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Argument ID Conclusion Stance Premise Achievement Power: dominance Power: resources
A05018 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games cause turmoil and a lot of money. 0 0 1
A05082 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading should be banned because it gives some people an unfair advantage. 1 0 1
A05083 We should legalize prostitution in favor of legalising prostitution will ensure the safety of both the sex trade worker and client 1 0 1
A05087 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of We should end mandatory retirement because it removes people who are knowledgeable and skilled from jobs that they are good at. 1 0 1
A07008 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions are used to bully other nations to act in your own interest, by harming the innocent citizens no less 0 0 1
A07032 We should legalize prostitution in favor of with so much sexual freedom these days prostitution should now be legal. 0 0 1
A07054 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of if we end economic sanctions, then it would lead to a more fair trade market. 1 0 1
A07077 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime would eliminate the national debt by directing money to where it really needs to go. 0 0 1
A07079 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading gives people an unfair speed advantage over the rest of the field. 1 0 1
A09033 We should oppose collectivism in favor of collectivism is a facet of socialism, communism, etc. and eliminates individual worth 1 0 1
A09043 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions hurt the poorest people of a nation 0 0 1
A09046 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of mandatory retirement should be ended as it is unfair on older people. 0 0 1
A09062 We should subsidize student loans in favor of college is getting more and more expensive each year so students should be getting as much help as they need 1 0 1
A09064 We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of abolishing the three strikes law would save money 0 0 1
A09071 We should limit executive compensation in favor of executive compensation should be limited in order to narrow the wage gap between c-level employees and line workers 0 0 1
A10003 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of we should end all economic sanctions because they cause harm to both countries by preventing free trade which in turn will cause an economic downturn. 0 0 1
A12030 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games are usually a drain on the economy of the host city 0 0 1
A12063 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of austerity regimes provide an avenue for the government to balance up financial deficits and save the country from economic collapse 0 0 1
A12078 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of even if an algorithm can react quicker than a person, it can't predict markets accurately 1 0 1
A12117 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of It would help people spend less money, which would be good for the economy. 0 0 1
A12181 We should abolish safe spaces in favor of We should abolish safe spaces because they put public funding for universities at risk, due to backlash from right wing legislatures. 0 0 1
A12221 We should ban whaling in favor of we should ban whaling because there is very little profit in the business and does nothing but kill fairly rare animals. 0 0 1
A12258 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games are too expensive to be held 0 0 1
A12259 We should ban whaling in favor of whaling should be banned because it harms economic activity that's generated by whale watching 0 0 1
A12283 We should limit executive compensation in favor of we should limit executive compensation for national ecomics 0 0 1
A12286 We should limit executive compensation in favor of CEO's make 100 times what an average worker make and they do not actually generate any capital. 0 0 1
A12303 We should limit executive compensation in favor of excessive wages damage company profitabity and is an abuse of the shareholders 1 0 1
A12318 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime is the most effective way to reduce the national debt. 1 1 1
A12440 We should legalize prostitution in favor of legalising prostitution can only be beneficial to the sex workers and their clients from a safety and health point of view. 0 0 1
A12442 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of if a person wants to continue working, that is their right. they should not be forced to stop based on some arbitrary rule made up by someone. 1 0 1
A12475 We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of scientology is just a business that is trying to scam people out of money. 0 0 1
A17011 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading can cause unnatural market movements. 0 1 1
A18014 We should ban private military companies in favor of Private military companies have their bottom line as a priority rather than the safety of the country. 0 0 1
A18032 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading gives people an unfair advantage because they can trade so much more quickly and therefore it should be banned. 1 0 1
A18068 We should oppose collectivism in favor of people should be able to work hard and reap the benefits of their labor. with collectivism you will always have some people doing most of the work and the lazy ones will benefit from it. 1 0 1
A18090 We should limit executive compensation in favor of executive compensation should be limited to make companies more profitable. 1 0 1
A18099 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of maintaining intellectual property rights for all is too expensive, and maintaining these rights might restrict innovation in certain sectors. 1 0 1
A18141 We should legalize organ trade in favor of people are more likely to share their organs if there is financial benefit to them, increasing supply. 0 0 1
A18145 We should subsidize student loans in favor of student loans enable poor students to continue with their education and graduate from the university 1 0 1
A18152 We should limit executive compensation in favor of if a company has received enough profits to offer bonuses to their executives, the money could be better spent on giving bonuses to poorer staff members at the bottom of the chain. 0 0 1
A18179 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading is unfair and doesn't allow for the individual to make money that doesn't have the algorithim. 1 0 1
A18182 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of ending economic sanctions would make it so all countries could trade freely with anyone. 1 0 1
A18192 We should legalize prostitution in favor of Legalizing prostitution will allow prostitutes to push for equitable contracts and conditions, something they can't do in the status quo since their work is illegal. 0 0 1
A18209 We should subsidize student loans in favor of we should subsidize student loans to ensure all who seek a good education can obtain one. this sets up success for life which also saves the government money when people are self sufficient 1 0 1
A18214 We should limit executive compensation in favor of executive compensation could encourage money laundering and corruption 0 0 1
A18233 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of they only hurt the poorest of society and are an outdated punishment. 0 0 1
A18249 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of Algorithmic trading allows computers to buy and sell assets suddenly and in massive quantities, creating shifts in the market and making human trading difficult. 1 0 1
