Hi I have a m - w - f position and it is going great , however I am looking to take on more hours so I am looking for a tuesday / thursday position . If this is something you may be interested in please let me know and we can figure out what hours work best for you . Please read below about my past nanny experience .
Why might I be looking for more hours if the current nanny position is working great ?
Because I might need more experience , and current employer can not hire me for more hours .
Because I might need more money , and current employer can not hire me for more hours .
Because I might need more money , and current employer can hire me for more hours .
None of the above choices .
This weekend I was a model patient for a intern / registrar exam on early trauma management in rural settings . I got to play a 19-year old who went through the windscreen with bilateral mandibular fracture , rib fractures , collapsed lung , fractured pelvis + dislocated hip ... to name but a few of the major injuries - basically , a complete mess . I got paid $ 75 for the mornings ( plus food ) and I essentially just had to lie there with a bunch of fake blood all over me !
Why might I have been paid for pretending to be a patient ?
Because without the payment , people might not want to pretend to be uninjured because of the idea of getting hurt .
None of the above choices .
Because without the payment , people might not want to pretend to be injured because of the idea of getting hurt .
Because with the payment , people might not want to pretend to be injured because of the idea of getting hurt ..
A week later , he told me I had a thyroglossal cyst . " We wo n't know if it 's benign or not until we take it out , " he said . I asked him if surgery would change my voice . Would I still be able to sing ?
Why did the writer believe that the surgery may affect their voice ?
Because the surgery would be near the throat .
Because there is a cyst .
Because they do n't trust in the doctor 's expertise .
None of the above choices .
Lee Gutkind sent me a signed copy of his book Forever Fat : Essays by the Godfather because it sold out at our " 5 R 's of Creative Nonfiction " workshop last Saturday before I could buy it . Anyone who knows me knows I do not approach things in an ordered way . Even books .
Why did the book sell out at the workshop ?
Because people were very interested in it .
Because Lee Gutkind signed it .
None of the above choices .
Because Lee Gutkind sent a copy to the writer .
I did n't want to get in a discussion or anything ( I was working so I was in a little bit of a hurry ) , it was just for my own curiosity . So I asked ... and he just stared straight ahead and did n't say anything . I told him I was n't trying to pick a fight , I just wanted to know . He did n't say a THING .
What will the man being asked likely say ?
The truth
None of the above choices .
His thoughts
He was everything i wanted , everything i thought about . when he came back , i thought , wow , this is who i want to be with for the rest of my life . then he ended it , like everything we went through was nothing . my heart was ripped out of my chest .
What may have caused you to feel like your heart was being ripped out of your chest ?
None of the above choices .
I could n't get everything I wanted .
I was broken up with .
I had broken up with him .
First I almost had an infection so the Nice Lady put lots of water in my kitty food and I could not go in the out . She said , you will be very sad if I take you to the vet and I will be sad too because I have no munnies and also I would have to take you on the bus . But I did not have an infection . The Big Red Guy put games on the chair where I sit . So I had to sit squished up between the games and the back of the chair .
What might happen if the nice lady has to take the pet to the vet ?
She would n't be able to afford it .
She would have to bring the pet to the big red guy .
The nice lady would bring games for all the pets at the vet .
She would be able to afford it .
He looked like James Dean . That day had been slow . At six forty - five Maggie called . I had saved her number in my address book , ' Spunk ' . " Hey - low ! " She sang . " Alright ? "
How did you know who was calling you ?
I took a guess because I was expecting Maggie 's call
I had just received a few calls from Maggie earlier so I recognized the number
I had memorized Maggie 's phone number and knew it well
None of the above choices .
The reason she was a nightmare was partially my fault , I will admit . She was separated from her mother and sister on the plane and seated between me and an older woman . She looked scared shitless . I tried to make her feel comfortable and talk to her .
Why did the writer try to make the girl feel comfortable ?
Because it was the writer 's fault .
None of the above choices .
Because the writer is a kind person .
Because she wanted someone to talk to her .
Watched the Lakers get lucky and win . Monday : Sat at home for a pretty long time . Went to get my eyes checked and get more contacts . Went to Pasqual 's house . Got cherry on top with Jessica and Pasqual .
Why did the writer watch the Lakers ?
Because the Lakers got lucky .
Because the Lakers won .
None of the above choices .
Because they are a basketball fan .
My money supposedly is in one of the restaurant , but i wo nt get it back til everything is stable . I m already not going to expect money coming in to me . I know that after school is done , i will start finding my own job and use my own money for myself .
Why wo n't I get my money back til everything is stable since it is in one of the restaurants ?
I invested my money in a restaurant and it is n't doing well financially .
I invested my money in a restaurant and it is doing well financially .
None of the above choices .
The restaurant is doing well but I wo n't get a return on my investment yet .
My money supposedly is in one of the restaurant , but i wo nt get it back til everything is stable . I m already not going to expect money coming in to me . I know that after school is done , i will start finding my own job and use my own money for myself .
Why wo n't I get my money back til everything is stable since it is in one of the restaurants ?
I invested my money in a restaurant and it is doing well financially .
None of the above choices .
The restaurant is doing well but I wo n't get a return on my investment yet .
The restaurant is n't doing well so I wo n't get a return on my investment yet .
She VERY slightly layered my hair , just enough so it curls nicely , and gave me thicker bangs ( I was surprised , I did n't think I could pull it off with my fine hair ) . But the best thing was the way she blow - dried it ! She used a round brush and curled it as she dried it , giving my naturally wavy hair some shape .
Why did the narrator think they could n't pull off bangs ?
