeing doctor today talk option feel lost control
Moderately Negative
Anxiety insulted I have literally written and deleted this post 4 separate times. Today I was told ‘anxiety is just used to try to bend rules and guilt people’. This has caused me a day of anxiety, tears, yelling, feeling like my skin is trying to jump off my body. What makes this worse is that when I objected to this I was accused of shaming the person who said it and banned from the sub. I admit that I lost my cool when told this but the more I think about it the more I think that any reasonable person would loose their cool at this. These are the people that make anxiety a taboo subject. That make us stay silent when our anxiety is getting bad or too much to handle. The people that make us huddle silent in corners. Like many here, this is not the first time I’ve heard anxiety belittled. Not the first time I’ve been treated as weak, wrong or pathetic for suffering from anxiety. I’ve now lost a support group that helped me immensely and made to feel like a villain.
anxiety insulted literally written deleted post separate time today told used try bend rule guilt people caused day tear yelling feeling like skin trying jump body make worse objected accused shaming person said banned sub admit lost cool think reasonable would loose taboo subject u stay silent getting bad much handle huddle corner many first heard belittled treated weak wrong pathetic suffering support group helped immensely made feel villain
Moderately Negative
How do i stop being so tense when showing affection with a guy? I met this guy last night that I was talking to on tinder. We drove around for a while and talked and then we went into a parking lot. We talked some more and he sang to a song on the radio. He grabbed my hand and held it and was like, "seriously you need to relax. You're 23. Gain some confidence." He ended up kissing me (my first kiss) and then kissed me again. He kept telling me to relax and was like, "do u want me to touch you?" I told him no. He guided me on how to give a handjob and then he finished and I dropped him off and gave me a hug. How do I relax when with a guy and sex?
stop tense showing affection guy met last night talking tinder drove around talked went parking lot sang song radio grabbed hand held like seriously need relax gain confidence ended kissing first kiss kissed kept telling want touch told guided give handjob finished dropped gave hug sex
Moderately Negative
Any advice? I feel as if I’ll only find satisfaction and happiness in my life if I can just be in love with someone again. The problem is I’m horrible at meeting new people and I have really picky standards. I don’t necessarily have “high” standards but there’s just a certain type of person that I like I’m mainly just typing this to maybe feel better but feel free to leave me advice or something idk
advice feel find satisfaction happiness life love someone problem horrible meeting new people really picky standard necessarily high certain type person like mainly typing maybe better free leave something idk
Moderately Positive
So... what the hell just happened and is everything back to normal? Anxiety Nuke? For context, I have absolutely no idea why I had anxiety. I never expired a traumatic event or anything. 6 months ago I got a severe anxiety attack for no reason as I watched prank Youtube videos. It was so bad, I literally thought I was going to get a heart attack from how fast my heart was beating. I even had to be restrained by emergency personnel and even then they struggled. Days later, I get a prescription for Xanax and Setraline. I try the Setraline for two months and I see no difference so I stop it. I get the Xanax to use in case of emergency. During this time, I get anxiety attacks twice a week and my life is miserable. I begin to buy different things to try and help it. L-Thianine, Magnesium, Honokiol, Vitamin D, etc. None of seems to work and I simply have anxiety throughout the entire day. I struggle with regular anxiety attacks for months until exactly one week ago ... One week ago I said "Fuck it" and I decided to "nuke" anxiety by taking all of my medication at once. I took a Xanax, a setraline pill, L-thianine pill, Honokiol pill, Vitamin D, Vitamin B complex, Magnesium and then I proceeded to take an anxiety tea and passionflower tea. Let me tell you I was dazed, confused and dizzy as fuck. After drinking it all I thought man this was a terrible idea. I couldn't handle how dizzy I was so I climbed into bed and fell asleep. I always get anxiety when I sleep but this day I slept like a baby. I wake up and I'm still dizzy as fuck. I go about my day. I end the day and I realize I have not had any anxiety. I wonder if I should try the anxiety nuke again and decide not to. I go to bed and anticipate the anxiety I feel every day. I get nothing. Next thing I know I wake up and I feel perfect. Repeat this for a week and ever since then, I have had absolutely no anxiety whatsoever. In fact, maybe the only time I've had anxiety was yesterday when I wondered why I don't have anxiety. Other than that, panic attacks have totally gone away. I wonder what exactly "worked" or why it worked? But I do have questions. I mean ... is this the end of my anxiety, probably? Should I drink coffee? I avoided coffee when I was anxious because it was a guaranteed anxiety attack. Now though ... I feel somewhat confident to try it. Should I just not to do so I don't exacerbate my anxiety?
hell happened everything back normal anxiety nuke context absolutely idea never expired traumatic event anything month ago got severe attack reason watched prank youtube video bad literally thought going get heart fast beating even restrained emergency personnel struggled day later prescription xanax setraline try two see difference stop use case time twice week life miserable begin buy different thing help thianine magnesium honokiol vitamin etc none seems work simply throughout entire struggle regular exactly one said fuck decided taking medication took pill complex proceeded take tea passionflower let tell dazed confused dizzy drinking man terrible handle climbed bed fell asleep always sleep slept like baby wake still go end realize wonder decide anticipate feel every nothing next know perfect repeat ever since whatsoever fact maybe yesterday wondered panic totally gone away worked question mean probably drink coffee avoided anxious guaranteed though somewhat confident exacerbate
Moderately Negative
Health Anxiety Hello everyone. First time posting here. I have been living with health anxiety for a little over two years now. I get physical symptoms out of no where though. They come and go. Learning to deal with them with deep breathing , meditation and eating right I guess. No meds for me. I want to say moving to a new city, new job, excitement and of course being anxious triggered these symptoms one morning. Never have I experienced an anxiety attack like that morning. HORRIBLE feeling. So since then. These symptoms occur every now and then. They go away for sometime. I feel great. Then they're back and I'm in survival mode cause I'm in fear of dying. Sometimes. Don't understand them. I just want them to go away for good. I'd like to hear from everyone here what you think or know that triggered your anxiety. Either mentally or physically.
health anxiety hello everyone first time posting living little two year get physical symptom though come go learning deal deep breathing meditation eating right guess med want say moving new city job excitement course anxious triggered one morning never experienced attack like horrible feeling since occur every away sometime feel great back survival mode cause fear dying sometimes understand good hear think know either mentally physically
I'm afraid someone kills I'm an animal killer I drove right over a dead cat earlier. Didn't run it over, or even so much as harm the carcass as far as I'm aware, as my car is almost one of those coupes pretending to be an SUV. I though she was asleep but she didn't move. So I stopped, left my car, obviously blocking a one-car lane, and hurriedly moved the cat to the sidewalk after another car had also driven over it. Another car approached and waited for me to do my thing. But at that point I'm pretty sure everyone thought I was the one that killed the cat. We have a problem with street cats here so someone typically comes by the next morning and picks them up. It's just that now I can't help but think a bunch of strangers think I killed a cat. It's making my head spin ... almost feel like I wanna track those people down and explain myself.
afraid someone kill animal killer drove right dead cat earlier run even much harm carcass far aware car almost one coupe pretending suv though asleep move stopped left obviously blocking lane hurriedly moved sidewalk another also driven approached waited thing point pretty sure everyone thought killed problem street typically come next morning pick help think bunch stranger making head spin feel like wanna track people explain
Getting annoyed I’ve had diagnosed anxiety for about 5 years and actually the first time I’m speaking about it on the internet. I don’t take medication because I do not have health insurance but I never thought I needed it and that I could learn to cope with it on my own. Well it’s been 5 years now and if anything it’s gotten deeper. I was reaching a good point until I experienced a very close and personal death suddenly about a year and a half ago. I sunk back into this state I had never experienced before. I don’t shower if I do it’s maybe once a week and just a quick shampoo, I stay in my room and lay in bed and watch tv until night time and I go and smoke and then I come home sleep and do it all over again. I’ve quit/never shown up to jobs because I’ve put myself in the mindset of I just can’t do it. A couple months ago I moved into a new house and I’ve gotten myself into this idea that I’ll set a new routine and get into good habits and I’ll get better. At this point I feel like I’ve tried everything; taking relaxing baths, cbd, exercising, eating healthy, talking to people, sometimes I’m even able to force myself to go out but I catch myself thinking these terrible thoughts while I’m out and it’s not long before I retreat back into my room by 3 pm. I feel like I’m running low on options and I don’t know what else to do which is why I decided to look up this subreddit and maybe I’ll hear something I’ve never heard of. I’m failing my classes this semester and I’m calling out sick everyday on my second job this year. I’m willing to try pretty much anything at this point
getting annoyed diagnosed anxiety year actually first time speaking internet take medication health insurance never thought needed could learn cope well anything gotten deeper reaching good point experienced close personal death suddenly half ago sunk back state shower maybe week quick shampoo stay room lay bed watch tv night go smoke come home sleep quit shown job put mindset couple month moved new house idea set routine get habit better feel like tried everything taking relaxing bath cbd exercising eating healthy talking people sometimes even able force catch thinking terrible long retreat pm running low option know else decided look subreddit hear something heard failing class semester calling sick everyday second willing try pretty much
Moderately Positive
Was drunk don't remember what i said So i heard my friend's sister got engaged and i called my friend (not engaged one). I don't remember the call at all since i had a few drinks. I am getting really anxious about what i said since I don't know what i said. Ik it is a small chance i said something stupid/mean but since I can't remember there is still that chance. I messaged my friend asking if we are friends still this morning but she never gets up early so u have to wait hours to know. Kinda having a panic attack and i have to go to work soon. Guess i have to wait but i will be super anxious about it.
drunk remember said heard friend sister got engaged called one call since drink getting really anxious know ik small chance something stupid mean still messaged asking morning never get early wait hour kinda panic attack go work soon guess super
Moderately Negative
Help me I thought this week was going great, I felt super proud and confident of myself, but my roommate just left for the long weekend and now I’m alone and I feel like a fucking loser and a failure, why can’t I be alone with myself without freaking out why can’t I just breathe normally and have a regular heart beat and be okay with myself, why am I like this. Why do I need to be around other people to feel okay. Whenever I’m alone I fall into a deep hole of thoughts on eating disorders and convince myself that I have one or that I should get one, but in the back of my head I think I just want the attention, but why, why do I need attention, or do I really have an eating disorder. What the fuck is wrong with me, help me, i can’t handle this anymore
help thought week going great felt super proud confident roommate left long weekend alone feel like fucking loser failure without freaking breathe normally regular heart beat okay need around people whenever fall deep hole eating disorder convince one get back head think want attention really fuck wrong handle anymore
Moderately Positive
Unnecessary surgery Hi, ​ I am not really sure where to post this but I'm not sure how I am supposed to move along, if I can. Approximately a year ago I did a jaw surgery that was not necessary, yes, you heard it right. ​ It all started a few years earlier when I was taken off my braces and the process started of wearing a plastic attachment for my teeth for a few months ahead. I was sloppy with it and the result ended in a gap between my teeth, quite a big one. ​ Jumping forward approximately two years ago I once again started to wear braces and the process of fixing the gap started. For some reason I did not want to tell the dentist that it was most likely due to me being sloppy with the plastic attachment, I am not sure if I felt ashamed or similar. The issue with me is that I have a really hard time to be honest about my feelings and this is not the first time I have been in situations where I have just accepted it, for example being bullied, being quite lonely, left jobs due to social phobia. It feels like eventually I am gonna realize all the stuff I never dared to tell people and feel loads of anxiety. ​ As I sit here and write I feel nauseous and that I have let down family. That I do not have the courage to tell people how I feel or when I feel bad keeps getting me into situations I do not want. Luckily enough, the surgery was quite minimal and I look pretty much the same. But it is not about that, it is about taking an issue that I do not dare to tell family or others and elevate it to something like this. ​ I have no clue how to move forward from this, almost every evening I think about it and it makes me feel so so bad about myself.
unnecessary surgery hi really sure post supposed move along approximately year ago jaw necessary yes heard right started earlier taken brace process wearing plastic attachment teeth month ahead sloppy result ended gap quite big one jumping forward two wear fixing reason want tell dentist likely due felt ashamed similar issue hard time honest feeling first situation accepted example bullied lonely left job social phobia feel like eventually gonna realize stuff never dared people load anxiety sit write nauseous let family courage bad keep getting luckily enough minimal look pretty much taking dare others elevate something clue almost every evening think make
I just started taking clonazepam and I feel more like myself than ever. Weirdly enough I feel like there’s a hole in me. Not like depression. I’ve had that, and continually have to manage it. It’s just a emotional hole if anybody can relate?
started taking clonazepam feel like ever weirdly enough hole depression continually manage emotional anybody relate
Put in my two weeks.. severe anxiety next few days. Help, I'm struggling Hi, A little background. I'm 25 years old, and a male. I recently started having anxiety right after I put in my two weeks at work. Oddly enough, I've only dealt with anxiety twice in my life before. Once when I was young and I was being bullied about "possibly" being gay although I wasn't.. they convinced my mind that maybe I was? (I was 10). Another time two years ago when I revisited a mistake that I made when I was in college. I slipped up w/ that mistake again and it ATE at me.. not sure why because I hadn't felt that type of guilt/anxiety before and it was a long ordeal until all was solved. This time was different. I've wanted to leave this job for awhile, and financially I can afford to take a month or two to find my career path. My girlfriend, and family support me.. but my mind won't let me understand things. This all started on Tuesday, right after I put in my two weeks. After that, I instantly had anxiety constantly worried and scared of my future. I cannot understand why.. and people around me are so supportive etc but for some reason my mind won't let me wrap around the fact that I'm okay and things will be fine. I have zero debt, financially I have money to survive for multiple months, I have a college degree. It's hit or miss though.. for an hour I'll feel great and be like "Wtf are you even sad about dude????" and then it comes back when my mind runs and I cannot stop my mind from running. I'm genuinely scared because this happens to me so rarely but its so intense that I start tearing up for no reason. I never cry, ever and it just breaks me down so badly. I feel like I'm fighting my mind but for no reason because my mind is forcing so many negative thoughts through me. I could use any advice/help. I talked to someone last time, but that situation was much more severe and I had a reasonable reason to be feeling the way I am. I feel as though this isn't reasonable and I shouldn't be feeling this way.. and it scares me that it'll never go away. I'm genuinely scared to live if I have to feel like this off and on every day of my life.. which is ridiculous because I've only dealt with it a few times in my life.. but it's still a thought.
