1 value
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Story telling Challenge : I have been handling a social media platform for the sharing of food experiences . Initially I shared the food pictures with not so lengthy captions . I did not give much of an importance to the intake of viewers . I heavily concentrated on what I wanted to share . Gradually I started to retrospect about the social media platform . It was then that I realised something was incomplete about the way it was being shared . The pictures or the videos I share are of top notch quality yet some wow factor was missing . People were not able to connect to the pictures or videos being shared because almost all the captions were one liners . There was nothing much to be done in such cases , except to watch it and hit a like if one feels the picture or video is of interest to them . Selection : I thought it was high time that I implement or bring some changes to the existing pattern . Hence I worked on bringing interesting write ups . Yes , instead of the usual one liners , I thought of bringing up a story line behind a certain food experience . If it was the picture of a food joint I recently dined out with my friends . Then I shall share about my overall experience being there with my friends and about the food that I had there , the ambience and vibes the place gives , the taste of food etc . Hence my idea was to bring up interesting narrative for every picture or video being shared . Application : It was quite a tedious task for me to work on narratives since I was very much apprehensive about the outcome . But I took my time to view the picture or video next in line to be shared and thought of how my experience were then . How was my experience with that particular restaurant or food cuisine . Soon , I started typing it down and took me some time to improvise it . And I shared the story incorporating questions to be answered by the viewers on how was their experience being there or if not , giving the viewers a thought to definitely try this place , restaurant or that particular food cuisine on their next dining out day . To my surprise this very idea of sharing stories of my food experiences along with the respective pictures or videos became an instant hit . The engagements in these posts were huge . Finally people read through and found it relatable . Many people started to commenting underneath the posts about their food experiences or how much they are looking forward to dine in there because of how good my experience was . It kind of help me build a strong bond with the viewers , which has never happened before . Insight : What I learnt from the whole process was when it is relatable enough or appealing enough for the viewers it gets clicked instantly . Whatever you put it out , if you keep the viewers first in mind and think from their perspectives it would be the best . It is after all for the viewers or the customers we bring up a product or a service hence the due interest of them are to be given the priority . As in the video lecture by Bedo Crispo Global leadership Development Director : “ What does your audience need , a business leader ? They want little bit of data . They want hard fact , and they want recommendations . The space in between that and how you get those things , that s where story telling can be compelling . “ Approach : For the time being I might stick on to story telling . As it is gaining much of a momentum . I shall try my best to create more eye catchy and creative story lines . And at the same time I am planning to think of ideas that I shall be doing in the near future .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Story telling Challenge : I have been handling a social media platform for the sharing of food experiences . Initially I shared the food pictures with not so lengthy captions . I did not give much of an importance to the intake of viewers . I heavily concentrated on what I wanted to share . Gradually I started to retrospect about the social media platform . It was then that I realised something was incomplete about the way it was being shared . The pictures or the videos I share are of top notch quality yet some wow factor was missing . People were not able to connect to the pictures or videos being shared because almost all the captions were one liners . There was nothing much to be done in such cases , except to watch it and hit a like if one feels the picture or video is of interest to them . Selection : I thought it was high time that I implement or bring some changes to the existing pattern . Hence I worked on bringing interesting write ups . Yes , instead of the usual one liners , I thought of bringing up a story line behind a certain food experience . If it was the picture of a food joint I recently dined out with my friends . Then I shall share about my overall experience being there with my friends and about the food that I had there , the ambience and vibes the place gives , the taste of food etc . Hence my idea was to bring up interesting narrative for every picture or video being shared . Application : It was quite a tedious task for me to work on narratives since I was very much apprehensive about the outcome . But I took my time to view the picture or video next in line to be shared and thought of how my experience were then . How was my experience with that particular restaurant or food cuisine . Soon , I started typing it down and took me some time to improvise it . And I shared the story incorporating questions to be answered by the viewers on how was their experience being there or if not , giving the viewers a thought to definitely try this place , restaurant or that particular food cuisine on their next dining out day . To my surprise this very idea of sharing stories of my food experiences along with the respective pictures or videos became an instant hit . The engagements in these posts were huge . Finally people read through and found it relatable . Many people started to commenting underneath the posts about their food experiences or how much they are looking forward to dine in there because of how good my experience was . It kind of help me build a strong bond with the viewers , which has never happened before . Insight : What I learnt from the whole process was when it is relatable enough or appealing enough for the viewers it gets clicked instantly . Whatever you put it out , if you keep the viewers first in mind and think from their perspectives it would be the best . It is after all for the viewers or the customers we bring up a product or a service hence the due interest of them are to be given the priority . As in the video lecture by Bedo Crispo Global leadership Development Director : “ What does your audience need , a business leader ? They want little bit of data . They want hard fact , and they want recommendations . The space in between that and how you get those things , that s where story telling can be compelling . “ Approach : For the time being I might stick on to story telling . As it is gaining much of a momentum . I shall try my best to create more eye catchy and creative story lines . And at the same time I am planning to think of ideas that I shall be doing in the near future . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Assignment Increasing University Admissions Challenge : The challenge at hand is to increase the number of applicants applying for admission at this University this year . I am a part of a 5 membered team which looks after the admissions and recruitments department . Keeping the current COVID-19 situation and it ’s economic impacts in mind , it will not be easy for many students to apply to universities therefore we will have to redesign our marketing tactics to sustain the universities expenses amid increasing inflation by increasing the number of upcoming students . Selection : Keeping the challenge in mind and after very careful consideration of the tools available to us , our team has mutually decided on the “ Learning Launch ” tool . Learning Launch fits perfectly for our situation because Learning Launch basically means fast and cheap experiments . Due to the time constraint and a specific budget allocated , learning launch will do just fine . Application : For the first learning launch , we decided to completely redesign our scholarship program . As we wanted quick and inexpensive experiments , the University officials approved and had liked it very much . The new Scholarship Program introduced comprises of 50 reserved seats for 100 % Scholarship , 40 seats reserved for up to 80 % scholarship , and 50 seats reserved for 30 % till 60 % scholarships . And on top of that , all scholarships awarded will be either on merit basis or on need basis . This program turned out be a total success as the number of students applied for admissions increased by 30 % and those 30 % candidates applied for a scholarship . The second Learning Launch , we focused on was reinvesting the capital . Since the university is currently closed due to the current pandemic situation , a lot of money is saved on the utility bills . By investing that money into social media marketing and maintaining a strong social media presence using the learning launch tool , it can be very insightful and efficient . After successful implementation of the tool , it was seen that most high school students who were interested in getting an admission at the university were more from the Instagram and Facebook campaign and less from the LinkedIn and twitter campaign . After a careful consideration these results , the second part of the campaign was only launched on Facebook and Instagram with capital reinvested in these two platforms instead of the other two . Insight : In this current situation , learning launch was the ideal tool to apply as our team needed to try and test out new ideas and see if they would work . We created a hypothesis and then tested on it not keeping in mind the we would most necessarily be succeeding in it because learning launch is all about try and testing ideas , fast and cheap whether or not it meant success . Approach : Given the same tools next time , me and team would still go for Learning Launch . Firstly because we needed quick and affordable experiments therefore learning launch gives us that opportunity . Secondly we wanted to the reflect insight gained and for that once again learning launch is the best alternative .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Assignment Increasing University Admissions Challenge : The challenge at hand is to increase the number of applicants applying for admission at this University this year . I am a part of a 5 membered team which looks after the admissions and recruitments department . Keeping the current COVID-19 situation and it ’s economic impacts in mind , it will not be easy for many students to apply to universities therefore we will have to redesign our marketing tactics to sustain the universities expenses amid increasing inflation by increasing the number of upcoming students . Selection : Keeping the challenge in mind and after very careful consideration of the tools available to us , our team has mutually decided on the “ Learning Launch ” tool . Learning Launch fits perfectly for our situation because Learning Launch basically means fast and cheap experiments . Due to the time constraint and a specific budget allocated , learning launch will do just fine . Application : For the first learning launch , we decided to completely redesign our scholarship program . As we wanted quick and inexpensive experiments , the University officials approved and had liked it very much . The new Scholarship Program introduced comprises of 50 reserved seats for 100 % Scholarship , 40 seats reserved for up to 80 % scholarship , and 50 seats reserved for 30 % till 60 % scholarships . And on top of that , all scholarships awarded will be either on merit basis or on need basis . This program turned out be a total success as the number of students applied for admissions increased by 30 % and those 30 % candidates applied for a scholarship . The second Learning Launch , we focused on was reinvesting the capital . Since the university is currently closed due to the current pandemic situation , a lot of money is saved on the utility bills . By investing that money into social media marketing and maintaining a strong social media presence using the learning launch tool , it can be very insightful and efficient . After successful implementation of the tool , it was seen that most high school students who were interested in getting an admission at the university were more from the Instagram and Facebook campaign and less from the LinkedIn and twitter campaign . After a careful consideration these results , the second part of the campaign was only launched on Facebook and Instagram with capital reinvested in these two platforms instead of the other two . Insight : In this current situation , learning launch was the ideal tool to apply as our team needed to try and test out new ideas and see if they would work . We created a hypothesis and then tested on it not keeping in mind the we would most necessarily be succeeding in it because learning launch is all about try and testing ideas , fast and cheap whether or not it meant success . Approach : Given the same tools next time , me and team would still go for Learning Launch . Firstly because we needed quick and affordable experiments therefore learning launch gives us that opportunity . Secondly we wanted to the reflect insight gained and for that once again learning launch is the best alternative . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Storytelling Challenge I did an internship as an documentary film maker . I ’ve done a short film about the climate movement Extinction Rebellion ( XR ) . I specified on interviewing teenager who are a part of XR . Especially with teenagers you have to open them up before an interview . They were often nervous because it ’s new for them to talk in front of a camera . That was how storytelling helped me to form the nervousness into excitement and confidence . Selection Storytelling describes the social and cultural activity of sharing stories , sometimes with improvisation , theatrics or embellishment . Every culture has its own stories or narratives , which are shared as a means of entertainment , education , cultural preservation or instilling moral values . In my case storytelling was helped me to let the teenagers feel comfortable and understand . I really needed a solution for this specific problem and I was pretty sure that storytelling would be the best fitting key . Application Every time one of the climate activist told me that they were nervous , I told them the story when I was nervous how I handled it . I tried to help them to understand that it ’s totally normal . I wanted the interview to seem more like a casual small talk with a friend than an interview what is going to be published . In order to do that , we also talked about more private stuff that does n’t necessarily has something to do with the questions . That helped them to forget about the camera and open the teenagers up . Insight The first interview was with a 16 year old girl . When she came in , she told me she was n’t sure about knowing the right answers and I told her right away that there are no right or wrong answers . This interview is not a quiz ! It is about your opinion and experiences . I told her a story about my first interview . I was at home because this interview was over a phone call , I was so nervous that my sweat was dropping down my body the interviewer asked me questions and I could n’t think of anything to answer so I said things that did n’t make sense . I was scared that this interview would not represent my opinion . I just told her the exact same thing and she was very understanding . She suggested to send me questions per mail so I can have time to think about the answers . That helped me feeling more comfortable and I can really think of answering the questions . So we had another interview two days later and I was able to use my notes . I ’m telling you when you do n’t know what to say just take your time think about your answer . Approach This course made me see this tool in a new way . Storytelling can be used in so many aspects of you your life . Not only for work , but also to show empathy in order to get a new friend . I can prepare ahead and think of stories that will assist me in presenting my ideas and best illuminate them .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Storytelling Challenge I did an internship as an documentary film maker . I ’ve done a short film about the climate movement Extinction Rebellion ( XR ) . I specified on interviewing teenager who are a part of XR . Especially with teenagers you have to open them up before an interview . They were often nervous because it ’s new for them to talk in front of a camera . That was how storytelling helped me to form the nervousness into excitement and confidence . Selection Storytelling describes the social and cultural activity of sharing stories , sometimes with improvisation , theatrics or embellishment . Every culture has its own stories or narratives , which are shared as a means of entertainment , education , cultural preservation or instilling moral values . In my case storytelling was helped me to let the teenagers feel comfortable and understand . I really needed a solution for this specific problem and I was pretty sure that storytelling would be the best fitting key . Application Every time one of the climate activist told me that they were nervous , I told them the story when I was nervous how I handled it . I tried to help them to understand that it ’s totally normal . I wanted the interview to seem more like a casual small talk with a friend than an interview what is going to be published . In order to do that , we also talked about more private stuff that does n’t necessarily has something to do with the questions . That helped them to forget about the camera and open the teenagers up . Insight The first interview was with a 16 year old girl . When she came in , she told me she was n’t sure about knowing the right answers and I told her right away that there are no right or wrong answers . This interview is not a quiz ! It is about your opinion and experiences . I told her a story about my first interview . I was at home because this interview was over a phone call , I was so nervous that my sweat was dropping down my body the interviewer asked me questions and I could n’t think of anything to answer so I said things that did n’t make sense . I was scared that this interview would not represent my opinion . I just told her the exact same thing and she was very understanding . She suggested to send me questions per mail so I can have time to think about the answers . That helped me feeling more comfortable and I can really think of answering the questions . So we had another interview two days later and I was able to use my notes . I ’m telling you when you do n’t know what to say just take your time think about your answer . Approach This course made me see this tool in a new way . Storytelling can be used in so many aspects of you your life . Not only for work , but also to show empathy in order to get a new friend . I can prepare ahead and think of stories that will assist me in presenting my ideas and best illuminate them . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection – Learning Launch Challenge I was working as an intern in the marketing department for a major FMCG company in India . The brand I was working for was a premium biscuit brand , which was also the 2nd largest brand in terms of Value . The task was to make this brand the biggest in India . To do that we had to beat a rival biscuit brand , competing in the value/ low cost biscuit category . The gap over the years had reduced and come down to INR 32 Cr ( Thirty - two crores Indian Rupees ) per month and this remaining gap had to be reduced further by the end of the financial year . To do this , we analysed the monthly sales across India and got to know two States where the biscuit consumption was the highest , including the sales of the rival brand , but our sales were below the national average . So we devised a marketing campaign to increase the sales in those two states . After have used various design thinking concepts , including Secondary reseach , empathising with distributors , retailers and consumers in those two states through In depth interviews , Focus group discussions , shadowing them and ethnographic studies , we got to know that the distribution was very poor in those areas , and the consumer were used to the taste of the rival brand . They also thought the rival company to be an age - old company , and ours to be new , when in reality ours is a 100 year old one . The campaign therefore had to be two pronged ; It had to make consumers try the biscuit , and the distribution of the biscuit had also to be increased so that they are available near consumers . This meant the task was to be a joint effort of both sales and the marketing team . Further , through FGDs we reached at two broad insights on which the communication plank had to be created namely ; 1 . Our brand is special and can be served to guest who come home . While the other brand is for regular day - to - day eating 2 . Our brand is rich as it contains cashew and butter The task at hand therefore was to check which one works . Selection Since we are now at a stage where we have to check the feasibility of the two insights , we tried using the launch tool . The launch tool , is a quick experiment done within a limited time frame and a small group of people to check the feasibility of the idea and to decide which one to continue with . Application So , for this purpose , we chose two similar villages , identical in size and consumer taste , in the state where we want the sales to go up . We came up with mock creatives for both ideas . They also included message that our company was a 100 year old one and that the biscuits are also available in small packs . The creatives were basically shown through posters and wall paintings in the respective villages for two weeks . We then measured the sales at nearby retail outlets after the week of test and compared it to the sales before the test . Insight After doing this we got to know that the sales for both the messages went up , but not by equal amounts . The first insight , where our brand could be used for serving guests showed better results than the rich one . This also confirms India ’s age old belief in ‘ Atithi Devo Bhavah ’ , which means treating guests like gods . To confirm this result , we inversed the messages in the two villages and asked the villagers which message they liked the most . The second message was good , but we obviously went ahead with the first one . Approach From my experience , I found this tool very useful and the outcomes were positive . Not only were we able to identify which message was better , we also got to know a few hurdles in distribution that might happen , and which needed to be ironed out . Had we conducted FGDs for the same , we might have gotten to know which message works , but a small test showed us that the entire campaign gives positive results . This was the extent to my internship in the company , so I was not present for the state - wide launch . But given the promises the campaign showed , I am pretty confident that the project was a success .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection – Learning Launch Challenge I was working as an intern in the marketing department for a major FMCG company in India . The brand I was working for was a premium biscuit brand , which was also the 2nd largest brand in terms of Value . The task was to make this brand the biggest in India . To do that we had to beat a rival biscuit brand , competing in the value/ low cost biscuit category . The gap over the years had reduced and come down to INR 32 Cr ( Thirty - two crores Indian Rupees ) per month and this remaining gap had to be reduced further by the end of the financial year . To do this , we analysed the monthly sales across India and got to know two States where the biscuit consumption was the highest , including the sales of the rival brand , but our sales were below the national average . So we devised a marketing campaign to increase the sales in those two states . After have used various design thinking concepts , including Secondary reseach , empathising with distributors , retailers and consumers in those two states through In depth interviews , Focus group discussions , shadowing them and ethnographic studies , we got to know that the distribution was very poor in those areas , and the consumer were used to the taste of the rival brand . They also thought the rival company to be an age - old company , and ours to be new , when in reality ours is a 100 year old one . The campaign therefore had to be two pronged ; It had to make consumers try the biscuit , and the distribution of the biscuit had also to be increased so that they are available near consumers . This meant the task was to be a joint effort of both sales and the marketing team . Further , through FGDs we reached at two broad insights on which the communication plank had to be created namely ; 1 . Our brand is special and can be served to guest who come home . While the other brand is for regular day - to - day eating 2 . Our brand is rich as it contains cashew and butter The task at hand therefore was to check which one works . Selection Since we are now at a stage where we have to check the feasibility of the two insights , we tried using the launch tool . The launch tool , is a quick experiment done within a limited time frame and a small group of people to check the feasibility of the idea and to decide which one to continue with . Application So , for this purpose , we chose two similar villages , identical in size and consumer taste , in the state where we want the sales to go up . We came up with mock creatives for both ideas . They also included message that our company was a 100 year old one and that the biscuits are also available in small packs . The creatives were basically shown through posters and wall paintings in the respective villages for two weeks . We then measured the sales at nearby retail outlets after the week of test and compared it to the sales before the test . Insight After doing this we got to know that the sales for both the messages went up , but not by equal amounts . The first insight , where our brand could be used for serving guests showed better results than the rich one . This also confirms India ’s age old belief in ‘ Atithi Devo Bhavah ’ , which means treating guests like gods . To confirm this result , we inversed the messages in the two villages and asked the villagers which message they liked the most . The second message was good , but we obviously went ahead with the first one . Approach From my experience , I found this tool very useful and the outcomes were positive . Not only were we able to identify which message was better , we also got to know a few hurdles in distribution that might happen , and which needed to be ironed out . Had we conducted FGDs for the same , we might have gotten to know which message works , but a small test showed us that the entire campaign gives positive results . This was the extent to my internship in the company , so I was not present for the state - wide launch . But given the promises the campaign showed , I am pretty confident that the project was a success . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
All 4 tools of design thinking presented at the courses were extremely interesting . Incredible ideas fascinated me after getting acquainted with these tools . It was extremely difficult to choose one of them . As a teacher , it is very important for me to build the process of teaching younger students bright , colorful , accessible and interesting . Visualization , storytelling , mind mapping , learning start - ups can all be used very effectively in education . All these tools will allow you to reveal the unique abilities of children , develop creative and creative thinking , help in mastering complex material . For a more detailed analysis , I chose 2 tools : storytelling and mind mapping . These tools are closer to me . Storytelling is the art of fascinating storytelling and conveying the necessary information with its help in order to influence the emotional , motivational , cognitive sphere of the listener . I managed to apply and use this tool perfectly in 2 directions at once . 1 - for the development of monologue speech of students , the ability to build a story ; 2 - during the creation of an ecological cartoon with younger students . In the first version , I created a textbook " Once upon a time ... " with which students will need to come up with a fantastic story . The map shows a variety of objects that at first glance do not connect with each other at all . However , this is only at first glance . Here is this map , In the second case , we created an ecological plasticine cartoon with the students . And for that we needed to come up with a chic story . We came up with it using story cubes from the " Nature " series . Here 's what happened to us , " One summer evening a colorful butterfly fluttered across the park lawn . The sun had already descended low , but it was still caressing the butterfly 's wings with its rays . Suddenly the butterfly heard a rustle , looked around and saw a red - haired boy walking along the path of the park . The butterfly was surprised , squinted … and then his round eyes were blinded by the bright light of the boy 's flashlight . The butterfly was confused , tried to blink his eyes and he could not . " What shall I do ? " He whispered frightenedly . A splash of water came from afar . Butterfly mentioned that there is an extremely attractive , melodic fountain nearby . He often went there . Many bright , charming flowers grew near the fountain . The butterfly was glad to be able to hide and spend the night there . The melodic song of the fountain and the gentle trembling of the flower petals calmed and healed the butterfly . " Also later created 2 cartoons , " The Adventures of a Snail . " 2 . Mapping technology is a kind of thinking technology that consists in the effective creation and use of intelligence maps and is a special technique that allows you to visualize the process of thinking or structuring information , objects and relationships between them for better understanding . . I have used this tool well to make it difficult for students to access difficult topics . In particular , the topic of waste sorting and the topic of plant diversity . Here are the maps I created
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: All 4 tools of design thinking presented at the courses were extremely interesting . Incredible ideas fascinated me after getting acquainted with these tools . It was extremely difficult to choose one of them . As a teacher , it is very important for me to build the process of teaching younger students bright , colorful , accessible and interesting . Visualization , storytelling , mind mapping , learning start - ups can all be used very effectively in education . All these tools will allow you to reveal the unique abilities of children , develop creative and creative thinking , help in mastering complex material . For a more detailed analysis , I chose 2 tools : storytelling and mind mapping . These tools are closer to me . Storytelling is the art of fascinating storytelling and conveying the necessary information with its help in order to influence the emotional , motivational , cognitive sphere of the listener . I managed to apply and use this tool perfectly in 2 directions at once . 1 - for the development of monologue speech of students , the ability to build a story ; 2 - during the creation of an ecological cartoon with younger students . In the first version , I created a textbook " Once upon a time ... " with which students will need to come up with a fantastic story . The map shows a variety of objects that at first glance do not connect with each other at all . However , this is only at first glance . Here is this map , In the second case , we created an ecological plasticine cartoon with the students . And for that we needed to come up with a chic story . We came up with it using story cubes from the " Nature " series . Here 's what happened to us , " One summer evening a colorful butterfly fluttered across the park lawn . The sun had already descended low , but it was still caressing the butterfly 's wings with its rays . Suddenly the butterfly heard a rustle , looked around and saw a red - haired boy walking along the path of the park . The butterfly was surprised , squinted … and then his round eyes were blinded by the bright light of the boy 's flashlight . The butterfly was confused , tried to blink his eyes and he could not . " What shall I do ? " He whispered frightenedly . A splash of water came from afar . Butterfly mentioned that there is an extremely attractive , melodic fountain nearby . He often went there . Many bright , charming flowers grew near the fountain . The butterfly was glad to be able to hide and spend the night there . The melodic song of the fountain and the gentle trembling of the flower petals calmed and healed the butterfly . " Also later created 2 cartoons , " The Adventures of a Snail . " 2 . Mapping technology is a kind of thinking technology that consists in the effective creation and use of intelligence maps and is a special technique that allows you to visualize the process of thinking or structuring information , objects and relationships between them for better understanding . . I have used this tool well to make it difficult for students to access difficult topics . In particular , the topic of waste sorting and the topic of plant diversity . Here are the maps I created ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection - Visualization Challenge I am a student at master ’s program devoted to the policy making in the public sector and private sector in regard to the development of science , technology and innovations . One of my assignments was to analyze the information about joint research centers ( laboratories ) – a scientific units which involve different actors like scientists , industry workers , government representatives , civil society actors , etc . to cooperate in the process of research and development . Such centers have various specializations of their research like trending technologies , e.g. artificial intelligence , 5 G networks , social sciences and humanities , cognitive sciences and so on . For my task I collected more than 50 documents with data about joint research centers ’ specializations like reports from centres ’ official sites , scientific articles devoted to the performance of these units , news from media outlets regarding activities of this centers , etc . My main goal was to systematize the data about different laboratories ’ specializations and to point out different streams of research specialties to divide them into several thematic groups . Selection For this task I decided to implement visualization tool introduced to course listeners by Angela Myer , an experienced designer . Broadly speaking , visualization is everything concerned with visual thinking and graphic representation of information via usage of symbols , colors , shapes , schemes , images , videos , photos , etc . I suppose that this visualization tool will be especially beneficial for me in the process of collected data analysis allowing to find connections between different elements ( specializations of laboratories ) and map some connections between these areas of research in order to eventually group them visually and provide a systemic overview of various specializations of research laboratories in my country . Application In order to systematize all of the information I firstly decided to use whiteboard and stickers on which I wrote each laboratory ’s specialization . Then I decided to group them by their area of research . I decided to rearrange stickers and group them into different clusters on the white board . Then I tried to create a single chart in which all of the laboratories were divided into several groups according to their research specialization . After rearranging different stickers I found out that the process was rather time consuming and not as efficient as I wanted because I had to constantly rearrange different stickers and also think about their place on the white board , some of them constantly peeled off , sometimes it was hard to find necessary sticker due to the abundance of information on the board . Later I decide to switch to digital format and make digital copy of my visualization with different clusters and arrange them in a more structured way . Firstly , I used standard toolbox included in Microsoft Word application but after some research I found a special software called XMind Zen geared towards creation of such types of visualizations . Insight The tool employed in my project helped me to categorize all of the documents and divide laboratories specializations into 7 different groups like information and communications technologies ; laboratories specializing in so - called trending technologies , like 5 G networks , AR / VR technologies , blockchain ; centers devoted to the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning ; electronics and computer sciences laboratories ; data science laboratories ; social sciences centers and cognitive sciences centers ; laboratories devoted to the research on different materials . With the help of the visualization tool I also found several patterns , for example , the majority of laboratories were concentrated on very knowledge and technology intensive areas of research like artificial intelligence or blockchain technologies . The categories themselves can be grouped together and divided into specializations concerned with high - technologies and information , laboratories devoted to non - technical social fields of research and laboratories that are more focused on manufacturing industry ( research on different materials ) . Approach By applying visualization tool to my research project I came to conclusion that for me it is more convenient and efficient to use software instead of whiteboard and stickers in order to create necessary graphs and maps in order to systematize data and find patterns and connections between different elements . The reason for that is that I can quickly adjust my graph and rearrange several elements . Overall , visualization tool was very effective in the data analysis of collected information and I will try to implement it in my further research projects . For my next research project I will continue to use Xmind Zen visualization software due to its user - friendly interface and great functionality .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection - Visualization Challenge I am a student at master ’s program devoted to the policy making in the public sector and private sector in regard to the development of science , technology and innovations . One of my assignments was to analyze the information about joint research centers ( laboratories ) – a scientific units which involve different actors like scientists , industry workers , government representatives , civil society actors , etc . to cooperate in the process of research and development . Such centers have various specializations of their research like trending technologies , e.g. artificial intelligence , 5 G networks , social sciences and humanities , cognitive sciences and so on . For my task I collected more than 50 documents with data about joint research centers ’ specializations like reports from centres ’ official sites , scientific articles devoted to the performance of these units , news from media outlets regarding activities of this centers , etc . My main goal was to systematize the data about different laboratories ’ specializations and to point out different streams of research specialties to divide them into several thematic groups . Selection For this task I decided to implement visualization tool introduced to course listeners by Angela Myer , an experienced designer . Broadly speaking , visualization is everything concerned with visual thinking and graphic representation of information via usage of symbols , colors , shapes , schemes , images , videos , photos , etc . I suppose that this visualization tool will be especially beneficial for me in the process of collected data analysis allowing to find connections between different elements ( specializations of laboratories ) and map some connections between these areas of research in order to eventually group them visually and provide a systemic overview of various specializations of research laboratories in my country . Application In order to systematize all of the information I firstly decided to use whiteboard and stickers on which I wrote each laboratory ’s specialization . Then I decided to group them by their area of research . I decided to rearrange stickers and group them into different clusters on the white board . Then I tried to create a single chart in which all of the laboratories were divided into several groups according to their research specialization . After rearranging different stickers I found out that the process was rather time consuming and not as efficient as I wanted because I had to constantly rearrange different stickers and also think about their place on the white board , some of them constantly peeled off , sometimes it was hard to find necessary sticker due to the abundance of information on the board . Later I decide to switch to digital format and make digital copy of my visualization with different clusters and arrange them in a more structured way . Firstly , I used standard toolbox included in Microsoft Word application but after some research I found a special software called XMind Zen geared towards creation of such types of visualizations . Insight The tool employed in my project helped me to categorize all of the documents and divide laboratories specializations into 7 different groups like information and communications technologies ; laboratories specializing in so - called trending technologies , like 5 G networks , AR / VR technologies , blockchain ; centers devoted to the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning ; electronics and computer sciences laboratories ; data science laboratories ; social sciences centers and cognitive sciences centers ; laboratories devoted to the research on different materials . With the help of the visualization tool I also found several patterns , for example , the majority of laboratories were concentrated on very knowledge and technology intensive areas of research like artificial intelligence or blockchain technologies . The categories themselves can be grouped together and divided into specializations concerned with high - technologies and information , laboratories devoted to non - technical social fields of research and laboratories that are more focused on manufacturing industry ( research on different materials ) . Approach By applying visualization tool to my research project I came to conclusion that for me it is more convenient and efficient to use software instead of whiteboard and stickers in order to create necessary graphs and maps in order to systematize data and find patterns and connections between different elements . The reason for that is that I can quickly adjust my graph and rearrange several elements . Overall , visualization tool was very effective in the data analysis of collected information and I will try to implement it in my further research projects . For my next research project I will continue to use Xmind Zen visualization software due to its user - friendly interface and great functionality . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Design Thinking for Innovation Final assignment Sujeet Ruiz The Netherlands 17th of June – 2021 Challenge and selection My main field of employment is within mechanical engineering , which I ’ve only been working in for a short period of time as a fresh graduate mechanical engineer . My technical field is mostly centred around automated construction methods , most of which are ( completely ) new . One of my functions in my organisation is to continue where I left off after my graduation thesis , where I researched a conceptual design for a new type of construction machine . This meant already working some steps of the processes described throughout this course , mostly focussing on the “ what is ” and the “ what if ” . After being rehired at this company to continue my thesis project , I ’ll now be further developing my conceptualised machine and it ’s further phases . My challenge for this project is to continue a strong development curve along the timeline of my employment at this company and perhaps even continue after the completed project . Already ( somewhat unknowingly ) using some methods of visualisation , I feel like I barely skimmed the surface of what this design method has to offer . Therefore I ’ll be attempting to broaden my use of this technique and its implementations across the different phases of the creation of this new machine I ’ve been developing . Application As a more literal application of the title of this course , I ’ll be using the techniques as ways to improve the physical designs I create . I previously explored sketched visualisations of interpretations of a variety of design concepts that could be implemented into the machine . However , I kept these explorations , experiments and developments mostly to myself . This course showed me the possible depth these visualisations can provide if I share my thoughts and processes with others . My first application is to sketch out the ideas that I have into collages , segmented into various design philosophies . I ’ll incorporate various types if imagery ( non - sketched ) into the collage to provide the source of inspiration . Another thing I ’ll add for clarity is the use of various colours to highlight certain sections for importance . These collages should function as a broad overview of the ideas that I have regarding a specific feature . I ’ll repeat this step for a multitude of features ( about 2 or 3 to start off ) . Now comes the part where I involve my colleagues . I ’ll present the collages to a couple of colleagues after equipping them with post - its . Followingly , I give them 15 minutes to provide my collages with feedback through the post - its . After these 15 minutes I gather all involved people and will ask them to explain or give further comments regarding my designs and ideas . The last step is to ask my colleagues to provide their own sketch ( on A4 paper ) of their interpretation of the ideas I came up with . Insight One of the main things I learned from this shared experience with my co - workers is the amazing value of their perspectives on my ideas . I found that their comments provided insight regarding gaps in my knowledge and oversights in my designs . While not always comfortable , I was able to process their commentary in a collaborative effort to create a better common understanding of the project as a whole . We worked together to further make a better design for these subcomponents . Another great benefit of using this technique of collaboration was the strengthening of the bond between myself and my co - workers . Even though we already ( somewhat ) worked together before , we now have a better understanding of each other ’s views on the project and designing as a whole . Approach I can conclude from the previous section that ( a more thorough than before ) visualisation of a certain concept can greatly help with creating a better concept , while also improving other aspects of a project . Further design should definitely make use of more of this collaborative visual process to gain more and more common insight and improvements . A slight alteration for future reference is the increase of the amount of detail within a given design . I noticed that some ideas were n’t sketched with enough detail , leaving too much room for personal interpretation where it was n’t necessarily needed . More detail should give a clearer picture of the idea I ’m trying to convey towards my co - workers .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Design Thinking for Innovation Final assignment Sujeet Ruiz The Netherlands 17th of June – 2021 Challenge and selection My main field of employment is within mechanical engineering , which I ’ve only been working in for a short period of time as a fresh graduate mechanical engineer . My technical field is mostly centred around automated construction methods , most of which are ( completely ) new . One of my functions in my organisation is to continue where I left off after my graduation thesis , where I researched a conceptual design for a new type of construction machine . This meant already working some steps of the processes described throughout this course , mostly focussing on the “ what is ” and the “ what if ” . After being rehired at this company to continue my thesis project , I ’ll now be further developing my conceptualised machine and it ’s further phases . My challenge for this project is to continue a strong development curve along the timeline of my employment at this company and perhaps even continue after the completed project . Already ( somewhat unknowingly ) using some methods of visualisation , I feel like I barely skimmed the surface of what this design method has to offer . Therefore I ’ll be attempting to broaden my use of this technique and its implementations across the different phases of the creation of this new machine I ’ve been developing . Application As a more literal application of the title of this course , I ’ll be using the techniques as ways to improve the physical designs I create . I previously explored sketched visualisations of interpretations of a variety of design concepts that could be implemented into the machine . However , I kept these explorations , experiments and developments mostly to myself . This course showed me the possible depth these visualisations can provide if I share my thoughts and processes with others . My first application is to sketch out the ideas that I have into collages , segmented into various design philosophies . I ’ll incorporate various types if imagery ( non - sketched ) into the collage to provide the source of inspiration . Another thing I ’ll add for clarity is the use of various colours to highlight certain sections for importance . These collages should function as a broad overview of the ideas that I have regarding a specific feature . I ’ll repeat this step for a multitude of features ( about 2 or 3 to start off ) . Now comes the part where I involve my colleagues . I ’ll present the collages to a couple of colleagues after equipping them with post - its . Followingly , I give them 15 minutes to provide my collages with feedback through the post - its . After these 15 minutes I gather all involved people and will ask them to explain or give further comments regarding my designs and ideas . The last step is to ask my colleagues to provide their own sketch ( on A4 paper ) of their interpretation of the ideas I came up with . Insight One of the main things I learned from this shared experience with my co - workers is the amazing value of their perspectives on my ideas . I found that their comments provided insight regarding gaps in my knowledge and oversights in my designs . While not always comfortable , I was able to process their commentary in a collaborative effort to create a better common understanding of the project as a whole . We worked together to further make a better design for these subcomponents . Another great benefit of using this technique of collaboration was the strengthening of the bond between myself and my co - workers . Even though we already ( somewhat ) worked together before , we now have a better understanding of each other ’s views on the project and designing as a whole . Approach I can conclude from the previous section that ( a more thorough than before ) visualisation of a certain concept can greatly help with creating a better concept , while also improving other aspects of a project . Further design should definitely make use of more of this collaborative visual process to gain more and more common insight and improvements . A slight alteration for future reference is the increase of the amount of detail within a given design . I noticed that some ideas were n’t sketched with enough detail , leaving too much room for personal interpretation where it was n’t necessarily needed . More detail should give a clearer picture of the idea I ’m trying to convey towards my co - workers . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Sujeet Ruiz" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge and Selection : I work in mechanical R&D organization which manufactures metal valves . Here we work on different project which take ample of time because of different reasons . During those time as team lead , I need to keep my team motivated to focus on work by doing some interesting things . I was in search of what can I do that will solve my purpose . I tried different options like change of assignments , training . But that could n't worked out the way I wanted . Then during one of workshop on tools for leaders to improve efficiency of team , I come to know about tool called “ Storytelling ” . Case studies which were referred during that event encouraged me to use those at my work location . Which will make my team members more capable of work collaborative . Application : I used story telling tool to discuss about different scenarios we may come across during product design process . In design process there are different steps we need to follow like study customer requirement , concept design , CAD work , finalization of dimensions etc . Even though we follow all steps correctly , we may end up in failure . At that point only team needs motivation to focus on work . Incident I am going to share is that , there was requirement of fugitive emission for a metal valve . We failed twice for same reason and we could n't achieved expected results . Project got delayed for several months & because of that whole team was working on same monotonous job . Effect of that was , we were not able to find out exact root cause of failure . This was might be because we were not able to look at problem from user point of view . At one point of time , management was about to stop that project . Then I started conversation with each member , discussed about real life failures faced by other organization and how successfully they overcome those and went ahead . Discussed about collaborative working style . Not all were motivated , changed their mood but some of them understood the importance of project to team and organization . And then team set together and found exact resolution of problem by imagining different possibilities of probable failures . During that session we found that real cause was inappropriate clearance between components leaded to fugitive emission failure . Also we simulated different scenarios by using competitor ’s data analysis . Insight & Approach : After using this tool for our own situation at work place , team members encouraged to solve the fugitive emission problem . Team divided assembly in to different zones and focused on probable failures and ultimately found out the exact root cause . Learnings of this conversation was used by team members during next project in which we proactively identified issues we may face in future and started looking for resolution of those . This tool is effective for person to go and fit in to someone ’s shoe and think in that way . That different thinking will remain there for long time and will affect his or her action pertaining to a specific situation . For me also it was good experience to manage team in a different way in different situation by using Storytelling tool .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge and Selection : I work in mechanical R&D organization which manufactures metal valves . Here we work on different project which take ample of time because of different reasons . During those time as team lead , I need to keep my team motivated to focus on work by doing some interesting things . I was in search of what can I do that will solve my purpose . I tried different options like change of assignments , training . But that could n't worked out the way I wanted . Then during one of workshop on tools for leaders to improve efficiency of team , I come to know about tool called “ Storytelling ” . Case studies which were referred during that event encouraged me to use those at my work location . Which will make my team members more capable of work collaborative . Application : I used story telling tool to discuss about different scenarios we may come across during product design process . In design process there are different steps we need to follow like study customer requirement , concept design , CAD work , finalization of dimensions etc . Even though we follow all steps correctly , we may end up in failure . At that point only team needs motivation to focus on work . Incident I am going to share is that , there was requirement of fugitive emission for a metal valve . We failed twice for same reason and we could n't achieved expected results . Project got delayed for several months & because of that whole team was working on same monotonous job . Effect of that was , we were not able to find out exact root cause of failure . This was might be because we were not able to look at problem from user point of view . At one point of time , management was about to stop that project . Then I started conversation with each member , discussed about real life failures faced by other organization and how successfully they overcome those and went ahead . Discussed about collaborative working style . Not all were motivated , changed their mood but some of them understood the importance of project to team and organization . And then team set together and found exact resolution of problem by imagining different possibilities of probable failures . During that session we found that real cause was inappropriate clearance between components leaded to fugitive emission failure . Also we simulated different scenarios by using competitor ’s data analysis . Insight & Approach : After using this tool for our own situation at work place , team members encouraged to solve the fugitive emission problem . Team divided assembly in to different zones and focused on probable failures and ultimately found out the exact root cause . Learnings of this conversation was used by team members during next project in which we proactively identified issues we may face in future and started looking for resolution of those . This tool is effective for person to go and fit in to someone ’s shoe and think in that way . That different thinking will remain there for long time and will affect his or her action pertaining to a specific situation . For me also it was good experience to manage team in a different way in different situation by using Storytelling tool . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge : In one of my first projects as a professional engineer , I was asked to develop a lighting control system for The Jefferson Memorial building in Washington , D.C. The building was undergoing renovations to clean and enhance the appearance , and my organization , a global lighting control manufacturer was bidding to provide the lighting system . As I approached this challenge , I wanted to ensure that I was designing a product that served the needs of the National Parks Service who maintains the property , but to also ensure that the system would delight visitors to the exhibit which would number in the millions . Even a “ backstage ” product like lighting can influence the mood of visitors ; when it works you may never notice , but poor lighting will stand out when not designed well . This was an opportunity to drive a large sale for my company and improve a national landmark . With this challenge , we understood that our existing product line might not be a perfect fit for this situation , and we would need to evolve our product in addition to our pitch . Our typical solution for lighting controls was used in corporate office buildings , and we understood that enhancing our product could lead to additional uses in the future . Selection : To evolve our product , and potentially enter a new type of application for our product , it was important to get close to our customers , and understand their needs . And , to truly get a sense for “ What Wows ” , we needed a means to understand our customers as much as the challenges they faced , and to use the opportunity to brainstorm new opportunities . For this challenge , I chose to implement the Storytelling tool where I on the design team would meet with key stakeholders and ask them questions without jumping to the process of formed conclusions . My company afforded me the ability to travel to the Jefferson Memorial , and take the time to speak with our prospective customer ( the National Parks Service ) to understand what challenges they faced with their existing system . Our stakeholders were responsible for the upkeep of the memorial , along with many other national sites and buildings . Visiting the site also allowed for the ability to engage tourists that were visiting the memorial to get additional perspectives on what they appreciated , and potential opportunities . Meeting with stakeholders in their “ home ” environment allowed for conversation to develop , and for these stakeholders to share their stories and experiences . Application and Insight : When you visit a historic site , or a national monument , the location itself has a story to tell . In addition to meeting with our stakeholders , I wanted to ensure that the site had an opportunity speak as well . The Jefferson Memorial sits on a tidal basin of the Potomac . On my first sight visit , I noticed that you could look across the basin and see the National Mall , with the White House in the distance . The large Thomas Jefferson statue within the memorial overlooks the basin focused directly on the White House . This along with other input was ultimately refined into an unexpressed need that the north side needs to have openness and focus to allow visibility from other key landmarks . When meeting with the National Parks Service onsite , the first think I observed was that we just met on the steps of the memorial . After asking questions about their roles , their support duties , their commutes , etc . , I found out that each member of the service supported multiple locations , and their office was in a separate location . They had no onsite presence at the memorial , which they shared was a point of frustration , especially when the site needed maintenance like changing a light bulb . Further , the lights used at the memorial were the large gymnasium style bulbs , which required a special order to obtain them . For maintenance , this required periodic site visits to just check if the lights were on ( often after hours for the staff ) , and then a subsequent visit to schedule and install the bulb once it had been ordered . We had used power metering technology in some of our lighting control products and thought this would be a great application – when the lights turned on , calibrate the system to understand how much power each circuit draws . Then , monitor the power continuously to determine when the power drops ( e.g. a bulb is burned out ) . The system could maintain a database of power measurements and the type of bulbs used , and email a member of the National Parks Service any time a power reduction was observed , with the model number of the bulb needed to order . This ultimately helped to reduce the amount of time that it took for the National Parks Service to become aware of an issue , and to ensure that the lighting was replated in a timely manner . I also took the opportunity to speak with tourists in the area , at multiple times per day . The feedback from the tourist during the daytime was relatively positive , although nighttime exposed different reactions , especially whin visiting other monuments at night . When at the Lincoln Memorial , I asked one tourist “ Will you be heading to the Jefferson Memorial tonight as well ” ? The tourist indicated that they had stopped there first , although left quickly because it was dimly lit and they did not feel safe ( check ; need more lighting to aid the feeling of public safety ) . Overall , the project was a resounding success . Not only did we win the bid for lighting controls because of our demonstration of power monitoring and proactive notifications when lights burned out , but the memorial saw an overall increase in tourist traffic , especially in the evening hours . Shortly after the project completed , there was a Monday Night NFL game broadcast . Once feature shot was a flyover of the Jefferson Memorial shining brightly against the D.C. backdrop . Approach : Overall , the approach worked very well . The process of learning through story telling was the right tool to discover potential pain points that were not evident in the original request for proposal . Identifying these unmet unexpressed needs was the key to success in this project . If anything were to be done differently , I would say it would be worthwhile to expand the number of conversations held with stakeholders identifying a broader base and more personas . A large number of stories would help to reinforce the themes discovered , and potentially develop additional personas or thems .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge : In one of my first projects as a professional engineer , I was asked to develop a lighting control system for The Jefferson Memorial building in Washington , D.C. The building was undergoing renovations to clean and enhance the appearance , and my organization , a global lighting control manufacturer was bidding to provide the lighting system . As I approached this challenge , I wanted to ensure that I was designing a product that served the needs of the National Parks Service who maintains the property , but to also ensure that the system would delight visitors to the exhibit which would number in the millions . Even a “ backstage ” product like lighting can influence the mood of visitors ; when it works you may never notice , but poor lighting will stand out when not designed well . This was an opportunity to drive a large sale for my company and improve a national landmark . With this challenge , we understood that our existing product line might not be a perfect fit for this situation , and we would need to evolve our product in addition to our pitch . Our typical solution for lighting controls was used in corporate office buildings , and we understood that enhancing our product could lead to additional uses in the future . Selection : To evolve our product , and potentially enter a new type of application for our product , it was important to get close to our customers , and understand their needs . And , to truly get a sense for “ What Wows ” , we needed a means to understand our customers as much as the challenges they faced , and to use the opportunity to brainstorm new opportunities . For this challenge , I chose to implement the Storytelling tool where I on the design team would meet with key stakeholders and ask them questions without jumping to the process of formed conclusions . My company afforded me the ability to travel to the Jefferson Memorial , and take the time to speak with our prospective customer ( the National Parks Service ) to understand what challenges they faced with their existing system . Our stakeholders were responsible for the upkeep of the memorial , along with many other national sites and buildings . Visiting the site also allowed for the ability to engage tourists that were visiting the memorial to get additional perspectives on what they appreciated , and potential opportunities . Meeting with stakeholders in their “ home ” environment allowed for conversation to develop , and for these stakeholders to share their stories and experiences . Application and Insight : When you visit a historic site , or a national monument , the location itself has a story to tell . In addition to meeting with our stakeholders , I wanted to ensure that the site had an opportunity speak as well . The Jefferson Memorial sits on a tidal basin of the Potomac . On my first sight visit , I noticed that you could look across the basin and see the National Mall , with the White House in the distance . The large Thomas Jefferson statue within the memorial overlooks the basin focused directly on the White House . This along with other input was ultimately refined into an unexpressed need that the north side needs to have openness and focus to allow visibility from other key landmarks . When meeting with the National Parks Service onsite , the first think I observed was that we just met on the steps of the memorial . After asking questions about their roles , their support duties , their commutes , etc . , I found out that each member of the service supported multiple locations , and their office was in a separate location . They had no onsite presence at the memorial , which they shared was a point of frustration , especially when the site needed maintenance like changing a light bulb . Further , the lights used at the memorial were the large gymnasium style bulbs , which required a special order to obtain them . For maintenance , this required periodic site visits to just check if the lights were on ( often after hours for the staff ) , and then a subsequent visit to schedule and install the bulb once it had been ordered . We had used power metering technology in some of our lighting control products and thought this would be a great application – when the lights turned on , calibrate the system to understand how much power each circuit draws . Then , monitor the power continuously to determine when the power drops ( e.g. a bulb is burned out ) . The system could maintain a database of power measurements and the type of bulbs used , and email a member of the National Parks Service any time a power reduction was observed , with the model number of the bulb needed to order . This ultimately helped to reduce the amount of time that it took for the National Parks Service to become aware of an issue , and to ensure that the lighting was replated in a timely manner . I also took the opportunity to speak with tourists in the area , at multiple times per day . The feedback from the tourist during the daytime was relatively positive , although nighttime exposed different reactions , especially whin visiting other monuments at night . When at the Lincoln Memorial , I asked one tourist “ Will you be heading to the Jefferson Memorial tonight as well ” ? The tourist indicated that they had stopped there first , although left quickly because it was dimly lit and they did not feel safe ( check ; need more lighting to aid the feeling of public safety ) . Overall , the project was a resounding success . Not only did we win the bid for lighting controls because of our demonstration of power monitoring and proactive notifications when lights burned out , but the memorial saw an overall increase in tourist traffic , especially in the evening hours . Shortly after the project completed , there was a Monday Night NFL game broadcast . Once feature shot was a flyover of the Jefferson Memorial shining brightly against the D.C. backdrop . Approach : Overall , the approach worked very well . The process of learning through story telling was the right tool to discover potential pain points that were not evident in the original request for proposal . Identifying these unmet unexpressed needs was the key to success in this project . If anything were to be done differently , I would say it would be worthwhile to expand the number of conversations held with stakeholders identifying a broader base and more personas . A large number of stories would help to reinforce the themes discovered , and potentially develop additional personas or thems . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Example Reflection – Mind Mapping Challenge The challenge consists in the definition and acceptance of a new service line for internal and external advisory in a large development organization . My organization has started to run pilots featuring innovative financing schemes to fund and deliver development services , but it has still not figured out a way to select and scale - up initiatives that work , support colleagues in innovating , and communicating clearly its strategy . More precisely , the challenge is to develop a service offer on impact investment ( i.e. investments that generate social and environmental positive outcomes in addition to financial returns ) in a decentralized organization along with the identification of criteria for scaling up successful initiatives on the same . Selection Mind mapping looks for patterns and themes scanning the data collected in the exploration of “ what is ” phase . The aim is to produce criteria for the what - if generation phase , which comes next . The last video in the week 3 curricula describes the tool in details . How can it contribute to solve my challenge ? 1 . My organization is made of dispersed networks of experts and project managers . Top - down approaches rarely work . Mind mapping can effectively engage colleagues in defining criteria and themes and thus increasing the probability of success . 2 . A number of data entry points on impact investment and the organization ’s portfolio were collected in the form of summaries of market trends , counterparts ’ needs and the description of pilot initiatives . However , no obvious way to cluster activities and projects came from the initial review of the information . 3 . One of the objective of the mind mapping is to sum up and communicate . This is exactly what is needed - to inform senior management in order to more to the next step . Application The case features the use of mind mapping to strengthen the formulation of a service offer on impact investment in a large development organization . Data collection was organized around two pillars : 1 . Information gathering on internal initiatives through online questionnaires and requests for sharing information ; 2 . Reality checks with external stakeholders on market trends and needs ( through events and facilitated discussions ) . The above processes produced a data that is meaningful for the identification of success criteria for the selection of impact investment initiatives with the highest potential as well as of the main components of an organization ’s service offer . A relatively traditional process ( encompassing elements of visualization ) was used to present the data collected . The proposal is to introduce a mind mapping live exercise to strengthen the quality of the description of the service offer and to generate consensus in the organization - before submission to senior management ( i.e. to the “ what if ” stage ) . This is a virtual set - up given the fact that implementation in the course timeframe was unrealistic . The proposal is a one - day event where internal stakeholder ( circa 20 - 25 ) are encouraged to determine patterns in the data collected and suggestions for the organization ’s service offer on impact investment . An art gallery exhibition will be organized to help participants develop a common understanding of what impact investment could mean in the organization . The set - up of the event mirrors what is suggested in the course - which is : 1 . To organize an exhibition laying out data and information on : 1 . Impact investment market and needs ; 2 . The organization ’s current initiatives ( project / pilot pipeline ) . 2 . Invite internal stakeholders based on early engagement in the information - gathering phase described above . 3 . Participants will be offered tours and will be equipped with markers and sticky notes to “ mark ” their reactions ( good idea , bad idea , clear , not clear , impossible etc . ) and to think of new ideas . 4 . Divided in teams , participants will be asked to pick the good stuff and cluster them as if they could constitute components of a new organizational service offer . 5 . Teams then will identify insights / patterns in each cluster and look for connections or cross cutting themes . The information generated will inform a presentation to senior management on the proposed service offer and the selection criteria for scaling current initiatives . The presentation will be shared with participants for feedback . Insight The main insight I expect from mind mapping are : 1 . more effectively distill shared knowledge , and ; 2 . Allow the emergence of unconventional and unexpected ideas . If successfully run - I would also expect the exercise to increase the sense of community as well as to build internal consensus on next steps . This reflection moment on the tool helped me to think through different ways to organize internal processes for assessing and communicating information and collaborative ways for distilling threads and patterns . Approach I will be interested in exploring the use of different tools / instruments presented in the course in parallel . For example , I will seek support in visualizing information before the organization of the mind - mapping event - to make sure that participants can quickly absorb complex concepts . Due to the culture of the company , external participation to the event will be difficult , but I will explore ways to involve a broader number of stakeholders . Due to a challenging budget context , I will also explore ways to organize similar exercises virtually ( understanding first the implications and trade - offs ) .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Example Reflection – Mind Mapping Challenge The challenge consists in the definition and acceptance of a new service line for internal and external advisory in a large development organization . My organization has started to run pilots featuring innovative financing schemes to fund and deliver development services , but it has still not figured out a way to select and scale - up initiatives that work , support colleagues in innovating , and communicating clearly its strategy . More precisely , the challenge is to develop a service offer on impact investment ( i.e. investments that generate social and environmental positive outcomes in addition to financial returns ) in a decentralized organization along with the identification of criteria for scaling up successful initiatives on the same . Selection Mind mapping looks for patterns and themes scanning the data collected in the exploration of “ what is ” phase . The aim is to produce criteria for the what - if generation phase , which comes next . The last video in the week 3 curricula describes the tool in details . How can it contribute to solve my challenge ? 1 . My organization is made of dispersed networks of experts and project managers . Top - down approaches rarely work . Mind mapping can effectively engage colleagues in defining criteria and themes and thus increasing the probability of success . 2 . A number of data entry points on impact investment and the organization ’s portfolio were collected in the form of summaries of market trends , counterparts ’ needs and the description of pilot initiatives . However , no obvious way to cluster activities and projects came from the initial review of the information . 3 . One of the objective of the mind mapping is to sum up and communicate . This is exactly what is needed - to inform senior management in order to more to the next step . Application The case features the use of mind mapping to strengthen the formulation of a service offer on impact investment in a large development organization . Data collection was organized around two pillars : 1 . Information gathering on internal initiatives through online questionnaires and requests for sharing information ; 2 . Reality checks with external stakeholders on market trends and needs ( through events and facilitated discussions ) . The above processes produced a data that is meaningful for the identification of success criteria for the selection of impact investment initiatives with the highest potential as well as of the main components of an organization ’s service offer . A relatively traditional process ( encompassing elements of visualization ) was used to present the data collected . The proposal is to introduce a mind mapping live exercise to strengthen the quality of the description of the service offer and to generate consensus in the organization - before submission to senior management ( i.e. to the “ what if ” stage ) . This is a virtual set - up given the fact that implementation in the course timeframe was unrealistic . The proposal is a one - day event where internal stakeholder ( circa 20 - 25 ) are encouraged to determine patterns in the data collected and suggestions for the organization ’s service offer on impact investment . An art gallery exhibition will be organized to help participants develop a common understanding of what impact investment could mean in the organization . The set - up of the event mirrors what is suggested in the course - which is : 1 . To organize an exhibition laying out data and information on : 1 . Impact investment market and needs ; 2 . The organization ’s current initiatives ( project / pilot pipeline ) . 2 . Invite internal stakeholders based on early engagement in the information - gathering phase described above . 3 . Participants will be offered tours and will be equipped with markers and sticky notes to “ mark ” their reactions ( good idea , bad idea , clear , not clear , impossible etc . ) and to think of new ideas . 4 . Divided in teams , participants will be asked to pick the good stuff and cluster them as if they could constitute components of a new organizational service offer . 5 . Teams then will identify insights / patterns in each cluster and look for connections or cross cutting themes . The information generated will inform a presentation to senior management on the proposed service offer and the selection criteria for scaling current initiatives . The presentation will be shared with participants for feedback . Insight The main insight I expect from mind mapping are : 1 . more effectively distill shared knowledge , and ; 2 . Allow the emergence of unconventional and unexpected ideas . If successfully run - I would also expect the exercise to increase the sense of community as well as to build internal consensus on next steps . This reflection moment on the tool helped me to think through different ways to organize internal processes for assessing and communicating information and collaborative ways for distilling threads and patterns . Approach I will be interested in exploring the use of different tools / instruments presented in the course in parallel . For example , I will seek support in visualizing information before the organization of the mind - mapping event - to make sure that participants can quickly absorb complex concepts . Due to the culture of the company , external participation to the event will be difficult , but I will explore ways to involve a broader number of stakeholders . Due to a challenging budget context , I will also explore ways to organize similar exercises virtually ( understanding first the implications and trade - offs ) . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection : Design Thinking for Innovation of Mol Bank Challenge : I was a research scholar at a reputed research organisation . Our main work is to do scientific inventions and publish peer reviewed articles in international journals to help the scientific communities . Also , provided technological insights to the drug industries to help them to produce effective drugs . To do any of the activities our organization mainly relay on central government funds and some are sponsored by private industries . However , these funds are not sufficient for us to perform our daily research activities . Our challenge is to generate additional revenue for the organization from its own activities with the available resources . Selection & Application : We utilized design thinking tools to solve this problem . One of the tools utilized is mind mapping tool . For this activity we called a group of people from different levels and conducted some brainstorming exercise to get some innovative solution . After doing so , we come up with an idea i.e. the creation of Mol Bank ( molecular bank ) . Mol Bank is a library of compounds/ molecules with basic details of those compounds . The question is how to create it and how to generate revenue out of it ? In our organization there are about 1000 people including scientists , postdoctoral fellows , research scholars , college students come for internship and other . In a regular practise all of these will work on different projects and those projects involves the preparation of novel compounds . We ask each one of them to submit small amount of compound to the Mol Bank with required details . After collecting , with the help of biology and pharmacology departments we will screen those compounds for various activities and segregate them in to different categories . By this way we can create Mol bank . After creating Mol bank , we planned to invite some pharmaceutical professionals from drug industries and showcase them these library of compounds , explain them how those will help them as lead compounds in the creation of new innovative drugs . Insight and Approach : In the execution of idea , we utilized learning launch tool . As a part of execution , to check the feasibility of our model , we started with a small scale . We collected samples from few groups and made a small library . We also invited some pharmaceutical professionals from drug industries and explained our proposal . Some of them showed interest , but they felt this small library is not sufficient for the drug discovery . We also asked them for their inputs to make our model more effective . With the insights of our customers ’ we scale up the project by collecting sample from every one of the organization and made a vast library of compounds . Finally , we made a deal with one reputed company to hand over the few libraries of compounds for a huge amount . They also agreed to pay royalty to the organization , if any of the compounds turns in to a commercial drug . This idea not only generated revenue , it also encouraged the people of the organization to work effectively with agility and confidence . We hope this mode will generate revenue to the organization continuously . In this way these design thinking tolls helped us in creating innovative business model with the available resources . Also provide lots of insights to create new revenue generating models .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection : Design Thinking for Innovation of Mol Bank Challenge : I was a research scholar at a reputed research organisation . Our main work is to do scientific inventions and publish peer reviewed articles in international journals to help the scientific communities . Also , provided technological insights to the drug industries to help them to produce effective drugs . To do any of the activities our organization mainly relay on central government funds and some are sponsored by private industries . However , these funds are not sufficient for us to perform our daily research activities . Our challenge is to generate additional revenue for the organization from its own activities with the available resources . Selection & Application : We utilized design thinking tools to solve this problem . One of the tools utilized is mind mapping tool . For this activity we called a group of people from different levels and conducted some brainstorming exercise to get some innovative solution . After doing so , we come up with an idea i.e. the creation of Mol Bank ( molecular bank ) . Mol Bank is a library of compounds/ molecules with basic details of those compounds . The question is how to create it and how to generate revenue out of it ? In our organization there are about 1000 people including scientists , postdoctoral fellows , research scholars , college students come for internship and other . In a regular practise all of these will work on different projects and those projects involves the preparation of novel compounds . We ask each one of them to submit small amount of compound to the Mol Bank with required details . After collecting , with the help of biology and pharmacology departments we will screen those compounds for various activities and segregate them in to different categories . By this way we can create Mol bank . After creating Mol bank , we planned to invite some pharmaceutical professionals from drug industries and showcase them these library of compounds , explain them how those will help them as lead compounds in the creation of new innovative drugs . Insight and Approach : In the execution of idea , we utilized learning launch tool . As a part of execution , to check the feasibility of our model , we started with a small scale . We collected samples from few groups and made a small library . We also invited some pharmaceutical professionals from drug industries and explained our proposal . Some of them showed interest , but they felt this small library is not sufficient for the drug discovery . We also asked them for their inputs to make our model more effective . With the insights of our customers ’ we scale up the project by collecting sample from every one of the organization and made a vast library of compounds . Finally , we made a deal with one reputed company to hand over the few libraries of compounds for a huge amount . They also agreed to pay royalty to the organization , if any of the compounds turns in to a commercial drug . This idea not only generated revenue , it also encouraged the people of the organization to work effectively with agility and confidence . We hope this mode will generate revenue to the organization continuously . In this way these design thinking tolls helped us in creating innovative business model with the available resources . Also provide lots of insights to create new revenue generating models . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge and Selection A new product launch in the telecom industry is always very challenging , many parameters should be considered for a successful launch . There are thousands of products offered by various operators , targeted for different consumer groups with varying demographics , and with different needs and expectations . Coming up with a new product offering that will meet customer expectations , boost shareholder confidence and trust is probably the most challenging issue telecom operators face globally . The most important parameter to be considered before a product launch is understanding the customer demand and differentiating yourself from the competitors . I find storytelling a great tool for reaching out to the target audience in order to establish empathy and emotional connectivity . Once you establish that connection , your customers will be willing to take part in this exciting journey together with you and also demonstrate loyalty and ownership . That ’s when you know you have a successful product that stands out . Good stories always remain in the minds of individuals , they are always spoken about and told to others , sometimes even to next generations . They also create curiosity and you never want the story to finish if it is good . Application The first step is understanding the target audience ; who they are , where they come from , what their background is , what they exactly need and previously experienced . I believe this is the most important step which defines success and failure . After this , the expectations and needs should be mapped against current product offerings to understand the gaps and evaluate how these gaps can be addressed with the new product . The new product is the hero that is here to save the day . The next part is developing a compelling story , simple but flowing , positive , inspiring and intriguing . It has to be credible so always tell the truth ; genuine and authentic stories are the ones that really establishes connection at a personal level . The story should appeal to emotion so it would feel relatable to customers . There should be a clear sequence of events in the story , customers should flow with the story from beginning to the end and left with curiosity and desire to start using the new product , as soon as possible . Once the narrative is in place , visual storytelling elements should be used to keep the attention . The story should ideally be told with video or animation to enrich the experience and increase comprehension . The story can have a mix of formal as well as humorous and personal or professional inserts . The story should not leave any doubt or question in the customers minds , otherwise they will look for other products or wait for other users ’ comments or experience . Telecom operators often use brand ambassadors , celebrities , football superstars , mascots to represent their brand and tell the story of a new product ; this creates curiosity , emotional connectivity and loyalty . Insight & Approach After the product launch , we evaluate the success of the product against the defined financial and non- financial objectives . Various KPIs are reviewed to determine the success of the new product . Over the last few years , social media response has been included as a new KPI to measure the success of the story . Nowadays , we are witnessing that the stories communicated by famous football players instead of mascots are more successful , customers ’ response is more positive and they share the story with other users which expands the reach to even at a global scale .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge and Selection A new product launch in the telecom industry is always very challenging , many parameters should be considered for a successful launch . There are thousands of products offered by various operators , targeted for different consumer groups with varying demographics , and with different needs and expectations . Coming up with a new product offering that will meet customer expectations , boost shareholder confidence and trust is probably the most challenging issue telecom operators face globally . The most important parameter to be considered before a product launch is understanding the customer demand and differentiating yourself from the competitors . I find storytelling a great tool for reaching out to the target audience in order to establish empathy and emotional connectivity . Once you establish that connection , your customers will be willing to take part in this exciting journey together with you and also demonstrate loyalty and ownership . That ’s when you know you have a successful product that stands out . Good stories always remain in the minds of individuals , they are always spoken about and told to others , sometimes even to next generations . They also create curiosity and you never want the story to finish if it is good . Application The first step is understanding the target audience ; who they are , where they come from , what their background is , what they exactly need and previously experienced . I believe this is the most important step which defines success and failure . After this , the expectations and needs should be mapped against current product offerings to understand the gaps and evaluate how these gaps can be addressed with the new product . The new product is the hero that is here to save the day . The next part is developing a compelling story , simple but flowing , positive , inspiring and intriguing . It has to be credible so always tell the truth ; genuine and authentic stories are the ones that really establishes connection at a personal level . The story should appeal to emotion so it would feel relatable to customers . There should be a clear sequence of events in the story , customers should flow with the story from beginning to the end and left with curiosity and desire to start using the new product , as soon as possible . Once the narrative is in place , visual storytelling elements should be used to keep the attention . The story should ideally be told with video or animation to enrich the experience and increase comprehension . The story can have a mix of formal as well as humorous and personal or professional inserts . The story should not leave any doubt or question in the customers minds , otherwise they will look for other products or wait for other users ’ comments or experience . Telecom operators often use brand ambassadors , celebrities , football superstars , mascots to represent their brand and tell the story of a new product ; this creates curiosity , emotional connectivity and loyalty . Insight & Approach After the product launch , we evaluate the success of the product against the defined financial and non- financial objectives . Various KPIs are reviewed to determine the success of the new product . Over the last few years , social media response has been included as a new KPI to measure the success of the story . Nowadays , we are witnessing that the stories communicated by famous football players instead of mascots are more successful , customers ’ response is more positive and they share the story with other users which expands the reach to even at a global scale . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge I work for an organisation engaged in Distribution of major IT products through a set of channel networks . My role involves increasing the sales for the organisation with equal focus on profitability . And to accomplish the task , I was given a team of field sales managers and inside tele callers . As the industrial growth slowed down , business opportunities available in the market also reduced drastically , and it became more and more difficult to achieve the profits , Company was expecting of the team . Every opportunity available in the market was known to our competitors and somehow they were always able to give better offers than us resulting in the company losing some major deals . Some of the opportunities available had huge financial risks which again limited our participation . With each passing quarter I realised not only our performance , but also the confidence and motivation levels of the complete team was going down , which was equally , if not more , dangerous than the plunging sales of the unit . Selection The need of the hour was to take some quick corrective steps through some design thinking processes / tools , to quickly test an idea and prototype . Application As a first step we all sat together , and went about discusing the individual challenges faced in the market and all the information each one had about our competitors and the partners , with whom the company was doing business with . This gave each team member a holistic view of the situation and each member came up with ideas and suggestions to overcome the same . We decided to divide the team into different groups with specific duties such as 1 . Hunting new partners.(involving tele caller ) 2 . Understanding the pain points of our long standing key partners , their challenges in winning a deal / managing clients etc . 3 . Trying to break into a few key competitive accounts by regularly engaging with them , building customer relation . Insight Our interactions with our key partners and those of the competitors , made us realise that one of their main challenge was getting and retaining technically qualified resources , and arranging finances for execution of large projects . Approach This insight on the pain points of our channel partners , their needs , understanding of market dynamics , helped us to come up the idea of setting up , our own technical support team . Our technical team helped channel partners , with information on new innovations and cost saving technologies and assisted them in designing their client projects . Also to support their financial needs , we convinced our management to give short term project based loans against personal guarantee . These initiatives got us complete details of all the large projects our partners were working on , thus gaining an upper hand over our competitors . Our relationship with the channel partners strengthened as they started seeing value in our services which helped us win deals with better margins . Also with our focus on adding new channel partners , we widened our reach to areas where our presence was not there thus incrementing revenue for the company . Not until I went through this course did I realise this initiative as Learning Launch , which every company , given today ’s competitiveness , will require implementing , to stay viable in the market .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge I work for an organisation engaged in Distribution of major IT products through a set of channel networks . My role involves increasing the sales for the organisation with equal focus on profitability . And to accomplish the task , I was given a team of field sales managers and inside tele callers . As the industrial growth slowed down , business opportunities available in the market also reduced drastically , and it became more and more difficult to achieve the profits , Company was expecting of the team . Every opportunity available in the market was known to our competitors and somehow they were always able to give better offers than us resulting in the company losing some major deals . Some of the opportunities available had huge financial risks which again limited our participation . With each passing quarter I realised not only our performance , but also the confidence and motivation levels of the complete team was going down , which was equally , if not more , dangerous than the plunging sales of the unit . Selection The need of the hour was to take some quick corrective steps through some design thinking processes / tools , to quickly test an idea and prototype . Application As a first step we all sat together , and went about discusing the individual challenges faced in the market and all the information each one had about our competitors and the partners , with whom the company was doing business with . This gave each team member a holistic view of the situation and each member came up with ideas and suggestions to overcome the same . We decided to divide the team into different groups with specific duties such as 1 . Hunting new partners.(involving tele caller ) 2 . Understanding the pain points of our long standing key partners , their challenges in winning a deal / managing clients etc . 3 . Trying to break into a few key competitive accounts by regularly engaging with them , building customer relation . Insight Our interactions with our key partners and those of the competitors , made us realise that one of their main challenge was getting and retaining technically qualified resources , and arranging finances for execution of large projects . Approach This insight on the pain points of our channel partners , their needs , understanding of market dynamics , helped us to come up the idea of setting up , our own technical support team . Our technical team helped channel partners , with information on new innovations and cost saving technologies and assisted them in designing their client projects . Also to support their financial needs , we convinced our management to give short term project based loans against personal guarantee . These initiatives got us complete details of all the large projects our partners were working on , thus gaining an upper hand over our competitors . Our relationship with the channel partners strengthened as they started seeing value in our services which helped us win deals with better margins . Also with our focus on adding new channel partners , we widened our reach to areas where our presence was not there thus incrementing revenue for the company . Not until I went through this course did I realise this initiative as Learning Launch , which every company , given today ’s competitiveness , will require implementing , to stay viable in the market . