ekkes asewḥel
change block
beddel asewḥel
send email
Ceggaɛ e-mail
Autoblocked because your IP address has been recently used by "[[User:$1|$1]]". The reason given for $1's block is "$2"
Tweḥleḍ s wudem awurman acku tansa-ik IP yeseqdac-itt "[[User:$1|$1]]" Taɣzint i d-ittunefken i usewḥel n $1 d "$2"
Block log
Aɣmis n isewḥelen
This {{GENDER:$1|user}} has been blocked previously. The block log is provided below for reference:
Amseqdac agi, yetseweḥel uqbel. Ad affeḍ aɣmis n isewḥal ddaw-agi :
This {{GENDER:$1|user}} has been blocked and hidden previously. The suppress log is provided below for reference:
Amseqdac agi, yetseweḥel dɣa yeweffer uqbel. Ad affeḍ aɣmis n tukksiwin ddaw-agi :
This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically blocked IP addresses are not listed. See the [[Special:BlockList|block list]] for the list of currently operational bans and blocks.
Wagi d-aɣmis n tigawin n usewḥel d aksusewḥel n imseqdacen. Tansiwin IP yestsuwḥelen s-uwurman ulac-itent deg umuɣ agi. Ẓer [[Special:BlockList|umuɣ n isewḥal]] iwakken ad ẓṛeḍ iḍeggiren d isewḥal yellan tura.
anonymous users only
Imseqdacen udrigen kan
account creation disabled
asnulfu n umiḍan yessegdel
enhanced autoblock enabled
manasewḥel yesselhan yesermed
username hidden
isem n umseqdac yeffer
The administrator ability to create range blocks is disabled.
Azref n unedbal i usnulfu n isewḥal n tagrummiwin IP yensa.
Expiry time invalid.
Tanzagt n tasewti ur teɣbel ara.
Hidden username blocks must be indefinite.
Isewḥal n isemawen n imseqdacen yeffren ilaq ad illin d-imeɣlalen.
Unable to suppress this account; it has more than {{PLURAL:$1|one edit|$1 edits}}.
Ulamek an ekkes amiḍan agi ; yesɛa ugar n {{PLURAL:$1|yiwen abeddel|$1 ibeddilen}}.
"$1" is already blocked.
« $1 » yesewḥel yakan
$1 is already blocked. Do you want to change the settings?
« $1 » yesewḥel yakan. Tebɣiḍ ad beddeleḍ iɣewwaren ?
Other {{PLURAL:$1|block|blocks}}
{{PLURAL:$1|Asewḥel nniḍen|Isewḥelen nniḍen}}
You cannot unblock this user, as their username has been hidden.
Ur tzemreḍ ara ad sewḥeleḍ amseqdac agi, acku isem-is n umseqdac yetweffer.
Error: Block for $1 not found. It may have been removed already.
Tuccḍa : ID n usewḥel $1 ulac-it. Ahat asewḥel yetwekkes yakan.
Error: The IP address $1 is not blocked directly and cannot be unblocked. It is, however, blocked as part of the range $2, which can be unblocked.
Tuccḍa : tansa IP $1 ur t-uwḥel ara srid dɣa ulamek an ekkes asewḥel. Lamaɛna tezga deg tagrumma $2 i nezmer an ekkes asewḥel.
Invalid IP address range.
Tagrumma IP artameɣtut
Range blocks larger than /$1 are not allowed.
Isewḥal n tagrummiwin i ugaren /$1 ur sɛan ara assireg.
Proxy blocker
Amsewḥel n proxy
Your IP address has been blocked because it is an open proxy. Please contact your Internet service provider or technical support of your organization and inform them of this serious security problem.
Tansa n IP inek teɛkel axaṭer nettat "open proxy". G leɛnayek, meslay akk d provider inek.
Your IP address is listed as an open proxy in the DNSBL used by {{SITENAME}}.
