there were at least twenty of them . in the lead was ysandre , the beautiful vampire claire hated maybe more than she hated any other vampire in the entire world . she was bishop 's girl through and through -- amelie 's vampire sister , if they thought in those kinds of terms . claire hated ysandre for shane 's sake . she was glad the vamp was here , and not attacking shane 's bloodmobile -- one , because she was n't so sure shane could resist the evil witch , and two , she wanted to stake ysandre herself . `` no , '' hannah said , when claire took a step out from behind her . hannah fired over her shoulder . it was at the outer extreme of the paintball gun 's range , but the pellet hit one of the vampires -- not ysandre , claire was disappointed to see -- right in the chest . silver dust puffed up in a lethal mist , and the close formation scattered . ysandre might have had a few burns , but nothing that would n't heal . the vampire hannah had shot in the chest toppled over and hit the marble stairs , smoking and flailing . amelie slammed her palm flat against the door and closed her eyes , and deep inside the barrier something groaned and shifted with a scrape of metal . `` inside , '' amelie murmured , still wicked controlled , and claire spun and followed the three vampires across the threshold . hannah backed in after , grabbed the door , and slammed it shut . `` no locks , '' she said . amelie reached over and pushed hannah 's gun hand into an atrest position at her side . they wo n't get in . '' she sounded sure of it , but from the look hannah continued to give the door -- as if she wished she could weld it shut with the force of her stare -- she was n't so certain . we 'll take the stairs . '' it was a library , full of books . some -- on this floor -- were new , or at least newish , with colorful spines and crisp titles that claire could read even in the low light . she slowed down a little , blinking . `` you guys have vampire stories in here ? '' none of the vampires answered . amelie veered to the right , through the twostorytall shelves , and headed for a set of sweeping marble steps at the end . the books got older , the paper more yellow . claire caught sight of a sign that read folklore , ca . 18701945 , english , and then another that identified a german section . then french . then script that might have been chinese . so many books , and from what she could tell , every single one of them had to do in some way with vampires . was it history or fiction to them ? claire did n't really have time to work it out . they were taking the stairs , moving around the curve up to the second level . claire 's legs burned all along the calf muscles , and her breathing was getting raspy from the constant movement and adrenaline . hannah flashed her a quick , sympathetic smile . `` consider it basic training . can you keep up ? '' claire gave her a gasping nod . more books here , old and crumbling , and the air tasted like dry leather and ancient paper . toward the back of the room , there were things that looked like wine racks , the fancy xshaped kind people put in cellars , only these held rolls of paper , each neatly tied with ribbon . they were scrolls , probably very old ones . claire hoped they 'd go that direction , but no , amelie was turning them down another book aisle , toward a blank white wall . no , not quite blank . it had a small painting on the wall , in a fussy gilt frame . some blandlooking nature scene ... and then , as amelie stared at it , the painting changed . it grew darker , as though clouds had come across the meadow and the drowsy sheep in the picture . and then it was dark , just a dark canvas , then some pinpricks of light , like candle flames through smoke ... ... and then claire saw myrnin . he was in chains , silvercolored chains , kneeling on the floor , and his head was down . he was still wearing the blousy white pantaloons of his pierrot costume , but no shirt . the wet points of his damp hair clung to his face and his marblepale shoulders . amelie nodded sharply , and put a hand against the wall to the left of the picture , pressing what looked like a nail , and part of the wall swung out silently on oiled hinges . hidden doors : vampires sure seemed to love them . there was darkness on the other side . `` oh , hell no , '' claire heard hannah mutter . amelie sent her a glance , and there was a whisper of amusement in the look .
[["least", 19], ["leastest", 19], ["twenty", 26], ["lead", 48], ["leaded", 48], ["beautiful", 76], ["beautifulest", 76], ["vampire", 84], ["claire", 91], ["hate", 97], ["hateed", 97], ["hated", 97], ["maybe", 103], ["entire", 155], ["world", 161], ["bishop", 178], ["girl", 186], ["sister", 234], ["think", 252], ["thinkest", 252], ["thought", 252], ["kind", 267], ["kinds", 267], ["term", 276], ["terming", 276], ["terms", 276], ["shane", 309], ["sake", 317], ["sakes", 317], ["glad", 332], ["vamp", 341], ["vamped", 341], ["attack", 370], ["attacking", 370], ["bloodmobile", 391], ["sure", 428], ["resist", 447], ["resistest", 447], ["evil", 456], ["evils", 456], ["evilest", 456], ["witch", 462], ["witched", 462], ["two", 472], ["twos", 472], ["stake", 494], ["hannah", 530], ["say", 535], ["sayest", 535], ["said", 535], ["take", 554], ["took", 554], ["step", 561], ["behind", 577], ["fire", 596], ["fired", 596], ["shoulder", 614], ["shouldered", 614], ["outer", 636], ["outers", 636], ["extreme", 644], ["paintball", 661], ["gun", 665], ["range", 674], ["ranged", 674], ["pellet", 691], ["hit", 695], ["vampire", 715], ["vampires", 715], ["see", 763], ["right", 772], ["rightest", 772], ["chest", 785], ["silver", 794], ["silvered", 794], ["dust", 799], ["dusting", 799], ["puff", 806], ["puffs", 806], ["puffed", 806], ["lethal", 821], ["mist", 826], ["close", 842], ["formation", 852], ["scatter", 862], ["scattered", 862], ["may", 878], ["mays", 878], ["mayest", 878], ["might", 878], ["burn", 899], ["burns", 899], ["nothing", 913], ["heal", 933], ["healest", 933], ["shoot", 963], ["shooted", 963], ["shot", 963], ["topple", 984], ["toppled", 984], ["marble", 1008], ["stair", 1015], ["stairs", 1015], ["smoking", 1025], ["flailing", 1038], ["slam", 1055], ["slammed", 1055], ["palm", 1064], ["palms", 1064], ["palmed", 1064], ["palmest", 1064], ["flat", 1069], ["door", 1086], ["close", 1097], ["closed", 1097], ["eye", 1106], ["eyed", 1106], ["eyes", 1106], ["deep", 1117], ["deeply", 1117], ["inside", 1124], ["barrier", 1136], ["groan", 1154], ["groans", 1154], ["groanest", 1154], ["groaning", 1154], ["groaned", 1154], ["shift", 1166], ["shifted", 1166], ["scrape", 1180], ["metal", 1189], ["murmur", 1222], ["murmurest", 1222], ["murmured", 1222], ["still", 1230], ["wicked", 1237], ["control", 1248], ["controlled", 1248], ["follow", 1279], ["followed", 1279], ["three", 1289], ["across", 1305], ["threshold", 1319], ["thresholds", 1319], ["back", 1335], ["backed", 1335], ["grab", 1354], ["grabbed", 1354], ["shut", 1385], ["lock", 1399], ["locks", 1399], ["reach", 1430], ["reached", 1430], ["push", 1446], ["pushed", 1446], ["hand", 1465], ["atr", 1480], ["position", 1489], ["side", 1501], ["sidest", 1501], ["wo", 1511], ["get", 1519], ["sound", 1539], ["sounded", 1539], ["look", 1570], ["continue", 1587], ["continued", 1587], ["give", 1595], ["wish", 1624], ["wished", 1624], ["weld", 1639], ["welds", 1639], ["force", 1662], ["stare", 1675], ["stared", 1675], ["certain", 1701], ["take", 1715], ["library", 1748], ["full", 1755], ["book", 1764], ["books", 1764], ["floor", 1788], ["new", 1800], ["newish", 1821], ["colorful", 1837], ["spine", 1844], ["spines", 1844], ["crisp", 1854], ["crisping", 1854], ["title", 1861], ["titles", 1861], ["read", 1884], ["reads", 1884], ["even", 1889], ["evens", 1889], ["low", 1900], ["lowed", 1900], ["lit", 1906], ["light", 1906], ["slow", 1919], ["slowed", 1919], ["little", 1933], ["blink", 1944], ["blinked", 1944], ["blinking", 1944], ["guy", 1958], ["guys", 1958], ["story", 1979], ["stories", 1979], ["none", 1997], ["answer", 2022], ["answeres", 2022], ["answerest", 2022], ["answered", 2022], ["veer", 2038], ["veered", 2038], ["shelf", 2086], ["shelves", 2086], ["head", 2099], ["headed", 2099], ["set", 2109], ["sweeping", 2121], ["step", 2134], ["steps", 2134], ["end", 2145], ["ends", 2145], ["endest", 2145], ["get", 2161], ["got", 2161], ["old", 2167], ["paper", 2179], ["yellow", 2191], ["catch", 2207], ["catched", 2207], ["catches", 2207], ["caught", 2207], ["sight", 2213], ["sighted", 2213], ["sign", 2223], ["folklore", 2242], ["ca", 2247], ["cas", 2247], ["english", 2268], ["englishest", 2268], ["another", 2287], ["identify", 2303], ["identified", 2303], ["german", 2312], ["germen", 2312], ["germans", 2312], ["section", 2320], ["sectioning", 2320], ["french", 2334], ["script", 2348], ["scripts", 2348], ["scripting", 2348], ["chinese", 2377], ["many", 2387], ["tell", 2424], ["every", 2432], ["single", 2439], ["way", 2473], ["ways", 2473], ["history", 2504], ["fiction", 2515], ["really", 2547], ["time", 2557], ["work", 2565], ["wrought", 2565], ["take", 2591], ["taking", 2591], ["move", 2611], ["moving", 2611], ["around", 2618], ["curve", 2628], ["curved", 2628], ["second", 2645], ["seconded", 2645], ["level", 2651], ["leg", 2668], ["legs", 2668], ["burn", 2675], ["burns", 2675], ["burned", 2675], ["along", 2685], ["calf", 2694], ["muscle", 2702], ["muscles", 2702], ["breathing", 2722], ["get", 2734], ["getting", 2734], ["raspy", 2740], ["constant", 2758], ["movement", 2767], ["adrenaline", 2782], ["flash", 2799], ["flashed", 2799], ["quick", 2811], ["sympathetic", 2825], ["smile", 2831], ["consider", 2845], ["basic", 2854], ["training", 2863], ["keep", 2878], ["keepest", 2878], ["give", 2898], ["gave", 2898], ["gasping", 2912], ["nod", 2916], ["old", 2940], ["air", 2968], ["airs", 2968], ["airing", 2968], ["taste", 2975], ["tasted", 2975], ["like", 2980], ["dry", 2984], ["drier", 2984], ["drying", 2984], ["leather", 2992], ["ancient", 3004], ["toward", 3019], ["back", 3028], ["room", 3040], ["roomed", 3040], ["thing", 3060], ["things", 3060], ["look", 3072], ["looked", 3072], ["wine", 3082], ["rack", 3088], ["racks", 3088], ["fancy", 3100], ["fanciest", 3100], ["kind", 3113], ["people", 3120], ["put", 3124], ["cellar", 3135], ["cellars", 3135], ["hold", 3153], ["held", 3153], ["roll", 3159], ["rolls", 3159], ["neatly", 3182], ["tie", 3187], ["tying", 3187], ["tieing", 3187], ["tied", 3187], ["ribbon", 3199], ["scroll", 3219], ["scrolling", 3219], ["scrolls", 3219], ["probably", 3230], ["hope", 3259], ["hoped", 3259], ["go", 3270], ["goest", 3270], ["direction", 3285], ["turn", 3315], ["turning", 3315], ["book", 3338], ["aisle", 3344], ["aisles", 3344], ["blank", 3361], ["blanks", 3361], ["white", 3367], ["wall", 3372], ["quite", 3389], ["small", 3412], ["painting", 3421], ["fussy", 3446], ["gilt", 3451], ["frame", 3457], ["nature", 3484], ["scene", 3490], ["stare", 3522], ["stared", 3522], ["change", 3551], ["changed", 3551], ["grow", 3561], ["growest", 3561], ["grew", 3561], ["dark", 3568], ["though", 3580], ["cloud", 3587], ["clouded", 3587], ["clouds", 3587], ["come", 3596], ["meadow", 3614], ["drowsy", 3629], ["sheep", 3635], ["sheeps", 3635], ["picture", 3650], ["dark", 3673], ["canvas", 3694], ["pinprick", 3716], ["pinpricks", 3716], ["candle", 3739], ["flame", 3746], ["flames", 3746], ["smoke", 3760], ["see", 3788], ["saw", 3788], ["chain", 3814], ["chains", 3814], ["kneel", 3848], ["kneels", 3848], ["kneeled", 3848], ["kneeling", 3848], ["head", 3876], ["wear", 3908], ["wearing", 3908], ["blousy", 3919], ["pantaloon", 3936], ["pantaloons", 3936], ["pierrot", 3951], ["costume", 3959], ["costumed", 3959], ["shirt", 3974], ["wet", 3984], ["point", 3991], ["points", 3991], ["damp", 4003], ["damps", 4003], ["damped", 4003], ["hair", 4008], ["cling", 4014], ["face", 4026], ["shoulder", 4055], ["shouldered", 4055], ["shoulders", 4055], ["nod", 4071], ["nodded", 4071], ["sharply", 4079], ["left", 4125], ["press", 4151], ["pressing", 4151], ["nail", 4175], ["part", 4186], ["parting", 4186], ["swung", 4204], ["swing", 4204], ["silently", 4217], ["hinge", 4233], ["hinges", 4233], ["door", 4248], ["doors", 4248], ["seem", 4271], ["seeming", 4271], ["seemed", 4271], ["love", 4279], ["darkness", 4305], ["oh", 4331], ["hell", 4338], ["hells", 4338], ["hear", 4359], ["hears", 4359], ["heard", 4359], ["mutter", 4373], ["muttering", 4373], ["mutterest", 4373], ["send", 4387], ["sent", 4387], ["glance", 4400], ["whisper", 4426], ["amusement", 4439]]
`` it 's a different darkness , '' she said . `` and the dangers are very different , from this point on . things may change quickly . you will have to adapt . '' then she stepped through , and the vampires followed , and it was just claire and hannah . claire held out her hand . hannah took it , still shaking her head , and the dark closed around them like a damp velvet curtain . there was the hiss of a match dragging , and a flare of light from the corner . amelie , her face turned ivory by the licking flame , set the match to a candle and left the light burning as she flicked on a small flashlight and played it around the room . it was some kind of storeroom , dusty and disused . `` g ? rard , if you please . '' he swung another door open a crack , nodded , and widened it enough to slip through . another hallway . claire was getting tired of hallways , and they were all starting to look the same . where were they now , anyway ? it looked like some kind of hotel , with polished heavy doors marked with brass plates , only instead of numbers , each door had one of the vampire markings , like the symbol on claire 's bracelet . each vampire had one ; at least she thought they did . so these would be -- what ? vaults ? claire thought she heard something behind one of the doors -- muffled sounds , thumping , scratching . they did n't stop , though -- and she was n't sure she wanted to know , really . amelie brought them to a halt at the tintersection of the hall . it was deserted in every direction , and disorienting , too ; claire could n't tell one hallway from another . maybe we should drop crumbs , she thought . or mandm 's . `` myrnin is in a room on this hall , '' amelie said . `` it is quite obviously a trap , and quite obviously meant for me . i will stay behind and ensure your escape route . her pale eyes fixed on claire with merciless intensity . `` whatever else happens , you must bring myrnin out safely . do not let bishop have him . '' she meant , everybody else is expendable . that made claire feel sick , and she could n't help but look at hannah , and even at the two vampires . g ? rard shrugged , so slightly she thought it might have been her imagination . `` we are soldiers , '' g ? rard said . you will follow my orders . '' hannah saluted him , with just a little trace of irony . `` yes sir , squad leader , sir . '' g ? rard turned his attention to claire . `` you will stay behind us . she felt cold and hot at the same time , and a little sick , and the wooden stake in her hand did n't seem like a heck of a lot , considering . but she did n't have any time for second thoughts , because g ? rard had turned and was already heading down the hall , his wing man flanking him , and hannah was beckoning claire to follow . amelie 's cool fingers brushed her shoulder . claire nodded and went to rescue a crazy vampire from an evil one . the door shattered under g ? rard 's kick . that was n't an exaggeration ; except for the wood around the door hinges , the rest of it broke into handsized pieces and splinters . before that rain of wreckage hit the floor , g ? rard was inside , moving to the left while his colleague went right . hannah stepped in and swept the room from one side to the other , holding her air pistol ready to fire , then nodded sharply to claire . myrnin was just as she 'd seen him in the picture -- kneeling in the center of the room , anchored by tightstretched silvery chains . the chains were doublestrength , and threaded through massive steel bolts on the stone floor . he was shaking all over , and where the chains touched him , he had welts and burns . g ? rard swore softly under his breath and fiercely kicked the eyebolts in the floor . they bent , but did n't break . myrnin finally raised his head , and beneath the mass of sweaty dark hair , claire saw wild dark eyes , and a smile that made her stomach twist . `` i knew you 'd come , '' he whispered . `` you fools . where 's amelie ? '' `` behind us , '' claire said . `` nice way to talk to your rescuers , '' hannah said . she was nervous , claire could see it , though the woman controlled it very well . `` g ? rard ? he crouched down and looked at the chains . `` silver coated . i ca n't break them . '' `` what about the bolts in the floor ? '' in answer , g ? rard grabbed the edge of the metal plate and twisted .
[["different", 20], ["darkness", 29], ["say", 43], ["sayest", 43], ["said", 43], ["danger", 64], ["dangers", 64], ["point", 101], ["thing", 113], ["things", 113], ["may", 117], ["mays", 117], ["mayest", 117], ["change", 124], ["quickly", 132], ["adapt", 157], ["adapts", 157], ["step", 179], ["stepped", 179], ["vampire", 206], ["vampires", 206], ["follow", 215], ["followed", 215], ["claire", 240], ["hannah", 251], ["hold", 265], ["held", 265], ["hand", 278], ["take", 292], ["took", 292], ["still", 303], ["shake", 311], ["shaking", 311], ["head", 320], ["dark", 335], ["close", 342], ["closed", 342], ["around", 349], ["like", 359], ["damp", 366], ["damps", 366], ["damped", 366], ["velvet", 373], ["curtain", 381], ["curtaining", 381], ["match", 413], ["matching", 413], ["dragging", 422], ["flare", 436], ["lit", 445], ["light", 445], ["corner", 461], ["face", 481], ["turn", 488], ["turned", 488], ["ivory", 494], ["ivories", 494], ["lick", 509], ["licking", 509], ["flame", 515], ["set", 521], ["candle", 543], ["left", 552], ["leave", 552], ["burn", 570], ["burns", 570], ["burning", 570], ["flick", 585], ["flickest", 585], ["flicked", 585], ["small", 596], ["flashlight", 607], ["play", 618], ["playest", 618], ["played", 618], ["room", 637], ["roomed", 637], ["kind", 656], ["storeroom", 669], ["dusty", 677], ["g", 696], ["please", 719], ["swung", 733], ["swing", 733], ["another", 741], ["door", 746], ["open", 751], ["crack", 759], ["nod", 768], ["nodded", 768], ["widen", 782], ["widened", 782], ["enough", 792], ["slip", 800], ["hallway", 826], ["hallways", 826], ["get", 847], ["getting", 847], ["tired", 853], ["hallway", 865], ["hallways", 865], ["start", 894], ["starting", 894], ["look", 902], ["anyway", 942], ["look", 954], ["looked", 954], ["hotel", 978], ["heavy", 1000], ["heavier", 1000], ["heavies", 1000], ["door", 1006], ["doors", 1006], ["mark", 1013], ["marks", 1013], ["marked", 1013], ["brass", 1024], ["plate", 1031], ["plating", 1031], ["plates", 1031], ["instead", 1046], ["number", 1057], ["numbering", 1057], ["numbers", 1057], ["vampire", 1092], ["marking", 1101], ["markings", 1101], ["symbol", 1119], ["bracelet", 1141], ["least", 1175], ["leastest", 1175], ["think", 1187], ["thinkest", 1187], ["thought", 1187], ["hear", 1260], ["hears", 1260], ["heard", 1260], ["behind", 1277], ["muffle", 1305], ["muffles", 1305], ["muffled", 1305], ["sound", 1312], ["sounds", 1312], ["thumping", 1323], ["stop", 1356], ["though", 1365], ["sure", 1389], ["know", 1408], ["knowest", 1408], ["really", 1417], ["bring", 1434], ["brought", 1434], ["halt", 1449], ["halts", 1449], ["haltest", 1449], ["hall", 1482], ["desert", 1500], ["deserted", 1500], ["every", 1509], ["direction", 1519], ["tell", 1568], ["maybe", 1601], ["drop", 1616], ["crumb", 1623], ["crumbed", 1623], ["crumbest", 1623], ["crumbs", 1623], ["quite", 1723], ["obviously", 1733], ["trap", 1740], ["mean", 1768], ["meanest", 1768], ["meant", 1768], ["stay", 1789], ["ensure", 1807], ["escape", 1819], ["escapes", 1819], ["route", 1825], ["routed", 1825], ["routeing", 1825], ["pale", 1836], ["eye", 1841], ["eyed", 1841], ["eyes", 1841], ["fix", 1847], ["fixes", 1847], ["fixed", 1847], ["merciless", 1872], ["intensity", 1882], ["whatever", 1896], ["else", 1901], ["happen", 1909], ["happens", 1909], ["must", 1920], ["musts", 1920], ["bring", 1926], ["safely", 1944], ["let", 1957], ["lets", 1957], ["bishop", 1964], ["expendable", 2019], ["expendables", 2019], ["feel", 2043], ["sick", 2048], ["help", 2073], ["helpest", 2073], ["even", 2103], ["evens", 2103], ["two", 2114], ["twos", 2114], ["shrug", 2143], ["shrugging", 2143], ["shrugged", 2143], ["slightly", 2157], ["may", 2178], ["mays", 2178], ["mayest", 2178], ["might", 2178], ["imagination", 2204], ["soldier", 2225], ["soldiered", 2225], ["soldiers", 2225], ["follow", 2262], ["order", 2272], ["orderest", 2272], ["orders", 2272], ["salute", 2292], ["saluted", 2292], ["little", 2317], ["trace", 2323], ["irony", 2332], ["yes", 2341], ["sir", 2345], ["sirs", 2345], ["squad", 2353], ["leader", 2360], ["attention", 2401], ["feel", 2451], ["felt", 2451], ["cold", 2456], ["hot", 2464], ["time", 2481], ["wooden", 2518], ["stake", 2524], ["seem", 2549], ["seeming", 2549], ["heck", 2561], ["lot", 2570], ["consider", 2584], ["considering", 2584], ["second", 2627], ["seconded", 2627], ["thought", 2636], ["thoughts", 2636], ["already", 2682], ["head", 2690], ["heading", 2690], ["wing", 2715], ["man", 2719], ["mans", 2719], ["manned", 2719], ["flank", 2728], ["beckon", 2759], ["beckoning", 2759], ["cool", 2793], ["finger", 2801], ["fingers", 2801], ["brush", 2809], ["brushest", 2809], ["brushed", 2809], ["shoulder", 2822], ["shouldered", 2822], ["go", 2847], ["goest", 2847], ["went", 2847], ["rescue", 2857], ["crazy", 2865], ["evil", 2886], ["evils", 2886], ["evilest", 2886], ["shatter", 2911], ["shattered", 2911], ["kick", 2934], ["exaggeration", 2965], ["except", 2974], ["wood", 2987], ["hinge", 3010], ["hinges", 3010], ["rest", 3021], ["broke", 3033], ["break", 3033], ["piece", 3055], ["pieced", 3055], ["pieces", 3055], ["splinter", 3069], ["splinters", 3069], ["rain", 3088], ["wreckage", 3100], ["hit", 3104], ["floor", 3114], ["inside", 3136], ["move", 3145], ["moving", 3145], ["colleague", 3177], ["right", 3188], ["rightest", 3188], ["sweep", 3218], ["swept", 3218], ["side", 3241], ["sidest", 3241], ["hold", 3264], ["holding", 3264], ["air", 3272], ["airs", 3272], ["airing", 3272], ["pistol", 3279], ["ready", 3285], ["fire", 3293], ["sharply", 3315], ["see", 3358], ["seen", 3358], ["picture", 3377], ["kneel", 3389], ["kneels", 3389], ["kneeled", 3389], ["kneeling", 3389], ["center", 3403], ["anchor", 3426], ["anchoring", 3426], ["anchored", 3426], ["silvery", 3452], ["chain", 3459], ["chains", 3459], ["thread", 3507], ["threaded", 3507], ["massive", 3523], ["steel", 3529], ["bolt", 3535], ["bolts", 3535], ["bolted", 3535], ["stone", 3548], ["stoning", 3548], ["touch", 3611], ["touching", 3611], ["touched", 3611], ["welt", 3630], ["burn", 3640], ["burns", 3640], ["swear", 3657], ["sweared", 3657], ["softly", 3664], ["breath", 3681], ["breathest", 3681], ["fiercely", 3694], ["kick", 3701], ["kicked", 3701], ["eyebolt", 3714], ["eyebolts", 3714], ["bent", 3739], ["bend", 3739], ["broke", 3759], ["break", 3759], ["finally", 3776], ["raise", 3783], ["raised", 3783], ["beneath", 3806], ["mass", 3815], ["massed", 3815], ["massing", 3815], ["massest", 3815], ["sweaty", 3825], ["hair", 3835], ["see", 3848], ["saw", 3848], ["wild", 3853], ["wildest", 3853], ["smile", 3877], ["stomach", 3899], ["stomachs", 3899], ["stomaching", 3899], ["twist", 3905], ["twisted", 3905], ["twisting", 3905], ["know", 3917], ["knowest", 3917], ["knew", 3917], ["come", 3929], ["whisper", 3947], ["whispered", 3947], ["fool", 3962], ["fooling", 3962], ["foolest", 3962], ["fools", 3962], ["nice", 4025], ["way", 4029], ["ways", 4029], ["talk", 4037], ["rescuer", 4054], ["rescuers", 4054], ["nervous", 4089], ["see", 4108], ["woman", 4130], ["womans", 4130], ["control", 4141], ["controlled", 4141], ["well", 4154], ["wells", 4154], ["crouch", 4182], ["crouched", 4182], ["silver", 4224], ["silvered", 4224], ["coat", 4231], ["coated", 4231], ["ca", 4238], ["cas", 4238], ["answer", 4310], ["answeres", 4310], ["answerest", 4310], ["grab", 4329], ["grabbed", 4329], ["edge", 4338], ["edges", 4338], ["metal", 4351], ["plate", 4357], ["plating", 4357], ["twist", 4369], ["twisted", 4369], ["twisting", 4369]]
the steel bent like aluminum foil , and , with a ripping shriek , tore free of the stones . myrnin wavered as part of his restraints fell loose , and g ? rard waved his partner to work on the other two plates while he focused on the second in front . `` too easy , too easy , '' hannah kept on muttering . `` what 's the point of doing this if bishop is just going to let him go ? '' the eyebolts were all ripped loose , and g ? rard grabbed myrnin 's arm and helped him to his feet . myrnin 's eyes sheeted over with blazing ruby , and he shook g ? rard off and went straight for hannah . hannah saw him coming and put the gun between them , but before she could fire , g ? rard 's partner knocked her hand out of line , and the shot went wild , impacting on the stone at the other side of the room . silver flakes drifted on the air , igniting tiny burns where they landed on the vampires ' skin . the two bodyguards backed off . myrnin grabbed hannah by the neck . claire screamed , and ducked under g ? rard 's restraining hand . she raised her wooden stake . myrnin turned his head and grinned at her with wicked vampire fangs flashing . `` i thought you were here to save me , claire , not kill me , '' he purred , and whipped back toward his prey . hannah was fumbling with her gun , trying to get it back into position . he stripped it away from her with contemptuous ease . `` i am here to save you , '' claire said , and before she could think what she was doing , she buried the stake in myrnin 's back , on the left side , right where she thought his heart would be . he made a surprised sound , like a cough , and pitched forward into hannah . his hand slid away from her throat , clutching blindly at her clothes , and then he fell limply to the floor . dead , apparently . g ? rard and his partner looked at claire as if they 'd never seen her before , and then g ? rard roared , `` what do you think you 're -- '' `` pick him up , '' claire said . `` we can take the stake out later . that sounded cold , and scary , and she hoped it was true . amelie had survived , after all , and she knew myrnin was as old , or maybe even older . from the look he gave her , g ? rard was reassessing everything he 'd thought about the cute , fragile little human he 'd been nursemaiding . claire thought one of her strengths was that everybody always underestimated her . she was cool on the outside , shaking on the inside , because although it was the only way to keep myrnin calm right now without tranquilizers , or without letting him rip hannah 's throat out , she 'd just killed her boss . that did n't seem like a really good career move . amelie will help , she thought a bit desperately , and g ? rard slung myrnin over his shoulder in a fireman 's carry , and then they were running , moving fast again back down the hall to where amelie had stayed to secure their escape . g ? rard came to a fast halt , and hannah and claire almost skidded into him . hannah whispered , and looked past the two vampires in the lead . amelie was at the corner ahead of them , but ten feet past her was mr. bishop . they were standing motionless , facing each other . amelie looked fragile and delicate , compared to her father in his bishop 's robes . he looked ancient and angry , and the fire in his eyes was like something out of the story of joan of arc . there was some struggle going on , but claire could n't tell what it was , or what it meant . g ? rard reached out and grabbed her arm , and hannah 's , and held them in place . `` do n't go near them . '' `` problem , sir , that 's the way out , '' hannah said . `` and the dude 's alone . '' g ? rard and the texan sent her a wild look , almost identical in their disbelief . the texan said . amelie took a step backward , just a small one , but a shudder went through her body , and claire knew -- just knew -- it was a bad sign . whatever confrontation had been going on , it broke . amelie whirled to them and screamed , `` go ! '' there was fury and fear in her voice , and g ? rard let go of both girls and dumped myrnin off his shoulder , into their arms , and he and the texan pelted not for the exit , but to amelie 's side . they got there just in time to stop bishop from ripping out her throat .
[["steel", 9], ["bent", 14], ["like", 19], ["aluminum", 28], ["foil", 33], ["rip", 56], ["ripping", 56], ["shriek", 63], ["tear", 70], ["teared", 70], ["tore", 70], ["free", 75], ["stone", 89], ["stoning", 89], ["stones", 89], ["waver", 106], ["wavering", 106], ["wavered", 106], ["part", 114], ["parting", 114], ["restraint", 132], ["restraints", 132], ["fall", 137], ["falls", 137], ["fell", 137], ["loose", 143], ["looser", 143], ["g", 151], ["wave", 164], ["waved", 164], ["partner", 176], ["work", 184], ["wrought", 184], ["two", 201], ["twos", 201], ["plate", 208], ["plating", 208], ["plates", 208], ["focus", 225], ["focused", 225], ["second", 239], ["seconded", 239], ["front", 248], ["easy", 262], ["hannah", 285], ["keep", 290], ["keepest", 290], ["kept", 290], ["mutter", 303], ["muttering", 303], ["mutterest", 303], ["point", 326], ["bishop", 350], ["go", 364], ["goest", 364], ["going", 364], ["let", 371], ["lets", 371], ["go", 378], ["goest", 378], ["eyebolt", 396], ["eyebolts", 396], ["rip", 412], ["ripped", 412], ["arm", 455], ["help", 466], ["helpest", 466], ["helped", 466], ["foot", 482], ["feet", 482], ["eye", 499], ["eyed", 499], ["eyes", 499], ["sheet", 507], ["sheeted", 507], ["blaze", 525], ["blazed", 525], ["blazing", 525], ["ruby", 530], ["shake", 545], ["shook", 545], ["go", 567], ["goest", 567], ["went", 567], ["straight", 576], ["see", 600], ["saw", 600], ["come", 611], ["coming", 611], ["put", 619], ["gun", 627], ["fire", 668], ["knock", 698], ["knocks", 698], ["knockest", 698], ["knocked", 698], ["hand", 707], ["line", 719], ["shot", 734], ["wild", 744], ["wildest", 744], ["impact", 756], ["impacting", 756], ["stone", 769], ["stoning", 769], ["side", 787], ["sidest", 787], ["room", 799], ["roomed", 799], ["silver", 808], ["silvered", 808], ["flake", 815], ["flakes", 815], ["drift", 823], ["drifting", 823], ["drifted", 823], ["air", 834], ["airs", 834], ["airing", 834], ["ignite", 845], ["ignites", 845], ["igniting", 845], ["tiny", 850], ["burn", 856], ["burns", 856], ["land", 874], ["landed", 874], ["vampire", 890], ["vampires", 890], ["skin", 897], ["bodyguard", 918], ["bodyguards", 918], ["back", 925], ["backed", 925], ["grab", 946], ["grabbed", 946], ["neck", 965], ["necked", 965], ["claire", 974], ["scream", 983], ["screams", 983], ["screamed", 983], ["duck", 996], ["ducked", 996], ["restrain", 1026], ["restrains", 1026], ["restraining", 1026], ["raise", 1044], ["raised", 1044], ["wooden", 1055], ["stake", 1061], ["turn", 1077], ["turned", 1077], ["head", 1086], ["grin", 1098], ["grinned", 1098], ["wicked", 1117], ["vampire", 1125], ["fang", 1131], ["fangs", 1131], ["flashing", 1140], ["think", 1155], ["thinkest", 1155], ["thought", 1155], ["save", 1177], ["kill", 1200], ["purr", 1218], ["purrs", 1218], ["purred", 1218], ["whip", 1232], ["whipped", 1232], ["back", 1237], ["toward", 1244], ["prey", 1253], ["fumble", 1275], ["fumbling", 1275], ["try", 1297], ["tryed", 1297], ["trying", 1297], ["get", 1304], ["position", 1326], ["strip", 1340], ["stripped", 1340], ["away", 1348], ["contemptuous", 1375], ["ease", 1380], ["say", 1424], ["sayest", 1424], ["said", 1424], ["think", 1453], ["thinkest", 1453], ["bury", 1485], ["burying", 1485], ["buried", 1485], ["left", 1527], ["right", 1540], ["rightest", 1540], ["heart", 1568], ["sound", 1605], ["cough", 1620], ["pitch", 1634], ["pitched", 1634], ["forward", 1642], ["forwarding", 1642], ["forwardest", 1642], ["slid", 1670], ["throat", 1691], ["clutch", 1703], ["clutching", 1703], ["blindly", 1711], ["clad", 1726], ["clothe", 1726], ["clothes", 1726], ["limply", 1752], ["floor", 1765], ["dead", 1772], ["apparently", 1785], ["look", 1819], ["looked", 1819], ["never", 1849], ["see", 1854], ["seen", 1854], ["roar", 1892], ["roarest", 1892], ["roared", 1892], ["pick", 1937], ["take", 1978], ["later", 1998], ["sound", 2013], ["sounded", 2013], ["cold", 2018], ["scary", 2030], ["hope", 2046], ["hoped", 2046], ["true", 2058], ["survive", 2080], ["survived", 2080], ["know", 2107], ["knowest", 2107], ["knew", 2107], ["old", 2125], ["maybe", 2136], ["even", 2141], ["evens", 2141], ["old", 2147], ["look", 2163], ["give", 2171], ["gave", 2171], ["reassess", 2202], ["reassessing", 2202], ["everything", 2213], ["cute", 2242], ["fragile", 2252], ["little", 2259], ["human", 2265], ["nursemaided", 2289], ["nursemaiding", 2289], ["strength", 2327], ["strengths", 2327], ["always", 2353], ["underestimate", 2368], ["underestimating", 2368], ["underestimated", 2368], ["cool", 2387], ["outside", 2402], ["shake", 2412], ["shaking", 2412], ["inside", 2426], ["although", 2445], ["way", 2465], ["ways", 2465], ["keep", 2473], ["keepest", 2473], ["calm", 2485], ["calms", 2485], ["without", 2503], ["tranquilizer", 2517], ["tranquilizers", 2517], ["let", 2538], ["lets", 2538], ["letting", 2538], ["rip", 2546], ["kill", 2588], ["killed", 2588], ["boss", 2597], ["seem", 2617], ["seeming", 2617], ["really", 2631], ["good", 2636], ["career", 2643], ["move", 2648], ["help", 2667], ["helpest", 2667], ["bit", 2687], ["bits", 2687], ["desperately", 2699], ["shoulder", 2745], ["shouldered", 2745], ["fireman", 2758], ["carry", 2767], ["run", 2796], ["running", 2796], ["move", 2805], ["moving", 2805], ["fast", 2810], ["hall", 2835], ["stay", 2862], ["stayed", 2862], ["secure", 2872], ["securest", 2872], ["escape", 2885], ["escapes", 2885], ["come", 2901], ["came", 2901], ["halt", 2916], ["halts", 2916], ["haltest", 2916], ["almost", 2947], ["skid", 2955], ["skidded", 2955], ["whisper", 2983], ["whispered", 2983], ["past", 3001], ["lead", 3030], ["leaded", 3030], ["corner", 3057], ["ahead", 3063], ["ten", 3081], ["mr", 3102], ["stand", 3131], ["stood", 3131], ["standest", 3131], ["standing", 3131], ["motionless", 3142], ["face", 3151], ["facing", 3151], ["delicate", 3199], ["compare", 3210], ["compared", 3210], ["father", 3224], ["fathered", 3224], ["fathering", 3224], ["robe", 3247], ["robes", 3247], ["ancient", 3267], ["angry", 3277], ["story", 3340], ["joan", 3348], ["arc", 3355], ["arcs", 3355], ["struggle", 3381], ["tell", 3418], ["mean", 3449], ["meanest", 3449], ["meant", 3449], ["reach", 3468], ["reached", 3468], ["hold", 3519], ["held", 3519], ["place", 3533], ["near", 3553], ["problem", 3574], ["sir", 3580], ["sirs", 3580], ["dude", 3637], ["alone", 3646], ["texan", 3674], ["texans", 3674], ["send", 3679], ["sent", 3679], ["identical", 3714], ["disbelief", 3733], ["disbeliefs", 3733], ["take", 3764], ["took", 3764], ["step", 3771], ["backward", 3780], ["small", 3795], ["shudder", 3815], ["shuddering", 3815], ["shudderest", 3815], ["body", 3837], ["bodied", 3837], ["bad", 3884], ["sign", 3889], ["whatever", 3900], ["confrontation", 3914], ["broke", 3943], ["break", 3943], ["whirl", 3960], ["whirls", 3960], ["whirled", 3960], ["fury", 4009], ["fear", 4018], ["fearest", 4018], ["voice", 4031], ["girl", 4067], ["girls", 4067], ["dump", 4078], ["dumped", 4078], ["arm", 4120], ["arms", 4120], ["pelt", 4150], ["peltest", 4150], ["pelted", 4150], ["exit", 4167], ["exited", 4167], ["get", 4202], ["got", 4202], ["time", 4221], ["stop", 4229]]
they slammed the old man up against the wall , but then there were others coming out into the hall . bishop 's troops , claire guessed . amelie intercepted the first of bishop 's vampires to run in her direction . claire recognized him , vaguely -- one of the morganville vamps , but he 'd obviously switched sides , and he came for amelie , fangs out . she put him down on the floor with one twisting move , fast as a snake , and looked back at hannah and claire , with myrnin 's body sagging between them . `` i 'll hold the way ! '' `` come on , '' hannah said , and shouldered the bulk of myrnin 's limp weight . myrnin felt cold and heavy , like the dead man he was , and claire swallowed a surge of nausea as she struggled to support his limp weight . claire gritted her teeth and helped hannah half carry , half drag myrnin 's staked body down the corridor . behind them , the sounds of fighting continued -- mainly bodies hitting the floor . no screaming , no shouting . vampires fought in silence . `` right , '' hannah gasped . that really was n't good news -- two humans stuck god knew where , with a crazy vampire with a stake in his heart in the middle of a war zone . `` let 's get back to the door , '' claire said . `` how are we going to get through it ? '' hannah threw her a look . it was no time to get annoyed ; had n't she just been thinking that being underestimated was a gift ? yeah , not so much , sometimes . but we 'd better hurry . '' the odds were n't in amelie 's favor . she might be able to hang on and cover their retreat , but claire did n't think she could win . she and hannah dragged myrnin past the symbolmarked doorways . hannah counted off , and nodded to the one where they 'd entered . not too surprisingly , it was marked with the founder 's symbol , the same one claire wore on the bracelet on her wrist . hannah tried to open it . locked . '' not when claire tried the knob . it opened at a twist , and the single candle in the corner illuminated very little . claire caught her breath and rested her trembling muscles for a few seconds as hannah checked the room and pronounced it safe before they entered . claire let myrnin slide in a heap to the floor . `` i 'm sorry , '' she whispered to him . i hope it does n't hurt too much . '' she had no idea if he could hear her when he was like this . she wanted to grab the stake and pull it out , but she remembered that with amelie , and with sam , it had been the other vampires who 'd done it . maybe they knew things she did n't . besides , the disease weakened them -- even myrnin . and besides , having him wake up wounded and crazy would be even worse , now that they did n't have any vampires who could help control him . hannah returned to her side . `` so , '' she said , as she checked the clip on her paintball gun , frowned , and exchanged it for a new one , `` how do we do this ? we got to go back to that museum first , right ? '' she stepped up to the door , which currently featured nothing but darkness , and concentrated hard on myrnin 's lab , with all its clutter and debris . light swam , flickered , shivered , and snapped into focus . `` guess it 's only roundabout getting here , '' claire said . `` maybe that 's on purpose , to keep people out who should n't be here . but it makes sense that once amelie got here , she 'd want to take the express out . '' `` should n't we wait ? '' hannah opened the door and looked out into the hall . whatever she saw , it could n't have been good news . `` we bug out , right now . '' with a grunt of effort , hannah braced myrnin 's deadweight on one side and dragged him forward . claire took his other arm . `` did he just twitch ? '' hannah asked. `` 'cause if he twitches , i 'm going to shoot him . '' no , he did n't ; he 's fine , '' claire said , practically tripping over the words . one , two ... '' and three , they were in myrnin 's lab . claire twisted out from under myrnin 's cold body , slammed the door shut , and stared wildly at the broken lock . `` i need to fix that , '' she said . but what about amelie ? no , she 'd know all the exits . she did n't have to come here . `` girl , you need to get us the hell out of here , is what you need to do , '' hannah said .
[["slam", 12], ["slammed", 12], ["old", 20], ["man", 24], ["mans", 24], ["manned", 24], ["wall", 44], ["come", 80], ["coming", 80], ["hall", 98], ["bishop", 107], ["troop", 117], ["troops", 117], ["claire", 126], ["guess", 134], ["guessed", 134], ["intercept", 155], ["intercepted", 155], ["first", 165], ["firstest", 165], ["vampire", 187], ["vampires", 187], ["run", 194], ["direction", 211], ["recognize", 231], ["recognized", 231], ["vaguely", 245], ["obviously", 299], ["switch", 308], ["switching", 308], ["switched", 308], ["side", 314], ["sidest", 314], ["sides", 314], ["come", 328], ["came", 328], ["fang", 347], ["fangs", 347], ["put", 361], ["floor", 383], ["move", 406], ["fast", 413], ["snake", 424], ["look", 437], ["looked", 437], ["back", 442], ["hannah", 452], ["body", 485], ["bodied", 485], ["sag", 493], ["sagging", 493], ["hold", 522], ["way", 530], ["ways", 530], ["come", 543], ["say", 563], ["sayest", 563], ["said", 563], ["shoulder", 580], ["shouldered", 580], ["bulk", 589], ["limp", 607], ["limps", 607], ["limping", 607], ["weight", 614], ["weighted", 614], ["weightest", 614], ["feel", 628], ["felt", 628], ["cold", 633], ["heavy", 643], ["heavier", 643], ["heavies", 643], ["like", 650], ["dead", 659], ["swallow", 693], ["swallows", 693], ["swallowed", 693], ["surge", 701], ["nausea", 711], ["struggle", 728], ["struggled", 728], ["support", 739], ["grit", 772], ["gritted", 772], ["tooth", 782], ["teeth", 782], ["help", 793], ["helpest", 793], ["helped", 793], ["half", 805], ["carry", 811], ["drag", 823], ["corridor", 863], ["behind", 872], ["sound", 890], ["sounds", 890], ["fight", 902], ["fightest", 902], ["continue", 912], ["continued", 912], ["mainly", 922], ["body", 929], ["bodied", 929], ["bodies", 929], ["hit", 937], ["hitting", 937], ["screaming", 962], ["shouting", 976], ["fight", 994], ["fightest", 994], ["fought", 994], ["silence", 1005], ["right", 1016], ["rightest", 1016], ["gasp", 1035], ["gasps", 1035], ["gasped", 1035], ["really", 1049], ["good", 1062], ["news", 1067], ["newses", 1067], ["two", 1074], ["twos", 1074], ["human", 1081], ["humans", 1081], ["stick", 1087], ["stickest", 1087], ["stuck", 1087], ["god", 1091], ["know", 1096], ["knowest", 1096], ["knew", 1096], ["crazy", 1117], ["vampire", 1125], ["stake", 1138], ["heart", 1151], ["middle", 1165], ["middles", 1165], ["middling", 1165], ["war", 1174], ["zone", 1179], ["let", 1188], ["lets", 1188], ["get", 1195], ["door", 1212], ["go", 1251], ["goest", 1251], ["going", 1251], ["throw", 1287], ["threw", 1287], ["look", 1298], ["time", 1315], ["annoy", 1330], ["annoys", 1330], ["annoyed", 1330], ["think", 1363], ["thinkest", 1363], ["thinking", 1363], ["underestimate", 1389], ["underestimating", 1389], ["underestimated", 1389], ["gift", 1400], ["yeah", 1407], ["much", 1421], ["well", 1452], ["better", 1452], ["hurry", 1458], ["hurried", 1458], ["hurryed", 1458], ["hurrying", 1458], ["odd", 1472], ["odds", 1472], ["favor", 1500], ["favorest", 1500], ["may", 1512], ["mays", 1512], ["mayest", 1512], ["might", 1512], ["able", 1520], ["abled", 1520], ["hang", 1528], ["hung", 1528], ["hangs", 1528], ["cover", 1541], ["retreat", 1555], ["retreatest", 1555], ["think", 1582], ["thinkest", 1582], ["win", 1596], ["drag", 1621], ["dragged", 1621], ["past", 1633], ["count", 1676], ["countest", 1676], ["counted", 1676], ["nod", 1693], ["nodded", 1693], ["enter", 1726], ["entered", 1726], ["surprisingly", 1749], ["mark", 1765], ["marks", 1765], ["marked", 1765], ["founder", 1782], ["foundering", 1782], ["symbol", 1792], ["wear", 1819], ["wore", 1819], ["bracelet", 1835], ["wrist", 1848], ["try", 1863], ["tryed", 1863], ["tried", 1863], ["open", 1871], ["lock", 1883], ["locked", 1883], ["knob", 1919], ["knobs", 1919], ["open", 1931], ["opened", 1931], ["twist", 1942], ["twisted", 1942], ["twisting", 1942], ["single", 1959], ["candle", 1966], ["corner", 1980], ["illuminate", 1992], ["illuminated", 1992], ["little", 2004], ["catch", 2020], ["catched", 2020], ["catches", 2020], ["caught", 2020], ["breath", 2031], ["breathest", 2031], ["rest", 2042], ["rested", 2042], ["tremble", 2056], ["trembling", 2056], ["muscle", 2064], ["muscles", 2064], ["second", 2082], ["seconded", 2082], ["seconds", 2082], ["check", 2100], ["checked", 2100], ["room", 2109], ["roomed", 2109], ["pronounce", 2124], ["pronounced", 2124], ["safe", 2132], ["safes", 2132], ["safed", 2132], ["slid", 2178], ["heap", 2188], ["heaps", 2188], ["heaping", 2188], ["sorry", 2217], ["whisper", 2236], ["whispered", 2236], ["hope", 2252], ["hurt", 2269], ["hurts", 2269], ["hurting", 2269], ["idea", 2299], ["hear", 2316], ["hears", 2316], ["grab", 2363], ["pull", 2382], ["remember", 2410], ["rememberest", 2410], ["remembered", 2410], ["sam", 2442], ["maybe", 2498], ["thing", 2515], ["things", 2515], ["besides", 2537], ["disease", 2551], ["weaken", 2560], ["weakened", 2560], ["even", 2573], ["evens", 2573], ["wake", 2612], ["wakes", 2612], ["woken", 2612], ["bad", 2653], ["worse", 2653], ["help", 2710], ["helpest", 2710], ["control", 2718], ["return", 2740], ["returnest", 2740], ["returned", 2740], ["side", 2752], ["sidest", 2752], ["clip", 2800], ["paintball", 2817], ["gun", 2821], ["frown", 2831], ["frowns", 2831], ["frowned", 2831], ["exchange", 2847], ["exchanged", 2847], ["new", 2860], ["get", 2896], ["got", 2896], ["go", 2902], ["goest", 2902], ["museum", 2922], ["step", 2953], ["stepped", 2953], ["currently", 2986], ["feature", 2995], ["featured", 2995], ["nothing", 3003], ["darkness", 3016], ["concentrate", 3035], ["concentrated", 3035], ["concentrates", 3035], ["hard", 3040], ["lab", 3057], ["labs", 3057], ["clutter", 3080], ["debris", 3091], ["lit", 3099], ["light", 3099], ["swam", 3104], ["shiver", 3127], ["shivering", 3127], ["shivered", 3127], ["snap", 3141], ["snapping", 3141], ["snapped", 3141], ["focus", 3152], ["guess", 3163], ["roundabout", 3185], ["get", 3193], ["getting", 3193], ["purpose", 3245], ["keep", 3255], ["keepest", 3255], ["people", 3262], ["sense", 3310], ["take", 3358], ["express", 3370], ["wait", 3401], ["waitest", 3401], ["whatever", 3469], ["see", 3477], ["saw", 3477], ["bug", 3524], ["bugged", 3524], ["grunt", 3558], ["effort", 3568], ["deadweight", 3605], ["forward", 3641], ["forwarding", 3641], ["forwardest", 3641], ["take", 3655], ["took", 3655], ["arm", 3669], ["twitch", 3693], ["twitchest", 3693], ["twitching", 3693], ["ask", 3711], ["asked", 3711], ["twitch", 3737], ["twitchest", 3737], ["twitching", 3737], ["twitches", 3737], ["shoot", 3759], ["shooted", 3759], ["fine", 3797], ["practically", 3828], ["trip", 3837], ["tripping", 3837], ["word", 3852], ["words", 3852], ["three", 3881], ["twist", 3927], ["twisted", 3927], ["twisting", 3927], ["shut", 3986], ["stare", 3999], ["stared", 3999], ["wildly", 4006], ["lock", 4025], ["need", 4037], ["needest", 4037], ["fix", 4044], ["fixes", 4044], ["know", 4106], ["knowest", 4106], ["exit", 4120], ["exited", 4120], ["exits", 4120], ["girl", 4162], ["hell", 4192], ["hells", 4192]]
`` you dial up the nearest fort knox or something on that thing . damn , how 'd you learn this , anyway ? '' claire did n't look at myrnin . for all intents and purposes , she 'd just killed him , after all . there were two ways out of myrnin 's lab , besides the usuallysecured dimensional doorway : steps leading up to street level , which were probably the absolute worst idea ever right now , and a second , an even more hidden dimensional portal in a small room off to the side . that was the one amelie had used to get them in . but the problem was , claire could n't get it to work . she had the memories clear in her head -- the glass house , the portal to the university , the hospital , even the museum they 'd visited on the way here . it just felt ... dead , as if the whole system had been cut off . they were lucky to have made it this far . amelie 's trapped , claire realized . with bishop . and she 's outnumbered . claire doublechecked the other door , too , the one she 'd blocked . it was n't just a malfunctioning portal ; the whole network was down . claire could n't worry about amelie right now . she had a job to do -- get myrnin to safety . and that meant getting him to the only vampire she knew offhand who could help him : oliver . `` i think we 're walking , '' she said . `` the hell we are , '' hannah said . `` i 'm not hauling a dead vampire through the streets of morganville . we 'll get ourselves killed by just about everybody . '' `` we ca n't take him , either ! '' claire felt her jaw lock into stubborn position . `` well , fine , you go ahead . because i 'm not leaving him . it was n't quite the third armored division , but after about a dozen phone calls , they did manage to get a ride . `` i 'm turning on the street -- nobody in sight so far , '' eve 's voice said from the speaker of claire 's cell phone . she 'd been giving claire a turnbyturn description of her drive , and claire had to admit , it sounded pretty frightening . `` yeah , i can see the day house . you 're in the alley next to it ? '' `` we 're on our way , '' claire said breathlessly . she was drenched with sweat , aching all over , from the effort of helping drag myrnin out of the lab , up the steps , and down the narrow , seemingly endless dark alley . next door , the founder house belonging to katherine day and her granddaughter -- a virtual copy of the house where claire and her friends lived -- was dark and closed , but claire saw curtains moving at the upstairs windows . `` that 's my greataunt 's house , greataunt kathy , '' hannah panted . `` everybody calls her gramma , though . always have , as far back as i can remember . '' claire could see how hannah was related to the days ; partly her features , but her attitude for sure . that was a family full of tough , smart , getitdone women . eve 's big , black car was idling at the end of the alley , and the back door kicked open as the two of them -- three ? did myrnin still count ? -- approached . eve took a look at myrnin , and the stake in his back , sent claire a you'vegottobe kiddingme look , and reached out to drag him inside , facedown , on the backseat . she said , and slammed the back door on the way to the driver 's side . `` damn , he 'd better not bleed all over the place . claire , i thought you were supposed to -- '' `` i know , '' claire said , and climbed into the middle of the big , front bench seat . hannah crammed in on the outside . eve put the car in gear and did a ponderous tankheavy turn . `` so , who staked him ? '' `` okay , that 's an interesting interpretation of safe . were n't you with amelie ? '' eve actually did a quick check of the backseat , as if she were afraid amelie might have magically popped in back there , seated like a barbarian queen on top of myrnin 's prone body . we were , '' hannah said . `` do i have to ask ? no , wait , do i want to ask ? '' `` we left her , '' claire said , miserable . `` bishop set a trap . she was fighting when we had to go . '' i thought you went with a whole entourage ! '' `` we left most of them ... ... '' her brain caught up with her , and she looked at hannah , who looked back with the same thought in her expression . the other guys .
[["dial", 11], ["near", 26], ["nearest", 26], ["fort", 31], ["knox", 36], ["thing", 63], ["damn", 70], ["damned", 70], ["learn", 89], ["learns", 89], ["learnt", 89], ["anyway", 103], ["claire", 115], ["look", 128], ["intent", 156], ["intents", 156], ["purpose", 169], ["purposes", 169], ["kill", 190], ["killed", 190], ["two", 223], ["twos", 223], ["way", 228], ["ways", 228], ["lab", 249], ["labs", 249], ["besides", 259], ["dimensional", 290], ["doorway", 298], ["step", 306], ["steps", 306], ["lead", 314], ["leaded", 314], ["leading", 314], ["street", 327], ["level", 333], ["probably", 355], ["absolute", 368], ["bad", 374], ["worst", 374], ["idea", 379], ["ever", 384], ["everest", 384], ["right", 390], ["rightest", 390], ["second", 409], ["seconded", 409], ["even", 419], ["evens", 419], ["portal", 450], ["small", 461], ["room", 466], ["roomed", 466], ["side", 482], ["sidest", 482], ["use", 517], ["used", 517], ["get", 524], ["problem", 550], ["work", 588], ["wrought", 588], ["memory", 611], ["memories", 611], ["clear", 617], ["clearest", 617], ["head", 629], ["glass", 642], ["house", 648], ["university", 679], ["hospital", 694], ["museum", 712], ["visit", 728], ["visited", 728], ["way", 739], ["ways", 739], ["feel", 759], ["felt", 759], ["dead", 768], ["whole", 786], ["wholes", 786], ["system", 793], ["cut", 806], ["lucky", 828], ["far", 853], ["trap", 873], ["trapped", 873], ["realize", 891], ["realized", 891], ["bishop", 905], ["outnumber", 930], ["outnumbered", 930], ["door", 968], ["block", 999], ["blocks", 999], ["blocked", 999], ["malfunction", 1034], ["malfunctioning", 1034], ["network", 1061], ["networked", 1061], ["networking", 1061], ["worry", 1095], ["worried", 1095], ["job", 1134], ["jobbing", 1134], ["safety", 1164], ["mean", 1181], ["meanest", 1181], ["meant", 1181], ["get", 1189], ["getting", 1189], ["vampire", 1213], ["know", 1222], ["knowest", 1222], ["knew", 1222], ["offhand", 1230], ["help", 1245], ["helpest", 1245], ["oliver", 1258], ["think", 1271], ["thinkest", 1271], ["walk", 1286], ["walking", 1286], ["say", 1300], ["sayest", 1300], ["said", 1300], ["hell", 1314], ["hells", 1314], ["hannah", 1333], ["haul", 1360], ["hauls", 1360], ["hauling", 1360], ["street", 1395], ["streets", 1395], ["ca", 1478], ["cas", 1478], ["take", 1487], ["either", 1500], ["jaw", 1525], ["jaws", 1525], ["jawed", 1525], ["jawest", 1525], ["lock", 1530], ["stubborn", 1544], ["position", 1553], ["well", 1563], ["wells", 1563], ["fine", 1570], ["go", 1579], ["goest", 1579], ["ahead", 1585], ["left", 1612], ["leave", 1612], ["leaving", 1612], ["quite", 1635], ["third", 1645], ["division", 1662], ["dozen", 1688], ["phone", 1694], ["call", 1700], ["calls", 1700], ["manage", 1718], ["ride", 1732], ["rode", 1732], ["turn", 1750], ["turning", 1750], ["nobody", 1774], ["sight", 1783], ["sighted", 1783], ["eve", 1799], ["voice", 1808], ["speaker", 1830], ["cell", 1848], ["give", 1875], ["giving", 1875], ["description", 1907], ["drive", 1920], ["admit", 1946], ["sound", 1959], ["sounded", 1959], ["pretty", 1966], ["prettiest", 1966], ["frightening", 1978], ["yeah", 1988], ["see", 2000], ["day", 2008], ["alley", 2037], ["next", 2042], ["breathlessly", 2104], ["drench", 2123], ["drenched", 2123], ["sweat", 2134], ["ache", 2143], ["ached", 2143], ["aching", 2143], ["effort", 2170], ["help", 2181], ["helpest", 2181], ["helping", 2181], ["drag", 2186], ["narrow", 2245], ["seemingly", 2257], ["endless", 2265], ["dark", 2270], ["founder", 2302], ["foundering", 2302], ["belong", 2318], ["belonged", 2318], ["belongest", 2318], ["belonging", 2318], ["katherine", 2331], ["granddaughter", 2357], ["virtual", 2370], ["copy", 2375], ["friend", 2417], ["friends", 2417], ["live", 2423], ["lived", 2423], ["see", 2463], ["saw", 2463], ["curtain", 2472], ["curtaining", 2472], ["curtains", 2472], ["move", 2479], ["moving", 2479], ["upstairs", 2495], ["window", 2503], ["windows", 2503], ["kathy", 2556], ["pant", 2575], ["panted", 2575], ["gramma", 2607], ["though", 2616], ["always", 2625], ["back", 2644], ["remember", 2662], ["rememberest", 2662], ["relate", 2707], ["relates", 2707], ["related", 2707], ["day", 2719], ["days", 2719], ["partly", 2728], ["feature", 2741], ["features", 2741], ["attitude", 2760], ["sure", 2769], ["family", 2789], ["full", 2794], ["tough", 2803], ["smart", 2811], ["woman", 2829], ["womans", 2829], ["women", 2829], ["big", 2842], ["bigs", 2842], ["black", 2850], ["car", 2854], ["idle", 2865], ["idlest", 2865], ["idling", 2865], ["end", 2876], ["ends", 2876], ["endest", 2876], ["kick", 2916], ["kicked", 2916], ["open", 2921], ["three", 2949], ["still", 2968], ["count", 2974], ["countest", 2974], ["approach", 2990], ["approaches", 2990], ["approached", 2990], ["take", 3001], ["took", 3001], ["stake", 3034], ["send", 3053], ["sent", 3053], ["reach", 3105], ["reached", 3105], ["inside", 3128], ["facedown", 3139], ["backseat", 3157], ["slam", 3182], ["slammed", 3182], ["driver", 3221], ["well", 3254], ["better", 3254], ["bleed", 3264], ["place", 3283], ["think", 3304], ["thought", 3304], ["thinkest", 3304], ["suppose", 3322], ["supposed", 3322], ["know", 3341], ["knowest", 3341], ["climb", 3372], ["climbed", 3372], ["middle", 3388], ["middles", 3388], ["middling", 3388], ["front", 3407], ["bench", 3413], ["benched", 3413], ["seat", 3418], ["cram", 3435], ["crammed", 3435], ["outside", 3453], ["put", 3463], ["gear", 3479], ["ponderous", 3499], ["turn", 3514], ["stake", 3535], ["staked", 3535], ["okay", 3552], ["interesting", 3577], ["interpretation", 3592], ["safe", 3600], ["safes", 3600], ["safed", 3600], ["quick", 3657], ["check", 3663], ["afraid", 3703], ["may", 3716], ["mays", 3716], ["mayest", 3716], ["might", 3716], ["magically", 3731], ["pop", 3738], ["popped", 3738], ["seat", 3761], ["seated", 3761], ["like", 3766], ["barbarian", 3778], ["barbarians", 3778], ["queen", 3784], ["queens", 3784], ["queenest", 3784], ["queening", 3784], ["top", 3791], ["prone", 3810], ["body", 3815], ["bodied", 3815], ["ask", 3864], ["wait", 3876], ["waitest", 3876], ["left", 3911], ["leave", 3911], ["miserable", 3944], ["set", 3960], ["trap", 3967], ["fight", 3986], ["fightest", 3986], ["go", 4028], ["goest", 4028], ["went", 4028], ["entourage", 4051], ["brain", 4101], ["brained", 4101], ["braining", 4101], ["catch", 4108], ["catched", 4108], ["catches", 4108], ["caught", 4108], ["look", 4137], ["looked", 4137], ["expression", 4205], ["guy", 4222], ["guys", 4222]]
they were in myrnin 's lab , but not when we came back ... ... '' `` gone , '' hannah said . `` taken out . '' so , we 're winning , then . '' eve 's tone was wicked cynical , but her dark eyes looked scared . `` i talked to michael . they 're at the university . things are quiet there so far . '' `` and shane ? '' claire realized , with a pure bolt of guilt , that she had n't called him . if he 'd called her , she would n't have known ; she 'd turned off the ringer , afraid of the noise when creeping around on a rescue mission . but as she dug out her phone , she saw that she had n't missed any calls after all . `` yeah , he 's okay , '' eve said , and steered the car at semihigh speed around a corner . the town was dark , very dark , with a few houses lit up by lanterns or candles or flashlights . most people were waiting in the dark , scared to death . `` they had some vamps try to board the bus , probably looking for a snack , but it was n't even a real fight . so far they 're cruising without too much trouble . he 's fine , claire . '' she reached over and took claire 's hand to squeeze it . `` you , not so much . i think i earned it . '' eve took back her hand to haul the big wheel of the car around for a turn . headlights swept over a group on the sidewalk -- unnaturally pale . `` oh , crap , we 've got bogeys . hang on , i 'm going to floor it . '' that was , claire thought , a pretty fantastic idea , because the vampires on the curb were now in the street , and following . there was a kind of manic glee to how they pursued the car , but not even a vamp could keep up with eve 's driving for long ; they fell back into the dark , one by one . the last one was the fastest , and he nearly caught hold of the back bumper before he stumbled and was left behind in a black cloud of exhaust . `` damn freaks , '' eve said , trying to sound tough but not quite making it . hannah laughed softly . `` not so fantastic , but i 'm not bothered about it . let 's see if we can make it to the morning . then i 'll worry about making ends meet at the shop . '' `` oh , we 'll make it , '' eve said , with a confidence claire personally did n't feel . `` look , it 's already four a.m. another couple of hours , and we 're fine . '' claire did n't say , in a couple of hours , we could all be dead , but she was thinking it . what were they going to do to rescue her ? if she 's even still alive . claire 's head hurt , her eyes felt grainy from lack of sleep , and she just wanted to curl up in a warm bed , pull the pillow over her head , and not be so responsible . she was n't paying attention to where eve was going , and anyway , it was so dark and strange outside she was n't sure she 'd recognize things , anyway . eve pulled to a halt at the curb , in front of a row of plate glass windows lit by candles and lanterns inside . just like that , they were at common grounds . eve jumped out of the driver 's side , opened the back door , and grabbed myrnin under the arms , all the while muttering , `` ick , ick , ick ! '' claire slid out to join her , and hannah grabbed myrnin 's feet when they hit the pavement , and the three of them carried him into the coffee shop . claire found herself shoved immediately out of the way by two vampires : oliver and some woman she did n't know . oliver looked grim , but then , that was n't new , either . `` put him down , '' oliver said . `` no , not there , idiots , over there , on the sofa . that last was directed at the frightened humans who were seated on the indicated couch , and they scattered like quail . eve continued her ick mantra as she and hannah hauled myrnin 's deadweight over and settled him facedown on the couch cushions . he was about the color of a fluorescent lightbulb now , bluewhite and cold . oliver crouched next to him , looking at the stake in myrnin 's back . he steepled his fingers for a moment , and then looked up at claire . she supposed he could tell , somehow , that it was her stake . he came after us . '' the us part might have been an exaggeration ; he 'd come after hannah , really . but eventually he would have come after claire , too ; she knew that .
[["lab", 26], ["labs", 26], ["come", 49], ["came", 49], ["back", 54], ["go", 73], ["goest", 73], ["gone", 73], ["hannah", 85], ["say", 90], ["sayest", 90], ["said", 90], ["take", 101], ["taken", 101], ["win", 130], ["winning", 130], ["eve", 146], ["tone", 154], ["toned", 154], ["toning", 154], ["wicked", 165], ["cynical", 173], ["dark", 188], ["eye", 193], ["eyed", 193], ["eyes", 193], ["look", 200], ["looked", 200], ["talk", 221], ["talked", 221], ["michael", 232], ["university", 261], ["thing", 270], ["things", 270], ["quiet", 280], ["far", 293], ["shane", 311], ["claire", 323], ["realize", 332], ["realized", 332], ["pure", 346], ["pured", 346], ["bolt", 351], ["bolts", 351], ["bolted", 351], ["guilt", 360], ["guilts", 360], ["call", 386], ["called", 386], ["know", 439], ["knowest", 439], ["known", 439], ["turn", 455], ["turned", 455], ["ringer", 470], ["afraid", 479], ["noise", 492], ["creep", 506], ["creeps", 506], ["creeped", 506], ["creeping", 506], ["around", 513], ["rescue", 525], ["mission", 533], ["dig", 550], ["dug", 550], ["digs", 550], ["digest", 550], ["phone", 564], ["see", 574], ["saw", 574], ["miss", 598], ["missed", 598], ["call", 608], ["calls", 608], ["yeah", 628], ["okay", 641], ["steer", 669], ["steerest", 669], ["steered", 669], ["car", 677], ["semihigh", 689], ["speed", 695], ["speeding", 695], ["corner", 711], ["town", 722], ["house", 763], ["houses", 763], ["lit", 767], ["light", 767], ["lantern", 782], ["lanterns", 782], ["candle", 793], ["candles", 793], ["flashlight", 808], ["flashlights", 808], ["people", 822], ["wait", 835], ["waitest", 835], ["waiting", 835], ["death", 865], ["vamp", 890], ["vamped", 890], ["try", 894], ["tryed", 894], ["board", 903], ["boarding", 903], ["bus", 911], ["probably", 922], ["look", 930], ["looking", 930], ["snack", 942], ["snacking", 942], ["even", 964], ["evens", 964], ["real", 971], ["reis", 971], ["fight", 977], ["fightest", 977], ["cruise", 1004], ["without", 1012], ["much", 1021], ["trouble", 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["kind", 1523], ["manic", 1532], ["manics", 1532], ["glee", 1537], ["pursue", 1557], ["pursued", 1557], ["vamp", 1587], ["vamped", 1587], ["keep", 1598], ["keepest", 1598], ["driving", 1621], ["long", 1630], ["longs", 1630], ["fall", 1642], ["falls", 1642], ["fell", 1642], ["last", 1685], ["fast", 1705], ["fastest", 1705], ["nearly", 1721], ["catch", 1728], ["catched", 1728], ["catches", 1728], ["caught", 1728], ["hold", 1733], ["bumper", 1752], ["bumpers", 1752], ["stumble", 1771], ["stumbled", 1771], ["left", 1784], ["leave", 1784], ["behind", 1791], ["black", 1802], ["cloud", 1808], ["clouded", 1808], ["exhaust", 1819], ["exhausted", 1819], ["exhausting", 1819], ["damn", 1829], ["damned", 1829], ["freak", 1836], ["freaking", 1836], ["freaks", 1836], ["try", 1859], ["tryed", 1859], ["trying", 1859], ["sound", 1868], ["tough", 1874], ["quite", 1888], ["laugh", 1915], ["laughed", 1915], ["softly", 1922], ["let", 1983], ["lets", 1983], ["see", 1990], ["morning", 2023], ["worry", 2042], ["worried", 2042], ["end", 2060], ["ends", 2060], ["endest", 2060], ["meet", 2065], ["meeted", 2065], ["shop", 2077], ["confidence", 2139], ["personally", 2157], ["feel", 2170], ["look", 2180], ["already", 2196], ["four", 2201], ["another", 2214], ["couple", 2221], ["hour", 2230], ["hours", 2230], ["say", 2272], ["sayest", 2272], ["dead", 2318], ["think", 2341], ["thinkest", 2341], ["thinking", 2341], ["still", 2410], ["alive", 2416], ["head", 2433], ["hurt", 2438], ["hurts", 2438], ["hurting", 2438], ["feel", 2454], ["felt", 2454], ["grainy", 2461], ["lack", 2471], ["sleep", 2480], ["slept", 2480], ["sleeps", 2480], ["sleepest", 2480], ["curl", 2510], ["curls", 2510], ["curled", 2510], ["warm", 2523], ["bed", 2527], ["pull", 2534], ["pillow", 2545], ["responsible", 2587], ["pay", 2608], ["pays", 2608], ["payest", 2608], ["paying", 2608], ["attention", 2618], ["anyway", 2654], ["strange", 2683], ["outside", 2691], ["sure", 2708], ["recognize", 2725], ["pull", 2754], ["pulled", 2754], ["halt", 2764], ["halts", 2764], ["haltest", 2764], ["front", 2787], ["row", 2796], ["rowest", 2796], ["plate", 2805], ["plating", 2805], ["glass", 2811], ["window", 2819], ["windows", 2819], ["inside", 2854], ["like", 2866], ["common", 2893], ["commons", 2893], ["commonest", 2893], ["ground", 2901], ["grounds", 2901], ["jump", 2914], ["jumps", 2914], ["jumped", 2914], ["driver", 2932], ["side", 2940], ["sidest", 2940], ["open", 2949], ["opened", 2949], ["door", 2963], ["grab", 2977], ["grabbed", 2977], ["arm", 2999], ["arms", 2999], ["mutter", 3025], ["muttering", 3025], ["mutterest", 3025], ["ick", 3034], ["slid", 3063], ["join", 3075], ["joinest", 3075], ["foot", 3115], ["feet", 3115], ["hit", 3129], ["pavement", 3142], ["three", 3158], ["carry", 3174], ["carried", 3174], ["coffee", 3194], ["find", 3214], ["found", 3214], ["shove", 3229], ["shoved", 3229], ["immediately", 3241], ["way", 3256], ["ways", 3256], ["two", 3263], ["twos", 3263], ["oliver", 3281], ["woman", 3296], ["womans", 3296], ["know", 3313], ["knowest", 3313], ["grim", 3334], ["grims", 3334], ["new", 3364], ["either", 3373], ["put", 3382], ["idiot", 3437], ["idiots", 3437], ["sofa", 3464], ["direct", 3489], ["directed", 3489], ["human", 3514], ["humans", 3514], ["seat", 3530], ["seated", 3530], ["indicate", 3547], ["indicated", 3547], ["couch", 3553], ["couchest", 3553], ["scatter", 3574], ["scattered", 3574], ["quail", 3585], ["quails", 3585], ["quailed", 3585], ["quailing", 3585], ["continue", 3601], ["continued", 3601], ["mantra", 3616], ["haul", 3641], ["hauls", 3641], ["hauled", 3641], ["deadweight", 3662], ["settle", 3679], ["settled", 3679], ["facedown", 3692], ["cushion", 3714], ["cushioning", 3714], ["cushions", 3714], ["color", 3739], ["fluorescent", 3756], ["lightbulb", 3766], ["lightbulbs", 3766], ["cold", 3791], ["crouch", 3809], ["crouched", 3809], ["next", 3814], ["stake", 3844], ["steeple", 3876], ["steepled", 3876], ["finger", 3888], ["fingers", 3888], ["moment", 3901], ["suppose", 3947], ["supposed", 3947], ["tell", 3961], ["somehow", 3971], ["part", 4031], ["parting", 4031], ["may", 4037], ["mays", 4037], ["mayest", 4037], ["might", 4037], ["exaggeration", 4063], ["come", 4076], ["really", 4098], ["eventually", 4115], ["know", 4164], ["knowest", 4164], ["knew", 4164]]
oliver gave her a moment to squirm while he stared at her , and then looked back at myrnin 's still , very corpselike body . the area where the stake had gone in looked even paler than the surrounding tissue , like the edge of a whirlpool draining all the color out of him . `` do you have any of the drugs you have been giving him ? '' claire nodded , and fumbled in her pocket . she had some of the powder form of the drug , and some of the liquid , but she had n't felt confident at all that she 'd be able to get it into myrnin 's mouth without a fight she was bound to lose . when myrnin was like this , you were going to lose fingers , at the very least , if you got anywhere near his mouth . not so much an issue now , she supposed . she handed over the vials to oliver , who turned them over in his fingers , considering , and then handed back the powder . `` the liquid absorbs into the body more quickly , i expect . '' it also had some unpredictable side effects , but this probably was n't the time to worry about that . `` and amelie ? '' oliver continued turning the bottle over and over in his fingers . `` she 's -- we had to leave her . she was fighting bishop . i do n't know where she is now . '' a deep silence filled the room , and claire saw the vampires all look at one another -- all except oliver , who continued to stare down at myrnin , no change in his expression at all . helen , karl , watch the windows and doors . i doubt bishop 's patrols will try storming the place , but they might , while i 'm distracted . the rest of you '' -- he looked at the humans and shook his head -- '' try to stay out of our way . '' he thumbed the top off the vial of clear liquid and held it in his right hand . `` get ready to turn him faceup , '' he said to hannah and claire . claire took hold of myrnin 's shoulders , and hannah his feet . oliver took the stake in his left hand and , in one smooth motion , pulled it out . it clattered to the floor , and he nodded sharply . once myrnin was lying on his back , oliver motioned her away and pried open myrnin 's bloodless lips . he poured the liquid into the other vampire 's mouth , shut it , and placed a hand on his high forehead . myrnin 's dark eyes were open . wideopen . claire shuddered , because they looked completely dead -- like windows into a dark , dark room ... and then he blinked . he sucked in a very deep breath , and his back arched in silent agony . oliver held his hand steady on myrnin 's forehead . his eyes were squeezed shut in concentration , and myrnin writhed weakly , trying without much success to twist free . he collapsed limply back on the cushions , chest rising and falling . his skin still looked like polished marble , veined with cold blue , but his eyes were alive again . he swallowed , coughed , swallowed again , and gradually , the insane pilot light in his eyes went out . he looked tired and confused and in pain . oliver let out a long , moaning sigh , and tried to stand up . he made it about halfway up , then wavered and fell to his knees , one hand braced on the arm of the couch for support . his head went down , and his shoulders heaved , almost as if he were gasping or crying . claire could n't imagine oliver -- oliver -- doing either one of those things , really . nobody touched him , although some of the other vampires exchanged unreadable glances . he 's sick , claire thought . it was the disease . it made it harder and harder for them to concentrate , to do the things they 'd always taken for granted , like make other vampires . or revive them . even oliver , who had n't believed anything about the sickness ... even he was starting to fail . `` help me up , '' oliver finally whispered . his voice sounded faint and tattered . claire grabbed his arm and helped him climb slowly , painfully up ; he moved as if he were a thousand years old , and felt every year of it . one of the other vampires silently provided a chair , and claire helped him into it . oliver braced his elbows on his thighs and hid his pale face in his hands . when she started to speak , he said , softly , `` leave me . '' it did n't seem a good idea to argue . claire backed off and returned to where myrnin was , on the couch . he blinked , still staring at the ceiling . he folded his hands slowly across his stomach , but did n't otherwise move . `` present , '' he said , from what seemed like a very great distance away . he chuckled very softly , then winced .
[["oliver", 6], ["give", 11], ["gave", 11], ["moment", 24], ["squirm", 34], ["stare", 50], ["stared", 50], ["look", 75], ["looked", 75], ["back", 80], ["still", 99], ["corpselike", 117], ["body", 122], ["bodied", 122], ["area", 133], ["stake", 149], ["go", 158], ["goest", 158], ["gone", 158], ["even", 173], ["evens", 173], ["surround", 200], ["surrounding", 200], ["tissue", 207], ["like", 214], ["edge", 223], ["edges", 223], ["whirlpool", 238], ["drain", 247], ["draining", 247], ["color", 261], ["drug", 306], ["drugs", 306], ["give", 327], ["giving", 327], ["claire", 343], ["nod", 350], ["nodded", 350], ["fumble", 364], ["fumbled", 364], ["pocket", 378], ["pocketing", 378], ["powder", 407], ["powdering", 407], ["form", 412], ["formest", 412], ["drug", 424], ["liquid", 449], ["feel", 472], ["felt", 472], ["confident", 482], ["able", 509], ["abled", 509], ["get", 516], ["mouth", 540], ["mouthed", 540], ["without", 548], ["fight", 556], ["fightest", 556], ["bind", 570], ["bound", 570], ["lose", 578], ["go", 623], ["goest", 623], ["going", 623], ["finger", 639], ["fingers", 639], ["least", 659], ["leastest", 659], ["get", 672], ["got", 672], ["anywhere", 681], ["near", 686], ["much", 710], ["issue", 719], ["suppose", 738], ["supposed", 738], ["hand", 751], ["handed", 751], ["vial", 766], ["vials", 766], ["turn", 789], ["turned", 789], ["consider", 828], ["considering", 828], ["absorb", 886], ["absorbs", 886], ["quickly", 913], ["expect", 924], ["also", 937], ["unpredictable", 960], ["unpredictables", 960], ["side", 965], ["sidest", 965], ["effect", 973], ["effects", 973], ["probably", 993], ["time", 1010], ["worry", 1019], ["worried", 1019], ["continue", 1068], ["continued", 1068], ["turn", 1076], ["turning", 1076], ["bottle", 1087], ["bottled", 1087], ["left", 1147], ["leave", 1147], ["fight", 1170], ["fightest", 1170], ["bishop", 1177], ["know", 1193], ["knowest", 1193], ["deep", 1222], ["deeply", 1222], ["silence", 1230], ["fill", 1237], ["fills", 1237], ["filled", 1237], ["room", 1246], ["roomed", 1246], ["see", 1263], ["saw", 1263], ["vampire", 1276], ["vampires", 1276], ["look", 1285], ["another", 1300], ["except", 1314], ["stare", 1346], ["stared", 1346], ["change", 1373], ["expression", 1391], ["helen", 1406], ["karl", 1413], ["watch", 1421], ["window", 1433], ["windows", 1433], ["door", 1443], ["doors", 1443], ["doubt", 1453], ["patrol", 1471], ["patrols", 1471], ["try", 1480], ["tryed", 1480], ["storm", 1489], ["place", 1499], ["may", 1516], ["mays", 1516], ["mayest", 1516], ["might", 1516], ["distract", 1540], ["distracted", 1540], ["rest", 1551], ["human", 1588], ["humans", 1588], ["shake", 1598], ["shook", 1598], ["head", 1607], ["stay", 1625], ["way", 1640], ["ways", 1640], ["thumb", 1656], ["thumbed", 1656], ["top", 1664], ["vial", 1677], ["clear", 1686], ["clearest", 1686], ["hold", 1702], ["held", 1702], ["right", 1718], ["rightest", 1718], ["hand", 1723], ["ready", 1738], ["turn", 1746], ["say", 1770], ["sayest", 1770], ["said", 1770], ["hannah", 1780], ["take", 1805], ["took", 1805], ["hold", 1810], ["shoulder", 1833], ["shouldered", 1833], ["shoulders", 1833], ["foot", 1855], ["feet", 1855], ["left", 1891], ["smooth", 1916], ["motion", 1923], ["pull", 1932], ["pulled", 1932], ["clatter", 1954], ["clattered", 1954], ["floor", 1967], ["sharply", 1991], ["lie", 2015], ["lay", 2015], ["lain", 2015], ["lying", 2015], ["motion", 2045], ["away", 2054], ["pry", 2064], ["pried", 2064], ["prying", 2064], ["open", 2069], ["bloodless", 2089], ["lip", 2094], ["lipped", 2094], ["lips", 2094], ["pour", 2106], ["poured", 2106], ["vampire", 2140], ["shut", 2156], ["place", 2172], ["placed", 2172], ["high", 2191], ["forehead", 2200], ["dark", 2217], ["eye", 2222], ["eyed", 2222], ["eyes", 2222], ["shudder", 2262], ["shuddering", 2262], ["shudderest", 2262], ["shuddered", 2262], ["completely", 2295], ["dead", 2300], ["blink", 2364], ["blinked", 2364], ["suck", 2376], ["sucking", 2376], ["sucked", 2376], ["breath", 2398], ["breathest", 2398], ["arch", 2420], ["arched", 2420], ["silent", 2430], ["agony", 2436], ["steady", 2466], ["squeeze", 2513], ["squeezes", 2513], ["squeezed", 2513], ["concentration", 2535], ["writhe", 2556], ["writhes", 2556], ["writhing", 2556], ["writhed", 2556], ["weakly", 2563], ["try", 2572], ["tryed", 2572], ["trying", 2572], ["success", 2593], ["successes", 2593], ["twist", 2602], ["twisted", 2602], ["twisting", 2602], ["free", 2607], ["collapse", 2622], ["collapsed", 2622], ["limply", 2629], ["cushion", 2650], ["cushioning", 2650], ["cushions", 2650], ["chest", 2658], ["rise", 2665], ["risen", 2665], ["rising", 2665], ["fall", 2677], ["falls", 2677], ["falling", 2677], ["skin", 2688], ["marble", 2722], ["vein", 2731], ["veined", 2731], ["cold", 2741], ["blue", 2746], ["alive", 2772], ["swallow", 2793], ["swallows", 2793], ["swallowed", 2793], ["cough", 2803], ["coughed", 2803], ["gradually", 2837], ["insane", 2850], ["pilot", 2856], ["lit", 2862], ["light", 2862], ["go", 2879], ["goest", 2879], ["went", 2879], ["tired", 2901], ["pain", 2926], ["let", 2939], ["lets", 2939], ["long", 2950], ["longs", 2950], ["moan", 2960], ["moans", 2960], ["moanest", 2960], ["moaning", 2960], ["sigh", 2965], ["sighest", 2965], ["try", 2977], ["tryed", 2977], ["tried", 2977], ["stand", 2986], ["stood", 2986], ["standest", 2986], ["halfway", 3016], ["halfways", 3016], ["waver", 3034], ["wavering", 3034], ["wavered", 3034], ["fall", 3043], ["falls", 3043], ["fell", 3043], ["knee", 3056], ["knees", 3056], ["brace", 3074], ["braced", 3074], ["arm", 3085], ["couch", 3098], ["couchest", 3098], ["support", 3110], ["heave", 3158], ["heaves", 3158], ["heaving", 3158], ["heaved", 3158], ["almost", 3167], ["gasp", 3189], ["gasps", 3189], ["cry", 3199], ["crying", 3199], ["imagine", 3226], ["either", 3259], ["thing", 3279], ["things", 3279], ["really", 3288], ["nobody", 3297], ["touch", 3305], ["touching", 3305], ["touched", 3305], ["although", 3320], ["exchange", 3357], ["exchanged", 3357], ["unreadable", 3368], ["glance", 3376], ["glances", 3376], ["sick", 3389], ["think", 3406], ["thinkest", 3406], ["thought", 3406], ["disease", 3427], ["hard", 3447], ["concentrate", 3482], ["concentrated", 3482], ["concentrates", 3482], ["always", 3516], ["take", 3522], ["taken", 3522], ["grant", 3534], ["grantest", 3534], ["granted", 3534], ["revive", 3573], ["reviving", 3573], ["believe", 3615], ["believed", 3615], ["anything", 3624], ["sickness", 3643], ["start", 3668], ["starting", 3668], ["fail", 3676], ["help", 3686], ["helpest", 3686], ["finally", 3712], ["whisper", 3722], ["whispered", 3722], ["voice", 3734], ["sound", 3742], ["sounded", 3742], ["faint", 3748], ["grab", 3778], ["grabbed", 3778], ["help", 3797], ["helpest", 3797], ["helped", 3797], ["climb", 3807], ["slowly", 3814], ["painfully", 3826], ["move", 3840], ["moved", 3840], ["thousand", 3865], ["year", 3871], ["years", 3871], ["old", 3875], ["every", 3892], ["year", 3897], ["silently", 3940], ["provide", 3949], ["provided", 3949], ["chair", 3957], ["chairing", 3957], ["elbow", 4016], ["elbowing", 4016], ["elbows", 4016], ["thigh", 4030], ["thighs", 4030], ["hides", 4038], ["hid", 4038], ["pale", 4047], ["face", 4052], ["hand", 4065], ["hands", 4065], ["start", 4084], ["started", 4084], ["speak", 4093], ["spoken", 4093], ["softly", 4112], ["seem", 4147], ["seeming", 4147], ["good", 4154], ["idea", 4159], ["argue", 4168], ["back", 4184], ["backed", 4184], ["return", 4201], ["returnest", 4201], ["returned", 4201], ["stare", 4265], ["stared", 4265], ["staring", 4265], ["ceiling", 4280], ["fold", 4292], ["folded", 4292], ["across", 4316], ["stomach", 4328], ["stomachs", 4328], ["stomaching", 4328], ["otherwise", 4352], ["move", 4357], ["present", 4370], ["presentest", 4370], ["seem", 4402], ["seeming", 4402], ["seemed", 4402], ["great", 4420], ["distance", 4429], ["distancing", 4429], ["chuckle", 4448], ["chuckled", 4448], ["wince", 4474], ["winced", 4474]]
`` hurts when i laugh . '' `` yeah , um -- i 'm sorry . '' a very slight frown worked its way between myrnin 's eyebrows , made a slow v , and then went on its way . staked me . '' she knew what oliver 's reaction would have been , if she 'd done that kind of thing to him , and the outcome would n't have been pretty . she was n't sure what myrnin might do . just to be sure , she stayed out of easy grabbing distance . myrnin simply closed his eyes for a moment and nodded . he looked old now , exhausted , like oliver . `` i 'm sure it was for the best , '' he said . `` perhaps you should have left the wood in place . better for everyone , in the end . i would have just -- faded away . it 's not very painful , not comparatively . '' she took a step closer , then another . he just looked so -- defeated . `` myrnin , do n't . he did n't open his eyes , but there was a tiny , tired smile curving his lips . `` i 'm sure you think you do , but you have what you need now . i found the cure for you , claire . bishop 's blood . it 's time to let me go . it 's too late for me to get better . '' this time , his great dark eyes opened and studied her with cool intensity . `` i see you do n't , '' he said . `` whether or not that assumption is reasonable , that 's another question entirely . he was asking about amelie . claire glanced at oliver , still hunched over , clearly in pain . she bent closer to myrnin . no way she would n't be overheard by the other vampires , though , she knew that . `` she 's -- i do n't know . the last i saw , she and bishop were fighting it out . '' myrnin sat up . it was n't the kind of smooth , controlled motion vampires usually had , as though they 'd been practicing it for three or four human lifetimes ; he had to pull himself up , slowly and painfully , and it hurt claire to watch . she put her hand against his shoulder blade to brace him . his skin still felt marblecold , but not dead . it was hard to figure out what the difference was -- maybe it was the muscles , underneath , tensed and alive again . `` we have to find her , '' he said . `` bishop will stop at nothing to get her , if he has n't already . once you were safely away , she 'd have retreated . amelie is a guerrilla fighter . it 's not like her to fight in the open , not against her father . '' `` we 're not going anywhere , '' oliver said , without taking his head out of his hands . `` and neither are you , myrnin . '' `` you owe her your fealty . '' `` i owe nothing to the dead , '' oliver said . `` and until i see proof of her survival , i will not sacrifice my life , or anyone else 's , in a futile attempt at rescue . '' myrnin 's face twisted in contempt . `` you have n't changed , '' he said . `` neither have you , fool , '' oliver murmured . eve was pulling shots behind the counter , wearing a formal black apron that went below her knees . claire slid wearily onto a barstool on the other side . `` flashback to the good times , huh ? '' eve made a sour face as she thumped a mocha down in front of her friend . yeah , do n't remind me , '' she said . `` although i have to say , i missed the monster . '' `` the monster ? '' eve patted the giant , shiny espresso machine beside her affectionately . `` monster , meet claire . claire , meet the monster . he 's a sweetie , really , but you have to know his moods . '' claire reached out and patted the machine , too . `` nice to meet you , monster . '' eve caught her wrist when she tried to pull back . amelie 's grip on her really had raised a crop of faint blue smudges on her upper arm , like a primitive tattoo . `` do n't freak . i do n't have any bite marks or anything . '' `` i 'll freak if i wan na . as long as michael is n't here , i 'm kind of -- '' `` what , my mom ? '' claire snapped , and was instantly sorry . and guilty , for an entirely different reason . `` i did n't mean -- '' eve waved it away . `` hey , if you ca n't spark a 'tude on a day like this , when can you ? your mother 's okay , by the way , because i know that 's your next question .
[["hurt", 8], ["hurts", 8], ["hurting", 8], ["laugh", 21], ["yeah", 34], ["um", 39], ["sorry", 53], ["slight", 72], ["frown", 78], ["frowns", 78], ["work", 85], ["wrought", 85], ["worked", 85], ["way", 93], ["ways", 93], ["eyebrow", 120], ["eyebrows", 120], ["slow", 134], ["v", 136], ["go", 152], ["goest", 152], ["went", 152], ["stake", 172], ["staked", 172], ["know", 189], ["knowest", 189], ["knew", 189], ["oliver", 201], ["reaction", 213], ["kind", 256], ["thing", 265], ["outcome", 290], ["pretty", 317], ["prettiest", 317], ["sure", 336], ["may", 354], ["mays", 354], ["mayest", 354], ["might", 354], ["stay", 388], ["stayed", 388], ["easy", 400], ["distance", 418], ["distancing", 418], ["simply", 434], ["close", 441], ["closed", 441], ["eye", 450], ["eyed", 450], ["eyes", 450], ["moment", 463], ["nod", 474], ["nodded", 474], ["look", 486], ["looked", 486], ["old", 490], ["like", 513], ["good", 555], ["best", 555], ["say", 568], ["sayest", 568], ["said", 568], ["perhaps", 581], ["left", 602], ["leave", 602], ["wood", 611], ["place", 620], ["well", 629], ["wells", 629], ["everyone", 642], ["end", 655], ["ends", 655], ["endest", 655], ["fade", 684], ["faded", 684], ["away", 689], ["painful", 714], ["comparatively", 734], ["take", 748], ["took", 748], ["step", 755], ["close", 762], ["closer", 762], ["another", 777], ["defeat", 809], ["defeatest", 809], ["defeated", 809], ["open", 848], ["tiny", 880], ["tired", 888], ["smile", 894], ["curve", 902], ["curved", 902], ["curving", 902], ["lip", 911], ["lipped", 911], ["lips", 911], ["think", 936], ["thinkest", 936], ["need", 972], ["needest", 972], ["find", 986], ["found", 986], ["cure", 995], ["claire", 1012], ["bishop", 1021], ["blood", 1030], ["bloods", 1030], ["blooded", 1030], ["time", 1043], ["let", 1050], ["lets", 1050], ["go", 1056], ["goest", 1056], ["late", 1073], ["lates", 1073], ["get", 1087], ["great", 1121], ["dark", 1126], ["open", 1138], ["opened", 1138], ["study", 1150], ["studied", 1150], ["cool", 1164], ["intensity", 1174], ["see", 1185], ["whether", 1222], ["assumption", 1245], ["reasonable", 1259], ["question", 1286], ["entirely", 1295], ["ask", 1311], ["asking", 1311], ["glance", 1341], ["glanced", 1341], ["still", 1359], ["hunch", 1367], ["hunches", 1367], ["hunched", 1367], ["clearly", 1382], ["pain", 1390], ["bent", 1401], ["bend", 1401], ["overhear", 1454], ["overhearing", 1454], ["vampire", 1476], ["vampires", 1476], ["though", 1485], ["know", 1530], ["knowest", 1530], ["last", 1541], ["see", 1547], ["saw", 1547], ["fight", 1578], ["fightest", 1578], ["sat", 1601], ["sit", 1601], ["smooth", 1636], ["control", 1649], ["controlled", 1649], ["motion", 1656], ["usually", 1673], ["practice", 1713], ["practicing", 1713], ["three", 1726], ["four", 1734], ["human", 1740], ["lifetime", 1750], ["lifetimes", 1750], ["pull", 1767], ["slowly", 1787], ["painfully", 1801], ["hurt", 1815], ["hurts", 1815], ["hurting", 1815], ["watch", 1831], ["put", 1841], ["hand", 1850], ["shoulder", 1871], ["shouldered", 1871], ["blade", 1877], ["brace", 1886], ["braced", 1886], ["skin", 1901], ["feel", 1912], ["felt", 1912], ["dead", 1938], ["hard", 1952], ["figure", 1962], ["difference", 1986], ["maybe", 1999], ["muscle", 2018], ["muscles", 2018], ["underneath", 2031], ["alive", 2050], ["find", 2077], ["stop", 2116], ["nothing", 2127], ["already", 2162], ["safely", 2185], ["retreat", 2214], ["retreatest", 2214], ["retreated", 2214], ["guerrilla", 2238], ["guerrillas", 2238], ["fight", 2276], ["fightest", 2276], ["father", 2313], ["fathered", 2313], ["fathering", 2313], ["go", 2338], ["goest", 2338], ["going", 2338], ["anywhere", 2347], ["without", 2374], ["take", 2381], ["taking", 2381], ["head", 2390], ["hand", 2407], ["hands", 2407], ["neither", 2424], ["owe", 2457], ["owes", 2457], ["owing", 2457], ["fealty", 2473], ["proof", 2551], ["proofs", 2551], ["proofed", 2551], ["proofest", 2551], ["survival", 2567], ["sacrifice", 2590], ["life", 2598], ["lifes", 2598], ["anyone", 2610], ["else", 2615], ["futile", 2632], ["attempt", 2640], ["rescue", 2650], ["face", 2670], ["twist", 2678], ["twisted", 2678], ["twisting", 2678], ["contempt", 2690], ["contempts", 2690], ["change", 2716], ["changed", 2716], ["fool", 2758], ["fooling", 2758], ["foolest", 2758], ["eve", 2785], ["pull", 2797], ["pulling", 2797], ["shot", 2803], ["shots", 2803], ["behind", 2810], ["counter", 2822], ["wear", 2832], ["wearing", 2832], ["formal", 2841], ["black", 2847], ["apron", 2853], ["knee", 2879], ["knees", 2879], ["slid", 2893], ["wearily", 2901], ["onto", 2906], ["ontos", 2906], ["barstool", 2917], ["barstools", 2917], ["side", 2935], ["sidest", 2935], ["flashback", 2950], ["good", 2962], ["time", 2968], ["times", 2968], ["huh", 2974], ["sour", 2995], ["soured", 2995], ["souring", 2995], ["thump", 3015], ["thumps", 3015], ["mocha", 3023], ["front", 3037], ["friend", 3051], ["remind", 3074], ["although", 3105], ["say", 3119], ["sayest", 3119], ["miss", 3130], ["missed", 3130], ["monster", 3142], ["pat", 3178], ["patted", 3178], ["giant", 3188], ["shiny", 3196], ["shinier", 3196], ["espresso", 3205], ["espressos", 3205], ["machine", 3213], ["beside", 3220], ["affectionately", 3239], ["meet", 3259], ["meeted", 3259], ["sweetie", 3312], ["really", 3321], ["mood", 3354], ["moods", 3354], ["reach", 3374], ["reached", 3374], ["nice", 3417], ["catch", 3455], ["catched", 3455], ["catches", 3455], ["caught", 3455], ["wrist", 3465], ["try", 3480], ["tryed", 3480], ["tried", 3480], ["back", 3493], ["grip", 3510], ["raise", 3535], ["raised", 3535], ["crop", 3542], ["faint", 3551], ["blue", 3556], ["smudge", 3564], ["smudges", 3564], ["upper", 3577], ["arm", 3581], ["primitive", 3600], ["tattoo", 3607], ["tattoos", 3607], ["tattooing", 3607], ["freak", 3625], ["freaking", 3625], ["bite", 3650], ["mark", 3656], ["marks", 3656], ["anything", 3668], ["wan", 3697], ["wans", 3697], ["wanest", 3697], ["na", 3700], ["nas", 3700], ["long", 3710], ["longs", 3710], ["michael", 3721], ["mom", 3771], ["moms", 3771], ["snap", 3791], ["snapping", 3791], ["snapped", 3791], ["instantly", 3811], ["guilty", 3830], ["different", 3858], ["reason", 3865], ["reasonest", 3865], ["mean", 3885], ["meanest", 3885], ["wave", 3901], ["waved", 3901], ["hey", 3918], ["ca", 3930], ["cas", 3930], ["spark", 3940], ["sparking", 3940], ["tude", 3948], ["day", 3957], ["mother", 3996], ["mothered", 3996], ["motherest", 3996], ["okay", 4004], ["next", 4052]]
so far , bishop 's freaks have n't managed to shut down the cell network , so i 've been keeping in touch , since nothing 's happening here except for some serious caffeine production . landlines are dead , though . so is the internet . radio and tv are both off the air , too . '' five a.m. two hours until dawn , more or less -- probably less . `` what are we going to do in the morning ? '' eve wiped down the counter . claire sipped the sweet , chocolatey comfort of the mocha . `` when you think of something , let us know , because right now , i do n't think anybody 's got a clue . '' `` you 'd be wrong , thankfully , '' oliver said . he seemed to come out of nowhere -- god , did n't claire hate that ! -- as he settled on the stool next to her . he seemed almost back to normal now , but very tired . there was a shadow in his eyes that claire did n't remember seeing before . `` there is a plan in place . amelie 's removal from the field of battle is a blow , but not a defeat . we continue as she would want . '' you want to tell us ? '' that earned her a cool stare . `` yeah , i did n't think so . vampires really are n't all about the sharing , unless it benefits them first . '' `` i will tell you what you need to know , when you need to know it , '' oliver said . `` get me one of the bags from the walkin refrigerator . '' eve looked down at the top of her apron . `` oh , i 'm sorry , where does it say servant on here ? because i 'm so very not . '' for a second , claire held her breath , because the expression on oliver 's face was murderous , and she saw a red light , like the embers of a banked fire , glowing in the back of his eyes . then he blinked and said , simply , `` please , eve . '' eve had n't been expecting that . she blinked , stared back at him for a second , then silently nodded and walked away , behind a curtained doorway . `` you 're wondering if that hurt , '' oliver said , not looking at claire at all , but staring after eve . `` it did , most assuredly . '' `` i hear suffering 's good for the soul , or something . '' `` then we shall all be right with our god by morning . '' oliver swiveled on the stool to look her full in the face . `` i should kill you for what you did . '' `` staking myrnin ? '' i did n't think i had a choice . he 'd have bitten my hand off if i 'd tried to give him the medicine , and by the time it took effect , me and hannah would have been dog food , anyway . it seemed like the quickest , quietest way to get him out . '' `` even so , '' oliver said , his voice low in his throat , `` as an elder , i have the power to sentence you , right now , to death , for attempted murder of a vampire . you do understand ? '' claire held up her hand and pointed to the gold bracelet on her wrist -- the symbol of the founder . amelie 's symbol . `` i would pay reparations , '' he said . `` i imagine i could afford it . amelie would be tolerably upset with me , for a while , always assuming she is still alive . we 'd reach an accommodation . claire did n't say anything else in her defense , just waited . and after a moment , he nodded . `` you were right to take the action you did . you have been right about a good deal that i was unwilling to admit , including the fact that some of us are '' -- he cast a quick look around , and dropped his voice so low she could make out the word only from the shape his lips gave it -- '' unwell . '' unwell . yeah , that was one way to put it . she resisted an urge to roll her eyes . how about dying ? ever heard the word pandemic ? oliver continued without waiting for her response . `` myrnin 's mind was ... very disordered , '' he said . `` i did n't think i could get him back . i would n't have , without that dose of medication . '' `` does that mean you believe us now ? '' she meant , about the vampire disease , but she could n't say that out loud . even the roundabout way they were speaking was dangerous ; too many vampire ears with too little to do , and once they knew about the sickness , there was no predicting what they might do . run , probably . go off to rampage through the human world , sicken , and die alone , very slowly . it 'd take years , maybe decades , but eventually , they 'd all fall , one by one .
[["far", 6], ["bishop", 15], ["freak", 25], ["freaking", 25], ["freaks", 25], ["manage", 42], ["managed", 42], ["shut", 50], ["cell", 64], ["network", 72], ["networked", 72], ["networking", 72], ["keep", 96], ["keepest", 96], ["keeping", 96], ["touch", 105], ["touching", 105], ["since", 113], ["nothing", 121], ["happen", 134], ["happening", 134], ["except", 146], ["serious", 163], ["caffeine", 172], ["production", 183], ["landline", 195], ["landlines", 195], ["dead", 204], ["though", 213], ["internet", 234], ["radio", 242], ["tv", 249], ["air", 270], ["airs", 270], ["airing", 270], ["five", 286], ["fived", 286], ["two", 295], ["twos", 295], ["hour", 301], ["hours", 301], ["dawn", 312], ["dawnest", 312], ["less", 327], ["probably", 339], ["go", 367], ["goest", 367], ["going", 367], ["morning", 388], ["eve", 397], ["wipe", 403], ["wiped", 403], ["counter", 420], ["claire", 429], ["sip", 436], ["sipped", 436], ["sweet", 446], ["chocolatey", 459], ["comfort", 467], ["mocha", 480], ["think", 500], ["thinkest", 500], ["let", 519], ["lets", 519], ["know", 527], ["knowest", 527], ["right", 543], ["rightest", 543], ["anybody", 572], ["get", 579], ["got", 579], ["clue", 586], ["clues", 586], ["wrong", 610], ["thankfully", 623], ["oliver", 635], ["say", 640], ["sayest", 640], ["said", 640], ["seem", 652], ["seeming", 652], ["seemed", 652], ["come", 660], ["nowhere", 675], ["god", 682], ["hate", 704], ["hateed", 704], ["settle", 728], ["settled", 728], ["stool", 741], ["stools", 741], ["next", 746], ["almost", 772], ["back", 777], ["normal", 787], ["tired", 808], ["shadow", 829], ["shadowed", 829], ["eye", 841], ["eyed", 841], ["eyes", 841], ["remember", 870], ["rememberest", 870], ["see", 877], ["seeing", 877], ["plan", 905], ["place", 914], ["removal", 934], ["field", 949], ["fielding", 949], ["battle", 959], ["blow", 969], ["blew", 969], ["blowest", 969], ["defeat", 988], ["defeatest", 988], ["continue", 1002], ["tell", 1042], ["earn", 1062], ["earned", 1062], ["cool", 1073], ["stare", 1079], ["stared", 1079], ["yeah", 1089], ["vampire", 1121], ["vampires", 1121], ["really", 1128], ["share", 1158], ["sharing", 1158], ["unless", 1167], ["unlesss", 1167], ["benefit", 1179], ["benefits", 1179], ["first", 1190], ["firstest", 1190], ["need", 1228], ["needest", 1228], ["get", 1289], ["bag", 1308], ["bagged", 1308], ["bagging", 1308], ["bags", 1308], ["refrigerator", 1337], ["refrigerators", 1337], ["look", 1353], ["looked", 1353], ["top", 1369], ["apron", 1382], ["oh", 1390], ["sorry", 1403], ["say", 1423], ["sayest", 1423], ["servant", 1431], ["second", 1484], ["seconded", 1484], ["hold", 1498], ["held", 1498], ["breath", 1509], ["breathest", 1509], ["expression", 1534], ["face", 1552], ["murderous", 1566], ["see", 1580], ["saw", 1580], ["red", 1586], ["lit", 1592], ["light", 1592], ["like", 1599], ["ember", 1610], ["embers", 1610], ["fire", 1627], ["glow", 1637], ["glowest", 1637], ["glowing", 1637], ["blink", 1679], ["blinked", 1679], ["simply", 1697], ["please", 1709], ["expect", 1747], ["expecting", 1747], ["stare", 1775], ["stared", 1775], ["silently", 1816], ["nod", 1823], ["nodded", 1823], ["walk", 1834], ["walked", 1834], ["away", 1839], ["behind", 1848], ["doorway", 1868], ["wonder", 1891], ["wonderest", 1891], ["wondering", 1891], ["hurt", 1904], ["hurts", 1904], ["hurting", 1904], ["look", 1935], ["looking", 1935], ["stare", 1966], ["stared", 1966], ["staring", 1966], ["assuredly", 2005], ["hear", 2020], ["hears", 2020], ["suffer", 2030], ["suffering", 2030], ["good", 2038], ["soul", 2051], ["shall", 2088], ["swivel", 2146], ["swiveled", 2146], ["look", 2167], ["full", 2176], ["kill", 2207], ["stake", 2244], ["staking", 2244], ["choice", 2287], ["bite", 2307], ["bitten", 2307], ["hand", 2315], ["try", 2333], ["tryed", 2333], ["tried", 2333], ["give", 2341], ["medicine", 2358], ["medicines", 2358], ["time", 2376], ["take", 2384], ["took", 2384], ["effect", 2391], ["hannah", 2407], ["dog", 2427], ["food", 2432], ["foods", 2432], ["anyway", 2441], ["quick", 2471], ["quickest", 2471], ["quiet", 2482], ["way", 2486], ["ways", 2486], ["even", 2514], ["evens", 2514], ["voice", 2546], ["low", 2550], ["lowed", 2550], ["throat", 2564], ["elder", 2581], ["power", 2600], ["sentence", 2612], ["death", 2639], ["attempt", 2655], ["attempted", 2655], ["murder", 2662], ["murderest", 2662], ["vampire", 2675], ["understand", 2695], ["understanded", 2695], ["point", 2736], ["pointed", 2736], ["gold", 2748], ["golds", 2748], ["bracelet", 2757], ["wrist", 2770], ["symbol", 2784], ["founder", 2799], ["foundering", 2799], ["pay", 2835], ["pays", 2835], ["payest", 2835], ["reparation", 2847], ["reparations", 2847], ["imagine", 2875], ["afford", 2890], ["tolerably", 2921], ["upset", 2927], ["always", 2958], ["assume", 2967], ["assumes", 2967], ["assuming", 2967], ["still", 2980], ["alive", 2986], ["reach", 3000], ["accommodation", 3017], ["anything", 3047], ["else", 3052], ["defense", 3067], ["wait", 3081], ["waitest", 3081], ["waited", 3081], ["moment", 3102], ["take", 3142], ["action", 3153], ["deal", 3201], ["unwilling", 3222], ["admit", 3231], ["include", 3243], ["including", 3243], ["fact", 3252], ["cast", 3286], ["casts", 3286], ["quick", 3294], ["around", 3306], ["drop", 3320], ["dropped", 3320], ["word", 3365], ["shape", 3385], ["shapes", 3385], ["lip", 3394], ["lipped", 3394], ["lips", 3394], ["give", 3399], ["gave", 3399], ["unwell", 3415], ["put", 3460], ["resist", 3478], ["resistest", 3478], ["resisted", 3478], ["urge", 3486], ["roll", 3494], ["die", 3521], ["dying", 3521], ["ever", 3528], ["everest", 3528], ["hear", 3534], ["hears", 3534], ["heard", 3534], ["pandemic", 3552], ["continue", 3571], ["continued", 3571], ["without", 3579], ["wait", 3587], ["waitest", 3587], ["waiting", 3587], ["response", 3604], ["mind", 3624], ["minding", 3624], ["disorder", 3648], ["disordered", 3648], ["dose", 3742], ["doses", 3742], ["medication", 3756], ["mean", 3779], ["meanest", 3779], ["believe", 3791], ["mean", 3813], ["meanest", 3813], ["meant", 3813], ["disease", 3841], ["loud", 3879], ["roundabout", 3901], ["speak", 3924], ["spoken", 3924], ["speaking", 3924], ["dangerous", 3938], ["many", 3949], ["ear", 3962], ["ears", 3962], ["little", 3978], ["know", 4005], ["knowest", 4005], ["knew", 4005], ["sickness", 4024], ["predict", 4050], ["predictest", 4050], ["predicting", 4050], ["may", 4066], ["mays", 4066], ["mayest", 4066], ["might", 4066], ["run", 4075], ["go", 4091], ["goest", 4091], ["rampage", 4106], ["rampaging", 4106], ["human", 4124], ["world", 4130], ["sicken", 4139], ["sickens", 4139], ["sickening", 4139], ["die", 4149], ["alone", 4155], ["slowly", 4169], ["year", 4188], ["years", 4188], ["maybe", 4196], ["decade", 4204], ["decades", 4204], ["eventually", 4221], ["fall", 4240], ["falls", 4240]]
oliver 's case was less advanced than many of the others , but age seemed to slow down the disease 's progress ; he might last for a long time , losing himself slowly . becoming nothing more than a hungry shell . oliver said , `` it means what it means , '' and he said it with an impatient edge to it , but claire wondered if he really did know . `` i am talking about myrnin . your drugs may not be enough to hold him for long , and that means we will need to take precautions . '' eve emerged from the curtain carrying a plastic blood bag , filled with dark cherry syrup . that was what claire told herself , anyway . dark cherry syrup . eve looked shaken , and she dumped the bag on the counter in front of oliver like a dead rat . `` you 've been planning this , '' she said . `` planning for a siege . '' `` you 've got enough blood in there to feed half the vampires in town for a month , and enough of those heatandeat meals campers use to feed the rest of us even longer . pretty much anything we 'd need to hold out here , including generators , batteries , bottled water ... ... '' `` let 's say i am cautious , '' he said . `` it 's a trait many of us have picked up during our travels . '' he took the blood bag and motioned for a cup ; when eve set it in front of him , he punctured the bag with a fingernail , very neatly , and squeezed part of the contents into the cup . `` save the rest , '' he said , and handed it back to eve , who looked even queasier than before . `` do n't look so disgusted . blood in bags means none taken unwillingly from your veins , after all . '' eve held it at arm 's length , opened the smaller refrigerator behind the bar , and put it in an empty spot on the door rack inside . `` why am i behind the bar again ? '' `` because you put on the apron . '' `` oh , you 're just loving this , are n't you ? '' `` guys , '' claire said , drawing both of their stares . where are we going to put him ? '' before oliver could answer , myrnin pushed through the crowd in the tableandchairs area of common grounds and walked toward them . he seemed normal again , or as normal as myrnin ever got , anyway . he 'd begged , borrowed , or outright stolen a long , black velvet coat , and under it he was still wearing the poofy white pierrot pants from his costume , dark boots , and no shirt . long , black , glossy hair and decadently shining eyes . oliver took in the outfit , and raised a brow . `` you look like you escaped from a victorian brothel , '' he said . `` one that ... specialized . '' in answer , myrnin skinned up the sleeves of the coat . the wound in his back might have healed -- or might be healing , anyway -- but the burns on his wrists and hands were still livid red , with an unhealthy silver tint to them . `` not the sort of brothel i 'd normally frequent , by choice , '' he said , `` though of course you might be more adventurous , oliver . '' their gazes locked , and claire resisted the urge to take a step back . she thought , just for a second , that they were going to bare fangs at each other ... and then myrnin smiled . `` i suppose i should say thank you . '' `` it would be customary , '' oliver agreed . myrnin turned to claire . somehow , she guessed that was n't what oliver had expected ; she certainly had n't . it was the kind of snub that got most people hurt in morganville , but then again , she guessed myrnin was n't most people , even to oliver . oliver did n't react . if there was a small red glow in the depths of his eyes , it could have been a reflection from the lights . `` um -- for what ? '' `` i remember what you did . '' `` it was the right choice at the moment . the pain ... the pain was extremely difficult to contain . '' she cast a nervous glance at his wrists . his tone dismissed any further discussion . `` we need to get to a portal and locate amelie . the closest is at the university . we will need a car , i suppose , and a driver . some sturdy escorts would n't go amiss . '' myrnin sounded casual , but utterly certain that his slightest wish would be obeyed , and again , she felt that flare of tension between him and oliver . `` perhaps you 've missed the announcement , '' oliver said . `` you 're no longer a king , or a prince , or whatever you were before you disappeared into your filthy hole . you 're amelie 's exotic pet alchemist , and you do n't give me orders . `` your town , '' myrnin repeated , staring at him intently .
[["oliver", 6], ["case", 14], ["less", 23], ["advanced", 32], ["many", 42], ["age", 66], ["aged", 66], ["seem", 73], ["seeming", 73], ["seemed", 73], ["slow", 81], ["disease", 98], ["progress", 110], ["may", 121], ["mays", 121], ["mayest", 121], ["might", 121], ["last", 126], ["long", 137], ["longs", 137], ["time", 142], ["lose", 151], ["losing", 151], ["slowly", 166], ["become", 177], ["becoming", 177], ["nothing", 185], ["hungry", 204], ["shell", 210], ["say", 224], ["sayest", 224], ["said", 224], ["mean", 238], ["meanest", 238], ["means", 238], ["impatient", 290], ["edge", 295], ["edges", 295], ["claire", 314], ["wonder", 323], ["wonderest", 323], ["wondered", 323], ["really", 336], ["know", 345], ["knowest", 345], ["talk", 363], ["talking", 363], ["drug", 389], ["drugs", 389], ["may", 393], ["mays", 393], ["mayest", 393], ["enough", 407], ["hold", 415], ["need", 458], ["needest", 458], ["take", 466], ["precaution", 478], ["precautions", 478], ["eve", 487], ["emerge", 495], ["emerged", 495], ["curtain", 512], ["curtaining", 512], ["carry", 521], ["carrying", 521], ["plastic", 531], ["blood", 537], ["bloods", 537], ["blooded", 537], ["bag", 541], ["bagged", 541], ["bagging", 541], ["fill", 550], ["fills", 550], ["filled", 550], ["dark", 560], ["cherry", 567], ["syrup", 573], ["tell", 601], ["told", 601], ["anyway", 618], ["look", 651], ["looked", 651], ["dump", 675], ["dumped", 675], ["counter", 698], ["front", 707], ["like", 722], ["dead", 729], ["rat", 733], ["ratted", 733], ["plan", 760], ["siege", 805], ["sieging", 805], ["get", 825], ["got", 825], ["fed", 855], ["feed", 855], ["half", 860], ["vampire", 873], ["vampires", 873], ["town", 881], ["month", 893], ["meal", 932], ["meals", 932], ["camper", 940], ["campers", 940], ["use", 944], ["rest", 961], ["even", 972], ["evens", 972], ["long", 979], ["longs", 979], ["pretty", 988], ["prettiest", 988], ["much", 993], ["anything", 1002], ["include", 1042], ["including", 1042], ["generator", 1053], ["generators", 1053], ["battery", 1065], ["batteries", 1065], ["water", 1081], ["let", 1099], ["lets", 1099], ["say", 1106], ["sayest", 1106], ["cautious", 1120], ["trait", 1152], ["pick", 1175], ["picked", 1175], ["travel", 1197], ["travels", 1197], ["take", 1210], ["took", 1210], ["motion", 1237], ["cup", 1247], ["set", 1262], ["puncture", 1296], ["punctured", 1296], ["fingernail", 1322], ["neatly", 1336], ["squeeze", 1351], ["squeezes", 1351], ["squeezed", 1351], ["part", 1356], ["parting", 1356], ["content", 1372], ["contenting", 1372], ["contents", 1372], ["save", 1395], ["hand", 1430], ["handed", 1430], ["back", 1438], ["queasy", 1472], ["look", 1501], ["bag", 1530], ["bagged", 1530], ["bagging", 1530], ["bags", 1530], ["none", 1541], ["take", 1547], ["taken", 1547], ["unwillingly", 1559], ["vein", 1575], ["veins", 1575], ["hold", 1601], ["held", 1601], ["arm", 1611], ["length", 1621], ["open", 1630], ["opened", 1630], ["small", 1642], ["refrigerator", 1655], ["refrigerators", 1655], ["behind", 1662], ["bar", 1670], ["put", 1680], ["empty", 1695], ["spot", 1700], ["door", 1712], ["rack", 1717], ["inside", 1724], ["apron", 1796], ["oh", 1807], ["love", 1829], ["loving", 1829], ["guy", 1861], ["guys", 1861], ["draw", 1888], ["drawn", 1888], ["draws", 1888], ["drawing", 1888], ["stare", 1909], ["stared", 1909], ["stares", 1909], ["go", 1930], ["goest", 1930], ["going", 1930], ["answer", 1973], ["answeres", 1973], ["answerest", 1973], ["push", 1989], ["pushed", 1989], ["crowd", 2007], ["crowding", 2007], ["crowdest", 2007], ["area", 2034], ["common", 2044], ["commons", 2044], ["commonest", 2044], ["ground", 2052], ["grounds", 2052], ["walk", 2063], ["walked", 2063], ["toward", 2070], ["normal", 2094], ["ever", 2130], ["everest", 2130], ["beg", 2158], ["borrow", 2169], ["borrowest", 2169], ["borrowed", 2169], ["outright", 2183], ["steal", 2190], ["stole", 2190], ["stolen", 2190], ["black", 2205], ["velvet", 2212], ["coat", 2217], ["still", 2245], ["wear", 2253], ["wearing", 2253], ["poofy", 2263], ["white", 2269], ["pierrot", 2277], ["pant", 2283], ["pants", 2283], ["costume", 2300], ["costumed", 2300], ["boot", 2313], ["boots", 2313], ["shirt", 2328], ["glossy", 2352], ["hair", 2357], ["decadently", 2372], ["shone", 2380], ["shine", 2380], ["shined", 2380], ["shining", 2380], ["eye", 2385], ["eyed", 2385], ["eyes", 2385], ["outfit", 2413], ["raise", 2426], ["raised", 2426], ["brow", 2433], ["escape", 2464], ["escapes", 2464], ["escaped", 2464], ["victorian", 2481], ["victorians", 2481], ["brothel", 2489], ["skin", 2564], ["skinned", 2564], ["sleeve", 2579], ["sleeving", 2579], ["sleeves", 2579], ["wind", 2603], ["wound", 2603], ["wounding", 2603], ["heal", 2633], ["healest", 2633], ["healed", 2633], ["healing", 2656], ["burn", 2682], ["burns", 2682], ["wrist", 2696], ["wrists", 2696], ["hand", 2706], ["hands", 2706], ["livid", 2723], ["red", 2727], ["unhealthy", 2747], ["silver", 2754], ["silvered", 2754], ["tint", 2759], ["tinting", 2759], ["sort", 2785], ["normally", 2810], ["frequent", 2819], ["frequentest", 2819], ["choice", 2831], ["though", 2856], ["course", 2866], ["adventurous", 2896], ["gaze", 2922], ["gazes", 2922], ["lock", 2929], ["locked", 2929], ["resist", 2951], ["resistest", 2951], ["resisted", 2951], ["urge", 2960], ["step", 2975], ["think", 2994], ["thinkest", 2994], ["thought", 2994], ["second", 3014], ["seconded", 3014], ["fang", 3051], ["fangs", 3051], ["smile", 3092], ["smiled", 3092], ["suppose", 3107], ["thank", 3126], ["thanks", 3126], ["thankest", 3126], ["customary", 3160], ["agree", 3179], ["agreed", 3179], ["turn", 3195], ["turned", 3195], ["somehow", 3215], ["guess", 3229], ["guessed", 3229], ["expect", 3267], ["expected", 3267], ["certainly", 3283], ["kind", 3309], ["snub", 3317], ["snubs", 3317], ["snubbed", 3317], ["snubbing", 3317], ["people", 3338], ["hurt", 3343], ["hurts", 3343], ["hurting", 3343], ["react", 3456], ["small", 3479], ["glow", 3488], ["glowest", 3488], ["depth", 3502], ["depths", 3502], ["reflection", 3548], ["lit", 3564], ["light", 3564], ["lights", 3564], ["um", 3572], ["remember", 3603], ["rememberest", 3603], ["right", 3641], ["rightest", 3641], ["moment", 3662], ["pain", 3673], ["extremely", 3700], ["difficult", 3710], ["contain", 3721], ["containest", 3721], ["cast", 3735], ["casts", 3735], ["nervous", 3745], ["glance", 3752], ["tone", 3777], ["toned", 3777], ["toning", 3777], ["dismiss", 3787], ["dismisses", 3787], ["dismissing", 3787], ["dismissest", 3787], ["dismissed", 3787], ["discussion", 3810], ["get", 3830], ["portal", 3842], ["locate", 3853], ["close", 3874], ["closest", 3874], ["university", 3895], ["car", 3916], ["driver", 3943], ["sturdy", 3957], ["escort", 3965], ["escorted", 3965], ["escorts", 3965], ["go", 3978], ["goest", 3978], ["amiss", 3984], ["sound", 4004], ["sounded", 4004], ["casual", 4011], ["utterly", 4025], ["certain", 4033], ["slight", 4052], ["slightest", 4052], ["wish", 4057], ["feel", 4096], ["felt", 4096], ["flare", 4107], ["tension", 4118], ["perhaps", 4154], ["miss", 4169], ["missed", 4169], ["announcement", 4186], ["king", 4233], ["prince", 4247], ["whatever", 4261], ["disappear", 4293], ["disappeared", 4293], ["filthy", 4310], ["hole", 4315], ["exotic", 4342], ["pet", 4346], ["petting", 4346], ["alchemist", 4356], ["alchemists", 4356], ["give", 4378], ["order", 4388], ["orderest", 4388], ["orders", 4388], ["repeat", 4424], ["repeatest", 4424], ["repeated", 4424], ["stare", 4434], ["stared", 4434], ["staring", 4434], ["intently", 4450]]
his face had set into pleasant , rigid lines , but those eyes -- not pleasant at all . claire moved herself prudently out of the way . `` what a surprise ! i thought it was the founder 's town . '' oliver looked around . `` oddly , she seems unavailable , and that makes it my town , little man . so go and sit down . if she 's in trouble -- which i do not yet believe -- and if there 's rescuing to be done , we will consider all the risks . '' `` and the benefits of not acting at all ? '' his voice was wound as tight as a clock spring . `` tell me , old ironsides , how you plan to win this campaign . i do hope you do n't plan to reenact drogheda . '' claire had no idea what that meant , but it meant something to oliver , something bitter and deep , and his whole face twisted for a moment . `` we 're not fighting the irish campaigns , and whatever errors i made once , i 'll not be making them again , '' oliver said . `` and i do n't need advice from a bluefaced hedge witch . '' in an hour , the blush of dawn was already on the horizon , bringing an eerie blue glow to the night world . somewhere out there , vampires all over town would be getting ready for it , finding secure places to stay the day -- whatever side they were fighting on . the ones in common grounds seemed content to stay on , which made sense ; it was kind of a secured location anyway , from what oliver and amelie had said before -- one of the key places in town to hold if they intended to keep control of morganville . but claire was n't entirely happy with the way some of those vampires -- strangers , mostly , though all from morganville , according to eve -- seemed to be whispering in the corners . `` how do we know they 're on our side ? '' she asked eve , in a whisper she hoped would escape vampire notice . `` you do n't , '' oliver said , from several feet away . `` nor is that your concern , but i will reassure you in any case . they are all loyal to me , and through me , to amelie . if any of them `turn coats , ' you may be assured that they 'll regret it . '' he said it in a normal tone of voice , to carry to all parts of the room . the vampires stopped whispering . `` all right , '' oliver said to claire and eve . the light of dawn was creeping up like a warning outside the windows . `` you understand what i want you to do ? '' eve nodded and gave him a sloppy , insolent kind of salute . `` sir , yes sir , general sir ! '' his patience , what little there was , was worn to the bone . `` repeat my instructions . '' eve did n't like taking orders under the best of circumstances , which these were n't . claire quickly said , `` we take these walkietalkies to each of the founder houses , to the university , and to anybody else on the list . we tell them all strategic orders come through these , not through cell phone or police band . '' `` be sure to give them the code , '' he said . each one of the tiny little radios had a keypad , like a cell phone , but the difference was that you had to enter the code into it to access the emergency communication channel he 'd established . pretty high tech , but then , oliver did n't really seem the type to lag much behind on the latest cool stuff . i 'm sending hannah with you as your escort . i 'd send one of my own , but -- '' `` dawn , yeah , i know , '' eve said . she offered a high five to hannah , who took it . `` damn , girl , love the rambo look . '' `` rambo was a green beret , '' hannah said . we eat those army boys for breakfast . '' which was maybe not such a comfortable thing to say in a room full of maybehungry vampires . `` we should -- '' hannah nodded , picked up the backpack ( claire 's , now filled with handheld radios instead of books ) , and handed it to her . `` i need both hands free , '' she said . `` eve 's driving . you 're the supply master . there 's a checklist inside , so you can mark off deliveries as we go . '' myrnin was sitting off to the side , ominously quiet . his eyes still looked sane , but claire had warned oliver in the strongest possible terms that he could n't trust him . as if i would , oliver had said with a snort . i 've known the man for many human lifetimes , and i 've never trusted him yet . the vampires in the coffee shop had mostly retreated out of the big , front area , into the betterprotected , light proofed interior .
