he takes out his rectangular ruler size computer unit and points it at the wall . time to login to the node . the node has grown to be the prominent portal for the net . whether it is to search for something or check on your friends . the node has been marketed as a friendlier alternative to friendsconnect . the node ceo once proclaimed that they are the good guys , a swipe at friendsconnect founder who is very much disliked for his proclamation that people do n't need their privacy . 'a privacy-less society breeds honest people . ' he had proclaimed , but his proclamation turned out to be hypocritical when he turned out to be very non-transparent on his business conduct and for covering up for corrupt politicians who monitor the activity of their critics . that revelation led to the fall in popularity of friendsconnect . now the node is the in thing with the cool factor . it now has a lot of die hard followers . some have grown very fanatical , attacking anyone who posts any criticism against the node . orad ca n't help but be amused at people 's tendency to be fanatical and to blindly defend their idol whether it is an artist or website like the node . orad likes the interface of the node . all his communication with friends and the storage of his files are all kept at his own private node now . he decided to check-in with his girlfriend , turning on the built-in video camera on his unit . ottawa , canada mary hurt is not looking forward to talking to morris tonight . morris is an imposing figure not only physically but also through the way he talks and acts . mary finds his presence alone to be very intimidating . but mary has done a lot of favours for him . all little things that were harmless . sure it might have cost someone more money but this is a give and take world . people like her who work hard to get to the top deserves a bit more payback . helping morris has made her rich . mary does not think that 's corruption . she is not taking any money in an envelope from him . just investment advice from a friend who she has helped a lot . but his latest request makes mary uneasy . morris wants mary to deny jack garrick 's application to start testing his drugs on actual humans . she does not want to be the person responsible for denying human race a potential cure for cancer . as she heads to the conference room , she is startled to find her assistant barb stanton just leaving the room . what are you doing here this late at night ? oh i just have a video conference with our client this afternoon and thought i would just finish my work there since the room was not booked for the rest of the day . i have a video conference with a prospective client from asia . anyway , i am out of here . mary sighs as barb leave . she wants to use this video conference unit . it is the latest they got and have secure communication . morris recommended it so that they can have encrypted chat . barb usually sets up the unit for her but she is now familiar enough on how to use the encrypted chat . the tons of other features she can do without . she connects to morriss node . morris promptly answers . you look stressed . i just have to rush here . mary replies . you probably already know why i called . have you rejected jack garrick 's application yet ? how can i deny the world a cure for the number one killer disease ? we are not getting rid of the cancer cure . we are just getting it out of the hands of an eccentric professor . the cure will be still be available . but it will be patented and marketed by our pharmaceutical company friend . we can easily obtain the ingredient that he uses . he will probably make that publicly available , so we need you to issue a warning that the drugs have not been shown to work nor tested to be safe . we can then use the same ingredients and add some non-therapeutic ingredient then claim it as our own invention and patent it . since the patent law that we pushed through allows for some ambiguity , it would take him some work to figure out what we did . but how can you get it out of his hands ? would n't he sue you ? you do n't have to worry about those details . there is nothing that we can not do . but how much would the pharmaceutical company charge ? as an honorary member , you will get all the drugs you want for free . so if you have friends or relative that needs it , just let us know . imagine if we let dr. garrick go ahead with his plan . the billion dollar industry of cancer treatment will be gone , large numbers of people will lose their jobs . by keeping the cure in play within the market , the people get to keep their job and the world get its cure . let me think this over for a day . for crying out loud mary ! i thought you would have done that already before you came here . why do n't we take a break while you think it over .
[["take", 8], ["takes", 8], ["rectangular", 28], ["ruler", 34], ["size", 39], ["computer", 48], ["unit", 53], ["point", 64], ["points", 64], ["wall", 79], ["time", 86], ["login", 95], ["logins", 95], ["node", 107], ["grow", 128], ["growest", 128], ["grown", 128], ["prominent", 148], ["portal", 155], ["net", 167], ["whether", 177], ["search", 193], ["check", 216], ["friend", 232], ["friends", 232], ["market", 261], ["marketed", 261], ["friendly", 277], ["alternative", 289], ["ceo", 322], ["ceos", 322], ["proclaim", 338], ["proclaimest", 338], ["proclaimed", 338], ["good", 361], ["guy", 366], ["guys", 366], ["swipe", 376], ["founder", 402], ["foundering", 402], ["much", 419], ["proclamation", 449], ["people", 461], ["need", 473], ["needest", 473], ["privacy", 487], ["less", 505], ["society", 513], ["breed", 520], ["breeds", 520], ["honest", 527], ["turn", 586], ["turned", 586], ["hypocritical", 609], ["non", 643], ["transparent", 655], ["business", 671], ["conduct", 679], ["conductest", 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["kept", 1288], ["private", 1307], ["decide", 1329], ["decided", 1329], ["girlfriend", 1361], ["turn", 1371], ["turning", 1371], ["build", 1384], ["builds", 1384], ["built", 1384], ["video", 1393], ["camera", 1400], ["cameras", 1400], ["ottawa", 1421], ["canada", 1430], ["canadas", 1430], ["mary", 1435], ["marys", 1435], ["hurt", 1440], ["hurts", 1440], ["hurting", 1440], ["look", 1455], ["looking", 1455], ["forward", 1463], ["forwarding", 1463], ["forwardest", 1463], ["talk", 1474], ["talking", 1474], ["morris", 1484], ["tonight", 1492], ["impose", 1516], ["imposing", 1516], ["figure", 1523], ["physically", 1543], ["also", 1552], ["way", 1568], ["ways", 1568], ["talk", 1577], ["talks", 1577], ["act", 1586], ["acted", 1586], ["acts", 1586], ["find", 1599], ["finds", 1599], ["presence", 1612], ["alone", 1618], ["favour", 1679], ["favourest", 1679], ["favours", 1679], ["little", 1700], ["thing", 1707], ["things", 1707], ["harmless", 1726], ["sure", 1733], ["may", 1742], ["mays", 1742], ["mayest", 1742], ["might", 1742], ["cost", 1752], ["money", 1771], ["moneys", 1771], ["give", 1790], ["take", 1799], ["world", 1805], ["work", 1832], ["wrought", 1832], ["get", 1844], ["top", 1855], ["deserve", 1864], ["deserved", 1864], ["deserves", 1864], ["bit", 1870], ["bits", 1870], ["payback", 1883], ["help", 1893], ["helpest", 1893], ["helping", 1893], ["rich", 1918], ["think", 1940], ["thinkest", 1940], ["corruption", 1959], ["take", 1979], ["taking", 1979], ["envelope", 2004], ["investment", 2031], ["advice", 2038], ["friend", 2052], ["help", 2071], ["helpest", 2071], ["helped", 2071], ["late", 2094], ["lates", 2094], ["latest", 2094], ["request", 2102], ["requestest", 2102], ["uneasy", 2120], ["deny", 2148], ["jack", 2153], ["jacks", 2153], ["jacked", 2153], ["garrick", 2161], ["application", 2176], ["start", 2185], ["test", 2193], ["drug", 2203], ["drugs", 2203], ["actual", 2213], ["human", 2220], ["humans", 2220], ["person", 2257], ["responsible", 2269], ["deny", 2281], ["denying", 2281], ["human", 2287], ["race", 2292], ["racing", 2292], ["potential", 2304], ["cure", 2309], ["cancer", 2320], ["head", 2335], ["heads", 2335], ["conference", 2353], ["conferencing", 2353], ["room", 2358], ["roomed", 2358], ["find", 2384], ["assistant", 2398], ["barb", 2403], ["barbed", 2403], ["stanton", 2411], ["left", 2424], ["leave", 2424], ["leaving", 2424], ["late", 2469], ["lates", 2469], ["night", 2478], ["oh", 2483], ["client", 2530], ["afternoon", 2545], ["think", 2557], ["thinkest", 2557], ["thought", 2557], ["finish", 2577], ["since", 2597], ["book", 2621], ["booked", 2621], ["rest", 2634], ["day", 2645], ["prospective", 2692], ["asia", 2709], ["anyway", 2718], ["sigh", 2750], ["sighest", 2750], ["sighs", 2750], ["left", 2764], ["leave", 2764], ["use", 2783], ["get", 2838], ["got", 2838], ["secure", 2854], ["securest", 2854], ["recommend", 2889], ["recommendest", 2889], ["recommended", 2889], ["encrypt", 2924], ["encrypted", 2924], ["chat", 2929], ["chating", 2929], ["usually", 2944], ["set", 2949], ["sets", 2949], ["familiar", 2993], ["enough", 3000], ["ton", 3044], ["tons", 3044], ["feature", 3062], ["features", 3062], ["without", 3081], ["connect", 3096], ["connectest", 3096], ["connects", 3096], ["promptly", 3130], ["answer", 3138], ["answeres", 3138], ["answerest", 3138], ["answers", 3138], ["look", 3149], ["rush", 3180], ["reply", 3200], ["probably", 3215], ["already", 3223], ["know", 3228], ["knowest", 3228], ["call", 3241], ["called", 3241], ["reject", 3261], ["rejected", 3261], ["yet", 3293], ["number", 3342], ["numbering", 3342], ["killer", 3353], ["killers", 3353], ["disease", 3361], ["get", 3382], ["getting", 3382], ["rid", 3386], ["hand", 3447], ["hands", 3447], ["eccentric", 3463], ["professor", 3473], ["still", 3498], ["available", 3511], ["patent", 3537], ["patented", 3537], ["pharmaceutical", 3572], ["company", 3580], ["companys", 3580], ["companying", 3580], ["easily", 3603], ["obtain", 3610], ["ingredient", 3625], ["use", 3638], ["uses", 3638], ["publicly", 3676], ["issue", 3712], ["warning", 3722], ["show", 3757], ["shown", 3757], ["test", 3776], ["tested", 3776], ["safe", 3787], ["safes", 3787], ["safed", 3787], ["ingredient", 3826], ["ingredients", 3826], ["add", 3834], ["therapeutic", 3855], ["claim", 3877], ["invention", 3901], ["inventions", 3901], ["patent", 3912], ["law", 3938], ["push", 3953], ["pushed", 3953], ["allow", 3968], ["allows", 3968], ["ambiguity", 3987], ["sue", 4104], ["sued", 4104], ["sueing", 4104], ["worry", 4135], ["worried", 4135], ["detail", 4155], ["details", 4155], ["nothing", 4174], ["charge", 4248], ["honorary", 4265], ["member", 4272], ["free", 4319], ["relative", 4356], ["need", 4367], ["needest", 4367], ["needs", 4367], ["let", 4381], ["lets", 4381], ["imagine", 4399], ["dr", 4412], ["drs", 4412], ["go", 4424], ["goest", 4424], ["ahead", 4430], ["plan", 4444], ["billion", 4458], ["dollar", 4465], ["industry", 4474], ["treatment", 4494], ["go", 4507], ["goest", 4507], ["gone", 4507], ["large", 4515], ["number", 4523], ["numbering", 4523], ["numbers", 4523], ["lose", 4543], ["job", 4554], ["jobbing", 4554], ["jobs", 4554], ["keep", 4567], ["keepest", 4567], ["keeping", 4567], ["play", 4584], ["playest", 4584], ["within", 4591], ["market", 4602], ["keep", 4627], ["keepest", 4627], ["job", 4637], ["jobbing", 4637], ["cry", 4712], ["crying", 4712], ["loud", 4721], ["come", 4787], ["came", 4787], ["broke", 4821], ["break", 4821]]
mary nervously tries to think things over quickly and decides there was no need to be stubborn like dr. garrick . morris has promised the cure will be available to the world . and that is all that really matters . so she quickly responds . no need , i 'll sent him the rejection tomorrow morning . i hope your side will take care of things and prevent him from embarrassing our agency . you take care of your side and we 'll take care of ours . thank you mary . it 's been a pleasure doing business with you as usual . and morris hangs up abruptly . mary is starting to hate her job . she has enough money for retirement . she wishes she could just walk out now and let morris find someone else to work for him . but she does not want to find out what morris would do if she turns her back on him . she sits there staring at the screen contemplating options that she know is out of her reach . barb stantons residence barb stanton was all set to go to bed when she remembers the recorder on the video conference unit was not turned off . she thought about going back now but decides to wait until tomorrow . maybe mary will have already turned it off for her . mary goes to sleep and it feels like she just closed her eyes when the alarm goes off . argh , was all she could say when she saw it was already 6:00 am . she grudgingly get up to take a shower and prepares for work . morris starks residence morris is drinking his morning coffee when his phone rang . it is his assistant . did you have a video conference with someone from canada last night ? his assistant asks . well i was just about to do a video conference and saw the message that the conversation was recorded by your counterpart . i know you usually conduct your business off the record so just thought i should let you know . morris stands there staring at the wall for a moment and then replied , thanks for letting me know . he hangs up and thinks to himself that mary better have a good explanation for this . he immediately dials her number . health canada office barb arrives earlier than usual and decides to check the video conference to make sure everything 's ok. she sees it is still on and a message said out of space . she then tries to slide the recorded video to try to see that her recording is still there . she thinks of skipping quickly past mary 's part but freezes when she sees the guy on the other side is not asian . she stops sliding and thinks maybe he works in asia . as she is about to resume sliding backward to rewind further , she freezes again when she hears what is being said . you will get all the drugs you want for free . so if you have friends or relatives that need it , just let us know . she frowns , wondering why someone would be offering the head of health canada all the drug she wants for free . she quickly look over her shoulder . she walks to the door and opens to peek . no one is here yet . she quickly rewinds to the start , when mary had just sat down . her eyes widen as the video of the conversation continues . she quickly presses some buttons on her cellphone watch to start transmitting the data . the video conference unit asks for a password which she readily supplies . the upload prompt starts and prompts come up asking if she wants to delete the blank part . she clicks yes and the upload is done in under a minute . as she opens the door , she sees mary walking into her office looking distressed . she quickly swerves to the side after realizing mary did not see her . she hides in one of the cubicles . mary 's footsteps gets closer . barb can hear her walk into the video conference room . ok , i am here . she is obviously on the phone with someone . what button ? she punches in some buttons . ok it is done . she yells so loudly that it echoes throughout the empty office . i just got here and i would not know how to upload . barb knows things are about to get ugly so she tries to sneak out through the other side of the cubicle . she has to get out of here quick . maybe she 'll call in sick . mary hears the door shut and goes to look but there is no one there . i think someone was just here . morris is livid and asks her to check their door entry log to see who was just there . mary quickly goes to check and finds who it was . barb stanton , she mumbles . that was all morris needed to call his team into action . chapter 7 gatherings residence in grand stone ridge ray and gracy arrived at a mansion in grand stone ridge , located on a hill with a breathtaking view of the city below . ray 's childhood friend is hosting a party and has invited them over . george walter and ray carter grew up together . george was fortunate to get a job as an intern with an influential senator early in his career . he quickly learned the trade and has become a successful lobbyist after the senator retired .
[["mary", 4], ["marys", 4], ["nervously", 14], ["try", 20], ["tryed", 20], ["tries", 20], ["think", 29], ["thinkest", 29], ["thing", 36], ["things", 36], ["quickly", 49], ["decide", 61], ["decides", 61], ["need", 79], ["needest", 79], ["stubborn", 94], ["like", 99], ["dr", 102], ["drs", 102], ["garrick", 111], ["morris", 120], ["promise", 133], ["promised", 133], ["cure", 142], ["available", 160], ["world", 173], ["really", 203], ["matter", 211], ["mattering", 211], ["matters", 211], ["respond", 237], ["respondest", 237], ["responds", 237], ["send", 260], ["sent", 260], ["rejection", 278], ["tomorrow", 287], ["tomorrows", 287], ["morning", 295], ["hope", 304], ["side", 314], ["sidest", 314], ["take", 324], ["care", 329], ["prevent", 351], ["preventest", 351], ["embarrass", 373], ["embarrassed", 373], ["agency", 384], ["thank", 450], ["thanks", 450], ["thankest", 450], ["pleasure", 483], ["business", 498], ["usual", 516], ["hang", 535], ["hung", 535], ["hangs", 535], ["abruptly", 547], ["start", 566], ["starting", 566], ["hate", 574], ["hateed", 574], ["job", 582], ["jobbing", 582], ["enough", 599], ["money", 605], ["moneys", 605], ["retirement", 620], ["wish", 633], ["wishes", 633], ["walk", 653], ["let", 669], ["lets", 669], ["find", 681], ["else", 694], ["work", 702], ["wrought", 702], ["turn", 780], ["turns", 780], ["back", 789], ["sat", 807], ["sit", 807], ["sits", 807], ["stare", 821], ["stared", 821], ["staring", 821], ["screen", 835], ["screening", 835], ["option", 857], ["options", 857], ["know", 871], ["knowest", 871], ["reach", 891], ["barb", 898], ["barbed", 898], ["stanton", 907], ["residence", 917], ["stanton", 930], ["set", 942], ["go", 948], ["goest", 948], ["bed", 955], ["remember", 974], ["rememberest", 974], ["remembers", 974], ["video", 1000], ["conference", 1011], ["conferencing", 1011], ["unit", 1016], ["turn", 1031], ["turned", 1031], ["think", 1049], ["thinkest", 1049], ["thought", 1049], ["go", 1061], ["goest", 1061], ["going", 1061], ["wait", 1090], ["waitest", 1090], ["maybe", 1113], ["already", 1136], ["go", 1170], ["goest", 1170], ["goes", 1170], ["sleep", 1179], ["slept", 1179], ["sleeps", 1179], ["sleepest", 1179], ["feel", 1192], ["feels", 1192], ["close", 1213], ["closed", 1213], ["eye", 1222], ["eyed", 1222], ["eyes", 1222], ["alarm", 1237], ["argh", 1253], ["say", 1277], ["sayest", 1277], ["see", 1290], ["saw", 1290], ["grudgingly", 1330], ["get", 1334], ["shower", 1354], ["showered", 1354], ["showerest", 1354], ["prepare", 1367], ["prepares", 1367], ["drank", 1421], ["drink", 1421], ["drinking", 1421], ["coffee", 1440], ["phone", 1455], ["assistant", 1482], ["canada", 1541], ["canadas", 1541], ["last", 1546], ["night", 1552], ["ask", 1573], ["asks", 1573], ["well", 1580], ["wells", 1580], ["message", 1642], ["conversation", 1664], ["record", 1677], ["recorded", 1677], ["counterpart", 1697], ["usually", 1718], ["conduct", 1726], ["conductest", 1726], ["record", 1755], ["stand", 1809], ["stood", 1809], ["standest", 1809], ["stands", 1809], ["wall", 1835], ["moment", 1848], ["reply", 1865], ["replied", 1865], ["thank", 1874], ["thanks", 1874], ["thankest", 1874], ["let", 1886], ["lets", 1886], ["letting", 1886], ["think", 1919], ["thinkest", 1919], ["thinks", 1919], ["well", 1947], ["better", 1947], ["good", 1959], ["explanation", 1971], ["immediately", 1997], ["dial", 2003], ["dials", 2003], ["number", 2014], ["numbering", 2014], ["health", 2023], ["healths", 2023], ["office", 2037], ["arrive", 2050], ["arrives", 2050], ["early", 2058], ["check", 2090], ["sure", 2124], ["everything", 2135], ["ok", 2141], ["see", 2151], ["sees", 2151], ["still", 2163], ["say", 2185], ["sayest", 2185], ["said", 2185], ["space", 2198], ["spaced", 2198], ["spacing", 2198], ["slid", 2224], ["try", 2250], ["tryed", 2250], ["see", 2257], ["record", 2276], ["recording", 2276], ["past", 2329], ["part", 2342], ["parting", 2342], ["froze", 2354], ["freeze", 2354], ["frozen", 2354], ["freezing", 2354], ["freezes", 2354], ["guy", 2376], ["asian", 2407], ["asians", 2407], ["stop", 2419], ["stops", 2419], ["slid", 2427], ["sliding", 2427], ["work", 2453], ["wrought", 2453], ["works", 2453], ["asia", 2461], ["resume", 2489], ["backward", 2506], ["rewind", 2516], ["far", 2524], ["hear", 2559], ["hears", 2559], ["drug", 2607], ["drugs", 2607], ["free", 2625], ["friend", 2650], ["friends", 2650], ["relative", 2663], ["relatives", 2663], ["frown", 2708], ["frowns", 2708], ["wonder", 2720], ["wonderest", 2720], ["wondering", 2720], ["offer", 2750], ["head", 2759], ["drug", 2789], ["look", 2827], ["shoulder", 2845], ["shouldered", 2845], ["walk", 2857], ["walks", 2857], ["door", 2869], ["open", 2879], ["opens", 2879], ["peek", 2887], ["peeks", 2887], ["yet", 2908], ["rewind", 2930], ["rewinds", 2930], ["start", 2943], ["sat", 2968], ["sit", 2968], ["widen", 2990], ["continue", 3033], ["continues", 3033], ["press", 3055], ["presses", 3055], ["button", 3068], ["buttoning", 3068], ["buttons", 3068], ["cellphone", 3085], ["watch", 3091], ["transmit", 3113], ["transmitting", 3113], ["datum", 3122], ["data", 3122], ["password", 3170], ["readily", 3188], ["supply", 3197], ["supplies", 3197], ["upload", 3210], ["uploaded", 3210], ["uploading", 3210], ["prompt", 3217], ["prompting", 3217], ["start", 3224], ["starts", 3224], ["prompt", 3236], ["prompting", 3236], ["prompts", 3236], ["come", 3241], ["ask", 3251], ["asking", 3251], ["delete", 3274], ["deletes", 3274], ["blank", 3284], ["blanks", 3284], ["click", 3302], ["clicks", 3302], ["yes", 3306], ["minute", 3347], ["walk", 3395], ["walking", 3395], ["look", 3419], ["looking", 3419], ["distress", 3430], ["distressed", 3430], ["distressest", 3430], ["swerve", 3452], ["realize", 3480], ["realizing", 3480], ["hide", 3513], ["hides", 3513], ["cubicle", 3536], ["cubicles", 3536], ["footstep", 3556], ["footsteps", 3556], ["get", 3561], ["gets", 3561], ["close", 3568], ["closer", 3568], ["hear", 3584], ["hears", 3584], ["room", 3624], ["roomed", 3624], ["obviously", 3660], ["button", 3700], ["buttoning", 3700], ["punch", 3714], ["punching", 3714], ["punches", 3714], ["yell", 3758], ["yells", 3758], ["loudly", 3768], ["echo", 3783], ["echoed", 3783], ["echoes", 3783], ["throughout", 3794], ["empty", 3804], ["get", 3824], ["got", 3824], ["know", 3877], ["knowest", 3877], ["knows", 3877], ["ugly", 3906], ["sneak", 3928], ["sneakest", 3928], ["cubicle", 3970], ["quick", 4005], ["call", 4026], ["sick", 4034], ["shut", 4061], ["livid", 4154], ["entry", 4193], ["log", 4197], ["logs", 4197], ["find", 4262], ["finds", 4262], ["mumble", 4302], ["mumbles", 4302], ["need", 4331], ["needest", 4331], ["needed", 4331], ["team", 4348], ["teamed", 4348], ["teaming", 4348], ["action", 4360], ["chapter", 4370], ["gather", 4383], ["gathering", 4383], ["gatherings", 4383], ["grand", 4402], ["stone", 4408], ["stoning", 4408], ["ridge", 4414], ["ray", 4418], ["arrive", 4436], ["arrived", 4436], ["mansion", 4449], ["locate", 4480], ["located", 4480], ["hill", 4490], ["view", 4515], ["viewest", 4515], ["city", 4527], ["childhood", 4552], ["friend", 4559], ["host", 4570], ["hosted", 4570], ["hostest", 4570], ["hosting", 4570], ["party", 4578], ["invite", 4594], ["invites", 4594], ["invited", 4594], ["george", 4613], ["walter", 4620], ["carter", 4635], ["grow", 4640], ["growest", 4640], ["grew", 4640], ["together", 4652], ["fortunate", 4675], ["intern", 4701], ["influential", 4721], ["senator", 4729], ["early", 4735], ["learn", 4770], ["learns", 4770], ["learnt", 4770], ["learned", 4770], ["trade", 4780], ["become", 4795], ["successful", 4808], ["lobbyist", 4817], ["retire", 4843], ["retired", 4843]]
ray speaks highly of george , and gracy can tell they have a pretty close relationship . dressed in glaring violet , ray thinks gracy look enchanting tonight , more so than ever . her eyes have a certain glow . gracy feels wonderful . she has not felt this in love before . they walk up the stairs and then into the house . george walter immediately sees them and swiftly walks toward them . ray , my good old buddy . they shake hands vigorously . i can see that business is still good . ray compliments his friend . ca n't complain , george replied . let me introduce you to some of my visitors . george walks over to one of the guys standing close by . this is yvain symeon , one of france 's new millionaires . yvain , this is my childhood friend ray carter . ray and yvain shake hands . a guy just walks in and everyone 's heads turn . wow , the secretary of treasury is here . i invited him but did not expect him to actually show up . excuse me for a moment . george then walks toward the highest ranking government official to ever grace this residence . mr. secretary , what a great honour to have you here , george greets the secretary warmly . i know george is good at networking , but i did not know he had friends in high places , ray says playfully to gracy . gracy smiled . i need a break and you give me a good excuse to come out tonight , secretary bernard carlyle says . ray does not know anyone in the party except for george and the secretary of the treasury , who does not know him . so he introduces himself to other businessman and starts chatting . your friend george is a good man , one businessman offered . i know ray says smiling . indeed , a hard working man , another guest interjects . he does not have the ferocity or influence of morris stark but he gets things done . he would have made an excellent lawyer . you should see him at work . a very eloquent and wise man . several drinks and hors d'oeuvres later , ray runs into one of george 's three sons . john , the eldest is all grown up now . so how are the three brothers doing ? we are all doing good . by the way , this is my girlfriend gracy . this is john , george 's eldest son . gracy and john shake hands . well the two brothers are doing good . cole is still the black sheep of the family , a guy who looks like he came with john says . cole the youngest ? yeah , a troublemaker , john 's guest replies . nah , he is just hyper , john responds . and how is martin ? ray inquires . travelling the world . he ca n't stay still in one place . just as john says that , his father comes out and invites everyone for dinner . as dish after dish is served , gracy observes , your friend george surely does not hold back . what a luscious and sumptuous dinner . suddenly there is a noise outside . sounds of a woman yelling can be heard inside . ray asks george . just that crazy radical activist , george replies . idia alea ? gracy asks . yes , george replies . the activist who resorts to violence and twists the truth to suit her agenda , gracy adds . `` she is a violent extremist so full of hate . but she earned a lot of money from people just as crazy as her . she issued a death threat against people who eat meat . idia has one thing in common with those executives who defraud and mislead investors out of millions of dollars or those corrupt politicians . all of them just care about themselves and would try to get what they want at all cost . '' one guest says . i think she is an opportunist . she owns huge shares on windmills but has been campaigning against solar and other energy sources , ray added . a staff approaches george and tells him idia has been arrested for trespassing . the party continues . after socializing for half an hour , ray and gracy decide to head home . they bid farewell to george and his guests . on the road as ray and gracy 's car drive them home , ray is quiet , just looking out the window . after a while , gracy interrupts ray 's thoughts to ask if he is okay . ray nods but still looks worried . come on , you can tell me anything , gracy promised . i think now is as good as any for me to tell you a bit about myself that you might not know . this piques gracy 's interest , and she jokes , your deepest darkest secret ? ray nods with a serious face . and gracy is worried although she can not imagine anything bad coming out of ray . she just does not sense that in him . george , eldon and i all went to the same boarding school as kids . that 's why we were close . but there is one other thing that has made us closer .
[["ray", 3], ["speak", 10], ["spoken", 10], ["speaks", 10], ["highly", 17], ["george", 27], ["tell", 48], ["pretty", 67], ["prettiest", 67], ["close", 73], ["relationship", 86], ["dress", 96], ["dressest", 96], ["dressed", 96], ["glare", 107], ["glaring", 107], ["violet", 114], ["think", 127], ["thinkest", 127], ["thinks", 127], ["look", 138], ["tonight", 157], ["ever", 177], ["everest", 177], ["eye", 188], ["eyed", 188], ["eyes", 188], ["certain", 203], ["glow", 208], ["glowest", 208], ["feel", 222], ["feels", 222], ["wonderful", 232], ["feel", 251], ["felt", 251], ["love", 264], ["walk", 283], ["stair", 297], ["stairs", 297], ["house", 321], ["walter", 337], ["immediately", 349], ["see", 354], ["sees", 354], ["swiftly", 371], ["walk", 377], ["walks", 377], ["toward", 384], ["good", 405], ["old", 409], ["buddy", 415], ["shake", 428], ["hand", 434], ["hands", 434], ["vigorously", 445], ["see", 457], ["business", 471], ["still", 480], ["compliment", 503], ["compliments", 503], ["friend", 514], ["ca", 519], ["cas", 519], ["complain", 532], ["reply", 549], ["replied", 549], ["let", 555], ["lets", 555], ["introduce", 568], ["visitor", 595], ["visitors", 595], ["guy", 634], ["guys", 634], ["stand", 643], ["stood", 643], ["standest", 643], ["standing", 643], ["france", 691], ["new", 698], ["millionaire", 711], ["millionaires", 711], ["childhood", 742], ["carter", 760], ["guy", 796], ["everyone", 823], ["head", 832], ["heads", 832], ["turn", 837], ["wow", 843], ["secretary", 859], ["treasury", 871], ["invite", 891], ["invites", 891], ["invited", 891], ["expect", 914], ["show", 935], ["excuse", 947], ["moment", 963], ["ranking", 1010], ["government", 1021], ["official", 1030], ["grace", 1044], ["residence", 1059], ["mr", 1064], ["great", 1090], ["honour", 1097], ["honourest", 1097], ["greet", 1130], ["greeting", 1130], ["greets", 1130], ["warmly", 1151], ["know", 1160], ["knowest", 1160], ["networking", 1189], ["friend", 1225], ["friends", 1225], ["high", 1233], ["place", 1240], ["places", 1240], ["say", 1251], ["sayest", 1251], ["says", 1251], ["playfully", 1261], ["smile", 1285], ["smiled", 1285], ["need", 1294], ["needest", 1294], ["broke", 1302], ["break", 1302], ["give", 1315], ["come", 1340], ["bernard", 1372], ["carlyle", 1380], ["anyone", 1412], ["party", 1425], ["except", 1432], ["introduce", 1520], ["introduces", 1520], ["businessman", 1549], ["start", 1560], ["starts", 1560], ["chat", 1569], ["chating", 1569], ["chatting", 1569], ["man", 1604], ["mans", 1604], ["manned", 1604], ["offer", 1630], ["offered", 1630], ["smile", 1656], ["smiling", 1656], ["indeed", 1665], ["hard", 1674], ["work", 1682], ["wrought", 1682], ["working", 1682], ["another", 1696], ["guest", 1702], ["guestest", 1702], ["interject", 1713], ["interjects", 1713], ["ferocity", 1745], ["influence", 1758], ["morris", 1768], ["stark", 1774], ["starks", 1774], ["get", 1786], ["gets", 1786], ["thing", 1793], ["things", 1793], ["excellent", 1832], ["lawyer", 1839], ["work", 1868], ["wrought", 1868], ["eloquent", 1886], ["wise", 1895], ["several", 1909], ["drank", 1916], ["drink", 1916], ["drinking", 1916], ["drinks", 1916], ["hor", 1925], ["later", 1941], ["run", 1952], ["runs", 1952], ["three", 1980], ["son", 1985], ["sons", 1985], ["john", 1992], ["eld", 2005], ["eldest", 2005], ["grow", 2018], ["growest", 2018], ["grown", 2018], ["brother", 2057], ["brethren", 2057], ["brothers", 2057], ["way", 2100], ["ways", 2100], ["girlfriend", 2124], ["son", 2168], ["well", 2204], ["wells", 2204], ["two", 2212], ["twos", 2212], ["cole", 2243], ["coles", 2243], ["black", 2262], ["sheep", 2268], ["sheeps", 2268], ["family", 2282], ["look", 2300], ["looks", 2300], ["like", 2305], ["come", 2313], ["came", 2313], ["young", 2348], ["youngest", 2348], ["yeah", 2355], ["troublemaker", 2372], ["reply", 2396], ["nah", 2402], ["hyper", 2421], ["respond", 2437], ["respondest", 2437], ["responds", 2437], ["martin", 2457], ["travel", 2485], ["travelling", 2485], ["world", 2495], ["stay", 2512], ["place", 2531], ["father", 2569], ["fathered", 2569], ["fathering", 2569], ["come", 2575], ["comes", 2575], ["invite", 2591], ["invites", 2591], ["dinner", 2611], ["dish", 2621], ["dished", 2621], ["serve", 2642], ["served", 2642], ["observe", 2659], ["observes", 2659], ["surely", 2687], ["hold", 2701], ["back", 2706], ["luscious", 2724], ["sumptuous", 2738], ["suddenly", 2756], ["noise", 2773], ["outside", 2781], ["sound", 2790], ["sounds", 2790], ["woman", 2801], ["womans", 2801], ["yell", 2809], ["yelling", 2809], ["hear", 2822], ["hears", 2822], ["heard", 2822], ["inside", 2829], ["ask", 2840], ["asks", 2840], ["crazy", 2865], ["radical", 2873], ["activist", 2882], ["yes", 2930], ["resort", 2974], ["resorted", 2974], ["resorts", 2974], ["violence", 2986], ["twist", 2997], ["twisted", 2997], ["twisting", 2997], ["twists", 2997], ["truth", 3007], ["suit", 3015], ["suited", 3015], ["agenda", 3026], ["add", 3039], ["adds", 3039], ["violent", 3061], ["extremist", 3071], ["full", 3079], ["hate", 3087], ["hateed", 3087], ["earn", 3104], ["earned", 3104], ["lot", 3110], ["money", 3119], ["moneys", 3119], ["people", 3131], ["issue", 3165], ["issued", 3165], ["death", 3173], ["threat", 3180], ["eat", 3203], ["meat", 3208], ["thing", 3229], ["common", 3239], ["commons", 3239], ["commonest", 3239], ["executive", 3261], ["executives", 3261], ["defraud", 3273], ["defrauds", 3273], ["defraudest", 3273], ["mislead", 3285], ["misleaded", 3285], ["misleading", 3285], ["investor", 3295], ["investors", 3295], ["million", 3311], ["millions", 3311], ["dollar", 3322], ["dollars", 3322], ["corrupt", 3339], ["politician", 3351], ["politicians", 3351], ["try", 3406], ["tryed", 3406], ["get", 3413], ["cost", 3440], ["think", 3470], ["thinkest", 3470], ["opportunist", 3492], ["huge", 3508], ["share", 3515], ["shares", 3515], ["windmill", 3528], ["windmills", 3528], ["campaign", 3553], ["campaigning", 3553], ["solar", 3567], ["solars", 3567], ["energy", 3584], ["source", 3592], ["sources", 3592], ["add", 3604], ["added", 3604], ["staff", 3614], ["staffing", 3614], ["approach", 3625], ["approaches", 3625], ["tell", 3642], ["tells", 3642], ["arrest", 3669], ["arrested", 3669], ["trespassing", 3685], ["continue", 3707], ["continues", 3707], ["socialize", 3727], ["socializes", 3727], ["socializing", 3727], ["half", 3736], ["hour", 3744], ["decide", 3767], ["head", 3775], ["home", 3780], ["homing", 3780], ["bid", 3791], ["farewell", 3800], ["guest", 3825], ["guestest", 3825], ["guests", 3825], ["road", 3839], ["car", 3863], ["drive", 3869], ["quiet", 3894], ["look", 3909], ["looking", 3909], ["window", 3924], ["windows", 3924], ["interrupt", 3959], ["interruptest", 3959], ["interrupts", 3959], ["thought", 3975], ["thoughts", 3975], ["ask", 3982], ["okay", 3996], ["nod", 4007], ["nods", 4007], ["anything", 4068], ["promise", 4085], ["promised", 4085], ["bit", 4142], ["bits", 4142], ["may", 4170], ["mays", 4170], ["mayest", 4170], ["might", 4170], ["pique", 4193], ["piques", 4193], ["interest", 4211], ["joke", 4227], ["jokes", 4227], ["deep", 4242], ["deeply", 4242], ["deepest", 4242], ["darkest", 4250], ["secret", 4257], ["serious", 4283], ["face", 4288], ["worry", 4311], ["worried", 4311], ["although", 4320], ["imagine", 4340], ["bad", 4353], ["come", 4360], ["coming", 4360], ["sense", 4397], ["go", 4441], ["goest", 4441], ["went", 4441], ["boarding", 4462], ["school", 4469], ["schooling", 4469], ["kid", 4477], ["kids", 4477], ["close", 4560], ["closer", 4560]]
we were all victims of child abuse in that boarding school . gracy is shocked and covers her mouth . i was too young to understand what is going on . but i know something is not right and i was afraid . it goes on for a while . we later learned that each of us were all victims . but at that time , i was very afraid and kept quiet . we 've learned later that all of us were told that if we told anybody , we would be hunted down and our parts will be cutoff . oh ray , that 's terrible . gracy was shocked but lost for words . the three of us were the quiet ones . maybe that 's why they picked us . so aside from being abused , we also constantly had to face bullying , sometimes physically . one of our greatest tormentor was kayden . i think he had issues with his parents divorcing and he took it out on us . then one day , george saw him with our abuser . he told me he saw them alone . days later kayden was found dead with his thing cut off . i blamed myself for the longest time . for not being brave enough to report on our abuser . all three of us took the witness stand during our abuser 's trial and george was the main witness that put our abuser away for good . all three of us kept in touch after the incident and remain friends to this day . gracy just stares in disbelief . i became a broken man . suffering from attention deficit disorder and at some point depression . i became irritated for the longest time . i never quite figured out what was wrong with me . it was like learning to live again . until i went to see a psychologist then things started to unravel . with physical abuses , you can see the bruises and treat them . for emotional trauma , treating the invisible wound is trickier . i have felt like i do n't belong to this world . i felt like i am damaged goods , dirty , hopeless . i felt so ashamed of myself . all this feelings threatened to destroy me . sexual arousal became an experience full of guilt and conflicted feelings . i became short tempered . ray continues , still not looking at gracy , with the help of a psychologist , i was able to redirect my energy from anger to helping others . my experience has caused me to have very little patience for injustices . that 's why i got involved in charitable organizations and other projects . through my psychologist , i was able to identify that i have post-traumatic stress syndrome or ptsd , which is also common among soldiers who have seen deaths in battlefield . our brains and emotions are so fragile . if a devil wants to cause you to hate and compromise you for life , they just have to create condition that could cause you to suffer ptsd or emotional breakdown . and apparently the reason i feel like i am constantly trying to learn to live , with lingering feelings of being alienated and being an outcast , is that my growing years were so brutally altered . i was told it had affected my brain development . but i swear to always be kind , helpful and unselfish so that no matter what anger and frustration i feel , i will never fall down to the abyss of hate . of course my experience has made me even more vulnerable to bullying . since bullies sense fear and anxiety , i was also afraid that i could become like my abuser , which made me scared of being around children . i would later learn from my psychologist that false fear and guilt are quite a common occurrences among victims of abuse , i am not sure why i am telling you all this . but i felt we are getting serious and you deserve to know the real me . gracy then looks at ray and gently holds his chin , turning it toward her . if you are afraid that i am going to leave you or look at you any less because of this you are wrong . ray looks at gracy for the first time since he started relating his childhood story . if anything , it has just increased my respect for you immensely . that having gone through all that abuse , you came out better than anyone i 've ever met . most people would have break and lost it already . yeah , i guess everyone has their own breaking point . love is the most potent antidote to hate . even at moment that feels like my darkest hour , i held on to my beliefs and to the feeling of love and compassion . as corny as that may sound . if i were you , i would have kicked the hell out of those bullies . yeah , i could have done a better job of standing up to them , but violence would just lead to endless cycle of acrimony and elevated levels of hate . from observing all the bullies , i can say they are usually people who are victims of hate themselves . in mild cases , they are just insecure and guilt filled quickly getting angry . in one of the areas i did volunteer work in . people called it 'the ghetto area . ' one insecure guy looking cautiously at another . second insecure and guilt filled guy angrily reply 'what are you looking at ! ? ' the first guy humbly says sorry . and each one of them part ways .
[["victim", 19], ["victims", 19], ["child", 28], ["childs", 28], ["abuse", 34], ["boarding", 51], ["school", 58], ["schooling", 58], ["shock", 77], ["shocked", 77], ["cover", 88], ["covers", 88], ["mouth", 98], ["mouthed", 98], ["young", 116], ["youngest", 116], ["understand", 130], ["understanded", 130], ["go", 144], ["goest", 144], ["going", 144], ["know", 160], ["knowest", 160], ["right", 183], ["rightest", 183], ["afraid", 200], ["go", 210], ["goest", 210], ["goes", 210], ["later", 236], ["learn", 244], ["learns", 244], ["learnt", 244], ["learned", 244], ["time", 296], ["keep", 325], ["keepest", 325], ["kept", 325], ["quiet", 331], ["tell", 379], ["told", 379], ["anybody", 403], ["hunt", 424], ["hunting", 424], ["huntest", 424], ["hunted", 424], ["part", 443], ["parting", 443], ["parts", 443], ["cutoff", 458], ["oh", 463], ["ray", 467], ["terrible", 486], ["lose", 515], ["lost", 515], ["word", 525], ["words", 525], ["three", 537], ["maybe", 571], ["pick", 595], ["picked", 595], ["aside", 609], ["abuse", 627], ["abused", 627], ["also", 637], ["constantly", 648], ["face", 660], ["bullying", 669], ["physically", 692], ["great", 714], ["greatest", 714], ["tormentor", 724], ["think", 745], ["thinkest", 745], ["issue", 759], ["issues", 759], ["parent", 776], ["parents", 776], ["divorce", 786], ["divorcing", 786], ["take", 798], ["took", 798], ["day", 826], ["george", 835], ["see", 839], ["saw", 839], ["abuser", 859], ["alone", 890], ["day", 897], ["days", 897], ["find", 920], ["found", 920], ["dead", 925], ["thing", 940], ["cut", 944], ["blame", 959], ["blamest", 959], ["blamed", 959], ["long", 982], ["longs", 982], ["longest", 982], ["brave", 1009], ["enough", 1016], ["report", 1026], ["witness", 1075], ["stand", 1081], ["stood", 1081], ["standest", 1081], ["trial", 1108], ["main", 1132], ["put", 1149], ["away", 1165], ["good", 1174], ["touch", 1206], ["touching", 1206], ["incident", 1225], ["remain", 1236], ["friend", 1244], ["friends", 1244], ["stare", 1276], ["stared", 1276], ["stares", 1276], ["disbelief", 1289], ["disbeliefs", 1289], ["become", 1300], ["became", 1300], ["man", 1313], ["mans", 1313], ["manned", 1313], ["suffer", 1325], ["suffering", 1325], ["attention", 1340], ["deficit", 1348], ["disorder", 1357], ["point", 1375], ["depression", 1386], ["never", 1438], ["quite", 1444], ["figure", 1452], ["figured", 1452], ["wrong", 1471], ["like", 1493], ["learn", 1502], ["learns", 1502], ["learnt", 1502], ["learning", 1502], ["live", 1510], ["go", 1531], ["goest", 1531], ["went", 1531], ["see", 1538], ["psychologist", 1553], ["thing", 1565], ["things", 1565], ["start", 1573], ["started", 1573], ["unravel", 1584], ["physical", 1600], ["abuse", 1607], ["abuses", 1607], ["bruise", 1633], ["bruises", 1633], ["treat", 1643], ["treats", 1643], ["treatest", 1643], ["emotional", 1664], ["trauma", 1671], ["traumas", 1671], ["treat", 1682], ["treats", 1682], ["treatest", 1682], ["treating", 1682], ["invisible", 1696], ["wind", 1702], ["wound", 1702], ["wounding", 1702], ["tricky", 1714], ["feel", 1728], ["felt", 1728], ["belong", 1749], ["belonged", 1749], ["belongest", 1749], ["world", 1763], ["damage", 1790], ["damaging", 1790], ["damaged", 1790], ["good", 1796], ["goods", 1796], ["dirty", 1804], ["hopeless", 1815], ["ashamed", 1835], ["feeling", 1865], ["feelings", 1865], ["threaten", 1876], ["threatened", 1876], ["destroy", 1887], ["destroys", 1887], ["sexual", 1899], ["arousal", 1907], ["experience", 1928], ["experienced", 1928], ["full", 1933], ["guilt", 1942], ["guilts", 1942], ["conflict", 1957], ["conflicted", 1957], ["conflictest", 1957], ["short", 1983], ["temper", 1992], ["tempered", 1992], ["continue", 2008], ["continues", 2008], ["still", 2016], ["look", 2028], ["looking", 2028], ["help", 2053], ["helpest", 2053], ["able", 2084], ["abled", 2084], ["redirect", 2096], ["energy", 2106], ["anger", 2117], ["help", 2128], ["helpest", 2128], ["helping", 2128], ["cause", 2162], ["caused", 2162], ["little", 2185], ["patience", 2194], ["injustice", 2209], ["injustices", 2209], ["get", 2229], ["got", 2229], ["involve", 2238], ["involved", 2238], ["charitable", 2252], ["organization", 2266], ["organizations", 2266], ["project", 2285], ["projectest", 2285], ["projects", 2285], ["identify", 2336], ["post", 2353], ["traumatic", 2363], ["stress", 2370], ["syndrome", 2379], ["syndromed", 2379], ["ptsd", 2387], ["common", 2410], ["commons", 2410], ["commonest", 2410], ["among", 2416], ["soldier", 2425], ["soldiered", 2425], ["soldiers", 2425], ["see", 2439], ["seen", 2439], ["death", 2446], ["deaths", 2446], ["battlefield", 2461], ["battlefields", 2461], ["brain", 2474], ["brained", 2474], ["braining", 2474], ["brains", 2474], ["emotion", 2487], ["emotions", 2487], ["fragile", 2502], ["devil", 2515], ["devils", 2515], ["cause", 2530], ["hate", 2542], ["hateed", 2542], ["compromise", 2557], ["compromised", 2557], ["life", 2570], ["lifes", 2570], ["create", 2597], ["condition", 2607], ["suffer", 2638], ["suffering", 2638], ["breakdown", 2666], ["breakdowns", 2666], ["apparently", 2683], ["reason", 2694], ["reasonest", 2694], ["feel", 2701], ["try", 2729], ["tryed", 2729], ["trying", 2729], ["learn", 2738], ["learns", 2738], ["learnt", 2738], ["linger", 2763], ["lingered", 2763], ["lingering", 2763], ["alienate", 2791], ["alienated", 2791], ["alienates", 2791], ["outcast", 2812], ["grow", 2833], ["growest", 2833], ["growing", 2833], ["year", 2839], ["years", 2839], ["brutally", 2856], ["alter", 2864], ["altered", 2864], ["affect", 2893], ["affected", 2893], ["brain", 2902], ["brained", 2902], ["braining", 2902], ["development", 2914], ["swear", 2928], ["sweared", 2928], ["always", 2938], ["kind", 2946], ["helpful", 2956], ["unselfish", 2970], ["matter", 2988], ["mattering", 2988], ["frustration", 3015], ["fall", 3042], ["falls", 3042], ["course", 3080], ["even", 3111], ["evens", 3111], ["vulnerable", 3127], ["since", 3147], ["bully", 3155], ["bullies", 3155], ["sense", 3161], ["fear", 3166], ["fearest", 3166], ["anxiety", 3178], ["become", 3218], ["around", 3272], ["child", 3281], ["childs", 3281], ["children", 3281], ["false", 3335], ["occurrence", 3381], ["occurrences", 3381], ["sure", 3420], ["tell", 3437], ["telling", 3437], ["get", 3478], ["getting", 3478], ["serious", 3486], ["deserve", 3502], ["deserved", 3502], ["real", 3519], ["reis", 3519], ["look", 3541], ["looks", 3541], ["gently", 3559], ["hold", 3565], ["holds", 3565], ["chin", 3574], ["turn", 3584], ["turning", 3584], ["toward", 3594], ["left", 3643], ["leave", 3643], ["look", 3655], ["less", 3671], ["first", 3736], ["firstest", 3736], ["relate", 3767], ["relates", 3767], ["relating", 3767], ["childhood", 3781], ["story", 3787], ["anything", 3801], ["increase", 3825], ["increased", 3825], ["respect", 3836], ["immensely", 3854], ["go", 3873], ["goest", 3873], ["gone", 3873], ["come", 3907], ["came", 3907], ["well", 3918], ["wells", 3918], ["anyone", 3930], ["ever", 3941], ["everest", 3941], ["meet", 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4621], ["filled", 4621], ["quickly", 4629], ["angry", 4643], ["area", 4665], ["areas", 4665], ["volunteer", 4681], ["work", 4686], ["wrought", 4686], ["call", 4705], ["called", 4705], ["ghetto", 4720], ["ghettos", 4720], ["ghettoest", 4720], ["area", 4725], ["guy", 4746], ["cautiously", 4765], ["another", 4776], ["second", 4785], ["seconded", 4785], ["angrily", 4823], ["reply", 4829], ["humbly", 4881], ["say", 4886], ["sayest", 4886], ["says", 4886], ["sorry", 4892], ["part", 4920], ["parting", 4920], ["way", 4925], ["ways", 4925]]
now these two guys grew up in crime infested areas and their fight or flight reflex are a bit screwed . if the first guy would have reacted angrily also , it might end up with two of them killing each other . gracy listens intently . this scene is figuratively repeated everywhere . children of broken families , war veteran who are filled with guilt from the wide spread murders , child abuse or domestic violence victim , bullying victims , or being raised by a hateful bigoted parents are just some of the hate promoting acts and crimes . in mild cases , it can lead to tendency of being hateful , engaging in false gossip and falsely accusing someone to get back at the people they hate . at worst it will be an act of violence and deatheither suicide , or murder and massacre . but working at the charities and helping people , i 've learned no matter how bad a person seems , they can usually be rehabilitated and helped . looks like george was able to weather the storm with no trace of behavioural problem also . what about eldon ? gracy observed . the three of us were lucky that we were all able to overcome our struggle . george handled it best . i admire his strength and how he was able to survive through this . eldon had some behavioural problem at some point . he had abusive tendencies . he does not smile as if a smile would make him look weak . he was short tempered and easily irritated and blew people off for little things . but he came around and got a wake up call when his partner in the police , devon , who was a bigoted nazi sympathizer full of hate , went on to beat the shit out of a gay person that they had arrested . eldon felt guilty later because he thinks he did not react right away to stop his partner . he fears that he might have secretly wanted the guy dead . but reviewing the video of the incident actually shows eldon reacted immediately upon seeing what is going on no more than 3 seconds of pause after the initial shock . but still he blamed himself . he thought he is turning into devon . devon has a very macho , i guess you can say overly macho , demeanour . it later turned out that he is a pedophile . eldon couldnt believe his misfortune to encounter two pedophiles in his life . it seems like a poetic justice for him to arrest devon and i think that helps him a bit to settle what has been bugging him . we later recalled similarities between devon and our abuser . both have overly compensated masculinity and were hateful . they have suppressed feelings with total lost of empathy . eldon changed from that day on and his violent outbursts have never reared their ugly head again . interesting , never thought of macho type to be pedophiles . not all , but a lot of them are . but according to my psychologist , some are pretty normal and are even good charitable citizens of the community . while some victims of abuse becomes aggressive to hide their insecurity . i guess there is no one template that you can use to identify a pedophile . it is really unfathomable that someone could be so evil as to do this to innocent children . it is a sad reality . now you know my deepest darkest secret , ray says . no , now i know you are a man of integrity able to stand any evilness thrown at you . gracy concluded . cedric 's homecoming cedric arrives back home in san francisco . ten of his friends come to see him , so they decide to go out and enjoy the night around the city . cedric asks bobby , so how 's anna doing ? bobby responds with shock on his face as he turned to look at cedric . his mouth started twitching and eyes going left and right . cedric is puzzled by his friend 's contorted face and asks what ? and realizes too late why . one of the lady friends , christine , standing beside bobby , puts her clenched fists to either side of her waist like a mother about to scold her child , and asks bobby , who is anna ? oh , anna is the cat i 've asked him to look after , cedric quickly replies . she is doing fine , bobby replies . you name your cat anna ? i never saw any cat in your place bobby , christine inquires . it 's at my parents place now , bobby replies , which seems to calm christine down as she gets distracted by a display in a store window . bobby then turns to cedric giving him a scornful look . cedric laughs silently , tightening his lips so as not to laugh out loud . cedric quietly thinks to himself , i guess bobby and anna are evidently no longer going out with each other . the group of friends then heads to a club . the music is blaring with the latest electronic dance beat . one of his friends , jake , starts dancing awkwardly with his head stretching progressively forward like a giraffe then retracting . this gets some laughs from the lady across him who then approached him .
[["two", 13], ["twos", 13], ["guy", 18], ["guys", 18], ["grow", 23], ["growest", 23], ["grew", 23], ["crime", 35], ["infest", 44], ["infestest", 44], ["infested", 44], ["area", 50], ["areas", 50], ["fight", 66], ["fightest", 66], ["flight", 76], ["reflex", 83], ["bit", 93], ["bits", 93], ["first", 116], ["firstest", 116], ["guy", 120], ["react", 139], ["reacted", 139], ["angrily", 147], ["also", 152], ["may", 163], ["mays", 163], ["mayest", 163], ["might", 163], ["end", 167], ["ends", 167], ["endest", 167], ["kill", 195], ["killing", 195], ["listen", 222], ["listens", 222], ["intently", 231], ["scene", 244], ["figuratively", 260], ["repeat", 269], ["repeatest", 269], ["repeated", 269], ["everywhere", 280], ["child", 291], ["childs", 291], ["children", 291], ["family", 310], ["families", 310], ["war", 316], ["veteran", 324], ["fill", 339], ["fills", 339], ["filled", 339], ["guilt", 350], ["guilts", 350], ["wide", 364], ["spread", 371], ["murder", 379], ["murderest", 379], ["murders", 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["seeing", 1893], ["go", 1907], ["goest", 1907], ["going", 1907], ["second", 1933], ["seconded", 1933], ["seconds", 1933], ["pause", 1942], ["initial", 1960], ["shock", 1966], ["still", 1978], ["blame", 1988], ["blamest", 1988], ["blamed", 1988], ["think", 2009], ["thinkest", 2009], ["thought", 2009], ["turn", 2023], ["turning", 2023], ["macho", 2059], ["guess", 2069], ["say", 2081], ["sayest", 2081], ["overly", 2088], ["demeanour", 2106], ["turn", 2124], ["turned", 2124], ["pedophile", 2151], ["believe", 2175], ["misfortune", 2190], ["encounter", 2203], ["pedophile", 2218], ["pedophiles", 2218], ["life", 2230], ["lifes", 2230], ["poetic", 2255], ["justice", 2263], ["arrest", 2281], ["think", 2299], ["thinkest", 2299], ["help", 2310], ["helpest", 2310], ["helps", 2310], ["settle", 2330], ["bug", 2352], ["bugged", 2352], ["bugging", 2352], ["recall", 2376], ["recallest", 2376], ["recalled", 2376], ["similarity", 2389], ["similarities", 2389], ["abuser", 2418], ["compensate", 2449], ["compensated", 2449], ["masculinity", 2461], ["suppress", 2501], ["suppresses", 2501], ["suppressed", 2501], ["feeling", 2510], ["feelings", 2510], ["total", 2521], ["lose", 2526], ["lost", 2526], ["empathy", 2537], ["change", 2553], ["changed", 2553], ["day", 2567], ["violent", 2586], ["outburst", 2596], ["outbursts", 2596], ["never", 2607], ["rear", 2614], ["reared", 2614], ["ugly", 2625], ["head", 2630], ["interesting", 2650], ["type", 2680], ["lot", 2719], ["accord", 2747], ["according", 2747], ["psychologist", 2766], ["pretty", 2784], ["prettiest", 2784], ["normal", 2791], ["even", 2804], ["evens", 2804], ["good", 2809], ["charitable", 2820], ["citizen", 2829], ["citizens", 2829], ["community", 2846], ["become", 2884], ["becomes", 2884], ["aggressive", 2895], ["hide", 2903], ["hides", 2903], ["insecurity", 2920], ["template", 2955], ["use", 2972], ["identify", 2984], ["really", 3011], ["unfathomable", 3024], ["evil", 3054], ["evils", 3054], ["evilest", 3054], ["innocent", 3080], 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["twitching", 3576], ["eye", 3585], ["eyed", 3585], ["eyes", 3585], ["left", 3596], ["leave", 3596], ["puzzle", 3626], ["puzzled", 3626], ["friend", 3640], ["realize", 3687], ["realizes", 3687], ["late", 3696], ["lates", 3696], ["lady", 3718], ["christine", 3738], ["stand", 3749], ["stood", 3749], ["standest", 3749], ["standing", 3749], ["beside", 3756], ["put", 3769], ["puts", 3769], ["fist", 3788], ["fists", 3788], ["either", 3798], ["side", 3803], ["sidest", 3803], ["waist", 3816], ["mother", 3830], ["mothered", 3830], ["motherest", 3830], ["scold", 3845], ["scolds", 3845], ["oh", 3891], ["cat", 3909], ["ask", 3921], ["asked", 3921], ["quickly", 3956], ["reply", 3964], ["fine", 3984], ["name", 4011], ["see", 4039], ["saw", 4039], ["place", 4061], ["inquire", 4088], ["inquires", 4088], ["calm", 4158], ["calms", 4158], ["get", 4185], ["gets", 4185], ["distract", 4196], ["distracted", 4196], ["display", 4209], ["store", 4220], ["window", 4227], ["windows", 4227], ["turn", 4246], ["turns", 4246], ["give", 4263], ["giving", 4263], ["scornful", 4278], ["laugh", 4299], ["laughs", 4299], ["silently", 4308], ["tighten", 4321], ["tightens", 4321], ["tightenest", 4321], ["tightening", 4321], ["lip", 4330], ["lipped", 4330], ["lips", 4330], ["laugh", 4349], ["loud", 4358], ["quietly", 4375], ["evidently", 4432], ["long", 4442], ["longs", 4442], ["group", 4480], ["head", 4502], ["heads", 4502], ["club", 4512], ["clubbed", 4512], ["clubbing", 4512], ["music", 4524], ["musics", 4524], ["blare", 4535], ["blaring", 4535], ["late", 4551], ["lates", 4551], ["latest", 4551], ["electronic", 4562], ["dance", 4568], ["jake", 4601], ["jakes", 4601], ["jaked", 4601], ["start", 4610], ["starts", 4610], ["dance", 4618], ["awkwardly", 4628], ["stretch", 4653], ["stretching", 4653], ["progressively", 4667], ["forward", 4675], ["forwarding", 4675], ["forwardest", 4675], ["giraffe", 4690], ["giraffes", 4690], ["retract", 4706], ["retracting", 4706], ["across", 4751], ["approach", 4775], ["approaches", 4775], ["approached", 4775]]
blake , a skinny guy with eyeglasses screams over the loud music raising his two palm to the side gesturing to cedric in disbelief . unbelievable , he can dance and act geekiest and still get all the girls . cedric smiles at blake and says why do n't you try his move on that lady to your left ? cedric had seen her looking at blake earlier . approach her with jake 's move and you 'll seal the deal . blake thinks there is nothing to lose and goes toward the lady doing jake 's head movement . he dances with his hands crossing each other to the side and his shoulders swinging up and down like a seesaw . is that the latest dance move ? she asks , laughing shyly . you are talking to me and not running away . blake replies . cedric laughs and is glad to see blake has connected with his admirer . he then leaves the two alone and goes to sit with rose in a rounded couch in the corner . it is partially covered with glass panel , blocking some of the sound . so , what 's new in rose 's world ? not much has changed . glad to see you back here . yeah , good to be back . so are you coming with us for our planned road trip to vancouver , canada ? rose replied . seven of their friends soon join them with drinks for the group . one friend says , looks like blake is doing a jake tonight , which got them laughing . soon jake and blake join them with their new lady friend . then jake offers a toast . here 's a toast to the return of cedric , arowin or whatever you are called these days . everyone responds with 13 glasses raised to toast and cheer for cedric 's return . gathering at chicago the outdoor stadium is packed as reverend david patrick delivers a sermon and heals the sick . people are in a trance . patrick repeats , followed by a chorus from the crowd as they respond . good night and contribute to our charitable funds as you head out so that we can help more of our brothers and sisters . david is glad to be heading out . he hops into his luxurious bus with oscar , his assistant , right beside him . oscar has a towel dampened with alcohol ready for david . i need to wash my hands off from all those filthy christians hands , david would usually say after such an event . while people practically worship the reverend , oscar knows all of this is just an act . the reverend does not even believe in god . but it is a good business and good for gaining influence to advance their political cause . the reverend has a visitor tonight , and it looks like they have business to discuss . oscar offers them coffee and alcoholic beverages , then leaves , shutting the glass division behind him . it is one of those secret meetings where only the reverend and his guest are invited . julius is an elderly man with white eyebrows and gray hair ; he is one of morriss top confidantes . he is seated across david in the big comfortable couches inside the reverend 's luxurious bus . the chief has seen the effectiveness of influencing people 's opinion through religion . so he wants to ramp up our operation . julius wastes no time in getting the meeting started . i hope this means increased compensation . it is hard work dealing with these filthy people you know . david says contemptibly . you 'll get to keep most of it . now , it is our task to design a religion that has more appeal worldwide . i have formulated some suggestions . we currently have an asian branch based on buddhism and tai chi . we also have invested a lot to have a clerical influence in the middle east . our plan is to create a worldwide religion . we can claim we are descendant of david , and therefore , rightful rulers of this world because we have someone who is a successor from the hereditary line of jesus . maybe we can get some monarch to play that role to make it more believable . you think people will buy that ? with our media empire , we can spread news about discoveries of artifacts . you 'll be surprised at what people will believe in . but let 's set aside that suggestion for a while . we can create a religion that is not a religion . david frowns . now you are confusing me . we can claim we are above religion . we can call it aeon , the new era spiritual union . we can use scripture from each religion to claim it means that to be saved , they would have to be baptized with fire through our prophet or you . we can point to buddhist and islamic scripture , as well as the christian or jewish bible . i am sure there are phrases there that we can use and twist the context to make it appear as such . david is sceptical , but he remembers he felt the same way when they first introduced the concept of him being the reverend . now look where he is now . people donating huge portions of their income for miracles that he performs .
[["blake", 5], ["skinny", 16], ["guy", 20], ["eyeglass", 36], ["eyeglasses", 36], ["scream", 44], ["screams", 44], ["loud", 58], ["music", 64], ["musics", 64], ["raise", 72], ["raising", 72], ["two", 80], ["twos", 80], ["palm", 85], ["palms", 85], ["palmed", 85], ["palmest", 85], ["side", 97], ["sidest", 97], ["gesture", 107], ["gesturing", 107], ["disbelief", 130], ["disbeliefs", 130], ["unbelievable", 145], ["dance", 160], ["act", 168], ["acted", 168], ["still", 187], ["get", 191], ["girl", 205], ["girls", 205], ["smile", 221], ["smiles", 221], ["say", 239], ["sayest", 239], ["says", 239], ["try", 258], ["tryed", 258], ["move", 267], ["lady", 280], ["left", 293], ["see", 311], ["seen", 311], ["look", 323], ["looking", 323], ["early", 340], ["approach", 351], ["approaches", 351], ["jake", 365], ["jakes", 365], ["jaked", 365], ["seal", 390], ["deal", 399], ["think", 414], ["thinkest", 414], ["thinks", 414], ["nothing", 431], ["lose", 439], ["go", 448], ["goest", 448], ["goes", 448], 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["hereditary", 3693], ["line", 3698], ["jesus", 3707], ["maybe", 3715], ["monarch", 3739], ["monarchs", 3739], ["play", 3747], ["playest", 3747], ["role", 3757], ["believable", 3784], ["think", 3796], ["thinkest", 3796], ["buy", 3812], ["buyed", 3812], ["medium", 3834], ["mediums", 3834], ["media", 3834], ["empire", 3841], ["spread", 3857], ["news", 3862], ["newses", 3862], ["discovery", 3880], ["discoveries", 3880], ["artifact", 3893], ["artifacts", 3893], ["let", 3957], ["lets", 3957], ["set", 3964], ["aside", 3970], ["suggestion", 3986], ["confuse", 4087], ["confused", 4087], ["confusing", 4087], ["call", 4141], ["aeon", 4149], ["era", 4163], ["eras", 4163], ["spiritual", 4173], ["union", 4179], ["use", 4192], ["scripture", 4202], ["save", 4256], ["saved", 4256], ["baptize", 4289], ["baptized", 4289], ["fire", 4299], ["prophet", 4319], ["point", 4341], ["buddhist", 4353], ["islamic", 4365], ["well", 4385], ["wells", 4385], ["christian", 4402], ["christians", 4402], ["jewish", 4412], ["bible", 4418], ["sure", 4430], ["phrase", 4448], ["phrasing", 4448], ["phrases", 4448], ["twist", 4480], ["twisted", 4480], ["twisting", 4480], ["context", 4492], ["contexts", 4492], ["appear", 4510], ["sceptical", 4539], ["remember", 4558], ["rememberest", 4558], ["remembers", 4558], ["feel", 4566], ["felt", 4566], ["way", 4579], ["ways", 4579], ["first", 4595], ["firstest", 4595], ["introduce", 4606], ["introduced", 4606], ["concept", 4618], ["look", 4655], ["donate", 4689], ["donating", 4689], ["huge", 4694], ["portion", 4703], ["portions", 4703], ["income", 4719], ["miracle", 4732], ["miracles", 4732], ["perform", 4749], ["performest", 4749], ["performs", 4749]]
he started by using staged actors and later found he can actually make the sick feel like they have been cured , at least while they are on stage . david thinks to himself , human brains are an amazing thing when they are made to believe things . he realized he is working for an organization with worldwide reach that has the resources to do what they set out to do . with the success of our current club based on your original scheme , who am i to question your idea ? julius gets up to leave , then turns around and says . oh by the way , you have worked hard for us so i 'll let you in on a big scheme that i heard about . just do n't tell anybody , not even your dogs and cats . david swears . you know cardinal kojo thulani ? the black cardinal ? he is apparently being courted by morris . an aide of morris think he is being groomed as the next pope . how are they going to do that ? control the minds of the cardinals who vote for the pope ? we just have to raise the cardinal profile in the world . our media can help in presenting him in a positive light . as his popularity grows among the catholics , it would be crazy for the cardinals not to vote for him . with the current pope sick and not expected to live long , our opportunity might be opening soon . the cardinals are human , and declining numbers of catholics in the world means they would like someone popular to help attract new followers . and cardinal kojo thulani 's charisma would be a good fit for that . i would like to see them pull that off , david says , followed by a cynical laugh . chapter 8 money talks somewhere in paraguay morris stark marches in through a huge marbled building and toward the main quarter of the building . two huge bronze doors opened . inside is a big hall with marble floors . at the end is a big marble desk . it feels like he is approaching a throne to meet a supreme ruler . and morris is sure that the chief sitting at that marbled desk designed it in order to look like a throne suitable for the supreme ruler of the world . no one really knows the real identity of the chief except for morris and few of the top aides . they do n't even know whether the chief is a man or a woman . the chief is wearing a black robe with a hood that gives the bearer an air of superiority . it makes morris feels like he is meeting a ruler from the ancient times . behind the chief is a big banner with a crest whose design intrigued morris . morris once asked the chief what the crest represented . it was explained to him what the animals are . the top of the crest shows a red dragon with tail like those of the popular depiction of the red devil . it was adopted from the british red dragon that the chief saw on some monarch 's crest . the weird looking beast below it has the body of a leopard , feet of a bear , and a face with color of a leopard but shape like the head and mouth of a lion . this is taken from the christian revelation , morris was told . the feared beast with red dragon giving him the power , that 's why the red dragon is shining light onto the leopard-bodied beast in the crest . below the crest are the words nova roma ( new rome ) . morris is pretty sure the chief does not believe in god and is doing this more as a mockery against the christians . the chief has talked about creating a new roman empire , which will rid itself of the burden of morality . and where the superhuman will rule the world with the population as its slave . the chief promised to conquer and get to far reaches of the world without sending a single of their own army . not that they do not have an army . their private armies are increasing here in this private secluded area with all sorts of modern weaponry and surveillance equipments . the chief has said that they will succeed where hitler failed . they have established the base in this hideout , which they called nueva germania ( new germany ) , although it is not located in the district of nueva germania that the early german settlers built and later abandoned . this facility is mostly underground and people who does not know about the place would think it is just a big empty dirt land . the chief asks morris to be seated so they can begin discussing their business . so any progress on getting iceland on board with the mdi and common market treaty ? unfortunately we are having difficulty because there is widespread public opposition . they have switched to a more proportional and direct democratic system of government so their people can more easily block legislation even if we managed to get our man in their government . that is why i have asked you to push through the parliamentary system in the philippines . it would be good insurance and easier to control in case those voters education drive incites the people to be more involved . we are having success in that country . i 've talked to the president of the philippines .
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["animal", 2538], ["animals", 2538], ["show", 2571], ["shows", 2571], ["red", 2577], ["dragon", 2584], ["tail", 2594], ["tailed", 2594], ["depiction", 2630], ["devil", 2647], ["devils", 2647], ["adopt", 2664], ["adopted", 2664], ["british", 2681], ["see", 2711], ["saw", 2711], ["monarch", 2727], ["monarchs", 2727], ["weird", 2748], ["look", 2756], ["looking", 2756], ["beast", 2762], ["body", 2784], ["bodied", 2784], ["leopard", 2797], ["foot", 2804], ["feet", 2804], ["bear", 2814], ["bore", 2814], ["bearest", 2814], ["face", 2827], ["color", 2838], ["shape", 2861], ["shapes", 2861], ["head", 2875], ["mouth", 2885], ["mouthed", 2885], ["lion", 2895], ["take", 2911], ["taken", 2911], ["christian", 2930], ["christians", 2930], ["revelation", 2941], ["tell", 2959], ["told", 2959], ["fear", 2972], ["fearest", 2972], ["feared", 2972], ["give", 3001], ["giving", 3001], ["power", 3015], ["shone", 3055], ["shine", 3055], ["shined", 3055], ["shining", 3055], ["onto", 3066], ["ontos", 3066], ["body", 3085], ["bodied", 3085], ["word", 3136], ["words", 3136], ["nova", 3141], ["roma", 3146], ["rome", 3157], ["pretty", 3178], ["prettiest", 3178], ["god", 3217], ["mockery", 3253], ["talk", 3299], ["talked", 3299], ["create", 3314], ["creating", 3314], ["roman", 3326], ["romans", 3326], ["empire", 3333], ["rid", 3350], ["burden", 3371], ["burdens", 3371], ["morality", 3383], ["superhuman", 3410], ["superhumans", 3410], ["rule", 3420], ["population", 3450], ["slave", 3463], ["promise", 3484], ["promised", 3484], ["conquer", 3495], ["get", 3503], ["far", 3510], ["reach", 3518], ["reaches", 3518], ["without", 3539], ["send", 3547], ["sending", 3547], ["single", 3556], ["army", 3574], ["private", 3626], ["army", 3633], ["armies", 3633], ["increase", 3648], ["increasing", 3648], ["area", 3683], ["sort", 3698], ["sorts", 3698], ["modern", 3708], ["weaponry", 3717], ["surveillance", 3734], ["equipment", 3745], ["equipments", 3745], ["say", 3766], ["sayest", 3766], ["said", 3766], 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["iceland", 4275], ["board", 4284], ["boarding", 4284], ["mdi", 4297], ["common", 4308], ["commons", 4308], ["commonest", 4308], ["market", 4315], ["treaty", 4322], ["unfortunately", 4338], ["difficulty", 4363], ["widespread", 4391], ["public", 4398], ["opposition", 4409], ["switch", 4430], ["switching", 4430], ["switched", 4430], ["proportional", 4453], ["direct", 4464], ["democratic", 4475], ["system", 4482], ["government", 4496], ["easily", 4528], ["block", 4534], ["blocks", 4534], ["legislation", 4546], ["manage", 4565], ["managed", 4565], ["push", 4639], ["parliamentary", 4665], ["insurance", 4720], ["easy", 4731], ["easier", 4731], ["case", 4750], ["voter", 4763], ["voters", 4763], ["education", 4773], ["drive", 4779], ["incite", 4787], ["incites", 4787], ["country", 4858], ["president", 4890]]
they are marketing it as a fight to correct endemic problem of corruption in that country . a change to a parliamentary system will be better . there is increased support among their people . but there are also some people who are campaigning against it , saying it will reduce voters voices . but the president is confident he can silence those voices . what about our file on bolivia ? their government is uncooperative , refusing to privatize their electric utilities . the government is fearful of a repeat of cochabamba water privatization riot of 2000 . dammit , that 's why we pay them the big bucks . for them to convince their people privatization of their utilities is good . let them rack up their expenses and claim the solution to efficiency is privatization . looks like their president can not be relied upon anymore . perhaps it is time to overthrow him . but they just have an election . morris explains . i am not talking about elections . forget their election . do what has been done numerous times before . it is easy to manipulate the people to revolt , either by inflaming existing ethnic animosity or planting a scandal against their leader to rile people up . so if it suits us to play the democratic part we will ; if not , we can influence their army to stage a coup . their generals have enjoyed windfall from our investment advice maybe it is time they do their share . we can create conditions that would let other countries armies invade them for us . perhaps an allegations of supporting drug trafficking in u.s. or let them die in a plane crash like the ecuadorian president who tried to interfere with oil business in his country . the former might be an option since he has stopped using air travel right now . perhaps he is aware of what happened to ecuadorian and panamanian president before . speaking of plane crashes , how 's the senator 's flight ? he decided not to fly . i already have a backup plan . i have asked one of my assistant to data mine the senator 's internet surfing habits through the node , and gather his preferences on women and everything . we have gathered the type of woman that he likes . the chief push a memory chip to morris . he provided very specific details of his ideal woman . i want you to find that woman . the rest of the plan i 'll leave it to you . get this done quickly because the u.s. senatorial campaign is underway and we want to eliminate candidates that could stand against our plans . the chief decides to stand up and walk about , stepping down from the platform on where the marble table sits . maybe it is time to get our imf chief to help us on opening some of the water utilities . offer countries a loan if they open their utilities to privatization . the more loans we give to them , the more we can dictate their policies . we can also use some of our charities like the safe water world ( sww ) charity . what about the professor in queen 's university ? the motion have been set to neutralize him . good , we want control of that cure . the chief says . our insider at the securities exchange commission has informed us that one of the staff is looking at investigating one of our subsidiaries for insider trading . a lot of our recent investment advice to our supporters is from that subsidiary . but i am already taking care of that . the employee would likely be relocated or assigned huge volume of job to make sure he would have no time to poke his nose around other business . and that actor who has been stirring up trouble against my investment firm , intoxicate him and get him arrested for a dui . we 'll see how his career will do after his mugshot is plastered all over the paper and tv . and the hacker from italy has been arrested for murder , morris reports to the chief with a devilish smile . monitor his friends from italy and spain also . search their files that are stored at the node . maybe they have music that we can charge them with . the music labels have been our allies in introducing warrantless surveillance and internet censorship even before we had to activate our mdi plan . in fact it was the phonographic industry organization that proposed marginalizing the internet technology 'usenet ' and using child pornography as a tool to convince politicians to censor the internet . like they have said , 'child pornography is great in getting politicians to start blocking sites . ' their help was certainly appreciated , but the ordo tribus xi attack allowed us to bypass the slow process of political maneuverings . indeed , the industry was ahead of us in mandating isp to act as a listening post , for surveillance of all user activities . the chief sits back on his tall chair . it has a big back rest like a kings or emperor 's throne . jon manney , the agent for our client hedingthon needs our help in convincing india not to back out of their arms deal . perhaps it is time to remind them of the possible threat . kill their ambassador in balls of fire and plant evidence or intelligence pointing it to pakistan having a hand on that .
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we 'll see if they will still hesitate to buy more arms after that . sounds like a good plan , morris says . what is the situation on trying to influence the canadian election ? our selected leader for the liberal party is doing well . you were right when you foresaw the fall in popularity of the ndp government . we are also pouring our support behind our favoured guy in the conservatives to win their leadership race in case the race goes the other way . if ndp fall , we will attempt to market one of our insiders as their replacement leader . what has the liberal leader committed to so far ? to get rid of legalized drugs . unfortunately , their legalized drug laws have successfully eradicated drug related gangs . as you know , their condition of legalization is that addicts have to go buy and use it at the specified drug sites . the sites were used to educate them also about their rehabilitation option . our spin for the liberal leader is this is not in line with the u.s. war against drugs and they are affecting the u.s. fight negatively . what did the liberal leader say ? he is agreeable to that and seems happy to have our support . so we might be able to get back that revenue stream in canada and reactivate our gang cells . also ask him to get rid of their public broadcaster . they have been involved in investigative reporting that is too close for comfort for some of our conglomerate members . i 'll think of ways to spin it . maybe market it as a fairer competition for private broadcaster if they do n't have to go against a subsidized institution . i 'll use the free market ethos on that one . i can use the socialist or leftist label but that is not as effective as before . our chosen leader also agreed to privatize their utilities and their publicly funded discoveries . some of our corporate partners are looking forward to taking ownership of those technologies . and like you have said , we also want to take hold of any technology that could affect our investment in oil . and about their cyberdefense ? the chief inquires . we have convinced the liberal leader to abolish their national defence cyberwar division and rely on the u.s. for that . so he 'll make sure that is done once he wins . good , that agency has been on the tail of our cyberwarfare division . our cyberwarfare division has now successfully included the sleeper code on the latest updates of all our apps . each app is of very high quality attracting a lot of downloads . they are registered under different names to make users think they are all from independent developers . with the push of a button we can push through our zero day virus . this is only necessary for tablets that are not manufactured by us . our new tablet lines have those sleeper codes already embedded in the hardware . we just have to send the trigger code to activate them . by the time the virus software discovers it , it will be too late . we are also able to hijack apps on our competitor 's market and replace them with an infected copy . although it is harder to infiltrate apps that are open source since changes made to introduce malware can easily be detected . but we can do without infecting the open source apps . put more pressure on the colombian president . we want them to disband their small farmers ' co-operative . thanks to that bothersome ex-president dean 'good riddance ' davis . he expanded our war on drugs in the u.s . i 've originally designed that to weed out our competition . but that freaking davis launched an all out war arresting most of our runners and syndicate 's bosses , effectively shutting down our operation in the u.s. then he was not content and went after our supplier in colombia . again the previous president 's war to weed out our competitors there became dean 's crusade to rid colombia of drug trade . he then offered small farmers alternative farming and gave them the idea to improve their sales through the co-operative 'colombian small farmers co-op . ' not only did he take away our revenue from our drug syndicate , he also created a serious contender against our world food inc. now the farmers want to challenge the colombian president decision to disband them by asking to let them vote ? ask the president to speed up abolition of that co-operative . just pay some farmers to voice discontent and make claims of corruption at the board . the chief ranted . yeah , i remember you mentioned surpassing the influence of a british merchant from the 18th century who have monopoly on opium trade being smuggled to china through their east indian company . former president dean davis might have derailed that goal but things are picking up again . and if we can convince the next canadian prime minister to make drugs there illegal again , we can revive our syndicate there also . the chief gathers all the things from the desk . how 's your investment doing ? morris , sensing the meeting is coming to a close , asks . excellent , i am expanding our oil investment for stochmex .
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it will be a major source of funding for our covert war . it will play an even more vital role than the u.s. oil monopoly of world war ii . the monopoly partnered with german 's business , sharing the patent on oil and machinery including those from the u.s. auto industry . the u.s. oil monopoly also helped germany stockpile oil before the start of the war . but this time we have our own company we can rely on . we have signed joint partnerships with arif group of saudi , a major construction and oil exploration firm with ties to the royal family there . it has surpassed the bin laden group , a holding firms with worldwide investment and projects . the bin laden group dominated saudi 's construction industry and has strong ties with u.s. industry and holding firms . we have promised arif a much bigger bounty if they join us and they seem happy to be our partners . yes , just make sure that the new electric car is buried deep and shunned forever . we do n't have control over the patent of their new battery . we only have control over the patent of existing batteries on the market . but our oil stocks are rising fast again after that accident . our investment in oil depends on the demise of that car and its battery . do everything to protect our multi-billion investment . also , you might want to keep an eye on the new solar technology . it could affect our oil investment . but i have acquired the patent to the new portable nuclear technology . so we can control its distribution or non-distribution . apparently it could reuse used nuclear fuel and have a cooling system that is inherently self-controlling . it is a technology adopted and improved from the passive cooling of old canadian nuclear technology of early 2000 . glad to know we have already acquired control of that technology before the public get wind of it . yes but there might be some loose ends that need to be tied up to make sure nobody has a copy of the design . by the way , we could probably use that activist idia alea 's help . since she has voiced opposition to the new solar technology for what she calls 'silicon and nanoparticles pollution ' she could be our ally without her knowing it . i 'll try to feed her some information and let her do the sabotaging . morris grins . here is the dossier of all the people identified to be possible threats . the chief hands morris a memory chip . some are minor threats including those who have searched the node using some flagged keywords like your name . use the motherland defence initiative to shadow them online or offline or to lock them up for good . our network of state of the art superjail across the country and around the world are almost complete . it could use some residents . let the war against all those who would stand in our way begin . i am switching our surveillance and censorship into high gear . as the saying goes , 'he who controls the information controls the world . ' and our infrastructures are ready for an all out information war . chapter 9 hackers and crackers beach in barcelona the water is light blue and the sand is warm . ray and gracy are among the large numbers of people enjoying the mediterranean coastline . gracy grew up here so she knows her way around the city . dressed in her two piece bikini , she lies down on the beach ready to relax and not worry about anything else . after being in the sun for half an hour , ray and gracy decide to go to one of the huts in barceloneta . sitting on one of the chairs is a young man barely 18 years old . he looks very familiar to ray . the young man senses someone is looking at him and raises his head from his tablet . he sees ray looking at him . hi cole , ray greets the young man . oh hi ray . didnt expect to meet you here . gracy gets two drinks and joins ray . gracy this is cole , george 's youngest son . cole , this is gracy , my girlfriend . cole and gracy shake hands . so what is this i heard about you being a black sheep ? ray inquires , smiling . oh just some disagreement . just because i like to speak my mind does not make me a black sheep , cole defends himself . you still like to hack into people 's computers ? again a misconception . i hack to find flaws , holes , spyware , malware and viruses . i am a hacker not a cracker . gracy wonders . hackers find weaknesses in things so they can fix them or force the responsible organization to acknowledge their faults and fix them . they are also tinkerers of stuff in order to learn how it works and to innovate . crackers , on the other hand , crack and break stuff . they have malicious intent and just want to break-in , steal or break people 's stuff . without hackers , there would be no one to point out the vulnerabilities .
[["major", 18], ["source", 25], ["funding", 36], ["covert", 51], ["war", 55], ["play", 70], ["playest", 70], ["even", 78], ["evens", 78], ["vital", 89], ["role", 94], ["oil", 112], ["monopoly", 121], ["world", 130], ["ii", 137], ["partner", 162], ["partnered", 162], ["german", 174], ["germen", 174], ["germans", 174], ["business", 186], ["share", 196], ["patent", 207], ["machinery", 228], ["include", 238], ["including", 238], ["auto", 263], ["industry", 272], ["also", 301], ["help", 308], ["helpest", 308], ["helped", 308], ["germany", 316], ["stockpile", 326], ["start", 347], ["time", 374], ["company", 398], ["companys", 398], ["companying", 398], ["rely", 410], ["sign", 430], ["signed", 430], ["joint", 436], ["jointed", 436], ["jointing", 436], ["partnership", 449], ["partnerships", 449], ["arif", 459], ["group", 465], ["saudi", 474], ["saudis", 474], ["construction", 497], ["exploration", 517], ["firm", 522], ["tie", 532], ["tying", 532], ["tieing", 532], ["ties", 532], ["royal", 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["sun", 3390], ["suns", 3390], ["sunned", 3390], ["half", 3399], ["hour", 3407], ["decide", 3430], ["go", 3436], ["goest", 3436], ["hut", 3455], ["huts", 3455], ["sat", 3480], ["sit", 3480], ["sitting", 3480], ["chair", 3501], ["chairing", 3501], ["chairs", 3501], ["young", 3512], ["youngest", 3512], ["man", 3516], ["mans", 3516], ["manned", 3516], ["barely", 3523], ["year", 3532], ["years", 3532], ["look", 3547], ["looks", 3547], ["familiar", 3561], ["sense", 3591], ["senses", 3591], ["look", 3610], ["looking", 3610], ["raise", 3628], ["raises", 3628], ["head", 3637], ["tablet", 3653], ["see", 3663], ["sees", 3663], ["hi", 3687], ["cole", 3692], ["coles", 3692], ["greet", 3705], ["greeting", 3705], ["greets", 3705], ["oh", 3724], ["expect", 3746], ["meet", 3754], ["meeted", 3754], ["get", 3776], ["gets", 3776], ["drank", 3787], ["drink", 3787], ["drinking", 3787], ["drinks", 3787], ["join", 3797], ["joinest", 3797], ["joins", 3797], ["george", 3831], ["young", 3843], ["youngest", 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["tinkerers", 4462], ["stuff", 4471], ["order", 4480], ["orderest", 4480], ["learn", 4489], ["learns", 4489], ["learnt", 4489], ["work", 4502], ["wrought", 4502], ["works", 4502], ["innovate", 4518], ["hand", 4549], ["crack", 4557], ["broke", 4567], ["break", 4567], ["malicious", 4595], ["intent", 4602], ["steal", 4636], ["stole", 4636], ["point", 4712], ["vulnerability", 4736], ["vulnerabilities", 4736]]
then only the crackers can take advantage and steal your data and use your computers to commit crime . most companies are forced to fix a problem only after a revelation from a hacker . thanks for that insightful information mr. walter , gracy says , smiling at cole , you are welcome my lady . cole smiles , almost blushing . ray and gracy bid cole goodbye and walk back to the beach to relax . moments later gracy decides to go to the washroom . ray was content to just lay there with his drink on his hand . ray starts wondering what is taking gracy so long when she shows up . they chat and lock lips before deciding to head out . they then take a leisurely walk to colon , a 60 meter high monument with a christopher columbus statue pointing to the sea . they then continue to walk toward las ramblas , the popular pedestrian street . two guys are walking frantically and almost bump into gracy . excuse me , says one of the guys . then gracy recognizes the other guy and yells out his name as they walk past them . jacinto ! both guys stop and turn around . gracy sees that jacinto has grown . he is well built and tall , and looks more mature than the last time she saw him . but he still has a boyish demeanour but a determined look . his friend is a bit shorter than him and has curly black hair and his cheeks are a bit puffy , no doubt that has earned him a lot of cheek pulling from admiring adults when he was a baby . jacintos angry face smiles upon recognizing gracy . he then approaches gracy and they hug . jacinto , this is my boyfriend ray . ray , jacinto my nephew . jacinto offers to shake ray 's hand . he then gestures toward his friend . this is my friend cristobal . then gestures toward his aunt . my aunt gracy . gracy shakes cristobal 's hand . looks like you guys were on a rush , gracy asks . there is a sense of hesitation with cristobal elbowing jacinto 's waist lightly as if to stop him from saying something . well it is a long story . our friend is in trouble . jacinto then looks at cristobal as if to reassure him . my aunt works for a technology firm that invents all sorts of cool stuff . what kind of trouble is your friend in ? gracys eyebrows pull up toward her temple . jacinto hesitates again . we do n't want to waste any more of your time . you guys must be on vacation . we have nothing else to do and if i can help my nephew then that would be a bonus for us . she looks at ray . ray nods without hesitation with a relaxed look on his face . we are heading back to my place to try to piece some of the puzzles together , jacinto says . oh a puzzle , i love puzzles . gracy says enthusiastically , brushing her palms together close to her lips , as if she is still talking to his nephew when she was babysitting and playing with him . jacinto smiles and says , you want to join us ? absolutely , gracy replies and ray nods . jacinto 's place jacinto narrates the tale of angelino 's arrest at his place and the charges against him . both friends swear to angelino 's innocence challenging gracy 's initial scepticism . cristobal then takes out a tablet . angelino said he told no one else except through instant messenger program that we created ourselves . it has a very high encryption . we were chatting while he was playing the game izaron 's realm . the only communication going out of his computer that is not monitored is through the game . i remembered he said he had an altercation earlier in the night but no one was really hurt . he was tired and going to sleep . but whoever wants to frame him must have known what time he was out of contact with everyone so that there would be no alibi . and that night we played until 5 am . and the alleged murder happened conveniently at 6 am when angelino was already in bed . i can see the prosecutor claiming he logged out of the game at 5 am , and he arrived at the victim 's place and killed him . which takes about 20 to 25 minutes by walking . the problem is angelino did not really know where that guy lived . but it would be hard to prove that he did not know the victim 's place in court . ray and gracy think for awhile , and then ray speaks up , fingerprints are considered very reliable evidence . from what you guys had told us they got at least 20 points match . that would be really hard to dispute unless you claim you were at the crime scene for other business . but this happened at the victim 's residence with his own gun , and angelino 's fingerprints are on them . so pretty hard to disprove that . so you mentioned this might have to do with angelino exposing the italian prime ministers e-mail ?
[["cracker", 22], ["crackers", 22], ["take", 31], ["advantage", 41], ["advantaging", 41], ["steal", 51], ["stole", 51], ["datum", 61], ["data", 61], ["use", 69], ["computer", 84], ["computers", 84], ["commit", 94], ["committed", 94], ["crime", 100], ["company", 117], ["companys", 117], ["companying", 117], ["companies", 117], ["force", 128], ["forced", 128], ["fix", 135], ["fixes", 135], ["problem", 145], ["revelation", 169], ["hacker", 183], ["thank", 192], ["thanks", 192], ["thankest", 192], ["insightful", 212], ["information", 224], ["mr", 227], ["walter", 235], ["say", 248], ["sayest", 248], ["says", 248], ["smile", 258], ["smiling", 258], ["cole", 266], ["coles", 266], ["welcome", 284], ["lady", 292], ["smile", 306], ["smiles", 306], ["almost", 315], ["blush", 324], ["blushes", 324], ["ray", 330], ["bid", 344], ["goodbye", 357], ["goodbyes", 357], ["walk", 366], ["back", 371], ["beach", 384], ["relax", 393], ["relaxed", 393], ["moment", 403], ["moments", 403], ["later", 409], ["decide", 423], ["decides", 423], ["go", 429], ["goest", 429], ["washroom", 445], ["washrooms", 445], ["content", 463], ["contenting", 463], ["lay", 475], ["lays", 475], ["layed", 475], ["layest", 475], ["drank", 496], ["drink", 496], ["drinking", 496], ["hand", 508], ["start", 521], ["starts", 521], ["wonder", 531], ["wonderest", 531], ["wondering", 531], ["take", 546], ["taking", 546], ["long", 560], ["longs", 560], ["show", 575], ["shows", 575], ["chat", 590], ["chating", 590], ["lock", 599], ["lip", 604], ["lipped", 604], ["lips", 604], ["decide", 620], ["deciding", 620], ["head", 628], ["leisurely", 661], ["colon", 675], ["meter", 688], ["high", 693], ["monument", 702], ["christopher", 721], ["columbus", 730], ["statue", 737], ["point", 746], ["pointing", 746], ["sea", 757], ["continue", 778], ["toward", 793], ["popular", 819], ["pedestrian", 830], ["street", 837], ["two", 843], ["twos", 843], ["guy", 848], ["guys", 848], ["walk", 860], ["walking", 860], ["frantically", 872], 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["initial", 3053], ["scepticism", 3064], ["take", 3087], ["takes", 3087], ["tablet", 3100], ["say", 3116], ["sayest", 3116], ["said", 3116], ["tell", 3124], ["told", 3124], ["except", 3143], ["instant", 3159], ["messenger", 3169], ["program", 3177], ["create", 3193], ["created", 3193], ["encryption", 3235], ["chat", 3254], ["chating", 3254], ["chatting", 3254], ["game", 3284], ["realm", 3300], ["communication", 3325], ["go", 3331], ["goest", 3331], ["going", 3331], ["computer", 3351], ["monitor", 3373], ["monitored", 3373], ["remember", 3408], ["rememberest", 3408], ["remembered", 3408], ["altercation", 3438], ["early", 3446], ["night", 3459], ["really", 3481], ["hurt", 3486], ["hurts", 3486], ["hurting", 3486], ["tired", 3501], ["sleep", 3520], ["slept", 3520], ["sleeps", 3520], ["sleepest", 3520], ["whoever", 3534], ["frame", 3549], ["know", 3569], ["knowest", 3569], ["known", 3569], ["contact", 3601], ["everyone", 3615], ["alibi", 3647], ["play", 3674], ["playest", 3674], ["played", 3674], ["allege", 3703], ["alleges", 3703], ["alleged", 3703], ["murder", 3710], ["murderest", 3710], ["happen", 3719], ["happened", 3719], ["conveniently", 3732], ["already", 3766], ["bed", 3773], ["see", 3785], ["prosecutor", 3800], ["claim", 3809], ["claiming", 3809], ["log", 3819], ["logs", 3819], ["logged", 3819], ["arrive", 3860], ["arrived", 3860], ["victim", 3874], ["kill", 3894], ["killed", 3894], ["minute", 3935], ["minutes", 3935], ["know", 3992], ["knowest", 3992], ["live", 4013], ["lived", 4013], ["hard", 4036], ["prof", 4045], ["prove", 4045], ["court", 4095], ["courting", 4095], ["courtest", 4095], ["think", 4117], ["thinkest", 4117], ["awhile", 4128], ["speak", 4150], ["spoken", 4150], ["speaks", 4150], ["fingerprint", 4168], ["fingerprints", 4168], ["consider", 4183], ["considered", 4183], ["reliable", 4197], ["reliables", 4197], ["evidence", 4206], ["get", 4248], ["got", 4248], ["least", 4257], ["leastest", 4257], ["point", 4267], ["points", 4267], ["match", 4273], ["matching", 4273], ["dispute", 4312], ["unless", 4319], ["unlesss", 4319], ["claim", 4329], ["scene", 4357], ["business", 4376], ["residence", 4423], ["gun", 4440], ["pretty", 4495], ["prettiest", 4495], ["disprove", 4512], ["disproving", 4512], ["mention", 4536], ["mentioned", 4536], ["may", 4547], ["mays", 4547], ["mayest", 4547], ["might", 4547], ["expose", 4581], ["exposing", 4581], ["italian", 4593], ["italians", 4593], ["prime", 4599], ["primed", 4599], ["priming", 4599], ["e", 4611], ["ing", 4611], ["eest", 4611], ["mail", 4616]]
apparently the big news about a scandal from an e-mail that shows the italian prime minister taking orders from someone to pass a bill . it has detailed instructions provided for expanding on the id system and identifying the blacklist of government critics . that nearly got him kicked out . one vote saved him from the non-confidence motion . the whistleblower was never found , but angelino thinks they knew all along that it was him . he does not know . angelino knows his stuff and would have covered his tracks , jacinto explains . i wonder if the hardware is also compromised . that is my next place to check , but it is harder to crack . meanwhile , i managed to reverse engineer the games code , a time consuming process of pretty much breaking it down to as close as machine language of zero and one , cristobal says . tell them what you found , jacinto says . the program is clever in that it encrypts the communication , so you ca n't simply sniff the traffic to see what is being transmitted . that is a good security feature to have . however , it also means that if it tries to transmit your private data , you wo n't be able to tell . what i did was see what the program does . i had to break the digital lock , breaking the common market consortium 's copyright and patent law . but screw that backward regressive law . it turns out the program does scan your system slowly so as not to increase the load too much and possibly alerting the user . it also slowly transmits that data that they have spied on and transmits it along with legitimate game data . again , bit by bit , so as not to have a huge chunk of data going out alerting the user . it demands access to your computer to prevent cheating on the game . so it was able to log what we typed on our keyboard or to capture a shot of our screen . in short , the program has been cracked to monitor activity on angelino 's computer . and they have obviously monitored our chat . the room was quiet as cristobal continues working on the computer . since angelino is pretty careful on securing his system , this tells me the cracker did not alter the game program but it came with the program like that . whoever is behind framing angelino has connections to the game manufacturer . i have also just confirmed that the same code was present in my version of the game . and i am pretty sure i 'll find the same thing on millions of copies of the game out there . i 'll probably just send out a notice to everyone online and they can verify it themselves if they break the digital lock , cristobal concludes . are n't you exempt from breaking the digital lock law if it is for security purposes ? that is a misleading claim by the consortium . it is not what they say it does that you should believe in , but what is actually written in the law . the wording in the law gives them so much leeway and people have been prosecuted under copyright when the people 's intent was clearly to make legal copies of their program , jacinto says . with regards to that game with the malicious code in it , while that is quite a revelation , you still have the fingerprint problem , ray observes . gracy continuously pinches her chin while thinking . yeah that would be really tough . any chance someone might have sneaked in while angelino is sleeping and let him hold the gun . maybe they gave him a date rape drug or something , jacinto wonders . angelino has a state of the art home security system . it would have alerted him . and he did not sleep that well that night . he remembers waking up several times , so sleeping pills and date rape drugs are out of the question . and he checked in the morning and the alarm did not go off that night , cristobal says . somethings not quite right here . i ca n't quite put my finger on it , but we 'll figure it out . the truth always comes out in the end , gracy offers . thanks aunt gracy . we appreciate you coming by , jacinto says . well be in touch , gracy promises . barb stanton 's residence barb stanton has been hiding for days . she is not sure if she is growing paranoid or there really is someone following her no matter how she tries to lose them . she has turned off her cell/watchphone , thinking that it might give away her position . she has turned off the data connection on her tablet . she later throws away her phone after transferring the content to her unit . she decides to sneak back home . her office thinks she is away sick . she just has to pack up her clothes quickly and run away from here . the rectangular computer unit is resting on the table . from barb 's peripheral vision , she thinks the camera light blinked . but she checks and the unit is off . she laughs and thinks she is losing it . somewhere in paraguay someone at the conglomerate 's cyberwarfare division swears angrily as the light on the camera of the unit he is controlling remotely blinks .
[["apparently", 10], ["big", 18], ["bigs", 18], ["news", 23], ["newses", 23], ["scandal", 39], ["e", 49], ["ing", 49], ["eest", 49], ["mail", 54], ["show", 65], ["shows", 65], ["italian", 77], ["italians", 77], ["prime", 83], ["primed", 83], ["priming", 83], ["minister", 92], ["take", 99], ["taking", 99], ["order", 106], ["orderest", 106], ["orders", 106], ["pass", 127], ["bill", 134], ["instruction", 165], ["instructions", 165], ["provide", 174], ["provided", 174], ["expand", 188], ["expanding", 188], ["system", 205], ["identify", 221], ["identifying", 221], ["blacklist", 235], ["government", 249], ["critic", 257], ["critics", 257], ["nearly", 271], ["get", 275], ["got", 275], ["kick", 286], ["kicked", 286], ["vote", 301], ["save", 307], ["saved", 307], ["non", 324], ["confidence", 335], ["motion", 342], ["whistleblower", 362], ["never", 372], ["find", 378], ["found", 378], ["angelino", 393], ["think", 400], ["thinkest", 400], ["thinks", 400], ["know", 410], ["knowest", 410], ["knew", 410], ["along", 420], ["know", 455], ["knowest", 455], ["know", 472], ["knowest", 472], ["knows", 472], ["stuff", 482], ["cover", 505], ["covered", 505], ["track", 516], ["tracks", 516], ["explain", 535], ["explains", 535], ["wonder", 546], ["wonderest", 546], ["hardware", 562], ["also", 570], ["compromise", 582], ["compromised", 582], ["next", 600], ["place", 606], ["check", 615], ["hard", 634], ["crack", 643], ["meanwhile", 655], ["manage", 667], ["managed", 667], ["reverse", 678], ["reversed", 678], ["engineer", 687], ["game", 697], ["games", 697], ["code", 702], ["time", 711], ["consume", 721], ["consuming", 721], ["process", 729], ["pretty", 739], ["prettiest", 739], ["much", 744], ["broke", 753], ["break", 753], ["breaking", 753], ["close", 773], ["machine", 784], ["language", 793], ["languaged", 793], ["zero", 801], ["zeroes", 801], ["say", 826], ["sayest", 826], ["says", 826], ["tell", 833], ["program", 882], ["clever", 892], ["encrypt", 912], ["encrypts", 912], 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1452], ["alerted", 1452], ["alerting", 1452], ["user", 1461], ["transmit", 1488], ["spy", 1519], ["spied", 1519], ["legitimate", 1561], ["game", 1566], ["bit", 1585], ["bits", 1585], ["huge", 1619], ["chunk", 1625], ["chunked", 1625], ["go", 1639], ["goest", 1639], ["going", 1639], ["demand", 1674], ["demandest", 1674], ["demands", 1674], ["access", 1681], ["accessest", 1681], ["computer", 1698], ["prevent", 1709], ["preventest", 1709], ["log", 1754], ["logs", 1754], ["type", 1768], ["typed", 1768], ["keyboard", 1784], ["capture", 1798], ["shot", 1805], ["screen", 1819], ["screening", 1819], ["short", 1830], ["crack", 1861], ["cracked", 1861], ["monitor", 1872], ["monitored", 1872], ["activity", 1881], ["obviously", 1931], ["monitor", 1941], ["monitored", 1941], ["chat", 1950], ["chating", 1950], ["room", 1961], ["roomed", 1961], ["quiet", 1971], ["continue", 1994], ["continues", 1994], ["work", 2002], ["wrought", 2002], ["working", 2002], ["since", 2026], ["careful", 2053], ["secure", 2065], ["securest", 2065], ["securing", 2065], ["tell", 2089], ["tells", 2089], ["alter", 2118], ["altered", 2118], ["come", 2147], ["came", 2147], ["like", 2169], ["whoever", 2184], ["behind", 2194], ["frame", 2202], ["framing", 2202], ["connection", 2227], ["connections", 2227], ["manufacturer", 2252], ["confirm", 2281], ["confirmed", 2281], ["present", 2312], ["presentest", 2312], ["version", 2326], ["sure", 2361], ["find", 2372], ["thing", 2387], ["million", 2399], ["millions", 2399], ["copy", 2409], ["copies", 2409], ["probably", 2448], ["send", 2458], ["notice", 2471], ["everyone", 2483], ["online", 2490], ["verify", 2510], ["conclude", 2577], ["concludes", 2577], ["exempt", 2598], ["purpose", 2664], ["purposes", 2664], ["claim", 2693], ["say", 2737], ["sayest", 2737], ["believe", 2769], ["write", 2803], ["writing", 2803], ["written", 2803], ["wording", 2828], ["give", 2845], ["gives", 2845], ["leeway", 2865], ["people", 2876], ["prosecute", 2897], ["prosecuted", 2897], ["intent", 2939], ["clearly", 2951], ["legal", 2965], ["regard", 3019], ["regards", 3019], ["malicious", 3051], ["quite", 3084], ["revelation", 3097], ["still", 3109], ["fingerprint", 3130], ["problem", 3138], ["ray", 3144], ["observe", 3153], ["observes", 3153], ["continuously", 3174], ["pinch", 3182], ["chin", 3191], ["think", 3206], ["thinkest", 3206], ["thinking", 3206], ["yeah", 3213], ["really", 3234], ["tough", 3240], ["chance", 3253], ["chanced", 3253], ["chancing", 3253], ["may", 3267], ["mays", 3267], ["mayest", 3267], ["might", 3267], ["sneak", 3280], ["sneakest", 3280], ["sneaked", 3280], ["sleep", 3310], ["slept", 3310], ["sleeps", 3310], ["sleepest", 3310], ["sleeping", 3310], ["let", 3318], ["lets", 3318], ["hold", 3327], ["gun", 3335], ["maybe", 3343], ["give", 3353], ["gave", 3353], ["date", 3364], ["rape", 3369], ["drug", 3374], ["state", 3428], ["art", 3439], ["home", 3444], ["homing", 3444], ["alert", 3484], ["alerted", 3484], ["sleep", 3511], ["slept", 3511], ["sleeps", 3511], ["sleepest", 3511], ["well", 3521], ["wells", 3521], ["night", 3532], ["remember", 3547], ["rememberest", 3547], ["remembers", 3547], ["wake", 3554], ["wakes", 3554], ["woken", 3554], ["waking", 3554], ["several", 3565], ["time", 3571], ["times", 3571], ["pill", 3591], ["pills", 3591], ["drug", 3611], ["drugs", 3611], ["question", 3635], ["check", 3652], ["checked", 3652], ["morning", 3667], ["alarm", 3681], ["go", 3692], ["goest", 3692], ["right", 3753], ["rightest", 3753], ["put", 3779], ["finger", 3789], ["figure", 3815], ["truth", 3834], ["always", 3841], ["come", 3847], ["comes", 3847], ["end", 3862], ["ends", 3862], ["endest", 3862], ["offer", 3877], ["offers", 3877], ["thank", 3886], ["thanks", 3886], ["thankest", 3886], ["aunt", 3891], ["appreciate", 3913], ["appreciates", 3913], ["come", 3924], ["coming", 3924], ["touch", 3961], ["touching", 3961], ["promise", 3978], ["promises", 3978], ["barb", 3985], ["barbed", 3985], ["stanton", 3993], ["residence", 4006], ["hide", 4035], ["hides", 4035], ["day", 4044], ["days", 4044], ["grow", 4080], ["growest", 4080], ["growing", 4080], ["paranoid", 4089], ["follow", 4126], ["following", 4126], ["matter", 4140], ["mattering", 4140], ["lose", 4162], ["turn", 4184], ["turned", 4184], ["cell", 4197], ["watchphone", 4208], ["give", 4238], ["away", 4243], ["position", 4256], ["connection", 4297], ["tablet", 4311], ["later", 4323], ["throw", 4330], ["throws", 4330], ["phone", 4345], ["transfer", 4364], ["transfering", 4364], ["transferring", 4364], ["content", 4376], ["contenting", 4376], ["unit", 4388], ["decide", 4402], ["decides", 4402], ["sneak", 4411], ["sneakest", 4411], ["back", 4416], ["office", 4434], ["sick", 4458], ["pack", 4481], ["clad", 4496], ["clothe", 4496], ["clothes", 4496], ["quickly", 4504], ["run", 4512], ["rectangular", 4545], ["rest", 4570], ["resting", 4570], ["table", 4583], ["tabled", 4583], ["tabling", 4583], ["peripheral", 4609], ["vision", 4616], ["camera", 4640], ["cameras", 4640], ["lit", 4646], ["light", 4646], ["blink", 4654], ["blinked", 4654], ["check", 4671], ["checks", 4671], ["laugh", 4704], ["laughs", 4704], ["lose", 4729], ["losing", 4729], ["somewhere", 4744], ["paraguay", 4756], ["conglomerate", 4784], ["cyberwarfare", 4800], ["division", 4809], ["swear", 4816], ["sweared", 4816], ["swears", 4816], ["angrily", 4824], ["control", 4881], ["controlling", 4881], ["remotely", 4890], ["blink", 4897], ["blinked", 4897], ["blinks", 4897]]
tell someone to check the code for these units , the light is not supposed to come on when the camera is off . how else are we going to secretly monitor our target , he commands the other staff in the centre . helmut groos was a decorated general before retiring at age of 50 . he now oversees the cyberwarfare division of the conglomerate . his clothes are ironed to perfection and his self made uniform looks like those worn by nazi officers . to his right is luitger gerhold . a young disenchanted man that helmut met in one of the secret nazi meetings in germany . his skill proves invaluable for the cyberwarfare division . their target has been elusive . she even threw out her phone . but she still has her unit with her . helmut gerhold can see that barb stanton is determined to run away with the data that morris commanded should be retrieved or destroyed or both and that the target is dispensable . helmut groos instructs his staff to hold off on any shadowing , confident they would not lose her . algonquin park , canada barb knows where to go from here . her friends left her cottage key with her since she will be going away for a while . barb decides to head to algonquin . she rents a car and inputs her destination . she uses her friends id to pay . she will apologize to juliet ayers later . barb is initially apprehensive and keeps switching to rear-view on her windshield to make sure nobody is following her . after half an hour she finally relaxes , convinced she has finally lost whoever was tailing her . she arrives at the cottage and decides to sit back at the docks . knowing that there is no internet connection in this cottage and that her wireless is off , she turns on her unit , projecting it to a piece of white cardboard she put down on the table . she starts copying the file to another memory pendant typing away at the table . barb then decides to look for an internet connection to e-mail all her friends . she hears a canoe approaching . she quickly hides her unit away . she then sees a young adult who looks familiar . the person waves to her . barb waves back smiling . gorgeous day , he says with a broad smile on his face . very refreshing , barb says , trying to remember who he is . i am orad . i live two cottages down that way , orad says , pointing to where he came from . oh yes , i guess you were here for juliet ayerss party . that 's why your face looks so familiar . i am barb yeah , that was a long time ago . orad paddles to move closer to barb 's dock . come up here for a second , barb says . orad lands the canoe on the dock and ties it to the dock . you brought your unit along into your canoe ? barb wonders , looking at the unit orad has in his hand . yeah it has pretty good picture quality . i was taking a pictures of some loons . are n't they gorgeous ? i love when they make that call . yeah , orad says with a smile on his face . can i ask you a question about computers ? barb asks . just theoretically , if someone wants to follow you , can they use the cellphone to do that even when it is off ? well it depends . if your phone is compromised , they can easily do that even when it is off . i 've read that they were able to do that since early 2000 . back then if the phone felt warm and was running low on battery even when it had been turned off , then chances were it had spyware in it that would transmit the camera and even your voice to the person who installed the malware . but our cellphones nowadays do not get overly warm and they autocharge with solar and wireless power charging , so it is hard to tell . but if you do n't mind me tinkering with your phone , i can probably check and see . no , i do n't have my cellphone with me , but i was just wondering . but if i have it with me all the time then there is no way someone can put something in it without me knowing . if you did not change the default then yeah you should get a warning if someone tries to install something wirelessly . unless the person you bought it from already installed it . well that ca n't be since it was still factory sealed when i got it . i think it is just coincidence . sorry to bug you with my paranoia . if you have any computer problem just let me know , orad offers . ok , thanks , barb replies . i am kind of bored by myself there . my parents left for the city and wo n't be back for a few days . oh one more thing , where can you get an internet connection here ? you can go to the restaurant a few minutes away from here . just turn right to main road and on the first main intersection turn left and then you should see it . okay thanks .
