Well last Friday when we had the quiz , he was about to collect them , and I realized I had an addition mistake in my Gauss - Jordan , which was why my checking of the matrices did n't come out correctly . I asked him if he could pick up mine last ( I was the first one that he picks up ) because I found a simple mistake . He just told me to put " mistake " there and he will overlook it . Well he did n't .
Why was someone about to collect the quizzes ?
None of the above choices .
Because the quiz was over .
Because I realized I had an addition mistake .
Because my checking of the matrices did n't come out correctly .
Sad . But hey , at least she can remember how to find my call phone number , and that I live on the West Coast , in LA . That 's better than the people who called me before 7:30 this morning because they forgot that I lived in LA and was 3 hours behind now . But aside from that , yay for today .
What may have caused them to call you at 7:30 this morning ?
Something urgent happened in LA .
They did n't know I lived in a different timezone .
I was meeting them in the three hours .
They were waking me up this morning .
I was a little nervous about having her in the house , and worried that she 'd get stuck under or in the sofa , or some other catastrophe would strike . Even now , I wake up in the middle of the night and poke her to make sure she 's not dead . I have little patience for other people 's drama right now , and I fear I have n't been the sympathetic ear that I should be . For that , my friends , I apologize , but I needed to be on the receiving end for a while . Of course , that just means that more people chose this time to have Super Special Tantrums !
What would happen if she did n't have to worry about her niece staying over ?
She would n't be able to sleep without poking something .
She would have time for other peoples drama .
She would wonder if the niece sould crawl unfer the furniture or get stuck someplace .
None of the above choices .
I was a little nervous about having her in the house , and worried that she 'd get stuck under or in the sofa , or some other catastrophe would strike . Even now , I wake up in the middle of the night and poke her to make sure she 's not dead . I have little patience for other people 's drama right now , and I fear I have n't been the sympathetic ear that I should be . For that , my friends , I apologize , but I needed to be on the receiving end for a while . Of course , that just means that more people chose this time to have Super Special Tantrums !
What would happen if she did n't have to worry about her niece staying over ?
She would n't be able to sleep without poking something .
None of the above choices .
She would be able to lend a sympathetic ear .
She would wonder if the niece sould crawl unfer the furniture or get stuck someplace .
! I use the Gloria Jeans one , and now I only have to pay $ 3.30 for my regular cup ( which is about 400ml ) . I also have the frequent customers card , so when I drink 10 cups of coffee , I will get one free , which makes my coffee $ 3.00 each time ! ! The priviledge of committing myself faithfully to one coffee provider is huge ... !
Why does the writer use the frequent customers card ?
To get coffee for $ 3.30
None of the above choices .
To be able to buy 400ml cups of coffee
To be able to drink 10 cups of coffee
Rook is snoring and peaceful . Cats as i mentioned are all over me . I want to cry for no reason and read snippets out of books and jump around and write crazyass poetry and drink some tequila and type till I pass out into this blog , quotes from the most beautiful books , complaints & celebrations , melancholy & nostalgia for bloggings - past .
Why do you want to do all of these things ?
I want to find something to stop the cats from hanging around me so i can have some peace and quiet
None of the above choices .
I am having a bout of creativity and want to express myself as much as possible , it 's a manic response
I am bored and am thinking of things I could do to pass the time
Jules said , looking down at himself . " I try ... " That did n't make sense , but he did n't want it to . It was a non - committal response , intended to stop a train of conversation for the sake of saving his dignity .
What might Jules have done after trying to stop the conversation ?
He might have continued the conversation by leaving or asking us to stop .
He might have stopped the conversation by staying or talking .
He might have stopped the conversation by leaving or asking us to stop .
He might have continued the conversation by staying and talking .
Upon arriving in school I headed straight to Arena to somehow catch my friend there and deliver a requested material for him . Around lunch time before heading out to Chiggy 's with Reckless I met with an old friend , well I guess I think of her as a friend ? , and returned a 2 - 3 year old book . I managed to invite her to eat along with us , and we tried the jumbo liempo in Chiggy 's . It 's like this meatier portion but the seasonings used for flavor in the meat was different , and the sauce we prepared was n't appropriate for the food .
Why did you invite your old friend to eat with you ?
I thought she might be hungry
She seemed like she had not eaten in a while
I wanted to spend more time with her because I see her as a friend
None of the above choices .
Upon arriving in school I headed straight to Arena to somehow catch my friend there and deliver a requested material for him . Around lunch time before heading out to Chiggy 's with Reckless I met with an old friend , well I guess I think of her as a friend ? , and returned a 2 - 3 year old book . I managed to invite her to eat along with us , and we tried the jumbo liempo in Chiggy 's . It 's like this meatier portion but the seasonings used for flavor in the meat was different , and the sauce we prepared was n't appropriate for the food .
What did you think of the jumbo liempo ?
None of the above choices .
I thought that it was as good as what we normally had
I thought that the flavors went together in a nice way
I thought that it tasted strange like the flavors did not go well together
About 15 minutes later I rinsed the eggplant ... shook them off a bit and then dipped them in the egg . They then went for a dip in the crouton crumbs and then in the foil lined pan . I gave the slices a light dusting of parmesean ( the kind in the shakey can ) and into the oven they went . I did nt check the time but it was maybe 10 - 15 minutes or until the croutons were golden brown .
What may happen after you rinse the eggplant ?
I would stop myself from adding spices .
I would add some spices .
I would put the eggplant into the oven without any spices or breading .
I would give the slices of eggplant a not - so - light dusting of Parmesan .
Okay , someone explain this to me : how the hell can someone hate macaroni and cheese , when they are n't lactose intolerant ? It does n't make much sense to me . I 'd argue that maybe he tried the shit in the box first that 's supposed to come off as mac and cheese ( kraft , anyone ?
What might happen if he had had mac n cheese at a restaurant instead ?
He would taste what good mac n cheese is like and would 've liked it instead of disliking it like he does now
He would be able to see that even restaurant quality mac n cheese is not tasty
He would realize that he just does n't enjoy the food even though it is tasty
He would realize that mac n cheese is not for him because he does n't like even high quality well made mac n cheese
And now she 's with him . i thought she liked me when she told me to get a camera . i thought it meant something . i thought she liked me when she insisted i get a microphone ...