[["face", 8], ["set", 16], ["pleasant", 30], ["rigid", 38], ["line", 44], ["lines", 44], ["eye", 61], ["eyed", 61], ["eyes", 61], ["claire", 93], ["move", 99], ["moved", 99], ["prudently", 117], ["way", 132], ["ways", 132], ["surprise", 153], ["surprised", 153], ["think", 165], ["thinkest", 165], ["thought", 165], ["founder", 184], ["foundering", 184], ["town", 192], ["oliver", 204], ["look", 211], ["looked", 211], ["around", 218], ["oddly", 229], ["seem", 241], ["seeming", 241], ["seems", 241], ["unavailable", 253], ["little", 290], ["man", 294], ["mans", 294], ["manned", 294], ["go", 302], ["goest", 302], ["sat", 310], ["sit", 310], ["trouble", 338], ["troubling", 338], ["yet", 360], ["believe", 368], ["rescue", 396], ["rescuing", 396], ["consider", 426], ["risk", 440], ["riskest", 440], ["risks", 440], ["benefit", 465], ["benefits", 465], ["act", 479], ["acted", 479], ["acting", 479], ["voice", 501], ["wind", 511], ["tight", 520], ["clock", 531], ["sprang", 538], ["spring", 538], ["sprung", 538], ["tell", 548], ["old", 557], ["ironside", 567], ["ironsides", 567], ["plan", 582], ["win", 589], ["campaign", 603], ["campaigning", 603], ["hope", 615], ["reenact", 642], ["reenactest", 642], ["drogheda", 651], ["idea", 675], ["mean", 691], ["meanest", 691], ["meant", 691], ["bitter", 745], ["bitterest", 745], ["deep", 754], ["deeply", 754], ["whole", 770], ["wholes", 770], ["twist", 783], ["twisted", 783], ["twisting", 783], ["moment", 796], ["fight", 821], ["fightest", 821], ["irish", 831], ["campaign", 841], ["campaigning", 841], ["campaigns", 841], ["whatever", 856], ["error", 863], ["errors", 863], ["say", 925], ["sayest", 925], ["said", 925], ["need", 948], ["needest", 948], ["advice", 955], ["bluefaced", 972], ["hedge", 978], ["hedging", 978], ["witch", 984], ["witched", 984], ["hour", 1000], ["blush", 1012], ["blushes", 1012], ["dawn", 1020], ["dawnest", 1020], ["already", 1032], ["horizon", 1047], ["bring", 1058], ["bringing", 1058], ["eerie", 1067], ["blue", 1072], ["glow", 1077], ["glowest", 1077], ["night", 1090], ["world", 1096], ["somewhere", 1108], ["vampire", 1129], ["vampires", 1129], ["get", 1160], ["getting", 1160], ["ready", 1166], ["find", 1183], ["finding", 1183], ["secure", 1190], ["securest", 1190], ["place", 1197], ["places", 1197], ["stay", 1205], ["day", 1213], ["side", 1230], ["sidest", 1230], ["common", 1273], ["commons", 1273], ["commonest", 1273], ["ground", 1281], ["grounds", 1281], ["seem", 1288], ["seeming", 1288], ["seemed", 1288], ["content", 1296], ["contenting", 1296], ["sense", 1326], ["kind", 1340], ["location", 1362], ["anyway", 1369], ["key", 1433], ["keyed", 1433], ["keyest", 1433], ["hold", 1456], ["intend", 1473], ["intendest", 1473], ["intended", 1473], ["keep", 1481], ["keepest", 1481], ["control", 1489], ["entirely", 1534], ["happy", 1540], ["stranger", 1589], ["strangers", 1589], ["mostly", 1598], ["though", 1607], ["accord", 1640], ["according", 1640], ["eve", 1647], ["whisper", 1674], ["whispering", 1674], ["corner", 1689], ["corners", 1689], ["know", 1709], ["knowest", 1709], ["ask", 1745], ["asked", 1745], ["whisper", 1764], ["hope", 1774], ["hoped", 1774], ["escape", 1787], ["escapes", 1787], ["vampire", 1795], ["notice", 1802], ["several", 1850], ["foot", 1855], ["feet", 1855], ["away", 1860], ["concern", 1890], ["concerned", 1890], ["concernest", 1890], ["reassure", 1912], ["case", 1928], ["loyal", 1949], ["turn", 2007], ["coat", 2013], ["coats", 2013], ["may", 2025], ["mays", 2025], ["mayest", 2025], ["assure", 2036], ["assured", 2036], ["regret", 2057], ["normal", 2088], ["tone", 2093], ["toned", 2093], ["toning", 2093], ["carry", 2113], ["part", 2126], ["parting", 2126], ["parts", 2126], ["room", 2138], ["roomed", 2138], ["stop", 2161], ["stopped", 2161], ["right", 2187], ["rightest", 2187], ["lit", 2234], ["light", 2234], ["creep", 2255], ["creeps", 2255], ["creeped", 2255], ["creeping", 2255], ["like", 2263], ["warning", 2273], ["outside", 2281], ["window", 2293], ["windows", 2293], ["understand", 2313], ["understanded", 2313], ["nod", 2351], ["nodded", 2351], ["give", 2360], ["gave", 2360], ["sloppy", 2373], ["insolent", 2384], ["salute", 2399], ["sir", 2408], ["sirs", 2408], ["yes", 2414], ["general", 2428], ["patience", 2450], ["wear", 2485], ["worn", 2485], ["bone", 2497], ["bonest", 2497], ["repeat", 2509], ["repeatest", 2509], ["instruction", 2525], ["instructions", 2525], ["take", 2554], ["taking", 2554], ["order", 2561], ["orderest", 2561], ["orders", 2561], ["good", 2576], ["best", 2576], ["circumstance", 2593], ["circumstances", 2593], ["quickly", 2633], ["take", 2651], ["house", 2701], ["houses", 2701], ["university", 2721], ["anybody", 2738], ["else", 2743], ["list", 2755], ["strategic", 2784], ["strategics", 2784], ["come", 2796], ["cell", 2829], ["phone", 2835], ["police", 2845], ["band", 2850], ["sure", 2866], ["give", 2874], ["code", 2888], ["tiny", 2924], ["radio", 2938], ["radios", 2938], ["keypad", 2951], ["keypads", 2951], ["difference", 2992], ["enter", 3018], ["access", 3045], ["accessest", 3045], ["emergency", 3059], ["communication", 3073], ["channel", 3081], ["channelest", 3081], ["establish", 3099], ["establishes", 3099], ["establishest", 3099], ["established", 3099], ["pretty", 3108], ["prettiest", 3108], ["high", 3113], ["tech", 3118], ["techs", 3118], ["really", 3153], ["seem", 3158], ["seeming", 3158], ["type", 3167], ["lag", 3174], ["lagging", 3174], ["much", 3179], ["behind", 3186], ["late", 3200], ["lates", 3200], ["latest", 3200], ["cool", 3205], ["stuff", 3211], ["send", 3226], ["sending", 3226], ["hannah", 3233], ["escort", 3257], ["escorted", 3257], ["send", 3269], ["yeah", 3310], ["offer", 3347], ["offered", 3347], ["five", 3359], ["fived", 3359], ["take", 3380], ["took", 3380], ["damn", 3393], ["damned", 3393], ["girl", 3400], ["love", 3407], ["rambo", 3417], ["look", 3422], ["green", 3448], ["greens", 3448], ["beret", 3454], ["eat", 3480], ["army", 3491], ["boy", 3496], ["boys", 3496], ["breakfast", 3510], ["maybe", 3531], ["comfortable", 3554], ["thing", 3560], ["say", 3567], ["sayest", 3567], ["full", 3582], ["pick", 3650], ["picked", 3650], ["backpack", 3666], ["backpacking", 3666], ["fill", 3691], ["fills", 3691], ["filled", 3691], ["handheld", 3705], ["instead", 3720], ["book", 3729], ["books", 3729], ["hand", 3744], ["handed", 3744], ["hand", 3777], ["hands", 3777], ["free", 3782], ["driving", 3816], ["supply", 3837], ["master", 3844], ["checklist", 3867], ["checklists", 3867], ["inside", 3874], ["mark", 3892], ["marks", 3892], ["delivery", 3907], ["deliveries", 3907], ["sat", 3940], ["sit", 3940], ["sitting", 3940], ["ominously", 3968], ["quiet", 3974], ["still", 3991], ["sane", 4003], ["warn", 4027], ["warned", 4027], ["strong", 4051], ["strongest", 4051], ["possible", 4060], ["term", 4066], ["terming", 4066], ["terms", 4066], ["trust", 4090], ["snort", 4141], ["snortest", 4141], ["know", 4155], ["knowest", 4155], ["known", 4155], ["many", 4172], ["human", 4178], ["lifetime", 4188], ["lifetimes", 4188], ["never", 4206], ["trust", 4214], ["trusted", 4214], ["coffee", 4251], ["shop", 4256], ["retreat", 4277], ["retreatest", 4277], ["retreated", 4277], ["big", 4292], ["bigs", 4292], ["front", 4300], ["area", 4305], ["interior", 4357]]
outside of the plate glass windows , there was little to be seen . the fires had gone out , or been extinguished . they 'd seen some cars speeding about , mostly official police or fire , but the few figures they 'd spotted had been quick and kept to the shadows . claire asked as she hitched her backpack to a more comfortable position on her shoulder . she did n't really expect oliver to reply ; he was n't much on the sharing . `` they 're consolidating positions , '' he said . `` this is not a war that will be fought in daylight , claire . or in the open . we have our positions ; they have theirs . they may send patrols of humans they 've recruited , but they wo n't come themselves . not after dawn . '' `` recruited , '' hannah repeated . `` do n't you mean strongarmed ? most folks just want to be left alone . '' morganville is full of humans who do n't love us , or the system under which they labor , '' oliver replied . `` some will believe bishop is the answer . some will act out of fear , to protect their loved ones . he will know how to appeal to them , and how to pressure . he 'll find his human cannon fodder . '' `` like you 've found yours , '' hannah said . they locked stares for a few seconds , and then oliver inclined his head just a bit . `` i do n't , '' she said , `` but i 'm used to the front lines . you got to know , others wo n't be . '' claire could n't tell anything from oliver 's expression . `` but for now , we can count on our enemies regrouping . we should do the same . '' `` i 'm out first , then you , eve . have your keys in your hand . do n't hesitate , run like hell for the car , and get it unlocked . i 'll get claire to the passenger side . '' eve nodded , clearly jittery . she took the car keys out of her pocket and held them in her hand , sorting through until she had the right key pointing out . `` one more thing , '' hannah said . eve fumbled in her other pocket and came up with a tiny little penlight . when she twisted it , it gave a surprisingly bright glow . `` before you get in the car , you shine that in the front and backseats . make sure you can see all the way down to the carpet . i 'll cover you from the door . '' the three of them moved to the exit , and hannah put her left hand on the knob . `` be careful , '' oliver said from the back of the room , which was kind of warmly surprising . he spoiled it by continuing , `` we need those radios delivered . '' should have known it was n't personal . claire resisted the urge to flip him off . eve did n't bother to resist hers . then hannah was swinging open the door and stepping outside . she did n't do it like in the movies ; no drama , she just stepped right out , turned in a slow half circle as she scanned the street with the paintball gun held at rest . she finally motioned for eve . eve darted out and headed around the hood of the big , black car . claire saw the glow of her penlight as she checked the inside , and then eve was in the driver 's seat and the car growled to a start , and hannah pushed her toward the passenger door . behind them , the common grounds door slammed shut and locked . when she looked back , claire saw that they were pulling down some kind of steel shutters inside the glass . locking up for dawn . claire and hannah made it to the car without any problems . even so , claire was breathing hard , her heart racing . claire nodded , still gasping . terror aerobics . just wait until they get it at the gym . it 'll be bigger than pilates . '' claire choked on her fear , laughed , and felt better . locks , '' eve said . `` also , seat belts , please . we may be making some sudden stops along the way . do n't want anybody saying hello to mr. windshield at speed . '' the drive through predawn morganville was eerie . it was very ... quiet . they 'd mapped out a route , planning to avoid the most dangerous areas , but they almost had to divert immediately , because of a couple of cars parked in the middle of the street . the doors were hanging open , interior lights were still shining . eve slowed down and crawled past on the right side , two wheels up on the curb . `` any bodies or anything ? '' the cars were completely empty . they were still running , and the keys were in the ignition . one strange thing nagged at claire , but she could n't think what it was ... `` those are vampire cars , '' hannah said . `` why would they leave them here like that ? ''
[["outside", 7], ["plate", 20], ["plating", 20], ["glass", 26], ["window", 34], ["windows", 34], ["little", 53], ["see", 64], ["seen", 64], ["fire", 76], ["fires", 76], ["go", 85], ["goest", 85], ["gone", 85], ["extinguish", 112], ["extinguished", 112], ["car", 137], ["cars", 137], ["speed", 146], ["speeding", 146], ["mostly", 161], ["official", 170], ["police", 177], ["fire", 185], ["figure", 207], ["figures", 207], ["spot", 223], ["spotted", 223], ["quick", 238], ["keep", 247], ["keepest", 247], ["kept", 247], ["shadow", 262], ["shadowed", 262], ["shadows", 262], ["claire", 271], ["ask", 277], ["asked", 277], ["hitch", 292], ["hitched", 292], ["hitches", 292], ["backpack", 305], ["backpacking", 305], ["comfortable", 327], ["position", 336], ["shoulder", 352], ["shouldered", 352], ["really", 373], ["expect", 380], ["oliver", 387], ["reply", 396], ["much", 414], ["share", 429], ["sharing", 429], ["consolidate", 457], ["consolidated", 457], ["consolidating", 457], ["position", 467], ["positions", 467], ["say", 480], ["sayest", 480], ["said", 480], ["war", 503], ["fight", 523], ["fightest", 523], ["fought", 523], ["daylight", 535], ["open", 561], ["may", 615], ["mays", 615], ["mayest", 615], ["send", 620], ["patrol", 628], ["patrols", 628], ["human", 638], ["humans", 638], ["recruit", 657], ["recruitest", 657], ["recruited", 657], ["wo", 671], ["come", 680], ["dawn", 708], ["dawnest", 708], ["hannah", 738], ["repeat", 747], ["repeatest", 747], ["repeated", 747], ["mean", 768], ["meanest", 768], ["folk", 793], ["folks", 793], ["left", 814], ["leave", 814], ["alone", 820], ["full", 845], ["love", 871], ["system", 890], ["labor", 913], ["reply", 933], ["replied", 933], ["believe", 956], ["bishop", 963], ["answer", 977], ["answeres", 977], ["answerest", 977], ["act", 993], ["acted", 993], ["fear", 1005], ["fearest", 1005], ["protect", 1018], ["protectest", 1018], ["love", 1030], ["loved", 1030], ["know", 1050], ["knowest", 1050], ["appeal", 1064], ["pressure", 1094], ["pressured", 1094], ["find", 1108], ["human", 1118], ["cannon", 1125], ["fodder", 1132], ["like", 1145], ["find", 1159], ["found", 1159], ["lock", 1196], ["locked", 1196], ["stare", 1203], ["stared", 1203], ["stares", 1203], ["second", 1221], ["seconded", 1221], ["seconds", 1221], ["incline", 1248], ["inclines", 1248], ["inclined", 1248], ["head", 1257], ["bit", 1268], ["bits", 1268], ["use", 1315], ["used", 1315], ["front", 1328], ["line", 1334], ["lines", 1334], ["get", 1344], ["got", 1344], ["tell", 1398], ["anything", 1407], ["expression", 1433], ["count", 1465], ["countest", 1465], ["enemy", 1480], ["enemies", 1480], ["regroup", 1491], ["regrouping", 1491], ["first", 1538], ["firstest", 1538], ["eve", 1555], ["key", 1572], ["keyed", 1572], ["keyest", 1572], ["keys", 1572], ["hand", 1585], ["hesitate", 1603], ["run", 1609], ["hell", 1619], ["hells", 1619], ["car", 1631], ["get", 1641], ["unlocked", 1653], ["passenger", 1689], ["side", 1694], ["sidest", 1694], ["nod", 1710], ["nodded", 1710], ["clearly", 1720], ["jittery", 1728], ["take", 1739], ["took", 1739], ["pocket", 1770], ["pocketing", 1770], ["hold", 1779], ["held", 1779], ["sort", 1806], ["sorting", 1806], ["right", 1838], ["rightest", 1838], ["key", 1842], ["keyed", 1842], ["keyest", 1842], ["point", 1851], ["pointing", 1851], ["thing", 1875], ["fumble", 1906], ["fumbled", 1906], ["come", 1935], ["came", 1935], ["tiny", 1950], ["penlight", 1966], ["twist", 1985], ["twisted", 1985], ["twisting", 1985], ["give", 1998], ["gave", 1998], ["surprisingly", 2013], ["bright", 2020], ["brights", 2020], ["glow", 2025], ["glowest", 2025], ["shone", 2068], ["shine", 2068], ["shined", 2068], ["backseat", 2100], ["backseats", 2100], ["sure", 2112], ["see", 2124], ["way", 2136], ["ways", 2136], ["carpet", 2155], ["cover", 2169], ["door", 2187], ["three", 2202], ["move", 2216], ["moved", 2216], ["exit", 2228], ["exited", 2228], ["put", 2245], ["knob", 2271], ["knobs", 2271], ["careful", 2287], ["back", 2318], ["room", 2330], ["roomed", 2330], ["kind", 2347], ["warmly", 2357], ["surprising", 2368], ["spoil", 2381], ["spoiled", 2381], ["continue", 2398], ["continuing", 2398], ["need", 2411], ["needest", 2411], ["radio", 2424], ["radios", 2424], ["deliver", 2434], ["delivered", 2434], ["know", 2457], ["knowest", 2457], ["known", 2457], ["personal", 2477], ["resist", 2495], ["resistest", 2495], ["resisted", 2495], ["urge", 2504], ["flip", 2512], ["flipping", 2512], ["bother", 2541], ["bothers", 2541], ["bothering", 2541], ["resist", 2551], ["resistest", 2551], ["swinge", 2583], ["swinged", 2583], ["swinging", 2583], ["step", 2610], ["stepping", 2610], ["movie", 2657], ["movies", 2657], ["drama", 2668], ["dramas", 2668], ["step", 2687], ["stepped", 2687], ["turn", 2706], ["turned", 2706], ["slow", 2716], ["half", 2721], ["circle", 2728], ["scan", 2743], ["scans", 2743], ["scanning", 2743], ["scanned", 2743], ["street", 2754], ["paintball", 2773], ["gun", 2777], ["rest", 2790], ["finally", 2804], ["motion", 2813], ["dart", 2834], ["darted", 2834], ["head", 2849], ["headed", 2849], ["around", 2856], ["hood", 2865], ["big", 2876], ["bigs", 2876], ["black", 2884], ["see", 2901], ["saw", 2901], ["check", 2941], ["checked", 2941], ["inside", 2952], ["driver", 2985], ["seat", 2993], ["growl", 3013], ["growls", 3013], ["growled", 3013], ["start", 3024], ["push", 3044], ["pushed", 3044], ["toward", 3055], ["behind", 3083], ["common", 3101], ["commons", 3101], ["commonest", 3101], ["slam", 3122], ["slammed", 3122], ["shut", 3127], ["look", 3156], ["looked", 3156], ["pull", 3197], ["pulling", 3197], ["steel", 3221], ["shutter", 3230], ["shuttered", 3230], ["shuttering", 3230], ["shutters", 3230], ["lock", 3257], ["locking", 3257], ["without", 3316], ["problem", 3329], ["problems", 3329], ["even", 3336], ["evens", 3336], ["breathe", 3362], ["breathes", 3362], ["hard", 3367], ["heart", 3379], ["still", 3410], ["gasp", 3418], ["gasps", 3418], ["terror", 3427], ["terrors", 3427], ["aerobic", 3436], ["wait", 3448], ["waitest", 3448], ["gym", 3477], ["gyms", 3477], ["big", 3496], ["bigs", 3496], ["bigger", 3496], ["pilate", 3509], ["pilates", 3509], ["choke", 3528], ["choked", 3528], ["laugh", 3550], ["laughed", 3550], ["feel", 3561], ["felt", 3561], ["well", 3568], ["wells", 3568], ["lock", 3576], ["locks", 3576], ["also", 3600], ["belt", 3613], ["belts", 3613], ["belted", 3613], ["beltest", 3613], ["belting", 3613], ["please", 3622], ["sudden", 3653], ["stop", 3659], ["stops", 3659], ["along", 3665], ["anybody", 3695], ["say", 3702], ["sayest", 3702], ["saying", 3702], ["hello", 3708], ["hellos", 3708], ["mr", 3714], ["windshield", 3726], ["speed", 3735], ["speeding", 3735], ["drive", 3750], ["predawn", 3766], ["eerie", 3788], ["quiet", 3812], ["map", 3829], ["mapped", 3829], ["route", 3841], ["routed", 3841], ["routeing", 3841], ["plan", 3852], ["avoid", 3861], ["dangerous", 3880], ["area", 3886], ["areas", 3886], ["almost", 3904], ["divert", 3918], ["immediately", 3930], ["couple", 3952], ["park", 3967], ["parks", 3967], ["parked", 3967], ["middle", 3981], ["middles", 3981], ["middling", 3981], ["door", 4007], ["doors", 4007], ["hang", 4020], ["hung", 4020], ["hangs", 4020], ["hanging", 4020], ["interior", 4036], ["lit", 4043], ["light", 4043], ["lights", 4043], ["shone", 4062], ["shine", 4062], ["shined", 4062], ["shining", 4062], ["slow", 4075], ["slowed", 4075], ["past", 4097], ["two", 4121], ["twos", 4121], ["wheel", 4128], ["wheeled", 4128], ["wheels", 4128], ["curb", 4143], ["curbs", 4143], ["curbed", 4143], ["curbest", 4143], ["body", 4159], ["bodied", 4159], ["bodies", 4159], ["completely", 4201], ["empty", 4207], ["run", 4233], ["running", 4233], ["ignition", 4269], ["strange", 4283], ["nag", 4296], ["nags", 4296], ["nagged", 4296], ["think", 4332], ["thinkest", 4332], ["vampire", 4369], ["left", 4417], ["leave", 4417]]
the tinting on the windows . `` they needed to pee ? '' `` when you 've got ta go ... '' hannah said nothing . she was watching out the windows with even more focus than before . `` yeah , that is weird , '' eve said more quietly . `` maybe they went to help somebody . '' or hunt somebody . they made their first radio delivery to one of the founder houses ; claire did n't know the people who answered the door , but eve did , of course . she quickly explained about the radio and the code , and they were back in the car and rolling in about two minutes flat . `` outstanding , '' hannah said . `` you girls could give some of my buddies in the marines a run for their money . '' `` hey , you know how it is , hannah : living in morganville really is combat training . '' eve and hannah awkwardly slapped palms -- awkwardly , because eve kept facing front , and hannah did n't turn away from her post at the car 's back window . she had the window rolled down halfway , and the paintball gun at the ready , but so far she had n't fired a single shot . `` more cars , '' claire said softly . it was n't just a couple of cars , it was a bunch of them , scattered on both sides of the street now , engines running , lights on , doors open . they cruised past slowly , and claire took note of the heavy tinting on the windows . they were all the same type of car , the same type michael had been issued on his official conversion to vampire . she sounded tense and anxious , and claire could n't blame her . she felt pretty tense herself . `` this close to dawn , they would n't be doing this . they should n't even be outside . he said both sides would regroup , but this looks like some kind of fullon panic . '' claire had to agree , but she also had no explanation . she dug one of the radios out of her backpack , typed in the code that oliver had given her , and pressed the talk button . after a short delay , his voice came back . `` something strange is happening . we 're seeing lots of vampire cars , but they 're all abandoned . still running . '' static on the other end . `` keep me informed , '' he finally said . `` count the number of cars . make a list of license numbers , if you can . '' `` er -- anything else ? should we come back ? '' deliver the radios . '' claire tried again , but he 'd shut off or he was ignoring her . she pressed the reset button to scramble the code , and looked at eve , who shrugged . they pulled to a halt in front of the second founder house . `` let 's just get it done , '' eve said . `` let the vamps worry about the vamps . '' it seemed reasonable , but claire was afraid that somehow ... it was n't . three of the founder houses were piles of smoking wood and ash , and the morganville fire department was still pouring water on one of them . eve cruised by , but did n't stop . the horizon was getting lighter and lighter , and they still had a couple of stops to make . eve asked hannah , as they turned another corner , heading into an area claire actually recognized . `` fine , '' hannah said . `` we going to the day house ? '' `` yeah , next on my list . '' i want to talk to cousin lisa . '' eve pulled up outside of the big founder house ; it was lit up in every window , a stark contrast to its dark , shuttered neighboring residences . as she put the car in park , the front door opened and spilled a wedge of lemoncolored light across the immaculately kept front porch . gramma day 's rocker was empty , nodding in the slight wind . the person at the door was lisa day -- tall , strong , with more than a slight resemblance to hannah . she watched them get out of the car . upstairs windows opened , and gun barrels came out . `` they 're all right , '' she called , but she did n't step outside . `` claire , right ? and eve ? hey , hannah . '' `` let 's get in . i do n't like this quiet out here . '' as soon as they were in the front door , in a familiarlooking hallway , lisa slammed down locks and bolts , including a recently installed iron bar that slotted into place on either side of the frame . hannah watched this with bemused approval . `` you knew this was coming ? '' `` i figured it 'd come sooner or later , '' lisa said . `` had the hardware in the basement . all we had to do was put it in . gramma did n't like it , but i did it , anyway . she keeps yelling about me putting holes in the wood . '' `` yeah , that 's gramma . ''
[["window", 26], ["windows", 26], ["need", 43], ["needest", 43], ["needed", 43], ["pee", 50], ["pees", 50], ["peeing", 50], ["get", 75], ["got", 75], ["ta", 78], ["go", 81], ["goest", 81], ["hannah", 95], ["say", 100], ["sayest", 100], ["said", 100], ["nothing", 108], ["watch", 127], ["watching", 127], ["even", 153], ["evens", 153], ["focus", 164], ["yeah", 186], ["weird", 202], ["eve", 211], ["quietly", 229], ["maybe", 240], ["go", 250], ["goest", 250], ["went", 250], ["help", 258], ["helpest", 258], ["hunt", 280], ["hunting", 280], ["huntest", 280], ["first", 313], ["firstest", 313], ["radio", 319], ["delivery", 328], ["founder", 350], ["foundering", 350], ["house", 357], ["houses", 357], ["claire", 366], ["know", 379], ["knowest", 379], ["people", 390], ["answer", 403], ["answeres", 403], ["answerest", 403], ["answered", 403], ["door", 412], ["course", 438], ["quickly", 452], ["explain", 462], ["explained", 462], ["code", 491], ["back", 512], ["car", 523], ["roll", 535], ["rolling", 535], ["two", 548], ["twos", 548], ["minute", 556], ["minutes", 556], ["flat", 561], ["outstanding", 578], ["girl", 610], ["girls", 610], ["give", 621], ["buddy", 640], ["buddies", 640], ["run", 661], ["money", 677], ["moneys", 677], ["hey", 689], ["live", 728], ["living", 728], ["really", 750], ["combat", 760], ["training", 769], ["awkwardly", 799], ["slap", 807], ["slaps", 807], ["slapped", 807], ["palm", 813], ["palms", 813], ["palmed", 813], ["palmest", 813], ["keep", 845], ["keepest", 845], ["kept", 845], ["face", 852], ["facing", 852], ["front", 858], ["turn", 884], ["away", 889], ["post", 903], ["window", 929], ["windows", 929], ["roll", 957], ["rolled", 957], ["halfway", 970], ["halfways", 970], ["paintball", 990], ["gun", 994], ["ready", 1007], ["far", 1020], ["fire", 1038], ["fired", 1038], ["single", 1047], ["shot", 1052], ["car", 1067], ["cars", 1067], ["softly", 1091], ["couple", 1118], ["bunch", 1143], ["bunchest", 1143], ["scatter", 1163], ["scattered", 1163], ["side", 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["digs", 1777], ["digest", 1777], ["radio", 1795], ["radios", 1795], ["backpack", 1815], ["backpacking", 1815], ["type", 1823], ["typed", 1823], ["oliver", 1847], ["give", 1857], ["given", 1857], ["press", 1875], ["pressed", 1875], ["talk", 1884], ["button", 1891], ["buttoning", 1891], ["short", 1907], ["delay", 1913], ["delayest", 1913], ["voice", 1925], ["come", 1930], ["came", 1930], ["strange", 1958], ["happen", 1971], ["happening", 1971], ["see", 1987], ["seeing", 1987], ["lot", 1992], ["lots", 1992], ["abandon", 2037], ["abandoned", 2037], ["still", 2045], ["static", 2065], ["statics", 2065], ["end", 2082], ["ends", 2082], ["endest", 2082], ["keep", 2092], ["keepest", 2092], ["finally", 2120], ["count", 2136], ["countest", 2136], ["number", 2147], ["numbering", 2147], ["list", 2169], ["license", 2180], ["number", 2188], ["numbering", 2188], ["numbers", 2188], ["er", 2212], ["anything", 2224], ["else", 2229], ["come", 2246], ["deliver", 2264], ["try", 2293], ["tryed", 2293], ["tried", 2293], ["shut", 2316], ["ignore", 2339], ["ignoring", 2339], ["reset", 2367], ["scramble", 2386], ["look", 2408], ["looked", 2408], ["shrug", 2430], ["shrugging", 2430], ["shrugged", 2430], ["pull", 2444], ["pulled", 2444], ["halt", 2454], ["halts", 2454], ["haltest", 2454], ["second", 2477], ["seconded", 2477], ["house", 2491], ["let", 2500], ["lets", 2500], ["get", 2512], ["vamp", 2553], ["vamped", 2553], ["worry", 2559], ["worried", 2559], ["seem", 2590], ["seeming", 2590], ["seemed", 2590], ["reasonable", 2601], ["afraid", 2625], ["somehow", 2638], ["three", 2661], ["pile", 2694], ["piles", 2694], ["smoking", 2705], ["wood", 2710], ["ash", 2718], ["ashing", 2718], ["fire", 2745], ["department", 2756], ["pour", 2774], ["pouring", 2774], ["water", 2780], ["stop", 2831], ["horizon", 2845], ["get", 2857], ["getting", 2857], ["lit", 2865], ["light", 2865], ["stop", 2916], ["stops", 2916], ["ask", 2936], ["asked", 2936], ["turn", 2960], ["turned", 2960], ["another", 2968], ["corner", 2975], ["head", 2985], ["heading", 2985], ["area", 2998], ["recognize", 3025], ["recognized", 3025], ["fine", 3035], ["go", 3066], ["goest", 3066], ["going", 3066], ["day", 3077], ["next", 3103], ["cousin", 3144], ["lisa", 3149], ["big", 3187], ["bigs", 3187], ["lit", 3214], ["light", 3214], ["every", 3226], ["stark", 3243], ["starks", 3243], ["contrast", 3252], ["dark", 3264], ["neighboring", 3288], ["residence", 3299], ["residences", 3299], ["put", 3312], ["park", 3328], ["parks", 3328], ["open", 3352], ["opened", 3352], ["spill", 3364], ["spilt", 3364], ["spilling", 3364], ["spilled", 3364], ["wedge", 3372], ["wedged", 3372], ["lit", 3394], ["light", 3394], ["across", 3401], ["immaculately", 3418], ["porch", 3435], ["gramma", 3444], ["rocker", 3458], ["empty", 3468], ["nod", 3478], ["slight", 3492], ["wind", 3497], ["person", 3510], ["tall", 3543], ["strong", 3552], ["resemblance", 3590], ["watch", 3614], ["watched", 3614], ["upstairs", 3649], ["barrel", 3682], ["barreling", 3682], ["barrels", 3682], ["right", 3715], ["rightest", 3715], ["call", 3731], ["called", 3731], ["step", 3754], ["quiet", 3856], ["soon", 3878], ["hallway", 3940], ["hallways", 3940], ["slam", 3955], ["slammed", 3955], ["lock", 3966], ["locks", 3966], ["bolt", 3976], ["bolts", 3976], ["bolted", 3976], ["include", 3988], ["including", 3988], ["recently", 3999], ["instal", 4009], ["installed", 4009], ["iron", 4014], ["bar", 4018], ["slot", 4031], ["slotting", 4031], ["slotted", 4031], ["place", 4042], ["either", 4052], ["side", 4057], ["sidest", 4057], ["frame", 4070], ["approval", 4114], ["know", 4128], ["knowest", 4128], ["knew", 4128], ["come", 4144], ["coming", 4144], ["figure", 4162], ["figured", 4162], ["soon", 4180], ["later", 4189], ["hardware", 4226], ["basement", 4242], ["anyway", 4324], ["keep", 4336], ["keepest", 4336], ["keeps", 4336], ["yell", 4344], ["yelling", 4344], ["put", 4361], ["putting", 4361], ["hole", 4367], ["holes", 4367]]
`` god forbid we should mess up her house while the war 's going on . '' `` speaking of that , '' lisa said , `` y'all need to stay here , if you want to stay safe . '' eve exchanged a quick glance with claire . `` yeah , well , we ca n't , really . lisa 's eyes were very bright , very focused . `` because we 're thinking maybe these vamps will kill each other off this time , and maybe we should all stick together . all the humans . never mind the bracelets and the contracts . '' just let them fight it out on their own ? '' what 's it to us , anyway , who wins ? '' lisa 's smile was bitter and brief . `` we get screwed no matter what . maybe it 's time to put a human in charge of this town , and let the vampires find someplace else to live . '' dangerous , claire thought . hannah stared at her cousin , her expression tight and controlled , and then nodded . `` you do what you want , lisa , but you be careful , all right ? '' `` we 're being real damn careful , '' lisa said . they came to the end of the hallway , where the area opened up into the big living room , and eve and claire both stopped cold . `` oh , shit , '' eve muttered . the humans were all armed -- guns , knives , stakes , blunt objects . the vampires who 'd been assigned to guard the house were all sitting tied to chairs with so many turns of rope it reminded claire of hangman 's loops . she supposed if you were going to restrain vamps , it made sense , but -- `` what the hell are you doing ? '' at least some of the vampires sitting there , tied and gagged , were ones who 'd been at michael 's house , or who 'd fought on amelie 's side at the banquet . some of them were struggling , but most seemed quiet . some looked unconscious . `` they 're not hurt , '' lisa said . `` i just want 'em out of the way , in case things go bad . '' `` you 're making one hell of a move , lisa , '' hannah said . `` i hope you know what the hell you 're about . '' `` i 'm about protecting my own . you ought to be , too . '' `` let 's go , '' she said to claire and eve . `` what about -- '' `` no , '' hannah said . `` no radio . lisa moved into their path , a shotgun cradled in her arms . `` going so soon ? '' there was a feeling here , a darkness in the air . the vampires , those who were still awake , were staring at them . expecting rescue , maybe ? `` you do n't want to do this , '' hannah said . `` we 're not your enemies . '' `` you 're standing with the vamps , are n't you ? '' `` we 're trying to get everybody out of this alive , '' she said . `` humans and vampires . '' lisa did n't look away from her cousin 's face . `` not going to happen , '' she said . `` so you 'd better pick a side . '' hannah stepped right up into her face . after a cold second , lisa moved aside . `` already have , '' hannah said . she jerked her head at claire and eve . outside in the car , they all sat in silence for a few seconds . hannah 's face was grim and closed off , not inviting any conversation . eve finally said , `` you 'd better tell oliver . he needs to know about this . '' claire plugged in the code and tried . `` oliver , come in . oliver , it 's claire . i have an update . static hissed . `` maybe he 's ignoring you , '' eve said . `` he seemed pretty annoyed before . '' claire handed it over , but it was no use . oliver was n't responding . they tried calling for anyone at common grounds instead , and got another voice , one claire did n't recognize . eve squeezed her eyes shut in relief . `` quentin barnes . '' `` tintin ! hey man , how are you ? '' `` ah -- good , i guess . '' tintin , whoever he was , sounded nervous . `` oliver 's kind of busy right now . he 's trying to keep some people from taking off . '' `` taking off ? '' `` some of the vamps , they 're just trying to leave . it 's too close to dawn . he 's had to lock some of them up . '' things were getting weird all over . eve keyed the mike and said , `` there 's trouble at the day house . lisa 's tied up the vamps . she 's going to sit this thing out .
[["god", 6], ["forbid", 13], ["forbade", 13], ["mess", 28], ["messed", 28], ["messing", 28], ["house", 41], ["war", 55], ["go", 64], ["goest", 64], ["going", 64], ["speak", 84], ["spoken", 84], ["speaking", 84], ["lisa", 102], ["say", 107], ["sayest", 107], ["said", 107], ["need", 123], ["needest", 123], ["stay", 131], ["safe", 163], ["safes", 163], ["safed", 163], ["eve", 172], ["exchange", 182], ["exchanged", 182], ["quick", 190], ["glance", 197], ["claire", 209], ["yeah", 219], ["well", 226], ["wells", 226], ["ca", 234], ["cas", 234], ["really", 247], ["eye", 262], ["eyed", 262], ["eyes", 262], ["bright", 279], ["brights", 279], ["think", 323], ["thinkest", 323], ["thinking", 323], ["maybe", 329], ["vamp", 341], ["vamped", 341], ["kill", 351], ["time", 376], ["stick", 408], ["stickest", 408], ["together", 417], ["human", 434], ["humans", 434], ["never", 442], ["mind", 447], ["minding", 447], ["bracelet", 461], ["bracelets", 461], ["contract", 479], ["contractest", 479], ["contracts", 479], ["let", 493], ["lets", 493], ["fight", 504], ["fightest", 504], ["anyway", 555], ["win", 566], ["wins", 566], ["smile", 585], ["bitter", 596], ["bitterest", 596], ["brief", 606], ["briefing", 606], ["get", 618], ["screw", 626], ["screwing", 626], ["screwed", 626], ["matter", 636], ["mattering", 636], ["put", 667], ["human", 675], ["charge", 685], ["town", 698], ["vampire", 721], ["vampires", 721], ["find", 726], ["someplace", 736], ["else", 741], ["live", 749], ["dangerous", 764], ["think", 781], ["thinkest", 781], ["thought", 781], ["hannah", 790], ["stare", 797], ["stared", 797], ["cousin", 811], ["expression", 828], ["tight", 834], ["control", 849], ["controlled", 849], ["nod", 867], ["nodded", 867], ["careful", 921], ["right", 933], ["rightest", 933], ["real", 959], ["reis", 959], ["damn", 964], ["damned", 964], ["come", 999], ["came", 999], ["end", 1010], ["ends", 1010], ["endest", 1010], ["hallway", 1025], ["hallways", 1025], ["area", 1042], ["open", 1049], ["opened", 1049], ["big", 1065], ["bigs", 1065], ["room", 1077], ["roomed", 1077], ["stop", 1111], ["stopped", 1111], ["cold", 1116], ["oh", 1124], ["shit", 1131], ["mutter", 1149], ["muttering", 1149], ["mutterest", 1149], ["muttered", 1149], ["armed", 1177], ["gun", 1185], ["guns", 1185], ["knife", 1194], ["knifes", 1194], ["knives", 1194], ["stake", 1203], ["stakes", 1203], ["blunt", 1211], ["blunted", 1211], ["blunting", 1211], ["object", 1219], ["objected", 1219], ["objectest", 1219], ["objecting", 1219], ["objects", 1219], ["assign", 1255], ["assignest", 1255], ["assigning", 1255], ["assigned", 1255], ["guard", 1264], ["sat", 1291], ["sit", 1291], ["sitting", 1291], ["tie", 1296], ["tying", 1296], ["tieing", 1296], ["tied", 1296], ["chair", 1306], ["chairing", 1306], ["chairs", 1306], ["many", 1319], ["turn", 1325], ["turns", 1325], ["rope", 1333], ["remind", 1345], ["reminded", 1345], ["hangmen", 1363], ["hangman", 1363], ["loop", 1372], ["looping", 1372], ["loops", 1372], ["suppose", 1387], ["supposed", 1387], ["restrain", 1417], ["restrains", 1417], ["sense", 1439], ["hell", 1465], ["hells", 1465], ["least", 1493], ["leastest", 1493], ["gag", 1546], ["gagged", 1546], ["michael", 1581], ["fight", 1609], ["fightest", 1609], ["fought", 1609], ["side", 1627], ["sidest", 1627], ["banquet", 1642], ["banqueted", 1642], ["struggle", 1673], ["struggling", 1673], ["seem", 1691], ["seeming", 1691], ["seemed", 1691], ["quiet", 1697], ["look", 1711], ["looked", 1711], ["unconscious", 1723], ["hurt", 1746], ["hurts", 1746], ["hurting", 1746], ["way", 1797], ["ways", 1797], ["thing", 1814], ["things", 1814], ["go", 1817], ["goest", 1817], ["bad", 1821], ["move", 1863], ["hope", 1899], ["know", 1908], ["knowest", 1908], ["protect", 1966], ["protectest", 1966], ["protecting", 1966], ["ought", 1985], ["radio", 2106], ["move", 2119], ["moved", 2119], ["path", 2135], ["shotgun", 2147], ["cradle", 2155], ["cradled", 2155], ["arm", 2167], ["arms", 2167], ["soon", 2186], ["feeling", 2211], ["darkness", 2229], ["air", 2240], ["airs", 2240], ["airing", 2240], ["still", 2278], ["awake", 2284], ["awoke", 2284], ["stare", 2299], ["stared", 2299], ["staring", 2299], ["expect", 2319], ["expecting", 2319], ["rescue", 2326], ["enemy", 2412], ["enemies", 2412], ["stand", 2437], ["stood", 2437], ["standest", 2437], ["standing", 2437], ["try", 2488], ["tryed", 2488], ["trying", 2488], ["alive", 2523], ["look", 2585], ["away", 2590], ["face", 2614], ["happen", 2639], ["well", 2675], ["better", 2675], ["pick", 2680], ["step", 2707], ["stepped", 2707], ["second", 2752], ["seconded", 2752], ["aside", 2771], ["already", 2784], ["jerk", 2819], ["jerks", 2819], ["jerked", 2819], ["head", 2828], ["outside", 2856], ["car", 2867], ["sat", 2882], ["sit", 2882], ["silence", 2893], ["second", 2911], ["seconded", 2911], ["seconds", 2911], ["grim", 2937], ["grims", 2937], ["close", 2948], ["closed", 2948], ["invite", 2967], ["invites", 2967], ["inviting", 2967], ["conversation", 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["man", 3540], ["mans", 3540], ["manned", 3540], ["ah", 3565], ["good", 3573], ["guess", 3583], ["whoever", 3605], ["sound", 3622], ["sounded", 3622], ["nervous", 3630], ["kind", 3650], ["busy", 3658], ["busied", 3658], ["keep", 3691], ["keepest", 3691], ["people", 3703], ["take", 3715], ["taking", 3715], ["left", 3796], ["leave", 3796], ["close", 3814], ["dawn", 3822], ["dawnest", 3822], ["lock", 3842], ["get", 3883], ["getting", 3883], ["weird", 3889], ["key", 3910], ["keyed", 3910], ["keyest", 3910], ["mike", 3919], ["mikes", 3919], ["miked", 3919], ["trouble", 3950], ["troubling", 3950], ["day", 3961], ["sat", 4017], ["sit", 4017], ["thing", 4028]]
i think -- i think maybe she 's working with some other people , trying to put together a third side . all humans . '' `` dude , '' tintin sighed , `` that 's just what we need , getting the vampire slayers all in the mix . okay , i 'll tell oliver . `` more empty vampire cars . you think they 're like those guys who were trying to leave ? maybe , i do n't know , getting drawn off somewhere ? '' look , just watch yourself , okay ? '' eve out . '' hannah stirred in the back . `` let 's move out to the next location . '' `` i know they 're your family and all . '' `` lisa always was preaching about how we could take the town if we stuck together . maybe she 's thinking it 's the right time to make a move . '' `` she 's an idiot . all she 's going to do is get people killed . '' claire was no general , but she knew that fighting a war on two fronts and dividing their forces was n't a great idea . `` we have to find amelie . '' `` wherever she 's gotten herself off to , '' eve snorted . `` if she 's even still -- '' `` do n't , '' claire whispered . she restlessly rubbed the gold bracelet on her wrist until it dug into her skin . more than ever , she was guessing . by the time they 'd dropped off the next to last radio , at their own home , which was currently inhabited by a bunch of freakedout humans and a few vampires who had n't yet felt whatever was pulling some of them off , the dawn was starting to really set in . the horizon was caribbean blue , with touches of gold and red just flaring up like footlights at a show . claire delivered the radio , the code , and a warning to the humans and vampires alike . `` you have to watch the vamps , '' she pleaded . `` do n't let them leave . not in the daylight . '' monica morrell , who was clutching the walkietalkie in her redtaloned fingers , frowned at her . `` how are we supposed to do that , freak ? give them a written warning and scold them really hard ? `` if you let them go , they may not get wherever it is they 're being called before sunrise , '' hannah said . she shrugged , a fluid flow that emphasized her muscles , and smiled . `` hey , no skin off my nose or anything , but we may need 'em later . and you could get blamed for not stepping up . '' monica kept on frowning , but she did n't seem inclined to argue with hannah . nobody did , claire noticed . the former marine had an air about her , a confidence that somehow did n't come off at all like arrogance . `` great , '' monica finally said . like i needed another problem . by the way , claire , your house really sucks ass . it was claire 's turn to smile this time . `` it probably hates you right back . i 'm sure you 'll figure it out , '' she said . `` you 're a natural leader , right ? '' `` oh , bite it . someday , your boyfriend wo n't be around to -- '' monica widened her eyes . he 's is n't around , is he ? wo n't be back , ever . remind me to send flowers for the funeral . '' eve grabbed the back of claire 's shirt . `` whoa , minime , chill out . we 've got to get moving . much as i 'd like to see the cage match , we 're kind of on a schedule . '' the hot crimson haze disappeared from claire 's eyes , and she took in a breath and nodded . her muscles were aching . she realized she 'd managed to clench just about every muscle , ironhard , and tried to relax . her hands twinged when she stretched them out of fists . `` see you soon , '' monica said , and shut the door on them . `` wait , probably not , loser . and your clothes are pathetic , by the way ! '' that last part came muffled , but clear -- as clear as the sound of the locks snapping into place . `` let 's go , '' hannah said , and herded them off the porch and down the walk toward the white picket fence . walking on the street , heading vaguely north , was a vampire . `` oh , crap , '' eve said , alarmed , but the vamp did n't seem to care about them , or even know they were there . he was wearing a police uniform , and claire remembered him ; he 'd been riding with richard morrell , from time to time . did n't seem like a bad guy , apart from the whole vampire thing . `` that 's officer o'malley . he ignored them and kept walking . claire looked east . the sun 's golden glow was heating up the sky , fast .
[["think", 7], ["thinkest", 7], ["maybe", 24], ["work", 39], ["wrought", 39], ["working", 39], ["people", 62], ["try", 71], ["tryed", 71], ["trying", 71], ["put", 78], ["together", 87], ["third", 95], ["side", 100], ["sidest", 100], ["human", 113], ["humans", 113], ["dude", 126], ["sigh", 145], ["sighest", 145], ["sighed", 145], ["need", 176], ["needest", 176], ["get", 186], ["getting", 186], ["vampire", 198], ["slayer", 206], ["slayers", 206], ["mix", 221], ["mixed", 221], ["okay", 228], ["tell", 241], ["oliver", 248], ["empty", 264], ["car", 277], ["cars", 277], ["like", 303], ["guy", 314], ["guys", 314], ["left", 339], ["leave", 339], ["know", 363], ["knowest", 363], ["draw", 379], ["drawn", 379], ["draws", 379], ["somewhere", 393], ["look", 403], ["watch", 416], ["eve", 441], ["hannah", 457], ["stir", 465], ["stirs", 465], ["stirred", 465], ["back", 477], ["let", 486], ["lets", 486], ["move", 494], ["next", 510], ["location", 519], ["family", 555], ["lisa", 576], ["always", 583], ["preach", 597], ["preaching", 597], ["take", 621], ["town", 630], ["stick", 642], ["stickest", 642], ["stuck", 642], ["think", 675], ["thinkest", 675], ["thinking", 675], ["right", 691], ["rightest", 691], ["time", 696], ["idiot", 735], ["go", 754], ["goest", 754], ["going", 754], ["get", 767], ["kill", 781], ["killed", 781], ["claire", 793], ["general", 808], ["know", 823], ["knowest", 823], ["knew", 823], ["fight", 837], ["fightest", 837], ["war", 843], ["two", 850], ["twos", 850], ["front", 857], ["fronts", 857], ["divide", 870], ["dividing", 870], ["force", 883], ["forces", 883], ["great", 899], ["idea", 904], ["find", 925], ["wherever", 949], ["get", 963], ["gotten", 963], ["snort", 995], ["snortest", 995], ["snorted", 995], ["even", 1015], ["evens", 1015], ["still", 1021], ["whisper", 1059], ["whispered", 1059], ["restlessly", 1076], ["rub", 1083], ["rubbed", 1083], ["gold", 1092], ["golds", 1092], ["bracelet", 1101], ["wrist", 1114], ["dig", 1127], ["dug", 1127], ["digs", 1127], ["digest", 1127], ["skin", 1141], ["ever", 1158], ["everest", 1158], ["guess", 1177], ["guessing", 1177], ["drop", 1207], ["dropped", 1207], ["last", 1228], ["radio", 1234], ["home", 1254], ["homing", 1254], ["currently", 1276], ["inhabit", 1286], ["inhabiting", 1286], ["inhabited", 1286], ["bunch", 1297], ["bunchest", 1297], ["vampire", 1337], ["vampires", 1337], ["yet", 1353], ["feel", 1358], ["felt", 1358], ["whatever", 1367], ["pull", 1379], ["pulling", 1379], ["dawn", 1407], ["dawnest", 1407], ["start", 1420], ["starting", 1420], ["really", 1430], ["set", 1434], ["horizon", 1451], ["caribbean", 1465], ["blue", 1470], ["touch", 1485], ["touching", 1485], ["touches", 1485], ["red", 1501], ["flare", 1514], ["flaring", 1514], ["footlight", 1533], ["footlights", 1533], ["show", 1543], ["deliver", 1562], ["delivered", 1562], ["code", 1583], ["warning", 1599], ["alike", 1632], ["vamp", 1665], ["vamped", 1665], ["plead", 1682], ["pleaded", 1682], ["daylight", 1731], ["monica", 1743], ["clutch", 1771], ["clutching", 1771], ["finger", 1814], ["fingers", 1814], ["frown", 1824], ["frowns", 1824], ["frowned", 1824], ["suppose", 1856], ["supposed", 1856], ["freak", 1875], ["freaking", 1875], ["give", 1882], ["write", 1897], ["writing", 1897], ["written", 1897], ["scold", 1915], ["scolds", 1915], ["hard", 1932], ["go", 1956], ["goest", 1956], ["may", 1967], ["mays", 1967], ["mayest", 1967], ["call", 2012], ["called", 2012], ["sunrise", 2027], ["say", 2044], ["sayest", 2044], ["said", 2044], ["shrug", 2059], ["shrugging", 2059], ["shrugged", 2059], ["fluid", 2069], ["flow", 2074], ["flows", 2074], ["emphasize", 2090], ["emphasizes", 2090], ["emphasized", 2090], ["muscle", 2102], ["muscles", 2102], ["smile", 2115], ["smiled", 2115], ["hey", 2124], ["nose", 2146], ["nosed", 2146], ["nosing", 2146], ["anything", 2158], ["later", 2186], ["blame", 2213], ["blamest", 2213], ["blamed", 2213], ["step", 2230], ["stepping", 2230], ["keep", 2250], ["keepest", 2250], ["kept", 2250], ["frown", 2262], ["frowns", 2262], ["seem", 2285], ["seeming", 2285], ["argue", 2303], ["nobody", 2324], ["notice", 2345], ["noticed", 2345], ["former", 2358], ["marine", 2365], ["marines", 2365], ["air", 2376], ["airs", 2376], ["airing", 2376], ["confidence", 2401], ["somehow", 2414], ["come", 2427], ["arrogance", 2453], ["finally", 2484], ["need", 2505], ["needest", 2505], ["needed", 2505], ["another", 2513], ["problem", 2521], ["way", 2534], ["ways", 2534], ["house", 2556], ["suck", 2569], ["sucking", 2569], ["sucks", 2569], ["turn", 2597], ["smile", 2606], ["probably", 2633], ["hate", 2639], ["hateed", 2639], ["hates", 2639], ["sure", 2666], ["figure", 2681], ["natural", 2725], ["leader", 2732], ["oh", 2751], ["bite", 2758], ["someday", 2771], ["boyfriend", 2788], ["wo", 2791], ["around", 2805], ["widen", 2829], ["widened", 2829], ["eye", 2838], ["eyed", 2838], ["eyes", 2838], ["remind", 2901], ["send", 2912], ["flowers", 2920], ["funeral", 2936], ["grab", 2953], ["grabbed", 2953], ["shirt", 2981], ["whoa", 2991], ["chill", 3008], ["chills", 3008], ["chilling", 3008], ["get", 3025], ["got", 3025], ["move", 3039], ["moving", 3039], ["much", 3046], ["see", 3066], ["cage", 3075], ["match", 3081], ["matching", 3081], ["kind", 3095], ["schedule", 3112], ["hot", 3125], ["crimson", 3133], ["haze", 3138], ["hazes", 3138], ["disappear", 3150], ["disappeared", 3150], ["take", 3185], ["took", 3185], ["breath", 3197], ["breathest", 3197], ["nod", 3208], ["nodded", 3208], ["ache", 3234], ["ached", 3234], ["aching", 3234], ["realize", 3249], ["realized", 3249], ["manage", 3264], ["managed", 3264], ["clench", 3274], ["clenched", 3274], ["every", 3291], ["muscle", 3298], ["try", 3321], ["tryed", 3321], ["tried", 3321], ["relax", 3330], ["relaxed", 3330], ["hand", 3342], ["hands", 3342], ["twinge", 3350], ["stretch", 3369], ["stretched", 3369], ["fist", 3387], ["fists", 3387], ["soon", 3405], ["shut", 3433], ["door", 3442], ["wait", 3460], ["waitest", 3460], ["loser", 3483], ["clad", 3502], ["clothe", 3502], ["clothes", 3502], ["pathetic", 3515], ["part", 3548], ["parting", 3548], ["come", 3553], ["came", 3553], ["muffle", 3561], ["muffles", 3561], ["muffled", 3561], ["clear", 3573], ["clearest", 3573], ["sound", 3598], ["lock", 3611], ["locks", 3611], ["snap", 3620], ["snapping", 3620], ["place", 3631], ["herd", 3676], ["herding", 3676], ["herdest", 3676], ["herded", 3676], ["porch", 3695], ["walk", 3713], ["toward", 3720], ["white", 3730], ["picket", 3737], ["pickets", 3737], ["fence", 3743], ["walk", 3753], ["walking", 3753], ["street", 3767], ["head", 3777], ["heading", 3777], ["vaguely", 3785], ["north", 3791], ["crap", 3822], ["crapped", 3822], ["alarm", 3846], ["alarmed", 3846], ["vamp", 3861], ["vamped", 3861], ["wear", 3941], ["wearing", 3941], ["police", 3950], ["uniform", 3958], ["remember", 3982], ["rememberest", 3982], ["remembered", 3982], ["ride", 4006], ["rode", 4006], ["riding", 4006], ["richard", 4019], ["richards", 4019], ["bad", 4073], ["guy", 4077], ["apart", 4085], ["whole", 4100], ["wholes", 4100], ["thing", 4114], ["officer", 4135], ["officering", 4135], ["ignore", 4157], ["ignored", 4157], ["look", 4195], ["looked", 4195], ["east", 4200], ["sun", 4210], ["suns", 4210], ["sunned", 4210], ["golden", 4220], ["glow", 4225], ["glowest", 4225], ["heat", 4237], ["heats", 4237], ["heated", 4237], ["sky", 4248], ["fast", 4255]]
it was n't over the horizon yet , but it would be in a matter of seconds , minutes at most . `` we 've got to get him , '' she said . `` get him inside somewhere . '' `` and do what , babysit him the rest of the day ? o'malley 's not like myrnin , '' eve said . `` you ca n't stake him . he 's not that old . seventy , eighty , something like that . he 's only a little older than sam . '' `` we could run him over , '' hannah said . `` it would n't kill him . '' eve sent her a wideeyed look . with my car ? '' `` you 're asking for something nonlethal . that 's all i 've got right now . the three of us are n't any kind of match for a vampire who wants to get somewhere , if he fights us . '' claire took off running toward the vampire , ignoring their shouts . hannah was after her , and gaining . she still got to officer o'malley first , and skidded into his path . he paused for a second , his green eyes focusing on her , and then he reached out and moved her aside . gently , but firmly . and he kept on walking . `` you have to get inside ! '' claire yelled , and got in front of him again . `` sir , you have to ! he moved her again , this time without as much care . `` oh , god , '' hannah said . the sun came up in a fiery burst , and the first rays of sunlight hit the parked cars , eve 's standing figure , the houses ... and officer o'malley 's back . `` get a blanket ! '' she could see the smoke curling off him , like morning mist . eve ran to get something from the car . hannah grabbed claire and pulled her out of his way . officer o'malley kept walking . the sun kept rising , brighter and brighter , and within three or four steps , the smoke rising up from him turned to flames . in ten more steps , he fell down . eve ran up breathlessly , a blanket clutched in both hands . `` help me get it over him ! '' they threw the fabric over officer o'malley , but instead of smothering the flames , it just caught fire , too . hannah pulled claire back as she tried to pat out the flames . claire turned toward hannah in a raw fury , struggling to get free . `` we can still -- '' `` no , we ca n't , '' hannah said . `` there 's not a damn thing we can do for him . he 's dying , claire . you tried your best , but he 's dying . and he 's not going to take our help . look , he 's still trying to crawl . he 's not stopping . '' she was right , but it hurt , and in the end , claire wrapped her arms around hannah for comfort and turned away . when she finally looked back , officer o'malley was a pile of ash and smoke and burned blanket . the gates of the university were shut , locked , and there were paramilitarystyle men posted at the gates , all in black . eve coasted the big car slowly up to them and rolled down the window . `` delivery for michael glass , '' she called . `` or richard morrell . '' the guard who leaned in was huge , tough , and intimidating -- until he saw hannah in the backseat , and then he grinned like a kid with a new puppy . `` hannah montana ! '' she looked deeply pained . `` do n't ever call me that again , jessup , or i will gut you . '' `` get out and make me stop , smiley . yeah , i heard you were back . how were the marines ? '' `` better than the damn rangers . '' `` do n't you just wish ? '' he lost the smile and got serious again . `` sorry , h , orders are orders . who 's with you ? '' `` oliver sent me . you probably know eve rosser -- that 's claire danvers . '' thought she 'd be bigger . hey , eve . sorry , did n't recognize you right off . jessup nodded to the other guard , who slung his rifle and pressed in a key code at the panel on the stone fence . the big iron gates slowly parted . `` you be careful , hannah . this town 's the afpak border all over again right now . '' inside , except for the guards patrolling the fence , texas prairie university seemed eerily normal . the birds sang to the rising sun , and there were students out -- students ! -- heading to class as if there were nothing wrong at all . they were chatting , laughing , running to make the crosscampus earlymorning bell . claire was glad she was n't the only one freaked out by it .
[["horizon", 27], ["yet", 31], ["matter", 61], ["mattering", 61], ["second", 72], ["seconded", 72], ["seconds", 72], ["minute", 82], ["minutes", 82], ["get", 106], ["got", 106], ["get", 113], ["say", 131], ["sayest", 131], ["said", 131], ["inside", 151], ["somewhere", 161], ["babysit", 191], ["rest", 204], ["day", 215], ["like", 238], ["eve", 254], ["ca", 271], ["cas", 271], ["stake", 281], ["old", 306], ["seventy", 316], ["eighty", 325], ["little", 369], ["old", 375], ["sam", 384], ["run", 405], ["hannah", 426], ["kill", 454], ["send", 472], ["sent", 472], ["look", 492], ["car", 506], ["ask", 529], ["asking", 529], ["nonlethal", 553], ["right", 583], ["rightest", 583], ["three", 599], ["kind", 622], ["match", 631], ["matching", 631], ["vampire", 645], ["fight", 687], ["fightest", 687], ["fights", 687], ["claire", 702], ["take", 707], ["took", 707], ["run", 719], ["running", 719], ["toward", 726], ["ignore", 749], ["ignoring", 749], ["shout", 762], ["shouts", 762], ["gain", 799], ["gaining", 799], ["still", 811], ["officer", 826], ["officering", 826], ["first", 841], ["firstest", 841], ["skid", 855], ["skidded", 855], ["path", 869], ["pause", 881], ["paused", 881], ["second", 894], ["seconded", 894], ["green", 906], ["greens", 906], ["eye", 911], ["eyed", 911], ["eyes", 911], ["focus", 920], ["focusing", 920], ["reach", 949], ["reached", 949], ["move", 963], ["moved", 963], ["aside", 973], ["gently", 982], ["firmly", 995], ["keep", 1009], ["keepest", 1009], ["kept", 1009], ["walk", 1020], ["walking", 1020], ["yell", 1067], ["yelled", 1067], ["front", 1086], ["sir", 1108], ["sirs", 1108], ["time", 1155], ["without", 1163], ["much", 1171], ["oh", 1184], ["god", 1190], ["sun", 1217], ["suns", 1217], ["sunned", 1217], ["come", 1222], ["came", 1222], ["fiery", 1236], ["burst", 1242], ["bursted", 1242], ["ray", 1263], ["rays", 1263], ["sunlight", 1275], ["hit", 1279], ["car", 1295], ["cars", 1295], ["standing", 1313], ["figure", 1320], ["house", 1333], ["houses", 1333], ["back", 1366], ["blanket", 1385], ["see", 1404], ["smoke", 1414], ["curl", 1422], ["curls", 1422], ["curled", 1422], ["curling", 1422], ["morning", 1445], ["mist", 1450], ["run", 1460], ["ran", 1460], ["grab", 1507], ["grabbed", 1507], ["pull", 1525], ["pulled", 1525], ["way", 1544], ["ways", 1544], ["rise", 1598], ["risen", 1598], ["rising", 1598], ["bright", 1609], ["brights", 1609], ["within", 1635], ["four", 1649], ["step", 1655], ["steps", 1655], ["turn", 1693], ["turned", 1693], ["flame", 1703], ["flames", 1703], ["ten", 1712], ["fall", 1733], ["falls", 1733], ["fell", 1733], ["breathlessly", 1764], ["clutch", 1785], ["clutched", 1785], ["hand", 1799], ["hands", 1799], ["help", 1809], ["helpest", 1809], ["throw", 1844], ["threw", 1844], ["fabric", 1855], ["instead", 1891], ["smother", 1905], ["smothering", 1905], ["catch", 1933], ["catched", 1933], ["catches", 1933], ["caught", 1933], ["fire", 1938], ["try", 1985], ["tryed", 1985], ["tried", 1985], ["pat", 1992], ["raw", 2046], ["fury", 2051], ["struggle", 2064], ["struggling", 2064], ["free", 2076], ["damn", 2160], ["damned", 2160], ["thing", 2166], ["die", 2198], ["dying", 2198], ["good", 2229], ["best", 2229], ["go", 2269], ["goest", 2269], ["going", 2269], ["take", 2277], ["try", 2314], ["tryed", 2314], ["trying", 2314], ["crawl", 2323], ["crawled", 2323], ["stop", 2344], ["stopping", 2344], ["hurt", 2377], ["hurts", 2377], ["hurting", 2377], ["end", 2394], ["ends", 2394], ["endest", 2394], ["wrap", 2411], ["wraps", 2411], ["wrapping", 2411], ["wrapped", 2411], ["arm", 2420], ["arms", 2420], ["around", 2427], ["comfort", 2446], ["away", 2462], ["finally", 2481], ["look", 2488], ["looked", 2488], ["pile", 2523], ["ash", 2530], ["ashing", 2530], ["burn", 2551], ["burns", 2551], ["burned", 2551], ["gate", 2571], ["gates", 2571], ["university", 2589], ["shut", 2599], ["lock", 2608], ["locked", 2608], ["man", 2647], ["mans", 2647], ["manned", 2647], ["men", 2647], ["post", 2654], ["posted", 2654], ["black", 2682], ["coast", 2696], ["coasted", 2696], ["big", 2704], ["bigs", 2704], ["slowly", 2715], ["roll", 2737], ["rolled", 2737], ["window", 2753], ["windows", 2753], ["delivery", 2767], ["michael", 2779], ["glass", 2785], ["call", 2801], ["called", 2801], ["richard", 2817], ["richards", 2817], ["guard", 2840], ["lean", 2851], ["leans", 2851], ["leaned", 2851], ["huge", 2863], ["tough", 2871], ["intimidate", 2890], ["intimidating", 2890], ["see", 2906], ["saw", 2906], ["backseat", 2929], ["grin", 2951], ["grinned", 2951], ["kid", 2962], ["new", 2973], ["puppy", 2979], ["montana", 2999], ["deeply", 3022], ["pain", 3029], ["pained", 3029], ["ever", 3046], ["everest", 3046], ["call", 3051], ["gut", 3090], ["stop", 3127], ["smiley", 3136], ["yeah", 3143], ["hear", 3153], ["hears", 3153], ["heard", 3153], ["well", 3205], ["wells", 3205], ["ranger", 3227], ["rangers", 3227], ["wish", 3256], ["lose", 3269], ["lost", 3269], ["smile", 3279], ["serious", 3295], ["sorry", 3312], ["h", 3316], ["order", 3325], ["orderest", 3325], ["orders", 3325], ["oliver", 3369], ["probably", 3392], ["know", 3397], ["knowest", 3397], ["rosser", 3408], ["danvers", 3434], ["think", 3447], ["thinkest", 3447], ["thought", 3447], ["big", 3464], ["bigs", 3464], ["bigger", 3464], ["hey", 3470], ["recognize", 3504], ["nod", 3534], ["nodded", 3534], ["sling", 3565], ["slung", 3565], ["rifle", 3575], ["press", 3587], ["pressed", 3587], ["key", 3596], ["keyed", 3596], ["keyest", 3596], ["code", 3601], ["panel", 3614], ["paneling", 3614], ["panelling", 3614], ["stone", 3627], ["stoning", 3627], ["fence", 3633], ["iron", 3648], ["part", 3668], ["parting", 3668], ["parted", 3668], ["careful", 3688], ["town", 3709], ["afpak", 3722], ["border", 3729], ["bordering", 3729], ["except", 3775], ["guard", 3790], ["guards", 3790], ["patrol", 3801], ["patrolling", 3801], ["texas", 3819], ["prairie", 3827], ["seem", 3845], ["seeming", 3845], ["seemed", 3845], ["eerily", 3852], ["normal", 3859], ["bird", 3871], ["birds", 3871], ["sung", 3876], ["sing", 3876], ["sang", 3876], ["student", 3920], ["students", 3920], ["head", 3949], ["heading", 3949], ["class", 3958], ["classest", 3958], ["classing", 3958], ["nothing", 3983], ["wrong", 3989], ["chat", 4017], ["chating", 4017], ["chatting", 4017], ["laugh", 4028], ["laughing", 4028], ["bell", 4080], ["belling", 4080], ["glad", 4098], ["freak", 4131], ["freaking", 4131], ["freaked", 4131]]
`` i know they had orders to keep things low profile , but damn , this is ridiculous . where 's the dean 's office ? '' claire pointed . eve steered the car around the winding curves , past dorms and lecture halls , and pulled it to a stop on the nearly deserted lot in front of the administration building . there were two police cruisers there , and a bunch of black jeeps . not a lot of civilian cars in the lot . as they walked up the steps to the building , claire realized there were two more guards outside of the main door . hannah did n't know these guys , but she repeated their names and credentials , and after a brief , impersonal search , they were allowed inside . the last time claire had been here she 'd been adding and dropping classes , and the building had been full of grumpy bureaucrats and anxious students , all moving at a hectic pace . now it was very quiet . a few people were at their desks , but there were no students claire could see , and the tpu employees looked either bored or nervous . most of the activity seemed centered down the carpeted hall , which was hung with formal portraits of the former university deans and notables . one or two of the former deans , claire was just now realizing , might have been vampires , from the pallor of their skins . or maybe they were just old white guys . at the end of the hallway they found not a guard , but a secretary -- just as tough as any of the armed men outside , though . she sat behind an expensivelooking antique desk that had not a speck of dust on it , and nothing else except a piece of paper centered exactly in the middle , a pen at right angles to it , and a fancy , black multiline telephone . no computer that claire could spot -- no , there it was , hidden away in a rollout credenza to the side . the room was lushly carpeted , so much so that claire 's feet sank into the depth at least an inch ; it was like walking on foam . solid , dark wood paneling . paintings and dim lights . the windows were covered with fancy velvet curtains , and there was music playing -- classical , of course . claire could n't imagine anybody would ever switch the station to rock . `` i 'm ms. nance , '' the woman said , and stood to offer her hand to each of them in turn ; she did n't even hesitate with eve , who intimidated most people . she was a tall , thin , gray woman dressed in a tailored gray suit with a lighter gray blouse under the jacket . gray hair curled into exact waves . claire could n't see her shoes , but she bet they were fashionable , gray , and yet somehow sensible . `` i 'm the secretary to dean wallace . eve said , `` i need to see michael . '' i do n't think i know that person . '' eve 's expression froze , and claire could see the horrible dread in her eyes . hannah , seeing it too , said , `` let 's cut the crap , ms. nance . where 's michael glass ? '' ms. nance 's eyes narrowed . they were pale blue , not as pale as amelie 's , but kind of faded , like jeans left in the sun . `` mr. glass is in conference with the dean , '' she said . `` i 'm afraid you 'll have to -- '' the door at the far end of her office opened , and michael came out . claire 's heart practically melted with relief . michael 's okay . except that he closed the door and walked straight past them , a man on a mission . he walked right past eve , who stood there flatfooted , mouth open , fear dawning in her expression . claire yelped . `` we have to stop him ! '' `` great , '' hannah said , and the three of them took off in pursuit . it helped that michael was n't actually running , just moving with a purpose . claire and eve edged by him in the hall and blocked his path . his blue eyes were wideopen , but he just did n't see them . he sensed an obstacle , at least , and paused . `` michael , '' claire said . dammit , why could n't i have tranquilizers ? `` michael , you ca n't go out there . it 's already morning . `` he 's not listening , '' hannah said . and she was right ; he was n't . he tried to push between them , but eve put a hand in the center of his chest and held him back . you know me , do n't you ? he stared at her with utterly blank eyes , and then shoved her out of his way . hannah sent claire a quick , commanding look . `` get help . i 'll try to hold him . '' claire hesitated , but hannah was without any doubt better equipped to handle a potentially hostile michael than she was .
[["know", 9], ["knowest", 9], ["order", 25], ["orderest", 25], ["orders", 25], ["keep", 33], ["keepest", 33], ["thing", 40], ["things", 40], ["low", 44], ["lowed", 44], ["profile", 52], ["damn", 63], ["damned", 63], ["ridiculous", 84], ["dean", 104], ["deans", 104], ["office", 114], ["claire", 126], ["point", 134], ["pointed", 134], ["eve", 140], ["steer", 148], ["steerest", 148], ["steered", 148], ["car", 156], ["around", 163], ["wind", 175], ["winding", 175], ["curve", 182], ["curved", 182], ["curves", 182], ["past", 189], ["dorm", 195], ["dorms", 195], ["lecture", 207], ["hall", 213], ["halls", 213], ["pull", 226], ["pulled", 226], ["stop", 239], ["nearly", 253], ["desert", 262], ["deserted", 262], ["lot", 266], ["front", 275], ["administration", 297], ["build", 306], ["building", 306], ["two", 323], ["twos", 323], ["police", 330], ["cruisers", 339], ["bunch", 359], ["bunchest", 359], ["black", 368], ["jeep", 374], ["jeeps", 374], ["civilian", 398], ["civilians", 398], ["car", 403], ["cars", 403], ["walk", 431], ["walked", 431], ["step", 444], ["steps", 444], ["realize", 478], ["realized", 478], ["guard", 505], ["guards", 505], ["outside", 513], ["main", 525], ["door", 530], ["hannah", 539], ["guy", 563], ["guys", 563], ["repeat", 582], ["repeatest", 582], ["repeated", 582], ["name", 594], ["names", 594], ["credential", 610], ["credentials", 610], ["brief", 630], ["briefing", 630], ["impersonal", 643], ["search", 650], ["allow", 670], ["allowed", 670], ["inside", 677], ["last", 688], ["time", 693], ["add", 733], ["adding", 733], ["drop", 746], ["dropping", 746], ["class", 754], ["classest", 754], ["classing", 754], ["classes", 754], ["full", 787], ["grumpy", 797], ["bureaucrat", 809], ["bureaucrats", 809], ["anxious", 821], ["anxiousest", 821], ["student", 830], ["students", 830], ["move", 843], ["moving", 843], ["hectic", 855], ["pace", 860], ["quiet", 884], ["people", 899], ["desk", 919], ["desks", 919], ["see", 965], ["employee", 989], ["employees", 989], 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["paintings", 1967], ["dim", 1975], ["dimmed", 1975], ["lit", 1982], ["light", 1982], ["lights", 1982], ["window", 1996], ["windows", 1996], ["cover", 2009], ["covered", 2009], ["velvet", 2027], ["curtain", 2036], ["curtaining", 2036], ["curtains", 2036], ["music", 2058], ["musics", 2058], ["playing", 2066], ["classical", 2079], ["course", 2091], ["imagine", 2118], ["anybody", 2126], ["ever", 2137], ["everest", 2137], ["switch", 2144], ["switching", 2144], ["station", 2156], ["rock", 2164], ["ms", 2177], ["nance", 2184], ["woman", 2199], ["womans", 2199], ["say", 2204], ["sayest", 2204], ["said", 2204], ["stand", 2216], ["stood", 2216], ["standest", 2216], ["offer", 2225], ["hand", 2234], ["turn", 2258], ["even", 2277], ["evens", 2277], ["hesitate", 2286], ["intimidate", 2313], ["intimidated", 2313], ["tall", 2342], ["thin", 2349], ["thins", 2349], ["gray", 2356], ["grays", 2356], ["dress", 2370], ["dressest", 2370], ["dressed", 2370], ["tailor", 2384], ["tailorest", 2384], ["tailored", 2384], ["suit", 2394], ["suited", 2394], ["lit", 2409], ["light", 2409], ["blouse", 2421], ["jacket", 2438], ["jacketed", 2438], ["hair", 2450], ["curl", 2457], ["curls", 2457], ["curled", 2457], ["exact", 2468], ["wave", 2474], ["waved", 2474], ["waves", 2474], ["shoe", 2507], ["shoed", 2507], ["shoes", 2507], ["bet", 2521], ["fashionable", 2543], ["yet", 2560], ["somehow", 2568], ["sensible", 2577], ["wallace", 2617], ["need", 2640], ["needest", 2640], ["michael", 2655], ["think", 2675], ["thinkest", 2675], ["person", 2694], ["expression", 2717], ["froze", 2723], ["freeze", 2723], ["frozen", 2723], ["freezing", 2723], ["horrible", 2759], ["dread", 2765], ["eye", 2777], ["eyed", 2777], ["eyes", 2777], ["see", 2795], ["seeing", 2795], ["let", 2818], ["lets", 2818], ["cut", 2825], ["crap", 2834], ["crapped", 2834], ["glass", 2871], ["narrow", 2903], ["narrowed", 2903], ["pale", 2920], ["blue", 2925], ["kind", 2963], ["jean", 2985], ["jeans", 2985], ["left", 2990], ["leave", 2990], ["sun", 3001], ["suns", 3001], ["sunned", 3001], ["mr", 3009], ["conference", 3033], ["conferencing", 3033], ["afraid", 3078], ["far", 3120], ["open", 3145], ["opened", 3145], ["come", 3164], ["came", 3164], ["heart", 3186], ["practically", 3198], ["melt", 3205], ["meltest", 3205], ["melted", 3205], ["relief", 3217], ["reliefs", 3217], ["okay", 3235], ["close", 3259], ["closed", 3259], ["straight", 3288], ["man", 3306], ["mans", 3306], ["manned", 3306], ["mission", 3319], ["flatfooted", 3375], ["mouth", 3383], ["mouthed", 3383], ["open", 3388], ["fear", 3395], ["fearest", 3395], ["dawn", 3403], ["dawnest", 3403], ["dawning", 3403], ["great", 3476], ["three", 3509], ["take", 3522], ["took", 3522], ["pursuit", 3537], ["help", 3549], ["helpest", 3549], ["helped", 3549], ["run", 3587], ["running", 3587], ["purpose", 3616], ["edge", 3639], ["edges", 3639], ["edged", 3639], ["block", 3670], ["blocks", 3670], ["blocked", 3670], ["path", 3679], ["sense", 3752], ["sensed", 3752], ["obstacle", 3764], ["pause", 3788], ["paused", 3788], ["dammit", 3827], ["tranquilizer", 3864], ["tranquilizers", 3864], ["ca", 3886], ["cas", 3886], ["go", 3893], ["goest", 3893], ["already", 3919], ["morning", 3927], ["listen", 3952], ["listens", 3952], ["listening", 3952], ["try", 4013], ["tryed", 4013], ["tried", 4013], ["push", 4021], ["put", 4048], ["center", 4069], ["chest", 4082], ["hold", 4091], ["held", 4091], ["back", 4100], ["stare", 4139], ["stared", 4139], ["utterly", 4159], ["blank", 4165], ["blanks", 4165], ["shove", 4188], ["shoved", 4188], ["way", 4207], ["ways", 4207], ["send", 4221], ["sent", 4221], ["quick", 4236], ["command", 4249], ["commanding", 4249], ["look", 4254], ["get", 4263], ["help", 4268], ["helpest", 4268], ["try", 4280], ["tryed", 4280], ["hold", 4288], ["hesitate", 4314], ["hesitated", 4314], ["without", 4339], ["doubt", 4349], ["well", 4356], ["wells", 4356], ["equip", 4365], ["equipped", 4365], ["handle", 4375], ["potentially", 4389], ["hostile", 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she turned and ran , past startled desk jockeys and coffeebearing civil servants , and slid to a stop in front of one of the blackuniformed soldiers . `` richard morrell , '' she blurted . the soldier did n't hesitate . he grabbed the radio clipped to his shoulder and said , `` admin to morrell . '' `` morrell , go . '' the soldier unclipped the radio and silently offered it to claire . she took it -- it was heavier than the walkietalkies -- and pressed the button to talk . we need to stop michael and anybody else ... '' how could she say vampire without actually saying it ? `` anybody else with a sun allergy from going outside . '' `` why the hell would they be -- '' `` i do n't know ! they just are ! '' the image of officer o'malley on fire leaped into her mind , and she caught her breath on a sob . they 're going out in the sun . '' `` give the radio back , '' he ordered . she handed it to the blackuniformed man . `` i need you to go with this girl and help her . he clicked off the radio and looked down at claire . she led the way back toward the hallway . as they reached it , there was a crash of glass , and hannah came flying out to land flat on her back , blinking . michael walked over her . eve was hauling on his arm , trying to hold him back , but he shook her off . `` we ca n't let him get outside ! '' she tried to grab him , but it was like grabbing a freight train . she 'd forgotten how strong he was now . `` out of the way , '' the soldier said , and pulled a handgun from a holster at his side . `` no , do n't -- '' the bureaucrats scattered , hiding under their desks , dropping their coffee to hug the carpet . the soldier sighted on michael 's chest , and fired three times in quick succession . instead of the loud bangs claire had been expecting , there were soft compressedair coughs . and three darts feathered michael 's chest , clustered above his heart . he still took three steps toward the soldier before collapsing in slow motion to his knees , and then onto his face . `` all clear , '' the soldier said . he took hold of michael , turned him over , and yanked out the darts . `` he 'll be under for about an hour , probably no longer than that . let 's get him to the dean 's office . '' hannah wiped a trickle of blood from her mouth , coughed , and rolled to her feet . she and eve helped claire grab michael 's shoulders and feet , and they carried him down the hallway , past paintings that were going to need some major repair and reframing , past splintered panels and broken glass , into ms. nance 's office . ms. nance took one look at them and moved smartly to the door marked with a discreet brass plaque that said dean wallace . she rapped and opened the door for them to carry michael through . dean wallace was a woman , which was kind of a surprise to claire . she 'd been expecting a pudgy , middleaged man ; this dean wallace was tall , graceful , thin , and a whole lot younger than claire would have imagined . she had straight brown hair worn long around her shoulders , and a simple black suit that was almost the negative image of ms. nance 's , only somehow less formal . it looked ... lived in . dean wallace 's lips parted , but she did n't ask a question . she checked herself , then nodded at the leather couch on the far side of the room , across from her massive desk . `` right , put him there . '' she had a british accent , too . definitely not a texas girl . `` whatever it is , it 's happening all over , '' hannah said as they arranged michael 's unconscious body on the sofa . `` they 're just taking off . it 's like they do n't even know or care the sun 's up . some kind of homing signal just gets switched on . '' dean wallace thought for a second , then pressed a button on her desk . `` ms. nance ? i need a bulletin to go out through the emergency communication system . all vampires on campus should be immediately restrained or tranquilized . this is priority one . '' she frowned as she got the acknowledgment , and looked up at their little group . `` michael seemed very rational , and there was no warning this would happen . i just thought he had somewhere to go . he did n't seem odd , at least at first . '' `` how many other vampires on campus ? '' `` some professors of course , but they 're mostly not here at the moment , since they teach at night . no students , obviously . apart from the ones michael and richard brought in , we have perhaps five in total on the grounds .
[["turn", 10], ["turned", 10], ["run", 18], ["ran", 18], ["past", 25], ["desk", 39], ["jockey", 47], ["jockeys", 47], ["jockeying", 47], ["civil", 71], ["civils", 71], ["servant", 80], ["servants", 80], ["slid", 91], ["stop", 101], ["front", 110], ["soldier", 148], ["soldiered", 148], ["soldiers", 148], ["richard", 161], ["richards", 161], ["blurt", 186], ["blurted", 186], ["soldier", 200], ["soldiered", 200], ["hesitate", 217], ["grab", 230], ["grabbed", 230], ["radio", 240], ["clip", 248], ["clipped", 248], ["shoulder", 264], ["shouldered", 264], ["say", 273], ["sayest", 273], ["said", 273], ["admin", 284], ["go", 316], ["goest", 316], ["unclipped", 343], ["unclipping", 343], ["silently", 366], ["offer", 374], ["offered", 374], ["claire", 387], ["take", 398], ["took", 398], ["heavy", 419], ["heavier", 419], ["heavies", 419], ["press", 457], ["pressed", 457], ["button", 468], ["buttoning", 468], ["talk", 476], ["need", 486], ["needest", 486], ["michael", 502], ["anybody", 514], ["else", 519], ["say", 544], ["sayest", 544], ["vampire", 552], ["without", 560], ["say", 576], ["sayest", 576], ["saying", 576], ["sun", 608], ["suns", 608], ["sunned", 608], ["allergy", 616], ["go", 627], ["goest", 627], ["going", 627], ["outside", 635], ["hell", 656], ["hells", 656], ["know", 693], ["knowest", 693], ["image", 724], ["imaged", 724], ["imaging", 724], ["officer", 735], ["officering", 735], ["fire", 752], ["leap", 759], ["leaps", 759], ["leaping", 759], ["leaped", 759], ["mind", 773], ["minding", 773], ["catch", 790], ["catched", 790], ["catches", 790], ["caught", 790], ["breath", 801], ["breathest", 801], ["sob", 810], ["sobs", 810], ["sobbed", 810], ["give", 855], ["back", 870], ["order", 886], ["orderest", 886], ["ordered", 886], ["hand", 899], ["handed", 899], ["man", 928], ["mans", 928], ["manned", 928], ["girl", 965], ["help", 974], ["helpest", 974], ["click", 991], ["clicked", 991], ["look", 1016], ["looked", 1016], ["lead", 1041], ["leaded", 1041], ["led", 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["bureaucrat", 1569], ["bureaucrats", 1569], ["scatter", 1579], ["scattered", 1579], ["hide", 1588], ["hides", 1588], ["desk", 1606], ["desks", 1606], ["drop", 1617], ["dropping", 1617], ["coffee", 1630], ["hug", 1637], ["carpet", 1648], ["sight", 1670], ["sighted", 1670], ["chest", 1690], ["fire", 1702], ["fired", 1702], ["three", 1708], ["time", 1714], ["times", 1714], ["quick", 1723], ["succession", 1734], ["instead", 1744], ["loud", 1756], ["bang", 1762], ["bangs", 1762], ["expect", 1788], ["expecting", 1788], ["soft", 1806], ["cough", 1827], ["coughs", 1827], ["dart", 1845], ["darted", 1845], ["darts", 1845], ["feather", 1855], ["feathered", 1855], ["cluster", 1884], ["clustered", 1884], ["heart", 1900], ["still", 1911], ["step", 1928], ["steps", 1928], ["collapse", 1965], ["collapsing", 1965], ["slow", 1973], ["motion", 1980], ["knee", 1993], ["knees", 1993], ["onto", 2009], ["ontos", 2009], ["face", 2018], ["clear", 2033], ["clearest", 2033], ["yank", 2112], ["yanks", 2112], ["yanked", 2112], ["hour", 2165], ["probably", 2176], ["long", 2186], ["longs", 2186], ["dean", 2225], ["deans", 2225], ["office", 2235], ["wipe", 2253], ["wiped", 2253], ["trickle", 2263], ["blood", 2272], ["bloods", 2272], ["blooded", 2272], ["mouth", 2287], ["mouthed", 2287], ["cough", 2297], ["coughed", 2297], ["roll", 2310], ["rolled", 2310], ["foot", 2322], ["feet", 2322], ["help", 2343], ["helpest", 2343], ["helped", 2343], ["shoulder", 2376], ["shouldered", 2376], ["shoulders", 2376], ["carry", 2404], ["carried", 2404], ["painting", 2442], ["paintings", 2442], ["major", 2477], ["repair", 2484], ["panel", 2523], ["paneling", 2523], ["panelling", 2523], ["panels", 2523], ["ms", 2550], ["nance", 2557], ["look", 2593], ["move", 2611], ["moved", 2611], ["smartly", 2619], ["door", 2631], ["mark", 2638], ["marks", 2638], ["marked", 2638], ["discreet", 2654], ["brass", 2660], ["plaque", 2667], ["wallace", 2690], ["rap", 2703], ["rapped", 2703], ["rapping", 2703], ["open", 2714], ["opened", 2714], ["carry", 2741], ["woman", 2784], ["womans", 2784], ["kind", 2801], ["surprise", 2815], ["surprised", 2815], ["pudgy", 2857], ["tall", 2903], ["graceful", 2914], ["thin", 2921], ["thins", 2921], ["whole", 2935], ["wholes", 2935], ["lot", 2939], ["young", 2947], ["youngest", 2947], ["imagine", 2979], ["imagined", 2979], ["straight", 2998], ["brown", 3004], ["browns", 3004], ["hair", 3009], ["wear", 3014], ["worn", 3014], ["long", 3019], ["longs", 3019], ["around", 3026], ["simple", 3055], ["simplest", 3055], ["black", 3061], ["suit", 3066], ["suited", 3066], ["almost", 3082], ["negative", 3095], ["somehow", 3132], ["less", 3137], ["formal", 3144], ["live", 3166], ["lived", 3166], ["lip", 3192], ["lipped", 3192], ["lips", 3192], ["part", 3199], ["parting", 3199], ["parted", 3199], ["ask", 3221], ["question", 3232], ["check", 3246], ["checked", 3246], ["nod", 3268], ["nodded", 3268], ["leather", 3283], ["couch", 3289], ["couchest", 3289], ["far", 3300], ["room", 3317], ["roomed", 3317], ["across", 3326], ["massive", 3343], ["right", 3359], ["rightest", 3359], ["put", 3365], ["british", 3398], ["accent", 3405], ["accenting", 3405], ["definitely", 3424], ["texas", 3436], ["whatever", 3455], ["happen", 3479], ["happening", 3479], ["arrange", 3522], ["arranging", 3522], ["arranged", 3522], ["unconscious", 3545], ["body", 3550], ["bodied", 3550], ["sofa", 3562], ["take", 3588], ["taking", 3588], ["even", 3622], ["evens", 3622], ["care", 3635], ["signal", 3678], ["get", 3688], ["gets", 3688], ["switch", 3697], ["switching", 3697], ["switched", 3697], ["think", 3726], ["thinkest", 3726], ["thought", 3726], ["second", 3739], ["seconded", 3739], ["bulletin", 3810], ["emergency", 3842], ["communication", 3856], ["system", 3863], ["vampire", 3878], ["vampires", 3878], ["campus", 3888], ["immediately", 3910], ["restrain", 3921], ["restrains", 3921], ["restrained", 3921], ["tranquilize", 3937], ["tranquilizing", 3937], ["tranquilized", 3937], ["priority", 3956], ["frown", 3977], ["frowns", 3977], ["frowned", 3977], ["get", 3988], ["got", 3988], ["acknowledgment", 4007], ["little", 4039], ["group", 4045], ["seem", 4065], ["seeming", 4065], ["seemed", 4065], ["rational", 4079], ["warning", 4106], ["happen", 4124], ["somewhere", 4158], ["seem", 4182], ["seeming", 4182], ["odd", 4186], ["least", 4197], ["leastest", 4197], ["first", 4206], ["firstest", 4206], ["many", 4223], ["professor", 4272], ["professors", 4272], ["course", 4282], ["mostly", 4304], ["moment", 4327], ["since", 4335], ["teach", 4346], ["night", 4355], ["student", 4369], ["students", 4369], ["obviously", 4381], ["apart", 4389], ["bring", 4431], ["brought", 4431], ["perhaps", 4452], ["five", 4457], ["fived", 4457], ["total", 4466], ["ground", 4481], ["grounds", 4481]]
more were here earlier , but they headed for shelter before sunrise , off campus . '' dean wallace seemed calm , even in the face of all this . `` you 're claire danvers ? '' `` yes ma'am , '' she said , and shook the hand dean wallace offered her . `` i had a talk with your patron recently regarding your progress . despite your -- challenges , you have done excellent course work . '' it was stupid to feel pleased about that , but claire could n't help it . she felt herself blush , and shook her head . `` i do n't think that matters very much right now . '' `` on the contrary , it matters a great deal , i believe . '' eve settled herself down next to the sofa , holding michael 's limp hand . hannah leaned against the wall and nodded to the soldier as he exited the office . `` so , '' she said , `` want to explain to me how you can have half the u.s. army walking the perimeter and not have massive student panic ? '' `` we 've told all students and their parents that the university is cooperating in a government emergency drill , and of course that all weapons are nonlethal . which is quite true , so far as it goes . the issue of keeping students on campus is a bit trickier , but we 've managed so far by linking it to the emergency drills . ca n't go on for long , though . the local kids are already well informed , and it 's only a matter of time before the outoftown students begin to realize that we 're having them on when they ca n't get word out to their friends and relatives . we 're filtering all internet and phone access , of course . '' dean wallace shook her head . `` but that 's my problem , not yours , and yours is much more pressing . we ca n't knock out every vampire in town , and we ca n't keep them knocked out in any case . '' `` not enough happy juice in the world , '' hannah agreed . `` we need to either stop this at its source , or get the heck out of their way . '' there was a soft knock on the door , and ms. nance stepped in . `` richard morrell , '' she announced , and moved aside for him . monica 's brother looked like about fifty miles of bad road -- exhausted , redeyed , pale , running on caffeine and adrenaline . just like the rest of them , she supposed . as ms. nance quietly closed the door behind him , richard strode forward , staring at michael 's limp body . his voice sounded rough , too , as if he 'd been yelling . `` sleeping the sleep of the just , '' hannah said . `` or the just drugged , anyway . radio . '' she 'd forgotten about the backpack still slung over her shoulder . she quickly took out the last radio and handed it over , explaining what it was for . `` i think this calls for a strategy meeting , '' he said , and pulled up a chair next to the couch . hannah and claire took seats as well , but eve stayed where she was , by michael , as if she did n't want to leave him even for a moment . dean wallace sat behind her desk , fingers steepled , watching with interested calm . `` i put in the code , right ? '' he was already doing it , so claire just nodded . a signal bleeped to show he was logged on the network . `` richard morrell , university , checking in . '' after a few seconds , a voice answered . `` check , richard , you 're the last station to report . stand by for a bulletin . '' there were a few clicks , and then another voice came over the radio . i am broadcasting to all on the network with emergency orders . restrain every vampire allied to us that you can find , by whatever means necessary . locked rooms , chains , tranquilizers , cells , use what you have . until we know how and why this is happening , we must take every precaution during the day . it seems that some of us have resistance to the call , and others have immunity , but this could change at any time . from this point forward , we will conduct hourly calls , and each location will report status . university station , report . richard clicked the talk button . `` michael glass and all the other vampires in our group are being restrained . we 've got student containment here , but it wo n't last . we 'll have to open the gates no later than tomorrow morning , if we can keep it together until then . even with the phone and internet blackout , somebody 's going to get word out . '' `` we 're following the plan , '' oliver said . `` we 're taking the cell towers down in ten minutes , until further notice . phone lines are already cut . the only communication from this point forward will be strategic , using the radios . `` whip and a chair ? we 're fine here for now .
[["early", 22], ["head", 40], ["headed", 40], ["shelter", 52], ["sunrise", 67], ["campus", 80], ["dean", 90], ["deans", 90], ["wallace", 98], ["seem", 105], ["seeming", 105], ["seemed", 105], ["calm", 110], ["calms", 110], ["even", 117], ["evens", 117], ["face", 129], ["claire", 161], ["danvers", 169], ["yes", 181], ["madam", 187], ["madams", 187], ["say", 201], ["sayest", 201], ["said", 201], ["shake", 213], ["shook", 213], ["hand", 222], ["offer", 243], ["offered", 243], ["talk", 265], ["patron", 282], ["recently", 291], ["regard", 301], ["regarding", 301], ["progress", 315], ["despite", 325], ["challenge", 344], ["challenges", 344], ["excellent", 370], ["course", 377], ["work", 382], ["wrought", 382], ["stupid", 401], ["feel", 409], ["pleased", 417], ["help", 456], ["helpest", 456], ["feel", 470], ["felt", 470], ["blush", 484], ["blushes", 484], ["head", 505], ["think", 525], ["thinkest", 525], ["matter", 538], ["mattering", 538], ["matters", 538], ["much", 548], ["right", 554], ["rightest", 554], ["contrary", 582], ["great", 603], ["deal", 608], ["believe", 620], ["eve", 629], ["settle", 637], ["settled", 637], ["next", 655], ["sofa", 667], ["hold", 677], ["holding", 677], ["michael", 685], ["limp", 693], ["limps", 693], ["limping", 693], ["hannah", 707], ["lean", 714], ["leans", 714], ["leaned", 714], ["wall", 731], ["nod", 742], ["nodded", 742], ["soldier", 757], ["soldiered", 757], ["exit", 770], ["exited", 770], ["office", 781], ["explain", 824], ["half", 852], ["army", 866], ["walk", 874], ["walking", 874], ["perimeter", 888], ["massive", 909], ["student", 917], ["panic", 923], ["tell", 943], ["told", 943], ["student", 956], ["students", 956], ["parent", 974], ["parents", 974], ["university", 994], ["cooperate", 1009], ["cooperating", 1009], ["government", 1025], ["emergency", 1035], ["drill", 1041], ["drilling", 1041], ["weapon", 1074], ["weapons", 1074], ["nonlethal", 1088], ["quite", 1105], ["true", 1110], ["far", 1119], ["go", 1130], ["goest", 1130], 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1747], ["knockest", 1747], ["knocked", 1747], ["enough", 1782], ["happy", 1788], ["juice", 1794], ["juicing", 1794], ["world", 1807], ["agree", 1826], ["agreed", 1826], ["need", 1839], ["needest", 1839], ["either", 1849], ["stop", 1854], ["source", 1873], ["heck", 1891], ["way", 1908], ["ways", 1908], ["soft", 1930], ["door", 1948], ["ms", 1957], ["nance", 1964], ["step", 1972], ["stepped", 1972], ["richard", 1988], ["richards", 1988], ["announce", 2015], ["announced", 2015], ["move", 2027], ["moved", 2027], ["aside", 2033], ["monica", 2050], ["brother", 2061], ["brethren", 2061], ["look", 2068], ["looked", 2068], ["like", 2073], ["fifty", 2085], ["mile", 2091], ["miles", 2091], ["bad", 2098], ["road", 2103], ["redeye", 2126], ["pale", 2133], ["run", 2143], ["running", 2143], ["caffeine", 2155], ["adrenaline", 2170], ["rest", 2191], ["suppose", 2214], ["supposed", 2214], ["quietly", 2237], ["close", 2244], ["closed", 2244], ["behind", 2260], ["forward", 2289], ["forwarding", 2289], ["forwardest", 2289], ["stare", 2299], ["stared", 2299], ["staring", 2299], ["body", 2323], ["bodied", 2323], ["voice", 2335], ["sound", 2343], ["sounded", 2343], ["rough", 2349], ["roughs", 2349], ["roughest", 2349], ["roughing", 2349], ["yell", 2382], ["yelling", 2382], ["sleep", 2396], ["slept", 2396], ["sleeps", 2396], ["sleepest", 2396], ["sleeping", 2396], ["sleep", 2406], ["slept", 2406], ["sleeps", 2406], ["sleepest", 2406], ["drug", 2460], ["drugged", 2460], ["anyway", 2469], ["radio", 2477], ["forget", 2499], ["forgot", 2499], ["forgotten", 2499], ["backpack", 2518], ["backpacking", 2518], ["still", 2524], ["sling", 2530], ["slung", 2530], ["shoulder", 2548], ["shouldered", 2548], ["quickly", 2562], ["take", 2567], ["took", 2567], ["last", 2580], ["hand", 2597], ["handed", 2597], ["explain", 2618], ["explaining", 2618], ["call", 2658], ["calls", 2658], ["strategy", 2673], ["meeting", 2681], ["pull", 2707], ["pulled", 2707], ["chair", 2718], ["chairing", 2718], ["couch", 2736], ["couchest", 2736], ["seat", 2767], ["seats", 2767], ["stay", 2792], ["stayed", 2792], ["left", 2853], ["leave", 2853], ["moment", 2875], ["sat", 2894], ["sit", 2894], ["desk", 2910], ["finger", 2920], ["fingers", 2920], ["steeple", 2929], ["steepled", 2929], ["watch", 2940], ["watching", 2940], ["interested", 2956], ["put", 2972], ["code", 2984], ["signal", 3056], ["bleep", 3064], ["bleeping", 3064], ["show", 3072], ["log", 3086], ["logs", 3086], ["logged", 3086], ["network", 3101], ["networked", 3101], ["networking", 3101], ["check", 3146], ["checking", 3146], ["second", 3174], ["seconded", 3174], ["seconds", 3174], ["answer", 3193], ["answeres", 3193], ["answerest", 3193], ["answered", 3193], ["check", 3204], ["station", 3241], ["report", 3251], ["stand", 3259], ["stood", 3259], ["standest", 3259], ["bulletin", 3277], ["click", 3306], ["clicks", 3306], ["another", 3325], ["come", 3336], ["came", 3336], ["broadcast", 3371], ["broadcasted", 3371], ["order", 3415], ["orderest", 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["restrain", 4020], ["restrains", 4020], ["restrained", 4020], ["get", 4033], ["got", 4033], ["containment", 4053], ["wo", 4070], ["open", 4101], ["gate", 4111], ["gates", 4111], ["later", 4120], ["tomorrow", 4134], ["tomorrows", 4134], ["morning", 4142], ["together", 4171], ["blackout", 4226], ["go", 4246], ["goest", 4246], ["going", 4246], ["follow", 4287], ["following", 4287], ["plan", 4296], ["oliver", 4308], ["take", 4332], ["taking", 4332], ["cell", 4341], ["tower", 4348], ["towered", 4348], ["towerest", 4348], ["towers", 4348], ["ten", 4360], ["minute", 4368], ["minutes", 4368], ["notice", 4391], ["line", 4405], ["lines", 4405], ["cut", 4421], ["communication", 4446], ["strategic", 4488], ["strategics", 4488], ["use", 4496], ["using", 4496], ["radio", 4507], ["radios", 4507], ["whip", 4517], ["fine", 4543]]
i do n't think anybody will try a daylight assault , not with as many guards as we have here . '' richard hesitated , then keyed the mike again . `` oliver , i 've been hearing things . i think there are some factions out there forming . human factions . could complicate things . '' oliver was silent for a moment , then said , `` yes , i understand . we 'll deal with that as it arises . '' oliver moved on to the next station on his list , which was the glass house . monica reported in , which was annoying . claire resisted the urge to grind her teeth . it was a quick summary , at least , and as more founder houses reported in , the situation seemed the same : some vampires were responding to the homing signal , and some were n't . richard morrell was staring thoughtfully into the distance , and finally , when all the reports were finished , he clicked the button again . `` oliver , it 's richard . what happens if you start going zombie on us ? '' `` i wo n't , '' oliver said . `` if you do . who takes over ? '' oliver obviously did n't want to think about this , and claire could hear the barely suppressed fury in his voice when he replied . `` i do n't care how you organize it . if we have to hand the defense of morganville over to mere humans , we 've already lost . oliver signing out . next checkin , one hour from now . '' the walkietalkie clicked off . `` that went well , '' dean wallace observed . `` he 's named you heir apparent to the apocalypse . `` yeah , it 's one hell of a field promotion . '' `` let 's find a place for michael . '' `` we have some storage areas in the basement -- steel doors , no windows . that 's where they 'll take the others . '' i want to move him to the jail as soon as we can , centralize the containment . '' claire looked at eve , and then at michael 's sleeping face , and thought about him alone in a cell -- because what else could you call it ? locked away like myrnin . she wondered if he 'd felt this weird pull , too , and if he had , whether or not they 'd been able to stop him from taking off . probably not , if he 'd been determined to go running off . myrnin was one of those unstoppable forces , and unless he met an immovable object ... she sighed and helped carry michael down the hall , past the stunned bureaucrats , to his temporary holding cell . life went on , weirdly enough -- human life , anyway . people began to venture out , clean up the streets , retrieve things from burned and trashed houses . the police began to establish order again . but there were things happening . people gathering in groups on street corners . claire did n't like what she saw , and she could tell that hannah and eve did n't , either . they cruised around for a while , and passed bulletins back to oliver on the groups they saw . the largest one was almost a hundred people , forming up in the park . some guy claire did n't know had a loudspeaker . `` sal manetti , '' hannah said . `` always was a troublemaker . i think he was one of captain obvious 's guys for a while , but they had a fallingout . sal wanted a lot more killing and a lot less talking . '' it really was n't good how many people were out there listening to him . eve went back to common grounds to report in , and that was just when things started to go wrong . hannah was driving claire back home , after dropping off a trunk full of blood bags from the university storage vaults , when the radio claire had in her pocket began to chime for attention . she logged in with the code . as soon as she did , a blast of noise tumbled out of the speaker . she thought she heard something about oliver , but she was n't sure . her shouted questions were n't answered . it was as if someone had pressed the button by accident , in the middle of a fight , and everybody was too busy to answer . then the broadcast went dead . claire exchanged a look with hannah . `` better -- '' `` go to common grounds ? when they arrived , the first thing claire saw was the broken glass . the shutters were up , and two front windows had been shattered out , not in ; there were sprays of broken pieces all the way to the curb . claire blurted , and bailed before hannah could tell her to stay put . she hit the front door of the coffee shop at a run , but it did n't open , and she banged into it hard enough to bruise . `` will you wait ? '' hannah snapped , and grabbed her arm as she tried to duck in through one of the broken windows . `` you 're going to get yourself cut .
[["think", 14], ["thinkest", 14], ["anybody", 22], ["try", 31], ["tryed", 31], ["daylight", 42], ["assault", 50], ["many", 69], ["guard", 76], ["guards", 76], ["richard", 105], ["richards", 105], ["hesitate", 115], ["hesitated", 115], ["key", 128], ["keyed", 128], ["keyest", 128], ["mike", 137], ["mikes", 137], ["miked", 137], ["oliver", 155], ["hear", 176], ["hears", 176], ["hearing", 176], ["thing", 183], ["things", 183], ["faction", 217], ["factions", 217], ["form", 235], ["formest", 235], ["forming", 235], ["human", 243], ["complicate", 271], ["complicated", 271], ["complicates", 271], ["silent", 301], ["moment", 314], ["say", 326], ["sayest", 326], ["said", 326], ["yes", 335], ["understand", 350], ["understanded", 350], ["deal", 364], ["arise", 387], ["arisen", 387], ["arises", 387], ["move", 405], ["moved", 405], ["next", 420], ["station", 428], ["list", 440], ["glass", 462], ["house", 468], ["monica", 477], ["report", 486], ["reported", 486], ["annoying", 510], ["claire", 519], ["resist", 528], ["resistest", 528], ["resisted", 528], ["urge", 537], ["grind", 546], ["tooth", 556], ["teeth", 556], ["quick", 573], ["summary", 581], ["least", 592], ["leastest", 592], ["founder", 614], ["foundering", 614], ["house", 621], ["houses", 621], ["situation", 649], ["seem", 656], ["seeming", 656], ["seemed", 656], ["vampire", 681], ["vampires", 681], ["respond", 697], ["respondest", 697], ["responding", 697], ["signal", 718], ["stare", 768], ["stared", 768], ["staring", 768], ["thoughtfully", 781], ["distance", 799], ["distancing", 799], ["finally", 813], ["report", 836], ["reports", 836], ["finish", 850], ["finished", 850], ["click", 863], ["clicked", 863], ["button", 874], ["buttoning", 874], ["happen", 923], ["happens", 923], ["start", 936], ["go", 942], ["goest", 942], ["going", 942], ["zombie", 949], ["zombied", 949], ["wo", 968], ["take", 1016], ["takes", 1016], ["obviously", 1043], ["hear", 1100], ["hears", 1100], ["barely", 1111], ["suppress", 1122], ["suppresses", 1122], ["suppressed", 1122], ["fury", 1127], ["voice", 1140], ["reply", 1156], ["replied", 1156], ["care", 1175], ["organize", 1192], ["hand", 1216], ["defense", 1228], ["mere", 1256], ["human", 1263], ["humans", 1263], ["already", 1280], ["lose", 1285], ["lost", 1285], ["sign", 1302], ["hour", 1332], ["go", 1390], ["goest", 1390], ["went", 1390], ["well", 1395], ["wells", 1395], ["dean", 1405], ["deans", 1405], ["wallace", 1413], ["observe", 1422], ["observed", 1422], ["name", 1439], ["named", 1439], ["heir", 1448], ["apparent", 1457], ["apocalypse", 1475], ["yeah", 1485], ["hell", 1502], ["hells", 1502], ["field", 1513], ["fielding", 1513], ["promotion", 1523], ["let", 1535], ["lets", 1535], ["find", 1543], ["place", 1551], ["michael", 1563], ["storage", 1592], ["area", 1598], ["areas", 1598], ["basement", 1614], ["steel", 1623], ["door", 1629], ["doors", 1629], ["window", 1642], ["windows", 1642], ["take", 1672], ["move", 1703], ["jail", 1719], ["jails", 1719], ["jailing", 1719], ["jailest", 1719], ["soon", 1727], ["centralize", 1750], ["containment", 1766], ["look", 1785], ["looked", 1785], ["eve", 1792], ["sleep", 1826], ["slept", 1826], ["sleeps", 1826], ["sleepest", 1826], ["sleeping", 1826], ["face", 1831], ["think", 1845], ["thinkest", 1845], ["thought", 1845], ["alone", 1861], ["cell", 1871], ["else", 1892], ["call", 1907], ["lock", 1919], ["locked", 1919], ["away", 1924], ["like", 1929], ["wonder", 1951], ["wonderest", 1951], ["wondered", 1951], ["feel", 1965], ["felt", 1965], ["weird", 1976], ["pull", 1981], ["whether", 2013], ["able", 2038], ["abled", 2038], ["stop", 2046], ["take", 2062], ["taking", 2062], ["probably", 2077], ["go", 2114], ["goest", 2114], ["run", 2122], ["running", 2122], ["unstoppable", 2164], ["force", 2171], ["forces", 2171], ["unless", 2184], ["unlesss", 2184], ["meet", 2191], ["meeted", 2191], ["met", 2191], ["immovable", 2204], ["immovables", 2204], ["object", 2211], ["objected", 2211], ["objectest", 2211], ["objecting", 2211], ["sigh", 2226], ["sighest", 2226], ["sighed", 2226], ["help", 2237], ["helpest", 2237], ["helped", 2237], ["carry", 2243], ["hall", 2265], ["past", 2272], ["bureaucrat", 2296], ["bureaucrats", 2296], ["temporary", 2315], ["hold", 2323], ["holding", 2323], ["life", 2335], ["lifes", 2335], ["weirdly", 2353], ["enough", 2360], ["anyway", 2383], ["people", 2392], ["begin", 2398], ["began", 2398], ["venture", 2409], ["clean", 2421], ["cleans", 2421], ["street", 2436], ["streets", 2436], ["retrieve", 2447], ["police", 2498], ["establish", 2517], ["establishes", 2517], ["establishest", 2517], ["order", 2523], ["orderest", 2523], ["happen", 2563], ["happening", 2563], ["gather", 2582], ["gatherest", 2582], ["group", 2592], ["groups", 2592], ["street", 2602], ["corner", 2610], ["corners", 2610], ["see", 2645], ["saw", 2645], ["tell", 2666], ["hannah", 2678], ["either", 2703], ["cruise", 2718], ["cruised", 2718], ["around", 2725], ["pass", 2750], ["passed", 2750], ["bulletin", 2760], ["bulletins", 2760], ["back", 2765], ["large", 2812], ["largest", 2812], ["almost", 2827], ["hundred", 2837], ["park", 2869], ["parks", 2869], ["guy", 2880], ["know", 2900], ["knowest", 2900], ["loudspeaker", 2918], ["sal", 2927], ["always", 2964], ["troublemaker", 2983], ["captain", 3015], ["obvious", 3023], ["guy", 3031], ["guys", 3031], ["lot", 3090], ["killing", 3103], ["less", 3118], ["talk", 3126], ["talking", 3126], ["really", 3141], ["good", 3154], ["listen", 3195], ["listens", 3195], ["listening", 3195], ["common", 3228], ["commons", 3228], ["commonest", 3228], ["ground", 3236], ["grounds", 3236], ["report", 3246], ["start", 3289], ["started", 3289], ["wrong", 3301], ["drive", 3322], ["driving", 3322], ["home", 3339], ["homing", 3339], ["drop", 3356], ["dropping", 3356], ["trunk", 3368], ["full", 3373], ["blood", 3382], ["bloods", 3382], ["blooded", 3382], ["bag", 3387], ["bagged", 3387], ["bagging", 3387], ["bags", 3387], ["university", 3407], ["vault", 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["shuttered", 4022], ["shuttering", 4022], ["shutters", 4022], ["two", 4040], ["twos", 4040], ["front", 4046], ["shatter", 4073], ["shattered", 4073], ["spray", 4106], ["sprayed", 4106], ["sprays", 4106], ["piece", 4123], ["pieced", 4123], ["pieces", 4123], ["way", 4135], ["ways", 4135], ["curb", 4147], ["curbs", 4147], ["curbed", 4147], ["curbest", 4147], ["blurt", 4164], ["blurted", 4164], ["bail", 4177], ["bails", 4177], ["bailing", 4177], ["bailed", 4177], ["stay", 4214], ["put", 4218], ["hit", 4228], ["door", 4243], ["coffee", 4257], ["shop", 4262], ["run", 4271], ["open", 4293], ["bang", 4310], ["banged", 4310], ["hard", 4323], ["bruise", 4340], ["wait", 4359], ["waitest", 4359], ["snap", 4379], ["snapping", 4379], ["snapped", 4379], ["grab", 4393], ["grabbed", 4393], ["arm", 4401], ["try", 4414], ["tryed", 4414], ["tried", 4414], ["duck", 4422], ["get", 4485], ["cut", 4498]]
she used the paintball gun she carried to break out some of the hanging sharp edges , and before claire could dart ahead , she blocked the path and stepped over the low wooden sill . claire followed . hannah did n't try to stop her , probably because she knew better . `` oh man , '' hannah said . as claire climbed in after her , she saw that most of the tables and chairs were overturned or shoved out of place . broken crockery littered the floor . and people were down , lying motionless among the wreckage . hannah went from one to the other , quickly assessing their conditions . there were five down that claire could see . two of them made hannah shake her head in regret ; the other three were still alive , though wounded . there were no vampires in the coffee bar , and there was no sign of eve . claire ducked behind the curtain . more signs of a struggle . nobody left behind , alive or dead . she sucked in a deep breath and opened up the giant commercial refrigerator . it was full of blood bags , but no bodies . hannah asked at the curtain . `` nobody here , '' claire said . `` they left the blood , though . '' you 'd think they 'd need that more than anything . why attack the place if you 're not taking the good stuff ? '' hannah stared out into the coffee shop , her expression blank and distant . `` glass is broken out , not in . no sign anybody got in the doors , either front or back . i do n't think anybody attacked from the outside , claire . '' with a black , heavy feeling gathering in her stomach , claire swung the refrigerator door shut . `` you think the vampires fought to get out . '' `` oliver , too . '' `` oliver , myrnin , all of them . whatever bat signal was calling them got turned up to eleven , i think . '' `` then where 's eve ? '' it 's all guesswork . let 's get some boots on the ground and figure this thing out . '' she continued to stare outside . `` if they went out there , most of them could make it for a while in the sun , but they 'd be hurt . some could n't make it far at all . '' some , like the policeman claire had seen burn up in front of her , would already be gone . `` you think it 's mr . she asked , in a very small voice . three hours later , they did n't know much more , except that nothing they tried to do to keep the vampires from leaving seemed to work , apart from tranquilizing them and locking them up in sturdy cells . tracking those who did leave was n't much good , either . claire and hannah ended up at the glass house , which seemed like the best place to gather -- central to most things , and close to city hall in an emergency . richard morrell arrived , along with a few others , and set up shop in the kitchen . claire was trying to figure out what to do to feed everybody , when there was another knock at the door . it was gramma day . the old woman , straightbacked and proud , leaned on her cane and stared at claire from age faded eyes . `` i ai n't staying with my daughter , '' she said . `` i do n't want any part of that . '' claire quickly moved aside to let her in , and the old lady shuffled inside . as claire locked the door behind her , she asked , `` how did you get here ? '' `` walked , '' gramma said . `` i know how to use my feet just fine . nobody bothered me . '' nobody would dare , claire thought . `` young mr. richard ! richard morrell came out of the kitchen , looking very much younger than claire had ever seen him . gramma day had that effect on people . `` my fool daughter 's off her head , '' gramma said . `` i 'm not having any of it . move out of the way , boy . i 'm making you some lunch . '' and she tapped her cane right past him , into the kitchen , and clucked and fretted over the state of the kitchen while claire stood by , caught between giggles and horror . she was just a pair of hands , getting ordered around , but at the end of it there was a plate full of sandwiches and a big jug of iced tea , and everybody was seated around the kitchen table , except for gramma , who 'd gone off into the other room to rest . claire had hesitantly taken a chair , at richard 's nod . detectives joe hess and travis lowe were also present , and they were gratefully scarfing down food and drink . claire felt exhausted , but they looked a whole lot worse . tall , thin joe hess had his left arm in a sling -- broken , apparently , from the brace on it -- and both he and his rounder , heavier partner had cuts and bruises to prove they 'd been in a fight or two .
[["use", 8], ["used", 8], ["paintball", 22], ["gun", 26], ["carry", 38], ["carried", 38], ["broke", 47], ["break", 47], ["hang", 71], ["hung", 71], ["hangs", 71], ["hanging", 71], ["sharp", 77], ["sharps", 77], ["edge", 83], ["edges", 83], ["claire", 103], ["dart", 114], ["darted", 114], ["ahead", 120], ["block", 134], ["blocks", 134], ["blocked", 134], ["path", 143], ["step", 155], ["stepped", 155], ["low", 168], ["lowed", 168], ["wooden", 175], ["sill", 180], ["follow", 198], ["followed", 198], ["hannah", 207], ["try", 219], ["tryed", 219], ["stop", 227], ["probably", 242], ["know", 259], ["knowest", 259], ["knew", 259], ["well", 266], ["wells", 266], ["oh", 274], ["man", 278], ["mans", 278], ["manned", 278], ["say", 295], ["sayest", 295], ["said", 295], ["climb", 315], ["climbed", 315], ["see", 338], ["saw", 338], ["table", 362], ["tabled", 362], ["tabling", 362], ["tables", 362], ["chair", 373], ["chairing", 373], ["chairs", 373], ["overturn", 389], ["overturning", 389], 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["sandwich", 3912], ["sandwiches", 3912], ["big", 3922], ["bigs", 3922], ["jug", 3926], ["jugs", 3926], ["tea", 3938], ["teas", 3938], ["seat", 3965], ["seated", 3965], ["table", 3990], ["tabled", 3990], ["tabling", 3990], ["room", 4048], ["roomed", 4048], ["rest", 4056], ["hesitantly", 4080], ["take", 4086], ["taken", 4086], ["chair", 4094], ["chairing", 4094], ["nod", 4114], ["detective", 4127], ["detectives", 4127], ["joe", 4131], ["joes", 4131], ["hess", 4136], ["also", 4162], ["present", 4170], ["presentest", 4170], ["gratefully", 4197], ["scarf", 4206], ["scarfing", 4206], ["food", 4216], ["foods", 4216], ["drank", 4226], ["drink", 4226], ["drinking", 4226], ["feel", 4240], ["felt", 4240], ["look", 4268], ["looked", 4268], ["whole", 4276], ["wholes", 4276], ["lot", 4280], ["bad", 4286], ["worse", 4286], ["tall", 4293], ["thin", 4300], ["thins", 4300], ["arm", 4326], ["sling", 4337], ["slung", 4337], ["apparently", 4360], ["brace", 4377], ["braced", 4377], ["rounder", 4414], ["heavy", 4424], ["heavier", 4424], ["heavies", 4424], ["partner", 4432], ["cut", 4441], ["cuts", 4441], ["bruise", 4453], ["bruises", 4453], ["prof", 4462], ["prove", 4462], ["fight", 4486], ["fightest", 4486]]
`` so , '' hess said , `` any word on where the vampires are heading when they take off ? '' `` not so far , '' richard said . `` once we started tracking them , we could keep up only for a while , and then they lost us . '' `` are n't they hurt by the sun ? '' `` i mean -- '' `` they start smoking , not in the marlboro way , and then they start crisping , '' travis lowe said around a mouthful of turkey and swiss . `` the older ones , they can handle it okay , and anyway , they 're not just charging out there anymore . they 're putting on hats and coats and blankets . i saw one wrapped up in a spongebob rug from some kid 's bedroom , if you can believe that . it 's the younger vamps that are in trouble . some of them wo n't make it to the shade if they 're not careful . '' claire thought about michael , and her stomach lurched . before she even formed the question , richard saw her expression and shook his head . `` michael 's okay , '' he said . `` saw to it myself . he 's got himself a nice , secure jail cell , along with the other vampires we could catch before it was too late . he 's not as strong as some of the others . he ca n't bend steel with his bare hands . yet , anyway . '' `` any word on -- '' claire was wearing out the question , and richard did n't even let her finish it . `` no sign of eve , '' he said . `` no word from her . i 'd try to put a gps track on her phone , but we 'd have to bring the cell network up , and that 's too dangerous right now . i 've asked the guys on the street to keep an eye out for her , but we 've got a lot of things going on , claire . '' but -- '' she could n't put it into words , exactly . she just knew that somewhere , somehow , eve was in trouble , and they needed to find her . `` so , '' joe hess said , and stood up to look at a blownup map of morganville taped to the wall . `` this still accurate ? '' the map was covered in colored dots : blue for locations held by those loyal to amelie ; red for those loyal to bishop ; black for those burned or otherwise put out of commission , which accounted for three founder houses , the hospital , and the blood bank . `` pretty much , '' richard said . `` we do n't know if the vampires are leaving bishop 's locations , but we know they 're digging in , just like amelie 's folks . we can verify locations only where amelie 's people were supposed to be , and they 're gone from just about every location we 've got up in blue . '' `` where were they last seen ? '' richard consulted notes , and began to add yellow dots to the map . claire saw the pattern almost immediately . `` it 's the portals , '' she said . `` myrnin got the portals working again , somehow . that 's what they 're using . '' hess and lowe looked blank , but richard nodded . but where are they going ? '' `` could be anywhere . i do n't know all the places the portals go ; maybe myrnin and amelie do , but i do n't think anybody else does . '' but she felt unreasonably cheered by the idea that the vampires were n't out wandering out in the daylight , spontaneously combusting all over the place . she did n't want to see that happen to them ... not even to oliver . well , maybe to oliver , sometimes . the three men stared at her for a few seconds , then went back to studying the map , talking about perimeters and strategies for patrols , all kinds of things that claire did n't figure really involved her . she finished her sandwich and walked into the living room , where tiny , wizened little gramma day was sitting in an overstuffed wing chair with her feet up , talking to hannah . `` hey , little girl , '' gramma day said . `` sit yourself . '' claire perched , looking around the room . most of the vampires were gone , either confined to cells or locked away for safety ; some , they had n't been able to stop . she could n't seem to stop anxiously rubbing her hands together . shane was supposed to be here . richard morrell had said that they 'd arranged for the bloodmobile to switch drivers , and that meant shane would be coming soon for his rest period . gramma day was looking at her with distant sympathy in her faded eyes . `` you got cause , i expect . '' most adults tried to pretend it was all going to be okay . `` sure thing , sugar .
[["hess", 15], ["say", 20], ["sayest", 20], ["said", 20], ["word", 34], ["vampire", 56], ["vampires", 56], ["head", 68], ["heading", 68], ["take", 83], ["far", 106], ["richard", 119], ["richards", 119], ["start", 145], ["started", 145], ["track", 154], ["keep", 175], ["keepest", 175], ["lose", 216], ["lost", 216], ["hurt", 245], ["hurts", 245], ["hurting", 245], ["sun", 256], ["suns", 256], ["sunned", 256], ["mean", 271], ["meanest", 271], ["start", 291], ["smoke", 299], ["marlboro", 321], ["way", 325], ["ways", 325], ["crisp", 356], ["crisping", 356], ["around", 385], ["mouthful", 396], ["turkey", 406], ["swiss", 416], ["old", 431], ["handle", 454], ["okay", 462], ["anyway", 475], ["charge", 504], ["charging", 504], ["anymore", 522], ["put", 541], ["putting", 541], ["hat", 549], ["hatting", 549], ["hats", 549], ["coat", 559], ["coats", 559], ["blanket", 572], ["blankets", 572], ["see", 580], ["saw", 580], ["wrap", 592], ["wraps", 592], ["wrapping", 592], ["wrapped", 592], ["rug", 614], ["kid", 628], ["bedroom", 639], ["believe", 660], ["young", 685], ["youngest", 685], ["vamp", 691], ["vamped", 691], ["trouble", 711], ["troubling", 711], ["wo", 729], ["shade", 754], ["shaded", 754], ["careful", 778], ["claire", 790], ["think", 798], ["thinkest", 798], ["thought", 798], ["michael", 812], ["stomach", 830], ["stomachs", 830], ["stomaching", 830], ["lurch", 838], ["even", 856], ["evens", 856], ["form", 863], ["formest", 863], ["formed", 863], ["question", 876], ["expression", 905], ["shake", 915], ["shook", 915], ["head", 924], ["get", 992], ["got", 992], ["nice", 1007], ["secure", 1016], ["securest", 1016], ["jail", 1021], ["jails", 1021], ["jailing", 1021], ["jailest", 1021], ["cell", 1026], ["along", 1034], ["catch", 1073], ["catched", 1073], ["catches", 1073], ["late", 1096], ["lates", 1096], ["strong", 1118], ["ca", 1148], ["cas", 1148], ["bent", 1157], ["bend", 1157], ["steel", 1163], ["bare", 1177], ["hand", 1183], ["hands", 1183], ["yet", 1189], ["wear", 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["cover", 1901], ["covered", 1901], ["color", 1912], ["colored", 1912], ["dot", 1917], ["dotted", 1917], ["dots", 1917], ["blue", 1924], ["location", 1938], ["locations", 1938], ["hold", 1943], ["held", 1943], ["loyal", 1958], ["red", 1974], ["bishop", 2000], ["black", 2008], ["burn", 2025], ["burns", 2025], ["burned", 2025], ["otherwise", 2038], ["commission", 2060], ["account", 2078], ["accounted", 2078], ["three", 2088], ["founder", 2096], ["foundering", 2096], ["house", 2103], ["houses", 2103], ["hospital", 2118], ["blood", 2134], ["bloods", 2134], ["blooded", 2134], ["bank", 2139], ["pretty", 2151], ["prettiest", 2151], ["much", 2156], ["know", 2194], ["knowest", 2194], ["left", 2222], ["leave", 2222], ["leaving", 2222], ["dig", 2273], ["dug", 2273], ["digs", 2273], ["digest", 2273], ["digging", 2273], ["like", 2288], ["folk", 2304], ["folks", 2304], ["verify", 2320], ["people", 2358], ["suppose", 2372], ["supposed", 2372], ["go", 2398], ["goest", 2398], ["gone", 2398], ["every", 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3123], ["happen", 3135], ["oliver", 3166], ["well", 3173], ["wells", 3173], ["man", 3219], ["mans", 3219], ["manned", 3219], ["men", 3219], ["stare", 3226], ["stared", 3226], ["second", 3251], ["seconded", 3251], ["seconds", 3251], ["go", 3263], ["goest", 3263], ["went", 3263], ["back", 3268], ["study", 3280], ["studying", 3280], ["talk", 3298], ["talking", 3298], ["perimeter", 3315], ["perimeters", 3315], ["strategy", 3330], ["strategies", 3330], ["patrol", 3342], ["patrols", 3342], ["kind", 3354], ["kinds", 3354], ["figure", 3391], ["really", 3398], ["involve", 3407], ["involved", 3407], ["finish", 3426], ["finished", 3426], ["sandwich", 3439], ["sandwiches", 3439], ["walk", 3450], ["walked", 3450], ["room", 3471], ["roomed", 3471], ["tiny", 3484], ["wizened", 3494], ["wizening", 3494], ["little", 3501], ["gramma", 3508], ["day", 3512], ["sat", 3524], ["sit", 3524], ["sitting", 3524], ["wing", 3547], ["chair", 3553], ["chairing", 3553], ["foot", 3567], ["feet", 3567], ["hannah", 3590], ["hey", 3599], ["girl", 3613], ["sat", 3643], ["sit", 3643], ["perch", 3672], ["perching", 3672], ["perched", 3672], ["look", 3682], ["looking", 3682], ["either", 3740], ["confine", 3749], ["confined", 3749], ["cell", 3758], ["cells", 3758], ["lock", 3768], ["locked", 3768], ["away", 3773], ["safety", 3784], ["able", 3816], ["abled", 3816], ["stop", 3824], ["seem", 3845], ["seeming", 3845], ["anxiously", 3863], ["rub", 3871], ["rubbing", 3871], ["together", 3890], ["shane", 3898], ["arrange", 3971], ["arranging", 3971], ["arranged", 3971], ["bloodmobile", 3991], ["switch", 4001], ["switching", 4001], ["driver", 4009], ["drivers", 4009], ["mean", 4026], ["meanest", 4026], ["meant", 4026], ["come", 4048], ["coming", 4048], ["soon", 4053], ["rest", 4066], ["period", 4073], ["periods", 4073], ["distant", 4118], ["sympathy", 4127], ["eye", 4145], ["eyed", 4145], ["eyes", 4145], ["cause", 4164], ["expect", 4175], ["adult", 4192], ["adults", 4192], ["try", 4198], ["tryed", 4198], ["tried", 4198], ["pretend", 4209], ["pretendest", 4209], ["sure", 4247], ["thing", 4253], ["sugar", 4261], ["sugars", 4261]]
morganville 's been ruled by the vampires a long time , and they ai n't always been the gentlest of folks . been people hurt , people killed without reason . builds up some resentment . '' gramma nodded toward the bookcase . `` fetch me that red book right there , the one that starts with n. '' it was an encyclopedia . claire got it and set it in her lap . gramma 's weathered , sinewy fingers opened it and flipped pages , then handed it back . the heading said , new york draft riots , 1863 . the pictures showed chaos -- mobs , buildings on fire . and worse things . `` people forget , '' gramma said . `` they forget what can happen , if anger builds up . those new york folks , they were angry because their men were being drafted to fight the civil war . who you think they took it out on ? mostly black folks , of all things . folks who could n't fight back . they even burned up an orphanage , and they 'd have killed every one of those children if they 'd caught them . '' she shook her head , clicking her tongue in disgust . `` same thing happened in tulsa in 1921 . called it the greenwood riot , said black folks were taking away their business and jobs . back in france , they had a revolution where they took all those fancy aristocrat folks and cut their heads off . maybe it was their fault , and maybe not . it 's all the same thing : you get angry , you blame it on some folks , and you make them pay , guilty or not . claire felt a chill . `` i mean , you think about france , girl . vampires been holding us all down a long time , just like those aristocrats , or that 's how people around here think of it . now , you think about all those folks out there with generations of grudges , and nobody really in charge right now . you think it wo n't go bad on us ? '' there were n't enough shudders in the world . claire remembered shane 's father , the fanatical light in his eyes . he 'd be one of those leading a riot , she thought . one of those pulling people out of their houses as collaborators and turncoats and hanging them up from lampposts . hannah patted the shotgun in her lap . she 'd put the paintball gun aside -- honestly , it was n't much use now , with the vampires missing in action . `` they 're not getting in here , gramma . we wo n't be having any greenwood in morganville . '' `` i ai n't so much worried about you and me , '' gramma said . `` but i 'd be worried for the morrells . they 're gon na be coming for them , sooner or later . that family 's the poster children for the old guard . '' claire wondered if richard knew that . she thought about monica , too . not that she liked monica -- god , no -- but still . she thanked gramma day and walked back into the kitchen , where the policemen were still talking . `` gramma day thinks there 's going to be trouble , '' she said . `` not the vampires . regular people , like those people in the park . maybe lisa day , too . and she thinks you ought to look after your family , richard . '' `` already done , '' he said . `` my mom and dad are at city hall . monica 's headed there , too . '' he paused , thinking about it . i should make sure she gets there all right , before she becomes another statistic . '' his face had tightened , and there was a look in his eyes that did n't match the way he said it . given what claire had just heard from gramma day , she thought he probably ought to be . joe hess and travis lowe sent each other looks , too , and she thought they were probably thinking the same thing . she deserves it , claire told herself . whatever happens to monica morrell , she earned it . except the pictures from gramma day 's book kept coming back to haunt her . the front door banged shut , and she heard hannah 's voice -- not an alarm , just a welcome . she spun around and went to the door of the kitchen ... and ran directly into shane , who grabbed her and folded his arms around her . `` you 're here , '' he said , and hugged her so tightly that she felt ribs creak . `` man , you do n't make it easy , claire . i 've been freaking out all damn day . first i hear you 're off in the middle of vamptown ; then you 're running around like bait with eve -- '' `` you 're one to talk about bait , '' claire said , and pushed back to look up into his face . `` not a scratch , '' he said , and grinned .
[["rule", 25], ["ruled", 25], ["vampire", 41], ["vampires", 41], ["long", 48], ["longs", 48], ["time", 53], ["ai", 67], ["always", 78], ["folk", 105], ["folks", 105], ["people", 119], ["hurt", 124], ["hurts", 124], ["hurting", 124], ["kill", 140], ["killed", 140], ["without", 148], ["reason", 155], ["reasonest", 155], ["build", 164], ["builds", 164], ["resentment", 183], ["gramma", 195], ["nod", 202], ["nodded", 202], ["toward", 209], ["bookcase", 222], ["fetch", 233], ["red", 245], ["book", 250], ["right", 256], ["rightest", 256], ["start", 284], ["starts", 284], ["encyclopedia", 318], ["claire", 327], ["get", 331], ["got", 331], ["set", 342], ["lap", 356], ["laps", 356], ["lapping", 356], ["weather", 378], ["weathered", 378], ["sinewy", 387], ["finger", 395], ["fingers", 395], ["open", 402], ["opened", 402], ["flip", 417], ["flipping", 417], ["flipped", 417], ["page", 423], ["pages", 423], ["hand", 437], ["handed", 437], ["back", 445], ["heading", 459], ["say", 464], ["sayest", 464], ["said", 464], ["new", 470], ["york", 475], ["yorks", 475], ["draft", 481], ["drafts", 481], ["riot", 487], ["riots", 487], ["picture", 509], ["pictures", 509], ["show", 516], ["showed", 516], ["chaos", 522], ["mob", 530], ["mobs", 530], ["mobbed", 530], ["build", 542], ["building", 542], ["buildings", 542], ["fire", 550], ["bad", 562], ["worse", 562], ["thing", 569], ["things", 569], ["forget", 588], ["forgot", 588], ["happen", 638], ["anger", 649], ["angry", 700], ["man", 718], ["mans", 718], ["manned", 718], ["men", 718], ["draft", 737], ["drafts", 737], ["drafted", 737], ["fight", 746], ["fightest", 746], ["civil", 756], ["civils", 756], ["war", 760], ["think", 776], ["thinkest", 776], ["take", 786], ["took", 786], ["mostly", 805], ["black", 811], ["even", 878], ["evens", 878], ["burn", 885], ["burns", 885], ["burned", 885], ["orphanage", 901], ["every", 933], ["child", 955], ["childs", 955], ["children", 955], ["catch", 973], ["catched", 973], ["catches", 973], ["caught", 973], ["shake", 993], ["shook", 993], ["head", 1002], ["click", 1013], ["tongue", 1024], ["tonguing", 1024], ["disgust", 1035], ["disgusted", 1035], ["thing", 1051], ["happen", 1060], ["happened", 1060], ["tulsa", 1069], ["call", 1086], ["called", 1086], ["greenwood", 1103], ["greenwoods", 1103], ["riot", 1108], ["take", 1139], ["taking", 1139], ["away", 1144], ["business", 1159], ["job", 1168], ["jobbing", 1168], ["jobs", 1168], ["france", 1185], ["revolution", 1209], ["fancy", 1241], ["fanciest", 1241], ["aristocrat", 1252], ["aristocrats", 1252], ["cut", 1266], ["head", 1278], ["heads", 1278], ["maybe", 1290], ["fault", 1309], ["faulting", 1309], ["get", 1362], ["blame", 1380], ["blamest", 1380], ["pay", 1421], ["pays", 1421], ["payest", 1421], ["guilty", 1430], ["feel", 1451], ["felt", 1451], ["chill", 1459], ["chills", 1459], ["chilling", 1459], ["mean", 1471], ["meanest", 1471], ["girl", 1503], ["hold", 1527], ["holding", 1527], ["like", 1563], ["aristocrat", 1581], ["aristocrats", 1581], ["around", 1612], ["generation", 1696], ["generations", 1696], ["grudge", 1707], ["grudging", 1707], ["grudges", 1707], ["nobody", 1720], ["really", 1727], ["charge", 1737], ["wo", 1765], ["go", 1772], ["goest", 1772], ["bad", 1776], ["enough", 1809], ["shudder", 1818], ["shuddering", 1818], ["shudderest", 1818], ["shudders", 1818], ["world", 1831], ["remember", 1851], ["rememberest", 1851], ["remembered", 1851], ["shane", 1857], ["father", 1867], ["fathered", 1867], ["fathering", 1867], ["fanatical", 1883], ["lit", 1889], ["light", 1889], ["eye", 1901], ["eyed", 1901], ["eyes", 1901], ["lead", 1933], ["leaded", 1933], ["leading", 1933], ["think", 1954], ["thinkest", 1954], ["thought", 1954], ["pull", 1977], ["pulling", 1977], ["house", 2004], ["houses", 2004], ["collaborator", 2021], ["collaborators", 2021], ["turncoat", 2035], ["turncoats", 2035], ["hang", 2047], ["hung", 2047], ["hangs", 2047], ["hanging", 2047], ["lamppost", 2070], ["lampposts", 2070], ["hannah", 2079], ["pat", 2086], ["patted", 2086], ["shotgun", 2098], ["put", 2122], ["paintball", 2136], ["gun", 2140], ["aside", 2146], ["honestly", 2158], ["much", 2176], ["use", 2180], ["miss", 2212], ["missing", 2212], ["action", 2222], ["get", 2248], ["getting", 2248], ["gon", 2440], ["na", 2443], ["nas", 2443], ["come", 2453], ["coming", 2453], ["soon", 2471], ["later", 2480], ["family", 2494], ["poster", 2508], ["old", 2529], ["guard", 2535], ["wonder", 2556], ["wonderest", 2556], ["wondered", 2556], ["richard", 2567], ["richards", 2567], ["know", 2572], ["knowest", 2572], ["knew", 2572], ["monica", 2604], ["like", 2631], ["liked", 2631], ["god", 2645], ["still", 2663], ["thank", 2677], ["thanks", 2677], ["thankest", 2677], ["thanked", 2677], ["day", 2688], ["walk", 2699], ["walked", 2699], ["kitchen", 2721], ["kitchens", 2721], ["policeman", 2743], ["policemen", 2743], ["talk", 2762], ["talking", 2762], ["think", 2785], ["thinkest", 2785], ["thinks", 2785], ["go", 2800], ["goest", 2800], ["going", 2800], ["trouble", 2814], ["troubling", 2814], ["regular", 2860], ["regulars", 2860], ["park", 2899], ["parks", 2899], ["lisa", 2912], ["ought", 2949], ["look", 2957], ["already", 3001], ["mom", 3031], ["moms", 3031], ["dad", 3039], ["city", 3051], ["hall", 3056], ["head", 3075], ["headed", 3075], ["pause", 3102], ["paused", 3102], ["think", 3113], ["thinkest", 3113], ["thinking", 3113], ["sure", 3143], ["get", 3152], ["gets", 3152], ["become", 3189], ["becomes", 3189], ["another", 3197], ["statistic", 3207], ["face", 3221], ["tighten", 3235], ["tightens", 3235], ["tightenest", 3235], ["tightened", 3235], ["match", 3289], ["matching", 3289], ["way", 3297], ["ways", 3297], ["give", 3316], ["given", 3316], ["hear", 3343], ["hears", 3343], ["heard", 3343], ["probably", 3385], ["joe", 3403], ["joes", 3403], ["hess", 3408], ["send", 3429], ["sent", 3429], ["look", 3446], ["looks", 3446], ["deserve", 3528], ["deserved", 3528], ["deserves", 3528], ["tell", 3545], ["told", 3545], ["whatever", 3564], ["happen", 3572], ["happens", 3572], ["earn", 3603], ["earned", 3603], ["except", 3615], ["keep", 3657], ["keepest", 3657], ["kept", 3657], ["haunt", 3678], ["haunted", 3678], ["hauntest", 3678], ["haunting", 3678], ["front", 3694], ["door", 3699], ["bang", 3706], ["banged", 3706], ["shut", 3711], ["voice", 3743], ["alarm", 3759], ["welcome", 3776], ["spin", 3787], ["spun", 3787], ["go", 3803], ["goest", 3803], ["went", 3803], ["run", 3842], ["ran", 3842], ["directly", 3851], ["grab", 3876], ["grabbed", 3876], ["fold", 3891], ["folded", 3891], ["arm", 3900], ["arms", 3900], ["hug", 3955], ["hugged", 3955], ["tightly", 3970], ["creak", 3995], ["creaks", 3995], ["man", 4004], ["mans", 4004], ["manned", 4004], ["easy", 4030], ["freak", 4061], ["freaking", 4061], ["damn", 4074], ["damned", 4074], ["first", 4086], ["firstest", 4086], ["hear", 4093], ["hears", 4093], ["middle", 4119], ["middles", 4119], ["middling", 4119], ["run", 4154], ["running", 4154], ["bait", 4171], ["baited", 4171], ["eve", 4180], ["talk", 4209], ["push", 4250], ["pushed", 4250], ["scratch", 4299], ["scratched", 4299], ["scratching", 4299], ["grin", 4326], ["grinned", 4326]]
`` ironic , because i 'm usually the one with the battle scars , right ? the worst thing that happened to me was that i had to pull over and let a bunch of vampires off the bus , or they 'd have ripped right through the walls . you 'd be proud . i even let them off in the shade . '' his smile faded , but not the warmth in his eyes . she caught herself on a yawn . `` we should get you home and catch some rest while we can . '' nobody had told him . claire opened her mouth and found her throat clenching tight around the words . she 's gone , she wanted to say . but saying it out loud , saying it to shane , that would make it real , somehow . `` hey , '' he said , and smoothed her hair . `` she was at common grounds , '' claire finally choked out . `` she -- '' his hands went still , and his eyes widened . `` she 's missing , '' claire finally said , and a wave of utter misery broke over her . `` she 's out there somewhere . `` her car 's outside . '' `` we drove it here . '' claire nodded at hannah , who 'd come in behind shane and was silently watching . he acknowledged her with a glance ; that was all . `` michael 's safe , you 're safe , i 'm safe . now we 're going to go find eve . '' richard morrell stirred . shane spun on him , and the look on his face was hard enough to scare a vampire . `` want to try and stop me , dick ? '' richard stared at him for a moment , then turned back to the map . `` you want to go , go . there 's a whole town of people out there to serve and protect . eve 's one girl . '' `` yeah , well , she 's our girl , '' shane said . hannah leaned against the wall . `` mind if i call shotgun ? '' `` since you 're carrying one ? outside , things were odd -- quiet , but with a suppressed feeling of excitement in the air . people were still outside , talking in groups on the streets . the stores were shut down , for the most part , but claire noticed with a stir of unease that the bars were open , and so was morganville 's gun shop . the gates of the university had opened , and they were issuing some kind of passes to people to leave -- still sticking to the emergency drill story , claire assumed . `` oh , man , '' shane muttered , as they turned down one of the streets that led to the heart of town , and founder 's square -- vamptown . there were more people here , more groups . there 's sal manetti up there . he was one of my dad 's drinking buddies , back in the day . '' `` the cops do n't like it much , either , '' hannah said , and pointed at the police cars ahead . they were blocking off access at the end of the street , and when claire squinted , she could see they were out of their cruisers and arranged in a line , ready for anything . `` this could turn bad , any time . all they need is somebody to strike a match out there , and we 're all on fire . '' claire thought about shane saying his father was coming to town , and she knew he was thinking about that , too . `` we 've got to figure out where eve might be . `` maybe she left us some clues , '' claire said . `` back at common grounds . we should probably start there . '' common grounds , however , was deserted , and the steel shutters were down . they drove around back , to the alley . nothing was there but trash cans , and -- `` what the hell is that ? '' he hit the brakes and put the car in park , then jumped out and picked up something small on the ground . he got back in and showed it to claire . it was a small white candy in the shape of a skull . claire blinked at it , then looked down the alley . `` she left a trail of breath mints ? '' we 'll have to go on foot to follow it . '' hannah did n't seem to like that idea much , but shane was n't taking votes . they parked and locked eve 's car in the alley behind common grounds and began hunting for skull candies . hannah yelled , at the end of the alley . `` looks like she 's dropping them when she makes a turn . she went this way . '' after that , they went faster . the skull candies were in plain sight , easy to spot . claire noticed that they were mostly in the shadows , which would have made sense , if eve was with myrnin or the other vampires . why did n't she stay ? maybe she had n't had a choice . they ran out of candy trail after a few blocks .