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge I develop software for a measurement device ( the “ Device ” ) which is installed on large , complex semiconductor processing equipment ( the “ Tool ” ) . The device requires hardware “ tuning ” by installers who turn calibration screws until the Device signals are maximized . Currently , the installation team uses a vendor app running on a laptop to view the Device signals . The laptop must be abandoned at customer sites , as customers wish to ensure that none of their Intellectual Property can be stolen . The install team wants to make similar software available through the Tool software / GUI . However , the Device produces a substantial volume of data , at a high data rate , and must be transferred through three to four servers before it can be plotted on the GUI . The data is likely to have a time lag or be a drag on the local network . Selection I chose the Learning Launch tool . In particular , I wanted to apply the Assumption Worksheet , as there were considerable assumptions on the part of the installers requesting the software and on my part in being wary of the complexity of the data . Application Hypothesis : we need a new utility on the Tool software to replace the Vendor software running on the discardable laptop . Key assumption 1 : Data volume for the transferring all of the data from the Device to the Tool ’s GUI is not feasible . Test : Calculate the data volume and find out who is the network expert for the Tool ’s software , and ask if the data transfer is doable . Results of test : Data transfer would be acceptable . Key assumption 2 : The computer can pre - do some of the analysis that the installers do by eyeball , and present the data to the installers in a superior way to the Vendor software . Test : I interviewed the installers to determine exactly how they use their eyeballs to evaluate the continuous stream of data . Results of test : I determined that the computer can indeed do that analysis faster and better . In addition , the computer can display the resulting data as a time series , which enable the installers to tell if the data are growing , which makes it easier to maximize the Device signals while turning the calibration screws . Learning Launch : I created a mock - up of the data display for the new utility , and demonstrated to the installers how it would be used . Disconfirming data : The installers hated the proposed utility . They want exactly what they had with the Vendor software , and in fact they added a requirement that the new software must be run from a remote Tablet computer ( which will also have to be left at customer sites for IP reasons ! ) Since the data transfer is possible , I have no excuse not to implement a duplicate of the Vendor app . Insight 1 . Users be crazy ! 2 . As the software developer for the team , my job is mostly attending to all the details . None of the Design Thinking tools seems suitable for determining HOW to achieve what needs to be achieved . The tools seem to be for determining WHAT needs to be achieved . Those things are usually determined well before the software developers get involved . Approach I found that listing my knee - jerk objections to the project as a list of assumptions , with methods for testing each assumption was very useful for documenting both “ what is ” and “ what if ” . Evaluating the key assumptions , in a systematic way , was very useful as the tests disproved one of my major objections to the project . In hindsight , I should have stopped there , rather than trying to improve on Utility that the users requested and were used to . My proposal did n’t “ wow ” , and I ended up going with “ what works ” .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge I develop software for a measurement device ( the “ Device ” ) which is installed on large , complex semiconductor processing equipment ( the “ Tool ” ) . The device requires hardware “ tuning ” by installers who turn calibration screws until the Device signals are maximized . Currently , the installation team uses a vendor app running on a laptop to view the Device signals . The laptop must be abandoned at customer sites , as customers wish to ensure that none of their Intellectual Property can be stolen . The install team wants to make similar software available through the Tool software / GUI . However , the Device produces a substantial volume of data , at a high data rate , and must be transferred through three to four servers before it can be plotted on the GUI . The data is likely to have a time lag or be a drag on the local network . Selection I chose the Learning Launch tool . In particular , I wanted to apply the Assumption Worksheet , as there were considerable assumptions on the part of the installers requesting the software and on my part in being wary of the complexity of the data . Application Hypothesis : we need a new utility on the Tool software to replace the Vendor software running on the discardable laptop . Key assumption 1 : Data volume for the transferring all of the data from the Device to the Tool ’s GUI is not feasible . Test : Calculate the data volume and find out who is the network expert for the Tool ’s software , and ask if the data transfer is doable . Results of test : Data transfer would be acceptable . Key assumption 2 : The computer can pre - do some of the analysis that the installers do by eyeball , and present the data to the installers in a superior way to the Vendor software . Test : I interviewed the installers to determine exactly how they use their eyeballs to evaluate the continuous stream of data . Results of test : I determined that the computer can indeed do that analysis faster and better . In addition , the computer can display the resulting data as a time series , which enable the installers to tell if the data are growing , which makes it easier to maximize the Device signals while turning the calibration screws . Learning Launch : I created a mock - up of the data display for the new utility , and demonstrated to the installers how it would be used . Disconfirming data : The installers hated the proposed utility . They want exactly what they had with the Vendor software , and in fact they added a requirement that the new software must be run from a remote Tablet computer ( which will also have to be left at customer sites for IP reasons ! ) Since the data transfer is possible , I have no excuse not to implement a duplicate of the Vendor app . Insight 1 . Users be crazy ! 2 . As the software developer for the team , my job is mostly attending to all the details . None of the Design Thinking tools seems suitable for determining HOW to achieve what needs to be achieved . The tools seem to be for determining WHAT needs to be achieved . Those things are usually determined well before the software developers get involved . Approach I found that listing my knee - jerk objections to the project as a list of assumptions , with methods for testing each assumption was very useful for documenting both “ what is ” and “ what if ” . Evaluating the key assumptions , in a systematic way , was very useful as the tests disproved one of my major objections to the project . In hindsight , I should have stopped there , rather than trying to improve on Utility that the users requested and were used to . My proposal did n’t “ wow ” , and I ended up going with “ what works ” . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Daycare Electronic Notification Board by Abul Polidori . Challenge and Selection WICASA requested the creation of an Electronic Notification Board to besides broadcast emails to a mail list also provide the same notifications on a web page accessible by the parents and caretakers . The team ( One - man Team , in the case I ) saw an opportunity to reframe the request and expand the scope creating a new form of communication between parents and daycare staff , not only caretakers , mainly focusing on children daily follow up . An ethnographic research was put in place and a series of interviews were conducted to gather information from parents , caretakers , and staff about their technologic savviness , how comfortable they would be to have information about their children on the web , what kind of info they would like to have from the daycare . In possession of these data a combination of Visualization ( Week 1 - video 6 ) and Storytelling ( Week 2- video 4 ) were used to convey that it would be beneficial to broaden the scope . The combination was a key aspect of the strategy adopted . Visualization was used to get an alignment among the stakeholders , helping to convey to the different audiences ( mainly the staff ) all the aspects of the problem and the line of experimentation that was adopted later in the process . Storytelling gave a seamless description of what was the pain points and concerns of the key stakeholders and how the solution would be experienced in a daily basis by parent caretakers , making the data more “ digestible ” , softening the learning curve , allowing stakeholders learn from each other and creating empathy across the board . Application The team starts by creating a visualization of the original request ’s problem domain and environment just to understand what problem the Municipality wants to solve ( because regardless of the solution and approach taken that specific problem must be solved ) . It starts by drawing some stick figures of the stakeholders and the environment they interact with then expand the visualization to include elements of the request , the Electronic Notification Board , all these based only on information provided by the requestors . Then a workshop is booked to present the current understand to the stakeholders , walking through the steps that the team went through to get to the current visualization and expand the conversation to unarticulated needs that the team detected and that could be addressed on that engagement , get feedback and permission to expand the scope , explaining the need for data and how it will support an informed decision . After the first workshop the team runs an ethnographic research , interviewing besides the stakeholders , caretakers , staff , and parents ( extended stakeholders group ) from different boroughs with different socio - economics profiles ( since it was assumed that this would influence how the technology is experienced ) , asking questions like How you experience smartphone in your daily life ? How frequently do you follow up your children ’s daycare experience ? What information you would like to exchange with your children caretaker / daycare ? With the new data points the team runs a new workshop with the extended stakeholders group and to create the visualization of the newly discovered problem domain , which encompassed besides the board a 2 - way communication platform , including a special channel to talk about a parent ’s child . The team covers different scenarios in the same visualization using different personas elicited from the data to help understanding and give perspective . Each persona is used to tell a story associated to how they experience / face the problem and 6 groups of 4 participants are assembled to discuss and enable feedback collection . In a next step the team and the extended stakeholders group focus on creating on extending the visualization to describe the candidate solutions / experiments to the learn launch . During the process 3 facilitators helped the groups to achieve collective agreement and avoid polarization . Insight and Approach What the team learned is personas and storytelling help immensely the visualization tool , mainly to convey why such persona would use a solution in a way not envisioned by the majority of the stakeholders , giving meaningful context to a use case . This is key to get a deeper alignment and once that is reached unarticulated needs start to come to light seamlessly , enabling good feedback collection and greater exchange of ideas and better insights . It allows not only the team but all the stakeholders to understand what is to be in other person(a ) shoes . Having facilitators was also a successful approach that helped mainly the introverted ones to provided good feedback and their own unarticulated needs ( introverted parents are more comfortable using the electronic means of communication instead of face to face ) . The facilitators also helped the stakeholders to not drift away from the original problem and question .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Daycare Electronic Notification Board by Abul Polidori . Challenge and Selection WICASA requested the creation of an Electronic Notification Board to besides broadcast emails to a mail list also provide the same notifications on a web page accessible by the parents and caretakers . The team ( One - man Team , in the case I ) saw an opportunity to reframe the request and expand the scope creating a new form of communication between parents and daycare staff , not only caretakers , mainly focusing on children daily follow up . An ethnographic research was put in place and a series of interviews were conducted to gather information from parents , caretakers , and staff about their technologic savviness , how comfortable they would be to have information about their children on the web , what kind of info they would like to have from the daycare . In possession of these data a combination of Visualization ( Week 1 - video 6 ) and Storytelling ( Week 2- video 4 ) were used to convey that it would be beneficial to broaden the scope . The combination was a key aspect of the strategy adopted . Visualization was used to get an alignment among the stakeholders , helping to convey to the different audiences ( mainly the staff ) all the aspects of the problem and the line of experimentation that was adopted later in the process . Storytelling gave a seamless description of what was the pain points and concerns of the key stakeholders and how the solution would be experienced in a daily basis by parent caretakers , making the data more “ digestible ” , softening the learning curve , allowing stakeholders learn from each other and creating empathy across the board . Application The team starts by creating a visualization of the original request ’s problem domain and environment just to understand what problem the Municipality wants to solve ( because regardless of the solution and approach taken that specific problem must be solved ) . It starts by drawing some stick figures of the stakeholders and the environment they interact with then expand the visualization to include elements of the request , the Electronic Notification Board , all these based only on information provided by the requestors . Then a workshop is booked to present the current understand to the stakeholders , walking through the steps that the team went through to get to the current visualization and expand the conversation to unarticulated needs that the team detected and that could be addressed on that engagement , get feedback and permission to expand the scope , explaining the need for data and how it will support an informed decision . After the first workshop the team runs an ethnographic research , interviewing besides the stakeholders , caretakers , staff , and parents ( extended stakeholders group ) from different boroughs with different socio - economics profiles ( since it was assumed that this would influence how the technology is experienced ) , asking questions like How you experience smartphone in your daily life ? How frequently do you follow up your children ’s daycare experience ? What information you would like to exchange with your children caretaker / daycare ? With the new data points the team runs a new workshop with the extended stakeholders group and to create the visualization of the newly discovered problem domain , which encompassed besides the board a 2 - way communication platform , including a special channel to talk about a parent ’s child . The team covers different scenarios in the same visualization using different personas elicited from the data to help understanding and give perspective . Each persona is used to tell a story associated to how they experience / face the problem and 6 groups of 4 participants are assembled to discuss and enable feedback collection . In a next step the team and the extended stakeholders group focus on creating on extending the visualization to describe the candidate solutions / experiments to the learn launch . During the process 3 facilitators helped the groups to achieve collective agreement and avoid polarization . Insight and Approach What the team learned is personas and storytelling help immensely the visualization tool , mainly to convey why such persona would use a solution in a way not envisioned by the majority of the stakeholders , giving meaningful context to a use case . This is key to get a deeper alignment and once that is reached unarticulated needs start to come to light seamlessly , enabling good feedback collection and greater exchange of ideas and better insights . It allows not only the team but all the stakeholders to understand what is to be in other person(a ) shoes . Having facilitators was also a successful approach that helped mainly the introverted ones to provided good feedback and their own unarticulated needs ( introverted parents are more comfortable using the electronic means of communication instead of face to face ) . The facilitators also helped the stakeholders to not drift away from the original problem and question . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Abul Polidori" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection : STORYTELLING THE POWER OF ATTITUDE Fabian Silvera August , 2016 Challenge : Describe your challenge , including all relevant information . Challenge The challenge was about a project of cultural change in a professional soccer team in which I was a the Executive Director . We were almost starting a new season and we had the challenge of participating in an international championship that wasvery important for the Club . We had made big efforts to improve the facilities and conditions for the training and competition , becoming one of the best soccer clubs in the country , even though , the players had serious attitude problems , were unmotivated and unfocused . We needed a deep change in the organizational culture , and mainly in the mindset of the players . I used the storytelling tool to show a contrasting reality to cause a greater appreciation of our situation and achieve a greater motivation of the group . Selection : In your own words , briefly describe the tool you selected ( e.g. , what it is and why you selected it for your challenge -- including any appropriate video lecture references ) . Selection Stories are a great tool to engage people with your Project , because allows you to connect the people with the essence of the problem and how to solve it . Stories allow you to access emotion , emphasize experiences and make the concepts more tangible . Application : Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively ) . Application I used a video add based on a true story . In 1986 a group of children who lived in a little island called Koh Panyee in the south of Thailand , loved to watch and play soccer , but had nowhere to play or practice because Koh Panyee was a floating village in the middle of the sea that has not an inch of soil . One day , they had an idea , and in spite of their limitations , they decided to form a soccer team . They created their own space , building a floating raft as a soccer field to train and play . With this new pitch , created by themselves they reached their dream of forming the Panyee Football ( Soccer ) Club . Insight : Describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) . Insight In spite of the constraints and the opinions of others , they did n't let their limitations stop them , they challenged the status quo , innovated and created a real solution for them . With their story , they have become a great inspiration for new generations on the island and lot of soccer players around the world . After watching the video , we shared about our reality and compared it with the story we saw . This story inspired our players to value all the things that they already had . We reflected about how thinking differently , with will power and a positive attitude can make positive changes and achieve great goals . We reflected that people´s attitudes drives their behaviors , and we realized that if we wanted to succeed we need to have a positive attitude and the right mindset . With this story we reached an attitude change of the players and also in the organizational culture and motivation of the group . Approach : Describe what you might do differently next time -- applying the same tool you selected or a different one -- and the reason(s ) why . Approach In spite of having a good result telling this story to the team , I think if I had started the process with a deep understanding of the needs and problems of the players , I could have prepared an integral solution that makes a big impact in their conduct . After taking this course , I know how important it is to start the process to solve a human based problem with a deep understanding of the people , empathizing and developing a deep insight into the problem or opportunity to find a good solution to solve it . Reflection : STORYTELLING THE POWER OF ATTITUDE Design Thinking for Innovation University of Virginia Fabian Silvera August , 2016
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection : STORYTELLING THE POWER OF ATTITUDE Fabian Silvera August , 2016 Challenge : Describe your challenge , including all relevant information . Challenge The challenge was about a project of cultural change in a professional soccer team in which I was a the Executive Director . We were almost starting a new season and we had the challenge of participating in an international championship that wasvery important for the Club . We had made big efforts to improve the facilities and conditions for the training and competition , becoming one of the best soccer clubs in the country , even though , the players had serious attitude problems , were unmotivated and unfocused . We needed a deep change in the organizational culture , and mainly in the mindset of the players . I used the storytelling tool to show a contrasting reality to cause a greater appreciation of our situation and achieve a greater motivation of the group . Selection : In your own words , briefly describe the tool you selected ( e.g. , what it is and why you selected it for your challenge -- including any appropriate video lecture references ) . Selection Stories are a great tool to engage people with your Project , because allows you to connect the people with the essence of the problem and how to solve it . Stories allow you to access emotion , emphasize experiences and make the concepts more tangible . Application : Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively ) . Application I used a video add based on a true story . In 1986 a group of children who lived in a little island called Koh Panyee in the south of Thailand , loved to watch and play soccer , but had nowhere to play or practice because Koh Panyee was a floating village in the middle of the sea that has not an inch of soil . One day , they had an idea , and in spite of their limitations , they decided to form a soccer team . They created their own space , building a floating raft as a soccer field to train and play . With this new pitch , created by themselves they reached their dream of forming the Panyee Football ( Soccer ) Club . Insight : Describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) . Insight In spite of the constraints and the opinions of others , they did n't let their limitations stop them , they challenged the status quo , innovated and created a real solution for them . With their story , they have become a great inspiration for new generations on the island and lot of soccer players around the world . After watching the video , we shared about our reality and compared it with the story we saw . This story inspired our players to value all the things that they already had . We reflected about how thinking differently , with will power and a positive attitude can make positive changes and achieve great goals . We reflected that people´s attitudes drives their behaviors , and we realized that if we wanted to succeed we need to have a positive attitude and the right mindset . With this story we reached an attitude change of the players and also in the organizational culture and motivation of the group . Approach : Describe what you might do differently next time -- applying the same tool you selected or a different one -- and the reason(s ) why . Approach In spite of having a good result telling this story to the team , I think if I had started the process with a deep understanding of the needs and problems of the players , I could have prepared an integral solution that makes a big impact in their conduct . After taking this course , I know how important it is to start the process to solve a human based problem with a deep understanding of the people , empathizing and developing a deep insight into the problem or opportunity to find a good solution to solve it . Reflection : STORYTELLING THE POWER OF ATTITUDE Design Thinking for Innovation University of Virginia Fabian Silvera August , 2016 ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Fabian Silvera", "Fabian Silvera" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Design Thinking for Innovation Final Project : Storytelling I have worked with the City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation department for almost 02 years now . I ’ve been a part of our day camps for kids for about 7 years , and each summer is different . Our challenge one summer was staff motivation , which we noticed right away on our first day of training . The tools we used this particular year were storytelling and mind mapping . Starting out our training , we used our time in the morning ( while everyone was waking up and drinking their coffee ) to go around the room and have our returners tell one or two stories about their favorite times at camp . We knew this would be a good starting point because it was positive and was easy to talk about for everyone , because it was their own experience . After we went around the room , we broke into small groups to discuss our favorite stories in more detail and determine what went right or wrong in those stories . This tool was applied successfully in that it brought everyone out of their shell a little bit . Some insights we got from the stories were bottlenecks in the camps programs , and times where we could have stepped in to prevent bad things from happening . Because of the success of this approach , we plan to continue doing this at every training , and also every meeting we have to check progress . Giving people a platform to speak before getting talked to really makes a difference .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Design Thinking for Innovation Final Project : Storytelling I have worked with the City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation department for almost 02 years now . I ’ve been a part of our day camps for kids for about 7 years , and each summer is different . Our challenge one summer was staff motivation , which we noticed right away on our first day of training . The tools we used this particular year were storytelling and mind mapping . Starting out our training , we used our time in the morning ( while everyone was waking up and drinking their coffee ) to go around the room and have our returners tell one or two stories about their favorite times at camp . We knew this would be a good starting point because it was positive and was easy to talk about for everyone , because it was their own experience . After we went around the room , we broke into small groups to discuss our favorite stories in more detail and determine what went right or wrong in those stories . This tool was applied successfully in that it brought everyone out of their shell a little bit . Some insights we got from the stories were bottlenecks in the camps programs , and times where we could have stepped in to prevent bad things from happening . Because of the success of this approach , we plan to continue doing this at every training , and also every meeting we have to check progress . Giving people a platform to speak before getting talked to really makes a difference . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Mind Mapping It is very difficult to find yourself as an imperfect human being in a role of giving hope to other imperfect beings especially those who find themselves in circumstances far beyond their comprehension . I work with with one of the key population who we refer to as prisoners . Where I work , I deal with prisoners from all walks of live , some are fathers , juveniles , foreigners , criminals , some are awaiting trials and some are psychitric patients . It takes more than passion and hard work to listen to this diverse group and try to make them look at life in a different light than their current situations . It is even more difficult when language is a barrier and then you got to call the third person who is not even qualified or trained to interpret . What has always intriqued me is the ability to help someone come up with a better solution without being judgemental or prejudice . Selection I have leant to use mind mapping to get through to my clients who are prisoners(inmates ) and their custodians(prison officers ) whom are at times judgemental to their clients and illtreat them . I have not always known the in depth of mind mapping but the little knowledge I knew was that it makes complex issues easy to breakdown and remember since it uses a lot of drawing which stick to the mind . It further uses partens to search for depth hidden insights which sways one into treating something complex into a simple manner . Application Coming from a background of giving group and individual counselling to students and teachers whom were already used to the idea of counselling was easy however giving the same to prison enviroment seem a bit complex and it was further met with resentment and aparthy . So for me to permeate the idea of counselling I needed to understand what was their idea of counselling in contrast to what I know and for that i used mind mapping . I took both the prison officers and the inmates through what I believe to be counselling at separate times in contrast to what they know counselling to be . I drew a square box with defination of counselling and branches that support counselling and I drew a circle opposite the square and wrote counselling in prison . I then asked the grounp to come up with what their understanding of prison counselling is in contrast to counselling in general and to link the similarities together . They also came up with what worked and what did nt work at the end of the presentation . The pictorials made the presentation fascinating and simple to engage everyone and at the end we had a common thinking . Mind mapping in working with the above two groups was helpful since it gathered the current trends and understanding of what counselling is to both groups and it further readressed issues of now that we know what counselling is what is it that could be done to generate common themes that will include all prisoners . It made everyone to think out of the box which is named design criteria in Design thinking processs and it paved way for new interventions which were owned not by myself but by the prison officers and prisoners . Insights and Approach To me the example of art gallery and yard sale reflects on breaking ice by congregating all the stakeholders in couselling together to reflect on what they are experiencing in so far as counselling is concerned . They were honest in defining their current realities of counselling and they clustered them into thems of what is working and what is not working for them . Mind mapping is indeed an innovative way into making people start thinking and opening up about the trends that they are experiencing and it further give insights into easily mapping issues into themes and what does nt fall within the given criteria , yet is valuable in creating what could work as opposse to what was . The mind mapping is colouful , connect ideas and enable people to be imaginative which is the core of Innovative design and thinking . This is a tool we can adopt in learning and understanding . It is with no doubt that mind mapping in design thinking is a tool to reckon with , however having gone through all this module of Design thinking and Innovation , I am rest assured that alone mind mapping is not enough therefore if coupled with story telling and visualization , I will be able to reach the many hearts of the key population I work with in building a better me and better us .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Mind Mapping It is very difficult to find yourself as an imperfect human being in a role of giving hope to other imperfect beings especially those who find themselves in circumstances far beyond their comprehension . I work with with one of the key population who we refer to as prisoners . Where I work , I deal with prisoners from all walks of live , some are fathers , juveniles , foreigners , criminals , some are awaiting trials and some are psychitric patients . It takes more than passion and hard work to listen to this diverse group and try to make them look at life in a different light than their current situations . It is even more difficult when language is a barrier and then you got to call the third person who is not even qualified or trained to interpret . What has always intriqued me is the ability to help someone come up with a better solution without being judgemental or prejudice . Selection I have leant to use mind mapping to get through to my clients who are prisoners(inmates ) and their custodians(prison officers ) whom are at times judgemental to their clients and illtreat them . I have not always known the in depth of mind mapping but the little knowledge I knew was that it makes complex issues easy to breakdown and remember since it uses a lot of drawing which stick to the mind . It further uses partens to search for depth hidden insights which sways one into treating something complex into a simple manner . Application Coming from a background of giving group and individual counselling to students and teachers whom were already used to the idea of counselling was easy however giving the same to prison enviroment seem a bit complex and it was further met with resentment and aparthy . So for me to permeate the idea of counselling I needed to understand what was their idea of counselling in contrast to what I know and for that i used mind mapping . I took both the prison officers and the inmates through what I believe to be counselling at separate times in contrast to what they know counselling to be . I drew a square box with defination of counselling and branches that support counselling and I drew a circle opposite the square and wrote counselling in prison . I then asked the grounp to come up with what their understanding of prison counselling is in contrast to counselling in general and to link the similarities together . They also came up with what worked and what did nt work at the end of the presentation . The pictorials made the presentation fascinating and simple to engage everyone and at the end we had a common thinking . Mind mapping in working with the above two groups was helpful since it gathered the current trends and understanding of what counselling is to both groups and it further readressed issues of now that we know what counselling is what is it that could be done to generate common themes that will include all prisoners . It made everyone to think out of the box which is named design criteria in Design thinking processs and it paved way for new interventions which were owned not by myself but by the prison officers and prisoners . Insights and Approach To me the example of art gallery and yard sale reflects on breaking ice by congregating all the stakeholders in couselling together to reflect on what they are experiencing in so far as counselling is concerned . They were honest in defining their current realities of counselling and they clustered them into thems of what is working and what is not working for them . Mind mapping is indeed an innovative way into making people start thinking and opening up about the trends that they are experiencing and it further give insights into easily mapping issues into themes and what does nt fall within the given criteria , yet is valuable in creating what could work as opposse to what was . The mind mapping is colouful , connect ideas and enable people to be imaginative which is the core of Innovative design and thinking . This is a tool we can adopt in learning and understanding . It is with no doubt that mind mapping in design thinking is a tool to reckon with , however having gone through all this module of Design thinking and Innovation , I am rest assured that alone mind mapping is not enough therefore if coupled with story telling and visualization , I will be able to reach the many hearts of the key population I work with in building a better me and better us . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
When Storytelling is used in the Design Process ? The design thinking process ensures the user evolvement in every stage to build a user- centred solution . Therefore , the storytelling is used throughout the design process , yet there is a different usage goal in each phase . Generally , the storytelling can be used as three pair phases ; problem framing , solution framing , and solution implementation . Problem Framing This stage comes early in the design process . It aims to explore the problem to build an accurate understanding of the main issue that needs to be solved . In the problem framing stage , the storytelling can be used in this explorative initiative . It helps the design team to engage with the user to define the problem using a qualitative data from the consumers . Multiple storytelling sessions can be held with the consumers who meet with the persona characteristics . Then , the data can be collected and analysed to build a generalised idea about the problem . The advantage of using the storytelling tool is that it helps to create empathy with the problem as the consumers tell their stories from their own perspective describing their pain points in the process . It helps to build a persona empathy map about the consumers ’ feelings and experience . Solution Framing In the solution definition and prototyping stages , the design team would number of potential solutions that need to be tested and evaluated to understand which the best solution from the user perspective is . In this stage , the storytelling can be used again in this stage but with a different purpose . In this case , the team tries to understand which solution is the most appropriate for the consumer . The storytelling can be used in this part of the design process to build a two communication with the consumer to validate the efficiency of the solution . In the prototyping stage , storytelling plays an even more critical role as the consumers can use the solution and provide feedback to the design team . The team will be able to observe how the consumers use the prototype solution and build a realistic understanding of the suggested solutions . Solution Implementation One of the practical features of the design thinking process is the ability to get consumer feedback about the product or the service to improve the product in the future . Here , the storytelling can be used to explore how the final product is used in real life and how consumers interact with it in their everyday life . The information collected from the feedback sessions are usually used to improve the future versions of the product . While the storytelling can be used in different stages of the design process as above , it is a suitable tool to collected personalised experiences from the consumers . It may be hard to build a generalised data based on it because of the different nature of each consumer ’s story , but I believe this is one of the strengths of the tool . It helps us to understand the empathic experience that the users face when using a product or a service . This unique strength point can be valuable for the design thinking process especially when it targets specific problems such as medical interventions or personalised use cases . In sum , the storytelling is a powerful communication tool that enables us as a human being to understand more about our emotional experiences . This makes it an effective method to use during the design process . It can be used during the design thinking process phases with a different goal in each stage . Storytelling can help us to gather personalised emotional data about our consumer ’s experience which can be hard to collect using other research methods such as the survey and consumer journey mapping .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: When Storytelling is used in the Design Process ? The design thinking process ensures the user evolvement in every stage to build a user- centred solution . Therefore , the storytelling is used throughout the design process , yet there is a different usage goal in each phase . Generally , the storytelling can be used as three pair phases ; problem framing , solution framing , and solution implementation . Problem Framing This stage comes early in the design process . It aims to explore the problem to build an accurate understanding of the main issue that needs to be solved . In the problem framing stage , the storytelling can be used in this explorative initiative . It helps the design team to engage with the user to define the problem using a qualitative data from the consumers . Multiple storytelling sessions can be held with the consumers who meet with the persona characteristics . Then , the data can be collected and analysed to build a generalised idea about the problem . The advantage of using the storytelling tool is that it helps to create empathy with the problem as the consumers tell their stories from their own perspective describing their pain points in the process . It helps to build a persona empathy map about the consumers ’ feelings and experience . Solution Framing In the solution definition and prototyping stages , the design team would number of potential solutions that need to be tested and evaluated to understand which the best solution from the user perspective is . In this stage , the storytelling can be used again in this stage but with a different purpose . In this case , the team tries to understand which solution is the most appropriate for the consumer . The storytelling can be used in this part of the design process to build a two communication with the consumer to validate the efficiency of the solution . In the prototyping stage , storytelling plays an even more critical role as the consumers can use the solution and provide feedback to the design team . The team will be able to observe how the consumers use the prototype solution and build a realistic understanding of the suggested solutions . Solution Implementation One of the practical features of the design thinking process is the ability to get consumer feedback about the product or the service to improve the product in the future . Here , the storytelling can be used to explore how the final product is used in real life and how consumers interact with it in their everyday life . The information collected from the feedback sessions are usually used to improve the future versions of the product . While the storytelling can be used in different stages of the design process as above , it is a suitable tool to collected personalised experiences from the consumers . It may be hard to build a generalised data based on it because of the different nature of each consumer ’s story , but I believe this is one of the strengths of the tool . It helps us to understand the empathic experience that the users face when using a product or a service . This unique strength point can be valuable for the design thinking process especially when it targets specific problems such as medical interventions or personalised use cases . In sum , the storytelling is a powerful communication tool that enables us as a human being to understand more about our emotional experiences . This makes it an effective method to use during the design process . It can be used during the design thinking process phases with a different goal in each stage . Storytelling can help us to gather personalised emotional data about our consumer ’s experience which can be hard to collect using other research methods such as the survey and consumer journey mapping . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
The local beach challenge The post covid era will be a different era from the previous one , we expect a sudden push of the raises but with a different focus . Consumers will be more attentive and will differentiate their available resources with greater attention to quality , to the socio - economic , social and environmental context . Our idea is to create a space where the consumer , outdoors and indoors , where he can be quiet , carefree and induced to buy various kinds of items . To do this we have identified an area , a very large bathing establishment ( equipped beach ) with a structure that allows you to either eat or sit in the shade . We have chosen a tourist location , which has good tourism performances but which is not very well known , and which does not already have facilities of this type . Having found the city and the suitable place , we first of all checked the statistical data of tourist entry in the locality We interviewed : - Mayor and city council - Associations of merchants of the city - The political parties present in the territory - Social associations - The associations of the clubs on the sea - Real estate agencies to understand their point of view After this first round of answers we got together and tried to make a first meeting on the issues that emerged from these first interviews , dividing as follows : Interesting ideas Not Interesting Ideas Important news about the city Citizen gossip After the first meeting , we drew up a first local project and we went during the month of July and August to carry out interviews with tourists to understand what they thought . After the second round of response we held a second meeting , dividing as follows : General Judgment Expectations Tourists ' ideas After the second meeting we examined the 7 areas of information that emerged from the two interview sessions , visually inserted in an electronic whiteboard to be able to act quickly by eliminating or aggregating ideas . First we eliminated what we felt was not working and kept everything that made sense . We resumed the project , changed the layout according to the indications of the tourists , creating the relaxation area , the lunch / dinner area , the area for purchasing products After that we selected a sample of 200 people who selected the real estate agencies and the various categories divided by job and income , and we showed the layout asking them if they felt comfortable and protected inside the space , presenting a series of products and asking him which types of businesses they preferred to sell inside the restaurant . We thus arrived at the 3rd meeting , the one to decide which products to sell in the room , all answers were examined At the third meeting we already had many elements to have already a very complete picture . To understand if the idea could really work , we rented a municipal area on the beach for three days , we set up a temporary structure and we invited all the people we interviewed or who contributed to understand their reactions with a structure . built according to their specifications . At the end of their evening we asked for three simple opinions : Did you relax ? Have you found a comfortable environment ? Would you have dined or bought the products for sale ? We called the 4th meeting to understand the results of the temporary evening . Thanks to design thinking we have a comfortable and relaxing laylout , with an area that manages to induce the guest to buy throughout his stay .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: The local beach challenge The post covid era will be a different era from the previous one , we expect a sudden push of the raises but with a different focus . Consumers will be more attentive and will differentiate their available resources with greater attention to quality , to the socio - economic , social and environmental context . Our idea is to create a space where the consumer , outdoors and indoors , where he can be quiet , carefree and induced to buy various kinds of items . To do this we have identified an area , a very large bathing establishment ( equipped beach ) with a structure that allows you to either eat or sit in the shade . We have chosen a tourist location , which has good tourism performances but which is not very well known , and which does not already have facilities of this type . Having found the city and the suitable place , we first of all checked the statistical data of tourist entry in the locality We interviewed : - Mayor and city council - Associations of merchants of the city - The political parties present in the territory - Social associations - The associations of the clubs on the sea - Real estate agencies to understand their point of view After this first round of answers we got together and tried to make a first meeting on the issues that emerged from these first interviews , dividing as follows : Interesting ideas Not Interesting Ideas Important news about the city Citizen gossip After the first meeting , we drew up a first local project and we went during the month of July and August to carry out interviews with tourists to understand what they thought . After the second round of response we held a second meeting , dividing as follows : General Judgment Expectations Tourists ' ideas After the second meeting we examined the 7 areas of information that emerged from the two interview sessions , visually inserted in an electronic whiteboard to be able to act quickly by eliminating or aggregating ideas . First we eliminated what we felt was not working and kept everything that made sense . We resumed the project , changed the layout according to the indications of the tourists , creating the relaxation area , the lunch / dinner area , the area for purchasing products After that we selected a sample of 200 people who selected the real estate agencies and the various categories divided by job and income , and we showed the layout asking them if they felt comfortable and protected inside the space , presenting a series of products and asking him which types of businesses they preferred to sell inside the restaurant . We thus arrived at the 3rd meeting , the one to decide which products to sell in the room , all answers were examined At the third meeting we already had many elements to have already a very complete picture . To understand if the idea could really work , we rented a municipal area on the beach for three days , we set up a temporary structure and we invited all the people we interviewed or who contributed to understand their reactions with a structure . built according to their specifications . At the end of their evening we asked for three simple opinions : Did you relax ? Have you found a comfortable environment ? Would you have dined or bought the products for sale ? We called the 4th meeting to understand the results of the temporary evening . Thanks to design thinking we have a comfortable and relaxing laylout , with an area that manages to induce the guest to buy throughout his stay . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection – Rawan Khan Reflection – Visualization – Customer Ordering Process Challenge Working with a cross - functional team ( Sales , Pricing , Operations ) , our challenge was to reduce the time to provide a quote , proposal , contract and deliver the product to our customer . Through examining the workflow the team worked to reduce non value added tasks and develop clarity in roles and responsibilities . Baseline data collection occurred to determine the starting point of the length of time from customer inquiry to product delivery . Selection The first tool used was visualization . Visualization provides a visual representation of the problem to create a shared understanding among the team . In this case we used process mapping to gain a shared understanding of the current state before diving into solutions . As discussed in the week one lectures , this makes it concrete and easier to see the issues or problems . Application We started with a high level process created together by the cross - functional team . Then we drilled down into the details of the process by conducting one on one interviews with the functional owners of each piece of the process . These process flows showed the pass offs between departments using a cross - functional process flow ( see example ) . In the process flows we also highlighted issues with workflow including wait time , re - work due to errors , etc . The high level flow also included the data including the time from customer inquiry to proposal and from booking to delivery . We then brought the team together to review the process flows and add to it . This was valuable to the team as they did not have an appreciation for what the other departments were doing . The use of data in the flow was very powerful as it gave a baseline indication of the size of the problem and opportunity for improvement . The visualization tool also served as the foundation for brainstorming the issues and categorizing the themes . This provided the team the insight of where to focus for idea generation . Insight I think that starting with a definition of “ what is ” by using a current state process map with the data to augment it is a valuable tool . First , it provides the team with the “ facts ” of the problem . I have seen in my experience that examining the gathered data , can send the team down a different path than originally hypothesized . Second , it provides a shared understanding of the problem for the team to rally around . Seeing the information visually , rather than in words paints a picture of the problem that may not be seen otherwise . Approach For the next project , I would like to model and draw the process from the customer ’s perspective . Understand their process to request and pick up the product , layering in their issues and problems . In addition to process mapping , the visualization could also include video and photographs . These Reflection – Rawan Khan additional artifacts could be used to determine patterns and themes to develop insights and solutions that are customer focused . Exhibit : Cross - functional Process Flow
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection – Rawan Khan Reflection – Visualization – Customer Ordering Process Challenge Working with a cross - functional team ( Sales , Pricing , Operations ) , our challenge was to reduce the time to provide a quote , proposal , contract and deliver the product to our customer . Through examining the workflow the team worked to reduce non value added tasks and develop clarity in roles and responsibilities . Baseline data collection occurred to determine the starting point of the length of time from customer inquiry to product delivery . Selection The first tool used was visualization . Visualization provides a visual representation of the problem to create a shared understanding among the team . In this case we used process mapping to gain a shared understanding of the current state before diving into solutions . As discussed in the week one lectures , this makes it concrete and easier to see the issues or problems . Application We started with a high level process created together by the cross - functional team . Then we drilled down into the details of the process by conducting one on one interviews with the functional owners of each piece of the process . These process flows showed the pass offs between departments using a cross - functional process flow ( see example ) . In the process flows we also highlighted issues with workflow including wait time , re - work due to errors , etc . The high level flow also included the data including the time from customer inquiry to proposal and from booking to delivery . We then brought the team together to review the process flows and add to it . This was valuable to the team as they did not have an appreciation for what the other departments were doing . The use of data in the flow was very powerful as it gave a baseline indication of the size of the problem and opportunity for improvement . The visualization tool also served as the foundation for brainstorming the issues and categorizing the themes . This provided the team the insight of where to focus for idea generation . Insight I think that starting with a definition of “ what is ” by using a current state process map with the data to augment it is a valuable tool . First , it provides the team with the “ facts ” of the problem . I have seen in my experience that examining the gathered data , can send the team down a different path than originally hypothesized . Second , it provides a shared understanding of the problem for the team to rally around . Seeing the information visually , rather than in words paints a picture of the problem that may not be seen otherwise . Approach For the next project , I would like to model and draw the process from the customer ’s perspective . Understand their process to request and pick up the product , layering in their issues and problems . In addition to process mapping , the visualization could also include video and photographs . These Reflection – Rawan Khan additional artifacts could be used to determine patterns and themes to develop insights and solutions that are customer focused . Exhibit : Cross - functional Process Flow ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Rawan Khan", "Rawan Khan" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
REFLECTION – STORYTELLING Challenge & Selection I work in a study abroad company , which is preparing itself to release a new marketing campaign for all units in Brazil and in Latin America . My challenge is use one of the design thinking tools to discover better way to elaborate this new campaign . Once my challenge is relative to marketing and advertising areas , I choose the storytelling tool , which consist at the ability to tell a relevant story by using the multimedia resources to communicate it , as also put the human being and their experiences front and center ; take the listener along on their journey . Application I started the process by reading the reviews of old clients , how was their experiences , why they wanted travel in first place , which fears they had before going and after went to their destiny , what was their gain by taking this experience and how our undertaking help or understand it . After read the unsatisfied and satisfied clients , I create a profile the brought together the most commons feelings between the exchange students and tell their story by a video . The first time we release the video was for the company team itself , which made mostly for ex - travelers . The feeling that describes that moment is comprehension , they strongly related with it . Insight & Approach After complete the challenge I believe that our team and clients felt more understood with the company purpose , including me , for be a part of this story and I believe that it is the idea of use the storytelling in the first place . What I probably do different for use the storytelling tool next time is amplified my data for create a more deep and comprehensive story that will continues with the company , independently which marketing campaign they decided to do .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: REFLECTION – STORYTELLING Challenge & Selection I work in a study abroad company , which is preparing itself to release a new marketing campaign for all units in Brazil and in Latin America . My challenge is use one of the design thinking tools to discover better way to elaborate this new campaign . Once my challenge is relative to marketing and advertising areas , I choose the storytelling tool , which consist at the ability to tell a relevant story by using the multimedia resources to communicate it , as also put the human being and their experiences front and center ; take the listener along on their journey . Application I started the process by reading the reviews of old clients , how was their experiences , why they wanted travel in first place , which fears they had before going and after went to their destiny , what was their gain by taking this experience and how our undertaking help or understand it . After read the unsatisfied and satisfied clients , I create a profile the brought together the most commons feelings between the exchange students and tell their story by a video . The first time we release the video was for the company team itself , which made mostly for ex - travelers . The feeling that describes that moment is comprehension , they strongly related with it . Insight & Approach After complete the challenge I believe that our team and clients felt more understood with the company purpose , including me , for be a part of this story and I believe that it is the idea of use the storytelling in the first place . What I probably do different for use the storytelling tool next time is amplified my data for create a more deep and comprehensive story that will continues with the company , independently which marketing campaign they decided to do . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Learner ’s bot – Learning Launch Challenge I am a member of a Startup organization ’s Learning & Development department . We are an organization who provides Educational technology solutions and consulting services in the Indian Market . I happened to witness the Learning & Development Leadership Summit recently , with guest of speakers and delegates from medium to large cap companies and of course the consultants who were sponsors . It was a great mix of industries to know about the challenges faced by different companies in the world when it comes to Learning & Development and to learn the best practices as take away . The key ( challenges faced ) questions asked by most of the delegates of different industries and companies were : 1 . How one ensures the sustenance of learning ? 2 . How one ensures the retention of learning ? 3 . How one ensures the implementation of learning on the job ? The event triggered a thought out of our experience that since the current resources used in this process is time consuming and also high on budget that companies do not want to invest resources on it , we as an organization decided to find out more about it by reaching out to people outside the summit room if this can be solved digitally . What is : A survey to connect and interview people in 20 different organization Questions asked were : • What concerns you face most after a behavioural / functional program is delivered ? • How do you want to see the change after a behavioural / functional program is delivered ? • How do you currently address this concern ? • What or who do you think could conrm a behavior or knowledge change after the workshop ? • Do you feel that manager ’s when asked to follow a process or tool to conrm the change in behavior of the learner(subordinates ) , it becomes a check mark activity ? • If you have hire a consultant to measure the effectiveness of a training , what would you like him to ask / observe the learner and keep a record of ? • How frequently do you think , the learner needs to be in touch with the • How frequently do you think , the learner needs to be in touch with the lessons learned , to put it into implementation ? • Where do you think technology can help you to record the change in behavior of a learner ? ( You can write anything that you have practiced , experienced , thought or imagined ) ? • If a robot can interact with the learner for any intervention as a neutral interface , Where do you think it can add value to your organization ? • Would you like to explore one such robot for your learning interventions ? What if : ( Using Brainstorming & Mind map ) A bot can interact with the learner for any learning intervention as a neutral interface . Right from identifying the learning need to help him implement the learning on the job . The project scope includes all HR fraternity across the industry who are Sr . manager and above in their roles . The project should not exceed 45 business days and the solution . Selection Our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools , so we were ready to try the learning launch tool . We did this by inviting organizations who took our survey and had shown interest in experimenting on the digital tool Application For our first learning launch , we focused on the organizations who took our survey and were willing to experiment with the POC in their organizations . Also , we launched an offer for thee organizations for a 1 year free technical support and 5 free learning intervention in 2 years time . In particular , we wanted to see how agile our model is and how easy it will be for users to create a personalised learning map for an individual . After a lot of struggle , we found an organization who were ready to invest and we run this pilot there to see the response of the HR and employees for 1 program on influencing skills . The bot interacted through an app with the learner and created a framework , fright from identifying the training need to help trainers conceptualizing a program and then help learners through multiple push and pull engagement systems through different roles in the hierarchy , to implement the learning on the job , challenge the peers , ask questions form their managers . This not only ensured the right intervention to be designed but also enhances the recall ability of people over a period of 1 month for the sample size of 25 - 30 participants . Insight By applying the learning launch tool , our team identified our assumptions and captured the feedback of HR managers and Learners to make it more friendly from UI perspective and the backend data analytics , though it did not affect the overall core purpose of the model . After this experiment , we incorporated these feedback and then our team decided to launch it for small enterprises and slowly moving towards the large cap companies by expanding our team size . As a next stage , it may also have an attention of the investors to give a new shape to the development of the bot with AI based recommendations capabilities , where learners can even challenge the learners , peers etc involved and also using machine learning algorithms for bot to slowly become more intelligent over a period of time .This tested our assumption of whether HR fraternity would or would not like the idea of having a digital tool to enhance the sustenance of learning of the individuals in an organization . Approach Given that our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools and are at this stage in the timeline , the learning launch is the appropriate tool . As previously mentioned , our team needs to review the insight gained from 2nd small enterprises launches and incorporate this insight into future launch designs and make it a practice because all industries and different and hence the learning journey of all different roles in different organizations are also different . This is very critical for the long - term success application of the tool when we are focussing in an open market irrespective of which industry . Over the period of time , it may become a specific model for specific industry depending on what we come across with each launch and make it pass the criteria of success .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Learner ’s bot – Learning Launch Challenge I am a member of a Startup organization ’s Learning & Development department . We are an organization who provides Educational technology solutions and consulting services in the Indian Market . I happened to witness the Learning & Development Leadership Summit recently , with guest of speakers and delegates from medium to large cap companies and of course the consultants who were sponsors . It was a great mix of industries to know about the challenges faced by different companies in the world when it comes to Learning & Development and to learn the best practices as take away . The key ( challenges faced ) questions asked by most of the delegates of different industries and companies were : 1 . How one ensures the sustenance of learning ? 2 . How one ensures the retention of learning ? 3 . How one ensures the implementation of learning on the job ? The event triggered a thought out of our experience that since the current resources used in this process is time consuming and also high on budget that companies do not want to invest resources on it , we as an organization decided to find out more about it by reaching out to people outside the summit room if this can be solved digitally . What is : A survey to connect and interview people in 20 different organization Questions asked were : • What concerns you face most after a behavioural / functional program is delivered ? • How do you want to see the change after a behavioural / functional program is delivered ? • How do you currently address this concern ? • What or who do you think could conrm a behavior or knowledge change after the workshop ? • Do you feel that manager ’s when asked to follow a process or tool to conrm the change in behavior of the learner(subordinates ) , it becomes a check mark activity ? • If you have hire a consultant to measure the effectiveness of a training , what would you like him to ask / observe the learner and keep a record of ? • How frequently do you think , the learner needs to be in touch with the • How frequently do you think , the learner needs to be in touch with the lessons learned , to put it into implementation ? • Where do you think technology can help you to record the change in behavior of a learner ? ( You can write anything that you have practiced , experienced , thought or imagined ) ? • If a robot can interact with the learner for any intervention as a neutral interface , Where do you think it can add value to your organization ? • Would you like to explore one such robot for your learning interventions ? What if : ( Using Brainstorming & Mind map ) A bot can interact with the learner for any learning intervention as a neutral interface . Right from identifying the learning need to help him implement the learning on the job . The project scope includes all HR fraternity across the industry who are Sr . manager and above in their roles . The project should not exceed 45 business days and the solution . Selection Our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools , so we were ready to try the learning launch tool . We did this by inviting organizations who took our survey and had shown interest in experimenting on the digital tool Application For our first learning launch , we focused on the organizations who took our survey and were willing to experiment with the POC in their organizations . Also , we launched an offer for thee organizations for a 1 year free technical support and 5 free learning intervention in 2 years time . In particular , we wanted to see how agile our model is and how easy it will be for users to create a personalised learning map for an individual . After a lot of struggle , we found an organization who were ready to invest and we run this pilot there to see the response of the HR and employees for 1 program on influencing skills . The bot interacted through an app with the learner and created a framework , fright from identifying the training need to help trainers conceptualizing a program and then help learners through multiple push and pull engagement systems through different roles in the hierarchy , to implement the learning on the job , challenge the peers , ask questions form their managers . This not only ensured the right intervention to be designed but also enhances the recall ability of people over a period of 1 month for the sample size of 25 - 30 participants . Insight By applying the learning launch tool , our team identified our assumptions and captured the feedback of HR managers and Learners to make it more friendly from UI perspective and the backend data analytics , though it did not affect the overall core purpose of the model . After this experiment , we incorporated these feedback and then our team decided to launch it for small enterprises and slowly moving towards the large cap companies by expanding our team size . As a next stage , it may also have an attention of the investors to give a new shape to the development of the bot with AI based recommendations capabilities , where learners can even challenge the learners , peers etc involved and also using machine learning algorithms for bot to slowly become more intelligent over a period of time .This tested our assumption of whether HR fraternity would or would not like the idea of having a digital tool to enhance the sustenance of learning of the individuals in an organization . Approach Given that our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools and are at this stage in the timeline , the learning launch is the appropriate tool . As previously mentioned , our team needs to review the insight gained from 2nd small enterprises launches and incorporate this insight into future launch designs and make it a practice because all industries and different and hence the learning journey of all different roles in different organizations are also different . This is very critical for the long - term success application of the tool when we are focussing in an open market irrespective of which industry . Over the period of time , it may become a specific model for specific industry depending on what we come across with each launch and make it pass the criteria of success . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Learning Launch Design Tool Application Challenge I work for the Telecommunications Company in the Product Development Department and our challenge was to increase the amount of TV packages upselling - to motivate customers to upgrade their TV packages on more expensive ones that included more TV channels . There already were several methods of package upgrade for customers , such as : online - via Self - Care Portal and offline - with the help of Call Center and/or Service Center operator . Despite of the active marketing communication , some important amount of TV subscribers did not realize that there was a variety of TV channels except the ones they already had activated . There also was a discomfort while watching TV to switch to another device or call the hotline operator ( I am not even saying anything about visiting Company ’s Service Center ) , get information about other TV channels / Packages and then purchase it . We realized that the best way for customers to activate additional TV packages was while watching TV and decided to develop TV Upsell function that enabled customers to preview and watch all the available TV channels during 2 minutes / each channel and then activate the desired package directly from TV interface . Selection Idea seemed very fascinating , but still we did not know the customers reaction and readiness to use the function . It needed to test in all aspects starting from the idea , ending to the interface , while we started technical development process . We decided to use a learning launch tool to test the function in several amount of real customers and research how their needs would have been satisfied using this function . Application The first thing we have done before testing the real customers was that we have introduced the idea to the several colleagues from different departments , including : Marketing , PR , Sales , Customer Relationships and Customer Services . After their opinion and recommendations , refined idea was tested among the real TV customers . We have created an interface prototype where was represented the function whole working process : how the upselling channels were given in the TV interface in the channels list , how customer had the opportunity to preview the desired channel during 2 minutes , how the package purchase window was given in the interface and how the package activation process looked like . The idea and prototype testing was conducted among focus group with 10 individuals . The questions we asked the customers were open . They were discussing about the new feature with great interest and excitement . This method of testing very much helped us to identify main strengths and weaknesses of the feature . Insight As we applied the learning launch tool , we realized that overall the idea was very successful but still there were several things we had to modify in order to satisfy customers ’ needs . Particularly , we thought that upselling channels should have been viewed while channel zapping ( while quickly switching between different TV channels to find something interesting to watch to ) but this feature caused irritation among users . Also we thought that upselling channels had to be given disordered way on the TV interface channels list , but this also did not like users as they saw it like a barrier to preview their available channels list . So we improved both features and did not implement in the way we planned it . Approach Our team permanently uses several design thinking activities / tools and in this case the learning launch was definitely the appropriate one . However I would try to modify the process of using learning launch tool for another time : I would have increased the number of test customers and added face to face interviews as well . The reason is that during group researches individuals more or less influence on each other ’s opinion .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Learning Launch Design Tool Application Challenge I work for the Telecommunications Company in the Product Development Department and our challenge was to increase the amount of TV packages upselling - to motivate customers to upgrade their TV packages on more expensive ones that included more TV channels . There already were several methods of package upgrade for customers , such as : online - via Self - Care Portal and offline - with the help of Call Center and/or Service Center operator . Despite of the active marketing communication , some important amount of TV subscribers did not realize that there was a variety of TV channels except the ones they already had activated . There also was a discomfort while watching TV to switch to another device or call the hotline operator ( I am not even saying anything about visiting Company ’s Service Center ) , get information about other TV channels / Packages and then purchase it . We realized that the best way for customers to activate additional TV packages was while watching TV and decided to develop TV Upsell function that enabled customers to preview and watch all the available TV channels during 2 minutes / each channel and then activate the desired package directly from TV interface . Selection Idea seemed very fascinating , but still we did not know the customers reaction and readiness to use the function . It needed to test in all aspects starting from the idea , ending to the interface , while we started technical development process . We decided to use a learning launch tool to test the function in several amount of real customers and research how their needs would have been satisfied using this function . Application The first thing we have done before testing the real customers was that we have introduced the idea to the several colleagues from different departments , including : Marketing , PR , Sales , Customer Relationships and Customer Services . After their opinion and recommendations , refined idea was tested among the real TV customers . We have created an interface prototype where was represented the function whole working process : how the upselling channels were given in the TV interface in the channels list , how customer had the opportunity to preview the desired channel during 2 minutes , how the package purchase window was given in the interface and how the package activation process looked like . The idea and prototype testing was conducted among focus group with 10 individuals . The questions we asked the customers were open . They were discussing about the new feature with great interest and excitement . This method of testing very much helped us to identify main strengths and weaknesses of the feature . Insight As we applied the learning launch tool , we realized that overall the idea was very successful but still there were several things we had to modify in order to satisfy customers ’ needs . Particularly , we thought that upselling channels should have been viewed while channel zapping ( while quickly switching between different TV channels to find something interesting to watch to ) but this feature caused irritation among users . Also we thought that upselling channels had to be given disordered way on the TV interface channels list , but this also did not like users as they saw it like a barrier to preview their available channels list . So we improved both features and did not implement in the way we planned it . Approach Our team permanently uses several design thinking activities / tools and in this case the learning launch was definitely the appropriate one . However I would try to modify the process of using learning launch tool for another time : I would have increased the number of test customers and added face to face interviews as well . The reason is that during group researches individuals more or less influence on each other ’s opinion . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection - Learning Launch Challenge I joined an Early Child Care organization two years ago as Lead - Corporate . My organization is ten years old and follows a very traditional method of working . Being the newest and youngest member of the core team , it was quite challenging initially . I was appointed to start an absolute new vertical for the school , where in the mandate was to start a new business vertical- corporate business which included set up of new onsite day care , tie ups for offsite day care , staff recruitment , training and management , planning and procurement , costing , contracting , compliance , process designing and implementation , adherence to safety guidelines and its implementation . Since the existing organization had no prior experience in this vertical and they were testing the waters with this new venture , it was solely left to me to drive this forward . With pre existing business leaders in this segment , it was difficult for a new entrant to compete in a market where prior experience was a big plus . Selection A detailed SWOT analysis of the company helped us in identifying the areas to play- selling of vacant seats in existing centers to corporates to increase headcount , focus on category B / C cities for onsite day care of existing corporates , exploring tie up opportunities with existing corporates parents . Absence of bigger players in category B & C cities gave us an advantage to increase our footprint ; gaining referrals from existing satisfied parents gave us a strong backing to pitch for onsite/ offsite business . Application Since the project required starting from scratch the first and foremost agenda was to design SOP ’s and processes keeping in mind internal/ regulatory / environmental , health and safety ( EHS ) guidelines in line with existing industry practices . This helped us in identifying actionable across functions and categorizing them as per risk and priority . These SOP ’s also transformed into an operation manual going forward . Next item on the list was to identify potential corporates to approach for generating business . Being an extremely young organization we had an advantage of no baggage and hunger for growth which were our driving forces . We started looking at similar clients- who either could not afford the bigger players OR were willing to experiment . Word of mouth from existing parents was the go to strategy for generating more business rather than big spend on marketing which we anyways could not afford due to shoestring kitty available . PSU’s/ Semi Government organisations for day care business were still an unexplored segment and we plunged quickly to explore the waters . Recent introduction of the Maternity Benefit ( Amendment ) bill was an enabler and aggressive approach/ faster turnaround times were key to success . In order to create demand we also simultaneously made corporates/ decision makers aware about the existence of such a bill and it ’s benefits to organizations as well employees . Insight We realized a huge upside in business in the years to come as the implementation of legislation was still in its nascent stages and awareness was still much less . A rigorous effort was required to create demand as well as provide supply simultaneously . Highly skilled front line team enabled good curriculum design with equally efficient operations support was the need of the hour for delivery of product . In nutshell it required 360 degree effort on all fronts . Approach There were a lot of moments of truth during this journey on all fronts which resulted in a lot of learning all along . We had to tweak/ modify our processes to align with requirements of partner corporates . We grew strength to strength learning and assimilating from each experience and the journey continues . We learned that instead of competitive pricing , focus on processes and quick turnaround were playing a significant role in the decision making process and we aligned ourselves to these needs quickly .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection - Learning Launch Challenge I joined an Early Child Care organization two years ago as Lead - Corporate . My organization is ten years old and follows a very traditional method of working . Being the newest and youngest member of the core team , it was quite challenging initially . I was appointed to start an absolute new vertical for the school , where in the mandate was to start a new business vertical- corporate business which included set up of new onsite day care , tie ups for offsite day care , staff recruitment , training and management , planning and procurement , costing , contracting , compliance , process designing and implementation , adherence to safety guidelines and its implementation . Since the existing organization had no prior experience in this vertical and they were testing the waters with this new venture , it was solely left to me to drive this forward . With pre existing business leaders in this segment , it was difficult for a new entrant to compete in a market where prior experience was a big plus . Selection A detailed SWOT analysis of the company helped us in identifying the areas to play- selling of vacant seats in existing centers to corporates to increase headcount , focus on category B / C cities for onsite day care of existing corporates , exploring tie up opportunities with existing corporates parents . Absence of bigger players in category B & C cities gave us an advantage to increase our footprint ; gaining referrals from existing satisfied parents gave us a strong backing to pitch for onsite/ offsite business . Application Since the project required starting from scratch the first and foremost agenda was to design SOP ’s and processes keeping in mind internal/ regulatory / environmental , health and safety ( EHS ) guidelines in line with existing industry practices . This helped us in identifying actionable across functions and categorizing them as per risk and priority . These SOP ’s also transformed into an operation manual going forward . Next item on the list was to identify potential corporates to approach for generating business . Being an extremely young organization we had an advantage of no baggage and hunger for growth which were our driving forces . We started looking at similar clients- who either could not afford the bigger players OR were willing to experiment . Word of mouth from existing parents was the go to strategy for generating more business rather than big spend on marketing which we anyways could not afford due to shoestring kitty available . PSU’s/ Semi Government organisations for day care business were still an unexplored segment and we plunged quickly to explore the waters . Recent introduction of the Maternity Benefit ( Amendment ) bill was an enabler and aggressive approach/ faster turnaround times were key to success . In order to create demand we also simultaneously made corporates/ decision makers aware about the existence of such a bill and it ’s benefits to organizations as well employees . Insight We realized a huge upside in business in the years to come as the implementation of legislation was still in its nascent stages and awareness was still much less . A rigorous effort was required to create demand as well as provide supply simultaneously . Highly skilled front line team enabled good curriculum design with equally efficient operations support was the need of the hour for delivery of product . In nutshell it required 360 degree effort on all fronts . Approach There were a lot of moments of truth during this journey on all fronts which resulted in a lot of learning all along . We had to tweak/ modify our processes to align with requirements of partner corporates . We grew strength to strength learning and assimilating from each experience and the journey continues . We learned that instead of competitive pricing , focus on processes and quick turnaround were playing a significant role in the decision making process and we aligned ourselves to these needs quickly . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Peer Graded Assignment Challenge & Selection Story telling is a very powerful tool . An interesting story gain the attention of its listeners , and when the listeners pay attention , they surely learn something from it . An impressive story can boost someone confidence and take someone imagination and dreams to the next level . I work with team of developers . Most of them are from less standard universities . They have a lack of confidence and they fear from errors and mistakes . Most of the time when they make a mistake , they left the work and declare that they should leave that job and they can not do nothing . They think they can not achieve in life etc . Most of them are the ones who have dealt with domination and maladjusted in every stage of lives , they must be endowed and motivation is a path to endowment . At those times , me with my partner , try to share some stories of our past work that how do we came at this level . When we share our stories and our bad experiences to such kind of people , it boost their confidence and moral that these are people like us , if they can achieve it then we can also achieve it . That ’s the best part of the story telling . Motivation is the core of storytelling . Your story must be strong enough to motivate at least one individual and you have done your part . Application I have a story to tell about usage of storytelling , how I make it work for someone . I was leading a project . A development of software . Where I have to incorporate new juniors who had very less experience of programming and development . I was already explaining the management that we have to show some confidence in them to boost their motivation and moral so that they put their best efforts . Appreciation is the foremost requirement of healthy working environment . Appreciation and showing confidence can make a non - skilled person a very good professional . We can rely on a person who is motivated to learn no matter if he or she is not yet skilled . Basically a small software house work closely with its employees . Normally a boss sits very close to the developers . This makes a very tight environment to work with . One day I came to the office and I see that one of the developer was deciding to leave the job . When I asked the reason of doing so , he said that he is getting too many errors , this work is beyond his capabilities and he should leave . While other developers were trying to get things done . Insight & Approach This was very shocking and surprising for me that due to temporary bugs and errors , this guy was destroying his career , because where ever he will go , he will face the same issues , so it ’s better to learn how to face them , instead of how to avoid them . Then I told him the story of computer networking course assignment . I told him I did n’t know about coding . I was too depressed that how I am going to do that and how my friends left me alone in this work . I told him how I took help from seniors , worked day and night to overcome coding skills deficiency , and submitted my work on time alone with help and guidance of seniors . After listening this story , the guy sat still for a while . After that he gave a positive smile and told me that he is going to try again and again until it is get done . I also shared this story in workshops and I guess it make a very significant impression on people professional lives . Work environment have to be reformed and the developers must be given a free relax environment where they can work in their own style and show productivity . A little piece of motivational story can a novice one to professional one . Design thinking in business innovation has sparked a new dimension in my thinking process . Now I analyze situations more positively rather than negatively . I think more optimistic and make motivational stories to move forward the concept and idea of positivity in society as well . I have done BS Computer Science , had worked as a programmer , now I am into business side , helping companies to establish . Spreading the design thinking knowledge in the field of business is one of my motivation now .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Peer Graded Assignment Challenge & Selection Story telling is a very powerful tool . An interesting story gain the attention of its listeners , and when the listeners pay attention , they surely learn something from it . An impressive story can boost someone confidence and take someone imagination and dreams to the next level . I work with team of developers . Most of them are from less standard universities . They have a lack of confidence and they fear from errors and mistakes . Most of the time when they make a mistake , they left the work and declare that they should leave that job and they can not do nothing . They think they can not achieve in life etc . Most of them are the ones who have dealt with domination and maladjusted in every stage of lives , they must be endowed and motivation is a path to endowment . At those times , me with my partner , try to share some stories of our past work that how do we came at this level . When we share our stories and our bad experiences to such kind of people , it boost their confidence and moral that these are people like us , if they can achieve it then we can also achieve it . That ’s the best part of the story telling . Motivation is the core of storytelling . Your story must be strong enough to motivate at least one individual and you have done your part . Application I have a story to tell about usage of storytelling , how I make it work for someone . I was leading a project . A development of software . Where I have to incorporate new juniors who had very less experience of programming and development . I was already explaining the management that we have to show some confidence in them to boost their motivation and moral so that they put their best efforts . Appreciation is the foremost requirement of healthy working environment . Appreciation and showing confidence can make a non - skilled person a very good professional . We can rely on a person who is motivated to learn no matter if he or she is not yet skilled . Basically a small software house work closely with its employees . Normally a boss sits very close to the developers . This makes a very tight environment to work with . One day I came to the office and I see that one of the developer was deciding to leave the job . When I asked the reason of doing so , he said that he is getting too many errors , this work is beyond his capabilities and he should leave . While other developers were trying to get things done . Insight & Approach This was very shocking and surprising for me that due to temporary bugs and errors , this guy was destroying his career , because where ever he will go , he will face the same issues , so it ’s better to learn how to face them , instead of how to avoid them . Then I told him the story of computer networking course assignment . I told him I did n’t know about coding . I was too depressed that how I am going to do that and how my friends left me alone in this work . I told him how I took help from seniors , worked day and night to overcome coding skills deficiency , and submitted my work on time alone with help and guidance of seniors . After listening this story , the guy sat still for a while . After that he gave a positive smile and told me that he is going to try again and again until it is get done . I also shared this story in workshops and I guess it make a very significant impression on people professional lives . Work environment have to be reformed and the developers must be given a free relax environment where they can work in their own style and show productivity . A little piece of motivational story can a novice one to professional one . Design thinking in business innovation has sparked a new dimension in my thinking process . Now I analyze situations more positively rather than negatively . I think more optimistic and make motivational stories to move forward the concept and idea of positivity in society as well . I have done BS Computer Science , had worked as a programmer , now I am into business side , helping companies to establish . Spreading the design thinking knowledge in the field of business is one of my motivation now . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge I was recently appointed as head of IT organization for a multinational company which established a global service center in my location ( one of the five ) six years ago . The challenge is that how we can make our local organization as one of the best places to work for our employees and as a service center of choice for our internal customers in the company Selection The tool that I chose was mind mapping . I invited each member of my local leadership team to brainstorm together by reviewing the data from the past 6 years on local footprint growth ( number of employees & services provided from our location ) and then identifying / listing down the issues . Application I set up a design workshop sessions ( virtual due to COVID 19 situation ) with my leadership team ( each member represents IT sub function locally ) to create a strategy and a tactical plan . I used online tool called Miro to collaborate . This tool provided ability to collaborate virtually through white boards & post - it . As a first step , I shared the growth data , employee satisfaction scores , employee feedback from recently concluded surveys . I asked everyone to go through the data and start putting the points ( or reasons ) which is causing our employees to share positive or negative feedback , affecting the footprint growth in our location and the low number of services being provided to customers when compared to other centers . Insight Each member after reviewing the data started listing the points ( both positive and negative ) . A few of them were – Lack of employee growth opportunities ( new positions ) leading to employee frustration , employees in sub functions working in siloes with low to none interaction , low number of trainings being organized , disconnect between local leadership and global leadership in terms of expectations . These insights quickly enabled me to take concrete actions immediately , such as - organized cross “ sub function ” initiative that allowed employees from different functions to interact and collaborate - created a newly created IT communication group which organized fun events , helped to seek continuous feedback from employees on activities – knowledge sessions and training to build skills and spark curiosity in the employees Approach This technique worked very well for me as it helped to engage all the employees quickly . I think next time , I would also focus on to use this technique to evaluate the strategy every six months if it is working or not ( or requires some course correction depending on company´s internal developments ) after each feedback .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge I was recently appointed as head of IT organization for a multinational company which established a global service center in my location ( one of the five ) six years ago . The challenge is that how we can make our local organization as one of the best places to work for our employees and as a service center of choice for our internal customers in the company Selection The tool that I chose was mind mapping . I invited each member of my local leadership team to brainstorm together by reviewing the data from the past 6 years on local footprint growth ( number of employees & services provided from our location ) and then identifying / listing down the issues . Application I set up a design workshop sessions ( virtual due to COVID 19 situation ) with my leadership team ( each member represents IT sub function locally ) to create a strategy and a tactical plan . I used online tool called Miro to collaborate . This tool provided ability to collaborate virtually through white boards & post - it . As a first step , I shared the growth data , employee satisfaction scores , employee feedback from recently concluded surveys . I asked everyone to go through the data and start putting the points ( or reasons ) which is causing our employees to share positive or negative feedback , affecting the footprint growth in our location and the low number of services being provided to customers when compared to other centers . Insight Each member after reviewing the data started listing the points ( both positive and negative ) . A few of them were – Lack of employee growth opportunities ( new positions ) leading to employee frustration , employees in sub functions working in siloes with low to none interaction , low number of trainings being organized , disconnect between local leadership and global leadership in terms of expectations . These insights quickly enabled me to take concrete actions immediately , such as - organized cross “ sub function ” initiative that allowed employees from different functions to interact and collaborate - created a newly created IT communication group which organized fun events , helped to seek continuous feedback from employees on activities – knowledge sessions and training to build skills and spark curiosity in the employees Approach This technique worked very well for me as it helped to engage all the employees quickly . I think next time , I would also focus on to use this technique to evaluate the strategy every six months if it is working or not ( or requires some course correction depending on company´s internal developments ) after each feedback . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Kevin Ramos 1 Reflection leveraging Learning Launch tool Challenge at hand I work as a Software Architect , responsible for managing an Application Portfolio . Within my portfolio , we had an application built on vendor package . It happened to be such an old platform , that the developers , who worked on this application , were no longer available in the Organization . Now , the technology Vendor too went out of business and we were running the risk of business continuity . Our immediate challenge was to come up with the alternative cost effective solution to mitigate the business risk . Selection Process We were in a bit of uncertainty not knowing how the business worked and what would be our next steps in replacing the toolset . In such a situation , we have employed Design thinking process for solving this problem . We looked at the various tools that it offered . Instead of getting into Analysis paralysis , we have decided we would take the approach of Learning launch tool described in the video lecture demonstrated in week 4 of the course . Application of the tool for solving the problem Initially there was lot of skepticism to replacing the toolset . Stake holders were worried about the feasibility of the option . We have used Learning launch to prove out our concepts in small sprints following Scrum approach , collaborating with the business partners to learn and grow together . Part of each of the learning launch we have implemented working model of the application focusing on certain critical business functionality . Quickly learned about the expected behavior and incorporated into subsequent launch . Insight The Launching learn was an effective tool to prove out our strategy to the business stakeholders as they it in action . It also provided us an opportunity to course correct , seek and incorporate the feedback . It also helped us to be agile and focus on the Next Big Thing - yielding us biggest bank for the buck . This way , it helped us not only in breaking down the risk of uncertainty but also effectively manage it . Approach To start with , we did internet research on the technology options ; sought help from user groups ; incorporated their suggestion into our brainstorming sessions . These ideas varied from manual workarounds ; replacing with tools & technologies from other vendors ; to building home grown solutions . It was exciting to see our vision evolving as we worked . Business teams engaged very actively providing feedback and were proud that we valued their feedback . All in all it turned out to be a story of a Happy Customer . This tool helped overcome the skepticism , free up our minds and gain confidence leading to customer success .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Kevin Ramos 1 Reflection leveraging Learning Launch tool Challenge at hand I work as a Software Architect , responsible for managing an Application Portfolio . Within my portfolio , we had an application built on vendor package . It happened to be such an old platform , that the developers , who worked on this application , were no longer available in the Organization . Now , the technology Vendor too went out of business and we were running the risk of business continuity . Our immediate challenge was to come up with the alternative cost effective solution to mitigate the business risk . Selection Process We were in a bit of uncertainty not knowing how the business worked and what would be our next steps in replacing the toolset . In such a situation , we have employed Design thinking process for solving this problem . We looked at the various tools that it offered . Instead of getting into Analysis paralysis , we have decided we would take the approach of Learning launch tool described in the video lecture demonstrated in week 4 of the course . Application of the tool for solving the problem Initially there was lot of skepticism to replacing the toolset . Stake holders were worried about the feasibility of the option . We have used Learning launch to prove out our concepts in small sprints following Scrum approach , collaborating with the business partners to learn and grow together . Part of each of the learning launch we have implemented working model of the application focusing on certain critical business functionality . Quickly learned about the expected behavior and incorporated into subsequent launch . Insight The Launching learn was an effective tool to prove out our strategy to the business stakeholders as they it in action . It also provided us an opportunity to course correct , seek and incorporate the feedback . It also helped us to be agile and focus on the Next Big Thing - yielding us biggest bank for the buck . This way , it helped us not only in breaking down the risk of uncertainty but also effectively manage it . Approach To start with , we did internet research on the technology options ; sought help from user groups ; incorporated their suggestion into our brainstorming sessions . These ideas varied from manual workarounds ; replacing with tools & technologies from other vendors ; to building home grown solutions . It was exciting to see our vision evolving as we worked . Business teams engaged very actively providing feedback and were proud that we valued their feedback . All in all it turned out to be a story of a Happy Customer . This tool helped overcome the skepticism , free up our minds and gain confidence leading to customer success . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Kevin Ramos" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Design Thinking Assignment . Challenge . I work with an EU machine manufacturer for pulp and paper industry , and , as advisor of the innovation team , they came to me to support them to overtake a project that was developed by other team in the company and wasn´t working at all . IT team together with Sales team developed an online spare parts shop for customers . The machines we are talking about are full of replaceable parts that should be gradually replaced for safety and productivity so this generates intense contact between customers and the Sales team . Spare parts orders are regular , repetitive and often predictable so could be easily automated . Here was born the idea of an online shop and customers developing directly theirs orders through lists which they could automate or customize . It looked a great idea , but it wasn´t working at all , no customer was using the web shop , and after the investment , the situation remained similar to the previous . They called innovation team for help . Selection . It was an already developed project , done by other colleagues . So , we were directly entering to analyze the idea and the whole development to surface possible mistakes or even question the whole . So , we went directly to experiment the project with customers in a Learning Launch . We wanted to get feedback from customers , surface assumptions and learn over the practice . Application Hypothesis & Key assumptions- The idea was , make faster an easier ordering spare parts , easier to handle for clients and even for the company , automated tool versus human handled process , win - win scenario . Lots of data was gathered and trends said lots of industrial companies are developing such online shops and platforms as a new way of communicating with their customers , it´s trendy . Design of the Learning Launch – We developed a special campaign to A customers , for just for three months , with heavy discounts over a huge catalog of spare parts , only if ordered through the online shop . We mailed but also called personally , offered help in the process ( if they needed ) and ask them for an interview in the end . We wanted to stay close to them , because we wanted to learn and get feedback over the tool , the process and the whole idea of automating this process . Most of the people was very helpful . Insight We found that everything in this project was built over confirmation bias . IT and Sales Teams were so in love with the idea that they forgot the customers . Over the Learning Launch , we tried to surface assumptions such as “ easy , fast , efficient , trendy ” and none of them was really analyzed together with the potential users before , and they had quite a different point of view . The experiment taught us that customers needed that human contact in the process , ¿ why ? Most of pulp and paper companies are ruled and driven by chemistry experts , they know about pulp , paper making process and different paper outputs but they do n’t know really that much about the machinery and they truly rely on their providers . When the ask for spare parts , they need to talk to an expert , talk about the doubts and potential problems , they seek knowledge and approval . During the experiment , almost everyone called for help for their online orders , not for the tool , which they found ok , but to ensure they were doing ok . After this process we recommended to maintain the current process and framework for spare parts business and to revise the whole idea from the beginning to define , in a wider way , how do we want to use the potential of IT tools to engage , intensify and accelerate our relationship with our customers . The idea was approved and we hope to do so next year over the Design Thinking framework , step by step . Approach In our case I believe the development of this project must be revisited from the beginning and we hope to do so with the Design Thinking framework we´ve learned . But , we only could arrive to this conclusion through the Learning Launch experience , a great idea to experiment and get feedback of stakeholders , we will apply it further more and I think it was the best idea in this case because we needed feedback , evidence , facts and we also needed to be a bit gentle with our companions ( This way it was n’t us , it was the potential users who said so ) . That why we think we did the right way .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Design Thinking Assignment . Challenge . I work with an EU machine manufacturer for pulp and paper industry , and , as advisor of the innovation team , they came to me to support them to overtake a project that was developed by other team in the company and wasn´t working at all . IT team together with Sales team developed an online spare parts shop for customers . The machines we are talking about are full of replaceable parts that should be gradually replaced for safety and productivity so this generates intense contact between customers and the Sales team . Spare parts orders are regular , repetitive and often predictable so could be easily automated . Here was born the idea of an online shop and customers developing directly theirs orders through lists which they could automate or customize . It looked a great idea , but it wasn´t working at all , no customer was using the web shop , and after the investment , the situation remained similar to the previous . They called innovation team for help . Selection . It was an already developed project , done by other colleagues . So , we were directly entering to analyze the idea and the whole development to surface possible mistakes or even question the whole . So , we went directly to experiment the project with customers in a Learning Launch . We wanted to get feedback from customers , surface assumptions and learn over the practice . Application Hypothesis & Key assumptions- The idea was , make faster an easier ordering spare parts , easier to handle for clients and even for the company , automated tool versus human handled process , win - win scenario . Lots of data was gathered and trends said lots of industrial companies are developing such online shops and platforms as a new way of communicating with their customers , it´s trendy . Design of the Learning Launch – We developed a special campaign to A customers , for just for three months , with heavy discounts over a huge catalog of spare parts , only if ordered through the online shop . We mailed but also called personally , offered help in the process ( if they needed ) and ask them for an interview in the end . We wanted to stay close to them , because we wanted to learn and get feedback over the tool , the process and the whole idea of automating this process . Most of the people was very helpful . Insight We found that everything in this project was built over confirmation bias . IT and Sales Teams were so in love with the idea that they forgot the customers . Over the Learning Launch , we tried to surface assumptions such as “ easy , fast , efficient , trendy ” and none of them was really analyzed together with the potential users before , and they had quite a different point of view . The experiment taught us that customers needed that human contact in the process , ¿ why ? Most of pulp and paper companies are ruled and driven by chemistry experts , they know about pulp , paper making process and different paper outputs but they do n’t know really that much about the machinery and they truly rely on their providers . When the ask for spare parts , they need to talk to an expert , talk about the doubts and potential problems , they seek knowledge and approval . During the experiment , almost everyone called for help for their online orders , not for the tool , which they found ok , but to ensure they were doing ok . After this process we recommended to maintain the current process and framework for spare parts business and to revise the whole idea from the beginning to define , in a wider way , how do we want to use the potential of IT tools to engage , intensify and accelerate our relationship with our customers . The idea was approved and we hope to do so next year over the Design Thinking framework , step by step . Approach In our case I believe the development of this project must be revisited from the beginning and we hope to do so with the Design Thinking framework we´ve learned . But , we only could arrive to this conclusion through the Learning Launch experience , a great idea to experiment and get feedback of stakeholders , we will apply it further more and I think it was the best idea in this case because we needed feedback , evidence , facts and we also needed to be a bit gentle with our companions ( This way it was n’t us , it was the potential users who said so ) . That why we think we did the right way . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