Why is she with him ?
Because she insisted the writer get a microphone .
Because the writer thought it meant something .
None of the above choices .
Because she told the writer to get a camera .
When I was a kid I used to watch the so called idiot box a lot , as I grew a bit older i.e. when I came into my teens I started realizing that there is something more important than sitting and watching TV ; started thinking about my career ; which I had never thought of . As the days passed by , I saw the age of technology coming into a boom .
What may be your reason for watching less TV ?
The age of technology drew me away from the TV .
I wanted to focus on something productive .
All I did was watch that idiot box .
The TV was making me too productive .
Anyway , my pop and uncle drained all the oil out and fixed Indy up right quickly . But now . I went to pick Indy up from the mechanic today ( the engine thing only got finished over the weekend ) and when I got there , there was a huge dent in the roof . Apparently Billy had the car parked on the street on Saturday and a branch fell on Indy .
What 's a possible reason they drained all the oil out ?
Because the engine thing got finished over the weekend .
None of the above choices .
Because there was a huge dent in the roof .
Because the car needed an oil change .
Popular belief that the black friday after thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year . On these day many shoppers buy with the holidays in mind . To be sure there are still intense crowd on the day after thanksgiving , led by the doorbusters who show up at dawn for early bird sales . It is one of the busiest day in terms of traffic according to Elsa , my sister in law who used to wait for black friday to shop early for her christmas gift ... I told her how to ease her burden in shopping during such particular day .
Why would she be burdened by this day of shopping ?
It will be insanely busy on this day .
None of the above choices .
Prices are n't as low so it makes her feel bad .
Black Friday is n't as bad as recent years but prices are n't as good .
My Chicago Bears also lost , I wo nt go into it because they could have won . Well , that 's the game for you , never know what will happen until the game is over . Now my Fantasy Football Team is doing great , I ' m 2 - 0 so far . That is one thing that I ' m pretty good at is Fantasy Football .
Why did my Chicago Bears lose ?
Because my Fantasy Football Team is doing great .
Because they could have won .
None of the above choices .
Because they scored fewer points than the other team .
I knew it was gon na be a great party weekend when they gave me my room key at the hotel -- I ' m in room 420 . I did have to sign a " no smoking " thing at sign - in . Not sure how room 420 can be one of the smoke free rooms , but it is . I got all the newspapers and am reading them to kill time and see what is going on around town this weekend while I wait to go to Lumpy 's BBQ at 4:30 .
What is probably true about the narrator ?
None of the above choices .
They are a non smoker
They are a smoker
They are not looking forward to the weekend
I knew it was gon na be a great party weekend when they gave me my room key at the hotel -- I ' m in room 420 . I did have to sign a " no smoking " thing at sign - in . Not sure how room 420 can be one of the smoke free rooms , but it is . I got all the newspapers and am reading them to kill time and see what is going on around town this weekend while I wait to go to Lumpy 's BBQ at 4:30 .
What is probably true about the narrator ?
None of the above choices .
They are a non smoker
They like to party
They are not looking forward to the weekend
The only less - than - perfect events were the lack of butter for the rolls and the appearance on two beetle - like bugs , one on my foot during dinner and one near Cin 's side of the bed afterwards . Ick . We also did enjoy four ( yes , four ! ) episodes of The Simpsons in French while we ate and relaxed ( called Les Simpson here ) .
Were the two bugs that appeared French ?
No , these bugs are called dinner roll bugs .
These bugs came with us inside or luggage , so they are American .
None of the above choices .
Yes , the bugs were in France , so they were French .
I walked west to Greenwich Village to see what all the fuss was about and I have n't been able to figure it out ... maybe I have n't hit the right streets . Washington Square is pretty neat - loads of people lining the benches , sleeping on the balding grass and just hanging out . There are a lot of parks in this town , which I like . I stopped by NYU 's Department of Media , Culture and Communication , just for kicks .
Why do you think that you were not able to understand all the fuss about Greenwich village ?
I have higher expectations and the Village just did n't meet those expectations
None of the above choices .
It 's the locals who make a fuss about it to try and inflate how cool the place truly is
I was probably at the wrong places and did not get the full experience
When the D is shutting down opponents like that and getting the Linc rowdy , does that energy translate at all to when you guys get on the field ? You feed off all the energy that your fans present . You try to show them positive plays and we did that early on . Our defense was blitzing , getting to the quarterback , getting sacks .
What will happen if the crowd is excited and loud during the game ?
Our team will feed off that energy and will perform better because they feel supported and motivated
The team will struggle to play well because they 'll get too caught up in the crowd being rowdy
None of the above choices .
The team will struggle to concentrate because the rowdy crowd will be distracting
I ' ve also learned that I can not keep up the matriarchy . I try to help , but the job is done before I can even realize it needs to be done . I felt lucky to take out the trash a couple times . But , the work aside , it was a camp of great people . I got to know folks a lot better than I had before .
Why did I feel lucky to take out the trash a couple times ?
Because I got to know folks a lot better than I had before .
None of the above choices .
Because someone usually does it before I can .
Because I try to help .
Faith ca n't be taught ; faith can only be caught . The environment where people are living a faith life , openly trusting in God and one another , is where real faith is tossed back and forth . Children who grow up in that kind of environment where faith is being tossed around , where a faith vision is being celebrated and the invisible is taken seriously , naturally receive the gift of faith . Real faith is too real to ignore .
What may happen if children grow up in an environment filled with faith in god ?
They would n't understand the concept of real faith .
They would lose faith in God .
They would refuse to continue these beliefs into adulthood .
None of the above choices .
My photo book from Blurb arrived today . Before I bought it , I was n't sure what level of quality the book would have . So , for those of you who are considering a purchase from Blurb , here are a few photos from the unboxing of my first book .
Why did Blurb send me my photo book ?
I ordered it online from them myself .
None of the above choices .
They sent me sample to show their quality .
