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Delete Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 (1).csv

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Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 (1).csv DELETED
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- Instruction,Input,Output
- Fix incomplete tags,The HTML code has incomplete tags. Ensure all tags have proper opening and closing.,The HTML code will have complete start and end tags for all elements.
- Correct incorrect nesting,Elements are not properly nested according to HTML specifications.,All elements will be nested correctly as per HTML specifications.
- Remove duplicate attributes,An element contains duplicate attributes. Remove duplicates to ensure each attribute appears only once.,The element will have unique attributes without any duplicates.
- Ensure unique IDs,The HTML code has multiple elements with the same ID. Ensure all IDs are unique.,All IDs in the HTML code will be unique.
- Fix missing end tags,Some tags are missing their closing counterparts. Add the missing closing tags.,All tags will have their corresponding closing tags.
- Correct nesting of elements,Elements are nested incorrectly. Fix the nesting to comply with HTML standards.,Elements will be nested correctly within their parent elements.
- Ensure valid attribute syntax,Attributes are missing quotes or have other syntax issues. Fix the attribute syntax.,All attributes will have valid syntax with proper quotes.
- Remove invalid elements,There are invalid elements in the HTML. Remove or replace them with valid elements.,Invalid elements will be removed or replaced with valid HTML elements.
- Fix improperly nested lists,List items are not nested properly within their parent list elements.,List items will be correctly nested within their parent <ul> or <ol> elements.
- Correct nesting in tables,Table rows and cells are not properly nested.,Table rows (<tr>) and cells (<td>) will be nested correctly within <table>.
- Ensure complete attribute values,Some attributes have incomplete values. Complete the attribute values.,All attributes will have complete and valid values.
- Fix broken attribute quotes,Attribute values have mismatched or missing quotes. Fix the quotes around attribute values.,Attribute values will have properly matched quotes.
- Remove duplicate IDs in forms,Form elements have duplicate IDs. Ensure all form element IDs are unique.,Form element IDs will be unique within the form.
- Fix missing end tags for lists,List items are missing their closing tags.,All list items will have closing tags.
- Correct nesting of inline elements,Inline elements are incorrectly nested within block elements.,Inline elements will be correctly nested within block elements.
- Ensure valid attribute names,Attributes have invalid names. Correct the attribute names to be valid HTML attributes.,All attributes will have valid names according to HTML standards.
- Remove invalid nesting of elements,Elements are improperly nested within each other. Correct the nesting order.,Elements will be nested properly within their parent elements.
- Fix duplicate attributes in forms,Form elements contain duplicate attributes. Ensure each form element has unique attributes.,Form elements will have unique attributes without duplicates.
- Correct missing attribute values,Some attributes are missing their values. Add the missing attribute values.,All attributes will have valid values.
- Fix incomplete self-closing tags,Self-closing tags are not properly closed.,"Self-closing tags will be properly closed (e.g., <img src=""image.jpg"" />)."
- Remove invalid nesting of inline elements,Inline elements are improperly nested within block elements. Correct the nesting.,Inline elements will be correctly nested within block elements.
- Ensure proper closing tags,Some tags are missing their closing tags. Add the closing tags.,All tags will have their corresponding closing tags.
- Fix improperly closed tags,Tags are improperly closed. Correct the closing tags.,Tags will be properly closed.
- Ensure unique IDs for interactive elements,Interactive elements have duplicate IDs. Ensure all IDs are unique.,IDs for interactive elements will be unique.
- Correct improperly nested sections,Sections are nested incorrectly. Fix the nesting of section elements.,Sections will be nested properly according to HTML specifications.
- Ensure valid ID values,ID values contain invalid characters. Correct the ID values.,ID values will contain only valid characters according to HTML specifications.
- Fix broken attribute syntax,Attribute syntax is broken or incorrect. Fix the attribute syntax.,Attributes will have correct and valid syntax.
- Correct duplicate attribute values,Some attributes have duplicate values. Ensure each attribute has a unique value.,Attributes will have unique values.
- Remove invalid block elements,Block elements are nested within inline elements. Remove or correct the invalid nesting.,Block elements will not be nested within inline elements.
- Ensure proper nesting of headings,Headings are not properly nested. Fix the nesting order of headings.,"Headings will be nested in a logical and correct order (e.g., <h1>, <h2>, <h3>)."
- Fix improperly nested form elements,Form elements are nested incorrectly. Correct the nesting of form elements.,Form elements will be nested correctly within their parent form.