In my day job , I help leadership teams get aligned around the clear narrative , and I help them tell that story in succinct and simple language so other people can understand it . I 'm a huge believer in the power of stories . In fact , I actually studied in theater here in Technology Incubation Center of National Institute of Technology and I 'm a songwriter precisely because I 'm fascinated by how stories move people , and when you think about it , that 's really the point of storytelling in business . To help people understand and then move them to action . Okay , let 's get started . Ernest just walked you through how to get inside the mind of your stakeholders , which is really important . Once you know who they are and what they 're thinking about , it becomes time to develop the right story that 's going to resonate with them . To do this you 'll need a structure of that story , and fortunately this is actually pretty simple . If you think of all the millions of stories that have been told throughout the ages , they all tend to follow a pretty consistent structures . There are characters , there 's some kind of setup or conflict , there 's a sequence of events which we call the Plot , and then there 's some kind of resolution at the end . Sounds pretty obvious , right ? In fact , we probably use this structure all the time in conversations without even thinking about it , but here 's the interesting thing , this structure also shapes how we listen . See , when we tell a story , people start to listen differently , their brain instinctively begin to look for these different elements and wants to put them together in a structure . A good story teller knows that . And , they make it easy by putting the pieces together for you . So , you can just focus on the meaning of the story , and that 's when stories become most powerful and most memorable . That 's why the structure matters . Okay , enough theory . Let 's look at story structure . When I 'm preparing a narrative , whether it 's for a client . Or a call or presentation , maybe it 's for a paper , I like to use what we call a Narrative Map . This is really nothing more than a visual outline , it 's a kind of mind map , to show you how it works , I 'm going to use a narrative to explain a new product idea that I actually stole from someone I work with . So here it is . Have you ever noticed that when you use a white board A lot of the markers are out of ink . I get burned by this pretty much every time I facilitate a session , but why does it happen ? See , when most people use a marker and it does n't work instead of throwing it out , they put the lid back on it and they put it back in the tray . It 's like they have this moment of compassion , they 're like it 's okay , maybe tomorrow will be better . So here 's my business idea . Create a new kind of dry erase marker that will always have ink in it when you pick it up . It works like this , there 's a sensor inside that knows when the marker 's really empty and that sensor triggers an indicator on the marker to show a funny message like I 'm toast , throw me away . Finally , the marker comes with a canister that mounts right next to the whiteboard , so you can just throw it in there and recycle it without having to look around the room for a garbage can . This is good for people like me because I know the marker has ink in it when I pick it up , and it 's good for the manufacturer of the marker because inventory will turn faster . Okay , so that 's the narrative , so here 's how we would map that out . At the center of that map is our headline , this answers the question , what is the story about ? In this case , the story is about a New Kind of Dry Erase Marker . At the top of the map is the background or challenge statement , so here we would too many markers that do n't work . Moving clockwise , our next message the opportunity message . For every challenge there 's got ta be an opportunity otherwise we 're just complaining . Our opportunity here is a marker that will always work . Now quick comment on the challenge in the opportunity messages before we move on They 're super important because they answer the critical question why . Answering the question why creates context for the person who 's listening and they need that to understand what you 're saying . Hands down the biggest mistake I see people make when they 're communicating is skipping the question why . Do n't skip it . Okay , moving on a long bottom of the map you have your messages . A mindmap , which is also sometimes called the cognitive web or brain map , is a diagram used for visually outlining information using nodes and levels to generate ideas based off of a keyword or key idea . Here we 've got the Post - Its from the attribute listing video as an example to explain mindmapping as a creative tool . Creating a mindmap can be a good way to do the attribute listing exercise . In this case , Post - It notes are the core idea being the product we 're looking to alter . And so that becomes the central idea , with the second level of nodes being the traits to be altered . From here , you can list which traits can be changed and organize each subcategory easily . So again , different ways you can change the shape or material of a Post - It to give it a new use . You can also go on to make associations to other ideas and make connections you might not have thought of . In this case , creating a Post - It out of a different material , like fabric , would allow you to make visual associations to a new use of the product . Also , thinking about different ways traits can be changed . For example , oversized Post - Its made from fabric could have a use in apparel . While some ideas may be odd , or may not seem to be practical . The idea is that you 're free to jot down whatever comes to mind , even if it does n't make any sense at the time . Another useful thing with mind maps is that they are a good way to organize information with graphic elements , such as color , shape , or size for emphasis . Or to make connections between the subcategories later on . So here with another more abstract example , take the word creativity . Trying to define an abstract concept can sometimes be difficult , but it helps to take advantage of the visual format of mindmaps . When you want to connect one idea to another in a different category on the other side of the web , you can user a certain element like color or shape to make that connection . This is a good method to lay out all of your ideas and associations with a topic in a visual manner . So , you 're free to make connections you may not have thought of before . Essentially , mindmaps are a way of creating visual analogies between abstract concepts . And to help trigger new ideas much in the way , the simple act of doodling or drawing allows your mind to think more clearly and creatively . So , at their core , mindmaps utilize existing knowledge . And allow you to make connections by free association or laying out ideas in a non - linear structure . Information is visually categorized and structured to create some type of hierarchy . But you have more freedom to find connections to other ideas as your map grows . Creating mindmaps also helps with mnemonic memorization and can be a useful study tool . For this class , it 's helpful to create a mindmap for your weekly DSDs and other projects to quickly come up with creative ideas . And to visualize what follows into the realm of creative different and fits your social aspect of the project . They are a convenient way for anyone , though visual thinkers in particular , to jot down notes or generate ideas as quickly and with freedom from self - censoring of ideas . In addition , free mind mapping software exists , that helps with the visual and spatial organization of information . And you 'll find the link to that in the course materials . Mind mapping is one of the most powerful tools in the design thinker 's toolbox . It 's used to look for patterns , it 's used to look for insights , that lead to more creative solutions to your design challenge . In the first phase of design thinking process , we take a look at the current reality . At what is . In doing so , we amass a huge amount of data . Before moving to the next phase , what if , we need to distill all that data into information and insights that can be easily communicated . This is just what mind mapping does well .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: In my day job , I help leadership teams get aligned around the clear narrative , and I help them tell that story in succinct and simple language so other people can understand it . I 'm a huge believer in the power of stories . In fact , I actually studied in theater here in Technology Incubation Center of National Institute of Technology and I 'm a songwriter precisely because I 'm fascinated by how stories move people , and when you think about it , that 's really the point of storytelling in business . To help people understand and then move them to action . Okay , let 's get started . Ernest just walked you through how to get inside the mind of your stakeholders , which is really important . Once you know who they are and what they 're thinking about , it becomes time to develop the right story that 's going to resonate with them . To do this you 'll need a structure of that story , and fortunately this is actually pretty simple . If you think of all the millions of stories that have been told throughout the ages , they all tend to follow a pretty consistent structures . There are characters , there 's some kind of setup or conflict , there 's a sequence of events which we call the Plot , and then there 's some kind of resolution at the end . Sounds pretty obvious , right ? In fact , we probably use this structure all the time in conversations without even thinking about it , but here 's the interesting thing , this structure also shapes how we listen . See , when we tell a story , people start to listen differently , their brain instinctively begin to look for these different elements and wants to put them together in a structure . A good story teller knows that . And , they make it easy by putting the pieces together for you . So , you can just focus on the meaning of the story , and that 's when stories become most powerful and most memorable . That 's why the structure matters . Okay , enough theory . Let 's look at story structure . When I 'm preparing a narrative , whether it 's for a client . Or a call or presentation , maybe it 's for a paper , I like to use what we call a Narrative Map . This is really nothing more than a visual outline , it 's a kind of mind map , to show you how it works , I 'm going to use a narrative to explain a new product idea that I actually stole from someone I work with . So here it is . Have you ever noticed that when you use a white board A lot of the markers are out of ink . I get burned by this pretty much every time I facilitate a session , but why does it happen ? See , when most people use a marker and it does n't work instead of throwing it out , they put the lid back on it and they put it back in the tray . It 's like they have this moment of compassion , they 're like it 's okay , maybe tomorrow will be better . So here 's my business idea . Create a new kind of dry erase marker that will always have ink in it when you pick it up . It works like this , there 's a sensor inside that knows when the marker 's really empty and that sensor triggers an indicator on the marker to show a funny message like I 'm toast , throw me away . Finally , the marker comes with a canister that mounts right next to the whiteboard , so you can just throw it in there and recycle it without having to look around the room for a garbage can . This is good for people like me because I know the marker has ink in it when I pick it up , and it 's good for the manufacturer of the marker because inventory will turn faster . Okay , so that 's the narrative , so here 's how we would map that out . At the center of that map is our headline , this answers the question , what is the story about ? In this case , the story is about a New Kind of Dry Erase Marker . At the top of the map is the background or challenge statement , so here we would too many markers that do n't work . Moving clockwise , our next message the opportunity message . For every challenge there 's got ta be an opportunity otherwise we 're just complaining . Our opportunity here is a marker that will always work . Now quick comment on the challenge in the opportunity messages before we move on They 're super important because they answer the critical question why . Answering the question why creates context for the person who 's listening and they need that to understand what you 're saying . Hands down the biggest mistake I see people make when they 're communicating is skipping the question why . Do n't skip it . Okay , moving on a long bottom of the map you have your messages . A mindmap , which is also sometimes called the cognitive web or brain map , is a diagram used for visually outlining information using nodes and levels to generate ideas based off of a keyword or key idea . Here we 've got the Post - Its from the attribute listing video as an example to explain mindmapping as a creative tool . Creating a mindmap can be a good way to do the attribute listing exercise . In this case , Post - It notes are the core idea being the product we 're looking to alter . And so that becomes the central idea , with the second level of nodes being the traits to be altered . From here , you can list which traits can be changed and organize each subcategory easily . So again , different ways you can change the shape or material of a Post - It to give it a new use . You can also go on to make associations to other ideas and make connections you might not have thought of . In this case , creating a Post - It out of a different material , like fabric , would allow you to make visual associations to a new use of the product . Also , thinking about different ways traits can be changed . For example , oversized Post - Its made from fabric could have a use in apparel . While some ideas may be odd , or may not seem to be practical . The idea is that you 're free to jot down whatever comes to mind , even if it does n't make any sense at the time . Another useful thing with mind maps is that they are a good way to organize information with graphic elements , such as color , shape , or size for emphasis . Or to make connections between the subcategories later on . So here with another more abstract example , take the word creativity . Trying to define an abstract concept can sometimes be difficult , but it helps to take advantage of the visual format of mindmaps . When you want to connect one idea to another in a different category on the other side of the web , you can user a certain element like color or shape to make that connection . This is a good method to lay out all of your ideas and associations with a topic in a visual manner . So , you 're free to make connections you may not have thought of before . Essentially , mindmaps are a way of creating visual analogies between abstract concepts . And to help trigger new ideas much in the way , the simple act of doodling or drawing allows your mind to think more clearly and creatively . So , at their core , mindmaps utilize existing knowledge . And allow you to make connections by free association or laying out ideas in a non - linear structure . Information is visually categorized and structured to create some type of hierarchy . But you have more freedom to find connections to other ideas as your map grows . Creating mindmaps also helps with mnemonic memorization and can be a useful study tool . For this class , it 's helpful to create a mindmap for your weekly DSDs and other projects to quickly come up with creative ideas . And to visualize what follows into the realm of creative different and fits your social aspect of the project . They are a convenient way for anyone , though visual thinkers in particular , to jot down notes or generate ideas as quickly and with freedom from self - censoring of ideas . In addition , free mind mapping software exists , that helps with the visual and spatial organization of information . And you 'll find the link to that in the course materials . Mind mapping is one of the most powerful tools in the design thinker 's toolbox . It 's used to look for patterns , it 's used to look for insights , that lead to more creative solutions to your design challenge . In the first phase of design thinking process , we take a look at the current reality . At what is . In doing so , we amass a huge amount of data . Before moving to the next phase , what if , we need to distill all that data into information and insights that can be easily communicated . This is just what mind mapping does well . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection – Visualization ( Antonio Bellafiore ) Challenge Describe your challenge , including all relevant information . A significant part of my work as a corporate knowledge manager involves publishing books for different internal audiences . We ’re a small team and we manage everything from content development to research and writing to editing and layout to pre - press production and distribution . Because we cover a broad range of topics , this presents an opportunity to work with other teams , sometimes from other affiliate companies as well as external resource persons . And so the challenge posed by collaborating with others outside the team ( especially those not familiar with publishing ) is how to engage them to be active contributors , perhaps with the same level of enthusiasm that we ourselves have . There are many approaches we take , but I believe one of the most critical and valuable methods is visualization . Selection In your own words , briefly describe the tool you selected ( e.g. , what it is and why you selected it for your challenge -- including any appropriate video lecture references ) . If you ’re an avid reader , you may appreciate that the visual aspects of books are as important as the copy or narrative : the choice of fonts , the space the text takes up on a page , how data is presented in charts and infographics , illustrations that pique your interest to read on . From our production point of view , visualization happens at inception and is very valuable when it comes to bringing other people to the table and to get them not only involved but also invested in and excited to see a book project through . And so the flowcharts in this course resonated with me , as they traced not only process but also provided insights on the implications or cause - and - effect of how might one action and another and another lead to the either the desired outcome or failure ( not entirely a bad thing , i.e .. , failure ) . The table on design thinking vs. linear analytic methods provided a valuable insight that design thinking fits our team ’s philosophy when it comes to book development : human ( reader)-centered , with a desire to explore all possible aspects of a topic , the understanding that there are many uncertainties and dependencies at the start of each project , and the fact that we sometimes only have basic reference materials to begin with . And finally , the waveform illustration of What is ? What If ? What Wows ? and What Works ? is the most valuable visual guide that I take with me after this course . It ’s both visionary and practical and should be part of any professional function ’s ethos , in my opinion . Application Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively ) . I ’ve recently begun working on a new book project that required collaborating with another team in the company as well as with an external resource person . It was important that we were all coming from the same basic understanding of what we wanted to accomplish and how we can achieve it . In the first meeting , the main visual that I presented were printouts of the covers and a few pages of the books that we previously published . This proved to be a good start in getting my new project partners interested as they can actually see what the final output could look like Next , we made a freeform inventory of the materials that we have in our respective units , as well as the gaps that we needed to fill . Taking turns while doing this , organizing the correlated items into a list , and revisiting it at the start of each production meeting , allowed us to put in ideas from each other ’s areas of expertise , and got us even more engaged and invested in the project ’s success . As we gathered materials , using the framework of What Is ? What If ? What Wows ? and What Works ? has been quite useful in further exploring the possibilities for the book ’s content , while recognizing necessary delimiters that would make the book a reality within the timeframe we set for ourselves . Insight Describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) . Visualization is certainly important in the work we do , because we can not assume that our ideas will be readily understood by other parties we work with . No matter how detailed or well written our descriptions or explanations are , some things still get lost in translation . Presenting information or a process in visual form can really make things simple and easy to understand . I realized that putting ideas down in paper , in whatever visual form , and sharing it with other people from disciplines other than my own , can also serve as a catalyst for generating not only more ideas , but also more factors to consider . This part of the exercise certainly brings up the what ifs and wows , and significantly , what works . Approach Describe what you might do differently next time -- applying the same tool you selected or a different one -- and the reason(s ) why . In this case , we have had to adjust the production process to our greatest delimiter , which is working remotely due to the pandemic . Visualization has certainly been doable ; we ’ve just had to make do with shared screens and show - and - tell on video meetings . But I think it is an even more powerful tool when we ’re all in the same room , working on the same whiteboard , bouncing off ideas on the fly , and putting up printouts of our works in progress . Add to this mind mapping to recognize what else we need or how to present the content . Is that a bit old fashioned now in the “ New Normal ” ? I do value the energy and the potential that collaborating in person can generate , and I certainly look forward to the day when we can go back to our offices to do this . For now , we simply have to use the tools and technology available to bring the fruits of our design thinking to life .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection – Visualization ( Antonio Bellafiore ) Challenge Describe your challenge , including all relevant information . A significant part of my work as a corporate knowledge manager involves publishing books for different internal audiences . We ’re a small team and we manage everything from content development to research and writing to editing and layout to pre - press production and distribution . Because we cover a broad range of topics , this presents an opportunity to work with other teams , sometimes from other affiliate companies as well as external resource persons . And so the challenge posed by collaborating with others outside the team ( especially those not familiar with publishing ) is how to engage them to be active contributors , perhaps with the same level of enthusiasm that we ourselves have . There are many approaches we take , but I believe one of the most critical and valuable methods is visualization . Selection In your own words , briefly describe the tool you selected ( e.g. , what it is and why you selected it for your challenge -- including any appropriate video lecture references ) . If you ’re an avid reader , you may appreciate that the visual aspects of books are as important as the copy or narrative : the choice of fonts , the space the text takes up on a page , how data is presented in charts and infographics , illustrations that pique your interest to read on . From our production point of view , visualization happens at inception and is very valuable when it comes to bringing other people to the table and to get them not only involved but also invested in and excited to see a book project through . And so the flowcharts in this course resonated with me , as they traced not only process but also provided insights on the implications or cause - and - effect of how might one action and another and another lead to the either the desired outcome or failure ( not entirely a bad thing , i.e .. , failure ) . The table on design thinking vs. linear analytic methods provided a valuable insight that design thinking fits our team ’s philosophy when it comes to book development : human ( reader)-centered , with a desire to explore all possible aspects of a topic , the understanding that there are many uncertainties and dependencies at the start of each project , and the fact that we sometimes only have basic reference materials to begin with . And finally , the waveform illustration of What is ? What If ? What Wows ? and What Works ? is the most valuable visual guide that I take with me after this course . It ’s both visionary and practical and should be part of any professional function ’s ethos , in my opinion . Application Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively ) . I ’ve recently begun working on a new book project that required collaborating with another team in the company as well as with an external resource person . It was important that we were all coming from the same basic understanding of what we wanted to accomplish and how we can achieve it . In the first meeting , the main visual that I presented were printouts of the covers and a few pages of the books that we previously published . This proved to be a good start in getting my new project partners interested as they can actually see what the final output could look like Next , we made a freeform inventory of the materials that we have in our respective units , as well as the gaps that we needed to fill . Taking turns while doing this , organizing the correlated items into a list , and revisiting it at the start of each production meeting , allowed us to put in ideas from each other ’s areas of expertise , and got us even more engaged and invested in the project ’s success . As we gathered materials , using the framework of What Is ? What If ? What Wows ? and What Works ? has been quite useful in further exploring the possibilities for the book ’s content , while recognizing necessary delimiters that would make the book a reality within the timeframe we set for ourselves . Insight Describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) . Visualization is certainly important in the work we do , because we can not assume that our ideas will be readily understood by other parties we work with . No matter how detailed or well written our descriptions or explanations are , some things still get lost in translation . Presenting information or a process in visual form can really make things simple and easy to understand . I realized that putting ideas down in paper , in whatever visual form , and sharing it with other people from disciplines other than my own , can also serve as a catalyst for generating not only more ideas , but also more factors to consider . This part of the exercise certainly brings up the what ifs and wows , and significantly , what works . Approach Describe what you might do differently next time -- applying the same tool you selected or a different one -- and the reason(s ) why . In this case , we have had to adjust the production process to our greatest delimiter , which is working remotely due to the pandemic . Visualization has certainly been doable ; we ’ve just had to make do with shared screens and show - and - tell on video meetings . But I think it is an even more powerful tool when we ’re all in the same room , working on the same whiteboard , bouncing off ideas on the fly , and putting up printouts of our works in progress . Add to this mind mapping to recognize what else we need or how to present the content . Is that a bit old fashioned now in the “ New Normal ” ? I do value the energy and the potential that collaborating in person can generate , and I certainly look forward to the day when we can go back to our offices to do this . For now , we simply have to use the tools and technology available to bring the fruits of our design thinking to life . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Antonio Bellafiore" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge : To create awareness in the students of engineering towards the needs of the society by introducing a curriculum that caters the needs of outcome based education with choice based credit system .  A student entering engineering is supposed to have a clarity regarding what he is going to become after his graduation . Instead of looking into his goal alone , if he is equipped to think of how he can benefit the society with his skill , we can say that the studies he has undergone are of real value with an outcome .  Storytelling is the tool I ’m considering here to showcase two characters Mr. John and Mr. David , who as freshmen joining engineering colleges that provide outcome based education and traditional education . Their journey from first year first semester to their graduation is going to be showcased to depict their persona towards emerging in to holistic beings that can become employees / employers .  video link with reference .  The story of two graduates is described based on the choice of courses they have opted to pursue their goal . Showcasing their choice of selecting a course towards learning and enhancing their skill to quench their thirst and grooming themselves to become what they dreamt of .  Visualization can also be used for depicting this scenario . I thought of showing this as a success story of individuals in a more convincing and thought - provoking manner and so selected story telling . Scenario of engineering college that offers outcome based education in accordance with the societal need . First Year :  At the first semester humanities , basic sciences , Engineering sciences and practicals , his curriculum has outcome based courses like Introduction to Engineering ( Basic understanding of Project/ prototype design ) and Audit courses like Dance , yoga , Sketching , etc .  In the second Semester along with the humanities , basic sciences , Engineering sciences and practical ’s his curriculum has outcome based courses like Product design Studio ( for showcasing his idea by realizing it with engineering tools ) and Audit courses like NSS , Art , Music , Sports etc . Second Year :  In the 3rd Semester Engineering finances and marketing management , Core branch specific courses and practicals and foundation to product management an outcome based course .  4th semester core branch specific courses and practicals , Engineering ethics and gender sensitization to impart value based education , moral values and responsibility towards his fellow beings and work . Third year :  5th semester Core branch specific courses and practicals with a media project to showcase their idea in to a short film .  6th semester core specific courses with professional electives and open electives to cater the interest of the students . Fouth year :  7th semester , project management course along with open and professional electives , certification course/ mini project/ App development for making the student opt the concept of his choice to be industry ready .  8th semester , open and professional elective , technical seminar , major project/ practice school to bring out the creativity of the student in to an outcome . At every stage , the choice of selecting an open / professional elective is based on the interest of john but with a pre - requisite for professional elective . Scenario in a traditional engineering college . First Year :  At the first semester humanities , basic sciences , Engineering sciences and practicals .  At the Second semester humanities , basic sciences , Engineering sciences and practicals at an advanced level . Second Year :  In the 3rd Semester a management course , Core branch specific courses and practicals .  4th semester core branch specific courses and practicals , Engineering ethics and gender sensitization to impart value based education , moral values and responsibility towards his fellow beings and work . Third year :  5th semester Core branch specific courses and practicals .  6th semester core specific courses with professional electives with pre - requisites . Fouth year :  7th semester , Core specific courses and professional electives , practicals and industry oriented mini project .  8th semester a core specific course and professional elective , technical seminar , major project . Mr. John : o 1st year :  Got an insight of how to get inspired , identify , plan , model and explore the needs of a customer  Could design a product based on the pain points and brainstorming activities carried in customer point of view . o 2nd year :  Learnt management skills and also enhanced his knowledge in delivering a project based on the depths of his foundation in designing .  Understood that designing involves value and quality for the betterment and also to respect the needs and safety at the work place . o 3rd year :  Could showcase his idea in a more realistic manner , as a video .  Choose his area and course of interest for better achieving his goal . o 4th year :  Lead his way towards his dreams and choice of his interest with a tinge of management to enhance his thought process to bring - out his design skills in engineering product design .  Could enhance his skill with authenticated certification .  Could deploy his learning to design a product for the betterment of the society and look for marketing it by establishing a start - up firm . Mr. John could become an employer than an employee as his skills have been groomed in a holistic way to meet the needs of the society . He could achieve his dream and reach pinnacle . Mr. David joined an engineering college that offers traditional education i.e. , with Theory and Practical ’s that were focused on learning the core fundamentals . At every level , he has been into understanding the concepts and do the practicals based on the theory he has learnt . He has n’t been exposed to thinking in designers ’ point of view , planning nor think about the need of the customers . He ’s got the theoretical base but was week at thinking in the customers point of view and work for the betterment . Moreover , he ’s not been given the skill of presenting his ideas in to reality nor communicating effectively using a visual aid . So , at the end of his course he had to look for some company that could give him employment . No doubt with his theoretical and a relatively good practical knowledge , he could get employed but could n’t achieve his dream as desired . But he had to struggle in making himself in to a holistic being . From these two stories , we can have a clear insight of how a curriculum should be designed to cater the needs of the students , to enhance the skills and make them a holistic being by understanding the need of the hour . Making a engineer is not the task but making him meet the needs of the society and bring about a change in the thought process of an individual is the key to success .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge : To create awareness in the students of engineering towards the needs of the society by introducing a curriculum that caters the needs of outcome based education with choice based credit system .  A student entering engineering is supposed to have a clarity regarding what he is going to become after his graduation . Instead of looking into his goal alone , if he is equipped to think of how he can benefit the society with his skill , we can say that the studies he has undergone are of real value with an outcome .  Storytelling is the tool I ’m considering here to showcase two characters Mr. John and Mr. David , who as freshmen joining engineering colleges that provide outcome based education and traditional education . Their journey from first year first semester to their graduation is going to be showcased to depict their persona towards emerging in to holistic beings that can become employees / employers .  video link with reference .  The story of two graduates is described based on the choice of courses they have opted to pursue their goal . Showcasing their choice of selecting a course towards learning and enhancing their skill to quench their thirst and grooming themselves to become what they dreamt of .  Visualization can also be used for depicting this scenario . I thought of showing this as a success story of individuals in a more convincing and thought - provoking manner and so selected story telling . Scenario of engineering college that offers outcome based education in accordance with the societal need . First Year :  At the first semester humanities , basic sciences , Engineering sciences and practicals , his curriculum has outcome based courses like Introduction to Engineering ( Basic understanding of Project/ prototype design ) and Audit courses like Dance , yoga , Sketching , etc .  In the second Semester along with the humanities , basic sciences , Engineering sciences and practical ’s his curriculum has outcome based courses like Product design Studio ( for showcasing his idea by realizing it with engineering tools ) and Audit courses like NSS , Art , Music , Sports etc . Second Year :  In the 3rd Semester Engineering finances and marketing management , Core branch specific courses and practicals and foundation to product management an outcome based course .  4th semester core branch specific courses and practicals , Engineering ethics and gender sensitization to impart value based education , moral values and responsibility towards his fellow beings and work . Third year :  5th semester Core branch specific courses and practicals with a media project to showcase their idea in to a short film .  6th semester core specific courses with professional electives and open electives to cater the interest of the students . Fouth year :  7th semester , project management course along with open and professional electives , certification course/ mini project/ App development for making the student opt the concept of his choice to be industry ready .  8th semester , open and professional elective , technical seminar , major project/ practice school to bring out the creativity of the student in to an outcome . At every stage , the choice of selecting an open / professional elective is based on the interest of john but with a pre - requisite for professional elective . Scenario in a traditional engineering college . First Year :  At the first semester humanities , basic sciences , Engineering sciences and practicals .  At the Second semester humanities , basic sciences , Engineering sciences and practicals at an advanced level . Second Year :  In the 3rd Semester a management course , Core branch specific courses and practicals .  4th semester core branch specific courses and practicals , Engineering ethics and gender sensitization to impart value based education , moral values and responsibility towards his fellow beings and work . Third year :  5th semester Core branch specific courses and practicals .  6th semester core specific courses with professional electives with pre - requisites . Fouth year :  7th semester , Core specific courses and professional electives , practicals and industry oriented mini project .  8th semester a core specific course and professional elective , technical seminar , major project . Mr. John : o 1st year :  Got an insight of how to get inspired , identify , plan , model and explore the needs of a customer  Could design a product based on the pain points and brainstorming activities carried in customer point of view . o 2nd year :  Learnt management skills and also enhanced his knowledge in delivering a project based on the depths of his foundation in designing .  Understood that designing involves value and quality for the betterment and also to respect the needs and safety at the work place . o 3rd year :  Could showcase his idea in a more realistic manner , as a video .  Choose his area and course of interest for better achieving his goal . o 4th year :  Lead his way towards his dreams and choice of his interest with a tinge of management to enhance his thought process to bring - out his design skills in engineering product design .  Could enhance his skill with authenticated certification .  Could deploy his learning to design a product for the betterment of the society and look for marketing it by establishing a start - up firm . Mr. John could become an employer than an employee as his skills have been groomed in a holistic way to meet the needs of the society . He could achieve his dream and reach pinnacle . Mr. David joined an engineering college that offers traditional education i.e. , with Theory and Practical ’s that were focused on learning the core fundamentals . At every level , he has been into understanding the concepts and do the practicals based on the theory he has learnt . He has n’t been exposed to thinking in designers ’ point of view , planning nor think about the need of the customers . He ’s got the theoretical base but was week at thinking in the customers point of view and work for the betterment . Moreover , he ’s not been given the skill of presenting his ideas in to reality nor communicating effectively using a visual aid . So , at the end of his course he had to look for some company that could give him employment . No doubt with his theoretical and a relatively good practical knowledge , he could get employed but could n’t achieve his dream as desired . But he had to struggle in making himself in to a holistic being . From these two stories , we can have a clear insight of how a curriculum should be designed to cater the needs of the students , to enhance the skills and make them a holistic being by understanding the need of the hour . Making a engineer is not the task but making him meet the needs of the society and bring about a change in the thought process of an individual is the key to success . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge & Selection For this kind of project that was with the purpose of helping others with our team , my team and I had to choose a community to figure out their needs and help them obtain one of them . We chose a community that had the mission of helping young adults and teenagers in vulnerable situations to find education for having better opportunities in the world . So to be able to present our project in front of the jury of our program and have an opportunity in financing it , we used the storytelling technique , where the people present could be more empathic about our project with the help of the technique so we could make them understand the importance that this help would bring to the people in need in our community . Application For the application , we used all the information that we had gathered before with the help of interviews and surveys to previous students of the program in our association . Thanks to that information , we were able to create a story using the storytelling technique where one of the students was the main character and she was narrating her story around our project and the importance of it , so the people that would hear it , could feel it more personal and felt more emphatic to it . While narrating the story , we explained all about the before and after for the students or people that attend the project and get educated from it . Because most of them got better jobs after they were able to attend this organization and not only learned formal education , but also learned about good habits and things to do to get better their life like taking care of themselves . With this kind of form , we were able to create a story were the people that heard it were so engaged with it that after it , they all listened to the exact details of our project with so much attention and were intrigued by it . Insight and Approach At last , we were able to actually approach the jury in a better way so they gave us a lot of tips to make our project so much better , and because we actually got all of the resources by free , we were able to finance our project without their help .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge & Selection For this kind of project that was with the purpose of helping others with our team , my team and I had to choose a community to figure out their needs and help them obtain one of them . We chose a community that had the mission of helping young adults and teenagers in vulnerable situations to find education for having better opportunities in the world . So to be able to present our project in front of the jury of our program and have an opportunity in financing it , we used the storytelling technique , where the people present could be more empathic about our project with the help of the technique so we could make them understand the importance that this help would bring to the people in need in our community . Application For the application , we used all the information that we had gathered before with the help of interviews and surveys to previous students of the program in our association . Thanks to that information , we were able to create a story using the storytelling technique where one of the students was the main character and she was narrating her story around our project and the importance of it , so the people that would hear it , could feel it more personal and felt more emphatic to it . While narrating the story , we explained all about the before and after for the students or people that attend the project and get educated from it . Because most of them got better jobs after they were able to attend this organization and not only learned formal education , but also learned about good habits and things to do to get better their life like taking care of themselves . With this kind of form , we were able to create a story were the people that heard it were so engaged with it that after it , they all listened to the exact details of our project with so much attention and were intrigued by it . Insight and Approach At last , we were able to actually approach the jury in a better way so they gave us a lot of tips to make our project so much better , and because we actually got all of the resources by free , we were able to finance our project without their help . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Learning Platform Naming with a Mind Mapping Methodology Challenge Naming for an internal system that will reach an entire employee population inside of a global Fortune 100 organization . Our challenge was to generate a unique name for a ubiquitous learning platform to more effectively build equity into an overarching narrative established by senior leaders of our client . Selection Many design thinking methods were employed , with mind - mapping being one of the more successful tools to quickly generate naming ideas as pertaining to key messages . Mind mapping was selected due to the rapid allowance of divergent and convergent thinking . Additionally , this tool provides an evolutionary view of our thoughts and ideas . Application Before mind mapping would begin , key messages were distilled from stakeholder and audience interviews across a broad range of subject matter experts . These key messages formed the base direction and guiding light of our mind mapping exercise and allowed free thinking to gravitate around a singular concept . The divergent , rapid - fire brainstorming in the first session provided the team with plentifully concepts to wade through and distill . Surprisingly , our conversations had the team starting to redefine certain aspects of established key messages , which were captured for a future mapping session . At the conclusion of this initial mapping , ideas were collected , concentrated , and codified further to allow new central figures to emerge . During our convergent sessions , energy began to form around two naming concepts that further reframed the once - established narrative handed down to the team . We had successfully brought new benefits and messages to light , which in turn would strengthen the value proposition of the platform and equity in the eventual name . A third mind mapping meeting would then pull together solidified ideas for consideration . Insight Insights gained form leveraging this tool were many . Most surprisingly to the team was that we were able to redefine the established narrative passed to us by senior leaders . With our thought mapped out in the topographical visualization , these leaders were able to “ check our thinking ” and build consensus on emerging patterns first unthought of in the narrative . Selfishly , this method was selected to bring together our team in a way not often leveraged . The result of our approach provided members of our team , who were mostly not rooted in this way of divergent / convergent thinking , a new appreciation for a process of rapid idea generation and selection . The ability to observe the legacy of thinking , developing , removing , rethinking , and moving forward with “ winners ” is now an oft - mentioned tool in our box . Approach Future approaches will benefit from us augmenting our time spent on certain phases of mapping . Feedback gained from our internal lessons - learned meeting was that divergent time spent vastly outweighed codifying and sometimes felt aimless . A more structured “ timebox ” for each phase will be attempted in further mind mapping exercises to perhaps concentrate our collective thinking .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Learning Platform Naming with a Mind Mapping Methodology Challenge Naming for an internal system that will reach an entire employee population inside of a global Fortune 100 organization . Our challenge was to generate a unique name for a ubiquitous learning platform to more effectively build equity into an overarching narrative established by senior leaders of our client . Selection Many design thinking methods were employed , with mind - mapping being one of the more successful tools to quickly generate naming ideas as pertaining to key messages . Mind mapping was selected due to the rapid allowance of divergent and convergent thinking . Additionally , this tool provides an evolutionary view of our thoughts and ideas . Application Before mind mapping would begin , key messages were distilled from stakeholder and audience interviews across a broad range of subject matter experts . These key messages formed the base direction and guiding light of our mind mapping exercise and allowed free thinking to gravitate around a singular concept . The divergent , rapid - fire brainstorming in the first session provided the team with plentifully concepts to wade through and distill . Surprisingly , our conversations had the team starting to redefine certain aspects of established key messages , which were captured for a future mapping session . At the conclusion of this initial mapping , ideas were collected , concentrated , and codified further to allow new central figures to emerge . During our convergent sessions , energy began to form around two naming concepts that further reframed the once - established narrative handed down to the team . We had successfully brought new benefits and messages to light , which in turn would strengthen the value proposition of the platform and equity in the eventual name . A third mind mapping meeting would then pull together solidified ideas for consideration . Insight Insights gained form leveraging this tool were many . Most surprisingly to the team was that we were able to redefine the established narrative passed to us by senior leaders . With our thought mapped out in the topographical visualization , these leaders were able to “ check our thinking ” and build consensus on emerging patterns first unthought of in the narrative . Selfishly , this method was selected to bring together our team in a way not often leveraged . The result of our approach provided members of our team , who were mostly not rooted in this way of divergent / convergent thinking , a new appreciation for a process of rapid idea generation and selection . The ability to observe the legacy of thinking , developing , removing , rethinking , and moving forward with “ winners ” is now an oft - mentioned tool in our box . Approach Future approaches will benefit from us augmenting our time spent on certain phases of mapping . Feedback gained from our internal lessons - learned meeting was that divergent time spent vastly outweighed codifying and sometimes felt aimless . A more structured “ timebox ” for each phase will be attempted in further mind mapping exercises to perhaps concentrate our collective thinking . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
STORYTELLING CHALLENGE&SELECTION : Storytelling has become a part of life as we illustrate to someone our own or others experience in some part of life or the other . And I use this tool in my life . I am a student and we friends share our life experience and stories to each other for relaxation or just to refresh our memories . The stories which I tell motivate them and encourage them to see a bright side of the life . I used this in many parts of my life . And I am sharing one of them . During a discussion on counselling particularly on how to make people come out of their shells and motivate them , I came with an idea of storytelling and shared one of my stories . APPLICATION : This happened during my college days , where a friend of mine was upset for a past few days . And I came to know that her father is unwell and her family is in financial crisis . She was my good friend who shares everything with me but I had an intuition that she is suffering from something and did not share it with me . So , one day I asked her what was the matter with her . And she burst out into tears . She told that her father has cancer and he was the only source of income of her family . I was shocked to hear it . Then I decided to console her and it had to apply storytelling for that . INSIGHT&APPROACH : This is the story that I conveyed to her to bring about a change in her and motivate her . I am a happy and self - satisfied person in others view . But I had my own sad parts of my life . I told her that she is not the only one to face this type of situation . My father had suffered from cancer . He is the only source of income of our family and my mother was a home maker . It was during the starting days of my college life , we came to know that he was suffering from cancer and was in second stage of it . During those times I had to see my father suffer in pain every day . We had to get money as debt for his treatment and the thought of clearing debts gave him more pain . But I decided to support my family by scoring high in my exams . I did work had for it . My work does bore the fruit of my labour . And I was the topper of my class . This got me scholarship and my parents were happy and relieved to hear that . After hearing this she was relaxed and felt motivated . Then she made her steps to study harder and she did get a scholarship which did lessen the burden of her family . Her father was cured from his illness eventually after treatment and she returned to her normal life . Finally she was happy ; felt contended with her life and saw the bright side of it . So , I told the discussion team about this . This created a big impact on them . In a few days people started to discuss about it and also implemented it in their day to day life . This tool made me see solutions to problems . I have used this before but never thought of the impacts it can bring to a solution . So I decided to use this tool to find solutions hereafter in my life .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: STORYTELLING CHALLENGE&SELECTION : Storytelling has become a part of life as we illustrate to someone our own or others experience in some part of life or the other . And I use this tool in my life . I am a student and we friends share our life experience and stories to each other for relaxation or just to refresh our memories . The stories which I tell motivate them and encourage them to see a bright side of the life . I used this in many parts of my life . And I am sharing one of them . During a discussion on counselling particularly on how to make people come out of their shells and motivate them , I came with an idea of storytelling and shared one of my stories . APPLICATION : This happened during my college days , where a friend of mine was upset for a past few days . And I came to know that her father is unwell and her family is in financial crisis . She was my good friend who shares everything with me but I had an intuition that she is suffering from something and did not share it with me . So , one day I asked her what was the matter with her . And she burst out into tears . She told that her father has cancer and he was the only source of income of her family . I was shocked to hear it . Then I decided to console her and it had to apply storytelling for that . INSIGHT&APPROACH : This is the story that I conveyed to her to bring about a change in her and motivate her . I am a happy and self - satisfied person in others view . But I had my own sad parts of my life . I told her that she is not the only one to face this type of situation . My father had suffered from cancer . He is the only source of income of our family and my mother was a home maker . It was during the starting days of my college life , we came to know that he was suffering from cancer and was in second stage of it . During those times I had to see my father suffer in pain every day . We had to get money as debt for his treatment and the thought of clearing debts gave him more pain . But I decided to support my family by scoring high in my exams . I did work had for it . My work does bore the fruit of my labour . And I was the topper of my class . This got me scholarship and my parents were happy and relieved to hear that . After hearing this she was relaxed and felt motivated . Then she made her steps to study harder and she did get a scholarship which did lessen the burden of her family . Her father was cured from his illness eventually after treatment and she returned to her normal life . Finally she was happy ; felt contended with her life and saw the bright side of it . So , I told the discussion team about this . This created a big impact on them . In a few days people started to discuss about it and also implemented it in their day to day life . This tool made me see solutions to problems . I have used this before but never thought of the impacts it can bring to a solution . So I decided to use this tool to find solutions hereafter in my life . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge I am the operations manager for my international company ’s Asian business . We service the engineering and architectural design industry and my staff consists of 50 people spread over 6 departments . We have had just over 5 years of rapid growth with some major success , but I have noticed recently a lack of production and a decline in quality . To our credit we have retained the majority of our staff over our time of operations therefore I needed to analyze the current state of operations , our projects and production to determine what was first failing , and second how to fix the issues . Part of my role was to restructure the company in an effort to improve efficiencies , production and sales . To do this required me to gather the key stakeholders across our departments to determine what we considered to be ineffective or problematic with regard to the business . There have been many times over the years where we have addresses some issues in an isolated context and have generally used assumptions and biases to propose solutions which in general have had limited affects . Our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools , so we are ready to try the learning launch tool . Selection I plan to keep the learning launch experimental meant to quickly test an idea and prototype quickly , seeing results ( positive or negative ) early . Application In the weeks leading up to what I planned would be a learning launch , I individually interviewed each department , spending time watching how they interacted with their counterparts in other countries and within their team . Independently of all of the departments I used SWOT analysis to identify common and unique strengths , weaknesses opportunities and threats that I could use as a basis for initiating agile projects aimed at addressing the outcomes . Along with my SWOT points , I set some very generic goals but left the path for getting to that goal undefined as I required the input and experimentation from all stakeholders to define the path for itself . I was determined to set the culture not only for the experiment and project but for the entire office . To do so required me to loosely plan the approach with the key stakeholders , so together we determined some " organizational tenets ” that would keep us on task towards the goal , but would not allow us to be manipulated with bias . The ended up being : • Realization of the past , present & future Now is the time to reflect on our purpose , we need a bold direction , and to marshal as a team toward that goal , we will prioritize everything we do accordingly . Sustaining a forward - looking view . • Focus on the way things are done , not the structure . While org charts are important to define some of the formal building blocks , we can not try and force our business processes into a structure that does not suit reality . We will fix our structure last because defining a structure will not fix the problem . We focus on execution improvement regardless of role to a certain point , and revisit structure after , • Make the most of our top talent We design positions and roles to suit our talent , we respect commitment and determination and implement training strategy to help them meet their aspirations where skill is lacking . We optimize management by minimizing direct reports with the goal for every level of management to essentially “ replace themselves ” that is the true gauge of their success as managers . • Focus on the controllable There are issues we are aware of companywide that in the immediate term we can not control . That does not mean we can not influence them or aim to fix them long term , but while we are focusing on issues that are out of our control we will not fix things that are . We need to aim as a group to be second to none in our duties before we can begin to fix others . • Accountability is paramount and will be rewarded People will be accountable for their past and present work without being micromanaged . We will apply RACI to everything we do , and it is those that strive to perform when responsible and manage when accountable that we will foster for the future . • We do not benchmark ourselves against anyone else . We have a unique business model with a set of goals and values that are no one else ’s , We need to identify internally how we benchmark success as a business and what our products are required to be . We do not take superficial competitor pricing as a benchmark for ourselves without first making an informed business decision based on fact . We have an identity that is entwined with a business model . • Our organizational structure fits our purpose . Traditionally we have been weak matrixed where we need to be balanced , we need our functional managers and departments but we must put more focus on the project team . This will not happen by itself , the leader of the project must stand up , be accountable and take charge . • Higher value on the informal There is a lot of value in our formal processes , they are crucial to process and production . However I want a strong focus to be on the informal , intrinsic motivation of our teams . Transparency and honesty between business units is paramount and I expect to be aske anything and everything while being told everything . The office junior should be told the big picture , while sharing their thoughts and concerns on production . • Acknowledgement and exploitation of strength . After 5 years of production and growth , we have tried many things . At this point we have a good understanding of what our strengths are ( see SWOT ) complimentary to “ focusing on the controllable ” we need a sustained period of getting better at what we are already good at . This will mean putting some long term goals on the shelf , but ultimately we will be more prepared for them in the future . Being guided by the tenets , the key stakeholders were given weekly tasks which were designed to address the SWOT , goals and issues . These weekly experiments were small enough to not cause an impact but were discussed informally followed up by an evaluation to determine their success and the approach for the next weeks tasks . Insight By being allowed to fail / succeed early with a higher value on observation and the informal over a document heavy workflow , the buy in by the entire office is a lot more positive than it has been in the past . The teams see the instant results of an initiative without the negative thoughts that usually meet “ yet another procedure ” I am happy to say that after 2 months of this approach we have already met 4/14 of our major goals , and are well on the way to meeting all of our targets by the end of the year . I can honestly say that an open mind , in line with design thinking we are a lot more agile and adaptable to change . Approach I will continue to use design thinking to reach larger focused goals , as the only thing that is certain in any organization is that there is uncertainty , design thinking allows for what is usually a negative ( uncertainty ) to be used for the improvement of an organization .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge I am the operations manager for my international company ’s Asian business . We service the engineering and architectural design industry and my staff consists of 50 people spread over 6 departments . We have had just over 5 years of rapid growth with some major success , but I have noticed recently a lack of production and a decline in quality . To our credit we have retained the majority of our staff over our time of operations therefore I needed to analyze the current state of operations , our projects and production to determine what was first failing , and second how to fix the issues . Part of my role was to restructure the company in an effort to improve efficiencies , production and sales . To do this required me to gather the key stakeholders across our departments to determine what we considered to be ineffective or problematic with regard to the business . There have been many times over the years where we have addresses some issues in an isolated context and have generally used assumptions and biases to propose solutions which in general have had limited affects . Our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools , so we are ready to try the learning launch tool . Selection I plan to keep the learning launch experimental meant to quickly test an idea and prototype quickly , seeing results ( positive or negative ) early . Application In the weeks leading up to what I planned would be a learning launch , I individually interviewed each department , spending time watching how they interacted with their counterparts in other countries and within their team . Independently of all of the departments I used SWOT analysis to identify common and unique strengths , weaknesses opportunities and threats that I could use as a basis for initiating agile projects aimed at addressing the outcomes . Along with my SWOT points , I set some very generic goals but left the path for getting to that goal undefined as I required the input and experimentation from all stakeholders to define the path for itself . I was determined to set the culture not only for the experiment and project but for the entire office . To do so required me to loosely plan the approach with the key stakeholders , so together we determined some " organizational tenets ” that would keep us on task towards the goal , but would not allow us to be manipulated with bias . The ended up being : • Realization of the past , present & future Now is the time to reflect on our purpose , we need a bold direction , and to marshal as a team toward that goal , we will prioritize everything we do accordingly . Sustaining a forward - looking view . • Focus on the way things are done , not the structure . While org charts are important to define some of the formal building blocks , we can not try and force our business processes into a structure that does not suit reality . We will fix our structure last because defining a structure will not fix the problem . We focus on execution improvement regardless of role to a certain point , and revisit structure after , • Make the most of our top talent We design positions and roles to suit our talent , we respect commitment and determination and implement training strategy to help them meet their aspirations where skill is lacking . We optimize management by minimizing direct reports with the goal for every level of management to essentially “ replace themselves ” that is the true gauge of their success as managers . • Focus on the controllable There are issues we are aware of companywide that in the immediate term we can not control . That does not mean we can not influence them or aim to fix them long term , but while we are focusing on issues that are out of our control we will not fix things that are . We need to aim as a group to be second to none in our duties before we can begin to fix others . • Accountability is paramount and will be rewarded People will be accountable for their past and present work without being micromanaged . We will apply RACI to everything we do , and it is those that strive to perform when responsible and manage when accountable that we will foster for the future . • We do not benchmark ourselves against anyone else . We have a unique business model with a set of goals and values that are no one else ’s , We need to identify internally how we benchmark success as a business and what our products are required to be . We do not take superficial competitor pricing as a benchmark for ourselves without first making an informed business decision based on fact . We have an identity that is entwined with a business model . • Our organizational structure fits our purpose . Traditionally we have been weak matrixed where we need to be balanced , we need our functional managers and departments but we must put more focus on the project team . This will not happen by itself , the leader of the project must stand up , be accountable and take charge . • Higher value on the informal There is a lot of value in our formal processes , they are crucial to process and production . However I want a strong focus to be on the informal , intrinsic motivation of our teams . Transparency and honesty between business units is paramount and I expect to be aske anything and everything while being told everything . The office junior should be told the big picture , while sharing their thoughts and concerns on production . • Acknowledgement and exploitation of strength . After 5 years of production and growth , we have tried many things . At this point we have a good understanding of what our strengths are ( see SWOT ) complimentary to “ focusing on the controllable ” we need a sustained period of getting better at what we are already good at . This will mean putting some long term goals on the shelf , but ultimately we will be more prepared for them in the future . Being guided by the tenets , the key stakeholders were given weekly tasks which were designed to address the SWOT , goals and issues . These weekly experiments were small enough to not cause an impact but were discussed informally followed up by an evaluation to determine their success and the approach for the next weeks tasks . Insight By being allowed to fail / succeed early with a higher value on observation and the informal over a document heavy workflow , the buy in by the entire office is a lot more positive than it has been in the past . The teams see the instant results of an initiative without the negative thoughts that usually meet “ yet another procedure ” I am happy to say that after 2 months of this approach we have already met 4/14 of our major goals , and are well on the way to meeting all of our targets by the end of the year . I can honestly say that an open mind , in line with design thinking we are a lot more agile and adaptable to change . Approach I will continue to use design thinking to reach larger focused goals , as the only thing that is certain in any organization is that there is uncertainty , design thinking allows for what is usually a negative ( uncertainty ) to be used for the improvement of an organization . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Example Reflection – Visualization Visualization is a tool used by people to created images , diagrams , graphs , etc . , to communicate a message . It is a better way to communicate both abstract and concrete ideas since the dawn of humanity . 1 . Challenge : I am a student who is currently pursuing MBA from India . We were given an assignment from one of our teachers teaching us Business Analytics . This project was a group assignment in which the group has to take up a data set and come up with a logical explanation for the data that we have been given . The challenging part was that the data was a bit difficult to be presented in a usual way . As our group contains people from different backgrounds like engineering and commerce helped us in this project . 2 . Selection : So , to overcome this challenge that we were facing , we decided to ahead with a data visualization tool called Tableau . This software helped us in presenting the data in different ways and graphs . This helps us in adding filters and getting in the information that is more required by the user . 3 . Application : As a first step , we uploaded the number of data that we received into the software . We divided the data we had with us and compared it with different parts that we have created to develop a logical comparison for getting a piece of logical information . This tool also helped in filtering out the unnecessary data that was there in the data set given to us . 4 . Insight : The application of visualization by using the tool gave our group a better understanding of the data that was given to us , and this helped us in coming up with a logical explanation for why the data was formed in such a way . It also helped in explaining the data to the person we were presenting , as the different graphs helped in giving a better understanding of what was going on . 5 . Approach : In this situation , the data was taken from a secondary source which was collected by that person for their specific purpose . When we are given a chance to present the data next time , we would like to go with primary data . We can collect the data that is specifically required for us for analysis only and get deep into the topic to get a better understanding of that area . This makes that data less noisy and helps us in coming up with a detailed analysis of the data we collect . Then the other thing that we can do is to include a mind map to show the flow of information of the activities from data collection to how it is to be presented before getting into the real action . This will help the member to know what to do next once the previous step is completed . This tool will also help show some of the non - quantitative data collected or help show some of the suggestions that we received from our sample group . This will help the people to think and come up with a use for this data .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Example Reflection – Visualization Visualization is a tool used by people to created images , diagrams , graphs , etc . , to communicate a message . It is a better way to communicate both abstract and concrete ideas since the dawn of humanity . 1 . Challenge : I am a student who is currently pursuing MBA from India . We were given an assignment from one of our teachers teaching us Business Analytics . This project was a group assignment in which the group has to take up a data set and come up with a logical explanation for the data that we have been given . The challenging part was that the data was a bit difficult to be presented in a usual way . As our group contains people from different backgrounds like engineering and commerce helped us in this project . 2 . Selection : So , to overcome this challenge that we were facing , we decided to ahead with a data visualization tool called Tableau . This software helped us in presenting the data in different ways and graphs . This helps us in adding filters and getting in the information that is more required by the user . 3 . Application : As a first step , we uploaded the number of data that we received into the software . We divided the data we had with us and compared it with different parts that we have created to develop a logical comparison for getting a piece of logical information . This tool also helped in filtering out the unnecessary data that was there in the data set given to us . 4 . Insight : The application of visualization by using the tool gave our group a better understanding of the data that was given to us , and this helped us in coming up with a logical explanation for why the data was formed in such a way . It also helped in explaining the data to the person we were presenting , as the different graphs helped in giving a better understanding of what was going on . 5 . Approach : In this situation , the data was taken from a secondary source which was collected by that person for their specific purpose . When we are given a chance to present the data next time , we would like to go with primary data . We can collect the data that is specifically required for us for analysis only and get deep into the topic to get a better understanding of that area . This makes that data less noisy and helps us in coming up with a detailed analysis of the data we collect . Then the other thing that we can do is to include a mind map to show the flow of information of the activities from data collection to how it is to be presented before getting into the real action . This will help the member to know what to do next once the previous step is completed . This tool will also help show some of the non - quantitative data collected or help show some of the suggestions that we received from our sample group . This will help the people to think and come up with a use for this data . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
STORYTELLING Sorry if I make mistakes , English is not my native language . Challenge As a team leader , I use storytelling to motivate members , many times we can find difficulties when managing projects , problems with time , with the client , etc . Telling a story of how a person would overcome the problem in their daily life is very good . If someone can do it in their day to day , I can do it in a job for which I am qualified . That 's the idea I want to get in their head . Selection Storytelling is using the power of the word , with a simple story to be able to convey big ideas , empathize with an audience and give a call to reflection . We can find the video in week 2 . Application I applied this technique in the final meeting of the company . I told a story of a man ( no name ) who overcame the obstacles in his life by talking to his friends and family . I showed that you are not special for currently having a problem , someone has already gone through the same thing and was able to overcome it . Insight and Approach The members of the company were excited to hear the story , the response I got was very positive . Some congratulated me in private for having achieved a beautiful moment in an environment that can sometimes be very boring or strict . I would use the same tool again , although next time I would like to involve others more so that it feels more personal and they can also contribute their stories .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: STORYTELLING Sorry if I make mistakes , English is not my native language . Challenge As a team leader , I use storytelling to motivate members , many times we can find difficulties when managing projects , problems with time , with the client , etc . Telling a story of how a person would overcome the problem in their daily life is very good . If someone can do it in their day to day , I can do it in a job for which I am qualified . That 's the idea I want to get in their head . Selection Storytelling is using the power of the word , with a simple story to be able to convey big ideas , empathize with an audience and give a call to reflection . We can find the video in week 2 . Application I applied this technique in the final meeting of the company . I told a story of a man ( no name ) who overcame the obstacles in his life by talking to his friends and family . I showed that you are not special for currently having a problem , someone has already gone through the same thing and was able to overcome it . Insight and Approach The members of the company were excited to hear the story , the response I got was very positive . Some congratulated me in private for having achieved a beautiful moment in an environment that can sometimes be very boring or strict . I would use the same tool again , although next time I would like to involve others more so that it feels more personal and they can also contribute their stories . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Learning Launch Challenge I work in the Marketing team of a global company that allows people to try our products before buying them . We sell medical devices and therefore a lot of time in the first appointment is dedicated to the client 's medical history and medical examinations . The challenge I have to manage is to create the new omnichannel customer journey to include digital services . It seems to be a great opportunity for all people involved : customers could receive a better and customize service , sales people could be more effective and earn more money , the company could improve revenues , productivity and customer satisfaction . At the same time , it requires a complete review of our journey because it adds time to our appointments have a very long duration and involve elderly people , who therefore have a low attention span over time . Selection The goal is to create a customer journey that meets the needs of our consumers and amazes them . A cultural change of this kind in such a large organization makes it even more necessary to be sure that you are going in the right direction , testing the various ideas that have emerged and be ready to adapt them in case you realize that the initial idea was not quite . perfect ( which certainly can not be , given that it is the first time in 70 years that the company approaches the world of digital services ) . Video 04.03 – Learning Launch Application The first thing we did was a mapping of all customers and stakeholders and their related pain points to the current purely physical customer journey . We have identified 2 main clusters of people ( customers and healthcare professionals ) who currently suffer from these pain points . We conducted interviews with 5 people for each clusters to identify which pain points were actually perceived by them and how they ranked them in order of importance . Insight & Approach With this methodology we have discovered information different from what have always been the beliefs of those who work within our company . Customers • They would appreciate the opportunity to have a preliminary medical history at a distance to allow the healthcare professional to learn more about their personal situation during the first visit • They would like to be able to remotely contact their healthcare professional in case of need , without having to go to the clinic just in case • They would like their healthcare professional to always have real - time access to their health status , even if this requires app tracking Healthcare professionals • They would like to optimize their time and use it to provide a solution that improves the lives of the people in front of them instead of spending a lot of time doing their medical history and testing • They feel they carry out too many bureaucratic and administrative tasks during their daily work Based on all the information gathered , a list of ideas for managing pain points emerged , for example : 1 - Anticipate part of the medical history via web or telephone 2 - Dedicate part of the first visit to explaining digital services instead of anamnesis 3 - Start a remote assistance service 4 - Divide the current role of clerk into two distinct roles : a more relational one that deals with the preliminary medical history and first assistance to the client ( instead of the health worker ) and a more administrative one 5 - Create an advanced algorithm that presents the client 's main peculiarities to the healthcare professional before the first visit 6 - other ideas Subsequently we identified , thanks to the results of the interviews , which of these ideas would allow us to have a wow result in the shortest possible time ( 1 & 2 ) and we immediately planned a learning launch on a small group of stores . Secondly , we will develop the capabilities necessary for the learning of other ideas ( 3 & 5 ) .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Learning Launch Challenge I work in the Marketing team of a global company that allows people to try our products before buying them . We sell medical devices and therefore a lot of time in the first appointment is dedicated to the client 's medical history and medical examinations . The challenge I have to manage is to create the new omnichannel customer journey to include digital services . It seems to be a great opportunity for all people involved : customers could receive a better and customize service , sales people could be more effective and earn more money , the company could improve revenues , productivity and customer satisfaction . At the same time , it requires a complete review of our journey because it adds time to our appointments have a very long duration and involve elderly people , who therefore have a low attention span over time . Selection The goal is to create a customer journey that meets the needs of our consumers and amazes them . A cultural change of this kind in such a large organization makes it even more necessary to be sure that you are going in the right direction , testing the various ideas that have emerged and be ready to adapt them in case you realize that the initial idea was not quite . perfect ( which certainly can not be , given that it is the first time in 70 years that the company approaches the world of digital services ) . Video 04.03 – Learning Launch Application The first thing we did was a mapping of all customers and stakeholders and their related pain points to the current purely physical customer journey . We have identified 2 main clusters of people ( customers and healthcare professionals ) who currently suffer from these pain points . We conducted interviews with 5 people for each clusters to identify which pain points were actually perceived by them and how they ranked them in order of importance . Insight & Approach With this methodology we have discovered information different from what have always been the beliefs of those who work within our company . Customers • They would appreciate the opportunity to have a preliminary medical history at a distance to allow the healthcare professional to learn more about their personal situation during the first visit • They would like to be able to remotely contact their healthcare professional in case of need , without having to go to the clinic just in case • They would like their healthcare professional to always have real - time access to their health status , even if this requires app tracking Healthcare professionals • They would like to optimize their time and use it to provide a solution that improves the lives of the people in front of them instead of spending a lot of time doing their medical history and testing • They feel they carry out too many bureaucratic and administrative tasks during their daily work Based on all the information gathered , a list of ideas for managing pain points emerged , for example : 1 - Anticipate part of the medical history via web or telephone 2 - Dedicate part of the first visit to explaining digital services instead of anamnesis 3 - Start a remote assistance service 4 - Divide the current role of clerk into two distinct roles : a more relational one that deals with the preliminary medical history and first assistance to the client ( instead of the health worker ) and a more administrative one 5 - Create an advanced algorithm that presents the client 's main peculiarities to the healthcare professional before the first visit 6 - other ideas Subsequently we identified , thanks to the results of the interviews , which of these ideas would allow us to have a wow result in the shortest possible time ( 1 & 2 ) and we immediately planned a learning launch on a small group of stores . Secondly , we will develop the capabilities necessary for the learning of other ideas ( 3 & 5 ) . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge and selection I work as a project manager in a small strategy consultancy and we work in different innovation projects . One of most important aspect in project management is being able to communicate to different stakeholders and make sure that everyone understand the same thing – which is almost impossible due to our own personal bias . We have our own methodology but there are many tools and similarities to design thinking , one of them is using visualization across the project . When we start a project , we first need to know our customer and understand its context . You can do that using different approaches and tools : interviews , questionnaires , reading business reports ... but you can miss spontaneous thoughts or ideas that could be important or interesting . In order to be efficient and get the most of it , we prepare a workshop called " abstraction " . In this workshop , we put from 6 to 8 managers of the customer in front of some pre- selected images so we can extract the essence of the company by answering WH- questions . At the end we want to have an statement that defines that company ( its mission , vision or values ) . Application First of all , we have a preparation phase before the workshop with the customer . We prepare the workshop in a team ( from 2 to 4 people ) where we define the theme to deconstruct ( based on the customer 's goal ) and their main meanings . We use different tools like to get relationships and different concepts from some themes to help us understand what is ( or might be ) behind it . We then select some images that represent the most relevant concepts or ideas and we put them in a big poster for the session . We are ready to start the workshop ! We start answering ( without knowing yet the central word ) WHAT is the central idea behind the images ... and all of them are going to be related to the central topic ( in the previous example TABOO ) if we chose the right images . Afterward , we iterate through the rest of the WH - questions for each one of the WHATs . While we are in the process , we are clustering the answers by putting the word into categories , so at the end we get the most important topics and the relationship between them . We share that with the customer as the result of the workshop so we are all aligned and agree on them . We refine that inputs in a session after the workshop ( only the internal team , without customer ) and put the topics in a few sentences or formula that reflects the main purpose of the company or project . It is generally a very global concept but while we work on possible solutions and scenarios we always come back to that sentence ( that we printed and have on the wall ) to make sure that we are well aligned . Insight It is important to have a multidisciplinary team from the customer , to be open minded and good general culture . We found that it 's easier to start with an ice - breaker activity of 15 minutes so people can warm - up before the real session starts . At the end we have a global statement that allows us to focus but at the same time it 's wide enough to bring new ideas . We are incorporating other activities to narrow or extend the statement in the following steps of the process . Approach You could use other methods to get an statement of the company , like asking the marketing department . But their inputs are biased and most of the time their view is too narrow . If you ask the rest of the departments separately it 's difficult that you can get one statement which all of them agrees because they have n't been in the discussion . At the end , it is important that they can share their ideas and come with the answer by themselves . It is not easy to come up with the perfect statement , but it is not necessary ... as far as it is good enough and reflects the idea behind the project . You know that you have it right when everybody agrees that somehow they see their idea reflected on that statement . Keep iterating until you get it right !
