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id10012_0AXjxNXiEzo_00001,like i said less manicured in a good way i think i think that what you know people,id10012,dev,Positive,0.0,4.63
id10012_0AXjxNXiEzo_00002,uh more carelessness in a good way in the best possible way and people like figuring it out and that i think is really,id10012,dev,Positive,0.0,6.52
id10012_0AXjxNXiEzo_00003,uh maybe the talent or the you know i haven't really found out what i'm trying to say yet but still like kind of dipping your toe in here and there and not really figuring out what is it you wanna say i mean that's i feel like that's probably inevitable of anyone that,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.88
id10012_0AXjxNXiEzo_00004,not really finding your voice yet that's like a very awkward you know time,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.76
id10012_0AXjxNXiEzo_00005,sure how it all worked out i feel like i was in a coma and woke up when it was done when we came to shooting it we did the prerecords and that was pretty surreal,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.76
id10012_0AXjxNXiEzo_00006,isolated like you know for however however it is they shoot it but uh i don't remember doing it uh so much you know but they had a very clear vision of what uh what they kinda wanted it to be and what they were going for so clear in what their story,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.24
id10012_0AXjxNXiEzo_00007,really the only good thing i really did was just like not really get involved so much,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.48
id10012_0AXjxNXiEzo_00008,and and sit back as much as possible cause i don't listen to music the way that those guys,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.48
id10012_0AXjxNXiEzo_00009,obviously in love uh but i just don't hear it how how some people do and that's always kind,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.52
id10012_0AXjxNXiEzo_00010,actually rachmaninoff i would say that was like the first uh and i'm not you can't say that without sounding like a pretentious ass but like that's so true like i,id10012,dev,Positive,0.0,9.03
id10012_0AXjxNXiEzo_00011,um listened to a lot of secular music growing up uh but uh but like rachmaninoff's third concerto i like i listen to all the time,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.68
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00001,i think most people in the country did at the time filled with a sense of patriotism and retribution and the desire to do something that,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.94
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00002,living in the back room of my parents' house paying rent in the small town i was raised in northern indiana called mishawaka i could spell,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.11
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00003,and stories about of actors moving to la with like seven dollars and finding work and successful careers i got as far as amarillo texas before my car broke down i spent a,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.12
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00004,monica not even la stayed for forty eight hours wandering the beach basically got in my car drove home thus,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.32
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00005,again this is me i thought all civilian problems are small compared to the military we,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.14
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00006,by how complex the transition was from military to civilian and i was relatively healthy i can't imagine going through that process on top of a mental or physical injury but regardless it was difficult in part because i was in acting school i couldn't justify going to voice and speech class throwing imaginary balls of,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,18.49
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00007,marine where you're shooting machine guns and firing mortars there's not a lot of places you can put those,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.45
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00008,everything has meaning everything you do is either steeped in tradition or has a practical purpose uh you can't smoke in the field because you don't wanna give away your,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.93
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00009,here you're just another body and i felt like i constantly had to prove my worth all over again and the respect civilians were giving me while i was in uniform didn't exist when i was out of it,id10012,dev,Negative,0.0,10.0
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00010,cold are you put in a life or death situation when you with your closest friends and they constantly demonstrate that they're not gonna abandon you and,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.89
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00011,experience in a way that before to me was indescribable and i felt myself becoming less aggressive as i was able to put words to feelings for the first time and realizing what a valuable tool that was and when i was reflecting on my time in,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.55
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00012,families friends getting divorced grieving together celebrating together all within the backdrop of the,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.2
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00013,started this nonprofit called arts in the armed forces where where we tried to do that tried to join these two seemingly,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.16
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00014,trained actors arm them with incredible material keep production value as minimal as possible no sets no costumes no,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.43
id10012_nCwwVjPNloY_00015,on having acronyms for acronyms can get lost in the sauce when it comes to explaining a collective experience and i can think of no better community to arm with a new means of,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.36
id10012_o-8xXV5MC8I_00001,then he's like i've been thinking about this for you know thirty years this is how the movie is gonna be he but that it was almost the exact,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.52
id10012_o-8xXV5MC8I_00002,and he still kind of approached scenes with like an attitude of he didn't know what the answer would be and that for,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.18
id10012_o-8xXV5MC8I_00003,hope to see and practice but to but to watch someone who's accomplished so much in his career or have been thinking about these characters and knew knew his material so well still approach,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.2
id10012_o-8xXV5MC8I_00004,um so you kind of go in you can't help but go in with like a preconceived idea of that,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.28
id10012_o-8xXV5MC8I_00005,you know demystifying himself and making it about you know focusing on the details,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.4
id10012_o-8xXV5MC8I_00006,weirdly paternal thing that happens or uh maybe the actor director relationship where you always,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.08
id10012_o-8xXV5MC8I_00007,and he's my age so i hate him but i'm at one of my favorite,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.72
id10012_o-8xXV5MC8I_00008,um they had us they had the front of the boat tied to a big rope that they pushed out into the water and we were shooting this scene where there,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.16
id10012_o-8xXV5MC8I_00009,know when you're losing weight it's all about timing you know like you have to time,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.15
id10012_o-8xXV5MC8I_00010,and the rest of the cast and the extras are are all kind of on the,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.44
id10012_o-8xXV5MC8I_00011,on the uh on the shore and they called a lunch break when they we did this a couple times and so,id10012,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.88
id10014_RbXXh_l-qH8_00001,marvel universe the comic book universe is ever changing and and you can do anything you want within the universe and i think we're just we're living in the world of superheroes right now and the crossover that agents of shield is doing with avengers captain america we haven't really ever seen that happen before and it's just bringing in this world so it's it becomes this massive universe now,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,23.04
id10014_RbXXh_l-qH8_00002,parents have no you know no idea about agents of shield they love the show not because i'm on it they love the,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,5.64
id10014_RbXXh_l-qH8_00003,first season you know it's just a it's a really fun place where you can just go and just you know use your,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,5.48
id10014_RbXXh_l-qH8_00004,the the secret that mack and i have is going to come to a head and it's going to really,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.08
id10014_RbXXh_l-qH8_00005,it's gonna do a number to um to the agency and and it's gonna really spice things up a little bit there's so much happening every which way,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.32
id10014_RbXXh_l-qH8_00006,it was like gorilla shooting i mean we shot seven scenes you know from the time the sun came up to the time you know it came down we were there for two,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.12
id10014_RbXXh_l-qH8_00007,it was kind of insane but it was really fun and energetic and it's such a beautiful place,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.56
id10014_RbXXh_l-qH8_00008,oh my god people were coming up especially you know i'm newer on the show but like you know coming up to clark left and right and and of course you know it's a big tourist area we were in san jose so it was like this big tourist area so there was people from la that are coming and going what they're shooting,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,13.39
id10014_RbXXh_l-qH8_00009,i mean there's such a big fan base for for comics for this kind of show the fanboys you know,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.08
id10014_RbXXh_l-qH8_00010,and and it's a really specific world that people really wanna be a part of and be able to talk you know when i came into this i'm not big into social media at all and people who followed my twitter will understand like you know in a year i think i tweeted six times but this has gotten me into it because we do a lot of live tweeting and to see what people are actually thinking in the moment watching it interacting and it's it's insane to see how seriously people take it and and it kind of warms your heart in a way to see how much you're,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,26.28
id10014_RbXXh_l-qH8_00011,i think it's just such a broad world and you can bring anything into it it's ever changing i mean over the course of years you can do anything with a comic and in the way that they've been able to with cgi and special effects what they are now really make it feel like you're watching a comic book and change you know people's faces you know this world has become real,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,19.24
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00001,they don't know about each other and you fall in love with this guy you fall in love with him cause he actually is so endearing and loves these two,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.39
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00002,i don't because i think it happens all the time actually i,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.32
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00003,when you're in love with somebody it's so easy to just kind of overlook certain things as we do a lot of times,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,5.56
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00004,my character kat is uh she comes from a very wealthy family her father played by jon jon voight um is the owner of the biggest oil company in texas and she's,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.8
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00005,you know she's come from society but she's not necessarily a society girl she's incredibly brilliant she um,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.88
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00006,um and you know she's kind of the through line of the family she's the thread,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.04
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00007,honestly i i was really kind of opposed to doing television again only cause i'd had such an amazing experience in friday night lights and i didn't want to you know ruin that um,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.2
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00008,never know what's gonna happen and you're stuck for seven years ultimately you know it's not a movie you can just,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.95
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00009,um my manager really was just like please read this please read,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.13
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00010,it was so well written and well done and ultimately my biggest question,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,4.01
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00011,he was just like okay we're family and he actually he didn't sign on right away he really wanted to come down and meet the whole cast before he did that and immediately he met us,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,8.89
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00012,i mean nothing compares to the way that we shot that show it's um it was brilliant as an actor you get to really grow and and it's like acting class,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,9.4
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00013,sides to it we do have certain freedoms that we don't,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.64
id10014_iZ6XrudZsSw_00014,it was so wonderful actually to be there and to be able to you know end one huge chapter of my life and begin another one literally two days later but also everybody was there like the majority of the cast was there peter berg came down it was just like we all got to say goodbye in this huge way which,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,16.95
id10014_s4Go6oBiQ8Y_00001,um comes from a military background you know her father's father's,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.98
id10014_s4Go6oBiQ8Y_00002,pretty sweet before i did this movie i thought i had stamina but no um i trained for about a month before i even got to new orleans with my trainer,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.04
id10014_s4Go6oBiQ8Y_00003,uh once we got there we did about a month and a half of nonstop training about eight hours a day which included,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.88
id10014_s4Go6oBiQ8Y_00004,deals um uh hand to hand combat training stunt training choreography unit training where i work as,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.28
id10014_s4Go6oBiQ8Y_00005,weapons training and then actual physical training to stay strong um and each of us,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.64
id10014_s4Go6oBiQ8Y_00006,was an awesome experience he was like you never know what's gonna happen when you you know,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,4.84
id10014_s4Go6oBiQ8Y_00007,it it's a it's funny how immediately they become your brothers i mean you're out in the middle of nowhere hours a day you hear things you smell things,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,6.52
id10014_s4Go6oBiQ8Y_00008,you know way too much so we became close,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.22
id10014_s4Go6oBiQ8Y_00009,tiegs the entire movie and has you know her hair in a ponytail or she's wearing boy clothes so by the time i got to the red dress i was kind of excited to wear,id10014,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.34
id10014_s4Go6oBiQ8Y_00010,i love that guy so much he's one of the funniest people on the planet and you know we had about a week of learning the choreography for that so we had a blast i stepped on a,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,9.48
id10014_s4Go6oBiQ8Y_00011,one it's okay the second one sets itself up and also if you're not a gi joe fan you're also gonna love this movie it's an awesome action packed,id10014,dev,Positive,0.0,7.9
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00001,i can see unless they're hiding somewhere well i mean uh no i get recognized a little bit but not a whole lot,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.62
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00002,hair extensions and stuff so it's a bit uh i look a bit different but um i get a,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.28
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00003,don't mistake me i'm not a big horror fan but only because i haven't seen a lot of them i think as soon as i get into it i love it i mean i love i've i enjoyed maybe all the movies that i watched in the researching for the for the role and all the books that i um all the books i read but,id10016,dev,Positive,0.0,13.8
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00004,things that make a vampire what they are but there's also other things and more important,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.08
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00005,i may have suggested that i wear them more cause i was cold on set it was so cold shooting the show i mean i was freezing all the time so any extra layer we could get i'd always take so,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.28
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00006,isn't cold in bristol uh this winter um but yeah i'm quite surprised i don't know how,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.44
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00007,being a werewolf that'd just suck really wouldn't it i mean that you don't gain you don't benefit at all really from that i guess i'd be a,id10016,dev,Negative,0.0,6.44
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00008,be a vampire i guess then wouldn't they they'd be a vampire cause it just cause it can't be the other two,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.36
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00009,i'm thinking i don't wanna live forever but i'd love to live for like five hundred years and then just i'll have taught myself,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.48
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00010,you know i need to be a more honest person uh i didn't i didn't this no i didn't get any of that um but yeah as an actor i learned tons i,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.84
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00011,one of the first jobs i've done and one of the biggest jobs i've done and so to work with the the caliber of actors that i worked,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.88
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00012,but yeah as an actor i learned tons i i mean i learned so much this is one of the one of the first jobs i've done and one of the biggest jobs i've done um so to work with the the caliber of actors that i worked with,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.88
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00013,i think i'd be excited by anything i'd love to make anything work and because now i have such a better sense,id10016,dev,Positive,0.0,4.42
id10016_SCFgvk0Sm24_00014,where he's come from and all those kind of things and just a better sense of him as a character i think i'd love to try anything out,id10016,dev,Positive,0.0,6.44
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00001,you know he he's he realizes that this is all it's all too much there's people getting hurt there's,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.2
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00002,the end if he was to do that i'd completely cut ties end of story that's not that's not a bad resolution for mitchell i don't think now at least he knows he can't hurt anybody else or at least he's not responsible solely responsible for the legacy of these other people that are all bloody innocent you know so it's a hard thing to have so when he shows up at the house after killing harry,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,21.76
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00003,he he needs to be stopped and killed and and the only way really is to is to let his best mate do it i don't think it was ever the writer's intention in this show to kind of make characters that are likable as such anyway i think it's hard to to write that down i think it's you just kinda have to feel it and play it and i i i,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,17.36
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00004,knocking around for centuries so he's not done with living yet uh unlike mitchell in in a lot of ways so,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.6
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00005,i can't believe it's all over now i can't believe this is the end after everything this is the end,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.16
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00006,uh so that's what mitchell does and he makes the bravest decision that he's,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.16
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00007,certainly made in the entire series i mean probably in in in all three of them you know it's it's a proper decision a bold decision and,id10016,dev,Positive,0.0,8.43
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00008,some of them they get through and then some of them they don't and i think it's it's a realistic sort of balance on that and and how they deal with,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.48
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00009,i think it's managed to do that something i'm quite proud of about this show i think they've managed,id10016,dev,Positive,0.0,4.23
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00010,you know he's managed to get several lives if it's good or bad or indifferent i don't think it matters i think he's managed to squeeze a lot of living in,id10016,dev,Positive,0.0,6.32
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00011,for other people i think it's the consequence is what he feared he fears ruining life for other people but it's that mentality i think a lot of those vampires would have i don't think they feared death that way,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.16
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00012,uh it's it's a funny thing finishing jobs you know you'd think the emotion will be in the scene and and hopefully bits of it will be but sometimes that can that can sort of change things not always in a good way you kind of need to,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.72
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00013,i hate saying this but in character um and not to be you cause you can be very that can be very self indulgent you know just to to let your own emotions consume what's going on here i don't think it's it's not about me it's it's about mitchell um so i think to serve him right,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,15.44
id10016_bIi7FnNx6m0_00014,uh i kind of you need to kinda know where your head's at and stuff i think i think at the party i think when we have a couple of drinks afterwards and stuff that would be um knowing that there's a lot of people that won't,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.04
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00001,i'm pretty excited yeah it's nice to do press and to kind of revisit the memories of the show um it's nice to be out here doing it too and the first series when down pretty good,id10016,dev,Positive,0.0,6.51
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00002,i know i know well it it's yeah a cliff hanger you know uh pun intended but we're right at the side of the cliff when it all happens um that's where that's where we continue right in real time from that moment um it's pretty rough for us i mean his his,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.72
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00003,this is gonna end it's a liquidation they're broke um the relationship with with demilles is kind of at its worst they lost julia um their their daughter it,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.32
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00004,this the only way is up and then you know he gets well he's potentially charged with with inciting a riot and and murder which is a death sentence at that time so it's it's pretty grim for for the,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.43
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00005,well i think george always wanted to be in the gang you know george is is the son of a of a illegitimate um uh black,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.96
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00006,you know he he always wanted more um and i guess ross had it you know ross kind of seamlessly sort of slips between the the aristocracy and and the working class and that's something that george just can never get you know george wants to be he wants to be ross and he wants to be the leader uh leader of the gang and it's not really happening why ross won't let him in i guess he just doesn't have respect for him you know all he wants,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,18.32
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00007,yeah yeah he he really wants to bring ross down i mean he's he's absolutely committed to doing that um and he's he starts by doing a a decent job i mean this he sends flowers around a,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.04
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00008,yeah um well that's drama isn't it i mean i get i i i suppose i don't know,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.72
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00009,he's a lot of fun to play i mean he feels like a a real person to me and he's flawed that's what i like he's not just this,id10016,dev,Positive,0.0,4.76
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00010,it's just stepping in as this iconic kind of um person legendary figure um on a horse you know riding into town and saving everyone's life and being the robin hood character to everybody and he's not he's,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.68
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00011,um he's a real guy for me you know he's he's heavily flawed he he makes mistakes,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.84
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00012,he's he's very proud um he's not great at delegation uh you know he's he's what we would probably call a control freak you know these days you know he wants to do everything himself he wants the weight of the world he doesn't want to he doesn't never wants demelza to worry about anything um he's a,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,13.8