[["tell", 4], ["check", 21], ["code", 30], ["unit", 46], ["units", 46], ["lit", 58], ["light", 58], ["suppose", 74], ["supposed", 74], ["come", 82], ["camera", 101], ["cameras", 101], ["else", 119], ["go", 132], ["goest", 132], ["going", 132], ["secretly", 144], ["monitor", 152], ["monitored", 152], ["target", 163], ["command", 177], ["commands", 177], ["staff", 193], ["staffing", 193], ["centre", 207], ["decorate", 238], ["decorates", 238], ["decorated", 238], ["general", 246], ["retire", 262], ["retiring", 262], ["age", 269], ["aged", 269], ["oversee", 293], ["oversaw", 293], ["overseen", 293], ["oversees", 293], ["cyberwarfare", 310], ["division", 319], ["conglomerate", 339], ["clad", 353], ["clothe", 353], ["clothes", 353], ["iron", 364], ["ironed", 364], ["perfection", 378], ["self", 391], ["uniform", 404], ["look", 410], ["looks", 410], ["like", 415], ["wear", 426], ["worn", 426], ["nazi", 434], ["nazis", 434], ["officer", 443], ["officering", 443], ["officers", 443], ["right", 458], ["rightest", 458], ["young", 487], ["youngest", 487], ["man", 504], ["mans", 504], ["manned", 504], ["meet", 520], ["meeted", 520], ["met", 520], ["secret", 541], ["meeting", 555], ["meetings", 555], ["germany", 566], ["skill", 578], ["prof", 585], ["prove", 585], ["proves", 585], ["invaluable", 596], ["elusive", 658], ["even", 669], ["evens", 669], ["throw", 675], ["threw", 675], ["phone", 689], ["still", 705], ["unit", 718], ["see", 752], ["barb", 762], ["barbed", 762], ["stanton", 770], ["run", 791], ["away", 796], ["datum", 810], ["data", 810], ["morris", 822], ["command", 832], ["commanded", 832], ["retrieve", 852], ["retrieved", 852], ["destroy", 865], ["destroys", 865], ["destroyed", 865], ["dispensable", 908], ["instruct", 933], ["instructest", 933], ["instructs", 933], ["hold", 951], ["shadowing", 972], ["confident", 984], ["lose", 1004], ["algonquin", 1020], ["park", 1025], ["parks", 1025], ["canada", 1034], ["canadas", 1034], ["know", 1045], ["knowest", 1045], ["knows", 1045], ["go", 1057], ["goest", 1057], ["friend", 1081], ["friends", 1081], ["left", 1086], ["leave", 1086], ["cottage", 1098], ["key", 1102], ["keyed", 1102], ["keyest", 1102], ["since", 1117], ["decide", 1167], ["decides", 1167], ["head", 1175], ["rent", 1200], ["rents", 1200], ["car", 1206], ["input", 1217], ["inputs", 1217], ["destination", 1233], ["use", 1244], ["uses", 1244], ["pay", 1266], ["pays", 1266], ["payest", 1266], ["apologize", 1287], ["juliet", 1297], ["later", 1309], ["initially", 1329], ["apprehensive", 1342], ["keep", 1352], ["keepest", 1352], ["keeps", 1352], ["switch", 1362], ["switching", 1362], ["rear", 1370], ["view", 1375], ["viewest", 1375], ["windshield", 1393], ["sure", 1406], ["nobody", 1413], ["follow", 1426], ["following", 1426], ["half", 1443], ["hour", 1451], ["finally", 1463], ["relax", 1471], ["relaxed", 1471], ["relaxes", 1471], ["convince", 1483], ["convinced", 1483], ["convincing", 1483], ["lose", 1504], ["lost", 1504], ["whoever", 1512], ["tail", 1524], ["tailed", 1524], ["tailing", 1524], ["arrive", 1542], ["arrives", 1542], ["sat", 1576], ["sit", 1576], ["back", 1581], ["dock", 1594], ["docks", 1594], ["know", 1604], ["knowest", 1604], ["knowing", 1604], ["internet", 1630], ["connection", 1641], ["wireless", 1679], ["turn", 1698], ["turns", 1698], ["project", 1723], ["projectest", 1723], ["projecting", 1723], ["piece", 1737], ["pieced", 1737], ["white", 1746], ["cardboard", 1756], ["put", 1764], ["table", 1782], ["tabled", 1782], ["tabling", 1782], ["start", 1795], ["starts", 1795], ["copy", 1803], ["file", 1812], ["another", 1823], ["memory", 1830], ["memories", 1830], ["pendant", 1838], ["type", 1845], ["typing", 1845], ["look", 1891], ["e", 1923], ["ing", 1923], ["eest", 1923], ["mail", 1928], ["hear", 1956], ["hears", 1956], ["canoe", 1964], ["canoes", 1964], ["canoed", 1964], ["approach", 1976], ["approaches", 1976], ["approaching", 1976], ["quickly", 1990], ["hide", 1996], ["hides", 1996], ["see", 2026], ["sees", 2026], ["adult", 2040], ["familiar", 2059], ["person", 2072], ["wave", 2078], ["waved", 2078], ["waves", 2078], ["smile", 2111], ["smiling", 2111], ["gorgeous", 2122], ["day", 2126], ["say", 2136], ["sayest", 2136], ["says", 2136], ["broad", 2149], ["broads", 2149], ["smile", 2155], ["face", 2167], ["refreshing", 2185], ["try", 2206], ["tryed", 2206], ["trying", 2206], ["remember", 2218], ["rememberest", 2218], ["orad", 2240], ["live", 2249], ["two", 2253], ["twos", 2253], ["cottage", 2262], ["cottages", 2262], ["way", 2276], ["ways", 2276], ["point", 2299], ["pointing", 2299], ["come", 2316], ["came", 2316], ["oh", 2326], ["yes", 2330], ["guess", 2340], ["party", 2378], ["yeah", 2437], ["long", 2455], ["longs", 2455], ["time", 2460], ["ago", 2464], ["paddle", 2479], ["paddles", 2479], ["move", 2487], ["close", 2494], ["closer", 2494], ["dock", 2510], ["second", 2538], ["seconded", 2538], ["land", 2563], ["lands", 2563], ["tie", 2594], ["tying", 2594], ["tieing", 2594], ["ties", 2594], ["bring", 2623], ["brought", 2623], ["along", 2639], ["wonder", 2670], ["wonderest", 2670], ["wonders", 2670], ["look", 2680], ["looking", 2680], ["hand", 2713], ["pretty", 2734], ["prettiest", 2734], ["good", 2739], ["picture", 2747], ["quality", 2755], ["take", 2770], ["taking", 2770], ["picture", 2781], ["pictures", 2781], ["loon", 2795], ["loons", 2795], ["love", 2828], ["call", 2853], ["ask", 2909], ["question", 2924], ["computer", 2940], ["computers", 2940], ["ask", 2952], ["asks", 2952], ["theoretically", 2973], ["follow", 3002], ["use", 3021], ["cellphone", 3035], ["well", 3073], ["wells", 3073], ["depend", 3084], ["depends", 3084], ["compromise", 3115], ["compromised", 3115], ["easily", 3133], ["read", 3174], ["reads", 3174], ["able", 3194], ["abled", 3194], ["early", 3217], ["feel", 3252], ["felt", 3252], ["warm", 3257], ["run", 3273], ["running", 3273], ["low", 3277], ["lowed", 3277], ["battery", 3288], ["turn", 3317], ["turned", 3317], ["chance", 3336], ["chanced", 3336], ["chancing", 3336], ["chances", 3336], ["spyware", 3356], ["transmit", 3382], ["voice", 3413], ["instal", 3441], ["installed", 3441], ["malware", 3453], ["cellphone", 3474], ["cellphones", 3474], ["nowadays", 3483], ["get", 3494], ["overly", 3501], ["solar", 3537], ["solars", 3537], ["power", 3556], ["charging", 3565], ["hard", 3581], ["mind", 3614], ["minding", 3614], ["tinker", 3627], ["tinkers", 3627], ["tinkering", 3627], ["probably", 3660], ["wonder", 3743], ["wonderest", 3743], ["wondering", 3743], ["without", 3844], ["change", 3879], ["default", 3891], ["warning", 3926], ["try", 3943], ["tryed", 3943], ["tries", 3943], ["install", 3954], ["wirelessly", 3975], ["unless", 3984], ["unlesss", 3984], ["buy", 4006], ["buyed", 4006], ["bought", 4006], ["already", 4022], ["ca", 4050], ["cas", 4050], ["factory", 4084], ["seal", 4091], ["sealed", 4091], ["get", 4102], ["got", 4102], ["think", 4115], ["thinkest", 4115], ["coincidence", 4138], ["sorry", 4146], ["bug", 4153], ["bugged", 4153], ["paranoia", 4174], ["paranoias", 4174], ["computer", 4201], ["problem", 4209], ["let", 4218], ["lets", 4218], ["know", 4226], ["knowest", 4226], ["offer", 4240], ["offers", 4240], ["ok", 4245], ["thank", 4254], ["thanks", 4254], ["thankest", 4254], ["reply", 4269], ["kind", 4281], ["parent", 4319], ["parents", 4319], ["city", 4337], ["wo", 4344], ["day", 4371], ["days", 4371], ["thing", 4391], ["restaurant", 4470], ["minute", 4484], ["minutes", 4484], ["turn", 4511], ["main", 4525], ["road", 4530], ["first", 4547], ["firstest", 4547], ["intersection", 4565], ["okay", 4609]]
have a good day , orad says as he launches his canoe away from the dock . barb waves goodbye . restaurant at algonquin barb sits down and orders foods . she chooses a corner seat so that no one can see the display on her fibreglass screen that is resting on the table . she quickly e-mails to her 8 friends and signs into usenet . usenet has been around since the early days of the internet . it was used by researchers to post messages and later post files and documents to share . most of its functions are now available through the web discussion forum and files on the server . but it still has its advantages . instead of worrying about hosting files on your server , you can just post it to a newsgroup and it will automatically propagate to all the usenet servers across the world . a cracker who wants to stop people from accessing your files will have a hard time , unless they shutdown the whole internet . whereas a file hosted on your server can easily be compromised by a cracker or a denial of service attack that prevents others from accessing your site . barb is aware of these features . barb decides usenet is the best way to post this leak . even torrents would need several people actively hosting , keeping their computer on . there is no such requirement with usenet . barb has been here for 15 minutes . she logged onto the internet 10 minutes ago . she then encodes her document using the program her friend gave her . the files are automatically split into smaller chunks to make uploading and downloading easier . she initiates uploading of the files to the newsgroup called alt.binaries.whistleblower-leaks . after uploading just 5 chunks of the file , the connection suddenly stops . barb is puzzled , so she disconnects from the network and tries to reconnect but there is no signal . she then hears another guy asking the waiter if their internet is down . it is another 20 minutes until barb finishes her dinner . the internet is still not working . she decides to just head back to the cottage and try again tomorrow . as she hops into her car , another car pulls up and arrives at the restaurant . barb looks at the car and thinks what a nice car . she has always wanted to have one of those . she then directs her car to drive back to the cottage . the sun has already set and it is starting to get dark . juliet ayer 's cottage , algonquin park barb feels sweaty and decides to jump into the shower . she feels so relaxed , and she ca n't believe that just a few hours ago she was scared to death . she regrets not coming here more often when juliet had invited her . she remembers going to one of the interior lakes and just canoeing in clear water where you can see the rocks underneath , and even in the deep areas everything is just so clear and transparent . barb decides she has been in the shower long enough , and it is time to get out and dry off . while drying herself off , she looks out the huge glass window . a few moments ago she could still see the lake but it has gotten dark so quickly . she gets dressed and is about to turn the lights on when she suddenly sees some movement outside . like several shadows running for cover . she quickly grabs her unit and backpack and rushes to the panic room , which her friend showed to her while giving her a tour of the cottage . as she is about to close the door , she hears things crashing through glasses and sees smoke coming in . she thinks it must have been a smoke bomb . she quickly closes the secret door to the panic room . barb is shaking all over . she tries to calm herself by breathing in and out . she remembers the tour her friends gave her . this panic room has another secret block that leads to a tunnel that you can crawl through . it then leads to the boat house . but how does she know there is no one there ? she then crawls through the tunnel and upon reaching an opening , she points her car 's remote and punches in the command to direct the car to drive to last destination . as barb peeks out , she sees a car parked beside hers that looks like the one that arrived at the restaurant as she was leaving . she hears the car start , and the sounds of tires on gravel confirm that a car has just driven away . she then hears lots of footsteps and yelling . there are sounds of car being started , then speeding off . she knows she only has a few minutes to sneak out of here before they realize there is no one in that car . she slowly peeks to make sure no one is in the boathouse . she jumps into a canoe and quietly paddles away . her heart is pounding so hard she almost thinks someone can hear it on such a quiet night . she remembers orad told her he lives two cottages down . she is glad to pass the first cottage . but does not want to paddle too hard and give away her position in case anyone was left behind at juliet 's cottage .
[["good", 11], ["day", 15], ["orad", 22], ["say", 27], ["sayest", 27], ["says", 27], ["launch", 42], ["launches", 42], ["canoe", 52], ["canoes", 52], ["canoed", 52], ["away", 57], ["dock", 71], ["barb", 78], ["barbed", 78], ["wave", 84], ["waved", 84], ["waves", 84], ["goodbye", 92], ["goodbyes", 92], ["restaurant", 105], ["algonquin", 118], ["sat", 128], ["sit", 128], ["sits", 128], ["order", 144], ["orderest", 144], ["orders", 144], ["food", 150], ["foods", 150], ["choose", 164], ["chooses", 164], ["corner", 173], ["seat", 178], ["see", 201], ["display", 213], ["screen", 238], ["screening", 238], ["rest", 254], ["resting", 254], ["table", 267], ["tabled", 267], ["tabling", 267], ["quickly", 281], ["e", 283], ["ing", 283], ["eest", 283], ["mail", 289], ["mails", 289], ["friend", 306], ["friends", 306], ["sign", 316], ["signs", 316], ["usenet", 328], ["around", 353], ["since", 359], ["early", 369], ["day", 374], ["days", 374], ["internet", 390], ["use", 404], ["used", 404], ["researcher", 419], ["researchers", 419], ["post", 427], ["message", 436], ["messages", 436], ["later", 446], ["file", 457], ["files", 457], ["document", 471], ["documents", 471], ["share", 480], ["function", 504], ["functions", 504], ["available", 522], ["web", 538], ["discussion", 549], ["forum", 555], ["forums", 555], ["server", 579], ["still", 594], ["advantage", 613], ["advantaging", 613], ["advantages", 613], ["instead", 623], ["worry", 635], ["worried", 635], ["worrying", 635], ["host", 649], ["hosted", 649], ["hostest", 649], ["hosting", 649], ["newsgroup", 708], ["automatically", 734], ["propagate", 744], ["server", 770], ["servers", 770], ["across", 777], ["world", 787], ["cracker", 799], ["stop", 817], ["people", 824], ["access", 839], ["accessest", 839], ["accessing", 839], ["hard", 867], ["time", 872], ["unless", 881], ["unlesss", 881], ["shutdown", 895], ["shutdowns", 895], ["whole", 905], ["wholes", 905], ["whereas", 924], ["file", 931], ["host", 938], ["hosted", 938], ["hostest", 938], ["easily", 964], ["compromise", 979], ["compromised", 979], ["denial", 1004], ["service", 1015], ["servicing", 1015], ["attack", 1022], ["prevent", 1036], ["preventest", 1036], ["prevents", 1036], ["siting", 1068], ["aware", 1084], ["feature", 1102], ["features", 1102], ["decide", 1117], ["decides", 1117], ["good", 1136], ["best", 1136], ["way", 1140], ["ways", 1140], ["leak", 1158], ["even", 1165], ["evens", 1165], ["torrent", 1174], ["torrents", 1174], ["need", 1185], ["needest", 1185], ["several", 1193], ["actively", 1209], ["keep", 1227], ["keepest", 1227], ["keeping", 1227], ["computer", 1242], ["requirement", 1276], ["minute", 1324], ["minutes", 1324], ["log", 1337], ["logs", 1337], ["logged", 1337], ["onto", 1342], ["ontos", 1342], ["ago", 1370], ["encode", 1389], ["encodes", 1389], ["document", 1402], ["use", 1408], ["using", 1408], ["program", 1420], ["friend", 1431], ["give", 1436], ["gave", 1436], ["split", 1476], ["small", 1489], ["chunk", 1496], ["chunked", 1496], ["chunks", 1496], ["upload", 1514], ["uploaded", 1514], ["uploading", 1514], ["download", 1530], ["downloading", 1530], ["easy", 1537], ["easier", 1537], ["initiate", 1553], ["initiates", 1553], ["call", 1600], ["called", 1600], ["leak", 1633], ["leaks", 1633], ["connection", 1694], ["suddenly", 1703], ["stop", 1709], ["stops", 1709], ["puzzle", 1727], ["puzzled", 1727], ["disconnect", 1748], ["disconnecting", 1748], ["disconnects", 1748], ["network", 1765], ["networked", 1765], ["networking", 1765], ["try", 1775], ["tryed", 1775], ["tries", 1775], ["reconnect", 1788], ["signal", 1811], ["hear", 1828], ["hears", 1828], ["another", 1836], ["guy", 1840], ["ask", 1847], ["asking", 1847], ["waiter", 1858], ["finish", 1931], ["finishes", 1931], ["dinner", 1942], ["work", 1978], ["wrought", 1978], ["working", 1978], ["head", 2005], ["back", 2010], ["cottage", 2025], ["try", 2033], ["tryed", 2033], ["tomorrow", 2048], ["tomorrows", 2048], ["hop", 2062], ["hops", 2062], ["hopped", 2062], ["hopping", 2062], ["car", 2075], ["pull", 2095], ["pulls", 2095], ["arrive", 2110], ["arrives", 2110], ["look", 2141], ["looks", 2141], ["think", 2163], ["thinkest", 2163], ["thinks", 2163], ["nice", 2175], ["always", 2196], ["direct", 2243], ["directs", 2243], ["drive", 2260], ["sun", 2290], ["suns", 2290], ["sunned", 2290], ["already", 2302], ["set", 2306], ["start", 2325], ["starting", 2325], ["get", 2332], ["dark", 2337], ["juliet", 2346], ["park", 2379], ["parks", 2379], ["feel", 2390], ["feels", 2390], ["sweaty", 2397], ["jump", 2417], ["jumps", 2417], ["showered", 2433], ["showerest", 2433], ["ca", 2469], ["cas", 2469], ["believe", 2481], ["hour", 2503], ["hours", 2503], ["death", 2531], ["regret", 2545], ["regrets", 2545], ["come", 2556], ["coming", 2556], ["often", 2572], ["invite", 2596], ["invites", 2596], ["invited", 2596], ["remember", 2616], ["rememberest", 2616], ["remembers", 2616], ["go", 2622], ["goest", 2622], ["going", 2622], ["interior", 2645], ["lake", 2651], ["lakes", 2651], ["canoe", 2669], ["canoes", 2669], ["canoed", 2669], ["canoeing", 2669], ["clear", 2678], ["clearest", 2678], ["water", 2684], ["rock", 2712], ["rocks", 2712], ["underneath", 2723], ["deep", 2746], ["deeply", 2746], ["area", 2752], ["areas", 2752], ["everything", 2763], ["transparent", 2796], ["long", 2843], ["longs", 2843], ["enough", 2850], ["dry", 2886], ["drier", 2886], ["drying", 2886], ["dry", 2905], ["drier", 2905], ["drying", 2905], ["huge", 2942], ["glass", 2948], ["window", 2955], ["windows", 2955], ["moment", 2971], ["moments", 2971], ["lake", 3004], ["get", 3022], ["gotten", 3022], ["get", 3049], ["gets", 3049], ["turn", 3078], ["lit", 3089], ["light", 3089], ["lights", 3089], ["see", 3115], ["sees", 3115], ["movement", 3129], ["outside", 3137], ["like", 3144], ["shadow", 3160], ["shadowed", 3160], ["shadows", 3160], ["run", 3168], ["running", 3168], ["cover", 3178], ["grab", 3198], ["unit", 3207], ["backpack", 3220], ["backpacking", 3220], ["rush", 3231], ["rushes", 3231], ["panic", 3244], ["room", 3249], ["roomed", 3249], ["show", 3275], ["showed", 3275], ["give", 3295], ["giving", 3295], ["tour", 3306], ["close", 3348], ["door", 3357], ["thing", 3376], ["things", 3376], ["crash", 3385], ["crashing", 3385], ["glass", 3401], ["glasses", 3401], ["smoke", 3416], ["must", 3447], ["musts", 3447], ["bomb", 3470], ["bombest", 3470], ["close", 3491], ["closes", 3491], ["secret", 3502], ["shake", 3543], ["shaking", 3543], ["calm", 3572], ["calms", 3572], ["breathe", 3593], ["breathes", 3593], ["block", 3693], ["blocks", 3693], ["lead", 3704], ["leaded", 3704], ["leads", 3704], ["tunnel", 3716], ["tunneled", 3716], ["crawl", 3735], ["crawled", 3735], ["boat", 3771], ["boated", 3771], ["house", 3777], ["know", 3801], ["knowest", 3801], ["crawl", 3841], ["crawled", 3841], ["upon", 3869], ["reach", 3878], ["reaching", 3878], ["opening", 3889], ["point", 3902], ["points", 3902], ["remote", 3920], ["remoted", 3920], ["punch", 3932], ["punching", 3932], ["punches", 3932], ["command", 3947], ["direct", 3957], ["last", 3982], ["destination", 3994], ["peek", 4010], ["peeks", 4010], ["park", 4038], ["parks", 4038], ["parked", 4038], ["beside", 4045], ["arrive", 4087], ["arrived", 4087], ["left", 4124], ["leave", 4124], ["leaving", 4124], ["start", 4150], ["sound", 4167], ["sounds", 4167], ["tire", 4176], ["tires", 4176], ["gravel", 4186], ["confirm", 4194], ["drive", 4221], ["driven", 4221], ["lot", 4248], ["lots", 4248], ["footstep", 4261], ["footsteps", 4261], ["start", 4313], ["started", 4313], ["speed", 4329], ["speeding", 4329], ["know", 4345], ["knowest", 4345], ["knows", 4345], ["sneak", 4381], ["sneakest", 4381], ["realize", 4413], ["slowly", 4454], ["sure", 4473], ["boathouse", 4500], ["jump", 4512], ["jumps", 4512], ["quietly", 4537], ["paddle", 4545], ["paddles", 4545], ["heart", 4562], ["pound", 4574], ["pounding", 4574], ["almost", 4593], ["hear", 4617], ["hears", 4617], ["quiet", 4636], ["night", 4642], ["tell", 4668], ["told", 4668], ["live", 4681], ["two", 4685], ["twos", 4685], ["cottage", 4694], ["cottages", 4694], ["glad", 4713], ["pass", 4721], ["first", 4731], ["firstest", 4731], ["paddle", 4769], ["give", 4787], ["position", 4805], ["anyone", 4820], ["left", 4829], ["leave", 4829], ["behind", 4836]]
she finally reaches orad 's dock , at least she hopes it is the right one . she slowly runs toward the house in a crouched position . someone blocks her way , and she almost screams , but he hold her hand to her lips . barb is that you ? orad ? i was trying to peek to see what the commotion is all about , orad continues to whisper . i found something about my boss . i think she has connections to some gang because they are after me and have guns and weapons . i feel like my life is on the line . i barely got away by running into the panic room hidden by my friend 's bookshelf . i need to escape from here . ok , there is a car in our garage , but they will probably catch you if you go out this way . i 'll paddle with you to the other side of the lake . one of my friend 's parents cottage is there . i have the key to their cottage and they always keep a car in their garage even when they are not here . ok. let 's go . both paddle quietly in the night . orad knows the lake even with his eyes closed . and that is almost literally what they have to do tonight since there is no moon , and any light would give their position away . they arrive at orad friend 's place . he opens the garage and closes it again before turning the light on . you can let the car autodrive but it will automatically turn the lights on since it is dark . let me disable the light controller , orad says and opens the hood and quickly finds the controller . looks like he has done this before , barb thinks to herself . orad opens the controller and moves some switches . look , just turn this three switches up if you want to enable auto lights on again later . i would suggest that you let the car auto drive so that it will not hit anything or go off a cliff . then turn on the light manually only if absolutely necessary . orad then opens the door for barb . i hope we 'll meet again , then i can properly thank you , barb says . just go now before they start setting up a checkpoint . orad closes the car 's door , then turns off the garage light as he opens the garage door . barb already has the windshield and window set to tinted to prevent any lights from escaping . the car then drives away . barb is still fearful but breathes a little sigh of relief . orad was brilliant in suggesting they leave from the other side of the lake . they took a different path . she plans to head further north then head as far west as she can go . meanwhile , barb 's eight friends all receive the e-mails in their inbox , and all of the messages suffer the same fate except for one . all messages to 5 users of the node have quietly been deleted as if they never existed . the 3 other friends who used their university e-mail have their inbox cracked by luitger gerhold . but one of them is a professor who has already read the e-mail . a cleanup crew is quickly dispatched and all communication disrupted , making the professors attempts to call out impossible . the next day , there is a news report in the universitys local news of a professor who died from overdose in his laboratory . chapter 10 the rebels tent city , seattle washington things are just getting back to normal after a riot broke out few weeks ago . it was much worse than the scuffle that broke out during the protest against the dismissal of the pegasus electric corp fraud inquiry few years ago . this recent riot has become so widespread that the police are given arms , and the police chief has broadcast warnings to shoot to kill if rioters do n't disperse . the riot goes on and the chief of police issues the shoot orders . several blocks are burned and the police chief is sacked . following the riot , tent city dwellers are blamed for the incident and a crackdown follows with various tent cities being closed . drake rain is a bitter man . he is a veteran of the iraq war . he joined the army at a very young age in order to survive . his parents could no longer afford to feed him three meals . he came back from iraq in a worse mental state . he gets angry easily and has a very serious temper problem . he ended up moving out and has struggled to keep a job . drake eventually ends up moving from one tent city to the next . after the riot , his tent city got shut down and he has moved here in what has become a very crowded area . a lot of heated discussions can be heard at night . drake decides to join one . are you guys going to just sit around here complaining or are you going to do something about it , drake asks . those rioters fuck it up for us , one young guy answers drake . open up your eyes . it is not the rioters that are fucking it up for us .
[["finally", 11], ["reach", 19], ["reaches", 19], ["orad", 24], ["dock", 32], ["least", 43], ["leastest", 43], ["hope", 53], ["hopes", 53], ["right", 69], ["rightest", 69], ["slowly", 86], ["run", 91], ["runs", 91], ["toward", 98], ["house", 108], ["position", 131], ["block", 148], ["blocks", 148], ["way", 156], ["ways", 156], ["almost", 173], ["scream", 181], ["screams", 181], ["hold", 195], ["hand", 204], ["lip", 216], ["lipped", 216], ["lips", 216], ["barb", 223], ["barbed", 223], ["try", 257], ["tryed", 257], ["trying", 257], ["peek", 265], ["peeks", 265], ["see", 272], ["commotion", 291], ["continue", 321], ["continues", 321], ["whisper", 332], ["find", 342], ["found", 342], ["boss", 366], ["think", 376], ["thinkest", 376], ["connection", 396], ["connections", 396], ["gang", 409], ["gun", 449], ["guns", 449], ["weapon", 461], ["weapons", 461], ["feel", 470], ["like", 475], ["life", 483], ["lifes", 483], ["line", 498], ["barely", 509], ["get", 513], ["got", 513], ["away", 518], ["run", 529], ["running", 529], ["panic", 544], ["room", 549], ["roomed", 549], ["hide", 556], ["hides", 556], ["hidden", 556], ["friend", 569], ["bookshelf", 582], ["bookshelves", 582], ["need", 591], ["needest", 591], ["escape", 601], ["escapes", 601], ["ok", 616], ["car", 633], ["garage", 647], ["probably", 672], ["catch", 678], ["catched", 678], ["catches", 678], ["go", 692], ["goest", 692], ["paddle", 720], ["side", 747], ["sidest", 747], ["lake", 759], ["parent", 789], ["parents", 789], ["cottage", 797], ["key", 823], ["keyed", 823], ["keyest", 823], ["always", 856], ["keep", 861], ["keepest", 861], ["even", 888], ["evens", 888], ["let", 921], ["lets", 921], ["quietly", 949], ["night", 962], ["know", 975], ["knowest", 975], ["knows", 975], ["eye", 1003], ["eyed", 1003], ["eyes", 1003], ["close", 1010], ["closed", 1010], ["literally", 1041], ["tonight", 1070], ["since", 1076], ["moon", 1093], ["moons", 1093], ["lit", 1109], ["light", 1109], ["give", 1120], ["arrive", 1154], ["place", 1178], ["open", 1189], ["opens", 1189], ["close", 1211], ["closes", 1211], ["turn", 1235], ["turning", 1235], ["automatically", 1306], ["turn", 1311], ["lit", 1322], ["light", 1322], ["lights", 1322], ["dark", 1342], ["disable", 1359], ["disabled", 1359], ["controller", 1380], ["say", 1392], ["sayest", 1392], ["says", 1392], ["hood", 1411], ["quickly", 1423], ["find", 1429], ["finds", 1429], ["look", 1452], ["looks", 1452], ["think", 1495], ["thinkest", 1495], ["thinks", 1495], ["move", 1544], ["moves", 1544], ["switch", 1558], ["switching", 1558], ["switches", 1558], ["look", 1565], ["three", 1588], ["enable", 1622], ["auto", 1627], ["later", 1649], ["suggest", 1667], ["drive", 1699], ["hit", 1723], ["anything", 1732], ["cliff", 1750], ["cliffs", 1750], ["manually", 1784], ["absolutely", 1803], ["necessary", 1813], ["door", 1840], ["hope", 1858], ["meet", 1870], ["meeted", 1870], ["properly", 1898], ["thank", 1904], ["thanks", 1904], ["thankest", 1904], ["start", 1952], ["set", 1960], ["setting", 1960], ["checkpoint", 1976], ["turn", 2019], ["turns", 2019], ["already", 2083], ["windshield", 2102], ["window", 2113], ["windows", 2113], ["set", 2117], ["tint", 2127], ["tinting", 2127], ["tinted", 2127], ["prevent", 2138], ["preventest", 2138], ["escape", 2163], ["escapes", 2163], ["escaping", 2163], ["drive", 2185], ["drives", 2185], ["still", 2206], ["fearful", 2214], ["breathe", 2227], ["breathes", 2227], ["little", 2236], ["sigh", 2241], ["sighest", 2241], ["relief", 2251], ["reliefs", 2251], ["brilliant", 2272], ["suggest", 2286], ["suggesting", 2286], ["left", 2297], ["leave", 2297], ["take", 2341], ["took", 2341], ["different", 2353], ["path", 2358], ["plan", 2370], ["plans", 2370], ["head", 2378], ["far", 2386], ["north", 2392], ["far", 2409], ["west", 2414], ["meanwhile", 2440], ["eight", 2456], ["friend", 2464], ["friends", 2464], ["receive", 2476], ["e", 2482], ["ing", 2482], ["eest", 2482], ["mail", 2488], ["mails", 2488], ["inbox", 2503], ["message", 2529], ["messages", 2529], ["suffer", 2536], ["suffering", 2536], ["fate", 2550], ["except", 2557], ["user", 2591], ["users", 2591], ["node", 2603], ["delete", 2629], ["deletes", 2629], ["deleted", 2629], ["never", 2646], ["exist", 2654], ["existest", 2654], ["existed", 2654], ["use", 2685], ["used", 2685], ["university", 2702], ["mail", 2709], ["crack", 2734], ["cracked", 2734], ["professor", 2786], ["read", 2807], ["reads", 2807], ["cleanup", 2830], ["cleanups", 2830], ["crew", 2835], ["dispatch", 2857], ["dispatched", 2857], ["communication", 2879], ["disrupt", 2889], ["disruptest", 2889], ["disrupted", 2889], ["professor", 2913], ["professors", 2913], ["attempt", 2922], ["attempts", 2922], ["call", 2930], ["impossible", 2945], ["next", 2956], ["day", 2960], ["news", 2978], ["newses", 2978], ["report", 2985], ["local", 3010], ["die", 3039], ["died", 3039], ["overdose", 3053], ["laboratory", 3071], ["chapter", 3081], ["tent", 3100], ["tented", 3100], ["tenting", 3100], ["city", 3105], ["seattle", 3115], ["washington", 3126], ["thing", 3133], ["things", 3133], ["get", 3150], ["getting", 3150], ["back", 3155], ["normal", 3165], ["riot", 3178], ["broke", 3184], ["break", 3184], ["week", 3198], ["weeks", 3198], ["ago", 3202], ["much", 3216], ["bad", 3222], ["worse", 3222], ["scuffle", 3239], ["protest", 3273], ["protestest", 3273], ["dismissal", 3295], ["pegasus", 3310], ["electric", 3319], ["corp", 3324], ["fraud", 3330], ["frauds", 3330], ["inquiry", 3338], ["year", 3348], ["years", 3348], ["recent", 3366], ["become", 3382], ["widespread", 3396], ["police", 3412], ["give", 3422], ["given", 3422], ["arm", 3427], ["arms", 3427], ["chief", 3450], ["chiefs", 3450], ["broadcast", 3464], ["broadcasted", 3464], ["warning", 3473], ["warnings", 3473], ["shoot", 3482], ["shooted", 3482], ["kill", 3490], ["rioters", 3501], ["disperse", 3517], ["go", 3533], ["goest", 3533], ["goes", 3533], ["issue", 3567], ["issues", 3567], ["order", 3584], ["orderest", 3584], ["orders", 3584], ["several", 3594], ["burn", 3612], ["burns", 3612], ["burned", 3612], ["sack", 3643], ["sacked", 3643], ["follow", 3655], ["following", 3655], ["dweller", 3685], ["dwellers", 3685], ["blame", 3696], ["blamest", 3696], ["blamed", 3696], ["incident", 3713], ["crackdown", 3729], ["follow", 3737], ["follows", 3737], ["various", 3750], ["city", 3762], ["cities", 3762], ["drake", 3783], ["rain", 3788], ["bitter", 3800], ["bitterest", 3800], ["man", 3804], ["mans", 3804], ["manned", 3804], ["veteran", 3822], ["iraq", 3834], ["war", 3838], ["join", 3850], ["joinest", 3850], ["joined", 3850], ["army", 3859], ["young", 3875], ["youngest", 3875], ["age", 3879], ["aged", 3879], ["order", 3888], ["orderest", 3888], ["survive", 3899], ["long", 3929], ["afford", 3936], ["fed", 3944], ["feed", 3944], ["meal", 3960], ["meals", 3960], ["come", 3970], ["came", 3970], ["mental", 4003], ["state", 4009], ["get", 4019], ["gets", 4019], ["angry", 4025], ["easily", 4032], ["serious", 4055], ["temper", 4062], ["problem", 4070], ["end", 4081], ["ends", 4081], ["endest", 4081], ["ended", 4081], ["move", 4091], ["moving", 4091], ["struggle", 4113], ["struggled", 4113], ["job", 4127], ["jobbing", 4127], ["eventually", 4146], ["end", 4151], ["ends", 4151], ["endest", 4151], ["shut", 4234], ["move", 4256], ["moved", 4256], ["area", 4300], ["lot", 4308], ["discussion", 4330], ["discussions", 4330], ["hear", 4343], ["hears", 4343], ["heard", 4343], ["decide", 4368], ["decides", 4368], ["join", 4376], ["joinest", 4376], ["guy", 4395], ["guys", 4395], ["go", 4401], ["goest", 4401], ["going", 4401], ["sat", 4413], ["sit", 4413], ["around", 4420], ["complain", 4437], ["complaining", 4437], ["ask", 4492], ["asks", 4492], ["fuck", 4513], ["guy", 4542], ["answer", 4550], ["answeres", 4550], ["answerest", 4550], ["answers", 4550], ["open", 4563], ["fuck", 4617], ["fucking", 4617]]
it is the rich people like the executives of pegasus electric corporation and the secretary of treasury which happen to be living in one of the luxurious gated community close to here . so are you going to just sit here and complain or do something about it ? another elderly gentleman asked . astor isaiah has seen a lot at his age and he can tell drake is up to no good . rise up , make those people know they can not hide away in their gated community . says one young man . scare them with our placards ? no , tear down their castles and fortresses , drake says with hate in his eyes . another curious bystander joins in . if we can get our hands on those guns that the police used for the riot , we can overpower their security easily . good luck , says another onlooker . i can easily get them . question is how many of you would join me ? are you guys tired of living ? astor stands up . everybody go back to your tent and do n't listen to this madman . drake stares at astor like he wants to tear him up . what tent ? this place is so crowded i ca n't even put down my tent . they wo n't let us have a proper sleep so why should we let them ! a chorus of yeahs can be heard . astor is troubled to see drake 's incitement is working . more young men stand forward . you lead , says one . astor yells . think carefully of the consequences of what you are planning to do . i 've been thinking my whole life old man . get out of the way or else ... . or else what ? astor stands his ground . do we want to do this or not ? comes the chorus from the growing crowd . tie this old man up . we do n't want him reporting to the police , drake commands and several people come forward to grab astor . just go to sleep and we 'll untie you tomorrow morning , one of the people sounds remorseful and apologetic but goes on to tie astor up anyway . stay with the old man and make sure he does not do anything funny , drake points to the apologetic man . let 's spread out and meet at the precinct . drake then gives them directions . wait for my command once we get there . the crowd spreads out and heads to the precinct that drake claims is where the guns are stored . police precinct in seattle , washington drake walks straight into the police precinct as if it is his home . is seth nevil here ? the cop at reception says and goes to the office to call seth . seth went to iraq with drake , and since drake met him , he knew seth was rotten to the core . he randomly killed civilians . drake knew but did not say anything . eventually drake started to imitate seths ferocity . drake convinced himself men like seth are the ones who will survive . drake decided to set aside any emotions and guilt from that day on . seth came back from the war soon after drake . seth got involved with gangs . drake knows it and is surprised that the police force still does not know to this day . seth was quite pissed when he learned several of his gang mates were killed in the riot . seth comes out and is surprised to see drake . he acts nervously then turns to the cop at the reception . i am just going to head out for a minute , seth says . upon reaching outside , he turns to drake and says , what the hell are you doing here ? the thing we 've talked about . we want to do it tonight . no , actually there are only a couple of cops with me tonight so it would be perfect . but you have to make sure you burn this place down and leave no evidence . go to the back door . seth opened the back door . where 's the two other cops ? drake whispers . in the jail area . seth says , pointing to the direction . he hands drake a handgun with a silencer . it does not look like police issue . they go in and both police stand up . it 's just me with another boarder for the night . seth says , holding drakes hands behind him like he is handcuffed . but it is not handcuffs that drake has behind him . it is a gun with a silencer . one cop turns to open one of the prison doors when seth points the gun at the police sitting at the desk firing one shot into the head and as the police in the jail door turns around , drake lands another shot in his head . they ask prisoners to see who wants to join them . they then open the door of those who raised their hands . seth then goes up to the reception and shoots the other police officer . soon seth opens the storage where the guns are stored and drake signals for the rest , who have been sitting casually outside , to come in and get their guns . they burn down the police station and hijack a public transit bus , breaking the cameras .
[["rich", 14], ["people", 21], ["like", 26], ["executive", 41], ["executives", 41], ["pegasus", 52], ["electric", 61], ["corporation", 73], ["secretary", 91], ["treasury", 103], ["happen", 116], ["live", 129], ["living", 129], ["luxurious", 153], ["gate", 159], ["gates", 159], ["gated", 159], ["community", 169], ["close", 175], ["go", 202], ["goest", 202], ["going", 202], ["sat", 214], ["sit", 214], ["complain", 232], ["another", 267], ["elderly", 275], ["gentleman", 285], ["ask", 291], ["asked", 291], ["astor", 299], ["isaiah", 306], ["see", 315], ["seen", 315], ["lot", 321], ["age", 332], ["aged", 332], ["tell", 348], ["drake", 354], ["good", 371], ["rise", 378], ["risen", 378], ["know", 406], ["knowest", 406], ["hide", 424], ["hides", 424], ["away", 429], ["say", 461], ["sayest", 461], ["says", 461], ["young", 471], ["youngest", 471], ["man", 475], ["mans", 475], ["manned", 475], ["scare", 483], ["scared", 483], ["placard", 506], ["placards", 506], ["tear", 518], ["teared", 518], ["castle", 537], ["castles", 537], ["fortress", 552], ["fortresses", 552], ["hate", 575], ["hateed", 575], ["eye", 587], ["eyed", 587], ["eyes", 587], ["curious", 605], ["bystander", 615], ["join", 621], ["joinest", 621], ["joins", 621], ["get", 640], ["hand", 650], ["hands", 650], ["gun", 664], ["guns", 664], ["police", 680], ["use", 685], ["used", 685], ["riot", 698], ["overpower", 717], ["security", 732], ["easily", 739], ["luck", 751], ["onlooker", 775], ["question", 810], ["many", 822], ["join", 840], ["joinest", 840], ["guy", 858], ["guys", 858], ["tired", 864], ["stand", 889], ["stood", 889], ["standest", 889], ["stands", 889], ["go", 907], ["goest", 907], ["back", 912], ["tent", 925], ["tented", 925], ["tenting", 925], ["listen", 943], ["listens", 943], ["madmen", 958], ["madman", 958], ["stare", 973], ["stared", 973], ["stares", 973], ["place", 1036], ["ca", 1055], ["cas", 1055], ["even", 1064], ["evens", 1064], ["put", 1068], ["wo", 1091], ["let", 1099], ["lets", 1099], ["proper", 1116], ["sleep", 1122], ["slept", 1122], ["sleeps", 1122], ["sleepest", 1122], ["chorus", 1159], ["yeah", 1168], ["hear", 1181], ["hears", 1181], ["heard", 1181], ["see", 1208], ["incitement", 1228], ["work", 1239], ["wrought", 1239], ["working", 1239], ["man", 1256], ["mans", 1256], ["manned", 1256], ["men", 1256], ["stand", 1262], ["stood", 1262], ["standest", 1262], ["forward", 1270], ["forwarding", 1270], ["forwardest", 1270], ["lead", 1281], ["leaded", 1281], ["think", 1314], ["thinkest", 1314], ["carefully", 1324], ["consequence", 1344], ["consequenced", 1344], ["consequences", 1344], ["plan", 1369], ["think", 1397], ["thinkest", 1397], ["thinking", 1397], ["whole", 1406], ["wholes", 1406], ["life", 1411], ["lifes", 1411], ["old", 1415], ["way", 1440], ["ways", 1440], ["else", 1448], ["ground", 1493], ["come", 1532], ["comes", 1532], ["grow", 1560], ["growest", 1560], ["growing", 1560], ["crowd", 1566], ["crowding", 1566], ["crowdest", 1566], ["tie", 1572], ["tying", 1572], ["tieing", 1572], ["report", 1619], ["reporting", 1619], ["command", 1650], ["commands", 1650], ["several", 1662], ["come", 1674], ["grab", 1690], ["untie", 1732], ["untying", 1732], ["tomorrow", 1745], ["tomorrows", 1745], ["morning", 1753], ["sound", 1780], ["sounds", 1780], ["remorseful", 1791], ["apologetic", 1806], ["apologetics", 1806], ["go", 1815], ["goest", 1815], ["goes", 1815], ["anyway", 1841], ["stay", 1848], ["sure", 1879], ["anything", 1903], ["funny", 1909], ["point", 1924], ["points", 1924], ["spread", 1962], ["meet", 1975], ["meeted", 1975], ["precinct", 1991], ["give", 2010], ["gives", 2010], ["direction", 2026], ["directions", 2026], ["wait", 2033], ["waitest", 2033], ["command", 2048], ["spread", 2086], ["spreads", 2086], ["head", 2100], ["heads", 2100], ["claim", 2134], ["claims", 2134], ["store", 2163], ["stored", 2163], ["seattle", 2192], ["washington", 2205], ["walk", 2217], ["walks", 2217], ["straight", 2226], ["home", 2272], ["homing", 2272], ["seth", 2282], ["nevil", 2288], ["cop", 2303], ["copest", 2303], ["copped", 2303], ["reception", 2316], ["office", 2344], ["call", 2352], ["go", 2369], ["goest", 2369], ["went", 2369], ["iraq", 2377], ["since", 2400], ["meet", 2410], ["meeted", 2410], ["met", 2410], ["know", 2424], ["knowest", 2424], ["knew", 2424], ["rotten", 2440], ["core", 2452], ["randomly", 2466], ["kill", 2473], ["killed", 2473], ["civilian", 2483], ["civilians", 2483], ["say", 2512], ["sayest", 2512], ["eventually", 2534], ["start", 2548], ["started", 2548], ["imitate", 2559], ["seth", 2565], ["ferocity", 2574], ["convince", 2592], ["convinced", 2592], ["convincing", 2592], ["survive", 2644], ["decide", 2660], ["decided", 2660], ["set", 2667], ["aside", 2673], ["emotion", 2686], ["emotions", 2686], ["guilt", 2696], ["guilts", 2696], ["day", 2710], ["come", 2725], ["came", 2725], ["war", 2743], ["soon", 2748], ["get", 2771], ["got", 2771], ["involve", 2780], ["involved", 2780], ["gang", 2791], ["gangs", 2791], ["know", 2805], ["knowest", 2805], ["knows", 2805], ["force", 2847], ["still", 2853], ["quite", 2896], ["learn", 2919], ["learns", 2919], ["learnt", 2919], ["learned", 2919], ["gang", 2939], ["mate", 2945], ["mated", 2945], ["mates", 2945], ["act", 3026], ["acted", 3026], ["acts", 3026], ["nervously", 3036], ["turn", 3047], ["turns", 3047], ["head", 3101], ["minute", 3118], ["upon", 3137], ["reach", 3146], ["reaching", 3146], ["outside", 3154], ["hell", 3199], ["hells", 3199], ["thing", 3230], ["talk", 3244], ["talked", 3244], ["tonight", 3277], ["couple", 3317], ["cop", 3325], ["copest", 3325], ["copped", 3325], ["cops", 3325], ["perfect", 3364], ["perfectest", 3364], ["burn", 3401], ["burns", 3401], ["left", 3427], ["leave", 3427], ["evidence", 3439], ["door", 3461], ["open", 3475], ["opened", 3475], ["two", 3508], ["twos", 3508], ["whisper", 3536], ["whispers", 3536], ["jail", 3550], ["jails", 3550], ["jailing", 3550], ["jailest", 3550], ["area", 3555], ["point", 3578], ["pointing", 3578], ["direction", 3595], ["handgun", 3622], ["handguns", 3622], ["silencer", 3638], ["look", 3657], ["issue", 3675], ["boarder", 3750], ["night", 3764], ["hold", 3786], ["holding", 3786], ["drake", 3793], ["drakes", 3793], ["behind", 3806], ["handcuff", 3832], ["handcuffed", 3832], ["handcuff", 3858], ["handcuffed", 3858], ["handcuffs", 3858], ["gun", 3898], ["open", 3938], ["prison", 3956], ["door", 3962], ["doors", 3962], ["sat", 4009], ["sit", 4009], ["sitting", 4009], ["desk", 4021], ["fire", 4028], ["firing", 4028], ["shot", 4037], ["around", 4099], ["land", 4113], ["lands", 4113], ["ask", 4149], ["prisoners", 4159], ["raise", 4235], ["raised", 4235], ["shoot", 4295], ["shooted", 4295], ["shoots", 4295], ["officer", 4320], ["officering", 4320], ["open", 4338], ["opens", 4338], ["storage", 4350], ["signal", 4394], ["signals", 4394], ["rest", 4407], ["casually", 4440], ["station", 4516], ["hijack", 4527], ["public", 4536], ["transit", 4544], ["bus", 4548], ["broke", 4559], ["break", 4559], ["breaking", 4559], ["camera", 4571], ["cameras", 4571]]
drake then drives the bus to the gated community . tent city , seattle washington astor has talked non-stop , trying to convince the man to let him go . the man threatened to put a cloth in his mouth but did not . think about what is going to happen to your parents and siblings if the police took revenge on us and close this tent city down . let go of your hatred . it will only destroy you , like it did drake . drake is fighting for a just cause , the man said proudly . you do n't fight evil with evil or you just end up like your enemy , astor says , in a pleading manner . i assure you from my experience in life that things will get better . it might not seem so right now , but it will . good always triumphs against evil . kindness always wins against injustice . believe me when i say that what drake is doing will just prolong and worsen our suffering and get innocent civilians killed . that seems to have touched the man as he quickly unties astor . both of them run to the nearest payphone , but neither of them has any change . they then continue to run to the nearest convenience store . they start yelling , which scares the store clerk , who takes out a gun and pointes it at them . astor realizes how hasty they have been , raises his hand and tries to calm him down . no , we are not here to rob you . we need the phone for an emergency . please , astor says as he tries to control his breathing . the store clerk looks him in the eye and slowly lowers the gun . he then moves the small phone unit closer to astor . astor starts dialling 911 , hoping it is not too late . gated community in seattle , washington the bus parks right in front of the gate as drake comes down . the security man in attention puts his hand on the gun 's holster . but he does not know that seth has sneaked in from the other side of the bus and fired a shot right to his head . drake then approaches the guard , takes his key and opens the door . he went back to the bus and yells , tonight we plunder the treasures that have been stolen from us ! he then drives the bus inside looking for the secretary of treasurys home address that seth got from his contact . it does not take long for him to find it . he stops , and people from the bus immediately pour out like beasts that have not been fed for years . they spread out and charged to various houses with guns in their hands . the secretary hears some noise and decides to check it out . his security is right on their feet already . then drake and others start firing at the door , breaking the frame to pieces . amidst the gun fire , the attacker does not hear the sirens going all around the city trying to reach the gated community . helicopters also approaches but turn away after some of the attackers start firing into the sky . one of the secretary 's security guards quickly grabs him , knots a blanket , and throws it out the window . he goes down to make sure nobody is in the backyard and quickly ushers the secretary down . the quiet night has suddenly been punctuated with the voice of women screaming and children crying . the security guard quickly grabs the secretary and throws him over the fence . one of the attackers suddenly appears in the backyard and the security guard quickly fires at the assailant , killing him . drake is so overcome with rage he goes charging into the house and is immediately shot in the head by one of the secretary 's security . the secretary decides to jump into the man-made lake and start swimming to get as far from here as possible . but gun fire seems to come from everywhere as the attackers use it to force open the door and intimidate their occupants . those with guns are able to fight back . they have either killed the looters or were killed . the secretary wonders if this is what it sounds like in a battlefield . seth saw drake go down and start running toward the house . the security sees him coming and fires several shots but misses . seth then crouches down , leaning as much on the wall as he could . he then hears slow footsteps and that 's all he needs , as he quickly turns , staying as low to the ground as he can and fires a few shots at the direction of where the footsteps came from . he lands several shots but also gets hit in the chest . the security guard in the backyard , who is now crouched in the kitchen , takes the opportunity to move and sees seth on the floor . he quickly fires several shots at seth 's back killing him . words starts spreading among attackers that seth and drake are dead , and the police are coming . everyone starts running in all directions to get out of the subdivision with as much of their loot as they can carry . some are arrested , some are killed in gunfight with the police , and some make it back to the tent city .
[["drake", 5], ["drive", 17], ["drives", 17], ["bus", 25], ["gate", 38], ["gates", 38], ["gated", 38], ["community", 48], ["tent", 55], ["tented", 55], ["tenting", 55], ["city", 60], ["seattle", 70], ["washington", 81], ["astor", 87], ["talk", 98], ["talked", 98], ["non", 102], ["stop", 107], ["try", 116], ["tryed", 116], ["trying", 116], ["convince", 128], ["convinced", 128], ["convincing", 128], ["man", 136], ["mans", 136], ["manned", 136], ["let", 143], ["lets", 143], ["go", 150], ["goest", 150], ["threaten", 171], ["threatened", 171], ["put", 178], ["cloth", 186], ["mouth", 199], ["mouthed", 199], ["think", 219], ["thinkest", 219], ["go", 239], ["goest", 239], ["going", 239], ["happen", 249], ["parent", 265], ["parents", 265], ["siblings", 278], ["police", 292], ["take", 297], ["took", 297], ["revenge", 305], ["close", 321], ["hatred", 365], ["destroy", 388], ["destroys", 388], ["like", 399], ["fight", 432], ["fightest", 432], ["cause", 449], ["say", 464], ["sayest", 464], ["said", 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["lowers", 1473], ["lowerest", 1473], ["move", 1497], ["moves", 1497], ["small", 1507], ["unit", 1518], ["close", 1525], ["closer", 1525], ["start", 1549], ["starts", 1549], ["dial", 1558], ["hope", 1571], ["hoping", 1571], ["late", 1590], ["lates", 1590], ["park", 1646], ["parks", 1646], ["front", 1661], ["gate", 1673], ["gates", 1673], ["come", 1688], ["comes", 1688], ["security", 1708], ["attention", 1725], ["put", 1730], ["puts", 1730], ["holster", 1761], ["know", 1784], ["knowest", 1784], ["seth", 1794], ["sneak", 1806], ["sneakest", 1806], ["sneaked", 1806], ["side", 1829], ["sidest", 1829], ["fire", 1850], ["fired", 1850], ["shoot", 1857], ["shot", 1857], ["shooted", 1857], ["head", 1875], ["approach", 1899], ["approaches", 1899], ["guard", 1909], ["key", 1925], ["keyed", 1925], ["keyest", 1925], ["open", 1935], ["opens", 1935], ["door", 1944], ["go", 1954], ["goest", 1954], ["went", 1954], ["back", 1959], ["yell", 1980], ["yells", 1980], ["tonight", 1990], ["plunder", 2001], ["treasure", 2015], ["treasures", 2015], ["steal", 2037], ["stole", 2037], ["stolen", 2037], ["inside", 2077], ["look", 2085], ["looking", 2085], ["secretary", 2103], ["home", 2121], ["homing", 2121], ["address", 2129], ["get", 2143], ["got", 2143], ["contact", 2160], ["take", 2179], ["long", 2184], ["longs", 2184], ["find", 2200], ["stop", 2214], ["stops", 2214], ["people", 2227], ["immediately", 2252], ["pour", 2257], ["beast", 2273], ["beasts", 2273], ["fed", 2296], ["feed", 2296], ["year", 2306], ["years", 2306], ["spread", 2320], ["charge", 2336], ["charged", 2336], ["various", 2347], ["house", 2354], ["houses", 2354], ["gun", 2364], ["guns", 2364], ["hand", 2379], ["hands", 2379], ["hear", 2401], ["hears", 2401], ["noise", 2412], ["decide", 2424], ["decides", 2424], ["check", 2433], ["foot", 2478], ["feet", 2478], ["already", 2486], ["fire", 2523], ["firing", 2523], ["broke", 2546], ["break", 2546], ["breaking", 2546], ["frame", 2556], ["piece", 2566], ["pieced", 2566], ["pieces", 2566], ["amidst", 2575], ["fire", 2588], ["attacker", 2603], ["hear", 2617], ["hears", 2617], ["siren", 2628], ["sirens", 2628], ["around", 2645], ["reach", 2670], ["helicopter", 2704], ["helicopters", 2704], ["also", 2709], ["turn", 2729], ["away", 2734], ["attacker", 2762], ["attackers", 2762], ["sky", 2788], ["guard", 2830], ["guards", 2830], ["grab", 2844], ["knot", 2856], ["knotted", 2856], ["knots", 2856], ["blanket", 2866], ["throw", 2879], ["throws", 2879], ["window", 2897], ["windows", 2897], ["go", 2907], ["goest", 2907], ["goes", 2907], ["sure", 2925], ["nobody", 2932], ["backyard", 2951], ["usher", 2970], ["ushers", 2970], ["quiet", 3001], ["night", 3007], ["suddenly", 3020], ["punctuate", 3036], ["punctuated", 3036], ["voice", 3051], ["woman", 3060], ["womans", 3060], ["women", 3060], ["scream", 3070], ["screams", 3070], ["screaming", 3070], ["child", 3083], ["childs", 3083], ["children", 3083], ["cry", 3090], ["crying", 3090], ["fence", 3169], ["appear", 3209], ["appears", 3209], ["fire", 3262], ["fires", 3262], ["assailant", 3279], ["kill", 3289], ["killing", 3289], ["overcome", 3316], ["overcame", 3316], ["rage", 3326], ["charge", 3343], ["charging", 3343], ["house", 3358], ["jump", 3462], ["jumps", 3462], ["lake", 3485], ["swim", 3504], ["swiming", 3504], ["far", 3518], ["possible", 3540], ["come", 3569], ["everywhere", 3585], ["use", 3606], ["force", 3618], ["open", 3623], ["intimidate", 3647], ["occupant", 3663], ["occupants", 3663], ["able", 3690], ["abled", 3690], ["either", 3723], ["looters", 3742], ["wonder", 3781], ["wonderest", 3781], ["wonders", 3781], ["sound", 3807], ["sounds", 3807], ["battlefield", 3829], ["battlefields", 3829], ["see", 3840], ["saw", 3840], ["run", 3872], ["running", 3872], ["toward", 3879], ["see", 3909], ["sees", 3909], ["come", 3920], ["coming", 3920], ["several", 3938], ["shot", 3944], ["shots", 3944], ["miss", 3955], ["misses", 3955], ["crouch", 3976], ["crouches", 3976], ["lean", 3991], ["leans", 3991], ["leaning", 3991], ["much", 3999], ["wall", 4011], ["slow", 4044], ["footstep", 4054], ["footsteps", 4054], ["need", 4079], ["needest", 4079], ["needs", 4079], ["turn", 4101], ["turns", 4101], ["stay", 4111], ["staying", 4111], ["low", 4118], ["lowed", 4118], ["ground", 4132], ["direction", 4181], ["come", 4209], ["came", 4209], ["land", 4225], ["lands", 4225], ["get", 4253], ["gets", 4253], ["hit", 4257], ["chest", 4270], ["crouch", 4329], ["crouched", 4329], ["kitchen", 4344], ["kitchens", 4344], ["opportunity", 4368], ["move", 4376], ["floor", 4403], ["word", 4472], ["words", 4472], ["spread", 4489], ["spreading", 4489], ["among", 4495], ["dead", 4534], ["everyone", 4573], ["direction", 4606], ["directions", 4606], ["subdivision", 4636], ["loot", 4663], ["carry", 4681], ["arrest", 4701], ["arrested", 4701], ["gunfight", 4731]]
tent city , seattle washington astor convinces all returning attackers to hand over their guns . he would keep them and lead the negotiation with police . they oblige . upon the arrival of police , astor identifies himself as the person who called for help . he hands over all the guns that he recovered . in the succeeding days , police arrest the attackers one by one , based on intelligence gathered by their agents in the tent city . saudi arabia on the other side of the world , another group of rebels has assembled . they are determined to march peacefully to protest against corruption and atrocities . they have talked about the bravery of the egyptians who have withstood violence and sniper fire to overthrow their dictator . the internet has been shut down , so jabaar , who has joined his friends in the rally , is not able to upload any pictures or video to the internet . so he just brings his computer unit and starts filming . he is puzzled as to why the middle east voice network is not broadcasting their protest . the network has been promoted as the new voice for the middle east and has offered modern programming , attracting lots of viewers , especially the youth . but jabaar is puzzled as to why the network news is not even mentioning the protest . the government has also been cracking down on internet usage censoring the content . saudi is one of the first to quickly sign the motherland defence initiative , claiming they already practice all of those laws . saudi has also required citizens to get a license to blog . jabaar did not see any problem with that until he started blogging about things critical of their monarch and government . his license to blog was taken away . but there are ways around being banned from blogging . he just gives the message to his friend to post until they themselves get banned also or use anonymous ip addresses and encrypted traffic . it has made posting protest videos and pictures on the internet difficult . difficult but not impossible . even more difficult now that the government has shut down the internet due to the growing protest . one of jabaars friends , gamali , is heading to the united arab emirates . he asked him to smuggle the memory chip across the border and post it to the internet that way . jabaar asked gamali to post it on the crowd-sourced net . maybe they will broadcast it on their satellites . conglomerate 's headquarters in paraguay the protest is growing in saudi , helmut groos tells the chief . but we have shut down the internet and our subsidiary , the middle east voice network , will not be reporting anything about this , helmut groos explains . spare no resources . do everything even if we have to turn that country upside down . we can not lose our investment there , the chief orders . the chief and helmut are joined by an extra guest today . steve m. o'reilly , the head of u.s.-canada media division of the conglomerate . i fear if the same thing happened in the u.s. that we might not be able to get away with not reporting it , especially if the number of protesters grow , steve says . just report on something else . label them unpatriotic , un-american or traitors . maybe there is a plane crash or some other disaster . there will always be something more pressing you can report on . if not we can create one for you , the chief says and starts laughing . helmut joins in and starts laughing also . steve laughs nervously , knowing that they wo n't hesitate to create one if the need arises . our subsidiary , a gaming company , has been compromised , helmut says bleakly . some hackers have posted internet details of our backdoor codes on the hackers forum , helmut explains . we need the media help for this one , you and your subsidiaries from around the world , the chief tells steve . your wish is my command , steve says . newscast around the world immediately after steve m o'reilly leaves the meeting at paraguay , he dispatches instructions to broadcast news . almost instantaneously , the news has been repeated across the world on all media outlets of the conglomerate . even media not owned by the conglomerate quickly pick up on that and start repeating what was reported . one newscaster reads the prepared news : the manufacturer of the game izaron 's realm has declared that hackers have broken the digital lock on the game to install a malware . users are asked to update it with the patch immediately , which will prevent their system from being compromised by these malicious codes . the company said they intend to track down the uploader of this code who broke the digital lock and will prosecute them to the maximum penalty allowed under the copyright and patent law . the news anchor then goes off the script and says , and that 's a whole lot of fines and jail sentence . the new anchor closes with a shake of her head and raised eyebrow along with a twist in her lips that portray an adult showing disapproval to a naughty child .
[["tent", 4], ["tented", 4], ["tenting", 4], ["city", 9], ["seattle", 19], ["washington", 30], ["astor", 36], ["convince", 46], ["convinced", 46], ["convincing", 46], ["convinces", 46], ["return", 60], ["returnest", 60], ["returning", 60], ["attacker", 70], ["attackers", 70], ["hand", 78], ["gun", 94], ["guns", 94], ["keep", 110], ["keepest", 110], ["lead", 124], ["leaded", 124], ["negotiation", 140], ["police", 152], ["oblige", 166], ["upon", 173], ["arrival", 185], ["identify", 214], ["person", 236], ["call", 247], ["called", 247], ["help", 256], ["helpest", 256], ["hand", 267], ["hands", 267], ["recover", 303], ["recovered", 303], ["succeed", 323], ["succeedest", 323], ["succeeding", 323], ["day", 328], ["days", 328], ["arrest", 344], ["base", 377], ["basest", 377], ["based", 377], ["intelligence", 393], ["gather", 402], ["gatherest", 402], ["gathered", 402], ["agent", 418], ["agents", 418], ["saudi", 443], ["saudis", 443], ["arabia", 450], ["side", 468], ["sidest", 468], ["world", 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["prepared", 4244], ["manufacturer", 4268], ["game", 4280], ["realm", 4296], ["declare", 4309], ["declared", 4309], ["broke", 4334], ["break", 4334], ["broken", 4334], ["digital", 4346], ["lock", 4351], ["install", 4374], ["malware", 4384], ["user", 4392], ["users", 4392], ["update", 4412], ["updates", 4412], ["patch", 4430], ["patching", 4430], ["prevent", 4463], ["preventest", 4463], ["system", 4476], ["malicious", 4518], ["say", 4543], ["sayest", 4543], ["said", 4543], ["intend", 4555], ["intendest", 4555], ["track", 4564], ["code", 4595], ["broke", 4605], ["break", 4605], ["prosecute", 4641], ["maxima", 4661], ["maximum", 4661], ["penalty", 4669], ["allow", 4677], ["allowed", 4677], ["copyright", 4697], ["patent", 4708], ["law", 4712], ["anchor", 4730], ["anchoring", 4730], ["go", 4740], ["goest", 4740], ["goes", 4740], ["script", 4755], ["scripts", 4755], ["scripting", 4755], ["whole", 4786], ["wholes", 4786], ["lot", 4790], ["fine", 4799], ["fines", 4799], ["jail", 4808], ["jails", 4808], ["jailing", 4808], ["jailest", 4808], ["sentence", 4817], ["close", 4841], ["closes", 4841], ["shake", 4854], ["raise", 4877], ["raised", 4877], ["eyebrow", 4885], ["along", 4891], ["twist", 4904], ["twisted", 4904], ["twisting", 4904], ["lip", 4916], ["lipped", 4916], ["lips", 4916], ["portray", 4929], ["portrayed", 4929], ["adult", 4938], ["show", 4946], ["showing", 4946], ["disapproval", 4958], ["naughty", 4971], ["naughtier", 4971], ["naughtiest", 4971], ["child", 4977], ["childs", 4977]]
immediately after the broadcast millions of people start updating the patch , erasing evidence that there ever was a backdoor code in the original game . the program at the company 's download site has also been updated , removing any trace of the malicious code . several raids are made across the world at addressees of the people who commented and posted about finding the flaw . the isp readily provides the address as requested and all data that they have of on the user , which is substantial since the data retention law came into effect . the isp of the forum agrees to take down the offending post just an hour after it was posted . helmut groos breathes a sigh of relief that only few people knew about it , and they have all been arrested except for the original poster . he is glad that this was posted late in the night . chicago meanwhile in chicago , veteran news magazine reporter anthony kemp just finished interviewing oleg oborski . anthony is intent on revealing the inconsistency and the media 's rush to judgement about the electric car accident . at 60 years old , anthony still has strong followers and an integrity that is fully intact . he despises what the media has become . a spin machine for politicians . anthony is the only u.s. media personnel that is still daring to do investigative journalism . aside from working on the oleg 's electric car story , he was hot on the tail of the pegasus electric corp fraud . it was his investigation that lead to the revelation . anthony looks at his watch . he has an appointment with brett jules , a long time source and government insider . brett is bringing a document that would implicate the secretary of treasurer . anthony drives to their usual secret meeting place . a restaurant in chinatown . as he sits down , brett offers to buy him drinks . he declines but brett is very insistent . as anthony is looking at the menu , brett pours drinks into his glass and drop some powder in it . the powder dissolves almost instantaneously . by the time anthony put down his menu , the powder has become invisible . the two chat and brett hands him the document as they leave . back in his office , anthony is shocked at the revelation in the document . he quickly calls his network to report breaking news . the network obliges . they start broadcasting and reporting that internal government documents have shown the secretary of treasury has misappropriated funds . other media outlet ask for a copy . solara , a growing media empire that has network in u.s. and canada start reporting within seconds of receiving the document that it is a forgery . they immediately point out inconsistencies in the letter header with actual government header . anthony is shocked . brett has betrayed him . other details start emerging . details that only government insiders would know but is now being revealed to show the false information . including some administrative staff names and information . anthony was crushed . anthony see his career of 35 years coming to a brutal end . his network suspended him . but anthony does not realize that those are the least of his worries . brett sits at his home watching the events unfold , staring intently to the screen with a devious smile . his mind is replaying the preparation they did before meeting anthony . here 's a chemical powder . morris told him . not only do we want to discredit anthony , we also want to make sure he does not regain his integrity ever again . this powder will induce a cancer on his body . it will then make the compromised cell acidic to create an environment that the cancer can thrive on . brett was looking forward to trying out the drug . he has worked as a secret agent for various agencies but never got to use such a drug . depends on how soon we want him dead . we can increase the dosage . this quantity will give him about 4 months to live . so by the time the controversy dies down , he will be on his way to permanent retirement . morris says confidently . as a result of anthony 's suspension , the interview with oleg has also been buried . chapter 11 changing of the guards washington , dc it has been a tumultuous campaign . in the heat of the campaign , the conglomerate approached the president to get his support for invading bolivia . the president deferred making any decisions until after the election . morris thought to himself that such a time would never come since the presidents ratings are falling . the new rising star is a latina named eva garcia . ray initially thinks she is being over-hyped . but as he watches her speak and talks about her vision , he is impressed and she wins him over . she has campaigned promising open government . she promises to offer unprecedented transparency and public involvement . her slogan is hope for the future . gracy is a bit more sceptical . she is not going to vote for her simply because she has a spanish background . as one star rises , another falls . darius davis , the son of the president who was assassinated in 2011 , has been proclaimed as a promising politician .
[["immediately", 11], ["broadcast", 31], ["broadcasted", 31], ["million", 40], ["millions", 40], ["people", 50], ["start", 56], ["update", 65], ["updates", 65], ["updating", 65], ["patch", 75], ["patching", 75], ["erase", 85], ["erasing", 85], ["evidence", 94], ["ever", 110], ["everest", 110], ["backdoor", 125], ["code", 130], ["original", 146], ["game", 151], ["program", 165], ["company", 180], ["companys", 180], ["companying", 180], ["download", 192], ["siting", 197], ["also", 206], ["update", 219], ["updates", 219], ["updated", 219], ["remove", 230], ["removing", 230], ["trace", 240], ["malicious", 257], ["several", 272], ["raid", 278], ["across", 294], ["world", 304], ["addressee", 318], ["addressees", 318], ["comment", 346], ["commented", 346], ["post", 357], ["posted", 357], ["find", 371], ["finding", 371], ["flaw", 380], ["flawed", 380], ["isp", 390], ["readily", 398], ["provide", 407], ["provides", 407], ["address", 419], ["request", 432], ["requestest", 432], ["requested", 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but he is staying at a hotel during the campaign and meets a lady at the bar . he is struck by her beauty and slips her a secret note of how to get in touch with him . he slips out to meet her and he thinks it would be a good break from campaigning to sleep at her place . the next days news report of a lady claiming to have been sexually assaulted spreads . she has bruises on her face . she identifies the senator as the perpetrator . the senator is baffled . she is very friendly and perfectly fine when he left her place . they obtain dna samples from the condom left at her place . his popularity sinks . a honey trap has been sprung and darius davis falls for it , costing him his political career . the election is held and the u.s. have its first woman and latina president . the crowd is ecstatic and there are celebrations and hopefulness that a new era of open government has began . she is inaugurated today and has officially moved into the white house . manitoba , canada barb stanton has been travelling in manitoba , canada with not a care in the world . she has e-mailed her 8 friends and thinks she can now wash her hands of the affair . she convinces herself she did her part and there is no need to get herself in harm 's way again . she has not seen much reporting about the cancer cure though . maybe because she has been avoiding cities and staying in secluded places . she keeps north as much as she can . she is enjoying her new found freedom and had left her computer unit at her friend 's cottage . upon arriving at manitoba , she heads to various beaches and lakes in the central and northern part of the province , enjoying the water and just relaxing . she then flies to churchill and is lucky to have caught sight of the aurora borealis ( northern lights ) and lots of polar bears . she also gets up close and personal with several friendly beluga whales in the oceans , along with other wildlife . after a month , she decides to move onto saskatchewan and then alberta and stays at jasper enjoying the scenery and the glaciers . barb is rudely awaken by a nightmare while camping at jasper one night . in her dream , her professor friend is laughing and seems very relaxed . but she tries talking to him and he can not hear her . she starts yelling and he just keeps smiling and walks away . she decides she has to find out how he is doing . she makes up her mind that she would head out west as planned but leave sooner rather than later . vancouver , canada cedric and his friends go hiking in the pacific coast of vancouver . after a week of hiking they check in to a hostel in the city of vancouver and go for a day trip diving at horseshoe bay . bobby even brought his own scuba gear . as the night sets in , they head out to watch jake participate in some drag racing . but jake is not here for ordinary drag racing . he is competing with other racers who have hacked their car to do reverse drive at high speed . all this is done using manual driving with self-drive disabled before the race in their private drag racing lot . the car 's windshield rearview display is enabled . cedric thinks it is silly but has tried it himself and did pretty well . when they get back to the hostel , a lady at the portable phone unit looks distressed . she hangs up the phone and starts crying . cedric approaches her and asks if everything is ok. my friend has just been murdered , barb says crying with hands covering her mouth . cedric and his friends are shocked . cedric asks while his friend is tagging his sleeve wanting to leave . by someone powerful . i am not quite sure who , but his name is morris stark . why do n't you call the police ? cedric askes . i think it was the police who tried to kill me in algonquin . i do n't know , maybe they just dressed up like a police . bobby drops his arm to the side forcefully with an expression that is equivalent to him saying unbelievable . barb hesitates . cedric asks his friend to go ahead and he will catch up with them later . they leave with bobby asking cedric not to take too long . there is one thing , barb says , pulling out a pendant . this is a memory chip , it contains proof of people trying to conceal the cure for cancer . cedric ca n't believe his ears . barb is shaking as she hands him the pendant . she quickly runs away to her room . why are you encouraging that crazy lady ? the guy at the reception asks . what makes you think she is crazy ? well she has been blabbering nonsense since she arrived . about seeing ghosts or something . i think she is schizophrenic . cedric wondered if he should return the pendant to her but decides to keep it . the next day , cedric and his friends prepare to drive back to san francisco .
[["stay", 17], ["staying", 17], ["hotel", 28], ["campaign", 48], ["campaigning", 48], ["meet", 58], ["meeted", 58], ["meets", 58], ["lady", 65], ["bar", 76], ["strike", 91], ["struck", 91], ["beauty", 105], ["slip", 115], ["slips", 115], ["secret", 128], ["note", 133], ["get", 147], ["touch", 156], ["touching", 156], ["meet", 188], ["meeted", 188], ["think", 206], ["thinkest", 206], ["thinks", 206], ["good", 225], ["broke", 231], ["break", 231], ["campaign", 248], ["campaigning", 248], ["sleep", 257], ["slept", 257], ["sleeps", 257], ["sleepest", 257], ["place", 270], ["next", 281], ["day", 286], ["days", 286], ["news", 291], ["newses", 291], ["report", 298], ["claim", 317], ["claiming", 317], ["sexually", 339], ["assault", 349], ["assaulted", 349], ["spread", 357], ["spreads", 357], ["bruise", 375], ["bruises", 375], ["face", 387], ["identify", 404], ["senator", 416], ["perpetrator", 435], ["baffle", 460], ["baffles", 460], ["baffling", 460], ["baffled", 460], ["friendly", 483], 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["name", 3626], ["morris", 3636], ["stark", 3642], ["starks", 3642], ["call", 3664], ["police", 3675], ["ask", 3690], ["think", 3700], ["thinkest", 3700], ["kill", 3736], ["algonquin", 3752], ["know", 3768], ["knowest", 3768], ["dress", 3794], ["dressest", 3794], ["dressed", 3794], ["like", 3802], ["drop", 3825], ["drops", 3825], ["arm", 3833], ["side", 3845], ["sidest", 3845], ["forcefully", 3856], ["expression", 3875], ["equivalent", 3894], ["say", 3908], ["sayest", 3908], ["saying", 3908], ["unbelievable", 3921], ["hesitate", 3938], ["hesitates", 3938], ["ahead", 3975], ["catch", 3993], ["catched", 3993], ["catches", 3993], ["ask", 4043], ["asking", 4043], ["take", 4062], ["long", 4071], ["longs", 4071], ["thing", 4092], ["pull", 4114], ["pulling", 4114], ["pendant", 4128], ["memory", 4147], ["memories", 4147], ["chip", 4152], ["chipping", 4152], ["contain", 4166], ["containest", 4166], ["contains", 4166], ["proof", 4172], ["proofs", 4172], ["proofed", 4172], ["proofest", 4172], ["people", 4182], ["try", 4189], ["tryed", 4189], ["trying", 4189], ["conceal", 4200], ["concealest", 4200], ["ca", 4232], ["cas", 4232], ["believe", 4244], ["ear", 4253], ["ears", 4253], ["shake", 4271], ["shaking", 4271], ["quickly", 4314], ["run", 4319], ["runs", 4319], ["room", 4336], ["roomed", 4336], ["encourage", 4362], ["encouraging", 4362], ["crazy", 4373], ["guy", 4388], ["reception", 4405], ["blabber", 4477], ["blabbered", 4477], ["blabbering", 4477], ["nonsense", 4486], ["since", 4492], ["arrive", 4504], ["arrived", 4504], ["see", 4519], ["seeing", 4519], ["ghost", 4526], ["ghosts", 4526], ["schizophrenic", 4570], ["schizophrenics", 4570], ["wonder", 4588], ["wonderest", 4588], ["wondered", 4588], ["return", 4608], ["returnest", 4608], ["keep", 4647], ["keepest", 4647], ["prepare", 4698], ["san", 4719], ["francisco", 4729]]
jake decides to stay and visit his relatives . he asks cedric to drive his car home and keep it with him for now . i do n't need a car that could drive high speed in reverse . cedric jokes . you never know , jake laughed . the group of friends check out of the hostel . but there is one person who would not be checking herself out that day . barb stantons cold body would be found later that day by the house cleaning crew . saudi arabia jabaar was happily filming the protest when suddenly gun shots are heard . the crowd panics and confusion ensues . they do n't know where the gun fire is coming from . people in the crowd suddenly start bleeding from knife wounds . someone is stabbing people randomly and moving away casually among the crowd . jabaar 's video catches one of the stabbers . the crowd is determined to stay but more shots are fired and the crowd disperses . jabaar rushes home in tears relating what had happened to his parents . the next day there was uneasy calm in the kingdom . jabaar decided to mail the video from last night to his friend who should now be in the united arab emirates . he drops off the mail and is about to head home when two plain clothes policemen grab him and push him into the van . the white house eva garcia is sitting at the oval office proud of herself . she is now the most powerful woman in the world . at least that is how it is supposed to be . but she quickly comes back to reality when she is informed that morris stark and the chief have arrived . the people who put her in power is here . whoever said she is now the most powerful woman in the world has no idea . as morris and the chief march into the oval office , she offers to seat down with them on the oval office couch . congratulations on your win , the chief said . all thanks to you . you were right when you said it is due for a republican win and put me in as the republican candidate . eva says . it 's not hard to predict . that is just how the american political cycle goes . i was pretty impressed with the open government and hope for the future theme . yes , you just tell the people what they want to hear . very well , there is one piece of business that we would like to get started on soon . i 'll let morris explain . it is about bolivia . their actions are causing so much pain to our conglomerate 's partners . the sooner we usurp their president from power the better , morris explains . eva wonders . by declaring that their president has been supporting drug smuggling into u.s . enough to go to war with ? yes , if there has been an outbreak of violence in the u.s. eva has a look of shock on her face . a meditated violence so soon after her win ? buckle up and get used to it . we have lots of business to do . we will be using mostly our drones with the new lucifer 's fork missile . you do n't have to worry about public opposition for this or any future war . large protests usually result from fear that large number of americans will die . all casualties of war from now on would mostly be on the other side . our media will make sure no graphic pictures or videos of civilian casualties are broadcasted to prevent the weak minded from protesting . morris says without missing a beat . it would almost seem prophetic for those who do n't know what morris is capable of . but sure enough within days , violence blamed on gangs broke out in detroit . reports from the media controlled by the conglomerate expose the link to close relative of bolivia 's president . americans are outraged . eva goes on t.v . to demand the president hand over his brother and other relatives or face the consequences . bolivia 's president is furious and accuses president garcia of making things up . chapter 12 power play tortured souls ( warning : graphic content ) jabaar 's hood is removed after they tie him up to a chair . izz-al din qamar is one of the most feared man in saudi . and jabaar is about to find out why . izz-al din learned a lot from morris stark . izz-al din thinks morris 's brain is like a torture manual . he is a master of the art . jabaar , you are being charged under the motherland defence initiative for serious crimes of treason against your country , i would suggest that you co-operate and tell me who your accomplices are . i have no accomplice , jabaar told the truth . i was just there to join the rally . i see you want to play hard ball . people who play hard ball leave here with soft ball , izz-al din starts laughing . izz-al din then faces his companion and says , whoever is squeamish better leave now and skip this one . the guards just smirk and laugh .
[["jake", 4], ["jakes", 4], ["jaked", 4], ["decide", 12], ["decides", 12], ["stay", 20], ["visit", 30], ["relative", 44], ["relatives", 44], ["ask", 54], ["asks", 54], ["drive", 70], ["car", 78], ["home", 83], ["homing", 83], ["keep", 92], ["keepest", 92], ["need", 128], ["needest", 128], ["high", 156], ["speed", 162], ["speeding", 162], ["reverse", 173], ["reversed", 173], ["joke", 188], ["jokes", 188], ["never", 200], ["know", 205], ["knowest", 205], ["laugh", 220], ["laughed", 220], ["group", 232], ["friend", 243], ["friends", 243], ["check", 249], ["hostel", 267], ["person", 293], ["check", 319], ["checking", 319], ["day", 340], ["barb", 347], ["barbed", 347], ["stanton", 356], ["cold", 361], ["body", 366], ["bodied", 366], ["find", 381], ["found", 381], ["later", 387], ["house", 409], ["clean", 418], ["cleans", 418], ["cleaning", 418], ["crew", 423], ["saudi", 431], ["saudis", 431], ["arabia", 438], ["happily", 457], ["film", 465], ["filming", 465], ["protest", 477], ["protestest", 477], ["suddenly", 491], ["gun", 495], ["shot", 501], ["shots", 501], ["hear", 511], ["hears", 511], ["heard", 511], ["crowd", 523], ["crowding", 523], ["crowdest", 523], ["panic", 530], ["panics", 530], ["confusion", 544], ["ensue", 551], ["ensues", 551], ["fire", 589], ["come", 599], ["coming", 599], ["people", 613], ["start", 641], ["bleed", 650], ["bleeding", 650], ["knife", 661], ["knifes", 661], ["wind", 668], ["wound", 668], ["wounding", 668], ["wounds", 668], ["stab", 690], ["stabs", 690], ["stabbing", 690], ["randomly", 706], ["move", 717], ["moving", 717], ["away", 722], ["casually", 731], ["among", 737], ["video", 765], ["catch", 773], ["catched", 773], ["catches", 773], ["stabber", 793], ["stabbers", 793], ["fire", 852], ["fired", 852], ["disperse", 876], ["disperses", 876], ["rush", 892], ["rushes", 892], ["tear", 906], ["teared", 906], ["tears", 906], ["relate", 915], ["relates", 915], ["relating", 915], ["happen", 933], ["happened", 933], ["parent", 948], 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1492], ["chiefs", 1492], ["arrive", 1505], ["arrived", 1505], ["put", 1526], ["power", 1539], ["whoever", 1557], ["say", 1562], ["sayest", 1562], ["said", 1562], ["idea", 1622], ["march", 1654], ["marching", 1654], ["offer", 1688], ["offers", 1688], ["seat", 1696], ["couch", 1736], ["couchest", 1736], ["congratulation", 1754], ["congratulations", 1754], ["win", 1766], ["thank", 1796], ["thanks", 1796], ["thankest", 1796], ["right", 1820], ["rightest", 1820], ["due", 1844], ["republican", 1861], ["republicans", 1861], ["candidate", 1907], ["candidating", 1907], ["say", 1918], ["sayest", 1918], ["says", 1918], ["hard", 1935], ["predict", 1946], ["predictest", 1946], ["american", 1978], ["americans", 1978], ["political", 1988], ["cycle", 1994], ["go", 1999], ["goest", 1999], ["goes", 1999], ["pretty", 2014], ["prettiest", 2014], ["open", 2038], ["government", 2049], ["hope", 2058], ["future", 2073], ["theme", 2079], ["themed", 2079], ["themes", 2079], ["yes", 2085], ["tell", 2101], ["hear", 2135], ["hears", 2135], ["well", 2147], ["wells", 2147], ["piece", 2168], ["pieced", 2168], ["business", 2180], ["like", 2199], ["get", 2206], ["start", 2214], ["started", 2214], ["soon", 2222], ["let", 2234], ["lets", 2234], ["explain", 2249], ["bolivia", 2271], ["action", 2287], ["actions", 2287], ["cause", 2299], ["causing", 2299], ["much", 2307], ["pain", 2312], ["conglomerate", 2332], ["partner", 2344], ["partners", 2344], ["soon", 2357], ["usurp", 2366], ["usurped", 2366], ["usurping", 2366], ["usurpest", 2366], ["president", 2382], ["well", 2404], ["wells", 2404], ["explain", 2422], ["explains", 2422], ["wonder", 2436], ["wonderest", 2436], ["wonders", 2436], ["declare", 2451], ["declaring", 2451], ["support", 2492], ["supporting", 2492], ["drug", 2497], ["smuggling", 2507], ["enough", 2525], ["go", 2531], ["goest", 2531], ["war", 2538], ["outbreak", 2581], ["outbreaks", 2581], ["violence", 2593], ["look", 2620], ["shock", 2629], ["face", 2641], ["meditate", 2655], ["meditates", 2655], ["meditating", 2655], ["meditated", 2655], ["buckle", 2695], ["buckled", 2695], ["lot", 2732], ["lots", 2732], ["use", 2769], ["using", 2769], ["mostly", 2776], ["drone", 2787], ["droning", 2787], ["drones", 2787], ["new", 2800], ["lucifer", 2808], ["fork", 2816], ["missile", 2824], ["worry", 2851], ["worried", 2851], ["public", 2864], ["opposition", 2875], ["large", 2910], ["protest", 2919], ["protestest", 2919], ["protests", 2919], ["usually", 2927], ["result", 2934], ["resultest", 2934], ["fear", 2944], ["fearest", 2944], ["number", 2962], ["numbering", 2962], ["die", 2984], ["casualty", 3001], ["casualties", 3001], ["side", 3054], ["sidest", 3054], ["medium", 3066], ["mediums", 3066], ["media", 3066], ["sure", 3081], ["graphic", 3092], ["picture", 3101], ["pictures", 3101], ["video", 3111], ["videos", 3111], ["civilian", 3123], ["civilians", 3123], ["broadcast", 3150], ["broadcasted", 3150], ["prevent", 3161], ["preventest", 3161], ["weak", 3170], ["mind", 3177], ["minding", 3177], ["protest", 3193], ["protestest", 3193], ["protesting", 3193], ["without", 3215], ["miss", 3223], ["missing", 3223], ["beat", 3230], ["almost", 3248], ["seem", 3253], ["seeming", 3253], ["prophetic", 3263], ["capable", 3312], ["capablest", 3312], ["within", 3340], ["day", 3345], ["days", 3345], ["blame", 3363], ["blamest", 3363], ["blamed", 3363], ["gang", 3372], ["gangs", 3372], ["broke", 3378], ["break", 3378], ["detroit", 3393], ["report", 3403], ["reports", 3403], ["control", 3429], ["controlled", 3429], ["expose", 3456], ["link", 3465], ["close", 3474], ["relative", 3483], ["demand", 3562], ["demandest", 3562], ["hand", 3581], ["brother", 3598], ["brethren", 3598], ["consequence", 3643], ["consequenced", 3643], ["consequences", 3643], ["furious", 3677], ["accuse", 3689], ["accuses", 3689], ["thing", 3723], ["things", 3723], ["chapter", 3736], ["play", 3750], ["playest", 3750], ["torture", 3759], ["tortured", 3759], ["soul", 3765], ["souls", 3765], ["warning", 3775], ["content", 3793], ["contenting", 3793], ["hood", 3810], ["remove", 3821], ["removed", 3821], ["tie", 3836], ["tying", 3836], ["tieing", 3836], ["chair", 3854], ["chairing", 3854], ["al", 3863], ["als", 3863], ["din", 3867], ["dins", 3867], ["man", 3903], ["mans", 3903], ["manned", 3903], ["find", 3942], ["learn", 3971], ["learns", 3971], ["learnt", 3971], ["learned", 3971], ["lot", 3977], ["think", 4015], ["thinkest", 4015], ["thinks", 4015], ["brain", 4031], ["brained", 4031], ["braining", 4031], ["torture", 4049], ["manual", 4056], ["master", 4073], ["art", 4084], ["charge", 4117], ["charged", 4117], ["motherland", 4138], ["defence", 4146], ["initiative", 4157], ["serious", 4169], ["crime", 4176], ["crimes", 4176], ["treason", 4187], ["country", 4208], ["suggest", 4226], ["co", 4238], ["operate", 4246], ["accomplice", 4279], ["accomplices", 4279], ["accomplice", 4306], ["tell", 4320], ["told", 4320], ["truth", 4330], ["join", 4357], ["joinest", 4357], ["rally", 4367], ["rallying", 4367], ["see", 4375], ["ball", 4402], ["left", 4436], ["leave", 4436], ["soft", 4451], ["start", 4476], ["starts", 4476], ["laugh", 4485], ["laughing", 4485], ["face", 4509], ["faces", 4509], ["companion", 4523], ["squeamish", 4555], ["skip", 4581], ["skips", 4581], ["skipped", 4581], ["guard", 4603], ["guards", 4603], ["smirk", 4614], ["laugh", 4624]]
they 've done this countless of times and none of this faze them . let 's tickle him first . the guards immediately hold up both jabaar 's palms and feet , hitting both the palms and soles of his feet with hard plastic . jabaar screams in pain . izz-al din laughs and says , you have seen nothing yet . co-operate now and be spared from what has yet to come . i swear i was just there by myself . i just wanted to check out what is going on , jabaar says almost in tears . izz-al din sighs . i just want to go home , jabaar pleads . izz-al din signals to his man , who removes the rope from the chair and starts removing jabaar 's clothes . they then lay him down in a slanted wooden board and ties his hand and feet onto the board . his face is covered with a dark cloth and water is poured down the cloth . jabaar starts choking as if he is drowning . he can feel water going up his nose . at first it was like drinking water and have it going the wrong way . but it gets worse and the pain in his nose between his eyes is unbearable . his lungs burn and felt like they are going to explode . jabaar has heard about water boarding before and they say it just feels like drowning and is not really torture . he now knows firsthand that is a lie . he feels pain he has never felt before . at least with drowning it doesnt take long before you lose consciousness . but this pain just keeps repeating and it just gets worse as the time goes on . he is suffocating but he ca n't do anything about it nor can he swim up to the surface . it went on for what feels like eternity . they would stop to let him rest , perhaps to keep him conscious before resuming again . he is so afraid but he has nothing that they are asking for . after several times of going through the horrible pain over and over again , jabaar faints . they pour water on his face to wake him up . now he finds himself back in the chair tied up with his underwear gone . so you did not like the water ? perhaps you would like some electricity . i did nothing wrong , jabaar says in a weak voice . what were you doing at the rally ? and you want to claim you did nothing wrong ? izz-al din sounds agitated . one wire is attached to his foot and another to his testicle . the electric shock brings so much pain that jabaar 's body writhes in pain . the pain from having a ball hit his balls is nothing compared to this . there is no scream this time . it was so painful that his body just shakes and his eyeballs roll to the top . the succeeding shock gets increasingly painful . jabaar starts hoping that he would just die . after a few hours , the torturers are frustrated that they are not able to get anything out of him . they then tie him up in a standing position with no clothes on and leave him in that dark dingy cell . on the other side of the cell , the scene is repeated against okba , one of jabaar 's friends . but after the electric shock , he gives in . not that he knows any accomplice but he just wants it to end . so he names gamali , their friend who is currently in united arab emirates . he just remembers gamali making fun of him when he was a kid . okba is then released . gamali is apprehended by the united arab emirates and deported to saudi where he too faces similar torture . okba is remorseful for naming gamali and is filled with so much guilt that he commits suicide . jabaar remains naked in the standing position with constant loud music blaring . he is also constantly roused to keep him from sleeping . sleep deprivation is one of the effective torture tools that morris had taught izz-al din and his men . while jabaar 's body remains in jail , his mind is no longer with him . satellite tv from across the world ray 's crowd-sourced net receives the videos from overnight express mail and starts broadcasting the content immediately . at first it was a video of a rally at saudi that no one has heard about nor reported by the multinational media . not even the supposed hard hitting middle east network middle east voice says anything about this . the second video shows a horrifying scene of plain clothes police firing at protesters . there are random stabbing and people are just falling down on the floor from what looks like sniper fire . the world is outraged and demand a response . but no such response is forthcoming from the newly elected president eva garcia . courtroom in italy the closing argument is fast approaching . cristobal , jacinto , diego and paulina have attended all of angelino 's court dates . the case is quickly coming to an end and things are not looking good for angelino .
[["countless", 28], ["time", 37], ["times", 37], ["none", 46], ["faze", 59], ["fazed", 59], ["let", 70], ["lets", 70], ["tickle", 80], ["tickling", 80], ["first", 90], ["firstest", 90], ["guard", 103], ["guards", 103], ["immediately", 115], ["hold", 120], ["palm", 144], ["palms", 144], ["palmed", 144], ["palmest", 144], ["foot", 153], ["feet", 153], ["hit", 163], ["hitting", 163], ["sol", 188], ["sols", 188], ["soles", 188], ["hard", 210], ["plastic", 218], ["pain", 243], ["al", 252], ["als", 252], ["din", 256], ["dins", 256], ["laugh", 263], ["laughs", 263], ["say", 272], ["sayest", 272], ["says", 272], ["see", 288], ["seen", 288], ["nothing", 296], ["yet", 300], ["co", 305], ["operate", 313], ["spare", 331], ["spared", 331], ["come", 357], ["swear", 367], ["sweared", 367], ["check", 419], ["go", 437], ["goest", 437], ["going", 437], ["almost", 461], ["tear", 470], ["teared", 470], ["tears", 470], ["sigh", 489], ["sighest", 489], ["sighs", 489], ["go", 509], ["goest", 509], ["home", 514], ["homing", 514], ["plead", 530], ["pleads", 530], ["signal", 551], ["signals", 551], ["man", 562], ["mans", 562], ["manned", 562], ["remove", 576], ["removes", 576], ["rope", 585], ["chair", 600], ["chairing", 600], ["start", 611], ["starts", 611], ["remove", 620], ["removing", 620], ["clad", 638], ["clothes", 638], ["lie", 654], ["lay", 654], ["lain", 654], ["wooden", 683], ["board", 689], ["boarding", 689], ["tie", 698], ["tying", 698], ["tieing", 698], ["ties", 698], ["hand", 707], ["onto", 721], ["ontos", 721], ["face", 742], ["cover", 753], ["covered", 753], ["dark", 765], ["cloth", 771], ["water", 781], ["pour", 791], ["poured", 791], ["choke", 830], ["choking", 830], ["drown", 851], ["drowns", 851], ["drowning", 851], ["feel", 865], ["nose", 889], ["nosed", 889], ["nosing", 889], ["like", 912], ["drank", 921], ["drink", 921], ["drinking", 921], ["wrong", 955], ["way", 959], ["ways", 959], ["get", 973], ["gets", 973], ["bad", 979], ["worse", 979], ["eye", 1021], ["eyed", 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1590], ["rest", 1606], ["perhaps", 1616], ["keep", 1624], ["keepest", 1624], ["conscious", 1638], ["resume", 1654], ["resuming", 1654], ["afraid", 1678], ["ask", 1718], ["asking", 1718], ["several", 1738], ["horrible", 1774], ["faint", 1815], ["faints", 1815], ["pour", 1827], ["wake", 1853], ["wakes", 1853], ["woken", 1853], ["find", 1875], ["finds", 1875], ["back", 1888], ["tie", 1906], ["tying", 1906], ["tieing", 1906], ["tied", 1906], ["underwear", 1928], ["go", 1933], ["goest", 1933], ["gone", 1933], ["electricity", 2007], ["electricities", 2007], ["weak", 2053], ["voice", 2059], ["rally", 2094], ["rallying", 2094], ["claim", 2118], ["sound", 2160], ["sounds", 2160], ["wire", 2180], ["attach", 2192], ["attached", 2192], ["foot", 2204], ["another", 2216], ["testicle", 2232], ["electric", 2247], ["shock", 2253], ["bring", 2260], ["brings", 2260], ["much", 2268], ["body", 2293], ["bodied", 2293], ["writhe", 2301], ["writhes", 2301], ["writhing", 2301], ["ball", 2339], ["hit", 2343], 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["currently", 3047], ["arab", 3062], ["arabs", 3062], ["remember", 3091], ["rememberest", 3091], ["remembers", 3091], ["fun", 3109], ["kid", 3134], ["release", 3158], ["released", 3158], ["apprehend", 3182], ["apprehending", 3182], ["apprehended", 3182], ["deport", 3223], ["deported", 3223], ["saudi", 3232], ["saudis", 3232], ["face", 3251], ["faces", 3251], ["similar", 3259], ["remorseful", 3288], ["name", 3299], ["naming", 3299], ["fill", 3320], ["fills", 3320], ["filled", 3320], ["guilt", 3339], ["guilts", 3339], ["commit", 3355], ["committed", 3355], ["commits", 3355], ["suicide", 3363], ["remain", 3380], ["remains", 3380], ["naked", 3386], ["constant", 3425], ["loud", 3430], ["music", 3436], ["musics", 3436], ["blaring", 3444], ["also", 3457], ["constantly", 3468], ["rouse", 3475], ["roused", 3475], ["sleep", 3501], ["slept", 3501], ["sleeps", 3501], ["sleepest", 3501], ["sleeping", 3501], ["sleep", 3509], ["slept", 3509], ["sleeps", 3509], ["sleepest", 3509], ["deprivation", 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["east", 3998], ["network", 4006], ["networked", 4006], ["networking", 4006], ["second", 4062], ["seconded", 4062], ["show", 4074], ["shows", 4074], ["plain", 4102], ["plains", 4102], ["police", 4117], ["fire", 4124], ["firing", 4124], ["protester", 4138], ["protesters", 4138], ["random", 4157], ["stabbings", 4166], ["people", 4177], ["fall", 4194], ["falls", 4194], ["falling", 4194], ["floor", 4212], ["look", 4228], ["looks", 4228], ["sniper", 4240], ["fire", 4245], ["demand", 4280], ["demandest", 4280], ["response", 4291], ["newly", 4344], ["elect", 4352], ["elected", 4352], ["president", 4362], ["eva", 4366], ["garcia", 4373], ["courtroom", 4385], ["italy", 4394], ["close", 4406], ["argument", 4415], ["fast", 4423], ["approach", 4435], ["approaches", 4435], ["approaching", 4435], ["diego", 4465], ["paulina", 4477], ["attend", 4491], ["attended", 4491], ["angelino", 4507], ["court", 4516], ["courting", 4516], ["courtest", 4516], ["date", 4522], ["dates", 4522], ["quickly", 4544], ["come", 4551], ["coming", 4551], ["thing", 4572], ["things", 4572], ["look", 4588], ["looking", 4588], ["good", 4593]]
the prosecutor 's witness who is an expert at fingerprint forensics dismisses the possibility of a forged fingerprint using a mold/cast . there are several prints found and each overlay is not the same . a mold/cast imprint would have similar overlay each time . that is how they tell if a fingerprint is forged . there are certain this is not a forgery . the appearance is also consistent with an actual fingerprint with smooth outline rather than sharp line . all examination reveals inconsistencies that are characteristic of presence of actual human finger , that of the suspect . cristobal prays for miracle because that is the only thing that can help angelino at this point . during a recess , jacinto gets a call from gracy telling them about something that they might be interested in . i have good news and bad news , she says . they arrange to meet her that night and hope the good news can overwhelm the bad news and lead to angelino 's acquittal . the court resumes its session the next day . there is a bit of commotion in front as the lawyers argue off the the record in front of the judge . the judge does not seem pleased but asks angelino 's lawyer to proceed . angelino 's lawyer , branden boyce , asks for a fingerprint forensic expert as a witness . branden offers his finger for the expert to get a fingerprint . his fingerprints are then displayed on a big screen . the lawyer then picks up a glass that has been wiped clean . he picks it up to drink from then asks the forensic expert to investigate that fingerprint . it matches as expected . a machine is then brought in . the murmurs in the crowd grow at the sight of this unusual machine that looks like a big printer . the judge pounds on the gavel to silence the audience . this is a glass that i have touched at various points . i was in a bar and left this there the night of the alleged crime . whoever knows that i had altercation with the victim would know that i was at that bar drinking , the lawyer explains as he tries to role play what happened with angelino at the bar that night . he then takes a scanner attached to the printer and starts scanning the glass . he then clicks on the touch screen of the printer to display the various fingerprints . he then merges all of them to create a more complete fingerprint that almost covers the bottom of a whole finger . the lawyer hits a few buttons and the machine starts making some noise . the machine is a replicator , similar to a 3d printer but not quite . this is unlike a 3d printer of the early 2000s that printed onto a hard surface . this one prints to a flexible cultured skin graft of a human . it can print up to microscopic level details . the lawyer then opens the cabinet enclosure revealing a tablet that looks like a thick block of wood the colour , flexibility and texture of a skin . he puts on a glove and reaches in pulling out what looks like a severed finger . the audience gasps . he then opened a toy gun that still had factory seals on it . he quickly pushes the finger on several parts of the gun . the lawyer then returns the gun to the forensic expert to examine . the expert uses the new technology for rapid analysis of a fingerprint and is flabbergasted . it is an exact match . the prosecutor starts questioning the witness but the expert explains that all procedures used to identify a forgery have failed , meaning they would have considered this legitimate and prosecute the defence lawyer as a result . i know this is a never before seen technology . who would have this technology ? asked the prosecutor . jacinto and friends think , oh oh , now onto what gracy said is the bad news part . prosecutor then replies to his own question , no one . so what are the chances that the accused is framed by who is probably just one person , the new inventor who just came up with this ? jacinto is glad he did not pursue the who . since gracy has said she wo n't be able to help them identify who among her clients has this even if the court ordered it . the court recesses and the next day the closing statements are delivered . the court then resumes again for the verdict . all rise the clerk declares . has the jury reached its verdict ? the judge asks . yes we have your honour , replied the leader of the jury . angelino 's heart is pounding so hard . then the jury reads out the verdict . not guilty ! angelino 's friends erupt in cheers while other charges are also declared not guilty . hordes of media chase angelino as he comes out of the courtroom . do you know who framed you ? the media asks . ask our prime minister romeo vitale , angelino feels like saying but decides to keep quiet and let the lawyer do the talking . somewhere in italy it is time to let that bastard pay , angelino says . are you taking revenge ? diego wonders . not an eye for an eye type . but just to finish what i have started . the reason they tried to put me away . cristobal asks . i know who the administrator or secretary for the head of the media is .
[["prosecutor", 14], ["witness", 25], ["expert", 42], ["fingerprint", 57], ["forensic", 67], ["forensics", 67], ["dismiss", 77], ["dismisses", 77], ["dismissing", 77], ["dismissest", 77], ["possibility", 93], ["forge", 105], ["forged", 105], ["use", 123], ["using", 123], ["mold", 130], ["molding", 130], ["cast", 135], ["casts", 135], ["several", 155], ["print", 162], ["prints", 162], ["find", 168], ["found", 168], ["overlay", 185], ["overlays", 185], ["overlaid", 185], ["overlayed", 185], ["imprint", 223], ["similar", 242], ["time", 260], ["tell", 284], ["certain", 331], ["forgery", 353], ["appearance", 370], ["also", 378], ["consistent", 389], ["actual", 404], ["smooth", 428], ["outline", 436], ["outlines", 436], ["rather", 443], ["sharp", 454], ["sharps", 454], ["line", 459], ["examination", 477], ["reveal", 485], ["reveals", 485], ["inconsistency", 501], ["inconsistencies", 501], ["characteristic", 525], ["characteristics", 525], ["presence", 537], ["human", 553], ["finger", 560], ["suspect", 582], ["pray", 600], ["prays", 600], ["miracle", 612], ["thing", 643], ["help", 657], ["helpest", 657], ["angelino", 666], ["point", 680], ["recess", 698], ["get", 713], ["gets", 713], ["call", 720], ["tell", 739], ["telling", 739], ["may", 776], ["mays", 776], ["mayest", 776], ["might", 776], ["interested", 790], ["good", 807], ["news", 812], ["newses", 812], ["bad", 820], ["say", 836], ["sayest", 836], ["says", 836], ["arrange", 851], ["arranging", 851], ["meet", 859], ["meeted", 859], ["night", 874], ["hope", 883], ["overwhelm", 911], ["overwhelms", 911], ["overwhelmed", 911], ["lead", 933], ["leaded", 933], ["acquittal", 958], ["court", 970], ["courting", 970], ["courtest", 970], ["resume", 978], ["resumes", 978], ["session", 990], ["next", 999], ["day", 1003], ["bit", 1020], ["bits", 1020], ["commotion", 1033], ["front", 1042], ["lawyer", 1057], ["lawyers", 1057], ["argue", 1063], ["record", 1082], ["judge", 1104], ["seem", 1130], ["seeming", 1130], ["pleased", 1138], 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["open", 2957], ["opened", 2957], ["toy", 2963], ["toyed", 2963], ["toyest", 2963], ["gun", 2967], ["still", 2978], ["factory", 2990], ["seal", 2996], ["seals", 2996], ["quickly", 3015], ["push", 3022], ["pushes", 3022], ["part", 3050], ["parting", 3050], ["parts", 3050], ["return", 3087], ["returnest", 3087], ["returns", 3087], ["examine", 3129], ["use", 3147], ["uses", 3147], ["new", 3155], ["technology", 3166], ["rapid", 3176], ["rapids", 3176], ["analysis", 3185], ["flabbergast", 3223], ["flabbergasting", 3223], ["flabbergasted", 3223], ["exact", 3240], ["match", 3246], ["matching", 3246], ["question", 3282], ["questioning", 3282], ["procedure", 3338], ["procedures", 3338], ["use", 3343], ["used", 3343], ["identify", 3355], ["fail", 3377], ["failed", 3377], ["mean", 3387], ["meanest", 3387], ["consider", 3414], ["considered", 3414], ["legitimate", 3430], ["prosecute", 3444], ["defence", 3456], ["result", 3475], ["resultest", 3475], ["never", 3500], ["see", 3512], ["seen", 3512], 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["reach", 4195], ["reached", 4195], ["yes", 4230], ["honour", 4250], ["honourest", 4250], ["reply", 4260], ["replied", 4260], ["heart", 4303], ["pound", 4315], ["pounding", 4315], ["read", 4345], ["reads", 4345], ["guilty", 4374], ["erupt", 4402], ["eruptest", 4402], ["cheer", 4412], ["cheers", 4412], ["charge", 4432], ["charges", 4432], ["declare", 4450], ["declared", 4450], ["horde", 4470], ["medium", 4479], ["medias", 4479], ["mediums", 4479], ["media", 4479], ["chase", 4485], ["come", 4506], ["comes", 4506], ["courtroom", 4527], ["ask", 4579], ["prime", 4589], ["primed", 4589], ["priming", 4589], ["minister", 4598], ["romeo", 4604], ["feel", 4628], ["feels", 4628], ["say", 4640], ["sayest", 4640], ["saying", 4640], ["decide", 4652], ["decides", 4652], ["keep", 4660], ["keepest", 4660], ["quiet", 4666], ["let", 4674], ["lets", 4674], ["somewhere", 4712], ["italy", 4721], ["bastard", 4752], ["pay", 4756], ["pays", 4756], ["payest", 4756], ["take", 4789], ["taking", 4789], ["revenge", 4797], ["diego", 4805], ["wonder", 4813], ["wonderest", 4813], ["wonders", 4813], ["eye", 4826], ["eyed", 4826], ["type", 4842], ["finish", 4863], ["start", 4883], ["started", 4883], ["reason", 4896], ["reasonest", 4896], ["try", 4907], ["tryed", 4907], ["tried", 4907], ["put", 4914], ["away", 4922], ["administrator", 4970], ["secretary", 4983], ["head", 4996]]
the media that is partly owned by our prime minister . diego asks . they could have the best security money can buy but there is always one weak link in the system . angelino says . jacinto adds . we can break into the system by social engineering , angelino explains . i guess we 'll get to witness how good you are . cristobal said . just hope she did not watch the news and see me today . or maybe that would actually help . the friends then decided to head to a bar that the administrator is said to frequent . and sure enough she is there . angelino approaches her and starts flirting with her . she seems impressed and they start talking . angelino keeps pouring her drinks and soon she is evidently drunk . i 'll bet your boss ca n't keep his hands off you , angelino says . she replies in garbled talk and starts laughing . she then starts telling them about their affair and where they usually do it . with that information on hand angelino fabricates a photo of them together and put it on a memory chip with hidden gps and mailed it to the head of the media marked as personal and confidential . he also assembles speeches of the prime minister and records them onto his computer unit . he uses the automated robot speaker to process and learn the prime minister 's voice . the next day they track where the memory chip is . upon seeing it has reached the office of the media boss beppe beniamino , they sit down in front of their computer , ready for an assault . beppe has small hands but a big stomach . he used to be a political news magazine host and has always done big favours for the current italian prime minister romeo vitale . he became good friends with the pm behind the camera . he would always ask the pm soft questions while giving his opponent hard questions and taking them out of context . he is known for his smirk and shifty eye especially when trying to manoeuvre his questioning to trap the pm opponent . he has been promised a lucrative appointment in government position for life for his contribution to tv arts . beppe opens the package on his desk and sees a letter saying video of you and your assistant . especially like the shot of you and her in your favourite position on your mahogany desk . mail us a cheque and we will get rid of our copy . he panics and inserts the media into his computer to see what they have . unknown to him , the chip automatically installs a system level virus and spyware that would turn on his video and mic without turning on the on indicator light . but all his mind could think of right now is what sort of compromising video could be in the chip . he quickly searches for the video and it shows his assistant walking . he forwards and sees a video of a shot of a still picture of him and the assistant that is obviously doctored . he says angrily , knowing he has been duped and they have nothing on him . then his phone that is connected to his computer unit starts to ring . hello , he answers with an angry voice which quickly turns friendly upon hearing the voice on the other end . oh hi romeo . i just need to talk , says the man on the other line who the media boss recognizes as italy 's prime minister . just want to thank you for helping me cover up that godfather file that the punk kid stole . did you like my performance ? oh yeah , that was excellent , the media boss says . i am very disappointed with the people that i trusted . no stone will be left unturned . i was unaware that there were outside forces involved . beppe repeats word for word of the prime minister 's speech following the revelation , complete with imitation of his serious and angry voice that time . i did not know you could imitate my voice like that . almost like those new robot speaker simulators . yeah i heard about those . are n't those scary ? you can be talking to a robot impersonator and not know it . how times has change . but i thought your looking serious and upset convinced people you are sincere . your rating stopped falling after that . thanks to you of course , the man on the phone replies . everything is set for that media campaign to help cardinal kojo thulani . why do n't you detail our plan again to make sure you got it down to the detail ? we 'll run a biography painting a positive picture of the cardinal and that he is a charitable person . et cetera , et cetera , et cetera . like you said , once we hype him up he will probably get elected as pope then we will do better than mussolini , who was only able to get the vatican 's silence and neutrality in world war ii after having given them their own country . we could have a pope as our spokesperson . beppe started laughing until he started choking and his face turned all red . yeah thanks for doing your part . i am here for you any time mr. prime minister . let me know what you want to sell to those clueless italian next time .