Tansa IP inek/inem tella deg yiwen umuɣ am "open proxy" deg DNSBL yettuseqdac deg {{SITENAME}}.
Your IP address is listed as an open proxy in the DNSBL used by {{SITENAME}}. You cannot create an account.
Tansa IP inek/inem tella deg yiwen umuɣ am "open proxy" deg DNSBL yettuseqdac deg {{SITENAME}}. Ur tezmireḍ ara ad snulfuḍ amiḍan.
An IP address present in the X-Forwarded-For header, either yours or that of a proxy server you are using, has been blocked. The original block reason was: $1
Yiwet tansa IP deg tasenṭit X-Forwarded-For header, tin inek/inem neɣ tin n uqeddac proxy i tseqeddeceḍ ,tesewḥel. Taɣzint n usewḥel amezrwaru : $1
The user you are trying to block has already been blocked and hidden. Since you do not have the hideuser right, you cannot see or edit the user's block.
Amseqdac i tebɣiḍ ad sewḥeleḍ yetsewḥel yakan dɣa yetweffer. Imi ur tesɛiḍ ara azref ''hideuser'', ur tzemreḍ ara ad ẓṛeḍ neɣ ad beddeleḍ asewḥel n umseqdac agi.
You cannot block or unblock other users because you are yourself blocked.
Ur tzemreḍ ada ad sewḥeleḍ neɣ ad aksewḥeleḍ imseqdacen nniḍen, acku ula d-kečč/kem tsewḥeleḍ.
You are not allowed to unblock yourself.
Ur tesɛiḍ ara assireg ad aksewḥeleḍ iman-ik/im.
Lock database
Sekker database
Unlock database
Kkes aseḍru n taffa n isefka
Locking the database will suspend the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will unlock the database when your maintenance is done.
Askaṛ n taffa n isefka ad yeqareɛ akkw imseqdacen ad beddelen isebtar, ad ḥerzen ismenyifen nsen, ad beddelen umuɣ nsen n uḍfar dɣa ad xeddmen akkw tigawin nniḍen yeḥwaǧen ibeddilen deg taffa n isefka. Ilaq ad sergegeḍ d-ayen yebɣiḍ ad xeddemeḍ dɣa ad ekkseḍ azekṛun deg taffa sakin tigawt inek/inem n ibeddi att fak.
Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do.
Aksaskaṛ n taffa n isefka ad yeɛemmed i akkw imseqdacen ad beddelen isebtar, ad beddelen ismenyifen nsen, ad beddelen umuɣ nsen n uḍfar dɣa ad xeddmen akkw tigawin nniḍen yeḥwaǧen ibeddilen deg taffa n isefka. Ilaq ad sergegeḍ d-ayen yebɣiḍ ad xeddemeḍ.
Yes, I really want to lock the database.
Ih, bɣiɣ ad sekṛeɣ taffa n isefka.
Yes, I really want to unlock the database.
Ih, bɣiɣ ad ekkeseɣ aksskeṛeɣ taffa n isefka.
Lock database
Sekker taffa n isefka
You did not check the confirmation box.
Ur d-sekcemeḍ ara amidag deg tanaka n aragag.
Database lock succeeded
Askaṛ n taffa n isefka yetwexddem
Database lock removed
Asewḥel n taffa n isefka yetwekkes
The database has been locked.<br /> Remember to [[Special:UnlockDB|remove the lock]] after your maintenance is complete.
Taffa n isefka teskeṛ.<br /> Ur tettu ara ad ekkeseḍ [[Special:UnlockDB|askaṛ]] ma tfukeḍ tamhelt inek/inem n ibeddi.
The database has been unlocked.
Askaṛ n taffa n isefka yetwekkes.
The database lock file is not writable. To lock or unlock the database, this needs to be writable by the web server.