id10016_ywRolvE7ToY_00013,but he's the people's hero too you know i mean by default he he wants to help people you know that's that's where he lies i think he's got a big heart um and he realizes he needs to stick around to to reestablish the mining industry to give people jobs to to help people i mean that's um and he's a good drinker too he enjoys his,id10016,dev,Neutral,0.0,15.89
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00001,in america they're angry in general i think they're angry at inflation and they're angry at,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.64
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00002,uh at uh and not being in uh able to influence their own lives,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.28
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00003,i i i don't understand why they still call them students they've had the hostages for ninety days don't you get don't you get expelled if you're out of school for ninety,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.35
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00004,time and um and people are very angry so they take out their anger and then they they they use um sexual expletives to express their anger there's that funny thing where uh people express their anger sexually and it makes you wonder if they express their sex angrily i mean i wouldn't want to actually,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,14.84
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00005,uh one of the strong reasons i wouldn't is that i wouldn't um send people off to war i mean that kind of is a basic requirement of being president that you're willing to do that,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.0
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00006,reading a next question into it about because the the the thing that's coming up now is should they draft women you know,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.52
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00007,well if they draft anybody i think they ought to draft everybody i think they i don't i i don't understand the thinking that feels that women are so inferior that they can't,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.24
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00008,in the whatever meaningful action is taken i i think if uh if something important and vital,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.8
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00009,with me what they would do about it and how they would react to it and for the first time in their live,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.8
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00010,they were talking to me about something that concerned them as people the course of history,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.08
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00011,uh and it's a horrible way to to go about it it uh it's it's uh it's an it's an,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.44
id10020_HELG9IIqhBE_00012,did include them as as principals in the action uh i don't think we should uh exclude woman as principals,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.24
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00001,to get gene to uh agree to let me work on to let me do i i i had an this idea for this story about this psychiatrist becoming depressed and and writing uh to get out of his depression he writes a secret letter to sigmund freud and,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,15.88
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00002,uh i mean in his imagination freud is of course dead by this time,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.96
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00003,uh gene said no this is a mistake don't do this because if you if you ask an actor to play depressed it'll be depressing for the audience,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.44
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00004,i took that to heart and i and i went even more for what i,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.12
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00005,had a sense i could do but i but it really confirmed this for me and and made me go more in this direction which was that the guy is fighting his depression and on the surface seems,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.88
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00006,a lid on it and and is kinda hold it trying to hold it down and that uh that helped make that work but it is a it is a danger if you if you have if you ask an actor to to play somebody depressed the first tendency is to get morose,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,13.04
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00007,i i just i just loved his work and i and i wanted to write for him i was so convinced that he really was a psychiatrist i used to sit and talk with him between scenes as if he was a psychiatrist and after a couple of months of that i noticed he was giving me these strange looks,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,15.25
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00008,to me and i would talk to him as if he i knew he was an actor i knew he wasn't a psychiatrist but he just seemed so so real in the,id10020,dev,Positive,0.0,5.91
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00009,you know both of these shows i that you're asking me about here i i i wrote and directed,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.2
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00010,i had a lot of fancy writing in inga i had a and it opened with a a,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.68
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00011,um hawkeye you know to set him to set him up as this womanizing guy that that inga takes down a notch,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.2
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00012,i i loved that writing so it it made it made me made me very,id10020,dev,Positive,0.0,4.12
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00013,a a handspring on the way to the stage to pick up my emmy i because i was so i was so really really happy to,id10020,dev,Positive,0.0,7.84
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00014,you get an award for acting and you don't really know how much of it is,id10020,dev,Positive,0.0,4.08
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00015,cute or or because you were on a popular show but if you get an award for writing the chances are much,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.83
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00016,the interesting i talked about how i thought i did a good job writing especially um that that monologue in the,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.48
id10020_RSevwDj13_g_00017,that i was able to come up with but the funny thing is about writing is that the stuff that comes out the best i think is stuff that you feel you just happen to be,id10020,dev,Positive,0.0,8.63
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00001,i was making a movie in the utah state prison when they sent me the script i,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.48
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00002,i i i i i had to wait until i was finished with the prison job uh before i could say yes to it,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.51
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00003,that the war wouldn't just be a jovial background to high jinks i i didn't want to do high jinks at the front,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.56
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00004,um recent example of a wartime comedy was mchale's,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.6
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00005,the kinda thing we wanted to avoid i mean everybody was amiable on that program and it was amusing but,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.6
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00006,the job they had i mean it might have been the newsroom on the mary tyler moore,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.6
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00007,and and the people who come back from wars tell you that and the all the research we did certainly confirmed that,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.77
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00008,painted war as a neutral or even amusing,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.03
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00009,and i didn't know how they felt about that that's not something you can talk about on the phone easily so they had to wait until i,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.57
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00010,happened to be the night before they were going to begin rehearsing and about ten days rehearsal and then we were going to shoot the pilot um so we sat up in a coffee shop in a,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.35
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00011,the night before we rehearsed and we talked till about two in the morning and they were in complete agreement with me i just but i needed to be reassured,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.44
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00012,the way we did the show but the fact that we did the show that,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.85
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00013,difference between that show and just about any other comedy that had ever been on up until then because we,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.2
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00014,very funny comedy we had all kinds of comedy comedy burlesque satire,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.76
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00015,and we didn't drop either of those and that gave us a combination that was,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.34
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00016,it gave them a chance to appreciate the show the way you appreciate,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.72
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00017,life is not a series of giggles the way most half hour,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.61
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00018,it was by the way in my mind not about the vietnam,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.62
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00019,referenced well there were the i understood that there were connections because it was,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.44
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00020,i didn't think we were trying to convince people of anything about the vietnam war i think larry gelbart,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.36
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00021,but it's really about now it was to say a hundred years ago was irony i think,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.68
id10020_jPGRVcnoOWY_00022,except that i thought that that war applied what we had to say about that war applied to all,id10020,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.63
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00001,sort of unexpected family and it and it and it goes really well we're really a great family little boy blossoms we are in love and everything's great and then,id10021,dev,Positive,0.0,9.2
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00002,absolutely i thinks in a funny sort of way because it's a period piece you can sort of stand back from it and and look at it but in so doing you realize that there's that not much has changed there's been great strides in some areas,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.68
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00003,the bigotry and prejudice and homophobia have not ebbed have not disappeared so its its its really i think that was actually one of the main reasons why i did want to do it because i thought i did have a lot to say about it's good to remember that great things have happened and but we mustn't be complacent and we mustn't like you know be grateful for getting our rights we should we should they are rights not privileges and we should demand,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,21.28
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00004,you know the one of the best things about doing this film was meeting him and uh spending that time with him and and you,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.27
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00005,and stuff and it came out in america getting to see all these other events has been and keeping in touch to them we sent a little,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.72
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00006,that are on the surface when he's happy he jumps up and down with joy when he's,id10021,dev,Positive,0.0,4.33
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00007,inconsolably he's a big he's a big crier uh when we went when the film opened in new york,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.8
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00008,the the the premier uh he he went up on stage and he just he started weeping cause he was so happy and all the,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.74
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00009,that's correct i'm not in that um i don't i mean i i they haven't actually ever,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.44
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00010,i i was nearly gonna be i was supposed to be in the third one i was under a contract and then that didn't happen and then they sort of,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.04
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00011,kinda slight chat about this one but i think i i don't know that i wasn't and i don't know i i would it's one of these things i everyone's kind of a little obsessed by it,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.84
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00012,and uh but right now that's not gonna happen but actually the week after this film comes out this comes out in september the sixth and then september the,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.65
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00013,this film called sir billi the vet that i an animated film that i a scottish animated film i did with uh sean connery uh he plays billi the vet and i play his goat,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.55
id10021_QwS8VUaQwZM_00014,and uh then i'm i go back tomorrow uh to new york because i'm in the middle of the,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.44
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00001,show's coming on but the other thing about being the host of it that's weird is that you know when you host a show normally like if you host some film awards you don't have to like make a film but like when you're the host of the tony's you actually have to be in these musical,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.03
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00002,we're doing this like tribute thing to him and it's sort of like being in a weird kind of virtual reality dream for me because we're dancing,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.0
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00003,singing in a sort of a a mashup of three very famous shows that tommy tune's done none of which i know and none of which i really understand,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.36
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00004,i went um you know little darren criss he's doing hedwig right now i went with him there's a place down in in the west village called marie's crisis it's a piano bar it good and we went there and and they said oh alan and darren you know would you sing a song and why don't we sing and they said alan why don't you sing one of your songs from cabaret and this was a you know a couple years ago and i was like okay and i'd had a few drinks and i in the middle of the song i forgot the,id10021,dev,Positive,0.0,21.96
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00005,yeah and she was like she'd written like omfg on it and it was just like that and then and then she's like so and then after about a minute she comes started whispering like that and then after about two minutes she was talking but and i was just like,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.87
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00006,broadway uh show business the road to broadway and it was about for a season in broadway in four different musicals one of which was wicked so during the course of the the uh uh what was it i had would have seen lots of footage of it i know kristin was,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.48
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00007,like that you see and it so it became in our household like if you unwanted to annoy one each either of us we would like sing popular english,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.32
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00008,and so when we would when the premier of the film was on i was on the red carpet you know and that weird thing when a fan of yours comes on the red carpet you're like hi and you're like tell,id10021,dev,Positive,0.0,7.82
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00009,i mean so that when kristin came on and i went popular i know about and she went shut up i hate,id10021,dev,Positive,0.0,4.8
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00010,and then grant my husband was sitting over there and and and i i said oh my god,id10021,dev,Positive,0.0,5.12
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00011,i went oh my god you see that tall baldy guy over there if you go over and sing popular to him it will be hilarious cause he hates,id10021,dev,Positive,0.0,7.12
id10021_ifrR3O4CBW0_00012,having a drink and he and he said after he goes this girl came over and i thought she's like the wicked girl and all of a sudden and you know she's tiny,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.04
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00001,they asked me to i i hosted things around the world and i sing that means that's shorthand for,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.48
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00002,organization you know and and i went to china actually i went i did this sponsored walk for,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.19
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00003,and and when you arrived at the whatever you're gonna you know you'd come off the wall to camp for the night heh your tent would have,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.6
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00004,cause i think um especially in places like china where they are now dealing with the aids epidemic and and uh i you know and i'm so not prepared or weren't prepared for it um and i just feel like i've always felt like that uh aids uh still has such a stigma,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,16.2
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00005,sort of idea that gay people were in some way you know invented it,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.0
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00006,few good things that maggie thatcher did uh was she did this campaign uh well she didn't but she,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.04
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00007,and so yeah i mean really that was uh okay i remember screwed the whole thing up about everyone having to have condoms and it was it was really terrifying that campaign and,id10021,dev,<mixed>,0.0,8.92
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00008,define myself really as bisexual but i don't mind i don't care what you call uh me i i think it's really,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.87
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00009,remember just before i got that i thought i really need to play more grownup people you know people who just aren't,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.15
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00011,i i uh it was i think everyone knew it was kinda going to be his last film,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.88
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00012,but it just took so long for it to happen it shot for a year and a,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.15
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00013,tom cruise and stanley kubrick and i'd met tom before and he's very nice and i went,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.88
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00014,uh uh this is not a this is not king lear i'm playing here i just was and it it's just too early and i just thought i mean,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.42
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00015,i feel i'm nearly fifty and it's kind of when you say that you think crikey what,id10021,dev,Neutral,0.44,5.56
id10021_rMhAG-q3Y3s_00016,i i i like being older because of the weight and the experience and things that you you gain and you have and and yeah i love the fact that you know i i still seem to have the energy,id10021,dev,Positive,0.0,11.4
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00001,uh as i have two shows coming up today which seems at the moment like a kind of impulsive,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.6
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00002,was at what we call primary school so i don't know what you'd call that um seven years,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.55
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00003,well i think i was quite i'd already trained as a graphic designer i'd already,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.29
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00004,uh and in and in fact once i decided that now was the time and it was always too early for me,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.16
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00005,about being an actor although i probably always knew that's what i,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.0
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00006,what do you do you write letters to repertory companies and they all say well we've only got two equity cards a year to give,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.64
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00007,um we've only got two to give and you must,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.57
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00008,like a lot of things a lot of activities you've got this piece of your equipment called your,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.6,5.28
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00009,and that takes forever too so to answer your question it's not,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.72
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00010,you know as i was just saying to you what i hear is not what you hear so i don't even know what you're talking,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.88
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00011,a lot of it's just to do with the architecture of your mouth the sound,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.08
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00012,you know there's a there's a rude definition of acting i forget which of them which of the english actors it was that,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.96
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00013,and as luck would have it one of those joining up the dot moments was i did a play by dusty hughes called,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.12
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00014,that eventually led me to doing an aphra behn play called the luckey chance at the royal,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.29
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00015,and back at stratford but this time back at stratford i kinda knew what i was,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.48,6.12
id10022_S_Mr5l8yRiU_00016,theater and we'd go over the road to a bar or a restaurant and there's a bunch of actors who are all,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.76
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00001,and producers ram your arm up behind your back and and say listen if you'd play this part we'd,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.72
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00002,um it's not even as if you have the opportunity to consider what the challenges are the only thing that made it in any way doable for me was,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.48
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00003,and in many ways actually the challenges on film are less because you've got so much more of a support system you're surrounded by people who know what they're,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.52
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00004,that's set in sixteen eighty two in france and you're shooting it in england,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.0
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00005,never more than twenty five miles from a motorway or if the wind changes you've got a flight path coming over your head so suddenly the word cut is happening,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.28
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00006,if you kind of threw a lasso around them you'd come out with human,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.47
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00007,period nature of it was it wasn't an irrelevance cause of course it's a,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.69
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00008,when you or members of the audience watch it i kind of hope that you all,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.52
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00009,merely decorative objects they have no function so kate winslet's character in the film,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.64
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00010,you know you still have women as decorative objects all over the,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.28,5.76
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00011,change and everybody sits at home with their huge screen and their five seats and their surround sound,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.64
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00012,sit together with a a huge bunch of other people in in in a kinda once upon a time,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.05
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00013,a microcosm of what i've just talked about because cause on the film set you may have a scene between two people but this,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.79
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00014,to forty people with clipboards all around it everybody kind of knows um,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.24