[["medium", 9], ["mediums", 9], ["media", 9], ["partly", 24], ["prime", 43], ["primed", 43], ["priming", 43], ["minister", 52], ["diego", 60], ["ask", 65], ["asks", 65], ["good", 92], ["best", 92], ["security", 101], ["money", 107], ["moneys", 107], ["buy", 115], ["buyed", 115], ["always", 135], ["weak", 144], ["link", 149], ["system", 163], ["angelino", 174], ["say", 179], ["sayest", 179], ["says", 179], ["add", 194], ["adds", 194], ["broke", 209], ["break", 209], ["social", 235], ["engineering", 247], ["explain", 267], ["explains", 267], ["guess", 277], ["get", 288], ["witness", 299], ["good", 308], ["say", 333], ["sayest", 333], ["said", 333], ["hope", 345], ["watch", 363], ["news", 372], ["newses", 372], ["see", 380], ["today", 389], ["maybe", 400], ["help", 425], ["helpest", 425], ["friend", 439], ["friends", 439], ["decide", 452], ["decided", 452], ["head", 460], ["bar", 469], ["administrator", 492], ["frequent", 512], ["frequentest", 512], ["sure", 523], ["enough", 530], 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["steal", 3279], ["stole", 3279], ["performance", 3309], ["yeah", 3319], ["excellent", 3340], ["people", 3403], ["trust", 3418], ["trusted", 3418], ["stone", 3429], ["stoning", 3429], ["left", 3442], ["leave", 3442], ["unturned", 3451], ["unaware", 3467], ["unawares", 3467], ["outside", 3491], ["force", 3498], ["forces", 3498], ["involve", 3507], ["involved", 3507], ["repeat", 3523], ["repeatest", 3523], ["repeats", 3523], ["word", 3528], ["speech", 3569], ["follow", 3579], ["following", 3579], ["revelation", 3594], ["complete", 3605], ["imitation", 3620], ["serious", 3635], ["time", 3661], ["know", 3678], ["knowest", 3678], ["imitate", 3696], ["almost", 3724], ["new", 3739], ["simulator", 3764], ["simulators", 3764], ["hear", 3779], ["hears", 3779], ["heard", 3779], ["scary", 3813], ["impersonator", 3858], ["time", 3886], ["times", 3886], ["change", 3897], ["think", 3913], ["thinkest", 3913], ["thought", 3913], ["look", 3926], ["looking", 3926], ["upset", 3944], ["sincere", 3977], ["rating", 3991], ["stop", 3999], ["stopped", 3999], ["fall", 4007], ["falls", 4007], ["falling", 4007], ["thank", 4027], ["thanks", 4027], ["thankest", 4027], ["course", 4044], ["everything", 4088], ["set", 4095], ["campaign", 4119], ["campaigning", 4119], ["cardinal", 4136], ["detail", 4173], ["plan", 4182], ["get", 4209], ["got", 4209], ["run", 4244], ["biography", 4256], ["paint", 4265], ["positive", 4276], ["charitable", 4328], ["person", 4335], ["et", 4340], ["ets", 4340], ["hype", 4402], ["probably", 4426], ["elect", 4438], ["elected", 4438], ["pope", 4446], ["well", 4469], ["wells", 4469], ["mussolini", 4484], ["able", 4504], ["abled", 4504], ["vatican", 4523], ["silence", 4534], ["neutrality", 4549], ["world", 4558], ["war", 4562], ["ii", 4565], ["give", 4584], ["given", 4584], ["country", 4607], ["spokesperson", 4650], ["start", 4666], ["started", 4666], ["choke", 4700], ["choking", 4700], ["face", 4713], ["turn", 4720], ["turned", 4720], ["red", 4728], ["part", 4762], ["parting", 4762], ["mr", 4794], ["let", 4816], ["lets", 4816], ["sell", 4846], ["sells", 4846], ["clueless", 4864]]
the boss said and started laughing again . why do n't you ask them directly ? the boss is puzzled . this is a robot speaker simulator of the prime minister talking and you are live online right now . a screen pops-up on the computer showing a reflection of beppe 's face on his own video with mouth wide open . the news spreads like wildfire and the prime minister 's office phone wo n't stop ringing . protesters start gathering outside the prime minister 's office and the disgraced media 's boss office . angelino and his friend then pack up their things and leave the motel that was their command centre . bolivia adolfo is heading home after working the night shift . his watch has just hit midnight . just a few more steps and he 'll be home . suddenly the noise of several low flying machines can be heard , followed by loud explosions . he runs to duck . but soon , the entire block is on fire . he ca n't see his hom from here , but it is hard to imagine his home escaped the huge balls of fire that seem to engulf the whole neighbourhood . he tries to run toward his home , but the heat from the fire proves to be too much . he is screaming and in tears . the bombing goes on for the whole night . the presidential residence is also on fire . a group of marine commandos lands right in the president 's bedroom with a hole punched through the roof . gunfire is exchanged , but the presidential security proves to be no match against the u.s. marines . soon they have the the president and the fighting intensifies . they have retrieved the president and brought him up through the helicopter . talon gladwell is among the elite marines . he and a few others are left to hold off fire and allow the retrieval of the president to be completed . talon gladwells talent were evident as soon as he joined the marine . he has practised different types of martial arts and can easily beat off his opponent . he can confidently take out even the best of his enemies . but there is something he did not foresee tonight . the retrieval has been completed and they are commanded to leave the compound . talon gladwell is doing a good job holding the presidential guards back when a drone drops a lucifer 's fork missile close to where he is , engulfing the place on fire . as he climbs up the rope to go back up , a rollover fire on the ceiling catches his face . talon screams in pain as the fire burns his face . his companion quickly pulls him out . another marine who is trying to help talon is then shot by one of the presidential guards and dies . his body is quickly pulled up as they move out of the area . the rest of the marines escape and the mission ends . at least for them . the drone continues its attack until dawn sending civilians running in panic . no police station is left standing . houses that were unfortunate enough to be located beside them are destroyed as well . a new president is sworn in the next day . the conglomerate has groomed him for the job . he is opposed by their police force but supported by a corrupt bolivian army general . saudi arabia a van pulls up in a quiet street of saudi arabia and dumps a man into the street . the man tumbles to the ground and slowly gets up . he starts walking , but his face looks blank like a zombie . a few days ago , jabaar was an energetic young man so full of life and hope . now he is just another crazy man walking the streets of saudi arabia . passersby give him food and he gobbles it up like an animal that has not been fed in years . jabaar spends the next few days walking aimlessly , unaware that his videos have sparked outrage . large numbers of people keep pouring in from different parts of saudi to protest the government 's corruption and brutality . jabaar inadvertently gets caught in one large group and he starts screaming . everybody turns toward him and one of his neighbour recognizes him and takes him home . his parents are in tears and hug him and wo n't let him go . they try to give him shower but jabaar panics and starts crying and pleading , please do n't torture me anymore . his mother is in tears , holding jabaar 's face . she hugs him again as jabaar starts crying out loud . jabaar falls asleep and his father helps him to his bed . he has slowly recovered as the week go on . he goes from being catatonic to making slow careful movements as if he is walking on a tight rope . his parents try to tell him stories about the good old times . after a week , he seems to be back to himself but it is still impossible to get a smile out of him . one morning he wakes up to see his father watching crowd-sourced net live broadcast of the rally through a live feed from the people 's portable satellite video camera smuggled in by ray 's company . jabaar stands there watching .
[["boss", 8], ["say", 13], ["sayest", 13], ["said", 13], ["start", 25], ["started", 25], ["laugh", 34], ["laughing", 34], ["ask", 61], ["directly", 75], ["puzzle", 97], ["puzzled", 97], ["robot", 115], ["speaker", 123], ["simulator", 133], ["prime", 146], ["primed", 146], ["priming", 146], ["minister", 155], ["talk", 163], ["talking", 163], ["live", 180], ["online", 187], ["right", 193], ["rightest", 193], ["screen", 208], ["screening", 208], ["pop", 213], ["pops", 213], ["computer", 232], ["show", 240], ["showing", 240], ["reflection", 253], ["face", 270], ["video", 287], ["mouth", 298], ["mouthed", 298], ["wide", 303], ["open", 308], ["news", 319], ["newses", 319], ["spread", 327], ["spreads", 327], ["like", 332], ["wildfire", 341], ["office", 374], ["phone", 380], ["wo", 383], ["stop", 392], ["rang", 400], ["rung", 400], ["ring", 400], ["ringing", 400], ["protesters", 413], ["start", 419], ["gather", 429], ["gatherest", 429], ["outside", 437], ["medium", 490], ["mediums", 490], 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["numbering", 3629], ["numbers", 3629], ["people", 3639], ["keep", 3644], ["keepest", 3644], ["pour", 3652], ["pouring", 3652], ["part", 3676], ["parting", 3676], ["parts", 3676], ["protest", 3696], ["protestest", 3696], ["government", 3711], ["corruption", 3725], ["brutality", 3739], ["inadvertently", 3762], ["catch", 3774], ["catched", 3774], ["catches", 3774], ["caught", 3774], ["turn", 3835], ["turns", 3835], ["neighbour", 3871], ["neighboured", 3871], ["neighbourest", 3871], ["recognize", 3882], ["recognizes", 3882], ["take", 3896], ["takes", 3896], ["parent", 3919], ["parents", 3919], ["hug", 3940], ["let", 3959], ["lets", 3959], ["try", 3977], ["tryed", 3977], ["showered", 3996], ["showerest", 3996], ["panic", 4014], ["panics", 4014], ["plead", 4045], ["pleading", 4045], ["please", 4054], ["torture", 4069], ["anymore", 4080], ["mother", 4093], ["mothered", 4093], ["motherest", 4093], ["hug", 4141], ["hugs", 4141], ["cry", 4175], ["crying", 4175], ["fall", 4199], ["falls", 4199], ["asleep", 4206], ["father", 4221], ["fathered", 4221], ["fathering", 4221], ["help", 4227], ["helpest", 4227], ["helps", 4227], ["bed", 4242], ["recover", 4268], ["recovered", 4268], ["week", 4280], ["catatonic", 4317], ["slow", 4332], ["careful", 4340], ["movement", 4350], ["movements", 4350], ["tight", 4381], ["tell", 4412], ["story", 4424], ["stories", 4424], ["old", 4443], ["time", 4449], ["times", 4449], ["seem", 4475], ["seeming", 4475], ["seems", 4475], ["still", 4513], ["impossible", 4524], ["get", 4531], ["smile", 4539], ["morning", 4564], ["wake", 4573], ["wakes", 4573], ["woken", 4573], ["watch", 4603], ["watching", 4603], ["crowd", 4609], ["crowding", 4609], ["crowdest", 4609], ["source", 4617], ["sourced", 4617], ["net", 4621], ["broadcast", 4636], ["broadcasted", 4636], ["rally", 4649], ["rallying", 4649], ["fed", 4669], ["feed", 4669], ["portable", 4697], ["portables", 4697], ["satellite", 4707], ["camera", 4720], ["cameras", 4720], ["smuggle", 4729], ["smuggled", 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upon realizing jabaar 's presence , his mother tries to turn off the tv and scolds jabaar 's dad for turning to that channel . it 's ok mama . i have to join them . his mom pleads . i wo n't get well by staying at home . jabaar for the first time has a sense of purpose on his face . please do n't get involved in this anymore . let other people take care of it . you 've seen what they are capable of . they will murder people without hesitation . it is better to die fighting than to be enslaved and see grave injustice done to your fellow men and stay silent , jabaar says as he grabs his unit with a built-in camera and heads out the door . chapter 13 the last lecture yale university roy merritt is an economic professor at yale university . he loves to engage his students in debate . but with the school year coming to a close and all the lectures for the course already completed , he decides to entertain his students request that he talk about his controversial book and his opinion and disagreement with other economists . what is an ideal economic model ? depends on what generation you were born in . economy could simply be people trading with each other what they deem is a fair deal . it increasingly became more complex as trading grew in size . but later on there was an unnecessary introduction of complexity that deviates from the basic principle of trading to speculative and questionable practices . this new system allows fraud and unethical conduct to propagate . morris stark arrives in yale to meet the dean of the department of economics . but he decides to drop in on the lecture of a wayward professor . the professor is in the middle of his lecture when morris walks in and takes a seat at the back . while corporations recklessly speculate and lose big money , government bails them out with tax payers money . some companies use derivatives to artificially inflate their earnings , misleading the investors . some companies engage in questionable accounting practices with accounting and auditing firms increasingly colluding with them in the practice of 'cosmetic accounting ' , turning them into a sleazy jugglers instead of an honest , transparent public trust corporations . the supposedly reputable accounting firm paid by the company then helps them manipulate their financial statement to look more attractive than it actually is . they also remain silent and help sweep any irregularities that they find under the carpet , roy says , delivering his statement in a passionate tone . meanwhile , a government who is supposed to look after the public 's interest failed the investors , consumers , client and taxpayers by promoting the freedom sounding name 'free market ' . under this nice sounding name , they claim that for jobs to be created and business to prosper , regulations and oversight from the government should cease to exist . these big business can take care and police themselves we were told . roy pounds his fist in the air to emphasize . just imagine . the government must think that these people , who have control over billions of the public 's money , can police themselves with no chance of fraud nor malpractice . even in the face of evidence of fraud and malpractice , government bails them out with the taxpayers money with those fraudulent , or at best reckless , ceos remaining in place . these ceos , instead of being investigated , continue to be paid millions and some even get bonuses . instead of taking them to task , the government appoints their employee to vital government positions of finance , economy and treasury . and when people protest , the government pays lip service saying yes , we can and we will take care of the root of the problem . but their words sound hollow as they continue to appoint people from the company in question to government posts . the slogan that things will change is just that , an empty slogan . roy pauses to take a sip of water from the glass on his desk . morris stark crosses his arm across his chest and thinks something has to be done about this inflammatory professor . let 's differentiate between what free enterprise and free market are . free enterprise is not the same as free market , although one is often confused with the other . free enterprise is freedom to do business and trade goods and services . free market is freeing the market from any government oversight resulting in freedom to commit fraud . free enterprise promotes competition . free market promotes monopoly and anti-competitive practices . free enterprise relies on making customers happy to gain market shares . making sure their needs are met . free market relies on buying up competition and leaving customers no choice for they are pretty much the only game left in town . free enterprise capital is spread out among many businesses and institutions . free market capital is concentrated and controlled by the few . free enterprise promotes a wider base of innovation . free market limits innovation to few big companies . free enterprise businessmens failures affect their own capital and investors . free market ceos failures affects taxpayers . roy 's lecture is interrupted by applaud from the class . but it only earns a smirk from morris . we need a new economic model that is sustainable . a balanced economy not lopsided to favour just the big businesses and campaign contributors . but nor should it be lopsided to favour labourers alone .
[["upon", 4], ["realize", 14], ["realizing", 14], ["presence", 33], ["mother", 46], ["mothered", 46], ["motherest", 46], ["try", 52], ["tryed", 52], ["tries", 52], ["turn", 60], ["tv", 71], ["scold", 82], ["scolds", 82], ["dad", 96], ["turn", 108], ["turning", 108], ["channel", 124], ["channelest", 124], ["ok", 135], ["mama", 140], ["mamas", 140], ["join", 157], ["joinest", 157], ["mom", 172], ["moms", 172], ["plead", 179], ["pleads", 179], ["wo", 186], ["get", 194], ["well", 199], ["wells", 199], ["stay", 210], ["staying", 210], ["home", 218], ["homing", 218], ["first", 241], ["firstest", 241], ["time", 246], ["sense", 258], ["purpose", 269], ["face", 281], ["please", 290], ["involve", 310], ["involved", 310], ["anymore", 326], ["let", 332], ["lets", 332], ["people", 345], ["take", 350], ["care", 355], ["see", 376], ["seen", 376], ["capable", 398], ["capablest", 398], ["murder", 420], ["murderest", 420], ["without", 435], ["hesitation", 446], ["well", 461], ["wells", 461], ["die", 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["misleading", 1924], ["investor", 1938], ["investors", 1938], ["accounting", 1989], ["auditing", 2028], ["firm", 2034], ["firms", 2034], ["collude", 2057], ["colluding", 2057], ["practice", 2083], ["cosmetic", 2096], ["sleazy", 2138], ["juggler", 2147], ["jugglers", 2147], ["instead", 2155], ["honest", 2168], ["transparent", 2182], ["public", 2189], ["trust", 2195], ["supposedly", 2225], ["reputable", 2235], ["firm", 2251], ["pay", 2256], ["pays", 2256], ["payest", 2256], ["paid", 2256], ["company", 2271], ["companys", 2271], ["companying", 2271], ["help", 2282], ["helpest", 2282], ["helps", 2282], ["manipulate", 2298], ["manipulates", 2298], ["manipulating", 2298], ["financial", 2314], ["statement", 2324], ["look", 2332], ["attractive", 2348], ["also", 2380], ["remain", 2387], ["help", 2403], ["helpest", 2403], ["sweep", 2409], ["irregularity", 2428], ["irregularities", 2428], ["find", 2443], ["carpet", 2460], ["deliver", 2484], ["delivering", 2484], ["passionate", 2514], ["tone", 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3035], ["control", 3072], ["billion", 3086], ["billions", 3086], ["chance", 3148], ["chanced", 3148], ["chancing", 3148], ["malpractice", 3173], ["even", 3180], ["evens", 3180], ["evidence", 3204], ["fraudulent", 3304], ["good", 3317], ["best", 3317], ["reckless", 3326], ["recklessest", 3326], ["ceo", 3333], ["ceos", 3333], ["remain", 3343], ["remaining", 3343], ["place", 3352], ["investigate", 3397], ["investigates", 3397], ["investigated", 3397], ["continue", 3408], ["million", 3428], ["millions", 3428], ["bonus", 3454], ["bonuses", 3454], ["take", 3474], ["taking", 3474], ["task", 3487], ["tasking", 3487], ["taskest", 3487], ["appoint", 3513], ["appoints", 3513], ["employee", 3528], ["vital", 3537], ["position", 3558], ["positions", 3558], ["finance", 3569], ["treasury", 3592], ["protest", 3618], ["protestest", 3618], ["pay", 3640], ["pays", 3640], ["payest", 3640], ["lip", 3644], ["lipped", 3644], ["service", 3652], ["servicing", 3652], ["say", 3659], ["sayest", 3659], ["saying", 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["promotes", 4457], ["competition", 4469], ["monopoly", 4501], ["anti", 4510], ["competitive", 4522], ["rely", 4557], ["relies", 4557], ["customer", 4577], ["customers", 4577], ["happy", 4583], ["gain", 4591], ["share", 4605], ["shares", 4605], ["sure", 4619], ["need", 4631], ["needest", 4631], ["needs", 4631], ["meet", 4639], ["meeted", 4639], ["met", 4639], ["buy", 4670], ["buyed", 4670], ["buying", 4670], ["left", 4697], ["leave", 4697], ["leaving", 4697], ["choice", 4717], ["pretty", 4737], ["prettiest", 4737], ["much", 4742], ["game", 4756], ["left", 4761], ["leave", 4761], ["town", 4769], ["capital", 4795], ["spread", 4805], ["among", 4815], ["many", 4820], ["business", 4831], ["businesses", 4831], ["institution", 4848], ["institutions", 4848], ["concentrate", 4886], ["concentrated", 4886], ["concentrates", 4886], ["control", 4901], ["controlled", 4901], ["wide", 4947], ["base", 4952], ["basest", 4952], ["innovation", 4966], ["limit", 4987], ["limited", 4987], ["limits", 4987], ["failure", 5059], ["failures", 5059], ["affect", 5066], ["affect", 5134], ["affects", 5134], ["interrupt", 5176], ["interruptest", 5176], ["interrupted", 5176], ["applaud", 5187], ["applauds", 5187], ["class", 5202], ["classest", 5202], ["classing", 5202], ["earn", 5222], ["earns", 5222], ["smirk", 5230], ["need", 5252], ["needest", 5252], ["sustainable", 5293], ["favour", 5337], ["favourest", 5337], ["campaign", 5374], ["campaigning", 5374], ["contributor", 5387], ["contributors", 5387], ["lopsided", 5419], ["labourer", 5439], ["labourers", 5439], ["alone", 5445]]
we have witnessed extreme socialism in the form of communism failing . we are now witnessing extreme capitalism whose only means of survival is exponential growth through ever increasing consumer debt and ever increasing consumerism achievable only if people continue to live beyond their means . and only if we have an infinite amount of resources . an exponential growth in consumption of resources with conservation looks at as a drag . roy paces to the other side of the room where morris is sitting . we need a more decentralized government system to improve efficiency . a government that looks after social welfare of its citizens does not have to be big government . but it has to be an efficient and open government . yes , there are things that could benefit from economy of scale , such as healthcare , pension , electricity and utilities to name a few . but these essential services should be run by co-operatives that are a non-profit , non-political appointee organizations . overly big and centralized structures lead to big , inefficient bureaucracy . more localized structures would ensure people 's needs are looked after more effectively and more input is obtained from the local level . roy paces to the opposite side of the room , earning him a scornful look from morris as he walks away . we need fairer and more stable minimum wages for the workers . a minimum wage should be enough for a person to meet their basic needs . heating and clothing for the winter and a healthy diet . a family should be able to raise their children to live healthy lives . minimum wage should automatically adjust with inflation . do n't let them tell you that businesses wo n't be able to pay minimum wage . if a business can not afford to pay its workers wages that would allow them to meet their basic needs to survive , then that business is engaged in slave labour akin to sweatshops and should not be in the business . just because you want a decent wage for workers does not mean you are a communist . similarly , just because you want a competitive tax rate for businesses does not mean you are a free marketer . ray looks around at the faces of his students and says , our youth are being neglected.. while politicians waste money on pork barrels during election time they only offer token spending for education and innovation . both critical for helping our youth have a better future and for creating more jobs . around the world , youth are becoming the marginalized sector of our society . among this group , there is more than 50 % unemployment rate . while the retirees are contented with the status quo and remain silent about political patronage , the youth suffers . one of my favourite quotes is : 'a society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in ' which is from a greek proverb . we need to revamp our system from a politics with short term vision targeted only for each term in office , to one that emphasizes long term planning and more efficient use of citizen 's money . a student raises his hand and is acknowledged by roy . what can you say about accusations that you are nuts and a left winger ? the class erupts in laughter and roy smiles . we need to move away from having a binary logic of either you are left or right , of either you are my friend or my enemy . i know people who call for rightful regulation and investigation of fraudulent companies are being accused of being communist , left wing , nutcases and other nice sounding names . also there is a dumbing down of logic . for example , just because john doe is a criminal and eats ice cream does not mean all ice cream eaters are criminals . roy smiles as the class laughs . we are ridiculed and accused of wanting to see our corporations crumble and of being job killers . we are asking for none of this . but our detractors think by repeatedly making these accusations they can silence us . the result is what is called outcasting . morris laughs silently and thinks , no , actually the chief 's art of effective deception calls that 'shame and bully them into silence ' but you are pretty close . roy walks back to the centre of the room . it is important that we have an open government . that would take care of a lot of conflict of interest and corruption right now . right now we have a succession of governments that do not want to govern . they are more interested in tearing down the institution that is supposed to protect the public 's interest . an institution that stands in the way of allowing their corrupt ceo and company to profit and defraud people without restraint . by open government , i do n't mean the evanized form of open government . what is an evanized form of open government ? one student asks . it is the open government that eva garcia campaigned for . but all her actions to date involve rolling back measures for government to retain their records and making them public . roll back of measures that have been in place to ensure accountability . that comment results in murmurs among the students . eva garcia have recently been elected and still has a big fan base who have a hard time believing someone could have been such a blatant liar .
[["witness", 17], ["witnessed", 17], ["extreme", 25], ["socialism", 35], ["form", 47], ["formest", 47], ["communism", 60], ["communisms", 60], ["fail", 68], ["failing", 68], ["witness", 92], ["witnessing", 92], ["capitalism", 111], ["capitalisms", 111], ["whose", 117], ["mean", 128], ["meanest", 128], ["means", 128], ["survival", 140], ["exponential", 155], ["exponentials", 155], ["growth", 162], ["ever", 175], ["everest", 175], ["increase", 186], ["increasing", 186], ["consumer", 195], ["debt", 200], ["consumerism", 232], ["achievable", 243], ["people", 258], ["continue", 267], ["live", 275], ["beyond", 282], ["infinite", 328], ["amount", 335], ["resource", 348], ["resourcing", 348], ["resources", 348], ["consumption", 387], ["conservation", 418], ["look", 424], ["looks", 424], ["drag", 437], ["roy", 443], ["pace", 449], ["paces", 449], ["side", 467], ["sidest", 467], ["room", 479], ["roomed", 479], ["morris", 492], ["sat", 503], ["sit", 503], ["sitting", 503], ["need", 513], ["needest", 513], ["government", 545], ["system", 552], ["improve", 563], ["efficiency", 574], ["social", 613], ["welfare", 621], ["citizen", 637], ["citizens", 637], ["big", 661], ["bigs", 661], ["efficient", 704], ["open", 713], ["yes", 730], ["thing", 749], ["things", 749], ["benefit", 768], ["economy", 781], ["scale", 790], ["healthcare", 811], ["pension", 821], ["electricity", 835], ["electricities", 835], ["utility", 849], ["utilities", 849], ["name", 857], ["essential", 885], ["essentials", 885], ["service", 894], ["servicing", 894], ["services", 894], ["run", 908], ["co", 914], ["operative", 925], ["operatives", 925], ["non", 940], ["profit", 947], ["political", 963], ["appointee", 973], ["organization", 987], ["organizations", 987], ["overly", 996], ["structure", 1027], ["structuring", 1027], ["structures", 1027], ["lead", 1032], ["leaded", 1032], ["inefficient", 1053], ["bureaucracy", 1065], ["ensure", 1106], ["need", 1122], ["needest", 1122], ["needs", 1122], ["look", 1133], ["looked", 1133], ["effectively", 1156], ["input", 1171], ["obtain", 1183], ["obtained", 1183], ["local", 1198], ["level", 1204], ["opposite", 1232], ["earn", 1259], ["earning", 1259], ["scornful", 1274], ["look", 1279], ["walk", 1303], ["walks", 1303], ["away", 1308], ["fair", 1325], ["fairs", 1325], ["fairest", 1325], ["stable", 1341], ["minimum", 1349], ["wage", 1355], ["wages", 1355], ["worker", 1371], ["workers", 1371], ["wage", 1388], ["enough", 1405], ["person", 1418], ["meet", 1426], ["meeted", 1426], ["basic", 1438], ["heating", 1454], ["clothing", 1467], ["winter", 1482], ["healthy", 1496], ["diet", 1501], ["family", 1512], ["able", 1527], ["abled", 1527], ["raise", 1536], ["child", 1551], ["childs", 1551], ["children", 1551], ["life", 1573], ["lifes", 1573], ["lives", 1573], ["automatically", 1609], ["adjust", 1616], ["inflation", 1631], ["let", 1644], ["lets", 1644], ["tell", 1654], ["business", 1674], ["businesses", 1674], ["wo", 1677], ["pay", 1696], ["pays", 1696], ["payest", 1696], ["business", 1725], ["afford", 1740], ["allow", 1782], ["survive", 1824], ["engage", 1856], ["engaged", 1856], ["slave", 1865], ["labour", 1872], ["labours", 1872], ["akin", 1877], ["akins", 1877], ["sweatshop", 1891], ["sweatshops", 1891], ["decent", 1958], ["mean", 1989], ["meanest", 1989], ["communist", 2009], ["communists", 2009], ["similarly", 2021], ["competitive", 2059], ["tax", 2063], ["rate", 2068], ["free", 2112], ["marketer", 2121], ["ray", 2127], ["around", 2140], ["face", 2153], ["faces", 2153], ["student", 2169], ["students", 2169], ["say", 2178], ["sayest", 2178], ["says", 2178], ["youth", 2190], ["neglect", 2210], ["neglecting", 2210], ["neglected", 2210], ["politician", 2230], ["politicians", 2230], ["waste", 2236], ["money", 2242], ["moneys", 2242], ["pork", 2250], ["porks", 2250], ["barrel", 2258], ["barreling", 2258], ["barrels", 2258], ["election", 2274], ["time", 2279], ["offer", 2295], ["token", 2301], ["spending", 2310], ["education", 2324], 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3928], ["result", 3944], ["resultest", 3944], ["call", 3962], ["called", 3962], ["outcaste", 3973], ["outcastes", 3973], ["silently", 3998], ["think", 4009], ["thinkest", 4009], ["thinks", 4009], ["chief", 4035], ["chiefs", 4035], ["art", 4042], ["effective", 4055], ["deception", 4065], ["call", 4071], ["calls", 4071], ["shame", 4083], ["shamed", 4083], ["bully", 4093], ["pretty", 4132], ["prettiest", 4132], ["close", 4138], ["back", 4155], ["centre", 4169], ["important", 4199], ["take", 4249], ["care", 4254], ["lot", 4263], ["conflict", 4275], ["conflicted", 4275], ["conflictest", 4275], ["interest", 4287], ["corruption", 4302], ["succession", 4345], ["government", 4360], ["governments", 4360], ["govern", 4387], ["governs", 4387], ["interested", 4414], ["tear", 4425], ["teared", 4425], ["tearing", 4425], ["institution", 4446], ["suppose", 4463], ["supposed", 4463], ["protect", 4474], ["protectest", 4474], ["public", 4485], ["stand", 4526], ["stood", 4526], ["standest", 4526], ["stands", 4526], ["way", 4537], ["ways", 4537], ["allow", 4549], ["allowing", 4549], ["corrupt", 4563], ["ceo", 4567], ["ceos", 4567], ["company", 4579], ["companys", 4579], ["companying", 4579], ["defraud", 4601], ["defrauds", 4601], ["defraudest", 4601], ["without", 4616], ["restraint", 4626], ["ask", 4765], ["asks", 4765], ["eva", 4802], ["garcia", 4809], ["campaign", 4820], ["campaigning", 4820], ["campaigned", 4820], ["action", 4846], ["actions", 4846], ["date", 4854], ["involve", 4862], ["roll", 4870], ["rolling", 4870], ["measure", 4884], ["measures", 4884], ["retain", 4909], ["record", 4923], ["records", 4923], ["roll", 4953], ["place", 4994], ["accountability", 5019], ["comment", 5034], ["result", 5042], ["resultest", 5042], ["results", 5042], ["murmur", 5053], ["murmurest", 5053], ["murmurs", 5053], ["recently", 5099], ["elect", 5112], ["elected", 5112], ["still", 5122], ["fan", 5136], ["base", 5141], ["basest", 5141], ["hard", 5157], ["believe", 5172], ["believing", 5172], ["blatant", 5211], ["liar", 5216]]
so they choose to believe she is still the saviour they dreamt her to be . morris saw another of the chief 's teaching at work . the big lie that people would readily believe because they are unable to comprehend that someone could lie this much , while some quickly dismiss the thoughts that they have been had in a big way . another student raises her hand and asks another question . do you think the recent accident involving the zeus 1 , marketed as the electric car that would make oil extinct , has anything to do with anti-competitive practices ? sorry i am not involved in the case and can just speculate at best so i 'd rather not do that . but there was a case of a conspiracy and this is an actual case , not a conspiracy nutjobs theory which they like to accuse me of these days . roy laughs as the class laughs with him . major cities in the u.s. have had a good network of electric streetcars installed as early as the 1920s . but that nice network of streetcars has been dismantled . the major oil and car companies in the u.s. colluded to phase them out and replace them with oil reliant buses . they would later be convicted in what had became known as the 'great american streetcar scandal ' . it was a big setback for an efficient public transport system , which was privatized to a car company who would sell them out . at that time people relied on public transport . but the conspirators instead lobbied for creation of highways and the use of individually driven cars . morris has heard enough and decides to leave for the dean 's office . he has more pressing business that has worldwide implications . morris thinks that as annoying as roy is , he is an insignificant player in the wider scheme of things . yale university dean 's office morris stark is greeted warmly by the dean . it is an honour to have you here . irwin fox is a popular economist with lots of connections in the banking industry . the university feels honoured to have him as the dean . however , there are a lot of things they do n't know about irwin fox . morris takes a seat and gets down to business right away . the chief is recommending you to the president 's economic council . we need strong supporters against some senators and congressman who would like to weaken our ability to do business . i will be more than happy to take on the job . good , so i 'll waste no time and go on to brief you on our grand economic plan to conquer the world by economic means . you will be coordinating with our man at imf , no other than the chief of imf himself . the plan is to entice various countries to take up loans from the imf . as part of the deal , they would have to privatize their utilities , water and other industry . this would allow us to buy them up and dictate policies as conditions for the loans . policies will be mostly economic at first and we can eventually influence their political institutions also . various european and asian countries have also bitten on the bait of our shadow company . the stocks were marketed as triple a , top and secure investment . as the value of these investments fall , the losses from these countries banks will be substantial . through our imf chief , we will come in as the saviour giving them a rescue loan with the condition that they pass laws that would make it easier for our sister companies to take over their utilities and industries . irwin fox gives a naughty grin . we want to execute this as soon as possible . the meeting soon ends and as morris reaches the door he turns around . oh by the way , that economic professor roy merritt , do me a favour and get rid of him . he is giving yale 's business friendly reputation a bad name . i 'll see to it that he does not come back next year the dean promises . chapter 14 the purge janine rita 's residence janine rita got a call 30 minutes ago . her friend felicity hansen sounds very upset and wants to talk to her . she asks her to come over . they both went to the same school and she knows felicity does not get rattled easily . she was a promising researcher when she joined salisium inc . the company introduced a salt alternative and additive called salisium . its worldwide sales have hit past the billion dollar mark . felicity works hard in her department , which is involved in demonstrating that salisium is safe and there are no detrimental health effects . felicity fought the early release of report that she thought was premature . but the product has been approved by health canada and the fda , with countries around the world following suit . felicity once confided in janine that the government agency wo n't release the taxpayer funded study , and she suspects they just copied the report given by their company . she has now completed her study and is troubled by what she found . her boss ted benton was mad that she keep pushing her findings . janine 's doorbell ring and she answers quickly . felicity looks distressed .
[["choose", 14], ["believe", 25], ["still", 38], ["saviour", 50], ["dream", 62], ["dreamt", 62], ["dreamest", 62], ["morris", 81], ["see", 85], ["saw", 85], ["another", 93], ["chief", 106], ["chiefs", 106], ["teaching", 118], ["work", 126], ["wrought", 126], ["big", 136], ["bigs", 136], ["lie", 140], ["lay", 140], ["lain", 140], ["people", 152], ["readily", 166], ["unable", 198], ["unabled", 198], ["comprehend", 212], ["much", 245], ["quickly", 266], ["dismiss", 274], ["dismisses", 274], ["dismissing", 274], ["dismissest", 274], ["thought", 287], ["thoughts", 287], ["way", 324], ["ways", 324], ["student", 342], ["raise", 349], ["raises", 349], ["hand", 358], ["ask", 367], ["asks", 367], ["question", 384], ["think", 399], ["thinkest", 399], ["recent", 410], ["accident", 419], ["involve", 429], ["involving", 429], ["zeus", 438], ["market", 451], ["marketed", 451], ["electric", 467], ["car", 471], ["oil", 491], ["extinct", 499], ["anything", 514], ["anti", 530], ["competitive", 542], ["practice", 552], ["practices", 552], ["sorry", 560], ["involve", 578], ["involved", 578], ["case", 590], ["speculate", 613], ["well", 621], ["wells", 621], ["rather", 636], ["conspiracy", 687], ["actual", 709], ["nutjob", 741], ["nutjobs", 741], ["theory", 748], ["like", 764], ["accuse", 774], ["day", 791], ["days", 791], ["roy", 797], ["laugh", 804], ["laughs", 804], ["class", 817], ["classest", 817], ["classing", 817], ["major", 841], ["city", 848], ["cities", 848], ["good", 876], ["network", 884], ["networked", 884], ["networking", 884], ["streetcar", 907], ["streetcars", 907], ["instal", 917], ["installed", 917], ["early", 926], ["nice", 955], ["dismantle", 997], ["dismantled", 997], ["company", 1031], ["companys", 1031], ["companying", 1031], ["companies", 1031], ["collude", 1052], ["colluding", 1052], ["phase", 1061], ["replace", 1082], ["reliant", 1104], ["bus", 1110], ["buses", 1110], ["later", 1129], ["convict", 1142], ["convicted", 1142], ["become", 1161], ["became", 1161], 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["thinks", 1641], ["annoying", 1658], ["insignificant", 1693], ["player", 1700], ["wide", 1713], ["scheme", 1720], ["scheming", 1720], ["thing", 1730], ["things", 1730], ["yale", 1737], ["university", 1748], ["stark", 1776], ["starks", 1776], ["greet", 1787], ["greeting", 1787], ["greeted", 1787], ["warmly", 1794], ["honour", 1824], ["honourest", 1824], ["irwin", 1849], ["fox", 1853], ["foxes", 1853], ["foxing", 1853], ["popular", 1866], ["economist", 1876], ["lot", 1886], ["lots", 1886], ["connection", 1901], ["connections", 1901], ["banking", 1916], ["industry", 1925], ["feel", 1948], ["feels", 1948], ["honour", 1957], ["honourest", 1957], ["honoured", 1957], ["however", 1991], ["lot", 2009], ["know", 2036], ["knowest", 2036], ["take", 2067], ["takes", 2067], ["seat", 2074], ["get", 2083], ["gets", 2083], ["right", 2106], ["rightest", 2106], ["away", 2111], ["recommend", 2139], ["recommendest", 2139], ["recommending", 2139], ["president", 2160], ["economic", 2172], ["council", 2180], 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["conditions", 2794], ["mostly", 2834], ["first", 2852], ["firstest", 2852], ["eventually", 2874], ["influence", 2884], ["political", 2900], ["institution", 2913], ["institutions", 2913], ["also", 2918], ["european", 2937], ["europeans", 2937], ["asian", 2947], ["asians", 2947], ["bite", 2974], ["bitten", 2974], ["bait", 2986], ["baited", 2986], ["shadow", 3000], ["shadowed", 3000], ["stock", 3021], ["stocks", 3021], ["triple", 3045], ["top", 3053], ["secure", 3064], ["securest", 3064], ["investment", 3075], ["value", 3090], ["investment", 3111], ["investments", 3111], ["fall", 3116], ["falls", 3116], ["loss", 3129], ["losses", 3129], ["bank", 3156], ["banks", 3156], ["substantial", 3176], ["come", 3215], ["give", 3240], ["giving", 3240], ["rescue", 3254], ["loan", 3259], ["condition", 3278], ["pass", 3293], ["law", 3298], ["laws", 3298], ["easy", 3324], ["easier", 3324], ["sister", 3339], ["industry", 3393], ["industries", 3393], ["give", 3411], ["gives", 3411], ["naughty", 3421], ["naughtier", 3421], ["naughtiest", 3421], ["grin", 3426], ["execute", 3447], ["executes", 3447], ["soon", 3460], ["possible", 3472], ["meeting", 3486], ["end", 3496], ["ends", 3496], ["endest", 3496], ["reach", 3518], ["reaches", 3518], ["door", 3527], ["turn", 3536], ["turns", 3536], ["around", 3543], ["oh", 3548], ["professor", 3585], ["favour", 3614], ["favourest", 3614], ["get", 3622], ["rid", 3626], ["friendly", 3674], ["reputation", 3685], ["bad", 3691], ["name", 3696], ["see", 3708], ["back", 3741], ["next", 3746], ["year", 3751], ["promise", 3769], ["promises", 3769], ["chapter", 3779], ["purge", 3792], ["janine", 3799], ["rita", 3804], ["residence", 3817], ["get", 3833], ["got", 3833], ["call", 3840], ["minute", 3851], ["minutes", 3851], ["ago", 3855], ["friend", 3868], ["felicity", 3877], ["hansen", 3884], ["sound", 3891], ["sounds", 3891], ["upset", 3902], ["talk", 3920], ["go", 3972], ["goest", 3972], ["went", 3972], ["school", 3991], ["schooling", 3991], ["know", 4005], ["knowest", 4005], ["knows", 4005], ["rattle", 4035], ["rattled", 4035], ["easily", 4042], ["researcher", 4075], ["join", 4091], ["joinest", 4091], ["joined", 4091], ["inc", 4104], ["introduce", 4129], ["introduced", 4129], ["salt", 4136], ["salts", 4136], ["alternative", 4148], ["additive", 4161], ["call", 4168], ["called", 4168], ["sale", 4199], ["sales", 4199], ["hit", 4208], ["past", 4213], ["billion", 4225], ["dollar", 4232], ["mark", 4237], ["marks", 4237], ["work", 4254], ["wrought", 4254], ["works", 4254], ["hard", 4259], ["department", 4277], ["demonstrate", 4314], ["demonstrating", 4314], ["safe", 4336], ["safes", 4336], ["safed", 4336], ["detrimental", 4365], ["health", 4372], ["healths", 4372], ["effect", 4380], ["effects", 4380], ["fight", 4398], ["fightest", 4398], ["fought", 4398], ["release", 4416], ["report", 4426], ["think", 4443], ["thinkest", 4443], ["thought", 4443], ["premature", 4457], ["product", 4475], ["approve", 4493], ["approved", 4493], ["canada", 4510], ["canadas", 4510], ["fda", 4522], ["follow", 4566], ["following", 4566], ["suit", 4571], ["suited", 4571], ["confide", 4596], ["confided", 4596], ["government", 4626], ["agency", 4633], ["wo", 4636], ["taxpayer", 4661], ["fund", 4668], ["funded", 4668], ["study", 4674], ["suspect", 4693], ["suspects", 4693], ["copy", 4710], ["copied", 4710], ["give", 4727], ["given", 4727], ["complete", 4768], ["completed", 4768], ["trouble", 4794], ["troubling", 4794], ["troubled", 4794], ["find", 4812], ["found", 4812], ["boss", 4823], ["ted", 4827], ["benton", 4834], ["mad", 4842], ["mads", 4842], ["keep", 4856], ["keepest", 4856], ["push", 4864], ["pushing", 4864], ["finding", 4877], ["findings", 4877], ["doorbell", 4898], ["answer", 4919], ["answeres", 4919], ["answerest", 4919], ["answers", 4919], ["look", 4944], ["looks", 4944]]
janine asks . i had a big argument with ted . he was very upset , felicity says . janine offers her couch and a drink to felicity . i 've tried to explain that there is irrefutable evidence that regular use of salisium substantially increases risk of fatal cancer . ted would have none of it . he says even second hand smoke claims of cancer effect can be disputed to this day . janine is surprised . i think his mind is focused so much on billion dollars of possible lost sales that he refuses to accept the truth . i told him either he makes the announcement for the public to scale back their usage or i will go to the press with this . felicity waves a binder of papers in her hand . while she hardly prints anything anymore , with everything saved on her tablet or memory chip , she decides to print this one to have as a hard copy . it is really weird what is going on in the government nowadays . at the fda , the government is increasingly cutting back and my findings are being ignored . it is not hard to screen for food safety . it used to be we had people taking wide samples of food on the market and testing them . now that is practically impossible . they have also increased the red tape and made it more centralized so that we can not independently publish our findings without executives approving them . we are treated like we do n't know what we are doing . i 've brought up my findings on large amount of chemical presence in world food inc. products and was reassigned to work on something else and my findings just got buried . i never heard about that . food on supermarket shelves are mostly from world food inc now . they own plantations for oranges in florida , bananas in tropical countries , vegetables , canned foods . it is hard to pick up a food that is not from world food inc , felicity says . yeah , and it is easy to test for harmful ingredients in food . those containers and toys with heavy metals like lead and cadmium . just put it on an x-ray fluorescence for a few minutes and you can detect its presence . so there is really no excuse that we are not doing that and are instead finding out from university students who happen to be playing around with their school 's x-ray fluorescence to test their niece or nephews toys . the government could have easily done that if they do their jobs . for insecticides and other toxic chemical residues in vegetables , fruits , waters , meats and drinks we use instruments like mass spectrometry . but there is a freeze on purchasing new equipment and our findings are repeatedly being blocked by executives . whether it is incompetence or corruption i do n't know . but my cynical side suspects our executives are corrupted . one colleague saw them dining with an executive from world food inc . i also heard world food inc. is going after independent farmers for harvesting plants with traces of their patented genetically modified foods . the farmer swears they did not plant using their seeds . can you tell the difference between the two ? the thing is those seeds have spread and got mixed up with normal seeds so it is hard to tell when you go to a market what seeds are the world food inc. patented ones . whether it was accidentally mixed up who knows . i am really sick and tired of all this . it is frustrating , felicity says with a sigh and then continues , well it certainly feels a bit better talking to you . even more worried and helpless but it helps to be able to tell someone rather than the stone wall ted benton . ted benton 's residence ted benton is pretty exhausted from a busy night . he had to argue with that rebellious employee felicity hansen . he got his mind off that problem while at the party hosted by one of the executives of world food inc . he mentioned his problem to the executive and was told about the conglomerate who is able to take care of any problem . ted benton was excited to hear and asked the executive to give him the contact information for this conglomerate . ted benton 's mind was put at ease after talking to a guy named morris stark . he is supposedly very capable and well respected . morris assured ted he had nothing to worry about , that they can effectively counter any claim she might bring against him in the press . ted has a very sound sleep that night and is awoken by his alarm in the morning . he brewed his coffee and takes a shower . he sits at his kitchen table watching the day 's news . he is shocked when he hears the news that a car hit a gas tanker on the highway and exploded . but his shock was nothing compared to the shock that follows when he hears the name of the victim , felicity hansen . his mind starts wondering if this has anything to do with his request last night to take care of felicity . he certainly did not mean it that way . but he tries to dismiss that thought and tells himself that these are executives of reputable organizations that he spoke to so certainly they are not capable of such a thing .
[["janine", 6], ["ask", 11], ["asks", 11], ["big", 25], ["bigs", 25], ["argument", 34], ["te", 43], ["ted", 43], ["ting", 43], ["teest", 43], ["upset", 63], ["felicity", 74], ["say", 79], ["sayest", 79], ["says", 79], ["offer", 95], ["offers", 95], ["couch", 105], ["couchest", 105], ["drank", 117], ["drink", 117], ["drinking", 117], ["try", 143], ["tryed", 143], ["tried", 143], ["explain", 154], ["irrefutable", 180], ["evidence", 189], ["regular", 202], ["regulars", 202], ["use", 206], ["substantially", 232], ["increase", 242], ["increases", 242], ["risk", 247], ["riskest", 247], ["fatal", 256], ["cancer", 263], ["none", 285], ["even", 306], ["evens", 306], ["second", 313], ["seconded", 313], ["hand", 318], ["smoke", 324], ["claim", 331], ["claims", 331], ["effect", 348], ["dispute", 364], ["disputed", 364], ["day", 376], ["think", 408], ["thinkest", 408], ["mind", 417], ["minding", 417], ["focus", 428], ["focused", 428], ["much", 436], ["billion", 447], ["dollar", 455], ["dollars", 455], ["possible", 467], ["lose", 472], ["lost", 472], ["sale", 478], ["sales", 478], ["refuse", 494], ["refuses", 494], ["accept", 504], ["truth", 514], ["tell", 523], ["told", 523], ["either", 534], ["announcement", 560], ["public", 575], ["scale", 584], ["back", 589], ["usage", 601], ["go", 614], ["goest", 614], ["press", 627], ["wave", 654], ["waved", 654], ["waves", 654], ["binder", 663], ["paper", 673], ["papers", 673], ["hardly", 704], ["print", 711], ["prints", 711], ["anything", 720], ["anymore", 728], ["everything", 746], ["save", 752], ["saved", 752], ["tablet", 766], ["memory", 776], ["memories", 776], ["chip", 781], ["chipping", 781], ["decide", 795], ["decides", 795], ["print", 804], ["hard", 831], ["copy", 836], ["really", 851], ["weird", 857], ["go", 871], ["goest", 871], ["going", 871], ["government", 892], ["nowadays", 901], ["fda", 914], ["increasingly", 947], ["cut", 955], ["cutting", 955], ["finding", 976], ["findings", 976], ["ignore", 994], ["ignored", 994], 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2619], ["corruption", 2633], ["cynical", 2664], ["side", 2669], ["sidest", 2669], ["suspect", 2678], ["suspects", 2678], ["corrupt", 2707], ["corrupted", 2707], ["colleague", 2723], ["see", 2727], ["saw", 2727], ["dine", 2739], ["dined", 2739], ["dining", 2739], ["executive", 2757], ["independent", 2835], ["farmer", 2843], ["farmers", 2843], ["harvesting", 2858], ["plant", 2865], ["plants", 2865], ["trace", 2877], ["traces", 2877], ["patent", 2895], ["patented", 2895], ["genetically", 2907], ["modify", 2916], ["modifying", 2916], ["modified", 2916], ["farmer", 2935], ["swear", 2942], ["sweared", 2942], ["swears", 2942], ["plant", 2961], ["use", 2967], ["using", 2967], ["seed", 2979], ["seeded", 2979], ["seeds", 2979], ["tell", 2994], ["difference", 3009], ["two", 3025], ["twos", 3025], ["thing", 3037], ["spread", 3064], ["mix", 3078], ["mixed", 3078], ["normal", 3093], ["accidentally", 3224], ["know", 3243], ["knowest", 3243], ["knows", 3243], ["sick", 3262], ["tired", 3272], ["frustrating", 3304], ["sigh", 3332], ["sighest", 3332], ["continue", 3351], ["continues", 3351], ["well", 3358], ["wells", 3358], ["certainly", 3371], ["feel", 3377], ["feels", 3377], ["bit", 3383], ["bits", 3383], ["well", 3390], ["wells", 3390], ["talk", 3398], ["talking", 3398], ["helpless", 3438], ["help", 3451], ["helpest", 3451], ["helps", 3451], ["able", 3462], ["abled", 3462], ["rather", 3485], ["stone", 3500], ["stoning", 3500], ["wall", 3505], ["benton", 3516], ["residence", 3542], ["pretty", 3563], ["prettiest", 3563], ["busy", 3585], ["busied", 3585], ["night", 3591], ["argue", 3609], ["rebellious", 3630], ["employee", 3639], ["hansen", 3655], ["problem", 3690], ["party", 3709], ["host", 3716], ["hosted", 3716], ["hostest", 3716], ["mention", 3774], ["mentioned", 3774], ["conglomerate", 3839], ["take", 3859], ["hear", 3912], ["hears", 3912], ["ask", 3922], ["asked", 3922], ["give", 3944], ["contact", 3960], ["information", 3972], ["ease", 4031], ["guy", 4054], ["name", 4060], ["named", 4060], ["morris", 4067], ["stark", 4073], ["starks", 4073], ["supposedly", 4092], ["capable", 4105], ["capablest", 4105], ["assure", 4141], ["assured", 4141], ["nothing", 4160], ["worry", 4169], ["worried", 4169], ["effectively", 4203], ["counter", 4211], ["claim", 4221], ["may", 4231], ["mays", 4231], ["mayest", 4231], ["might", 4231], ["bring", 4237], ["sound", 4285], ["sleep", 4291], ["slept", 4291], ["sleeps", 4291], ["sleepest", 4291], ["awake", 4316], ["awoke", 4316], ["awoken", 4316], ["alarm", 4329], ["morning", 4344], ["brew", 4356], ["brews", 4356], ["brewed", 4356], ["coffee", 4367], ["take", 4377], ["takes", 4377], ["shower", 4386], ["showered", 4386], ["showerest", 4386], ["sat", 4396], ["sit", 4396], ["sits", 4396], ["kitchen", 4411], ["kitchens", 4411], ["table", 4417], ["tabled", 4417], ["tabling", 4417], ["watch", 4426], ["watching", 4426], ["news", 4442], ["newses", 4442], ["hear", 4472], ["hears", 4472], ["car", 4492], ["hit", 4496], ["gas", 4502], ["gassing", 4502], ["tanker", 4509], ["highway", 4524], ["explode", 4537], ["exploded", 4537], ["shock", 4553], ["compare", 4574], ["compared", 4574], ["follow", 4600], ["follows", 4600], ["name", 4623], ["victim", 4637], ["start", 4673], ["starts", 4673], ["wonder", 4683], ["wonderest", 4683], ["wondering", 4683], ["request", 4727], ["requestest", 4727], ["last", 4732], ["mean", 4791], ["meanest", 4791], ["way", 4803], ["ways", 4803], ["try", 4818], ["tryed", 4818], ["tries", 4818], ["dismiss", 4829], ["dismisses", 4829], ["dismissing", 4829], ["dismissest", 4829], ["thought", 4842], ["tell", 4852], ["tells", 4852], ["reputable", 4899], ["organization", 4913], ["organizations", 4913], ["speak", 4927], ["spoken", 4927], ["spoke", 4927]]
he would have laughed at his silly thoughts but felicity 's dead is causing him so much grief . they had serious disagreements but he likes felicity and her dedication to her work . he realizes then that no disagreement is worth the life of anyone . amid his sorrow , he wonders what morris stark had in mind when he says he would take care of it . ted told himself he would need to talk to morris and clear things up when he have a chance . scenes of the crimes solara news featured prominently professor jack garrick rant and incoherent talk about a cure for cancer . solara 's pundit and anchor labelled it as the mad man 's cure . they ridiculed him and people who are misled into false hope of cancer cure . benjie scott can not believe his eyes and what solara has reported . that is not the professor he knows . benjie scott rushs to see the professor but learns that he has been institutionalized . benjie then rushes to jack 's office and sees that his computer and any trace of his research are gone . for morris stark , it was another job well done . the drug works effectively by attacking a specific part of jack 's brain to induce psychosis , discrediting him permanently . world food inc. has been delivering food to south africa and various parts of the world for decades . jeris wilfrid was in charge of the company 's food distribution in africa . he grew up in the u.s. but moved to south africa since he loves it there . his pale white skin has since turned tan since moving there . he is growing concerned about reports of a troubling increase in cases of infertility . there have also been cases of increasing death . but there was no virus or disease that could be identified . one prominent researcher , nsia kgosi , told jeris that it almost seems like there is a sudden induced genetic defects that is causing the death . the researcher studied the deaths and found widespread dna aberrations in the makeup of the patient 's dna . nsia think they might be witnessing a new disease . but it does not appear to be contagious . jeris wonders what could have caused this . since he is in the food industry , he thinks the prudent thing to do is inform their headquarters to make sure their food is not the cause . but his report gets the attention from one of the top executives . jeris got a termination notice the next day saying his service are no longer needed . an explosion interrupts the quietness of the night at a plant in minnesota . tryon plant was decimated and their capacity for building the new efficient solar cells disabled . the investigation after revealed the attackers must have had insider 's help since they targeted the most vulnerable part of the plant from the outside , causing widespread explosion that quickly spreads . gracy got the call early in the morning . she remembered the site well , having worked closely with tryon to use the solar panel on her company 's new tablet . morris and the chief know that the saudi monarchy is falling . they have quickly come up with contingency plan of presenting the military as a stable transition caretaker . they have made sure that the saudi 's military and president eva garcia have the same line about the need for democracy with the transition handled by the military . making sure there is no mention of the fact that countless revolutions around the world did not necessitate a stable transition , which had allowed them to rid themselves of all of the officials from the previous regime . but morris agrees with the chief that it has to be a slow transition to allow as many of their men as possible to stay in power . this would buy them some precious time and allow them to groom their next candidate , if they have to resort to democratic election to appease the crowd . the middle east voice could also help hype up their chosen candidate . in the unlikely event that all their plans failed , they could create civil strife , or inflame religious or ethnic violence . we will give them no peace until they submit to one of our chosen leaders . we will make them realize that it is a futile effort , the chief had said . i would much rather have a caliphate rather than a cumbersome democracy . just as in yemen when the people tried to start another revolution , we were able to buy more time with their military control until we are able to groom our man for the election . but thankfully we were able to rouse religious division and introduced a country ruled by religious law . while the people die and fight for us thinking they are fighting for their religion , their leader continued the flow of oil in their pipeline and give us our share of the profit , with the guarantee that they will stay as ruler in their country . it is time to handover the rule in saudi to the military . the monarch in saudi protested , but he is soon overpowered . the cyberwarfare room of the conglomerate in paraguay is teeming with activities as operation 'secret eyes ' gets underway .
[["laugh", 21], ["laughed", 21], ["silly", 34], ["thought", 43], ["thoughts", 43], ["felicity", 56], ["dead", 64], ["cause", 75], ["causing", 75], ["much", 87], ["grief", 93], ["serious", 112], ["disagreement", 126], ["disagreements", 126], ["like", 139], ["likes", 139], ["dedication", 167], ["work", 179], ["wrought", 179], ["realize", 193], ["realizes", 193], ["disagreement", 219], ["worth", 228], ["life", 237], ["lifes", 237], ["anyone", 247], ["amid", 254], ["sorrow", 265], ["wonder", 278], ["wonderest", 278], ["wonders", 278], ["morris", 290], ["stark", 296], ["starks", 296], ["mind", 308], ["minding", 308], ["say", 321], ["sayest", 321], ["says", 321], ["take", 335], ["care", 340], ["ted", 352], ["tell", 357], ["told", 357], ["need", 379], ["needest", 379], ["talk", 387], ["clear", 407], ["clearest", 407], ["thing", 414], ["things", 414], ["chance", 439], ["chanced", 439], ["chancing", 439], ["scene", 448], ["scenes", 448], ["crime", 462], ["crimes", 462], ["news", 474], ["newses", 474], ["feature", 483], ["featured", 483], ["prominently", 495], ["professor", 505], ["jack", 510], ["jacks", 510], ["jacked", 510], ["garrick", 518], ["rant", 523], ["incoherent", 538], ["cure", 556], ["cancer", 567], ["pundit", 586], ["anchor", 597], ["anchoring", 597], ["label", 606], ["labelled", 606], ["mad", 620], ["mads", 620], ["man", 624], ["mans", 624], ["manned", 624], ["ridicule", 649], ["ridiculed", 649], ["people", 664], ["mislead", 679], ["misleaded", 679], ["misleading", 679], ["misled", 679], ["false", 690], ["hope", 695], ["benjie", 719], ["scott", 725], ["believe", 741], ["eye", 750], ["eyed", 750], ["eyes", 750], ["report", 779], ["reported", 779], ["know", 816], ["knowest", 816], ["knows", 816], ["see", 844], ["learn", 869], ["learns", 869], ["learnt", 869], ["institutionalize", 904], ["institutionalized", 904], ["rush", 925], ["rushes", 925], ["office", 943], ["see", 952], ["sees", 952], ["computer", 970], ["trace", 984], ["research", 1000], ["go", 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["white", 1455], ["skin", 1460], ["turn", 1477], ["turned", 1477], ["tan", 1481], ["move", 1494], ["moving", 1494], ["grow", 1516], ["growest", 1516], ["growing", 1516], ["report", 1540], ["reports", 1540], ["increase", 1564], ["case", 1573], ["cases", 1573], ["infertility", 1588], ["also", 1606], ["increase", 1631], ["increasing", 1631], ["death", 1637], ["virus", 1662], ["disease", 1673], ["identify", 1698], ["identified", 1698], ["prominent", 1714], ["kgosi", 1738], ["almost", 1766], ["seem", 1772], ["seeming", 1772], ["seems", 1772], ["like", 1777], ["sudden", 1795], ["induce", 1803], ["induced", 1803], ["genetic", 1811], ["genetics", 1811], ["defect", 1819], ["defects", 1819], ["study", 1870], ["studied", 1870], ["death", 1881], ["deaths", 1881], ["find", 1891], ["found", 1891], ["widespread", 1902], ["dna", 1906], ["aberration", 1918], ["aberrations", 1918], ["makeup", 1932], ["patient", 1947], ["think", 1967], ["thinkest", 1967], ["may", 1978], ["mays", 1978], ["mayest", 1978], ["might", 1978], ["witness", 1992], ["witnessing", 1992], ["new", 1998], ["appear", 2031], ["contagious", 2048], ["cause", 2087], ["caused", 2087], ["industry", 2127], ["think", 2139], ["thinkest", 2139], ["thinks", 2139], ["prudent", 2151], ["thing", 2157], ["inform", 2173], ["informs", 2173], ["headquarter", 2192], ["headquarters", 2192], ["sure", 2205], ["cause", 2233], ["report", 2250], ["get", 2255], ["gets", 2255], ["attention", 2269], ["top", 2289], ["executive", 2300], ["executives", 2300], ["get", 2312], ["got", 2312], ["termination", 2326], ["notice", 2333], ["next", 2342], ["day", 2346], ["say", 2353], ["sayest", 2353], ["saying", 2353], ["service", 2365], ["servicing", 2365], ["long", 2379], ["longs", 2379], ["need", 2386], ["needest", 2386], ["needed", 2386], ["explosion", 2401], ["interrupt", 2412], ["interruptest", 2412], ["interrupts", 2412], ["quietness", 2426], ["night", 2439], ["plant", 2450], ["minnesota", 2463], ["tryon", 2471], ["decimate", 2491], ["decimated", 2491], ["capacity", 2510], ["build", 2523], ["builds", 2523], ["efficient", 2541], ["solar", 2547], ["solars", 2547], ["cell", 2553], ["cells", 2553], ["disable", 2562], ["disabled", 2562], ["investigation", 2582], ["reveal", 2597], ["revealed", 2597], ["attackers", 2611], ["must", 2616], ["musts", 2616], ["insider", 2633], ["help", 2641], ["helpest", 2641], ["target", 2661], ["targeted", 2661], ["vulnerable", 2681], ["outside", 2716], ["quickly", 2760], ["spread", 2768], ["spreads", 2768], ["call", 2789], ["early", 2795], ["morning", 2810], ["remember", 2827], ["rememberest", 2827], ["remembered", 2827], ["site", 2836], ["siting", 2836], ["work", 2857], ["wrought", 2857], ["worked", 2857], ["closely", 2865], ["use", 2883], ["panel", 2899], ["paneling", 2899], ["panelling", 2899], ["tablet", 2928], ["chief", 2951], ["chiefs", 2951], ["know", 2956], ["knowest", 2956], ["saudi", 2971], ["saudis", 2971], ["monarchy", 2980], ["fall", 2991], ["falls", 2991], ["falling", 2991], ["come", 3016], ["contingency", 3036], ["plan", 3041], ["present", 3055], ["presentest", 3055], ["presenting", 3055], ["military", 3068], ["stable", 3080], ["transition", 3091], ["transitioning", 3091], ["caretaker", 3101], ["president", 3164], ["eva", 3168], ["garcia", 3175], ["line", 3194], ["democracy", 3223], ["handle", 3251], ["handled", 3251], ["mention", 3301], ["fact", 3313], ["countless", 3328], ["revolution", 3340], ["revolutions", 3340], ["around", 3347], ["necessitate", 3377], ["necessitated", 3377], ["necessitates", 3377], ["necessitating", 3377], ["allow", 3417], ["allowed", 3417], ["rid", 3429], ["official", 3464], ["officials", 3464], ["previous", 3482], ["regime", 3489], ["agree", 3509], ["agrees", 3509], ["slow", 3549], ["allow", 3569], ["many", 3577], ["man", 3590], ["mans", 3590], ["manned", 3590], ["men", 3590], ["possible", 3602], ["stay", 3610], ["power", 3619], ["buy", 3636], ["buyed", 3636], ["precious", 3655], ["time", 3660], ["groom", 3684], ["grooms", 3684], ["candidate", 3705], ["candidating", 3705], ["resort", 3730], ["resorted", 3730], ["democratic", 3744], ["election", 3753], ["appease", 3764], ["crowd", 3774], ["crowding", 3774], ["crowdest", 3774], ["middle", 3787], ["middles", 3787], ["middling", 3787], ["east", 3792], ["voice", 3798], ["hype", 3819], ["choose", 3835], ["chosen", 3835], ["unlikely", 3863], ["event", 3869], ["plan", 3890], ["plans", 3890], ["fail", 3897], ["failed", 3897], ["create", 3917], ["civil", 3923], ["civils", 3923], ["strife", 3930], ["strifes", 3930], ["inflame", 3943], ["inflames", 3943], ["inflaming", 3943], ["religious", 3953], ["ethnic", 3963], ["violence", 3972], ["give", 3987], ["peace", 4001], ["submit", 4019], ["leader", 4048], ["leaders", 4048], ["realize", 4076], ["futile", 4096], ["effort", 4103], ["say", 4124], ["sayest", 4124], ["said", 4124], ["rather", 4146], ["caliphate", 4163], ["cumbersome", 4188], ["try", 4239], ["tryed", 4239], ["tried", 4239], ["start", 4248], ["revolution", 4267], ["able", 4282], ["abled", 4282], ["control", 4327], ["thankfully", 4396], ["rouse", 4418], ["division", 4437], ["introduce", 4452], ["introduced", 4452], ["country", 4462], ["rule", 4468], ["ruled", 4468], ["law", 4485], ["die", 4508], ["fight", 4518], ["fightest", 4518], ["think", 4534], ["thinkest", 4534], ["thinking", 4534], ["fight", 4552], ["fightest", 4552], ["religion", 4571], ["leader", 4586], ["continue", 4596], ["continued", 4596], ["flow", 4605], ["flows", 4605], ["oil", 4612], ["pipeline", 4630], ["share", 4652], ["profit", 4666], ["guarantee", 4687], ["ruler", 4716], ["handover", 4758], ["rule", 4767], ["monarch", 4806], ["monarchs", 4806], ["protest", 4825], ["protestest", 4825], ["protested", 4825], ["soon", 4842], ["cyberwarfare", 4873], ["room", 4878], ["roomed", 4878], ["conglomerate", 4898], ["paraguay", 4910], ["teem", 4921], ["teeming", 4921], ["activity", 4937], ["activities", 4937], ["operation", 4950], ["secret", 4958], ["underway", 4979]]
cameras have become a staple in a lot of homes around the world , with a range of uses from video conferencing to gaming . the operation is taking advantage of that . the conglomerate 's blacklist of people is being monitored . while we could easily tap into any records of online activity , the best moments can be had in people 's living rooms at their most comfortable times talking candidly about issues with trusted relatives and love ones , the chief once told morris . and that is the task of the army of snoops in this control room . all cameras are turning on oblivious to the people being spied on . as far as they know they have turned the power switch on their unit to off . their conversations and facial expressions are watched and any conversation that might be of interest is recorded . luitger gerhold is pretty proud of his accomplishment . he helped design the program and this is the first time this is being used on this scale . morris even congratulated him personally . tracy has posted criticism against the president that has attracted a lot of sympathizing replies . her monitor at the cyberwarfare room sees her in her apron cooking dinner . larry 's face is captured by a video during the rally against the pegasus corporation and facial recognition software linked him to his profile at the node and his camera unit at home . his monitor sees nothing to report as he just sits on his couch watching tv . mark 's campaign against world food inc. has earned him a spot on the blacklist and his monitor is having a field day watching him having sex in the couch with a girl . the girl 's face is put into a facial recognition software and is identified as a girl who was also at the same rally as mark . joyce 's hot blog about a senator 's conflict of interest scandal means she is among one of the many whose cameras are secretly watching her tonight . her camera paints an unflattering image of her to her monitor while she is relaxed at home in her underwear , eating junk food with her hair in a spiky mess . while it has been a busy day of purging the world of people that could pose potential harm to the conglomerate 's interest , there is one executive that morris is sending away in good terms . he is none other than the executive of canada 's manitoba hydro . the plan to force the privatization of the utility was many years in the making . the public utility racked up huge amount of debt that the government expressed the need for privatization to save it . morris picked the ceo who has never worked at manitoba hydro . he was parachuted in to oversee the privatization . now that the privatization is complete , he can now resign and retire in comfort . he has been promised a hefty bonus . but before he leaves , there is one thing that he was asked to do . connect the controls of the utility to the network . some staff have protested , citing security concerns , but the executive did as he was told , explaining that it would save cost and maximize profit . any breach in security is unlikely and can easily be mitigated . the cost benefit trumps the miniscule risk . there was however a minor crimp on an otherwise successful operation in manitoba , morris remembers . an employee is working late and overhears the ceos conversation with his late night visitor , morris . they have to convince the man that they can explain everything and accompany him to his home . he resists initially but they insist on walking him home and then chat with him . once they reach his house , morris goes to work , charging his way in and hitting the employee 's head to make him lose consciousness . he then takes out his wallet and lays it out on his desk . morris turns on his computer and leaves his car key on the desk . they make it look like he is just out for a walk and intends to come back right away . search parties are sent after co-workers and relatives report him as missing . they eventually find his body in the river . police rule it an unfortunate accident from a fall during a stroll . his head hit the pavement before falling into the river , the police report read . morris stark and the chief are in a celebratory mood . it has been a very productive day at their underground base in paraguay . new york city private reception morris stark flies to new york for a reception he is hosting . big names from various corporation are all present . ted benton is among the attendees . he waits the whole night for an opportunity to talk to morris privately . as some guest start leaving , ted thinks he will proceed and ask morris if he can talk . hi morris , i am ted . my friend at world food inc. recommended you . i am from salisium inc. oh yes , of course i remember . are you contented with the result ? ted benton wonders . morris is surprised . of course , of course , come to my office . both walk into morris office . ted does not waste time . i just want to know if my employee felicity was somehow ... oh felicity , the thorn in your side .
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yes , but i i do n't know how to say this . morris just smiles as if he is enjoying the moment . did you have her killed ? ted blurts out . morris laughs . well first , we do n't disclose how we do our job . our clients prefer it that way . ted 's facial expression turns pale . but would you kill for a billion dollars if you could get away with it ? ted tries to catch a breath and no voice can come out of his mouth . ah , i sense hesitation . he taps ted on his shoulder and ted flinches . do n't worry , relax , you can say we did not kill her . it was an unfortunate accident that nobody could have foreseen . ted starts smiling . i am sorry i have to ask such a silly question . morris smirks and leaves ted in the room . ted thinks to himself , there is no way these influential men can engage in such an unlawful act . for the sake of his peace of mind , ted hears what he wanted from morris . but subconsciously , there is still lingering unease and doubts . this would later cause ted many sleepless nights , the cause of which he would never know . for there are some things that you just ca n't bury . chapter 15 the chase san francisco , u.s.a . it was a long drive home for cedric and his friends as their vacation came to a close . cedric went to bed early and is just waking up now . he looks at the clock and ca n't believe it is almost noon . he starts stretching in his bed . that was a good trip and it felt so good to finally sleep in his own bed . he is back at home . not just any home . this is the home that he and eldon grew up in . their parents chose to move to ireland and retire there , leaving the house to them . but eldon prefers to stay and work in new york . cedric gets up and starts preparing some breakfast . he then checks his messages on the node . cedric also checks his messages and checks in on his friends at the open source alternative for the node . but he is not able to convince all of his friends and relatives to switch to the less marketed but more open web and social net gateway . there is one message from bobby , telling him he left his scuba diving and camping gear in the trunk of jake 's car . after finishing his breakfast he spends the rest of the day unpacking . as he is about to put away his luggage , he notices the pendant in the internal side pocket . he smiles , thinking how he was initially concerned , thinking what the crazy lady was saying is true . he wonders what caused the lady to become a schizophrenic like that . maybe that pendant contains some family memories that would answer that question . he debated whether to check the content or not since it might contain her personal and private information . then he wonders if her family knows her fate . maybe he can find some clue and contact her family just to let them know he saw her at that vancouver hostel . convinced that he is doing the right thing , he takes the pendant and brings it to his computer unit . he turns on the unit and the display is projected to his wall instantaneously . he starts transmitting the content of the memory chip in the pendant . there is some text file that looks like some papers on research about health issues . he skips that and sees a format that looks like a video file . he quickly searchs the format and downloads a player . he starts to play the file on the pendant . what appears on the screen shocks him . he quickly searches the face of the woman in the video using the node and finds a picture and name that matches the person on the video . the picture is that of the head of health canada . his eyes turn into shock remembering everything the lady said . she is not crazy . she is panicking because someone wants her bad , really bad . the implications are enormous . someone found a cure for cancer and they want to keep it out of the public 's hand . cedric decides to also search for the man in the video and the node returns the message 'no record was found . ' he finds that odd . cedric suddenly notices his camera blinking a bit , which causes him to frown . he quickly taps his keyboard to bring up his custom made firewall . it reports that a connection has been made to the node from his camera . he is livid . there is an unauthorized transmission from his camera . he starts thinking about the possibility that his search for the health canada 's ministry or that man in the video might have alerted someone . to be safe he thinks he should get out of his place and stay off the node right now . he quickly makes a copy and hides it in his bedroom 's secret wall . he then takes the pendant , e-mails his friends at the open source gateway that he has a world changing revelation on a memory chip and will be sending it following this message .
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["unauthorized", 4228], ["transmission", 4241], ["possibility", 4300], ["ministry", 4350], ["alert", 4394], ["alerted", 4394], ["safe", 4415], ["safes", 4415], ["safed", 4415], ["place", 4456], ["copy", 4514], ["hide", 4524], ["hides", 4524], ["bedroom", 4542], ["secret", 4552], ["e", 4589], ["ing", 4589], ["eest", 4589], ["mail", 4595], ["mails", 4595], ["world", 4654], ["change", 4663], ["changing", 4663], ["revelation", 4674], ["send", 4711], ["sending", 4711], ["follow", 4724], ["following", 4724]]
he also notes that he thinks the node is compromised and someone is monitoring his activity , so he asks them to quickly propagate the video . he quickly sends the message and starts uploading the video to his site . but his internet suddenly goes down . he curses and takes the pendant and starts running to his car . most of his friend receive the message right away and are curious what kind of trouble cedric has gotten himself into this time . he quickly gets into jake 's car , takes out bobby 's scuba gear and backpacks from the trunk . he instinctively puts on the wet suit and throws the rest of the bag to the passenger seat . cedric sets the car to auto drive and starts calling his brother eldon . he gets the answering machine . eldon pick up please . he says frantically hoping his brother is there . listen , i found a pendant implicating a top ranking government official from canada . she is involved in a serious cover up . i hid the chip in your favourite childhood hiding place and i have the original memory chip pendant . his phone suddenly goes dead . the message display says invalid account . cedric quickly removes the cellphone parts on his watch and throws it out the window . he keeps his watch with a memory chip in it . the watch should not be able to connect to any network anymore . meanwhile in new york 's police precinct , eldon has just got out of the gym shower and put his watch back when he sees a new message notification . police precincts in the u.s. and around the world suddenly get a notification of threat level one , an indication under the motherland defence initiative that a clear and present danger exist . this usually involves shoot to kill orders against the threat . and cedric 's face comes up indicating his last position . cedric quickly disables the gps on his car . but not satisfied with disabling it through software , he starts removing the wire that connects the car 's control system to the small gps unit near the floor of the car . he throws the unit out the window . military bases have been alerted and the president gives order to use the drone with lucifer 's fork missile , the first time the new updated drone engages in combat on u.s. soil against its citizens . back in the cyberwarfare control room of the conglomerate , morris taps luitger to acknowledge him for a job well done on cracking the police system in such a short time . cedric 's profile is inserted in place of the existing suspect deemed to be from the order of the three eleven . cedric has been tagged as one of the leaders and the threat level was raised to 1 . although the police have never seen him before , the order from the president removes any doubts . back in new york 's police precinct , eldon gets back to his desk and is surprised to see a worldwide alert . he quickly pulls out the notice and sees his brother 's face . is this some kind of a prank ? ! he rushes out of his office so fast on his way to the police chief office that everyone turns to see what is going on but barely catches any of his shadow as he zooms by . cedric hears on the news that a manhunt is on the way . he pulls up the news and sees his face on it . he can hear sirens going off everywhere and one is close by , so he decides to turn into the back alley . orders have been given to all the cars to stay off the road . some are allowed to proceed to head home or work . but people who have not left their place yet have been told to stay put . in few minutes , cars on the road start thinning out until it almost looks like a ghost town . cedric accelerates to try to cross the golden gate bridge . he knows he is most vulnerable there especially with the road practically devoid of cars now . as he is speeding up to 200 mph he can see a drone approaching . he floors it but the drone is closing in very quickly . there is a red light blinking which signifies acquiring target . cedric knows when it stops , it would mean the target is locked and the missile will fire . he also knows that the car can not outrun the missile . he quickly reaches for and opens the bag on the passenger 's seat . he takes out the flares that they brought with them for the trip . he sees the light blinking faster and faster , meaning it will be firing soon . he is almost at the golden gate bridge . he opens the sunroof and lights up the flares then puts on the brake when he sees the light on the drone stopped . he quickly puts the car on the speed reverse used for their reverse drag race . the flares fire off ahead of the car as the car reverses in direction at 250 mph . the lucifer 's missile fires off following the flares . cedric swerve the car to the other lane from that of the approaching missile . the missile then hits the side rail of the bridge blowing a hole on the concrete road and vaporizing the steel . the drone keeps moving farther ahead and then starts to slow down .
[["also", 7], ["note", 13], ["notes", 13], ["think", 28], ["thinkest", 28], ["thinks", 28], ["node", 37], ["compromise", 52], ["compromised", 52], ["monitor", 78], ["monitored", 78], ["activity", 91], ["ask", 104], ["asks", 104], ["quickly", 120], ["propagate", 130], ["video", 140], ["send", 159], ["sends", 159], ["message", 171], ["start", 182], ["starts", 182], ["upload", 192], ["uploaded", 192], ["uploading", 192], ["site", 214], ["siting", 214], ["internet", 233], ["suddenly", 242], ["go", 247], ["goest", 247], ["goes", 247], ["curse", 264], ["cursed", 264], ["curses", 264], ["take", 274], ["takes", 274], ["pendant", 286], ["run", 305], ["running", 305], ["car", 316], ["friend", 337], ["receive", 345], ["right", 363], ["rightest", 363], ["away", 368], ["curious", 384], ["kind", 394], ["trouble", 405], ["troubling", 405], ["get", 423], ["gotten", 423], ["time", 446], ["get", 464], ["gets", 464], ["jake", 474], ["jakes", 474], ["jaked", 474], ["bobby", 499], ["scuba", 508], ["scubas", 508], ["gear", 513], ["backpack", 527], ["backpacking", 527], ["backpacks", 527], ["trunk", 542], ["instinctively", 561], ["put", 566], ["puts", 566], ["wet", 577], ["suit", 582], ["suited", 582], ["throw", 593], ["throws", 593], ["rest", 602], ["bag", 613], ["bagged", 613], ["bagging", 613], ["passenger", 630], ["seat", 635], ["set", 649], ["sets", 649], ["auto", 665], ["drive", 671], ["call", 690], ["calling", 690], ["brother", 702], ["brethren", 702], ["answer", 732], ["answeres", 732], ["answerest", 732], ["answering", 732], ["machine", 740], ["pick", 753], ["please", 763], ["say", 773], ["sayest", 773], ["says", 773], ["frantically", 785], ["hope", 792], ["hoping", 792], ["listen", 822], ["listens", 822], ["find", 832], ["found", 832], ["implicate", 854], ["implicating", 854], ["top", 860], ["ranking", 868], ["government", 879], ["official", 888], ["canada", 900], ["canadas", 900], ["involve", 918], ["involved", 918], ["serious", 931], ["cover", 937], ["hides", 948], 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["around", 1505], ["world", 1515], ["get", 1528], ["threat", 1553], ["level", 1559], ["indication", 1579], ["motherland", 1600], ["defence", 1608], ["initiative", 1619], ["clear", 1632], ["clearest", 1632], ["present", 1644], ["presentest", 1644], ["danger", 1651], ["exist", 1657], ["existest", 1657], ["usually", 1672], ["involve", 1681], ["involves", 1681], ["shoot", 1687], ["shooted", 1687], ["kill", 1695], ["order", 1702], ["orderest", 1702], ["orders", 1702], ["face", 1742], ["come", 1748], ["comes", 1748], ["indicate", 1762], ["indicating", 1762], ["last", 1771], ["position", 1780], ["disable", 1806], ["disabled", 1806], ["disables", 1806], ["gps", 1814], ["satisfied", 1845], ["disable", 1860], ["disabled", 1860], ["disabling", 1860], ["software", 1880], ["remove", 1901], ["removing", 1901], ["wire", 1910], ["connect", 1924], ["connectest", 1924], ["connects", 1924], ["control", 1943], ["system", 1950], ["small", 1963], ["unit", 1972], ["near", 1977], ["floor", 1987], ["military", 2045], ["basis", 2051], ["bases", 2051], ["alert", 2069], ["alerted", 2069], ["president", 2087], ["give", 2093], ["gives", 2093], ["order", 2099], ["orderest", 2099], ["use", 2106], ["drone", 2116], ["droning", 2116], ["lucifer", 2129], ["fork", 2137], ["missile", 2145], ["first", 2157], ["firstest", 2157], ["update", 2178], ["updates", 2178], ["updated", 2178], ["engage", 2192], ["engages", 2192], ["combat", 2202], ["soil", 2215], ["citizen", 2236], ["citizens", 2236], ["cyberwarfare", 2263], ["room", 2276], ["roomed", 2276], ["conglomerate", 2296], ["morris", 2305], ["tap", 2310], ["taps", 2310], ["acknowledge", 2333], ["job", 2347], ["jobbing", 2347], ["well", 2352], ["wells", 2352], ["crack", 2369], ["cracking", 2369], ["short", 2403], ["profile", 2428], ["insert", 2440], ["inserted", 2440], ["exist", 2465], ["existest", 2465], ["existing", 2465], ["suspect", 2473], ["deem", 2480], ["deemed", 2480], ["three", 2514], ["eleven", 2521], ["tag", 2546], ["tags", 2546], ["tagged", 2546], ["leader", 2568], ["leaders", 2568], ["raise", 2600], ["raised", 2600], ["although", 2616], ["never", 2638], ["see", 2643], ["seen", 2643], ["doubt", 2704], ["doubts", 2704], ["desk", 2772], ["see", 2796], ["worldwide", 2808], ["alert", 2814], ["alerted", 2814], ["pull", 2833], ["pulls", 2833], ["notice", 2848], ["prank", 2908], ["rush", 2922], ["rushes", 2922], ["office", 2940], ["fast", 2948], ["way", 2959], ["ways", 2959], ["chief", 2979], ["chiefs", 2979], ["everyone", 3000], ["turn", 3006], ["turns", 3006], ["go", 3027], ["goest", 3027], ["going", 3027], ["barely", 3041], ["catch", 3049], ["catched", 3049], ["catches", 3049], ["shadow", 3067], ["shadowed", 3067], ["zoom", 3079], ["zoomed", 3079], ["zooms", 3079], ["hear", 3097], ["hears", 3097], ["news", 3109], ["newses", 3109], ["manhunt", 3124], ["hear", 3199], ["hears", 3199], ["siren", 3206], ["sirens", 3206], ["everywhere", 3227], ["close", 3244], ["decide", 3263], ["decides", 3263], ["turn", 3271], ["alley", 3291], ["give", 3316], ["given", 3316], ["car", 3332], ["cars", 3332], ["stay", 3340], ["road", 3353], ["allow", 3372], ["allowed", 3372], ["proceed", 3383], ["proceedest", 3383], ["proceeding", 3383], ["head", 3391], ["home", 3396], ["homing", 3396], ["work", 3404], ["wrought", 3404], ["people", 3417], ["left", 3435], ["leave", 3435], ["yet", 3451], ["tell", 3466], ["told", 3466], ["minute", 3495], ["minutes", 3495], ["start", 3520], ["thin", 3529], ["thins", 3529], ["thinning", 3529], ["almost", 3549], ["look", 3555], ["looks", 3555], ["like", 3560], ["ghost", 3568], ["town", 3573], ["accelerate", 3594], ["accelerates", 3594], ["try", 3601], ["tryed", 3601], ["cross", 3610], ["crossing", 3610], ["golden", 3621], ["gate", 3626], ["gates", 3626], ["bridge", 3633], ["know", 3644], ["knowest", 3644], ["knows", 3644], ["vulnerable", 3666], ["especially", 3683], ["practically", 3709], ["devoid", 3716], ["speed", 3748], ["speeding", 3748], ["mph", 3762], ["approach", 3793], ["approaches", 3793], ["approaching", 3793], ["floor", 3805], ["floors", 3805], ["close", 3833], ["red", 3866], ["lit", 3872], ["light", 3872], ["signify", 3897], ["signifying", 3897], ["acquire", 3907], ["acquiring", 3907], ["target", 3914], ["stop", 3943], ["stops", 3943], ["mean", 3959], ["meanest", 3959], ["lock", 3980], ["locked", 3980], ["fire", 4006], ["outrun", 4050], ["outrunning", 4050], ["reach", 4083], ["reaches", 4083], ["open", 4097], ["opens", 4097], ["flare", 4156], ["flares", 4156], ["bring", 4174], ["brought", 4174], ["trip", 4197], ["tripping", 4197], ["blink", 4226], ["blinked", 4226], ["blinking", 4226], ["fast", 4233], ["mean", 4254], ["meanest", 4254], ["fire", 4272], ["firing", 4272], ["soon", 4277], ["sunroof", 4341], ["sunroofs", 4341], ["lit", 4352], ["light", 4352], ["lights", 4352], ["brake", 4389], ["braked", 4389], ["stop", 4433], ["stopped", 4433], ["speed", 4472], ["speeding", 4472], ["reverse", 4480], ["reversed", 4480], ["use", 4485], ["used", 4485], ["drag", 4508], ["race", 4513], ["racing", 4513], ["ahead", 4541], ["reverse", 4572], ["reversed", 4572], ["reverses", 4572], ["direction", 4585], ["fire", 4627], ["fires", 4627], ["follow", 4641], ["following", 4641], ["swerve", 4668], ["lane", 4694], ["lanes", 4694], ["hit", 4755], ["hits", 4755], ["side", 4764], ["sidest", 4764], ["rail", 4769], ["blow", 4791], ["blew", 4791], ["blowest", 4791], ["blowing", 4791], ["hole", 4798], ["concrete", 4814], ["vaporize", 4834], ["vaporizing", 4834], ["steel", 4844], ["move", 4869], ["moving", 4869], ["far", 4877], ["farther", 4877], ["slow", 4907]]
cedric knows the person controlling the drone would probably disengage the auto heat seeking mode and engage several missiles right at him this time . he floors the pedal again as the drone approaches . the car is headed directly toward the drone . and as cedric approaches the fiery mess left by the first missile , he switches on auto drive and points it toward the hole where the side rail steel used to be . he quickly grabs the bag with scuba diving gear and removes his seat belt . the car automatically slows down and turns and goes across the bridge as the missile comes toward the car . the car takes off and goes down the bridge starting its 200 feet descent into into the water . the missile hits the side railing of the bridge and explodes , vaporizing the steel and shaking the bridge , creating a much bigger hole on the road . some of the debris from the bridge and missile has hit the back of the car and the trunk catches fire . there is a strong wind so cedric hopes that will help slow the fall but not enough as to affect his ability to control the position of his fall . he quickly pushes the door open with the backpack containing the scuba gear in his hand . he jumps to the side , away from the car and down into the water . cedric drops the bag into the water away from him and keeps himself in a vertical position to make sure his body is straight and feet first into the water with both arms raised . all of this is accomplished within a matter of seconds . the water feels cold so he quickly swims away , putting the oxygen on and diving deeper to avoid detection . cedric swims as far away as he can . the president gives orders to use sonar blast , which could have a debilitating or fatal effect on mammals . beached whales showed injury to the brain following a previous blast . helicopters can be heard overhead . cedric swims up to near surface close to the shore , staying underwater and hears everything has quieted down . sonar blast was initiated . cedric gets up to a marina , hiding behind a parked yacht . he cautiously gets back on land . the sonar blast hits but not before cedric gets out of the water . he quickly dashes to a junkyard nearby and looks through several cars and finally finds a newly delivered car with the key still inside . there is no auto drive but it has a transponder and license plate still on . cedric throws out the the transponder and starts driving . cedric continues to drive for more than 3 hours hiding in dark alleys or instantly parking and shutting down cars when a police car or helicopters pass by . he eventually reaches lake tahoe and decides to camp there for the night . cedric builds a campfire and decides to sleep and worry about what to do tomorrow . he wakes up to a pristine lake . he quickly packs up and brings his scuba gear to be refilled at a scuba gear outlet . feeling hungry , he goes through the side door to a restaurant . while paying for his meal , he instinctively looks up at the camera , which looks like one of those new network security systems . he lowers his head and quickly takes a mountain board , helmet and hunting camouflage tarps and clothing , pays and leaves . the image has been sent to a security control centre , which automatically scans faces for any fugitives . the computer recognizes his face and alerts authorities . cedric quickly ditches his car and goes up one of the mountains that is used as a ski slope during the winter . he climbs as far as he can to get a better view of any approaching search party . there is a good breeze of wind . he decides to lighten the load discarding cooking utensils and covering them with cutoff part of the camouflage tarps and using rocks to keep it in place . he continues to climb until he reaches the top . he hears a helicopter approaching and tries to lay low , covering everything under the tarp and hoping it will do its job . down the hill , the wind blows off the tarp , exposing the metal utensils . the helicopter quickly approaches and seeing no one there , drops its ladder and several men in black clothes with firearms start climbing down with the helicopter gunship pointing down in case there are any signs of the fugitive . soon the commando unit reaches the abandoned utensils . they look up and point the helicopter to the top of the mountain . the helicopter quickly turns and cedric peeking from the camouflage tarp wrap around him sees it . he quickly takes out several flares and lights one up , firing at the helicopter as it appears on the mountain peak . the helicopter pilot is totally caught off guard and over corrected . the gunman fires the mounted machine gun but ends up firing on the pilot as it makes a sudden turn . the flares miss , but the pilot was dead . and the helicopter drops like a rock and hits one of the mountains and explodes . cedric knows he does not have much time before the commando catches up with him . so he puts on the mountain board and started going down using his experience from snowboarding in the ski slopes of alberta .
[["know", 12], ["knowest", 12], ["knows", 12], ["person", 23], ["control", 35], ["controlling", 35], ["drone", 45], ["droning", 45], ["probably", 60], ["disengage", 70], ["disengaged", 70], ["auto", 79], ["heat", 84], ["heats", 84], ["heated", 84], ["seek", 92], ["seeking", 92], ["mode", 97], ["moded", 97], ["engage", 108], ["several", 116], ["missile", 125], ["missiles", 125], ["right", 131], ["rightest", 131], ["time", 148], ["floor", 160], ["floors", 160], ["pedal", 170], ["approach", 200], ["approaches", 200], ["car", 210], ["head", 220], ["headed", 220], ["directly", 229], ["toward", 236], ["fiery", 283], ["mess", 288], ["messed", 288], ["messing", 288], ["left", 293], ["leave", 293], ["first", 306], ["firstest", 306], ["missile", 314], ["switch", 328], ["switching", 328], ["switches", 328], ["drive", 342], ["point", 353], ["points", 353], ["hole", 372], ["side", 387], ["sidest", 387], ["rail", 392], ["steel", 398], ["use", 403], ["used", 403], ["quickly", 422], ["grab", 428], ["bag", 436], ["bagged", 436], ["bagging", 436], ["scuba", 447], ["scubas", 447], ["diving", 454], ["gear", 459], ["remove", 471], ["removes", 471], ["seat", 480], ["belt", 485], ["belts", 485], ["belted", 485], ["beltest", 485], ["belting", 485], ["automatically", 509], ["slow", 515], ["slows", 515], ["turn", 530], ["turns", 530], ["go", 539], ["goest", 539], ["goes", 539], ["across", 546], ["bridge", 557], ["come", 578], ["comes", 578], ["take", 609], ["takes", 609], ["start", 647], ["starting", 647], ["foot", 660], ["feet", 660], ["descent", 668], ["water", 688], ["hit", 707], ["hits", 707], ["railing", 724], ["explode", 751], ["explodes", 751], ["vaporize", 764], ["vaporizing", 764], ["shake", 786], ["shaking", 786], ["create", 808], ["creating", 808], ["much", 815], ["big", 822], ["bigs", 822], ["bigger", 822], ["road", 839], ["debris", 860], ["hit", 896], ["back", 905], ["trunk", 930], ["catch", 938], ["catched", 938], ["catches", 938], ["fire", 943], ["strong", 963], ["wind", 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["putting", 1540], ["oxygen", 1551], ["oxygens", 1551], ["deep", 1572], ["deeply", 1572], ["avoid", 1581], ["detection", 1591], ["far", 1613], ["president", 1644], ["give", 1650], ["gives", 1650], ["order", 1657], ["orderest", 1657], ["orders", 1657], ["use", 1664], ["sonar", 1670], ["blast", 1676], ["fatal", 1719], ["effect", 1726], ["mammal", 1737], ["mammals", 1737], ["beach", 1747], ["beached", 1747], ["whale", 1754], ["whales", 1754], ["show", 1761], ["showed", 1761], ["injury", 1768], ["brain", 1781], ["brained", 1781], ["braining", 1781], ["follow", 1791], ["following", 1791], ["previous", 1802], ["helicopter", 1822], ["helicopters", 1822], ["hear", 1835], ["hears", 1835], ["heard", 1835], ["overhead", 1844], ["near", 1870], ["surface", 1878], ["close", 1884], ["shore", 1897], ["stay", 1907], ["staying", 1907], ["underwater", 1918], ["hear", 1928], ["hears", 1928], ["everything", 1939], ["quiet", 1951], ["initiate", 1984], ["initiates", 1984], ["initiated", 1984], ["get", 1998], ["gets", 1998], ["marina", 2013], ["marinas", 2013], ["hide", 2022], ["hides", 2022], ["behind", 2029], ["park", 2038], ["parks", 2038], ["parked", 2038], ["yacht", 2044], ["yachting", 2044], ["cautiously", 2060], ["land", 2078], ["dash", 2165], ["dashes", 2165], ["junkyard", 2179], ["junkyards", 2179], ["nearby", 2186], ["look", 2196], ["looks", 2196], ["car", 2217], ["cars", 2217], ["finally", 2229], ["find", 2235], ["finds", 2235], ["newly", 2243], ["deliver", 2253], ["delivered", 2253], ["key", 2270], ["keyed", 2270], ["keyest", 2270], ["still", 2276], ["inside", 2283], ["transponder", 2333], ["license", 2345], ["plate", 2351], ["plating", 2351], ["throw", 2376], ["throws", 2376], ["start", 2411], ["starts", 2411], ["driving", 2419], ["continue", 2438], ["continues", 2438], ["hour", 2469], ["hours", 2469], ["dark", 2484], ["alley", 2491], ["alleys", 2491], ["instantly", 2504], ["park", 2512], ["parks", 2512], ["shut", 2525], ["shutting", 2525], ["police", 2549], ["pass", 2573], ["eventually", 2592], ["reach", 2600], ["reaches", 2600], ["lake", 2605], ["tahoe", 2611], ["decide", 2623], ["decides", 2623], ["camp", 2631], ["camped", 2631], ["night", 2651], ["build", 2667], ["builds", 2667], ["campfire", 2678], ["sleep", 2699], ["slept", 2699], ["sleeps", 2699], ["sleepest", 2699], ["worry", 2709], ["worried", 2709], ["tomorrow", 2735], ["tomorrows", 2735], ["wake", 2746], ["wakes", 2746], ["woken", 2746], ["pristine", 2763], ["pack", 2787], ["packs", 2787], ["bring", 2801], ["brings", 2801], ["refill", 2831], ["refilled", 2831], ["outlet", 2854], ["feel", 2864], ["feeling", 2864], ["hungry", 2871], ["restaurant", 2919], ["pay", 2934], ["pays", 2934], ["payest", 2934], ["paying", 2934], ["meal", 2947], ["instinctively", 2966], ["camera", 2989], ["cameras", 2989], ["like", 3008], ["new", 3025], ["network", 3033], ["networked", 3033], ["networking", 3033], ["security", 3042], ["system", 3050], ["systems", 3050], ["lowers", 3062], ["lowerest", 3062], ["head", 3071], ["mountain", 3100], ["board", 3106], ["boarding", 3106], ["helmet", 3115], ["hunt", 3127], ["hunting", 3127], ["huntest", 3127], ["camouflage", 3138], ["tarp", 3144], ["tarps", 3144], ["clothing", 3157], ["pay", 3164], ["pays", 3164], ["payest", 3164], ["left", 3175], ["leave", 3175], ["leaves", 3175], ["image", 3187], ["imaged", 3187], ["imaging", 3187], ["send", 3201], ["sent", 3201], ["centre", 3230], ["scan", 3258], ["scans", 3258], ["scanning", 3258], ["face", 3264], ["faces", 3264], ["fugitive", 3282], ["fugitives", 3282], ["computer", 3297], ["recognize", 3308], ["recognizes", 3308], ["face", 3317], ["alert", 3328], ["alerted", 3328], ["alerts", 3328], ["authority", 3340], ["authorities", 3340], ["ditch", 3365], ["mountain", 3406], ["mountains", 3406], ["ski", 3428], ["skis", 3428], ["skied", 3428], ["slope", 3434], ["sloping", 3434], ["winter", 3452], ["climb", 3464], ["climbs", 3464], ["get", 3488], ["well", 3497], ["wells", 3497], ["view", 3502], ["viewest", 3502], ["approach", 3521], ["approaches", 3521], ["approaching", 3521], ["search", 3528], ["party", 3534], ["good", 3552], ["breeze", 3559], ["breezing", 3559], ["lighten", 3591], ["lightens", 3591], ["load", 3600], ["loaded", 3600], ["discard", 3611], ["discardest", 3611], ["discarding", 3611], ["cooking", 3619], ["utensil", 3628], ["utensils", 3628], ["cover", 3641], ["covering", 3641], ["cutoff", 3658], ["part", 3663], ["parting", 3663], ["use", 3697], ["using", 3697], ["rock", 3703], ["rocks", 3703], ["keep", 3711], ["keepest", 3711], ["place", 3723], ["climb", 3747], ["top", 3772], ["helicopter", 3796], ["try", 3818], ["tryed", 3818], ["tries", 3818], ["lay", 3825], ["lays", 3825], ["layed", 3825], ["layest", 3825], ["low", 3829], ["lowed", 3829], ["tarp", 3866], ["tarps", 3866], ["hope", 3877], ["hoping", 3877], ["job", 3896], ["jobbing", 3896], ["hill", 3912], ["blow", 3929], ["blew", 3929], ["blowest", 3929], ["blows", 3929], ["expose", 3953], ["exposing", 3953], ["metal", 3963], ["see", 4019], ["seeing", 4019], ["ladder", 4051], ["laddered", 4051], ["man", 4067], ["mans", 4067], ["manned", 4067], ["men", 4067], ["black", 4076], ["clad", 4084], ["clothe", 4084], ["clothes", 4084], ["firearm", 4098], ["firearms", 4098], ["start", 4104], ["climb", 4113], ["climbing", 4113], ["gunship", 4146], ["point", 4155], ["pointing", 4155], ["case", 4168], ["sign", 4188], ["signs", 4188], ["fugitive", 4204], ["soon", 4211], ["commando", 4224], ["commandos", 4224], ["unit", 4229], ["abandon", 4251], ["abandoned", 4251], ["look", 4272], ["point", 4285], ["peek", 4377], ["peeks", 4377], ["peeking", 4377], ["wrap", 4407], ["wraps", 4407], ["wrapping", 4407], ["around", 4414], ["see", 4423], ["sees", 4423], ["flare", 4464], ["flares", 4464], ["lit", 4475], ["light", 4475], ["lights", 4475], ["fire", 4491], ["firing", 4491], ["appear", 4523], ["appears", 4523], ["peak", 4544], ["pilot", 4567], ["totally", 4578], ["catch", 4585], ["catched", 4585], ["catches", 4585], ["caught", 4585], ["guard", 4595], ["correct", 4614], ["corrected", 4614], ["gunman", 4627], ["fire", 4633], ["fires", 4633], ["mount", 4645], ["mounted", 4645], ["mountest", 4645], ["machine", 4653], ["gun", 4657], ["end", 4666], ["ends", 4666], ["endest", 4666], ["sudden", 4710], ["turn", 4715], ["miss", 4733], ["dead", 4758], ["rock", 4797], ["put", 4935], ["puts", 4935], ["start", 4969], ["started", 4969], ["go", 4975], ["goest", 4975], ["going", 4975], ["experience", 5001], ["experienced", 5001], ["snowboard", 5019], ["snowboarding", 5019], ["slope", 5037], ["sloping", 5037], ["slopes", 5037], ["alberta", 5048]]
there is a steep side going down and he is able to ride it down with ease . he takes a spill at the end of the steep hill , but he manages to slow down first . he tumbles a bit but remains unhurt and picks up the mountain board and continues to slide downhill . by the time the commandos reach the top of the mountain , they can hardly see a moving tiny shape that blends in with the brown shrubs of the mountain . cedric reaches the bottom and starts hiking in the woods . cedrics intent is to get out of here alive , but he decides to record a message for eldon on his watch just in case . the commandos radioed in cedric 's position and the ground troops immediately get into action taking cedric 's used napkins and fork from the restaurant . they let the dogs sniff the stuff cedric has used and set them loose . cedric hears dogs barking and decides to jump into the water with his scuba gear . the water is clear , especially near the shore . so he tries to stay as low as he can . as he approaches the shore , there are nice round white rocks that on a normal day he would stop to appreciate . but this is not a normal day . peeking and seeing no one close by , he takes a chance and swims close to the shore . then he hears dogs barking near the shore . he is already near the shore and the water is so clear that it wo n't be hard for them to see him even if he dives now . luckily there are rocks that form into a tunnel under the water . he quickly dives and hides below one of these tunnel rock formations . he tries to relax and slow his breathing and use as little air as possible , conserving the supply in the oxygen tank . he rests nicely in a huge tunnel few feet down . above this tunnel are several rocks formations protruding well above the surface that on happier days cedric would have used to dive down to the clear lake . eldon arrives in san francisco . he immediately goes to cedric 's house and finds the hidden wall partially open . it has come loose recently and only he and cedric know how to pull and push to make it close properly . eldon wonders if cedric was in such a hurry that he did not bother closing it properly . highly unlikely if you are trying to hide something you do n't want others to find . he searches inside the wall and finds nothing . eldon 's heart sinks . he wonders how they know about the hidden wall . his phone rings and it is his precincts police chief . no luck on getting them to call off the search since the president is directly involved . eldon is yelling angrily into the phone . the chief tells him the latest about the sighting of cedric . eldon rushes out of the house and drives off to lake tahoe . cedric has been there for hours and decides to come out and see if the coast is clear . the sun has set and the shore is now dark . nobody seems to be there so cedric slowly moves into shore . as he slowly approaches a car parked up the shore , a spotlight comes on and several armed men appeared . he is about to raise his hand , but shots are fired , hitting him right in the left side of his chest . cedric reacts by raising his hand to touch the wounded part . then another shot is fired into his neck resulting in blood splurting out . the leader yells . he has not given the command to fire and though shoot-to-kill is now an option for this level of threat under the mdi , he does not deem it necessary . but two of his men have already fired . cedric falls to the ground . one of the officers who shot cedric approaches him and quickly pulls off the pendant from his neck as instructed by his contact earlier in the day . the leader of the group calls for paramedics . for one of the other officers who fired the shots , it is good riddance for someone who dares attack america . as far as he is concerned , it is a point for team u.s.a. and zero for the elusive order of three eleven . eldon 's police siren blares all the way from san francisco . but he arrives a bit too late . they are loading his brother 's body by the time he arrives . he rushes to see the body and hopes it was someone else . upon seeing it was his brother , he screams and cries no ! he pushes the paramedics away . he hugs his brother shaking him , as if that would wake him up . the law enforcement officials learn that eldon is a new york police officer . they wonder why a police officer would be so distraught over the death of one of america 's top enemies . after an hour , they try to separate eldon but he draws his gun and everyone backs off . eldon tries to look for a pendant that cedric had mentioned in his message but he ca n't find it .