They have wavy hair
They have thick hair
They have layered hair
They have fine hair
i am very patient most of the time , but a beat - up cart is just not my cup of tea for practicing this virtue with . i also did n't bring my phone with me so i ca n't call kj to come back and deliver the cart himself because it just refused to budge on me . those were probably the longest minutes of my life , thank God my husband has somehow felt something was wrong and came back to help me . the moment i saw him , i wanted to sob and kiss him at the same time .
What may happen if you receive a beat - up cart ?
I would go and get a cup of tea while I wat for a working cart .
I would lose my paitence .
None of the above choices .
I would maintain my paitence because it is n't a big deal .
Another workout cut short this morning . Ran all the minutes I needed to , but could n't fit in weights or the stretching routine / mini yoga sesh I like to do afterwards . Why , you ask ? Oh , because both boys ' cars are parked on our street , and I thought I might get a head start by moving one of them this morning before tomorrow 's street - sweeping .
What might have happened if the narrator did n't have to move a car ?
They would n't have had a street sweep
None of the above choices .
They would have gotten in their full work out
They would n't have gotten in their whole workout
My husband 's car drove in a few seconds later . We walked up to the social worker . She asked my daughter to open the door for a gorgeous little seventeen month old who looked up with a bright smile and big brown eyes . " Mom , I think I just fell in love , " I heard as I opened the door on my side of the car and looked into the face of a beautiful little five month old baby girl .
Why did this child show up to our house ?
The social worker had kidnapped her from a bad home .
The child was dropped off and left to die .
We were adopting a child from an orphanage .
My daughter found the child and brought her to us .
Of , guards at the notorious masanjia labor camp stripped women naked of the national itary unit of fang ziqu public security bureau , and some others stripped off . But it does have performing arts centers where women dance naked however , the loophole in the state s public climbed up on stage at shotgun geniez in hamburg and stripped off her . Drunk , naked and record - setting - a troublesome finn who identities , all of which have lengthy records of public soccer star faces drugs rap thousands stripped of their .
What might be some infamous traits of the Masanjia labor camp ?
It 's rumored that everyone at Masanjia was drunk and naked .
It treated females poorly .
It treated women favorably .
None of the above choices .
I am sitting here in my house in PJ 's sick as a dog . I had so many plans . I was going to swing by Nessa 's party before going over to Rob 's party where I would have met up with my husband .
What would have happened had the narrator not gotten sick ?
They would be in bed in PJ 's
None of the above choices .
They would have met up with their husband
They would not have met up with their husband
I am sitting here in my house in PJ 's sick as a dog . I had so many plans . I was going to swing by Nessa 's party before going over to Rob 's party where I would have met up with my husband .
What would have happened had the narrator not gotten sick ?
They would not have met up with their husband
They would be in bed in PJ 's
They would not have gone to the parties
None of the above choices .
I would LOVE one ! ) He went and talked with my mother , then he got one from his collection and came to me : I thought you would like to have your grandma 's old camera , here it is ! The very same camera I had been drawing !
What might the receiver of the camera feel after getting his grandmother 's old camera back ?
The receiver might feel resentful but nostalgic .
The receiver might feel grateful and nostalgic .
The receiver might feel resentful and angry .
None of the above choices .
Well I now know how that feels . Also met a young homeless guy today , he said hi and looked deeply into my eyes and reflected his own sadness . He talked to me and seemed like he wanted to come along with me . I am such a dork and the last one to realize someone is in love with me .
What 's a possible reason the homeless man said hi ?
None of the above choices .
Because he was young .
Because the writer knows how that feels .
Because he wanted someone to talk to .
I had a busy day yesterday doing a lot of Mommy / Wife - y things . I baked a bunch of bread in the morning , homeschooled the kids , plus did other cooking - type things in the kitchen . Then in the afternoon we had family dentist appointments . Upon finally arriving back home at 3:30 p.m. and getting a snack .
What may have happened if you did not get to the dentist on time ?
The dentist would seem me the very next day
I would be taken into the dentist a little later
None of the above choices .
I would be forced to reschedule the appointment
I had a busy day yesterday doing a lot of Mommy / Wife - y things . I baked a bunch of bread in the morning , homeschooled the kids , plus did other cooking - type things in the kitchen . Then in the afternoon we had family dentist appointments . Upon finally arriving back home at 3:30 p.m. and getting a snack .
Who went to the dentist with you ?
I went alone because I was seeing my dentist
My husband went with me for moral support
I was taking my child to see the dentist
None of the above choices .
I dearly hope that is an option as soon as possible after surgery and yes , right now I believe I can , but . Doing something in a pool , in water , requires me to be in a bathing suit in front of other people . This is n't sarcasm , this is fear .
What might the person by concerned with going to the pool for ?
The doctor told them to avoid it
Exposed surgical incisions
They do n't like going outside
None of the above choices .
I dearly hope that is an option as soon as possible after surgery and yes , right now I believe I can , but . Doing something in a pool , in water , requires me to be in a bathing suit in front of other people . This is n't sarcasm , this is fear .
What might the person by concerned with going to the pool for ?
The doctor told them to avoid it
Embarrassed by body
None of the above choices .
They do n't like going outside
I dearly hope that is an option as soon as possible after surgery and yes , right now I believe I can , but . Doing something in a pool , in water , requires me to be in a bathing suit in front of other people . This is n't sarcasm , this is fear .
What did the doctor perfrorm ?
An invasive operation
A consultation
None of the above choices .
A check - up
Then I noticed what I had in my hand . At first it was just some strange brown and gray object with a yellow - orange antenna coming out of it . I could n't make heads nor tails of it .
Why could n't the writer make heads nor tails out of what was in their hand ?