[["ironic", 9], ["usually", 32], ["battle", 56], ["scar", 62], ["scars", 62], ["right", 70], ["rightest", 70], ["bad", 82], ["worst", 82], ["thing", 88], ["happen", 102], ["happened", 102], ["pull", 131], ["let", 144], ["lets", 144], ["bunch", 152], ["bunchest", 152], ["vampire", 164], ["vampires", 164], ["bus", 176], ["rip", 201], ["ripped", 201], ["wall", 225], ["walls", 225], ["proud", 243], ["even", 252], ["evens", 252], ["shade", 278], ["shaded", 278], ["smile", 293], ["fade", 299], ["faded", 299], ["warmth", 320], ["eye", 332], ["eyed", 332], ["eyes", 332], ["catch", 345], ["catched", 345], ["catches", 345], ["caught", 345], ["yawn", 363], ["yawns", 363], ["yawnest", 363], ["get", 382], ["home", 391], ["homing", 391], ["catch", 401], ["catched", 401], ["catches", 401], ["rest", 411], ["nobody", 436], ["tell", 445], ["told", 445], ["claire", 458], ["open", 465], ["opened", 465], ["mouth", 475], ["mouthed", 475], ["find", 485], ["found", 485], ["throat", 496], ["clench", 506], ["clenched", 506], ["tight", 512], ["around", 519], ["word", 529], ["words", 529], ["go", 543], ["goest", 543], ["gone", 543], ["say", 563], ["sayest", 563], ["say", 576], ["sayest", 576], ["saying", 576], ["loud", 588], ["shane", 609], ["real", 635], ["reis", 635], ["somehow", 645], ["hey", 654], ["say", 667], ["sayest", 667], ["said", 667], ["smooth", 682], ["smoothed", 682], ["hair", 691], ["common", 714], ["commons", 714], ["commonest", 714], ["ground", 722], ["grounds", 722], ["finally", 742], ["choke", 749], ["choked", 749], ["hand", 778], ["hands", 778], ["go", 783], ["goest", 783], ["went", 783], ["still", 789], ["widen", 812], ["widened", 812], ["wave", 870], ["waved", 870], ["utter", 879], ["uttered", 879], ["uttering", 879], ["misery", 886], ["broke", 892], ["break", 892], ["somewhere", 933], ["car", 946], ["outside", 957], ["drive", 974], ["drove", 974], ["nod", 1001], ["nodded", 1001], ["hannah", 1011], ["come", 1025], ["behind", 1035], ["silently", 1058], ["watch", 1067], ["watching", 1067], ["acknowledge", 1085], ["acknowledged", 1085], ["glance", 1103], ["michael", 1131], ["safe", 1139], ["safes", 1139], ["safed", 1139], ["go", 1185], ["goest", 1185], ["going", 1185], ["go", 1191], ["goest", 1191], ["find", 1196], ["eve", 1200], ["richard", 1213], ["richards", 1213], ["stir", 1229], ["stirs", 1229], ["stirred", 1229], ["spin", 1242], ["spun", 1242], ["look", 1264], ["face", 1276], ["hard", 1285], ["enough", 1292], ["scared", 1301], ["vampire", 1311], ["try", 1328], ["tryed", 1328], ["stop", 1337], ["dick", 1347], ["stare", 1367], ["stared", 1367], ["moment", 1387], ["turn", 1401], ["turned", 1401], ["back", 1406], ["map", 1417], ["mapped", 1417], ["whole", 1461], ["wholes", 1461], ["town", 1466], ["people", 1476], ["serve", 1495], ["protect", 1507], ["protectest", 1507], ["girl", 1525], ["yeah", 1538], ["well", 1545], ["wells", 1545], ["lean", 1595], ["leans", 1595], ["leaned", 1595], ["wall", 1612], ["mind", 1622], ["minding", 1622], ["call", 1632], ["shotgun", 1640], ["since", 1654], ["carry", 1671], ["carrying", 1671], ["thing", 1694], ["things", 1694], ["odd", 1703], ["quiet", 1712], ["suppress", 1736], ["suppresses", 1736], ["suppressed", 1736], ["feeling", 1744], ["excitement", 1758], ["air", 1769], ["airs", 1769], ["airing", 1769], ["talk", 1807], ["talking", 1807], ["group", 1817], ["groups", 1817], ["street", 1832], ["streets", 1832], ["store", 1845], ["stores", 1845], ["shut", 1855], ["part", 1880], ["parting", 1880], ["notice", 1901], ["noticed", 1901], ["stir", 1913], ["stirs", 1913], ["unease", 1923], ["uneased", 1923], ["bar", 1937], ["bars", 1937], ["open", 1947], ["gun", 1979], ["shop", 1984], ["gate", 1996], ["gates", 1996], ["university", 2014], ["issue", 2049], ["issuing", 2049], ["kind", 2059], ["pass", 2069], ["passes", 2069], ["left", 2088], ["leave", 2088], ["stick", 2106], ["stickest", 2106], ["sticking", 2106], ["emergency", 2123], ["drill", 2129], ["drilling", 2129], ["story", 2135], ["assume", 2152], ["assumes", 2152], ["assumed", 2152], ["oh", 2160], ["man", 2166], ["mans", 2166], ["manned", 2166], ["mutter", 2186], ["muttering", 2186], ["mutterest", 2186], ["muttered", 2186], ["lead", 2236], ["leaded", 2236], ["led", 2236], ["heart", 2249], ["foundering", 2271], ["square", 2281], ["sal", 2352], ["dad", 2392], ["buddy", 2412], ["buddies", 2412], ["day", 2430], ["cop", 2447], ["copest", 2447], ["copped", 2447], ["cops", 2447], ["like", 2459], ["much", 2467], ["either", 2476], ["point", 2507], ["pointed", 2507], ["police", 2521], ["car", 2526], ["cars", 2526], ["ahead", 2532], ["block", 2553], ["blocks", 2553], ["blocking", 2553], ["access", 2564], ["accessest", 2564], ["end", 2575], ["ends", 2575], ["endest", 2575], ["street", 2589], ["squint", 2616], ["squintest", 2616], ["squinting", 2616], ["squinted", 2616], ["see", 2632], ["cruisers", 2664], ["arrange", 2677], ["arranging", 2677], ["arranged", 2677], ["line", 2687], ["ready", 2695], ["anything", 2708], ["turn", 2729], ["bad", 2733], ["time", 2744], ["need", 2760], ["needest", 2760], ["strike", 2782], ["match", 2790], ["matching", 2790], ["fire", 2825], ["think", 2845], ["thinkest", 2845], ["thought", 2845], ["father", 2875], ["fathered", 2875], ["fathering", 2875], ["come", 2886], ["coming", 2886], ["know", 2909], ["knowest", 2909], ["knew", 2909], ["think", 2925], ["thinkest", 2925], ["thinking", 2925], ["get", 2958], ["got", 2958], ["figure", 2968], ["may", 2988], ["mays", 2988], ["mayest", 2988], ["might", 2988], ["maybe", 3002], ["left", 3011], ["leave", 3011], ["clue", 3025], ["clues", 3025], ["probably", 3091], ["start", 3097], ["however", 3133], ["desert", 3148], ["deserted", 3148], ["steel", 3164], ["shutter", 3173], ["shuttered", 3173], ["shuttering", 3173], ["shutters", 3173], ["alley", 3223], ["nothing", 3233], ["trash", 3253], ["trashes", 3253], ["hell", 3284], ["hells", 3284], ["hit", 3304], ["brake", 3315], ["braked", 3315], ["brakes", 3315], ["put", 3323], ["park", 3339], ["parks", 3339], ["jump", 3353], ["jumps", 3353], ["jumped", 3353], ["pick", 3368], ["picked", 3368], ["small", 3387], ["ground", 3401], ["show", 3429], ["showed", 3429], ["white", 3465], ["candy", 3471], ["shape", 3484], ["shapes", 3484], ["skull", 3495], ["blink", 3512], ["blinked", 3512], ["look", 3532], ["looked", 3532], ["trail", 3569], ["breath", 3579], ["breathest", 3579], ["mint", 3585], ["mintest", 3585], ["mints", 3585], ["foot", 3616], ["follow", 3626], ["seem", 3654], ["seeming", 3654], ["idea", 3672], ["take", 3704], ["taking", 3704], ["vote", 3710], ["votes", 3710], ["park", 3724], ["parks", 3724], ["parked", 3724], ["lock", 3735], ["locked", 3735], ["begin", 3791], ["began", 3791], ["hunt", 3799], ["hunting", 3799], ["huntest", 3799], ["candy", 3817], ["candies", 3817], ["yell", 3833], ["yelled", 3833], ["look", 3870], ["looks", 3870], ["drop", 3891], ["dropping", 3891], ["way", 3938], ["ways", 3938], ["fast", 3973], ["plain", 4007], ["plains", 4007], ["sight", 4013], ["sighted", 4013], ["easy", 4020], ["spot", 4028], ["mostly", 4067], ["shadow", 4082], ["shadowed", 4082], ["shadows", 4082], ["sense", 4112], ["stay", 4182], ["choice", 4215], ["run", 4226], ["ran", 4226], ["block", 4264], ["blocks", 4264]]
it led them into an area where claire had n't really been before -- abandoned old buildings , mostly , falling to pieces under the relentless pressure of years and sun . it looked and felt deserted . claire asked , looking around . she did n't see anything obvious , but then she spotted something shiny , tucked in behind a tippedover rusty trash can . she reached behind and came up with a black leather collar , studded with silver spikes . the same collar eve had been wearing . she wordlessly showed it to shane , who turned in a slow circle , looking at the blank buildings . `` come on , eve , '' he said . she was standing at the end of the alley , shotgun held in her arms in a way that was both casual and scarily competent . `` you do n't hear it ? '' somebody 's phone was ringing . a cell phone , with an ultrasonic ringtone -- she 'd heard that older people could n't hear those frequencies , and kids in school had used them all the time to sneak phone calls and texts in class . it was faint , but it was definitely there . `` i thought the networks were down , '' she said , and pulled her own phone out . the network was back up . she wondered if richard had done it , or they 'd lost control of the cell phone towers . either one was possible . they found the phone before the ringing stopped . it was eve 's -- a red phone , with silver skull cell phone charms on it -- discarded in the shadow of a broken , leaning doorway . `` who was calling ? '' claire asked , and shane paged through the menu . `` i guess he really was looking for her after all . '' claire 's phone buzzed -- just once . she opened it and checked . it was from eve , and it had been sent hours ago ; the backlog of messages was just now being delivered , apparently . it read , 911 @ germans . claire showed it to shane . emergency message . german 's -- '' he looked over at hannah , who pushed away from the wall and came toward them . `` german 's tire plant , '' she said . `` damn , i do n't like that ; it 's the size of a couple of football fields , at least . '' `` we should let richard know , '' claire said . she dialed , but the network was busy , and then the bars failed again . the tire plant was near the old hospital , which made claire shudder ; she remembered the deserted building way too well . it had been incredibly creepy , and then of course it had also nearly gotten her and shane killed , too , so again , not fond . she was mildly shocked to see the hulking old edifice still standing , as shane turned the car down the street . `` did n't they tear that place down ? '' it had been scheduled for demolition , and boy , if any place had ever needed it ... `` i heard it was delayed , '' shane said . he did n't seem any happier about it than claire was . `` something about historic preservation . although anybody wanting to preserve that thing has never been inside it running for their life , i 'll bet . '' claire stared out the window . on her side of the car was the brooding monstrosity of a hospital . the cracked stones and tilted columns in front made it look like something straight out of one of shane 's favorite zombiekilling video games . `` do n't be hiding in there , '' she whispered . `` please do n't be hiding in there . '' because if eve and myrnin had taken refuge there , she was n't sure she 'd have the courage to go charging in after them . `` there 's german 's , '' hannah said , and nodded toward the other side of the street . claire had n't really noticed it the last time she 'd been out here -- preoccupied with the whole notdying issue -- but there it was , a fourstory square building in that faded tan color that everybody had used back in the sixties . even the windows -- those that were n't broken out -- were painted over . it was plain , big , and blocky , and there was absolutely nothing special about it except its size -- it covered at least three city blocks , all blind windows and blank concrete . `` you ever been inside there ? '' shane asked hannah , who was studying the building carefully . `` not for a whole lot of years , '' she said . `` yeah , we used to hide up in there sometimes , when we cut class or something . i guess everybody did , once in a while . it 's a mess in there , a real junkyard . stuff everywhere , walls falling apart , ceilings none too stable , either . if you go up to the second level , you watch yourself . make sure you do n't trust the floors , and watch those iron stairs . they were shaky even back then . '' `` are we going in there ? ''
[["lead", 6], ["leaded", 6], ["led", 6], ["area", 24], ["claire", 37], ["really", 52], ["abandon", 77], ["abandoned", 77], ["old", 81], ["build", 91], ["building", 91], ["buildings", 91], ["mostly", 100], ["fall", 110], ["falls", 110], ["falling", 110], ["piece", 120], ["pieced", 120], ["pieces", 120], ["relentless", 141], ["pressure", 150], ["pressured", 150], ["year", 159], ["years", 159], ["sun", 167], ["suns", 167], ["sunned", 167], ["look", 179], ["looked", 179], ["feel", 188], ["felt", 188], ["desert", 197], ["deserted", 197], ["ask", 212], ["asked", 212], ["look", 222], ["looking", 222], ["around", 229], ["see", 247], ["anything", 256], ["obvious", 264], ["spot", 287], ["spotted", 287], ["shiny", 303], ["shinier", 303], ["tuck", 312], ["tucked", 312], ["tucking", 312], ["behind", 322], ["rusty", 341], ["trash", 347], ["trashes", 347], ["reach", 365], ["reached", 365], ["come", 381], ["came", 381], ["black", 397], ["leather", 405], ["collar", 412], ["collared", 412], ["stud", 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["kid", 915], ["kids", 915], ["school", 925], ["schooling", 925], ["use", 934], ["used", 934], ["time", 952], ["sneak", 961], ["sneakest", 961], ["call", 973], ["calls", 973], ["text", 983], ["texts", 983], ["class", 992], ["classest", 992], ["classing", 992], ["faint", 1007], ["definitely", 1031], ["think", 1052], ["thinkest", 1052], ["thought", 1052], ["network", 1065], ["networked", 1065], ["networking", 1065], ["networks", 1065], ["pull", 1102], ["pulled", 1102], ["network", 1134], ["networked", 1134], ["networking", 1134], ["back", 1143], ["wonder", 1161], ["wonderest", 1161], ["wondered", 1161], ["richard", 1172], ["richards", 1172], ["lose", 1202], ["lost", 1202], ["control", 1210], ["tower", 1235], ["towered", 1235], ["towerest", 1235], ["towers", 1235], ["either", 1244], ["possible", 1261], ["find", 1274], ["found", 1274], ["stop", 1311], ["stopped", 1311], ["red", 1336], ["skull", 1362], ["charm", 1380], ["charmest", 1380], ["charms", 1380], ["discard", 1399], ["discardest", 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["fields", 2047], ["least", 2058], ["leastest", 2058], ["let", 2080], ["lets", 2080], ["know", 2093], ["knowest", 2093], ["dial", 2123], ["dialed", 2123], ["busy", 2150], ["busied", 2150], ["bar", 2170], ["bars", 2170], ["fail", 2177], ["failed", 2177], ["near", 2209], ["hospital", 2226], ["shudder", 2254], ["shuddering", 2254], ["shudderest", 2254], ["remember", 2271], ["rememberest", 2271], ["remembered", 2271], ["build", 2293], ["building", 2293], ["well", 2306], ["wells", 2306], ["incredibly", 2331], ["creepy", 2338], ["course", 2359], ["also", 2371], ["nearly", 2378], ["get", 2385], ["gotten", 2385], ["kill", 2406], ["killed", 2406], ["fond", 2434], ["mildly", 2451], ["edifice", 2490], ["still", 2496], ["car", 2531], ["street", 2547], ["tear", 2570], ["teared", 2570], ["place", 2581], ["schedule", 2613], ["scheduled", 2613], ["demolition", 2628], ["boy", 2638], ["ever", 2662], ["everest", 2662], ["need", 2669], ["needest", 2669], ["needed", 2669], ["delay", 2702], ["delayest", 2702], ["delayed", 2702], ["seem", 2736], ["seeming", 2736], ["happy", 2748], ["happier", 2748], ["historic", 2803], ["preservation", 2816], ["although", 2827], ["anybody", 2835], ["preserve", 2855], ["thing", 2866], ["never", 2876], ["inside", 2888], ["run", 2899], ["running", 2899], ["life", 2914], ["lifes", 2914], ["bet", 2926], ["stare", 2945], ["stared", 2945], ["window", 2960], ["windows", 2960], ["side", 2974], ["sidest", 2974], ["brood", 3002], ["broods", 3002], ["brooding", 3002], ["monstrosity", 3014], ["stone", 3049], ["stoning", 3049], ["stones", 3049], ["tilt", 3060], ["tilting", 3060], ["tilted", 3060], ["column", 3068], ["columns", 3068], ["front", 3077], ["look", 3090], ["straight", 3114], ["favorite", 3146], ["favoritest", 3146], ["video", 3166], ["game", 3172], ["games", 3172], ["hide", 3194], ["hides", 3194], ["whisper", 3222], ["whispered", 3222], ["please", 3234], ["take", 3301], ["taken", 3301], ["refuge", 3308], ["sure", 3333], ["courage", 3357], ["go", 3363], ["goest", 3363], ["charge", 3372], ["charging", 3372], ["nod", 3440], ["nodded", 3440], ["notice", 3508], ["noticed", 3508], ["last", 3520], ["preoccupy", 3561], ["preoccupied", 3561], ["whole", 3576], ["wholes", 3576], ["issue", 3591], ["square", 3632], ["fade", 3655], ["faded", 3655], ["tan", 3659], ["color", 3665], ["sixty", 3709], ["sixties", 3709], ["even", 3716], ["evens", 3716], ["window", 3728], ["windows", 3728], ["broke", 3758], ["break", 3758], ["broken", 3758], ["paint", 3778], ["painted", 3778], ["plain", 3798], ["plains", 3798], ["big", 3804], ["bigs", 3804], ["blocky", 3817], ["absolutely", 3844], ["nothing", 3852], ["special", 3860], ["except", 3876], ["cover", 3899], ["covered", 3899], ["three", 3914], ["city", 3919], ["block", 3926], ["blocks", 3926], ["blind", 3938], ["blinded", 3938], ["concrete", 3965], ["study", 4040], ["studying", 4040], ["carefully", 4063], ["lot", 4088], ["yeah", 4121], ["hide", 4139], ["hides", 4139], ["cut", 4175], ["mess", 4251], ["messed", 4251], ["messing", 4251], ["real", 4269], ["reis", 4269], ["junkyard", 4278], ["junkyards", 4278], ["stuff", 4286], ["everywhere", 4297], ["wall", 4305], ["walls", 4305], ["apart", 4319], ["ceiling", 4330], ["ceilings", 4330], ["none", 4335], ["stable", 4346], ["second", 4384], ["seconded", 4384], ["level", 4390], ["watch", 4402], ["trust", 4440], ["floor", 4451], ["floors", 4451], ["iron", 4474], ["stair", 4481], ["stairs", 4481], ["shaky", 4499], ["go", 4535], ["goest", 4535], ["going", 4535]]
you 're staying here and getting richard on the phone and telling him where we are . me and hannah will check it out . '' there did n't seem to be much room for argument , because shane did n't give her time ; he and hannah bailed out of the car , made lockthedoor motions , and sprinted toward a gap in the rusted , sagging fence . claire watched until they disappeared around the corner of the building , and realized her fingers were going numb from clutching her cell phone . she took a deep breath and flipped it open to try richard morrell again . no signal again . the network was going up and down like a yoyo . the walkietalkie signal was low , but she tried it anyway . there was some kind of response , but it was swallowed by static . she gave their position , on the off chance that someone on the network would be able to hear her over the noise . she screamed and dropped the device when the light at the car window was suddenly blocked out , and someone battered frantically on the glass . claire recognized the silk shirt -- her silk shirt -- before she recognized monica morrell , because monica definitely did n't look like herself . she was out of breath , sweating , her hair was tangled , and what makeup she had on was smeared and running . there was a cut on her right cheek , and a forming bruise , and dirt on the silk blouse as well as bloodstains . she was holding her left arm as though it was hurt . she screamed , and pounded on the glass again . claire looked behind the car . there was a mob coming down the street : thirty , forty people , some running , some following at a walk . some were waving baseball bats , boards , pipes . they saw monica and let out a yell . claire gasped , because that sound did n't seem human at all -- more the roar of a beast , something mindless and hungry . monica 's expression was , for the first time , absolutely open and vulnerable . she put her palm flat against the window glass . `` please help me , '' she said . but even as claire clawed at the lock to open it , monica flinched , turned , and ran on , limping . claire slid over the front seat and dropped into the driver 's seat . shane had left the keys in the ignition . she started it up and put the big car in gear , gave it too much gas , and nearly wrecked it on the curb before she straightened the wheel . she rapidly gained on monica . she passed her , squealed to a stop , and reached over to throw open the passenger door . monica slid inside and banged the door shut , and claire hit the gas as something impacted loudly against the back of the car -- a brick , maybe . a hail of smaller stones hit a second later . claire swerved wildly again , then straightened the wheel and got the car moving more smoothly . her heart pounded hard , and her hands felt sweaty on the steering wheel . monica was panting , and she threw claire a filthy look . `` no , of course i 'm not all right ! '' she snapped , and tried to fix her hair with trembling hands . i guess i should n't expect much more from someone like you , though -- '' claire stopped the car and stared at her . monica shut up . `` here 's how this is going to go , '' claire said . `` you 're going to act like an actual human being for a change , or else you 're on your own . monica glanced behind them . so , are we clear ? '' `` okay , okay , yes ! fine , whatever ! '' monica cast a clearly terrified look at the approaching mob . more stones peppered the paint job , and one hit the back glass with enough force to make claire wince . `` hold on , i 'm not a very good driver . '' that was kind of an understatement . eve 's car was huge and heavy and had a mind of its own , and claire had n't taken the time to readjust the bench seat to make it possible for her to reach the pedals easily . the only good thing about her driving , as they pulled away from the mob and the falling bricks , was that it was approximately straight , and pretty fast . she scraped the curb only twice . once the fittest of their pursuers had fallen behind , obviously discouraged , claire finally remembered to breathe , and pulled the car around the next right turn . this section of town seemed deserted , but then , so had the other street , before monica and her fan club had shown up . the big , imposing hulk of the tire plant glided by on the passenger side -- it seemed like miles of featureless brick and blank windows . claire braked the car on the other side of the street , in front of a deserted , rusting warehouse complex .
[["stay", 15], ["staying", 15], ["get", 32], ["getting", 32], ["richard", 40], ["richards", 40], ["phone", 53], ["tell", 65], ["telling", 65], ["hannah", 98], ["check", 109], ["seem", 140], ["seeming", 140], ["much", 151], ["room", 156], ["roomed", 156], ["argument", 169], ["shane", 185], ["give", 198], ["time", 207], ["bail", 230], ["bails", 230], ["bailing", 230], ["bailed", 230], ["car", 245], ["motion", 272], ["motions", 272], ["sprint", 287], ["sprinted", 287], ["sprinting", 287], ["toward", 294], ["gap", 300], ["gaps", 300], ["gapping", 300], ["rust", 314], ["rusted", 314], ["sag", 324], ["sagging", 324], ["fence", 330], ["claire", 339], ["watch", 347], ["watched", 347], ["disappear", 370], ["disappeared", 370], ["around", 377], ["corner", 388], ["build", 404], ["building", 404], ["realize", 419], ["realized", 419], ["finger", 431], ["fingers", 431], ["go", 442], ["goest", 442], ["going", 442], ["numb", 447], ["numbs", 447], ["numbed", 447], ["numbest", 447], ["clutch", 462], ["clutching", 462], ["cell", 471], ["take", 488], ["took", 488], ["deep", 495], ["deeply", 495], ["breath", 502], ["breathest", 502], ["flip", 514], ["flipping", 514], ["flipped", 514], ["open", 522], ["try", 529], ["tryed", 529], ["signal", 563], ["network", 583], ["networked", 583], ["networking", 583], ["like", 610], ["yoyo", 617], ["low", 651], ["lowed", 651], ["try", 667], ["tryed", 667], ["tried", 667], ["anyway", 677], ["kind", 699], ["response", 711], ["swallow", 734], ["swallows", 734], ["swallowed", 734], ["static", 744], ["statics", 744], ["give", 755], ["gave", 755], ["position", 770], ["chance", 790], ["chanced", 790], ["chancing", 790], ["able", 832], ["abled", 832], ["hear", 840], ["hears", 840], ["noise", 859], ["scream", 874], ["screams", 874], ["screamed", 874], ["drop", 886], ["dropped", 886], ["device", 897], ["lit", 912], ["light", 912], ["window", 930], ["windows", 930], ["suddenly", 943], ["block", 951], ["blocks", 951], ["blocked", 951], ["batter", 978], ["battered", 978], ["frantically", 990], ["glass", 1003], ["recognize", 1023], ["recognized", 1023], ["silk", 1032], ["shirt", 1038], ["monica", 1088], ["definitely", 1124], ["look", 1137], ["hair", 1196], ["tangle", 1208], ["tangling", 1208], ["tangled", 1208], ["makeup", 1226], ["smear", 1249], ["smearing", 1249], ["smeared", 1249], ["run", 1261], ["running", 1261], ["cut", 1279], ["right", 1292], ["rightest", 1292], ["cheek", 1298], ["cheeks", 1298], ["form", 1314], ["formest", 1314], ["forming", 1314], ["bruise", 1321], ["dirt", 1332], ["blouse", 1351], ["well", 1359], ["wells", 1359], ["bloodstain", 1374], ["bloodstains", 1374], ["hold", 1392], ["holding", 1392], ["left", 1401], ["leave", 1401], ["arm", 1405], ["though", 1415], ["hurt", 1427], ["hurts", 1427], ["hurting", 1427], ["pound", 1456], ["pounded", 1456], ["look", 1491], ["looked", 1491], ["behind", 1498], ["mob", 1524], ["mobs", 1524], ["mobbed", 1524], ["come", 1531], ["coming", 1531], ["street", 1547], ["thirty", 1556], ["forty", 1564], ["people", 1571], ["follow", 1603], ["following", 1603], ["walk", 1613], ["wave", 1632], ["waved", 1632], ["waving", 1632], ["baseball", 1641], ["bat", 1646], ["bats", 1646], ["board", 1655], ["boarding", 1655], ["boards", 1655], ["pipe", 1663], ["piped", 1663], ["piping", 1663], ["pipes", 1663], ["see", 1674], ["saw", 1674], ["let", 1689], ["lets", 1689], ["yell", 1700], ["gasp", 1716], ["gasps", 1716], ["gasped", 1716], ["sound", 1737], ["human", 1756], ["roar", 1780], ["roarest", 1780], ["beast", 1791], ["mindless", 1812], ["hungry", 1823], ["expression", 1846], ["first", 1866], ["firstest", 1866], ["absolutely", 1884], ["vulnerable", 1904], ["put", 1914], ["palm", 1923], ["palms", 1923], ["palmed", 1923], ["palmest", 1923], ["flat", 1928], ["please", 1965], ["help", 1970], ["helpest", 1970], ["say", 1987], ["sayest", 1987], ["said", 1987], ["even", 1998], ["evens", 1998], ["claw", 2015], ["clawed", 2015], ["lock", 2027], ["flinch", 2056], ["flinched", 2056], ["turn", 2065], ["turned", 2065], ["run", 2075], ["ran", 2075], ["slid", 2102], ["front", 2117], ["seat", 2122], ["driver", 2150], ["key", 2184], ["keyed", 2184], ["keyest", 2184], ["keys", 2184], ["ignition", 2200], ["start", 2214], ["started", 2214], ["big", 2236], ["bigs", 2236], ["gear", 2248], ["gas", 2271], ["gassing", 2271], ["nearly", 2284], ["wreck", 2292], ["wrecked", 2292], ["curb", 2307], ["curbs", 2307], ["curbed", 2307], ["curbest", 2307], ["straighten", 2331], ["straightened", 2331], ["wheel", 2341], ["wheeled", 2341], ["rapidly", 2355], ["gain", 2362], ["gained", 2362], ["pass", 2385], ["passed", 2385], ["squeal", 2400], ["squealed", 2400], ["stop", 2410], ["reach", 2424], ["reached", 2424], ["throw", 2438], ["passenger", 2457], ["door", 2462], ["inside", 2483], ["bang", 2494], ["banged", 2494], ["shut", 2508], ["hit", 2525], ["impact", 2555], ["impacted", 2555], ["loudly", 2562], ["back", 2579], ["brick", 2601], ["maybe", 2609], ["hail", 2618], ["hailing", 2618], ["small", 2629], ["stone", 2636], ["stoning", 2636], ["stones", 2636], ["second", 2649], ["seconded", 2649], ["later", 2655], ["swerve", 2672], ["wildly", 2679], ["get", 2723], ["got", 2723], ["move", 2738], ["moving", 2738], ["smoothly", 2752], ["heart", 2764], ["hard", 2777], ["hand", 2793], ["hands", 2793], ["feel", 2798], ["felt", 2798], ["sweaty", 2805], ["steering", 2821], ["pant", 2848], ["panting", 2848], ["throw", 2864], ["threw", 2864], ["filthy", 2880], ["course", 2905], ["snap", 2941], ["snapping", 2941], ["snapped", 2941], ["fix", 2960], ["fixes", 2960], ["tremble", 2984], ["trembles", 2984], ["guess", 3000], ["expect", 3020], ["stop", 3082], ["stopped", 3082], ["stare", 3101], ["stared", 3101], ["go", 3162], ["goest", 3162], ["act", 3205], ["acted", 3205], ["actual", 3220], ["change", 3245], ["else", 3255], ["glance", 3292], ["glanced", 3292], ["clear", 3324], ["clearest", 3324], ["okay", 3337], ["yes", 3350], ["fine", 3357], ["whatever", 3368], ["cast", 3385], ["casts", 3385], ["clearly", 3395], ["approach", 3429], ["approaches", 3429], ["approaching", 3429], ["pepper", 3456], ["peppered", 3456], ["peppering", 3456], ["paint", 3466], ["job", 3470], ["jobbing", 3470], ["enough", 3511], ["force", 3517], ["wince", 3538], ["hold", 3548], ["good", 3574], ["understatement", 3621], ["eve", 3627], ["huge", 3643], ["heavy", 3653], ["heavier", 3653], ["heavies", 3653], ["mind", 3668], ["minding", 3668], ["take", 3706], ["taken", 3706], ["readjust", 3727], ["bench", 3737], ["benched", 3737], ["possible", 3762], ["reach", 3779], ["pedal", 3790], ["pedals", 3790], ["easily", 3797], ["thing", 3819], ["driving", 3837], ["pull", 3854], ["pulled", 3854], ["away", 3859], ["fall", 3888], ["falls", 3888], ["falling", 3888], ["brick", 3895], ["bricks", 3895], ["approximately", 3927], ["straight", 3936], ["pretty", 3949], ["prettiest", 3949], ["fast", 3954], ["scrape", 3968], ["scraped", 3968], ["twice", 3988], ["fit", 4007], ["fitting", 4007], ["pursuer", 4025], ["pursuers", 4025], ["fall", 4036], ["falls", 4036], ["fallen", 4036], ["obviously", 4055], ["discourage", 4067], ["discouraging", 4067], ["discouraged", 4067], ["finally", 4084], ["remember", 4095], ["rememberest", 4095], ["remembered", 4095], ["breathes", 4106], ["next", 4143], ["turn", 4154], ["section", 4169], ["sectioning", 4169], ["town", 4177], ["seem", 4184], ["seeming", 4184], ["seemed", 4184], ["desert", 4193], ["deserted", 4193], ["fan", 4258], ["club", 4263], ["clubbed", 4263], ["clubbing", 4263], ["show", 4273], ["shown", 4273], ["impose", 4297], ["imposing", 4297], ["hulk", 4302], ["hulking", 4302], ["tire", 4314], ["plant", 4320], ["glide", 4327], ["glided", 4327], ["side", 4352], ["sidest", 4352], ["mile", 4376], ["miles", 4376], ["featureless", 4391], ["blank", 4407], ["blanks", 4407], ["window", 4415], ["windows", 4415], ["brake", 4431], ["braked", 4431], ["rust", 4506], ["rusting", 4506], ["warehouse", 4516], ["warehousing", 4516], ["complex", 4524]]
monica watched her get out of the car and take the keys with uncomprehending shock . they were going to kill me ! '' `` they probably still are , '' claire said . `` so you should probably get out of the car now , unless you want to wait around for them . '' monica said something claire pretended not to hear -- it was n't exactly complimentary -- and limped her way out of the passenger side . claire locked the car . she hoped it would n't get banged up , but that mob had looked pretty excitable , and just the fact that monica had been in it might be enough to ensure its destruction . with any luck , though , they 'd assume the girls had run into the warehouse complex , which was what claire wanted . claire led them in the opposite direction , to the fence around german 's tire . there was a split in the wire by one of the posts , an ancient curling gap half hidden by a tangle of tumbleweeds . she pushed through and held the steel aside for monica . she asked when monica hesitated . `` because , you know what ? do n't really care all that much . monica came through without any comment . the fence snapped back into place . unless someone was looking for an entrance , it ought to do . the plant threw a large , black shadow on the weedchoked parking lot . there were a few rustedout trucks still parked here and there ; claire used them for cover from the street as they approached the main building , though she did n't think the mob was close enough to really spot them at this point . monica seemed to get the point without much in the way of instruction ; claire supposed that running for her life had humbled her a little . `` wait , '' monica said , as claire prepared to bolt for a brokenout bottomfloor window into the tire plant . `` looking for my friends , '' she said . `` well , i 'm not going in there , '' monica declared , and tried to look haughty . it would have been more effective if she had n't been so frazzled and sweaty . `` i was on my way to city hall , but those losers got in my way . they slashed my tires . i need to get to my parents . '' ' she said it as though she expected claire to salute and hop like a toad . `` better start walking , i guess . it 's kind of a long way . '' `` but -- but -- '' claire did n't wait for the sputtering to die ; she turned and ran for the building . the window opened into total darkness , as far as she could tell , but at least it was accessible . she pulled herself up on the sash and started to swing her legs inside . monica dashed across to join her . `` you ca n't leave me here alone ! you saw those jerks out there ! '' claire hopped down inside the building , and her shoes slapped bare concrete floor . it was bare except for a layer of dirt , anyway -- undisturbed for as far as the light penetrated , which was n't very far . monica stared through the window at her , just boiling with fury ; claire smiled at her and started to walk into the dark . monica , cursing , climbed inside . `` i 'm not a bad person , '' monica was saying -- whining , actually . claire wished she could find a twobyfour to whack her with , but the tire plant , although full of wreckage and trash , did n't seem to be big on wooden planks . some nice pipes , though . she might use one of those . except she really did n't want to hit anybody , deep down . claire supposed that was a character flaw , or something . `` yes , you really are a bad person , '' she told monica , and ducked underneath a lowhanging loop of wire that looked horrormovie ready , the sort of thing that dropped around your neck and hauled you up to be dispatched by the psychokiller villain . speaking of which , this whole place was decorated in early psychokiller villain , from the vast soaring darkness overhead to the lumpy , skeletal shapes of rusting equipment and abandoned junk . the spray painting -- decades of it , in layered styles from early tagger to cuttingedge gang sign -- gleamed in the random shafts of light like blood . some particularly unpleasant spraypaint artist had done an enormous , terrifying clown face , with windows for the eyes and a giant , open doorway for a mouth . yeah , really not going in there , claire thought . although the way these things went , she probably would have to . claire asked absently . she was listening for any sound of movement , but this place was enormous and confusing -- just as hannah had warned . `` say that i 'm a bad person ! '' `` oh , i do n't know -- you tried to kill me ? and get me raped at a party ?
[["monica", 6], ["watch", 14], ["watched", 14], ["get", 22], ["car", 37], ["take", 46], ["key", 55], ["keyed", 55], ["keyest", 55], ["keys", 55], ["shock", 82], ["go", 100], ["goest", 100], ["going", 100], ["kill", 108], ["probably", 133], ["still", 139], ["claire", 155], ["say", 160], ["sayest", 160], ["said", 160], ["unless", 220], ["unlesss", 220], ["wait", 237], ["waitest", 237], ["around", 244], ["pretend", 297], ["pretendest", 297], ["pretended", 297], ["hear", 309], ["hears", 309], ["exactly", 331], ["complimentary", 345], ["limp", 359], ["limps", 359], ["limping", 359], ["limped", 359], ["way", 367], ["ways", 367], ["passenger", 388], ["side", 393], ["sidest", 393], ["lock", 409], ["locked", 409], ["hoped", 429], ["bang", 453], ["banged", 453], ["mob", 471], ["mobs", 471], ["mobbed", 471], ["look", 482], ["looked", 482], ["pretty", 489], ["prettiest", 489], ["excitable", 499], ["fact", 519], ["may", 552], ["mays", 552], ["mayest", 552], ["might", 552], ["enough", 562], ["ensure", 572], ["destruction", 588], ["luck", 604], ["though", 613], ["assume", 630], ["assumes", 630], ["girl", 640], ["girls", 640], ["run", 648], ["warehouse", 667], ["warehousing", 667], ["complex", 675], ["lead", 719], ["leaded", 719], ["led", 719], ["opposite", 740], ["direction", 750], ["fence", 765], ["german", 779], ["germen", 779], ["germans", 779], ["tire", 787], ["split", 807], ["wire", 819], ["post", 839], ["posts", 839], ["ancient", 852], ["gap", 864], ["gaps", 864], ["gapping", 864], ["half", 869], ["hide", 876], ["hides", 876], ["hidden", 876], ["tangle", 888], ["tangling", 888], ["tumbleweed", 903], ["tumbleweeds", 903], ["push", 916], ["pushed", 916], ["hold", 933], ["held", 933], ["steel", 943], ["aside", 949], ["ask", 972], ["asked", 972], ["hesitate", 994], ["hesitated", 994], ["know", 1018], ["knowest", 1018], ["really", 1039], ["much", 1058], ["come", 1072], ["came", 1072], ["without", 1088], ["comment", 1100], ["snap", 1120], ["snapping", 1120], ["snapped", 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["window", 1733], ["windows", 1733], ["friend", 1781], ["friends", 1781], ["well", 1805], ["wells", 1805], ["declare", 1852], ["declared", 1852], ["try", 1864], ["tryed", 1864], ["tried", 1864], ["look", 1872], ["haughty", 1880], ["effective", 1916], ["sweaty", 1959], ["city", 1988], ["hall", 1993], ["loser", 2012], ["losers", 2012], ["get", 2016], ["got", 2016], ["slash", 2041], ["slashed", 2041], ["tire", 2050], ["tires", 2050], ["need", 2059], ["needest", 2059], ["parent", 2080], ["parents", 2080], ["expect", 2122], ["expected", 2122], ["salute", 2139], ["hop", 2147], ["hops", 2147], ["hopped", 2147], ["hopping", 2147], ["like", 2152], ["toad", 2159], ["well", 2171], ["wells", 2171], ["start", 2177], ["walk", 2185], ["walking", 2185], ["guess", 2195], ["kind", 2208], ["long", 2218], ["longs", 2218], ["die", 2293], ["turn", 2306], ["turned", 2306], ["run", 2314], ["ran", 2314], ["open", 2351], ["opened", 2351], ["total", 2362], ["darkness", 2371], ["far", 2380], ["tell", 2398], ["least", 2413], ["leastest", 2413], ["accessible", 2431], ["pull", 2444], ["pulled", 2444], ["sash", 2467], ["start", 2479], ["started", 2479], ["swung", 2488], ["swing", 2488], ["leg", 2497], ["legs", 2497], ["inside", 2504], ["dash", 2520], ["dashed", 2520], ["across", 2527], ["join", 2535], ["joinest", 2535], ["ca", 2551], ["cas", 2551], ["left", 2561], ["leave", 2561], ["alone", 2575], ["see", 2585], ["saw", 2585], ["jerk", 2597], ["jerks", 2597], ["jerked", 2597], ["hop", 2626], ["hops", 2626], ["hopped", 2626], ["hopping", 2626], ["shoe", 2667], ["shoed", 2667], ["shoes", 2667], ["slap", 2675], ["slaps", 2675], ["slapped", 2675], ["bare", 2680], ["concrete", 2689], ["floor", 2695], ["except", 2716], ["layer", 2728], ["layered", 2728], ["dirt", 2736], ["anyway", 2745], ["undisturbed", 2760], ["lit", 2784], ["light", 2784], ["penetrate", 2795], ["penetrating", 2795], ["penetrated", 2795], ["stare", 2836], ["stared", 2836], ["boil", 2877], ["boils", 2877], ["boiling", 2877], ["fury", 2887], ["smile", 2903], ["smiled", 2903], ["walk", 2930], ["dark", 2944], ["climb", 2973], ["climbed", 2973], ["bad", 3000], ["person", 3007], ["say", 3030], ["sayest", 3030], ["saying", 3030], ["whine", 3041], ["whining", 3041], ["wish", 3068], ["wished", 3068], ["find", 3083], ["whack", 3104], ["whacked", 3104], ["although", 3145], ["full", 3150], ["wreckage", 3162], ["trash", 3172], ["trashes", 3172], ["seem", 3187], ["seeming", 3187], ["big", 3197], ["bigs", 3197], ["wooden", 3207], ["plank", 3214], ["plankest", 3214], ["planks", 3214], ["nice", 3226], ["pipe", 3232], ["piped", 3232], ["piping", 3232], ["pipes", 3232], ["use", 3257], ["hit", 3310], ["anybody", 3318], ["deep", 3325], ["deeply", 3325], ["character", 3369], ["flaw", 3374], ["flawed", 3374], ["yes", 3398], ["tell", 3442], ["told", 3442], ["duck", 3462], ["ducked", 3462], ["underneath", 3473], ["loop", 3491], ["looping", 3491], ["ready", 3529], ["sort", 3540], ["thing", 3549], ["drop", 3562], ["dropped", 3562], ["neck", 3579], ["necked", 3579], ["haul", 3590], ["hauls", 3590], ["hauled", 3590], ["dispatch", 3614], ["dispatched", 3614], ["villain", 3642], ["speak", 3653], ["spoken", 3653], ["speaking", 3653], ["whole", 3675], ["wholes", 3675], ["decorate", 3695], ["decorates", 3695], ["decorated", 3695], ["early", 3704], ["vast", 3741], ["vasts", 3741], ["soar", 3749], ["soaring", 3749], ["overhead", 3767], ["lumpy", 3780], ["skeletal", 3791], ["shape", 3798], ["shapes", 3798], ["rust", 3809], ["rusting", 3809], ["equipment", 3819], ["abandon", 3833], ["abandoned", 3833], ["junk", 3838], ["junks", 3838], ["junked", 3838], ["junking", 3838], ["spray", 3850], ["sprayed", 3850], ["painting", 3859], ["decade", 3870], ["decades", 3870], ["style", 3896], ["styles", 3896], ["tagger", 3914], ["gang", 3934], ["sign", 3939], ["gleam", 3950], ["gleams", 3950], ["gleamed", 3950], ["gleamest", 3950], ["random", 3964], ["shaft", 3971], ["shafts", 3971], ["blood", 3991], ["bloods", 3991], ["blooded", 3991], ["particularly", 4011], ["unpleasant", 4022], ["spraypaint", 4033], ["artist", 4040], ["enormous", 4061], ["clown", 4080], ["face", 4085], ["window", 4100], ["windows", 4100], ["eye", 4113], ["eyed", 4113], ["eyes", 4113], ["giant", 4125], ["open", 4132], ["doorway", 4140], ["mouth", 4152], ["mouthed", 4152], ["yeah", 4159], ["think", 4204], ["thinkest", 4204], ["thought", 4204], ["thing", 4236], ["things", 4236], ["go", 4241], ["goest", 4241], ["went", 4241], ["absently", 4294], ["listen", 4314], ["listens", 4314], ["listening", 4314], ["sound", 4328], ["movement", 4340], ["hannah", 4402], ["warn", 4413], ["warned", 4413], ["say", 4422], ["sayest", 4422], ["oh", 4456], ["rape", 4515], ["raped", 4515], ["party", 4526]]
not to mention -- '' `` that was payback , '' monica said . `` and i did n't mean it or anything . '' `` which makes it all so much better . look , can we not bond ? that last was to forestall monica from blurting out yet another injured defense of her character . claire squeezed past a barricade of piledup boxes and metal , into another shaft of light that arrowed down from a highup broken window . the clown painting felt like it was watching her , which was beyond creepy . she tried not to look too closely at what was on the floor . some of it was animal carcasses , birds , and things that had gotten inside and died over the years . some of it was old cans , plastic wrappers , all kinds of junk left behind by adventurous kids looking for a hideout . she did n't imagine any of them stayed for long . this place just felt ... haunted . monica 's hand grabbed her arm , just on the bruise that amelie 's grip had given her earlier . monica 's whisper was fierce and hushed . she needed mouthwash , and she smelled like sweat more than powder and perfume . something 's in here with us ! '' `` could be a vampire , '' claire said . `` not afraid of those , '' she said , and dangled her fancy , silver protection bracelet in front of claire 's face . `` nobody 's going to cross oliver . '' `` you want to tell that to the mob of people chasing you back there ? i do n't think they got the memo or something . '' `` i mean , no vampire would . i 'm protected . '' monica said it like there was simply no possibility anything else could be true . the earth was round , the sun was hot , and a vampire would never hurt her because she 'd sold herself to oliver , body and soul . `` news flash , '' claire whispered . `` oliver 's missing in action from common grounds . amelie 's disappeared . in fact , most of the vampires all over town have dropped out of sight , which makes these bracelets cute fashion accessories , but not exactly bulletproof vests or anything . '' monica started to speak , but claire frowned angrily at her and pointed off into the darkness , where she 'd heard the noise . it had sounded odd -- kind of a sigh , echoing from the steel and concrete , bouncing and amplifying . it sounded as if it had come out of the clown 's dark mouth . claire reached into her pocket . she still had the vial of silver powder that amelie had given her , but she was well aware that it might not do her any good . if her friendvampires were mixed in with enemyvamps , she was out of luck . likewise , if what was waiting for her out there was trouble of a human variety , instead of bloodsuckers ... shane and hannah were in here . and so -- hopefully -- was eve . claire eased around a tattered sofa that smelled like old cats and mold , and sidestepped a truly impressive rat that did n't bother to move out of her way . it sat there watching her with weird , alert eyes . monica looked down , saw it , and shrieked , stumbling backward . she fell into a stack of ancient cartons that collapsed on her , raining down random junk . claire grabbed her and pulled her to her feet , but monica kept on whimpering and squirming , slapping at her hair and upper body . `` oh my god , are they on me ? are there spiders ? '' if there were , claire hoped they bit her . well , there were , but they were little ones . she brushed them off monica 's back . did you see that rat ? it was the size of freaking godzilla ! '' that was it , claire decided . monica could just wander around on her own , screaming about rats and spiders , until someone came and ate her . she got only about ten feet away when monica 's very small whisper stopped her dead in her tracks . that did n't sound like monica , not at all . it sounded scared , and very young . it was probably too late for being quiet , anyway , and if there were vampires hiding in german 's tire plant , they all knew exactly where they were , and for that matter , could tell what blood type they were . so stealth did n't seem a priority . claire cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled , very loudly , `` shane ! anybody ! '' the echoes woke invisible birds or bats high overhead , which flapped madly around ; her voice rang from every flat surface , mocking claire with her own ghost . in the whispering silence afterward , monica murmured , `` wow , i thought we were being subtle or something . claire was about to hiss something really unpleasant at her , but froze as another voice came bouncing through the vast room -- shane 's voice .
[["mention", 14], ["payback", 40], ["monica", 52], ["say", 57], ["sayest", 57], ["said", 57], ["mean", 81], ["meanest", 81], ["anything", 96], ["much", 131], ["well", 138], ["wells", 138], ["look", 145], ["bond", 163], ["last", 175], ["forestall", 192], ["forestalling", 192], ["blurt", 213], ["blurting", 213], ["yet", 221], ["another", 229], ["injure", 237], ["injures", 237], ["injured", 237], ["defense", 245], ["character", 262], ["claire", 271], ["squeeze", 280], ["squeezes", 280], ["squeezed", 280], ["past", 285], ["barricade", 297], ["box", 314], ["boxed", 314], ["boxes", 314], ["metal", 324], ["shaft", 345], ["shafts", 345], ["lit", 354], ["light", 354], ["arrowe", 367], ["arrowed", 367], ["broke", 393], ["break", 393], ["broken", 393], ["window", 400], ["windows", 400], ["clown", 412], ["painting", 421], ["feel", 426], ["felt", 426], ["like", 431], ["watch", 447], ["watching", 447], ["beyond", 470], ["creepy", 477], ["try", 489], ["tryed", 489], ["tried", 489], ["closely", 513], ["floor", 538], ["animal", 562], ["carcass", 572], ["carcasses", 572], ["bird", 580], ["birds", 580], ["thing", 593], ["things", 593], ["get", 609], ["gotten", 609], ["inside", 616], ["die", 625], ["died", 625], ["year", 640], ["years", 640], ["old", 661], ["plastic", 676], ["wrapper", 685], ["wrappers", 685], ["kind", 697], ["kinds", 697], ["junk", 705], ["junks", 705], ["junked", 705], ["junking", 705], ["left", 710], ["leave", 710], ["behind", 717], ["adventurous", 732], ["kid", 737], ["kids", 737], ["look", 745], ["looking", 745], ["hideout", 759], ["hideouts", 759], ["imagine", 781], ["stay", 800], ["stayed", 800], ["long", 809], ["longs", 809], ["place", 822], ["hand", 861], ["grab", 869], ["grabbed", 869], ["arm", 877], ["bruise", 898], ["grip", 918], ["give", 928], ["given", 928], ["early", 940], ["whisper", 960], ["fierce", 971], ["need", 995], ["needest", 995], ["needed", 995], ["mouthwash", 1005], ["smelt", 1023], ["smell", 1023], ["smellest", 1023], ["smelled", 1023], ["sweat", 1034], ["powder", 1051], ["powdering", 1051], ["perfume", 1063], ["perfumed", 1063], ["perfumes", 1063], ["vampire", 1121], ["afraid", 1154], ["dangle", 1191], ["dangled", 1191], ["fancy", 1201], ["fanciest", 1201], ["silver", 1210], ["silvered", 1210], ["protection", 1221], ["bracelet", 1230], ["front", 1239], ["face", 1257], ["nobody", 1269], ["go", 1278], ["goest", 1278], ["going", 1278], ["cross", 1287], ["crossing", 1287], ["oliver", 1294], ["tell", 1319], ["mob", 1335], ["mobs", 1335], ["mobbed", 1335], ["people", 1345], ["chase", 1353], ["chasing", 1353], ["back", 1362], ["think", 1385], ["thinkest", 1385], ["get", 1394], ["got", 1394], ["memo", 1403], ["memos", 1403], ["protect", 1467], ["protectest", 1467], ["protected", 1467], ["simply", 1509], ["possibility", 1524], ["else", 1538], ["true", 1552], ["earth", 1564], ["earths", 1564], ["earthest", 1564], ["round", 1574], ["sun", 1584], ["suns", 1584], ["sunned", 1584], ["hot", 1592], ["never", 1620], ["hurt", 1625], ["hurts", 1625], ["hurting", 1625], ["sell", 1649], ["sells", 1649], ["sold", 1649], ["body", 1674], ["bodied", 1674], ["soul", 1683], ["news", 1693], ["newses", 1693], ["flash", 1699], ["whisper", 1721], ["whispered", 1721], ["action", 1754], ["common", 1766], ["commons", 1766], ["commonest", 1766], ["ground", 1774], ["grounds", 1774], ["disappear", 1798], ["disappeared", 1798], ["fact", 1808], ["vampire", 1831], ["vampires", 1831], ["town", 1845], ["drop", 1858], ["dropped", 1858], ["sight", 1871], ["sighted", 1871], ["bracelet", 1901], ["bracelets", 1901], ["cute", 1906], ["fashion", 1914], ["fashioned", 1914], ["accessory", 1926], ["accessories", 1926], ["exactly", 1944], ["bulletproof", 1956], ["bulletproofs", 1956], ["vest", 1962], ["vests", 1962], ["start", 1994], ["started", 1994], ["speak", 2003], ["spoken", 2003], ["frown", 2024], ["frowns", 2024], ["frowned", 2024], ["angrily", 2032], ["point", 2051], ["pointed", 2051], ["darkness", 2073], ["hear", 2094], ["hears", 2094], ["heard", 2094], ["noise", 2104], ["sound", 2121], ["sounded", 2121], ["odd", 2125], ["kind", 2133], ["sigh", 2143], ["sighest", 2143], ["echo", 2153], ["echoed", 2153], ["echoing", 2153], ["steel", 2168], ["concrete", 2181], ["bounce", 2192], ["bouncing", 2192], ["amplify", 2207], ["amplifying", 2207], ["come", 2238], ["dark", 2263], ["mouth", 2269], ["mouthed", 2269], ["reach", 2286], ["reached", 2286], ["pocket", 2302], ["pocketing", 2302], ["still", 2314], ["vial", 2327], ["well", 2389], ["wells", 2389], ["aware", 2395], ["may", 2409], ["mays", 2409], ["mayest", 2409], ["might", 2409], ["good", 2429], ["mix", 2464], ["mixed", 2464], ["luck", 2505], ["likewise", 2516], ["wait", 2538], ["waitest", 2538], ["waiting", 2538], ["trouble", 2568], ["troubling", 2568], ["human", 2579], ["variety", 2587], ["instead", 2597], ["bloodsucker", 2613], ["bloodsuckers", 2613], ["shane", 2623], ["hannah", 2634], ["hopefully", 2669], ["eve", 2680], ["ease", 2695], ["eased", 2695], ["around", 2702], ["sofa", 2718], ["cat", 2745], ["cats", 2745], ["mold", 2754], ["molding", 2754], ["sidestep", 2772], ["sidesteps", 2772], ["sidestepped", 2772], ["truly", 2780], ["impressive", 2791], ["rat", 2795], ["ratted", 2795], ["bother", 2815], ["bothers", 2815], ["bothering", 2815], ["move", 2823], ["way", 2838], ["ways", 2838], ["sat", 2847], ["sit", 2847], ["weird", 2877], ["alert", 2885], ["alerted", 2885], ["eye", 2890], ["eyed", 2890], ["eyes", 2890], ["look", 2906], ["looked", 2906], ["see", 2917], ["saw", 2917], ["shriek", 2935], ["shrieked", 2935], ["stumble", 2947], ["stumbling", 2947], ["backward", 2956], ["fall", 2967], ["falls", 2967], ["fell", 2967], ["stack", 2980], ["stacks", 2980], ["ancient", 2991], ["carton", 2999], ["cartons", 2999], ["collapse", 3014], ["collapsed", 3014], ["rain", 3031], ["raining", 3031], ["random", 3043], ["pull", 3080], ["pulled", 3080], ["foot", 3096], ["feet", 3096], ["keep", 3114], ["keepest", 3114], ["kept", 3114], ["slap", 3153], ["slaps", 3153], ["slapped", 3153], ["hair", 3165], ["upper", 3175], ["oh", 3188], ["god", 3195], ["spider", 3232], ["spiders", 3232], ["hope", 3266], ["hoped", 3266], ["bite", 3275], ["little", 3322], ["brush", 3341], ["brushest", 3341], ["brushed", 3341], ["see", 3379], ["size", 3406], ["freak", 3418], ["freaking", 3418], ["godzilla", 3427], ["godzillas", 3427], ["decide", 3461], ["decided", 3461], ["wander", 3488], ["scream", 3518], ["screams", 3518], ["screaming", 3518], ["rat", 3529], ["ratted", 3529], ["rats", 3529], ["come", 3562], ["came", 3562], ["eat", 3570], ["ate", 3570], ["ten", 3599], ["away", 3609], ["small", 3635], ["stop", 3651], ["stopped", 3651], ["dead", 3660], ["track", 3674], ["tracks", 3674], ["sound", 3695], ["young", 3757], ["youngest", 3757], ["probably", 3775], ["late", 3784], ["lates", 3784], ["quiet", 3800], ["anyway", 3809], ["hide", 3845], ["hides", 3845], ["german", 3855], ["germen", 3855], ["germans", 3855], ["tire", 3863], ["plant", 3869], ["know", 3885], ["knowest", 3885], ["knew", 3885], ["matter", 3931], ["mattering", 3931], ["blood", 3955], ["bloods", 3955], ["blooded", 3955], ["type", 3960], ["stealth", 3983], ["seem", 3996], ["seeming", 3996], ["priority", 4007], ["cup", 4023], ["cupped", 4023], ["hand", 4033], ["hands", 4033], ["yell", 4059], ["yelled", 4059], ["loudly", 4073], ["anybody", 4094], ["echo", 4110], ["echoed", 4110], ["echoes", 4110], ["wake", 4115], ["wakes", 4115], ["woken", 4115], ["woke", 4115], ["invisible", 4125], ["bat", 4139], ["bats", 4139], ["high", 4144], ["overhead", 4153], ["flap", 4169], ["flapped", 4169], ["madly", 4175], ["voice", 4194], ["rang", 4199], ["rung", 4199], ["ring", 4199], ["every", 4210], ["flat", 4215], ["surface", 4223], ["mock", 4233], ["mocking", 4233], ["ghost", 4259], ["whisperings", 4279], ["silence", 4287], ["afterward", 4297], ["wow", 4324], ["think", 4336], ["thinkest", 4336], ["thought", 4336], ["subtle", 4357], ["hiss", 4397], ["really", 4414], ["unpleasant", 4425], ["froze", 4444], ["freeze", 4444], ["frozen", 4444], ["freezing", 4444], ["vast", 4492], ["vasts", 4492], ["room", 4497], ["roomed", 4497]]
he sounded frantic enough to make claire wish she 'd stuck with the whole quiettime policy , and then monica stopped breathing and went very , very still next to her . her hands closed around claire 's arm , squeezing bruises again . claire froze , too , because something was coming out of the mouth of that painted clown -- something white , ghostly , drifting like smoke ... ... it had a face . several faces , because it was a group of what looked like vampires , all very pale , all very quiet , all heading their way . staying put was not such a great plan , claire decided . she was going to go with run away . which , grabbing monica 's wrist , she did . the vampires did make sounds then , as their quarry started to flee -- little whispering laughs , strange hisses , all kinds of creepy noises that made the skin on the back of claire 's neck tighten up . she held the glass vial in one hand , running faster , leaping over junk when she could see it coming and stumbling across it when she could n't . monica kept up , somehow , although claire could hear the tortured , steady moaning of her breath . whatever she 'd done to her right leg must have hurt pretty badly . something pale landed ahead of her , with a silent leap like a spider pouncing . claire had a wild impression of a white face , red eyes , a wideopen mouth , and gleaming fangs . she drew back to throw the vial ... and realized it was myrnin facing her . the hesitation cost her . something hit her from the back , sending her stumbling forward across a fallen iron beam . she dropped the vial as she fell , trying to catch herself , and heard the glass break on the edge of the girder . silver dust puffed out . monica shrieked , a wild cry that made the birds panic again high up in heaven ; claire saw her stumble away , trying to put distance between herself and myrnin . myrnin was just outside of the range of the drifting silver powder , but it was n't myrnin who was the problem . the other vampires , the ones who 'd come out of the clown 's mouth , leaped over stacks of trash , running for the smell of fresh , flowing blood . they were coming up behind them , fast . claire raked her hand across the ground and came up with a palm full of silver powder and glass shards as she rolled up to her knees . she turned and threw the powder into the air between her , monica , and the rest of the vampires . it dispersed into a fine , glittering mist , and when the vampires hit it , every tiny grain of silver caught fire . it was beautiful , and horrible , and claire flinched at the sound of their cries . there was so much silver , and it clung to their skin , eating in . claire did n't know if it would kill them , but it definitely stopped them cold . she grabbed monica 's arm and pulled her close . myrnin was still in front of them , crouched on top of a stack of wooden pallets . he did n't look at all human , not at all . and then he blinked , and the red light went out in his eyes . his fangs folded neatly backward , and he ran his tongue over pale lips before he said , puzzled , `` claire ? '' she felt a sense of relief so strong it was like falling . he slithered down off the stacked wood , and she realized he was still dressed the way she 'd seen him back at common grounds -- a long , black velvet coat , no shirt , white pantaloons left over from his costume . he should have looked ridiculous , but somehow , he looked ... right . `` you should n't be here , claire . it 's very dangerous . '' `` i know -- '' something cold brushed the back of her neck , and she heard monica make a muffled sound like a choked cry . claire whirled and found herself facetoface with a redeyed , angry vampire with part of his skin still smoking from the silver she 'd thrown . myrnin let out a roar that ripped the air , full of menace and fury , and the vampire stumbled backward , clearly shocked . then the five who 'd chased them silently withdrew into the darkness . claire turned to face myrnin . he was staring thoughtfully at the departing vamps . `` i was raised to believe in the concept of noblesse oblige , '' he said . `` and i do owe you , you know . do you have any more of my medication ? '' she handed him her last dose of the drug that kept him sane -- mostly sane , anyway . it was the older version , red crystals rather than clear liquid , and he poured out a dollop into his palm and licked the crystals up , then sighed in deep satisfaction . `` much better , '' he said , and pocketed the rest of the bottle .
[["sound", 10], ["sounded", 10], ["frantic", 18], ["enough", 25], ["claire", 40], ["wish", 45], ["stick", 58], ["stickest", 58], ["stuck", 58], ["whole", 73], ["wholes", 73], ["policy", 90], ["monica", 108], ["stop", 116], ["stopped", 116], ["breathes", 126], ["go", 135], ["goest", 135], ["went", 135], ["still", 153], ["next", 158], ["hand", 177], ["hands", 177], ["close", 184], ["closed", 184], ["around", 191], ["arm", 205], ["squeeze", 217], ["squeezes", 217], ["squeezing", 217], ["bruise", 225], ["bruises", 225], ["froze", 246], ["freeze", 246], ["frozen", 246], ["freezing", 246], ["come", 283], ["coming", 283], ["mouth", 300], ["mouthed", 300], ["paint", 316], ["painted", 316], ["clown", 322], ["white", 341], ["ghostly", 351], ["drift", 362], ["drifting", 362], ["like", 367], ["smoke", 373], ["face", 395], ["several", 405], ["face", 411], ["faces", 411], ["group", 436], ["look", 451], ["looked", 451], ["vampire", 465], ["vampires", 465], ["pale", 481], ["quiet", 498], ["head", 512], ["heading", 512], ["way", 522], ["ways", 522], ["stay", 532], ["staying", 532], ["put", 536], ["great", 557], ["plan", 562], ["decide", 579], ["decided", 579], ["go", 595], ["goest", 595], ["going", 595], ["go", 601], ["goest", 601], ["run", 610], ["away", 615], ["grab", 634], ["grabbing", 634], ["wrist", 650], ["sound", 691], ["sounds", 691], ["quarry", 714], ["start", 722], ["started", 722], ["flee", 730], ["flees", 730], ["little", 740], ["whisperings", 751], ["laugh", 758], ["laughs", 758], ["strange", 768], ["hiss", 775], ["hisses", 775], ["kind", 787], ["kinds", 787], ["creepy", 797], ["noise", 804], ["noises", 804], ["skin", 823], ["back", 835], ["neck", 853], ["necked", 853], ["tighten", 861], ["tightens", 861], ["tightenest", 861], ["hold", 875], ["held", 875], ["glass", 885], ["vial", 890], ["hand", 902], ["run", 912], ["running", 912], ["fast", 919], ["leap", 929], ["leaps", 929], ["leaping", 929], ["junk", 939], ["junks", 939], ["junked", 939], ["junking", 939], ["see", 958], ["stumble", 982], ["stumbling", 982], ["across", 989], ["keep", 1025], ["keepest", 1025], ["kept", 1025], ["somehow", 1038], ["although", 1049], ["hear", 1067], ["hears", 1067], ["steady", 1089], ["breath", 1111], ["breathest", 1111], ["whatever", 1122], ["right", 1147], ["rightest", 1147], ["leg", 1151], ["must", 1156], ["musts", 1156], ["hurt", 1166], ["hurts", 1166], ["hurting", 1166], ["pretty", 1173], ["prettiest", 1173], ["badly", 1179], ["land", 1203], ["landed", 1203], ["ahead", 1209], ["silent", 1232], ["leap", 1237], ["leaps", 1237], ["leaping", 1237], ["spider", 1251], ["wild", 1280], ["wildest", 1280], ["impression", 1291], ["red", 1313], ["eye", 1318], ["eyed", 1318], ["eyes", 1318], ["gleam", 1352], ["gleams", 1352], ["gleamed", 1352], ["gleamest", 1352], ["gleaming", 1352], ["fang", 1358], ["fangs", 1358], ["draw", 1369], ["drawn", 1369], ["draws", 1369], ["drew", 1369], ["throw", 1383], ["realize", 1409], ["realized", 1409], ["face", 1430], ["facing", 1430], ["hesitation", 1451], ["cost", 1456], ["hit", 1476], ["send", 1504], ["sending", 1504], ["forward", 1526], ["forwarding", 1526], ["forwardest", 1526], ["fall", 1542], ["falls", 1542], ["fallen", 1542], ["iron", 1547], ["beam", 1552], ["drop", 1566], ["dropped", 1566], ["fall", 1587], ["falls", 1587], ["fell", 1587], ["try", 1596], ["tryed", 1596], ["trying", 1596], ["catch", 1605], ["catched", 1605], ["catches", 1605], ["hear", 1625], ["hears", 1625], ["heard", 1625], ["broke", 1641], ["break", 1641], ["edge", 1653], ["edges", 1653], ["girder", 1667], ["silver", 1676], ["silvered", 1676], ["dust", 1681], ["dusting", 1681], ["puff", 1688], ["puffs", 1688], ["puffed", 1688], ["shriek", 1710], ["shrieked", 1710], ["cry", 1723], ["bird", 1743], ["birds", 1743], ["panic", 1749], ["high", 1760], ["heaven", 1773], ["heavens", 1773], ["see", 1786], ["saw", 1786], ["stumble", 1798], ["distance", 1828], ["distancing", 1828], ["outside", 1881], ["range", 1894], ["ranged", 1894], ["powder", 1924], ["powdering", 1924], ["problem", 1968], ["come", 2012], ["leap", 2047], ["leaps", 2047], ["leaping", 2047], ["leaped", 2047], ["stack", 2059], ["stacks", 2059], ["trash", 2068], ["trashes", 2068], ["smelt", 2092], ["smell", 2092], ["smellest", 2092], ["fresh", 2101], ["freshest", 2101], ["flow", 2111], ["flows", 2111], ["flowing", 2111], ["blood", 2117], ["bloods", 2117], ["blooded", 2117], ["behind", 2146], ["fast", 2158], ["rake", 2173], ["raking", 2173], ["raked", 2173], ["ground", 2200], ["come", 2209], ["came", 2209], ["palm", 2224], ["palms", 2224], ["palmed", 2224], ["palmest", 2224], ["full", 2229], ["shard", 2263], ["shards", 2263], ["roll", 2277], ["rolled", 2277], ["knee", 2293], ["knees", 2293], ["turn", 2306], ["turned", 2306], ["throw", 2316], ["threw", 2316], ["air", 2340], ["airs", 2340], ["airing", 2340], ["rest", 2376], ["disperse", 2407], ["dispersed", 2407], ["fine", 2419], ["glitter", 2432], ["glittering", 2432], ["mist", 2437], ["every", 2476], ["tiny", 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3715], ["parting", 3715], ["smoke", 3741], ["throw", 3771], ["thrown", 3771], ["let", 3784], ["lets", 3784], ["roar", 3795], ["roarest", 3795], ["rip", 3807], ["ripped", 3807], ["menace", 3832], ["menaced", 3832], ["menacing", 3832], ["fury", 3841], ["stumble", 3868], ["stumbled", 3868], ["clearly", 3887], ["five", 3911], ["fived", 3911], ["chase", 3925], ["chased", 3925], ["silently", 3939], ["withdraw", 3948], ["withdrew", 3948], ["darkness", 3966], ["stare", 4014], ["stared", 4014], ["staring", 4014], ["thoughtfully", 4027], ["depart", 4044], ["departing", 4044], ["vamp", 4050], ["vamped", 4050], ["raise", 4068], ["raised", 4068], ["believe", 4079], ["concept", 4094], ["noblesse", 4106], ["oblige", 4113], ["owe", 4144], ["owes", 4144], ["owing", 4144], ["medication", 4199], ["hand", 4215], ["handed", 4215], ["last", 4228], ["dose", 4233], ["doses", 4233], ["drug", 4245], ["sane", 4264], ["mostly", 4274], ["anyway", 4288], ["old", 4307], ["version", 4315], ["crystal", 4330], ["crystals", 4330], ["rather", 4337], ["clear", 4348], ["clearest", 4348], ["liquid", 4355], ["pour", 4371], ["poured", 4371], ["dollop", 4384], ["lick", 4409], ["licked", 4409], ["sigh", 4439], ["sighest", 4439], ["sighed", 4439], ["deep", 4447], ["deeply", 4447], ["satisfaction", 4460], ["well", 4477], ["wells", 4477], ["pocket", 4505], ["pocketing", 4505], ["pocketed", 4505], ["bottle", 4528], ["bottled", 4528]]
she could hear shane -- or someone -- coming toward them through the darkness , and she saw someone in the shadows behind myrnin . not vampires , she thought , so it was probably hannah , flanking shane . `` we 're looking for my friend eve . you remember her , right ? '' `` eve , '' myrnin repeated , and slowly smiled . the girl who followed me . claire felt a flush of excitement , quickly damped by dread . she 's asleep , '' he said . `` it was too dangerous out here for her . i put her in a safe place , for now . '' shane pushed through the last of the barriers and stepped into a shaft of light about fifty feet away . he paused at the sight of myrnin , but he did n't look alarmed . `` this is your friend as well , '' myrnin said , glancing back at shane . `` the one you care so much for . '' she 'd never discussed shane with myrnin -- not in detail , anyway . the question must have shown in her face , because his smile broadened . `` you carry his scent on your clothes , '' he said . `` and he carries yours . '' `` ewww , '' monica sighed . myrnin 's eyes focused in on her like laser sights . `` and who is this lovely child ? '' claire almost rolled her eyes . the mayor 's daughter . '' `` monica morrell . '' she offered her hand , which myrnin accepted and bent over in an oldfashioned way . claire assumed he was also inspecting the bracelet on her wrist . `` oliver 's , '' he said , straightening . i am charmed , my dear , simply charmed . '' `` i do n't suppose you would be willing to donate a pint for a poor , starving stranger ? '' monica 's smile froze in place . `` i -- well , i -- '' he pulled her into his arms with one quick jerk . monica yelped and tried to pull away , but for all his relatively small size , myrnin had strength to burn . `` she 's not free range or anything . you ca n't just munch her . he opened his arms , and monica retreated as she clapped both hands around her neck . she sat down on a nearby girder , breathing hard . `` you know , in my youth , women lined up to grant me their favors . i believe i 'm a bit offended . '' `` it 's a strange day for everybody , '' claire said . `` shane , hannah , this is myrnin . he 's sort of my boss . '' shane moved closer , but his expression stayed cool and distant . this the guy who took you to the ball ? the one who dumped you and left you to die ? '' `` well ... uh ... shane punched him right in the face . myrnin , surprised , stumbled back against the tower of crates , and snarled ; shane took a stake from his back pocket and held it at the ready . claire jumped between them , waving her hands . `` no , honest , it 's not like that . calm down , everybody , please . '' `` i 've been staked quite enough today , thank you . i respect your need to avenge her , boy , but claire remains quite capable of defending her own honor . '' `` could n't have said it better myself , '' she said . `` because he may know what 's going on with the vampires . '' `` oh , that , '' myrnin said , in a tone that implied they were all idiots for not knowing already . `` they 're being called . it 's a signal that draws all vampires who have sworn allegiance to you with a blood exchange -- it 's the way wars were fought , once upon a time . it 's how you gather your army . '' `` so ... why not you ? or the rest of the vampires here ? '' `` it seems as though your serum offers me some portion of immunity against it . oh , i feel the draw , most certainly , but in an entirely academic way . rather curious . i remember how it felt before , like an overwhelming panic . as for those others , well . they 're not of the blood . '' lesser creatures . failed experiments , if you will . '' he looked away , and claire had a horrible suspicion . `` are they people ? i mean , regular humans ? '' `` a failed experiment , '' he repeated . `` you 're a scientist , claire . not all experiments work the way they 're intended . '' myrnin had done this to them , in his search for the cure to the vampire disease . he had turned them into something that was n't vampire , was n't human , was n't -- well , was n't anything , exactly . they did n't fit in either society . no wonder they were hiding here . `` do n't look at me that way , '' myrnin said .
[["hear", 14], ["hears", 14], ["shane", 20], ["come", 44], ["coming", 44], ["toward", 51], ["darkness", 77], ["see", 91], ["saw", 91], ["shadow", 114], ["shadowed", 114], ["shadows", 114], ["behind", 121], ["vampire", 143], ["vampires", 143], ["think", 157], ["thinkest", 157], ["thought", 157], ["probably", 178], ["hannah", 185], ["flank", 196], ["look", 222], ["looking", 222], ["friend", 236], ["eve", 240], ["remember", 255], ["rememberest", 255], ["right", 267], ["rightest", 267], ["repeat", 300], ["repeatest", 300], ["repeated", 300], ["slowly", 313], ["smile", 320], ["smiled", 320], ["girl", 331], ["follow", 344], ["followed", 344], ["claire", 356], ["feel", 361], ["felt", 361], ["flush", 369], ["excitement", 383], ["quickly", 393], ["damp", 400], ["damps", 400], ["damped", 400], ["dread", 409], ["asleep", 425], ["say", 438], ["sayest", 438], ["said", 438], ["dangerous", 464], ["put", 489], ["safe", 503], ["safes", 503], ["safed", 503], ["place", 509], ["push", 537], ["pushed", 537], ["last", 554], ["barrier", 570], ["barriers", 570], ["step", 582], ["stepped", 582], ["shaft", 595], ["shafts", 595], ["lit", 604], ["light", 604], ["fifty", 616], ["foot", 621], ["feet", 621], ["away", 626], ["pause", 638], ["paused", 638], ["sight", 651], ["sighted", 651], ["look", 683], ["well", 724], ["wells", 724], ["glance", 752], ["glancing", 752], ["back", 757], ["care", 788], ["much", 796], ["never", 818], ["discuss", 828], ["discusses", 828], ["discussest", 828], ["discussed", 828], ["detail", 863], ["anyway", 872], ["question", 887], ["must", 892], ["musts", 892], ["show", 903], ["shown", 903], ["face", 915], ["smile", 935], ["broaden", 945], ["broadens", 945], ["broadening", 945], ["broadened", 945], ["carry", 960], ["scent", 970], ["scentest", 970], ["clad", 986], ["clothe", 986], ["clothes", 986], ["carry", 1019], ["carries", 1019], ["monica", 1050], ["sigh", 1057], ["sighest", 1057], ["sighed", 1057], ["eye", 1074], ["eyed", 1074], ["eyes", 1074], ["focus", 1082], ["focused", 1082], ["like", 1097], ["laser", 1103], ["sight", 1110], ["sighted", 1110], ["sights", 1110], ["lovely", 1138], ["lovelier", 1138], ["child", 1144], ["childs", 1144], ["almost", 1163], ["roll", 1170], ["rolled", 1170], ["mayor", 1191], ["daughter", 1203], ["offer", 1243], ["offered", 1243], ["hand", 1252], ["accept", 1276], ["accepted", 1276], ["bent", 1285], ["bend", 1285], ["way", 1313], ["ways", 1313], ["assume", 1330], ["assumes", 1330], ["assumed", 1330], ["also", 1342], ["inspect", 1353], ["inspectest", 1353], ["inspecting", 1353], ["bracelet", 1366], ["wrist", 1379], ["oliver", 1391], ["straighten", 1423], ["straightened", 1423], ["straightening", 1423], ["charm", 1438], ["charmest", 1438], ["charmed", 1438], ["dear", 1448], ["dearest", 1448], ["simply", 1457], ["suppose", 1490], ["willing", 1511], ["donate", 1521], ["pint", 1528], ["poor", 1539], ["starve", 1550], ["starving", 1550], ["stranger", 1559], ["froze", 1586], ["freeze", 1586], ["frozen", 1586], ["freezing", 1586], ["pull", 1630], ["pulled", 1630], ["arm", 1648], ["arms", 1648], ["quick", 1663], ["jerk", 1668], ["jerks", 1668], ["jerked", 1668], ["try", 1694], ["tryed", 1694], ["tried", 1694], ["pull", 1702], ["relatively", 1736], ["small", 1742], ["size", 1747], ["strength", 1769], ["burn", 1777], ["burns", 1777], ["free", 1798], ["range", 1804], ["ranged", 1804], ["anything", 1816], ["ca", 1825], ["cas", 1825], ["munch", 1840], ["munches", 1840], ["munchest", 1840], ["munching", 1840], ["open", 1856], ["opened", 1856], ["retreat", 1888], ["retreatest", 1888], ["retreated", 1888], ["clap", 1903], ["clapped", 1903], ["hand", 1914], ["hands", 1914], ["around", 1921], ["neck", 1930], ["necked", 1930], ["sat", 1940], ["sit", 1940], ["nearby", 1957], ["girder", 1964], ["breathe", 1976], ["breathes", 1976], ["hard", 1981], ["know", 1995], ["knowest", 1995], ["youth", 2009], ["woman", 2017], ["womans", 2017], ["women", 2017], ["line", 2023], ["lined", 2023], ["grant", 2035], ["grantest", 2035], ["favor", 2051], ["favorest", 2051], ["favors", 2051], ["believe", 2063], ["bit", 2074], ["bits", 2074], ["strange", 2107], ["day", 2111], ["sort", 2192], ["boss", 2203], ["move", 2220], ["moved", 2220], ["close", 2227], ["closer", 2227], ["expression", 2248], ["stay", 2255], ["stayed", 2255], ["cool", 2260], ["distant", 2272], ["guy", 2287], ["take", 2296], ["took", 2296], ["ball", 2312], ["dump", 2333], ["dumped", 2333], ["left", 2346], ["leave", 2346], ["die", 2357], ["uh", 2377], ["punch", 2395], ["punching", 2395], ["punched", 2395], ["stumble", 2449], ["stumbled", 2449], ["tower", 2472], ["towered", 2472], ["towerest", 2472], ["crate", 2482], ["crates", 2482], ["snarl", 2496], ["snarls", 2496], ["snarled", 2496], ["stake", 2517], ["pocket", 2538], ["pocketing", 2538], ["hold", 2547], ["held", 2547], ["ready", 2563], ["jump", 2579], ["jumps", 2579], ["jumped", 2579], ["wave", 2601], ["waved", 2601], ["waving", 2601], ["honest", 2628], ["calm", 2657], ["calms", 2657], ["please", 2683], ["stake", 2709], ["staked", 2709], ["quite", 2715], ["enough", 2722], ["today", 2728], ["thank", 2736], ["thanks", 2736], ["thankest", 2736], ["respect", 2752], ["need", 2762], ["needest", 2762], ["avenge", 2772], ["avenges", 2772], ["boy", 2782], ["remain", 2803], ["remains", 2803], ["capable", 2817], ["capablest", 2817], ["defend", 2830], ["defending", 2830], ["honor", 2844], ["well", 2882], ["wells", 2882], ["may", 2923], ["mays", 2923], ["mayest", 2923], ["go", 2942], ["goest", 2942], ["going", 2942], ["oh", 2974], ["tone", 3010], ["toned", 3010], ["toning", 3010], ["imply", 3023], ["implied", 3023], ["idiot", 3044], ["idiots", 3044], ["know", 3060], ["knowest", 3060], ["knowing", 3060], ["already", 3068], ["call", 3095], ["called", 3095], ["signal", 3112], ["draw", 3123], ["drawn", 3123], ["draws", 3123], ["swear", 3151], ["sweared", 3151], ["sworn", 3151], ["allegiance", 3162], ["blood", 3182], ["bloods", 3182], ["blooded", 3182], ["exchange", 3191], ["war", 3213], ["wars", 3213], ["fight", 3225], ["fightest", 3225], ["fought", 3225], ["upon", 3237], ["time", 3244], ["gather", 3267], ["gatherest", 3267], ["army", 3277], ["rest", 3318], ["seem", 3356], ["seeming", 3356], ["seems", 3356], ["though", 3366], ["serum", 3377], ["offer", 3384], ["offers", 3384], ["portion", 3400], ["immunity", 3412], ["feel", 3437], ["draw", 3446], ["drawn", 3446], ["draws", 3446], ["certainly", 3463], ["entirely", 3484], ["academic", 3493], ["rather", 3506], ["curious", 3514], ["overwhelming", 3569], ["panic", 3575], ["less", 3644], ["creature", 3654], ["creatures", 3654], ["fail", 3663], ["failed", 3663], ["experiment", 3675], ["experiments", 3675], ["look", 3704], ["looked", 3704], ["horrible", 3737], ["suspicion", 3747], ["people", 3768], ["mean", 3777], ["meanest", 3777], ["regular", 3787], ["regulars", 3787], ["human", 3794], ["humans", 3794], ["experiment", 3822], ["scientist", 3864], ["work", 3900], ["wrought", 3900], ["intend", 3926], ["intendest", 3926], ["intended", 3926], ["search", 3976], ["cure", 3989], ["vampire", 4004], ["disease", 4012], ["turn", 4028], ["turned", 4028], ["human", 4085], ["exactly", 4132], ["fit", 4151], ["fitting", 4151], ["either", 4161], ["society", 4169], ["wonder", 4181], ["wonderest", 4181], ["hide", 4198], ["hides", 4198]]
`` it 's not my fault the process was imperfect , you know . `` sometimes , you really are . '' eve was fine -- tired , shaking , and tear streaked , but okay . `` he did n't , you know , '' she said , and made twofinger pointy motions toward her throat . `` he 's kind of sweet , actually , once you get past all the crazy . although there 's a lot of the crazy . '' there was , as claire well knew , no way of getting past the crazy . but she had to admit that at least myrnin had behaved more like a gentleman than expected . maybe he 'd felt obligated . the place he 'd kept eve had once been some kind of storage locker within the plant , all solid walls and a single door that he 'd locked off with a bent pipe . shane had n't been all that happy about it . `` what if something had happened to you ? '' he 'd asked , as myrnin untwisted the metal as though it were solder instead of iron . `` she 'd have been locked in there , all alone , no way out . she 'd have starved . '' `` actually , '' myrnin had answered , `` that 's not very likely . thirst would have killed her within four days , i imagine . she 'd never have had a chance to starve . '' `` i think you missed the point . '' monica tagged along with claire , which was annoying ; she kept casting shane nervous glances , and she was now outright terrified of myrnin , which was probably how it should have been , really . at the very least , she 'd shut up , and even the sight of another rat , this one big and kind of albino , had n't set off her screams this time . eve , however , was less than thrilled to see monica . `` you 're kidding , '' she said flatly , staring first at her , then at shane . `` okay would be a stretch . resigned , that 's closer , '' shane said . hannah , standing next to him with her shotgun at port arms , snorted out a laugh . `` as long as she does n't talk , i can pretend she is n't here . '' well i ca n't , '' eve said . she glared at monica , who glared right back . `` claire , you have to stop picking up strays . you do n't know where they 've been . '' `` you 're one to talk about diseases , '' monica shot back , `` seeing as how you 're one big , walking social one . '' `` that 's not pot , kettle -- that 's more like cauldron , kettle . `` you want to go play with your new friends back there ? '' `` the really pale ones with the taste for plasma ? because believe me , i 'll drop your skanky butt right in their nest if you do n't shut up , monica . '' `` you do n't scare me , collins ! '' hannah rolled her eyes and racked her shotgun . that ended the entire argument . myrnin , leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest , watched the proceedings with great interest . `` your friends , '' he said to claire . `` they 're quite ... colorful . so full of energy . '' `` hands off my friends . '' not that that statement exactly included monica , but whatever . hand to his heart , myrnin managed to look angelic , which was a bit of a trick considering his lordbyrononabender outfit . `` i 've just been away from normal human society for so long . tell me , is it usually this ... spirited ? '' `` not usually , '' she sighed . `` monica 's special . '' yeah , in the shortbus sense , because monica was a head case . not that claire had time or inclination to explain all the dynamics of the monicashaneeve relationship to myrnin right now . `` when you said that someone was calling the vampires together for some kind of fight -- was that bishop ? '' myrnin looked startled . it 's amelie . amelie is sending the call . she 's consolidating her forces , putting up lines of defense . things are rapidly moving toward a confrontation , i believe . '' that was exactly what claire was afraid he was going to say . `` do you know who answered ? '' `` anyone in morganville with a blood tie to her , '' he said . `` except me , of course . but that would include almost every vampire in town , save those who were sworn through oliver . even then , oliver 's tie would bind them in some sense , because he swore fealty to her when he came to live here . they might feel the pull less strongly , but they would still feel it . '' `` then how is bishop getting an army ? is n't everybody in town , you know , amelie 's ? ''
[["fault", 21], ["faulting", 21], ["process", 33], ["imperfect", 47], ["know", 58], ["knowest", 58], ["really", 86], ["eve", 99], ["fine", 108], ["tired", 117], ["shake", 127], ["shaking", 127], ["tear", 138], ["teared", 138], ["streak", 147], ["streaks", 147], ["streaked", 147], ["okay", 158], ["say", 199], ["sayest", 199], ["said", 199], ["pointy", 227], ["motion", 235], ["motions", 235], ["toward", 242], ["throat", 253], ["kind", 269], ["sweet", 278], ["get", 304], ["past", 309], ["crazy", 323], ["although", 334], ["lot", 349], ["claire", 389], ["well", 394], ["wells", 394], ["know", 399], ["knowest", 399], ["knew", 399], ["way", 408], ["ways", 408], ["get", 419], ["getting", 419], ["admit", 457], ["least", 471], ["leastest", 471], ["behave", 490], ["behaved", 490], ["behaving", 490], ["like", 500], ["gentleman", 512], ["expect", 526], ["expected", 526], ["maybe", 534], ["feel", 545], ["felt", 545], ["obligate", 555], ["obligates", 555], ["obligated", 555], ["place", 567], ["keep", 578], ["keepest", 578], ["kept", 578], ["storage", 617], ["within", 631], ["plant", 641], ["solid", 653], ["wall", 659], ["walls", 659], ["single", 672], ["door", 677], ["lock", 695], ["locked", 695], ["bent", 711], ["pipe", 716], ["piped", 716], ["piping", 716], ["shane", 724], ["happy", 752], ["happen", 797], ["happened", 797], ["ask", 821], ["asked", 821], ["untwist", 843], ["metal", 853], ["though", 863], ["solder", 878], ["soldering", 878], ["instead", 886], ["iron", 894], ["alone", 944], ["starve", 979], ["starved", 979], ["answer", 1021], ["answeres", 1021], ["answerest", 1021], ["answered", 1021], ["thirst", 1059], ["kill", 1077], ["killed", 1077], ["four", 1093], ["day", 1098], ["days", 1098], ["imagine", 1110], ["never", 1125], ["chance", 1143], ["chanced", 1143], ["chancing", 1143], ["starve", 1153], ["think", 1169], ["thinkest", 1169], ["miss", 1180], ["missed", 1180], ["point", 1190], ["monica", 1202], ["tag", 1209], ["tags", 1209], ["tagged", 1209], ["along", 1215], ["annoying", 1248], ["cast", 1267], ["casts", 1267], ["casting", 1267], ["nervous", 1281], ["glance", 1289], ["glances", 1289], ["outright", 1316], ["terrify", 1326], ["terrified", 1326], ["probably", 1357], ["shut", 1424], ["even", 1438], ["evens", 1438], ["sight", 1448], ["sighted", 1448], ["another", 1459], ["rat", 1463], ["ratted", 1463], ["big", 1478], ["bigs", 1478], ["albino", 1497], ["set", 1511], ["scream", 1527], ["screams", 1527], ["time", 1537], ["however", 1553], ["less", 1564], ["thrill", 1578], ["thrilled", 1578], ["see", 1585], ["kid", 1613], ["kidding", 1613], ["flatly", 1634], ["stare", 1644], ["stared", 1644], ["staring", 1644], ["first", 1650], ["firstest", 1650], ["stretch", 1702], ["resign", 1713], ["resigned", 1713], ["close", 1730], ["closer", 1730], ["hannah", 1755], ["stand", 1766], ["stood", 1766], ["standest", 1766], ["standing", 1766], ["next", 1771], ["shotgun", 1795], ["port", 1803], ["arm", 1808], ["arms", 1808], ["snort", 1818], ["snortest", 1818], ["snorted", 1818], ["laugh", 1830], ["long", 1843], ["longs", 1843], ["talk", 1864], ["pretend", 1880], ["pretendest", 1880], ["ca", 1911], ["cas", 1911], ["glare", 1942], ["glared", 1942], ["right", 1971], ["rightest", 1971], ["back", 1976], ["stop", 2007], ["pick", 2015], ["picking", 2015], ["stray", 2025], ["strays", 2025], ["strayed", 2025], ["disease", 2106], ["diseases", 2106], ["shoot", 2123], ["shooted", 2123], ["shot", 2123], ["see", 2140], ["seeing", 2140], ["walk", 2173], ["walking", 2173], ["social", 2180], ["pot", 2208], ["kettle", 2217], ["kettles", 2217], ["cauldron", 2247], ["go", 2276], ["goest", 2276], ["play", 2281], ["playest", 2281], ["new", 2295], ["friend", 2303], ["friends", 2303], ["pale", 2338], ["taste", 2358], ["plasma", 2369], ["believe", 2387], ["drop", 2403], ["skanky", 2415], ["butt", 2420], ["butts", 2420], ["buttest", 2420], ["nest", 2440], ["nestest", 2440], ["scare", 2496], ["scared", 2496], ["roll", 2528], ["rolled", 2528], ["eye", 2537], ["eyed", 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3203], ["sense", 3227], ["head", 3255], ["inclination", 3302], ["explain", 3313], ["dynamic", 3330], ["dynamics", 3330], ["relationship", 3365], ["call", 3429], ["calling", 3429], ["vampire", 3442], ["vampires", 3442], ["together", 3451], ["fight", 3474], ["fightest", 3474], ["bishop", 3493], ["look", 3512], ["looked", 3512], ["send", 3556], ["sending", 3556], ["call", 3565], ["consolidate", 3588], ["consolidated", 3588], ["consolidating", 3588], ["force", 3599], ["forces", 3599], ["put", 3609], ["putting", 3609], ["line", 3618], ["lines", 3618], ["defense", 3629], ["thing", 3638], ["things", 3638], ["rapidly", 3650], ["move", 3657], ["moving", 3657], ["confrontation", 3680], ["afraid", 3737], ["go", 3750], ["goest", 3750], ["going", 3750], ["say", 3757], ["sayest", 3757], ["anyone", 3802], ["blood", 3830], ["bloods", 3830], ["blooded", 3830], ["tie", 3834], ["tying", 3834], ["tieing", 3834], ["except", 3866], ["course", 3881], ["include", 3906], ["almost", 3913], ["every", 3919], ["vampire", 3927], ["town", 3935], ["save", 3942], ["swear", 3963], ["sweared", 3963], ["sworn", 3963], ["oliver", 3978], ["bind", 4017], ["bound", 4017], ["swear", 4055], ["sweared", 4055], ["fealty", 4062], ["come", 4082], ["came", 4082], ["live", 4090], ["may", 4108], ["mays", 4108], ["mayest", 4108], ["might", 4108], ["feel", 4113], ["pull", 4122], ["strongly", 4136], ["still", 4159], ["army", 4210]]
`` he bit those he wished to keep on his side . '' `` claimed them from her , in a sense . some of them went willingly , some not , but all owe him allegiance now . all those he was able to turn , which is a considerable number , i believe . '' `` the call continued in the daytime . `` michael 's fine . they put him in a cell . '' `` and sam ? '' claire shook her head in response . next to michael , his grandfather sam was the youngest vampire in town , and claire had n't seen him at all , not since he 'd left the glass house , well before any of the other vamps . he 'd gone off on some mission for amelie ; she trusted him more than most of the others , even those she 'd known for hundreds of years . that was , claire thought , because amelie knew how sam felt about her . it was the storybook kind of love , the kind that ignored things like practicality and danger , and never changed or died . she found herself looking at shane . he turned his head and smiled back . the storybook kind of love . she was probably too young to have that , but this felt so strong , so real ... ... and shane would n't even man up and tell her he loved her . she took a deep breath and forced her mind off that . he was silent for a long moment , then moved to one of the paintedover firstfloor windows and pulled it open . the sun was setting again . it would be down completely soon . `` you should get home , '' he said . `` the humans are in charge for now , at least , but there are factions out there . there will be power struggles tonight , and not just between the two vampire sides . '' shane glanced at monica -- whose bruises were living proof that trouble was already under way -- and then back at myrnin . `` stay here , '' myrnin said . `` with my friends . '' who , the -- uh -- failed experiments ? '' `` they look upon me as a kind of father figure . besides , their blood is as good as anyone else 's , in a pinch . '' `` so much more than i wanted to know , '' shane said , and nodded to hannah . `` got your back , shane . '' `` watch claire 's and eve 's . i 'll take the lead . '' monica whined . shane gave her a glare that should have scorched her hair off . `` be grateful i 'm not leaving you as an afterdinner mint on his pillow . '' myrnin leaned close to claire 's ear and said , `` i think i like your young man . '' when she reacted in pure confusion , he held up his hands , smiling . `` not in that way , my dear . he just seems quite trustworthy . '' she swallowed and put all that aside . `` are you going to be okay here ? but we have work to do , claire . much work , and very little time . i ca n't hide for long . you do realize that stress accelerates the disease , and this is a great deal of stress for us all . more will fall ill , become confused . it 's vital we begin work on the serum as quickly as possible . '' `` i 'll try to get you back to the lab tomorrow . '' they left him standing in a fading shaft of sunlight , next to a giant rusting crane that lifted its head three stories into the dark , with pale birds flitting and diving overhead . and wounded , angry failed experiments lurking in the shadows , maybe waiting to attack their vampire creator . claire felt sorry for them , if they did . the mobs were gone , but they 'd given eve 's car a good battering while they were at it . she choked when she saw the dents and cracked glass , but at least it was still on all four tires , and the damage was cosmetic . the engine started right up . `` poor baby , '' eve said , and patted the big steering wheel affectionately as she settled into the driver 's seat . `` we 'll get you all fixed up . `` and here i was wondering what i was going to do tomorrow , '' hannah said , taking -- of course -- the shotgun seat . `` guess now i know . i 'll be hammering dents out of the queen mary and putting in new safety glass . '' in the backseat , claire was the human equivalent of switzerland between the warring nations of shane and monica , who sat next to the windows . it was tense , but nobody spoke . the sun was going down in a blaze of glory in the west , which normally would have made morganville a vampire friendly place . not so much tonight , as became evident when eve left the dilapidated warehouse district and cruised closer to vamptown . there were people out on the streets , at sunset . and they were angry , too .
[["bite", 9], ["wish", 25], ["wished", 25], ["keep", 33], ["keepest", 33], ["side", 45], ["sidest", 45], ["claim", 61], ["claimed", 61], ["sense", 88], ["go", 108], ["goest", 108], ["went", 108], ["willingly", 118], ["owe", 143], ["owes", 143], ["owing", 143], ["allegiance", 158], ["able", 186], ["abled", 186], ["turn", 194], ["considerable", 220], ["number", 227], ["numbering", 227], ["believe", 239], ["call", 256], ["continue", 266], ["continued", 266], ["daytime", 281], ["michael", 294], ["fine", 302], ["put", 313], ["cell", 327], ["sam", 343], ["claire", 355], ["shake", 361], ["shook", 361], ["head", 370], ["response", 382], ["next", 389], ["grandfather", 418], ["young", 439], ["youngest", 439], ["vampire", 447], ["town", 455], ["see", 481], ["seen", 481], ["since", 504], ["left", 515], ["leave", 515], ["glass", 525], ["house", 531], ["well", 538], ["wells", 538], ["vamp", 568], ["vamped", 568], ["go", 581], ["goest", 581], ["gone", 581], ["mission", 601], ["trust", 626], ["trusted", 626], ["even", 666], ["evens", 666], ["know", 685], ["knowest", 685], ["known", 685], ["hundred", 698], ["hundreds", 698], ["year", 707], ["years", 707], ["thought", 735], ["know", 757], ["knowest", 757], ["knew", 757], ["feel", 770], ["felt", 770], ["storybook", 803], ["storybooks", 803], ["kind", 808], ["love", 816], ["ignore", 840], ["ignored", 840], ["thing", 847], ["things", 847], ["like", 852], ["practicality", 865], ["danger", 876], ["never", 888], ["change", 896], ["changed", 896], ["die", 904], ["died", 904], ["find", 916], ["found", 916], ["look", 932], ["looking", 932], ["shane", 941], ["turn", 953], ["turned", 953], ["smile", 973], ["smiled", 973], ["back", 978], ["probably", 1026], ["young", 1036], ["youngest", 1036], ["strong", 1075], ["real", 1085], ["reis", 1085], ["man", 1122], ["mans", 1122], ["manned", 1122], ["tell", 1134], ["love", 1147], ["loved", 1147], ["take", 1162], ["took", 1162], ["deep", 1169], ["deeply", 1169], ["breath", 1176], ["breathest", 1176], ["force", 1187], ["forced", 1187], ["mind", 1196], ["minding", 1196], ["silent", 1221], ["long", 1232], ["longs", 1232], ["moment", 1239], ["move", 1252], ["moved", 1252], ["window", 1297], ["windows", 1297], ["pull", 1308], ["pulled", 1308], ["open", 1316], ["sun", 1326], ["suns", 1326], ["sunned", 1326], ["set", 1338], ["setting", 1338], ["completely", 1374], ["soon", 1379], ["get", 1399], ["home", 1404], ["homing", 1404], ["say", 1417], ["sayest", 1417], ["said", 1417], ["human", 1433], ["humans", 1433], ["charge", 1447], ["least", 1466], ["leastest", 1466], ["faction", 1491], ["factions", 1491], ["power", 1523], ["struggle", 1533], ["struggles", 1533], ["tonight", 1541], ["two", 1572], ["twos", 1572], ["side", 1586], ["sidest", 1586], ["sides", 1586], ["glance", 1605], ["glanced", 1605], ["monica", 1615], ["whose", 1624], ["bruise", 1632], ["bruises", 1632], ["live", 1644], ["living", 1644], ["proof", 1650], ["proofs", 1650], ["proofed", 1650], ["proofest", 1650], ["trouble", 1663], ["troubling", 1663], ["already", 1675], ["way", 1685], ["ways", 1685], ["stay", 1722], ["friend", 1765], ["friends", 1765], ["uh", 1786], ["fail", 1796], ["failed", 1796], ["experiment", 1808], ["experiments", 1808], ["look", 1826], ["upon", 1831], ["father", 1854], ["fathered", 1854], ["fathering", 1854], ["figure", 1861], ["besides", 1871], ["blood", 1885], ["bloods", 1885], ["blooded", 1885], ["good", 1896], ["anyone", 1906], ["else", 1911], ["pinch", 1927], ["much", 1943], ["know", 1970], ["knowest", 1970], ["nod", 1999], ["nodded", 1999], ["hannah", 2009], ["get", 2018], ["got", 2018], ["watch", 2050], ["eve", 2068], ["take", 2084], ["lead", 2093], ["leaded", 2093], ["whine", 2112], ["whined", 2112], ["give", 2125], ["gave", 2125], ["glare", 2137], ["scorch", 2163], ["scorched", 2163], ["hair", 2172], ["grateful", 2193], ["left", 2210], ["leave", 2210], ["leaving", 2210], ["mint", 2237], ["mintest", 2237], ["pillow", 2251], ["lean", 2270], ["leans", 2270], ["leaned", 2270], ["close", 2276], ["ear", 2293], ["think", 2315], ["thinkest", 2315], ["react", 2359], ["reacted", 2359], ["pure", 2367], ["pured", 2367], ["confusion", 2377], ["hold", 2387], ["held", 2387], ["hand", 2400], ["hands", 2400], ["smile", 2410], ["smiling", 2410], ["dear", 2441], ["dearest", 2441], ["seem", 2457], ["seeming", 2457], ["seems", 2457], ["quite", 2463], ["trustworthy", 2475], ["swallow", 2494], ["swallows", 2494], ["swallowed", 2494], ["aside", 2517], ["go", 2536], ["goest", 2536], ["going", 2536], ["okay", 2547], ["work", 2571], ["wrought", 2571], ["little", 2616], ["time", 2621], ["ca", 2628], ["cas", 2628], ["hide", 2637], ["hides", 2637], ["realize", 2663], ["stress", 2675], ["accelerate", 2687], ["accelerates", 2687], ["disease", 2699], ["great", 2721], ["deal", 2726], ["fall", 2764], ["falls", 2764], ["ill", 2768], ["ills", 2768], ["illest", 2768], ["become", 2777], ["vital", 2800], ["begin", 2809], ["serum", 2827], ["quickly", 2838], ["possible", 2850], ["try", 2868], ["tryed", 2868], ["lab", 2895], ["labs", 2895], ["tomorrow", 2904], ["tomorrows", 2904], ["stand", 2932], ["stood", 2932], ["standest", 2932], ["standing", 2932], ["fade", 2944], ["fading", 2944], ["shaft", 2950], ["shafts", 2950], ["sunlight", 2962], ["giant", 2980], ["rust", 2988], ["rusting", 2988], ["crane", 2994], ["lift", 3006], ["lifted", 3006], ["three", 3021], ["story", 3029], ["stories", 3029], ["dark", 3043], ["pale", 3055], ["bird", 3061], ["birds", 3061], ["flit", 3070], ["flitting", 3070], ["diving", 3081], ["overhead", 3090], ["wind", 3104], ["wound", 3104], ["wounding", 3104], ["wounded", 3104], ["angry", 3112], ["lurk", 3139], ["lurks", 3139], ["lurking", 3139], ["shadow", 3154], ["shadowed", 3154], ["shadows", 3154], ["maybe", 3162], ["wait", 3170], ["waitest", 3170], ["waiting", 3170], ["attack", 3180], ["creator", 3202], ["sorry", 3222], ["mob", 3256], ["mobs", 3256], ["mobbed", 3256], ["give", 3286], ["given", 3286], ["car", 3297], ["batterings", 3314], ["choke", 3349], ["choked", 3349], ["see", 3362], ["saw", 3362], ["dent", 3372], ["dents", 3372], ["crack", 3384], ["cracked", 3384], ["still", 3418], ["four", 3430], ["tire", 3436], ["tires", 3436], ["damage", 3453], ["damaging", 3453], ["cosmetic", 3466], ["engine", 3479], ["start", 3487], ["started", 3487], ["right", 3493], ["rightest", 3493], ["poor", 3506], ["baby", 3511], ["pat", 3538], ["patted", 3538], ["big", 3546], ["bigs", 3546], ["steering", 3555], ["wheel", 3561], ["wheeled", 3561], ["affectionately", 3576], ["settle", 3591], ["settled", 3591], ["driver", 3607], ["seat", 3615], ["fix", 3645], ["fixes", 3645], ["fixed", 3645], ["wonder", 3678], ["wonderest", 3678], ["wondering", 3678], ["take", 3736], ["taking", 3736], ["course", 3749], ["shotgun", 3764], ["guess", 3780], ["hammer", 3812], ["hammering", 3812], ["queen", 3835], ["queens", 3835], ["queenest", 3835], ["queening", 3835], ["mary", 3840], ["marys", 3840], ["put", 3852], ["putting", 3852], ["new", 3859], ["safety", 3866], ["backseat", 3893], ["human", 3916], ["equivalent", 3927], ["switzerland", 3942], ["war", 3962], ["warring", 3962], ["nation", 3970], ["nations", 3970], ["sat", 4000], ["sit", 4000], ["tense", 4035], ["nobody", 4048], ["speak", 4054], ["spoken", 4054], ["spoke", 4054], ["blaze", 4090], ["blazed", 4090], ["glory", 4099], ["gloried", 4099], ["west", 4111], ["normally", 4128], ["friendly", 4175], ["place", 4181], ["become", 4215], ["became", 4215], ["evident", 4223], ["warehouse", 4263], ["warehousing", 4263], ["district", 4272], ["cruise", 4284], ["cruised", 4284], ["close", 4291], ["closer", 4291], ["people", 4323], ["street", 4342], ["streets", 4342], ["sunset", 4354], ["sunsets", 4354]]
`` shouty , '' eve said , as they passed a big group clustered around a guy standing on a wooden box , yelling at the crowd . he had a pile of wooden stakes , and people were picking them up . `` okay , this is looking less than great . '' monica slumped down in her seat , trying not to be noticed . `` they tried to kill me ! and i 'm not even a vampire ! '' `` yeah , but you 're you , so there 's that explained . '' eve slowed down . in morganville ? claire leaned forward and saw that there were about six cars in the street ahead . the first one was turned sideways , blocking the second -- a big van , which was trying to back up but was handicapped by the third car . the trapped passenger van was vampiredark . the two cars blocking it in were old , battered sedans , the kind humans drove . `` that 's lex perry 's car , the one turned sideways , '' hannah said . `` i think that 's the nunally brothers in the third one . they 're drinking buddies with sal manetti . '' `` sal , as in , the guy out there rabblerousing ? '' and now people were closing in around the van , pushing against it , rocking it on its tires . nobody in their car spoke a word . the van rocked harder . the tires spun , trying to pull away , but it tipped and slammed over on its side , helpless . with a roar , the crowd climbed on top of it and started battering the windows . `` we should do something , '' claire finally said . hannah 's voice was very soft . `` call the police ? '' only the police were already here . there were two cars of them , and they could n't stop what was happening . in fact , they did n't even look inclined to try . `` let 's go , '' shane said quietly . `` there 's nothing we can do here . '' eve silently put the car in reverse and burned rubber backing up . claire broke out of her trance . we ca n't just leave -- '' `` take a good look , '' eve said grimly . `` if anybody out there sees princess morrell in this car , we 've all had it . we 're all collaborators if we 're protecting her , and you 're wearing the founder bracelet . claire sank back in her seat as eve shifted gears again and turned the wheel . they took a different street , this one unblocked so far . `` what 's happening to our town ? '' `` france , '' claire said , thinking about gramma day . `` welcome to the revolution . '' eve drove through a maze of streets . lights were flickering on in houses , and the few streetlamps were coming on as well . cars -- and there were a lot of them out now -- turned on their headlights and honked , as if the local high school had just won a big football game . as if it were one big , loud party . `` i want to go home , '' monica said . eve looked at her in the rearview mirror , and finally nodded . but when they turned down the street where the morrell family home was located , eve slammed on the brakes and put the car into reverse , instantly . the morrell home looked like the site of another of monica 's infamous , unsupervised parties ... only this one really was unsupervised , and those uninvited guests , they were n't just there for the free booze . monica asked , and let out a strangled yell as a couple of guys carried a big plasma television out the front door . `` they 're stealing it ! they 're stealing our stuff ! '' pretty much everything was being looted -- mattresses , furniture , art . claire even saw people upstairs tossing linens and clothing out the windows to people waiting on the ground . and then , somebody ran up with a bottle full of liquid , stuffed with a burning rag , and threw it into the front window . the flames flickered , caught , and gained strength . monica panted and clawed at the door handle , but eve had locked it up . claire grabbed monica 's arms and held them down . `` my parents could be in there ! '' richard told me they 're at city hall . '' monica kept fighting , even as eve steered the car away from the burning house , and then suddenly just ... stopped . claire heard her crying . she wanted to think , good , you deserve it , but somehow she just could n't force herself to be that cold . shane , however , could . `` hey , look on the bright side , '' he said . `` at least your little sister is n't inside . '' monica caught her breath , then kept crying . by the time they 'd turned on lot street , monica seemed to be pulling herself together , wiping her face with trembling hands and asking for a tissue , which eve provided out of the glove box in the front . eve asked shane . their street seemed quiet .
[["shouty", 9], ["eve", 18], ["say", 23], ["sayest", 23], ["said", 23], ["pass", 40], ["passed", 40], ["big", 46], ["bigs", 46], ["group", 52], ["cluster", 62], ["clustered", 62], ["around", 69], ["guy", 75], ["stand", 84], ["stood", 84], ["standest", 84], ["standing", 84], ["wooden", 96], ["box", 100], ["boxed", 100], ["yell", 110], ["yelling", 110], ["crowd", 123], ["crowding", 123], ["crowdest", 123], ["pile", 139], ["stake", 156], ["stakes", 156], ["people", 169], ["pick", 182], ["picking", 182], ["okay", 200], ["look", 218], ["looking", 218], ["less", 223], ["great", 234], ["monica", 246], ["slump", 254], ["slumps", 254], ["slumped", 254], ["seat", 271], ["try", 280], ["tryed", 280], ["trying", 280], ["notice", 298], ["noticed", 298], ["try", 314], ["tryed", 314], ["tried", 314], ["kill", 322], ["even", 345], ["evens", 345], ["vampire", 355], ["yeah", 368], ["explain", 415], ["explained", 415], ["slow", 431], ["slowed", 431], ["claire", 462], ["lean", 469], ["leans", 469], ["leaned", 469], ["forward", 477], ["forwarding", 477], ["forwardest", 477], ["see", 485], ["saw", 485], ["six", 511], ["car", 516], ["cars", 516], ["street", 530], ["ahead", 536], ["first", 548], ["firstest", 548], ["turn", 563], ["turned", 563], ["sideways", 572], ["block", 583], ["blocks", 583], ["blocking", 583], ["second", 594], ["seconded", 594], ["van", 607], ["back", 634], ["handicap", 657], ["handicaps", 657], ["handicapped", 657], ["third", 670], ["car", 674], ["trap", 688], ["trapped", 688], ["passenger", 698], ["two", 728], ["twos", 728], ["old", 757], ["sedan", 775], ["sedans", 775], ["kind", 786], ["human", 793], ["humans", 793], ["drive", 799], ["drove", 799], ["lex", 816], ["perry", 822], ["hannah", 867], ["think", 885], ["thinkest", 885], ["brother", 914], ["brethren", 914], ["brothers", 914], ["drank", 951], ["drink", 951], ["drinking", 951], ["buddy", 959], ["buddies", 959], ["sal", 968], ["close", 1063], ["push", 1091], ["pushing", 1091], ["rock", 1112], ["rocking", 1112], ["tire", 1128], ["tires", 1128], ["nobody", 1137], ["speak", 1156], ["spoken", 1156], ["spoke", 1156], ["word", 1163], ["rock", 1180], ["rocked", 1180], ["hard", 1187], ["spin", 1204], ["spun", 1204], ["pull", 1221], ["away", 1226], ["tip", 1242], ["tipped", 1242], ["slam", 1254], ["slammed", 1254], ["side", 1271], ["sidest", 1271], ["helpless", 1282], ["roar", 1296], ["roarest", 1296], ["climb", 1316], ["climbed", 1316], ["top", 1323], ["start", 1341], ["started", 1341], ["batter", 1351], ["battering", 1351], ["window", 1363], ["windows", 1363], ["finally", 1411], ["voice", 1434], ["soft", 1448], ["call", 1458], ["police", 1469], ["already", 1503], ["stop", 1564], ["happen", 1583], ["happening", 1583], ["fact", 1593], ["look", 1618], ["try", 1634], ["tryed", 1634], ["let", 1643], ["lets", 1643], ["go", 1649], ["goest", 1649], ["shane", 1660], ["quietly", 1673], ["nothing", 1695], ["silently", 1728], ["put", 1732], ["reverse", 1751], ["reversed", 1751], ["burn", 1762], ["burns", 1762], ["burned", 1762], ["rubber", 1769], ["back", 1777], ["backing", 1777], ["broke", 1795], ["break", 1795], ["trance", 1813], ["ca", 1821], ["cas", 1821], ["left", 1836], ["leave", 1836], ["take", 1850], ["good", 1857], ["grimly", 1883], ["anybody", 1899], ["see", 1914], ["sees", 1914], ["princess", 1923], ["collaborator", 1990], ["collaborators", 1990], ["protect", 2011], ["protectest", 2011], ["protecting", 2011], ["wear", 2037], ["wearing", 2037], ["founder", 2049], ["foundering", 2049], ["bracelet", 2058], ["sank", 2072], ["sink", 2072], ["shift", 2104], ["shifted", 2104], ["gear", 2110], ["gears", 2110], ["wheel", 2137], ["wheeled", 2137], ["take", 2149], ["took", 2149], ["different", 2161], ["unblock", 2189], ["unblocked", 2189], ["far", 2196], ["town", 2231], ["france", 2246], ["think", 2274], ["thinkest", 2274], ["thinking", 2274], ["gramma", 2287], ["day", 2291], ["welcome", 2304], ["revolution", 2322], ["maze", 2352], ["mazes", 2352], ["street", 2363], ["streets", 2363], ["lit", 2372], ["light", 2372], ["lights", 2372], ["flicker", 2388], ["flickered", 2388], ["flickering", 2388], ["house", 2401], ["houses", 2401], ["streetlamp", 2427], ["streetlamps", 2427], ["come", 2439], ["coming", 2439], ["well", 2450], ["wells", 2450], ["lot", 2481], ["headlight", 2527], ["headlights", 2527], ["honk", 2538], ["honks", 2538], ["honking", 2538], ["honked", 2538], ["local", 2556], ["high", 2561], ["school", 2568], ["schooling", 2568], ["win", 2581], ["football", 2596], ["game", 2601], ["loud", 2632], ["party", 2638], ["home", 2661], ["homing", 2661], ["look", 2691], ["looked", 2691], ["rearview", 2714], ["mirror", 2721], ["nod", 2742], ["nodded", 2742], ["family", 2806], ["locate", 2823], ["located", 2823], ["brake", 2851], ["braked", 2851], ["brakes", 2851], ["instantly", 2892], ["like", 2923], ["site", 2932], ["siting", 2932], ["another", 2943], ["infamous", 2965], ["unsupervised", 2980], ["party", 2988], ["parties", 2988], ["really", 3013], ["uninvited", 3052], ["guest", 3059], ["guestest", 3059], ["guests", 3059], ["free", 3099], ["booze", 3105], ["boozing", 3105], ["ask", 3120], ["asked", 3120], ["yell", 3151], ["couple", 3163], ["guy", 3171], ["guys", 3171], ["carry", 3179], ["carried", 3179], ["plasma", 3192], ["television", 3203], ["front", 3217], ["door", 3222], ["steal", 3245], ["stole", 3245], ["stealing", 3245], ["stuff", 3278], ["pretty", 3290], ["prettiest", 3290], ["much", 3295], ["everything", 3306], ["loot", 3323], ["looted", 3323], ["mattress", 3337], ["mattresses", 3337], ["furniture", 3349], ["art", 3355], ["upstairs", 3389], ["toss", 3397], ["tossing", 3397], ["linen", 3404], ["linens", 3404], ["clad", 3417], ["clothe", 3417], ["wait", 3451], ["waitest", 3451], ["waiting", 3451], ["ground", 3465], ["run", 3491], ["ran", 3491], ["bottle", 3508], ["bottled", 3508], ["full", 3513], ["liquid", 3523], ["stuff", 3533], ["stuffed", 3533], ["burn", 3548], ["burns", 3548], ["burning", 3548], ["rag", 3552], ["ragged", 3552], ["throw", 3564], ["threw", 3564], ["window", 3589], ["windows", 3589], ["flame", 3602], ["flames", 3602], ["flicker", 3612], ["flickered", 3612], ["flickering", 3612], ["catch", 3621], ["catched", 3621], ["catches", 3621], ["caught", 3621], ["gain", 3634], ["gained", 3634], ["strength", 3643], ["pant", 3659], ["panted", 3659], ["claw", 3670], ["clawed", 3670], ["handle", 3689], ["lock", 3710], ["locked", 3710], ["grab", 3733], ["grabbed", 3733], ["arm", 3748], ["arms", 3748], ["hold", 3757], ["held", 3757], ["parent", 3783], ["parents", 3783], ["richard", 3814], ["richards", 3814], ["tell", 3819], ["told", 3819], ["city", 3839], ["hall", 3844], ["keep", 3861], ["keepest", 3861], ["kept", 3861], ["fight", 3870], ["fightest", 3870], ["steer", 3892], ["steerest", 3892], ["steered", 3892], ["house", 3928], ["suddenly", 3948], ["stop", 3965], ["stopped", 3965], ["hear", 3980], ["hears", 3980], ["heard", 3980], ["deserve", 4034], ["deserved", 4034], ["somehow", 4051], ["force", 4076], ["cold", 4100], ["however", 4118], ["hey", 4135], ["bright", 4156], ["brights", 4156], ["least", 4188], ["leastest", 4188], ["little", 4200], ["sister", 4207], ["inside", 4221], ["breath", 4251], ["breathest", 4251], ["cry", 4270], ["crying", 4270], ["time", 4284], ["seem", 4329], ["seeming", 4329], ["seemed", 4329], ["pull", 4343], ["pulling", 4343], ["together", 4360], ["wipe", 4369], ["wiping", 4369], ["face", 4378], ["tremble", 4393], ["trembles", 4393], ["hand", 4399], ["hands", 4399], ["ask", 4410], ["asking", 4410], ["tissue", 4423], ["provide", 4444], ["provided", 4444], ["glove", 4461], ["gloved", 4461], ["quiet", 4524]]
most of the houses had lights on , including the glass house , and although there were some folks outside , talking , it did n't look like mobs were forming . they agreed that monica needed to go in the middle , covered by hannah . eve went first , racing up the walk to the front door and using her keys to open it up . they made it in without attracting too much attention or anybody pointing fingers at monica -- but then , claire thought , monica definitely did n't look much like herself right now . more like a bad monica impersonator . maybe even one who was a guy . shane would laugh himself sick over that if she mentioned it . after seeing the puffy redness around monica 's eyes , and the shattered expression , claire kept it to herself . as shane slammed , locked , and dead bolted the front door , claire felt the house come alive around them , almost tingling with warmth and welcome . she heard people in the living room exclaim at the same time , so it was n't just her ; the house really had reacted , and reacted strongly , to three out of four of its residents coming home . claire stretched out against the wall and kissed it . `` glad to see you , too , '' she whispered , and pressed her cheek against the smooth surface . it almost felt like it hugged her back . `` dude , it 's a house , '' shane said from behind her . `` hug somebody who cares . '' she did , throwing herself into his arms . it felt like he 'd never let her go , not even for a second , and he lifted her completely off the ground and rested his head on her shoulder for a long , precious moment before setting her gently back on her feet . `` better see who 's here , '' he said , and kissed her very lightly . `` down payment for later , okay ? '' claire let go , but held his hand as they walked down the hallway and into the living room of the glass house , which was filled with people . some of them were familiar , at least by sight -- people from town : the owner of the music store where michael worked ; a couple of nurses she 'd seen at the hospital , who still wore brightly colored medical scrubs and comfortable shoes . the rest , claire barely knew at all , but they had one thing in common -- they were all scared . an older , hardlooking woman grabbed claire by the shoulders . `` thank god you 're home , '' she said , and hugged her . claire , rigid with surprise , cast shane a whatthehell look , and he shrugged helplessly . `` this damn house wo n't do anything for us . the lights keep going out , the doors wo n't open , food goes bad in the fridge -- it 's as if it does n't want us here ! '' and it probably did n't . the house could have ejected them at any time , but obviously it had been a bit uncertain about exactly what its residents might want , so it had just made life uncomfortable for the intruders instead . claire could now feel the airconditioning switching on to cool the overheated air , hear doors swinging open upstairs , see lights coming on in darkened areas . `` hey , celia , '' shane said , as the woman let go of claire at last . i figured the barfly would be doing good business tonight . '' `` well , it would be , except that some jerks came in and said that because i was wearing a bracelet i had to serve them for free , on account of being some kind of sympathizer . what kind of sympathizer , i said , and one of them tried to hit me . '' shane lifted his eyebrows . celia was n't a young woman . `` used the regulator . '' celia lifted a baseball bat propped against the wall . it was old hardwood , lovingly polished . `` got myself a couple of home runs , too . but i decided maybe i would n't stay for the extra innings , if you know what i mean . i figure they 're drinking me dry over there right now . makes me want to rip my bracelet off , i 'll tell ya . where are the damn vampires when you need them , after all that ? '' `` you did n't take your bracelet off ? even when they gave you the chance ? '' shane seemed surprised . celia gave him a glare . i ai n't breaking my word , not unless i have to . right now , i do n't have to . '' `` if you take it off now , you may never need to put it on again . '' celia leveled a wrinkled finger at him . `` look , collins , i know all about you and your dad . i do n't hold with any of that . morganville 's an allright place . you follow the rules and stay out of trouble -- about like anyplace , i guess . you people wanted chaos . well , this is what it looks like -- people getting beaten , shops looted , houses burned . sure , it 'll settle down sometime , but into what ?
[["house", 18], ["houses", 18], ["lit", 29], ["light", 29], ["lights", 29], ["include", 44], ["including", 44], ["glass", 54], ["house", 60], ["although", 75], ["folk", 97], ["folks", 97], ["outside", 105], ["talk", 115], ["talking", 115], ["look", 133], ["like", 138], ["mob", 143], ["mobs", 143], ["mobbed", 143], ["form", 156], ["formest", 156], ["forming", 156], ["agree", 170], ["agreed", 170], ["monica", 182], ["need", 189], ["needest", 189], ["needed", 189], ["go", 195], ["goest", 195], ["middle", 209], ["middles", 209], ["middling", 209], ["cover", 219], ["covered", 219], ["hannah", 229], ["eve", 235], ["go", 240], ["goest", 240], ["went", 240], ["first", 246], ["firstest", 246], ["race", 255], ["racing", 255], ["walk", 267], ["front", 280], ["door", 285], ["use", 295], ["using", 295], ["key", 304], ["keyed", 304], ["keyest", 304], ["keys", 304], ["open", 312], ["without", 344], ["attract", 355], ["attractest", 355], ["attracting", 355], ["much", 364], ["attention", 374], ["anybody", 385], ["point", 394], ["pointing", 394], ["finger", 402], ["fingers", 402], ["claire", 433], ["thought", 441], ["definitely", 461], ["right", 498], ["rightest", 498], ["bad", 520], ["impersonator", 540], ["maybe", 548], ["even", 553], ["evens", 553], ["guy", 571], ["shane", 579], ["laugh", 591], ["sick", 604], ["mention", 631], ["mentioned", 631], ["see", 649], ["seeing", 649], ["puffy", 659], ["redness", 667], ["around", 674], ["eye", 689], ["eyed", 689], ["eyes", 689], ["expression", 720], ["keep", 734], ["keepest", 734], ["kept", 734], ["slam", 767], ["slammed", 767], ["lock", 776], ["locked", 776], ["dead", 787], ["bolt", 794], ["bolts", 794], ["bolted", 794], ["feel", 823], ["felt", 823], ["come", 838], ["alive", 844], ["almost", 865], ["tingle", 874], ["tingles", 874], ["tingling", 874], ["warmth", 886], ["welcome", 898], ["hear", 910], ["hears", 910], ["heard", 910], ["people", 917], ["room", 936], ["roomed", 936], ["exclaim", 944], ["exclaimed", 944], ["time", 961], 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["shouldered", 1560], ["long", 1571], ["longs", 1571], ["precious", 1582], ["moment", 1589], ["set", 1604], ["setting", 1604], ["gently", 1615], ["foot", 1632], ["feet", 1632], ["well", 1644], ["wells", 1644], ["lightly", 1703], ["payment", 1721], ["later", 1731], ["okay", 1738], ["hold", 1768], ["held", 1768], ["hand", 1777], ["walk", 1792], ["walked", 1792], ["hallway", 1809], ["hallways", 1809], ["fill", 1872], ["fills", 1872], ["filled", 1872], ["familiar", 1913], ["least", 1924], ["leastest", 1924], ["sight", 1933], ["sighted", 1933], ["town", 1953], ["owner", 1965], ["music", 1978], ["musics", 1978], ["store", 1984], ["michael", 1998], ["work", 2005], ["wrought", 2005], ["worked", 2005], ["couple", 2016], ["nurse", 2026], ["nurses", 2026], ["see", 2038], ["seen", 2038], ["hospital", 2054], ["still", 2066], ["wear", 2071], ["wore", 2071], ["brightly", 2080], ["color", 2088], ["colored", 2088], ["medical", 2096], ["scrub", 2103], ["scrubs", 2103], ["comfortable", 2119], ["shoe", 2125], ["shoed", 2125], ["shoes", 2125], ["rest", 2136], ["barely", 2152], ["know", 2157], ["knowest", 2157], ["knew", 2157], ["thing", 2189], ["common", 2199], ["commons", 2199], ["commonest", 2199], ["old", 2234], ["woman", 2254], ["womans", 2254], ["grab", 2262], ["grabbed", 2262], ["shoulder", 2286], ["shouldered", 2286], ["shoulders", 2286], ["thank", 2297], ["thanks", 2297], ["thankest", 2297], ["god", 2301], ["rigid", 2362], ["surprise", 2376], ["surprised", 2376], ["cast", 2383], ["casts", 2383], ["shrug", 2426], ["shrugging", 2426], ["shrugged", 2426], ["helplessly", 2437], ["damn", 2452], ["damned", 2452], ["wo", 2461], ["anything", 2477], ["keep", 2502], ["keepest", 2502], ["go", 2508], ["goest", 2508], ["going", 2508], ["door", 2524], ["doors", 2524], ["food", 2543], ["foods", 2543], ["go", 2548], ["goest", 2548], ["goes", 2548], ["fridge", 2566], ["probably", 2627], ["eject", 2666], ["ejectest", 2666], ["ejected", 2666], ["obviously", 2699], ["bit", 2717], ["bits", 2717], ["uncertain", 2727], ["exactly", 2741], ["may", 2766], ["mays", 2766], ["mayest", 2766], ["might", 2766], ["life", 2798], ["lifes", 2798], ["uncomfortable", 2812], ["intruder", 2830], ["intruders", 2830], ["instead", 2838], ["feel", 2862], ["switching", 2892], ["cool", 2903], ["overheat", 2918], ["overheated", 2918], ["air", 2922], ["airs", 2922], ["airing", 2922], ["hear", 2929], ["hears", 2929], ["swinge", 2944], ["swinged", 2944], ["swinging", 2944], ["upstairs", 2958], ["darken", 2993], ["darkened", 2993], ["area", 2999], ["areas", 2999], ["hey", 3008], ["celia", 3016], ["last", 3072], ["figure", 3084], ["figured", 3084], ["barfly", 3095], ["good", 3115], ["business", 3124], ["tonight", 3132], ["well", 3145], ["wells", 3145], ["except", 3168], ["jerk", 3184], ["jerks", 3184], ["jerked", 3184], ["come", 3189], ["came", 3189], ["wear", 3228], ["wearing", 3228], ["bracelet", 3239], ["serve", 3254], ["free", 3268], ["account", 3281], ["kind", 3300], ["sympathizer", 3315], ["try", 3375], ["tryed", 3375], ["tried", 3375], ["hit", 3382], ["eyebrow", 3416], ["eyebrows", 3416], ["young", 3440], ["youngest", 3440], ["use", 3456], ["used", 3456], ["regulator", 3470], ["baseball", 3499], ["bat", 3503], ["prop", 3511], ["propped", 3511], ["old", 3541], ["hardwood", 3550], ["hardwoods", 3550], ["lovingly", 3561], ["get", 3579], ["got", 3579], ["run", 3608], ["runs", 3608], ["decide", 3630], ["decided", 3630], ["stay", 3653], ["extra", 3667], ["extras", 3667], ["know", 3689], ["knowest", 3689], ["mean", 3701], ["meanest", 3701], ["figure", 3712], ["drank", 3730], ["drink", 3730], ["drinking", 3730], ["dry", 3737], ["drier", 3737], ["drying", 3737], ["rip", 3781], ["tell", 3810], ["ya", 3813], ["vampire", 3843], ["vampires", 3843], ["need", 3857], ["needest", 3857], ["take", 3904], ["give", 3944], ["gave", 3944], ["chance", 3959], ["chanced", 3959], ["chancing", 3959], ["seem", 3977], ["seeming", 3977], ["seemed", 3977], ["glare", 4012], ["ai", 4019], ["broke", 4032], ["break", 4032], ["breaking", 4032], ["word", 4040], ["unless", 4053], ["unlesss", 4053], ["may", 4135], ["mays", 4135], ["mayest", 4135], ["put", 4153], ["level", 4184], ["leveled", 4184], ["finger", 4202], ["dad", 4265], ["hold", 4281], ["allright", 4327], ["place", 4333], ["follow", 4346], ["rule", 4356], ["rules", 4356], ["trouble", 4380], ["troubling", 4380], ["anyplace", 4403], ["guess", 4413], ["chaos", 4439], ["look", 4470], ["looks", 4470], ["get", 4493], ["getting", 4493], ["beat", 4500], ["beaten", 4500], ["shop", 4508], ["shops", 4508], ["loot", 4515], ["looted", 4515], ["burn", 4531], ["burns", 4531], ["burned", 4531], ["sure", 4538], ["settle", 4554], ["sometime", 4568]]
maybe no place i 'd want to live . '' she turned away from him , shouldered her baseball bat , and marched away to talk with a group of adults her own age . shane caught claire looking at him , and shrugged . but how do we know it wo n't be better if the vamps just -- '' `` just what , shane ? what about michael , have you thought about him ? `` to get a coke ! '' `` would you -- '' `` no ! '' she twisted the cap off the coke she 'd retrieved from the fridge -- which was stocked up again , although she knew it had n't been when they 'd left . another favor from the house , she guessed , although how it went shopping on its own she had no idea . the cold syrupy goodness hit her like a brick wall , but instead of energizing her , it made her feel weak and a little sick . claire sank down in a chair at the kitchen table and put her head in her hands , suddenly overwhelmed . it was all falling apart . amelie was calling the vampires , probably going to fight bishop to the death . morganville was ripping itself in pieces . well , there was one thing . she retrieved and opened four more bottles of coke , and delivered them to hannah , eve , shane , and -- because it felt mean to leave her out at a time like this -- monica . monica stared at the sweating bottle as if she suspected claire had put rat poison in it . take or do n't , i do n't really care . '' claire put it down on the table next to where monica sat , and went to curl up on the couch next to shane . the network was back up again , at least for the moment , and she had a ton of voice mails . most were from shane , so she saved them to listen to later ; two more were from eve , which she deleted , since they were instructions on where to find her . the last one was from her mother . claire caught her breath , tears pricking in her eyes at the sound of mom 's voice . her mother sounded calm , at least -- mostly , anyway . claire , sweetie , i know i should n't be worrying but i am . honey , call us . i 've been hearing some terrible things about what 's happening out there . some of the people with us here are talking about fights and looting . if i do n't hear from you soon -- well , i do n't know what we 'll do , but your father 's going crazy . so please , call us . claire got her breathing back under control , mainly by sternly telling herself that she needed to sound together and completely in control to keep her parents from charging out there into the craziness . she had it more or less managed by the time the phone rang on the other end , and when her mother picked it up , she was able to say , `` hi , mom , '' without making it sound like she was about to burst into tears . is everything okay there ? '' claire , do n't you be worrying about us ! we 're just fine ! oh , honey , are you okay ? `` honestly , yes , i 'm okay . everything 's -- '' she could n't say that everything was okay , because of course it was n't . it was , at best , kind of temporarily stable . `` it 's quiet here . shane 's here , and eve . '' claire remembered that mom had liked monica morrell , and rolled her eyes . anything to calm her fears . `` that girl from the dorm , monica , she 's here , too . '' `` oh , yes , monica . it really did seem to help , which was not exactly an endorsement of mom 's character judging ability . `` her brother came by here to check on us about an hour ago . claire could n't quite imagine referring to richard morrell as a boy , but she let it go . `` he 's kind of in charge of the town right now , '' she said . `` you have the radio , right ? the one we dropped off earlier ? '' we 've been doing everything they say , of course . but honey , i 'd really like it if you could come here . we want to have you home , with us . '' but i think i 'd better stay here . i 'll try to come by tomorrow , okay ? '' they talked a little more , about nothing much , just chatter to make life seem kind of normal for a change . mom was holding it together , but only barely ; claire could hear the manic quaver in her voice , could almost see the bright tears in her eyes .
[["maybe", 5], ["place", 14], ["live", 32], ["turn", 48], ["turned", 48], ["away", 53], ["shoulder", 75], ["shouldered", 75], ["baseball", 88], ["bat", 92], ["march", 106], ["marching", 106], ["marched", 106], ["talk", 119], ["group", 132], ["adult", 142], ["adults", 142], ["age", 154], ["aged", 154], ["shane", 162], ["catch", 169], ["catched", 169], ["catches", 169], ["caught", 169], ["claire", 176], ["look", 184], ["looking", 184], ["shrug", 206], ["shrugging", 206], ["shrugged", 206], ["know", 227], ["knowest", 227], ["wo", 233], ["well", 247], ["wells", 247], ["vamp", 260], ["vamped", 260], ["michael", 313], ["think", 332], ["thinkest", 332], ["thought", 332], ["get", 354], ["coke", 361], ["cokes", 361], ["twist", 408], ["twisted", 408], ["twisting", 408], ["cap", 416], ["retrieve", 446], ["retrieved", 446], ["fridge", 462], ["stock", 483], ["stocked", 483], ["although", 503], ["know", 512], ["knowest", 512], ["knew", 512], ["left", 546], ["leave", 546], ["another", 556], ["favor", 562], ["favorest", 562], ["house", 577], ["guess", 591], ["guessed", 591], ["go", 614], ["goest", 614], ["went", 614], ["shop", 623], ["idea", 650], ["cold", 661], ["syrupy", 668], ["goodness", 677], ["hit", 681], ["like", 690], ["brick", 698], ["wall", 703], ["instead", 717], ["energize", 731], ["energizes", 731], ["energizing", 731], ["feel", 754], ["weak", 759], ["little", 772], ["sick", 777], ["sank", 791], ["sink", 791], ["chair", 807], ["chairing", 807], ["kitchen", 822], ["kitchens", 822], ["table", 828], ["tabled", 828], ["tabling", 828], ["put", 836], ["head", 845], ["hand", 858], ["hands", 858], ["suddenly", 869], ["fall", 902], ["falls", 902], ["falling", 902], ["apart", 908], ["call", 929], ["calling", 929], ["vampire", 942], ["vampires", 942], ["probably", 953], ["go", 959], ["goest", 959], ["going", 959], ["fight", 968], ["fightest", 968], ["bishop", 975], ["death", 988], ["rip", 1014], ["ripping", 1014], ["piece", 1031], ["pieced", 1031], ["pieces", 1031], ["well", 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2970], ["stable", 2977], ["quiet", 2994], ["remember", 3048], ["rememberest", 3048], ["remembered", 3048], ["like", 3067], ["liked", 3067], ["roll", 3095], ["rolled", 3095], ["anything", 3115], ["fear", 3133], ["fearest", 3133], ["fears", 3133], ["girl", 3148], ["dorm", 3162], ["seem", 3238], ["seeming", 3238], ["help", 3246], ["helpest", 3246], ["exactly", 3270], ["endorsement", 3285], ["character", 3305], ["judge", 3313], ["judging", 3313], ["ability", 3321], ["brother", 3338], ["brethren", 3338], ["come", 3343], ["came", 3343], ["check", 3360], ["hour", 3380], ["ago", 3384], ["quite", 3409], ["imagine", 3417], ["refer", 3427], ["referring", 3427], ["richard", 3438], ["richards", 3438], ["boy", 3455], ["let", 3469], ["lets", 3469], ["go", 3475], ["goest", 3475], ["charge", 3504], ["town", 3516], ["right", 3522], ["rightest", 3522], ["say", 3540], ["sayest", 3540], ["said", 3540], ["radio", 3564], ["drop", 3593], ["dropped", 3593], ["early", 3605], ["come", 3712], ["home", 3744], ["homing", 3744], ["think", 3771], ["thinkest", 3771], ["stay", 3788], ["try", 3805], ["tryed", 3805], ["tomorrow", 3825], ["tomorrows", 3825], ["talk", 3849], ["talked", 3849], ["nothing", 3879], ["much", 3884], ["chatter", 3899], ["life", 3912], ["lifes", 3912], ["normal", 3932], ["change", 3945], ["hold", 3963], ["holding", 3963], ["barely", 3993], ["manic", 4023], ["manics", 4023], ["quaver", 4030], ["almost", 4058], ["see", 4062], ["bright", 4073], ["brights", 4073]]
she was going on about how they 'd had to move most of the boxes into the base ment to make room for all the company -- company ? -- and how she was afraid that claire 's stuff would get damp , and then she talked about all the toys in the boxes and how much claire had enjoyed them when she was younger . normal mom stuff . claire did n't interrupt , except to make soothing noises and acknowledgments when mom paused . it helped , hearing mom 's voice , and she knew it was helping her to talk . but finally , when her mother ran down like a springwound clock , claire agreed to all the parental requirements to be careful and watch out and wear warm clothes . goodbye seemed very final , and once claire hung up , she sat in silence for a few minutes , staring at the screen of her cell phone . on impulse , she tried to call amelie . in the living room , shane was organizing some kind of sentry duty . a lot of people had already crashed out in piles of pillows , blankets , sometimes just on a spare rug . claire edged around the prone bodies and motioned to shane that she was going upstairs . he nodded and kept talking to the two guys he was with , but his gaze followed her all the way . eve was in her bedroom , and there was a note on the door that said do not knock or i will kill you . this means you , shane . claire considered knocking , but she was too tired to run away . her bedroom was dark . when she 'd left in the morning , eve 's kindoffriend miranda had been sleeping here , but she was gone , and the bed was neatly made again . claire sat down on the edge , staring out the windows , and then pulled out clean underwear and her last pair of blue jeans from the closet , plus a tight black shirt eve had lent her last week . the shower felt like heaven . there was even enough hot water for a change . claire dried off , fussed with her hair a bit , and got dressed . when she came out , she listened at the stairs , but did n't hear shane talking anymore . either he was being quiet , or he 'd gone to bed . she paused next to his door , wishing she had the guts to knock , but she went on to her own room instead . shane was inside , sitting on her bed . he looked up when she opened the door , and his lips parted , but he was silent for a long few seconds . `` i should go , '' he finally said , but he did n't get up . claire settled in next to him . it was all perfectly correct , the two of them sitting fully dressed like this , but somehow she felt like they were on the edge of a cliff , both in danger of falling off . it was exciting , and terrifying , and all kinds of wrong . `` so what happened to you today ? '' `` in the bloodmobile , i mean ? '' we drove to the edge of town and parked outside the border , where we 'd be able to see anybody coming . a couple of vamps showed , trying to make a withdrawal , but we sent them packing . bishop never made an appearance . once we lost contact with the vampires , we figured we 'd cruise around and see what was going on . we nearly got boxed in by a bunch of drunk idiots in pickup trucks , and then the vampires in the bloodmobile went nuts -- that call thing going off , i guess . i dropped them at the grain elevator -- that was the biggest , darkest place i could find , and it casts a lot of shadows . i handed off the driving to cesar mercado . he 's supposed to drive it all the way to midland tonight , provided the barriers are down . best we can do . '' did you leave it on board ? '' in answer , shane reached into his waistband and pulled out the small leatherbound volume . amelie had added a lock on it , like a diary lock . claire tried pressing the small , metal catch . it did n't open , of course . `` you think you should be fooling with that thing ? '' she tried prying a couple of pages apart to peek at the script . all she could tell was that it was handwritten , and the paper looked relatively old . oddly , when she sniffed it , the paper smelled like chemicals . shane looked like he could n't decide whether to be repulsed or fascinated . `` i think somebody restored the paper , '' she said . `` like they do with really expensive old books and stuff . comics , sometimes . they put chemicals on the paper to slow down the aging process , make the paper whiter again . '' `` fascinating , '' shane lied . he plucked the book from her hands and put it aside , on the other side of the bed . when she grabbed for it , he got in her way ; they tangled , and somehow , he was lying prone on the bed and she was stretched awkwardly on top of him . his hands steadied her when she started to slide off . `` we should n't -- '' `` definitely not . '' `` then you should -- '' `` yeah , i should . '' but he did n't move , and neither did she .