A18258 We should subsidize student loans in favor of Students are and will always be the backbone of the society. It's compulsory to support these growing students in becoming true, well educated citizens to support the economy. 1 1 1
A18259 We should abolish safe spaces in favor of we should abolish safe spaces as policing these areas is costly and it is against human rights to stop freedom of movement into different areas. 0 0 1
A18261 We should subsidize student loans in favor of students that work hard to get a degree should not start out their journey into the real world, in debt 1 0 1
A18267 We should adopt libertarianism in favor of lower taxes and more freedom from big government would be the result if we adopted libertarianism. 1 0 1
A18314 We should limit executive compensation in favor of executive compensation too often fails to deliver and as such causes working issues, therefore it should not only be limited but stopped completely. 1 1 1
A18346 We should legalize organ trade in favor of Legalizing the organ trade would allow more patients to receive the organ transplant they need. 0 0 1
A18388 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of adopting an austerity regime is the best way to reduce the budget deficits we currently are faced with 1 1 1
A18400 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of they are boring and cost too much money 0 0 1
A18403 We should limit executive compensation in favor of Executive compensation should be limited to ensure the top staff is not taking all of the rewards for companies that are supported by thousands of workers. All employees contribute to the success of a company. 1 0 1
A18434 We should subsidize student loans in favor of student loans is a type of aid that is given to them in order to help lower their expenses and debts 1 0 1
A18451 We should limit executive compensation in favor of out of control executive compensation raises the disparity between the haves and the have nots. 1 0 1
A18454 We should subsidize journalism in favor of We should subsidize journalism because we need to keep local journalism alive so people are aware of what is going on in their community, but small news papers are struggling the most. 0 1 1
A18459 We should subsidize student loans in favor of student loans should be subsidized so that more kids can go to school, get a better education and contribute to the advancement of society. 1 0 1
A18496 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of unless everyone is using algorithmic trading, the system would ensure only those that had access to it would have the best chance of making money. 0 0 1
A18497 We should limit executive compensation in favor of ceo's should not get paid thousands of times more than their workers 0 0 1
A19069 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of we should abolish the olympic games because it very expensive to host 0 0 1
A19106 We should legalize prostitution in favor of legal and regulated prostitution would protect sex workers from violence and poor health outcomes. 0 0 1
A19110 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading can cause rapid fluctuations in the stock market that are far beyond human control and no safeguards are implemented to stop them as well as giving unfair advantage to large-scale traders. 0 0 1
A19113 We should legalize prostitution in favor of we should legalize prostitution so that women as a whole are taught that their place in society is simply as a commodity to be used by someone with more money 0 1 1
A19178 We should adopt libertarianism in favor of libertarianism frees citizens and business owners from expensive regulations 0 0 1
A19188 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime would help to get our country back on a solid financial footing. 1 0 1
A19273 We should limit executive compensation in favor of Executive compensation should be limited so that those who are at the bottom can make more money. 0 0 1
A19274 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of we should ban algorithmic trading because theres is scientic advance 1 0 1
A19279 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of intellectual property right stop innovation and progress by not allowing general development of an idea by others who may deserve that opportunity 1 0 1
A19313 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of it gives more people an opportunity to improve a product already on that market without worrying about copyright infringement. 1 1 1
A19373 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of "algorithmic trading gives an unfair advantage to those who have access to such technology and results in losses for the ""little guy""." 1 0 1
A19435 We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of scientology is an evil cult that is sustained by stealing from its acolytes large sums of money in exchange for nothing 0 1 1
A19437 We should subsidize space exploration in favor of space exploration advances the frontiers of mankind, and could well discover new resources that will be invaluable due to the depletion of those on earth. 1 0 1
A19445 We should legalize organ trade in favor of a human being at death can help others to live and through organ trade help their families live 0 0 1
A19457 We should legalize organ trade in favor of Organs, as part of our bodies, are our property and should not be regulated by the government; we should be free to sell them on an open market. 0 0 1
A19460 We should legalize prostitution in favor of Legalization of prostitution will save millions of dollars in state resources that are currently spent cracking completely harmless small time prostitutes. 0 0 1
A19481 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of if someone can still work they should be allowed. it will cause less strain on social security. 1 0 1
A19484 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of it's about getting the deficit down and engaging in austerity regime, the overall impact on the economy is positive in the short term 0 1 1
A19496 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of Allowing cosmetic surgery for minors creates more risk for doctors and therefore more frivolous lawsuits and money spent on malpractice insurance. This is bad for the healthcare system overall. 0 0 1
A20037 We should subsidize journalism in favor of every journalist should be able to report the news regardless of whether they have the monetary means to do so or not. 1 0 1
A20053 We should limit executive compensation in favor of we should limit executive compensation because it only helps the rich 1 0 1
A20072 We should adopt libertarianism in favor of government today has way too much influence in our daily lives; libertarianism seeks to reduce said interference, while possibly also reducing the amount of money the government spends. 0 0 1
A20105 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading should be banned as the software can be hacked by criminals. 1 0 1
A20141 We should subsidize student loans in favor of providing help in paying student loans will lift a financial burden off of students and allow them to become more indepedent. 1 0 1
A20142 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of Algorithmic trading causes substantial job loss for employees in the economic sector with few benefits to the market overall. 0 0 1
A20147 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading may be an artificial manipulation of the market. 1 0 1
A20190 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of adopting an austerity regime is necessary when our country is struggling, it is the only was to ensure a flourishing economy in the future. ending the debt ensures our country does not collapse. 0 0 1
A20222 We should subsidize student loans in favor of Able students are afraid to continue education due to the prohibitive cost of loans, these students could be the answer to curing cancer etc. We need to ensure no one misses out because of cost. 1 0 1