put two week severe anxiety next day help struggling hi little background year old male recently started right work oddly enough dealt twice life young bullied possibly gay although convinced mind maybe another time ago revisited mistake made college slipped ate sure felt type guilt long ordeal solved different wanted leave job awhile financially afford take month find career path girlfriend family support let understand thing tuesday instantly constantly worried scared future cannot people around supportive etc reason wrap fact okay fine zero debt money survive multiple degree hit miss though hour feel great like wtf even sad dude come back run stop running genuinely happens rarely intense start tearing never cry ever break badly fighting forcing many negative thought could use advice talked someone last situation much reasonable feeling way scare go away live every ridiculous still
Moderately Positive
DAE feel like they can’t breathe? I don’t know if I could have asthma or not. I always feel like I’m not getting enough air with my breaths. On top of that my chest is almost always tight. No matter how many breaths I take or if I use breathing exercises, I’ll always feel like I’m not getting enough breath. If you experience this, what are some ways to help this?
dae feel like breathe know could asthma always getting enough air breath top chest almost tight matter many take use breathing exercise experience way help
Moderately Positive
Is is just in my head? I was at work today and the work load was unmanageable to the extent I had to stay behind for an extra few hours. Everything had to be completed by today. I was also taking on another person's workload as they were away. At first I realised I wasn't feeling well I had this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach like nausea but not quite. Was it the food that I ate? I was sweating, more then when I have a hardcore workout at the gym. Maybe it was just hot in the office? My mouth was dry. Was my hand shaking as I picked up that piece of paper? Was I just stressed? About maybe letting down my team? About maybe letting down my manager? About them realising that they made a mistake when they hired me? Is this anxiety?
head work today load unmanageable extent stay behind extra hour everything completed also taking another person workload away first realised feeling well sick pit stomach like nausea quite food ate sweating hardcore workout gym maybe hot office mouth dry hand shaking picked piece paper stressed letting team manager realising made mistake hired anxiety
Moderately Negative
An improv teacher poked fun at my speech impediment. She asked me to do a monologue in front of her and then she laughs to herself saying "I'm sorry. I'm just laughing at the way you talk. Go on". The school email me asking if I'd be interested in their upcoming courses. I replied asking them to take me off their mailing list and to never contact me again.
improv teacher poked fun speech impediment asked monologue front laugh saying sorry laughing way talk go school email asking interested upcoming course replied take mailing list never contact
Moderately Positive
Anxiety is getting so much worse, I feel like I’m constantly vibrating I feel like my body is constantly vibrating, the thought of even moving makes my heart race and I don’t know how to stop it. The only anxiety medication that’s ever helped me was klonopin but my psych took me off it months ago. To him, I didn’t need it since I’d get addicted. I feel so sick. I was taking a medication for months that was messing up my vision badly until I stopped feeling any effect from it with the occasional vision problem, it’s like taking nothing but my psych also said, “it must be working in the background.” And continues not to listen to me. It feels hopeless
anxiety getting much worse feel like constantly vibrating body thought even moving make heart race know stop medication ever helped klonopin psych took month ago need since get addicted sick taking messing vision badly stopped feeling effect occasional problem nothing also said must working background continues listen hopeless
Moderately Negative
How can i get taken more seriously at the doctor? No one takes me seriously because of my anxiety/OCD. It’s so hard to communicate when I’m dealing with anxiety. All they can see is how anxious I am. So they just don’t take my true issues seriously.
get taken seriously doctor one take anxiety ocd hard communicate dealing see anxious true issue
Moderately Negative
The bittersweet sleep When I turn off my lamp and start falling asleep I finally feel at ease, but when I wake up to the sun rising and my alarm blaring my anxiety is at a high.
bittersweet sleep turn lamp start falling asleep finally feel ease wake sun rising alarm blaring anxiety high
Moderately Positive
Does anyone else feel the same way I do sometimes? Idk where else to come, so here I am. Do I have anxiety or something like that? Sometimes, I will feel absolutely dead inside. I will want to do nothing but lay in bed on my phone. It’s hard to breathe. I overthink an insane amount, and it drives me crazy. Often I find myself thinking that my friends actually hate me and they are just pretending to like me as to not hurt my feelings. Sometimes I’m asked to do a small task and I burn inside. I don’t know if this is actually something I need to be worried about or I am just overreacting. Yeah. I might add more later.
anyone else feel way sometimes idk come anxiety something like absolutely dead inside want nothing lay bed phone hard breathe overthink insane amount drive crazy often find thinking friend actually hate pretending hurt feeling asked small task burn know need worried overreacting yeah might add later
Moderately Negative
That weird head feeling... Not quiet a headache, or dizziness, but almost. Maybe my head feels numb, or is it actuallu tingling? Am I about to fall asleep or stroke out? Is my brain not getting enough oxygen or is my skull about to explode from internal pressure? How can I be experiencing all the sensations at once? Anyone relate to this? It's the (hopefully) anxiety symptom I hate most.
weird head feeling quiet headache dizziness almost maybe feel numb actuallu tingling fall asleep stroke brain getting enough oxygen skull explode internal pressure experiencing sensation anyone relate hopefully anxiety symptom hate
Moderately Negative
When you feel a breakdown coming soon, how do you try to stop it? Okay. When you feel a breakdown coming soon, how do you try to stop it? Or make it less harmful? I usually drink red bull or monsters, smoke cigarettes and drink coffee in coffee places. In some cases I just want to see my anxiety face to face and stop my copying mechanisms. And you?
feel breakdown coming soon try stop okay make le harmful usually drink red bull monster smoke cigarette coffee place case want see anxiety face copying mechanism
Moderately Positive
Making phone calls Hello Does anyone else have a big problem with making phone calls? It's not that I'm not used to making phone calls or that I don't know how to make them, but I just feel so uncomfortable, whether I have to make an important call or someone else calls me. I don't even like phoning with my friends, but with my bf I don't have any problems. I don't know what exactly makes me anxious about it, because every time I finish a phone call, I think 'Yeah, that wasn't a big deal', but whenever I know that I have to make one in the evening, I'm already frightened about it in the morning. Every time my phone rings I'm anxious as fuck and most of the time I don't answer it and whenever I have to call someone, I try to avoid it and to find other ways. Do you have any tips for me?
making phone call hello anyone else big problem used know make feel uncomfortable whether important someone even like phoning friend bf exactly anxious every time finish think yeah deal whenever one evening already frightened morning ring fuck answer try avoid find way tip
Moderately Negative
Every once in a while I get the concept of death stuck in my mind. Thinking I’m not going to be here anymore, thinking my parents won’t be here, thinking what’s going to happen after I die. Just thinking about how we all are mortal. That gives me such bad anxiety I disassociate and I try to go back to normal, I can’t. I’m in that state right now and I really don’t know what to do.
every get concept death stuck mind thinking going anymore parent happen die mortal give bad anxiety disassociate try go back normal state right really know
I don’t want to self harm again, I just want my brain to stop panicking I’ll be short and sweet.....my desire to harm myself is coming back. My doctors make me feel worse and my ability to connect is all but gone again. Why does my brain have to ruin everything? I don’t want to hurt myself but it’s the only thing that stops the endless chatter in my head going over all the things wrong with me. My only bright spot is my pets seem to know I’m not ok and are smothering me with love.
want self harm brain stop panicking short sweet desire coming back doctor make feel worse ability connect gone ruin everything hurt thing endless chatter head going wrong bright spot pet seem know ok smothering love
Moderately Positive
Anxiety from Remembering the Distant Past It usually happens when I’m working and focusing, I’ll start thinking about something and it leads to a painful memory or experience, to which I start talking to myself. I’ve always done this but I think it’s gotten worse over the last few years. I don’t know if this is common, normal or if I’m a complete freak.
anxiety remembering distant past usually happens working focusing start thinking something lead painful memory experience talking always done think gotten worse last year know common normal complete freak
Moderately Negative
DAE constantly question is they actually have anxiety? I’m very bad at identifying my feelings because I’ve never attempted to take much notice of them. I’ve always been a stressed and worrying person but because of this I can’t tell if its at a normal level or something anxiety/mental health related. It’s a constant state of not believing myself. My doctor gave me some medication but he always prescribes stuff without much questioning. Maybe it’s denial? I just want an answer and some understanding of my mind :( (I’m not asking for medical help. Just having a bit of a vent/type-a-thon sorry)
dae constantly question actually anxiety bad identifying feeling never attempted take much notice always stressed worrying person tell normal level something mental health related constant state believing doctor gave medication prescribes stuff without questioning maybe denial want answer understanding mind asking medical help bit vent type thon sorry
Moderately Negative
People with health anxiety/hypocondria...how do you calm your thoughts when you think you have some kind of severe illness? The past few days I've been thinking I have some kind of cancer and when I'm not being disctracted my thoughts can really make me think and feel all kinds of things...like now alone on the train. I'm only 20 and have no family history of cancer, still thinking rational is difficult.
people health anxiety hypocondria calm thought think kind severe illness past day thinking cancer disctracted really make feel thing like alone train family history still rational difficult
Moderately Positive
Anxiety and Driving I'm going to start driving soon. The thought terrifies me. At first, I was really excited but then I realized how fast cars need to be going on the highway, or how many sharp turns there are in my neighbourhood. Don't even get me started on the Canadian winter weather. My excitement is slowly being replaced with crippling anxiety. I know I need to learn how. My mom is dealing with arthritis and has troubles driving her standard, so in the coming years, I will have to drive the long distance trips. ​ I either walk or bus nearly everywhere I go. I like walking more so since I feel safe and grounded. I realize it isn't always the best option if I'm walking 45 minutes to my hairdresser and back in cold weather or something of the likes, but I would rather walk than drive if I had the choice. ​ I feel like the second I drive, I will somehow end up crashed and either hurt someone or hurt myself. I can't get the thought of all the possible things that could go wrong out of my head. ​ How do you deal with the anxiety associated with driving, and keeping your head clear?
anxiety driving going start soon thought terrifies first really excited realized fast car need highway many sharp turn neighbourhood even get started canadian winter weather excitement slowly replaced crippling know learn mom dealing arthritis trouble standard coming year drive long distance trip either walk bus nearly everywhere go like walking since feel safe grounded realize always best option minute hairdresser back cold something would rather choice second somehow end crashed hurt someone possible thing could wrong head deal associated keeping clear
Moderately Positive
i know this is a common problem that many people have but i dont know what to do. i dont sleep at all on sunday nights and it fucks up my whole week. im scared of the sadness i will feel as soon as i wake up, im scared of having to repeat the same day over and over until friday, im scared of waking up in a panic attack, im scared of having a long complex dream and then waking up not remembering it or not liking it. the stupidest things freak me out and im so sad and tired. i brought this up to my therapist towards the end of my session but she didnt really have an answer, and i didnt bring it up the next week.
know common problem many people dont sleep sunday night fuck whole week im scared sadness feel soon wake repeat day friday waking panic attack long complex dream remembering liking stupidest thing freak sad tired brought therapist towards end session didnt really answer bring next
Moderately Negative
Podcasts about work related anxiety? Anyone know of any? Would be very helpful right now.
podcasts work related anxiety anyone know would helpful right
Moderately Positive
Feels Like I’m Falling For the past 3 days I’ve been having problems falling asleep and waking up. I would be too anxious to fall asleep and would wake up anxious with my heart pounding. It’s as if I’m falling but I know I’m not. What can help this? Have any of you gone through this? Thank you so much for any help.
feel like falling past day problem asleep waking would anxious fall wake heart pounding know help gone thank much
Moderately Negative
College swimmer with anxiety Hey guys im 20 year old guy and a college swimmer. This is also my 12 and final year swimming! Im swimming at my conference meet and keep getting random attacks while im on the pool deck. They just come in waves at random times and i dont know why i feel relaxed with me team but everytime im on deck i get an attack at this meet. Does anybody know anything about this form of anxiety?
college swimmer anxiety hey guy im year old also final swimming conference meet keep getting random attack pool deck come wave time dont know feel relaxed team everytime get anybody anything form
Moderately Negative
Anxiety flaring up after terror-type attack up the street from me Hi all, this is going to be a long one. I feel like my anxieties are coming true around me, and it's flaring up other anxieties, including some new ones. Recently I was on holidays and a car went through a crowd of pedestrians at the end of the street I was staying on, at an intersection I'd been crossing all week. I have pretty bad anxiety about terrorist attacks, so I'd actually been looking for out of control cars all week at every intersection, given that's been a common thing lately. And it was kind of terrifying to me that it actually happened a block from me. I couldn't get back to my apartment for over 5 hours because the whole area was cordoned off by police. Anyway, I'm having a bit of a strange anxiety reaction to it. When it happened, I couldn't stay indoors. I got overwhelmed with claustrophobia (which I don't normally suffer from) and got really nauseous. Then I got really anxious about throwing up, another of my major anxieties. Which in turn lead to more claustrophobia, and then a vicious spiral started. So basically, all I wanted to do was walk around the street even though it happened on the street. And that feeling hasn't really gone away. Every time I go to the shops, a restaurant, anything... if I'm not near an exit I get overwhelmed with nausea and fall apart. And I'm constantly scanning any room I'm in now. People with backpacks or baggy clothing freak me out, as do unattended bags or anyone just acting a bit odd in general. The state of the world is really not helping me with this part of my anxiety. I was in Nice on the Promenade Des Anglais just before the truck attack happened. Then in London on the bridges where the attacks there happened, again just before it. Now in Melbourne as it was happening. Has anyone else had the experience of their anxiety kind of coming true around them? How do you cope with it? And for those of you who are dealing well with emetophobia in closed spaces.... how? I've got a lot of solo flying coming up as well as a concert to go to, and I really really need to get a grip before then because I'm really not coping well right now.
