So I got a bike about a month ago . In fact I think it might ' ve been exactly a month ago . The thing was in the shop quite a bit since then , which is a bit annoying , but they finally got it to where the problems with it are more me not being totally in bike - shape yet ( like going up steep hills is MURDER . ) I wanted to get a recumbent bike , but they 're WAY the heck expensive , and only two places had decent ones and one of them was not really interested in , you know .
Why was my bike in the shop for a while ?
I did not pay for the bike immediately .
It took some time to find out what is wrong with the bike .
I was more interested in a recumbent bike .
None of the above choices .
The chocolate was bittersweet and had wonderful depth , but the tart shell was tasteless and seriously quite revolting . It was pasty and white , like it needed a tan . Raspberries and copious amounts of icing sugar did save the day though - they always do .
Why did raspberries and copious amounts of icing sugar save the day ?
None of the above choices .
Because they made the dessert items taste better .
Because the tart shell needed a tan .
Because the chocolate has wonderful depth .
You looked back before stepping out . Walking along the black , damp street , you got closer to that old rundown hotel . As you waited under the awning , you pulled out a cigarette and quickly lit it . Holding the stick in your mouth , you breathed in and blew out a morose cloud of smoke . After a few more drags , the decent - looking male you were waiting for showed up next to you , his arm slipping around your waist . You laughed and dropped your burning tobacco onto the ground . As you two started towards the pitiful - looking entrance , you looked back at your cigarette dying and drowning by the ever so heavy drops of rain . You followed the man up towards the elevator where he started to talk to you .
Why did you pull out a cigarette and quickly light it ?
Because the street was damp .
Because you are addicted to cigarettes .
Because looked back before stepping out .
None of the above choices .
We ( me , my brother , parents and grandfather ) went to see her yesterday , and it was rather shocking . Seeing her dead body especially had a big impact on my grandfather , which was very sad to see . So , that was the bad part of this post . There is some good news as well , thankfully .
Why did seeing her dead body especially have a big impact on my grandfather ?
Because there is some good news .
None of the above choices .
Because my parents went to see her .
Because I went to see her .
A little faded , but I do n't care . Grace was looking for a copper bucket to keep wood in by her hearth . She found one with a great patina and when she asked for a price , the owner reduced it by almost half .
Why did the owner reduce the price so much for Grace ?
He was looking to move the copper bucket and was willing to accept a low price for it
None of the above choices .
He had a crush on Grace and was trying to get her attention by giving her the product for cheap
He wanted Grace to see that he was giving so that she might advise other people to shop there
I was out of town over the weekend , and was n't feeling the bento last night . I threw this together in about ten minutes this morning . Muffin has spaghetti nests from the freezer , broccoli , heart - shaped beets , a grape skewer , corn disks and an omelet that I rolled into a spiral .
What will happen the next time you decide you 'd like to eat a bento box ?
Instead of ordering the box for take out or going to restaurant I will try to make a bento box at home instead because I know now that I can do it well
None of the above choices .
I will have to order in because the bento box I managed to make was just a fluke and I do n't think I can do it again
I will order the bento box at a restaurant because their quality is much better than mine
My second thought was , " hey , that guy kinda looks like Bobby Knight . " Then I turned again and thought , " hey , that 's the winningest men 's basketball coach in NCAA history Bobby Knight his very own damn self . " So that was neat .
Why did the writer think that the person looked like Bobby Knight ?
Because he 's the winningest men 's basketball coach in NCAA history
None of the above choices .
Because it actually was Bobby Knight .
Because it was neat .
I think I am still processing the trip . It was really fun and I had a great time . The current icon is a sign I saw that tickled my fancy . It was on a building leading to a parking lot-- so I ' m not sure what they would be blasing , but it was a big mining area at one time .
If you are able to would you go on a return trip ?
Definitely , I thought everything was interesting and the trip was fun and I had a good time out there
I would probably not because I do n't like going to the same place over and over again
probably not because I wanted to try a different place
Unlikely I will go back because the place is so focused on mining and I just find that to not interest me
I hope to make it through most of the day . We shall see . I have stuff to finish for this weekend to do tonight and that just involves me and some paint brushes ... nothing intense . I hope I can finish it tonight so we can top coat things .
What 's a possible reason the writer is doing things that involve paint brushes ?
Because it 's the weekend .
Because the writer wants to finish something tonight .
Because they are a painter .
Because the writer hopes to make it through most of the day .
Suppressing a mounting sense of frustration I answered the questions exactly as before , unable to understand the need for a fourth account of the incident . Throughout the whole ordeal I was undeniably grumpy , foul mouthed , and ill tempered . When I returned home that evening it dawned on me that being a patient - a good patient - must be terribly difficult .
Why did the writer have a mounting sense of frustration ?
Because they needed to write the same information on some forms repeatedly .
Because they were ill tempered .
Because they were foul mouthed .
None of the above choices .
A friend of the family is getting married and it is not the first for either of them . Given this , they ' ve opted to have a fun and casual ceremony at their house , with the reception immediately following , to bring their families together . Ahem .
What 's a possible reason they opted to have a casual ceremony ?
Because they want to bring their families together .
Because they are friends of the family .
Because they wanted to save money .
Because the reception is immediately following .
They gave me a ridiculous amount of eggs and cottage cheese , and their hot chocolate was SO chocolately , mmm . I went over to Macky 's after having another fight with my dad . Hanging out with Macky and Krista was easy though . We just talked and laughed and had a good time . It made me feel a lot better after all the arguments with my dad .
What kind of relationship might I have with my dad ?
None of the above choices .
I and my dad must have a bad relationship with many arguments .
I and my dad must have a good relationship with many arguments .
I and my dad must have a good relationship but with some arguments .
We left at 2 and headed up to Multnomah Falls . It was gorgeous but also very crowded . After that we headed back to my house where we had a barbeque . The people who all attended was my dad , Carrol , Nick , his parents , and me .