It was a gift for my birth day .
My photo book from Blurb arrived today . Before I bought it , I was n't sure what level of quality the book would have . So , for those of you who are considering a purchase from Blurb , here are a few photos from the unboxing of my first book .
Why did Blurb send me my photo book ?
They sent me sample to show their quality .
None of the above choices .
I asked them to create my photo book .
It was a gift for my birth day .
My photo book from Blurb arrived today . Before I bought it , I was n't sure what level of quality the book would have . So , for those of you who are considering a purchase from Blurb , here are a few photos from the unboxing of my first book .
Why am I showing a few photos from my first book ?
I want to help people who wants to create photo book .
None of the above choices .
I am good looking and want to show off .
I want to help people by showing how to take good pictures .
My photo book from Blurb arrived today . Before I bought it , I was n't sure what level of quality the book would have . So , for those of you who are considering a purchase from Blurb , here are a few photos from the unboxing of my first book .
Why am I showing a few photos from my first book ?
None of the above choices .
I want to tell people the quality of Blurb 's work .
I am good looking and want to show off .
I want to help people by showing how to take good pictures .
Somehow , I lost the ability to console someone who 's in doubt about relationship issues . My advices are not very convincing anymore , i think . ( Or all along , it 's not)Plus i m not in a position to say anythingSave myself before saving others : ) Its time t scrimp & save , i m terribly broke this month . Thankfully , there is school holidays so i can eat at home!Who wanna share your pay with me uh ?
What must I have been going through before coming to realize my advices are not helpful ?
I must have gone through things that made me enhance my ability to be helpful .
None of the above choices .
I must have gone through things that made me ascertain my ability to be helpful .
I must have gone through things that convinced me of my ability to be save myself .
Today the UPS guy graced us with his presence holding a package containing graphics we ordered from Blik ! The graphics were exactly what we were was looking for and a more unique than going with the traditional framed wall decor , or cutesy wallpaper . Of course , cutesy wallpaper is n't a bad thing , we were just looking for something a little different .
What may happen after you guys receive your wall graphics ?
The graphics probably would n't be exactly what we 're looking for .
None of the above choices .
We 'd be upset because we did n't want a cutesy wallpaper .
We 'd be mostly satisfied .
Today the UPS guy graced us with his presence holding a package containing graphics we ordered from Blik ! The graphics were exactly what we were was looking for and a more unique than going with the traditional framed wall decor , or cutesy wallpaper . Of course , cutesy wallpaper is n't a bad thing , we were just looking for something a little different .
What may happen after you guys receive your wall graphics ?
None of the above choices .
We 'd be upset because we did n't want a cutesy wallpaper .
We 'll consider ordering some other ones .
The graphics probably would n't be exactly what we 're looking for .
One of the great things we learned about traveling somewhere that has just experienced a hurricane that required most of the city to evacuate was there was no traffic going our direction . Now , we did leave our house Saturday around 11 am and Ike was already well on it 's way out . By the time we got into Houston there was hardly any rain .
How might have we been able to traveling through a place with a mandatory evacuation order ?
We might have been able to travel through the place while the storm was passing through .
We might have been able to travel through the place where the storm had not affected .
We might have been able to travel through the place after the storm had already passed .
None of the above choices .
Apparently , there was some dampness in the basement carpet and he figured this was the end . He had never owned a house before so was n't aware that this sort of thing is inevitable under these circumstances . We had another wicked storm last night .
Why had he never owned a house before ?
Because he was n't aware that this sort of thing is inevitable .
Because this was the end .
Because there was some dampness in the basement carpet .
None of the above choices .
I began spending more time with Andrew , and I came to the realization that the girl was ten times less exciting , interesting and understanding than Andrew was . The girl was jealous , selfish and was worried for me because Andrew was apparently manipulative . She hated him because he did n't believe her , and he was making me really think about how she was acting . Whatever . I guess I ' m not going to deny that maybe sometimes he was controlling , but it was n't to the extent that she thought it was .
What might have happened between the girl and Andrew ?
The girl and Andrew might have been dating and have n't broken up .
The girl and Andrew might have been neighbors but decided to be enemies .
The girl and Andrew might have been dating but decided to break up .
The girl and Andrew might have been sibling but decided to break up .
And I stopped at Food Lion and bought a few things . I mainly do my grocery shopping at Food Lion and Giant . I do buy other food items at other places occasionally - like Walgreens and Super Walmart .
What may have been your reason for shopping at Food Lion ?
Walgreens was closed .
It 's my primary choice for my needs .
I needed to get one thing that Food Lion sold .
They have the best grocery products .
It would have been amusing if he had turned up to the gate late , since Iberia would then have to balance the cost of not being helpful with the ire of delayed passengers , but my son was good and organised . I am proud of him ! I am at work today , with marking to be done , though I have to say that so far I have been checking the Olympics , news , emails and so on . I will go shopping later on and I hope that the bright start to the day is followed by a warm afternoon .
What may have caused your son to make it to the gate without problems ?
He was prepared for the situation to be delayed .
He went shopping before he went there .
He was prepared for the situation .
He knew that the gate would open late .
I cried two weeks later as Paul and I cleaned out my bug to get it turned in to the G - wood Best Buy for the new guy taking my place ( who , subsequently , totaled my beloved 2008 VW bug last week , tyvm ) . I claim that I totally would n't have cried had it not been for one little thing . I found the burned CD that Paul had given me just before we started dating -- Chicago 's Greatest Hits .
What 's a possible reason the guy totaled the VW bug ?
Because the writer found a burned CD .
None of the above choices .
Because he is a careless driver .
Because the writer cleaned out the bug .
The jar went up my arms into my back and neck and left me with a headache all evening and I am now sporting very sore and bruised arms and both knees are sore . So I am going to take things easy for a while . Another thing that is concerning me is MLA has developed a twitch of shaking his head , he is even doing it in his sleep . So I am taking him to the doctors on Monday as he is getting so tired because of it .
What may be your reason for going to the doctors on Monday ?
I have a headache that wo n't go away .
Someone I know is starting to have an odd spasm .