A20332 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of we should abolish this because it hinders smaller businesses into growing from the beginning and outright stops competition. 1 0 1
A20337 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading removes the human element of common sense from trading patterns, which has caused many wild mini-crashes and market fluctuations. 1 0 1
A20351 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of We should adopt an austerity regime because the debt to gdp ratio threatens the future stability of the country 0 0 1
A20357 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions affect the poor more than the tyrants 0 0 1
A20365 We should legalize prostitution in favor of legalisation of prostitution would provide a certain level of protection for the sex worker who will not need to work 'underground', and should be safer. 0 0 1
A20367 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime would save money for the country. 0 0 1
A20378 We should subsidize journalism in favor of Subsidizing journalism will enable higher salaries be paid to journalists and ensure we keep good, talented newspeople reporting the news. 1 0 1
A20383 We should limit executive compensation in favor of we should limit executive compensation because it will lead to having to pay taxes at the highest tier 1 0 1
A20429 We should limit executive compensation in favor of limiting executive compensation would allow more money to go to employees. 0 0 1
A21166 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of we could not support economic sanctions as it only hurts both countries financially in the long run. 0 0 1
A21180 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of the national debt is out of control and only by implementing austerity measures will we be able to reduce the budget deficit and guarantee the country's future. 1 0 1
A21228 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of we should end mandatory retirement these days people need to work longer to afford to live because of inflation. 0 0 1
A21340 We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of autonomous cars will never become reality. we need to stop wasting money on this and instead work towards better safety and technology in regular cars. 0 0 1
A21358 We should subsidize journalism in favor of Subsidizing journalism increases journalist pay, allowing for better journalism. 1 0 1
A21365 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of they are a waste of money, building hype for a short event. money will be better spent elsewhere 0 0 1
A21366 We should oppose collectivism in favor of collectivism provides no incentive for people to work hard because they have no opportunity to become wealthy. 1 0 1
A21402 We should legalize organ trade in favor of Organ sales can raise many people out of poverty, providing them with more opportunities. 1 0 1
A21414 We should subsidize space exploration in favor of we need to find a new planet with resources before we use ours up, putting more into space exploration would help accomplish this. 1 0 1
A21426 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of when everything else fails the government should be allowed to curb all superfluous spending within. 1 1 1
A21439 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of this form of trading removes the human element which can have dangerous consequences. 1 0 1
A21440 We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of to keep it as a source of information and because it does not receive funding it ought to be subsidized 0 0 1
A21465 We should legalize organ trade in favor of financial incentives should be available for live donors and the families of the dead donors. 0 0 1
A21476 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of to being a country back to a good financial position, austerity is often the only way forward to balance the books. 0 0 1
A21496 We should adopt libertarianism in favor of We should adopt libertarianism because taxation is theft, since it forces people to work for free. 0 0 1
A22075 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of financial trading is already a destructive and unethical sector of the economy and allowing algorithmic trading does not make it any less so. 1 0 1
A22093 We should subsidize student loans in favor of it is important that student loans are granted, because it helps you increase your quality of life and your economic potential 1 0 1
A22100 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of we should adopt an austerity regime because it would help to reduce unnecessary spending 0 1 1
A22108 We should limit executive compensation in favor of executives shouldn't be the only ones to get compensation and if that's the case then no one should get any to make it more fair to the rest of the employees. 0 0 1
A22116 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of we should ban algorithmic trading because is difficult in some economics 1 0 1
A22147 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of the use of economic sanctions should be ended because it is important to keep a good relationship with the countries we trade with. 0 1 1
A22153 We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of we should abolish the three strikes law. it doesn't deter crime and it is expensive to implement because it means more people will be prison for life. taxpayers don't deserve to pay for that. 1 0 1
A22169 We should legalize sex selection in favor of allowing sex selection would alleviate the depression faced by mother's who truly wanted one gender over another. 0 0 1
A22178 We should legalize prostitution in favor of legalizing prostitution would allow for regulations and benefits that would help sex workers via offering protection with rights granted to legal employment as well as financial prosperity. 1 0 1
A22238 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime will help the european economy get out of a recession. 1 0 1
A22239 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of intellectual property rights eliminate competition which causes higher prices 1 0 1
A22242 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of we should abolish intellectual property rights because new ideas are often an extension of old ideas and intellectual property rights can therefore inhibit creativity. 0 0 1
A22260 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of Many people that are forced into retirement often do not have the means of supporting themselves financially, and so either turn to part time, low-wage work or welfare to sustain themselves. 0 0 1
A22266 We should legalize organ trade in favor of if someone is willing to sell an organ that should be their right 0 0 1
A22349 We should ban telemarketing in favor of telemarketing is a nuisance that antagonises potential customers of a business 0 0 1
A22377 We should ban factory farming in favor of factory farming takes away jobs from people who know no other work. 1 0 1
A22383 We should legalize prostitution in favor of prostitution is a means for low income or low skills people to earn extra money to get by. 1 0 1
A22391 We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of it needs money and is used by many people. 1 0 1
A22398 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of Mandatory retirement should not be allowed because many people can't live off of their pensions and need to keep working. 1 0 1
A22406 We should oppose collectivism in favor of with collectivism, there is less motivation to do more difficult jobs as everything has a similar pay. 1 0 1
A22419 We should limit executive compensation in favor of the executives already earn enough money to give more incentives, those incentives have to go to steps below where they are necessary 0 0 1