anxiety flaring terror type attack street hi going long one feel like coming true around including new recently holiday car went crowd pedestrian end staying intersection crossing week pretty bad terrorist actually looking control every given common thing lately kind terrifying happened block get back apartment hour whole area cordoned police anyway bit strange reaction stay indoors got overwhelmed claustrophobia normally suffer really nauseous anxious throwing another major turn lead vicious spiral started basically wanted walk even though feeling gone away time go shop restaurant anything near exit nausea fall apart constantly scanning room people backpack baggy clothing freak unattended bag anyone acting odd general state world helping part nice promenade de anglais truck london bridge melbourne happening else experience cope dealing well emetophobia closed space lot solo flying concert need grip coping right
Anyone else's anxiety give them lasting stomach upset, bloating and gas? What do you do? My anxiety has increased lately and my body is so physically messed up even though I haven't eaten anything different or done anything different. I get so frustrated and embarrased about looking fat and being gassy and I just want it to go away :( Anyone if you have advice that's great but I just wanted to know I'm not alone in this.
anyone else anxiety give lasting stomach upset bloating gas increased lately body physically messed even though eaten anything different done get frustrated embarrased looking fat gassy want go away advice great wanted know alone
Fear of Choking & Anxiety... Hello, first time poster here! Ah, so, for a little background... I'm a 22 year old female who was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder five years ago. For the most part, I can handle the majority of my symptoms despite not being on any medication(yet?). Except one. Despite fluctuating in intensity throughout the years, I've seriously struggled with a fear of choking while eating. It's the most likely thing to send me into full blown panic mode. On a really good day, I might be able to eat a salad...maybe even a few bites of steak or pork. On a bad one, I can barely touch a milkshake or smoothie. I havent eaten while home alone or in solitude since I've developed GAD for fear of panicking... Because of this, I eat a lot of "safe" foods, err...processed ones that won't panic me as much or that I can st least coerce myself into eating. I'm 5"1 at 105 lbs with a very small appetite, and while I'm not at risk of starving to death my calorie consumption probabky barely reaches 900 cals/day... I want to eat healthier, especially now that I'm older with a steady S/O whom I'd like to eventually, far in the future, have kids with but I know my eating habits would be terrible for that. I have more mediocre days than good, and even diced apple in an apple crisp might trigger anxiety... I feel like I'm at my wits end. :( globus sensation is almost constant as well... Would medication potentially improve this? My doctor had wanted to try me on Zoloft, but I was reluctant as my dad was previously prescribed it and he hated how it made him feel emotionless. Any tips would be appreciated...
fear choking anxiety hello first time poster ah little background year old female diagnosed generalized disorder five ago part handle majority symptom despite medication yet except one fluctuating intensity throughout seriously struggled eating likely thing send full blown panic mode really good day might able eat salad maybe even bite steak pork bad barely touch milkshake smoothie havent eaten home alone solitude since developed gad panicking lot safe food err processed much st least coerce lb small appetite risk starving death calorie consumption probabky reach cals want healthier especially older steady like eventually far future kid know habit would terrible mediocre diced apple crisp trigger feel wit end globus sensation almost constant well potentially improve doctor wanted try zoloft reluctant dad previously prescribed hated made emotionless tip appreciated
I am 100% convinced my parents will get lung cancer. My parents have smoked for as long as I've been alive, and any attempt they've made at quitting (which there hasn't been many) resulted in failure. It wasn't until recently that I convinced them to stop smoking in the house, though my mom still does it regardless, but only when I'm upstairs. I received complaints from my counselors that I reek of cigarette smoke all because of my parents. Multiple pieces of furniture in our house have burn holes in them. The house is incredibly dusty, though I'd be lying if I said there wasn't multiple causes of this (owning 2 cats being one of them). I am completely convinced my parents will die while I'm still young. Every night I have to hear my dad coughing constantly. At one point in my life, it became so severe that my dad used to faint after coughing so much. It happened in the pool once, and I had to grab his head out of the water. I was probably about 11 years old. They *will* get cancer. I am sure of this. The older they get, the more I expect them to land in the hospital. They won't quit. Every time I mention my fear to them, I'm told to shut up. My parents are killing themselves, but they don't care. Soon I believe I will no longer have a mom or dad. If my dad dies first, my mom and my brother and I will have no where to go, because my dad is controlling of all the money in the house. I'm crying. They're going to die in the next few years. I know I'm right.
convinced parent get lung cancer smoked long alive attempt made quitting many resulted failure recently stop smoking house though mom still regardless upstairs received complaint counselor reek cigarette smoke multiple piece furniture burn hole incredibly dusty lying said cause owning cat one completely die young every night hear dad coughing constantly point life became severe used faint much happened pool grab head water probably year old sure older expect land hospital quit time mention fear told shut killing care soon believe longer dy first brother go controlling money cry going next know right
This one guy I swear So I have a huge fear of being touched (Haphephobia). I don't even like being touched by my family. I get all tense and my anxiety goes through the roof and normally takes a few minutes afterward to settle down. But there is this one guy in my engineering class who know full well I hate being touched. But he does it anyway, like everyday. He makes it worse by being all creepy about it. He normally lets his hand trail off my body when he finally leaves. Dude is gonna either cause a panic attack or cause me to punch him.
one guy swear huge fear touched haphephobia even like family get tense anxiety go roof normally take minute afterward settle engineering class know full well hate anyway everyday make worse creepy let hand trail body finally leaf dude gonna either cause panic attack punch
Moderately Negative
First anxiety/panic attack in years. Need advice please Theres been far more financial, medical, emotional and personal life problems lately making me constantly stressed and exhausted. I guess A few things that just happened sent it over the edge because i just had my first massive panic/anxiety attack in years, im feeling slightly better now but im still hyperventilating and shaking and i feel like i might pass out if anyone has any advice on how to calm down fast PLEASE let me know
first anxiety panic attack year need advice please there far financial medical emotional personal life problem lately making constantly stressed exhausted guess thing happened sent edge massive im feeling slightly better still hyperventilating shaking feel like might pas anyone calm fast let know
Moderately Positive
Check if she's okay? Hey everyone, ex broke up with me a few weeks ago, and I'm wondering if it's a good idea to check up on her? For the most part, we broke up because she couldn't handle the uncertainty brought on by her anxiety and some part because of the long distance. She was saying how it's all her fault it's ended, super apologetic, and hope we can be friends, possibly more one day. She's in a very intense program in a remote country and I don't want her to beat herself up for our break up or feel alone. I've read up on anxiety to better understand it and I want her to know I know it's not her fault she has these thoughts. But I also know we broke up for a reason and I don't want to cause any more stress/grief. I'm usually a believer of no contact until everyone has had space, but I don't know about this one because of the anxiety factor. Does anyone have any thoughts?
check okay hey everyone ex broke week ago wondering good idea part handle uncertainty brought anxiety long distance saying fault ended super apologetic hope friend possibly one day intense program remote country want beat break feel alone read better understand know thought also reason cause stress grief usually believer contact space factor anyone
Moderately Positive
Is this anxiety or something else? So...I have been having a hard time lately and I am not sure that I am have a good enough understanding of myself to realize what is going on. This winter I have fallen on what feels like anxiety/depression but it is expressing itself in a somewhat strange way. I've started to become afraid of being alone and have been spending as much time as I can with my wife mostly out of fear of being alone. I've also started to become anxious when I do things (or think of doing things) that I used to like. For example...I can't watch TV, listen to music, read books, or listen to podcasts that I used to enjoy because whenever I try to, I get really overwhelmed and have to turn it off. I have been spending a lot of time in the comfort of silence although I'm afraid that I'm losing the things that I used to love. Has anyone else gone through times like this? Was it anxiety or something else? Did you find a way to get yourself out of it and if so, what helped?
anxiety something else hard time lately sure good enough understanding realize going winter fallen feel like depression expressing somewhat strange way started become afraid alone spending much wife mostly fear also anxious thing think used example watch tv listen music read book podcasts enjoy whenever try get really overwhelmed turn lot comfort silence although losing love anyone gone find helped
Moderately Positive
anxiety about dad's remarriage hi all, first time poster on this thread. not really expecting to much feedback, just need to get out of my anxiety loop and share with a safe community. My parents have been divorced for 20 years and my dad is getting remarried in March. It was a really rough, spiteful separation and there has not been a lot of love in my family since. I've grown up with extreme anxiety and depression that was exacerbated by my family situation. I'm happy for my dad, his fiancee is already like family to me, but I have so much anxiety around marriage, especially remarriage. I had always thought to myself that, even though my parents were divorced, at least they weren't remarrying. Changing the family dynamic even more, in ways that I don't have control over, terrifies me. It doesn't help that my dad didn't talk to me or my sister about proposing to his then-girlfriend. I have a lot of emotions and stress around the whole situation. I thought at least that I would be able to bring someone to the wedding, a buffer of sorts, so I won't get to overwhelmed by anxiety or feelings of isolation and sadness. But I just found out that I can't bring anyone with me. Even though my sister was allowed to bring her boyfriend and my cousins are bringing S/Os, I don't get a plus one. I'm really freaking out. I know I have time to prepare for this wedding, but I am so scared that I am not going to be able to make it through the ceremony or party or speeches or toasts without completely breaking down and ruining my dads wedding. I don't want to make a scene and ask my dad and his fiancee to alter the entire table setting so I can bring someone. They don't understand my mental health needs and I don't think they would be receptive to my need for a buffer. I don't want to remember it as something I wasn't strong enough for or remembering it as one of the most stressful days of my life. I see my therapist in two weeks, but in the meantime, I don't want to revel in these thoughts during that time. If anyone has any experience coping with family events, any support is appreciated. thank you for letting me share. i'm glad there's a place I can come to and find that i'm not alone.
anxiety dad remarriage hi first time poster thread really expecting much feedback need get loop share safe community parent divorced year getting remarried march rough spiteful separation lot love family since grown extreme depression exacerbated situation happy fiancee already like around marriage especially always thought even though least remarrying changing dynamic way control terrifies help talk sister proposing girlfriend emotion stress whole would able bring someone wedding buffer sort overwhelmed feeling isolation sadness found anyone allowed boyfriend cousin bringing o plus one freaking know prepare scared going make ceremony party speech toast without completely breaking ruining want scene ask alter entire table setting understand mental health think receptive remember something strong enough remembering stressful day life see therapist two week meantime revel experience coping event support appreciated thank letting glad place come find alone
Moderately Positive
I've been procrastinating on posting this for weeks. I don't post to reddit much, but this is important to me. It's pretty late, so if you see this please help. I'll post the tldr at the top in case you want to skip the wall of text. I don't care if you comment without reading everything.
procrastinating posting week post reddit much important pretty late see please help tldr top case want skip wall text care comment without reading everything
Moderately Positive
phone calls make me anxious English is not my first language. I can understand everything when having a face to face chat. But when it comes to making phone calls I get so anxious that I don’t even know what the other guy is saying. I just messed up a phone call and I feel terrible right now.
phone call make anxious english first language understand everything face chat come making get even know guy saying messed feel terrible right
Moderately Negative
What are some of your hobbies? I feel like i need something to occupy my free time and give me something to look forward to. I’ve taken up hobbies in the past and get super excited in the beginning, then lose interest after a month or two. What hobbies do you enjoy and/or how do you stick to a hobby or find pleasure in one?
hobby feel like need something occupy free time give look forward taken past get super excited beginning lose interest month two enjoy stick find pleasure one
Moderately Positive
I don't feel like the same person after having a mental breakdown and taking Zoloft Long story short I had a mental breakdown about my SO at work, SO reassured me everything was ok, started taking Zoloft for anxiety because I like to convince myself that people hate me (which is what I did with my SO), and now I don't feel like the same person. It's not in a bad sort of different. I just feel like the person preceding me was a fucking emotional monster. I was told it would take a week for the Zoloft to make any noticeable differences but I'm on day 2 and I'm already feeling better. Maybe it was because of my constant thinking, maybe because I had such an intense mental break down my mind literally changed, I have no idea honestly. Honestly I've been more emotionally damaged and numb the past couple days than I have my entire life. My SO has stopped responding to my snaps so I have no idea what's going on there, not sure if it's my anxiety speaking or I fucked our relationship up. Although I wouldn't honestly blame her for breaking up with me because I behaved like a child. More than once I had to get confirmation that she still liked me (we've been dating for a month so saying love is a bit early), and honestly I feel like I weirded her out just by being myself. Either way, I'm just going to put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. I can't undo the past, I can only change the future. That's the only thing that comforts me. I want to talk to my SO about it but I'm afraid she'd either ignore me again or I'd just be back right where I started.