Because it was brown and gray .
None of the above choices .
Because they did n't know what it was .
Because something was coming out of it .
After tons of walking and asking some nice people in an English - speaking - practice cafe for directions ... we were still lost . We did pass this restaurant , which intrigued us ! : Mmm , Bldy!We finally stopped in a convenience store called Lawson and got perfect directions to the museum ( which was only down the street , after all ) and we made it ! Unfortunately , the museum was sort of tiny and we got through it in about 15 minutes .
Why did they need to ask for directions ?
They got distracted by the restaurant .
The museum was too tiny .
They were in an unfamiliar place .
The people in the cafe did n't speak enough English .
In high school , one of the ideas that really fascinated me was the concept of " forbidden knowledge . " The things that it is better , for yourself and everyone else , that you not now . It 's a very common idea in Lovecraft , horror , and certain religions . The Catholic church had their Index , for instance , and the fundamentalists decried Harry Potter .
What may happen when you learn about " forbidden knowledge " in your high school ?
I would n't be interested in it .
I would start reading Lovecraft to learn more about the concept .
I would be interested in it .
None of the above choices .
The cult of celebrity refers to the way that fame has arguably eclipsed even money - with which it is so often paired - as the most desirable attribute to be pursued in an individualist culture based on excellence , performance and heroes . The culture of celebrity has been constructed by the media for us in a society where the individual is the centre of the world . Morality and culture have been systematically privatised and relativised so that we are left with one 's values or lifestyle .
What will happen if we continue to value celebrity as much as we do now ?
We will begin to realize that it is important to have celebrities
We will develop great new celebrities and people who are popular
We will become a society that is shallow and misguided , focused on emulating celebrity status and not personal happiness
None of the above choices .
You see them in real estate magazines and newspapers and on TV shows . Every tit - man loves them and thinks about them ! With Rachel , you could n't ask for a better , hotter girl to do this because she 's done it for real .
What is possibly the thing that every tit - man loves ?
None of the above choices .
newspapers .
tits .
TV shows .
Apricot Lamb Chops 1/4 C apricot preserves 2 tsp Dijon mustard 1 tsp bottled minced garlic 1 tsp low - sodium soy sauce 1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce 1/4 tsp salt 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon 1/8 tsp black pepper 8 ( 4-ounce ) lamb loin chops , trimmed Combine first 5 ingredients in a small bowl ; set aside . Combine salt , cinnamon , and pepper , and sprinkle over both sides of lamb . Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium - high heat . Coat pan with cooking spray .
What might happen when you 're cooking apricot lamb chops ?
I would heat dijon mustard in a pan .
None of the above choices .
I would coat the lamb in cooking spray .
I would heat it in a pan .
The only reason Grasper survived was because he had never allowed his feelings for Ryuichi and Noriko to cross into love . NG survived because it was a business , and if it fell he would just build another . It was purely monetary in nature , no such feeling as love involved . He lay still and was almost asleep when he heard the door to his office squeak open . He looked over , not having the energy or desire to get up .
What may be the reason for Grapser surviving ?
None of the above choices .
He allowed his feelings with Noriko to cross into love .
He was careful with his business relationships .
He was careful with his relationships .
Such a bad memory . March was Eryn 's Bday . We danced , a lot and there were some awful " candid " pics of me doing so . Cookie cake , easter egg hunt and a dance competition .
What can be concluded about how old Eryn might be ?
Eryn must be young enough to have fun in an easter egg hunt and have a cookie cake for easter .
None of the above choices .
Eryn must be young enough to skip an easter egg hunt but have a cookie cake for her birthday .
Eryn must be young enough to have fun in an easter egg hunt and have a cookie cake for her birthday .
Guess they think they 're being all macho . " And your SUV , I thought , that barely fits into a single lane , what about that ? But I just shook my head and rolled my eyes . " Well , I ' m not impressed .
What might I have experienced prior to this ?
I might have seen a bicycle that 's been modified to show off one 's macho qualities .
I might have seen a vehicle that 's been modified to show off one 's feminine qualities .
I might have seen a vehicle that 's been modified to show off one 's macho qualities .
None of the above choices .
It was a Sunday game at 2 pm , so what we lost in sweat , we made up for with a nice tan . We did catch a t - shirt they were throwing into the crowd ! Josh was excited , and not that upset that it was too big and touched his ankles when he tried it on . Instead of " giving it to mama " he said he would rather wait until he gets bigger and wear it then .
What may have caused Josh to keep the t - shirt he caught even though it was too big ?
None of the above choices .
He knew that he could grow into it .
The Sunday game excited him and he wanted to keep the t - shirt as a memory .
He knew that he would fit into it .
That way I 'd have no excuse to forget anything . So on my fancy calendar , on today , September 3 , it says that Jordan has a 2 hour early release . Okay , I ' m there .
Why do I have a fancy calendar ?
None of the above choices .
Because Jordan has a 2 hour early release .
Because it 's September 3 .
Because I have no excuse to forget anything .
I made chicken alfredo ( with rice pasta ) for dinner . I know intellectually I will suffer later ( I ' m pretty lactose intolerant ) but I am so depressed right now from taking Boo back that I needed comfort food . Boo is beautiful . She has a black head with bright yellow eyes and a brindle coloring .
What might be different if the narrator was n't lactose intolerant ?
They would not need comfort food
None of the above choices .
They would not suffer for what they ate for dinner
They would not have to take Boo back
He updated his facebook : So , I have finally gone home to Baltimore ( and Herman ) . The first night home I went to get crabs and they were amazing . It was so good to be home and eating crabs with friends . I ' m still pulling together my new place but hope to have everything together soon .