[["steep", 16], ["steeps", 16], ["side", 21], ["sidest", 21], ["go", 27], ["goest", 27], ["going", 27], ["able", 47], ["abled", 47], ["ride", 55], ["rode", 55], ["ease", 73], ["take", 84], ["takes", 84], ["spill", 92], ["spilt", 92], ["spilling", 92], ["end", 103], ["ends", 103], ["endest", 103], ["hill", 121], ["manage", 138], ["manages", 138], ["slow", 146], ["first", 157], ["firstest", 157], ["tumble", 170], ["tumbles", 170], ["bit", 176], ["bits", 176], ["remain", 188], ["remains", 188], ["unhurt", 195], ["pick", 205], ["mountain", 221], ["board", 227], ["boarding", 227], ["continue", 241], ["continues", 241], ["slid", 250], ["downhill", 259], ["downhills", 259], ["time", 273], ["commando", 287], ["commandos", 287], ["reach", 293], ["top", 301], ["hardly", 335], ["see", 339], ["moving", 348], ["tiny", 353], ["shape", 359], ["shapes", 359], ["blend", 371], ["blendest", 371], ["blending", 371], ["blends", 371], ["brown", 389], ["browns", 389], ["shrub", 396], ["shrubs", 396], ["reach", 429], ["reaches", 429], ["bottom", 440], ["bottoming", 440], ["start", 451], ["starts", 451], ["wood", 471], ["woods", 471], ["intent", 488], ["get", 498], ["alive", 516], ["decide", 533], ["decides", 533], ["record", 543], ["message", 553], ["watch", 576], ["radio", 613], ["position", 635], ["ground", 650], ["troop", 657], ["troops", 657], ["immediately", 669], ["action", 685], ["take", 692], ["taking", 692], ["use", 707], ["used", 707], ["napkin", 715], ["napkins", 715], ["fork", 724], ["restaurant", 744], ["let", 755], ["lets", 755], ["dog", 764], ["dogs", 764], ["sniff", 770], ["sniffed", 770], ["stuff", 780], ["set", 804], ["loose", 815], ["looser", 815], ["hear", 830], ["hears", 830], ["bark", 843], ["barked", 843], ["barking", 843], ["jump", 863], ["jumps", 863], ["water", 878], ["scuba", 893], ["scubas", 893], ["gear", 898], ["clear", 919], ["clearest", 919], ["especially", 932], ["near", 937], ["shore", 947], ["try", 961], ["tryed", 961], ["tries", 961], ["stay", 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["hide", 2197], ["hides", 2197], ["find", 2238], ["search", 2252], ["searches", 2252], ["inside", 2259], ["nothing", 2286], ["heart", 2303], ["sank", 2309], ["sink", 2309], ["sinks", 2309], ["phone", 2370], ["rang", 2376], ["rung", 2376], ["ring", 2376], ["rings", 2376], ["precinct", 2400], ["precincts", 2400], ["police", 2407], ["chief", 2413], ["chiefs", 2413], ["luck", 2423], ["get", 2434], ["getting", 2434], ["call", 2447], ["search", 2462], ["since", 2468], ["president", 2482], ["directly", 2494], ["involve", 2503], ["involved", 2503], ["yell", 2522], ["yelling", 2522], ["angrily", 2530], ["tell", 2563], ["tells", 2563], ["late", 2578], ["lates", 2578], ["latest", 2578], ["sighting", 2597], ["rush", 2622], ["rushes", 2622], ["drive", 2650], ["drives", 2650], ["tahoe", 2668], ["hour", 2702], ["hours", 2702], ["coast", 2747], ["sun", 2766], ["suns", 2766], ["sunned", 2766], ["dark", 2800], ["nobody", 2809], ["seem", 2815], ["seeming", 2815], ["seems", 2815], ["slowly", 2844], ["move", 2850], ["moves", 2850], ["car", 2893], ["park", 2900], ["parks", 2900], ["parked", 2900], ["spotlight", 2927], ["spotlighted", 2927], ["spotlighting", 2927], ["come", 2933], ["comes", 2933], ["armed", 2954], ["man", 2958], ["mans", 2958], ["manned", 2958], ["men", 2958], ["appear", 2967], ["appeared", 2967], ["raise", 2990], ["hand", 2999], ["shot", 3011], ["shots", 3011], ["fire", 3021], ["fired", 3021], ["hit", 3031], ["hitting", 3031], ["right", 3041], ["rightest", 3041], ["left", 3053], ["chest", 3071], ["react", 3087], ["reacts", 3087], ["raise", 3098], ["raising", 3098], ["touch", 3116], ["touching", 3116], ["wind", 3128], ["wound", 3128], ["wounding", 3128], ["wounded", 3128], ["part", 3133], ["parting", 3133], ["another", 3148], ["shoot", 3153], ["shot", 3153], ["shooted", 3153], ["neck", 3176], ["necked", 3176], ["result", 3186], ["resultest", 3186], ["resulting", 3186], ["blood", 3195], ["bloods", 3195], ["blooded", 3195], ["splurting", 3205], ["leader", 3222], ["yell", 3228], ["yells", 3228], ["give", 3247], ["given", 3247], ["command", 3259], ["fire", 3267], ["though", 3278], ["shoot", 3284], ["shooted", 3284], ["kill", 3292], ["option", 3309], ["level", 3324], ["threat", 3334], ["mdi", 3348], ["deem", 3367], ["necessary", 3380], ["two", 3390], ["twos", 3390], ["fall", 3435], ["falls", 3435], ["officer", 3471], ["officering", 3471], ["officers", 3471], ["pull", 3520], ["pulls", 3520], ["pendant", 3536], ["instruct", 3564], ["instructest", 3564], ["instructed", 3564], ["contact", 3579], ["early", 3587], ["group", 3624], ["call", 3630], ["calls", 3630], ["paramedic", 3645], ["paramedics", 3645], ["good", 3710], ["riddance", 3719], ["dare", 3741], ["dares", 3741], ["attack", 3748], ["america", 3756], ["americas", 3756], ["far", 3765], ["point", 3800], ["team", 3809], ["teamed", 3809], ["teaming", 3809], ["zero", 3825], ["zeroes", 3825], ["elusive", 3841], ["order", 3847], ["orderest", 3847], ["three", 3856], ["eleven", 3863], ["siren", 3887], ["sirens", 3887], ["blare", 3894], ["blares", 3894], ["way", 3906], ["ways", 3906], ["late", 3957], ["lates", 3957], ["load", 3976], ["loaded", 3976], ["brother", 3988], ["brethren", 3988], ["body", 3996], ["bodied", 3996], ["hope", 4057], ["hopes", 4057], ["else", 4077], ["upon", 4084], ["scream", 4123], ["screams", 4123], ["cry", 4133], ["cries", 4133], ["push", 4148], ["pushes", 4148], ["away", 4168], ["hug", 4178], ["hugs", 4178], ["shake", 4198], ["shaking", 4198], ["wake", 4226], ["wakes", 4226], ["woken", 4226], ["law", 4243], ["enforcement", 4255], ["official", 4265], ["officials", 4265], ["learn", 4271], ["learns", 4271], ["learnt", 4271], ["new", 4291], ["york", 4296], ["yorks", 4296], ["officer", 4311], ["officering", 4311], ["wonder", 4325], ["wonderest", 4325], ["distraught", 4369], ["death", 4384], ["enemy", 4417], ["enemies", 4417], ["hour", 4433], ["try", 4444], ["tryed", 4444], ["separate", 4456], ["draw", 4475], ["drawn", 4475], ["draws", 4475], ["gun", 4483], ["everyone", 4496], ["back", 4502], ["backs", 4502], ["look", 4528], ["mention", 4568], ["mentioned", 4568], ["ca", 4593], ["cas", 4593]]
he takes his watch and hopes he can find some clues there . eldon 's boss has called the officer in charge on the scene and explained eldon 's connection and how there might be a mistake . the officer in charge is shocked . the instructions were clear , the record was clear , the president was on the ball right away , so it must have been really urgent . he hopes the new york chief is mistaken . it is just a brother unable to accept the fact that his brother took the wrong path in life and got mixed up with the wrong crowd . only the paramedics and few police are left when eldon finally let go , rising with his gun in his hand . he points at the police chief . the rest of the officers draw their guns . but the police chief asks them to drop their guns . eldon with fire and tears in his eyes asks , who fired the shot ? we are going to look into it . the chief officer responds . who fired the shots ! ? they are no longer here . they are back at the precinct and they will be questioned i assure you . who fired the shots ? ! you are welcome to come to the precinct with us and see them . eldon goes back beside his brother 's body and says , i will avenge your dead . back at the precinct , eldon sees the two police officers from behind a one way mirror . he wants to charge in but they will not let him . the chief officers convince him to let the law take its course and that the two are going nowhere . eldon is exhausted and decides to let it rest for now , seeing as they are being interrogated . he goes back to san francisco to look after his brothers affairs and try to find that chip that his brother said would implicate canada 's health minister . on the drive back to san francisco he feels so empty , like a part of him is gone forever . it feels like there is a big hole and emptiness . his heart aches as if there are salty tears flowing out , making it sting . the feeling is inexplicable , it drains all energy from him making him feels so helpless . his stomach churns , his whole body is in turmoil . tears just flow out of his eyes uncontrollably like a broken faucet . he feels like he is going to lose his mind every time he thinks about his brothers smile . his stubborn and adventurous attitude . his fearlessness and compassion . eldon would suddenly break out and scream every now and then , relieving pressure and frustration that have been building up . he then remembers cedric 's watch and takes the memory out and put it in his car 's player . there is a recorded voice . so he plays it . eldon , my brother . i hope you do n't get this and that i will just end up deleting this once everything is back to normal . but if you get this , i just want you to know that if i should die , then go on and mourn for me and let it out . but do n't remain sorrowful for long . i am not afraid of dying . these evil people 's days will come . everything is in the pendant . take care of yourself and do n't do anything harsh . do n't become corrupt in fighting them . remember what i said when we were in alberta ? although your memory might cause you sorrow to think that i have been taken so suddenly and in such an awful manner . but this is just a small blip on the wider scope of things . we will be victorious in the end . my spirit , or energy or whatever you want to call it , will live on . that , my brother , they wo n't be able to extinguish , ever ! eldon was not sure if that is supposed to comfort him , but it is not working , as he feel his heart continue to break . he was not aware that such sorrow , sadness and desperation were possible . it feels like it is going to tear him apart . he remembers telling his brothers not to get involved with what cedric would call 'fighting injustices . ' it does not affect us , he once told his brother . you ca n't take care of everybody in the world , he pleaded . but tonight , he does not blame his brother for standing up for his conviction . eldon promises he will get to the bottom of things . no matter where the mastermind of his brother 's death may be . he will get them whether they are in the u.s. or not . chapter 16 lifting the veil san francisco lots of tears are shed at cedric 's funeral . questions are raised about the heavy handed attack and killing of an american citizen . no one has heard about him being a suspect before . the presidential spokesperson says not all the suspects name are published . cedric 's friends agree to organize and try to solve the case together . they have obtained cedric 's unit from eldon . they agree that they will carefully comb through the storage of the unit to see what is in there .
[["take", 8], ["takes", 8], ["watch", 18], ["hope", 28], ["hopes", 28], ["find", 40], ["clue", 51], ["clues", 51], ["boss", 73], ["call", 84], ["called", 84], ["officer", 96], ["officering", 96], ["charge", 106], ["scene", 119], ["explain", 133], ["explained", 133], ["connection", 153], ["may", 173], ["mays", 173], ["mayest", 173], ["might", 173], ["mistook", 186], ["mistake", 186], ["mistaken", 186], ["instruction", 240], ["instructions", 240], ["clear", 251], ["clearest", 251], ["record", 264], ["president", 290], ["ball", 306], ["right", 312], ["rightest", 312], ["away", 317], ["must", 330], ["musts", 330], ["really", 347], ["urgent", 354], ["new", 373], ["york", 378], ["yorks", 378], ["chief", 384], ["chiefs", 384], ["mistook", 396], ["mistake", 396], ["mistaken", 396], ["brother", 419], ["brethren", 419], ["unable", 426], ["unabled", 426], ["accept", 436], ["fact", 445], ["take", 467], ["took", 467], ["wrong", 477], ["path", 482], ["life", 490], ["lifes", 490], ["get", 498], ["got", 498], ["mix", 504], ["mixed", 504], ["crowd", 528], ["crowding", 528], ["crowdest", 528], ["paramedic", 550], ["paramedics", 550], ["police", 565], ["left", 574], ["leave", 574], ["finally", 593], ["let", 597], ["lets", 597], ["go", 600], ["goest", 600], ["rise", 609], ["risen", 609], ["rising", 609], ["gun", 622], ["hand", 634], ["point", 646], ["points", 646], ["rest", 677], ["officer", 693], ["officering", 693], ["officers", 693], ["draw", 698], ["drawn", 698], ["draws", 698], ["gun", 709], ["guns", 709], ["ask", 737], ["asks", 737], ["drop", 750], ["fire", 779], ["tear", 789], ["teared", 789], ["tears", 789], ["eye", 801], ["eyed", 801], ["eyes", 801], ["fire", 818], ["fired", 818], ["shot", 827], ["go", 842], ["goest", 842], ["going", 842], ["look", 850], ["respond", 887], ["respondest", 887], ["responds", 887], ["shot", 909], ["shots", 909], ["long", 932], ["longs", 932], ["back", 953], ["precinct", 969], ["question", 997], ["questioned", 997], ["assure", 1006], ["welcome", 1052], ["come", 1060], ["see", 1092], ["go", 1110], ["goest", 1110], ["goes", 1110], ["beside", 1122], ["body", 1142], ["bodied", 1142], ["say", 1151], ["sayest", 1151], ["says", 1151], ["avenge", 1167], ["avenges", 1167], ["dead", 1177], ["see", 1213], ["sees", 1213], ["two", 1221], ["twos", 1221], ["behind", 1249], ["way", 1259], ["ways", 1259], ["mirror", 1266], ["convince", 1346], ["convinced", 1346], ["convincing", 1346], ["law", 1365], ["take", 1370], ["course", 1381], ["nowhere", 1416], ["exhaust", 1437], ["exhausted", 1437], ["exhausting", 1437], ["decide", 1449], ["decides", 1449], ["see", 1481], ["seeing", 1481], ["interrogate", 1512], ["interrogated", 1512], ["san", 1534], ["francisco", 1544], ["brother", 1571], ["brethren", 1571], ["brothers", 1571], ["affair", 1579], ["affairs", 1579], ["try", 1587], ["tryed", 1587], ["chip", 1605], ["chipping", 1605], ["say", 1627], ["sayest", 1627], ["said", 1627], ["implicate", 1643], ["canada", 1650], ["canadas", 1650], ["health", 1660], ["healths", 1660], ["minister", 1669], ["drive", 1684], ["feel", 1715], ["feels", 1715], ["empty", 1724], ["like", 1731], ["part", 1738], ["parting", 1738], ["go", 1753], ["goest", 1753], ["gone", 1753], ["forever", 1761], ["big", 1792], ["bigs", 1792], ["hole", 1797], ["emptiness", 1811], ["heart", 1823], ["ache", 1829], ["ached", 1829], ["aches", 1829], ["salty", 1851], ["flow", 1865], ["flows", 1865], ["flowing", 1865], ["ste", 1887], ["stes", 1887], ["sting", 1887], ["feeling", 1901], ["inexplicable", 1917], ["drain", 1929], ["drains", 1929], ["energy", 1940], ["helpless", 1978], ["stomach", 1992], ["stomachs", 1992], ["stomaching", 1992], ["churn", 1999], ["churns", 1999], ["whole", 2011], ["wholes", 2011], ["turmoil", 2030], ["flow", 2048], ["flows", 2048], ["uncontrollably", 2079], ["faucet", 2100], ["lose", 2136], ["mind", 2145], ["minding", 2145], ["every", 2151], ["time", 2156], ["think", 2166], ["thinkest", 2166], ["thinks", 2166], ["smile", 2191], ["stubborn", 2206], ["adventurous", 2222], ["attitude", 2231], ["fearlessness", 2250], ["compassion", 2265], ["suddenly", 2288], ["broke", 2294], ["break", 2294], ["scream", 2309], ["screams", 2309], ["relieve", 2340], ["relieved", 2340], ["relieving", 2340], ["pressure", 2349], ["pressured", 2349], ["frustration", 2365], ["build", 2389], ["builds", 2389], ["remember", 2412], ["rememberest", 2412], ["remembers", 2412], ["memory", 2449], ["memories", 2449], ["put", 2461], ["car", 2475], ["voice", 2513], ["play", 2527], ["playest", 2527], ["plays", 2527], ["hope", 2560], ["get", 2575], ["end", 2605], ["ends", 2605], ["endest", 2605], ["delete", 2617], ["deletes", 2617], ["everything", 2638], ["normal", 2656], ["know", 2704], ["knowest", 2704], ["die", 2725], ["mourn", 2748], ["mourned", 2748], ["mourning", 2748], ["mournest", 2748], ["remain", 2790], ["sorrowful", 2800], ["long", 2809], ["longs", 2809], ["afraid", 2827], ["die", 2836], ["dying", 2836], ["evil", 2849], ["evils", 2849], ["evilest", 2849], ["people", 2856], ["day", 2864], ["days", 2864], ["pendant", 2905], ["anything", 2952], ["harsh", 2958], ["become", 2974], ["corrupt", 2982], ["fight", 2994], ["fightest", 2994], ["fighting", 2994], ["remember", 3010], ["rememberest", 3010], ["alberta", 3046], ["although", 3057], ["cause", 3081], ["sorrow", 3092], ["think", 3101], ["thinkest", 3101], ["take", 3124], ["taken", 3124], ["awful", 3157], ["manner", 3164], ["manners", 3164], ["small", 3191], ["blip", 3196], ["blipped", 3196], ["blipping", 3196], ["wide", 3209], ["scope", 3215], ["scopes", 3215], ["thing", 3225], ["things", 3225], ["victorious", 3249], ["spirit", 3272], ["spirited", 3272], ["whatever", 3296], ["call", 3313], ["live", 3328], ["wo", 3361], ["able", 3373], ["abled", 3373], ["extinguish", 3387], ["ever", 3394], ["everest", 3394], ["sure", 3415], ["suppose", 3435], ["supposed", 3435], ["comfort", 3446], ["work", 3474], ["wrought", 3474], ["working", 3474], ["feel", 3487], ["continue", 3506], ["aware", 3534], ["sadness", 3561], ["desperation", 3577], ["possible", 3591], ["tear", 3627], ["teared", 3627], ["apart", 3637], ["tell", 3660], ["telling", 3660], ["involve", 3693], ["involved", 3693], ["injustice", 3742], ["injustices", 3742], ["affect", 3765], ["tell", 3783], ["told", 3783], ["ca", 3804], ["cas", 3804], ["world", 3844], ["plead", 3857], ["pleaded", 3857], ["tonight", 3871], ["blame", 3891], ["blamest", 3891], ["stand", 3916], ["stood", 3916], ["standest", 3916], ["standing", 3916], ["conviction", 3938], ["promise", 3955], ["promises", 3955], ["bottom", 3981], ["bottoming", 3981], ["matter", 4003], ["mattering", 4003], ["mastermind", 4024], ["death", 4048], ["may", 4052], ["mays", 4052], ["mayest", 4052], ["whether", 4082], ["chapter", 4120], ["lift", 4131], ["veil", 4140], ["lot", 4159], ["lots", 4159], ["shed", 4177], ["funeral", 4198], ["question", 4210], ["questions", 4210], ["raise", 4221], ["raised", 4221], ["heavy", 4237], ["heavier", 4237], ["heavies", 4237], ["attack", 4251], ["killing", 4263], ["american", 4278], ["americans", 4278], ["citizen", 4286], ["hear", 4305], ["hears", 4305], ["heard", 4305], ["suspect", 4331], ["presidential", 4357], ["spokesperson", 4370], ["suspect", 4396], ["suspects", 4396], ["name", 4401], ["publish", 4415], ["published", 4415], ["friend", 4435], ["friends", 4435], ["agree", 4441], ["organize", 4453], ["solve", 4470], ["together", 4488], ["obtain", 4509], ["obtained", 4509], ["unit", 4524], ["carefully", 4573], ["comb", 4578], ["combed", 4578], ["storage", 4598]]
they decide not to boot the unit in case it overwrites any part of the storage . eldon joins them and offers them the password which fortunately his brother has told him the last time he came for a visit , when his own unit was broken . we have connected to the unit externally and decrypted the storage based on the password you gave us . blake explained to eldon . but we have set it to read only so as not to inadvertently write over some sector of the storage . i got it on my unit . to speed up the process , we made several image for each of us . we 'll comb through the data using a hex editor . basically we are trying to recover the data from any cache file , which would likely have been written to his storage temporarily while he was watching the video on his unit . from what we know , he did not do much on his unit after watching the video so chances are we can easily piece together chunks of that temporary video files . cedric 's place has about 20 friends and friend 's friend helping solve the puzzle . eldon buys take out lunch to feed all of them . new york ray calls george , telling him about everything that has happened . from the electric car they suspect was sabotaged , to their childhood friend eldon 's brother being killed . george asks . i was hoping you can dig into your contacts and see what the fbi have about the electric car . and also how cedric 's profile got inserted to the wanted list . i think you are overestimating my influence . george starts laughing . but ray remains quiet so george senses he is not in a joking mood . okay , i do n't think any of my client have connections with fbi but i 'll ask around . should n't eldon have more connections on police side to see who added cedric 's name to their database ? eldon is off from work and they have asked him not to get involved in any investigation related to his brother . no surprise there really . ray explains . well , i will do my best , but i ca n't give any promises . barcelona , spain the hacker world was buzzing with possible coverup of a backdoor exploit in the game 'izaron 's realm . ' cristobal manages to repost the original code of the game , the pre-patch version . this time he posts it to usenet to prevent it from being shutdown and deleted . whoever is responsible for the crackdown on their fellow hackers earlier was able to expunge all traces of cristobal 's original post . even the cache normally present on the node is non existent . cristobal 's new post comes with a warning about what occurred earlier and asks people to take precaution . websites can easily be shut down by the government and sometimes disabled through denial of service attack ( ddos ) . usenet messages automatically propagate and almost instantaneously copies are stored on servers around the world . it makes it tougher to delete all traces of a message . usenet uses nntp protocol just as the web uses http . it is one of the original internet technologies developed for collaboration , sharing knowledge and for scientific research . internet was also designed to be resilient and to allow access even in the aftermath of a nuclear attack . but there is increasing centralization of the internet especially for the world wide web , making it vulnerable for attack and total shutdown . usenet is one of the oldest internet technologies and remains a promising technology with its decentralized format and structure ideal for discussion and posting files without setting up and maintaining a website . however its popularity has declined with the introduction of graphical interface on the world wide web ( www ) . discussion forum on the web also replicates the bulletin board functionality of usenet . cristobal has setup a newsgroup , a usenet equivalent of a forum thread . he named it alt.discussion.hack4truth for messages and discussion . he also sets up alt.binaries.hack4truth for posting related files , codes and attachment . another mysterious message is posted on the newly created newsgroup . the poster 's id has an ip address from a cafe in san francisco . it talks about cedric 's death and what is suspected to be a cracker breaking into the police database . the node is also said to be compromised . cristobal can see that the thread for that post is already growing very fast with lots of hackers getting in and pledging to turn their unit inside out to check for any malicious codes . hackers start reverse engineering their unit 's firmware and software . codes in the unit used by the node are also being checked , digital locks be damned . conglomerate 's underground base , paraguay the cyberwarfare room is increasingly concerned about the decentralized nature of the usenet and its inability to control it . orders were given to start uploading the patch that will enable the trigger code with instruction to wait for signal before activating . computers around the world started getting 'critical security patch ' warning , prompting all user to update immediately .
[["decide", 11], ["boot", 23], ["unit", 32], ["overwrite", 54], ["overwritten", 54], ["overwrites", 54], ["part", 63], ["parting", 63], ["storage", 78], ["join", 92], ["joinest", 92], ["joins", 92], ["offer", 108], ["offers", 108], ["password", 126], ["fortunately", 144], ["brother", 156], ["brethren", 156], ["tell", 165], ["told", 165], ["last", 178], ["time", 183], ["come", 191], ["came", 191], ["visit", 203], ["broke", 234], ["break", 234], ["broken", 234], ["connect", 254], ["connectest", 254], ["connected", 254], ["externally", 277], ["decrypt", 291], ["decrypted", 291], ["base", 309], ["basest", 309], ["based", 309], ["give", 334], ["gave", 334], ["blake", 345], ["explain", 355], ["explained", 355], ["set", 382], ["read", 393], ["reads", 393], ["inadvertently", 425], ["write", 431], ["writing", 431], ["sector", 448], ["get", 471], ["got", 471], ["speed", 496], ["speeding", 496], ["process", 511], ["several", 529], ["image", 535], ["imaged", 535], ["imaging", 535], ["comb", 564], ["combed", 564], ["datum", 581], ["data", 581], ["use", 587], ["using", 587], ["hex", 593], ["hexes", 593], ["editor", 600], ["basically", 612], ["try", 626], ["tryed", 626], ["trying", 626], ["recover", 637], ["cache", 661], ["file", 666], ["write", 705], ["writing", 705], ["written", 705], ["temporarily", 732], ["watch", 754], ["watching", 754], ["video", 764], ["know", 796], ["knowest", 796], ["much", 817], ["chance", 865], ["chanced", 865], ["chancing", 865], ["chances", 865], ["easily", 883], ["piece", 889], ["pieced", 889], ["together", 898], ["chunk", 905], ["chunked", 905], ["chunks", 905], ["temporary", 923], ["file", 935], ["files", 935], ["place", 953], ["friend", 974], ["friends", 974], ["friend", 985], ["help", 1003], ["helpest", 1003], ["helping", 1003], ["solve", 1009], ["puzzle", 1020], ["buy", 1033], ["buyed", 1033], ["buys", 1033], ["take", 1038], ["lunch", 1048], ["lunches", 1048], ["lunched", 1048], ["fed", 1056], ["feed", 1056], ["new", 1074], ["york", 1079], ["yorks", 1079], ["ray", 1083], ["call", 1089], ["calls", 1089], ["george", 1096], ["tell", 1106], ["telling", 1106], ["everything", 1127], ["happen", 1145], ["happened", 1145], ["electric", 1165], ["car", 1169], ["suspect", 1182], ["sabotage", 1196], ["sabotaged", 1196], ["childhood", 1217], ["kill", 1254], ["killed", 1254], ["ask", 1268], ["asks", 1268], ["hope", 1283], ["hoping", 1283], ["dig", 1295], ["dug", 1295], ["digs", 1295], ["digest", 1295], ["contact", 1314], ["contacts", 1314], ["see", 1322], ["fbi", 1335], ["also", 1374], ["profile", 1396], ["insert", 1409], ["inserted", 1409], ["list", 1428], ["think", 1438], ["thinkest", 1438], ["overestimate", 1461], ["overestimating", 1461], ["influence", 1474], ["start", 1490], ["starts", 1490], ["laugh", 1499], ["laughing", 1499], ["remain", 1517], ["remains", 1517], ["quiet", 1523], ["sense", 1540], ["senses", 1540], ["mood", 1567], ["okay", 1574], ["client", 1608], ["connection", 1625], ["connections", 1625], ["ask", 1648], ["around", 1655], ["police", 1706], ["side", 1711], ["sidest", 1711], ["add", 1728], ["added", 1728], ["name", 1743], ["database", 1761], ["work", 1786], ["wrought", 1786], ["ask", 1806], ["asked", 1806], ["get", 1821], ["involve", 1830], ["involved", 1830], ["investigation", 1851], ["relate", 1859], ["relates", 1859], ["related", 1859], ["surprise", 1888], ["surprised", 1888], ["really", 1901], ["explain", 1916], ["explains", 1916], ["well", 1923], ["wells", 1923], ["good", 1943], ["best", 1943], ["ca", 1954], ["cas", 1954], ["give", 1963], ["promise", 1976], ["promises", 1976], ["barcelona", 1988], ["spain", 1996], ["hacker", 2007], ["world", 2013], ["buzz", 2025], ["buzzes", 2025], ["buzzing", 2025], ["possible", 2039], ["coverup", 2047], ["backdoor", 2061], ["exploit", 2069], ["game", 2081], ["realm", 2098], ["manage", 2120], ["manages", 2120], ["repost", 2130], ["original", 2143], ["code", 2148], ["pre", 2170], ["patch", 2176], ["patching", 2176], ["version", 2184], ["post", 2205], ["posts", 2205], ["usenet", 2218], ["prevent", 2229], ["preventest", 2229], ["shutdown", 2252], ["shutdowns", 2252], ["delete", 2264], ["deletes", 2264], ["deleted", 2264], ["whoever", 2274], ["responsible", 2289], ["crackdown", 2307], ["fellow", 2323], ["hacker", 2331], ["hackers", 2331], ["early", 2339], ["able", 2348], ["abled", 2348], ["expunge", 2359], ["trace", 2370], ["traces", 2370], ["post", 2400], ["even", 2407], ["evens", 2407], ["normally", 2426], ["present", 2434], ["presentest", 2434], ["node", 2446], ["non", 2453], ["existent", 2462], ["come", 2492], ["comes", 2492], ["warning", 2507], ["occur", 2527], ["occurest", 2527], ["occurred", 2527], ["people", 2551], ["precaution", 2570], ["website", 2581], ["websites", 2581], ["shut", 2600], ["government", 2623], ["disable", 2646], ["disabled", 2646], ["denial", 2661], ["service", 2672], ["servicing", 2672], ["attack", 2679], ["message", 2706], ["messages", 2706], ["automatically", 2720], ["propagate", 2730], ["almost", 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3421], ["ideal", 3427], ["discussion", 3442], ["post", 3454], ["posting", 3454], ["without", 3468], ["set", 3476], ["setting", 3476], ["maintain", 3495], ["maintains", 3495], ["maintainest", 3495], ["maintaining", 3495], ["website", 3505], ["however", 3515], ["popularity", 3530], ["decline", 3543], ["declined", 3543], ["introduction", 3565], ["graphical", 3578], ["interface", 3588], ["www", 3616], ["forum", 3637], ["forums", 3637], ["replicate", 3664], ["replicates", 3664], ["bulletin", 3677], ["board", 3683], ["boarding", 3683], ["functionality", 3697], ["setup", 3729], ["newsgroup", 3741], ["equivalent", 3763], ["thread", 3781], ["name", 3792], ["named", 3792], ["set", 3864], ["sets", 3864], ["code", 3925], ["codes", 3925], ["attachment", 3940], ["another", 3950], ["mysterious", 3961], ["post", 3979], ["posted", 3979], ["newly", 3992], ["create", 4000], ["created", 4000], ["ip", 4039], ["address", 4047], ["cafe", 4059], ["san", 4066], ["francisco", 4076], ["talk", 4087], ["talks", 4087], ["death", 4109], ["suspect", 4131], ["suspected", 4131], ["cracker", 4147], ["broke", 4156], ["break", 4156], ["breaking", 4156], ["say", 4205], ["sayest", 4205], ["said", 4205], ["compromise", 4223], ["compromised", 4223], ["already", 4284], ["grow", 4292], ["growest", 4292], ["growing", 4292], ["fast", 4302], ["lot", 4312], ["lots", 4312], ["get", 4331], ["getting", 4331], ["pledge", 4347], ["pledging", 4347], ["turn", 4355], ["inside", 4373], ["check", 4386], ["malicious", 4404], ["start", 4426], ["reverse", 4434], ["reversed", 4434], ["engineer", 4446], ["firmware", 4469], ["software", 4482], ["use", 4507], ["used", 4507], ["check", 4542], ["checked", 4542], ["digital", 4552], ["lock", 4558], ["locks", 4558], ["damn", 4568], ["damned", 4568], ["conglomerate", 4583], ["underground", 4598], ["base", 4603], ["basest", 4603], ["paraguay", 4614], ["cyberwarfare", 4631], ["room", 4636], ["roomed", 4636], ["increasingly", 4652], ["nature", 4693], ["inability", 4725], ["control", 4736], ["order", 4748], ["orderest", 4748], ["orders", 4748], ["give", 4759], ["given", 4759], ["upload", 4778], ["uploaded", 4778], ["uploading", 4778], ["enable", 4805], ["trigger", 4817], ["instruction", 4839], ["wait", 4847], ["waitest", 4847], ["signal", 4858], ["activate", 4876], ["activating", 4876], ["computer", 4888], ["computers", 4888], ["start", 4913], ["started", 4913], ["critical", 4931], ["security", 4940], ["prompt", 4968], ["prompting", 4968], ["user", 4977], ["update", 4987], ["updates", 4987], ["immediately", 4999]]
for most users , they would not even see the message as the default settings on unit made by the node is to update critical patch automatically . algonquin park , canada orad has gone back to the cottage barb was staying in soon after she and her pursuer left . orad remembers barb saying something about the panic room behind a bookshelf . it did not take him long to find the door . inside he finds barb 's unit and wonders about barb 's question when they first met at the dock . barb asks if she can be followed if her cellphone is off . she did not seem to have any phone with her . nor was she wearing one the night she ran away . but there is the unit . orad 's intends to check the unit and see if it is somehow compromised . orad opens the unit , making sure not to turn it on at this time . he removes the battery although it appears to be dead already . he starts looking through the circuits trying to identify what each one does . his interest in electronics has allowed him to create quite a few projects himself . he tries removing the rom which stores the hardware instructions , also called firmware . the firmware used to be fixed and read-only , making the hardware pretty cracker-proof . however , firmware nowadays are update-able without a password and this sometimes enables cracker to insert malicious codes into the hardware 's rom or flash rom . orad starts decoding the instruction in the rom . orad soon discovers instruction to connect to remote server . since this is not included in the software , a software firewall wo n't catch this . it also appears like it would encrypt its traffic and only send out data during an update sequence . so a firewall would also not detect this as a threat nor would the user think it is suspicious since a connection is expected during update . it can also give instructions to block the internet . orad finds that troubling . orad posts his findings using the alias 'satyagraha ' ( hold firmly to the truth a word adapted by gandhi for his non-violent struggle ) . orad wonders if this is limited to barb 's unit or whether it is more widespread . the post soon appears on alt.discussion.hack4truth . grand stone ridge george gets home after working the whole night and sleeping at his office . he puts his unit and keys down on his bedroom desk and takes a shower . after a few minutes , he thinks he hears a noise and turns off the shower . hearing nothing , he turns the shower back on . he then hears a louder bang . he turns off the shower and put on the bathrobe . he slowly opens the door and sees cole going down the stairs . i did not know you are home . what was that noise all about ? george asks , rather annoyed . i was just closing my bedroom door . cole says nonchalantly . can you close it without banging it ? anyway , i am heading out to a party at my friend 's place , cole says and heads out the door . home for a few minutes and gone again . oh cole . george sighs and goes back to the shower . san francisco eldon calls nolan hudson to help them out . nolan agrees but says it has to be outside of his work . nolan starts probing the node , not sure how much he can find without having access to their server where the code actually resides . eldon wants to find out what cedric meant when he said that the node might be compromised . jake notices a new post on the newsgroup . someone mentions an increased number of critical security patch updates and an overall increase volume of patch update for various apps . the poster wonders what this is all about and if anyone wants to check it out . bobby decides to look into that . did the node find out about a flaw in their system and is it finally fixing it ? spheres inc. headquarter gracy is just finishing her work for the day when the phone rings . so you did as i told you ? good , thanks cole . she then hangs up . she smiles , thinking soon everything will come to a head . thankfully she does not have to work too hard to convince cole to work for her . she goes back to talk to cole when she tells ray she is going to the washroom back on the beach at barcoloneta . she can see cole likes her and she uses that to her advantage . barcelona , spain angelino sees satyagraha 's post and starts checking his own unit . he finds an extra chip that appears to be used for storing data . but the data seems to be encrypted . meanwhile , cristobal decides to look into all the critical updates . he gets copies of the updates and starts decoding the patch . ray 's residence ray is in contact with eldon . he is talking to him when gracy comes in . ray waves his hand to say hi but they are pretty deep in conversation . he then looks at his unit and copies something into a memory chip .
[["user", 14], ["users", 14], ["even", 36], ["evens", 36], ["see", 40], ["message", 52], ["default", 67], ["setting", 76], ["settings", 76], ["unit", 84], ["node", 101], ["update", 114], ["updates", 114], ["critical", 123], ["patch", 129], ["patching", 129], ["automatically", 143], ["algonquin", 155], ["park", 160], ["parks", 160], ["canada", 169], ["canadas", 169], ["orad", 174], ["go", 183], ["goest", 183], ["gone", 183], ["back", 188], ["cottage", 203], ["barb", 208], ["barbed", 208], ["stay", 220], ["staying", 220], ["soon", 228], ["pursuer", 254], ["left", 259], ["leave", 259], ["remember", 276], ["rememberest", 276], ["remembers", 276], ["say", 288], ["sayest", 288], ["saying", 288], ["panic", 314], ["room", 319], ["roomed", 319], ["behind", 326], ["bookshelf", 338], ["bookshelves", 338], ["take", 356], ["long", 365], ["longs", 365], ["find", 373], ["door", 382], ["inside", 391], ["find", 400], ["finds", 400], ["wonder", 425], ["wonderest", 425], ["wonders", 425], ["question", 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["go", 2583], ["goest", 2583], ["going", 2583], ["stair", 2599], ["stairs", 2599], ["know", 2616], ["knowest", 2616], ["rather", 2684], ["close", 2713], ["say", 2741], ["sayest", 2741], ["says", 2741], ["nonchalantly", 2754], ["close", 2770], ["bang", 2789], ["banging", 2789], ["anyway", 2801], ["head", 2816], ["heading", 2816], ["party", 2831], ["friend", 2844], ["place", 2853], ["head", 2875], ["heads", 2875], ["oh", 2933], ["sigh", 2953], ["sighest", 2953], ["sighs", 2953], ["go", 2962], ["goest", 2962], ["goes", 2962], ["san", 2987], ["francisco", 2997], ["call", 3009], ["calls", 3009], ["hudson", 3022], ["help", 3030], ["helpest", 3030], ["agree", 3054], ["agrees", 3054], ["outside", 3084], ["work", 3096], ["wrought", 3096], ["probe", 3119], ["probed", 3119], ["probing", 3119], ["much", 3148], ["access", 3182], ["accessest", 3182], ["code", 3213], ["reside", 3230], ["resides", 3230], ["mean", 3274], ["meanest", 3274], ["meant", 3274], ["say", 3287], ["sayest", 3287], ["said", 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4601], ["waves", 4601], ["hand", 4610], ["say", 4617], ["sayest", 4617], ["hi", 4620], ["deep", 4645], ["deeply", 4645], ["conversation", 4661], ["look", 4677], ["looks", 4677], ["memory", 4724], ["memories", 4724]]
yes , i am sure george will be able to help with this one . i 'll go see him now . gracy asks ray . i think we might have a breakthrough . i have something that george might be able to help us decode easily . he was a pretty good hacker in his youth and eldon and cedric 's friend have seen a partial chunk of the file that seems to have an image and video of someone . from what cedric has said , a top government official in canada is involved . the chunks of files should all be here . and if the person in the video is someone influential , george should be be able to identify him or her . i have not seen it myself , but i saved it on a memory chip for george to assemble . gracy 's expression changes and she turns around to hide it . i 'll go with you , she says abruptly . let me just grab my purse , gracy says and heads into the bedroom . she looks behind to make sure ray is not there and reaches her hands into under the tall dresser . she pulls out a tool tied to the bottom of the dresser and pulls it out . the device looks like a gun but seem to be more modern and have electronic parts in it . gracy thinks , i did not think i would need to use this but you threw me a curve ball ray . do n't blame me . she puts the gun into her bag . she comes out and says , tell you what , you go right ahead and i 'll be right behind . just need to touch up my makeup . ray smiles and shakes his head . then he heads out the door . chapter 17 unpleasant truth grand stone ridge ray arrives at george 's place and is greeted by his childhood friend personally at the door . they immediately get down to business . gracy should be joining us soon , ray says . then i 'll leave the front door unlocked , george says and invites ray into his office . here is the chip . george wastes no time and transmits the data into the unit at his desk . he stares at it for a moment then types some command . it should not be hard , george explains , then continued working on the computer . ray sits there and wishes there were something he could do to help . he sees that george uses a keyboard pad to project the layout to . while a physical keyboard is no longer necessary , a keyboard pad similar to a mouse pad is used by people to provide more cushion on the surface that they type on . some people prefer the retro look and buy the newly made but old technology keyboard , a physical spring keyboard . help yourself to drinks or anything in the kitchen , george offers . i am ok for now . a few more minutes and george stops typing . they hear the front door open . that must be gracy , ray says . does n't she knock ? george asks , smiling . i am sorry she must be anxious to see what we have . the wall behind ray lights up . it is a video of a video conference between barb and another person . george shuts the blind on his office to shut off the sunlight from blurring the images on the wall . probably not what you are looking for . let me forward it a bit . and morris face appears . gracy walks in and said hi . ray responds and his focus returns to the wall . after the video ends . that is quite a revelation . and they think it is worth taking someone 's life for this ? i am lost for words , ray says and he turns to george . do you know who that person is ? george hesitates before saying , it is morris stark . one of the most influential men in the world . you might not have seen him or heard of him , but he works for the conglomerate . there 's our evidence . ray exclaims . no ray , you ca n't , gracy speaks up . ray turns to gracy with a puzzled look . because he is our man . gracy quickly raises her hand and fires a shot hitting his arm , and three shots into ray 's stomach . blood flows out of ray 's stomach and he feels dizzy and falls to the floor . the first shot sounds hollow but the two shots that follows are loud . george just stands there motionless , looking at ray 's motionless body in a pool of blood . gracy turns her gun on him which changes his facial expression from a blank stare into disbelief . gracy then drops her gun to her side and starts laughing . you have the nerve to joke around . did i not tell you to get rid of him as soon as he got anything on us ? well , are you happy now ? no , i am not happy that you let him bring that video into my house . and you brought him here and killed him in my office ! and you think i will be grateful ? no i did not think you will be grateful . are you sad to lose your childhood friend ? no , anyone who stands in my way deserves to be got rid of permanently .
[["yes", 3], ["sure", 15], ["george", 22], ["able", 35], ["abled", 35], ["help", 43], ["helpest", 43], ["go", 68], ["goest", 68], ["see", 72], ["ask", 93], ["asks", 93], ["ray", 97], ["think", 107], ["thinkest", 107], ["may", 116], ["mays", 116], ["mayest", 116], ["might", 116], ["breakthrough", 136], ["breakthroughs", 136], ["decode", 199], ["easily", 206], ["pretty", 224], ["prettiest", 224], ["good", 229], ["hacker", 236], ["youth", 249], ["friend", 280], ["see", 290], ["seen", 290], ["partial", 300], ["chunk", 306], ["chunked", 306], ["file", 318], ["seem", 329], ["seeming", 329], ["seems", 329], ["image", 346], ["imaged", 346], ["imaging", 346], ["video", 356], ["say", 395], ["sayest", 395], ["said", 395], ["top", 403], ["government", 414], ["official", 423], ["canada", 433], ["canadas", 433], ["involve", 445], ["involved", 445], ["chunk", 458], ["chunked", 458], ["chunks", 458], ["file", 467], ["files", 467], ["person", 506], ["influential", 542], ["identify", 581], ["save", 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3867], ["stood", 3867], ["standest", 3867], ["stands", 3867], ["motionless", 3884], ["body", 3920], ["bodied", 3920], ["pool", 3930], ["facial", 3993], ["blank", 4017], ["blanks", 4017], ["stare", 4023], ["stared", 4023], ["disbelief", 4038], ["disbeliefs", 4038], ["drop", 4057], ["drops", 4057], ["side", 4077], ["sidest", 4077], ["start", 4088], ["starts", 4088], ["laugh", 4097], ["laughing", 4097], ["nerve", 4118], ["joke", 4126], ["jokes", 4126], ["rid", 4165], ["get", 4190], ["got", 4190], ["well", 4212], ["wells", 4212], ["happy", 4228], ["bring", 4277], ["house", 4302], ["bring", 4320], ["brought", 4320], ["kill", 4340], ["killed", 4340], ["grateful", 4392], ["sad", 4448], ["lose", 4456], ["anyone", 4492], ["way", 4513], ["ways", 4513], ["deserve", 4522], ["deserved", 4522], ["deserves", 4522], ["permanently", 4551]]
then you might want to get rid of me soon , gracy says , raising her gun and firing at george . but it was not the same bullet and noise as when she fired at ray . only quick needles into several parts of george 's body . a targeted anaesthesia to paralyze george 's legs , hands and his vocal cords . it is remotely similar to local anaesthesia . george loses mobility in his arms and legs as well as his vocal cords and so he collapses into his chair . gracy quickly pulls in a trolley and puts ray in it . she pushes him out and carries him to her car , which has driven itself to the front door just as she opens the door . sorry i have to do this , gracy apologizes as her car speeds away . ray is still paralyzed but he can hear everything . george sent me to spy on you . he profiled you and knows the type of woman that you like . george thought i would do anything for money which is how he usually controls people . i played my part knowing it is a great opportunity to get the man 's trust . i did not go to the fbi or the police since i know his influence spans worldwide . who knew that i would have fallen in love with you at the same time . gracy looks at her watch . george would have seen everything . like you are able to hear me now . he wo n't hesitate to kill us now after what we found out . you have seen the real george . i did not think there is a need to shoot you to get it out of george but that have been my plan c. my plan a is to have his righteous son cole put a bug on his unit . i talked him into it and told him about his dad 's extracurricular activities . i know he would be outraged . since george is very careful and always keeps his office locked , cole had to find a right time to strike . and cole found an opportunity today when george got home and seemed to be tired . not expecting anyone home , he left his unit at his bedroom 's desk . cole got a few minutes to work on and almost got caught when he banged into a table in george 's bedroom . i thought once all revelations unfold , you would be convinced that george is not who you think he is . he is not your nice childhood friend . i struggle to think of ways to convince you since you are full of praise for him . you are always so forgiving and tend to miss the dark side of man . ray wants to move and scream but ca n't . instead , he starts breathing fast as his chest rise up and down in quick succession . by the way , do n't worry about all the blood . my first shot targeted your arm and is a form of anaesthetic to make you appear dead but able to hear everything . the other three are soft gel bullet that burst on impact spreading blood on your stomach . the electronics in the gun helps create sound of a real gun fire . if we are going to convince george , it has to be believable . only then can i get him to talk frankly if he thinks you are already dead . although if i have not arrived , he might have killed you himself . ray starts to come around . he slowly moves his arm and leg and then coughs out loud to test his voice . ray does not know if he should yell and scream at gracy . his breathing has not slowed down and he has a pained look . he looks at gracy and does not know what to make of her . he decides to forgive her and just be glad that at least he still has her . a few minutes ago , he thought two of the person that he trusted the most had betrayed him . it turns out in a way , it is only one . i thought i was going to die from heart attack when i heard both of you betraying me . ray says sombrely . you did not give me much time to come up with a better plan . i doubt you would have believed me if i just told you right there and then that george is an evil man and you should not go see him . ray feels as weak as if he had not eaten for weeks . i have to go back , ray says . gracy sounds surprised . i need to see him face to face and find out why he is doing this . this is our chance to play him also , ray says , not exactly sure how he could play george . but he knows he has to clear things up and find out about the why 's ? gracy is afraid that ray might insist on staying even after the fact about george is known . that is why she asks him to go ahead so that she can grab some items that might come in handy . she thinks dragging ray out of there has taken care of that concern . i do n't think you will ever rest if you do n't go back to see george . gracy sighs and shakes her head then punches a command on the windshield display to drive the car back to george 's place .
[["may", 14], ["mays", 14], ["mayest", 14], ["might", 14], ["get", 26], ["rid", 30], ["soon", 41], ["say", 54], ["sayest", 54], ["says", 54], ["raise", 64], ["raising", 64], ["gun", 72], ["fire", 83], ["firing", 83], ["george", 93], ["bullet", 126], ["noise", 136], ["fire", 154], ["fired", 154], ["ray", 161], ["quick", 174], ["needle", 182], ["needled", 182], ["needles", 182], ["several", 195], ["part", 201], ["parting", 201], ["parts", 201], ["body", 219], ["bodied", 219], ["target", 232], ["targeted", 232], ["anaesthesia", 244], ["paralyze", 256], ["paralyzed", 256], ["leg", 271], ["legs", 271], ["hand", 279], ["hands", 279], ["vocal", 293], ["cord", 299], ["cords", 299], ["remotely", 316], ["similar", 324], ["local", 333], ["lose", 360], ["loses", 360], ["mobility", 369], ["arm", 381], ["arms", 381], ["well", 398], ["wells", 398], ["collapse", 437], ["collapses", 437], ["chair", 452], ["chairing", 452], ["quickly", 468], ["pull", 474], ["pulls", 474], ["trolley", 487], ["put", 496], ["puts", 496], ["push", 519], ["pushes", 519], ["carry", 539], ["carries", 539], ["car", 554], ["drive", 573], ["driven", 573], ["front", 593], ["door", 598], ["open", 616], ["opens", 616], ["sorry", 633], ["apologize", 670], ["apologizes", 670], ["speed", 688], ["speeding", 688], ["speeds", 688], ["away", 693], ["still", 708], ["hear", 734], ["hears", 734], ["everything", 745], ["send", 759], ["sent", 759], ["spy", 769], ["profile", 790], ["profiled", 790], ["know", 804], ["knowest", 804], ["knows", 804], ["type", 813], ["woman", 822], ["womans", 822], ["like", 836], ["think", 853], ["thinkest", 853], ["thought", 853], ["anything", 873], ["money", 883], ["moneys", 883], ["usually", 907], ["control", 916], ["controls", 916], ["people", 923], ["play", 934], ["playest", 934], ["played", 934], ["part", 942], ["parting", 942], ["know", 950], ["knowest", 950], ["knowing", 950], ["great", 964], ["opportunity", 976], ["man", 991], ["mans", 991], ["manned", 991], ["trust", 1000], ["go", 1015], ["goest", 1015], ["fbi", 1026], ["police", 1040], ["since", 1046], ["know", 1053], ["knowest", 1053], ["influence", 1067], ["span", 1073], ["spans", 1073], ["worldwide", 1083], ["know", 1094], ["knowest", 1094], ["knew", 1094], ["fall", 1119], ["falls", 1119], ["fallen", 1119], ["love", 1127], ["time", 1153], ["look", 1167], ["looks", 1167], ["watch", 1180], ["see", 1205], ["seen", 1205], ["able", 1236], ["abled", 1236], ["wo", 1259], ["hesitate", 1272], ["kill", 1280], ["find", 1307], ["found", 1307], ["real", 1336], ["reis", 1336], ["think", 1361], ["thinkest", 1361], ["need", 1377], ["needest", 1377], ["shoot", 1386], ["shooted", 1386], ["plan", 1441], ["righteous", 1479], ["son", 1483], ["cole", 1488], ["coles", 1488], ["put", 1492], ["bug", 1498], ["bugged", 1498], ["unit", 1510], ["talk", 1521], ["talked", 1521], ["tell", 1542], ["told", 1542], ["dad", 1560], ["extracurricular", 1579], ["activity", 1590], ["activities", 1590], ["careful", 1651], ["always", 1662], ["keep", 1668], ["keepest", 1668], ["keeps", 1668], ["office", 1679], ["lock", 1686], ["locked", 1686], ["find", 1705], ["right", 1713], ["rightest", 1713], ["strike", 1728], ["today", 1766], ["get", 1782], ["got", 1782], ["home", 1787], ["homing", 1787], ["seem", 1798], ["seeming", 1798], ["seemed", 1798], ["tired", 1810], ["expect", 1826], ["expecting", 1826], ["anyone", 1833], ["left", 1848], ["leave", 1848], ["bedroom", 1872], ["desk", 1880], ["minute", 1905], ["minutes", 1905], ["work", 1913], ["wrought", 1913], ["almost", 1927], ["catch", 1938], ["catched", 1938], ["catches", 1938], ["caught", 1938], ["bang", 1953], ["banged", 1953], ["table", 1966], ["tabled", 1966], ["tabling", 1966], ["revelation", 2020], ["revelations", 2020], ["unfold", 2027], ["unfolded", 2027], ["unfoldest", 2027], ["convince", 2052], ["convinced", 2052], ["convincing", 2052], ["nice", 2113], ["childhood", 2123], ["friend", 2130], ["struggle", 2143], ["way", 2160], ["ways", 2160], ["convince", 2172], ["convinced", 2172], ["convincing", 2172], ["full", 2195], ["praise", 2205], ["tend", 2252], ["miss", 2260], ["dark", 2269], ["side", 2274], ["sidest", 2274], ["move", 2301], ["scream", 2312], ["screams", 2312], ["ca", 2319], ["cas", 2319], ["instead", 2333], ["start", 2345], ["starts", 2345], ["breathe", 2355], ["breathes", 2355], ["breathing", 2355], ["fast", 2360], ["chest", 2373], ["rise", 2378], ["risen", 2378], ["succession", 2410], ["way", 2423], ["ways", 2423], ["worry", 2438], ["worried", 2438], ["blood", 2458], ["bloods", 2458], ["blooded", 2458], ["first", 2469], ["firstest", 2469], ["shot", 2474], ["arm", 2492], ["form", 2506], ["formest", 2506], ["anaesthetic", 2521], ["appear", 2540], ["dead", 2545], ["three", 2591], ["soft", 2600], ["gel", 2604], ["burst", 2622], ["bursted", 2622], ["impact", 2632], ["spread", 2642], ["spreading", 2642], ["stomach", 2664], ["stomachs", 2664], ["stomaching", 2664], ["electronic", 2682], ["electronics", 2682], ["help", 2699], ["helpest", 2699], ["helps", 2699], ["create", 2706], ["sound", 2712], ["fire", 2731], ["go", 2749], ["goest", 2749], ["going", 2749], ["believable", 2794], ["talk", 2828], ["frankly", 2836], ["think", 2849], ["thinkest", 2849], ["thinks", 2849], ["already", 2865], ["although", 2881], ["arrive", 2903], ["arrived", 2903], ["kill", 2926], ["killed", 2926], ["come", 2959], ["around", 2966], ["slowly", 2978], ["move", 2984], ["moves", 2984], ["leg", 3000], ["cough", 3016], ["coughs", 3016], ["loud", 3025], ["test", 3033], ["voice", 3043], ["yell", 3081], ["slow", 3132], ["slowed", 3132], ["look", 3162], ["decide", 3233], ["decides", 3233], ["forgive", 3244], ["forgived", 3244], ["forgiving", 3244], ["glad", 3265], ["least", 3279], ["leastest", 3279], ["ago", 3316], ["two", 3333], ["twos", 3333], ["person", 3347], ["trust", 3363], ["trusted", 3363], ["betray", 3385], ["betrayed", 3385], ["betraying", 3385], ["turn", 3400], ["turns", 3400], ["die", 3461], ["heart", 3472], ["attack", 3479], ["hear", 3492], ["hears", 3492], ["heard", 3492], ["betray", 3514], ["betrayed", 3514], ["betraying", 3514], ["sombrely", 3537], ["give", 3556], ["much", 3564], ["well", 3594], ["wells", 3594], ["doubt", 3609], ["believe", 3633], ["believed", 3633], ["evil", 3699], ["evils", 3699], ["evilest", 3699], ["see", 3729], ["feel", 3745], ["feels", 3745], ["weak", 3753], ["eat", 3776], ["eaten", 3776], ["week", 3786], ["weeks", 3786], ["back", 3806], ["sound", 3832], ["sounds", 3832], ["face", 3867], ["chance", 3930], ["chanced", 3930], ["chancing", 3930], ["play", 3938], ["playest", 3938], ["also", 3947], ["exactly", 3972], ["sure", 3977], ["clear", 4033], ["clearest", 4033], ["thing", 4040], ["things", 4040], ["afraid", 4091], ["insist", 4113], ["insistest", 4113], ["stay", 4124], ["staying", 4124], ["even", 4129], ["evens", 4129], ["fact", 4144], ["know", 4166], ["knowest", 4166], ["known", 4166], ["ask", 4189], ["asks", 4189], ["ahead", 4205], ["grab", 4226], ["item", 4237], ["items", 4237], ["handy", 4262], ["drag", 4284], ["dragging", 4284], ["take", 4311], ["taken", 4311], ["concern", 4332], ["concerned", 4332], ["concernest", 4332], ["ever", 4363], ["everest", 4363], ["rest", 4368], ["sigh", 4418], ["sighest", 4418], ["sighs", 4418], ["shake", 4429], ["shakes", 4429], ["head", 4438], ["punch", 4451], ["punching", 4451], ["punches", 4451], ["command", 4461], ["windshield", 4479], ["display", 4487], ["drive", 4496], ["place", 4528]]
chapter 18 sympathy for the devil grand stone ridge as ray walks into the room , george rises from his chair . they both pause like men about to engage in a shootout . ray hesitates to use the gun gracy gave him but george does not have such hesitation . he shoots a tube with a rubber handle that ejects invisible electricity toward ray . ray upon seeing that the button has been pressed , tries to dock but not far enough as the electricity catches him , making him collapse to the floor . fortunately , the device is set to stun mode by default . it would have taken extra time to switch it to lethal mode . george pulls ray up and sits him down on the chair . he then proceeds to tie ray up in the chair using metal chains . i am glad you could join me my friend , george says . george then proceeds to lock his office door . george goes behind his desk , sit down and turns the desk lamp on . it does not take ray long to regain consciousness . upon opening his eyes , he sees a dark room with only a desk lamp , which ray thinks adds a demonic touch to george 's face . so where is your lady friend ? she has more important business to attend to . on our way back she got a call that the hackers of the world are tearing down your pathetic attempt at world control . george starts laughing like a devil . you think you can stop us ? then i have a pleasant surprise for all of you . george stands up and walks toward ray . you know what your problem is ray . you are too trusting . you are too encumbered by compassion , love , empathy . george smiles crookedly with an evil eye as he presses his face close to ray . i appreciate it that you dropped by . why do n't you join me in my crusade . we are of the aryan descent . our race is pure . why do you have to waste your time caring for the wretched creatures of this world . they are retarded and should just have been killed while they were in their mother 's womb . why waste time caring for weaklings who are unable to overcome being abused . look at us , we are doing pretty well . this is a world of survival of the fittest . you have a twisted perception of what is considered fit for this world , ray retorts . those mobs want a revolution in saudi and wo n't yield to our chosen military ruler . george turns on the projector and turns ray 's chair to face the wall . the video shows violence breaking out . look at them , fighting and killing each other . want to know the cause of that ? simple , i have our man at the saudi police force dress in plain clothes . they started attacking shiites and killing them yelling out insulting words for shiites and praising sunnis . soon word spread that sunnis attacked shiites and fighting broke out . do you see how easy it is to manipulate people to hate and kill ? this is the world we are living in . mobs of inferior races wanting a say in the government . as long as there exists hateful evil men like you in power conspiring to sow hate , then yes , the world will be full of hate . george reacts with an incredulous and dismissive laugh . conspiring ? i do n't really have to conspire with anyone . everyone is corruptible . you can corrupt them through wealth , power , ideologies . promise them richness , make them feel like they belong to a powerful and influential circle , let them stake their position on left or right , thinking they are better than the other . all you need is to control a few men in power and the rest will follow . even the man in power is not aware of our grander scheme . you think i have eva garcia because i believe in a latina being a president . no , she and the black cardinal are just my tools to get support from the mob who likes to toil about morality . and my slaves like eva garcia and kojo thulani are happy to play the role , thinking they could become most powerful man and woman on the planet . what makes you so full of hate george ? is it the fact that you were abused ? the fact that you were bullied ? you always acted so strong but in fact you have all this pent up anger . you have lost compassion and any sense of conscience . you pretend you are strong but you are not . george pointed at ray . you are lecturing me about being strong ? did you take care of any of your bullies ? hahahahahaha , george laughs like a man about to go mad . remember kayden ? yes , what happened to him is beyond our control . hahahahaha . i hated that brat so much i made sure he could no longer torment us . i killed him and cut off his thing to fit with how our abuser often threatened us . i just have to say a few things to make you and eldon connect it to him . without my testimony and your continued cowardice , our abusers would still be roaming the street . ray face turns pale .
[["chapter", 7], ["sympathy", 19], ["devil", 33], ["devils", 33], ["grand", 39], ["stone", 45], ["stoning", 45], ["ridge", 51], ["ray", 58], ["walk", 64], ["walks", 64], ["room", 78], ["roomed", 78], ["george", 87], ["rise", 93], ["risen", 93], ["rises", 93], ["chair", 108], ["chairing", 108], ["pause", 126], ["like", 131], ["man", 135], ["mans", 135], ["manned", 135], ["men", 135], ["engage", 151], ["shootout", 165], ["hesitate", 181], ["hesitates", 181], ["use", 188], ["gun", 196], ["give", 207], ["gave", 207], ["hesitation", 252], ["shoot", 264], ["shooted", 264], ["shoots", 264], ["tube", 271], ["rubber", 285], ["handle", 292], ["eject", 304], ["ejectest", 304], ["ejects", 304], ["invisible", 314], ["electricity", 326], ["electricities", 326], ["toward", 333], ["upon", 348], ["see", 355], ["seeing", 355], ["button", 371], ["buttoning", 371], ["press", 388], ["pressed", 388], ["try", 396], ["tryed", 396], ["tries", 396], ["dock", 404], ["far", 416], ["enough", 423], ["catch", 450], ["catched", 450], ["catches", 450], ["collapse", 476], ["floor", 489], ["fortunately", 503], ["device", 516], ["set", 523], ["stun", 531], ["stuns", 531], ["stunned", 531], ["mode", 536], ["moded", 536], ["default", 547], ["take", 569], ["taken", 569], ["extra", 575], ["extras", 575], ["time", 580], ["switch", 590], ["switching", 590], ["lethal", 603], ["pull", 623], ["pulls", 623], ["sat", 639], ["sit", 639], ["sits", 639], ["proceed", 680], ["proceedest", 680], ["proceeding", 680], ["proceeds", 680], ["tie", 687], ["tying", 687], ["tieing", 687], ["use", 713], ["using", 713], ["metal", 719], ["chain", 726], ["chains", 726], ["glad", 738], ["join", 753], ["joinest", 753], ["friend", 766], ["say", 780], ["sayest", 780], ["says", 780], ["lock", 811], ["office", 822], ["door", 827], ["go", 841], ["goest", 841], ["goes", 841], ["behind", 848], ["desk", 857], ["sat", 863], ["sit", 863], ["turn", 878], ["turns", 878], ["lamp", 892], ["take", 914], ["long", 923], ["longs", 923], ["regain", 933], ["consciousness", 947], ["open", 962], ["eye", 971], ["eyed", 971], ["eyes", 971], ["see", 981], ["sees", 981], ["dark", 988], ["think", 1034], ["thinkest", 1034], ["thinks", 1034], ["add", 1039], ["adds", 1039], ["demonic", 1049], ["touch", 1055], ["touching", 1055], ["face", 1073], ["lady", 1097], ["important", 1129], ["business", 1138], ["attend", 1148], ["way", 1164], ["ways", 1164], ["back", 1169], ["get", 1177], ["got", 1177], ["call", 1184], ["hacker", 1201], ["hackers", 1201], ["world", 1214], ["tear", 1226], ["teared", 1226], ["tearing", 1226], ["pathetic", 1245], ["attempt", 1253], ["control", 1270], ["start", 1286], ["starts", 1286], ["laugh", 1295], ["laughing", 1295], ["think", 1320], ["thinkest", 1320], ["stop", 1333], ["pleasant", 1361], ["surprise", 1370], ["surprised", 1370], ["stand", 1401], ["stood", 1401], ["standest", 1401], ["stands", 1401], ["know", 1436], ["knowest", 1436], ["problem", 1454], ["trust", 1484], ["trusting", 1484], ["compassion", 1523], ["love", 1530], ["empathy", 1540], ["smile", 1556], ["smiles", 1556], ["crookedly", 1566], ["evil", 1579], ["evils", 1579], ["evilest", 1579], ["eye", 1583], ["eyed", 1583], ["press", 1597], ["presses", 1597], ["close", 1612], ["appreciate", 1634], ["appreciates", 1634], ["drop", 1654], ["dropped", 1654], ["crusade", 1696], ["aryan", 1718], ["aryans", 1718], ["descent", 1726], ["race", 1737], ["racing", 1737], ["pure", 1745], ["pured", 1745], ["waste", 1772], ["care", 1789], ["caring", 1789], ["creature", 1816], ["creatures", 1816], ["kill", 1883], ["killed", 1883], ["mother", 1915], ["mothered", 1915], ["motherest", 1915], ["womb", 1923], ["weakling", 1961], ["weaklings", 1961], ["unable", 1976], ["unabled", 1976], ["overcome", 1988], ["overcame", 1988], ["abuse", 2001], ["abused", 2001], ["look", 2008], ["pretty", 2036], ["prettiest", 2036], ["well", 2041], ["wells", 2041], ["survival", 2071], ["fit", 2086], ["fitting", 2086], ["perception", 2118], ["consider", 2140], ["considered", 2140], ["fit", 2144], ["fitting", 2144], ["retort", 2173], ["retortest", 2173], ["retorts", 2173], ["mob", 2186], ["mobs", 2186], ["mobbed", 2186], ["revolution", 2204], ["saudi", 2213], ["saudis", 2213], ["wo", 2220], ["yield", 2230], ["yieldest", 2230], ["choose", 2244], ["chosen", 2244], ["military", 2253], ["ruler", 2259], ["projector", 2291], ["wall", 2331], ["video", 2343], ["show", 2349], ["shows", 2349], ["violence", 2358], ["broke", 2367], ["break", 2367], ["breaking", 2367], ["fight", 2397], ["fightest", 2397], ["fighting", 2397], ["kill", 2409], ["killing", 2409], ["cause", 2445], ["simple", 2462], ["simplest", 2462], ["man", 2479], ["mans", 2479], ["manned", 2479], ["police", 2499], ["force", 2505], ["dress", 2511], ["dressest", 2511], ["plain", 2520], ["plains", 2520], ["clad", 2528], ["clothe", 2528], ["clothes", 2528], ["start", 2543], ["started", 2543], ["attack", 2553], ["attacking", 2553], ["yell", 2586], ["yelling", 2586], ["insult", 2600], ["insultest", 2600], ["insulting", 2600], ["word", 2606], ["words", 2606], ["shiite", 2618], ["shiites", 2618], ["praise", 2631], ["praising", 2631], ["soon", 2645], ["word", 2650], ["spread", 2657], ["attack", 2678], ["attacked", 2678], ["broke", 2705], ["break", 2705], ["see", 2722], ["easy", 2731], ["manipulate", 2751], ["manipulates", 2751], ["manipulating", 2751], ["people", 2758], ["hate", 2766], ["hateed", 2766], ["kill", 2775], ["live", 2809], ["living", 2809], ["inferior", 2831], ["race", 2837], ["racing", 2837], ["races", 2837], ["say", 2851], ["sayest", 2851], ["government", 2869], ["exist", 2895], ["existest", 2895], ["exists", 2895], ["hateful", 2903], ["power", 2930], ["conspire", 2941], ["conspiring", 2941], ["sow", 2948], ["sown", 2948], ["sowest", 2948], ["yes", 2964], ["full", 2989], ["react", 3013], ["reacts", 3013], ["incredulous", 3033], ["dismissive", 3048], ["laugh", 3054], ["really", 3085], ["conspire", 3102], ["anyone", 3114], ["everyone", 3125], ["corruptible", 3140], ["corrupt", 3158], ["wealth", 3178], ["ideology", 3199], ["ideologies", 3199], ["promise", 3209], ["richness", 3223], ["feel", 3240], ["belong", 3257], ["belonged", 3257], ["belongest", 3257], ["powerful", 3271], ["influential", 3287], ["circle", 3294], ["let", 3300], ["lets", 3300], ["stake", 3311], ["position", 3326], ["left", 3334], ["right", 3343], ["rightest", 3343], ["think", 3354], ["thinkest", 3354], ["thinking", 3354], ["well", 3370], ["wells", 3370], ["need", 3400], ["needest", 3400], ["rest", 3446], ["follow", 3458], ["even", 3465], ["evens", 3465], ["aware", 3495], ["scheme", 3517], ["scheming", 3517], ["eva", 3540], ["garcia", 3547], ["believe", 3565], ["latina", 3577], ["latinas", 3577], ["president", 3595], ["black", 3620], ["cardinal", 3629], ["tool", 3647], ["tools", 3647], ["get", 3654], ["support", 3662], ["mob", 3675], ["mobs", 3675], ["mobbed", 3675], ["like", 3685], ["likes", 3685], ["toil", 3693], ["toiling", 3693], ["morality", 3708], ["slave", 3724], ["slaves", 3724], ["happy", 3767], ["play", 3775], ["playest", 3775], ["role", 3784], ["become", 3813], ["woman", 3841], ["womans", 3841], ["planet", 3855], ["fact", 3912], ["bully", 3966], ["bullied", 3966], ["always", 3979], ["act", 3985], ["acted", 3985], ["strong", 3995], ["pen", 4030], ["pent", 4030], ["anger", 4039], ["lose", 4055], ["lost", 4055], ["sense", 4080], ["conscience", 4094], ["pretend", 4108], ["pretendest", 4108], ["point", 4156], ["pointed", 4156], ["lecture", 4183], ["lecturing", 4183], ["care", 4225], ["bully", 4248], ["bullies", 4248], ["laugh", 4279], ["laughs", 4279], ["go", 4302], ["goest", 4302], ["mad", 4306], ["mads", 4306], ["remember", 4317], ["rememberest", 4317], ["happen", 4346], ["happened", 4346], ["beyond", 4363], ["hate", 4398], ["hateed", 4398], ["hated", 4398], ["brat", 4408], ["much", 4416], ["sure", 4428], ["long", 4447], ["torment", 4455], ["cut", 4481], ["thing", 4495], ["abuser", 4522], ["often", 4528], ["threaten", 4539], ["threatened", 4539], ["thing", 4576], ["things", 4576], ["connect", 4606], ["connectest", 4606], ["without", 4626], ["testimony", 4639], ["continue", 4658], ["continued", 4658], ["cowardice", 4668], ["abuser", 4682], ["abusers", 4682], ["still", 4694], ["roam", 4705], ["roamest", 4705], ["roaming", 4705], ["street", 4716], ["pale", 4738]]
you are welcome , george says . how could you ! ? ray says , moving his body violently trying to get out of the metal chains that bind him . i was able to kill two birds with one stone . i expect at least some sort of appreciation from you . even the most vile beast is not as bad as you ! what was your role in eldon 's brother 's death ? our cyberwarfare room told me about cedric 's cryptic phone call to eldon before we interrupted his signal . he talked about eldon 's favorite hiding place when he was a kid . do you remember when we were playing hide and seek at eldon 's place one time ? ahhhhhhhhhhhh , ray yells so loud it echoes through the room as he violently swings back and forth trying to get out of the chair . you are a lost cause . the german philospher had it right . we need a a superstate ruled by superhumans from the most evolved race that is ours . that 's why i planned the ordo tribus xi to create a threat and put fear in people 's heart . it was easy to find a few disgruntled arabs and make them think they were doing it for their slain leader , osama . after the attack , it was easy to pass the motherland defence initiative to increase control of the internet and control the flow of information . the patriot act was merged into the mdi . we could then easily expunge anything or anyone that is not compatible or detrimental to our goal . i coaxed leaders to create a common currency that is traceable . anyone who opposes us can be readily disposed of or we can make their lives difficult . guys like timothy mcveigh and anders breivik are the ones who should be hailed as heroes . it is a pity that nazis continue to be prosecuted in germany . look at japan , the nazi counterpart there are still worshiped at the shrine by some of their enlightened politicians . and they call them war criminals when they should be hailed . every now and then you have leaders who think they are righteous . politicians like president dean davis and his son are the ones who need to be eliminated . they are traitors to our race . it is you who need to be eliminated ! ray says staring at george . by the way , we have successfully launched a hostile takeover against the company who holds the patent to the latest quantum computing . our espionage effort revealed they have perfected the technology . once we get the technology and keep it out of the public 's hand and keep them unaware , we can break all encrypted files , encrypted traffic and passwords within minutes . imagine what we can do . just think ray , if you join us there is nothing that we can not achieve . you do n't even have to worry about death from now on . well , with regards to cancer at least . we have obtained the cure for cancer . but we plan to use it for a new spiritual movement . aeon , the new era spiritual union ! george says , waving his hand , touching an imaginary sign in front of him . we can get a lot of followers if we start curing people from cancer . george grins with both palms out as in prayer . we can use amazing new technologies that are not publicly known to create fake miracles to get people to worship us . i would normally say it is never too late to get some help but i am not sure that applies to you . george picks out an old binder from his bookshelf . here is one of my priced collection . a binder with accounts of a meeting between the germans around the time of the signing of the treaty to end world war i . it was hosted by a general erich hintze . this is the book that led to my enlightenment . everything makes sense after this . and it gave me the idea to use november 11 2011 and the ordo tribux xi . ray 's stomach churns , unable to grasp the magnitude of george 's crimes and how someone could be this evil and crazy . i tried to make you see the light ray . we could have used your talent . you see , we have a big experiment on genes and eugenics , more advance than what world war ii 's germany was able to accomplish . we had embarked on this eugenics experiment in order to clean our planet of inferior humans and races . we did an experiment in south africa recently through my firm world food inc . it is still a challenge to narrow down dna for a specific race . it is proving harder that i thought . there are no race genes . i had to stop our experiment when the toxins started to affect our own race . that 's because we all belong to the same species . we might have different traits , but we are all of the same species . but you are obviously of a different kind never before seen on earth . maybe there are likes of you in hell . hell , heaven , morality are all for the feeble minded .
[["welcome", 15], ["george", 24], ["say", 29], ["sayest", 29], ["says", 29], ["ray", 53], ["move", 67], ["moving", 67], ["body", 76], ["bodied", 76], ["violently", 86], ["try", 93], ["tryed", 93], ["trying", 93], ["get", 100], ["metal", 117], ["chain", 124], ["chains", 124], ["bind", 134], ["bound", 134], ["able", 151], ["abled", 151], ["kill", 159], ["two", 163], ["twos", 163], ["bird", 169], ["birds", 169], ["stone", 184], ["stoning", 184], ["expect", 195], ["least", 204], ["leastest", 204], ["sort", 214], ["appreciation", 230], ["even", 246], ["evens", 246], ["vile", 260], ["beast", 266], ["bad", 280], ["role", 308], ["brother", 328], ["brethren", 328], ["death", 337], ["cyberwarfare", 356], ["room", 361], ["roomed", 361], ["tell", 366], ["told", 366], ["cryptic", 393], ["phone", 399], ["call", 404], ["interrupt", 435], ["interruptest", 435], ["interrupted", 435], ["signal", 446], ["talk", 458], ["talked", 458], ["favorite", 482], ["favoritest", 482], ["hide", 489], ["hiding", 489], ["place", 495], ["kid", 513], ["remember", 531], ["rememberest", 531], ["play", 552], ["playest", 552], ["playing", 552], ["hide", 557], ["hides", 557], ["seek", 566], ["time", 593], ["yell", 621], ["yells", 621], ["loud", 629], ["echo", 639], ["echoed", 639], ["echoes", 639], ["swung", 679], ["swing", 679], ["swings", 679], ["back", 684], ["forth", 694], ["chair", 725], ["chairing", 725], ["lost", 742], ["cause", 748], ["german", 761], ["germen", 761], ["germans", 761], ["philospher", 772], ["right", 785], ["rightest", 785], ["need", 795], ["needest", 795], ["superstate", 810], ["rule", 816], ["ruled", 816], ["race", 858], ["racing", 858], ["plan", 895], ["planned", 895], ["ordo", 904], ["xi", 914], ["xis", 914], ["create", 924], ["threat", 933], ["put", 941], ["fear", 946], ["fearest", 946], ["people", 956], ["heart", 965], ["easy", 979], ["find", 987], ["think", 1031], ["thinkest", 1031], ["slew", 1066], ["slay", 1066], ["slain", 1066], ["slayed", 1066], ["slayest", 1066], 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3410], ["signing", 3410], ["treaty", 3424], ["end", 3431], ["ends", 3431], ["endest", 3431], ["world", 3437], ["host", 3459], ["hosted", 3459], ["hostest", 3459], ["general", 3472], ["book", 3504], ["lead", 3513], ["leaded", 3513], ["led", 3513], ["enlightenment", 3533], ["everything", 3546], ["sense", 3558], ["give", 3583], ["gave", 3583], ["idea", 3595], ["november", 3611], ["stomach", 3659], ["stomachs", 3659], ["stomaching", 3659], ["churn", 3666], ["churns", 3666], ["unable", 3675], ["unabled", 3675], ["grasp", 3684], ["grasped", 3684], ["grasping", 3684], ["magnitude", 3698], ["crime", 3718], ["crimes", 3718], ["evil", 3753], ["evils", 3753], ["evilest", 3753], ["crazy", 3763], ["try", 3773], ["tryed", 3773], ["tried", 3773], ["see", 3789], ["lit", 3799], ["light", 3799], ["use", 3824], ["used", 3824], ["talent", 3836], ["big", 3862], ["bigs", 3862], ["experiment", 3873], ["gene", 3882], ["genes", 3882], ["eugenic", 3895], ["eugenics", 3895], ["advance", 3910], ["advancest", 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["see", 4541], ["seen", 4541], ["earth", 4550], ["earths", 4550], ["earthest", 4550], ["maybe", 4558], ["like", 4574], ["likes", 4574], ["hell", 4589], ["hells", 4589], ["heaven", 4605], ["heavens", 4605], ["morality", 4616], ["feeble", 4639], ["minded", 4646]]
they should all be cleansed . i think alberta , canada should not have abolished their eugenics act of mid 1900s . our world would have been a better place . tell that to the abused child who was deemed a moron after scoring less than 70 on an iq test and subjected to eugenics . in her adult years she got an iq score of 89 but her sterilization was already permanent . that is what happens when demented minds like you gain power . i love to see such anger in you . do n't you feel disgusted looking at those races infested with criminals . those lower races who are stuck in eternal poverty ? they are inherently weaker . maybe they are stuck in poverty because you and your greedy friends continue to plunder their resources for your own profit . you stuck them with corrupt and atrocious politicians who would do your bidding . you enslaved them and discriminated against them and you wonder why they are generally poorer ? i can see logic is not your best suit . or as professor roy merritt has written in his book , you have a binary logic . the world is just black and white for you . greed and hate blinds you from the sufferings of the world . george 's office phone starts ringing . he answers on speaker phone . chief , check the internet . someone has posted all your personal logs online ! a voice who sounds like morris says frantically . with a panicked look , george goes to his computer and sees all of his personal logs are displayed online in usenet . he likes to keep tab of everyone to use as blackmail if they should choose to turn their back on him . but he would have never thought that would end up online for everyone to see . then he remembers that he recently left his unit on the bedroom desk thinking he would be out of shower right away . georges face looks like he wants to kill someone and he would surely kill his own son without hesitation . prepare to activate the kill switch ! george yells the command to morris . get my jet ready george then disconnects . george just sits there staring at the windows blinds . you know george . i always believed that people 's behaviour is affected by their experience in life . i have sympathy for people who are sensitive and easy to resent because they have been bullied . people who are depressed and irritated because they have had one too many traumatic experiences . people who fidget and twitch because unfortunate circumstances might have made them that way . people who are called dorks or are sometimes obnoxious and grouchy because something might be bothering them . people who gossip , are stuck-up , put people down , off-putting , overbearing , or quick to lay blame on others because some untoward incidents might have led them to have a chronic feeling of inadequacy . people who are quick to jump to conclusions and falsely accuse others , for injustice done to them might have caused them to be sceptical and cynical . george sits there expressionless . i have sympathy for people who are quarrelsome and short tempered for they might have more than their fair share of trying times . people who are called retarded for they are born that way and although they might look and act differently , their hearts are often purer than people who are considered normal . but for murderers like you and your greediness and hatred that cost lives , i ca n't find an ounce of sympathy because you have committed countless heinous crimes that no one with a hint of humanity left in them is capable of doing . you are insidious and a heartless wretched creature . you talk about rightful power and superiority but you are neither powerful nor superior . your mind is so inferior that you fail to recognize your stupidity and the abyss that is waiting just few steps ahead of you . that is your rightful home for eternity . i do n't need your sympathy . but you are going to need one soon as this house is set to auto destruct . for the remaining seconds of your life i want you to witness the world going down . george then turns on screen that is cycling through mosaic of various cameras around the world . above it is a countdown timer . george then proceeds to open the blinds on the window . sunlight pours in through a window that is surrounded by thick steel . suddenly george starts to react like he is being bitten by an invisible insect . there is a sound of a thud as george holds on to his neck . then another one as he quickly holds his cheek . then onto his rear and the back of his foot . then the other side of his cheek with his body moving like he just been slapped . soon a figure appears and it is gracy as if she is an apparition slowly appearing with a paddle in her hand . george presses on his watch and something falls from the ceiling followed by a loud bang . smoke fills the room . ray feels his chair being bumped as someone runs out of the room . ray hears the door close and the lock being engaged . it takes a few minutes before the room clears up and ray can see gracy getting up .
[["cleanse", 27], ["cleansed", 27], ["think", 37], ["thinkest", 37], ["alberta", 45], ["canada", 54], ["canadas", 54], ["abolish", 80], ["abolished", 80], ["eugenic", 95], ["eugenics", 95], ["act", 99], ["acted", 99], ["mid", 106], ["world", 124], ["well", 149], ["wells", 149], ["place", 155], ["tell", 162], ["child", 187], ["childs", 187], ["deem", 202], ["deemed", 202], ["moron", 210], ["morons", 210], ["score", 224], ["scoring", 224], ["less", 229], ["iq", 246], ["test", 251], ["subject", 265], ["subjectest", 265], ["subjected", 265], ["adult", 292], ["year", 298], ["years", 298], ["get", 306], ["got", 306], ["score", 318], ["sterilization", 346], ["already", 358], ["permanent", 368], ["happen", 391], ["happens", 391], ["demented", 405], ["dementing", 405], ["mind", 411], ["minding", 411], ["minds", 411], ["like", 416], ["gain", 425], ["power", 431], ["love", 440], ["see", 447], ["anger", 458], ["feel", 483], ["look", 501], ["looking", 501], ["race", 516], ["racing", 516], ["races", 516], ["infest", 525], ["infestest", 525], ["infested", 525], ["criminal", 540], ["criminals", 540], ["low", 554], ["lowed", 554], ["stick", 574], ["stickest", 574], ["stuck", 574], ["eternal", 585], ["poverty", 593], ["inherently", 615], ["weak", 622], ["maybe", 630], ["greedy", 684], ["friend", 692], ["friends", 692], ["continue", 701], ["plunder", 712], ["resource", 728], ["resourcing", 728], ["resources", 728], ["profit", 748], ["corrupt", 778], ["atrocious", 792], ["politician", 804], ["politicians", 804], ["bidding", 830], ["enslave", 845], ["enslaved", 845], ["discriminate", 868], ["discriminatest", 868], ["discriminated", 868], ["wonder", 896], ["wonderest", 896], ["generally", 919], ["poor", 926], ["logic", 944], ["good", 961], ["best", 961], ["suit", 966], ["suited", 966], ["professor", 984], ["roy", 988], ["write", 1008], ["writing", 1008], ["written", 1008], ["book", 1020], ["binary", 1040], ["black", 1072], ["white", 1082], ["greed", 1098], ["hate", 1107], ["hateed", 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["blackmails", 1524], ["blackmailest", 1524], ["choose", 1546], ["turn", 1554], ["back", 1565], ["never", 1598], ["think", 1606], ["thinkest", 1606], ["thought", 1606], ["end", 1621], ["ends", 1621], ["endest", 1621], ["remember", 1671], ["rememberest", 1671], ["remembers", 1671], ["recently", 1688], ["left", 1693], ["leave", 1693], ["unit", 1702], ["bedroom", 1717], ["desk", 1722], ["think", 1731], ["thinkest", 1731], ["thinking", 1731], ["shower", 1757], ["showered", 1757], ["showerest", 1757], ["right", 1763], ["rightest", 1763], ["away", 1768], ["george", 1778], ["georges", 1778], ["face", 1783], ["look", 1789], ["looks", 1789], ["kill", 1811], ["surely", 1839], ["son", 1856], ["without", 1864], ["hesitation", 1875], ["prepare", 1885], ["activate", 1897], ["switch", 1913], ["switching", 1913], ["yell", 1928], ["yells", 1928], ["command", 1940], ["get", 1956], ["jet", 1963], ["jetting", 1963], ["ready", 1969], ["disconnect", 1993], ["disconnecting", 1993], ["disconnects", 1993], ["sat", 2012], ["sit", 2012], ["sits", 2012], ["stare", 2026], ["stared", 2026], ["staring", 2026], ["window", 2041], ["windows", 2041], ["know", 2059], ["knowest", 2059], ["always", 2077], ["believe", 2086], ["believed", 2086], ["people", 2098], ["behaviour", 2111], ["behaviours", 2111], ["affect", 2123], ["affected", 2123], ["experience", 2143], ["experienced", 2143], ["life", 2151], ["lifes", 2151], ["sympathy", 2169], ["sensitive", 2198], ["easy", 2207], ["resent", 2217], ["resentest", 2217], ["bully", 2248], ["bullied", 2248], ["many", 2324], ["traumatic", 2334], ["experience", 2346], ["experienced", 2346], ["experiences", 2346], ["fidget", 2366], ["twitch", 2377], ["twitchest", 2377], ["twitching", 2377], ["unfortunate", 2397], ["circumstance", 2411], ["circumstances", 2411], ["may", 2417], ["mays", 2417], ["mayest", 2417], ["might", 2417], ["way", 2441], ["ways", 2441], ["call", 2465], ["called", 2465], ["dork", 2471], ["dorks", 2471], ["obnoxious", 2498], ["grouchy", 2510], ["bother", 2547], ["bothers", 2547], ["bothering", 2547], ["gossip", 2572], ["gossiped", 2572], ["put", 2593], ["put", 2619], ["putting", 2619], ["quick", 2644], ["lay", 2651], ["lays", 2651], ["layed", 2651], ["layest", 2651], ["blame", 2657], ["blamest", 2657], ["untoward", 2689], ["incident", 2699], ["incidents", 2699], ["lead", 2714], ["leaded", 2714], ["led", 2714], ["chronic", 2737], ["feeling", 2745], ["inadequacy", 2759], ["jump", 2790], ["jumps", 2790], ["conclusion", 2805], ["conclusions", 2805], ["falsely", 2817], ["accuse", 2824], ["injustice", 2847], ["injustices", 2847], ["cause", 2878], ["caused", 2878], ["sceptical", 2899], ["cynical", 2911], ["expressionless", 2946], ["quarrelsome", 2995], ["short", 3005], ["temper", 3014], ["tempered", 3014], ["fair", 3055], ["fairs", 3055], ["fairest", 3055], ["share", 3061], ["try", 3071], ["tryed", 3071], ["trying", 3071], ["time", 3077], ["times", 3077], ["bear", 3128], ["bore", 3128], ["bearest", 3128], ["born", 3128], ["although", 3150], ["differently", 3186], ["heart", 3201], ["hearts", 3201], ["often", 3211], ["pure", 3217], ["pured", 3217], ["consider", 3248], ["considered", 3248], ["normal", 3255], ["murderer", 3275], ["murderers", 3275], ["greediness", 3304], ["hatred", 3315], ["cost", 3325], ["life", 3331], ["lifes", 3331], ["lives", 3331], ["ca", 3338], ["cas", 3338], ["find", 3347], ["ounce", 3356], ["commit", 3395], ["committed", 3395], ["countless", 3405], ["heinous", 3413], ["crime", 3420], ["crimes", 3420], ["hint", 3444], ["hinting", 3444], ["humanity", 3456], ["capable", 3480], ["capablest", 3480], ["insidious", 3509], ["heartless", 3525], ["creature", 3543], ["talk", 3554], ["rightful", 3569], ["superiority", 3591], ["neither", 3611], ["powerful", 3620], ["superior", 3633], ["mind", 3645], ["minding", 3645], ["inferior", 3660], ["fail", 3674], ["recognize", 3687], ["stupidity", 3702], ["stupidities", 3702], ["wait", 3732], ["waitest", 3732], ["waiting", 3732], ["step", 3747], ["steps", 3747], ["ahead", 3753], ["home", 3789], ["homing", 3789], ["eternity", 3802], ["need", 3818], ["needest", 3818], ["go", 3852], ["goest", 3852], ["going", 3852], ["soon", 3869], ["house", 3883], ["set", 3890], ["auto", 3898], ["destruct", 3907], ["remain", 3927], ["remaining", 3927], ["second", 3935], ["seconded", 3935], ["seconds", 3935], ["witness", 3970], ["turn", 4011], ["turns", 4011], ["screen", 4021], ["screening", 4021], ["cycle", 4037], ["mosaic", 4052], ["mosaics", 4052], ["various", 4063], ["camera", 4071], ["cameras", 4071], ["around", 4078], ["countdown", 4114], ["countdowns", 4114], ["timer", 4120], ["timers", 4120], ["proceed", 4143], ["proceedest", 4143], ["proceeding", 4143], ["proceeds", 4143], ["open", 4151], ["window", 4176], ["windows", 4176], ["sunlight", 4187], ["pour", 4193], ["pours", 4193], ["surround", 4232], ["surrounded", 4232], ["thick", 4241], ["thickest", 4241], ["steel", 4247], ["suddenly", 4258], ["react", 4281], ["bite", 4305], ["bitten", 4305], ["invisible", 4321], ["insect", 4328], ["sound", 4347], ["thud", 4357], ["hold", 4373], ["holds", 4373], ["neck", 4388], ["necked", 4388], ["another", 4403], ["quickly", 4421], ["cheek", 4437], ["cheeks", 4437], ["onto", 4449], ["ontos", 4449], ["rear", 4458], ["foot", 4483], ["side", 4505], ["sidest", 4505], ["body", 4532], ["bodied", 4532], ["move", 4539], ["moving", 4539], ["slap", 4565], ["slaps", 4565], ["slapped", 4565], ["figure", 4581], ["appear", 4589], ["appears", 4589], ["apparition", 4632], ["slowly", 4639], ["appear", 4649], ["appearing", 4649], ["paddle", 4663], ["hand", 4675], ["press", 4692], ["presses", 4692], ["watch", 4705], ["fall", 4725], ["falls", 4725], ["ceiling", 4742], ["follow", 4751], ["followed", 4751], ["loud", 4761], ["bang", 4766], ["smoke", 4774], ["fill", 4780], ["fills", 4780], ["room", 4789], ["roomed", 4789], ["ray", 4795], ["feel", 4801], ["feels", 4801], ["chair", 4811], ["chairing", 4811], ["bump", 4824], ["bumpest", 4824], ["bumped", 4824], ["run", 4840], ["runs", 4840], ["hear", 4868], ["hears", 4868], ["door", 4877], ["close", 4883], ["lock", 4896], ["engage", 4910], ["engaged", 4910], ["take", 4921], ["takes", 4921], ["minute", 4935], ["minutes", 4935], ["clear", 4958], ["clearest", 4958], ["clears", 4958], ["get", 4991], ["getting", 4991]]
we have to get out of here quick , gracy states the obvious . she quickly takes out a pipe . it is a pulse laser cutter with safety feature . it fires in succeeding pulses and checks the targeted surface before each millisecond pulse to make sure it is steel and not human flesh . gracy points at rays chains and it starts cutting one chain per 3 seconds . gracy slows down at the last chain just to be safe . she quickly removes the chains . the countdown displays reads 5 seconds . gracy throws a backpack at ray and he quickly rummages through it . the countdown goes from 3 to 2 then the whole house blows up . it continue to burn without sign of ray and gracy . a few more minutes pass before a dark figure emerges from the fire . the figure is covered in dark cloth with fire burning . as it moves away from the house engulfed in flames , the fire on the dark clothes starts to disperse like it is afraid of the cloth . then the dark cloth comes off revealing ray and gracy inside . ray has an injury and some blood on his feet and arm . the fire repelling cloth saved both of them . ray has to cover gracy from the force of the explosion and both of them dock down and as close to the thick office wall as possible . this has saved both their lives . gracy calls up her car and they both hop in . hope i did not take too long . you told me not to come out until you said so and you never asked me to . but when the windows opened and lights poured in , i knew i only had a few seconds left before my invisible shield would reveal me . gracy says . i ca n't believe it works . the fact that his office was dark helped i guess . but it is far better than when you first showed it to me during our tour of your company 's plant in buffalo . george did not know what hit him . ray and gracy start laughing . they still have so many things ahead of them . but they allow themselves some laughter after what has been a taxing day . i still have a hard time believing that is the real george . i ca n't believe how easily a man like him can manipulate people in government through greed and power . what if there are more people who conspire to plunder the world for their own gain and advance their twisted agenda ? there is no need to fret about a possible conspiracy , it is just wasted energy . we should instead focus our energy on fighting injustices and attempt to water down the century old safeguard of a free society , such as respect for civil liberties and privacy . as long as we continue to work toward more openness and increase people 's input in the government , then it will be harder for anyone with malicious intent to infiltrate our government and divide people into hateful acts . people have to learn not to get manipulated so easily . wars are often started using false pretense to rile up people into hateful rage . and they could kill people who stand up against them but they can not possibly kill all conscientious and good people in this world . these vile creatures can victimize an unsuspecting and trusting people for a short time , but the moment they start their evil act , their days are numbered . chapter 19 the lair paraguay george jets to paraguay , landing on a dirt strip . people checking the node map would only see a huge dirt expanse . morris is there to greet him . george is quickly ushered into his office/throne . operation 'kill switch ' has begun . morris proclaims . a screen appears , showing different views of the world , and george starts selecting the screens to view them . at one hospital the insulin pump starts to inject more than prescribed for the patients . the networked defibrillator that allows physician to monitor their patients conditions and deliver life saving electric pulses when needed suddenly starts going off , delivering electric shocks to the heart of the patients . around the world , systems at control towers of the airports are going down . computers on the planes start rebooting causing a lot of the planes to descend rapidly as the pilots struggle to regain control . bank machines also start spewing cash out causing people to rush and grab it . bank security is overwhelmed . system that manages inventory , and delivery for stores , crashes . with the supply chain and inventory now managed very tightly to save cost , the supermarkets and grocery stores shelves will be empty in a day or two . boats in the sea and cars guided by gps start to go off course leaving sailors and drivers lost . power starts to go down starting from manitoba hydro . their networked system has been compromised and their turbine starts to spin out of control causing an explosion in the hydro power plant . there are leaks reported in some hydro plants and evacuation on various towns are initiated . there are reports of protests breaking out in spain following revelations about their political leader 's connection to the conglomerate . morris decides to fly to spain on their private plane into the conglomerate 's private airport to personally take care of the growing protest .
[["get", 14], ["quick", 32], ["state", 47], ["states", 47], ["obvious", 59], ["quickly", 73], ["take", 79], ["takes", 79], ["pipe", 90], ["piped", 90], ["piping", 90], ["pulse", 106], ["laser", 112], ["cutter", 119], ["safety", 131], ["feature", 139], ["fire", 150], ["fires", 150], ["succeed", 164], ["succeedest", 164], ["succeeding", 164], ["pulse", 171], ["pulses", 171], ["check", 182], ["checks", 182], ["target", 195], ["targeted", 195], ["surface", 203], ["millisecond", 227], ["sure", 246], ["steel", 258], ["human", 272], ["flesh", 278], ["fleshest", 278], ["point", 293], ["points", 293], ["ray", 301], ["rays", 301], ["chain", 308], ["chains", 308], ["start", 322], ["starts", 322], ["cut", 330], ["cutting", 330], ["chain", 340], ["per", 344], ["second", 354], ["seconded", 354], ["seconds", 354], ["slow", 368], ["slows", 368], ["last", 385], ["safe", 407], ["safes", 407], ["safed", 407], ["remove", 429], ["removes", 429], ["countdown", 456], ["countdowns", 456], ["display", 465], ["displays", 465], ["read", 471], ["reads", 471], ["throw", 496], ["throws", 496], ["backpack", 507], ["backpacking", 507], ["ray", 514], ["rummage", 538], ["rummages", 538], ["go", 570], ["goest", 570], ["goes", 570], ["whole", 597], ["wholes", 597], ["house", 603], ["blow", 609], ["blew", 609], ["blowest", 609], ["blows", 609], ["continue", 626], ["burn", 634], ["burns", 634], ["without", 642], ["sign", 647], ["minute", 685], ["minutes", 685], ["pass", 690], ["dark", 704], ["figure", 711], ["emerge", 719], ["emerges", 719], ["fire", 733], ["cover", 757], ["covered", 757], ["cloth", 771], ["burning", 789], ["move", 803], ["moves", 803], ["away", 808], ["engulf", 832], ["engulfed", 832], ["engulfing", 832], ["flame", 842], ["flames", 842], ["clad", 873], ["clothes", 873], ["disperse", 892], ["like", 897], ["afraid", 910], ["come", 951], ["comes", 951], ["reveal", 965], ["revealing", 965], ["inside", 986], ["injury", 1006], ["blood", 1021], ["bloods", 1021], ["blooded", 1021], ["foot", 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2058], ["government", 2072], ["greed", 2086], ["power", 2096], ["conspire", 2141], ["plunder", 2152], ["world", 2162], ["gain", 2181], ["advance", 2193], ["advancest", 2193], ["agenda", 2214], ["need", 2233], ["needest", 2233], ["fret", 2241], ["conspiracy", 2269], ["waste", 2289], ["wasted", 2289], ["energy", 2296], ["instead", 2316], ["focus", 2322], ["fight", 2345], ["fightest", 2345], ["injustice", 2356], ["injustices", 2356], ["attempt", 2368], ["water", 2377], ["century", 2394], ["old", 2398], ["safeguard", 2408], ["safeguarding", 2408], ["free", 2418], ["society", 2426], ["respect", 2444], ["civil", 2454], ["civils", 2454], ["liberty", 2464], ["liberties", 2464], ["privacy", 2476], ["work", 2509], ["wrought", 2509], ["toward", 2516], ["openness", 2530], ["increase", 2543], ["input", 2559], ["hard", 2602], ["anyone", 2613], ["malicious", 2628], ["intent", 2635], ["infiltrate", 2649], ["divide", 2675], ["hateful", 2695], ["act", 2700], ["acted", 2700], ["acts", 2700], ["learn", 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["mapped", 3243], ["see", 3258], ["huge", 3265], ["expanse", 3278], ["morris", 3287], ["greet", 3305], ["greeting", 3305], ["usher", 3337], ["ushered", 3337], ["throne", 3360], ["operation", 3372], ["switch", 3385], ["switching", 3385], ["begin", 3397], ["begun", 3397], ["proclaim", 3416], ["proclaimest", 3416], ["proclaims", 3416], ["screen", 3427], ["screening", 3427], ["appear", 3435], ["appears", 3435], ["show", 3445], ["showing", 3445], ["different", 3455], ["view", 3461], ["viewest", 3461], ["views", 3461], ["select", 3504], ["selecting", 3504], ["screen", 3516], ["screening", 3516], ["screens", 3516], ["view", 3524], ["viewest", 3524], ["hospital", 3547], ["insulin", 3559], ["pump", 3564], ["inject", 3581], ["prescribe", 3602], ["prescribing", 3602], ["prescribed", 3602], ["patient", 3619], ["patients", 3619], ["defibrillator", 3649], ["allow", 3661], ["allows", 3661], ["physician", 3671], ["physicians", 3671], ["monitor", 3682], ["monitored", 3682], ["condition", 3708], ["conditions", 3708], ["deliver", 3720], ["life", 3725], ["lifes", 3725], ["saving", 3732], ["electric", 3741], ["need", 3760], ["needest", 3760], ["needed", 3760], ["suddenly", 3769], ["go", 3782], ["goest", 3782], ["going", 3782], ["deliver", 3799], ["delivering", 3799], ["shock", 3815], ["shocks", 3815], ["heart", 3828], ["around", 3853], ["system", 3873], ["systems", 3873], ["control", 3884], ["tower", 3891], ["towered", 3891], ["towerest", 3891], ["towers", 3891], ["airport", 3907], ["airports", 3907], ["computer", 3934], ["computers", 3934], ["plane", 3948], ["planes", 3948], ["reboot", 3964], ["rebooting", 3964], ["cause", 3972], ["causing", 3972], ["lot", 3978], ["descend", 4003], ["rapidly", 4011], ["pilot", 4025], ["pilots", 4025], ["struggle", 4034], ["regain", 4044], ["bank", 4059], ["machine", 4068], ["machines", 4068], ["also", 4073], ["spew", 4087], ["spews", 4087], ["spewed", 4087], ["spewing", 4087], ["cash", 4092], ["cashed", 4092], ["rush", 4119], ["grab", 4128], ["security", 4147], ["system", 4171], ["manage", 4184], ["manages", 4184], ["inventory", 4194], ["delivery", 4209], ["store", 4220], ["stores", 4220], ["crash", 4230], ["crashes", 4230], ["supply", 4248], ["manage", 4280], ["managed", 4280], ["tightly", 4293], ["save", 4301], ["cost", 4306], ["supermarket", 4325], ["supermarkets", 4325], ["grocery", 4337], ["shelf", 4352], ["shelves", 4352], ["empty", 4366], ["two", 4382], ["twos", 4382], ["boat", 4390], ["boated", 4390], ["boats", 4390], ["sea", 4401], ["car", 4410], ["cars", 4410], ["guide", 4417], ["guided", 4417], ["gps", 4424], ["go", 4436], ["goest", 4436], ["course", 4447], ["left", 4455], ["leave", 4455], ["leaving", 4455], ["sailor", 4463], ["sailors", 4463], ["driver", 4475], ["drivers", 4475], ["lose", 4480], ["lost", 4480], ["start", 4515], ["starting", 4515], ["manitoba", 4529], ["hydro", 4535], ["hydros", 4535], ["compromise", 4581], ["compromised", 4581], ["turbine", 4599], ["spin", 4614], ["spun", 4614], ["leak", 4693], ["leaks", 4693], ["report", 4702], ["reported", 4702], ["plant", 4723], ["plants", 4723], ["evacuation", 4738], ["various", 4749], ["town", 4755], ["towns", 4755], ["initiate", 4769], ["initiates", 4769], ["initiated", 4769], ["report", 4789], ["reports", 4789], ["protest", 4801], ["protestest", 4801], ["protests", 4801], ["broke", 4810], ["break", 4810], ["breaking", 4810], ["spain", 4823], ["follow", 4833], ["following", 4833], ["revelation", 4845], ["revelations", 4845], ["political", 4867], ["leader", 4874], ["connection", 4888], ["conglomerate", 4908], ["decide", 4925], ["decides", 4925], ["fly", 4932], ["flys", 4932], ["private", 4958], ["plane", 4964], ["airport", 5005], ["personally", 5019], ["grow", 5044], ["growest", 5044], ["growing", 5044], ["protest", 5052], ["protestest", 5052]]
hackers around the world the hackers who have been working without sleep for days come up with a fix and identify the offending apps . everyone is advised to stop using the node , and tablets manufactured by them , and to turn them off . people are asked to download the fix to counter the malicious patches sent out by the node recently . all hackers struggle to spread the fix on time as power and system start to go down across the world . they then start hacking into all accessible computers to push the fix in . it seems like a futile effort but they push through . power plants start disconnecting their networks . some have become so reliant on network control that they end up shutting down . the hackers efforts do not seem to be making any dent against the looming disaster but they persevere . hours later when all hope seems to be out of reach , they started to get reports that things are stabilizing and no new cases of breach have been reported . the fix is designed like a virus but instead of breaking a system it fixes them . it starts to spread quickly like a swarm of lady bugs chasing away the swarm of aphids eradicating them . it stops the attack on its track . pentagon officers listed in george 's log are all removed from power . an emergency command has been established . the new commander-in-chief is nick sherwood of veteran affairs , 17th in line of succession from the president . he is the only one not named in george 's log . the rest of the 16 in line from eva garcia down are named . gracy contacts president nick sherwood and tells him about a way to trace george 's whereabouts . gracy is invited to the pentagon where a meeting is being held . i hit george in several spots injecting nano gps into his body . i tracked where he went and the last i have is he landed in a dirt road at paraguay . gracy points to a world map on a large table . the map immediately zooms in showing nothing but a dirt strip of land . i suspect they have their bases built underground . i have something we can use to map out their underground base . i need your plane . gracy explains . the conglomerate 's headquarter , paraguay george is screaming mad as he leaves and shuts the door in their cyberwarfare control centre . their operation has been halted with most system having been fixed and making them unable to push any new patches through . above ground and in the sky over the conglomerate 's base several planes fly by dropping a missile that injects itself to several spots in the ground like several pins stuck into a cloth . then several big cargo planes arrive dropping what looks like a bomb with flat surfaces . above them is a plane loaded with computers and connected to the radio in the missiles embedded into the ground . as the huge flat bomb hits the ground , it shakes the ground creating a seismic wave . the seismic wave travels underground and is captured by the missiles that are now acting like a probe . it is then transmitted to the plane loaded with computers . processing of the underground image begins . a 3d image of the underground base is created . everyone in the underground base feels the vibration . it is like an earthquake has hit them . then another plane arrives . this one is a drone flying low with thermal imaging cameras recording the warm areas which are potential power sources for the underground base . the results are also transmitted to the plane high above the sky . the images from seismic wave and thermal imaging are then transmitted to the satellite and back to pentagon . within minutes , commands are issued to hit the base . planes arrive carrying precision bunk buster bombs dropping them on several selected spots of the base . it creates several holes . immediately following them are non-nuclear electromagnetic bombs . the power goes out in the underground base and battery powered emergency flash lights came on . but the electronic equipment is fried . in the underground base , george is shaken as a big hole was created down the hall from his table followed by a loud bang as another bomb came down causing all the power to go out . in the cyberwarfare room , helmut and luitger are stunned while all the crews run out in panic . a hole has also been made here and an em bomb landed directly on their wall screen . suddenly a capsule lands and helmut and luitger dock , not knowing if it will be an explosive bomb this time . but the capsule lands with a thud and a man in a formal marine uniform with a disfigured face comes out . talon gladwell has read george 's log on the internet and knows that bolivia 's attack was premeditated by men at this base . he is here to thank them for giving him the permanent disfigurement in his face . helmut quickly draws his gun but by the time his gun is levelled a spinning blade hits his hand and he drops the gun . luitger attempts the same thing and suffers the same fate . helmut jumps over one of the panels grabbing a steel bar off one of the railing . he charges toward the marine . the marine raises his arm which has a metal shield and blocks off the metal bar .
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["grab", 4956], ["grabbing", 4956], ["steel", 4964], ["bar", 4968], ["railing", 4991], ["charge", 5004], ["charges", 5004], ["toward", 5011], ["raise", 5042], ["raises", 5042], ["arm", 5050], ["metal", 5068], ["shield", 5075], ["shields", 5075], ["block", 5086], ["blocks", 5086]]
talon quickly swings his arm outward causing helmut to lose his balance . luitger pulls off another metal bar and flies toward talon but the marine quickly jumps to the side causing luitger to fall to the ground . helmut charges back again with another swing at the marine who promptly jumps over helmut . luitger then tries to strike talon 's body but hits his arm with the steel brace . both helmut and luitger immediately hit back at talon who promptly blocks both the bars on each side . he pushes both of them away causing them to stagger back few steps . talon then quickly climbs the wall . gracy provides him with what she says are new shoes with nanopores that are able to hold onto any surface , allowing the wearer to climb like a wall lizard or spider . he continues climbing to the astonishment of both helmut and luitger who just watch him with mouths wide open . helmut then rushes to pick up the gun . talon at the roof top quickly releases his foot and tumbles down , landing at the back of helmut , hitting his hand and catching the gun as it falls . luitger comes attacking from the back but talon swerves to the side while helmut turns around to face talon but ends up getting luitger 's bar in his face . talon then jumps and kicks both helmut and luitger at the same time . both fall to the ground and almost losing consciousness . talon then ties both of them together and says , you do n't mess with the u.s. marines . we are not pawn for your corrupt and hateful wars ! above ground , all of george 's private armies assemble to thwart off any invaders . several drones fly by and the armies respond by shooting into the air . some drones are hit but still manage to deliver their load . the bombs dropped by the drones create bolts of electricity all around causing everyone in the vicinity to lose consciousness . then several helicopters arrive with each having a dangling object that looks like a big projection camera or small cannon . each has a square metal casing behind it . each of these land on the ground and the rope is severed . the camera/cannon surrounds the vicinity . the square casing contains a portable nuclear reactor . although george 's bought up the patent , gracy was able to grab a blue print from the former owner . the casing is sealed and each unit has a gps . any attempt at tampering would result in the signal being sent and its gps location reported . the casing is a specially constructed light weight metal with boron nanotubes that effectively shield the radiation and stores the energy inside . the portable nuclear device is perfect for the new force field technology that her company have developed . each projector unit requires a lot of power . all units are in position and powered up . each contains an advanced supernanocapacitor . the advanced supernanocapacitors are provided by oleg oborski and are also used in his zeus 1 electric car . the projector consists of a rotating unit inside and a high atomic number metal such as lead . it creates a force field by controlling electrically charged atoms . but it is unlike those depicted in science fiction where there is a visible shield . it is almost invisible but can be quickly felt by anyone trying to pass through or throw an object at it . the projectors have been started and the field overlaps between the different units . as the armies regain consciousness they find themselves surrounded by projectors . one army starts firing only to realize the bullets bounced back hitting one of his own man . he stops firing . a loud speaker instructs them to lay down their arms and no one will be harmed . most of the soldiers are shock at what had just happened and quickly comply by laying down their arms they are told to leave their arms at the back and lined up to be processed and taken out of here . they are asked to remove their uniforms and only have shirts and underwear to make sure they have no hidden weapons . the processing is done very quickly and soon a parade of buses take the whole armies out of the area . george continues to tap on his tablet and is unable to comprehend how their plans could have failed . all of a sudden something starts coming down from the hole in the ceiling . he sees that it is ray floating down with some sort of rocket propelled unit with round metal frame around him . there is a small metal ball inside the circular frame above ray . george has a look of surprise . so you really want to die so badly you still come back after escaping the explosion at my house ? i am just here to take you in . ray says . boy you must have hit your head hard when you were a kid . you want to take me in with your metal ball ? actually , this is a personal size nuclear power even smaller than the portable one . do n't i own the patent for that ? i 'll make sure that you are jailed and penalized under the patent law . if you do n't use it , you lose it .
[["talon", 5], ["quickly", 13], ["swung", 20], ["swing", 20], ["swings", 20], ["arm", 28], ["outward", 36], ["cause", 44], ["causing", 44], ["lose", 59], ["balance", 71], ["pull", 87], ["pulls", 87], ["another", 99], ["metal", 105], ["bar", 109], ["fly", 119], ["flys", 119], ["flies", 119], ["toward", 126], ["marine", 147], ["marines", 147], ["jump", 161], ["jumps", 161], ["side", 173], ["sidest", 173], ["fall", 197], ["falls", 197], ["ground", 211], ["charge", 228], ["charges", 228], ["back", 233], ["swung", 258], ["swing", 258], ["promptly", 285], ["try", 324], ["tryed", 324], ["tries", 324], ["strike", 334], ["body", 348], ["bodied", 348], ["hit", 357], ["hits", 357], ["steel", 380], ["brace", 386], ["braced", 386], ["immediately", 424], ["hit", 428], ["block", 462], ["blocks", 462], ["bar", 476], ["bars", 476], ["push", 501], ["pushes", 501], ["away", 519], ["stagger", 543], ["staggerest", 543], ["step", 558], ["steps", 558], ["climb", 586], ["climbs", 586], ["wall", 595], 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["layed", 3713], ["layest", 3713], ["laying", 3713], ["tell", 3743], ["told", 3743], ["left", 3752], ["leave", 3752], ["line", 3785], ["lined", 3785], ["process", 3804], ["processed", 3804], ["take", 3814], ["taken", 3814], ["ask", 3843], ["asked", 3843], ["remove", 3853], ["uniform", 3868], ["uniforms", 3868], ["shirt", 3889], ["shirts", 3889], ["underwear", 3903], ["sure", 3916], ["weapon", 3944], ["weapons", 3944], ["processing", 3961], ["soon", 3991], ["parade", 4000], ["bus", 4009], ["buses", 4009], ["take", 4014], ["whole", 4024], ["wholes", 4024], ["area", 4047], ["tap", 4073], ["tablet", 4087], ["unable", 4101], ["unabled", 4101], ["comprehend", 4115], ["plan", 4131], ["plans", 4131], ["fail", 4149], ["failed", 4149], ["sudden", 4167], ["come", 4191], ["coming", 4191], ["hole", 4210], ["ceiling", 4225], ["see", 4235], ["sees", 4235], ["ray", 4250], ["float", 4259], ["floating", 4259], ["sort", 4279], ["rocket", 4289], ["rockets", 4289], ["propel", 4299], ["propeling", 4299], ["propelled", 4299], ["round", 4315], ["frame", 4327], ["ball", 4368], ["circular", 4388], ["circulars", 4388], ["look", 4424], ["surprise", 4436], ["surprised", 4436], ["really", 4452], ["die", 4464], ["badly", 4473], ["come", 4488], ["escape", 4508], ["escapes", 4508], ["escaping", 4508], ["explosion", 4522], ["house", 4534], ["boy", 4583], ["must", 4592], ["musts", 4592], ["head", 4611], ["hard", 4616], ["kid", 4636], ["personal", 4714], ["size", 4719], ["even", 4738], ["evens", 4738], ["small", 4746], ["jail", 4841], ["jails", 4841], ["jailing", 4841], ["jailest", 4841], ["jailed", 4841], ["penalize", 4855], ["penalizes", 4855], ["penalized", 4855], ["law", 4876], ["use", 4896]]
george then draws a knife out and throws it at ray but it just hits an invisible wall causing a few sparks before falling to the ground . gracy sends her regards with this shield . she calls it the payback shield . george takes out a pipe like instrument bigger than the one he used to shoot at ray in his office . george presses the button but nothing comes out . realizing it has been fried by the em bomb , he grabs his next weapon . ray yelled . george smiles , thinking he has found the weakness of the shield . he fires several shots successively . ray closes his eyes knowing what will follow next . the processor immediately gives instruction to generate a repelling force that will not only block the bullet but also push the bullet back to the origin . the unit 's power goes up draining all of the power from the personal size nuclear power unit . most of the bullets quickly head back towards george so fast that he did not have a chance to react . one of the bullets embeds itself into george 's heart . george falls to the ground , killed by his own bullet . somewhere in paraguay the two walters brothers are away from the underground base when the attack happened . the two brothers john and martin are being groomed by george as his successor . unlike cole , the two brothers know about the underground base and have visited the site quite often . george thinks cole is too temperamental to be trusted with such a secret . and he was right , john says . that traitor who stabbed his own father in the back will have to pay . the two brothers board a private jet on their way to the cayman islands . with all our money hidden in cayman and swiss bank , we should be able to advance our father 's goal . since protests are breaking out across the world because of the revelation , we should consider playing the other side of the court . create strife somewhere and have our chosen leader come in as the saviour . we might even be able to get the people behind us . we can start our own people power revolution . but let 's get out of here for now and plan our next move in our cayman 's hideout . chapter 20 the awakening spain protests are growing around spain . morris already talked to their police chief . fortunately , george has never met you or you would be on his stupid log also , morris tells the police chief . morris convinced the police chief to send agents in plain clothes to disrupt the protests . a peaceful and extended protest is not good . it might lead to swelling of public support . but if we can inject violence into it , we can dismiss them as extremists and violent thugs , deserving a heavy handed crackdown . within minutes , violence breaks out at the same time at various protest sites in spain . some people get bullet wounds , some have knife wounds . riots breaks out and fires start burning in various business establishments . the protesters quickly organize to police themselves . they also help put out the fire before it spreads . while the initial influx of violence catches them off guard , the next attempt fails as the people quickly accost anyone seen yielding weapons . some suffer injuries in their attempts but further violence ceases . groups starts to march to nueva visin del siglo , which is broadcasting claims that the protesters are rioters almost in cue with the breakout of violence . some march toward the police chief station . morris stark is back in his condominium . his initial smile at the breakout of violence is replaced with concerns when nueva visin del siglo go off the air and protesters take over . nueva visin del siglo , the puppet of the conglomerate is no more , says one youth who has taken over the anchor chair . the camera men decide to just let it roll and it becomes a live celebration on air . morris decides he has to get out of the country quickly . he can hear police sirens going off in the street . the power suddenly goes out in his condo . but the fridge seems to be still on and making some noise . he tries to disconnect the fridge from the network but the program and display wo n't respond . the thermostats are also obviously still working as it starts to get warmer and warmer inside . he runs to open the door but it is locked tight . he enters his password but it says invalid code . due to his paranoia , he reinforces his door with heavy steel . so there is no chance that he could kick it open . he tries to make a phone call but there is no signal . he tries the internet but there is no connection also . he starts sweating , not sure whether it is the heat from the thermostat being set so high or from nervousness . he tries adjusting the thermostat and turning it off , with no effect . suddenly the coffee maker turns on and there is a loud bang on the fridge as it breaks down and turns off . his computer suddenly turns on and displays video of the celebration at nueva visin del siglo . the speaker in his house suddenly turns on to maximum volume with loud music blaring .