feel like person mental breakdown taking zoloft long story short work reassured everything ok started anxiety convince people hate bad sort different preceding fucking emotional monster told would take week make noticeable difference day already feeling better maybe constant thinking intense break mind literally changed idea honestly emotionally damaged numb past couple entire life stopped responding snap going sure speaking fucked relationship although blame breaking behaved child get confirmation still liked dating month saying love bit early weirded either way put one foot front keep undo change future thing comfort want talk afraid ignore back right
need help with my existential anxiety i recently posted about my fear of schizophrenia, i talked to my doctor and stopped risperidone, its been a week and im not hearing or seeing anything extra so im pretty relieved that i dont have it. However yesterday i was playing farcry and a weird thought came to my mind "what if my life also a first person game" which triggered the questions i used to have like "what if im dreaming everything", "what if nothing is real" ,"what if life is a simulation" making me very uncomfortable. i know that my thoughts are completely illogical but still everytime they hit my fear goes to extreme. anyone with the same problem? or any tips on how to manage myself
need help existential anxiety recently posted fear schizophrenia talked doctor stopped risperidone week im hearing seeing anything extra pretty relieved dont however yesterday playing farcry weird thought came mind life also first person game triggered question used like dreaming everything nothing real simulation making uncomfortable know completely illogical still everytime hit go extreme anyone problem tip manage
Moderately Negative
Completely foreign and terrible experience I'm a 28 year old male. This Monday I woke up and as I got around for work I noticed feeling strange. Since then i've been experiencing anxiety symptoms almost non stop throughout the day. It gets worse and better through out the day but never goes completely away. My symptoms include not being able to regulate my body temperature, a kind of an uncomfortable "body load" feeling in my hands and feet and head, heart beat varying throughout the day, lack of appetite, and on edge. My mind has been going uncontrollably the past 4 days trying to figure out what's going on and what could be causing it. I can't think of anything out of the ordinary that would cause me to be super stressed and i'm normally a super laid back person. I got blood work and urine analysis labs this morning and they said i'm perfectly healthy. I've been reading Internet articles for the past 4 days on stress and anxiety and stuff to try to figure out why I feel like this so sudden and persistent with no luck. I think part of what is fucking with me is trying to come to terms with how or what i'm feeling since I really haven't experienced this before. I guess i'm just looking for some advice or insight or something on wtf is up. Thanks for any help!
completely foreign terrible experience year old male monday woke got around work noticed feeling strange since experiencing anxiety symptom almost non stop throughout day get worse better never go away include able regulate body temperature kind uncomfortable load hand foot head heart beat varying lack appetite edge mind going uncontrollably past trying figure could causing think anything ordinary would cause super stressed normally laid back person blood urine analysis lab morning said perfectly healthy reading internet article stress stuff try feel like sudden persistent luck part fucking come term really experienced guess looking advice insight something wtf thanks help
I need help but can’t get it Though I am getting a little better, I am still struggling so much. I’ve had a long history of anxiety and depression and a few really traumatizing things have happened to me. My parents don’t believe me when I tell them that I need help. I’m a college student so I went to the free counseling here, and it was helping a lot, but my counselor was arrested for raping and beating his ex girlfriend, and now I’m terrified to go back. I feel like I’m at the end of my ropes, I’m so frustrated because it feels like everything gives me an anxiety attack. I can’t be around other people without having anxiety. I can’t last a conversation without having anxiety. I constantly think about and pick apart everything I say, do, think and feel. I’m in a relationship but I feel so much constant anxiety that I can barely enjoy it, and it’s long distance so I can’t even hug him. I feel like every time we’re together I feel the anxiety bubble up in my chest and get worse and worse and I can barely focus on enjoying his company, even though I really love him, because being around others is so stressful for me. I only get to see him one week every 6 months and I almost can’t take it anymore because it feels like my anxiety ruins that one week and then he’s gone again. I can’t afford therapy, I’m too scared to go back to the free counseling, I’m too scared to reach out to my friends. I’m so tired of living like this. I don’t know what to do anymore.
need help get though getting little better still struggling much long history anxiety depression really traumatizing thing happened parent believe tell college student went free counseling helping lot counselor arrested raping beating ex girlfriend terrified go back feel like end rope frustrated everything give attack around people without last conversation constantly think pick apart say relationship constant barely enjoy distance even hug every time together bubble chest worse focus enjoying company love others stressful see one week month almost take anymore ruin gone afford therapy scared reach friend tired living know
Moderately Positive
Numb is the new freaking out. Anybody experienced this? Basically you freaked out so much in your life that you grew numb. People would think you are nonchalantly calm and you usually are upon friends freaking out and even calming them down but in fact you would not even raise an eyebrow if you see something shocking -- like an accident across the street. That when life continues to turn upside down you only poker face back at it. I think this is what depression is about. When you can't get anxious you get depressed. And vice versa. Edit: I need to further elaborate. Numb isn't the same as calm. Numb is when suddenly shit happens and you don't even know what to feel or do because feeling anxious is just too much and ridiculous to everyone.
numb new freaking anybody experienced basically freaked much life grew people would think nonchalantly calm usually upon friend even calming fact raise eyebrow see something shocking like accident across street continues turn upside poker face back depression get anxious depressed vice versa edit need elaborate suddenly shit happens know feel feeling ridiculous everyone
Moderately Negative
I have to get a blood test... im so nervous ive always had a phobia of blood and needles and have anxiety attacks every time. I really dont want to get one but its for a good reason...:( Im so scared i dont want to get it. Any advice please?:( (P.s i dont know why the flair is school/exams haha)
get blood test im nervous ive always phobia needle anxiety attack every time really dont want one good reason scared advice please know flair school exam haha
Moderately Positive
Stinging heart pain when trying to fall asleep? I had this last night. Anytime you get heart area pain is just makes anxiety worse and worse. Makes you feel like you're going to panic attack yourself into a heart attack. Anyone deal with pain when lying down/falling asleep?
stinging heart pain trying fall asleep last night anytime get area make anxiety worse feel like going panic attack anyone deal lying falling
Moderately Negative
There's just something about you Has anyone ever told you that there is just something about you that they cannot figure out? Or that people just don't receive you in your profession? I assume it's all because of my social anxiety. I'm just not one to be some sort of outgoing person all day long. I have to warm up to people.
something anyone ever told cannot figure people receive profession assume social anxiety one sort outgoing person day long warm
Moderately Positive
Anyone else has tears to his eyes when walking outside ? First, sorry for my bad english. It's been a long time now since walking outside brings tears to my eyes. I've always been very sensitive to light (i often have to squint my eyes when the sun is out), but it feels very weird to me that just walking outside has this type of reaction. Honestly i don't know if it's related to anxiety, i'm not a very anxious person, but i feel like my eyes are crying a lot more when i'm around some crowd of people, and a lot less when i'm "confident". The thing is that it's not 100% regular, there is some situation where i would wait for some tears to show up (walking on the middle of a place for exemple), but they don't, and vice-versa. I don't really know what to think about that, i didn't find anything in google so i'm asking you guys if you have this same unconfortable thing too ?
anyone else tear eye walking outside first sorry bad english long time since brings always sensitive light often squint sun feel weird type reaction honestly know related anxiety anxious person like cry lot around crowd people le confident thing regular situation would wait show middle place exemple vice versa really think find anything google asking guy unconfortable
How to work with anxiety I've been suffering from pretty major anxiety (I'm dissociating to some extent basically all the time) for a number of months. I'm trying to figure out how it could be possible for me to make money when I'm like this. I've been living with my mother for a number of months but unfortunately, she is a large contributor to my anxiety. I need to start making money somehow, but whenever I try to work, my anxiety gets way worse and forces me to leave. I've been trying to get on BC financial assistance for upwards of a month, but the number of hoops they're making me jump through is ridiculous, and now I'm finding out that they're only going to give me $400, which doesn't cover much of anything. How can I deal with this? What have all of you done? I'm pretty desperate, but again, my anxiety is kicking my ass.
work anxiety suffering pretty major dissociating extent basically time number month trying figure could possible make money like living mother unfortunately large contributor need start making somehow whenever try get way worse force leave bc financial assistance upwards hoop jump ridiculous finding going give cover much anything deal done desperate kicking as
Moderately Negative
Anxiety has left me jobless and hopeless... please let me know it gets better Last night was only my 2nd day at my new job and I had to quit. I feel horrible. I feel like a loser. But mostly feel like my anxiety is crippling me. It was data entry for a manufacturing company. Sounds simple but it wasn’t really the work. It was the fact that I was in a box surrounded by warehouse workers and my supervisors way of explaining things sent me into a mental whirlwind. Navigating that huge warehouse to get the logs etc was just too much to bare as well. I hate that I’m like this. I do not feel normal nor have I ever felt capable of doing normal things. I’m 29! I can’t let this continue on. I felt nauseated on my way there and ended up going to the bathroom and puking halfway through holding back tears. I left and balled my eyes out on my ride home while hyperventilating. I’m down to $21 in my bank account. It seems like my anxiety is getting worse and I have no idea what to do. I can’t allow myself to be broke just bc I feel like I can’t do certain things. I feel like no one understands except this sub. I feel so alone on top of it all and haven’t been able to eat bc of all this. I’m waiting to hear back from some other positions. Does anyone have any words of encouragement or advice? I greatly appreciate it.
anxiety left jobless hopeless please let know get better last night nd day new job quit feel horrible like loser mostly crippling data entry manufacturing company sound simple really work fact box surrounded warehouse worker supervisor way explaining thing sent mental whirlwind navigating huge log etc much bare well hate normal ever felt capable continue nauseated ended going bathroom puking halfway holding back tear balled eye ride home hyperventilating bank account seems getting worse idea allow broke bc certain one understands except sub alone top able eat waiting hear position anyone word encouragement advice greatly appreciate
Moderately Positive
My mood/feelings changes within minutes?? So I’ve been having anxiety pretty bad for the last few months (haven’t had it like this in years). I’ve also noticed that my mood changes literally within minutes. I can be happy, positive, motivated, and satisfied one moment.... then not even 5 minutes later, I’ll be thinking negatively, won’t be happy, I’ll have no motivation to do my hobbies, ETC. This gets 3X worse whenever on LSD. I can go from strong feelings of happiness & bliss to a negative headspace where I just CAN’T be positive. I’m not sure as to what this could be at all because I’m not sad and nor do I express any clinical depression symptoms besides the mood issues. Do any of you go through this? Could all of this just be something as simple as anxiety controlling my thoughts? BTW, NOT asking for any type of diagnosis... just opinions and experiences!
mood feeling change within minute anxiety pretty bad last month like year also noticed literally happy positive motivated satisfied one moment even later thinking negatively motivation hobby etc get worse whenever lsd go strong happiness bliss negative headspace sure could sad express clinical depression symptom besides issue something simple controlling thought btw asking type diagnosis opinion experience
Moderately Positive
Thank god that’s over My home delivery prescription was two weeks late so I was forced to withdraw until they came. (I requested another temporary refill in person but was denied). It was the worst two weeks. I rarely have bad anxiety attacks while on my prescription but it was as if when I stopped, everything came back 100x worse. My boyfriend and I fought all the time, I felt like nobody loved me, and I lost all focus in class and started failing. I felt like everything I done, I shouldn’t have. Well my prescription came and I yelled at my pharmacy and of course they shared that it wasn’t their fault and I should’ve ordered them earlier. As if two weeks wasn’t early enough. Anyways, I am back to normal now but I have more anxiety than before while taking it. Hopefully it’ll go away overtime.
thank god home delivery prescription two week late forced withdraw came requested another temporary refill person denied worst rarely bad anxiety attack stopped everything back worse boyfriend fought time felt like nobody loved lost focus class started failing done well yelled pharmacy course shared fault ordered earlier early enough anyways normal taking hopefully go away overtime
Moderately Negative
I desperately miss my childhood and I wish I could have it back. After being molested, I feel that it was cut short. I'm afraid of getting older, and getting to the age where l have less time left than I've already lived. I think about it every day and it consumes me entirely. I'm obsessed with extending my lifespan on one end, and just killing myself on the other
desperately miss childhood wish could back molested feel cut short afraid getting older age le time left already lived think every day consumes entirely obsessed extending lifespan one end killing
Moderately Negative
even when my mind is 'calm', My body still shows effects/symptoms of anxiety. I just joined this sub today, but have had anxiety for the last 10+ years, if not longer. I'm pretty sure it all stems from my childhood from ages 5 and under(several types of abuse, physical, verbal, sexual) however it has gotten worse as i've grown up (now 34). There are days when my head is constantly spinning with thoughts and actual panic attacks happen but EVERY day I feel the symptoms even if I am not actively worried/anxious. By symptoms I mean excessive sweating , heart racing, chest pains, jaw pain from clenching, irritable, insomnia, crazy ass dream, stomach pains and emergency runs to the bathroom. I have been on SSRI's and SNRI's in the past, none have made me feel better, in fact they heightened my symptoms. I am also prescribed xanax but I hate having to take that due to it's habit forming nature and being numb while it's in my system. Most recently I was prescribed prozac but I really don't want to take it. Don't wanna go down under rabbit hole of symptoms and loosing my sanity. I have cut out caffeine, try my best to meditate (clearing the mind is hard man!!!!), use essential oils like lavender and when I can afford it (money is hella tight) I take CBD tinctures. BTW that works wonders and without side effects but unfortunately as mentioned above without the insurance covering it I am having issues being able to always have it. I don't really know the point of this post..... maybe to see if anyone else always has to deal with all these physical symptoms and how they have found relief? Maybe for support? I dunno.... today is a really rough one and to top it off my anxiety has been ruining my relationship of 15 years. Like I said, today is just an extra hard day. Thanks for reading and any replies/advice you might have.
even mind calm body still show effect symptom anxiety joined sub today last year longer pretty sure stem childhood age several type abuse physical verbal sexual however gotten worse grown day head constantly spinning thought actual panic attack happen every feel actively worried anxious mean excessive sweating heart racing chest pain jaw clenching irritable insomnia crazy as dream stomach emergency run bathroom ssri snri past none made better fact heightened also prescribed xanax hate take due habit forming nature numb system recently prozac really want wanna go rabbit hole loosing sanity cut caffeine try best meditate clearing hard man use essential oil like lavender afford money hella tight cbd tincture btw work wonder without side unfortunately mentioned insurance covering issue able always know point post maybe see anyone else deal found relief support dunno rough one top ruining relationship said extra thanks reading reply advice might
chest pain...even when not feeling anxious Starting about a month ago, I started experiencing some chest pain fairly regularly, mostly on the left side of my sternum. A few weeks ago, after having a panic attack from worrying about the chest pain, I went to an urgent care clinic where they took and EKG and a chest x-ray and everything came back fine. They said it was either a musculoskeletal problem or just anxiety. I've dealt with some anxiety in the past, though my problem is more with depression than anxiety. I saw my PCP who also said everything seemed fine and have started talking with a social worker every week. I'm feeling a lot less anxious lately, but I'm still getting the same/similar chest pain, usually anywhere from dull to sharp that only lasts for a second or two. Despite 3 doctors telling me everything's fine, I can't seem to convince myself that it's okay. Does anyone have some advice for dealing with it? My anxiety lately has largely been from the chest pain...which is likely giving me more chest pain... so I feel trapped. Thanks in advance.