[["go", 13], ["goest", 13], ["going", 13], ["move", 46], ["box", 64], ["boxed", 64], ["boxes", 64], ["base", 78], ["basest", 78], ["ment", 83], ["room", 96], ["roomed", 96], ["company", 116], ["companys", 116], ["companying", 116], ["afraid", 155], ["claire", 167], ["stuff", 176], ["get", 186], ["damp", 191], ["damps", 191], ["damped", 191], ["talk", 213], ["talked", 213], ["toy", 232], ["toyed", 232], ["toyest", 232], ["toys", 232], ["much", 258], ["enjoy", 277], ["enjoyed", 277], ["young", 303], ["youngest", 303], ["normal", 312], ["mom", 316], ["moms", 316], ["interrupt", 349], ["interruptest", 349], ["except", 358], ["noise", 382], ["noises", 382], ["acknowledgment", 402], ["acknowledgments", 402], ["pause", 418], ["paused", 418], ["help", 430], ["helpest", 430], ["helped", 430], ["hear", 440], ["hears", 440], ["hearing", 440], ["voice", 453], ["know", 468], ["knowest", 468], ["knew", 468], ["help", 483], ["helpest", 483], ["helping", 483], ["talk", 495], ["finally", 509], ["mother", 527], ["mothered", 527], ["motherest", 527], ["run", 531], ["ran", 531], ["like", 541], ["clock", 561], ["agree", 577], ["agreed", 577], ["parental", 597], ["requirement", 610], ["requirements", 610], ["careful", 624], ["watch", 634], ["wear", 647], ["warm", 652], ["clad", 660], ["clothe", 660], ["clothes", 660], ["goodbye", 670], ["goodbyes", 670], ["seem", 677], ["seeming", 677], ["seemed", 677], ["final", 688], ["hang", 711], ["hung", 711], ["hangs", 711], ["sat", 724], ["sit", 724], ["silence", 735], ["minute", 753], ["minutes", 753], ["stare", 763], ["stared", 763], ["staring", 763], ["screen", 777], ["screening", 777], ["cell", 789], ["phone", 795], ["impulse", 808], ["try", 820], ["tryed", 820], ["tried", 820], ["call", 828], ["shane", 864], ["organize", 879], ["organizing", 879], ["kind", 889], ["sentry", 899], ["duty", 904], ["lot", 912], ["people", 922], ["already", 934], ["crash", 942], ["crashed", 942], ["pile", 955], ["piles", 955], ["pillow", 966], ["pillows", 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["sleepest", 1492], ["sleeping", 1492], ["go", 1516], ["goest", 1516], ["gone", 1516], ["bed", 1530], ["neatly", 1541], ["edge", 1582], ["edges", 1582], ["window", 1608], ["windows", 1608], ["pull", 1626], ["pulled", 1626], ["clean", 1636], ["cleans", 1636], ["underwear", 1646], ["last", 1659], ["pair", 1664], ["pairs", 1664], ["blue", 1672], ["jean", 1678], ["jeans", 1678], ["closet", 1694], ["closets", 1694], ["plus", 1701], ["tight", 1709], ["black", 1715], ["shirt", 1721], ["lend", 1734], ["lent", 1734], ["week", 1748], ["showered", 1761], ["showerest", 1761], ["feel", 1766], ["felt", 1766], ["heaven", 1778], ["heavens", 1778], ["even", 1795], ["evens", 1795], ["enough", 1802], ["hot", 1806], ["water", 1812], ["change", 1825], ["dry", 1840], ["drier", 1840], ["drying", 1840], ["dried", 1840], ["fuss", 1853], ["fussing", 1853], ["fussed", 1853], ["hair", 1867], ["bit", 1873], ["bits", 1873], ["get", 1883], ["got", 1883], ["dress", 1891], ["dressest", 1891], ["dressed", 1891], ["come", 1907], ["came", 1907], ["listen", 1926], ["listens", 1926], ["listened", 1926], ["stair", 1940], ["stairs", 1940], ["hear", 1959], ["hears", 1959], ["anymore", 1981], ["either", 1990], ["quiet", 2009], ["next", 2050], ["wish", 2072], ["wishing", 2072], ["gut", 2089], ["guts", 2089], ["go", 2113], ["goest", 2113], ["went", 2113], ["instead", 2140], ["inside", 2159], ["sat", 2169], ["sit", 2169], ["sitting", 2169], ["look", 2192], ["looked", 2192], ["open", 2211], ["opened", 2211], ["lip", 2235], ["lipped", 2235], ["lips", 2235], ["part", 2242], ["parting", 2242], ["parted", 2242], ["silent", 2262], ["long", 2273], ["longs", 2273], ["second", 2285], ["seconded", 2285], ["seconds", 2285], ["go", 2302], ["goest", 2302], ["settle", 2364], ["settled", 2364], ["perfectly", 2402], ["correct", 2410], ["fully", 2442], ["somehow", 2474], ["cliff", 2521], ["cliffs", 2521], ["danger", 2538], ["fall", 2549], ["falls", 2549], ["falling", 2549], ["exciting", 2571], ["kind", 2604], ["kinds", 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["trucks", 3079], ["thing", 3151], ["guess", 3171], ["drop", 3183], ["dropped", 3183], ["grain", 3201], ["elevator", 3210], ["big", 3234], ["bigs", 3234], ["biggest", 3234], ["darkest", 3244], ["place", 3250], ["find", 3263], ["cast", 3278], ["casts", 3278], ["shadow", 3295], ["shadowed", 3295], ["shadows", 3295], ["hand", 3306], ["handed", 3306], ["driving", 3322], ["suppose", 3356], ["supposed", 3356], ["drive", 3365], ["midland", 3391], ["tonight", 3399], ["provide", 3410], ["provided", 3410], ["barrier", 3423], ["barriers", 3423], ["well", 3439], ["wells", 3439], ["left", 3468], ["leave", 3468], ["board", 3480], ["boarding", 3480], ["answer", 3495], ["answeres", 3495], ["answerest", 3495], ["reach", 3511], ["reached", 3511], ["waistband", 3530], ["small", 3555], ["leatherbound", 3568], ["volume", 3575], ["volumed", 3575], ["add", 3594], ["added", 3594], ["lock", 3601], ["diary", 3622], ["press", 3651], ["pressing", 3651], ["metal", 3669], ["catch", 3675], ["catched", 3675], ["catches", 3675], ["open", 3693], ["course", 3705], ["think", 3720], ["thinkest", 3720], ["fool", 3742], ["fooling", 3742], ["foolest", 3742], ["pry", 3780], ["pried", 3780], ["prying", 3780], ["page", 3798], ["pages", 3798], ["apart", 3804], ["peek", 3812], ["peeks", 3812], ["script", 3826], ["scripts", 3826], ["scripting", 3826], ["tell", 3847], ["handwritten", 3875], ["paper", 3891], ["relatively", 3909], ["old", 3913], ["oddly", 3921], ["sniff", 3940], ["sniffed", 3940], ["smelt", 3963], ["smell", 3963], ["smellest", 3963], ["smelled", 3963], ["chemical", 3978], ["chemicals", 3978], ["decide", 4018], ["whether", 4026], ["repulse", 4041], ["repulsed", 4041], ["fascinate", 4055], ["fascinated", 4055], ["restore", 4086], ["restored", 4086], ["really", 4140], ["expensive", 4150], ["book", 4160], ["books", 4160], ["put", 4202], ["slow", 4233], ["aging", 4248], ["process", 4256], ["whiter", 4280], ["fascinating", 4306], ["lie", 4322], ["lay", 4322], ["lain", 4322], ["lied", 4322], ["pluck", 4335], ["plucked", 4335], ["book", 4344], ["hand", 4359], ["hands", 4359], ["aside", 4376], ["side", 4396], ["sidest", 4396], ["grab", 4426], ["grabbed", 4426], ["tangle", 4468], ["tangling", 4468], ["tangled", 4468], ["lie", 4497], ["lay", 4497], ["lain", 4497], ["lying", 4497], ["stretch", 4536], ["stretched", 4536], ["awkwardly", 4546], ["top", 4553], ["steady", 4581], ["steadied", 4581], ["start", 4602], ["started", 4602], ["slid", 4611], ["definitely", 4654], ["yeah", 4696], ["neither", 4746]]
they just looked at each other , and then , very slowly , she lowered her lips to his . it was a warm , sweet , wonderful kiss , and it seemed to go on forever . it also felt like it did n't last nearly long enough . shane 's hands skimmed up her sides , up her back , and cupped her damp hair as he kissed her more deeply . there were promises in that kiss . `` okay , red flag , '' he said . he had n't let her go , but there was about a half an inch of air between their lips . claire 's whole body felt alive and tingling , pulse pounding in her wrists and temples , warmth pooling like light in the center of her body . `` hey , is n't that my line ? '' kissing shane was the reward for surviving a long , hard , terrifying day . being enfolded in his warmth felt like going to heaven on moonbeams . she kicked off her shoes , and , still fully dressed , crawled under the blankets . `` trust me , '' she said again . `` and you can keep your clothes on if you do n't . '' they 'd done this before , but somehow it had n't felt so ... intimate . claire pressed against him , back to front under the covers , and his arms went around her . instant heat . she swallowed and tried to remember all those good intentions she 'd had as she felt shane 's breath whisper on the back of her neck , and then his lips brushed her skin . `` so wrong , '' he murmured . `` you 're killing me , you know . '' `` on this , you 'll have to trust me . '' his sigh made her shiver all the way to her bones . `` i ca n't believe you brought monica back here . '' you would n't have left her out there , all alone . i know you better than that , shane . even as bad as she is -- '' `` the satanic incarnation of evil ? '' `` maybe so , but i ca n't see you letting them get her and ... hurt her . '' claire turned around to face him , a squirming motion that made them wrestle for the covers . `` what am i , miranda the teen screwedup psychic ? all i know is that when we get up tomorrow , either the vampires will be back , or they wo n't . and then we 'll have to make a choice about how we 're going to go forward . '' `` maybe we do n't go forward . maybe we wait . '' `` one thing i do know , claire : you ca n't stay in the same place , not even for a day . you keep on moving . maybe it 's the right direction , maybe not , but you still move . every second things change , like it or not . '' she studied his face intently . `` is your dad here ? he 'd know that it was time to move in and take command , if he could . and manetti 's a running buddy from way back . this kind of feels like dad 's behind it . '' `` but if he does take over , what happens to michael ? to myrnin ? to any other vampire out there ? '' `` do you really need me to tell you ? '' `` he 'll tell people they have to kill all the vampires , and then , he 'll come after the morrells , and anybody else he thinks is responsible for what happened to your family . `` probably , '' shane sighed . `` and you 're going to let all that happen . '' `` you did n't say you were n't , either . do n't tell me it 's complicated , because it is n't . either you stand up for something , or you lie down for it . you said that to me one time , and you were right . '' claire burrowed closer into his arms . `` shane , you were right then . be right now . '' his fingers traced down her cheek , across her lips , and his eyes -- she 'd never seen that look in his eyes . in anyone 's , really . `` in this whole screwedup town , you 're the only thing that 's always been right to me , '' he whispered . `` i love you , claire . '' she saw something that might have been just a flash of panic go across his expression , but then he steadied again . `` i ca n't believe i 'm saying this , but i do . he said something else , but the world had narrowed around her . shane 's lips kept moving , but all she heard were the same words echoing over and over inside her head like the tolling of a giant brass bell : i love you . he sounded like it had taken him completely by surprise -- not in a bad way , but more as if he had n't really understood what he was feeling until that instant . it was as if she 'd never really seen him before , and he was beautiful .
[["look", 16], ["looked", 16], ["slowly", 55], ["lower", 69], ["lowers", 69], ["lowerest", 69], ["lowered", 69], ["lip", 78], ["lipped", 78], ["lips", 78], ["warm", 101], ["sweet", 109], ["wonderful", 121], ["kiss", 126], ["kisses", 126], ["kissest", 126], ["seem", 142], ["seeming", 142], ["seemed", 142], ["go", 148], ["goest", 148], ["forever", 159], ["also", 169], ["feel", 174], ["felt", 174], ["like", 179], ["last", 195], ["nearly", 202], ["long", 207], ["longs", 207], ["enough", 214], ["shane", 222], ["hand", 231], ["hands", 231], ["skim", 239], ["skimmed", 239], ["side", 252], ["sidest", 252], ["sides", 252], ["back", 266], ["cup", 279], ["cupped", 279], ["damp", 288], ["damps", 288], ["damped", 288], ["hair", 293], ["kiss", 306], ["kisses", 306], ["kissest", 306], ["kissed", 306], ["deeply", 322], ["promise", 344], ["promises", 344], ["okay", 367], ["red", 373], ["flag", 378], ["flagged", 378], ["say", 391], ["sayest", 391], ["said", 391], ["let", 408], ["lets", 408], ["half", 444], ["inch", 452], ["air", 459], ["airs", 459], ["airing", 459], ["claire", 487], ["whole", 496], ["wholes", 496], ["body", 501], ["bodied", 501], ["alive", 512], ["tingle", 525], ["tingles", 525], ["tingling", 525], ["pulse", 533], ["pound", 542], ["pounding", 542], ["wrist", 556], ["wrists", 556], ["temple", 568], ["temples", 568], ["warmth", 577], ["pool", 585], ["pooling", 585], ["lit", 596], ["light", 596], ["center", 610], ["hey", 631], ["line", 653], ["kiss", 666], ["kisses", 666], ["kissest", 666], ["kissing", 666], ["reward", 687], ["survive", 701], ["surviving", 701], ["hard", 715], ["day", 732], ["enfold", 749], ["go", 779], ["goest", 779], ["going", 779], ["heaven", 789], ["heavens", 789], ["kick", 815], ["kicked", 815], ["shoe", 829], ["shoed", 829], ["shoes", 829], ["still", 843], ["fully", 849], ["dress", 857], ["dressest", 857], ["dressed", 857], ["crawl", 867], ["crawled", 867], ["blanket", 886], ["blankets", 886], ["trust", 897], ["keep", 942], ["keepest", 942], ["clad", 955], ["clothe", 955], ["clothes", 955], ["somehow", 1016], ["intimate", 1048], ["press", 1065], ["pressed", 1065], ["front", 1093], ["cover", 1110], ["covers", 1110], ["arm", 1125], ["arms", 1125], ["go", 1130], ["goest", 1130], ["went", 1130], ["around", 1137], ["instant", 1151], ["heat", 1156], ["heats", 1156], ["heated", 1156], ["swallow", 1172], ["swallows", 1172], ["swallowed", 1172], ["try", 1182], ["tryed", 1182], ["tried", 1182], ["remember", 1194], ["rememberest", 1194], ["good", 1209], ["intention", 1220], ["intentions", 1220], ["breath", 1259], ["breathest", 1259], ["whisper", 1267], ["neck", 1291], ["necked", 1291], ["brush", 1319], ["brushest", 1319], ["brushed", 1319], ["skin", 1328], ["wrong", 1342], ["murmur", 1359], ["murmurest", 1359], ["murmured", 1359], ["kill", 1380], ["killing", 1380], ["know", 1394], ["knowest", 1394], ["sigh", 1451], ["sighest", 1451], ["shiver", 1467], ["shivering", 1467], ["way", 1479], ["ways", 1479], ["bone", 1492], ["bonest", 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["direction", 2302], ["move", 2335], ["every", 2343], ["second", 2350], ["seconded", 2350], ["thing", 2357], ["things", 2357], ["change", 2364], ["study", 2398], ["studied", 2398], ["intently", 2416], ["dad", 2433], ["time", 2468], ["take", 2488], ["command", 2496], ["run", 2537], ["running", 2537], ["buddy", 2543], ["kind", 2569], ["feel", 2578], ["feels", 2578], ["behind", 2597], ["happen", 2648], ["happens", 2648], ["michael", 2659], ["vampire", 2694], ["really", 2726], ["need", 2731], ["needest", 2731], ["tell", 2742], ["people", 2773], ["kill", 2791], ["come", 2833], ["anybody", 2866], ["else", 2871], ["think", 2881], ["thinkest", 2881], ["thinks", 2881], ["responsible", 2896], ["happen", 2914], ["happened", 2914], ["family", 2929], ["probably", 2943], ["sigh", 2961], ["sighest", 2961], ["sighed", 2961], ["happen", 3007], ["say", 3031], ["sayest", 3031], ["complicate", 3088], ["complicated", 3088], ["complicates", 3088], ["stand", 3127], ["stood", 3127], ["standest", 3127], ["lie", 3157], ["lay", 3157], ["lain", 3157], ["burrow", 3242], ["burrowing", 3242], ["burrowed", 3242], ["close", 3249], ["closer", 3249], ["finger", 3328], ["fingers", 3328], ["trace", 3335], ["traced", 3335], ["cheek", 3350], ["cheeks", 3350], ["across", 3359], ["eye", 3383], ["eyed", 3383], ["eyes", 3383], ["never", 3399], ["see", 3404], ["seen", 3404], ["look", 3414], ["anyone", 3438], ["town", 3484], ["always", 3524], ["whisper", 3559], ["whispered", 3559], ["love", 3571], ["see", 3597], ["saw", 3597], ["may", 3618], ["mays", 3618], ["mayest", 3618], ["might", 3618], ["flash", 3641], ["panic", 3650], ["expression", 3675], ["steady", 3698], ["steadied", 3698], ["say", 3738], ["sayest", 3738], ["saying", 3738], ["world", 3795], ["narrow", 3808], ["narrowed", 3808], ["keep", 3840], ["keepest", 3840], ["kept", 3840], ["hear", 3867], ["hears", 3867], ["heard", 3867], ["word", 3887], ["words", 3887], ["echo", 3895], ["echoed", 3895], ["echoing", 3895], ["inside", 3916], ["head", 3925], ["tolling", 3942], ["giant", 3953], ["brass", 3959], ["bell", 3964], ["belling", 3964], ["sound", 3990], ["sounded", 3990], ["take", 4008], ["taken", 4008], ["completely", 4023], ["surprise", 4035], ["surprised", 4035], ["understand", 4101], ["understanded", 4101], ["understood", 4101], ["feel", 4121], ["feeling", 4121], ["beautiful", 4214], ["beautifulest", 4214]]
more beautiful than any man she 'd ever seen in her entire life , ever . whatever he was saying , she stopped it by kissing him . when he finally backed up , he did n't go far , and this look in his eyes , this intense and overwhelming need -- that was new , too . `` i love you , '' he said , and kissed her so hard he took her breath away . there was more to it than before -- more passion , more urgency , more ... everything . it was as if she were caught in a tide , carried away , and she thought that if she never touched the shore again , it would be good to drown like this , just swim forever in all this richness . red flag , some part of her screamed , come on , red flag . she wished it would just shut up . `` i love you , too , '' she whispered to him . her voice was shaking , and so were her hands where they rested on his chest . under the soft tshirt , his muscles were tensed , and she could feel every deep breath he took . she meant it to be an invitation , but that was the thing that shocked sense back into him . `` anything , '' he repeated , and squeezed his eyes shut . bad idea , claire . she laughed a little wildly . `` everything 's crazy today . why ca n't we be ? `` because i made promises , '' he said . he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close , and she felt a groan shake his whole body . `` to your parents , to myself , to michael . to you , claire . i ca n't break my word . it 's pretty much all i 've got these days . '' `` but ... what if -- '' `` do n't , '' he whispered in her ear . this is tough enough already . '' he kissed her again , long and sweetly , and somehow , it tasted like tears this time . like some kind of goodbye . `` i really do love you , '' he said , and smoothed away the damp streaks on her cheeks . before she could stop him , he slid out of bed , put on his shoes , and walked quickly to the door . she sat up , holding the covers close as if she were naked underneath , instead of fully clothed , and he hesitated there , one hand gripping the doorknob . `` please stay , '' she said . `` shane -- '' he shook his head . `` if i stay , things are going to happen . you know it , and i know it , and we just ca n't do this . i know things are falling apart , but -- '' he hitched in a deep , painful breath . the sound of the door softly closing behind him went through her like a knife . claire rolled over , wretchedly hugging the pillow that smelled of his hair , sharing the warm place in the bed where his body had been , and thought about crying herself to sleep . and then she thought of the dawning wonder in his eyes when he 'd said , i love you . it was no time to be crying . when she did finally sleep , she felt safe . 8 three hours later , they did n't know much more , except that nothing they tried to do to keep the vampires from leaving seemed to work , apart from tranquilizing them and locking them up in sturdy cells . `` i 'm not waiting , '' shane said . `` let 's get the car . '' 9 the tire plant was near the old hospital , which made claire shudder ; she remembered the deserted building way too well . in answer , shane reached into his waistband and pulled out the small leath erbound volume . the next day , there was no sign of the vampires , none at all . claire checked the portal networks , but as far as she could tell , they were down . with nothing concrete to do , she helped around the house -- cleaning , straightening , running errands . richard morrell came around to check on them . he looked a little better for having slept , which did n't mean he looked good , exactly . when eve wandered down , she looked almost as bad . she had n't bothered with her goth makeup , and her black hair was down in a lank , uncombed mess . she poured richard some coffee from the everbrewing pot , handed it over , and said , `` how 's michael ? '' richard blew on the hot surface in the cup without looking at her . `` he 's at city hall . we moved all the vampires we still had into the jail , for safekeeping . '' eve 's face crumpled in anguish . shane put a hand on her shoulder , and she pulled in a damp breath and got control of herself . `` that 's probably for the best , you 're right . '' she sipped from her own battered coffee mug . out there meant beyond lot street , which remained eerily quiet . `` not so good , '' richard said .
[["beautiful", 14], ["beautifulest", 14], ["man", 27], ["mans", 27], ["manned", 27], ["ever", 39], ["everest", 39], ["see", 44], ["seen", 44], ["entire", 58], ["life", 63], ["lifes", 63], ["whatever", 81], ["say", 95], ["sayest", 95], ["saying", 95], ["stop", 109], ["stopped", 109], ["kiss", 123], ["kisses", 123], ["kissest", 123], ["kissing", 123], ["finally", 145], ["back", 152], ["backed", 152], ["go", 171], ["goest", 171], ["far", 175], ["look", 191], ["eye", 203], ["eyed", 203], ["eyes", 203], ["intense", 218], ["overwhelming", 235], ["need", 240], ["needest", 240], ["new", 256], ["love", 274], ["say", 291], ["sayest", 291], ["said", 291], ["kiss", 304], ["kisses", 304], ["kissest", 304], ["kissed", 304], ["hard", 316], ["take", 324], ["took", 324], ["breath", 335], ["breathest", 335], ["away", 340], ["passion", 391], ["urgency", 406], ["everything", 428], ["catch", 459], ["catched", 459], ["catches", 459], ["caught", 459], ["tide", 469], ["tides", 469], ["tiding", 469], ["carry", 479], ["carried", 479], ["think", 502], ["thinkest", 502], ["thought", 502], ["never", 520], ["touch", 528], ["touching", 528], ["touched", 528], ["shore", 538], ["good", 563], ["drown", 572], ["drowns", 572], ["like", 577], ["swim", 594], ["swiming", 594], ["forever", 602], ["richness", 623], ["red", 629], ["flag", 634], ["flagged", 634], ["part", 646], ["parting", 646], ["scream", 662], ["screams", 662], ["screamed", 662], ["come", 669], ["wish", 696], ["wished", 696], ["shut", 715], ["whisper", 759], ["whispered", 759], ["voice", 778], ["shake", 790], ["shaking", 790], ["hand", 814], ["hands", 814], ["rest", 832], ["rested", 832], ["chest", 845], ["soft", 862], ["muscle", 883], ["muscles", 883], ["tense", 895], ["tensed", 895], ["feel", 916], ["every", 922], ["deep", 927], ["deeply", 927], ["mean", 954], ["meanest", 954], ["meant", 954], ["invitation", 977], ["thing", 1002], ["shock", 1015], ["shocked", 1015], ["sense", 1021], ["back", 1026], ["anything", 1049], ["repeat", 1066], ["repeatest", 1066], ["repeated", 1066], ["squeeze", 1081], ["squeezes", 1081], ["squeezed", 1081], ["bad", 1101], ["idea", 1106], ["claire", 1115], ["laugh", 1129], ["laughed", 1129], ["little", 1138], ["wildly", 1145], ["crazy", 1170], ["today", 1176], ["ca", 1185], ["cas", 1185], ["promise", 1224], ["promises", 1224], ["wrap", 1250], ["wraps", 1250], ["wrapping", 1250], ["wrapped", 1250], ["arm", 1259], ["arms", 1259], ["around", 1266], ["pull", 1281], ["pulled", 1281], ["close", 1291], ["feel", 1306], ["felt", 1306], ["groan", 1314], ["groans", 1314], ["groanest", 1314], ["groaning", 1314], ["shake", 1320], ["whole", 1330], ["wholes", 1330], ["body", 1335], ["bodied", 1335], ["parent", 1356], ["parents", 1356], ["michael", 1381], ["broke", 1416], ["break", 1416], ["word", 1424], ["pretty", 1439], ["prettiest", 1439], ["much", 1444], ["get", 1458], ["got", 1458], ["day", 1469], ["days", 1469], ["ear", 1538], ["tough", 1554], ["enough", 1561], ["already", 1569], ["long", 1601], ["longs", 1601], ["sweetly", 1613], ["somehow", 1627], ["taste", 1639], ["tasted", 1639], ["tear", 1650], ["teared", 1650], ["tears", 1650], ["time", 1660], ["kind", 1677], ["goodbye", 1688], ["goodbyes", 1688], ["really", 1702], ["smooth", 1742], ["smoothed", 1742], ["damp", 1756], ["damps", 1756], ["damped", 1756], ["streak", 1764], ["streaks", 1764], ["streaked", 1764], ["cheek", 1778], ["cheeks", 1778], ["stop", 1802], ["slid", 1816], ["bed", 1827], ["put", 1833], ["shoe", 1846], ["shoed", 1846], ["shoes", 1846], ["walk", 1859], ["walked", 1859], ["quickly", 1867], ["door", 1879], ["sat", 1889], ["sit", 1889], ["hold", 1902], ["holding", 1902], ["cover", 1913], ["covers", 1913], ["naked", 1940], ["underneath", 1951], ["instead", 1961], ["fully", 1970], ["clad", 1978], ["clothe", 1978], ["clothed", 1978], ["hesitate", 1997], ["hesitated", 1997], ["hand", 2014], ["grip", 2023], ["gripping", 2023], ["doorknob", 2036], ["doorknobs", 2036], ["please", 2048], ["stay", 2053], ["shane", 2078], ["shake", 2093], ["shook", 2093], ["head", 2102], ["thing", 2126], ["things", 2126], ["go", 2136], ["goest", 2136], ["going", 2136], ["happen", 2146], ["know", 2157], ["knowest", 2157], ["fall", 2233], ["falls", 2233], ["falling", 2233], ["apart", 2239], ["hitch", 2262], ["hitched", 2262], ["hitches", 2262], ["painful", 2282], ["sound", 2301], ["softly", 2320], ["close", 2328], ["behind", 2335], ["go", 2344], ["goest", 2344], ["went", 2344], ["knife", 2369], ["knifes", 2369], ["roll", 2385], ["rolled", 2385], ["wretchedly", 2403], ["hug", 2411], ["hugging", 2411], ["pillow", 2422], ["smelt", 2435], ["smell", 2435], ["smellest", 2435], ["smelled", 2435], ["hair", 2447], ["share", 2457], ["warm", 2466], ["place", 2472], ["cry", 2534], ["crying", 2534], ["sleep", 2551], ["slept", 2551], ["sleeps", 2551], ["sleepest", 2551], ["dawn", 2589], ["dawnest", 2589], ["dawning", 2589], ["wonder", 2596], ["wonderest", 2596], ["safe", 2712], ["safes", 2712], ["safed", 2712], ["three", 2722], ["hour", 2728], ["hours", 2728], ["later", 2734], ["except", 2773], ["nothing", 2786], ["try", 2797], ["tryed", 2797], ["tried", 2797], ["keep", 2811], ["keepest", 2811], ["vampire", 2824], ["vampires", 2824], ["left", 2837], ["leave", 2837], ["leaving", 2837], ["seem", 2844], ["seeming", 2844], ["seemed", 2844], ["work", 2852], ["wrought", 2852], ["tranquilize", 2879], ["tranquilizing", 2879], ["lock", 2896], ["locking", 2896], ["sturdy", 2914], ["cell", 2920], ["cells", 2920], ["wait", 2942], ["waitest", 2942], ["waiting", 2942], ["let", 2967], ["lets", 2967], ["get", 2974], ["car", 2982], ["tire", 2998], ["plant", 3004], ["near", 3013], ["old", 3021], ["hospital", 3030], ["shudder", 3058], ["shuddering", 3058], ["shudderest", 3058], ["remember", 3075], ["rememberest", 3075], ["remembered", 3075], ["desert", 3088], ["deserted", 3088], ["build", 3097], ["building", 3097], ["way", 3101], ["ways", 3101], ["well", 3110], ["wells", 3110], ["answer", 3122], ["answeres", 3122], ["answerest", 3122], ["reach", 3138], ["reached", 3138], ["waistband", 3157], ["small", 3182], ["volume", 3203], ["volumed", 3203], ["next", 3214], ["day", 3218], ["sign", 3238], ["none", 3261], ["check", 3285], ["checked", 3285], ["portal", 3296], ["network", 3305], ["networked", 3305], ["networking", 3305], ["networks", 3305], ["tell", 3336], ["concrete", 3377], ["help", 3396], ["helpest", 3396], ["helped", 3396], ["house", 3413], ["clean", 3425], ["cleans", 3425], ["cleaning", 3425], ["straighten", 3441], ["straightened", 3441], ["straightening", 3441], ["running", 3451], ["errand", 3459], ["errands", 3459], ["richard", 3469], ["richards", 3469], ["come", 3482], ["came", 3482], ["check", 3498], ["look", 3518], ["looked", 3518], ["well", 3534], ["wells", 3534], ["sleep", 3551], ["slept", 3551], ["sleeps", 3551], ["sleepest", 3551], ["mean", 3572], ["meanest", 3572], ["exactly", 3597], ["eve", 3608], ["wander", 3617], ["wandered", 3617], ["almost", 3642], ["bother", 3672], ["bothers", 3672], ["bothering", 3672], ["bothered", 3672], ["goth", 3686], ["makeup", 3693], ["black", 3709], ["lank", 3733], ["mess", 3749], ["messed", 3749], ["messing", 3749], ["pour", 3762], ["poured", 3762], ["coffee", 3782], ["pot", 3807], ["hand", 3816], ["handed", 3816], ["blow", 3873], ["blew", 3873], ["blowest", 3873], ["hot", 3884], ["surface", 3892], ["cup", 3903], ["without", 3911], ["look", 3919], ["looking", 3919], ["city", 3945], ["hall", 3950], ["move", 3961], ["moved", 3961], ["still", 3987], ["jail", 4005], ["jails", 4005], ["jailing", 4005], ["jailest", 4005], ["face", 4040], ["crumple", 4049], ["crumpled", 4049], ["anguish", 4060], ["anguishes", 4060], ["shoulder", 4095], ["shouldered", 4095], ["control", 4145], ["probably", 4178], ["good", 4191], ["best", 4191], ["right", 4207], ["rightest", 4207], ["sip", 4223], ["sipped", 4223], ["batter", 4245], ["battered", 4245], ["mug", 4256], ["beyond", 4281], ["lot", 4285], ["street", 4292], ["remain", 4309], ["remained", 4309], ["eerily", 4316], ["quiet", 4322]]
his voice sounded hoarse and dull , as if he 'd yelled all the edges off it . `` about half the stores are shut down , and some of those are burned or looted . we do n't have enough police and volunteers to be everywhere . some of the store owners armed up and are guarding their own places -- i do n't like it , but it 's probably the best option until everybody settles down and sobers up . the problem is n't everybody , but it 's a good portion of the town who 's been down and angry a long time . you heard they raided the barfly ? '' `` yeah , we heard , '' shane said . `` well , that was just the beginning . dolores thompson 's place got broken into , and then they went to the warehouses and found the bonded liquor storage . those who were inclined to deal with all this by getting drunk and mean have had a real holiday . '' `` we saw the mobs , '' eve said , and glanced at claire . `` um , about your sister -- '' `` yeah , thanks for taking care of her . trust my idiot sister to go running around in her red convertible during a riot . she 's damn lucky they did n't kill her . '' they would have , claire was certain of that . `` i guess you 're taking her with you ... richard gave her a thin smile . `` not the greatest houseguest ? '' actually , monica had been very quiet . claire had found her curled up on the couch , wrapped in a blanket , sound asleep . she 'd looked pale and tired and bruised , and much younger than claire had ever seen her . `` she 's been okay . '' `` but i 'll bet she 'd rather be with her family . '' `` her family 's under protective custody downtown . my dad nearly got dragged off by a bunch of yahoos yelling about taxes or something . my mom -- '' richard shook his head , as if he wanted to drive the pictures right out of his mind . unless she likes four walls and a locked door , i do n't think she 's going to be very happy . and you know monica : if she 's not happy -- '' `` nobody is , '' shane finished for him . `` well , i want her out of our house . sorry , man , but we did our duty and all . past this point , she 'd have to be a friend to keep crashing here . which , you know , she is n't . `` then i 'll take her off your hands . '' richard set the cup down and stood . seems like that 's all that 's keeping me going right now . '' `` richard ... '' eve rose , too . `` seriously , what 's it like out there ? `` with any luck , the drunks will sober up or pass out , and those who 've been running around looking for people to punish will get sore feet and aching muscles and go home to get some sleep . '' `` not like we 've had a lot of luck so far , though , '' shane said . `` no , '' richard agreed . `` that we have n't . but i have to say , we ca n't keep things locked down . people have to work , the schools have to open , and for that , we need something like normal life around here . so we 're working on that . power and water 's on , phone lines are back up . tv and radio are broadcasting . i 'm hoping that calms people down . we 've got police patrols overlapping all through town , and we can be anywhere in under two minutes . one thing , though : we 're getting word that there 's bad weather in the forecast . some kind of real big front heading toward us tonight . i 'm not too happy about that , but maybe it 'll keep the crazies off the streets for a while . even riots do n't like rain . '' `` are they open ? '' `` open and classes are running , believe it or not . we passed off some of the disturbances as roleplaying in the disaster drill , and said that the looting and burning was part of the exercise . some of them believed us . '' `` but ... no word about the vampires ? '' richard was silent for a moment , and then he said , `` no . `` we found some bodies , before dawn , '' he said . `` all vamps . all killed with silver or decapitation . some of them -- i knew some of them . thing is , i do n't think they were killed by bishop . from the looks of things , they were caught by a mob . '' `` bernard temple , sally christien , tien ma , and charles effords . '' eve lowered her hand to say , `` charles effords ? like , miranda 's charles ? her protector ? '' from the state of the bodies , i 'd guess he was the primary target . nobody loves a pedophile . ''
[["voice", 9], ["sound", 17], ["sounded", 17], ["hoarse", 24], ["dull", 33], ["yell", 54], ["yelled", 54], ["edge", 68], ["edges", 68], ["half", 91], ["store", 102], ["stores", 102], ["shut", 111], ["burn", 147], ["burns", 147], ["burned", 147], ["loot", 157], ["looted", 157], ["enough", 181], ["police", 188], ["volunteer", 203], ["volunteers", 203], ["everywhere", 220], ["store", 240], ["owner", 247], ["owners", 247], ["arm", 253], ["guard", 273], ["guarding", 273], ["place", 290], ["places", 290], ["like", 307], ["probably", 331], ["good", 340], ["best", 340], ["option", 347], ["settle", 371], ["settles", 371], ["sober", 387], ["sobering", 387], ["problem", 404], ["good", 440], ["portion", 448], ["town", 460], ["angry", 487], ["long", 494], ["longs", 494], ["time", 499], ["hear", 511], ["hears", 511], ["heard", 511], ["raid", 523], ["barfly", 534], ["yeah", 547], ["shane", 569], ["say", 574], ["sayest", 574], ["said", 574], ["well", 584], ["wells", 584], ["beginning", 614], ["dolores", 624], ["thompson", 633], ["place", 642], ["get", 646], ["got", 646], ["broke", 653], ["break", 653], ["broken", 653], ["go", 679], ["goest", 679], ["went", 679], ["warehouse", 697], ["warehousing", 697], ["warehouses", 697], ["find", 707], ["found", 707], ["bond", 718], ["bonded", 718], ["liquor", 725], ["storage", 733], ["incline", 759], ["inclines", 759], ["inclined", 759], ["deal", 767], ["get", 792], ["getting", 792], ["drunk", 798], ["mean", 807], ["meanest", 807], ["real", 823], ["reis", 823], ["holiday", 831], ["holidays", 831], ["holidayed", 831], ["see", 846], ["saw", 846], ["mob", 855], ["mobs", 855], ["mobbed", 855], ["eve", 864], ["glance", 883], ["glanced", 883], ["claire", 893], ["um", 901], ["sister", 921], ["thank", 944], ["thanks", 944], ["thankest", 944], ["take", 955], ["taking", 955], ["care", 960], ["trust", 975], ["idiot", 984], ["go", 997], ["goest", 997], ["run", 1005], ["running", 1005], ["around", 1012], ["red", 1023], ["convertible", 1035], ["riot", 1049], ["damn", 1063], ["damned", 1063], ["lucky", 1069], ["kill", 1087], ["certain", 1133], ["guess", 1154], ["richard", 1194], ["richards", 1194], ["give", 1199], ["gave", 1199], ["thin", 1210], ["thins", 1210], ["smile", 1216], ["great", 1238], ["greatest", 1238], ["houseguest", 1249], ["monica", 1272], ["quiet", 1292], ["curl", 1322], ["curls", 1322], ["curled", 1322], ["couch", 1338], ["couchest", 1338], ["wrap", 1348], ["wraps", 1348], ["wrapping", 1348], ["wrapped", 1348], ["blanket", 1361], ["sound", 1369], ["asleep", 1376], ["look", 1392], ["looked", 1392], ["pale", 1397], ["tired", 1407], ["much", 1430], ["young", 1438], ["youngest", 1438], ["ever", 1459], ["everest", 1459], ["see", 1464], ["seen", 1464], ["okay", 1490], ["bet", 1512], ["rather", 1526], ["family", 1545], ["protective", 1584], ["custody", 1592], ["downtown", 1601], ["downtowns", 1601], ["dad", 1610], ["nearly", 1617], ["drag", 1629], ["dragged", 1629], ["bunch", 1644], ["bunchest", 1644], ["yell", 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["wrought", 2887], ["working", 2887], ["power", 2903], ["water", 2913], ["phone", 2927], ["line", 2933], ["lines", 2933], ["back", 2942], ["tv", 2950], ["radio", 2960], ["broadcast", 2977], ["broadcasted", 2977], ["hope", 2991], ["hoping", 2991], ["calm", 3002], ["calms", 3002], ["patrol", 3042], ["patrols", 3042], ["overlap", 3054], ["overlapping", 3054], ["anywhere", 3096], ["two", 3109], ["twos", 3109], ["minute", 3117], ["minutes", 3117], ["thing", 3129], ["word", 3160], ["bad", 3178], ["weather", 3186], ["forecast", 3202], ["kind", 3214], ["big", 3226], ["bigs", 3226], ["front", 3232], ["head", 3240], ["heading", 3240], ["toward", 3247], ["tonight", 3258], ["maybe", 3302], ["crazy", 3326], ["crazies", 3326], ["street", 3342], ["streets", 3342], ["even", 3361], ["evens", 3361], ["riot", 3367], ["riots", 3367], ["rain", 3384], ["class", 3431], ["classest", 3431], ["classing", 3431], ["classes", 3431], ["believe", 3453], ["pass", 3475], ["passed", 3475], ["disturbance", 3504], ["disturbances", 3504], ["roleplay", 3519], ["roleplaying", 3519], ["disaster", 3535], ["drill", 3541], ["drilling", 3541], ["looting", 3569], ["burning", 3581], ["part", 3590], ["parting", 3590], ["exercise", 3606], ["believe", 3630], ["believed", 3630], ["vampire", 3676], ["vampires", 3676], ["silent", 3700], ["moment", 3713], ["body", 3766], ["bodied", 3766], ["bodies", 3766], ["dawn", 3780], ["dawnest", 3780], ["vamp", 3808], ["vamped", 3808], ["kill", 3821], ["killed", 3821], ["silver", 3833], ["silvered", 3833], ["decapitation", 3849], ["know", 3874], ["knowest", 3874], ["knew", 3874], ["bishop", 3942], ["look", 3959], ["looks", 3959], ["catch", 3988], ["catched", 3988], ["catches", 3988], ["caught", 3988], ["mob", 3997], ["mobs", 3997], ["mobbed", 3997], ["bernard", 4013], ["temple", 4020], ["sally", 4028], ["sallied", 4028], ["lower", 4087], ["lowers", 4087], ["lowerest", 4087], ["lowered", 4087], ["hand", 4096], ["miranda", 4141], ["protector", 4168], ["state", 4188], ["primary", 4234], ["target", 4241], ["love", 4256], ["loves", 4256], ["pedophile", 4268]]
`` nobody except miranda , '' eve said . `` she 's going to be really scared now . '' `` yeah , about that ... '' richard hesitated , then plunged forward . `` miranda 's gone . '' we 've been looking for her . her parents reported her missing early last night . i 'm hoping she was n't with charles when the mob caught up to him . you see her , you call me , okay ? '' eve 's lips shaped the agreement , but no sound came out . richard checked his watch . `` usual drill : lock the doors , check ids on anybody you 're not expecting who shows up . if you hear from any vampire , or hear anything about the vampires , you call immediately . use the coded radios , not the phone lines . eve swallowed hard , and nodded . `` can i see michael ? '' he paused , as if that had n't occurred to him , then shrugged . `` we 're all going , '' shane said . it was an uncomfortable ride to city hall , where the jail was located , mainly because although the police cruiser was large , it was n't big enough to have richard , monica , eve , shane , and claire all sharing the ride . monica had taken the front seat , sliding close to her brother , and claire had squeezed in with her friends in the back . they did n't talk , not even when they cruised past burnedout , broken hulks of homes and stores . there were n't any fires today , or any mobs that claire spotted . richard drove past a police barricade around city hall and parked in the underground garage . `` i 'm taking monica to my parents ' , '' he said . `` you guys go on down to the cells . it took a lot more than a minute for them to gain access to michael ; the vampires -- all five of those the humans still had in custody -- were housed in a special section , away from daylight and in reinforced cells . it reminded claire , with an unpleasant lurch , of the vampires in the cells where myrnin was usually locked up , for his own protection . had anyone fed them ? had anyone even tried ? she did n't know three of the vampires , but she knew the last two . she blurted , and rushed to the bars . michael 's grandfather was lying on the bunk , one pale hand over his eyes , but he sat up when she called his name . claire could definitely see the resemblance between michael and sam -- the same basic bone structure , only michael 's hair was a bright gold , and sam 's was red . `` get me out , '' sam said , and lunged for the door . he rattled the cage with unexpected violence . claire fell back , openmouthed . `` open the door and get me out , claire ! `` do n't listen to him , '' michael said . he was standing at the bars of his own cell , leaning against them , and he looked tired . did you bring me a lockpick in a cupcake or something ? '' `` i had the cupcake , but i ate it . hard times , man . '' shane extended his hand . michael reached through the bars and took it , shook solemnly , and then eve threw herself against the metal to try to hug him . it was awkward , but claire saw the relief spread over michael , no matter how odd it was with the bars between the two of them . he kissed eve , and claire had to look away from that , because it seemed like such a private kind of moment . sam rattled his cage again . `` claire , open the door ! i need to get to amelie ! '' the policeman who 'd escorted them down to the cells pushed off from the wall and said , `` calm down , mr. glass . you 're not going anywhere ; you know that . '' he shifted his attention to shane and claire . `` he 's been like that since the beginning . we had to trank him twice ; he was hurting himself trying to get out . he 's worse than all the others . they seem to have calmed down . no , sam definitely had n't calmed down . as claire watched , he tensed his muscles and tried to force the lock , but subsided in panting frustration and stumbled back to his bunk . `` please , i need to go . amelie -- '' claire looked at michael , who did n't seem to be nearly as distressed . `` um ... sorry to ask , but ... are you feeling like that ? like sam ? '' `` for a while there was this ... call , but it stopped about three hours ago . '' `` then why is sam -- '' `` it 's not the call , '' michael said . it 's killing him , knowing she 's out there in trouble and he ca n't help her . '' sam put his head in his hands , the picture of misery .
[["nobody", 9], ["except", 16], ["miranda", 24], ["eve", 33], ["say", 38], ["sayest", 38], ["said", 38], ["go", 56], ["goest", 56], ["going", 56], ["really", 69], ["scare", 76], ["scared", 76], ["yeah", 93], ["richard", 121], ["richards", 121], ["hesitate", 131], ["hesitated", 131], ["plunge", 146], ["plunged", 146], ["forward", 154], ["forwarding", 154], ["forwardest", 154], ["go", 175], ["goest", 175], ["gone", 175], ["look", 200], ["looking", 200], ["parent", 222], ["parents", 222], ["report", 231], ["reported", 231], ["miss", 243], ["missing", 243], ["early", 249], ["last", 254], ["night", 260], ["hope", 274], ["hoping", 274], ["mob", 312], ["mobs", 312], ["mobbed", 312], ["catch", 319], ["catched", 319], ["catches", 319], ["caught", 319], ["see", 339], ["call", 354], ["okay", 364], ["lip", 381], ["lipped", 381], ["lips", 381], ["shape", 388], ["shapes", 388], ["shaped", 388], ["agreement", 402], ["sound", 417], ["come", 422], ["came", 422], ["check", 444], ["checked", 444], ["watch", 454], ["usual", 465], ["drill", 471], ["drilling", 471], ["lock", 478], ["door", 488], ["doors", 488], ["check", 496], ["anybody", 511], ["expect", 533], ["expecting", 533], ["show", 543], ["shows", 543], ["hear", 560], ["hears", 560], ["vampire", 577], ["anything", 596], ["vampire", 615], ["vampires", 615], ["immediately", 638], ["use", 644], ["code", 654], ["coded", 654], ["radio", 661], ["radios", 661], ["phone", 677], ["line", 683], ["lines", 683], ["swallow", 699], ["swallows", 699], ["swallowed", 699], ["hard", 704], ["nod", 717], ["nodded", 717], ["michael", 740], ["pause", 755], ["paused", 755], ["occur", 785], ["occurest", 785], ["occurred", 785], ["shrug", 808], ["shrugging", 808], ["shrugged", 808], ["shane", 841], ["uncomfortable", 872], ["ride", 877], ["rode", 877], ["city", 885], ["hall", 890], ["jail", 907], ["jails", 907], ["jailing", 907], ["jailest", 907], ["locate", 919], ["located", 919], ["mainly", 928], ["although", 945], ["police", 956], ["cruisers", 964], ["large", 974], ["big", 991], ["bigs", 991], ["enough", 998], ["monica", 1023], ["claire", 1050], ["share", 1062], ["take", 1090], ["taken", 1090], ["front", 1100], ["seat", 1105], ["slid", 1115], ["sliding", 1115], ["close", 1121], ["brother", 1136], ["brethren", 1136], ["squeeze", 1162], ["squeezes", 1162], ["squeezed", 1162], ["friend", 1182], ["friends", 1182], ["back", 1194], ["talk", 1214], ["even", 1225], ["evens", 1225], ["cruise", 1243], ["cruised", 1243], ["past", 1248], ["hulk", 1273], ["hulking", 1273], ["hulks", 1273], ["home", 1282], ["homing", 1282], ["homes", 1282], ["store", 1293], ["stores", 1293], ["fire", 1320], ["fires", 1320], ["today", 1326], ["mob", 1340], ["mobs", 1340], ["mobbed", 1340], ["spot", 1360], ["spotted", 1360], ["drive", 1376], ["drove", 1376], ["barricade", 1400], ["around", 1407], ["park", 1428], ["parks", 1428], ["parked", 1428], ["underground", 1447], ["garage", 1454], ["take", 1471], ["taking", 1471], ["guy", 1521], ["guys", 1521], ["go", 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["lain", 2092], ["lying", 2092], ["bunk", 2104], ["bunks", 2104], ["bunked", 2104], ["pale", 2115], ["hand", 2120], ["eye", 2134], ["eyed", 2134], ["eyes", 2134], ["sat", 2147], ["sit", 2147], ["call", 2166], ["called", 2166], ["name", 2175], ["definitely", 2201], ["resemblance", 2221], ["sam", 2245], ["basic", 2263], ["bone", 2268], ["bonest", 2268], ["structure", 2278], ["structuring", 2278], ["hair", 2301], ["bright", 2314], ["brights", 2314], ["gold", 2319], ["golds", 2319], ["red", 2340], ["get", 2349], ["lunge", 2383], ["lunges", 2383], ["door", 2396], ["rattle", 2409], ["rattled", 2409], ["cage", 2418], ["unexpected", 2434], ["violence", 2443], ["fall", 2457], ["falls", 2457], ["fell", 2457], ["openmouthed", 2476], ["open", 2486], ["listen", 2538], ["listens", 2538], ["stand", 2581], ["stood", 2581], ["standest", 2581], ["standing", 2581], ["cell", 2609], ["lean", 2619], ["leans", 2619], ["leaning", 2619], ["look", 2648], ["looked", 2648], ["tired", 2654], ["bring", 2670], ["lockpick", 2684], ["cupcake", 2697], ["eat", 2748], ["ate", 2748], ["time", 2764], ["times", 2764], ["man", 2770], ["mans", 2770], ["manned", 2770], ["extend", 2790], ["extended", 2790], ["reach", 2817], ["reached", 2817], ["shake", 2854], ["shook", 2854], ["solemnly", 2863], ["throw", 2884], ["threw", 2884], ["metal", 2910], ["try", 2917], ["tryed", 2917], ["hug", 2924], ["awkward", 2945], ["see", 2962], ["saw", 2962], ["relief", 2973], ["reliefs", 2973], ["spread", 2980], ["matter", 3005], ["mattering", 3005], ["odd", 3013], ["kiss", 3070], ["kisses", 3070], ["kissest", 3070], ["kissed", 3070], ["look", 3099], ["seem", 3134], ["seeming", 3134], ["seemed", 3134], ["like", 3139], ["private", 3154], ["kind", 3159], ["moment", 3169], ["need", 3235], ["needest", 3235], ["policeman", 3271], ["escort", 3287], ["escorted", 3287], ["push", 3317], ["pushed", 3317], ["wall", 3335], ["calm", 3354], ["calms", 3354], ["mr", 3364], ["glass", 3371], ["anywhere", 3400], ["shift", 3432], ["shifted", 3432], ["attention", 3446], ["since", 3498], ["beginning", 3512], ["trank", 3530], ["twice", 3540], ["hurt", 3557], ["hurts", 3557], ["hurting", 3557], ["try", 3572], ["tryed", 3572], ["trying", 3572], ["bad", 3597], ["worse", 3597], ["seem", 3629], ["seeming", 3629], ["calm", 3644], ["calms", 3644], ["calmed", 3644], ["watch", 3711], ["watched", 3711], ["tense", 3723], ["tensed", 3723], ["muscle", 3735], ["muscles", 3735], ["force", 3754], ["subside", 3778], ["subsided", 3778], ["subsiding", 3778], ["pant", 3789], ["panting", 3789], ["frustration", 3801], ["stumble", 3814], ["stumbled", 3814], ["please", 3843], ["nearly", 3930], ["um", 3952], ["sorry", 3962], ["ask", 3969], ["feel", 3995], ["feeling", 3995], ["stop", 4077], ["stopped", 4077], ["hour", 4095], ["hours", 4095], ["ago", 4099], ["kill", 4185], ["killing", 4185], ["know", 4199], ["knowest", 4199], ["knowing", 4199], ["trouble", 4227], ["troubling", 4227], ["ca", 4237], ["cas", 4237], ["help", 4246], ["helpest", 4246], ["put", 4263], ["head", 4272], ["hand", 4285], ["hands", 4285], ["picture", 4299], ["misery", 4309]]
claire exchanged a look with shane . `` people are dying , that 's what 's happening , '' he said . `` amelie 's in trouble . i ca n't just sit here ! '' he threw himself at the bars again , kicking hard enough to make the metal ring like a bell . `` well , that 's where you 're going to stay , '' the policeman said , not exactly unsympathetically . `` the way you 're acting , you 'd go running out into the sunlight , and that would n't do her or you a bit of good , now , would it ? '' `` i could have gone hours ago before sunrise , '' sam snapped . `` hours ago . '' `` and now you have to wait for dark . '' that earned the policeman a fullout vicious snarl , and sam 's eyes flared into bright crimson . everybody stayed back , and when sam subsided this time , it seemed to be for good . he withdrew to his bunk , lay down , and turned his back to them . `` man , '' shane breathed softly . `` he 's a little intense , huh ? '' from what the policeman told them -- and richard , when he rejoined them -- all the captured vampires had been at about the same level of violence , at first . now it was just sam , and as michael said , it did n't seem to be amelie 's summons that was driving him ... ... it was fear for amelie herself . `` step back , please , '' the policeman said to eve . she looked over her shoulder at him , then at michael . he kissed her , and let go . she did take a step back , but it was a tiny one . `` so -- are you okay ? it 's not exactly the ritz , but it 's not bad . they 're not keeping us here to hurt us , i know that . '' michael stretched out a finger and touched her lips . she mockbit at his finger . `` i could totally date somebody else , you know . '' `` and i could rent out your room . '' `` and i could put your game console on ebay . '' `` hey , '' shane protested . you need to come home , or it 's total chaos . dogs and cats , living together . '' eve 's voice dropped , but not quite to a whisper . `` and i miss you . i miss you all the time . '' `` i miss you , too , '' michael murmured , then blinked and looked at claire and shane . `` i mean , i miss all of you . '' `` sure you do , '' shane agreed . `` but not in that way , i hope . '' `` shut up , dude . do n't make me come out there . '' shane turned to the policeman . `` i was more worried about you guys , '' michael confessed . `` everything okay at the house ? '' `` i have to burn a blouse monica borrowed , '' claire said . `` otherwise , we 're good . '' they tried to talk a while longer , but somehow , sam 's silent , rigid back turned toward them made conversation seem more desperate than fun . he was really hurting , and claire did n't know -- short of letting him go for a jog in the noontime sun -- how to make it any better . she did n't know where amelie was , and with the portals shut , she doubted she could even know where to start looking . amelie had gathered up an army -- whatever bishop had n't grabbed first -- but what she was doing with it was anybody 's guess . claire did n't have a clue . so in the end , she hugged michael and told sam it would all be okay , and they left . `` if they stay calm through the day , i 'll let them out tonight , '' richard said . `` but i 'm worried about letting them roam around on their own . what happened to charles and the others could keep on happening . captain obvious used to be our biggest threat , but now we do n't know who 's out there , or what they 're planning . and we ca n't count on the vampires to be able to protect themselves right now . '' `` my dad would say that it 's about time the tables turned , '' shane said . richard fixed him with a long stare . `` is that what you say , too ? '' shane looked at michael , and at sam . the day went on quietly . claire got out her books and spent part of the day trying to study , but she could n't get her brain to stop spinning . every few minutes , she checked her email and her phone , hoping for something , anything , from amelie . you ca n't just leave us like this . we do n't know what to do . except keep moving forward . like shane had said , they could n't stay still .
[["claire", 6], ["exchange", 16], ["exchanged", 16], ["look", 23], ["shane", 34], ["people", 46], ["die", 56], ["dying", 56], ["happen", 84], ["happening", 84], ["say", 97], ["sayest", 97], ["said", 97], ["trouble", 123], ["troubling", 123], ["ca", 130], ["cas", 130], ["sat", 143], ["sit", 143], ["throw", 162], ["threw", 162], ["bar", 182], ["bars", 182], ["kick", 198], ["kicking", 198], ["hard", 203], ["enough", 210], ["metal", 228], ["rang", 233], ["rung", 233], ["ring", 233], ["like", 238], ["bell", 245], ["belling", 245], ["well", 255], ["wells", 255], ["go", 285], ["goest", 285], ["going", 285], ["stay", 293], ["policeman", 312], ["exactly", 331], ["unsympathetically", 349], ["way", 362], ["ways", 362], ["act", 377], ["acted", 377], ["acting", 377], ["go", 389], ["goest", 389], ["run", 397], ["running", 397], ["sunlight", 419], ["bit", 460], ["bits", 460], ["good", 468], ["go", 511], ["goest", 511], ["gone", 511], ["hour", 517], ["hours", 517], ["ago", 521], ["sunrise", 536], ["sam", 545], ["snap", 553], ["snapping", 553], ["snapped", 553], ["wait", 601], ["waitest", 601], ["dark", 610], ["earn", 627], ["earned", 627], ["vicious", 659], ["snarl", 665], ["snarls", 665], ["eye", 683], ["eyed", 683], ["eyes", 683], ["flare", 690], ["flared", 690], ["bright", 702], ["brights", 702], ["crimson", 710], ["stay", 729], ["stayed", 729], ["back", 734], ["subside", 758], ["subsided", 758], ["subsiding", 758], ["time", 768], ["seem", 780], ["seeming", 780], ["seemed", 780], ["withdraw", 809], ["withdrew", 809], ["bunk", 821], ["bunks", 821], ["bunked", 821], ["lie", 827], ["lay", 827], ["lain", 827], ["turn", 845], ["turned", 845], ["man", 871], ["mans", 871], ["manned", 871], ["breathe", 891], ["breathes", 891], ["breathed", 891], ["softly", 898], ["little", 918], ["intense", 926], ["huh", 932], ["tell", 966], ["told", 966], ["richard", 986], ["richards", 986], ["rejoin", 1005], ["rejoined", 1005], ["capture", 1030], ["captured", 1030], ["vampire", 1039], ["vampires", 1039], ["level", 1072], ["violence", 1084], ["first", 1095], ["firstest", 1095], ["michael", 1134], ["seem", 1157], ["seeming", 1157], ["summon", 1181], ["summonest", 1181], ["summons", 1181], ["drive", 1198], ["driving", 1198], ["fear", 1222], ["fearest", 1222], ["step", 1251], ["please", 1265], ["eve", 1296], ["look", 1309], ["looked", 1309], ["shoulder", 1327], ["shouldered", 1327], ["kiss", 1364], ["kisses", 1364], ["kissest", 1364], ["kissed", 1364], ["let", 1378], ["lets", 1378], ["take", 1396], ["tiny", 1428], ["okay", 1456], ["ritz", 1485], ["bad", 1505], ["keep", 1528], ["keepest", 1528], ["keeping", 1528], ["hurt", 1544], ["hurts", 1544], ["hurting", 1544], ["know", 1556], ["knowest", 1556], ["stretch", 1584], ["stretched", 1584], ["finger", 1597], ["touch", 1609], ["touching", 1609], ["touched", 1609], ["lip", 1618], ["lipped", 1618], ["lips", 1618], ["totally", 1667], ["date", 1672], ["else", 1686], ["rent", 1722], ["room", 1736], ["roomed", 1736], ["put", 1760], ["game", 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["long", 2517], ["longs", 2517], ["somehow", 2531], ["silent", 2547], ["rigid", 2555], ["toward", 2574], ["conversation", 2597], ["desperate", 2617], ["fun", 2626], ["really", 2642], ["hurt", 2650], ["hurts", 2650], ["hurting", 2650], ["short", 2685], ["let", 2696], ["lets", 2696], ["letting", 2696], ["jog", 2713], ["jogs", 2713], ["noontime", 2729], ["noontimes", 2729], ["sun", 2733], ["suns", 2733], ["sunned", 2733], ["well", 2762], ["wells", 2762], ["portal", 2821], ["portals", 2821], ["doubt", 2840], ["doubted", 2840], ["even", 2855], ["evens", 2855], ["start", 2875], ["look", 2883], ["looking", 2883], ["gather", 2905], ["gatherest", 2905], ["gathered", 2905], ["army", 2916], ["whatever", 2928], ["bishop", 2935], ["grab", 2951], ["grabbed", 2951], ["anybody", 3003], ["guess", 3012], ["clue", 3041], ["clues", 3041], ["end", 3057], ["ends", 3057], ["endest", 3057], ["hug", 3070], ["hugged", 3070], ["left", 3128], ["leave", 3128], ["calm", 3151], ["calms", 3151], ["day", 3167], ["tonight", 3196], ["roam", 3260], ["roamest", 3260], ["around", 3267], ["happen", 3296], ["happened", 3296], ["keep", 3333], ["keepest", 3333], ["captain", 3356], ["obvious", 3364], ["use", 3369], ["used", 3369], ["big", 3387], ["bigs", 3387], ["biggest", 3387], ["threat", 3394], ["plan", 3464], ["count", 3486], ["countest", 3486], ["able", 3513], ["abled", 3513], ["protect", 3524], ["protectest", 3524], ["right", 3541], ["rightest", 3541], ["dad", 3560], ["say", 3570], ["sayest", 3570], ["table", 3603], ["tabled", 3603], ["tabling", 3603], ["tables", 3603], ["fix", 3642], ["fixes", 3642], ["fixed", 3642], ["long", 3658], ["longs", 3658], ["stare", 3664], ["stared", 3664], ["go", 3753], ["goest", 3753], ["went", 3753], ["quietly", 3764], ["get", 3777], ["got", 3777], ["book", 3791], ["books", 3791], ["spend", 3801], ["spends", 3801], ["spendest", 3801], ["spent", 3801], ["part", 3806], ["parting", 3806], ["try", 3824], ["tryed", 3824], ["trying", 3824], ["study", 3833], ["get", 3857], ["brain", 3867], ["brained", 3867], ["braining", 3867], ["stop", 3875], ["spin", 3884], ["spun", 3884], ["spinning", 3884], ["every", 3892], ["minute", 3904], ["minutes", 3904], ["check", 3918], ["checked", 3918], ["email", 3928], ["phone", 3942], ["hope", 3951], ["hoping", 3951], ["anything", 3976], ["left", 4014], ["leave", 4014], ["except", 4064], ["move", 4076], ["moving", 4076], ["forward", 4084], ["forwarding", 4084], ["forwardest", 4084], ["still", 4134]]
the world kept on turning . eve drove claire to her parents ' house in the afternoon , where she had cake and iced tea and listened to her mother 's frantic flow of good cheer . her dad looked sallow and unwell , and she worried about his heart , as always . but he seemed okay when he told her he loved her , and that he worried , and that he wanted her to move back home . just when she thought they 'd gotten past that ... claire exchanged a quick look with eve . `` maybe we should talk about that when things get back to normal ? '' as if they ever were normal in morganville . `` fine , but i 'm not going to change my mind , claire . you 're better off here , at home . '' whatever spell mr. bishop had cast over her father , it was still working great ; he was singleminded about wanting her out of the glass house . and maybe it had n't been a spell at all ; maybe it was just normal parental instinct . claire crammed her mouth with cake and pretended not to hear , and asked her mom about the new curtains . that filled another twenty minutes , and then eve was able to make excuses about needing to get home , and then they were in the car . `` wow , '' eve said , and started the engine . move in with them ? '' claire shrugged helplessly . i do n't know if we 're going to get through the day ! it 's kind of hard to make plans . '' she was n't going to say anything , truly , she was n't , but the words had been boiling and bubbling inside her all day , and as eve put the car in drive , claire said , `` shane said he loved me . '' eve hit the brakes , hard enough to make their seat belts click in place . `` shane what ? said what ? '' `` shane said he loved me . '' `` okay , first impressions -- fantastic , good , that 's what i was hoping you 'd said . '' eve took a deep breath and let up on the brake , steering out into the deserted street . `` second impressions , well , i hope that you two ... um ... how can i put this ? watch yourselves ? '' `` you mean , do n't have sex ? claire said it with a little bit of an edge . `` even if we wanted to . i mean , he promised , and he 's not going to break that promise , not even if i say it 's okay . '' eve stared at her , wideeyed , for way too long for road safety . wait , you 're not . he said he loved you , and then he said -- '' `` no , '' claire said . funny , how many meanings that word could have . this time it was full of sympathy . `` you know , that makes him -- '' `` great ? superbly awesome ? i just -- '' claire threw up her hands . `` i just want him , okay ? '' `` he 'll still be there in a couple of months , claire . at seventeen , you 're not a kid , at least in texas . '' `` you 've put some thought into this . '' `` not me , '' eve said , and gave her an apologetic look . you mean -- you mean you talked about this ? with shane ? '' `` he needed some girl guidance . i mean , he 's taking this really seriously -- a lot more seriously than i expected . he wants to do the right thing . that 's cool , right ? i think that 's cool . most guys , it 's just , whatever . '' claire clenched her jaw so hard she felt her teeth grinding . `` i ca n't believe he talked to you about it ! '' `` well , you 're talking to me about it . '' `` he 's a guy ! '' `` guys occasionally talk , believe it or not . something more than pass the beer or where 's the porn ? '' eve turned the corner , and they cruised past a couple of slow blocks of houses , some people out walking , an elementary school with a temporarily closed sign out front . `` you did n't exactly ask for advice , but i 'm going to give it : do n't rush this . you may think you 're good to go , but give it some time . it 's not like you have a sellby date or anything . '' despite her annoyance , claire had to laugh . `` feels like it right now . '' hormones ! '' `` so how old were you when -- '' `` too young . i speak from experience , grasshopper . '' eve 's expression went distant for a second . `` i wish i 'd waited for michael . '' that was , for some reason , kind of a shock , and claire blinked . she remembered some things , and felt deeply uncomfortable . `` uh ... did brandon ...
[["world", 9], ["keep", 14], ["keepest", 14], ["kept", 14], ["turn", 25], ["turning", 25], ["eve", 31], ["drive", 37], ["drove", 37], ["claire", 44], ["parent", 59], ["parents", 59], ["house", 67], ["afternoon", 84], ["cake", 105], ["ice", 114], ["iced", 114], ["tea", 118], ["teas", 118], ["listen", 131], ["listens", 131], ["listened", 131], ["mother", 145], ["mothered", 145], ["motherest", 145], ["frantic", 156], ["flow", 161], ["flows", 161], ["good", 169], ["cheer", 175], ["dad", 185], ["look", 192], ["looked", 192], ["sallow", 199], ["unwell", 210], ["worry", 228], ["worried", 228], ["heart", 244], ["always", 256], ["seem", 272], ["seeming", 272], ["seemed", 272], ["okay", 277], ["tell", 290], ["told", 290], ["love", 303], ["loved", 303], ["move", 362], ["back", 367], ["home", 372], ["homing", 372], ["think", 396], ["thought", 396], ["thinkest", 396], ["get", 411], ["gotten", 411], ["past", 416], ["exchange", 442], ["exchanged", 442], ["quick", 450], ["look", 455], ["maybe", 475], ["talk", 490], ["thing", 513], ["things", 513], ["get", 517], ["normal", 532], ["ever", 553], ["everest", 553], ["fine", 590], ["go", 611], ["goest", 611], ["going", 611], ["change", 621], ["mind", 629], ["minding", 629], ["well", 655], ["wells", 655], ["whatever", 688], ["spell", 694], ["spelt", 694], ["mr", 697], ["bishop", 705], ["cast", 714], ["casts", 714], ["father", 730], ["fathered", 730], ["fathering", 730], ["still", 745], ["work", 753], ["wrought", 753], ["working", 753], ["great", 759], ["singleminded", 781], ["glass", 816], ["parental", 901], ["instinct", 910], ["cram", 927], ["crammed", 927], ["mouth", 937], ["mouthed", 937], ["pretend", 961], ["pretendest", 961], ["pretended", 961], ["hear", 973], ["hears", 973], ["ask", 985], ["asked", 985], ["mom", 993], ["moms", 993], ["new", 1007], ["curtain", 1016], ["curtaining", 1016], ["curtains", 1016], ["fill", 1030], ["fills", 1030], ["filled", 1030], ["another", 1038], ["twenty", 1045], ["minute", 1053], ["minutes", 1053], ["able", 1077], ["abled", 1077], ["excuse", 1093], ["excuses", 1093], ["need", 1107], ["needest", 1107], ["needing", 1107], ["car", 1151], ["wow", 1160], ["say", 1174], ["sayest", 1174], ["said", 1174], ["start", 1188], ["started", 1188], ["engine", 1199], ["shrug", 1240], ["shrugging", 1240], ["shrugged", 1240], ["helplessly", 1251], ["know", 1267], ["knowest", 1267], ["day", 1306], ["kind", 1319], ["hard", 1327], ["plan", 1341], ["plans", 1341], ["say", 1371], ["sayest", 1371], ["anything", 1380], ["truly", 1388], ["word", 1418], ["words", 1418], ["boil", 1435], ["boils", 1435], ["boiling", 1435], ["bubble", 1448], ["bubbling", 1448], ["inside", 1455], ["put", 1484], ["drive", 1501], ["shane", 1526], ["hit", 1556], ["brake", 1567], ["braked", 1567], ["brakes", 1567], ["enough", 1581], ["seat", 1600], ["belt", 1606], ["belts", 1606], ["belted", 1606], ["beltest", 1606], ["belting", 1606], ["click", 1612], ["place", 1621], ["first", 1701], ["firstest", 1701], ["impression", 1713], ["impressions", 1713], ["fantastic", 1726], ["hope", 1761], ["hoping", 1761], ["take", 1787], ["took", 1787], ["deep", 1794], ["deeply", 1794], ["breath", 1801], ["breathest", 1801], ["let", 1809], ["lets", 1809], ["brake", 1825], ["braked", 1825], ["steer", 1836], ["steerest", 1836], ["steering", 1836], ["desert", 1858], ["deserted", 1858], ["street", 1865], ["second", 1877], ["seconded", 1877], ["well", 1896], ["wells", 1896], ["hope", 1905], ["two", 1918], ["twos", 1918], ["um", 1925], ["watch", 1956], ["mean", 1984], ["meanest", 1984], ["sex", 2002], ["little", 2033], ["bit", 2037], ["bits", 2037], ["edge", 2048], ["edges", 2048], ["even", 2058], ["evens", 2058], ["promise", 2097], ["promised", 2097], ["broke", 2128], ["break", 2128], ["promise", 2141], ["stare", 2188], ["stared", 2188], ["way", 2216], ["ways", 2216], ["long", 2225], ["longs", 2225], ["road", 2234], ["safety", 2241], ["wait", 2248], ["waitest", 2248], ["funny", 2341], ["many", 2352], ["meaning", 2361], ["meanings", 2361], ["word", 2371], ["time", 2394], ["full", 2406], ["sympathy", 2418], ["superbly", 2475], ["awesome", 2483], ["throw", 2511], ["threw", 2511], ["hand", 2524], ["hands", 2524], ["couple", 2594], ["month", 2604], ["months", 2604], ["seventeen", 2628], ["seventeens", 2628], ["kid", 2648], ["least", 2659], ["leastest", 2659], ["texas", 2668], ["give", 2751], ["gave", 2751], ["apologetic", 2769], ["apologetics", 2769], ["talk", 2808], ["talked", 2808], ["need", 2850], ["needest", 2850], ["needed", 2850], ["girl", 2860], ["guidance", 2869], ["take", 2893], ["taking", 2893], ["really", 2905], ["seriously", 2915], ["lot", 2924], ["expect", 2955], ["expected", 2955], ["right", 2982], ["rightest", 2982], ["thing", 2988], ["cool", 3003], ["think", 3021], ["thinkest", 3021], ["guy", 3046], ["guys", 3046], ["clench", 3091], ["clenched", 3091], ["jaw", 3099], ["jaws", 3099], ["jawed", 3099], ["jawest", 3099], ["feel", 3116], ["felt", 3116], ["tooth", 3126], ["teeth", 3126], ["grind", 3135], ["grinding", 3135], ["ca", 3145], ["cas", 3145], ["believe", 3157], ["talk", 3214], ["talking", 3214], ["guy", 3249], ["occasionally", 3275], ["pass", 3327], ["beer", 3336], ["porn", 3357], ["turn", 3373], ["turned", 3373], ["corner", 3384], ["cruise", 3403], ["cruised", 3403], ["slow", 3425], ["block", 3432], ["blocks", 3432], ["house", 3442], ["houses", 3442], ["people", 3456], ["walk", 3468], ["walking", 3468], ["elementary", 3484], ["school", 3491], ["schooling", 3491], ["temporarily", 3510], ["close", 3517], ["closed", 3517], ["sign", 3522], ["front", 3532], ["exactly", 3557], ["ask", 3561], ["advice", 3572], ["give", 3597], ["rush", 3614], ["may", 3629], ["mays", 3629], ["mayest", 3629], ["go", 3654], ["goest", 3654], ["like", 3695], ["date", 3718], ["despite", 3743], ["annoyance", 3757], ["laugh", 3779], ["feel", 3790], ["feels", 3790], ["hormone", 3822], ["hormones", 3822], ["old", 3841], ["young", 3874], ["youngest", 3874], ["speak", 3884], ["spoken", 3884], ["experience", 3900], ["experienced", 3900], ["grasshopper", 3914], ["expression", 3937], ["go", 3942], ["goest", 3942], ["went", 3942], ["distant", 3950], ["wish", 3975], ["wait", 3987], ["waitest", 3987], ["waited", 3987], ["michael", 3999], ["reason", 4031], ["reasonest", 4031], ["shock", 4049], ["blink", 4070], ["blinked", 4070], ["remember", 4087], ["rememberest", 4087], ["remembered", 4087], ["deeply", 4117], ["uncomfortable", 4131], ["uh", 4139], ["brandon", 4155]]
because brandon had been her family 's protector vampire , and he 'd been a complete creep . she could n't imagine much worse than having brandon be your first . not that he did n't want to , but no , it was n't brandon . '' offlimits . '' there was n't much eve considered offlimits . eve pulled the car up to the curb . if shane says he loves you , he does , full stop . he would n't say it if he did n't mean it , all the way . he 's not the kind of guy to tell you what you want to hear . that makes you really , really lucky . claire was trying , really , but from time to time that moment came back to her , that blinding , searing moment when he 'd looked into her face and said those words , and she 'd seen that amazing light in his eyes . she 'd wanted to see it again , over and over . instead , she 'd seen him walk away . it felt romantic . it also felt frustrating , on some level she did n't even remember feeling before . and now there was something new : doubt . maybe that was my fault . maybe i was supposed to do something i did n't do . some signal i did n't give him . eve read her expression just fine . `` you 'll be okay , '' she said , and laughed just a little . `` give the guy a break . he 's the second actual gentleman i 've ever met . it does n't mean he does n't want to throw you on the bed and go . just means he wo n't , right now . which you have to admit : kinda hot . '' put in those terms , it kind of was . as it got closer to nightfall , richard called to say he was letting michael go . for the second time , the three of them piled into the car and went racing to city hall . the barricades had mostly come down . according to the radio and television , it had been a very quiet day , with no reports of violence . store owners -- the human ones , anyway -- were planning on reopening in the morning . schools would be in session . life was going on , and mayor morrell was expected to come out with some kind of a speech . not that anybody would listen . `` are they letting sam out , too ? '' claire asked , as eve parked in the underground lot . richard does n't think he can really keep anybody much longer . some kind of town ordinance , which means law and order really is back in fashion . plus , i think he 's really afraid sam 's going to hurt himself if this goes on . and also , maybe he thinks he can follow sam to find amelie . '' eve scanned the dark structure -- there were a few darktinted cars in the lot , but then , there always were . the rest of the vehicles looked like they were human owned . `` you guys see anything ? '' a big sign saying this is a trap ? '' shane opened his door and got out , taking claire 's hand to help her . he did n't drop it once she was standing beside him . `` not that i would n't put it past some of our finer citizens . but no , i do n't see anything . '' michael was being let out of his cell when they arrived , and there were hugs and handshakes . the other vampires did n't have anyone to help them , and looked a little confused about what they were supposed to do . michael grabbed his arm on the way past , dragging his grandfather to a stop . looking at them standing together , claire was struck again by how alike they were . and always would be , she supposed , given that neither one of them was going to age any more . `` you ca n't go charging off by yourself . you do n't even know where she is . running around town on your white horse will get you really , truly killed . '' `` doing nothing will get her killed . i ca n't have that , michael . none of this means anything to me if she dies . '' sam shook michael 's hand away . `` i 'm not asking you to come with me . i 'm just telling you not to get in my way . '' `` grandpa -- '' `` exactly . do as you 're told . '' sam could move vampirequick when he wanted to , and he was gone almost before the words hit claire 's ears -- a blur , heading for the exit . `` so much for trying to figure out where she is from where he goes , '' shane said . `` unless you 've got light speed under the hood of that car , eve . '' michael looked after him with a strange expression on his face -- anger , regret , sorrow . then he hugged eve closer and kissed the top of her head . `` well , i guess my family 's no more screwed up than anybody else 's , '' he said . `` let 's recap .
[["brandon", 15], ["family", 35], ["protector", 48], ["vampire", 56], ["complete", 84], ["creep", 90], ["creeps", 90], ["creeped", 90], ["imagine", 114], ["much", 119], ["bad", 125], ["worse", 125], ["first", 159], ["firstest", 159], ["eve", 262], ["consider", 273], ["considered", 273], ["pull", 296], ["pulled", 296], ["car", 304], ["curb", 319], ["curbs", 319], ["curbed", 319], ["curbest", 319], ["shane", 330], ["say", 335], ["sayest", 335], ["says", 335], ["love", 344], ["loves", 344], ["full", 365], ["stop", 370], ["say", 389], ["sayest", 389], ["mean", 411], ["meanest", 411], ["way", 428], ["ways", 428], ["kind", 449], ["guy", 456], ["tell", 464], ["hear", 490], ["hears", 490], ["really", 514], ["lucky", 529], ["claire", 538], ["try", 549], ["tryed", 549], ["trying", 549], ["time", 574], ["moment", 594], ["come", 599], ["came", 599], ["back", 604], ["blind", 627], ["blinded", 627], ["blinding", 627], ["look", 662], ["looked", 662], ["face", 676], ["say", 685], ["sayest", 685], ["said", 685], ["word", 697], ["words", 697], ["see", 715], ["seen", 715], ["amazing", 728], ["lit", 734], ["light", 734], ["eye", 746], ["eyed", 746], ["eyes", 746], ["see", 769], ["instead", 804], ["walk", 827], ["away", 832], ["feel", 842], ["felt", 842], ["romantic", 851], ["also", 861], ["frustrating", 878], ["level", 894], ["even", 911], ["evens", 911], ["remember", 920], ["rememberest", 920], ["feel", 928], ["feeling", 928], ["new", 969], ["doubt", 977], ["maybe", 985], ["fault", 1003], ["faulting", 1003], ["suppose", 1026], ["supposed", 1026], ["signal", 1069], ["give", 1084], ["read", 1099], ["reads", 1099], ["expression", 1114], ["fine", 1124], ["okay", 1145], ["laugh", 1173], ["laughed", 1173], ["little", 1187], ["broke", 1213], ["break", 1213], ["second", 1232], ["seconded", 1232], ["actual", 1239], ["gentleman", 1249], ["ever", 1260], ["everest", 1260], ["meet", 1264], ["meeted", 1264], ["met", 1264], ["throw", 1309], ["bed", 1324], ["go", 1331], ["goest", 1331], ["mean", 1344], ["meanest", 1344], ["means", 1344], ["wo", 1350], ["right", 1362], ["rightest", 1362], ["admit", 1392], ["kinda", 1400], ["kindas", 1400], ["hot", 1404], ["put", 1413], ["term", 1428], ["terming", 1428], ["terms", 1428], ["get", 1457], ["got", 1457], ["close", 1464], ["closer", 1464], ["nightfall", 1477], ["richard", 1487], ["richards", 1487], ["call", 1494], ["called", 1494], ["let", 1516], ["lets", 1516], ["letting", 1516], ["michael", 1524], ["three", 1561], ["pile", 1575], ["piled", 1575], ["go", 1597], ["goest", 1597], ["went", 1597], ["race", 1604], ["racing", 1604], ["city", 1612], ["hall", 1617], ["barricade", 1634], ["barricades", 1634], ["mostly", 1645], ["come", 1650], ["accord", 1667], ["according", 1667], ["radio", 1680], ["television", 1695], ["quiet", 1722], ["day", 1726], ["report", 1744], ["reports", 1744], ["violence", 1756], ["store", 1764], ["owner", 1771], ["owners", 1771], ["human", 1784], ["anyway", 1798], ["plan", 1815], ["reopen", 1828], ["reopenest", 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["dark", 2408], ["structure", 2418], ["structuring", 2418], ["car", 2454], ["cars", 2454], ["always", 2491], ["rest", 2507], ["vehicle", 2523], ["vehicled", 2523], ["vehicles", 2523], ["like", 2535], ["guy", 2571], ["guys", 2571], ["anything", 2584], ["big", 2595], ["bigs", 2595], ["sign", 2600], ["say", 2607], ["sayest", 2607], ["saying", 2607], ["trap", 2622], ["open", 2640], ["opened", 2640], ["door", 2649], ["take", 2670], ["taking", 2670], ["hand", 2685], ["help", 2693], ["helpest", 2693], ["drop", 2715], ["stand", 2740], ["stood", 2740], ["standest", 2740], ["standing", 2740], ["beside", 2747], ["past", 2789], ["fine", 2807], ["citizen", 2816], ["citizens", 2816], ["let", 2876], ["lets", 2876], ["cell", 2892], ["arrive", 2910], ["arrived", 2910], ["hug", 2932], ["hugs", 2932], ["handshake", 2947], ["handshakes", 2947], ["handshaking", 2947], ["vampire", 2968], ["vampires", 2968], ["anyone", 2988], ["grab", 3086], ["grabbed", 3086], ["arm", 3094], ["drag", 3121], ["dragging", 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["unless", 4025], ["unlesss", 4025], ["speed", 4049], ["speeding", 4049], ["hood", 4064], ["strange", 4127], ["anger", 4159], ["regret", 4168], ["sorrow", 4177], ["hug", 4194], ["hugged", 4194], ["kiss", 4216], ["kisses", 4216], ["kissest", 4216], ["kissed", 4216], ["top", 4224], ["head", 4236], ["well", 4246], ["wells", 4246], ["guess", 4256], ["screw", 4285], ["screwing", 4285], ["screwed", 4285], ["else", 4306], ["recap", 4340]]
my dad was an abusive jerk -- '' `` mine , too . '' shane raised his hand . my brother 's a psycho backstabber -- '' shane said , `` you do n't even want to talk about my dad . '' so , in short , michael , your family is awesome by comparison . bloodsucking , maybe . but kind of awesome . '' `` does n't really feel like it at the moment . '' eve was suddenly very serious . `` but shane and i do n't have that to look forward to , you know . you 're our only real family now . '' home was theirs again . the refugees were all out now , leaving a house that badly needed picking up and cleaning -- not that anybody had gone out of their way to trash the place , but with that many people coming and going , things happened . claire grabbed a trash bag and began clearing away paper plates , old styrofoam cups half full of stale coffee , crumpled wrappers , and papers . shane fired up the video game , apparently back in the mood to kill zombies . michael took his guitar out of its case and tuned it , but he kept getting up to stare out the windows , restless and worried . she 'd heated up leftover spaghetti out of the refrigerator , and tried to hand michael a plate first . `` nothing , '' he said , and gave her a quick , strained smile as he waved away the food . `` not really hungry , though . `` more for me , '' shane said , and grabbed the plate . he propped it on his lap and forked spaghetti into his mouth . because you never turn down food . '' `` you 're worried , '' eve said . `` about sam ? '' `` sam and everybody else . what 's going on here -- '' michael checked the locks on the window , but as a kind of automatic motion , as though his mind was n't really on it . `` why has n't bishop taken over ? what 's he doing out there ? why are n't we seeing the fight ? '' `` maybe amelie 's kicking his ass out there in the shadows somewhere . '' shane shoveled in more spaghetti . i think -- i think she 's in hiding . with the rest of her followers , the vampires , anyway . '' shane stopped chewing . i just feel -- '' michael shook his head . but i feel like things are changing . coming to a head . '' claire had just taken a plate of warm pasta when they all heard the thump of footsteps overhead . they looked up , and then at each other , in silence . michael pointed to himself and the stairs , and they all nodded . eve opened a drawer in the end table and took out three sharpened stakes ; she tossed one to shane , one to claire , and kept one in a whiteknuckled grip . michael ascended the stairs without a sound , and disappeared . he did n't come back down . instead , there was a swirl of black coat and stained white balloon pants tucked into black boots ; then myrnin leaned over the railing to say , `` upstairs , all of you . `` um ... '' eve looked at shane . shane looked at claire . claire followed myrnin . `` it wo n't do any good to say no . '' michael was waiting in the hallway , next to the open , secret door . he led the way up . whatever claire had been expecting to see , it was n't a crowd , but that was what was waiting upstairs in the hidden room on the third floor . she stared in confusion at the room full of people , then moved out of the way for shane and eve to join her and michael . myrnin came last . `` claire , i believe you know theo goldman and his family . '' the faces came into focus . she had met them -- in that museum thing , when they 'd been on the way to rescue myrnin . theo goldman had spoken to amelie . he 'd said they would n't fight . but it looked to claire like they 'd been in a fight anyway . vampires did n't bruise , exactly , but she could see torn clothes and smears of blood , and they all looked exhausted and somehow -- hollow . theo was worst of all . his kind face seemed made of nothing but lines and wrinkles now , as if he 'd aged a hundred years in a couple of days . `` i 'm sorry , '' he said , `` but we had no other place to go . amelie -- i hoped that she was here , that she would give us refuge . we 've been everywhere else . '' claire remembered there being more of them , somehow -- yes , there were at least two people missing . one human , one vampire . i thought you were safe where you were ! '' `` we were , '' theo said . `` then we were n't . that 's what wars are like .
[["dad", 6], ["abusive", 21], ["jerk", 26], ["jerks", 26], ["jerked", 26], ["mine", 40], ["shane", 57], ["raise", 64], ["raised", 64], ["hand", 73], ["brother", 86], ["brethren", 86], ["psycho", 98], ["backstabber", 110], ["say", 127], ["sayest", 127], ["said", 127], ["even", 148], ["evens", 148], ["talk", 161], ["short", 193], ["michael", 203], ["family", 217], ["awesome", 228], ["comparison", 242], ["maybe", 265], ["kind", 276], ["really", 311], ["feel", 316], ["like", 321], ["moment", 338], ["eve", 347], ["suddenly", 360], ["serious", 373], ["look", 419], ["forward", 427], ["forwarding", 427], ["forwardest", 427], ["know", 441], ["knowest", 441], ["real", 465], ["reis", 465], ["home", 486], ["homing", 486], ["refugees", 518], ["left", 545], ["leave", 545], ["leaving", 545], ["house", 553], ["badly", 564], ["need", 571], ["needest", 571], ["needed", 571], ["pick", 579], ["picking", 579], ["clean", 595], ["cleans", 595], ["cleaning", 595], ["anybody", 615], ["go", 624], ["goest", 624], ["gone", 624], ["way", 641], ["ways", 641], ["trash", 650], ["trashes", 650], ["place", 660], ["many", 681], ["people", 688], ["come", 695], ["coming", 695], ["go", 705], ["goest", 705], ["going", 705], ["thing", 714], ["things", 714], ["happen", 723], ["happened", 723], ["claire", 732], ["grab", 740], ["grabbed", 740], ["bag", 752], ["bagged", 752], ["bagging", 752], ["begin", 762], ["began", 762], ["clear", 771], ["clearest", 771], ["away", 776], ["paper", 782], ["plate", 789], ["plating", 789], ["plates", 789], ["old", 795], ["styrofoam", 805], ["cup", 810], ["cups", 810], ["half", 815], ["full", 820], ["stale", 829], ["coffee", 836], ["crumple", 847], ["crumpled", 847], ["wrapper", 856], ["wrappers", 856], ["paper", 869], ["papers", 869], ["fire", 883], ["fired", 883], ["video", 896], ["game", 901], ["apparently", 914], ["back", 919], ["mood", 931], ["kill", 939], ["zombie", 947], ["zombied", 947], ["zombies", 947], ["take", 962], ["took", 962], ["guitar", 973], ["case", 989], ["tune", 999], ["tuning", 999], ["tuned", 999], ["keep", 1016], ["keepest", 1016], ["kept", 1016], ["get", 1024], ["getting", 1024], ["stare", 1036], ["stared", 1036], ["window", 1052], ["windows", 1052], ["restless", 1063], ["heat", 1091], ["heats", 1091], ["heated", 1091], ["leftover", 1103], ["spaghetti", 1113], ["refrigerator", 1137], ["refrigerators", 1137], ["try", 1149], ["tryed", 1149], ["tried", 1149], ["plate", 1173], ["plating", 1173], ["first", 1179], ["firstest", 1179], ["nothing", 1192], ["give", 1216], ["gave", 1216], ["quick", 1228], ["smile", 1245], ["wave", 1257], ["waved", 1257], ["food", 1271], ["foods", 1271], ["hungry", 1294], ["though", 1303], ["prop", 1373], ["propped", 1373], ["lap", 1387], ["laps", 1387], ["lapping", 1387], ["mouth", 1423], ["mouthed", 1423], ["never", 1443], ["turn", 1448], ["sam", 1511], ["else", 1542], ["check", 1588], ["checked", 1588], ["lock", 1598], ["locks", 1598], ["window", 1612], ["windows", 1612], ["automatic", 1641], ["automatics", 1641], ["motion", 1648], ["mind", 1669], ["minding", 1669], ["bishop", 1714], ["take", 1720], ["taken", 1720], ["see", 1778], ["seeing", 1778], ["fight", 1788], ["fightest", 1788], ["kick", 1820], ["kicking", 1820], ["ass", 1828], ["shadow", 1853], ["shadowed", 1853], ["shadows", 1853], ["somewhere", 1863], ["shovel", 1883], ["shoveling", 1883], ["shovelling", 1883], ["shoveled", 1883], ["think", 1911], ["thinkest", 1911], ["hide", 1939], ["hides", 1939], ["rest", 1955], ["followers", 1972], ["vampire", 1987], ["vampires", 1987], ["anyway", 1996], ["stop", 2015], ["stopped", 2015], ["chew", 2023], ["chews", 2023], ["chewest", 2023], ["chewing", 2023], ["shake", 2057], ["shook", 2057], ["head", 2066], ["change", 2104], ["changing", 2104], ["warm", 2166], ["pasta", 2172], ["hear", 2192], ["hears", 2192], ["heard", 2192], ["thump", 2202], ["thumps", 2202], ["footstep", 2215], ["footsteps", 2215], ["overhead", 2224], ["look", 2238], ["looked", 2238], ["silence", 2279], ["point", 2297], ["pointed", 2297], ["stair", 2323], ["stairs", 2323], ["nod", 2345], ["nodded", 2345], ["open", 2358], ["opened", 2358], ["drawer", 2367], ["end", 2378], ["ends", 2378], ["endest", 2378], ["table", 2384], ["tabled", 2384], ["tabling", 2384], ["three", 2403], ["stake", 2420], ["stakes", 2420], ["toss", 2433], ["tossed", 2433], ["grip", 2501], ["ascend", 2520], ["ascended", 2520], ["without", 2539], ["sound", 2547], ["disappear", 2565], ["disappeared", 2565], ["come", 2583], ["instead", 2603], ["swirl", 2623], ["swirls", 2623], ["swirlest", 2623], ["black", 2632], ["coat", 2637], ["stain", 2649], ["stainest", 2649], ["stained", 2649], ["white", 2655], ["balloon", 2663], ["pant", 2669], ["pants", 2669], ["tuck", 2676], ["tucked", 2676], ["tucking", 2676], ["boot", 2693], ["boots", 2693], ["lean", 2714], ["leans", 2714], ["leaned", 2714], ["railing", 2731], ["say", 2738], ["sayest", 2738], ["upstairs", 2752], ["um", 2773], ["follow", 2843], ["followed", 2843], ["wo", 2861], ["good", 2877], ["wait", 2912], ["waitest", 2912], ["waiting", 2912], ["hallway", 2927], ["hallways", 2927], ["next", 2934], ["open", 2946], ["secret", 2955], ["door", 2960], ["lead", 2969], ["leaded", 2969], ["led", 2969], ["whatever", 2991], ["expect", 3017], ["expecting", 3017], ["see", 3024], ["crowd", 3045], ["crowding", 3045], ["crowdest", 3045], ["room", 3105], ["roomed", 3105], ["third", 3118], ["floor", 3124], ["stare", 3137], ["stared", 3137], ["confusion", 3150], ["move", 3190], ["moved", 3190], ["join", 3231], ["joinest", 3231], ["come", 3261], ["came", 3261], ["last", 3266], ["believe", 3290], ["theo", 3304], ["goldman", 3312], ["face", 3342], ["faces", 3342], ["focus", 3358], ["meet", 3372], ["meeted", 3372], ["met", 3372], ["museum", 3395], ["thing", 3401], ["rescue", 3442], ["speak", 3475], ["spoken", 3475], ["bruise", 3607], ["exactly", 3617], ["clad", 3650], ["clothe", 3650], ["clothes", 3650], ["smear", 3661], ["smearing", 3661], ["smears", 3661], ["blood", 3670], ["bloods", 3670], ["blooded", 3670], ["somehow", 3714], ["hollow", 3724], ["bad", 3741], ["worst", 3741], ["face", 3764], ["seem", 3771], ["seeming", 3771], ["seemed", 3771], ["line", 3797], ["lines", 3797], ["wrinkle", 3810], ["wrinkles", 3810], ["age", 3833], ["aged", 3833], ["hundred", 3843], ["year", 3849], ["years", 3849], ["couple", 3861], ["day", 3869], ["days", 3869], ["sorry", 3885], ["go", 3935], ["goest", 3935], ["hope", 3955], ["hoped", 3955], ["give", 3995], ["refuge", 4005], ["everywhere", 4030], ["remember", 4058], ["rememberest", 4058], ["remembered", 4058], ["yes", 4100], ["least", 4122], ["leastest", 4122], ["two", 4126], ["twos", 4126], ["miss", 4141], ["missing", 4141], ["human", 4153], ["vampire", 4167], ["think", 4179], ["thinkest", 4179], ["thought", 4179], ["safe", 4193], ["safes", 4193], ["safed", 4193], ["war", 4281], ["wars", 4281]]
the safe places do n't stay safe . someone knew where we were , or suspected . around dawn yesterday , a mob broke in the doors looking for us . jochen -- '' he looked at his wife , and she bowed her head . `` our son jochen , he gave his life to delay them . so did our human friend william . we 've been hiding , moving from place to place , trying not to be driven out in the sun . '' he seemed wary . claire did n't blame him . `` i brought them , '' myrnin said . `` i 've been trying to find those who are left . '' he crouched down next to one of the young vampire girls and stroked her hair . she smiled at him , but it was a fragile , frightened smile . `` they can stay here for now . this room is n't common knowledge . i 've left open the portal in the attic in case they have to flee , but it 's one way only , leading out . `` very few on their own . most are either with bishop , with amelie , or '' -- myrnin spread his hands -- '' gone . '' amelie and bishop ? '' `` moving their forces . they 're trying to find an advantage , pick the most favorable ground . it wo n't last . '' `` sooner or later , sometime tonight , they 'll clash , and then they 'll fight . someone will win , and someone will lose . and in the morning , morganville will know its fate . '' really creepy . claire shivered and looked at the others , but nobody seemed to have anything to say . attend me , '' myrnin said , and walked with her to one corner of the room . `` have you spoken with your doctor friend ? '' i could n't get through to him . myrnin , are you ... `` not for much longer , '' he said , in that clinical way he had right before the drugs wore off . `` i wo n't be safe to be around without another dose of some sort . can you get it for me ? '' `` there 's none in your lab -- '' `` i 've been there . bishop got there first . i shall need a good bit of glassware , and a completely new library . '' he said it lightly , but claire could see the tension in his face and the shadow in his dark , gleaming eyes . `` he tried to destroy the portals , cut off amelie 's movements . i managed to patch things together , but i shall need to instruct you in how it 's done . in case -- '' he did n't need to finish . `` is the prison safe ? the one where you keep the sickest ones ? '' `` bishop finds nothing to interest him there , so yes . he will ignore it awhile longer . i 'll lock myself in for a while , until you come with the drug . '' myrnin bent over her , suddenly very focused and very intent . `` we must refine the serum , claire . we must distribute it . the stress , the fighting -- it 's accelerating the disease . i 've seen signs of it in theo , even in sam . if we do n't act soon , i 'm afraid we may begin to lose more to confusion and fear . they wo n't even be able to defend themselves . '' he took her hand and kissed it lightly . his lips felt dry as dust , but it still left a tingle in her fingers . `` i know you will , my girl . now , let 's rejoin your friends . '' `` how long do they need to be here ? '' eve asked , as they moved closer . she asked not unkindly , but she seemed nervous , too . there were , claire thought , an awful lot of nearstranger vampire guests . `` i mean , we do n't have a lot of blood in the house ... ... '' theo smiled . claire remembered , with a sharp feeling of alarm , what he 'd said to amelie back at the museum , and she did n't like that smile at all , not even when he said , `` we wo n't require much . we can provide for ourselves . '' `` he means , they can munch on their human friends , like takeout , '' claire said . not in our house . '' myrnin frowned . `` this is hardly the time to be -- '' `` this is exactly the time , and you know it . did anybody ask them if they wanted to be snack packs ? '' the two remaining humans , both women , looked horrified . theo 's expression did n't change . `` what we do is our own affair . we wo n't hurt them , you know . '' `` unless you 're getting your plasma by osmosis , i do n't really know how you can promise that . '' theo 's eyes flared with banked fire . even the youngest of us ? ''
[["safe", 8], ["safes", 8], ["safed", 8], ["place", 15], ["places", 15], ["stay", 27], ["know", 47], ["knowest", 47], ["knew", 47], ["suspect", 76], ["suspected", 76], ["around", 85], ["dawn", 90], ["dawnest", 90], ["yesterday", 100], ["yesterdays", 100], ["mob", 108], ["mobs", 108], ["mobbed", 108], ["broke", 114], ["break", 114], ["door", 127], ["doors", 127], ["look", 135], ["looking", 135], ["look", 167], ["looked", 167], ["wife", 179], ["bow", 195], ["bowed", 195], ["head", 204], ["son", 217], ["give", 234], ["gave", 234], ["life", 243], ["lifes", 243], ["delay", 252], ["delayest", 252], ["human", 276], ["friend", 283], ["william", 291], ["williams", 291], ["hide", 312], ["hides", 312], ["move", 321], ["moving", 321], ["place", 332], ["try", 350], ["tryed", 350], ["trying", 350], ["drive", 367], ["driven", 367], ["sun", 382], ["suns", 382], ["sunned", 382], ["seem", 397], ["seeming", 397], ["seemed", 397], ["wary", 402], ["claire", 411], ["blame", 425], ["blamest", 425], ["bring", 444], ["brought", 444], ["say", 466], ["sayest", 466], ["said", 466], ["find", 497], ["left", 516], ["leave", 516], ["crouch", 533], ["crouched", 533], ["next", 543], ["young", 563], ["youngest", 563], ["vampire", 571], ["girl", 577], ["girls", 577], ["stroke", 589], ["stroked", 589], ["hair", 598], ["smile", 611], ["smiled", 611], ["fragile", 641], ["smile", 660], ["room", 704], ["roomed", 704], ["common", 718], ["commons", 718], ["commonest", 718], ["knowledge", 728], ["open", 746], ["portal", 757], ["attic", 770], ["case", 778], ["flee", 796], ["flees", 796], ["way", 816], ["ways", 816], ["lead", 831], ["leaded", 831], ["leading", 831], ["either", 880], ["bishop", 892], ["spread", 931], ["hand", 941], ["hands", 941], ["go", 952], ["goest", 952], ["gone", 952], ["force", 1003], ["forces", 1003], ["advantage", 1042], ["advantaging", 1042], ["pick", 1049], ["favorable", 1068], ["ground", 1075], ["wo", 1083], ["last", 1092], ["soon", 1107], ["later", 1116], ["sometime", 1127], ["tonight", 1135], ["clash", 1152], ["fight", 1178], ["fightest", 1178], ["win", 1197], ["lose", 1221], ["morning", 1242], ["know", 1266], ["knowest", 1266], ["fate", 1275], ["really", 1287], ["creepy", 1294], ["shiver", 1312], ["shivering", 1312], ["shivered", 1312], ["nobody", 1350], ["anything", 1374], ["say", 1381], ["sayest", 1381], ["attend", 1390], ["walk", 1423], ["walked", 1423], ["corner", 1446], ["speak", 1479], ["spoken", 1479], ["doctor", 1496], ["doctorest", 1496], ["doctoring", 1496], ["get", 1524], ["much", 1578], ["long", 1585], ["longs", 1585], ["clinical", 1617], ["right", 1634], ["rightest", 1634], ["drug", 1651], ["drugs", 1651], ["wear", 1656], ["wore", 1656], ["without", 1703], ["another", 1711], ["dose", 1716], ["doses", 1716], ["sort", 1729], ["none", 1775], ["lab", 1787], ["labs", 1787], ["get", 1826], ["got", 1826], ["first", 1838], ["firstest", 1838], ["shall", 1848], ["need", 1853], ["needest", 1853], ["good", 1860], ["bit", 1864], ["bits", 1864], ["glassware", 1877], ["completely", 1896], ["new", 1900], ["library", 1908], ["lightly", 1932], ["see", 1955], ["tension", 1967], ["face", 1979], ["shadow", 1994], ["shadowed", 1994], ["dark", 2006], ["gleam", 2017], ["gleams", 2017], ["gleamed", 2017], ["gleamest", 2017], ["gleaming", 2017], ["eye", 2022], ["eyed", 2022], ["eyes", 2022], ["try", 2036], ["tryed", 2036], ["tried", 2036], ["destroy", 2047], ["destroys", 2047], ["portal", 2059], ["portals", 2059], ["cut", 2065], ["movement", 2089], ["movements", 2089], ["manage", 2101], ["managed", 2101], ["patch", 2110], ["patching", 2110], ["thing", 2117], ["things", 2117], ["together", 2126], ["instruct", 2157], ["instructest", 2157], ["finish", 2221], ["prison", 2240], ["keep", 2270], ["keepest", 2270], ["sick", 2282], ["find", 2308], ["finds", 2308], ["nothing", 2316], ["interest", 2328], ["yes", 2347], ["ignore", 2364], ["awhile", 2374], ["lock", 2394], ["come", 2433], ["drug", 2447], ["bent", 2464], ["suddenly", 2484], ["intent", 2513], ["must", 2526], ["musts", 2526], ["refine", 2533], ["refined", 2533], ["serum", 2543], ["distribute", 2573], ["distributes", 2573], ["stress", 2589], ["fighting", 2604], ["accelerate", 2626], ["accelerates", 2626], ["accelerating", 2626], ["disease", 2638], ["see", 2651], ["seen", 2651], ["sign", 2657], ["signs", 2657], ["theo", 2671], ["even", 2678], ["evens", 2678], ["sam", 2685], ["act", 2704], ["acted", 2704], ["soon", 2709], ["afraid", 2723], ["may", 2730], ["mays", 2730], ["mayest", 2730], ["begin", 2736], ["confusion", 2762], ["fear", 2771], ["fearest", 2771], ["able", 2798], ["abled", 2798], ["defend", 2808], ["take", 2832], ["took", 2832], ["hand", 2841], ["kiss", 2852], ["kisses", 2852], ["kissest", 2852], ["kissed", 2852], ["lip", 2874], ["lipped", 2874], ["lips", 2874], ["feel", 2879], ["felt", 2879], ["dry", 2883], ["drier", 2883], ["drying", 2883], ["dust", 2891], ["dusting", 2891], ["still", 2906], ["tingle", 2920], ["tingles", 2920], ["finger", 2935], ["fingers", 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3744], ["ask", 3748], ["snack", 3780], ["snacking", 3780], ["pack", 3786], ["packs", 3786], ["two", 3799], ["twos", 3799], ["remain", 3809], ["remaining", 3809], ["human", 3816], ["humans", 3816], ["woman", 3829], ["womans", 3829], ["women", 3829], ["expression", 3869], ["change", 3884], ["affair", 3918], ["hurt", 3935], ["hurts", 3935], ["hurting", 3935], ["unless", 3966], ["unlesss", 3966], ["get", 3982], ["getting", 3982], ["plasma", 3994], ["osmosis", 4005], ["promise", 4048], ["flare", 4078], ["flared", 4078], ["fire", 4095], ["young", 4115], ["youngest", 4115]]
`` actually , i know where there 's a big supply of blood . if somebody will go with me to get it . '' `` oh , hell no , '' shane said . `` not out in the dark . besides , the place is locked up . '' eve reached in her pocket and took out her key ring . she flipped until she found one key in particular , and held it up . `` i never turned in my key , '' she said . `` i used to open and close , you know . '' myrnin gazed at her thoughtfully . `` there 's no portal to common grounds . it 's off the network . that means any vampire in it will be trapped in daylight . '' there 's underground access to the tunnels ; i 've seen it . oliver sent some people out using it while i was there . '' eve gave him a bright , brittle smile . `` i say we move your friends there . also , there 's coffee . you guys like coffee , right ? everybody likes coffee . '' theo ignored her , and looked to myrnin for an answer . `` it 's more defensible , '' myrnin said . `` steel shutters . if there 's underground access -- yes . it would make a good base of operations . '' `` we 'll require your services to drive . '' he said it as if eve were the help , and claire felt her face flame hot . how about a please in there somewhere , since you 're asking for a favor ? '' myrnin 's eyes turned dark and very cold . `` you seem to have forgotten that i employ you , claire . that i own you , in some sense . i am not required to say please and thank you to you , your friends , or any human walking the streets . '' he blinked , and was back to the myrnin she normally saw . `` however , i do take your point . please drive us to common grounds , dear lady . i would be extravagantly , embarrassingly grateful . '' he did all but kiss her hand . eve , not surprisingly , could say nothing but yes . claire settled for an eye roll big enough to make her head hurt . `` you ca n't all fit , '' she pointed out . `` in eve 's car , i mean . '' `` and she 's not taking you alone , anyway , '' michael said . `` my car 's in the garage . i can take the rest of you . shane , claire -- '' `` staying here , since you 'll need the space , '' shane said . look , if there are people looking for them , you ought to get them moving . i 'll call richard . he can assign a couple of cops to guard common grounds . '' we ca n't trust them . '' `` some of them have been working with bishop , and with the human mobs . i have proof of that . we ca n't take the risk . '' `` but richard -- , '' claire said , and subsided when she got myrnin 's glare . on your own , got it . '' eve did n't want to be dragged into it , but she went without much of a protest -- the number of fangs in the room might have had something to do with it . as the goldmans and myrnin , eve and michael walked downstairs , shane held claire back to say , `` we 've got to figure out how to lock this place up . `` you mean , against -- '' she gestured vaguely at the vampires . `` but if michael lives here , and we live here , the house ca n't just bar a whole group of people from entry . it has to be done one at a time -- at least that 's what i understood . and no , before you ask me , i do n't know how it works . or how to fool it . i think only amelie has the keys to that . '' `` how about closing off these weird doors myrnin and amelie are popping through ? '' `` i can work them . that does n't mean i can turn them on and off . '' he looked around the room , then took a seat on the old victorian couch . `` so we 're like undead grand central station . not really loving that so much . can bishop come through ? '' it was a question that claire had been thinking about , and it creeped her out to have to say , `` i do n't know . but from what myrnin said , he set the doorway to exitonly . so maybe we just ... robbed of doing anything heroic , or for that matter even useful , she warmed up the spaghetti again , and she and shane ate it and watched some mindless tv show while jumping at every noise and creak , with weapons handy . when the kitchen door banged open nearly an hour later , claire almost needed a heart transplant -- until she heard eve yell , `` we 're home ! oooooh , spaghetti .
[["know", 20], ["knowest", 20], ["big", 41], ["bigs", 41], ["supply", 48], ["blood", 57], ["bloods", 57], ["blooded", 57], ["go", 79], ["goest", 79], ["get", 94], ["oh", 108], ["hell", 115], ["hells", 115], ["shane", 129], ["say", 134], ["sayest", 134], ["said", 134], ["dark", 159], ["besides", 169], ["place", 181], ["lock", 191], ["locked", 191], ["eve", 203], ["reach", 211], ["reached", 211], ["pocket", 225], ["pocketing", 225], ["take", 234], ["took", 234], ["key", 246], ["keyed", 246], ["keyest", 246], ["rang", 251], ["rung", 251], ["ring", 251], ["flip", 265], ["flipping", 265], ["flipped", 265], ["find", 281], ["found", 281], ["particular", 303], ["hold", 314], ["held", 314], ["never", 333], ["turn", 340], ["turned", 340], ["use", 376], ["used", 376], ["open", 384], ["close", 394], ["gaze", 423], ["gazes", 423], ["gazed", 423], ["thoughtfully", 443], ["portal", 467], ["common", 477], ["commons", 477], ["commonest", 477], ["ground", 485], ["grounds", 485], ["network", 509], ["networked", 509], ["networking", 509], ["mean", 522], ["meanest", 522], ["means", 522], ["vampire", 534], ["trap", 556], ["trapped", 556], ["daylight", 568], ["underground", 594], ["access", 601], ["accessest", 601], ["tunnel", 616], ["tunneled", 616], ["tunnels", 616], ["see", 629], ["seen", 629], ["oliver", 641], ["send", 646], ["sent", 646], ["people", 658], ["use", 668], ["using", 668], ["give", 703], ["gave", 703], ["bright", 716], ["brights", 716], ["brittle", 726], ["smile", 732], ["say", 743], ["sayest", 743], ["move", 751], ["friend", 764], ["friends", 764], ["also", 777], ["coffee", 795], ["guy", 806], ["guys", 806], ["like", 811], ["right", 826], ["rightest", 826], ["like", 844], ["likes", 844], ["theo", 861], ["ignore", 869], ["ignored", 869], ["look", 886], ["looked", 886], ["answer", 910], ["answeres", 910], ["answerest", 910], ["defensible", 937], ["steel", 965], ["shutter", 974], ["shuttered", 974], ["shuttering", 974], ["shutters", 974], ["yes", 1014], ["good", 1037], ["base", 1042], ["basest", 1042], ["operation", 1056], ["operations", 1056], ["require", 1079], ["service", 1093], ["servicing", 1093], ["services", 1093], ["drive", 1102], ["help", 1142], ["helpest", 1142], ["claire", 1155], ["feel", 1160], ["felt", 1160], ["face", 1169], ["flame", 1175], ["hot", 1179], ["please", 1200], ["somewhere", 1219], ["since", 1227], ["ask", 1242], ["asking", 1242], ["favor", 1254], ["favorest", 1254], ["eye", 1274], ["eyed", 1274], ["eyes", 1274], ["cold", 1300], ["seem", 1314], ["seeming", 1314], ["forget", 1332], ["forgot", 1332], ["forgotten", 1332], ["employ", 1346], ["employs", 1346], ["sense", 1392], ["require", 1412], ["required", 1412], ["thank", 1436], ["thanks", 1436], ["thankest", 1436], ["human", 1477], ["walk", 1485], ["walking", 1485], ["street", 1497], ["streets", 1497], ["blink", 1513], ["blinked", 1513], ["back", 1528], ["normally", 1555], ["see", 1559], ["saw", 1559], ["however", 1572], ["take", 1584], ["point", 1595], ["dear", 1638], ["dearest", 1638], ["lady", 1643], ["extravagantly", 1670], ["embarrassingly", 1687], ["grateful", 1696], ["kiss", 1721], ["kisses", 1721], ["kissest", 1721], ["hand", 1730], ["surprisingly", 1755], ["nothing", 1775], ["settle", 1800], ["settled", 1800], ["eye", 1811], ["eyed", 1811], ["roll", 1816], ["enough", 1827], ["head", 1844], ["hurt", 1849], ["hurts", 1849], ["hurting", 1849], ["ca", 1861], ["cas", 1861], ["fit", 1873], ["fitting", 1873], ["point", 1890], ["pointed", 1890], ["car", 1913], ["mean", 1922], ["meanest", 1922], ["take", 1952], ["taking", 1952], ["alone", 1962], ["anyway", 1971], ["michael", 1984], ["garage", 2018], ["rest", 2040], ["stay", 2081], ["staying", 2081], ["need", 2107], ["needest", 2107], ["space", 2117], ["spaced", 2117], ["spacing", 2117], ["look", 2140], ["look", 2170], ["looking", 2170], ["ought", 2191], ["move", 2210], ["moving", 2210], ["call", 2223], ["richard", 2231], ["richards", 2231], ["assign", 2247], ["assignest", 2247], ["assigning", 2247], ["couple", 2256], ["cop", 2264], ["copest", 2264], ["copped", 2264], ["cops", 2264], ["guard", 2273], ["trust", 2309], ["work", 2353], ["wrought", 2353], ["working", 2353], ["bishop", 2365], ["mob", 2391], ["mobs", 2391], ["mobbed", 2391], ["proof", 2406], ["proofs", 2406], ["proofed", 2406], ["proofest", 2406], ["risk", 2440], ["riskest", 2440], ["subside", 2495], ["subsided", 2495], ["subsiding", 2495], ["get", 2508], ["got", 2508], ["glare", 2524], ["drag", 2583], ["dragged", 2583], ["go", 2606], ["goest", 2606], ["went", 2606], ["without", 2614], ["much", 2619], ["protest", 2632], ["protestest", 2632], ["number", 2646], ["numbering", 2646], ["fang", 2655], ["fangs", 2655], ["room", 2667], ["roomed", 2667], ["may", 2673], ["mays", 2673], ["mayest", 2673], ["might", 2673], ["walk", 2760], ["walked", 2760], ["downstairs", 2771], ["figure", 2829], ["lock", 2845], ["gesture", 2902], ["gestured", 2902], ["vaguely", 2910], ["vampire", 2926], ["vampires", 2926], ["live", 2952], ["live", 2971], ["house", 2988], ["bar", 3004], ["whole", 3012], ["wholes", 3012], ["group", 3018], ["entry", 3039], ["time", 3073], ["least", 3085], ["leastest", 3085], ["understand", 3111], ["understanded", 3111], ["understood", 3111], ["ask", 3137], ["work", 3169], ["wrought", 3169], ["works", 3169], ["fool", 3186], ["fooling", 3186], ["foolest", 3186], ["think", 3199], ["thinkest", 3199], ["key", 3224], ["keyed", 3224], ["keyest", 3224], ["keys", 3224], ["close", 3258], ["weird", 3274], ["door", 3280], ["doors", 3280], ["pop", 3310], ["popping", 3310], ["work", 3337], ["wrought", 3337], ["turn", 3374], ["around", 3412], ["seat", 3440], ["old", 3451], ["victorian", 3461], ["victorians", 3461], ["couch", 3467], ["couchest", 3467], ["undead", 3494], ["grand", 3500], ["central", 3508], ["station", 3516], ["really", 3529], ["love", 3536], ["loving", 3536], ["come", 3567], ["question", 3598], ["think", 3628], ["thinkest", 3628], ["thinking", 3628], ["creep", 3651], ["creeps", 3651], ["creeped", 3651], ["set", 3730], ["doorway", 3742], ["maybe", 3765], ["rob", 3784], ["robs", 3784], ["robbing", 3784], ["robbed", 3784], ["anything", 3802], ["heroic", 3809], ["matter", 3830], ["mattering", 3830], ["even", 3835], ["evens", 3835], ["useful", 3842], ["warm", 3855], ["warmed", 3855], ["spaghetti", 3872], ["eat", 3902], ["ate", 3902], ["watch", 3917], ["watched", 3917], ["mindless", 3931], ["tv", 3934], ["show", 3939], ["jump", 3953], ["jumps", 3953], ["jumping", 3953], ["every", 3962], ["noise", 3968], ["creak", 3978], ["creaks", 3978], ["weapon", 3993], ["weapons", 3993], ["handy", 3999], ["kitchen", 4018], ["kitchens", 4018], ["door", 4023], ["bang", 4030], ["banged", 4030], ["nearly", 4042], ["hour", 4050], ["later", 4056], ["almost", 4072], ["need", 4079], ["needest", 4079], ["needed", 4079], ["heart", 4087], ["transplant", 4098], ["transplanted", 4098], ["hear", 4117], ["hears", 4117], ["heard", 4117], ["yell", 4126], ["home", 4143], ["homing", 4143]]
eve came in holding a plate and shoveling pasta into her mouth as she walked . michael was right behind her . eve shook her head , chewing a mouthful of spaghetti . `` they should be fine there . nobody saw us get them inside , and until oliver turns up , nobody is going to need to get in there for a while . '' `` what about myrnin ? '' eve swallowed , almost choked , and michael patted her kindly on the back . he did a batman and took off into the night . what is with that guy , claire ? if he was a superhero , he 'd be bipolar man . '' the drugs were the problem . claire needed to get more , and she needed to work on that cure myrnin had found . that was just as important as anything else ... providing there were any vampires left , anyway . they had dinner , and at least it was the four of them again , sitting around the table , talking as if the world were normal , even if all of them knew it was n't . shane seemed especially jumpy , which was n't like him at all . for her part , claire was just tired to the bone of being scared , and when she went upstairs , she was asleep the minute she crawled between the covers . but sleep did n't mean it was restful , or peaceful . she dreamed that somewhere , amelie was playing chess , moving her pieces at lightning speed across a blackand white board . bishop sat across from her , grinning with too many teeth , and when he took her rook , it turned into a miniature version of claire , and suddenly both the vampires were huge and she was so small , so small , stranded out in the open . bishop picked her up and squeezed her in his white hand , and blood drops fell onto the white squares of the chessboard . amelie frowned , watching bishop squeeze her , and put out a delicate fingertip to touch the drops of blood . claire struggled and screamed . amelie tasted her blood , and smiled . claire woke up with a convulsive shudder , huddled in her blankets . it was still dark outside the windows , though the sky was getting lighter , and the house was very , very quiet . her phone was buzzing in vibrate mode on the bedside table . she picked it up and found a text message from the university 's alert system . classes return to normal schedule effective 7 a.m. today . school seemed like a million miles away , another world that did n't mean anything to her anymore , but it would get her on campus , and there were things she needed there . claire scrolled down her phone list and found dr. robert mills , but there was no immediate answer on his cell . she checked the clock , winced at the early hour , but slid out of bed and began grabbing things out of drawers . that did n't take a lot of time . she was down to the last of everything . laundry was starting to be a genuine priority . she dialed his phone again after she 'd dressed . dr. mills sounded as if she 'd dragged him out of a deep , probably happy sleep . he probably had n't been dreaming about being squeezed dry by mr. bishop . `` it 's claire , '' she said . `` i 'm sorry to call so early -- '' `` is it early ? been up all night , just fell asleep . '' `` glad you 're all right , claire . '' the hospital 's going to need a lot of work before it 's even halfway ready for the kind of work i need to do . '' another jawcracking yawn . i 'm on campus , in the life sciences building . lab seventeen . we have some roll away beds here . '' `` my wife and kids are with me . i did n't want to leave them on their own out there . '' `` i 've got something for you to do , and i need some of the drug , '' she said . `` it could be really important . i 'll be at school in about twenty minutes , okay ? '' my kids are asleep right now . let 's meet somewhere else . '' `` the oncampus coffee bar , '' she said . `` it 's in the university center . '' `` trust me , i know where it is . she was already heading for the door . with no sounds coming from any of the other rooms , claire figured her housemates were all crashed out , exhausted . she did n't know why she was n't , except for a suppressed , vibrating fear inside her that if she slept any more , something bad was going to happen . showered , dressed in her last notverygood clothes , she grabbed up her backpack and repacked it . her dart gun was out of darts anyway , so she left it behind . the samples myrnin had prepared of bishop 's blood went into a sturdy padded box , and on impulse , she added a couple of stakes and the silver knife amelie had given her .
[["eve", 3], ["come", 8], ["came", 8], ["hold", 19], ["holding", 19], ["plate", 27], ["plating", 27], ["shovel", 41], ["shoveling", 41], ["shovelling", 41], ["pasta", 47], ["mouth", 62], ["mouthed", 62], ["walk", 76], ["walked", 76], ["michael", 86], ["right", 96], ["rightest", 96], ["behind", 103], ["shake", 119], ["shook", 119], ["head", 128], ["chew", 138], ["chews", 138], ["chewest", 138], ["chewing", 138], ["mouthful", 149], ["spaghetti", 162], ["fine", 187], ["nobody", 202], ["see", 206], ["saw", 206], ["get", 213], ["inside", 225], ["oliver", 244], ["turn", 250], ["turns", 250], ["go", 271], ["goest", 271], ["going", 271], ["need", 279], ["needest", 279], ["swallow", 352], ["swallows", 352], ["swallowed", 352], ["almost", 361], ["choke", 368], ["choked", 368], ["pat", 389], ["patted", 389], ["kindly", 400], ["back", 412], ["batman", 430], ["take", 439], ["took", 439], ["night", 458], ["guy", 482], ["claire", 491], ["superhero", 515], ["bipolar", 534], ["man", 538], ["mans", 538], ["manned", 538], ["drug", 553], ["drugs", 553], ["problem", 570], ["need", 586], ["needest", 586], ["needed", 586], ["work", 623], ["wrought", 623], ["cure", 636], ["find", 653], ["found", 653], ["important", 682], ["anything", 694], ["else", 699], ["provide", 713], ["providing", 713], ["vampire", 737], ["vampires", 737], ["left", 742], ["leave", 742], ["anyway", 751], ["dinner", 769], ["least", 784], ["leastest", 784], ["four", 800], ["sat", 824], ["sit", 824], ["sitting", 824], ["around", 831], ["table", 841], ["tabled", 841], ["tabling", 841], ["talk", 851], ["talking", 851], ["world", 867], ["normal", 879], ["even", 886], ["evens", 886], ["know", 906], ["knowest", 906], ["knew", 906], ["shane", 925], ["seem", 932], ["seeming", 932], ["seemed", 932], ["especially", 943], ["jumpy", 949], ["like", 970], ["part", 996], ["parting", 996], ["tired", 1020], ["bone", 1032], ["bonest", 1032], ["go", 1068], ["goest", 1068], ["went", 1068], ["upstairs", 1077], ["asleep", 1094], ["minute", 1105], ["crawl", 1117], ["crawled", 1117], ["cover", 1136], ["covers", 1136], ["sleep", 1148], ["slept", 1148], ["sleeps", 1148], ["sleepest", 1148], ["mean", 1161], ["meanest", 1161], ["restful", 1176], ["peaceful", 1190], ["dream", 1204], ["dreamt", 1204], ["dreamest", 1204], ["dreamed", 1204], ["somewhere", 1219], ["play", 1240], ["playest", 1240], ["playing", 1240], ["chess", 1246], ["move", 1255], ["moving", 1255], ["piece", 1266], ["pieced", 1266], ["pieces", 1266], ["lightning", 1279], ["speed", 1285], ["speeding", 1285], ["across", 1292], ["white", 1309], ["board", 1315], ["boarding", 1315], ["bishop", 1324], ["sat", 1328], ["sit", 1328], ["grin", 1355], ["many", 1369], ["tooth", 1375], ["teeth", 1375], ["rook", 1403], ["rookest", 1403], ["turn", 1415], ["turned", 1415], ["miniature", 1432], ["version", 1440], ["suddenly", 1465], ["huge", 1493], ["small", 1514], ["strand", 1536], ["stranded", 1536], ["open", 1552], ["pick", 1568], ["picked", 1568], ["squeeze", 1588], ["squeezes", 1588], ["squeezed", 1588], ["hand", 1610], ["blood", 1622], ["bloods", 1622], ["blooded", 1622], ["drop", 1628], ["drops", 1628], ["fall", 1633], ["falls", 1633], ["fell", 1633], ["onto", 1638], ["ontos", 1638], ["square", 1656], ["squares", 1656], ["chessboard", 1674], ["frown", 1691], ["frowns", 1691], ["frowned", 1691], ["watch", 1702], ["watching", 1702], ["squeeze", 1717], ["squeezes", 1717], ["put", 1731], ["delicate", 1746], ["fingertip", 1756], ["touch", 1765], ["touching", 1765], ["struggle", 1803], ["struggled", 1803], ["scream", 1816], ["screams", 1816], ["screamed", 1816], ["taste", 1832], ["tasted", 1832], ["smile", 1855], ["smiled", 1855], ["wake", 1869], ["wakes", 1869], ["woken", 1869], ["woke", 1869], ["convulsive", 1890], ["shudder", 1898], ["shuddering", 1898], ["shudderest", 1898], ["huddle", 1908], ["huddled", 1908], ["blanket", 1924], ["blankets", 1924], ["still", 1939], ["dark", 1944], ["outside", 1952], ["window", 1964], ["windows", 1964], ["though", 1973], ["sky", 1981], ["get", 1993], ["getting", 1993], ["lit", 2001], ["light", 2001], ["house", 2017], ["quiet", 2039], ["phone", 2051], ["buzz", 2063], ["buzzes", 2063], ["buzzing", 2063], ["vibrate", 2074], ["mode", 2079], ["moded", 2079], ["bedside", 2094], ["text", 2136], ["message", 2144], ["university", 2164], ["alert", 2173], ["alerted", 2173], ["system", 2180], ["class", 2190], ["classest", 2190], ["classing", 2190], ["classes", 2190], ["return", 2197], ["returnest", 2197], ["schedule", 2216], ["effective", 2226], ["today", 2239], ["school", 2248], ["schooling", 2248], ["million", 2270], ["mile", 2276], ["miles", 2276], ["away", 2281], ["another", 2291], ["anymore", 2339], ["campus", 2372], ["thing", 2396], ["things", 2396], ["scroll", 2431], ["scrolling", 2431], ["scrolled", 2431], ["list", 2451], ["dr", 2464], ["drs", 2464], ["robert", 2472], ["roberts", 2472], ["immediate", 2507], ["answer", 2514], ["answeres", 2514], ["answerest", 2514], ["cell", 2526], ["check", 2540], ["checked", 2540], ["clock", 2550], ["wince", 2559], ["winced", 2559], ["early", 2572], ["hour", 2577], ["slid", 2588], ["bed", 2599], ["begin", 2609], ["began", 2609], ["grab", 2618], ["grabbing", 2618], ["drawer", 2640], ["drawers", 2640], ["take", 2660], ["lot", 2666], ["time", 2674], ["last", 2701], ["everything", 2715], ["laundry", 2725], ["start", 2738], ["starting", 2738], ["genuine", 2754], ["priority", 2763], ["dial", 2776], ["dialed", 2776], ["dress", 2813], ["dressest", 2813], ["dressed", 2813], ["sound", 2833], ["sounded", 2833], ["drag", 2854], ["dragged", 2854], ["deep", 2872], ["deeply", 2872], ["probably", 2883], ["happy", 2889], ["dream", 2931], ["dreamt", 2931], ["dreamest", 2931], ["dreaming", 2931], ["dry", 2956], ["drier", 2956], ["drying", 2956], ["mr", 2962], ["say", 3002], ["sayest", 3002], ["said", 3002], ["sorry", 3018], ["call", 3026], ["glad", 3108], ["hospital", 3153], ["halfway", 3210], ["halfways", 3210], ["ready", 3216], ["kind", 3229], ["yawn", 3280], ["yawns", 3280], ["yawnest", 3280], ["life", 3311], ["lifes", 3311], ["build", 3329], ["building", 3329], ["lab", 3335], ["labs", 3335], ["seventeen", 3345], ["seventeens", 3345], ["roll", 3365], ["bed", 3375], ["beds", 3375], ["wife", 3396], ["kid", 3405], ["kids", 3405], ["left", 3443], ["leave", 3443], ["get", 3489], ["got", 3489], ["drug", 3543], ["really", 3581], ["twenty", 3628], ["minute", 3636], ["minutes", 3636], ["okay", 3643], ["let", 3683], ["lets", 3683], ["meet", 3691], ["meeted", 3691], ["coffee", 3734], ["bar", 3738], ["center", 3788], ["trust", 3802], ["know", 3814], ["knowest", 3814], ["already", 3844], ["head", 3852], ["heading", 3852], ["door", 3865], ["sound", 3882], ["sounds", 3882], ["come", 3889], ["coming", 3889], ["room", 3917], ["roomed", 3917], ["rooms", 3917], ["figure", 3934], ["figured", 3934], ["housemate", 3949], ["housemates", 3949], ["crash", 3966], ["crashed", 3966], ["exhaust", 3982], ["exhausted", 3982], ["exhausting", 3982], ["except", 4026], ["suppress", 4043], ["suppresses", 4043], ["suppressed", 4043], ["vibrate", 4055], ["vibrating", 4055], ["fear", 4060], ["fearest", 4060], ["sleep", 4089], ["slept", 4089], ["sleeps", 4089], ["sleepest", 4089], ["bad", 4114], ["happen", 4134], ["clad", 4187], ["clothe", 4187], ["clothes", 4187], ["grab", 4201], ["grabbed", 4201], ["backpack", 4217], ["backpacking", 4217], ["repacking", 4230], ["dart", 4244], ["darted", 4244], ["gun", 4248], ["dart", 4265], ["darted", 4265], ["darts", 4265], ["sample", 4310], ["sampling", 4310], ["samples", 4310], ["prepare", 4330], ["prepared", 4330], ["sturdy", 4368], ["box", 4379], ["boxed", 4379], ["impulse", 4396], ["add", 4408], ["added", 4408], ["couple", 4417], ["stake", 4427], ["stakes", 4427], ["silver", 4442], ["silvered", 4442], ["knife", 4448], ["knifes", 4448], ["give", 4465], ["given", 4465]]
it was the first time claire had been on foot in morganville since the rioting had started , and it was eerie . the town was quiet again , but stores had broken windows , some boarded over ; there were some buildings reduced to burned out hulks , with blind , open doorways . broken bottles were on the sidewalks and spots of what looked like blood on the concrete -- and , in places , dark splashes . claire hurried past it all , even past common grounds , where the steel shutters were down inside the windows . there was no sign of anyone within . she imagined theo goldman standing there watching her from cover , and waved a little , just a waggle of fingers . she did n't really expect a response . the gates of the university were open , and the guards were gone . claire jogged along the sidewalk , going up the hill and around the curve , and began to see students up and moving , even so early in the morning . as she got closer to the central cluster of buildings , the foot traffic intensified , and here and there she saw alert campus police walking in pairs , watching for trouble . the students did n't seem to notice anything at all . not for the first time , claire wondered if amelie 's semipsychic network that cut morganville off from the world also kept people on campus clueless . she did n't like to think they were just naturally that stupid . then again , she 'd been to some of the parties . the university center had opened its doors only a few minutes before , and the coffee barista was just taking the chairs down from the tables . usually it would have been eve on duty , but instead , it was one of the university staffers , on loan from the food service most likely . he did n't exactly look happy to be there . claire tried to be nice , and finally got a smile from him as he handed her a mocha and took her cash . `` i would n't be here , '' he confessed , `` except that they 're paying us triple to be here the rest of the week . '' i 'll tell eve . she could use the money . '' `` yeah , get her in here . i 'm not good at this coffee stuff . give me the plain stuff . water , beans -- ca n't really screw that up . this espresso is hard . '' claire decided , after tasting the mocha , that he was right . he really was n't cut out for it . she sipped it anyway , and took a seat where she could watch the majority of the uc entrances for dr. mills . she almost did n't recognize him . he 'd shed his white doctor 's coat , of course , but somehow she 'd never expected to see someone like him wearing a zipup hoodie , sweatpants , and sneakers . he was more the suitandtie type . he ordered plain coffee -- good choice -- and came to join her at the table . dr. mills was medium everything , and he blended in at the university just as easily as he had at the hospital . he 'd have made a good spy , claire thought . he had one of those faces -- young from one angle , older from another , with nothing you could really remember later about it . but he had a nice , comforting smile . she supposed that would be a real asset in a doctor . `` morning , '' he said , and gulped coffee . his eyes were bloodshot and red rimmed . `` i 'm going back to the hospital later today . damage assessments , and we 've already reopened the trauma units and ccu . i 'm going to catch some sleep as soon as we 're done , in case any crash cases come in . nothing worse than an exhausted trauma surgeon . '' she felt even more guilty about waking him up . claire opened her backpack , took out the padded box , and slid it across the table to him . `` blood samples , from myrnin . '' mills frowned . `` i 've already got a hundred blood samples from myrnin . why -- '' `` these are different , '' claire said . there 's one labeled b that 's important . '' `` important , how ? '' i 'd rather you took a look first . '' in science , claire knew , it was better to come to an analysis cold , without too many expectations . dr. mills knew that , too , and he nodded as he took possession of the samples . `` um -- if you want to sleep , maybe you should n't drink that stuff . '' dr. mills smiled and threw back the rest of his coffee . `` you get to be a doctor by developing immunity to all kinds of things , including caffeine , '' he said . the second my head touches the pillow , i 'm asleep , even if i 've got a coffee iv drip . '' `` i know people who 'd pay good money for that . the iv drip , i mean . '' he shook his head , grinning , but then got serious .
[["first", 16], ["firstest", 16], ["time", 21], ["claire", 28], ["foot", 45], ["since", 66], ["rioting", 78], ["start", 90], ["started", 90], ["eerie", 109], ["town", 120], ["quiet", 130], ["store", 149], ["stores", 149], ["broke", 160], ["break", 160], ["broken", 160], ["window", 168], ["windows", 168], ["board", 183], ["boarding", 183], ["boarded", 183], ["build", 216], ["building", 216], ["buildings", 216], ["reduce", 224], ["reduced", 224], ["burn", 234], ["burns", 234], ["burned", 234], ["hulk", 244], ["hulking", 244], ["hulks", 244], ["blind", 257], ["blinded", 257], ["open", 264], ["doorway", 273], ["doorways", 273], ["bottle", 290], ["bottled", 290], ["bottles", 290], ["sidewalk", 312], ["sidewalks", 312], ["spot", 322], ["spots", 322], ["look", 337], ["looked", 337], ["like", 342], ["blood", 348], ["bloods", 348], ["blooded", 348], ["concrete", 364], ["place", 383], ["places", 383], ["dark", 390], ["splash", 399], ["splashed", 399], ["splashes", 399], ["hurry", 416], ["hurried", 416], ["hurryed", 416], ["hurrying", 416], ["past", 421], ["even", 435], ["evens", 435], ["common", 447], ["commons", 447], ["commonest", 447], ["ground", 455], ["grounds", 455], ["steel", 473], ["shutter", 482], ["shuttered", 482], ["shuttering", 482], ["shutters", 482], ["inside", 499], ["sign", 531], ["anyone", 541], ["within", 548], ["imagine", 563], ["imagined", 563], ["theo", 568], ["goldman", 576], ["stand", 585], ["stood", 585], ["standest", 585], ["standing", 585], ["watch", 600], ["watching", 600], ["cover", 615], ["wave", 627], ["waved", 627], ["little", 636], ["waggle", 652], ["waggling", 652], ["finger", 663], ["fingers", 663], ["really", 684], ["expect", 691], ["response", 702], ["gate", 714], ["gates", 714], ["university", 732], ["guard", 759], ["guards", 759], ["go", 769], ["goest", 769], ["gone", 769], ["jog", 785], ["jogs", 785], ["jogged", 785], ["along", 791], ["sidewalk", 804], ["go", 812], ["goest", 812], ["going", 812], ["hill", 824], ["around", 835], ["curve", 845], ["curved", 845], ["begin", 857], ["began", 857], ["see", 864], ["student", 873], ["students", 873], ["move", 887], ["moving", 887], ["early", 903], ["morning", 918], ["get", 931], ["got", 931], ["close", 938], ["closer", 938], ["central", 953], ["cluster", 961], ["traffic", 993], ["traffics", 993], ["trafficking", 993], ["intensify", 1005], ["intensified", 1005], ["see", 1034], ["saw", 1034], ["alert", 1040], ["alerted", 1040], ["campus", 1047], ["police", 1054], ["walk", 1062], ["walking", 1062], ["pair", 1071], ["pairs", 1071], ["trouble", 1094], ["troubling", 1094], ["seem", 1122], ["seeming", 1122], ["notice", 1132], ["anything", 1141], ["wonder", 1191], ["wonderest", 1191], ["wondered", 1191], ["network", 1224], ["networked", 1224], ["networking", 1224], ["cut", 1233], ["world", 1264], ["also", 1269], ["keep", 1274], ["keepest", 1274], ["kept", 1274], ["people", 1281], ["clueless", 1300], ["think", 1328], ["thinkest", 1328], ["naturally", 1353], ["stupid", 1365], ["party", 1415], ["parties", 1415], ["center", 1439], ["open", 1450], ["opened", 1450], ["door", 1460], ["doors", 1460], ["minute", 1479], ["minutes", 1479], ["coffee", 1503], ["barista", 1511], ["baristas", 1511], ["take", 1527], ["taking", 1527], ["chair", 1538], ["chairing", 1538], ["chairs", 1538], ["table", 1559], ["tabled", 1559], ["tabling", 1559], ["tables", 1559], ["usually", 1569], ["eve", 1592], ["duty", 1600], ["instead", 1614], ["staffer", 1654], ["staffers", 1654], ["loan", 1664], ["food", 1678], ["foods", 1678], ["service", 1686], ["servicing", 1686], ["exactly", 1719], ["look", 1724], ["happy", 1730], ["try", 1757], ["tryed", 1757], ["tried", 1757], ["nice", 1768], ["finally", 1782], ["smile", 1794], ["hand", 1816], ["handed", 1816], ["mocha", 1828], ["take", 1837], ["took", 1837], ["cash", 1846], ["cashed", 1846], ["confess", 1889], ["confessest", 1889], ["confessed", 1889], ["except", 1901], ["pay", 1922], ["pays", 1922], ["payest", 1922], ["paying", 1922], ["triple", 1932], ["rest", 1952], ["week", 1964], ["tell", 1980], ["use", 2000], ["money", 2010], ["moneys", 2010], ["yeah", 2023], ["get", 2029], ["good", 2057], ["stuff", 2078], ["give", 2085], ["plain", 2098], ["plains", 2098], ["water", 2112], ["bean", 2120], ["beaning", 2120], ["beans", 2120], ["ca", 2126], ["cas", 2126], ["screw", 2143], ["screwing", 2143], ["espresso", 2167], ["espressos", 2167], ["hard", 2175], ["decide", 2195], ["decided", 2195], ["taste", 2211], ["right", 2241], ["rightest", 2241], ["sip", 2289], ["sipped", 2289], ["anyway", 2299], ["seat", 2317], ["watch", 2339], ["majority", 2352], ["majorities", 2352], ["uc", 2362], ["entrance", 2372], ["entrancing", 2372], ["entrances", 2372], ["dr", 2379], ["drs", 2379], ["almost", 2399], ["recognize", 2417], ["shed", 2434], ["white", 2444], ["doctor", 2451], ["doctorest", 2451], ["doctoring", 2451], ["coat", 2459], ["course", 2471], ["somehow", 2485], ["never", 2498], ["expect", 2507], ["expected", 2507], ["wear", 2539], ["wearing", 2539], ["hoodie", 2554], ["sweatpant", 2567], ["sweatpants", 2567], ["sneaker", 2582], ["sneakers", 2582], ["type", 2616], ["order", 2629], ["orderest", 2629], ["ordered", 2629], ["choice", 2657], ["come", 2669], ["came", 2669], ["join", 2677], ["joinest", 2677], ["table", 2694], ["tabled", 2694], ["tabling", 2694], ["medium", 2717], ["mediums", 2717], ["everything", 2728], ["blend", 2745], ["blendest", 2745], ["blending", 2745], ["blended", 2745], ["easily", 2781], ["hospital", 2807], ["spy", 2836], ["think", 2853], ["thinkest", 2853], ["thought", 2853], ["face", 2881], ["faces", 2881], ["young", 2890], ["youngest", 2890], ["angle", 2905], ["old", 2913], ["another", 2926], ["nothing", 2941], ["remember", 2967], ["rememberest", 2967], ["later", 2973], ["comfort", 3015], ["comforting", 3015], ["suppose", 3036], ["supposed", 3036], ["real", 3057], ["reis", 3057], ["asset", 3063], ["say", 3101], ["sayest", 3101], ["said", 3101], ["gulp", 3114], ["gulps", 3114], ["gulped", 3114], ["eye", 3132], ["eyed", 3132], ["eyes", 3132], ["bloodshot", 3147], ["red", 3155], ["back", 3183], ["today", 3211], ["damage", 3220], ["damaging", 3220], ["assessment", 3232], ["assessments", 3232], ["already", 3253], ["reopen", 3262], ["reopenest", 3262], ["reopened", 3262], ["trauma", 3273], ["traumas", 3273], ["unit", 3279], ["units", 3279], ["ccu", 3287], ["catch", 3309], ["catched", 3309], ["catches", 3309], ["sleep", 3320], ["slept", 3320], ["sleeps", 3320], ["sleepest", 3320], ["soon", 3328], ["crash", 3363], ["cases", 3369], ["come", 3374], ["bad", 3393], ["worse", 3393], ["surgeon", 3426], ["feel", 3440], ["felt", 3440], ["guilty", 3457], ["wake", 3470], ["wakes", 3470], ["woken", 3470], ["waking", 3470], ["backpack", 3506], ["backpacking", 3506], ["pad", 3528], ["padding", 3528], ["padded", 3528], ["box", 3532], ["boxed", 3532], ["slid", 3543], ["across", 3553], ["sample", 3589], ["sampling", 3589], ["samples", 3589], ["mill", 3614], ["milling", 3614], ["mills", 3614], ["frown", 3622], ["frowns", 3622], ["frowned", 3622], ["hundred", 3655], ["different", 3716], ["label", 3756], ["labeled", 3756], ["b", 3758], ["important", 3776], ["rather", 3817], ["science", 3855], ["know", 3869], ["knowest", 3869], ["knew", 3869], ["well", 3885], ["wells", 3885], ["analysis", 3908], ["cold", 3913], ["without", 3923], ["many", 3932], ["expectation", 3945], ["expectations", 3945], ["nod", 3989], ["nodded", 3989], ["possession", 4011], ["um", 4034], ["maybe", 4066], ["drank", 4087], ["drink", 4087], ["drinking", 4087], ["smile", 4120], ["smiled", 4120], ["throw", 4130], ["threw", 4130], ["develop", 4200], ["developest", 4200], ["developing", 4200], ["immunity", 4209], ["kind", 4222], ["kinds", 4222], ["thing", 4232], ["things", 4232], ["include", 4244], ["including", 4244], ["caffeine", 4253], ["second", 4279], ["seconded", 4279], ["head", 4287], ["touch", 4295], ["touching", 4295], ["touches", 4295], ["pillow", 4306], ["asleep", 4320], ["iv", 4352], ["drip", 4357], ["know", 4372], ["knowest", 4372], ["pay", 4390], ["pays", 4390], ["payest", 4390], ["mean", 4433], ["meanest", 4433], ["shake", 4447], ["shook", 4447], ["grin", 4467], ["serious", 4490]]
you 're just so ... young , to be involved in all this stuff . '' and i 'm really -- '' `` not that young . let an old man fret a little . i 've got two daughters . '' he tossed his coffee cup at the trash -- two points -- and stood . `` here 's all i could get together of the drug . sorry , it 's not a lot , but i 've got a new batch in the works . it 'll take a couple of days to finish . '' he handed her a bag that clinked with small glass bottles . `` this should be plenty . '' unless , of course , she had to start dosing all over morganville , in which case , they were done , anyway . `` sorry to make this a gulpandrun , but ... '' `` you should go , '' claire agreed . he shook it gravely . around his wrist , there was a silver bracelet , with amelie 's symbol on it . he looked down at it , then at her gold one , and shrugged . `` i do n't think it 's time to take it off , '' he said . at least yours does come off , claire thought , but did n't say . dr. mills had signed agreements , contracts , and those things were binding in morganville , but the contract she 'd signed had made her amelie 's property , body and soul . and her bracelet did n't have a catch on it , which made it more like a slave collar . from time to time , that still creeped her out . it was getting close to time for her first class , and as claire hefted her backpack , she wondered how many people would show up . lots , probably . knowing most of the professors , they 'd think today was a good day for a quiz . she also was n't panicked , unlike some of her classmates during her first class , and her third . claire did n't panic on tests , not unless it was in a dream where she also had to clog dance and twirl batons to get a good grade . and the quizzes were n't so hard anyway , not even the physics tests . one thing she noticed , more and more , as she went around campus : fewer people had on bracelets . morganville natives got used to wearing them twentyfour/ seven , so she could clearly see the tan lines where the bracelets had been ... and were n't anymore . it was almost like a reverse tattoo . around noon , she saw monica morrell , gina , and jennifer . the three girls were walking fast , heads down , books in their arms . there was a whole lot different about them ; claire was used to seeing those three stalking the campus like tigers , confident and cruel . they 'd stare down anyone , and whether you liked them or not , they were wicked fashion queens , always showing themselves off to best advantage . monica , who usually was the centerpiece , looked awful . her shiny , flirty hair was dull and fuzzy , as if she had barely bothered to brush it , much less condition or curl . what little claire could see of her face looked makeup free . she was wearing a shapeless sweater in an unflatteringly ugly pattern , and sloppy blue jeans , the kind claire imagined she might keep around to clean house in , if monica ever did that kind of thing . gina and jennifer did n't look much better , and they all looked defeated . claire still felt a little , tiny , unworthy tingle of satisfaction ... until she saw the looks they were getting . morganville natives who 'd taken off their bracelets were outright glaring at monica and her entourage , and a few of them did worse than just give them dirty looks . as claire watched , a big , tough jock wearing a tpu jacket bumped into jennifer and sent her books flying . she just bent over to pick them up . `` hey , you clumsy whore , what the hell ? '' he shoved her onto her butt as she tried to get up , but she was n't his real target ; she was just standing between him and monica . morrell . how 's your daddy ? '' `` fine , '' monica said , and looked him in the eyes . `` i 'd ask about yours , but since you do n't know who he was -- '' the jock stepped very close to her . she did n't flinch , but claire could tell that she wanted to . there were tight lines around her eyes and mouth , and her knuckles were white where she gripped her books . `` you 've been princess queen bitch your whole life , '' he said . `` you remember annie ? annie mcfarlane ? you used to call her a fat cow . you laughed at her in school . you took pictures of her in the bathroom and posted them on the internet . monica did n't answer . the jock smiled . `` yeah , you remember annie .