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge and selection I work as a project manager in a small strategy consultancy and we work in different innovation projects . One of most important aspect in project management is being able to communicate to different stakeholders and make sure that everyone understand the same thing – which is almost impossible due to our own personal bias . We have our own methodology but there are many tools and similarities to design thinking , one of them is using visualization across the project . When we start a project , we first need to know our customer and understand its context . You can do that using different approaches and tools : interviews , questionnaires , reading business reports ... but you can miss spontaneous thoughts or ideas that could be important or interesting . In order to be efficient and get the most of it , we prepare a workshop called " abstraction " . In this workshop , we put from 6 to 8 managers of the customer in front of some pre- selected images so we can extract the essence of the company by answering WH- questions . At the end we want to have an statement that defines that company ( its mission , vision or values ) . Application First of all , we have a preparation phase before the workshop with the customer . We prepare the workshop in a team ( from 2 to 4 people ) where we define the theme to deconstruct ( based on the customer 's goal ) and their main meanings . We use different tools like to get relationships and different concepts from some themes to help us understand what is ( or might be ) behind it . We then select some images that represent the most relevant concepts or ideas and we put them in a big poster for the session . We are ready to start the workshop ! We start answering ( without knowing yet the central word ) WHAT is the central idea behind the images ... and all of them are going to be related to the central topic ( in the previous example TABOO ) if we chose the right images . Afterward , we iterate through the rest of the WH - questions for each one of the WHATs . While we are in the process , we are clustering the answers by putting the word into categories , so at the end we get the most important topics and the relationship between them . We share that with the customer as the result of the workshop so we are all aligned and agree on them . We refine that inputs in a session after the workshop ( only the internal team , without customer ) and put the topics in a few sentences or formula that reflects the main purpose of the company or project . It is generally a very global concept but while we work on possible solutions and scenarios we always come back to that sentence ( that we printed and have on the wall ) to make sure that we are well aligned . Insight It is important to have a multidisciplinary team from the customer , to be open minded and good general culture . We found that it 's easier to start with an ice - breaker activity of 15 minutes so people can warm - up before the real session starts . At the end we have a global statement that allows us to focus but at the same time it 's wide enough to bring new ideas . We are incorporating other activities to narrow or extend the statement in the following steps of the process . Approach You could use other methods to get an statement of the company , like asking the marketing department . But their inputs are biased and most of the time their view is too narrow . If you ask the rest of the departments separately it 's difficult that you can get one statement which all of them agrees because they have n't been in the discussion . At the end , it is important that they can share their ideas and come with the answer by themselves . It is not easy to come up with the perfect statement , but it is not necessary ... as far as it is good enough and reflects the idea behind the project . You know that you have it right when everybody agrees that somehow they see their idea reflected on that statement . Keep iterating until you get it right ! ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection – Storytelling Challenge and Selection As a psychologist , I prepared a presentation on OCD ( obsessive compulsive disorder ) for a seminar to be held in front of psychology students . They heard some basics of anxiety and compulsive disorders before , but the purpose of this course was an in - depth presentation of the causes and treatment possibilities of this disorder . In contrast to some other disorders like somatoform disorders or schizophrenia , OCD is pretty well known and even used in everyday life to emphasize ones preference for order and structure , for example sorting pencil after the rainbow colour scheme , arranging office supplies evenly and right angles to each other . It even has made its way into meme culture . My challenge and goal here were to find an accessible way to explain this complex disorder to the students on the one hand and on the other hand to demonstrate the severity of OCD that has nothing in common with the funny memes . Application I decided to use a PowerPoint presentation as a medium for my presentation to use visualization as well to tell my story . The story I prepared started lighthearted : I showed them some OCD related memes and comics , keeping in mind that it is important to know your audience . They seemed interested and I gained their attention , so I proceeded to explain the key symptoms of the disorder and the negative impact on the individual ’s life and psychological stress it causes . To illustrate I showed them a short video of an affected person – let ’s call her Jane . It seems to make them think . “ So , how does this disorder occur ? What are its causes ? ” I asked . How can we help the affected people , like Jane in the Video , to get out of this vicious cycle ? Asking these questions in combination with the real - life example prepared them for the hard facts of neurobiology and kept their engagement . After lying down the biological basics , I proceeded to psychological constructs and treatment possibilities – you have to understand the problem to come to a solution ! Now knowing all the facts , you must not forget the individual – Talking about interventions , it is extremely important to empathize with the affected person , like Jane , to be able to understand what is possible and what can be achieved for the individual . That is the reason why I showed them another video example and opened the discussion about intervention techniques . Insights & Approach What I have learned using storytelling very consciously and deliberately is that is not just more engaging and easier to follow for the audience , but it is also easier to present ! Once I had my structure clear and prepared , it was easy to write down my talk and to connect one topic with another . Another important aspect I learned in this course is to think about your audience – who are they ? What are they interested in ? How do they communicate ? I feel like considering this improved my presentation even more . Also , using real - life examples helped the audience to grasp the challenges of an affected person and to empathize with them . This gave the seminar and the presentation a real cause – maybe even a cause for a professional career in this field . Given the positive feedback I received after the presentation and my own experience preparing and doing the presentation , I will definitely use storytelling in upcoming talks again . In my opinion , you should always use storytelling because no matter which topic you are talking about , you want to be heard and listened to . You want to achieve something with your talk – and storytelling is a great way to do that .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection – Storytelling Challenge and Selection As a psychologist , I prepared a presentation on OCD ( obsessive compulsive disorder ) for a seminar to be held in front of psychology students . They heard some basics of anxiety and compulsive disorders before , but the purpose of this course was an in - depth presentation of the causes and treatment possibilities of this disorder . In contrast to some other disorders like somatoform disorders or schizophrenia , OCD is pretty well known and even used in everyday life to emphasize ones preference for order and structure , for example sorting pencil after the rainbow colour scheme , arranging office supplies evenly and right angles to each other . It even has made its way into meme culture . My challenge and goal here were to find an accessible way to explain this complex disorder to the students on the one hand and on the other hand to demonstrate the severity of OCD that has nothing in common with the funny memes . Application I decided to use a PowerPoint presentation as a medium for my presentation to use visualization as well to tell my story . The story I prepared started lighthearted : I showed them some OCD related memes and comics , keeping in mind that it is important to know your audience . They seemed interested and I gained their attention , so I proceeded to explain the key symptoms of the disorder and the negative impact on the individual ’s life and psychological stress it causes . To illustrate I showed them a short video of an affected person – let ’s call her Jane . It seems to make them think . “ So , how does this disorder occur ? What are its causes ? ” I asked . How can we help the affected people , like Jane in the Video , to get out of this vicious cycle ? Asking these questions in combination with the real - life example prepared them for the hard facts of neurobiology and kept their engagement . After lying down the biological basics , I proceeded to psychological constructs and treatment possibilities – you have to understand the problem to come to a solution ! Now knowing all the facts , you must not forget the individual – Talking about interventions , it is extremely important to empathize with the affected person , like Jane , to be able to understand what is possible and what can be achieved for the individual . That is the reason why I showed them another video example and opened the discussion about intervention techniques . Insights & Approach What I have learned using storytelling very consciously and deliberately is that is not just more engaging and easier to follow for the audience , but it is also easier to present ! Once I had my structure clear and prepared , it was easy to write down my talk and to connect one topic with another . Another important aspect I learned in this course is to think about your audience – who are they ? What are they interested in ? How do they communicate ? I feel like considering this improved my presentation even more . Also , using real - life examples helped the audience to grasp the challenges of an affected person and to empathize with them . This gave the seminar and the presentation a real cause – maybe even a cause for a professional career in this field . Given the positive feedback I received after the presentation and my own experience preparing and doing the presentation , I will definitely use storytelling in upcoming talks again . In my opinion , you should always use storytelling because no matter which topic you are talking about , you want to be heard and listened to . You want to achieve something with your talk – and storytelling is a great way to do that . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection : Story - telling . Challenge . Workplace inclusion for persons with a disability has been a major discussion theme in my country . Most of the Persons with a disability expect a job where they can rest and settle . In this VUCA world , employers are expecting more agility and growth mindset from their employees . This has caused a concern among employers when they consider a person with a disability for an employment opportunity . Story - telling as a tool . As a blind Human Resources professional , I have a great successful story to express . It is my story where I became blind when I was an undergraduate . With proper training and with a growth mindset I was able to get employed and climb in my career ladder . Story - telling tool will be beneficial because the story is designed for the audience and they will be emotionally connected to the story because it is similar to their present experience . The story is about how I faced the challenge of loosing my eyesight , what did I do to grow myself and how it contributed towards my current career success . The structure of the story will help the audience to get inspired and to see themselves in a future state of success in their professional life . Application . The story - telling tool made the audience more closer and was a great resource to find insights about the mindset of a person with a disability when it comes to employment . I was able to create different personas of the audience . By having discussions with all the stakeholders employers , team members of an employed person with a disability I was able to gain great insights about the current situation . Insights . Story - telling tool inspired the audience and many of them accepted that they had a fixed mindset about their potentials . It was clear from the findings persons with a disability required more training in soft skills and counseling in career selection and development . Employers should develop inclusion strategies which meets the expectation of the employee . By using design thinking and human centered approach I was able to empathies my customers/ the disability community . “ What is ? ” stage of design thinking method was rich with insights which helped to structurally brainstormed in the “ What if ? ” stage of design thinking . Approach . The story - telling tool will not be effective when it is used on employers . learning launch will be handy in the “ What WOW ? ” and “ What works ? ” stages in design thinking to innovate a great solution for the current challenge .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection : Story - telling . Challenge . Workplace inclusion for persons with a disability has been a major discussion theme in my country . Most of the Persons with a disability expect a job where they can rest and settle . In this VUCA world , employers are expecting more agility and growth mindset from their employees . This has caused a concern among employers when they consider a person with a disability for an employment opportunity . Story - telling as a tool . As a blind Human Resources professional , I have a great successful story to express . It is my story where I became blind when I was an undergraduate . With proper training and with a growth mindset I was able to get employed and climb in my career ladder . Story - telling tool will be beneficial because the story is designed for the audience and they will be emotionally connected to the story because it is similar to their present experience . The story is about how I faced the challenge of loosing my eyesight , what did I do to grow myself and how it contributed towards my current career success . The structure of the story will help the audience to get inspired and to see themselves in a future state of success in their professional life . Application . The story - telling tool made the audience more closer and was a great resource to find insights about the mindset of a person with a disability when it comes to employment . I was able to create different personas of the audience . By having discussions with all the stakeholders employers , team members of an employed person with a disability I was able to gain great insights about the current situation . Insights . Story - telling tool inspired the audience and many of them accepted that they had a fixed mindset about their potentials . It was clear from the findings persons with a disability required more training in soft skills and counseling in career selection and development . Employers should develop inclusion strategies which meets the expectation of the employee . By using design thinking and human centered approach I was able to empathies my customers/ the disability community . “ What is ? ” stage of design thinking method was rich with insights which helped to structurally brainstormed in the “ What if ? ” stage of design thinking . Approach . The story - telling tool will not be effective when it is used on employers . learning launch will be handy in the “ What WOW ? ” and “ What works ? ” stages in design thinking to innovate a great solution for the current challenge . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge : Now - a - days there are so many accidents are occurring and due to late response of ambulance so many people are losing there lives . This smart helmet works an SOS device when an accident occurs . The basic mechanism of the helmet contains accident detecting Sensors which detects Collison 's and the detected signal is sent to nearby LEO satellite which contains latitude and longitude of the accident to nearby satellite station and the received signals are sent to nearby hospital and police station in which ambulance response time is increased REFLECTION • The problem that we has discovered is ambulance response Time • Mainly in places like hilly areas and cliffs In snow etc . , • Where ambulance do n’t get info about accidents • By introducing a helmet Which sends and SOS call To nearby hospital • This contains satellite mobile circuit and few sensors and a tracking Device • The current average response time taken to attend an emergency is 14 minutes INSIGHTS • The majority of long - term disabilities from bike accidents have to deal with head injuries . • Full - face helmets range from approximately 1400 to 1800 grams • With the Helmet the response time taken to attend an emergency will be reduced to 5 - 7min • Improved Design of the helmet reduces impact on head and increase the rate of survival • Carbon fiber technology is implemented on the helmet which reduces weight FEEDBACK In INDIA , there are nearly 400 two wheelers accidents per day . Most of the people die due to late ambulance response time , so we thought to implement a collision detecting sensor and satellite chip which will help to send location of the accident from the satellite station to nearby hospital and police station . • If any problem occurs . How long would you take to solve that issue • Erfjkglfstxhhjkhllhgtdaavhhjhikugteawdjjkhjgyjtfge azxvghvmvcfxd , bh , hjghfbj Depending on the hardware issue for critical problem it would take at least 3hr • What is your helmet average Weight will be with all the sensors The average weight will be 1.8 kg • What Qualities Should You Look for ? Safety , comfort , ventilation and style are all important . • Does the sensors in the helmet will make the user uncomfortable Sensors are light weight and user will be comfortable with our innovative design Ctgjjkkloikoklplp Sevghjkjllkko Rtvnkmkkkugseahfh Gcjludykajwhemhliiduhjj
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge : Now - a - days there are so many accidents are occurring and due to late response of ambulance so many people are losing there lives . This smart helmet works an SOS device when an accident occurs . The basic mechanism of the helmet contains accident detecting Sensors which detects Collison 's and the detected signal is sent to nearby LEO satellite which contains latitude and longitude of the accident to nearby satellite station and the received signals are sent to nearby hospital and police station in which ambulance response time is increased REFLECTION • The problem that we has discovered is ambulance response Time • Mainly in places like hilly areas and cliffs In snow etc . , • Where ambulance do n’t get info about accidents • By introducing a helmet Which sends and SOS call To nearby hospital • This contains satellite mobile circuit and few sensors and a tracking Device • The current average response time taken to attend an emergency is 14 minutes INSIGHTS • The majority of long - term disabilities from bike accidents have to deal with head injuries . • Full - face helmets range from approximately 1400 to 1800 grams • With the Helmet the response time taken to attend an emergency will be reduced to 5 - 7min • Improved Design of the helmet reduces impact on head and increase the rate of survival • Carbon fiber technology is implemented on the helmet which reduces weight FEEDBACK In INDIA , there are nearly 400 two wheelers accidents per day . Most of the people die due to late ambulance response time , so we thought to implement a collision detecting sensor and satellite chip which will help to send location of the accident from the satellite station to nearby hospital and police station . • If any problem occurs . How long would you take to solve that issue • Erfjkglfstxhhjkhllhgtdaavhhjhikugteawdjjkhjgyjtfge azxvghvmvcfxd , bh , hjghfbj Depending on the hardware issue for critical problem it would take at least 3hr • What is your helmet average Weight will be with all the sensors The average weight will be 1.8 kg • What Qualities Should You Look for ? Safety , comfort , ventilation and style are all important . • Does the sensors in the helmet will make the user uncomfortable Sensors are light weight and user will be comfortable with our innovative design Ctgjjkkloikoklplp Sevghjkjllkko Rtvnkmkkkugseahfh Gcjludykajwhemhliiduhjj ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Learning Launch Challenge : Many of the small scale industries and carpenters with low budget manufacturing centres ca n’t afford to buy the multi - operable(multi mechanical operations in single machine like drilling , milling , shaping , etc ) machines which are in market , as there are only CNC machines in the market and are of very high cost and it ca n’t be afforded by them . I want to introduce a very low cost multi - operative manually controlled machine , which includes all the operations that in the CNC machine and is very low cost when compared to CNC machine . Selection : I have already gone through many design thinking tools and know I have decided to use Learning Launch tool . Learning Launch deals with experimenting and arrive to the best solution and know the merits and drawbacks of all the possible solutions . Application : Before the application of the tool(Learning Launch ) I expected to get the proper project idea and customer requirements and the idea of production sector . After the application of the tool for the first time I was clear with the customer requirements and half of my issues were solved , now the challenge was to set the production sector and the line of production but after the application of the tool for the second time I was clear about all the things to carryout and the right time to do the things . Insight : By applying the tool I have identified all the things to carryout and the right way to proceed . I have identified all the customer needs and the most common operations that have to be clubbed in the machine and it has also helped in assigning the right cost of the machine . Approach : I have to review the insights gained from the application of the tool Learning Launch and have to be implemented in the design of the machine . The final machine must have the most of the insights gained .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Learning Launch Challenge : Many of the small scale industries and carpenters with low budget manufacturing centres ca n’t afford to buy the multi - operable(multi mechanical operations in single machine like drilling , milling , shaping , etc ) machines which are in market , as there are only CNC machines in the market and are of very high cost and it ca n’t be afforded by them . I want to introduce a very low cost multi - operative manually controlled machine , which includes all the operations that in the CNC machine and is very low cost when compared to CNC machine . Selection : I have already gone through many design thinking tools and know I have decided to use Learning Launch tool . Learning Launch deals with experimenting and arrive to the best solution and know the merits and drawbacks of all the possible solutions . Application : Before the application of the tool(Learning Launch ) I expected to get the proper project idea and customer requirements and the idea of production sector . After the application of the tool for the first time I was clear with the customer requirements and half of my issues were solved , now the challenge was to set the production sector and the line of production but after the application of the tool for the second time I was clear about all the things to carryout and the right time to do the things . Insight : By applying the tool I have identified all the things to carryout and the right way to proceed . I have identified all the customer needs and the most common operations that have to be clubbed in the machine and it has also helped in assigning the right cost of the machine . Approach : I have to review the insights gained from the application of the tool Learning Launch and have to be implemented in the design of the machine . The final machine must have the most of the insights gained . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Silvia Villalobos Challenge : There is a company which provides financial advisory to customers either in person or virtual . Lately organisation climate has been seen decayed as result of arguments , hassles and the lack of fraternity and cooperation among the campaign workers . The aim is improving climate organisation to transmit unity and trust to our customer . Selection : Storytelling is the first tool selected , because this tool allows to connect with the audience , to make understandable the message , and to transmit emotions . Campaign workers would feel identified and understand the importance of tolerance and empathy . Application and insight : Many stories were told in various sections . Stories from previous experiences , fictional stories , and stories told by participants created a different atmosphere due to participants started to produce deeper relationships among them and recognize the importance of being empathic . An important result was that meeting with clients were longer . Approach : The activities work in a good way , but visualization tool would work very well in a challenge like this . Showing the way , some elements to get a harmonious atmosphere through visualization is an option in a further situation .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Silvia Villalobos Challenge : There is a company which provides financial advisory to customers either in person or virtual . Lately organisation climate has been seen decayed as result of arguments , hassles and the lack of fraternity and cooperation among the campaign workers . The aim is improving climate organisation to transmit unity and trust to our customer . Selection : Storytelling is the first tool selected , because this tool allows to connect with the audience , to make understandable the message , and to transmit emotions . Campaign workers would feel identified and understand the importance of tolerance and empathy . Application and insight : Many stories were told in various sections . Stories from previous experiences , fictional stories , and stories told by participants created a different atmosphere due to participants started to produce deeper relationships among them and recognize the importance of being empathic . An important result was that meeting with clients were longer . Approach : The activities work in a good way , but visualization tool would work very well in a challenge like this . Showing the way , some elements to get a harmonious atmosphere through visualization is an option in a further situation . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Silvia Villalobos" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection – Visualization Selection The best tool I have found for getting to shared vision and agreement on the problem space and scope is Visualization . This has helped me with diverse groups with different backgrounds and experience to better understand the problems and challenges before trying to define a solution . I work for a large software and hardware company in identifying technology innovations for customers and employees interacting for sales and customer service experiences . I have used the technique of starting with a general description and then working with the group to further refine the existing journey . Challenge In the particular example I will describe below we were creating a virtual experience for something that we currently delivered within our retail store . This experience was for helping customers set up and get familiar with their new hardware purchase . The experience we were trying to create was to take the same great experience that customers loved within our store but allow them to have the experience in the comfort of their home or office . Application I started the process by creating a quick journey map of the the high - level current store experience to ground the group of the start and end of the experience we are addressing . I drew a simple journey map on the board with points of each step in the journey . I was very careful to keep it generic and not imply anything about customer feelings or opinions about the current experience . I added pictures from our retail stores of customer going through the experience . This brought the experience to life for the group . This is similar to what “ The Good Kitchen ” used to help them understand what the employees and elderly were going through not just from a functional perspective but also an emotional perspective . At my company , creating an emotional experience is critical to the overall customer experience and journey mapping helps with that process . It allows for us to take the base high - level experience and continue to drill down with details so that everyone can share their perspective . We took the initial journey map and I asked questions about each step to further refine exactly what both the customers and employees were doing at each step and what emotions they were experiencing as they went through the journey . This was helpful to allow everyone to participate and have their feedback heard . I use sticky notes for this purpose so that we could later categorize them into logical groups as described by Angela Meyer in the course video . Insights & Approach One difference from “ The Good Kitchen ” example is that we do not normally conduct customer focus groups or talk to customers . We depend on our vision of the experience and creating what we want the experience to be and then sharing that with the world . It has proven to be a successful approach . I have used ethnographic research at two previous companies and found that to be useful when applied to better understand the problem . At a previous software company we called them “ follow - me home ” experiences which allowed us to see the customer use our products in their home or office and see first hand the challenges they had in using the products and have a dialogue about them . That was one of the insights from this approach was that while we could use the gathered customer feedback and our opinions about the experience , we really only had a partial picture as we did not talk to customers . The other insight was about gathering input from a diverse group of employees . We were all to have many different internal perspectives on the journey which helped us form a fuller picture of the current experience to use as a baseline as we moved through the design thinking process . I found this to be a successful approach and everyone walked away from that session with a very good understanding of the current experiences from several perspectives not just functional but emotional as well . I have used this approach for several other projects and found it to be a great tool for getting people on the same page .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection – Visualization Selection The best tool I have found for getting to shared vision and agreement on the problem space and scope is Visualization . This has helped me with diverse groups with different backgrounds and experience to better understand the problems and challenges before trying to define a solution . I work for a large software and hardware company in identifying technology innovations for customers and employees interacting for sales and customer service experiences . I have used the technique of starting with a general description and then working with the group to further refine the existing journey . Challenge In the particular example I will describe below we were creating a virtual experience for something that we currently delivered within our retail store . This experience was for helping customers set up and get familiar with their new hardware purchase . The experience we were trying to create was to take the same great experience that customers loved within our store but allow them to have the experience in the comfort of their home or office . Application I started the process by creating a quick journey map of the the high - level current store experience to ground the group of the start and end of the experience we are addressing . I drew a simple journey map on the board with points of each step in the journey . I was very careful to keep it generic and not imply anything about customer feelings or opinions about the current experience . I added pictures from our retail stores of customer going through the experience . This brought the experience to life for the group . This is similar to what “ The Good Kitchen ” used to help them understand what the employees and elderly were going through not just from a functional perspective but also an emotional perspective . At my company , creating an emotional experience is critical to the overall customer experience and journey mapping helps with that process . It allows for us to take the base high - level experience and continue to drill down with details so that everyone can share their perspective . We took the initial journey map and I asked questions about each step to further refine exactly what both the customers and employees were doing at each step and what emotions they were experiencing as they went through the journey . This was helpful to allow everyone to participate and have their feedback heard . I use sticky notes for this purpose so that we could later categorize them into logical groups as described by Angela Meyer in the course video . Insights & Approach One difference from “ The Good Kitchen ” example is that we do not normally conduct customer focus groups or talk to customers . We depend on our vision of the experience and creating what we want the experience to be and then sharing that with the world . It has proven to be a successful approach . I have used ethnographic research at two previous companies and found that to be useful when applied to better understand the problem . At a previous software company we called them “ follow - me home ” experiences which allowed us to see the customer use our products in their home or office and see first hand the challenges they had in using the products and have a dialogue about them . That was one of the insights from this approach was that while we could use the gathered customer feedback and our opinions about the experience , we really only had a partial picture as we did not talk to customers . The other insight was about gathering input from a diverse group of employees . We were all to have many different internal perspectives on the journey which helped us form a fuller picture of the current experience to use as a baseline as we moved through the design thinking process . I found this to be a successful approach and everyone walked away from that session with a very good understanding of the current experiences from several perspectives not just functional but emotional as well . I have used this approach for several other projects and found it to be a great tool for getting people on the same page . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Design Thinking for Innovation : Visualization ( Module 1 ) “ Evolving In - Person Events to a Virtual Experience ” Challenge & Selection It can be a challenge to conduct a productive design thinking session remotely with a large 14 - person team in the current era of working from home . With professional events of all sizes quickly pivoting from a typical in - person delivery to a virtual delivery model worldwide , my meeting planning team was posed with a similar challenge . My team plans an annual event to host 350 + Manager - level employees from across the US for an in - person 3 - day learning and networking event . Since large gatherings are currently restricted with COVID-19 , my team ’s challenge was to explore effective ways to convert a 350 - person networking event typically held in person into a virtual offering while maintaining similarly high levels of participant learning & engagement . How does one incorporate all the various aspects of a successful in- person event to life in an effective virtual capacity , while redesigning an engaging guest experience for intimate professional networking and meaningful learning ? Since my planning team ’s challenge to recreate a event experience was human centered at its core , I selected the Visualization tool for my team to : 1 ) achieve a shared understanding of the problem – what elements are essential to redesign an event experience effectively , and 2 ) kick - off a brainstorming session to instill creative thinking for potential solutions . Whiteboarding is a common visualization technique where various stakeholders write down what or how they are visually thinking on sticky Post - It Notes and then physically stick / move these paper notes at various points in the event lifecycle . In a 100 % remote working environment , the use of digital sticky notes in breakout sessions for small group collaboration was a Visualization technique that enabled my planning team to dive into idea generation . With a set of key questions , this visual thinking technique prompted exploratory , abstract discussions as well as aligned group thinking to achieve consensus on the event design approach in tangible , concrete , and productive way . Application Before our first group brainstorming session , it was important for me to do some preparation work for the team . Prior to COVID-19 and remote working , the planning team was originally segmented into four workstreams : ( 1 ) Marketing & Communications , ( 2 ) Event Venue & Logistics , ( 3 ) Learning Content & Agenda , and ( 4 ) Networking & Speaker Engagement , as shown in the Figure 1 screenshot below . Figure 1 I started the process by mixing up the teams and creating new “ buckets ” or categories for each component of the event domain . Since the team ’s ability to collaborate with sticky notes on a physical whiteboard was not feasible , I divided the large team into small groups of 4 - 5 team members where they participated in a small breakout session that focused on a different category of event design . Assigning individuals to a specific group beforehand ensured a Lead / POC from each original event workstream was represented in each small group breakout session . This approach diversified the type of thought leadership and hypothesis ’ that would be generated within each breakout sessions . Figure 2 The Figure 2 screenshot above illustrates the event design categories that prompted each Group 1 , 2 , or 3 to generate creative ideas and answer their respective question moving beyond the ‘ What Is ’ to explore the ‘ What If ’ . I allocated approximately 15 - minutes for each breakout group to have relevant discussions and synthesize their key themes on digital sticky notes . Figure 3 screenshot below illustrates one example from one of the small breakout session results . Figure 3 After the small breakout discussions concluded , I facilitated the team coming back together in a single , virtual forum to debrief . I asked each group to report out their takeaways , while I quickly captured the shared commonalities and type of feedback it received from the rest of their team members . After the session , I documented the meeting minutes , including the combined feedback , shared insights , open questions , key concerns , and other considerations from the discussion , to distribute to my planning team . This artifact now serves as a reference document that the team can always point back to as we continue working through the details of event design . Documenting the key takeaways and shared insights reinforces the group ’s understanding of the fundamental problem and shared insights that the team can point back as a cornerstone for related decisions . Insight & Approach Establishing a clear understanding of the problem domain and developing core guiding principles based on what my team agreed upon was a critical cornerstone to then progress forward in case conflict arouse later in the ideation and/or execution phases . Since my team was early in the design thinking process , there was lead time available for disagreement , inefficiencies , and ambiguity in order to achieve consensus and decisions for the overall event design . The tool of Visualization solidified alignment of our thinking and approach to the problem as well as drove shared insights for more valuable results . Even though the way in which this annual event is delivered changed from an in - person to a virtual experience , our human - centered challenge required us to level set context of the problem in order to re - create a guest experience effectively and maintain its status as the # 1 ranked event attended by Manager - level employees . Using the tool of visual thinking with our challenge forced creative ideas to be explored with diagrams , instead of being verbally open for interpretation in a slightly different way . Thus , my team evolved its thinking from a single activity set ( e.g. simply digitizing the same event content to be available on video broadcasts without a physical event venue ) into a larger set of event design activities ( e.g. restructuring design elements to make an event execution successful , engaging , and highly attended ) . Practicing the use of visualization helps me become a better communicator – both written and verbally . After taking this course , I realized that I do n’t have to have all the “ right answer ” to an open - ended question , but I can leverage images to stimulate unbounded creativity , imagination , and exploratory thinking . Without the support of visualization techniques , like categorization and the use of structured color , innovative ideas generated risk getting “ lost ” if not quickly captured visually for further exploratory discussion or risk overlooking the commonalities between insights . In our next planning team session , I will practice additional visualization techniques , such as mapping process flows , to explore the next level of detailed planning for a revised event schedule / agenda . While scheduled to occur virtually in October 2020 , my team ’s redesign will consider all the insights shared on what makes an effective , engaging , and compelling event .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Design Thinking for Innovation : Visualization ( Module 1 ) “ Evolving In - Person Events to a Virtual Experience ” Challenge & Selection It can be a challenge to conduct a productive design thinking session remotely with a large 14 - person team in the current era of working from home . With professional events of all sizes quickly pivoting from a typical in - person delivery to a virtual delivery model worldwide , my meeting planning team was posed with a similar challenge . My team plans an annual event to host 350 + Manager - level employees from across the US for an in - person 3 - day learning and networking event . Since large gatherings are currently restricted with COVID-19 , my team ’s challenge was to explore effective ways to convert a 350 - person networking event typically held in person into a virtual offering while maintaining similarly high levels of participant learning & engagement . How does one incorporate all the various aspects of a successful in- person event to life in an effective virtual capacity , while redesigning an engaging guest experience for intimate professional networking and meaningful learning ? Since my planning team ’s challenge to recreate a event experience was human centered at its core , I selected the Visualization tool for my team to : 1 ) achieve a shared understanding of the problem – what elements are essential to redesign an event experience effectively , and 2 ) kick - off a brainstorming session to instill creative thinking for potential solutions . Whiteboarding is a common visualization technique where various stakeholders write down what or how they are visually thinking on sticky Post - It Notes and then physically stick / move these paper notes at various points in the event lifecycle . In a 100 % remote working environment , the use of digital sticky notes in breakout sessions for small group collaboration was a Visualization technique that enabled my planning team to dive into idea generation . With a set of key questions , this visual thinking technique prompted exploratory , abstract discussions as well as aligned group thinking to achieve consensus on the event design approach in tangible , concrete , and productive way . Application Before our first group brainstorming session , it was important for me to do some preparation work for the team . Prior to COVID-19 and remote working , the planning team was originally segmented into four workstreams : ( 1 ) Marketing & Communications , ( 2 ) Event Venue & Logistics , ( 3 ) Learning Content & Agenda , and ( 4 ) Networking & Speaker Engagement , as shown in the Figure 1 screenshot below . Figure 1 I started the process by mixing up the teams and creating new “ buckets ” or categories for each component of the event domain . Since the team ’s ability to collaborate with sticky notes on a physical whiteboard was not feasible , I divided the large team into small groups of 4 - 5 team members where they participated in a small breakout session that focused on a different category of event design . Assigning individuals to a specific group beforehand ensured a Lead / POC from each original event workstream was represented in each small group breakout session . This approach diversified the type of thought leadership and hypothesis ’ that would be generated within each breakout sessions . Figure 2 The Figure 2 screenshot above illustrates the event design categories that prompted each Group 1 , 2 , or 3 to generate creative ideas and answer their respective question moving beyond the ‘ What Is ’ to explore the ‘ What If ’ . I allocated approximately 15 - minutes for each breakout group to have relevant discussions and synthesize their key themes on digital sticky notes . Figure 3 screenshot below illustrates one example from one of the small breakout session results . Figure 3 After the small breakout discussions concluded , I facilitated the team coming back together in a single , virtual forum to debrief . I asked each group to report out their takeaways , while I quickly captured the shared commonalities and type of feedback it received from the rest of their team members . After the session , I documented the meeting minutes , including the combined feedback , shared insights , open questions , key concerns , and other considerations from the discussion , to distribute to my planning team . This artifact now serves as a reference document that the team can always point back to as we continue working through the details of event design . Documenting the key takeaways and shared insights reinforces the group ’s understanding of the fundamental problem and shared insights that the team can point back as a cornerstone for related decisions . Insight & Approach Establishing a clear understanding of the problem domain and developing core guiding principles based on what my team agreed upon was a critical cornerstone to then progress forward in case conflict arouse later in the ideation and/or execution phases . Since my team was early in the design thinking process , there was lead time available for disagreement , inefficiencies , and ambiguity in order to achieve consensus and decisions for the overall event design . The tool of Visualization solidified alignment of our thinking and approach to the problem as well as drove shared insights for more valuable results . Even though the way in which this annual event is delivered changed from an in - person to a virtual experience , our human - centered challenge required us to level set context of the problem in order to re - create a guest experience effectively and maintain its status as the # 1 ranked event attended by Manager - level employees . Using the tool of visual thinking with our challenge forced creative ideas to be explored with diagrams , instead of being verbally open for interpretation in a slightly different way . Thus , my team evolved its thinking from a single activity set ( e.g. simply digitizing the same event content to be available on video broadcasts without a physical event venue ) into a larger set of event design activities ( e.g. restructuring design elements to make an event execution successful , engaging , and highly attended ) . Practicing the use of visualization helps me become a better communicator – both written and verbally . After taking this course , I realized that I do n’t have to have all the “ right answer ” to an open - ended question , but I can leverage images to stimulate unbounded creativity , imagination , and exploratory thinking . Without the support of visualization techniques , like categorization and the use of structured color , innovative ideas generated risk getting “ lost ” if not quickly captured visually for further exploratory discussion or risk overlooking the commonalities between insights . In our next planning team session , I will practice additional visualization techniques , such as mapping process flows , to explore the next level of detailed planning for a revised event schedule / agenda . While scheduled to occur virtually in October 2020 , my team ’s redesign will consider all the insights shared on what makes an effective , engaging , and compelling event . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Agile Analytics Part 1 : Positioning Statement For farmers , industries and grain exporters who need to buy and sell their grains in the local market , AGRINESS is a digital broker that offers different prices of different agricultural commodities through its online platform , allowing its users to buy and sell grains with a single click . Unlike other classic and expensive brokers , AGRINESS allows the realization of businesses online instantly with commissions below the market and without administrative delays , allowing its clients an ecosystem of instant solutions for the realization of their agricultural businesses . Part 2 : Sketch a Demand / Value Hypothesis Problem Scenarios / Jobs - to - be - Done Current Alternatives Your Demand / Value Hypothesis Lack of buying and selling of soybean contracts when there is market uncertainty . Metric : Budget Prices ( purchase and sale price of our client portfolios ) We wait for the market to rebound or call our clients to find out their positions and if they want to carry out contract movements . If we know the budget price of our buyer and seller portfolio then we can offer them pre - agreed contracts so that they do not miss out on business opportunities . copyright Fashion Express Part 3 : Design a Testable Solution for Your Value / Demand Hypothesis Epic User Stories As Max the Sales Manager , I want to visualize the available stock of merchandise from our portfolio of buyers and sellers so that I can offer them personalized deals . Storyboard copyright Fashion Express Dependent Variable / Goal for Epic The key questions here are : 1 . Max uses information provided by BI ? 2 . Does this information allow Max to build personalized offers ? The specific dependent variables for this , observations we might instrument into code and Google Analytics are : 1 . Stock dashboards available by clients + Price boards budgets by clients 2 . Transacted personalized offers Child Stories & Analytics Child Stories Analytical Question(s ) Analytics As Max , the Sales Manager , I want to visualize the remaining stock of our soybean buyers and their respective " budget prices " in order to offer them business according to their interests . How often are personalized offers made in relation to general market offers ? How often does this personalized offer lead to a new business deal ? Metrics : - Creation of personalized offers in relation to general offers . - Conversion of personalized offers to agreed businesses copyright Fashion Express
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Agile Analytics Part 1 : Positioning Statement For farmers , industries and grain exporters who need to buy and sell their grains in the local market , AGRINESS is a digital broker that offers different prices of different agricultural commodities through its online platform , allowing its users to buy and sell grains with a single click . Unlike other classic and expensive brokers , AGRINESS allows the realization of businesses online instantly with commissions below the market and without administrative delays , allowing its clients an ecosystem of instant solutions for the realization of their agricultural businesses . Part 2 : Sketch a Demand / Value Hypothesis Problem Scenarios / Jobs - to - be - Done Current Alternatives Your Demand / Value Hypothesis Lack of buying and selling of soybean contracts when there is market uncertainty . Metric : Budget Prices ( purchase and sale price of our client portfolios ) We wait for the market to rebound or call our clients to find out their positions and if they want to carry out contract movements . If we know the budget price of our buyer and seller portfolio then we can offer them pre - agreed contracts so that they do not miss out on business opportunities . copyright Fashion Express Part 3 : Design a Testable Solution for Your Value / Demand Hypothesis Epic User Stories As Max the Sales Manager , I want to visualize the available stock of merchandise from our portfolio of buyers and sellers so that I can offer them personalized deals . Storyboard copyright Fashion Express Dependent Variable / Goal for Epic The key questions here are : 1 . Max uses information provided by BI ? 2 . Does this information allow Max to build personalized offers ? The specific dependent variables for this , observations we might instrument into code and Google Analytics are : 1 . Stock dashboards available by clients + Price boards budgets by clients 2 . Transacted personalized offers Child Stories & Analytics Child Stories Analytical Question(s ) Analytics As Max , the Sales Manager , I want to visualize the remaining stock of our soybean buyers and their respective " budget prices " in order to offer them business according to their interests . How often are personalized offers made in relation to general market offers ? How often does this personalized offer lead to a new business deal ? Metrics : - Creation of personalized offers in relation to general offers . - Conversion of personalized offers to agreed businesses copyright Fashion Express ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
The young achievers • Challenge and Selection : I have been associated with a volunteer - based global organization named Aviva for the last one year . Teaching and mentoring is a passion of mine , which I pursue by teaching unfortunate and needy young children ( up to 6th grade ) every Sundays with this organization . I still remember the initial days when I found it difficult to build rapport with the children . This was really important as it made imparting education easier ( by getting their undivided attention ) while also made for a cause for them to come on a regular basis . With time , I found that some of these children did seek inspiration and had dreams that they wanted to realize . For me , it was about helping them to visualize what their dream looks like while also making it entertaining for them so as to keep them interested and because of their tender yet impressionable age ( approx . 6 - 10 years ) and a sparkling nature , using their creative imagination via storytelling seemed like the most suitable way to meet this objective . • Application : Time was of the essence , we met for four hours every week in a public park which was followed by a break of 6 days . The stories needed to be short , captivating , fun , inspiring but most importantly relatable ( even to a 6 year old ) . After interacting with them for a few weeks , I got an insight into their family backgrounds , their daily routine and their likes and dislikes . For genuine inspiration , the stories needed to be real and presented in such a way that meets all of the above criteria . For a few children who wished to be a doctor , I recited stories of my aunt who is a doctor . I told them about her practice and the respect she gets in the society . A few of them wanted to be engineers , I told them about my experience in engineering college and of the various practicals we did on “ big machines ” and of the “ biscuit factory ” that we had visited . I told them about the school which is owned and run by one of my aunts and of the various activities ( like drawing , going to the zoo ) which were held in most schools , so as to motivate them to go to school regularly . Gradually , the rapport started to build and I started seeing them come earlier to the class just to talk to me and play with me . A few who got inspired , started sharing their problems like negligence of their parents towards their studies , lack of stationary to draw and write which then we as a team were able to work on by talking to their parents and providing them with the stationary . • Insight and approach : Storytelling is an excellent tool to add that extra dimension of being humane to a design . The connection that is made as a result of this tool is better able to communicate values pertaining to the objective . While designs can be finalized by all sorts of analysis and analytical experiments , storytelling gives it a humanly touch which in some cases can be the most influential factor . In my case as a teacher , fancy books or a smart board might not have been a good solution early on when I am trying to fix the lack of interest and genuine inspiration to do something worthwhile . Bringing people together to the objective by the use of values , emotions , memories , and imagination is the essence of storytelling . People are inspired by certain characters in a novel because they can relate to it or are inspired by it and if we can touch someone ’s heart by our values and experiences that creates a far better response . The next time , when I am helping a student or a college junior or a subordinate in my office , I would try to help them solve their problems by similar experiences that I have gathered so far .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: The young achievers • Challenge and Selection : I have been associated with a volunteer - based global organization named Aviva for the last one year . Teaching and mentoring is a passion of mine , which I pursue by teaching unfortunate and needy young children ( up to 6th grade ) every Sundays with this organization . I still remember the initial days when I found it difficult to build rapport with the children . This was really important as it made imparting education easier ( by getting their undivided attention ) while also made for a cause for them to come on a regular basis . With time , I found that some of these children did seek inspiration and had dreams that they wanted to realize . For me , it was about helping them to visualize what their dream looks like while also making it entertaining for them so as to keep them interested and because of their tender yet impressionable age ( approx . 6 - 10 years ) and a sparkling nature , using their creative imagination via storytelling seemed like the most suitable way to meet this objective . • Application : Time was of the essence , we met for four hours every week in a public park which was followed by a break of 6 days . The stories needed to be short , captivating , fun , inspiring but most importantly relatable ( even to a 6 year old ) . After interacting with them for a few weeks , I got an insight into their family backgrounds , their daily routine and their likes and dislikes . For genuine inspiration , the stories needed to be real and presented in such a way that meets all of the above criteria . For a few children who wished to be a doctor , I recited stories of my aunt who is a doctor . I told them about her practice and the respect she gets in the society . A few of them wanted to be engineers , I told them about my experience in engineering college and of the various practicals we did on “ big machines ” and of the “ biscuit factory ” that we had visited . I told them about the school which is owned and run by one of my aunts and of the various activities ( like drawing , going to the zoo ) which were held in most schools , so as to motivate them to go to school regularly . Gradually , the rapport started to build and I started seeing them come earlier to the class just to talk to me and play with me . A few who got inspired , started sharing their problems like negligence of their parents towards their studies , lack of stationary to draw and write which then we as a team were able to work on by talking to their parents and providing them with the stationary . • Insight and approach : Storytelling is an excellent tool to add that extra dimension of being humane to a design . The connection that is made as a result of this tool is better able to communicate values pertaining to the objective . While designs can be finalized by all sorts of analysis and analytical experiments , storytelling gives it a humanly touch which in some cases can be the most influential factor . In my case as a teacher , fancy books or a smart board might not have been a good solution early on when I am trying to fix the lack of interest and genuine inspiration to do something worthwhile . Bringing people together to the objective by the use of values , emotions , memories , and imagination is the essence of storytelling . People are inspired by certain characters in a novel because they can relate to it or are inspired by it and if we can touch someone ’s heart by our values and experiences that creates a far better response . The next time , when I am helping a student or a college junior or a subordinate in my office , I would try to help them solve their problems by similar experiences that I have gathered so far . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Example Reflection- Visualization Challenge and Selection The first tool I used was the tool of Visualization , or Visual Thinking , to achieve a shared understanding of the problem . We had to shift our home and to ease our home - designing , we planned to hire a house remodeling expert . Due to some unforeseen circumstances , he quit his job even before starting . We only had a month before we had to shift . I took the responsibility and the initiative to give a detailed outlay of our new flat . Visualization is the most important tool for any design thinker and for any problem statement . The representation of an object , situation , or set of information as a chart or other image- it ’s as simple as that . Application I start the process by creating a straw man graphic of the problem domain . To develop the straw man graphic , I will draw from any existing material available to understand the housing space . The existing material may be operational or procedural documents , training materials or many more . If materials are not available , then I conduct informal interviews with my family members who serve as my main points of contact on the initiative . Since everyone has his / hew own idea about comfort , taking the aspect into account . The template I start with has a column on the left to identify people and a column towards right to identify their interests and opinions . The straw man graphic is simple , using simple shapes and icons available in Visio or on the Internet . For solving the problem , I give each of my family members a poster - size copy of the straw man graphic that they can write on directly , or use sticky notes to make comments . I give them two - three questions to answer , such as : 1 ) What key elements are missing from the graphic ? 2 ) What would you change about the graphic to make it more accurately reflect your emotions and thoughts ? I have each person report out on their answers to those three questions while pointing to the mark - ups on their poster . As every member reports out , I record commonalities in the insights of the members , and then additional insights that come from the group discussion on an additional copy of the graphic . After the session , I digitize the member ’s ideas as an artifact , create a view that combines the shared and new insights from the group discussion , and then create a revised graphic that incorporates their feedback and proposed changes that they and I agreed to as a group to solve the current challenge . Insight & Approach What I have learned from conducting this exercise my family is that while the graphic – especially the revised graphic that incorporates their feedback – is important for reinforcing their understanding of the problem they are working to solve , the more valuable aspect of the activity is the shared insights and shared learning that occurs while they are working to define their problem space . The graphic gives a focal point for discussion that allows us to share our perspectives and develop insights into potential root causes of the problems . While we could create the graphic from a blank slate in a collaborative manner , starting with a straw man jump starts the conversation for us .We can quickly identify where we are in the graphic – or if missing . Since I discovered that the most valuable aspect is the shared insights and learning , next time I would use the visualization activity as a starting point for a series of design thinking activities . Then the revised graphic that incorporates combined feedback can serve as a reference tool throughout the remainder of the work .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Example Reflection- Visualization Challenge and Selection The first tool I used was the tool of Visualization , or Visual Thinking , to achieve a shared understanding of the problem . We had to shift our home and to ease our home - designing , we planned to hire a house remodeling expert . Due to some unforeseen circumstances , he quit his job even before starting . We only had a month before we had to shift . I took the responsibility and the initiative to give a detailed outlay of our new flat . Visualization is the most important tool for any design thinker and for any problem statement . The representation of an object , situation , or set of information as a chart or other image- it ’s as simple as that . Application I start the process by creating a straw man graphic of the problem domain . To develop the straw man graphic , I will draw from any existing material available to understand the housing space . The existing material may be operational or procedural documents , training materials or many more . If materials are not available , then I conduct informal interviews with my family members who serve as my main points of contact on the initiative . Since everyone has his / hew own idea about comfort , taking the aspect into account . The template I start with has a column on the left to identify people and a column towards right to identify their interests and opinions . The straw man graphic is simple , using simple shapes and icons available in Visio or on the Internet . For solving the problem , I give each of my family members a poster - size copy of the straw man graphic that they can write on directly , or use sticky notes to make comments . I give them two - three questions to answer , such as : 1 ) What key elements are missing from the graphic ? 2 ) What would you change about the graphic to make it more accurately reflect your emotions and thoughts ? I have each person report out on their answers to those three questions while pointing to the mark - ups on their poster . As every member reports out , I record commonalities in the insights of the members , and then additional insights that come from the group discussion on an additional copy of the graphic . After the session , I digitize the member ’s ideas as an artifact , create a view that combines the shared and new insights from the group discussion , and then create a revised graphic that incorporates their feedback and proposed changes that they and I agreed to as a group to solve the current challenge . Insight & Approach What I have learned from conducting this exercise my family is that while the graphic – especially the revised graphic that incorporates their feedback – is important for reinforcing their understanding of the problem they are working to solve , the more valuable aspect of the activity is the shared insights and shared learning that occurs while they are working to define their problem space . The graphic gives a focal point for discussion that allows us to share our perspectives and develop insights into potential root causes of the problems . While we could create the graphic from a blank slate in a collaborative manner , starting with a straw man jump starts the conversation for us .We can quickly identify where we are in the graphic – or if missing . Since I discovered that the most valuable aspect is the shared insights and learning , next time I would use the visualization activity as a starting point for a series of design thinking activities . Then the revised graphic that incorporates combined feedback can serve as a reference tool throughout the remainder of the work . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Learning Launch Challenge : I am a team lead of my department Billing & Revenue Assurance . I have a huge responsibility of to recover all current outstanding as well focusing on bad debts and to ensure timely billing to all customers . Well , being a team lead my responsibility is to focus on all my team . But sometime you get busy in other things and could n’t follow - up things . My main issue is that I can not engage my team in unproductive way which may divert their main Job description . While our work is completely depending on client dealing , and we used to have a back to back meeting . The main problem was if there are two members engage with client meeting , I must send third one guy to writing proper notes of meeting and later on convert into minutes of meeting and then circulate their relevant stake holder . Minutes of meeting is main part of business which help us to plan another strategy according to pre - decided things . And in this mean time of Covid-19 while we all are working from home we can not engage anyone to writing a proper minutes of meeting and save time for us . we can not do that really . Ok most of the people are using online meeting tools like Zoom ; there is an option for recording audio . But in the end I have to prepare minutes of meeting . Like do traditional things . Listen carefully , then read , then summarize and then execute minutes of meeting and send email to all stake holders or relevant participants . Selection : One day I was talking with my group friends ; ( I am an executive MBA student ) . So after having class I was just discussing things with my friends that I have to go early because I have to early because I have to circulate minutes of meeting from my last meeting . I just said in a mood wish I had a robot who could write it for me , one of my friend before completing my sentence we can make a robot for you . and I thought they are making fun of me . But really they were serious . They belong to engineering background and they really can make a robot for me . But the problem was that I can not carry robot with me lol . Then we did brain storming and finally we decided to make an application which can do multiple task at once . Like 4 in 1 ; listening , writing , summarizing & circulating minutes of meeting at one . Wow ! We came up with the solution . We will make an application which can do all things . Application : After deciding the things , for our first learning launch . We focused on the structure/ execution of our prototype . We wanted to see if we can do it in a way we thought it or planned it . We met some other software developers for our prototype . This project is all depend on artificial intelligence so we had to do research and development . And then we approached two software developers ( one was python developer and second was front end developer ) . With the help of them we made a prototype . Then they trained machine properly . In the first phase they made them machine to recognize voice recognition . If there are two participants , we have to assist machine first that he is participant A’a voice and that is participant ’s b voice , how it was possible . Just before starting meeting we send machine a short audio clip of both participant and then machine will auto recognize both voices and then we give them name of their voices . Like Mr. A is speaking now Ms. B is speaking . In second phase trained machine to convert speech into text according to the participant ’s voices . Third phase , was to train machine summarize or fetch key points from the meeting which repeatedly most and said in a specific tone , and will prepare minutes of meeting . And the last forth phase , machine will send the auto - email to all participant according to all pre - feed data . Insight : And after training the machine we first gave our prototype to our department head . And yes he was completely surprised . And then he proposed that idea to the C.E.O , he asked them to they should proper fund this idea and implement first in our organization because it may save our time and we can utilize our people in more efficient way . we tested this first in our intra departments meetings . Which went successful . And we realized that by taking this work from machine we can learn our people more productive things and we can focus on our objectives . Approach : Given than our team was already engaged in other different activities and gone through several design thinking activates / tools . But by doing this we tried to giving them a brilliant way of broad thinking . Come out from box thinking and adopt broad thinking or design thinking for innovation . Ideas can happen in real . We just need a design thinking tool for approaching and idea .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Learning Launch Challenge : I am a team lead of my department Billing & Revenue Assurance . I have a huge responsibility of to recover all current outstanding as well focusing on bad debts and to ensure timely billing to all customers . Well , being a team lead my responsibility is to focus on all my team . But sometime you get busy in other things and could n’t follow - up things . My main issue is that I can not engage my team in unproductive way which may divert their main Job description . While our work is completely depending on client dealing , and we used to have a back to back meeting . The main problem was if there are two members engage with client meeting , I must send third one guy to writing proper notes of meeting and later on convert into minutes of meeting and then circulate their relevant stake holder . Minutes of meeting is main part of business which help us to plan another strategy according to pre - decided things . And in this mean time of Covid-19 while we all are working from home we can not engage anyone to writing a proper minutes of meeting and save time for us . we can not do that really . Ok most of the people are using online meeting tools like Zoom ; there is an option for recording audio . But in the end I have to prepare minutes of meeting . Like do traditional things . Listen carefully , then read , then summarize and then execute minutes of meeting and send email to all stake holders or relevant participants . Selection : One day I was talking with my group friends ; ( I am an executive MBA student ) . So after having class I was just discussing things with my friends that I have to go early because I have to early because I have to circulate minutes of meeting from my last meeting . I just said in a mood wish I had a robot who could write it for me , one of my friend before completing my sentence we can make a robot for you . and I thought they are making fun of me . But really they were serious . They belong to engineering background and they really can make a robot for me . But the problem was that I can not carry robot with me lol . Then we did brain storming and finally we decided to make an application which can do multiple task at once . Like 4 in 1 ; listening , writing , summarizing & circulating minutes of meeting at one . Wow ! We came up with the solution . We will make an application which can do all things . Application : After deciding the things , for our first learning launch . We focused on the structure/ execution of our prototype . We wanted to see if we can do it in a way we thought it or planned it . We met some other software developers for our prototype . This project is all depend on artificial intelligence so we had to do research and development . And then we approached two software developers ( one was python developer and second was front end developer ) . With the help of them we made a prototype . Then they trained machine properly . In the first phase they made them machine to recognize voice recognition . If there are two participants , we have to assist machine first that he is participant A’a voice and that is participant ’s b voice , how it was possible . Just before starting meeting we send machine a short audio clip of both participant and then machine will auto recognize both voices and then we give them name of their voices . Like Mr. A is speaking now Ms. B is speaking . In second phase trained machine to convert speech into text according to the participant ’s voices . Third phase , was to train machine summarize or fetch key points from the meeting which repeatedly most and said in a specific tone , and will prepare minutes of meeting . And the last forth phase , machine will send the auto - email to all participant according to all pre - feed data . Insight : And after training the machine we first gave our prototype to our department head . And yes he was completely surprised . And then he proposed that idea to the C.E.O , he asked them to they should proper fund this idea and implement first in our organization because it may save our time and we can utilize our people in more efficient way . we tested this first in our intra departments meetings . Which went successful . And we realized that by taking this work from machine we can learn our people more productive things and we can focus on our objectives . Approach : Given than our team was already engaged in other different activities and gone through several design thinking activates / tools . But by doing this we tried to giving them a brilliant way of broad thinking . Come out from box thinking and adopt broad thinking or design thinking for innovation . Ideas can happen in real . We just need a design thinking tool for approaching and idea . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Boiling- Visualization Challenge To develop mathematical model for simulation of boiling process with my four PG students was the challenge I made . This is one year project for students with aim to improve heat transfer in distillation process . First thing is to use visualisation tool . Selection Heat transfer enhancement in boing is an objective to meet . Here simulation process can help which parameters are important factors in deciding their contribution . Before going for mathematical model . Understanding of process is more important . For this visualisation tool is used . Unless we visualise the process of boiling we will not be able to interpret the results of simulation . So boiling a water in a pan is visualised first . Then parameters involved in the process are listed . Application Application of this innovation is in distillation process where once we understand the parameter and its percentage involvement in boiling process , we can meter the process with less energy input and that will help the distillation industry a lot in energy saving . Insight There are physical properties involved in the process including density , specific heat , conductivity etc . They are to be visualised first to understand their contribution in boiling process . Then a mathematical model is required to be built to accommodate all such parameters . The gap analysis is essential in all this process . Approach After visualisation each member in the group is asked to narrate what he has seen in visualisation about different parameters and then asked to prepare mathematical model as per his / her thought . This model is synthesised for best possible result . Organization This way of gap analysis and creative visualisation gave result with new additive in distillation process . The concept visualisation , gap analysis , partial model building and synthesis can come up with creative thinking process .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Boiling- Visualization Challenge To develop mathematical model for simulation of boiling process with my four PG students was the challenge I made . This is one year project for students with aim to improve heat transfer in distillation process . First thing is to use visualisation tool . Selection Heat transfer enhancement in boing is an objective to meet . Here simulation process can help which parameters are important factors in deciding their contribution . Before going for mathematical model . Understanding of process is more important . For this visualisation tool is used . Unless we visualise the process of boiling we will not be able to interpret the results of simulation . So boiling a water in a pan is visualised first . Then parameters involved in the process are listed . Application Application of this innovation is in distillation process where once we understand the parameter and its percentage involvement in boiling process , we can meter the process with less energy input and that will help the distillation industry a lot in energy saving . Insight There are physical properties involved in the process including density , specific heat , conductivity etc . They are to be visualised first to understand their contribution in boiling process . Then a mathematical model is required to be built to accommodate all such parameters . The gap analysis is essential in all this process . Approach After visualisation each member in the group is asked to narrate what he has seen in visualisation about different parameters and then asked to prepare mathematical model as per his / her thought . This model is synthesised for best possible result . Organization This way of gap analysis and creative visualisation gave result with new additive in distillation process . The concept visualisation , gap analysis , partial model building and synthesis can come up with creative thinking process . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge I was working on a new product idea on Cyber risk protection for female segment which was primarily identified as a potential area to be addressed based on various research reports and news for the growing concern in this new digitally advanced world . To tailor a product / solution to meet this growing concern , I had already done a survey across 500 people of diverse gender ( to gain insights into difference in perception ) , age bands ( to see how and what type of risk are of concern ) , educational level , and social media behavior . However , my challenge was that there was no stark or significant difference coming out of those online surveys . Also , although majority of people accepted this to be a big problem , most of them answered the question on how likely they are going to attacked as “ negative ” with a comment on the theme of , “ I am a normal person , not a celebrity , why would anyone be interested in attacking me online . ” I was confused if there is more to it or there is clearly real need for personal cyber protection yet although there is a lot of noise about this . And on top of it , why the otherwise vulnerable section of these personal cyberattacks , women were not perceiving the risk any different than men . Selection To uncover this challenge , I used “ Storytelling ” as a form of exercise to gain more insights . Whistle it was clear they knew the risk existed , they were not willing to accept that this can be as real for a common person like you and me and thus , needed to hear about real life ordinary stories where unfortunate incidents happened and the protagonist was n’t prepared to handle the same timely or just managed to get help in last minute . Application I conducted focus groups and divided the 16 people in group of 4 each as below : • Women below 25 - year - old • Women between 26 - 40 years old • Women over 40 years old • Men between 25 - 50 years old The reason storytelling was used among this personification exercise was that a while this is a hot topic , the could mean different things to different segments of the people and the topic in itself is more personal impacting both financial and reputational risks and thereby needed the audience to relate to the characters of each of these real life stories . For each group , there was a story that was identified based on a recent local or global news and the intention was to run them through that story in detail and see what the group thought : • Why it happened ? • What was done to protect this in this case ? • What was done , was it right ? Was it enough ? Would you do something different in retrospect ? • What if same thing happened to you , your mental state and reaction ? • What if same thing happened to your family member , yours and their mental state and reaction ? • Do you know what are your rights in this case ? • Do you know where and whom to approach ? • Would you be open to discuss such a case in public – yes , why ; no , why ? • If there is “ ONLY ONE ” thing that will make you more send of comfort for such incidences , what would that be ? Insight The submission provides a detailed description of the insight gained including all relevant information ( e.g. , how an insight affected the author ’s thinking about his / her challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) The storytelling exercise gave an immense insight into primarily two things : • What part of the story was the real emotional connect – self reputation , friends / family ’s expectation , impact on professional reputation , financial loss • How strong or weak was each of the group / segment in dealing with something similar • What are the current forms of self - help / awareness people already tapping into for such crisis management and thus showing where the source of help and info is from . The whole storytelling revealed what the underlying issues and concerns or lack of acceptance of real issues and their unpreparedness to the actual incident . This gave us insights on the importance on content , training , and awareness campaign that we need to run and from a perspective of not just as an individual but them as “ mothers ” , “ professionally successful career women , and “ as kids of elderly parents ” . Approach - alternative approach ( mind mapping ) There are two alternative approaches I think I should have done given if I was to do this all over again . Once is the timing of the “ Story - telling ” which would have been better before the online survey and perhaps could have structured the survey more appropriately . Secondly , I feel we could have also potentially used “ mind mapping ” when we collected online survey , research reports , news articles , to internalize all those pieces of information together among different stakeholders to gather insights and join the dots . Nevertheless , I do feel , we will use this with the insights from story - telling exercise when we ultimately create the solution to address this and how we package this for the real objective here .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge I was working on a new product idea on Cyber risk protection for female segment which was primarily identified as a potential area to be addressed based on various research reports and news for the growing concern in this new digitally advanced world . To tailor a product / solution to meet this growing concern , I had already done a survey across 500 people of diverse gender ( to gain insights into difference in perception ) , age bands ( to see how and what type of risk are of concern ) , educational level , and social media behavior . However , my challenge was that there was no stark or significant difference coming out of those online surveys . Also , although majority of people accepted this to be a big problem , most of them answered the question on how likely they are going to attacked as “ negative ” with a comment on the theme of , “ I am a normal person , not a celebrity , why would anyone be interested in attacking me online . ” I was confused if there is more to it or there is clearly real need for personal cyber protection yet although there is a lot of noise about this . And on top of it , why the otherwise vulnerable section of these personal cyberattacks , women were not perceiving the risk any different than men . Selection To uncover this challenge , I used “ Storytelling ” as a form of exercise to gain more insights . Whistle it was clear they knew the risk existed , they were not willing to accept that this can be as real for a common person like you and me and thus , needed to hear about real life ordinary stories where unfortunate incidents happened and the protagonist was n’t prepared to handle the same timely or just managed to get help in last minute . Application I conducted focus groups and divided the 16 people in group of 4 each as below : • Women below 25 - year - old • Women between 26 - 40 years old • Women over 40 years old • Men between 25 - 50 years old The reason storytelling was used among this personification exercise was that a while this is a hot topic , the could mean different things to different segments of the people and the topic in itself is more personal impacting both financial and reputational risks and thereby needed the audience to relate to the characters of each of these real life stories . For each group , there was a story that was identified based on a recent local or global news and the intention was to run them through that story in detail and see what the group thought : • Why it happened ? • What was done to protect this in this case ? • What was done , was it right ? Was it enough ? Would you do something different in retrospect ? • What if same thing happened to you , your mental state and reaction ? • What if same thing happened to your family member , yours and their mental state and reaction ? • Do you know what are your rights in this case ? • Do you know where and whom to approach ? • Would you be open to discuss such a case in public – yes , why ; no , why ? • If there is “ ONLY ONE ” thing that will make you more send of comfort for such incidences , what would that be ? Insight The submission provides a detailed description of the insight gained including all relevant information ( e.g. , how an insight affected the author ’s thinking about his / her challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) The storytelling exercise gave an immense insight into primarily two things : • What part of the story was the real emotional connect – self reputation , friends / family ’s expectation , impact on professional reputation , financial loss • How strong or weak was each of the group / segment in dealing with something similar • What are the current forms of self - help / awareness people already tapping into for such crisis management and thus showing where the source of help and info is from . The whole storytelling revealed what the underlying issues and concerns or lack of acceptance of real issues and their unpreparedness to the actual incident . This gave us insights on the importance on content , training , and awareness campaign that we need to run and from a perspective of not just as an individual but them as “ mothers ” , “ professionally successful career women , and “ as kids of elderly parents ” . Approach - alternative approach ( mind mapping ) There are two alternative approaches I think I should have done given if I was to do this all over again . Once is the timing of the “ Story - telling ” which would have been better before the online survey and perhaps could have structured the survey more appropriately . Secondly , I feel we could have also potentially used “ mind mapping ” when we collected online survey , research reports , news articles , to internalize all those pieces of information together among different stakeholders to gather insights and join the dots . Nevertheless , I do feel , we will use this with the insights from story - telling exercise when we ultimately create the solution to address this and how we package this for the real objective here . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Example Reflection- Learning Launch Challenge I am a Mechanical engineering student with an avid interest in aerospace and fluid dynamics . For this reason , I am also the part of my college official Aero team , we design RC planes and quadcopters to satiate our curiosity and to take part in competitions worldwide . Since , we are new to the game of designing radio - controlled planes and quadcopter , there is no better way to do work than to do it lean . There are no set of rules and one can follow whatever that gives them a proper design of an aeroplane , the whole process is trial and error with lots and lots of research and trade - offs . Our challenge at this stage was to employ a lean approach to design and eventually fabricate a 1000 mm wing span aeroplane with a payload carrying capacity of 500 g. The design was in accordance with the competition stringent rules and regulations which required for an impeccable approach to its development . Selection Learning launch is a powerful tool when it comes to testing idea and prototype in the real word environment . It provides and quick and a cheap analysis of the prototype , which is an essential step in designing . Designing a product or service is not a streamline process , it includes numerous amounts of simulations and feedbacks . Thus , this approach gives us the flexibility to design the plane and simulate it using CFD and then test it in real world environment for its stability and robustness . Application For our first learning launch , we focused on designing the Rc plane using some mathematical formulae and once we got the required area of the wing , vertical and horizontal stabilizers , we moved to calculating the length of the fuselage and the position of wing placement on it . We balanced the moment at its neutral point to achieve a zero- pitching moment . This design was then tested using computational fluid dynamics approach , which gave us the result in coefficient of lift ( Cl ) and drag ( Cd ) . Our main aim was to increase the ratio of Cl / Cd , so we ran numerous simulations on various aerofoils to achieve the highest ratio of lift and drag . As it is evident , it 's not a streamline approach to design , hence learning launch is the best tool one can use to fulfil the design criteria . Once we successfully tested the design , we moved on to the most important phase of its fabrication . Till now we had the design which was computer simulated but to know how it performs in real - world we must do a test flight for it . Here , we employed our second learning launch . Since , test flights are precarious and given the limited amount of time and resources it becomes difficult to fabricate the plane time and again . Thus , we came up with an idea of using the same design criteria but instead of balsa wood to fabricate the plane , we used a much more flexible and shock proof material : coroplast ( Although more in weight ) . This gave us a punching bag which can used to validate our hypothesis , by doing multiple test flights without worrying much about the plane crash repercussions . This enabled us to do trial in a much cheaper way and to adjust our design accordingly . Insights By applying this tool our team verified the design assumptions , it gave us a more open and a wide outlook to possibilities with a lot of flexibility to innovate and test faster . Using this tool , we were now able to break an impasse between the trade - offs . We found out from numerous test flights that to achieve a better stability our design needs to address some latent needs which we missed earlier in our design phase . Those of them are the response of the servo - motors and the unanticipated weight of the plane . We were also able to be find more robust way of holding the motor mount of the plane fuselage , through many failed landings . Thus , learning launch proved to be an effective tool letting us to fail in a cheaper way and to gain great deal of knowledge about the uncertainties that we may face in real world . Approach This tool has been very useful for our team in our design of Rc planes , hence we are inclined to use this tool in other aspects into which our team deals , like robotics and quadcopter . Similarly , as designing a Rc plane a design of a quadcopter requires many failed attempts to achieve perfection . We aim to use this to enhance the design of the quadcopter and to reduce the damage of the prototype in test flights . Also , we are hoping to use visualization as a tool for structural analysis of quadcopter , which will help us to differentiate higher stress area with a lower stress one . This will further help us to change the topology of the design according to the critical points .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Example Reflection- Learning Launch Challenge I am a Mechanical engineering student with an avid interest in aerospace and fluid dynamics . For this reason , I am also the part of my college official Aero team , we design RC planes and quadcopters to satiate our curiosity and to take part in competitions worldwide . Since , we are new to the game of designing radio - controlled planes and quadcopter , there is no better way to do work than to do it lean . There are no set of rules and one can follow whatever that gives them a proper design of an aeroplane , the whole process is trial and error with lots and lots of research and trade - offs . Our challenge at this stage was to employ a lean approach to design and eventually fabricate a 1000 mm wing span aeroplane with a payload carrying capacity of 500 g. The design was in accordance with the competition stringent rules and regulations which required for an impeccable approach to its development . Selection Learning launch is a powerful tool when it comes to testing idea and prototype in the real word environment . It provides and quick and a cheap analysis of the prototype , which is an essential step in designing . Designing a product or service is not a streamline process , it includes numerous amounts of simulations and feedbacks . Thus , this approach gives us the flexibility to design the plane and simulate it using CFD and then test it in real world environment for its stability and robustness . Application For our first learning launch , we focused on designing the Rc plane using some mathematical formulae and once we got the required area of the wing , vertical and horizontal stabilizers , we moved to calculating the length of the fuselage and the position of wing placement on it . We balanced the moment at its neutral point to achieve a zero- pitching moment . This design was then tested using computational fluid dynamics approach , which gave us the result in coefficient of lift ( Cl ) and drag ( Cd ) . Our main aim was to increase the ratio of Cl / Cd , so we ran numerous simulations on various aerofoils to achieve the highest ratio of lift and drag . As it is evident , it 's not a streamline approach to design , hence learning launch is the best tool one can use to fulfil the design criteria . Once we successfully tested the design , we moved on to the most important phase of its fabrication . Till now we had the design which was computer simulated but to know how it performs in real - world we must do a test flight for it . Here , we employed our second learning launch . Since , test flights are precarious and given the limited amount of time and resources it becomes difficult to fabricate the plane time and again . Thus , we came up with an idea of using the same design criteria but instead of balsa wood to fabricate the plane , we used a much more flexible and shock proof material : coroplast ( Although more in weight ) . This gave us a punching bag which can used to validate our hypothesis , by doing multiple test flights without worrying much about the plane crash repercussions . This enabled us to do trial in a much cheaper way and to adjust our design accordingly . Insights By applying this tool our team verified the design assumptions , it gave us a more open and a wide outlook to possibilities with a lot of flexibility to innovate and test faster . Using this tool , we were now able to break an impasse between the trade - offs . We found out from numerous test flights that to achieve a better stability our design needs to address some latent needs which we missed earlier in our design phase . Those of them are the response of the servo - motors and the unanticipated weight of the plane . We were also able to be find more robust way of holding the motor mount of the plane fuselage , through many failed landings . Thus , learning launch proved to be an effective tool letting us to fail in a cheaper way and to gain great deal of knowledge about the uncertainties that we may face in real world . Approach This tool has been very useful for our team in our design of Rc planes , hence we are inclined to use this tool in other aspects into which our team deals , like robotics and quadcopter . Similarly , as designing a Rc plane a design of a quadcopter requires many failed attempts to achieve perfection . We aim to use this to enhance the design of the quadcopter and to reduce the damage of the prototype in test flights . Also , we are hoping to use visualization as a tool for structural analysis of quadcopter , which will help us to differentiate higher stress area with a lower stress one . This will further help us to change the topology of the design according to the critical points . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge & Selection I am a corporate Behavior facilitator and use story telling all the time , in training sessions . It helps me to set context to the program or sometimes to transition from a topic to another . It could be used to drive attitudinal change too . There are techniques like Medicic effect , wherein we can derive the learning from stories which is not related to the industry . For example , a story of dinosaur extinction to set context for “ Change Management ” module . Employees find meaning and can relate to these stories and share their own experiences which they may not have articulated earlier . I use their feedback and experiences to understand their aspiration and guide them to draw a plan to fulfill their interests . I use these strategies to understand what works best in different conditions , to gain independence and give clear directions . I was once approached with a training request . The audience was group of frontline leaders who had 5 - 6 people reporting into each one of them . These frontline leaders were recently promoted owing to their high performance in the individual contributor ’s role . However , in due course of time , most of them were missing their deadlines in the new role and often spilled their work onto the next day . This was affecting the team dynamics and ultimately impacting the trust within the team . Application I shared a story with the group about a farmer who had 2 horses . The farmer who was extremely proud of his 2 horses and were part of his identity since they helped him with all his chores – tilling the land , carrying his family from a town to another . He passionately loved his horses and could not imagine a day without the horses . One day , the farmer discovered oil on his land , he was extremely jubilant . He sold his land and became a millionaire overnight . The farmer bought his own Brand new luxury CAR . But guess what the farmer did out of happiness . He tied his car to the horses and preferred the horses to drawing the car instead of driving the car himself . What stopped the Farmer to drive his own Dream CAR ? I pause at this juncture of the story to derive reactions from my audience – the group of new frontline leaders . The story has a huge impact on the group . The reflections from the group about the “ farmer not letting go of his horses ” was similar to the current group not letting go of their earlier work assignment / past achievement . Insight & Approach Well , it is indeed an eye opener not just for the audience but also for me . The participants not only are now more open to learn the skills that will help them to delegate and empower their downline , but also are drawing a plan for themselves , to learn new skills . The approach of story telling was relatable and helped me to connect strongly with the participants . The group was comfortable to share their fears or reasons of “ Not delegating ” . The group is aware of the possibilities which they have not explored due to lack of time . What started off as a story , ultimately led us to explore possibilities , understand our own apprehensions or emotional blocks and be open to new learnings . The policies are also being revamped to engage the aspirant frontline leaders , to support them with the transition so as to achieve higher trust within the teams that they will handle in the future . The journey was satisfying for both participants and me , how stories amazingly allows us to gain our Strength by showing our vulnerable side .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge & Selection I am a corporate Behavior facilitator and use story telling all the time , in training sessions . It helps me to set context to the program or sometimes to transition from a topic to another . It could be used to drive attitudinal change too . There are techniques like Medicic effect , wherein we can derive the learning from stories which is not related to the industry . For example , a story of dinosaur extinction to set context for “ Change Management ” module . Employees find meaning and can relate to these stories and share their own experiences which they may not have articulated earlier . I use their feedback and experiences to understand their aspiration and guide them to draw a plan to fulfill their interests . I use these strategies to understand what works best in different conditions , to gain independence and give clear directions . I was once approached with a training request . The audience was group of frontline leaders who had 5 - 6 people reporting into each one of them . These frontline leaders were recently promoted owing to their high performance in the individual contributor ’s role . However , in due course of time , most of them were missing their deadlines in the new role and often spilled their work onto the next day . This was affecting the team dynamics and ultimately impacting the trust within the team . Application I shared a story with the group about a farmer who had 2 horses . The farmer who was extremely proud of his 2 horses and were part of his identity since they helped him with all his chores – tilling the land , carrying his family from a town to another . He passionately loved his horses and could not imagine a day without the horses . One day , the farmer discovered oil on his land , he was extremely jubilant . He sold his land and became a millionaire overnight . The farmer bought his own Brand new luxury CAR . But guess what the farmer did out of happiness . He tied his car to the horses and preferred the horses to drawing the car instead of driving the car himself . What stopped the Farmer to drive his own Dream CAR ? I pause at this juncture of the story to derive reactions from my audience – the group of new frontline leaders . The story has a huge impact on the group . The reflections from the group about the “ farmer not letting go of his horses ” was similar to the current group not letting go of their earlier work assignment / past achievement . Insight & Approach Well , it is indeed an eye opener not just for the audience but also for me . The participants not only are now more open to learn the skills that will help them to delegate and empower their downline , but also are drawing a plan for themselves , to learn new skills . The approach of story telling was relatable and helped me to connect strongly with the participants . The group was comfortable to share their fears or reasons of “ Not delegating ” . The group is aware of the possibilities which they have not explored due to lack of time . What started off as a story , ultimately led us to explore possibilities , understand our own apprehensions or emotional blocks and be open to new learnings . The policies are also being revamped to engage the aspirant frontline leaders , to support them with the transition so as to achieve higher trust within the teams that they will handle in the future . The journey was satisfying for both participants and me , how stories amazingly allows us to gain our Strength by showing our vulnerable side . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection – Mind Mapping ( Module 3 ) Private Property Acquisition Research 1 . Challenge I am working in the property development team . Our main duty is identify property development opportunities and conduct feasibility studies on land acquisition and new development projects . Also , we have to pay attention to updated market practice . I have been given a task to study about the private acquisition of the private investor/ REIT in Hong Kong . It is a large scope of topic as there can be numbers of individual investors and they may conclude different observations . Besides , the information available may takes time to digest . It is quite a challenge for me . 2 . Selection and Application After I try to understand what the problem is , I select the thinking tools that can help me to think and conclude the observation . Since this task is focus more on research , it is not focus on customer service or experience . Therefore , I find visualization and learning launch not applicable . Storytelling is also not practical in my case . Under this circumstance , I think mind mapping is the best way to help me finish the task . The main reason is because mind mapping can assist me digest massive of market information and transaction that I search online and then come up with the summaries of how the REIT or private investor sell or resell their properties . I then can conclude the observation based on these summaries . To start with , I divide the private acquisition into two categories . One is en - bloc transaction and the other one is strata transaction . Based on the nearly 100 transactions I have collected in the private market , I conclude that the main purpose of their acquisition is redevelopment of investment . For redevelopment , they will redevelop or renovate the old industrial buildings to new user like commercial building . For investment , they may acquire the en - bloc buildings and then rent it out or sell it by floor or units so as to earn higher income . I also include some example in my mind mapping . 3 . Insight In fact , the mind mapping presentation has been amended for a number of versions . From the very first one , I only focus on some big REIT/ investor . Thus , the finding is very direct and not all rounded . Then , I widen the research areas and do it phase by phase . My insight is that we are keeping thinking and improving the mind while we are creating the mapping . The only thing we have to ensure is that the direction is on the right track . Sometimes , it is good to think of many different versions for the answer . During the process , I will be able to discover more findings and inspiration . At the end , I have create two mind mapping using the data collected . They are representing different ideas . The first one can present all the properties including office , retail and carpark are the target for the private investors / REIT to acquire . The second map explains the consideration for private investors / REIT to make a property acquisition decision . Both are my conclusions after studying the private market transactions . 4 . Approach I think I will adopt the same approach next time if I handle such task at work . This is a clear and time - saving way to run through massive of information and then conclude the findings .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection – Mind Mapping ( Module 3 ) Private Property Acquisition Research 1 . Challenge I am working in the property development team . Our main duty is identify property development opportunities and conduct feasibility studies on land acquisition and new development projects . Also , we have to pay attention to updated market practice . I have been given a task to study about the private acquisition of the private investor/ REIT in Hong Kong . It is a large scope of topic as there can be numbers of individual investors and they may conclude different observations . Besides , the information available may takes time to digest . It is quite a challenge for me . 2 . Selection and Application After I try to understand what the problem is , I select the thinking tools that can help me to think and conclude the observation . Since this task is focus more on research , it is not focus on customer service or experience . Therefore , I find visualization and learning launch not applicable . Storytelling is also not practical in my case . Under this circumstance , I think mind mapping is the best way to help me finish the task . The main reason is because mind mapping can assist me digest massive of market information and transaction that I search online and then come up with the summaries of how the REIT or private investor sell or resell their properties . I then can conclude the observation based on these summaries . To start with , I divide the private acquisition into two categories . One is en - bloc transaction and the other one is strata transaction . Based on the nearly 100 transactions I have collected in the private market , I conclude that the main purpose of their acquisition is redevelopment of investment . For redevelopment , they will redevelop or renovate the old industrial buildings to new user like commercial building . For investment , they may acquire the en - bloc buildings and then rent it out or sell it by floor or units so as to earn higher income . I also include some example in my mind mapping . 3 . Insight In fact , the mind mapping presentation has been amended for a number of versions . From the very first one , I only focus on some big REIT/ investor . Thus , the finding is very direct and not all rounded . Then , I widen the research areas and do it phase by phase . My insight is that we are keeping thinking and improving the mind while we are creating the mapping . The only thing we have to ensure is that the direction is on the right track . Sometimes , it is good to think of many different versions for the answer . During the process , I will be able to discover more findings and inspiration . At the end , I have create two mind mapping using the data collected . They are representing different ideas . The first one can present all the properties including office , retail and carpark are the target for the private investors / REIT to acquire . The second map explains the consideration for private investors / REIT to make a property acquisition decision . Both are my conclusions after studying the private market transactions . 4 . Approach I think I will adopt the same approach next time if I handle such task at work . This is a clear and time - saving way to run through massive of information and then conclude the findings . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
ame fefltion - Story1elling Challerge , am woykrg al a a Cricret Coach to the scke , hich 3 ove shuclted To eet ockomfonhp tito . , my Schcol team Cwos my deam C da n h ddle of the pYocHse , Sow my kas uho ave not mot # eded and unsatSfed by Theo gae though hey pay ed woll So , my Chaleng 1s to motivak my kos ord b han back on tvack . SelecHon : selecked Story telitng ' ou my tool beaue te oy ee dW teenagers and sere deyerate ceherto hv and bas?cally Pts human nstint o gre his lorent= to the Stovteller he tells ina ompeling manne 3 / toltn : So . m Challeng was tDmokvede my ba uSng to Stonrtellina ' tool}e stly , 3 asked all my bos b t ont- tabe ond ouked Hhem akoud then DYeamTay pak well n t Nou H ual mtm t tetl aStomy ic= Was oso my draam 3maintaired pefect kod ana and y voi ? ModuladHon eu kaonc GJeu deotuhen uas tellig y Stvy 3 hSa- te fvotion ooy bs tnou my Stntell SKlu and 7 hl ard SccesMy bo Jie oopin be fo fovm and Paed ue in her TlemainMyemno JoSAA : When 3 od uf - th y o and began to tuue nyt alwere nto a Snle md 2e and obody wene at of tte hom . Evernyone Completely ely Prsent both metaly and Pcolly The nieht 3 nad abs Ths tool mone auery tol ton otheru adall needs a gd Aorytele with gcod intent n haant and nind . HpPoch : The net tme Jsould ke touse vsualsatie tsol as afartng Point to all ay SPeecles ond Seminars So tuo eosiy 3 an rab Tle Carerf Yofon of my fellow oaudfence
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: ame fefltion - Story1elling Challerge , am woykrg al a a Cricret Coach to the scke , hich 3 ove shuclted To eet ockomfonhp tito . , my Schcol team Cwos my deam C da n h ddle of the pYocHse , Sow my kas uho ave not mot # eded and unsatSfed by Theo gae though hey pay ed woll So , my Chaleng 1s to motivak my kos ord b han back on tvack . SelecHon : selecked Story telitng ' ou my tool beaue te oy ee dW teenagers and sere deyerate ceherto hv and bas?cally Pts human nstint o gre his lorent= to the Stovteller he tells ina ompeling manne 3 / toltn : So . m Challeng was tDmokvede my ba uSng to Stonrtellina ' tool}e stly , 3 asked all my bos b t ont- tabe ond ouked Hhem akoud then DYeamTay pak well n t Nou H ual mtm t tetl aStomy ic= Was oso my draam 3maintaired pefect kod ana and y voi ? ModuladHon eu kaonc GJeu deotuhen uas tellig y Stvy 3 hSa- te fvotion ooy bs tnou my Stntell SKlu and 7 hl ard SccesMy bo Jie oopin be fo fovm and Paed ue in her TlemainMyemno JoSAA : When 3 od uf - th y o and began to tuue nyt alwere nto a Snle md 2e and obody wene at of tte hom . Evernyone Completely ely Prsent both metaly and Pcolly The nieht 3 nad abs Ths tool mone auery tol ton otheru adall needs a gd Aorytele with gcod intent n haant and nind . HpPoch : The net tme Jsould ke touse vsualsatie tsol as afartng Point to all ay SPeecles ond Seminars So tuo eosiy 3 an rab Tle Carerf Yofon of my fellow oaudfence ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Visualization Tool Challenge I ’m the Program Director for a non - profit that works to bring hands - on educational experience in food and entrepreneurship to under - resourced youth . Our programming takes places at local schools and community centers , typically after school . One of my primary roles is to train and mentor 15 classroom facilitators in their planning and execution of high - quality programming with 19 different cohorts of students . Given the nature of our work , there is significant variability between cohorts . Some cohorts contain mostly middle - school students , others contain high- school students . Some cohorts have 5 students , other cohorts have 25 students . Some cohorts have consistent attendance , others are shakier . Given the variability , it can be difficult to train our facilitators on implementing the curriculum in a consistent way . What looks good on paper often does n’t play out as intended . For example , a lesson planned with 15 students in mind might not offer enough hands - on opportunities for a class with 25 . This creates boredom , which in turn leads to rowdy , disruptive students . Or maybe one smaller cohort has 3 particularly disruptive students Selection & Application In the effort to improve lesson planning , I selected the visualization tool . As mentioned in Module 1 , visualization uses images and visual thinking as ways of dealing with complex problems . I chose visualization because I thought it would help our facilitators tailor their lesson plans to the specifics of their classroom . I introduced the tool during our weekly classroom facilitator meeting . We typically use this 2 - hour session to both discuss issues that have come up in the past week and train classroom facilitators on new tools and lesson plans . During the session , I modeled the visualization tool . With input from the audience , I sketched out an example classroom with 20 students , 10 working tables , and a build - a - smoothie lesson plan . I sketched out the tables , the produce washing station , the starting location of ingredients and supplies , the location of each student , etc . Using this technique , we were able to envision the flow of students through space and time and ensure that each student was engaged with a hands- on activity . I then asked facilitators to pair up with their co - leads and use the visualization tool to plan their lessons for the following week . Given the aforementioned variability , each cohort is at a different point in the curriculum schedule , so facilitator pairs were planning a variety of different lessons . I circulated the room and made myself available as facilitators were excitedly mapping out the specific details of their classrooms , expected student counts , spatial flow , and lesson plans . After an hour , we reconvened and discussed the experience . Facilitators reported a rejuvenated level of confidence in their abilities to execute an excellent lesson and foresee potential issues . Insight & Approach The following week , we reconvened for our weekly classroom facilitator meeting . There was a certain buzz and excitement in the room as facilitators cited the helpfulness of the visualization tool in their execution of successful sessions . There were fewer incidents of student disruption and boredom . Sessions flowed more smoothly , and students were more engaged . There was even a report of a specific disruptive student who was proactively engaged with a leading hands - on activity and consequentially thrived . Upon reflection , I believe the visualization tool allowed facilitators to breathe life into the lesson plan and get a quick practice round in with minimal effort . There are a variety of subtle details that affect classroom management , and the tool allowed our facilitators to better anticipate and plan for those details . This experience made me realize the importance of embracing real - world variability . Rather than shy away variability and pretend our written plans ever function as intended , we must lean into and actively manage the real - world complexity . Visualization and other Design Thinking techniques are part of the toolkit and journey to embrace real - world complexity and to quickly pilot and experiment . In the future , I will ask facilitators to use the visualization tool during all lesson planning . Because Design Thinking is an iterative process , I intend to continue monitoring its effectiveness , best practices , and unintended consequences . I also intend to use the Learning Launch tool to test and roll out brand new lessons . I ’ll start by role playing the new lesson with just our facilitators . I ’ll play the facilitator , and facilitators will play the students . From there , I ’ll ask a few facilitators to experiment with the lesson in their classrooms . We ’ll collect feedback , document issues and successes , and incorporate the learnings into our living , breathing curriculum . I ’m excited to see what the future holds . I believe these tools will have an invaluable and lasting impact on the quality and effectiveness of our programming .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Visualization Tool Challenge I ’m the Program Director for a non - profit that works to bring hands - on educational experience in food and entrepreneurship to under - resourced youth . Our programming takes places at local schools and community centers , typically after school . One of my primary roles is to train and mentor 15 classroom facilitators in their planning and execution of high - quality programming with 19 different cohorts of students . Given the nature of our work , there is significant variability between cohorts . Some cohorts contain mostly middle - school students , others contain high- school students . Some cohorts have 5 students , other cohorts have 25 students . Some cohorts have consistent attendance , others are shakier . Given the variability , it can be difficult to train our facilitators on implementing the curriculum in a consistent way . What looks good on paper often does n’t play out as intended . For example , a lesson planned with 15 students in mind might not offer enough hands - on opportunities for a class with 25 . This creates boredom , which in turn leads to rowdy , disruptive students . Or maybe one smaller cohort has 3 particularly disruptive students Selection & Application In the effort to improve lesson planning , I selected the visualization tool . As mentioned in Module 1 , visualization uses images and visual thinking as ways of dealing with complex problems . I chose visualization because I thought it would help our facilitators tailor their lesson plans to the specifics of their classroom . I introduced the tool during our weekly classroom facilitator meeting . We typically use this 2 - hour session to both discuss issues that have come up in the past week and train classroom facilitators on new tools and lesson plans . During the session , I modeled the visualization tool . With input from the audience , I sketched out an example classroom with 20 students , 10 working tables , and a build - a - smoothie lesson plan . I sketched out the tables , the produce washing station , the starting location of ingredients and supplies , the location of each student , etc . Using this technique , we were able to envision the flow of students through space and time and ensure that each student was engaged with a hands- on activity . I then asked facilitators to pair up with their co - leads and use the visualization tool to plan their lessons for the following week . Given the aforementioned variability , each cohort is at a different point in the curriculum schedule , so facilitator pairs were planning a variety of different lessons . I circulated the room and made myself available as facilitators were excitedly mapping out the specific details of their classrooms , expected student counts , spatial flow , and lesson plans . After an hour , we reconvened and discussed the experience . Facilitators reported a rejuvenated level of confidence in their abilities to execute an excellent lesson and foresee potential issues . Insight & Approach The following week , we reconvened for our weekly classroom facilitator meeting . There was a certain buzz and excitement in the room as facilitators cited the helpfulness of the visualization tool in their execution of successful sessions . There were fewer incidents of student disruption and boredom . Sessions flowed more smoothly , and students were more engaged . There was even a report of a specific disruptive student who was proactively engaged with a leading hands - on activity and consequentially thrived . Upon reflection , I believe the visualization tool allowed facilitators to breathe life into the lesson plan and get a quick practice round in with minimal effort . There are a variety of subtle details that affect classroom management , and the tool allowed our facilitators to better anticipate and plan for those details . This experience made me realize the importance of embracing real - world variability . Rather than shy away variability and pretend our written plans ever function as intended , we must lean into and actively manage the real - world complexity . Visualization and other Design Thinking techniques are part of the toolkit and journey to embrace real - world complexity and to quickly pilot and experiment . In the future , I will ask facilitators to use the visualization tool during all lesson planning . Because Design Thinking is an iterative process , I intend to continue monitoring its effectiveness , best practices , and unintended consequences . I also intend to use the Learning Launch tool to test and roll out brand new lessons . I ’ll start by role playing the new lesson with just our facilitators . I ’ll play the facilitator , and facilitators will play the students . From there , I ’ll ask a few facilitators to experiment with the lesson in their classrooms . We ’ll collect feedback , document issues and successes , and incorporate the learnings into our living , breathing curriculum . I ’m excited to see what the future holds . I believe these tools will have an invaluable and lasting impact on the quality and effectiveness of our programming . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Martina Mazzoleni , 2017 Reflection - Learning Launch Challenge I am a manager and owner of a small business startup and our biggest challenge is to improve process flow through automation , to avoid delayed customer repairs , lost phones , storage management and staff loyalty in order to ensure that our customers are satisfied and get back their phones property fixed within a stipulated time and that our staff are loyal to business ethics . The business scope is composed of me as the manager , two repairs department employees , a cashier and four sales ladies who will work together towards the project objectives . The project will run for 60 business days including staff training and system installation that will record a client ’s phone on the system as it is received , recording the transfer of the phone to the repair technician , tracking the phone repairs and informing the client and finally dispatching the phone to the client and clearing it on the system . All department views and suggestions will be considered as well as stakeholders suggestions , especially from clients . Selection As a new established business , we aim to try as many tools as possible that will lead to effectiveness and efficiency of our business operations . Amongst the several design thinking tools we chose the learning launch tools which tests an idea using a small sample , then from the feedback we get from staff and clients we improve to do a full market launch . We will be prioritizing key assumptions and analyzing the outcome of the idea following the idea ’s test results . This tool is more practical , affordable and offers real time prototype feedback ( Christian Friedrich , learning launch tool , week 4 materials 2017 ) . Application Firstly , we focused on a procedural plan that maps out the business process . The main focus is to collect as much information about a client ’s device and its issues , date of collection , the staff member who collected the phone upon receiving the phone with the aim of creating accurate client device data base . This test the assumptions that devices were stolen because there was no proper record of whom received the device . Our staff attended a week - long training about the recording process and business ethics to ensure effectiveness of operations . Implementation of the learned skills took effect throughout a three- week period with assessments of progress and staff feedback . We therefore expect staff to be more enlightened on their work flow procedure . Martina Mazzoleni , 2017 Furthermore , we focused on analyzing issues and possible solutions related to repair processes , dispatch , clearance and after sales services of client ’s devices . Hence , the analysis indicated that our main challenge was is in the storage and repairs department which caused misplacements of phones . Our team suggested various storage methods and research was conducted for two weeks to determine how competitors manage their storage issues . The report of this research indicated that all suggestions were valid , but priority had to be placed on ideas that are cheaper , faster to implement and lead to more efficiency . Hence the storage system was based on months the phone is received . Insight The tool helped our business make decisions faster and applications more appropriate the to avoid errors in assumption . It gave us competitive advantage over other small startups . We were able to develop statements that identify what we aim to achieve and issues that need to be rectified . We stated assumptions of activities that would lead to a successful outcomes and failures . Amongst the various assumptions we priorities on those that would have a major impact of growth or instability to the business and therefore proceeded with implementation to test this assumption . Our results were quite encouraging a we experience more customer returns and suggestions , efficiency in storage and locating a phone after repairs . Hence , the learning launch provided a useful test that confirmed continuity of implementing our idea . Approach As a startup business this tool has been effective in helping us develop creative solutions to our business challenges . An alternative tool that we would use is the mind mapping tool where we will track our performance , take corrective measures and map our way forward to achieve , growth of capabilities , progress of operation work flow and solutions for sustainable efficiency and effectiveness of operations .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Martina Mazzoleni , 2017 Reflection - Learning Launch Challenge I am a manager and owner of a small business startup and our biggest challenge is to improve process flow through automation , to avoid delayed customer repairs , lost phones , storage management and staff loyalty in order to ensure that our customers are satisfied and get back their phones property fixed within a stipulated time and that our staff are loyal to business ethics . The business scope is composed of me as the manager , two repairs department employees , a cashier and four sales ladies who will work together towards the project objectives . The project will run for 60 business days including staff training and system installation that will record a client ’s phone on the system as it is received , recording the transfer of the phone to the repair technician , tracking the phone repairs and informing the client and finally dispatching the phone to the client and clearing it on the system . All department views and suggestions will be considered as well as stakeholders suggestions , especially from clients . Selection As a new established business , we aim to try as many tools as possible that will lead to effectiveness and efficiency of our business operations . Amongst the several design thinking tools we chose the learning launch tools which tests an idea using a small sample , then from the feedback we get from staff and clients we improve to do a full market launch . We will be prioritizing key assumptions and analyzing the outcome of the idea following the idea ’s test results . This tool is more practical , affordable and offers real time prototype feedback ( Christian Friedrich , learning launch tool , week 4 materials 2017 ) . Application Firstly , we focused on a procedural plan that maps out the business process . The main focus is to collect as much information about a client ’s device and its issues , date of collection , the staff member who collected the phone upon receiving the phone with the aim of creating accurate client device data base . This test the assumptions that devices were stolen because there was no proper record of whom received the device . Our staff attended a week - long training about the recording process and business ethics to ensure effectiveness of operations . Implementation of the learned skills took effect throughout a three- week period with assessments of progress and staff feedback . We therefore expect staff to be more enlightened on their work flow procedure . Martina Mazzoleni , 2017 Furthermore , we focused on analyzing issues and possible solutions related to repair processes , dispatch , clearance and after sales services of client ’s devices . Hence , the analysis indicated that our main challenge was is in the storage and repairs department which caused misplacements of phones . Our team suggested various storage methods and research was conducted for two weeks to determine how competitors manage their storage issues . The report of this research indicated that all suggestions were valid , but priority had to be placed on ideas that are cheaper , faster to implement and lead to more efficiency . Hence the storage system was based on months the phone is received . Insight The tool helped our business make decisions faster and applications more appropriate the to avoid errors in assumption . It gave us competitive advantage over other small startups . We were able to develop statements that identify what we aim to achieve and issues that need to be rectified . We stated assumptions of activities that would lead to a successful outcomes and failures . Amongst the various assumptions we priorities on those that would have a major impact of growth or instability to the business and therefore proceeded with implementation to test this assumption . Our results were quite encouraging a we experience more customer returns and suggestions , efficiency in storage and locating a phone after repairs . Hence , the learning launch provided a useful test that confirmed continuity of implementing our idea . Approach As a startup business this tool has been effective in helping us develop creative solutions to our business challenges . An alternative tool that we would use is the mind mapping tool where we will track our performance , take corrective measures and map our way forward to achieve , growth of capabilities , progress of operation work flow and solutions for sustainable efficiency and effectiveness of operations . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Martina Mazzoleni", "Martina Mazzoleni" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge I am a member of my organization ’s online marketing department and my / our challenge is to improve the workflow within the department in order to increase sales in the online channel and to spend marketing budgets on the right campaigns . The project scope includes the online marketing department composed of ten employees , as well as the larger marketing department . The project is limited to internal resources ( i.e. , budget and employee time ) . The project should not exceed 30 business days and the solution should include an even distribution of working hours amongst the team members . We will focus on trying to uncover what our team members , as well as key stakeholders within the larger marketing department and IT department , consider to be ineffective or problematic with regard to the workflow . Selection Our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools , so we are ready to try the learning launch tool . Broadly speaking , the learning launch is an experiment meant to quickly test an idea and prototype . Application For our first learning launch , we focused on the structure / execution of our online marketing tasks . In particular , we wanted to see if we could structure our tasks , projects , and processes to adapt the methods of Scrum project management for our work ( e.g. , time boxed , daily , specific meetings , reviews , etc . ) in an effort to become more agile . This tested our assumption that the structure and execution were the main causes of our workflow challenge . Our team went through a two - day training with a Scrum project management coach . Next , we went through five workshops to structure our tasks and processes in a more agile way . These two sessions occurred within in a three - week timeframe . We expected to produce a document with a clear description of our new , more agile processes / workflow . For our second learning launch , we focused on gaining clarity about our tasks and priorities . This testedour assumption that our prioritization of tasks was the main cause of our workflow challenge . Our team completed an anonymous survey . Additionally , five key stakeholders from the larger marketing department and IT department also completed an anonymous survey . The surveys included marketing about our new , proposed process , understanding the process and the prioritization of tasks , and feelings about the change , and were conducted within a one - week timeframe . Insight By applying the learning launch tool , our team identified our assumptions and designed launches to test these assumptions . Additionally , we thought through anticipated results , expecting to find that a more agile approach would improve our workflow , and that both our team and the key stakeholders would be fairly open to the new prioritization of tasks and process . Our actual results were slightly different from what we anticipated : while our team was open to the prioritization of tasks and process , the stakeholders in the larger marketing department and IT department expressed some concerns . Moving forward , our team will review this insight and incorporate it into future launch designs . The ongoingincorporation of insight is particularly important at this stage , as launches come before a full rollout in the design thinking timeline . Approach Given that our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools and are at this stage in the timeline , the learning launch is the appropriate tool . As previously mentioned , our team needs to review the insight gained from our first two launches and incorporate this insight into future launch designs . Future launch designs should reflect insight gained , progress made , and come closer to a compelling solution ready for full rollout .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge I am a member of my organization ’s online marketing department and my / our challenge is to improve the workflow within the department in order to increase sales in the online channel and to spend marketing budgets on the right campaigns . The project scope includes the online marketing department composed of ten employees , as well as the larger marketing department . The project is limited to internal resources ( i.e. , budget and employee time ) . The project should not exceed 30 business days and the solution should include an even distribution of working hours amongst the team members . We will focus on trying to uncover what our team members , as well as key stakeholders within the larger marketing department and IT department , consider to be ineffective or problematic with regard to the workflow . Selection Our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools , so we are ready to try the learning launch tool . Broadly speaking , the learning launch is an experiment meant to quickly test an idea and prototype . Application For our first learning launch , we focused on the structure / execution of our online marketing tasks . In particular , we wanted to see if we could structure our tasks , projects , and processes to adapt the methods of Scrum project management for our work ( e.g. , time boxed , daily , specific meetings , reviews , etc . ) in an effort to become more agile . This tested our assumption that the structure and execution were the main causes of our workflow challenge . Our team went through a two - day training with a Scrum project management coach . Next , we went through five workshops to structure our tasks and processes in a more agile way . These two sessions occurred within in a three - week timeframe . We expected to produce a document with a clear description of our new , more agile processes / workflow . For our second learning launch , we focused on gaining clarity about our tasks and priorities . This testedour assumption that our prioritization of tasks was the main cause of our workflow challenge . Our team completed an anonymous survey . Additionally , five key stakeholders from the larger marketing department and IT department also completed an anonymous survey . The surveys included marketing about our new , proposed process , understanding the process and the prioritization of tasks , and feelings about the change , and were conducted within a one - week timeframe . Insight By applying the learning launch tool , our team identified our assumptions and designed launches to test these assumptions . Additionally , we thought through anticipated results , expecting to find that a more agile approach would improve our workflow , and that both our team and the key stakeholders would be fairly open to the new prioritization of tasks and process . Our actual results were slightly different from what we anticipated : while our team was open to the prioritization of tasks and process , the stakeholders in the larger marketing department and IT department expressed some concerns . Moving forward , our team will review this insight and incorporate it into future launch designs . The ongoingincorporation of insight is particularly important at this stage , as launches come before a full rollout in the design thinking timeline . Approach Given that our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools and are at this stage in the timeline , the learning launch is the appropriate tool . As previously mentioned , our team needs to review the insight gained from our first two launches and incorporate this insight into future launch designs . Future launch designs should reflect insight gained , progress made , and come closer to a compelling solution ready for full rollout . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection – Learning Launch Challenge I am an entrepreneur who likes to invest in small low risk businesses . Recently , I started a new business venture for providing accommodation for women who live away from their family either to pursue their education or their career . The place was designed to accommodate close to 30 people , giving them a flexibility to either live individually or share a room with another person . But the main challenge I would encounter here would be to deliver a homely atmosphere – a place where they feel safe , secure and most importantly healthy food and hygienic living conditions . These variables actually summarize the whole vision of my business . To deliver to the needs of my customers , it was important for me to reflect on my assumptions and also improvise my approach by getting constructive feedback from my customers . This would prove to be a crucial aspect to make it a successful business . Selection Since I stepped into this venture with minimum experience and exposure , I chose to put my instincts and the whole idea to test by adopting the Learning Launch tool . I launched my business and marketed it through social networks , newspaper ads and brochures . Application I kick started the learning launch by introducing the concept of “ Try and Then Move in ” to allow customers to occupy the rooms at a discounted price for 1 week and then decide to move in if they were satisfied with the amenities , services and the environment . The response was mixed . Slowly some customers decided to give it a try . My key strategy to attract customers was to maintain good interaction and rapport with them . When they first entered my place , I greeted them and offered them a beverage and then gave a complete tour of the place , explained the services that we provide , the complimentary amenities that are available for use like Internet , Entertainment facilities like Television , ensured safety with a single point of entry and exit and a night security personnel , everyday housekeeping to maintain hygiene and so on . Highlighting these key points created a good impact as many customers were more concerned about the quality of service . But in addition to these , pricing was the deciding factor for some of them . Since this was a trial phase and I wanted to introduce my business in the market , I maintained a moderate price . The “ Try and Then Move in ” concept really worked for some customers as they could enjoy the services at a discounted price and with zero commitment . During the second phase of learning launch , my main goal was to know my enrolled customers . This was carried out by asking them to fill out an Application form with some basic personal details and also encouraged them to write in their food preferences , lifestyle choices and so on . Though the customers were from different cities and enjoyed their authentic cuisine , it was not a feasible option to have a wide array of cuisines / dishes in the food menu . So to keep it simple for myself and still hold on to the customers , I decided to offer them one traditional dish in each cuisine once a week . This really helped me attain the challenge of providing a homely atmosphere with something new to expect and try each day . The third phase was to get feedback from the customers . This is equally important as the other phases . Instead of doing it the traditional way by filling up a feedback form , I organized a weekly meeting and encouraged them to provide inputs upfront . It was setup for 30 minutes and towards the end the action items were discussed . The action items were categorized into “ must - haves ” and “ nice - to - have ” and were taken up accordingly with further thoughts and discussions . Insight Since this was a one owner to many customers ’ setup , the “ one size fits all ” strategy would not work . Providing individual attention to the needs of the customers during the transition or the settling phase would prove to be a key selling point . Some of the customers were new to the city and they really were in need of a guardian figure to boost their confidence and comfortably adjust to the new environment and lifestyle . Also realized the need to gradually transition into a more organised living would help to maintain cordial relations among the customers and thus ensuring a happy and enjoyable stay . These insights were a derivative of the learning launch phases and would help me align the vision of my business more closely with the expectations of my customers . This gave way to a carefully designed plan to implement these learnings gradually without any deviation from my main challenge and still gain an edge over my competitors . Approach Learning Launch is the first design thinking tool I had adopted for my shot at this venture and the outcome was pretty good . But if I could do things differently , then I would integrate the Visualization tool in the first phase of Learning launch . This would be done by actually posting real photos of the rooms and amenities in the brochures so that the potential customers can better visualize the environment and map them against their expectations . This would have helped everyone make a thoughtful decision faster . These insights would prove be very beneficial and lead to a flourishing business with low risks .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection – Learning Launch Challenge I am an entrepreneur who likes to invest in small low risk businesses . Recently , I started a new business venture for providing accommodation for women who live away from their family either to pursue their education or their career . The place was designed to accommodate close to 30 people , giving them a flexibility to either live individually or share a room with another person . But the main challenge I would encounter here would be to deliver a homely atmosphere – a place where they feel safe , secure and most importantly healthy food and hygienic living conditions . These variables actually summarize the whole vision of my business . To deliver to the needs of my customers , it was important for me to reflect on my assumptions and also improvise my approach by getting constructive feedback from my customers . This would prove to be a crucial aspect to make it a successful business . Selection Since I stepped into this venture with minimum experience and exposure , I chose to put my instincts and the whole idea to test by adopting the Learning Launch tool . I launched my business and marketed it through social networks , newspaper ads and brochures . Application I kick started the learning launch by introducing the concept of “ Try and Then Move in ” to allow customers to occupy the rooms at a discounted price for 1 week and then decide to move in if they were satisfied with the amenities , services and the environment . The response was mixed . Slowly some customers decided to give it a try . My key strategy to attract customers was to maintain good interaction and rapport with them . When they first entered my place , I greeted them and offered them a beverage and then gave a complete tour of the place , explained the services that we provide , the complimentary amenities that are available for use like Internet , Entertainment facilities like Television , ensured safety with a single point of entry and exit and a night security personnel , everyday housekeeping to maintain hygiene and so on . Highlighting these key points created a good impact as many customers were more concerned about the quality of service . But in addition to these , pricing was the deciding factor for some of them . Since this was a trial phase and I wanted to introduce my business in the market , I maintained a moderate price . The “ Try and Then Move in ” concept really worked for some customers as they could enjoy the services at a discounted price and with zero commitment . During the second phase of learning launch , my main goal was to know my enrolled customers . This was carried out by asking them to fill out an Application form with some basic personal details and also encouraged them to write in their food preferences , lifestyle choices and so on . Though the customers were from different cities and enjoyed their authentic cuisine , it was not a feasible option to have a wide array of cuisines / dishes in the food menu . So to keep it simple for myself and still hold on to the customers , I decided to offer them one traditional dish in each cuisine once a week . This really helped me attain the challenge of providing a homely atmosphere with something new to expect and try each day . The third phase was to get feedback from the customers . This is equally important as the other phases . Instead of doing it the traditional way by filling up a feedback form , I organized a weekly meeting and encouraged them to provide inputs upfront . It was setup for 30 minutes and towards the end the action items were discussed . The action items were categorized into “ must - haves ” and “ nice - to - have ” and were taken up accordingly with further thoughts and discussions . Insight Since this was a one owner to many customers ’ setup , the “ one size fits all ” strategy would not work . Providing individual attention to the needs of the customers during the transition or the settling phase would prove to be a key selling point . Some of the customers were new to the city and they really were in need of a guardian figure to boost their confidence and comfortably adjust to the new environment and lifestyle . Also realized the need to gradually transition into a more organised living would help to maintain cordial relations among the customers and thus ensuring a happy and enjoyable stay . These insights were a derivative of the learning launch phases and would help me align the vision of my business more closely with the expectations of my customers . This gave way to a carefully designed plan to implement these learnings gradually without any deviation from my main challenge and still gain an edge over my competitors . Approach Learning Launch is the first design thinking tool I had adopted for my shot at this venture and the outcome was pretty good . But if I could do things differently , then I would integrate the Visualization tool in the first phase of Learning launch . This would be done by actually posting real photos of the rooms and amenities in the brochures so that the potential customers can better visualize the environment and map them against their expectations . This would have helped everyone make a thoughtful decision faster . These insights would prove be very beneficial and lead to a flourishing business with low risks . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Result tells the position the product in the market . By seeing the result , the creator should update the product and release the product to the market . By the results we can improve the product . What the product to the customers ? We can find error in the product , when taking review from the customer . You can find many things about your product . It ’s good to find new things . Different feedback from the customers . Many customers given positive feedback and very helpful to the people . Some order people said functionality is good and some things should change . Many good reviews In my product when comes to testing in area calculator , you need to check each individual part of the area calculator , the way of working , functionality of the product , quality of the product . This are things should test by the customers . What the product to the customers ? Result tells the position of the product in the seeing the result , the creator should update the product and release the product to the market . By the results we can improve the product .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Result tells the position the product in the market . By seeing the result , the creator should update the product and release the product to the market . By the results we can improve the product . What the product to the customers ? We can find error in the product , when taking review from the customer . You can find many things about your product . It ’s good to find new things . Different feedback from the customers . Many customers given positive feedback and very helpful to the people . Some order people said functionality is good and some things should change . Many good reviews In my product when comes to testing in area calculator , you need to check each individual part of the area calculator , the way of working , functionality of the product , quality of the product . This are things should test by the customers . What the product to the customers ? Result tells the position of the product in the seeing the result , the creator should update the product and release the product to the market . By the results we can improve the product . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
LEARNING LAUNCH CHALLENGE It ’s the beginning of the year and a lot of events will be holding in Nigeria requiring people to dress as occasion demands . However , fashion lovers are at loss to what styles to make as they want to stand out unique , different , classic but not trendy while others want something new and catchy so they can be the center of attraction but they do n’t know where to find such styles . The fashion designers are locked to the catalogues and magazines for style suggestions and may end up creating existent trends or left to themselves when clients say make something nice that I do n’t have . SELECTION With the above challenge I chose the learning launch technique , being a creative fashion illustrator it brings to bare the various areas to be considered from the idea to the specific persons requiring this proffered solution to finding out if the idea meets the need and possibly if it is better than the current alternatives . This tool was also chosen as it affords me the opportunity to empathize with the clients / customers and no aspect of this tool process is a waste as long as you are learning something . APPLICATION I commence by creating an idea of an online gallery of unique fashion illustrations . Considering that the fashion industry is dynamic and fashion lovers crave uniqueness in pieces and outfits , creating an online gallery would enable fashion lovers , designers , seamstresses a haven to get pieces that are tailored for them . Fashion lovers can not have anything short of the best as its believed that you only have once to make a first impression a lasting impression . With this in mind I set up a hypothesis to test – that “ all fashion lovers and designers need an online fashion galley ” . I asked fashion lovers what their problems were and I gathered that 60 % of people in our sample population wanted unique styles that will wow their viewers while 28 % of the population size wanted to go with the trend , as long as a celebrity has worn something in that regard while 12 % wanted to just look good and comfortable . It was glaring to all that at one point or the other they want a pool of fashion illustrations they can pull from especially now that many businesses are online and people are always on the go . I asked designers what their problem was and it was getting alternative sources for styles other than the catalogues and magazines , that will wow their clients and suit their body shape . Some designers wanted to create their own lines and would love to interface with a platform that will enable them source for illustrators to work with . The assumptions I had about the sample population loving fashion , wanting creative styles and designers wanting to wow their clients were all confirmed but the emergence of other needs of the fashion lovers and designers posed that more value proposition is required and expected from the solution we thought to bring from the onset . INSIGHT Beyond the need for unique styles both for fashion enthusiast and designers , there exist other needs which I did not envisage at the beginning . I discovered the need to generate more clientele for the designers , the need to showcase their art , the search for illustrators to work with by designers , the need to get more fashion illustrators to be on the platform I ’m creating and the need to add incentives to promote viewership and patronage while providing creative solutions . These new insights were as a result of the test conducted from our sample population . I have learnt that as the experience and research went on , the ideas kept changing or expanding . I had the opportunity to work with a team of business strategist , software developer , designers and fashion lovers as well as critics . As intriguing as it was , it was a learning curve for me . My perspective to Design thinking with regards to this the challenge I have had to test has been broadened and made me realize that I can unwittingly throw away all kinds of opportunities for innovation before I even get started if I adopt too narrow or too conventional a definition of the problem . APPROACH Having been through this learning curve I might want to ensure continuous churning of creative illustrations by getting other fashion illustrators to work with me . This they can do and earn from it too . That way they can bring value to the table . This also ensures that unique styles illustrations are in constant supply . Other than just illustration and creating an online gallery for fashion lovers as well as designers , I would love to ensure that a convenient payment method is infused into this work . This will reduce clients ’ complaints as was gathered from the sampling to be one of the challenge we might face .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: LEARNING LAUNCH CHALLENGE It ’s the beginning of the year and a lot of events will be holding in Nigeria requiring people to dress as occasion demands . However , fashion lovers are at loss to what styles to make as they want to stand out unique , different , classic but not trendy while others want something new and catchy so they can be the center of attraction but they do n’t know where to find such styles . The fashion designers are locked to the catalogues and magazines for style suggestions and may end up creating existent trends or left to themselves when clients say make something nice that I do n’t have . SELECTION With the above challenge I chose the learning launch technique , being a creative fashion illustrator it brings to bare the various areas to be considered from the idea to the specific persons requiring this proffered solution to finding out if the idea meets the need and possibly if it is better than the current alternatives . This tool was also chosen as it affords me the opportunity to empathize with the clients / customers and no aspect of this tool process is a waste as long as you are learning something . APPLICATION I commence by creating an idea of an online gallery of unique fashion illustrations . Considering that the fashion industry is dynamic and fashion lovers crave uniqueness in pieces and outfits , creating an online gallery would enable fashion lovers , designers , seamstresses a haven to get pieces that are tailored for them . Fashion lovers can not have anything short of the best as its believed that you only have once to make a first impression a lasting impression . With this in mind I set up a hypothesis to test – that “ all fashion lovers and designers need an online fashion galley ” . I asked fashion lovers what their problems were and I gathered that 60 % of people in our sample population wanted unique styles that will wow their viewers while 28 % of the population size wanted to go with the trend , as long as a celebrity has worn something in that regard while 12 % wanted to just look good and comfortable . It was glaring to all that at one point or the other they want a pool of fashion illustrations they can pull from especially now that many businesses are online and people are always on the go . I asked designers what their problem was and it was getting alternative sources for styles other than the catalogues and magazines , that will wow their clients and suit their body shape . Some designers wanted to create their own lines and would love to interface with a platform that will enable them source for illustrators to work with . The assumptions I had about the sample population loving fashion , wanting creative styles and designers wanting to wow their clients were all confirmed but the emergence of other needs of the fashion lovers and designers posed that more value proposition is required and expected from the solution we thought to bring from the onset . INSIGHT Beyond the need for unique styles both for fashion enthusiast and designers , there exist other needs which I did not envisage at the beginning . I discovered the need to generate more clientele for the designers , the need to showcase their art , the search for illustrators to work with by designers , the need to get more fashion illustrators to be on the platform I ’m creating and the need to add incentives to promote viewership and patronage while providing creative solutions . These new insights were as a result of the test conducted from our sample population . I have learnt that as the experience and research went on , the ideas kept changing or expanding . I had the opportunity to work with a team of business strategist , software developer , designers and fashion lovers as well as critics . As intriguing as it was , it was a learning curve for me . My perspective to Design thinking with regards to this the challenge I have had to test has been broadened and made me realize that I can unwittingly throw away all kinds of opportunities for innovation before I even get started if I adopt too narrow or too conventional a definition of the problem . APPROACH Having been through this learning curve I might want to ensure continuous churning of creative illustrations by getting other fashion illustrators to work with me . This they can do and earn from it too . That way they can bring value to the table . This also ensures that unique styles illustrations are in constant supply . Other than just illustration and creating an online gallery for fashion lovers as well as designers , I would love to ensure that a convenient payment method is infused into this work . This will reduce clients ’ complaints as was gathered from the sampling to be one of the challenge we might face . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection - Storytelling Challenge and Selection I am an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to solve the issue of blood shortage of my city during COVID and thereafter and I believe storytelling is a great tool to start my journey . Many times I hear the news that people are dying because there is n’t much blood available in the blood banks and nowadays because of COVID the supply traffic has been at an all - time low . When I was with my grandfather in his last breath a couple of years ago , I had to wait many hours for donors to come and donate which was physically and mentally stressful , and I always felt that there might be some ways that people can quickly receive blood on time and save the life of their loved ones . Sadly , this was also the reason how my grandfather died . I prefer storytelling as a way to entice people emotionally and to help their loved ones in need and make donor responsible towards society . It can inspire and bring a connection between the people and capture the real values and emotion . I use this tool to explain the current scenario and find a way that is more efficient for people to receive blood on time . Application I have a story about using storytelling . In one of the startup summit regarding medical evolutions , I was trying to explain the benefit of peer to peer connection approach whereby a single click on a device can notify nearby donors regarding the urgent need of the blood . But to reach the conclusion , I had to explain my emotional story of how there was not enough blood in the market to save my grandfather on time . It was very stressful to wait for an angel to come and rescue my grandfather . Constantly checking up my grandfather and running to find the medicine and fresh blood on time . The entire summit hall was in disbelief that a country with 28 million people and not many were there to donate blood . It was really emotional to relive that moment and I could see a few of the participants and members were in tears . In the hall , there were many people from the medical background and few of the directors of hospital present and they encouraged me to work on the project and they fully support my idea to bring change to people regarding the importance os donating blood . Insight and Approach As soon as I got the approval and support from many of the members , my idea was gaining a lot of attraction . In hospitals , whenever were was a patient who required blood , the doctors suggested about my business to the loved ones of the patient . Quite a lot of people loved the idea and many people were able to save their loved ones . I also once visited the hospital to donate the blood as I was notified by the app and it was emotional to see many people waiting to thank me and say how much it meant to them and I wish this kind of idea was back then when I needed the most . I was especially happy that they did n’t have to leave their family member and instead , a donor was present at the right time which can be a huge relief from the loved ones . As I told this story in many of the seminars , I think it made a big impact on people on the importance of blood donation . Currently , this idea is getting a favourable response from Red Cross as well . I finally believed that a little story that I experienced can bring so much good and happiness in society . Even though the course explained a lot of tools , storytelling is the one is used prior and now I think it is time to integrate and implement a mind mapping tool to create a clear visualization of all the stakeholders that might be involved in this idea and how each might benefit from this . I would like to thank Cohen for designing this course and all the faculties who used their valuable time to explain different tools from their expertise .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection - Storytelling Challenge and Selection I am an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to solve the issue of blood shortage of my city during COVID and thereafter and I believe storytelling is a great tool to start my journey . Many times I hear the news that people are dying because there is n’t much blood available in the blood banks and nowadays because of COVID the supply traffic has been at an all - time low . When I was with my grandfather in his last breath a couple of years ago , I had to wait many hours for donors to come and donate which was physically and mentally stressful , and I always felt that there might be some ways that people can quickly receive blood on time and save the life of their loved ones . Sadly , this was also the reason how my grandfather died . I prefer storytelling as a way to entice people emotionally and to help their loved ones in need and make donor responsible towards society . It can inspire and bring a connection between the people and capture the real values and emotion . I use this tool to explain the current scenario and find a way that is more efficient for people to receive blood on time . Application I have a story about using storytelling . In one of the startup summit regarding medical evolutions , I was trying to explain the benefit of peer to peer connection approach whereby a single click on a device can notify nearby donors regarding the urgent need of the blood . But to reach the conclusion , I had to explain my emotional story of how there was not enough blood in the market to save my grandfather on time . It was very stressful to wait for an angel to come and rescue my grandfather . Constantly checking up my grandfather and running to find the medicine and fresh blood on time . The entire summit hall was in disbelief that a country with 28 million people and not many were there to donate blood . It was really emotional to relive that moment and I could see a few of the participants and members were in tears . In the hall , there were many people from the medical background and few of the directors of hospital present and they encouraged me to work on the project and they fully support my idea to bring change to people regarding the importance os donating blood . Insight and Approach As soon as I got the approval and support from many of the members , my idea was gaining a lot of attraction . In hospitals , whenever were was a patient who required blood , the doctors suggested about my business to the loved ones of the patient . Quite a lot of people loved the idea and many people were able to save their loved ones . I also once visited the hospital to donate the blood as I was notified by the app and it was emotional to see many people waiting to thank me and say how much it meant to them and I wish this kind of idea was back then when I needed the most . I was especially happy that they did n’t have to leave their family member and instead , a donor was present at the right time which can be a huge relief from the loved ones . As I told this story in many of the seminars , I think it made a big impact on people on the importance of blood donation . Currently , this idea is getting a favourable response from Red Cross as well . I finally believed that a little story that I experienced can bring so much good and happiness in society . Even though the course explained a lot of tools , storytelling is the one is used prior and now I think it is time to integrate and implement a mind mapping tool to create a clear visualization of all the stakeholders that might be involved in this idea and how each might benefit from this . I would like to thank Cohen for designing this course and all the faculties who used their valuable time to explain different tools from their expertise . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Design Thinking for Innovation Assignment Learning Launch Tool Challenge A medium sized organization that has been in existence since the last 9 years . The organization ’s learning and development ( L&D ) program was the least to say cliché with only classroom training provided . The basic notion in the organization was that the L&D function is not very impactful , and trainees attend it only because it is mandatory . The major challenge here was to reinstate the importance of L&D in an organization , building a training module that is relevant to business processes and leverage it to achieve organizational goals . The scope of L&D is however currently limited to 20 employees in the organization , highly unstructured approach being followed and a limited budget available to spend . Selection To resolve the above challenge , learning launch was the most appropriate tool of design thinking as with the limited number of employees in the organization , a prototype is easy to execute and gain insights on whether the assumption is a viable solution to the problem . Learning from those experiences and implement solutions differently and inactively to understand what went wrong and what could be done in a better way . Application First step to problem solution is developing an assumption which in this case is , L&D is not as impactful in the organization as it should be because of traditional mode of training delivery and content irrelevant to business needs . To identify the proving and disproving variables , a questionnaire was rolled out to understand what was right about the assumption and what was not . What might prove to disprove the assumption would include other factors like inadequate budget allocation to higher best trainers , lack of management support and the lack of employee learning mindset in the organization which would prove that our assumption is incorrect and we must try a different approach to enhance the knowledge skills and attitude of the employees . This survey was directed to all 20 employees and their responses recorded anonymously to ensure honesty and confidentiality . To prove the assumption correct , poor rating was expected in content selection , content scope , pedagogy and training not applicable to employee role from respondents further proving training to be extremely unstructured and not well thought out . There must also be open ended questions in the survey to understand any other concerns of employees which was beyond the factors taken into consideration and respondents are free to express their concerns . The original assumptions were more likely to be true and hence the next step was moving to phase 2 of the learning launch . In the second learning launch , a training module was designed based on employee past training experience responses . The training included blended learning which focused not only on classroom theoretical training but also online certifications and business simulations to help trainees develop skills to solve real business problems with real data . Along with this , training content was created to customized needs of a group of employees rather than all 20 employees , making the scope narrow and more targeted . Now is the time to test the hypothesis using a training effectiveness survey and conclude whether the results and implications of changes adopted were true and conclusive . Insight The survey found that the original assumption was correct and that the once the trainings were customized to business needs along with blended learning methods , the effectiveness of training increased manifold . The disproving facts were not entirely false , because of poor content design it was demotivating for employees to participate and learn through the company training modules . It was not creative or engaging enough to build a culture of learning in the organization . However , with a more structured approach to L&D , it was found that the employees looked forward to trainings not as a mandate but rather an opportunity to enhance their skills and abilities . This change in mindset was essential , however putting our assumption in practice proved to be a driving force to bring about a change in the organizational culture . Approach The training needs of employees evolve . Just because the current change in training delivery brought about a positive change in the organization , it is not necessary that it is enough to sustain a competitive edge . The best solution to tackle this dynamic business scenario would be to conduct regular training feedback surveys to identify gaps and build a compelling training module to keep the workforce engaged .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Design Thinking for Innovation Assignment Learning Launch Tool Challenge A medium sized organization that has been in existence since the last 9 years . The organization ’s learning and development ( L&D ) program was the least to say cliché with only classroom training provided . The basic notion in the organization was that the L&D function is not very impactful , and trainees attend it only because it is mandatory . The major challenge here was to reinstate the importance of L&D in an organization , building a training module that is relevant to business processes and leverage it to achieve organizational goals . The scope of L&D is however currently limited to 20 employees in the organization , highly unstructured approach being followed and a limited budget available to spend . Selection To resolve the above challenge , learning launch was the most appropriate tool of design thinking as with the limited number of employees in the organization , a prototype is easy to execute and gain insights on whether the assumption is a viable solution to the problem . Learning from those experiences and implement solutions differently and inactively to understand what went wrong and what could be done in a better way . Application First step to problem solution is developing an assumption which in this case is , L&D is not as impactful in the organization as it should be because of traditional mode of training delivery and content irrelevant to business needs . To identify the proving and disproving variables , a questionnaire was rolled out to understand what was right about the assumption and what was not . What might prove to disprove the assumption would include other factors like inadequate budget allocation to higher best trainers , lack of management support and the lack of employee learning mindset in the organization which would prove that our assumption is incorrect and we must try a different approach to enhance the knowledge skills and attitude of the employees . This survey was directed to all 20 employees and their responses recorded anonymously to ensure honesty and confidentiality . To prove the assumption correct , poor rating was expected in content selection , content scope , pedagogy and training not applicable to employee role from respondents further proving training to be extremely unstructured and not well thought out . There must also be open ended questions in the survey to understand any other concerns of employees which was beyond the factors taken into consideration and respondents are free to express their concerns . The original assumptions were more likely to be true and hence the next step was moving to phase 2 of the learning launch . In the second learning launch , a training module was designed based on employee past training experience responses . The training included blended learning which focused not only on classroom theoretical training but also online certifications and business simulations to help trainees develop skills to solve real business problems with real data . Along with this , training content was created to customized needs of a group of employees rather than all 20 employees , making the scope narrow and more targeted . Now is the time to test the hypothesis using a training effectiveness survey and conclude whether the results and implications of changes adopted were true and conclusive . Insight The survey found that the original assumption was correct and that the once the trainings were customized to business needs along with blended learning methods , the effectiveness of training increased manifold . The disproving facts were not entirely false , because of poor content design it was demotivating for employees to participate and learn through the company training modules . It was not creative or engaging enough to build a culture of learning in the organization . However , with a more structured approach to L&D , it was found that the employees looked forward to trainings not as a mandate but rather an opportunity to enhance their skills and abilities . This change in mindset was essential , however putting our assumption in practice proved to be a driving force to bring about a change in the organizational culture . Approach The training needs of employees evolve . Just because the current change in training delivery brought about a positive change in the organization , it is not necessary that it is enough to sustain a competitive edge . The best solution to tackle this dynamic business scenario would be to conduct regular training feedback surveys to identify gaps and build a compelling training module to keep the workforce engaged . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Mind Mapping : A Design Tool Challenge and Selection Working as a Graphic Designer , an exchange of ideas with a client is very important to have a common understanding of what is the desired outcome or a product . Design includes elements quite similar to problem solving as we need to sort out an entangled problem by providing a solution and present it in the manner which is easily understood . I often communicate the ideas and options tailored as per the client 's requirements . For example : creating a logo . As a lot of details are to be discussed and it 's not possible to perform the entire task to provide the client the end product in the first round , as that will lead to wastage of resources , time and energy , as changes keep happening throughout the process of working . Hence , the task is made easier with a design tool called ' Mind Mapping ' . Mind Mapping is a technique comprising of graphical elements such as word bubbles , pictures , drawings/ doodles and any such thing that could create a visual stimuli to help share a thought process amongst a group of people or team working together to reach a particular goal . It helps to share the thought process with a client so that do n't feel lost and ca n't form links of reasoning . Mind Mapping plays a big role while brainstorming for ideas . Even working by myself , Mind Mapping helps to choose and find answers to the problems being faced . It helps a lot in decision making . Application A logo design requires work on elements like shape and style , color scheme and how the desired message is being conveyed . I start out by jotting down the points as discussed in the brief provided by the client which starts the brainstorming session . A Mind Map is created by writing down the first word that matches the brief . It could be an emotion , a place , a person and then the maps starts to expand on the word that was initially selected . Further , some images can be attached to them to narrow down the solution with visual aid of colored pictures and moodboards . It keeps the thought process very clean and organized . I 've applied the technique of Mind Mapping by making use of word chains and collage of pictures . Word chains have helped to work on goals to be achieved and expel out ideas with precision . Collages and Mood Boards help to maintain a vibe using color schemes , theme of the project and creates a concise background to build your work on . Insight and Approach Design thinking has helped me channel my thoughts in a productive manner and keep the process flowing . It has helped to collect and have an organized presentation to be shared with other parties . Not only does this save time while working but also adds interesting things to the presentation that catch the viewer 's eye and grasps their attention- making them more engrossed and be attentive towards the discussion . This helps when communicating with people who are n't necessarily from a creative background . It opens a door for endless possibilities yet maintaining the path of ' what is wanted ' by the client , which is a great dynamic for creative problem solving . I 've experienced that different applications of Mind Mapping works differently in every scenario . Enabling yourself to know what kind of thing is to be used with what kind of interaction is very important . Mind Mapping is a versatile tool and should be used often to covert thoughts into plans .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Mind Mapping : A Design Tool Challenge and Selection Working as a Graphic Designer , an exchange of ideas with a client is very important to have a common understanding of what is the desired outcome or a product . Design includes elements quite similar to problem solving as we need to sort out an entangled problem by providing a solution and present it in the manner which is easily understood . I often communicate the ideas and options tailored as per the client 's requirements . For example : creating a logo . As a lot of details are to be discussed and it 's not possible to perform the entire task to provide the client the end product in the first round , as that will lead to wastage of resources , time and energy , as changes keep happening throughout the process of working . Hence , the task is made easier with a design tool called ' Mind Mapping ' . Mind Mapping is a technique comprising of graphical elements such as word bubbles , pictures , drawings/ doodles and any such thing that could create a visual stimuli to help share a thought process amongst a group of people or team working together to reach a particular goal . It helps to share the thought process with a client so that do n't feel lost and ca n't form links of reasoning . Mind Mapping plays a big role while brainstorming for ideas . Even working by myself , Mind Mapping helps to choose and find answers to the problems being faced . It helps a lot in decision making . Application A logo design requires work on elements like shape and style , color scheme and how the desired message is being conveyed . I start out by jotting down the points as discussed in the brief provided by the client which starts the brainstorming session . A Mind Map is created by writing down the first word that matches the brief . It could be an emotion , a place , a person and then the maps starts to expand on the word that was initially selected . Further , some images can be attached to them to narrow down the solution with visual aid of colored pictures and moodboards . It keeps the thought process very clean and organized . I 've applied the technique of Mind Mapping by making use of word chains and collage of pictures . Word chains have helped to work on goals to be achieved and expel out ideas with precision . Collages and Mood Boards help to maintain a vibe using color schemes , theme of the project and creates a concise background to build your work on . Insight and Approach Design thinking has helped me channel my thoughts in a productive manner and keep the process flowing . It has helped to collect and have an organized presentation to be shared with other parties . Not only does this save time while working but also adds interesting things to the presentation that catch the viewer 's eye and grasps their attention- making them more engrossed and be attentive towards the discussion . This helps when communicating with people who are n't necessarily from a creative background . It opens a door for endless possibilities yet maintaining the path of ' what is wanted ' by the client , which is a great dynamic for creative problem solving . I 've experienced that different applications of Mind Mapping works differently in every scenario . Enabling yourself to know what kind of thing is to be used with what kind of interaction is very important . Mind Mapping is a versatile tool and should be used often to covert thoughts into plans . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Alberto Gonzalez Design Thinking for Innovation Course September 3 , 2017 A personal reflection about Learning Launches Peer - graded Assignment Reflection Challenge I currently work in a Spanish financial company , where one of my main responsibilities is to promote its digital transformation through innovation and new digital assets , among which I would highlight our mobile app on Apple iOS and Google Android platforms . My organization has more than a hundred years of history , so it could be considered a very traditional company in its approaches , and especially in its decision making process . Any relevant change in our strategy and core assets should be analyzed down to the smallest detail , and a high number of people should participate in the final decision . It 's easy to understand how I 'm not describing an agile business to meet the digital challenges facing the financial industry . Our clients ' behavior is changing , and we do not fully understand it . The problem is even greater when there are new companies such as Facebook ( Money ) , Apple ( Pay ) or N26 that have a more agile approach and , thanks to this , they have a better knowledge of the real consumer behavior patterns , their expectations and their wishes than ours actual knowledge . Specifically , we are currently looking how our customers would like to be up to date on their personal finances : how to find out they have received the payroll ; have made an unusual order ; or whatever they need to know about changes in what they your money . Until now , the alternative would have been long working sessions analyzing options , long projects to build an expensive solution and test it in the market . This course teaches us how there are other more successful approaches . Selection Because of the situation described , it is easy to understand how we must adapt our corporate processes and our way of working to a more flexible model , where we can obtain REFLECTION ABOUT LEARNING LAUNCHES � 1 valuable knowledge of our clients , in a fast , low cost and low level of risk way . Would our clients like to know every small detail of changes in their personal finances ? Are they interested in configuring every possible notification in detail , or do they want simplicity and give you just a few preconfigured options ? Do you want messages very clear and detailed , or will you prefer something less intensive and discreet ? Obviously we have some interesting ideas , but thanks to what we have been learned in this course , I have been able to confirm that the Learning Launch technique is adequate to solve this kind of problem . In my opinion , we could define this technique as an experiment conducted in the marketplace quickly and inexpensive , forming a bridge between customer co - creation and commercial rollout . As Om Eze has explained throughout the course , as well as Ser Berger specifically in the video of week 4 , this technique is ideal to test the remaining critical assumptions about why this is an attractive business idea . In my company we are looking for the necessary knowledge to discover What Wows and What Works to our customers , and thanks to Learning Launch technique it is possible to achieve it , meeting agility , cost and risk business criteria . Application The first idea that we took to the reality was to create a new community , all through social networks , where we got in touch with what we could call our Friends & Family : a small set of clients with whom we could contrast their opinions , containing risks and costs , but gaining knowledge . Once this social community was created , we designed several prototypes ( not programming , just visualizations as we learned in the course ) about how the digital experiences might be to keep up with your personal finances through an app , a mobile widget or other more creative scenarios . But the most important point for us was to launch a survey with open questions about satisfaction of the test . We had great surprises in that regard , since many of the key lessons learned came from answers to those open questions , not directly linked to one of the alternatives shown in the visualizations . To govern the process , a product manager was responsible for the design and its contrast in the new community created , as well as to report after the seven days we had the experiment open . REFLECTION ABOUT LEARNING LAUNCHES � 2 Insight Undoubtedly , this idea was a great opportunity to learn how to gain knowledge about our clients , in an environment as complex and with as much uncertainty as ours . In a low intrusive way , and minimizing costs and risks , we were able to empathize with them , adapting their own language and not ours , and gaining a key knowledge to do things better in the future . We had good ideas and hypotheses about the behavior of our customers , and thanks to this Learning Launch it were notably refined and refined . To this day we have not yet implemented the improvements identified in our app , but I hope that in a few weeks it will be working in the market , and most important , we will continue to learn and improve . Approach Throughout this Learning Launch , many lessons have been learned , but if I were to highlight only the main ones I would undoubtedly highlight the need to perform a very clear expectations management in the team and stakeholder involved . In an organization so traditional as mine , without a doubt this is a key point to manage in the future . On the other hand , another dimension on which the next Learning Launch would act differently is to empathize more with the teams involved , attending to their training needs and associated cultural change . I think that all participants should take the course of Om Eze that we have all done ;) REFLECTION ABOUT LEARNING LAUNCHES � 3
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Alberto Gonzalez Design Thinking for Innovation Course September 3 , 2017 A personal reflection about Learning Launches Peer - graded Assignment Reflection Challenge I currently work in a Spanish financial company , where one of my main responsibilities is to promote its digital transformation through innovation and new digital assets , among which I would highlight our mobile app on Apple iOS and Google Android platforms . My organization has more than a hundred years of history , so it could be considered a very traditional company in its approaches , and especially in its decision making process . Any relevant change in our strategy and core assets should be analyzed down to the smallest detail , and a high number of people should participate in the final decision . It 's easy to understand how I 'm not describing an agile business to meet the digital challenges facing the financial industry . Our clients ' behavior is changing , and we do not fully understand it . The problem is even greater when there are new companies such as Facebook ( Money ) , Apple ( Pay ) or N26 that have a more agile approach and , thanks to this , they have a better knowledge of the real consumer behavior patterns , their expectations and their wishes than ours actual knowledge . Specifically , we are currently looking how our customers would like to be up to date on their personal finances : how to find out they have received the payroll ; have made an unusual order ; or whatever they need to know about changes in what they your money . Until now , the alternative would have been long working sessions analyzing options , long projects to build an expensive solution and test it in the market . This course teaches us how there are other more successful approaches . Selection Because of the situation described , it is easy to understand how we must adapt our corporate processes and our way of working to a more flexible model , where we can obtain REFLECTION ABOUT LEARNING LAUNCHES � 1 valuable knowledge of our clients , in a fast , low cost and low level of risk way . Would our clients like to know every small detail of changes in their personal finances ? Are they interested in configuring every possible notification in detail , or do they want simplicity and give you just a few preconfigured options ? Do you want messages very clear and detailed , or will you prefer something less intensive and discreet ? Obviously we have some interesting ideas , but thanks to what we have been learned in this course , I have been able to confirm that the Learning Launch technique is adequate to solve this kind of problem . In my opinion , we could define this technique as an experiment conducted in the marketplace quickly and inexpensive , forming a bridge between customer co - creation and commercial rollout . As Om Eze has explained throughout the course , as well as Ser Berger specifically in the video of week 4 , this technique is ideal to test the remaining critical assumptions about why this is an attractive business idea . In my company we are looking for the necessary knowledge to discover What Wows and What Works to our customers , and thanks to Learning Launch technique it is possible to achieve it , meeting agility , cost and risk business criteria . Application The first idea that we took to the reality was to create a new community , all through social networks , where we got in touch with what we could call our Friends & Family : a small set of clients with whom we could contrast their opinions , containing risks and costs , but gaining knowledge . Once this social community was created , we designed several prototypes ( not programming , just visualizations as we learned in the course ) about how the digital experiences might be to keep up with your personal finances through an app , a mobile widget or other more creative scenarios . But the most important point for us was to launch a survey with open questions about satisfaction of the test . We had great surprises in that regard , since many of the key lessons learned came from answers to those open questions , not directly linked to one of the alternatives shown in the visualizations . To govern the process , a product manager was responsible for the design and its contrast in the new community created , as well as to report after the seven days we had the experiment open . REFLECTION ABOUT LEARNING LAUNCHES � 2 Insight Undoubtedly , this idea was a great opportunity to learn how to gain knowledge about our clients , in an environment as complex and with as much uncertainty as ours . In a low intrusive way , and minimizing costs and risks , we were able to empathize with them , adapting their own language and not ours , and gaining a key knowledge to do things better in the future . We had good ideas and hypotheses about the behavior of our customers , and thanks to this Learning Launch it were notably refined and refined . To this day we have not yet implemented the improvements identified in our app , but I hope that in a few weeks it will be working in the market , and most important , we will continue to learn and improve . Approach Throughout this Learning Launch , many lessons have been learned , but if I were to highlight only the main ones I would undoubtedly highlight the need to perform a very clear expectations management in the team and stakeholder involved . In an organization so traditional as mine , without a doubt this is a key point to manage in the future . On the other hand , another dimension on which the next Learning Launch would act differently is to empathize more with the teams involved , attending to their training needs and associated cultural change . I think that all participants should take the course of Om Eze that we have all done ;) REFLECTION ABOUT LEARNING LAUNCHES � 3 ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Alberto Gonzalez" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge & Selection As a software engineer , it is of utmost importance that a problem is adequately visualized on behalf of a client so as to produce value from a product . Oftentimes , clients do not know or can not fully articulate what it is they require in a solution so it is left to my team and I to take time and break down the problem on a whiteboard , this begins the first steps toward planning the steps toward completion or even assigning roles in the project . Such scenarios are favorable for the design thinking approach because more information is needed and difficult to attain from the client , the problem is difficult to define and scope , data normally is n’t readily available or is scattered in different systems and there exists some level of uncertainty . Application As mentioned before , a white board and marker is the first step taken in contextualizing the problem at hand and attempting to devise an innovative solution . First , the pain points of the current system or software ( if any ) in place are examined to understand where the opportunity exists for a built solution to fit in . These user pain points are analyzed using the design tool of visualization , illustrations are drawn to show the obstacles a system user has to their goal , and why those problems exist . Doing this allows us to see how the tools we have ( or maybe do n’t have ) at our disposal may be used to mitigate each issue , one by one . Furthermore , it is common practice to take a day off to visit the operations of the client in order to gain a better appreciation of how things run on a day to day basis . Stakeholders from different levels of the company are interviewed to get as many ideas on board as possible to on what features they would like to have on the product that would make their job easier . This stage can often result in getting feedback that may seem out of scope or unrealistic , but every opinion is taken aboard regardless because the goal is to iteratively develop towards the best possible system . Insight & Approach In following this approach , the team ensures that the drive and thinking is human centered , since it is humans ’ problems that we are looking to solve . Visualizing he problem from the viewpoint of the eventual user or customer helps eliminate personal biases and preferences that may be introduced into the project at the planning stages . The approach also looks to untapped opportunities and possibilities , for example one situation involved solving a college ’s problems registering students during the COVID 19 pandemic by using a Facebook powered autonomous conversational agent ( cahtbot ) . The programmed agent simply checked if the student fulfilled all academic requirements and paid their fees , then proceeded to register them for the next semester . Such a solution is n’t very common where it was implemented .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge & Selection As a software engineer , it is of utmost importance that a problem is adequately visualized on behalf of a client so as to produce value from a product . Oftentimes , clients do not know or can not fully articulate what it is they require in a solution so it is left to my team and I to take time and break down the problem on a whiteboard , this begins the first steps toward planning the steps toward completion or even assigning roles in the project . Such scenarios are favorable for the design thinking approach because more information is needed and difficult to attain from the client , the problem is difficult to define and scope , data normally is n’t readily available or is scattered in different systems and there exists some level of uncertainty . Application As mentioned before , a white board and marker is the first step taken in contextualizing the problem at hand and attempting to devise an innovative solution . First , the pain points of the current system or software ( if any ) in place are examined to understand where the opportunity exists for a built solution to fit in . These user pain points are analyzed using the design tool of visualization , illustrations are drawn to show the obstacles a system user has to their goal , and why those problems exist . Doing this allows us to see how the tools we have ( or maybe do n’t have ) at our disposal may be used to mitigate each issue , one by one . Furthermore , it is common practice to take a day off to visit the operations of the client in order to gain a better appreciation of how things run on a day to day basis . Stakeholders from different levels of the company are interviewed to get as many ideas on board as possible to on what features they would like to have on the product that would make their job easier . This stage can often result in getting feedback that may seem out of scope or unrealistic , but every opinion is taken aboard regardless because the goal is to iteratively develop towards the best possible system . Insight & Approach In following this approach , the team ensures that the drive and thinking is human centered , since it is humans ’ problems that we are looking to solve . Visualizing he problem from the viewpoint of the eventual user or customer helps eliminate personal biases and preferences that may be introduced into the project at the planning stages . The approach also looks to untapped opportunities and possibilities , for example one situation involved solving a college ’s problems registering students during the COVID 19 pandemic by using a Facebook powered autonomous conversational agent ( cahtbot ) . The programmed agent simply checked if the student fulfilled all academic requirements and paid their fees , then proceeded to register them for the next semester . Such a solution is n’t very common where it was implemented . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
1 . Challenge I am a member of a political party here in Brazil called NOVO . NOVO is the only truly liberal party around here , and we have just been recognized as a formal organization . We are working towards achieving a larger share of mind around my city , Curitiba , and developed an event called “ NOVO Na Rua ” , or “ NOVO on the streets ” , where we would gather our members in a public square in order to talk to people about our beliefs , projects and values . We have a severe financial restriction now , and on the other hand we can count on lots of people to help . The challenge was to make the best event we could , using few or no financial resources . We did n’t have a time schedule restriction , neither any external risks . 2 . Selection This event was developed by a multidisciplinary team , consisting of lawyers , business managers , entrepreneurs , teachers , engineers and others , that were in charge of the party , We iterated it a lot , and used mind mapping lots of times , not only as part of the transition of what is to what if . I was one of the developers , and I have always used mind - mapping in a daily basis . From grocery lists to strategic planning , I always felt that mind mapping was a really good source of creativity , problem solving and design thinking . 3 . Application We gathered a group of circa 20 people . Then , two leaders stood up and stated the “ what is ” scenario : no money to spend , no resources to count on , just really passionate people around a good and cause , wanting to make Brazil a better place to live . All of the people gathered had knowledge on different areas , different life experiences , and this was our most valuable asset . To take advantage of all this wisdom , we provoked people to ask themselves : “ what if we had no restrictions ? ” “ what if anything was possible ” ? The result of this reflexive - written - mini - brainstorming was jaw dropping . We managed to come up with excellent ideas in only 15 minutes , due to the different academic and life background experiences . We gathered all those ideas , divided the members in 4 groups of 5 , and gave them 15 minutes to discuss the ideas , and turn them into design criteria . Again , it was awesome how great ideas turned into awesome clusters of ideas with a single - phrase heading that could resume it . To finish this mind - mapping session , we asked our members to answer to the question suggested by Samantha Silva : “ If anything were possible , what criteria would our new event meet ? ” 4 . Insights From using this method , we managed to succeed on stablishing a SMART ( Specific , Meaningful , Action oriented , Realistic and Timely ) goal , of getting 200 registers for our mailing list ( we managed to reach and then exceed this number by 50 in the event ) . In addition , we had several contributions from the members , which disposed of tables , chairs , balloons , and many things that made a great event , complimented by all of the participants . In my opinion , the most important insight was to confirm that mind mapping could be used in any phase of Design Thinking as an idea generator , a creativity activator and a team builder . In spite of being used in the videos as a “ what is ” tool , we used mind mapping to help us on “ late - what is / early - what if ” . I , personally , believe that this tool can and should be used at any time in the Design Thinking Process . 5 . Approach Next time using mind mapping , I might try to use it along with brainstorming techniques , such as the six hats of thinking . I believe that it gives a hollistical , systemic panorama of the situation , and will contribute a lot with idea generation .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: 1 . Challenge I am a member of a political party here in Brazil called NOVO . NOVO is the only truly liberal party around here , and we have just been recognized as a formal organization . We are working towards achieving a larger share of mind around my city , Curitiba , and developed an event called “ NOVO Na Rua ” , or “ NOVO on the streets ” , where we would gather our members in a public square in order to talk to people about our beliefs , projects and values . We have a severe financial restriction now , and on the other hand we can count on lots of people to help . The challenge was to make the best event we could , using few or no financial resources . We did n’t have a time schedule restriction , neither any external risks . 2 . Selection This event was developed by a multidisciplinary team , consisting of lawyers , business managers , entrepreneurs , teachers , engineers and others , that were in charge of the party , We iterated it a lot , and used mind mapping lots of times , not only as part of the transition of what is to what if . I was one of the developers , and I have always used mind - mapping in a daily basis . From grocery lists to strategic planning , I always felt that mind mapping was a really good source of creativity , problem solving and design thinking . 3 . Application We gathered a group of circa 20 people . Then , two leaders stood up and stated the “ what is ” scenario : no money to spend , no resources to count on , just really passionate people around a good and cause , wanting to make Brazil a better place to live . All of the people gathered had knowledge on different areas , different life experiences , and this was our most valuable asset . To take advantage of all this wisdom , we provoked people to ask themselves : “ what if we had no restrictions ? ” “ what if anything was possible ” ? The result of this reflexive - written - mini - brainstorming was jaw dropping . We managed to come up with excellent ideas in only 15 minutes , due to the different academic and life background experiences . We gathered all those ideas , divided the members in 4 groups of 5 , and gave them 15 minutes to discuss the ideas , and turn them into design criteria . Again , it was awesome how great ideas turned into awesome clusters of ideas with a single - phrase heading that could resume it . To finish this mind - mapping session , we asked our members to answer to the question suggested by Samantha Silva : “ If anything were possible , what criteria would our new event meet ? ” 4 . Insights From using this method , we managed to succeed on stablishing a SMART ( Specific , Meaningful , Action oriented , Realistic and Timely ) goal , of getting 200 registers for our mailing list ( we managed to reach and then exceed this number by 50 in the event ) . In addition , we had several contributions from the members , which disposed of tables , chairs , balloons , and many things that made a great event , complimented by all of the participants . In my opinion , the most important insight was to confirm that mind mapping could be used in any phase of Design Thinking as an idea generator , a creativity activator and a team builder . In spite of being used in the videos as a “ what is ” tool , we used mind mapping to help us on “ late - what is / early - what if ” . I , personally , believe that this tool can and should be used at any time in the Design Thinking Process . 5 . Approach Next time using mind mapping , I might try to use it along with brainstorming techniques , such as the six hats of thinking . I believe that it gives a hollistical , systemic panorama of the situation , and will contribute a lot with idea generation . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Using Learning Launch as an effective design thinking tool in Automotive Rear Suspension Development for a Passenger Van modified for Electric Powertrain By Ratna Kumari ( 4th Nov 2019 ) Challenge I am working for an Automotive OEM design & manufacturing 4 wheeled vehicles for passengers . As a member of my organization ’s R & D department for Suspension parts and our challenge is to make and Suspension for existing 7 seater Rear Wheel Drive ( RWD ) gasoline vehicle to an Electric vehicle for an Government exhibition which would have 1 . Min changes in terms of vehicle - suspension attachment points 2 . Should support rear wheel drive . 3 . Should support additional weight of Battery Pack 4 . Should keep investments to minimum as it was not for sale . Resources : Project scope includes 1 . Electrical Design Department and Body & Brake Design department with whom we have to work closely . 2 . Project is limited to internal resources ( i.e budget & employee time ) 3 . Project should not exceed 18 months from date of initiation including design and vehicle building . 4 . Project should not involve dedicated members but needs to be executed as an additional task over and above regular model development responsibilities utilizing common employee Pool . Selection Since the standard designs for such is readily available , we need to fit such template designs fitting in criteria mentioned above in challenges & resources . So we quickly went from Visualization , Journey / Mind Mapping tools to Learning Launch as its best suited tool for our case , to conduct an experiment , build a prototype and test the hypothesis we developed and see if it meets our criteria within the set of resources specified . One more important factor to select Learning Launch as a tool as to evaluate multiple design options in order to understand customer needs effectively . As Design begins with empathy – establishing a deep understanding for whom we are designing , as a Manager thinking like designer would consistently put ourselves in our customers ’ shoes . Able to test and experiment our idea which we think would meet customer need there is no better tool than Learning Launch to find out the truth and would give a metric how much ‘ customer centered ’ we automotive design managers are . Application For our first learning launch we begin by setting boundary condition , we document limits on key variables such as time , design iterations , proven raw materials , minimum tool investments and suppliers we should work with We were able to build a team who would accommodate few extra hours for this project at the same time is both disciplined and adaptive . The Least common denominator in the team was passion for this project . We also managed to get someone with financial perspective and that has proven valuable , while project management skills being a default requirement . As a next step we design with a sharp focus on key assumptions which we made which will make our design work with the given challenges . We prepared the prototype drawing with a due check at drawing review stage that prototype drawing reflects the key assumptions we need to test . We translated the assumptions we plan to test into specific metrics . Like example , for Rear wheel drive we choose the Suspension strokes value such that it does not cross permissible angle of Drive shaft , construction of De - Dion tube such that it does not affect underbody layout so that we meet the key challenge of not undergoing major changes in the vehicle . We then explicitly defined how we would generate the data , this includes both objective data ( easy part : Component fatigue , Torque curve etc ) and subjective data ( difficult part : Like Drive feel , Ride comfort etc ) . Goes without saying we were being explicit about the search for disconfirming data and matched the budget to an affordable loss calculation . Next Step is when you prepare actual parts , face technical difficulty in terms of quality defects , here needed to work in fast feedback cycles . In this phase our project first makes contact with reality and marks an important phase in Learning launch . We had a successful learning launch ( we prepared a Mule Vehicle ) and seeing the new type of suspension ( De - Dion ) along with Constant Velocity Joints Drive shafts fitted in a exsisting Solid axle type of suspension , was easy for all participants to suspend their dis belief . It felt complete real and we had a test drive in real world conditions and it met our criteria . Its worthwhile to mention that during Learning launch setup we run a Failure Mode and Effect analysis program which necessitates to create a back up plan for everything which could possibly be wrong . We created a contingency handling scenario if design fails what are the back up plans as the target of 18 months given to us was non negotiable . Insight By applying the learning launch tool , our team identified our assumptions and design launches to test this assumption . For example one of our assumption was that electric motor should be mounted in vehicle body instead of suspension unlike benchmarking studies shows motor mounted on suspension cases exist . We tested our idea and found it meeting end objectives thereby making the suspension lighter and comfortable . A wrong choice in Choice between Motor moving with suspension or Motor part of vehicle would have delayed the project , which we feel ability to use learning launch effectively helped . Although there was small improvements required and moving forward our team could incorporate this insights in second mule and built design database for incorporation into future launch design . Goes without saying incorporation of insight is very important at this stage as launches comes before limited production of the vehicle . Approach We found the learning launch is the most appropriate tool given our team quickly went from Visualization , Journey / Mind Mapping tools , so Learning Launch as its best suited tool for our case , to conduct an experiment , build a prototype and test the hypothesis we developed and see if it meets our criteria within the set of resources specified . Making changes to a full - fledged product for our case converting a gasoline vehicle to electric vehicle , without surety of customer acceptance is both difficult and costly . Instead , we can start small by launching a minimally viable version of a product like a dry run — test our hypothesis and bring it in front of our target audience . By doing so , teams can gather numerous insights about usability and product - market fit and can make critical edits before extensive resources are committed to a final version . Beyond avoiding costly mistakes , experimenting with prototypes can bring early awareness of our offering among potential end - consumers
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Using Learning Launch as an effective design thinking tool in Automotive Rear Suspension Development for a Passenger Van modified for Electric Powertrain By Ratna Kumari ( 4th Nov 2019 ) Challenge I am working for an Automotive OEM design & manufacturing 4 wheeled vehicles for passengers . As a member of my organization ’s R & D department for Suspension parts and our challenge is to make and Suspension for existing 7 seater Rear Wheel Drive ( RWD ) gasoline vehicle to an Electric vehicle for an Government exhibition which would have 1 . Min changes in terms of vehicle - suspension attachment points 2 . Should support rear wheel drive . 3 . Should support additional weight of Battery Pack 4 . Should keep investments to minimum as it was not for sale . Resources : Project scope includes 1 . Electrical Design Department and Body & Brake Design department with whom we have to work closely . 2 . Project is limited to internal resources ( i.e budget & employee time ) 3 . Project should not exceed 18 months from date of initiation including design and vehicle building . 4 . Project should not involve dedicated members but needs to be executed as an additional task over and above regular model development responsibilities utilizing common employee Pool . Selection Since the standard designs for such is readily available , we need to fit such template designs fitting in criteria mentioned above in challenges & resources . So we quickly went from Visualization , Journey / Mind Mapping tools to Learning Launch as its best suited tool for our case , to conduct an experiment , build a prototype and test the hypothesis we developed and see if it meets our criteria within the set of resources specified . One more important factor to select Learning Launch as a tool as to evaluate multiple design options in order to understand customer needs effectively . As Design begins with empathy – establishing a deep understanding for whom we are designing , as a Manager thinking like designer would consistently put ourselves in our customers ’ shoes . Able to test and experiment our idea which we think would meet customer need there is no better tool than Learning Launch to find out the truth and would give a metric how much ‘ customer centered ’ we automotive design managers are . Application For our first learning launch we begin by setting boundary condition , we document limits on key variables such as time , design iterations , proven raw materials , minimum tool investments and suppliers we should work with We were able to build a team who would accommodate few extra hours for this project at the same time is both disciplined and adaptive . The Least common denominator in the team was passion for this project . We also managed to get someone with financial perspective and that has proven valuable , while project management skills being a default requirement . As a next step we design with a sharp focus on key assumptions which we made which will make our design work with the given challenges . We prepared the prototype drawing with a due check at drawing review stage that prototype drawing reflects the key assumptions we need to test . We translated the assumptions we plan to test into specific metrics . Like example , for Rear wheel drive we choose the Suspension strokes value such that it does not cross permissible angle of Drive shaft , construction of De - Dion tube such that it does not affect underbody layout so that we meet the key challenge of not undergoing major changes in the vehicle . We then explicitly defined how we would generate the data , this includes both objective data ( easy part : Component fatigue , Torque curve etc ) and subjective data ( difficult part : Like Drive feel , Ride comfort etc ) . Goes without saying we were being explicit about the search for disconfirming data and matched the budget to an affordable loss calculation . Next Step is when you prepare actual parts , face technical difficulty in terms of quality defects , here needed to work in fast feedback cycles . In this phase our project first makes contact with reality and marks an important phase in Learning launch . We had a successful learning launch ( we prepared a Mule Vehicle ) and seeing the new type of suspension ( De - Dion ) along with Constant Velocity Joints Drive shafts fitted in a exsisting Solid axle type of suspension , was easy for all participants to suspend their dis belief . It felt complete real and we had a test drive in real world conditions and it met our criteria . Its worthwhile to mention that during Learning launch setup we run a Failure Mode and Effect analysis program which necessitates to create a back up plan for everything which could possibly be wrong . We created a contingency handling scenario if design fails what are the back up plans as the target of 18 months given to us was non negotiable . Insight By applying the learning launch tool , our team identified our assumptions and design launches to test this assumption . For example one of our assumption was that electric motor should be mounted in vehicle body instead of suspension unlike benchmarking studies shows motor mounted on suspension cases exist . We tested our idea and found it meeting end objectives thereby making the suspension lighter and comfortable . A wrong choice in Choice between Motor moving with suspension or Motor part of vehicle would have delayed the project , which we feel ability to use learning launch effectively helped . Although there was small improvements required and moving forward our team could incorporate this insights in second mule and built design database for incorporation into future launch design . Goes without saying incorporation of insight is very important at this stage as launches comes before limited production of the vehicle . Approach We found the learning launch is the most appropriate tool given our team quickly went from Visualization , Journey / Mind Mapping tools , so Learning Launch as its best suited tool for our case , to conduct an experiment , build a prototype and test the hypothesis we developed and see if it meets our criteria within the set of resources specified . Making changes to a full - fledged product for our case converting a gasoline vehicle to electric vehicle , without surety of customer acceptance is both difficult and costly . Instead , we can start small by launching a minimally viable version of a product like a dry run — test our hypothesis and bring it in front of our target audience . By doing so , teams can gather numerous insights about usability and product - market fit and can make critical edits before extensive resources are committed to a final version . Beyond avoiding costly mistakes , experimenting with prototypes can bring early awareness of our offering among potential end - consumers ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Ratna Kumari" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
CHALLENGE & SELECTION The first tool I used was the tool of Visualization , or Visual Thinking , to understand the problem . My business is to develop a commercial website for connecting the interior designers and the engineers with the customers and to provide service through this platform so that it helps customer to save their time . there are Some problems faced by customers while looking for a good interior designer and also they will be in a dilemma on which one to choose based on budget , designs the designer 's creativity etc . So to select their desired designers and fuzz them directly with varying budgets according to their design this platform is provided . This will increase in demand for interior designing and increase in the number of prospect customers and designers . APPLICATION I start the process by letting the people know the difficulties on choosing the right people to do their interiors . Give them a clear cut idea on how the house looks with interiors decorated through graphical context . the first step that is need is to understand the environment and the customer 's perception towards the idea . I will make them to come out with their own likes and dislikes , their tastes which would help me in solving their problem . Discover , Ideate and prototype will be my mantra . Giving the customers a graphical view will help them to know whether any modifications are needed so as to satisfy them . “ The Connected Company ” . The front - stage / back - stage approach helps to reinforce the notion that every service – even an internal service – has customers with whom the service provider interacts and internal processes that enable the organization to provide the service . INSIGHT & APPROACH Applying this tool helped me to what the customers ' perceptions are . The graphic helps to focus the problem clearly and the labors are trained with that and that in turn will reflect in the customers ' opinion . The graphic gives point of discussion that allows them to share their perspectives . They can quickly identify what they want and can more quickly gain new insights about the field . They can also identify variables in the problem .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: CHALLENGE & SELECTION The first tool I used was the tool of Visualization , or Visual Thinking , to understand the problem . My business is to develop a commercial website for connecting the interior designers and the engineers with the customers and to provide service through this platform so that it helps customer to save their time . there are Some problems faced by customers while looking for a good interior designer and also they will be in a dilemma on which one to choose based on budget , designs the designer 's creativity etc . So to select their desired designers and fuzz them directly with varying budgets according to their design this platform is provided . This will increase in demand for interior designing and increase in the number of prospect customers and designers . APPLICATION I start the process by letting the people know the difficulties on choosing the right people to do their interiors . Give them a clear cut idea on how the house looks with interiors decorated through graphical context . the first step that is need is to understand the environment and the customer 's perception towards the idea . I will make them to come out with their own likes and dislikes , their tastes which would help me in solving their problem . Discover , Ideate and prototype will be my mantra . Giving the customers a graphical view will help them to know whether any modifications are needed so as to satisfy them . “ The Connected Company ” . The front - stage / back - stage approach helps to reinforce the notion that every service – even an internal service – has customers with whom the service provider interacts and internal processes that enable the organization to provide the service . INSIGHT & APPROACH Applying this tool helped me to what the customers ' perceptions are . The graphic helps to focus the problem clearly and the labors are trained with that and that in turn will reflect in the customers ' opinion . The graphic gives point of discussion that allows them to share their perspectives . They can quickly identify what they want and can more quickly gain new insights about the field . They can also identify variables in the problem . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection Challenge​ : Challenge has now emerged in a large number of enterprises due to the few opportunities for formal employment . The startups that have emerged have a high participation in digital media . One - person enterprises , whose difficulty is developing all functions . Therefore , in order to adequately describe the challenge , we must start from the premise of how to enhance the impact of the publications on social networks of the enterprises . Then , after the process of applying certain tools , it was determined that the challenge would be : How might we easily generate more publications for social media for an entrepreneur ? Selection​ : In order to solve it , we use different visualization and storytelling tools such as the empathy map , client archetype , the prioritization matrix and the definition of the problem . Application​ : The development of these tools allows to fine - tune the challenge properly . With which we begin to develop the idea that allows us to solve the problem : Perspective​ : Within our perspective the development of a platform that automatically generates ideas for publications of different types of content , such as ebooks , podcasts , videos , etc . allows to enhance the time available to entrepreneurs . Also think since customers have problems really is critical to design thinking . The conceived idea could be this way : Approach​ : Finally , the solution design approach can allow us to generate income from a business model that supports the development of the value proposition .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection Challenge​ : Challenge has now emerged in a large number of enterprises due to the few opportunities for formal employment . The startups that have emerged have a high participation in digital media . One - person enterprises , whose difficulty is developing all functions . Therefore , in order to adequately describe the challenge , we must start from the premise of how to enhance the impact of the publications on social networks of the enterprises . Then , after the process of applying certain tools , it was determined that the challenge would be : How might we easily generate more publications for social media for an entrepreneur ? Selection​ : In order to solve it , we use different visualization and storytelling tools such as the empathy map , client archetype , the prioritization matrix and the definition of the problem . Application​ : The development of these tools allows to fine - tune the challenge properly . With which we begin to develop the idea that allows us to solve the problem : Perspective​ : Within our perspective the development of a platform that automatically generates ideas for publications of different types of content , such as ebooks , podcasts , videos , etc . allows to enhance the time available to entrepreneurs . Also think since customers have problems really is critical to design thinking . The conceived idea could be this way : Approach​ : Finally , the solution design approach can allow us to generate income from a business model that supports the development of the value proposition . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Usman Sunday Visualization Challenge The Challenge You work for one of the world ’s largest media and communications companies . Currently your company has five apps the customer can use to pay bills , troubleshoot service issues , chat with a customer representative , customize internet features , and stream video and music . The problem is your customers feel this is way too many apps , and it is confusing on what app does what . You notice that because of this fact customers have elected to use none of them , but instead simply use your company for service access , and use competing companies such as Netflix , Hulu , and Spotify for the other services . This is a serious problem because it is through your apps that you can collect data about your customer ’s entertainment habits that you can use to sell advertisement space on your service . Your challenge is to come up with an app that is an all in one app . Customers can do everything your apps do and more without the hassle of bloating their smart device with groups of tedious apps from your company . Selection I would start off with the flow chart technique of drawing what our individual apps do and ask the “ 5 Ws ” . Why do we need FIVE apps ? What does each app do ? When do I think we can launch the new all in one app ? How do the five apps currently flow ? Who is the target audience for these apps ( business customers or residential customers ? ) . Where can we make some cuts to our current digital footprint ? Having a hand drawn layout of how each of the five apps work would make it easier to see what needs to stay and what can be cut for the new all in one app . Application Using the “ Key Principles of Mobile UX Design ” by Nick Babich ( Editior in Chief of ) which states that consumers want simple , quick , and easy to understand apps , I would assemble the best designers , software engineering , programmers , and stakeholders to discuss the current problem , the solution , the benefits of going the one app route , the execution of design , release timeline , the costs involved , and any possible hurdles we may face during this process . Using a blank wall we will use a series of colored post - it notes in different categories to come up with how the new app will function . Insight and Approach What I learned from this challenge is that for designing something as complex as this it does take an incredibly talented and dedicated team to accomplish the task . Getting everyone to share the same vision was not the hard part , but it was actually having too many GOOD ideas that made it hard on knowing what to cut and what to keep . Once we took those ideas and trimmed them down to what a real life customer would want we felt we had something to present to higher ups . What I learned from this is visualization is truly a valuable tool in design thinking . I feel it ’s the one tool that everyone can get behind because you are actually displaying the ideas versus just blindly discussing them . I know not every situation is going to call for a visualization tool , but in the future I hope to take what I learned and apply it even better for the next great idea .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Usman Sunday Visualization Challenge The Challenge You work for one of the world ’s largest media and communications companies . Currently your company has five apps the customer can use to pay bills , troubleshoot service issues , chat with a customer representative , customize internet features , and stream video and music . The problem is your customers feel this is way too many apps , and it is confusing on what app does what . You notice that because of this fact customers have elected to use none of them , but instead simply use your company for service access , and use competing companies such as Netflix , Hulu , and Spotify for the other services . This is a serious problem because it is through your apps that you can collect data about your customer ’s entertainment habits that you can use to sell advertisement space on your service . Your challenge is to come up with an app that is an all in one app . Customers can do everything your apps do and more without the hassle of bloating their smart device with groups of tedious apps from your company . Selection I would start off with the flow chart technique of drawing what our individual apps do and ask the “ 5 Ws ” . Why do we need FIVE apps ? What does each app do ? When do I think we can launch the new all in one app ? How do the five apps currently flow ? Who is the target audience for these apps ( business customers or residential customers ? ) . Where can we make some cuts to our current digital footprint ? Having a hand drawn layout of how each of the five apps work would make it easier to see what needs to stay and what can be cut for the new all in one app . Application Using the “ Key Principles of Mobile UX Design ” by Nick Babich ( Editior in Chief of ) which states that consumers want simple , quick , and easy to understand apps , I would assemble the best designers , software engineering , programmers , and stakeholders to discuss the current problem , the solution , the benefits of going the one app route , the execution of design , release timeline , the costs involved , and any possible hurdles we may face during this process . Using a blank wall we will use a series of colored post - it notes in different categories to come up with how the new app will function . Insight and Approach What I learned from this challenge is that for designing something as complex as this it does take an incredibly talented and dedicated team to accomplish the task . Getting everyone to share the same vision was not the hard part , but it was actually having too many GOOD ideas that made it hard on knowing what to cut and what to keep . Once we took those ideas and trimmed them down to what a real life customer would want we felt we had something to present to higher ups . What I learned from this is visualization is truly a valuable tool in design thinking . I feel it ’s the one tool that everyone can get behind because you are actually displaying the ideas versus just blindly discussing them . I know not every situation is going to call for a visualization tool , but in the future I hope to take what I learned and apply it even better for the next great idea . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Usman Sunday" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge & Selection I am a member of the science events team . Our clients are people related to science , research , technological development and people completely unrelated to science . Through our events , we try to enrich knowledge and inspire . Our team consists of people with extensive experience , as well as people who are just starting their careers . Each event we organize is different , with a different leader and theme . We use tools such as brainstorming and visualizations to improve our work and precisely define the course of action . Application We start the process by creating a keynote for the event and learning the area it will cover . A person ( usually a professor ) comes up with an idea ( directions ) for the event . Meetings in a small team of employees with the shout of the future event . We try to find ideas related to the name of the event ( e.g. Time , artificial intelligence , etc . ) through brainstorming and visualizations , following the principle " every idea is good " . We create visualizations of the main idea by using different colors of cards . All ideas are written on them with different colors related to the group , e.g. blue - workshops , red – lectures , orange – discussion panel , yellow - accompanying events . To check if our main assumptions about the event meet the expectations of our clients , we conduct market research and gather information from campus residents , asking them what the name of the event is related to , and what problems they want to raise , what workshops would be useful for them , etc . People can submit their opinions , comments and ideas by email and through the portal . The term is usually 2 to 3 weeks . The idea must include an introduction , title , description of the idea and the event leader . The analysis of the collected data is carried out by a team consisting of people from the community , a student , a few selected professors , a rector , and deans . After selecting the ideas most suited to the image of the event and those that can be implemented , a sketch is created for our team . On the basis of selected ideas , we create a graphic that includes ideas and opinions , changes and proposals in its description , which we agreed with the entire group at the meeting . Insight & Approach Given that our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools and is at this stage in the timeline the choice of visualization was not a coincidence . The graphic – especially the revised graphic that incorporates their feedback – is important for reinforcing the incentives and development towards customer needs . They can quickly identify where they are in the graphic – or if they are missing – and can more quickly gain new insights about relationships between key entities instead of taking time to identify them . I can state that the most valuable aspects are shared insights and learning from one another .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge & Selection I am a member of the science events team . Our clients are people related to science , research , technological development and people completely unrelated to science . Through our events , we try to enrich knowledge and inspire . Our team consists of people with extensive experience , as well as people who are just starting their careers . Each event we organize is different , with a different leader and theme . We use tools such as brainstorming and visualizations to improve our work and precisely define the course of action . Application We start the process by creating a keynote for the event and learning the area it will cover . A person ( usually a professor ) comes up with an idea ( directions ) for the event . Meetings in a small team of employees with the shout of the future event . We try to find ideas related to the name of the event ( e.g. Time , artificial intelligence , etc . ) through brainstorming and visualizations , following the principle " every idea is good " . We create visualizations of the main idea by using different colors of cards . All ideas are written on them with different colors related to the group , e.g. blue - workshops , red – lectures , orange – discussion panel , yellow - accompanying events . To check if our main assumptions about the event meet the expectations of our clients , we conduct market research and gather information from campus residents , asking them what the name of the event is related to , and what problems they want to raise , what workshops would be useful for them , etc . People can submit their opinions , comments and ideas by email and through the portal . The term is usually 2 to 3 weeks . The idea must include an introduction , title , description of the idea and the event leader . The analysis of the collected data is carried out by a team consisting of people from the community , a student , a few selected professors , a rector , and deans . After selecting the ideas most suited to the image of the event and those that can be implemented , a sketch is created for our team . On the basis of selected ideas , we create a graphic that includes ideas and opinions , changes and proposals in its description , which we agreed with the entire group at the meeting . Insight & Approach Given that our team has already gone through several design thinking activities / tools and is at this stage in the timeline the choice of visualization was not a coincidence . The graphic – especially the revised graphic that incorporates their feedback – is important for reinforcing the incentives and development towards customer needs . They can quickly identify where they are in the graphic – or if they are missing – and can more quickly gain new insights about relationships between key entities instead of taking time to identify them . I can state that the most valuable aspects are shared insights and learning from one another . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Storytelling Challenge & Selection I remember an experience from 12 years ago . I volunteered to coach a school soccer team . I worked with 10 - year - olds who trained every weekend to participate in the intercollegiate tournament that was held every year in the middle of the year . The first months of the year we trained and we tried to participate in short tournaments to measure our forces with other teams . When the year started the children were always enthusiastic and wanted to win all the tournaments where we participated . The children were very confident but when the results were not given they were discouraged and said that this tournament was not important and what really mattered was the intercollegiate tournament . And so with each short tournament where they participated , at first they longed to be champions but when the result did not come , they said that the tournament was not worth it . That year we only won a short tournament , we participated in 5 , and we also lost the intercollegiate being in the last places . Application The following year everything was repeating itself , we participated in the first short tournament and when we lost , the boys said that the tournament was not important . A dejavu . So I told the children the story of " The Fox and the Grapes " , a story that my grandfather told me when I was a child . I told them : On a very hot day , a thirsty fox came across a bunch of large , juicy grapes on top of a bush . He stood on tiptoe and did his best to reach the grapes , but they were too far away . The fox kept trying to jump with all her might over and over again but she could n't reach them . Now the fox raised her eyes and looked at the grapes with distaste and said : Those grapes are green , they do n't taste good , I do n't want them . And she left very angry . Apply this method because as young children it would surely be difficult to motivate them by being hard on them . That would have discouraged them even more . Insight & Approach At first they did n't understand what the story was about and I had to explain to them that we were behaving like that fox who craved grapes and when she could n't get them she said she was n't interested . The same happened with the short tournaments in which we participated . That story was a great revelation for the whole team , it helped us to commit more to the objectives set and face all the tournaments where we participate with great responsibility . That year we participated in 6 short tournaments and won 2 . In the intercollegiate tournament we reached a worthy third place . The team promised to fight to the end to achieve the objectives . This course helped me remember this beautiful experience and understand that storytelling can be very useful to help me get out of a mental block . I will try to use stories when presenting an idea in my work .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Storytelling Challenge & Selection I remember an experience from 12 years ago . I volunteered to coach a school soccer team . I worked with 10 - year - olds who trained every weekend to participate in the intercollegiate tournament that was held every year in the middle of the year . The first months of the year we trained and we tried to participate in short tournaments to measure our forces with other teams . When the year started the children were always enthusiastic and wanted to win all the tournaments where we participated . The children were very confident but when the results were not given they were discouraged and said that this tournament was not important and what really mattered was the intercollegiate tournament . And so with each short tournament where they participated , at first they longed to be champions but when the result did not come , they said that the tournament was not worth it . That year we only won a short tournament , we participated in 5 , and we also lost the intercollegiate being in the last places . Application The following year everything was repeating itself , we participated in the first short tournament and when we lost , the boys said that the tournament was not important . A dejavu . So I told the children the story of " The Fox and the Grapes " , a story that my grandfather told me when I was a child . I told them : On a very hot day , a thirsty fox came across a bunch of large , juicy grapes on top of a bush . He stood on tiptoe and did his best to reach the grapes , but they were too far away . The fox kept trying to jump with all her might over and over again but she could n't reach them . Now the fox raised her eyes and looked at the grapes with distaste and said : Those grapes are green , they do n't taste good , I do n't want them . And she left very angry . Apply this method because as young children it would surely be difficult to motivate them by being hard on them . That would have discouraged them even more . Insight & Approach At first they did n't understand what the story was about and I had to explain to them that we were behaving like that fox who craved grapes and when she could n't get them she said she was n't interested . The same happened with the short tournaments in which we participated . That story was a great revelation for the whole team , it helped us to commit more to the objectives set and face all the tournaments where we participate with great responsibility . That year we participated in 6 short tournaments and won 2 . In the intercollegiate tournament we reached a worthy third place . The team promised to fight to the end to achieve the objectives . This course helped me remember this beautiful experience and understand that storytelling can be very useful to help me get out of a mental block . I will try to use stories when presenting an idea in my work . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Learning Launch Toll for fairs Challenge : I studied Mechanical Engineering , and our final assignment for one course was to create a device that could help the people that works at neighbourhood fairs with a problem that we could detect . The main constraints of the project were that we had a little under three months , and the solution had to be affordable for the customers . My team found that the volume of organic waste produced at the fair was a problem for many of the stakeholders because it was difficult to handle it , and if they left the street with trash , it could result in a fine that would hurt them financially . Selection By using design thinking tools , such as an ethnographic approach and visualization , we came to the concept of " reducing the volume " of the waste as a solution to their problem . So we developed different alternatives on how to reduce the size of this type of garbage . Through the use of the learning launch tool , we expected to get the feedback on the early prototypes we manufactured , which focused on different things , like size , weight , cost , reduction mechanism and user interaction . Application To test our different prototypes , created different prototypes that we grouped considering the feature we wanted to test . The first time we did a test with the user , the difference between the models was substantial . For example , the mechanisms for the reduction of the volume would be a type of shredder with cylinders that you would put over the trash can , or a machine that smashed the trash with pistons and makes blocks or even a rotating axis that would cut the trash . We invited people from various fairs to use the devices , and we recorded the interactions , the commentaries and the suggestions they had . Because the designs focused on different aspects of the machine , each person needed to experiment with as many models as possible . This way , we could check our assumptions , such as the weight the users tolerated , the more intuitive mechanism for them , and if it was within their budget or willingness to pay . We did a total of three iterations with different groups of people ( around 20 each time ) . The first test helped us to discover the traits that the customers prefered , for the second one we did other cheap prototypes , with small changes ( mostly on the shape and the weight ) on the base design of the selected traits of the first iteration . Finally , in the third iteration , we combined the different features in a single prototype and tested it again to see if the sum of the selected parts of the previous tests was well received . Insight The results were pleasing for the customer because they were participants in the process for the creation of the device . They choose each iteration , what was the type of solution that was more comfortable for them , and by doing that , they saved us a lot of time and effort . Because if we had not tested the devices so often , we would have developed prototypes that were too complex , had too many attributes to rate at the same time , and probably would have failed to fulfil the requirements of the stakeholders . Having a broad look at the problem , helped us to deliver many different alternatives for the first iteration . This way , we were able to show vastly different alternatives and make them compete with the final user as the centre of the next iterations . I think this also was key to the success of this assignment . Finally , the use of low - cost and fast - building models was important when creating a product . The idea of narrowing the designs , to what your customer feels comfortable with was essential to deliver the product . Approach The main problem that we faced was that because the groups were so large , getting people to agree on some of the different features that they liked was no easy task , and many times there was not a total agreement at all . In the future , when we do more field tests with the learning launch tool , I think it would be beneficial to have smaller groups for the tests . This way , people are more comfortable investigating the devices and feel free to speak what they think , and the data we can collect would have a higher quality and diversity .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Learning Launch Toll for fairs Challenge : I studied Mechanical Engineering , and our final assignment for one course was to create a device that could help the people that works at neighbourhood fairs with a problem that we could detect . The main constraints of the project were that we had a little under three months , and the solution had to be affordable for the customers . My team found that the volume of organic waste produced at the fair was a problem for many of the stakeholders because it was difficult to handle it , and if they left the street with trash , it could result in a fine that would hurt them financially . Selection By using design thinking tools , such as an ethnographic approach and visualization , we came to the concept of " reducing the volume " of the waste as a solution to their problem . So we developed different alternatives on how to reduce the size of this type of garbage . Through the use of the learning launch tool , we expected to get the feedback on the early prototypes we manufactured , which focused on different things , like size , weight , cost , reduction mechanism and user interaction . Application To test our different prototypes , created different prototypes that we grouped considering the feature we wanted to test . The first time we did a test with the user , the difference between the models was substantial . For example , the mechanisms for the reduction of the volume would be a type of shredder with cylinders that you would put over the trash can , or a machine that smashed the trash with pistons and makes blocks or even a rotating axis that would cut the trash . We invited people from various fairs to use the devices , and we recorded the interactions , the commentaries and the suggestions they had . Because the designs focused on different aspects of the machine , each person needed to experiment with as many models as possible . This way , we could check our assumptions , such as the weight the users tolerated , the more intuitive mechanism for them , and if it was within their budget or willingness to pay . We did a total of three iterations with different groups of people ( around 20 each time ) . The first test helped us to discover the traits that the customers prefered , for the second one we did other cheap prototypes , with small changes ( mostly on the shape and the weight ) on the base design of the selected traits of the first iteration . Finally , in the third iteration , we combined the different features in a single prototype and tested it again to see if the sum of the selected parts of the previous tests was well received . Insight The results were pleasing for the customer because they were participants in the process for the creation of the device . They choose each iteration , what was the type of solution that was more comfortable for them , and by doing that , they saved us a lot of time and effort . Because if we had not tested the devices so often , we would have developed prototypes that were too complex , had too many attributes to rate at the same time , and probably would have failed to fulfil the requirements of the stakeholders . Having a broad look at the problem , helped us to deliver many different alternatives for the first iteration . This way , we were able to show vastly different alternatives and make them compete with the final user as the centre of the next iterations . I think this also was key to the success of this assignment . Finally , the use of low - cost and fast - building models was important when creating a product . The idea of narrowing the designs , to what your customer feels comfortable with was essential to deliver the product . Approach The main problem that we faced was that because the groups were so large , getting people to agree on some of the different features that they liked was no easy task , and many times there was not a total agreement at all . In the future , when we do more field tests with the learning launch tool , I think it would be beneficial to have smaller groups for the tests . This way , people are more comfortable investigating the devices and feel free to speak what they think , and the data we can collect would have a higher quality and diversity . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Visualisation - Tool used to Introduce a complex project to Department 2 Challenge I work in a bank and one of my projects is to enable ourselves to trade some of our products on a newly established blockchain network . My stakeholders are the department heads who know nothing about blockchain and have limited knowledge of how our internal systems interact with each other and with the outside world . Taking department 2 as an example , the head of this department said he could not imagine how his product can appear in blockchain . He was afraid to participate in my project because he was afraid of the unknown & complexity . So the challenge to me was to introduce him to this project in the most effective way that he will understand without needing to be an expert of blockchain and our systems . I also wanted to reflect pro & con of the possible solutions for him to make an informed decision . Selection To make this happen , I chose to visualise the project and options in a diagram for design thinking . I know a diagram helps people visualize complex and abstract concepts by showing how all elements relate to each other and flow from one place to another . It also inspires questions and provokes discussion when e.g. an arrow points to a dead end or a box turns to be unnecessary . I attached a brief hand drawn high - level view here to show what I created for this project . Application I started drawing the diagram by dividing it into the outside world and internal world . I started with a circle to represent the blockchain network and added the participants as equal members in the circle . I then drew a line to link the circle with our internal world , to show that it is a transparent and direct relationship between us and the external network . To simplify the internal world , I splitted ourselves into two platforms A and B , with A being the front office platform department 1 and department 2 share . On top of platform A , the two departments have their respective bespoke system A1 and system A2 . Platform B represents the back office system that A1 and A2 have to connect in order to connect with the outside network . With these systems and flows drawn on PowerPoint slide , I was able to visualise to my stakeholder , head of department 2 , that his system A2 can be connected to the external network by connecting with back office System B. It also revealed that the A2 - B connection does not exist today - but he has the choice of either building it from scratch , or connecting through A1 . Insights I found this way of visualizing extremely helpful when it comes to explaining an abstract and complex topic . On one side , it encouraged me to think hard before picking the most important elements to form the diagram ; on the other hand , it allowed my stakeholder to immediately understand the flow , the gaps / issues and inspired him to ask a lot of good questions . I found him more interested and engaged when using this diagram in our meeting , and showed strong confidence when choosing the option in front of him . He was even asking whether he can share this diagram with other departments to invite them to join this project too . Approach I will prepare and bring a piece of drawing ( or other visualization tool ) to my meetings whenever I have to explain a complex topic . This is extremely helpful when dealing with people who do n’t have much time ( e.g. senior management ) or subject matter knowledge ( e.g. people from other departments ) . I will also take a more agile approach - keep revising the diagram ( or other visualization tool ) with feedback from meetings and input from others . I would like to also save all of the drawings down and archive them properly , because as we progress with the project and encounter new challenges , we might need to look back sometime to remind us how we reached a certain decision in an earlier stage and what was our design thinking behind it .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Visualisation - Tool used to Introduce a complex project to Department 2 Challenge I work in a bank and one of my projects is to enable ourselves to trade some of our products on a newly established blockchain network . My stakeholders are the department heads who know nothing about blockchain and have limited knowledge of how our internal systems interact with each other and with the outside world . Taking department 2 as an example , the head of this department said he could not imagine how his product can appear in blockchain . He was afraid to participate in my project because he was afraid of the unknown & complexity . So the challenge to me was to introduce him to this project in the most effective way that he will understand without needing to be an expert of blockchain and our systems . I also wanted to reflect pro & con of the possible solutions for him to make an informed decision . Selection To make this happen , I chose to visualise the project and options in a diagram for design thinking . I know a diagram helps people visualize complex and abstract concepts by showing how all elements relate to each other and flow from one place to another . It also inspires questions and provokes discussion when e.g. an arrow points to a dead end or a box turns to be unnecessary . I attached a brief hand drawn high - level view here to show what I created for this project . Application I started drawing the diagram by dividing it into the outside world and internal world . I started with a circle to represent the blockchain network and added the participants as equal members in the circle . I then drew a line to link the circle with our internal world , to show that it is a transparent and direct relationship between us and the external network . To simplify the internal world , I splitted ourselves into two platforms A and B , with A being the front office platform department 1 and department 2 share . On top of platform A , the two departments have their respective bespoke system A1 and system A2 . Platform B represents the back office system that A1 and A2 have to connect in order to connect with the outside network . With these systems and flows drawn on PowerPoint slide , I was able to visualise to my stakeholder , head of department 2 , that his system A2 can be connected to the external network by connecting with back office System B. It also revealed that the A2 - B connection does not exist today - but he has the choice of either building it from scratch , or connecting through A1 . Insights I found this way of visualizing extremely helpful when it comes to explaining an abstract and complex topic . On one side , it encouraged me to think hard before picking the most important elements to form the diagram ; on the other hand , it allowed my stakeholder to immediately understand the flow , the gaps / issues and inspired him to ask a lot of good questions . I found him more interested and engaged when using this diagram in our meeting , and showed strong confidence when choosing the option in front of him . He was even asking whether he can share this diagram with other departments to invite them to join this project too . Approach I will prepare and bring a piece of drawing ( or other visualization tool ) to my meetings whenever I have to explain a complex topic . This is extremely helpful when dealing with people who do n’t have much time ( e.g. senior management ) or subject matter knowledge ( e.g. people from other departments ) . I will also take a more agile approach - keep revising the diagram ( or other visualization tool ) with feedback from meetings and input from others . I would like to also save all of the drawings down and archive them properly , because as we progress with the project and encounter new challenges , we might need to look back sometime to remind us how we reached a certain decision in an earlier stage and what was our design thinking behind it . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Hersh Guerrero Design Thinking Reflection Problem While I was In Australia I was working for a Company called Hawasa University Technology Incubator , A crowdfunding platform that helped socially conscious changemakers start a project for the betterment of society . As you could imagine with any crowdfunding platform , there was a lot of fundraising going on , and with fundraising you need to get the word out about projects and try to draw people in . There were many people on the email list , and a decent number of followers on all social media pages yet projects were struggling to raise money . The team then decided to take on a more aggressive approach , sending out multiple emails a day , having up to 6 twitter , 3 instagram , and 1 tumblr post a day . The problem was that they were not getting successful engagement from these outlets , and ultimately failing to crowdfund the money to start these projects . Selection To solve this problem I employed the story telling tool we learned in lecture . I started to think about it from the customer perspective , their personal story or relationship with the company . I thought that story telling would work best because its about the connection between the brand and the customers , their interactions and how the brand is perceived . I think that Hawasa University Technology Incubator was not thinking from the customer perspective which was diluting the brand image they have . The Speaker in the lecture describes the situation perfectly , the employees were thinking of the problem in a list form , here ’s the problem , what are the pros and cons of a solution , okay let ’s pick this one . But with storytelling and seeing through the customers eyes , we can create an element of shared value and causation behind what the brand is to engage customers . This was the story I came up with the customer goes something like this … Application A customer finds out about the company by a friend because they are running a campaign and posting on their personal pages , or they recently donated to a campaign and want to share with their social network . The customer then becomes curious as to what Hawasa University Technology Incubator is , so they visit the website , or maybe a social media page to find out more information . They see that the company is about starting positive change in all communities and thinks they would like to help to create this positive change by donating to a few campaigns that they are interested in and signing up on the email list and following social media accounts to get further information about future projects . The customer within the next month is bombarded by emails every day and sees them all over their social media feeds about campaigns that she may or may not have an interest in . Because there is so many emails in their inbox from Hawasa University Technology Incubator , they stop checking them because they never have never been about projects she cares about , and same with social media . The individual continues to get sent emails every single day and begins to become annoyed that Hawasa University Technology Incubator is cluttering their inbox , so they unsubscribe or simply stop opening them all together losing them as a potential donor to the campaigns . Insight From the Hawasa University Technology Incubator teams perspective , it made sense to simply ramp up the number of emails and posts a day to try to maximize engagement , but I think what they did n’t see was that when there is an excess of information being throw at the customers , it looses its charm , and becomes annoying or frivolous to them . Additionally , because of the nature of the business , most of the emails are asking for some sort of donation , and being asked to donate money every single day can become very frustrating very fast . It was n’t until I had to really empathize with the customer that I found they had this problem . It happens to me regularly as well , I will sign up for an email list , but then regret it because the organization sends out emails every day , cluttering my inbox , and it never seems important enough for me to check . This is exactly what is happening at Hawasa University Technology Incubator . Alternative Approach My solution then would be to take on the opposite approach of bombarding the customer with information about campaigns and the company , but to make it something to look forward to , and make it highly curated to the customer . First part of my solution deals with the content of emails ; when they sign up for the email list , they will need to fill in bubbles of certain areas that interest them such as “ Environment ” “ Kid related ” “ Underrepresented social group ” or any of the other categories that Hawasa University Technology Incubator has . This will make sure that the campaigns that are being sent to the customer in the email are ones that they actually have an interest in . This will immediately result in more engagement because they most likely got on the email list because they heard about a campaign in one of those categories that they care about . So receiving information about the category that they favor will make them read about the campaigns and see the benefit it will yield . Next part of the solution has to do with the quantity of emails : there should only be one email a week , making it almost like a newsletter or a spotlight event of a handful of campaigns . This will ensure that the customer does n’t get overwhelmed with the amount of information being thrown at them . They will become accustomed to receiving their “ Hawasa University Technology Incubator newsletter every Thursday ” that has info about the company as a whole as well as a handful of campaigns , that she has expressed interest in . Additionally there could be different ways to break down the campaigns such as “ Close to Finishing ” “ New Campaign ” “ CEO ’s pick of the week ” etc .. to even further engage the customer . If they decided to employ this type of outreach strategy I believe that they would be much more successful .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Hersh Guerrero Design Thinking Reflection Problem While I was In Australia I was working for a Company called Hawasa University Technology Incubator , A crowdfunding platform that helped socially conscious changemakers start a project for the betterment of society . As you could imagine with any crowdfunding platform , there was a lot of fundraising going on , and with fundraising you need to get the word out about projects and try to draw people in . There were many people on the email list , and a decent number of followers on all social media pages yet projects were struggling to raise money . The team then decided to take on a more aggressive approach , sending out multiple emails a day , having up to 6 twitter , 3 instagram , and 1 tumblr post a day . The problem was that they were not getting successful engagement from these outlets , and ultimately failing to crowdfund the money to start these projects . Selection To solve this problem I employed the story telling tool we learned in lecture . I started to think about it from the customer perspective , their personal story or relationship with the company . I thought that story telling would work best because its about the connection between the brand and the customers , their interactions and how the brand is perceived . I think that Hawasa University Technology Incubator was not thinking from the customer perspective which was diluting the brand image they have . The Speaker in the lecture describes the situation perfectly , the employees were thinking of the problem in a list form , here ’s the problem , what are the pros and cons of a solution , okay let ’s pick this one . But with storytelling and seeing through the customers eyes , we can create an element of shared value and causation behind what the brand is to engage customers . This was the story I came up with the customer goes something like this … Application A customer finds out about the company by a friend because they are running a campaign and posting on their personal pages , or they recently donated to a campaign and want to share with their social network . The customer then becomes curious as to what Hawasa University Technology Incubator is , so they visit the website , or maybe a social media page to find out more information . They see that the company is about starting positive change in all communities and thinks they would like to help to create this positive change by donating to a few campaigns that they are interested in and signing up on the email list and following social media accounts to get further information about future projects . The customer within the next month is bombarded by emails every day and sees them all over their social media feeds about campaigns that she may or may not have an interest in . Because there is so many emails in their inbox from Hawasa University Technology Incubator , they stop checking them because they never have never been about projects she cares about , and same with social media . The individual continues to get sent emails every single day and begins to become annoyed that Hawasa University Technology Incubator is cluttering their inbox , so they unsubscribe or simply stop opening them all together losing them as a potential donor to the campaigns . Insight From the Hawasa University Technology Incubator teams perspective , it made sense to simply ramp up the number of emails and posts a day to try to maximize engagement , but I think what they did n’t see was that when there is an excess of information being throw at the customers , it looses its charm , and becomes annoying or frivolous to them . Additionally , because of the nature of the business , most of the emails are asking for some sort of donation , and being asked to donate money every single day can become very frustrating very fast . It was n’t until I had to really empathize with the customer that I found they had this problem . It happens to me regularly as well , I will sign up for an email list , but then regret it because the organization sends out emails every day , cluttering my inbox , and it never seems important enough for me to check . This is exactly what is happening at Hawasa University Technology Incubator . Alternative Approach My solution then would be to take on the opposite approach of bombarding the customer with information about campaigns and the company , but to make it something to look forward to , and make it highly curated to the customer . First part of my solution deals with the content of emails ; when they sign up for the email list , they will need to fill in bubbles of certain areas that interest them such as “ Environment ” “ Kid related ” “ Underrepresented social group ” or any of the other categories that Hawasa University Technology Incubator has . This will make sure that the campaigns that are being sent to the customer in the email are ones that they actually have an interest in . This will immediately result in more engagement because they most likely got on the email list because they heard about a campaign in one of those categories that they care about . So receiving information about the category that they favor will make them read about the campaigns and see the benefit it will yield . Next part of the solution has to do with the quantity of emails : there should only be one email a week , making it almost like a newsletter or a spotlight event of a handful of campaigns . This will ensure that the customer does n’t get overwhelmed with the amount of information being thrown at them . They will become accustomed to receiving their “ Hawasa University Technology Incubator newsletter every Thursday ” that has info about the company as a whole as well as a handful of campaigns , that she has expressed interest in . Additionally there could be different ways to break down the campaigns such as “ Close to Finishing ” “ New Campaign ” “ CEO ’s pick of the week ” etc .. to even further engage the customer . If they decided to employ this type of outreach strategy I believe that they would be much more successful . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Hersh Guerrero" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