chest pain even feeling anxious starting month ago started experiencing fairly regularly mostly left side sternum week panic attack worrying went urgent care clinic took ekg ray everything came back fine said either musculoskeletal problem anxiety dealt past though depression saw pcp also seemed talking social worker every lot le lately still getting similar usually anywhere dull sharp last second two despite doctor telling seem convince okay anyone advice dealing largely likely giving feel trapped thanks advance
The world's deepest pit is in my stomach Went through a breakup 2 weeks ago. The worst breakup to ever happen imo. Stopped eating. Stopped sleeping. Stopped enjoying things and forced laughed when I knew I was supposed to find something funny. The pit in my stomach hasn't gone yet. And it's coming to the point where I am getting angry at it. I'm not as sad anymore. I'm just so fucking angry. But this pit doesn't want to leave. And I know it's an anxiety pit. I break out in sweat and can't breathe. I started hyperventilating and feel dizzy. It happens a few times a day and I'm just getting sick of it. I've been to CBT a few years ago and know it's nothing to freak about but I hate that I have no control over my own body. I want to tell it to stop doing it to me but it's not listening. Keeping occupied with stuf only helps when I'm out doing things.... As soon as I'm alone I start to panic and go through it over and over again until I fall asleep for 2 hours and when I remember what happpened.. it starts all over again. Everyone keeps telling me it'll get better and because I've been through something similar a few years back I am sure it will but right now I see nothing but black.
world deepest pit stomach went breakup week ago worst ever happen imo stopped eating sleeping enjoying thing forced laughed knew supposed find something funny gone yet coming point getting angry sad anymore fucking want leave know anxiety break sweat breathe started hyperventilating feel dizzy happens time day sick cbt year nothing freak hate control body tell stop listening keeping occupied stuf help soon alone start panic go fall asleep hour remember happpened everyone keep telling get better similar back sure right see black
Moderately Negative
Struggling with my anxiety I've tried just about every conventional means a doctor has told me and i'm really reaching a breaking point. I really want to get back to how I was before all the anxiety, and I just can't seem to figure out how. Anytime I get asked to go out with friends especially some where of distance, where a car ride might be like 30-45 minutes. My stomach gets pretty intense pains which usually will lead to diarrhea, i'll get nauseous, light headed and just extremely quiet. There's been time where i've even had to ask the person driving to pull over to a store so I can use the bathroom or meeting someone new and being in a pre drink situation with a small group and sneaking off to take a shit in this strangers bathroom. A lot of this has been pretty discouraging/embarrassing and my social life has taken a pretty big decline, I find myself saying no to any of those situations and feeling like i'm on the outs really and just missing out on my life. Does anyone have similar experiences and if so how did you over come them ? 25/Male if that's helpful to the context at all.
struggling anxiety tried every conventional mean doctor told really reaching breaking point want get back seem figure anytime asked go friend especially distance car ride might like minute stomach pretty intense pain usually lead diarrhea nauseous light headed extremely quiet time even ask person driving pull store use bathroom meeting someone new pre drink situation small group sneaking take shit stranger lot discouraging embarrassing social life taken big decline find saying feeling out missing anyone similar experience come male helpful context
Severe Anxiety Hi everyone, so lately I've been having really severe anxiety about one thing. World War 3. Now I know that's probably weird but it's so bad that I basically just lay in bed all day looking at news updates etc. I need help.... Anyone able to help me out?
severe anxiety hi everyone lately really one thing world war know probably weird bad basically lay bed day looking news update etc need help anyone able
Moderately Negative
Thinking my dreams are real? I’m not sure if this is part of my anxiety or not. I’ve always had very vivid dreams but especially taking anxiety/sleep meds my dreams only got more realistic. Some dreams actually make me mad at people. I’ve been mad at my boyfriend because of things that happened in my dreams! Is this normal? Sometimes in the middle of the night I’ll be confused after waking up and literally think I’m at work or something... I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I can’t even tell if some memories I had have actually happened or if it was just a dream. Not to mention my derealization for the longest time made my whole life feel like a dream. It is strange though that I can actually get mad at someone like they offended me over a dream but kinda think it’s real? Has anyone experienced this?
thinking dream real sure part anxiety always vivid especially taking sleep med got realistic actually make mad people boyfriend thing happened normal sometimes middle night confused waking literally think work something know wrong even tell memory mention derealization longest time made whole life feel like strange though get someone offended kinda anyone experienced
Moderately Positive
Anxiety hard on my relationship. I get such bad anxiety when it comes to school. When I have panic attacks my boyfriend tries to solve my problems which gives me more anxiety, even though he is just trying to help. When I get anxiety I become really hard to talk to and get snappy. We have been together for years but I am always worried that my anxiety will one day drive him away from me. How can I stop taking out my school stress on our relationship when I often have to do school work at night when we are together?
anxiety hard relationship get bad come school panic attack boyfriend try solve problem give even though trying help become really talk snappy together year always worried one day drive away stop taking stress often work night
Moderately Negative
Fear of rabies Ok, to keep things simple, I'm afraid I may have rabies. Here's the story: My sister's dog ran outside to our front yard to pee, peed, found a dead mouse's head, ran back inside, and chewed/licked the mouse's head for a good 2-3 minutes before my brother caught her and stopped her. She hasn't recieved her Rabies shot yet and she is about 6 months old I believe, and so I'm afraid that she might've gotten rabies through the mouse. My parents don't care about giving her a shot for Rabies, (atm, I hope) and my mom thinks I'm an idiot for being afraid for her, so she just made my sister give her a bath and clean her mouth. What's worse is, 6 hours later, she licked my finger and my toe when I was trying to grab her(mom wanted me to bring her to her), there weren't any cuts but now I'm freaking out, and her nose was also literally like a few inches away of mine. I'm freaking out now and I'm super scared because I don't know if it was possible for her to get it, and I don't know if it was possible for her to transfer the disease over to me, and my parents don't care to check if she's alright or if I got rabies, and now I'm afraid that I have rabies and within 5 days I'm going to get the symptons and die a terrible death. What I'm basically asking is; Does anybody know if it was possible for her to get Rabies from the mouse? Is it possible for her to transfer it to me 6 hours afterward by licking me/being close to my face? Should I be worried? I'm sorry if I seem like such an idiot, my parents never explained anything in life and seemed to make very poor parenting decisions, it seems like everyday I find out I could've been in a dangerous situation by them and had died. They Never gave me vaccinations, never teached me anything about sex, I literally found out about why condoms existed a few months ago and I'm 17, I didn't know that hiv/aids existed until like 2 weeks ago. They are also homophobic/anti atheist and would hate me if I ever came out to them.(I'm gay and athiest) Thanks to everyone who comments, sorry if this is all kinda written out terribly, my parents are close and I'm in a rush to get off the pc.
fear rabies ok keep thing simple afraid may story sister dog ran outside front yard pee peed found dead mouse head back inside chewed licked good minute brother caught stopped recieved shot yet month old believe might gotten parent care giving atm hope mom think idiot made give bath clean mouth worse hour later finger toe trying grab wanted bring cut freaking nose also literally like inch away mine super scared know possible get transfer disease check alright got within day going symptons die terrible death basically asking anybody afterward licking close face worried sorry seem never explained anything life seemed make poor parenting decision seems everyday find could dangerous situation died gave vaccination teached sex condom existed ago hiv aid week homophobic anti atheist would hate ever came gay athiest thanks everyone comment kinda written terribly rush pc
Moderately Negative
No insurance, medication almost gone, and I am having bad episodes I am not sure if aomeone may be able to give an opinion on this, but if not then at least I have typed out my toughts and fears. I recently moved cross-country and landed a new job. This job is a 1-year contract with no insurance, however. I have sever anxiety, depression, mild insomnia, and BPD. I know I was taking a risk moving and leaving my insurance and doctors behind. But now I face an issue where the only medicine I have been taking (Ativan .5mg, maybe a couple times a month, usually) is running out. I have a few pills left and they are mostly powder because they are old. (I was doing good for a year, less attacks and breakdowns) Now I am trying to settle in and I have really bad anxiety coming in and my sleeping is starting to dwindle. I know Ativan could help me but I have just a little left. Does anyone know if it's possible to see a doctor and request a perscription even if you don't have insurance? Also... what do you do when you have no support person near you? The closest one for me is 5 hours away by car. I don't have anyone and I may be freaking out like... a lot? I spent the whole night with severe nausea and pain which made sure I didn't sleep. And here I am ranting. Sorry. I figure someone here at least gets my troubles, though.
insurance medication almost gone bad episode sure aomeone may able give opinion least typed toughts fear recently moved cross country landed new job year contract however sever anxiety depression mild insomnia bpd know taking risk moving leaving doctor behind face issue medicine ativan mg maybe couple time month usually running pill left mostly powder old good le attack breakdown trying settle really coming sleeping starting dwindle could help little anyone possible see request perscription even also support person near closest one hour away car freaking like lot spent whole night severe nausea pain made sleep ranting sorry figure someone get trouble though
Having a really difficult time managing my anxiety Hi everyone. This will probably be quite lengthy, so I’ll apologize in advance. I’ve been struggling for years with health related anxiety which I “managed” for a long time on my own. By manage, what I really mean is just deal and push through it. I’m at a point where it’s more than I can handle now and it’s crippling. My mother has had Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis for 21 years and I grew up watching her deteriorate from an independent, strong woman into someone who is now dependent on someone else for even the most basic tasks. I think this is the root of my health anxiety. I am terrified of getting MS. Over the last 4-5 years I’ve had varying degrees of symptoms ranging from tingling in hands and feet to constant headaches. I’ve had a number of tests done which all come back either normal, or with some other explanation. The most recent being a constant left sided headache and pain in my left eye. My primary care physician ordered an MRI based on my family history of MS which came back abnormal with some extremely small white spots which they were unable to make a diagnosis of. Their recommendation was to see a neurologist and get a lumbar puncture. This was in November... I live in Massachusetts which makes me extremely fortunate to have access to some of the best hospitals in the country. I was able to schedule an appointment with a neuro at Mass General, currently #3 in the country for neurology. The doctor was extremely nice and listened to everything I had to say. He flat out said “I do not think you have MS”. He explained to me that MS has certain patterns that show in an MRI which mine did not show. He said he believes my headaches are being caused by a combination of tension from clenching my jaw at night, which I absolutely do, and migraines with aura, which has happened twice. I asked about the lumbar puncture and he told me if I really wanted one and if it would put my mind at ease, he would gladly order one, but he felt it would come back negative. I certainly do not want to put myself through that unnecessarily and I’m afraid it still wouldn’t placate me. He also completed a full neurological exam, which I passed. I left there feeling pretty relieved. That lasted for about an hour. I started thinking about what if he’s wrong?? He’s basically just assuming this is due to headaches, but he really doesn’t know for sure. I really don’t know what to do at this point. My anxiety is out of control and I can’t stop thinking about this. It consumes every thought of my day and it is exhausting. I hate feeling like this. I do have a NP Psych who I see every six months who is very nice and tries to prescribe medication for me, but I can never bring myself to take it. I read the side effects and they scare the crap out of me so much that I’m too scared to take them. The only thing I will take is Xanax, which usually isn’t often, but lately it’s been almost every day. I also see a therapist who also is very nice, but if I’m being honest, isn’t very helpful. Whether that is my own fault, I don’t know. I originally went to her because I have issues with control and wanted to try to work on that. I just don’t find it to be doing anything for me though... I just wish I knew how to RELAX my thoughts and stop being such a worry wart. I’m wound so tight I’m ready to snap at any given minute. I get up every day, shower, go to work and then come home and lay in bed until I fall asleep because I’m so exhausted. I don’t know if I’m exhausted because of my mental health, work hours, or if something is really physically wrong with me. I’m honestly not even sure what I’m looking for in writing this, maybe I just needed to vent. But if anyone can relate or offer any advice I would be open to hearing anything you have to say. Life is so hard... Edit: Also posted on health anxiety
really difficult time managing anxiety hi everyone probably quite lengthy apologize advance struggling year health related managed long manage mean deal push point handle crippling mother primary progressive multiple sclerosis grew watching deteriorate independent strong woman someone dependent else even basic task think root terrified getting m last varying degree symptom ranging tingling hand foot constant headache number test done come back either normal explanation recent left sided pain eye care physician ordered mri based family history came abnormal extremely small white spot unable make diagnosis recommendation see neurologist get lumbar puncture november live massachusetts fortunate access best hospital country able schedule appointment neuro mass general currently neurology doctor nice listened everything say flat said explained certain pattern show mine belief caused combination tension clenching jaw night absolutely migraine aura happened twice asked told wanted one would put mind ease gladly order felt negative certainly want unnecessarily afraid still placate also completed full neurological exam passed feeling pretty relieved lasted hour started thinking wrong basically assuming due know sure control stop consumes every thought day exhausting hate like np psych six month try prescribe medication never bring take read side effect scare crap much scared thing xanax usually often lately almost therapist honest helpful whether fault originally went issue work find anything though wish knew relax worry wart wound tight ready snap given minute shower go home lay bed fall asleep exhausted mental something physically honestly looking writing maybe needed vent anyone relate offer advice open hearing life hard edit posted
How do i stop thinking everyone has good intentions? I feel like my whole life i’ve always encountered people who treat me like shit the majority of the time, but i always believe that they have good intentions and that it would be wrong of me to not forgive them. like, someone will do something awful to me and i’ll think “i’m sure they had a valid reason to do that and i’m just taking it the wrong way, they had good intentions, they didn’t mean to hurt me” or they’ll start being nice to me out of nowhere and i feel guilty i don’t accept their kindness due to their previous shitty actions towards me. does anyone know how i can stop feeling this way and reassure myself? this has always made it so hard for me to get rid of toxic people and let people walk all over me. i feel like this is a product of my anxiety but who knows honestly.