[["george", 6], ["draw", 17], ["drawn", 17], ["draws", 17], ["knife", 25], ["knifes", 25], ["throw", 40], ["throws", 40], ["ray", 50], ["hit", 67], ["hits", 67], ["invisible", 80], ["wall", 85], ["cause", 93], ["causing", 93], ["spark", 106], ["sparking", 106], ["sparks", 106], ["fall", 121], ["falls", 121], ["falling", 121], ["ground", 135], ["send", 149], ["sends", 149], ["regard", 161], ["regards", 161], ["shield", 178], ["shields", 178], ["call", 190], ["calls", 190], ["payback", 205], ["take", 227], ["takes", 227], ["pipe", 238], ["piped", 238], ["piping", 238], ["like", 243], ["instrument", 254], ["big", 261], ["bigs", 261], ["bigger", 261], ["use", 282], ["used", 282], ["shoot", 291], ["shooted", 291], ["office", 312], ["press", 329], ["presses", 329], ["button", 340], ["buttoning", 340], ["nothing", 352], ["come", 358], ["comes", 358], ["realize", 374], ["realizing", 374], ["fry", 392], ["fried", 392], ["bomb", 407], ["bombest", 407], ["grab", 418], ["next", 427], ["weapon", 434], ["smile", 463], ["smiles", 463], ["think", 474], ["thinkest", 474], ["thinking", 474], ["find", 487], ["found", 487], ["weakness", 500], ["fire", 525], ["fires", 525], ["several", 533], ["shot", 539], ["shots", 539], ["successively", 552], ["close", 565], ["closes", 565], ["eye", 574], ["eyed", 574], ["eyes", 574], ["know", 582], ["knowest", 582], ["knowing", 582], ["follow", 599], ["processor", 620], ["immediately", 632], ["give", 638], ["gives", 638], ["instruction", 650], ["generate", 662], ["force", 680], ["block", 705], ["blocks", 705], ["bullet", 716], ["also", 725], ["push", 730], ["back", 746], ["origin", 760], ["unit", 771], ["power", 780], ["go", 785], ["goest", 785], ["goes", 785], ["drain", 797], ["draining", 797], ["personal", 832], ["size", 837], ["nuclear", 845], ["bullet", 878], ["bullets", 878], ["quickly", 886], ["head", 891], ["towards", 904], ["fast", 919], ["chance", 949], ["chanced", 949], ["chancing", 949], ["react", 958], ["embed", 986], ["embeds", 986], ["heart", 1014], ["fall", 1029], ["falls", 1029], ["kill", 1052], ["killed", 1052], ["somewhere", 1082], ["paraguay", 1094], ["two", 1102], ["twos", 1102], ["brother", 1119], ["brethren", 1119], ["brothers", 1119], ["away", 1128], ["underground", 1149], ["base", 1154], ["basest", 1154], ["attack", 1170], ["happen", 1179], ["happened", 1179], ["john", 1203], ["martin", 1214], ["groom", 1232], ["grooms", 1232], ["groomed", 1232], ["successor", 1259], ["unlike", 1268], ["unliking", 1268], ["cole", 1273], ["coles", 1273], ["know", 1297], ["knowest", 1297], ["visit", 1341], ["visited", 1341], ["site", 1350], ["siting", 1350], ["quite", 1356], ["often", 1362], ["think", 1378], ["thinkest", 1378], ["thinks", 1378], ["temperamental", 1404], ["trust", 1418], ["trusted", 1418], ["secret", 1437], ["right", 1456], ["rightest", 1456], ["say", 1468], ["sayest", 1468], ["says", 1468], ["traitor", 1483], ["stab", 1495], ["stabs", 1495], ["stabbed", 1495], ["father", 1510], ["fathered", 1510], ["fathering", 1510], ["pay", 1539], ["pays", 1539], ["payest", 1539], ["board", 1564], ["boarding", 1564], ["private", 1574], ["jet", 1578], ["jetting", 1578], ["way", 1591], ["ways", 1591], ["cayman", 1605], ["caymans", 1605], ["money", 1634], ["moneys", 1634], ["hide", 1641], ["hides", 1641], ["hidden", 1641], ["swiss", 1661], ["bank", 1666], ["able", 1686], ["abled", 1686], ["advance", 1697], ["advancest", 1697], ["goal", 1716], ["since", 1724], ["protest", 1733], ["protestest", 1733], ["protests", 1733], ["broke", 1746], ["break", 1746], ["breaking", 1746], ["across", 1757], ["world", 1767], ["revelation", 1793], ["consider", 1814], ["play", 1822], ["playest", 1822], ["playing", 1822], ["side", 1837], ["sidest", 1837], ["court", 1850], ["courting", 1850], ["courtest", 1850], ["create", 1859], ["strife", 1866], ["strifes", 1866], ["choose", 1896], ["chosen", 1896], ["come", 1908], ["saviour", 1926], ["may", 1937], ["mays", 1937], ["mayest", 1937], ["might", 1937], ["even", 1942], ["evens", 1942], ["get", 1957], ["people", 1968], ["behind", 1975], ["start", 1993], ["revolution", 2025], ["let", 2035], ["lets", 2035], ["plan", 2071], ["move", 2085], ["hideout", 2110], ["hideouts", 2110], ["chapter", 2120], ["awaken", 2137], ["awakens", 2137], ["spain", 2143], ["grow", 2164], ["growest", 2164], ["growing", 2164], ["around", 2171], ["morris", 2186], ["already", 2194], ["talk", 2201], ["talked", 2201], ["police", 2217], ["chief", 2223], ["chiefs", 2223], ["fortunately", 2237], ["never", 2256], ["meet", 2260], ["meeted", 2260], ["met", 2260], ["stupid", 2294], ["log", 2298], ["logs", 2298], ["tell", 2318], ["tells", 2318], ["convince", 2354], ["convinced", 2354], ["convincing", 2354], ["send", 2379], ["agent", 2386], ["agents", 2386], ["plain", 2395], ["plains", 2395], ["clad", 2403], ["clothe", 2403], ["clothes", 2403], ["disrupt", 2414], ["disruptest", 2414], ["peaceful", 2440], ["protest", 2461], ["protestest", 2461], ["good", 2473], ["lead", 2489], ["leaded", 2489], ["swelling", 2501], ["public", 2511], ["support", 2519], ["inject", 2542], ["violence", 2551], ["dismiss", 2576], ["dismisses", 2576], ["dismissing", 2576], ["dismissest", 2576], ["extremist", 2595], ["extremists", 2595], ["violent", 2607], ["thug", 2613], ["thugs", 2613], ["deserve", 2625], ["deserved", 2625], ["deserving", 2625], ["heavy", 2633], ["heavier", 2633], ["heavies", 2633], ["crackdown", 2650], ["within", 2659], ["minute", 2667], ["minutes", 2667], ["broke", 2685], ["break", 2685], ["breaks", 2685], ["time", 2706], ["various", 2717], ["site", 2731], ["siting", 2731], ["sites", 2731], ["wind", 2772], ["wound", 2772], ["wounding", 2772], ["wounds", 2772], ["riot", 2805], ["riots", 2805], ["burn", 2840], ["burns", 2840], ["burning", 2840], ["business", 2860], ["establishment", 2875], ["establishments", 2875], ["protesters", 2892], ["organize", 2909], ["help", 2947], ["helpest", 2947], ["put", 2951], ["fire", 2964], ["spread", 2982], ["spreads", 2982], ["initial", 3002], ["influx", 3009], ["influxes", 3009], ["catch", 3029], ["catched", 3029], ["catches", 3029], ["guard", 3044], ["attempt", 3063], ["fail", 3069], ["fails", 3069], ["accost", 3098], ["anyone", 3105], ["see", 3110], ["seen", 3110], ["yield", 3119], ["yieldest", 3119], ["yielding", 3119], ["weapon", 3127], ["weapons", 3127], ["suffer", 3141], ["suffering", 3141], ["injury", 3150], ["injuries", 3150], ["attempt", 3168], ["attempts", 3168], ["cease", 3196], ["ceases", 3196], ["group", 3205], ["groups", 3205], ["start", 3212], ["starts", 3212], ["march", 3221], ["marching", 3221], ["del", 3240], ["siglos", 3246], ["broadcast", 3270], ["broadcasted", 3270], ["claim", 3277], ["claims", 3277], ["rioters", 3309], ["almost", 3316], ["cue", 3323], ["breakout", 3341], ["toward", 3373], ["station", 3398], ["stark", 3413], ["starks", 3413], ["condominium", 3440], ["smile", 3460], ["replace", 3500], ["replaced", 3500], ["concern", 3514], ["concerned", 3514], ["concernest", 3514], ["concerns", 3514], ["go", 3544], ["goest", 3544], ["air", 3556], ["airs", 3556], ["airing", 3556], ["take", 3576], ["puppet", 3618], ["conglomerate", 3638], ["youth", 3666], ["take", 3680], ["taken", 3680], ["anchor", 3696], ["anchoring", 3696], ["chair", 3702], ["chairing", 3702], ["camera", 3715], ["cameras", 3715], ["man", 3719], ["mans", 3719], ["manned", 3719], ["men", 3719], ["decide", 3726], ["roll", 3746], ["become", 3761], ["becomes", 3761], ["live", 3768], ["celebration", 3780], ["decide", 3804], ["decides", 3804], ["country", 3837], ["hear", 3859], ["hears", 3859], ["siren", 3873], ["sirens", 3873], ["go", 3879], ["goest", 3879], ["going", 3879], ["street", 3897], ["suddenly", 3918], ["condo", 3940], ["condos", 3940], ["fridge", 3957], ["seem", 3963], ["seeming", 3963], ["seems", 3963], ["still", 3975], ["noise", 4000], ["try", 4011], ["tryed", 4011], ["tries", 4011], ["disconnect", 4025], ["disconnecting", 4025], ["network", 4053], ["networked", 4053], ["networking", 4053], ["program", 4069], ["display", 4081], ["wo", 4084], ["respond", 4096], ["respondest", 4096], ["thermostat", 4114], ["thermostats", 4114], ["obviously", 4133], ["work", 4147], ["wrought", 4147], ["working", 4147], ["warm", 4174], ["inside", 4192], ["run", 4202], ["runs", 4202], ["open", 4210], ["door", 4219], ["lock", 4236], ["locked", 4236], ["tight", 4242], ["enter", 4254], ["enters", 4254], ["password", 4267], ["invalid", 4287], ["code", 4292], ["due", 4298], ["paranoia", 4314], ["paranoias", 4314], ["reinforce", 4330], ["reinforces", 4330], ["steel", 4356], ["kick", 4399], ["phone", 4434], ["call", 4439], ["signal", 4462], ["internet", 4486], ["connection", 4513], ["sweat", 4539], ["sweating", 4539], ["sure", 4550], ["whether", 4558], ["heat", 4573], ["heats", 4573], ["heated", 4573], ["thermostat", 4593], ["set", 4603], ["high", 4611], ["nervousness", 4631], ["adjust", 4652], ["adjusting", 4652], ["turn", 4679], ["turning", 4679], ["effect", 4703], ["coffee", 4725], ["maker", 4731], ["turn", 4737], ["turns", 4737], ["loud", 4760], ["bang", 4765], ["computer", 4826], ["display", 4857], ["displays", 4857], ["video", 4863], ["speaker", 4921], ["house", 4934], ["maxima", 4963], ["maximum", 4963], ["volume", 4970], ["volumed", 4970], ["music", 4986], ["musics", 4986], ["blaring", 4994]]
morris tries to open his balcony door but that too is electronically controlled and part of his networked security . the door locks have somehow been overridden to the locked position . he tries to cover his ears from the loud music . morris then grabs onto his wooden desk and throws it out the window . the window breaks and he breathes a sigh of relief . the music suddenly stops and he hears the door locks open . he quickly grabs a gun as the door opens . he tries to raise his gun but is quickly shot in the wrist causing him to scream in pain and drop the gun involuntarily . eldon is the first one in , followed by other spanish police and interpol 's officers . eldon quickly grabs morris and throws him to the couch . he wants to punch him but manages to control himself . instead he turns morris around with such a force that morriss nose hit the couch as he is handcuffed very tightly . you have the right to remain silent mr. caliphate . morris is shocked to be called by that name . his record and trace as that person should have been totally erased . morris is led out by the spanish police . your friend is waiting for you in the jail . he has transferred from his desk as the police chief to accompany you , says one spanish police officer . the thermostat suddenly returns to normal . the computer and the coffee maker turn off . eldon smiles knowing exactly who was in control of morris condominium . saudi arabia the people continue their protests and all top military officials connected to the conglomerate lose credibility . an election is finally planned . in their victory party jabaar was one of the speaker . today we reject corruption , intimidation , hatred and murder . if your leader , be it political or religious , ask you to hate because a person is of different race , nationality , religion , or background , then say no to them and show them the door out . because we the citizens of the world will no longer tolerate corruption , hatred and murder ! loud cheers break out . protests are also held in u.k. , with their prime minister and main media being mentioned in george 's log . the replacement government repeals the motherland defence initiative as well as their digital economy bill , an mdi-ish law that was rushed through long time ago without public consultation . france and germany french and german officials involvement with george 's imf plan has led to outrage and their quick dismissal . the french president was also implicated in george 's log . barcelona , spain angelino takes the stage in one of the rallies and declares : let no hatred and manufactured strife divide us . we will be strong and invincible if we stand united . we will vanish hate and corruption . we will silence all voices and provocations that cause us to hate and fight each other . for humans around the world working collectively , conscientiously and humanely will be the most potent weapon the world have ever seen . we will neutralize any tyranny , corruption and injustices that are the source of marginalization , and the deaths of large number of people resulting from war and poverty . even if the good die young , the good will always outnumber the bad . if the good stays silent , wickedness and injustices will prevail . philippines the people gather to overthrow their president who is george 's business partner in the philippines . they start to organize voters education to fight against the chronic problem of vote buying and political assassination . a proposal has been submitted to create an international tribunal similar to war crimes court but it will be for perpetrators of political assassinations and for corrupt judges and officials . that effort culminates in the creation of the global council of equals , a replacement for the united nations . its mandate includes prosecuting corrupt politicians and judges that can not be brought to justice in their own country due to control by their cronies . perpetrators of politically motivated killing are also tried in new international tribunal . the council works closely with interpol to pursue politicians and executives who ran away with ill gotten wealth to tax haven countries . they are hot on the tails of george 's hidden wealth and manage to sequester some in cayman and swiss banks after a vigorous effort of combing through the web of banking secrecy . all members in the global council of equals have pledged at a minimum good governance and open government along with other anti-corruption measures ; a non-politicized and uncorrupted justice system ; respect for civil liberties and privacy ; a fair election system ; and a transparent and grass roots representation with a good voter education system . all members , who have met all the basic requirements got equal shares of votes in the council . various asian , middle eastern and european countries protests break out against politicians identified to have collaborated with george . long brewing anger against known corrupt officials and executives result in their overthrow . south america south america , quite a few times a victim of external aggression and corruption themself , rises up in solidarity with the world .
[["morris", 6], ["try", 12], ["tryed", 12], ["tries", 12], ["open", 20], ["balcony", 32], ["door", 37], ["electronically", 68], ["control", 79], ["controlled", 79], ["part", 88], ["parting", 88], ["security", 114], ["lock", 131], ["locks", 131], ["somehow", 144], ["lock", 174], ["locked", 174], ["position", 183], ["cover", 203], ["ear", 212], ["ears", 212], ["loud", 226], ["music", 232], ["musics", 232], ["grab", 252], ["onto", 257], ["ontos", 257], ["wooden", 268], ["desk", 273], ["throw", 284], ["throws", 284], ["window", 302], ["windows", 302], ["broke", 322], ["break", 322], ["breaks", 322], ["breathe", 338], ["breathes", 338], ["sigh", 345], ["sighest", 345], ["relief", 355], ["reliefs", 355], ["suddenly", 376], ["stop", 382], ["stops", 382], ["hear", 395], ["hears", 395], ["quickly", 428], ["gun", 440], ["open", 458], ["opens", 458], ["raise", 478], ["shoot", 506], ["shooted", 506], ["shot", 506], ["wrist", 519], ["cause", 527], ["causing", 527], ["scream", 541], ["screams", 541], ["pain", 549], ["drop", 558], ["involuntarily", 580], ["first", 601], ["firstest", 601], ["follow", 619], ["followed", 619], ["spanish", 636], ["police", 643], ["interpol", 656], ["officer", 668], ["officering", 668], ["officers", 668], ["couch", 725], ["couchest", 725], ["punch", 745], ["punching", 745], ["manage", 761], ["manages", 761], ["control", 772], ["instead", 790], ["turn", 799], ["turns", 799], ["around", 813], ["force", 831], ["nose", 849], ["nosed", 849], ["nosing", 849], ["hit", 853], ["handcuff", 883], ["handcuffed", 883], ["tightly", 896], ["right", 917], ["rightest", 917], ["remain", 927], ["silent", 934], ["mr", 937], ["caliphate", 948], ["shock", 968], ["shocked", 968], ["call", 981], ["called", 981], ["name", 994], ["record", 1007], ["trace", 1017], ["person", 1032], ["totally", 1057], ["erase", 1064], ["erased", 1064], ["lead", 1080], ["leaded", 1080], ["led", 1080], ["friend", 1120], ["wait", 1131], ["waitest", 1131], ["waiting", 1131], ["jail", 1151], ["jails", 1151], ["jailing", 1151], ["jailest", 1151], ["transfer", 1172], ["transfering", 1172], ["transferred", 1172], ["chief", 1206], ["chiefs", 1206], ["accompany", 1219], ["say", 1230], ["sayest", 1230], ["says", 1230], ["officer", 1257], ["officering", 1257], ["thermostat", 1274], ["return", 1291], ["returnest", 1291], ["returns", 1291], ["normal", 1301], ["computer", 1316], ["coffee", 1331], ["maker", 1337], ["turn", 1342], ["smile", 1361], ["smiles", 1361], ["know", 1369], ["knowest", 1369], ["knowing", 1369], ["exactly", 1377], ["condominium", 1418], ["saudi", 1426], ["saudis", 1426], ["arabia", 1433], ["people", 1444], ["continue", 1453], ["protest", 1468], ["protestest", 1468], ["protests", 1468], ["top", 1480], ["military", 1489], ["official", 1499], ["officials", 1499], ["connect", 1509], ["connectest", 1509], ["connected", 1509], ["conglomerate", 1529], ["lose", 1534], ["credibility", 1546], ["election", 1560], ["finally", 1571], ["plan", 1579], ["planned", 1579], ["victory", 1598], ["party", 1604], ["speaker", 1634], ["today", 1642], ["reject", 1652], ["corruption", 1663], ["intimidation", 1678], ["hatred", 1687], ["murder", 1698], ["murderest", 1698], ["political", 1733], ["religious", 1746], ["ask", 1752], ["hate", 1764], ["hateed", 1764], ["different", 1797], ["race", 1802], ["racing", 1802], ["nationality", 1816], ["religion", 1827], ["background", 1843], ["backgrounding", 1843], ["say", 1854], ["sayest", 1854], ["show", 1874], ["citizen", 1918], ["citizens", 1918], ["world", 1931], ["long", 1946], ["tolerate", 1955], ["cheer", 2000], ["cheers", 2000], ["broke", 2006], ["break", 2006], ["also", 2030], ["hold", 2035], ["held", 2035], ["prime", 2062], ["primed", 2062], ["priming", 2062], ["minister", 2071], ["main", 2080], ["medium", 2086], ["mediums", 2086], ["media", 2086], ["mention", 2102], ["mentioned", 2102], ["george", 2112], ["log", 2119], ["logs", 2119], ["replacement", 2137], ["government", 2148], ["repeal", 2156], ["repeals", 2156], ["motherland", 2171], ["defence", 2179], ["initiative", 2190], ["well", 2198], ["wells", 2198], ["digital", 2215], ["economy", 2223], ["bill", 2228], ["mdi", 2237], ["ish", 2241], ["law", 2245], ["rush", 2261], ["rushed", 2261], ["long", 2274], ["longs", 2274], ["time", 2279], ["ago", 2283], ["without", 2291], ["public", 2298], ["consultation", 2311], ["france", 2320], ["germany", 2332], ["french", 2339], ["german", 2350], ["germen", 2350], ["germans", 2350], ["involvement", 2372], ["imf", 2391], ["plan", 2396], ["outrage", 2415], ["outraged", 2415], ["outraging", 2415], ["quick", 2431], ["dismissal", 2441], ["president", 2464], ["implicate", 2484], ["implicated", 2484], ["barcelona", 2513], ["spain", 2521], ["angelino", 2530], ["take", 2536], ["takes", 2536], ["stage", 2546], ["staging", 2546], ["rally", 2568], ["rallying", 2568], ["rallies", 2568], ["declare", 2581], ["declares", 2581], ["let", 2587], ["lets", 2587], ["manufacture", 2614], ["manufactures", 2614], ["manufactured", 2614], ["strife", 2621], ["strifes", 2621], ["divide", 2628], ["strong", 2651], ["invincible", 2666], ["stand", 2678], ["stood", 2678], ["standest", 2678], ["vanish", 2702], ["vanishest", 2702], ["silence", 2740], ["voice", 2751], ["voices", 2751], ["provocation", 2768], ["cause", 2779], ["fight", 2800], ["fightest", 2800], ["human", 2824], ["humans", 2824], ["work", 2849], ["wrought", 2849], ["working", 2849], ["collectively", 2862], ["conscientiously", 2880], ["humanely", 2893], ["potent", 2917], ["weapon", 2924], ["ever", 2944], ["everest", 2944], ["see", 2949], ["seen", 2949], ["neutralize", 2970], ["tyranny", 2982], ["injustice", 3010], ["injustices", 3010], ["source", 3030], ["marginalization", 3049], ["death", 3066], ["deaths", 3066], ["large", 3075], ["number", 3082], ["numbering", 3082], ["result", 3102], ["resultest", 3102], ["resulting", 3102], ["war", 3111], ["poverty", 3123], ["even", 3130], ["evens", 3130], ["good", 3142], ["die", 3146], ["young", 3152], ["youngest", 3152], ["always", 3175], ["outnumber", 3185], ["bad", 3193], ["stay", 3213], ["stays", 3213], ["wickedness", 3233], ["prevail", 3261], ["gather", 3293], ["gatherest", 3293], ["overthrew", 3306], ["overthrow", 3306], ["overthrowing", 3306], ["business", 3348], ["partner", 3356], ["start", 3388], ["organize", 3400], ["voter", 3407], ["voters", 3407], ["education", 3417], ["chronic", 3446], ["problem", 3454], ["vote", 3462], ["assassination", 3497], ["proposal", 3510], ["submit", 3529], ["submitted", 3529], ["create", 3539], ["international", 3556], ["tribunal", 3565], ["similar", 3573], ["crime", 3587], ["crimes", 3587], ["court", 3593], ["courting", 3593], ["courtest", 3593], ["perpetrator", 3625], ["perpetrators", 3625], ["assassination", 3653], ["assassinations", 3653], ["corrupt", 3669], ["judge", 3676], ["judges", 3676], ["effort", 3704], ["culminate", 3715], ["culminates", 3715], ["creation", 3731], ["global", 3745], ["council", 3753], ["mandate", 3816], ["include", 3825], ["includes", 3825], ["prosecute", 3837], ["prosecuting", 3837], ["politician", 3857], ["politicians", 3857], ["bring", 3892], ["brought", 3892], ["justice", 3903], ["country", 3924], ["due", 3928], ["crony", 3956], ["politically", 3986], ["killing", 4004], ["try", 4019], ["tryed", 4019], ["tried", 4019], ["new", 4026], ["work", 4069], ["wrought", 4069], ["works", 4069], ["closely", 4077], ["pursue", 4101], ["executive", 4128], ["executives", 4128], ["run", 4136], ["ran", 4136], ["away", 4141], ["ill", 4150], ["ills", 4150], ["illest", 4150], ["get", 4157], ["gotten", 4157], ["wealth", 4164], ["tax", 4171], ["country", 4187], ["countries", 4187], ["hot", 4202], ["tail", 4215], ["tailed", 4215], ["tails", 4215], ["manage", 4253], ["sequester", 4266], ["cayman", 4281], ["caymans", 4281], ["swiss", 4291], ["bank", 4297], ["banks", 4297], ["vigorous", 4314], ["comb", 4332], ["combed", 4332], ["combing", 4332], ["web", 4348], ["banking", 4359], ["secrecy", 4367], ["member", 4381], ["members", 4381], ["equal", 4413], ["equals", 4413], ["pledge", 4426], ["pledged", 4426], ["minimum", 4439], ["governance", 4455], ["along", 4481], ["anti", 4497], ["measure", 4517], ["measures", 4517], ["non", 4525], ["uncorrupted", 4553], ["system", 4568], ["respect", 4578], ["civil", 4588], ["civils", 4588], ["liberty", 4598], ["liberties", 4598], ["privacy", 4610], ["fair", 4619], ["fairs", 4619], ["fairest", 4619], ["transparent", 4655], ["grass", 4665], ["grassing", 4665], ["root", 4671], ["roots", 4671], ["representation", 4686], ["voter", 4704], ["meet", 4750], ["meeted", 4750], ["met", 4750], ["basic", 4764], ["requirement", 4777], ["requirements", 4777], ["get", 4781], ["got", 4781], ["equal", 4787], ["share", 4794], ["shares", 4794], ["vote", 4803], ["votes", 4803], ["various", 4828], ["asian", 4834], ["asians", 4834], ["middle", 4843], ["middles", 4843], ["middling", 4843], ["eastern", 4851], ["european", 4864], ["europeans", 4864], ["identify", 4924], ["identified", 4924], ["collaborate", 4945], ["collaborated", 4945], ["brewing", 4972], ["anger", 4978], ["know", 4992], ["knowest", 4992], ["known", 4992], ["result", 5032], ["resultest", 5032], ["south", 5059], ["america", 5067], ["americas", 5067], ["quite", 5089], ["time", 5101], ["times", 5101], ["victim", 5110], ["external", 5122], ["aggression", 5133], ["rise", 5165], ["risen", 5165], ["rises", 5165], ["solidarity", 5182]]
politicians that are corrupt even if they are not on george 's log are also overthrown . u.s.a. people are organizing into groups and panels to discuss how to improve their government to prevent further corruption . a melding of the minds . open government becomes a central pillar . an open government that is sincere and not evanized , one speaker proclaims boldly . reeling from the charade of partisanship from an equally corrupt parties , a group of citizens start organizing for a new party and gathering signatures and grassroots donations . what are we going to call our party ? any party name would be better than the current ones . those parties calling themselves liberals but are not liberals . conservatives that are not conservatives . democrats and republicans by name only . the group then decides on the name the non-partisan collective with the mantra to collaborate and inform . if they win , they will rule by consensus and not by causing hate and division . they will harness the power and ideas of the people or experts . more emphasis should be put on planning for the long term rather than impulsive decisions , especially under duress , anger , fear , hate and corruption . open government , transparency , clearly defined and disclosed conflict of interest shall become the norm , says one participant . we need to move away from government that is personality driven and leader-centric to more grassroots consultation . a leader leads and acts as a moderator but does not dictate . representatives should be held accountable for leaving voters uninformed or for misleading them . each representative votes and make decisions on behalf of their constituents . but the authority is given by proxy only and any voter can take away the proxy to vote for themselves anytime , especially on specific bills that are personally important to them . these measures are necessary because it is not a real government of the people , by the people , for the people if you have no way of making them accountable in between election . waiting for next election will be too late . these votes on individual bills can be made online in a non-anonymous and verifiable manner . anyone that engages in intimidation and harassing of a voter for the way they vote will have their voting rights taken away plus any applicable criminal laws . representing the people is not an entitlement but an obligation . one speaker suggests . one citizen offers his opinion . government needs to become inherently transparent . accountable to their bossthe people . one way to increase efficiency in government and bureaucrats is to make it less centralized . move to less of a controlling leader type of governance to more open and collaborative model where bureaucrats comprise a greater number of people that are well trained and informed . more distributed decision making and a wider base of knowledgeable and trained people who can act as decision makers . a more centralized structure results in more bureaucratic inefficiency . a more top down approach equals fewer decision makers , hence bottlenecks , red tapes , delay and increased costs . for government to sell off the public 's asset , a mandatory non-whitewash open public consultation process should be held before a vote take place . this would prevent a lobbyist from corrupting the government into selling off their assets cheaply . all agencies and bureaucrats are subjected to regular audits with all records available for free to the public without needing to pay for information access request . a middle aged woman stands up to speak . all decisions made should be justified and documented and also made available for public scrutiny without delay . reduce the federal level juggernaut and give more resources to lower level government like provincial and municipal level , who are able to more readily recognize local needs . while federal government can continue to look after wider interest issues and items that would benefit from economies of scale . but political partisanship should be eliminated . another speaker stands up . i agree , and they should increase productivity of the worker , not by squeezing all the energy out of them and throwing two to three person jobs into one . instead a working environment should be created where the workers are paid a decent wage , not a minimum wage that is below the poverty line . let 's foster a worker base that is enthusiastic about their organization . happy workers are productive workers . and for crying out loud , keep political appointees out of our agencies to stop the constant re-organization leading to inefficiency ! we need a solid base for our agencies to be free from constant political interference and changing ideology . a retiree decides to contribute . pension and employment insurance are people 's money . no politician should dig their hands in there and use them to fund their deficit . investments for those funds should at a minimum cover for inflation , guaranteed ! unnecessarily putting money in risky investments should result in money managers being fired and disqualified from positions of public trust . billion dollar losses due to negligence should result in heavy penalties and jail terms , whether corruption is proven or not . this will prevent plausible deniability and mock innocence from corrupt money managers . roy merritt is chosen to head crowd-sourcing and gather economists who have no previous connection to fraudulent acts . they are organizing to discuss and brainstorm about new progressive , sustainable and innovative economic model .
[["politician", 11], ["politicians", 11], ["corrupt", 28], ["even", 33], ["evens", 33], ["george", 59], ["log", 66], ["logs", 66], ["also", 75], ["overthrew", 86], ["overthrow", 86], ["overthrowing", 86], ["overthrown", 86], ["people", 102], ["organize", 117], ["organizing", 117], ["group", 129], ["groups", 129], ["panel", 140], ["paneling", 140], ["panelling", 140], ["panels", 140], ["discuss", 151], ["discusses", 151], ["discussest", 151], ["improve", 166], ["government", 183], ["prevent", 194], ["preventest", 194], ["corruption", 213], ["mind", 238], ["minding", 238], ["minds", 238], ["open", 245], ["become", 264], ["becomes", 264], ["central", 274], ["pillar", 281], ["sincere", 318], ["proclaim", 359], ["proclaimest", 359], ["proclaims", 359], ["boldly", 366], ["reel", 376], ["reeling", 376], ["charade", 393], ["partisanship", 409], ["equally", 425], ["party", 441], ["parties", 441], ["group", 451], ["citizen", 463], ["citizens", 463], ["start", 469], ["new", 490], ["party", 496], ["gather", 510], ["gathering", 510], ["signature", 521], ["signatures", 521], ["donation", 546], ["donations", 546], ["go", 566], ["goest", 566], ["going", 566], ["call", 574], ["name", 601], ["well", 617], ["wells", 617], ["current", 634], ["call", 663], ["calling", 663], ["liberal", 683], ["liberals", 683], ["conservative", 720], ["conservatives", 720], ["decide", 813], ["decides", 813], ["non", 833], ["partisan", 842], ["collective", 853], ["mantra", 869], ["collaborate", 884], ["inform", 895], ["informs", 895], ["win", 909], ["rule", 926], ["consensus", 939], ["cause", 958], ["causing", 958], ["hate", 963], ["hateed", 963], ["division", 976], ["harness", 996], ["harnessing", 996], ["harnessest", 996], ["power", 1006], ["idea", 1016], ["ideas", 1016], ["expert", 1041], ["experts", 1041], ["emphasis", 1057], ["put", 1071], ["planning", 1083], ["long", 1096], ["longs", 1096], ["term", 1101], ["terming", 1101], ["rather", 1108], ["impulsive", 1123], ["decision", 1133], ["decisions", 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["misleaded", 1599], ["misleading", 1599], ["representative", 1626], ["vote", 1632], ["votes", 1632], ["behalf", 1661], ["constituent", 1683], ["constituents", 1683], ["authority", 1703], ["give", 1712], ["given", 1712], ["proxy", 1721], ["voter", 1740], ["take", 1749], ["vote", 1772], ["anytime", 1795], ["specific", 1820], ["bill", 1826], ["bills", 1826], ["personally", 1846], ["important", 1856], ["measure", 1881], ["measures", 1881], ["necessary", 1895], ["real", 1920], ["reis", 1920], ["way", 1997], ["ways", 1997], ["election", 2044], ["wait", 2054], ["waitest", 2054], ["waiting", 2054], ["next", 2063], ["late", 2089], ["lates", 2089], ["individual", 2117], ["online", 2142], ["anonymous", 2161], ["verifiable", 2176], ["manner", 2183], ["manners", 2183], ["anyone", 2192], ["engage", 2205], ["engages", 2205], ["intimidation", 2221], ["voting", 2291], ["right", 2298], ["rightest", 2298], ["rights", 2298], ["take", 2304], ["taken", 2304], ["plus", 2314], ["applicable", 2329], ["criminal", 2338], ["law", 2343], ["laws", 2343], ["represent", 2358], ["representest", 2358], ["representing", 2358], ["entitlement", 2391], ["obligation", 2409], ["suggest", 2432], ["suggests", 2432], ["citizen", 2446], ["offer", 2453], ["offers", 2453], ["opinion", 2465], ["need", 2484], ["needest", 2484], ["needs", 2484], ["inherently", 2505], ["transparent", 2517], ["increase", 2577], ["efficiency", 2588], ["bureaucrat", 2618], ["bureaucrats", 2618], ["less", 2637], ["control", 2681], ["controlling", 2681], ["type", 2693], ["governance", 2707], ["collaborative", 2738], ["model", 2744], ["comprise", 2771], ["great", 2781], ["number", 2788], ["numbering", 2788], ["well", 2812], ["wells", 2812], ["distribute", 2852], ["distributes", 2852], ["distributed", 2852], ["decision", 2861], ["making", 2868], ["wide", 2880], ["base", 2885], ["basest", 2885], ["knowledgeable", 2902], ["train", 2914], ["trained", 2914], ["act", 2933], ["acted", 2933], ["maker", 2952], ["makers", 2952], ["structure", 2983], ["structuring", 2983], ["result", 2991], ["resultest", 2991], ["results", 2991], ["bureaucratic", 3012], ["inefficiency", 3025], ["top", 3038], ["approach", 3052], ["approaches", 3052], ["equal", 3059], ["equals", 3059], ["hence", 3089], ["bottleneck", 3101], ["bottlenecks", 3101], ["bottlenecked", 3101], ["red", 3107], ["tape", 3113], ["tapes", 3113], ["delay", 3121], ["delayest", 3121], ["increase", 3135], ["increased", 3135], ["cost", 3141], ["costs", 3141], ["sell", 3166], ["sells", 3166], ["public", 3181], ["asset", 3190], ["mandatory", 3204], ["whitewash", 3218], ["whitewashes", 3218], ["whitewashed", 3218], ["process", 3251], ["place", 3291], ["lobbyist", 3323], ["corrupt", 3339], ["corrupting", 3339], ["sell", 3367], ["sells", 3367], ["selling", 3367], ["asset", 3384], ["assets", 3384], ["cheaply", 3392], ["agency", 3407], ["agencies", 3407], ["subject", 3437], ["subjectest", 3437], ["subjected", 3437], ["regular", 3448], ["regulars", 3448], ["audits", 3455], ["record", 3472], ["records", 3472], ["available", 3482], ["free", 3491], ["without", 3513], ["need", 3521], ["needest", 3521], ["needing", 3521], ["pay", 3528], ["pays", 3528], ["payest", 3528], ["information", 3544], ["access", 3551], ["accessest", 3551], ["request", 3559], ["requestest", 3559], ["middle", 3570], ["middles", 3570], ["middling", 3570], ["woman", 3581], ["womans", 3581], ["stand", 3588], ["stood", 3588], ["standest", 3588], ["stands", 3588], ["speak", 3600], ["spoken", 3600], ["justify", 3641], ["justified", 3641], ["document", 3656], ["documented", 3656], ["scrutiny", 3700], ["reduce", 3723], ["federal", 3735], ["level", 3741], ["juggernaut", 3752], ["give", 3761], ["resource", 3776], ["resourcing", 3776], ["resources", 3776], ["low", 3785], ["lowed", 3785], ["like", 3807], ["provincial", 3818], ["municipal", 3832], ["able", 3853], ["abled", 3853], ["readily", 3869], ["recognize", 3879], ["local", 3885], ["continue", 3931], ["look", 3939], ["issue", 3967], ["issues", 3967], ["item", 3977], ["items", 3977], ["benefit", 3996], ["economy", 4011], ["economies", 4011], ["scale", 4020], ["political", 4036], ["eliminate", 4070], ["eliminated", 4070], ["another", 4080], ["agree", 4108], ["productivity", 4148], ["squeeze", 4181], ["squeezes", 4181], ["squeezing", 4181], ["energy", 4196], ["throw", 4221], ["throwing", 4221], ["two", 4225], ["twos", 4225], ["three", 4234], ["person", 4241], ["job", 4246], ["jobbing", 4246], ["jobs", 4246], ["instead", 4265], ["work", 4275], ["wrought", 4275], ["working", 4275], ["environment", 4287], ["create", 4305], ["created", 4305], ["workers", 4323], ["pay", 4332], ["pays", 4332], ["payest", 4332], ["paid", 4332], ["decent", 4341], ["wage", 4346], ["minimum", 4362], ["poverty", 4393], ["line", 4398], ["let", 4404], ["lets", 4404], ["foster", 4414], ["fosterest", 4414], ["enthusiastic", 4449], ["organization", 4474], ["happy", 4482], ["productive", 4505], ["cry", 4530], ["crying", 4530], ["loud", 4539], ["keep", 4546], ["keepest", 4546], ["appointee", 4567], ["appointees", 4567], ["stop", 4595], ["constant", 4608], ["lead", 4632], ["leaded", 4632], ["leading", 4632], ["solid", 4666], ["interference", 4736], ["change", 4749], ["changing", 4749], ["ideology", 4758], ["retiree", 4770], ["contribute", 4792], ["pension", 4802], ["employment", 4817], ["insurance", 4827], ["money", 4847], ["moneys", 4847], ["politician", 4863], ["dig", 4874], ["dug", 4874], ["digs", 4874], ["digest", 4874], ["hand", 4886], ["hands", 4886], ["use", 4903], ["fund", 4916], ["deficit", 4930], ["investment", 4944], ["investments", 4944], ["fund", 4960], ["funds", 4960], ["cover", 4986], ["inflation", 5000], ["guarantee", 5013], ["guaranteed", 5013], ["unnecessarily", 5029], ["put", 5037], ["putting", 5037], ["risky", 5052], ["result", 5078], ["resultest", 5078], ["manager", 5096], ["managers", 5096], ["fire", 5108], ["fired", 5108], ["disqualify", 5125], ["disqualified", 5125], ["position", 5140], ["positions", 5140], ["trust", 5156], ["billion", 5166], ["dollar", 5173], ["loss", 5180], ["losses", 5180], ["due", 5184], ["negligence", 5198], ["heavy", 5221], ["heavier", 5221], ["heavies", 5221], ["penalty", 5231], ["penalties", 5231], ["jail", 5240], ["jails", 5240], ["jailing", 5240], ["jailest", 5240], ["term", 5246], ["terming", 5246], ["terms", 5246], ["whether", 5256], ["prof", 5277], ["prove", 5277], ["proven", 5277], ["plausible", 5314], ["deniability", 5326], ["mock", 5335], ["mocking", 5335], ["innocence", 5345], ["roy", 5379], ["choose", 5397], ["chosen", 5397], ["head", 5405], ["crowd", 5411], ["crowding", 5411], ["crowdest", 5411], ["source", 5420], ["sourcing", 5420], ["gather", 5431], ["gatherest", 5431], ["economist", 5442], ["economists", 5442], ["previous", 5463], ["connection", 5474], ["fraudulent", 5488], ["brainstorm", 5541], ["brainstormed", 5541], ["progressive", 5563], ["sustainable", 5577], ["innovative", 5592], ["economic", 5601]]
there should be a law against the creation of artificial scarcity , hoarding and cartel on supplies to drive up price , says one speaker . another person rises and says , exponential consumerism and loan is not the be all and end all of economy . savings for a rainy day should not lead one to be accused of not contributing to the economy nor are they 'job killers . ' we can not be too obsessed with continued exponential growth on corporations profits through enticing consumers to take up more loan and consume more than they can afford . or exponential depletion of our limited natural resource . when the federal chairman himself is calling for free market and is misleading people to take up loans they wo n't be able to repay , then we have a problem . that is what happens when the government ends up serving only their campaign contributor than the general public it is supposed to serve . speaking of campaign contributions . extravagant campaigning should be abolished . abolish campaign contributions altogether . a certain budget goes to supporting democratic election . the public can also contribute to that fund instead of individual parties . even laws that allow contributions by individuals only are easily overcome by wealthy entities and are impossible to enforce . maybe we should consider an equal time ad space paid for with public funds . transportation to various campaign destinations also through strict standards and reasonable costs also shouldered by public funds . the amount of funding depends on percentage of membership relative to other parties . so a citizen can contribute to the support democratic election fund then sign up as a member for his favoured party for the upcoming election . this would help his favoured party get more funding . this is just an off-the-cuff idea just to get the debate going on stopping exponential growth in campaign spending . because if an election win is dependent on who has the most money , then the general public interest has already been sidelined even before the election is done . another participant suggests , essential services should be managed by a non-political , non-profit and open public co-operative whose books are open for anyone to scrutinize . profit beyond the margin for rainy days fund are to be refunded to rate payers if applicable . essential services that would receive public funding and managed under such organization would include water , and utilities such as electricity . communications that are owned privately will have a cap on allowable percentage of profit to ensure they remain equally affordable for everyone regardless of social and economic stature . with internet data now able to travel at light speed in the fibre optic 's internet backbone , and matching technology able to process that data at about the same speed , it is abominable to throttle speed and put artificial caps on bandwidth usage . this would also violate the new anti-artificial scarcity law that the previous speaker has proposed . a new research and education institute for researching cures and new innovation should be established , which could be funded jointly by public funds and independent fund raising . this will create a foundation to help create a sustainable and progressive future . someone volunteers to express his opinion and says , white-collar crime involving millions and billions of dollar from neglect and fraud should receive penalties equivalent to number of lives affected and lost . politicians who protect and absolve them are equally liable . still , another speaker rises up . thankfully , the motherland defence initiative , which is now exposed as the law created by george , the mastermind of the non-existent group ordo tribus xi , has been repealed . however , abusive internet and intellectual laws should also be revoked and replaced with laws that would not hamper innovation . one that would make it easier for private enterprise and individuals to access new innovations and invent things themselves to benefit the public at large . an innovation friendly law that would allow our young innovators to stand on the shoulders of giant not dig hard for hidden breakthrough while constantly being obstructed on pain of being labelled a criminal . the next speaker picks up where the last one left off . revision of patent law should reward original innovator , whose work are substantially original , and give them a head start to gain market share . the period shall be no longer than a decade . or it depends on type of invention . if after the head start period has passed and they are still unable to bring the invention to market or have any working prototype , others who are able to should be allowed to market it and allow society to benefit from it . original inventors have the option of licensing it during the head start period . patent applications are quickly determined whether they are substantially original invention or not . costly litigation and shady patent extension through litigation are abolished . provide a streamlined online mechanism that would allow public challenges to existing or pending patent , with proof of existing knowledge or technology and degree of similarities . a knowledgeable and trained staff pass the decision and the loser pays the administration fee . a successful challenge could result in patent revocation . this would not be like eva garcia 's fake patent reform which provided a very narrow window of opportunity to challenge a patent . yes , and software , programming and other methods that have narrow options and are intuitive should not be patentable . if all previous computer technologies and programming are as embroiled in patent dispute as we are now , we would not have progress this fast .
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["progress", 5769], ["fast", 5779]]
patenting peripheral things where two people can easily come up with the same solution or way of programming only chokes off innovations . another speaker joins in on the discussion about intellectual invention protection . all inventions where the main components are derived from non-patented and freely licensed work should be non-patentable . same applies if major components are a results of directly applying existing knowledge . another participant concerned about the widespread violation of privacy by the conglomerate and politicians around the world passionately expresses his view . privacy laws should be improved instead of weakened . without privacy , there is no real free speech . without privacy , even democratically elected politicians can retaliate against its citizens . laws against malware should be expanded to unauthorized collection of user 's data , including unauthorized collection of data for marketing . the node should be abolished and friendsconnect severely penalized . new companies and open source community can quickly fill their roles . a freelance artist stands up and offers her opinion . artistic works should not have very long period of copyright hold on them , which in most cases are controlled by publishers and third party labels or studios . but attribution and information for sending gratuities to the original creator , and his or her immediate heir , should permanently accompany the artist 's works . and if the artist chooses to give up their rights for third party label , publisher or marketer , the third party should not be able to ask for very long period of copyright and hold on the artists work . another citizen speaks about food safety . one way to improve food safety is to remove ambiguous ingredients like chemical additives being labelled as natural flavors . traces of chemicals and fertilizers should be listed along with ingredients . along with any traces of toxins such as mercury . we have learned about world food inc. injecting their poultry with drugs to increase size and weight , thereby increasing their profit . these drugs that are used remain in the system of some of the meat that we have since tested , and in substantial amount . these are found to be at a level that are toxic to human organs . testing for harmful residues on the food sold should become responsibility of the producer . mislabelling and misleading ingredient and residues should result in severe penalty and suspension or revocation of business license . consumer information should be improved to minimize misunderstanding , mistrust and baseless fears . all fda research , which is funded by taxpayers money , should be made public automatically . the ensuing debate is lively but friendly . agreement to abandon extreme ideas like communism and free market are adopted in favour of collaborative , moderate , practical and a more equitable approach with an eye on the future . proactive rather than reactive . south africa the world has started planning for a memorial and celebration for next month . south africa , the site of george 's attempted genocide , will be the first country to host the first annual celebration . a world friendship fund has also been established . the foundation adopted a paradigm of 'teach them how to fish ' and how to look out for thieves who plunder their wealth and encourage hate , division and corruption . it will also serve as a relief fund and will fund voter education . they will fund clean water initiatives but instead of profiting from it , like what george 's did with his safe water world ( sww ) charity , they will teach the locals to be self sufficient . donations start pouring in , averaging $ 100 per person so far . nsia kgosi and jervis wilfrid are both on the committe organizing for the celebration . but tonight they are just sitting in a field under a full moon relaxing . i am glad everything seems to be settling for the better now . but you know what they say , history repeats itself , jervis says . it might seem that way , but if you just let history repeat itself , you will be in for a shock . because the 2nd time around is often worse than the first , '' nsia responds . epilogue november 11 , 11 am it was a day of remembrance for casualties from past wars and atrocities . but this year there is more than just remembrance and solemn ceremonies . the night was planned as a night of celebration for overcoming hate and corruption . november 11 , 6 pm the crowd continues to flow in as the celebration is set to begin . the music begins after the sun has set . the opening song is called the world in harmony and it is a mix of various musical instruments from around the world . the song includes choirs singing , and a modern , upbeat tune with elements of aboriginal , african , asia-pacific , latino , european , middle east , and the americas . the final composition works out well and blending well between the different forms of musics . there is a touch of electronic and classical with variety that is not cumbersome nor repetitive . an orchestra of world instruments . after the song , the crowd falls quiet as thick fog covers the huge area creating low artificial clouds . then sombre music plays out as the images of victims of george 's atrocities appears as moving 3 dimensional hologram , floating and towering above the crowds .
[["patent", 9], ["patenting", 9], ["peripheral", 20], ["thing", 27], ["things", 27], ["two", 37], ["twos", 37], ["people", 44], ["easily", 55], ["come", 60], ["solution", 86], ["way", 93], ["ways", 93], ["program", 108], ["choke", 120], ["chokes", 120], ["innovation", 136], ["another", 146], ["join", 160], ["joinest", 160], ["joins", 160], ["discussion", 181], ["intellectual", 200], ["invention", 210], ["inventions", 210], ["protection", 221], ["invention", 238], ["inventions", 238], ["main", 253], ["component", 264], ["components", 264], ["derive", 276], ["derived", 276], ["non", 285], ["freely", 305], ["license", 314], ["licensed", 314], ["work", 319], ["wrought", 319], ["patentable", 344], ["apply", 359], ["applyed", 359], ["applies", 359], ["major", 368], ["result", 393], ["resultest", 393], ["results", 393], ["directly", 405], ["apply", 414], ["applyed", 414], ["applying", 414], ["exist", 423], ["existest", 423], ["existing", 423], ["knowledge", 433], ["participant", 455], 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["sunned", 4579], ["opening", 4601], ["song", 4606], ["call", 4616], ["called", 4616], ["harmony", 4637], ["mix", 4653], ["mixed", 4653], ["various", 4664], ["musical", 4672], ["instrument", 4684], ["instruments", 4684], ["include", 4726], ["includes", 4726], ["choir", 4733], ["choirs", 4733], ["modern", 4756], ["upbeat", 4765], ["tune", 4770], ["tuning", 4770], ["element", 4784], ["elements", 4784], ["aboriginal", 4798], ["african", 4808], ["africans", 4808], ["asia", 4815], ["pacific", 4823], ["latino", 4832], ["latinos", 4832], ["european", 4843], ["europeans", 4843], ["middle", 4852], ["middles", 4852], ["middling", 4852], ["east", 4857], ["final", 4888], ["composition", 4900], ["well", 4915], ["wells", 4915], ["blend", 4928], ["blendest", 4928], ["blending", 4928], ["different", 4955], ["form", 4961], ["formest", 4961], ["forms", 4961], ["music", 4971], ["musics", 4971], ["touch", 4990], ["touching", 4990], ["electronic", 5004], ["classical", 5018], ["variety", 5031], ["cumbersome", 5054], ["repetitive", 5069], ["orchestra", 5084], ["orchestras", 5084], ["fall", 5140], ["falls", 5140], ["quiet", 5146], ["thick", 5155], ["thickest", 5155], ["fog", 5159], ["fogs", 5159], ["cover", 5166], ["covers", 5166], ["huge", 5175], ["area", 5180], ["create", 5189], ["creating", 5189], ["low", 5193], ["lowed", 5193], ["artificial", 5204], ["cloud", 5211], ["clouded", 5211], ["clouds", 5211], ["sombre", 5225], ["play", 5237], ["playest", 5237], ["plays", 5237], ["image", 5255], ["imaged", 5255], ["imaging", 5255], ["images", 5255], ["victim", 5266], ["victims", 5266], ["appear", 5298], ["appears", 5298], ["move", 5308], ["moving", 5308], ["dimensional", 5322], ["hologram", 5331], ["float", 5342], ["floating", 5342], ["tower", 5355], ["towered", 5355], ["towerest", 5355], ["towering", 5355], ["crowd", 5372], ["crowding", 5372], ["crowdest", 5372], ["crowds", 5372]]
the moving , seemingly alive , images includes faces of barb stantonsource of the cancer cure scandal , felicity hansensalisium employee , the marine who died in bolivia , okbatortured souls of saudi , anthony kempthe daring reporter , president dean davis , various victims and casualties from world food inc. genocidal eugenic 's experiment in south africa , and cedric o'ryan . cedrics face is the last to float above the crowd and as his smiling face floats by , his voice from a video eldon recorded of him played out in the speaker and echoed throughout the venue . the crowd starts clapping . the night proceeds with more music and dancing . some of the wide variety of music played is rock , electric guitar shredding , electronic beat , folk music , modern music and classical music with modern renditions . one artist performs a hair-raising ancient poetic type of lament chant about the toils of human . she is backed by an orchestra and hand drums . the beat is heartfelt , snappy and determined . there were all sorts of music that followed . music that is awe inspiring , music that creates a natural high . another artist takes the stage and starts his performance by yelling free the music ! to wild cheers and applause . the crowd has on hand a flashlight looking device that they point to the artificial cloud . it turns it to a cloud with all sorts of colours imaginable . sometimes it looks like an image of a colourful galaxy or simply a mix of all possible colours imaginable with various shades . it adds to the surreal atmosphere . everyone is happy and friendly . various pilgrims from around the world descend on south africa that night . adolfo of bolivia whose heart was full of hatred over the death of his whole family , has come here to try to excise the tumult in his heart . ray and gracy joined by eldon are there to remember loved ones who have passed and to celebrate with the rest of the world . oleg oborski whose electric car is finally out on the market offers one of his car for a fund raising raffle to benefit the world friendship funds . cedric 's friendsbobby , christine , jake , blake and roseare also present to pay tribute to their friend . janine rita is inspired to see her friend felicity appear as a hologram . janine have reproduced the hard copy of felicity 's research left at her place the night of her dead . salisium and all products that uses it was pulled from the market . cole walter , whose act makes him the son who dishonours his father but saved the world , is just happy to be there to remove any doubt he might have about what he have done . benjie scott , who remembers his friend jack garrick , whose stolen cure has finally been found thanks to cole walter . jack is also undergoing brain therapy to retrain his brain to use other parts in place of the parts that were severely damaged by the conglomerate 's psychosis inducing drug . the progress looks promising thanks to benjie scott finding an expert right away , since the damage worsens the longer it is left untreated . juliet ayers , whose cottage her friend barb used before she was brutally chased and killed , is there . talon gladwell , the disfigured marine who wears his face proudly as a sacrifice for his country , is there . astor isaiah , for whom living in poverty has made him a witness to many cases of hate , resentment and suffering . the repentant and grateful secretary of treasury has bought a plane ticket for him upon learning of his dream of being able to attend the celebration . jabaar and gamali are there , whose experiences in the hands of izz-al din have changed them forever , but their compassion and humility are intact . relatives , friends and colleagues of anthony kemp all come to pay tribute to the fearless reporter . nolan hudson comes to celebrate and meet other hackers he worked with during those frantic days . roy merritt is now busy in the new economic committee , but he takes time off to take part in the festivities . jervis wilfrid and nsia kgosi working alongside thousands of south african volunteers , have worked tirelessly . it was more than rewarding to see all the happy faces of people from around the world . as the festivities wind down , ray and gracy take the late night flight out of south africa . they can see the celebration venue with red light pulsing outward and inward . from several feet above the clear night sky , the human heart shaped stage and moving lights makes the view from above looks like there is a giant live pumping heart . a group of friends who came from barcelona decide to take a walk as the festivities start to wrap up . cristobal , angelino , diego , paulina , julia and other friends are all joking around with the trauma of the experiences now behind them . jacinto is just happy to be with all his friends . as they sit in a field , jacinto sees everyone is now tired and they have quieted down . jacinto is happy about how things have turned out . he is pretty satisfied . he turns around to talk to his friends , you know what , part of the beauty of nature is its unpredictability . it is naturally chaotic but generally not malignant . nature is neither rigid nor inflexible .
[["move", 10], ["moving", 10], ["seemingly", 22], ["alive", 28], ["image", 37], ["imaged", 37], ["imaging", 37], ["images", 37], ["include", 46], ["includes", 46], ["face", 52], ["faces", 52], ["barb", 60], ["barbed", 60], ["cancer", 88], ["cure", 93], ["scandal", 101], ["felicity", 112], ["employee", 136], ["marine", 149], ["marines", 149], ["die", 158], ["died", 158], ["bolivia", 169], ["soul", 190], ["souls", 190], ["saudi", 199], ["saudis", 199], ["anthony", 209], ["daring", 224], ["reporter", 233], ["president", 245], ["dean", 250], ["deans", 250], ["various", 266], ["victim", 274], ["victims", 274], ["casualty", 289], ["casualties", 289], ["world", 300], ["food", 305], ["foods", 305], ["inc", 309], ["genocidal", 320], ["eugenic", 328], ["experiment", 342], ["south", 351], ["africa", 358], ["face", 393], ["last", 405], ["float", 414], ["crowd", 430], ["crowding", 430], ["crowdest", 430], ["smile", 449], ["smiling", 449], ["float", 461], ["floats", 461], ["voice", 476], ["video", 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["brutally", 3122], ["chase", 3129], ["chased", 3129], ["kill", 3140], ["killed", 3140], ["talon", 3159], ["wear", 3202], ["wears", 3202], ["proudly", 3219], ["sacrifice", 3234], ["country", 3250], ["astor", 3269], ["isaiah", 3276], ["live", 3294], ["living", 3294], ["poverty", 3305], ["witness", 3328], ["many", 3336], ["case", 3342], ["cases", 3342], ["hate", 3350], ["hateed", 3350], ["resentment", 3363], ["sufferings", 3377], ["repentant", 3393], ["grateful", 3406], ["secretary", 3416], ["treasury", 3428], ["buy", 3439], ["buyed", 3439], ["bought", 3439], ["plane", 3447], ["ticket", 3454], ["upon", 3467], ["learn", 3476], ["learns", 3476], ["learnt", 3476], ["learning", 3476], ["dream", 3489], ["dreamt", 3489], ["dreamest", 3489], ["able", 3503], ["abled", 3503], ["attend", 3513], ["celebration", 3529], ["experience", 3579], ["experienced", 3579], ["experiences", 3579], ["hand", 3592], ["hands", 3592], ["al", 3602], ["als", 3602], ["din", 3606], ["dins", 3606], ["change", 3619], 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4911], ["thing", 4952], ["things", 4952], ["turn", 4964], ["turned", 4964], ["pretty", 4983], ["prettiest", 4983], ["satisfied", 4993], ["talk", 5019], ["know", 5045], ["knowest", 5045], ["beauty", 5071], ["nature", 5081], ["unpredictability", 5105], ["naturally", 5123], ["chaotic", 5131], ["generally", 5145], ["malignant", 5159], ["neither", 5179], ["rigid", 5185], ["inflexible", 5200]]
those who force it to adhere to their idea of order and control are like the flat earth society of the old days . they oversimplify the world , and if it does not conform , they go mad , losing context and fighting back violently through suppression and repression . these control freaks crave certainty and predictability by creating their own order , and in the process corrupting the free reeling nature of the living world . just as it was during the dark age , those who come up with new ideas are prosecuted and ridiculed . they seek to change the world to suit their greed rather than change with the world . the oppressors trap themselves in simplistic ideologies . they are the radicals , a malignancy that insults our natural system . just like hitler , who offers uniformity and predictability through absolute state control . jacinto sighs then continues . we should not be fearful of the unknown . instead , our mind should be set free and not hindered by what we have been taught or told . we should be humbled at how little we know and pursue what is deemed impossible , without obsessing or trapping ourselves in repetitive mistakes . as much as i hate religion , which was made worse by rev . david patrick and kojo thulani , one thing i can say is there is a greater force that no one , not even science can fully comprehend as of yet . the infinite and unprovable . the unknown is where the answers can be found . 1 brash endeavor a stan turner mystery volume 3 by william manchee top publications , ltd. dallas , texas to my wife janet brash endeavor a stan turner mystery smashwords ebook edition ) copyright william manchee 1997 ebook isbn 978-1-93572203-8 library of congress 98-66205 no part of this book may be published or utilized in any form or by any means , electronic or mechanical , including photocopying , recording or information storage and retrieval systems without the express written permission of the publisher . this work is a novel and any similarity to actual persons or events is purely coincidental . prologue september , 1979 the light of first dawn inundated our bedroom waking me from a troubled slumber . in all the turmoil of the previous evening i had neglected to set the alarm . for some strange reason , neither the boys nor the baby had yet awakened . they must have sensed rebekah 's need to sleep . i looked at the digital display and saw it was 8:15 so i rolled out of bed and started doing some stretching exercises . from the other room i heard reggie talking to his younger brothers , peter and mark . after a minute they must of heard me moving around as they came running into our bedroom . `` good morning , daddy , '' reggie said . `` hi , bums . you guys sure slept late . you must be hungry ? '' `` uh huh , '' peter replied . rebekah sat up and looked at us curiously . `` eight-twenty . '' `` oh geez , it 's so late , why did you let me sleep so long ? the kids must be starving . '' `` why do n't you just stay in bed , i 'll fix breakfast . maybe i 'll even give you breakfast in bed . `` oh no , stan , you 've got to go to work . '' `` somehow , i do n't think i 'll be meeting with bird and tomlinson this morning . not after sheila died . '' rebekah looked at me and said , '' oh my god . that was n't a dream , was it ? '' i 'm afraid it was n't . '' rebekah fell back unto the bed , put her hands over her face and began to cry . i went over to her , sat on the bed next to her and took her limp hand in mine . `` why do n't you kids go play ? '' `` mom 's not feeling so good . i 'll call you when breakfast is ready . '' `` nothing , just take your brothers and go play ! '' `` okay , okay , '' he said and ran off with peter and mark close behind . `` maybe you should get up . it 's probably not a good idea for you to lie around worrying about what happened last night . come on , i 'll help you get dressed . '' getting no response i took her hand and gently pulled her to her feet . i looked into her dispirited eyes and wondered if she 'd ever recover from the horror of the previous night . after pulling off her nightgown i managed to get some shorts and a t-shirt on her . then i brought her into the kitchen and made her and the kids breakfast . after rebekah had consumed a couple of cups of coffee she seemed more alert . `` you look like you 're feeling better , honey , '' i said . `` i 'm fine , do n't worry about me , '' she said trying to force a smile . `` i 'll take reggie and mark to school . i do n't think you should drive today . ''
[["force", 15], ["adhere", 28], ["idea", 42], ["order", 51], ["orderest", 51], ["control", 63], ["like", 72], ["flat", 81], ["earth", 87], ["earths", 87], ["earthest", 87], ["society", 95], ["old", 106], ["day", 111], ["days", 111], ["oversimplify", 131], ["world", 141], ["conform", 170], ["conformest", 170], ["go", 180], ["goest", 180], ["mad", 184], ["mads", 184], ["lose", 193], ["losing", 193], ["context", 201], ["contexts", 201], ["fight", 214], ["fightest", 214], ["back", 219], ["violently", 229], ["suppression", 249], ["repression", 264], ["freak", 287], ["freaking", 287], ["freaks", 287], ["crave", 293], ["craved", 293], ["craving", 293], ["certainty", 303], ["predictability", 322], ["create", 334], ["creating", 334], ["process", 371], ["corrupt", 382], ["corrupting", 382], ["free", 391], ["reel", 399], ["reeling", 399], ["nature", 406], ["live", 420], ["living", 420], ["dark", 459], ["age", 463], ["aged", 463], ["come", 480], ["new", 492], ["idea", 498], ["ideas", 498], 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["deemed", 1072], ["impossible", 1083], ["without", 1093], ["obsess", 1103], ["obsessing", 1103], ["trap", 1115], ["repetitive", 1139], ["mistook", 1148], ["mistake", 1148], ["mistaken", 1148], ["mistakes", 1148], ["much", 1158], ["hate", 1168], ["hateed", 1168], ["religion", 1177], ["bad", 1200], ["worse", 1200], ["rev", 1207], ["revs", 1207], ["revved", 1207], ["david", 1215], ["davids", 1215], ["patrick", 1223], ["thing", 1252], ["say", 1262], ["sayest", 1262], ["great", 1284], ["even", 1313], ["evens", 1313], ["science", 1321], ["fully", 1331], ["comprehend", 1342], ["yet", 1352], ["infinite", 1367], ["unprovable", 1382], ["answer", 1417], ["answeres", 1417], ["answerest", 1417], ["answers", 1417], ["find", 1430], ["found", 1430], ["brash", 1440], ["endeavor", 1449], ["stan", 1456], ["stans", 1456], ["turner", 1463], ["mystery", 1471], ["mysteries", 1471], ["volume", 1478], ["volumed", 1478], ["william", 1491], ["williams", 1491], ["top", 1503], ["publication", 1516], 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2835], ["eight", 2846], ["twenty", 2853], ["oh", 2864], ["geez", 2869], ["let", 2903], ["lets", 2903], ["long", 2920], ["longs", 2920], ["kid", 2931], ["kids", 2931], ["starve", 2948], ["starving", 2948], ["stay", 2981], ["fix", 3000], ["fixes", 3000], ["breakfast", 3010], ["maybe", 3018], ["give", 3034], ["get", 3087], ["got", 3087], ["somehow", 3117], ["think", 3134], ["thinkest", 3134], ["meet", 3151], ["meeted", 3151], ["bird", 3161], ["tomlinson", 3175], ["sheila", 3207], ["die", 3212], ["died", 3212], ["god", 3262], ["dream", 3285], ["dreamt", 3285], ["dreamest", 3285], ["afraid", 3311], ["fall", 3340], ["falls", 3340], ["fell", 3340], ["unto", 3350], ["put", 3364], ["hand", 3374], ["hands", 3374], ["face", 3388], ["begin", 3398], ["began", 3398], ["cry", 3405], ["go", 3414], ["goest", 3414], ["went", 3414], ["next", 3448], ["take", 3464], ["took", 3464], ["limp", 3473], ["limps", 3473], ["limping", 3473], ["hand", 3478], ["mine", 3486], ["play", 3519], ["playest", 3519], ["mom", 3531], ["moms", 3531], ["feel", 3546], ["feeling", 3546], ["call", 3567], ["ready", 3595], ["nothing", 3611], ["take", 3623], ["okay", 3662], ["run", 3690], ["ran", 3690], ["close", 3720], ["behind", 3727], ["get", 3753], ["probably", 3773], ["lie", 3804], ["lay", 3804], ["lain", 3804], ["worry", 3820], ["worried", 3820], ["worrying", 3820], ["happen", 3840], ["happened", 3840], ["last", 3845], ["night", 3851], ["help", 3874], ["helpest", 3874], ["get", 3903], ["getting", 3903], ["response", 3915], ["gently", 3942], ["pull", 3949], ["pulled", 3949], ["foot", 3965], ["feet", 3965], ["eye", 4001], ["eyed", 4001], ["eyes", 4001], ["wonder", 4014], ["wonderest", 4014], ["wondered", 4014], ["ever", 4029], ["everest", 4029], ["recover", 4037], ["horror", 4053], ["pull", 4091], ["pulling", 4091], ["nightgown", 4109], ["nightgowns", 4109], ["manage", 4119], ["managed", 4119], ["short", 4138], ["shorts", 4138], ["shirt", 4152], ["bring", 4176], ["brought", 4176], ["kitchen", 4197], ["kitchens", 4197], ["consume", 4262], ["consumed", 4262], ["couple", 4271], ["cup", 4279], ["cups", 4279], ["coffee", 4289], ["seem", 4300], ["seeming", 4300], ["seemed", 4300], ["alert", 4311], ["alerted", 4311], ["look", 4325], ["well", 4353], ["wells", 4353], ["honey", 4361], ["honeys", 4361], ["fine", 4388], ["worry", 4403], ["worried", 4403], ["try", 4433], ["tryed", 4433], ["trying", 4433], ["smile", 4450], ["school", 4492], ["schooling", 4492], ["drive", 4526], ["today", 4532]]
`` that 's okay , i can take them . '' `` no , you stay home . you 'll have your hands full with peter and marcia . '' as i yelled for reggie and mark to get ready for school the doorbell rang . i looked at rebekah and said , `` who could that be ? '' ] 1i went to the door , opened it and there stood two uniformed policemen and a man in a suit . `` stan turner ? '' the man in the suit asked . `` i 'm detective small of the dallas police department . is your wife home ? '' `` we 'll need to see her now please , '' detective small said . `` we have a warrant for her arrest . '' `` we 're quite serious . now step aside and let us do our job . '' the two uniformed officers pushed their way into the house slamming me into the doorjamb . they immediately started searching the house for rebekah . reggie and mark starred in shock as they ran by . one of the policeman , having spotted rebekah sitting at the kitchen table , ran over to her , yanked her up and pushed her up against the wall . she winced in pain as he cuffed her and then jerked her around to face detective small who had just entered the kitchen . `` mrs. turner , you 're under arrest for the murder of sheila logan . we 're going to have to take you downtown . '' `` but i did n't kill her ! i was downstairs in the er when it happened . stan , do n't let them do this ! '' anger swelled within me as i watched the officer manhandle rebekah . `` you ca n't treat her like that ! '' i said rushing over to defend her . the other officer drew his gun and pointed at my head . rebekah screamed , `` do n't shoot him ! '' detective small glared at the officer and yelled , '' put that gun away ! '' he then turned to me and said , '' mr. turner , you 're an attorney , you know you can not obstruct this arrest . now back off ! '' `` do what he says , stan , '' rebekah pleaded . by this time marcia had been awakened by the ruckus and was wailing from her crib in the next room . mark and peter were standing up against the wall in shock , tears streaming from their eyes . i went over to them and held them as we watched rebekah being taken away . as they were escorting rebekah to the squad car , reggie suddenly darted after them screaming , '' you ca n't take my mommy ! leave my mommy alone ! '' one of the officers intercepted reggie and restrained him until i got there to get him . i pulled him back to the house yelling and kicking . then i rushed into the nursery to get marcia who had been screaming so loud that she was starting to turn blue . i picked her up , held her tightly , and then gazed out the window . tears welled in my eyes as i watched the squad car disappear around the corner . why had n't i listened to father henry ? 1 hanging out the shingle six months earlier what is it that makes a seemingly rational man set out on a perilous journey knowing full well that the odds of success are quite remote and the consequences of failure are likely to be devastating ? is it pride , stubbornness , a yearning for adventure , or just a reckless disregard of reality ? not being a psychologist i would n't presume to suggest to you why my personality developed the way it did , nor does it matter , but by age fourteen i had a fixation on becoming an attorney and any casual observer at the time could have easily predicted that my legal career would be anything but conventional . it had been six long , trying years since i first started law school at the university of san diego . many times i had almost given up on ever making it through . it seemed like every obstacle imaginable had been cast before me and that i could n't possibly overcome them all . but somehow , by the grace of god , i had made it and actually taken the bar exam just two months earlier . assuming i passed the bar , which by no stretch of the imagination was a sure thing , the question became , what do i do now ? while i was waiting for the results of my bar exam , i took a job with the helms insurance agency doing estate planning . i had learned a lot about estate planning while peddling insurance to earn my way through law school , so it was an easy transition to my new position . unfortunately , several weeks after joining the firm , i found out it was in precarious financial condition and likely would n't make it to summer . i broke the news to rebekah one night at dinner . `` put marcia in the high chair , would you honey ? '' `` sure , '' i said and then lifted marcia up and dropped her into the high chair .
[["okay", 15], ["take", 28], ["stay", 55], ["home", 60], ["homing", 60], ["hand", 86], ["hands", 86], ["full", 91], ["peter", 102], ["peters", 102], ["marcia", 113], ["yell", 130], ["yelled", 130], ["reggie", 141], ["mark", 150], ["marks", 150], ["get", 157], ["ready", 163], ["school", 174], ["schooling", 174], ["doorbell", 187], ["look", 203], ["looked", 203], ["rebekah", 214], ["say", 223], ["sayest", 223], ["said", 223], ["go", 261], ["goest", 261], ["went", 261], ["door", 273], ["open", 282], ["opened", 282], ["stand", 301], ["stood", 301], ["standest", 301], ["two", 305], ["twos", 305], ["uniformed", 315], ["policeman", 325], ["policemen", 325], ["man", 335], ["mans", 335], ["manned", 335], ["suit", 345], ["suited", 345], ["stan", 355], ["stans", 355], ["ask", 393], ["asked", 393], ["detective", 413], ["small", 419], ["police", 440], ["department", 451], ["wife", 466], ["need", 491], ["needest", 491], ["see", 498], ["please", 513], ["warrant", 562], ["warranting", 562], ["arrest", 577], ["quite", 598], ["serious", 606], ["step", 617], ["aside", 623], ["let", 631], ["lets", 631], ["job", 645], ["jobbing", 645], ["officer", 677], ["officering", 677], ["officers", 677], ["push", 684], ["pushed", 684], ["way", 694], ["ways", 694], ["house", 709], ["slam", 718], ["slamming", 718], ["doorjamb", 739], ["immediately", 758], ["start", 766], ["started", 766], ["search", 776], ["searching", 776], ["star", 824], ["starred", 824], ["shock", 833], ["run", 845], ["ran", 845], ["policeman", 871], ["spot", 888], ["spotted", 888], ["sat", 904], ["sit", 904], ["sitting", 904], ["kitchen", 919], ["kitchens", 919], ["table", 925], ["tabled", 925], ["tabling", 925], ["yank", 952], ["yanks", 952], ["yanked", 952], ["wall", 994], ["wince", 1007], ["winced", 1007], ["pain", 1015], ["cuff", 1028], ["cuffed", 1028], ["jerk", 1048], ["jerks", 1048], ["jerked", 1048], ["around", 1059], ["face", 1067], ["enter", 1104], ["entered", 1104], ["mrs", 1125], ["murder", 1171], ["murderest", 1171], ["sheila", 1181], ["logan", 1187], ["logans", 1187], ["go", 1202], ["goest", 1202], ["going", 1202], ["downtown", 1231], ["downtowns", 1231], ["kill", 1258], ["downstairs", 1281], ["er", 1291], ["happen", 1308], ["happened", 1308], ["anger", 1352], ["swell", 1360], ["swells", 1360], ["swollen", 1360], ["swellest", 1360], ["swelled", 1360], ["within", 1367], ["watch", 1383], ["watched", 1383], ["officer", 1395], ["officering", 1395], ["manhandle", 1405], ["manhandles", 1405], ["ca", 1425], ["cas", 1425], ["treat", 1435], ["treats", 1435], ["treatest", 1435], ["like", 1444], ["rush", 1469], ["rushing", 1469], ["defend", 1484], ["draw", 1513], ["drawn", 1513], ["draws", 1513], ["drew", 1513], ["gun", 1521], ["point", 1533], ["pointed", 1533], ["head", 1544], ["scream", 1563], ["screams", 1563], ["screamed", 1563], ["shoot", 1581], ["shooted", 1581], ["glare", 1613], ["glared", 1613], ["put", 1648], ["away", 1662], ["turn", 1682], ["turned", 1682], ["mr", 1705], ["attorney", 1735], ["know", 1746], ["knowest", 1746], ["obstruct", 1767], ["back", 1790], ["say", 1818], ["sayest", 1818], ["says", 1818], ["plead", 1846], ["pleaded", 1846], ["time", 1861], ["awaken", 1886], ["awakens", 1886], ["awakened", 1886], ["ruckus", 1900], ["wail", 1916], ["wailing", 1916], ["crib", 1930], ["next", 1942], ["room", 1947], ["roomed", 1947], ["stand", 1978], ["stood", 1978], ["standest", 1978], ["standing", 1978], ["tear", 2015], ["teared", 2015], ["tears", 2015], ["stream", 2025], ["streams", 2025], ["streamed", 2025], ["streaming", 2025], ["eye", 2041], ["eyed", 2041], ["eyes", 2041], ["hold", 2072], ["held", 2072], ["take", 2111], ["taken", 2111], ["escort", 2141], ["escorted", 2141], ["escorting", 2141], ["squad", 2162], ["car", 2166], ["suddenly", 2184], ["dart", 2191], ["darted", 2191], ["scream", 2212], ["screams", 2212], ["screaming", 2212], ["mommy", 2242], ["left", 2250], ["leave", 2250], ["alone", 2265], ["intercept", 2302], ["intercepted", 2302], ["restrain", 2324], ["restrains", 2324], ["restrained", 2324], ["get", 2340], ["got", 2340], ["pull", 2368], ["pulled", 2368], ["yell", 2398], ["yelling", 2398], ["kick", 2410], ["kicking", 2410], ["rush", 2426], ["rushed", 2426], ["nursery", 2443], ["loud", 2488], ["start", 2510], ["starting", 2510], ["turn", 2518], ["blue", 2523], ["pick", 2534], ["picked", 2534], ["tightly", 2560], ["gaze", 2577], ["gazes", 2577], ["gazed", 2577], ["window", 2592], ["windows", 2592], ["well", 2607], ["wells", 2607], ["disappear", 2655], ["corner", 2673], ["listen", 2698], ["listens", 2698], ["listened", 2698], ["father", 2708], ["fathered", 2708], ["fathering", 2708], ["henry", 2714], ["hang", 2726], ["hung", 2726], ["hangs", 2726], ["hanging", 2726], ["shingle", 2742], ["six", 2746], ["month", 2753], ["months", 2753], ["early", 2761], ["seemingly", 2795], ["rational", 2804], ["set", 2812], ["perilous", 2830], ["journey", 2838], ["journeys", 2838], ["journeyed", 2838], ["journeyest", 2838], ["know", 2846], ["knowest", 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3402], ["trying", 3402], ["year", 3408], ["years", 3408], ["since", 3414], ["first", 3422], ["firstest", 3422], ["law", 3434], ["university", 3459], ["san", 3466], ["diego", 3472], ["many", 3479], ["time", 3485], ["times", 3485], ["almost", 3498], ["give", 3504], ["given", 3504], ["ever", 3515], ["everest", 3515], ["seem", 3545], ["seeming", 3545], ["seemed", 3545], ["every", 3556], ["obstacle", 3565], ["imaginable", 3576], ["cast", 3590], ["casts", 3590], ["overcome", 3639], ["overcame", 3639], ["somehow", 3662], ["grace", 3677], ["god", 3684], ["bar", 3727], ["exam", 3732], ["assume", 3767], ["assumes", 3767], ["assuming", 3767], ["pass", 3776], ["passed", 3776], ["stretch", 3806], ["imagination", 3825], ["sure", 3836], ["thing", 3842], ["question", 3857], ["become", 3864], ["became", 3864], ["wait", 3905], ["waitest", 3905], ["waiting", 3905], ["result", 3921], ["resultest", 3921], ["results", 3921], ["take", 3945], ["took", 3945], ["insurance", 3976], ["agency", 3983], ["estate", 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`` use your fork , peter , '' i said . `` hey dad , will you play soccer with us after dinner ? '' `` sure , for a little while . '' `` what happened today at work ? '' rebekah asked . `` i was looking for the production reports for the agency today . i wanted to figure out what commissions i was going to get next month . well , while digging through the files i ran across the agency contracts with all our insurance underwriters . '' `` well , i started to read one of them and discovered that mr. helms had talked the insurance company into advancing commissions on projected sales for the upcoming year . '' `` uh huh , so i started comparing the projected sales against actual sales and we 're not even close to meeting projections . '' `` it means by summer mr. helms will owe his insurance carriers nearly a quarter of a million dollars . the bottom line is mr. helms will be out of business and i 'll be out of a job . '' `` ca n't anything be done ? '' even if the next two months were spectacular by the time you submit all the applications , go through underwriting and place all of the policies it will be fall . '' `` dad are you ready to play soccer ? '' `` not yet , hot shot . i have n't finished my supper yet and i 'm trying to talk to your mother . go outside with reggie and start kicking the ball around . i 've been kind of thinking about starting my own practice . '' `` with what money ? if you had n't noticed , we 're broke . '' `` well i 'd have to start out slowly and keep my overhead low . '' `` we 've got to have a regular income . what if you do n't get any clients ? '' `` i 've talked to some of the guys at cosmopolitan life and they say they 'll send me lots of business . '' `` what kind of clients would they send you ? '' `` wills , trusts and corporation work mostly . they want to send their clients to an attorney who wo n't torpedo their insurance sales . '' `` that 's nice , but do you think you could get enough business for us to survive ? '' `` i do n't know , i think so . i 'll have to borrow some money to set up an office . '' `` how much will you need ? '' `` i was thinking fifteen to twenty thousand . '' `` who would loan you that kind of money ? '' `` the bank , i suppose . next week i think i 'm going to go by our bank and see if they will lend me the money . '' `` i do n't know , honey , it seems pretty risky . '' `` well , i have a gut feeling it will work out okay and i 'm kind of excited about starting my own practice . '' `` i guess i could work at the hospital for a few months until you got things going . that would bring us in a hundred and fifty dollars a week . '' `` oh , i hate for you to have to do that , babe . '' `` i guess i do n't have much choice , '' rebekah replied . `` well , you do n't have to do it , we 'll manage . '' `` no , it will make it a lot easier for you to get started so i do n't mind for a few months , '' rebekah said tentatively . the following monday i went to canyon valley national bank to see about a loan . i had never borrowed money before except student loans so i was n't sure what to expect . i did n't know anybody at the bank , so i went up to the new accounts desk and asked who i should talk to about a loan . i was directed to a grey-haired loan officer named martin campbell . `` mr. campbell , hi , i 'm stan turner . '' mr. campbell peered up at me through his glasses without smiling . `` have a seat , i 'll be with you in a minute , '' he replied and then returned to the paperwork in front of him . `` okay , '' i said and sat down in one of the two leather side chairs in front of his desk . when he was done he put the papers in a folder and dropped the folder in his out box . then he sat back in his chair and looked me in the eye . `` i 'd like to talk to you about a loan . '' `` a loan . sure , what kind of loan do you need ? `` well , i just graduated from law school and i want to start my own practice . '' `` your own law practice ? `` yeah , it 's something i 've always wanted to do . '' `` that seems like a rather brash endeavor , do n't you think ? '' `` starting a law practice would n't be easy . it would require substantial capitalization . do you have any clients lined up yet ? '' `` no , but i 've got friends who will send me business . ''
[["use", 6], ["fork", 16], ["peter", 24], ["peters", 24], ["say", 36], ["sayest", 36], ["said", 36], ["hey", 45], ["dad", 49], ["play", 65], ["playest", 65], ["soccer", 72], ["soccers", 72], ["dinner", 93], ["sure", 106], ["little", 121], ["happen", 149], ["happened", 149], ["today", 155], ["work", 163], ["wrought", 163], ["rebekah", 176], ["ask", 182], ["asked", 182], ["look", 201], ["looking", 201], ["production", 220], ["report", 228], ["reports", 228], ["agency", 243], ["figure", 270], ["commission", 291], ["commissions", 291], ["go", 303], ["goest", 303], ["going", 303], ["get", 310], ["next", 315], ["month", 321], ["well", 328], ["wells", 328], ["dig", 344], ["dug", 344], ["digs", 344], ["digest", 344], ["digging", 344], ["file", 362], ["files", 362], ["run", 368], ["ran", 368], ["across", 375], ["contract", 396], ["contractest", 396], ["contracts", 396], ["insurance", 419], ["underwriter", 432], ["underwriters", 432], ["start", 457], ["started", 457], ["read", 465], ["reads", 465], ["discover", 492], ["discovered", 492], ["mr", 500], ["talk", 518], ["talked", 518], ["company", 540], ["companys", 540], ["companying", 540], ["advance", 555], ["advancest", 555], ["advancing", 555], ["project", 580], ["projectest", 580], ["projected", 580], ["sale", 586], ["sales", 586], ["year", 608], ["uh", 619], ["huh", 623], ["compare", 648], ["comparing", 648], ["actual", 683], ["even", 709], ["evens", 709], ["close", 715], ["meeting", 726], ["projection", 738], ["projections", 738], ["mean", 755], ["meanest", 755], ["means", 755], ["summer", 765], ["summering", 765], ["owe", 784], ["owes", 784], ["owing", 784], ["carrier", 807], ["carriers", 807], ["nearly", 814], ["quarter", 824], ["quartering", 824], ["million", 837], ["dollar", 845], ["dollars", 845], ["bottom", 858], ["bottoming", 858], ["line", 863], ["business", 900], ["job", 926], ["jobbing", 926], ["ca", 937], ["cas", 937], ["anything", 950], ["two", 984], ["twos", 984], ["month", 991], ["months", 991], ["spectacular", 1008], ["spectaculars", 1008], ["time", 1020], ["submit", 1031], ["application", 1052], ["applications", 1052], ["go", 1057], ["goest", 1057], ["underwriting", 1078], ["place", 1088], ["policy", 1108], ["policies", 1108], ["fall", 1124], ["falls", 1124], ["ready", 1150], ["yet", 1181], ["hot", 1187], ["shot", 1192], ["finish", 1214], ["finished", 1214], ["supper", 1224], ["try", 1244], ["tryed", 1244], ["trying", 1244], ["talk", 1252], ["mother", 1267], ["mothered", 1267], ["motherest", 1267], ["outside", 1280], ["reggie", 1292], ["start", 1302], ["kick", 1310], ["kicking", 1310], ["ball", 1319], ["around", 1326], ["kind", 1344], ["think", 1356], ["thinkest", 1356], ["thinking", 1356], ["start", 1371], ["starting", 1371], ["practice", 1387], ["money", 1411], ["moneys", 1411], ["notice", 1436], ["noticed", 1436], ["broked", 1451], ["broking", 1451], ["slowly", 1494], ["keep", 1503], ["keepest", 1503], ["overhead", 1515], ["low", 1519], ["lowed", 1519], ["get", 1538], ["got", 1538], ["regular", 1556], ["regulars", 1556], ["income", 1563], ["client", 1600], ["clients", 1600], ["guy", 1641], ["guys", 1641], ["cosmopolitan", 1657], ["cosmopolitans", 1657], ["life", 1662], ["lifes", 1662], ["say", 1675], ["sayest", 1675], ["send", 1689], ["lot", 1697], ["lots", 1697], ["trust", 1781], ["trusts", 1781], ["corporation", 1797], ["mostly", 1809], ["attorney", 1858], ["wo", 1865], ["torpedo", 1877], ["torpedoed", 1877], ["nice", 1920], ["think", 1939], ["thinkest", 1939], ["enough", 1960], ["survive", 1987], ["know", 2009], ["knowest", 2009], ["borrow", 2045], ["borrowest", 2045], ["set", 2063], ["office", 2076], ["much", 2093], ["need", 2107], ["needest", 2107], ["fifteen", 2138], ["twenty", 2148], ["thousand", 2157], ["loan", 2180], ["bank", 2220], ["suppose", 2232], ["week", 2244], ["see", 2289], ["lend", 2307], ["honey", 2350], ["honeys", 2350], ["seem", 2361], ["seeming", 2361], ["seems", 2361], ["pretty", 2368], ["prettiest", 2368], ["risky", 2374], ["gut", 2402], ["feel", 2410], ["feeling", 2410], ["okay", 2432], ["guess", 2504], ["hospital", 2533], ["thing", 2571], ["things", 2571], ["bring", 2596], ["hundred", 2612], ["fifty", 2622], ["oh", 2648], ["hate", 2657], ["hateed", 2657], ["babe", 2691], ["choice", 2733], ["reply", 2754], ["replied", 2754], ["manage", 2807], ["lot", 2842], ["easy", 2849], ["easier", 2849], ["mind", 2889], ["minding", 2889], ["tentatively", 2936], ["follow", 2952], ["following", 2952], ["monday", 2959], ["mondays", 2959], ["go", 2966], ["goest", 2966], ["went", 2966], ["canyon", 2976], ["valley", 2983], ["valleys", 2983], ["national", 2992], ["never", 3031], ["borrow", 3040], ["borrowest", 3040], ["borrowed", 3040], ["except", 3060], ["student", 3068], ["loan", 3074], ["loans", 3074], ["expect", 3107], ["anybody", 3132], ["new", 3170], ["account", 3179], ["accounts", 3179], ["desk", 3184], ["direct", 3245], ["directed", 3245], ["grey", 3255], ["officer", 3275], ["officering", 3275], ["name", 3281], ["named", 3281], ["martin", 3288], ["campbell", 3297], ["hi", 3320], ["stan", 3332], ["stans", 3332], ["turner", 3339], ["peer", 3364], ["peered", 3364], ["glass", 3393], ["glasses", 3393], ["without", 3401], ["smile", 3409], ["smiling", 3409], ["seat", 3426], ["minute", 3458], ["return", 3492], ["returnest", 3492], ["returned", 3492], ["paperwork", 3509], ["front", 3518], ["sat", 3555], ["sit", 3555], ["leather", 3586], ["side", 3591], ["sidest", 3591], ["chair", 3598], ["chairing", 3598], ["chairs", 3598], ["put", 3645], ["paper", 3656], ["papers", 3656], ["folder", 3668], ["drop", 3680], ["dropped", 3680], ["box", 3706], ["boxed", 3706], ["back", 3725], ["chair", 3738], ["chairing", 3738], ["look", 3749], ["looked", 3749], ["eye", 3763], ["eyed", 3763], ["like", 3778], ["graduate", 3889], ["graduated", 3889], ["law", 3898], ["school", 3905], ["schooling", 3905], ["yeah", 3981], ["always", 4012], ["rather", 4058], ["brash", 4064], ["endeavor", 4073], ["easy", 4142], ["require", 4161], ["substantial", 4173], ["capitalization", 4188], ["capitalizations", 4188], ["line", 4220], ["lined", 4220], ["friend", 4262], ["friends", 4262]]
right , we all have friends , and friends will tell you what you want to hear , but will they deliver on their promises ? '' `` not that they would n't want to , but how many opportunities are they going to realistically have to send you business ? '' `` they 're mainly insurance salesman , so probably quite often . '' `` i hope you 're right , '' campbell said as he reached into his drawer and pulled out a loan application . `` okay , before i get started i need to ask you one question . '' `` do you have any collateral ? '' `` collateral ? '' `` yeah , . you know , like stocks , bonds or real estate ? '' `` no , like i said , i just graduated from law school i have n't accumulated any assets yet . '' `` well , i 'm sorry but we do n't give unsecured loans . '' `` but i 'm a lawyer . i 'll pay it back . '' `` lawyers are notoriously bad businessmen . '' `` yes , that 's a fairly well known fact . '' `` you do n't even want me to fill out an application ? '' `` no , without collateral the only thing we could give you would be a gold american express card with a $ 2,000 line of credit ? '' `` i 'm supposed to start a law practice with $ 2,000 . '' `` well , that 's the best we can do . why do n't you go work for an established law firm for a while ? '' `` oh , i 've heard about that , working eighty hours a week for peanuts and having to kiss everyone 's ass hoping they 'll make you a partner . `` okay then , go get one of those fat juicy government jobs where they pay you lots of money to sit around and occupy desk space , '' he suggested . `` all the good government jobs are in washington , d.c . i want to stay here in dallas . i applied for the dea and they would have hired me but my wife failed her interview . '' `` your wife failed her interview ? '' `` uh huh , they asked her what she would do if i was doing undercover work and came home with lipstick on my collar and smelling like perfume . she said she would divorce me . '' `` then get a job with a major corporation . being an attorney will give you a great advantage . `` i did n't go to law school to become a businessman . i want to practice law and one way or another i 'm going to do just that . '' `` well , i 'm afraid i ca n't help you . '' i said and rose to my feet . i left the bank upset and discouraged by the cold shoulder mr. campbell had given me . to think of all the time , effort and agony i had put into becoming an attorney and all it got me was a $ 2,000 line of credit . it occurred to me that maybe other banks might have a different attitude so i visited several others . unfortunately , the reaction at each bank was pretty much the same , no collateral , no loan . although i was disappointed at not being able to get a loan i was not deterred from my resolve to start my own practice . call it stubbornness , pride or stupidity but whenever someone told me i could n't or should n't do something , it just intensified my desire to do it . that night at mark 's soccer game i broke the bad news to rebekah . i explained the banks policy about collateral and their offer to give us a gold american express card . she did n't seem upset . the thought of starting my own law practice was dropped for a few weeks but when helms announced the firm was shutting down and gave us all two weeks notice the issue again surfaced . we had just put the kids to bed and were just sitting down to watch tv when i gave rebekah the news . `` mr. helms called it quits today , '' i said . rebekah 's faced dropped . `` oh no , already ? '' `` he gave us two weeks notice . '' `` oh , crap , i thought we would have another couple of months . '' `` he tried to get another advance from one of the underwriters but they turned him down . '' `` are you going to start looking for another job ? '' `` no , i think i 'm going to take the plunge . '' `` you mean start practicing law by yourself ? '' `` yeah , i really want to have my own law practice . '' `` stan , come on , you do n't have any clients . '' `` i really think the guys will send me quite a bit of business and i 'm already getting requests from friends and acquaintances for wills and stuff . '' `` what happens if you do n't get enough business ? '' `` then i 'll go look for another job . '' `` i was looking in the newspaper today and i found an ad for a furnished office with burton realty in the north dallas bank building , '' i said . `` you know those towers near lbj freeway and preston road .
[["right", 5], ["rightest", 5], ["friend", 27], ["friends", 27], ["tell", 51], ["hear", 77], ["hears", 77], ["deliver", 101], ["promise", 119], ["promises", 119], ["many", 174], ["opportunity", 188], ["opportunities", 188], ["go", 203], ["goest", 203], ["going", 203], ["realistically", 220], ["send", 233], ["business", 246], ["mainly", 270], ["insurance", 280], ["salesman", 289], ["probably", 303], ["often", 315], ["hope", 330], ["campbell", 358], ["say", 363], ["sayest", 363], ["said", 363], ["reach", 377], ["reached", 377], ["drawer", 393], ["pull", 404], ["pulled", 404], ["loan", 415], ["application", 427], ["okay", 437], ["get", 452], ["start", 460], ["started", 460], ["need", 467], ["needest", 467], ["ask", 474], ["question", 491], ["collateral", 526], ["yeah", 558], ["know", 571], ["knowest", 571], ["like", 578], ["stock", 585], ["stocks", 585], ["bond", 593], ["bonds", 593], ["real", 601], ["reis", 601], ["estate", 608], ["graduate", 652], ["graduated", 652], ["law", 661], ["school", 668], ["schooling", 668], ["accumulate", 691], ["accumulates", 691], ["accumulated", 691], ["asset", 702], ["assets", 702], ["yet", 706], ["well", 719], ["wells", 719], ["sorry", 732], ["give", 751], ["unsecured", 761], ["loan", 767], ["loans", 767], ["lawyer", 793], ["pay", 805], ["pays", 805], ["payest", 805], ["back", 813], ["lawyer", 829], ["lawyers", 829], ["notoriously", 845], ["bad", 849], ["businessman", 861], ["businessmen", 861], ["yes", 873], ["fairly", 892], ["know", 903], ["knowest", 903], ["known", 903], ["fact", 908], ["even", 932], ["evens", 932], ["fill", 948], ["fills", 948], ["without", 988], ["thing", 1014], ["gold", 1048], ["golds", 1048], ["american", 1057], ["americans", 1057], ["express", 1065], ["card", 1070], ["line", 1090], ["credit", 1100], ["suppose", 1122], ["supposed", 1122], ["start", 1131], ["practice", 1146], ["good", 1191], ["best", 1191], ["go", 1221], ["goest", 1221], ["work", 1226], ["wrought", 1226], ["firm", 1254], ["oh", 1277], ["hear", 1291], ["hears", 1291], ["heard", 1291], ["work", 1312], ["wrought", 1312], ["working", 1312], ["eighty", 1319], ["hour", 1325], ["hours", 1325], ["week", 1332], ["peanut", 1344], ["peanuts", 1344], ["kiss", 1363], ["kisses", 1363], ["kissest", 1363], ["everyone", 1372], ["ass", 1379], ["hope", 1386], ["hoping", 1386], ["partner", 1414], ["fat", 1455], ["fattest", 1455], ["juicy", 1461], ["government", 1472], ["job", 1477], ["jobbing", 1477], ["jobs", 1477], ["lot", 1501], ["lots", 1501], ["money", 1510], ["moneys", 1510], ["sat", 1517], ["sit", 1517], ["around", 1524], ["occupy", 1535], ["desk", 1540], ["space", 1546], ["spaced", 1546], ["spacing", 1546], ["suggest", 1564], ["suggested", 1564], ["good", 1582], ["washington", 1616], ["stay", 1639], ["apply", 1666], ["applyed", 1666], ["applied", 1666], ["dea", 1678], ["hire", 1704], ["hired", 1704], ["wife", 1719], ["fail", 1726], ["failed", 1726], ["interview", 1740], ["uh", 1790], ["huh", 1794], ["ask", 1807], ["asked", 1807], ["undercover", 1855], ["come", 1869], ["came", 1869], ["home", 1874], ["homing", 1874], ["lipstick", 1888], ["collar", 1901], ["collared", 1901], ["smelt", 1914], ["smell", 1914], ["smellest", 1914], ["smelling", 1914], ["perfume", 1927], ["perfumed", 1927], ["perfumes", 1927], ["divorce", 1956], ["job", 1982], ["jobbing", 1982], ["major", 1995], ["corporation", 2007], ["attorney", 2027], ["great", 2049], ["advantage", 2059], ["advantaging", 2059], ["become", 2101], ["businessman", 2115], ["way", 2152], ["ways", 2152], ["another", 2163], ["afraid", 2217], ["ca", 2222], ["cas", 2222], ["help", 2231], ["helpest", 2231], ["rise", 2256], ["risen", 2256], ["rose", 2256], ["foot", 2267], ["feet", 2267], ["left", 2276], ["leave", 2276], ["bank", 2285], ["upset", 2291], ["discourage", 2307], ["discouraging", 2307], ["discouraged", 2307], ["cold", 2319], ["shoulder", 2328], ["shouldered", 2328], ["mr", 2331], ["give", 2351], ["given", 2351], ["think", 2365], ["thinkest", 2365], ["time", 2381], ["effort", 2390], ["agony", 2400], ["put", 2410], ["become", 2424], ["becoming", 2424], ["get", 2451], ["got", 2451], ["occur", 2497], ["occurest", 2497], ["occurred", 2497], ["maybe", 2514], ["bank", 2526], ["banks", 2526], ["may", 2532], ["mays", 2532], ["mayest", 2532], ["might", 2532], ["different", 2549], ["attitude", 2558], ["visit", 2571], ["visited", 2571], ["several", 2579], ["unfortunately", 2602], ["reaction", 2617], ["pretty", 2641], ["prettiest", 2641], ["much", 2646], ["although", 2692], ["disappoint", 2711], ["disappointed", 2711], ["able", 2729], ["abled", 2729], ["deter", 2762], ["deterred", 2762], ["resolve", 2778], ["call", 2810], ["stubbornness", 2826], ["pride", 2834], ["stupidity", 2847], ["stupidities", 2847], ["whenever", 2860], ["tell", 2873], ["told", 2873], ["intensify", 2937], ["intensified", 2937], ["desire", 2947], ["night", 2969], ["mark", 2977], ["marks", 2977], ["soccer", 2987], ["soccers", 2987], ["game", 2992], ["broke", 3000], ["break", 3000], ["news", 3013], ["newses", 3013], ["rebekah", 3024], ["explain", 3038], ["explained", 3038], ["policy", 3055], ["offer", 3088], ["seem", 3147], ["seeming", 3147], ["think", 3167], ["thought", 3167], ["thinkest", 3167], ["start", 3179], ["starting", 3179], ["drop", 3211], ["dropped", 3211], ["week", 3227], ["weeks", 3227], ["helm", 3242], ["helmed", 3242], ["helmest", 3242], ["helms", 3242], ["announce", 3252], ["announced", 3252], ["shut", 3274], ["shutting", 3274], ["give", 3288], ["gave", 3288], ["two", 3299], ["twos", 3299], ["notice", 3312], ["issue", 3322], ["surface", 3337], ["surfaced", 3337], ["kid", 3364], ["kids", 3364], ["bed", 3371], ["sat", 3393], ["sit", 3393], ["sitting", 3393], ["watch", 3407], ["tv", 3410], ["call", 3461], ["called", 3461], ["quit", 3470], ["quits", 3470], ["quitting", 3470], ["today", 3476], ["already", 3536], ["crap", 3590], ["crapped", 3590], ["couple", 3631], ["month", 3641], ["months", 3641], ["try", 3658], ["tryed", 3658], ["tried", 3658], ["advance", 3681], ["advancest", 3681], ["underwriter", 3710], ["underwriters", 3710], ["turn", 3726], ["turned", 3726], ["look", 3774], ["looking", 3774], ["take", 3830], ["plunge", 3841], ["mean", 3858], ["meanest", 3858], ["practice", 3875], ["practicing", 3875], ["really", 3915], ["stan", 3961], ["stans", 3961], ["come", 3968], ["client", 4001], ["clients", 4001], ["guy", 4033], ["guys", 4033], ["bit", 4058], ["bits", 4058], ["get", 4095], ["getting", 4095], ["request", 4104], ["requestest", 4104], ["requests", 4104], ["acquaintance", 4135], ["acquaintances", 4135], ["stuff", 4155], ["happen", 4176], ["happens", 4176], ["enough", 4201], ["look", 4237], ["newspaper", 4292], ["find", 4310], ["found", 4310], ["ad", 4316], ["office", 4339], ["burton", 4351], ["realty", 4358], ["north", 4371], ["build", 4392], ["building", 4392], ["tower", 4431], ["towered", 4431], ["towerest", 4431], ["towers", 4431], ["near", 4436], ["lbj", 4440], ["freeway", 4448], ["preston", 4460], ["road", 4465]]
it would be perfect and he only wants $ 150 per month . '' `` that could n't be much of an office . '' `` well , i only need a desk and a typewriter to get started . anyway , when clients come in they 'll think the whole office is mine . '' `` but you wo n't have a secretary . '' `` well , it 's a good thing i took typing in high school . anyway , i 'll just stay there six months or so and then i 'll get a real office with a live secretary . '' `` i guess we can go take a look at it . '' `` good , get your mom to baby sit tomorrow at lunch . i 'll come pick you up and we 'll go check it out . '' `` okay , if you promise to feed me . '' `` we might arrange that . '' the following day we visited the north dallas bank building and met general horace burton . he was a retired army general who sold commercial real estate as a second career . he greeted us when we walked into his office . `` we 've come about your ad for office space . '' `` oh yes , its over here . '' general burton pointed to a small room off to our right which appeared to be about eight by ten feet . it was furnished with a desk , a chair , a typing stand , typewriter and a few prints on the walls . despite its small size it looked pretty impressive . general burton asked . i just graduated from law school and wanted to start up a law practice . '' `` a lawyer , huh ? i may need your services . '' `` yeah , i just got sued by some bastard whos trying to get out of paying a commission he owes me . '' `` anyway , i do n't like the way my attorney is handling it . i may want to switch , '' the general said . `` well , i 'd be happy to take a look at your case . '' `` good , my patience is running out with this clown . '' i smiled and held up the ad in front of the general . `` your ad said it was a hundred and fifty dollars a month , is that right ? '' `` yes , that 's including all the furniture . you 'll have to get your own phone line though . '' `` what do you think , honey ? '' `` it 's beautiful stan , '' rebekah replied . `` then we 'll take it . '' rebekah frowned . `` i thought we were just looking ? '' `` i know , but we 're not going to find anything better than this , '' i said . rebekah shook her head and frowned at me . i gave her an excited smile and said , `` we 'll take it . '' `` great , it 'll be good to have an attorney close at hand . what kind of law do you practice anyway ? '' `` i do n't know yet , . probably estate planning and business law . '' `` good , maybe i can send you some business . '' `` that would be super . '' needless to say i was ecstatic to find such a great place to start out my law practice . the office was attractive and the location was excellent . if general burton did send me some business that would be an added bonus . but with overhead of only a hundred and fifty dollars a month , i surely could survive long enough to get some business rolling in . that night we took the whole family out to dinner to celebrate the beginning of my new venture as a sole practitioner . the kids did n't really understand what the celebration was about but they loved the pizza . rebekah was a little scared but i assured her it would all work out for the best . i told her the important thing was that i was doing what i wanted to do and that usually was the ticket to success . about ten days later i walked into my new office , placed a sign on my new desk that read `` stanley turner , attorney at law '' and waited for my first client . about an hour later general burton came in from playing golf , which was his passion , and shot the breeze with me until it was almost noon . `` do you have any lunch plans , stan ? '' `` well , not really , '' i replied . `` how would you like to meet rufus green ? '' `` you mean the rufus green of the yankees ? '' `` the one and only , '' general burton said . `` wow , that would be fabulous . '' `` well good , i 'm having lunch with him today and you can join us . '' `` why thank you , general , that 's very nice of you . '' `` no problem , i think rufus will like you a lot and god knows the way that guy wheels and deals he must use a lot of attorneys . '' just then the door swung open and a tall , muscular man walked in who i immediately recognized as being rufus green .