Ur tzemreḍ ara ad aruḍ deg ufaylu n uskaṛ n taffa n isefka. Ma tebɣiḍ ad sewḥeleḍ neɣ ad ekkseḍ asewḥel ɣef taffa n isefka, ilaq aqeddac web ad yezmer ad yaru deg ufaylu agi.
The database is not locked.
Taffa n isefka ur tesɛa ara askar.
(by {{GENDER:$1|$1}} on $2 at $3)
(sɣur $1 ass n $2 af $3)
Move $1
Beddel isem n $1
Move page
Smimeḍ asebter
Using the form below will rename a page, moving all of its history to the new name. The old title will become a redirect page to the new title. You can update redirects that point to the original title automatically. If you choose not to, be sure to check for [[Special:DoubleRedirects|double]] or [[Special:BrokenRedirects|broken redirects]]. You are responsible for making sure that links continue to point where they are supposed to go. Note that the page will <strong>not</strong> be moved if there is already a page at the new title, unless the latter is a redirect and has no past edit history. This means that you can rename a page back to where it was renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite an existing page. <strong>Note:</strong> This can be a drastic and unexpected change for a popular page; please be sure you understand the consequences of this before proceeding.
Seqdec tiferkit ddaw agi iwakken ad beddeleḍ isem n usebter, s usiweḍ n akkw umezruy-is ɣer isem amaynut. Azwel aqbur ad yuɣal d asebter n usemmime ɣer azwel amaynut. Tzemreḍ ad mucceḍeḍ s uwurman isemmimen imiranen i sweṛen ɣer azwel amezwaru. Ma ur tebɣiḍ ara at sexdemeḍ wagi, ilaq ad selkeneḍ akkw [[Special:DoubleRedirects|Asemmimeḍ yeḍran snat tikwal]] neɣ [[Special:BrokenRedirects|asmmimeḍ yerẓan]]. Ilaq ad sɛuḍ talkint belli izdayen tsweṛen ɣer aserken is. Abeddel n isem <strong>ur</strong> yezmer <strong>ara</strong> ad yilli ma yella yakan asebter s isem agi, ḥaca ma ulac amezruy deg-es. Waya yetɛemmed an beddel isem n usebtar ɣer addud ines amezwaru ma tiggit d tuccḍit, dɣa ulamek an mzey yiwen asebtar yellan. '''Ɣur-wet !''' Wagi yezmer ad yexdem abeddel ameqqṛan i asebter s aṭas timerziwin ; ilaq ad fehmeḍ uqbel ad beddeleḍ asebter.
Using the form below will rename a page, moving all of its history to the new name. The old title will become a redirect page to the new title. Be sure to check for [[Special:DoubleRedirects|double]] or [[Special:BrokenRedirects|broken redirects]]. You are responsible for making sure that links continue to point where they are supposed to go. Note that the page will <strong>not</strong> be moved if there is already a page at the new title, unless it is a redirect and has no past edit history. This means that you can rename a page back to where it was renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite an existing page. <strong>Note:</strong> This can be a drastic and unexpected change for a popular page; please be sure you understand the consequences of this before proceeding.
Seqdec tiferkit ddaw agi iwakken ad beddeleḍ isem n usebter, s usiweḍ n akkw amezruy is ɣer isem amaynut. Azwel aqbur ad yuɣal d asebter n usemmime ɣer azwel amaynut. Ilaq ad selkeneḍ akkw [[Special:DoubleRedirects|Asemmimeḍ yeḍran snat tikwal]] naɣ [[Special:BrokenRedirects|asmmimeḍ yerẓan]]. Ilaq ad sɛuḍ talkint belli izdayen tsweṛen ɣer aserken is. Abeddel n isem ur yezmer ara ad yilli ma yella yakan asebter s isem agi, ḥaca ma ulac amezruy deg-es dɣa yuɣal d-asebtar n usemmim. Waya yetɛemmed an beddel isem n usebtar ɣer addud ines amezwaru ma tiggit d tuccḍit, dɣa ulamek an mzey yiwen asebtar yellan. '''Ɣur-wet !''' Wagi yezmer ad yexdem abeddel ameqqṛan i asebter s aṭas timerziwin ; ilaq ad fehmeḍ uqbel ad beddeleḍ asebter.