Why was it so good for him to be home and to eat crabs again ?
He was away from the coast and did not see his friends , family or have the opportunity to eat crabs in a long time
He had just recently acquired a taste for crab and was enjoying it
He had enough money to afford crab and was bragging about being able to do so
He usually did not like crab but realized that he now liked it
I have also been to Hong Kong and Shenzhen in the last 3 weeks . Shenzhen for shopping and HK for a new visa so that I can stay in China . Mandy has been travelling with me except to HK .
What may have been your reason for going to Hong Kong ?
I wanted to take an extra stop in China .
None of the above choices .
I needed to renew Mandy 's travel documents .
I needed to renew my travel documents .
I woke up on Monday to a sweet email from a sweet guy , and smiled . And then , slowly , it all started rushing over me . Sunday , Race for the Cure , was the most incredible experience , but it was also slightly horrifying .
Why was the experience sllightly horrifiying ?
It was upseting to realize how many people are affected by cancer .
It was upsetting I did not run as fast as I had hoped .
None of the above choices .
It was difficult to read the emails I received .
I woke up on Monday to a sweet email from a sweet guy , and smiled . And then , slowly , it all started rushing over me . Sunday , Race for the Cure , was the most incredible experience , but it was also slightly horrifying .
Why was the experience sllightly horrifiying ?
None of the above choices .
It was difficult to hear stories about people who have passed away .
It was upsetting I did not run as fast as I had hoped .
It was difficult to read the emails I received .
I woke up on Monday to a sweet email from a sweet guy , and smiled . And then , slowly , it all started rushing over me . Sunday , Race for the Cure , was the most incredible experience , but it was also slightly horrifying .
What did you do Sunday before the race ?
None of the above choices .
Put on work clothing .
Eat a donought for breakfast .
Eat a high protein breakfast .
Saturday was the Seder which was a lot of fun . Surprisingly at least . One of my favorite cousins showed up at the last minute which was great . The kids were adorable . My family was pretty funny , especially in hindering my father trying to lead the service . Like breaking out in Dayenu ( my aunt 's favorite song ) when my dad skipped the singing part of the haggadah . We were using some fancy kinda non - denominational / civil rights - y one put out by the ADL .
What happened after the haggadah was finished ?
We hung out and did some more singing because the dinner was not cooked yet
We toasted and then ate the meal which was prepared for the celebration
We decided that we were too tired so we headed upstairs to go sleep
We had to order in take out because nobody had cooked for the occasion
The fact that it did n't was nice characterisation : I empathised with Woolsey and believed that experience had been painful for him , and he still asked the difficult question at the end . 9 . Rodney / Keller -- I ' m fine with this .
What might be true about Woolsey 's characterisation ?
His characterization is painful .
Woolsey does n't ask questions .
It is n't relatable .
It 's relatable .
I told the bartender that I needed to call a cab , thinking of course that any bar has several numbers for cab companies . He looked at me and said " You got ta number for one ? " To which I replied no I do n't and he walked away . Scott and I looked at each other and we started chuckling .
Why did the writer think the bar had several numbers for cab companies ?
Because the writer needed to call a cab .
None of the above choices .
Because the writer did n't have a number .
Because Scott and the writer looked at each other and started chuckling .
This was just fun . My daughter came home and said that are certain days of the year , according to her science teacher , and egg can stand on it 's end on just a regular flat surface . Supposedly it was one of those days a couple of days ago .
What kind of day was it , a couple of days ago ?
A day where an egg can stand on its end , on a regular flat surface
None of the above choices .
A day where the daughter comes home
A day where an egg can sit on a regular flat surface
We ate it warm for dessert last night and , oh ! , so good . I fell asleep thinking that next time I might leave the pecans out of the torte itself and try to create some sort of crunchy , nutty crust instead ( is it any wonder I dream about food ? ) , but when I ate a cold slice .
Why am I able to eat pecans ?
You can only eat it as a nutty crust .
None of the above choices .
Everyone can eat pecans if you leave them out .
Pecans are only good if you cook them properly .
Yesturday morning sucked a bit . No caffene and I got caught by the Halsted drawbridge ( that never happens ! ) Interview ok . I was a bit depressed because I was gon na go to lunch with my boy ndn tattooing former combat surg .
Why did the writer get caught by the Halsted drawbridge ?
Because they reached the area at the wrong time .
None of the above choices .
Because the writer was depressed .
Because the interview was ok .
Viggo pressed on , hoping to reach his estate by nightfall . They stopped briefly at midday to share some of the provisions that Orlando had packed for them , but they ate in a hurry , for it seemed likely that it would soon start to rain and their open carriage would provide little cover . Although there should have been at least an hour of daylight left , it soon became very dark , the thickening clouds obscuring all remaining light . They found themselves driving through dense woods , the horses neighing and pulling at the reins , making the carriage shake .
What might be different if they did n't have an open carriage ?
They would have cover from the rain
They would n't be driving through the dense woods
None of the above choices .
They would n't have cover from the rain
And I have every word on floppies . But in the end , I left the old machine out in the garage , under the spare kitty litter pan and the empty coffee cannisters I intend to use around the house in imaginative and decorative ways . Besides , I was skeptical about writing a story without " l 's " or question marks , would n't you be ?
What may be your reason for leaving the old machine in the garage ?
The old machine was stuck in the kitty litter pan .
I did n't know how to use it in a decorative way .
It was n't functional .
It was n't functional with floppies .
We took a trip to Greer , Arizona and spent the weekend in a cabin . It was awesome . Here is my favorite picture I took while we were there . I brought my crappy camera as I forgot my good camera at work .