[["perfect", 19], ["perfectest", 19], ["per", 47], ["month", 53], ["much", 84], ["office", 97], ["well", 110], ["wells", 110], ["need", 124], ["needest", 124], ["desk", 131], ["typewriter", 148], ["get", 155], ["start", 163], ["started", 163], ["anyway", 172], ["client", 187], ["clients", 187], ["come", 192], ["think", 210], ["thinkest", 210], ["whole", 220], ["wholes", 220], ["wo", 254], ["secretary", 275], ["good", 303], ["thing", 309], ["take", 316], ["took", 316], ["type", 323], ["typing", 323], ["high", 331], ["school", 338], ["schooling", 338], ["stay", 365], ["six", 375], ["month", 382], ["months", 382], ["real", 414], ["reis", 414], ["live", 433], ["guess", 459], ["go", 469], ["goest", 469], ["take", 474], ["look", 481], ["mom", 515], ["moms", 515], ["baby", 523], ["sat", 527], ["sit", 527], ["tomorrow", 536], ["tomorrows", 536], ["lunch", 545], ["lunches", 545], ["lunched", 545], ["pick", 563], ["check", 590], ["okay", 610], ["promise", 627], ["fed", 635], ["feed", 635], ["may", 655], ["mays", 655], ["mayest", 655], ["might", 655], ["arrange", 663], ["arranging", 663], ["follow", 687], ["following", 687], ["day", 691], ["visit", 702], ["visited", 702], ["north", 712], ["bank", 724], ["build", 733], ["building", 733], ["meet", 741], ["meeted", 741], ["met", 741], ["general", 749], ["horace", 756], ["burton", 763], ["retire", 782], ["retired", 782], ["army", 787], ["sell", 804], ["sells", 804], ["sold", 804], ["commercial", 815], ["estate", 827], ["second", 839], ["seconded", 839], ["career", 846], ["greet", 859], ["greeting", 859], ["greeted", 859], ["walk", 877], ["walked", 877], ["ad", 924], ["space", 941], ["spaced", 941], ["spacing", 941], ["oh", 952], ["yes", 956], ["point", 1000], ["pointed", 1000], ["small", 1011], ["room", 1016], ["roomed", 1016], ["right", 1033], ["rightest", 1033], ["appear", 1048], ["appeared", 1048], ["eight", 1066], ["ten", 1073], ["foot", 1078], ["feet", 1078], ["furnish", 1097], ["furnished", 1097], ["chair", 1119], ["chairing", 1119], ["stand", 1136], ["stood", 1136], ["standest", 1136], ["print", 1166], ["prints", 1166], ["wall", 1179], ["walls", 1179], ["despite", 1189], ["size", 1204], ["look", 1214], ["looked", 1214], ["pretty", 1221], ["prettiest", 1221], ["impressive", 1232], ["ask", 1255], ["asked", 1255], ["graduate", 1274], ["graduated", 1274], ["law", 1283], ["start", 1310], ["practice", 1328], ["lawyer", 1345], ["huh", 1351], ["may", 1359], ["mays", 1359], ["mayest", 1359], ["service", 1378], ["servicing", 1378], ["services", 1378], ["yeah", 1391], ["get", 1404], ["got", 1404], ["sue", 1409], ["sued", 1409], ["sueing", 1409], ["bastard", 1425], ["try", 1437], ["tryed", 1437], ["trying", 1437], ["pay", 1458], ["pays", 1458], ["payest", 1458], ["paying", 1458], ["commission", 1471], ["owe", 1479], ["owes", 1479], ["owing", 1479], ["like", 1513], ["way", 1521], ["ways", 1521], ["attorney", 1533], ["handle", 1545], ["handling", 1545], ["switch", 1571], ["switching", 1571], ["say", 1593], ["sayest", 1593], ["said", 1593], ["happy", 1619], ["case", 1647], ["patience", 1674], ["run", 1685], ["running", 1685], ["clown", 1705], ["smile", 1719], ["smiled", 1719], ["hold", 1728], ["held", 1728], ["front", 1747], ["hundred", 1797], ["fifty", 1807], ["dollar", 1815], ["dollars", 1815], ["include", 1871], ["including", 1871], ["furniture", 1889], ["phone", 1926], ["line", 1931], ["though", 1938], ["honey", 1972], ["honeys", 1972], ["beautiful", 1996], ["beautifulest", 1996], ["stan", 2001], ["stans", 2001], ["rebekah", 2014], ["reply", 2022], ["replied", 2022], ["frown", 2068], ["frowns", 2068], ["frowned", 2068], ["think", 2083], ["thinkest", 2083], ["thought", 2083], ["look", 2104], ["looking", 2104], ["know", 2119], ["knowest", 2119], ["go", 2142], ["goest", 2142], ["going", 2142], ["find", 2150], ["anything", 2159], ["well", 2166], ["wells", 2166], ["shake", 2204], ["shook", 2204], ["head", 2213], ["give", 2240], ["gave", 2240], ["smile", 2261], ["great", 2304], ["close", 2347], ["hand", 2355], ["kind", 2367], ["yet", 2423], ["probably", 2436], ["planning", 2452], ["business", 2465], ["maybe", 2490], ["send", 2501], ["super", 2547], ["needless", 2561], ["say", 2568], ["sayest", 2568], ["ecstatic", 2583], ["place", 2610], ["attractive", 2667], ["location", 2684], ["excellent", 2698], ["add", 2767], ["added", 2767], ["bonus", 2773], ["overhead", 2793], ["surely", 2848], ["survive", 2862], ["long", 2867], ["longs", 2867], ["enough", 2874], ["roll", 2903], ["rolling", 2903], ["night", 2919], ["family", 2944], ["dinner", 2958], ["celebrate", 2971], ["beginning", 2985], ["new", 2995], ["venture", 3003], ["sole", 3013], ["practitioner", 3026], ["kid", 3037], ["kids", 3037], ["really", 3052], ["understand", 3063], ["understanded", 3063], ["celebration", 3084], ["love", 3109], ["loved", 3109], ["pizza", 3119], ["little", 3142], ["assure", 3163], ["assured", 3163], ["work", 3185], ["wrought", 3185], ["good", 3202], ["best", 3202], ["tell", 3211], ["told", 3211], ["important", 3229], ["usually", 3293], ["ticket", 3308], ["success", 3319], ["successes", 3319], ["day", 3336], ["days", 3336], ["later", 3342], ["place", 3379], ["placed", 3379], ["sign", 3386], ["read", 3411], ["reads", 3411], ["stanley", 3422], ["turner", 3429], ["wait", 3461], ["waitest", 3461], ["waited", 3461], ["first", 3474], ["firstest", 3474], ["client", 3481], ["hour", 3497], ["come", 3523], ["came", 3523], ["play", 3539], ["playest", 3539], ["playing", 3539], ["golf", 3544], ["golfs", 3544], ["passion", 3568], ["shoot", 3579], ["shooted", 3579], ["shot", 3579], ["breeze", 3590], ["breezing", 3590], ["almost", 3618], ["noon", 3623], ["plan", 3656], ["plans", 3656], ["meet", 3736], ["meeted", 3736], ["rufus", 3742], ["green", 3748], ["greens", 3748], ["mean", 3765], ["meanest", 3765], ["wow", 3855], ["fabulous", 3880], ["today", 3933], ["join", 3950], ["joinest", 3950], ["thank", 3971], ["thanks", 3971], ["thankest", 3971], ["nice", 4005], ["problem", 4031], ["lot", 4067], ["god", 4075], ["know", 4081], ["knowest", 4081], ["knows", 4081], ["guy", 4098], ["wheel", 4105], ["wheeled", 4105], ["wheels", 4105], ["deal", 4115], ["deals", 4115], ["must", 4123], ["musts", 4123], ["use", 4127], ["attorney", 4146], ["attorneys", 4146], ["door", 4170], ["swung", 4176], ["swing", 4176], ["open", 4181], ["tall", 4192], ["muscular", 4203], ["man", 4207], ["mans", 4207], ["manned", 4207], ["immediately", 4235], ["recognize", 4246], ["recognized", 4246]]
he had blond hair , blue eyes and looked like he was n't a day over thirty-five , although he was actually close to fifty . even though i lived in california at the time and was a dodger fan , i always admired rufus green as a great center fielder and tremendous hitter . i could n't believe that he was standing in front of me . `` rufus , you son of a gun , how are you ? '' general burton said . `` just fine general , you ready for lunch ? '' rufus asked . `` i 'm ready , the general said and then glanced over at me . hey rufus , i want you to meet my new tenant and friend , stan turner . he 's an attorney . '' rufus gave me a once over and then said evenly , `` well , i guess i wo n't hold that against him . i laughed tentatively . rufus cracked a smile and extended his hand . nice to meet you , turner . '' this is such a surprise . i 've been a fan of yours for years and i never dreamed i would ever see you in person . '' `` well , i 'm just flesh and bone just like everybody else . '' `` i invited stan along for lunch , if thats all right , rufus ? '' `` sure , im gon na need a new attorney here pretty soon , '' rufus replied . `` can you believe wally was appointed to the federal bench ? he 's been my attorney for years . i do n't know what i 'm going to do without him . '' he was a good man , general burton said. `` well , if i can do anything for you , let me know , '' i said . after lunch i could n't wait to call rebekah and tell her i had just had lunch with rufus green . i knew she was n't much of a baseball fan but she would have to be impressed because everyone knew him . as it turned out my afternoon was n't too shabby either as one of my old insurance buddies , tex weller , showed up unexpectedly to get a will for he and his wife . not only had i eaten lunch with rufus green but i made $ 75 to boot . 3 the promoter during my first week in law practice i made $ 280 , about as much as i had been making per week before i got out of law school . i went ahead and got the american express gold card , with the big $ 2,000 line of credit , just in case i came up short during the month . late monday morning of my second week of practice i got a phone call from rufus green . `` listen a friend of mine needs an attorney and i thought maybe you and he ought to meet . '' what kind of work does he need done ? '' `` he 's a real estate investor . do you handle real estate ? '' `` oh yeah , of course . '' `` well , he finds apartment houses and commercial buildings for sale and flips them . '' `` flips them ? '' `` yeah , you know , buys them , fixes them up a little and then sells them for a profit . '' `` oh , . what does he need me to do ? '' `` he needs you to do all of the documentation of the sales . '' great , that would be excellent , '' i said . `` i need to tell you a little about kurt though . '' `` kurt ? '' `` harrison , kurt harrison . '' `` now kurt moves pretty fast and he needs someone to give him special attention . '' `` that should n't be a problem at this stage of my career ? '' will he be your first client ? '' `` anyway , kurt does n't have time to come to your office . you 'll need to go to his place and he 'll need his work done fast . '' `` okay , where does he live ? '' `` in arlington , about 45 minutes from your office . '' `` arlington ? `` can you go over right now ? '' `` i told you he moves fast . '' `` okay , give me an address and i 'm on my way . '' `` 1000 winding river trail . '' `` okay , see you in forty-five minutes . '' i had mixed reactions to this sudden new business . in law school i had taken property law but i had never had any practical experience in closing real estate transactions . now suddenly i was expected to show up at kurt harrison 's place as a real property expert . obviously kurt was going to know a lot about real estate and he would quickly spot my inexperience if i was n't careful . as i jumped into my white , 1972 ford pinto hatchback , butterflies began swarming in my stomach . i got out my mapsco and found lake view trail . it was in a ritzy neighborhood about three miles southwest of downtown . when i arrived there i was astonished to see a dozen or so waterfront mansions overlooking a small but scenic lake . the water was choppy as there was a strong wind from the south .
[["blond", 12], ["hair", 17], ["blue", 24], ["eye", 29], ["eyed", 29], ["eyes", 29], ["look", 40], ["looked", 40], ["like", 45], ["day", 62], ["thirty", 74], ["five", 79], ["fived", 79], ["although", 90], ["close", 112], ["fifty", 121], ["even", 128], ["evens", 128], ["though", 135], ["live", 143], ["lived", 143], ["california", 157], ["time", 169], ["dodger", 186], ["fan", 190], ["always", 201], ["admire", 209], ["admired", 209], ["rufus", 215], ["green", 221], ["greens", 221], ["great", 232], ["center", 239], ["fielder", 247], ["tremendous", 262], ["hitter", 269], ["believe", 291], ["stand", 312], ["stood", 312], ["standest", 312], ["standing", 312], ["front", 321], ["son", 348], ["gun", 357], ["general", 384], ["burton", 391], ["say", 396], ["sayest", 396], ["said", 396], ["fine", 411], ["ready", 431], ["lunch", 441], ["lunches", 441], ["lunched", 441], ["ask", 458], ["asked", 458], ["glance", 510], ["glanced", 510], ["hey", 527], ["meet", 554], ["meeted", 554], ["new", 561], ["tenant", 568], ["friend", 579], ["stan", 586], ["stans", 586], ["attorney", 613], ["give", 629], ["gave", 629], ["evenly", 665], ["well", 675], ["wells", 675], ["guess", 685], ["wo", 690], ["hold", 699], ["laugh", 728], ["laughed", 728], ["tentatively", 740], ["crack", 756], ["cracked", 756], ["smile", 764], ["extend", 777], ["extended", 777], ["hand", 786], ["nice", 793], ["surprise", 843], ["surprised", 843], ["year", 881], ["years", 881], ["never", 893], ["dream", 901], ["dreamt", 901], ["dreamest", 901], ["dreamed", 901], ["ever", 914], ["everest", 914], ["see", 918], ["person", 932], ["flesh", 963], ["fleshest", 963], ["bone", 972], ["bonest", 972], ["else", 997], ["invite", 1015], ["invites", 1015], ["invited", 1015], ["along", 1026], ["right", 1057], ["rightest", 1057], ["sure", 1078], ["gon", 1087], ["na", 1090], ["nas", 1090], ["need", 1095], ["needest", 1095], ["pretty", 1122], ["prettiest", 1122], ["soon", 1127], ["reply", 1146], ["replied", 1146], ["wally", 1173], ["appoint", 1187], ["appointed", 1187], ["federal", 1202], ["bench", 1208], ["benched", 1208], ["know", 1259], ["knowest", 1259], ["go", 1275], ["goest", 1275], ["going", 1275], ["without", 1289], ["good", 1312], ["man", 1316], ["mans", 1316], ["manned", 1316], ["anything", 1370], ["let", 1384], ["lets", 1384], ["wait", 1435], ["waitest", 1435], ["call", 1443], ["rebekah", 1451], ["tell", 1460], ["know", 1511], ["knowest", 1511], ["knew", 1511], ["much", 1528], ["baseball", 1542], ["everyone", 1598], ["turn", 1622], ["turned", 1622], ["afternoon", 1639], ["shabby", 1658], ["either", 1665], ["old", 1682], ["insurance", 1692], ["buddy", 1700], ["buddies", 1700], ["tex", 1706], ["show", 1722], ["showed", 1722], ["unexpectedly", 1738], ["get", 1745], ["wife", 1772], ["eat", 1795], ["eaten", 1795], ["boot", 1842], ["promoter", 1859], ["first", 1875], ["firstest", 1875], ["week", 1880], ["law", 1887], ["practice", 1896], ["per", 1950], ["get", 1968], ["got", 1968], ["school", 1986], ["schooling", 1986], ["go", 1995], ["goest", 1995], ["went", 1995], ["ahead", 2001], ["american", 2022], ["americans", 2022], ["express", 2030], ["gold", 2035], ["golds", 2035], ["card", 2040], ["big", 2055], ["bigs", 2055], ["line", 2068], ["credit", 2078], ["case", 2093], ["come", 2100], ["came", 2100], ["short", 2109], ["month", 2126], ["late", 2133], ["lates", 2133], ["monday", 2140], ["mondays", 2140], ["morning", 2148], ["second", 2161], ["seconded", 2161], ["phone", 2192], ["listen", 2226], ["listens", 2226], ["mine", 2243], ["need", 2249], ["needest", 2249], ["needs", 2249], ["think", 2275], ["thinkest", 2275], ["thought", 2275], ["maybe", 2281], ["ought", 2298], ["kind", 2321], ["work", 2329], ["wrought", 2329], ["real", 2368], ["reis", 2368], ["estate", 2375], ["investor", 2384], ["handle", 2400], ["oh", 2423], ["yeah", 2428], ["course", 2440], ["find", 2464], ["finds", 2464], ["apartment", 2474], ["house", 2481], ["houses", 2481], ["commercial", 2496], ["build", 2506], ["building", 2506], ["buildings", 2506], ["sale", 2515], ["flip", 2525], ["flipping", 2525], ["flips", 2525], ["buy", 2580], ["buyed", 2580], ["buys", 2580], ["fix", 2593], ["fixes", 2593], ["little", 2610], ["sell", 2625], ["sells", 2625], ["profit", 2643], ["documentation", 2737], ["sale", 2750], ["sales", 2750], ["excellent", 2787], ["kurt", 2843], ["harrison", 2880], ["move", 2919], ["moves", 2919], ["fast", 2931], ["give", 2960], ["special", 2972], ["attention", 2982], ["problem", 3019], ["stage", 3033], ["staging", 3033], ["career", 3046], ["client", 3080], ["anyway", 3095], ["come", 3129], ["office", 3144], ["go", 3165], ["goest", 3165], ["place", 3178], ["okay", 3226], ["live", 3247], ["arlington", 3268], ["minute", 3287], ["minutes", 3287], ["tell", 3368], ["told", 3368], ["address", 3420], ["way", 3439], ["ways", 3439], ["wind", 3460], ["winding", 3460], ["river", 3466], ["trail", 3472], ["forty", 3504], ["mix", 3534], ["mixed", 3534], ["reaction", 3544], ["reactions", 3544], ["sudden", 3559], ["business", 3572], ["take", 3600], ["taken", 3600], ["property", 3609], ["practical", 3647], ["experience", 3658], ["experienced", 3658], ["close", 3669], ["transaction", 3694], ["transactions", 3694], ["suddenly", 3709], ["expect", 3724], ["expected", 3724], ["show", 3732], ["expert", 3787], ["obviously", 3799], ["lot", 3828], ["quickly", 3867], ["spot", 3872], ["inexperience", 3888], ["inexperienced", 3888], ["careful", 3909], ["jump", 3923], ["jumps", 3923], ["jumped", 3923], ["white", 3937], ["ford", 3949], ["pinto", 3955], ["pintos", 3955], ["hatchback", 3965], ["butterfly", 3979], ["butterflies", 3979], ["begin", 3985], ["began", 3985], ["swarm", 3994], ["swarmed", 3994], ["swarmest", 3994], ["swarming", 3994], ["stomach", 4008], ["stomachs", 4008], ["stomaching", 4008], ["find", 4040], ["found", 4040], ["lake", 4045], ["view", 4050], ["viewest", 4050], ["ritzy", 4076], ["neighborhood", 4089], ["three", 4101], ["mile", 4107], ["miles", 4107], ["southwest", 4117], ["downtown", 4129], ["downtowns", 4129], ["arrive", 4146], ["arrived", 4146], ["astonish", 4169], ["astonished", 4169], ["dozen", 4184], ["waterfront", 4201], ["mansion", 4210], ["mansions", 4210], ["overlook", 4222], ["overlooking", 4222], ["small", 4230], ["scenic", 4241], ["water", 4258], ["choppy", 4269], ["strong", 4291], ["wind", 4296], ["south", 4311]]
several sailboats were taking advantage of the strong wind . after passing lake view country club , i approached 1000 lake view trail , i noticed a large concrete block fence around the perimeter of the property . there was a gate at the front entrance which kept visitors out and required them to request permission to enter . inside the gate were several doberman pinchers patrolling the property . i pulled up my car to the entrance , stuck my head out the window and pushed the intercom . `` yes , who is it , '' a voice answered . `` hi , i 'm stan turner , i have an appointment with mr . `` okay , drive on in , '' the voice answered . the gate slowly opened . i drove down the circular driveway around a large fountain until i was in front of the mansion . there were several vehicles already parked out front including a limousine , a rolls royce and a maserati . i felt humiliated getting out of my dirty old ford pinto in the midst of such opulence but there was nothing i could do but swallow my pride and go on inside . i parked my car , walked over to the two large glass front doors and pushed the door bell . after a minute a pretty young brunette came to the door and opened it . `` hi , i 'm stan turner . i 've got an appointment to see kurt harrison . '' `` hello stan , i 'm cynthia carson , kurt 's personal secretary . come on in and i 'll take you to him . '' i was delighted to be greeted by such an attractive and friendly young woman . i walked inside and followed her eagerly through the magnificent living room with its spiral staircase leading up to what appeared to be second floor bedrooms . upon leaving the living room we entered a large atrium area filled with tropical plants and assorted patio furniture . cynthia continued on through a door that led into a large den . the room was decorated in an african motif complete with zebra skins and elephant tusks . a slender , good looking young man of no more than thirty years of age was sitting behind a large oak desk reading through some papers . `` have a seat , '' kurt said . `` oh , thanks , '' i said and sat down in a zebra skin chair . rufus green tells me you are a real estate investor . '' we operate several apartment complexes and office buildings in dallas , fort worth and amarillo . that must keep you busy . yes , but fortunately the managers take care of the day to day operations . my main focus is sales and acquisitions . rufus mentioned you liked to turn , i mean flip , properties as quick as you can . yes , and thats why i need your services right now . were in the middle of an office building rehab project on turtle creek . '' `` yes , i 've got some canadian investors coming in tomorrow who are going to put up the capital to buy the building and i need the paperwork done by morning . '' how 's the deal going to work ? '' `` i 'll have cynthia and dan fill you in on the details , i 've got to go meet some people for lunch . '' `` yes , he 's my partner and cpa . he should be here pretty soon . you can just hang around until he gets here . '' kurt stood up and started to put on his coat . `` okay , i said and stood up . dan will be here in a minute . right , i said and extended my hand . well , it 's been nice meeting you . `` likewise , i 'll talk to you tomorrow . '' kurt turned and left the room . cynthia followed him to the front door and then returned to the den where i was admiring the full size replica of an african pygmy that adorned one corner of the room . `` well , i think kurt likes you , '' cynthia said . well , i hope so . '' `` he 's very particular about who he deals with . he seemed very comfortable with you . '' `` that 's good , he seems like a very nice guy . '' `` i think you will like him once you get to know him . '' `` how long have you been his secretary ? '' `` about two years now . '' `` do you handle all his affairs ? '' `` i just work part time . i take care of his correspondence , paperwork and appointments . his partner , dan , handles most of kurt 's financial affairs . i 'm working on getting my brokerage license so i can represent kurt when he buys and sells property . '' `` well , i guess you better fill me in on what 's going on since we have a lot of documents to prepare before morning . '' `` i 'm going to need the names and addresses of all the buyers and what percentage each is buying , a copy of the previous deed to the property , the purchase price , the details of any financing and any other documentation that you might think is relevant . ''
[["several", 7], ["sailboat", 17], ["sailboats", 17], ["take", 29], ["taking", 29], ["advantage", 39], ["advantaging", 39], ["strong", 53], ["wind", 58], ["pass", 74], ["passing", 74], ["lake", 79], ["view", 84], ["viewest", 84], ["country", 92], ["club", 97], ["clubbed", 97], ["clubbing", 97], ["approach", 112], ["approaches", 112], ["approached", 112], ["trail", 133], ["notice", 145], ["noticed", 145], ["large", 153], ["concrete", 162], ["block", 168], ["blocks", 168], ["fence", 174], ["around", 181], ["perimeter", 195], ["property", 211], ["gate", 230], ["gates", 230], ["front", 243], ["entrance", 252], ["entrancing", 252], ["keep", 263], ["keepest", 263], ["kept", 263], ["visitor", 272], ["visitors", 272], ["require", 289], ["required", 289], ["request", 305], ["requestest", 305], ["permission", 316], ["enter", 325], ["inside", 334], ["doberman", 365], ["pincher", 374], ["pinchers", 374], ["patrol", 385], ["patrolling", 385], ["pull", 409], ["pulled", 409], ["car", 419], ["head", 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["sit", 1979], ["sitting", 1979], ["behind", 1986], ["oak", 1998], ["desk", 2003], ["read", 2011], ["reads", 2011], ["reading", 2011], ["paper", 2031], ["papers", 2031], ["seat", 2048], ["say", 2063], ["sayest", 2063], ["said", 2063], ["oh", 2071], ["sat", 2100], ["sit", 2100], ["skin", 2121], ["chair", 2127], ["chairing", 2127], ["green", 2141], ["greens", 2141], ["tell", 2147], ["tells", 2147], ["real", 2165], ["reis", 2165], ["estate", 2172], ["investor", 2181], ["operate", 2197], ["apartment", 2215], ["complex", 2225], ["complexes", 2225], ["office", 2236], ["build", 2246], ["building", 2246], ["buildings", 2246], ["fort", 2263], ["worth", 2269], ["amarillo", 2282], ["must", 2294], ["musts", 2294], ["keep", 2299], ["keepest", 2299], ["busy", 2308], ["busied", 2308], ["fortunately", 2332], ["manager", 2345], ["managers", 2345], ["day", 2366], ["operation", 2384], ["operations", 2384], ["main", 2394], ["focus", 2400], ["sale", 2409], ["sales", 2409], ["acquisition", 2426], ["acquisitions", 2426], ["mention", 2444], ["mentioned", 2444], ["like", 2454], ["liked", 2454], ["turn", 2462], ["mean", 2471], ["meanest", 2471], ["flip", 2476], ["flipping", 2476], ["property", 2489], ["properties", 2489], ["quick", 2498], ["need", 2538], ["needest", 2538], ["service", 2552], ["servicing", 2552], ["services", 2552], ["right", 2558], ["rightest", 2558], ["middle", 2583], ["middles", 2583], ["middling", 2583], ["build", 2605], ["builds", 2605], ["building", 2605], ["rehab", 2611], ["project", 2619], ["projectest", 2619], ["turtle", 2629], ["turtling", 2629], ["creek", 2635], ["creeks", 2635], ["canadian", 2673], ["canadians", 2673], ["investor", 2683], ["investors", 2683], ["come", 2690], ["coming", 2690], ["tomorrow", 2702], ["tomorrows", 2702], ["go", 2716], ["goest", 2716], ["going", 2716], ["put", 2723], ["capital", 2738], ["buy", 2745], ["buyed", 2745], ["paperwork", 2783], ["morning", 2799], ["deal", 2820], ["work", 2834], ["wrought", 2834], ["dan", 2869], ["fill", 2874], ["fills", 2874], ["detail", 2896], ["details", 2896], ["meet", 2919], ["meeted", 2919], ["people", 2931], ["lunch", 2941], ["lunches", 2941], ["lunched", 2941], ["partner", 2972], ["cpa", 2980], ["soon", 3012], ["hang", 3032], ["hung", 3032], ["hangs", 3032], ["get", 3053], ["gets", 3053], ["stand", 3074], ["stood", 3074], ["standest", 3074], ["start", 3089], ["started", 3089], ["coat", 3108], ["extend", 3201], ["extended", 3201], ["hand", 3209], ["well", 3216], ["wells", 3216], ["nice", 3234], ["meeting", 3242], ["likewise", 3260], ["talk", 3273], ["turn", 3306], ["turned", 3306], ["left", 3315], ["leave", 3315], ["return", 3383], ["returnest", 3383], ["returned", 3383], ["admire", 3415], ["admiring", 3415], ["full", 3424], ["size", 3429], ["replica", 3437], ["replicas", 3437], ["pygmy", 3457], ["adorn", 3470], ["adorned", 3470], ["corner", 3481], ["think", 3513], ["thinkest", 3513], ["like", 3524], ["likes", 3524], ["hope", 3562], ["particular", 3595], ["deal", 3614], ["deals", 3614], ["seem", 3631], ["seeming", 3631], ["seemed", 3631], ["comfortable", 3648], ["seem", 3689], ["seeming", 3689], ["seems", 3689], ["like", 3694], ["guy", 3710], ["get", 3757], ["know", 3765], ["knowest", 3765], ["long", 3786], ["longs", 3786], ["handle", 3864], ["affair", 3880], ["affairs", 3880], ["part", 3905], ["parting", 3905], ["time", 3910], ["correspondence", 3946], ["correspondences", 3946], ["appointment", 3975], ["appointments", 3975], ["financial", 4031], ["work", 4054], ["wrought", 4054], ["working", 4054], ["brokerage", 4078], ["license", 4086], ["represent", 4105], ["representest", 4105], ["buy", 4123], ["buyed", 4123], ["buys", 4123], ["sell", 4133], ["sells", 4133], ["guess", 4165], ["well", 4176], ["better", 4176], ["since", 4213], ["lot", 4227], ["document", 4240], ["documents", 4240], ["prepare", 4251], ["name", 4303], ["names", 4303], ["address", 4317], ["addresses", 4317], ["buyers", 4335], ["percentage", 4355], ["buy", 4370], ["buyed", 4370], ["buying", 4370], ["copy", 4379], ["previous", 4395], ["deed", 4400], ["purchase", 4431], ["price", 4437], ["financing", 4468], ["documentation", 4496], ["may", 4511], ["mays", 4511], ["mayest", 4511], ["might", 4511], ["relevant", 4529]]
`` okay , i 'll start rounding up all that stuff . `` sure , what are you having ? '' `` i 'm going to have some wine ? '' `` fine , i 'll be right back . '' cynthia left the room and i sat down in a large stuffed chair . i did n't usually drink during the middle of the day but it seemed like the right thing to do at that moment . after a few minutes a maid came in with my drink and some cheese and crackers . i dug right in as it was after eleven and i was beginning to get hungry . several minutes later cynthia walked in with a glass of wine in her hand . she walked over to kurt 's desk and sat down in the large burgundy chair . she fumbled through some files , took out a stack of papers and copied some names off of a rolodex . then she stuffed everything into a file , placed it on the desk in front of her , then looked up and smiled . `` dan ought to be here pretty soon to explain the transaction to you in greater detail and outline the financing . '' how long have dan and kurt been partners ? '' `` about two years now . they met at a closing in beverly hills a couple of years ago and got along so well they decided to become partners . dan commutes between beverly hills and dallas once a week . he 's got a lot of rich clients who are always looking for good real estate ventures . '' as cynthia was talking the door to the den opened and a robust man with thin curly hair and a red complexion walked in carrying a large briefcase . he smiled at cynthia who immediately got out of ken 's chair . she stepped aside as he headed straight for kurt 's desk and sat down . `` mr. kelley , this is stan turner our new attorney , '' cynthia said . `` oh , you 're the one rufus spoke so highly about . '' `` that 's right , '' cynthia replied . `` so did kurt fill you in on what we are doing ? '' mr. kelley asked . `` no , not really , he just gave me a quick overview of what he wanted . '' `` well , i 'll go through it with you in detail after lunch . you have n't eaten yet have you ? '' `` good , let 's go get something to eat then . '' `` sure , that would be fine . '' `` cynthia , can you come along ? '' `` no , kurt has some errands i 've got to do . you guys go on without me . '' `` okay , come on stan , i know a place not too far from here with the best steak in texas . '' kurt 's chauffeur took us to the texas cattle co. where we were escorted past the long lunch line into a private dining area . everyone seemed to know dan and went out of their way to please him . after getting a couple of beers dan began to fill me in on what he and kurt were doing . `` we deal mostly with foreign investors from canada , japan , great britain or wherever else we can find them . when they come into town we wine and dine them of course , but they want to look at the properties and meet our accountants and attorneys before they make a decision . this is where you fit in . not only do we need you to do our initial contracts and acquisition paperwork but we need you to meet these people and make them feel at ease . '' `` well , i do n't see any problem with that , i get along with just about everybody . '' `` good , now about your fee . what do you charge for your services ? '' `` my usual charge is $ 95 per hour . '' that 's certainly no problem . '' after lunch we went back to kurt 's place and dan explained the deal in detail . then i took the papers cynthia had gathered for me and headed back to the office . i was excited to get such a great client but i was nervous because i had never done a real estate contract before , and this deal was rather complicated . general burton had gone to play golf as he usually did in the afternoons so i had the place to myself . i called rebekah to tell of my good fortune . `` is it a big job ? '' `` yeah , it 's pretty big . i 'm going to have to spend most of the night at the library though . '' ca n't you do it tomorrow ? '' `` no , they want to close tomorrow . '' `` but you do n't have a secretary . '' `` i 'll just have to type the paperwork myself . luckily i can go by the dallas association of realtors and get most of the forms i 'll need . then i 'll just have to fill in the blanks . '' `` i wish you did n't have to work tonight .
[["okay", 7], ["start", 21], ["round", 30], ["rounding", 30], ["stuff", 48], ["sure", 58], ["go", 99], ["goest", 99], ["going", 99], ["wine", 117], ["fine", 130], ["right", 147], ["rightest", 147], ["back", 152], ["cynthia", 165], ["left", 170], ["leave", 170], ["room", 179], ["roomed", 179], ["sat", 189], ["sit", 189], ["large", 205], ["chair", 219], ["chairing", 219], ["usually", 239], ["drank", 245], ["drink", 245], ["drinking", 245], ["middle", 263], ["middles", 263], ["middling", 263], ["day", 274], ["seem", 288], ["seeming", 288], ["seemed", 288], ["like", 293], ["thing", 309], ["moment", 330], ["minute", 352], ["minutes", 352], ["maid", 359], ["maids", 359], ["come", 364], ["came", 364], ["cheese", 397], ["cheesed", 397], ["cheesing", 397], ["cracker", 410], ["crackers", 410], ["dig", 418], ["dug", 418], ["digs", 418], ["digest", 418], ["eleven", 450], ["begin", 470], ["beginning", 470], ["get", 477], ["hungry", 484], ["several", 494], ["later", 508], ["walk", 523], ["walked", 523], ["glass", 539], ["hand", 559], ["kurt", 585], ["desk", 593], ["burgundy", 628], ["fumble", 648], ["fumbled", 648], ["file", 667], ["files", 667], ["take", 674], ["took", 674], ["stack", 686], ["stacks", 686], ["paper", 696], ["papers", 696], ["copy", 707], ["copied", 707], ["name", 718], ["names", 718], ["rolodex", 735], ["rolodexes", 735], ["stuff", 754], ["stuffed", 754], ["everything", 765], ["file", 777], ["place", 786], ["placed", 786], ["front", 810], ["look", 831], ["looked", 831], ["smile", 845], ["smiled", 845], ["dan", 854], ["ought", 860], ["pretty", 878], ["prettiest", 878], ["soon", 883], ["explain", 894], ["transaction", 910], ["great", 928], ["detail", 935], ["outline", 947], ["outlines", 947], ["financing", 961], ["long", 975], ["longs", 975], ["partner", 1007], ["partners", 1007], ["two", 1025], ["twos", 1025], ["year", 1031], ["years", 1031], ["meet", 1046], ["meeted", 1046], ["met", 1046], ["closing", 1059], ["beverly", 1070], ["hill", 1076], ["hills", 1076], ["couple", 1085], ["ago", 1098], ["get", 1106], ["got", 1106], ["along", 1112], ["well", 1120], ["wells", 1120], ["decide", 1133], ["decided", 1133], ["become", 1143], ["commute", 1167], ["commutes", 1167], ["week", 1212], ["lot", 1230], ["rich", 1238], ["client", 1246], ["clients", 1246], ["always", 1261], ["look", 1269], ["looking", 1269], ["good", 1278], ["real", 1283], ["reis", 1283], ["estate", 1290], ["venture", 1299], ["ventures", 1299], ["talk", 1327], ["talking", 1327], ["door", 1336], ["den", 1347], ["open", 1354], ["opened", 1354], ["robust", 1367], ["man", 1371], ["mans", 1371], ["manned", 1371], ["thin", 1381], ["thins", 1381], ["curly", 1387], ["hair", 1392], ["red", 1402], ["complexion", 1413], ["carry", 1432], ["carrying", 1432], ["briefcase", 1450], ["immediately", 1489], ["ken", 1504], ["kent", 1504], ["step", 1527], ["stepped", 1527], ["aside", 1533], ["head", 1546], ["headed", 1546], ["straight", 1555], ["mr", 1593], ["kelley", 1601], ["stan", 1616], ["stans", 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["everyone", 2439], ["go", 2467], ["goest", 2467], ["went", 2467], ["way", 2484], ["ways", 2484], ["please", 2494], ["get", 2514], ["getting", 2514], ["begin", 2542], ["began", 2542], ["deal", 2600], ["mostly", 2607], ["foreign", 2620], ["investor", 2630], ["investors", 2630], ["canada", 2642], ["canadas", 2642], ["japan", 2650], ["japans", 2650], ["japaned", 2650], ["japanned", 2650], ["great", 2658], ["britain", 2666], ["wherever", 2678], ["else", 2683], ["find", 2695], ["town", 2727], ["dine", 2744], ["dined", 2744], ["dining", 2744], ["course", 2759], ["look", 2783], ["property", 2801], ["properties", 2801], ["meet", 2810], ["meeted", 2810], ["accountant", 2826], ["accountants", 2826], ["attorney", 2840], ["attorneys", 2840], ["decision", 2868], ["fit", 2892], ["fitting", 2892], ["need", 2917], ["needest", 2917], ["initial", 2939], ["contract", 2949], ["contractest", 2949], ["contracts", 2949], ["acquisition", 2965], ["paperwork", 2975], ["people", 3012], ["feel", 3031], ["ease", 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3903], ["close", 3935], ["secretary", 3984], ["type", 4016], ["luckily", 4047], ["association", 4082], ["form", 4120], ["formest", 4120], ["forms", 4120], ["blank", 4176], ["blanks", 4176], ["wish", 4191], ["work", 4216], ["wrought", 4216], ["tonight", 4224]]
i have n't seen you all day and the kids are missing you . '' `` i know but it 's going to take me six or seven hours to do this job so that means i 'll make six or seven hundred dollars at $ 95 per hour . and dan says there 's going to be lot more deals like this coming up . '' `` i could kick myself though . '' `` i guess i should have charged a higher hourly rate . '' dan thought ninety-five dollars per hour was cheap . '' rebekah shook her head . `` these guys must be rolling in the dough if they think that 's cheap . '' `` kurt does seem like he 's doing well . he lives in a ten thousand square foot house , drives a maserati and takes his clients around in a limousine . '' well , i 've got to get to work babe . i 'll be home pretty late tonight so kiss the kids good night for me and do n't wait up . '' reggie wants to talk to you . '' `` daddy , when are you coming home ? '' `` well , i 've got some important work to do , hot shot so i probably wo n't see you until tomorrow . '' `` oh , it 's a real estate transaction . '' `` what 's real estate ? '' `` well , you know , land and buildings like your fischer-price gas station . if it was real then that would be real estate . '' doing a complex real estate transaction in one night was not easy particularly when i did n't have a secretary and had never done even a simple one before . luckily , i had worked briefly one summer for an attorney who owned a title company , ron johnson , so i called him for some advice . he was very helpful and even let me come by and use his real estate reference books to find some of the less common forms that the dallas board of realtors did not publish . by midnight i had completed the job and went home to bed . rebekah was still up when i arrived . `` stan , you 're home . did you get it all finished ? '' `` yeah , its all done and ready for tomorrow morning . '' what did you say your client 's name was ? '' `` kurt harrison . '' `` did you know he was on the news tonight ? '' what did they say about him ? '' `` it was something about him refusing to make repairs on some apartments and all his tenants being up in arms . '' you 're kidding ? '' apparently the city issued him 111 separate citations and the tv station was looking for him to get his comments . '' kurt is loaded . why would n't he keep his properties up ? '' `` i just hope he pays you for all the work you did today . '' surely this must be some mistake . '' 4 gena when i got to kurt 's place the following day for the closing i was escorted into the den and it was apparent that everyone was talking about the tv report of the previous evening . i was very interested in this topic , so i paid particularly close attention . `` it just another case of the press making wild accusations without checking out the facts , '' kurt said . `` if they would have done their homework they would have discovered that i did n't own the property anymore and was n't responsible for the repairs . but , of course , they liked the story the way it was . they did n't want the truth to get in the way of a good headline . '' `` why did n't the new owner make the repairs ? '' `` when i buy property i usually fix it up and then resell it . in this case there were some investors who wanted to buy the property from me immediately . they were trying to qualify as a like-kind exchange . they had to move quickly or they 'd have to pay taxes on some property they had just sold . they bought it 'as is . ' they are in the process of getting the repairs made right now . anyway , enough history , it 's time to get down to the business at hand . stan , do you have the paperwork ready ? '' `` yes sir , it 's all right here . i 've got a packet for everyone , '' i said as i began passing around several large envelopes . the closing went very well and kurt seemed pleased . after all the papers had been signed kurt rode in the limousine with the investors to the airport and i went back to my office . although everything was going well with my new law practice , i had n't actually seen any money come in except the seventy-five dollars from tex . accordingly , i had to draw down another three hundred dollars on my american express card to pay bills . after paying general burton three hundred dollars for first and last months rent and buying two hundred dollars worth of supplies i had already depleted my line of credit by $ 800 leaving only $ 1,200 of precious capital . unless some money came in soon i would be in serious trouble .
[["see", 15], ["seen", 15], ["day", 27], ["kid", 40], ["kids", 40], ["miss", 52], ["missing", 52], ["know", 71], ["knowest", 71], ["go", 87], ["goest", 87], ["going", 87], ["take", 95], ["six", 102], ["seven", 111], ["hour", 117], ["hours", 117], ["job", 132], ["jobbing", 132], ["mean", 146], ["meanest", 146], ["means", 146], ["hundred", 178], ["dollar", 186], ["dollars", 186], ["per", 198], ["hour", 203], ["dan", 213], ["say", 218], ["sayest", 218], ["says", 218], ["lot", 243], ["deal", 254], ["deals", 254], ["like", 259], ["come", 271], ["coming", 271], ["kick", 295], ["though", 309], ["guess", 325], ["charge", 347], ["charged", 347], ["high", 356], ["hourly", 363], ["rate", 368], ["think", 385], ["thinkest", 385], ["thought", 385], ["ninety", 392], ["nineties", 392], ["five", 397], ["fived", 397], ["cheap", 424], ["rebekah", 437], ["shake", 443], ["shook", 443], ["head", 452], ["guy", 468], ["guys", 468], ["must", 473], ["musts", 473], ["roll", 484], ["rolling", 484], ["dough", 497], ["think", 511], ["thinkest", 511], ["kurt", 538], ["seem", 548], ["seeming", 548], ["well", 570], ["wells", 570], ["live", 581], ["ten", 590], ["thousand", 599], ["square", 606], ["foot", 611], ["house", 617], ["drive", 626], ["drives", 626], ["maserati", 637], ["take", 647], ["takes", 647], ["client", 659], ["clients", 659], ["around", 666], ["limousine", 681], ["limousines", 681], ["get", 703], ["got", 703], ["get", 710], ["work", 718], ["wrought", 718], ["babe", 723], ["home", 739], ["homing", 739], ["pretty", 746], ["prettiest", 746], ["late", 751], ["lates", 751], ["tonight", 759], ["kiss", 767], ["kisses", 767], ["kissest", 767], ["good", 781], ["night", 787], ["wait", 810], ["waitest", 810], ["reggie", 825], ["talk", 839], ["daddy", 860], ["important", 927], ["hot", 944], ["shot", 949], ["probably", 963], ["wo", 966], ["see", 974], ["tomorrow", 993], ["tomorrows", 993], ["oh", 1004], ["real", 1019], ["reis", 1019], ["estate", 1026], ["transaction", 1038], ["land", 1097], ["build", 1111], ["building", 1111], ["buildings", 1111], ["fischer", 1129], ["price", 1135], ["gas", 1139], ["gassing", 1139], ["station", 1147], ["complex", 1216], ["easy", 1266], ["particularly", 1279], ["secretary", 1311], ["never", 1325], ["even", 1335], ["evens", 1335], ["simple", 1344], ["simplest", 1344], ["luckily", 1365], ["work", 1380], ["wrought", 1380], ["worked", 1380], ["briefly", 1388], ["summer", 1399], ["summering", 1399], ["attorney", 1415], ["title", 1433], ["company", 1441], ["companys", 1441], ["companying", 1441], ["ron", 1447], ["johnson", 1455], ["call", 1469], ["called", 1469], ["advice", 1489], ["helpful", 1511], ["let", 1524], ["lets", 1524], ["come", 1532], ["use", 1543], ["reference", 1569], ["referenced", 1569], ["book", 1575], ["books", 1575], ["find", 1583], ["less", 1600], ["common", 1607], ["commons", 1607], ["commonest", 1607], ["form", 1613], ["formest", 1613], ["forms", 1613], ["board", 1635], ["boarding", 1635], ["publish", 1663], ["midnight", 1677], ["midnights", 1677], ["complete", 1693], ["completed", 1693], ["go", 1710], ["goest", 1710], ["went", 1710], ["bed", 1722], ["still", 1742], ["arrive", 1760], ["arrived", 1760], ["stan", 1770], ["stans", 1770], ["finish", 1815], ["finished", 1815], ["yeah", 1828], ["ready", 1853], ["morning", 1874], ["say", 1896], ["sayest", 1896], ["client", 1908], ["name", 1916], ["harrison", 1942], ["news", 1982], ["newses", 1982], ["refuse", 2067], ["refusing", 2067], ["repair", 2083], ["repairs", 2083], ["apartment", 2102], ["apartments", 2102], ["tenant", 2122], ["tenants", 2122], ["arm", 2139], ["arms", 2139], ["kid", 2160], ["kidding", 2160], ["apparently", 2176], ["city", 2185], ["issue", 2192], ["issued", 2192], ["separate", 2209], ["citation", 2219], ["citations", 2219], ["tv", 2230], ["look", 2250], ["looking", 2250], ["comment", 2278], ["comments", 2278], ["load", 2298], ["loaded", 2298], ["keep", 2322], ["keepest", 2322], ["property", 2337], ["properties", 2337], ["hope", 2360], ["pay", 2368], ["pays", 2368], ["payest", 2368], ["today", 2403], ["surely", 2415], ["mistook", 2441], ["mistake", 2441], ["mistaken", 2441], ["gena", 2453], ["place", 2481], ["follow", 2495], ["following", 2495], ["closing", 2515], ["escort", 2530], ["escorted", 2530], ["den", 2543], ["apparent", 2563], ["everyone", 2577], ["talk", 2589], ["talking", 2589], ["report", 2609], ["previous", 2625], ["evening", 2633], ["interested", 2657], ["topic", 2671], ["pay", 2683], ["pays", 2683], ["payest", 2683], ["paid", 2683], ["close", 2702], ["attention", 2712], ["another", 2733], ["case", 2738], ["press", 2751], ["wild", 2763], ["wildest", 2763], ["accusation", 2775], ["accusations", 2775], ["without", 2783], ["check", 2792], ["checking", 2792], ["fact", 2806], ["facts", 2806], ["say", 2821], ["sayest", 2821], ["said", 2821], ["homework", 2865], ["discover", 2892], ["discovered", 2892], ["property", 2924], ["anymore", 2932], ["responsible", 2956], ["course", 2990], ["like", 3003], ["liked", 3003], ["story", 3013], ["way", 3021], ["ways", 3021], ["truth", 3058], ["headline", 3095], ["headlining", 3095], ["new", 3123], ["owner", 3129], ["buy", 3165], ["buyed", 3165], ["usually", 3184], ["fix", 3188], ["fixes", 3188], ["resell", 3210], ["reselling", 3210], ["investor", 3254], ["investors", 3254], ["immediately", 3305], ["try", 3324], ["tryed", 3324], ["trying", 3324], ["qualify", 3335], ["qualified", 3335], ["kind", 3350], ["exchange", 3359], ["move", 3378], ["quickly", 3386], ["pay", 3409], ["pays", 3409], ["payest", 3409], ["taxis", 3415], ["taxes", 3415], ["sell", 3451], ["sells", 3451], ["sold", 3451], ["buy", 3465], ["buyed", 3465], ["bought", 3465], ["process", 3503], ["get", 3514], ["getting", 3514], ["right", 3537], ["rightest", 3537], ["anyway", 3550], ["enough", 3559], ["history", 3567], ["time", 3580], ["business", 3608], ["hand", 3616], ["paperwork", 3651], ["yes", 3669], ["sir", 3673], ["sirs", 3673], ["packet", 3717], ["begin", 3753], ["began", 3753], ["pass", 3761], ["passing", 3761], ["several", 3776], ["large", 3782], ["envelope", 3792], ["envelopes", 3792], ["seem", 3837], ["seeming", 3837], ["seemed", 3837], ["pleased", 3845], ["paper", 3868], ["papers", 3868], ["sign", 3884], ["signed", 3884], ["ride", 3894], ["rode", 3894], ["airport", 3945], ["back", 3961], ["office", 3974], ["although", 3985], ["everything", 3996], ["law", 4027], ["practice", 4036], ["money", 4072], ["moneys", 4072], ["except", 4087], ["seventy", 4099], ["tex", 4121], ["accordingly", 4135], ["draw", 4151], ["drawn", 4151], ["draws", 4151], ["three", 4170], ["american", 4201], ["americans", 4201], ["express", 4209], ["card", 4214], ["bill", 4227], ["bills", 4227], ["pay", 4242], ["pays", 4242], ["payest", 4242], ["paying", 4242], ["general", 4250], ["burton", 4257], ["first", 4289], ["firstest", 4289], ["last", 4298], ["month", 4305], ["months", 4305], ["rent", 4310], ["buy", 4321], ["buyed", 4321], ["buying", 4321], ["two", 4325], ["twos", 4325], ["worth", 4347], ["supply", 4359], ["supplies", 4359], ["already", 4373], ["deplete", 4382], ["depleted", 4382], ["line", 4390], ["credit", 4400], ["left", 4417], ["leave", 4417], ["leaving", 4417], ["precious", 4442], ["capital", 4450], ["unless", 4459], ["unlesss", 4459], ["come", 4475], ["came", 4475], ["soon", 4483], ["serious", 4505], ["trouble", 4513], ["troubling", 4513]]
while i was assessing my financial situation the phone rang . `` hey , i met a guy today who you need to talk to . he 's got an oil company , i think he calls it inca oil company , and he really needs an attorney . '' `` oh good , that oil and gas class i took was n't a total waste of time then , '' i said . `` you took oil and gas ? '' `` yeah , it was the only thing that fit in my schedule my last semester . i never thought i would ever use it . '' `` well , it 's a good thing you took it stanley , my boy , because this guy could be a good client for both of us . '' when do i get to meet him ? '' `` are you free in the morning to go over to his place ? '' `` he ca n't come here ? '' `` no , you know these high rollers with big egos , they think they 're so good everybody has to come to them . '' `` well , okay , but i never pictured law practice like this . for some reason i thought my clients would come to me . '' `` well , you know , stan , if you want to sit in your nice , slick office and wait for them to come to you , you can . but you may starve to death in the meantime . '' `` you 're right , what time is our appointment ? '' `` okay , i 'll meet you there . '' just as i hung up the phone , it rang again . it was derek donner . he was my casualty insurance agent with whom i had become good friends while i was briefly in the insurance business several years ago . he was one of the kindest men i knew and i always referred anyone who needed car insurance to him . `` so how 's the law practice going ? '' derek asked cheerily . `` it 's going better than i expected , it 's just that it takes so long for the cash to start coming in . '' `` welcome to the wonderful world of business , '' derek said . i hope i survive the first month . '' `` you know , i always used to worry a lot about surviving each month but i found that worrying did n't help . somehow it always works out . you just have to be patient and a say a few prayers so the good lord does n't forget about you . '' `` actually , i have been praying a lot and rebekah has been going to mass every morning . '' `` well , your prayers are already being answered as we speak . '' `` i 've got a client for you . '' `` her name is gena lombardi . she came in for some insurance on her corvette this morning . it seems her bank is trying to repossess her car for several reasons , one of which was not having it insured . '' `` anyway , it looks like she needs an attorney . i think she 's several months behind on her payments and may need to file bankruptcy . '' `` well it 's bad for her i guess , but good for you , right ? '' `` well , the only problem is i did n't take bankruptcy in law school . i did take creditor 's rights and bankruptcy did come up a few times , '' i said . `` well , can you handle it ? '' do you have her phone number ? '' `` yes , i have her card right here , it 's pilgrimage travel agency , gena lombardi , owner , 555-2277 . '' `` a travel agent huh ? '' `` not just an ordinary travel agent to hear her talk . '' `` well , i guess she really makes traveling as easy and exciting as possible . '' `` oh really , how do you mean ? '' `` she plans every detail of your trip including food , lodging , site seeing , theater tickets and anything else your heart desires . she 'll even arrange for an escort so you wo n't get lonely . '' `` that 's what i call a full service travel agency . '' anyway , give her a call . '' `` i will , thanks a lot , derek . '' just as soon as i hung up , i immediately called miss lombardi at the number on the card . the phone rang several times before a male voice answered . i asked for gina lombardi and he put me through to her . `` i 've got a problem i need to discuss with you . derek says you 're a nice guy and i can trust you . '' `` i 'll do my best to help you in any way i can . `` well , it 's too complicated to discuss over the phone . can i come to see you ? '' `` sure , when would you like to come ? '' `` well , how about today ? '' i repeated looking down at my blank calendar . `` okay , could you come at three o'clock ? '' `` good , i 'll see you then . ''
[["assess", 21], ["assessing", 21], ["financial", 34], ["situation", 44], ["phone", 54], ["hey", 68], ["meet", 76], ["meeted", 76], ["met", 76], ["guy", 82], ["today", 88], ["need", 101], ["needest", 101], ["talk", 109], ["get", 124], ["got", 124], ["oil", 131], ["company", 139], ["companys", 139], ["companying", 139], ["think", 149], ["thinkest", 149], ["call", 158], ["calls", 158], ["inca", 166], ["really", 194], ["need", 200], ["needest", 200], ["needs", 200], ["attorney", 212], ["oh", 223], ["good", 228], ["gas", 247], ["gassing", 247], ["class", 253], ["classest", 253], ["classing", 253], ["take", 260], ["took", 260], ["total", 276], ["waste", 282], ["time", 290], ["say", 307], ["sayest", 307], ["said", 307], ["yeah", 346], ["thing", 370], ["fit", 379], ["fitting", 379], ["schedule", 394], ["last", 402], ["semester", 411], ["never", 421], ["think", 429], ["thinkest", 429], ["thought", 429], ["ever", 442], ["everest", 442], ["use", 446], ["well", 462], ["wells", 462], ["stanley", 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1828], ["surviving", 1828], ["find", 1851], ["found", 1851], ["help", 1878], ["helpest", 1878], ["somehow", 1888], ["work", 1904], ["wrought", 1904], ["works", 1904], ["patient", 1938], ["say", 1948], ["sayest", 1948], ["prayers", 1962], ["lord", 1979], ["forget", 1995], ["forgot", 1995], ["pray", 2044], ["prays", 2044], ["praying", 2044], ["rebekah", 2062], ["mass", 2085], ["massed", 2085], ["massing", 2085], ["massest", 2085], ["every", 2091], ["already", 2139], ["answer", 2154], ["answeres", 2154], ["answerest", 2154], ["answered", 2154], ["speak", 2166], ["spoken", 2166], ["name", 2218], ["gena", 2226], ["come", 2246], ["came", 2246], ["corvette", 2284], ["seem", 2308], ["seeming", 2308], ["seems", 2308], ["bank", 2317], ["try", 2327], ["tryed", 2327], ["trying", 2327], ["repossess", 2340], ["reason", 2368], ["reasonest", 2368], ["reasons", 2368], ["insure", 2409], ["insures", 2409], ["insured", 2409], ["anyway", 2424], ["look", 2435], ["looks", 2435], ["month", 2494], ["months", 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3289], ["even", 3304], ["evens", 3304], ["arrange", 3312], ["arranging", 3312], ["escort", 3326], ["escorted", 3326], ["wo", 3336], ["lonely", 3351], ["call", 3379], ["full", 3386], ["service", 3394], ["servicing", 3394], ["give", 3427], ["thank", 3462], ["thanks", 3462], ["thankest", 3462], ["soon", 3494], ["immediately", 3523], ["call", 3530], ["called", 3530], ["miss", 3535], ["male", 3615], ["males", 3615], ["voice", 3621], ["gina", 3649], ["ginas", 3649], ["put", 3669], ["discuss", 3730], ["discusses", 3730], ["discussest", 3730], ["say", 3752], ["sayest", 3752], ["says", 3752], ["trust", 3787], ["good", 3816], ["best", 3816], ["way", 3839], ["ways", 3839], ["complicatedest", 3879], ["see", 3925], ["sure", 3942], ["repeat", 4019], ["repeatest", 4019], ["repeated", 4019], ["look", 4027], ["looking", 4027], ["blank", 4044], ["blanks", 4044], ["calendar", 4053], ["calendars", 4053], ["three", 4089]]
immediately after hanging up , i rummaged around and found my creditor 's rights book and scanned the chapters on bankruptcy . then i ran over to the county law library and read everything i could find there on the subject . it was getting close to three o'clock so i returned to my office , arriving just before three . general burton had gone to play golf and i had the office to myself . i straightened up my desk and put away all my books . as i put the last one away the door opened and a pretty young woman appeared . she was medium height , black hair and wore a very short skirt and halter top . in her arms she was carrying a large packing box . she did n't smile when she saw me . '' `` hello , is this stan turner 's office ? '' `` yes , i do n't have a sign yet , but this is the right place . can i help you with your box ? '' `` no , it 's not that heavy . '' `` did you have any trouble finding this place ? '' `` no , my dentist is in this building . '' `` well , derek told me a little bit about you , but he did n't really get into why you needed an attorney . '' `` well it 's kind of a long story . '' `` that 's okay , i need to know everything if i 'm going to be of any help to you . '' `` my boyfriend and i were partners in the travel agency and we recently broke up . of course , he took all the money when he left . '' `` oh no , how much did he take ? '' `` well , we had $ 25,000 in the checking account the day before he left and now we 're $ 840 overdrawn and 13 checks have bounced . '' he really cleaned you out , did n't he ? '' `` yeah , you would think the bastard would have at least left enough money in the account to cover the outstanding checks . '' `` who signed the checks that bounced ? '' `` i did , and now there are warrants out for my arrest , '' gena said . how have you avoided being arrested ? '' `` i keep a good lookout for the constable . '' so , what was this i heard about a corvette being repossessed ? '' `` well , i 'm two months behind on the payments and my bank 's been out looking for it . so far ive been able to keep it out of sight , but its just a matter of time before they find it . '' `` how much are your payments ? '' `` six hundred and thirty dollars a month . '' that 's pretty steep . '' `` not when you 're pulling in $ 150,000 a year like we were before tony bailed on me , she said . if i ever find that bastard , i 'll kill him . '' i wondered if she had a gun . if she did tony had better watch out . gina didnt look like the kind of woman you wanted to cross . i smiled and looked at the box shed toted in . `` well , what 's in the box ? '' `` all my bills , '' gena said . how far in debt are you ? `` no , i have no idea . i meant to go through them and sort them out but i 've just been so upset i have n't been able to do anything . '' `` you obviously did n't have a bookkeeper ? '' `` no , tony handled everything or at least i thought he was handling everything . '' `` well , we can file bankruptcy for you but that wo n't help you with those criminal warrants . '' `` i do n't know what to do , stan . i just need you to give me some advice . '' `` i guess we 'd better start by sorting out all these bills , so we can get a feel for the extent of your indebtedness . '' `` okay , '' gena said as she carried the box to the middle of the floor and dumped it out . `` i 'm sorry i did n't get a chance to do this before , but i 've just been too upset . '' gena sat down on the floor and folded her long , nicely tanned legs in front of her as she began sorting our her bills . i felt a little uncomfortable watching her work half-naked in front of me . i wondered what general burton would think if he walked in and saw gena sitting there on the floor . after an awkward moment of silence i said to her , `` can i get you a cold drink or something ? '' `` yes , do you have a coke ? '' i escaped from the office and headed for the vending machines hoping she would be finished when i returned . i pondered what in the hell i was going to do to get her out of her predicament . i did n't know anything about criminal law nor did i really want to learn about it . in my first year of law school i had barely survived criminal law and really did n't like it one bit . i was seriously considering suggesting she find another lawyer .
[["immediately", 11], ["hang", 25], ["hung", 25], ["hangs", 25], ["hanging", 25], ["rummage", 41], ["rummaged", 41], ["around", 48], ["find", 58], ["found", 58], ["creditor", 70], ["right", 80], ["rightest", 80], ["rights", 80], ["book", 85], ["scan", 97], ["scans", 97], ["scanning", 97], ["scanned", 97], ["chapter", 110], ["chapters", 110], ["bankruptcy", 124], ["run", 137], ["ran", 137], ["county", 156], ["law", 160], ["library", 168], ["read", 177], ["reads", 177], ["everything", 188], ["find", 201], ["subject", 222], ["subjectest", 222], ["get", 239], ["getting", 239], ["close", 245], ["three", 254], ["return", 276], ["returnest", 276], ["returned", 276], ["office", 289], ["arrive", 300], ["arriving", 300], ["general", 328], ["burton", 335], ["go", 344], ["goest", 344], ["gone", 344], ["play", 352], ["playest", 352], ["golf", 357], ["golfs", 357], ["straighten", 405], ["straightened", 405], ["desk", 416], ["put", 424], ["away", 429], ["book", 442], ["books", 442], ["last", 462], ["door", 480], ["open", 487], ["opened", 487], ["pretty", 500], ["prettiest", 500], ["young", 506], ["youngest", 506], ["woman", 512], ["womans", 512], ["appear", 521], ["appeared", 521], ["medium", 538], ["mediums", 538], ["height", 545], ["heights", 545], ["black", 553], ["hair", 558], ["wear", 567], ["wore", 567], ["short", 580], ["skirt", 586], ["halter", 597], ["top", 601], ["arm", 615], ["arms", 615], ["carry", 632], ["carrying", 632], ["large", 640], ["packing", 648], ["box", 652], ["boxed", 652], ["smile", 672], ["see", 685], ["saw", 685], ["hello", 702], ["hellos", 702], ["stan", 717], ["stans", 717], ["turner", 724], ["yes", 746], ["sign", 769], ["yet", 773], ["right", 797], ["rightest", 797], ["place", 803], ["help", 816], ["helpest", 816], ["heavy", 868], ["heavier", 868], ["heavies", 868], ["trouble", 901], ["troubling", 901], ["find", 909], ["finding", 909], ["dentist", 944], ["build", 964], ["building", 964], ["well", 977], ["wells", 977], ["derek", 985], ["tell", 990], ["told", 990], ["little", 1002], ["bit", 1006], ["bits", 1006], ["really", 1040], ["get", 1044], ["need", 1064], ["needest", 1064], ["needed", 1064], ["attorney", 1076], ["kind", 1100], ["long", 1110], ["longs", 1110], ["story", 1116], ["okay", 1137], ["need", 1146], ["needest", 1146], ["know", 1154], ["knowest", 1154], ["go", 1179], ["goest", 1179], ["going", 1179], ["boyfriend", 1225], ["partner", 1245], ["partners", 1245], ["travel", 1259], ["agency", 1266], ["recently", 1282], ["broke", 1288], ["break", 1288], ["course", 1303], ["take", 1313], ["took", 1313], ["money", 1327], ["moneys", 1327], ["left", 1340], ["leave", 1340], ["oh", 1351], ["much", 1365], ["take", 1377], ["checking", 1424], ["account", 1432], ["day", 1440], ["overdrawn", 1486], ["check", 1500], ["checks", 1500], ["bounce", 1513], ["bounced", 1513], ["clean", 1536], ["cleans", 1536], ["cleaned", 1536], ["yeah", 1570], ["think", 1588], ["thinkest", 1588], ["bastard", 1600], ["least", 1620], ["leastest", 1620], ["enough", 1632], ["cover", 1662], ["outstanding", 1678], ["sign", 1704], ["signed", 1704], ["warrant", 1771], ["warranting", 1771], ["warrants", 1771], ["arrest", 1789], ["gena", 1799], ["say", 1804], ["sayest", 1804], ["said", 1804], ["avoid", 1827], ["avoided", 1827], ["arrest", 1842], ["arrested", 1842], ["keep", 1857], ["keepest", 1857], ["good", 1864], ["lookout", 1872], ["constable", 1890], ["constables", 1890], ["hear", 1922], ["hears", 1922], ["heard", 1922], ["corvette", 1939], ["repossess", 1957], ["two", 1981], ["twos", 1981], ["month", 1988], ["months", 1988], ["behind", 1995], ["payment", 2011], ["payments", 2011], ["bank", 2023], ["look", 2043], ["looking", 2043], ["far", 2059], ["able", 2073], ["abled", 2073], ["sight", 2097], ["sighted", 2097], ["matter", 2121], ["mattering", 2121], ["time", 2129], ["six", 2196], ["hundred", 2204], ["thirty", 2215], ["dollar", 2223], ["dollars", 2223], ["month", 2231], ["steep", 2257], ["steeps", 2257], ["pull", 2290], ["pulling", 2290], ["year", 2310], ["like", 2315], ["tony", 2335], ["bail", 2342], ["bails", 2342], ["bailing", 2342], ["bailed", 2342], ["ever", 2371], ["everest", 2371], ["kill", 2402], ["wonder", 2422], ["wonderest", 2422], ["wondered", 2422], ["gun", 2439], ["well", 2468], ["wells", 2468], ["better", 2468], ["watch", 2474], ["gina", 2485], ["ginas", 2485], ["look", 2496], ["cross", 2539], ["crossing", 2539], ["smile", 2550], ["smiled", 2550], ["look", 2561], ["looked", 2561], ["shed", 2577], ["bill", 2638], ["bills", 2638], ["debt", 2671], ["idea", 2704], ["mean", 2714], ["meanest", 2714], ["meant", 2714], ["go", 2720], ["goest", 2720], ["sort", 2742], ["upset", 2780], ["anything", 2816], ["obviously", 2838], ["bookkeeper", 2864], ["handle", 2890], ["handled", 2890], ["think", 2923], ["thinkest", 2923], ["thought", 2923], ["handle", 2939], ["handling", 2939], ["file", 2977], ["wo", 3008], ["criminal", 3041], ["give", 3116], ["advice", 3131], ["guess", 3147], ["start", 3166], ["sort", 3177], ["sorting", 3177], ["feel", 3220], ["extent", 3235], ["indebtedness", 3256], ["carry", 3299], ["carried", 3299], ["middle", 3321], ["middles", 3321], ["middling", 3321], ["floor", 3334], ["dump", 3345], ["dumped", 3345], ["sorry", 3368], ["chance", 3391], ["chanced", 3391], ["chancing", 3391], ["sat", 3455], ["sit", 3455], ["fold", 3484], ["folded", 3484], ["nicely", 3502], ["tan", 3509], ["tanned", 3509], ["leg", 3514], ["legs", 3514], ["front", 3523], ["begin", 3543], ["began", 3543], ["feel", 3574], ["felt", 3574], ["uncomfortable", 3597], ["watch", 3606], ["watching", 3606], ["work", 3615], ["wrought", 3615], ["half", 3620], ["naked", 3626], ["walk", 3699], ["walked", 3699], ["sat", 3723], ["sit", 3723], ["sitting", 3723], ["awkward", 3761], ["moment", 3768], ["silence", 3779], ["cold", 3819], ["drank", 3825], ["drink", 3825], ["drinking", 3825], ["coke", 3871], ["cokes", 3871], ["escape", 3886], ["escapes", 3886], ["escaped", 3886], ["head", 3913], ["headed", 3913], ["machine", 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when i got back she was still on the floor but in my absence shed managed to divide up the bills in a number of stacks . `` okay , here 's your coke , '' i said admiring her work . i think i 've got these pretty well sorted out . '' `` good , why do n't you give me the latest statement for each account . '' `` okay , here is american express . '' `` hmm , $ 12,301.47 ? '' `` yeah , we 've been doing a lot of traveling lately . '' `` okay , what else you got ? '' `` here is my visa gold . '' `` okay , $ 9,327.36 . '' `` you had some pretty high credit limits . '' `` well , like i told you , tony and i were doing damn good until he took off . '' `` why he leave ? '' `` bridgett . '' `` bridgett ? '' `` he ran off with my best friend , bridgett . '' `` oh geez . `` bridgett worked in the office and , i guess , i was just too busy to see what was happening between them . then , when i finally woke up and discovered they were having an affair , i confronted them and all hell broke loose . '' `` i ca n't believe a best friend would do something like that . '' `` tony was very handsome and bridgett had always been jealous . i ca n't say i 'm surprised . '' `` well , it looks like you owe about $ 65,000.00 , not including the hot checks , '' i advised her . `` i do n't know if derek told you or not but i do n't handle criminal cases . '' `` that 's all right , i 've already talked to a criminal attorney . '' `` oh good , so you just need me to file a bankruptcy ? '' `` i just need you to save my corvette . '' `` i can file a chapter 13 which will allow you to keep the corvette and pay it out through a plan , but i 'm wondering if you really should keep the corvette . '' i 've got to have my corvette . in my business you 've got to look prosperous to be successful . if people saw me driving around in another car they would know something was wrong and quit doing business with me . '' `` yes , you have to save my corvette , i 'll die if i loose it . '' `` okay , if you can make the payments in the future i can cure the default in your chapter 13 . '' `` i guess we need to talk about my fee . a chapter 13 cost nine hundred dollars plus the filing fee of sixty dollars . '' `` i 'm eight hundred dollars overdrawn . '' `` i know , but if you want to file bankruptcy i 've got to get some money from you . '' `` my mom said she could send me five hundred dollars and i 'll give you the rest after i get my business going again . '' `` that will be all right , but we ca n't file the bankruptcy until we have the five hundred dollars . '' `` my mom said to call her and she would send you the money . '' `` you want me to call your mother ? '' `` yeah , here 's her phone number , '' she said as she handed me a piece of paper . `` she wo n't send me the money direct , you know , she 's afraid i 'll spend it on something else . '' `` yeah , you know how mothers are always suspicious . '' `` i 'll call her , but i still ca n't file until i get the down payment and you better keep your corvette locked up until we get the bankruptcy filed and the automatic stay is in effect . '' `` please file it now mr. turner . i ca n't loose my corvette . you 've got to file it now . '' `` well , do you have the three hundred-sixty dollars , three hundred for me and sixty for the filing fee at least ? '' `` maybe i can get that together . i 'll try to scrape it up and i 'll call you later with it , okay . '' `` well , i do n't know , but i guess if your mother says she is mailing the five hundred dollars and you give me the three hundred sixty dollars , then i can go ahead and file it . '' `` oh , thank you stan , you 'll be glad you did this for me . '' `` do n't worry about it , that 's my job . '' `` i know , but you 've been so nice to me . all the other attorney 's were nasty and yelled at me . '' `` what other attorneys ? '' `` the other ones that i talked to about my problems before you . '' i did n't realize you had been shopping around . '' `` well , i 'm very particular about who i do business with and you 're the first attorney who has n't been condescending . i feel very comfortable with you .
[["get", 10], ["got", 10], ["back", 15], ["still", 29], ["floor", 42], ["absence", 60], ["shed", 65], ["manage", 73], ["managed", 73], ["divide", 83], ["bill", 96], ["bills", 96], ["number", 108], ["numbering", 108], ["stack", 118], ["stacks", 118], ["okay", 128], ["coke", 148], ["cokes", 148], ["say", 160], ["sayest", 160], ["said", 160], ["admire", 169], ["admiring", 169], ["work", 178], ["wrought", 178], ["think", 188], ["thinkest", 188], ["pretty", 211], ["prettiest", 211], ["well", 216], ["wells", 216], ["sort", 223], ["sorted", 223], ["good", 240], ["give", 262], ["late", 276], ["lates", 276], ["latest", 276], ["statement", 286], ["account", 303], ["american", 335], ["americans", 335], ["express", 343], ["hmm", 355], ["yeah", 382], ["lot", 408], ["travel", 421], ["traveling", 421], ["lately", 428], ["else", 453], ["visa", 485], ["visas", 485], ["gold", 490], ["golds", 490], ["high", 549], ["credit", 556], ["limit", 563], ["limited", 563], ["limits", 563], ["like", 583], ["tell", 590], ["told", 590], ["tony", 601], ["damn", 623], ["damned", 623], ["take", 642], ["took", 642], ["left", 667], ["leave", 667], ["run", 716], ["ran", 716], ["good", 733], ["best", 733], ["friend", 740], ["oh", 762], ["geez", 767], ["work", 788], ["wrought", 788], ["worked", 788], ["office", 802], ["guess", 816], ["busy", 838], ["busied", 838], ["see", 845], ["happen", 864], ["happening", 864], ["finally", 901], ["wake", 906], ["wakes", 906], ["woken", 906], ["woke", 906], ["discover", 924], ["discovered", 924], ["affair", 951], ["confront", 966], ["confronted", 966], ["hell", 984], ["hells", 984], ["broke", 990], ["break", 990], ["loose", 996], ["looser", 996], ["ca", 1009], ["cas", 1009], ["believe", 1021], ["handsome", 1095], ["handsomes", 1095], ["always", 1119], ["jealous", 1132], ["say", 1147], ["sayest", 1147], ["surprise", 1162], ["surprised", 1162], ["look", 1186], ["looks", 1186], ["owe", 1199], ["owes", 1199], ["owing", 1199], ["include", 1233], ["including", 1233], ["hot", 1241], ["check", 1248], ["checks", 1248], ["advise", 1263], ["advised", 1263], ["know", 1286], ["knowest", 1286], ["derek", 1295], ["handle", 1331], ["criminal", 1340], ["cases", 1346], ["right", 1372], ["rightest", 1372], ["already", 1388], ["talk", 1395], ["talked", 1395], ["attorney", 1418], ["need", 1453], ["needest", 1453], ["file", 1464], ["bankruptcy", 1477], ["save", 1509], ["corvette", 1521], ["chapter", 1550], ["allow", 1570], ["keep", 1582], ["keepest", 1582], ["pay", 1603], ["pays", 1603], ["payest", 1603], ["plan", 1625], ["wonder", 1646], ["wonderest", 1646], ["wondering", 1646], ["really", 1660], ["business", 1737], ["look", 1757], ["prosperous", 1768], ["successful", 1785], ["people", 1797], ["see", 1801], ["saw", 1801], ["drive", 1812], ["driving", 1812], ["around", 1819], ["another", 1830], ["car", 1834], ["wrong", 1870], ["quit", 1879], ["quits", 1879], ["quitting", 1879], ["yes", 1914], ["die", 1957], ["payment", 2015], ["payments", 2015], ["future", 2029], ["cure", 2040], ["default", 2052], ["talk", 2103], ["fee", 2116], ["cost", 2136], ["nine", 2141], ["hundred", 2149], ["dollar", 2157], ["dollars", 2157], ["plus", 2162], ["filing", 2173], ["sixty", 2186], ["eight", 2213], ["overdrawn", 2239], ["get", 2308], ["money", 2319], ["moneys", 2319], ["mom", 2343], ["moms", 2343], ["send", 2363], ["five", 2371], ["fived", 2371], ["rest", 2415], ["go", 2445], ["goest", 2445], ["going", 2445], ["call", 2585], ["mother", 2662], ["mothered", 2662], ["motherest", 2662], ["phone", 2695], ["hand", 2730], ["handed", 2730], ["piece", 2741], ["pieced", 2741], ["paper", 2750], ["wo", 2762], ["direct", 2791], ["afraid", 2818], ["spend", 2830], ["spends", 2830], ["spendest", 2830], ["mother", 2887], ["mothered", 2887], ["motherest", 2887], ["mothers", 2887], ["suspicious", 2909], ["payment", 2987], ["well", 3002], ["better", 3002], ["lock", 3028], ["locked", 3028], ["file", 3065], ["filed", 3065], ["automatic", 3083], ["automatics", 3083], ["stay", 3088], ["effect", 3101], ["please", 3116], ["mr", 3131], ["turner", 3139], ["three", 3234], ["least", 3317], ["leastest", 3317], ["maybe", 3331], ["together", 3355], ["try", 3367], ["tryed", 3367], ["scrape", 3377], ["later", 3408], ["say", 3486], ["sayest", 3486], ["says", 3486], ["mail", 3501], ["go", 3590], ["goest", 3590], ["ahead", 3596], ["thank", 3627], ["thanks", 3627], ["thankest", 3627], ["stan", 3636], ["stans", 3636], ["glad", 3654], ["worry", 3695], ["worried", 3695], ["job", 3721], ["jobbing", 3721], ["nice", 3763], ["nasty", 3808], ["yell", 3819], ["yelled", 3819], ["attorney", 3854], ["attorneys", 3854], ["problem", 3912], ["problems", 3912], ["realize", 3946], ["shop", 3968], ["particular", 4011], ["first", 4062], ["firstest", 4062], ["condescend", 4102], ["condescending", 4102], ["feel", 4111], ["comfortable", 4128]]
when i get things back on track we 're going to do lots of business together . '' gena got up off the floor , walked over to me and extended her hand . i wondered what kind of future business she was contemplating but she seemed in a hurry to leave so i didnt press the issue . `` thanks a lot , stan , i can call you stan , ca n't i ? '' after gena left i went to the stationery supply store to get a bankruptcy kit and then went home early for soccer practice . after practice i sat down to play with marcia and watch tv . it was about 7:30 p.m. when the phone rang . it was gena . `` stan , i 've got the money . '' `` good , how did you get my home telephone ? '' `` you 're in the telephone book . '' `` well , just bring the money by the office in the morning . '' `` i 've got to leave town tonight . i wo n't be back for about a week . i need to give you the money tonight . can i meet you somewhere ? '' ca n't you just bring it by my house ? '' `` no , i 'm sure i 'd get lost . ca n't you just meet me somewhere ? '' `` okay , okay , i 'll meet you at the gulf station at parker and coit in fifteen minutes , but i wish you could just bring it to my office in the morning . '' `` i 'm sorry , but like i said , i 'm going to be out of town . '' `` all right , i 'll see you in fifteen minutes , '' i said and then hung up the phone . `` i got this new client today and i can already tell she 's going to be a royal pain in the ass . she wants me to meet her at the gas station . '' `` to give me the retainer and filing fee for her bankruptcy . '' `` she wants you to go meet her right now ? '' `` uh huh , she 's leaving town and we 've got to file the bankruptcy right away . that reminds me , i better bring the petition with me for her to sign so i can file it in the morning . '' `` i hope she is paying you a lot of money for this . '' her mother is going to send me some money . '' `` you 're going to file it without getting paid ? '' `` well , worst case , i can put the entire fee in the plan . i 'll eventually get paid . she 's just really desperate . '' `` you 're crazy , stan . i 'd tell her to take a hike . '' `` well , derek referred her to me and if i do n't take good care of her he wo n't refer anymore clients to me . i 'll be back in just a minute . '' i jumped into the pinto and took off towards the rendezvous point . when i got there gena was sitting on the hood of her yellow corvette wearing a black crepe halter dress with a slit up the side . one knee was raised exposing her long luscious legs . i felt a tinge of excitement as i approached her cautiously . `` hi , gena . '' `` it 's okay , but in the future we need to conduct our business at my office and not in parking lots . and please do n't call me at home . '' did i get the little lady of the house upset ? '' `` well , as a matter of fact you did . '' `` well , i thought maybe we could get a drink before i left town . '' just give me the money so i can get back to my family . '' `` come on stan , one little drink wo n't hurt anything . '' `` gena , forget it . if you want me to file your bankruptcy then give me the money , otherwise i 'm leaving and i 'm going to return all your papers to you . '' here 's your money , '' gena said as she handed me a plain white envelope . i opened it and counted eighteen $ 20 bills . `` i 'll call you when i get back , '' she said . `` okay , have a good trip . '' gena slid off her car hood , walked over to the door , smiled and winked at me . then she got in and sped off down parker road . i shook my head in disbelief and was about to get into my car when a police car drove up with its lights flashing . a sick feeling suddenly overcame me as i would soon be facing two police officers with an envelope full of twenty dollar bills . what if they think i 'm selling drugs ? the big black and white squad car stood in front of me with its headlights glaring in my face . the officer riding shotgun opened his door and stood up beside his car cautiously . the blare of the police radio sent shivers down my spine . finally the officer approached . `` what are you doing here , sir ? '' `` just meeting a client . '' `` what kind of client ? ''
[["get", 10], ["thing", 17], ["things", 17], ["back", 22], ["track", 31], ["go", 44], ["goest", 44], ["going", 44], ["lot", 55], ["lots", 55], ["business", 67], ["together", 76], ["gena", 86], ["get", 90], ["got", 90], ["floor", 107], ["walk", 116], ["walked", 116], ["extend", 140], ["extended", 140], ["hand", 149], ["wonder", 162], ["wonderest", 162], ["wondered", 162], ["kind", 172], ["future", 182], ["contemplate", 213], ["contemplating", 213], ["seem", 228], ["seeming", 228], ["seemed", 228], ["hurry", 239], ["hurried", 239], ["hurryed", 239], ["hurrying", 239], ["left", 248], ["leave", 248], ["press", 265], ["issue", 275], ["thank", 287], ["thanks", 287], ["thankest", 287], ["lot", 293], ["stan", 300], ["stans", 300], ["call", 313], ["ca", 327], ["cas", 327], ["left", 354], ["leave", 354], ["go", 361], ["goest", 361], ["went", 361], ["stationery", 379], ["supply", 386], ["store", 392], ["bankruptcy", 412], ["kit", 416], ["home", 435], ["homing", 435], ["early", 441], ["soccer", 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["pain", 1430], ["ass", 1441], ["gas", 1479], ["gassing", 1479], ["retainer", 1519], ["filing", 1530], ["fee", 1534], ["go", 1581], ["goest", 1581], ["uh", 1611], ["huh", 1615], ["left", 1632], ["leave", 1632], ["leaving", 1632], ["file", 1660], ["away", 1686], ["remind", 1701], ["reminds", 1701], ["well", 1715], ["better", 1715], ["petition", 1734], ["sign", 1758], ["hope", 1805], ["pay", 1819], ["pays", 1819], ["payest", 1819], ["paying", 1819], ["mother", 1863], ["mothered", 1863], ["motherest", 1863], ["send", 1880], ["without", 1935], ["get", 1943], ["getting", 1943], ["pay", 1948], ["pays", 1948], ["payest", 1948], ["paid", 1948], ["bad", 1969], ["worst", 1969], ["put", 1986], ["entire", 1997], ["plan", 2013], ["eventually", 2032], ["really", 2062], ["desperate", 2072], ["crazy", 2094], ["take", 2125], ["hike", 2132], ["hiking", 2132], ["derek", 2153], ["refer", 2162], ["referred", 2162], ["refer", 2226], ["anymore", 2234], ["client", 2242], ["clients", 2242], ["minute", 2281], ["jump", 2295], ["jumps", 2295], ["jumped", 2295], ["pinto", 2310], ["pintos", 2310], ["take", 2319], ["took", 2319], ["towards", 2331], ["rendezvous", 2346], ["point", 2352], ["sat", 2388], ["sit", 2388], ["sitting", 2388], ["hood", 2400], ["yellow", 2414], ["corvette", 2423], ["wear", 2431], ["wearing", 2431], ["black", 2439], ["crepe", 2445], ["halter", 2452], ["dress", 2458], ["dressest", 2458], ["slit", 2470], ["side", 2482], ["sidest", 2482], ["knee", 2493], ["raise", 2504], ["raised", 2504], ["expose", 2513], ["exposing", 2513], ["long", 2522], ["longs", 2522], ["luscious", 2531], ["leg", 2536], ["legs", 2536], ["feel", 2545], ["felt", 2545], ["tinge", 2553], ["excitement", 2567], ["approach", 2583], ["approaches", 2583], ["approached", 2583], ["cautiously", 2598], ["hi", 2606], ["conduct", 2671], ["conductest", 2671], ["parking", 2716], ["please", 2734], ["little", 2783], ["lady", 2788], ["upset", 2807], ["matter", 2834], ["mattering", 2834], ["fact", 2842], ["think", 2875], ["thinkest", 2875], ["thought", 2875], ["maybe", 2881], ["drank", 2902], ["drink", 2902], ["drinking", 2902], ["family", 2980], ["come", 2993], ["hurt", 3032], ["hurts", 3032], ["hurting", 3032], ["anything", 3041], ["forget", 3063], ["forgot", 3063], ["otherwise", 3142], ["return", 3180], ["returnest", 3180], ["paper", 3196], ["papers", 3196], ["hand", 3256], ["handed", 3256], ["plain", 3267], ["plains", 3267], ["white", 3273], ["envelope", 3282], ["open", 3293], ["opened", 3293], ["count", 3308], ["countest", 3308], ["counted", 3308], ["eighteen", 3317], ["eighteens", 3317], ["bill", 3328], ["bills", 3328], ["trip", 3407], ["tripping", 3407], ["slid", 3422], ["car", 3434], ["door", 3465], ["smile", 3474], ["smiled", 3474], ["wink", 3485], ["winks", 3485], ["winkest", 3485], ["winked", 3485], ["speed", 3518], ["speeding", 3518], ["sped", 3518], ["road", 3539], ["shake", 3549], ["shook", 3549], ["head", 3557], ["disbelief", 3570], ["disbeliefs", 3570], ["police", 3617], ["drive", 3627], ["drove", 3627], ["lit", 3646], ["light", 3646], ["lights", 3646], ["flash", 3655], ["flashing", 3655], ["sick", 3664], ["feeling", 3672], ["suddenly", 3681], ["overcome", 3690], ["overcame", 3690], ["soon", 3709], ["face", 3719], ["facing", 3719], ["two", 3723], ["twos", 3723], ["officer", 3739], ["officering", 3739], ["officers", 3739], ["full", 3761], ["twenty", 3771], ["dollar", 3778], ["think", 3805], ["thinkest", 3805], ["sell", 3818], ["sells", 3818], ["selling", 3818], ["drug", 3824], ["drugs", 3824], ["big", 3834], ["bigs", 3834], ["squad", 3856], ["stand", 3866], ["stood", 3866], ["standest", 3866], ["front", 3875], ["headlight", 3901], ["headlights", 3901], ["glare", 3909], ["glaring", 3909], ["face", 3920], ["officer", 3934], ["officering", 3934], ["ride", 3941], ["rode", 3941], ["riding", 3941], ["shotgun", 3949], ["beside", 3985], ["blare", 4016], ["radio", 4036], ["send", 4041], ["sent", 4041], ["shiver", 4049], ["shivering", 4049], ["shivers", 4049], ["spine", 4063], ["finally", 4073], ["sir", 4131], ["sirs", 4131], ["meet", 4152], ["meeted", 4152]]
`` oh , i 'm an attorney and i just met one of my clients . i 'm filing bankruptcy for her in the morning . '' `` you 're gena 's lawyer ? '' `` yeah , you know her ? '' `` every officer in the precinct knows gena . she 's been spending a lot of time down at the station lately . '' `` what has she done wrong ? '' `` heaters mainly . '' `` heaters ? '' `` hot checks , i do n't think she knows how to balance a checkbook . '' `` well , i have trouble with that sometimes myself . '' `` is n't it a bit unusual to be conducting business in a parking lot ? '' i told her to come to my office but she insisted i meet her here . '' `` what 's in the envelope ? '' that 's her bankruptcy filing fee . i would n't file her case without it . '' `` can i see some identification , please ? '' i pulled out my wallet and handed the officer my driver 's license and my bar card . the officer inspected them closely and then gave them back to me . '' you must have just got out of law school . '' `` well , i 'd conduct your business in your office if i were you . someone might mistake you for a drug dealer or a pimp . especially if you 've got clients like gena . '' `` i usually do work in my office , she just insisted on meeting me here . '' `` well you best be careful , gena 's a wild one . personally i like her , but there are a lot of people who 'd like to nail her . '' well , thanks for the advice . 5 inca oil company rebekah was pretty cool to me all night after meeting with gena . i did n't dare tell her about the encounter with the police . the next morning i filed gena 's bankruptcy and then headed to my appointment with tex at inca oil company . the meeting was in a small office building off the dallas north tollway on the third floor . when i walked in , tex was sitting in the reception area reading a magazine . `` good morning stanley . what 's wrong , you get up too early this morning ? '' i just got through filing a bankruptcy and i do n't feel too good about it . '' `` well , at least it was n't your own . '' `` yeah , but i 've got a real bad feeling about this case . '' `` why did you take it then ? '' `` well , i did n't really know there was anything wrong until it was too late . '' `` oh well , it probably wo n't turn out so bad . '' as we were talking , the receptionist advised us that mr. tomlinson was ready to see us . we got up and followed her into his office . as i entered the large corner office i noticed a short , obese man of about forty-five sitting behind a big oak desk chewing on a cigar . he was discussing something with a younger , dark complexioned man seated to his right . when he saw us he got up , walked toward us and said , `` come on in , gentlemen . '' we all shook hands and then sat down . `` i guess tex has filled you in about our business , stan , '' mr. tomlinson said . `` well , he told me a little about it , but not in any great detail . '' `` then let me fill you in . inca oil co. was formed about five years ago to search for existing wells in proven fields that were shut-in and abandoned because of low oil prices . with oil and gas prices as high as they are today , often times new productive wells can be developed near the old sites . by researching production records we can almost predict what a well will do in advance of drilling it . we 've drilled about a dozen wells to date and eight of them are currently in production . '' `` how do you find your prospects ? '' `` well , we have a geologist who goes from courthouse to courthouse , to the railroad commission office , or to various oil companies and pours over old production records to find wells that have been plugged . when he finds one that fits a certain criteria then we go take a look at it . '' `` recently we 've run into a snag , however . '' `` what kind of snag ? '' `` well , the abstract companies have been deluged with so much business lately it takes six weeks to three months to get a title report on a prospective lease . '' that is a long time . '' `` well , we just ca n't afford that kind of a delay and that 's why we need an attorney . '' `` i see , you need an attorney to check out the title to the land you want to put under lease ? '' `` that should n't be too difficult . i 'd just have to go to the county courthouse in each county where a prospective drilling site was situated and check out the deed records .
[["oh", 5], ["attorney", 24], ["meet", 39], ["meeted", 39], ["met", 39], ["client", 57], ["clients", 57], ["file", 71], ["filing", 71], ["bankruptcy", 82], ["morning", 105], ["gena", 126], ["lawyer", 136], ["yeah", 149], ["know", 160], ["knowest", 160], ["every", 178], ["officer", 186], ["officering", 186], ["precinct", 202], ["know", 208], ["knowest", 208], ["knows", 208], ["spend", 236], ["spends", 236], ["spendest", 236], ["lot", 242], ["time", 250], ["station", 270], ["lately", 277], ["wrong", 309], ["heater", 325], ["heaters", 325], ["mainly", 332], ["hot", 360], ["check", 367], ["checks", 367], ["think", 384], ["thinkest", 384], ["balance", 409], ["checkbook", 421], ["checkbooks", 421], ["well", 434], ["wells", 434], ["trouble", 451], ["troubling", 451], ["bit", 502], ["bits", 502], ["unusual", 510], ["conduct", 527], ["conductest", 527], ["conducting", 527], ["business", 536], ["parking", 549], ["tell", 565], ["told", 565], ["come", 577], ["office", 590], ["insist", 607], ["insistest", 607], ["insisted", 607], ["meet", 614], ["meeted", 614], ["envelope", 655], ["fee", 694], ["file", 713], ["without", 730], ["see", 751], ["identification", 771], ["please", 780], ["pull", 794], ["pulled", 794], ["wallet", 808], ["hand", 819], ["handed", 819], ["driver", 841], ["license", 852], ["bar", 863], ["card", 868], ["inspect", 892], ["inspectest", 892], ["inspected", 892], ["closely", 905], ["give", 919], ["gave", 919], ["back", 929], ["must", 949], ["musts", 949], ["get", 963], ["got", 963], ["law", 974], ["school", 981], ["schooling", 981], ["conduct", 1009], ["conductest", 1009], ["may", 1068], ["mays", 1068], ["mayest", 1068], ["might", 1068], ["mistook", 1076], ["mistake", 1076], ["mistaken", 1076], ["drug", 1091], ["dealer", 1098], ["pimp", 1108], ["especially", 1121], ["like", 1149], ["usually", 1172], ["work", 1180], ["wrought", 1180], ["meet", 1224], ["meeted", 1224], ["meeting", 1224], ["well", 1254], ["wells", 1254], ["careful", 1265], ["wild", 1282], ["wildest", 1282], ["personally", 1299], ["people", 1342], ["nail", 1362], ["thank", 1385], ["thanks", 1385], ["thankest", 1385], ["advice", 1400], ["inca", 1409], ["oil", 1413], ["company", 1421], ["companys", 1421], ["companying", 1421], ["rebekah", 1429], ["pretty", 1440], ["prettiest", 1440], ["cool", 1445], ["night", 1461], ["dare", 1502], ["tell", 1507], ["encounter", 1531], ["police", 1547], ["next", 1558], ["file", 1574], ["filed", 1574], ["head", 1609], ["headed", 1609], ["appointment", 1627], ["tex", 1636], ["small", 1685], ["build", 1701], ["builds", 1701], ["north", 1722], ["tollway", 1730], ["third", 1743], ["floor", 1749], ["walk", 1765], ["walked", 1765], ["sat", 1786], ["sit", 1786], ["sitting", 1786], ["reception", 1803], ["area", 1808], ["read", 1816], ["reads", 1816], ["reading", 1816], ["magazine", 1827], ["magazining", 1827], ["good", 1837], ["stanley", 1853], ["get", 1879], ["early", 1892], ["feel", 1967], ["least", 2009], ["leastest", 2009], ["real", 2065], ["reis", 2065], ["bad", 2069], ["feeling", 2077], ["take", 2118], ["really", 2158], ["anything", 2182], ["late", 2210], ["lates", 2210], ["probably", 2240], ["wo", 2243], ["turn", 2252], ["talk", 2287], ["talking", 2287], ["receptionist", 2306], ["advise", 2314], ["advised", 2314], ["mr", 2325], ["tomlinson", 2336], ["ready", 2346], ["follow", 2381], ["followed", 2381], ["enter", 2416], ["entered", 2416], ["large", 2426], ["corner", 2433], ["notice", 2450], ["noticed", 2450], ["short", 2458], ["obese", 2466], ["man", 2470], ["mans", 2470], ["manned", 2470], ["forty", 2485], ["five", 2490], ["fived", 2490], ["behind", 2505], ["big", 2511], ["bigs", 2511], ["oak", 2515], ["desk", 2520], ["chew", 2528], ["chews", 2528], ["chewest", 2528], ["chewing", 2528], ["cigar", 2539], ["cigars", 2539], ["discuss", 2559], ["discusses", 2559], ["discussest", 2559], ["discussing", 2559], ["young", 2584], ["youngest", 2584], ["dark", 2591], ["seat", 2615], ["seated", 2615], ["right", 2628], ["rightest", 2628], ["see", 2642], ["saw", 2642], ["toward", 2671], ["say", 2683], ["sayest", 2683], ["said", 2683], ["gentleman", 2711], ["gentlemen", 2711], ["shake", 2729], ["shook", 2729], ["hand", 2735], ["hands", 2735], ["sat", 2748], ["sit", 2748], ["guess", 2766], ["fill", 2781], ["fills", 2781], ["filled", 2781], ["stan", 2814], ["stans", 2814], ["little", 2870], ["great", 2902], ["detail", 2909], ["let", 2926], ["lets", 2926], ["fill", 2934], ["fills", 2934], ["form", 2967], ["formest", 2967], ["formed", 2967], ["year", 2984], ["years", 2984], ["ago", 2988], ["search", 2998], ["exist", 3011], ["existest", 3011], ["existing", 3011], ["well", 3017], ["wells", 3017], ["prof", 3027], ["prove", 3027], ["proven", 3027], ["field", 3034], ["fielding", 3034], ["fields", 3034], ["shut", 3049], ["abandon", 3066], ["abandoned", 3066], ["low", 3081], ["lowed", 3081], ["price", 3092], ["prices", 3092], ["gas", 3111], ["gassing", 3111], ["high", 3126], ["today", 3144], ["often", 3152], ["time", 3158], ["times", 3158], ["new", 3162], ["productive", 3173], ["develop", 3196], ["developest", 3196], ["developed", 3196], ["near", 3201], ["old", 3209], ["siting", 3215], ["sites", 3215], ["research", 3232], ["researching", 3232], ["production", 3243], ["record", 3251], ["records", 3251], ["almost", 3265], ["predict", 3273], ["predictest", 3273], ["advance", 3304], ["advancest", 3304], ["drill", 3316], ["drilling", 3316], ["drill", 3336], ["drilling", 3336], ["drilled", 3336], ["dozen", 3350], ["date", 3364], ["eight", 3374], ["currently", 3396], ["find", 3434], ["prospect", 3449], ["prospects", 3449], ["geologist", 3484], ["go", 3493], ["goest", 3493], ["goes", 3493], ["courthouse", 3509], ["railroad", 3541], ["commission", 3552], ["various", 3575], ["company", 3589], ["companys", 3589], ["companying", 3589], ["companies", 3589], ["pour", 3599], ["pours", 3599], ["plug", 3664], ["plugged", 3664], ["find", 3680], ["finds", 3680], ["fit", 3694], ["fitting", 3694], ["fits", 3694], ["certain", 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the only problem is the travel time to each of these courthouses could make my work pretty expensive . '' `` well , well just have to figure in your fees into the cost of the project . '' `` the way we raise our money is to solicit investors . we have a lot of doctors , corporate executives and others who invest in our wells . when we get a prospect ready to sell , our sales staff of about ten men and women start calling our old investors and new prospects to see if they want to invest in the well . '' `` how do you determine how much money you need to drill the well ? '' `` that 's bird 's job . he 's been in the oil business for over twenty years and he can price out a well better than anyone , '' tomlinson replied , `` so what do you think , stan ? '' `` i 'd love to represent you . it sounds exciting . '' `` it is , there 's nothing more exciting than seeing a well come in . all that black gold just pouring out of the ground like a gift from god . and when those royalty checks start coming in it 's like you 've won the irish sweepstakes . '' `` so you 've been successful eight out of twelve times ? '' our success rate can be attributed to bird 's experience in picking out good wells and the strategy i just outlined to you of just exploiting proven wells that were abandoned for economic reasons . many times when these wells were shut-in the technology was n't advanced far enough to allow the full exploitation of the wells . often fifty to sixty percent of the oil was left in the ground . but with today 's technology we can pull out ninety percent . '' `` huh , that 's quite an improvement . '' `` i should say so , '' tex said . `` stan , i 've watched these guys from when they drilled their first well . they know what they 're doing , believe me . '' `` so do you want to work with us on these projects stan ? '' tomlinson asked . the question gave me an uneasy feeling . why the big sales pitch ? i felt like i was buying a used car . then i made eye contact with bird . he was a mysterious looking man with this long , silky black hair pulled back into a pony tail . wake up , boy , '' tex said . definitely , count me in . '' `` good , welcome aboard , '' tomlinson said . `` okay then , bird has a well he needs checked out as soon as possible . '' do we need to talk about fees ? '' `` i suppose we better get that out of the way , '' mr. tomlinson replied . `` i charge a hundred and twenty-five an hour plus expenses . '' `` that 's pretty reasonable . our last attorney charged one fifty , '' tomlinson said . `` you might want to consider doing this on trade , '' tex said . tomlinson sat back and answered for tex , `` well , for every dollar you charge us we put that much money into one of our wells . then if the well hits . hell , you may end up making nine hundred and fifty dollars an hour . `` well , that 's tempting but i 've just started in law practice and i need to get my cash flow going . '' `` i can understand that , stan , but look how much cash flow you 'll get if one of your wells come in . '' `` true , but i ca n't afford to gamble right now . maybe later on when i get my practice stabilized i 'll consider it . '' `` okay , but if you change your mind just let me know . '' `` sure , i 'll do that . '' `` now , go with bird into his office and he 'll show the prospect and give you your assignment . it 's been a pleasure meeting you , stan and i 'm looking forward to working with you . '' `` now that you 're on board you can call me brice , '' mr. tomlinson said . `` thank you , brice , '' i said . `` tex , you stay here i need to talk to you about that policy you 're working on . what 's this about rating me just because i weigh 285 lbs. ? '' bird took me into his office and immediately began asking some personal questions . i told him about rebekah and the children and how i had just started practicing law . then i asked him about himself . `` yes , but sheila and i do n't have any children . we would n't have time for them . i travel a lot and sheila is heavy into the social scene down in corpus . '' `` you live in corpus christi ? '' `` uh huh , we 've got a place on the bay . '' `` do you have to spend a lot of time in dallas ? '' `` i 'm here during the week but i 'm back home on the weekends . '' `` your wife must hate that ? '' `` she 's gotten used it . '' `` my wife would n't tolerate that .
[["problem", 16], ["travel", 30], ["time", 35], ["courthouse", 64], ["courthouses", 64], ["work", 83], ["wrought", 83], ["pretty", 90], ["prettiest", 90], ["expensive", 100], ["well", 113], ["wells", 113], ["figure", 140], ["fee", 153], ["fees", 153], ["cost", 167], ["project", 182], ["projectest", 182], ["way", 198], ["ways", 198], ["raise", 207], ["money", 217], ["moneys", 217], ["solicit", 231], ["solicits", 231], ["solicited", 231], ["investor", 241], ["investors", 241], ["lot", 257], ["doctor", 268], ["doctorest", 268], ["doctoring", 268], ["doctors", 268], ["corporate", 280], ["executive", 291], ["executives", 291], ["invest", 313], ["well", 326], ["wells", 326], ["get", 340], ["prospect", 351], ["ready", 357], ["sell", 365], ["sells", 365], ["sale", 377], ["sales", 377], ["staff", 383], ["staffing", 383], ["ten", 396], ["man", 400], ["mans", 400], ["manned", 400], ["men", 400], ["woman", 410], ["womans", 410], ["women", 410], ["start", 416], ["call", 424], ["calling", 424], ["old", 432], ["new", 450], ["prospect", 460], ["prospects", 460], ["see", 467], ["determine", 531], ["much", 540], ["need", 555], ["needest", 555], ["drill", 564], ["drilling", 564], ["bird", 594], ["job", 601], ["jobbing", 601], ["oil", 625], ["business", 634], ["twenty", 650], ["year", 656], ["years", 656], ["price", 673], ["well", 691], ["wells", 691], ["better", 691], ["anyone", 703], ["tomlinson", 718], ["reply", 726], ["replied", 726], ["think", 752], ["thinkest", 752], ["stan", 759], ["stans", 759], ["love", 777], ["represent", 790], ["representest", 790], ["sound", 806], ["sounds", 806], ["exciting", 815], ["nothing", 848], ["see", 874], ["seeing", 874], ["come", 886], ["black", 906], ["gold", 911], ["golds", 911], ["pour", 924], ["pouring", 924], ["ground", 942], ["like", 947], ["gift", 954], ["god", 963], ["royalty", 988], ["check", 995], ["checks", 995], ["come", 1008], ["coming", 1008], ["win", 1034], ["irish", 1044], ["sweepstake", 1056], ["sweepstakes", 1056], 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2142], ["count", 2150], ["countest", 2150], ["welcome", 2179], ["aboard", 2186], ["okay", 2216], ["need", 2248], ["needest", 2248], ["needs", 2248], ["check", 2256], ["checked", 2256], ["soon", 2268], ["possible", 2280], ["talk", 2304], ["suppose", 2333], ["mr", 2375], ["charge", 2408], ["hundred", 2418], ["five", 2434], ["fived", 2434], ["hour", 2442], ["plus", 2447], ["expense", 2456], ["expenses", 2456], ["reasonable", 2490], ["last", 2501], ["attorney", 2510], ["charge", 2518], ["charged", 2518], ["may", 2563], ["mays", 2563], ["mayest", 2563], ["might", 2563], ["consider", 2580], ["trade", 2600], ["sat", 2630], ["sit", 2630], ["answer", 2648], ["answeres", 2648], ["answerest", 2648], ["answered", 2648], ["every", 2678], ["dollar", 2685], ["put", 2706], ["hit", 2768], ["hits", 2768], ["hell", 2775], ["hells", 2775], ["may", 2785], ["mays", 2785], ["mayest", 2785], ["end", 2789], ["ends", 2789], ["endest", 2789], ["nine", 2804], ["dollar", 2830], ["dollars", 2830], ["start", 2890], ["started", 2890], ["law", 2897], ["practice", 2906], ["cash", 2932], ["cashed", 2932], ["flow", 2937], ["flows", 2937], ["go", 2943], ["goest", 2943], ["going", 2943], ["understand", 2968], ["understanded", 2968], ["look", 2991], ["true", 3064], ["ca", 3075], ["cas", 3075], ["afford", 3086], ["gamble", 3096], ["gambling", 3096], ["right", 3102], ["rightest", 3102], ["maybe", 3114], ["later", 3120], ["stabilize", 3157], ["stabilizes", 3157], ["stabilized", 3157], ["change", 3208], ["mind", 3218], ["minding", 3218], ["let", 3227], ["lets", 3227], ["sure", 3248], ["go", 3281], ["goest", 3281], ["office", 3307], ["show", 3323], ["give", 3345], ["assignment", 3365], ["pleasure", 3389], ["meeting", 3397], ["look", 3425], ["looking", 3425], ["forward", 3433], ["forwarding", 3433], ["forwardest", 3433], ["work", 3444], ["wrought", 3444], ["working", 3444], ["board", 3487], ["boarding", 3487], ["call", 3500], ["brice", 3509], ["thank", 3544], ["thanks", 3544], ["thankest", 3544], ["stay", 3588], ["policy", 3633], ["rate", 3680], ["weigh", 3704], ["weighest", 3704], ["take", 3728], ["took", 3728], ["immediately", 3763], ["begin", 3769], ["began", 3769], ["ask", 3776], ["asking", 3776], ["personal", 3790], ["question", 3800], ["questions", 3800], ["tell", 3809], ["told", 3809], ["rebekah", 3827], ["child", 3844], ["childs", 3844], ["children", 3844], ["practice", 3882], ["practicing", 3882], ["yes", 3928], ["sheila", 3941], ["heavy", 4043], ["heavier", 4043], ["heavies", 4043], ["social", 4059], ["scene", 4065], ["corpus", 4080], ["live", 4097], ["uh", 4126], ["get", 4143], ["got", 4143], ["place", 4151], ["bay", 4162], ["spend", 4191], ["spends", 4191], ["spendest", 4191], ["week", 4249], ["home", 4268], ["homing", 4268], ["weekend", 4284], ["weekends", 4284], ["wife", 4302], ["must", 4307], ["musts", 4307], ["hate", 4312], ["hateed", 4312], ["get", 4339], ["gotten", 4339], ["tolerate", 4382]]
she needs relief from the kids at night . '' does she work at all ? '' `` uh huh , she 's an r.n . she works part time in the er and icu at central receiving hospital . '' `` she enjoys it most of the time , but it 's pretty intense work . some of the doctors can be pretty nasty , i guess . '' `` central receiving , that 's off of central expressway near walnut hill lane , is n't it ? '' bird picked up a file off of his desk , opened it up and said , `` well , we 've been looking at a prospect out in west texas , near cisco . we need you to go out there as soon as possible and check it out . '' `` i 've been through cisco . it 's about a two hour drive , is n't it ? '' when do you think you could get out there ? '' `` probably in a couple of days . '' as we were talking the door to the reception area opened and a young woman appeared . she was wearing a crisp white blouse with a window pane plaid skirt , mid-thigh length . her legs were conversation stoppers . she gave bird a concerned look and said , `` do n't forget about tonight ? '' bird frowned and said , `` relax , i have n't forgotten . '' `` melissa , i want you to meet stan turner . he 's our new attorney . stan , this is melissa madigan . '' `` hi , i said . '' melissa smiled and replied , `` oh , it 's nice to meet you . '' `` if stan needs anything get it for him , okay . '' `` certainly , '' melissa said and then left . `` melissa 's a pain at times , but she 's got a body you would n't believe . i keep her around to keep up my morale . '' `` she 'd definitely keep up my morale , '' i laughed . `` okay , take this file and look it over . if you need anything else , let me know . '' `` great , i will , '' i said and then got up to leave . bird escorted me out and i went back to my office . i was excited about the inca oil project . pouring over deeds was n't the most exciting thing i could think of doing , but it would pay well so i was happy . as i sat pondering my new project the telephone rang . `` this is gena . did you get my bankruptcy filed ? '' `` yes , i filed it this morning . '' i think someone 's been following me . i thought it might be someone from the bank . '' `` well , the bank does n't know the case has been filed yet so you better be careful until we can get the word to them . '' `` you mean they can still take my vette ? '' `` well , they might take it by accident not knowing that a bankruptcy has been filed yet . i 've been out of the office all day so i have n't had a chance to call and tell them you filed bankruptcy . '' `` okay , well hurry up and call them . i just ca n't lose my car . '' i thought you were going to be out of town today ? '' `` they did , huh . well when you get your bankruptcy notice be sure and note on your calendar when your creditor 's meeting is scheduled . you 've got to attend that meeting . '' i laid back and took a deep breath . maybe gena 's case would be okay . she seemed fine today . before i could totally relax the phone rang again . it was gena again . `` they took it ! '' gena moaned . `` they 're hauling it down the street right now . you 've got to do something , stan ! they ca n't take my vette , you ca n't let them ! '' i 'll call the bank immediately . `` i 'm at northpark . near nieman marcus . '' `` do you have someone who can come pick you up ? '' `` well , can you call a cab ? '' i put my hand over the receiver and took a deep breath trying to contain my frustration then i removed my hand and continued to talk . just wait there and i 'll come and get you . do n't cry , we 'll get your car back . '' i immediately drove to northpark and picked up gena . then we went to a pay phone and i dialed gena 's bank and asked for her loan officer . after a few minutes a man came on the phone . `` this is stan turner . i 'm gena lombardi 's attorney . '' you just repossessed her car and she filed bankruptcy this morning . '' `` we did n't get any notice of a bankruptcy . '' we just filed it this morning . you 're under a court stay not to disturb her property . '' `` well , i do n't know anything about that .
[["need", 9], ["needest", 9], ["needs", 9], ["relief", 16], ["reliefs", 16], ["kid", 30], ["kids", 30], ["night", 39], ["work", 58], ["wrought", 58], ["uh", 76], ["huh", 80], ["work", 108], ["wrought", 108], ["works", 108], ["part", 113], ["parting", 113], ["time", 118], ["er", 128], ["icu", 136], ["central", 147], ["receive", 157], ["receiving", 157], ["hospital", 166], ["enjoy", 185], ["enjoyed", 185], ["enjoys", 185], ["pretty", 224], ["prettiest", 224], ["intense", 232], ["doctor", 259], ["doctorest", 259], ["doctoring", 259], ["doctors", 259], ["nasty", 279], ["guess", 289], ["expressway", 351], ["near", 356], ["walnut", 363], ["hill", 368], ["lane", 373], ["lanes", 373], ["bird", 395], ["pick", 402], ["picked", 402], ["file", 412], ["desk", 428], ["open", 437], ["opened", 437], ["say", 452], ["sayest", 452], ["said", 452], ["well", 462], ["wells", 462], ["look", 484], ["looking", 484], ["prospect", 498], ["west", 510], ["texas", 516], ["cisco", 529], ["ciscos", 529], ["need", 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["forget", 1108], ["forgot", 1108], ["forgotten", 1108], ["melissa", 1124], ["meet", 1145], ["meeted", 1145], ["stan", 1150], ["stans", 1150], ["turner", 1157], ["new", 1173], ["attorney", 1182], ["hi", 1226], ["smile", 1255], ["smiled", 1255], ["reply", 1267], ["replied", 1267], ["oh", 1275], ["nice", 1288], ["anything", 1331], ["okay", 1353], ["certainly", 1371], ["left", 1403], ["leave", 1403], ["pain", 1426], ["time", 1435], ["times", 1435], ["get", 1452], ["got", 1452], ["body", 1459], ["bodied", 1459], ["believe", 1481], ["keep", 1490], ["keepest", 1490], ["around", 1501], ["morale", 1522], ["definitely", 1548], ["laugh", 1581], ["laughed", 1581], ["take", 1598], ["else", 1653], ["let", 1659], ["lets", 1659], ["know", 1667], ["knowest", 1667], ["great", 1681], ["left", 1727], ["leave", 1727], ["escort", 1743], ["escorted", 1743], ["go", 1761], ["goest", 1761], ["went", 1761], ["back", 1766], ["office", 1779], ["excite", 1795], ["excites", 1795], ["excited", 1795], ["inca", 1810], ["oil", 1814], ["project", 1822], ["projectest", 1822], ["pour", 1832], ["pouring", 1832], ["deed", 1843], ["deeds", 1843], ["exciting", 1869], ["thing", 1875], ["pay", 1917], ["pays", 1917], ["payest", 1917], ["happy", 1937], ["sat", 1948], ["sit", 1948], ["ponder", 1958], ["pondering", 1958], ["telephone", 1987], ["gena", 2010], ["bankruptcy", 2038], ["file", 2044], ["filed", 2044], ["yes", 2056], ["morning", 2082], ["follow", 2121], ["following", 2121], ["think", 2136], ["thinkest", 2136], ["thought", 2136], ["may", 2145], ["mays", 2145], ["mayest", 2145], ["might", 2145], ["bank", 2170], ["yet", 2236], ["well", 2250], ["better", 2250], ["careful", 2261], ["word", 2287], ["mean", 2312], ["meanest", 2312], ["still", 2327], ["vette", 2341], ["accident", 2387], ["know", 2399], ["knowest", 2399], ["knowing", 2399], ["day", 2475], ["chance", 2502], ["chanced", 2502], ["chancing", 2502], ["call", 2510], ["tell", 2519], ["hurry", 2571], ["hurried", 2571], ["hurryed", 2571], ["hurrying", 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["tryed", 3429], ["trying", 3429], ["contain", 3440], ["containest", 3440], ["frustration", 3455], ["remove", 3470], ["removed", 3470], ["continue", 3492], ["continued", 3492], ["talk", 3500], ["wait", 3512], ["waitest", 3512], ["cry", 3558], ["drive", 3610], ["drove", 3610], ["dial", 3685], ["dialed", 3685], ["ask", 3708], ["asked", 3708], ["loan", 3721], ["officer", 3729], ["officering", 3729], ["minute", 3751], ["minutes", 3751], ["man", 3757], ["mans", 3757], ["manned", 3757], ["come", 3762], ["came", 3762], ["repossess", 3859], ["court", 4014], ["courting", 4014], ["courtest", 4014], ["stay", 4019], ["disturb", 4034], ["disturbed", 4034], ["property", 4047]]
all i know is i 've been trying to get that car back for three months and i 'm not going to return it unless my attorney tells me i have to . '' `` well , i suggest you get your attorney on the phone and advise him of the situation . i want that car returned today or i 'll file a contempt motion . '' `` i 'll call my attorney right now , but sometimes it takes days to get him to return my calls . '' `` then i suggest you drive over to his office and camp at his door until he talks to you because i 'm not waiting a couple of days ! '' `` call me back in an hour . i turned around and gena looked like she was in a trance . `` that was so great , '' gena said . `` the way you chewed out that old bastard gave me goose bumps . '' `` no one has ever stuck up for me like that before . '' i 'm sorry they took your car . '' `` well , can we get that drink now since we have an hour to kill . '' `` it 's a little early for drinking . `` i 'd rather have a martini . '' `` let 's stick to coffee . come on , there 's a coffee shop inside the mall . '' after we killed an hour in the coffee shop i got back on the phone and talked to gena 's bank officer . he had talked to the bank 's attorney and had been instructed to give gena her car back . he advised me where to go to pick it up . '' `` i 've got good news for you , gena . '' `` they 're going to give you your corvette back . '' i hope they did n't damage it . when can we get it ? '' `` we can go right now , come on . '' we drove to the bank and sure enough gena 's yellow corvette was parked in the back . we went inside and asked for gena 's loan officer . he was busy , but his secretary brought over the keys to the car and gave them to her . then we left the bank and walked over to the corvette . `` this is a nice car , '' i said . `` well , i 'm glad you 've got it back . '' `` stan , you were wonderful today . gena said as she suddenly put her arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss . gena jumped in the car and sped off down the street . i shook my head , wiped the lipstick off my lips and went back to my car . i had n't ever met anyone like gena . she was so confident yet so confused . she was determined to get what she wanted , but i doubt if she really knew what that was . she was wild , out of control and obviously very dangerous . i wished i 'd never met her , but i could n't keep my mind on anything else . i was happier than usual to see rebekah and the kids that night . so much had happened during the day it seemed like i had been gone a week . it was nice to be around the people i loved . it 's not that there was anything wrong with my new clients , but as i watched and listened to them i wondered what was really going through their minds . what did they really think of me ? were they impressed or were they laughing under their breath . was i a pawn jumping at every command or was i a knight charging off to defend each of them . i did n't know the answer but one thing i did know was that i did n't like being in the dark . i wanted to know exactly what was going on and how i fit into the game , otherwise i did n't want to play . 6 melba thorn the next day i got a call from dan kelley . it seemed kurt had another deal in the works and needed me to come by in the morning . i agreed , figuring i would take care of kurt the next day , thursday , and go to cisco on friday . suddenly i had plenty of work to do but i was still broke and it would be at least three more weeks until i could even bill my new clients . it was kind of depressing , but i did n't have time to feel sorry for myself . for now i had to dig out my oil and gas textbook and figure out the difference between a royalty interest and a working interest and figure out how to spot one from the other by the language of the deeds and oil and gas leases . it would be another long day of research and preparation for my next task . while i was pouring over my oil and gas text , the phone rang . i was beginning to dislike the sound of the phone because of who and what might be waiting for me on the other end of the line . i let it ring three times and then i reluctantly answered it . `` attorney 's office . '' `` hello , this is melba thorn . i need to talk to stan turner . '' `` this is stan turner . '' `` i 'm so glad i found you ! i 've only a minute to talk .