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00015,and in uh it's what i was saying about kate before and and matthias too you're you're you're you wrote two characters who have to learn who they are onscreen so therefore all the takes of them,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.4
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00016,yeah yeah you thought you knew what this film was about or what i am i of the movie it uh was about but,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.82
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00017,mm that was very measurably a time when we knew things were difficult,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.64
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00018,and families knit together so a bit like a film crew came into operation aunts and,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.2
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00019,and uh it's you know amazing that it sticks in your mind the title role in a play called king grisly,id10022,dev,Positive,0.0,6.36
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00020,goes back to what i was saying about that silence you're involved in a story and then there's a load of people in front of you and they've gone,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.93
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00021,but it it was a fantastic school and remains a fantastic school because it doesn't um limit you it's now coeducational in fact when i went there it was all boys uh,id10022,dev,Positive,0.0,10.84
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00022,very involved in the art department and so and because it was a very high achieving academic school the idea of going to drama school,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.63
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00023,or go to art school and i went to art school but still,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.16
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00024,whatever piece of my brain is missing i don't know it's never ever thought that way um about,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.76
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00025,my head no i i all i really remember from that time is,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.0
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00026,uh if there's something difficult to button up or something it's got to be behind in the dressing room,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.64
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00027,and then if they've got changes down to the wings with the quick change costume and their,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.05
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00028,when i was asked to play it cause you have to remember that only three books had been written when we started filming,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.32
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00029,put through to her on the phone she was with her sister at the time and she,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.96
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00030,it is it is possible clearly to manipulate people into an emotional,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.34
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00031,is that gonna fail you know that it's possible to try things that aren't going to be necessarily attractive i mean i'm not sure,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.28
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00032,and i do believe i as an actor am part of a,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.36
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00033,like most actors i don't enjoy watching myself cause all you see is what you,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.27
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00034,and you know one has so many examples of people like,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.12
id10022_ZXYlWu1JfKU_00035,uh or how much preparation you've done but somehow it all arrives,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.36
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00001,yeah pretty well i mean he may you might say he's just an average man,id10022,dev,Positive,0.0,5.32
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00002,uh absolutely liberating yeah it's uh well i mean you know sometimes acting can be a great sort of playground and uh and this certainly was that,id10022,dev,Positive,0.0,8.95
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00003,that's pretty tough you know first thing in the morning good morning my name's alan what's your name oh fine would you like to bend over this desk,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.26
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00004,knicker elastic er snapped or anything like that you know we were pretty,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.15
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00005,um i think it all becomes part of the job like this you know,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.68
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00006,you get up at half past five in the morning and come and stare at a smiley,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.28
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00007,uh about a piece of work you've done is one part of the job and another part of the job i think which of course,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.13
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00008,is um awards um i think but i think any sensible actor knows that parts win prizes rather than the,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.11
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00009,it again it's part of the industry i believe in the film industry and i believe in telling stories i think it's all incredibly important we have to do it for the human race to survive and and awards are part of promoting that so um it's always interesting to see where those,id10022,dev,Positive,0.0,16.9
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00010,well yeah because you can do it in your pajamas rather than a bowtie and uncomfortable,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.83
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00011,i don't know i mean i've got i've got some pieces of metal at home with my name stamped,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.44
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00012,um but you know what it when you think about uh movies and jobs you've done really the image you have is of the people you worked with and where you were in the world you know,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.6
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00013,well i mean i started doing some work with with tim burton and i said to him so do you want funny voices and he said nope and so uh i'm at the beginning stage of it where because it's a mixture of live action animation and stop motion i'm in the animation part of it so we've recorded me and now they're gonna go away and draw it and then i'll come back and re voice it many months down,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,23.92
id10022_qbHM0g5zCOY_00014,he's pretty uh motionless but you know who knows i'm not quite sure what they've got in,id10022,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.12
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00001,more emmys than any other quiz or game show on television and yet there seems to be more excitement about the,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.81
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00002,deal tend to do better than others doctors lawyer not,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.8
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00003,journalists also we discovered that of course in our power players tournament in,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.35
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00004,device and i tell them don't worry as soon as you come up with a correct response you gain in confidence if you get the next,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.13
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00005,went by and unfortunately for me my two children discovered some of my old,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.84
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00006,the grades kept going down i i was just too tired i was working to,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.88
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00007,been in broadcasting for fifty years host of jeopardy for twenty eight years a reporter asked me have you ever thought about,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.44
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00008,debates that i have seen that are hosted by people in the news reporters commentators is that it's all so,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.83
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00009,to come in and say hey you know what's your vision for america,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.07
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00010,do we really want in this country is this a capitalist society well i don't think,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.8
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00011,and i would hope that they'd get the man off the street and some of the debates in the republican,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.72
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00012,is jeopardy all uh all kinds of people because americans are very,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.36
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00013,and they can play in the safety of their homes there there's no danger for you if you,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.48
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00014,yeah you learn a lot of trivia and that won't do you any good in life but you will i hope be,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.44
id10029_152c1sTeQ48_00015,uh during the commercial break about the new film about ernest hemingway i didn't know that he was involved,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.32
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00001,appearance on his last appearance uh doing a,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.24
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00002,we've never had any contestants who was were as ornery as mean and as troublesome as the shaun,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.64
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00003,i've been asked whether uh how i would feel if we had uh sean connery as a contestant on celebrity jeopardy and uh because i'm such an easygoing guy i tell everyone that i'd just walk up,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.04
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00004,it's something i can regrow anytime i want it's an easy thing to do you don't need a great deal of talent to grow a,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.25
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00005,and yet people still talk about it and it made the news of course when it,id10029,dev,Positive,0.0,3.89
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00006,news day there wasn't any war going on and uh a lot of the tabloids got a hold of that bit of information and were playing it up and so people noticed my,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.96
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00007,shouldn't but it's a difficult one because keep in mind that our first president served almost two and a half centuries ago and so the amount of information that george washington had is a lot different than the amount of information that barack obama has but all other things being equal i would think perhaps woodrow wilson might've been a good,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,21.92
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00008,uh jimmy carter was known as one of the smartest presidents when he took,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.96
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00009,as well so i would pick those three as legitimate,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.64
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00010,no i don't want to uh venture a response on that some of them uh were more recent than,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.04
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00011,became our champion not too long after we,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.24
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00012,got rid of the rule that said you had to leave the show after five wins and he wound up winning seven,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.04
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00013,ken jennings was really the perfect storm of contestant game material and savvy in terms of,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.19
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00014,had a good sense of humor he was bright certainly he knew how to play the game knew how to emphasize certain points at,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.54
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00015,on a double jeopardy or a final jeopardy clue and uh i think ken was one of a kind and i'm not sure we're going to see that kind of success ever again on jeopardy he was with us for four and a half months my gosh i was spending more time with ken jennings,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,16.36
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00016,for our ultimate tournament of champions in the final match which was a two game total point,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.83
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00017,i i overheard uh our three contestants talking before the show and saying you know what we should do to throw alex off his game we should,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.84
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00018,and they didn't do that of course and i thought that was kinda silly because they're behind their lecterns,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.53
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00019,my trousers off and i walked out without pants okay and that really blew them,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.44
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00020,when i come out i'm out in the open somebody wrote in and said you have good legs so that was,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.92
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00021,all the time i have what i call senior moments uh i have a story that i tell also when i began on jeopardy i was much younger of course i was in my forties and i never made mistakes then after a few years i would catch myself just as i was about to misspeak and,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.28,14.44
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00022,myself just after i made a mistake now i'm at an age where i don't even know when i make a mistake i have to be told by,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.18
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00023,we have to uh ask you to reread that clue why because you said seventeen forty three instead of fourteen seventy three oh i,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.04
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00024,sit down as the host and that's something i've had the opportunity to do only once in my television hosting,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.44
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00025,my age it's nice to sit down and the great thing about hosting hollywood squares is you ask a question of a celebrity and the celebrity gives a funny response,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.64
id10029_dhy9amxTK4M_00026,and i can't think of a much better job than that one unless it's the one i,id10029,dev,Positive,0.0,4.6
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00001,suggestion i said you know there've been a lot of different actors who portrayed wyatt,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.95
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00002,uh in addition to the wyatt earp television series and kevin costner,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.38
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00003,so they wrote a category on wyatt earp and it played well and they did categories called you know alex's favorite film,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.28
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00004,i don't have uh such a big ego that if they don't accept them i'm gonna get my nose out of joint if you accept them fine if you don't,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.59
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00005,and in the studio when we are talking about a response and whether we should accept it or whether our ruling was correct i express my opinion sometimes forcefully but if they don't accept my opinion i'm not gonna go in the corner and sulk hey i'm past that,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,18.4
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00006,who does better as a contestant who performs the best and i said it all,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.42
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00007,in your areas of interest and expertise if you know,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.37
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00008,do well everybody thinks they know something about movies i said but you know don't be embarrassed if you don't know the correct response,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.68
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00009,i have with people is name the four defendants in judgment at,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.72
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00010,now i happen to know that and i've known that for a long time i don't know why those names have stuck with me but i happen to know,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.2
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00011,and nobody else does nobody else cares which is fine but if that came up on a show and you didn't,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.81
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00012,so what don't feel bad about it emil hahn ernst janning friedrich hofstetter and werner lampe just in case,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.28
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00013,some categories that have failed yes and some that have succeeded,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.71
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00014,it depends on the three contestants who are on the show that day you have a category that you think is dynamite dynamite jimmie walker,id10029,dev,Positive,0.0,8.96
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00015,well those three players didn't do well with it somebody else could have done could have mopped the floor with his opponents uh in that category so you never know and we tried the writers god bless them are really sharp,id10029,dev,Positive,0.0,12.68
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00016,uh i'm happy to see they've won so many so many emmys because of their writing they can take a mundane fact and,id10029,dev,Positive,0.0,7.44
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00017,make it light we're gonna do a category this year that we were i thought we were gonna do last year,id10029,dev,Positive,0.0,7.44
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00018,they gave me the games and i went over the games and one of the categories was when the aztecs spoke,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.35
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00019,and the category was filled with clues that had all of these aztec words and welsh words it was a tongue twister's,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.72
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00020,and the game was going to air april first april fool's day so it was just an april fool's joke but i mentioned to a studio audience i was talking about this the other day and i,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.25
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00021,after putting in i was really ticked at them because i'd put in a lot of minutes working on all those words and getting the the right uh diacritical marks so that i'd give it the correct,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.89
id10029_qpfQBQQ1FMs_00022,and uh but it was just a joke for them so i said let's do it this year it'll be kinda fun and i said if i screw it up then i'll come after you with baseball bats and uh break your knees,id10029,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.38
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00001,a sense of reality you never wanna fake it you never want to be outside of the person you're portraying,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.2
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00002,so if you're telling somebody's story which is what you do when you embody a,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.02
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00003,their reality so uh i you know that's that's my gig that's,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.52
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00004,but within that interpretation i can bend those that'll make you hear,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.64
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00005,and so i was delighted that somebody saw me in a different way,id10035,dev,Positive,0.0,3.96
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00006,so uh and then i knew it was the people from the conjuring and with that pedigree i thought well that's the that's the way to do it is to hop in,id10035,dev,Positive,0.0,8.16
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00007,is a great cinematographer and i knew um telling a story,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.88
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00008,to create movement but not the kind of obvious you know i,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.2
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00009,i i think the the best ones is when your mood is affected and you didn't see when it was happening and so i knew he would be able to bring that as an added tool to draw in everybody into what seems like a story that they could be telling a reality from their own lives and their next door neighbors' lives and before you knew it they're off in it,id10035,dev,Positive,0.0,22.22
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00010,oh i have i have you know everybody thinks their travails are,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.04
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00011,but um so that's all subjective but i have found peace because that's all we're all ever looking for in the things that we do you know once we stop carousing and,id10035,dev,Positive,0.0,11.86
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00012,it still wore off and i'm still feeling that we start to look for ways to uh,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.92
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00013,i yeah i i i think it's there in our lives that's why we,id10035,dev,Positive,0.0,4.2
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00014,but i've also not had a lot of experiences how i'd react i don't know i think i'm,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.12
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00015,toy that uh i i i would see,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.68
id10035_KHVJaN5lrq4_00016,as a subjective state and then that means i,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.44
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00001,um so we watch the work that they do to make sure that uh the american homelands,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.84
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00002,age uh but they also have a personal relationship uh that is very complex,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.18
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00003,is that daily briefing book that the president gets every day this is the truth has the top ten most pressing security,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.24
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00004,homeland and so the analysts we never hear about them we started to talk and see things about the operatives but the analysts are the ones that have to sit and,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.04
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00005,from around the world constantly chatter could be internet chatter it could be anything that somebody saw or perceived you know that,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.35
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00006,a lot they're giving a lot of input over at langley constantly that's the cia headquarters and so the analyst's job is to is to,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.36
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00007,um she's come from the military she was a person that saw combat during desert storm during the first one the first gulf war uh so she's experienced and we find it very interesting we have not had a military president since,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,14.79
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00008,to explore and so constance has she's out of california,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.04
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00009,follow protocol and find out who's responsible for this attack and bring them to justice but as a,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.62
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00010,anything will be solved every week the episodes stand on their,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.88
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00011,the the characters will keep unfolding as they go on and the story lines,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.72
id10035_leDQcByu2GU_00012,unfold and the complication of other parts of it will become even more,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.52
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00001,well um i came to annabelle which is a,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.02
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00002,thriller i came to it because i was invited no one's ever asked,id10035,dev,Positive,0.0,4.56
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00003,do that genre before um and i'm,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.81
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00004,to do the same thing a lot but even in doing that i try to always,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.18
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00005,um so we meet our beautiful couple,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.6