stop thinking everyone good intention feel like whole life always encountered people treat shit majority time believe would wrong forgive someone something awful think sure valid reason taking way mean hurt start nice nowhere guilty accept kindness due previous shitty action towards anyone know feeling reassure made hard get rid toxic let walk product anxiety honestly
my anxiety and hitting my head on a wall yesterday i guess i had a pretty bad breakdown after 7 panic attacks. i already went to the er but forgot to mention i had banged my head into the wall a couple of times. my question is do i need to go back? i'm now scared during an anxious and crazy state of mind i have majorly damaged my brain or caused a concussion. i'm showing no signs i've seen (nausea, disorientation, forgetting key details like date ect) but my head does slightly hurt when i touch it and i do feel sore there. i had a headache and got Tylenol for it at the hospital... but they didn't know about me banging my head into the wall. please, i just want to sleep. do i need to go back?
anxiety hitting head wall yesterday guess pretty bad breakdown panic attack already went er forgot mention banged couple time question need go back scared anxious crazy state mind majorly damaged brain caused concussion showing sign seen nausea disorientation forgetting key detail like date ect slightly hurt touch feel sore headache got tylenol hospital know banging please want sleep
Moderately Negative
Could my suppressed emotions be causing my anxiety in this situation? I’m having a hard time expressing my feelings to someone I’m in a relationship with. I’m keeping them inside and it feels like it’s making my anxiety worse. There’s the fear of saying what I feel aloud, fear of ruining how well things are going with being too emotional/serious. But I feel like I’m going crazy keeping these feelings inside. (It’s not like it’s a new relationship, we’ve been together for nine months.) Could this be making my anxiety worse? How do I let go? I know the obvious answer would be to just tell him how I feel, but that’s easier said than done.
could suppressed emotion causing anxiety situation hard time expressing feeling someone relationship keeping inside feel like making worse fear saying aloud ruining well thing going emotional serious crazy new together nine month let go know obvious answer would tell easier said done
Moderately Negative
I need help page So, like most of you, I have anxiety. I lurk here a little, but I've noticed something that could be improved. When looking at the [I need help page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anxiety/wiki/ineedhelp) I noticed a whole bunch of phone numbers. That's great and all, but two of the things I can't handle are talking about my self and talking on the phone with strangers. I was hoping to see some website links or something that I'd find easier. Like an online chat similar to tech support or something. I'm not in need now, this is just anticipatory. If anyone knows of anything like that I know I'd appreciate it.
need help page like anxiety lurk little noticed something could improved looking whole bunch phone number great two thing handle talking self stranger hoping see website link find easier online chat similar tech support anticipatory anyone know anything appreciate
Moderately Positive
How do you experience anxiety? Physically and emotionally. I'm wondering how anxiety manifests itself physically and/or emotionally in different people. Also, can anyone relate with my experience? Thanks for sharing. When I am going through an "episode" of anxiety, which could last a couple of weeks or months, I've noticed a pattern. Usually in the morning- shortly after waking up- I will experience a sensation of discomfort (not pain) close to my belly, and a mild shaking sensation will radiate throughout my body. No other person can see me shaking, but I feel like I am. This is always accompanied by negative thoughts. I am not sure which comes first - the bodily sensation of fear, or the thoughts. I tell myself that I will not accomplish my career/academic goals, or that I won't find a partner in life, or that people are judging me. It also always feels like something bad is about to happen. I can sometimes hear my heartbeat in my ears as well. It is very hard to do anything productive when I am deep in this feeling. I usually find relief after a couple of hours. The feeling of dread will dissipate gradually. On days like this, the evenings are relatively calm and I can think straight and in a healthier manner. But such evenings barely compensate for the suffering and dread earlier in the day. I often feel like I am coming out of the day having had the crap beaten out of me. I am always exhausted. I had these feelings of high anxiety despite my nightly dose of 10 mg Escitalopram (Cipralex/Lexapro). Last week my GP increased my dose to 20 mg, but 4-5 days in on this higher dose the anxiety is still there. Can anyone relate? Does anyone have any tips on how I can manage this- it is terrifying and it substantially hinders my productivity during the day. I appreciate you reading this.
experience anxiety physically emotionally wondering manifest different people also anyone relate thanks sharing going episode could last couple week month noticed pattern usually morning shortly waking sensation discomfort pain close belly mild shaking radiate throughout body person see feel like always accompanied negative thought sure come first bodily fear tell accomplish career academic goal find partner life judging something bad happen sometimes hear heartbeat ear well hard anything productive deep feeling relief hour dread dissipate gradually day evening relatively calm think straight healthier manner barely compensate suffering earlier often coming crap beaten exhausted high despite nightly dose mg escitalopram cipralex lexapro gp increased higher still tip manage terrifying substantially hinders productivity appreciate reading
Moderately Negative
I'm 29 years old, have by all accounts a great life and i can't keep feeling anxiety and having panic attacks. I'm a 29 year old man. I've been married to an amazing supportive woman for nearly five years now. We made a go of it with me running my own business for the last few years and it just hasn't worked financially. So i accepted a position at a new day job and it's perfect. Little to no stress, regular flexible hours that aren't crazy and fit around our schedule. Salary is good, and i get to leave work at work. I keep coming home and freaking out. I'm downstairs right now while my wife and friends are upstairs playing D&D and my wife is DMing and playing my character because i couldn't make it over an hour without shaking and freaking out. I've been seeing a therapist for a few years and it's helped but i keep slipping back and feel like i'm utterly failing. ​ I feel like i've failed at being a business owner. I feel like i'm failing my wife everytime she has to comfort me when i have a panic attack. I feel like i'm failing at being a human being because i'm broken somehow. I feel like i'm living a charade in which i pretend to be ok and healthy but i'm really not that good of an actor. ​ I know we're on our way to what we talked about things we wanted to me together but i'm not even sure what i want anymore. I'm not suicidal but some days I wonder what it would be like to have no anxiety at all even if that meant having nothing else. ​ We've talked about having kids soon, i'm terrified of what kind of father i'll be with my anxiety. i'm terrified of cursing a child with anxiety themselves. This has been mostly just a rant so thank you for reading if you have.
year old account great life keep feeling anxiety panic attack man married amazing supportive woman nearly five made go running business last worked financially accepted position new day job perfect little stress regular flexible hour crazy fit around schedule salary good get leave work coming home freaking downstairs right wife friend upstairs playing dming character make without shaking seeing therapist helped slipping back feel like utterly failing failed owner everytime comfort human broken somehow living charade pretend ok healthy really actor know way talked thing wanted together even sure want anymore suicidal wonder would meant nothing else kid soon terrified kind father cursing child mostly rant thank reading
Moderately Positive
How to deal with anxiety that leaves a heavy feeling in your chest constantly I have dealt with anxiety for quit some time now but the last year or so it has worsened to where I experience small panic attacks daily. Usually I’ll be doing fine just going on with my day as usual and then suddenly I fear that I cannot breath and then try to take in a deep breath but feel no matter how deep I breath in, it’s not deep enough. I know that over thinking my breathing is just making it worse but I don’t know how to not focus on it. Even when I distract myself I still feel that heaviness in my chest which makes me feel I can’t breath and that something terrible is going to happen to me. I hate feeling this way and especially when I’m around others and have to play it off like I’m fine but in reality all of these things are going through my mind. Also recently the last few days I will have sudden thoughts that I am not myself and I may have multiple personalities trying to take over( I watched a movie the other day where a guy had multiple personalities so I believe this is where it’s coming from) I know it’s ridiculous but it terrifies me and sends me into a panic immediately even though I am aware that there’s nothing wrong it’s like I’m doing this to myself and I just don’t know how to stop. Tl;dr : constantly feeling unable to breath also experiencing intrusive thoughts that I have multiple personalities.
deal anxiety leaf heavy feeling chest constantly dealt quit time last year worsened experience small panic attack daily usually fine going day usual suddenly fear cannot breath try take deep feel matter enough know thinking breathing making worse focus even distract still heaviness make something terrible happen hate way especially around others play like reality thing mind also recently sudden thought may multiple personality trying watched movie guy believe coming ridiculous terrifies sends immediately though aware nothing wrong stop tl dr unable experiencing intrusive
Moderately Negative
Deadly flu!?? So, a "deadly Australian flu" is coming to the UK (where I live) and I'm a absolutely terrified. My immune system isn't the best because I didn't leave my house very often for a few years and I'm terrified of catching it. The news is full of its usual fear mongering and unfortunately I can't help but be super anxious...
deadly flu australian coming uk live absolutely terrified immune system best leave house often year catching news full usual fear mongering unfortunately help super anxious
Moderately Positive
I hate myself for the first time in a month i went to sleep on a normal time and cleaned my room, i forced myself to go out to make friends next night and this Portuguese kid who wouldnt shut up made me stay up till 8 am, i didnt have the balls to tell him to be quiet, now i cant sleep and i work tomorrow in two hours, i probably wont make it i had sleep medication but when i moved to the uk i lost my health insurance, and my former doctor quit primary care so i switched doctors and they took away my sleeping meds and adderall because i tested positive for weed which i rarely smoke because if i drink im a mess. i cant function, i hate looking at myself in the mirror, just did for the first time in a week and realize im going bald, my toilet water wont shut off because i clogged it, i have no friends im half way across the world from anyone i know, which i like but its nice like this that make me wanna fucking off myself, afforded all this privilege and fumbled it greatly.
hate first time month went sleep normal cleaned room forced go make friend next night portuguese kid wouldnt shut made stay till didnt ball tell quiet cant work tomorrow two hour probably wont medication moved uk lost health insurance former doctor quit primary care switched took away sleeping med adderall tested positive weed rarely smoke drink im mess function looking mirror week realize going bald toilet water clogged half way across world anyone know like nice wanna fucking afforded privilege fumbled greatly
Visiting dying family members? Hey all, I'm sorry to be so morbid right off the bat. I have a great aunt that I've always been in good touch with my whole life, I love her. And she has lived a very long life, into her nineties. The past week, she was in the hospital with kidney failure. And then her body decided that it didn't want to eat anymore. She is dying, bluntly. My dad is going to visit her tomorrow, and I have class. I'm sure I could blow off if I really wanted to, but I don't think that I could handle it. My dad said he'll probably break down. If that happened to him then I can't imagine what I'll do. The moment I heard that she was saying her goodbyes, I barely made it back to my dorm before breaking down and crying. I couldn't handle going to see her. I couldn't put on a brave face. I feel like 20 is too young to be so close to death. And I'm not ready for it. My dad said it's my choice, but I don't want to go. Is that fucked up? I really just probably wouldn't even be able to set foot in the room.
visiting dying family member hey sorry morbid right bat great aunt always good touch whole life love lived long ninety past week hospital kidney failure body decided want eat anymore bluntly dad going visit tomorrow class sure could blow really wanted think handle said probably break happened imagine moment heard saying goodbye barely made back dorm breaking cry see put brave face feel like young close death ready choice go fucked even able set foot room
Moderately Positive
Reviewing conversations over and over in my head... I’m an introverted person, and I have some social anxiety. When I am done socializing my brain wants to go through every interaction and analyze how the person said something, how I responded, how I should or shouldn’t respond to someone in the future, etc. It is exhausting. I have such a hard time sleeping or relaxing after a party or group social setting because of this. Consequently, it makes me feel even less inclined to go to social events, even though, I do have a good time once I get settled at the event. Does anyone else experience this? Do you have any tips on allowing yourself to experience something without analyzing every detail?
reviewing conversation head introverted person social anxiety done socializing brain want go every interaction analyze said something responded respond someone future etc exhausting hard time sleeping relaxing party group setting consequently make feel even le inclined event though good get settled anyone else experience tip allowing without analyzing detail
Skiing anxiety. Any tips? I love to ski. And I'm a natural (or so I've been told.) I've mastered techniques it takes some people months to get the hang of and I'm now starting intermediate slopes. I'm good at them, I can feel it. And for someone who is really only a beginner, I apparently "*look* like a pro!" The above isn't me being boastful. It's something I'm ashamed of. I've got all this potential ...and yet I'm underachieving. My anxiety keeps kicking my ass and wasting what I ought to be great at. I'll be a short way down, I'll look at the steep steep slope and suddenly my stomach is in my throat, my eyes are watering, I'm too hot, my neck warmer is too tight, I can't breathe, I can't move, my goggles are steaming up and I can't even see... It's Hell. And the worst part? I start crying. And not just weeping either: big ugly babyish blubbery sobs and gasps with swollen eyelids and a red flushed face. It's so embarrassing. I apologize a lot when I panic because my parents, friends, and friends' parents were always super impatient with my panicking as a child. As an adult, I'm terrified of the people around me losing patience with me as well. And when people yell or scold me, my panicking intensifies. I can't cope at all. And then I try to get over it. I tell myself I'll just take it slow. And taking it slow means I have less control. So I fall. Yesterday, I fell on every slope. So I went to the green slopes to calm down and remember my techniques. I was so rattled that I fell there too. My tailbone and spine hurt, my arms are a mess, my legs are spotted with bruises. I'm so sore that I've chosen to take today off. I feel like such a loser. I am panicking in the lead up to pushing off the slope and then I'm panicking even more *while* hurtling down the slope. That's actually pretty dangerous because suddenly I can't remember what I'm meant to do. Then there's my husband. He's a darling. He's handsome, athletic, strong, and insanely smart. He began skiing at age 2 and now at 27 years old he is an almost Olympic-level skier. He wants me to ski with him. He says I have lots of potential and believes we will one day be skiing black slopes together. Until just recently, he was very supportive and patient with my panicking. But yesterday, when I had the million-and-first meltdown on a slope he actually lost his temper. He didn't yell, not really, he just told me how pissed off he was and how he couldn't believe this kept happening. "You were skiing fine. Then you fell. Again! What the hell?" Me: "I know. I panicked. I started going really fast and then I couldn't think and I..." Him: "Exactly. You panicked. You're not learning anything. I can't teach you anything." Me: "I'm sorry." Him: "You should be *past* this! We should've been on the advanced track *days* ago!" Me: "..." Him: "You skied well for all of five minutes today. *Five minutes!*" Me: "..." Him: "You've got the skill. You've got the techniques. You just won't use them. Now we're stuck up here. We've got a long walk back. I'd ski back with you but I know you're just going to bloody panic again. So we're walking now." Me: "C-couldn't we get a ride? Snow patrol? Or a shuttle?" Him: "Are you fucking kidding?! All the way out here? I'm not paying for that!" Me: "Okay. I'm sorry." Him: "STOP FUCKING APOLOGIZING!" The thing I was most afraid of: him losing his temper at me because of my stupid panic attacks, finally happened. I'm mortified. He left to go skiing this morning. He wanted me to come but I refused. I am very sore after yesterday and frankly, I don't want to ski with someone who talks to me like that. Sorry this is so long. I've decided to cut it a little short. Other things were said yesterday too. Things that stung a lot. Someone help?