I 'm starting to have an odd spasm .
My arms are bruised and I need to go to the doctors .
Given how relentlessly organic Rokkaku was , Akazawa would n't have expected them to set up a virtual space , but here it was , sure enough . To preserve the memory of Chiba , Kisarazu Ryou said on one of his infrequent visits to SeiRu . Yoshirou had n't understood what he meant until he logged on to the hub itself and saw the seashells and sand patterns of the real Chiba , the old one that lay scarred and destroyed back on the aging planet that people called Earth .
Why did Rokkaku go live on virtual reality ?
Rokkaku wanted to fight the organic image they had .
They did it to remember their friend , Ryou .
None of the above choices .
They did it to remember a place they loved .
So did everyone leave work early yesterday and come home and crawl in their beds and watch six hours of The Office on their laptops , or was that just me ? I go into work very early and the usual benefits of this are , mainly , a ) I get a lot of quiet time before the office fills up with people , and b ) I get to leave early ... most days . This really makes it seem like I do n't like to be around my coworkers when really I do . I just also like my time and the earlier I can get work out of the way , the better .
Why did you curl up in bed and watch the office after getting off work ?
None of the above choices .
I was expecting to see my coworkers after work but none of them pitched up and because I was moody I went home and watch TV instead
I really wanted to finish the show while I had the chance to
I wanted to relax because I was feeling tired and worn out after the long day at work
Not long after they moved in , someone dumped a pregnant stray cat out in the neighborhood and she had her kittens . One got road - killed , and the other two now live with us outdoors . They ' ve been neutered and vaccinated .
Why do the cats not live indoors with you guys ?
None of the above choices .
We do n't want the cats dirtying our home so we keep them outside
We find that the cats like to play outside so we keep them outside
The cats are not domesticated properly and are dangerous in a sense , it is better that we have them outside
" Are you saying that I look thirty six ? " I asked , trying my darndest to inject as merry and lighthearted a tone as I could possibly muster . ( And mind you , I am extremely pre - menstrual . )
How might have my conversation partner reacted to my reply ?
He might have reacted in a blatant , conciliatory manner
He might have reacted in a blatant , accusatory manner
He might have reacted in an embarrassed , accusatory manner
He might have reacted in an embarrassed , conciliatory manner
I managed to venture outside today for longer than it took to toss a diaper into the garbage bin . I loaded the spawn into the car and we toodled off to Target . Both children were remarkebly well - behaved . The quick - fire tempers seem to have smoothed out a bit from our recent vacation from the norm .
What might happen after you take a vacation with your family ?
My kids wo n't calm down .
None of the above choices .
I 'll have a quick - fire temper because I wanted to have a longer vacation .
My kids will calm down .
I managed to venture outside today for longer than it took to toss a diaper into the garbage bin . I loaded the spawn into the car and we toodled off to Target . Both children were remarkebly well - behaved . The quick - fire tempers seem to have smoothed out a bit from our recent vacation from the norm .
What might happen after you take a vacation with your family ?
None of the above choices .
My kids wo n't calm down .
I 'll have a quick - fire temper because I wanted to have a longer vacation .
I 'll have more energy to do things .
A rambling and illogical post , to sure , but there 's something about hair dreams that always pulls at my unconscious , as if there 's a symbolic meaning . I suppose the short hair means freedom to me , which I treasure above all else and of which I have carved more and more for myself over the years . I wonder , though , if there 's a way to be just as free , but less lonely . Note on pics : These were taken with the pocketcam , by the waterfront in Williamsburg .
Why might I believe my posting is a illogical rambling ?
Because I say I treasure freedom above all else , but also want to enjoy solitude .
Because I say I treasure freedom above all else , but also want to be less lonely .
Because I say I treasure short hair above all else , but also want to be less lonely .
Because I say I treasure solitude above all else , but also want to be less free .
My sister 's had it at least twice and my mom thinks I ' m immune . Then in social studies class , I had this pain in my stomach that felt like someone was stabbing me ! What a sucky day ! But I do n't have too much homework , which is good .
What 's a possible reason the writer had a pain in their stomach ?
Because their mom thinks they 're immune .
Because their sister has had something at least twice .
None of the above choices .
Because the writer was in social studies class .
It 's official , Savvy Bader des has left me . She is no longer my roommate * cries forever * She was all packed last night and ready to go and then this morning her family came and helped her load up her stuff . I still get to see her before she really leaves for Japan but it 's sad sitting in our empty room .
What may be Savvy Bader 's reason for not being your roommate anymore ?
She 's moving to another country .
I 'm moving to another country .
I did n't want her to be my roommate .
None of the above choices .
There was a time when la langue Francais was much easier than it is now ... hahaha . At this point there are just so many verbs to learn ( which I guess is just memorization , so that 's ok ) but there are also so many subtleties that are kind of crazy hard to memorize ... Anyway , on top of everything else it just frightens me , hahaha . Of course , in order to allieviate all of that overwhelming work , I probably should be DOING some of it right now ...
Why am I not doing any of the overwhelming work to learn la langue Francais ?
I am a chronic procrastinator .
I have already completed the work .
I do n't have a lot to do to learn it .
I already know how to speak Francais .
There was a time when la langue Francais was much easier than it is now ... hahaha . At this point there are just so many verbs to learn ( which I guess is just memorization , so that 's ok ) but there are also so many subtleties that are kind of crazy hard to memorize ... Anyway , on top of everything else it just frightens me , hahaha . Of course , in order to allieviate all of that overwhelming work , I probably should be DOING some of it right now ...
Why am I not doing any of the overwhelming work to learn la langue Francais ?
I do n't have a lot to do to learn it .
I keep putting it off to do other things .
I already know how to speak Francais .
I have already completed the work .
ok so i just got off spring break all the more frazzled.i partied and razzled and dazzled all weekend . that s all my razzling and dazling for the year , thanks . i decided to leave the goddamn amex at home and put myself on a weekly cash allowance , like i been saying i would for the longest .
Why did the writer leave their amex at home ?
Because they just got off spring break .
None of the above choices .
Because that would help them control their spending .