- Ensure valid attribute names in forms,Form elements have invalid attribute names. Correct the attribute names.,Form element attributes will have valid names.
- Remove invalid nesting within lists,List items are improperly nested within their parent list elements. Correct the nesting.,List items will be nested correctly within their parent list elements.
- Ensure proper closing of nested elements,Nested elements are not properly closed. Add the missing closing tags for nested elements.,Nested elements will have proper closing tags.
- Fix duplicate attribute values in forms,Form elements contain duplicate attribute values. Ensure each form element has unique attribute values.,Form elements will have unique attribute values.
- Correct incomplete form elements,Some form elements are incomplete or have missing attributes. Complete the form elements.,Form elements will be complete with all necessary attributes.
- Ensure valid attribute values in links,Links have invalid or missing attribute values. Correct the attribute values.,Links will have valid and complete attribute values.
- Fix broken nesting of table elements,Table elements are not properly nested. Correct the nesting of table rows and cells.,Table rows and cells will be nested correctly within <table>.
- Ensure proper closing of inline elements,Inline elements are missing closing tags. Add the missing closing tags for inline elements.,Inline elements will have proper closing tags.
- Remove invalid nesting of headings,Headings are improperly nested within other elements. Correct the nesting order of headings.,Headings will be nested correctly within their parent elements.
- Fix improperly closed form elements,Form elements are not properly closed. Add the missing closing tags for form elements.,Form elements will have proper closing tags.
- Ensure valid syntax for attribute values,Attribute values have invalid syntax. Correct the syntax of attribute values.,Attribute values will have valid syntax with proper quotes.
- Remove duplicate attributes in lists,List items contain duplicate attributes. Ensure each list item has unique attributes.,List items will have unique attributes without duplicates.
- Fix incomplete tags in forms,Form elements have incomplete tags. Ensure all form elements have proper opening and closing tags.,Form elements will have complete opening and closing tags.
- Ensure unique IDs for form controls,Form controls have duplicate IDs. Ensure all IDs are unique for form controls.,Form control IDs will be unique within the form.
- Ensure error messages comply with accessibility standards,Error messages do not meet accessibility standards by relying solely on color for emphasis.,Error messages will comply with accessibility standards by using the <strong> tag for emphasis.
- Fix error messages are noticeable in monochrome displays,Monochrome displays do not convey color-based error messages effectively.,Error messages will be noticeable on monochrome displays by using the <strong> tag for emphasis.
- Fix error messages are detectable by assistive technologies,Error messages that rely only on color may not be detected by assistive technologies.,"Error messages will be emphasized with the <strong> tag, making them detectable by assistive technologies."
- Use <strong> to complement color in error messages,"Color alone is used to indicate error messages, which may not be effective for all users.","The <strong> tag will be used to complement color, ensuring error messages are noticeable for all users."
- Fix the error messages are accessible in high contrast mode,Error messages relying on color may not be visible in high contrast mode.,Error messages will be emphasized with the <strong> tag to ensure they are accessible in high contrast mode.
- Ensure clear communication of errors,Error messages do not stand out enough to clearly communicate issues to users.,Clear communication of errors will be ensured by using the <strong> tag for textual emphasis.
- Ensure error messages are not color-dependent,Users with color vision deficiencies may miss error messages that rely only on color for emphasis.,"Error messages will be emphasized with the <strong> tag, making them accessible to users with color vision deficiencies."
- fix focus indicators that are overridden by other styles,Other CSS styles are overriding focus indicators on buttons.,CSS will be adjusted to ensure focus indicators are not overridden by other styles.
- Ensure consistent focus indication in dynamic interfaces,"In dynamic interfaces, focus indicators on buttons are not consistent or clear.",Consistent and clear focus indicators will be ensured for buttons in dynamic interfaces.
- Ensure focus styles are distinguishable from other states,Focus styles on buttons are not easily distinguishable from hover or active states.,Focus styles will be made distinguishable from hover or active states using CSS.
- Fix the buttons remain focusable across all devices,Focus indicators are inconsistent across different devices and browsers.,Consistent focus indicators will be ensured for buttons across all devices and browsers using CSS.
- Ensure compliance with accessibility standards,The application does not meet accessibility standards due to lack of focus indicators on buttons.,The application will comply with accessibility standards by adding focus indicators to buttons.