Why did we take a trip to Greer , Arizona ?
Because we were in a cabin .
Because I brought my crappy camera .
Because we spent the weekend .
Because we thought it would be fun there .
Seemed that a lot of my friends are getting married . So one time while I accompanied my friend to a photographer I got sooo inspired and decided to hone my photoshop skills . However , despite me knowing the software quite well , I realized that I lack the creative skills .
Why are the writer 's friends getting married ?
None of the above choices .
Because the writer decided to hone their photoshop skills .
Because the writer accompanied their friend to a photographer .
Because it seems that way to the writer .
Just yesterday it stopped running the Firefox internet browser and I ' ve had to go back to Internet Explorer . In fact , this is the second time I ' m typing this Live Journal entry now , because during the first time my laptop switched itself off for absolutely no reason . It 's been doing that every so often for the last couple of months .
Why did the laptop switch itself off for absolutely no reason ?
None of the above choices .
Because it stopped running Firefox .
Because the writer is typing a Live Journal entry .
Because the writer went back to Internet Explorer .
I think it was an inside the park home run . < p > Today , Andy Pettitte starts and Mo will throw the last pitch . Before the game , Bernie will stand in center field again . I wish I could be there .
Why do I wish I could be there ?
None of the above choices .
Because Andy Pettitte starts .
Because I am a baseball fan .
Because Mo will throw the last pitch .
I talked about the $ 196 I paid to get my daughter ready for school . I wish that was the end of the school expenses . I just paid another $ 195 for after school activities for this semester . Last year she participated in an after school art program called Young Rembrandts that she just loved .
Why did she participate in an after school art program ?
Because the writer wished that was the end of the school expenses .
Because the writer paid $ 196 .
Because the writer got their daughter ready for school .
Because she 's interested in art .
I went on a daaaaate ! Teeheeheee!Dan asked me out yesterday , which made me really excited , but then really nervous and wary . So far he 's acted really shy and kinda quiet around me , which kinda bugs me because I ' m also a very shy and awkward person , so I prefer people who make me forget about that awkwarndess .
What might happen during a date between you and Dan ?
We 'll both be silent and it 'll feel odd .
He 'll make me forget about that awkwardness I have .
Dan will make me excited as he 's very vocal about why he likes me .
We 'll both fight the silence and it 'll feel exciting .
We sat on the grass watching Mormons do their thing on this girl . And we were like " oh no , oh no ... oh no ! He 's going to flip to John , ohno ohno . "
Why did they watch the mormons ?
None of the above choices .
One guy was going to flip to John .
They thought it was interesting or entertaining .
They were doing something on a girl .
I travel a fair bit for my business and stay away for a couple of nights sometimes . One time I hooked up one of those mini hidden security cameras in the bedroom and living room and as luck had it she brought him home with her . I ' ve watched the recording so many times , she acted just like they are a couple .
What may be your reason for travelling often ?
It 's a part of my career .
It 's a part of being in a couple with her .
I have another home that I travel to quite a bit .
None of the above choices .
I have known this guy for about a year now and we have been really good friends and helped each other through a lot of stuff . We have had our ups and downs but now i realise i really want to be with him . I thought it might just be lust but i have felt like this for a long while now .
Why do I really want to be with him ?
Because I like him a lot .
Because we have been really good friends .
Because I have known this guy for about a year now .
None of the above choices .
As we sat on the outdoor patio we saw a huge tractor pull up and park on the street right across from the resto , and as the man go out 2 other men sitting at a table behind me started shouting teasing greetings to him . I do n't know if this had been a planned meeting or coincidence , but the man with the tractor came and sat down at the table with his 2 friends and they ordered another carafe of wine . I listened to their animated conversation , not being able to understand half of what they said , enjoying instead the ability to listen simply to the cadence of the language without the distraction of words or their meaning .
What is probably true about the narrator ?
They are annoyed at not knowing the language
They find the men 's conversation distracting
They are visiting another country
They are not visiting another country
we 're in vang vieng at the moment . it 's surrounded by lush mountains . we rented a couple o huge rubber rings today to do " tubing " .
Why did they want to go tubing ?
Because they wanted to rent something .
Because they like rubber .
None of the above choices .
Because they thought it would be a fun thing to do .
Friday I did Roxas , just for the recognition from people I knew , and almost beat a stranger over the head , thinking it was Tori . lmaoo . I got some birthday gifts from friends though , it made me so happy to know that people thought of me .
What else would typically go along with the event described ?
Wedding cake because it was my wedding night .
Birthday cake because it was my birthday party .
Birthday present because it was a birthday party for my mom .
An award because it was an award ceremony .
I ' ve been to lots of goth / industrial and synthpop concerts but not metal . At industrial concerts and the like , there is occasionally dancing or fists in the air . It was interesting to see how people are at metal concerts . I was far enough away that I did n't have to worry about getting stuck in a mosh pit or anything if there was one .
What may have happened if the narrator was closer to the stage ?
None of the above choices .
They would n't get stuck in a mosh pit
They might get stuck in a mosh pit
They might see people dancing and fists in the air
The Guardian ( and perhaps other press ? ) has been jumping up and down about the ' banning ' of Carol Ann Duffy 's poem ' Education for Leisure ' from the GCSE English syllabus . It has run at least 5 articles on the topic .
Why was Carol Ann Duffy 's poem banned ?
Because other press has been jumping up and down .
None of the above choices .
Because it was offensive to some people .
Because the poem is entitled ' Education for Leisure ' .