Because that 's all their razzling and dazzling for the year .
There was some good stuff . I was never a Heath Ledger fan , but he knocked the character of the Joker out of the park . Some of the action was well - shot , although some of it was just too over the top James Bond style ridiculousness , too far out there for even a superhero movie . And some of the action was so fast and dark that I could barely tell what was happening , which is admittedly a problem with a lot of action movies nowadays .
What 's a possible reason the writer said that Heath Ledger knocked the character out of the park ?
None of the above choices .
Because he played The Joker .
Because he performed very well .
Because they were never a Heath Ledger fan .
My old boss from Aero Systems called to wish me HB as well . ( His birthday is the day before mine so he always remembers to call . ) . Aside from people I know getting in touch , there are what I call fringe people who sent cards or called . My profile on Facebook wished me HB , a consumer opinion company sent an email , my dentist and insurance agent sent cards , and the Chevy dealer where I bought my car 15 months ago left a message on my phone . It 's been a great day and it 's great to have a feel good week .
Why did the writer 's old boss call to wish happy birthday ?
Because the writer 's profile on FB wished them happy birthday .
None of the above choices .
Because he is one of the fringe people .
Because he is a thoughtful person .
Too lazy to make a pastry crust for my fruit tart , I was headed to the snack / cookie aisle at my local HEB to grab a box of graham crackers instead . I never made it that far , for at the edge of the baking goods aisle was a display of graham crackers , pre - crushed for your convenience . I had an inner debate , walked down to the snack aisle to compare the price of the two , and decided to give the crumbs a try .
What did you do once you got home ?
I mixed the crumbs with choclate as desert and realized I did not have any left for a pie crust
I ate the crumbs once I got home because I ca n't resist graham cracker crumbs
None of the above choices .
I used the crumbs to make the pice crust and that saved me a great deal of time
I wore my stole to the Kennedy Center on Sunday evening . I may have been a little proud of myself . Hee . The Lion King was great - there were parts were I was kinda like , huh ? but for the most part it was really as amazing as it 's hyped to be . Really , what I found was that everything they adapted from the movie I really liked , but the stuff they added I was n't crazy about . They had some really great - effects is n't really the right word .
Why is the writer proud of herself ?
Because The Lion King was really amazing .
Because she wore a stole .
Because The Lion King was great .
Because The Lion King is hyped .
Sooo much better than tea bags ! ! In fact , I am so much of a dork that I took a picture of the tea sitting in my cabinet . 'Cause it looks so pretty sitting in there ! ! ! !
What is possibly the thing that 's so much better than tea bags ?
None of the above choices .
A dork .
A picture .
A cabinet .
It has been an interesting couple of weeks . I guess I have been so busy with things in general , I have not blogged . Let 's try this quick hit style , and see if I can get everything caught up .
What may have made the past couple of weeks interesting ?
None of the above choices .
I was working less then I typically do , but I was still busy .
I have blogged for both weeks
I was working more then I typically do .
After Israel broke my heart , I decided to break other people 's hearts . It 's when 2 years later I met Ron and for the first felt I could be vulnerable to love . I let go of it all , my heart was in his hands . I gave it my best and did n't realize that we really were n't right for each other , we drew it out a point where we practically resent one another .
What 's a possible reason the writer decided to break other people 's hearts ?
Because the writer met Ron .
Because the writer was vulnerable to love .
Because the writer 's heart was in Ron 's hands .
Because she has an addiction to some negative emotions .
Baccarat ( pronounced bah - cah - rah ) is the casino game that whales play these are players who percentages , which is why they charge a % commission ( or vigorish ) every time you win . His card counting section is nteresting read and is a must if you love playing baccarat to win software one of the best ways to learn to play baccarat or any casino . Even though , you often heard from people asserting that they have made deal strategy to win the game baccarat is mainly a game of risk and there is a little chance existing . The object of baccarat ; win money the keys ; mouse forums ; looking cated teen discussion ?
Why do I like to play Baccarat so much ?
None of the above choices .
I like playing any game , not only Baccarat .
It is an interesting game that can potentially win you money .
I like how intense Baccarat is so it is enjoyable .
You know how I was complaining that I did n't get to shake Paul 's hand yesterday right ? ? ? Teehee , I got to hug him today I was amazingly star struck on stage today . While I was walking down towards Bryan , I wanted to hug him so baaadly but I did n't have the courage to do so . I stood dumbfounded for a long time in front of Bryan and Paul .
Why was the writer complaining that she did n't get to shake Paul 's hand ?
Because she wanted to shake it .
Because she got to go on stage .
None of the above choices .
Because she got to hug him instead .
I sort of said to myself , " That was close , but we 're here , and life goes on . " There was nothing else to do but keep driving and hoping that the other driver had learned a lesson about driving in such a reckless hurry . Now , I have another day to live , actually not a day , just this moment and then perhaps another and another . It 's a gift , a gift to savour .
What happened to make me think this to myself ?
None of the above choices .
I was being a reckless driver .
I narrowly escaped a car accident .
I kept driving after being in a wreck .
I sort of said to myself , " That was close , but we 're here , and life goes on . " There was nothing else to do but keep driving and hoping that the other driver had learned a lesson about driving in such a reckless hurry . Now , I have another day to live , actually not a day , just this moment and then perhaps another and another . It 's a gift , a gift to savour .
What happened to make me think this to myself ?
I kept driving after being in a wreck .
I was being a reckless driver .
None of the above choices .
A reckless driver almost hit my car .
As I type this , My boyfriend is at work , and everyone else I hang out with is at Otakon . Yes , I did n't make it to Otakon . I put in my 100 dollars in so every one did n't have to pay almost 100 something . And now wee .
Why is the writer 's boyfriend at work ?
Because he is scheduled to work at this time .
None of the above choices .
Because everyone else the writer hangs out with is at Otakon .
Because the writer put in her 100 dollars .
Always a shocking wakeup call for me . Either they will slammed the bamboo sticks , chop the chilli , move furnitures or flushing the toilet ! Took breakfast and lazed around , no different from a couch potato .
What may cause your wake - ups to be shocking ?