A22443 We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of Three strikes laws are expensive because they increase how long people are incarcerated which must be paid for by tax payers. 0 0 1
A22449 We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of Three strikes laws lead to more people being put in jail which ends up being a burden on tax-payers and federal funding. 0 0 1
A22481 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of we should abolish the olympic games since it puts a huge financial strain on the hosting country. much money is spent on infrastructure that can be abandoned after the games are over. 0 0 1
A22492 We should legalize organ trade in favor of Organs are a form of property and people should be allowed to sell their property if they want to. 1 0 1
A22500 We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of school uniforms are unflattering, uncomfortable, and expensive. 0 0 1
A23024 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading is unfair to the market 0 0 1
A23030 We should limit executive compensation in favor of workers would be more motivated to do a good job if they were compensated more instead of giving the executives so much 1 0 1
A23038 We should subsidize student loans in favor of subsidizing student loans lets the students work in their classes not at jobs to pay for their education 1 0 1
A23047 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of intellectual properties allow large corporations to have monopolies over their products and restrict the free market. 1 0 1
A23060 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading will destroy traditional trading occupations. 1 0 1
A23078 We should legalize cannabis in favor of cannabis legalization is a lucrative revenue source 1 0 1
A23085 We should legalize prostitution in favor of some women need the income to provide for their children and themselves 1 0 1
A23101 We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of autonomous cars will destroy millions of jobs of truck and taxi drivers. 0 0 1
A23133 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games have become prohibitively expensive to host. it is not worth spending billions for an event that is two weeks long. 0 0 1
A23142 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading is unfair to investors who are trying to invest hard earned money as a second income 0 0 1
A23173 We should ban cosmetic surgery in favor of cosmetic surgery is a frivolous waste of resources and should be banned. it takes medical time away from those in need. cosmetic surgery promotes vanity and self absorption. 0 0 1
A23237 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of as a last ditch effort the government should be allowed to cut programs and spending to stabilize the economy to prevent failing. 1 0 1
A23240 We should subsidize student loans in favor of the new generations need the opportunity to advance in their preparation, that is why if they do not have the means and the state does not provide free education then it should promote means such as loans. 1 0 1
A23331 We should subsidize student loans in favor of we should subsidize students loans so that more kids can get a better education, they are the future after all and we will need doctors, engineers, scientists, etc. 1 0 1
A23333 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the games serve no positive purpose. there are world games and high level competitions in most sports which make the olympics obsolete. they are also a financial albatross to the country that holds them. 0 0 1
A23363 We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of nuclear weapons are expensive to maintain 0 0 1
A23366 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of we should have free and open discourse of all ideas. intellectual property prevents this and stunts our collective growth. 1 0 1
A23393 We should abolish zoos in favor of zoo's are horrid places that keep animals in tiny cages and then charges the public high prices to see them. 0 0 1
A23395 We should subsidize student loans in favor of student loan debt is an enormous pressure on working people, and should be subsidized. 1 0 1
A23407 We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of it is basically a cult that steals money from naive people. 0 0 1
A23421 We should legalize prostitution in favor of this is a profession that has been going on for thousands of years so we should finally recognize it as a real job for women 1 0 1
A23454 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime helps to balance the nation's budget and reduce national debt. 0 0 1
A23456 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of Austerity regime is important for maintaining only important spending from government when their is lack of economic growth in the country. It helps in cutting useless spending and revitalize the economy 1 0 1
A23471 We should legalize prostitution in favor of some women have no other way to support themselves and their children 1 0 1
A23494 We should subsidize space exploration in favor of space exploration may be of tremendous benefit to mankind but isn't practical for private enterprise to fund because of the enormous costs involved 1 0 1
A24011 We should legalize prostitution in favor of legitimate prostitutes as in those not forced into the trade are hurting no one and simply providing pleasure at a cost. pleasure that some people can't get obtain any other way. 0 0 1
A24016 We should legalize cannabis in favor of legalized cannabis can be more closely regulated and taxed. it makes it safer than illegal weed and helps provide tax dollars. 1 1 1
A24019 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games are a hugely expensive enterprise to host, and history is littered with countries left financially broken in the aftermath. 0 0 1
A24049 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading has been reported as one of the main causes of the greatest fall in the dow in decades 1 0 1
A24154 We should limit executive compensation in favor of the people doing the real work are the regular associates and executives shouldn't get rewarded for someone else's work 0 0 1
A24157 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of Algorithmic trading will put many stock brokers and analysts out of business. 1 0 1
A24160 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of adopting an austerity regime is the best way for the country to reduce its huge debt 1 0 1
A24175 We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of Nuclear weapons are an expensive to build and maintain. These resources could be put to better use. 1 0 1
A24220 We should legalize prostitution in favor of by legalizing prostitution we would be making it safer for the prostitute by taking control away from the violent crime organizations 0 0 1
A24240 We should legalize cannabis in favor of it will stop people from buying the drug from the streets, it will also mean that regulations are put in place to ensure the quality of the drug is safe to use, it will also increase tax revenue. 0 1 1
A24278 We should legalize cannabis in favor of legal marijuana can add millions of dollars in federal taxes paid by cannabis businesses 0 0 1
A24311 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of they are expensive to whoever hosts them 0 0 1
A24366 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading is unfair because traders with faster computers and better connections to the market will have an advantage over others. 1 0 1
A24370 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of we should ban algorithmic trading because algorithms don't always work and will cause people to lose a lot of money 1 0 1