It 's sad that I just got paid last night , and after paying bills I ' m already down to my last $ 300 . For the rest of the month . That 's probably how much gas will cost me for the rest of the month . And I only get paid ... you guessed it , once a month . And speaking of the dire gas situation ... I filled my tank up on Saturday at the Costco . I was running on fumes , and at $ 3.83/gallon , it took $ 51.00 for me to fill up my tank .
What might happen if you continue to get small paychecks ?
None of the above choices .
I wo n't be able to cover bills .
I 'll have to look for a new job where I get paid more .
I wo n't be able to cover fuel costs .
He finally told me how much weight I had gained , and we discussed how that felt . Even though I was now in a technically healthy weight range for my height , he urged me to gain more . We also talked about the drug cravings I had been having , and how they had gotten more intense since the visiting day when my dad came in and had gotten in a fight with my mom in front of everyone .
What happened before you decided to enter the clinic to improve your weight ?
None of the above choices .
I started to workout at gym and wanted to gain weight in order to start powerlifting
I dated a guy who wanted me to a bigger girl and he asked me to go to the clinic to gain weight
I realized that I had mistakenly gotten too thin and wanted to gain some weight
we used it on our ford f250 , it runs off the truck battery- lifts 1000lbs easily probably more , works great , goes flat with ground and brings whatever level w truck bed .
How did you feel after using the new component on your truck ?
It does n't work great and saps my truck 's battery .
The component was n't flat with the ground and it made me upset .
I felt great knowing it could fulfill my lifting needs .
I felt like the component did n't work with the Ford F250 .
They have the third floor of the courthouse hallways loaded with church pews that will go in courtrooms to be converted when the Assessor , Platt Room and Development Services offices move to the Job Service building . It has not yet come out in the media but the Commishes will close on the Job Service building on October 3 , 2008 . Price to be paid is $ 1.3 million to the State Lands Board .
Why has the media not yet reported that the Commishes will close on the job service building ?
The deal was concluded privately between the parties and the information has not been made public yet
None of the above choices .
The media are lackluster at their job and do n't do proper research
The media is focused on more scandalous news and do n't research business developments properly
Last year , when I stopped carrying an umbrella it rained so rarely , my allergies were hardly noticeable . This year , uh . Mold is # 1 with a bullet on the allergy list ( dust is # 2 ) , although there are also some autumn spores that get me .
Why is mold # 1 with a bullet on the allergy list ?
None of the above choices .
Because it rained so rarely .
Because mold activates the writer 's allergies .
Because it was last year .
He called and was happy to give permission . We bought the tile today ... he said just send him the reciept and hold the amount out of the next month 's rent . No problem , no arguing , no complaining . Simple as that .
What may have caused to hold the amount out of next month 's rent ?
None of the above choices .
The stuff he purchased would benefit our property .
He did n't want me to be complaining about the increase in rent .
The stuff we purchased would benefit his property .
But they also sounded good . Oh , sure , the quality was n't up to the glossy home demos churned out by today 's bedroom recordists , but there is a charm and vibe to those tracks that I remain proud of to this day . Indeed , plenty of others have heard those songs and complimented them ( with Helen 's sweet but timid vocals ; she had a great voice , and over time it blossomed but even on day - one the potential was apparent ) . Ultimately , the song is always more important than recording quality , but the recordings did justice to those early tracks .
Why did they sound good ?
Because plenty of others have heard those songs .
Because the song is always more important than recording quality .
Because the band is talented .
Because the quality was n't up to the glossy home demos .
I sold a PSP game on ebay . I just saw in my feedback that the game arrived damaged . I know when I shipped it it was in good condition , so it must have gotten damaged during shipping .
Why did the writer sell a PSP game ?
None of the above choices .
Because they wanted money more than they wanted the game .
Because they saw their feedback .
Because when the writer shipped it , it was in good condition .
By this time Bror was spending less time at their farm . Denys would stay at the farm and then at times the two would not see each other for 2 years at a stretch , mainly because of long trips by each of them to Europe . He truly loved her and was happy with her , but could not give her the commitment one would have reason to expect . And he did not give her financial support which might have saved her farm .
What 's a possible reason they took long trips to Europe ?
None of the above choices .
Because Denys would stay at the farm .
Because Bror was spending less time at their farm .
Because they enjoy going to Europe .
The air smells sweeter , jokes are funnier , food tastes better , and in place of your previously hard , stoic heart , you find an adorable bunny rabbit longing for affection and sprig of lettuce . Before I met this wonderful girl I rarely laughed and had n't cried in years . Literally years . But over the past week I ' ve been giggling like a mental patient taking a bong rip , and my eyes have welled up with tears more times than I can count . Not tears of sadness , but tears of joy at how fantastic and wonderful existence is . I can also see why people would go to any length to preserve this feeling .
What may be the reason for your stoic heart being replaced with a happier one ?
I got an adorable bunny rabbit .
I let myself cry .
I met an amazing woman .
None of the above choices .
We had a wonderful location at an inter - denominational group camp which I had just learned about that is only 15 minutes from town but feels like you are quite far away . It had one of the best views of our city that I have ever seen , and with the full moon this weekend it was simply spectacular to walk around at night . This Retreat was an interesting one for me . I was really forced out of my box and had to try new things , I led an afternoon session which was totally new and uncomfortable for me .
How did you feel after the retreat was over ?
I felt great about challenging myself and leaving my comfort space to do things I normally would not do
None of the above choices .
I felt like I was really drained being extroverted all week
I felt I just needed to go home and be along for a while so I could re - energize myself
Met " Ham Sandwitch " in the lobby , got the car packed and went to this place called " The Corner Bakery " . It was really good . Our bellman told us about it . We ate there and headed to the garment district to buy fur .