None of the above choices .
There 's a lot of loud noises in the morning .
There 's a lot of loud sounds because they were moving the couch .
I ca n't laze around anymore .
Saturday was the first day of soccer practice . We were a little weary about how it would go , because a few of Jackson 's friends took the class last year , and they all seemed to be more into chasing the birds than chasing the ball . But we banked our money on the fact that maybe three years old was a bit too young for it , so we held out until Jackson was almost four . And judging from our first outing , that was a super - smart move .
Do the parents think Jackson is mature enough to take a class meant for three year old children ?
The parents believe that Jackson will chase birds not the ball .
Jackson is nearly four and the parents think he is ready .
These parents know that Jackson is ready to chase birds .
The parents think , the game of soccer requires a more mature child than Jackson .
Saturday was the first day of soccer practice . We were a little weary about how it would go , because a few of Jackson 's friends took the class last year , and they all seemed to be more into chasing the birds than chasing the ball . But we banked our money on the fact that maybe three years old was a bit too young for it , so we held out until Jackson was almost four . And judging from our first outing , that was a super - smart move .
Do the parents think Jackson is mature enough to take a class meant for three year old children ?
The parents believe that waiting a year will help Jackson play the game .
The parents think , the game of soccer requires a more mature child than Jackson .
These parents know that Jackson is ready to chase birds .
The parents believe that Jackson will chase birds not the ball .
Those still here with exams are all going spare with worry and stress ... ... except for one select little group ... ... who do n't seem to have a care in the world ... Six o'clock today was the deadline for handing in my essays , which is the total exam . Theoretically , this could have been any time this week , but I thought that an early deadline would make them get the written work out of the way before proper sit down exams . Now I mentioned last week that some were panicking , so I allowed them a few days grace , but I was not prepared for what I found . At mid - day I examined my mail box to find one essay delivered ahead of time .
Why were some students panicking ?
The early deadline for the essay
Because the written work was after the exam
Because the written work was before the exam
The grace period to turn in the essay
Had that bout followed the normal course of events , he 'd have picked off Correa and won comfortably . Do n't get me wrong , because like all the Brits here I ' m still walking on air . Maybe I ' m biased , but do n't you think the Cuban must bear the brunt of the blame for what happened ? On finding himself 6 - 1 down at the end of the first - following that crucial two - point penalty for biting - he then endeavoured to use any means at his disposal to get back into the contest .
What may have caused the Cuban 's two - point penalty ?
The Cuban 's two - point penalty came from him insulting the Brits .
He chomped at someone .
He bit Correa .
Someone chomped at him and he backed away .
Luckily , I was able to catch myself by the fingertips on the balcony below mine . But all of a sudden this crazy man comes running out of his apartment , starts cussing and stomps on my fingers . Well , of course I fell . I hit some trees and bushes at the bottom , which broke my fall , so I did n't die right away .
Why would the crazy man stomp on my fingers instead of trying to save me from falling ?
He thought I was a burglar trying to get help from him .
He thought I was a burglar and wanted to help me .
He thought I was trying to break in and rob him .
None of the above choices .
The absence of Trisha , Julie , and Shilpa is a little weird . The world feels a little bigger while I feel a little smaller . I know Sean and Ashley feel it too because they ' ve expressed their feelings to me . Maybe Sean feels it worst of all , what his having to work long shifts at Albertson 's to put some money in his bank account and Kevin leaving .
What happened to Trisha , Julie , and Shilpa ?
They moved out of the house so only a few roommates are left .
Sean and Ashley forced them to move away .
None of the above choices .
They gave up on working at Albertson 's .
Well , I purchased a gold , white and silver metallic shiny halter top for the bachelorette party ( see previous post ) , spiked up my bangs , and put on some very heavy blue eyeshadow , and headed out to the party . When I arrived , I was a bit chagrined to see that a. only some of the women had dressed up , b. NONE of them were wearing any makeup at all , and c. Their shirts were either just sequined tops or mildly shiny regular clothes . For those of you who have seen Tropic Thunder , I would liken this to going full retard .
Why was there a bachelorette party ?
Because I purchased a gold , white and silver metallic shiny halter top .
None of the above choices .
Because I put on some very heavy blue eyeshadow .
Because I spiked up my bangs .
SO . I got cast in the school play ! It 's Arthur Miller 's Playing For Time , about women in a concentration camp who sing / form an orchestra to entertain their captors and keep from being sent to the gas chambers .
Why did the writer get cast for the school play ?
Because they decided to try out , and were accepted .
Because the play is titled Playing for Time .
Because the play is about women in a concentration camp .
Because the play is by Arthur Miller .
Said he waited and saw an elderly gentleman who was leaving and offered him a ride to his car in exchange for his parking spot . Quite resourceful that husband of mine . Anyhoo , I ' m all prepped , in my gown and hospital issued footies and I ' m off to the GI Lab ! They wheeled me right into the procedure area , gave me my sedative and we 're off and runnin !
Why am I in my gown ?
I will undergo a medical procedure .
An elderly gentleman was leaving .
My husband saw an elderly gentleman .
None of the above choices .
The best friend and I are sitting at the bar at TGI Fridays in the Memphis Doubletree Hotel . I order a Mudslide Cosmo and the bartender asks for my ID . " Look at this mess , " I say , as the bartender is making my drink .
What may have caused the bartender to ask for your ID ?
I got an alcoholic beverage .
I looked like a mess .
I looked too young to order a Mudslide Cosmo .
None of the above choices .
She wanted to go for a walk and she did n't care if we did n't pick Luke and Grace up from school . She woulda left 'em ! We 're getting ready for the long drive to Missouri in a couple of weeks ! I hope to see some of you guys !
How might she feel about Luke and Grace/
She might not feel any resentment towards Luke and Grace
She might feel heavy responsibility for Luke and Grace
She might not feel any remorse for Luke and Grace
She might not feel any responsibility for Luke and Grace
But there 's no way , I just know . So I made a compromise in my head . Oh please just be taller than me . When he got up at the end of class I was right !
Why did the writer want someone to be taller than her ?