What 's a possible reason they headed up to Multnomah falls ?
Because they had a barbecue .
None of the above choices .
Because it was very crowded .
Because they headed back to the writer 's house .
OFF TO BENGALURU I 'd hoped to post a bunch of Mysore pictures today , but for some reason the computer ca n't log on to my friend 's new WiFi service . So here are just a couple . * * * Of course leaving Mysore was bittersweet . More sweet than bitter , actually . I wanted to cry at every goodbye . Actually I did break down a few times . I saw the coconut family one last time ; they brought out the new baby , Sneha , who is too cute . It 's hard to feel bad when you 're in the presence of a happy baby .
Why did the writer want to cry at every goodbye ?
Because their friend ca n't log onto the Wifi .
Because they were sad to part ways with the people .
None of the above choices .
Because they are off to Bengaluru .
There are eight bunk beds in my room and they are all completely full . Tomorrow we will be switching buildings to where we 'll be staying the rest of the three months . The school leader is going to a conference for the next few days so class does not actually start until October 5th so they said we have free time until then .
What will I likely do with my free time here ?
I will keep to myself so no one thinks I 'm weird .
Get to know the school and the area that I am going to be in .
None of the above choices .
I 'll call my girlfriend back home and talk to her for hours .
This is very post facto , but for those of you who have n't come across it yet I commend J.K. Rowling 's Harvard commencement address as well worth your while . Try to listen to it rather than simply reading it , if your connection allows . Brilliant stuff .
Why do I commend this speech so much ?
I like J.K. Rowling so I think her speech is meaningful .
I do n't think its meaningful at all . It is actually quite distasteful .
It is just a famous person so anything they say is good .
Commencement speeches are always inspirational .
I did n't even think about what I was doing . I was just taking care of my kid . I looked at the woman , shrugged , and said , " I ' m draining the glass so I can fill it with water for my kid . " Then I whispered , " Fucking Fox Pass . " She did n't register my humor , but a whole cadre of bears who were surrounding me busted out laughing .
What would happen if the woman had heard what you said ?
She would have asked me to leave because I had been rude
None of the above choices .
She would be annoyed and angry with me because my comment was intentionally rude as I tried to get a reaction out of her
She would have reported me to the owners of the establishment
So we ended up ordering a freakishly large pizza from the restaurant attached to the Best Western , and watching the food Network until Mildred and I were almost half - asleep . Sunday we met up for breakfast in the aforementioned restaurant , and Mom decreed that she wanted to do more sightseeing , she just could n't wear herself out like she had the day before . So we took taxis to the Smithsonian , where we walked through the Natural History Museum and saw the Hope Diamond on display , and Mildred got scared by a mechanical fox under the elephant . ( If you get too close , it starts making noises . )
Why does the mechanical fox make noises when one gets too close ?
The museum is try to prevent people going near exhibits because the sound would alarm security personnel
The museum wants to be playful and give people harmless frights while attending their displays
None of the above choices .
The museum wants to prevent people getting too close to the exhibition
And as I cried upon hearing the news - and receiving periodic updates as I took photos of the MoTown Christmas parade - that coworker was there to console me . It meant a lot , and it still does , knowing there are at least a few people here I can turn to despite not having known a single one of them just 15 months ago . Since moving to North Carolina in May 2007 - a whole four days after my college graduation - I ' ve come a long way .
Why were you able to create friendships to have people to turn to ?
I was friendly and extroverted with my colleagues and did my best to make friends because I was all alone out here
I bought lunch for my colleagues all the time to try and make them like me and it worked out
I had spoken to many of these people online for a while so we knew one another in some sense
None of the above choices .
He knows i do nt want to recover ... but he said he still wants me to try . but if not he would nt force me . but he said he would be there for me through all of this .
Why would he not force you to recover ?
He knows me well and knows that I do n't like to be forced into doing something and would rather do something naturally
He knows that I actually do n't have to recover because my health is okay
he knows that he likes me the way I am when I am not recovering
He knows that I enjoy doing things my way and that I do n't really want to recover
cheap online -pharmacy online cheap buy cheap generic generic viagra ! cheap online . Celebrex levitra nexium propecia renova valtrex viagra , generic cialis uk paypal viagra try before you buy viagra in canada tadalafil next day delivery no script .
Why might this advertisement suggest you to try it before buying ?
Because online pharmacies are often scams and people do not trust it .
None of the above choices .
Because online pharmacies are often scams yet people do trust it .
Because online pharmacies are hardly scams but people do not trust it .
I just got done going on tilt and trying to take it out on a fly that kept buzzing around , which is when I knew it was time take a break . I ' m just having one of those stretches that if I have pocket 8 's , the flop comes As - Ks - Qd and everyone ca n't wait to get all their money in . If I have pocket Jacks or A - K , of course I get 2 or 3 callers , and the flop comes 6h-7h - Qh and again I meet a wave of aggression . Nobody folds and I ' m not getting the tickets to take advantage of it .
What is causing the wave of aggression towards me ?
I have too many pocket Jacks .
I keep folding my hand .
I bought all the tickets to the card game .
I keep wining the poker games .
She told him about the fresh fried chicken and sides and promised to pick out the best piece for him . As she left he finally muttered , " She 'll probably bring me a damned neck . " When she returned , she had the most beautiful half chicken with golden brown crust that I had ever seen and all the best in sides . The chicken half looked like a small Emu .
What 's a possible reason the chicken half looked like a small emu ?
None of the above choices .
Because he muttered " She 'll probably bring me a damned neck . "
Because the woman told the guy about the sides .
Because the woman told the guy about the fresh fried chicken .
Files out of the crate , take each file one at a time , identify the treasures , purge the rest , return the file to the crates ( making new folder and using new hanging folder as needed ) , repeat . In 2 hours , I 'd purged about 85 % of that file crate . It 's not immediately obvious , since I had shoved about 30 file folders into two hanging files , and adding 24 hanging files added 3 " to the overall size . So it looks as if I went from 14 " to about 5 " .