If you check this box, the associated talk page will be automatically moved to new title, unless a non-empty talk page already exists there. In this case, you will have to move or merge the page manually if desired.
Asebter "Amyannan" yettusmimeḍ ula d netta '''ma ulac:''' *Yella asebter "Amyannan" deg isem amaynut, neɣ *Trecmeḍ tankult deg ukessar. Lukan akka, yessefk a t-tedmeḍ weḥdek.
<strong>Warning:</strong> You are about to move a user page. Please note that only the page will be moved and the user will <em>not</em> be renamed.
'''Ɣur-wet !''' Atan ad beddeleḍ isem n usebtar n umseqdac. Ilaq ad fehmeḍ, isem n usebtar ad yetbeddel, maca isem n umseqdac '''ur''' d-yetbeddel '''ara'''.
You must be a registered user and [[Special:UserLogin|logged in]] to move a page.
Yessefk ad tesɛuḍ isem n wemseqdac u [[Special:UserLogin|tkecmeḍ]] iwakken ad tesmimḍeḍ asebter.
You do not have permission to move pages.
Ur tesɛiḍ ara turagt ad beddeleḍ isem n isebtar.
You do not have permission to move files.
Ur tesɛiḍ ara turagt ad beddeleḍ isem n ifuyla.
You do not have permission to move user pages (apart from subpages).
Ur tesɛiḍ ara turagt ad beddeleḍ isem n isebtar igejdanen n imseqdacen
You do not have permission to move a page to a user page (except to a user subpage).
Ur tesɛid ara assireg iwakken ad beddeleḍ isem n usebtar ɣer asebtar n umseqdac (haca ma d-adu-asebtar).
New title:
Azwel amaynut:
Watch source page and target page
Ḍfer asebter-a
Move succeeded
Asemmimeḍ yekfa
<strong>"$1" has been moved to "$2"</strong>
'''« $1 » yetwabeddel isem ar « $2 »'''
A redirect has been created.
Abeddel n isem seg isem aqbur yetxelqed.
The creation of a redirect has been suppressed.
Asnulfu n ubeddel n isem seg isem aqbur yetsemmet.
A page already exists at [[:$1]], or the page name you have chosen is not valid. Please choose another name.
Yella yagi yisem am wagi, neɣ isem ayen textareḍ mačči d ṣaḥiḥ. Xtar yiwen nniḍen.
You cannot move a page to this location because the new title has been protected from creation.
Ur tzemreḍ ara ad ssiweḍeḍ asebtar ɣer amkan agi acku asnulfu n usebtar s uzwel agi amaynut yetweḥrez
Move associated talk page
Smimeḍ asebter n umyannan (n umagrad-nni)
Move subpages (up to $1)
Beddel isem n adu-isebtar (alma d $1 {{PLURAL:$1|asebtar|isebtar}})
Move subpages of talk page (up to $1)
Beddel isebtar isnawanen n usebter n usqerdec (arama d $1 isebtar)
The page $1 already exists and cannot be automatically overwritten.
Asebtar $1 yella yakan dɣa ur nezmer ara at n-mzey s uwurman.
The page $1 has been moved to $2.
Asebtar $1 yetwabeddel isem-is ar $2.
The page $1 could not be moved to $2.
Asebtar $1 ur nezmer ara an beddel isem-is ar $2.
The maximum of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}} has been moved and no more will be moved automatically.
Afellay n $1 {{PLURAL:$1|asebtar|isebtar}} s isem ibeddelen yetwuɛa dɣa tura ur d-yetilli ara abeddel n isem s-uwurman.