Because there 's no way .
Because she likes guys that are taller than her .
Because she made a compromise in her head .
Because she just knows .
Last night we got a new rug and John and I pushed the sofas together so we could vacuum behind them before we put it down . Amanda was crawling back and forth on them and I said " I think it 's time for Amanda to take a little nap " and we both swear she said " is not " . It was just as clear as day ... probably just a coincidence but funny all the same . Indiana Jones this afternoon if all goes as planned ! !
Who is Amanda and why was she crawling back and forth on the couch ?
Amanda is our baby who could n't crawl over the arms of the couch .
Amanda is our baby who could crawl over the arms of the couch .
Amanda is our infant daughter who could crawl over the arms of the couch .
Amanda is our infant son who could n't crawl over the arms of the couch .
Several kids can play at the same time , but they do n't interact with each other at all . Berlioz got old and gained some unexpected white spots . I find this scene oddly poetic . For the record , he wanted to use the telescope . I sent Claire to do her homework , which was on the pavement outside . She walked all the way to the spot where she usually drops it and dropped it .
What may have caused Claire to drop her homework ?
Claire could n't complete her homework .
Beriloz told her to drop it there .
She likes doing her homework outside .
She did n't want to complete it .
:) I ' m really curious to see where things lead between us . It 's exciting to say the least!I seen ~RJM~ for the first time since we went to Vegas . It was very nice and he 's looking good . Still not quite sure how to define things there .... friends for sure ... and maybe that 's the only definition it needs .
How would you feel if you two decided to be more than friends ?
I would decline that because I do n't want think between us to go anywhere else
I would be worried because I think that he 's nice and would not want to hurt him
I think I would be happy because I like him and I think he 's good looking and we are at least good friends
None of the above choices .
For example changing the speed of a video clip . There is just nothing that allows you to quickly do that - quickly as in " make decission in one beat of a 120bpm clip and have the speed change at latest at the 4th beat or next downbeat " . For that direct control is absolutely necessary .
What might happen if you try to change the speed of a video clip ?
None of the above choices .
Direct control would n't be necessary and it would be easy .
It would be to slow for me to modify .
It would be too fast for me to modify .
I can only do so much for the grade . Magagaling talaga mga kasama ko . And of course , I will never forget the " cheerleaders " ( this could be you ) who make my every attempt towards success a very fruitful one . But sometimes , I do wonder : Am I becoming too much of a yes - man ? Always choosing the option that tries to please other people , never declining to their requests .
Why does the writer always choose the option that pleases other people ?
Because they are afraid of saying no .
Because they will never forget the " cheerleaders " .
None of the above choices .
Because the writer makes every attempt towards success a very fruitful one .
I want to live in Little Rock ; I do n't want to have children ; I probably do n't want to live with anyone ever or get married . I reversed all my thinking on compatibility : I want someone artistic , someone who is n't a lawyer or a business person or a politician . I want someone who does n't play video games . I want someone whose interests and perspective are so different from mine that he has something to offer me , something to teach me .
Why does the writer want to live in Little Rock ?
Because they probably do n't want to live with anyone .
Because they do n't want to have children .
None of the above choices .
Because they probably do n't want to get married .
I bought her a special sleeping bag ( hot pink outside , lime green floral print inside ) , so that we could train her to use it as her travel bed . It did n't work very well . The only way we got her to sleep at all was to lay with her in the cramped floorspace and sing her to sleep . This took more than an hour for each nap & bedtime .
What may have been your reason for buying the sleeping bag ?
She wanted that sleeping bag because it had a special hot pink color .
She needed somewhere to rest when she travelled .
I did n't want to sleep on the floorspace anymore .
I needed somewhere to rest when I travelled .
I know with my full ability I will not be able to complete the full marathon without injure myself . Mentally I am ready but physically not ! It is a bad time to be out of training particularly triathlon season is beginning in next few months . So , I ' m thinking of doing a half this year ... .
Why do n't I have my full ability to complete a full marathon this year ?
I suffered an injury last year but have been able to practice enough since then .
I suffered an injury last year and have n't been able to practice as much since then .
I suffered an injury this week and have n't been able to practice as much since then .
I was injured badly this week and have been unable to practice enough to be ready .
I know with my full ability I will not be able to complete the full marathon without injure myself . Mentally I am ready but physically not ! It is a bad time to be out of training particularly triathlon season is beginning in next few months . So , I ' m thinking of doing a half this year ... .
Why do n't I have my full ability to complete a full marathon this year ?
I suffered an injury last year but have been able to practice enough since then .
I was injured badly this week and have been unable to practice enough to be ready .
I was injured badly last year and have been unable to practice enough to be ready .
I suffered an injury this week and have n't been able to practice as much since then .
More so , if you ' ve ever seen Nash Bridges , you ' ve seen my mother driving in San Francisco ! ( Okay , it was n't all that bad ) . After SF we got back in the car and drove to Crescent City where we stayed at the Hampton Inn on the Beach .
Why did they stay at the Hampton Inn on the beach ?
Because the writer has seen Nash Bridges .
Because they thought they would enjoy it there .
None of the above choices .
Because they got back in the car and drove .
There are also several people she knows in the class , although Brianna ( who basically only joined youth group because Casey was in it ) did n't end up in the same class . Oh well . So , the evening always starts with mass at 6 . Last year we were always late because I did n't get off work early enough . This year my schedule is a lot earlier * , so we COULD get there on time .
Why would Brianna only join Youth Group because Casey was in it ?
None of the above choices .
Because the evening always starts with mass at 6 .
Because Brianna likes Casey .
Because last year they were always late because they did n't get off work early enough .
My night started strangely enough with a shot that had my thumb stick in the ball and left the 1 - 2 - 7 , however , I did make the spare . Following that with a 6 - 10 make and a strike , I missed the 10 . I then sandwiched a strike between a couple of single pin spares before chopping the 2 off of the 1 - 2 - 8 .
Why did the writer make several strikes and spares ?
Because their night started strangely .
Because their thumb got stuck in the ball .
Because they had a strike sandwich .
Because they are a good bowler .