Why might I have been able to purge so much of the files ?
The files must have been getting purged as they gathered .
The files must have been gathering while being purged all the time .
The files must have been gathering without being purged for a short time .
The files must have been gathering without being purged for a while .
I had not intended to see Julie today , but Perry and I ended up going over to supervise her dinner . It was a really nice visit . When we entered her room I said hi to her , and then told her to look and see who I had brought with me , and she saw Perry and said " Hi Perry ! " without prompting , or a reminder of his name .
What kind of relationship do Julie and Perry have ?
None of the above choices .
Julie is Perry 's supervisor at work
Julie and Perry have met each other once before
Julie and Perry often have dinner together
Giving him a look like HA HA HA . So , later came , and he was exhausted . he 'd also been working under the car on the brakes for the WHOLE day , practically , tore up his foot when he slipped on our porch , etc . So , he was acting like he could n't even hardly move .
Why was he working on the car 's brakes for so long that he was acting like he could n't move ?
The brakes were in shape .
The brakes were wearing down .
The brakes were in alignment .
The brakes were working well .
Giving him a look like HA HA HA . So , later came , and he was exhausted . he 'd also been working under the car on the brakes for the WHOLE day , practically , tore up his foot when he slipped on our porch , etc . So , he was acting like he could n't even hardly move .
Why was he working on the car 's brakes for so long that he was acting like he could n't move ?
None of the above choices .
The brakes were working well .
The brakes were in alignment .
The brakes were in shape .
Went to Zoological et Forest Park by Le Petit Train . There was a recorded guide in this train , but it always played either too early or too late ... I was with Japanese Honeymooner . They are really nice couple .
What may be true about the train in Zoological ?
There was an explanation from the tour guide inside .
A prerecorded explanation played inside .
I went on my honeymoon there .
None of the above choices .
I wo n't be holding her hand , I wo n't be sitting with her while they figure out what bus she will ride , I wo n't be standing on the sidelines , crying , saying goodbye to our summer . Instead , I will pack her lunch , give her a smooch , tell her I love her and to have a great day at school then I will watch her walk out the door with her friend and wave as they gossip the whopping block to the shuttle bus . I will most definitely cry after she walks out the door . I already have .
Why might I not walk her to the bus stop ?
Because she is getting old enough to walk to the bus stop with her friends with my supervision .
Because she is not old enough to walk to school with her friends without my supervision .
Because she is getting old enough to walk to the bus stop with her friends without my supervision .
Because she is getting old enough to walk to school with her friends without my supervision .
And the reader will , too ( we hope ! ) .2 ) Bad because it 's very easy to let our characters off the hook instead of putting them through the ringer . Bad because without conflict and tension , the story is boring . Solution : take yourself out of the story every once in awhile and look at it with an unbiased eye . You can do this when you 're writing the first draft if you 're like me and want to get the story pretty fleshed out ( i.e.
What 's a possible reason the story is boring without conflict and tension ?
None of the above choices .
Because we need to put characters through the ringer .
Because we need to look at a story with an unbiased eye .
Because conflict and tension make the story exciting and unpredictable .
During the summers and autumns I like to take my two caiques , Icarus and Daedalus , out to fun events as much as possible . ( Wearing harnesses , of course . ) They love the sunshine and fresh air and stimulation , and I like to keep them well - socialized and friendly to strangers as much as I can . ( Part of my motivation for this is to keep them from becoming aggressive one - person birds , and part of it is so that if they ever escaped they 'd feel comfortable flying to a stranger , not just to me . )
What would happen if your birds happened to fly away ?
They would be lost and unable to return to me
They would comfortably fly over to someone they know and not be scared or worried
They would be scared and likely not know what to do
None of the above choices .
I helped make dinner , and then hung out with my aunt and my mother . Suddenly my grandmothers ' health is declining , and it 's my job to distract the small child ( my cousin ) from the hectic runaround , medication and all . I did n't mind being outside with her , I did n't mind playing with the cat and watching her do cartwheels , but I felt purposely misplaced . When we came back , things got worse .
Why is it the narrator 's job to distract the small child ?
None of the above choices .
Her grandmother 's health suddenly got better
She wanted to play with the cat
Her grandmother 's health is suddenly declining
September 11th appears to have been quite an angry day for me ... Well , to post such a vitriolic message to the Boy simply to vent is a bit childish . That said , I sha n't delete the post . That would sort of defeat the point of it all . When going through old journals that I used to keep , I often find scrawled pages that I had originally written in a fit of peak and then decided that they were far to incendiary to keep and thus scribbled through them . But that 's not how journals are meant to work .
Why does the writer believe journals are not supposed to work that way ?
Because the writer wo n't delete a post .
Because whatever is written in them is supposed to stay as it is .
None of the above choices .
Because September 11th was an angry day for the writer .
so here 's the plan . well , its not really a plan just something that is going to happen . I ' m going to start with a 100 hour fast just to get me going . I ' ve already gotten rid of most of the food in my place so as long as i can stay strong at work i should be okay .
What might I be trying to accomplish by fasting ?
None of the above choices .
I might be trying to kick start my body 's mechanism to break down the proteins .
I might be trying to kick start my body 's mechanism to break down the fat .
I might be trying to kick start my fat 's mechanism to break down the proteins .
I suggested that we go elsewhere and told her that the table was dirty , others who came in after us had been greeted and told how to order and now they were out of what I wanted . We left . I doubt that I will ever go back there . So we went up to The Cafe in the north part of Ames . ( picture blow ) The Cafe is one of the nicest places in Ames to eat .
Why will I never go back to that restaurant .
The place was disgusting and it made it unappetizing to eat .
She did n't want to be there anymore so we wo n't be back .
I am stubborn in my beliefs and they were being weird .
None of the above choices .