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00006,and they live i think on the west side of los angeles and they have neighbors that they have,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.88
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00007,a awful occurrence next door that slams right into the lives of,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.04
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00008,people always say based on a true story but whatever has come out of a,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.47
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00009,all kinds of images and thoughts and people that had flash flash flash so,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.12
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00010,this type of story an annabelle i it would depend so much on the sensibilities and the eye of a of a really great cinematographer,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.88
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00011,all of that is in that head of yours this is just crazy and i would ask,id10035,dev,Positive,0.0,4.0
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00012,all of that is in that head of yours this is just crazy then i would ask him i,id10035,dev,Positive,0.0,4.16
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00013,spirits and people and gangsters and everybody just whacking it out in there he would,id10035,dev,Positive,0.0,3.87
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00014,she really every time they'd give me the i'd have to and i was like oh my god this is like a big old four year old how,id10035,dev,Positive,0.0,6.36
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00015,you know the way you know she's kind of put together but i also felt,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.43
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00016,i i don't know i just feel badly for annabelle people were creeped out by her but,id10035,dev,Positive,0.0,3.96
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00017,it's all love so i have not um i i've had no,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.82
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00018,but all of our lives it's subjective our,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.95
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00019,that's that's their reality um and we can tell their stories as well and we all like to hear each other's stories,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.88
id10035_peVZqDhzQhc_00020,know i think one of the things that we're attracted to when we start to talk about the paranormal is that we get bored with what we can see and,id10035,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.4
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00001,they were very welcoming um apart from when they pushed me over and all stood on me,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,5.12
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00002,i'm joking they were incredibly welcoming i i pushed myself over the first day i ran on the enterprise they keep those floors very,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,4.96
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00003,and um i had a little wedge built into my boot and i uh came bounding on the enterprise with all the energy jj wants you to have and i just went,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.5
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00004,he was he was yeah i guess that gave me ten percent he he was a fan of it he liked shatner i grew to really like shatner actually and now um i love shatner,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.17
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00005,i watched the eighty two movie which yeah bibi besch plays carol marcus i i loved,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.16
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00006,it's exactly what you say every he he brings families together everywhere you know he has a a strong family of his own um he has amazing kids amazing wife um he then goes onto set and makes us a family he makes us a family by starting every day with a big loud joke that he will like boom out sometimes he'll have everybody like just break into applause which being english i found really weird i was like what are we clapping at,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,22.96
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00007,nothing i was like oh naturally we all just applaud at nothing but he would and you know that's kind of a a a very like tribal primal way of uniting everyone and he just has uh the ability to unite he's a he's a leader i guess in a war he'd be the uh,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,13.32
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00008,yeah you know it's definitely complicated um making sure that you preserve the integrity of the film and give people something to be surprised by but at the same time you just,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.0
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00009,yeah i was doing a play when i was twelve uh called twelfth night uh i played olivia and um i was in the middle of my like speechm and i forgot where i was and i finished it and like i came back and realized where i was and then i thought that if it has the powers of like transportation if you can beam you out of your moment then back again then it's probably,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,22.8
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00010,but it was a very different experience to working with jj it was three of us it was stanley tucci neil and myself it was a very intimate experience,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.12
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00011,neil was was an an intense and wonderful time actually he's a great mind and um the characters he he develops are intricate and multilayered so some velvet morning is a movie i'm very proud of and stanley tucci and i had a great time,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.92
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00012,uh loads of things you know i then went on to do a movie called cold comes the night with brian cranston both of those men are such dignified gentlemen um and stanley is very funny um i don't know i i i haven't i didn't realize how funny he was until i worked with him and bryan is very serious detailed approach to his work so i learned lightness of touch from stanley every time we were like get a quick get,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,23.24
id10036_EAsTZq6lLHI_00013,brian's a detail focused guy which is why he was able to play a chemistry teacher on breaking,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.28
id10036_NP3WmxUdvnI_00001,they're an amazing group of people that he's assembled and everyone has,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,4.19
id10036_NP3WmxUdvnI_00002,talent and depth of personality and generous spirit and,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.32
id10036_NP3WmxUdvnI_00003,and also a great privilege to be around so to have met everyone on this,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.71
id10036_NP3WmxUdvnI_00004,father who's no longer with us was a huge star trek fan of the,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.82
id10036_NP3WmxUdvnI_00005,in the sixties which is what i went back and watched in preparation because it was this sort of advent and um,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.6
id10036_NP3WmxUdvnI_00006,so yeah so in honor of my grandfather it is enough for me to be part of something that i know he was a fan of,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.4
id10036_NP3WmxUdvnI_00007,with sort of trees and bunnies but we would still feel and have spirits even if we were surrounded by metal as we are now so i think it would be an oversight to miss that but it's very difficult to capture and to track an emotional story but that's jj's,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.56
id10036_NP3WmxUdvnI_00008,that's the the absolute motive is to find the the source of the,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.5
id10036_NP3WmxUdvnI_00009,and um the emotion and the journey of each character and then on that the information comes,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.16
id10036_NP3WmxUdvnI_00010,that was sort of almost had a albatross around its neck and um so,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.76
id10036_NP3WmxUdvnI_00011,super successful action film on all levels i mean not just successful in financial or hollywood terms but really successful and rewarding,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.76
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00001,it was a gut reaction cause it was actually um and we made it a couple of years ago as you may know and it was actually the best script i'd read that like i read it in like what april something it was the best script i'd read that year,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.2
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00002,i don't really have a judgment on that actually but for right or wrong it still is and um i relate it to maybe if you don't want it to be how,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.6
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00003,i think she doesn't want it to be and i think it makes her hard inside and i don't think she'll ever recover,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.9
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00004,like i remember i was i was hungry and and i was um tired at one stage and i went and i had some,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,6.43
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00005,you pay the price there's no there's no like magic to it it's exactly how you would imagine it being it's like oh my i'm naked right,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,8.8
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00006,about the whole thing and he would he didn't like when we were off set he was like we could both,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.56
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00007,didn't wanna like chat and which eventually i i grew to cherish because it meant that like you were just coming together as these characters and um that made the whole process,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,10.24
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00008,he's just a great guy like jim is and you know that i think when you're um an actor in your twenties i think so much of it is about being a great guy because you really are just like being who you are as an actor in your twenties like him like in those these roles he plays if he was a,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,16.2
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00009,he's got his girlfriend who he's been with for like four years and she was around and she was great,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,4.6
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00010,right but we know he's got a great voice cause he did across the universe and he does yeah i know that's a whole other world it's not my world,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,6.48
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00011,i was listening to george harrison and his voice was so like george,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,4.05
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00012,right well wayne wrote it as well and that makes for a specific combination i think when you have a writer director they're married to it in a way that um someone who like takes a script on,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.64
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00013,and so it was very much about wayne was very clear about what he wanted and it was very much about like getting that for him and um it was very personal for wayne as well i,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.16
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00014,you know because he he's he's south african so he's not american and so he had to have a struggle to gain status as well and,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.44
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00015,reincarnation of wayne in some some capacity i don't think exactly but i think so our relationship i think was quite personal for him and um so it,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.02
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00016,i mean yeah it's very it's it's an issue for everyone though immigration because immigration isn't just for the people who wanna go to the country that they wanna go to it's for the people who are in the country that are accepting the people into it and and then it's not just about people who wanna like live in a country but it's like so you have immigration let's say from mexico to california and then you have like tourism from california to mexico so the the,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,24.15
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00017,think that it's difficult for both parties on both eh the receiving end the hosting end and the kind of,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.08
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00018,um compassionate about it i think that's the key and i think when you read about the canadian and the british immigration policies they're very compassionate in their,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.84
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00019,to um all the people who don't want people to immigrate i think that maybe um australia and america are a little more hard line about it,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.16
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00020,like i can't say that it's harder for me as an english actress to um to get anywhere just because i think americans are very generous towards us and i that's a wonderful thing for me it's just damn hard as an actress period right i just i think it's just hard because um there are a lot of you,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,19.24
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00021,and um there aren't so many roles as there are for young men you know especially leading roles and um so i think it's just a struggle as a as as an as an artist isn't it,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.28
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00022,it is cool and i guess you can only be that cool if you were a carpenter,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,4.8
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00023,cool man like uh he just walks around he's easy you don't feel like he's a star you don't feel like he's um,id10036,dev,Positive,0.0,6.43
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00024,um there's um two people and one is jay who works in the airport as a tsa agent and one is me who runs her own company and does pretty well for herself and we have a crush on each other and um it's about balancing um jay's insecurities about the fact that um the character i play has done done pretty well and is well turned out,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,23.76
id10036_x4d2Y7WcuHY_00025,feel like he is but bridging the gap between those things for like an attraction and potentially,id10036,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.97
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00001,because he was so he's such a an eccentric man um i was always embarrassed because he wasn't the guy that was watching sports with my friends' dads he was he was like in his basement trying to like figure out how to fix one of his reels and put it in the projector and he was like up till three am every night reading this,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,19.36
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00002,um it was a lot of laurel and hardy um i saw nosferatu when i was really young that scared,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.16
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00003,i i don't know why i think i was just born to be like a i'm just a big super extroverted and i just wanted to entertain in in any way and any,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.25
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00004,i mean it's just it's it's just so uh it's so perfect it's all i need to hear i just really need someone to,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.0
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00005,to new york i gotta get them in in the apartment i gotta get them situated get them water make sure they're comfortable get them to the premiere,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.52
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00006,or when i'm there or just on my because of we have iphones these days and you can just click on that little app and you can see where you are anywhere in the world i i can land in hong kong and press the little gps button and it shows me where i am and isn't it amazing i'm,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.31,14.57
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00007,i'd like to see exactly but i'd like to see my surroundings my immediate surroundings and i like to bring it out a little bit and then i i don't like to move it i just i like to know where north is i lose my bearings i mean i i'm uncomfortable when i lose my bearings so i don't lose my,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.5
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00008,like especially after you meet her i mean i met her kids um i know them and it's it's such a responsibility to to validate her existence i mean she she tried so hard to speak out against domestic violence and she was a very um big part of the anti porn movement and you know i,id10041,dev,Positive,0.0,15.84
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00009,it was a lot but it was the biggest challenge of my career and i feel like i feel like i can finally say i'm i'm an actor,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.5
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00010,yeah i mean she she had a real life a real story um a,id10041,dev,Positive,0.0,4.11
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00011,erin and i worked together the first three days of our shoot the first week um and i i was intimidated just playing the role and finally like all the preparation and research i did and finally starting you know getting on set everything's ready for you and you just gotta go and do it and i was terrified because she is a,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,15.9
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00012,playing my mother she's a force and but i swear i knew she was in my corner immediately she's very maternal and she was,id10041,dev,Positive,0.0,7.12
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00013,she just said the right things and she got me there and i swear she literally slapped me into the,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.04
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00014,see that that the relationship is i mean she's got an intense family life and she's late she's coming home from curfew late and she walks in the door and,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.02
id10041_5g4NwozVJpA_00015,another role um but i am so grateful for that because if there's not i like reality as much as you can do it without like hurting somebody i don't mind being slapped because it just really it made it it was real,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.28
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00001,um i you know i don't remember i think i kind of just oh god i uh,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.68
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00002,incredibly boring and i've had an amazing childhood and i grew up very close to manhattan and um,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.0
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00003,like for for for example she uh in the chihuahua movies she made the guitars that they,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.6
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00004,it's an incredible movie um but but you have to uh you have to know how to sing,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.24
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00005,for me um i used to be a singer i quit uh when i was seventeen biggest regret of my,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.36
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00006,which makes it um you have to change your lifestyle for for to you know that discipline is um is insane but you get to be in the moment as an actor it's like super indulgent and uh i had the best time ever but um i know also for the audience it it connects them to the characters and and,id10041,dev,Positive,0.0,15.76
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00007,and hydrates you you drown yourself in in water you always have to pee,id10041,dev,Positive,0.0,5.88
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00008,you'd go home at night um and you you sit and wait till the next day because you don't wanna get sick,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.04
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00009,there's so much going on in your in your vocal chords that um yeah you have to treat them like they're,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.46
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00010,big fan of whiskey and uh i'm i i uh i love midleton i had some midleton russell crowe gave me some midleton for my birthday i had some of that before i got here and then um your lovely colleagues uh,id10041,dev,Positive,0.0,13.16
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00011,i've never done a live television show or uh after,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.48
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00012,i i i'm i'm super nervous when i'm onstage i have stage fright i've never done a broadway show or a show in general,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.32
id10041_HBF8LIr8RG4_00013,a heart full of love which is one of the iconic numbers where i get to hit a really high note and um and eddie redmayne and samantha barks are incredible uh my incredible costars the best singers um they're singing,id10041,dev,Positive,0.0,12.83
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00001,i didn't really yeah it never seemed very hollywood to me at first it was just really really,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.08
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00002,and you've i've never i've never seen a a story like that before really i mean of,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.06
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00003,the movie that it was based on but i haven't i had never seen it nor i mean had i read the script so of of,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.75
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00004,boy it was so intriguing because first of all i never got the opportunity to play somebody that's so complex and so dark and,id10041,dev,Positive,0.0,7.04
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00005,and uh and he knows the character so well so and at that,id10041,dev,Positive,0.0,4.36
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00006,we knew our characters at that point cause uh we had you know really there was a lot of,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.92
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00007,uh when you're on set it's just the it's really what what counts is really being able to,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.68
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00008,made me feel like i really fit in and i belonged there and that was like the that was like the best gift,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.88
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00009,they wrote these scenes it was just like we were going at it as one as opposed to like,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.24
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00010,not necessarily looking for love or looking to be loved but i think she hopes for it one day and she's really kind of just getting by i mean she's she,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.89
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00011,she she got by you know she's able to make money because she found this kind of sexual power,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.1
id10041_WZnAngBVsmM_00012,things that happen and and then i think that throws chloe off even more and and the obsession comes i mean naturally because,id10041,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.76
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00001,leadership came from a place of empowering others and that was the entire movement was was going to these farm workers men women and children who were were so uneducated so illiterate so unresourced and saying you can be your own change,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,15.68
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00002,you don't have to wait for someone else to come and make the change for you and he gave them a way to um to find their voice and to use their voice and i think that that is the,id10044,dev,Positive,0.0,10.99
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00003,dream that we live in a country where the power is in the people,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.76
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00004,what i found so interesting about diego's vision for the film was to really humanize caesar and to not,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.68
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00005,him to to kind of do away with the iconic heroic,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.52
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00006,the goal was to make him feel like a man like a mortal like you and i so that so that the audience watching it could see themselves in his struggle that heroes aren't born heroes they,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.96
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00007,and and one way of achieving that was to depict him as a father and as a husband as he was and and also to show the sacrifices that his family and those around him were asked to make in order to create that,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,13.93
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00008,nineteen years old and so they really grew up together they formed their views and opinions of the world together as a partnership and they both live this reality both of them were,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.04
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00009,fields since they were children helen since she was seven years old she was working in the fields so,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.24
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00010,um this cause was deeply engrained in that relationship,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.04
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00011,think that that uh you know who can say what caesar would have accomplished without helen but um but i think that who he became and who helen became was deeply informed by their marriage and their,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.08