skiing anxiety tip love ski natural told mastered technique take people month get hang starting intermediate slope good feel someone really beginner apparently look like pro boastful something ashamed got potential yet underachieving keep kicking as wasting ought great short way steep suddenly stomach throat eye watering hot neck warmer tight breathe move goggles steaming even see hell worst part start cry weeping either big ugly babyish blubbery sob gasp swollen eyelid red flushed face embarrassing apologize lot panic parent friend always super impatient panicking child adult terrified around losing patience well yell scold intensifies cope try tell slow taking mean le control fall yesterday fell every went green calm remember rattled tailbone spine hurt arm mess leg spotted bruise sore chosen today loser lead pushing hurtling actually pretty dangerous meant husband darling handsome athletic strong insanely smart began age year old almost olympic level skier want say belief one day black together recently supportive patient million first meltdown lost temper pissed believe kept happening fine know panicked started going fast think exactly learning anything teach sorry past advanced track ago skied five minute skill use stuck long walk back bloody walking ride snow patrol shuttle fucking kidding paying okay stop apologizing thing afraid stupid attack finally happened mortified left go morning wanted come refused frankly talk decided cut little said stung help
For once, my fight or flight response worked the way it's supposed to. I thought I'd share this here: I was riding my bike home tonight, when two guys tried to grab me in the middle of the street. Not sure if they wanted to mug me or steal my shitty bike, but my fight or flight response kicked in, time slowed down (for real!) and I managed to fend them off, keep my balance and ninja my way out of the situation. I'm still a liittle shook up, but it's nice to know that this thing is not only good for giving me panic attacks etc... It can actually be useful once in a while!
fight flight response worked way supposed thought share riding bike home tonight two guy tried grab middle street sure wanted mug steal shitty kicked time slowed real managed fend keep balance ninja situation still liittle shook nice know thing good giving panic attack etc actually useful
Moderately Positive
Recently my anxiety has gotten really bad, possibly the worse it has ever been and I’ve been experiencing panic attacks, but I still can’t justify taking my medication because I feel like I deserve to suffer. I also struggle with the feeling like I’m making all this up and none of my problems exist which I know rationally cannot be true when I’ve struggled with this for most my life, however I still can’t shift it. I don’t know if this is part of my anxiety making me feel like this or whether it is another thing I’ve made myself believe. I guess I’m just looking for some advice and reassurance. I’m just really tired of feeling this way and constantly being in turmoil with my mind.
recently anxiety gotten really bad possibly worse ever experiencing panic attack still justify taking medication feel like deserve suffer also struggle feeling making none problem exist know rationally cannot true struggled life however shift part whether another thing made believe guess looking advice reassurance tired way constantly turmoil mind
Moderately Negative
Anxiety, Insomnia and Sleep Paralysis Recently, my sleep schedule has been the worst it has been for years. I've previously struggled with insomnia before, but never to this degree. I'm 18 and I feel like my life has changed so much in the past 6 months with starting university and such, and all of these changes have now just caught up with me and it keeps me up at night (alongside all of the general things I over-think at night anyway). I've never frequently suffered from sleep paralysis, I used to get it very occasionally when I was feeling extremely anxious) but recently I've been getting it almost every night for the past month. I also don't know its link to anxiety, and was wondering if anyone else experienced the same thing when they're particularly anxious. It ranges from auditory hallucinations to seeing people standing at the side of my bed or in the corner of my room, and I feel like if I didn't have my boyfriend with me I would actually go insane. Does anyone else suffer from sleep paralysis as a by-product of feeling particularly anxious, and if so, how would you suggest I get rid of it, or at least lessen the frequency of it occurring?
anxiety insomnia sleep paralysis recently schedule worst year previously struggled never degree feel like life changed much past month starting university change caught keep night alongside general thing think anyway frequently suffered used get occasionally feeling extremely anxious getting almost every also know link wondering anyone else experienced particularly range auditory hallucination seeing people standing side bed corner room boyfriend would actually go insane suffer product suggest rid least lessen frequency occurring
Moderately Negative
Getting A Job... I'm not good at dealing with people, especially in a situation where I know I'm at a disadvantage (job training). I've been wanting to get a job to pay for gas and buy myself cool things I really want. I'm currently a junior in high school and my parents want me to get a job so I can get out of the house more. I don't know where to go, what to do, where to apply that won't make me feel like I'm dying of a nervous breakdown and I need help. Where did you all get your first jobs? Any suggestions for calm, friendly environments that might make me feel a little more comfortable?
getting job good dealing people especially situation know disadvantage training wanting get pay gas buy cool thing really want currently junior high school parent house go apply make feel like dying nervous breakdown need help first suggestion calm friendly environment might little comfortable
Moderately Positive
Guilt and anxiety are making me avoid applying to jobs Basically I've suffered with anxiety my entire life. I remember lying awake all night as a 6 year old kid worrying about my parents getting old and how to make sure I absolutely don't miss any precious moments with them or my sisters. I'm 25 years old now, a doctor, and I can not apply to jobs. I worry that moving abroad means that I won't be close to my family anymore and that by leaving, there will be no one to keep a close eye on things and to make sure everyone is okay. It's making me miserable because for me to further my career, I have to apply for jobs abroad. I do not have the choice to stay in the same country anyway. But I've been avoiding even applying for this reason. I was a straight A student my whole life. My seniors and supervisors only have good things to say about me and I've always been a really smart kid. It's been months since I voluntarily left the house, I avoid people at all costs. I avoid weddings, hanging out with friends from college and even doing things that make me happy. I also feel guilty about things like my CV for example. I always think I'm making myself sound better than I actually am. I want to even remove entire sections because I feel like it makes me look like I worked harder than I did. For example, I have a 6 month period of work where I wasn't getting paid, and the hours were very flexible. I was allowed to do the work from home (it was mostly reading and reviewing research papers) and I was even allowed to travel for exams and stuff like that as long as I got the work done. The thing is, even though it was 6 months, I feel like I shouldn't write that down because for a few months all I did was learn more about the topic I was researching to make sure I understood it very well. In my head, I don't deserve acknowledgement for that. This is not the only instance of course, it's just an example. If any of my friends or colleagues asked me if that kind of work deserved to be on their CV I'd say YES OF COURSE. It's just that I don't seem to think that I deserve to be happy or not stressed while also doing something I love. Anyway since my last job at a hospital I've been focusing on research. I'm very good at what I do and none of this has ever affected my work. I'm just tired of feeling this way you know? I want to believe in myself as much as I believe in everyone else without feeling like I've been lying about how much work I do or feeling like doing what I love will somehow hurt my family.
guilt anxiety making avoid applying job basically suffered entire life remember lying awake night year old kid worrying parent getting make sure absolutely miss precious moment sister doctor apply worry moving abroad mean close family anymore leaving one keep eye thing everyone okay miserable career choice stay country anyway avoiding even reason straight student whole senior supervisor good say always really smart month since voluntarily left house people cost wedding hanging friend college happy also feel guilty like cv example think sound better actually want remove section look worked harder period work paid hour flexible allowed home mostly reading reviewing research paper travel exam stuff long got done though write learn topic researching understood well head deserve acknowledgement instance course colleague asked kind deserved yes seem stressed something love last hospital focusing none ever affected tired feeling way know believe much else without somehow hurt
Moderately Positive
Physical Anxiety To start out simply, I’m 22 and I’ve suffered anxiety for as long as I can remember. It started as separation anxiety with certain family members, as long as one of them was around I’d be fine; never having it addressed opened the gate to social anxiety once I started school. I couldn’t bare to be away from my mom as it was, throw me into a room with a dozen other children - which at this point in my life I’d never interacted with other children my age - who were loud and rowdy. Quickly, the consistent stress of being away from home every day made me an easy target on the school yard, and I was bullied as a result (stress = crying). Anxiety has plagued me for as long as I can remember, and it has always been mental - like anxiety is. Fast forward a dozen years and by the time I’m 20 I’m moving out to go to college: own apartment with my bf at the time, first time living on my own, moved to a whole new city. It was fantastic and for a while I really started to climb up, especially when dealing with the social anxiety that blocked me from forming friendships for the majority of my life. Forward a bit more, I’ve moved out of that place and am living with a new relationship — I nearly lost everything at one point and it started this whole new experience with my anxiety. I started waking up out of a dead sleep in the mornings, sweaty and panicked, usually having to run to the bathroom physically sick with how scared and anxious I was about EVERYTHING. It felt like my mind started to overload trying to manage all the events, stressful and not, and as a result my subconscious has crammed it all into physical reactions now. There’s times I’ll go weeks, months almost without an episode and then it’ll start, usually I can tell when it’s starting to get bad again because I’ll start waking up middle of the night, not so much morning, clammy and heart racing until eventually I’m waking up in the mornings in full panic. It’s cost me jobs = financial security and eating, which I’m sick of. I’m finally about to reach passed the three month probation with my current job, securing my position with them. But I can feel it, deep unsettling in my stomach when I go to bed and when I wake up. I’ve tried everything: meditation (which actually sends me into anxiety attacks), therapy, counselling, exercise and whatever other neurotypical classics even... I even started medicating myself in order to try regaining balance of my life. Barely there. I don’t know what kind of response I’m looking for, it doesn’t matter: vent back, relate, support, share.
physical anxiety start simply suffered long remember started separation certain family member one around fine never addressed opened gate social school bare away mom throw room dozen child point life interacted age loud rowdy quickly consistent stress home every day made easy target yard bullied result cry plagued always mental like fast forward year time moving go college apartment bf first living moved whole new city fantastic really climb especially dealing blocked forming friendship majority bit place relationship nearly lost everything experience waking dead sleep morning sweaty panicked usually run bathroom physically sick scared anxious felt mind overload trying manage event stressful subconscious crammed reaction week month almost without episode tell starting get bad middle night much clammy heart racing eventually full panic cost job financial security eating finally reach passed three probation current securing position feel deep unsettling stomach bed wake tried meditation actually sends attack therapy counselling exercise whatever neurotypical classic even medicating order try regaining balance barely know kind response looking matter vent back relate support share
Permanence of the Past Hi everyone. I have a serious anxiety problem that is getting worse every day, and nothing has helped. My loved ones have given me advice that I immediately discredit in my mind due to my horrible patterns of logic that caused this in the first place. Maybe someone here can help. ​ It was triggered today by a bad evaluation at work. It was triggered yesterday by a reminder that I didn't get into a certain college when I was younger. The day before that, from getting pulled over and getting a warning for speeding. Every day it's something new, ranging from a blemish on my professional record to something strange I said in high school. But to me, every mistake or criticism big or small is a stain on my life. I could say it's anxiety about the past, but for me there's no different between time periods. If I make a mistake, it's permanent. I can move on or fix it, but nothing can change the fact that I made the mistake. Every day I get farther away from perfection and satisfaction with the course of my life. I may be improving and I may be a different person than I once was, but there was still a point where I wasn't good enough. Nothing changes that, not even moving on. ​ I've heard every piece of advice and logic about this. "Move on." "The past is in the past." "That doesn't matter anymore." But my mind doesn't work like that. I could compare the way I see life events to a bunch of scars: The injuries may have healed, but they still left something permanent. Nothing changes the fact that something happened, even the outcome. ​ Things I see or that happen to me just solidify this part of me that thinks everything is permanent. Like the other day in a conversation, my mom was laughing with my wife about something gross I did as a kid. I'm a different person now, but I still did that thing and she still remembers it. In the news, I see every politician and celebrity have their entire pasts dug up. Everything is permanent, and no amount of moving on or bettering myself changes anything that has already happened. ​ So what do I do? It's at a point now where bringing up any part of my past, even completely normal parts, brings on a strong panic attack. That bad evaluation today makes me want to quit my job or kill myself, and it's not the first time I have seriously felt either of those from documented criticism. What do I do? How do I live with myself? And don't tell me to just move on. I know I need to move on, but my mind and anxiety won't let me.
permanence past hi everyone serious anxiety problem getting worse every day nothing helped loved one given advice immediately discredit mind due horrible pattern logic caused first place maybe someone help triggered today bad evaluation work yesterday reminder get certain college younger pulled warning speeding something new ranging blemish professional record strange said high school mistake criticism big small stain life could say different time period make permanent move fix change fact made farther away perfection satisfaction course may improving person still point good enough even moving heard piece matter anymore like compare way see event bunch scar injury healed left happened outcome thing happen solidify part think everything conversation mom laughing wife gross kid remembers news politician celebrity entire dug amount bettering anything already bringing completely normal brings strong panic attack want quit job kill seriously felt either documented live tell know need let
I don't know if I can do it. Life is falling apart real hard. House is in foreclosure, have no water, no money. No friends, no family. Just my wife. I know I shouldn't drink but I have a problem, the problem made me want to escape this weekend and I binged hard again. The alcohol didn't even make me feel better, I ended up drunk and having a panic attack, and that panic hasn't gone away in two days. One of my longest straight attacks and it feels like constant torture. Now I'm facing the consequences of my poor choices, overwhelming anxiety and fucked up brain. I can't stop thinking about what's going to happen when we're evicted, no money, no credit and no support in this town. I'm so very tired of myself. I'm so very tired of being me. I have to sneak over to a construction site just to fill water barrels so we can flush the toilet. That alone sets my anxiety off on a good day, right now it's going to be unbearable. How did I let things get this bad. Lots of people have lost family and don't fall apart this bad. Why is my anxiety so bad sometimes that I don't want to live.