But until then , all I had was east and the hot pavement beneath my feet . My sweat was steaming off my shirt and I grabbed the collar and flapped it to let some air in but it did nothing to help . The air was choking and I knew that if I lit up a cigarette my lungs would be in a fiery , wet hell .
What might I have done with my cigarette urge ?
None of the above choices .
I might have held it off until I can stop choking .
I might have held it off until I can get out of the heat .
I might have held it off until I can stop sweating .
In this fast paced world where we want everything now , we often forget about the simplest things in life and how important some of these simple things can be to our overall health . What am I talking about ? Well , one of the simplest and best things in life ( also one of the healthiest ) is to take the time out to smell the roses . Learn to relax and enjoy mother nature .
What might happen if we appreciate the simple things ?
We would n't be able to unwind .
We would learn to smell the roses .
We can keep up with the fast paced world .
We would unwind and improve our lives .
We had decided to be sneaky and pay a surprise visit to my parents , only about an hour 's flight from Amsterdam . It turned out we were just a little too sneaky , since when we arrived on their doorstep ready to spring the surprise we found that they 'd gone out . Not to be deterred , we decided to put to use some of the tracking skills we learned on safari .
What will likely happen next ?
We will have to head back home and wait it out .
We will head to Amsterdam and enjoy ourselves .
We will finally track down my parents and surprise them .
We will scare everyone by being so sneaky .
Today , since I had four documents to send ( three federal tax returns , and one city one ) , I knew I was getting dirty looks from the growing line behind me as I finally stepped to the APS machine . And then I got nervous . Honest - to - goodness nervous because suddenly I was on the spot , under the anxious scrutiny of my fellow late - asses .
What may have caused you to get nervous at the APS machine ?
My tax returns were under scrutiny .
I was taking a long time .
I did n't take a long time .
I was stuck in a growing line .
Techniki S.A. was founded in 1995 . The company represents the legal evolving of other companies that were owned by the same founders whose activity began in 1983 . Techniki S.A. delivers integrated construction and design services across four major disciplines : Civil Engineering , Real Estate Development , Design , Build and Renewable Sources projects development .
What may be true about Techniki S.A. ?
It was focused on renewable engineering .
It started in the 90s .
Techniki S.A. was founded by other companies in the 90s .
It started in the 80s .
If Kate Spade 's preppy bags and shoes are your cup of tea , then you must check out the Kate Spade sale at Rue La La. I ' m a big fan , after the revamping , Kate Spade seems to be doing better and better with the designs . Things are going so fast !
Why would Kate Spade 's products being going so fast ?
None of the above choices .
They are really popular with people because of their quality .
It 's all in the name " Kate Spade " .
People will buy anything that other people want .
So , what did I do , but ram my trolley so I could get past . I hate living in a society like this . It is changing me into an aggressive , angry person . I can feel myself turning into one of them .
What may have caused you to ram your trolley ?
I was angry at the trolley .
I needed to make room somehow .
None of the above choices .
I needed to ram the trolley so I could get into the room .
Well , it is business as usual for me . Busy days at work and busier nights at home . What is that word I need to learn ? It begins with N and ends in O and has no letters between .
What is the word that I need to learn ?
The correct answer is No , because I always tell people yes .
New Orleans , because I need to go and finally take a vacation .
There is n't a word that I need to learn .
I just need to learn to stop saying no to people that want to do things .
Nothing too exciting happened yesterday , despite it being 888 . 8 is my favorite number ( and 11 ) and I have triple 8s in my phone number because I can . Luckily there are no 4s in my phone number - I just learned last night while watching the Olympics that 4 is bad luck . I was having some drama with a kitchen sink , of all things , at the new condo , so I barged into the condo yesterday while they were working so I could see for myself what was going on .
Why do I think the number 4 is bad luck ?
Because I am superstitious .
Because I have triple 8s in my phone number .
None of the above choices .
Because 8 is my favorite number .
Then today at work I burst out crying , which is embarressing cos terry was like oh , ok . He 's like 40 , and is like some hard core gangster . Ok not so much , but he reminds you of it .
Why was I embarrassed to burst out crying at work ?
Terry reacted sympathetically and comforted me .
Terry did n't react much nor comfort me .
I cried in front of all of my friends .
None of the above choices .
Then today at work I burst out crying , which is embarressing cos terry was like oh , ok . He 's like 40 , and is like some hard core gangster . Ok not so much , but he reminds you of it .
Why was I embarrassed to burst out crying at work ?
None of the above choices .
I cried in front of all of my coworkers .
Terry reacted sympathetically and comforted me .
I cried in front of all of my friends .
If the item suffers from vandalism whilst in their possession it is you who will have to pay for repairs . Draught : You can usually pay by bankers or building society draught ( check with them first ) and upon receipt you will be able to take away the item . In the past , this method was accepted as being perfectly secure , but more and more of these bills are being stolen and forged .
Why are bills being stolen and forged ?
None of the above choices .
Because items are in their possession .
Because you will have to pay for repairs .
Because if people get away with it , they get free money .
The resulting credit crunch is now toppling not only mainstay Wall Street players , but others in the wider financial industry . The line of credit to AIG , which is available for two years , is designed to help the company meet its obligations , the Fed said . Interest will accrue at a steep rate of 3-month Libor plus 8.5 % , which totals 11.31 % at today 's rates . AIG will sell certain of its businesses with " the least possible disruption to the overall economy . " The government will have veto power over the asset sales and the payment of dividends to shareholders . The company 's management will be replaced , though Fed staffers did not name the new executives .
Why will AIG sell their business only by those which are least disruptive to the economy ?
They are a conscientious company and are acting in the best interests of many players
They care about the economy and protecting other interests
They are a large company and can not cash out by selling business , they have a responsibility to the company to keep things structured and stable
None of the above choices .
For a boy . I have an exam tomorrow and it 's going to be really hard . Jenn- I had a dream about Bun Bun . I got him at the dollar store . and he ate the floorboards at my house .