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00012,latinos watching this film would take so much pride and so much inspiration in what is possible in our communities you know,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.28
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00013,in our communities and it's up to us to empower ourselves and for me that manifests itself,id10044,dev,Positive,0.0,6.56
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00014,and you know we are becoming the face of this country and for the issues that we care about,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.76
id10044_FZj7urR6Q10_00015,discussed and talked about in the halls of power and for us to be a part of that conversation we have to claim that political presence and to me that means registering to vote getting into the minds of our communities and to our youth that that change will only happen when we show up for ourselves and so you know if i had to say there was you know one first step towards,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,23.34
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00001,we took a trip we do get along but i just always feel like vegas is the wrong choice,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.68
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00002,like i was terrified it's not fun to all of a sudden be in the middle of a magic show and and and my cast thought i was in on it and um and i wasn't and,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.88
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00003,like asked me all these questions about myself and then had me write down a celebrity's name and then,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.17
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00004,um and then like this uh stretch um humvee limo pulled up and we were just gonna get in cabs but then like you're drunk and there's a humvee limo and you're like that's a,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.17
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00005,and and they're like it's fine it's only ten just you know ten bucks a head but then you take like a five minute ride and you pay two hundred,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.92
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00006,but the the length of the ride was the length of hotline bling and we danced to that,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.2
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00007,employees who work at a big box walmart like store and the,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.04
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00008,like store and the shenanigans they get into and their relationships and it's,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.8
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00009,people were tweeting me like oh no america's doing walmart,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.48
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00010,like this one girl was like oh thank god it's a show i was super concerned,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.77
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00011,touched by their concern and i was like thank you for your concern i'm fine but also like i'm pretty sure a walmart national like ad would,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.95
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00012,tshirt vest i'm all about it but the vest like eh wherever i am if i'm wearing that vest people ask me where things are like people think i work wherever i am,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.12
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00013,were coming in and out and they'd be like excuse me where's this i'm like i don't work here they're like sure,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.44
id10044_VbvQ_Iy8Wwk_00014,and and then by the end it was like day six i'm like the toilet paper's in aisle four like i i knew it was there,id10044,dev,Positive,0.0,6.12
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00001,very happily and then there's an outside conflict that involves people who don't believe in that way of life of vikings riding dragons so that comes to sort of threaten hiccup's way of life and theories on vikings and dragons and lots of,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,14.23
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00002,but uh uh hiccup finds his long lost mother who's voiced by cate blanchett um and there's a really there are a couple other incredibly,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.76
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00003,and kit harington uh comes and stars in uh as uh eret son of eret,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.12
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00004,feel a romantic vibe in their relationship but,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.89
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00005,um and hiccup you know this is definitely a coming of age story for hiccup and hiccup is coming into his own as all all of the characters are and he is moving towards,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.88
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00006,having to step into the role of chief and for astrid that that is a very natural,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.76
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00007,gone wholeheartedly with no qualms about it and hiccup is more of a reluctant,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.64
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00008,hero he doesn't know that that's right for him so that's his journey and and astrid is is a just a different person than him they have kind of different beliefs but,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.68
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00009,but uh that the that the whole audience no matter how young or old you are enjoys the experience i mean it's a beautiful experience one of my my favorite parts of the film are the the the writing sequences because they're just they just transport you to another place and,id10044,dev,Positive,0.0,15.96
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00010,makes you feel like you're there in the middle of it but the story is deep and and and quite touching and so hopefully you know those old enough to really go with that story will will really appreciate it and and,id10044,dev,Positive,0.0,12.8
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00011,will um have fun and i also think you know are never to be underestimated with how much they can,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.58
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00012,and dean our writer director was not afraid to to to really let the story go where it had to go and trust that the audience um no matter how young or old,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.8
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00013,different this time around the first time no one knew what to expect and now there's this beloved audience that has high,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.94
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00014,you know i have to say for myself i was a big fan of the first one and i was blown away with the second film so i think,id10044,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.12
id10044_a6iK1fR6Xm8_00015,i'm just excited to see what comes out of dean's imagination i mean after the first film it was so satisfying it was hard to imagine where it was gonna,id10044,dev,Positive,0.0,9.51
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00001,it but it was uh uh yeah i was going to a wedding with my boyfriend at the time and i,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.88
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00002,was in like my mid twenties and just was like i really hate this and um i can't do it like i can't be this social with this many people for this long,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.31
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00003,and then but getting to a place where i didn't think something was wrong with me and that i thought it was okay and i actually kind of like i really like that i know that i need time on my own to,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.31
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00004,for the bare minimum i can't do a weekend a full weekend,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.16
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00005,i mean you uh and you know my friends are still getting married i'm like we're thirty five can we stop like why are people still doing this um but,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.4
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00006,um hopefully i have access to a room but i have done that i have like sat in a starbucks' bathroom and just sat on the floor and just taken a minute nobody,id10047,dev,Positive,0.0,10.04
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00007,to uh when we were filming trainwreck to to judd apatow and i i'd say,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.94
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00008,like i just noticed i thought what am i doing so i just made sure to not do that,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.54
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00009,donald trump doesn't pay his workers he won't release his tax his taxes there's never,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.12
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00010,uh a nominee who's ever not released their taxes so um and,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.24
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00011,i don't think you can have a i haven't had a conversation with anyone who doesn't like hillary where they've had anything meaningful to,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.64
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00012,to spain or somewhere it's it's it's,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.55
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00013,if it's not like sex within a relationship and you're sleeping with someone new most likely it doesn't go well,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.4
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00014,well i flew all the way here i'll just like drink enough that my body,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.97
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00015,that i'll have sex with this guy i cause i feel like i owed him something,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.24
id10047_9T6zJ8nmjHI_00016,and i think as a young woman you might get confused about that so,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.24
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00001,do when you're kids and so the boys somehow talked us into that we were gonna flash them and you know they had a really good argument like do it,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.32
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00002,and all the boys looked at me and i did not have the biggest boobs at all of the crew,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.72
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00003,for for my whole life i'm always the one like revealing too much like oh i thought we were all admitting real things about ourselves people are like no,id10047,dev,Positive,0.0,7.04
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00004,like walking hypocrites i think pretty much like we there are so many sides to all of us and i i'm you know very um charged politically and i really care about the world but that doesn't mean that i don't go home and watch every real housewives and you know and every bachelorette it's just,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,17.48
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00005,i think and we were talking about the scale it's just so strange people always they'll say um i usually don't like female comics but you're okay and i'm like would you go up and say i don't usually like black,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.92
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00006,it's just it's i think a specification that doesn't need to be made because some people they'll say you're,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.91
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00007,i was thirteen years old yeah and so just like with my standup before i talk about anybody on stage or uh you know if i'm doing anything i clear,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.36
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00008,so i asked my mom she read it i said if you don't want me to write any of it i won't if you wanna write a response or correct anything and uh the only correction she made was that uh hebrew school was on,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.61
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00009,think it just seems like very tiring to have them um,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.52
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00010,you know usually something happens but i really try to just enjoy the moment and how you're feeling now,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.52
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00011,you know i you know the last note of my if you in case you don't have any jews in your life when you have a,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.56
id10047_Db9N4zr4XlQ_00012,do a good job but then everybody laughed and then i laughed and it was like oh that's better than if it had,id10047,dev,Positive,0.0,5.21
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00001,uh so i kind of just think of the worst thing or the funniest thing i could say in a situation,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.76
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00002,yeah yeah something a little bit better but um and then describing my humor that's hard if you were gonna describe yourself as a,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.14
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00003,uh sophomore year of college so when i was about nineteen twenty,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.32
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00004,the parts of my family are really autobiographical and so i wanted to just kinda get the story and and of a girl like this like a woman,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.55
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00005,i judd and i were were working on the script,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.24
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00006,he heard me on howard stern that radio show and wanted to meet just have a general,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.63
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00007,i've heard him say that he thought that i'm someone he'd want to follow around and see what they do during the day,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.68
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00008,he encouraged me to write a movie which i had never done and and so he was we were kinda collaborating through the whole process i was sending him scenes,id10047,dev,Positive,0.0,9.36
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00009,he encouraged me to write a movie which i had never done and and so he was we were kinda collaborating through the whole process i was sending him,id10047,dev,Positive,0.0,8.91
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00010,i don't remember thinking that there would would be a bunch of male,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.49
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00011,and yeah actually it was more judd's call wonder what's going on there but i think you're right i feel like we all grew up you know with the male gaze kinda born into us and we're used to,id10047,dev,Positive,0.0,11.89
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00012,slow pan up from the woman's heel and then you know a guy it's kind of shocking to see a a guy without all his clothes on cause we're not used to that but um it's a nice,id10047,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.88
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00013,uh he really found that character on his own it was written that,id10047,dev,Positive,0.0,5.04
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00014,gonna be a guy who cares about working out a lot and he's more into me than i'm into him but then he sort of he really created his own character and and just took the script and ran with it and,id10047,dev,Positive,0.0,10.68
id10047_iSKf4XrzNwI_00015,we've been here before we came here and uh i think we just went to like interlaken and smoked a bunch of hash,id10047,dev,Positive,0.0,8.12
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00001,deeply deeply upset and like in a visceral like personal way and i was very confused cause i've never been through an eviction i've never but i somehow knew what it was i somehow understood in a in an emotional personal,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,14.52
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00002,so by doing that we're exiling parts of ourself that uh we that the that the culture doesn't deem uh worthy because uh you know if we,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.68
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00003,is that there's a fear that we're going to be exiled ourselves entirely or rejected which is what this part of the story is about,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.76
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00004,the evicting are not happy the people who are being evicted are definitely not happy it's a culture that is,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.25
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00005,people against each other and uh stripping us of our ability to create real community and it's what is making it's not it's we we still have the ability it's just really hard work to care for each other and uh,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.4
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00006,um where the imagination gets you out of whatever situation you're in,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.96
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00007,um it's it's usually if there are two two easy options out,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.48
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00008,and yeah tragic um well it goes back to what does our culture value um it values,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.91
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00009,um that uh that kind of again exiles and devalues,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.04
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00010,all of the abundant beauty that the world has and uh,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.24
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00011,it's very very limited and it's very narrow and seductive yeah there's there's a lot of seduction that goes on and,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.44
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00012,that we um are told to worship you know you can tell the religion of a of a city or of a town by the tallest building um so we know what that is in,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.47,10.8
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00013,things that we're told make us worthy human beings if we are on the top floor of that building or if our bank balance is a cer,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.32
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00014,bullshit i'm sorry it's i don't know if you can use that it's bullshit though it's um it's so it's uh it's it's death of a salesman it's willie lomanism it's uh it's this it's this false,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.27
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00015,that uh more is better um it's it's you know super size me it's all these it's all this kind of madness um that that that that we're going toward um so yeah with within the the industry of hollywood yeah there's,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,14.36
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00016,know i have i and i know that i know what that is i know what it is to be tempted,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.32
id10052_J2Vod4IfvhQ_00017,no i actually just would like to be who i am and i'd like you to be who you are,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.29
id10052_Mj7gyT2Rekw_00001,i i i i i tried i watched it more from a like you know an inspiration standpoint than than from a sexual,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.32
id10052_Mj7gyT2Rekw_00002,inspiration from anywhere um and when when it comes to this character cause it's everyone's it belongs to,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.88
id10052_Mj7gyT2Rekw_00003,it hasn't really started yet you know when the film comes out it's gonna be a different thing the comic con thing was a big important thing for me,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.52
id10052_Mj7gyT2Rekw_00004,about just going to comic con and and being and being subjected to to,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.53
id10052_Mj7gyT2Rekw_00005,to make sure that everyone knew that i was just them and i we're all the same and i'm,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.84
id10052_Mj7gyT2Rekw_00006,that uh that that's able to you know that that that that has a has a kind of defense,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.36
id10052_Mj7gyT2Rekw_00007,a a difficult difficult to access i expect um so so there was there was that and and you know there's so much dimension to peter parker he's he's i think he finds a a confidence when he when he finds his power and,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.68
id10052_Mj7gyT2Rekw_00008,peter parker is he's i think he finds a a confidence when he when he finds his power and that,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.98
id10052_Mj7gyT2Rekw_00009,a kind of a rebelliousness that um that he hadn't been able to access before um and the rebellious not only comes,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.05
id10052_Mj7gyT2Rekw_00010,um you know finding out trying to find out who the hell he is but also arthur his uncle dies there's something um about that psychologically that you wanna run away from and that you wanna kick out against because he feels,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.96
id10052_Mj7gyT2Rekw_00011,google william spencer um and and put him in youtube and and you'll find his his his skate reels and you'll be,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.42
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00001,yeah i mean it's it's very very strange being a part of a film that um people like you know uh it's it's uh when you make a film i think um you you put all your care and your passion into it as a collective group of people and then um you have to kind of accept that people may may may dislike it or or hate it in fact so so so when people respond en mass in a in a positive way it can't really be um ignored and you and if you had to,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,23.07
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00002,mentions of of i don't know you know car explosions and and you know the the usual things that we go,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.28
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00003,for but of of course then you you hear aaron sorkin and david fincher are involved in the movie in some in in some way and you kind of go well they're pretty smart guys and and i'm gonna trust that,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.15
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00004,but it just kinda flew by it's just and all the script is in the film like word for word like it's all there very very fast so yeah it was incredibly,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.08
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00005,right yeah yeah yeah but yeah yes absolutely but at the same time i you know i i feel like um comic books are our,id10052,dev,Positive,0.0,7.76
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00006,kind of mythology all greek mythology like a modern kind of greek mythology and uh i kind of equate the themes um and i and i,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.92
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00007,things you'll you'll find in shakespeare or in escalus or you know in these um tragedies in these greek tragedies so i i feel like all of the the the same human themes are are in there and uh it's it's it's just under a a different kind of,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.76
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00008,you kind of go well this is gonna be great but then of course in in in practice it's obviously a great deal of hard work and and a great deal of pressure and,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.6
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00009,gave me a lovely message through a mutual friend and uh he had uh he he gave me his support and it meant a great,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.0
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00010,over the monitors and and watch what i've done because i get very self conscious and i'd like to kind of like know what i'm my eyebrows are doing all the stupid thing that,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.36
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00011,i think people care about the book so much and of course it's very difficult to adapt um such a beloved piece of piece of writing into cinematic form and and uh it's very,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.04
id10052__cJKlfHFAlw_00012,and i'm yeah of course i'm i've i i i i think it probably does um my dad's american and my mom's british so i've had both accents in my ear so that,id10052,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.02
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00001,the uh mcm conventions they're great uh but this the first time i've done belfast so it's lovely to be,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.74
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00002,sure yeah i think the last london one i did i think there was over a hundred,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.96
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00003,not at the moment i mean it's a it's the environment i'm being invited over to florida i think but i couldn't make it cause i was filming i've never been invited to san diego,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.33
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00004,no i wouldn't say weird i've got a fair few gifts from people no i wouldn't say there's anything weird you know just normal stuff like,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.32
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00005,and so i i i probably would say no but i do like uh,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.0