A24372 We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of nuclear weapons are an exhorbitantly costly defence strategy that will never be used, just a deterrant at a huge price. 0 0 1
A24398 We should legalize prostitution in favor of women should have the right to decide what to do with their body and that should include being able to sell it. 0 0 1
A24420 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithimic trading, which to all intents and purposes is nothing more than ai-enabled gambling, makes a volatile, destructive and unethical trade even more so. 0 0 1
A24475 We should legalize cannabis in favor of people buy cannabis regardless of whether it is legal or not, so we might as well tax it to make extra money 0 0 1
A24478 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of we should end it because it puts restrictions on countries and this way we can freely trade. 1 0 1
A24495 We should ban targeted killing in favor of we should ban targeted killing as it is an unfair advantage to those that do not have the same equipment. 1 0 1
A25097 We should legalize organ trade in favor of Organ sales creates an incentive for people to remain healthy so they can sell their organs. 0 0 1
A25170 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime allows us to save money when it is needed. 0 0 1
A25184 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of this would perhaps help with our countries debt crisis. 0 0 1
A25185 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of olympic games cost a lot of money for the host city to organise and the money could be spent better elsewhere 0 0 1
A25266 We should legalize prostitution in favor of people can make a living from prostitution 0 0 1
A25417 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime is the most effective weapon in our arsenal to combat the economic issues we're facing 0 0 1
A26056 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of spiralling national debt is unsustainable in the longer term, and the only way to begin reversing this for future generations is to adobt an approach of austerity, no matter how painful. 1 0 1
A27066 We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of automated cars will displace a lot of people working today and a lot of people will need to be retrained for other jobs. (if they exist.) 0 0 1
A27070 We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of Three-strike laws lead to expensive trials. Three-strike offenders will demand a court trial rather than accept a plea bargain (which costs a fraction of the price of a full-blown trial). 0 0 1
A27071 We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of The cost of developing nuclear weapons in developing states drains cash from infrastructure, education, and welfare funds which hurts the population as a whole. 0 0 1
A27087 We should abolish capital punishment in favor of capital punishment takes too long and has a long appeal process costing taxpayers money. 1 0 1
A27091 We should subsidize journalism in favor of Subsidizing journalism decreases the need for profit seeking and competition because the state will pay for most of the costs. 0 0 1
A27094 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of a person's value should not be based on a number. just because you reach a certain age does not mean you do not want or need to work. mandatory retirement hurts elderly workers. 1 0 1
A27115 We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of school uniforms are often used as a money making exercise by schools, where they inflate the price and parents have no choice but to pay. 0 0 1
A27116 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of the current national debt is unsustainable and will lead to the collapse of our whole government unless we do something about it. we need to adopt austerity programs immediately to save our country. 1 0 1
A27131 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of it is a good way to control overspending and accumulating more debt 0 0 1
A27148 We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of it is a valuable resource so a subsidy would help by allowing the website to produce and edit more quality articles 1 0 1
A27159 We should abolish capital punishment in favor of capital punishment is barbaric, ties up a lot of resources, and doesn't really act as a deterrent to major crimes. 0 0 1
A27160 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of the government is putting us more and more into debt with wasteful spending and no real boundaries to it. 0 0 1
A27181 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of mandatory retirement is unfair to people who need a job when social security cannot pay the bills 0 0 1
A27190 We should legalize prostitution in favor of women are going to sell their bodies, so why not make it legal so they can do it properly, pay taxes on their income and hopefully stay clean. 0 0 1
A27208 We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of forcing parents to buy a whole separate wardrobe of often overpriced, synthetic fiber clothing is an unnecessary expense that can really harm poorer families 0 0 1
A27214 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of i believe we should adopt an austerity regime because our government has a tremendous debt and has proven over time that they are not capable to reducing the national debt. 0 0 1
A27222 We should subsidize student loans in favor of student loans should be subsidized because no human being should start their adult life off with thousands of dollars in debt, it's not fair 0 0 1
A27249 We should legalize cannabis in favor of it would stop people being locked up for possession and it would generate revenue 0 0 1
A27297 We should limit executive compensation in favor of executive compensation can be come out of control. 0 0 1
A27302 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of to be able to provide a stable economy, an austerity regime is necessary to operate on a balanced budget. 0 0 1
A27346 We should subsidize space exploration in favor of space mining could help us find valuable minerals that are useful 0 0 1
A27357 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of olympic games often make unnecessary expenses that could be used for other causes 0 0 1
A27371 We should legalize prostitution in favor of prostitution is a noble work for women finding it hard to secure a job in this world becoming more and more hard and difficult 1 0 1
A27374 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games are a huge waste of money to the host countries. they spend large amounts of money to build places that are never used again. 0 0 1
A27418 We should subsidize journalism in favor of newspapers are dying and need the support. 1 0 1
A27419 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of ending these sanctions will boost the target country's economy 0 0 1
A27440 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of mandatory retirement should be abolished as lifespans increase and older people are more able and active than ever, making the old retirement ages useless. 0 0 1
A27443 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime allows for the restructuring of economic for a country which can provide financial benefits. 1 1 1
A27452 We should subsidize student loans in favor of student loans should be subsidized to allow thos students from poorer backgrounds to get a good education and improve themselves 1 0 1
A27486 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of The cost of training new employees can be incredibly high, and policies of mandatory retirement force businesses to waste their fungible resources rather than keeping competent older individuals employed. 1 0 1
A28030 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions will hit poorer people in the affected country more than politicians. 0 0 1