Why might I believe the exam tomorrow is going to be hard ?
Because I might have prepared enough for the exam .
Because I might have prepared well for the exam .
Because I might not have the exam ready for students .
Because I might not have prepared enough for the exam .
And it may be some need to justify this theory that is influencing my perceptions , but the fact he chose hallucination over reality in the end may as well be a metaphor for the same thing . And then I read the following passage , which came a little bit later in Jacob 's recap . The definition of madness is the inability to filter out the false from the true ... Our bodies know better , they call it dreaming , and they force us awake . Stay there and become mad , become chimerical , abominable , something that can not exist .
Why did he choose hallucination over reality ?
Hallucinations were scarier and he liked to be frightened .
None of the above choices .
He did n't like to suffer in the real world anymore .
Sometimes the real world just is n't enough for someone .
{ JCrew 's Silk tricotine Cecelia gown}I received my beautiful and perfect dress today ! I had been anxiously waiting since Sunday and it was worth the wait ... I ' m so in love with my dress !
Why might I have been waiting anxiously for the dress ?
Because I do know if the dress will be a good fit since I have n't tried it on .
Because I do know if the dress will be a good fit since I have tried it on .
Because I do n't know if the dress will be a good fit although I have tried it on .
Because I do n't know if the dress will be a good fit since I have n't tried it on .
I ' ve finally got a break from the girl - child ... The kids ' mother bussed into town Thursday afternoon . This morning , we dropped her back off at the Greyhound station and the girlchild started to whimper and cry . Deb gave her a napkin to dry her tears before we left . The Hipster Daughter reportedly had a perfectly fine day . Deb phoned about 7 to let us know she got back safe and our daughter started whimpering again on the phone .
Why was the girl child so upset so upset at the bus station ?
None of the above choices .
She had not seen her mother since Christmas and was upset it had been so long .
She was happy that her mother was leaving again .
She was delighted her mom brought her a pony on the bus .
I ' ve finally got a break from the girl - child ... The kids ' mother bussed into town Thursday afternoon . This morning , we dropped her back off at the Greyhound station and the girlchild started to whimper and cry . Deb gave her a napkin to dry her tears before we left . The Hipster Daughter reportedly had a perfectly fine day . Deb phoned about 7 to let us know she got back safe and our daughter started whimpering again on the phone .
Why was the girl child so upset so upset at the bus station ?
She was delighted her mom brought her a pony on the bus .
None of the above choices .
She was nervous to see her mom after it had been so long .
She was happy that her mother was leaving again .
I ' ve finally got a break from the girl - child ... The kids ' mother bussed into town Thursday afternoon . This morning , we dropped her back off at the Greyhound station and the girlchild started to whimper and cry . Deb gave her a napkin to dry her tears before we left . The Hipster Daughter reportedly had a perfectly fine day . Deb phoned about 7 to let us know she got back safe and our daughter started whimpering again on the phone .
What did the girlchild do after Deb left the bus station ?
She asked for a tissue to dry her tears .
She went for a walk in the park with her best friend .
She asked for the boy 's phone number so she could text him .
None of the above choices .
One night early spring I was about to turn off my bedroom light when I spotted Red in the front room on the counter , he was looking my way . I said " Red ! " , the distance was made shorter by a few leaps and onto my chair . He stood on my lap looking down at his nook between my stomach and the arm of the chair .
What may happen when you call out to Red ?
They 'll cuddle with me as I relax .
None of the above choices .
They would run to the front room away from me .
They 'll leap on me as I try to relax .
He told me to come back and visit . I told him I would , but not until I ' ve published my first novel . He said , " we 'll have a copy of it when you do .
Why did he say that he would have a copy of your novel when you finish it ?
he is effectively saying that he wo n't read it unless I bring them a free copy directly
he is expressing confidence and support for my plan to publish my novel soon
None of the above choices .
He is expressing that he expects me to give him a free copy when I finish the book
So I ' m sure you ' ve all seen the various " register to vote ! " posts on your respective friends pages . And yes , I agree that you should . However , I also want to remind everyone that is registered to vote that you should double - check this , especially if you have n't voted recently .
What may be a good reason to double - check if you 're registered to vote ?
If you 've voted recently , you 'll have to register to vote again .
You might not be registered depending on the circumstances .
You might already be registered depending on the circumstances .
None of the above choices .
I do n't care that it 's only been a week . I honestly have n't been this stoked on a dude since .... maybe ever . To be honest , I never was really really into any of my boyfriends . Like I was never really stoked on them .
What might I do with him in the future ?
I might try to go steady with the dude as long as he 's willing .
I might try to go steady with the dude even if he 's not willing .
I might not try to go steady with the dude even if he 's willing .
None of the above choices .
There is an exhibition right now that I wanted to see , anyway . This forced me into the Gallery , so I decided to take that time and enjoy the show . It was good . There were a few pieces I really enjoyed seeing ... and one or two that made me wonder about people .
How might I feel about art exhibits ?
I might feel that art exhibits should be enjoyed whenever regardless of the time .
I might feel that art exhibits should be enjoyed even if it means taking the time out .
I might feel that art exhibits should be enjoyed unless it means taking the time out .
I might feel that art exhibits should be enjoyed except it means taking the time out .
WaitingNachtrictGThey'd gotten into a fight . She was hurt and could n't stand to see him for a while , so she sent him to them , to give herself time to cool down without him trying to fix what he could n't . It had n't been long until they showed up at her house , without him , and she let them in , confused .
Why did they show up at her house without him ?
They wanted to tell her what he 's been doing while she 's been alone
They wanted to talk to her and convince her to forgive him on behalf of him
None of the above choices .