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00006,um well i'm a you know i've got a a i've got a little one so i'm,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.16
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00007,i've made a uh made a fair few uh short films in fact uh my last short film uh,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.52
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00008,after two weeks ago um which is great it's really fantastic um but i i i love i love doing both i really genuinely love doing both,id10053,dev,Positive,0.0,7.44
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00009,do you've got to be in it to win it haven't you so um and you do learn you know when i when i started i was acting since i was seven i'm thirty five now um and i was terrible i,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.13
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00010,and be open be open minded and also i i think be,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.97
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00011,the most success i've had careerwise is when i've stood out,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.48
id10053_8DpCIPN31Zo_00012,uh embrace what i was as a person and and was able to bring that to the screen in in,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.25
id10053_aTx3dzQRenY_00001,and that yeah i thought we i mean it's a funny one isn't it cause that you know the fans are gonna be,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.63
id10053_aTx3dzQRenY_00002,that you go yeah and the drama you don't know anybody could go if he's gonna go then anybody could go and uh but you know he was our lead,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.2
id10053_aTx3dzQRenY_00003,got an a thing back from my agent went they really loved you but they didn't believe anything you said cause you pronounced,id10053,dev,Positive,0.0,6.21
id10053_aTx3dzQRenY_00004,connor and abby are in the show you know they they surprisingly take to it very quickly you know we have that,id10053,dev,Positive,0.0,5.35
id10053_aTx3dzQRenY_00005,dublin um they decided to make our own versions of tranquilizer guns which was,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.8
id10053_aTx3dzQRenY_00006,yeah so they kind of made these but yeah the the art design on it was amazing they they they were,id10053,dev,Positive,0.0,4.6
id10053_aTx3dzQRenY_00007,and yeah some of the stuff they used as well to make the show look very cool and sci fi you wouldn't you know i'm talking,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.0
id10053_aTx3dzQRenY_00008,they might uh they might revisit we'll see we shall see so it wouldn't,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.92
id10053_aTx3dzQRenY_00009,doctor who for instance they had a lot of practical things you know and maybe less,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.05
id10053_aTx3dzQRenY_00010,it is genuinely really something out of a horror film and i thought the episode,id10053,dev,Positive,0.0,4.36
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00001,there's pretty and the place the theater we had in glasgow was amazing as well it's a proper like cinema um and the response was brilliant it was it was lovely actually i've premiered two episodes actually in glasgow and it's always gone down really really,id10053,dev,Positive,0.0,12.28
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00002,seem to like it but it's uh it's nice as well cause uh it was kind of lou's big episode who plays pixie and she is from,id10053,dev,Positive,0.0,5.75
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00003,so much for that so when people watch you bow they go oh right okay so but it came out a little a,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.43
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00004,yeah basically it's a disgraced cop goes back to work his colleagues don't like him he's a bit made a bit he's a bit of a maverick made a bit of a mess of his career and he goes back to work and he gets partnered with an ai unit called unit white who's experimental and he just sees it as a babysitting job he thinks oh because you don't like me i've been given looking after,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,19.76
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00005,crap piece of tech um and basically unit y is a yeah a talking car but she's wirelessly connected to anything so that was what makes it kind of interesting the even more interesting thing about her is that she's been given a thing called the pulse and the pulse enables her to feel and learn emotion so that means she develops,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,21.84
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00006,um so within the it's all set in one day within the day she will go through every sort of human emotion that we've had to deal with in our life in one day and have to get over each one as they come up create problems and feed into the next one and it's about them two working together to to survive the day from the,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,16.23
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00007,pulled the scene where i can't give too much away but uh where,id10053,dev,Positive,0.0,4.38
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00008,in my mind exactly um so i do try and keep things,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.28
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00009,to go from here to to the screen obviously sometimes you can't get it that way sometimes things work better and it's not what you expected um but yeah i i'm a bit like a conductor when i edit and i know this sounds weird but i'll stand back and i'll be like the points and it's he's it's got a lot of music in it and that's very important to the pace and stuff and literally i'll i,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,19.36
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00010,like a conductor when like that's that point that's that point that works that makes you laugh that doesn't you know it's very,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.28
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00011,when i show it for the first time i i am nervous i'm not nervous about putting it out online i'm more nervous about showing it like to me,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.99
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00012,you know i i do a lot of my work and stuff i do i've always done for my kind of family and stuff and that's you know as much as everybody else's opinion is is is really,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.63
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00013,whether the gambits are all good or bad whether they'd been infiltrated you know who's controlling them,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.83
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00014,so the story just i mean don't we know what we're doing we know exactly where it's gonna end up um and it will be all explained in the end um but yeah in a in a way because,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.64
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00015,um but hopefully when you sit back and watch it all at you know,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.2
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00016,a friend of mine rachel who i just did a movie with um she uh cause we've only just met she watched it all in one go so and she said it was,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.77
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00017,if i was like how long's it take she was like uh about an hour and a half i was like oh i've made about an hour and a half of tv,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.96
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00018,but there's a back story between crow and uh,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.56
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00019,but what is the i think he's the man of the moment is crowe and he's pretty much dealing with it as it happens but like for instance when rebecca goes give me uh my flat key back and he's like,id10053,dev,Positive,0.0,9.0
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00020,it's in the car it's probably not in the car is it it's probably in his pocket so he doesn't want to detach,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.14
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00021,and their little story's got somewhere to go as well but there's there's gonna be some switching up there's gonna be some betrayal going on very soon and hopefully some,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.51
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00022,i don't there probably is a lot but i can't think off the top of my head um i mean we we wrote this story in our heads a long time ago and it's not,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.52
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00023,it's not really gone off track in a sense we knew the arc of each character and that hasn't changed much there has been,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.68
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00024,no but it's uh it's true but but what we came with that that actually opened another door,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.56
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00025,to try and get my sister into it that opened another door to another carriage which opened another door to a a,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.18
id10053_dcPyPgsQ-3Y_00026,side of a relationship which it actually made it better in the long,id10053,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.12
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00001,but uh uh so i just auditioned and uh uh and that swimming pool,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.59
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00002,uh what i mean i i've read some of the stories i think the guys who write it mark gatiss and steven moffat are huge em uh sherlock enthusiasts you know so i think,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.34
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00003,is because there there's nothing cynical about it you know they love it they they they know all the versions of it and uh and so i think,id10055,dev,Positive,0.0,6.87
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00004,don't think people thought that they were gonna see me as moriarty i don't think the the tv audience had any relationship with my face which i think kind of helped,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.6
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00005,you know that it wasn't a a t v face at the at the time and um uh so yeah i think you gotta just look at you know the the dark side of your own self so then you can sort of create something that's a little bit more original you know um and i think they're very clever in that they don't overuse the character you know a little bit like hannibal lecter i think if you he's only in twenty minutes of of the silence of the lambs i think it's it's it's the talking about him and it's the it's the um it's the,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,24.77
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00006,think i think going without i think if you're gonna gonna be audacicious and cast somebody like me in in in that in that in that character you might as well go the whole hog,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.28
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00007,i don't i don't think you could uh we couldn't have uh foreseen how how successful i always knew there was gonna be uh uh uh a big,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.56
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00008,fantastic he's uh uh uh both of us um uh kinda came from the theater you know and uh i think i i think because we were both you know in our early thirties when when sherlock started and so i think it's quite good for actors to,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.92
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00009,do things that you don't really want to do and you start going after things for the for the wrong reasons and um yeah i think we had ten years on new benedict as a as a theater actor for for years around the scene and uh so yeah i think the quality of the writing and the the sort of the theatrical nature of the writing really helped us i think he's a i think he's a real real star and he's a great power to,id10055,dev,Positive,0.0,20.0
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00010,you get the occasional you get the occasional odd uh person but no for the most part,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.96
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00011,somethings you know people really like it it sold to two hundred and twenty countries all around the world so and,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.84
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00012,yeah we last year we shot um a film called the stag which is um a a film with,id10055,dev,Positive,0.0,4.82
id10055_Wx0bpIP4VEQ_00013,to dublin and and mountains and it's about uh kind of modern irish males and people have been asking me recently if it's if it's like the kind of the irish version of the hangover,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.64
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00001,i i think i uh i think the the older i get well maybe not the i've always been a bit um uh quite physical you know i think of things sort of words i love words you,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.86
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00002,watching watching myself and um so when we saw the screen first i mean i,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.44
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00003,no i don't think that would help i think you'd have to try and sort of forget about it so i well i don't i i i i i haven't watched,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.24
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00004,but it's a it is a it's a it's a really interesting thing but no i don't i wouldn't i,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.75
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00005,simply that's sad a great mistake that you make when you're casting something,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.36
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00006,a a sort of um a a a kinship with us and and of course i think about my own family and people,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.4
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00007,yeah i think it's i think uh i think actors can sometimes move too far away from that that's what you're supposed that's what you're supposed to have chiefly is a is an imagination and i feel that if,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.11
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00008,the opposite of of love mm sort of and um yeah so if you've got an imagination you can if you use yourself you know and that's maybe why i don't do too much um looking at,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.12
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00009,if that happened to me if there's something awful like that happened to me i try not to act or how would i be if i was a if i was just like,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.76
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00010,but then it can't be anything but your own and that's what i think you know one's,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.4
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00011,well when i first read it i was like it's a really it's a thing where you know when you have to do a job because you're like,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.68
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00012,in uh and the and sloane came to watch it and i was like oh my god there he,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.08
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00013,i remember that very very clearly actually because i remember thinking you'd have to give all your energy to sewall um but yeah there's something,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.81
id10055_fEKabIQYh-Q_00014,yeah it is tiring when we did it at the edinburgh festival i found it tiring because we we had to do it at nine em in the morning,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.4
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00001,um max denby uh or and his code name is c who is the new um head of an organization called cns which is the center for,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.08
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00002,yeah he's one of those guys i he's uh he's uh he's he's quite uh posh and he's not lacking in um uh self confidence uh i mean he's intelligent i think those guys,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.92
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00003,you know we all uh are a little fearful of i think in the digital age and um so yeah he's uh he's uh,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.75,6.52
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00004,and of course uh you know we have to we have to embrace the technology that we have because it does make things safer but um you know the uh just training cameras on everybody i,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.46
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00005,unnecessarily is uh is questionable and should be questioned and uh so it was important that we had an an idea that was sort of a rational idea that that actually isn't is not,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.28
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00006,really really agree with some of the ideas of cns in the film um i'm not sure that i would myself personally but uh there's there's an argument to be said for to be had for um for some of the things he,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.0
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00007,one of one of the things i was um quite scared of a lot of the films and that i've done have been sort of low um more low key and more independent films and a bit of theater and everything and so my worry a little bit,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.96
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00008,you you get sort of lost in the in the huge multimillion dollar um action movie that fund,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.48
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00009,on your door and says well what if we what if we make sure we have the beat here and then i felt that i could speak at any stage about saying you know,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.25
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00010,don't want to be bullied no matter what the budget of of it is into doing something,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.43
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00011,um uh fakeness or stuff that they've sort of seen before so i feel like it's important that that that the nuances of stuff is uh um remains,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.91
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00012,i feel like it's important that that that the nuances of stuff is um remains and,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.6
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00013,i i know some we did a play together some years ago on broadway and that's how we how we met and i think uh that that that's the same with a lot of the actors in in bond they're rafe rafe and daniel himself and ben wishaw rory kinnear they're all,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.2
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00014,actually what i love about uh spectre when you see it is that that sort of melancholy that daniel had in,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.32
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00015,certain uh um that you have a much larger budget and you're shooting it in pinewood i mean it doesn't sort of escape you that you're you're in the bowels of m i five um but actually after a few days and the i always say the first couple of days,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,13.4
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00016,few days uh no it was just like making another film and you go well how do you make it right and um and it takes as much it's it's exactly the same um method as as it is,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.44
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00017,yeah it's all that's that's uh anyway uh don't sweat the small stuff as i said but it is yeah you're just not,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.16
id10055_spPCNcMKaj4_00018,i hope to yeah i think my family are coming over and it's a big old deal and uh yeah no it's important that it that it can be quite,id10055,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.89
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00001,in his time off uh returning baby birds that had fallen out of the nest back to the,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.28
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00002,it's pretty great i i uh as i like to say or because it's california i dress like a toddler,id10056,dev,Positive,0.0,6.03
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00003,but on my work weeks i don't have to put on shoes right so it's like i'm a a bear,id10056,dev,Positive,0.0,5.48
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00004,here uh just uh you know stayed here uh trying to get my daughter to not open presents uh you know she was no she just was pestering us from like or from december nineteenth can't i just open one today come on just one just this little one,id10056,dev,Positive,0.0,16.88
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00005,no no we wait we they get one on christmas eve uh and the big one that she got we we,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.75
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00006,for it was more complicated than my mortgage just to sign in,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.84
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00007,graphics thing and they build their own worlds and explore it except um she wants me to watch her do,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.99
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00008,added but she still is she goes upstairs when it starts to know that like she's too far away like i'm busy as you know as she's watching something on her,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.77
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00009,and i think it's i think it's something that children generally have is that um and and you'd you'd have to i think a big part of of fostering children is not letting them know how,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.04
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00010,is a few years ago but a friend of my son's we were in the car and it was a long trip we were going somewhere and he um told me the entire plot of the movie rush hour in,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.23
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00011,the guy that fell in the fountain he said to the guy not the guy with the gun but the other guy,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.92
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00012,it's a quiz show uh kind of a classic sort of quiz uh game show quiz show,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.83
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00013,a super celebrity and their superfan and the topic of the quiz,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.6
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00014,and chatted but then where we actually spent the the first amount of time together,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.88
id10056_5tgoikTak5A_00015,it was like tiger woods going how about a charity golf tournament where i play with people,id10056,dev,Positive,0.0,6.51
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00001,uh as he usually is on his time off uh returning baby birds that had fallen out of the nest back to the,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.72
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00002,it's pretty great i i uh as i like to say well because it's california i dress like a toddler anyway,id10056,dev,Positive,0.0,6.4
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00003,but on my work weeks i don't have to put on shoes right so it's like i'm a a bear,id10056,dev,Positive,0.0,5.32
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00004,stayed here uh trying to get my daughter to not open presents uh you know she was no she just was pestering us from like or from december nineteenth can't i just open one today come on just one just this little one like,id10056,dev,Positive,0.0,13.6
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00005,for it was more complicated than my mortgage just in signing,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.8
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00006,graphics thing and they build their own worlds and explore it except um she wants me to watch her do,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.04
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00007,added but she still is normally she goes upstairs when it starts to know that like she's too far away like i'm busy,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.12
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00008,yeah right as you know as she's watching something on her ipad again and i'm down there going,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.62
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00009,i uh maybe i'm good with kids because my kids and i think it's i think it's something that children generally have is that,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.96
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00010,and and you you have to i think a big part of of fostering children is not letting them know how,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.4
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00011,it was just a few years ago but a friend of my son's we were in the car and it was a long trip we were going somewhere,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.92
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00012,and he um told me the entire plot of the movie rush hour in,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.47
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00013,the guy that fell in the fountain he said to the guy not the guy with the gun but the other,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.79
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00014,it's a quiz show uh kind of a classic sort of quiz uh game show quiz show,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.87
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00015,super celebrity and their super fan and the topic of the quiz is the,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.53
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00016,and chatted but then where we actually spent the the first amount of time together,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.48
id10056_ObPcP4a-a4I_00017,it was like tiger woods going how about a charity golf tournament where,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.32