CHALLENGE & SELECTION The first tool I used was the Visualization tool . I started work as a storeman at a pre - cast factory recently . The factory produce concrete panels which are transported to construction sites and put together to construct a building or structure ( a bit like Lego blocks ) . I am the only storeman for the factory with a workforce of about 25 on the production floor . The company was facing issues with items/ components from the store to the production floor as it has constantly caused production disruption ( PDs ) . The production line would be working on a concrete panel midway only to realise they were n't able to continue work due to problems like missing items , components , incomplete drawings etc . This has caused much frustration and production downtime . Over a few months , the store and the production office looked into ways to overcome the issue of PDs . Changes were made and we saw improvements that the management wanted to see . However , these ' improvements ' worked mostly around the purchasing and supply chain . It ensured the correct items and quantity were purchased based on the correct drawings . The store now had everything the production workers needed to complete their job . All my customers ( the production workers ) had to do was walked down to the store to get what they needed . The frequency of PDs reduced . Since I started the Design Thinking course , I decided to put what I learnt into my workplace . My aim is to understand why PDs , ( although reduced ) are still occuring . I spoke to the production manager for permission to explore the matter more and present to him my findings ( if any ) . Since I am the only person managing the store and I have no prior knowledge of pre - cast industry , I decided to use the visualization tool to help me better understand the problem . APPLICATION Since I have no knowlegde of how a factory makes a concrete panel , I decided that I would spend some time on the production floor . My aim is to : 1 . observe and understand better the processes in the making of concrete panels 2 . gather feedback from production workers on why they think the PDs are still occuring My observation starts with the arrival of the steel bars to the factory . The steel bars are tied together using tie wires based on approved engeneering drawings . As this ' cage tying ' process transpire , the production workers set out to set up the shutters for the concrete mould . This is probably the most tedious and important part of the process . The mould determines the size , shape , thickness , dimensions and all the other critical factor that will decide if the concrete panel is built to specifications for construction site assembly later on . It is also during this process that items from the store are required most . Once the mould is complete , the steel cage is then placed inside the mould . Once a quality check is done , the concrete truck will arrive on site to pour wet concrete into the mould . The workers then work quickly to ' finish ' the wet concrete over a period of few hours to make sure it is even and have a reasonably presentable surface finish . After a certain period of setting time , the mould is taken apart and the concrete panel lifted away to be stored . I gathered feedback by chatting with workers during breaks ( and sometimes during work hours ) . Most questions are open ended questions . Examples of questions : • What do you think may have caused the recent production disruption ? • Do you have any suggestions what we can do to manage the steel cages better ? • Any suggestion on how to make your work run better ? I spent roughly 1 week focused on the above to gather enough information to put into drawing my findings . I added more and more information on my drawings and finally summarized them into a single page that I believe captured the essence of my observations . See attached drawing . INSIGHT & APPROACH The experience of participating directly in my customer 's world reveals what is actually happening on the production floor . I understand better their work routine , challenges and rational of their comments/ feedbacks . The experience and information gained I then put them into a drawing which I feel best captures the relationship between production and store . This picture gives me a birdseye view of what is happening and this enables me to narrow down areas that can be improved . Among others , my observations from this drawing include : • The different stages of the production and what tools/ items/ components from the store that supports the ongoing work . Certain items ( example : vacum cleaner ) are used several times at different stages of the production . Having to return to store is each time after use is rather unproductive . • The number of trips from the production floor to the store that workers have to make daily . Some workers walk 10 times to the store each day to collect items they need for their work . This is time consuming and can be demoralising considering each trip is about 200 m to 300 m return . • How some important production items are found on production floor ( labeled ' excess ' in the drawing ) . When these ' excess ' items are not returned to store , they can cause problems to other working teams . Example : some items were overdrawned from the store and left on production floor . When other teams working on other panels need those same items , they are not available in the store and this disrups work in progress . • Some feedback , ideas and suggestions from workers makes perfect sense when it is understood from their daily work routine . Example : Invest in more electrical tools to make work faster and safer . Rather than having only one tool shared among working teams , invest on a set of tools for each team to use . The observations from this visualization tool led me to propose a few ideas to the production manager for his consideration . Here are some of the What Ifs proposed : 1 . Create a central area on the production floor where general shared tools are kept . Shared items like vacuum cleaner , concrete vibrator and wheel barrows are to be left in this central area . This will save time having to retrive and return them from the store . 2 . Team leaders will prepare a list of items needed for a particular concrete panel for the store . The store will prepare all the items in a box and deliver to the teams . No more walking up and down 10 times a day to the store . It also reduced overdrawn items from the store . 3 . The store will do two rounds of ' sweeps ' each day to collect unused ( excess ) items from production ( if any ) . No more missing items and this also reduce double purchasing . 4 . A distribution shelf was built and placed in the central area of the production floor to reduce the number ' trips ' to the store by the workers . This shelf will be stocked with items that the workers use a lot ( like silicon , rags , chairs , tie wires ) We are still monitoring the impact of these changes on the number of PDs in the factory . Although only time will tell , one unexpected development we received was the feedback from the workers . Some commented that work is now made easier with less time and energy spent walking to the store or around the production floor looking for items/ tools they need . Some commented they are happier now that they are able to work more efficiently . Putting my observations and gathered information into a picture makes it easier for my superiors to understand . Listening to my explaination and looking at the drawing captures more audiences ( than otherwise just talking ) . The drawing became a central reference for any particular matter discussed and everyone knows exactly at which stage of the production is being referred to . I find this very rewarding as oppose to trying to describe the situation only through verbal communication . With the drawing , everyone is on the same page . This would probably be one of my future ' go to ' approaches to problems in the future !
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: CHALLENGE & SELECTION The first tool I used was the Visualization tool . I started work as a storeman at a pre - cast factory recently . The factory produce concrete panels which are transported to construction sites and put together to construct a building or structure ( a bit like Lego blocks ) . I am the only storeman for the factory with a workforce of about 25 on the production floor . The company was facing issues with items/ components from the store to the production floor as it has constantly caused production disruption ( PDs ) . The production line would be working on a concrete panel midway only to realise they were n't able to continue work due to problems like missing items , components , incomplete drawings etc . This has caused much frustration and production downtime . Over a few months , the store and the production office looked into ways to overcome the issue of PDs . Changes were made and we saw improvements that the management wanted to see . However , these ' improvements ' worked mostly around the purchasing and supply chain . It ensured the correct items and quantity were purchased based on the correct drawings . The store now had everything the production workers needed to complete their job . All my customers ( the production workers ) had to do was walked down to the store to get what they needed . The frequency of PDs reduced . Since I started the Design Thinking course , I decided to put what I learnt into my workplace . My aim is to understand why PDs , ( although reduced ) are still occuring . I spoke to the production manager for permission to explore the matter more and present to him my findings ( if any ) . Since I am the only person managing the store and I have no prior knowledge of pre - cast industry , I decided to use the visualization tool to help me better understand the problem . APPLICATION Since I have no knowlegde of how a factory makes a concrete panel , I decided that I would spend some time on the production floor . My aim is to : 1 . observe and understand better the processes in the making of concrete panels 2 . gather feedback from production workers on why they think the PDs are still occuring My observation starts with the arrival of the steel bars to the factory . The steel bars are tied together using tie wires based on approved engeneering drawings . As this ' cage tying ' process transpire , the production workers set out to set up the shutters for the concrete mould . This is probably the most tedious and important part of the process . The mould determines the size , shape , thickness , dimensions and all the other critical factor that will decide if the concrete panel is built to specifications for construction site assembly later on . It is also during this process that items from the store are required most . Once the mould is complete , the steel cage is then placed inside the mould . Once a quality check is done , the concrete truck will arrive on site to pour wet concrete into the mould . The workers then work quickly to ' finish ' the wet concrete over a period of few hours to make sure it is even and have a reasonably presentable surface finish . After a certain period of setting time , the mould is taken apart and the concrete panel lifted away to be stored . I gathered feedback by chatting with workers during breaks ( and sometimes during work hours ) . Most questions are open ended questions . Examples of questions : • What do you think may have caused the recent production disruption ? • Do you have any suggestions what we can do to manage the steel cages better ? • Any suggestion on how to make your work run better ? I spent roughly 1 week focused on the above to gather enough information to put into drawing my findings . I added more and more information on my drawings and finally summarized them into a single page that I believe captured the essence of my observations . See attached drawing . INSIGHT & APPROACH The experience of participating directly in my customer 's world reveals what is actually happening on the production floor . I understand better their work routine , challenges and rational of their comments/ feedbacks . The experience and information gained I then put them into a drawing which I feel best captures the relationship between production and store . This picture gives me a birdseye view of what is happening and this enables me to narrow down areas that can be improved . Among others , my observations from this drawing include : • The different stages of the production and what tools/ items/ components from the store that supports the ongoing work . Certain items ( example : vacum cleaner ) are used several times at different stages of the production . Having to return to store is each time after use is rather unproductive . • The number of trips from the production floor to the store that workers have to make daily . Some workers walk 10 times to the store each day to collect items they need for their work . This is time consuming and can be demoralising considering each trip is about 200 m to 300 m return . • How some important production items are found on production floor ( labeled ' excess ' in the drawing ) . When these ' excess ' items are not returned to store , they can cause problems to other working teams . Example : some items were overdrawned from the store and left on production floor . When other teams working on other panels need those same items , they are not available in the store and this disrups work in progress . • Some feedback , ideas and suggestions from workers makes perfect sense when it is understood from their daily work routine . Example : Invest in more electrical tools to make work faster and safer . Rather than having only one tool shared among working teams , invest on a set of tools for each team to use . The observations from this visualization tool led me to propose a few ideas to the production manager for his consideration . Here are some of the What Ifs proposed : 1 . Create a central area on the production floor where general shared tools are kept . Shared items like vacuum cleaner , concrete vibrator and wheel barrows are to be left in this central area . This will save time having to retrive and return them from the store . 2 . Team leaders will prepare a list of items needed for a particular concrete panel for the store . The store will prepare all the items in a box and deliver to the teams . No more walking up and down 10 times a day to the store . It also reduced overdrawn items from the store . 3 . The store will do two rounds of ' sweeps ' each day to collect unused ( excess ) items from production ( if any ) . No more missing items and this also reduce double purchasing . 4 . A distribution shelf was built and placed in the central area of the production floor to reduce the number ' trips ' to the store by the workers . This shelf will be stocked with items that the workers use a lot ( like silicon , rags , chairs , tie wires ) We are still monitoring the impact of these changes on the number of PDs in the factory . Although only time will tell , one unexpected development we received was the feedback from the workers . Some commented that work is now made easier with less time and energy spent walking to the store or around the production floor looking for items/ tools they need . Some commented they are happier now that they are able to work more efficiently . Putting my observations and gathered information into a picture makes it easier for my superiors to understand . Listening to my explaination and looking at the drawing captures more audiences ( than otherwise just talking ) . The drawing became a central reference for any particular matter discussed and everyone knows exactly at which stage of the production is being referred to . I find this very rewarding as oppose to trying to describe the situation only through verbal communication . With the drawing , everyone is on the same page . This would probably be one of my future ' go to ' approaches to problems in the future ! ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Learning Launch based on Design Thinking for Innovation Delivering Workplace Risk Assessment based on Health and Safety protocols ; Carried out in compliance to the Industry International Best Practice ; and Targeting a multicultural team in a dynamic fast peace environment ; within Technical and Artistic Theatre and Performing Art division Z.S. 30407059 Challenge Working in the Technical and Artistic Theatre and Performing Art as manager of the department the safety of our crew , artists and Guest is core priority goal to everyone . When at an international Corporate and large scale company , the team running the department is often composed by people from different origins and culture . Especially because of this the operations must be heavily focused on constantly enhance then auditing the safety culture of your department . My challenge was to be able to rely on every singular team member ( technical or artistic ) to execute any task based on safety standard in the way it was designed in the company risk assessment database . However , not everyone will be perceiving the safety duties in the same way cause different background and education may lead in an individual nonperforming well certain task assigned . Example , a Stage Manager supervising a rigging operation on stage having his both hands in the pocket showing wrong body language despite of his authoritative presence . While the European standard of best practice at workplace will not allow this body language , certain Asian relaxed cultures will have a different peace and my contemplate such attitude on body language when performing a safety supervision at work . Selection I decided to run a human - centered inside training using a simulated learning lunch scenario . I have created a weekly learning lunch appointment with the team ( called also a drill ) where a group of selected crew members from different nationality where appointed to read a specific chosen Risk Assessment topic in front the rest of the team in the auditorium . In order to proper aligning team members ’ perspectives when working under a safety culture regime , I have released formalities asking them to explain one by one the content of the chosen Risk Assessment topic by building emotional engagement . Laughing was fully allowed too ! Application I encourage the selected group to act as they were sort of actors ( and not engineers for once ) using their body language and storytelling to deliver the content of the safety precaution listed on the risk assessment paper given to them ( I previously printed ) . A copy of the formal risk assessment and listed precautions was delivered to every team member in the house too . I place the group on stage ( using zero formalities ) and the rest of the team was in the house . The goal was to shown a specific safety scenario on stage and deliver the safety message from the risk assessment . The message of how to reduce a risk when doing a certain task . Once all the listed precautions were decently interpreted on stage by the group to the audience ( the rest of the team ) , the group returned into the house to rejoin their colleagues . An open discussion then was triggered , to the point that every one could memories the precautions shown on stage in a funny way , to remember these rules for long time . At the same time I stepped in the conversations whenever there was the possibility to spot ah - hock comments by a member based on capabilities to solve new safety problems in the future building new solutions . Insight The formation of heterogeneous teams was a key goal for me considering the diversification in nationalities . Delivering an onstage act of the formal safety precautions rules have made the whole team feeling as a united family entity allowed the building of alignment across differences . The mixed group on stage was expanding repertoire of meaning , feelings , accountabilities with a sense of humor towards the rest of the group watching the act from the audience prospective . The content of the risk assessment precaution list was delivered fully pursuing the goal of training the whole team on safety best practice and time allowing emergent solutions for potential new safety challenge . Approach As a manager my real goal was creating a social awareness , encouraging a learning mindset and increasing psychological group safety . I was keen to attract and spot champions which will lead the future the department in key operational segments . In the future I may want to teak this Learning Launch event by involving more key stakeholders as participant example could be inviting housekeeping department or medical team representatives . This will allow the “ work together ” culture in the department for a higher quality of Safety culture at work .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Learning Launch based on Design Thinking for Innovation Delivering Workplace Risk Assessment based on Health and Safety protocols ; Carried out in compliance to the Industry International Best Practice ; and Targeting a multicultural team in a dynamic fast peace environment ; within Technical and Artistic Theatre and Performing Art division Z.S. 30407059 Challenge Working in the Technical and Artistic Theatre and Performing Art as manager of the department the safety of our crew , artists and Guest is core priority goal to everyone . When at an international Corporate and large scale company , the team running the department is often composed by people from different origins and culture . Especially because of this the operations must be heavily focused on constantly enhance then auditing the safety culture of your department . My challenge was to be able to rely on every singular team member ( technical or artistic ) to execute any task based on safety standard in the way it was designed in the company risk assessment database . However , not everyone will be perceiving the safety duties in the same way cause different background and education may lead in an individual nonperforming well certain task assigned . Example , a Stage Manager supervising a rigging operation on stage having his both hands in the pocket showing wrong body language despite of his authoritative presence . While the European standard of best practice at workplace will not allow this body language , certain Asian relaxed cultures will have a different peace and my contemplate such attitude on body language when performing a safety supervision at work . Selection I decided to run a human - centered inside training using a simulated learning lunch scenario . I have created a weekly learning lunch appointment with the team ( called also a drill ) where a group of selected crew members from different nationality where appointed to read a specific chosen Risk Assessment topic in front the rest of the team in the auditorium . In order to proper aligning team members ’ perspectives when working under a safety culture regime , I have released formalities asking them to explain one by one the content of the chosen Risk Assessment topic by building emotional engagement . Laughing was fully allowed too ! Application I encourage the selected group to act as they were sort of actors ( and not engineers for once ) using their body language and storytelling to deliver the content of the safety precaution listed on the risk assessment paper given to them ( I previously printed ) . A copy of the formal risk assessment and listed precautions was delivered to every team member in the house too . I place the group on stage ( using zero formalities ) and the rest of the team was in the house . The goal was to shown a specific safety scenario on stage and deliver the safety message from the risk assessment . The message of how to reduce a risk when doing a certain task . Once all the listed precautions were decently interpreted on stage by the group to the audience ( the rest of the team ) , the group returned into the house to rejoin their colleagues . An open discussion then was triggered , to the point that every one could memories the precautions shown on stage in a funny way , to remember these rules for long time . At the same time I stepped in the conversations whenever there was the possibility to spot ah - hock comments by a member based on capabilities to solve new safety problems in the future building new solutions . Insight The formation of heterogeneous teams was a key goal for me considering the diversification in nationalities . Delivering an onstage act of the formal safety precautions rules have made the whole team feeling as a united family entity allowed the building of alignment across differences . The mixed group on stage was expanding repertoire of meaning , feelings , accountabilities with a sense of humor towards the rest of the group watching the act from the audience prospective . The content of the risk assessment precaution list was delivered fully pursuing the goal of training the whole team on safety best practice and time allowing emergent solutions for potential new safety challenge . Approach As a manager my real goal was creating a social awareness , encouraging a learning mindset and increasing psychological group safety . I was keen to attract and spot champions which will lead the future the department in key operational segments . In the future I may want to teak this Learning Launch event by involving more key stakeholders as participant example could be inviting housekeeping department or medical team representatives . This will allow the “ work together ” culture in the department for a higher quality of Safety culture at work . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [ "Z.S. 30407059" ], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge I am a product manager in corporate company . I ’m in charge of the launching new products and meeting with possible partners to decide building new products . I ’m also responsible for managing current products so as to improve revenue and provide better experience to our customers . I am working with cross functional teams such as developers , UX / UI designers , lawyers , marketing specialist , researcher etc . If we decide to enter a new market or decide to build a new services / application / web page we have to decide carefully . Time is important and process takes long time to complete so we had to find better way to decide final products each time . Selection : Our teams have been working on different working methodologies such as Scrum , waterfall , Agile . It depends on the projects and we have small cross functional teams for each small project . This time we prefer to use launching learning tool to lead project Application At the first learning launch , we came together and talked about the new mobile application project . As we learnt from the videos , this time we did not do assumption and prepare a business plan quickly because it would cause a fail after working hard for months and launch the projects . We talked about together ideas and give feedback each other . Create draft plans had our research , identify the market needs , build a design concept of the product . We had assumptions but we clarify the personas and asked the market research analyst to find a focus group to test our ideas . Meanwhile , our developers create a minimum valuable product for the focus group . We asked the people to use this beta products and observe their behaviors . After the focus group session , we meet with the team again to prioritize customer insights then we launch a beta version of the product for limited customer in order to create quality and enough data to observe . Also , our UX team created A / B tests to improve our test and marketing specialist create alternative designs for campaign to find best Cost per Click ads . In the third week , we realized we had so much progress in the project and launching learning helped us to be more productive . Prioritization and collaboration quickly are one of the best parts of the launching learning , we all were exciting to work together and observe each step and create the changes to build better solution . Insight & Approach By applying the learning launch , we had opportunities to test lots of different case in short time . The best part we worked better in that short time . Even in three weeks we realize that first idea and the final idea had lots of differences it was so much than what we expect at the beginning . We have n’t launched the project yet but we are already sure that we will use learning launch approach tool on the other projects . It helped us to realize our assumption would be so wrong at the beginning . Our team also are exciting to use Visualization tool especially for bigger cross functional teams we think it would help us to save time .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge I am a product manager in corporate company . I ’m in charge of the launching new products and meeting with possible partners to decide building new products . I ’m also responsible for managing current products so as to improve revenue and provide better experience to our customers . I am working with cross functional teams such as developers , UX / UI designers , lawyers , marketing specialist , researcher etc . If we decide to enter a new market or decide to build a new services / application / web page we have to decide carefully . Time is important and process takes long time to complete so we had to find better way to decide final products each time . Selection : Our teams have been working on different working methodologies such as Scrum , waterfall , Agile . It depends on the projects and we have small cross functional teams for each small project . This time we prefer to use launching learning tool to lead project Application At the first learning launch , we came together and talked about the new mobile application project . As we learnt from the videos , this time we did not do assumption and prepare a business plan quickly because it would cause a fail after working hard for months and launch the projects . We talked about together ideas and give feedback each other . Create draft plans had our research , identify the market needs , build a design concept of the product . We had assumptions but we clarify the personas and asked the market research analyst to find a focus group to test our ideas . Meanwhile , our developers create a minimum valuable product for the focus group . We asked the people to use this beta products and observe their behaviors . After the focus group session , we meet with the team again to prioritize customer insights then we launch a beta version of the product for limited customer in order to create quality and enough data to observe . Also , our UX team created A / B tests to improve our test and marketing specialist create alternative designs for campaign to find best Cost per Click ads . In the third week , we realized we had so much progress in the project and launching learning helped us to be more productive . Prioritization and collaboration quickly are one of the best parts of the launching learning , we all were exciting to work together and observe each step and create the changes to build better solution . Insight & Approach By applying the learning launch , we had opportunities to test lots of different case in short time . The best part we worked better in that short time . Even in three weeks we realize that first idea and the final idea had lots of differences it was so much than what we expect at the beginning . We have n’t launched the project yet but we are already sure that we will use learning launch approach tool on the other projects . It helped us to realize our assumption would be so wrong at the beginning . Our team also are exciting to use Visualization tool especially for bigger cross functional teams we think it would help us to save time . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge and selection . For this I will be using a storytelling process . In my job I have been finding the problem of keeping the team intact for more than a year because people ted to change their profession just because they are finding better opportunities . This made me think and actually get to know what exactly was going through their minds while joining the job and later the reason for them to leave the project half way . This was getting very difficult for me as people were thinking that I was not a good manager and my quality of work plus jobs were at stake . Application : After this course I was enlightened and I started to see the job from the perspective of the teams persepective and after a steady scrutiny I got to know that these people were not happy with the promotion feature of the company and believed that it should be fair in everyone ’s perspective . So I formed a questionnaire and circulated it among the staff of my team and got to know that it is totally dependent on their working condition and obviously it was thepayscale . Hence going through this particular criteria below was the insight and approach Insight and approach The approach was through questionnaire method so it was a quantitative analysis and I even had a focused group discussion with the team . Which resulted in making the particular action which needed to be taken and hence we collided the work on incentive basis and was a wonderful scenario looking at this scenario . Because people are very competitive now and we have given them a work equivalent to their pay scale and incentives for other work . Giving them a sense of responsibility .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge and selection . For this I will be using a storytelling process . In my job I have been finding the problem of keeping the team intact for more than a year because people ted to change their profession just because they are finding better opportunities . This made me think and actually get to know what exactly was going through their minds while joining the job and later the reason for them to leave the project half way . This was getting very difficult for me as people were thinking that I was not a good manager and my quality of work plus jobs were at stake . Application : After this course I was enlightened and I started to see the job from the perspective of the teams persepective and after a steady scrutiny I got to know that these people were not happy with the promotion feature of the company and believed that it should be fair in everyone ’s perspective . So I formed a questionnaire and circulated it among the staff of my team and got to know that it is totally dependent on their working condition and obviously it was thepayscale . Hence going through this particular criteria below was the insight and approach Insight and approach The approach was through questionnaire method so it was a quantitative analysis and I even had a focused group discussion with the team . Which resulted in making the particular action which needed to be taken and hence we collided the work on incentive basis and was a wonderful scenario looking at this scenario . Because people are very competitive now and we have given them a work equivalent to their pay scale and incentives for other work . Giving them a sense of responsibility . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge I work for a government agency whose primary responsibilities are industry development and investment promotion . In a nutshell , we encourage local and foreign investments to come into the country by providing tax incentives and help priority industries grow by creating a conducive business environment through policy . Much of the agency ’s operations have yet to be digitized and the primary pain point that is always identified by upper leadership is our lack of robust data analytics to drive the development and crafting of evidence - based policies . We were recently offered a data lake developed by one of the top IT companies in the country ; however , we were not fully ready to implement it out right . Selection Upon going through a design thinking process to understand how the data lake could be used best for the agency , a multi - disciplinary team was formed in order to implement a learning launch . The team sought to develop a proof - of - concept ( POC ) that would push quality real - time data into the data lake for use in analytics . The learning launch was a crucial step in the project because , for the agency , this was uncharted territory . The learning launch would provide the needed feedback so that the platform could be implemented at a larger scale once all the kinks were worked out . Application The learning launch designed revolved around getting on - the - ground data to assess the supply of rice across the country . By doing so , the necessary interventions could be put in place to create a more efficient distribution system and avoid a shortage . To gather real - time data , a mobile application was quickly developed where rice farmers could enter their information . The learning launch was confined to a small geographic area that had a good amount of rice farmers that could be on - boarded into the process . A group of volunteers was tapped to facilitate the on - boarding process and teach the rice farmers how to properly use the mobile application . For the learning launch , there were five ( 5 ) small groups that went out to on - board farmers and gather data . Insight The video lectures highlighted the importance of diversity in order to fill informational gaps and reduce biases . Although the learning launch team was comprised of brilliant people from various fields , we did not have anyone that was an expert in the local area . Locals were part of the implementation phase , but not the planning phase , which led to a number of missteps during the learning launch . First , to use the mobile application , the rice farmer needed to have a smart phone . The majority of the farmers were relatively old and/or part of the marginalized sector and , thus , could not afford a smart phone . To address this , a small number of phones were loaned out , at least for the duration of the learning launch . Second , the mobile application had to be downloaded and installed onto the smartphone . Being a rural area , some areas did not have cellular reception , mobile data , or wired internet connectivity . Farmers had to be transported to the nearest town with connectivity in order to first get the application and actually input information . The learning launch was still a success ; but instead of identifying what worked , it became clear what did n’t work and that there was a need to rethink the concept and develop an alternative solution . Approach Due to the ( un)successful learning launch , it would be best for the team to return to brainstorming and integrate a member of the local community to get their inputs . This was a crucial missing factor in the previous learning launch . With more diversity in the team and with a broader perspective in terms of inputs , a more robust concept could be developed and eventually explored .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge I work for a government agency whose primary responsibilities are industry development and investment promotion . In a nutshell , we encourage local and foreign investments to come into the country by providing tax incentives and help priority industries grow by creating a conducive business environment through policy . Much of the agency ’s operations have yet to be digitized and the primary pain point that is always identified by upper leadership is our lack of robust data analytics to drive the development and crafting of evidence - based policies . We were recently offered a data lake developed by one of the top IT companies in the country ; however , we were not fully ready to implement it out right . Selection Upon going through a design thinking process to understand how the data lake could be used best for the agency , a multi - disciplinary team was formed in order to implement a learning launch . The team sought to develop a proof - of - concept ( POC ) that would push quality real - time data into the data lake for use in analytics . The learning launch was a crucial step in the project because , for the agency , this was uncharted territory . The learning launch would provide the needed feedback so that the platform could be implemented at a larger scale once all the kinks were worked out . Application The learning launch designed revolved around getting on - the - ground data to assess the supply of rice across the country . By doing so , the necessary interventions could be put in place to create a more efficient distribution system and avoid a shortage . To gather real - time data , a mobile application was quickly developed where rice farmers could enter their information . The learning launch was confined to a small geographic area that had a good amount of rice farmers that could be on - boarded into the process . A group of volunteers was tapped to facilitate the on - boarding process and teach the rice farmers how to properly use the mobile application . For the learning launch , there were five ( 5 ) small groups that went out to on - board farmers and gather data . Insight The video lectures highlighted the importance of diversity in order to fill informational gaps and reduce biases . Although the learning launch team was comprised of brilliant people from various fields , we did not have anyone that was an expert in the local area . Locals were part of the implementation phase , but not the planning phase , which led to a number of missteps during the learning launch . First , to use the mobile application , the rice farmer needed to have a smart phone . The majority of the farmers were relatively old and/or part of the marginalized sector and , thus , could not afford a smart phone . To address this , a small number of phones were loaned out , at least for the duration of the learning launch . Second , the mobile application had to be downloaded and installed onto the smartphone . Being a rural area , some areas did not have cellular reception , mobile data , or wired internet connectivity . Farmers had to be transported to the nearest town with connectivity in order to first get the application and actually input information . The learning launch was still a success ; but instead of identifying what worked , it became clear what did n’t work and that there was a need to rethink the concept and develop an alternative solution . Approach Due to the ( un)successful learning launch , it would be best for the team to return to brainstorming and integrate a member of the local community to get their inputs . This was a crucial missing factor in the previous learning launch . With more diversity in the team and with a broader perspective in terms of inputs , a more robust concept could be developed and eventually explored . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
DESIGN THINKING ASSINGMENT DARDEN BUSINESS SCHOOL – COURSERA OFF - GRID REFRIGERATION CHALLENGE IN ABUJA - NIGERIA Habibu George Abuja , October 30 , 2016 CONTENTS 1 . CHALLENGE ; Market penetration … … … … … … … …… …… …… …… …… 3 2 . TOOL SELECTED ; Learning Launches … … … … … …… …… …… …… .......... 3 3 . APPLICATION and INSIGHTS … … … … … … … … …… …… …… …… …… …… .. 3 4 . APPROACH … … … … … … … … … … …… …… …… …… …… …… …… .. … .. .. 4 CHALLENGE ; Market penetration Power is a significant challenge in Nigeria . In about two decades this nation has expended over twenty billion U.S. Dollars yet our total power output is about Five thousand megawatts . This is a country with a population of about a hundred and seventy million people occupying about a million square kilometres of land . Many people need power to run their fridges , freezers , air conditioning etc but this lack of it created a challenge and an opportunity . So we set up a factory to produce blocks of ice that we could provide the people in our state to use in meeting some of their refrigeration needs . Because of the burning nature of the need and huge population we believed this would be a no brainer and would hit the market in a huge wave . This did not happen . As a matter of fact , we struggled to make sales of 20 blocks a day from a 1000 block a day factory . This was not sustainable and we had to take significant action and fast if were not going to shelve the business . This way we would get hard facts on why the market was reacting with such poor reception to a product that was designed ( as we thought ) to meet an ardent refrigeration need . TOOL SELECTED ; Learning Launches Lucky for us I had this challenge in mind while taking the course and it seemed sensible to use the learning launches . This would keep is in the market experimenting to get to the truth we required to take a decision on our current business and or , model . The whole idea was that we would get the true market feel and information we would use . From the videos Estela Perez on learning launches it seemed reasonable to get our product into specific markets , get feedback and act on the feedback . We could not continue to run the factory in perpetuity if were not utilizing the factory at least at 80 % and making 100 % sales of whatever came out of it . We would not be able to pay for equipment , diesel to run generators , maintenance , salaries and all would make us bankrupt . So trying out well designed darts at the market and using the feedback to adjust our offering cum operations would be our best bet and not just a set of brainstorming sessions with the team . APPLICATION and INSIGHTS We first decided to call in for a meeting with all those we had tried to sell to who had made claims of being re - sellers of ice - blocks for other producers . The meeting was a town hall type set - up that would allow us hear from them what it was that made them purchase the product from the competition despite what we believed were the attributes of our product ; high quality , hygienically produced ice , cost efficient since it lasted longer than their current purchase ( great value for money proposition ) , and we delivered to the client . We also hoped to share with them our vision for the business and what benefits lay in store for re- sellers who worked with us . The meeting held with us asking questions to participants like , how long they had been in the business , what advice would they give to those who wished to start up such a business , what were the pitfalls to look out for , what would a producer do for them that would make them loyal , what sort of support would they wish they had , what kind of support where they currently getting , had they tried out our product , what issues did they have with it , what could we do to address these issues ? Through this process we learnt about the seasonality of the product demand which rhymed with the natural season . We also learned that pricing was usually variegated from season to season and did not remain same especially for our target market . That is not all , we also gained other insights as to what kind of support would keep them loyal , their thoughts on our offers and other concerns . APPROACH What we did thereafter was to offer variegated pricing to those who would commit to certain minimum volumes per week . We would also require their daily feedback so we could keep tabs on our performance . In addition , we would attempt to support them further with storage facilities such as coolers and freezers , not to mention ad campaigns that would now be focused on them and not on us . This so far has increased sales volumes to about 30 % of installed capacity based on signing on 3 dedicated resellers out of our target of 10 . I think that going forward it would make sense to have stakeholders in a business give some form of guided feedback that would allow for the launch of any product . Then launch out in small areas based on that feedback continue to adjust where necessary .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: DESIGN THINKING ASSINGMENT DARDEN BUSINESS SCHOOL – COURSERA OFF - GRID REFRIGERATION CHALLENGE IN ABUJA - NIGERIA Habibu George Abuja , October 30 , 2016 CONTENTS 1 . CHALLENGE ; Market penetration … … … … … … … …… …… …… …… …… 3 2 . TOOL SELECTED ; Learning Launches … … … … … …… …… …… …… .......... 3 3 . APPLICATION and INSIGHTS … … … … … … … … …… …… …… …… …… …… .. 3 4 . APPROACH … … … … … … … … … … …… …… …… …… …… …… …… .. … .. .. 4 CHALLENGE ; Market penetration Power is a significant challenge in Nigeria . In about two decades this nation has expended over twenty billion U.S. Dollars yet our total power output is about Five thousand megawatts . This is a country with a population of about a hundred and seventy million people occupying about a million square kilometres of land . Many people need power to run their fridges , freezers , air conditioning etc but this lack of it created a challenge and an opportunity . So we set up a factory to produce blocks of ice that we could provide the people in our state to use in meeting some of their refrigeration needs . Because of the burning nature of the need and huge population we believed this would be a no brainer and would hit the market in a huge wave . This did not happen . As a matter of fact , we struggled to make sales of 20 blocks a day from a 1000 block a day factory . This was not sustainable and we had to take significant action and fast if were not going to shelve the business . This way we would get hard facts on why the market was reacting with such poor reception to a product that was designed ( as we thought ) to meet an ardent refrigeration need . TOOL SELECTED ; Learning Launches Lucky for us I had this challenge in mind while taking the course and it seemed sensible to use the learning launches . This would keep is in the market experimenting to get to the truth we required to take a decision on our current business and or , model . The whole idea was that we would get the true market feel and information we would use . From the videos Estela Perez on learning launches it seemed reasonable to get our product into specific markets , get feedback and act on the feedback . We could not continue to run the factory in perpetuity if were not utilizing the factory at least at 80 % and making 100 % sales of whatever came out of it . We would not be able to pay for equipment , diesel to run generators , maintenance , salaries and all would make us bankrupt . So trying out well designed darts at the market and using the feedback to adjust our offering cum operations would be our best bet and not just a set of brainstorming sessions with the team . APPLICATION and INSIGHTS We first decided to call in for a meeting with all those we had tried to sell to who had made claims of being re - sellers of ice - blocks for other producers . The meeting was a town hall type set - up that would allow us hear from them what it was that made them purchase the product from the competition despite what we believed were the attributes of our product ; high quality , hygienically produced ice , cost efficient since it lasted longer than their current purchase ( great value for money proposition ) , and we delivered to the client . We also hoped to share with them our vision for the business and what benefits lay in store for re- sellers who worked with us . The meeting held with us asking questions to participants like , how long they had been in the business , what advice would they give to those who wished to start up such a business , what were the pitfalls to look out for , what would a producer do for them that would make them loyal , what sort of support would they wish they had , what kind of support where they currently getting , had they tried out our product , what issues did they have with it , what could we do to address these issues ? Through this process we learnt about the seasonality of the product demand which rhymed with the natural season . We also learned that pricing was usually variegated from season to season and did not remain same especially for our target market . That is not all , we also gained other insights as to what kind of support would keep them loyal , their thoughts on our offers and other concerns . APPROACH What we did thereafter was to offer variegated pricing to those who would commit to certain minimum volumes per week . We would also require their daily feedback so we could keep tabs on our performance . In addition , we would attempt to support them further with storage facilities such as coolers and freezers , not to mention ad campaigns that would now be focused on them and not on us . This so far has increased sales volumes to about 30 % of installed capacity based on signing on 3 dedicated resellers out of our target of 10 . I think that going forward it would make sense to have stakeholders in a business give some form of guided feedback that would allow for the launch of any product . Then launch out in small areas based on that feedback continue to adjust where necessary . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Habibu George" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Mind mapping Challenge & selection I am in charge of the business administration of a small human resources agency dedicated to the recruitment and selection process . Last year we had an increase in the number of customers [ companies interested in us to look for the best candidates for their available positions ] , but in the middle of this year we started to lose some of them . We did not know why since we were just implementing our sales department and our operation team [ psychologists in charge of the recruitment and evaluation ] were too overwhelmed with the workload to ask the clients why they were leaving . So , with that escenario , we decided that the first task that we would have with our emerging sales team would be to get to know our clients in order to offer services according to their needs . For this exercise we would be working with meetings , interviews and surveys to collect information from our clients . Then , with the help of our sales and operations departments , we would work on a mind mapping to look for patterns and insight of our clients . Application After collecting information about our clients - information such as size of the organization , kind of industry , internal organization , problemas that currently have in the recruitment and selection processes , reasons to buy services like ours , reasons not to buy services like ours , pain points and so much more - we took a day from our daily activities to work on the mind mapping . We worked in a big saloon and put all the gathered information in a big board . Then , we called all the people from the sales and operational departments [ we are a small group , so we were 10 people in total ] to observe the information , pick the good stuff and then cluster it . We also discussed the information in small groups in order to understand it . Insight & approach After this exercise we were able to determine the profiles of the clients that we had and what they needed to buy services like ours . Also it helped us to design better services to offer to them and to new clients . Finally , we got to recover some of the clients that we lost due to all the changes that we made to our services . We decided to do the exercise with the people of all the departments because , since we are still a small agency , we wanted all to be aligned with and to understand the profile of our clients and to know very detailed how the design of our services fulfill their needs . Therefore , given the good results of this exercise , we will definitely be using this tool in the future with our team .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Mind mapping Challenge & selection I am in charge of the business administration of a small human resources agency dedicated to the recruitment and selection process . Last year we had an increase in the number of customers [ companies interested in us to look for the best candidates for their available positions ] , but in the middle of this year we started to lose some of them . We did not know why since we were just implementing our sales department and our operation team [ psychologists in charge of the recruitment and evaluation ] were too overwhelmed with the workload to ask the clients why they were leaving . So , with that escenario , we decided that the first task that we would have with our emerging sales team would be to get to know our clients in order to offer services according to their needs . For this exercise we would be working with meetings , interviews and surveys to collect information from our clients . Then , with the help of our sales and operations departments , we would work on a mind mapping to look for patterns and insight of our clients . Application After collecting information about our clients - information such as size of the organization , kind of industry , internal organization , problemas that currently have in the recruitment and selection processes , reasons to buy services like ours , reasons not to buy services like ours , pain points and so much more - we took a day from our daily activities to work on the mind mapping . We worked in a big saloon and put all the gathered information in a big board . Then , we called all the people from the sales and operational departments [ we are a small group , so we were 10 people in total ] to observe the information , pick the good stuff and then cluster it . We also discussed the information in small groups in order to understand it . Insight & approach After this exercise we were able to determine the profiles of the clients that we had and what they needed to buy services like ours . Also it helped us to design better services to offer to them and to new clients . Finally , we got to recover some of the clients that we lost due to all the changes that we made to our services . We decided to do the exercise with the people of all the departments because , since we are still a small agency , we wanted all to be aligned with and to understand the profile of our clients and to know very detailed how the design of our services fulfill their needs . Therefore , given the good results of this exercise , we will definitely be using this tool in the future with our team . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
FOOTWEAR DEFORMITIES Challenge : I am a footwear designer so to know my customers is the biggest challenge for me . Is between my capabilities and their for today my challenge is knowing the foot functioning of my set of people whom I considered the market . looking to improve a service or looking to improve a , a product , you have a known quantity and you , you have some obvious areas where you might extend it . Selection : Design thinking is mind innovative before we begin we need to work on the what is ? what if ? What wow ? What work ? . Will take up the sample of people to collect the data and can do with survey and interview with different age group what they feel about the particular shoes what all they required in that product . So that we can have the data of different age group preferences . Secondly will work on type of foot a customers have the number of the population with flat foot , long instep gap and the normal curve?this data will collect from the target population whom the company want to serve and company motive to provide satisfaction with comfort foot . Application : there is no single piece of data . There is no level of data disclosure that will actually solve the problem . In fact , there might be too much data , and it 's not easy to interpreting all of the data that 's there . We have to put criteria ’s with the time boundation , the money capability , the sample size , sample design etc . how we start to resolve those problems with the company capabilities . Will use skill sets which match with people demands . Experimenting Questionnaire – prepare questions to cover mass population . With question like do you wear my shoe ? Give me rating ? what a scope of improvement required ? Do you like to have functional and comfortable shoe ? All the answers which we get we take the mass common answer and work on that and with improvements do pilot check with the same mass . Prototype/ Be innovative -innovation is through the value chain . For complex problem visualization method can be used to educated people to wear a correct size foot other wise can have foot deformities . It allows us and customer to think in a nonverbal way . Easy to catchup eyes . Can use pay slips/ whiteboard / presentation with charts . Showing sketching of the foot they have the last on which the shoe is made upon and shoe fitting . Creating a story boards of the colours and company objectives . Response rate during interviewing / taking up viewpoints are more and more welcoming .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: FOOTWEAR DEFORMITIES Challenge : I am a footwear designer so to know my customers is the biggest challenge for me . Is between my capabilities and their for today my challenge is knowing the foot functioning of my set of people whom I considered the market . looking to improve a service or looking to improve a , a product , you have a known quantity and you , you have some obvious areas where you might extend it . Selection : Design thinking is mind innovative before we begin we need to work on the what is ? what if ? What wow ? What work ? . Will take up the sample of people to collect the data and can do with survey and interview with different age group what they feel about the particular shoes what all they required in that product . So that we can have the data of different age group preferences . Secondly will work on type of foot a customers have the number of the population with flat foot , long instep gap and the normal curve?this data will collect from the target population whom the company want to serve and company motive to provide satisfaction with comfort foot . Application : there is no single piece of data . There is no level of data disclosure that will actually solve the problem . In fact , there might be too much data , and it 's not easy to interpreting all of the data that 's there . We have to put criteria ’s with the time boundation , the money capability , the sample size , sample design etc . how we start to resolve those problems with the company capabilities . Will use skill sets which match with people demands . Experimenting Questionnaire – prepare questions to cover mass population . With question like do you wear my shoe ? Give me rating ? what a scope of improvement required ? Do you like to have functional and comfortable shoe ? All the answers which we get we take the mass common answer and work on that and with improvements do pilot check with the same mass . Prototype/ Be innovative -innovation is through the value chain . For complex problem visualization method can be used to educated people to wear a correct size foot other wise can have foot deformities . It allows us and customer to think in a nonverbal way . Easy to catchup eyes . Can use pay slips/ whiteboard / presentation with charts . Showing sketching of the foot they have the last on which the shoe is made upon and shoe fitting . Creating a story boards of the colours and company objectives . Response rate during interviewing / taking up viewpoints are more and more welcoming . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Visualization Challenge and Selection I decided to apply design thinking to generate ideas for starting a new business with a few friends with diverse backgrounds . I am a lawyer and was planning to pitch my idea for a smart contract application so I wanted my friends to understand precisely what I intended for it to look like in order for them to help me create and improve it through their expertise . To do this I decided to apply the tool of visualization , visualization is the use of visual stimuli to help express your thoughts in a clearer way which also has the advantage of stimulating creativity , this can be done through drawings , pictures , videos , PowerPoint presentations , etc . As I mentioned before , the team was composed of different backgrounds such as marketing , programming and myself , a lawyer , so in order to better understand each other and to help generate ideas this tool seemed ideal . Application What I did was grab a piece of paper and draw a few prototypes of what you might see in your screen when using the app . This was done before the meeting so when I met them I was able to show them the pictures as I explained and signaled the elements I wanted . After I was done explaining I left my drawings on the table so each of my friends could have a better look at what interested them . Visualization appeared to have been applied properly since members of the team started giving suggestions and writing notes on my drawings and even making some of their own . After about an hour we finished a productive session with new ideas generated and tasks for improvements . Insight and approach Going into the meeting I thought my design was very good but the end result was a lot different . From the session I realized that a few things would n’t work because of technical limitations . I also learned that my app design was a bit complicated , so we decided to reduce the number of steps needed to generate the contract . Finally we agreed of other elements which could be improved although we did n’t yet know how so we will be meeting again only this time I encouraged them to bring their own designs . I will definitely be using the visualization tool again since it stimulated ideas and helped everyone to get on the same page . What I would like to do different is to get a white board that allows for more flexibility and everyone can write their ideas on the spot .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Visualization Challenge and Selection I decided to apply design thinking to generate ideas for starting a new business with a few friends with diverse backgrounds . I am a lawyer and was planning to pitch my idea for a smart contract application so I wanted my friends to understand precisely what I intended for it to look like in order for them to help me create and improve it through their expertise . To do this I decided to apply the tool of visualization , visualization is the use of visual stimuli to help express your thoughts in a clearer way which also has the advantage of stimulating creativity , this can be done through drawings , pictures , videos , PowerPoint presentations , etc . As I mentioned before , the team was composed of different backgrounds such as marketing , programming and myself , a lawyer , so in order to better understand each other and to help generate ideas this tool seemed ideal . Application What I did was grab a piece of paper and draw a few prototypes of what you might see in your screen when using the app . This was done before the meeting so when I met them I was able to show them the pictures as I explained and signaled the elements I wanted . After I was done explaining I left my drawings on the table so each of my friends could have a better look at what interested them . Visualization appeared to have been applied properly since members of the team started giving suggestions and writing notes on my drawings and even making some of their own . After about an hour we finished a productive session with new ideas generated and tasks for improvements . Insight and approach Going into the meeting I thought my design was very good but the end result was a lot different . From the session I realized that a few things would n’t work because of technical limitations . I also learned that my app design was a bit complicated , so we decided to reduce the number of steps needed to generate the contract . Finally we agreed of other elements which could be improved although we did n’t yet know how so we will be meeting again only this time I encouraged them to bring their own designs . I will definitely be using the visualization tool again since it stimulated ideas and helped everyone to get on the same page . What I would like to do different is to get a white board that allows for more flexibility and everyone can write their ideas on the spot . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge and selection I work for a Health and Safety organization . We have an online platform that employees use to submit new ideas . We launched a specific challenge that asked people to share ideas on how virtual reality and/or augmented reality could be used to improve our health and safety practices . There was a total of 8 ideas submitted and 39 associated comments that built on those ideas and/or gave alternative approaches . It was my job to select the winning idea that could then be prototyped and tested . In week 3 of the course , during the MeYouHealth Story Part II : What if ? , Natalia mentioned that mind mapping was used to help look for themes and patterns . I choose to use mind mapping as a graphical tool to represent all the ideas and concepts . Mind mapping is looking for patterns and insights in a large quantity of data you collected during your exploration . In my case , I had all these ideas and comments about what people perceived to be their current reality and how virtual or augmented reality could help . I thought mind mapping could provide the segway from what is to what if . Application I went through each submitted idea and the associated comments and mapped out all the themes , ideas , applications and concerns . The mind map gave me a holistic picture of the main insights from the challenge on one page . I was able to group similar themes and patterns together which highlighted a reoccurring theme throughout most of the ideas . Ì also used the mind map as a visual aid to share with my colleagues so they could clearly see the reoccurring themes and understand my selection process . It gave them a visual view of the summary of the challenge . Insight Before I developed the mind map , I had to flick between pages reading each individual challenge separately , trying to remember what the other page mentioned and trying to link themes and patterns in my head . Mind mapping helped consolidate a lot of information into a singular visual format so I could see all the themes and patterns on one page and make connections . This helped me understand what was most important to people i.e their main challenges . Another insight I learned is that sometimes people share their thoughts and opinions in different ways but the underlying issue at heart could be the same . When you get all those thoughts and opinions on one page it is easier to link the themes and patterns . The mind map also helped me summarize the challenge results to other people . It spared them the time of having to go through all of the ideas individually . I think storytelling would complement this process . Once you have a collection of similar thoughts and ideas you could create a story to highlight the process and the results , and also highlight how the combination of peoples input can create something far more valuable .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge and selection I work for a Health and Safety organization . We have an online platform that employees use to submit new ideas . We launched a specific challenge that asked people to share ideas on how virtual reality and/or augmented reality could be used to improve our health and safety practices . There was a total of 8 ideas submitted and 39 associated comments that built on those ideas and/or gave alternative approaches . It was my job to select the winning idea that could then be prototyped and tested . In week 3 of the course , during the MeYouHealth Story Part II : What if ? , Natalia mentioned that mind mapping was used to help look for themes and patterns . I choose to use mind mapping as a graphical tool to represent all the ideas and concepts . Mind mapping is looking for patterns and insights in a large quantity of data you collected during your exploration . In my case , I had all these ideas and comments about what people perceived to be their current reality and how virtual or augmented reality could help . I thought mind mapping could provide the segway from what is to what if . Application I went through each submitted idea and the associated comments and mapped out all the themes , ideas , applications and concerns . The mind map gave me a holistic picture of the main insights from the challenge on one page . I was able to group similar themes and patterns together which highlighted a reoccurring theme throughout most of the ideas . Ì also used the mind map as a visual aid to share with my colleagues so they could clearly see the reoccurring themes and understand my selection process . It gave them a visual view of the summary of the challenge . Insight Before I developed the mind map , I had to flick between pages reading each individual challenge separately , trying to remember what the other page mentioned and trying to link themes and patterns in my head . Mind mapping helped consolidate a lot of information into a singular visual format so I could see all the themes and patterns on one page and make connections . This helped me understand what was most important to people i.e their main challenges . Another insight I learned is that sometimes people share their thoughts and opinions in different ways but the underlying issue at heart could be the same . When you get all those thoughts and opinions on one page it is easier to link the themes and patterns . The mind map also helped me summarize the challenge results to other people . It spared them the time of having to go through all of the ideas individually . I think storytelling would complement this process . Once you have a collection of similar thoughts and ideas you could create a story to highlight the process and the results , and also highlight how the combination of peoples input can create something far more valuable . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Mind Mapping for Game Development Challenge and Selection In recent years I have been involved with the development of games in special for tablets and smartphones . Games are a tough market and at least 50 % of games being sold today will make less than 2500 USD a year in revenue . Since games have a huge amount of genre , applications and market , our goal was to find the niche we could explore with better success . We had tons of data and insights , but no start point for our project . We started by writing our key ideas in paper and arranging them like a mind map . The mind mapping strategy is great to explore large amounts of data – it enables us to have great visualization of key concepts and pain points . Also , by using this technique , it´s possible to rearrange topics fast and drill down on topics that were not explored at all . Visualization was key for this project . This is the reason we select the mind mapping : it´s a tool used to deal with large amounts of data and has outcomes towards patterns and insights . Although Mind Mapping is designed to help the “ what if ” phase of design thinking , it actually produces very intense insights that are powerful as well in reviewing the “ what is ” phase . Application First we started our project by creating ordered lists of topics . Although the lists were a good starting point , it was difficult for us to create relationships within the elements . Also , by focusing on a list we left a lot of good insights and information out of the project . We then decided to write on post - its single ideas from the lists on each sheet . By writing ideas individually , some patterns and common ideas started to emerge among the participants . We limited this to a couple of hours to avoid overthinking the problem . Idea generation has to be “ fast and furious ” . Second part , we set all the post - it on a board , where all common ideas or patterns formed a group . From that group we started adding the other related topics and subjects , creating references and links among them . After a few hours , we could definitely see a very comprehensive visual map of our problems and specially opportunities . On the next days and hours , we started shaping ideas and creating a “ mental path ” between different concepts . Each session would be at least 2 hours , but no more than 4 hours . This gave us enough time to analyze and still remain fresh about new ideas and topics . As the “ Mental Path ” evolved , we turned each one into their own smaller “ mind maps ” , allowing us to better see specific problems and solutions individually . The exercise was like a drill down on each one of the topics and themes . For the last part only 5 final concepts were scrutinized . We evaluated based on a set of questions : 1 ) if the idea was original 2 ) if the problem was being solved , 3 ) if was feasible , 4 ) Time and Money , 5 ) Return . The mind mapping tool was extremely successful in turning ideas into something we could see and evaluate . Insights The mind mapping tool allowed us to better organize our ideas and thoughts . Also , by having the ability to visualize the connections within the maps and insights together , we could further explore on individual topics . For me , one of the key elements was the beginning of the process : when we started everybody was writing their ideas on a post - it – and suddenly we realize topics and insights that were common to many . Also , since mind mapping is quite a “ loose ” process , we were able to build very interesting connections between the elements . For us , the major insight was actually discovering a niche inside games for adult education , that became the basis of our current projects . Approach Mind Mapping is quite an easy process to apply . After this initial session , we have been using every opportunity we can . The path to success is actually having someone that is the guide to the process , stimulating the group into the insights and connections . This person has to be neutral on opinions but question the group towards an outcome . Also , time - framed sessions work best to delimit the initial scope and force participants to produce . From our sessions , every time we did not have a “ time pressure ” to finish , we started to ramble and our insights were not as powerful or strong . Also , for next sessions I would use a mix of paper and software ( mind map ) to organize ideas . Only paper can get confusing if the topic is complex . Also , have someone recording or writing down the insights as they occur . We lost a lot of them in the initial discussions and was hard to retrieve the information after a while .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Mind Mapping for Game Development Challenge and Selection In recent years I have been involved with the development of games in special for tablets and smartphones . Games are a tough market and at least 50 % of games being sold today will make less than 2500 USD a year in revenue . Since games have a huge amount of genre , applications and market , our goal was to find the niche we could explore with better success . We had tons of data and insights , but no start point for our project . We started by writing our key ideas in paper and arranging them like a mind map . The mind mapping strategy is great to explore large amounts of data – it enables us to have great visualization of key concepts and pain points . Also , by using this technique , it´s possible to rearrange topics fast and drill down on topics that were not explored at all . Visualization was key for this project . This is the reason we select the mind mapping : it´s a tool used to deal with large amounts of data and has outcomes towards patterns and insights . Although Mind Mapping is designed to help the “ what if ” phase of design thinking , it actually produces very intense insights that are powerful as well in reviewing the “ what is ” phase . Application First we started our project by creating ordered lists of topics . Although the lists were a good starting point , it was difficult for us to create relationships within the elements . Also , by focusing on a list we left a lot of good insights and information out of the project . We then decided to write on post - its single ideas from the lists on each sheet . By writing ideas individually , some patterns and common ideas started to emerge among the participants . We limited this to a couple of hours to avoid overthinking the problem . Idea generation has to be “ fast and furious ” . Second part , we set all the post - it on a board , where all common ideas or patterns formed a group . From that group we started adding the other related topics and subjects , creating references and links among them . After a few hours , we could definitely see a very comprehensive visual map of our problems and specially opportunities . On the next days and hours , we started shaping ideas and creating a “ mental path ” between different concepts . Each session would be at least 2 hours , but no more than 4 hours . This gave us enough time to analyze and still remain fresh about new ideas and topics . As the “ Mental Path ” evolved , we turned each one into their own smaller “ mind maps ” , allowing us to better see specific problems and solutions individually . The exercise was like a drill down on each one of the topics and themes . For the last part only 5 final concepts were scrutinized . We evaluated based on a set of questions : 1 ) if the idea was original 2 ) if the problem was being solved , 3 ) if was feasible , 4 ) Time and Money , 5 ) Return . The mind mapping tool was extremely successful in turning ideas into something we could see and evaluate . Insights The mind mapping tool allowed us to better organize our ideas and thoughts . Also , by having the ability to visualize the connections within the maps and insights together , we could further explore on individual topics . For me , one of the key elements was the beginning of the process : when we started everybody was writing their ideas on a post - it – and suddenly we realize topics and insights that were common to many . Also , since mind mapping is quite a “ loose ” process , we were able to build very interesting connections between the elements . For us , the major insight was actually discovering a niche inside games for adult education , that became the basis of our current projects . Approach Mind Mapping is quite an easy process to apply . After this initial session , we have been using every opportunity we can . The path to success is actually having someone that is the guide to the process , stimulating the group into the insights and connections . This person has to be neutral on opinions but question the group towards an outcome . Also , time - framed sessions work best to delimit the initial scope and force participants to produce . From our sessions , every time we did not have a “ time pressure ” to finish , we started to ramble and our insights were not as powerful or strong . Also , for next sessions I would use a mix of paper and software ( mind map ) to organize ideas . Only paper can get confusing if the topic is complex . Also , have someone recording or writing down the insights as they occur . We lost a lot of them in the initial discussions and was hard to retrieve the information after a while . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