They wanted to pick her up to take her over to him
I miss her dearly , I know she would be alittle unsure with my faith because she was raised Baptist , but I know she would happy that I was happy , she was always different about her ideals when it came to her grandchildren . To know that she was so young to die hurts me and makes me wish to know if she is alright . I remind myself of her all the time because I know that I will never forget her , but I have noticed that she wants me to move on with her death , and I believe I have . I know that in time I will be in total acceptence of her going and I will know that I will see her again and I know that she will welcome me in her arms .
What am I hoping will happen eventually ?
I will forget about the death and move on .
I will return to my Baptist faith , as I was raised .
I want my grandchildren to be happy and move on .
I will be able to see my grandmother in the afterlife .
While my FICO is good , my debt to income ratio is not the best and I have more than four properties . Some of you might not know this , but borrowers with more than four properties are having problems getting any loans at all . I recently talked to a big time investor that has hundreds of properties . His financials are pretty good , but no one will give him a loan , he has to pay cash .
Why is my FICO good ?
Because I pay my bills on time .
Because borrowers with more than four properties are having problems getting any loans at all .
None of the above choices .
Because I have more than four properties .
Life without planning kinda sucks . I think I am having a little more freedom nowadays and it makes me go out even more often with my friends or just you know go to their house to hang out . It 's good and ... bad . Bad because I am having too much fun it 's kinda hard to have my mind set for studies but well I guess that will come in soon .
What may be your reason for wanting more planning in your life ?
I spend too much time on my studies .
I was wasting too much time alone in my house .
None of the above choices .
I 'm wasting too much time .
i m a 19 year old , blonde , blue eyed , 5'2 , 100lbs , petite female looking for someone who wants to hang out tonight . i need someone who has some money to spend . i m an only child working hard to put myself through school and help my mom out who has cancer .. which makes money really tight . i m short this month and need between 200 and 300 to pay for some more books and get my mom some of her medications which she s gone without for the past few days .
What might happen if someone responded to your message ?
I would go out with them and I would pay for the date
None of the above choices .
I would tell them that I am no longer interested
I would go out and spend the night with them for some money
When in Broome I thought I 'd buy some games to add to our collection . Deep within a general store I found this set of Dominos on a shelf . In a raw timber box with inky print , I felt this little set was going to be pretty special . And it was only 4 bucks !
What 's a possible reason the writer thought they 'd buy some games ?
Because they have a collection .
None of the above choices .
Because they found a set of Dominos on a shelf .
Because the writer likes games .
I said so when given the chance . On that auspicious occasion , as Michelle Obama held my hands and looked me in the eyes , I spoke with the mother of Sasha and Malia , the individual I hope will be our First Lady . I expressed my faith . This sweet and sensational being , Michelle Obama is the change I can believe in .
Why did the writer hope Michelle Obama would be the first lady ?
None of the above choices .
Because they believe she will be effective .
Because the writer expressed their faith .
Because it was an auspicious occasion .
When I went back , he looked at me very sternly and said " Do n't you ' Oh My God ' me , Missy ! " I laughed in his face and he looked delighted . Now we are home for the night , and I can hear some weird creepy music blasting upstairs . He is playing some kind of role game so the weird chorus plays over and over .
What may be his reason for listening to the weird and creepy music ?
It 's a soundtrack to the movie he 's enjoying .
He wanted to look creepy when he looked at me .
None of the above choices .
It 's the soundtrack to the thing he 's enjoying .
A place so classy that even the bathroom stalls had their own mirrors , and crystal chandeliers dangling dangerously over our heads the entire time . Delicate morsels of food , each deliciously rich , were served to us on stacked plates , and our menus contained genteel accounts of this history of both our tea , and the Tea Room . The waitress even attempted to put a folded napkin in my lap , but I took it off her . My little brother had accompanied me there , only to take one look at the prices on the menu and ring up his friend to tell him all about it .
Why did the writer 's little brother ring up his friend ?
Because the place was very classy .
None of the above choices .
Because the bathroom stalls had mirrors .
Because he was surprised at the high prices on the menu .
And she said , " some guys are WEIRD with that stuff , it 's better if HE says it 1st . but I mean you should really talk to him . " Soo I called him . NO ANSWER and then I left a message ..... 1 week AGO !
Why did I leave a message ?
Because it was 1 week ago .
Because some guys are weird .
Because I called him .
Because I wanted to get in contact with him .
I do n't know if that alone worked , but we did collect a lot of beads . Showing off our awesome bead collection . We monopolized an entire section of the balcony . The Rio marquee . Hugh Hefner Drive . You probably know where this is going ... The Palms , where the Playboy Club is located . It 's a really freaking nice casino , but empty , probably because it 's so off - strip .
How might have we collected awesome beads to show off ?
None of the above choices .
We might have screamed for beads on the balcony .
We might have danced on our hands on the balcony .
We might have waved our hands on the balcony .
Then my mom said I should make one for my brother as well .... so needless to say a week before I left for vacation I whipped out a total of 8 of these albums for everyone ! It was nuts and then we did n't even do them while on vacation but I guess that 's what vacation is all about .... relaxing ! ha ha !
What might I have done with these albums I 've made ?
I might have given them away to everyone .
I might have taken them away from everyone .
I might have given them away to no one .
I might have kept them away from everyone .
The arena was filled with staff , and they were pretty helpful too . There were no long lines at concessions or even in the bathrooms . As for the game . It started with a roaring ovation for Cujo .
Why were the arena 's staff helpful ?
Because there were no long lines in the bathrooms .
None of the above choices .
Because there were no long lines at concessions .
Because it 's their job to be helpful .
I like it . I attended the first poker society meeting tonight . they talked about the society a little and gave us the format for when tournaments start and things like that . it was an informal tournament there with three tables , and the seven players with the highest chip count after a certain point advanced to the final table .
Why are they interested in poker playing ?
None of the above choices .
They want to be a part of the poker society
They wanted to see the tournament and how to stop it .
Their friends play poker so they did not want too .