id10056_zcypXF7OVKo_00006,like a teenager i couldn't focus my boss had talked to me and all i could think was like the president thinks,id10056,dev,Positive,0.0,7.36
id10056_zcypXF7OVKo_00007,he'd been chewing gum right before actually i think it was razzles so i,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.37
id10056_zcypXF7OVKo_00008,it wasn't always sexual but it was physical cause uh we'd wrestle a lot,id10056,dev,Positive,0.0,7.44
id10056_zcypXF7OVKo_00009,he'd spell words on my back with his finger and i'd have to guess what it was one time he spelled tickle and i guessed tickle and,id10056,dev,Positive,0.0,8.03
id10056_zcypXF7OVKo_00010,well yeah that's literally having sex with a,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.26
id10056_zcypXF7OVKo_00011,my hands are small i know but they're not yours they are my,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.53
id10056_zcypXF7OVKo_00012,alright forget it look sorry i'm not quoting the andrews sisters or,id10056,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.76
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00001,i don't think any of us could engage with that i don't think we could engage with what les mis has been the history of it,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.92
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00002,its stature i think we all came in knowing what our own feelings about the,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.54
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00003,uh were and our own love for it and i think we just wanted to honor the the the stature that it's had in our own lives i think that was kind of where we began and that was the thing that motivated us,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,11.03
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00004,knew the show backwards i learned the show when i was a kid and so you know i i remember i used to sit on my um my stairs,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,6.24
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00005,there's just something about it that that is so liberating and and fun and,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,3.95
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00006,it was and it wasn't it just seemed really exciting to me you know because i don't i i don't i've i've i traditionally have not enjoyed movies when there's playback i think,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.76
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00007,i've ever seen really nail it is marion cotillard in in uh la vie en rose and uh maybe jamie foxx in in in you know ray and things like that but but a lot of times i don't know it can kind of had have a stultifying effect on on the proceedings and i think,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,13.02
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00008,if things were unexpected feel like you couldn't quite get comfortable with it because you didn't know what was gonna happen next,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.0
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00009,and you know i think that i had opportunities in the in performing it in film that a lot of actresses don't have,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.84
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00010,of it you have to project to the back of the audience you know an idea that you have if you know your character has a thought you must project the,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.08
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00011,you know to the cheap seats and i just think on on film you don't have to put that much effort into it you can kind of sit back and make it a little bit more conversational but i think that's always the,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.44
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00012,there was i wish there were more but there was one definite moment when,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.24
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00013,it's the sort of thing where they yell cut and you remember that you're acting and you're like oh no i'm oh no i'm back now i,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.76
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00014,and i and it was a gorgeous soundtrack to have that moment too and it made me feel uh weirdly enough it should have made me feel more silly but it actually made me,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.0
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00015,for hugh jackman that we can finally see so many of his gifts on display still not all of them there's no dancing in this one and the man can dance and um valjean while he has a certain charm is not as charming as hugh jackman,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,12.08
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00016,all the things that hugh can do that's they're so rare to find in one performer on,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.89
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00017,and i know he would join me in saying the biggest surprise of this entire experience was russell crowe i've never,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.35
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00018,dig in deeper or work harder and i think the film is so lucky to have his,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.83
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00019,this could be a really bad idea why did i agree to this i had a lot of my friends who are actresses just kinda,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.0
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00020,to do it i needed it to be real um i i i've i've kind of intellectualized why but this,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.96
id10061_FiS_89JghYQ_00021,feeling um i knew it was gonna be more meaningful because and what her sacrifice is so meaningful and i just thought if we did it for real people might,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.88
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00001,just the audition process it was you know first it was rumors that chris was considering a new female character and then it was okay so he's gonna meet with a couple girls and then it was then he told me what the character was and then it was whether or not you were gonna be one of the girls that made it to screen test so it was a three and a half month process so by the time i got,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,16.92
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00002,i was it just seemed like it it couldn't possibly happen i mean i'd i'd i'd loved the,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.43
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00003,and then i went to set and it was one of the best experiences i've ever had working on a movie,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.6
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00004,i didn't even know it was because it i mean there's nothing chris chris got a star on the hollywood walk of fame today and,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.88
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00005,and it just didn't seem possible that it would be a reality in my life and so then,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.9
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00006,thought this would happen to me and it's the same thing you just don't imagine that because michelle pfieffer's performance is so iconic um you just don't think that that opportunity will ever come up again and the fact that it did while i was the right age i just it's kind of mind blowing but it's it's a it's it's a it's a a it's after the fact it's,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,17.52
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00007,wanted me to do and a lot of the fighting styles and chris had said he wanted me to do all of the things that uh that i could um and i'm a hyper competitive person so i was like i wanna do it all i wanna do everything um so it was about getting myself,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.6
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00008,a i i know this sounds weird because there shouldn't be degrees of authenticity but he's a deeply authentic person very very much,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.4
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00009,himself he's one of the smartest people i've ever met and he's just a,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.06
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00010,i loved him instantly and i still do i think he's adorable and um and he's just such a great great great great actor i just every day was,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,10.04
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00011,learn from the people that i work with i mean especially when you're in this kind of company i mean i i remember coming in one day and i saw joe and i'm like hey you had that scene with oldman the other day how,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.96
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00012,but it was a i mean it was a master class every day everybody that you saw work and everybody had,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.24
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00013,i you know everyone comes from such different backgrounds but somehow everyone found the same,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.8
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00014,really good person um he's a wonderful father and so i think he's able to uh be amidst uh be in the midst of chaos and keep his cool um and he's also just,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,9.68
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00015,he's he's he's kinda too good to be true uh everything about this film he drinks a lot of tea he drinks a he drinks a tremendous amount of tea i believe that's the secret,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,7.4
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00016,the camera test and i still had a ways to go before i was happy with it but i did have a moment where i was standing with um tom who's in the full bane getup and then christian was wearing the bat suit and i was dressed as catwoman and i said this is either going to work spectacularly or we're going to look like rejects from,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,17.11
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00017,and that one that one is not dissimilar to this one where you just couldn't believe the talent that was around you um and how professional and hard working everyone is,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.88
id10061_SFMhpLiLgWo_00018,and it was very scary to to go to some of the places i had to go to as this character but um i had so much support and i i it's,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.08
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00001,ambitious and potentially wonderful film i i just thought the screenplay was incredible and it's so incredible that i forgot to focus on my character and i just thought oh wait wait who is she who is she i'm supposed to give chris an answer about this,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,13.08
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00002,the movie i love that it trusts in the intelligence of its audience you know it's a challenging film it's challenging to i think it's gonna be challenging intellectually but it's also challenging emotionally and so far all the reports that we've gotten back are that people feel transported by the journey they feel opened because of it and people seem to be responding to the film which is great because that's the way i felt when i first read it,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,21.36
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00003,it would give away uh i can i i play an astrobiologist i'm allowed to talk about that and i am part of the,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.79
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00004,to save mankind but i can't tell you what from what or where we're going or anything else,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.36
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00005,it is it is it's very well we're trying to protect people's ability to enjoy,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,5.04
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00006,it was it was i had a great time working with him as a as a person and as an actor,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,6.0
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00007,um he cares about what he does so much and,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.28
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00008,and too because it's the way i like to do things but he also you know in between,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.79
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00009,amazing stories you know he's a he's a he's a person who's really lived his life and,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,5.4
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00010,i started off the film with a great sense of admiration for him and honestly it increased every single day and to the point where now he's he's just one of my favorite people i i'm i'm a big believer in matthew,id10061,dev,Positive,0.0,10.05
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00011,um how did i go about i mean i just i looked at the film and i looked at the lines that i had in it a lot of which were science based and i just thought okay you have to understand what it is that you're saying to the best of your ability so i just worked really hard at exploring the concepts i thought about because the movie's not really about her per se even though she's a big part of the film and uh she goes on an emotional journey but that's not necessarily crucial to the film either but i had to know what it was that i was doing so i worked very hard,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,27.68
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00012,in uh creating a backstory for her that uh that i could then that would then inform my,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.45
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00013,i don't know oh i i i i would not presume to to say that um he loves,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.24
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00014,film um he's excellent at making great films but i think the person that he is as a father you know i think that's probably the most,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,10.65
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00015,uh an amazing father um from as far as i can tell he's a wonderful husband to his wife emma thomas who's also his producing partner,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.44
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00016,and a deeply thinking really compassionate human being and that's not something you necessarily put together a lot of times people are deep thinkers they they can be intimidating or judgmental or maybe they don't suffer fools gladly chris is a man of enormous patience and i i,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,16.72
id10061_ZHngnr_39ss_00017,in the beginning i was intimidated to go to him with problems with the character cause i didn't want to bug him but he's really not that sort of person he um he's pretty approachable as it,id10061,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.49
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00001,you got to see bella grow up and you get to see the progression of her kind of turning into a woman and and getting married and you know having children and dealing with forever and um you know i think it's a beautiful thing and,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.8
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00002,something that's very relatable so um i'm really excited for everyone to kinda,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.0
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00003,you know alice cullen she's perky and singsongy and um and very loving and welcoming and um,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.16
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00004,you know at points become a little sassy and at points become very dangerous and so um i kind of feel,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.2
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00005,mental picture um and being able to kind of let that play across your eyes and and allow people to see you really seeing this thing happening in your mind um and i had you know help definitely working with bill condon saying what do you think about this idea what do you think about this what should she be seeing because there's a a lot of grey areas in that because i can't see the future and so uh there was a lot of time spent you know making sure we kind of agreed on,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,24.72
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00006,process every day um that is the one thing that i probably will not miss is the contacts because you couldn't see anything but um i will say you know it took about two hours every day and i will say the one positive thing about all that was that um one it completely transforms you and i think that you know people are,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,16.36
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00007,they love the books and they love this character alice and they wanna see alice and so it's it was really cool to kind of bring her to life every day um but i think also that process kind of uh forces you to um be become these vampires and because we didn't have peripheral vision i think it kind of cut us off a little bit from the world and,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,17.88
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00008,and just gave us more of a sense of being uh cold and,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.48
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00009,my life has changed since i started twilight except for my friends and family um which i think they keep me grounded and sane but it's been i mean it's just been amazing and kind of a whirlwind and um i think every day has been a new adventure and you never quite know what's gonna happen and it's kind of presented so many opportunities that i um,id10072,dev,Positive,0.0,20.32
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00010,i i mean i can't imagine my life without twilight now but uh i couldn't have dreamt this up or imagined you know that i was gonna be a part of something that was,id10072,dev,Positive,0.0,9.04
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00011,spin off i do um feel very flattered and excited that you know there could potentially be a spin off for alice because i love the,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.24
id10072_DjkYU8gcEvM_00012,just as much as everybody else and um and i think it would be a really fun thing um but of course,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.96
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00001,and so i read it and um i just really responded to the material and um i responded to the film as a whole and,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.92
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00002,kind of strong yet vulnerable character she's kind of both sides and um i kind of liked her she was kind of a,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.95
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00003,a little bit on the world more so than some other characters so i was really drawn to her,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.43
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00004,through um love loss heartbreak trying to go from uh,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.99
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00005,adulthood and having to adapt um i think to the change that was happening and um and so i i loved it and said i you know would love to meet the director on this and so i went in and read,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,14.32
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00006,they thankfully responded to me as well and then i have to go back in and and,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.56
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00007,of yeah and it was you know one of those things where it was so organic and easy and simple and we just,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.24
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00008,it was in shreveport louisiana we only shot an actual small part in texas um but they felt that shreveport had enough of the,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.88
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00009,it was kind of awesome but um but no i really wasn't that familiar with the eighties and um one of the best things that the producers actually and director did was they gave um the,id10072,dev,Positive,0.0,11.51
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00010,they would potentially use or um that was relevant or that they you know remembered from their past time and so that was really nice to have,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.56
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00011,um so that was uh very helpful and then you know we had consultations with hair and makeup and and the wardrobe and stuff like that but um but no before i wasn't really um,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.6
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00012,fun like bonding experience and um you know we kind of lived out some of the,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.48
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00013,i mean i'm very thankful for that because he was playing my brother and it made it very easy um to really genuinely care,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.4
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00014,i mean it's huge landwise but it's got kind of a little bit of a small town mentality and and a bit southern and so um,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.92
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00015,i i don't think to the extreme of what you see in skateland i definitely kind of have a taste of that,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.43
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00016,i went but uh that and the ice skating rink we hung out for a long time i think in middle,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.4
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00017,know himself anymore uh in the mall the mall scene where he brings me an ice,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.12
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00018,and that whole thing uh we had to do that scene i in particular had to do um,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.56
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00019,in a modeling class and i just kind of they also had commercials and acting and so i just kind of,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.64
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00020,you know because it's tough trying to to pay rent in la but um but i started in,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.93
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00021,in a modeling class and i just kind of they also had commercials and acting and so i just kind of you know went from one to the next and then um when i was like sixteen i just,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.36
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00022,looked for so long just to get any kinda part and so um you know after that started happening i was just i wanted to work and i was,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.39
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00023,done much before twilight and so everything that i did do was new and something i hadn't played before,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.47
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00024,genre and a different character and so um you know they're all coming out this year and i think it'll be,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.44
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00025,we are in the midst of it we're coming towards the end of of,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.31
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00026,we were in different parts of of canada um but then we'll we'll wrap out there and we'll be done,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.2
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00027,each of the films have been severely different and they have very um i think different themes and and um,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.32
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00028,tend to be darker than others and um and some are much more being more magical than others and i think um that you know they've done a really good job at kind of selecting a,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.54
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00029,in the film and so they've all been very severely different,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.04
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00030,and he has a way i think of working with us and and really pulling things out and so i'm um,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.08
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00031,yeah well the the thing that attracted me to apparition is that they you know when i sat down and i talked to todd and i talked to,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.42
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00032,and be more elevated and some of the movies they referenced that i watched were like rosemary's baby and poltergeist and and films like that that were just,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.63
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00033,know blood and gore and horror and and that's kind of the same thing that we wanted to accomplish with apparition um is is,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.68
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00034,it's it's not the typical horror film and and we are doing everything that a normal person would do um you know rather than doing the cheap thrill scare horror movie tactics and so um that was a,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.28
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00035,uh you know really wanted callie to be,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.9
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00036,stupid and they're not i mean just to be blunt but they're they're not smart and they're not proactive and so that was um a big motivator for me as well and um you know from the get go they have just been very collaborative with me and with sebastian who plays my love,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,15.78
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00037,uh i have seen some of it and they're um we're actually doing,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.02