know life falling apart real hard house foreclosure water money friend family wife drink problem made want escape weekend binged alcohol even make feel better ended drunk panic attack gone away two day one longest straight like constant torture facing consequence poor choice overwhelming anxiety fucked brain stop thinking going happen evicted credit support town tired sneak construction site fill barrel flush toilet alone set good right unbearable let thing get bad lot people lost fall sometimes live
Moderately Negative
About to get on a flight but I don’t think I can do it. I can’t handle the anxiety anymore, I’ve had it every second of every moment of what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation. Since I’m traveling, my body has been on high alert. I don’t have ANY medication or anything and am panicking about getting on the 3 hour flight from Austin to California. Is there anything I can get at the airport or do to possible make this any better?
get flight think handle anxiety anymore every second moment supposed relaxing vacation since traveling body high alert medication anything panicking getting hour austin california airport possible make better
Moderately Positive
Going to an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar environment. Hello, so I am getting interested in Warhammer 40k. I have asked a person who runs a store in my area if he would mind showing me around and teaching me some things, like where to start. That will happen tomorrow and I feel really really scared. I feel like the back of my throat is blocked and my hands have a wierd pain inside them and my legs feel wierd. I don't know what to do. If you know any methods to help me overcome this fear then, please, anything will help at this point. Thank you so much for reading if you got to this point!
going unfamiliar place environment hello getting interested warhammer asked person run store area would mind showing around teaching thing like start happen tomorrow feel really scared back throat blocked hand wierd pain inside leg know method help overcome fear please anything point thank much reading got
Moderately Positive
If anxiety/self doubt are holding you back from pursuing a goal I obsess relentlessly about my job. My anxiety gives me tremendous self-doubt. Recently, a new job opportunity has come up at work and my boss wants me to take it. This is a great opportunity and I'm objectively qualified... Regardless, this has caused me so many panic attacks. I've considered turning this down, and "playing it safe". I just know that right now I need to find a way to believe in myself. [This Article](https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/evolution-the-self/201505/anxiety-and-self-doubt-perfect-recipe-underachievement) is giving me the courage to push forward. If anyone else out there is in a similar boat, I hope it helps you as well.
anxiety self doubt holding back pursuing goal ob relentlessly job give tremendous recently new opportunity come work bos want take great objectively qualified regardless caused many panic attack considered turning playing safe know right need find way believe article giving courage push forward anyone else similar boat hope help well
Moderately Positive
Scared of Visa Interview Tomorrow, Anxiety. Help!! I am applying for a work visa at the border tomorrow, there is an interview, I am very stressed and anxious right now. Can anyone suggest ways I can mentally control the stress!
scared visa interview tomorrow anxiety help applying work border stressed anxious right anyone suggest way mentally control stress
I never stopped feeling anxious around my boyfriend We broke up over two month ago after dating for eight months and after processing some stuff, i’ve realized that I always felt really anxious being with him. Whenever I would drive down to see him (it was never the other way around), it would take me hours of being around him each time to not feel so anxious. The anxiousness resulted in me being too afraid to initiate anything intimate. He almost always had to be the one to take my hand or kiss me. The thing was, I really wanted to, but I was scared to do it because I wasn’t sure if he wanted me to or not. I believed that if he didn’t do it himself then he didn’t want me to do it to him, if that makes sense? And I knew that was wrong (as he himself told me) but when the time came to do it, I never could shake the feeling. I guess I just wanted to hear your thoughts about it. Is that normal for people with anxiety disorders?
never stopped feeling anxious around boyfriend broke two month ago dating eight processing stuff realized always felt really whenever would drive see way take hour time feel anxiousness resulted afraid initiate anything intimate almost one hand kiss thing wanted scared sure believed want make sense knew wrong told came could shake guess hear thought normal people anxiety disorder
4-5 Months of brain fog? help me I believe I am suffering from Depersonalization or Derealization or brain fog (maybe all the same?), but I'm not 100% sure. This started about 4-5 months ago and is still affecting me. (I am 17 and a senior in highschool) Symptoms: -Bad memory. I have trouble remembering things even if it happened yesterday or even a couple of hours ago. I have to think really hard to remember. I went to "Camp Flog Gnaw 2017" which is a music festival. It seemed like it went by like a blur and I can only remember random things, things I recorded, or really memorable things such as losing my phone in the crowd or something crazy happening. -Hard time focusing. I zone out VERY EASILY when I'm in school. It has gotten so bad that it is affecting my grades. I can't even read a paragraph of a book and remember what I read, which really hurts my scores on tests. I just absolutely cannot focus on things that don't interest me like I used to be able to. -Overthinking. I overthink thinks a lot and always think of the worst possible outcome. The start (I believe): I am a hypochondriac and have bad anxiety when it comes to my health. I had suffered from headaches and other symptoms that lasted 4-5 months that had me in fear that I had cancer. This really messed me up and made me lose sleep in fear. I believe this was the cause of this. The headaches and symptoms are gone now and my fear of a medical condition has gone down, but I still am suffering from the symptoms that came with this (seeing life as a blur). Possible causes: -Anxiety/Hypochondria <Most Likely -Social Isolation. I have friends online that I talk with and occasionally play video games with almost everyday, but the only time I interact with people in real life is with my friends at school. The only time I go out is to go to school or on an occasion. -Lack of sleep. I get really distracted on my phone or excited about something which makes me wide awake. -Loneliness. I haven't dated in years and I do want to, but I have had the option to with many girls, but I just don't feel interested. Can anyone help figure out what I am suffering from and give me advice on how to cure it?
month brain fog help believe suffering depersonalization derealization maybe sure started ago still affecting senior highschool symptom bad memory trouble remembering thing even happened yesterday couple hour think really hard remember went camp flog gnaw music festival seemed like blur random recorded memorable losing phone crowd something crazy happening time focusing zone easily school gotten grade read paragraph book hurt score test absolutely cannot focus interest used able overthinking overthink lot always worst possible outcome start hypochondriac anxiety come health suffered headache lasted fear cancer messed made lose sleep cause gone medical condition came seeing life hypochondria likely social isolation friend online talk occasionally play video game almost everyday interact people real go occasion lack get distracted excited make wide awake loneliness dated year want option many girl feel interested anyone figure give advice cure
So I may have been REALLY rude to a co-worker without realizing it and some advice would be appreciated I work at a car dealership where the median age is probably 65. I’m the receptionist. Most of the guys here are probably the nicest and funniest people I’ve ever worked with (and those are just the salesmen!) Tonight, I was staying late waiting for my Lyft (my car got in an accident) and was kinda coming down a little bit of a scare (couldn’t get a Lyft. called partner to try and figure it out. while on phone caught Lyft). While I was tracking to see where my driver was, my favorite salesman, Bob, walked over to my desk with a HUGE cardboard box. “Hey, loveandpoprocks, do you want any of these?” And there, dear Reader, I saw the one thing I love the most. My drug of choice. My kryptonite. My Achilles’s Heel. 3 boxes of sweet, sweet Samoas. That coconutty, chocolatey, caramely goodness. An animal instinct came over me. Before I knew what was happening, I had all 3 in my arms. “Oh, you like those?” He asked. “They’re the BEST!” I exclaimed. “Well, in that case I want one back.” “Omg. Of course, here you go!” “Nah, take it. Here’s the box!” Then my Lyft came and before you know it. There I am sitting with all of his Samoas. YOU GUYS. I FEEL AWFUL. WHY DID I HAVE TO TAKE ALL 3?!? I FEEL LIKE SUCH A GREEDY GOOSE. ONE BOX MAYBE BUT 3?!? COME ON THIS ISN’T r/fatpeoplestories! IM NOT A HAMPLANET. So, what do I do here? Do I give all the cookies back to him? Or do I keep them? Or do I get rid of all them to other people so they’re not my “anxiety cookies”?!
may really rude co worker without realizing advice would appreciated work car dealership median age probably receptionist guy nicest funniest people ever worked salesman tonight staying late waiting lyft got accident kinda coming little bit scare get called partner try figure phone caught tracking see driver favorite bob walked desk huge cardboard box hey loveandpoprocks want dear reader saw one thing love drug choice kryptonite achilles heel sweet samoa coconutty chocolatey caramely goodness animal instinct came knew happening arm oh like asked best exclaimed well case back omg course go nah take know sitting feel awful greedy goose maybe come fatpeoplestories im hamplanet give cooky keep rid anxiety
Moderately Positive
Having to wear glasses is making me panic. Last night I had some drinks with my best friend and when we crashed, I drunkenly took out my contacts and threw them in the trash instead of in the proper case. Now I am forced to wear my glasses. The thing is, I have confidence issues exaserbated (sp?) by my anxiety. I feel super ugly and homely in my glasses but have no choice but to wear them since I am practically blind. I ordered new contacts but they won't be here until january 29th! I am panicking and cant calm down. I have to go to new york in a week to visit my friend and go out and the thought of doing that in my glasses makes me want to die. And my new classes start tomorrow. I can't seem to calm myself down and I don't know what to do
wear glass making panic last night drink best friend crashed drunkenly took contact threw trash instead proper case forced thing confidence issue exaserbated sp anxiety feel super ugly homely choice since practically blind ordered new january th panicking cant calm go york week visit thought make want die class start tomorrow seem know
How to deal with brothers girlfriend I'm 16 yr female and my brother has had a girlfriend for 6 months now and I've been trying to deal with it and at first it was okay but I just can't anymore I feel so stressed and uncomfortable in my own home all the time and she stays over most nights. They are quite loud and I can hear them from my room which is at times disturbing and others very annoying, I just haven't been able to sleep lately and I don't know who to talk to. I don't want to come off as disruptive to the family but I just wish I could move out. They're all over eachother 24/7 tbh I don't really want to see that. I honestly can't stand them being so loved up anymore, I never want a boyfriend in the future if it makes me act like that. I just miss the times when my home felt like my home.
deal brother girlfriend yr female month trying first okay anymore feel stressed uncomfortable home time stay night quite loud hear room disturbing others annoying able sleep lately know talk want come disruptive family wish could move eachother tbh really see honestly stand loved never boyfriend future make act like miss felt
Moderately Positive
Panic attack (PMDD). Need advice. Hey all, I've been suspecting that I have PMDD for a while now (not been diagnosed), I've been talking to my counselor about it some. I have told him that the smallest things make my hands shake and I get super dizzy and anxious (like even before a fight with my boyfriend begins over text / before an exam), the week before my period. The anxiety had been pretty chronic over the past two months, and got a lot worse the week before my period, and then would get loads better after the first day of my period. Just like that. Also over the past few years, I've had a lot of trouble controlling my rage and my tears, and tended to irrationally explode a lot, but managed to improve that over many months with meditation and exercise. I assumed it would help my anxiety as well, so I restarted meditation and cut down on caffeine, and my mood did improve a lot. Most of last week went well. Until it didn't. The smallest incident made me really upset two nights ago, but I don't even think it was the emotion as much as the bodily change, where my heart rate suddenly shot through the roof, and my whole body began shaking violently. No amount of deep breaths could stop it. This had only happened to me twice before, before exams (I'm in medical school). But this time it was way worse. It lasted around 30 minutes, after which I was just exhausted and confused and mad at myself for losing it (I was on the phone with my boyfriend and started crying hysterically even though he hadn't done anything wrong). In the past my emotions has caused us to argue because no matter how much I meditate or take deep breaths I just can't control it. All this time I thought it was in my head but after that crazy panic attack, I'm not sure any amount of lifestyle change can fix this. The birth control that my school clinic suggested, Yaz, had extremely terrible reviews on reddit (deep vein thromboses, breathlessness etc), and I admit I am a bit unsure of starting on an SSRI. Should I go to Planned Parenthood to ask about more options? I'm not sure what to do at this point. I would be grateful for any advice right now!
panic attack pmdd need advice hey suspecting diagnosed talking counselor told smallest thing make hand shake get super dizzy anxious like even fight boyfriend begin text exam week period anxiety pretty chronic past two month got lot worse would load better first day also year trouble controlling rage tear tended irrationally explode managed improve many meditation exercise assumed help well restarted cut caffeine mood last went incident made really upset night ago think emotion much bodily change heart rate suddenly shot roof whole body began shaking violently amount deep breath could stop happened twice medical school time way lasted around minute exhausted confused mad losing phone started cry hysterically though done anything wrong caused u argue matter meditate take control thought head crazy sure lifestyle fix birth clinic suggested yaz extremely terrible review reddit vein thromboses breathlessness etc admit bit unsure starting ssri go planned parenthood ask option point grateful right
Moderately Negative
I think i’m being gaslighted I’ve been thinking about this group of people i hangout with for awhile now. One goal i had for myself is to distance myself from negativity and not partake in it. However, sometimes i can be blunt without meaning to be. My humor is sometimes sarcastic which also makes it worse. This group for the the most part don’t care much about me. Which isn’t that important, but lately its been more verbally apparent. To the point where it’s actually uncomfortable. I never had a chance coming into the group, they dismissed me before i even actually spoke to them. They treated me and others like a disposable rag. Then they try to make me feel like i’m just the one making all of this up.
think gaslighted thinking group people hangout awhile one goal distance negativity partake however sometimes blunt without meaning humor sarcastic also make worse part care much important lately verbally apparent point actually uncomfortable never chance coming dismissed even spoke treated others like disposable rag try feel making
Moderately Negative