[["young", 25], ["youngest", 25], ["involve", 42], ["involved", 42], ["stuff", 60], ["really", 81], ["let", 111], ["lets", 111], ["old", 118], ["man", 122], ["mans", 122], ["manned", 122], ["fret", 127], ["little", 136], ["get", 148], ["got", 148], ["two", 152], ["twos", 152], ["daughter", 162], ["daughters", 162], ["toss", 177], ["tossed", 177], ["coffee", 188], ["cup", 192], ["trash", 205], ["trashes", 205], ["point", 219], ["points", 219], ["stand", 232], ["stood", 232], ["standest", 232], ["get", 261], ["together", 270], ["drug", 282], ["sorry", 290], ["lot", 308], ["new", 330], ["batch", 336], ["batched", 336], ["batches", 336], ["work", 349], ["wrought", 349], ["works", 349], ["take", 363], ["couple", 372], ["day", 380], ["days", 380], ["finish", 390], ["hand", 405], ["handed", 405], ["bag", 415], ["bagged", 415], ["bagging", 415], ["clink", 428], ["clinking", 428], ["clinked", 428], ["small", 439], ["glass", 445], ["bottle", 453], ["bottled", 453], ["bottles", 453], ["plenty", 480], ["unless", 492], ["unlesss", 492], ["course", 504], ["start", 523], ["dose", 530], ["doses", 530], ["dosing", 530], ["case", 567], ["anyway", 593], ["go", 660], ["goest", 660], ["claire", 672], ["agree", 679], ["agreed", 679], ["shake", 690], ["shook", 690], ["gravely", 701], ["around", 710], ["wrist", 720], ["silver", 741], ["silvered", 741], ["bracelet", 750], ["symbol", 774], ["look", 792], ["looked", 792], ["gold", 822], ["golds", 822], ["shrug", 841], ["shrugging", 841], ["shrugged", 841], ["think", 861], ["thinkest", 861], ["time", 872], ["say", 900], ["sayest", 900], ["said", 900], ["least", 911], ["leastest", 911], ["come", 927], ["think", 948], ["thinkest", 948], ["thought", 948], ["say", 966], ["sayest", 966], ["dr", 971], ["drs", 971], ["sign", 989], ["signed", 989], ["agreement", 1000], ["agreements", 1000], ["contract", 1012], ["contractest", 1012], ["contracts", 1012], ["thing", 1031], ["things", 1031], ["bind", 1044], ["bound", 1044], ["binding", 1044], ["contract", 1078], ["contractest", 1078], ["property", 1124], ["body", 1131], ["bodied", 1131], ["soul", 1140], ["catch", 1180], ["catched", 1180], ["catches", 1180], ["like", 1212], ["slave", 1220], ["collar", 1227], ["collared", 1227], ["still", 1260], ["creep", 1268], ["creeps", 1268], ["creeped", 1268], ["get", 1293], ["getting", 1293], ["close", 1299], ["first", 1321], ["firstest", 1321], ["class", 1327], ["classest", 1327], ["classing", 1327], ["heft", 1350], ["hefted", 1350], ["backpack", 1363], ["backpacking", 1363], ["wonder", 1378], ["wonderest", 1378], ["wondered", 1378], ["many", 1387], ["people", 1394], ["show", 1405], ["lot", 1415], ["lots", 1415], ["probably", 1426], ["know", 1436], ["knowest", 1436], ["knowing", 1436], ["professor", 1459], ["professors", 1459], ["today", 1481], ["good", 1492], ["day", 1496], ["quiz", 1507], ["also", 1518], ["panic", 1535], ["panicked", 1535], ["unlike", 1544], ["unliking", 1544], ["classmate", 1567], ["classmates", 1567], ["third", 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["girls", 2187], ["walk", 2200], ["walking", 2200], ["fast", 2205], ["head", 2213], ["heads", 2213], ["book", 2226], ["books", 2226], ["arm", 2240], ["arms", 2240], ["whole", 2260], ["wholes", 2260], ["different", 2274], ["see", 2313], ["seeing", 2313], ["stalk", 2334], ["stalkest", 2334], ["stalking", 2334], ["tiger", 2357], ["tigers", 2357], ["confident", 2369], ["cruel", 2379], ["stare", 2395], ["stared", 2395], ["anyone", 2407], ["whether", 2421], ["like", 2431], ["liked", 2431], ["wicked", 2462], ["fashion", 2470], ["fashioned", 2470], ["queen", 2477], ["queens", 2477], ["queenest", 2477], ["queening", 2477], ["always", 2486], ["show", 2494], ["showing", 2494], ["good", 2517], ["best", 2517], ["advantage", 2527], ["advantaging", 2527], ["usually", 2550], ["centerpiece", 2570], ["awful", 2585], ["shiny", 2597], ["shinier", 2597], ["flirty", 2606], ["hair", 2611], ["dull", 2620], ["fuzzy", 2630], ["barely", 2653], ["bother", 2662], ["bothers", 2662], ["bothering", 2662], ["bothered", 2662], ["brush", 2671], ["brushest", 2671], ["much", 2681], ["less", 2686], ["condition", 2696], ["curl", 2704], ["curls", 2704], ["curled", 2704], ["face", 2747], ["makeup", 2761], ["free", 2766], ["shapeless", 2796], ["sweater", 2804], ["unflatteringly", 2825], ["ugly", 2830], ["pattern", 2838], ["sloppy", 2851], ["blue", 2856], ["kind", 2873], ["imagine", 2889], ["imagined", 2889], ["may", 2899], ["mays", 2899], ["mayest", 2899], ["might", 2899], ["keep", 2904], ["keepest", 2904], ["clean", 2920], ["cleans", 2920], ["house", 2926], ["ever", 2946], ["everest", 2946], ["look", 3002], ["well", 3014], ["wells", 3014], ["defeat", 3045], ["defeatest", 3045], ["defeated", 3045], ["feel", 3065], ["felt", 3065], ["tiny", 3081], ["unworthy", 3092], ["tingle", 3099], ["tingles", 3099], ["satisfaction", 3115], ["look", 3143], ["looks", 3143], ["take", 3196], ["taken", 3196], ["outright", 3230], ["glare", 3238], ["glaring", 3238], ["entourage", 3266], ["bad", 3296], ["worse", 3296], ["give", 3311], ["dirty", 3322], ["watch", 3348], ["watched", 3348], ["big", 3356], ["bigs", 3356], ["tough", 3364], ["jock", 3369], ["jacket", 3390], ["jacketed", 3390], ["bump", 3397], ["bumpest", 3397], ["bumped", 3397], ["send", 3420], ["sent", 3420], ["fly", 3437], ["flys", 3437], ["flying", 3437], ["bent", 3453], ["bend", 3453], ["pick", 3466], ["hey", 3483], ["clumsy", 3496], ["whore", 3502], ["hell", 3518], ["hells", 3518], ["shove", 3533], ["shoved", 3533], ["onto", 3542], ["ontos", 3542], ["butt", 3551], ["butts", 3551], ["buttest", 3551], ["try", 3564], ["tryed", 3564], ["tried", 3564], ["real", 3601], ["reis", 3601], ["target", 3608], ["stand", 3632], ["stood", 3632], ["standest", 3632], ["standing", 3632], ["daddy", 3685], ["fine", 3698], ["eye", 3744], ["eyed", 3744], ["eyes", 3744], ["ask", 3758], ["since", 3782], ["know", 3798], ["knowest", 3798], ["step", 3832], ["stepped", 3832], ["flinch", 3871], ["tell", 3895], ["tight", 3933], ["mouth", 3965], ["mouthed", 3965], 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she was a good kid , and i liked her . '' `` you did n't like her enough to stand up for her , '' monica said . `` right , clark ? you wanted to get in my pants more than you wanted me to be kind to your little fat friend . not my fault she ended up wrecking that stupid car at the town border . maybe it 's your fault , though . maybe she could n't stand being in town with you anymore after you dumped her . '' clark knocked the books out of her hand and shoved her up against a nearby tree trunk . `` i 've got something for you , bitch . '' he dug in his pocket and came up with something square , about four inches across . it was a sticky label like a name tag , only with a picture on it of an awkward but sweetlooking teenage girl trying bravely to smile for the camera . clark slapped it on monica 's chest and rubbed it so it stuck to the sweater . `` you wear that , '' he said . `` you wear annie 's picture . if i see you take it off today , i swear , what you did to annie back in high school 's going to seem like a canc ? n vacation . '' under annie 's picture were the words killed by monica morrell . monica looked down at it , swallowed , and turned bright red , then pale . she jerked her chin up again , sharply , and stared at clark . remember , you take it off -- '' `` yeah , clark , you were n't exactly subtle . you think i care ? '' clark 's grin widened . have a nice day , queenie . '' he walked away and did a high five with two other guys . as monica stared down at the label on her chest in utter disgust , another girl approached -- another morganville native who 'd taken off the bracelet . monica did n't notice her until the girl was right in her face . this one did n't talk . she just ripped the backing off another label and stuck it on monica 's chest next to annie mcfarlane 's photo . this one just said killer in big red letters . she kept on walking . monica started to rip it off , but clark was watching her . `` suits you , '' he said , and pointed to his eyes , then to her . `` we 'll be watching you all day . there are a lot more labels coming . '' clark was right . it was going to be a really long , bad day to be monica morrell . even gina and jennifer were fading back now , heading out in a different direction and leaving her to face the music . monica 's gaze fell on claire . there was a flash of fear in her eyes , and shame , and genuine pain . and then she armored up and snapped , `` what are you looking at , freak ? '' `` justice , i guess . '' `` how come you did n't stay with your parents ? '' monica 's fierce stare wavered . `` dad wanted us all to go back to normal . so people could see we 're not afraid . '' monica took a step toward her , then hugged her books to her chest to cover up most of the labels , and hurried on . she had n't gotten ten feet before a stranger ran up and slapped a label across her back that had a picture of a slender young girl and an older boy of maybe fifteen on it . the words beneath said killer of alyssa . with a shock , claire realized that the boy in that picture was shane . and that was his sister , alyssa , the one who 'd died in the fire that monica had set . `` justice , '' claire repeated softly . she felt a little sick , actually . justice was n't the same thing as mercy . the signal had come over the coded strategy network , which claire had just assumed was dead , considering that oliver had been the one running it . but richard had found a use for it , and as she burst in the front door , breathless , she heard michael and eve talking in the living room . claire closed and locked the door , dumped her backpack , and hurried to join them . `` shhh , '' they both said . michael , eve , and shane were all seated at the table , staring intently at the small walkie talkie sitting upright in the middle . michael pulled out a chair for claire , and she sat , trying to be as quiet as possible . richard was talking . -- no telling whether or not this storm will hit us full on , but right now , the weather service shows the radar track going right over the top of us . it 'll be here in the next few hours , probably right around dark . it 's late in the year for tornado activity , but they 're telling us there 's a strong possibility of some real trouble .
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["fifteen", 2964], ["beneath", 2990], ["alyssa", 3012], ["shock", 3027], ["realize", 3045], ["realized", 3045], ["shane", 3084], ["sister", 3110], ["die", 3141], ["died", 3141], ["fire", 3153], ["set", 3173], ["repeat", 3207], ["repeatest", 3207], ["repeated", 3207], ["softly", 3214], ["feel", 3225], ["felt", 3225], ["sick", 3239], ["thing", 3283], ["mercy", 3292], ["signal", 3305], ["code", 3329], ["coded", 3329], ["strategy", 3338], ["network", 3346], ["networked", 3346], ["networking", 3346], ["assume", 3378], ["assumes", 3378], ["assumed", 3378], ["dead", 3387], ["consider", 3401], ["considering", 3401], ["oliver", 3413], ["run", 3438], ["running", 3438], ["richard", 3455], ["richards", 3455], ["find", 3465], ["found", 3465], ["use", 3471], ["burst", 3497], ["bursted", 3497], ["front", 3510], ["door", 3515], ["breathless", 3528], ["hear", 3540], ["hears", 3540], ["heard", 3540], ["michael", 3548], ["eve", 3556], ["talk", 3564], ["talking", 3564], ["room", 3583], ["roomed", 3583], ["close", 3599], ["closed", 3599], ["lock", 3610], ["locked", 3610], ["backpack", 3641], ["backpacking", 3641], ["join", 3663], ["joinest", 3663], ["seat", 3742], ["seated", 3742], ["table", 3755], ["tabled", 3755], ["tabling", 3755], ["stare", 3765], ["stared", 3765], ["staring", 3765], ["intently", 3774], ["small", 3787], ["walkie", 3794], ["talkie", 3801], ["sat", 3809], ["sit", 3809], ["sitting", 3809], ["upright", 3817], ["middle", 3831], ["middles", 3831], ["middling", 3831], ["pull", 3848], ["pulled", 3848], ["chair", 3860], ["chairing", 3860], ["sat", 3885], ["sit", 3885], ["quiet", 3909], ["possible", 3921], ["tell", 3959], ["telling", 3959], ["whether", 3967], ["storm", 3985], ["hit", 3994], ["full", 4002], ["weather", 4035], ["service", 4043], ["servicing", 4043], ["show", 4049], ["shows", 4049], ["radar", 4059], ["track", 4065], ["top", 4090], ["hour", 4135], ["hours", 4135], ["probably", 4146], ["around", 4159], ["dark", 4164], ["late", 4177], ["lates", 4177], ["year", 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on top of all the other things we have going on , this is n't good news . i 'm putting all emergency services and citizen patrols on full alert . if we get a tornado , get to your designated shelters . designated shelters ? claire mouthed to michael , who shrugged . if you 're closer to city hall , come here ; we 've got a shelter in the basement . those of you who are civil defense wardens , go doortodoor in your area , tell people we 've got a storm coming and what to do . we 're putting it on tv and radio , and the university 's going to get ready as well . `` richard , this is hector , '' said a new voice . `` miller house . you got any news about this takeover people are talking about ? '' `` we 've got rumors , but nothing concrete , '' richard said . `` we hear there 's a lot of talk going around town about taking back city hall , but we 've got no specific word about when these people are meeting , or where , or even who they are . all i can tell you is that we 've fortified the building , and the barricades remain up around founder 's square , for all the good that does . i need everybody in a securitydesignated location to be on the alert today and tonight . report in if you see any sign of an attack , any sign at all . we 'll try to get to you in support . '' michael exchanged a look with the rest of them , and then picked up the radio . `` michael glass . you think bishop 's behind this ? '' `` i think bishop 's willing to let humans do his dirty work for him , and then sweep in to make himself lord and master on the ashes , '' richard said . `` seems like his style . put shane on . '' michael held out the radio . shane looked at it like it might bite , then took it and pressed talk . `` yeah , this is shane . '' `` i have two unconfirmed sightings of your father in town . i know this is n't easy for you , but i need to know : is frank collins back in morganville ? '' shane looked into claire 's eyes and said , `` if he is , he has n't talked to me about it . '' claire 's lips parted , and she almost blurted something out , but she just could n't think what to say . `` tell you what , richard , you catch my dad , you 've got my personal endorsement for tossing him in the deepest pit you 've got around here , '' shane said . `` if he 's in morganville , he 's got a plan , but he wo n't be working for or with the vamps . not that he knows , anyway . '' you hear from him -- '' `` you 're on speed dial . shane set the radio back in the center of the table . claire kept staring at him , willing him to speak , to say something , but he did n't . `` do n't do this , '' she said . `` do n't put me in the middle . '' `` i 'm not , '' shane said . `` nothing i said was a lie . my dad told me he was coming , not that he 's here . i have n't seen him , and i do n't want to . if he 's here , dick and his brownshirts are welcome to him . i 've got nothing to do with him , not anymore . '' claire was n't sure she believed that , but she did n't think he was intentionally lying now . he probably did mean it . she just thought that no matter how much he thought he was done with his dad , all it would take would be a snap of frank collins 's fingers to bring him running . richard was answering questions from others on the radio , but michael was no longer listening . he was fixed on shane . you knew he was coming back here , and you did n't warn me ? '' shane stirred uneasily . `` look -- '' `` no , you look . i 'm the one who got knifed and decapitated and buried in the backyard , among other things ! good thing i was a ghost ! '' shane looked down . `` who was i supposed to tell ? the vamps ? `` you 're a vamp , '' shane said . `` in case you have n't checked the mirror lately . '' his chair slid about two feet across the floor and skidded to an uneven stop ; he leaned his hands on the table and loomed over shane . `` oh , i do , '' he said . `` i check it every day . you taken a good look recently , shane ? because i 'm not so sure i know you anymore . '' shane looked up at that , and there was a flash of pain in his face .
[["top", 6], ["thing", 30], ["things", 30], ["go", 44], ["goest", 44], ["going", 44], ["good", 66], ["news", 71], ["newses", 71], ["put", 86], ["putting", 86], ["emergency", 100], ["service", 109], ["servicing", 109], ["services", 109], ["citizen", 121], ["patrol", 129], ["patrols", 129], ["full", 137], ["alert", 143], ["alerted", 143], ["get", 155], ["tornado", 165], ["tornados", 165], ["designate", 190], ["designatest", 190], ["designated", 190], ["shelter", 199], ["shelters", 199], ["claire", 230], ["mouth", 238], ["mouthed", 238], ["michael", 249], ["shrug", 264], ["shrugging", 264], ["shrugged", 264], ["close", 284], ["closer", 284], ["city", 292], ["hall", 297], ["come", 304], ["get", 322], ["got", 322], ["shelter", 332], ["basement", 348], ["civil", 377], ["civils", 377], ["defense", 385], ["warden", 393], ["go", 398], ["goest", 398], ["area", 422], ["tell", 429], ["people", 436], ["storm", 455], ["come", 462], ["coming", 462], ["tv", 503], ["radio", 513], ["university", 534], 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["talk", 1988], ["talked", 1988], ["lip", 2023], ["lipped", 2023], ["lips", 2023], ["part", 2030], ["parting", 2030], ["parted", 2030], ["almost", 2047], ["blurt", 2055], ["blurted", 2055], ["say", 2112], ["sayest", 2112], ["catch", 2153], ["catched", 2153], ["catches", 2153], ["dad", 2160], ["personal", 2186], ["endorsement", 2198], ["toss", 2210], ["tossing", 2210], ["deep", 2229], ["deeply", 2229], ["deepest", 2229], ["pit", 2233], ["plan", 2321], ["wo", 2333], ["work", 2348], ["wrought", 2348], ["working", 2348], ["vamp", 2370], ["vamped", 2370], ["know", 2390], ["knowest", 2390], ["knows", 2390], ["anyway", 2399], ["speed", 2448], ["speeding", 2448], ["dial", 2453], ["set", 2465], ["center", 2494], ["table", 2507], ["tabled", 2507], ["tabling", 2507], ["keep", 2521], ["keepest", 2521], ["kept", 2521], ["stare", 2529], ["stared", 2529], ["staring", 2529], ["speak", 2559], ["spoken", 2559], ["middle", 2662], ["middles", 2662], ["middling", 2662], ["lie", 2725], ["lay", 2725], ["lain", 2725], ["tell", 2739], ["told", 2739], ["see", 2796], ["seen", 2796], ["dick", 2846], ["brownshirt", 2866], ["brownshirts", 2866], ["welcome", 2878], ["anymore", 2934], ["sure", 2959], ["believe", 2972], ["believed", 2972], ["intentionally", 3022], ["lie", 3028], ["lay", 3028], ["lain", 3028], ["lying", 3028], ["probably", 3046], ["mean", 3055], ["meanest", 3055], ["think", 3077], ["thinkest", 3077], ["thought", 3077], ["matter", 3092], ["mattering", 3092], ["much", 3101], ["take", 3157], ["snap", 3173], ["snapping", 3173], ["finger", 3201], ["fingers", 3201], ["bring", 3210], ["run", 3222], ["running", 3222], ["answer", 3246], ["answeres", 3246], ["answerest", 3246], ["answering", 3246], ["question", 3256], ["questions", 3256], ["long", 3309], ["longs", 3309], ["listen", 3319], ["listens", 3319], ["listening", 3319], ["fix", 3334], ["fixes", 3334], ["fixed", 3334], ["know", 3354], ["knowest", 3354], ["knew", 3354], ["warn", 3401], ["stir", 3423], ["stirs", 3423], ["stirred", 3423], ["uneasily", 3432], ["knife", 3495], ["knifes", 3495], ["knifed", 3495], ["decapitate", 3511], ["decapitated", 3511], ["bury", 3522], ["burying", 3522], ["buried", 3522], ["backyard", 3538], ["among", 3546], ["thing", 3572], ["ghost", 3586], ["suppose", 3633], ["supposed", 3633], ["vamp", 3673], ["vamped", 3673], ["case", 3702], ["check", 3723], ["checked", 3723], ["mirror", 3734], ["lately", 3741], ["chair", 3756], ["chairing", 3756], ["slid", 3761], ["foot", 3776], ["feet", 3776], ["across", 3783], ["floor", 3793], ["skid", 3805], ["skidded", 3805], ["uneven", 3818], ["stop", 3823], ["lean", 3835], ["leans", 3835], ["leaned", 3835], ["hand", 3845], ["hands", 3845], ["loom", 3869], ["loomed", 3869], ["oh", 3888], ["check", 3921], ["every", 3930], ["day", 3934], ["take", 3946], ["taken", 3946], ["recently", 3967], ["flash", 4074], ["pain", 4082], ["face", 4094]]
`` i did n't mean -- '' `` i could be just about the last vampire around here , '' michael interrupted . `` maybe the others are dead . maybe they will be soon . between the mobs out there willing to rip our heads off and bishop waiting to take over , having your dad stalking me is all i need . '' `` he would n't -- '' `` he killed me once , or tried to . he 'd do it again in a second , and he would n't blink , and you know that , shane . he thinks i 'm some kind of a traitor to the human race . he 'll come after me in particular . '' shane did n't say anything this time . michael retrieved the radio from the table and clipped it to the pocket of his jeans . he shone , all blazing gold and hard , white angles , and shane could n't meet his stare . `` you decide you want to help your dad kill some vampires , shane , you know where to find me . '' michael went upstairs . it was as if the room had lost all its air , and claire found herself breathing very hard , trying not to tremble . eve 's dark eyes were very wide , and fixed on shane as well . she slowly got up from the table . `` eve -- '' he said , and reached out toward her . `` you see me running over to suck up to my mom ? and she 's not even a murderer . '' `` morganville needs to change . '' `` wake up , shane , it has ! it started months ago . it 's been changing right in front of you ! vampires and humans working together . trusting one another . they 're trying . sure , it 's hard , but they 've got reason to be afraid of us , good reason . and now you want to throw all that away and help your dad set up a guillotine in founder 's square or something ? '' eve 's eyes turned bitter black . `` i did n't -- '' she clomped away toward the stairs , leaving shane and claire together . shane swallowed , then tried to make it a joke . `` that could have gone better . '' claire slipped out of her chair . oh , come on , not you , too . `` you should have told him . i ca n't believe you did n't . he 's your friend , or at least i thought he was . '' i 've decided to move in with my parents . '' she did n't pack , though . she went upstairs , closed the door to her room , and pulled out her pitifully few possessions . most of it was dirty laundry . she sat there on the bed , staring at it , feeling lost and alone and a little sick , and wondered if she was making a point or just running like a little girl . she felt pretty stupid now that she had everything piled on the floor . it looked utterly pathetic . when the knock came on her door , she did n't immediately answer it . she knew it was shane , even though he did n't speak . go away , she thought at him , but he still was n't much of a mind reader . `` it 's not locked , '' she said . `` it 's also not open , '' shane said quietly , through the wood . `` i 'm not a complete ass . '' `` okay , sometimes i am . '' he hesitated , and she heard the floor creak as he shifted his weight . he froze when he saw the stuff piled in front of her , waiting to be put in bags and her one suitcase . `` you 're just going to pick up and leave . '' `` you know my parents want me to come home . '' he did n't say anything for a long moment , then reached into his back pocket and took out a black case , about the size of his hand . i was going to give it to you later , but i guess i 'd better do it now , before you take off on us . '' his voice sounded offhand and normal , but his fingers felt cold when she touched them in taking the case , and there was an expression on his face she did n't know -- fear , maybe ; bracing himself for something painful . it was a hard , leatherwrapped case , on spring hinges . she hesitated for a breath , then pried up one end . it snapped open . the cross was beautiful -- delicate silver , traceries of leaves wrapped around it . it was on a silver chain so thin it looked like a breath would melt it . when claire picked up the necklace , it felt like air in her hand . `` i -- '' she had no idea what to say , what to feel . her whole body seemed to have gone into shock . `` i know it does n't work against the vamps , '' shane said . `` okay , well , i did n't know that when i got it for you . but it 's still silver , and silver works , so i hope that 's okay . '' this was n't a small present .
[["mean", 17], ["meanest", 17], ["last", 57], ["vampire", 65], ["around", 72], ["michael", 90], ["interrupt", 102], ["interruptest", 102], ["interrupted", 102], ["maybe", 113], ["dead", 133], ["soon", 159], ["willing", 196], ["rip", 203], ["head", 213], ["heads", 213], ["bishop", 228], ["wait", 236], ["waitest", 236], ["waiting", 236], ["take", 244], ["dad", 267], ["stalk", 276], ["stalkest", 276], ["stalking", 276], ["need", 293], ["needest", 293], ["kill", 333], ["killed", 333], ["try", 352], ["tryed", 352], ["tried", 352], ["second", 387], ["seconded", 387], ["blink", 412], ["blinked", 412], ["know", 427], ["knowest", 427], ["shane", 440], ["think", 452], ["thinkest", 452], ["thinks", 452], ["kind", 467], ["traitor", 480], ["human", 493], ["race", 498], ["racing", 498], ["come", 512], ["particular", 535], ["say", 558], ["sayest", 558], ["anything", 567], ["time", 577], ["retrieve", 597], ["retrieved", 597], ["radio", 607], ["table", 622], ["tabled", 622], ["tabling", 622], ["clip", 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["got", 1075], ["say", 1116], ["sayest", 1116], ["said", 1116], ["reach", 1130], ["reached", 1130], ["toward", 1141], ["see", 1158], ["run", 1169], ["running", 1169], ["suck", 1182], ["sucking", 1182], ["mom", 1195], ["moms", 1195], ["even", 1217], ["evens", 1217], ["murderer", 1228], ["need", 1254], ["needest", 1254], ["needs", 1254], ["change", 1264], ["wake", 1277], ["wakes", 1277], ["woken", 1277], ["start", 1310], ["started", 1310], ["month", 1317], ["months", 1317], ["ago", 1321], ["change", 1343], ["changing", 1343], ["right", 1349], ["rightest", 1349], ["front", 1358], ["human", 1387], ["humans", 1387], ["work", 1395], ["wrought", 1395], ["working", 1395], ["together", 1404], ["trust", 1415], ["trusting", 1415], ["another", 1427], ["sure", 1452], ["reason", 1491], ["reasonest", 1491], ["afraid", 1504], ["good", 1517], ["throw", 1552], ["away", 1566], ["set", 1588], ["guillotine", 1604], ["foundering", 1615], ["square", 1625], ["turn", 1662], ["turned", 1662], ["bitter", 1669], ["bitterest", 1669], ["black", 1675], ["clomp", 1708], ["stair", 1731], ["stairs", 1731], ["left", 1741], ["leave", 1741], ["leaving", 1741], ["swallow", 1785], ["swallows", 1785], ["swallowed", 1785], ["joke", 1816], ["jokes", 1816], ["go", 1842], ["goest", 1842], ["gone", 1842], ["well", 1849], ["wells", 1849], ["better", 1849], ["slip", 1869], ["slipped", 1869], ["chair", 1886], ["chairing", 1886], ["oh", 1891], ["tell", 1943], ["told", 1943], ["ca", 1954], ["cas", 1954], ["believe", 1966], ["friend", 1998], ["least", 2012], ["leastest", 2012], ["think", 2022], ["thinkest", 2022], ["thought", 2022], ["decide", 2048], ["decided", 2048], ["move", 2056], ["parent", 2075], ["parents", 2075], ["pack", 2097], ["though", 2106], ["close", 2135], ["closed", 2135], ["door", 2144], ["pull", 2169], ["pulled", 2169], ["pitifully", 2187], ["possession", 2203], ["possessions", 2203], ["dirty", 2226], ["laundry", 2234], ["sat", 2244], ["sit", 2244], ["bed", 2261], ["stare", 2271], ["stared", 2271], ["staring", 2271], ["feel", 2287], ["feeling", 2287], ["alone", 2302], ["little", 2315], ["sick", 2320], ["wonder", 2335], ["wonderest", 2335], ["wondered", 2335], ["point", 2361], ["like", 2382], ["girl", 2396], ["feel", 2407], ["felt", 2407], ["pretty", 2414], ["prettiest", 2414], ["stupid", 2421], ["everything", 2449], ["pile", 2455], ["piled", 2455], ["floor", 2468], ["look", 2480], ["looked", 2480], ["utterly", 2488], ["pathetic", 2497], ["knock", 2514], ["knocks", 2514], ["knockest", 2514], ["come", 2519], ["came", 2519], ["immediately", 2557], ["answer", 2564], ["answeres", 2564], ["answerest", 2564], ["know", 2578], ["knowest", 2578], ["knew", 2578], ["speak", 2622], ["spoken", 2622], ["go", 2627], ["goest", 2627], ["still", 2668], ["much", 2681], ["mind", 2691], ["minding", 2691], ["reader", 2698], ["lock", 2720], ["locked", 2720], ["also", 2750], ["open", 2759], ["quietly", 2783], ["wood", 2802], ["complete", 2827], ["ass", 2831], ["okay", 2844], ["hesitate", 2879], ["hesitated", 2879], ["hear", 2895], ["hears", 2895], ["heard", 2895], ["creak", 2911], ["creaks", 2911], ["shift", 2925], ["shifted", 2925], ["weight", 2936], ["weighted", 2936], ["weightest", 2936], ["froze", 2947], ["freeze", 2947], ["frozen", 2947], ["freezing", 2947], ["see", 2959], ["saw", 2959], ["stuff", 2969], ["put", 3011], ["bag", 3019], ["bagged", 3019], ["bagging", 3019], ["bags", 3019], ["suitcase", 3040], ["go", 3064], ["goest", 3064], ["going", 3064], ["pick", 3072], ["left", 3085], ["leave", 3085], ["home", 3134], ["homing", 3134], ["long", 3174], ["longs", 3174], ["moment", 3181], ["back", 3210], ["take", 3226], ["took", 3226], ["size", 3260], ["hand", 3272], ["give", 3294], ["later", 3310], ["guess", 3324], ["voice", 3389], ["sound", 3397], ["sounded", 3397], ["offhand", 3405], ["normal", 3416], ["finger", 3434], ["fingers", 3434], ["cold", 3444], ["touch", 3461], ["touching", 3461], ["touched", 3461], ["take", 3476], ["taking", 3476], ["expression", 3515], ["face", 3527], ["fear", 3552], ["fearest", 3552], ["brace", 3570], ["braced", 3570], ["bracing", 3570], ["painful", 3600], ["sprang", 3650], ["spring", 3650], ["sprung", 3650], ["hinge", 3657], ["hinges", 3657], ["breath", 3686], ["breathest", 3686], ["pry", 3699], ["pried", 3699], ["prying", 3699], ["end", 3710], ["ends", 3710], ["endest", 3710], ["snap", 3723], ["snapping", 3723], ["snapped", 3723], ["cross", 3740], ["crossing", 3740], ["beautiful", 3754], ["beautifulest", 3754], ["delicate", 3766], ["silver", 3773], ["silvered", 3773], ["tracery", 3785], ["traceries", 3785], ["left", 3795], ["leave", 3795], ["leaves", 3795], ["wrap", 3803], ["wraps", 3803], ["wrapping", 3803], ["wrapped", 3803], ["chain", 3840], ["thin", 3848], ["thins", 3848], ["melt", 3883], ["meltest", 3883], ["pick", 3907], ["picked", 3907], ["necklace", 3923], ["necklacing", 3923], ["idea", 3983], ["feel", 4010], ["whole", 4022], ["wholes", 4022], ["body", 4027], ["bodied", 4027], ["seem", 4034], ["seeming", 4034], ["seemed", 4034], ["shock", 4058], ["work", 4087], ["wrought", 4087], ["vamp", 4105], ["vamped", 4105], ["work", 4226], ["wrought", 4226], ["works", 4226], ["hope", 4238], ["small", 4277], ["present", 4285], ["presentest", 4285]]
shane did n't have a lot of money ; he picked up odd jobs here and there , and spent very little . this was n't some cheap costume jewelry ; it was real silver , and really beautiful . `` i ca n't -- it 's too expensive . '' claire 's heart was pounding again , and she wished she could think . she wished she knew what she was supposed to feel , supposed to do . on impulse , she put the necklace back in the box and snapped it shut , and held it out to him . `` shane , i ca n't . '' he gave her a broken sort of smile . `` it 's not a ring or anything . besides , it does n't match my eyes . '' he stuck his hands in his pockets , rounded his shoulders , and walked out of the room . claire clutched the leather box in one sweaty hand , eyes wide , and then opened it again . the cross gleamed on black velvet , clean and beautiful and shining , and it blurred as her eyes filled with tears . now she felt something , something big and overwhelming and far too much to fit inside her small , fragile body . this had n't been just any gift . he 'd put a lot of time and effort into getting it . there was love in it , real love . she took the cross , put it around her neck , and fastened the clasp with shaking fingers . it took her two tries . then she went down the hall and , without knocking , opened shane 's door . he was standing at the window , staring outside . he looked different to her . he turned toward her , and his gaze fixed on the silver cross in the hollow of her throat . `` you 're an idiot , '' claire said . shane considered that , and nodded . `` i really am , mostly . '' `` and then you have to go and do these awesome things -- '' `` i know . i did say i was mostly an idiot . '' `` you kind of have your good moments . '' he did n't quite smile . she put her hand up to stroke the cross 's warm silver lines . `` i 'm wearing it , are n't i ? '' `` not that it means we 're -- '' `` you said you loved me , '' claire said . he shut his mouth and studied her , then nodded . there was a flush building high in his cheeks . `` well , i love you , too , and you 're still an idiot . he folded his arms across his chest , and she tried not to notice the way his muscles tensed , or the vulnerable light in his eyes . `` so , you moving out ? '' `` i should , '' she said softly . `` the other night -- '' `` claire . please be straight with me . she was holding the cross now , cradling it , and it felt warm as the sun against her fingers . `` i have to do laundry first , and that might take a month . you saw the pile . '' he laughed , and it was as if all the strength went out of him . he sat down on his unmade bed , hard , and after a moment , she walked around the end and sat next to him . `` life is a work in progress , '' shane said . `` my mom used to say that . i 'm kind of a fixerupper . claire sighed and allowed herself to relax against his warmth . `` good thing i like highmaintenance guys . '' he was about to kiss her -- finally -- when they both heard a sound from overhead . only there was nothing overhead . nothing but the attic . it sounded like footsteps . '' `` oh , well , that 's fantastic . i thought it was supposed to be exitonly or something . '' shane reached under his bed and came up with a stake . `` go get michael and eve . he handed her another stake . this one had a silver tip . `` it 's the cadillac of vampire killers . do n't dent it . '' but she took it , and then dashed to her room to grab the thin silver knife amelie had given her . no place to put it , but she poked a hole in the pocket of her jeans just big enough for the blade . the jeans were tight enough to keep the blade in place against her leg , but not so much it looked obvious , and besides , it was pretty flexible . she hurried down the hall , listening for any other movement . eve 's room was empty , but when she knocked on michael 's door , she heard a startled yelp that sounded very evelike . `` trouble , '' claire said . `` um , maybe ? attic . michael did n't sound any happier about it than shane had been . muffled conversation , and the sound of fabric moving . claire wondered if he was getting dressed , and quickly tried to reject that image , not because it was n't awesomely hot , but because , well , it was michael , and besides , there were other things to think about . such as what was upstairs in the attic .
[["shane", 5], ["lot", 24], ["money", 33], ["moneys", 33], ["pick", 45], ["picked", 45], ["odd", 52], ["job", 57], ["jobbing", 57], ["jobs", 57], ["spend", 84], ["spends", 84], ["spendest", 84], ["spent", 84], ["little", 96], ["cheap", 122], ["costume", 130], ["costumed", 130], ["jewelry", 138], ["jewelries", 138], ["real", 152], ["reis", 152], ["silver", 159], ["silvered", 159], ["really", 172], ["beautiful", 182], ["beautifulest", 182], ["ca", 192], ["cas", 192], ["expensive", 219], ["claire", 231], ["heart", 240], ["pound", 253], ["pounding", 253], ["wish", 276], ["wished", 276], ["think", 292], ["thinkest", 292], ["know", 314], ["knowest", 314], ["knew", 314], ["suppose", 336], ["supposed", 336], ["feel", 344], ["impulse", 374], ["put", 384], ["necklace", 397], ["necklacing", 397], ["back", 402], ["box", 413], ["boxed", 413], ["snap", 425], ["snapping", 425], ["snapped", 425], ["shut", 433], ["hold", 444], ["held", 444], ["give", 493], ["gave", 493], ["broke", 506], ["break", 506], ["broken", 506], ["sort", 511], ["smile", 520], ["rang", 542], ["rung", 542], ["ring", 542], ["anything", 554], ["besides", 564], ["match", 584], ["matching", 584], ["eye", 592], ["eyed", 592], ["eyes", 592], ["stick", 606], ["stickest", 606], ["stuck", 606], ["hand", 616], ["hands", 616], ["pocket", 631], ["pocketing", 631], ["pockets", 631], ["round", 641], ["rounded", 641], ["shoulder", 655], ["shouldered", 655], ["shoulders", 655], ["walk", 668], ["walked", 668], ["room", 684], ["roomed", 684], ["clutch", 702], ["clutched", 702], ["leather", 714], ["sweaty", 732], ["hand", 737], ["wide", 749], ["open", 767], ["opened", 767], ["cross", 788], ["crossing", 788], ["gleam", 796], ["gleams", 796], ["gleamed", 796], ["gleamest", 796], ["black", 805], ["velvet", 812], ["clean", 820], ["cleans", 820], ["shone", 846], ["shine", 846], ["shined", 846], ["shining", 846], ["blur", 863], ["blurs", 863], ["blurred", 863], ["fill", 882], ["fills", 882], ["filled", 882], ["tear", 893], ["teared", 893], ["tears", 893], ["feel", 908], ["felt", 908], ["big", 934], ["bigs", 934], ["overwhelming", 951], ["far", 959], ["much", 968], ["fit", 975], ["fitting", 975], ["inside", 982], ["small", 992], ["fragile", 1002], ["body", 1007], ["bodied", 1007], ["gift", 1041], ["time", 1067], ["effort", 1078], ["get", 1091], ["getting", 1091], ["love", 1111], ["take", 1140], ["took", 1140], ["around", 1166], ["neck", 1175], ["necked", 1175], ["fasten", 1190], ["fastenest", 1190], ["fastened", 1190], ["clasp", 1200], ["clasped", 1200], ["shake", 1213], ["shaking", 1213], ["finger", 1221], ["fingers", 1221], ["two", 1239], ["twos", 1239], ["try", 1245], ["tryed", 1245], ["tries", 1245], ["go", 1261], ["goest", 1261], ["went", 1261], ["hall", 1275], ["without", 1289], ["door", 1321], ["stand", 1339], ["stood", 1339], ["standest", 1339], ["standing", 1339], ["window", 1353], ["windows", 1353], ["stare", 1363], ["stared", 1363], ["staring", 1363], ["outside", 1371], ["look", 1383], ["looked", 1383], ["different", 1393], ["turn", 1412], ["turned", 1412], ["toward", 1419], ["gaze", 1438], ["gazes", 1438], ["fix", 1444], ["fixes", 1444], ["fixed", 1444], ["hollow", 1478], ["throat", 1492], ["idiot", 1514], ["say", 1531], ["sayest", 1531], ["said", 1531], ["consider", 1550], ["considered", 1550], ["nod", 1568], ["nodded", 1568], ["mostly", 1594], ["go", 1626], ["goest", 1626], ["awesome", 1647], ["thing", 1654], ["things", 1654], ["know", 1670], ["knowest", 1670], ["say", 1682], ["sayest", 1682], ["kind", 1721], ["good", 1739], ["moment", 1747], ["moments", 1747], ["quite", 1769], ["stroke", 1807], ["warm", 1825], ["line", 1838], ["lines", 1838], ["wear", 1856], ["wearing", 1856], ["mean", 1897], ["meanest", 1897], ["means", 1897], ["love", 1932], ["loved", 1932], ["mouth", 1972], ["mouthed", 1972], ["study", 1984], ["studied", 1984], ["flush", 2022], ["build", 2031], ["building", 2031], ["high", 2036], ["cheek", 2050], ["cheeks", 2050], ["well", 2060], ["wells", 2060], ["still", 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["life", 2733], ["lifes", 2733], ["work", 2743], ["wrought", 2743], ["progress", 2755], ["mom", 2783], ["moms", 2783], ["use", 2788], ["used", 2788], ["sigh", 2844], ["sighest", 2844], ["sighed", 2844], ["allow", 2856], ["allowed", 2856], ["relax", 2873], ["relaxed", 2873], ["warmth", 2892], ["thing", 2908], ["like", 2915], ["guy", 2936], ["guys", 2936], ["kiss", 2962], ["kisses", 2962], ["kissest", 2962], ["finally", 2977], ["hear", 3001], ["hears", 3001], ["heard", 3001], ["sound", 3009], ["overhead", 3023], ["nothing", 3048], ["attic", 3081], ["sound", 3094], ["sounded", 3094], ["footstep", 3109], ["footsteps", 3109], ["oh", 3120], ["fantastic", 3147], ["think", 3159], ["thinkest", 3159], ["thought", 3159], ["reach", 3222], ["reached", 3222], ["come", 3245], ["came", 3245], ["stake", 3261], ["get", 3273], ["michael", 3281], ["eve", 3289], ["hand", 3301], ["handed", 3301], ["another", 3313], ["tip", 3347], ["cadillac", 3371], ["cadillacs", 3371], ["vampire", 3382], ["dent", 3404], ["dash", 3446], ["dashed", 3446], ["grab", 3466], ["thin", 3475], ["thins", 3475], ["knife", 3488], ["knifes", 3488], ["give", 3505], ["given", 3505], ["place", 3520], ["poke", 3546], ["poked", 3546], ["hole", 3553], ["pocket", 3567], ["pocketing", 3567], ["jean", 3580], ["jeans", 3580], ["enough", 3596], ["blade", 3610], ["tight", 3633], ["keep", 3648], ["keepest", 3648], ["leg", 3683], ["obvious", 3719], ["pretty", 3749], ["prettiest", 3749], ["flexible", 3758], ["hurry", 3772], ["hurried", 3772], ["hurryed", 3772], ["hurrying", 3772], ["listen", 3798], ["listens", 3798], ["listening", 3798], ["movement", 3821], ["empty", 3845], ["knock", 3868], ["knocks", 3868], ["knockest", 3868], ["knocked", 3868], ["yelp", 3915], ["yelped", 3915], ["yelping", 3915], ["evelike", 3941], ["trouble", 3954], ["troubling", 3954], ["um", 3979], ["maybe", 3987], ["happy", 4031], ["happier", 4031], ["muffle", 4070], ["muffles", 4070], ["muffled", 4070], ["conversation", 4083], ["fabric", 4109], ["wonder", 4134], ["wonderest", 4134], ["wondered", 4134], ["dress", 4160], ["dressest", 4160], ["dressed", 4160], ["quickly", 4174], ["reject", 4190], ["image", 4201], ["imaged", 4201], ["imaging", 4201], ["awesomely", 4236], ["hot", 4240], ["upstairs", 4361]]
the door banged open , and eve rushed out , flushed and mussed and still buttoning her shirt . `` it was just -- oh , okay , whatever , it was exactly what you think . something dropped and rolled across the attic floor directly above their heads . claire silently pointed up , and eve followed the motion , staring as if she could see through the wood and plaster . she jumped when michael , who 'd thrown on an unbuttoned shirt , put a hand on her shoulder . shane stepped out of his room , holding a stake in either hand . he pitched one underhand to michael . where 's mine ? get your own , shane mouthed back . eve rolled her eyes and dashed into her own room , coming back with a black bag slung across her chest , bandolierstyle . it was , claire assumed , full of weapons . eve fished around in it and came up with a stake of her very own . it even had her initials carved in it . `` shop class , '' she whispered . i did learn something in school . '' michael pressed the button to release the hidden door , and it opened without a sound . there were no lights upstairs that claire could see . the stairs were pitchblack . michael , by common consent , went first , vampire eyes , and all . shane followed , then eve ; claire brought up the rear , and tried to move as silently as possible , although not really all that silently , because the stairs creaked beneath the weight of four people . at the top , claire ran into eve 's back , and whispered , `` what ? '' eve , in answer , reached back to grip her hand . `` michael smells blood , '' she whispered . michael flicked on a light at the other end of the small , silent room . there was nothing unusual , just the furniture that was always here . there were no signs anybody had been here since the goldmans and myrnin had departed . `` how do we get into the attic ? '' michael pressed hidden studs , and another door , barely visible at that end of the room , clicked open . claire remembered it well ; myrnin had shown it to her , when they 'd been getting stuff together to go to bishop 's welcome feast . `` stay here , '' michael said , and stepped through into the dim , open space . `` yeah , sure , '' shane said , and followed . he popped his head back in to say , `` no , not you two . `` does he just not get how unfair and sexist that is ? '' `` you really want to go first ? '' but i 'd like the chance to refuse to go first . '' they waited tensely , listening for any sign of trouble . claire heard shane 's footsteps moving through the attic , but nothing else for a long time . then she heard him say , `` michael . oh man ... over here . '' there was tension in his voice , but it did n't sound like he was about to jump into handtohand combat . eve and claire exchanged looks , and eve said , `` oh , screw it , '' and dived into the attic after them . claire followed , gripping the cadillac of stakes and hoping she was n't going to be forced to try to use it . shane was crouched down behind some stacked , dusty suitcases , and michael was there , too . eve pulled in a sharp breath when she saw what it was they were bending over , and put out a hand to stop claire in her tracks . not that claire stopped , until she saw who was lying on the wooden floor . she hardly recognized him , really . if it had n't been for the gray ponytail and the leather coat ... `` it 's oliver , '' she whispered . eve was biting her lip until it was almost white , staring at her former boss . `` silver , '' michael said . it eats vampire skin like acid , but he should n't be this bad . not unless -- '' he stopped as the pale , burned eyelids fluttered . `` vampires are hard to kill , '' oliver whispered . his voice was barely a creak of sound , and it broke at the end on what sounded almost like a sob . `` jesu . michael exchanged a look with shane , then said , `` let 's get him downstairs . go get some blood from the fridge . there should be some . '' `` no , '' oliver grated , and sat up . there was blood leaking through his white shirt , as if all his skin were gone underneath . attack on city hall , coming tonight -- bishop . using it as a -- diversion -- to -- '' his eyes opened wider , and went blank , then rolled up into his head . michael caught him under the shoulders . he and shane carried oliver out to the couch , while eve anxiously followed along , making little shooing motions . claire started to follow , then heard something scrape across the wood behind her , in the shadows .
[["door", 8], ["bang", 15], ["banged", 15], ["open", 20], ["eve", 30], ["rush", 37], ["rushed", 37], ["still", 72], ["button", 82], ["buttoning", 82], ["shirt", 92], ["oh", 115], ["okay", 122], ["whatever", 133], ["exactly", 150], ["think", 165], ["thinkest", 165], ["drop", 185], ["dropped", 185], ["roll", 196], ["rolled", 196], ["across", 203], ["attic", 213], ["floor", 219], ["directly", 228], ["head", 246], ["heads", 246], ["claire", 255], ["silently", 264], ["point", 272], ["pointed", 272], ["follow", 294], ["followed", 294], ["motion", 305], ["stare", 315], ["stared", 315], ["staring", 315], ["see", 335], ["wood", 352], ["plaster", 364], ["plastering", 364], ["jump", 377], ["jumps", 377], ["jumped", 377], ["michael", 390], ["throw", 406], ["thrown", 406], ["put", 435], ["hand", 442], ["shoulder", 458], ["shouldered", 458], ["shane", 466], ["step", 474], ["stepped", 474], ["room", 490], ["roomed", 490], ["hold", 500], ["holding", 500], ["stake", 508], ["either", 518], ["pitch", 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["opened", 1030], ["without", 1038], ["sound", 1046], ["lit", 1069], ["light", 1069], ["lights", 1069], ["upstairs", 1078], ["stair", 1113], ["stairs", 1113], ["common", 1151], ["commons", 1151], ["commonest", 1151], ["consent", 1159], ["go", 1166], ["goest", 1166], ["went", 1166], ["first", 1172], ["firstest", 1172], ["vampire", 1182], ["bring", 1242], ["brought", 1242], ["rear", 1254], ["try", 1266], ["tryed", 1266], ["tried", 1266], ["move", 1274], ["possible", 1298], ["although", 1309], ["really", 1320], ["creak", 1367], ["creaks", 1367], ["creaked", 1367], ["beneath", 1375], ["weight", 1386], ["weighted", 1386], ["weightest", 1386], ["four", 1394], ["people", 1401], ["top", 1414], ["run", 1427], ["ran", 1427], ["answer", 1491], ["answeres", 1491], ["answerest", 1491], ["reach", 1501], ["reached", 1501], ["grip", 1514], ["smelt", 1543], ["smell", 1543], ["smellest", 1543], ["smells", 1543], ["blood", 1549], ["bloods", 1549], ["blooded", 1549], ["flick", 1586], ["flickest", 1586], ["flicked", 1586], ["lit", 1597], ["light", 1597], ["end", 1614], ["ends", 1614], ["endest", 1614], ["small", 1627], ["silent", 1636], ["nothing", 1661], ["unusual", 1669], ["furniture", 1690], ["always", 1706], ["sign", 1733], ["signs", 1733], ["anybody", 1741], ["since", 1761], ["depart", 1798], ["departed", 1798], ["stud", 1866], ["studs", 1866], ["another", 1880], ["barely", 1894], ["visible", 1902], ["click", 1936], ["clicked", 1936], ["remember", 1961], ["rememberest", 1961], ["remembered", 1961], ["well", 1969], ["wells", 1969], ["show", 1988], ["shown", 1988], ["get", 2026], ["getting", 2026], ["stuff", 2032], ["together", 2041], ["go", 2047], ["goest", 2047], ["bishop", 2057], ["welcome", 2068], ["feast", 2074], ["feastest", 2074], ["stay", 2084], ["say", 2107], ["sayest", 2107], ["said", 2107], ["dim", 2142], ["dimmed", 2142], ["space", 2155], ["spaced", 2155], ["spacing", 2155], ["yeah", 2165], ["sure", 2172], ["pop", 2215], ["popped", 2215], ["head", 2224], ["say", 2239], ["sayest", 2239], ["two", 2261], ["twos", 2261], ["unfair", 2298], ["sexist", 2309], ["like", 2372], ["chance", 2383], ["chanced", 2383], ["chancing", 2383], ["refuse", 2393], ["wait", 2422], ["waitest", 2422], ["waited", 2422], ["tensely", 2430], ["listen", 2442], ["listens", 2442], ["listening", 2442], ["sign", 2455], ["trouble", 2466], ["troubling", 2466], ["hear", 2481], ["hears", 2481], ["heard", 2481], ["footstep", 2500], ["footsteps", 2500], ["move", 2507], ["moving", 2507], ["else", 2544], ["long", 2555], ["longs", 2555], ["time", 2560], ["man", 2607], ["mans", 2607], ["manned", 2607], ["tension", 2644], ["voice", 2657], ["jump", 2706], ["jumps", 2706], ["combat", 2729], ["exchange", 2756], ["exchanged", 2756], ["look", 2762], ["looks", 2762], ["screw", 2793], ["screwing", 2793], ["dive", 2811], ["dived", 2811], ["grip", 2866], ["gripping", 2866], ["cadillac", 2879], ["cadillacs", 2879], ["stake", 2889], ["stakes", 2889], ["hope", 2900], ["hoping", 2900], ["go", 2918], ["goest", 2918], ["going", 2918], ["force", 2931], ["forced", 2931], ["try", 2938], ["tryed", 2938], ["use", 2945], ["crouch", 2969], ["crouched", 2969], ["behind", 2981], ["stack", 2994], ["stacks", 2994], ["stacked", 2994], ["dusty", 3002], ["suitcase", 3012], ["suitcases", 3012], ["pull", 3055], ["pulled", 3055], ["sharp", 3066], ["sharps", 3066], ["breath", 3073], ["breathest", 3073], ["see", 3086], ["saw", 3086], ["bent", 3116], ["bend", 3116], ["bending", 3116], ["stop", 3150], ["track", 3171], ["tracks", 3171], ["stop", 3197], ["stopped", 3197], ["lie", 3227], ["lay", 3227], ["lain", 3227], ["lying", 3227], ["wooden", 3241], ["hardly", 3260], ["recognize", 3271], ["recognized", 3271], ["gray", 3318], ["grays", 3318], ["ponytail", 3327], ["leather", 3343], ["coat", 3348], ["oliver", 3368], ["bite", 3404], ["biting", 3404], ["lip", 3412], ["lipped", 3412], ["almost", 3432], ["white", 3438], ["former", 3462], ["boss", 3467], ["silver", 3479], ["silvered", 3479], ["eat", 3507], ["eats", 3507], ["skin", 3520], ["acid", 3530], ["acids", 3530], ["bad", 3562], ["unless", 3575], ["unlesss", 3575], ["pale", 3604], ["burn", 3613], ["burns", 3613], ["burned", 3613], ["eyelid", 3621], ["eyelids", 3621], ["flutter", 3631], ["fluttering", 3631], ["fluttered", 3631], ["vampire", 3645], ["vampires", 3645], ["hard", 3654], ["kill", 3662], ["creak", 3715], ["creaks", 3715], ["broke", 3739], ["break", 3739], ["sound", 3766], ["sounded", 3766], ["sob", 3784], ["sobs", 3784], ["sobbed", 3784], ["jesu", 3794], ["look", 3821], ["let", 3853], ["lets", 3853], ["downstairs", 3875], ["fridge", 3911], ["grate", 3964], ["grates", 3964], ["grating", 3964], ["grated", 3964], ["sat", 3974], ["sit", 3974], ["leak", 4003], ["leaking", 4003], ["go", 4058], ["goest", 4058], ["gone", 4058], ["underneath", 4069], ["attack", 4078], ["city", 4086], ["hall", 4091], ["tonight", 4108], ["use", 4126], ["using", 4126], ["diversion", 4147], ["wide", 4181], ["wider", 4181], ["blank", 4198], ["blanks", 4198], ["catch", 4246], ["catched", 4246], ["catches", 4246], ["caught", 4246], ["shoulder", 4270], ["shouldered", 4270], ["shoulders", 4270], ["carry", 4293], ["carried", 4293], ["couch", 4317], ["couchest", 4317], ["anxiously", 4339], ["along", 4354], ["little", 4370], ["shoo", 4378], ["shoos", 4378], ["shooed", 4378], ["shooest", 4378], ["motion", 4386], ["motions", 4386], ["start", 4403], ["started", 4403], ["follow", 4413], ["scrape", 4443], ["shadow", 4487], ["shadowed", 4487], ["shadows", 4487]]
oliver had n't come here alone . a black shadow lunged out , grabbed her , and something hard hit her head . she must have made some sound , knocked something over , because she heard shane call her name sharply , and saw his shadow in the doorway before darkness took all of it away . then she was falling away . claire came awake feeling sick , wretched , and cold . someone was pounding on the back of her head with a croquet mallet , or at least that was how it felt , and when she tried to move , the whole world spun around . `` shut up and stop moaning , '' somebody said from a few feet away . `` do n't you dare throw up or i 'll make you eat it . '' it sounded like jason rosser , eve 's crazy brother . claire swallowed hard and squinted , trying to make out the shadow next to her . yeah , it looked like jason -- skanky , greasy , and insane . she tried to squirm away from him , but ran into a wall at her back . it felt like wood , but she did n't think it was the glass house attic . he 'd taken her somewhere , probably using the portal . and now none of her friends could follow , because none of them knew how . her hands and feet were tied . claire blinked , trying to clear her head . that was a little unfortunate , because with clarity came the awareness of just how bad this was . jason rosser really was crazy . he 'd stalked eve . he 'd -- at least allegedly -- killed girls in town . he 'd definitely stabbed shane , and he 'd staked amelie at the feast when she 'd tried to help him . and none of her friends back at the glass house would know how to find her . to their eyes , she would have just ... vanished . her voice sounded rusty and scared . jason reached out and moved hair back from her face , which creeped her out . she did n't like him touching her . `` relax , shortcake , you 're not my type , '' he said . `` i do what i 'm told , that 's all . you were wanted . so i brought you . '' a low , silky laugh floated on the silence , dark as smoke , and jason looked over his shoulder as the hidden observer rose and stepped into what little light there was . ysandre , bishop 's pale little girlfriend . beautiful , sure . delicate as jasmine flowers , with big , liquid eyes and a sweetly rounded face . she was poison in a pretty bottle . `` well , '' she said , and crouched down next to claire . `` look at what the cat dragged in . meeow . '' her sharp nail dragged over claire 's cheek , and judging from the sting , it drew blood . `` where 's your pretty boyfriend , miss claire ? i really was n't done with him , you know . i had n't even properly started . '' claire felt an ugly lurch of anger mix with the fear already churning her stomach . `` he 's probably not done with you , either , '' she said , and managed to smile . she hoped it was a cold kind of smile , the sort that amelie used -- or oliver . `` maybe you should go looking . i 'll bet he 'd be so happy to see you . '' `` i 'll show that boy a real good time , when we do meet up again , '' ysandre purred , and put her face very close to claire 's . `` now , then , let 's talk , just us girls . claire was struggling against the ropes , but jason had done his job pretty well ; she was hurting herself more than accomplishing anything else . ysandre grabbed claire 's shoulder and wrenched her upright against the wooden wall , hard enough to bang claire 's injured head . for a dazed second , it looked like ysandre 's ripe , red smile floated in midair , like some undead cheshire cat . `` now , '' ysandre said , `` ai n't this nice , sweetie ? it 's too bad we could n't get mr. shane to join us , but my little helper here , he 's a bit worried about tackling shane . bad blood and all . '' `` well , we 'll make do . amelie likes you , i hear , and you 've got on that pretty little gold bracelet . so you 'll do just fine . '' `` i ai n't telling you , sweetie . '' ysandre 's smile was truly scary . `` this town 's going to have a wild night , though . real wild . and you 're going to get to see the whole thing , up close . you must be all atingle . '' eve would have had a quip at the ready .
[["oliver", 6], ["come", 19], ["alone", 30], ["black", 40], ["shadow", 47], ["shadowed", 47], ["lunge", 54], ["lunges", 54], ["grab", 68], ["grabbed", 68], ["hard", 93], ["hit", 97], ["head", 106], ["must", 117], ["musts", 117], ["sound", 138], ["knock", 148], ["knocks", 148], ["knockest", 148], ["knocked", 148], ["hear", 183], ["hears", 183], ["heard", 183], ["shane", 189], ["call", 194], ["name", 203], ["sharply", 211], ["see", 221], ["saw", 221], ["doorway", 247], ["darkness", 263], ["take", 268], ["took", 268], ["away", 283], ["fall", 306], ["falls", 306], ["falling", 306], ["claire", 320], ["come", 325], ["came", 325], ["awake", 331], ["awoke", 331], ["feel", 339], ["feeling", 339], ["sick", 344], ["cold", 366], ["pound", 389], ["pounding", 389], ["back", 401], ["croquet", 428], ["croqueted", 428], ["mallet", 435], ["least", 449], ["leastest", 449], ["feel", 470], ["felt", 470], ["try", 491], ["tryed", 491], ["tried", 491], ["move", 499], ["whole", 511], ["wholes", 511], ["world", 517], ["spin", 522], ["spun", 522], ["around", 529], ["shut", 539], ["stop", 551], ["moan", 559], ["moans", 559], ["moanest", 559], ["moaning", 559], ["say", 578], ["sayest", 578], ["said", 578], ["foot", 594], ["feet", 594], ["dare", 620], ["throw", 626], ["eat", 651], ["sound", 670], ["sounded", 670], ["like", 675], ["jason", 681], ["rosser", 688], ["eve", 694], ["crazy", 703], ["brother", 711], ["brethren", 711], ["swallow", 730], ["swallows", 730], ["swallowed", 730], ["try", 757], ["tryed", 757], ["trying", 757], ["next", 785], ["yeah", 799], ["look", 811], ["looked", 811], ["skanky", 832], ["greasy", 841], ["insane", 854], ["squirm", 876], ["run", 900], ["ran", 900], ["wall", 912], ["wood", 944], ["think", 968], ["thinkest", 968], ["glass", 985], ["house", 991], ["attic", 997], ["take", 1011], ["taken", 1011], ["somewhere", 1025], ["probably", 1036], ["use", 1042], ["using", 1042], ["portal", 1053], ["none", 1068], ["friend", 1083], ["friends", 1083], ["follow", 1096], ["know", 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["creeped", 1745], ["touch", 1785], ["touching", 1785], ["relax", 1800], ["relaxed", 1800], ["shortcake", 1812], ["type", 1834], ["tell", 1872], ["told", 1872], ["bring", 1919], ["brought", 1919], ["low", 1934], ["lowed", 1934], ["silky", 1942], ["laugh", 1948], ["float", 1956], ["floated", 1956], ["silence", 1971], ["dark", 1978], ["smoke", 1987], ["shoulder", 2024], ["shouldered", 2024], ["observer", 2047], ["rise", 2052], ["risen", 2052], ["rose", 2052], ["step", 2064], ["stepped", 2064], ["lit", 2087], ["light", 2087], ["bishop", 2116], ["pale", 2124], ["girlfriend", 2142], ["beautiful", 2154], ["beautifulest", 2154], ["sure", 2161], ["delicate", 2172], ["jasmine", 2183], ["jasmines", 2183], ["flower", 2191], ["flowers", 2191], ["big", 2202], ["bigs", 2202], ["liquid", 2211], ["sweetly", 2230], ["poison", 2260], ["poisoning", 2260], ["pretty", 2272], ["prettiest", 2272], ["bottle", 2279], ["bottled", 2279], ["well", 2289], ["wells", 2289], ["crouch", 2318], ["crouched", 2318], ["look", 2348], ["cat", 2364], ["drag", 2372], ["dragged", 2372], ["sharp", 2398], ["sharps", 2398], ["nail", 2403], ["cheek", 2432], ["cheeks", 2432], ["judge", 2446], ["judging", 2446], ["stung", 2461], ["sting", 2461], ["stinging", 2461], ["draw", 2471], ["drawn", 2471], ["draws", 2471], ["drew", 2471], ["blood", 2477], ["bloods", 2477], ["blooded", 2477], ["boyfriend", 2513], ["miss", 2520], ["even", 2588], ["evens", 2588], ["properly", 2597], ["start", 2605], ["started", 2605], ["ugly", 2630], ["lurch", 2636], ["anger", 2645], ["mix", 2649], ["mixed", 2649], ["fear", 2663], ["fearest", 2663], ["already", 2671], ["churn", 2680], ["churns", 2680], ["churning", 2680], ["stomach", 2692], ["stomachs", 2692], ["stomaching", 2692], ["either", 2739], ["manage", 2767], ["managed", 2767], ["smile", 2776], ["hope", 2788], ["hoped", 2788], ["kind", 2807], ["sort", 2827], ["use", 2844], ["used", 2844], ["maybe", 2868], ["go", 2882], ["goest", 2882], ["look", 2890], ["looking", 2890], ["bet", 2902], ["happy", 2920], ["see", 2927], ["show", 2950], ["boy", 2959], ["real", 2966], ["reis", 2966], ["good", 2971], ["time", 2976], ["meet", 2994], ["meeted", 2994], ["purr", 3023], ["purrs", 3023], ["purred", 3023], ["put", 3033], ["close", 3053], ["let", 3088], ["lets", 3088], ["talk", 3096], ["struggle", 3136], ["struggling", 3136], ["rope", 3154], ["ropes", 3154], ["job", 3183], ["jobbing", 3183], ["hurt", 3213], ["hurts", 3213], ["hurting", 3213], ["accomplish", 3245], ["accomplishest", 3245], ["accomplishing", 3245], ["anything", 3254], ["else", 3259], ["wrench", 3309], ["upright", 3321], ["wooden", 3340], ["enough", 3359], ["bang", 3367], ["daze", 3404], ["dazed", 3404], ["second", 3411], ["seconded", 3411], ["ripe", 3444], ["red", 3450], ["midair", 3474], ["midairs", 3474], ["undead", 3493], ["cheshire", 3502], ["ai", 3541], ["nice", 3555], ["sweetie", 3565], ["get", 3598], ["mr", 3601], ["join", 3616], ["joinest", 3616], ["bit", 3661], ["bits", 3661], ["tackle", 3684], ["tackles", 3684], ["tackling", 3684], ["like", 3755], ["likes", 3755], ["hear", 3768], ["hears", 3768], ["get", 3786], ["got", 3786], ["gold", 3813], ["golds", 3813], ["bracelet", 3822], ["fine", 3848], ["tell", 3873], ["telling", 3873], ["truly", 3919], ["scary", 3925], ["go", 3949], ["goest", 3949], ["going", 3949], ["wild", 3964], ["wildest", 3964], ["night", 3970], ["though", 3979], ["thing", 4041], ["atingle", 4078], ["quip", 4109], ["quipping", 4109], ["ready", 4122]]
claire just glared , and wished her head would stop aching and spinning . what had he hit her with ? it felt like the front end of a bus . she had n't thought jason could hit that hard , truthfully . do n't try to find me , shane . the last thing she wanted was shane racing to the rescue and taking on a guy who 'd stabbed him , and a vampire who 'd led him around by a leash . no , she had to find her own way out of this . step one : figure out where she was . claire let ysandre ramble on , describing all kinds of lurid things that claire thought it was better not to imagine , considering they were things ysandre was thinking of doing to her . instead , she tried to identify her surroundings . it did n't look familiar , but that was no help ; she was still relatively new to morganville . plenty of places she 'd never been . claire focused on the crate that jason was sitting on . there was stenciling on it . it was hard to make it out in the dim light , but she thought it said bricks bulk coffee . and now that she thought about it , it smelled like coffee in here , too . a warm , morning kind of smell , floating over dust and damp wood . and she remembered eve laughing about how oliver bought his coffee from a place called bricks . as in , tastes like groundup bricks , eve had said . if you order flavored , they add in the mortar . there were only two coffee shops in town : oliver 's place , and the university center coffee bar . this did n't look like the uc , which was n't that old and was mostly built of concrete , not wood . that meant ... she was at common grounds ? but common grounds did n't make any sense ; there was n't any kind of portal leading to it . maybe oliver has a warehouse . that sounded right , because the vampires seemed to own a lot of the warehouse district that bordered founder 's square . brandon , oliver 's secondinvampirecommand , had been found dead in a warehouse . maybe she was close to founder 's square . ysandre 's cold fingers closed around claire 's chin and jerked it up . `` are you listening , honey ? '' `` truthfully , no , '' claire said . `` you 're kind of boring . '' jason actually laughed , and turned it into a fake cough . `` i 'm going outside , '' he said . `` since this is going to get all personal now . '' claire wanted to yell to him not to go , but she bit her tongue and turned it into a subsonic whine in the back of her throat as she watched him walk away . his footsteps receded into the dark , and then finally a small square of light opened a long way off . it was a door , too far for her to reach -- way too far . `` i thought he 'd never leave , '' ysandre said , and put her cold , cold lips on claire 's neck , then yelled in shock and pulled away , covering her mouth with one pale hand . ysandre had n't seen the silver chain claire was wearing in the dim light , as whisperthin as it was . now there were welts forming on the vampire 's full lips -- forming , breaking , and bleeding . fury sparked in ysandre 's eyes . as claire squirmed away , the vampire followed at a lazy stroll . she wiped her burned lips and looked at the thin , leaking blood in distaste . `` tastes like silver . you 've just ruined my good mood , little girl . '' as she rolled , claire felt something sharp dig into her leg . they 'd found the stake , but she guessed their search had n't exactly been thorough ; jason was too crazy , and ysandre too careless and arrogant . but the knife was n't going to do her any good at all where it was , unless ... ysandre lunged for her , a blur of white in the darkness , and claire twisted and jammed her hip down at an awkward angle . the knife slipped and tore through the fabric of her jeans -- not much of it , just a couple of inches , but enough to slice open ysandre 's hand and arm as it reached for her , all the way to the bone . ysandre shrieked in real pain , and spun away . she did n't look so pretty now , and when she turned toward claire again , from a respectful distance this time , she hissed at her with full cobra fangs extended . her eyes were wild and bloodred , glowing like rubies . claire twisted , nearly yanking her elbow out of its joint , and managed to get the ropes around her wrist against the knife . she did n't have long ; the shock would n't keep ysandre at bay for more than a few seconds .
[["claire", 6], ["glare", 18], ["glared", 18], ["wish", 31], ["wished", 31], ["head", 40], ["stop", 51], ["ache", 58], ["ached", 58], ["aching", 58], ["spin", 71], ["spun", 71], ["spinning", 71], ["hit", 89], ["feel", 108], ["felt", 108], ["like", 113], ["front", 123], ["end", 127], ["ends", 127], ["endest", 127], ["bus", 136], ["think", 158], ["thinkest", 158], ["thought", 158], ["jason", 164], ["hard", 184], ["truthfully", 197], ["try", 210], ["tryed", 210], ["find", 218], ["shane", 229], ["last", 240], ["thing", 246], ["race", 274], ["racing", 274], ["rescue", 288], ["take", 299], ["taking", 299], ["guy", 308], ["stab", 323], ["stabs", 323], ["stabbed", 323], ["vampire", 343], ["lead", 354], ["leaded", 354], ["led", 354], ["around", 365], ["leash", 376], ["way", 411], ["ways", 411], ["step", 430], ["figure", 443], ["let", 474], ["lets", 474], ["ramble", 489], ["describe", 505], ["describing", 505], ["kind", 515], ["kinds", 515], ["lurid", 524], ["thing", 531], ["things", 531], ["well", 565], ["wells", 565], ["imagine", 580], ["consider", 594], ["considering", 594], ["think", 632], ["thinkest", 632], ["thinking", 632], ["instead", 658], ["try", 670], ["tryed", 670], ["tried", 670], ["identify", 682], ["surrounding", 699], ["surroundings", 699], ["look", 717], ["familiar", 726], ["help", 749], ["helpest", 749], ["still", 765], ["relatively", 776], ["new", 780], ["plenty", 804], ["place", 814], ["places", 814], ["never", 827], ["focus", 849], ["focused", 849], ["crate", 862], ["sat", 885], ["sit", 885], ["sitting", 885], ["stencil", 911], ["dim", 957], ["dimmed", 957], ["lit", 963], ["light", 963], ["say", 989], ["sayest", 989], ["said", 989], ["bulk", 1001], ["coffee", 1008], ["smelt", 1057], ["smell", 1057], ["smellest", 1057], ["smelled", 1057], ["warm", 1092], ["morning", 1102], ["kind", 1107], ["smelt", 1116], ["smell", 1116], ["smellest", 1116], ["float", 1127], ["floating", 1127], ["dust", 1137], ["dusting", 1137], ["damp", 1146], ["damps", 1146], ["damped", 1146], ["wood", 1151], ["remember", 1172], ["rememberest", 1172], ["remembered", 1172], ["eve", 1176], ["laugh", 1185], ["laughing", 1185], ["oliver", 1202], ["buy", 1209], ["buyed", 1209], ["bought", 1209], ["place", 1233], ["call", 1240], ["called", 1240], ["brick", 1247], ["bricks", 1247], ["taste", 1264], ["tastes", 1264], ["order", 1315], ["orderest", 1315], ["flavor", 1324], ["flavorest", 1324], ["flavored", 1324], ["add", 1335], ["mortar", 1349], ["two", 1371], ["twos", 1371], ["shop", 1384], ["shops", 1384], ["town", 1392], ["university", 1431], ["center", 1438], ["bar", 1449], ["uc", 1481], ["old", 1506], ["mostly", 1521], ["build", 1527], ["builds", 1527], ["built", 1527], ["concrete", 1539], ["mean", 1563], ["meanest", 1563], ["meant", 1563], ["common", 1585], ["commons", 1585], ["commonest", 1585], ["ground", 1593], ["grounds", 1593], ["sense", 1637], ["portal", 1672], ["lead", 1680], ["leaded", 1680], ["leading", 1680], ["maybe", 1694], ["warehouse", 1717], ["warehousing", 1717], ["sound", 1732], ["sounded", 1732], ["right", 1738], ["rightest", 1738], ["vampire", 1761], ["vampires", 1761], ["seem", 1768], ["seeming", 1768], ["seemed", 1768], ["lot", 1781], ["district", 1807], ["border", 1821], ["bordering", 1821], ["bordered", 1821], ["foundering", 1829], ["square", 1839], ["brandon", 1849], ["find", 1901], ["found", 1901], ["dead", 1906], ["close", 1943], ["cold", 1982], ["finger", 1990], ["fingers", 1990], ["close", 1997], ["closed", 1997], ["chin", 2019], ["jerk", 2030], ["jerks", 2030], ["jerked", 2030], ["listen", 2059], ["listens", 2059], ["listening", 2059], ["honey", 2067], ["honeys", 2067], ["laugh", 2164], ["laughed", 2164], ["turn", 2177], ["turned", 2177], ["fake", 2192], ["cough", 2198], ["go", 2214], ["goest", 2214], ["going", 2214], ["outside", 2222], ["since", 2246], ["get", 2267], ["personal", 2280], ["yell", 2311], ["go", 2328], ["goest", 2328], ["bite", 2342], ["tongue", 2353], ["tonguing", 2353], ["subsonic", 2383], ["whine", 2389], ["back", 2401], ["throat", 2415], ["watch", 2430], ["watched", 2430], ["walk", 2439], ["away", 2444], ["footstep", 2460], ["footsteps", 2460], ["recede", 2468], ["receded", 2468], ["dark", 2482], ["finally", 2501], ["small", 2509], ["open", 2532], ["opened", 2532], ["long", 2539], ["longs", 2539], ["door", 2563], ["far", 2573], ["reach", 2590], ["left", 2638], ["leave", 2638], ["put", 2666], ["lip", 2687], ["lipped", 2687], ["lips", 2687], ["neck", 2705], ["necked", 2705], ["yell", 2719], ["yelled", 2719], ["shock", 2728], ["pull", 2739], ["pulled", 2739], ["cover", 2755], ["covering", 2755], ["mouth", 2765], ["mouthed", 2765], ["pale", 2779], ["hand", 2784], ["see", 2807], ["seen", 2807], ["silver", 2818], ["silvered", 2818], ["chain", 2824], ["wear", 2843], ["wearing", 2843], ["welt", 2910], ["form", 2918], ["formest", 2918], ["forming", 2918], ["full", 2941], ["bleed", 2983], ["bleeding", 2983], ["fury", 2990], ["spark", 2998], ["sparking", 2998], ["sparked", 2998], ["eye", 3017], ["eyed", 3017], ["eyes", 3017], ["squirm", 3038], ["squirmed", 3038], ["follow", 3066], ["followed", 3066], ["lazy", 3076], ["stroll", 3083], ["strollest", 3083], ["wipe", 3095], ["wiped", 3095], ["burn", 3106], ["burns", 3106], ["burned", 3106], ["look", 3122], ["looked", 3122], ["thin", 3134], ["thins", 3134], ["leak", 3144], ["leaking", 3144], ["blood", 3150], ["bloods", 3150], ["blooded", 3150], ["distaste", 3162], ["ruin", 3208], ["ruinest", 3208], ["ruined", 3208], ["good", 3216], ["mood", 3221], ["little", 3230], ["girl", 3235], ["roll", 3254], ["rolled", 3254], ["sharp", 3284], ["sharps", 3284], ["dig", 3288], ["dug", 3288], ["digs", 3288], ["digest", 3288], ["leg", 3301], ["stake", 3327], ["guess", 3345], ["guessed", 3345], ["search", 3358], ["exactly", 3374], ["thorough", 3388], ["crazy", 3410], ["careless", 3437], ["arrogant", 3450], ["knife", 3466], ["knifes", 3466], ["unless", 3528], ["unlesss", 3528], ["lunge", 3547], ["lunges", 3547], ["blur", 3564], ["blurs", 3564], ["white", 3573], ["darkness", 3589], ["twist", 3610], ["twisted", 3610], ["twisting", 3610], ["jam", 3621], ["jams", 3621], ["jamed", 3621], ["jammed", 3621], ["jamming", 3621], ["hip", 3629], ["hips", 3629], ["awkward", 3648], ["angle", 3654], ["slip", 3674], ["slipped", 3674], ["tear", 3683], ["teared", 3683], ["tore", 3683], ["fabric", 3702], ["jean", 3715], ["jeans", 3715], ["much", 3727], ["couple", 3749], ["inch", 3759], ["inches", 3759], ["enough", 3772], ["slice", 3781], ["open", 3786], ["arm", 3810], ["reach", 3824], ["reached", 3824], ["bone", 3858], ["bonest", 3858], ["shriek", 3877], ["shrieked", 3877], ["real", 3885], ["reis", 3885], ["pain", 3890], ["spin", 3901], ["spun", 3901], ["pretty", 3935], ["prettiest", 3935], ["toward", 3968], ["respectful", 4001], ["distance", 4010], ["distancing", 4010], ["time", 4020], ["hiss", 4033], ["hissed", 4033], ["cobra", 4056], ["cobras", 4056], ["fang", 4062], ["fangs", 4062], ["extend", 4071], ["extended", 4071], ["wild", 4092], ["wildest", 4092], ["glow", 4115], ["glowest", 4115], ["glowing", 4115], ["ruby", 4127], ["rubies", 4127], ["nearly", 4153], ["yank", 4161], ["yanks", 4161], ["yanked", 4161], ["yanking", 4161], ["elbow", 4171], ["elbowing", 4171], ["joint", 4188], ["jointed", 4188], ["jointing", 4188], ["manage", 4202], ["managed", 4202], ["rope", 4219], ["ropes", 4219], ["wrist", 4236], ["keep", 4305], ["keepest", 4305], ["bay", 4320], ["second", 4348], ["seconded", 4348], ["seconds", 4348]]
but getting a silver knife to cut through synthetic rope ? that was going to take a while -- a while she did n't have . claire sawed desperately , and got a little bit of give on the bonds -- enough to almost get her hand into her pocket . ysandre grabbed her by the hair . `` i 'm going to destroy you for that . '' the pain in her head was blinding . it felt like her scalp was being ripped off , and on top of that , the massive headache roared back to a new , sickening pulse . claire loosened the rope enough to plunge her aching hand into her pocket and grab the handle of the knife . she yanked it out of the tangle of fabric and held it at a trembling , handicapped en garde -- still tied up , but whatever , she was n't going to stop fighting , not ever . ysandre shrieked and let her go , which made no sense to claire 's confused , painshocked mind . i did n't stab her yet . not that she wanted to stab anybody , even ysandre . she just wanted -- what was going on ? ysandre 's body slammed down hard on the wooden floor , and claire gasped and flinched away ... but the vampire had fallen facedown , limp , and weirdly broken . a small woman dressed in gray , her pale hair falling wild around her shoulders , dropped silently from overhead and put one impeccably lovely gray pump in the center of ysandre 's back , holding her down as she tried to move . the woman 's face turned toward her , and claire blinked twice before she realized whom she was looking at . but not amelie . not the cool , remote founder -- this woman had a wild , furious energy to her that claire had never seen before . and she looked young . `` i 'm okay , '' she said faintly , and tried to decide whether this version of amelie was really here , or a function of her smackedaround brain . she decided it would be a good idea to get her hands and feet untied before figuring anything else out . that took long minutes , during which amelie ( really ? ) dragged ysandre , whimpering , into the corner and fastened her wrists to a massive crossbeam with chains . the chains , claire registered , had been there all along . this was some kind of vamp playpen/storage locker -- probably oliver 's . and she felt sick again , thinking about it . claire sawed grimly at the ropes binding her and finally parted one complete twist around her hands . as she struggled out of the loops of rope , she saw deep white imprints in her skin , and realized that her hands were red and swollen . she could still feel them , at least , and the burn of circulation returning felt as if she were holding them over an open flame . she focused on slicing the increasingly dulled knife through the rope on her feet , but it was no use . `` here , '' amelie said , and bent down to snap the rope with one twist of her fingers . it was so frustrating , after all that hard work , to see just how easy it was for her . claire stripped the ties away and sat for a moment breathing hard , starting to feel every cut , bump , and bruise on her body . amelie 's cool fingers cupped claire 's chin and forced her head up , and the vampire 's gray eyes searched hers . `` you have a head injury , '' amelie said . a headache and some dizziness , perhaps . '' `` i expected to find you . i did not expect to find you here , i confess . '' amelie looked fine . not a scratch on her , in fact . claire had lots more damage , and she had n't been dragged off as bishop 's prisoner ... ... `` you -- we thought bishop might have gotten you . amelie cocked an eyebrow at her . `` then where did you go ? '' claire felt a completely useless urge to lash out at her , crack that extreme cool . you left us alone ! and you called the vampires out of hiding -- '' her voice failed her for a second as she thought about officer o'malley , and the others she 'd heard about . `` you got some of them killed . '' amelie did n't respond to that . she simply stared back , as calm as an ice sculpture -- calmer , because she was n't melting . `` tell me why , '' claire said . `` tell me why you did that . '' `` because plans change , '' amelie replied . `` as bishop changes his moves , i must change mine . the stakes are too high now , claire . i 've lost half the vampires of morganville to him . he 's taking away my advantage , and i needed to draw them to me , for their own safety . '' `` you got vampires killed , not just humans .
[["get", 11], ["getting", 11], ["silver", 20], ["silvered", 20], ["knife", 26], ["knifes", 26], ["cut", 33], ["synthetic", 51], ["rope", 56], ["go", 73], ["goest", 73], ["going", 73], ["take", 81], ["claire", 126], ["saw", 132], ["sawest", 132], ["sawed", 132], ["desperately", 144], ["get", 154], ["got", 154], ["little", 163], ["bit", 167], ["bits", 167], ["give", 175], ["bond", 188], ["bonds", 188], ["enough", 198], ["almost", 208], ["get", 212], ["hand", 221], ["pocket", 237], ["pocketing", 237], ["grab", 255], ["grabbed", 255], ["hair", 271], ["destroy", 298], ["destroys", 298], ["pain", 325], ["head", 337], ["blind", 350], ["blinded", 350], ["blinding", 350], ["feel", 360], ["felt", 360], ["like", 365], ["scalp", 375], ["scalps", 375], ["rip", 392], ["ripped", 392], ["top", 409], ["massive", 431], ["headache", 440], ["roar", 447], ["roarest", 447], ["roared", 447], ["back", 452], ["new", 461], ["sicken", 473], ["sickens", 473], ["sickening", 473], ["pulse", 479], ["loosen", 497], ["loosenest", 497], ["loosened", 497], ["plunge", 523], ["ache", 534], ["ached", 534], ["aching", 534], ["grab", 564], ["handle", 575], ["yank", 601], ["yanks", 601], ["yanked", 601], ["tangle", 622], ["tangling", 622], ["fabric", 632], ["hold", 641], ["held", 641], ["tremble", 659], ["trembling", 659], ["en", 676], ["ens", 676], ["garding", 682], ["still", 691], ["tie", 696], ["tying", 696], ["tieing", 696], ["tied", 696], ["whatever", 714], ["stop", 742], ["fight", 751], ["fightest", 751], ["ever", 762], ["everest", 762], ["shriek", 781], ["shrieked", 781], ["let", 789], ["lets", 789], ["go", 796], ["goest", 796], ["sense", 818], ["mind", 859], ["minding", 859], ["stab", 876], ["stabs", 876], ["yet", 884], ["anybody", 922], ["even", 929], ["evens", 929], ["body", 994], ["bodied", 994], ["slam", 1002], ["slammed", 1002], ["hard", 1012], ["wooden", 1026], ["floor", 1032], ["gasp", 1052], ["gasps", 1052], ["gasped", 1052], ["flinch", 1065], ["flinched", 1065], ["away", 1070], ["vampire", 1090], ["fall", 1101], ["falls", 1101], ["fallen", 1101], ["facedown", 1110], ["limp", 1117], ["limps", 1117], ["limping", 1117], ["weirdly", 1131], ["small", 1148], ["woman", 1154], ["womans", 1154], ["dress", 1162], ["dressest", 1162], ["dressed", 1162], ["gray", 1170], ["grays", 1170], ["pale", 1181], ["fall", 1194], ["falls", 1194], ["falling", 1194], ["wild", 1199], ["wildest", 1199], ["around", 1206], ["shoulder", 1220], ["shouldered", 1220], ["shoulders", 1220], ["drop", 1230], ["dropped", 1230], ["silently", 1239], ["overhead", 1253], ["put", 1261], ["impeccably", 1276], ["lovely", 1283], ["lovelier", 1283], ["pump", 1293], ["center", 1307], ["hold", 1336], ["holding", 1336], ["try", 1358], ["tryed", 1358], ["tried", 1358], ["move", 1366], ["face", 1386], ["turn", 1393], ["turned", 1393], ["toward", 1400], ["blink", 1425], ["blinked", 1425], ["twice", 1431], ["realize", 1451], ["realized", 1451], ["look", 1472], ["looking", 1472], ["cool", 1507], ["remote", 1516], ["remoted", 1516], ["founder", 1524], ["foundering", 1524], ["furious", 1559], ["energy", 1566], ["never", 1595], ["see", 1600], ["seen", 1600], ["look", 1624], ["looked", 1624], ["young", 1630], ["youngest", 1630], ["okay", 1645], ["say", 1659], ["sayest", 1659], ["said", 1659], ["faintly", 1667], ["decide", 1689], ["whether", 1697], ["version", 1710], ["really", 1731], ["function", 1752], ["brain", 1779], ["brained", 1779], ["braining", 1779], ["decide", 1793], ["decided", 1793], ["good", 1812], ["idea", 1817], ["hand", 1834], ["hands", 1834], ["foot", 1843], ["feet", 1843], ["untie", 1850], ["untying", 1850], ["untied", 1850], ["figure", 1866], ["figuring", 1866], ["anything", 1875], ["else", 1880], ["take", 1896], ["took", 1896], ["long", 1901], ["longs", 1901], ["minute", 1909], ["minutes", 1909], ["drag", 1952], ["dragged", 1952], ["corner", 1991], ["fasten", 2004], ["fastenest", 2004], ["fastened", 2004], ["wrist", 2015], ["wrists", 2015], ["crossbeam", 2038], ["chain", 2050], ["chains", 2050], ["register", 2083], ["registered", 2083], ["along", 2110], ["kind", 2131], ["vamp", 2139], ["vamped", 2139], ["playpen", 2147], ["storage", 2155], ["locker", 2162], ["probably", 2174], ["oliver", 2181], ["sick", 2204], ["think", 2221], ["thinkest", 2221], ["thinking", 2221], ["grimly", 2252], ["rope", 2265], ["ropes", 2265], ["bind", 2273], ["bound", 2273], ["binding", 2273], ["finally", 2289], ["part", 2296], ["parting", 2296], ["parted", 2296], ["complete", 2309], ["twist", 2315], ["twisted", 2315], ["twisting", 2315], ["struggle", 2351], ["struggled", 2351], ["loop", 2368], ["looping", 2368], ["loops", 2368], ["see", 2386], ["saw", 2386], ["deep", 2391], ["deeply", 2391], ["white", 2397], ["imprint", 2406], ["imprints", 2406], ["skin", 2418], ["red", 2457], ["feel", 2492], ["least", 2508], ["leastest", 2508], ["burn", 2523], ["burns", 2523], ["circulation", 2538], ["return", 2548], ["returnest", 2548], ["returning", 2548], ["open", 2594], ["flame", 2600], ["focus", 2614], ["focused", 2614], ["slice", 2625], ["slicing", 2625], ["increasingly", 2642], ["dull", 2649], ["dulled", 2649], ["use", 2704], ["bent", 2742], ["bend", 2742], ["snap", 2755], ["snapping", 2755], ["finger", 2794], ["fingers", 2794], ["frustrating", 2818], ["work", 2845], ["wrought", 2845], ["see", 2854], ["easy", 2868], ["strip", 2901], ["stripped", 2901], ["tie", 2910], ["tying", 2910], ["tieing", 2910], ["ties", 2910], ["sat", 2923], ["sit", 2923], ["moment", 2936], ["breathe", 2946], ["breathes", 2946], ["start", 2962], ["starting", 2962], ["every", 2976], ["bump", 2987], ["bumpest", 2987], ["bruise", 3000], ["cup", 3044], ["cupped", 3044], ["chin", 3059], ["force", 3070], ["forced", 3070], ["eye", 3113], ["eyed", 3113], ["eyes", 3113], ["search", 3122], ["searched", 3122], ["injury", 3155], ["dizziness", 3204], ["perhaps", 3214], ["expect", 3233], ["expected", 3233], ["find", 3241], ["expect", 3264], ["confess", 3293], ["confessest", 3293], ["fine", 3317], ["scratch", 3333], ["scratched", 3333], ["scratching", 3333], ["fact", 3350], ["lot", 3368], ["lots", 3368], ["damage", 3380], ["damaging", 3380], ["bishop", 3425], ["prisoner", 3437], ["think", 3466], ["thinkest", 3466], ["thought", 3466], ["may", 3479], ["mays", 3479], ["mayest", 3479], ["might", 3479], ["get", 3491], ["gotten", 3491], ["cock", 3511], ["cockest", 3511], ["cocked", 3511], ["eyebrow", 3522], ["completely", 3586], ["useless", 3594], ["uselessest", 3594], ["urge", 3599], ["lash", 3607], ["crack", 3626], ["extreme", 3639], ["left", 3655], ["leave", 3655], ["alone", 3664], ["call", 3681], ["called", 3681], ["vampire", 3694], ["vampires", 3694], ["hide", 3708], ["hides", 3708], ["voice", 3724], ["fail", 3731], ["failed", 3731], ["second", 3748], ["seconded", 3748], ["officer", 3777], ["officering", 3777], ["hear", 3816], ["hears", 3816], ["heard", 3816], ["kill", 3855], ["killed", 3855], ["respond", 3883], ["respondest", 3883], ["simply", 3904], ["stare", 3911], ["stared", 3911], ["calm", 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i know humans do n't mean anything to you . but i thought the whole point of this was to save your people ! '' `` and so it is , '' amelie said . `` as many as can be saved . as for the call , there is a thing in chess known as a blitz attack , you see -- a distraction , to cover the movement of more important pieces . you retrieved myrnin and set him in play again ; this was most important . i need my most powerful pieces on the board . '' `` like oliver ? '' claire rubbed her hands together , trying to get the annoying tingle out of them . `` he 's hurt , you know . maybe dying . '' `` he 's served his purpose . '' amelie turned her attention toward ysandre , who was starting to stir . `` it 's time to take bishop 's rook , i believe . '' claire clutched the silver knife hard in her fist . `` is that all i am , too ? some kind of sacrifice pawn ? '' that got amelie 's attention again . `` no , '' she said in surprise . i do care , claire . but in war , you ca n't care too much . it paralyzes your ability to act . '' those luminous eyes turned toward ysandre again . `` it 's time for you to go , because i doubt you would enjoy seeing this . you wo n't be able to return here . i 'm closing down nodes on the network . when i 'm finished , there will be only two destinations : to me , or to bishop . '' amelie raised her eyebrows again . `` he is where it is most secure , of course . at city hall . and at nightfall , i will come against him . that 's why i came looking for you , claire . i need you to tell richard . tell him to get all those who ca n't fight for me out of the building . '' `` but -- he ca n't . it 's a storm shelter . there are supposed to be tornadoes coming . '' if innocents take refuge in that building , they will be killed , because i ca n't protect them anymore . we 're at endgame now . there 's no room for mercy . '' she looked again at ysandre , who had gone very still , listening . `` y'all would n't be saying this in front of me if i was going to walk out of here , would you ? '' she sounded calm now . she took claire by the arm and helped her to her feet . `` i am relying on you , claire . tell richard these are my orders . '' before claire could utter another word , she felt the air shimmer in front of her , in the middle of the big warehouse room , and she fell ... out over the dusty trunk in the glass house attic , where oliver had been . she sprawled ungracefully on top of it , then rolled off and got to her feet with a thump . when she waved her hand through the air , looking for that strange heat shimmer of an open portal , she felt nothing at all . i 'm closing the portals , amelie had said . she 'd closed this one , for sure . shane 's voice came from the far end of the attic . he shoved aside boxes and jumped over jumbled furniture to reach her . `` i 'll tell you later , '' she said , and realized she was still holding the bloody silver knife . she carefully put it back in her pocket , in the makeshift holster against her leg . it was so dull she did n't think it would cut anything again , but it made her feel better . shane put his hands around her head and tilted it up , looking her over . `` define everything . no , define okay . '' `` i need to get the radio . i have to talk to richard . '' richard was n't on the radio . `` he 's meeting with the mayor , '' said the man who answered . sullivan , claire thought his name was , but she had n't really paid attention . `` you got a problem there ? '' `` no , officer , you 've got a problem there , '' she said . `` i need to talk to richard . it 's really important ! '' `` everybody needs to talk to richard , '' sullivan said . `` he 'll get back to you . he 's busy right now . if it 's not an emergency response -- '' `` yes , okay ! `` then i 'll send units out to you . glass house , right ? '' `` no , it 's not -- '' claire wanted to slam the radio down in frustration . `` it 's not an emergency here . look , just tell richard that he needs to clear everybody out of city hall , as soon as possible . '' `` ca n't do that , '' sullivan said . `` it 's our center of operations .
[["know", 6], ["knowest", 6], ["human", 13], ["humans", 13], ["mean", 25], ["meanest", 25], ["anything", 34], ["think", 57], ["thinkest", 57], ["thought", 57], ["whole", 67], ["wholes", 67], ["point", 73], ["save", 93], ["people", 105], ["say", 143], ["sayest", 143], ["said", 143], ["many", 156], ["save", 172], ["saved", 172], ["call", 190], ["thing", 209], ["chess", 218], ["know", 224], ["knowest", 224], ["known", 224], ["blitz", 235], ["blitzing", 235], ["attack", 242], ["see", 252], ["distraction", 269], ["cover", 280], ["movement", 293], ["important", 311], ["piece", 318], ["pieced", 318], ["pieces", 318], ["retrieve", 334], ["retrieved", 334], ["set", 349], ["play", 361], ["playest", 361], ["need", 402], ["needest", 402], ["powerful", 419], ["board", 439], ["boarding", 439], ["like", 452], ["oliver", 459], ["claire", 471], ["rub", 478], ["rubbed", 478], ["hand", 488], ["hands", 488], ["together", 497], ["try", 506], ["tryed", 506], ["trying", 506], ["get", 513], ["annoying", 526], ["tingle", 533], ["tingles", 533], ["hurt", 561], ["hurts", 561], ["hurting", 561], ["maybe", 580], ["die", 586], ["dying", 586], ["serve", 607], ["served", 607], ["purpose", 619], ["turn", 638], ["turned", 638], ["attention", 652], ["toward", 659], ["start", 686], ["starting", 686], ["stir", 694], ["stirs", 694], ["time", 710], ["take", 718], ["bishop", 725], ["rook", 733], ["rookest", 733], ["believe", 745], ["clutch", 766], ["clutched", 766], ["silver", 777], ["silvered", 777], ["knife", 783], ["knifes", 783], ["hard", 788], ["fist", 800], ["kind", 840], ["sacrifice", 853], ["pawn", 858], ["get", 872], ["got", 872], ["surprise", 932], ["surprised", 932], ["care", 944], ["war", 966], ["ca", 975], ["cas", 975], ["much", 993], ["paralyze", 1008], ["paralyzed", 1008], ["paralyzes", 1008], ["ability", 1021], ["act", 1028], ["acted", 1028], ["luminous", 1048], ["eye", 1053], ["eyed", 1053], ["eyes", 1053], ["go", 1111], ["goest", 1111], ["doubt", 1129], ["enjoy", 1145], ["enjoyed", 1145], 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["warehouse", 2307], ["warehousing", 2307], ["fall", 2327], ["falls", 2327], ["fell", 2327], ["dusty", 2350], ["trunk", 2356], ["glass", 2369], ["house", 2375], ["attic", 2381], ["sprawl", 2420], ["sprawls", 2420], ["sprawled", 2420], ["ungracefully", 2433], ["top", 2440], ["roll", 2460], ["rolled", 2460], ["thump", 2497], ["thumps", 2497], ["wave", 2514], ["waved", 2514], ["hand", 2523], ["strange", 2566], ["heat", 2571], ["heats", 2571], ["heated", 2571], ["open", 2590], ["portal", 2597], ["nothing", 2616], ["portal", 2650], ["portals", 2650], ["close", 2684], ["closed", 2684], ["sure", 2704], ["shane", 2712], ["voice", 2721], ["far", 2739], ["end", 2743], ["ends", 2743], ["endest", 2743], ["shove", 2768], ["shoved", 2768], ["aside", 2774], ["box", 2780], ["boxed", 2780], ["boxes", 2780], ["jump", 2791], ["jumps", 2791], ["jumped", 2791], ["furniture", 2814], ["reach", 2823], ["later", 2853], ["realize", 2882], ["realized", 2882], ["hold", 2904], ["holding", 2904], ["bloody", 2915], ["bloodying", 2915], ["carefully", 2944], ["put", 2948], ["back", 2956], ["pocket", 2970], ["pocketing", 2970], ["makeshift", 2989], ["holster", 2997], ["leg", 3013], ["dull", 3030], ["think", 3048], ["thinkest", 3048], ["cut", 3061], ["feel", 3099], ["well", 3106], ["wells", 3106], ["around", 3135], ["head", 3144], ["tilt", 3155], ["tilting", 3155], ["tilted", 3155], ["define", 3192], ["everything", 3203], ["okay", 3222], ["radio", 3254], ["talk", 3271], ["meet", 3335], ["meeted", 3335], ["mayor", 3350], ["man", 3368], ["mans", 3368], ["manned", 3368], ["answer", 3381], ["answeres", 3381], ["answerest", 3381], ["answered", 3381], ["sullivan", 3392], ["name", 3418], ["really", 3447], ["pay", 3452], ["pays", 3452], ["payest", 3452], ["paid", 3452], ["problem", 3485], ["officer", 3512], ["officering", 3512], ["need", 3636], ["needest", 3636], ["needs", 3636], ["busy", 3715], ["busied", 3715], ["right", 3721], ["rightest", 3721], ["emergency", 3753], ["response", 3762], ["yes", 3775], ["send", 3803], ["unit", 3809], ["units", 3809], ["slam", 3893], ["frustration", 3923], ["look", 3963], ["clear", 4006], ["clearest", 4006], ["soon", 4043], ["possible", 4055], ["center", 4119], ["operation", 4133], ["operations", 4133]]
it 's the main storm shelter , and we 've got one heck of a storm coming tonight . you 're going to have to give me a reason , miss . '' `` all right , it 's because -- '' michael took the radio away from her and shut it off . claire gaped , stuttered , and finally demanded , `` why ? '' `` because if amelie says bishop 's got himself installed in city hall , somebody there has to know . we do n't know who 's on his team , '' michael said . `` i do n't know sullivan that well , but i know he never was happy with the way things ran in town . i would n't put it past him to be buying bishop 's crap about giving the city back to the people , home rule , all that stuff . same goes for anybody else there , except maybe joe hess and travis lowe . we have to know who we 're talking to before we say anything else . '' `` i 'm thinking that sullivan 's keeping richard out of the loop for a reason . '' they were downstairs , the four of them . eve , shane , and claire were at the kitchen table , and michael was pacing the floor and casting looks at the couch , where oliver was . the older vampire was asleep , claire guessed , or unconscious ; they 'd done what they could , washed him off and wrapped him in clean blankets . he was healing , according to michael , but he was n't doing it very fast . when he 'd woken up , he 'd seemed distant . claire had given him one of the doses she 'd gotten from dr. mills , and so far , it seemed to be helping , but if oliver was sick , myrnin 's fears were becoming real . soon , it 'd be amelie , too . and then where would they be ? `` amelie said we have to tell richard . we have to get noncombatants out of city hall , as soon as possible . '' `` problem is , you heard him giving instructions to the civil defense guys earlier -- they 're out telling everybody in town to go to city hall if they ca n't make it to another shelter . radio and tv , too . hell , half the town is probably there already . '' `` maybe she wo n't do it , '' eve said . `` i mean , she would n't kill everybody in there , would she ? not even if she thinks they 're working for bishop . '' `` i think it 's gone past that , '' claire said . `` i do n't know if she has any choice . '' `` not in chess , '' claire replied . `` unless your choice is to lie down and die . '' in the end , the only way to be sure they got to the right person was to get in the car and drive there . claire was a little shocked at the color of the sky outside -- a solid gray , with clouds moving so fast it was like timelapse on the weather channel . the edges looked faintly green , and in this part of the country , that was never a good sign . the only good thing about it was that michael did n't have to worry about getting scorched by sunlight . he brought a hoodie and a blanket to throw over his head , just in case , but it was dark outside , and getting darker fast . premature sunset . drops of rain were smacking the sidewalk , the size of halfdollars . where they hit claire 's skin , they felt like paintball pellets . as she looked up at the clouds , a horizontal flash of lightning peeled the sky in half , and thunder rumbled so loudly she felt it through the soles of her shoes . eve yelled , and started the car . claire ran to open the backseat door and piled in beside shane . eve was already accelerating before she could fasten her seat belt . `` michael , get the radio . '' as he scanned stations , they got ghosts of signals from other towns , but nothing came through clearly in morganville -- probably because the vampires jammed it . then one came in , loud and clear , broadcasting on a loop . attention morganville residents : this is an urgent public service announcement . the national weather service has identified an extremely dangerous storm tracking toward morganville , which will reach our borders at six twenty seven this evening at its present speed . this storm has already been responsible for devastation in several areas in its path , and there has been significant loss of life due to tornadic activity . morganville and the surrounding areas are on tornado watch through ten p.m. this evening . if you hear an alert siren , go immediately to a designated safe shelter location , or to the safest area of your home if you can not reach a safe shelter . attention morganville residents -- michael clicked it off . there was no point in listening to the repeat ; it was n't going to get any better .
[["main", 14], ["storm", 20], ["shelter", 28], ["get", 45], ["got", 45], ["heck", 54], ["come", 72], ["coming", 72], ["tonight", 80], ["go", 96], ["goest", 96], ["going", 96], ["give", 112], ["reason", 124], ["reasonest", 124], ["miss", 131], ["right", 149], ["rightest", 149], ["michael", 179], ["take", 184], ["took", 184], ["radio", 194], ["away", 199], ["shut", 217], ["claire", 233], ["stutter", 251], ["stuttered", 251], ["finally", 265], ["demand", 274], ["demandest", 274], ["demanded", 274], ["say", 314], ["sayest", 314], ["says", 314], ["bishop", 321], ["instal", 346], ["installed", 346], ["city", 354], ["hall", 359], ["know", 388], ["knowest", 388], ["team", 424], ["teamed", 424], ["teaming", 424], ["say", 442], ["sayest", 442], ["said", 442], ["sullivan", 470], ["well", 480], ["wells", 480], ["never", 502], ["happy", 512], ["way", 525], ["ways", 525], ["thing", 532], ["things", 532], ["run", 536], ["ran", 536], ["town", 544], ["put", 562], ["past", 570], ["buy", 587], ["buyed", 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["another", 1877], ["tv", 1900], ["hell", 1913], ["hells", 1913], ["half", 1920], ["probably", 1941], ["already", 1955], ["wo", 1976], ["mean", 2012], ["meanest", 2012], ["kill", 2033], ["even", 2075], ["evens", 2075], ["think", 2089], ["thinkest", 2089], ["thinks", 2089], ["work", 2106], ["wrought", 2106], ["working", 2106], ["think", 2133], ["thinkest", 2133], ["go", 2144], ["goest", 2144], ["gone", 2144], ["choice", 2212], ["chess", 2233], ["reply", 2253], ["replied", 2253], ["unless", 2265], ["unlesss", 2265], ["lie", 2287], ["lay", 2287], ["lain", 2287], ["die", 2300], ["end", 2316], ["ends", 2316], ["endest", 2316], ["sure", 2342], ["person", 2371], ["car", 2393], ["drive", 2403], ["little", 2431], ["color", 2452], ["sky", 2463], ["outside", 2471], ["solid", 2482], ["gray", 2487], ["grays", 2487], ["cloud", 2501], ["clouded", 2501], ["clouds", 2501], ["move", 2508], ["moving", 2508], ["like", 2528], ["weather", 2553], ["channel", 2561], ["channelest", 2561], ["edge", 2573], ["edges", 2573], ["look", 2580], ["looked", 2580], ["faintly", 2588], ["green", 2594], ["greens", 2594], ["part", 2613], ["parting", 2613], ["country", 2628], ["good", 2652], ["sign", 2657], ["thing", 2679], ["worry", 2727], ["worried", 2727], ["get", 2741], ["getting", 2741], ["scorch", 2750], ["scorched", 2750], ["sunlight", 2762], ["bring", 2775], ["brought", 2775], ["hoodie", 2784], ["blanket", 2798], ["throw", 2807], ["head", 2821], ["dark", 2854], ["dark", 2883], ["premature", 2900], ["sunset", 2907], ["sunsets", 2907], ["drop", 2915], ["drops", 2915], ["rain", 2923], ["smack", 2937], ["sidewalk", 2950], ["size", 2961], ["hit", 2993], ["skin", 3008], ["feel", 3020], ["felt", 3020], ["paintball", 3035], ["pellet", 3043], ["pellets", 3043], ["horizontal", 3091], ["flash", 3097], ["lightning", 3110], ["peel", 3117], ["peeled", 3117], ["thunder", 3147], ["rumble", 3155], ["rumbles", 3155], ["rumbled", 3155], ["loudly", 3165], ["sol", 3195], ["sols", 3195], ["soles", 3195], ["shoe", 3208], ["shoed", 3208], ["shoes", 3208], ["yell", 3221], ["yelled", 3221], ["start", 3235], ["started", 3235], ["open", 3264], ["backseat", 3277], ["door", 3282], ["pile", 3292], ["piled", 3292], ["beside", 3302], ["accelerate", 3339], ["accelerates", 3339], ["accelerating", 3339], ["fasten", 3363], ["fastenest", 3363], ["seat", 3372], ["belt", 3377], ["belts", 3377], ["belted", 3377], ["beltest", 3377], ["belting", 3377], ["scan", 3425], ["scans", 3425], ["scanning", 3425], ["scanned", 3425], ["station", 3434], ["stations", 3434], ["ghost", 3452], ["ghosts", 3452], ["signal", 3463], ["signals", 3463], ["town", 3480], ["towns", 3480], ["nothing", 3494], ["come", 3499], ["came", 3499], ["clearly", 3515], ["vampire", 3563], ["vampires", 3563], ["jam", 3570], ["jams", 3570], ["jamed", 3570], ["jammed", 3570], ["jamming", 3570], ["loud", 3599], ["clear", 3609], ["clearest", 3609], ["broadcast", 3624], ["broadcasted", 3624], ["attention", 3646], ["resident", 3668], ["residents", 3668], ["urgent", 3688], ["public", 3695], ["service", 3703], ["servicing", 3703], ["announcement", 3716], ["national", 3731], ["identify", 3762], ["identified", 3762], ["extremely", 3775], ["dangerous", 3785], ["track", 3800], ["toward", 3807], ["reach", 3838], ["border", 3850], ["bordering", 3850], ["borders", 3850], ["six", 3857], ["twenty", 3864], ["seven", 3870], ["evening", 3883], ["present", 3898], ["presentest", 3898], ["speed", 3904], ["speeding", 3904], ["responsible", 3946], ["devastation", 3962], ["several", 3973], ["area", 3979], ["areas", 3979], ["path", 3991], ["significant", 4024], ["loss", 4029], ["life", 4037], ["lifes", 4037], ["due", 4041], ["tornadic", 4053], ["activity", 4062], ["surround", 4096], ["surrounding", 4096], ["tornado", 4117], ["tornados", 4117], ["watch", 4123], ["ten", 4135], ["hear", 4167], ["hears", 4167], ["alert", 4176], ["alerted", 4176], ["siren", 4182], ["sirens", 4182], ["immediately", 4199], ["designate", 4215], ["designatest", 4215], ["designated", 4215], ["safe", 4220], ["safes", 4220], ["safed", 4220], ["location", 4237], ["safe", 4256], ["safes", 4256], ["safed", 4256], ["safest", 4256], ["area", 4261], ["click", 4363], ["clicked", 4363], ["point", 4391], ["listen", 4404], ["listens", 4404], ["listening", 4404], ["repeat", 4418], ["repeatest", 4418], ["well", 4455], ["wells", 4455]]
`` how many safe shelters are there ? '' `` university dorms have them , the uc -- '' `` founder 's square has two , '' michael said , `` but nobody can get to them right now . they 're locked up . '' `` and the church . father joe would open up the basements , so that 'll fit a couple of hundred people . '' everybody else would head to city hall , if they did n't stay in their houses . the rain started to fall in earnest , slapping the windshield at first , and then pounding it in fierce waves . the ancient windshield wipers really were n't up to it , even at high speed . claire was glad she was n't trying to drive . even in clear visibility she was n't very good , and she had no idea how eve was seeing a thing . if she was , of course . maybe this was faithbased driving . other cars were on the road , and most of them were heading the same way they were . claire looked at the clock on her cell phone . five thirty p.m . the storm was less than an hour away . `` uhoh , '' eve said , and braked as they turned the last corner . it was a sea of red taillights . over the roll of thunder and pounding rain , claire heard horns honking . traffic moved , but slowly , one car at a time inching forward . `` they 're checking cars at the barricade . i ca n't believe -- '' something happened up there , and the brake lights began flicking off in steady rows . cars moved . eve fell into line , and the big , black sedan rolled past two police cars still flashing their lights . in the red/blue/red glow , claire saw that they 'd moved the barricades aside and were just waving everyone through . `` we ca n't get people out . not fast enough ! we 'd have to stop everybody from coming in first , and then give them somewhere to go ... ... '' `` i 'm getting out of the car here , '' michael said . `` i can run faster than you can drive in this . i 'll get to richard . they wo n't dare stop me . '' that was probably true , but eve still said , `` michael , do n't -- '' not that it stopped him from bailing out into the rain . a flash of lightning streaked by overhead and showed him splashing through thick puddles , weaving around cars . he was right ; he was faster . eve muttered something about `` stupid , stubborn , bloodsucking boyfriends , '' and followed the traffic toward city hall . out of nowhere , a truck pulled out in front of them from a side street and stopped directly in their path . eve yelled and hit the brakes , but they were mushy and wet , and not great at the best of times , and claire felt the car slip and then slide , gathering speed as it went . glad i put on my seat belt , she thought , which was a weird thing to think , as eve 's car hydroplaned right into the truck . shane stretched out his arm to hold her in place , anyway -- instinct , claire guessed -- and then they all got thrown forward hard as physics took over . physics hurt . claire rested her aching head against the cool window -- it was cracked , but still intact -- and tried to shake it off . shane was unhooking himself from the seat belt and asking her if she was okay . she made some kind of gesture and mumbled something , which she hoped would be good enough . she was n't up to real reassurances at the moment . eve 's door opened , and she got dragged out of the car . shane yelled , and threw himself out his own door . claire fumbled at the latch , but hers seemed stuck ; she navigated the push button on her seat belt and opted for shane 's side of the car instead . as she stumbled out into the shockingly warm rain , she knew they were really in trouble now , because the man holding a knife to eve 's throat was frank collins , shane 's father and allaround badass , crazy vampire hater . he looked exactly like she remembered -- tough , bikerhard , dressed in leather and tattoos . he was yelling something at eve , something claire could n't hear over the crash of thunder . shane threw himself into a slide over the trunk of the car and grabbed at his dad 's knife hand . dad elbowed him in the face and sent him staggering . claire grabbed for the silver knife in her jeans , but it was gone -- she 'd dropped it somewhere . before she could look for it , shane was back in the fight , struggling with his dad . he moved the knife enough that eve slid free and ran to grab on to claire . frank shoved his son down on the hood of the car and raised the knife .
[["many", 11], ["safe", 16], ["safes", 16], ["safed", 16], ["shelter", 25], ["shelters", 25], ["university", 54], ["dorm", 60], ["dorms", 60], ["uc", 79], ["founder", 96], ["foundering", 96], ["square", 106], ["two", 114], ["twos", 114], ["michael", 127], ["say", 132], ["sayest", 132], ["said", 132], ["nobody", 148], ["get", 156], ["right", 170], ["rightest", 170], ["lock", 192], ["locked", 192], ["church", 218], ["churching", 218], ["father", 227], ["fathered", 227], ["fathering", 227], ["joe", 231], ["joes", 231], ["open", 242], ["basement", 259], ["basements", 259], ["fit", 277], ["fitting", 277], ["couple", 286], ["hundred", 297], ["people", 304], ["else", 324], ["head", 335], ["city", 343], ["hall", 348], ["stay", 371], ["house", 387], ["houses", 387], ["rain", 398], ["start", 406], ["started", 406], ["fall", 414], ["falls", 414], ["earnest", 425], ["slap", 436], ["slaps", 436], ["slapped", 436], ["windshield", 451], ["first", 460], ["firstest", 460], ["pound", 480], ["pounding", 480], ["fierce", 493], ["wave", 499], ["waved", 499], ["waves", 499], ["ancient", 513], ["wiper", 531], ["wipers", 531], ["really", 538], ["even", 563], ["evens", 563], ["high", 571], ["speed", 577], ["speeding", 577], ["claire", 586], ["glad", 595], ["try", 614], ["tryed", 614], ["trying", 614], ["drive", 623], ["clear", 639], ["clearest", 639], ["visibility", 650], ["good", 672], ["idea", 694], ["eve", 702], ["see", 713], ["seeing", 713], ["thing", 721], ["course", 746], ["maybe", 754], ["driving", 782], ["car", 795], ["cars", 795], ["road", 812], ["head", 844], ["heading", 844], ["way", 857], ["ways", 857], ["look", 883], ["looked", 883], ["clock", 896], ["cell", 908], ["phone", 914], ["five", 921], ["fived", 921], ["thirty", 928], ["storm", 944], ["less", 953], ["hour", 966], ["away", 971], ["brake", 1008], ["braked", 1008], ["turn", 1023], ["turned", 1023], ["last", 1032], ["corner", 1039], ["sea", 1054], ["red", 1061], ["taillight", 1072], ["taillights", 1072], ["roll", 1088], ["thunder", 1099], ["hear", 1132], ["hears", 1132], ["heard", 1132], ["horn", 1138], ["horns", 1138], ["honk", 1146], ["honks", 1146], ["honking", 1146], ["traffic", 1156], ["traffics", 1156], ["trafficking", 1156], ["move", 1162], ["moved", 1162], ["slowly", 1175], ["car", 1185], ["time", 1195], ["inch", 1203], ["inching", 1203], ["forward", 1211], ["forwarding", 1211], ["forwardest", 1211], ["check", 1234], ["checking", 1234], ["barricade", 1256], ["ca", 1263], ["cas", 1263], ["believe", 1275], ["happen", 1300], ["happened", 1300], ["brake", 1325], ["braked", 1325], ["lit", 1332], ["light", 1332], ["lights", 1332], ["begin", 1338], ["began", 1338], ["flick", 1347], ["flickest", 1347], ["steady", 1361], ["row", 1366], ["rowest", 1366], ["rows", 1366], ["fall", 1390], ["falls", 1390], ["fell", 1390], ["line", 1400], ["big", 1414], ["bigs", 1414], ["black", 1422], ["sedan", 1428], ["roll", 1435], ["rolled", 1435], ["past", 1440], ["police", 1451], ["still", 1462], ["flash", 1471], ["flashing", 1471], ["blue", 1502], ["glow", 1511], ["glowest", 1511], ["see", 1524], ["saw", 1524], ["barricade", 1558], ["barricades", 1558], ["aside", 1564], ["wave", 1585], ["waved", 1585], ["waving", 1585], ["everyone", 1594], ["fast", 1643], ["enough", 1650], ["stop", 1671], ["come", 1693], ["coming", 1693], ["give", 1718], ["somewhere", 1733], ["go", 1739], ["goest", 1739], ["get", 1766], ["getting", 1766], ["run", 1819], ["fast", 1826], ["richard", 1876], ["richards", 1876], ["wo", 1886], ["dare", 1895], ["probably", 1926], ["true", 1931], ["stop", 2000], ["stopped", 2000], ["bail", 2017], ["bails", 2017], ["bailing", 2017], ["flash", 2045], ["lightning", 2058], ["streak", 2067], ["streaks", 2067], ["streaked", 2067], ["overhead", 2079], ["show", 2090], ["showed", 2090], ["splash", 2104], ["splashed", 2104], ["splashing", 2104], ["thick", 2118], ["thickest", 2118], ["puddle", 2126], ["puddles", 2126], ["weave", 2136], ["weaving", 2136], ["around", 2143], ["mutter", 2194], ["muttering", 2194], ["mutterest", 2194], ["muttered", 2194], ["stupid", 2220], ["stubborn", 2231], ["bloodsucking", 2246], ["boyfriend", 2257], ["boyfriends", 2257], ["follow", 2275], ["followed", 2275], ["toward", 2294], ["nowhere", 2321], ["truck", 2331], ["pull", 2338], ["pulled", 2338], ["front", 2351], ["side", 2371], ["sidest", 2371], ["street", 2378], ["directly", 2399], ["path", 2413], ["yell", 2426], ["yelled", 2426], ["hit", 2434], ["brake", 2445], ["braked", 2445], ["brakes", 2445], ["mushy", 2467], ["wet", 2475], ["great", 2491], ["good", 2503], ["best", 2503], ["time", 2512], ["times", 2512], ["feel", 2530], ["felt", 2530], ["slip", 2543], ["slid", 2558], ["gather", 2570], ["gatherest", 2570], ["go", 2587], ["goest", 2587], ["went", 2587], ["put", 2600], ["seat", 2611], ["belt", 2616], ["belts", 2616], ["belted", 2616], ["beltest", 2616], ["belting", 2616], ["think", 2630], ["thinkest", 2630], ["thought", 2630], ["weird", 2650], ["think", 2665], ["thinkest", 2665], ["hydroplane", 2693], ["hydroplaning", 2693], ["shane", 2722], ["stretch", 2732], ["stretched", 2732], ["arm", 2744], ["hold", 2752], ["place", 2765], ["anyway", 2774], ["instinct", 2786], ["guess", 2803], ["guessed", 2803], ["get", 2828], ["got", 2828], ["throw", 2835], ["thrown", 2835], ["hard", 2848], ["physic", 2859], ["physics", 2859], ["take", 2864], ["took", 2864], ["hurt", 2884], ["hurts", 2884], ["hurting", 2884], ["rest", 2900], ["rested", 2900], ["ache", 2911], ["ached", 2911], ["aching", 2911], ["cool", 2933], ["window", 2940], ["windows", 2940], ["crack", 2958], ["cracked", 2958], ["intact", 2977], ["try", 2990], ["tryed", 2990], ["tried", 2990], ["shake", 2999], ["unhook", 3028], ["unhooks", 3028], ["unhooked", 3028], ["unhooking", 3028], ["ask", 3066], ["asking", 3066], ["okay", 3086], ["kind", 3107], ["gesture", 3118], ["mumble", 3130], ["mumbles", 3130], ["mumbled", 3130], ["hope", 3158], ["hoped", 3158], ["real", 3204], ["reis", 3204], ["reassurance", 3217], ["reassurances", 3217], ["moment", 3231], ["door", 3245], ["open", 3252], ["opened", 3252], ["drag", 3274], ["dragged", 3274], ["throw", 3316], ["threw", 3316], ["fumble", 3358], ["fumbled", 3358], ["latch", 3371], ["seem", 3389], ["seeming", 3389], ["seemed", 3389], ["navigate", 3411], ["navigated", 3411], ["navigates", 3411], ["push", 3420], ["button", 3427], ["buttoning", 3427], ["opt", 3454], ["optest", 3454], ["opted", 3454], ["instead", 3491], ["stumble", 3509], ["stumbled", 3509], ["shockingly", 3533], ["warm", 3538], ["know", 3554], ["knowest", 3554], ["knew", 3554], ["trouble", 3582], ["troubling", 3582], ["man", 3604], ["mans", 3604], ["manned", 3604], ["hold", 3612], ["holding", 3612], ["knife", 3620], ["knifes", 3620], ["throat", 3637], ["frank", 3647], ["badass", 3694], ["crazy", 3702], ["vampire", 3710], ["hater", 3716], ["exactly", 3736], ["like", 3741], ["remember", 3756], ["rememberest", 3756], ["remembered", 3756], ["tough", 3765], ["dress", 3787], ["dressest", 3787], ["dressed", 3787], ["leather", 3798], ["tattoo", 3810], ["tattoos", 3810], ["tattooing", 3810], ["yell", 3827], ["yelling", 3827], ["hear", 3878], ["hears", 3878], ["crash", 3893], ["trunk", 3954], ["grab", 3977], ["grabbed", 3977], ["dad", 3988], ["hand", 4002], ["elbow", 4016], ["elbowing", 4016], ["elbowed", 4016], ["face", 4032], ["send", 4041], ["sent", 4041], ["staggering", 4056], ["silver", 4088], ["silvered", 4088], ["jean", 4107], ["jeans", 4107], ["go", 4125], ["goest", 4125], ["gone", 4125], ["drop", 4143], ["dropped", 4143], ["look", 4180], ["back", 4204], ["fight", 4217], ["fightest", 4217], ["struggle", 4230], ["struggling", 4230], ["slid", 4285], ["free", 4290], ["run", 4298], ["ran", 4298], ["grab", 4306], ["shove", 4334], ["shoved", 4334], ["son", 4342], ["hood", 4359], ["raise", 4381], ["raised", 4381]]
he froze there , with rain pouring from his chin like a thin silver beard , and off the point of the knife . claire screamed , `` no , do n't hurt him ! '' frank yelled back . `` where is michael glass ? '' `` gone , '' shane said . he coughed away pounding rain . `` dad , he 's gone . frank seemed to focus on his son for the first time . `` yeah , dad , it 's me . let me up , okay ? '' shane was careful to keep his hands up , palms out in surrender . frank stepped back and lowered the knife . `` i 've been looking for you , boy . '' and then he hugged him . shane still had his hands up , and froze in place without touching his father . claire shivered at the look on his face . `` yeah , good to see you , too , '' he said . we 're not close , in case you forgot . '' `` you 're still my son . blood is blood . '' frank pushed him toward the truck , only lightly crushed where eve 's car had smacked it . shane just looked at him . `` dammit , boy , for once in your life , do what i tell you ! '' `` i spent most of my life doing what you told me , '' shane said . `` including selling out my friends . not happening anymore . '' frank 's lips parted , temporarily amazed . `` done drunk the suicide cola , did n't you ? '' when he shook his head , drops flew in all directions , and were immediately lost in the silver downpour . `` just get in . i 'm trying to save your life . you do n't want to be where you 're trying to go . '' strangely enough , frank collins was making sense . probably for all the wrong reasons , though . `` we have to get through , '' claire shouted over the pounding rain . she was shivering , soaked through every layer of clothing . people could die if we do n't ! '' `` people are going to die , '' collins agreed . `` omelets and eggs . or chess , claire thought . though she did n't know whose side frank collins was playing on , or even if he knew he was being manipulated at all . `` there 's a plan , '' frank was saying to his son . `` in all this crap , nobody 's checking faces . metal detectors are off . we seize control of the building and make things right . we shuffle these bastards off , once and for all . we can do it ! '' `` dad , '' shane said , `` everybody in that building tonight is going to be killed . we have to get people out , not get them in . if you care anything about those idiots who buy your revolutionary crap , you 'll call this off . '' `` call it off ? '' frank repeated , as uncomprehending as if shane were speaking another language . `` when we 're this close ? when we can win ? dammit , shane , you used to believe in this . you used to -- '' `` yeah . used to . shane shoved his father away from him , and walked over to eve and claire . `` i 've warned you , dad . i wo n't turn you in , but i 'm telling you , if you do n't back off , you 're dead . '' `` i do n't take threats , '' frank said . `` you 're an idiot , '' shane said . `` and i tried . '' he got back in the car , on the passengerside front seat where michael had been . eve scrambled behind the wheel , and claire in the back . eve reversed . frank stepped out into the road ahead of them , a scarylooking man in black leather with his straggling hair plastered around his face . add in the big hunting knife , and cue the scary music . eve let up on the gas . `` no , '' shane said , and moved his left foot over to jam it on top of hers . he wants you to stop . '' i ca n't miss him , no -- '' but it was too late . frank was staring into the headlights , squarely in the center of the hood , and he was getting closer and closer . frank collins threw himself out of the way at the last possible second , eve swerved wildly in the opposite direction to miss him , and somehow , they did n't kill shane 's dad . eve yelled at shane . so was shane . `` you want to run him over , do it on your own time ! `` look behind you , '' shane whispered . there were people coming after them . they 'd been hiding in the alley , claire guessed . they had guns , and now they opened fire . the car shuddered , and the back window exploded into cracks , then fell with a crash all over claire 's neck . shane said , and grabbed her hands to haul her into the front seat .
[["froze", 8], ["freeze", 8], ["frozen", 8], ["freezing", 8], ["rain", 26], ["pour", 34], ["pouring", 34], ["chin", 48], ["like", 53], ["thin", 60], ["thins", 60], ["silver", 67], ["silvered", 67], ["beard", 73], ["beards", 73], ["bearded", 73], ["point", 93], ["knife", 106], ["knifes", 106], ["claire", 115], ["scream", 124], ["screams", 124], ["screamed", 124], ["hurt", 146], ["hurts", 146], ["hurting", 146], ["frank", 161], ["yell", 168], ["yelled", 168], ["back", 173], ["michael", 195], ["glass", 201], ["go", 214], ["goest", 214], ["gone", 214], ["shane", 225], ["say", 230], ["sayest", 230], ["said", 230], ["cough", 243], ["coughed", 243], ["away", 248], ["pound", 257], ["pounding", 257], ["dad", 271], ["seem", 299], ["seeming", 299], ["seemed", 299], ["focus", 308], ["son", 319], ["first", 333], ["firstest", 333], ["time", 338], ["yeah", 348], ["let", 371], ["lets", 371], ["okay", 384], ["careful", 407], ["keep", 415], ["keepest", 415], ["hand", 425], ["hands", 425], ["palm", 436], ["palms", 436], ["palmed", 436], ["palmest", 436], ["surrender", 453], ["surrenders", 453], ["surrendering", 453], ["surrenderest", 453], ["step", 469], ["stepped", 469], ["lower", 486], ["lowers", 486], ["lowerest", 486], ["lowered", 486], ["look", 520], ["looking", 520], ["boy", 534], ["hug", 558], ["hugged", 558], ["still", 576], ["place", 614], ["without", 622], ["touch", 631], ["touching", 631], ["father", 642], ["fathered", 642], ["fathering", 642], ["shiver", 660], ["shivering", 660], ["shivered", 660], ["look", 672], ["face", 684], ["good", 701], ["see", 708], ["close", 750], ["forget", 771], ["forgot", 771], ["blood", 808], ["bloods", 808], ["blooded", 808], ["push", 835], ["pushed", 835], ["toward", 846], ["truck", 856], ["lightly", 871], ["crush", 879], ["crushest", 879], ["crushed", 879], ["eve", 889], ["car", 896], ["smack", 908], ["smacked", 908], ["look", 931], ["looked", 931], ["dammit", 950], ["life", 980], ["lifes", 980], ["tell", 997], ["spend", 1017], ["spends", 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1587], ["shouted", 1587], ["shiver", 1630], ["shivering", 1630], ["soak", 1639], ["soaks", 1639], ["soaked", 1639], ["every", 1653], ["layer", 1659], ["layered", 1659], ["clothing", 1671], ["people", 1680], ["die", 1690], ["go", 1728], ["goest", 1728], ["going", 1728], ["collin", 1748], ["collins", 1748], ["agree", 1755], ["agreed", 1755], ["omelet", 1768], ["omelets", 1768], ["egg", 1777], ["egging", 1777], ["eggs", 1777], ["chess", 1788], ["think", 1805], ["thinkest", 1805], ["thought", 1805], ["know", 1831], ["knowest", 1831], ["whose", 1837], ["side", 1842], ["sidest", 1842], ["play", 1868], ["playest", 1868], ["playing", 1868], ["even", 1881], ["evens", 1881], ["know", 1892], ["knowest", 1892], ["knew", 1892], ["manipulate", 1917], ["manipulates", 1917], ["manipulating", 1917], ["manipulated", 1917], ["plan", 1945], ["say", 1967], ["sayest", 1967], ["saying", 1967], ["crap", 2000], ["crapped", 2000], ["nobody", 2009], ["checking", 2021], ["face", 2027], ["faces", 2027], ["metal", 2035], ["detector", 2045], ["detectors", 2045], ["seize", 2064], ["seizes", 2064], ["control", 2072], ["build", 2088], ["building", 2088], ["thing", 2104], ["things", 2104], ["right", 2110], ["rightest", 2110], ["shuffle", 2123], ["shuffling", 2123], ["bastard", 2138], ["bastards", 2138], ["tonight", 2244], ["kill", 2266], ["killed", 2266], ["anything", 2335], ["idiot", 2354], ["idiots", 2354], ["buy", 2362], ["buyed", 2362], ["revolutionary", 2381], ["call", 2401], ["repeat", 2450], ["repeatest", 2450], ["repeated", 2450], ["speak", 2497], ["spoken", 2497], ["speaking", 2497], ["another", 2505], ["language", 2514], ["languaged", 2514], ["win", 2560], ["use", 2588], ["used", 2588], ["believe", 2599], ["shove", 2660], ["shoved", 2660], ["walk", 2698], ["walked", 2698], ["warn", 2739], ["warned", 2739], ["wo", 2756], ["turn", 2765], ["tell", 2791], ["telling", 2791], ["dead", 2835], ["take", 2857], ["threat", 2865], ["threats", 2865], ["idiot", 2903], ["try", 2936], ["tryed", 2936], ["tried", 2936], ["get", 2948], ["got", 2948], ["front", 2993], ["seat", 2998], ["scramble", 3037], ["scrambled", 3037], ["behind", 3044], ["wheel", 3054], ["wheeled", 3054], ["reverse", 3094], ["reversed", 3094], ["road", 3128], ["ahead", 3134], ["man", 3163], ["mans", 3163], ["manned", 3163], ["black", 3172], ["leather", 3180], ["straggle", 3200], ["straggling", 3200], ["hair", 3205], ["plaster", 3215], ["plastering", 3215], ["plastered", 3215], ["around", 3222], ["add", 3237], ["big", 3248], ["bigs", 3248], ["cue", 3272], ["scary", 3282], ["music", 3288], ["musics", 3288], ["gas", 3312], ["gassing", 3312], ["move", 3348], ["moved", 3348], ["left", 3357], ["foot", 3362], ["jam", 3374], ["jams", 3374], ["jamed", 3374], ["jammed", 3374], ["jamming", 3374], ["top", 3384], ["stop", 3415], ["ca", 3425], ["cas", 3425], ["miss", 3434], ["late", 3469], ["lates", 3469], ["stare", 3489], ["stared", 3489], ["staring", 3489], ["headlight", 3509], ["headlights", 3509], ["squarely", 3520], ["center", 3534], ["hood", 3546], ["get", 3567], ["getting", 3567], ["close", 3574], ["closer", 3574], ["throw", 3607], ["threw", 3607], ["way", 3630], ["ways", 3630], ["last", 3642], ["possible", 3651], ["second", 3658], ["seconded", 3658], ["swerve", 3672], ["wildly", 3679], ["opposite", 3695], ["direction", 3705], ["somehow", 3731], ["kill", 3751], ["run", 3822], ["whisper", 3898], ["whispered", 3898], ["come", 3925], ["coming", 3925], ["hide", 3958], ["hides", 3958], ["alley", 3971], ["guess", 3988], ["guessed", 3988], ["gun", 4004], ["guns", 4004], ["open", 4026], ["opened", 4026], ["fire", 4031], ["shudder", 4051], ["shuddering", 4051], ["shudderest", 4051], ["shuddered", 4051], ["window", 4073], ["windows", 4073], ["explode", 4082], ["exploded", 4082], ["crack", 4094], ["cracks", 4094], ["fall", 4106], ["falls", 4106], ["fell", 4106], ["crash", 4119], ["neck", 4143], ["necked", 4143], ["grab", 4170], ["grabbed", 4170], ["haul", 4188], ["hauls", 4188]]
eve had sunk down on the driver 's side , barely keeping her eyes above the dashboard . she was panting hoarsely , panicked , and more gunshots were rattling the back of the car . something hit the front window , too , adding more cracks and a round , backward splash of a hole . eve hit the gas hard , and whipped around a slowermoving van . the firing ceased , at least for now . `` you see why i did n't want you to stop ? '' `` okay , your father is officially off my christmas list ! '' `` oh my god , look at my car ! '' `` it 's better than thinking about what would have happened , '' eve said . `` if michael had been with us -- '' claire thought about the mobs richard had talked about , and the dead vampires , and felt sick . `` they 'd have dragged him off , '' she said . `` they 'd have killed him . '' michael had been right about shane 's dad , but then , claire had never really doubted it . neither had shane , from the sick certainty on his face . he wiped his eyes with his forearm , which really did n't help much ; they were all dripping wet , from head to toe . `` let 's just get to the building , '' shane said . `` we ca n't do much until we find richard . '' only it was n't that simple , even getting in . the underground parking was crammed full of cars , parked haphazardly at every angle . as eve inched through the shadows , looking for any place to go , she shook her head . `` if we do manage to get people to leave , they wo n't be able to take their cars . everybody 's blocked in , '' she said . `` this is massively screwed up . '' claire , for her part , thought some of it seemed deliberate , not just panic . `` okay , i 'm going to pull it against the wall and hope we can get out if we need to . '' the elevator was already locked down , the doors open but the lights off and buttons unresponsive . they took the stairs at a run . the firstfloor door seemed to be locked , until shane pushed on it harder , and then it creaked open against a flood of protests . the vestibule was full of people . morganville 's city hall was n't all that large , at least not here in the lobby area . there was a big , sweeping staircase leading up , all grand marble and polished wood , and glass display cases taking up part of one wall . the license bureau was off to the right : six oldtime bank windows , with bars , all closed . next to each window was a brass plaque that read what the windows were supposed to deliver : residential licensing , car registration , zoning change requests , special permits , traffic violations , fine payments , taxes , city services . the lobby was jammed with people . families , mostly -- mothers and fathers with kids , some as young as infants . claire did n't see a single vampire in the crowd , not even michael . at the far end , a yellow civil defense sign indicated that the door led to a safe shelter , with a tornado graphic next to it . a policeman with a bullhorn was yelling for order , not that he was getting any ; people were pushing , shoving , and shouting at one another . `` the shelter is now at maximum capacity ! please be calm ! '' `` not good , '' shane said . there was no sign of richard , although there were at least ten uniformed police officers trying to manage the crowd . `` upstairs , '' eve agreed , and they squeezed back into the fire stairs and ran up to the next level . the sign in the stairwell said that this floor contained the mayor 's office , sheriff 's office , city council chambers , and something called , vaguely , records . shane rattled it and banged for entrance , but nobody came to the rescue . `` guess we go up , '' he said . the third floor had no signs in the stairwell at all , but there was a symbol -- the founder 's glyph , like the one on claire 's bracelet . shane turned the knob , but again , the door did n't open . `` i did n't think they could do that to fire stairs , '' eve said . `` yeah , call a cop . '' shane looked up the steps . `` one more floor , and then it 's just the roof , and i 'm thinking that 's not a good idea , the roof . '' claire studied the founder 's glyph for a few seconds , then shrugged and reached out to turn the knob . something clicked , and it turned . claire held up her wrist , and the gold bracelet . `` it was worth a shot . i thought , maybe with a gold bracelet -- '' `` genius . go on , get inside , '' shane said , and hustled them in . the door clicked shut behind them , and locked with a snap of metal .