What is likely true about the narrator ?
They are staying in a hotel
They are not staying in a hotel
They are a vegan
None of the above choices .
Met " Ham Sandwitch " in the lobby , got the car packed and went to this place called " The Corner Bakery " . It was really good . Our bellman told us about it . We ate there and headed to the garment district to buy fur .
What is likely true about the narrator ?
They are not staying in a hotel
They are a vegan
They are not a vegan
None of the above choices .
Luckily , at Across the Board , they had one last 10.5 pair , and on sale - it was probably the fastest shoe cop I ' ve ever done . I could swear that as soon as these got on my feet , I got instant props for them . The comments were coming more so from skaters , saying " bro , those Hsu 's are sick ! " or " Dope Hsu 's dude ! Making me want to go get a pair , " but even non - skaters were giving me compliments and even contemplated getting the shoe .
Why were you so happy to receive the compliments ?
I care a lot what other people think about me and I like to get attention confirming that I look good
None of the above choices .
I know the guy who makes the shoes and it felt like a compliment to me as well
I wore these shoes before they were cool and so I felt like I was starting a trend
Even though I had no previous customer service experience they hired me , so that 's pretty cool . I start early tomorrow , that 's the sucky part . I ' m so used to being a bum that the thought of waking up early just does n't sound appealing .
What may have caused them to hire you ?
I had previous customer service experience .
I impressed them in the interview .
They impressed me in the interview .
I told them that I like waking up early in the interview .
I was running toward the road , but the cops tackled me and held me down . I was starting to panic again but I did n't say anything other than " It was n't me . " ( The lead cop was the red haired lady Eva Thorn from Eureka , if you are familiar with that show , haha . ) Eventually I was being led back inside the basement , but I made a run for it again and was blocked by a 7 - 11 cooler full of milk and beer .
What best describes this person ?
None of the above choices .
I was running toward the road , but the cops tackled me and held me down . I was starting to panic again but I did n't say anything other than " It was n't me . " ( The lead cop was the red haired lady Eva Thorn from Eureka , if you are familiar with that show , haha . ) Eventually I was being led back inside the basement , but I made a run for it again and was blocked by a 7 - 11 cooler full of milk and beer .
Why was he begin chased ?
He was suspected of something
None of the above choices .
He insulted someone
Something was hungry for him
I do n't remember anything interesting during that time as far as sobriety goes . I think I coasted along OK . When Erika was just a year old , my X got a job proposal from someone he had worked with in the past , someone who moved far away . The job was very far away .
What happened after my X got the job proposal ?
Nothing , he declined it and we lived happily ever after .
None of the above choices .
He probably accepted it and moved far away , causing us to break up .
We both moved far away together and fell more in love .
I knew that when she said 11 it would not actually be at 11 , so I was pleasantly surprised when we agreed to meet at a restaurant just after 12 . They called to say they were leaving the house and we had equal distance to travel , but of course , we get there and wait and wait . I call to see if they got lost , but she tells me that there is something weird going on and that they are late but will be there soon .
What might I have noticed about in the past when I had set up a meeting with her ?
None of the above choices .
I might have not noticed that she was always late to the meeting .
I might have noticed that she was always early to the meeting .
I might have noticed that she was always late to the meeting .
My next experiment will be to make a cucumber and yogurt soup from our Indian cookbook - the farmers market actually came through for me this week and they had tons of cukes and zucchinis cheap . I had to get mint from the grocery store , but I ' m excited to try it out . I know Jason wo n't touch it with a 10 foot pole , so it 's all mine .
Why would Jason not want to eat the soup ?
He would eat it but he does n't enjoy trying my kitchen
He does not like ethnic food and tends to avoid it
He finds that watching me prepare food that he is going to eat is a turn off and so he wo n't eat it
He likes ethnic food but finds that it gives him indigestion
I have a sloppy desk at work . I eat poorly and pick my nose too much . I ' m turning 29 in 10 day and I ' m a bit of a mess .
What will happen once you officially turn 29 ?
I will consider throwing a big party to celebrate
I will try to clean up my desk at work
I will try to change some of my behaviors so that it appears that I have a better handle on my life
None of the above choices .
I have a sloppy desk at work . I eat poorly and pick my nose too much . I ' m turning 29 in 10 day and I ' m a bit of a mess .
What will happen once you officially turn 29 ?
I will consider throwing a big party to celebrate
I will try to clean up my desk at work
None of the above choices .
I will probably not change much but I will try to me more mature
Since the camping gear was out and warmed up , we decided to go down to Pueblo reservoir to camp for a few days . Oops , it 's officially Lake Pueblo State Park now . Did some swimming , Junior likes getting his feet wet but not much else . Tianna loves to float .
What would we do next after swimming at Lake Pueblo State Park ?
Book a hotel room for the night .
Set up camp at the campground .
None of the above choices .
Set up our trailer at the campground .
It was one of those " mom " moments . If you are a mom , you know what I am talking about ! I had both of my children completly against me , arms around them and I could feel their slow , deep , sleepy breathing . It was a perfect time to thank God that I get to be their mom .
What 's a possible reason the writer thanks God that she gets to be their Mom ?
Because she really loves being their Mom .
Because they were breathing heavily .
Because they were breathing slowly .
Because she could feel their breathing .
Except for a nice little nap , a shortish reading break , and some not - too - elaborate dinner preparations , I spent the entire day in the Sweat Shop . I started the day with a cup of coffee and the Halloween witch quilt pattern . This bustier block completes the top row of the border : Yes , the placement of the candy corn amuses me no end ! I wish I had another block prepared to take with me to the office to work on during my lunch hour tomorrow , but I ' m afraid I did n't leave myself enough time .