id10072_M5lYNe7y2QY_00038,so we're gonna change a couple of things to kind of tweak and fine tune everything um i saw i saw the film without any kind of special effects and any music which,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.32
id10072_pKu03mxA25k_00001,you know i think if if um a situation presented itself such as what happened in eclipse um and it was my family,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.8
id10072_pKu03mxA25k_00002,uh as for i relate to alice a lot in the fact that she adores and loves her family and they're her life so uh i don't know of any other circumstance that'd make me do,id10072,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.52
id10072_pKu03mxA25k_00003,um no not because of that i think there's a difference in the sense that um we are a little more comfortable with ourselves and in our skin and with our characters um i think that maybe part of the reason it is such a success is because we have i mean we have great writing we all love our jobs we,id10072,dev,Positive,0.0,18.24
id10072_pKu03mxA25k_00004,honestly we love what we do and we love our fans and uh i don't think any of us wanna,id10072,dev,Positive,0.0,4.99
id10072_pKu03mxA25k_00005,uh one are just so moved that everyone else is as passionate about our characters as we are because we really do love what we're doing um and as an actor you want to immerse someone in this world that you've created and you want to affect them and so the fact that these girls are,id10072,dev,Positive,0.0,16.16
id10072_pKu03mxA25k_00006,yelling and it's just it's uh it warms your heart it's a really amazing thing to,id10072,dev,Positive,0.0,4.63
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00001,um i enjoyed the wedding episode i enjoyed playing a robot and and the idea that she couldn't be photographed was hysterical to me and when he said i do she said i do instead of him you know things like that were very funny i did not agree that they should've,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,16.78
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00002,that was something i didn't think should ever have happened because first of all it couldn't they weren't the same,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.26
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00003,the script was good um i loved the show with the lion,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.64
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00004,was a lion he thought he uh i told him i needed a pet i was lonely and he said alright alright bring fatehabad whatever his name was back go ahead bring him back and of course i bring him back and he's a nine hundred pound lion,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,13.92
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00005,now i had done um several films at fox with lions and had worked with trainers and i thought i was a lion,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.04
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00006,but i did know you're supposed to let them become familiar with you and be friends and feed them a little meat uh i knew things like you don't stand too close to them you can scratch their ears but be ready to jump because they could break your leg not on purpose but they're big and so the first day the lion,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,18.28
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00007,i went to larry and i said larry let's go over and make friends with the lion and he said make friends with the lion i said yeah we should go over and feed him a little meat and make friends i'm not gonna make friends with any blankety blank blank,id10078,dev,Negative,0.0,12.46
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00008,and i i made friends with the lion fed him his meat scratched his ears and then we,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.05
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00009,and the the scene i was sitting on the on the sofa and larry was sitting next to me and i was to,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.83
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00010,and the lion came in over the back of the sofa with his big paws and at my side near my thigh they put a bowl of raw meat and so we rehearsed this without larry and the lion would come in and he ate the meat and he'd look around he was very happy happy with the camera operator happy with the gaffer the lighting guys they were all the crew was all around the crew was happy with the,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,25.02
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00011,and i don't blame him i don't blame him but not only was larry gone the camera was over on its side every one of those guys on that crew,id10078,dev,Positive,0.0,9.69
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00012,they didn't they didn't leave they ran they had to relight the whole set the lion climbed over the back of the sofa and got in my lap and he was,id10078,dev,Positive,0.0,8.43
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00013,and i i was sitting in the sofa and he was over in a shot and in my lap and it wasn't it really wasn't frightening the roar was frightening cause it was so loud,id10078,dev,Positive,0.0,9.4
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00014,wanted to get close to somebody this was not what he thought it was gonna be,id10078,dev,Positive,0.0,4.4
id10078_EOZW9v37FEI_00015,shot and in my lap and it wasn't it really wasn't frightening the the roar was frightening cause it was so loud,id10078,dev,Positive,0.0,6.72
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00001,but no if they asked me for me or if i was sold to them for it but uh i was very happy that it did it was a wonderful experience it was based on the,id10078,dev,Positive,0.0,10.08
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00002,i was very happy that it did it was a wonderful experience it was based on the the song harper valley,id10078,dev,Positive,0.0,8.52
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00003,where the mama went my mama went to the pta and told them off they said her skirts are too short mrs,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.62
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00004,very had her own ideas about how things should be she was not very conservative at all uh she wasn't a bad woman but and she was a good,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,11.48
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00005,because she wasn't like the other mommies she was uh prettier but she was also kinda a swinger you know she she liked to dance she liked to drink a beer once in a while and uh she went to church but uh when she walked in everybody,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.98
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00006,i don't know whose idea it was to buy it as a television series nbc,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.88
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00007,the people who owned the property i have no idea all i know is one day they called and said would you do it and i said oh yeah so it was,id10078,dev,Positive,0.0,7.84
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00008,more they they exaggerated the characters more um the problem with the show was that no one could decide who was the boss on the show if the producer was or the director was and so the second year they they got a different producer and,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,18.41
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00009,uh i had nothing to say about it i was very unhappy about it actually but sherwood,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.84
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00010,then and they did a fabulous job i don't know who was unhappy with them but somebody was and um,id10078,dev,Positive,0.0,7.0
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00011,second year so it was constantly going zigging and zagging going in different directions and with different casts and different,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.16
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00012,that isn't healthy for anyone i don't know it was everyone's idea of what comedy is you know they each,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.29
id10078_mKOmIJhv7nA_00013,um the problem with the show,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.86
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00001,has to let her son grow up and doesn't want to wants to get him out of the army and so uh she doesn't join the army but she takes on someone else's,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.11
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00002,and there you get the comedy of course it's really about bonding and and,id10078,dev,Positive,0.0,4.39
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00003,and uh she finds out uh he he writes her a letter and tells her that instead of going to college he joined the army and of course his father uh died when he jumped out of an airplane in vietnam and the parachute didn't open so the mother is understandably nervous about him going into the army,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,16.63
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00004,well that's a contract with a studio or a network to do uh so many shows mine is a pilot and six shows,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.36
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00005,a widow a working mother no she's not either she's divorced that's right and has three children twelve,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.72
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00006,meets an attorney marries him continues to study continues to work he has three,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.91
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00007,that we had sidney sheldon creating the show and we had a wonderful cast who um who,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.87
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00008,fit together uh that's,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.07
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00009,and andy tried to get me fired because he thought i was a a disruptive influence in the barbershop and then he ended up,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.48
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00010,i do i think it's it's wonderful the people do it i i like to look at them i think they're beautiful,id10078,dev,Positive,0.0,5.44
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00011,love to you know the problem uh with uh being an actor,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.2
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00012,that so often you you form really firm friendships with people and then don't see them for,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.83
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00013,uh because uh as you know larry is doing a very popular series and and hopefully i will,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.56
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00014,mm for awhile i don't i don't know what it's doing now i haven't seen it and no one's told me anything about it so i guess it's not on the,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.52
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00015,oh but the the movie was on about two months ago,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.2
id10078_vWHa4EanOB4_00016,he's a very natural actor yes he played a half breed half,id10078,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.13
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00001,and the georgetown students ended up my junior summer at working at an investment,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.93
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00002,and i think what happened is i had this experience where i'd been making short,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.95
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00003,i had this experience where mike directed another instead of my,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.99
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00004,underwater with work like taking a car home at three in the morning showering,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.36
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00005,we're like we're gonna make this film here's the topic we've got forty eight hours let's do it and i was like okay so we write this little short and do this film and stay up for two days,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.04
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00006,knew exactly what kinda money i was gonna make what life it would be like and and it all felt i wasn't passionate about mergers and acquisitions i wasn't passionate,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.16
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00007,and i saw that some of my colleagues werem you know and i thought this i just don't belong,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.23
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00008,and i'm gonna be a workaholic no matter what i might as well be a workaholic,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,4.16
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00009,it's really that was really challenging but the place that i had arrived at was that,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.32
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00010,i love that i love that and then i saul was graduating from the fine,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.53
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00011,and so then it just became a question of okay how can i act in how can i act in the way that i would like to do it you know how can i,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.0
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00012,i i had done plays and things in high school but no,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.24
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00013,met this wonderful man harry mastrogeorge and i studied with him and he's amazing,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,6.08
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00014,this is what he told me the first day that i walked into class this is gonna sound sort of like heady and intellectual but it not really,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.04
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00015,a big macro part of the story first the more the science fiction element and then we worked backwards and the idea was how,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.2
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00016,in this sort of like sci fi premise what human drama could we tell that,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.84
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00017,talking to you or or me talking to me like what would that conversation be like we have that in our minds all day long this like inner personal dialog,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,9.68
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00018,you know overnight becomes drastically different and how does she,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,3.81
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00019,was terrified by him and that didn't work and we loved the idea of casting somebody with that kind of gravitas and,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,7.4
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00020,we um uh back in georgetown when we first met we were we dated and we went to cuba together and we made the,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.44
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00021,his courage is is unbelievable you know it's it's really difficult to make your,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,5.68
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00022,not traditional way you know to not have to go into it with a lot of financing i mean it began with mike and i going to live at his mom's house with my sister and his friend,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.88
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00023,we have a camera we have a laptop with final cut we have this crazy story idea let's try to make a movie and,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.48
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00024,to do now which is that you don't have to wait for permission anymore i mean before it's like if you came to la,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.2
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00025,can't really think of it yet we were inspired by the internet and the idea that at the time we were watching a lot of in treatment on our laptops,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.84
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00026,in my bedroom with a laptop watching the show that's about like unraveling the,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.32
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00027,at night and i think we thought from that like what what about writing a story that within the dna of the story you're taking advantage of what the web experience can do what watching something on,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.48
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00028,flight you've driven all the way there you've parked you've like gotten in i mean it has to be a really bad movie for you to walk out like you know so but with we tell a,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,8.87
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00029,you have to at any point they can just close their laptop and do something else you have to find a,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.09
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00030,lure them in it's a much more uh seductive,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.08
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00031,and the idea of crafting a a a story where that was in the dna of,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.96
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00032,appealed to us because this is when obama was happening and the the power of his campaign over the internet the way that,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,6.44
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00033,incredible woman came up to me after the another earth screening and this is after the q and a and even a,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.4
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00034,she was uh she was crying and not in the way that you sometimes feel people cry at the theater which is i mean i do this i'm guilty,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.16
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00035,they're really high concept and they're kind of not,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.43
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00036,that infiltrates a cult that's meeting in the basement of this house in san fernando valley and when they go there they meet at the safe house and they are made to scrub down and put on hospital gowns and their hands are bound and they're blindfolded they're put in a van,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,12.96
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00037,sound of my voice for instance is that i think it it works as both it works as both in a theatrical setting,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.16
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00038,with microbudget filmmaking the question really becomes like what do you do with the,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.96
id10111_3FIiSPMPF1Y_00039,take the place of that down the road like i wonder what thing could aggregate the story,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.52
id10111_NtICHG3PV6A_00001,video art and he made a video art piece at the time of uh himself,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.24
id10111_NtICHG3PV6A_00002,and i was inspired by it i think he was too at the time he we were also listening to a lot of dr richard berendzen's uh pulp physics sort of astrophysics stuff on tape i think those two things came together and it kind,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,12.4
id10111_NtICHG3PV6A_00003,the story was born and we just we wanted to tell a story about a duplicate earth and that sort of parallel reality and then we were like well what is a human drama,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.92
id10111_NtICHG3PV6A_00004,where a confrontation with yourself would have the most emotional resonance,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.24
id10111_NtICHG3PV6A_00005,to retell the human dramas that we often see but from like a slightly,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.51
id10111_NtICHG3PV6A_00006,like a fresh sort of perspective and i think sci fi also lets you talk about what's,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.48
id10111_NtICHG3PV6A_00007,without being didactic and so that's i think sort of why we're both into sci fi,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.28
id10111_NtICHG3PV6A_00008,that moment was tremendous i mean i can't even i don't think we ever thought that this story would reach such a wide,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,6.75
id10111_NtICHG3PV6A_00009,moves people that deeply like that response was overwhelming it was so visceral,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,6.04
id10111_NtICHG3PV6A_00010,to i think when you make a movie you know you don't make it in a vacuum you make it because you want,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.92
id10111_NtICHG3PV6A_00011,and so i think hopefully we smuggled a little of that across and that was,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,4.23
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00001,comes up with stories he directs he shoots he edits and he loves to do all of those things and that's part of how he really works as an artist is this complete sort of,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,9.44
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00002,em an actor and that's what i love to do and i,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,4.56
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00003,that inspired me and i didn't and i was reading all this stuff for women where the women are always,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,5.32
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00004,damsel in distress and and uh i didn't want to do that i didn't i didn't wanna i didn't wanna be a part of putting out visions of girls in the world that like i wouldn't have wanted to take in as a little girl and so i thought uh it'd be cool to just write better stuff for women and,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,15.37
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00005,so we started learning to write trying to read screenwriting books and trying to figure out how to tell a narrative,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,5.46
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00006,it's the kind of ideas that make you leave the theater with a sense of wonder like what is you know that sort of feeling and but we wanted to marry that with,id10111,dev,Positive,0.0,9.96
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00007,i don't know i i think we often went to the theater looking for those kinds of movies and didn't see them it's like films are either really spectacle sort of high concept driven or they're you know small substantive dramas and you don't often see the two braided together and so we were trying to do that and it was a difficult thing to crack in the writing of it because on one hand you're dealing with like these huge lofty,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,21.85
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00008,sky and the discovery of doppelgangers like what are people even like on the streets you know how are you dealing with that and then uh you're trying to balance all of that thinking with what are,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,9.64
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00009,you know genuine ways in which two people who have sort of suffered through tragedy together heal one another it's a lot of like macro,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.28
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00010,in the directing and in his vision of it because you could easily topple over into making a film that just seems not,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.32
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00011,and sort of silly and i think for him it was really important in the way he shot it in the way he edited it and all of the construction the colors everything for it to feel like a real story that this thing was happening to real people so much so that it has it would almost feel like what if you you know were watching someone's home video and you just captured another planet in the sky and that that kind of realism would make you believe and um so,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,28.54
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00012,it's it's great writing is amazing and i've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to do that and i think i will always do that but even when you're writing with a collaborator things are coming from your sort of shared point of view and that point of view is so,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,13.6
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00013,who was like born in america who's in her twenties who has had a certain set of experiences you see the world a certain way and,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.2
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00014,thing that's so intoxicating about being an actor is that you get to,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.64
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00015,lose yourself in someone else's point of view their way of seeing things in a story that you never would have conceived of to become that person,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,8.72
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00016,you know travel somewhere with someone that is the real thrill i think of being an actress,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,4.97
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00017,in taking something on that's new i like to be a little bit afraid like fearful that i might not that it is a challenge that i don't know that i'm that will have to really stretch myself in a way to find this person to live in this person and if you're not doing that then i think you're playing it safe and if you're playing it safe then then i think you're not and you're never putting yourself out there to fail and i think you have to fail,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,25.56
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00018,i think you have to fail and make a fool of yourself to grow at all as an artist you have to be willing to willing to really make mistakes otherwise,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,7.84
id10111_pLHg7KbMZds_00019,i never wanna do that so when i read things i'm always looking for something that gives me that like tingle of ooh like,id10111,dev,Neutral,0.0,6.24