[["eve", 3], ["sank", 12], ["sink", 12], ["sunk", 12], ["driver", 31], ["side", 39], ["sidest", 39], ["barely", 48], ["keep", 56], ["keepest", 56], ["keeping", 56], ["eye", 65], ["eyed", 65], ["eyes", 65], ["dashboard", 85], ["pant", 103], ["panting", 103], ["hoarsely", 112], ["panic", 123], ["panicked", 123], ["gunshot", 143], ["gunshots", 143], ["rattle", 157], ["rattling", 157], ["back", 166], ["car", 177], ["hit", 193], ["front", 203], ["window", 210], ["windows", 210], ["add", 225], ["adding", 225], ["crack", 237], ["cracks", 237], ["round", 249], ["backward", 260], ["splash", 267], ["splashed", 267], ["hole", 277], ["gas", 295], ["gassing", 295], ["hard", 300], ["whip", 314], ["whipped", 314], ["around", 321], ["van", 340], ["firing", 353], ["cease", 360], ["ceased", 360], ["least", 371], ["leastest", 371], ["see", 392], ["stop", 423], ["okay", 436], ["father", 450], ["fathered", 450], ["fathering", 450], ["officially", 464], ["list", 486], ["oh", 497], ["god", 504], ["look", 511], ["well", 542], ["wells", 542], ["think", 556], ["thinkest", 556], ["thinking", 556], ["happen", 587], ["happened", 587], ["say", 601], ["sayest", 601], ["said", 601], ["michael", 617], ["claire", 647], ["think", 655], ["thinkest", 655], ["thought", 655], ["richard", 678], ["richards", 678], ["talk", 689], ["talked", 689], ["dead", 710], ["vampire", 719], ["vampires", 719], ["feel", 730], ["felt", 730], ["sick", 735], ["drag", 761], ["dragged", 761], ["kill", 808], ["killed", 808], ["right", 840], ["rightest", 840], ["shane", 852], ["dad", 859], ["never", 889], ["really", 896], ["doubt", 904], ["doubted", 904], ["neither", 917], ["certainty", 953], ["face", 965], ["wipe", 976], ["wiped", 976], ["forearm", 1002], ["help", 1030], ["helpest", 1030], ["much", 1035], ["drip", 1060], ["dripping", 1060], ["wet", 1064], ["head", 1076], ["toe", 1083], ["toeing", 1083], ["let", 1092], ["lets", 1092], ["get", 1104], ["build", 1120], ["building", 1120], ["ca", 1147], ["cas", 1147], ["find", 1173], ["simple", 1214], ["simplest", 1214], ["even", 1221], ["evens", 1221], ["get", 1229], ["getting", 1229], ["underground", 1250], ["parking", 1258], ["cram", 1270], ["crammed", 1270], ["full", 1275], ["car", 1283], ["cars", 1283], ["park", 1292], ["parks", 1292], ["parked", 1292], ["haphazardly", 1304], ["every", 1313], ["angle", 1319], ["inch", 1335], ["inched", 1335], ["shadow", 1355], ["shadowed", 1355], ["shadows", 1355], ["look", 1365], ["looking", 1365], ["place", 1379], ["go", 1385], ["goest", 1385], ["shake", 1397], ["shook", 1397], ["manage", 1427], ["people", 1441], ["left", 1450], ["leave", 1450], ["wo", 1460], ["able", 1472], ["abled", 1472], ["take", 1480], ["block", 1514], ["blocks", 1514], ["blocked", 1514], ["massively", 1554], ["screw", 1562], ["screwing", 1562], ["screwed", 1562], ["part", 1592], ["parting", 1592], ["seem", 1620], ["seeming", 1620], ["seemed", 1620], ["deliberate", 1631], ["panic", 1648], ["go", 1671], ["goest", 1671], ["going", 1671], ["pull", 1679], ["wall", 1699], ["hope", 1708], ["need", 1734], ["needest", 1734], ["elevator", 1755], ["already", 1767], ["lock", 1774], ["locked", 1774], ["door", 1791], ["doors", 1791], ["open", 1796], ["lit", 1811], ["light", 1811], ["lights", 1811], ["button", 1827], ["buttoning", 1827], ["buttons", 1827], ["unresponsive", 1840], ["take", 1852], ["took", 1852], ["stair", 1863], ["stairs", 1863], ["run", 1872], ["door", 1894], ["push", 1935], ["pushed", 1935], ["hard", 1948], ["creak", 1970], ["creaks", 1970], ["creaked", 1970], ["flood", 1991], ["protest", 2003], ["protestest", 2003], ["protests", 2003], ["vestibule", 2019], ["city", 2060], ["hall", 2065], ["large", 2088], ["lobby", 2121], ["lobbied", 2121], ["area", 2126], ["big", 2144], ["bigs", 2144], ["sweeping", 2155], ["staircase", 2165], ["lead", 2173], ["leaded", 2173], ["leading", 2173], ["grand", 2188], ["marble", 2195], ["wood", 2213], ["glass", 2225], ["display", 2233], ["cases", 2239], ["take", 2246], ["taking", 2246], ["license", 2280], ["bureau", 2287], ["bureaus", 2287], ["six", 2314], ["bank", 2327], ["window", 2335], ["windows", 2335], ["bar", 2347], ["bars", 2347], ["close", 2360], ["closed", 2360], ["next", 2367], ["brass", 2394], ["plaque", 2401], ["read", 2411], ["reads", 2411], ["suppose", 2442], ["supposed", 2442], ["deliver", 2453], ["residential", 2467], ["licensing", 2477], ["registration", 2496], ["zone", 2505], ["zoning", 2505], ["change", 2512], ["request", 2521], ["requestest", 2521], ["requests", 2521], ["special", 2531], ["permit", 2539], ["permits", 2539], ["traffic", 2549], ["traffics", 2549], ["trafficking", 2549], ["violation", 2560], ["violations", 2560], ["fine", 2567], ["payment", 2576], ["payments", 2576], ["taxis", 2584], ["taxes", 2584], ["service", 2600], ["servicing", 2600], ["services", 2600], ["jam", 2623], ["jams", 2623], ["jamed", 2623], ["jammed", 2623], ["jamming", 2623], ["family", 2646], ["families", 2646], ["mostly", 2655], ["mother", 2666], ["mothered", 2666], ["motherest", 2666], ["mothers", 2666], ["father", 2678], ["fathered", 2678], ["fathering", 2678], ["fathers", 2678], ["kid", 2688], ["kids", 2688], ["young", 2704], ["youngest", 2704], ["infant", 2715], ["infants", 2715], ["single", 2745], ["vampire", 2753], ["crowd", 2766], ["crowding", 2766], ["crowdest", 2766], ["far", 2798], ["end", 2802], ["ends", 2802], ["endest", 2802], ["yellow", 2813], ["civil", 2819], ["civils", 2819], ["defense", 2827], ["sign", 2832], ["indicate", 2842], ["indicated", 2842], ["lead", 2860], ["leaded", 2860], ["led", 2860], ["safe", 2870], ["safes", 2870], ["safed", 2870], ["shelter", 2878], ["tornado", 2895], ["tornados", 2895], ["graphic", 2903], ["policeman", 2928], ["bullhorn", 2944], ["yell", 2956], ["yelling", 2956], ["order", 2966], ["orderest", 2966], ["push", 3018], ["pushing", 3018], ["shove", 3028], ["shoving", 3028], ["shout", 3043], ["shouting", 3043], ["another", 3058], ["maxima", 3093], ["maximum", 3093], ["capacity", 3102], ["please", 3111], ["calm", 3119], ["calms", 3119], ["good", 3136], ["although", 3194], ["ten", 3218], ["uniformed", 3228], ["police", 3235], ["officer", 3244], ["officering", 3244], ["officers", 3244], ["try", 3251], ["tryed", 3251], ["trying", 3251], ["upstairs", 3285], ["agree", 3301], ["agreed", 3301], ["squeeze", 3321], ["squeezes", 3321], ["squeezed", 3321], ["fire", 3340], ["run", 3355], ["ran", 3355], ["level", 3376], ["stairwell", 3404], ["stairwells", 3404], ["floor", 3425], ["contain", 3435], ["containest", 3435], ["contained", 3435], ["mayor", 3445], ["office", 3455], ["sheriff", 3465], ["council", 3490], ["chamber", 3499], ["chambers", 3499], ["call", 3522], ["called", 3522], ["vaguely", 3532], ["record", 3542], ["records", 3542], ["rattle", 3558], ["rattled", 3558], ["bang", 3572], ["banged", 3572], ["entrance", 3585], ["entrancing", 3585], ["nobody", 3598], ["come", 3603], ["came", 3603], ["rescue", 3617], ["guess", 3628], ["third", 3662], ["sign", 3681], ["signs", 3681], ["symbol", 3730], ["founder", 3745], ["foundering", 3745], ["glyph", 3754], ["glyphs", 3754], ["like", 3761], ["bracelet", 3791], ["turn", 3806], ["turned", 3806], ["knob", 3815], ["knobs", 3815], ["think", 3872], ["thinkest", 3872], ["yeah", 3930], ["call", 3937], ["cop", 3943], ["copest", 3943], ["copped", 3943], ["look", 3961], ["looked", 3961], ["step", 3974], ["steps", 3974], ["roof", 4025], ["roofs", 4025], ["roofing", 4025], ["idea", 4069], ["study", 4100], ["studied", 4100], ["second", 4139], ["seconded", 4139], ["seconds", 4139], ["shrug", 4155], ["shrugging", 4155], ["shrugged", 4155], ["reach", 4167], ["reached", 4167], ["turn", 4179], ["click", 4208], ["clicked", 4208], ["hold", 4238], ["held", 4238], ["wrist", 4251], ["gold", 4266], ["golds", 4266], ["worth", 4293], ["shot", 4300], ["maybe", 4320], ["genius", 4357], ["inside", 4378], ["hustle", 4408], ["hustled", 4408], ["shut", 4440], ["behind", 4447], ["snap", 4477], ["snapping", 4477], ["metal", 4486]]
the hallway seemed dark , after the fluorescent lights in the stairs , and that was because the lights were dimmed way down , the carpet was dark , and so was the wood paneling . it reminded claire eerily of the hallway where they 'd rescued myrnin , only there were n't as many doors opening off it . shane took the lead -- of course -- but the doors they could open were just simple offices , nothing fancy about them at all . and then there was a door at the end of the hall with the founder 's symbol etched on the polished brass doorknob . shane tried it , shook his head , and motioned for claire . it opened easily at her touch . inside were -- apartments . chambers ? claire did n't know what else to call them ; there was an entire complex of rooms leading from one central area . it was like stepping into a whole different world , and claire could tell that it had once been beautiful : a fairytale room , of rich satin on the walls , persian rugs , delicate white and gold furniture . mayor morrell ? it was a queen 's room , and somebody had completely wrecked it . most of the furniture was overturned , some kicked to pieces . mirrors smashed . fabrics ripped . lying on the remaining long , delicate sofa was fran ? ois , bishop 's other loyal vampire buddy , who 'd come to morganville along with ysandre as his entourage . the vampire looked completely at ease -- legs crossed at the ankles , head propped on a plump satin pillow . a big crystal glass of something in dark red rested on his chest . he giggled and saluted them with the blood . `` hello , little friends , '' he said . `` we were n't expecting you , but you 'll do . we 're almost out of refreshments . '' `` out , '' shane said , and shoved eve toward the door . it slammed shut before she could reach it , and there stood mr. bishop , still dressed in his long purple cassock from the feast . it was still torn on the side , where myrnin had slashed at him with the knife . there was something so ancient about him , so completely uncaring , that claire felt her mouth go dry . `` i know you 've seen my daughter . i can smell her on you . '' `` ewww , '' eve said , very faintly . `` so much more than i needed to know . '' bishop did n't look away from claire 's face , just pointed at eve . `` silence , or be silenced . when i want to know your opinion , i 'll consult your entrails . '' eve shut up . fran ? ois swung his legs over the edge of the sofa and sat up in one smooth motion . he downed the rest of his glass of blood and let the glass fall , shedding crimson drops all over the pale carpet . he 'd gotten some on his fingers . he licked them , then smeared the rest all over the satin wall . `` please , '' he said , and batted his longlashed eyes at eve . `` please , say something . i love entrails . '' she shrank back against the wall . even shane stayed quiet , though claire could tell he was itching to pull her to safety . you ca n't protect me , she thought fiercely . `` you do n't know where amelie is ? '' claire asked bishop directly . `` how 's that master plan going , then ? '' `` oh , it 's going just fine , '' bishop said . `` oliver is dead by now . myrnin -- well , we both know that myrnin is insane , at best , and homicidal at his even better . i 'm rather hoping he 'll come charging to your rescue and forget who you are once he arrives . that would be amusing , and very typical of him , i 'm afraid . '' bishop 's eyes bored into hers , and claire felt the net closing around her . `` where is amelie ? '' let her lurk in the shadows with her creations , until hunger or the humans destroy them . this does n't have to be a battle , you know . it can be a war of attrition just as easily . i have the high ground . '' he gestured around the ruined apartment with one lazy hand . `` and of course , i have everyone here , whether they know it or not . '' she did n't hear him move , but flinched as fran ? ois trailed cold fingers across the back of her neck , then gripped her tightly . `` just like that , '' bishop said . `` just precisely like that . '' he nodded to fran ? ois . `` if you want her , take her . i 'm no longer interested in amelie 's pets . take these others , too , unless you wish to save them for later . ''
[["hallway", 11], ["hallways", 11], ["seem", 18], ["seeming", 18], ["seemed", 18], ["dark", 23], ["fluorescent", 47], ["lit", 54], ["light", 54], ["lights", 54], ["stair", 68], ["stairs", 68], ["dim", 114], ["dimmed", 114], ["way", 118], ["ways", 118], ["carpet", 136], ["wood", 167], ["remind", 190], ["reminded", 190], ["claire", 197], ["eerily", 204], ["rescue", 241], ["rescued", 241], ["many", 278], ["door", 284], ["doors", 284], ["open", 292], ["shane", 307], ["take", 312], ["took", 312], ["lead", 321], ["leaded", 321], ["course", 334], ["open", 367], ["simple", 384], ["simplest", 384], ["office", 392], ["offices", 392], ["nothing", 402], ["fancy", 408], ["fanciest", 408], ["door", 454], ["end", 465], ["ends", 465], ["endest", 465], ["hall", 477], ["founder", 494], ["foundering", 494], ["symbol", 504], ["etch", 511], ["etched", 511], ["brass", 533], ["doorknob", 542], ["doorknobs", 542], ["try", 556], ["tryed", 556], ["tried", 556], ["shake", 567], ["shook", 567], ["head", 576], ["motion", 591], ["open", 614], ["opened", 614], ["easily", 621], ["touch", 634], ["touching", 634], ["inside", 643], ["apartment", 662], ["apartments", 662], ["chamber", 673], ["chambers", 673], ["know", 695], ["knowest", 695], ["else", 705], ["call", 713], ["entire", 740], ["complex", 748], ["room", 757], ["roomed", 757], ["rooms", 757], ["lead", 765], ["leaded", 765], ["leading", 765], ["central", 782], ["area", 787], ["like", 801], ["step", 810], ["stepping", 810], ["whole", 823], ["wholes", 823], ["different", 833], ["world", 839], ["tell", 863], ["beautiful", 895], ["beautifulest", 895], ["fairytale", 909], ["room", 914], ["roomed", 914], ["rich", 924], ["satin", 930], ["wall", 943], ["walls", 943], ["persian", 953], ["persians", 953], ["rug", 958], ["rugs", 958], ["delicate", 969], ["white", 975], ["gold", 984], ["golds", 984], ["furniture", 994], ["mayor", 1002], ["queen", 1027], ["queens", 1027], ["queenest", 1027], ["queening", 1027], ["completely", 1065], ["wreck", 1073], ["wrecked", 1073], ["overturn", 1115], ["overturning", 1115], ["overturned", 1115], ["kick", 1129], ["kicked", 1129], ["piece", 1139], ["pieced", 1139], ["pieces", 1139], ["mirror", 1149], ["mirrors", 1149], ["smash", 1157], ["smashed", 1157], ["fabric", 1167], ["fabrics", 1167], ["rip", 1174], ["ripped", 1174], ["lie", 1182], ["lay", 1182], ["lain", 1182], ["lying", 1182], ["remain", 1199], ["remaining", 1199], ["long", 1204], ["longs", 1204], ["sofa", 1220], ["fran", 1229], ["ois", 1235], ["bishop", 1244], ["loyal", 1259], ["vampire", 1267], ["buddy", 1273], ["come", 1287], ["along", 1308], ["entourage", 1338], ["look", 1359], ["looked", 1359], ["ease", 1378], ["leg", 1386], ["legs", 1386], ["cross", 1394], ["crossing", 1394], ["crossed", 1394], ["ankle", 1408], ["ankles", 1408], ["prop", 1423], ["propped", 1423], ["plump", 1434], ["plumps", 1434], ["plumped", 1434], ["pillow", 1447], ["big", 1455], ["bigs", 1455], ["crystal", 1463], ["glass", 1469], ["red", 1494], ["rest", 1501], ["rested", 1501], ["chest", 1514], ["giggle", 1527], ["giggled", 1527], ["salute", 1539], ["saluted", 1539], ["blood", 1559], ["bloods", 1559], ["blooded", 1559], ["hello", 1570], ["hellos", 1570], ["little", 1579], ["friend", 1587], ["friends", 1587], ["say", 1600], ["sayest", 1600], ["said", 1600], ["expect", 1627], ["expecting", 1627], ["almost", 1664], ["refreshment", 1684], ["refreshments", 1684], ["shove", 1725], ["shoved", 1725], ["eve", 1729], ["toward", 1736], ["slam", 1758], ["slammed", 1758], ["shut", 1763], ["reach", 1786], ["stand", 1807], ["stood", 1807], ["standest", 1807], ["mr", 1810], ["still", 1826], ["dress", 1834], ["dressest", 1834], ["dressed", 1834], ["purple", 1853], ["cassock", 1861], ["feast", 1876], ["feastest", 1876], ["tear", 1896], ["teared", 1896], ["torn", 1896], ["side", 1908], ["sidest", 1908], ["slash", 1935], ["slashed", 1935], ["knife", 1957], ["knifes", 1957], ["ancient", 1990], ["uncare", 2025], ["uncared", 2025], ["feel", 2044], ["felt", 2044], ["mouth", 2054], ["mouthed", 2054], ["go", 2057], ["goest", 2057], ["dry", 2061], ["drier", 2061], ["drying", 2061], ["see", 2086], ["seen", 2086], ["daughter", 2098], ["smelt", 2112], ["smell", 2112], ["smellest", 2112], ["faintly", 2165], ["much", 2178], ["need", 2197], ["needest", 2197], ["needed", 2197], ["look", 2230], ["away", 2235], ["face", 2255], ["point", 2270], ["pointed", 2270], ["silence", 2290], ["silence", 2307], ["silenced", 2307], ["opinion", 2342], ["consult", 2358], ["consulting", 2358], ["consultest", 2358], ["entrail", 2372], ["entrails", 2372], ["swung", 2408], ["swing", 2408], ["edge", 2431], ["edges", 2431], ["sat", 2451], ["sit", 2451], ["smooth", 2468], ["motion", 2475], ["rest", 2496], ["let", 2526], ["lets", 2526], ["fall", 2541], ["falls", 2541], ["shed", 2552], ["shedding", 2552], ["crimson", 2560], ["drop", 2566], ["drops", 2566], ["pale", 2584], ["get", 2606], ["gotten", 2606], ["finger", 2626], ["fingers", 2626], ["lick", 2638], ["licked", 2638], ["smear", 2658], ["smearing", 2658], ["smeared", 2658], ["wall", 2691], ["please", 2703], ["bat", 2729], ["batted", 2729], ["eye", 2749], ["eyed", 2749], ["eyes", 2749], ["say", 2774], ["sayest", 2774], ["love", 2793], ["shrank", 2818], ["shrunk", 2818], ["shrink", 2818], ["shrinked", 2818], ["back", 2823], ["even", 2847], ["evens", 2847], ["stay", 2860], ["stayed", 2860], ["quiet", 2866], ["though", 2875], ["itch", 2908], ["itches", 2908], ["itching", 2908], ["pull", 2916], ["safety", 2930], ["ca", 2939], ["cas", 2939], ["protect", 2951], ["protectest", 2951], ["think", 2968], ["thinkest", 2968], ["thought", 2968], ["fiercely", 2977], ["ask", 3032], ["asked", 3032], ["directly", 3048], ["master", 3072], ["plan", 3077], ["go", 3083], ["goest", 3083], ["going", 3083], ["oh", 3101], ["fine", 3125], ["oliver", 3154], ["dead", 3162], ["well", 3186], ["wells", 3186], ["insane", 3223], ["good", 3233], ["best", 3233], ["homicidal", 3249], ["well", 3268], ["wells", 3268], ["rather", 3282], ["hope", 3289], ["hoping", 3289], ["charge", 3310], ["charging", 3310], ["rescue", 3325], ["forget", 3336], ["forgot", 3336], ["arrive", 3364], ["arrives", 3364], ["amusing", 3388], ["typical", 3407], ["afraid", 3428], ["bore", 3454], ["bored", 3454], ["boring", 3454], ["net", 3490], ["close", 3498], ["around", 3505], ["lurk", 3548], ["lurks", 3548], ["shadow", 3563], ["shadowed", 3563], ["shadows", 3563], ["creation", 3582], ["creations", 3582], ["hunger", 3597], ["hungers", 3597], ["hungering", 3597], ["human", 3611], ["humans", 3611], ["destroy", 3619], ["destroys", 3619], ["battle", 3660], ["war", 3689], ["attrition", 3702], ["high", 3735], ["ground", 3742], ["gesture", 3759], ["gestured", 3759], ["ruin", 3777], ["ruinest", 3777], ["ruined", 3777], ["apartment", 3787], ["lazy", 3801], ["hand", 3806], ["everyone", 3843], ["whether", 3858], ["hear", 3900], ["hears", 3900], ["move", 3909], ["flinch", 3924], ["flinched", 3924], ["trail", 3946], ["trailed", 3946], ["cold", 3951], ["across", 3966], ["neck", 3987], ["necked", 3987], ["grip", 4002], ["tightly", 4014], ["precisely", 4071], ["nod", 4096], ["nodded", 4096], ["take", 4138], ["long", 4159], ["longs", 4159], ["interested", 4170], ["pet", 4188], ["petting", 4188], ["pets", 4188], ["unless", 4223], ["unlesss", 4223], ["wish", 4232], ["save", 4240], ["later", 4255]]
claire heard shane whisper , `` no , '' and heard the complete despair in his voice just as bishop 's follower wrenched her head over to the side , baring her neck . she felt his lips touch her skin . they burned like ice . fran ? ois jerked his head back . `` you little peasant . '' he used a fold of her shirt to take hold of the silver chain around her neck , and broke it with a sharp twist . claire caught the cross in her hand as it fell . `` may it comfort you , '' bishop said , and smiled . and then fran ? ois bit her . somewhere , a long way off , eve was crying . `` oh my god , claire ? come on , please , please come back . are you sure she 's got a pulse ? '' `` yes , she 's got a pulse . '' claire knew that voice . but why was he here ? who called the police ? she remembered the accident with the truck -- no , that was before . claire slowly opened her eyes . the world felt very far away , and safely muffled for the moment . she heard eve let out a gasp and a flood of words , but claire did n't try to identify the meaning . i have a pulse . that seemed important . because a vampire had bitten her . claire raised her left hand slowly to touch her neck , and found a huge wad of what felt like somebody 's shirt pressed against her neck . `` no , '' richard said , and forced her hand back down . it 's still closing up . you should n't move for another hour or so . let the wounds close . '' `` bit , '' claire murmured . that came in a blinding flash , like a red knife cutting through the fog . `` do n't let me turn into one . '' `` you wo n't , '' eve said . she was upside down -- no , claire 's head was in her lap , and eve was leaning over her . claire felt the warm drip of eve 's tears on her face . even upside down , eve 's look was panicked as she appealed to richard , who sat on her right . `` you 'll be all right , '' he said . he did n't look much better than claire felt . `` i have to see to my father . he moved out of the way , and someone else sat in his place . his warm fingers closed over hers , and she shivered when she realized how cold she felt . eve tucked an expensive velvet blanket over and around her , fussing nervously . my cross , '' claire said . it had been in her hand . she did n't know where it was now . `` he broke the chain . i 'm sorry -- '' shane opened her fingers and tipped the cross and chain into her hand . `` i picked it up , '' he said . `` figured you might want it . '' there was something he was n't saying . claire looked at eve to find out what it was , but she was n't talking , for a change . `` anyway , you 're going to be okay . we 're lucky this time . fran ? ois was n't that hungry . '' he closed her fingers around the cross and held on . i just stood there . '' `` no , he did n't , '' eve said . `` he knocked franny clear across the room and he would have staked him with a chair leg , except bishop stepped in . '' that sounded like shane . `` well -- '' `` not much , '' shane repeated . `` i 'm okay , claire . '' she kind of had to take that at face value , at least right now . `` what time -- '' `` six fifteen , '' richard said , from the far corner of the small room . this , claire guessed , had been some kind of dressing area for amelie . she saw a long closet to the side . most of the clothes were shredded and scattered in piles on the floor . the dressing table was a ruin , and every mirror was broken . fran ? ois had had his fun in here , too . `` the storm 's heading for us , '' eve said . `` michael never got to richard , but he got to joe hess , apparently . they evacuated the shelters . bishop was pretty mad about that . he wanted a lot of hostages between him and amelie . '' `` so all that 's left is us ? '' and bishop 's people , who did n't leave . and fabulous frank collins and his wild bunch , who rolled into the lobby and now think they 've won some kind of battle or something . '' eve rolled her eyes , and for an instant was back to her old self . `` just us and the bad guys . '' did that make richard -- no . if anyone in morganville had honestly tried to do the right thing , it was richard morrell . eve followed claire 's look . yeah , his dad got hurt trying to stop bishop from taking over downstairs .
[["claire", 6], ["hear", 12], ["hears", 12], ["heard", 12], ["shane", 18], ["whisper", 26], ["complete", 62], ["despair", 70], ["despairing", 70], ["voice", 83], ["bishop", 98], ["wrench", 119], ["head", 128], ["side", 145], ["sidest", 145], ["bare", 154], ["baring", 154], ["neck", 163], ["necked", 163], ["feel", 174], ["felt", 174], ["lip", 183], ["lipped", 183], ["lips", 183], ["touch", 189], ["touching", 189], ["skin", 198], ["burn", 212], ["burns", 212], ["burned", 212], ["like", 217], ["ice", 221], ["iced", 221], ["fran", 228], ["ois", 234], ["jerk", 241], ["jerks", 241], ["jerked", 241], ["back", 255], ["little", 271], ["peasant", 279], ["use", 292], ["used", 292], ["fold", 299], ["shirt", 312], ["take", 320], ["hold", 325], ["silver", 339], ["silvered", 339], ["chain", 345], ["around", 352], ["broke", 373], ["break", 373], ["sharp", 389], ["sharps", 389], ["twist", 395], ["twisted", 395], ["twisting", 395], ["catch", 411], ["catched", 411], ["catches", 411], ["caught", 411], ["cross", 421], ["crossing", 421], ["hand", 433], ["fall", 444], ["falls", 444], ["fell", 444], ["may", 453], ["mays", 453], ["mayest", 453], ["comfort", 464], ["say", 485], ["sayest", 485], ["said", 485], ["smile", 498], ["smiled", 498], ["bit", 524], ["bits", 524], ["somewhere", 540], ["long", 549], ["longs", 549], ["way", 553], ["ways", 553], ["eve", 563], ["cry", 574], ["crying", 574], ["oh", 582], ["god", 589], ["come", 605], ["please", 617], ["sure", 651], ["get", 662], ["got", 662], ["pulse", 670], ["yes", 682], ["know", 720], ["knowest", 720], ["knew", 720], ["call", 766], ["called", 766], ["police", 777], ["remember", 794], ["rememberest", 794], ["remembered", 794], ["accident", 807], ["truck", 822], ["slowly", 862], ["open", 869], ["opened", 869], ["eye", 878], ["eyed", 878], ["eyes", 878], ["world", 890], ["far", 904], ["away", 909], ["safely", 922], ["muffle", 930], ["muffles", 930], ["muffled", 930], ["moment", 945], ["let", 965], ["lets", 965], ["gasp", 976], ["gasps", 976], ["flood", 988], ["word", 997], ["words", 997], ["try", 1022], ["tryed", 1022], ["identify", 1034], ["meaning", 1046], ["seem", 1077], ["seeming", 1077], ["seemed", 1077], ["important", 1087], ["vampire", 1107], ["bitten", 1118], ["raise", 1138], ["raised", 1138], ["left", 1147], ["leave", 1147], ["find", 1189], ["found", 1189], ["huge", 1196], ["wad", 1200], ["wads", 1200], ["press", 1244], ["pressed", 1244], ["richard", 1282], ["richards", 1282], ["force", 1300], ["forced", 1300], ["still", 1333], ["close", 1341], ["move", 1366], ["another", 1378], ["hour", 1383], ["wind", 1406], ["wound", 1406], ["wounding", 1406], ["wounds", 1406], ["close", 1412], ["murmur", 1445], ["murmurest", 1445], ["murmured", 1445], ["come", 1457], ["came", 1457], ["blind", 1471], ["blinded", 1471], ["blinding", 1471], ["flash", 1477], ["red", 1490], ["knife", 1496], ["knifes", 1496], ["cut", 1504], ["cutting", 1504], ["fog", 1520], ["fogs", 1520], ["turn", 1544], ["wo", 1568], ["upside", 1603], ["lap", 1646], ["laps", 1646], ["lapping", 1646], ["lean", 1668], ["leans", 1668], ["leaning", 1668], ["warm", 1700], ["drip", 1705], ["tear", 1721], ["teared", 1721], ["tears", 1721], ["face", 1733], ["even", 1740], ["evens", 1740], ["look", 1766], ["panic", 1779], ["panicked", 1779], ["appeal", 1795], ["appealed", 1795], ["sat", 1816], ["sit", 1816], ["right", 1829], ["rightest", 1829], ["much", 1891], ["well", 1898], ["wells", 1898], ["see", 1934], ["father", 1947], ["fathered", 1947], ["fathering", 1947], ["move", 1958], ["moved", 1958], ["else", 1992], ["place", 2009], ["finger", 2028], ["fingers", 2028], ["close", 2035], ["closed", 2035], ["shiver", 2064], ["shivering", 2064], ["shivered", 2064], ["realize", 2082], ["realized", 2082], ["cold", 2091], ["tuck", 2113], ["tucked", 2113], ["tucking", 2113], ["expensive", 2126], ["velvet", 2133], ["blanket", 2141], ["fuss", 2171], ["fussing", 2171], ["nervously", 2181], ["know", 2254], ["knowest", 2254], ["sorry", 2308], ["tip", 2350], ["tipped", 2350], ["pick", 2398], ["picked", 2398], ["figure", 2430], ["figured", 2430], ["may", 2440], ["mays", 2440], ["mayest", 2440], ["might", 2440], ["say", 2491], ["sayest", 2491], ["saying", 2491], ["look", 2507], ["looked", 2507], ["find", 2522], ["talk", 2564], ["talking", 2564], ["change", 2579], ["anyway", 2591], ["go", 2607], ["goest", 2607], ["going", 2607], ["okay", 2618], ["lucky", 2633], ["time", 2643], ["hungry", 2676], ["hold", 2729], ["held", 2729], ["stand", 2747], ["stood", 2747], ["standest", 2747], ["knock", 2807], ["knocks", 2807], ["knockest", 2807], ["knocked", 2807], ["franny", 2814], ["clear", 2820], ["clearest", 2820], ["across", 2827], ["room", 2836], ["roomed", 2836], ["stake", 2861], ["staked", 2861], ["chair", 2878], ["chairing", 2878], ["leg", 2882], ["except", 2891], ["step", 2906], ["stepped", 2906], ["sound", 2927], ["sounded", 2927], ["well", 2948], ["wells", 2948], ["repeat", 2986], ["repeatest", 2986], ["repeated", 2986], ["kind", 3024], ["value", 3058], ["least", 3069], ["leastest", 3069], ["six", 3107], ["fifteen", 3115], ["corner", 3155], ["small", 3168], ["guess", 3197], ["guessed", 3197], ["dress", 3230], ["dressest", 3230], ["dressing", 3230], ["area", 3235], ["see", 3256], ["saw", 3256], ["closet", 3270], ["closets", 3270], ["clad", 3304], ["clothe", 3304], ["clothes", 3304], ["shred", 3318], ["shredded", 3318], ["scatter", 3332], ["scattered", 3332], ["pile", 3341], ["piles", 3341], ["floor", 3354], ["table", 3375], ["tabled", 3375], ["tabling", 3375], ["ruin", 3386], ["ruinest", 3386], ["every", 3398], ["mirror", 3405], ["broke", 3416], ["break", 3416], ["broken", 3416], ["fun", 3445], ["storm", 3474], ["head", 3485], ["heading", 3485], ["michael", 3519], ["never", 3525], ["joe", 3560], ["joes", 3560], ["hess", 3565], ["apparently", 3578], ["evacuate", 3595], ["evacuated", 3595], ["shelter", 3608], ["shelters", 3608], ["pretty", 3628], ["prettiest", 3628], ["mad", 3632], ["mads", 3632], ["lot", 3661], ["hostage", 3673], ["hostages", 3673], ["people", 3756], ["left", 3776], ["leave", 3776], ["fabulous", 3791], ["frank", 3797], ["wild", 3818], ["wildest", 3818], ["bunch", 3824], ["bunchest", 3824], ["roll", 3837], ["rolled", 3837], ["lobby", 3852], ["lobbied", 3852], ["think", 3866], ["thinkest", 3866], ["win", 3879], ["battle", 3899], ["instant", 3958], ["old", 3978], ["self", 3983], ["bad", 4008], ["guy", 4013], ["guys", 4013], ["anyone", 4058], ["honestly", 4086], ["try", 4092], ["tryed", 4092], ["tried", 4092], ["thing", 4114], ["follow", 4154], ["followed", 4154], ["yeah", 4176], ["dad", 4186], ["hurt", 4195], ["hurts", 4195], ["hurting", 4195], ["try", 4202], ["tryed", 4202], ["trying", 4202], ["stop", 4210], ["take", 4229], ["taking", 4229], ["downstairs", 4245]]
richard 's been trying to take care of him , and his mom . we were right about sullivan , by the way . total backstabber . yay for premonitions . wish i had one right now that could help get us out of this . '' `` no way out , '' claire said . `` not even a window , '' eve said . `` we 're locked in here . no idea where bishop and his little sock monkey got off to . looking for amelie , i guess . i wish they 'd just kill each other already . '' eve did n't mean it , not really , but claire understood how she felt . in a detached , shocked kind of way . no radios in here . they took our cell phones . we 're '' -- the lights blinked and failed , putting the room into pitch darkness -- '' screwed , '' eve finished . `` oh man , i should not have said that , should i ? '' `` power 's gone out to the building , i think , '' richard said . `` it 's probably the storm . '' or the vampires screwing with them , just because they could . claire did n't say it out loud , but she thought it pretty hard . shane 's hand kept holding hers . `` right here , '' he said . i 'm really , really sorry . '' `` i should n't have gotten angry with you , before , about your dad ... ... '' `` not important , '' he said very softly . `` it 's okay , claire . she could n't rest . reality was pushing back in , reminding her of pain , of fear , and most important , of time . there was an eerie , ghostly sound now , wailing , and getting louder . eve asked , and then , before anybody could answer , did so herself . `` tornado sirens . there 's one on the roof . '' the rising , falling wail got louder , but with it came something else -- a sound like water rushing , or -- `` we need to get to cover , '' richard said . a flashlight snapped on , and played over eve 's pallid face , then shane 's and claire 's . `` you guys , get her over here . this is the strongest interior corner . that side faces out toward the street . '' claire tried to get up , but shane scooped her in his arms and carried her . he set her down with her back against a wall , then got under the blanket next to her with eve on his other side . the flashlight turned away from them , and in its sweep , claire caught sight of mayor morrell . he was a fat man , with a politician 's smooth face and smile , but he did n't look anything like she remembered now . he seemed older , shrunken inside his suit , and very ill. `` what 's wrong with him ? '' shane 's answer stirred the damp hair around her face . `` heart attack , '' he said . `` at least , that 's richard 's best guess . looks bad . '' the mayor was propped against the wall a few feet from them , and he was gasping for breath as his wife ( claire had never seen her before , except in pictures ) patted his arm and murmured in his ear . his face was ash gray , his lips turning blue , and there was real panic in his eyes . richard returned , dragging another thick blanket and some pillows . `` everybody cover up , '' he said . he covered his mother and father and crouched next to them as he wrapped himself in another blanket . the wind outside was building to a howl . claire could hear things hitting the walls -- dull thudding sounds , like baseballs . `` debris , '' richard said . he focused the light on the carpet between their small group . `` maybe hail . the siren cut off abruptly , but that did n't mean the noise subsided ; if anything , it got louder , ratcheting up from a howl to a scream -- and then it took on a deeper tone . `` sounds like a train , '' eve said shakily . `` damn , i was really hoping that was n't true , the train thing -- '' `` heads down ! '' richard yelled , as the whole building started to shake . claire could feel the boards vibrating underneath her . she could see the walls bending , and cracks forming in the bricks . and then the noise rose to a constant , deafening scream , and the whole outside wall sagged , dissolved into bricks and broken wood , and disappeared . the ripped , torn fabric around the room took flight like startled birds , whipping wildly through the air and getting shredded into eversmaller sections by the wind and debris . the storm was screaming as if it had gone insane . broken furniture and shards of mirrors flew around , smashing into the walls , hitting the blankets . claire heard a heavy groan even over the shrieking wind , and looked up to see the roof sagging overhead .
[["richard", 7], ["richards", 7], ["try", 22], ["tryed", 22], ["trying", 22], ["take", 30], ["care", 35], ["mom", 56], ["moms", 56], ["right", 72], ["rightest", 72], ["sullivan", 87], ["way", 100], ["ways", 100], ["total", 108], ["backstabber", 120], ["yay", 126], ["premonition", 143], ["premonitions", 143], ["wish", 150], ["help", 186], ["helpest", 186], ["get", 190], ["claire", 236], ["say", 241], ["sayest", 241], ["said", 241], ["even", 255], ["evens", 255], ["window", 264], ["windows", 264], ["eve", 273], ["lock", 297], ["locked", 297], ["idea", 315], ["bishop", 328], ["little", 343], ["sock", 348], ["socks", 348], ["socked", 348], ["monkey", 355], ["monkeyed", 355], ["monkeying", 355], ["get", 359], ["got", 359], ["look", 376], ["looking", 376], ["guess", 397], ["kill", 424], ["already", 443], ["mean", 465], ["meanest", 465], ["really", 481], ["understand", 505], ["understanded", 505], ["understood", 505], ["feel", 518], ["felt", 518], ["kind", 549], ["radio", 568], ["radios", 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1130], ["gotten", 1130], ["angry", 1136], ["dad", 1171], ["important", 1199], ["softly", 1224], ["okay", 1240], ["rest", 1270], ["reality", 1280], ["push", 1292], ["pushing", 1292], ["back", 1297], ["remind", 1312], ["reminding", 1312], ["pain", 1324], ["fear", 1334], ["fearest", 1334], ["time", 1365], ["eerie", 1386], ["ghostly", 1396], ["sound", 1402], ["wail", 1416], ["wailing", 1416], ["get", 1430], ["getting", 1430], ["loud", 1437], ["ask", 1449], ["asked", 1449], ["anybody", 1477], ["answer", 1490], ["answeres", 1490], ["answerest", 1490], ["tornado", 1520], ["tornados", 1520], ["roof", 1554], ["roofs", 1554], ["roofing", 1554], ["rise", 1570], ["risen", 1570], ["rising", 1570], ["fall", 1580], ["falls", 1580], ["falling", 1580], ["wail", 1585], ["come", 1615], ["came", 1615], ["else", 1630], ["like", 1646], ["water", 1652], ["need", 1679], ["needest", 1679], ["cover", 1695], ["flashlight", 1728], ["snap", 1736], ["snapping", 1736], ["snapped", 1736], ["play", 1752], ["playest", 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["shrinked", 2360], ["shrunken", 2360], ["inside", 2367], ["suit", 2376], ["suited", 2376], ["ill", 2391], ["ills", 2391], ["illest", 2391], ["wrong", 2409], ["stir", 2447], ["stirs", 2447], ["stirred", 2447], ["damp", 2456], ["damps", 2456], ["damped", 2456], ["hair", 2461], ["around", 2468], ["heart", 2488], ["attack", 2495], ["least", 2522], ["leastest", 2522], ["good", 2548], ["best", 2548], ["look", 2562], ["looks", 2562], ["bad", 2566], ["prop", 2593], ["propped", 2593], ["foot", 2621], ["feet", 2621], ["gasp", 2652], ["gasps", 2652], ["breath", 2663], ["breathest", 2663], ["wife", 2675], ["never", 2694], ["see", 2699], ["seen", 2699], ["except", 2719], ["picture", 2731], ["pictures", 2731], ["pat", 2740], ["patted", 2740], ["arm", 2748], ["murmur", 2761], ["murmurest", 2761], ["murmured", 2761], ["ear", 2772], ["ash", 2791], ["ashing", 2791], ["gray", 2796], ["grays", 2796], ["lip", 2807], ["lipped", 2807], ["lips", 2807], ["turn", 2815], ["turning", 2815], ["blue", 2820], ["real", 2841], ["reis", 2841], ["panic", 2847], ["eye", 2859], ["eyed", 2859], ["eyes", 2859], ["return", 2878], ["returnest", 2878], ["returned", 2878], ["drag", 2889], ["dragging", 2889], ["another", 2897], ["thick", 2903], ["thickest", 2903], ["pillow", 2928], ["pillows", 2928], ["cover", 2978], ["covered", 2978], ["mother", 2989], ["mothered", 2989], ["motherest", 2989], ["father", 3000], ["fathered", 3000], ["fathering", 3000], ["crouch", 3013], ["crouched", 3013], ["wrap", 3040], ["wraps", 3040], ["wrapping", 3040], ["wrapped", 3040], ["wind", 3078], ["outside", 3086], ["howl", 3109], ["howls", 3109], ["howlest", 3109], ["hear", 3129], ["hears", 3129], ["thing", 3136], ["things", 3136], ["hit", 3144], ["hitting", 3144], ["wall", 3154], ["walls", 3154], ["dull", 3162], ["thud", 3171], ["sound", 3178], ["sounds", 3178], ["baseball", 3195], ["baseballs", 3195], ["debris", 3207], ["focus", 3238], ["focused", 3238], ["lit", 3248], ["light", 3248], ["carpet", 3262], ["small", 3282], ["group", 3288], ["maybe", 3299], ["hail", 3304], ["hailing", 3304], ["siren", 3316], ["sirens", 3316], ["cut", 3320], ["abruptly", 3333], ["noise", 3367], ["subside", 3376], ["subsided", 3376], ["subsiding", 3376], ["ratchet", 3419], ["ratcheting", 3419], ["scream", 3446], ["screams", 3446], ["deep", 3478], ["deeply", 3478], ["tone", 3483], ["toned", 3483], ["toning", 3483], ["train", 3508], ["shakily", 3530], ["damn", 3540], ["damned", 3540], ["hope", 3562], ["hoping", 3562], ["true", 3580], ["thing", 3598], ["head", 3613], ["heads", 3613], ["yell", 3638], ["yelled", 3638], ["whole", 3653], ["wholes", 3653], ["start", 3670], ["started", 3670], ["shake", 3679], ["feel", 3699], ["board", 3710], ["boarding", 3710], ["boards", 3710], ["vibrate", 3720], ["vibrating", 3720], ["underneath", 3731], ["see", 3751], ["bent", 3769], ["bend", 3769], ["bending", 3769], ["crack", 3782], ["cracks", 3782], ["form", 3790], ["formest", 3790], ["forming", 3790], ["brick", 3804], ["bricks", 3804], ["rise", 3830], ["risen", 3830], ["rose", 3830], ["constant", 3844], ["deafen", 3856], ["deafens", 3856], ["deafening", 3856], ["sag", 3899], ["sagged", 3899], ["dissolve", 3911], ["dissolved", 3911], ["broke", 3934], ["break", 3934], ["broken", 3934], ["wood", 3939], ["disappear", 3957], ["disappeared", 3957], ["rip", 3970], ["ripped", 3970], ["tear", 3977], ["teared", 3977], ["torn", 3977], ["fabric", 3984], ["flight", 4012], ["bird", 4032], ["birds", 4032], ["whip", 4043], ["whipping", 4043], ["wildly", 4050], ["air", 4066], ["airs", 4066], ["airing", 4066], ["shred", 4087], ["shredded", 4087], ["section", 4113], ["sectioning", 4113], ["sections", 4113], ["scream", 4162], ["screams", 4162], ["screaming", 4162], ["insane", 4187], ["furniture", 4206], ["shard", 4217], ["shards", 4217], ["mirror", 4228], ["mirrors", 4228], ["fly", 4233], ["flys", 4233], ["flew", 4233], ["smash", 4251], ["smashing", 4251], ["blanket", 4289], ["blankets", 4289], ["hear", 4304], ["hears", 4304], ["heard", 4304], ["heavy", 4312], ["heavier", 4312], ["heavies", 4312], ["groan", 4318], ["groans", 4318], ["groanest", 4318], ["groaning", 4318], ["shriek", 4342], ["shrieking", 4342], ["look", 4360], ["looked", 4360], ["overhead", 4396]]
dust and plaster cascaded down , and she grabbed shane hard . the roof came down on top of them . claire did n't know how long it lasted . it seemed like forever , really -- the screaming , the shaking , the pressure of things on top of her . and then , very gradually , it stopped , and the rain began to hammer down again , drenching the pile of dust and wood . some of it trickled down to drip on her cheek , which was how she knew . shane 's hand moved on her shoulder , more of a twitch than a conscious motion , and then he let go of claire to heave up with both hands . debris slid and rattled . they 'd been lucky , claire realized -- a heavy wooden beam had collapsed in over their heads at a slant , and it had held the worst of the stuff off them . claire reached across shane and grabbed her friend 's hands . eve 's eyes were closed , and there was blood trickling down one side of her face . her face was even whiter than usual -- plaster dust , claire realized . eve coughed , and her eyelids fluttered up . the uncertainty in her voice made claire want to cry . `` oh god , what happened ? `` we 're alive , '' shane said . he sounded kind of surprised . he brushed fallen chunks of wood and plaster off claire 's head , and she coughed , too . the rain pounded in at an angle , soaking the blanket that covered them . `` over here , '' richard said . dad -- '' the flashlight was gone , rolled off or buried or just plain taken away by the wind . lightning flashed , bright as day , and claire saw the tornado that had hit them still moving through morganville , crashing through buildings , spraying debris a hundred feet into the air . it did n't even look real . shane helped move a beam off eve 's legs -- thankfully , they were just bruised , not broken -- and crawled across the slipping wreckage toward richard , who was lifting things off his mother . she looked okay , but she was crying and dazed . his father , though ... `` no , '' richard said , and dragged his father flat . he started administering cpr . there were bloody cuts on his face , but he did n't seem to care about his own problems at all . breathe for him ! '' after a hesitation , shane tilted the mayor 's head back . `` let me , '' eve said . `` i 've had cpr training . '' she crawled over and took in a deep breath , bent , and blew it into the mayor 's mouth , watching for his chest to rise . it seemed to take a lot of effort . so did what richard was doing , pumping on his dad 's chest , over and over . eve counted slowly , then breathed again -- and again . `` i 'll get help , '' claire said . she was n't sure there was any help , really , but she had to do something . when she stood up , though , she felt dizzy and weak , and remembered what richard had said -- she had holes in her neck , and she 'd lost a lot of blood . `` i 'll go slow . '' `` i 'll go with you , '' shane said , but richard grabbed him and pulled him down . i need you to take over here . '' he showed shane how to place his hands , and got him started . he pulled the walkietalkie from his belt and tossed it to claire . we need paramedics . '' and then richard collapsed , and claire realized that he had a huge piece of metal in his side . she stood there , frozen in horror , and then punched in the code for the walkietalkie . hello , is anybody there ? '' if there was anybody , she could n't hear it over the interference and the roaring rain . she shouted at shane . but he could n't stop her , not without letting the mayor die , and after one helpless , furious look at her , he went back to work . claire slid over the pile of debris and scrambled out the broken door , into the main apartment . there was no sign of fran ? ois or bishop . if the place had been wrecked before , it was unrecognizable now . most of this part of the building was gone , just -- gone . she felt the floor groan underneath her , and moved fast , heading for the apartment 's front door . it was still on its hinges , but as she pulled on it , part of the frame came out of the wall . outside , the hallway seemed eerily unmarked , except that the roof overhead -- and , claire presumed , all of the next floor above -- was missing . it was a hallway open to the storm . she hurried along it , glad now for the flashes of lightning that lit her way . the fire stairs at the end seemed intact .
[["dust", 4], ["dusting", 4], ["plaster", 16], ["plastering", 16], ["cascade", 25], ["cascaded", 25], ["grab", 48], ["grabbed", 48], ["shane", 54], ["hard", 59], ["roof", 70], ["roofs", 70], ["roofing", 70], ["come", 75], ["came", 75], ["top", 87], ["claire", 104], ["know", 117], ["knowest", 117], ["long", 126], ["longs", 126], ["last", 136], ["lasted", 136], ["seem", 148], ["seeming", 148], ["seemed", 148], ["like", 153], ["forever", 161], ["really", 170], ["screaming", 187], ["shaking", 201], ["pressure", 216], ["pressured", 216], ["thing", 226], ["things", 226], ["gradually", 268], ["stop", 281], ["stopped", 281], ["rain", 296], ["begin", 302], ["began", 302], ["hammer", 312], ["drench", 335], ["drenching", 335], ["pile", 344], ["wood", 361], ["trickle", 383], ["trickled", 383], ["drip", 396], ["cheek", 409], ["cheeks", 409], ["know", 434], ["knowest", 434], ["knew", 434], ["hand", 450], ["move", 456], ["moved", 456], ["shoulder", 472], ["shouldered", 472], ["twitch", 491], ["twitchest", 491], ["twitching", 491], ["conscious", 508], ["motion", 515], ["let", 533], ["lets", 533], ["go", 536], ["goest", 536], ["heave", 555], ["heaves", 555], ["heaving", 555], ["hand", 574], ["hands", 574], ["debris", 583], ["slid", 588], ["rattle", 600], ["rattled", 600], ["lucky", 621], ["realize", 639], ["realized", 639], ["heavy", 650], ["heavier", 650], ["heavies", 650], ["wooden", 657], ["beam", 662], ["collapse", 676], ["collapsed", 676], ["head", 696], ["heads", 696], ["slant", 707], ["hold", 725], ["held", 725], ["bad", 735], ["worst", 735], ["stuff", 748], ["reach", 774], ["reached", 774], ["across", 781], ["friend", 810], ["eve", 825], ["eye", 833], ["eyed", 833], ["eyes", 833], ["blood", 867], ["bloods", 867], ["blooded", 867], ["trickle", 877], ["trickling", 877], ["side", 891], ["sidest", 891], ["face", 903], ["even", 923], ["evens", 923], ["white", 930], ["usual", 941], ["cough", 989], ["coughed", 989], ["eyelid", 1007], ["eyelids", 1007], ["flutter", 1017], ["fluttering", 1017], ["fluttered", 1017], ["uncertainty", 1038], ["voice", 1051], ["cry", 1075], ["oh", 1083], ["god", 1087], ["happen", 1103], ["happened", 1103], ["alive", 1121], ["say", 1137], ["sayest", 1137], ["said", 1137], ["sound", 1150], ["sounded", 1150], ["kind", 1155], ["brush", 1181], ["brushest", 1181], ["brushed", 1181], ["fall", 1188], ["falls", 1188], ["fallen", 1188], ["chunk", 1195], ["chunked", 1195], ["chunks", 1195], ["head", 1234], ["pound", 1277], ["pounded", 1277], ["angle", 1292], ["soak", 1302], ["soaks", 1302], ["soaking", 1302], ["blanket", 1314], ["cover", 1327], ["covered", 1327], ["richard", 1360], ["richards", 1360], ["dad", 1371], ["flashlight", 1392], ["go", 1401], ["goest", 1401], ["gone", 1401], ["roll", 1410], ["rolled", 1410], ["bury", 1424], ["burying", 1424], ["buried", 1424], ["plain", 1438], ["plains", 1438], ["take", 1444], ["taken", 1444], ["away", 1449], ["wind", 1461], ["lightning", 1473], ["flash", 1481], ["flashed", 1481], ["bright", 1490], ["brights", 1490], ["day", 1497], ["see", 1514], ["saw", 1514], ["tornado", 1526], ["tornados", 1526], ["hit", 1539], ["still", 1550], ["move", 1557], ["moving", 1557], ["crash", 1588], ["crashing", 1588], ["build", 1606], ["building", 1606], ["buildings", 1606], ["spray", 1617], ["sprayed", 1617], ["spraying", 1617], ["hundred", 1634], ["foot", 1639], ["feet", 1639], ["air", 1652], ["airs", 1652], ["airing", 1652], ["look", 1675], ["real", 1680], ["reis", 1680], ["help", 1695], ["helpest", 1695], ["helped", 1695], ["move", 1700], ["leg", 1723], ["legs", 1723], ["thankfully", 1737], ["bruise", 1762], ["bruised", 1762], ["broke", 1775], ["break", 1775], ["broken", 1775], ["crawl", 1790], ["crawled", 1790], ["slip", 1810], ["slipping", 1810], ["wreckage", 1819], ["toward", 1826], ["lift", 1852], ["mother", 1874], ["mothered", 1874], ["motherest", 1874], ["look", 1887], ["looked", 1887], ["okay", 1892], ["cry", 1913], ["crying", 1913], ["father", 1936], ["fathered", 1936], ["fathering", 1936], ["though", 1945], ["drag", 1987], ["dragged", 1987], ["flat", 2003], ["start", 2016], ["started", 2016], ["administer", 2030], ["administering", 2030], ["cpr", 2034], ["bloody", 2054], ["bloodying", 2054], ["cut", 2059], ["cuts", 2059], ["seem", 2093], ["seeming", 2093], ["care", 2101], ["problem", 2124], ["problems", 2124], ["breathes", 2141], ["hesitation", 2173], ["tilt", 2188], ["tilting", 2188], ["tilted", 2188], ["mayor", 2198], ["back", 2211], ["training", 2265], ["take", 2296], ["took", 2296], ["deep", 2306], ["deeply", 2306], ["breath", 2313], ["breathest", 2313], ["bent", 2320], ["blow", 2331], ["blew", 2331], ["blowest", 2331], ["mouth", 2358], ["mouthed", 2358], ["watch", 2369], ["watching", 2369], ["chest", 2383], ["rise", 2391], ["risen", 2391], ["take", 2411], ["lot", 2417], ["effort", 2427], ["pump", 2469], ["pumping", 2469], ["count", 2519], ["countest", 2519], ["counted", 2519], ["slowly", 2526], ["breathes", 2542], ["breathed", 2542], ["get", 2576], ["help", 2581], ["helpest", 2581], ["sure", 2617], ["stand", 2692], ["stood", 2692], ["standest", 2692], ["feel", 2715], ["felt", 2715], ["dizzy", 2721], ["dizzying", 2721], ["weak", 2730], ["remember", 2747], ["rememberest", 2747], ["remembered", 2747], ["hole", 2786], ["holes", 2786], ["neck", 2798], ["necked", 2798], ["lose", 2816], ["lost", 2816], ["slow", 2850], ["pull", 2929], ["pulled", 2929], ["need", 2947], ["needest", 2947], ["show", 2984], ["showed", 2984], ["place", 3003], ["get", 3023], ["got", 3023], ["belt", 3078], ["belts", 3078], ["belted", 3078], ["beltest", 3078], ["belting", 3078], ["toss", 3089], ["tossed", 3089], ["paramedic", 3123], ["paramedics", 3123], ["huge", 3196], ["piece", 3202], ["pieced", 3202], ["metal", 3211], ["froze", 3250], ["freeze", 3250], ["frozen", 3250], ["freezing", 3250], ["horror", 3260], ["punch", 3279], ["punching", 3279], ["punched", 3279], ["code", 3291], ["hello", 3320], ["hellos", 3320], ["anybody", 3333], ["hear", 3386], ["hears", 3386], ["interference", 3411], ["roar", 3427], ["roarest", 3427], ["roaring", 3427], ["shout", 3446], ["shouted", 3446], ["stop", 3479], ["without", 3497], ["let", 3505], ["lets", 3505], ["letting", 3505], ["die", 3519], ["helpless", 3544], ["furious", 3554], ["go", 3576], ["goest", 3576], ["went", 3576], ["work", 3589], ["wrought", 3589], ["scramble", 3641], ["scrambled", 3641], ["door", 3661], ["main", 3677], ["apartment", 3687], ["sign", 3707], ["fran", 3715], ["ois", 3721], ["bishop", 3731], ["wreck", 3763], ["wrecked", 3763], ["unrecognizable", 3794], ["part", 3818], ["parting", 3818], ["build", 3834], ["building", 3834], ["floor", 3879], ["groan", 3885], ["groans", 3885], ["groanest", 3885], ["groaning", 3885], ["underneath", 3896], ["fast", 3917], ["head", 3927], ["heading", 3927], ["front", 3954], ["hinge", 3988], ["hinges", 3988], ["frame", 4034], ["wall", 4055], ["outside", 4065], ["hallway", 4079], ["hallways", 4079], ["eerily", 4093], ["unmarked", 4102], ["except", 4111], ["overhead", 4134], ["next", 4177], ["miss", 4204], ["missing", 4204], ["open", 4228], ["storm", 4241], ["hurry", 4255], ["hurried", 4255], ["hurryed", 4255], ["hurrying", 4255], ["along", 4261], ["glad", 4271], ["flash", 4291], ["flashes", 4291], ["lit", 4313], ["light", 4313], ["way", 4321], ["ways", 4321], ["fire", 4332], ["stair", 4339], ["stairs", 4339], ["end", 4350], ["ends", 4350], ["endest", 4350], ["intact", 4364]]
she passed some people huddled there , clearly terrified . `` we need help ! '' `` there are people hurt upstairs -- somebody ? '' and then the screaming started , somewhere about a floor down , lots of people screaming at the same time . those who were sitting on the stairs jumped to their feet and ran up , toward claire . but she was shoved out of the way , and about fifty people trampled past her , heading up . she had no idea where they 'd go . worse , she was afraid their combined weight would collapse that part of the building , including the place where eve , shane , and the morrells were . he came out of the firstfloor door , and leaped two flights of stairs in about two jumps to reach her . before she could protest , he 'd grabbed her in his arms like an invalid . no , go up . shane , they need help . go up ; leave me here ! '' he looked down , and so did she . vampires poured into the stairwell below . some of them were fighting , ripping at one another . any human who got between them went down screaming . up it is , '' he said , and she felt them leave the ground in one powerful leap , hitting the thirdfloor landing with catlike grace . claire twisted to try to look down , but it did n't make any sense to her . it was just a mob , fighting one another . no telling who was on which side , or even why they were fighting so furiously . `` amelie 's down there , '' michael said . `` bishop 's trying to get to her , but he 's losing followers fast . she took him by surprise , during the storm . '' `` what about the people -- i mean , the humans ? shane 's dad , and the ones who wanted to take over ? '' michael kicked open the door to the thirdfloor roofless hallway . the people who 'd run past claire were milling around in it , frightened and babbling . michael brought down his fangs and snarled at them , and they scattered into whatever shelter they could reach -- interior offices , mostly , that had sustained little damage except for rain . he shoved past those who had nowhere to go , and down to the end of the hall . he let claire slide down to her feet , and his gaze focused on her neck . `` someone bit you . '' claire put her hand over the wound , trying to cover it up . the wound 's edges felt ragged , and they were still leaking blood , she thought , although that could have just been the rain . a gust of wind blew his collar back , and she saw the white outlines of marks on his own neck . did you get bitten , too ? '' `` like you said , it 's nothing . look , we can talk about that later . let 's get to our friends . first aid later . '' claire opened the door and stepped through ... and the floor collapsed underneath her . she must have screamed , but all she heard was the tremendous cracking sound of more of the building falling apart underneath and around her . she turned toward michael , who was frozen in the doorway , illuminated in stark white by a nearby lightning strike . he reached out and grabbed her arm as she flung it toward him , and then she was suspended in midair , wind and dust rushing up around her , as the floor underneath fell away . michael pulled , and she almost flew , weightless , into his arms . `` oh , '' she whispered faintly . he held on to her for a minute without speaking , then said , `` is there another way in ? '' they backed up and found the next office to the left , which had suspiciouslooking cracks in its walls . claire thought the floor felt a little unsteady . michael pushed her back behind him and said , `` cover your eyes . '' then he began ripping away the wall between the office and amelie 's apartments . when he hit solid red brick , he punched it , breaking it into dust . `` this is n't helping keep things together ! '' `` i know , but we need to get them out ! '' he ripped a hole in the wall big enough to step through , and braced himself in it as the whole building seemed to shudder , as if shifting its weight . `` the floor 's all right here , '' he said . `` through that door , to the left ! '' michael disappeared , moving fast and gracefully . she wondered , all of a sudden , why he was n't downstairs . why he was n't fighting , like all the others of amelie 's blood . a couple of tense minutes passed , as she stared through the hole ; nothing seemed to be happening . she could n't hear michael , or shane , or anything else . and then she heard screaming behind her , in the hall . vampires , she thought , and quickly opened the door to look . someone fell against the wood , knocking her backward .
[["pass", 10], ["passed", 10], ["people", 22], ["huddle", 30], ["huddled", 30], ["clearly", 46], ["need", 69], ["needest", 69], ["help", 74], ["helpest", 74], ["hurt", 104], ["hurts", 104], ["hurting", 104], ["upstairs", 113], ["scream", 153], ["screams", 153], ["screaming", 153], ["start", 161], ["started", 161], ["somewhere", 173], ["floor", 187], ["lot", 199], ["lots", 199], ["time", 236], ["sat", 261], ["sit", 261], ["sitting", 261], ["stair", 275], ["stairs", 275], ["jump", 282], ["jumps", 282], ["jumped", 282], ["foot", 296], ["feet", 296], ["run", 304], ["ran", 304], ["toward", 316], ["claire", 323], ["shove", 344], ["shoved", 344], ["way", 359], ["ways", 359], ["fifty", 377], ["trample", 393], ["tramples", 393], ["trampling", 393], ["trampled", 393], ["past", 398], ["head", 412], ["heading", 412], ["idea", 433], ["go", 450], ["goest", 450], ["bad", 458], ["worse", 458], ["afraid", 475], ["combine", 490], ["combined", 490], ["weight", 497], ["weighted", 497], ["weightest", 497], ["collapse", 512], ["part", 522], ["parting", 522], ["build", 538], ["building", 538], ["include", 550], ["including", 550], ["place", 560], ["eve", 570], ["shane", 578], ["come", 612], ["came", 612], ["door", 639], ["leap", 652], ["leaps", 652], ["leaping", 652], ["leaped", 652], ["two", 656], ["twos", 656], ["flight", 664], ["flights", 664], ["jump", 693], ["jumps", 693], ["reach", 702], ["protest", 733], ["protestest", 733], ["grab", 749], ["grabbed", 749], ["arm", 765], ["arms", 765], ["like", 770], ["invalid", 781], ["left", 835], ["leave", 835], ["look", 858], ["looked", 858], ["vampire", 891], ["vampires", 891], ["pour", 898], ["poured", 898], ["stairwell", 917], ["stairwells", 917], ["fight", 952], ["fightest", 952], ["rip", 962], ["ripping", 962], ["another", 977], ["human", 989], ["get", 997], ["got", 997], ["go", 1015], ["goest", 1015], ["went", 1015], ["say", 1054], ["sayest", 1054], ["said", 1054], ["feel", 1069], ["felt", 1069], ["ground", 1091], ["powerful", 1107], ["leap", 1112], ["leaps", 1112], ["leaping", 1112], ["hit", 1122], ["hitting", 1122], ["landing", 1145], ["catlike", 1158], ["grace", 1164], ["twist", 1181], ["twisted", 1181], ["twisting", 1181], ["try", 1188], ["tryed", 1188], ["look", 1196], ["sense", 1233], ["mob", 1260], ["mobs", 1260], ["mobbed", 1260], ["telling", 1296], ["side", 1318], ["sidest", 1318], ["even", 1328], ["evens", 1328], ["furiously", 1364], ["michael", 1403], ["bishop", 1420], ["try", 1430], ["tryed", 1430], ["trying", 1430], ["get", 1437], ["lose", 1463], ["losing", 1463], ["follower", 1473], ["followers", 1473], ["fast", 1478], ["take", 1489], ["took", 1489], ["surprise", 1505], ["surprised", 1505], ["storm", 1524], ["mean", 1564], ["meanest", 1564], ["human", 1577], ["humans", 1577], ["dad", 1592], ["take", 1626], ["kick", 1651], ["kicked", 1651], ["open", 1656], ["roofless", 1692], ["hallway", 1700], ["hallways", 1700], ["run", 1724], ["mill", 1749], ["milling", 1749], ["around", 1756], ["frighten", 1775], ["frightened", 1775], ["babble", 1788], ["babbling", 1788], ["bring", 1806], ["brought", 1806], ["fang", 1821], ["fangs", 1821], ["snarl", 1833], ["snarls", 1833], ["snarled", 1833], ["scatter", 1862], ["scattered", 1862], ["whatever", 1876], ["shelter", 1884], ["interior", 1913], ["office", 1921], ["offices", 1921], ["mostly", 1930], ["sustain", 1951], ["sustained", 1951], ["little", 1958], ["damage", 1965], ["damaging", 1965], ["except", 1972], ["rain", 1981], ["nowhere", 2020], ["end", 2048], ["ends", 2048], ["endest", 2048], ["hall", 2060], ["let", 2069], ["lets", 2069], ["slid", 2082], ["gaze", 2114], ["gazes", 2114], ["focus", 2122], ["focused", 2122], ["neck", 2134], ["necked", 2134], ["bite", 2151], ["put", 2171], ["hand", 2180], ["wind", 2195], ["wound", 2195], ["wounding", 2195], ["cover", 2213], ["edge", 2240], ["edges", 2240], ["still", 2274], ["leak", 2282], ["leaking", 2282], ["blood", 2288], ["bloods", 2288], ["blooded", 2288], ["think", 2302], ["thinkest", 2302], ["thought", 2302], ["although", 2313], ["gust", 2357], ["wind", 2365], ["blow", 2370], ["blew", 2370], ["blowest", 2370], ["collar", 2381], ["collared", 2381], ["back", 2386], ["see", 2400], ["saw", 2400], ["white", 2410], ["outline", 2419], ["outlines", 2419], ["mark", 2428], ["marks", 2428], ["bite", 2465], ["bitten", 2465], ["nothing", 2509], ["talk", 2530], ["later", 2547], ["friend", 2575], ["friends", 2575], ["first", 2583], ["firstest", 2583], ["aid", 2587], ["aids", 2587], ["open", 2612], ["opened", 2612], ["step", 2633], ["stepped", 2633], ["collapse", 2669], ["collapsed", 2669], ["underneath", 2680], ["must", 2695], ["musts", 2695], ["scream", 2709], ["screams", 2709], ["screamed", 2709], ["hear", 2729], ["hears", 2729], ["heard", 2729], ["tremendous", 2748], ["crack", 2757], ["cracking", 2757], ["sound", 2763], ["fall", 2795], ["falls", 2795], ["falling", 2795], ["apart", 2801], ["turn", 2840], ["turned", 2840], ["froze", 2872], ["freeze", 2872], ["frozen", 2872], ["freezing", 2872], ["doorway", 2887], ["illuminate", 2901], ["illuminated", 2901], ["stark", 2910], ["starks", 2910], ["nearby", 2928], ["lightning", 2938], ["strike", 2945], ["reach", 2958], ["reached", 2958], ["arm", 2982], ["flung", 2995], ["fling", 2995], ["suspend", 3038], ["suspended", 3038], ["midair", 3048], ["midairs", 3048], ["dust", 3064], ["dusting", 3064], ["rush", 3072], ["rushing", 3072], ["fall", 3117], ["falls", 3117], ["fell", 3117], ["away", 3122], ["pull", 3139], ["pulled", 3139], ["almost", 3156], ["fly", 3161], ["flys", 3161], ["flew", 3161], ["weightless", 3174], ["oh", 3198], ["whisper", 3217], ["whispered", 3217], ["faintly", 3225], ["hold", 3235], ["held", 3235], ["minute", 3258], ["without", 3266], ["speak", 3275], ["spoken", 3275], ["speaking", 3275], ["back", 3333], ["backed", 3333], ["find", 3346], ["found", 3346], ["next", 3355], ["office", 3362], ["left", 3374], ["crack", 3411], ["cracks", 3411], ["wall", 3424], ["walls", 3424], ["unsteady", 3474], ["push", 3491], ["pushed", 3491], ["behind", 3507], ["eye", 3541], ["eyed", 3541], ["eyes", 3541], ["begin", 3560], ["began", 3560], ["wall", 3582], ["apartment", 3626], ["apartments", 3626], ["hit", 3640], ["solid", 3646], ["red", 3650], ["brick", 3656], ["punch", 3669], ["punching", 3669], ["punched", 3669], ["broke", 3683], ["break", 3683], ["breaking", 3683], ["help", 3721], ["helpest", 3721], ["helping", 3721], ["keep", 3726], ["keepest", 3726], ["thing", 3733], ["things", 3733], ["together", 3742], ["know", 3757], ["knowest", 3757], ["rip", 3802], ["ripped", 3802], ["hole", 3809], ["big", 3825], ["bigs", 3825], ["enough", 3832], ["step", 3840], ["brace", 3861], ["braced", 3861], ["whole", 3888], ["wholes", 3888], ["seem", 3904], ["seeming", 3904], ["seemed", 3904], ["shudder", 3915], ["shuddering", 3915], ["shudderest", 3915], ["shift", 3932], ["shifting", 3932], ["right", 3971], ["rightest", 3971], ["disappear", 4051], ["disappeared", 4051], ["move", 4060], ["moving", 4060], ["gracefully", 4080], ["wonder", 4095], ["wonderest", 4095], ["wondered", 4095], ["sudden", 4113], ["downstairs", 4141], ["couple", 4219], ["tense", 4228], ["minute", 4236], ["minutes", 4236], ["stare", 4259], ["stared", 4259], ["happen", 4309], ["happening", 4309], ["hear", 4330], ["hears", 4330], ["anything", 4363], ["else", 4368], ["quickly", 4463], ["wood", 4519], ["knock", 4530], ["knocks", 4530], ["knockest", 4530], ["knocking", 4530], ["backward", 4543]]
it was fran ? ois . claire tried to shut the door , but a bloodstained white hand wormed through the opening and grabbed the edge , shoving it wider . fran ? ois did n't look even remotely human anymore , but he did look absolutely desperate , willing to do anything to survive , and very , very angry . claire backed up , slowly , until she was standing with her back against the far wall . there was n't much in here to help her -- a desk , some pens and pencils in a cup . fran ? ois laughed , and then he growled . `` you think you 're winning , '' he said . `` i think you 're the one who has to worry , '' michael said from the hole in the wall . he stepped through , carrying mayor morrell in his arms . shane and eve were with him , supporting richard 's sagging body between them . mrs. morrell brought up the rear . i wo n't come after you if you run . '' fran ? ois ' eyes turned ruby , and he threw himself at michael , who was burdened with the mayor . claire grabbed a pencil from the cup and plunged it into fran ? ois ' back . he whirled , looking stunned ... and then he slowly collapsed to the carpet . `` that wo n't kill him , '' michael said . `` i do n't care , '' eve said . `` because that was fierce . '' claire grabbed the vampire 's arms and dragged him out of the way , careful not to dislodge the pencil ; she was n't really sure how deep it had gone , and if it slipped out of his heart , they were all in big trouble . michael edged around him and opened the door to check the corridor . their little refugee group hurried into the rainy hall , squishing through soggy carpet . there were people hiding in the offices , or just pressed against the walls and hoping not to be noticed . `` come on , '' eve said to them . we 're getting out of here before this whole thing comes down ! '' the fighting in the stairwell was still going on -- snarling , screams , bangs , and thuds . claire did n't dare look over the railing . michael led them down to the locked secondfloor entrance . he pulled hard on it , and the knob popped off -- but the door stayed locked . shane had edged to the end of the landing to look over the railing . `` ca n't go that way . '' `` also , time is -- '' `` i know , shane ! '' michael started kicking the door , but it was reinforced , stronger than the other doors claire had seen . it bent , but did n't open . and then it did open ... from the inside . there , in his fancy but battered black velvet , stood myrnin . a portal , but she did n't have time to tell anybody else , so when they stepped through into myrnin 's lab , it was probably kind of a shock . michael did n't pause ; he pushed a bunch of broken glassware from a lab table and put mr. morrell down on it , then touched pale fingers to the man 's throat . when he found nothing , he started cpr again . eve hurried over to breathe for him . myrnin did n't move as the refugees streamed in past him . he was standing with his arms folded , a frown grooved between his brows . `` i am not an innkeeper , you know . '' `` shut up , '' claire said . she did n't have any patience with myrnin right now . she was talking to shane , who was easing richard onto a threadbare rug near the far wall . `` you mean , except for the big piece of metal in him ? look , i do n't know . he 's breathing , at least . '' the rest of the refugees clustered together , filtering slowly through the portal . most of them had no idea what had just happened , which was good . if they 'd been part of frank 's group , intending to take over morganville , that ambition was long gone . now they were just people , and they were just scared . `` up the stairs , '' claire told them . `` you can get out that way . '' most of them rushed for the exit . she hoped they 'd make it home , or at least to some kind of safe place . she hoped they had homes to go back to . myrnin glared at her . `` you do realize that this was a secret laboratory , do n't you ? and now half of morganville knows where it is ? '' `` hey , i did n't open the door ; you did . '' she reached over and put her hand on his arm , looking up into his face . you saved our lives . '' `` i know why you were n't fighting , '' claire said .
[["fran", 11], ["ois", 17], ["claire", 26], ["try", 32], ["tryed", 32], ["tried", 32], ["shut", 40], ["door", 49], ["white", 76], ["hand", 81], ["worm", 88], ["worming", 88], ["wormed", 88], ["opening", 108], ["grab", 120], ["grabbed", 120], ["edge", 129], ["edges", 129], ["shove", 139], ["shoving", 139], ["wide", 148], ["wider", 148], ["look", 174], ["even", 179], ["evens", 179], ["remotely", 188], ["human", 194], ["anymore", 202], ["absolutely", 231], ["desperate", 241], ["willing", 251], ["anything", 266], ["survive", 277], ["angry", 301], ["back", 317], ["backed", 317], ["slowly", 329], ["stand", 354], ["stood", 354], ["standest", 354], ["standing", 354], ["back", 368], ["far", 384], ["wall", 389], ["much", 410], ["help", 426], ["helpest", 426], ["desk", 440], ["pen", 452], ["pens", 452], ["pencil", 464], ["pencils", 464], ["cup", 473], ["laugh", 494], ["laughed", 494], ["growl", 516], ["growls", 516], ["growled", 516], ["think", 531], ["thinkest", 531], ["win", 547], ["winning", 547], ["say", 560], ["sayest", 560], ["said", 560], ["worry", 606], ["worried", 606], ["michael", 619], ["hole", 638], ["step", 663], ["stepped", 663], ["carry", 682], ["carrying", 682], ["mayor", 688], ["arm", 708], ["arms", 708], ["shane", 716], ["eve", 724], ["support", 751], ["supporting", 751], ["richard", 759], ["richards", 759], ["sag", 770], ["sagging", 770], ["body", 775], ["bodied", 775], ["mrs", 794], ["bring", 811], ["brought", 811], ["rear", 823], ["wo", 830], ["come", 839], ["run", 860], ["eye", 883], ["eyed", 883], ["eyes", 883], ["turn", 890], ["turned", 890], ["ruby", 895], ["throw", 910], ["threw", 910], ["burden", 948], ["burdens", 948], ["burdened", 948], ["pencil", 989], ["plunge", 1014], ["plunged", 1014], ["whirl", 1053], ["whirls", 1053], ["whirled", 1053], ["look", 1063], ["looking", 1063], ["collapse", 1104], ["collapsed", 1104], ["carpet", 1118], ["kill", 1140], ["care", 1181], ["fierce", 1224], ["vampire", 1256], ["drag", 1276], ["dragged", 1276], ["way", 1295], ["ways", 1295], ["careful", 1305], ["dislodge", 1321], ["dislodged", 1321], ["really", 1353], ["sure", 1358], ["deep", 1367], ["deeply", 1367], ["go", 1379], ["goest", 1379], ["gone", 1379], ["slip", 1399], ["slipped", 1399], ["heart", 1416], ["big", 1439], ["bigs", 1439], ["trouble", 1447], ["troubling", 1447], ["edge", 1463], ["edges", 1463], ["edged", 1463], ["around", 1470], ["open", 1485], ["opened", 1485], ["check", 1503], ["corridor", 1516], ["little", 1531], ["refugee", 1539], ["group", 1545], ["hurry", 1553], ["hurried", 1553], ["hurryed", 1553], ["hurrying", 1553], ["rainy", 1568], ["hall", 1573], ["squish", 1585], ["squishes", 1585], ["squishing", 1585], ["squishest", 1585], ["soggy", 1599], ["soggiest", 1599], ["people", 1626], ["hide", 1633], ["hides", 1633], ["office", 1648], ["offices", 1648], ["press", 1666], ["pressed", 1666], ["wall", 1684], ["walls", 1684], ["hope", 1695], ["hoping", 1695], ["notice", 1713], ["noticed", 1713], ["get", 1765], ["getting", 1765], ["whole", 1795], ["wholes", 1795], ["thing", 1801], ["come", 1807], ["comes", 1807], ["fight", 1830], ["fightest", 1830], ["fighting", 1830], ["stairwell", 1847], ["stairwells", 1847], ["still", 1857], ["go", 1863], ["goest", 1863], ["going", 1863], ["snarl", 1878], ["snarls", 1878], ["snarling", 1878], ["scream", 1888], ["screams", 1888], ["bang", 1896], ["bangs", 1896], ["thud", 1908], ["thuds", 1908], ["dare", 1930], ["railing", 1952], ["lead", 1966], ["leaded", 1966], ["led", 1966], ["lock", 1990], ["locked", 1990], ["entrance", 2011], ["entrancing", 2011], ["pull", 2023], ["pulled", 2023], ["hard", 2028], ["knob", 2049], ["knobs", 2049], ["pop", 2056], ["popped", 2056], ["stay", 2083], ["stayed", 2083], ["end", 2119], ["ends", 2119], ["endest", 2119], ["landing", 2134], ["ca", 2167], ["cas", 2167], ["go", 2174], ["goest", 2174], ["also", 2196], ["time", 2203], ["know", 2222], ["knowest", 2222], ["start", 2251], ["started", 2251], ["kick", 2259], ["kicking", 2259], ["reinforce", 2292], ["reinforced", 2292], ["strong", 2303], ["door", 2324], ["doors", 2324], ["see", 2340], ["seen", 2340], ["bent", 2350], ["open", 2369], ["inside", 2412], ["fancy", 2435], ["fanciest", 2435], ["batter", 2448], ["battered", 2448], ["black", 2454], ["velvet", 2461], ["stand", 2469], ["stood", 2469], ["standest", 2469], ["portal", 2487], ["tell", 2523], ["anybody", 2531], ["else", 2536], ["lab", 2586], ["labs", 2586], ["probably", 2604], ["kind", 2609], ["shock", 2620], ["pause", 2644], ["push", 2656], ["pushed", 2656], ["bunch", 2664], ["bunchest", 2664], ["glassware", 2684], ["table", 2701], ["tabled", 2701], ["tabling", 2701], ["put", 2709], ["mr", 2712], ["touch", 2747], ["touching", 2747], ["touched", 2747], ["pale", 2752], ["finger", 2760], ["fingers", 2760], ["man", 2771], ["mans", 2771], ["manned", 2771], ["throat", 2781], ["find", 2797], ["found", 2797], ["nothing", 2805], ["cpr", 2822], ["breathe", 2858], ["breathes", 2858], ["move", 2888], ["refugee", 2904], ["refugees", 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3574], ["long", 3583], ["longs", 3583], ["stair", 3663], ["stairs", 3663], ["tell", 3680], ["told", 3680], ["get", 3702], ["rush", 3740], ["rushed", 3740], ["exit", 3753], ["exited", 3753], ["hope", 3765], ["hoped", 3765], ["home", 3786], ["homing", 3786], ["safe", 3821], ["safes", 3821], ["safed", 3821], ["place", 3827], ["home", 3854], ["homing", 3854], ["homes", 3854], ["glare", 3884], ["glared", 3884], ["realize", 3911], ["secret", 3934], ["laboratory", 3945], ["half", 3973], ["know", 3994], ["knowest", 3994], ["knows", 3994], ["hey", 4018], ["reach", 4071], ["reached", 4071], ["arm", 4104], ["face", 4131], ["save", 4143], ["saved", 4143], ["life", 4153], ["lifes", 4153], ["lives", 4153]]
`` the drugs kept you from having to . myrnin followed her gaze to where eve and michael remained bent over the mayor 's still form . `` amelie let him go , '' he said . she could claim him again at any time , but i think she knew you needed help . '' he uncrossed his arms and walked over to michael to touch his shoulder . `` i can smell death on him . so can you , if you try . you wo n't bring him back . '' mrs. morrell screamed , and threw herself over her husband 's body . `` no , you have to try ! '' `` they did , '' myrnin said , and retreated to lean against a convenient wall . `` which is more than i would have . '' he nodded toward richard . `` he might live , but to remove that metal will require a chirurgeon . '' `` you mean , a doctor ? '' `` yes , of course , a doctor , '' myrnin snapped , and his eyes flared red . `` i know you want me to feel some sympathy for them , but that is not who i am . i care only about those i know , and even then , not all that deeply . strangers get nothing from me . '' he was slipping , and the anger was coming back . next it would be confusion . claire silently dug in her pockets . she 'd put a single glass vial in , and miraculously , it was still unbroken . he slapped it out of her hand impatiently . `` i do n't need it ! '' claire watched it clatter to the floor , heart in her mouth , and said , `` you do . please , myrnin . i do n't need your crap right now . just take your medicine . '' she did n't think he would , not at first , but then he snorted , bent down , and picked up the vial . he broke the cap off and dumped the liquid into his mouth . he shattered the glass in his fingers , and the red glow in his eyes intensified . `` are you , little claire ? do you enjoy giving me orders ? '' his hand went around her throat , choking off whatever she was going to say . his hand did n't tighten . the red glow slowly faded away , replaced by a look of shame . he let go of her and backed away a full step , head down . `` i do n't know where to get a doctor , '' claire said , as if nothing had happened . `` the hospital , maybe , or -- '' `` no , '' myrnin murmured . `` i will bring help . do n't let anyone go through my things . and watch michael , in case . '' myrnin opened the portal doorway in the wall and stepped through it , heading -- where ? amelie had , claire thought , shut down all the nodes . but if that was true , how had they gotten here ? myrnin could open and close them at will . but he was probably the only one who could . michael and eve moved away from mayor morrell 's body , as his wife stood over him and cried . in all the confusion , he 'd missed her confrontation with myrnin . she was dimly glad about that . `` nothing , '' michael said . `` nothing but wait . '' when the portal opened again , myrnin stepped through , then helped someone else over the step . it was theo goldman , carrying an antique doctor 's bag . he looked around the lab , nodding to claire in particular , and then moved to where richard was lying on the carpet , with his head in his mother 's lap . `` move back , please , '' he told her , and knelt down to open his bag . take her in the other room . a mother should n't see this . '' he was setting out instruments , unrolling them in a clean white towel . as claire watched , myrnin led mrs. morrell away and seated her in a chair in the corner , where he normally sat to read . she seemed dazed now , probably in shock . the chair was intact . it was just about the only thing in the lab that was -- the scientific instruments were smashed , lab tables overturned , candles and lamps broken . books were piled in the corners and burned , reduced to scraps of leather and curling black ash . the whole place smelled sharply of chemicals and fire . michael asked , crouching down on richard 's other side . theo took out several pairs of latex gloves and passed one set to michael . he donned one himself . `` you can act as my nurse , my friend , '' he said . `` i would have brought my wife -- she has many years of training in this -- but i do n't want to leave my children on their own . they 're already very frightened . '' `` but they 're safe ? '' `` nobody 's bothered you ? ''
[["drug", 12], ["drugs", 12], ["keep", 17], ["keepest", 17], ["kept", 17], ["follow", 54], ["followed", 54], ["gaze", 63], ["gazes", 63], ["eve", 76], ["michael", 88], ["remain", 97], ["remained", 97], ["bent", 102], ["bend", 102], ["mayor", 117], ["still", 126], ["form", 131], ["formest", 131], ["let", 147], ["lets", 147], ["go", 154], ["goest", 154], ["say", 167], ["sayest", 167], ["said", 167], ["claim", 185], ["time", 207], ["think", 221], ["thinkest", 221], ["know", 230], ["knowest", 230], ["knew", 230], ["need", 241], ["needest", 241], ["needed", 241], ["help", 246], ["helpest", 246], ["uncross", 264], ["uncrossed", 264], ["arm", 273], ["arms", 273], ["walk", 284], ["walked", 284], ["touch", 309], ["touching", 309], ["shoulder", 322], ["shouldered", 322], ["smelt", 339], ["smell", 339], ["smellest", 339], ["death", 345], ["try", 378], ["tryed", 378], ["wo", 387], ["bring", 397], ["back", 406], ["mrs", 415], ["scream", 433], ["screams", 433], ["screamed", 433], ["throw", 445], ["threw", 445], ["husband", 470], ["husbanding", 470], ["body", 478], ["bodied", 478], ["retreat", 554], ["retreatest", 554], ["retreated", 554], ["lean", 562], ["leans", 562], ["convenient", 583], ["wall", 588], ["nod", 640], ["nodded", 640], ["toward", 647], ["richard", 655], ["richards", 655], ["may", 669], ["mays", 669], ["mayest", 669], ["might", 669], ["live", 674], ["remove", 690], ["metal", 701], ["require", 714], ["chirurgeon", 727], ["mean", 744], ["meanest", 744], ["doctor", 755], ["doctorest", 755], ["doctoring", 755], ["yes", 767], ["course", 779], ["snap", 810], ["snapping", 810], ["snapped", 810], ["eye", 825], ["eyed", 825], ["eyes", 825], ["flare", 832], ["flared", 832], ["red", 836], ["know", 848], ["knowest", 848], ["feel", 868], ["sympathy", 882], ["care", 927], ["even", 962], ["evens", 962], ["deeply", 989], ["stranger", 1001], ["strangers", 1001], ["get", 1005], ["nothing", 1013], ["slip", 1042], ["slipping", 1042], ["anger", 1058], ["come", 1069], ["coming", 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["fingers", 1659], ["glow", 1678], ["glowest", 1678], ["intensify", 1702], ["intensified", 1702], ["little", 1724], ["enjoy", 1746], ["enjoyed", 1746], ["give", 1753], ["giving", 1753], ["order", 1763], ["orderest", 1763], ["orders", 1763], ["go", 1782], ["goest", 1782], ["went", 1782], ["around", 1789], ["throat", 1800], ["choke", 1810], ["choking", 1810], ["whatever", 1823], ["go", 1837], ["goest", 1837], ["going", 1837], ["say", 1844], ["sayest", 1844], ["tighten", 1871], ["tightens", 1871], ["tightenest", 1871], ["slowly", 1893], ["fade", 1899], ["faded", 1899], ["away", 1904], ["replace", 1915], ["replaced", 1915], ["look", 1925], ["shame", 1934], ["shamed", 1934], ["back", 1964], ["backed", 1964], ["full", 1976], ["step", 1981], ["head", 1988], ["happen", 2080], ["happened", 2080], ["hospital", 2098], ["maybe", 2106], ["murmur", 2144], ["murmurest", 2144], ["murmured", 2144], ["anyone", 2187], ["thing", 2208], ["things", 2208], ["watch", 2220], ["case", 2238], ["open", 2257], ["opened", 2257], ["portal", 2268], ["doorway", 2276], ["step", 2300], ["stepped", 2300], ["head", 2321], ["heading", 2321], ["thought", 2360], ["shut", 2367], ["nodes", 2386], ["true", 2409], ["get", 2431], ["gotten", 2431], ["open", 2456], ["close", 2466], ["probably", 2501], ["move", 2548], ["moved", 2548], ["wife", 2594], ["stand", 2600], ["stood", 2600], ["standest", 2600], ["cry", 2619], ["cried", 2619], ["miss", 2657], ["missed", 2657], ["confrontation", 2675], ["dimly", 2703], ["glad", 2708], ["wait", 2772], ["waitest", 2772], ["help", 2845], ["helpest", 2845], ["helped", 2845], ["else", 2858], ["theo", 2886], ["goldman", 2894], ["carry", 2905], ["carrying", 2905], ["antique", 2916], ["bag", 2930], ["bagged", 2930], ["bagging", 2930], ["look", 2942], ["looked", 2942], ["lab", 2957], ["labs", 2957], ["nod", 2967], ["particular", 2991], ["lie", 3035], ["lay", 3035], ["lain", 3035], ["lying", 3035], ["carpet", 3049], ["mother", 3079], ["mothered", 3079], ["motherest", 3079], ["lap", 3086], ["laps", 3086], ["lapping", 3086], ["move", 3096], ["tell", 3123], ["told", 3123], ["knelt", 3139], ["room", 3189], ["roomed", 3189], ["see", 3215], ["set", 3240], ["setting", 3240], ["instrument", 3256], ["instruments", 3256], ["unroll", 3268], ["unrolled", 3268], ["unrolling", 3268], ["clean", 3284], ["cleans", 3284], ["white", 3290], ["towel", 3296], ["towels", 3296], ["toweled", 3296], ["towelled", 3296], ["lead", 3329], ["leaded", 3329], ["led", 3329], ["seat", 3358], ["seated", 3358], ["chair", 3373], ["chairing", 3373], ["corner", 3387], ["normally", 3407], ["sat", 3411], ["sit", 3411], ["read", 3419], ["reads", 3419], ["seem", 3432], ["seeming", 3432], ["seemed", 3432], ["shock", 3462], ["intact", 3485], ["thing", 3520], ["scientific", 3558], ["smash", 3583], ["smashed", 3583], ["table", 3596], ["tabled", 3596], ["tabling", 3596], ["tables", 3596], ["overturn", 3607], ["overturning", 3607], ["overturned", 3607], ["candle", 3617], ["candles", 3617], ["lamp", 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["friend", 3987], ["bring", 4026], ["brought", 4026], ["many", 4050], ["year", 4056], ["years", 4056], ["training", 4068], ["left", 4106], ["leave", 4106], ["child", 4118], ["childs", 4118], ["children", 4118], ["already", 4150], ["safe", 4192], ["safes", 4192], ["safed", 4192], ["nobody", 4207], ["bother", 4219], ["bothers", 4219], ["bothering", 4219], ["bothered", 4219]]
`` no one has so much as knocked on the door , '' he said . `` it 's a very good hiding place . `` i think you 're paying us back , '' eve said . can you save him ? '' `` it 's in god 's hands , not mine . '' still , theo 's eyes were bright as he looked at the twisted metal plate embedded in richard 's side . `` it 's good that he 's unconscious , but he might wake during the procedure . there is chloroform in the bag . it 's michael , yes ? michael , please put some on a cloth and be ready when i tell you to cover his mouth and nose . '' claire 's nerve failed around the time that theo took hold of the piece of steel , and she turned away . eve already had , to take a blanket to mrs. morrell and put it around her shoulders . the mayor 's wife asked . `` monica should be here . i do n't want her out there alone . '' eve raised her eyebrows at claire , clearly wondering where monica was . `` the last time i saw her , she was at school , '' claire said . `` but that was before i got the call to come home , so i do n't know . maybe she 's in shelter in the dorm ? '' reception was usually spotty down here in the lab , but she could usually see something , even if it was only a flicker . `` i think the cell towers are down . '' `` yeah , likely , '' eve agreed . she reached over to tuck the blanket around mrs. morrell , who leaned her head back and closed her eyes , as if the strength was just leaking right out of her . `` you think this is the right thing to do ? i mean , do we even know this guy or anything ? '' claire did n't , really , but she still wanted to like theo , in much the same way as she liked myrnin -- against her better sense . and it 's not like anybody 's making house calls right now . '' the operation -- and it was an operation , with suturing and everything -- took a couple of hours before theo sat back , stripped off the gloves , and sighed in quiet satisfaction . claire and eve got up to walk over as michael rose to his feet . shane had been hanging on the edges , watching in what claire thought looked like queasy fascination . `` his pulse is steady . he 's lost some blood , but i believe he will be all right , provided no infection sets in . still , this century has those wonderful antibiotics , yes ? so that is not so bad . '' theo was almost beaming . `` i must say , i have n't used my surgical skills in years . although it makes me hungry . '' claire was pretty sure richard would n't want to know that . she knew she would n't have , in his place . `` thank you , '' mrs. morrell said . she got up from the chair , folded the blanket and put it aside , then walked over to shake theo 's hand with simple , dignified gratitude . `` i 'll see that my husband compensates you for your kindness . '' michael started to speak , but theo shook his head . `` that 's quite all right , dear lady . i am delighted to help . i recently lost a son myself . i know the weight of grief . '' `` oh , '' mrs. morrell said , `` i 'm so sorry for your loss , sir . '' she said it as if she did n't know her husband was lying across the room , dead . tears sparkled in his eyes , claire saw , but then he blinked them away and smiled . he patted her hand gently . `` you are very generous to an old man , '' he said . `` we have always liked living in morganville , you know . the people are so kind . '' shane said , `` some of those same people killed your son . '' theo looked at him with calm , unflinching eyes . `` and without forgiveness , there is never any peace . i tell you this from the distance of many centuries . my son gave his life . i wo n't reply to his gift with anger , not even for those who took him from me . those same poor , sad people will wake up tomorrow grieving their own losses , i think , if they survive at all . how can hating them heal me ? '' myrnin , who had n't spoken at all , murmured , `` you shame me , theo . '' `` i do n't mean to do so , '' he said , and shrugged . i should get back to my family now . i wish you all well . '' myrnin got up from his chair and walked with theo to the portal . they all watched him go . mrs. morrell was staring after him with a bright , odd look in her eyes .
[["much", 21], ["knock", 32], ["knocks", 32], ["knockest", 32], ["knocked", 32], ["door", 44], ["say", 57], ["sayest", 57], ["said", 57], ["good", 80], ["hide", 87], ["hiding", 87], ["place", 93], ["think", 106], ["thinkest", 106], ["pay", 121], ["pays", 121], ["payest", 121], ["paying", 121], ["back", 129], ["eve", 138], ["save", 158], ["god", 183], ["hand", 192], ["hands", 192], ["still", 214], ["theo", 221], ["eye", 229], ["eyed", 229], ["eyes", 229], ["bright", 241], ["brights", 241], ["look", 254], ["looked", 254], ["metal", 275], ["plate", 281], ["plating", 281], ["embed", 290], ["embedded", 290], ["richard", 301], ["richards", 301], ["side", 309], ["sidest", 309], ["unconscious", 348], ["may", 363], ["mays", 363], ["mayest", 363], ["might", 363], ["wake", 368], ["wakes", 368], ["woken", 368], ["procedure", 389], ["chloroform", 411], ["bag", 422], ["bagged", 422], ["bagging", 422], ["michael", 438], ["yes", 444], ["please", 463], ["put", 467], ["cloth", 483], ["ready", 496], ["tell", 508], ["cover", 521], ["mouth", 531], ["mouthed", 531], ["nose", 540], ["nosed", 540], ["nosing", 540], ["claire", 552], ["nerve", 561], ["fail", 568], ["failed", 568], ["around", 575], ["time", 584], ["take", 599], ["took", 599], ["hold", 604], ["piece", 617], ["pieced", 617], ["steel", 626], ["turn", 643], ["turned", 643], ["away", 648], ["already", 662], ["take", 676], ["blanket", 686], ["mrs", 693], ["shoulder", 734], ["shouldered", 734], ["shoulders", 734], ["mayor", 746], ["wife", 754], ["ask", 760], ["asked", 760], ["monica", 772], ["alone", 823], ["raise", 839], ["raised", 839], ["eyebrow", 852], ["eyebrows", 852], ["clearly", 872], ["wonder", 882], ["wonderest", 882], ["wondering", 882], ["last", 913], ["see", 924], ["saw", 924], ["school", 948], ["schooling", 948], ["get", 996], ["got", 996], ["call", 1005], ["come", 1013], ["home", 1018], ["homing", 1018], ["know", 1037], ["knowest", 1037], ["maybe", 1045], ["shelter", 1063], ["dorm", 1075], ["reception", 1090], ["usually", 1102], ["spotty", 1109], ["lab", 1130], ["labs", 1130], ["see", 1158], ["even", 1175], ["evens", 1175], ["flicker", 1200], ["flickered", 1200], ["flickering", 1200], ["cell", 1222], ["tower", 1229], ["towered", 1229], ["towerest", 1229], ["towers", 1229], ["yeah", 1251], ["agree", 1276], ["agreed", 1276], ["reach", 1290], ["reached", 1290], ["tuck", 1303], ["tucked", 1303], ["tucking", 1303], ["lean", 1348], ["leans", 1348], ["leaned", 1348], ["head", 1357], ["close", 1373], ["closed", 1373], ["strength", 1403], ["leak", 1420], ["leaking", 1420], ["right", 1426], ["rightest", 1426], ["thing", 1476], ["mean", 1491], ["meanest", 1491], ["guy", 1518], ["anything", 1530], ["really", 1559], ["like", 1590], ["way", 1618], ["ways", 1618], ["like", 1631], ["liked", 1631], ["well", 1660], ["wells", 1660], ["sense", 1666], ["anybody", 1695], ["house", 1711], ["call", 1717], ["calls", 1717], ["operation", 1746], ["everything", 1804], ["couple", 1821], ["hour", 1830], ["hours", 1830], ["sat", 1846], ["sit", 1846], ["strip", 1862], ["stripped", 1862], ["glove", 1877], ["gloved", 1877], ["gloves", 1877], ["sigh", 1890], ["sighest", 1890], ["sighed", 1890], ["quiet", 1899], ["satisfaction", 1912], ["walk", 1944], ["rise", 1965], ["risen", 1965], ["rose", 1965], ["foot", 1977], ["feet", 1977], ["shane", 1985], ["hang", 2002], ["hung", 2002], ["hangs", 2002], ["hanging", 2002], ["edge", 2015], ["edges", 2015], ["watch", 2026], ["watching", 2026], ["think", 2049], ["thinkest", 2049], ["thought", 2049], ["queasy", 2068], ["fascination", 2080], ["pulse", 2095], ["steady", 2105], ["lose", 2118], ["lost", 2118], ["blood", 2129], ["bloods", 2129], ["blooded", 2129], ["believe", 2145], ["provide", 2177], ["provided", 2177], ["infection", 2190], ["set", 2195], ["sets", 2195], ["century", 2221], ["wonderful", 2241], ["antibiotic", 2253], ["antibiotics", 2253], ["bad", 2283], ["almost", 2304], ["beam", 2312], ["beaming", 2312], ["must", 2324], ["musts", 2324], ["say", 2328], ["sayest", 2328], ["use", 2346], ["used", 2346], ["surgical", 2358], ["skill", 2365], ["skills", 2365], ["year", 2374], ["years", 2374], ["although", 2385], ["hungry", 2404], ["pretty", 2427], ["prettiest", 2427], ["sure", 2432], ["know", 2479], ["knowest", 2479], ["knew", 2479], ["thank", 2524], ["thanks", 2524], ["thankest", 2524], ["chair", 2579], ["chairing", 2579], ["fold", 2588], ["folded", 2588], ["aside", 2617], ["walk", 2631], ["walked", 2631], ["shake", 2645], ["hand", 2658], ["simple", 2670], ["simplest", 2670], ["gratitude", 2692], ["husband", 2723], ["husbanding", 2723], ["compensate", 2735], ["compensates", 2735], ["kindness", 2757], ["kindnesses", 2757], ["start", 2778], ["started", 2778], ["speak", 2787], ["spoken", 2787], ["shake", 2804], ["shook", 2804], ["quite", 2832], ["dear", 2849], ["dearest", 2849], ["lady", 2854], ["delighted", 2871], ["help", 2879], ["helpest", 2879], ["recently", 2892], ["son", 2903], ["weight", 2930], ["weighted", 2930], ["weightest", 2930], ["grief", 2939], ["oh", 2950], ["sorry", 2992], ["loss", 3006], ["sir", 3012], ["sirs", 3012], ["lie", 3074], ["lay", 3074], ["lain", 3074], ["lying", 3074], ["across", 3081], ["room", 3090], ["roomed", 3090], ["dead", 3097], ["tear", 3105], ["teared", 3105], ["tears", 3105], ["sparkle", 3114], ["sparkled", 3114], ["blink", 3161], ["blinked", 3161], ["smile", 3182], ["smiled", 3182], ["pat", 3194], ["patted", 3194], ["gently", 3210], ["generous", 3237], ["old", 3247], ["man", 3251], ["mans", 3251], ["manned", 3251], ["always", 3284], ["live", 3297], ["living", 3297], ["people", 3336], ["kind", 3348], ["kill", 3402], ["killed", 3402], ["calm", 3445], ["calms", 3445], ["unflinching", 3459], ["without", 3481], ["forgiveness", 3493], ["never", 3510], ["peace", 3520], ["distance", 3556], ["distancing", 3556], ["many", 3564], ["century", 3574], ["centuries", 3574], ["give", 3588], ["gave", 3588], ["life", 3597], ["lifes", 3597], ["wo", 3604], ["reply", 3614], ["gift", 3626], ["anger", 3637], ["poor", 3697], ["sad", 3703], ["tomorrow", 3732], ["tomorrows", 3732], ["grieve", 3741], ["grieving", 3741], ["loss", 3758], ["losses", 3758], ["survive", 3786], ["hate", 3810], ["hateed", 3810], ["hating", 3810], ["heal", 3820], ["healest", 3820], ["speak", 3856], ["spoken", 3856], ["murmur", 3874], ["murmurest", 3874], ["murmured", 3874], ["shame", 3889], ["shamed", 3889], ["shrug", 3958], ["shrugging", 3958], ["shrugged", 3958], ["get", 3973], ["family", 3991], ["wish", 4004], ["well", 4017], ["wells", 4017], ["portal", 4086], ["watch", 4105], ["watched", 4105], ["go", 4112], ["goest", 4112], ["stare", 4139], ["stared", 4139], ["staring", 4139], ["odd", 4169], ["look", 4174]]
`` how very strange , '' she said . `` i wish mr. morrell had been available to meet him . '' she spoke as if he were in a meeting downtown instead of under a sheet on the other side of the room . `` come on , let 's go see richard , '' eve said , and led her away . shane let out his breath in a slow hiss . `` i wish it were as simple as theo thinks it is , to stop hating . '' he swallowed , watching mrs. morrell . `` i wish i could , i really do . '' `` at least you want to , '' michael said . they stayed the night in the lab , mainly because the storm continued outside until the wee hours of the morning -- rain , mostly , with some hail . there did n't seem to be much point running out in it . claire kept checking her phone , eve found a portable radio buried in piles of junk at the back of the room , and they checked for news at regular intervals . around three a.m. they got some . it was on the radio 's emergency alert frequency . all morganville residents and surrounding areas : we remain under severe thunderstorm warnings , with high winds and possible flooding , until seven a.m. today . rescue efforts are under way at city hall , which was partially destroyed by a tornado that also leveled several warehouses and abandoned buildings , as well as one building in founder 's square . there are numerous reports of injuries coming in . emergency teams are working their way through town now , looking for anyone who may be in need of assistance . please do not attempt to go out into the streets at this time . it started to repeat . eve frowned and looked up at myrnin , who had listened as well . `` if i had to guess , their urgent desire that people stay within shelter would tell me there are other things to worry about . '' his dark eyes grew distant for a moment , then snapped back into focus . `` ibid nothing . '' eve seemed to think she 'd misheard . `` ibid nothing carlo . i do n't justice . '' myrnin was making word salad again -- a precursor to the drugs wearing off -- more quickly than claire had expected , actually , and that was worrying . eve sent claire a look of alarm . `` okay , i did n't really understand that at all -- '' claire put a hand on her arm to silence her . `` why do n't you go see mrs. morrell ? you too , shane . '' he did n't like it , but he went . as he did , he jerked his head at michael , who rose from where he was sitting with richard and strolled over . `` you need to listen to me , okay ? i think your drugs are wearing off again . '' his excitement level was rising ; she could see it -- a very light flush in his face , his eyes starting to glitter . `` you worry over notebook . '' there was no point in trying to explain the signs ; he never could identify them . `` we should check on the prison , '' she said . `` see if everything 's still okay there . '' his eyes were getting darker , endlessly dark , and that smile had edges to it . `` oh , little girl , you do n't know . you do n't know what it 's like , having all these guests here , and all this '' -- he breathed in deeply -- '' all this blood . '' his eyes focused on her throat , with its ragged bite mark hidden under a bandage theo had given her . `` i know it 's there . tell me , did fran ? ois -- '' `` stop . claire dug her fingers into her palms . myrnin took a step toward her , and she forced herself not to flinch . she knew him , knew what he was trying to do . he breathed deeply again . bright , so bright . i can feel your energy . i know how it will feel when i ... '' he blinked , and horror sheeted across his face , fast as lightning . `` what was i saying ? what did i just say ? '' she could n't repeat it . but i think we 'd better get you to the cell , okay ? this was the worst part of it , she thought , the mood swings . he 'd tried so hard , and he 'd helped , he really had -- but he was n't going to be able to hold together much longer . she was seeing him fall apart in slow motion . michael steered him toward the portal . `` claire , can you do this ? '' `` if he does n't fight me , '' she said nervously . she remembered one afternoon when his paranoia had taken over , and every time she 'd tried to establish the portal , he 'd snapped the connection , sure something was waiting on the other side to destroy him . `` i wish we had a tranquilizer . ''
[["strange", 19], ["say", 33], ["sayest", 33], ["said", 33], ["wish", 45], ["mr", 48], ["available", 76], ["meet", 84], ["meeted", 84], ["speak", 103], ["spoken", 103], ["spoke", 103], ["meeting", 130], ["downtown", 139], ["downtowns", 139], ["instead", 147], ["sheet", 164], ["side", 182], ["sidest", 182], ["room", 194], ["roomed", 194], ["come", 204], ["let", 213], ["lets", 213], ["go", 219], ["goest", 219], ["see", 223], ["richard", 231], ["richards", 231], ["eve", 240], ["lead", 255], ["leaded", 255], ["led", 255], ["away", 264], ["shane", 272], ["breath", 291], ["breathest", 291], ["slow", 301], ["hiss", 306], ["simple", 336], ["simplest", 336], ["theo", 344], ["think", 351], ["thinkest", 351], ["thinks", 351], ["stop", 367], ["hate", 374], ["hateed", 374], ["hating", 374], ["swallow", 392], ["swallows", 392], ["swallowed", 392], ["watch", 403], ["watching", 403], ["mrs", 407], ["really", 447], ["least", 467], ["leastest", 467], ["michael", 492], ["stay", 511], ["stayed", 511], ["night", 521], ["lab", 532], ["labs", 532], ["mainly", 541], ["storm", 559], ["continue", 569], ["continued", 569], ["outside", 577], ["wee", 591], ["weest", 591], ["hour", 597], ["hours", 597], ["morning", 612], ["rain", 620], ["mostly", 629], ["hail", 646], ["hailing", 646], ["seem", 667], ["seeming", 667], ["much", 678], ["point", 684], ["run", 692], ["running", 692], ["claire", 711], ["keep", 716], ["keepest", 716], ["kept", 716], ["check", 725], ["checking", 725], ["phone", 735], ["find", 747], ["found", 747], ["portable", 758], ["portables", 758], ["radio", 764], ["bury", 771], ["burying", 771], ["buried", 771], ["pile", 780], ["piles", 780], ["junk", 788], ["junks", 788], ["junked", 788], ["junking", 788], ["back", 800], ["check", 831], ["checked", 831], ["news", 840], ["newses", 840], ["regular", 851], ["regulars", 851], ["interval", 861], ["intervals", 861], ["around", 870], ["three", 876], ["get", 890], ["got", 890], ["emergency", 930], ["alert", 936], ["alerted", 936], ["frequency", 946], ["resident", 974], ["residents", 974], ["surround", 990], ["surrounding", 990], ["area", 996], ["areas", 996], ["remain", 1008], ["severe", 1021], ["thunderstorm", 1034], ["warning", 1043], ["warnings", 1043], ["high", 1055], ["wind", 1061], ["winds", 1061], ["possible", 1074], ["flooding", 1083], ["seven", 1097], ["today", 1108], ["rescue", 1117], ["effort", 1125], ["efforts", 1125], ["way", 1139], ["ways", 1139], ["city", 1147], ["hall", 1152], ["partially", 1174], ["destroy", 1184], ["destroys", 1184], ["destroyed", 1184], ["tornado", 1197], ["tornados", 1197], ["also", 1207], ["level", 1215], ["leveled", 1215], ["several", 1223], ["warehouse", 1234], ["warehousing", 1234], ["warehouses", 1234], ["abandon", 1248], ["abandoned", 1248], ["build", 1258], ["building", 1258], ["buildings", 1258], ["well", 1268], ["wells", 1268], ["build", 1284], ["building", 1284], ["foundering", 1295], ["square", 1305], ["numerous", 1326], ["report", 1334], ["reports", 1334], ["injury", 1346], ["injuries", 1346], ["come", 1353], ["coming", 1353], ["team", 1374], ["teamed", 1374], ["teaming", 1374], ["teams", 1374], ["work", 1386], ["wrought", 1386], ["working", 1386], ["town", 1409], ["look", 1423], ["looking", 1423], ["anyone", 1434], ["may", 1442], ["mays", 1442], ["mayest", 1442], ["need", 1453], ["needest", 1453], ["assistance", 1467], ["please", 1476], ["attempt", 1491], ["street", 1518], ["streets", 1518], ["time", 1531], ["start", 1544], ["started", 1544], ["repeat", 1554], ["repeatest", 1554], ["frown", 1568], ["frowns", 1568], ["frowned", 1568], ["look", 1579], ["looked", 1579], ["listen", 1611], ["listens", 1611], ["listened", 1611], ["guess", 1642], ["urgent", 1657], ["desire", 1664], ["people", 1676], ["stay", 1681], ["within", 1688], ["shelter", 1696], ["tell", 1707], ["thing", 1733], ["things", 1733], ["worry", 1742], ["worried", 1742], ["dark", 1762], ["eye", 1767], ["eyed", 1767], ["eyes", 1767], ["grow", 1772], ["growest", 1772], ["grew", 1772], ["distant", 1780], ["moment", 1793], ["snap", 1808], ["snapping", 1808], ["snapped", 1808], ["focus", 1824], ["ibid", 1834], ["nothing", 1842], ["seem", 1858], ["seeming", 1858], ["seemed", 1858], ["think", 1867], ["thinkest", 1867], ["misheard", 1883], ["carlo", 1907], ["carlos", 1907], ["justice", 1926], ["word", 1954], ["salad", 1960], ["precursor", 1981], ["drug", 1994], ["drugs", 1994], ["wear", 2002], ["wearing", 2002], ["quickly", 2022], ["expect", 2047], ["expected", 2047], ["send", 2093], ["sent", 2093], ["look", 2107], ["alarm", 2116], ["okay", 2126], ["understand", 2156], ["understanded", 2156], ["put", 2185], ["hand", 2192], ["arm", 2203], ["silence", 2214], ["like", 2297], ["go", 2314], ["goest", 2314], ["went", 2314], ["jerk", 2338], ["jerks", 2338], ["jerked", 2338], ["head", 2347], ["rise", 2369], ["risen", 2369], ["rose", 2369], ["sat", 2395], ["sit", 2395], ["sitting", 2395], ["stroll", 2421], ["strollest", 2421], ["strolled", 2421], ["listen", 2450], ["listens", 2450], ["excitement", 2526], ["level", 2532], ["rise", 2543], ["risen", 2543], ["rising", 2543], ["lit", 2578], ["light", 2578], ["flush", 2584], ["face", 2596], ["start", 2616], ["starting", 2616], ["glitter", 2627], ["notebook", 2656], ["try", 2690], ["tryed", 2690], ["trying", 2690], ["explain", 2701], ["sign", 2711], ["signs", 2711], ["never", 2722], ["identify", 2737], ["check", 2763], ["prison", 2777], ["everything", 2814], ["still", 2823], ["get", 2861], ["getting", 2861], ["dark", 2868], ["endlessly", 2880], ["smile", 2902], ["edge", 2912], ["edges", 2912], ["oh", 2926], ["little", 2935], ["girl", 2940], ["know", 2958], ["knowest", 2958], ["guest", 3018], ["guestest", 3018], ["guests", 3018], ["breathes", 3056], ["breathed", 3056], ["deeply", 3066], ["blood", 3087], ["bloods", 3087], ["blooded", 3087], ["focus", 3109], ["focused", 3109], ["throat", 3123], ["bite", 3146], ["mark", 3151], ["marks", 3151], ["hide", 3158], ["hides", 3158], ["hidden", 3158], ["bandage", 3174], ["give", 3189], ["given", 3189], ["fran", 3238], ["ois", 3244], ["dig", 3271], ["dug", 3271], ["digs", 3271], ["digest", 3271], ["finger", 3283], ["fingers", 3283], ["palm", 3298], ["palms", 3298], ["palmed", 3298], ["palmest", 3298], ["take", 3312], ["took", 3312], ["step", 3319], ["toward", 3326], ["force", 3347], ["forced", 3347], ["flinch", 3369], ["know", 3380], ["knowest", 3380], ["knew", 3380], ["bright", 3452], ["brights", 3452], ["feel", 3477], ["energy", 3489], ["blink", 3540], ["blinked", 3540], ["horror", 3553], ["sheet", 3561], ["sheeted", 3561], ["across", 3568], ["fast", 3584], ["lightning", 3597], ["say", 3620], ["sayest", 3620], ["saying", 3620], ["say", 3642], ["sayest", 3642], ["well", 3698], ["better", 3698], ["get", 3702], ["cell", 3718], ["bad", 3746], ["worst", 3746], ["part", 3751], ["parting", 3751], ["think", 3771], ["thinkest", 3771], ["thought", 3771], ["mood", 3782], ["swung", 3789], ["swing", 3789], ["swings", 3789], ["try", 3803], ["tryed", 3803], ["tried", 3803], ["hard", 3811], ["help", 3830], ["helpest", 3830], ["helped", 3830], ["go", 3870], ["goest", 3870], ["going", 3870], ["able", 3881], ["abled", 3881], ["hold", 3889], ["together", 3898], ["long", 3910], ["longs", 3910], ["see", 3927], ["seeing", 3927], ["fall", 3936], ["falls", 3936], ["apart", 3942], ["motion", 3957], ["steer", 3975], ["steerest", 3975], ["steered", 3975], ["portal", 3997], ["fight", 4056], ["fightest", 4056], ["nervously", 4083], ["remember", 4100], ["rememberest", 4100], ["remembered", 4100], ["afternoon", 4114], ["paranoia", 4132], ["paranoias", 4132], ["take", 4142], ["taken", 4142], ["every", 4159], ["establish", 4190], ["establishes", 4190], ["establishest", 4190], ["connection", 4232], ["sure", 4239], ["wait", 4261], ["waitest", 4261], ["waiting", 4261], ["destroy", 4290], ["destroys", 4290], ["tranquilizer", 4328]]
`` well , you do n't , '' myrnin said . `` and i do n't like being stuck with your needles , you know that . i 'll behave myself . '' claire opened the door , but instead of the connection snapping clear to the prison , she felt it shift , pulled out of focus . `` myrnin , stop it ! '' he spread his hands theatrically . the connection bent , and before she could bring it back where she wanted it , an alternate destination came into focus . theo goldman fell out of the door . myrnin caught him , surprised out of his petulance , at least for the moment . he eased the other vampire down to a sitting position against the wall . `` no , no , no -- '' theo was gasping , though claire knew he did n't need air , not the way humans did . this was emotion , not exertion . `` please , you have to help , i beg you . help us , help my family , please -- '' myrnin crouched down to put their eyes on a level . theo had n't come straight from common grounds , of course ; he 'd been taken to one of the open portals -- he did n't know where -- and forced through by bishop . `` no , '' he said , and stopped michael as he tried to come closer . he only wants amelie , and the book , and i want no more innocent blood shed , not yours or mine . myrnin , i know you can find her . you have the blood tie and i do n't . please find her and bring her . this is not our fight . it 's family ; it 's father and daughter . they should end this , facetoface . '' myrnin stared at him for a long , long moment , and then cocked his head to one side . `` you want me to betray her , '' he said . `` deliver her to her father . '' `` no , no , i would n't ask for that . only to -- to let her know what price there will be . amelie will come . `` she wo n't , '' myrnin said . theo cried out in misery , and claire bit her lip . `` there 's got to be a way ! '' `` oh , there is , '' myrnin said . but you wo n't like it , my little claire . it is n't neat , and it is n't easy . and it will require considerable courage from you , yet again . '' `` no , you wo n't , '' shane and michael said , at virtually the same time . `` you 're barely on your feet , claire . you do n't go anywhere , not without me . '' `` and me , '' michael said . `` hell , '' eve sighed . `` i guess that means i have to go , too . which i may not ever forgive you for , even if i do n't die horribly . '' myrnin stared at each of them in turn . `` you 'd go . his lips stretched into a crazy , rubberdoll smile . `` you are the best toys , you know . i ca n't imagine how much fun it will be to play with you . '' silence , and then eve said , `` okay , that was extra creepy , with whipped creepy topping . and this is me , changing my mind . '' the glee faded from myrnin 's eyes , replaced with a kind of lost desperation that claire recognized all too well . claire , it 's coming , i 'm afraid . we need you right now . he nodded , but it was more a convulsive response than confirmation . `` in the drawer by the skulls , '' he said . `` one last dose . i hid it . he did that ; he hid things and remembered them at odd moments -- or never . claire dashed off to the far end of the room , near where richard slept , and opened drawer after drawer under the row of skulls he 'd nailed to the wall . he 'd promised that they were all clinical specimens , not one of them victims of violence . she still did n't altogether believe him . in the last drawer , shoved behind ancient rolls of parchment and the mounted skeleton of a bat , were two vials , both in brown glass . one , when she pried up the stopper , proved to be red crystals . the other was silver powder . she put the vial with silver powder in her pants pocket -- careful to use the pocket without a hole in it -- and brought the red crystals back to myrnin . he nodded and slipped the vial into his vest pocket , inside the coat . `` are n't you going to take them ? '' `` not quite yet , '' he said , which scared the hell out of her , frankly . `` i can stay focused a bit longer . `` so , '' michael said , `` what 's the plan ? ''
[["well", 7], ["wells", 7], ["say", 37], ["sayest", 37], ["said", 37], ["like", 60], ["stick", 72], ["stickest", 72], ["stuck", 72], ["needle", 90], ["needled", 90], ["needles", 90], ["know", 101], ["knowest", 101], ["behave", 121], ["behaved", 121], ["behaving", 121], ["claire", 140], ["open", 147], ["opened", 147], ["door", 156], ["instead", 170], ["connection", 188], ["clear", 203], ["clearest", 203], ["prison", 217], ["feel", 228], ["felt", 228], ["shift", 237], ["pull", 246], ["pulled", 246], ["focus", 259], ["stop", 278], ["spread", 296], ["hand", 306], ["hands", 306], ["theatrically", 319], ["bent", 341], ["bring", 370], ["back", 378], ["alternate", 413], ["alternates", 413], ["destination", 425], ["come", 430], ["came", 430], ["theo", 448], ["goldman", 456], ["fall", 461], ["falls", 461], ["fell", 461], ["catch", 493], ["catched", 493], ["catches", 493], ["caught", 493], ["surprise", 509], ["surprised", 509], ["petulance", 530], ["least", 541], ["leastest", 541], ["moment", 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["closer", 1139], ["book", 1177], ["innocent", 1207], ["blood", 1213], ["bloods", 1213], ["blooded", 1213], ["shed", 1218], ["mine", 1238], ["find", 1269], ["tie", 1298], ["tying", 1298], ["tieing", 1298], ["fight", 1367], ["fightest", 1367], ["father", 1397], ["fathered", 1397], ["fathering", 1397], ["daughter", 1410], ["end", 1428], ["ends", 1428], ["endest", 1428], ["stare", 1465], ["stared", 1465], ["long", 1483], ["longs", 1483], ["cock", 1515], ["cockest", 1515], ["cocked", 1515], ["head", 1524], ["side", 1536], ["sidest", 1536], ["betray", 1563], ["betrayed", 1563], ["betraying", 1563], ["deliver", 1593], ["ask", 1645], ["let", 1674], ["lets", 1674], ["price", 1694], ["wo", 1739], ["cry", 1773], ["cried", 1773], ["misery", 1787], ["bit", 1804], ["bits", 1804], ["lip", 1812], ["lipped", 1812], ["get", 1830], ["got", 1830], ["oh", 1853], ["little", 1918], ["neat", 1942], ["neats", 1942], ["easy", 1963], ["require", 1985], ["considerable", 1998], ["courage", 2006], ["yet", 2021], ["shane", 2062], ["virtually", 2094], ["time", 2108], ["barely", 2128], ["foot", 2141], ["feet", 2141], ["go", 2166], ["goest", 2166], ["anywhere", 2175], ["without", 2189], ["hell", 2235], ["hells", 2235], ["eve", 2244], ["sigh", 2251], ["sighest", 2251], ["sighed", 2251], ["guess", 2264], ["mean", 2275], ["meanest", 2275], ["means", 2275], ["may", 2308], ["mays", 2308], ["mayest", 2308], ["ever", 2317], ["everest", 2317], ["forgive", 2325], ["forgived", 2325], ["forgiving", 2325], ["even", 2340], ["evens", 2340], ["die", 2356], ["horribly", 2365], ["turn", 2408], ["lip", 2434], ["lipped", 2434], ["lips", 2434], ["stretch", 2444], ["stretched", 2444], ["crazy", 2457], ["smile", 2476], ["good", 2498], ["best", 2498], ["toy", 2503], ["toyed", 2503], ["toyest", 2503], ["toys", 2503], ["ca", 2521], ["cas", 2521], ["imagine", 2533], ["much", 2542], ["fun", 2546], ["play", 2565], ["playest", 2565], ["silence", 2587], ["okay", 2617], ["extra", 2634], ["extras", 2634], ["creepy", 2641], ["whip", 2656], ["whipped", 2656], ["topping", 2671], ["change", 2699], ["changing", 2699], ["mind", 2707], ["minding", 2707], ["glee", 2721], ["fade", 2727], ["faded", 2727], ["replace", 2758], ["replaced", 2758], ["kind", 2770], ["lost", 2778], ["desperation", 2790], ["recognize", 2813], ["recognized", 2813], ["come", 2850], ["coming", 2850], ["afraid", 2864], ["right", 2884], ["rightest", 2884], ["nod", 2900], ["nodded", 2900], ["convulsive", 2931], ["response", 2940], ["confirmation", 2958], ["drawer", 2977], ["skull", 2991], ["skulls", 2991], ["last", 3018], ["dose", 3023], ["doses", 3023], ["hides", 3031], ["hid", 3031], ["thing", 3064], ["things", 3064], ["remember", 3079], ["rememberest", 3079], ["remembered", 3079], ["odd", 3091], ["moment", 3099], ["moments", 3099], ["never", 3111], ["dash", 3127], ["dashed", 3127], ["far", 3142], ["room", 3158], ["roomed", 3158], ["near", 3165], ["richard", 3179], ["richards", 3179], ["sleep", 3185], ["slept", 3185], ["sleeps", 3185], ["sleepest", 3185], ["row", 3232], ["rowest", 3232], ["nail", 3255], ["nailed", 3255], ["promise", 3284], ["promised", 3284], ["clinical", 3312], ["specimen", 3322], ["specimens", 3322], ["victim", 3348], ["victims", 3348], ["violence", 3360], ["still", 3372], ["altogether", 3391], ["believe", 3399], ["shove", 3433], ["shoved", 3433], ["behind", 3440], ["ancient", 3448], ["roll", 3454], ["rolls", 3454], ["parchment", 3467], ["mount", 3483], ["mounted", 3483], ["mountest", 3483], ["skeleton", 3492], ["bat", 3501], ["two", 3512], ["twos", 3512], ["vial", 3518], ["vials", 3518], ["brown", 3534], ["browns", 3534], ["glass", 3540], ["pry", 3563], ["pried", 3563], ["prying", 3563], ["stopper", 3578], ["prof", 3587], ["prove", 3587], ["proved", 3587], ["red", 3597], ["crystal", 3606], ["crystals", 3606], ["silver", 3629], ["silvered", 3629], ["powder", 3636], ["powdering", 3636], ["vial", 3655], ["pant", 3687], ["pants", 3687], ["pocket", 3694], ["pocketing", 3694], ["careful", 3705], ["use", 3712], ["hole", 3738], ["bring", 3759], ["brought", 3759], ["slip", 3815], ["slipped", 3815], ["vest", 3838], ["inside", 3854], ["coat", 3863], ["go", 3886], ["goest", 3886], ["going", 3886], ["take", 3894], ["quite", 3917], ["scare", 3949], ["scared", 3949], ["frankly", 3979], ["stay", 3995], ["focus", 4003], ["focused", 4003], ["long", 4016], ["longs", 4016], ["plan", 4064]]
claire felt the portal snap into place behind her , clear as a lightning strike , and myrnin grabbed the front of her shirt , swung her around , and threw her violently through the doorway . she seemed to fall a really , really long time , but she hit the ground and rolled . she opened her eyes on pitch darkness , smelling rot and old wine . she was trying to get up when something else hit her from behind -- shane , from the sound of his angry cursing . she writhed around and slapped a hand over his mouth , which made him stop in midcurse . `` shhhh , '' she hissed , as softly as she could . not that their rolling around on the floor had n't rung the dinner bell loud and clear , of course . damn you , myrnin . a cold hand encircled her wrist and pulled her away from shane , and when she hit out at it , she felt a velvet sleeve . shane was scrambling to his feet , too . `` michael , can you see ? '' myrnin 's voice sounded completely calm . michael 's did n't . `` then run , damn you ! i 've got them ! '' myrnin followed his own advice , and claire 's arm was almost yanked from its socket as he dragged her with him . she heard shane panting on his other side . her foot came down on something springy , like a body , and she yelped . the sound echoed , and from the darkness on all sides , she heard what sounded like fingers tapping , sliding , coming closer . something grabbed her ankle , and this time claire screamed . it felt like a wire loop , but when she tried to bat at it , she felt fingers , a thin , bony forearm , and nails like talons . myrnin skidded to a halt , turned , and stomped . her ankle came free , and something in the darkness screamed in rage . he roared -- not to them , but to michael , claire guessed . she saw a flash of something up ahead that was n't quite light -- the portal ? that looked like the kind of shimmer it made when it was being activated . myrnin let go of her wrist , and shoved her forward . this time , she landed on top of michael . shane fell on top of her , and she gasped for air as all the breath was driven out of her . they squirmed around and separated . michael pulled eve to her feet . `` i know this place , '' claire said . `` this is where myrnin -- '' myrnin stepped through the portal and slammed it shut , just as amelie had done not so long ago . `` we wo n't come back here , '' he said . he led the way , long black coat flapping , and claire had to dig deep to keep up , even with shane helping her . when he slowed down and started to pick her up , she swatted at him breathlessly . `` no , i 'll make it ! '' at the end of the stone hallway , they took a left , heading down the dark , paneled hall that claire remembered , but they passed up the door she remembered as myrnin 's cell , where he 'd been chained . eve gasped . `` man , i wish i 'd worn different shoes -- '' she cut herself off as myrnin stopped at the end of the hallway . there was a massive wooden door there , medieval style with thick , handhammered iron bands , and the founder 's symbol etched into the old wood . he had n't even broken a sweat . claire windmilled her arms as she stumbled to a halt , and braced herself against the wall , chest heaving . `` should n't we be armed ? '' `` i mean , for a rescue mission , generally people go armed . i 'm just pointing that out . '' `` i do n't like this , '' shane said . myrnin did n't move his gaze away from claire . `` i will if you take your meds , '' she said . i have my reasons , little one . i must have your word . '' shane was shaking his head . michael was n't seeming any too confident about this , either , and eve -- eve looked like she would gladly have run back the other way , if she 'd known there was any other choice than going back into that darkness . it was a tired , thin sort of smile , and it had a hint of sadness in it . `` then i should apologize now , '' he said . `` because i 'm about to break that trust most grievously . '' he dropped claire 's hand , grabbed shane by the shirt , and kicked open the door . he dragged shane through with him , and the door slammed behind him before any of them could react -- even michael , who hit the wood just an instant later , battering at it . it was built to hold out vampires , claire realized . and it would hold out michael for a long , long time .