Move log
Aɣmis n usemmimeḍ
Below is a list of all page moves.
Akessar yella wumuɣ n isebtar yettusmimeḍen.
This page has $1 {{PLURAL:$1|subpage|subpages}} shown below.
Asebtar agi yesɛa $1 {{PLURAL:$1|adu-asebtar yebeqqeḍen|adu-isebtar yebeqqeḍen}} ddaw-agi.
This page has no subpages.
Asebtar agi ur yesɛ ara adu-asebtar
The destination page "[[:$1]]" already exists. Do you want to delete it to make way for the move?
==Amḥay i tebɣiḍ== Anda tebɣiḍ tesmimeḍ "[[:$1]]" yella yagi. tebɣiḍ ad temḥuḍ iwakken yeqqim-d wemkan i usmimeḍ?
Yes, delete the page
Ih, mḥu asebter
Deleted to make way for move from "[[$1]]"
Asebter yemḥa iwakken yeqqim-d wemkan i usmimeḍ seg "[[$1]]"
The title is the same; cannot move a page over itself.
Izwal amezwaru d uneggaru kif-kif; ur yezmir ara ad yesmimeḍ asebter ɣur iman-is.
Cannot move pages in namespace "$1".
Ur tzemreḍ ara ad beddeleḍ isem n isebtar deg tallunt n isemawen « $1 »
Cannot move pages into namespace "$1".
Ur tzemreḍ ara ad beddeleḍ isem n isebtar ɣer tallunt n isemawen « $1 »
Interwiki link is not a valid target for page move.
Izdayen interwiki mačči d iswi ameɣtu i imussa.
This page is not movable.
Ulamek ad beddeleḍ isem n usebtar agi.
Cannot move to that destination title.
Ur tzemreḍ ara ad beddeleḍ isem n usebtar ɣer azwel agi.
The desired destination uses a different content model. Cannot convert from $1 to $2.
Aserken i tebɣiḍ yetseqdac talɣa nniḍen n ugbur. Ulamek an beddel seg $1 ɣer $2.
Cannot move file to non-file namespace.
Ulamek an beddeleḍ isem n ufaylu ɣer tallunt n isemawen nniḍen wala afaylu
Cannot move non-file to file namespace.
Ulamek an beddeleḍ ayen nniḍen wala afaylu ɣer tallunt n isemawen n ufaylu
The new file extension does not match its type.
Asiɣzef amaynut n ufaylu agi ur yaɛdil ara s tawsit ines.
The target filename is invalid.
Isem n ufaylu iswi ur yaɛdil ara
Update any redirects that point to the original title
Mucceḍ inegzumen yetruḥun ɣer azwel amezwaru
Leave a redirect behind
Eǧǧ anegzum ɣer azwel amaynut
<strong>Warning:</strong> This page has been protected so that only users with administrator privileges can move it. The latest log entry is provided below for reference:
'''ƔUR-WET :''' Asebter-agi yettwaḥrez iwakken imseqdacen kan yesɛan izerfan n unedbal ad zemren ad beddlen isem-is. Asekcem aneggaru n uɣmis yella ddaw-agi :
<strong>Note:</strong> This page has been protected so that only autoconfirmed users can move it. The latest log entry is provided below for reference:
'''Tamawt :''' Asebter-agi yettwaḥrez iwakken imseqdacen kan yesɛan amiḍan kan i zemren ad beddlen isem-is. Asekcem aneggaru n uɣmis yella ddaw-agi :
[[:$1]] exists on a shared repository. Moving a file to this title will override the shared file.
== Afaylu yella yakan == [[:$1]] yella yakan ɣef azadur anmili. Abeddel n isem n ufaylu agi ad yarreẓ azday ɣer ufaylu seg azadur anmili.
The filename chosen is already in use on a shared repository. Please choose another name.
Isem agi yetseqdac yakan sɣur afaylu ɣef azadur anmili. Xtir isem nniḍen.