A28039 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of An austerity regime is very important during economically stressful times. 0 0 1
A28061 We should ban human cloning in favor of we need to spend money on people who are already alive and need help before we create new ones 0 0 1
A28065 We should ban private military companies in favor of military contractors take work away from our own troops, which the government already spends a great deal on. 0 0 1
A28073 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of it is important to be sensible and restrained with public spending and ensure that a country lives within its means and maintains a solid balance of resources. 0 0 1
A28131 We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of The material used to build bombs, radioactive and otherwise, could be used for industrial purposes, creating jobs and generally strengthening the economy. 0 0 1
A28149 We should legalize cannabis in favor of Legalizing cannabis would allow the authorities to control the quality and strength of the product making it safer to use and could also collect tax from the sale. 1 1 1
A28230 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of we need to find a way for the government to pay its debt 0 0 1
A28314 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of A worker should not be forced to retire if he feels he can still adequately produce for his employer. 1 0 1
A28392 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games put too much of a financial strain on host cities so they should be done away with 0 0 1
A28420 We should legalize prostitution in favor of it allows control of the industry including paying of taxes and checks for stis 0 1 1
A28440 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games are a big business where the only winners are the big capitalists 0 0 1
A28451 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions affect the workers of the sanctioned countries and not the leaders 0 0 1
A28453 We should legalize cannabis in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana will add billions to the economy, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and save limited police resources 0 0 1
A28465 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of people should be able to work as long as they want to. 0 0 1
A29031 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of we are all responsible for doing our part in getting the books back in the black 0 0 1
A29035 We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games are a waste of money and time and should be abolished 0 0 1
A29071 We should oppose collectivism in favor of Capitalism has empirically been shown to improve technology and drive innovation at a greater pace than economic systems that rely on collectivist practices. 1 0 1
A29111 We should subsidize student loans in favor of student loans are so unreasonibly expensive we need to help students with them. 0 0 1
A29131 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading is unfair and used to disrupt the real economy 0 0 1
A29168 We should legalize organ trade in favor of the marketing of organs could take a positive step since there are many people who die young of brain deaths could family members sell their organs would be something positive 0 0 1
A29200 We should adopt libertarianism in favor of in practicing libertarianism we would adopt philosophical and financial customs that would improve our quality of life 1 0 1
A29229 We should ban cosmetic surgery in favor of banning cosmetic surgery and obligatory because is harming our health and is not supportive from main western doctors. cosmetic surgery is all about money and nothing else. 0 0 1
A29235 We should subsidize student loans in favor of college is not affordable anymore. an education can cost more than a home. paying money to some student loan bills allow graduates to prosper, buying homes and cars and supporting the economy. 1 1 1
A29248 We should limit executive compensation in favor of PROFITS FROM A COMPANY SHOULD BE DIVIDED BETWEEN ALL WORKERS NOT JUST MANAGMENT 1 1 1
A29277 We should legalize prostitution in favor of Legalizing prostitution would increase tax revenue for the government. 0 0 1
A29294 We should adopt libertarianism in favor of libertarianism is the maximum expression of freedom. the state should not be the one who decrees the way of life of citizens. libertarianism brings human, professional and economic growth 1 0 1
A29396 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of some people are capable of working way beyond the retirement age and should be able to work and increase their retirement funds as long as they ant. 1 0 1
A29470 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of some people are not ready to retire at the mandatory age and want to keep working 1 0 1
A30023 We should limit executive compensation in favor of executive compensation should be limited because it can be taxed as income 1 0 1
A30034 We should legalize prostitution in favor of prostitution should be legalized as this will allow women to be able to earn money from their services in a more safe way without worry about prosecution. 0 0 1
A30038 We should ban factory farming in favor of it would make prices lower for consumers 0 0 1
A30150 We should limit executive compensation in favor of executive compensation has to be limited to permit the company to show a profit 1 0 1
A30207 We should ban telemarketing in favor of telemarketers exist only to scam people out of their money. they lie and use dishonest marketing tactics to get consumers to bend to their will. 0 0 1
A30314 We should oppose collectivism in favor of collectivism does not allow for individual enterprise and it stifles entrepreneurism. 1 0 1
A30320 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of we as a nation have been able to spend and borrow far too freely and that has caused nationally. 0 0 1
A30381 We should legalize prostitution in favor of we should legalize prostitution because freedom should be absolute. if i wish to make money having sex, i should have that right. having it legal will reduce the violence and increase safety. 0 0 1
D01053 India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country in favor of Data localization laws result in the setting up of multiple data centers locally. This will create many jobs and will help the country’s economy immensely. It will also drive innovation in the field resulting in low-cost solutions. 0 0 1
D01055 India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country in favor of India is a big consumer market for many foreign companies. So, India and other developing countries are realizing the economic value of the data and the importance of data localization. With data localization, domestic companies and the country’s economy will be benefited. And we can also ensure the security of the data. 0 0 1
D01056 India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country in favor of Data is considered a ‘new form of wealth’. Generally, companies use data to understand the requirements of consumers and also to influence their behavior. New products can be developed by analyzing the data to meet the needs of consumers. So the data has an economic value. In general, developed countries are utilizing this opportunity with their well-developed infrastructure. 1 0 1
D01081 Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act in favor of Political funding is believed to be the fountainhead of corruption. The citizens have the right to know where the political parties are raising these funds from, how they spend these funds, and the basis of their decisions. Crony capitalism will be hugely curbed if political parties are brought under RTI Act. 0 0 1