[["claire", 6], ["feel", 11], ["felt", 11], ["portal", 22], ["snap", 27], ["snapping", 27], ["place", 38], ["behind", 45], ["clear", 57], ["clearest", 57], ["lightning", 72], ["strike", 79], ["grab", 100], ["grabbed", 100], ["front", 110], ["shirt", 123], ["swung", 131], ["swing", 131], ["around", 142], ["throw", 154], ["threw", 154], ["violently", 168], ["doorway", 188], ["seem", 201], ["seeming", 201], ["seemed", 201], ["fall", 209], ["falls", 209], ["really", 218], ["long", 232], ["longs", 232], ["time", 237], ["hit", 251], ["ground", 262], ["roll", 273], ["rolled", 273], ["open", 286], ["opened", 286], ["eye", 295], ["eyed", 295], ["eyes", 295], ["pitch", 304], ["darkness", 313], ["smelt", 324], ["smell", 324], ["smellest", 324], ["smelling", 324], ["rot", 328], ["old", 336], ["wine", 341], ["try", 358], ["tryed", 358], ["trying", 358], ["get", 365], ["else", 388], ["shane", 417], ["sound", 434], ["angry", 447], ["writhe", 469], ["writhes", 469], ["writhing", 469], ["writhed", 469], ["slap", 488], ["slaps", 488], ["slapped", 488], ["hand", 495], ["mouth", 510], ["mouthed", 510], ["stop", 532], ["hiss", 571], ["hissed", 571], ["softly", 583], ["roll", 621], ["rolling", 621], ["floor", 641], ["rang", 654], ["rung", 654], ["ring", 654], ["dinner", 665], ["bell", 670], ["belling", 670], ["loud", 675], ["course", 697], ["damn", 704], ["damned", 704], ["cold", 726], ["encircle", 741], ["encircling", 741], ["encircled", 741], ["wrist", 751], ["pull", 762], ["pulled", 762], ["away", 771], ["velvet", 831], ["sleeve", 838], ["sleeving", 838], ["scramble", 861], ["scrambling", 861], ["foot", 873], ["feet", 873], ["michael", 892], ["see", 906], ["voice", 927], ["sound", 935], ["sounded", 935], ["completely", 946], ["calm", 951], ["calms", 951], ["run", 986], ["get", 1009], ["got", 1009], ["follow", 1035], ["followed", 1035], ["advice", 1050], ["arm", 1070], ["almost", 1081], ["yank", 1088], ["yanks", 1088], ["yanked", 1088], ["socket", 1104], ["drag", 1118], ["dragged", 1118], ["hear", 1143], ["hears", 1143], ["heard", 1143], ["pant", 1157], ["panting", 1157], ["side", 1175], ["sidest", 1175], ["foot", 1186], ["come", 1191], ["came", 1191], ["springy", 1217], ["like", 1224], ["body", 1231], ["bodied", 1231], ["yelp", 1248], ["yelped", 1248], ["yelping", 1248], ["echo", 1267], ["echoed", 1267], ["side", 1304], ["sidest", 1304], ["sides", 1304], ["finger", 1342], ["fingers", 1342], ["tap", 1350], ["tapping", 1350], ["slid", 1360], ["sliding", 1360], ["come", 1369], ["coming", 1369], ["close", 1376], ["closer", 1376], ["ankle", 1406], ["scream", 1438], ["screams", 1438], ["screamed", 1438], ["wire", 1460], ["loop", 1465], ["looping", 1465], ["try", 1486], ["tryed", 1486], ["tried", 1486], ["bat", 1493], ["thin", 1527], ["thins", 1527], ["bony", 1534], ["forearm", 1542], ["nail", 1554], ["nails", 1554], ["talon", 1566], ["talons", 1566], ["skid", 1583], ["skidded", 1583], ["halt", 1593], ["halts", 1593], ["haltest", 1593], ["turn", 1602], ["turned", 1602], ["stomp", 1616], ["stomps", 1616], ["stomping", 1616], ["stomped", 1616], ["free", 1638], ["rage", 1687], ["roar", 1699], ["roarest", 1699], ["roared", 1699], ["guess", 1748], ["guessed", 1748], ["see", 1758], ["saw", 1758], ["flash", 1766], ["ahead", 1788], ["quite", 1807], ["lit", 1813], ["light", 1813], ["look", 1841], ["looked", 1841], ["kind", 1855], ["shimmer", 1866], ["shimmering", 1866], ["activate", 1902], ["activated", 1902], ["let", 1915], ["lets", 1915], ["go", 1918], ["goest", 1918], ["shove", 1944], ["shoved", 1944], ["forward", 1956], ["forwarding", 1956], ["forwardest", 1956], ["land", 1981], ["landed", 1981], ["top", 1988], ["fall", 2012], ["falls", 2012], ["fell", 2012], ["gasp", 2043], ["gasps", 2043], ["gasped", 2043], ["air", 2051], ["airs", 2051], ["airing", 2051], ["breath", 2069], ["breathest", 2069], ["drive", 2080], ["driven", 2080], ["squirm", 2107], ["squirmed", 2107], ["separate", 2128], ["separated", 2128], ["eve", 2149], ["know", 2173], ["knowest", 2173], ["say", 2201], ["sayest", 2201], ["said", 2201], ["step", 2248], ["stepped", 2248], ["slam", 2279], ["slammed", 2279], ["shut", 2287], ["ago", 2329], ["wo", 2340], ["come", 2349], ["back", 2354], ["lead", 2381], ["leaded", 2381], ["led", 2381], ["way", 2389], ["ways", 2389], ["black", 2402], ["coat", 2407], ["flap", 2416], ["flapping", 2416], ["dig", 2440], ["dug", 2440], ["digs", 2440], ["digest", 2440], ["deep", 2445], ["deeply", 2445], ["keep", 2453], ["keepest", 2453], ["even", 2463], ["evens", 2463], ["help", 2482], ["helpest", 2482], ["helping", 2482], ["slow", 2503], ["slowed", 2503], ["start", 2520], ["started", 2520], ["pick", 2528], ["swat", 2549], ["breathlessly", 2569], ["end", 2609], ["ends", 2609], ["endest", 2609], ["stone", 2622], ["stoning", 2622], ["hallway", 2630], ["hallways", 2630], ["take", 2642], ["took", 2642], ["left", 2649], ["head", 2659], ["heading", 2659], ["dark", 2673], ["panel", 2683], ["paneling", 2683], ["panelling", 2683], ["paneled", 2683], ["hall", 2688], ["remember", 2711], ["rememberest", 2711], ["remembered", 2711], ["pass", 2729], ["passed", 2729], ["door", 2741], ["cell", 2774], ["chain", 2801], ["chained", 2801], ["man", 2823], ["mans", 2823], ["manned", 2823], ["wish", 2832], ["wear", 2842], ["worn", 2842], ["different", 2852], ["shoe", 2858], ["shoed", 2858], ["shoes", 2858], ["cut", 2872], ["stop", 2902], ["stopped", 2902], ["massive", 2950], ["wooden", 2957], ["medieval", 2979], ["style", 2985], ["thick", 2996], ["thickest", 2996], ["iron", 3016], ["band", 3022], ["bands", 3022], ["founder", 3040], ["foundering", 3040], ["symbol", 3050], ["etch", 3057], ["etched", 3057], ["wood", 3075], ["broke", 3100], ["break", 3100], ["broken", 3100], ["sweat", 3108], ["windmilled", 3128], ["windmilling", 3128], ["arm", 3137], ["arms", 3137], ["stumble", 3153], ["stumbled", 3153], ["brace", 3176], ["braced", 3176], ["wall", 3201], ["chest", 3209], ["armed", 3245], ["mean", 3260], ["meanest", 3260], ["rescue", 3275], ["mission", 3283], ["generally", 3295], ["people", 3302], ["point", 3332], ["pointing", 3332], ["move", 3406], ["gaze", 3415], ["gazes", 3415], ["take", 3456], ["med", 3466], ["meds", 3466], ["reason", 3500], ["reasonest", 3500], ["reasons", 3500], ["little", 3509], ["must", 3522], ["musts", 3522], ["word", 3537], ["shake", 3560], ["shaking", 3560], ["head", 3569], ["seem", 3595], ["seeming", 3595], ["confident", 3613], ["either", 3633], ["gladly", 3679], ["know", 3725], ["knowest", 3725], ["known", 3725], ["choice", 3752], ["go", 3763], ["goest", 3763], ["going", 3763], ["tired", 3804], ["sort", 3816], ["smile", 3825], ["hint", 3845], ["hinting", 3845], ["sadness", 3856], ["apologize", 3891], ["broke", 3941], ["break", 3941], ["trust", 3952], ["grievously", 3968], ["drop", 3984], ["dropped", 3984], ["kick", 4041], ["kicked", 4041], ["open", 4046], ["react", 4156], ["instant", 4207], ["later", 4213], ["batter", 4225], ["battering", 4225], ["build", 4246], ["builds", 4246], ["built", 4246], ["hold", 4254], ["vampire", 4267], ["vampires", 4267], ["realize", 4285], ["realized", 4285]]
she screamed his name and threw herself against the wood , slamming her hand over and over into the founder 's symbol . `` shane , no ! myrnin , bring him back . bring him back ... ... '' michael whirled around , facing the other direction . `` stay behind me , '' he said to eve and claire . claire looked over her shoulder to see doors opening , up and down the hall , as if somebody had pressed a button . vampires and humans alike came out , filling the hallway between the three of them , and any possible way out . every single one of them had fang marks in their necks , just like the ones in claire 's neck . just like the ones in michael 's neck . there was something about the way he was standing there , so still , so quiet ... ... and then he walked away , heading for the other vampires . eve started to lunge after him , but claire stopped her . when michael reached the first vampire , claire expected to see some kind of a fight -- something -- but instead , they just looked at each other , and then the man nodded . `` welcome , '' he said , `` brother michael . '' `` welcome , '' another vampire murmured , and then a human . when michael turned around , his eyes had shifted colors , going from sky blue to dark crimson . `` oh hell , '' eve whispered . on the other side was a big stone hall , something straight out of a castle , and the wooden throne that claire remembered from the welcome feast was here , sitting up on a stage . it was draped in red velvet . sitting on the throne was mr. bishop . `` join us , '' bishop said . claire and eve looked at each other . shane was lying on the stone floor , with myrnin 's hand holding him facedown . `` come in , children . there 's no point anymore . i 've won the night . '' claire felt like she 'd stepped off the edge of the world , and everything was just ... gone . myrnin would n't look at her . he had his head bowed to bishop . eve , after that first look , returned her attention to michael , who was walking toward them . it was not the michael they knew -- not at all . `` let shane go , '' claire said . her voice trembled , but it came out clearly enough . bishop raised one finger , and michael lunged forward , grabbed eve by the throat , and pulled her close to him with his fangs bared . `` do n't give me orders , child , '' bishop said . `` you should be dead by now . now , rephrase your request . something with a please . '' claire licked her lips and tasted sweat . `` please let shane go . please do n't hurt eve . '' bishop considered , then nodded . `` i do n't need the girl , '' he said . he nodded to michael , who let eve go . she backed away , staring at him in disbelief , hands over her throat . `` i have what i want . do n't i , myrnin ? '' myrnin pulled up shane 's shirt . there , stuffed in his waistband at the back , was the book . myrnin pulled it free , let shane up , and walked to bishop . i 'm about to break that trust most grievously , he 'd said to claire . she had n't believed him until this moment . `` wait , '' myrnin said , as bishop reached for it . `` the bargain was for theo goldman 's family . '' `` they 'll be quite safe . '' `` and unharmed , '' myrnin said . `` are you putting conditions on our little agreement ? '' they go free , and unharmed . let all witness that theo goldman and his family will take no harm from me or mine , but they are not welcome in morganville . i will not have them here . '' myrnin inclined his head . he lowered himself to one knee in front of the throne , and lifted the book in both hands over his head , offering it up . bishop 's fingers closed on it , and he let out a long , rattling sigh . `` at last , '' he said . myrnin rested his forearms across his knee , but did n't try to rise . `` you said you also required amelie . may i suggest an alternative ? '' `` you may , as i 'm in good humor with you at the moment . '' `` the girl wears amelie 's sigil , '' he said . `` she 's the only one in town who wears it in the old way , by the old laws . that makes her no less than a part of amelie herself , blood for blood . '' it seemed as if every head turned toward her , every pair of eyes stared . shane started to come toward her . michael darted forward and slammed his friend down on the stones , snarling .
[["scream", 12], ["screams", 12], ["screamed", 12], ["name", 21], ["throw", 31], ["threw", 31], ["wood", 56], ["slam", 67], ["slamming", 67], ["hand", 76], ["founder", 107], ["foundering", 107], ["symbol", 117], ["shane", 128], ["bring", 150], ["back", 159], ["michael", 195], ["whirl", 203], ["whirls", 203], ["whirled", 203], ["around", 210], ["face", 219], ["facing", 219], ["direction", 239], ["stay", 249], ["behind", 256], ["say", 272], ["sayest", 272], ["said", 272], ["eve", 279], ["claire", 290], ["look", 306], ["looked", 306], ["shoulder", 324], ["shouldered", 324], ["see", 331], ["door", 337], ["doors", 337], ["open", 345], ["hall", 368], ["press", 397], ["pressed", 397], ["button", 406], ["buttoning", 406], ["vampire", 417], ["vampires", 417], ["human", 428], ["humans", 428], ["alike", 434], ["come", 439], ["came", 439], ["fill", 453], ["fills", 453], ["filling", 453], ["hallway", 465], ["hallways", 465], ["three", 483], ["possible", 510], ["way", 514], ["ways", 514], ["every", 526], ["single", 533], ["fang", 554], ["mark", 560], ["marks", 560], ["neck", 575], ["necked", 575], ["necks", 575], ["like", 587], ["neck", 614], ["necked", 614], ["stand", 706], ["stood", 706], ["standest", 706], ["standing", 706], ["still", 723], ["quiet", 734], ["walk", 761], ["walked", 761], ["away", 766], ["head", 776], ["heading", 776], ["start", 813], ["started", 813], ["lunge", 822], ["lunges", 822], ["stop", 853], ["stopped", 853], ["reach", 880], ["reached", 880], ["first", 890], ["firstest", 890], ["vampire", 898], ["expect", 916], ["expected", 916], ["kind", 933], ["fight", 944], ["fightest", 944], ["instead", 972], ["man", 1024], ["mans", 1024], ["manned", 1024], ["nod", 1031], ["nodded", 1031], ["welcome", 1044], ["brother", 1070], ["brethren", 1070], ["another", 1107], ["murmur", 1124], ["murmurest", 1124], ["murmured", 1124], ["human", 1143], ["turn", 1165], ["turned", 1165], ["eye", 1183], ["eyed", 1183], ["eyes", 1183], ["shift", 1195], ["shifted", 1195], ["color", 1202], ["colors", 1202], ["go", 1210], ["goest", 1210], ["going", 1210], ["sky", 1219], ["blue", 1224], ["dark", 1232], ["crimson", 1240], ["oh", 1248], ["hell", 1253], ["hells", 1253], ["whisper", 1272], ["whispered", 1272], ["side", 1292], ["sidest", 1292], ["big", 1302], ["bigs", 1302], ["stone", 1308], ["stoning", 1308], ["straight", 1334], ["castle", 1350], ["castles", 1350], ["wooden", 1367], ["throne", 1374], ["remember", 1397], ["rememberest", 1397], ["remembered", 1397], ["feast", 1420], ["feastest", 1420], ["sat", 1439], ["sit", 1439], ["sitting", 1439], ["stage", 1453], ["staging", 1453], ["drape", 1469], ["drapes", 1469], ["draped", 1469], ["red", 1476], ["velvet", 1483], ["mr", 1514], ["bishop", 1522], ["join", 1532], ["joinest", 1532], ["lie", 1608], ["lay", 1608], ["lain", 1608], ["lying", 1608], ["floor", 1627], ["hold", 1657], ["holding", 1657], ["facedown", 1670], ["come", 1680], ["child", 1694], ["childs", 1694], ["children", 1694], ["point", 1714], ["anymore", 1722], ["win", 1734], ["night", 1744], ["feel", 1761], ["felt", 1761], ["step", 1781], ["stepped", 1781], ["edge", 1794], ["edges", 1794], ["world", 1807], ["everything", 1824], ["go", 1842], ["goest", 1842], ["gone", 1842], ["look", 1866], ["head", 1891], ["bow", 1897], ["bowed", 1897], ["return", 1948], ["returnest", 1948], ["returned", 1948], ["attention", 1962], ["walk", 1991], ["walking", 1991], ["toward", 1998], ["know", 2038], ["knowest", 2038], ["knew", 2038], ["let", 2061], ["lets", 2061], ["go", 2070], ["goest", 2070], ["voice", 2099], ["tremble", 2108], ["trembles", 2108], ["trembled", 2108], ["clearly", 2134], ["enough", 2141], ["raise", 2157], ["raised", 2157], ["finger", 2168], ["lunge", 2189], ["lunges", 2189], ["forward", 2197], ["forwarding", 2197], ["forwardest", 2197], ["grab", 2207], ["grabbed", 2207], ["throat", 2225], ["pull", 2238], ["pulled", 2238], ["close", 2248], ["fang", 2270], ["fangs", 2270], ["bare", 2276], ["bared", 2276], ["give", 2293], ["order", 2303], ["orderest", 2303], ["orders", 2303], ["child", 2311], ["childs", 2311], ["dead", 2352], ["rephrase", 2376], ["request", 2389], ["requestest", 2389], ["please", 2415], ["lick", 2434], ["licked", 2434], ["lip", 2443], ["lipped", 2443], ["lips", 2443], ["sweat", 2460], ["hurt", 2506], ["hurts", 2506], ["hurting", 2506], ["consider", 2533], ["considered", 2533], ["need", 2566], ["needest", 2566], ["girl", 2575], ["back", 2641], ["backed", 2641], ["stare", 2656], ["stared", 2656], ["staring", 2656], ["disbelief", 2676], ["disbeliefs", 2676], ["hand", 2684], ["hands", 2684], ["shirt", 2781], ["stuff", 2799], ["stuffed", 2799], ["waistband", 2816], ["book", 2843], ["free", 2867], ["broke", 2927], ["break", 2927], ["trust", 2938], ["grievously", 2954], ["believe", 3000], ["believed", 3000], ["moment", 3022], ["wait", 3032], ["waitest", 3032], ["bargain", 3093], ["bargains", 3093], ["theo", 3106], ["goldman", 3114], ["family", 3124], ["quite", 3150], ["safe", 3155], ["safes", 3155], ["safed", 3155], ["unharmed", 3176], ["put", 3214], ["putting", 3214], ["condition", 3225], ["conditions", 3225], ["little", 3239], ["agreement", 3249], ["witness", 3300], ["take", 3343], ["harm", 3351], ["harmest", 3351], ["incline", 3458], ["inclines", 3458], ["inclined", 3458], ["lower", 3480], ["lowers", 3480], ["lowerest", 3480], ["lowered", 3480], ["knee", 3500], ["front", 3509], ["lift", 3536], ["lifted", 3536], ["offer", 3584], ["finger", 3610], ["fingers", 3610], ["close", 3617], ["closed", 3617], ["long", 3647], ["longs", 3647], ["rattle", 3658], ["rattling", 3658], ["sigh", 3663], ["sighest", 3663], ["last", 3676], ["rest", 3705], ["rested", 3705], ["forearm", 3718], ["forearms", 3718], ["across", 3725], ["try", 3752], ["tryed", 3752], ["rise", 3760], ["risen", 3760], ["also", 3783], ["require", 3792], ["required", 3792], ["may", 3805], ["mays", 3805], ["mayest", 3805], ["suggest", 3815], ["alternative", 3830], ["good", 3864], ["humor", 3870], ["humors", 3870], ["humorest", 3870], ["wear", 3916], ["wears", 3916], ["sigil", 3932], ["town", 3978], ["old", 4002], ["law", 4024], ["laws", 4024], ["less", 4049], ["part", 4061], ["parting", 4061], ["blood", 4087], ["bloods", 4087], ["blooded", 4087], ["seem", 4112], ["seeming", 4112], ["seemed", 4112], ["pair", 4160], ["pairs", 4160], ["stare", 4175], ["stared", 4175], ["dart", 4227], ["darted", 4227], ["slam", 4247], ["slammed", 4247], ["friend", 4258], ["stone", 4277], ["stoning", 4277], ["stones", 4277], ["snarl", 4288], ["snarls", 4288], ["snarling", 4288]]
he held him there . myrnin rose and came to claire , offering her his hand in an antique , courtly gesture . his eyes were still dark , still mostly sane . and that was why she knew she could never really forgive him , ever again . this was n't the disease talking . it was just myrnin . `` trust me , claire . she avoided him and walked on her own to the foot of bishop 's throne , staring up at him . he repeated , mystified . `` why on earth would i do such a foolish thing ? myrnin is quite right . there 's no point in killing you , none at all . i need you to run the machines of morganville for me . i have already declared that richard morrell will oversee the humans . i will allow myrnin the honor of ruling those vampires who choose to stay in my kingdom and swear fealty to me . '' myrnin bowed slightly , from the waist . `` i am , of course , deeply grateful for your favor , my lord . '' `` one thing , '' bishop said . `` i 'll need oliver 's head . '' this time , myrnin smiled . `` i know just where to find it , my lord . '' `` then be about your work . '' myrnin gave a bow , flourished with elaborate arm movements , and to claire 's eyes , it was almost mocking . while he was bowing , she heard him whisper , `` do as he says . '' and then he was gone , walking away , as if none of it meant anything to him at all . eve tried to kick him , but he laughed and avoided her , wagging a finger at her as he did . they watched him skip away down the hall . shane said , `` let me up , michael , or fang me . `` no , '' bishop said , and snapped his fingers to call michael off when he snarled . `` i may need the boy to control his father . put them in a cage together . '' shane was hauled up and marched off , but not before he said , `` claire , i 'll find you . '' `` i 'll find you first , '' she said . bishop broke the lock on the book that myrnin had given him , and opened it to flip the pages , as if looking for something in particular . he ripped out a page and pressed the two ends together to make a circle of paper , thickly filled with minute , dark writing . `` put this on your arm , '' he said , and tossed it to claire . she hesitated , and he sighed . `` put it on , or one of the many hostages to your good behavior will suffer . mother , father , friends , acquaintances , complete strangers . you are not myrnin . do n't try to play his games . '' claire slipped the paper sleeve over her arm , feeling stupid , but she did n't see any alternatives . the paper felt odd against her skin , and then it sucked in and clung to her like something alive . she panicked and tried to pull it off , but she could n't get a grip on it , so closely was it sticking to her arm . after a moment of searing pain , it loosened and slipped off on its own . as it fluttered to the floor , she saw that the page was blank . nothing on it at all . the dense writing that had been on it stayed on her arm -- no , under the skin , as if she 'd been tattooed with it . and the symbols were moving . it made her ill to watch . she had no idea what it meant , but she could feel something happening inside , something ... her fear faded away . `` swear loyalty to me , '' bishop said . `` in the old tongue . '' claire got on her knees and swore , in a language she did n't even know , and not for one moment did she doubt it was the right thing to do . in fact , it made her happy . glowingly happy . some part of her was screaming , he 's making you do this ! but the other parts really did n't care . `` what shall i do with your friends ? '' she did n't even care that eve was crying . `` you will , someday . i 'll grant you this much : your friend eve may go . i have absolutely no use for her . i will show i am merciful . '' she did , she knew she did , but she could n't make herself feel it . `` go , '' bishop said , and smiled chillingly at eve . find amelie and tell her this : i have taken her town away , and all that she values . tell her i have the book . if she wants it back , she 'll have to come for it herself . '' eve angrily wiped tears from her face , glaring at him . `` she 'll come . and i 'll come with her . you do n't own jack .
[["hold", 7], ["held", 7], ["rise", 31], ["risen", 31], ["rose", 31], ["come", 40], ["came", 40], ["claire", 50], ["offer", 61], ["hand", 74], ["antique", 88], ["courtly", 98], ["gesture", 106], ["eye", 117], ["eyed", 117], ["eyes", 117], ["still", 128], ["dark", 133], ["mostly", 148], ["sane", 153], ["know", 181], ["knowest", 181], ["knew", 181], ["never", 197], ["really", 204], ["forgive", 212], ["forgived", 212], ["forgiving", 212], ["ever", 223], ["everest", 223], ["disease", 256], ["talk", 264], ["talking", 264], ["trust", 296], ["avoid", 322], ["avoided", 322], ["walk", 337], ["walked", 337], ["foot", 360], ["bishop", 370], ["throne", 380], ["stare", 390], ["stared", 390], ["staring", 390], ["repeat", 414], ["repeatest", 414], ["repeated", 414], ["mystify", 426], ["mystified", 426], ["earth", 444], ["earths", 444], ["earthest", 444], ["foolish", 470], ["thing", 476], ["quite", 494], ["right", 500], ["rightest", 500], ["point", 520], ["kill", 531], ["killing", 531], ["none", 542], ["need", 558], ["needest", 558], ["run", 569], ["machine", 582], ["machines", 582], ["already", 621], ["declare", 630], ["declared", 630], ["richard", 643], ["richards", 643], ["oversee", 664], ["oversaw", 664], ["overseen", 664], ["human", 675], ["humans", 675], ["allow", 690], ["honor", 707], ["rule", 717], ["ruling", 717], ["vampire", 732], ["vampires", 732], ["choose", 743], ["stay", 751], ["kingdom", 765], ["swear", 775], ["sweared", 775], ["fealty", 782], ["bow", 806], ["bowed", 806], ["slightly", 815], ["waist", 832], ["course", 854], ["deeply", 863], ["grateful", 872], ["favor", 887], ["favorest", 887], ["lord", 897], ["say", 932], ["sayest", 932], ["said", 932], ["oliver", 955], ["head", 963], ["time", 978], ["smile", 994], ["smiled", 994], ["know", 1006], ["knowest", 1006], ["find", 1025], ["work", 1070], ["wrought", 1070], ["give", 1087], ["gave", 1087], ["bow", 1093], ["flourish", 1106], ["flourished", 1106], ["elaborate", 1121], ["arm", 1125], ["movement", 1135], ["movements", 1135], ["almost", 1175], ["mock", 1183], ["mocking", 1183], ["bow", 1205], ["bowing", 1205], ["hear", 1217], ["hears", 1217], ["heard", 1217], ["whisper", 1229], ["say", 1248], ["sayest", 1248], ["says", 1248], ["go", 1274], ["goest", 1274], ["gone", 1274], ["walk", 1284], ["walking", 1284], ["away", 1289], ["mean", 1314], ["meanest", 1314], ["meant", 1314], ["anything", 1323], ["eve", 1343], ["try", 1349], ["tryed", 1349], ["tried", 1349], ["kick", 1357], ["laugh", 1378], ["laughed", 1378], ["wag", 1404], ["wagging", 1404], ["finger", 1413], ["watch", 1445], ["watched", 1445], ["skip", 1454], ["skips", 1454], ["skipped", 1454], ["hall", 1473], ["shane", 1481], ["let", 1495], ["lets", 1495], ["michael", 1511], ["fang", 1521], ["snap", 1563], ["snapping", 1563], ["snapped", 1563], ["finger", 1575], ["fingers", 1575], ["call", 1583], ["snarl", 1611], ["snarls", 1611], ["snarled", 1611], ["may", 1622], ["mays", 1622], ["mayest", 1622], ["boy", 1635], ["control", 1646], ["father", 1657], ["fathered", 1657], ["fathering", 1657], ["put", 1663], ["cage", 1678], ["together", 1687], ["haul", 1709], ["hauls", 1709], ["hauled", 1709], ["march", 1724], ["marching", 1724], ["marched", 1724], ["first", 1811], ["firstest", 1811], ["broke", 1840], ["break", 1840], ["lock", 1849], ["book", 1861], ["give", 1883], ["given", 1883], ["open", 1900], ["opened", 1900], ["flip", 1911], ["flipping", 1911], ["page", 1921], ["pages", 1921], ["look", 1937], ["looking", 1937], ["particular", 1965], ["rip", 1977], ["ripped", 1977], ["page", 1988], ["press", 2000], ["pressed", 2000], ["two", 2008], ["twos", 2008], ["end", 2013], ["ends", 2013], ["endest", 2013], ["circle", 2039], ["paper", 2048], ["thickly", 2058], ["fill", 2065], ["fills", 2065], ["filled", 2065], ["minute", 2077], ["writing", 2092], ["toss", 2144], ["tossed", 2144], ["hesitate", 2173], ["hesitated", 2173], ["sigh", 2189], ["sighest", 2189], ["sighed", 2189], ["many", 2225], ["hostage", 2234], ["hostages", 2234], ["good", 2247], ["behavior", 2256], ["suffer", 2268], ["suffering", 2268], ["mother", 2277], ["mothered", 2277], ["motherest", 2277], ["friend", 2296], ["friends", 2296], ["acquaintance", 2312], ["acquaintances", 2312], ["complete", 2323], ["stranger", 2333], ["strangers", 2333], ["try", 2367], ["tryed", 2367], ["play", 2375], ["playest", 2375], ["game", 2385], ["games", 2385], ["slip", 2405], ["slipped", 2405], ["sleeve", 2422], ["sleeving", 2422], ["feel", 2445], ["feeling", 2445], ["stupid", 2452], ["see", 2474], ["alternative", 2491], ["alternatives", 2491], ["feel", 2508], ["felt", 2508], ["odd", 2512], ["skin", 2529], ["suck", 2550], ["sucking", 2550], ["sucked", 2550], ["clung", 2563], ["like", 2575], ["alive", 2591], ["panic", 2606], ["panicked", 2606], ["pull", 2624], ["get", 2655], ["grip", 2662], ["closely", 2681], ["stick", 2697], ["stickest", 2697], ["sticking", 2697], ["moment", 2725], ["pain", 2741], ["loosen", 2755], ["loosenest", 2755], ["loosened", 2755], ["flutter", 2800], ["fluttering", 2800], ["fluttered", 2800], ["floor", 2813], ["see", 2823], ["saw", 2823], ["blank", 2847], ["blanks", 2847], ["nothing", 2857], ["dense", 2882], ["stay", 2917], ["stayed", 2917], ["tattoo", 2980], ["tattoos", 2980], ["tattooing", 2980], ["tattooed", 2980], ["symbol", 3006], ["symbols", 3006], ["move", 3018], ["moving", 3018], ["ill", 3036], ["ills", 3036], ["illest", 3036], ["watch", 3045], ["idea", 3063], ["feel", 3098], ["happen", 3118], ["happening", 3118], ["inside", 3125], ["fear", 3150], ["fearest", 3150], ["fade", 3156], ["faded", 3156], ["loyalty", 3180], ["old", 3219], ["tongue", 3226], ["tonguing", 3226], ["get", 3242], ["got", 3242], ["knee", 3255], ["knees", 3255], ["swear", 3265], ["sweared", 3265], ["language", 3281], ["languaged", 3281], ["even", 3298], ["evens", 3298], ["doubt", 3342], ["fact", 3381], ["happy", 3401], ["glowingly", 3413], ["part", 3431], ["parting", 3431], ["scream", 3452], ["screams", 3452], ["screaming", 3452], ["part", 3501], ["parting", 3501], ["parts", 3501], ["care", 3521], ["shall", 3537], ["cry", 3607], ["crying", 3607], ["someday", 3631], ["grant", 3645], ["grantest", 3645], ["much", 3659], ["friend", 3673], ["go", 3684], ["goest", 3684], ["absolutely", 3704], ["use", 3711], ["show", 3733], ["merciful", 3747], ["chillingly", 3869], ["tell", 3899], ["take", 3923], ["taken", 3923], ["town", 3932], ["value", 3963], ["values", 3963], ["back", 4013], ["come", 4036], ["angrily", 4068], ["wipe", 4074], ["wiped", 4074], ["tear", 4080], ["teared", 4080], ["tears", 4080], ["face", 4094], ["glare", 4104], ["glaring", 4104], ["jack", 4177], ["jacks", 4177], ["jacked", 4177]]
this is our town , and we 're going to kick you out if it 's the last thing we do . '' the assembled vampires all laughed . bishop said , `` then come . we 'll be waiting . wo n't we , claire ? '' `` yes , '' she said , and went to sit down on the steps by his feet . `` then let 's begin our celebration , and in the morning , we 'll talk about how morganville will be run from now on . according to my wishes . '' i wanted to scream , but there was a hand over my mouth , rough and powerful . i lashed out at my attacker . then my senses returned and i realized it was just harkat , muffling my screams so that i did n't disturb any of the sleepers in the neighbouring caravans and tents . i relaxed and tapped harkat 's hand to show that i was ok . he released me and stepped back , his large green eyes alive with concern . he handed me a mug of water . i drank deeply from it , then wiped a shaking hand across my lips and smiled weakly . `` i was n't asleep , '' harkat said . the grey-skinned little person did n't need much sleep and often went two or three nights without dozing . he took the mug from me and set it down . `` it was a bad one this ? you started screaming five or six ? minutes ago , and only stopped now . the same nightmare ? '' `` the wasteworld , the wave of fire , the dragon , the ? steve , '' i finished quietly . i 'd been haunted by the nightmare for almost two years , screaming myself awake at least a couple of times a week . in all those months i had n't told harkat about and that wretched face i always saw at the end of the nightmare . as far as he knew , steve was the only monster in my dreams - i did n't dare tell him that i was as scared of myself as i was of steve leopard . i swung my legs out of my hammock and sat up . i could tell by the darkness that it was only three or four in the morning , but i knew i would n't be able to sleep any more . the nightmare always left me shaken and wide awake . rubbing the back of my neck , i found myself studying harkat out of the corner of my eye . although he was n't the source of my nightmares , i could trace their origins back to him . the little person had been built from the remains of a corpse . for most of his newlife he had n't known who he was . two years ago , mr tiny - a man of immense power , with the ability to travel through time - transported us to a barren wasteworld and sent us off on a quest to discover harkat 's previous identity . we fought a variety of wild creatures and twisted monstrosities before finally fishing harkat 's original body out of the lake of souls , a holding place for damned spirits . harkat used to be a vampire called kurda smahlt . he 'd betrayed the vampire clan in a bid to prevent war with our blood cousins , the purple-skinned vampaneze . to make up for his sins , he 'd agreed to become harkat mulds and travel back into the past to be my guardian . i 'm darren shan , a vampire prince . i 'm also one of the hunters of the lord of the vampaneze - a.k.a . steve leopard . steve was destined to lead the vampaneze to victory over the vampires . if he won , he 'd wipe us out entirely . but a few of us - the hunters - had the ability to stop him before he came fully into his powers . if we found and killed him before he matured , the war would be ours . by helping me as harkat , kurda hoped to help the clan and prevent their destined destruction at the hands of the vampaneze . in that way he could put right some of the wrongs he 'd committed . having learnt the truth about harkat , we returned to our own world - rather , our owntime . because what we worked out later was that the wasteworld was n't an alternative universe or earth in the past , as we 'd first thought - it was earth in the future . mr tiny had given us a glimpse of what was to come if came to power . harkat thought the ruined world would only come to pass if the vampaneze won the war of the scars . but i knew about a prediction which i had n't shared with anybody else . when the hunt for steve was finally concluded , there would be one of two possible futures . in one , steve became and destroyed the world . in the other future , wasme . that 's why i woke in a cold sweat , to the sound of my own screams , so often .
[["town", 16], ["go", 35], ["goest", 35], ["going", 35], ["kick", 43], ["last", 69], ["thing", 75], ["assemble", 100], ["assembles", 100], ["assembled", 100], ["vampire", 109], ["vampires", 109], ["laugh", 121], ["laughed", 121], ["bishop", 130], ["say", 135], ["sayest", 135], ["said", 135], ["come", 150], ["wait", 170], ["waitest", 170], ["waiting", 170], ["wo", 175], ["claire", 191], ["yes", 203], ["go", 228], ["goest", 228], ["went", 228], ["sat", 235], ["sit", 235], ["step", 253], ["steps", 253], ["foot", 265], ["feet", 265], ["let", 279], ["lets", 279], ["begin", 288], ["celebration", 304], ["morning", 325], ["talk", 339], ["run", 373], ["accord", 397], ["according", 397], ["wish", 410], ["wishes", 410], ["scream", 434], ["screams", 434], ["hand", 457], ["mouth", 471], ["mouthed", 471], ["rough", 479], ["roughs", 479], ["roughest", 479], ["roughing", 479], ["powerful", 492], ["lash", 503], ["lashed", 503], ["attacker", 522], ["sense", 539], ["senses", 539], ["return", 548], ["returnest", 548], ["returned", 548], ["realize", 563], ["realized", 563], ["muffle", 593], ["muffles", 593], ["muffling", 593], ["scream", 604], ["screams", 604], ["disturb", 630], ["disturbed", 630], ["sleepers", 650], ["neighbouring", 670], ["caravan", 679], ["caravans", 679], ["tent", 689], ["tented", 689], ["tenting", 689], ["tents", 689], ["relax", 701], ["relaxed", 701], ["tap", 712], ["tapped", 712], ["show", 735], ["ok", 749], ["release", 763], ["released", 763], ["step", 778], ["stepped", 778], ["back", 783], ["large", 795], ["green", 801], ["greens", 801], ["eye", 806], ["eyed", 806], ["eyes", 806], ["alive", 812], ["concern", 825], ["concerned", 825], ["concernest", 825], ["hand", 837], ["handed", 837], ["mug", 846], ["water", 855], ["drank", 865], ["drink", 865], ["drinking", 865], ["deeply", 872], ["wipe", 893], ["wiped", 893], ["shake", 903], ["shaking", 903], ["across", 915], ["lip", 923], ["lipped", 923], ["lips", 923], ["smile", 934], ["smiled", 934], ["weakly", 941], ["asleep", 963], ["grey", 991], ["little", 1006], ["person", 1013], ["need", 1026], ["needest", 1026], ["much", 1031], ["sleep", 1037], ["slept", 1037], ["sleeps", 1037], ["sleepest", 1037], ["often", 1047], ["two", 1056], ["twos", 1056], ["three", 1065], ["night", 1072], ["nights", 1072], ["without", 1080], ["doze", 1087], ["dozing", 1087], ["take", 1097], ["took", 1097], ["set", 1121], ["bad", 1147], ["start", 1170], ["started", 1170], ["scream", 1180], ["screams", 1180], ["screaming", 1180], ["five", 1185], ["fived", 1185], ["six", 1192], ["minute", 1202], ["minutes", 1202], ["ago", 1206], ["stop", 1225], ["stopped", 1225], ["nightmare", 1250], ["nightmares", 1250], ["wave", 1284], ["waved", 1284], ["fire", 1292], ["dragon", 1305], ["steve", 1319], ["finish", 1335], ["finished", 1335], ["quietly", 1343], ["haunt", 1363], ["haunted", 1363], ["hauntest", 1363], ["haunting", 1363], ["almost", 1391], ["year", 1401], ["years", 1401], ["awake", 1426], ["awoke", 1426], ["least", 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["origin", 2118], ["origins", 2118], ["build", 2165], ["builds", 2165], ["built", 2165], ["remain", 2182], ["remains", 2182], ["corpse", 2194], ["know", 2237], ["knowest", 2237], ["known", 2237], ["mr", 2269], ["tiny", 2274], ["man", 2282], ["mans", 2282], ["manned", 2282], ["immense", 2293], ["power", 2299], ["ability", 2318], ["travel", 2328], ["time", 2341], ["transport", 2355], ["transported", 2355], ["barren", 2370], ["barrens", 2370], ["send", 2390], ["sent", 2390], ["quest", 2408], ["quested", 2408], ["questest", 2408], ["discover", 2420], ["previous", 2439], ["identity", 2448], ["fight", 2460], ["fightest", 2460], ["fought", 2460], ["variety", 2470], ["wild", 2478], ["wildest", 2478], ["creature", 2488], ["creatures", 2488], ["monstrosity", 2514], ["monstrosities", 2514], ["finally", 2529], ["fish", 2537], ["fishes", 2537], ["fishest", 2537], ["original", 2556], ["body", 2561], ["bodied", 2561], ["lake", 2577], ["soul", 2586], ["souls", 2586], ["hold", 2598], ["holding", 2598], ["place", 2604], ["spirit", 2623], ["spirited", 2623], ["spirits", 2623], ["use", 2637], ["used", 2637], ["vampire", 2653], ["call", 2660], ["called", 2660], ["betray", 2690], ["betrayed", 2690], ["betraying", 2690], ["clan", 2707], ["clans", 2707], ["bid", 2716], ["prevent", 2727], ["preventest", 2727], ["war", 2731], ["blood", 2746], ["bloods", 2746], ["blooded", 2746], ["cousin", 2754], ["cousins", 2754], ["purple", 2767], ["sin", 2811], ["sins", 2811], ["agree", 2826], ["agreed", 2826], ["become", 2836], ["past", 2879], ["guardian", 2897], ["guardians", 2897], ["darren", 2911], ["prince", 2935], ["also", 2947], ["hunters", 2966], ["lord", 2978], ["destine", 3040], ["destined", 3040], ["lead", 3048], ["leaded", 3048], ["victory", 3073], ["win", 3103], ["wipe", 3116], ["entirely", 3132], ["stop", 3190], ["come", 3209], ["came", 3209], ["fully", 3215], ["power", 3231], ["powers", 3231], ["kill", 3256], ["killed", 3256], ["mature", 3278], ["matured", 3278], ["help", 3315], ["helpest", 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["hunting", 4014], ["huntest", 4014], ["conclude", 4046], ["concluded", 4046], ["possible", 4083], ["future", 4091], ["futures", 4091], ["become", 4115], ["became", 4115], ["destroy", 4129], ["destroys", 4129], ["destroyed", 4129], ["wake", 4190], ["wakes", 4190], ["woken", 4190], ["woke", 4190], ["cold", 4200], ["sweat", 4206], ["sound", 4221]]
it was n't just fear of the future , but fear of myself . would i somehow play a part in creating the barren , twisted world i 'd seen in the future ? was i damned to become a monster like steve , and wreck all that i held dear ? it seemed impossible , but the uncertainties gnawed away at me all the same , prompted by the ever-repeating nightmares . i spent the time before dawn chatting with harkat , small talk , nothing serious . he 'd suffered terrible nightmares before finding out the truth about himself , so he knew exactly what i was going through . he knew what to say to calm me down . when the sun rose and the cirque camp started to come to life around us , we made an early start on our day 's chores . we 'd been with the cirque du freak since returning from our gruelling quest in the wasteworld . we knew nothing about what was happening in the war of the scars . harkat wanted to return to vampire mountain , or at least make contact with the clan - now that he knew he had once been a vampire , he was more concerned than ever for them . but i held off . i did n't feel the time was right . i had a hunch that we were meant to remain with the cirque , and that destiny would decide our course as and when it saw fit . harkat strongly disagreed with me - we 'd had some very heated arguments about it - but he reluctantly followed my lead - though i 'd sensed recently that his patience was coming to an end . we performed a variety of jobs around the camp , helping out wherever we were needed - moving equipment , mending costumes , feeding the wolf man . we were handymen . mr tall - the owner of the cirque du freak - had offered to find more responsible , permanent positions for us , but we did n't know when we 'd have to leave . it was easier to stick to simple tasks and not get too involved in the long-term running of the show . that way we would n't be missed too much when the time came to part company with the freakish folk . we 'd been performing on the outskirts of a large city , in an old , run-down factory . sometimes we played in a big top which we transported around with us , but mr tall always liked to take advantage of local venues whenever possible . this was our fourth and final show in the factory . we 'd be moving on in the morning , to pastures new . none of us knew where we 'd be going yet - mr tall made those decisions and usually did n't tell us until we 'd broken camp and were already on the move . we put on a typically tight , exciting show that night , built around some of the longest-serving performers - gertha teeth , rhamus twobellies , alexander ribs , truska the bearded lady , hans hands , evra and shancus von . usually the vons rounded off the show , treating audiences to one final scare when their snakes slid from the shadows overhead . but mr tall had been experimenting with different line-ups recently . on stage , jekkus flang was juggling knives . jekkus was one of the cirque helpers , like harkat and me , but tonight he 'd been billed as a star attraction and was entertaining the crowd with a display of knife tricks . jekkus was a good juggler , but his act was pretty dull compared to the others . after a few minutes , a man in the front row stood up as jekkus balanced a long knife on the tip of his nose . `` this is rubbish ! '' the man shouted , climbing on to the stage . `` this is meant to be a place of magic and wonder - not juggling tricks ! i could see stuff like this at any circus . '' jekkus took the knife from his nose and snarled at the intruder . `` get off the stage , or i 'll cut you up into tiny pieces ! '' `` you do n't worry me , '' the man snorted , taking a couple of large paces over to jekkus , so they were eyeball to eyeball . `` you 're wasting our time and money . `` insolent scum ! '' jekkus roared , then lashed out with his knife and cut off the man 's left arm just below the elbow ! the man screamed and grabbed for the falling limb . as he was reaching for his lost forearm , jekkus struck again and cut off the man 's other arm in the same place ! people in the audience erupted with panic and surged to their feet . the man with the jagged stumps beneath his elbows tottered towards the edge of the stage , desperately waving his half-arms around , face white with apparent shock . but then he stopped - and laughed . the people in the front rows heard the laughter and stared up at the stage suspiciously . this time his laughter carried further , and people all around relaxed and faced the stage .
[["fear", 20], ["fearest", 20], ["future", 34], ["somehow", 73], ["play", 78], ["playest", 78], ["part", 85], ["parting", 85], ["create", 97], ["creating", 97], ["barren", 108], ["barrens", 108], ["world", 124], ["see", 134], ["seen", 134], ["damn", 163], ["damned", 163], ["become", 173], ["monster", 183], ["like", 188], ["steve", 194], ["wreck", 206], ["hold", 222], ["held", 222], ["dear", 227], ["dearest", 227], ["seem", 239], ["seeming", 239], ["seemed", 239], ["impossible", 250], ["uncertainty", 274], ["uncertainties", 274], ["gnaw", 281], ["gnawing", 281], ["gnawed", 281], ["away", 286], ["prompt", 316], ["prompting", 316], ["prompted", 316], ["ever", 328], ["everest", 328], ["repeat", 338], ["repeatest", 338], ["repeating", 338], ["nightmare", 349], ["nightmares", 349], ["spend", 359], ["spends", 359], ["spendest", 359], ["spent", 359], ["time", 368], ["dawn", 380], ["dawnest", 380], ["chat", 389], ["chating", 389], ["chatting", 389], ["small", 409], ["talk", 414], ["nothing", 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["needest", 1514], ["needed", 1514], ["move", 1523], ["moving", 1523], ["equipment", 1533], ["mend", 1543], ["mended", 1543], ["mending", 1543], ["costume", 1552], ["costumed", 1552], ["costumes", 1552], ["fed", 1562], ["feed", 1562], ["feeding", 1562], ["wolf", 1571], ["man", 1575], ["mans", 1575], ["manned", 1575], ["mr", 1599], ["tall", 1604], ["owner", 1616], ["offer", 1653], ["offered", 1653], ["find", 1661], ["responsible", 1678], ["permanent", 1690], ["position", 1700], ["positions", 1700], ["know", 1729], ["knowest", 1729], ["left", 1754], ["leave", 1754], ["easy", 1770], ["easier", 1770], ["stick", 1779], ["stickest", 1779], ["simple", 1789], ["simplest", 1789], ["task", 1795], ["tasking", 1795], ["taskest", 1795], ["tasks", 1795], ["get", 1807], ["long", 1832], ["longs", 1832], ["term", 1837], ["terming", 1837], ["running", 1845], ["show", 1857], ["way", 1868], ["ways", 1868], ["miss", 1891], ["missed", 1891], ["much", 1900], ["come", 1919], ["came", 1919], ["company", 1935], ["companys", 1935], ["companying", 1935], ["freakish", 1953], ["folk", 1958], ["perform", 1982], ["performest", 1982], ["performing", 1982], ["outskirt", 1999], ["outskirts", 1999], ["large", 2010], ["city", 2015], ["old", 2027], ["run", 2033], ["factory", 2046], ["play", 2068], ["playest", 2068], ["played", 2068], ["big", 2077], ["bigs", 2077], ["top", 2081], ["transport", 2102], ["transported", 2102], ["always", 2138], ["like", 2144], ["liked", 2144], ["take", 2152], ["advantage", 2162], ["advantaging", 2162], ["local", 2171], ["venue", 2178], ["venues", 2178], ["whenever", 2187], ["possible", 2196], ["fourth", 2218], ["final", 2228], ["morning", 2284], ["pasture", 2298], ["pastures", 2298], ["new", 2302], ["none", 2309], ["yet", 2345], ["decision", 2376], ["decisions", 2376], ["usually", 2388], ["tell", 2401], ["broke", 2423], ["break", 2423], ["broken", 2423], ["already", 2445], ["move", 2457], ["put", 2466], ["typically", 2481], ["tight", 2487], ["exciting", 2498], ["night", 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["entertaining", 3061], ["crowd", 3071], ["crowding", 3071], ["crowdest", 3071], ["display", 3086], ["knife", 3095], ["knifes", 3095], ["trick", 3102], ["tricks", 3102], ["good", 3122], ["juggler", 3130], ["jugglers", 3130], ["act", 3144], ["acted", 3144], ["pretty", 3155], ["prettiest", 3155], ["dull", 3160], ["compare", 3169], ["compared", 3169], ["minute", 3205], ["minutes", 3205], ["front", 3226], ["row", 3230], ["rowest", 3230], ["stand", 3236], ["stood", 3236], ["standest", 3236], ["balance", 3258], ["balanced", 3258], ["tip", 3282], ["nose", 3294], ["nosed", 3294], ["nosing", 3294], ["rubbish", 3315], ["shout", 3336], ["shouted", 3336], ["climb", 3347], ["climbing", 3347], ["place", 3396], ["magic", 3405], ["wonder", 3416], ["wonderest", 3416], ["see", 3452], ["stuff", 3458], ["circus", 3482], ["take", 3499], ["took", 3499], ["snarl", 3535], ["snarls", 3535], ["snarled", 3535], ["intruder", 3551], ["cut", 3589], ["tiny", 3606], ["piece", 3613], ["pieced", 3613], ["pieces", 3613], ["worry", 3638], ["worried", 3638], ["snort", 3662], ["snortest", 3662], ["snorted", 3662], ["take", 3671], ["taking", 3671], ["couple", 3680], ["pace", 3695], ["paces", 3695], ["eyeball", 3733], ["waste", 3765], ["wasting", 3765], ["money", 3784], ["moneys", 3784], ["insolent", 3798], ["scum", 3803], ["roar", 3822], ["roarest", 3822], ["roared", 3822], ["lash", 3836], ["lashed", 3836], ["left", 3883], ["arm", 3887], ["elbow", 3908], ["elbowing", 3908], ["scream", 3927], ["screams", 3927], ["screamed", 3927], ["grab", 3939], ["grabbed", 3939], ["fall", 3955], ["falls", 3955], ["falling", 3955], ["limb", 3960], ["limbs", 3960], ["reach", 3981], ["reaching", 3981], ["lose", 3994], ["lost", 3994], ["forearm", 4002], ["strike", 4018], ["struck", 4018], ["people", 4084], ["audience", 4100], ["erupt", 4108], ["eruptest", 4108], ["erupted", 4108], ["panic", 4119], ["surge", 4130], ["surged", 4130], ["foot", 4144], ["feet", 4144], ["stump", 4177], ["stumped", 4177], ["stumps", 4177], ["beneath", 4185], ["elbow", 4196], ["elbowing", 4196], ["elbows", 4196], ["totter", 4205], ["tottered", 4205], ["towards", 4213], ["edge", 4222], ["edges", 4222], ["desperately", 4249], ["wave", 4256], ["waved", 4256], ["waving", 4256], ["half", 4265], ["arm", 4270], ["arms", 4270], ["face", 4284], ["white", 4290], ["apparent", 4304], ["shock", 4310], ["stop", 4332], ["stopped", 4332], ["laugh", 4346], ["laughed", 4346], ["row", 4377], ["rowest", 4377], ["rows", 4377], ["hear", 4383], ["hears", 4383], ["heard", 4383], ["laughter", 4396], ["stared", 4407], ["suspiciously", 4436], ["carry", 4469], ["carried", 4469], ["far", 4477], ["face", 4519], ["faced", 4519]]
as they watched , tiny hands grew out of the stumps of the man 's arms . the hands continued to grow , followed by wrists and forearms . a minute later , the man 's arms had returned to their natural length . he flexed his fingers , grinned , and took a bow . mr tall boomed , appearing suddenly on stage . `` put your hands together for the fabulous , the amazing , the incrediblecormac limbs ! '' everybody realized they 'd been the victims of a practical joke - the man who 'd stepped out of the audience was a performer . they clapped and cheered as cormac sliced off his fingers one by one , each of which grew back quickly . he could cut off any part of his body - though he 'd never tried chopping off his head ! then the show finished for real and the crowd poured out , babbling with excitement , wildly discussing the mystical mysteries of the sensational cirque du freak . inside , harkat and i helped with the tidying up . everyone involved was vastly experienced , and we could normally clear everything away within half an hour , sometimes less . mr tall stood in the shadows while we worked . that was odd - he normally retired to his van after a show - but we took little notice of it . you grew used to oddness when you worked with the cirque du freak ! as i was stacking several chairs away , to be removed to a truck by other hands , mr tall stepped forward . `` a moment , please , darren , '' he said , removing the tall red hat he wore whenever he went on stage . he took a map out of the hat - the map was much larger than the hat , but i did n't question how he 'd fitted it inside - and unrolled it . he held one end of the map in his large left hand and nodded for me to take the other end . `` this is where we are now , '' mr tall said , pointing to a spot on the map . i studied it curiously , wondering why he was showing me . `` and this is where we will be going next , '' he said , pointing to a town a hundred and sixty kilometres away . i looked at the name of the town . for a moment i felt dizzy and a cloud seemed to pass in front of my eyes . then my expression cleared . `` i see , '' i said softly . `` you do n't have to come with us , '' mr tall said . `` you can take a different route and meet up with us later , if you wish . '' i started to think about it , then made a snap gut decision instead . `` that 's ok , '' i said . it 'll be interesting . '' `` very well , '' mr tall said briskly , taking back the map and rolling it up again . `` we depart in the morning . '' with that , mr tall slipped away . i felt he did n't approve of my decision , but i could n't say why , and i did n't devote much thought to it . instead , i stood by the stacked-up chairs , lost in the past , thinking about all the people i 'd known as a child , especially my parents and younger sister . harkat limped over eventually and waved a grey hand in front of my face , snapping me out of my daze . he asked , sensing my disquiet . alexander ribs stood , rapped his ribcage with a spoon and opened his mouth . a loud musical note sprang out and all conversation ceased . facing the boy at the head of the table , alexander sang , `` he 's green , he 's lean , snot he 's never seen , his name is shancus - happy birthday ! '' everybody cheered . thirty performers and helpers from the cirque du freak were seated around a huge oval table , celebrating shancus von 's eighth birthday . it was a chilly april day , and most people were wrapped up warmly . the table was overflowing with cakes , sweets and drinks , and we were digging in happily . when alexander ribs sat down , truska - a woman who could grow her beard at will - stood and sung another birthday greeting . `` the only things he fears is his mother 's flying ears , his name is shancus - happy birthday ! '' merla snapped one of her ears off when she heard that and flicked it at her son . he ducked and it flew high over his head , then circled back to merla , who caught and reattached it to the side of her head . since shancus had been named in my honour , i guessed i 'd better chip in with a verse of my own . thinking quickly , i stood , cleared my throat , and chanted , `` he 's scaly and he 's great , today he has turned eight , his name is shancus - happy birthday ! '' `` thanks , godfather , '' shancus smirked .
[["watch", 15], ["watched", 15], ["tiny", 22], ["hand", 28], ["hands", 28], ["grow", 33], ["growest", 33], ["grew", 33], ["stump", 51], ["stumped", 51], ["stumps", 51], ["man", 62], ["mans", 62], ["manned", 62], ["arm", 70], ["arms", 70], ["continue", 92], ["continued", 92], ["grow", 100], ["growest", 100], ["follow", 111], ["followed", 111], ["wrist", 121], ["wrists", 121], ["forearm", 134], ["forearms", 134], ["minute", 145], ["later", 151], ["return", 182], ["returnest", 182], ["returned", 182], ["natural", 199], ["length", 206], ["flex", 218], ["flexes", 218], ["finger", 230], ["fingers", 230], ["grin", 240], ["grinned", 240], ["take", 251], ["took", 251], ["bow", 257], ["mr", 262], ["tall", 267], ["appear", 286], ["appearing", 286], ["suddenly", 295], ["stage", 304], ["staging", 304], ["put", 313], ["together", 333], ["fabulous", 350], ["amazing", 364], ["limb", 393], ["limbs", 393], ["realize", 417], ["realized", 417], ["victim", 442], ["victims", 442], ["practical", 457], ["joke", 462], ["jokes", 462], ["step", 487], ["stepped", 487], ["audience", 507], ["performer", 523], ["clap", 538], ["clapped", 538], ["cheer", 550], ["cheered", 550], ["cormac", 560], ["slice", 567], ["sliced", 567], ["back", 620], ["quickly", 628], ["cut", 643], ["part", 656], ["parting", 656], ["body", 668], ["bodied", 668], ["though", 677], ["never", 689], ["try", 695], ["tryed", 695], ["tried", 695], ["chop", 704], ["chopping", 704], ["head", 717], ["show", 733], ["finish", 742], ["finished", 742], ["real", 751], ["reis", 751], ["crowd", 765], ["crowding", 765], ["crowdest", 765], ["pour", 772], ["poured", 772], ["babble", 787], ["babbling", 787], ["excitement", 803], ["wildly", 812], ["discuss", 823], ["discusses", 823], ["discussest", 823], ["discussing", 823], ["mystical", 836], ["mystery", 846], ["mysteries", 846], ["sensational", 865], ["cirque", 872], ["du", 875], ["freak", 881], ["freaking", 881], ["inside", 890], ["help", 912], ["helpest", 912], ["helped", 912], 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3108], ["facing", 3108], ["boy", 3116], ["table", 3141], ["tabled", 3141], ["tabling", 3141], ["sung", 3158], ["sing", 3158], ["sang", 3158], ["green", 3175], ["greens", 3175], ["lean", 3188], ["leans", 3188], ["snot", 3195], ["see", 3212], ["seen", 3212], ["happy", 3242], ["birthday", 3251], ["thirty", 3283], ["performer", 3294], ["performers", 3294], ["helpers", 3306], ["seat", 3343], ["seated", 3343], ["around", 3350], ["huge", 3357], ["oval", 3362], ["celebrate", 3382], ["celebrating", 3382], ["eighth", 3404], ["chilly", 3431], ["april", 3437], ["day", 3441], ["wrap", 3472], ["wraps", 3472], ["wrapping", 3472], ["wrapped", 3472], ["warmly", 3482], ["overflow", 3510], ["overflowest", 3510], ["overflowing", 3510], ["cake", 3521], ["cakes", 3521], ["sweet", 3530], ["sweets", 3530], ["drank", 3541], ["drink", 3541], ["drinking", 3541], ["drinks", 3541], ["dig", 3563], ["dug", 3563], ["digs", 3563], ["digest", 3563], ["digging", 3563], ["happily", 3574], ["sat", 3600], ["sit", 3600], ["woman", 3624], ["womans", 3624], ["beard", 3649], ["beards", 3649], ["bearded", 3649], ["sung", 3674], ["sing", 3674], ["another", 3682], ["greeting", 3700], ["thing", 3721], ["things", 3721], ["fear", 3730], ["fearest", 3730], ["fears", 3730], ["mother", 3744], ["mothered", 3744], ["motherest", 3744], ["fly", 3754], ["flys", 3754], ["flying", 3754], ["ear", 3759], ["ears", 3759], ["snap", 3817], ["snapping", 3817], ["snapped", 3817], ["hear", 3852], ["hears", 3852], ["heard", 3852], ["flick", 3869], ["flickest", 3869], ["flicked", 3869], ["son", 3883], ["duck", 3895], ["ducked", 3895], ["fly", 3907], ["flys", 3907], ["flew", 3907], ["high", 3912], ["circle", 3941], ["circled", 3941], ["catch", 3968], ["catched", 3968], ["catches", 3968], ["caught", 3968], ["reattached", 3983], ["reattaching", 3983], ["side", 3998], ["sidest", 3998], ["since", 4018], ["name", 4041], ["named", 4041], ["honour", 4054], ["honourest", 4054], ["guess", 4066], ["guessed", 4066], ["well", 4078], ["wells", 4078], ["chip", 4083], ["chipping", 4083], ["verse", 4099], ["versing", 4099], ["throat", 4158], ["chant", 4172], ["chanted", 4172], ["scaly", 4189], ["great", 4205], ["today", 4213], ["turn", 4227], ["turned", 4227], ["eight", 4233], ["thank", 4287], ["thanks", 4287], ["thankest", 4287]]
i was n't really his godfather , but he liked to pretend i was - especially when it was his birthday and he was looking for a cool present ! a few others took turns singing birthday greetings to the snake-boy , then evra stood and wrapped up the song with , `` despite the pranks you pull , your mum and i love you , pesky shancus - happy birthday ! '' there was lots of applause , then the women at the table shuffled over to hug and kiss shancus . he pulled a mortified expression , but i could see he was delighted by the attention . his younger brother , urcha , was jealous and sat a little way back from the table , sulking . their sister , lilia , was rooting through the piles of presents shancus had received , seeing if there was anything of interest to a five-year-old girl . evra went to try and cheer up urcha . unlike shancus and lilia , the middle von child was an ordinary human and he felt he was the odd one out . evra and merla had a tough time making him feel special . i saw evra slip a small present to urcha , and heard him whisper , `` do n't tell the others ! '' urcha looked much happier after that . he joined shancus at the table and tucked into a pile of small cakes . i made my way over to where evra was beaming at his family . `` eight years , '' i remarked , clapping evra on his left shoulder ( some of his scales had been sliced away from his right shoulder a long time ago , and he did n't like people touching him there ) . `` i bet it feels like eight weeks . '' `` you do n't know how right you are , '' evra smiled . `` time flies when you have kids . you 'll find out yourself one ? '' he stopped and grimaced . as a half-vampire , i was sterile . i could never have children . it was one of the drawbacks to being part of the clan . `` when are you going to show the snake to shancus ? '' evra asked . `` later , '' i grinned . `` i gave him a book earlier . he thinks that 's his real present - he looked disgusted ! i 'll let him enjoy the rest of the party , then hit him with the snake when he thinks the fun is over . '' shancus already owned a snake , but i 'd bought a new one for him , larger and more colourful . evra helped me choose it . his old snake would be passed on to urcha , so both boys would have cause to celebrate tonight . merla called evra back to the party - lilia had got stuck in wrapping paper and needed to be rescued . i watched my friends for a minute or two , then turned my back on the festivities and walked away . i wandered through the maze of vans and tents of the cirque du freak , coming to a halt near the wolf man 's cage . the savage man-beast was snoring . i took a small jar of pickled onions out of my pocket and ate one , smiling sadly as i remembered where my taste for pickled onions had come from . that memory led to others , and i found myself looking back over the years , recalling major events , remarkable triumphs , and sickening losses . the night of my blooding , when mr crepsley pumped his vampiric blood into me . slowly coming to terms with my appetite and powers . sam grest - the original pickled onion connoisseur . my first girlfriend , debbie hemlock . learning about the vampaneze . the trek to vampire mountain . my trials , where i 'd had to prove myself worthy of being a child of the night . failing and running away . the revelation that a vampire general - kurda smahlt - was a traitor , in league with the vampaneze . exposing kurda . becoming a prince . the wolf man stirred and i walked on , not wanting to wake him . my mind continued to turn over old memories . kurda telling us why he 'd betrayed the clan - the lord of the vampaneze had arisen and stood poised to lead his people into war against the vampires . the early years of the war of the scars , when i 'd lived in vampire mountain . leaving the safety of the fortress to hunt for the vampaneze lord , accompanied by mr crepsley and harkat . meeting vancha march , the third hunter - only he , mr crepsley or i could kill the vampaneze lord . travelling with a witch called evanna . clashing with the lord of the vampaneze , unaware of his identity until afterwards , when he 'd escaped with his protector , gannen harst . i wanted to stop there - the next set of memories was the most painful - but my thoughts raced on . returning to the city of mr crepsley 's youth .
[["really", 16], ["godfather", 30], ["like", 45], ["liked", 45], ["pretend", 56], ["pretendest", 56], ["especially", 75], ["birthday", 100], ["look", 119], ["looking", 119], ["cool", 130], ["present", 138], ["presentest", 138], ["take", 158], ["took", 158], ["turn", 164], ["turns", 164], ["singe", 172], ["singing", 172], ["greeting", 191], ["greetings", 191], ["snake", 204], ["boy", 208], ["stand", 226], ["stood", 226], ["standest", 226], ["wrap", 238], ["wraps", 238], ["wrapping", 238], ["wrapped", 238], ["song", 250], ["despite", 268], ["prank", 279], ["pranks", 279], ["pull", 288], ["mum", 299], ["mums", 299], ["mummed", 299], ["love", 310], ["pesky", 322], ["happy", 338], ["lot", 367], ["lots", 367], ["applause", 379], ["woman", 396], ["womans", 396], ["women", 396], ["table", 409], ["tabled", 409], ["tabling", 409], ["shuffle", 418], ["shuffling", 418], ["shuffled", 418], ["hug", 430], ["kiss", 439], ["kisses", 439], ["kissest", 439], ["pull", 459], ["pulled", 459], ["mortify", 471], ["mortifying", 471], ["mortified", 471], ["expression", 482], ["see", 500], ["delight", 517], ["attention", 534], ["young", 548], ["youngest", 548], ["brother", 556], ["brethren", 556], ["jealous", 578], ["sat", 586], ["sit", 586], ["little", 595], ["way", 599], ["ways", 599], ["back", 604], ["sister", 644], ["lilia", 652], ["root", 666], ["rooting", 666], ["pile", 684], ["piles", 684], ["present", 696], ["presentest", 696], ["presents", 696], ["receive", 717], ["received", 717], ["see", 726], ["seeing", 726], ["anything", 748], ["interest", 760], ["five", 770], ["fived", 770], ["year", 775], ["old", 779], ["girl", 784], ["go", 796], ["goest", 796], ["went", 796], ["try", 803], ["tryed", 803], ["cheer", 813], ["unlike", 831], ["unliking", 831], ["middle", 862], ["middles", 862], ["middling", 862], ["child", 872], ["childs", 872], ["ordinary", 888], ["human", 894], ["feel", 906], ["felt", 906], ["odd", 921], ["tough", 958], ["time", 963], ["feel", 979], ["special", 987], ["see", 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["know", 1519], ["knowest", 1519], ["smile", 1554], ["smiled", 1554], ["fly", 1570], ["flys", 1570], ["flies", 1570], ["kid", 1589], ["kids", 1589], ["find", 1604], ["stop", 1637], ["stopped", 1637], ["grimace", 1650], ["grimacing", 1650], ["grimaced", 1650], ["half", 1662], ["vampire", 1670], ["sterile", 1686], ["never", 1702], ["child", 1716], ["childs", 1716], ["children", 1716], ["drawback", 1746], ["drawbacks", 1746], ["part", 1760], ["parting", 1760], ["clan", 1772], ["clans", 1772], ["go", 1796], ["goest", 1796], ["going", 1796], ["show", 1804], ["ask", 1841], ["asked", 1841], ["later", 1852], ["grin", 1867], ["grinned", 1867], ["give", 1879], ["gave", 1879], ["book", 1890], ["early", 1898], ["think", 1910], ["thinkest", 1910], ["thinks", 1910], ["real", 1927], ["reis", 1927], ["let", 1969], ["lets", 1969], ["enjoy", 1979], ["enjoyed", 1979], ["rest", 1988], ["party", 2001], ["hit", 2012], ["fun", 2054], ["already", 2083], ["buy", 2115], ["buyed", 2115], ["bought", 2115], 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["freaking", 2559], ["come", 2568], ["coming", 2568], ["halt", 2578], ["halts", 2578], ["haltest", 2578], ["near", 2583], ["wolf", 2592], ["man", 2596], ["mans", 2596], ["manned", 2596], ["cage", 2604], ["savage", 2617], ["savaged", 2617], ["beast", 2627], ["snore", 2639], ["snoring", 2639], ["jar", 2660], ["jared", 2660], ["jarred", 2660], ["jarring", 2660], ["pickle", 2671], ["pickled", 2671], ["onion", 2678], ["onions", 2678], ["pocket", 2695], ["pocketing", 2695], ["eat", 2703], ["ate", 2703], ["smile", 2717], ["smiling", 2717], ["sadly", 2723], ["remember", 2739], ["rememberest", 2739], ["remembered", 2739], ["taste", 2754], ["come", 2782], ["memory", 2801], ["memories", 2801], ["lead", 2805], ["leaded", 2805], ["led", 2805], ["find", 2829], ["found", 2829], ["recall", 2876], ["recallest", 2876], ["recalling", 2876], ["major", 2882], ["event", 2889], ["events", 2889], ["remarkable", 2902], ["triumph", 2911], ["triumphs", 2911], ["triumphing", 2911], ["triumphest", 2911], ["loss", 2934], ["losses", 2934], ["night", 2946], ["mr", 2971], ["pump", 2987], ["pumped", 2987], ["vampiric", 3000], ["blood", 3006], ["bloods", 3006], ["blooded", 3006], ["slowly", 3023], ["term", 3039], ["terming", 3039], ["terms", 3039], ["appetite", 3056], ["appetites", 3056], ["power", 3067], ["powers", 3067], ["sam", 3073], ["original", 3094], ["onion", 3108], ["connoisseur", 3120], ["first", 3131], ["firstest", 3131], ["girlfriend", 3142], ["debbie", 3151], ["hemlock", 3159], ["learn", 3170], ["learns", 3170], ["learnt", 3170], ["learning", 3170], ["trek", 3201], ["mountain", 3221], ["trial", 3233], ["trials", 3233], ["prof", 3259], ["prove", 3259], ["worthy", 3273], ["fail", 3313], ["failing", 3313], ["run", 3325], ["running", 3325], ["revelation", 3347], ["general", 3370], ["traitor", 3401], ["league", 3413], ["leagued", 3413], ["expose", 3443], ["exposing", 3443], ["become", 3460], ["becoming", 3460], ["prince", 3469], ["stir", 3492], ["stirs", 3492], ["stirred", 3492], ["wake", 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["escape", 4167], ["escapes", 4167], ["escaped", 4167], ["protector", 4186], ["stop", 4220], ["next", 4237], ["set", 4241], ["painful", 4274], ["thought", 4292], ["thoughts", 4292], ["race", 4298], ["racing", 4298], ["raced", 4298], ["return", 4313], ["returnest", 4313], ["returning", 4313], ["city", 4325], ["youth", 4349]]
running into debbie again - an adult now , a teacher . other faces from the past - r.v . and steve leopard . the former used to be an eco-warrior , a man who blamed me for the loss of his hands . he 'd become a vampaneze and was part of a plot to lure my allies and me underground , where the lord of the vampaneze could kill us . steve was part of that plot too , though at first i thought he was on our side . steve was my best friend when we were kids . we went to the cirque du freak together . he recognized mr crepsley and asked to be his assistant . mr crepsley refused - he said steve had evil blood . later , steve was bitten by mr crepsley 's poisonous tarantula . only mr crepsley could cure him . i became a half-vampire to save steve 's life , but steve did n't see it that way . he thought i 'd betrayed him and taken his place among the vampires . he became hell-bent on revenge . underground in mr crepsley 's city . facing the vampaneze in a chamber steve had named the cavern of retribution . me , mr crepsley , vancha , harkat , debbie and a police officer called alice burgess . a huge fight . mr crepsley faced the man we thought was the lord of the vampaneze . but then steve killed mr crepsley by knocking him into a pit of stakes . a gut-churning blow , made all the worse when steve revealed the shocking truth ? he was the real lord of the vampaneze ! i reached the last of the tents and stopped , gazing around , half-dazed . we 'd set up camp in an abandoned football stadium . it used to be the home ground of the local football team , but they 'd moved to a new , purpose-built stadium some years ago . the old stadium was due to be demolished - apartment blocks were to be built over the ruins - but not for several months yet . it was an eerie feeling , staring around at thousands of empty seats in the ghost stadium . that put me in mind of my next , bizarre quest with harkat , in what we now knew was a shade of the future . once again i began to wonder if that ruined future world was unavoidable . could i prevent it by killing steve , or was it destined to come no matter who won the war of the scars ? before i got too worked up about it , someone stepped up beside me and said , `` is the party over ? '' i looked around and saw the scarred , stitched-together , grey-skinned face of harkat mulds . `` no , '' i smiled . `` it 's winding down , but it has n't finished yet . '' i was afraid i 'd miss it . '' harkat had been out on the streets most of the day , handing out fliers for the cirque du freak - that was one of his regular jobs every time we arrived at a new venue . he stared at me with his round , green , lidless eyes . unsure of myself . '' `` have you been out there yet ? '' harkat waved a hand at the town beyond the walls of the stadium . `` are you going to go , or do you plan ? to hide here until we leave ? '' this was the real reason i was so fixed on the past . after all these years of travel , i 'd returned home to the town where i was born and had lived all my human life . `` what if my family 's still here ? '' `` and annie , my sister . what if they see me ? '' `` would they recognize you ? '' `` humans do , '' i snorted . `` but i 've only aged four or five years . '' `` maybe it would n't be a bad thing to ? see them again , '' harkat said . `` imagine their joy if they learnt that ? you were still alive . '' `` i 've been thinking about that ever since mr tall told me we were coming here . iwant to track them down . it would be wonderful for me - but terrible for them . they buried me . they 've done their grieving and have hopefully moved on with their lives . it would n't be fair to bring back all those old pains and torments . '' `` i 'm not sure i agree with that , '' harkat said , `` but it 's ? so stay here with the cirque . `` i ca n't , '' i sighed . `` this is my home town . i 've got an itch to walk the streets again , see how much has changed , look for old faces that i used to know . i want to find out what happened to my friends .
[["run", 7], ["running", 7], ["debbie", 19], ["adult", 36], ["teacher", 52], ["face", 66], ["faces", 66], ["past", 80], ["steve", 98], ["leopard", 106], ["former", 119], ["use", 124], ["used", 124], ["eco", 137], ["warrior", 145], ["man", 153], ["mans", 153], ["manned", 153], ["blame", 164], ["blamest", 164], ["blamed", 164], ["loss", 180], ["hand", 193], ["hands", 193], ["become", 208], ["part", 233], ["parting", 233], ["plot", 243], ["lure", 251], ["ally", 261], ["allied", 261], ["allying", 261], ["allies", 261], ["underground", 280], ["lord", 297], ["kill", 325], ["though", 371], ["first", 380], ["firstest", 380], ["think", 390], ["thinkest", 390], ["thought", 390], ["side", 409], ["sidest", 409], ["good", 429], ["best", 429], ["friend", 436], ["kid", 454], ["kids", 454], ["go", 464], ["goest", 464], ["went", 464], ["cirque", 478], ["du", 481], ["freak", 487], ["freaking", 487], ["together", 496], ["recognize", 512], ["recognized", 512], ["mr", 515], ["ask", 534], ["asked", 534], 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["prevent", 2051], ["preventest", 2051], ["kill", 2065], ["killing", 2065], ["destine", 2092], ["destined", 2092], ["come", 2100], ["matter", 2110], ["mattering", 2110], ["win", 2118], ["war", 2126], ["scar", 2139], ["scars", 2139], ["get", 2154], ["got", 2154], ["work", 2165], ["wrought", 2165], ["worked", 2165], ["step", 2195], ["stepped", 2195], ["beside", 2205], ["party", 2235], ["look", 2254], ["looked", 2254], ["see", 2269], ["saw", 2269], ["scar", 2281], ["scarred", 2281], ["stitch", 2292], ["stitched", 2292], ["grey", 2308], ["face", 2321], ["smile", 2359], ["smiled", 2359], ["wind", 2378], ["winding", 2378], ["finish", 2409], ["finished", 2409], ["afraid", 2431], ["miss", 2441], ["street", 2484], ["streets", 2484], ["day", 2500], ["hand", 2510], ["flier", 2521], ["fliers", 2521], ["regular", 2575], ["regulars", 2575], ["job", 2580], ["jobbing", 2580], ["jobs", 2580], ["every", 2586], ["time", 2591], ["arrive", 2602], ["arrived", 2602], ["venue", 2617], ["stare", 2629], 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["thing", 3283], ["imagine", 3333], ["joy", 3343], ["joys", 3343], ["joyed", 3343], ["learn", 3358], ["learns", 3358], ["learnt", 3358], ["alive", 3386], ["think", 3414], ["thinkest", 3414], ["thinking", 3414], ["ever", 3430], ["everest", 3430], ["since", 3436], ["tall", 3444], ["tell", 3449], ["told", 3449], ["come", 3467], ["coming", 3467], ["track", 3489], ["wonderful", 3523], ["terrible", 3545], ["bury", 3568], ["burying", 3568], ["buried", 3568], ["hopefully", 3621], ["life", 3647], ["lifes", 3647], ["lives", 3647], ["fair", 3670], ["fairs", 3670], ["fairest", 3670], ["bring", 3679], ["back", 3684], ["pain", 3704], ["pains", 3704], ["torment", 3717], ["torments", 3717], ["sure", 3739], ["agree", 3747], ["stay", 3799], ["ca", 3830], ["cas", 3830], ["sigh", 3848], ["sighest", 3848], ["sighed", 3848], ["itch", 3894], ["itches", 3894], ["walk", 3902], ["much", 3935], ["change", 3947], ["changed", 3947], ["look", 3954], ["know", 3988], ["knowest", 3988], ["find", 4005], ["happen", 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the wise thing would be to keep my head down - but when didi ever do the wise thing ? '' `` and maybe trouble would find you ? even if you did , '' harkat said . harkat glanced around uneasily . `` i have a strange feeling about ? this place , '' he croaked . `` what sort of a feeling ? '' just a feeling that this is ? a dangerous place , but also the place where ? something 's going to happen here . do n't you sense it ? '' `` no - but my thoughts are all overthe place right now . '' `` we 've often discussed your decision to ? stay with the cirque , '' harkat reminded me , making little of the many arguments we 'd had about whether or not i should leave and seek out the vampire generals . he believed i was hiding from my duty , that we should seek out the vampires and resume the hunt for the vampaneze lord . `` you 're not starting that again , are you ? '' i now think you were right . if we had n't stuck with the cirque ? we would n't be here now . and , as i said , i think we 're ? meant to be here . '' i studied harkat silently . `` the feeling is n't that specific , '' harkat said . `` but if you had to guess ? '' harkat shrugged awkwardly . `` i think we might run into ? steve leonard , or find a clue which ? points towards him . '' my insides tightened at the thought of facing steve again . i hated him for what he 'd done to us , especially killing mr crepsley . but just before he died , mr crepsley warned me not to devote my life to hatred . he said it would twist me like steve . so although i hungered for the chance to get even , i worried about it too . i did n't know how i 'd react when i saw him again , whether i 'd be able to control my emotions or give in to blind , hateful rage . `` you 're frightened , '' harkat noted . but not of steve . i 'm frightened of whati might do . '' `` do n't worry , '' harkat smiled . `` you 'll be ok. '' `` what if ? '' i hesitated , afraid i 'd jinx myself . but that was silly , so i came out with it . `` whatif steve tries to use my family against me ? what if he threatens my parents or annie ? '' harkat nodded slowly . `` i thought of that already . it 's the sort of sick stunt i can ? imagine him pulling . '' `` what will i do if he does ? '' `` he already sucked debbie into his insane plot to destroy me - not to mention r.v . `` easy , '' harkat soothed me . `` the first thing is to find out if ? they still live here . if they do , we can arrange protection ? we 'll establish a watch around their house ? and guard them . '' `` the two of us ca n't protect them by ourselves , '' i grunted . `` but we 're not by ourselves , '' harkat said . `` we have many friends in ? the cirque . `` you think it 's fair to involve them ? '' `` they may already be involved , '' harkat said . `` their destinies are tied to ours , i think . that may be another reason why you felt ? you had to stay here . '' `` come on - i want to get to the party before ? rhamus scoffs all the cakes ! '' i did n't go exploring that day . i stayed at the cirque du freak and celebrated shancus 's birthday . he loved his new snake , and i thought urcha was going to float away with joy when he found out shancus 's old snake was to be his . the party went on longer than expected . the table was loaded up with more cakes and buns , and not even the ever-hungry rhamus twobellies could finish them off . afterwards we prepared for that night 's show , which went ahead smoothly . i spent most of the show in the wings , studying faces in the audience , looking for old neighbours and friends . but i did n't see anybody i recognized . the next morning , while most of the cirque folk were sleeping , i slipped out . although it was a bright day , i wore a light anorak over my clothes , so i could pull the hood up and mask my face if i had to . i walked rapidly , thrilled to be back . the streets had changed a lot - new shops and offices , many redecorated or redesigned buildings - but the names were the same . i ran into memories on every block . the shop where i bought my football boots . mum 's favourite clothes boutique .
[["wise", 8], ["thing", 14], ["keep", 31], ["keepest", 31], ["head", 39], ["didi", 60], ["ever", 65], ["everest", 65], ["maybe", 101], ["trouble", 109], ["troubling", 109], ["find", 120], ["even", 131], ["evens", 131], ["say", 159], ["sayest", 159], ["said", 159], ["glance", 176], ["glanced", 176], ["around", 183], ["uneasily", 192], ["strange", 214], ["feeling", 222], ["place", 241], ["croak", 257], ["croaks", 257], ["croakest", 257], ["croaked", 257], ["sort", 272], ["dangerous", 332], ["also", 349], ["go", 386], ["goest", 386], ["going", 386], ["happen", 396], ["sense", 420], ["thought", 452], ["thoughts", 452], ["right", 480], ["rightest", 480], ["often", 505], ["discuss", 515], ["discusses", 515], ["discussest", 515], ["discussed", 515], ["decision", 529], ["stay", 539], ["cirque", 555], ["remind", 576], ["reminded", 576], ["little", 595], ["many", 607], ["argument", 617], ["arguments", 617], ["whether", 641], ["left", 663], ["leave", 663], ["seek", 672], ["vampire", 688], 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["hate", 1327], ["hateed", 1327], ["hated", 1327], ["especially", 1370], ["kill", 1378], ["killing", 1378], ["mr", 1381], ["die", 1416], ["died", 1416], ["warn", 1437], ["warned", 1437], ["devote", 1454], ["life", 1462], ["lifes", 1462], ["hatred", 1472], ["twist", 1497], ["twisted", 1497], ["twisting", 1497], ["like", 1505], ["although", 1525], ["hunger", 1536], ["hungers", 1536], ["hungering", 1536], ["hungered", 1536], ["chance", 1551], ["chanced", 1551], ["chancing", 1551], ["get", 1558], ["worry", 1575], ["worried", 1575], ["know", 1605], ["knowest", 1605], ["react", 1620], ["see", 1631], ["saw", 1631], ["able", 1664], ["abled", 1664], ["control", 1675], ["emotion", 1687], ["emotions", 1687], ["give", 1695], ["blind", 1707], ["blinded", 1707], ["hateful", 1717], ["rage", 1722], ["note", 1764], ["noted", 1764], ["frighten", 1801], ["frightened", 1801], ["worry", 1840], ["worried", 1840], ["smile", 1859], ["smiled", 1859], ["ok", 1878], ["hesitate", 1910], ["hesitated", 1910], ["afraid", 1919], ["jinx", 1929], ["jinxes", 1929], ["jinxed", 1929], ["silly", 1957], ["come", 1969], ["came", 1969], ["try", 2005], ["tryed", 2005], ["tries", 2005], ["use", 2012], ["family", 2022], ["threaten", 2056], ["threatens", 2056], ["parent", 2067], ["parents", 2067], ["annie", 2076], ["nod", 2095], ["nodded", 2095], ["slowly", 2102], ["already", 2133], ["sick", 2158], ["stunt", 2164], ["stunting", 2164], ["imagine", 2180], ["pull", 2192], ["pulling", 2192], ["suck", 2252], ["sucking", 2252], ["sucked", 2252], ["debbie", 2259], ["insane", 2275], ["plot", 2280], ["destroy", 2291], ["destroys", 2291], ["mention", 2311], ["easy", 2325], ["soothe", 2345], ["soothes", 2345], ["soothed", 2345], ["first", 2363], ["firstest", 2363], ["still", 2400], ["live", 2405], ["arrange", 2440], ["arranging", 2440], ["protection", 2451], ["establish", 2470], ["establishes", 2470], ["establishest", 2470], ["watch", 2478], ["house", 2497], ["guard", 2509], ["two", 2530], ["twos", 2530], ["ca", 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["go", 3223], ["goest", 3223], ["went", 3223], ["long", 3233], ["longs", 3233], ["expect", 3247], ["expected", 3247], ["table", 3259], ["tabled", 3259], ["tabling", 3259], ["load", 3270], ["loaded", 3270], ["bun", 3298], ["buns", 3298], ["hungry", 3329], ["finish", 3360], ["afterwards", 3382], ["prepare", 3394], ["prepared", 3394], ["night", 3409], ["show", 3417], ["ahead", 3436], ["smoothly", 3445], ["spend", 3455], ["spends", 3455], ["spendest", 3455], ["spent", 3455], ["wing", 3485], ["wings", 3485], ["study", 3496], ["studying", 3496], ["face", 3502], ["faces", 3502], ["audience", 3518], ["look", 3528], ["looking", 3528], ["neighbour", 3547], ["neighboured", 3547], ["neighbourest", 3547], ["neighbours", 3547], ["see", 3579], ["anybody", 3587], ["recognize", 3600], ["recognized", 3600], ["next", 3611], ["morning", 3619], ["folk", 3651], ["sleep", 3665], ["slept", 3665], ["sleeps", 3665], ["sleepest", 3665], ["sleeping", 3665], ["slip", 3677], ["slipped", 3677], ["bright", 3708], ["brights", 3708], ["wear", 3721], ["wore", 3721], ["lit", 3729], ["light", 3729], ["anorak", 3736], ["anoraks", 3736], ["clad", 3752], ["clothe", 3752], ["clothes", 3752], ["pull", 3770], ["hood", 3779], ["mask", 3791], ["maskest", 3791], ["face", 3799], ["walk", 3822], ["walked", 3822], ["rapidly", 3830], ["thrill", 3841], ["thrilled", 3841], ["back", 3852], ["street", 3866], ["streets", 3866], ["change", 3878], ["changed", 3878], ["lot", 3884], ["shop", 3896], ["shops", 3896], ["office", 3908], ["offices", 3908], ["redecorate", 3927], ["redesign", 3941], ["build", 3951], ["building", 3951], ["buildings", 3951], ["name", 3967], ["names", 3967], ["run", 3989], ["ran", 3989], ["memory", 4003], ["memories", 4003], ["every", 4012], ["block", 4018], ["blocks", 4018], ["shop", 4029], ["buy", 4044], ["buyed", 4044], ["bought", 4044], ["football", 4056], ["boot", 4062], ["boots", 4062], ["mum", 4068], ["mums", 4068], ["mummed", 4068], ["favourite", 4081], ["boutique", 4098]]
the cinema where we 'd taken annie to her first film . the newsagent where i shopped for comics . i wandered through a vast complex which used to be my favourite computer arcade . it was under new ownership and had grown beyond recognition . i tried out some of the games , and smiled as i remembered how excited i 'd get when i 'd come here on a saturday and blast away a few hours on the latest shoot-'em-up . moving away from the central shopping area , i visited my favourite parks . one was now a housing estate but the other was unchanged . i saw a groundsman tending to a bed of flowers - old william morris , my friend alan 's grandfather . william was the first person from the past i 'd seen . he had n't known me very well , so i was able to walk right past him and study him up-close without fear of being spotted . i wanted to stop and chat with alan 's grandfather , and ask for news about alan . i was going to tell him that i was one of alan 's friends , that i 'd lost touch with him . but then i remembered that alan was now an adult , not a teenager like me . so i walked on , silent , unobserved . i was anxious to check out my old house . but i did n't feel ready - i trembled with nerves every time i thought about it . so i wandered through the centre of town , past banks , shops , restaurants . i caught glimpses of half-remembered faces - clerks and waiters , a few customers - but nobody i 'd known personally . i had a bite to eat in a cafe . the food was n't especially good , but it had been dad 's favourite place - he often brought me here for a snack while mum and annie were doing damage in the shops . it was nice to sit in the familiar surroundings and order a chicken and bacon sandwich , like in the old days . after lunch , i strolled past my original school - a really eerie feeling ! a new wing had been added , and there were iron railings around the perimeter , but apart from that it looked just the way i remembered . lunch break was ending . i watched from underneath the shadows of a tree while the students filed back into class . i saw some teachers too . most were new , but two caught my attention . one was mrs mcdaid . she 'd taught languages , mostly to older students . i 'd had her for half a term when my regular teacher was on a leave of absence . i 'd been much closer to the other teacher - mr dalton ! i 'd had him for english and history . he 'd been my favourite teacher . he was chatting with some of his students as he entered class after lunch , and by their smiles i saw he was still as popular as ever . it would have been great to catch up with mr dalton . i was seriously thinking about waiting for school to finish , then going to see him . he 'd know what had happened to my parents and annie . i need n't tell him i was a vampire - i could say i had an anti-ageing disease , which kept me looking young . explaining away my `` death '' would be tricky , but i could cook up some suitable story . one thing held me back . a few years ago , in mr crepsley 's home city , i 'd been branded a killer by the police , and my name and photo had been flashed all over the tv and newspapers . what if mr dalton had heard about that ? if he knew i was alive , and thought i was a murderer , he might alert the authorities . safer not to take the risk . so i turned my back on the school and slowly walked away . it was only then that it struck me that mr dalton would n't be the only one who might have picked up on the `` darren shan - serial killer ! '' hysteria . what if my parents had heard about it ! mr crepsley 's city was in a different part of the world , and i was n't sure how much news travelled between the two countries . but it was a possibility . i had to sit down on a street bench while i considered that horrific potential . i could only begin to imagine how shocking it would have been if , years after they 'd buried me , mum and dad had spotted me on the news , under a caption branding me a killer . how had i never thought about it before ? this could be a real problem . as i 'd told harkat , i did n't intend going to see my family - too painful for everyone . but if they already knew i was alive , and were living with the misbelief that i was a killer , i 'd have to set the record straight . but what if theydid n't know ? i had to do some research .
[["cinema", 10], ["cinemas", 10], ["take", 28], ["taken", 28], ["annie", 34], ["first", 47], ["firstest", 47], ["film", 52], ["newsagent", 68], ["shop", 84], ["shopped", 84], ["comics", 95], ["wander", 108], ["wandered", 108], ["vast", 123], ["vasts", 123], ["complex", 131], ["use", 142], ["used", 142], ["favourite", 161], ["computer", 170], ["arcade", 177], ["new", 196], ["ownership", 206], ["grow", 220], ["growest", 220], ["grown", 220], ["beyond", 227], ["recognition", 239], ["try", 249], ["tryed", 249], ["tried", 249], ["game", 271], ["games", 271], ["smile", 284], ["smiled", 284], ["remember", 300], ["rememberest", 300], ["remembered", 300], ["get", 321], ["come", 336], ["saturday", 355], ["saturdays", 355], ["blast", 365], ["away", 370], ["hour", 382], ["hours", 382], ["late", 396], ["lates", 396], ["latest", 396], ["move", 418], ["moving", 418], ["central", 440], ["shopping", 449], ["area", 454], ["visit", 466], ["visited", 466], ["park", 485], ["parks", 485], ["housing", 509], ["housings", 509], ["estate", 516], ["unchanged", 544], ["see", 552], ["saw", 552], ["groundsman", 565], ["tend", 573], ["tending", 573], ["bed", 582], ["flower", 593], ["flowers", 593], ["old", 599], ["william", 607], ["williams", 607], ["morris", 614], ["friend", 626], ["alan", 631], ["alans", 631], ["grandfather", 646], ["person", 677], ["past", 691], ["see", 701], ["seen", 701], ["know", 720], ["knowest", 720], ["known", 720], ["well", 733], ["wells", 733], ["able", 749], ["abled", 749], ["walk", 757], ["right", 763], ["rightest", 763], ["study", 782], ["close", 795], ["without", 803], ["fear", 808], ["fearest", 808], ["spot", 825], ["spotted", 825], ["stop", 844], ["chat", 853], ["chating", 853], ["ask", 888], ["news", 897], ["newses", 897], ["go", 922], ["goest", 922], ["going", 922], ["tell", 930], ["friend", 968], ["friends", 968], ["lose", 985], ["lost", 985], ["touch", 991], ["touching", 991], ["adult", 1051], ["teenager", 1068], ["like", 1073], ["walk", 1090], ["walked", 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["snacking", 1583], ["mum", 1593], ["mums", 1593], ["mummed", 1593], ["damage", 1621], ["damaging", 1621], ["nice", 1648], ["sat", 1655], ["sit", 1655], ["familiar", 1671], ["surrounding", 1684], ["surroundings", 1684], ["order", 1694], ["orderest", 1694], ["chicken", 1704], ["bacon", 1714], ["sandwich", 1723], ["sandwiches", 1723], ["day", 1746], ["days", 1746], ["lunch", 1760], ["lunches", 1760], ["lunched", 1760], ["stroll", 1773], ["strollest", 1773], ["strolled", 1773], ["original", 1790], ["school", 1797], ["schooling", 1797], ["really", 1808], ["eerie", 1814], ["feeling", 1822], ["wing", 1835], ["add", 1850], ["added", 1850], ["iron", 1872], ["railing", 1881], ["railings", 1881], ["around", 1888], ["perimeter", 1902], ["apart", 1914], ["look", 1934], ["looked", 1934], ["way", 1947], ["ways", 1947], ["broke", 1974], ["break", 1974], ["end", 1985], ["ends", 1985], ["endest", 1985], ["ending", 1985], ["watch", 1997], ["watched", 1997], ["underneath", 2013], ["shadow", 2025], 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["catches", 2605], ["seriously", 2641], ["think", 2650], ["thinkest", 2650], ["thinking", 2650], ["wait", 2664], ["waitest", 2664], ["waiting", 2664], ["finish", 2685], ["see", 2705], ["know", 2722], ["knowest", 2722], ["happen", 2740], ["happened", 2740], ["parent", 2754], ["parents", 2754], ["need", 2773], ["needest", 2773], ["vampire", 2802], ["say", 2816], ["sayest", 2816], ["anti", 2830], ["ageing", 2837], ["disease", 2845], ["keep", 2858], ["keepest", 2858], ["kept", 2858], ["look", 2869], ["looking", 2869], ["young", 2875], ["youngest", 2875], ["explain", 2888], ["explaining", 2888], ["death", 2905], ["tricky", 2924], ["cook", 2943], ["suitable", 2960], ["story", 2966], ["thing", 2978], ["hold", 2983], ["held", 2983], ["year", 3005], ["years", 3005], ["ago", 3009], ["home", 3034], ["homing", 3034], ["city", 3039], ["brand", 3059], ["branded", 3059], ["killer", 3068], ["killers", 3068], ["police", 3082], ["name", 3096], ["photo", 3106], ["flash", 3123], ["flashed", 3123], ["tv", 3139], ["newspaper", 3154], ["newspapers", 3154], ["hear", 3184], ["hears", 3184], ["heard", 3184], ["know", 3208], ["knowest", 3208], ["knew", 3208], ["alive", 3220], ["murderer", 3251], ["may", 3262], ["mays", 3262], ["mayest", 3262], ["might", 3262], ["alert", 3268], ["alerted", 3268], ["authority", 3284], ["authorities", 3284], ["safe", 3292], ["safes", 3292], ["safed", 3292], ["safer", 3292], ["take", 3304], ["risk", 3313], ["riskest", 3313], ["turn", 3327], ["turned", 3327], ["slowly", 3360], ["strike", 3406], ["struck", 3406], ["pick", 3472], ["picked", 3472], ["darren", 3492], ["serial", 3506], ["hysteria", 3527], ["different", 3608], ["part", 3613], ["parting", 3613], ["world", 3626], ["sure", 3647], ["travel", 3671], ["travelled", 3671], ["country", 3697], ["countries", 3697], ["possibility", 3724], ["street", 3756], ["bench", 3762], ["benched", 3762], ["consider", 3781], ["considered", 3781], ["horrific", 3795], ["potential", 3805], ["begin", 3826], ["imagine", 3837], ["shocking", 3850], ["bury", 3901], ["burying", 3901], ["buried", 3901], ["caption", 3963], ["brand", 3972], ["branding", 3972], ["never", 4002], ["real", 4049], ["reis", 4049], ["problem", 4057], ["tell", 4072], ["told", 4072], ["intend", 4098], ["intendest", 4098], ["family", 4121], ["painful", 4135], ["everyone", 4148], ["already", 4170], ["live", 4205], ["living", 4205], ["misbelief", 4224], ["misbeliefs", 4224], ["set", 4263], ["record", 4274], ["straight", 4283], ["research", 4342]]
i 'd passed a brand new , ultra-modern library earlier that morning . hurrying back to it , i asked a librarian for assistance . i said i was doing a school project and had to pick some local story from the last three years to write about . i asked to examine all the issues of the main local paper , as well as the national paper which my mum and dad used to read . i figured , if word of my exploits in mr crepsley 's city had spread this far , there 'd be a mention of me in one of those two papers . the librarian was happy to help . she showed me where the microfiche were stored , and how to use them . once i 'd got the knack of getting them up on screen and scanning from one page to the next , she left me to my own devices . i started with the earliest editions of the national paper , from a few months before i ran into trouble with the law . i was looking for any mention of mr crepsley 's city and the killers plaguing it . i made quick time , glancing only at the international sections . i found a couple of references to the murders - and they were both mocking ! apparently journalists here were amused by the vampire rumours which had swept the city , and the story was treated as light entertainment . there was a short piece in one issue , relaying the news that the police had caught four suspects , and then carelessly let all four escape . no names , and no mention of the people steve had killed when he broke out . i was relieved but angered at the same time . i knew the pain the vampaneze had brought to that city , the lives they 'd destroyed . it was n't right that such a grim story should be turned into the stuff of funny urban legends , simply because it happened in a city far away from where these people lived . they would n't have found it so amusing if the vampaneze had struck here ! i made a quick check on issues from the next few months , but the paper had dropped the story after news of the escape . i turned to the local paper . this was slower going . the main news was at the front , but local interest stories were scattered throughout . i had to check most of the pages of each edition before i could move on to the next . although i tried not to dwell on articles unrelated to me , i could n't stop myself from skimming the opening paragraphs of the more interesting stones . it was n't long before i was catching up with all the news - elections , scandals , heroes , villains ; policemen who 'd been highly commended , criminals who 'd given the town a bad name ; a big bank raid ; coming third in a national tidy towns competition . i saw photographs and read clips about several of my school friends , but one in particular stood out - tom jones ! tommy was one of my best friends , along with steve and alan morris . we were two of the best footballers in our class . i was the goal-scorer , leading the line up front , while tommy was the goal-stopper , pulling off spectacular saves . i 'd often dreamt of going on to be a professional footballer . tommy had taken that dream all the way and become a goalkeeper . there were dozens of photos and stones about him . tom jones ( he 'd shortened the `` tommy '' ) was one of the best keepers in the country . lots of articles poked fun at his name - there was also a famous singer called tom jones - but nobody had anything bad to say about tommy himself . after working his way up through the amateur ranks , he 'd signed for a local team , made a name for himself , then played abroad for five years . now he was back home , part of the best team in the country . in the most recent editions , i read how local football fans were buzzing with excitement at the prospect of this years cup semi-final - it was being held in our town , and tommy 's team was in it . of course , they 'd have been a lot happier if their own team had qualified , but this was the next best thing . reading about tommy brought a smile to my face - it was great to see one of my friends doing so well . the other good news was that there was no mention of me . since this was quite a small town , i was sure word would have spread if anyone had heard about me in connection with the killings . i was in the clear . the house took my breath away . same colour door , same style curtains , same small garden out the back . as i stood gazing at it , gripping the top of the fence , i almost expected a younger version of myself to come bounding out the back door , clutching a pile of comics , on his way over to steve 's . my head snapped round and my eyes cleared .
[["pass", 11], ["passed", 11], ["brand", 19], ["new", 23], ["ultra", 31], ["ultras", 31], ["modern", 38], ["library", 46], ["early", 54], ["morning", 67], ["hurry", 78], ["hurried", 78], ["hurryed", 78], ["hurrying", 78], ["back", 83], ["ask", 99], ["asked", 99], ["librarian", 111], ["librarians", 111], ["assistance", 126], ["say", 135], ["sayest", 135], ["said", 135], ["school", 156], ["schooling", 156], ["project", 164], ["projectest", 164], ["pick", 180], ["local", 191], ["story", 197], ["last", 211], ["three", 217], ["year", 223], ["years", 223], ["write", 232], ["writing", 232], ["examine", 259], ["issue", 274], ["issues", 274], ["main", 286], ["paper", 298], ["well", 308], ["wells", 308], ["national", 324], ["mum", 343], ["mums", 343], ["mummed", 343], ["dad", 351], ["use", 356], ["used", 356], ["read", 364], ["reads", 364], ["figure", 376], ["figured", 376], ["word", 386], ["exploit", 401], ["exploits", 401], ["mr", 407], ["city", 424], ["spread", 435], ["far", 444], ["mention", 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["dozens", 3089], ["photo", 3099], ["photos", 3099], ["shorten", 3150], ["shortened", 3150], ["keeper", 3196], ["keepers", 3196], ["country", 3211], ["lot", 3218], ["lots", 3218], ["poke", 3236], ["poked", 3236], ["fun", 3240], ["also", 3269], ["famous", 3278], ["singer", 3285], ["call", 3292], ["called", 3292], ["nobody", 3315], ["anything", 3328], ["say", 3339], ["sayest", 3339], ["work", 3375], ["wrought", 3375], ["working", 3375], ["amateur", 3406], ["amateurs", 3406], ["rank", 3412], ["ranks", 3412], ["sign", 3427], ["signed", 3427], ["team", 3444], ["teamed", 3444], ["teaming", 3444], ["play", 3484], ["playest", 3484], ["played", 3484], ["abroad", 3491], ["five", 3500], ["fived", 3500], ["home", 3529], ["homing", 3529], ["part", 3536], ["parting", 3536], ["recent", 3589], ["football", 3626], ["fan", 3631], ["fans", 3631], ["buzz", 3644], ["buzzes", 3644], ["buzzing", 3644], ["excitement", 3660], ["prospect", 3676], ["cup", 3694], ["semi", 3699], ["final", 3705], ["hold", 3725], ["held", 3725], ["course", 3779], ["lot", 3805], ["happy", 3813], ["happier", 3813], ["qualify", 3845], ["qualified", 3845], ["thing", 3880], ["read", 3890], ["reads", 3890], ["reading", 3890], ["smile", 3918], ["face", 3929], ["great", 3944], ["see", 3951], ["good", 4000], ["since", 4049], ["quite", 4064], ["small", 4072], ["sure", 4090], ["anyone", 4123], ["hear", 4133], ["hears", 4133], ["heard", 4133], ["connection", 4156], ["killing", 4174], ["killings", 4174], ["clear", 4195], ["clearest", 4195], ["house", 4207], ["take", 4212], ["took", 4212], ["breath", 4222], ["breathest", 4222], ["colour", 4241], ["door", 4246], ["style", 4259], ["curtain", 4268], ["curtaining", 4268], ["curtains", 4268], ["garden", 4288], ["gardens", 4288], ["gardened", 4288], ["gaze", 4321], ["gazes", 4321], ["gazing", 4321], ["grip", 4338], ["gripping", 4338], ["top", 4346], ["fence", 4359], ["almost", 4370], ["expect", 4379], ["expected", 4379], ["young", 4389], ["youngest", 4389], ["version", 4397], ["come", 4415], ["bound", 4424], ["bounding", 4424], ["clutch", 4454], ["clutching", 4454], ["pile", 4461], ["comics", 4471], ["head", 4511], ["snap", 4519], ["snapping", 4519], ["snapped", 4519], ["round", 4525], ["eye", 4537], ["eyed", 4537], ["eyes", 4537], ["clear", 4545], ["clearest", 4545], ["cleared", 4545]]
i did n't know how long i 'd been standing there , but by my white knuckles , i guessed it had been a few minutes at least . an elderly woman was standing close by , studying me suspiciously . rubbing my hands together , i smiled warmly . `` at what , precisely ? '' she challenged me , and i realized how i must appear to her - a rough-faced teenager , gazing intently into a deserted back yard , checking out the house . she thought i was a burglar casing the joint ! `` my name 's derek shan , '' i said , borrowing an uncle 's first name . `` my cousins lived here . in fact , they still might . i 'm in town to see some friends , and i thought i 'd pop over and find out if my relatives were here or not . '' `` you 're related to annie ? '' the woman asked , and i shivered at the mention of the name . `` yes , '' i said , fighting hard to keep my voice steady . `` and dermot and angela . '' `` dermot and angela moved away three or four years ago , '' the woman said . she stepped up beside me , at ease now , and squinted at the house . `` they should have left sooner . that was never a happy house , not since their boy died . '' the woman looked sideways at me . `` i remember my dad saying something , '' i muttered , ears turning red . `` i was n't living here then , '' the woman said . `` but i 've heard all about it . he fell out of a window . the family stayed on , but it was a miserable place after that . i do n't know why they stuck around so long . you ca n't enjoy yourself in a house of bitter memories . '' `` but they did stay , '' i said , `` until three or four years ago ? and then moved on ? '' dermot had a mild heart attack . he had to retire early . '' `` heart attack ! '' `` i said it was mild , did n't i ? but they decided to move when he retired . left for the coast . angela often said she 'd like to live by the sea . '' `` did she go with them ? '' annie stayed . she still lives here - her and her boy . '' `` are you sure you 're a relative ? you do n't seem to know much about your own family . '' `` i 've lived abroad most of my life , '' i said truthfully . the woman lowered her voice . `` actually , i suppose it 's not the sort of thing you talk about in front of children . what age are you , derek ? '' `` sixteen , '' i lied . `` then i guess you 're old enough . my name 's bridget , by the way . '' `` hello , bridget . '' i forced a smile , silently willing her to get on with the story . `` the boy 's a nice enough child , but he 's not really a shan . '' `` he was born out of wedlock . annie never married . i 'm not even sure anyone except her knows who the father is . angela claimed they knew , but she never told us his name . '' `` i guess lots of women choose not to marry these days , '' i sniffed , not liking the way bridget was talking about annie . `` true , '' bridget nodded . `` nothing wrong with wanting the child but not the husband . but annie was on the young side . she was just sweet sixteen when the baby was born . '' bridget was glowing , the way gossips do when they 're telling a juicy story . i wanted to snap at her , but it was better to hold my tongue . `` dermot and angela helped rear the baby , '' bridget continued . `` he was a blessing in some ways . he became a replacement for their lost son . he brought some joy back into the house . '' `` and now annie looks after him by herself ? '' angela came back a lot during the first year , for weekends and holidays . but now the boy 's more independent , annie can cope by herself . they get along as well as most , i guess . '' bridget glanced at the house and sniffed . `` but they could do with giving that old wreck a slap of paint . '' `` i think the house looks fine , '' i said stiffly . `` what do sixteen-year-old boys know about houses ? '' then she bid me good day and went about her business . i was going to call her back , to ask when annie would be home . but then i decided not to . just as easy - and more exciting - to wait out here and watch for her . there was a small tree on the other side of the road . i stood by it , hood up over my head , checking my watch every few minutes as though i was waiting to meet somebody . the street was quiet and not many people passed . the day darkened and dusk set upon the town .
[["know", 14], ["knowest", 14], ["long", 23], ["longs", 23], ["stand", 42], ["stood", 42], ["standest", 42], ["standing", 42], ["white", 66], ["knuckle", 75], ["knuckles", 75], ["knuckling", 75], ["guess", 87], ["guessed", 87], ["minute", 113], ["minutes", 113], ["least", 122], ["leastest", 122], ["elderly", 135], ["woman", 141], ["womans", 141], ["close", 160], ["study", 174], ["studying", 174], ["suspiciously", 190], ["rub", 200], ["rubbing", 200], ["hand", 209], ["hands", 209], ["together", 218], ["smile", 229], ["smiled", 229], ["warmly", 236], ["precisely", 261], ["challenge", 281], ["challenged", 281], ["realize", 301], ["realized", 301], ["must", 312], ["musts", 312], ["appear", 319], ["rough", 336], ["roughs", 336], ["roughest", 336], ["roughing", 336], ["teenager", 351], ["gaze", 360], ["gazes", 360], ["gazing", 360], ["intently", 369], ["desert", 385], ["deserted", 385], ["back", 390], ["yard", 395], ["yards", 395], ["check", 406], ["checking", 406], ["house", 420], ["think", 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["year", 951], ["years", 951], ["ago", 955], ["step", 989], ["stepped", 989], ["beside", 999], ["ease", 1012], ["squint", 1031], ["squintest", 1031], ["squinting", 1031], ["squinted", 1031], ["left", 1071], ["leave", 1071], ["soon", 1078], ["never", 1095], ["happy", 1103], ["since", 1121], ["boy", 1131], ["die", 1136], ["died", 1136], ["look", 1158], ["looked", 1158], ["sideways", 1167], ["remember", 1189], ["rememberest", 1189], ["dad", 1196], ["say", 1203], ["sayest", 1203], ["saying", 1203], ["mutter", 1229], ["muttering", 1229], ["mutterest", 1229], ["muttered", 1229], ["ear", 1236], ["ears", 1236], ["turn", 1244], ["turning", 1244], ["red", 1248], ["live", 1270], ["living", 1270], ["hear", 1321], ["hears", 1321], ["heard", 1321], ["fall", 1344], ["falls", 1344], ["fell", 1344], ["window", 1360], ["windows", 1360], ["family", 1373], ["stay", 1380], ["stayed", 1380], ["miserable", 1408], ["place", 1414], ["stick", 1456], ["stickest", 1456], ["stuck", 1456], ["around", 1463], ["ca", 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["enough", 2317], ["bridget", 2338], ["way", 2351], ["ways", 2351], ["hello", 2365], ["hellos", 2365], ["force", 2389], ["forced", 2389], ["smile", 2397], ["silently", 2408], ["willing", 2416], ["get", 2427], ["story", 2445], ["nice", 2468], ["child", 2481], ["childs", 2481], ["really", 2504], ["bear", 2531], ["bore", 2531], ["bearest", 2531], ["born", 2531], ["wedlock", 2546], ["marry", 2568], ["married", 2568], ["even", 2584], ["evens", 2584], ["anyone", 2596], ["except", 2603], ["know", 2613], ["knowest", 2613], ["knows", 2613], ["father", 2628], ["fathered", 2628], ["fathering", 2628], ["claim", 2648], ["claimed", 2648], ["know", 2658], ["knowest", 2658], ["knew", 2658], ["tell", 2679], ["told", 2679], ["lot", 2712], ["lots", 2712], ["woman", 2721], ["womans", 2721], ["women", 2721], ["choose", 2728], ["marry", 2741], ["married", 2741], ["day", 2752], ["days", 2752], ["sniff", 2767], ["sniffed", 2767], ["like", 2780], ["liking", 2780], ["talk", 2808], ["talking", 2808], ["true", 2830], ["nod", 2850], ["nodded", 2850], ["nothing", 2863], ["wrong", 2869], ["husband", 2912], ["husbanding", 2912], ["young", 2941], ["youngest", 2941], ["side", 2946], ["sidest", 2946], ["sweet", 2967], ["baby", 2989], ["glow", 3023], ["glowest", 3023], ["glowing", 3023], ["gossip", 3041], ["gossiped", 3041], ["gossips", 3041], ["tell", 3066], ["telling", 3066], ["juicy", 3074], ["snap", 3099], ["snapping", 3099], ["well", 3126], ["wells", 3126], ["hold", 3134], ["tongue", 3144], ["tonguing", 3144], ["help", 3174], ["helpest", 3174], ["helped", 3174], ["rear", 3179], ["continue", 3211], ["continued", 3211], ["blessing", 3234], ["way", 3247], ["ways", 3247], ["become", 3259], ["became", 3259], ["replacement", 3273], ["lose", 3288], ["lost", 3288], ["son", 3292], ["bring", 3305], ["brought", 3305], ["joy", 3314], ["joys", 3314], ["joyed", 3314], ["look", 3362], ["looks", 3362], ["come", 3400], ["came", 3400], ["lot", 3411], ["year", 3433], ["weekend", 3448], ["weekends", 3448], ["holiday", 3461], ["holidays", 3461], ["holidayed", 3461], ["independent", 3499], ["cope", 3516], ["coped", 3516], ["along", 3544], ["well", 3552], ["wells", 3552], ["glance", 3591], ["glanced", 3591], ["give", 3651], ["giving", 3651], ["wreck", 3666], ["slap", 3673], ["slaps", 3673], ["slapped", 3673], ["paint", 3682], ["think", 3698], ["thinkest", 3698], ["fine", 3719], ["stiffly", 3739], ["boy", 3774], ["boys", 3774], ["house", 3792], ["houses", 3792], ["bid", 3810], ["good", 3818], ["day", 3822], ["go", 3831], ["goest", 3831], ["went", 3831], ["business", 3850], ["go", 3864], ["goest", 3864], ["going", 3864], ["call", 3872], ["ask", 3890], ["home", 3915], ["homing", 3915], ["easy", 3958], ["exciting", 3978], ["wait", 3988], ["waitest", 3988], ["watch", 4007], ["small", 4035], ["tree", 4040], ["treed", 4040], ["treeing", 4040], ["road", 4070], ["stand", 4080], ["stood", 4080], ["standest", 4080], ["hood", 4093], ["head", 4109], ["every", 4135], ["though", 4157], ["wait", 4171], ["waitest", 4171], ["waiting", 4171], ["meet", 4179], ["meeted", 4179], ["street", 4201], ["quiet", 4211], ["many", 4224], ["people", 4231], ["pass", 4238], ["passed", 4238], ["darken", 4257], ["darkened", 4257], ["dusk", 4266], ["set", 4270], ["upon", 4275]]
there was a bite in the air but it did n't trouble me - half-vampires do n't feel the cold as much as humans . i thought about what bridget had said while i was waiting . annie , a mother ! she 'd been a kid herself the last time i saw her . from what bridget said , annie 's life had n't been the easiest . being a mother at sixteen must have been rough . but it sounded like she had things under control now . a light went on in the kitchen . a woman 's silhouette passed from one side to the other . then the back door opened and my sister stepped out . taller , with long brown hair , much plumper than she 'd been as a girl . but the same face . the same sparkling eyes , and lips which were ready to turn up into a warm-hearted smile at a moment 's notice . i stared at annie as though in a trance . i was n't able to tear my eyes away . i was trembling , and my legs felt like they were about to give way , but i could n't turn my gaze aside . annie walked to a small washing line in the back yard , from which a boy 's clothes were hanging . she blew into her hands to warm them , then reached up and took the clothes down , one garment at a time , folding each over the crook of her left arm . i stepped forward and opened my mouth to call her name , all thoughts of not announcing myself forgotten . this was annie - my sister ! ihad to talk to her , hold her again , laugh and cry with her , catch up on the past , ask about mum and dad . but my vocal chords would n't work . i was choked up with emotion . all i managed was a thin croak . closing my mouth , i walked across the road , slowing as i came to the fence . annie had gathered all the clothes from the line and was returning to the kitchen . i gulped deeply and licked my lips . blinked several times in quick succession to clear my head . opened my mouth again ? ? and stopped when a boy inside the house shouted , `` mum ! annie yelled in reply , and i could hear the love in her voice . `` i thought i told you to bring in the clothes . '' wait a sec ? '' i saw the boy 's shadow as he entered the kitchen and hurried over to the back door . then he emerged , a chubby boy , fair-haired , very pleasant looking . `` do you want me to take some of those ? '' `` my hero , '' annie laughed , handing half of the load over to the boy . he went in ahead of her . she turned to shut the door and caught a glimpse of me . the light was behind her . she could n't see me very well . but if i stood there long enough ? if i called out to her ? instead i coughed , pulled my hood tight around my face , spun and walked away . i heard the door close behind me , and it was like the sound of a sharp blade slicing me adrift from the past . annie had her own life . probably a job . maybe a boyfriend or somebody special . it would n't be fair if i popped up , opening old wounds , making her part of my dark , twisted world . she enjoyed peace and a normal life - much better than what i had to offer . i could n't bear to talk to anybody that night . i sat by myself in a seat high up in the football stadium while the show was in progress , thinking about annie and her child , mum and dad , all that i 'd lost and missed out on . for the first time in years i felt angry with mr crepsley for blooding me . i found myself wondering what life would be like if he 'd left me alone , wishing i could go back and change the past . but there was no point tormenting myself . the past was a closed book . i could do nothing to alter it , and was n't even sure i would if i could - if i had n't been blooded , i would n't have been able to tip the vampires off about kurda smahlt , and the entire clan might have fallen . if i 'd returned home ten or twelve years earlier , my feelings of loss and anger might have been stronger . but i was an adult now , in all but looks . a vampire prince . i 'd learnt to deal with heartache . that was n't an easy night . but by the time i drifted off to sleep a few hours before dawn , i 'd resigned myself to the situation , and knew there would be no fresh tears in the morning . i was stiff with the cold when i awoke , but worked it off by jogging down the tiers of the stadium to where the cirque was camped . as i was making for the tent i shared with harkat , i spotted mr tall . he was standing by an open fire , roasting sausages on a spit .
[["bite", 16], ["air", 27], ["airs", 27], ["airing", 27], ["trouble", 50], ["troubling", 50], ["half", 60], ["vampire", 69], ["vampires", 69], ["feel", 81], ["cold", 90], ["much", 98], ["human", 108], ["humans", 108], ["think", 120], ["thinkest", 120], ["thought", 120], ["bridget", 139], ["say", 148], ["sayest", 148], ["said", 148], ["wait", 168], ["waitest", 168], ["waiting", 168], ["annie", 176], ["mother", 187], ["mothered", 187], ["motherest", 187], ["kid", 207], ["last", 224], ["time", 229], ["see", 235], ["saw", 235], ["life", 280], ["lifes", 280], ["easy", 305], ["sixteen", 333], ["sixteens", 333], ["must", 338], ["musts", 338], ["rough", 354], ["roughs", 354], ["roughest", 354], ["roughing", 354], ["sound", 371], ["sounded", 371], ["like", 376], ["thing", 391], ["things", 391], ["control", 405], ["lit", 419], ["light", 419], ["go", 424], ["goest", 424], ["went", 424], ["kitchen", 442], ["kitchens", 442], ["woman", 452], ["womans", 452], ["silhouette", 466], ["silhouetted", 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["boy", 1023], ["clad", 1034], ["clothe", 1034], ["clothes", 1034], ["hang", 1047], ["hung", 1047], ["hangs", 1047], ["hanging", 1047], ["blow", 1058], ["blew", 1058], ["blowest", 1058], ["hand", 1073], ["hands", 1073], ["reach", 1101], ["reached", 1101], ["take", 1113], ["took", 1113], ["garment", 1144], ["fold", 1164], ["folding", 1164], ["crook", 1184], ["crooked", 1184], ["left", 1196], ["leave", 1196], ["arm", 1200], ["forward", 1220], ["forwarding", 1220], ["forwardest", 1220], ["mouth", 1240], ["mouthed", 1240], ["call", 1248], ["name", 1257], ["thought", 1272], ["thoughts", 1272], ["announce", 1290], ["announcing", 1290], ["forget", 1307], ["forgot", 1307], ["forgotten", 1307], ["talk", 1351], ["hold", 1365], ["laugh", 1383], ["cry", 1391], ["catch", 1408], ["catched", 1408], ["catches", 1408], ["past", 1423], ["ask", 1429], ["mum", 1439], ["mums", 1439], ["mummed", 1439], ["dad", 1447], ["vocal", 1462], ["chord", 1469], ["chords", 1469], ["work", 1484], ["wrought", 1484], ["choke", 1499], ["choked", 1499], ["emotion", 1515], ["manage", 1531], ["managed", 1531], ["thin", 1542], ["thins", 1542], ["croak", 1548], ["croaks", 1548], ["croakest", 1548], ["close", 1558], ["across", 1585], ["road", 1594], ["slow", 1604], ["slowing", 1604], ["come", 1614], ["came", 1614], ["fence", 1627], ["gather", 1648], ["gatherest", 1648], ["gathered", 1648], ["return", 1696], ["returnest", 1696], ["returning", 1696], ["gulp", 1722], ["gulps", 1722], ["gulped", 1722], ["deeply", 1729], ["lick", 1740], ["licked", 1740], ["blink", 1758], ["blinked", 1758], ["several", 1766], ["time", 1772], ["times", 1772], ["quick", 1781], ["succession", 1792], ["clear", 1801], ["clearest", 1801], ["head", 1809], ["stop", 1849], ["stopped", 1849], ["inside", 1867], ["house", 1877], ["shout", 1885], ["shouted", 1885], ["yell", 1909], ["yelled", 1909], ["reply", 1918], ["hear", 1937], ["hears", 1937], ["love", 1946], ["voice", 1959], ["tell", 1981], ["told", 1981], ["bring", 1994], ["wait", 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["firstest", 3210], ["year", 3224], ["years", 3224], ["angry", 3237], ["mr", 3245], ["blood", 3267], ["bloods", 3267], ["blooded", 3267], ["blooding", 3267], ["find", 3280], ["found", 3280], ["wonder", 3297], ["wonderest", 3297], ["wondering", 3297], ["alone", 3344], ["wish", 3354], ["wishing", 3354], ["go", 3365], ["goest", 3365], ["change", 3381], ["point", 3415], ["torment", 3426], ["tormenting", 3426], ["book", 3462], ["nothing", 3483], ["alter", 3492], ["altered", 3492], ["even", 3514], ["evens", 3514], ["sure", 3519], ["tip", 3602], ["entire", 3655], ["clan", 3660], ["clans", 3660], ["may", 3666], ["mays", 3666], ["mayest", 3666], ["might", 3666], ["fall", 3678], ["falls", 3678], ["fallen", 3678], ["return", 3697], ["returnest", 3697], ["returned", 3697], ["home", 3702], ["homing", 3702], ["ten", 3706], ["twelve", 3716], ["twelves", 3716], ["early", 3730], ["feeling", 3744], ["feelings", 3744], ["loss", 3752], ["anger", 3762], ["strong", 3787], ["adult", 3808], ["look", 3831], ["looks", 3831], ["vampire", 3843], ["prince", 3850], ["learn", 3864], ["learns", 3864], ["learnt", 3864], ["deal", 3872], ["heartache", 3887], ["easy", 3910], ["drift", 3944], ["drifting", 3944], ["drifted", 3944], ["sleep", 3957], ["slept", 3957], ["sleeps", 3957], ["sleepest", 3957], ["hour", 3969], ["hours", 3969], ["dawn", 3981], ["dawnest", 3981], ["resign", 3997], ["resigned", 3997], ["situation", 4021], ["know", 4032], ["knowest", 4032], ["knew", 4032], ["fresh", 4056], ["freshest", 4056], ["tear", 4062], ["teared", 4062], ["tears", 4062], ["morning", 4077], ["stiff", 4091], ["awake", 4118], ["awoke", 4118], ["work", 4131], ["wrought", 4131], ["worked", 4131], ["jog", 4149], ["jogs", 4149], ["jogging", 4149], ["tier", 4164], ["tiers", 4164], ["cirque", 4199], ["camp", 4210], ["camped", 4210], ["tent", 4241], ["tented", 4241], ["tenting", 4241], ["share", 4250], ["shared", 4250], ["spot", 4274], ["spotted", 4274], ["tall", 4282], ["stand", 4300], ["stood", 4300], ["standest", 4300], ["standing", 4300], ["open", 4311], ["fire", 4316], ["roast", 4327], ["roasting", 4327], ["sausage", 4336], ["sausages", 4336], ["spit", 4346], ["spitting", 4346]]
he beckoned me over and threw a handful of sausages to me , then speared a fresh batch and stuck them over the flames . `` thanks , '' i said , eagerly munching the piping-hot sausages . `` i knew you would be hungry , '' he replied . `` you have been to see your sister . '' it did n't surprise me that he knew . mr tall was an insightful old owl . `` did she see you ? '' mr tall asked . `` she saw me briefly , but i left before she got a good look . '' `` you behaved correctly . '' he turned the sausages over and spoke softly . `` you are about to ask me if i will help protect your sister . you fear for her safety . '' `` harkat thinks something 's going to happen , '' i said . `` he 's not sure what , but if steve leopard 's part of it , he might use annie to hurt me . '' `` he wo n't , '' mr tall said . i was surprised by his directness - normally he was very cagey when it came to revealing anything about the future . `` as long as you stay out of her life , your sister will be under no direct threat . '' `` what aboutin direct threat ? '' mr tall chuckled . `` we are all under indirect threat , one way or another . harkat is correct - this is a time and place of destiny . i can say no more about it , except leave your sister alone . she is safe that way . '' i was n't happy about leaving annie to fend for herself , but i trusted hibernius tall . `` you should sleep some more now , '' mr tall said . `` you are tired . '' that sounded like a good plan . i scoffed another sausage , turned to leave , then stopped . `` hibernius , '' i said without facing him , `` i know you ca n't tell me what 's going to happen , but before we came here , you said i did n't have to come . it would have been better if i 'd stayed away , would n't it ? '' i did n't think he was going to respond . but then , softly , he said , `` yes . '' `` what if i left now ? '' `` it is too late , '' mr tall said . `` your decision to return set a train of events in motion . that train can not be derailed . if you left now , it would only serve the purpose of the forces you oppose . '' i said , turning to push the issue . but mr tall had disappeared , leaving only the flickering flames and a stick speared with sausages lying on the grass next to the fire . that evening , after i 'd rested and enjoyed a filling meal , i told harkat about my trip home . i also told him about my short conversation with mr tall and how he 'd urged me not to get involved with annie . `` then you were right , '' harkat grunted . `` i thought you should involve yourself with ? your family again , but it seems i was wrong . '' we were feeding scraps of meat to the wolf man , part of our daily chores . we stood at a safe distance from his cage , all too aware of the power of his fearsome jaws . `` what about your nephew ? '' `` any family resemblance ? '' i paused , a large sliver of meat in my right hand . `` it 's strange , but i did n't think of him as that until now . i just thought of him as annie 's son . i forgot that also makes him my nephew . '' i grinned crookedly . `` i 'm an uncle ! '' `` congratulations , '' harkat deadpanned . `` did he look like you ? '' i thought of the fair-haired , chubby boy 's smile , and how he 'd helped annie bring in the washing . `` a nice kid , from what i saw . handsome , of course , like all the shans . '' harkat snorted . i was sorry i had n't taken more notice of annie 's boy . i thought about going back to ask about him - i could hang about and collar bridget the gossip again - but dismissed the idea immediately . that was precisely the kind of stunt which could backfire and bring me to annie 's notice . best to forget about him . as we were finishing off , i saw a young boy watching us from behind a nearby van . he was studying us quietly , taking care not to attract attention . in the normal run of things , i 'd have ignored him - children often came nosing around the cirque site . but my thoughts were on my nephew and i found myself more interested in the boy than i 'd otherwise have been . i shouted , waving at him . the boy 's head instantly vanished behind the van . i would have left it , but moments later the boy stepped out and walked towards us .
[["beckon", 11], ["beckoned", 11], ["throw", 29], ["threw", 29], ["handful", 39], ["handfuls", 39], ["sausage", 51], ["sausages", 51], ["spear", 72], ["speared", 72], ["fresh", 80], ["freshest", 80], ["batch", 86], ["batched", 86], ["batches", 86], ["stick", 96], ["stickest", 96], ["stuck", 96], ["flame", 117], ["flames", 117], ["thank", 129], ["thanks", 129], ["thankest", 129], ["say", 141], ["sayest", 141], ["said", 141], ["eagerly", 151], ["munch", 160], ["munches", 160], ["munchest", 160], ["munching", 160], ["hot", 175], ["know", 196], ["knowest", 196], ["knew", 196], ["hungry", 216], ["reply", 232], ["replied", 232], ["see", 258], ["sister", 270], ["surprise", 295], ["surprised", 295], ["mr", 316], ["tall", 321], ["insightful", 339], ["old", 343], ["owl", 347], ["ask", 387], ["asked", 387], ["see", 400], ["saw", 400], ["briefly", 411], ["left", 424], ["leave", 424], ["get", 439], ["got", 439], ["good", 446], ["look", 451], ["behave", 471], ["behaved", 471], ["behaving", 471], ["correctly", 481], ["turn", 496], ["turned", 496], ["speak", 524], ["spoken", 524], ["spoke", 524], ["softly", 531], ["ask", 557], ["help", 575], ["helpest", 575], ["protect", 583], ["protectest", 583], ["fear", 606], ["fearest", 606], ["safety", 621], ["think", 643], ["thinkest", 643], ["thinks", 643], ["go", 662], ["goest", 662], ["going", 662], ["happen", 672], ["sure", 704], ["steve", 724], ["leopard", 732], ["part", 740], ["parting", 740], ["may", 757], ["mays", 757], ["mayest", 757], ["might", 757], ["use", 761], ["annie", 767], ["hurt", 775], ["hurts", 775], ["hurting", 775], ["wo", 792], ["directness", 850], ["normally", 861], ["cagey", 879], ["come", 892], ["came", 892], ["reveal", 905], ["revealing", 905], ["anything", 914], ["future", 931], ["long", 944], ["longs", 944], ["stay", 956], ["life", 972], ["lifes", 972], ["direct", 1010], ["threat", 1017], ["chuckle", 1074], ["chuckled", 1074], ["indirect", 1105], ["way", 1122], ["ways", 1122], ["another", 1133], ["correct", 1153], ["time", 1170], ["place", 1180], ["destiny", 1191], ["say", 1203], ["sayest", 1203], ["except", 1229], ["left", 1235], ["leave", 1235], ["alone", 1253], ["safe", 1267], ["safes", 1267], ["safed", 1267], ["happy", 1297], ["left", 1311], ["leave", 1311], ["leaving", 1311], ["fend", 1325], ["fended", 1325], ["trust", 1353], ["trusted", 1353], ["sleep", 1390], ["slept", 1390], ["sleeps", 1390], ["sleepest", 1390], ["tired", 1441], ["sound", 1459], ["sounded", 1459], ["like", 1464], ["plan", 1476], ["scoff", 1488], ["scoffs", 1488], ["scoffed", 1488], ["sausage", 1504], ["stop", 1537], ["stopped", 1537], ["without", 1572], ["face", 1579], ["facing", 1579], ["know", 1595], ["knowest", 1595], ["ca", 1602], ["cas", 1602], ["tell", 1611], ["come", 1698], ["well", 1726], ["wells", 1726], ["stay", 1741], ["stayed", 1741], ["away", 1746], ["think", 1782], ["thinkest", 1782], ["respond", 1806], ["respondest", 1806], ["yes", 1845], ["late", 1895], ["lates", 1895], ["decision", 1932], ["return", 1942], ["returnest", 1942], ["set", 1946], ["train", 1954], ["event", 1964], ["events", 1964], ["motion", 1974], ["derail", 2007], ["derailed", 2007], ["serve", 2047], ["purpose", 2059], ["force", 2073], ["forces", 2073], ["oppose", 2084], ["turn", 2106], ["turning", 2106], ["push", 2114], ["issue", 2124], ["disappear", 2154], ["disappeared", 2154], ["flicker", 2184], ["flickered", 2184], ["flickering", 2184], ["stick", 2203], ["stickest", 2203], ["lie", 2231], ["lay", 2231], ["lain", 2231], ["lying", 2231], ["grass", 2244], ["grassing", 2244], ["next", 2249], ["fire", 2261], ["evening", 2276], ["rest", 2296], ["rested", 2296], ["enjoy", 2308], ["enjoyed", 2308], ["fill", 2318], ["fills", 2318], ["filling", 2318], ["meal", 2323], ["tell", 2332], ["told", 2332], ["trip", 2353], ["tripping", 2353], ["home", 2358], ["homing", 2358], ["also", 2367], ["short", 2391], ["conversation", 2404], ["urge", 2437], ["urged", 2437], ["get", 2451], ["involve", 2460], ["involved", 2460], ["right", 2496], ["rightest", 2496], ["grunt", 2516], ["grunted", 2516], ["think", 2531], ["thinkest", 2531], ["thought", 2531], ["involve", 2550], ["family", 2578], ["seem", 2599], ["seeming", 2599], ["seems", 2599], ["wrong", 2611], ["fed", 2632], ["feed", 2632], ["feeding", 2632], ["scrap", 2639], ["scraps", 2639], ["meat", 2647], ["wolf", 2659], ["man", 2663], ["mans", 2663], ["manned", 2663], ["daily", 2683], ["chore", 2690], ["chores", 2690], ["stand", 2701], ["stood", 2701], ["standest", 2701], ["distance", 2720], ["distancing", 2720], ["cage", 2734], ["aware", 2750], ["power", 2763], ["fearsome", 2779], ["jaw", 2784], ["jaws", 2784], ["jawed", 2784], ["jawest", 2784], ["nephew", 2812], ["nephews", 2812], ["resemblance", 2843], ["pause", 2857], ["paused", 2857], ["large", 2867], ["sliver", 2874], ["slivers", 2874], ["sliverest", 2874], ["hand", 2899], ["strange", 2918], ["son", 3005], ["forget", 3016], ["forgot", 3016], ["grin", 3061], ["grinned", 3061], ["crookedly", 3071], ["uncle", 3090], ["congratulation", 3114], ["congratulations", 3114], ["deadpanned", 3137], ["deadpanning", 3137], ["fair", 3190], ["fairs", 3190], ["fairest", 3190], ["chubby", 3206], ["boy", 3210], ["smile", 3219], ["help", 3242], ["helpest", 3242], ["helped", 3242], ["bring", 3254], ["washing", 3269], ["washings", 3269], ["nice", 3281], ["kid", 3285], ["handsome", 3314], ["handsomes", 3314], ["course", 3326], ["snort", 3367], ["snortest", 3367], ["snorted", 3367], ["sorry", 3381], ["take", 3397], ["taken", 3397], ["notice", 3409], ["back", 3454], ["hang", 3486], ["hung", 3486], ["hangs", 3486], ["collar", 3503], ["collared", 3503], ["bridget", 3511], ["gossip", 3522], ["gossiped", 3522], ["dismiss", 3544], ["dismisses", 3544], ["dismissing", 3544], ["dismissest", 3544], ["dismissed", 3544], ["idea", 3553], ["immediately", 3565], ["precisely", 3586], ["kind", 3595], ["stunt", 3604], ["stunting", 3604], ["backfire", 3625], ["well", 3664], ["wells", 3664], ["forget", 3674], ["forgot", 3674], ["finish", 3707], ["finishing", 3707], ["young", 3727], ["youngest", 3727], ["watch", 3740], ["watching", 3740], ["behind", 3755], ["nearby", 3764], ["van", 3768], ["study", 3786], ["studying", 3786], ["quietly", 3797], ["take", 3806], ["taking", 3806], ["care", 3811], ["attract", 3826], ["attractest", 3826], ["attention", 3836], ["normal", 3852], ["run", 3856], ["thing", 3866], ["things", 3866], ["ignore", 3886], ["ignored", 3886], ["child", 3901], ["childs", 3901], ["children", 3901], ["often", 3907], ["nose", 3919], ["nosed", 3919], ["nosing", 3919], ["around", 3926], ["cirque", 3937], ["site", 3942], ["siting", 3942], ["thought", 3960], ["thoughts", 3960], ["find", 3990], ["found", 3990], ["interested", 4013], ["otherwise", 4044], ["shout", 4066], ["shouted", 4066], ["wave", 4075], ["waved", 4075], ["waving", 4075], ["head", 4100], ["instantly", 4110], ["vanish", 4119], ["vanishest", 4119], ["vanished", 4119], ["moment", 4171], ["moments", 4171], ["later", 4177], ["step", 4193], ["stepped", 4193], ["walk", 4208], ["walked", 4208], ["towards", 4216]]
he looked nervous - understandable , since we were in the presence of the snarling wolf man - but he was fighting hard not to show it . the boy stopped a few metres away and nodded curtly . `` hello , '' he mumbled . he was scrawny . he had dark blond hair and bright blue eyes . i put his age at somewhere in the region of ten or eleven , maybe a little bit older than annie 's kid , though there could n't have been much of an age difference . for all i knew they might even be going to school together ! the boy said nothing after greeting us . i was thinking about my nephew and comparing this boy to him , so i said nothing either . harkat finally broke the silence . `` hi , '' he said , lowering the mask he wore to filter out air , which was poisonous to him . `` i 'm harkat . '' `` darius , '' the boy said , nodding at harkat , not offering to shake hands . `` and i 'm darren , '' i smiled . `` you two are with the freak show , '' darius said . `` i saw you yesterday . '' i 've never seen a freak show before . i tried buying a ticket but nobody will sell me one . i asked the tall guy - he 's the owner , is n't he ? - but he said it was n't suitable for children . '' `` it is a bit on the gruesome side , '' i said . `` that 's why i want to see it , '' he grunted . i laughed , remembering what i 'd been like at his age . `` why do n't you walk around with us ? we can show you some of the performers and tell you about the show . if you still want a ticket , maybe we can sort one out for you then . '' darius squinted at me suspiciously , then at harkat . `` you might be a pair of kidnappers . '' `` oh , you have my word we wo n't ? kidnap you , '' harkat purred , treating darius to his widest grin , displaying his grey tongue and sharp , pointed teeth . `` we might feed you to the wolf man ? but we wo n't kidnap you . '' darius yawned to show he was n't impressed by the theatrical threat , then said , `` what the hell , i 've nothing better to do . '' then he tapped his foot and raised an eyebrow impatiently . we walked darius around the site and introduced him to rhamus twobellies , cormac limbs , hans hands and truska . cormac was busy and did n't have time to show the boy how he could re-grow his limbs , but truska sprouted a short beard for him , then sucked the hairs back into her face . darius acted like he was n't impressed , but i could see the wonder in his eyes . darius was strange . he did n't say much , and kept his distance , always a couple of metres away from harkat and me , as though he still did n't trust us . he asked lots of questions about the performers and the cirque du freak , which was normal . but he did n't ask anything about me , where i was from , how i 'd come to join the show or what my tasks involved . he did n't ask about harkat either . the grey-skinned , stitched-together little person was like nothing most people had ever seen . it was common for newcomers to pump him for information . but darius seemed uninterested in harkat , as if he already knew everything about him . he also had a way of staring at me oddly . i 'd catch him looking at me , when he thought my attention was elsewhere . it was n't a threatening look . there was just something about the flickering of his eyes that for some reason unsettled me . harkat and i were n't hungry , but when we passed one of the open campfires and saw a pot of bubbling soup , i heard darius 's stomach rumble . `` want to eat ? '' `` i 'm having dinner when i go home , '' he said . `` how about a snack , to keep you going ? '' he hesitated , then licked his lips and nodded quickly . `` but just a small bowl of soup , '' he snapped , as though we meant to force-feed him . while darius was downing the soup , harkat asked if he lived nearby . `` not far off , '' he answered vaguely . about the show ? '' darius did n't look up . `` a friend of mine - oggy bas - was here . he was going to take some seats - we often come here when we want seats or railings . it 's easy to get in and nobody cares what we take . he saw the circus tent and told me . i thought it was an ordinary circus until i came exploring yesterday . '' `` what sort of a name is oggy bas ? ''
[["look", 9], ["looked", 9], ["nervous", 17], ["understandable", 34], ["since", 42], ["presence", 66], ["snarl", 82], ["snarls", 82], ["snarling", 82], ["wolf", 87], ["man", 91], ["mans", 91], ["manned", 91], ["fight", 113], ["fightest", 113], ["hard", 118], ["show", 130], ["boy", 143], ["stop", 151], ["stopped", 151], ["metre", 164], ["metres", 164], ["away", 169], ["nod", 180], ["nodded", 180], ["curtly", 187], ["hello", 198], ["hellos", 198], ["mumble", 214], ["mumbles", 214], ["mumbled", 214], ["scrawny", 231], ["dark", 245], ["blond", 251], ["hair", 256], ["bright", 267], ["brights", 267], ["blue", 272], ["eye", 277], ["eyed", 277], ["eyes", 277], ["put", 285], ["age", 293], ["aged", 293], ["somewhere", 306], ["region", 320], ["ten", 327], ["eleven", 337], ["maybe", 345], ["little", 354], ["bit", 358], ["bits", 358], ["old", 364], ["annie", 375], ["kid", 382], ["though", 391], ["much", 422], ["difference", 443], ["know", 460], ["knowest", 460], ["knew", 460], ["may", 471], ["mays", 471], ["mayest", 471], ["might", 471], ["even", 476], ["evens", 476], ["go", 485], ["goest", 485], ["going", 485], ["school", 495], ["schooling", 495], ["together", 504], ["say", 519], ["sayest", 519], ["said", 519], ["nothing", 527], ["greet", 542], ["greeting", 542], ["think", 562], ["thinkest", 562], ["thinking", 562], ["nephew", 578], ["nephews", 578], ["compare", 592], ["comparing", 592], ["either", 635], ["finally", 652], ["broke", 658], ["break", 658], ["silence", 670], ["hi", 678], ["lower", 702], ["lowers", 702], ["lowerest", 702], ["lowering", 702], ["mask", 711], ["maskest", 711], ["wear", 719], ["wore", 719], ["filter", 729], ["filterest", 729], ["air", 737], ["airs", 737], ["airing", 737], ["poisonous", 759], ["darius", 798], ["nod", 826], ["offer", 851], ["shake", 860], ["hand", 866], ["hands", 866], ["darren", 887], ["smile", 901], ["smiled", 901], ["two", 914], ["twos", 914], ["freak", 933], ["freaking", 933], ["see", 966], ["saw", 966], ["yesterday", 980], ["yesterdays", 980], ["never", 997], ["see", 1002], ["seen", 1002], ["try", 1032], ["tryed", 1032], ["tried", 1032], ["buy", 1039], ["buyed", 1039], ["buying", 1039], ["ticket", 1048], ["nobody", 1059], ["sell", 1069], ["sells", 1069], ["ask", 1086], ["asked", 1086], ["tall", 1095], ["guy", 1099], ["owner", 1117], ["suitable", 1165], ["child", 1178], ["childs", 1178], ["children", 1178], ["gruesome", 1214], ["side", 1219], ["sidest", 1219], ["see", 1262], ["grunt", 1281], ["grunted", 1281], ["laugh", 1293], ["laughed", 1293], ["remember", 1307], ["rememberest", 1307], ["remembering", 1307], ["like", 1327], ["walk", 1363], ["around", 1370], ["performer", 1419], ["performers", 1419], ["tell", 1428], ["still", 1462], ["sort", 1496], ["squint", 1538], ["squintest", 1538], ["squinting", 1538], ["squinted", 1538], ["suspiciously", 1557], ["pair", 1599], ["pairs", 1599], ["kidnapper", 1613], ["kidnappers", 1613], ["oh", 1624], ["word", 1643], ["wo", 1649], ["kidnap", 1662], ["kidnaps", 1662], ["kidnaped", 1662], ["kidnaping", 1662], ["purr", 1685], ["purrs", 1685], ["purred", 1685], ["treat", 1696], ["treats", 1696], ["treatest", 1696], ["treating", 1696], ["wide", 1717], ["grin", 1722], ["display", 1735], ["displaying", 1735], ["grey", 1744], ["tongue", 1751], ["tonguing", 1751], ["sharp", 1761], ["sharps", 1761], ["tooth", 1777], ["teeth", 1777], ["fed", 1796], ["feed", 1796], ["yawn", 1862], ["yawns", 1862], ["yawnest", 1862], ["yawned", 1862], ["impress", 1891], ["impressed", 1891], ["theatrical", 1909], ["threat", 1916], ["hell", 1947], ["hells", 1947], ["well", 1970], ["wells", 1970], ["tap", 1996], ["tapped", 1996], ["foot", 2005], ["raise", 2016], ["raised", 2016], ["eyebrow", 2027], ["impatiently", 2039], ["walk", 2051], ["walked", 2051], ["site", 2074], ["siting", 2074], ["introduce", 2089], ["introduced", 2089], ["cormac", 2123], ["busy", 2171], ["busied", 2171], ["time", 2193], ["grow", 2230], ["growest", 2230], ["limb", 2240], ["limbs", 2240], ["sprout", 2262], ["sprouted", 2262], ["short", 2270], ["beard", 2276], ["beards", 2276], ["bearded", 2276], ["suck", 2298], ["sucking", 2298], ["sucked", 2298], ["hair", 2308], ["hairs", 2308], ["back", 2313], ["face", 2327], ["act", 2342], ["acted", 2342], ["wonder", 2397], ["wonderest", 2397], ["strange", 2430], ["say", 2447], ["sayest", 2447], ["keep", 2463], ["keepest", 2463], ["kept", 2463], ["distance", 2476], ["distancing", 2476], ["always", 2485], ["couple", 2494], ["trust", 2563], ["lot", 2582], ["lots", 2582], ["question", 2595], ["questions", 2595], ["cirque", 2631], ["du", 2634], ["normal", 2659], ["ask", 2680], ["anything", 2689], ["come", 2733], ["join", 2741], ["joinest", 2741], ["task", 2767], ["tasking", 2767], ["taskest", 2767], ["tasks", 2767], ["involve", 2776], ["involved", 2776], ["stitch", 2843], ["stitched", 2843], ["person", 2866], ["people", 2895], ["ever", 2904], ["everest", 2904], ["common", 2925], ["commons", 2925], ["commonest", 2925], ["newcomer", 2939], ["newcomers", 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3539], ["snacking", 3539], ["keep", 3549], ["keepest", 3549], ["hesitate", 3577], ["hesitated", 3577], ["lick", 3591], ["licked", 3591], ["lip", 3600], ["lipped", 3600], ["lips", 3600], ["quickly", 3619], ["small", 3641], ["bowl", 3646], ["bowling", 3646], ["snap", 3670], ["snapping", 3670], ["snapped", 3670], ["mean", 3691], ["meanest", 3691], ["meant", 3691], ["force", 3700], ["live", 3772], ["lived", 3772], ["nearby", 3779], ["far", 3792], ["answer", 3813], ["answeres", 3813], ["answerest", 3813], ["answered", 3813], ["vaguely", 3821], ["friend", 3880], ["mine", 3888], ["oggy", 3895], ["bas", 3899], ["take", 3933], ["seat", 3944], ["seats", 3944], ["often", 3955], ["railing", 3996], ["railings", 3996], ["easy", 4009], ["get", 4016], ["care", 4036], ["cares", 4036], ["circus", 4069], ["tent", 4074], ["tented", 4074], ["tenting", 4074], ["tell", 4083], ["told", 4083], ["ordinary", 4117], ["come", 4137], ["came", 4137], ["explore", 4147], ["exploring", 4147], ["name", 4185]]
`` oggy 's short for augustine , '' darius explained . `` did you tell oggy what the cirque du ? freak really was ? '' `` nah , '' darius said . `` he 's got a big mouth . he 'd tell everybody and they 'd all come . i like being the only one who knows about it . '' `` so you 're a boy who knows how to keep a secret , '' i chuckled . `` of course , the downside is that since nobody knows you 're here , if wedid kidnap you or feed you to the wolf man , nobody would know where to look . '' i was joking , but darius reacted sharply . he half-bolted to his feet , dropping the unfinished bowl of soup . acting instinctively , i snatched for the bowl , and with my vampire speed i caught it before it hit the ground . but darius thought i meant to strike him . he threw himself backwards and roared , `` leave me alone ! '' i took a surprised step back . the other people around the fire were gawping at us . harkat 's green eyes were on darius , and there was more than just surprise in his expression - he looked wary too . `` easy , '' i half-laughed , lowering the bowl , then raising my hands in a gesture of friendship . darius sat up . he was blushing angrily . `` i 'm ok , '' he mumbled , getting to his feet . `` what 's wrong , darius ? '' harkat asked quietly . `` why so edgy ? '' `` i 'm ok , '' darius said again , glaring at harkat . `` i just do n't like people saying stuff like that . it 's not funny , creatures like you making threats like that . '' `` i did n't mean it , '' i said , ashamed for having frightened the boy . `` how about i get a ticket to tonight 's show for you , to make up for scaring you ? '' `` i ai n't scared , '' darius growled . `` of course you are n't , '' i smiled . `` but would you like a ticket anyway ? '' darius pulled a face . `` it 's free , '' i said . `` courtesy of the house . '' that was as close as darius got to saying thanks . `` would you like one for oggy too ? '' `` no , '' darius said . `` he would n't come . he 's a scaredy cat . he does n't even watch horror movies , not even the really old and boring ones . '' i tracked down mr tall . when i told him what i wanted , he frowned and said all the tickets for tonight 's show had been sold . `` but surely you can find a spare one somewhere , '' i laughed . there was always lots of space in the aisles and it was usually never a problem to stick in a few extra chairs . `` is it wise , inviting a child to the show ? '' `` children tend to fare unfavourably here . yourself , steve leonard , sam grest . '' sam was a boy who 'd had a fatal run-in with the wolf man . he was the first person i 'd drunk blood from . part of his spirit - not to mention his taste for pickled onions ! - still lived on within me . `` why mention sam ? '' i could n't remember the last time mr tall had made a reference to my long-dead friend . `` no reason in particular , '' mr tall said . `` i just think this is a dangerous place for children . '' then he produced a ticket out of thin air and handed it to me . `` give it to the boy if you wish , '' he grumbled , as if i 'd squeezed an inconvenient favour out of him . i walked back slowly to darius and harkat , wondering why mr tall had behaved in such a curious manner . had he been trying to warn me not to let darius get too closely involved with the cirque du freak ? was darius like sam grest , eager to leave home and travel around with a band of magical performers ? by inviting him to the show , was i setting him up for a fall like sam 's ? i found darius standing where i 'd left him . he did n't look like he 'd moved a muscle . harkat was on the other side of the fire , keeping a green eye on the boy . i hesitated before giving darius his ticket . `` what do you think of the cirque du freak ? '' `` it 's ok , '' he shrugged . `` how would you feel about joining ? '' `` if there was an opening , and you had the chance to leave home , would ? '' he snapped before i finished . `` you 're happy at home ? '' `` you do n't want to travel around the world ? '' `` not with you lot . '' i smiled and gave him the ticket .