- Fix the buttons are focusable and styled for accessibility,"Buttons are not styled to indicate focus, making it challenging for users to navigate using the keyboard.","Buttons will be focusable and styled with CSS to indicate focus, enhancing keyboard navigation."
- Ensure visible focus indicators for buttons,"Buttons do not have visible focus indicators, making it hard for keyboard users to see which button is focused.","Buttons will have visible focus indicators, making it clear which button is focused for keyboard users."
- Fix <thead> element usage for complex tables,Complex tables lack a clear header structure without a <thead> element.,Complex tables will have a clear header structure by using a <thead> element.
- Ensure correct association of headers and data cells,Data cells are not correctly associated with their headers because the headers are not in a <thead> element.,Data cells will be correctly associated with their headers by enclosing the headers within a <thead> element.
- Fix the proper HTML5 table structure,The table does not follow proper HTML5 structure by omitting the <thead> element.,The table will follow proper HTML5 structure by including a <thead> element for its headers.
- Fix the separation of table headers and body,Table headers are mixed with the table body without a distinct <thead> element.,Table headers will be separated from the table body using a distinct <thead> element.
- Ensure correct table structure with <thead>,"The table does not use the <thead> element for its headers, affecting readability and accessibility.",The table will have its headers correctly enclosed within a <thead> element for improved readability.
- Fix the labels for dropdown menus in multi-step forms,"In multi-step forms, dropdown menus lack labels, causing confusion about the options.",Labels will be added to dropdown menus in multi-step forms to provide clear guidance on the available options.
- Ensure labels are programmatically associated with dropdown menus,The dropdown menu does not have a programmatically associated <label> element.,Labels will be programmatically associated with dropdown menus for better accessibility.
- Fix the labels are not visible and clear,"Dropdown menu labels are missing or hidden, reducing clarity.",Labels will be added and made visible and clear for all dropdown menus.
- Fix if there is no clear instructions for dropdown selections,Users do not have clear instructions for what to select from the dropdown menu due to a missing <label>.,Clear instructions will be provided via a <label> for each dropdown menu.
- Fix the labels describe the purpose of dropdown menus,The dropdown menu does not have a descriptive <label> element.,Labels will be added to dropdown menus to clearly describe their purpose.
- Fix all form elements have associated labels,"The dropdown menu is not associated with any <label>, reducing accessibility and usability.",All dropdown menus will have associated <label> elements for better accessibility and usability.
- Fix the link in text provides a call to action,"Link text lacks a clear call to action, such as ""Learn more about our services"".","Link text will include a clear call to action, guiding users on what to do next."
- Ensure distinct link purposes are clear,Links with different purposes have the same generic text.,Each link's purpose will be distinct and clear from its text.
- Fix the compliance with accessibility guidelines,Link text does not meet accessibility guidelines for descriptive content.,"Link text will comply with accessibility guidelines, providing clear and descriptive content for screen readers."
- Fix the clarity in navigation by using specific link descriptions,Link text does not clearly indicate what the user will find upon clicking.,Link text will clearly describe the destination or content to be found upon clicking.
- Fix the descriptive text for links,"Anchor (<a>) tags have non-descriptive link text such as ""Click here"" or ""Read more"".",All anchor (<a>) tags will have descriptive link text that clearly indicates the destination or action.
- Fix the label for dropdown selections,The dropdown menu does not have a descriptive <label> element.,<Labels> will be added before the dropdown menus '<select> ' tag
- Fix the id for dropdown selections,The dropdown menu does not have a id within an <select> tag.,"Id will be added within the dropdown menus '<select> ' tag, <select id ='dropdown-menu'> "
- Fix the descriptive text for href,"Anchor (<a>) tags have non-descriptive link text such as ""Click here"" or ""Read more"".<a href = ""> Click Here</a>",All anchor (<a>) tags will have descriptive link text that clearly indicates the destination or action.<a href=> Example Page</a>
- Fix the clickable element to have proper role and keyboard support,The clickable element is a div with an onclick attribute but lacks proper role and keyboard support,Replace the div with a button element to ensure proper role and keyboard support
- Fix the link text to be descriptive,"The link text is ""More info,"" which is vague and does not describe the link's destination","Replace the link text with a more descriptive text to clarify the link's purpose, <a href="""">Learn more about our services</a>."
- Hide the content using the visually-hidden class,"The content is hidden using display: none;, which makes it inaccessible to screen reader",Replace the display: none; style with a visually-hidden class to ensure the content is accessible to screen readers