[["know", 10], ["knowest", 10], ["try", 31], ["tryed", 31], ["trying", 31], ["get", 38], ["car", 47], ["back", 52], ["three", 62], ["month", 69], ["months", 69], ["go", 88], ["goest", 88], ["going", 88], ["return", 98], ["returnest", 98], ["unless", 108], ["unlesss", 108], ["attorney", 120], ["tell", 126], ["tells", 126], ["well", 152], ["wells", 152], ["suggest", 164], ["phone", 199], ["advise", 210], ["situation", 231], ["return", 258], ["returnest", 258], ["returned", 258], ["today", 264], ["file", 278], ["contempt", 289], ["contempts", 289], ["motion", 296], ["call", 315], ["right", 333], ["rightest", 333], ["take", 362], ["takes", 362], ["day", 367], ["days", 367], ["call", 397], ["calls", 397], ["drive", 430], ["office", 449], ["camp", 458], ["camped", 458], ["door", 470], ["talk", 485], ["talks", 485], ["wait", 517], ["waitest", 517], ["waiting", 517], ["couple", 526], ["hour", 566], ["turn", 577], ["turned", 577], ["around", 584], ["gena", 593], ["look", 600], ["looked", 600], ["like", 605], ["trance", 625], ["great", 648], ["say", 663], ["sayest", 663], ["said", 663], ["way", 676], ["ways", 676], ["chew", 687], ["chews", 687], ["chewest", 687], ["chewed", 687], ["old", 700], ["bastard", 708], ["give", 713], ["gave", 713], ["goose", 722], ["bump", 728], ["bumpest", 728], ["bumps", 728], ["ever", 752], ["everest", 752], ["stick", 758], ["stickest", 758], ["stuck", 758], ["sorry", 801], ["take", 811], ["took", 811], ["drank", 857], ["drink", 857], ["drinking", 857], ["since", 867], ["kill", 891], ["little", 914], ["early", 920], ["rather", 950], ["martini", 965], ["martinis", 965], ["let", 977], ["lets", 977], ["stick", 986], ["stickest", 986], ["coffee", 996], ["come", 1003], ["shop", 1031], ["inside", 1038], ["mall", 1047], ["kill", 1068], ["killed", 1068], ["get", 1101], ["got", 1101], ["talk", 1130], ["talked", 1130], ["bank", 1146], ["officer", 1154], ["officering", 1154], ["instruct", 1218], ["instructest", 1218], ["instructed", 1218], ["give", 1226], ["advise", 1257], ["advised", 1257], ["go", 1272], ["goest", 1272], ["pick", 1280], ["good", 1309], ["news", 1314], ["newses", 1314], ["corvette", 1378], ["hope", 1395], ["damage", 1415], ["damaging", 1415], ["drive", 1491], ["drove", 1491], ["sure", 1512], ["enough", 1519], ["yellow", 1534], ["park", 1554], ["parks", 1554], ["parked", 1554], ["go", 1576], ["goest", 1576], ["went", 1576], ["ask", 1593], ["asked", 1593], ["loan", 1610], ["busy", 1632], ["busied", 1632], ["secretary", 1652], ["bring", 1660], ["brought", 1660], ["key", 1674], ["keyed", 1674], ["keyest", 1674], ["keys", 1674], ["left", 1721], ["leave", 1721], ["walk", 1741], ["walked", 1741], ["nice", 1782], ["glad", 1820], ["stan", 1853], ["stans", 1853], ["wonderful", 1874], ["suddenly", 1908], ["put", 1912], ["arm", 1921], ["arms", 1921], ["neck", 1936], ["necked", 1936], ["big", 1954], ["bigs", 1954], ["kiss", 1959], ["kisses", 1959], ["kissest", 1959], ["jump", 1973], ["jumps", 1973], ["jumped", 1973], ["speed", 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["love", 2583], ["loved", 2583], ["wrong", 2625], ["new", 2637], ["client", 2645], ["clients", 2645], ["watch", 2664], ["watched", 2664], ["listen", 2677], ["listens", 2677], ["listened", 2677], ["wonder", 2696], ["wonderest", 2696], ["wondered", 2696], ["mind", 2738], ["minding", 2738], ["minds", 2738], ["think", 2767], ["thinkest", 2767], ["laugh", 2817], ["laughing", 2817], ["breath", 2836], ["breathest", 2836], ["pawn", 2851], ["jump", 2859], ["jumps", 2859], ["jumping", 2859], ["every", 2868], ["command", 2876], ["knight", 2894], ["knights", 2894], ["knighted", 2894], ["knightest", 2894], ["charge", 2903], ["charging", 2903], ["defend", 2917], ["answer", 2958], ["answeres", 2958], ["answerest", 2958], ["thing", 2972], ["dark", 3025], ["exactly", 3052], ["fit", 3084], ["fitting", 3084], ["game", 3098], ["otherwise", 3110], ["play", 3133], ["playest", 3133], ["melba", 3143], ["thorn", 3149], ["next", 3158], ["dan", 3184], ["kelley", 3191], ["kurt", 3208], ["another", 3220], ["deal", 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["long", 3854], ["longs", 3854], ["research", 3870], ["preparation", 3886], ["task", 3903], ["tasking", 3903], ["taskest", 3903], ["pour", 3925], ["pouring", 3925], ["text", 3950], ["begin", 3985], ["beginning", 3985], ["dislike", 3996], ["dislikes", 3996], ["sound", 4006], ["may", 4049], ["mays", 4049], ["mayest", 4049], ["might", 4049], ["end", 4084], ["ends", 4084], ["endest", 4084], ["line", 4096], ["rang", 4112], ["rung", 4112], ["ring", 4112], ["time", 4124], ["times", 4124], ["reluctantly", 4147], ["answer", 4156], ["answeres", 4156], ["answerest", 4156], ["answered", 4156], ["hello", 4197], ["hellos", 4197], ["need", 4228], ["needest", 4228], ["talk", 4236], ["find", 4308], ["found", 4308], ["minute", 4334]]
someone is looking for me . '' `` they 've already taken my property and now they want to lock me away in a sanatorium . `` how did you get my name ? '' `` you know , i used to be a rich woman . i owned the chronicle building downtown . it was worth millions . '' `` i 'm sorry , but you 'll need to come in if you want a consultation . '' `` when they find me they 're going to lock me up and i 'll be a prisoner , '' she said . `` i never thought i would see the day when my own flesh and blood would turn on me . after all the sacrifices i made for them all they can think of now is how to get rid of me and steal my money . '' `` ma'am , if i 'm going to help you , i need to know where you are and what you would like me to do . '' `` oh no , here they come . you 've got to help me . no leave me alone . please help me , '' she said and then the phone went dead . i looked at the phone and shook my head . about that time the door flung open and general burton walked in . '' `` stan , you 're back . i have n't seen much of you lately . '' `` yeah , i 've been pretty busy . i never dreamed attorneys had to make house calls . '' `` some lady just called me and said she was being held prisoner and wanted me to help her . '' `` she said her name was melba thorn . '' `` melba thorn ? i know a melba thorn . '' `` yeah , i served with her husband , howard thorn , in the south pacific during world war ii . i stayed in the army after the war but he went on to make a fortune in real estate . '' `` i wonder if it 's the same person ? '' `` we stayed in touch over the years and got together from time to time until howard died a few years ago . i 've kind of lost track of the family since then . '' `` did he own the chronicle building ? '' `` it would n't surprise me if he did . i wonder how she got your name ? '' `` i do n't have the foggiest idea . i probably should just forget she called , but what if she has been taken hostage by her children and is being held captive ? '' `` that 's pretty far-fetched , '' general burton said . `` she had two children as i recall , a boy and a girl . the son was a bit of a problem but nothing major and their daughter was an angel . '' `` do you know where i can find them ? '' `` i do n't know , but let me do some checking , perhaps i can come up with something . '' `` well , i 'm getting the hell out of here before that phone rings again . '' `` that 's probably a wise idea . you look like you need a good nights sleep . '' when i got home i immediately crashed on the sofa . rebekah sat down next to me with a sympathetic look on her face , obviously sensing id had a bad day . `` yeah , i 'm going to survive . '' `` just start anywhere . '' `` some lady just called me and said she was being held hostage by her children and wanted me to help her . '' `` sounds like a loony . '' `` well , i would tend to agree but some of the things she said checked out according to general burton . '' `` yeah , she was from an old wealthy family that owned a lot of real estate and she described some of that property to me . '' `` nothing , i guess , i do n't know where she is and she has n't really retained me to do anything . '' `` well , you can just forget it then . '' she just seemed so desperate . she asked me to help her but i do n't know how i can . '' `` do n't worry about it , honey , there 's nothing you can do . '' rebekah snuggled up next to me and laid her head on my shoulder . suddenly she began sniffing my shirt . `` you smell like perfume . '' you remember gena do n't you ? '' `` gena ? you mean the girl that met you in the parking lot ? '' `` yeah , well i filed her bankruptcy today but i did n't have time to call the bank and advise them about it . unfortunately they decided to repossess her corvette today . '' `` so what does that have to do with you smelling like a perfume factory ? '' i told her everything that had happened . `` i guess her perfume was so strong my clothes absorbed some of it . '' `` are you done now with that little slut ? '' i still have to go to her creditors meeting . '' `` you better stay clear of her stan turner . you can bet shed love to get her hooks into you . ''
[["look", 18], ["looking", 18], ["already", 50], ["take", 56], ["taken", 56], ["property", 68], ["lock", 94], ["away", 102], ["sanatorium", 118], ["get", 139], ["name", 147], ["know", 164], ["knowest", 164], ["use", 173], ["used", 173], ["rich", 186], ["woman", 192], ["womans", 192], ["chronicle", 216], ["chronicled", 216], ["build", 225], ["building", 225], ["downtown", 234], ["downtowns", 234], ["worth", 249], ["million", 258], ["millions", 258], ["sorry", 277], ["need", 296], ["needest", 296], ["come", 304], ["consultation", 334], ["find", 357], ["go", 375], ["goest", 375], ["going", 375], ["prisoner", 413], ["say", 427], ["sayest", 427], ["said", 427], ["never", 440], ["think", 448], ["thinkest", 448], ["thought", 448], ["see", 460], ["day", 468], ["flesh", 486], ["fleshest", 486], ["blood", 496], ["bloods", 496], ["blooded", 496], ["turn", 507], ["sacrifice", 540], ["sacrifices", 540], ["think", 575], ["thinkest", 575], ["rid", 600], ["steal", 616], ["stole", 616], ["money", 625], ["moneys", 625], ["madam", 639], ["madams", 639], ["help", 663], ["helpest", 663], ["like", 722], ["oh", 742], ["get", 776], ["got", 776], ["left", 798], ["leave", 798], ["alone", 807], ["please", 816], ["phone", 857], ["go", 862], ["goest", 862], ["went", 862], ["dead", 867], ["look", 878], ["looked", 878], ["shake", 901], ["shook", 901], ["head", 909], ["time", 927], ["door", 936], ["flung", 942], ["fling", 942], ["open", 947], ["general", 959], ["burton", 966], ["walk", 973], ["walked", 973], ["stan", 989], ["stans", 989], ["back", 1004], ["see", 1022], ["seen", 1022], ["much", 1027], ["lately", 1041], ["yeah", 1054], ["pretty", 1074], ["prettiest", 1074], ["busy", 1079], ["busied", 1079], ["dream", 1097], ["dreamt", 1097], ["dreamest", 1097], ["dreamed", 1097], ["attorney", 1107], ["attorneys", 1107], ["house", 1125], ["call", 1131], ["calls", 1131], ["lady", 1149], ["call", 1161], ["called", 1161], ["hold", 1192], ["held", 1192], ["melba", 1263], ["thorn", 1269], ["serve", 1336], ["served", 1336], ["husband", 1353], ["husbanding", 1353], ["howard", 1362], ["south", 1383], ["pacific", 1391], ["world", 1404], ["war", 1408], ["ii", 1411], ["stay", 1422], ["stayed", 1422], ["army", 1434], ["fortune", 1481], ["real", 1489], ["reis", 1489], ["estate", 1496], ["wonder", 1513], ["wonderest", 1513], ["person", 1538], ["touch", 1565], ["touching", 1565], ["year", 1580], ["years", 1580], ["together", 1597], ["die", 1633], ["died", 1633], ["ago", 1649], ["kind", 1662], ["lost", 1670], ["track", 1676], ["family", 1690], ["since", 1696], ["surprise", 1773], ["surprised", 1773], ["foggy", 1854], ["foggiest", 1854], ["idea", 1859], ["probably", 1872], ["forget", 1891], ["forgot", 1891], ["hostage", 1943], ["child", 1959], ["childs", 1959], ["children", 1959], ["captive", 1985], ["far", 2012], ["two", 2062], ["twos", 2062], ["recall", 2083], ["recallest", 2083], ["boy", 2091], ["girl", 2102], ["son", 2112], ["bit", 2122], ["bits", 2122], ["problem", 2135], ["nothing", 2147], ["major", 2153], ["daughter", 2172], ["angel", 2185], ["let", 2259], ["lets", 2259], ["checking", 2279], ["perhaps", 2289], ["well", 2331], ["wells", 2331], ["get", 2346], ["getting", 2346], ["hell", 2355], ["hells", 2355], ["rang", 2391], ["rung", 2391], ["ring", 2391], ["rings", 2391], ["wise", 2429], ["look", 2445], ["good", 2466], ["night", 2473], ["nights", 2473], ["sleep", 2479], ["slept", 2479], ["sleeps", 2479], ["sleepest", 2479], ["home", 2500], ["homing", 2500], ["immediately", 2514], ["crash", 2522], ["crashed", 2522], ["sofa", 2534], ["rebekah", 2544], ["sat", 2548], ["sit", 2548], ["next", 2558], ["sympathetic", 2583], ["face", 2600], ["obviously", 2612], ["sense", 2620], ["sensing", 2620], ["bad", 2633], ["survive", 2671], ["start", 2690], ["anywhere", 2699], ["sound", 2825], ["sounds", 2825], ["loony", 2838], ["tend", 2866], ["agree", 2875], ["thing", 2898], ["things", 2898], ["check", 2915], ["checked", 2915], ["accord", 2929], ["according", 2929], ["old", 2982], ["wealthy", 2990], ["lot", 3014], ["describe", 3047], ["described", 3047], ["guess", 3101], ["really", 3153], ["retain", 3162], ["retained", 3162], ["anything", 3180], ["seem", 3244], ["seeming", 3244], ["seemed", 3244], ["desperate", 3257], ["ask", 3269], ["asked", 3269], ["worry", 3333], ["worried", 3333], ["honey", 3350], ["honeys", 3350], ["snuggle", 3402], ["snuggled", 3402], ["lay", 3425], ["lays", 3425], ["layed", 3425], ["layest", 3425], ["laid", 3425], ["shoulder", 3449], ["shouldered", 3449], ["suddenly", 3460], ["begin", 3470], ["began", 3470], ["sniff", 3479], ["sniffed", 3479], ["sniffing", 3479], ["shirt", 3488], ["smelt", 3503], ["smell", 3503], ["smellest", 3503], ["perfume", 3516], ["perfumed", 3516], ["perfumes", 3516], ["remember", 3534], ["rememberest", 3534], ["gena", 3539], ["mean", 3574], ["meanest", 3574], ["meet", 3592], ["meeted", 3592], ["met", 3592], ["parking", 3611], ["file", 3643], ["filed", 3643], ["bankruptcy", 3658], ["today", 3664], ["call", 3696], ["bank", 3705], ["advise", 3716], ["unfortunately", 3746], ["decide", 3759], ["decided", 3759], ["repossess", 3772], ["corvette", 3785], ["smelt", 3846], ["smell", 3846], ["smellest", 3846], ["smelling", 3846], ["factory", 3869], ["tell", 3881], ["told", 3881], ["everything", 3896], ["happen", 3914], ["happened", 3914], ["strong", 3953], ["clad", 3964], ["clothe", 3964], ["clothes", 3964], ["absorb", 3973], ["absorbed", 3973], ["little", 4026], ["slut", 4031], ["sluts", 4031], ["still", 4044], ["go", 4055], ["goest", 4055], ["creditor", 4072], ["creditors", 4072], ["meet", 4080], ["meeted", 4080], ["well", 4099], ["wells", 4099], ["stay", 4104], ["clear", 4110], ["clearest", 4110], ["bet", 4143], ["shed", 4148], ["love", 4153], ["hook", 4170], ["hooks", 4170]]
`` do n't worry , honey , i wish i had never taken her case . '' `` what does she look like anyway ? '' `` oh , she 's not that great looking . '' `` is she fat ? '' `` she 's good looking is n't she ? come on , admit it . i can tell by the look on your face that she 's gorgeous . '' `` come on , honey , you 're getting ridiculous now . '' from the back bedroom i could hear our arguing had awakened marcia . `` go take care of your daughter , '' rebekah said . rebekah did n't talk to me the rest of the night . i guess she had a right to be upset , but i did n't feel like i had done anything wrong . i wished there was some way to get rid of gena because , somehow , i was afraid the worst was yet to come . that night i did n't sleep well . my mind played over the events of the day and the week . finally i faded off into a shallow sleep and began to dream . i was sitting in my office alone working on something when the door opened . she walked into my office , took off her sunglasses and sat down . she was wearing a little fit and flare dress with wide flaps and buttons down the front . she crossed her legs and gave me a seductive smile . `` what 's going on gena ? `` i just got off the phone with my mother ? '' `` yeah , how is she ? '' `` we had a big fight and now she wo n't send me the money for your fee . '' you 've got to be kidding ! '' `` i wish i were , believe me . '' `` what about your business ? have n't you been able to generate any income yet ? '' `` tony has called all my customers and told them i filed bankruptcy . none of the regulars will do business with me anymore . '' `` that i ca n't pay you . '' `` oh well , i 'll just have to put the entire fee in your plan ? i 'll get paid eventually . '' `` no , i promised you i would pay you . '' gena stood up and tossed her long black hair from one side to the other . `` no , a promise is a promise , '' she said as she began unbuttoning her dress . `` giving you your down payment , '' she said as she slipped off one strap exposing a succulent breast . `` i think you 'll find this much better than money . '' `` gena , you ca n't do this . button up you dress . '' gena gave a little wiggle and her dress fell to the floor . my pulse quickened as my eyes devoured her splendid body . then she casually began to climb up on my desk beckoning me to take her . i struggled to keep my distance but i was drawn toward her by a force so strong i could not resist . our lips were about to touch when , suddenly , the door opened . startled i looked up and was horrified to see general burton . he glanced over at gena crawling naked on the desk and blinked like he was looking at a mirage . then he took a look at me , shook his head and continued into his office . gena began to laugh hysterically and . rebekah leaned over and grabbed the phone . `` it 's for you stan . '' i looked over at the alarm clock and saw that it was 2:03 a.m. `` who in the hell is calling me now ? '' i said as i grabbed the phone from rebekah . `` i only have a minute ? '' `` they have n't missed me yet but they will soon . they have someone watching me twenty-fours a day . '' `` melba thorn . '' `` please help me mr. turner . `` how can i help you if i do n't even know where you are ? '' `` stop it you bastards , . leave me alone , . i shook my head , handed the phone back to rebekah and fell back onto the bed . `` it was that woman again , melba thorn . '' `` how did she get your number ? '' `` we 're in the phone book . '' `` do you think she 's crazy ? '' `` maybe , but i really ca n't tell . she seems genuine enough . '' `` well , since you do n't know where she is , there 's nothing you can do . '' i am sorry she woke you up . i never dreamed practicing law would be like this . the responsibility that is suddenly thrust upon you is unrelenting . all of a sudden you 're expected to be some kind of god . perfect strangers walk into your office and tell you their most intimate secrets . they expect you to be an expert on everything , not just the law , but business , politics , religion , psychology ; . and they just dump their problems on you and expect you to somehow miraculously solve them over night . '' rebekah rolled over on her side and put her arm around me .
[["worry", 15], ["worried", 15], ["honey", 23], ["honeys", 23], ["wish", 32], ["never", 44], ["take", 50], ["taken", 50], ["look", 86], ["like", 91], ["anyway", 98], ["oh", 109], ["great", 133], ["fat", 160], ["fattest", 160], ["good", 180], ["come", 206], ["admit", 217], ["tell", 233], ["face", 258], ["gorgeous", 279], ["get", 321], ["getting", 321], ["ridiculous", 332], ["back", 355], ["bedroom", 363], ["hear", 376], ["hears", 376], ["awaken", 401], ["awakens", 401], ["awakened", 401], ["marcia", 408], ["go", 416], ["goest", 416], ["take", 421], ["care", 426], ["daughter", 443], ["rebekah", 456], ["say", 461], ["sayest", 461], ["said", 461], ["talk", 484], ["rest", 499], ["night", 512], ["guess", 522], ["right", 538], ["rightest", 538], ["upset", 550], ["feel", 571], ["anything", 596], ["wrong", 602], ["wish", 613], ["wished", 613], ["way", 632], ["ways", 632], ["get", 639], ["rid", 643], ["gena", 651], ["somehow", 669], ["afraid", 684], ["bad", 694], ["worst", 694], ["yet", 702], ["sleep", 739], ["slept", 739], ["sleeps", 739], ["sleepest", 739], ["well", 744], ["wells", 744], ["mind", 754], ["minding", 754], ["play", 761], ["playest", 761], ["played", 761], ["event", 777], ["events", 777], ["day", 788], ["week", 801], ["finally", 811], ["fade", 819], ["faded", 819], ["shallow", 838], ["begin", 854], ["began", 854], ["dream", 863], ["dreamt", 863], ["dreamest", 863], ["sat", 879], ["sit", 879], ["sitting", 879], ["office", 892], ["alone", 898], ["work", 906], ["wrought", 906], ["working", 906], ["door", 933], ["open", 940], ["opened", 940], ["walk", 953], ["walked", 953], ["take", 975], ["took", 975], ["sunglass", 994], ["sunglasses", 994], ["sat", 1002], ["sit", 1002], ["wear", 1025], ["wearing", 1025], ["little", 1034], ["fit", 1038], ["fitting", 1038], ["flare", 1048], ["dress", 1054], ["dressest", 1054], ["wide", 1064], ["flap", 1070], ["flaps", 1070], ["button", 1082], ["buttoning", 1082], ["buttons", 1082], ["front", 1097], ["cross", 1111], ["crossing", 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["payest", 1722], ["paid", 1722], ["eventually", 1733], ["promise", 1757], ["promised", 1757], ["stand", 1793], ["stood", 1793], ["standest", 1793], ["toss", 1807], ["tossed", 1807], ["long", 1816], ["longs", 1816], ["black", 1822], ["hair", 1827], ["side", 1841], ["sidest", 1841], ["promise", 1874], ["unbutton", 1926], ["unbuttoned", 1926], ["give", 1948], ["giving", 1948], ["payment", 1970], ["slip", 1999], ["slipped", 1999], ["strap", 2013], ["straps", 2013], ["expose", 2022], ["exposing", 2022], ["succulent", 2034], ["breast", 2041], ["breasted", 2041], ["breasting", 2041], ["think", 2054], ["thinkest", 2054], ["find", 2067], ["much", 2077], ["well", 2084], ["wells", 2084], ["button", 2138], ["buttoning", 2138], ["wiggle", 2182], ["fall", 2201], ["falls", 2201], ["fell", 2201], ["floor", 2214], ["pulse", 2225], ["quicken", 2235], ["quickens", 2235], ["quickened", 2235], ["eye", 2246], ["eyed", 2246], ["eyes", 2246], ["devour", 2255], ["devours", 2255], ["devoured", 2255], ["splendid", 2268], ["body", 2273], ["bodied", 2273], ["casually", 2293], ["climb", 2308], ["desk", 2322], ["beckon", 2332], ["beckoning", 2332], ["struggle", 2361], ["struggled", 2361], ["keep", 2369], ["keepest", 2369], ["distance", 2381], ["distancing", 2381], ["draw", 2397], ["drawn", 2397], ["draws", 2397], ["toward", 2404], ["force", 2419], ["strong", 2429], ["resist", 2448], ["resistest", 2448], ["lip", 2459], ["lipped", 2459], ["lips", 2459], ["touch", 2479], ["touching", 2479], ["suddenly", 2495], ["look", 2533], ["looked", 2533], ["see", 2561], ["general", 2569], ["burton", 2576], ["glance", 2589], ["glanced", 2589], ["crawl", 2611], ["crawling", 2611], ["naked", 2617], ["blink", 2641], ["blinked", 2641], ["look", 2661], ["looking", 2661], ["mirage", 2673], ["shake", 2709], ["shook", 2709], ["head", 2718], ["continue", 2732], ["continued", 2732], ["laugh", 2770], ["hysterically", 2783], ["lean", 2804], ["leans", 2804], ["leaned", 2804], ["grab", 2821], ["grabbed", 2821], ["stan", 2855], ["stans", 2855], ["alarm", 2887], ["clock", 2893], ["see", 2901], ["saw", 2901], ["hell", 2942], ["hells", 2942], ["call", 2953], ["calling", 2953], ["minute", 3034], ["miss", 3063], ["missed", 3063], ["soon", 3089], ["watch", 3118], ["watching", 3118], ["twenty", 3128], ["four", 3134], ["fours", 3134], ["melba", 3154], ["thorn", 3160], ["please", 3175], ["help", 3180], ["helpest", 3180], ["mr", 3186], ["turner", 3194], ["even", 3235], ["evens", 3235], ["know", 3240], ["knowest", 3240], ["stop", 3267], ["bastard", 3283], ["bastards", 3283], ["left", 3293], ["leave", 3293], ["hand", 3331], ["handed", 3331], ["onto", 3376], ["ontos", 3376], ["bed", 3384], ["woman", 3407], ["womans", 3407], ["number", 3463], ["numbering", 3463], ["book", 3496], ["crazy", 3530], ["maybe", 3544], ["really", 3559], ["seem", 3583], ["seeming", 3583], ["seems", 3583], ["genuine", 3591], ["enough", 3598], ["since", 3619], ["nothing", 3667], ["sorry", 3694], ["wake", 3703], ["wakes", 3703], ["woken", 3703], ["woke", 3703], ["dream", 3728], ["dreamt", 3728], ["dreamest", 3728], ["dreamed", 3728], ["practice", 3739], ["practicing", 3739], ["law", 3743], ["responsibility", 3783], ["thrust", 3807], ["upon", 3812], ["unrelenting", 3831], ["sudden", 3849], ["expect", 3866], ["expected", 3866], ["kind", 3882], ["god", 3889], ["perfect", 3899], ["perfectest", 3899], ["stranger", 3909], ["strangers", 3909], ["walk", 3914], ["intimate", 3964], ["secret", 3972], ["secrets", 3972], ["expect", 3986], ["expert", 4006], ["everything", 4020], ["politic", 4065], ["politics", 4065], ["religion", 4076], ["psychology", 4089], ["dump", 4112], ["problem", 4127], ["problems", 4127], ["miraculously", 4173], ["solve", 4179], ["roll", 4215], ["rolled", 4215], ["arm", 4248], ["around", 4255]]
`` i know it 's been hard on you , honey . i 'm sorry i yelled at you earlier . i know you would never cheat on me . after all that we 've been through together , the one thing i 'm sure of is that i can trust you . '' i grabbed rebekah , pulled her on top of me and began to caress her lips with mine . `` maybe it 's a good thing the phone rang , '' i said as i caught my breath . `` you 'd think you 'd let a poor girl sleep at night , '' rebekah said as she sat up , unbuttoned the top to her satin pajamas and tossed them onto the ground . i rolled her over and pulled off the bottoms . who needs sleep ? '' `` you better find some protection or you 'll have another kid to put through college , '' rebekah advised . i leaned over and fumbled through the night stand drawer . `` oh god , please let there be one more trojan left , `` ah ... .eureka , '' i said . 7 miss dove general burton was sitting at his desk drinking coffee when i walked in . he was an early riser , i guess from all those years in the army . i felt kind of embarrassed after my dream the previous night , if it was a dream . everything the past few weeks seemed like a dream . i went into his office and told him about melba thorn 's call . `` did you happen to find out anything on her ? '' `` yes , i did find out her son 's name and address for you . '' maybe i need to give him a call . '' general burton handed me a piece of paper with the number . i thanked him and went into my office . after i had two cups of coffee and was almost fully awake , i gathered my things together and went over to kurt 's place . as i approached the front gate i saw that it was open , so i drove in all the way to the front door . all of the expensive vehicles that usually were parked in front of the mansion were gone . i went up to the front door and pushed the doorbell . the sound of magnificent chimes resounded through the house , but no one stirred . i stood in front of the door nervously wondering where everyone went . i pushed the doorbell one more time but there still was no answer . becoming impatient , i went around to the side yard , but i saw no one . i returned to the front door and rang the bell one more time . as i turned to leave i saw the most beautiful woman i had ever seen , wearing a white knit nightgown and clutching a short matching wrap , descending the spiral staircases . she had long golden blond hair , a perfect figure and deep blue eyes . she walked nonchalantly toward me , pulled the wrap up onto her shoulders and opened the door . `` yes , i 'm stan turner . i have a 9:30 appointment with mr. harrison . `` gee , i do n't know where everyone is . i was asleep upstairs . you can wait for kurt in the den . '' `` i 'm gwendolyn dove . '' `` oh , pleasure to meet you . '' she pointed the way to the den and then went back upstairs . i strolled casually toward it taking in as much of the place as i could along the way . i noticed to the left swinging doors which led into an enormous kitchen . i heard a noise in the back yard so i went to the window . workmen were building a gazebo behind the olympic size pool . the yard had a european flare to it as there were italian marble statues , fountains and a formal garden . miss dove came up from behind me silently and said , `` did kurt ever show you around the place ? '' startled , i jumped slightly as i turned toward her . `` oh , i 'm sorry , you scared me , miss dove . cynthia was going to but she never got around to it . '' she had changed into white denim shorts and a lavender top . her skin was lightly tanned and smooth as silk . `` you can call me gwen . '' `` okay , gwen . '' `` come on then , i 'll show you around . '' she led me into the kitchen , out into the six car garage , through the living and dining rooms , the library and finally to a small movie theater and tv room . `` this is pretty neat to have your own theater , '' i said . `` yes , we invite people over to watch movies or sporting events . the room seats 27 . '' `` well , you certainly have a wonderful home . '' `` kurt and i enjoy it a lot , '' gwen said . `` gee , i do n't know where everyone went . would you like some coffee while we wait ? '' `` if you have some made . '' `` go sit down at the kitchen table .
[["know", 9], ["knowest", 9], ["hard", 25], ["honey", 40], ["honeys", 40], ["sorry", 53], ["yell", 62], ["yelled", 62], ["early", 77], ["never", 102], ["cheat", 108], ["together", 160], ["thing", 176], ["sure", 186], ["trust", 209], ["grab", 228], ["grabbed", 228], ["rebekah", 236], ["pull", 245], ["pulled", 245], ["top", 256], ["begin", 272], ["began", 272], ["caress", 282], ["lip", 291], ["lipped", 291], ["lips", 291], ["mine", 301], ["maybe", 312], ["good", 325], ["phone", 341], ["say", 358], ["sayest", 358], ["said", 358], ["catch", 370], ["catched", 370], ["catches", 370], ["caught", 370], ["breath", 380], ["breathest", 380], ["think", 398], ["thinkest", 398], ["let", 409], ["lets", 409], ["poor", 416], ["girl", 421], ["sleep", 427], ["slept", 427], ["sleeps", 427], ["sleepest", 427], ["night", 436], ["sat", 465], ["sit", 465], ["unbutton", 481], ["unbuttoned", 481], ["satin", 502], ["pajama", 510], ["pajamas", 510], ["toss", 521], ["tossed", 521], ["onto", 531], ["ontos", 531], ["ground", 542], ["roll", 553], ["rolled", 553], ["bottom", 589], ["bottoming", 589], ["bottoms", 589], ["need", 601], ["needest", 601], ["needs", 601], ["well", 626], ["better", 626], ["find", 631], ["protection", 647], ["another", 671], ["kid", 675], ["put", 682], ["college", 698], ["advise", 719], ["advised", 719], ["lean", 730], ["leans", 730], ["leaned", 730], ["fumble", 747], ["fumbled", 747], ["stand", 771], ["stood", 771], ["standest", 771], ["drawer", 778], ["oh", 786], ["god", 790], ["please", 799], ["trojan", 828], ["left", 833], ["leave", 833], ["ah", 841], ["miss", 874], ["dove", 879], ["general", 887], ["burton", 894], ["sat", 906], ["sit", 906], ["sitting", 906], ["desk", 918], ["drank", 927], ["drink", 927], ["drinking", 927], ["coffee", 934], ["walk", 948], ["walked", 948], ["early", 969], ["riser", 975], ["guess", 985], ["year", 1006], ["years", 1006], ["army", 1018], ["feel", 1027], ["felt", 1027], ["kind", 1032], ["dream", 1062], ["dreamt", 1062], ["dreamest", 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["builds", 3086], ["gazebo", 3095], ["behind", 3102], ["olympic", 3114], ["olympics", 3114], ["size", 3119], ["pool", 3124], ["european", 3150], ["europeans", 3150], ["flare", 3156], ["italian", 3184], ["italians", 3184], ["marble", 3191], ["statue", 3199], ["statues", 3199], ["fountain", 3211], ["fountains", 3211], ["formal", 3224], ["garden", 3231], ["gardens", 3231], ["gardened", 3231], ["come", 3248], ["came", 3248], ["silently", 3275], ["show", 3308], ["jump", 3354], ["jumps", 3354], ["jumped", 3354], ["slightly", 3363], ["scare", 3420], ["scared", 3420], ["cynthia", 3445], ["go", 3455], ["goest", 3455], ["going", 3455], ["get", 3476], ["got", 3476], ["change", 3510], ["changed", 3510], ["denim", 3527], ["short", 3534], ["shorts", 3534], ["lavender", 3549], ["skin", 3564], ["lightly", 3576], ["tan", 3583], ["tanned", 3583], ["smooth", 3594], ["silk", 3602], ["gwen", 3628], ["okay", 3641], ["come", 3661], ["six", 3745], ["car", 3749], ["garage", 3756], ["room", 3794], ["roomed", 3794], ["rooms", 3794], ["library", 3808], ["finally", 3820], ["small", 3831], ["movie", 3837], ["theater", 3845], ["tv", 3852], ["room", 3857], ["roomed", 3857], ["pretty", 3877], ["prettiest", 3877], ["neat", 3882], ["neats", 3882], ["invite", 3940], ["invites", 3940], ["people", 3947], ["watch", 3961], ["movie", 3968], ["movies", 3968], ["sport", 3980], ["sporting", 3980], ["event", 3987], ["events", 3987], ["seat", 4004], ["seats", 4004], ["well", 4020], ["wells", 4020], ["certainly", 4036], ["wonderful", 4053], ["home", 4058], ["homing", 4058], ["enjoy", 4083], ["enjoyed", 4083], ["lot", 4092], ["go", 4236], ["goest", 4236], ["sat", 4240], ["sit", 4240], ["table", 4266], ["tabled", 4266], ["tabling", 4266]]
after a minute gwen returned with two mugs of coffee . `` so what do you do for kurt ? '' `` an attorney . good , it 's about time kurt got his own attorney . he needs someone to keep him out of trouble . '' `` well , he just moves so fast sometimes he forgets details that come back to haunt him . i hope you can help him be more thorough . '' as we talked we could hear the sound of the garage door going up . `` well , that 's either kurt or edward , the driver , gwen said . a moment later kurt walked into the kitchen and smiled when he saw us drinking coffee . `` well , i 'm glad gwen is taking care of you . i 'm sorry i 'm late , but i had to go make some arrangements for our visitors coming in tomorrow from montreal . '' `` all the way from montreal ? '' they 're due in just before noon , so i had to make all their arrangements , '' kurt said . `` let 's go into the den so i can fill you in on what i need for tomorrow . '' i followed kurt into the den and to his desk which had a neat little stack of folders on it . kurt pointed to the pile and said , `` there 's all the information i believe you 'll need . this is just a simple apartment complex which i 'm going to pick up and then sell to the canadians for a condo conversion . '' `` i 'm buying it for just $ 24,000 a unit and selling it a week later for $ 28,000 , '' kurt said . i pulled out my calculator and asked . `` how many units ? '' `` 167 . '' `` damn , that 's $ 668,000 profit . '' `` not a bad week 's work is it ? '' `` no , but if the canadians buy it for such a high price how will they make any money ? '' after they buy it i 'm going to convert it to condominium use for them and then each unit will sell for $ 38,000 . i 'll get a nice profit for the conversion and once cynthia gets her real estate license , shell be able to sell them and make a six percent commission . everybody wins '' `` pretty slick , '' i replied . `` but how do find your investors for that kind of deal ? '' `` my family is from montreal . my parents were very wealthy . they did n't have much time for me and i did n't like them much , but one thing i did learn was how to wine and dine the rich and powerful and , most importantly , gain their confidence . '' `` so you have a lot of connections in canada ? '' `` not connections as such , but i 've developed a reputation for putting together first class real estate deals in texas and making people lots of money . with the rich it 's just a matter of perception . '' `` perception ? '' `` it 's not what you are that counts but what people perceive you to be . '' `` oh , i see , '' i said . i did n't see and i was a little afraid to gain a complete understanding of what kurt was saying , so i changed the subject . `` so , what 's the game plan tomorrow ? '' `` we want to close at nine a.m. so bring all the papers over about eight , okay ? '' `` sure , where will you be this afternoon if i have any questions ? '' `` just call over here to the house and someone will know how to track me down . you can call dan in california if you ca n't find me . '' this second job for kurt was much harder than the first one . after several hours of trying to figure out exactly how to do it i finally gave up and called ron johnson at big d title company . ron got me back on the right track and then wanted to know when i was going to send some title work his way . i assured him that at the first opportunity i would do just that . the following day i handled the closing at kurt 's place and then hit the road for cisco , texas . it was a three hour drive so i sat back and relaxed . i got there at 12:30 p.m. and headed for the courthouse only to find it closed for lunch . rather than hang around waiting for the clerk 's office to open , i walked across the street to a caf to get something to eat . next to the caf was an abstract company and as i walked across the street i noticed a thin grey haired man had just walked out of it and into the caf . the man was wearing a loose fitting grey shirt and khaki pants . he went to the counter and opened a menu . i decided to sit next to him hoping to strike up a conversation and maybe get some tips on doing title searches in cisco .
[["minute", 14], ["gwen", 19], ["return", 28], ["returnest", 28], ["returned", 28], ["two", 37], ["twos", 37], ["mug", 42], ["mugs", 42], ["coffee", 52], ["kurt", 84], ["attorney", 104], ["good", 111], ["time", 130], ["get", 139], ["got", 139], ["need", 167], ["needest", 167], ["needs", 167], ["keep", 183], ["keepest", 183], ["trouble", 202], ["troubling", 202], ["well", 215], ["wells", 215], ["move", 231], ["moves", 231], ["fast", 239], ["forget", 260], ["forgot", 260], ["forgets", 260], ["detail", 268], ["details", 268], ["come", 278], ["back", 283], ["haunt", 292], ["haunted", 292], ["hauntest", 292], ["haunting", 292], ["hope", 305], ["help", 318], ["helpest", 318], ["thorough", 339], ["talk", 357], ["talked", 357], ["hear", 371], ["hears", 371], ["sound", 381], ["garage", 395], ["door", 400], ["go", 406], ["goest", 406], ["going", 406], ["either", 436], ["edward", 451], ["edwards", 451], ["driver", 464], ["say", 476], ["sayest", 476], ["said", 476], ["moment", 487], ["later", 493], ["walk", 505], ["walked", 505], ["kitchen", 522], ["kitchens", 522], ["smile", 533], ["smiled", 533], ["see", 545], ["saw", 545], ["drank", 557], ["drink", 557], ["drinking", 557], ["glad", 586], ["take", 601], ["taking", 601], ["care", 606], ["sorry", 626], ["late", 636], ["lates", 636], ["go", 654], ["goest", 654], ["arrangement", 677], ["arrangements", 677], ["visitor", 694], ["visitors", 694], ["come", 701], ["coming", 701], ["tomorrow", 713], ["tomorrows", 713], ["montreal", 727], ["way", 747], ["ways", 747], ["due", 779], ["noon", 799], ["let", 865], ["lets", 865], ["den", 884], ["fill", 898], ["fills", 898], ["need", 920], ["needest", 920], ["follow", 949], ["followed", 949], ["desk", 983], ["neat", 1000], ["neats", 1000], ["little", 1007], ["stack", 1013], ["stacks", 1013], ["folder", 1024], ["folders", 1024], ["point", 1045], ["pointed", 1045], ["pile", 1057], ["information", 1100], ["believe", 1110], ["simple", 1147], ["simplest", 1147], ["apartment", 1157], ["complex", 1165], ["pick", 1190], ["sell", 1207], ["sells", 1207], ["canadian", 1224], ["canadians", 1224], ["condo", 1236], ["condos", 1236], ["conversion", 1247], ["buy", 1267], ["buyed", 1267], ["buying", 1267], ["unit", 1295], ["sell", 1307], ["sells", 1307], ["selling", 1307], ["week", 1317], ["pull", 1362], ["pulled", 1362], ["calculator", 1380], ["ask", 1390], ["asked", 1390], ["many", 1404], ["unit", 1410], ["units", 1410], ["damn", 1435], ["damned", 1435], ["profit", 1462], ["bad", 1480], ["work", 1493], ["wrought", 1493], ["buy", 1537], ["buyed", 1537], ["high", 1556], ["price", 1562], ["money", 1591], ["moneys", 1591], ["convert", 1636], ["condominium", 1654], ["use", 1658], ["get", 1721], ["nice", 1728], ["cynthia", 1771], ["get", 1776], ["gets", 1776], ["real", 1785], ["reis", 1785], ["estate", 1792], ["license", 1800], ["shell", 1808], ["able", 1816], ["abled", 1816], ["six", 1844], ["percent", 1852], ["commission", 1863], ["win", 1880], ["wins", 1880], ["pretty", 1893], ["prettiest", 1893], ["slick", 1899], ["reply", 1914], ["replied", 1914], ["find", 1935], ["investor", 1950], ["investors", 1950], ["kind", 1964], ["deal", 1972], ["family", 1990], ["parent", 2020], ["parents", 2020], ["wealthy", 2038], ["much", 2063], ["like", 2094], ["thing", 2120], ["learn", 2132], ["learns", 2132], ["learnt", 2132], ["dine", 2157], ["dined", 2157], ["dining", 2157], ["rich", 2166], ["powerful", 2179], ["importantly", 2202], ["gain", 2209], ["confidence", 2226], ["lot", 2252], ["connection", 2267], ["connections", 2267], ["canada", 2277], ["canadas", 2277], ["develop", 2331], ["developest", 2331], ["developed", 2331], ["reputation", 2344], ["put", 2356], ["putting", 2356], ["together", 2365], ["first", 2371], ["firstest", 2371], ["class", 2377], ["classest", 2377], ["classing", 2377], ["deal", 2395], ["deals", 2395], ["texas", 2404], ["people", 2422], ["lot", 2427], ["lots", 2427], ["matter", 2472], ["mattering", 2472], ["perception", 2486], ["count", 2548], ["countest", 2548], ["counts", 2548], ["perceive", 2573], ["perceiving", 2573], ["oh", 2594], ["see", 2602], ["afraid", 2656], ["complete", 2675], ["understanding", 2689], ["say", 2713], ["sayest", 2713], ["saying", 2713], ["change", 2728], ["changed", 2728], ["subject", 2740], ["subjectest", 2740], ["game", 2767], ["plan", 2772], ["close", 2806], ["nine", 2814], ["bring", 2828], ["paper", 2843], ["papers", 2843], ["eight", 2860], ["okay", 2867], ["sure", 2880], ["afternoon", 2915], ["question", 2939], ["questions", 2939], ["call", 2957], ["house", 2980], ["know", 3002], ["knowest", 3002], ["track", 3015], ["dan", 3042], ["california", 3056], ["ca", 3066], ["cas", 3066], ["second", 3095], ["seconded", 3095], ["job", 3099], ["jobbing", 3099], ["hard", 3124], ["several", 3159], ["hour", 3165], ["hours", 3165], ["try", 3175], ["tryed", 3175], ["trying", 3175], ["figure", 3185], ["exactly", 3197], ["finally", 3220], ["give", 3225], ["gave", 3225], ["call", 3239], ["called", 3239], ["ron", 3243], ["johnson", 3251], ["big", 3258], ["bigs", 3258], ["title", 3266], ["company", 3274], ["companys", 3274], ["companying", 3274], ["right", 3305], ["rightest", 3305], ["send", 3360], ["assure", 3396], ["assured", 3396], ["opportunity", 3430], ["follow", 3467], ["following", 3467], ["day", 3471], ["handle", 3481], ["handled", 3481], ["closing", 3493], ["place", 3510], ["hit", 3523], ["road", 3532], ["cisco", 3542], ["ciscos", 3542], ["three", 3567], ["hour", 3572], ["drive", 3578], ["sat", 3587], ["sit", 3587], ["relax", 3604], ["relaxed", 3604], ["head", 3643], ["headed", 3643], ["courthouse", 3662], ["lunch", 3695], ["lunches", 3695], ["lunched", 3695], ["rather", 3704], ["hang", 3714], ["hung", 3714], ["hangs", 3714], ["around", 3721], ["wait", 3729], ["waitest", 3729], ["waiting", 3729], ["clerk", 3743], ["office", 3753], ["open", 3761], ["across", 3779], ["street", 3790], ["caf", 3799], ["eat", 3823], ["next", 3830], ["abstract", 3857], ["notice", 3909], ["noticed", 3909], ["thin", 3916], ["thins", 3916], ["grey", 3921], ["man", 3932], ["mans", 3932], ["manned", 3932], ["wear", 3997], ["wearing", 3997], ["loose", 4005], ["looser", 4005], ["fittings", 4013], ["shirt", 4024], ["khaki", 4034], ["khakis", 4034], ["pant", 4040], ["pants", 4040], ["go", 4050], ["goest", 4050], ["went", 4050], ["open", 4076], ["opened", 4076], ["menu", 4083], ["menus", 4083], ["decide", 4095], ["decided", 4095], ["sat", 4102], ["sit", 4102], ["hope", 4121], ["hoping", 4121], ["strike", 4131], ["conversation", 4149], ["maybe", 4159], ["tip", 4173], ["tips", 4173], ["search", 4197], ["searches", 4197]]
`` hi , i could n't help but see you come out of west texas title company , '' i said . `` my name is stan turner and i came up here to do some title work myself . '' `` howdy , i 'm roscoe wilder , i own the title company . '' `` well , i 'm glad i met you , i may need your services one day . '' `` what kind of title work are you doing ? well , i 'm doing a job for inca oil company . they 've targeted an old plugged well to reopen and get back into production . '' `` what wells are they looking at ? '' they 're looking at the old parker # 3 if you 've ever heard of it . '' i think i did some title work on the parker wells many years ago . '' `` if you have any suggestions on how to expedite a search of that property i would be most obliged . '' `` if you 'd like , you can come over to my shop after we 're done here and maybe i can find the work i did . if so , that will give you a big head start . '' `` that would be fabulous . i was worried about getting this done today . i did n't want to have to come back monday . '' after lunch i followed mr. wilder over to his shop . he led me into a back room filled with hundreds of books , plats and maps of all sorts . after putting on his glasses , he opened a big book and ran his finger down several columns of entries . `` i think it was 1963 . let me see , here it is . the parker prospects - 2914 . okay , let 's see if we still have 2914 . '' i smiled in hopeful anticipation and followed mr. wilder through a maze of dusty shelves filled with large brown file jackets . 2914 . parker prospects . let 's take it to an examination table . '' `` gee , we even have some production reports in here . '' `` yeah , let 's see , this baby was pumping two hundred and twenty-five barrels a day when they shut her down . '' i pulled out my calculator and began to figure out what the annual production of the well should bring . `` damn , at forty dollars a barrel that would bring in over three million dollars a year after expenses . '' `` well , back then i think oil was four dollars a barrel so it was n't such a great well . anyway , here 's a report showing the ownership of the property as of the date the well was drilled . '' `` boy this is going to save me a lot of time . well , if i charged you my normal rates itd be about $ 900 , but ill tell you what . you can have a copy gratis , if you promise to do all incas title work here in the future . ill be looking forward to working with you in the future . mr. wilders generosity made my day . had i done all that work by hand , it would have taken another day or two . but with most of the work done for me all i had to do was update the file from the date of the abstract . i finished just before five and headed back to dallas . all the way home i could n't think of anything except the production report on parker # 3 . tomlinson had offered to give me a three percent interest in the well in exchange for my legal services . three percent of three million dollars would be ninety thousand and that 's every year the well is in production . since the most i had ever made prior to becoming a lawyer was twelve thousand dollars a year , the thought of making an extra ninety thousand dollars every year was overwhelming . by 9 p.m. , when i finally got home , i could n't wait to tell rebekah what i had learned . when i walked in the door rebekah was watching tv . she was wearing her black silk nightgown and looked very sexy . `` hi , babe , '' i said . `` hi , honey , you finally made it home . '' `` it 's a hell of a drive to cisco , let me tell you . '' i walked over and sat down next to her . the sweet aroma of her body drew me to her . i began gently stroking her smooth , soft leg . `` i just put the kids to bed . they were terrible tonight . whenever you do n't come home on time they get really rowdy . '' i know it 's hard on you when i come home late . she put her hand on top of mine . `` you wo n't believe what i found out today . '' `` you know that new well inca 's going to drill , parker # 3 ? '' `` yeah , i remember you telling me about it . '' `` well , i met this old abstractor in cisco and he found an old file where he had done some work on this property in the past .
[["hi", 5], ["help", 24], ["helpest", 24], ["see", 32], ["come", 41], ["west", 53], ["texas", 59], ["title", 65], ["company", 73], ["companys", 73], ["companying", 73], ["say", 85], ["sayest", 85], ["said", 85], ["name", 98], ["stan", 106], ["stans", 106], ["turner", 113], ["come", 124], ["came", 124], ["work", 154], ["wrought", 154], ["howdy", 175], ["roscoe", 189], ["roscoes", 189], ["wilder", 196], ["well", 235], ["wells", 235], ["glad", 247], ["meet", 253], ["meeted", 253], ["met", 253], ["may", 265], ["mays", 265], ["mayest", 265], ["need", 270], ["needest", 270], ["service", 284], ["servicing", 284], ["services", 284], ["day", 292], ["kind", 310], ["job", 364], ["jobbing", 364], ["inca", 373], ["oil", 377], ["target", 405], ["targeted", 405], ["old", 412], ["reopen", 435], ["reopenest", 435], ["get", 443], ["back", 448], ["production", 464], ["well", 483], ["wells", 483], ["look", 500], ["looking", 500], ["parker", 543], ["ever", 563], ["everest", 563], ["hear", 569], ["hears", 569], ["heard", 569], ["think", 588], ["thinkest", 588], ["many", 635], ["year", 641], ["years", 641], ["ago", 645], ["suggestion", 681], ["suggestions", 681], ["expedite", 700], ["search", 709], ["property", 726], ["like", 773], ["shop", 804], ["maybe", 837], ["find", 848], ["give", 888], ["big", 898], ["bigs", 898], ["head", 903], ["start", 909], ["fabulous", 940], ["get", 970], ["getting", 970], ["today", 986], ["monday", 1031], ["mondays", 1031], ["lunch", 1048], ["lunches", 1048], ["lunched", 1048], ["follow", 1059], ["followed", 1059], ["mr", 1062], ["lead", 1096], ["leaded", 1096], ["led", 1096], ["room", 1116], ["roomed", 1116], ["fill", 1123], ["fills", 1123], ["filled", 1123], ["hundred", 1137], ["hundreds", 1137], ["book", 1146], ["books", 1146], ["plat", 1154], ["map", 1163], ["mapped", 1163], ["maps", 1163], ["sort", 1176], ["sorts", 1176], ["put", 1192], ["putting", 1192], ["glass", 1207], ["glasses", 1207], ["open", 1219], ["opened", 1219], ["book", 1230], ["run", 1238], ["ran", 1238], ["finger", 1249], ["several", 1262], ["column", 1270], ["columns", 1270], ["entry", 1281], ["entries", 1281], ["let", 1312], ["lets", 1312], ["prospect", 1355], ["prospects", 1355], ["okay", 1369], ["still", 1394], ["smile", 1418], ["smiled", 1418], ["hopeful", 1429], ["anticipation", 1442], ["maze", 1481], ["mazes", 1481], ["dusty", 1490], ["shelf", 1498], ["shelves", 1498], ["large", 1516], ["brown", 1522], ["browns", 1522], ["file", 1527], ["jacket", 1535], ["jacketed", 1535], ["jackets", 1535], ["take", 1575], ["examination", 1596], ["table", 1602], ["tabled", 1602], ["tabling", 1602], ["gee", 1614], ["gees", 1614], ["even", 1624], ["evens", 1624], ["report", 1653], ["reports", 1653], ["yeah", 1674], ["baby", 1699], ["pump", 1711], ["pumping", 1711], ["two", 1715], ["twos", 1715], ["hundred", 1723], ["twenty", 1734], ["five", 1739], ["fived", 1739], ["barrel", 1747], ["barreling", 1747], ["barrels", 1747], ["shut", 1768], ["pull", 1791], ["pulled", 1791], ["calculator", 1809], ["begin", 1819], ["began", 1819], ["figure", 1829], ["annual", 1849], ["bring", 1885], ["damn", 1895], ["damned", 1895], ["forty", 1906], ["dollar", 1914], ["dollars", 1914], ["barrel", 1923], ["barreling", 1923], ["three", 1954], ["million", 1962], ["year", 1977], ["expense", 1992], ["expenses", 1992], ["four", 2038], ["great", 2082], ["anyway", 2096], ["report", 2115], ["show", 2123], ["showing", 2123], ["ownership", 2137], ["date", 2168], ["drill", 2189], ["drilling", 2189], ["drilled", 2189], ["boy", 2201], ["go", 2215], ["goest", 2215], ["going", 2215], ["save", 2223], ["lot", 2232], ["time", 2240], ["charge", 2262], ["charged", 2262], ["normal", 2276], ["rate", 2282], ["rates", 2282], ["ill", 2311], ["ills", 2311], ["illest", 2311], ["tell", 2316], ["copy", 2347], ["gratis", 2354], ["promise", 2371], ["future", 2417], ["forward", 2442], ["forwarding", 2442], ["forwardest", 2442], ["work", 2453], ["wrought", 2453], ["working", 2453], ["generosity", 2501], ["hand", 2548], ["take", 2570], ["taken", 2570], ["another", 2578], ["update", 2656], ["updates", 2656], ["abstract", 2695], ["finish", 2708], ["finished", 2708], ["head", 2736], ["headed", 2736], ["way", 2765], ["ways", 2765], ["home", 2770], ["homing", 2770], ["anything", 2800], ["except", 2807], ["tomlinson", 2855], ["offer", 2867], ["offered", 2867], ["percent", 2894], ["interest", 2903], ["exchange", 2927], ["legal", 2940], ["ninety", 3006], ["nineties", 3006], ["thousand", 3015], ["every", 3033], ["since", 3072], ["prior", 3103], ["become", 3115], ["becoming", 3115], ["lawyer", 3124], ["twelve", 3135], ["twelves", 3135], ["thought", 3173], ["extra", 3192], ["extras", 3192], ["overwhelming", 3244], ["finally", 3273], ["get", 3277], ["got", 3277], ["wait", 3301], ["waitest", 3301], ["rebekah", 3317], ["learn", 3336], ["learns", 3336], ["learnt", 3336], ["learned", 3336], ["walk", 3352], ["walked", 3352], ["door", 3364], ["watch", 3385], ["watching", 3385], ["tv", 3388], ["wear", 3406], ["wearing", 3406], ["black", 3416], ["silk", 3421], ["nightgown", 3431], ["nightgowns", 3431], ["look", 3442], ["looked", 3442], ["sexy", 3452], ["babe", 3467], ["honey", 3495], ["honeys", 3495], ["hell", 3543], ["hells", 3543], ["drive", 3554], ["cisco", 3563], ["ciscos", 3563], ["sat", 3608], ["sit", 3608], ["next", 3618], ["sweet", 3637], ["aroma", 3643], ["aromas", 3643], ["body", 3655], ["bodied", 3655], ["draw", 3660], ["drawn", 3660], ["draws", 3660], ["drew", 3660], ["gently", 3687], ["stroke", 3696], ["stroking", 3696], ["smooth", 3707], ["soft", 3714], ["leg", 3718], ["put", 3734], ["kid", 3743], ["kids", 3743], ["bed", 3750], ["terrible", 3771], ["tonight", 3779], ["whenever", 3790], ["really", 3835], ["rowdy", 3841], ["rowdies", 3841], ["know", 3853], ["knowest", 3853], ["hard", 3864], ["late", 3893], ["lates", 3893], ["top", 3919], ["wo", 3939], ["believe", 3951], ["find", 3964], ["found", 3964], ["new", 4000], ["drill", 4028], ["drilling", 4028], ["remember", 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in the file was a production report that showed that the well was pumping two hundred barrels of oil a day when it was shut down and plugged . '' `` so at forty dollars a barrel that would bring in almost $ 3 million a year after operating expenses . '' `` sounds like it 's going to be a nice well . '' `` do you know what three percent of that is ? '' i asked and waited for her to respond . she shrugged so i said , `` ninety thousand dollars a year . '' `` baby , tomlinson offered me three percent for the legal work on the well . i told him no , but he said i could change my mind . '' `` stan , what if the well is dry ? '' `` rebekah , it was pumping over two hundred barrels a day when they plugged it . i do n't think even tomlinson knows how good a well it is . he was only projecting seventy-five to one hundred barrels a day in his prospectus . '' `` stan , we ca n't afford to gamble . we need every cent we can get just to survive . i 'm glad you told him no . '' `` but if we make it big on this well can you imagine how that would impact our lives ? we could hire a maid so you would n't have to work so hard . we could get a bigger house and start putting money away for the kids ' education . hell , it 's only a few thousand dollars which i do n't have yet anyway . it 's not like i 'm taking money out of the bank . '' `` it wo n't happen ? nothing comes easy for us . besides , i 've already got a call from american express . you 're forty-five days late on your payment to them . '' `` when did they call you ? ' `` so , i think you ought to just take your fee and forget the well . we need the cash now to pay bills . '' `` maybe you 're right , but i have a feeling this well is going to be a gusher and we 're going to regret not getting a piece of it . '' `` that 's all right , i 'll risk it , '' rebekah said strongly . `` does n't the thought of having an extra ninety thousand dollars a year tempt you at all ? '' i said frowning . how about a little back rub then for a tired traveler . '' `` i might manage that , but if that gleam in your eye means you 're looking for what i think your looking for , then your luck just ran out . '' are you mad at me over parker # 3 ? '' `` no , but your children have worn me out and i 'm too exhausted to enjoy sex right now . '' `` then why did you wear that nightgown ? '' `` i do n't know , it was the only thing that was clean . '' all right , go to bed then , . i 'm too keyed up to go to sleep now . '' the next day i telephoned bird logan to advise him of the results of my work in cisco . he asked me to come by the office around at five and deliver my report . i spent the day neatly typing my notes and organizing the material i had gathered . at 5:00 i walked through the front door at inca oil . no one was in the reception room , so i began to wander around looking for bird or his secretary . my recollection was that bird 's office was the last one down the main hall on the left . as i made my way in that direction i could hear faint voices in the distance . when i got to bird 's door i knocked vigorously . there was a commotion inside and then suddenly the door opened and melissa rushed out . she did n't smile as she quickly passed me . i peered inside and bird was sitting on his blue leather sofa with a big grin on his face . `` you caught us , '' bird laughed . `` i forgot i told you to come by . i can come back another time . '' `` nonsense , we were just getting a head start on happy hour . do n't mind melissa . `` are you two serious ? '' `` no , strictly recreation , '' bird replied . `` it gets lonely up here in dallas during the week . sheila 's my first and only love . '' `` do n't you worry about getting caught ? '' bird smiled . `` no , you 're not going to tell her are you ? '' `` of course not , but women have a way of figuring things out . rebekah would know i 'd been unfaithful the moment she laid eyes on me after it happened . '' `` sheila 's too caught up in her social life to give my fidelity a second thought . besides , i 'm not so naive to think that she 's been totally faithful . i 'm quite a bit older than she is . '' `` you think she 's cheating on you ? '' i ca n't believe we 're having this conversation . i 'm sorry , it 's none of my business . ''
[["file", 11], ["production", 28], ["report", 35], ["show", 47], ["showed", 47], ["well", 61], ["wells", 61], ["pump", 73], ["pumping", 73], ["two", 77], ["twos", 77], ["hundred", 85], ["barrel", 93], ["barreling", 93], ["barrels", 93], ["oil", 100], ["day", 106], ["shut", 123], ["plug", 140], ["plugged", 140], ["forty", 160], ["dollar", 168], ["dollars", 168], ["barrel", 177], ["barreling", 177], ["bring", 194], ["almost", 204], ["million", 216], ["year", 223], ["expense", 248], ["expenses", 248], ["sound", 263], ["sounds", 263], ["like", 268], ["go", 280], ["goest", 280], ["going", 280], ["nice", 293], ["know", 318], ["knowest", 318], ["three", 329], ["percent", 337], ["ask", 361], ["asked", 361], ["wait", 372], ["waitest", 372], ["waited", 372], ["respond", 391], ["respondest", 391], ["shrug", 406], ["shrugging", 406], ["shrugged", 406], ["say", 416], ["sayest", 416], ["said", 416], ["ninety", 428], ["nineties", 428], ["thousand", 437], ["baby", 465], ["tomlinson", 477], ["offer", 485], ["offered", 485], ["legal", 516], ["work", 521], ["wrought", 521], ["tell", 542], ["told", 542], ["change", 578], ["mind", 586], ["minding", 586], ["stan", 599], ["stans", 599], ["dry", 625], ["drier", 625], ["drying", 625], ["rebekah", 641], ["think", 727], ["thinkest", 727], ["even", 732], ["evens", 732], ["know", 748], ["knowest", 748], ["knows", 748], ["good", 757], ["project", 795], ["projectest", 795], ["projecting", 795], ["seventy", 803], ["five", 808], ["fived", 808], ["prospectus", 855], ["ca", 876], ["cas", 876], ["afford", 887], ["gamble", 897], ["gambling", 897], ["need", 907], ["needest", 907], ["every", 913], ["cent", 918], ["get", 929], ["survive", 945], ["glad", 957], ["big", 1003], ["bigs", 1003], ["imagine", 1032], ["impact", 1054], ["life", 1064], ["lifes", 1064], ["lives", 1064], ["hire", 1080], ["maid", 1087], ["maids", 1087], ["hard", 1125], ["big", 1149], ["bigs", 1149], ["bigger", 1149], ["house", 1155], ["start", 1165], ["put", 1173], ["putting", 1173], ["money", 1179], ["moneys", 1179], ["away", 1184], ["kid", 1197], ["kids", 1197], ["education", 1209], ["hell", 1216], ["hells", 1216], ["yet", 1276], ["anyway", 1283], ["take", 1312], ["taking", 1312], ["bank", 1334], ["wo", 1348], ["happen", 1359], ["nothing", 1369], ["come", 1375], ["comes", 1375], ["easy", 1380], ["besides", 1397], ["already", 1413], ["get", 1417], ["got", 1417], ["call", 1424], ["american", 1438], ["americans", 1438], ["express", 1446], ["day", 1472], ["days", 1472], ["late", 1477], ["lates", 1477], ["payment", 1493], ["ought", 1562], ["take", 1575], ["fee", 1584], ["forget", 1595], ["forgot", 1595], ["cash", 1623], ["cashed", 1623], ["pay", 1634], ["pays", 1634], ["payest", 1634], ["bill", 1640], ["bills", 1640], ["maybe", 1654], ["right", 1668], ["rightest", 1668], ["feeling", 1691], ["gusher", 1725], ["regret", 1752], ["get", 1764], ["getting", 1764], ["piece", 1772], ["pieced", 1772], ["risk", 1817], ["riskest", 1817], ["strongly", 1847], ["thought", 1873], ["extra", 1892], ["extras", 1892], ["tempt", 1929], ["temptest", 1929], ["tempting", 1929], ["frown", 1961], ["frowns", 1961], ["little", 1982], ["back", 1987], ["rub", 1991], ["tired", 2008], ["traveler", 2017], ["may", 2033], ["mays", 2033], ["mayest", 2033], ["might", 2033], ["manage", 2040], ["gleam", 2065], ["gleams", 2065], ["gleamed", 2065], ["gleamest", 2065], ["eye", 2077], ["eyed", 2077], ["mean", 2083], ["meanest", 2083], ["means", 2083], ["look", 2099], ["looking", 2099], ["luck", 2150], ["run", 2159], ["ran", 2159], ["mad", 2180], ["mads", 2180], ["parker", 2198], ["child", 2233], ["childs", 2233], ["children", 2233], ["wear", 2243], ["worn", 2243], ["enjoy", 2282], ["enjoyed", 2282], ["sex", 2286], ["wear", 2326], ["nightgown", 2341], ["nightgowns", 2341], ["thing", 2387], ["clean", 2402], ["cleans", 2402], ["go", 2422], ["goest", 2422], ["bed", 2429], ["key", 2453], ["keyed", 2453], ["keyest", 2453], ["sleep", 2471], ["slept", 2471], ["sleeps", 2471], ["sleepest", 2471], ["next", 2489], ["telephone", 2506], ["telephoned", 2506], ["bird", 2511], ["logan", 2517], ["logans", 2517], ["advise", 2527], ["result", 2546], ["resultest", 2546], ["results", 2546], ["cisco", 2566], ["ciscos", 2566], ["come", 2588], ["office", 2602], ["around", 2609], ["deliver", 2629], ["spend", 2649], ["spends", 2649], ["spendest", 2649], ["spent", 2649], ["neatly", 2664], ["type", 2671], ["typing", 2671], ["note", 2680], ["notes", 2680], ["organize", 2695], ["organizing", 2695], ["material", 2708], ["gather", 2723], ["gatherest", 2723], ["gathered", 2723], ["walk", 2742], ["walked", 2742], ["front", 2760], ["door", 2765], ["inca", 2773], ["reception", 2807], ["room", 2812], ["roomed", 2812], ["begin", 2825], ["began", 2825], ["wander", 2835], ["secretary", 2876], ["recollection", 2894], ["last", 2931], ["main", 2949], ["hall", 2954], ["left", 2966], ["way", 2985], ["ways", 2985], ["direction", 3003], ["hear", 3016], ["hears", 3016], ["faint", 3022], ["voice", 3029], ["voices", 3029], ["distance", 3045], ["distancing", 3045], ["knock", 3084], ["knocks", 3084], ["knockest", 3084], ["knocked", 3084], ["vigorously", 3095], ["commotion", 3119], ["inside", 3126], ["suddenly", 3144], ["open", 3160], ["opened", 3160], ["melissa", 3172], ["rush", 3179], ["rushed", 3179], ["smile", 3203], ["quickly", 3218], ["pass", 3225], ["passed", 3225], ["peer", 3239], ["peered", 3239], ["sat", 3267], ["sit", 3267], ["sitting", 3267], ["blue", 3279], ["leather", 3287], ["sofa", 3292], ["grin", 3308], ["face", 3320], ["catch", 3336], ["catched", 3336], ["catches", 3336], ["caught", 3336], ["laugh", 3357], ["laughed", 3357], ["another", 3419], ["time", 3424], ["nonsense", 3441], ["head", 3471], ["happy", 3486], ["hour", 3491], ["serious", 3538], ["strictly", 3560], ["recreation", 3571], ["reply", 3589], ["replied", 3589], ["get", 3602], ["gets", 3602], ["lonely", 3609], ["week", 3643], ["sheila", 3652], ["first", 3664], ["firstest", 3664], ["love", 3678], ["worry", 3703], ["worried", 3703], ["smile", 3741], ["smiled", 3741], ["tell", 3777], ["course", 3807], ["woman", 3823], ["womans", 3823], ["women", 3823], ["figure", 3846], ["figuring", 3846], ["thing", 3853], ["things", 3853], ["unfaithful", 3899], ["moment", 3910], ["lay", 3919], ["lays", 3919], ["layed", 3919], ["layest", 3919], ["laid", 3919], ["eye", 3924], ["eyed", 3924], ["eyes", 3924], ["happen", 3948], ["happened", 3948], ["social", 3994], ["life", 3999], ["lifes", 3999], ["give", 4007], ["fidelity", 4019], ["second", 4028], ["seconded", 4028], ["naive", 4066], ["totally", 4100], ["faithful", 4109], ["quite", 4122], ["bit", 4128], ["bits", 4128], ["old", 4134], ["cheat", 4180], ["cheating", 4180], ["believe", 4209], ["conversation", 4241], ["sorry", 4254], ["none", 4267], ["business", 4282]]
bird laughed , `` it 's okay . we have strayed a bit . so , do you have a report for me ? '' after giving bird the report on parker # 3 i drove home . while i was sitting in heavy traffic on lbj freeway , i decided not to mention what had happened at inca oil to rebekah as she would n't want me to work for someone who cheated on his wife . although she would never say it , she would be afraid bird might corrupt me . it would drive her nuts . since i only had three active clients i could n't afford to lose one of them at this critical stage of my practice . with that issue decided , my thoughts turned to melissa . did she know her relationship with bird was strictly recreation ? somehow i did n't think so judging by the look she had given me in the hallway . 8 payday three weeks later we still had not received any material cash from the law practice . at the beginning of the month we had sent out over $ 6,000 in billing but since that time no one had paid us . the situation was desperate as we had exhausted our american express line of credit and were nearly sixty days past due on that account . it was saturday morning and we were getting ready to go to our first of two soccer games that day . we were not looking forward to the day marcia turned five since that would mean we would have four soccer games every saturday . i had just made pancakes for breakfast and was cleaning up . rebekah was reading the paper . `` when is kurt going to get off his butt and pay you ? '' `` i do n't know , i ca n't understand why he has n't paid me already . he 's making an ungodly amount of money on these deals i 'm doing for him . '' `` have you said anything to him ? '' `` well no , i hate to do that . i should n't have to do that . '' `` well , what are we going to do for money ? '' `` if i do n't get a check on monday i 'll go visit him on tuesday and ask him to pay me . '' `` what about inca ? did you tell tomlinson you wanted in on the well ? '' `` no , i told you that already . '' lone star gas is threatening to cut off our gas . '' `` when did they threaten to do that ? '' `` we got a disconnection notice in the mail today . '' `` that 's why it would be so great to get in on parker # 3 . if it came in , we 'd never have to worry about disconnection notices again . '' `` you 're a dreamer , stan . where did i find you anyway ? '' `` it was your lucky day when you found me . i 've already given you more excitement in your life than you ever dared to imagine . '' `` your kind of excitement i can do without . '' `` well , we 've got thirty minutes until we have to leave for the soccer game , if you want some real excitement . '' `` that kind of excitement i can definitely do without . '' rebekah laughed . i 'll remember that the next time some voluptuous woman throws herself at me . '' `` nothing , just kidding . '' `` you better not ever cheat on me , stanley turner . i would n't ever forgive you . `` relax , i would n't ever dream of betraying you . on monday there was no money in the mail so i put a call in to kurt to ask him about my bill . when i talked to him he seemed genuinely surprised that i had n't been paid and suggested i stop by in the morning to get that situation rectified . i advised him i would be there at nine . the next morning i arrived at kurt 's house promptly at nine . as i made my way into the den i felt embarrassed coming to see kurt to get paid . i wondered what he thought of me coming in almost begging for money . it was very awkward and i hoped he would just write me a check next time and drop it in the mail . kurt was in a red velvet robe sitting at his desk when i entered the room . `` good morning , stan . come on in and sit down . '' i 'm sorry you had to come by today but i guess we must have misplaced your bill . do you have a copy of it ? '' i pulled a copy of the bill out of my coat pocket and handed it to him . `` yes , right here . '' `` let me see , three thousand one hundred dollars . '' `` well , you 've been working me pretty hard . '' `` and you 've done a good job , '' kurt said as he leaned over and pulled up the corner of the rug next to his desk revealing a floor safe . he spun the dial right , left and then right again until there was a distinct , click . he opened the door and pulled out a briefcase .
[["bird", 4], ["laugh", 12], ["laughed", 12], ["okay", 28], ["stray", 46], ["strays", 46], ["strayed", 46], ["bit", 52], ["bits", 52], ["report", 80], ["give", 105], ["giving", 105], ["parker", 131], ["drive", 143], ["drove", 143], ["home", 148], ["homing", 148], ["sat", 170], ["sit", 170], ["sitting", 170], ["heavy", 179], ["heavier", 179], ["heavies", 179], ["traffic", 187], ["traffics", 187], ["trafficking", 187], ["lbj", 194], ["freeway", 202], ["decide", 214], ["decided", 214], ["mention", 229], ["happen", 247], ["happened", 247], ["inca", 255], ["oil", 259], ["rebekah", 270], ["work", 303], ["wrought", 303], ["cheat", 327], ["cheated", 327], ["wife", 339], ["although", 350], ["never", 366], ["say", 370], ["sayest", 370], ["afraid", 395], ["may", 406], ["mays", 406], ["mayest", 406], ["might", 406], ["corrupt", 414], ["drive", 434], ["nut", 443], ["nuts", 443], ["since", 451], ["three", 468], ["active", 475], ["client", 483], ["clients", 483], ["afford", 502], ["lose", 510], ["critical", 539], ["stage", 545], ["staging", 545], ["practice", 560], ["issue", 578], ["thought", 600], ["thoughts", 600], ["turn", 607], ["turned", 607], ["melissa", 618], ["know", 633], ["knowest", 633], ["relationship", 650], ["strictly", 673], ["recreation", 684], ["somehow", 694], ["think", 710], ["thinkest", 710], ["judge", 721], ["judging", 721], ["look", 733], ["give", 747], ["given", 747], ["hallway", 765], ["hallways", 765], ["payday", 776], ["week", 788], ["weeks", 788], ["later", 794], ["still", 803], ["receive", 820], ["received", 820], ["material", 833], ["cash", 838], ["cashed", 838], ["law", 851], ["beginning", 879], ["month", 892], ["send", 904], ["sent", 904], ["billing", 932], ["time", 952], ["pay", 968], ["pays", 968], ["payest", 968], ["paid", 968], ["situation", 987], ["desperate", 1001], ["exhaust", 1021], ["exhausted", 1021], ["exhausting", 1021], ["american", 1034], ["americans", 1034], ["express", 1042], ["line", 1047], ["credit", 1057], ["nearly", 1073], ["sixty", 1079], ["day", 1084], ["days", 1084], ["past", 1089], ["due", 1093], ["account", 1109], ["saturday", 1127], ["saturdays", 1127], ["morning", 1135], ["get", 1155], ["getting", 1155], ["ready", 1161], ["go", 1167], ["goest", 1167], ["first", 1180], ["firstest", 1180], ["two", 1187], ["twos", 1187], ["soccer", 1194], ["soccers", 1194], ["game", 1200], ["games", 1200], ["day", 1209], ["look", 1231], ["looking", 1231], ["forward", 1239], ["forwarding", 1239], ["forwardest", 1239], ["marcia", 1257], ["five", 1269], ["fived", 1269], ["mean", 1291], ["meanest", 1291], ["four", 1310], ["every", 1329], ["pancake", 1365], ["pancakes", 1365], ["breakfast", 1379], ["clean", 1396], ["cleans", 1396], ["cleaning", 1396], ["read", 1421], ["reads", 1421], ["reading", 1421], ["paper", 1431], ["kurt", 1449], ["go", 1455], ["goest", 1455], ["going", 1455], ["get", 1462], ["butt", 1475], ["butts", 1475], ["buttest", 1475], ["pay", 1483], ["pays", 1483], ["payest", 1483], ["ca", 1516], ["cas", 1516], ["understand", 1531], ["understanded", 1531], ["already", 1562], ["ungodly", 1588], ["amount", 1595], ["money", 1604], ["moneys", 1604], ["deal", 1619], ["deals", 1619], ["say", 1660], ["sayest", 1660], ["said", 1660], ["anything", 1669], ["well", 1689], ["wells", 1689], ["hate", 1701], ["hateed", 1701], ["check", 1824], ["monday", 1834], ["mondays", 1834], ["visit", 1849], ["tuesday", 1864], ["ask", 1872], ["tell", 1925], ["tomlinson", 1935], ["tell", 1981], ["told", 1981], ["lone", 2008], ["star", 2013], ["starred", 2013], ["gas", 2017], ["gassing", 2017], ["threaten", 2032], ["threatening", 2032], ["cut", 2039], ["threaten", 2082], ["get", 2108], ["got", 2108], ["disconnection", 2124], ["notice", 2131], ["mail", 2143], ["today", 2149], ["great", 2190], ["come", 2227], ["came", 2227], ["worry", 2258], ["worried", 2258], ["notice", 2286], ["notices", 2286], ["stan", 2325], ["stans", 2325], ["find", 2344], ["anyway", 2355], ["lucky", 2381], ["find", 2400], ["found", 2400], ["excitement", 2445], ["life", 2458], ["lifes", 2458], ["ever", 2472], ["everest", 2472], ["dare", 2478], ["dared", 2478], ["imagine", 2489], ["kind", 2507], ["without", 2538], ["thirty", 2571], ["minute", 2579], ["minutes", 2579], ["left", 2602], ["leave", 2602], ["game", 2622], ["real", 2646], ["reis", 2646], ["definitely", 2706], ["remember", 2755], ["rememberest", 2755], ["next", 2769], ["voluptuous", 2790], ["woman", 2796], ["womans", 2796], ["throw", 2803], ["throws", 2803], ["nothing", 2833], ["kid", 2848], ["kidding", 2848], ["well", 2867], ["wells", 2867], ["cheat", 2882], ["stanley", 2898], ["forgive", 2932], ["forgived", 2932], ["forgiving", 2932], ["relax", 2947], ["relaxed", 2947], ["dream", 2972], ["dreamt", 2972], ["dreamest", 2972], ["betray", 2985], ["betrayed", 2985], ["betraying", 2985], ["put", 3041], ["call", 3048], ["bill", 3084], ["talk", 3100], ["talked", 3100], ["seem", 3117], ["seeming", 3117], ["seemed", 3117], ["genuinely", 3127], ["suggest", 3176], ["suggested", 3176], ["stop", 3183], ["advise", 3245], ["advised", 3245], ["nine", 3274], ["arrive", 3303], ["arrived", 3303], ["house", 3320], ["promptly", 3329], ["way", 3356], ["ways", 3356], ["den", 3369], ["feel", 3376], ["felt", 3376], ["come", 3395], ["coming", 3395], ["see", 3402], ["wonder", 3432], ["wonderest", 3432], ["wondered", 3432], ["think", 3448], ["thinkest", 3448], ["thought", 3448], ["almost", 3471], ["beg", 3479], ["begging", 3479], ["awkward", 3511], ["hope", 3523], ["hoped", 3523], ["write", 3543], ["writing", 3543], ["drop", 3573], ["red", 3608], ["velvet", 3615], ["robe", 3620], ["desk", 3640], ["enter", 3655], ["entered", 3655], ["room", 3664], ["roomed", 3664], ["good", 3674], ["come", 3696], ["sat", 3710], ["sit", 3710], ["sorry", 3731], ["guess", 3768], ["must", 3776], ["musts", 3776], ["misplace", 3791], ["misplaced", 3791], ["copy", 3822], ["pull", 3842], ["pulled", 3842], ["coat", 3876], ["pocket", 3883], ["pocketing", 3883], ["hand", 3894], ["handed", 3894], ["yes", 3913], ["right", 3921], ["rightest", 3921], ["let", 3938], ["lets", 3938], ["thousand", 3962], ["hundred", 3974], ["dollar", 3982], ["dollars", 3982], ["work", 4018], ["wrought", 4018], ["working", 4018], ["pretty", 4028], ["prettiest", 4028], ["hard", 4033], ["job", 4069], ["jobbing", 4069], ["lean", 4097], ["leans", 4097], ["leaned", 4097], ["corner", 4127], ["rug", 4138], ["reveal", 4165], ["revealing", 4165], ["floor", 4173], ["safe", 4178], ["safes", 4178], ["safed", 4178], ["spin", 4188], ["spun", 4188], ["dial", 4197], ["left", 4210], ["leave", 4210], ["distinct", 4258], ["click", 4266], ["open", 4278], ["opened", 4278], ["door", 4287], ["briefcase", 4314]]
he placed it on his desk and opened it in front of me exposing a multitude of neatly wrapped stacks of one hundred dollar bills . he picked one up , carefully counted out thirty-one of them and handed them to me . `` just initial your statement so i 'll know i 've paid you . '' i put my initials on the statement , smiled and then got up to make my retreat . i guess i 'll let you get back to bed . i heard you had a late night . '' `` i 'm not going back to bed , i 've got too much to do . '' `` well , let me know if i can do anything else for you . '' i was excited to have thirty-one hundred dollar bills in my pocket but my excitement was blunted by a strange feeling that pervaded the harrison mansion that day . there was something going on that i did n't know about , but i figured it was n't any of my business and soon forgot about it . i went immediately home to show rebekah the money . i opened the door and ran into the house . '' `` rebekah ! `` in the baby 's room , '' she yelled . i ran into marcia 's room where rebekah was changing a diaper . i pulled out the thirty-one hundred dollar bills and waved them in rebekah 's face . rebekah 's eyes lit up . `` kurt paid me . '' `` thank god , '' rebekah said . `` did he pay all of it . '' `` yeah , and there 's lots more where that came from . '' `` kurt has a briefcase in his house that must have a hundred grand in it . '' `` no , i 've seen it for myself . '' `` good , then maybe he can pay you on time next month . '' in the weeks to come kurt gave me more and more work to do and began to consult with me rather than just giving me orders . the more work i did for him the more i came to realize all was not well with his affairs . one of the projects he put me on was obtaining financing for a rehabilitation of a downtown amarillo office building called the panhandle building . he was negotiating with a houston s & l , worldwide savings and loan , and they were demanding all kinds of documentation before they would consider doing the deal . unlike most of his other projects , the investors on this one were local people , a dentist , a small businessman and an executive at frito lay . each of them had agreed not only to put up about $ 100,000 each but also to sign a note on the property to worldwide savings and loan for over a million dollars . because the panhandle building had been designated a historical building and was over one hundred years old , it qualified for some very attractive tax credits . my assignment was to meet with each of these investors and to form a limited partnership between them . then the partnership would buy the building from kurt after he acquired it . i invited each one of the investors to my office to discuss the deal . all three of them , tom tower , pete hall and george sanders , showed up and we met in general burton 's conference room . `` good afternoon , kurt harrison asked me to meet with all of you to get started on putting together a limited partnership to rehab the panhandle building in amarillo . now , before we begin i want to advise you that kurt harrison is my client and therefore i have a conflict of interest in putting this partnership together for you . i must recommend that you obtain your own independent counsel to advise you on this venture . if you decide to obtain an independent attorney then i will be happy to provide your attorney with whatever information he or she might require to evaluate this venture , '' i said . `` we do n't want to have to go find another attorney . ca n't you just do it for us ? you already know what the project is all about , '' tom said . `` i can if you all sign a waiver of conflict of interest , '' i replied . `` yeah , let 's just get on with it . you 're not going to screw us are you ? '' `` well no , but that 's not the point , '' i said . `` kurt 's already given us the numbers on the project . we just need to get it wrapped up as soon as possible so we can start taking advantage of the tax benefits in the deal . '' `` i also need to caution you that you should consult an accountant as to these tax benefits as neither kurt or myself have any special expertise in income taxes . we rely on accountants just like you do , '' i said . `` what about dan kelley , he 's a cpa ? '' tower said . `` that 's true , but again he ca n't represent each of you so you may want an independent advisor as to the tax benefits of this deal . '' `` don knows more about tax shelters than anyone in dallas . we do n't have time to get anyone else involved this late in the game .
[["place", 9], ["placed", 9], ["desk", 24], ["open", 35], ["opened", 35], ["front", 47], ["expose", 62], ["exposing", 62], ["multitude", 74], ["neatly", 84], ["wrap", 92], ["wraps", 92], ["wrapping", 92], ["wrapped", 92], ["stack", 99], ["stacks", 99], ["hundred", 114], ["dollar", 121], ["bill", 127], ["bills", 127], ["pick", 139], ["picked", 139], ["carefully", 158], ["count", 166], ["countest", 166], ["counted", 166], ["thirty", 177], ["hand", 200], ["handed", 200], ["initial", 229], ["statement", 244], ["know", 258], ["knowest", 258], ["pay", 269], ["pays", 269], ["payest", 269], ["paid", 269], ["put", 284], ["initial", 296], ["initials", 296], ["smile", 322], ["smiled", 322], ["get", 335], ["got", 335], ["retreat", 357], ["retreatest", 357], ["guess", 367], ["let", 377], ["lets", 377], ["get", 385], ["back", 390], ["bed", 397], ["hear", 407], ["hears", 407], ["heard", 407], ["late", 422], ["lates", 422], ["night", 428], ["go", 451], ["goest", 451], ["going", 451], ["much", 484], ["well", 503], ["wells", 503], ["anything", 538], ["else", 543], ["pocket", 623], ["pocketing", 623], ["excitement", 641], ["blunt", 653], ["blunted", 653], ["blunting", 653], ["strange", 666], ["feeling", 674], ["pervade", 688], ["pervaded", 688], ["harrison", 701], ["mansion", 709], ["day", 718], ["figure", 791], ["figured", 791], ["business", 821], ["soon", 830], ["forget", 837], ["forgot", 837], ["go", 855], ["goest", 855], ["went", 855], ["immediately", 867], ["home", 872], ["homing", 872], ["show", 880], ["rebekah", 888], ["money", 898], ["moneys", 898], ["door", 918], ["run", 926], ["ran", 926], ["house", 941], ["baby", 974], ["room", 982], ["roomed", 982], ["yell", 998], ["yelled", 998], ["marcia", 1018], ["change", 1053], ["changing", 1053], ["diaper", 1062], ["pull", 1073], ["pulled", 1073], ["wave", 1123], ["waved", 1123], ["face", 1147], ["eye", 1165], ["eyed", 1165], ["eyes", 1165], ["lit", 1169], ["light", 1169], ["kurt", 1182], ["thank", 1204], ["thanks", 1204], ["thankest", 1204], ["god", 1208], ["say", 1226], ["sayest", 1226], ["said", 1226], ["pay", 1242], ["pays", 1242], ["payest", 1242], ["yeah", 1265], ["lot", 1285], ["lots", 1285], ["come", 1306], ["came", 1306], ["briefcase", 1340], ["must", 1363], ["musts", 1363], ["grand", 1384], ["see", 1414], ["seen", 1414], ["good", 1441], ["maybe", 1454], ["time", 1477], ["next", 1482], ["month", 1488], ["week", 1506], ["weeks", 1506], ["come", 1514], ["give", 1524], ["gave", 1524], ["work", 1546], ["wrought", 1546], ["begin", 1562], ["began", 1562], ["consult", 1573], ["consulting", 1573], ["consultest", 1573], ["rather", 1588], ["give", 1605], ["giving", 1605], ["order", 1615], ["orderest", 1615], ["orders", 1615], ["realize", 1672], ["affair", 1706], ["affairs", 1706], ["project", 1728], ["projectest", 1728], ["projects", 1728], ["obtain", 1755], ["obtaining", 1755], ["financing", 1765], ["rehabilitation", 1786], ["downtown", 1800], ["downtowns", 1800], ["amarillo", 1809], ["office", 1816], ["build", 1825], ["building", 1825], ["call", 1832], ["called", 1832], ["panhandle", 1846], ["negotiate", 1876], ["negotiating", 1876], ["houston", 1891], ["l", 1897], ["worldwide", 1909], ["saving", 1917], ["savings", 1917], ["loan", 1926], ["demand", 1952], ["demandest", 1952], ["demanding", 1952], ["kind", 1962], ["kinds", 1962], ["documentation", 1979], ["consider", 2006], ["deal", 2021], ["unlike", 2030], ["unliking", 2030], ["investor", 2073], ["investors", 2073], ["local", 2096], ["people", 2103], ["dentist", 2115], ["small", 2125], ["businessman", 2137], ["executive", 2154], ["lay", 2167], ["lays", 2167], ["layed", 2167], ["layest", 2167], ["agree", 2193], ["agreed", 2193], ["also", 2242], ["sign", 2250], ["note", 2257], ["property", 2273], ["million", 2322], ["dollar", 2330], ["dollars", 2330], ["designate", 2383], ["designatest", 2383], ["designated", 2383], ["historical", 2396], ["year", 2436], ["years", 2436], ["old", 2440], ["qualify", 2455], ["qualified", 2455], ["attractive", 2480], ["tax", 2484], ["credit", 2492], ["credits", 2492], ["assignment", 2508], ["meet", 2520], ["meeted", 2520], ["form", 2561], ["formest", 2561], ["partnership", 2583], ["buy", 2629], ["buyed", 2629], ["acquire", 2670], ["acquired", 2670], ["invite", 2685], ["invites", 2685], ["invited", 2685], ["discuss", 2735], ["discusses", 2735], ["discussest", 2735], ["three", 2756], ["tom", 2770], ["tower", 2776], ["towered", 2776], ["towerest", 2776], ["pete", 2783], ["hall", 2788], ["george", 2799], ["show", 2816], ["showed", 2816], ["meet", 2830], ["meeted", 2830], ["met", 2830], ["general", 2841], ["burton", 2848], ["conference", 2862], ["conferencing", 2862], ["afternoon", 2887], ["ask", 2909], ["asked", 2909], ["start", 2951], ["started", 2951], ["put", 2962], ["putting", 2962], ["together", 2971], ["rehab", 3002], ["begin", 3061], ["advise", 3078], ["client", 3114], ["therefore", 3128], ["conflict", 3146], ["conflicted", 3146], ["conflictest", 3146], ["interest", 3158], ["recommend", 3222], ["recommendest", 3222], ["obtain", 3238], ["independent", 3259], ["counsel", 3267], ["counseled", 3267], ["counselled", 3267], ["venture", 3297], ["decide", 3313], ["attorney", 3347], ["happy", 3368], ["provide", 3379], ["whatever", 3407], ["information", 3419], ["may", 3435], ["mays", 3435], ["mayest", 3435], ["might", 3435], ["require", 3443], ["evaluate", 3455], ["go", 3514], ["goest", 3514], ["find", 3519], ["another", 3527], ["ca", 3541], ["cas", 3541], ["already", 3581], ["project", 3603], ["projectest", 3603], ["waiver", 3666], ["reply", 3705], ["replied", 3705], ["screw", 3773], ["screwing", 3773], ["point", 3828], ["give", 3867], ["given", 3867], ["number", 3882], ["numbering", 3882], ["numbers", 3882], ["need", 3912], ["needest", 3912], ["possible", 3953], ["start", 3969], ["take", 3976], ["taking", 3976], ["advantage", 3986], ["advantaging", 3986], ["benefit", 4006], ["benefits", 4006], ["caution", 4049], ["cautioning", 4049], ["accountant", 4091], ["neither", 4127], ["special", 4159], ["expertise", 4169], ["income", 4179], ["taxis", 4185], ["taxes", 4185], ["rely", 4195], ["accountant", 4210], ["accountants", 4210], ["like", 4220], ["dan", 4259], ["kelley", 4266], ["cpa", 4280], ["true", 4314], ["represent", 4346], ["representest", 4346], ["may", 4369], ["mays", 4369], ["mayest", 4369], ["advisor", 4397], ["know", 4451], ["knowest", 4451], ["knows", 4451], ["shelter", 4475], ["shelters", 4475], ["anyone", 4487], ["involve", 4547], ["involved", 4547], ["game", 4569]]
let 's just put the deal together right now and move on , '' mr. hall said . `` all right , then you all have a packet of documents in front of you which i want to go over with you . basically there is the partnership agreement , a contract of sale , the waiver and a proposed closing statement . let 's go through these documents one by one and then if you have any questions i 'll be happy to answer them , '' i said . we spent about a half hour going through the contracts and discussing the basic structure of the deal . when we were done everyone signed the documents and left , except tom tower who stayed to discuss another matter . tom was a man of about fifty years of age , very laid back and likeable . `` so what can i help you with , tom ? '' `` my wife and i need to get some wills done . we do n't have any and if something were to happen to either of us it would be a mess . '' `` we can take care of that . can you an your wife come in next week so we can discuss it ? '' `` sure , i 'll check with her and call you . '' `` tell me stan . do you think this a good deal ? '' `` well , i really have n't analyzed it from a business standpoint , that 's not really my job . my role is just to make sure the legal documentation is correct and adequate , '' i replied . `` i know , but what do really think ? what 's your gut feeling ? '' the tax benefits are definitely there but i have no idea if the price you are paying is fair . that would be the real estate appraiser 's job and , of course , you can have a dozen appraisers appraise the property and they would all come up with different values . '' `` i do n't have a lot of money you know , this $ 100,000 is all of my savings . i make a good salary with midwest airlines but with three kids in college i do n't end up saving much money each month , '' tom admitted . `` the only thing i can promise you is that the partnership will own the property when the transaction is complete . whether you got a good deal or not is anybody 's guess . like i said you may want to get your own independent representation . '' i trust kurt , i 've known him since he was a teenager . his dad and i go way back . '' kurt 's a good boy . '' that night i began to worry a little bit about the panhandle building project . although it looked good on paper , there was a lot about the project of which only kurt had any knowledge . i had tried to be as honest and straight forward with the investors as i could . one thing that made me feel better about the situation was that kurt had never once told me what to tell or not to tell the investors . if he were trying to hide something i would think he would give me instructions on what and what not to say . since he did n't do that i felt like everything was on the up and up . it also gave me comfort that a big houston savings and loan like worldwide savings was involved in the project . surely they would check the deal out pretty closely before they lent any money on it . despite all of my rationalization i still had lingering doubts which i expressed to rebekah that night at the dinner table . `` i met the nicest guy today , tom tower , '' i said . `` is he related to john tower ? '' rebekah replied . he 's an executive with frito lay and he 's investing in kurt 's panhandle building project . '' `` i 'm kind of worried about him and the other investors . '' `` none of them have really checked this deal out . they are totally relying on kurt and now me to protect them . i told them they needed to get their own attorney but they did n't want to bother . '' `` well , they are grown men , right ? '' `` i know , but i sure hope kurt is n't taking advantage of them . i 'm going to feel like crap if this deal turns out bad . '' `` well , what else could you do ? '' i have to believe my client unless i learn something that is inconsistent with what he has told me . so far , everything has checked out , but i still ca n't get rid of this lingering feeling that something is wrong , dead wrong . '' you 're just not used to these big transactions yet . '' `` i hope that 's all it is . '' that night i could n't sleep very well . i tossed and turned but could n't get comfortable . my mind would n't slow down long enough to allow by body to fall asleep . then when i finally did fall asleep the phone rang . `` hello , '' rebekah said . i said as i struggled to wake up . `` the telephone . `` telephone ? '' `` wake up , the telephone is for you . ''
[["let", 3], ["lets", 3], ["put", 15], ["deal", 24], ["together", 33], ["right", 39], ["rightest", 39], ["move", 52], ["mr", 63], ["hall", 69], ["say", 74], ["sayest", 74], ["said", 74], ["packet", 118], ["document", 131], ["documents", 131], ["front", 140], ["go", 166], ["goest", 166], ["basically", 192], ["partnership", 217], ["agreement", 227], ["contract", 240], ["contractest", 240], ["sale", 248], ["waiver", 261], ["propose", 276], ["proposed", 276], ["close", 284], ["statement", 294], ["question", 376], ["questions", 376], ["happy", 391], ["answer", 401], ["answeres", 401], ["answerest", 401], ["spend", 429], ["spends", 429], ["spendest", 429], ["spent", 429], ["half", 442], ["hour", 447], ["go", 453], ["goest", 453], ["going", 453], ["contract", 475], ["contractest", 475], ["contracts", 475], ["discuss", 490], ["discusses", 490], ["discussest", 490], ["discussing", 490], ["basic", 500], ["structure", 510], ["structuring", 510], ["everyone", 551], ["sign", 558], ["signed", 558], ["left", 581], ["leave", 581], ["except", 590], ["tom", 594], ["tower", 600], ["towered", 600], ["towerest", 600], ["stay", 611], ["stayed", 611], ["discuss", 622], ["discusses", 622], ["discussest", 622], ["another", 630], ["matter", 637], ["mattering", 637], ["man", 653], ["mans", 653], ["manned", 653], ["fifty", 668], ["year", 674], ["years", 674], ["age", 681], ["aged", 681], ["lay", 693], ["lays", 693], ["layed", 693], ["layest", 693], ["laid", 693], ["back", 698], ["likeable", 711], ["help", 735], ["helpest", 735], ["wife", 766], ["need", 777], ["needest", 777], ["get", 784], ["happen", 853], ["either", 863], ["mess", 888], ["messed", 888], ["messing", 888], ["take", 908], ["care", 913], ["come", 949], ["next", 957], ["week", 962], ["sure", 996], ["check", 1010], ["call", 1028], ["tell", 1045], ["stan", 1053], ["stans", 1053], ["think", 1068], ["thinkest", 1068], ["good", 1080], ["well", 1098], ["wells", 1098], ["really", 1109], ["analyze", 1127], ["analyzes", 1127], ["analyzed", 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["saving", 1796], ["much", 1801], ["month", 1818], ["admit", 1836], ["admitted", 1836], ["thing", 1856], ["promise", 1870], ["transaction", 1941], ["complete", 1953], ["whether", 1963], ["get", 1971], ["got", 1971], ["anybody", 2001], ["guess", 2010], ["like", 2017], ["may", 2032], ["mays", 2032], ["mayest", 2032], ["independent", 2065], ["representation", 2080], ["trust", 2093], ["kurt", 2098], ["know", 2112], ["knowest", 2112], ["known", 2112], ["since", 2122], ["teenager", 2140], ["dad", 2150], ["way", 2163], ["ways", 2163], ["boy", 2192], ["night", 2208], ["begin", 2216], ["began", 2216], ["worry", 2225], ["worried", 2225], ["little", 2234], ["bit", 2238], ["bits", 2238], ["panhandle", 2258], ["build", 2267], ["building", 2267], ["project", 2275], ["projectest", 2275], ["although", 2286], ["look", 2296], ["looked", 2296], ["paper", 2310], ["knowledge", 2383], ["try", 2397], ["tryed", 2397], ["tried", 2397], ["honest", 2413], ["straight", 2426], ["forward", 2434], ["forwarding", 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["tabling", 3106], ["meet", 3117], ["meeted", 3117], ["met", 3117], ["nice", 3128], ["guy", 3132], ["today", 3138], ["john", 3189], ["executive", 3237], ["lay", 3252], ["lays", 3252], ["layed", 3252], ["layest", 3252], ["invest", 3272], ["investing", 3272], ["kind", 3328], ["none", 3386], ["check", 3414], ["checked", 3414], ["totally", 3447], ["rely", 3455], ["relying", 3455], ["protect", 3485], ["protectest", 3485], ["need", 3516], ["needest", 3516], ["needed", 3516], ["attorney", 3542], ["bother", 3574], ["bothers", 3574], ["bothering", 3574], ["grow", 3604], ["growest", 3604], ["grown", 3604], ["man", 3608], ["mans", 3608], ["manned", 3608], ["men", 3608], ["hope", 3649], ["take", 3668], ["taking", 3668], ["advantage", 3678], ["advantaging", 3678], ["crap", 3717], ["crapped", 3717], ["turn", 3736], ["turns", 3736], ["bad", 3744], ["else", 3769], ["believe", 3805], ["client", 3815], ["unless", 3822], ["unlesss", 3822], ["learn", 3830], ["learns", 3830], ["learnt", 3830], ["inconsistent", 3861], ["far", 3895], ["ca", 3941], ["cas", 3941], ["rid", 3953], ["wrong", 4003], ["dead", 4010], ["use", 4043], ["used", 4043], ["transaction", 4069], ["transactions", 4069], ["yet", 4073], ["sleep", 4140], ["slept", 4140], ["sleeps", 4140], ["sleepest", 4140], ["toss", 4161], ["tossed", 4161], ["turn", 4172], ["turned", 4172], ["comfortable", 4202], ["mind", 4212], ["minding", 4212], ["slow", 4227], ["long", 4237], ["longs", 4237], ["enough", 4244], ["allow", 4253], ["body", 4261], ["bodied", 4261], ["fall", 4269], ["falls", 4269], ["asleep", 4276], ["finally", 4298], ["phone", 4324], ["hello", 4340], ["hellos", 4340], ["struggle", 4382], ["struggled", 4382], ["wake", 4390], ["wakes", 4390], ["woken", 4390], ["telephone", 4412]]
`` oh okay , '' i said as i reached up and grabbed the phone away from rebekah . `` stan , i 'm sorry to bother you but i need your help . '' `` this is ron johnson . '' `` in jail ! `` they 're charging me with driving while intoxicated . '' anyway , i need you to come get me out of jail . '' `` 2:40 a.m. '' `` oh , okay . `` yeah , i do n't want to stay in this shit hole any longer than i have to . '' what jail are you in ? '' `` dallas city jail . '' i 've never got anyone out of jail before . '' `` jesus christ , stan ! did n't they teach you anything in law school ? '' `` yes , but not how to get someone out of jail . '' `` just come down here and tell them you want to run a writ . '' `` run a writ ? '' `` yeah , writ of habeas corpus . find a bondsman and get him to write you a bond to get me out . then take the bond to the sheriff 's office and fill out a writ , they have pre-printed forms . get the bond approved and bring it back to the jail and they 'll let me out . '' `` okay , i 'm on my way . '' i reluctantly climbed out of bed and wandered over to the chair where a pair of jeans , t-shirt and sneakers had been tossed before i went to bed . i put them on , grabbed a wind breaker , jumped into my car and headed for city hall . with no traffic i made the twenty mile journey in less than thirty minutes . the downtown area was deserted , so i found a parking place right across the street from city hall . i was about to go inside to the jail when i remembered i needed to find a bondsman . i did n't know any bondsman so i cruised around downtown until i saw a neon light flashing that read alliance bonding - open 24 hours . knowing downtown dallas at night was not the safest place to be , i glanced up and down the street for any sign of trouble . the street seemed to be deserted so i dashed into the bonding company . inside a young blond headed man was sitting behind a desk busily working . his arms and chest were quite muscular and for a minute i wondered if i had mistakenly wandered into a gym . the man did n't immediately respond but finished what he was doing . then he looked up and said . `` hi , what can i do for you ? '' `` i need to get a bond for a friend of mine in the city jail . '' `` dwi . '' `` what relationship are you to him ? '' `` i guess i 'm his lawyer . '' `` what do you mean , you guess ? '' `` well he 's a lawyer too and i used to work for him . so it seems a little weird to say i 'm his lawyer . '' `` does he have any property ? '' `` oh yeah , he owns bid d title company . '' okay , i guess we can issue a bond for him . have a seat and i 'll start working on it . '' the man pulled out an form from his drawer and began to fill it out . `` stan turner . `` roger rand , '' he replied . `` who usually handles your bonding for you ? '' `` actually this is the first time i 've needed anyone . '' `` well , i hope you 'll let us handle all your work in the future . '' `` sure , give me one of your cards . '' roger pulled open his middle drawer and pulled out a few cards and handed them to me . then he got on the phone and called the city jail to get all the necessary information on ron johnson 's arrest . after about fifteen minutes he handed me a completed bond and instructed me to go to the jail and get it signed by my client and then take it to the county sheriff 's office to get approved . i looked at my watch and saw that it was 3:10 a.m. as i pulled up to city hall a group of seven or eight hispanic men were coming out of the jail entrance . they were rather rowdy and gave me an unfriendly glance . i tried to ignore them as i entered into the dallas city jail . the jail was old , rundown and dirty . the waiting room was crowded with friends and relatives impatiently waiting to get their loved ones out of jail . i went up to the main desk and advised the desk sergeant that i had to get a bond signed . he took the bond and said he would go get it signed for me . i was instructed to take a seat and wait for him to return . with considerable difficulty i found an empty spot on a bench and sat down . an old man with torn khaki pants and a badly stained shirt was fast asleep across from me . every once in a while he would snore so loud he would wake himself up . several children were running around the waiting room playing tag .