I had made one for each of the children and two for our pop up camper trailer . But I kind of got bored with that ( yeah , I do that a lot ) so I stopped making them , but I did n't stop collecting them . Now I have TWO closets full of jeans and old children 's clothing that I have n't done anything with .
What 's a possible reason the writer made some things for the children ?
None of the above choices .
Because the writer would enjoy making them .
Because they would get bored of it .
Because they were going to stop making them .
Due to the recession -- and with food prices so high -- I can not afford to eat out as often . Most of the time ( and I mean like 4 out of 5 days at work ) my lunches consist of a romaine lettuce salad with egg whites or grilled chicken , peas , broccoli , corn , edamame ( when they have it ) , walnuts and .... black beans . Truth be told , I could probably eat this every day and not get tired of it . And it costs around just $ 6 .
What may be your reason for eating out less ?
There are economic issues .
I personally have economic issues .
None of the above choices .
Egg whites are rising in price .
Due to the recession -- and with food prices so high -- I can not afford to eat out as often . Most of the time ( and I mean like 4 out of 5 days at work ) my lunches consist of a romaine lettuce salad with egg whites or grilled chicken , peas , broccoli , corn , edamame ( when they have it ) , walnuts and .... black beans . Truth be told , I could probably eat this every day and not get tired of it . And it costs around just $ 6 .
What may be your reason for eating out less ?
Egg whites are rising in price .
None of the above choices .
I personally have economic issues .
Meal expenses have risen .
As a boy , I could never understand why my father was reluctant to talk about his military service . He was hardly a shy man . And he loved this country and would and did kill its enemies .
As a boy , why could I never understand why my father was reluctant to talk about his military service ?
Because he killed his country 's enemies .
None of the above choices .
Because it 's a difficult thing for a child to understand .
Because he was a shy man .
She was really happy to see me , and I ' m glad for her . I actually left after she received her diploma , because it was getting rather long . Afterwards , we got groceries , I cleaned my room , put away all the camping stuff , and we made a great lunch .
Why did we make a great lunch ?
Because we were hungry .
None of the above choices .
Because I left after she received her diploma .
Because she was really happy to see me .
I know people that took that test half a dozen times and still did n't get what I did . My best friend really needed an 850 to get his track scholarship to Nebraska and always fell short . His mom paid so much money for tutors and every book in Borders and he still did n't make it .
Why did his mom pay so much money for tutors ?
Because she paid for every book in Borders .
Because the writer 's best friend really liked Nebraska .
Because she wanted him to do well on the test .
Because the writer knows people that took that test half a dozen times and still did n't get what they did .
I was with some friends and we were going to the fall show and we could n't find where the meet and greet was . and we walked in this one room and there were a bunch of people with candles being all quiet and stuff . most likely praying .
Why were the writer and their friends going to the fall show ?
None of the above choices .
Because there were a bunch of people with candles .
Because they could n't find where the meet and greet was .
Because they walked into one room .
Overall , the finish is barely noticeable and it does live up to the scratch free guarantee . I personally have taken a key and pen to test it without any resulting scratches , whatsoever . There is a slightly tacky feel to it , which some may like as it does offer some slip resistance . Unfortuantely , it also seems to hold onto lint , dust and whatever else I have in my pocket .
What might happen if you treat the case with some resistant liquid to make it less tacky ?
It will come across as too polished and clean
It will not hold onto lint and dust and will have a smoother finish
It will slip and fall from many surfaces
It will not be as easy to grip or hold onto
I also have the friends I made from America , like my roommate Sarah and my birthday buddy Butch . Even if Butch and I lose touch over the years , he 's one of the people that I 'll never be able to forget . How could I , when he went to Morocco and Gibraltar with me just because I asked him to last minute ? That was amazing .
What may be your reason for never being able to forget Butch ?
He was my roommate for years .
None of the above choices .
He did crazy trips with me without preparing .
He did crazy trips with Sarah without preparing .
She 's big on magic wands and transformation right now . Em felt she was running a little late , so she said , " We 'll walk quickly . " She did . I had to stretch my legs a bit to keep her pace , and she was shorter than me by a foot and was wearing a pack .
Why is it interesting to know Em 's height ?
None of the above choices .
Em did a little magic with the wand to make herself short .
Shorter people typically have shorter legs and do not walk as fast .
Em transformed into a person one foot shorter and walked quickly .
She 's big on magic wands and transformation right now . Em felt she was running a little late , so she said , " We 'll walk quickly . " She did . I had to stretch my legs a bit to keep her pace , and she was shorter than me by a foot and was wearing a pack .
Why is it interesting to know Em 's height ?
A tall person can cover distance quickly , presumably Em will be slow .
None of the above choices .
Em did a little magic with the wand to make herself short .
Em transformed into a person one foot shorter and walked quickly .
The boy is out of town this weekend , and he left me his car and keys - in case of emergency , he said . I had a nagging feeling that something was not right . I went to check on his car yesterday evening and the front passenger side window was smashed in . Someone broke the car window to steal less than a dollar in change .
Why did the boy leave his car and keys with them ?
He was going out of town for the weekend .
None of the above choices .
The boy thought there might be an emergency and wanted his parents to be blamed .
He wanted his parent to take the blame for the broken window .
The boy is out of town this weekend , and he left me his car and keys - in case of emergency , he said . I had a nagging feeling that something was not right . I went to check on his car yesterday evening and the front passenger side window was smashed in . Someone broke the car window to steal less than a dollar in change .
Why did the boy leave his car and keys with them ?
He wanted his parent to take the blame for the broken window .
None of the above choices .
The boy thought there might be an emergency and wanted his parents to be blamed .
He wanted to make sure his car waas safe .
The boy is out of town this weekend , and he left me his car and keys - in case of emergency , he said . I had a nagging feeling that something was not right . I went to check on his car yesterday evening and the front passenger side window was smashed in . Someone broke the car window to steal less than a dollar in change .
What happened when he left his car for the weekend ?
None of the above choices .
His parents put less then a dollar in his car .
The wondow got smashed .
His dad went ahead and washed the windows .