Why do I call it the sweat shop ?
Because that 's where they do their knitting
None of the above choices .
Because that 's where they do their quilting
Because that 's where I do my sewing
Except for a nice little nap , a shortish reading break , and some not - too - elaborate dinner preparations , I spent the entire day in the Sweat Shop . I started the day with a cup of coffee and the Halloween witch quilt pattern . This bustier block completes the top row of the border : Yes , the placement of the candy corn amuses me no end ! I wish I had another block prepared to take with me to the office to work on during my lunch hour tomorrow , but I ' m afraid I did n't leave myself enough time .
What may happen if I leave enough time for myself tomorrow ?
I will take the top row of the border with me
I will finish my Halloween quilt
I will take a block to work with me
I will finish the bustier block
Today felt like a long arduous day , it brought me to a new low . Every single professional bit of me was shredded to pieces , I left the meeting feeling utterly humiliated and depressed so much so I could n't even manage a word , let alone a smile or a laugh . I had been silent since this afternoon , not because I was tired but because everything became a blur of colours and actions around me . She had run me down so much that I almost stood up and walked out , but I contained myself and allowed her to run me down further .
What may have caused you to stay silent since the afternoon ?
None of the above choices .
I was tired .
I was in a bad mood .
I was thinking about the upcoming meeting .
Showers and an ExplanationWith every once of strength she had , Tonks ran into the house and up the stairs . She thought she saw someone in the hallway , but she did n't care . The only thing she wanted was to get clean . Slamming her bedroom door behind her , she scrunched her nose and became Tonks again , but with a pink crew cut . At that time , she realized she could n't make it to the bathroom .
Why did Tonks run into the house ?
To get clean .
She thought she saw someone in the hallway .
She realized she could n't make it to the bathroom .
None of the above choices .
Ca n't find the phone bill either :) . I called my insurance company and they are issuing another check but that did n't help me over the weekend ! I am suck a dummy sometimes . Friday night as much as we wanted to , we were just way too tired and hungry once we got to the hotel to come out to Ascension .
Why does the writer believe they are a dummy ?
Because the had to call their insurance company .
None of the above choices .
Because they lost the phone bill .
Because the insurance company did n't help them over the weekend .
i may die at any moment . but i want it to be with a light heart and happiness not with worry and anger or sadness . i want to sing and dance , i want to make him smile and laugh so hard he has to stop and grab that damn inhaler , because , steve has the asthma :( lol .
Why might I want to die with happiness when I could die at any moment ?
Because I understand my passing would be fulfilling to those who love me .
Because I understand my passing would be a relief to those who love me .
Because I understand my passing would be ecstatic to those who love me .
Because I understand my passing would be devastating to those who love me .
It was n't clear enough ; it did n't have all the right topics ; when I had the right topic , I did n't have straightforward , clear examples . I could go on and on . I felt that this was the sorriest excuse for a book that the world had seen and it was only the greater embarrassment of not delivering on my promise to the publishers that I would submit it that made me send the manuscript to them . Fortunately , in the six months since submission I have developed some perspective and have had unsolicited emails from people around the world saying how much they liked it .
Why did the narrator feel obligated to deliver the book ?
Because they felt it was the best book the world had seen
Because they had all the right topics
Because they wanted to fulfill the promise to the publishers
Because they felt it was the sorriest book the world had seen
I am sure other people may be interested in this experience and that s what this blog is all about . It was a few weeks back on a Friday night , I felt nervous and anxious as I walked to the address . I had nt done this in 9 months , what if I had forgotten what to do , or what to say , this was really worrying me and I was quite stressed .
What was causing you to be so nervous ?
I had decided to go on this date quite late at night and was worried I was sending the wrong message about my intentions for the evening
None of the above choices .
I had not gone on a date in several months and was worried it would not go well
I had not dated in a long time and was worried that I had the wrong address
So I got a bike about a month ago . In fact I think it might ' ve been exactly a month ago . The thing was in the shop quite a bit since then , which is a bit annoying , but they finally got it to where the problems with it are more me not being totally in bike - shape yet ( like going up steep hills is MURDER . ) I wanted to get a recumbent bike , but they 're WAY the heck expensive , and only two places had decent ones and one of them was not really interested in , you know .
Why did I mention murder ?
My new bike was used as a murder weapon .
The defective bike almost killed me at the hill .
None of the above choices .
I thought my heart and lung may not be able to catch up with the exercise intensity at the hill .
So I got a bike about a month ago . In fact I think it might ' ve been exactly a month ago . The thing was in the shop quite a bit since then , which is a bit annoying , but they finally got it to where the problems with it are more me not being totally in bike - shape yet ( like going up steep hills is MURDER . ) I wanted to get a recumbent bike , but they 're WAY the heck expensive , and only two places had decent ones and one of them was not really interested in , you know .
Why did I mention murder ?
None of the above choices .
My new bike was used as a murder weapon .
The defective bike almost killed me at the hill .
My heart and lung worked almost to their limit at the hill .
So I got a bike about a month ago . In fact I think it might ' ve been exactly a month ago . The thing was in the shop quite a bit since then , which is a bit annoying , but they finally got it to where the problems with it are more me not being totally in bike - shape yet ( like going up steep hills is MURDER . ) I wanted to get a recumbent bike , but they 're WAY the heck expensive , and only two places had decent ones and one of them was not really interested in , you know .
Why was my bike in the shop for a while ?
I was more interested in a recumbent bike .
They were fixing my bike after diagnosis of the problem .
I did not pay for the bike immediately .
None of the above choices .