VISUALIZATION 1 . Challenge : Describe your challenge , including all relevant information . Throughout our education experience through schools and colleges , we are taught to think “ convergently ” ; to take the best out of an available list of choices , to converge on that choice , and then to execute that choice , or put it into practice . This type of thinking only looks for solutions in one direction — not allowing , therefore , for any sort of lateral thinking in the real sense of the word . Design thinking involves divergent thinking ; to create or to even make aware of choices that never existed before , and then apply those to the problem . 2 . Selection : In your own words , briefly describe the tool you selected ( e.g. , what it is and why you selected it for your challenge -- including any appropriate video lecture references ) . Design thinking is not analytical , but holistic or integrated . The main intent is to be able to hold multiple tensions at the same time and resolve them all through an idea or set of ideas that seem to work through all the tensions at the same time . The classic tension — inherent in the solution to any problem — is between desirability — what meets the needs of the people you might be designing for ; feasibility — in other words , what we can do with technology to make it possible ; and finally , viability — what makes the solution a sustainable one . Through design thinking method , one can find solutions that seem to cater to all three tensions with astounding clarity . So a diagram or a visual representation is always a best option in terms of listing , grouping and understanding the issues and coming up with solutions by drawing parallel with a similar situation . 3 . Application : Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively ) . Faculty from different schools were deliberately mixed to form 5 groups ( of 4 - 5 members ) and undertook this first full - day workshop on Teaching Methodologies . Each team listed out some of the challenges faced by faculty in relation to existing teaching methodologies . Through the 5 steps involved in Design Thinking ( Empathize , Define , Ideate , Prototype and Test ) , the 5 teams came up with five different solutions and represented it through Diagrams . Faculty from different schools were deliberately mixed to form 5 groups ( of 4 - 5 members ) and undertook this first full - day workshop on Employability ( of students ) After listing out some of the challenges faced by students with respect to finding employable options ( internship , part- or full - time job ) after graduation , the team members interviewed students and came up with solutions that could be adopted by faculty and students themselves , to enhance the employability of students and represented it through Diagrams . 4 . Insight : Describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) . 1 . It ’s Human - Centered . Design Thinking begins from deep empathy and understanding of needs and motivations of people . 2 . It ’s Collaborative . Several great minds are always stronger when solving a challenge than just one . Design Thinking benefits greatly from the views of multiple perspectives , and others ’ creativity bolstering your own . 3 . It ’s Optimistic . Design Thinking is the fundamental belief that we all can create . 4 . It ’s Experimental . Design Thinking gives you permission to fail and to learn from your mistakes , because you come up with new ideas , get feedback on them , then iterate . 5 . Approach : Describe what you might do differently next time -- applying the same tool you selected or a different one -- and the reason(s ) why . I would select storytelling the next time since visualization as a tool had its limitations in the later stages where it just become a step by step thing like a flowchart but storytelling will add on interest in the participant and they will engage with the process more personally .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: VISUALIZATION 1 . Challenge : Describe your challenge , including all relevant information . Throughout our education experience through schools and colleges , we are taught to think “ convergently ” ; to take the best out of an available list of choices , to converge on that choice , and then to execute that choice , or put it into practice . This type of thinking only looks for solutions in one direction — not allowing , therefore , for any sort of lateral thinking in the real sense of the word . Design thinking involves divergent thinking ; to create or to even make aware of choices that never existed before , and then apply those to the problem . 2 . Selection : In your own words , briefly describe the tool you selected ( e.g. , what it is and why you selected it for your challenge -- including any appropriate video lecture references ) . Design thinking is not analytical , but holistic or integrated . The main intent is to be able to hold multiple tensions at the same time and resolve them all through an idea or set of ideas that seem to work through all the tensions at the same time . The classic tension — inherent in the solution to any problem — is between desirability — what meets the needs of the people you might be designing for ; feasibility — in other words , what we can do with technology to make it possible ; and finally , viability — what makes the solution a sustainable one . Through design thinking method , one can find solutions that seem to cater to all three tensions with astounding clarity . So a diagram or a visual representation is always a best option in terms of listing , grouping and understanding the issues and coming up with solutions by drawing parallel with a similar situation . 3 . Application : Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively ) . Faculty from different schools were deliberately mixed to form 5 groups ( of 4 - 5 members ) and undertook this first full - day workshop on Teaching Methodologies . Each team listed out some of the challenges faced by faculty in relation to existing teaching methodologies . Through the 5 steps involved in Design Thinking ( Empathize , Define , Ideate , Prototype and Test ) , the 5 teams came up with five different solutions and represented it through Diagrams . Faculty from different schools were deliberately mixed to form 5 groups ( of 4 - 5 members ) and undertook this first full - day workshop on Employability ( of students ) After listing out some of the challenges faced by students with respect to finding employable options ( internship , part- or full - time job ) after graduation , the team members interviewed students and came up with solutions that could be adopted by faculty and students themselves , to enhance the employability of students and represented it through Diagrams . 4 . Insight : Describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) . 1 . It ’s Human - Centered . Design Thinking begins from deep empathy and understanding of needs and motivations of people . 2 . It ’s Collaborative . Several great minds are always stronger when solving a challenge than just one . Design Thinking benefits greatly from the views of multiple perspectives , and others ’ creativity bolstering your own . 3 . It ’s Optimistic . Design Thinking is the fundamental belief that we all can create . 4 . It ’s Experimental . Design Thinking gives you permission to fail and to learn from your mistakes , because you come up with new ideas , get feedback on them , then iterate . 5 . Approach : Describe what you might do differently next time -- applying the same tool you selected or a different one -- and the reason(s ) why . I would select storytelling the next time since visualization as a tool had its limitations in the later stages where it just become a step by step thing like a flowchart but storytelling will add on interest in the participant and they will engage with the process more personally . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection - Storytelling Challenge and selection I have chosen the topic of storytelling because it as the tool which is the most different to the skills I have trained in to become a structural engineer . When learning through university and even through on the job learning in the workforce , as a structural engineer we are thought to think analytically and look for technical solutions . We are taught to be efficient , to get to the point and get there quickly . We often speak in numbers , in a technical way that can be hard for non - technical people to understand . That is exactly why I need the tool of storytelling , to stand out from the rest . The concept makes perfect sense to someone who thinks so logically . It becomes a challenge to learn how to tell a good story because for the last 10 years I have been learning almost the exact opposite . The challenge comes in how to think in a storytelling mind - set . I want to be able to take my client on a journey through the power of storytelling . The clients we consult for are typically non - technical such as property developers or project managers for public sector organisations . They want a consultant who can provide them a solution they need , not just one they think they want , so there are times where I need to show the client that what they are asking for is n’t what they need . Storytelling will be such a powerful tool in doing this as it puts words and examples around number and figures . It will paint a picture in the mind of the listener and leave them in a positive frame of mind about me , my company and the solution we are developing to their ultimate problem . Application I have recently been tasked with a new project – an apartment building development for an established client . The client knew what he wanted and has done many similar buildings so thought he knew what the rules allowed . As is often the case , this buildings had a few idiosyncrasies which meant a thinking out of the box approach was required . How do you tell your client they are wrong without offending them ? I told him a story . A story of how we had encountered an issue before and how it ended up causing problems . The problem involved having all columns in a building align vertically . Offsetting some at lower levels means many more large beams – a heavy cost which can be avoided by good design . Property developers do n’t like spending money where they do n’t have to , so the client was appreciative of my input . We went back to work and tabled a new concept that avoided this problem . “ Brilliant ” was the answer from our project manager , and instantly an element of trust became apparent . Without being able to tell a good story , the situation could have become more heated . I was pleased with the new skills I had learned . Insight and Approach The use of storytelling proved very helpful and it is an approach I intend to use again . The positive outcome that was attained through the application of the tool speaks volumes of how valuable a tool it is . However , I feel I want to learn more and improve my verbal communication skills for it to really become one of my key skills . Having good verbal communication is such a key aspect of storytelling because you need to be able to clearly articulate your story for it to have maximum effect . Ultimately , the more storytelling becomes a part of my daily life , the easier it will become and the better I will get at it . As such , I think it ’s important to introduce it into other aspect of life , such as relaying information to friends and family . Whilst a different context to the work environment , the same underlying idea is there that you are trying to create a picture for others of a different background to understand your point . Storytelling also needs to be used as one part of the deign process , not the only part . In the example above , we had been brought into the design later than was ideal . Therefore with the time constraints , we were n’t able to apply a full design led thinking approach . Visualisation is part of what we do once we have a concept , which is somewhat backward to what we should be doing . It can be hard to change a whole company ’s thinking ! But a few of us who are taking the Design Led Thinking journey are trying . I think there are many soft skills which need to be learning in conjunction with the design led thinking approach , particularly when applied to an engineering consulting firm . Personally , I need to learn more about the psychology of people to be able to ask the right questions to really discover what it is that they need ( not necessarily want ) . As an engineer , it blows my mind to think that , but the best solutions are ones that solve the ultimate problems , not the ones that just look good .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection - Storytelling Challenge and selection I have chosen the topic of storytelling because it as the tool which is the most different to the skills I have trained in to become a structural engineer . When learning through university and even through on the job learning in the workforce , as a structural engineer we are thought to think analytically and look for technical solutions . We are taught to be efficient , to get to the point and get there quickly . We often speak in numbers , in a technical way that can be hard for non - technical people to understand . That is exactly why I need the tool of storytelling , to stand out from the rest . The concept makes perfect sense to someone who thinks so logically . It becomes a challenge to learn how to tell a good story because for the last 10 years I have been learning almost the exact opposite . The challenge comes in how to think in a storytelling mind - set . I want to be able to take my client on a journey through the power of storytelling . The clients we consult for are typically non - technical such as property developers or project managers for public sector organisations . They want a consultant who can provide them a solution they need , not just one they think they want , so there are times where I need to show the client that what they are asking for is n’t what they need . Storytelling will be such a powerful tool in doing this as it puts words and examples around number and figures . It will paint a picture in the mind of the listener and leave them in a positive frame of mind about me , my company and the solution we are developing to their ultimate problem . Application I have recently been tasked with a new project – an apartment building development for an established client . The client knew what he wanted and has done many similar buildings so thought he knew what the rules allowed . As is often the case , this buildings had a few idiosyncrasies which meant a thinking out of the box approach was required . How do you tell your client they are wrong without offending them ? I told him a story . A story of how we had encountered an issue before and how it ended up causing problems . The problem involved having all columns in a building align vertically . Offsetting some at lower levels means many more large beams – a heavy cost which can be avoided by good design . Property developers do n’t like spending money where they do n’t have to , so the client was appreciative of my input . We went back to work and tabled a new concept that avoided this problem . “ Brilliant ” was the answer from our project manager , and instantly an element of trust became apparent . Without being able to tell a good story , the situation could have become more heated . I was pleased with the new skills I had learned . Insight and Approach The use of storytelling proved very helpful and it is an approach I intend to use again . The positive outcome that was attained through the application of the tool speaks volumes of how valuable a tool it is . However , I feel I want to learn more and improve my verbal communication skills for it to really become one of my key skills . Having good verbal communication is such a key aspect of storytelling because you need to be able to clearly articulate your story for it to have maximum effect . Ultimately , the more storytelling becomes a part of my daily life , the easier it will become and the better I will get at it . As such , I think it ’s important to introduce it into other aspect of life , such as relaying information to friends and family . Whilst a different context to the work environment , the same underlying idea is there that you are trying to create a picture for others of a different background to understand your point . Storytelling also needs to be used as one part of the deign process , not the only part . In the example above , we had been brought into the design later than was ideal . Therefore with the time constraints , we were n’t able to apply a full design led thinking approach . Visualisation is part of what we do once we have a concept , which is somewhat backward to what we should be doing . It can be hard to change a whole company ’s thinking ! But a few of us who are taking the Design Led Thinking journey are trying . I think there are many soft skills which need to be learning in conjunction with the design led thinking approach , particularly when applied to an engineering consulting firm . Personally , I need to learn more about the psychology of people to be able to ask the right questions to really discover what it is that they need ( not necessarily want ) . As an engineer , it blows my mind to think that , but the best solutions are ones that solve the ultimate problems , not the ones that just look good . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection Test the right sales strategy with a Learning Launch . 1 . Challenge : Describe your challenge , including all relevant information . As a result of a design thinking project , ideas were developed that were to be subjected to a critical review . The target groups are doctors in private practice with practices where patients come for consultations and treatment . The project aims to improve the often inadequate data protection in practices . The current situation is that in many practices , information that should actually be treated confidentially , such as names , medical history , medication , etc . , is often communicated in a way that is audible to all present and thus violates the desired confidentiality . In the project , three product ideas were developed to help organise the necessary processes in medical practices in a more confidential way . 2 . Selection : In your own words , briefly describe the tool you selected ( e.g. , what it is and why you selected it for your challenge -- including any appropriate video lecture references ) . In order to find out whether the product ideas actually achieve the desired effect and are also accepted by the relevant decision - makers in the practices ( doctors and employees ) and whether the patients also perceive and honour the improvement , a learning launch is to be carried out . This tool is presented by Ha Schaefer in the 4th week of the course . It is used to test the assumption that the product ideas are helpful and saleable in reality in order to confirm it or to recognise it as wrong . The special challenge in this case is the fact that the product idea primarily solves the problem of the patients ( insensitive handling of confidential patient data ) . However , this group does not decide on the purchases and equipment of the practices . It is therefore necessary to find out whether the responsible owners and operators of the practices also recognise the value of the innovation and are willing to invest in it . If possible , this insight must be gained before larger sums are invested in the production and marketing of the product innovation . 3 . Application : Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively ) . The Learning Launch was prepared by formulating several assumptions that were then to be tested in practice . These assumptions are : - Patients want their data to be handled confidentially and do not want it to be revealed to the public . - The use of the innovative product ideas does not hinder the existing processes , so that the employees do not suffer any disadvantage in the implementation of their work . - The operators of the practices recognise the benefits and are willing to invest finances to improve data protection and the customer experience . Six doctor 's practices were recruited for the Learning Launch and were willing to participate in a 4 - week phase . These were divided into two groups : - Group A The practices were visited by interviewers and product innovations were introduced through presentations and product samples . A list of questions was discussed with staff of different qualifications and responses were recorded . - Group B These practices were equipped with the innovative products for a 4- week test phase , without the staff being informed in detail about the theoretical advantages and benefits . The same questionnaire that was used for group A was only worked on with the staff at the end of the four weeks and also documented . Afterwards , the documented results of the two groups were evaluated and compared to determine which results were achieved with the respective approach . 4 . Insight : Describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) . The comparison of the recorded answers to the questionnaires showed that in all relevant categories the results of the respondents of group B were approx . 30 to 50 % more positive than those of group A. This proved that the test equipment of a practice caused more approval for the innovative products than the common practice of offering such products by sales representatives via sales presentations . By using the Learning Launch , it was possible to establish the right sales strategy and create considerable sales success within 18 months . The percentage of medical practices that were willing to purchase and use the products after a free trial was 83 % during this period . 5 . Approach : Describe what you might do differently next time -- applying the same tool you selected or a different one -- and the reason(s ) why . The learning launch approach was successful overall and would be used again in a follow - up project . In retrospect , the thought came up whether there should not have been a third test group , where the test setting is made , but also the considerations on benefits and advantages are communicated at the beginning . That might have been a good alternative . We would therfor definitely take this into account in future learning launches for new innovations . Thank you for your review – please contact me if you have further questions .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection Test the right sales strategy with a Learning Launch . 1 . Challenge : Describe your challenge , including all relevant information . As a result of a design thinking project , ideas were developed that were to be subjected to a critical review . The target groups are doctors in private practice with practices where patients come for consultations and treatment . The project aims to improve the often inadequate data protection in practices . The current situation is that in many practices , information that should actually be treated confidentially , such as names , medical history , medication , etc . , is often communicated in a way that is audible to all present and thus violates the desired confidentiality . In the project , three product ideas were developed to help organise the necessary processes in medical practices in a more confidential way . 2 . Selection : In your own words , briefly describe the tool you selected ( e.g. , what it is and why you selected it for your challenge -- including any appropriate video lecture references ) . In order to find out whether the product ideas actually achieve the desired effect and are also accepted by the relevant decision - makers in the practices ( doctors and employees ) and whether the patients also perceive and honour the improvement , a learning launch is to be carried out . This tool is presented by Ha Schaefer in the 4th week of the course . It is used to test the assumption that the product ideas are helpful and saleable in reality in order to confirm it or to recognise it as wrong . The special challenge in this case is the fact that the product idea primarily solves the problem of the patients ( insensitive handling of confidential patient data ) . However , this group does not decide on the purchases and equipment of the practices . It is therefore necessary to find out whether the responsible owners and operators of the practices also recognise the value of the innovation and are willing to invest in it . If possible , this insight must be gained before larger sums are invested in the production and marketing of the product innovation . 3 . Application : Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively ) . The Learning Launch was prepared by formulating several assumptions that were then to be tested in practice . These assumptions are : - Patients want their data to be handled confidentially and do not want it to be revealed to the public . - The use of the innovative product ideas does not hinder the existing processes , so that the employees do not suffer any disadvantage in the implementation of their work . - The operators of the practices recognise the benefits and are willing to invest finances to improve data protection and the customer experience . Six doctor 's practices were recruited for the Learning Launch and were willing to participate in a 4 - week phase . These were divided into two groups : - Group A The practices were visited by interviewers and product innovations were introduced through presentations and product samples . A list of questions was discussed with staff of different qualifications and responses were recorded . - Group B These practices were equipped with the innovative products for a 4- week test phase , without the staff being informed in detail about the theoretical advantages and benefits . The same questionnaire that was used for group A was only worked on with the staff at the end of the four weeks and also documented . Afterwards , the documented results of the two groups were evaluated and compared to determine which results were achieved with the respective approach . 4 . Insight : Describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge ( e.g. , how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) . The comparison of the recorded answers to the questionnaires showed that in all relevant categories the results of the respondents of group B were approx . 30 to 50 % more positive than those of group A. This proved that the test equipment of a practice caused more approval for the innovative products than the common practice of offering such products by sales representatives via sales presentations . By using the Learning Launch , it was possible to establish the right sales strategy and create considerable sales success within 18 months . The percentage of medical practices that were willing to purchase and use the products after a free trial was 83 % during this period . 5 . Approach : Describe what you might do differently next time -- applying the same tool you selected or a different one -- and the reason(s ) why . The learning launch approach was successful overall and would be used again in a follow - up project . In retrospect , the thought came up whether there should not have been a third test group , where the test setting is made , but also the considerations on benefits and advantages are communicated at the beginning . That might have been a good alternative . We would therfor definitely take this into account in future learning launches for new innovations . Thank you for your review – please contact me if you have further questions . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge : To increase engagement on Easycoach Facebook and Instagram Social Media Pages . I am personal development and career coach . I inspire aspiring leaders who are introverts to clarify goals , take action and use their gifts and abilities to make meaningful contributions in their personal and professional lives . I promote my coaching practice through social media . Although I get “ likes ” on posts , most times I do not get many comments . Selection : I selected visualization which is transformation of information into images using text and pictures or assembling scattered ideas into a compelling story . This is a tool that supports engagement by building empathy through crafting the journey of writer or personas . Visualization can be used at any stage of the design thinking process ( What is , What if , What wows and What works ) . It creates a vivid image that appealed to the emotions of followers . Reference Module 1 – visualization Module 2 - Storytelling video lectures . Application : On October 11 which is recognized as “ International Day of the Girl Child , ” I made a post about my journey as a timid girl during my years of school secondary and community college to a more confident “ girl child ” serving others as a Certified Personal and Executive Coach . Also I used a photo of me as a teenager . This post garnered likes on both media and comments on Facebook . Nevertheless , in the future , I will use more videos and lives . Insight : Followers who are potential clients want to know more about me , as a coach and how coaching has supported me to grow and in turn how I can serve them . People also respond to colorful pictures and appealing images ( light - colored or white background ) . Additionally , I recognize that I need to tell more stories about myself or create a persona for a coaching situation , so that , my services will seem tangible . Approach : I can create more videos so that viewers will hear my voice to feel my personality . As well as , I can engage followers in real time via Facebook and Instagram Lives . They will be able to ask questions and get answers immediately . To achieve that I am taking a public speaking course to build my repertoire of skills . As I am working with a learning mindset , I am aware of the value that videos can add to show clients to take resolute steps to achieve their personal and professional growth .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge : To increase engagement on Easycoach Facebook and Instagram Social Media Pages . I am personal development and career coach . I inspire aspiring leaders who are introverts to clarify goals , take action and use their gifts and abilities to make meaningful contributions in their personal and professional lives . I promote my coaching practice through social media . Although I get “ likes ” on posts , most times I do not get many comments . Selection : I selected visualization which is transformation of information into images using text and pictures or assembling scattered ideas into a compelling story . This is a tool that supports engagement by building empathy through crafting the journey of writer or personas . Visualization can be used at any stage of the design thinking process ( What is , What if , What wows and What works ) . It creates a vivid image that appealed to the emotions of followers . Reference Module 1 – visualization Module 2 - Storytelling video lectures . Application : On October 11 which is recognized as “ International Day of the Girl Child , ” I made a post about my journey as a timid girl during my years of school secondary and community college to a more confident “ girl child ” serving others as a Certified Personal and Executive Coach . Also I used a photo of me as a teenager . This post garnered likes on both media and comments on Facebook . Nevertheless , in the future , I will use more videos and lives . Insight : Followers who are potential clients want to know more about me , as a coach and how coaching has supported me to grow and in turn how I can serve them . People also respond to colorful pictures and appealing images ( light - colored or white background ) . Additionally , I recognize that I need to tell more stories about myself or create a persona for a coaching situation , so that , my services will seem tangible . Approach : I can create more videos so that viewers will hear my voice to feel my personality . As well as , I can engage followers in real time via Facebook and Instagram Lives . They will be able to ask questions and get answers immediately . To achieve that I am taking a public speaking course to build my repertoire of skills . As I am working with a learning mindset , I am aware of the value that videos can add to show clients to take resolute steps to achieve their personal and professional growth . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Design Thinking Reflection – Mind Mapping Challenge Within my organization , my team is responsible for managing a daily blog publication to inform employees about everything they need to know to do their jobs and remain engaged in ongoing organizational activities . This information includes upcoming system deployments , policy and/or procedure updates , and details about available training courses . Some of the information published is critical to an employee ’s ability to comply with regulatory requirements or to successfully process transactions for our consumers . However , we also publish a lot of information that is optional or simply informational . Our “ readers ” can expect to have between two and five blog posts to read per business day . Although , every employee is required to read the blog daily , the amount of time the employee has available to consume all the new information varies greatly based on his or her work schedule and the busyness of the branch . Employees are faced with the decision of determining which blogs posts they have time to read and comprehend , if they get to at all . My team needs a solution to this challenge . Selection The design tool of “ mind mapping ” was selected because it allows the group to focus on the mind or experience and needs of the customer in a creative format . The solution to the challenge the employees face about prioritizing information posted on the blog is one that required a creative solution versus a solution solely based on logic or analytics . The team had no budget or approval to explore new software that can be used to disseminate information internally , building in “ reading time ” to the schedules of the branch employees , or any other logistical modifications . Therefore , creative solutions that could be applied using the existing materials for the blog was required . Mind mapping allowed the group to creatively draw connections and possibilities with our existing data and resources . Application To complete the mind mapping exercise the group occupied a large conference room and blocked the space off for two hours . The exercise was held on a Friday when everyone is permitted to dress down , and we had snacks and beverages available in the room . The intention was to establish an environment where the team was comfortable and relaxed to relieve pressure and inspire participation . Large sticky sheets were placed on the walls and lots of markers in different colors were on the table . We also laid out quotes and survey results obtained from our readers about their needs and wants . We had printouts and labels of the images and titles that are used for the blog post . Everyone was encouraged to dive in and pick out the user feedback and design elements that were highly represented or stood our positively for some reason . Placing these items on the sticky sheets and writing in or drawing other visuals and phrases on the sheets , the team began making connections and drilling down to central elements or design criteria that would become the “ what if ” that was needed to solve the challenge our readers were experiencing . Insight A key takeaway from the mind mapping experience is how much more each member of the team was engaged and participatory . Although we were focused on capturing the minds of our readers , each member of our team was given an equal stake in the brainstorming and planning process . Many other projects or initiatives are managed autonomously , or individuals may present solutions to challenges having already completed the assessment of “ what is ” individually . Laying out the user feedback and available resources tangibly on the table , helped to keep our “ customer ” in the forefront . Designing with the actual customer in mind is an ongoing challenge , and a mind mapping exercise helped make that an external act versus just formulating a customer benefit statement after something has been created based solely on data or business objectives . Approach An alternative design tool that I would have liked to have used is a “ learning launch . ” The mind mapping exercise was a great tool for gathering our existing data and formulating design criteria with the customer in mind . However , a learning launch would present the opportunity to test one or more prototypes among a small population of our readers . We were unable to use this option without impacting our entire customer base because the blog is a digital publication to the companies ’ intranet site and there is no way to restrict a prototype to a specific audience . We also did n’t have the funding to deploy an additional application that would allow a smaller group to test and provide feedback for a prototype . In the future , I would like to utilize both mind mapping and a learning launch to meet challenges . Completing the mind mapping exercise will ensure we have good design criteria and the learning launch will allow us to explore and test the design assumptions .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Design Thinking Reflection – Mind Mapping Challenge Within my organization , my team is responsible for managing a daily blog publication to inform employees about everything they need to know to do their jobs and remain engaged in ongoing organizational activities . This information includes upcoming system deployments , policy and/or procedure updates , and details about available training courses . Some of the information published is critical to an employee ’s ability to comply with regulatory requirements or to successfully process transactions for our consumers . However , we also publish a lot of information that is optional or simply informational . Our “ readers ” can expect to have between two and five blog posts to read per business day . Although , every employee is required to read the blog daily , the amount of time the employee has available to consume all the new information varies greatly based on his or her work schedule and the busyness of the branch . Employees are faced with the decision of determining which blogs posts they have time to read and comprehend , if they get to at all . My team needs a solution to this challenge . Selection The design tool of “ mind mapping ” was selected because it allows the group to focus on the mind or experience and needs of the customer in a creative format . The solution to the challenge the employees face about prioritizing information posted on the blog is one that required a creative solution versus a solution solely based on logic or analytics . The team had no budget or approval to explore new software that can be used to disseminate information internally , building in “ reading time ” to the schedules of the branch employees , or any other logistical modifications . Therefore , creative solutions that could be applied using the existing materials for the blog was required . Mind mapping allowed the group to creatively draw connections and possibilities with our existing data and resources . Application To complete the mind mapping exercise the group occupied a large conference room and blocked the space off for two hours . The exercise was held on a Friday when everyone is permitted to dress down , and we had snacks and beverages available in the room . The intention was to establish an environment where the team was comfortable and relaxed to relieve pressure and inspire participation . Large sticky sheets were placed on the walls and lots of markers in different colors were on the table . We also laid out quotes and survey results obtained from our readers about their needs and wants . We had printouts and labels of the images and titles that are used for the blog post . Everyone was encouraged to dive in and pick out the user feedback and design elements that were highly represented or stood our positively for some reason . Placing these items on the sticky sheets and writing in or drawing other visuals and phrases on the sheets , the team began making connections and drilling down to central elements or design criteria that would become the “ what if ” that was needed to solve the challenge our readers were experiencing . Insight A key takeaway from the mind mapping experience is how much more each member of the team was engaged and participatory . Although we were focused on capturing the minds of our readers , each member of our team was given an equal stake in the brainstorming and planning process . Many other projects or initiatives are managed autonomously , or individuals may present solutions to challenges having already completed the assessment of “ what is ” individually . Laying out the user feedback and available resources tangibly on the table , helped to keep our “ customer ” in the forefront . Designing with the actual customer in mind is an ongoing challenge , and a mind mapping exercise helped make that an external act versus just formulating a customer benefit statement after something has been created based solely on data or business objectives . Approach An alternative design tool that I would have liked to have used is a “ learning launch . ” The mind mapping exercise was a great tool for gathering our existing data and formulating design criteria with the customer in mind . However , a learning launch would present the opportunity to test one or more prototypes among a small population of our readers . We were unable to use this option without impacting our entire customer base because the blog is a digital publication to the companies ’ intranet site and there is no way to restrict a prototype to a specific audience . We also did n’t have the funding to deploy an additional application that would allow a smaller group to test and provide feedback for a prototype . In the future , I would like to utilize both mind mapping and a learning launch to meet challenges . Completing the mind mapping exercise will ensure we have good design criteria and the learning launch will allow us to explore and test the design assumptions . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Danielle West ‘ Listening for improvement ’ 1 . Challenge : describe your challenge , including all of the relevant information I work for a large healthcare organisation . I am in the role of Organisational Development manager . My main responsibility at the moment is to design a behavioural framework to support the launch of a new set of organisational values . The output , ( a new set of organisational values ) has been decided by our board . However , how I go about creating this has been left with me . I believe that the Design - thinking process and tools will help to work through this challenge in a way that the outcome will be more meaningful to all of our stakeholders . I believe this framework needed to encompass the expectations of our customers ( patients and their families ) and our staff in order for it to be supportive of the cultural transformation we are seeking . I enlisted a small team of people from a range of disciplines to support me in this work . 2 . Selection : In your own words briefly describe the tool you selected ( eg . What is it and why did you select it for your challenge – include any appropriate video lecture references ) The Storytelling tool was the one that resonated strongly with me when considering the challenge I was working on . We have received a lot of feedback ( complaints ) from patients , describing that they felt dehumanised in the care process that we provide and that they are an input to the system , rather than a human being in need of care and support . It seemed important that we understand the actual experiences of our patients , in their words and through their eyes . We also felt that it was important for staff to be able to share their experiences of working in our organisation . I used a story - telling method ( modified ) for this part also . 3 . Application : Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge ( eg what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively ) Patient Sessions We invited patients to come into the hospital to share their experiences of our care . We ran 4 sessions , with 10 patients in each session . We constructed a session where we invited 10 staff members to listen to the experiences of the patients . The staff member documented everything that the patient talked about . Patients were prompted about how their experiences ‘ made them feel ’ . Once the storytelling process had occurred , we asked patients and the staff listeners to work as a group and begin to theme their experiences together ( the start of a mind mapping process ) . This was done to help patients and staff to identify themes in the stories at the time . At the end of the session we gathered up all of the data , all the documented experiences to analyse . Staff sessions The staff sessions were slightly different . We invited staff to come to one of a number of sessions . We ran groups of approx . 20 people per group . Staff were asked to pair up with people they do n’t normally work with and they were asked to share their experience of : What makes a good day at work for them ? What makes a bad day at work for them ? In order to answer these questions , we asked them to visualise a time when they had a good day , and a bad day and to speak of how these experiences made them feel . The partner in the pair was asked to document the experience . Similar to the patient experience process , we asked for the staff participants to start to theme their experiences , in the room . At the end of the session we gathered up all of the stories provided to add to the analysis process . 4 . Insight : describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge ( eg how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) The insights that we gathered were very interesting , We often have made assumptions about the care that our patients want . Our assumptions ( as staff and care providers ) are that patients want the best technical care , the latest and best procedures and medication . Analysis of our experience data told us that whilst this was important , they were n’t the most important factors that came out through the storytelling . Patients emphasised the factors of ‘ care ’ , feeling welcomed , not scared , communicated with and included in the decision making process . This has allowed us to reflect on the way in which we deliver our care , not just the type of procedures etc that we provide . This has been a huge shift in the understanding of our workforce , in terms of understanding the ‘ unmet need ’ of our patients . This has provided a huge opportunity to make improvements in all of our services . As a result of this process , we have decided to run patient ‘ Listening sessions ’ on a regular basis so that we can continue to build our understanding and be responsive to the needs identified . Similar to the insights gained during the patient listening sessions , we have been able to gather insights and understanding about how our staff experience working with us . The insights for staff centred around being recognised for the work that they do , providing feedback ( both positive and negative ) and for the care team to be seen as equals , rather than the hierarchy of professions which currently exists . These insights have allowed us to build an improvement programme centred around ‘ real - time , team feedback ’ . We will also be running staff listening sessions on a regular basis to ensure we understand the experience of our staff . We have been able to build our organisational values , standards and behaviours with the outputs of this work . Given the process that we used , these are authentic and resonate with both patients and staff . 5 . Approach : Describe what you might do differently next time – applying the same tool you selected or a different one – and the reasons why . As part of the process that we undertook , I built in an evaluation system to ensure that we could learn from the experience of running these listening sessions for staff and for patients . We have a range of learnings that we will be implementing in our future sessions . Some of the learnings centre around logistics – ie when and where we run the sessions . These learnings are important as given that we ran our sessions during the working week , we will not have had representation from patients who work , and also staff who were not able to be released from their day jobs . These logistics will impact the breadth of the stories that we heard and therefore there may be further unmet need that we have not yet identified and explored . We have decided to use this tool for more focussed care re - design work . This will allow us to understand the experiences of specific groups of patients which will help us to improve the care pathways alongside the way in which we deliver the care . This tool has been a very powerful change agent , in my work .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Danielle West ‘ Listening for improvement ’ 1 . Challenge : describe your challenge , including all of the relevant information I work for a large healthcare organisation . I am in the role of Organisational Development manager . My main responsibility at the moment is to design a behavioural framework to support the launch of a new set of organisational values . The output , ( a new set of organisational values ) has been decided by our board . However , how I go about creating this has been left with me . I believe that the Design - thinking process and tools will help to work through this challenge in a way that the outcome will be more meaningful to all of our stakeholders . I believe this framework needed to encompass the expectations of our customers ( patients and their families ) and our staff in order for it to be supportive of the cultural transformation we are seeking . I enlisted a small team of people from a range of disciplines to support me in this work . 2 . Selection : In your own words briefly describe the tool you selected ( eg . What is it and why did you select it for your challenge – include any appropriate video lecture references ) The Storytelling tool was the one that resonated strongly with me when considering the challenge I was working on . We have received a lot of feedback ( complaints ) from patients , describing that they felt dehumanised in the care process that we provide and that they are an input to the system , rather than a human being in need of care and support . It seemed important that we understand the actual experiences of our patients , in their words and through their eyes . We also felt that it was important for staff to be able to share their experiences of working in our organisation . I used a story - telling method ( modified ) for this part also . 3 . Application : Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge ( eg what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively ) Patient Sessions We invited patients to come into the hospital to share their experiences of our care . We ran 4 sessions , with 10 patients in each session . We constructed a session where we invited 10 staff members to listen to the experiences of the patients . The staff member documented everything that the patient talked about . Patients were prompted about how their experiences ‘ made them feel ’ . Once the storytelling process had occurred , we asked patients and the staff listeners to work as a group and begin to theme their experiences together ( the start of a mind mapping process ) . This was done to help patients and staff to identify themes in the stories at the time . At the end of the session we gathered up all of the data , all the documented experiences to analyse . Staff sessions The staff sessions were slightly different . We invited staff to come to one of a number of sessions . We ran groups of approx . 20 people per group . Staff were asked to pair up with people they do n’t normally work with and they were asked to share their experience of : What makes a good day at work for them ? What makes a bad day at work for them ? In order to answer these questions , we asked them to visualise a time when they had a good day , and a bad day and to speak of how these experiences made them feel . The partner in the pair was asked to document the experience . Similar to the patient experience process , we asked for the staff participants to start to theme their experiences , in the room . At the end of the session we gathered up all of the stories provided to add to the analysis process . 4 . Insight : describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge ( eg how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly ) The insights that we gathered were very interesting , We often have made assumptions about the care that our patients want . Our assumptions ( as staff and care providers ) are that patients want the best technical care , the latest and best procedures and medication . Analysis of our experience data told us that whilst this was important , they were n’t the most important factors that came out through the storytelling . Patients emphasised the factors of ‘ care ’ , feeling welcomed , not scared , communicated with and included in the decision making process . This has allowed us to reflect on the way in which we deliver our care , not just the type of procedures etc that we provide . This has been a huge shift in the understanding of our workforce , in terms of understanding the ‘ unmet need ’ of our patients . This has provided a huge opportunity to make improvements in all of our services . As a result of this process , we have decided to run patient ‘ Listening sessions ’ on a regular basis so that we can continue to build our understanding and be responsive to the needs identified . Similar to the insights gained during the patient listening sessions , we have been able to gather insights and understanding about how our staff experience working with us . The insights for staff centred around being recognised for the work that they do , providing feedback ( both positive and negative ) and for the care team to be seen as equals , rather than the hierarchy of professions which currently exists . These insights have allowed us to build an improvement programme centred around ‘ real - time , team feedback ’ . We will also be running staff listening sessions on a regular basis to ensure we understand the experience of our staff . We have been able to build our organisational values , standards and behaviours with the outputs of this work . Given the process that we used , these are authentic and resonate with both patients and staff . 5 . Approach : Describe what you might do differently next time – applying the same tool you selected or a different one – and the reasons why . As part of the process that we undertook , I built in an evaluation system to ensure that we could learn from the experience of running these listening sessions for staff and for patients . We have a range of learnings that we will be implementing in our future sessions . Some of the learnings centre around logistics – ie when and where we run the sessions . These learnings are important as given that we ran our sessions during the working week , we will not have had representation from patients who work , and also staff who were not able to be released from their day jobs . These logistics will impact the breadth of the stories that we heard and therefore there may be further unmet need that we have not yet identified and explored . We have decided to use this tool for more focussed care re - design work . This will allow us to understand the experiences of specific groups of patients which will help us to improve the care pathways alongside the way in which we deliver the care . This tool has been a very powerful change agent , in my work . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [ "Danielle West" ], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Storytelling in Promoting an Educational Program 1 . Challenge As a higher education leader , I was tasked with developing a brand new undergraduate higher education program that had to date existed only in graduate and doctorate offerings ( specific program details withheld for confidentiality purposes ) . In addition , the field itself , which is STEM - related , was known to be historically white male dominated . The target student population for the program was women and under - represented populations . There are several challenges to unpack here ; I have outlined a few below specific to this project : 1 ) The program itself had never been offered in an undergraduate credential anywhere in the country and therefore no model or benchmark existed to glean best practices from . 2 ) Since the program only existed in the graduate and doctorate space , an element of academic and professional resistance to the program was evident from the start . Educational partners were not forthcoming in collaborating and industry partners were unable to identify a clear pathway for employment . 3 ) Since the program had been offered in graduate and doctorate degrees , and due to the STEM - related nature of the content , the program is perceived to be highly challenging to students . 4 ) It is a continuous challenge to enroll women and under - represented populations in STEM - related programs . 2 . Selection The program had an image and branding problem out the gate . While the initiative was innovative and groundbreaking , we needed to create a compelling image and brand quickly in order to bolster enrollment and legitimize the program with employers and amongst other educational institutions . In order to build the brand of the program , Storytelling ( week 2 ) was selected as a tool to aid in overcoming the challenges outlined above . We needed to build that connection with students and other stakeholders quickly and effectively . We needed to appeal to students using vocabulary that they could understand , while also building a reputation for providing a quality program that met industry expectations ( see Storytelling Tool video , week 2 ) . The very nature of Storytelling allowed us to build a continuous narrative specific to these audiences by providing tailored but consistent messaging to various audiences across a variety of venues and media . 3 . Application The approach was to create specific messaging and use appropriate vocabulary for the various audiences while maintaining consistency across venues and streams . In addressing students , print collateral focused on employment opportunities , the supportive faculty in the program , student resources at the college , and representative student faces . Student success stories were especially important , featuring their life story and the contribution the program provided in their lives . Representation here was very important . In addition , the program invited various guest speakers relevant to both the program content and to the target student populations . These sessions were open to the public . This connected the program to industry while providing students additional insight into programmatic supports beyond the classroom that would ensure their success . Storytelling in Promoting an Educational Program In addressing industry , presentations and print collateral focused on program competencies and student skill . We found that students sharing their work and projects completed in the program was the most effective in addressing industry . The program leveraged this though open showcases where the public was invited to view presentations and meet with the students . Students were coached prior to these events in how to share their work effectively , as well as how to best tell their personal story while networking . Here , students were able to tell industry why they were qualified to work for them using language industry understood ( real work projects and examples ) while also providing a compelling personal story of success . Finally , communications with peer educational institutions and other academic organizations focused on the both the rigor and competencies addressed in the program , as well as the profound success of students completing the program . Here , language was important as we had to depart from the general terms used in our everyday communications with the public and use verbiage and terms expected within academic circles . In addition , we added concrete numbers and data to validate one or two particularly noteworthy student success stories . Data is important as this is the universal language of research and academia . It was especially important to draw parallels with existing programs to demonstrate the rigor of the program . For instance , industry certifications were a very important component of the program ; this was also true of several other graduate programs . These certifications served as a means to identify standard competencies and were provided by third - party vendors . In highlighting student pass rates of these certifications within the program , we were able to find common ground , using a common language with common benchmarks , to legitimize the program in comparison to our peers . 4 . Insight We learned early on that students served as the most effective medium for promoting the program . Their stories were authentic , compelling , and above all , spoke to the success of the program design through the sharing of real - world project examples . We also learned that students needed help in how to share their stories . Students first enrolled in the program were often under - prepared or unable to articulate their experiences ; students nearing graduation had both the practice and vocabulary to best share their story . Coaching and mentoring was especially important in building their confidence . 5 . Approach I think we underutilized social media ; this is a really important tool in today ’s media age , especially in Storytelling . This medium could have been used much more effectively . We relied almost exclusively on print and face - to - face presentations which is fairly limiting . Social media would have also allowed us to leverage our contacts with industry and other organizations through ‘ shout outs ’ and hashtags . In addition , managing Linkedin more effectively would have afforded us an easy way to keep track of our students post - graduation and extend student success stories beyond the program .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Storytelling in Promoting an Educational Program 1 . Challenge As a higher education leader , I was tasked with developing a brand new undergraduate higher education program that had to date existed only in graduate and doctorate offerings ( specific program details withheld for confidentiality purposes ) . In addition , the field itself , which is STEM - related , was known to be historically white male dominated . The target student population for the program was women and under - represented populations . There are several challenges to unpack here ; I have outlined a few below specific to this project : 1 ) The program itself had never been offered in an undergraduate credential anywhere in the country and therefore no model or benchmark existed to glean best practices from . 2 ) Since the program only existed in the graduate and doctorate space , an element of academic and professional resistance to the program was evident from the start . Educational partners were not forthcoming in collaborating and industry partners were unable to identify a clear pathway for employment . 3 ) Since the program had been offered in graduate and doctorate degrees , and due to the STEM - related nature of the content , the program is perceived to be highly challenging to students . 4 ) It is a continuous challenge to enroll women and under - represented populations in STEM - related programs . 2 . Selection The program had an image and branding problem out the gate . While the initiative was innovative and groundbreaking , we needed to create a compelling image and brand quickly in order to bolster enrollment and legitimize the program with employers and amongst other educational institutions . In order to build the brand of the program , Storytelling ( week 2 ) was selected as a tool to aid in overcoming the challenges outlined above . We needed to build that connection with students and other stakeholders quickly and effectively . We needed to appeal to students using vocabulary that they could understand , while also building a reputation for providing a quality program that met industry expectations ( see Storytelling Tool video , week 2 ) . The very nature of Storytelling allowed us to build a continuous narrative specific to these audiences by providing tailored but consistent messaging to various audiences across a variety of venues and media . 3 . Application The approach was to create specific messaging and use appropriate vocabulary for the various audiences while maintaining consistency across venues and streams . In addressing students , print collateral focused on employment opportunities , the supportive faculty in the program , student resources at the college , and representative student faces . Student success stories were especially important , featuring their life story and the contribution the program provided in their lives . Representation here was very important . In addition , the program invited various guest speakers relevant to both the program content and to the target student populations . These sessions were open to the public . This connected the program to industry while providing students additional insight into programmatic supports beyond the classroom that would ensure their success . Storytelling in Promoting an Educational Program In addressing industry , presentations and print collateral focused on program competencies and student skill . We found that students sharing their work and projects completed in the program was the most effective in addressing industry . The program leveraged this though open showcases where the public was invited to view presentations and meet with the students . Students were coached prior to these events in how to share their work effectively , as well as how to best tell their personal story while networking . Here , students were able to tell industry why they were qualified to work for them using language industry understood ( real work projects and examples ) while also providing a compelling personal story of success . Finally , communications with peer educational institutions and other academic organizations focused on the both the rigor and competencies addressed in the program , as well as the profound success of students completing the program . Here , language was important as we had to depart from the general terms used in our everyday communications with the public and use verbiage and terms expected within academic circles . In addition , we added concrete numbers and data to validate one or two particularly noteworthy student success stories . Data is important as this is the universal language of research and academia . It was especially important to draw parallels with existing programs to demonstrate the rigor of the program . For instance , industry certifications were a very important component of the program ; this was also true of several other graduate programs . These certifications served as a means to identify standard competencies and were provided by third - party vendors . In highlighting student pass rates of these certifications within the program , we were able to find common ground , using a common language with common benchmarks , to legitimize the program in comparison to our peers . 4 . Insight We learned early on that students served as the most effective medium for promoting the program . Their stories were authentic , compelling , and above all , spoke to the success of the program design through the sharing of real - world project examples . We also learned that students needed help in how to share their stories . Students first enrolled in the program were often under - prepared or unable to articulate their experiences ; students nearing graduation had both the practice and vocabulary to best share their story . Coaching and mentoring was especially important in building their confidence . 5 . Approach I think we underutilized social media ; this is a really important tool in today ’s media age , especially in Storytelling . This medium could have been used much more effectively . We relied almost exclusively on print and face - to - face presentations which is fairly limiting . Social media would have also allowed us to leverage our contacts with industry and other organizations through ‘ shout outs ’ and hashtags . In addition , managing Linkedin more effectively would have afforded us an easy way to keep track of our students post - graduation and extend student success stories beyond the program . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Reflection – Story telling Challenge and Selection : The tool I used was Story telling . We formed a team and I 'm the technical head of the team . We design and fabricate ATVs . As the oldest member of my team , I also had to motivate my team members during this pandemic season . I used this tool often , with my team members and vendors and dealers who supply materials and tools . I share stories of previous members of the team , and the team 's legacy , to my team members to make them realize that they are working in one of the best racing teams of our country . Sometimes , we use stories to understand each other in a better way . I also check the way they work before and after I share my stories , this tells me whether I have succeeded in doing what I should be making them do . Application : I have a story about using story telling . One year ago , there was a dispute among 4 members of the team . They argued about who would make a better driver of the vehicle . I had to intervene . I took them to our evening snacks shop and I explained them why one was better than the other to drive the vehicle . I told them there was a similar incident the previous year . I also let them share their views on who should be a better driver . Finally , I concluded that the best among them has already been decided during the team selection process , but as they are having a disbelief , I let them have a test and that would prove the decision . Insight and approach : The test was an eye - opener . The four of them calmed down . I told them that the team members were selected meticulously and each one of them were a valuable piece . This worked very well and they all were back to being buddies . So , I told this story to my current team members and the story had a big impact on them . Everyone got motivated as they got to know that the team was built on the hardships of the previous team members and that it was their duty to carry the team 's legacy . Sometimes a little story changes the working environment . This course made me see this as a tool in a new way . When I 've done it before it was really impromptu , but now I can prepare ahead and think of stories that will assist me in presenting my ideas and illuminate them .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Reflection – Story telling Challenge and Selection : The tool I used was Story telling . We formed a team and I 'm the technical head of the team . We design and fabricate ATVs . As the oldest member of my team , I also had to motivate my team members during this pandemic season . I used this tool often , with my team members and vendors and dealers who supply materials and tools . I share stories of previous members of the team , and the team 's legacy , to my team members to make them realize that they are working in one of the best racing teams of our country . Sometimes , we use stories to understand each other in a better way . I also check the way they work before and after I share my stories , this tells me whether I have succeeded in doing what I should be making them do . Application : I have a story about using story telling . One year ago , there was a dispute among 4 members of the team . They argued about who would make a better driver of the vehicle . I had to intervene . I took them to our evening snacks shop and I explained them why one was better than the other to drive the vehicle . I told them there was a similar incident the previous year . I also let them share their views on who should be a better driver . Finally , I concluded that the best among them has already been decided during the team selection process , but as they are having a disbelief , I let them have a test and that would prove the decision . Insight and approach : The test was an eye - opener . The four of them calmed down . I told them that the team members were selected meticulously and each one of them were a valuable piece . This worked very well and they all were back to being buddies . So , I told this story to my current team members and the story had a big impact on them . Everyone got motivated as they got to know that the team was built on the hardships of the previous team members and that it was their duty to carry the team 's legacy . Sometimes a little story changes the working environment . This course made me see this as a tool in a new way . When I 've done it before it was really impromptu , but now I can prepare ahead and think of stories that will assist me in presenting my ideas and illuminate them . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
Challenge I am employed in a private higher education institution and like many private universities there is increasing competition amongst local universities for student admissions . Even prior to COVID- 19 , many universities in this region have seen flat or even decreasing student admissions over the past few years . This has led to average class sizes decreasing with many classes in several disciplines having only a few students in them . While the natural inclination would be to reduce tuition prices to attract more students , there has been a reluctance to do this since the general view is that total revenue would decrease as a result . Consequently , average student tuition has remained a key financial metric for the organization . The challenge therefore , has been how to fill available seats in classes and at the same time increase overall revenue . Selection For this challenge , I chose the visualization tool to explore the various possibilities to generate solutions to the challenge facing our organization . Visualization enabled me to communicate possible solutions to our problems by imagining analogous situations in other industries that might be useful in solving our problem . Application The challenge involved getting management to look at our challenge to fill seats and generate marginal revenue and most importantly , to move away from focusing on the average student tuition fee metric . To do this , I asked them to visualize the airline industry as being analogous to the problems we face in higher education . In this sense , we can think of classroom seats as being analogous to the seats on a plane . Similar also is the perishability of the products . In the airline industry seats can not be sold once the airline takes off , similarly in the university , classroom seats will remain empty once the semester has started . Insight By applying the analogy of the airline industry to our problem it became apparent that we need to reconsider our approach to revenue management and work out ways we can adopt yield management processes that airlines use in order to fill seats and maximize revenue . Rather than fixed tuition fees with arbitrary scholarships , we need to work out ways to obtain differential tuition fees and ensue every seat is filled . One problem is that unlike passengers on a plane who would not discover the price paid by the passenger sitting next to them , in a classroom that might happen . This could lead to problems if all students ask for the same reduced tuition fee . One way to avoid that would be for the tuition fee reductions to be offered by an entity external to the university . Approach I think that next time I would apply the same tool to apply across other challenges that we face as a higher education institution . Communicating ideas to other in the organization , especially other higher up in the organization can be frustratingly difficult . Using visualizations to assist others in being able to see the problem from your angle can be benefitted by that .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: Challenge I am employed in a private higher education institution and like many private universities there is increasing competition amongst local universities for student admissions . Even prior to COVID- 19 , many universities in this region have seen flat or even decreasing student admissions over the past few years . This has led to average class sizes decreasing with many classes in several disciplines having only a few students in them . While the natural inclination would be to reduce tuition prices to attract more students , there has been a reluctance to do this since the general view is that total revenue would decrease as a result . Consequently , average student tuition has remained a key financial metric for the organization . The challenge therefore , has been how to fill available seats in classes and at the same time increase overall revenue . Selection For this challenge , I chose the visualization tool to explore the various possibilities to generate solutions to the challenge facing our organization . Visualization enabled me to communicate possible solutions to our problems by imagining analogous situations in other industries that might be useful in solving our problem . Application The challenge involved getting management to look at our challenge to fill seats and generate marginal revenue and most importantly , to move away from focusing on the average student tuition fee metric . To do this , I asked them to visualize the airline industry as being analogous to the problems we face in higher education . In this sense , we can think of classroom seats as being analogous to the seats on a plane . Similar also is the perishability of the products . In the airline industry seats can not be sold once the airline takes off , similarly in the university , classroom seats will remain empty once the semester has started . Insight By applying the analogy of the airline industry to our problem it became apparent that we need to reconsider our approach to revenue management and work out ways we can adopt yield management processes that airlines use in order to fill seats and maximize revenue . Rather than fixed tuition fees with arbitrary scholarships , we need to work out ways to obtain differential tuition fees and ensue every seat is filled . One problem is that unlike passengers on a plane who would not discover the price paid by the passenger sitting next to them , in a classroom that might happen . This could lead to problems if all students ask for the same reduced tuition fee . One way to avoid that would be for the tuition fee reductions to be offered by an entity external to the university . Approach I think that next time I would apply the same tool to apply across other challenges that we face as a higher education institution . Communicating ideas to other in the organization , especially other higher up in the organization can be frustratingly difficult . Using visualizations to assist others in being able to see the problem from your angle can be benefitted by that . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
VISUALIZATION Challenge : visualization is a core component of the way that we communicate , whether we 're aware of it or not . When we 're dealing with very complex problems , we 're enacting a different kind of problem solving that has to bring in more than just logic . Visualisation is really important for the process of Design Thinking because it 's actually a way of unlocking a different part of our brain . It allows us to think in a non - verbal way and access parts of our brain , our creativity . Selection : Visualization is any technique for creating images , diagrams , or animations to communicate a message . In general , you want to select the most straightforward visualization that will convey the point you want to make . When selecting a visualization , always think from the perspective of your audience , and make design choices that will allow them to quickly understand the insights you 're trying to convey . Application : Visualization Application enables users to visualize data , draw insights and understand it better . It allows people to organize and present information intuitively . You can combine visualizations into a dashboard . Dashboards are useful because they allows you to relate different views of information visually . Insight : Visualization is capable of producing significant levels of insight , provided that said data is extracted in a clear and non - convoluted manner . Such insights can be used to delve deeper into data sets , and have the ability to extract actionable information for businesses and clients alike . Approach : Visualization approach can be beautiful , elegant and descriptive . There is a variety of conventional ways to visualize data - tables , histograms , pie charts and bar graphs are being used every day , in every project and on every possible occasion . However , to convey a message to your readers effectively , sometimes you need more than just a simple pie chart of your results . In fact , there are much better , profound , creative and absolutely fascinating ways visualize data . Organisation : An organizational visualization provides a quick glance into how the business is structured , whether it ’s an established office , a startup , a manufacturing plant or something else .
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: VISUALIZATION Challenge : visualization is a core component of the way that we communicate , whether we 're aware of it or not . When we 're dealing with very complex problems , we 're enacting a different kind of problem solving that has to bring in more than just logic . Visualisation is really important for the process of Design Thinking because it 's actually a way of unlocking a different part of our brain . It allows us to think in a non - verbal way and access parts of our brain , our creativity . Selection : Visualization is any technique for creating images , diagrams , or animations to communicate a message . In general , you want to select the most straightforward visualization that will convey the point you want to make . When selecting a visualization , always think from the perspective of your audience , and make design choices that will allow them to quickly understand the insights you 're trying to convey . Application : Visualization Application enables users to visualize data , draw insights and understand it better . It allows people to organize and present information intuitively . You can combine visualizations into a dashboard . Dashboards are useful because they allows you to relate different views of information visually . Insight : Visualization is capable of producing significant levels of insight , provided that said data is extracted in a clear and non - convoluted manner . Such insights can be used to delve deeper into data sets , and have the ability to extract actionable information for businesses and clients alike . Approach : Visualization approach can be beautiful , elegant and descriptive . There is a variety of conventional ways to visualize data - tables , histograms , pie charts and bar graphs are being used every day , in every project and on every possible occasion . However , to convey a message to your readers effectively , sometimes you need more than just a simple pie chart of your results . In fact , there are much better , profound , creative and absolutely fascinating ways visualize data . Organisation : An organizational visualization provides a quick glance into how the business is structured , whether it ’s an established office , a startup , a manufacturing plant or something else . ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }
You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address.
VISUALIZATION Challenge I ’m a management student and I have to suggest an idea to grow a clothing company , “ U.S. Department of Defense ” , the challenge consist in expand the market , basically the company consists of selling clothes only online . This has made it one of the most popular online clothing stores . My idea is to open physical stores to solve some of the problems that consumers have when using the application . This project is carried out individually and I have to present excellent results . Selection I select the visualization tool because I consider that visualization role to play throughout the design process or the development process . It ’s an incredible tool , in that sense , in that we ’re using those , those tools , that part of your brain , at each phase in the design process . Designers use the visualization all the time . Finally it ’s a key component in our way of communicating . Application For the application of the visualization tool , I first began to investigate which problems the customer have when buying online and then based on the results I began imagining options that will help solve consumer problems . First I visualized opening physical stores so that consumers could measure their clothes immediately , this by solving the first problem in turn we would be solving the second problem which was avoiding long waits to receive the product since this company is characterized by the fact that orders take time in be delivered . Then I thought that these stores would have to have marketing of all kinds and be located in strategic points , the brand is already recognized but expanding the scope would be more . I finally thought of including discounts for consuming physically to grow the stores obviously not leaving the part of online purchases in oblivion since the only thing that is sought is to solve the problems of the consumer by obtaining advantages in sale . Information I found the application of the visualization tool extremely useful as it broadened my panorama by selecting the problems that consumers had in order to develop a plan that would solve the case . Before starting this challenge , I thought that this tool was the most suitable for me and during the process I was able to confirm it , it really was very easy to conclude , I liked that my mind was working all the time and this allowed me to be more inspired . In my challenge I talked about innovating , and this is a very good tool to put a positive spin on the company . Focus It would possibly change that at times I thought a lot about what I wanted to write or reflect that because I had many ideas he forgot it . Possibly writing my ideas would have worked for me not to forget details . In general , I considered that despite the aforementioned changes , it is a good tool to apply
### Task: You are a PII (Personal Identity Information) Detection. Given a essays written by students, you have to identify ONLY the following: NAME_STUDENT - The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names. EMAIL - A student’s email address. USERNAME - A student's username on any platform. ID_NUM - A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number. PHONE_NUM - A phone number associated with a student. URL_PERSONAL - A URL that might be used to identify a student. STREET_ADDRESS - A full or partial street address that is associated with the student, such as their home address. ### Input: VISUALIZATION Challenge I ’m a management student and I have to suggest an idea to grow a clothing company , “ U.S. Department of Defense ” , the challenge consist in expand the market , basically the company consists of selling clothes only online . This has made it one of the most popular online clothing stores . My idea is to open physical stores to solve some of the problems that consumers have when using the application . This project is carried out individually and I have to present excellent results . Selection I select the visualization tool because I consider that visualization role to play throughout the design process or the development process . It ’s an incredible tool , in that sense , in that we ’re using those , those tools , that part of your brain , at each phase in the design process . Designers use the visualization all the time . Finally it ’s a key component in our way of communicating . Application For the application of the visualization tool , I first began to investigate which problems the customer have when buying online and then based on the results I began imagining options that will help solve consumer problems . First I visualized opening physical stores so that consumers could measure their clothes immediately , this by solving the first problem in turn we would be solving the second problem which was avoiding long waits to receive the product since this company is characterized by the fact that orders take time in be delivered . Then I thought that these stores would have to have marketing of all kinds and be located in strategic points , the brand is already recognized but expanding the scope would be more . I finally thought of including discounts for consuming physically to grow the stores obviously not leaving the part of online purchases in oblivion since the only thing that is sought is to solve the problems of the consumer by obtaining advantages in sale . Information I found the application of the visualization tool extremely useful as it broadened my panorama by selecting the problems that consumers had in order to develop a plan that would solve the case . Before starting this challenge , I thought that this tool was the most suitable for me and during the process I was able to confirm it , it really was very easy to conclude , I liked that my mind was working all the time and this allowed me to be more inspired . In my challenge I talked about innovating , and this is a very good tool to put a positive spin on the company . Focus It would possibly change that at times I thought a lot about what I wanted to write or reflect that because I had many ideas he forgot it . Possibly writing my ideas would have worked for me not to forget details . In general , I considered that despite the aforementioned changes , it is a good tool to apply ### Output:
{ "EMAIL": [], "ID_NUM": [], "NAME_STUDENT": [], "PHONE_NUM": [], "STREET_ADDRESS": [], "URL_PERSONAL": [], "USERNAME": [] }