D01094 We should subsidize higher education institutions in favor of Though we have been establishing national-level institutes for the past 40 years, we haven’t been investing to maintain their standards. Funds are needed for quality education. Even the top Indian institutes lack proper infrastructure, labs, resources, etc. And even whatever is available is just for the sake of passing the students in the examination and sitting idle the rest of the time. 1 0 1
D01111 We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme in favor of Variable pay definitely increases the productivity of employees. High-performing individuals feel well-compensated and rewarded for their efforts, while the under-performing ones also feel motivated to improve. 1 0 1
D01112 We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme in favor of In variable pay schemes, the employees feel content and motivated with their work. They feel that they are an active part of the organization, the organization recognizes them as a part of its growth and values their efforts. 1 0 1
D02015 We should forbid neo-banks in favor of Tech literacy is still very low in India. Traditional banks can meet the banking requirements of less tech-savvy customers or people in rural areas of the country who prefer face-to-face interaction with the manager. 1 0 1
D02071 We should stop using cash in favor of A cashless economy saves so much money for governments because printing money, and sending the money to banks requires money and human resources. The need to purchase or rent land for ATMs will also be eliminated. International payments will also be easier because there is no need to exchange currency. 0 0 1
D27092 There should be a ban on Bandhs in favor of Industries are also one of the worst hits. Investors may lose interest to invest in manufacturing sector as bandh by anyone results in the loss to them. 1 0 1
E01020 Companies should pay for the environmental damage cause by their products in favor of If all costs, including CO2 emissions of the production, the extraction of resources and its consequences for the region (environment and humans), ecosystem damage, recycling of the waste, and so on and so forth would be monetized and internalized in the costs of the products, many of our problems would be solved. It would simply make the more environmentally friendly products cheaper than the others and their production economically smarter. 1 0 1
E01060 Intensive livestock farming should disappear in favor of The current subsidies with a modular system of incentives should be replaced, as that empowers farmers to choose environmentally, socially, and financially responsible and sustainable solutions that are already available - like natural sequence farming, regenerative agriculture, permaculture, etc. 1 0 1
E01061 Intensive livestock farming should disappear in favor of In Germany, 60% of the land is used for animal feed. In determining how much subsidy a holding receives, the area of the holding is decisive. In other words, a lot of land, a large amount of subsidy. This results in cheap animal feed and, ultimately, intensive livestock farming. Thus, if the state subsidises animal feed and livestock farming on the basis of their size and not on the basis of sustainability and animal welfare, the concept of intensive livestock farming will be supported. 1 0 1
E02009 Cohesion funds should be provided directly to cities and regions in favor of The cohesion funds have become a mechanism for local oligarchs and political elites to maintain their power and influence within national contexts, thus resulting in utilizing EU funds for their own personal or political gains and withholding the benefits from the people in cities and regions. 0 0 1
E02010 Cohesion funds should be provided directly to cities and regions in favor of An increased percentage of funds dedicated to cities and regions that are controlled and distributed from the EU institutions directly to the local administrations can bypass the national systems which enable the political dependency in the first place. 0 0 1
E02011 Equal pay for equal work should apply as a principle in the country in which you work, regardless of where you come from in favor of This will add to the transparency and fair competition. Insincere employers shouldn't have an advantage, and in essence, it would be beneficial for all EU members, not just the workers. 0 0 1
E02017 Immigrants should integrate through work in favor of I work on a programme in Ireland to help migrants, refugees and asylum seekers get employment and integrate. The qualifications, skills, experience and resilience they bring is amazing and so valuable to employers and the country. There is far too much focus on negative aspects of migration, much of it based on incorrect stereotypes. Migration brings lots of positives to countries but we need to be open to them. 1 0 1
E02029 Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs in favor of Working in sectors in ample need of workers, such as the agricultural fields, will help to integrate immigrants once their situation has been legalized. And above all, education is needed, an intensive integration education both in the language (of course) and also culture: history, philosophy, literature, etc. 1 0 1
E02049 The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens in favor of Europe is more than rich enough to welcome many immigrants and if they are permitted to work, they will even generate their own income and benefits for the country they arrive in. 1 0 1
E02058 We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment in favor of Across the EU, young people are continuing to face a number of significant challenges to enter and get a stable position in the labor market. They do not easily obtain good quality jobs with decent wages and are still faced with significant exclusion from regular employment, good-quality education, training opportunities as well as adequate inclusion and coverage in the national social protection systems. Young women and migrants are particularly affected. So we need a fairer migration policy but also consider migrant needs (and challenges) in other policy areas. 1 0 1
E02060 We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment in favor of In the EU labor market we will need more workers from outside Europe to continue the level of economic activities we are planning. 1 0 1
E03003 The European Union should implement a EU wide carbon tax in favor of Yes, and it should be payed out to every citizen of the EU. Those people with a lower CO2 footprint - typically lower income family - would greatly benefit from it and be incentivized to invest in cleaner energy, heating etc. 0 0 1
E03039 We need integrated rail transport systems, agreements between various railway operators and a simple and accessible search engine in favor of This would help to plan the most efficient and economical itinerary 1 0 1
E03040 The European Union should implement a EU wide carbon tax in favor of Yes, but the tax should be progressive per capita. This will ensure that we tax mostly overuse of resources and avoid increasing wealth inequality of the poor. 0 0 1
E04112 Humanitarian organizations should be financially responsible in relation to illegal immigration. in favor of A humanitarian association that helps a migrant to enter the EU illegally, should be required to provide financial support in dignified conditions. 0 0 1
E04121 We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. in favor of Our Europe continent is in debt and doesn't have the resources to care for people who have never paid taxes and continue to disregard our laws! We have enough poor people in Europe already and we need to take care of them! 0 0 1