I like it . I attended the first poker society meeting tonight . they talked about the society a little and gave us the format for when tournaments start and things like that . it was an informal tournament there with three tables , and the seven players with the highest chip count after a certain point advanced to the final table .
Why are they interested in poker playing ?
None of the above choices .
Their friends play poker so they did not want too .
They wanted to see the tournament and how to stop it .
They want to make money by playing poker .
I like it . I attended the first poker society meeting tonight . they talked about the society a little and gave us the format for when tournaments start and things like that . it was an informal tournament there with three tables , and the seven players with the highest chip count after a certain point advanced to the final table .
Will they be in a poker tournament ?
This is their first meeting , they are not sure if they want to play poker .
no , they just want to meet the seven players .
Yes , they are learning how to play poker and be in tournaments .
None of the above choices .
I like it . I attended the first poker society meeting tonight . they talked about the society a little and gave us the format for when tournaments start and things like that . it was an informal tournament there with three tables , and the seven players with the highest chip count after a certain point advanced to the final table .
Will they be in a poker tournament ?
Yes , the whole reason they joined the society is to learn how to play .
This is their first meeting , they are not sure if they want to play poker .
None of the above choices .
no , they just want to meet the seven players .
I had to switch departments at work yesterday , I felt so bad leaving my humble coworkers and work spot . Now I work for this huge case , a company that went bankrupt like 7 years ago . Anywhoo , this place is mad , it takes up 1/4th of an entire floor , filled with abandoned desks , it makes you want to steal the computers ! I feel really lonely there , I have a new coworker , but she speaks French and she reminds me of noodles .
What may have caused to switch deparments at work ?
I needed to assist the other one .
My department was going bankrupt .
The one I was working with no longer needed my assistance .
None of the above choices .
Add to that the fact that he spent destiny points willy - nilly , and even a somewhat hardcore 20th level group never stood a chance . Like , " Ok , I ' ve dropped this pesky Jedi Master here , better turn my attention to their melee monster grey - jedi . Triple attack , first is a destiny point autocrit for ... 137 damage ... ok , she destiny pointed her way out of that one . I 'll just make my other two attacks , 40 damage , 37 damage ... take that pesky jedi .... oh , you ' ve got delay damage and are still up ?
What would happen after the Grey Jedi used delay damage and did not die ?
They will have to use a cheat code so they can beat the grey Jedi
They will have to restart the mission and try to take on the grey Jedi in some other way
They will have to get aid from some companions in the game who can deal damage
They would have to come up with some other way of killing the grey Jedi besides the attacks they have been using
How do I love ? Let me count the ways . I love thee to depth and breadth and height , my soul can reach when feeling out of sight . I love thee to the level of every day 's , most quiet need by sun and candle light .
How does this person feel about the person he 's addressing
None of the above choices .
How do I love ? Let me count the ways . I love thee to depth and breadth and height , my soul can reach when feeling out of sight . I love thee to the level of every day 's , most quiet need by sun and candle light .
How does this person feel about the person he 's addressing
None of the above choices .
How do I love ? Let me count the ways . I love thee to depth and breadth and height , my soul can reach when feeling out of sight . I love thee to the level of every day 's , most quiet need by sun and candle light .
What caused the person say all of this ?
None of the above choices .
To express disdain
Reflect on the day
To express love
All gone in a flash of an eye , Canon xTi , expensive zoom lens and 50 mm macro lens , not to mention 2 memory cards and 2 batteries . My insurance covers it , but the deductible is $ 1000 and our premium would go up . SO , I guess I ' m out a camera . I 'll have to go buy another memory card and switch back to the old Canon digital Rebel - thank God we kept it . My little trip to Atlanta to see friends ended up very expensive indeed !
Why would the writer possibly not file an insurance claim ?
None of the above choices .
Because the lens was a 50 mm macro lens .
Because there were 2 memory cards and 2 batteries .
Because the zoom lens is expensive .
He smiled brightly at the twins , receiving a loud ' yes ' in unison . " Well well , what did you do in my absence ? " He shook the one leg Kyojin was holding onto , making him squeal . " We were playing Hide and Seek with daddy Hae . "
What 's a possible reason they were playing hide and seek ?
Because it was played in someone 's absence .
Because they think it 's a fun game to play .
Because the guy smiled at the twins .
None of the above choices .
Sinister 's calm voice interrupted the struggle . He moved round in front of Eclipse , defenceless , his hands empty . " If that 's how you feel , then OK , go for it . Go on , pull the trigger .
What may have caused the struggle to be interrupted ?
Someone spoke up in the middle of it .
Sinister was left defenseless .
Someone pulled the trigger .
Eclipse spoke up in the middle of it .
Well Bill Melendez died the other day at the age of 91 . I have always admired Bill and his work . He started out as an animator and spent a few years at Warner Brothers . He only spent a few years there , but he worked with Bob Clampett and Arthur Davis and he animated some of the greatest cartoons to come out of the studio .
How will Bill Melendez be remembered now that he has passed away ?
None of the above choices .
He will be remembered by his family
He will be remembered by the people he impacted
He will be remembered as a great contributor at Warner brothers in animation and for the cartoons he created
His memorial service was held on 9/11 , the day that changed America . I was putting up a flag when much of the rest of the country was going through the ultra - patriotism thing . The American flag had been weaponized . Lives had been lost because of that flag , and more lives would be lost again soon .
Why might more lives be lost again soon ?
Because the writer was putting up a flag .
None of the above choices .
Because 9/11 is a day that changed America .
Because there is an ongoing war .
Ryan woke up to that familiar scent of alcohol . This was nothing new for Ryan Ross . It has been like this for as long as he can remember .
Why was the familiar scent of alcohol nothing new for Ryan Ross ?
He has read a lot about acohol in his studies
None of the above choices .
He has a strong sense of smell
He or someone nearby was regularly involved with acohol
Dinosaurs at the Museum of Natural History ! In my blog from NYC , you know that we were lucky enough to see the Pope . It was a lucky coincidence for us , since we were just walking by and happened to run into his route .