[["oggy", 7], ["short", 16], ["augustine", 30], ["darius", 42], ["explain", 52], ["explained", 52], ["tell", 70], ["cirque", 91], ["du", 94], ["freak", 102], ["freaking", 102], ["really", 109], ["nah", 125], ["say", 142], ["sayest", 142], ["said", 142], ["get", 157], ["got", 157], ["big", 163], ["bigs", 163], ["mouth", 169], ["mouthed", 169], ["come", 213], ["like", 222], ["know", 251], ["knowest", 251], ["knows", 251], ["boy", 285], ["keep", 307], ["keepest", 307], ["secret", 316], ["chuckle", 332], ["chuckled", 332], ["course", 347], ["downside", 362], ["since", 376], ["nobody", 383], ["kidnap", 420], ["kidnaps", 420], ["kidnaped", 420], ["kidnaping", 420], ["fed", 432], ["feed", 432], ["wolf", 448], ["man", 452], ["mans", 452], ["manned", 452], ["know", 472], ["knowest", 472], ["look", 486], ["joke", 504], ["jokes", 504], ["joking", 504], ["react", 525], ["reacted", 525], ["sharply", 533], ["half", 543], ["bolt", 550], ["bolts", 550], ["bolted", 550], ["foot", 562], ["feet", 562], ["drop", 573], ["dropping", 573], ["unfinished", 588], ["bowl", 593], ["bowling", 593], ["soup", 601], ["act", 610], ["acted", 610], ["acting", 610], ["instinctively", 624], ["snatch", 637], ["snatches", 637], ["snatched", 637], ["vampire", 672], ["speed", 678], ["speeding", 678], ["catch", 687], ["catched", 687], ["catches", 687], ["caught", 687], ["hit", 704], ["ground", 715], ["think", 736], ["thinkest", 736], ["thought", 736], ["mean", 744], ["meanest", 744], ["meant", 744], ["strike", 754], ["throw", 769], ["threw", 769], ["backwards", 787], ["roar", 798], ["roarest", 798], ["roared", 798], ["left", 809], ["leave", 809], ["alone", 818], ["take", 830], ["took", 830], ["step", 847], ["back", 852], ["people", 871], ["around", 878], ["fire", 887], ["gawp", 900], ["gawping", 900], ["green", 924], ["greens", 924], ["eye", 929], ["eyed", 929], ["eyes", 929], ["surprise", 984], ["surprised", 984], ["expression", 1002], ["look", 1014], ["looked", 1014], ["wary", 1019], ["easy", 1033], ["laugh", 1053], ["laughed", 1053], ["lower", 1064], ["lowers", 1064], ["lowerest", 1064], ["lowering", 1064], ["raise", 1088], ["raising", 1088], ["hand", 1097], ["hands", 1097], ["gesture", 1110], ["friendship", 1124], ["sat", 1137], ["sit", 1137], ["blush", 1158], ["blushes", 1158], ["angrily", 1166], ["ok", 1179], ["mumble", 1195], ["mumbles", 1195], ["mumbled", 1195], ["get", 1205], ["getting", 1205], ["wrong", 1236], ["ask", 1263], ["asked", 1263], ["quietly", 1271], ["edgy", 1288], ["glare", 1337], ["glaring", 1337], ["say", 1385], ["sayest", 1385], ["saying", 1385], ["stuff", 1391], ["funny", 1419], ["creature", 1431], ["creatures", 1431], ["threat", 1455], ["threats", 1455], ["mean", 1488], ["meanest", 1488], ["ashamed", 1513], ["frighten", 1535], ["frightened", 1535], ["get", 1564], ["ticket", 1573], ["tonight", 1584], ["show", 1592], ["scare", 1625], ["scared", 1625], ["scaring", 1625], ["ai", 1642], ["growl", 1673], ["growls", 1673], ["growled", 1673], ["smile", 1714], ["smiled", 1714], ["anyway", 1754], ["pull", 1773], ["pulled", 1773], ["face", 1780], ["free", 1796], ["courtesy", 1822], ["house", 1835], ["close", 1858], ["thank", 1889], ["thanks", 1889], ["thankest", 1889], ["scaredy", 1995], ["cat", 1999], ["even", 2018], ["evens", 2018], ["watch", 2024], ["horror", 2031], ["movie", 2038], ["movies", 2038], ["old", 2064], ["track", 2095], ["tracked", 2095], ["mr", 2103], ["tall", 2108], ["tell", 2122], ["told", 2122], ["frown", 2153], ["frowns", 2153], ["frowned", 2153], ["ticket", 2178], ["tickets", 2178], ["sell", 2212], ["sells", 2212], ["sold", 2212], ["surely", 2228], ["find", 2241], ["spare", 2249], ["somewhere", 2263], ["always", 2297], ["lot", 2302], ["lots", 2302], ["space", 2311], ["spaced", 2311], ["spacing", 2311], ["aisle", 2325], ["aisles", 2325], ["usually", 2344], ["never", 2350], ["problem", 2360], ["stick", 2369], ["stickest", 2369], ["extra", 2384], ["extras", 2384], ["chair", 2391], ["chairing", 2391], ["chairs", 2391], ["wise", 2407], ["invite", 2418], ["invites", 2418], ["inviting", 2418], ["child", 2426], ["childs", 2426], ["child", 2455], ["childs", 2455], ["children", 2455], ["tend", 2460], ["fare", 2468], ["faring", 2468], ["unfavourably", 2481], ["steve", 2505], ["leonard", 2513], ["sam", 2519], ["fatal", 2563], ["run", 2567], ["first", 2607], ["firstest", 2607], ["person", 2614], ["drunk", 2625], ["blood", 2631], ["bloods", 2631], ["blooded", 2631], ["part", 2643], ["parting", 2643], ["spirit", 2657], ["spirited", 2657], ["mention", 2674], ["taste", 2684], ["onion", 2703], ["onions", 2703], ["still", 2713], ["live", 2719], ["lived", 2719], ["within", 2729], ["remember", 2779], ["rememberest", 2779], ["last", 2788], ["time", 2793], ["reference", 2822], ["referenced", 2822], ["long", 2833], ["longs", 2833], ["dead", 2838], ["friend", 2845], ["reason", 2860], ["reasonest", 2860], ["particular", 2874], ["think", 2910], ["thinkest", 2910], ["dangerous", 2930], ["place", 2936], ["produce", 2971], ["produced", 2971], ["thin", 2992], ["thins", 2992], ["air", 2996], ["airs", 2996], ["airing", 2996], ["hand", 3007], ["handed", 3007], ["give", 3026], ["wish", 3052], ["grumble", 3069], ["grumbles", 3069], ["grumbled", 3069], ["squeeze", 3091], ["squeezes", 3091], ["squeezed", 3091], ["inconvenient", 3107], ["favour", 3114], ["favourest", 3114], ["walk", 3136], ["walked", 3136], ["slowly", 3148], ["wonder", 3181], ["wonderest", 3181], ["wondering", 3181], ["behave", 3205], ["behaved", 3205], ["behaving", 3205], ["curious", 3223], ["manner", 3230], ["manners", 3230], ["try", 3251], ["tryed", 3251], ["trying", 3251], ["warn", 3259], ["let", 3273], ["lets", 3273], ["closely", 3296], ["involve", 3305], ["involved", 3305], ["eager", 3366], ["home", 3380], ["homing", 3380], ["travel", 3391], ["band", 3410], ["magical", 3421], ["performer", 3432], ["performers", 3432], ["set", 3478], ["setting", 3478], ["fall", 3496], ["falls", 3496], ["find", 3518], ["found", 3518], ["stand", 3534], ["stood", 3534], ["standest", 3534], ["standing", 3534], ["left", 3550], ["leave", 3550], ["move", 3589], ["moved", 3589], ["muscle", 3598], ["side", 3629], ["sidest", 3629], ["keep", 3651], ["keepest", 3651], ["keeping", 3651], ["eye", 3663], ["eyed", 3663], ["hesitate", 3688], ["hesitated", 3688], ["give", 3702], ["giving", 3702], ["shrug", 3800], ["shrugging", 3800], ["shrugged", 3800], ["feel", 3824], ["join", 3838], ["joinest", 3838], ["joining", 3838], ["opening", 3870], ["chance", 3895], ["chanced", 3895], ["chancing", 3895], ["snap", 3933], ["snapping", 3933], ["snapped", 3933], ["finish", 3951], ["finished", 3951], ["happy", 3970], ["world", 4029], ["lot", 4054], ["give", 4077], ["gave", 4077]]
the show starts at ten . will you be able to come ? '' `` of course , '' darius said , pocketing the ticket without looking at it . `` i 'll go to bed early , then sneak out , '' he said , and giggled slyly . `` if you 're caught , do n't tell them about us , '' i warned him . he snorted , then waved sharply and left . he looked at me one final time before he passed out of sight , and again there was something odd about his gaze . harkat walked around the fire and stared after the boy . `` a strange kid , '' i commented . `` more than just strange , '' harkat murmured . `` i do n't like him , '' harkat said . `` he was a bit sullen , '' i agreed , `` but lots of kids his age are like that . i was that way myself when i first joined the cirque du freak . '' harkat 's eyes were full of doubt . `` i did n't buy his story about his ? friend , oggy . if he 's such a scaredy cat , what was he ? doing exploring up here by himself ? '' `` you 're getting suspicious in your old age , '' i laughed . harkat shook his head slowly . `` you did n't pick up on it . '' `` when he accused us of threatening him , he said ? 'creatures like you ' . '' harkat smiled thinly . `` i 'm quite obviouslynot human . but what tipped him off to the fact ? thatyou are n't either ? '' harkat and i were n't sure what to make of darius . it seemed unlikely that the vampaneze would recruit children . but there was the twisted mind of their leader , steve leopard , to take into account . this could be one of his evil , hate-fuelled games . we decided to take the boy to one side when he came to the show , and pump him for information . we would n't resort to torture or anything so drastic - just try to scare a few answers out of him . we were supposed to help the performers get ready for the show , but we told mr tall we were busy and he assigned our tasks to other members of the troupe . if he knew about our plans for darius , he did n't say so . there were two entrances to the big top . shortly before the audience started to arrive , harkat and i each took up a position close to one of the entry points , where we could watch for darius . i was still worried about being recognized by somebody who 'd known me in the past , so i stood in the shadows beside the entrance , disguised in a set of harkat 's blue robes , the hood pulled up to hide my face . i watched silently as the early birds trickled in , handing their tickets to jekkus flang ( mr tall was on the other entrance ) . with every third or fourth customer , jekkus threw their ticket into the air , then launched a knife at it , spearing it through the middle and pinning it to a nearby post . as the trickle of people turned into a steady stream , and jekkus pinned more and more tickets to the pole , the tickets and knives took on the outline of a hanged man . people chuckled edgily when they realized what jekkus was doing . a few paused to commend him on his knife-throwing skills , but most hurried past to their seats , some glancing backwards at the figure of the hanged man , perhaps wondering if it was an omen of things to come . i ignored the hanged man - i 'd seen jekkus perform this trick many times before - and focused on the faces in the crowd . it was hard to note everybody who passed in the crush , especially short people . even if darius entered this way , there was no guarantee i 'd spot him . towards the end of the line , as the last members of the audience were filing in , jekkus gave a gasp of surprise and abandoned his post . `` tom jones ! '' he shouted , bounding forward . `` what an honour ! '' it was the town 's famous goalkeeper , tom jones - my old school friend ! tommy smiled awkwardly and shook jekkus 's hand . `` hi , '' he coughed , looking around to see if anyone else had noticed him . apart from those nearest us , nobody had - all eyes were fixed on the stage , as everyone awaited the start of the show . `` i 've seen you play ! '' jekkus enthused . `` i do n't get to many games - the curse of travelling - but i 've made it to a few . you 're awesome ! do you think we 'll win tomorrow ? i wanted to get a ticket , but they were sold out . ''
[["show", 8], ["start", 15], ["starts", 15], ["ten", 22], ["able", 41], ["abled", 41], ["come", 49], ["course", 67], ["darius", 79], ["say", 84], ["sayest", 84], ["said", 84], ["pocket", 96], ["pocketing", 96], ["ticket", 107], ["without", 115], ["look", 123], ["looking", 123], ["go", 143], ["goest", 143], ["bed", 150], ["early", 156], ["sneak", 169], ["sneakest", 169], ["giggle", 200], ["giggled", 200], ["slyly", 206], ["catch", 229], ["catched", 229], ["catches", 229], ["caught", 229], ["tell", 243], ["warn", 271], ["warned", 271], ["snort", 288], ["snortest", 288], ["snorted", 288], ["wave", 301], ["waved", 301], ["sharply", 309], ["left", 318], ["leave", 318], ["look", 330], ["looked", 330], ["final", 346], ["time", 351], ["pass", 368], ["passed", 368], ["sight", 381], ["sighted", 381], ["odd", 417], ["gaze", 432], ["gazes", 432], ["walk", 448], ["walked", 448], ["around", 455], ["fire", 464], ["stare", 475], ["stared", 475], ["boy", 489], ["strange", 504], ["kid", 508], ["comment", 525], ["commented", 525], ["like", 593], ["bit", 632], ["bits", 632], ["sullen", 639], ["agree", 653], ["agreed", 653], ["lot", 667], ["lots", 667], ["kid", 675], ["kids", 675], ["age", 683], ["aged", 683], ["way", 714], ["ways", 714], ["first", 734], ["firstest", 734], ["join", 741], ["joinest", 741], ["joined", 741], ["cirque", 752], ["du", 755], ["freak", 761], ["freaking", 761], ["eye", 781], ["eyed", 781], ["eyes", 781], ["full", 791], ["doubt", 800], ["buy", 819], ["buyed", 819], ["story", 829], ["friend", 848], ["oggy", 855], ["scaredy", 881], ["cat", 885], ["explore", 917], ["exploring", 917], ["get", 960], ["getting", 960], ["suspicious", 971], ["old", 983], ["laugh", 1002], ["laughed", 1002], ["shake", 1017], ["shook", 1017], ["head", 1026], ["slowly", 1033], ["pick", 1055], ["accuse", 1088], ["accused", 1088], ["threaten", 1106], ["threatening", 1106], ["creature", 1133], ["creatures", 1133], ["smile", 1163], ["smiled", 1163], ["thinly", 1170], ["quite", 1186], ["human", 1205], ["tip", 1223], ["tipped", 1223], ["fact", 1243], ["either", 1268], ["sure", 1300], ["seem", 1335], ["seeming", 1335], ["seemed", 1335], ["unlikely", 1344], ["recruit", 1377], ["recruitest", 1377], ["child", 1386], ["childs", 1386], ["children", 1386], ["mind", 1419], ["minding", 1419], ["leader", 1435], ["steve", 1443], ["leopard", 1451], ["take", 1461], ["account", 1474], ["evil", 1506], ["evils", 1506], ["evilest", 1506], ["hate", 1513], ["hateed", 1513], ["fuel", 1521], ["fuelled", 1521], ["game", 1527], ["games", 1527], ["decide", 1540], ["decided", 1540], ["side", 1568], ["sidest", 1568], ["come", 1581], ["came", 1581], ["pump", 1604], ["information", 1624], ["resort", 1646], ["resorted", 1646], ["torture", 1657], ["anything", 1669], ["drastic", 1680], ["try", 1691], ["tryed", 1691], ["scare", 1700], ["scared", 1700], ["answer", 1714], ["answeres", 1714], ["answerest", 1714], ["answers", 1714], ["suppose", 1744], ["supposed", 1744], ["help", 1752], ["helpest", 1752], ["performers", 1767], ["get", 1771], ["ready", 1777], ["tell", 1804], ["told", 1804], ["mr", 1807], ["tall", 1812], ["busy", 1825], ["busied", 1825], ["assign", 1841], ["assignest", 1841], ["assigning", 1841], ["assigned", 1841], ["task", 1851], ["tasking", 1851], ["taskest", 1851], ["tasks", 1851], ["member", 1868], ["members", 1868], ["troupe", 1882], ["know", 1895], ["knowest", 1895], ["knew", 1895], ["plan", 1911], ["plans", 1911], ["say", 1939], ["sayest", 1939], ["two", 1959], ["twos", 1959], ["entrance", 1969], ["entrancing", 1969], ["entrances", 1969], ["big", 1980], ["bigs", 1980], ["top", 1984], ["shortly", 1994], ["audience", 2014], ["start", 2022], ["started", 2022], ["arrive", 2032], ["take", 2057], ["took", 2057], ["position", 2071], ["close", 2077], ["entry", 2097], ["point", 2104], ["points", 2104], ["watch", 2127], ["still", 2152], ["recognize", 2183], ["recognized", 2183], ["know", 2208], ["knowest", 2208], ["known", 2208], ["past", 2223], ["stand", 2236], ["stood", 2236], ["standest", 2236], ["shadow", 2251], ["shadowed", 2251], ["shadows", 2251], ["beside", 2258], ["entrance", 2271], ["entrancing", 2271], ["disguise", 2283], ["disguising", 2283], ["disguised", 2283], ["set", 2292], ["blue", 2310], ["robe", 2316], ["robes", 2316], ["hood", 2327], ["pull", 2334], ["pulled", 2334], ["hide", 2345], ["hides", 2345], ["face", 2353], ["watch", 2365], ["watched", 2365], ["silently", 2374], ["bird", 2393], ["birds", 2393], ["trickle", 2402], ["trickled", 2402], ["hand", 2415], ["ticket", 2429], ["tickets", 2429], ["flang", 2445], ["every", 2496], ["third", 2502], ["fourth", 2512], ["customer", 2521], ["throw", 2536], ["threw", 2536], ["air", 2562], ["airs", 2562], ["airing", 2562], ["launch", 2578], ["launched", 2578], ["knife", 2586], ["knifes", 2586], ["spear", 2603], ["spearing", 2603], ["middle", 2625], ["middles", 2625], ["middling", 2625], ["pin", 2637], ["pinning", 2637], ["nearby", 2652], ["post", 2657], ["trickle", 2674], ["people", 2684], ["turn", 2691], ["turned", 2691], ["steady", 2705], ["stream", 2712], ["streams", 2712], ["streamed", 2712], ["streaming", 2712], ["pin", 2732], ["pinned", 2732], ["pole", 2766], ["poles", 2766], ["knife", 2791], ["knifes", 2791], ["knives", 2791], ["outline", 2811], ["outlines", 2811], ["man", 2827], ["mans", 2827], ["manned", 2827], ["chuckle", 2845], ["chuckled", 2845], ["edgily", 2852], ["realize", 2871], ["realized", 2871], ["pause", 2908], ["paused", 2908], ["commend", 2919], ["commendest", 2919], ["throw", 2945], ["throwing", 2945], ["skill", 2952], ["skills", 2952], ["seat", 2991], ["seats", 2991], ["glance", 3007], ["glancing", 3007], ["backwards", 3017], ["figure", 3031], ["perhaps", 3059], ["wonder", 3069], ["wonderest", 3069], ["wondering", 3069], ["omen", 3087], ["oman", 3087], ["thing", 3097], ["things", 3097], ["ignore", 3117], ["ignored", 3117], ["see", 3144], ["seen", 3144], ["perform", 3159], ["performest", 3159], ["trick", 3170], ["many", 3175], ["time", 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["cough", 3743], ["coughed", 3743], ["see", 3767], ["anyone", 3777], ["else", 3782], ["notice", 3794], ["noticed", 3794], ["apart", 3806], ["near", 3825], ["nearest", 3825], ["nobody", 3837], ["fix", 3863], ["fixes", 3863], ["fixed", 3863], ["stage", 3876], ["staging", 3876], ["everyone", 3890], ["await", 3898], ["awaits", 3898], ["awaited", 3898], ["start", 3908], ["play", 3945], ["playest", 3945], ["enthuse", 3966], ["enthused", 3966], ["curse", 4010], ["cursed", 4010], ["travel", 4024], ["travelling", 4024], ["awesome", 4071], ["think", 4086], ["thinkest", 4086], ["win", 4097], ["tomorrow", 4106], ["tomorrows", 4106], ["sell", 4154], ["sells", 4154], ["sold", 4154]]
`` it 's a big match , '' tommy said . `` i could try to get one for you , but i do n't think ? '' `` that 's ok , '' jekkus interrupted . `` i 'm not trying to shake you down for free tickets . just wanted to wish you good luck . now , speaking of tickets , could i see yours ? '' tommy gave his ticket to jekkus , who askedif tommy would sign it for him . tommy obliged and jekkus pocketed the ticket , beaming happily . he offered to find a seat for tommy near the front , but tommy said he was happy to sit at the back . `` i do n't think it would be good for my image if word got out that i came to shows like this , '' he laughed . as tommy made his way to one of the few free seats , i breathed a sigh of relief - he had n't seen me . the luck of the vampires was on my side . i waited a few more minutes , until the final stragglers had been admitted , then crept out as jekkus closed off the entrance . i linked up with harkat . `` no , '' harkat said . but i saw an old friend . '' i told him about tom jones . `` could it be a setup ? '' `` tommy wanted to come to the cirque du freak the last time it was in town . he 's here for the match tomorrow . he must have heard about the show and picked up a ticket - easy when you 're a celebrity . '' `` but is n't it a bit too coincidental that ? he 's here the same time as us ? '' harkat persisted . `` he 's here because his team 's in the cup semi-final , '' i reminded harkat . `` steve could n't have engineered that - even the lord of the vampaneze has his limits ! '' `` you 're right , '' harkat laughed . `` i really am getting paranoid ! '' `` let 's forget about tommy , '' i said . `` what about darius ? could he have got in without us seeing him ? '' `` it was impossible to identify ? everyone who entered . a child could have easily ? passed without us noticing . '' `` then we 've got to go inside and look for him , '' i said . harkat stopped me . `` although your friend tommy 's being here is most likely ? nothing to worry about , let 's not tempt fate . if you go in , your hood might slip ? and he might see you . while i waited outside , harkat entered the tent and patrolled the aisles , checking the faces of every audience member as the show got under way . more than half an hour passed before he emerged . `` i did n't see him , '' harkat said . `` maybe he was n't able to sneak away from home , '' i said . `` or maybe he sensed we were ? suspicious of him , '' harkat said . `` either way , we ca n't do anything except ? keep watch the rest of the time we 're here . he might come sneaking around ? by day again . '' although it was anticlimactic , i was glad darius had n't shown . i had n't been looking forward to threatening the boy . it was better this way , for all concerned . and the more i thought about it , the more ridiculous our reaction seemed . darius had certainly known more about us than any child should , but maybe he 'd simply read the right books or found out about us on the internet . not many humans know about the true marks of a vampire , or that little people exist , but the truth ( like they used to say on that famous tv show ) is out there ! there were any number of ways a clued-up kid could have found out the facts about us . harkat was n't as relaxed as i was , and he insisted we stay outside the entrances until the show finished , in case darius turned up late . there was no harm in being cautious , so i kept watch throughout the rest of the show , listening to the gasps , screams and applause of the people inside the tent . i slipped away a few minutes before the end and collected harkat . we hid in a van as the crowd poured out , and only emerged when the final excited customer had left the stadium . we gathered with most of the performers and backstage crew in a tent behind the big top , for the post-show party . there was n't a celebration after each performance , but we liked to let our hair down every once in a while . it was a hard life on the road , driving long distances , working doggedly , keeping a low profile so as not to attract attention . it was good to chill out every so often . there were a few guests in the tent - police officers , council officials , wealthy businessmen .
[["big", 14], ["bigs", 14], ["match", 20], ["matching", 20], ["tommy", 31], ["say", 36], ["sayest", 36], ["said", 36], ["try", 53], ["tryed", 53], ["get", 60], ["think", 93], ["thinkest", 93], ["ok", 112], ["interrupt", 136], ["interruptest", 136], ["interrupted", 136], ["try", 157], ["tryed", 157], ["trying", 157], ["shake", 166], ["free", 184], ["ticket", 192], ["tickets", 192], ["wish", 214], ["good", 223], ["luck", 228], ["speak", 245], ["spoken", 245], ["speaking", 245], ["see", 270], ["give", 292], ["gave", 292], ["ticket", 303], ["sign", 344], ["oblige", 371], ["obliged", 371], ["pocket", 391], ["pocketing", 391], ["pocketed", 391], ["beam", 412], ["beaming", 412], ["happily", 420], ["offer", 433], ["offered", 433], ["find", 441], ["seat", 448], ["near", 463], ["front", 473], ["happy", 503], ["sat", 510], ["sit", 510], ["back", 522], ["image", 572], ["imaged", 572], ["imaging", 572], ["word", 580], ["get", 584], ["got", 584], ["come", 600], ["came", 600], ["show", 609], ["shows", 609], ["like", 614], ["laugh", 635], ["laughed", 635], ["way", 659], ["ways", 659], ["seat", 688], ["seats", 688], ["breathe", 701], ["breathes", 701], ["breathed", 701], ["sigh", 708], ["sighest", 708], ["relief", 718], ["reliefs", 718], ["see", 736], ["seen", 736], ["vampire", 766], ["vampires", 766], ["side", 781], ["sidest", 781], ["wait", 792], ["waitest", 792], ["waited", 792], ["minute", 811], ["minutes", 811], ["final", 829], ["straggler", 840], ["stragglers", 840], ["admit", 858], ["admitted", 858], ["creep", 871], ["creeps", 871], ["creeped", 871], ["crept", 871], ["close", 892], ["closed", 892], ["entrance", 909], ["entrancing", 909], ["link", 920], ["linked", 920], ["see", 972], ["saw", 972], ["old", 979], ["friend", 986], ["tell", 998], ["told", 998], ["tom", 1012], ["joneses", 1018], ["setup", 1043], ["come", 1072], ["cirque", 1086], ["du", 1089], ["freak", 1095], ["freaking", 1095], ["last", 1104], ["time", 1109], ["town", 1124], ["tomorrow", 1160], ["tomorrows", 1160], ["must", 1170], ["musts", 1170], ["hear", 1181], ["hears", 1181], ["heard", 1181], ["show", 1196], ["pick", 1207], ["picked", 1207], ["easy", 1226], ["celebrity", 1251], ["bit", 1279], ["bits", 1279], ["coincidental", 1296], ["persist", 1356], ["persisted", 1356], ["team", 1389], ["teamed", 1389], ["teaming", 1389], ["cup", 1403], ["semi", 1408], ["remind", 1430], ["reminded", 1430], ["steve", 1448], ["engineer", 1474], ["engineered", 1474], ["even", 1486], ["evens", 1486], ["lord", 1495], ["limit", 1527], ["limited", 1527], ["limits", 1527], ["right", 1549], ["rightest", 1549], ["really", 1583], ["get", 1594], ["getting", 1594], ["paranoid", 1603], ["let", 1615], ["lets", 1615], ["forget", 1625], ["forgot", 1625], ["darius", 1672], ["without", 1703], ["see", 1713], ["seeing", 1713], ["impossible", 1743], ["identify", 1755], ["everyone", 1766], ["enter", 1778], ["entered", 1778], ["child", 1788], ["childs", 1788], ["easily", 1806], ["pass", 1815], ["passed", 1815], ["notice", 1835], ["noticing", 1835], ["go", 1865], ["goest", 1865], ["inside", 1872], ["look", 1881], ["stop", 1918], ["stopped", 1918], ["although", 1935], ["nothing", 1992], ["worry", 2001], ["worried", 2001], ["tempt", 2026], ["temptest", 2026], ["tempting", 2026], ["fate", 2031], ["hood", 2058], ["may", 2064], ["mays", 2064], ["mayest", 2064], ["might", 2064], ["slip", 2069], ["outside", 2117], ["tent", 2143], ["tented", 2143], ["tenting", 2143], ["patrol", 2157], ["patrolled", 2157], ["aisle", 2168], ["aisles", 2168], ["check", 2179], ["checking", 2179], ["face", 2189], ["faces", 2189], ["every", 2198], ["audience", 2207], ["member", 2214], ["half", 2257], ["hour", 2265], ["emerge", 2290], ["emerged", 2290], ["maybe", 2341], ["able", 2357], ["abled", 2357], ["sneak", 2366], ["sneakest", 2366], ["away", 2371], ["home", 2381], ["homing", 2381], ["sense", 2417], ["sensed", 2417], ["suspicious", 2438], ["either", 2474], ["ca", 2486], ["cas", 2486], ["anything", 2502], ["except", 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["existest", 3084], ["truth", 3100], ["use", 3117], ["used", 3117], ["say", 3124], ["sayest", 3124], ["famous", 3139], ["tv", 3142], ["number", 3186], ["numbering", 3186], ["way", 3194], ["ways", 3194], ["clue", 3202], ["clues", 3202], ["kid", 3209], ["fact", 3240], ["facts", 3240], ["insist", 3304], ["insistest", 3304], ["insisted", 3304], ["stay", 3312], ["entrance", 3334], ["entrancing", 3334], ["entrances", 3334], ["finish", 3358], ["finished", 3358], ["turn", 3382], ["turned", 3382], ["late", 3390], ["lates", 3390], ["harm", 3410], ["harmest", 3410], ["cautious", 3428], ["keep", 3440], ["keepest", 3440], ["kept", 3440], ["throughout", 3457], ["listen", 3490], ["listens", 3490], ["listening", 3490], ["gasp", 3503], ["gasps", 3503], ["scream", 3513], ["screams", 3513], ["applause", 3526], ["slip", 3568], ["slipped", 3568], ["end", 3602], ["ends", 3602], ["endest", 3602], ["collect", 3616], ["collected", 3616], ["hides", 3632], ["hid", 3632], ["van", 3641], ["crowd", 3654], ["crowding", 3654], ["crowdest", 3654], ["pour", 3661], ["poured", 3661], ["customer", 3716], ["left", 3725], ["leave", 3725], ["stadium", 3737], ["gather", 3751], ["gatherest", 3751], ["gathered", 3751], ["performer", 3779], ["performers", 3779], ["backstage", 3793], ["crew", 3798], ["behind", 3815], ["top", 3827], ["post", 3842], ["party", 3853], ["celebration", 3883], ["performance", 3906], ["like", 3921], ["liked", 3921], ["hair", 3937], ["hard", 3980], ["life", 3985], ["lifes", 3985], ["road", 3997], ["drive", 4007], ["driving", 4007], ["long", 4012], ["longs", 4012], ["distance", 4022], ["distancing", 4022], ["distances", 4022], ["work", 4032], ["wrought", 4032], ["working", 4032], ["doggedly", 4041], ["keep", 4051], ["keepest", 4051], ["keeping", 4051], ["low", 4057], ["lowed", 4057], ["profile", 4065], ["attract", 4086], ["attractest", 4086], ["attention", 4096], ["chill", 4119], ["chills", 4119], ["chilling", 4119], ["often", 4138], ["guest", 4164], ["guestest", 4164], ["guests", 4164], ["police", 4185], ["officer", 4194], ["officering", 4194], ["officers", 4194], ["council", 4204], ["official", 4214], ["officials", 4214], ["wealthy", 4224], ["businessman", 4236], ["businessmen", 4236]]
mr tall knew how to grease the right palms , to make life easy for us . our visitors were particularly interested in harkat . the normal audience members had n't seen the grey-skinned little person . this was a chance for the special guests to experience something different , which they could boast about to their friends . harkat knew what was expected of him and he let the humans examine him , telling them a bit about his past , politely answering their questions . i sat in a quiet corner of the tent , munching a sandwich , washing it down with water . i was getting ready to leave when jekkus flang pushed his way through a knot of people and introduced me to the guest he 'd just led into the tent . `` darren , this is the world 's best goalkeeper , tom jones . tom , this is my good friend and fellow workmate , darren shan . '' tommy was astonished to see me alive when i 'd been declared dead and buried eighteen years earlier . then there was the fact that i only looked a handful of years older . it was almost too much for him to comprehend . for a while he listened to me talk , nodding weakly , not taking anything in . but eventually his head cleared and he focused on what i was saying . i spun him a far-fetched but just about believable tale . i felt bad , lying to my old friend , but the truth was stranger than fiction - it was simpler and safer this way . i said i had a rare disease which prevented me from ageing normally . it was discovered when i was a child . the doctors gave me five or six years to live . my parents were devastated by the news , but since we could do nothing to prevent it , we told no one and tried to lead a normal life for as long as we could . then the cirque du freak came to town . `` i ran into an extraordinary physician , '' i lied . `` he was travelling with the cirque , making a study of the freaks . he said he could help me , but i 'd have to leave home and travel with the cirque - i 'd need constant monitoring . i talked it over with my parents and we decided to fake my death , so i could leave without arousing suspicions . '' `` but for heaven 's sake , why ? '' tommy exploded . `` your parents could have left with you . why put everyone through so much pain ? '' `` how would we have explained it ? '' `` the cirque du freak is an illegal travelling show . my parents would have had to give up everything and gone undercover to be with me . it would n't have been fair on them , and it would have been dreadfully unfair on annie . '' `` but there must have been some other way , '' tommy protested . `` but we had n't much time to think it over . the cirque du freak was only in town for a few days . we discussed the proposal put forward by the physician and accepted it . i think the fact that i 'm still alive all these years later , against all medical odds , justifies that decision . '' tommy shook his head uncertainly . he 'd grown up to be a very large man , tall and broad , with huge hands and bulging muscles . his black hair was receding prematurely - he 'd be bald in a few more years . but despite his physical presence , his eyes were soft . he was a gentle man . the idea of letting a child fake his death and be buried alive was repulsive to him . `` what 's done is done , '' i said . `` maybe my parents should have searched for another way . but they had my best interests at heart . hope was offered and they seized it , regardlessof the terrible price . '' `` did annie know ? '' we never told her . '' i guessed tommy had no way of contacting my parents directly , to check out my story , but he could have gone to annie . i had to sidetrack him . `` not even afterwards ? '' `` i talked aboutit with mum and dad - we keep in touch and meet up every few years - but we never felt the time was right . annie had her own problems , having a baby so young . '' `` thatwas tough , '' tommy agreed . `` i was still living here . i did n't know her very well , but i heard all about it . '' `` that must have been just before your football career took off , '' i said , leading him away from talk about me . we discussed his career after that , some of the big matches he 'd been involved in , what he planned to do when he retired . he was n't married but he had two kids from a previous relationship , when he 'd lived abroad . `` i only get to see them a couple of times a year and during the summer , '' he said sadly . `` i hope to move over there when i quit football , to be closer to them . '' most of the performers , crew and guests had departed by this stage .
[["mr", 2], ["tall", 7], ["know", 12], ["knowest", 12], ["knew", 12], ["grease", 26], ["right", 36], ["rightest", 36], ["palm", 42], ["palms", 42], ["palmed", 42], ["palmest", 42], ["life", 57], ["lifes", 57], ["easy", 62], ["visitor", 84], ["visitors", 84], ["particularly", 102], ["interested", 113], ["normal", 136], ["audience", 145], ["member", 153], ["members", 153], ["see", 166], ["seen", 166], ["grey", 175], ["little", 190], ["person", 197], ["chance", 217], ["chanced", 217], ["chancing", 217], ["special", 233], ["guest", 240], ["guestest", 240], ["guests", 240], ["experience", 254], ["experienced", 254], ["different", 274], ["boast", 299], ["friend", 322], ["friends", 322], ["expect", 354], ["expected", 354], ["let", 372], ["lets", 372], ["human", 383], ["humans", 383], ["examine", 391], ["tell", 405], ["telling", 405], ["bit", 416], ["bits", 416], ["past", 431], ["politely", 442], ["answer", 452], ["answeres", 452], ["answerest", 452], ["answering", 452], ["question", 468], ["questions", 468], ["sat", 476], ["sit", 476], ["quiet", 487], ["corner", 494], ["tent", 506], ["tented", 506], ["tenting", 506], ["munch", 517], ["munches", 517], ["munchest", 517], ["munching", 517], ["sandwich", 528], ["sandwiches", 528], ["wash", 538], ["water", 557], ["get", 573], ["getting", 573], ["ready", 579], ["left", 588], ["leave", 588], ["flang", 606], ["push", 613], ["pushed", 613], ["way", 621], ["ways", 621], ["knot", 636], ["knotted", 636], ["people", 646], ["introduce", 661], ["introduced", 661], ["guest", 677], ["guestest", 677], ["lead", 692], ["leaded", 692], ["led", 692], ["darren", 718], ["world", 738], ["good", 746], ["best", 746], ["goalkeeper", 757], ["tom", 763], ["joneses", 769], ["good", 793], ["friend", 800], ["fellow", 811], ["workmate", 820], ["tommy", 845], ["astonish", 860], ["astonished", 860], ["see", 867], ["alive", 876], ["declare", 900], ["declared", 900], ["dead", 905], ["bury", 916], ["burying", 916], ["buried", 916], ["eighteen", 925], 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["balds", 3052], ["balded", 3052], ["balding", 3052], ["despite", 3086], ["physical", 3099], ["presence", 3108], ["eye", 3119], ["eyed", 3119], ["eyes", 3119], ["soft", 3129], ["gentle", 3147], ["gentler", 3147], ["idea", 3162], ["let", 3173], ["lets", 3173], ["letting", 3173], ["repulsive", 3230], ["maybe", 3286], ["search", 3318], ["searched", 3318], ["another", 3330], ["interest", 3367], ["interests", 3367], ["heart", 3376], ["hope", 3383], ["offer", 3395], ["offered", 3395], ["seize", 3411], ["seizes", 3411], ["seized", 3411], ["terrible", 3442], ["price", 3448], ["know", 3471], ["knowest", 3471], ["never", 3485], ["guess", 3509], ["guessed", 3509], ["contact", 3540], ["contacting", 3540], ["directly", 3560], ["check", 3571], ["story", 3584], ["sidetrack", 3639], ["sidetracks", 3639], ["sidetracking", 3639], ["even", 3657], ["evens", 3657], ["afterwards", 3668], ["mum", 3702], ["mums", 3702], ["mummed", 3702], ["dad", 3710], ["keep", 3720], ["keepest", 3720], ["touch", 3729], ["touching", 3729], ["meet", 3738], ["meeted", 3738], ["every", 3747], ["problem", 3825], ["problems", 3825], ["baby", 3841], ["young", 3850], ["youngest", 3850], ["tough", 3872], ["agree", 3890], ["agreed", 3890], ["live", 3914], ["living", 3914], ["well", 3950], ["wells", 3950], ["hear", 3964], ["hears", 3964], ["heard", 3964], ["football", 4031], ["career", 4038], ["take", 4043], ["took", 4043], ["lead", 4069], ["leaded", 4069], ["leading", 4069], ["away", 4078], ["big", 4152], ["bigs", 4152], ["match", 4160], ["matching", 4160], ["matches", 4160], ["involve", 4180], ["involved", 4180], ["plan", 4201], ["planned", 4201], ["retire", 4223], ["retired", 4223], ["marry", 4244], ["married", 4244], ["two", 4259], ["twos", 4259], ["kid", 4264], ["kids", 4264], ["previous", 4280], ["relationship", 4293], ["live", 4312], ["lived", 4312], ["abroad", 4319], ["get", 4335], ["couple", 4356], ["time", 4365], ["times", 4365], ["year", 4372], ["summer", 4394], ["summering", 4394], ["sadly", 4413], ["move", 4433], ["quit", 4456], ["quits", 4456], ["quitting", 4456], ["close", 4480], ["closer", 4480], ["performer", 4516], ["performers", 4516], ["crew", 4523], ["depart", 4547], ["departed", 4547], ["stage", 4561], ["staging", 4561]]
harkat had seen me talking with tommy and made a sign askingif i wanted him to stick around . i signalled back that i was ok and he 'd left with the others . a few people still sat and talked softly in the tent , but nobody was near tommy and me . talk turned to the past and our old friends . tommy told me alan morris had become a scientist . `` quite a famous one too , '' he said . `` he 's a geneticist - big into cloning . a controversial area , but he 's convinced it 's the way forward . '' `` as long as he does n't clone himself ! '' `` one alan morris is enough ! '' tommy laughed too . alan had been a close friend of ours , but he could be a bit of a pain at times . `` i 've no idea what steve 's up to , '' tommy said , and the laughter died on my lips . `` he left home at sixteen . ran off without a word to anyone . i 've spoken to him on the phone a few times , but i 've only seen him once since then , about ten years ago . he returned home for a few months when his mother died . '' `` i did n't know she was dead , '' i said . i liked steve 's mum . '' `` he sold off the house and all her effects . he shared an apartment with alan for a while . that was before ? '' tommy stopped and glanced at me oddly . `` haveyou seen steve since you left ? '' `` you do n't know anything about him ? '' `` no , '' i lied again . tommy pressed . i forced a chuckle . `` why are you so concerned about steve ? '' `` he got into some trouble the last time he was here . i thought you might have heard about it from your parents . '' `` we do n't discuss the past , '' i said , elaborating on the lie i 'd concocted . i leant forward curiously . `` what did steve do ? '' i asked , wondering if it was in any way linked to his vampaneze activities . `` oh , i do n't rightly remember , '' tommy said , shifting uncomfortably - he was lying . `` it 's old history . best not to bring it up . you know what steve was like , always in one form of trouble or another . '' `` that 's for sure , '' i muttered . `` you said you 've talked to him on the phone ? '' he rings every so often , asks what i 'm up to , says nothing about what he 's doing , then hangs up ! '' `` when was the last time he rang ? '' tommy thought about it . `` two , maybe three years ago . `` have you a contact number for him ? '' i 'd thought for a moment that tommy might be my path back to steve , but it seemed he was n't . he looked at his watch and groaned . `` if my manager finds out how late i 've been out , he 'll sack me ! sorry , darren , but i really have to go . '' `` that 's ok , '' i smiled , standing to shake his hand . `` maybe we could meet up again after the match ? '' tommy exclaimed . `` i 'm not travelling back with the team - i 'm staying here for the night , to see some relatives . you can come to the hotel after the game and ? actually , how 'd you like to come see me play ? '' `` at the semi-final ? '' but did n't i hear you telling jekkus the tickets were sold out ? '' `` jekkus ? '' `` the guy with the knives - your number-one fan . '' `` i ca n't give away tickets to all my fans . but family and friends are a different story . '' `` i would n't be sitting near anyone who knew me , would i ? '' `` i do n't want the truth about me going any further - annie might hear about it . '' `` i 'll get you a seat away from the others , '' tommy promised . `` you know , annie 's not a girl any more . i saw her a year ago , the last time i was here for a match . she struck me as being very level-headed . maybe it 's time to tell her the truth . '' `` maybe , '' i smiled , knowing i would n't . `` i really think you should , '' tommy pressed . `` it would be a shock , like it was for me , but i 'm sure she 'd be delighted to know you 're alive and well . '' i walked tommy out of the tent , through the campsite and stadium tunnels to where his car was parked . i bid him goodnight at the car , but he stopped before getting in and stared at me seriously . `` we must talk some more about steve tomorrow , '' he said .
[["see", 15], ["seen", 15], ["talk", 26], ["talking", 26], ["tommy", 37], ["sign", 53], ["stick", 84], ["stickest", 84], ["around", 91], ["signal", 105], ["signalled", 105], ["back", 110], ["ok", 124], ["left", 139], ["leave", 139], ["people", 170], ["still", 176], ["sat", 180], ["sit", 180], ["talk", 191], ["talked", 191], ["softly", 198], ["tent", 210], ["tented", 210], ["tenting", 210], ["nobody", 223], ["near", 232], ["talk", 252], ["turn", 259], ["turned", 259], ["past", 271], ["old", 283], ["friend", 291], ["friends", 291], ["tell", 304], ["told", 304], ["alan", 312], ["alans", 312], ["morris", 319], ["become", 330], ["scientist", 342], ["quite", 353], ["famous", 362], ["say", 383], ["sayest", 383], ["said", 383], ["geneticist", 407], ["big", 413], ["bigs", 413], ["clone", 426], ["controversial", 444], ["area", 449], ["way", 485], ["ways", 485], ["forward", 493], ["forwarding", 493], ["forwardest", 493], ["long", 509], ["longs", 509], ["clone", 530], ["enough", 572], ["laugh", 591], ["laughed", 591], ["close", 619], ["friend", 626], ["bit", 658], ["bits", 658], ["pain", 668], ["time", 677], ["times", 677], ["idea", 696], ["steve", 707], ["laughter", 751], ["die", 756], ["died", 756], ["lip", 767], ["lipped", 767], ["lips", 767], ["home", 785], ["homing", 785], ["sixteen", 796], ["sixteens", 796], ["run", 802], ["ran", 802], ["without", 814], ["word", 821], ["anyone", 831], ["speak", 846], ["spoken", 846], ["phone", 866], ["since", 915], ["ten", 932], ["year", 938], ["years", 938], ["ago", 942], ["return", 956], ["returnest", 956], ["returned", 956], ["month", 978], ["months", 978], ["mother", 994], ["mothered", 994], ["motherest", 994], ["know", 1022], ["knowest", 1022], ["dead", 1035], ["like", 1057], ["liked", 1057], ["mum", 1070], ["mums", 1070], ["mummed", 1070], ["sell", 1086], ["sells", 1086], ["sold", 1086], ["house", 1100], ["effect", 1120], ["effects", 1120], ["share", 1132], ["shared", 1132], ["apartment", 1145], ["stop", 1204], ["stopped", 1204], 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["rightly", 1783], ["remember", 1792], ["rememberest", 1792], ["shift", 1819], ["shifting", 1819], ["uncomfortably", 1833], ["lie", 1848], ["lay", 1848], ["lain", 1848], ["lying", 1848], ["history", 1871], ["well", 1878], ["wells", 1878], ["bring", 1891], ["like", 1928], ["always", 1937], ["form", 1949], ["formest", 1949], ["another", 1971], ["sure", 1996], ["mutter", 2012], ["muttering", 2012], ["mutterest", 2012], ["muttered", 2012], ["rang", 2075], ["rung", 2075], ["ring", 2075], ["rings", 2075], ["every", 2081], ["often", 2090], ["ask", 2097], ["asks", 2097], ["say", 2120], ["sayest", 2120], ["says", 2120], ["nothing", 2128], ["hang", 2164], ["hung", 2164], ["hangs", 2164], ["rang", 2206], ["rung", 2206], ["ring", 2206], ["two", 2243], ["twos", 2243], ["maybe", 2251], ["three", 2257], ["contact", 2291], ["number", 2298], ["numbering", 2298], ["moment", 2337], ["path", 2365], ["seem", 2395], ["seeming", 2395], ["seemed", 2395], ["look", 2418], ["looked", 2418], ["watch", 2431], ["groan", 2443], ["groans", 2443], ["groanest", 2443], ["groaning", 2443], ["groaned", 2443], ["manager", 2462], ["find", 2468], ["finds", 2468], ["late", 2481], ["lates", 2481], ["sack", 2510], ["sorry", 2521], ["darren", 2530], ["really", 2545], ["go", 2556], ["goest", 2556], ["smile", 2589], ["smiled", 2589], ["stand", 2600], ["stood", 2600], ["standest", 2600], ["standing", 2600], ["shake", 2609], ["hand", 2618], ["meet", 2643], ["meeted", 2643], ["match", 2668], ["matching", 2668], ["travel", 2714], ["travelling", 2714], ["team", 2733], ["teamed", 2733], ["teaming", 2733], ["stay", 2748], ["staying", 2748], ["night", 2767], ["see", 2776], ["relative", 2791], ["relatives", 2791], ["come", 2806], ["hotel", 2819], ["game", 2834], ["play", 2887], ["playest", 2887], ["semi", 2907], ["final", 2913], ["hear", 2937], ["hears", 2937], ["tell", 2949], ["telling", 2949], ["ticket", 2968], ["tickets", 2968], ["guy", 3013], ["knife", 3029], ["knifes", 3029], ["knives", 3029], ["fan", 3051], ["ca", 3064], ["cas", 3064], ["give", 3073], ["away", 3078], ["fan", 3101], ["fans", 3101], ["family", 3114], ["different", 3142], ["story", 3148], ["sat", 3179], ["sit", 3179], ["sitting", 3179], ["know", 3200], ["knowest", 3200], ["knew", 3200], ["truth", 3245], ["go", 3260], ["goest", 3260], ["going", 3260], ["annie", 3280], ["get", 3318], ["seat", 3329], ["promise", 3370], ["promised", 3370], ["girl", 3406], ["see", 3423], ["saw", 3423], ["year", 3434], ["strike", 3490], ["struck", 3490], ["level", 3513], ["head", 3520], ["headed", 3520], ["tell", 3547], ["know", 3599], ["knowest", 3599], ["knowing", 3599], ["think", 3631], ["thinkest", 3631], ["shock", 3686], ["delighted", 3743], ["alive", 3765], ["well", 3774], ["wells", 3774], ["walk", 3788], ["walked", 3788], ["campsite", 3833], ["campsites", 3833], ["stadium", 3845], ["tunnel", 3853], ["tunneled", 3853], ["tunnels", 3853], ["car", 3870], ["park", 3881], ["parks", 3881], ["parked", 3881], ["bid", 3889], ["goodnight", 3903], ["get", 3946], ["getting", 3946], ["stare", 3960], ["stared", 3960], ["seriously", 3976], ["must", 3989], ["musts", 3989], ["tomorrow", 4025], ["tomorrows", 4025]]
`` there are things you should know . i do n't want to get into them now - it 's too late - but i think ? '' he trailed off into silence , then smiled . `` we 'll talk about it tomorrow . it might help you make up your mind about some other things . '' and on that cryptic note he said farewell . he promised to send over a ticket in the morning , gave me his hotel name and mobile number , shook my hand one last time , got into his car and drove away . when i told harkat about the match , he reacted with automatic suspicion . `` it 's a trap , '' he said . `` your friend is an ally of ? steve leonard . '' `` not tommy , '' i said with absolute certainty . `` but i 've a feeling he might in some way be able to direct us to him , or set us on his trail . '' `` do you want me to come with ? you to the match ? '' `` you would n't be able to get in . besides , '' i laughed , `` there 'll be tens of thousands of people there . in a crowd like that , i think i 'll be safe ! '' the ticket was delivered by courier and i set off in good time for the match . i arrived an hour before kickoff . a huge crowd milled around outside the stadium . people were singing and cheering , decked out in their club colours , buying drinks , hot dogs and burgers from the street vendors . troops of police kept a close watch on the situation , making sure rival fans did n't clash . i mingled for a while , strolling around the stadium , relishing the atmosphere . i bought a hot dog , a match programme , and a hat with tommy 's picture on it , sporting the slogan , `` he 's not unusual ! '' there were lots of hats and badges dedicated to tommy . there were even cds by the singer tom jones , with photos of tommy taped across the covers ! i took my seat twenty minutes before kickoff . i had a greatview of the floodlit pitch . my seat was in the middle of the stadium , just a few rows behind the dugouts . the teams were warming up when i arrived . i got a real buzz out of seeing tommy in one of the goals , stopping practice shots . to think one of my friends was playing in a cup semi-final ! i 'd come a long way since childhood and put most of my human interests behind me . but my love of football came flooding back as i sat , gazing down at tommy , and i felt a ball of pure childish excitement build in the pit of my stomach . the teams left the pitch to get ready for kickoff , then re-emerged a few minutes later . all the seats in the stadium had been filled and there was a huge cheer as the players marched out . most people stood up , clapping and hollering . the ref tossed a coin to decide which way the teams would play , then the captains shook hands , the players lined up , the ref blew his whistle , and the match got underway . it was a brilliant game . both teams went all-out for the win . tackles flew in fast and hard . play shifted from one end to the other , both sides attacking in turn . there were lots of chances to score . tommy made some great saves , as did the other keeper . a couple of players blasted wide or over the bar from good positions , to a chorus of jeers and groans . after forty-three minutes , the teams seemed like they 'd be heading in level at half-time . but then there was a quick break , a defender slipped , a forward had a clear shot at goal , and he sent the ball flying into the left corner of the net , past the outstretched fingers of a flailing tom jones . tommy and his team-mates looked dejected as they trudged off at half-time , but their fans - and the locals who 'd come to cheer for tommy - kept on singing , `` one-nil down , two-one up , that 's the way to win the cup ! '' i went to get a drink but the size of the queue was frightening - the more experienced fans had slipped out just before the half-time whistle . i walked around to stretch my legs , then returned to my seat . although they were a goal down , tommy 's team looked the more confident when they came out after the break . they attacked from the start of the half , knocking their opponents off the ball , pushing them back , driving hard for goal . the game grew heated and three players were booked within the first quarter of an hour . but their new found hunger was rewarded in the sixty-fourth minute when they scored a scrappy goal from a corner to pull level . the stadium erupted when tommy 's team scored . i was one of the thousands who leapt from their seats and punched the air with joy .
[["thing", 19], ["things", 19], ["know", 35], ["knowest", 35], ["get", 58], ["late", 89], ["lates", 89], ["think", 103], ["thinkest", 103], ["trail", 119], ["trailed", 119], ["silence", 136], ["smile", 150], ["smiled", 150], ["talk", 167], ["tomorrow", 185], ["tomorrows", 185], ["may", 196], ["mays", 196], ["mayest", 196], ["might", 196], ["help", 201], ["helpest", 201], ["mind", 223], ["minding", 223], ["cryptic", 272], ["note", 277], ["say", 285], ["sayest", 285], ["said", 285], ["farewell", 294], ["promise", 308], ["promised", 308], ["send", 316], ["ticket", 330], ["morning", 345], ["give", 352], ["gave", 352], ["hotel", 365], ["name", 370], ["mobile", 381], ["mobiles", 381], ["number", 388], ["numbering", 388], ["shake", 396], ["shook", 396], ["hand", 404], ["last", 413], ["time", 418], ["get", 424], ["got", 424], ["car", 437], ["drive", 447], ["drove", 447], ["away", 452], ["tell", 466], ["told", 466], ["match", 489], ["matching", 489], ["react", 502], ["reacted", 502], ["automatic", 517], ["automatics", 517], ["suspicion", 527], ["trap", 545], ["friend", 575], ["ally", 586], ["allied", 586], ["allying", 586], ["steve", 597], ["leonard", 605], ["tommy", 623], ["absolute", 649], ["certainty", 659], ["feeling", 684], ["way", 705], ["ways", 705], ["able", 713], ["abled", 713], ["direct", 723], ["set", 742], ["trail", 758], ["come", 789], ["besides", 863], ["laugh", 878], ["laughed", 878], ["ten", 901], ["tens", 901], ["thousand", 914], ["thousands", 914], ["people", 924], ["crowd", 943], ["crowding", 943], ["crowdest", 943], ["like", 948], ["safe", 977], ["safes", 977], ["safed", 977], ["deliver", 1007], ["delivered", 1007], ["courier", 1018], ["good", 1040], ["arrive", 1071], ["arrived", 1071], ["hour", 1079], ["kickoff", 1094], ["kickoffs", 1094], ["huge", 1103], ["mill", 1116], ["milling", 1116], ["milled", 1116], ["around", 1123], ["outside", 1131], ["stadium", 1143], ["singe", 1165], ["singing", 1165], ["deck", 1187], ["decked", 1187], ["club", 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["standest", 2540], ["clap", 2554], ["clapped", 2554], ["clapping", 2554], ["ref", 2578], ["refs", 2578], ["toss", 2585], ["tossed", 2585], ["coin", 2592], ["decide", 2602], ["play", 2633], ["playest", 2633], ["captain", 2653], ["captains", 2653], ["hand", 2665], ["hands", 2665], ["line", 2685], ["lined", 2685], ["blow", 2703], ["blew", 2703], ["blowest", 2703], ["whistle", 2715], ["underway", 2744], ["brilliant", 2765], ["game", 2770], ["go", 2788], ["goest", 2788], ["went", 2788], ["win", 2808], ["tackle", 2818], ["tackles", 2818], ["tackling", 2818], ["fly", 2823], ["flys", 2823], ["flew", 2823], ["fast", 2831], ["hard", 2840], ["shift", 2855], ["shifted", 2855], ["end", 2868], ["ends", 2868], ["endest", 2868], ["side", 2894], ["sidest", 2894], ["sides", 2894], ["attack", 2904], ["attacking", 2904], ["turn", 2912], ["chance", 2941], ["chanced", 2941], ["chancing", 2941], ["chances", 2941], ["score", 2950], ["great", 2974], ["save", 2980], ["saves", 2980], ["couple", 3017], ["blast", 3036], ["blasted", 3036], ["wide", 3041], ["bar", 3057], ["position", 3077], ["positions", 3077], ["chorus", 3091], ["jeer", 3100], ["jeers", 3100], ["jeered", 3100], ["forty", 3125], ["three", 3131], ["seem", 3158], ["seeming", 3158], ["seemed", 3158], ["head", 3182], ["heading", 3182], ["level", 3191], ["half", 3199], ["quick", 3233], ["broke", 3239], ["break", 3239], ["defender", 3252], ["slip", 3260], ["slipped", 3260], ["forward", 3272], ["forwarding", 3272], ["forwardest", 3272], ["clear", 3284], ["clearest", 3284], ["shot", 3289], ["goal", 3297], ["send", 3311], ["sent", 3311], ["fly", 3327], ["flys", 3327], ["flying", 3327], ["corner", 3348], ["net", 3359], ["past", 3366], ["finger", 3391], ["fingers", 3391], ["flailing", 3405], ["team", 3436], ["teamed", 3436], ["teaming", 3436], ["mate", 3442], ["mated", 3442], ["mates", 3442], ["look", 3449], ["looked", 3449], ["deject", 3458], ["dejecting", 3458], ["dejected", 3458], ["trudge", 3474], ["local", 3525], ["locals", 3525], ["nil", 3587], ["two", 3598], ["twos", 3598], ["drank", 3665], ["drink", 3665], ["drinking", 3665], ["size", 3678], ["queue", 3691], ["queues", 3691], ["queuing", 3691], ["queueing", 3691], ["frightening", 3707], ["walk", 3796], ["walked", 3796], ["stretch", 3814], ["leg", 3822], ["legs", 3822], ["return", 3838], ["returnest", 3838], ["returned", 3838], ["although", 3860], ["confident", 3924], ["attack", 3975], ["attacked", 3975], ["start", 3990], ["knock", 4013], ["knocks", 4013], ["knockest", 4013], ["knocking", 4013], ["opponent", 4029], ["opponents", 4029], ["push", 4052], ["pushing", 4052], ["drive", 4072], ["driving", 4072], ["grow", 4102], ["growest", 4102], ["grew", 4102], ["book", 4139], ["booked", 4139], ["within", 4146], ["first", 4156], ["firstest", 4156], ["quarter", 4164], ["quartering", 4164], ["new", 4191], ["found", 4197], ["foundest", 4197], ["hunger", 4204], ["hungers", 4204], ["hungering", 4204], ["reward", 4217], ["rewarded", 4217], ["sixty", 4230], ["fourth", 4237], ["minute", 4244], ["score", 4261], ["scored", 4261], ["scrappy", 4271], ["pull", 4298], ["erupt", 4326], ["eruptest", 4326], ["erupted", 4326], ["leapt", 4391], ["punch", 4420], ["punching", 4420], ["punched", 4420], ["air", 4428], ["airs", 4428], ["airing", 4428], ["joy", 4437], ["joys", 4437], ["joyed", 4437]]
i even joined in with the song to the silenced fans of the other team , `` you 're not singing , you 're not singing , you 're not singing any more ! '' five minutes later , i was chanting even louder when , from another corner , the team scored again to go two-one up . i found myself hugging the guy next to me - a total stranger ! - and jumping up and down with glee . i could hardly believe i was behaving this way . what would the vampire generals say if they saw a prince acting so ridiculously ! the rest of the game was a tense affair . now that they were a goal down , the other team had to attack in search of an equalizer . tommy 's team-mates were forced further back inside their own half . there were dozens of desperate defensive tackles , lots of free kicks , more yellow cards . but they were holding out . tommy had to make a few fairly easy saves , but apart from that his goal was n't troubled . with six minutes to go , the win looked safe . then , in virtually an action replay of the first goal , a player slipped free of his defender and found himself in front of goal , with only tommy to beat . once again the ball was struck firmly and accurately . it streaked towards the lower left corner of the net . the striker turned away to celebrate . but he 'd reacted too soon . because this time , somehow , tommy got down and across , and managed to get a few fingers to the ball . he only barely connected , but it was enough to tip the ball out around the post . they were chanting tommy 's name and singing , `` it 's not unusual , he 's the greatest number one ! '' tommy ignored the songs and stayed focused on the corner , directing his defenders . but the save had sapped the other team of their spirit , and though they kept coming forward for the final few minutes , they did n't threaten to score again . when the whistle blew , tommy 's team wearily embraced each other , then shook their opponents ' hands and swapped jerseys . after that they saluted their fans , acknowledging their support . we were all on our feet , applauding , singing victory songs , a lot of them about the incredible tom jones . tommy was one of the last players to leave the pitch . he 'd swapped his jersey with his opposite number and the pair were walking off together , discussing the game . i roared tommy 's name as he came level with the dugouts , but of course he could n't hear me over the noise of the crowd . just as tommy was about to vanish down the tunnel to the dressing-rooms , a commotion broke out . i heard angry yells , then several sharp bangs . most of the people around me did n't know what was happening . but i 'd heard these sounds before - gunfire ! i could n't see down the tunnel from where i was , but i saw tommy and the other goalkeeper stop , confused , then back away from the tunnel entrance . i immediately sensed danger . i screamed , then knocked aside the people nearest me and forced my way down towards the pitch . before i got there , a steward reeled out of the tunnel , blood pouring from his face . when the people in front of me saw that , they panicked . turning , they pushed away from the pitch , halting my advance and forcing me back . as i struggled to break free , two figures darted out of the tunnel . one was a shaven-headed , shotgun-toting vampet with a disfigured , half-blown-away face . the other was a bearded , purple-skinned , crazy vampaneze with silver and gold hooks instead of hands . morgan james and r. v ! i screamed with fresh fear when i saw the murderous pair , and shoved aside everyone around me , drawing upon the full extent of my vampiric powers . but before i could bruise a way through , r.v . homed in on his target . he bounded past the dugouts , ignored the players , coaching staff and stewards on the pitch , and bore down on a startled tom jones . i do n't know what flashed through tommy 's mind when he saw the burly , purple monster streaking towards him . maybe he thought it was a practical joke , or a weird fan coming to hug him . either way , he did n't react , raise his hands to defend himself , or turn to run . he just stood , staring dumbly at r.v . when r.v . reached tommy , he pulled back his right hand - the one with the gold hooks - then jabbed the blades sharply into tommy 's chest . i froze , feeling tommy 's pain from where i was trapped in the crowd . then r.v . jerked his hooked hand back , shook his head with insane delight , and retreated down the tunnel , following morgan james , who fired his gun to clear a path . bursting free of the crowd , i stumbled on to the pitch .
[["even", 6], ["evens", 6], ["join", 13], ["joinest", 13], ["joined", 13], ["song", 30], ["silence", 46], ["silenced", 46], ["fan", 51], ["fans", 51], ["team", 69], ["teamed", 69], ["teaming", 69], ["singe", 94], ["singing", 94], ["five", 157], ["fived", 157], ["minute", 165], ["minutes", 165], ["later", 171], ["chant", 188], ["chanting", 188], ["louder", 200], ["another", 220], ["corner", 227], ["score", 245], ["scored", 245], ["go", 257], ["goest", 257], ["two", 261], ["twos", 261], ["find", 278], ["found", 278], ["hug", 293], ["hugging", 293], ["guy", 301], ["next", 306], ["total", 322], ["stranger", 331], ["jump", 347], ["jumps", 347], ["jumping", 347], ["glee", 369], ["hardly", 386], ["believe", 394], ["behave", 409], ["behaved", 409], ["behaving", 409], ["way", 418], ["ways", 418], ["vampire", 443], ["general", 452], ["generals", 452], ["say", 456], ["sayest", 456], ["see", 468], ["saw", 468], ["prince", 477], ["act", 484], ["acted", 484], ["acting", 484], ["ridiculously", 500], ["rest", 511], ["game", 523], ["tense", 535], ["affair", 542], ["goal", 570], ["attack", 606], ["search", 616], ["equalizer", 632], ["tommy", 640], ["mate", 654], ["mated", 654], ["mates", 654], ["force", 666], ["forced", 666], ["back", 679], ["inside", 686], ["half", 701], ["dozen", 721], ["dozens", 721], ["desperate", 734], ["defensive", 744], ["tackle", 752], ["tackles", 752], ["tackling", 752], ["lot", 759], ["lots", 759], ["free", 767], ["kick", 773], ["kicks", 773], ["yellow", 787], ["card", 793], ["cards", 793], ["hold", 817], ["holding", 817], ["fairly", 854], ["easy", 859], ["save", 865], ["saves", 865], ["apart", 877], ["trouble", 913], ["troubling", 913], ["troubled", 913], ["six", 924], ["win", 948], ["look", 955], ["looked", 955], ["safe", 960], ["safes", 960], ["safed", 960], ["virtually", 982], ["action", 992], ["replay", 999], ["replays", 999], ["first", 1012], ["firstest", 1012], ["player", 1028], ["slip", 1036], ["slipped", 1036], ["front", 1084], ["beat", 1118], ["ball", 1140], ["strike", 1151], ["struck", 1151], ["firmly", 1158], ["accurately", 1173], ["streak", 1187], ["streaks", 1187], ["streaked", 1187], ["towards", 1195], ["low", 1205], ["lowed", 1205], ["left", 1210], ["net", 1228], ["striker", 1242], ["turn", 1249], ["turned", 1249], ["away", 1254], ["celebrate", 1267], ["react", 1287], ["reacted", 1287], ["soon", 1296], ["time", 1316], ["somehow", 1326], ["get", 1338], ["got", 1338], ["across", 1354], ["manage", 1368], ["managed", 1368], ["get", 1375], ["finger", 1389], ["fingers", 1389], ["barely", 1418], ["connect", 1428], ["connectest", 1428], ["connected", 1428], ["enough", 1448], ["tip", 1455], ["around", 1475], ["post", 1484], ["name", 1519], ["unusual", 1554], ["great", 1575], ["greatest", 1575], ["number", 1582], ["numbering", 1582], ["ignore", 1605], ["ignored", 1605], ["song", 1615], ["songs", 1615], ["stay", 1626], ["stayed", 1626], ["focus", 1634], ["focused", 1634], ["direct", 1660], ["directing", 1660], ["defenders", 1674], ["save", 1689], ["sap", 1700], ["saps", 1700], ["sapped", 1700], ["spirit", 1731], ["spirited", 1731], ["though", 1744], ["keep", 1754], ["keepest", 1754], ["kept", 1754], ["come", 1761], ["coming", 1761], ["forward", 1769], ["forwarding", 1769], ["forwardest", 1769], ["final", 1783], ["threaten", 1819], ["score", 1828], ["whistle", 1853], ["blow", 1858], ["blew", 1858], ["blowest", 1858], ["wearily", 1882], ["embrace", 1891], ["embraced", 1891], ["shake", 1915], ["shook", 1915], ["opponent", 1931], ["opponents", 1931], ["hand", 1939], ["hands", 1939], ["swap", 1951], ["swapped", 1951], ["swopping", 1951], ["jersey", 1959], ["jerseys", 1959], ["salute", 1985], ["saluted", 1985], ["acknowledge", 2012], ["acknowledging", 2012], ["support", 2026], ["foot", 2052], ["feet", 2052], ["applaud", 2065], ["applauds", 2065], ["applauding", 2065], ["victory", 2083], ["lot", 2097], ["incredible", 2126], ["tom", 2130], ["joneses", 2136], ["last", 2164], ["player", 2172], ["players", 2172], ["left", 2181], ["leave", 2181], ["pitch", 2191], ["jersey", 2218], ["opposite", 2236], ["pair", 2256], ["pairs", 2256], ["walk", 2269], ["walking", 2269], ["together", 2282], ["discuss", 2295], ["discusses", 2295], ["discussest", 2295], ["discussing", 2295], ["roar", 2315], ["roarest", 2315], ["roared", 2315], ["come", 2340], ["came", 2340], ["level", 2346], ["dugout", 2363], ["dugouts", 2363], ["course", 2379], ["hear", 2397], ["hears", 2397], ["noise", 2415], ["crowd", 2428], ["crowding", 2428], ["crowdest", 2428], ["vanish", 2464], ["vanishest", 2464], ["tunnel", 2480], ["tunneled", 2480], ["dressing", 2496], ["room", 2502], ["roomed", 2502], ["rooms", 2502], ["commotion", 2516], ["broke", 2522], ["break", 2522], ["hear", 2536], ["hears", 2536], ["heard", 2536], ["angry", 2542], ["yell", 2548], ["yells", 2548], ["several", 2563], ["sharp", 2569], ["sharps", 2569], ["bang", 2575], ["bangs", 2575], ["people", 2596], ["know", 2619], ["knowest", 2619], ["happen", 2638], ["happening", 2638], ["sound", 2668], ["sounds", 2668], ["gunfire", 2685], ["see", 2703], ["goalkeeper", 2779], ["stop", 2784], ["confuse", 2795], ["confused", 2795], ["confusing", 2795], ["entrance", 2837], ["entrancing", 2837], ["immediately", 2853], ["sense", 2860], ["sensed", 2860], ["danger", 2867], ["scream", 2880], ["screams", 2880], ["screamed", 2880], ["knock", 2895], ["knocks", 2895], ["knockest", 2895], ["knocked", 2895], ["aside", 2901], ["steward", 2997], ["reel", 3004], ["reeled", 3004], ["blood", 3030], ["bloods", 3030], ["blooded", 3030], ["pour", 3038], ["pouring", 3038], ["face", 3052], ["panic", 3110], ["panicked", 3110], ["turn", 3120], ["turning", 3120], ["push", 3134], ["pushed", 3134], ["halt", 3164], ["halts", 3164], ["haltest", 3164], ["halting", 3164], ["advance", 3175], ["advancest", 3175], ["force", 3187], ["forcing", 3187], ["struggle", 3212], ["struggled", 3212], ["broke", 3221], ["break", 3221], ["figure", 3240], ["figures", 3240], ["dart", 3247], ["darted", 3247], ["head", 3291], ["headed", 3291], ["shotgun", 3301], ["tote", 3308], ["toting", 3308], ["blow", 3346], ["blew", 3346], ["blowest", 3346], ["blown", 3346], ["purple", 3391], ["crazy", 3407], ["silver", 3429], ["silvered", 3429], ["gold", 3438], ["golds", 3438], ["hook", 3444], ["hooks", 3444], ["instead", 3452], ["morgan", 3470], ["morgans", 3470], ["jameses", 3476], ["v", 3485], ["fresh", 3509], ["freshest", 3509], ["fear", 3514], ["fearest", 3514], ["murderous", 3539], ["shove", 3557], ["shoved", 3557], ["everyone", 3572], ["draw", 3592], ["drawn", 3592], ["draws", 3592], ["drawing", 3592], ["upon", 3597], ["full", 3606], ["extent", 3613], ["vampiric", 3628], ["power", 3635], ["powers", 3635], ["bruise", 3663], ["home", 3691], ["homing", 3691], ["target", 3708], ["bound", 3721], ["bounded", 3721], ["past", 3726], ["coach", 3771], ["coached", 3771], ["coaching", 3771], ["staff", 3777], ["staffing", 3777], ["steward", 3790], ["stewards", 3790], ["bear", 3814], ["bore", 3814], ["bearest", 3814], ["flash", 3872], ["flashed", 3872], ["mind", 3894], ["minding", 3894], ["burly", 3916], ["monster", 3933], ["streak", 3943], ["streaks", 3943], ["streaked", 3943], ["streaking", 3943], ["maybe", 3963], ["think", 3974], ["thinkest", 3974], ["thought", 3974], ["practical", 3993], ["joke", 3998], ["jokes", 3998], ["weird", 4011], ["fan", 4015], ["hug", 4029], ["either", 4042], ["react", 4065], ["raise", 4073], ["defend", 4093], ["turn", 4111], ["run", 4118], ["stand", 4134], ["stood", 4134], ["standest", 4134], ["stare", 4144], ["stared", 4144], ["staring", 4144], ["dumbly", 4151], ["reach", 4179], ["reached", 4179], ["pull", 4197], ["pulled", 4197], ["right", 4212], ["rightest", 4212], ["hand", 4217], ["jabbed", 4261], ["blade", 4272], ["blades", 4272], ["sharply", 4280], ["chest", 4300], ["froze", 4310], ["freeze", 4310], ["frozen", 4310], ["freezing", 4310], ["feel", 4320], ["feeling", 4320], ["pain", 4334], ["trap", 4359], ["trapped", 4359], ["jerk", 4392], ["jerks", 4392], ["jerked", 4392], ["head", 4430], ["insane", 4442], ["delight", 4450], ["retreat", 4466], ["retreatest", 4466], ["retreated", 4466], ["follow", 4494], ["following", 4494], ["fire", 4519], ["fired", 4519], ["gun", 4527], ["clear", 4536], ["clearest", 4536], ["path", 4543], ["burst", 4554], ["bursted", 4554], ["bursting", 4554], ["stumble", 4585], ["stumbled", 4585]]
those around me were staring at the fallen goalkeeper , paralyzed with shock . my first instinct was to run to tommy . but then my training kicked in . tommy had been killed . i could grieve for him later . right now i had to focus on r.v . if i hurried after them , i might catch up before they got away . tearing my gaze away from tommy , i ducked down the tunnel , past the players , staff and stewards who had yet to recover their senses . i saw more shot-up bodies but did n't stop to check whether they were living or dead . i had to be a vampire , not a human . a killer , not a carer . i raced down the tunnel until it branched off in two directions . i stood , panting , scanning the corridors for clues . nothing to my left , but there was a small red mark on the wall to my right - blood . i picked up speed again . a voice at the back of my mind whispered , `` you have no weapons . how will you defend yourself ? '' the corridor led to a dressing room , where most members of the winning team had gathered . the players were n't aware of what had happened on the pitch . they were cheering and singing . the corridor branched again here . the path to the left led back towards the pitch , so i took another right turn , praying to the gods of the vampires that i 'd chosen correctly . a long sprint . the corridor was narrow and low-ceilinged . i was panting hard , not from exertion but sorrow . i kept thinking about tommy , mr crepsley , gavner purl - friends i 'd lost to the vampaneze . i had to fight the sorrow , or it would overwhelm me , so i thought about r.v . and morgan james instead . was once an eco-warrior . he 'd tried to free the wolf man at the cirque du freak . i 'd stopped him but not before the wolf man had bitten his hands off . fled , survived , and blamed me for his misfortune . some years later , he was discovered by steve leopard . steve told the vampaneze to blood him , and the pair plotted my downfall . had been in the cavern of retribution when mr crepsley was killed . that was the last time i 'd seen him . morgan james was an ex-police officer . a vampet , one of the humans the vampaneze had recruited . like the other vampets , he dressed in a brown shirt and black trousers , shaved his head , painted circles of blood around his eyes , and had a `` v '' tattooed above either ear . since he had n't been blooded , he was free to use missile-firing weapons such as guns . vampaneze , like vampires , swear an oath when they 're blooded not to use such weapons . james had also been in the cavern of retribution . during the battle he was shot , and the left side of his face had been torn into fleshy strips by the bullet . a treacherous , deadly pair . again i found myself wondering what i 'd do if i caught up with them - i had n't any weapons ! but again i ignored that problem and concentrated on the chase . the end of the corridor . a door swinging ajar . two police officers and a steward lying slumped against the wall - dead . i cursed r.v . and morgan james , and swore revenge . i kicked the door wide open and ducked out . i was at the rear of the stadium , the quietest part of the area , backing on to a housing estate . the police out here had been attracted to the sides of the stadium - there was some kind of a disturbance at the front , no doubt timed to tie in with the assault . ahead of me i saw r.v . and morgan james enter the estate . by the time the police turned their attention this way , the killers would be gone . i started after them . hurried back inside the stadium and frisked the dead police officers . no guns , but both had been carrying truncheons . i took the clubs , one for each hand , then fled after my prey . it was dark on the estate , especially after the brightness of the stadium . but i had the extra-sharp vision of a half-vampire , so i was able to negotiate my way without any problems . the road branched off at regular intervals , seven or eight houses per stretch . i paused briefly at each junction , looking left and right . no sign of r.v . forward again . i was n't sure if they knew i was following . i assumed they knew i was at the match , but they might not have counted on me being the first to break out of the stadium and pursue them . the element of surprisemight be on my side , but i warned myself not to count on it .
[["around", 12], ["stare", 28], ["stared", 28], ["staring", 28], ["fall", 42], ["falls", 42], ["fallen", 42], ["goalkeeper", 53], ["paralyze", 65], ["paralyzed", 65], ["shock", 76], ["first", 87], ["firstest", 87], ["instinct", 96], ["run", 107], ["tommy", 116], ["training", 139], ["kick", 146], ["kicked", 146], ["kill", 173], ["killed", 173], ["grieve", 190], ["grieving", 190], ["later", 204], ["right", 212], ["rightest", 212], ["focus", 231], ["hurry", 253], ["hurried", 253], ["hurryed", 253], ["hurrying", 253], ["may", 274], ["mays", 274], ["mayest", 274], ["might", 274], ["catch", 280], ["catched", 280], ["catches", 280], ["get", 299], ["got", 299], ["away", 304], ["tear", 314], ["teared", 314], ["tearing", 314], ["gaze", 322], ["gazes", 322], ["duck", 349], ["ducked", 349], ["tunnel", 365], ["tunneled", 365], ["past", 372], ["player", 384], ["players", 384], ["staff", 392], ["staffing", 392], ["steward", 405], ["stewards", 405], ["yet", 417], ["recover", 428], ["sense", 441], ["senses", 441], ["see", 449], ["saw", 449], ["shoot", 459], ["shooted", 459], ["shot", 459], ["body", 469], ["bodied", 469], ["bodies", 469], ["stop", 486], ["check", 495], ["whether", 503], ["live", 520], ["living", 520], ["dead", 528], ["vampire", 552], ["human", 566], ["killers", 577], ["carer", 591], ["race", 601], ["racing", 601], ["raced", 601], ["branch", 635], ["branchest", 635], ["branched", 635], ["two", 646], ["twos", 646], ["direction", 657], ["directions", 657], ["stand", 667], ["stood", 667], ["standest", 667], ["pant", 677], ["panting", 677], ["scan", 688], ["scans", 688], ["scanning", 688], ["corridor", 702], ["corridors", 702], ["clue", 712], ["clues", 712], ["nothing", 722], ["left", 733], ["leave", 733], ["small", 757], ["red", 761], ["mark", 766], ["marks", 766], ["wall", 778], ["blood", 798], ["bloods", 798], ["blooded", 798], ["pick", 809], ["picked", 809], ["speed", 818], ["speeding", 818], ["voice", 834], ["back", 846], ["mind", 857], ["minding", 857], ["whisper", 867], ["whispered", 867], ["weapon", 892], ["weapons", 892], ["defend", 914], ["corridor", 941], ["lead", 945], ["leaded", 945], ["led", 945], ["dressing", 959], ["room", 964], ["roomed", 964], ["member", 985], ["members", 985], ["win", 1000], ["winning", 1000], ["team", 1005], ["teamed", 1005], ["teaming", 1005], ["gather", 1018], ["gatherest", 1018], ["gathered", 1018], ["aware", 1047], ["happen", 1068], ["happened", 1068], ["pitch", 1081], ["cheer", 1102], ["cheering", 1102], ["singe", 1114], ["singing", 1114], ["path", 1160], ["towards", 1189], ["take", 1211], ["took", 1211], ["another", 1219], ["turn", 1230], ["pray", 1240], ["prays", 1240], ["praying", 1240], ["god", 1252], ["gods", 1252], ["vampire", 1268], ["vampires", 1268], ["choose", 1285], ["chosen", 1285], ["correctly", 1295], ["long", 1304], ["longs", 1304], ["sprint", 1311], ["sprinted", 1311], ["sprinting", 1311], ["narrow", 1337], ["low", 1345], ["lowed", 1345], ["ceilinged", 1355], ["hard", 1376], ["exertion", 1396], ["sorrow", 1407], ["keep", 1416], ["keepest", 1416], ["kept", 1416], ["think", 1425], ["thinkest", 1425], ["thinking", 1425], ["mr", 1442], ["purl", 1465], ["purls", 1465], ["purling", 1465], ["friend", 1475], ["friends", 1475], ["lose", 1485], ["lost", 1485], ["fight", 1519], ["fightest", 1519], ["overwhelm", 1554], ["overwhelms", 1554], ["overwhelmed", 1554], ["think", 1572], ["thinkest", 1572], ["thought", 1572], ["morgan", 1595], ["morgans", 1595], ["jameses", 1601], ["instead", 1609], ["eco", 1627], ["warrior", 1635], ["try", 1649], ["tryed", 1649], ["tried", 1649], ["free", 1657], ["wolf", 1666], ["man", 1670], ["mans", 1670], ["manned", 1670], ["cirque", 1684], ["du", 1687], ["freak", 1693], ["freaking", 1693], ["stop", 1708], ["stopped", 1708], ["bite", 1751], ["bitten", 1751], ["hand", 1761], ["hands", 1761], ["flee", 1772], ["flees", 1772], ["fled", 1772], ["survive", 1783], ["survived", 1783], ["blame", 1796], ["blamest", 1796], ["blamed", 1796], ["misfortune", 1818], ["year", 1831], ["years", 1831], ["discover", 1857], ["discovered", 1857], ["steve", 1866], ["leopard", 1874], ["tell", 1887], ["told", 1887], ["pair", 1929], ["pairs", 1929], ["plot", 1937], ["plotted", 1937], ["downfall", 1949], ["cavern", 1974], ["caverns", 1974], ["retribution", 1989], ["last", 2037], ["time", 2042], ["see", 2052], ["seen", 2052], ["ex", 2081], ["exes", 2081], ["police", 2088], ["officer", 2096], ["officering", 2096], ["human", 2127], ["humans", 2127], ["recruit", 2155], ["recruitest", 2155], ["recruited", 2155], ["like", 2162], ["dress", 2193], ["dressest", 2193], ["dressed", 2193], ["brown", 2204], ["browns", 2204], ["shirt", 2210], ["black", 2220], ["trouser", 2229], ["trousers", 2229], ["shave", 2238], ["shaven", 2238], ["shaves", 2238], ["shaving", 2238], ["shaved", 2238], ["head", 2247], ["paint", 2257], ["painted", 2257], ["circle", 2265], ["circles", 2265], ["eye", 2290], ["eyed", 2290], ["eyes", 2290], ["v", 2307], ["tattoo", 2319], ["tattoos", 2319], ["tattooing", 2319], ["tattooed", 2319], ["either", 2332], ["ear", 2336], ["since", 2344], ["use", 2389], ["missile", 2397], ["fire", 2404], ["firing", 2404], ["gun", 2425], ["guns", 2425], ["swear", 2461], ["sweared", 2461], ["oath", 2469], ["oaths", 2469], ["oathest", 2469], ["also", 2532], ["battle", 2586], ["side", 2618], ["sidest", 2618], ["face", 2630], ["tear", 2644], ["teared", 2644], ["torn", 2644], ["fleshy", 2656], ["fleshiest", 2656], ["strip", 2663], ["strips", 2663], ["bullet", 2677], ["treacherous", 2693], ["deadly", 2702], ["find", 2723], ["found", 2723], ["wonder", 2740], ["wonderest", 2740], ["wondering", 2740], ["catch", 2765], ["catched", 2765], ["catches", 2765], ["caught", 2765], ["ignore", 2824], ["ignored", 2824], ["problem", 2837], ["concentrate", 2854], ["concentrated", 2854], ["concentrates", 2854], ["chase", 2867], ["end", 2877], ["ends", 2877], ["endest", 2877], ["door", 2902], ["swinge", 2911], ["swinged", 2911], ["swinging", 2911], ["ajar", 2916], ["officer", 2938], ["officering", 2938], ["officers", 2938], ["steward", 2952], ["slump", 2966], ["slumps", 2966], ["slumped", 2966], ["curse", 3001], ["cursed", 3001], ["swear", 3036], ["sweared", 3036], ["revenge", 3044], ["wide", 3069], ["open", 3074], ["rear", 3109], ["stadium", 3124], ["quiet", 3139], ["part", 3144], ["parting", 3144], ["area", 3156], ["back", 3166], ["backing", 3166], ["housing", 3182], ["housings", 3182], ["estate", 3189], ["attract", 3230], ["attractest", 3230], ["attracted", 3230], ["side", 3243], ["sidest", 3243], ["sides", 3243], ["kind", 3280], ["disturbance", 3297], ["front", 3310], ["doubt", 3321], ["time", 3327], ["timed", 3327], ["tie", 3334], ["tying", 3334], ["tieing", 3334], ["assault", 3354], ["ahead", 3362], ["enter", 3403], ["turn", 3446], ["turned", 3446], ["attention", 3462], ["way", 3471], ["ways", 3471], ["killers", 3485], ["go", 3499], ["goest", 3499], ["gone", 3499], ["start", 3511], ["started", 3511], ["inside", 3544], ["frisk", 3568], ["frisked", 3568], ["carry", 3632], ["carrying", 3632], ["truncheon", 3643], ["truncheons", 3643], ["club", 3662], ["clubbed", 3662], ["clubbing", 3662], ["clubs", 3662], ["hand", 3682], ["prey", 3708], ["dark", 3722], ["especially", 3749], ["brightness", 3770], ["extra", 3807], ["extras", 3807], ["sharp", 3813], ["sharps", 3813], ["vision", 3820], ["half", 3830], ["able", 3854], ["abled", 3854], ["negotiate", 3867], ["without", 3882], ["problem", 3895], ["problems", 3895], ["road", 3906], ["regular", 3930], ["regulars", 3930], ["interval", 3940], ["intervals", 3940], ["seven", 3948], ["eight", 3957], ["house", 3964], ["houses", 3964], ["per", 3968], ["stretch", 3976], ["pause", 3987], ["paused", 3987], ["briefly", 3995], ["junction", 4012], ["look", 4022], ["looking", 4022], ["sign", 4047], ["forward", 4064], ["forwarding", 4064], ["forwardest", 4064], ["sure", 4087], ["know", 4100], ["knowest", 4100], ["knew", 4100], ["follow", 4116], ["following", 4116], ["assume", 4128], ["assumes", 4128], ["assumed", 4128], ["match", 4157], ["matching", 4157], ["count", 4191], ["countest", 4191], ["counted", 4191], ["broke", 4222], ["break", 4222], ["pursue", 4252], ["element", 4271], ["warn", 4317], ["warned", 4317], ["count", 4337], ["countest", 4337]]
i came to the last junction . i stood in the road , head twisting one way , then the other . i 'd lost them . ' should i take a direction at random or backtrack and ? there was a soft screeching sound to my left - a blade scraping against a wall . then someone hissed , `` quiet ! '' there was a tiny alley between two houses , the source of the noise . the nearest street lights had been smashed . the only illumination came from across the road . i had a bad feeling about this - the screech and hiss had been far too convenient - but i could n't back off now . i stopped a couple of metres shy of the alley and edged out into the middle of the road . my knuckles were white from gripping the truncheons . i came into gradual sight of the alley . nobody near the dark mouth . the alley only ran back five or six metres , and even in the poor light i could see all the way to the rear wall . i breathed out shakily . maybe my ears had been playing tricks . or else the sound had been a tv or radio . i was back where i 'd been moments before , no idea which way to ? something moved in the alley , low down on the floor . i stiffened and lowered my sights . and now i saw them , crouched where it was darkest , one hugging either wall , practically invisible in the shadows . the figure to my left chuckled , then stood - r.v . i raised the truncheon in my left hand defensively . then the figure to my right rose , and morgan james stepped forward , bringing up his shotgun , pointing it at me . i began to raise the truncheon in my right hand against him , then realized how worthless it would be if he fired . i took another step back , meaning to run , when a voice spoke from the darkness behind r.v . `` no guns , '' it said softly . morgan james immediately lowered the barrel of his shotgun . i should have run , but i could n't , not without putting a face to that voice . so i stood my ground , squinting , as a third shape formed and stepped out from behind r.v . it was gannen harst , the prime protector of the lord of the vampaneze . part of me had expected this , and instead of panicking , i experienced something close to relief . whatever destiny had in store for me , it started here . one final encounter with the vampaneze lord . at the end of it , i 'd kill him - or he 'd kill me . either way was better than the waiting . `` hello , gannen , '' i said . `` still hanging out with madmen and scum , i see . '' gannen harst bristled but did n't reply . `` lord , '' he said instead , and a fourth ambusher stepped out from behind morgan james , more familiar than any of the others . `` good to see you again , steve , '' i said cynically as the grey-haired steve leopard slid into view . i was partly focused on gannen harst , r.v . and morgan james - but mostly on steve . i was judging the gap between us , wondering what sort of damage i could do if i hurled my truncheons at him . i did n't care about the other three - killing the vampaneze lord was my first priority . `` he does n't look surprised to see us , '' steve remarked . he had n't stepped out as far as gannen harst , and was protected by the body of morgan james . i might be able to hit him from this angle - but it was a very bigmight . `` let me have him , '' r.v . snarled , taking a step towards me . the last time i 'd seen him , he 'd been wearing red contact lenses , and had painted his skin purple , to look more like a vampaneze . but his eyes and skin had changed naturally over the past two years , and though his colouring was slight in comparison to a mature vampaneze , it was genuine . `` stay where you are , '' steve said to r.v . `` we can all have a slice of him later . let 's finish the introductions first . from behind steve , the boy called darius stepped out . he was wearing green robes , like steve . he was shivering , but his face was set sternly . he was holding a large arrow-gun , one of steve 's inventions . `` have you started blooding children now ? '' i growled disgustedly , still waiting for steve to move out a little more , ignoring the threat of the boy 's arrow-gun . `` darius is an exception , '' steve said , smiling . `` a most worthy ally and a valuable spy . ''
[["come", 6], ["came", 6], ["last", 18], ["junction", 27], ["stand", 37], ["stood", 37], ["standest", 37], ["road", 49], ["head", 56], ["twist", 65], ["twisted", 65], ["twisting", 65], ["way", 73], ["ways", 73], ["lose", 102], ["lost", 102], ["take", 125], ["direction", 137], ["random", 147], ["backtrack", 160], ["backtracks", 160], ["soft", 183], ["sound", 200], ["left", 211], ["blade", 221], ["scrape", 230], ["scraping", 230], ["wall", 245], ["hiss", 267], ["hissed", 267], ["quiet", 278], ["tiny", 300], ["alley", 306], ["two", 318], ["twos", 318], ["house", 325], ["houses", 325], ["source", 338], ["noise", 351], ["near", 365], ["nearest", 365], ["street", 372], ["lit", 379], ["light", 379], ["lights", 379], ["smash", 396], ["smashed", 396], ["illumination", 420], ["across", 437], ["bad", 460], ["feeling", 468], ["screech", 493], ["hiss", 502], ["far", 515], ["convenient", 530], ["back", 553], ["stop", 573], ["stopped", 573], ["couple", 582], ["metre", 592], ["metres", 592], ["shy", 596], ["shying", 596], ["edge", 619], ["edges", 619], ["edged", 619], ["middle", 639], ["middles", 639], ["middling", 639], ["knuckle", 665], ["knuckles", 665], ["knuckling", 665], ["white", 676], ["grip", 690], ["gripping", 690], ["truncheon", 705], ["truncheons", 705], ["gradual", 727], ["sight", 733], ["sighted", 733], ["nobody", 755], ["near", 760], ["dark", 769], ["mouth", 775], ["mouthed", 775], ["run", 796], ["ran", 796], ["five", 806], ["fived", 806], ["six", 813], ["even", 831], ["evens", 831], ["poor", 843], ["lit", 849], ["light", 849], ["see", 861], ["rear", 885], ["breathe", 903], ["breathes", 903], ["breathed", 903], ["shakily", 915], ["maybe", 923], ["ear", 931], ["ears", 931], ["play", 948], ["playest", 948], ["playing", 948], ["trick", 955], ["tricks", 955], ["else", 965], ["tv", 989], ["radio", 998], ["moment", 1035], ["moments", 1035], ["idea", 1052], ["move", 1083], ["moved", 1083], ["low", 1102], ["lowed", 1102], ["floor", 1120], ["stiffen", 1134], ["stiffens", 1134], ["stiffened", 1134], ["lowers", 1146], ["lowerest", 1146], ["lowered", 1146], ["sight", 1156], ["sighted", 1156], ["sights", 1156], ["see", 1172], ["saw", 1172], ["crouch", 1188], ["crouched", 1188], ["darkest", 1209], ["either", 1230], ["practically", 1249], ["invisible", 1259], ["shadow", 1274], ["shadowed", 1274], ["shadows", 1274], ["figure", 1287], ["chuckle", 1307], ["chuckled", 1307], ["raise", 1337], ["raised", 1337], ["truncheon", 1351], ["hand", 1367], ["defensively", 1379], ["right", 1409], ["rightest", 1409], ["rose", 1414], ["morgan", 1427], ["morgans", 1427], ["jameses", 1433], ["step", 1441], ["stepped", 1441], ["forward", 1449], ["forwarding", 1449], ["forwardest", 1449], ["bring", 1460], ["bringing", 1460], ["shotgun", 1475], ["point", 1486], ["pointing", 1486], ["begin", 1505], ["began", 1505], ["raise", 1514], ["realize", 1573], ["realized", 1573], ["worthless", 1587], ["fire", 1611], ["fired", 1611], ["take", 1620], ["took", 1620], ["another", 1628], ["step", 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["endest", 2262], ["kill", 2280], ["well", 2327], ["wells", 2327], ["hello", 2355], ["hellos", 2355], ["still", 2387], ["hang", 2395], ["hung", 2395], ["hangs", 2395], ["hanging", 2395], ["madmen", 2411], ["madman", 2411], ["scum", 2420], ["bristle", 2455], ["bristled", 2455], ["reply", 2473], ["fourth", 2519], ["ambusher", 2528], ["familiar", 2581], ["good", 2614], ["steve", 2639], ["cynically", 2661], ["grey", 2673], ["leopard", 2694], ["slid", 2699], ["view", 2709], ["viewest", 2709], ["partly", 2724], ["focus", 2732], ["focused", 2732], ["mostly", 2786], ["judge", 2811], ["judging", 2811], ["gap", 2819], ["gaps", 2819], ["gapping", 2819], ["wonder", 2842], ["wonderest", 2842], ["wondering", 2842], ["sort", 2852], ["damage", 2862], ["damaging", 2862], ["hurl", 2885], ["hurls", 2885], ["hurled", 2885], ["care", 2923], ["three", 2945], ["kill", 2955], ["killing", 2955], ["first", 2987], ["firstest", 2987], ["priority", 2996], ["look", 3018], ["remark", 3058], ["remarkest", 3058], ["remarking", 3058], ["remarked", 3058], ["protect", 3126], ["protectest", 3126], ["protected", 3126], ["body", 3138], ["bodied", 3138], ["may", 3164], ["mays", 3164], ["mayest", 3164], ["might", 3164], ["able", 3172], ["abled", 3172], ["hit", 3179], ["angle", 3199], ["let", 3237], ["lets", 3237], ["snarl", 3268], ["snarls", 3268], ["snarled", 3268], ["take", 3277], ["taking", 3277], ["towards", 3292], ["time", 3311], ["see", 3321], ["seen", 3321], ["wear", 3346], ["wearing", 3346], ["red", 3350], ["contact", 3358], ["lense", 3365], ["lenses", 3365], ["paint", 3383], ["painted", 3383], ["skin", 3392], ["purple", 3399], ["like", 3419], ["eye", 3446], ["eyed", 3446], ["eyes", 3446], ["change", 3467], ["changed", 3467], ["naturally", 3477], ["past", 3491], ["year", 3501], ["years", 3501], ["though", 3514], ["colouring", 3528], ["slight", 3539], ["comparison", 3553], ["mature", 3565], ["genuine", 3592], ["stay", 3602], ["slice", 3668], ["later", 3681], ["finish", 3697], ["introduction", 3715], ["introductions", 3715], ["boy", 3751], ["call", 3758], ["called", 3758], ["darius", 3765], ["green", 3800], ["greens", 3800], ["robe", 3806], ["robes", 3806], ["shiver", 3838], ["shivering", 3838], ["set", 3861], ["sternly", 3869], ["hold", 3886], ["holding", 3886], ["large", 3894], ["arrow", 3900], ["gun", 3904], ["invention", 3933], ["inventions", 3933], ["blood", 3964], ["bloods", 3964], ["blooded", 3964], ["blooding", 3964], ["child", 3973], ["childs", 3973], ["children", 3973], ["growl", 3992], ["growls", 3992], ["growled", 3992], ["disgustedly", 4004], ["wait", 4020], ["waitest", 4020], ["waiting", 4020], ["move", 4038], ["little", 4051], ["ignore", 4067], ["ignoring", 4067], ["threat", 4078], ["exception", 4130], ["smile", 4156], ["smiling", 4156], ["worthy", 4175], ["ally", 4180], ["allied", 4180], ["allying", 4180], ["valuable", 4195], ["spy", 4199]]
steve took a half-step towards the boy . this was my chance ! i began to draw my right hand back , careful not to give my intentions away , totally focused on steve . another second or two and i could make my play ? then darius spoke . `` shall i shoot him now , dad ? '' `` yes , son , '' steve replied . the arrow struck me high in my right shoulder , knocking me backwards . i roared with agony , grabbed the shaft of the arrow and pulled . the shaft broke off in my hand , leaving the head stuck deep in my flesh . for a moment the world around me turned red . but then the crimson haze faded and the road and houses swam back into focus . over the sound of my pained panting , i heard footsteps coming towards me . sitting up - grinding my teeth together to fight back a wave of fresh pain - i saw steve leading his small band in for the kill . i 'd let go of the truncheons when i fell . one had rolled away , but the other was close by . i snatched for it and for the shaft of the arrow - the splintered end could be used as a crude dagger . when gannen harst saw this , he stepped in front of steve . `` fan out ! '' he commanded r.v . they swiftly obeyed . the boy , darius , was behind steve . i do n't think he 'd ever shot anyone before . i hissed , waving my pitiful weapons at them . `` make us , '' r.v . `` uhr 'd luhk tuh shee im truhy ! '' said morgan james , who could only speak in a slur since his accident . `` we wo n't let him try anything , '' gannen harst said quietly . he had n't drawn his sword yet , but his right hand was hanging purposefully by his scabbard . `` he 's a dangerous foe , even injured - do n't forget that . '' `` you think too much of the boy , '' steve purred , looking at me over his protector 's shoulder . `` he wo n't even be able to get up with a wound like that . '' i snorted , and pushed myself to my feet just to spite him . a red curtain descended for the second time , but again it passed after a couple of seconds . when my sight cleared , i saw steve grinning wickedly - he 'd goaded me to my feet on purpose , to string more entertainment out of me . waving the arrow shaft around at the four men , i backed away . each step was torture , the pain in my right shoulder flaring up at the slightest movement . it was clear i could n't get very far , but gannen was taking no chances . he sent r.v . to my left and james to my right , blocking my route in both directions . i stopped , weaving heavily on my feet , woozily trying to formulate a plan . i knew only steve could kill me - des tiny had predicted doom for the vampaneze if anybody other than their lord killed any of the vampire hunters - but the others could hold me down for him . `` lets finish him off quickly , '' gannen harst said , finally drawing his sword . `` he is at our mercy . `` take it easy , '' steve chuckled . `` i want to see him bleed a bit more . '' `` and if he bleeds to death from your son 's arrow ? '' gannen snapped . `` he wo n't , '' steve said . `` darius shot exactly where i trained him to . '' steve glanced back at the boy and caught his troubled look . `` yes , '' darius croaked . `` i just did n't think it would be so ? `` bloody , '' steve said . `` you did good work tonight . you do n't have to watch the rest if you do n't want to . '' `` how did ? you end up with ? a son ? '' i gasped , playing for time , hoping an escape would present itself . `` a long , twisted story , '' steve said , facing me again . `` one i 'll delight in telling you before i drive a stake through your heart . '' the wrong way round . '' i laughed bleakly . `` i'llbe the one doing ? the killing tonight . '' `` optimistic to the last , '' steve smirked . he cocked a devilish eyebrow at me . `` how did tommy die - with dignity , or like that squealing pig crepsley ? '' at that , something snapped inside me . i screamed a foul insult at steve and , without thinking , hurled my truncheon at him . with blind luck , it struck his forehead and he dropped with a startled grunt . gannen harst instinctively swung away from me , to check on his lord . as soon as he made his move , i made mine .
[["steve", 5], ["take", 10], ["took", 10], ["half", 17], ["step", 22], ["towards", 30], ["boy", 38], ["chance", 59], ["chanced", 59], ["chancing", 59], ["begin", 69], ["began", 69], ["draw", 77], ["drawn", 77], ["draws", 77], ["right", 86], ["rightest", 86], ["hand", 91], ["back", 96], ["careful", 106], ["give", 118], ["intention", 132], ["intentions", 132], ["away", 137], ["totally", 147], ["focus", 155], ["focused", 155], ["another", 174], ["second", 181], ["seconded", 181], ["two", 188], ["twos", 188], ["play", 213], ["playest", 213], ["darius", 227], ["speak", 233], ["spoken", 233], ["spoke", 233], ["shall", 244], ["shoot", 252], ["shooted", 252], ["dad", 266], ["yes", 278], ["son", 284], ["reply", 303], ["replied", 303], ["arrow", 315], ["strike", 322], ["struck", 322], ["high", 330], ["shoulder", 351], ["shouldered", 351], ["knock", 362], ["knocks", 362], ["knockest", 362], ["knocking", 362], ["backwards", 375], ["roar", 386], ["roarest", 386], ["roared", 386], ["agony", 397], ["grab", 407], ["grabbed", 407], ["shaft", 417], ["shafts", 417], ["pull", 441], ["pulled", 441], ["broke", 459], ["break", 459], ["left", 484], ["leave", 484], ["leaving", 484], ["head", 493], ["stick", 499], ["stickest", 499], ["stuck", 499], ["deep", 504], ["deeply", 504], ["flesh", 516], ["fleshest", 516], ["moment", 531], ["world", 541], ["around", 548], ["turn", 558], ["turned", 558], ["red", 562], ["crimson", 585], ["haze", 590], ["hazes", 590], ["fade", 596], ["faded", 596], ["road", 609], ["house", 620], ["houses", 620], ["swam", 625], ["focus", 641], ["sound", 658], ["hear", 689], ["hears", 689], ["heard", 689], ["footstep", 699], ["footsteps", 699], ["come", 706], ["coming", 706], ["sat", 727], ["sit", 727], ["sitting", 727], ["grind", 741], ["grinding", 741], ["tooth", 750], ["teeth", 750], ["together", 759], ["fight", 768], ["fightest", 768], ["wave", 780], ["waved", 780], ["fresh", 789], ["freshest", 789], ["pain", 794], ["see", 802], ["saw", 802], ["lead", 816], ["leaded", 816], ["leading", 816], ["small", 826], ["band", 831], ["kill", 847], ["let", 858], ["lets", 858], ["go", 861], ["goest", 861], ["truncheon", 879], ["truncheons", 879], ["fall", 891], ["falls", 891], ["fell", 891], ["roll", 908], ["rolled", 908], ["close", 939], ["snatch", 955], ["snatches", 955], ["snatched", 955], ["end", 1014], ["ends", 1014], ["endest", 1014], ["use", 1028], ["used", 1028], ["crude", 1039], ["dagger", 1046], ["step", 1088], ["stepped", 1088], ["front", 1097], ["fan", 1115], ["command", 1137], ["commanded", 1137], ["swiftly", 1156], ["obey", 1163], ["obeyed", 1163], ["behind", 1195], ["think", 1218], ["thinkest", 1218], ["ever", 1229], ["everest", 1229], ["shoot", 1234], ["shooted", 1234], ["shot", 1234], ["anyone", 1241], ["hiss", 1259], ["hissed", 1259], ["wave", 1268], ["waved", 1268], ["waving", 1268], ["pitiful", 1279], ["weapon", 1287], ["weapons", 1287], ["say", 1362], ["sayest", 1362], ["said", 1362], ["morgan", 1369], ["morgans", 1369], ["jameses", 1375], ["speak", 1398], ["spoken", 1398], ["slur", 1408], ["slurred", 1408], ["since", 1414], ["accident", 1427], ["wo", 1438], ["try", 1454], ["tryed", 1454], ["anything", 1463], ["quietly", 1494], ["draw", 1513], ["drawn", 1513], ["draws", 1513], ["sword", 1523], ["yet", 1527], ["hang", 1560], ["hung", 1560], ["hangs", 1560], ["hanging", 1560], ["purposefully", 1573], ["scabbard", 1589], ["dangerous", 1612], ["foe", 1616], ["even", 1623], ["evens", 1623], ["injure", 1631], ["injures", 1631], ["injured", 1631], ["forget", 1647], ["forgot", 1647], ["much", 1679], ["purr", 1708], ["purrs", 1708], ["purred", 1708], ["look", 1718], ["looking", 1718], ["protector", 1743], ["able", 1783], ["abled", 1783], ["get", 1790], ["wind", 1806], ["wound", 1806], ["wounding", 1806], ["like", 1811], ["snort", 1831], ["snortest", 1831], ["snorted", 1831], ["push", 1844], ["pushed", 1844], ["foot", 1862], ["feet", 1862], ["spite", 1876], ["spited", 1876], ["spites", 1876], ["curtain", 1896], ["curtaining", 1896], ["descend", 1906], ["descended", 1906], ["time", 1926], ["pass", 1948], ["passed", 1948], ["couple", 1963], ["second", 1974], ["seconded", 1974], ["seconds", 1974], ["sight", 1990], ["sighted", 1990], ["clear", 1998], ["clearest", 1998], ["cleared", 1998], ["grin", 2021], ["wickedly", 2030], ["goad", 2045], ["goaded", 2045], ["purpose", 2070], ["entertainment", 2101], ["four", 2155], ["man", 2159], ["mans", 2159], ["manned", 2159], ["men", 2159], ["back", 2170], ["backed", 2170], ["torture", 2199], ["flare", 2239], ["flaring", 2239], ["slight", 2259], ["slightest", 2259], ["movement", 2268], ["clear", 2283], ["clearest", 2283], ["far", 2308], ["take", 2332], ["taking", 2332], ["chance", 2343], ["chanced", 2343], ["chancing", 2343], ["chances", 2343], ["send", 2353], ["sent", 2353], ["left", 2370], ["block", 2403], ["blocks", 2403], ["blocking", 2403], ["route", 2412], ["routed", 2412], ["routeing", 2412], ["direction", 2431], ["directions", 2431], ["stop", 2443], ["stopped", 2443], ["weave", 2453], ["weaving", 2453], ["heavily", 2461], ["woozily", 2482], ["try", 2489], ["tryed", 2489], ["trying", 2489], ["formulate", 2502], ["formulates", 2502], ["formulating", 2502], ["plan", 2509], ["know", 2518], ["knowest", 2518], ["knew", 2518], ["des", 2549], ["tiny", 2554], ["predict", 2568], ["predictest", 2568], ["predicted", 2568], ["doom", 2573], ["anybody", 2602], ["lord", 2624], ["kill", 2631], ["killed", 2631], ["vampire", 2650], ["hunter", 2658], ["hunters", 2658], ["hold", 2686], ["let", 2712], ["lets", 2712], ["finish", 2719], ["quickly", 2735], ["finally", 2768], ["draw", 2776], ["drawn", 2776], ["draws", 2776], ["drawing", 2776], ["mercy", 2810], ["take", 2820], ["easy", 2828], ["chuckle", 2848], ["chuckled", 2848], ["see", 2867], ["bleed", 2877], ["bit", 2883], ["bits", 2883], ["bleed", 2913], ["bleeds", 2913], ["death", 2922], ["snap", 2965], ["snapping", 2965], ["snapped", 2965], ["exactly", 3021], ["train", 3037], ["trained", 3037], ["glance", 3063], ["glanced", 3063], ["catch", 3090], ["catched", 3090], ["catches", 3090], ["caught", 3090], ["look", 3108], ["croak", 3137], ["croaks", 3137], ["croakest", 3137], ["croaked", 3137], ["bloody", 3190], ["bloodying", 3190], ["good", 3224], ["work", 3229], ["wrought", 3229], ["tonight", 3237], ["watch", 3264], ["rest", 3273], ["gasp", 3351], ["gasps", 3351], ["gasped", 3351], ["play", 3361], ["playest", 3361], ["playing", 3361], ["hope", 3379], ["hoping", 3379], ["escape", 3389], ["escapes", 3389], ["present", 3403], ["presentest", 3403], ["long", 3422], ["longs", 3422], ["twist", 3432], ["twisted", 3432], ["twisting", 3432], ["story", 3438], ["face", 3463], ["facing", 3463], ["delight", 3495], ["tell", 3506], ["telling", 3506], ["drive", 3525], ["stake", 3533], ["heart", 3552], ["wrong", 3567], ["way", 3571], ["ways", 3571], ["round", 3577], ["laugh", 3592], ["laughed", 3592], ["bleakly", 3600], ["killing", 3640], ["optimistic", 3667], ["last", 3679], ["smirk", 3698], ["smirked", 3698], ["cock", 3710], ["cockest", 3710], ["cocked", 3710], ["devilish", 3721], ["eyebrow", 3729], ["tommy", 3754], ["die", 3758], ["dignity", 3773], ["squeal", 3798], ["squealing", 3798], ["pig", 3802], ["pigged", 3802], ["pigging", 3802], ["inside", 3851], ["scream", 3867], ["screams", 3867], ["screamed", 3867], ["foul", 3874], ["fouling", 3874], ["insult", 3881], ["insultest", 3881], ["without", 3904], ["hurl", 3922], ["hurls", 3922], ["hurled", 3922], ["truncheon", 3935], ["blind", 3955], ["blinded", 3955], ["luck", 3960], ["forehead", 3985], ["drop", 4000], ["dropped", 4000], ["grunt", 4022], ["instinctively", 4051], ["swung", 4057], ["swing", 4057], ["check", 4081], ["soon", 4103], ["move", 4123]]
jumping at morgan james , i lashed out with the arrow shaft . he took a quick step back to avoid being speared . as he did , i smashed into him with my wounded right shoulder . i howled with pain as the arrow head was forced deeper into my flesh , but my ploy worked - james toppled over . the path ahead was momentarily clear . i stumbled forward , grasping my right shoulder with my left hand , pressing hard around the hole where the arrow head was buried , trying to stem the flow of blood , weeping with agony . behind me i heard steve shout , `` i 'm ok ! chase him ! do n't let him get away ! '' if i had n't been injured , i might have had enough of a head start on them . but i could manage nothing faster than a slow jog . it was only a matter of seconds before they 'd catch up with me . as i lurched away , my pursuers hot on my heels , a door to one of the houses on my left opened and a large man stuck his head out . `` some of us are trying to ? '' i screamed on impulse . the man threw the door all the way open and stepped out . i looked back at steve and the others . they 'd come to a halt . i had to make the most of their confusion . `` killers ! they 've shot me ! lights began flicking on in the neighbouring houses , and curtains were swished back . the man who 'd come out started towards me . steve sneered , reached over his shoulder , produced an arrow-gun and fired at the man . gannen harst knocked the arrow-gun aside just before steve fired , so the arrow whizzed wide of its mark . but the man had seen steve 's intent and he ran back inside his house before he could be fired upon again . steve furiously challenged gannen harst . `` we must get out of here ! '' gannen shouted . `` not without killing him ! '' steve yelled , jerking his arrow-gun at me . `` then kill him , quick , and let 's go ! '' gannen responded . steve stared at me , eyes filled with hatred . behind him , r.v . and morgan james were looking on with hungry longing , eager to see me die . darius was further removed from the gang - i could n't tell if he was watching or not . steve raised his arrow-gun , took a couple of steps closer , trained his sights on me , then ? ? lowered it , unfired . `` no , '' he said sullenly . gannen roared . `` you have to kill him ! this is the predicted fourth encounter . you must do it now , before ? '' `` i 'll do what i please ! '' steve yelled , turning on his mentor . for a moment i thought he meant to attack his closest ally . but then he got hold of himself and smiled tightly . `` i know what i 'm doing , gannen . i ca n't kill him this way . '' `` if not now , then when ? '' gannen snarled . `` later , '' steve said . `` when the time is right . when i can torment him at my leisure and make him feel the pain i felt when he betrayed me and pledged himself to creepy crepsley . '' `` and mr tiny 's prophecy ? '' gannen hissed . `` stuff it ! '' `` i 'll create my own destiny . that mug in the wellies does n't rule my life . '' gannen 's red eyes were ablaze with rage . he wanted steve to kill me , to settle the war of the scars once and for all . he would have argued the point , but more doors were opening and people were poking their heads out . gannen realized they were in danger of attracting too much unwanted attention . he shook his head , then grabbed steve , spun him away from me and pushed him back the way they 'd come , ordering r.v . and morgan james to retreat . `` catch you later , vampire-gator ! '' steve laughed , waving at me as gannen shepherded him away . i wanted to respond with a suitable insult , but i lacked the strength . besides , i had to get out of there as sharply as steve and his gang . if the people came out and found me , i 'd be in major trouble . it would mean the police , hospital , recognition and arrest - i was still a wanted fugitive . the general public here might not know about the alleged killer , darren shan , but i was sure the police did . turning my back on the emerging humans , i staggered to the end of the block , where i rested a moment , leaning against a wall . i wiped sweat from my forehead and tears from my eyes , then checked the hole in my shoulder - still bleeding . there was no time to examine it further . people were spilling out on to the street .
[["jump", 7], ["jumps", 7], ["jumping", 7], ["morgan", 17], ["morgans", 17], ["jameses", 23], ["lash", 34], ["lashed", 34], ["arrow", 53], ["shaft", 59], ["shafts", 59], ["take", 69], ["took", 69], ["quick", 77], ["step", 82], ["back", 87], ["avoid", 96], ["spear", 110], ["speared", 110], ["smash", 134], ["smashed", 134], ["wind", 159], ["wound", 159], ["wounding", 159], ["wounded", 159], ["right", 165], ["rightest", 165], ["shoulder", 174], ["shouldered", 174], ["howl", 185], ["howls", 185], ["howlest", 185], ["howled", 185], ["pain", 195], ["head", 213], ["force", 224], ["forced", 224], ["deeply", 231], ["flesh", 245], ["fleshest", 245], ["ploy", 259], ["work", 266], ["wrought", 266], ["worked", 266], ["topple", 282], ["toppled", 282], ["path", 298], ["ahead", 304], ["momentarily", 320], ["clear", 326], ["clearest", 326], ["stumble", 339], ["stumbled", 339], ["forward", 347], ["forwarding", 347], ["forwardest", 347], ["grasp", 358], ["grasped", 358], ["grasping", 358], ["left", 389], ["hand", 394], ["press", 405], ["pressing", 405], ["hard", 410], ["around", 417], ["hole", 426], ["bury", 458], ["burying", 458], ["buried", 458], ["try", 467], ["tryed", 467], ["trying", 467], ["stem", 475], ["flow", 484], ["flows", 484], ["blood", 493], ["bloods", 493], ["blooded", 493], ["weep", 503], ["weeps", 503], ["agony", 514], ["behind", 523], ["hear", 534], ["hears", 534], ["heard", 534], ["steve", 540], ["shout", 546], ["ok", 559], ["chase", 567], ["let", 584], ["lets", 584], ["get", 592], ["away", 597], ["injure", 628], ["injures", 628], ["injured", 628], ["may", 638], ["mays", 638], ["mayest", 638], ["might", 638], ["enough", 654], ["start", 670], ["manage", 699], ["nothing", 707], ["fast", 714], ["slow", 726], ["jog", 730], ["jogs", 730], ["matter", 753], ["mattering", 753], ["second", 764], ["seconded", 764], ["seconds", 764], ["catch", 785], ["catched", 785], ["catches", 785], ["lurch", 811], ["pursuer", 830], ["pursuers", 830], ["hot", 834], ["heel", 846], ["heeled", 846], ["heels", 846], ["door", 855], ["house", 876], ["houses", 876], ["open", 894], ["opened", 894], ["large", 906], ["man", 910], ["mans", 910], ["manned", 910], ["stick", 916], ["stickest", 916], ["stuck", 916], ["scream", 975], ["screams", 975], ["screamed", 975], ["impulse", 986], ["throw", 1002], ["threw", 1002], ["way", 1023], ["ways", 1023], ["open", 1028], ["step", 1040], ["stepped", 1040], ["look", 1055], ["looked", 1055], ["come", 1099], ["halt", 1109], ["halts", 1109], ["haltest", 1109], ["confusion", 1153], ["killers", 1166], ["shoot", 1182], ["shooted", 1182], ["shot", 1182], ["lit", 1194], ["light", 1194], ["lights", 1194], ["begin", 1200], ["began", 1200], ["flick", 1209], ["flickest", 1209], ["neighbouring", 1232], ["curtain", 1254], ["curtaining", 1254], ["curtains", 1254], ["swish", 1267], ["swishest", 1267], ["swished", 1267], ["start", 1306], ["started", 1306], ["towards", 1314], ["sneer", 1333], ["sneered", 1333], ["reach", 1343], ["reached", 1343], ["produce", 1372], ["produced", 1372], ["gun", 1385], ["fire", 1395], ["fired", 1395], ["knock", 1429], ["knocks", 1429], ["knockest", 1429], ["knocked", 1429], ["aside", 1449], ["whiz", 1496], ["whizzed", 1496], ["wide", 1501], ["mark", 1513], ["marks", 1513], ["see", 1536], ["seen", 1536], ["intent", 1552], ["run", 1563], ["ran", 1563], ["inside", 1575], ["house", 1585], ["upon", 1615], ["furiously", 1639], ["challenge", 1650], ["challenged", 1650], ["must", 1676], ["musts", 1676], ["shout", 1712], ["shouted", 1712], ["without", 1729], ["kill", 1737], ["killing", 1737], ["jerk", 1769], ["jerks", 1769], ["jerked", 1769], ["jerking", 1769], ["kill", 1804], ["go", 1832], ["goest", 1832], ["respond", 1854], ["respondest", 1854], ["responded", 1854], ["stare", 1869], ["stared", 1869], ["eye", 1882], ["eyed", 1882], ["eyes", 1882], ["fill", 1889], ["fills", 1889], ["filled", 1889], ["hatred", 1901], ["look", 1952], ["looking", 1952], ["hungry", 1967], ["longing", 1975], ["eager", 1983], ["see", 1990], ["die", 1997], ["darius", 2006], ["remove", 2026], ["removed", 2026], ["gang", 2040], ["tell", 2059], ["watch", 2078], ["watching", 2078], ["raise", 2100], ["raised", 2100], ["couple", 2130], ["step", 2139], ["steps", 2139], ["close", 2146], ["closer", 2146], ["train", 2156], ["trained", 2156], ["sight", 2167], ["sighted", 2167], ["sights", 2167], ["lower", 2192], ["lowers", 2192], ["lowerest", 2192], ["lowered", 2192], ["say", 2226], ["sayest", 2226], ["said", 2226], ["sullenly", 2235], ["roar", 2251], ["roarest", 2251], ["roared", 2251], ["predict", 2301], ["predictest", 2301], ["predicted", 2301], ["fourth", 2308], ["encounter", 2318], ["please", 2379], ["yell", 2397], ["yelled", 2397], ["turn", 2407], ["turning", 2407], ["mentor", 2421], ["moment", 2436], ["think", 2446], ["thinkest", 2446], ["thought", 2446], ["mean", 2455], ["meanest", 2455], ["meant", 2455], ["attack", 2465], ["close", 2477], ["closest", 2477], ["ally", 2482], ["allied", 2482], ["allying", 2482], ["get", 2500], ["got", 2500], ["hold", 2505], ["smile", 2527], ["smiled", 2527], ["tightly", 2535], ["know", 2547], ["knowest", 2547], ["ca", 2579], ["cas", 2579], ["snarl", 2652], ["snarls", 2652], ["snarled", 2652], ["later", 2663], ["time", 2698], ["torment", 2728], ["leisure", 2746], ["feel", 2764], ["feel", 2780], ["felt", 2780], ["betray", 2797], ["betrayed", 2797], ["betraying", 2797], ["pledge", 2812], ["pledged", 2812], ["creepy", 2830], ["mr", 2854], ["tiny", 2859], ["prophecy", 2871], ["stuff", 2901], ["create", 2925], ["destiny", 2940], ["mug", 2951], ["wellies", 2966], ["rule", 2980], ["life", 2988], ["lifes", 2988], ["red", 3007], ["ablaze", 3024], ["rage", 3034], ["settle", 3075], ["war", 3083], ["scar", 3096], ["scars", 3096], ["argue", 3136], ["argued", 3136], ["point", 3146], ["door", 3163], ["doors", 3163], ["open", 3176], ["people", 3187], ["poke", 3199], ["poking", 3199], ["head", 3211], ["heads", 3211], ["realize", 3233], ["realized", 3233], ["danger", 3253], ["attract", 3267], ["attractest", 3267], ["attracting", 3267], ["much", 3276], ["unwanted", 3285], ["attention", 3295], ["shake", 3306], ["shook", 3306], ["grab", 3330], ["grabbed", 3330], ["spin", 3343], ["spun", 3343], ["push", 3371], ["pushed", 3371], ["order", 3412], ["orderest", 3412], ["ordering", 3412], ["retreat", 3446], ["retreatest", 3446], ["vampire", 3477], ["gator", 3483], ["laugh", 3502], ["laughed", 3502], ["wave", 3511], ["waved", 3511], ["waving", 3511], ["shepherd", 3538], ["shepherded", 3538], ["respond", 3569], ["respondest", 3569], ["suitable", 3585], ["insult", 3592], ["insultest", 3592], ["lack", 3607], ["lacked", 3607], ["strength", 3620], ["besides", 3630], ["sharply", 3669], ["come", 3712], ["came", 3712], ["find", 3726], ["found", 3726], ["major", 3748], ["trouble", 3756], ["troubling", 3756], ["mean", 3772], ["meanest", 3772], ["police", 3783], ["hospital", 3794], ["recognition", 3808], ["arrest", 3819], ["still", 3833], ["fugitive", 3851], ["general", 3865], ["public", 3872], ["allege", 3910], ["alleges", 3910], ["alleged", 3910], ["killers", 3917], ["darren", 3926], ["sure", 3948], ["emerge", 3997], ["emerging", 3997], ["human", 4004], ["humans", 4004], ["stagger", 4018], ["staggerest", 4018], ["staggered", 4018], ["end", 4029], ["ends", 4029], ["endest", 4029], ["block", 4042], ["blocks", 4042], ["rest", 4059], ["rested", 4059], ["lean", 4078], ["leans", 4078], ["leaning", 4078], ["wall", 4093], ["wipe", 4103], ["wiped", 4103], ["sweat", 4109], ["forehead", 4126], ["tear", 4136], ["teared", 4136], ["tears", 4136], ["check", 4164], ["checked", 4164], ["bleed", 4205], ["bleeding", 4205], ["examine", 4236], ["spill", 4270], ["spilt", 4270], ["spilling", 4270], ["street", 4291]]
it would n't be long before news of the killings at the stadium trickled through . then they 'd be on their phones to the police , telling them all about the disturbance . i cleared the housing estate a few minutes later . in the distance police sirens screamed like banshees in the night . the stadium would be their first priority , but once word reached them of the scuffle on the housing estate , units would be sent to investigate . as i stood bent over , panting for breath , i studied the path i 'd taken and saw little puddles of blood marking my course - a clear trail for anyone who followed . if i was to progress any further undetected , i 'd have to do something about my wound . i examined the hole . there was a tiny bit of shaft sticking out of it , attached to the arrow head . i took hold of the light piece of wood , closed my eyes , bit down hard , and pulled . i fell back , shivering , fingers twitching , mouth opening and shutting rapidly . for maybe a minute , i knew only pain . the houses around me could have collapsed and i would n't have noticed . gradually the pain abated and i was able to study the wound again . i had n't managed to pull the head out , but i 'd drawn it closer towards the hole , plugging it up . blood still oozed out but it was n't flowing steadily like it had been . tearing a long strip off my shirt , i balled it up and pressed it over the wound . after a few deep breaths , i got to my feet . my legs were shaking like a newborn lamb 's , but they held . i made sure i was n't dripping blood , then resumed my sluggish flight . the next ten or fifteen minutes passed in a slow , agonized blur . i had enough sense left to keep moving , but i was n't able to take note of street names or plot a course back to the cirque du freak . all i knew was that i could n't stop . i kept to the sides of streets and alleys , so i could grab a fence for support or lean against a wall to rest . i did n't pass many people . those i did pass ignored me . that surprised me , even in my dazed state , until i realized how i must look . a teenager , reeling along the path , head bowed , body crooked over , moaning softly - they thought i was drunk ! eventually i had to stop . if i did n't sit down and rest , i 'd drop in the middle of the street . luckily i was close to a dark alley . i fell into it and crawled away from the streetlights , deep into welcome shadows . i stopped beside a large black garbage bin , sat up against the wall by which it was set , and dragged my legs in . a short ? rest , '' i wheezed , laying my head on my knees , wincing at the pain in my shoulder . and then i can ? '' my eyelids fluttered shut and i flaked out , at the mercy of any who happened to chance upon me . it was later , darker , colder . i felt like i was encased in a block of ice . i tried lifting my head , but even that small effort proved too much for me . i blacked out again . the next time i awoke , i was choking . some stinging liquid was being forced down my throat . for a confused moment i thought i was a raw half-vampire again , and that mr crepsley was trying to force me to drink human blood . i mumbled , slapping at the hands holding my head . `` not gon na ? be like you ! '' `` it 's not that easy , '' the person holding me complained . then i felt a body pressing down on mine and a voice whispered in my ear , `` steady , kid . we 're only trying to help . '' my head cleared slightly and i stopped struggling . blinking , i tried to focus on the faces of the men around me , but it was either too dark or my sight was clouded with pain . i gasped , meaning were they friends or foes . the man holding me must have misheard my question , and thought i 'd askedwho were they . `` i 'm declan , '' he said . `` this is little kenny . '' `` open wide , '' little kenny said , pressing the rim of a bottle to my lips . `` this is cheap and nasty , but it 'll warm you up . '' i drank reluctantly , unable to argue . my stomach filled with a sickening fire . when little kenny took the bottle away , i leant my head back against the wall and groaned . `` we do n't bother with watches , '' declan chuckled . `` but it 's late , maybe one or two in the morning . '' he took hold of my chin , turned my head left and right , then picked at the strip of shirt which was stuck to my shoulder with dried blood . declan released me immediately .
[["long", 20], ["longs", 20], ["news", 32], ["newses", 32], ["killing", 48], ["killings", 48], ["stadium", 63], ["trickle", 72], ["trickled", 72], ["phone", 114], ["phones", 114], ["police", 128], ["tell", 138], ["telling", 138], ["disturbance", 169], ["clear", 181], ["clearest", 181], ["cleared", 181], ["housing", 193], ["housings", 193], ["estate", 200], ["minute", 214], ["minutes", 214], ["later", 220], ["distance", 238], ["distancing", 238], ["siren", 252], ["sirens", 252], ["scream", 261], ["screams", 261], ["screamed", 261], ["like", 266], ["banshee", 275], ["banshees", 275], ["night", 288], ["first", 323], ["firstest", 323], ["priority", 332], ["word", 348], ["reach", 356], ["reached", 356], ["scuffle", 376], ["unit", 406], ["units", 406], ["send", 420], ["sent", 420], ["investigate", 435], ["investigates", 435], ["stand", 448], ["stood", 448], ["standest", 448], ["bent", 453], ["pant", 468], ["panting", 468], ["breath", 479], ["breathest", 479], ["study", 491], ["studied", 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as much ? as it did , '' i muttered . then my head began to swim and i half-blacked out again . when i recovered , the two men were huddled together a metre away , discussing what to do with me . `` leave him , '' i heard little kenny hiss . `` he ca n't be more than sixteen or seventeen . he 's no good to us . '' `` every person matters , '' declan disagreed . `` we ca n't afford to be picky . '' `` but he 's not one ofus , '' little kenny said . `` he probably has a family and home . we ca n't start recruiting normal people , not until we 're told . '' `` i know , '' declan said . `` but there 's something different about him . did you see his scars ? and he did n't get that wound fighting in the playground . we should take him back with us . if the ladies choose not to keep him , we can get rid of him easily enough . '' `` but he 'll know where we are ! '' little kenny objected . `` the shape he 's in , i doubt he even knows what town this is ! '' declan snorted . `` he 's got more things to worry about than marking the route we take . '' little kenny grumbled something i could n't hear , then said , `` ok , but do n't forget it was your choice , not mine . i 'm not taking the blame for this . '' `` fine , '' declan said , and returned to my side . he rolled my eyelids all the way up and i got my first clear look at him . he was a large , bearded man , dressed in shabby clothes , covered in grime - a tramp . `` kid , '' he said , snapping his fingers in front of my eyes . `` you awake ? do you know what 's going on ? '' i glanced over at little kenny and saw that he was also a tramp . `` we 're taking you back with us , '' declan said . i assumed that they meant to take me to a mission house or homeless shelter . that was n't as preferable as the cirque du freak , but it was better than a police station . i wet my lips and locked gazes with declan . police , '' i moaned . he said to little kenny . `` i told you he was our kind of people ! '' he took hold of my left arm and told little kenny to take my right . they pulled me to my feet . the pain in my shoulder flared back into life , my brain ignited with fireworks , and my stomach lurched . doubling over , i was sick on the alley floor . declan and little kenny held me while 1 vomited , then hauled me up . he laughed again , then shuffled around , dragging me with him , so we were facing the entrance of the alley . `` we 'll carry you as best we can , '' declan said . `` but try to use your legs - it 'll make life easier for all of us . '' i nodded to show i understood . declan and little kenny linked hands behind my back , put their other hands on my chest to support me , then led me away . declan and little kenny were a strange pair of guardian angels . they encouraged me along with a series of curses , pushes and pulls , kicking my feet every so often to goad me into short bursts of self-momentum . we rested every few minutes , leaning against walls or lampposts , declan and little kenny panting almost as hard as i was . they obviously were n't accustomed to this much exercise . even though it was the middle of the night , the town was abuzz . word of the stadium slaughter had spread , and people had taken to the streets in outrage . police cars passed us regularly , sirens blaring , flashlights glaring . we marched in plain view of the police and angry citizens , but nobody took any notice of us . with declan and little kenny holding me , i looked like the third of a trio of drunk tramps . one policeman did stop and shout at us to get the hell off the streets - had n't we heard what happened ? `` yes , sir , '' declan mumbled , half-saluting the policeman . `` going home right now . do n't suppose you could arrange a lift for us ? '' the policeman snorted and turned away . declan chuckled , then led us on again . when we were out of earshot , he said to little kenny , `` have you any idea what all the fuss is about ? '' `` something to do with football , i think , '' little kenny said . declan asked me . `` do you know what people are up in arms about ? '' even if i 'd wanted to tell them the truth , i could n't have . the pain was worse than ever .
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