E05002 The EU should focus more on ensuring the success of the internal market, and on improving its competitiveness in favor of Whenever you find yourself in crisis, and the EU is in crisis, it is a good idea to return to core business. And in the case of the EU, the core business is economy, trade, and security. That's where the focus should be. 1 0 1
E05004 The EU should focus more on ensuring the success of the internal market, and on improving its competitiveness in favor of The Covid-19 pandemic showed us that the European Union is not able to come up with technological innovations that could strengthen our economic position. 1 1 1
E05005 The EU should implement a common pension fund in favor of The EU has some rules on how social security systems are coordinated (Regulation 883/2004/EC). EU rules ensure that the pension rights accrued in each country are added together and paid out by the pension insurance institution of the Member State of affiliation. But the bureaucratic nightmare is probably just as guaranteed. A better solution would be a transparent and digital platform that collects pension entitlements from all EU member states. That way, every citizen would have an overview of his or her pension entitlements at all times, not just until when they are due. 0 1 1
E05010 The EU should equalize the retirement age for all Europeans. in favor of The standardized retirement age would not only be fairer in an open market, but it would also (and even more so in the future) prevent any complexities with being paid their retirement for those who have made their contributions in different Member States throughout their lives. Even though there is to be at least a central system for this (a step in the right direction), one will only receive a share of one's retirement from a particular Member State once one reaches the retirement age of that Member State. 1 0 1
E05012 The EU should improve public management and anti-corruption mechanisms in favor of Bad governance, unreasonable spending, and corruption are damaging and unsustainable which means, we can't afford to leave them alone if we want to have a future. 0 1 1
E05013 The EU should improve public management and anti-corruption mechanisms in favor of The EU needs to focus on simplifying and standardizing European processes and procedures associated with public management and creating efficient and effective anti-corruption mechanisms. This will reduce the financial resources to be made available to the most relevant areas of intervention at the EU, country, and regional Levels. 1 0 1
E05020 Food health and industry companies should be located within the EU in favor of It will bring the EU more jobs, less unemployment, and more added value. 1 0 1
E05034 The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders. in favor of In order to promote European peace, prosperity, and precious diversity, a different administration system is needed: a federal Europe, based on a democratic federal constitution instead of anarchy-provoking EU treaties. 0 0 1
E05101 EU countries should slightly reduce health insurance contributions for all citizens who do not use tobacco products in favor of I think increasing taxes on tobacco could do a similar thing. But then we would also have to increase the contributions to health insurance for people who overeat sugar, use sunbeds, etc., to be fair. 0 0 1
E05115 The EU needs a more rational Green Policy in favor of It shouldn't be the European families who pay for the damage caused by multinational corporations. 0 0 1
E05116 The EU needs a more rational Green Policy in favor of Raising prices in the energy sector cannot be the solution in the fight against climate change. The European Commission allows international firms to increase their prices, and as a result, household costs are rising at an incredible rate. The EU should definitely revoke these decisions, and instead of placing the burden on its own citizens, it should instead support them to lead a more sustainable way of life. The green transition should not be a heavy burden borne on the average citizen’s shoulders 0 0 1
E05120 We need to move towards drug reform, which will change our outdated drug policy. in favor of Tax revenues generated by cannabis could be redirected towards education in poor neighborhoods (increasing teachers' pay in these areas, reducing the number of teachers per class) in order to give these populations a better future. But unlike in the Netherlands, production should also be legal and highly regulated by the state. 1 0 1
E05126 The EU needs a European research center in favor of During the pandemic, the EU was unable to produce a vaccine on its own, mainly due to the fact that not enough money is invested in research within its different member states. Gathering the strength of the 27 member states in research and health could be a real asset for the EU and its citizens, but also for its influence overseas and its independence. 0 1 1
E05145 The EU needs a European research center in favor of I think the problem in the EU is the incompetence to establish inventions in the market. There are lots of inventions that are made and funded by public EU research facilities brought into the market by small startups. In the end, they are picked like ripe fruits by the US or Chinese companies where the big money is made. 1 0 1
E05154 Public transport in EU cities should be free in favor of I think the EU should subsidies troubled cash-strapped cities to reduce ticket prices or completely remove any charges so that people are vivisected to hop on the bus rather than in the car. As I student, I would have been in the city center a lot more and spent money around the shops if I could afford the bus fair in the first place. 0 0 1
E06064 Every human has the right to receive reliable information about the movement and distribution of public funds in favor of We pay taxes and we have the right to see where our money goes. It’s very easy to implement through an online platform same as digital banking, but for the state. This will stamp out corruption and thereby free up a huge amount of money that we can spend on the needs of the population. 0 0 1
E07157 The European Union has no other choice than to reject all immigration, except for workers they need. in favor of Africa and the Middle East have the highest birthrate in the World. Africa has up to 7 children per woman. The EU has 1,55. It is this high birthrate that keeps them poor. There is almost nothing the EU can do about it. 1 1 1
E07180 There should be better EU relations with Russia in favor of Distance is very important when trading. Security is even more important in relation to distance. It is without thought to escalate conflict and it is not in the interest of Europe. Russia has centuries of history with European allies. It is in the interest of Europe to not leave Russia solely to China. We can all prosper. 0 0 1
E07239 Serbia should join the EU. in favor of The EU should continue its enlargement to the Western Balkans to further its own interests, and to bring stability and prosperity to the region. Serbia should have joined long ago. 0 0 1
E07276 The EU will dissolve within 10 years unless reformed in favor of Large bureaucratic organizations such as the EU are the product of the industrial age and unfortunately, without significant reforms, they will not survive the digital age. The digital age leads to decentralization and cost-efficiency such as a decentralized flow of information (e.g. Internet) and money (e.g. Bitcoin) without the need for centralized control which is very expensive to maintain (i.e. EU). 1 0 1
E08001 The EU should extend the model of Pooling & Sharing European military resources beyond air transport. in favor of Pooling & Sharing increases the size, availability, the diversity of specific military resources but decreases their global cost at the same time 1 0 1