What 's a possible reason the writer considers themselves lucky for seeing the pope ?
Because not many people get to see the pope in person .
Because the writer has a blog about NYC .
Because there are Dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum .
None of the above choices .
Since that medi - witch had told her she was pregnant , Daphne had not let Charlie have her . She 'd shied away . She 'd also been eating everything in sight and in weird combinations . She 'd been moodier than usual .
What 's a possible reason Daphne was eating everything in sight ?
None of the above choices .
Because she 's pregnant .
Because she was shy .
Because she would n't let Charlie have her .
There was this popular book fair at my school today with novels & stuff going at 5 bucks each . Like WTH , Nigella Express which i paid 62 bucks for went at 5 bucks too . There was only one though . I told Eileen & she went straight to get it .
How were they able to sell the bucks for just 5 bucks instead of the higher prices which they actually cost ?
The books were damaged and mostly broken so they were actually useless
The books were counterfeit copies and not legit so they could sell them for very little
They likely got the books as donations and wanted to make money quickly to raise a small amount of funds
The books were full of errors and mistakes and were not legitimate copies which they were selling
Supper Club offers the best . Have a look at all properties of SuperClubs in Jamaica , Curacao , The Bahamas , The Dominican Republic and Brazil are individually tailored to cater to the needs of different markets , while consistently delivering the high quality vacation , which has become synonymous with the SuperClubs Super - Inclusive product as a whole - and what SuperClubs ' guests have come to expect . Breezes Bahamas in Nassau , and Breezes Montego Bay in Jamaica , extend all of the amenities of a Super - Inclusive vacation - at a more affordable price . Breezes Runaway Bay Resort and Golf Club ( Breezes ' flagship property ) caters to golfers , tennis players , sports enthusiasts and connoisseurs of great beaches .
What might happen after one books a trip with SuperClubs ?
None of the above choices .
They would find that superclubs is not as good as their marketing suggests
They would see that they could oragnize a trip for themselves at a better price and with more to do
They would experience a very active and enjoyable holiday with lots of time for sport and beaches
We survived our cuts . I had scheduled them to be at the same time , but one of the stylists called out , so we ended up getting cuts by the same girl . My son 's took an entire hour - they do n't use clippers only scissors .
Why might my son 's haircut have taken and hour ?
Because my son might have had a messy , long hair .
Because my son might have had a messy but short hair .
Because my son might have had a short and clean hair .
Because my son might have had a clean but long hair .
Today church was amazing ! We had spontaneous baptisms and so many people came forward . I was so excited and clapping and then I saw this middle school girl who was crying and after seeing her and thinking about all of the people coming down to publicly show their dedication to God I started getting teary eyed !
Why did the writer start getting teary eyed ?
Because the writer saw a middle school girl .
Because she was deeply moved by the people committing to their new lifestyle .
Because the writer was clapping .
None of the above choices .
I remember after he took his last breath . I remember starting to cry , really cry . Then she looked at me , looking into me and I knew I had to stop .
What may have happened before the story ?
The narrator was with someone when they died
The narrator could not stop crying
None of the above choices .
The narrator missed being with someone while they died
Then when we got back to the house , I hung out with Harrison , Ian , and Jake , and Kaitlin for a while until she decided to leave . And I had one of the best moments of all of college during this time , in which I surprised Harrison with my intelligence . Harrison is the kind of guy who likes to think that he is way smarter and intellectual than everyone else is , and is pretty arrogant - and I am pretty sure he will fully acknowledge this .
What 's a possible reason the writer hung out with these people at the house ?
Because the writer wanted to surprise Harrison with their intelligence .
Because they enjoy each other 's company .
Because the writer was having one of their best moments of college .
None of the above choices .
He 's either really good , or really rich . Can you imagine how much of his fortune did he put into money swallowing machines like these ? But apparently he screwed up because despite all his efforts and genuine talent i must say , he only received a score of 600 + . Guess what 's the highscore ?
What 's a possible reason he only received a score of 600 + ?
Because he 's not very good at it .
Because he has genuine talent .
Because he 's really good .
Because he 's really rich .
I thought that would stop him , but it did not . One day I was baking cookies and he said " gee no one makes cookies for me , " so a friend and I make him some cooking with ex - lax in it . he was sick .
Why did the writer put ex - lax in the cookies ?
Because someone had digestion issues .
Because they thought it would taste good .
None of the above choices .
To make the guy stop bothering them .
I said that I would n't get political in my journal , but something got my goat this morning . I have always railed against people who play the victim because of its convienence . It 's easy to be a victim of some big , ugly , behemoth because it absolves people of responsibility .
What may have caused you to get political in your journal ?
I was trying to find fault in someone 's actions .
I wanted more responsibility in my journal .
I was a victim .
I was angered at someone 's attempt to dodge the fault in their actions .
Sir : I got your letter and was glad to find you had not forgotten Jourdon , and that you wanted me to come back and live with you again , promising to do better for me than anybody else can . I have often felt uneasy about you . I thought the Yankees would have hung you long before this for harboring Rebs they found at your house . I suppose they never heard about your going to Col . Martin 's to kill the Union soldier that was left by his company in their stable .
What might the term rebs refer to in this story ?
Rebs must refer to members of the rebel army during the World War 2 .
Rebs must refer to members of the rebel army during the American civil war .
Rebs must refer to members of the union army during the American civil war .
None of the above choices .
It was very pleasant and peaceful . There were sculptures in the shape of words spelling " Tolerance " that I thought were very cool and sketched all of them . Dinner at a nice cafe where I had another great creme brulee . And that was about it .
Why did you sketch all of the sculptures which you saw ?
I wanted to show my friends how artistic I was by copying what I saw
I was bored and wanted to do something to pass the time
None of the above choices .
I wanted to try and replicate what I saw because I was taken and inspired by them