[["oh", 5], ["okay", 10], ["say", 22], ["sayest", 22], ["said", 22], ["reach", 35], ["reached", 35], ["grab", 50], ["grabbed", 50], ["phone", 60], ["away", 65], ["rebekah", 78], ["stan", 88], ["stans", 88], ["sorry", 101], ["bother", 111], ["bothers", 111], ["bothering", 111], ["need", 126], ["needest", 126], ["help", 136], ["helpest", 136], ["ron", 156], ["johnson", 164], ["jail", 180], ["jails", 180], ["jailing", 180], ["jailest", 180], ["charge", 203], ["charging", 203], ["drive", 219], ["driving", 219], ["intoxicate", 237], ["intoxicates", 237], ["intoxicated", 237], ["anyway", 249], ["come", 270], ["get", 274], ["yeah", 333], ["stay", 357], ["shit", 370], ["hole", 375], ["long", 386], ["longs", 386], ["city", 447], ["never", 469], ["get", 473], ["got", 473], ["anyone", 480], ["jesus", 513], ["christ", 520], ["teach", 548], ["anything", 561], ["law", 568], ["school", 575], ["schooling", 575], ["yes", 587], ["tell", 665], ["run", 686], ["writ", 693], ["corpus", 749], ["find", 756], ["bondsman", 767], ["writing", 788], ["bond", 799], ["take", 825], ["sheriff", 849], ["office", 859], ["fill", 868], ["fills", 868], ["pre", 895], ["form", 909], ["formest", 909], ["forms", 909], ["approve", 933], ["approved", 933], ["bring", 943], ["back", 951], ["let", 980], ["lets", 980], ["way", 1017], ["ways", 1017], ["reluctantly", 1036], ["climb", 1044], ["climbed", 1044], ["bed", 1055], ["wander", 1068], ["wandered", 1068], ["chair", 1086], ["chairing", 1086], ["pair", 1099], ["pairs", 1099], ["jean", 1108], ["jeans", 1108], ["shirt", 1118], ["sneaker", 1131], ["sneakers", 1131], ["toss", 1147], ["tossed", 1147], ["go", 1161], ["goest", 1161], ["went", 1161], ["put", 1176], ["wind", 1201], ["breaker", 1209], ["jump", 1218], ["jumps", 1218], ["jumped", 1218], ["car", 1230], ["head", 1241], ["headed", 1241], ["hall", 1255], ["traffic", 1273], ["traffics", 1273], ["trafficking", 1273], ["twenty", 1291], ["mile", 1296], ["miles", 1296], ["journey", 1304], ["journeys", 1304], ["journeyed", 1304], ["journeyest", 1304], ["less", 1312], ["thirty", 1324], ["minute", 1332], ["minutes", 1332], ["downtown", 1347], ["downtowns", 1347], ["area", 1352], ["desert", 1365], ["deserted", 1365], ["find", 1378], ["found", 1378], ["parking", 1388], ["place", 1394], ["right", 1400], ["rightest", 1400], ["across", 1407], ["street", 1418], ["go", 1453], ["goest", 1453], ["inside", 1460], ["remember", 1490], ["rememberest", 1490], ["remembered", 1490], ["need", 1499], ["needest", 1499], ["needed", 1499], ["know", 1535], ["knowest", 1535], ["cruise", 1561], ["cruised", 1561], ["around", 1568], ["see", 1589], ["saw", 1589], ["neon", 1596], ["lit", 1602], ["light", 1602], ["flash", 1611], ["flashing", 1611], ["read", 1621], ["reads", 1621], ["alliance", 1630], ["open", 1645], ["hour", 1654], ["hours", 1654], ["know", 1664], ["knowest", 1664], ["knowing", 1664], ["night", 1689], ["safe", 1708], ["safes", 1708], ["safed", 1708], ["safest", 1708], ["glance", 1732], ["glanced", 1732], ["sign", 1768], ["trouble", 1779], ["troubling", 1779], ["seem", 1799], ["seeming", 1799], ["seemed", 1799], ["dash", 1826], ["dashed", 1826], ["bond", 1843], ["bonding", 1843], ["company", 1851], ["companys", 1851], ["companying", 1851], ["young", 1868], ["youngest", 1868], ["blond", 1874], ["man", 1885], ["mans", 1885], ["manned", 1885], ["sat", 1897], ["sit", 1897], ["sitting", 1897], ["behind", 1904], ["desk", 1911], ["busily", 1918], ["work", 1926], ["wrought", 1926], ["working", 1926], ["arm", 1937], ["arms", 1937], ["chest", 1947], ["quite", 1958], ["muscular", 1967], ["minute", 1984], ["wonder", 1995], ["wonderest", 1995], ["wondered", 1995], ["mistakenly", 2015], ["gym", 2035], ["gyms", 2035], ["immediately", 2065], ["respond", 2073], ["respondest", 2073], ["finish", 2086], ["finished", 2086], ["look", 2121], ["looked", 2121], ["hi", 2141], ["friend", 2207], ["mine", 2215], ["dwi", 2244], ["relationship", 2270], ["guess", 2301], ["lawyer", 2317], ["mean", 2342], ["meanest", 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3237], ["completed", 3237], ["instruct", 3257], ["instructest", 3257], ["instructed", 3257], ["sign", 3296], ["signed", 3296], ["client", 3309], ["county", 3340], ["watch", 3397], ["group", 3463], ["seven", 3472], ["eight", 3481], ["hispanic", 3490], ["hispanics", 3490], ["man", 3494], ["mans", 3494], ["manned", 3494], ["men", 3494], ["come", 3506], ["coming", 3506], ["entrance", 3531], ["entrancing", 3531], ["rather", 3550], ["rowdy", 3556], ["rowdies", 3556], ["give", 3565], ["gave", 3565], ["unfriendly", 3582], ["glance", 3589], ["try", 3599], ["tryed", 3599], ["tried", 3599], ["ignore", 3609], ["enter", 3627], ["entered", 3627], ["old", 3672], ["rundown", 3682], ["rundowns", 3682], ["dirty", 3692], ["room", 3711], ["roomed", 3711], ["crowd", 3723], ["crowding", 3723], ["crowdest", 3723], ["crowded", 3723], ["friend", 3736], ["friends", 3736], ["relative", 3750], ["relatives", 3750], ["impatiently", 3762], ["wait", 3770], ["waitest", 3770], ["waiting", 3770], ["love", 3789], ["loved", 3789], ["main", 3830], ["advise", 3847], ["advised", 3847], ["sergeant", 3865], ["take", 3907], ["took", 3907], ["wait", 4001], ["waitest", 4001], ["return", 4019], ["returnest", 4019], ["considerable", 4039], ["difficulty", 4050], ["empty", 4067], ["spot", 4072], ["bench", 4083], ["benched", 4083], ["sat", 4091], ["sit", 4091], ["tear", 4119], ["teared", 4119], ["torn", 4119], ["khaki", 4125], ["khakis", 4125], ["pant", 4131], ["pants", 4131], ["badly", 4143], ["stain", 4151], ["stainest", 4151], ["stained", 4151], ["fast", 4166], ["asleep", 4173], ["every", 4196], ["snore", 4227], ["loud", 4235], ["wake", 4249], ["wakes", 4249], ["woken", 4249], ["several", 4270], ["child", 4279], ["childs", 4279], ["children", 4279], ["run", 4292], ["running", 4292], ["play", 4324], ["playest", 4324], ["playing", 4324], ["tag", 4328], ["tags", 4328]]
their mother seemed to be oblivious to their disorderly behavior . a well dressed black woman sat next to me engrossed in a book . i felt very conspicuous and uncomfortable . what was i doing in a place like this ? now i knew why i did n't want to be a criminal attorney . by the time i got out of the jail it was 3:45 a.m . i was getting tired , so i drove quickly to the county courthouse and parked in front . i went up to the courthouse entrance but was distressed to find it to be locked . how was i to get this bond approved if i could n't get into the courthouse ? i glanced around nervously wondering where the night entrance might be . i heard a noise behind me and turned quickly to ascertain what it was . a slovenly looking man with a paper bag approached me mumbling about something . i quickly extricated myself from his path and headed for the other side of the courthouse hoping i would find an opened door . as i rounded the east side of the building a car pulled up and a well dressed man jumped out . it occurred to me that this man might be a lawyer so i followed him and sure enough he led me to the night entrance to the sheriff 's office . once inside i asked a deputy where i could find the pre-printed writs and the person who approved bonds . he pointed me to a large desk in the middle of the room . i got the appropriate forms , filled them out and handed them to the officer in charge . after a few minute he gave me back the approved bond and writ and i returned to my car . it was now 4:15 a.m . i never dreamed it was so difficult getting someone out of jail . when i got back to city hall , i gave my paperwork to the desk sergeant and sat down to wait for ron to be released . at 5:00 a.m. the large door to the cell block opened and a steady stream of inmates were released . i asked one of the officers who all these people were they were letting go and he advised me it was all the drunks that had been picked up the night before . i continued to wait until it was nearly 6:00 a.m . tired and becoming more and more disgusted by the minute , i went to the desk sergeant and complained that they had n't released ron yet . he apologized and explained that they had temporarily lost him . somehow during transfer from one cell block to another they had lost track of him and could not find him so he could be released . finally at 6:45 ron walked out of the cell block entrance a free man . much relieved , i immediately escorted him out of the jail and to my car . we got in and drove off . `` did you know they lost you in there ? '' `` that does n't surprise me as many inmates as there were . '' `` so you must have had quite a party last night ? '' `` yeah , and i 've got a hangover to prove it . '' `` just take me home , i do n't want to deal with that now . '' `` i hope you do n't want me to defend you on this charge . '' `` why , do n't you do criminal law ? '' `` no way , i did n't enjoy this at all . '' ron laughed and said , `` well that 's okay , i know a guy in mckiney that has n't lost a dwi case in years . he 'll take care of this for me . '' after i took ron to his house i went home to crash . rebekah was up making breakfast when i walked in . `` i do n't believe my husband is finally home , '' rebekah said . `` it 's a bitch getting people out of jail , '' i replied . `` i hope he going to pay you a lot of money for spending the whole damn night away from home . '' `` i ca n't charge him . '' he 's been helping me out a lot on kurt 's real estate deals , so i could n't charge him for this . '' you 're out all night long and you 're not going to get a red cent . '' `` i would n't have made any money sleeping so i did n't really lose anything . '' `` i know , but we 're just so desperate for money . '' `` we 're going to survive , do n't worry , '' i assured her . `` no thanks , all i want is some sleep . wake me up at noon okay ? '' 9 the ghost rebekah , with extreme difficulty , got me up at noon and i went to the office . i wanted to follow up on the information general burton had given me on melba thorn . i pulled out the piece of paper with her son 's name and number on it and began to dial the telephone . it rang several times and then a man answered . `` hello , this is robert thorn . ''
[["mother", 12], ["mothered", 12], ["motherest", 12], ["seem", 19], ["seeming", 19], ["seemed", 19], ["oblivious", 35], ["disorderly", 55], ["behavior", 64], ["well", 73], ["wells", 73], ["dress", 81], ["dressest", 81], ["dressed", 81], ["black", 87], ["woman", 93], ["womans", 93], ["sat", 97], ["sit", 97], ["next", 102], ["engross", 118], ["engrossed", 118], ["book", 128], ["feel", 137], ["felt", 137], ["conspicuous", 154], ["uncomfortable", 172], ["place", 202], ["like", 207], ["know", 225], ["knowest", 225], ["knew", 225], ["criminal", 261], ["attorney", 270], ["time", 284], ["get", 290], ["got", 290], ["jail", 306], ["jails", 306], ["jailing", 306], ["jailest", 306], ["get", 338], ["getting", 338], ["tired", 344], ["drive", 357], ["drove", 357], ["quickly", 365], ["county", 379], ["courthouse", 390], ["park", 401], ["parks", 401], ["parked", 401], ["front", 410], ["go", 419], ["goest", 419], ["went", 419], ["entrance", 449], ["entrancing", 449], ["find", 476], ["lock", 492], ["locked", 492], ["get", 511], ["bond", 521], ["approve", 530], ["approved", 530], ["glance", 581], ["glanced", 581], ["around", 588], ["nervously", 598], ["wonder", 608], ["wonderest", 608], ["wondering", 608], ["night", 624], ["may", 639], ["mays", 639], ["mayest", 639], ["might", 639], ["hear", 652], ["hears", 652], ["heard", 652], ["noise", 660], ["behind", 667], ["turn", 681], ["turned", 681], ["ascertain", 702], ["slovenly", 727], ["man", 739], ["mans", 739], ["manned", 739], ["paper", 752], ["bag", 756], ["bagged", 756], ["bagging", 756], ["approach", 767], ["approaches", 767], ["approached", 767], ["mumble", 779], ["mumbles", 779], ["mumbling", 779], ["extricate", 818], ["extricated", 818], ["path", 839], ["head", 850], ["headed", 850], ["side", 869], ["sidest", 869], ["hope", 894], ["hoping", 894], ["open", 917], ["opened", 917], ["door", 922], ["round", 937], ["rounded", 937], ["east", 946], ["build", 967], ["building", 967], ["car", 973], ["pull", 980], ["pulled", 980], ["jump", 1013], ["jumps", 1013], ["jumped", 1013], ["occur", 1031], ["occurest", 1031], ["occurred", 1031], ["lawyer", 1069], ["follow", 1083], ["followed", 1083], ["sure", 1096], ["enough", 1103], ["lead", 1110], ["leaded", 1110], ["led", 1110], ["sheriff", 1150], ["office", 1160], ["inside", 1174], ["ask", 1182], ["asked", 1182], ["deputy", 1191], ["pre", 1218], ["writ", 1232], ["writs", 1232], ["person", 1247], ["bond", 1266], ["bonds", 1266], ["point", 1279], ["pointed", 1279], ["large", 1293], ["desk", 1298], ["middle", 1312], ["middles", 1312], ["middling", 1312], ["room", 1324], ["roomed", 1324], ["appropriate", 1348], ["appropriates", 1348], ["form", 1354], ["formest", 1354], ["forms", 1354], ["fill", 1363], ["fills", 1363], ["filled", 1363], ["hand", 1383], ["handed", 1383], ["officer", 1403], ["officering", 1403], ["charge", 1413], ["minute", 1434], ["give", 1442], ["gave", 1442], ["back", 1450], ["writ", 1477], ["return", 1492], ["returnest", 1492], ["returned", 1492], ["never", 1534], ["dream", 1542], ["dreamt", 1542], ["dreamest", 1542], ["dreamed", 1542], ["difficult", 1562], ["city", 1616], ["hall", 1621], ["paperwork", 1643], ["sergeant", 1664], ["wait", 1685], ["waitest", 1685], ["ron", 1693], ["release", 1708], ["released", 1708], ["cell", 1750], ["block", 1756], ["blocks", 1756], ["steady", 1776], ["stream", 1783], ["streams", 1783], ["streamed", 1783], ["streaming", 1783], ["inmate", 1794], ["inmates", 1794], ["officer", 1838], ["officering", 1838], ["officers", 1838], ["people", 1859], ["let", 1882], ["lets", 1882], ["letting", 1882], ["go", 1885], ["goest", 1885], ["advise", 1900], ["advised", 1900], ["drunk", 1925], ["drunks", 1925], ["pick", 1946], ["picked", 1946], ["continue", 1980], ["continued", 1980], ["nearly", 2008], ["become", 2038], ["becoming", 2038], ["complain", 2121], ["complained", 2121], ["yet", 2156], ["apologize", 2172], ["apologized", 2172], ["explain", 2186], ["explained", 2186], ["temporarily", 2212], ["lose", 2217], ["lost", 2217], ["somehow", 2231], ["transfer", 2247], ["transfering", 2247], ["another", 2278], ["track", 2298], ["finally", 2362], ["walk", 2381], ["walked", 2381], ["free", 2419], ["much", 2430], ["relieve", 2439], ["relieved", 2439], ["immediately", 2455], ["escort", 2464], ["escorted", 2464], ["know", 2542], ["knowest", 2542], ["surprise", 2596], ["surprised", 2596], ["many", 2607], ["must", 2649], ["musts", 2649], ["quite", 2664], ["party", 2672], ["last", 2677], ["yeah", 2696], ["hangover", 2723], ["hangovers", 2723], ["prof", 2732], ["prove", 2732], ["take", 2753], ["home", 2761], ["homing", 2761], ["deal", 2785], ["hope", 2814], ["defend", 2843], ["law", 2903], ["way", 2918], ["ways", 2918], ["enjoy", 2936], ["enjoyed", 2936], ["laugh", 2965], ["laughed", 2965], ["say", 2974], ["sayest", 2974], ["said", 2974], ["okay", 2997], ["guy", 3012], ["dwi", 3047], ["year", 3061], ["years", 3061], ["take", 3113], ["took", 3113], ["house", 3130], ["crash", 3151], ["rebekah", 3161], ["breakfast", 3185], ["believe", 3224], ["husband", 3235], ["husbanding", 3235], ["bitch", 3288], ["reply", 3330], ["replied", 3330], ["go", 3351], ["goest", 3351], ["going", 3351], ["pay", 3358], ["pays", 3358], ["payest", 3358], ["lot", 3368], ["money", 3377], ["moneys", 3377], ["spend", 3390], ["spends", 3390], ["spendest", 3390], ["whole", 3400], ["wholes", 3400], ["damn", 3405], ["damned", 3405], ["away", 3416], ["ca", 3439], ["cas", 3439], ["help", 3478], ["helpest", 3478], ["helping", 3478], ["kurt", 3499], ["real", 3507], ["reis", 3507], ["estate", 3514], ["deal", 3520], ["deals", 3520], ["long", 3589], ["longs", 3589], ["red", 3624], ["cent", 3629], ["sleep", 3678], ["slept", 3678], ["sleeps", 3678], ["sleepest", 3678], ["sleeping", 3678], ["really", 3698], ["lose", 3703], ["anything", 3712], ["desperate", 3758], ["survive", 3800], ["worry", 3815], ["worried", 3815], ["assure", 3830], ["assured", 3830], ["thank", 3849], ["thanks", 3849], ["thankest", 3849], ["sleep", 3876], ["slept", 3876], ["sleeps", 3876], ["sleepest", 3876], ["wake", 3883], ["wakes", 3883], ["woken", 3883], ["noon", 3897], ["ghost", 3919], ["extreme", 3942], ["difficulty", 3953], ["follow", 4019], ["information", 4041], ["general", 4049], ["burton", 4056], ["give", 4066], ["given", 4066], ["melba", 4078], ["thorn", 4084], ["piece", 4109], ["pieced", 4109], ["son", 4131], ["name", 4139], ["number", 4150], ["numbering", 4150], ["begin", 4166], ["began", 4166], ["dial", 4174], ["telephone", 4188], ["rang", 4198], ["rung", 4198], ["ring", 4198], ["several", 4206], ["time", 4212], ["times", 4212], ["answer", 4236], ["answeres", 4236], ["answerest", 4236], ["answered", 4236], ["hello", 4247], ["hellos", 4247], ["robert", 4264], ["roberts", 4264]]
`` hi mr. thorn , this is stan turner , i 'm an attorney and i 'm calling about your mother . '' `` yes , melba thorn . '' `` my mother 's been dead for over two years . '' his words left me speechless . how could his mother be dead ? my heart began pounding in my chest . `` did you say your mother is dead ? '' `` yes , she is , so what 's this all about ? '' `` well , thats really strange . a woman has been calling me claiming to be your mother and asking me to help her . '' there was a momentary silence on the line . finally mr. thorn said , `` that 's ridiculous . `` i do n't know , but i 'd sure like to find out . you do n't have any ideas do you ? '' `` no , absolutely not , the whole thing is absurd , '' he said . `` what did this woman say she wanted ? '' `` she said she was being held against her will by members of her family and she wanted me to help her regain her freedom . '' `` that is totally ludicrous . aside from the fact that my mother is dead , no one in our family would have ever held her against her will . '' `` i do n't doubt that mr. thorn , but i 'm just telling you what the woman told me . what i do n't understand is why this impostor called me . '' `` just an attorney here in north dallas . i 've just recently started a law practice . '' `` is this some kind of a shakedown ? are you after something ? '' `` i 'm just trying to figure out what 's going on . '' `` i 'd suggest you forget the whole thing . i do n't want you snooping into our family 's business . '' `` well , i 'm sorry i bothered you . i guess it must have been a prank . '' `` apparently so , '' thorn said . `` someone 's got a strange sense of humor . '' `` very strange , '' i replied , `` well , . thanks for the information , good bye . '' mr. thorn 's revelation that his mother was dead stunned me . either robert thorn was a liar or i had been talking to a ghost . not being a believer of the supernatural i opted for the falsehood . i had no choice now but to find melba thorn or her impostor no matter how difficult that might be . as i was pondering my next move the phone rang . `` i 'm martha sweet from the office of the united states postal inspectors . '' `` we 're conducting an investigation into the activities of gena lombardi and we understand you are her attorney . '' `` well , i 'm her bankruptcy attorney . '' `` we want to arrange a time to meet with you and her to discuss her case . we 've gathered a lot of evidence and we wanted to discuss the possibility of a plea bargain . '' `` gee , i 'd like to help you , but i 'm not a criminal attorney . i 'm just handling her bankruptcy . '' `` well , we 'd like to talk to someone so we can avoid having to go for an indictment . '' `` what did she do anyway ? '' `` we 've got a lot of complaints from people out of state who sent her money for tickets and travel packages but never got the merchandise . i guess you know it 's a federal offense to use the united states mail in any kind of fraudulent scheme . '' `` well , i 'll call her and see if i can find out whos going to represent her in this matter . i think she has a criminal attorney . maybe he 'll be handling this case too . '' `` let us know real soon , otherwise we 'll just have no choice but to go for an indictment and arrest her . '' the last thing i wanted to do was call gena but i had no choice . i pulled out her file , found her number and called her . `` i just got a call from martha sweet at the postal inspector 's office , '' i said . `` they say they are investigating you for mail fraud . '' gena replied . `` i 've already told that bitch that it was n't my fault . you know i told you about tony taking all my money . well some of that money was from customers for tickets and hotel rooms and obviously since tony took the money i could n't buy them . there was n't anything fraudulent about it . '' `` well , it sounds like you may have a good defense but you need to get your criminal attorney to call martha sweet . '' `` he wo n't take any more cases from me . '' he 's just a jerk . he says i 'm not a good client . why are n't you a good client ? '' `` he says i do n't listen to him and i do n't pay my bills . '' `` well you ca n't blame him for wanting to get paid . '' `` i 've already paid him over $ 5,000 .
[["hi", 5], ["mr", 8], ["thorn", 15], ["stan", 30], ["stans", 30], ["turner", 37], ["attorney", 56], ["call", 73], ["calling", 73], ["mother", 91], ["mothered", 91], ["motherest", 91], ["yes", 103], ["melba", 111], ["dead", 148], ["two", 161], ["twos", 161], ["year", 167], ["years", 167], ["word", 182], ["words", 182], ["left", 187], ["leave", 187], ["speechless", 201], ["heart", 243], ["begin", 249], ["began", 249], ["pound", 258], ["pounding", 258], ["chest", 270], ["say", 287], ["sayest", 287], ["well", 369], ["wells", 369], ["really", 384], ["strange", 392], ["woman", 402], ["womans", 402], ["claim", 431], ["claiming", 431], ["ask", 460], ["asking", 460], ["help", 471], ["helpest", 471], ["momentary", 502], ["silence", 510], ["line", 522], ["finally", 532], ["say", 547], ["sayest", 547], ["said", 547], ["ridiculous", 571], ["know", 590], ["knowest", 590], ["sure", 606], ["like", 611], ["find", 619], ["idea", 651], ["ideas", 651], ["absolutely", 682], ["whole", 698], ["wholes", 698], ["thing", 704], ["absurd", 714], ["hold", 803], ["held", 803], ["member", 831], ["members", 831], ["family", 845], ["regain", 882], ["freedom", 894], ["totally", 918], ["ludicrous", 928], ["aside", 936], ["fact", 950], ["ever", 1012], ["everest", 1012], ["doubt", 1061], ["tell", 1100], ["telling", 1100], ["tell", 1124], ["told", 1124], ["understand", 1154], ["understanded", 1154], ["impostor", 1175], ["call", 1182], ["called", 1182], ["north", 1224], ["recently", 1253], ["start", 1261], ["started", 1261], ["law", 1267], ["practice", 1276], ["kind", 1302], ["shakedown", 1317], ["try", 1368], ["tryed", 1368], ["trying", 1368], ["figure", 1378], ["go", 1396], ["goest", 1396], ["going", 1396], ["suggest", 1420], ["forget", 1431], ["forgot", 1431], ["snoop", 1476], ["snooped", 1476], ["snooping", 1476], ["business", 1504], ["sorry", 1530], ["bother", 1541], ["bothers", 1541], ["bothering", 1541], ["bothered", 1541], ["guess", 1555], ["must", 1563], ["musts", 1563], ["prank", 1581], ["apparently", 1600], ["get", 1639], ["got", 1639], ["sense", 1655], ["humor", 1664], ["humors", 1664], ["humorest", 1664], ["reply", 1700], ["replied", 1700], ["thank", 1721], ["thanks", 1721], ["thankest", 1721], ["information", 1741], ["good", 1748], ["bye", 1752], ["byes", 1752], ["revelation", 1781], ["stun", 1814], ["stuns", 1814], ["stunned", 1814], ["either", 1826], ["robert", 1833], ["roberts", 1833], ["liar", 1850], ["talk", 1872], ["talking", 1872], ["ghost", 1883], ["believer", 1906], ["supernatural", 1926], ["opt", 1934], ["optest", 1934], ["opted", 1934], ["falsehood", 1952], ["choice", 1970], ["matter", 2024], ["mattering", 2024], ["difficult", 2038], ["may", 2049], ["mays", 2049], ["mayest", 2049], ["might", 2049], ["ponder", 2073], ["pondering", 2073], ["next", 2081], ["move", 2086], ["phone", 2096], ["martha", 2118], ["sweet", 2124], ["office", 2140], ["postal", 2168], ["inspector", 2179], ["inspectors", 2179], ["conduct", 2205], ["conductest", 2205], ["conducting", 2205], ["investigation", 2222], ["activity", 2242], ["activities", 2242], ["gena", 2250], ["bankruptcy", 2333], ["arrange", 2369], ["arranging", 2369], ["time", 2376], ["meet", 2384], ["meeted", 2384], ["discuss", 2412], ["discusses", 2412], ["discussest", 2412], ["gather", 2439], ["gatherest", 2439], ["gathered", 2439], ["lot", 2445], ["evidence", 2457], ["possibility", 2498], ["plea", 2508], ["bargain", 2516], ["bargains", 2516], ["gee", 2528], ["gees", 2528], ["criminal", 2578], ["handle", 2608], ["handling", 2608], ["talk", 2657], ["avoid", 2684], ["go", 2697], ["goest", 2697], ["indictment", 2715], ["anyway", 2746], ["complaint", 2785], ["complaints", 2785], ["people", 2797], ["state", 2810], ["send", 2819], ["sent", 2819], ["money", 2829], ["moneys", 2829], ["ticket", 2841], ["tickets", 2841], ["travel", 2852], ["package", 2861], ["packages", 2861], ["never", 2871], ["merchandise", 2891], ["merchandising", 2891], ["federal", 2926], ["offense", 2934], ["use", 2941], ["mail", 2964], ["fraudulent", 2990], ["scheme", 2997], ["scheming", 2997], ["call", 3023], ["see", 3035], ["represent", 3077], ["representest", 3077], ["think", 3106], ["thinkest", 3106], ["maybe", 3142], ["let", 3187], ["lets", 3187], ["real", 3200], ["reis", 3200], ["soon", 3205], ["otherwise", 3217], ["arrest", 3283], ["last", 3301], ["pull", 3367], ["pulled", 3367], ["file", 3380], ["find", 3388], ["found", 3388], ["number", 3399], ["numbering", 3399], ["inspector", 3479], ["investigate", 3538], ["investigates", 3538], ["investigating", 3538], ["fraud", 3557], ["frauds", 3557], ["already", 3594], ["bitch", 3610], ["fault", 3635], ["faulting", 3635], ["tony", 3668], ["take", 3675], ["taking", 3675], ["customer", 3733], ["customers", 3733], ["hotel", 3755], ["room", 3761], ["roomed", 3761], ["rooms", 3761], ["obviously", 3775], ["since", 3781], ["take", 3791], ["took", 3791], ["buy", 3817], ["buyed", 3817], ["anything", 3847], ["sound", 3892], ["sounds", 3892], ["may", 3905], ["mays", 3905], ["mayest", 3905], ["defense", 3925], ["need", 3938], ["needest", 3938], ["get", 3945], ["wo", 4003], ["take", 4012], ["cases", 4027], ["jerk", 4058], ["jerks", 4058], ["jerked", 4058], ["say", 4068], ["sayest", 4068], ["says", 4068], ["client", 4091], ["listen", 4155], ["listens", 4155], ["pay", 4179], ["pays", 4179], ["payest", 4179], ["bill", 4188], ["bills", 4188], ["ca", 4208], ["cas", 4208], ["blame", 4218], ["blamest", 4218], ["pay", 4246], ["pays", 4246], ["payest", 4246], ["paid", 4246]]
you 'd think he would cut me a little slack while i 'm down . '' `` well , you need to find someone to defend you . '' gena asked . `` for starters i do n't practice criminal law and secondly i 'm kind of fond of getting paid myself . '' `` well that 's okay , i 've got another problem that you can handle . '' `` oh really , what would that be . '' `` did you look in your mail today ? my mortgage company is trying to foreclose on my house . '' `` have you paid them since we filed bankruptcy ? '' `` well , i told you you 've got to pay them each month from now on . the bankruptcy only takes care of the past arrearage . '' `` but i do n't have the money . '' `` then you 'll have to let the house go . '' i 've got to have the house . '' `` then you better come up with money to pay the mortgage company otherwise there is nothing i can do to help you . '' you 're a big help . '' `` i 'm sorry , i just practice law , i do n't perform miracles . '' `` okay , i 'll go try scrape up some money somewhere . '' 10 the rhinestone prospect it was friday night and rebekah had to work the night shift in the emergency room at north central receiving hospital from three to eleven . this meant i had to get home early , feed the kids and amuse them the entire evening . while this was hard work , i loved the children so i really did n't mind it . they all were good kids and i had a lot of fun playing with them . i got home at 2:30 p.m. and rebekah was dressed and ready to go . `` just about , '' rebekah replied . `` i think marcia needs her diaper changed . i was going to change it but it 's getting late . '' `` go on , i 'll take care of the little princess . '' `` how was work today ? '' `` well , pretty interesting actually . '' `` it seems that i have clients summoning me from the grave . '' `` melba thorn is dead , '' i said . `` for two years . '' `` what 'd they do , equip her casket with a telephone ? '' `` it 's not funny , '' i said . `` well , you 'll have to explain this one to me later , honey . i 'll see you at 11:30 . `` bye bye . love ya too . '' on monday morning i got up early and drove to love field to take the 7:00 flight to corpus christi . bird had called me friday and advised me that he needed some title work done on a well not too far from corpus christi which he called the rhinestone prospect . he said he would pick me up when my flight landed at 9:10 a.m. because he wanted me to meet his wife and to see his home on corpus christi bay before i got to work . when i emerged from the ramp at gate eleven , logan was there with his very young and lovely wife to greet me . `` stan , . over here , '' mr. logan yelled . `` hi mr. logan , thanks for coming to pick me up ? '' hey , i want you to meet my wife , sheila . '' sheila was medium height with a dark complexion . she was wearing white jean shorts and a yellow halter top . her shoulder length , dark brown hair was gleaming in the bright sun . we shook hands and she held on a little longer than necessary and gave me a sweet smile . `` it 's certainly a pleasure to meet you mr. turner , '' sheila replied warmly . bird logan must have been close to 40 , i figured , and sheila could n't have been a day over 22 . i wondered why a beautiful young woman would marry a not so good looking , middle aged man . more astonishing , however , was bird 's behavior . why would he ever do anything to jeopardize a marriage to such a gorgeous woman . `` come on , the car is parked out front , '' mr. logan said . `` okay , lead the way . '' we found logan 's car , loaded it up and then he drove us back to his beach house on the bay . it was a beautiful sunny day with a cool southern breeze . the ocean was a gorgeous turquoise blue and i was wishing i could have hired a deep sea charter rather than spend the day in the county clerk 's office . `` did you have a good flight stan ? '' `` oh yes , it was smooth as silk and very relaxing , '' i replied . `` have you ever been to corpus christi before ? '' `` i 've passed through once or twice but i 've never stayed here . we 've gone to south padre a few times . '' `` so did you hear about palmer # 7 ? '' bird said .
[["think", 12], ["thinkest", 12], ["cut", 25], ["little", 37], ["slack", 43], ["well", 72], ["wells", 72], ["need", 83], ["needest", 83], ["find", 91], ["defend", 109], ["gena", 123], ["ask", 129], ["asked", 129], ["starter", 147], ["starters", 147], ["practice", 165], ["criminal", 174], ["law", 178], ["secondly", 191], ["kind", 201], ["fond", 209], ["get", 220], ["getting", 220], ["pay", 225], ["pays", 225], ["payest", 225], ["paid", 225], ["okay", 258], ["get", 270], ["got", 270], ["another", 278], ["problem", 286], ["handle", 306], ["oh", 317], ["really", 324], ["look", 366], ["mail", 379], ["today", 385], ["mortgage", 399], ["mortgaging", 399], ["company", 407], ["companys", 407], ["companying", 407], ["try", 417], ["tryed", 417], ["trying", 417], ["foreclose", 430], ["house", 442], ["since", 475], ["file", 484], ["filed", 484], ["bankruptcy", 495], ["tell", 517], ["told", 517], ["pay", 540], ["pays", 540], ["payest", 540], ["month", 556], ["take", 596], ["takes", 596], ["past", 613], ["arrearage", 623], ["money", 659], ["moneys", 659], ["let", 692], ["lets", 692], ["go", 705], ["goest", 705], ["well", 762], ["better", 762], ["come", 767], ["otherwise", 819], ["nothing", 836], ["help", 853], ["helpest", 853], ["big", 876], ["bigs", 876], ["sorry", 900], ["perform", 941], ["performest", 941], ["miracle", 950], ["miracles", 950], ["try", 978], ["tryed", 978], ["scrape", 985], ["somewhere", 1009], ["rhinestone", 1032], ["prospect", 1041], ["friday", 1055], ["night", 1061], ["rebekah", 1073], ["work", 1085], ["wrought", 1085], ["shift", 1101], ["emergency", 1118], ["room", 1123], ["roomed", 1123], ["north", 1132], ["central", 1140], ["receive", 1150], ["receiving", 1150], ["hospital", 1159], ["three", 1170], ["eleven", 1180], ["mean", 1193], ["meanest", 1193], ["meant", 1193], ["get", 1206], ["home", 1211], ["homing", 1211], ["early", 1217], ["fed", 1224], ["feed", 1224], ["kid", 1233], ["kids", 1233], ["amuse", 1243], ["entire", 1259], ["evening", 1267], ["hard", 1289], ["love", 1304], ["loved", 1304], ["child", 1317], ["childs", 1317], ["children", 1317], ["mind", 1342], ["minding", 1342], ["good", 1366], ["lot", 1387], ["fun", 1394], ["playing", 1402], ["ready", 1472], ["reply", 1515], ["replied", 1515], ["marcia", 1535], ["need", 1541], ["needest", 1541], ["needs", 1541], ["diaper", 1552], ["change", 1560], ["changed", 1560], ["go", 1574], ["goest", 1574], ["going", 1574], ["change", 1584], ["late", 1610], ["lates", 1610], ["take", 1637], ["princess", 1665], ["pretty", 1714], ["prettiest", 1714], ["interesting", 1726], ["seem", 1752], ["seeming", 1752], ["seems", 1752], ["client", 1772], ["clients", 1772], ["summon", 1782], ["summonest", 1782], ["summoning", 1782], ["grave", 1800], ["melba", 1814], ["thorn", 1820], ["dead", 1828], ["say", 1840], ["sayest", 1840], ["said", 1840], ["two", 1853], ["twos", 1853], ["year", 1859], ["years", 1859], ["equip", 1891], ["equipped", 1891], ["casket", 1902], ["telephone", 1919], ["funny", 1943], ["explain", 1991], ["later", 2012], ["honey", 2020], ["honeys", 2020], ["see", 2032], ["bye", 2054], ["byes", 2054], ["love", 2065], ["ya", 2068], ["monday", 2087], ["mondays", 2087], ["morning", 2095], ["drive", 2120], ["drove", 2120], ["field", 2134], ["fielding", 2134], ["flight", 2158], ["corpus", 2168], ["bird", 2183], ["call", 2194], ["called", 2194], ["advise", 2216], ["advised", 2216], ["need", 2234], ["needest", 2234], ["needed", 2234], ["title", 2245], ["far", 2277], ["pick", 2361], ["land", 2389], ["landed", 2389], ["meet", 2431], ["meeted", 2431], ["wife", 2440], ["bay", 2482], ["emerge", 2520], ["emerged", 2520], ["ramp", 2534], ["ramps", 2534], ["gate", 2542], ["gates", 2542], ["logan", 2557], ["logans", 2557], ["young", 2587], ["youngest", 2587], ["lovely", 2598], ["lovelier", 2598], ["greet", 2612], ["greeting", 2612], ["stan", 2625], ["stans", 2625], ["mr", 2647], ["yell", 2661], ["yelled", 2661], ["hi", 2669], ["thank", 2688], ["thanks", 2688], ["thankest", 2688], ["come", 2699], ["coming", 2699], ["hey", 2722], ["sheila", 2760], ["medium", 2783], ["mediums", 2783], ["height", 2790], ["heights", 2790], ["dark", 2802], ["complexion", 2813], ["wear", 2831], ["wearing", 2831], ["white", 2837], ["jean", 2842], ["jeans", 2842], ["short", 2849], ["shorts", 2849], ["yellow", 2862], ["halter", 2869], ["top", 2873], ["shoulder", 2888], ["shouldered", 2888], ["length", 2895], ["brown", 2908], ["browns", 2908], ["hair", 2913], ["gleam", 2926], ["gleams", 2926], ["gleamed", 2926], ["gleamest", 2926], ["gleaming", 2926], ["bright", 2940], ["brights", 2940], ["sun", 2944], ["suns", 2944], ["sunned", 2944], ["shake", 2955], ["shook", 2955], ["hand", 2961], ["hands", 2961], ["hold", 2974], ["held", 2974], ["long", 2993], ["longs", 2993], ["necessary", 3008], ["give", 3017], ["gave", 3017], ["sweet", 3028], ["smile", 3034], ["certainly", 3055], ["pleasure", 3066], ["turner", 3089], ["warmly", 3116], ["must", 3134], ["musts", 3134], ["close", 3150], ["figure", 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["hire", 3766], ["hired", 3766], ["deep", 3773], ["deeply", 3773], ["sea", 3777], ["charter", 3785], ["rather", 3792], ["spend", 3803], ["spends", 3803], ["spendest", 3803], ["county", 3825], ["clerk", 3831], ["office", 3841], ["yes", 3893], ["smooth", 3909], ["silk", 3917], ["pass", 4020], ["passed", 4020], ["twice", 4042], ["never", 4058], ["stay", 4065], ["stayed", 4065], ["go", 4084], ["goest", 4084], ["gone", 4084], ["south", 4093], ["padre", 4099], ["time", 4111], ["times", 4111], ["hear", 4135], ["hears", 4135], ["palmer", 4148]]
`` no , what about it ? '' `` it came in yesterday at eighty barrels a day . '' `` i bet the investors are happy . '' `` they ought to be , they 're going to get back their investment in seven months and then it 's pure profit . '' `` so how many inca wells are in production now ? `` we 've got nine now . nine out of thirteen . '' `` that 's a pretty good record , '' i said . `` how do you think parker # 3 is going to do ? '' `` it looks like a sure thing . from the logs i 've seen it ought to produce a hundred barrels a day . '' `` is there any chance that something could have happened to the oil since the well was capped twenty years ago ? '' `` all those wells on that pool were capped about the same time , so whatever oil was left should still be there . the only way it would n't be is if someone kept on pumping , but the records do n't show that to be the case . '' `` so , mr. logan , how long have you been in the oil business ? '' `` you can call me bird , stan , '' logan said . `` about 21 years . i started out as a roughneck on one of the wells owned by the tribe . '' `` what tribe was that ? '' `` comanche . '' `` are you full blooded ? '' `` almost , seven-eighths . '' `` why did they call you bird ? '' `` my real name is blackbird but my nickname is bird , '' he said . `` indians name their children based on their feeling at the time of birth . shortly after i was born a blackbird flew over my parent 's tepee and screeched at them . they considered that a sign that i should be called blackbird . '' `` that 's interesting , '' i said . i can live with the name bird . it 's kind of strange but not too bad . one of my friends was n't so lucky . '' `` his parents did n't want any more children . they already had six little braves . they were very angry and upset when their seventh child was born . '' so what did they name him ? '' `` broken rubber . '' bird and sheila burst out into laughter . `` oh god , i think i 've been set up . '' `` it 's all right stan , bird plays that joke on everyone he meets , '' sheila said . about that time bird pulled us up into the driveway of his beach house . the house was on a man made island that protruded out into corpus christi bay . it faced the waterfront and had its own dock . a large yacht was tied up to it . `` that 's a beautiful boat you have . do you use it a lot ? '' `` i do n't , sheila 's the mariner . i prefer horses or helicopters , '' bird said . `` yeah , bird wo n't go sailing with me . he gets seasick , '' sheila said . `` really , i love to sail , i guess because i was born and raised near the sea in ventura , california . i spent most of my spare time as a kid fishing off the pier , '' i said . `` oh you can come sailing with me then , '' sheila said . `` good , i 'll go change my clothes and we can set sail . '' sheila smiled . `` yes , right now , i do n't get too many opportunities to go out since bird wo n't go . '' `` well , i wish i could but i 've got a lot of work to do in town at the county clerk 's office , '' i replied . `` take a few hours off , stan , '' bird said . `` those record books are n't going any place . i need to get rid of sheila for a few hours so i can get some work done . '' bird 's insistence that i go sailing shocked me . i had prepared myself for a boring day 's labor pouring over deed records in a dusty courthouse . the thought of cruising out in the bay with a beautiful woman certainly was tempting . `` but , if i do n't get started at the courthouse soon i may not finish today . '' `` if you do n't finish you can stay the night and finish in the morning , '' bird replied . `` come on stan . let 's get the ship loaded and get out of here before bird changes his mind , '' sheila laughed . `` okay , but i did n't really dress for sailing . '' `` there are some clothes in the guest room you can change into if you want . i 'll start loading up . '' getting to go sailing on corpus christi bay was a pleasant surprise . i felt awkward and a little guilty taking bird 's incredibly beautiful wife out to sea all alone , but i figured if bird did n't care then why should i worry about it .
[["come", 37], ["came", 37], ["yesterday", 50], ["yesterdays", 50], ["eighty", 60], ["barrel", 68], ["barreling", 68], ["barrels", 68], ["day", 74], ["bet", 88], ["investor", 102], ["investors", 102], ["happy", 112], ["ought", 131], ["go", 154], ["goest", 154], ["going", 154], ["get", 161], ["back", 166], ["investment", 183], ["seven", 192], ["month", 199], ["months", 199], ["pure", 219], ["pured", 219], ["profit", 226], ["many", 246], ["inca", 251], ["well", 257], ["wells", 257], ["production", 275], ["get", 295], ["got", 295], ["nine", 300], ["thirteen", 327], ["pretty", 352], ["prettiest", 352], ["good", 357], ["record", 364], ["say", 376], ["sayest", 376], ["said", 376], ["think", 398], ["thinkest", 398], ["parker", 405], ["look", 441], ["looks", 441], ["like", 446], ["sure", 453], ["thing", 459], ["log", 475], ["logs", 475], ["see", 486], ["seen", 486], ["produce", 506], ["hundred", 516], ["chance", 558], ["chanced", 558], ["chancing", 558], ["happen", 593], ["happened", 593], ["oil", 604], ["since", 610], ["well", 619], ["wells", 619], ["cap", 630], ["capped", 630], ["twenty", 637], ["year", 643], ["years", 643], ["ago", 647], ["pool", 684], ["time", 716], ["whatever", 730], ["left", 743], ["leave", 743], ["still", 756], ["way", 780], ["ways", 780], ["keep", 815], ["keepest", 815], ["kept", 815], ["pump", 826], ["pumping", 826], ["record", 844], ["records", 844], ["show", 856], ["case", 876], ["mr", 892], ["logan", 899], ["logans", 899], ["long", 910], ["longs", 910], ["business", 944], ["call", 965], ["bird", 973], ["stan", 980], ["stans", 980], ["start", 1028], ["started", 1028], ["roughneck", 1047], ["tribe", 1086], ["comanche", 1131], ["full", 1152], ["almost", 1175], ["eighth", 1191], ["eighths", 1191], ["real", 1242], ["reis", 1242], ["name", 1247], ["blackbird", 1260], ["blackbirds", 1260], ["nickname", 1276], ["child", 1330], ["childs", 1330], ["children", 1330], ["base", 1336], ["basest", 1336], ["based", 1336], ["feeling", 1353], ["birth", 1374], ["shortly", 1384], ["bear", 1401], ["bore", 1401], ["bearest", 1401], ["born", 1401], ["fly", 1418], ["flys", 1418], ["flew", 1418], ["parent", 1433], ["tepee", 1442], ["screech", 1456], ["screeched", 1456], ["consider", 1482], ["considered", 1482], ["sign", 1494], ["call", 1518], ["called", 1518], ["interesting", 1556], ["live", 1581], ["kind", 1613], ["strange", 1624], ["bad", 1640], ["friend", 1660], ["friends", 1660], ["lucky", 1677], ["parent", 1697], ["parents", 1697], ["already", 1743], ["six", 1751], ["little", 1758], ["brave", 1765], ["braves", 1765], ["angry", 1788], ["upset", 1798], ["seventh", 1817], ["child", 1823], ["childs", 1823], ["broke", 1878], ["break", 1878], ["broken", 1878], ["rubber", 1885], ["sheila", 1906], ["burst", 1912], ["bursted", 1912], ["laughter", 1930], ["oh", 1938], ["god", 1942], ["set", 1967], ["right", 1994], ["rightest", 1994], ["play", 2012], ["playest", 2012], ["plays", 2012], ["joke", 2022], ["jokes", 2022], ["everyone", 2034], ["meet", 2043], ["meeted", 2043], ["meets", 2043], ["pull", 2090], ["pulled", 2090], ["driveway", 2114], ["beach", 2127], ["house", 2133], ["man", 2158], ["mans", 2158], ["manned", 2158], ["island", 2170], ["protrude", 2185], ["protruded", 2185], ["corpus", 2201], ["bay", 2213], ["face", 2224], ["faced", 2224], ["waterfront", 2239], ["dock", 2260], ["large", 2270], ["yacht", 2276], ["yachting", 2276], ["tie", 2285], ["tying", 2285], ["tieing", 2285], ["tied", 2285], ["beautiful", 2319], ["beautifulest", 2319], ["boat", 2324], ["boated", 2324], ["use", 2346], ["lot", 2355], ["mariner", 2396], ["prefer", 2407], ["prefered", 2407], ["preferest", 2407], ["horse", 2414], ["horsed", 2414], ["horses", 2414], ["helicopter", 2429], ["helicopters", 2429], ["yeah", 2454], ["wo", 2464], ["go", 2471], ["goest", 2471], ["sailing", 2479], ["get", 2497], ["gets", 2497], ["seasick", 2505], ["really", 2534], ["love", 2543], ["sail", 2551], ["guess", 2561], ["raise", 2591], ["raised", 2591], ["near", 2596], ["sea", 2604], ["ventura", 2615], ["california", 2628], ["spend", 2638], ["spends", 2638], ["spendest", 2638], ["spent", 2638], ["spare", 2655], ["kid", 2669], ["fishing", 2677], ["pier", 2690], ["come", 2723], ["change", 2789], ["clad", 2800], ["clothe", 2800], ["clothes", 2800], ["smile", 2839], ["smiled", 2839], ["yes", 2848], ["opportunity", 2898], ["opportunities", 2898], ["wish", 2951], ["work", 2987], ["wrought", 2987], ["town", 3001], ["county", 3015], ["clerk", 3021], ["office", 3031], ["reply", 3046], ["replied", 3046], ["take", 3056], ["hour", 3068], ["hours", 3068], ["book", 3118], ["books", 3118], ["place", 3142], ["need", 3151], ["needest", 3151], ["rid", 3162], ["insistence", 3240], ["shock", 3266], ["shocked", 3266], ["prepare", 3286], ["prepared", 3286], ["labor", 3319], ["pour", 3327], ["pouring", 3327], ["deed", 3337], ["dusty", 3356], ["courthouse", 3367], ["thought", 3381], ["cruise", 3393], ["woman", 3431], ["womans", 3431], ["certainly", 3441], ["soon", 3512], ["may", 3518], ["mays", 3518], ["mayest", 3518], ["finish", 3529], ["today", 3535], ["stay", 3577], ["night", 3587], ["morning", 3613], ["let", 3655], ["lets", 3655], ["ship", 3671], ["load", 3678], ["loaded", 3678], ["change", 3718], ["changes", 3718], ["mind", 3727], ["minding", 3727], ["laugh", 3747], ["laughed", 3747], ["okay", 3757], ["dress", 3786], ["dressest", 3786], ["guest", 3842], ["guestest", 3842], ["room", 3847], ["roomed", 3847], ["start", 3893], ["load", 3901], ["loaded", 3901], ["get", 3917], ["getting", 3917], ["pleasant", 3968], ["surprise", 3977], ["surprised", 3977], ["feel", 3986], ["felt", 3986], ["awkward", 3994], ["guilty", 4014], ["taking", 4021], ["incredibly", 4040], ["wife", 4055], ["alone", 4076], ["figure", 4092], ["figured", 4092], ["care", 4113], ["worry", 4137], ["worried", 4137]]
sheila took the helm and yelled at me to untie the boat and cast us off . i untied both lines and pushed us away from the dock with by foot . sheila cranked the engine and we began to slowly glide toward the bay . after we cleared the dock , i joined sheila at the helm . `` boy , is it ever , '' i replied . `` i 've never been on a private yacht before . '' `` well i 've gone deep sea fishing , i 've been on cruise ships and lots of small ski boats but nothing like this . '' i wish i could go out every day but bird wo n't let me go alone . i 'm so glad you wanted to go out . hold on to the wheel a minute , would you ? '' sheila pulled her sweater off over her head revealing a bright yellow bikini top underneath . she was deeply tanned all over and her stomach was flat and firm . she took back the wheel and smiled at me . `` thank you , stan . is n't the air out here clean and fresh ? '' i love the smell of the ocean , '' i said . `` i thought we 'd go to a little island i know about where we can swim and have a picnic . '' after about forty minutes we approached an island about two acres in size with a white sandy beach . `` we can anchor here and then swim to shore , '' sheila said . `` we can come back later for the dinghy . '' she put down the anchor , shut off the engine and then dove off the side of the boat toward shore . i stripped to my swimsuit and dove in after her . as i approached the beach she splashed water on me and then swam away . i took that to be an invitation to pursue her so i did . when i caught her i grabbed her foot and pulled her toward me . she grabbed my head and tried to dunk me . we wrestled and played for a while until she got tired and went to lay on the beach . i watched her there on the sand for a while , wondering what was going through her head . was this just an innocent adventure or did she have other things on her mind ? she was so beautiful and so friendly i had the urge to go over and ravish her body . a tinge of guilt washed over me . her husband was back home waiting for her and , of course , i was a married man with four children . why had i let myself get into such a dangerous situation ? sheila looked over at me and smiled sweetly . `` would you put some suntan lotion on my back ? '' oh , mother of god , why are you doing this to me ? i walked over to her and she handed me a tube of coppertone . then she unhooked the back of her top , exposing a portion of her breasts . i swallowed hard and began to rub the suntan lotion on her back . as i rubbed the lotion round and round on her soft supple skin , i got so aroused that if she had turned around i would have been quite embarrassed . `` be sure you rub it in good all over . i do n't want any streaks or patches , '' she said . `` okay , i 'll cover every inch of your body , do n't worry . '' she smiled as if she knew the torture i was feeling . just then there was a garbled sound coming from the yacht . `` it 's bird calling us . i 'll have to swim out and answer it . '' sheila jumped up forgetting she had unhooked her swim suit top . her naked breasts were extraordinary . i gasped in delight at the sight . she smiled , grabbed her top , quickly put it back over her breasts and then turned and said , `` okay stan , put your eyes back in their sockets and hook this for me . '' after sheila 's top was secure she ran toward the beach . i ran after her and we raced each other to the boat . when i reached the yacht i quickly climbed aboard and helped her in . she gave me a bewitching little smile and climbed up to the helm to answer the radio . `` blackbird one here , '' she said . `` on the beach having a picnic , '' sheila replied . `` you need to get back here right away . the national weather service has issued a severe thunderstorm warning . you 've only got about twenty minutes to get back before the storms start rolling in . '' `` okay , copy , we 're on our way , '' she said . `` i ca n't believe we 're going to have thunderstorms today , it looks so beautiful out here , i said . there 's hardly any clouds in the sky . `` well , these storms come up suddenly out here . bird always keeps his ear on the radio when i go out sailing . he has a beautiful wife to protect . well actually i would n't let you out of my sight . '' `` listen , i 'm not usually so careless with my clothing . please do n't say anything to bird . ''
[["sheila", 6], ["take", 11], ["took", 11], ["helm", 20], ["helmed", 20], ["helmest", 20], ["yell", 31], ["yelled", 31], ["untie", 46], ["untying", 46], ["boat", 55], ["boated", 55], ["cast", 64], ["casts", 64], ["untie", 82], ["untying", 82], ["untied", 82], ["line", 93], ["lines", 93], ["push", 104], ["pushed", 104], ["away", 112], ["dock", 126], ["foot", 139], ["crank", 156], ["cranks", 156], ["cranked", 156], ["cranking", 156], ["engine", 167], ["begin", 180], ["began", 180], ["slowly", 190], ["glide", 196], ["toward", 203], ["bay", 211], ["clear", 230], ["clearest", 230], ["cleared", 230], ["join", 250], ["joinest", 250], ["joined", 250], ["boy", 278], ["ever", 291], ["everest", 291], ["reply", 306], ["replied", 306], ["never", 323], ["private", 341], ["yacht", 347], ["yachting", 347], ["well", 367], ["wells", 367], ["go", 378], ["goest", 378], ["gone", 378], ["deep", 383], ["deeply", 383], ["sea", 387], ["fishing", 395], ["cruise", 418], ["ship", 424], ["ships", 424], ["lot", 433], ["lots", 433], ["small", 442], ["ski", 446], ["skis", 446], ["skied", 446], ["boat", 452], ["boated", 452], ["boats", 452], ["nothing", 464], ["like", 469], ["wish", 486], ["go", 497], ["goest", 497], ["every", 507], ["day", 511], ["bird", 520], ["wo", 523], ["let", 531], ["lets", 531], ["alone", 543], ["glad", 558], ["hold", 586], ["wheel", 602], ["wheeled", 602], ["minute", 611], ["pull", 642], ["pulled", 642], ["sweater", 654], ["head", 672], ["reveal", 682], ["revealing", 682], ["bright", 691], ["brights", 691], ["yellow", 698], ["bikini", 705], ["bikinis", 705], ["top", 709], ["underneath", 720], ["deeply", 737], ["tan", 744], ["tanned", 744], ["stomach", 769], ["stomachs", 769], ["stomaching", 769], ["flat", 778], ["firm", 787], ["back", 803], ["smile", 824], ["smiled", 824], ["thank", 841], ["thanks", 841], ["thankest", 841], ["stan", 852], ["stans", 852], ["air", 869], ["airs", 869], ["airing", 869], ["clean", 884], ["cleans", 884], ["fresh", 894], ["freshest", 894], ["love", 906], ["smelt", 916], ["smell", 916], ["smellest", 916], ["ocean", 929], ["oceans", 929], ["say", 941], ["sayest", 941], ["said", 941], ["think", 956], ["thinkest", 956], ["thought", 956], ["little", 977], ["island", 984], ["know", 991], ["knowest", 991], ["swim", 1015], ["swiming", 1015], ["picnic", 1033], ["picnicked", 1033], ["picnicking", 1033], ["forty", 1056], ["minute", 1064], ["minutes", 1064], ["approach", 1078], ["approaches", 1078], ["approached", 1078], ["two", 1098], ["twos", 1098], ["acre", 1104], ["acres", 1104], ["size", 1112], ["white", 1125], ["sandy", 1131], ["beach", 1137], ["anchor", 1156], ["anchoring", 1156], ["shore", 1184], ["come", 1218], ["later", 1229], ["dinghy", 1244], ["put", 1257], ["shut", 1280], ["dove", 1309], ["side", 1322], ["sidest", 1322], ["strip", 1360], ["stripped", 1360], ["swimsuit", 1375], ["splash", 1438], ["splashed", 1438], ["water", 1444], ["swam", 1464], ["invitation", 1503], ["pursue", 1513], ["catch", 1542], ["catched", 1542], ["catches", 1542], ["caught", 1542], ["grab", 1556], ["grabbed", 1556], ["try", 1622], ["tryed", 1622], ["tried", 1622], ["dunk", 1630], ["wrestle", 1647], ["wrestled", 1647], ["play", 1658], ["playest", 1658], ["played", 1658], ["get", 1684], ["got", 1684], ["tired", 1690], ["go", 1699], ["goest", 1699], ["went", 1699], ["lay", 1706], ["lays", 1706], ["layed", 1706], ["layest", 1706], ["watch", 1731], ["watched", 1731], ["sand", 1753], ["wonder", 1777], ["wonderest", 1777], ["wondering", 1777], ["go", 1792], ["goest", 1792], ["going", 1792], ["innocent", 1837], ["adventure", 1847], ["thing", 1876], ["things", 1876], ["mind", 1888], ["minding", 1888], ["beautiful", 1911], ["beautifulest", 1911], ["friendly", 1927], ["urge", 1942], ["ravish", 1964], ["body", 1973], ["bodied", 1973], ["tinge", 1983], ["guilt", 1992], ["guilts", 1992], ["wash", 1999], ["washed", 1999], ["husband", 2021], ["husbanding", 2021], ["home", 2035], ["homing", 2035], ["wait", 2043], ["waitest", 2043], ["waiting", 2043], ["course", 2067], ["married", 2085], ["man", 2089], ["mans", 2089], ["manned", 2089], ["four", 2099], ["child", 2108], ["childs", 2108], ["children", 2108], ["get", 2135], ["dangerous", 2157], ["situation", 2167], ["look", 2183], ["looked", 2183], ["sweetly", 2213], ["suntan", 2244], ["suntans", 2244], ["lotion", 2251], ["oh", 2270], ["mother", 2279], ["mothered", 2279], ["motherest", 2279], ["god", 2286], ["walk", 2328], ["walked", 2328], ["hand", 2355], ["handed", 2355], ["tube", 2365], ["unhook", 2399], ["unhooks", 2399], ["unhooked", 2399], ["expose", 2430], ["exposing", 2430], ["portion", 2440], ["breast", 2455], ["breasted", 2455], ["breasting", 2455], ["breasts", 2455], ["swallow", 2469], ["swallows", 2469], ["swallowed", 2469], ["hard", 2474], ["rub", 2491], ["rub", 2535], ["rubbed", 2535], ["round", 2552], ["soft", 2574], ["supple", 2581], ["skin", 2586], ["turn", 2628], ["turned", 2628], ["around", 2635], ["quite", 2659], ["sure", 2684], ["good", 2703], ["streak", 2740], ["streaks", 2740], ["streaked", 2740], ["patch", 2751], ["patching", 2751], ["patches", 2751], ["okay", 2775], ["cover", 2789], ["inch", 2800], ["worry", 2828], ["worried", 2828], ["know", 2859], ["knowest", 2859], ["knew", 2859], ["torture", 2871], ["feel", 2885], ["feeling", 2885], ["garble", 2917], ["garbles", 2917], ["garbled", 2917], ["sound", 2923], ["come", 2930], ["coming", 2930], ["call", 2969], ["calling", 2969], ["answer", 3008], ["answeres", 3008], ["answerest", 3008], ["jump", 3030], ["jumps", 3030], ["jumped", 3030], ["forget", 3044], ["forgot", 3044], ["forgetting", 3044], ["suit", 3075], ["suited", 3075], ["naked", 3091], ["extraordinary", 3118], ["gasp", 3129], ["gasps", 3129], ["gasped", 3129], ["delight", 3140], ["sight", 3153], ["sighted", 3153], ["quickly", 3194], ["eye", 3279], ["eyed", 3279], ["eyes", 3279], ["socket", 3301], ["sockets", 3301], ["hook", 3310], ["secure", 3358], ["securest", 3358], ["run", 3366], ["ran", 3366], ["race", 3414], ["racing", 3414], ["raced", 3414], ["reach", 3454], ["reached", 3454], ["climb", 3482], ["climbed", 3482], ["aboard", 3489], ["help", 3500], ["helpest", 3500], ["helped", 3500], ["give", 3518], ["gave", 3518], ["smile", 3547], ["radio", 3594], ["blackbird", 3609], ["blackbirds", 3609], ["need", 3700], ["needest", 3700], ["right", 3723], ["rightest", 3723], ["national", 3743], ["weather", 3751], ["service", 3759], ["servicing", 3759], ["issue", 3770], ["issued", 3770], ["severe", 3779], ["thunderstorm", 3792], ["warning", 3800], ["twenty", 3832], ["storm", 3870], ["storms", 3870], ["start", 3876], ["roll", 3884], ["rolling", 3884], ["copy", 3907], ["way", 3927], ["ways", 3927], ["ca", 3951], ["cas", 3951], ["believe", 3963], ["thunderstorm", 3998], ["thunderstorms", 3998], ["today", 4004], ["look", 4015], ["looks", 4015], ["hardly", 4064], ["cloud", 4075], ["clouded", 4075], ["clouds", 4075], ["sky", 4086], ["suddenly", 4128], ["always", 4151], ["keep", 4157], ["keepest", 4157], ["keeps", 4157], ["ear", 4165], ["sailing", 4200], ["wife", 4226], ["protect", 4237], ["protectest", 4237], ["listen", 4304], ["listens", 4304], ["usually", 4323], ["careless", 4335], ["clothing", 4352], ["please", 4361], ["say", 4372], ["sayest", 4372], ["anything", 4381]]
`` oh no , i did n't see anything . it was all just a wonderful dream . '' sheila smiled and started up the engines . we did n't say much on the way home . our little outing had been very pleasant and quite memorable , although i could never tell anyone about it . as we approached the dock , bird came outside and threw us a rope . we secured the boat and went inside . bird asked . `` yes , it was beautiful out in bay today , '' sheila said . `` i was worried about you two when i heard the national weather service announce that severe thunder storm warning . '' as bird was talking it began to get dark outside and lightning could be seen in the distance . `` looks like we got back just in the nick of time , '' i said . `` i think i 'll head on to the courthouse before the storm hits . '' `` you can take sheila 's jeep . here are the keys , '' bird said . `` thanks , i 'll be back around 5:30 , '' i said . `` good , we can go to landry 's for dinner , '' sheila said . `` they have the best seafood in corpus . '' somehow i managed to beat the bad weather to the courthouse where i spent the rest of the day trying to work . unfortunately i had difficulty concentrating as i kept day dreaming about sheila and our morning cruise . the afternoon went fast and i barely finished before five o'clock when they shut down the clerk 's office . that night we all went out to landry 's before i had to take a late flight back to dallas . sheila was very distracting in a short black slip dress with spaghetti straps . bird was wearing a long black dress shirt with the top three buttons undone and a charcoal sport coat . `` so bird , how did you and tomlinson meet ? '' `` we 're smu fraternity brothers , '' he replied . `` was tex in your fraternity too ? '' `` yes , he was and we 've all kept in touch with each other over the years , '' bird replied . `` when tomlinson decided to start inca he called me and asked me to come aboard . at the time i was working as a geologist for mid-continent oil company and the idea of doing a little wildcatting was quite attractive . '' `` what i want to know is when you 're coming back down here , stan , so we can take the yacht on a serious trip , '' sheila said . `` i 'm tired of just cruising the bay . i want to go to mexico . '' `` that would take a while . i doubt if bird would turn loose of you that long , '' i said . could i trust you two together for a week ? '' bird said jokingly . `` i would n't if i were you and i know my wife would n't trust me alone with sheila for a minute , '' i replied . bird laughed , `` well stan , at least your honest . '' i looked at sheila and replied , `` you do have a very charming and beautiful wife . you 're a lucky man . '' `` when you come up to dallas next time let me know and rebekah and i will take you out to dinner , '' i said as i looked at my watch . `` oh boy , it 's getting late , i think i need to head back to the airport or i 'll be sleeping on your sofa tonight . '' `` we 've got an extra bedroom , '' sheila said . `` thanks , but if i do n't get home and relieve rebekah from the four monsters she 'll have my head . '' `` you have four kids ? '' `` you do n't look old enough to have children . '' `` that 's what everybody says , but i assure you they 're all mine . '' bird and sheila took me back to the airport just in time to make my 8:45 p.m. flight back to dallas . on the flight home i could n't keep my thoughts off of sheila . wicked ideas crept into my mind . it occurred to me if i came down again i should bring melissa , then i 'd have sheila all to myself . before we touched down i managed to purge my mind of all depravity . i prayed silently for god to forgive me . at 11:15 p.m . i walked into our house . rebekah was in the family room watching tv . you 're finally home , '' rebekah said . `` yeah , and you 're lucky i 'm here i almost missed my flight . '' `` bird and sheila insisted on taking me to landry 's and we got talking and lost track of time . i walked on the plane just as they were getting ready to secure the hatch . '' i would have been pissed if you missed your flight . '' `` i know , but i did n't . so how was your day ? ''
[["oh", 5], ["see", 24], ["anything", 33], ["wonderful", 63], ["dream", 69], ["dreamt", 69], ["dreamest", 69], ["sheila", 81], ["smile", 88], ["smiled", 88], ["start", 100], ["started", 100], ["engine", 115], ["engines", 115], ["say", 132], ["sayest", 132], ["much", 137], ["way", 148], ["ways", 148], ["home", 153], ["homing", 153], ["little", 166], ["outing", 173], ["pleasant", 196], ["quite", 206], ["memorable", 216], ["although", 227], ["never", 241], ["tell", 246], ["anyone", 253], ["approach", 281], ["approaches", 281], ["approached", 281], ["dock", 290], ["bird", 297], ["come", 302], ["came", 302], ["outside", 310], ["throw", 320], ["threw", 320], ["rope", 330], ["secure", 343], ["securest", 343], ["secured", 343], ["boat", 352], ["boated", 352], ["go", 361], ["goest", 361], ["went", 361], ["inside", 368], ["ask", 381], ["asked", 381], ["yes", 390], ["beautiful", 409], ["beautifulest", 409], ["bay", 420], ["today", 426], ["say", 443], ["sayest", 443], ["said", 443], ["two", 476], ["twos", 476], ["hear", 489], ["hears", 489], ["heard", 489], ["national", 502], ["weather", 510], ["service", 518], ["servicing", 518], ["announce", 527], ["severe", 539], ["thunder", 547], ["storm", 553], ["warn", 561], ["talk", 586], ["talking", 586], ["begin", 595], ["began", 595], ["get", 602], ["dark", 607], ["lightning", 629], ["see", 643], ["seen", 643], ["distance", 659], ["distancing", 659], ["look", 670], ["looks", 670], ["like", 675], ["get", 682], ["got", 682], ["back", 687], ["nick", 704], ["nicked", 704], ["time", 712], ["think", 737], ["thinkest", 737], ["head", 748], ["courthouse", 769], ["hit", 791], ["hits", 791], ["take", 812], ["jeep", 827], ["key", 847], ["keyed", 847], ["keyest", 847], ["keys", 847], ["around", 897], ["good", 924], ["go", 936], ["goest", 936], ["landry", 946], ["dinner", 960], ["good", 1001], ["best", 1001], ["seafood", 1009], ["seafoods", 1009], ["corpus", 1019], ["somehow", 1032], ["manage", 1042], ["managed", 1042], ["beat", 1050], ["bad", 1058], ["spend", 1098], ["spends", 1098], ["spendest", 1098], ["spent", 1098], ["rest", 1107], ["day", 1118], ["try", 1125], ["tryed", 1125], ["trying", 1125], ["work", 1133], ["wrought", 1133], ["unfortunately", 1149], ["difficulty", 1166], ["concentrate", 1180], ["concentrated", 1180], ["concentrates", 1180], ["concentrating", 1180], ["keep", 1190], ["keepest", 1190], ["kept", 1190], ["dream", 1203], ["dreamt", 1203], ["dreamest", 1203], ["dreaming", 1203], ["morning", 1232], ["cruise", 1239], ["afternoon", 1255], ["fast", 1265], ["barely", 1278], ["finish", 1287], ["finished", 1287], ["five", 1299], ["fived", 1299], ["shut", 1322], ["clerk", 1337], ["office", 1347], ["night", 1360], ["late", 1417], ["lates", 1417], ["flight", 1424], ["short", 1480], ["black", 1486], ["slip", 1491], ["dress", 1497], ["dressest", 1497], ["spaghetti", 1512], ["wear", 1538], ["wearing", 1538], ["long", 1545], ["longs", 1545], ["shirt", 1563], ["top", 1576], ["three", 1582], ["button", 1590], ["buttoning", 1590], ["buttons", 1590], ["undo", 1597], ["undone", 1597], ["undoed", 1597], ["undoing", 1597], ["charcoal", 1612], ["sport", 1618], ["coat", 1623], ["tomlinson", 1664], ["meet", 1669], ["meeted", 1669], ["fraternity", 1699], ["brother", 1708], ["brethren", 1708], ["brothers", 1708], ["reply", 1724], ["replied", 1724], ["tex", 1737], ["touch", 1810], ["touching", 1810], ["year", 1841], ["years", 1841], ["decide", 1887], ["decided", 1887], ["start", 1896], ["inca", 1901], ["call", 1911], ["called", 1911], ["come", 1935], ["aboard", 1942], ["work", 1970], ["wrought", 1970], ["working", 1970], ["geologist", 1985], ["mid", 1993], ["continent", 2003], ["oil", 2007], ["company", 2015], ["companys", 2015], ["companying", 2015], ["idea", 2028], ["attractive", 2079], ["know", 2107], ["knowest", 2107], ["come", 2130], ["coming", 2130], ["stan", 2152], ["stans", 2152], ["yacht", 2179], ["yachting", 2179], ["serious", 2192], ["trip", 2197], ["tripping", 2197], ["tired", 2230], ["cruise", 2247], ["mexico", 2280], ["doubt", 2322], ["turn", 2341], ["loose", 2347], ["looser", 2347], ["trust", 2392], ["together", 2409], ["week", 2420], ["jokingly", 2444], ["wife", 2494], ["alone", 2519], ["minute", 2544], ["laugh", 2574], ["laughed", 2574], ["well", 2584], ["wells", 2584], ["least", 2600], ["leastest", 2600], ["honest", 2612], ["look", 2626], ["looked", 2626], ["charming", 2681], ["lucky", 2718], ["man", 2722], ["mans", 2722], ["manned", 2722], ["next", 2762], ["let", 2771], ["lets", 2771], ["rebekah", 2791], ["watch", 2861], ["boy", 2873], ["get", 2889], ["getting", 2889], ["need", 2911], ["needest", 2911], ["airport", 2939], ["sleep", 2960], ["slept", 2960], ["sleeps", 2960], ["sleepest", 2960], ["sleeping", 2960], ["sofa", 2973], ["tonight", 2981], ["extra", 3009], ["extras", 3009], ["bedroom", 3017], ["thank", 3046], ["thanks", 3046], ["thankest", 3046], ["relieve", 3085], ["relieved", 3085], ["four", 3107], ["monster", 3116], ["monsters", 3116], ["kid", 3164], ["kids", 3164], ["look", 3188], ["old", 3192], ["enough", 3199], ["child", 3216], ["childs", 3216], ["children", 3216], ["say", 3252], ["sayest", 3252], ["says", 3252], ["assure", 3267], ["mine", 3289], ["take", 3315], ["took", 3315], ["keep", 3432], ["keepest", 3432], ["thought", 3444], ["thoughts", 3444], ["wicked", 3467], ["idea", 3473], ["ideas", 3473], ["creep", 3479], ["creeps", 3479], ["creeped", 3479], ["crept", 3479], ["mind", 3492], ["minding", 3492], ["occur", 3506], ["occurest", 3506], ["occurred", 3506], ["bring", 3548], ["melissa", 3556], ["touch", 3614], ["touching", 3614], ["touched", 3614], ["purge", 3638], ["depravity", 3663], ["pray", 3674], ["prays", 3674], ["silently", 3683], ["god", 3691], ["forgive", 3702], ["forgived", 3702], ["forgiving", 3702], ["walk", 3731], ["walked", 3731], ["house", 3746], ["family", 3774], ["room", 3779], ["roomed", 3779], ["watch", 3788], ["watching", 3788], ["tv", 3791], ["finally", 3809], ["yeah", 3842], ["almost", 3881], ["miss", 3888], ["missed", 3888], ["insist", 3931], ["insistest", 3931], ["insisted", 3931], ["take", 3941], ["taking", 3941], ["lose", 3985], ["lost", 3985], ["track", 3991], ["plane", 4023], ["ready", 4055], ["secure", 4065], ["securest", 4065], ["hatch", 4075], ["piss", 4105], ["pissest", 4105], ["pissed", 4105]]
`` not too bad , marcia threw up all over the sofa . it was a bitch to clean it , believe me . '' `` what happened , she eat something that did n't agree with her ? '' `` i do n't know what it was , '' rebekah said . `` anybody call for me today ? '' `` yes , you got another call from your ghost client , melba thorn . '' `` no , she called and asked for you . she was very disappointed when you were n't here . '' `` did you talk to her at all ? '' `` i tried to , but it was like i was having a one way conversation . i could hear her but she could n't hear me . i did find out where she was calling from though . '' `` she called collect , so i asked the operator where the call was coming from and she said amarillo , texas . i tried to get the number but the operator said she could n't give me that information . '' `` amarillo . i ca n't believe she called collect ? `` she 's obviously alive if she 's in amarillo , '' i said . `` unless amarillo is heaven . '' `` no , i always heard amarillo was hell , '' rebekah replied . `` no , i think that 's odessa . well at least now we know where to start looking . '' `` you 're not going to go to amarillo are you ? '' `` well not right away but i may have to eventually . '' `` but you do n't know if she is crazy or not , or whether she 'll ever pay you . '' `` i know , but if her son is pretending she is dead , then something is seriously wrong and i ca n't turn my back on it . '' `` why did n't you just go to work for the legal aid society ? '' `` and spend all my time doing divorces and child custody ? besides , if it turns out she is rich and i rescue her she 'll be happy to pay me . '' `` yeah , you 're going to spend a hundred hours chasing her down just to find out she 's just some crazy old lady whos having delusions that she 's melba thorn . '' `` maybe so , but i guess that 's a chance i 'll just have to take . '' that night as i lay in my bed my thoughts immediately ventured back to my encounter with sheila logan . before long i fell asleep and found myself back in corpus christi . sheila dropped the anchor , shut the engine and then dove off the side of the boat toward shore . i swam after her and when i caught her i grabbed her foot and pulled her toward me . i escaped and wrapped my arms around her back and pressed her up against my body . she struggled to get away but i held her tightly . finally i let her go and she strutted up on the beach and laid out on the sand . after a minute she turned over , looked at me and said , `` be a nice guy and go get me some coppertone and bring the picnic basket . '' i swam back to the ship , lowered the dinghy and dropped the picnic basket in it . then i cast off and rowed to shore . after i had secured the dinghy she called me . `` rub some coppertone on my back would you stan ? and bring me a beer . '' i grabbed two beers and the coppertone and walked over to where sheila was laying out . i noticed she had unhooked her swim top to keep from getting strap marks . much to my delight as she reached to take her beer she exposed a naked breast . `` would you rub some of this on by back and legs stan , '' she said . `` sure , '' i replied eagerly . i began to gently rub the lotion on her back and shoulders . do n't miss one inch of my body , '' she said . `` i do n't want any streaks or blotches . '' `` i wo n't , '' i replied as i began to caress her thighs with the lotion . with every stroke my body became more aroused . stan , that feels so good , . i squeezed some more lotion on my hands and began to slowly rub higher and higher on her leg until i reached her voluptuous bottom . since i had yet to meet any resistance i slipped my hands under her suit to see if there was any place that was off limits . she did n't resist me so i sat up and put my hand on her shoulder and gently turned her over exposing her naked breasts . i leaned down and kissed them tenderly . she put her arms around me and pulled me down on top of her . we embraced and rolled wildly over and over in the warm white sand . her body felt so soft and warm against me i could hardly endure the pleasure . we interrupted our sexual frenzy just long enough to remove our suits .
[["bad", 14], ["marcia", 23], ["throw", 29], ["threw", 29], ["sofa", 50], ["bitch", 67], ["clean", 76], ["cleans", 76], ["believe", 89], ["happen", 114], ["happened", 114], ["eat", 124], ["agree", 153], ["know", 184], ["knowest", 184], ["rebekah", 209], ["say", 214], ["sayest", 214], ["said", 214], ["anybody", 227], ["call", 232], ["today", 245], ["yes", 257], ["get", 267], ["got", 267], ["another", 275], ["ghost", 296], ["client", 303], ["melba", 311], ["thorn", 317], ["call", 341], ["called", 341], ["ask", 351], ["asked", 351], ["talk", 431], ["try", 461], ["tryed", 461], ["tried", 461], ["like", 482], ["way", 505], ["ways", 505], ["conversation", 518], ["hear", 533], ["hears", 533], ["find", 576], ["call", 602], ["calling", 602], ["though", 614], ["collect", 641], ["operator", 667], ["come", 693], ["coming", 693], ["amarillo", 720], ["texas", 728], ["get", 745], ["number", 756], ["numbering", 756], ["give", 797], ["information", 817], ["ca", 841], ["cas", 841], ["obviously", 894], ["alive", 900], ["unless", 946], ["unlesss", 946], ["heaven", 965], ["heavens", 965], ["always", 987], ["hear", 993], ["hears", 993], ["heard", 993], ["hell", 1011], ["hells", 1011], ["reply", 1032], ["replied", 1032], ["think", 1050], ["thinkest", 1050], ["odessa", 1065], ["well", 1072], ["wells", 1072], ["least", 1081], ["leastest", 1081], ["start", 1108], ["look", 1116], ["looking", 1116], ["go", 1142], ["goest", 1142], ["going", 1142], ["go", 1148], ["goest", 1148], ["right", 1191], ["rightest", 1191], ["away", 1196], ["may", 1206], ["mays", 1206], ["mayest", 1206], ["eventually", 1225], ["crazy", 1269], ["whether", 1289], ["ever", 1302], ["everest", 1302], ["pay", 1306], ["pays", 1306], ["payest", 1306], ["son", 1342], ["pretend", 1356], ["pretendest", 1356], ["pretending", 1356], ["dead", 1368], ["seriously", 1398], ["wrong", 1404], ["turn", 1422], ["back", 1430], ["work", 1476], ["wrought", 1476], ["legal", 1490], ["aid", 1494], ["aids", 1494], ["society", 1502], ["spend", 1520], ["spends", 1520], ["spendest", 1520], ["time", 1532], ["divorce", 1547], ["divorces", 1547], ["child", 1557], ["childs", 1557], ["custody", 1565], ["besides", 1575], ["turn", 1589], ["turns", 1589], ["rich", 1605], ["rescue", 1618], ["happy", 1639], ["yeah", 1662], ["hundred", 1697], ["hour", 1703], ["hours", 1703], ["chase", 1711], ["chasing", 1711], ["old", 1764], ["lady", 1769], ["delusion", 1791], ["delusions", 1791], ["maybe", 1829], ["guess", 1846], ["chance", 1863], ["chanced", 1863], ["chancing", 1863], ["take", 1887], ["night", 1903], ["lie", 1912], ["lay", 1912], ["lain", 1912], ["bed", 1922], ["thought", 1934], ["thoughts", 1934], ["immediately", 1946], ["venture", 1955], ["ventured", 1955], ["encounter", 1976], ["sheila", 1988], ["logan", 1994], ["logans", 1994], ["long", 2008], ["longs", 2008], ["fall", 2015], ["falls", 2015], ["fell", 2015], ["asleep", 2022], ["find", 2032], ["found", 2032], ["corpus", 2054], ["drop", 2079], ["dropped", 2079], ["anchor", 2090], ["anchoring", 2090], ["shut", 2097], ["engine", 2108], ["dove", 2122], ["side", 2135], ["sidest", 2135], ["boat", 2147], ["boated", 2147], ["toward", 2154], ["shore", 2160], ["swam", 2169], ["catch", 2197], ["catched", 2197], ["catches", 2197], ["caught", 2197], ["grab", 2211], ["grabbed", 2211], ["foot", 2220], ["pull", 2231], ["pulled", 2231], ["escape", 2257], ["escapes", 2257], ["escaped", 2257], ["wrap", 2269], ["wraps", 2269], ["wrapping", 2269], ["wrapped", 2269], ["arm", 2277], ["arms", 2277], ["around", 2284], ["press", 2305], ["pressed", 2305], ["body", 2328], ["bodied", 2328], ["struggle", 2344], ["struggled", 2344], ["hold", 2367], ["held", 2367], ["tightly", 2379], ["finally", 2389], ["let", 2395], ["lets", 2395], ["strut", 2419], ["struts", 2419], ["strutted", 2419], ["beach", 2435], ["lay", 2444], ["lays", 2444], ["layed", 2444], ["layest", 2444], ["laid", 2444], ["sand", 2460], ["minute", 2477], ["turn", 2488], ["turned", 2488], ["look", 2502], ["looked", 2502], ["nice", 2532], ["guy", 2536], ["bring", 2576], ["picnic", 2587], ["picnicked", 2587], ["picnicking", 2587], ["basket", 2594], ["ship", 2623], ["lower", 2633], ["lowers", 2633], ["lowerest", 2633], ["lowered", 2633], ["dinghy", 2644], ["cast", 2694], ["casts", 2694], ["row", 2708], ["rowest", 2708], ["rowed", 2708], ["secure", 2739], ["securest", 2739], ["secured", 2739], ["rub", 2773], ["stan", 2815], ["stans", 2815], ["beer", 2837], ["two", 2856], ["twos", 2856], ["beer", 2862], ["beers", 2862], ["walk", 2892], ["walked", 2892], ["lay", 2924], ["lays", 2924], ["layed", 2924], ["layest", 2924], ["laying", 2924], ["notice", 2940], ["noticed", 2940], ["unhook", 2957], ["unhooks", 2957], ["unhooked", 2957], ["swim", 2966], ["swiming", 2966], ["top", 2970], ["keep", 2978], ["keepest", 2978], ["get", 2991], ["getting", 2991], ["strap", 2997], ["straps", 2997], ["mark", 3003], ["marks", 3003], ["much", 3010], ["delight", 3024], ["reach", 3039], ["reached", 3039], ["expose", 3068], ["exposed", 3068], ["naked", 3076], ["breast", 3083], ["breasted", 3083], ["breasting", 3083], ["leg", 3135], ["legs", 3135], ["sure", 3164], ["eagerly", 3187], ["begin", 3197], ["began", 3197], ["gently", 3207], ["lotion", 3222], ["shoulder", 3248], ["shouldered", 3248], ["shoulders", 3248], ["miss", 3262], ["inch", 3271], ["streak", 3327], ["streaks", 3327], ["streaked", 3327], ["blotch", 3339], ["blotches", 3339], ["wo", 3352], ["caress", 3392], ["thigh", 3403], ["thighs", 3403], ["every", 3432], ["stroke", 3439], ["become", 3454], ["became", 3454], ["feel", 3487], ["feels", 3487], ["good", 3495], ["squeeze", 3510], ["squeezes", 3510], ["squeezed", 3510], ["hand", 3539], ["hands", 3539], ["slowly", 3559], ["high", 3570], ["leg", 3592], ["voluptuous", 3623], ["bottom", 3630], ["bottoming", 3630], ["since", 3638], ["yet", 3648], ["meet", 3656], ["meeted", 3656], ["resistance", 3671], ["slip", 3681], ["slipped", 3681], ["suit", 3705], ["suited", 3705], ["see", 3712], ["place", 3735], ["limit", 3755], ["limited", 3755], ["limits", 3755], ["resist", 3776], ["resistest", 3776], ["sat", 3788], ["sit", 3788], ["put", 3799], ["hand", 3807], ["shoulder", 3823], ["shouldered", 3823], ["expose", 3859], ["exposing", 3859], ["breast", 3877], ["breasted", 3877], ["breasting", 3877], ["breasts", 3877], ["lean", 3888], ["leans", 3888], ["leaned", 3888], ["kiss", 3904], ["kisses", 3904], ["kissest", 3904], ["kissed", 3904], ["tenderly", 3918], ["embrace", 3994], ["embraced", 3994], ["roll", 4005], ["rolled", 4005], ["wildly", 4012], ["warm", 4038], ["white", 4044], ["feel", 4065], ["felt", 4065], ["soft", 4073], ["hardly", 4108], ["endure", 4115], ["pleasure", 4128], ["interrupt", 4145], ["interruptest", 4145], ["interrupted", 4145], ["sexual", 4156], ["frenzy", 4163], ["frenzied", 4163], ["enough", 4180], ["remove", 4190], ["suit", 4200], ["suited", 4200], ["suits", 4200]]
then we made love to the sound of the sea gulls squawking above us and the pounding of the waves , until we reached a plateau of ecstasy beyond imagination . suddenly the cb on the yacht began to crackle . `` it 's time for the morning traffic report here at kpcs country radio . there is a fender -- '' i hit the snooze button and rolled over , annoyed that my dream had been interrupted . it seemed so real i could almost smell the scent on sheila 's body . once awakened , i wondered if i was a fool not to make the dream a reality . i wanted sheila and i believed that she wanted me . i knew i could never have her but that only intensified my desire . so far i had n't actually done anything wrong but the carnal thoughts that engulfed my mind made me feel very guilty nonetheless . to ease my mind i vowed to go to confession on thursday . 11 death on highway 24 ] the clock radio blared its harsh refrain over and over every nine minutes starting at seven-thirty , but unconsciously i managed to hit the snooze button with equal regularity . finally i opened my eyes and looked at the clock and saw the time . `` of god ! it 's already 9:30 . '' rebekah rolled over and looked at me . `` i ca n't believe the kids are still asleep . they 're usually up at 7 . '' i 've got a 10:30 appointment with a new corporate client . '' i flew out of bed , hit the shower and was out of the house in twenty minutes . when i walked in the office general burton was practicing his putting on the green carpet he usually kept rolled up in his closet . `` how 's your game today ? '' `` not worth a rat 's ass , that 's why i practicing . '' `` you going out today ? '' `` rufus is picking me up at two , '' the general said . `` so how was corpus ? '' the guy i met down there has a beach house on the bay with his own yacht . and a wife that will knock your socks off , '' i replied . oh , guess who called while i was gone ? '' `` the late melba thorn , '' i said . `` and rebekah found out where she 's calling from . '' `` amarillo . '' `` this afternoon i 'm going to the library and check out all of the news stories on melba 's death . then i 'm going to see if i can find some of her old friends who can fill me in on some family history . '' `` i can probably help you there . i 'll try to get you some names and phone numbers . '' `` good , that will be a big help . '' as we were speaking my 10:30 appointment walked in the door . after meeting with them for a half hour , i checked my phone messages from the answering machine and saw i had a call from cynthia carson . i dialed the number and waited as the phone rang . `` oh , hi stan . thanks for calling me back . listen , kurt 's out of town and a couple of problems have come up , i need you to handle them for me . '' `` sure , what are they ? '' `` metro leasing has been calling threatening to repossess the rolls . '' i said `` i did n't know the rolls was leased . '' `` yeah , kurt leases everything . he does n't believe in buying anything because he likes to preserve his capital . '' `` do you know why he 's behind on the payments ? '' it must be some kind of oversight . '' `` okay , i 'll call them and calm them down until kurt gets back . '' `` you remember pete hall , one of the investors in the panhandle building ? '' `` he wants to go over the deal with you again . his accountant has spooked him , '' cynthia said . `` sure , shall i call him ? '' do n't let him slip away . kurt will be furious if he losses one of his investors . '' `` thanks stan , let me know if you need anything . '' the calls from metro leasing disturbed me since i had always got the impression kurt owned all his fancy cars . i immediately called them to see what they were upset about . `` mr. weber , this is stan turner . cynthia carson asked me to call you regarding kurt harrison . '' `` yes , is he going to pay up or do we have to come out and pick up the rolls ? '' `` well , i was n't aware he was behind . how much does he owe ? '' `` he 's two months past due . '' `` so how much is that ? '' `` eleven hundred and twenty-four dollars . '' `` damn , those are pretty stiff payments . '' `` well it 's a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollar automobile . '' my car had cost me $ 8,000 and change . i could n't fathom paying over a hundred grand for a car .
[["love", 17], ["sound", 30], ["sea", 41], ["gull", 47], ["gulls", 47], ["squawk", 57], ["squawks", 57], ["squawking", 57], ["pounding", 83], ["wave", 96], ["waved", 96], ["waves", 96], ["reach", 115], ["reached", 115], ["plateau", 125], ["ecstasy", 136], ["beyond", 143], ["imagination", 155], ["suddenly", 166], ["cb", 173], ["yacht", 186], ["yachting", 186], ["begin", 192], ["began", 192], ["crackle", 203], ["time", 219], ["morning", 235], ["traffic", 243], ["traffics", 243], ["trafficking", 243], ["report", 250], ["country", 271], ["radio", 277], ["fender", 297], ["hit", 309], ["snooze", 320], ["button", 327], ["buttoning", 327], ["roll", 338], ["rolled", 338], ["annoy", 353], ["annoys", 353], ["annoyed", 353], ["dream", 367], ["dreamt", 367], ["dreamest", 367], ["interrupt", 388], ["interruptest", 388], ["interrupted", 388], ["seem", 400], ["seeming", 400], ["seemed", 400], ["real", 408], ["reis", 408], ["almost", 423], ["smelt", 429], ["smell", 429], ["smellest", 429], ["scent", 439], ["scentest", 439], ["sheila", 449], ["body", 457], ["bodied", 457], ["awaken", 473], ["awakens", 473], ["awakened", 473], ["wonder", 486], ["wonderest", 486], ["wondered", 486], ["fool", 502], ["fooling", 502], ["foolest", 502], ["reality", 534], ["believe", 567], ["believed", 567], ["know", 595], ["knowest", 595], ["knew", 595], ["never", 609], ["intensify", 644], ["intensified", 644], ["desire", 654], ["far", 663], ["anything", 696], ["wrong", 702], ["carnal", 717], ["thought", 726], ["thoughts", 726], ["engulf", 740], ["engulfed", 740], ["engulfing", 740], ["mind", 748], ["minding", 748], ["feel", 761], ["guilty", 773], ["nonetheless", 785], ["ease", 795], ["vow", 811], ["vowed", 811], ["go", 817], ["goest", 817], ["confession", 831], ["thursday", 843], ["thursdays", 843], ["death", 854], ["highway", 865], ["clock", 880], ["blare", 893], ["blared", 893], ["harsh", 903], ["refrain", 911], ["every", 931], ["nine", 936], ["minute", 944], ["minutes", 944], ["start", 953], ["starting", 953], ["seven", 962], ["thirty", 969], ["unconsciously", 989], ["manage", 999], ["managed", 999], ["equal", 1035], ["regularity", 1046], ["finally", 1056], ["open", 1065], ["opened", 1065], ["eye", 1073], ["eyed", 1073], ["eyes", 1073], ["look", 1084], ["looked", 1084], ["see", 1105], ["saw", 1105], ["god", 1126], ["already", 1142], ["rebekah", 1160], ["ca", 1199], ["cas", 1199], ["believe", 1211], ["kid", 1220], ["kids", 1220], ["still", 1230], ["asleep", 1237], ["usually", 1256], ["get", 1279], ["got", 1279], ["appointment", 1299], ["new", 1310], ["corporate", 1320], ["client", 1327], ["fly", 1339], ["flys", 1339], ["flew", 1339], ["bed", 1350], ["shower", 1367], ["showered", 1367], ["showerest", 1367], ["house", 1392], ["twenty", 1402], ["walk", 1426], ["walked", 1426], ["office", 1440], ["general", 1448], ["burton", 1455], ["practice", 1470], ["practicing", 1470], ["green", 1495], ["greens", 1495], ["carpet", 1502], ["keep", 1518], ["keepest", 1518], ["kept", 1518], ["closet", 1542], ["closets", 1542], ["game", 1564], ["today", 1570], ["worth", 1588], ["rat", 1594], ["ratted", 1594], ["ass", 1601], ["go", 1646], ["goest", 1646], ["going", 1646], ["pick", 1681], ["picking", 1681], ["two", 1694], ["twos", 1694], ["say", 1716], ["sayest", 1716], ["said", 1716], ["corpus", 1739], ["guy", 1752], ["meet", 1758], ["meeted", 1758], ["met", 1758], ["beach", 1781], ["bay", 1798], ["wife", 1830], ["knock", 1846], ["knocks", 1846], ["knockest", 1846], ["sock", 1857], ["socks", 1857], ["socked", 1857], ["reply", 1876], ["replied", 1876], ["oh", 1881], ["guess", 1889], ["call", 1900], ["called", 1900], ["go", 1917], ["goest", 1917], ["gone", 1917], ["late", 1934], ["lates", 1934], ["melba", 1940], ["thorn", 1946], ["find", 1981], ["found", 1981], ["call", 2006], ["calling", 2006], ["amarillo", 2028], ["afternoon", 2051], ["library", 2077], ["check", 2087], ["news", 2107], ["newses", 2107], ["story", 2115], ["stories", 2115], ["see", 2158], ["find", 2172], ["old", 2188], ["friend", 2196], ["friends", 2196], ["fill", 2209], ["fills", 2209], ["family", 2230], ["history", 2238], ["probably", 2261], ["help", 2266], ["helpest", 2266], ["try", 2288], ["tryed", 2288], ["get", 2295], ["name", 2310], ["names", 2310], ["phone", 2320], ["number", 2328], ["numbering", 2328], ["numbers", 2328], ["good", 2341], ["big", 2362], ["bigs", 2362], ["speak", 2392], ["spoken", 2392], ["speaking", 2392], ["door", 2432], ["meet", 2448], ["meeted", 2448], ["half", 2469], ["hour", 2474], ["check", 2486], ["checked", 2486], ["message", 2504], ["messages", 2504], ["answer", 2523], ["answeres", 2523], ["answerest", 2523], ["answering", 2523], ["machine", 2531], ["call", 2552], ["cynthia", 2565], ["carson", 2572], ["dial", 2583], ["dialed", 2583], ["number", 2594], ["numbering", 2594], ["wait", 2605], ["waitest", 2605], ["waited", 2605], ["hi", 2636], ["stan", 2641], ["stans", 2641], ["thank", 2650], ["thanks", 2650], ["thankest", 2650], ["back", 2670], ["listen", 2679], ["listens", 2679], ["kurt", 2686], ["town", 2701], ["couple", 2714], ["problem", 2726], ["problems", 2726], ["come", 2736], ["need", 2748], ["needest", 2748], ["handle", 2762], ["sure", 2787], ["metro", 2817], ["leasing", 2825], ["threaten", 2854], ["threatening", 2854], ["repossess", 2867], ["roll", 2877], ["rolls", 2877], ["know", 2907], ["knowest", 2907], ["lease", 2928], ["leasing", 2928], ["leased", 2928], ["yeah", 2941], ["lease", 2955], ["leasing", 2955], ["leases", 2955], ["everything", 2966], ["buy", 2998], ["buyed", 2998], ["buying", 2998], ["like", 3024], ["likes", 3024], ["preserve", 3036], ["capital", 3048], ["behind", 3085], ["payment", 3101], ["payments", 3101], ["must", 3114], ["musts", 3114], ["kind", 3127], ["oversight", 3140], ["okay", 3153], ["calm", 3180], ["calms", 3180], ["get", 3206], ["gets", 3206], ["remember", 3232], ["rememberest", 3232], ["pete", 3237], ["hall", 3242], ["investor", 3265], ["investors", 3265], ["panhandle", 3282], ["build", 3291], ["building", 3291], ["deal", 3328], ["accountant", 3360], ["spook", 3372], ["spooked", 3372], ["shall", 3412], ["let", 3439], ["lets", 3439], ["slip", 3448], ["away", 3453], ["furious", 3476], ["lossing", 3489], ["call", 3580], ["calls", 3580], ["disturb", 3609], ["disturbed", 3609], ["since", 3618], ["always", 3631], ["impression", 3650], ["fancy", 3675], ["fanciest", 3675], ["car", 3680], ["cars", 3680], ["immediately", 3696], ["upset", 3736], ["mr", 3750], ["weber", 3757], ["turner", 3779], ["ask", 3802], ["asked", 3802], ["regard", 3827], ["regarding", 3827], ["harrison", 3841], ["yes", 3853], ["pay", 3874], ["pays", 3874], ["payest", 3874], ["pick", 3912], ["well", 3938], ["wells", 3938], ["aware", 3956], ["much", 3981], ["owe", 3993], ["owes", 3993], ["owing", 3993], ["month", 4018], ["months", 4018], ["past", 4023], ["due", 4027], ["eleven", 4070], ["hundred", 4078], ["four", 4094], ["dollar", 4102], ["dollars", 4102], ["damn", 4115], ["damned", 4115], ["pretty", 4134], ["prettiest", 4134], ["stiff", 4140], ["five", 4194], ["fived", 4194], ["thousand", 4203], ["dollar", 4210], ["automobile", 4221], ["car", 4233], ["cost", 4242], ["change", 4264], ["fathom", 4285], ["fathoms", 4285], ["pay", 4292], ["pays", 4292], ["payest", 4292], ["paying", 4292], ["grand", 4313]]
`` kurt 's out of town for a few days . when he gets back i 'll be sure he drops off a check . '' `` we ca n't wait a few days . we need to get paid now or we 're going to come repossess the car . '' `` come on , you can wait a couple of days , ca n't you ? '' `` no , mr. harrison has never made a payment on time and were tired of it . we would rather just write off whatever our loss might be and never see mr. harrison again . '' `` well , let me see if somehow i can scrape up the two payments due so we do n't have to get entangled in litigation over this matter . i do n't understand why you ca n't wait a few more days since you 've waited this long . '' `` well we ca n't and if we do n't get our money by monday we 'll be over to pick up the rolls , '' he said . `` it wo n't do you any good to go over there , the vehicle will be locked up and you ca n't breach the peace trying to repossess it . you 'll have to file a writ of sequestration if you want the vehicle . by the time you get that put together kurt will be back and will pay you . you might as well just wait . '' it surprised me that kurt was having problems with metro leasing since he was making so much money on his real estate ventures . surely he could afford to pay his bills . i figured i would give him the benefit of the doubt anyway . maybe he was just so busy he was n't tending to his business the way he should . that afternoon i went downtown to the dallas department of vital statistics to get melba 's death certificate , then to the public library where i started searching through old newspapers that were kept on microfilm . it did n't take long to find the story on melba thorn 's death . dallas philanthropist killed in fiery crash melba thorn , a wealthy dallas resident , known for her generosity and love for the arts and education , died monday in a fiery automobile crash on highway 24 near wilkerson pass , colorado . mrs. thorn , who had been vacationing in colorado springs at the renowned winchester hotel and resort with her family , apparently was returning from a visit to the university of colorado at boulder when the 1977 cadillac she was driving mysteriously spun out of control , plummeted off a cliff and then exploded into a fiery inferno . sheriff dick barnett , from the nearby florrisant , colorado , indicated the victim 's body was burnt beyond recognition . mrs. thorn was the widow of the late real estate baron , howard thorn , who reportedly owned major downtown buildings in dallas , tyler , ft. worth and amarillo . she was born in london , england in 1926 and immigrated to the united states with her father , an unemployed tailor , when she was only three . she attended the university of texas from 1942-46 where she met and married howard thorn . she is survived by her son , robert thorn , and daughter , jane thorn brown . funeral services will be held thursday in dallas . mrs. thorn was most known for her support of texas american university and the dallas fine arts institute . the dean of southern methodist university , when asked about his reaction to mrs. thorn 's untimely death , said , `` she was a wonderful woman , a great friend of the university and she will be sorely missed . '' it occurred to me that the incineration of melba 's body was very unusual and convenient . if melba was alive i wondered who really died in that crash . i needed to find out all about melba thorn , her friends , her enemies and who stood to gain by the appearance of her death . perhaps if i went to smu i would get some answers . i left the library and drove to highland park where the university was situated . on the way i devised a story to explain why i was interested in mrs. thorn . the dean 's office was the logical place to start since he had been quoted in the newspaper . when i walked in , a well dressed middle age receptionist greeted me . luckily he was in and i was able to see him . dean pope asked . `` yes sir , i 'm stan turner and i wondered if i could ask you some questions about melba thorn . '' why would you be asking questions about her ? '' `` i have a client that is thinking about setting up a scholarship fund to honor her . he wanted me to write a short story about her life to put in the introductory materials that would be sent to applicants for the scholarship , '' i replied . who is your client ? ''
[["kurt", 7], ["town", 22], ["day", 37], ["days", 37], ["get", 52], ["gets", 52], ["back", 57], ["sure", 71], ["drop", 80], ["drops", 80], ["check", 92], ["ca", 106], ["cas", 106], ["wait", 115], ["waitest", 115], ["need", 136], ["needest", 136], ["get", 143], ["pay", 148], ["pays", 148], ["payest", 148], ["paid", 148], ["go", 168], ["goest", 168], ["going", 168], ["come", 176], ["repossess", 186], ["car", 194], ["couple", 234], ["mr", 271], ["harrison", 281], ["never", 291], ["payment", 306], ["time", 314], ["tired", 329], ["rather", 353], ["writing", 364], ["whatever", 377], ["loss", 386], ["may", 392], ["mays", 392], ["mayest", 392], ["might", 392], ["see", 409], ["well", 441], ["wells", 441], ["let", 447], ["lets", 447], ["somehow", 465], ["scrape", 478], ["two", 489], ["twos", 489], ["payment", 498], ["payments", 498], ["due", 502], ["entangle", 537], ["entangles", 537], ["entangled", 537], ["litigation", 551], ["matter", 568], ["mattering", 568], ["understand", 590], ["understanded", 590], ["since", 632], ["wait", 647], ["waitest", 647], ["waited", 647], ["long", 657], ["longs", 657], ["money", 711], ["moneys", 711], ["monday", 721], ["mondays", 721], ["pick", 744], ["roll", 757], ["rolls", 757], ["say", 770], ["sayest", 770], ["said", 770], ["wo", 781], ["good", 801], ["go", 807], ["goest", 807], ["vehicle", 832], ["vehicled", 832], ["lock", 847], ["locked", 847], ["breach", 872], ["breaches", 872], ["peace", 882], ["try", 889], ["tryed", 889], ["trying", 889], ["file", 928], ["writ", 935], ["sequestration", 952], ["put", 1007], ["together", 1016], ["pay", 1047], ["pays", 1047], ["payest", 1047], ["surprise", 1099], ["surprised", 1099], ["problem", 1132], ["problems", 1132], ["metro", 1143], ["lease", 1151], ["leasing", 1151], ["much", 1179], ["real", 1197], ["reis", 1197], ["estate", 1204], ["venture", 1213], ["ventures", 1213], ["surely", 1222], ["afford", 1238], ["bill", 1255], ["bills", 1255], ["figure", 1267], ["figured", 1267], ["give", 1280], ["benefit", 1296], ["doubt", 1309], ["anyway", 1316], ["maybe", 1324], ["busy", 1344], ["busied", 1344], ["tend", 1363], ["tending", 1363], ["business", 1379], ["way", 1387], ["ways", 1387], ["afternoon", 1414], ["go", 1421], ["goest", 1421], ["went", 1421], ["downtown", 1430], ["downtowns", 1430], ["department", 1455], ["vital", 1464], ["statistic", 1475], ["statistics", 1475], ["melba", 1488], ["death", 1497], ["certificate", 1509], ["public", 1530], ["library", 1538], ["start", 1554], ["started", 1554], ["search", 1564], ["searching", 1564], ["old", 1576], ["newspaper", 1587], ["newspapers", 1587], ["keep", 1602], ["keepest", 1602], ["kept", 1602], ["microfilm", 1615], ["microfilms", 1615], ["take", 1633], ["find", 1646], ["story", 1656], ["thorn", 1671], ["philanthropist", 1704], ["kill", 1711], ["killed", 1711], ["fiery", 1720], ["crash", 1726], ["wealthy", 1750], ["resident", 1766], ["know", 1774], ["knowest", 1774], ["known", 1774], ["generosity", 1793], ["love", 1802], ["art", 1815], ["arts", 1815], ["education", 1829], ["die", 1836], ["died", 1836], ["automobile", 1865], ["highway", 1882], ["near", 1890], ["pass", 1905], ["colorado", 1916], ["mrs", 1922], ["vacation", 1956], ["sprang", 1976], ["spring", 1976], ["sprung", 1976], ["springs", 1976], ["winchester", 2003], ["hotel", 2009], ["resort", 2020], ["resorted", 2020], ["family", 2036], ["apparently", 2049], ["return", 2063], ["returnest", 2063], ["returning", 2063], ["visit", 2076], ["university", 2094], ["boulder", 2117], ["cadillac", 2140], ["cadillacs", 2140], ["drive", 2156], ["driving", 2156], ["mysteriously", 2169], ["spin", 2174], ["spun", 2174], ["control", 2189], ["plummet", 2201], ["plummeted", 2201], ["cliff", 2213], ["cliffs", 2213], ["explode", 2231], ["exploded", 2231], ["inferno", 2252], ["sheriff", 2262], ["dick", 2267], ["barnett", 2275], ["nearby", 2293], ["indicate", 2327], ["indicated", 2327], ["victim", 2338], ["body", 2346], ["bodied", 2346], ["burn", 2356], ["burns", 2356], ["burnt", 2356], ["beyond", 2363], ["recognition", 2375], ["widow", 2402], ["late", 2414], ["lates", 2414], ["baron", 2432], ["howard", 2441], ["reportedly", 2464], ["major", 2476], ["build", 2495], ["building", 2495], ["buildings", 2495], ["ft", 2518], ["worth", 2525], ["amarillo", 2538], ["bear", 2553], ["bore", 2553], ["bearest", 2553], ["born", 2553], ["london", 2563], ["england", 2573], ["immigrate", 2596], ["immigrates", 2596], ["immigrated", 2596], ["father", 2633], ["fathered", 2633], ["fathering", 2633], ["unemployed", 2649], ["tailor", 2656], ["tailorest", 2656], ["three", 2682], ["attend", 2697], ["attended", 2697], ["texas", 2721], ["meet", 2748], ["meeted", 2748], ["met", 2748], ["married", 2760], ["survive", 2791], ["survived", 2791], ["son", 2802], ["robert", 2811], ["roberts", 2811], ["daughter", 2832], ["jane", 2839], ["janes", 2839], ["brown", 2851], ["browns", 2851], ["funeral", 2861], ["service", 2870], ["servicing", 2870], ["services", 2870], ["hold", 2883], ["held", 2883], ["thursday", 2892], ["thursdays", 2892], ["support", 2946], ["american", 2964], ["americans", 2964], ["fine", 2995], ["institute", 3010], ["institutes", 3010], ["dean", 3021], ["deans", 3021], ["southern", 3033], ["methodist", 3043], ["methodists", 3043], ["ask", 3067], ["asked", 3067], ["reaction", 3086], ["untimely", 3112], ["wonderful", 3150], ["woman", 3156], ["womans", 3156], ["great", 3166], ["friend", 3173], ["sorely", 3214], ["miss", 3221], ["missed", 3221], ["occur", 3238], ["occurest", 3238], ["occurred", 3238], ["incineration", 3266], ["unusual", 3300], ["convenient", 3315], ["alive", 3336], ["wonder", 3347], ["wonderest", 3347], ["wondered", 3347], ["really", 3358], ["need", 3388], ["needest", 3388], ["needed", 3388], ["friend", 3436], ["friends", 3436], ["enemy", 3450], ["enemies", 3450], ["stand", 3464], ["stood", 3464], ["standest", 3464], ["gain", 3472], ["appearance", 3490], ["perhaps", 3513], ["answer", 3555], ["answeres", 3555], ["answerest", 3555], ["answers", 3555], ["left", 3564], ["leave", 3564], ["drive", 3586], ["drove", 3586], ["highland", 3598], ["park", 3603], ["parks", 3603], ["situate", 3637], ["situated", 3637], ["devise", 3660], ["devised", 3660], ["explain", 3679], ["interested", 3700], ["office", 3735], ["logical", 3751], ["place", 3757], ["start", 3766], ["quote", 3791], ["quoted", 3791], ["newspaper", 3808], ["walk", 3824], ["walked", 3824], ["middle", 3851], ["middles", 3851], ["middling", 3851], ["age", 3855], ["aged", 3855], ["receptionist", 3868], ["greet", 3876], ["greeting", 3876], ["greeted", 3876], ["luckily", 3889], ["able", 3914], ["abled", 3914], ["pope", 3937], ["yes", 3952], ["sir", 3956], ["sirs", 3956], ["stan", 3968], ["stans", 3968], ["turner", 3975], ["ask", 4005], ["question", 4024], ["questions", 4024], ["ask", 4071], ["asking", 4071], ["client", 4115], ["think", 4132], ["thinkest", 4132], ["thinking", 4132], ["set", 4146], ["setting", 4146], ["scholarship", 4163], ["fund", 4168], ["honor", 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`` well , he wants his participation to be anonymous so that the media will focus on melba thorn rather than him since the purpose of the program is to honor her . well , what do you want to know ? '' `` when did melba first start supporting the university ? '' `` shortly after her husband 's death . you probably know the only thing howard thorn knew how to do was make money . he never gave any money away after he 'd earned it , '' dean pope said . `` did you know her personally ? '' `` sure , she spent a lot of time here at the university . she was very much involved in the programs she supported financially . she loved the students and they loved her . some of the students affectionately called her grandma thorn . '' `` it must have been a great tragedy when she died , '' i said . `` it was devastating , '' he said . `` not only did we lose a great friend and wonderful woman , but the financial loss to the university was overwhelming . '' `` did n't the heirs pick up where melba left off ? '' `` no , i 'm afraid robert thorn took after his father . '' `` i think if jane controlled the fortune she 'd be a lot different . regretfully , robert and janes husband , taylor brown pretty much control what goes on . '' you 'd think in deference to their mother they would be a little more generous , '' i said . `` that would make sense , '' dean pope replied . `` did n't you think the accident was a little strange ? '' popes stiffened . `` i do n't know , it just seems a little strange to me that this rich old lady is up in colorado with her family and runs off to colorado springs by herself . why did n't someone go with her . what happened to her chauffeur . '' `` you know , you are right . as a matter of fact i called up to the sheriff to ask him about it . '' `` he said he did a thorough investigation and found nothing to make him think it was anything but an accident . apparently all the members of the family were horseback riding fifty miles away when the accident occurred . '' `` does anyone know why she went off that day alone ? '' `` apparently they thought her chauffeur was driving her to the university but apparently he was getting the limo fixed . mrs. thorn decided to take her son 's rent car and drive alone . '' `` what do you think of that scenario ? '' `` that 's really strange because i know melba did n't like to drive . she was always driven by her chauffeur and i ca n't imagine her driving on a treacherous mountain road all alone . '' `` tell me about jane 's husband , '' i said . `` taylor brown ? he runs a string of nursing homes around the state . that 's about all i know about him '' `` he does n't happen to have one in amarillo does he ? '' it was nearly five so after talking to dean pope i went straight home anxious to tell rebekah what i had found out . she was in the laundry room washing clothes when i arrived . `` hi babe , '' i said . did my watch stop ? '' `` no , i came straight home to tell you what i found out about melba thorn . '' `` melba died in a single car wreck on a mountain road in colorado , her body was incinerated while her family was fifty miles away horseback riding and her chauffeur was getting her limo fixed . '' `` that 's pretty bizarre , '' rebekah said . `` yeah , particularly since she did n't like to drive and usually was driven every place she went . '' `` so why would she go out alone in the mountains ? '' `` nobody seems to know or care , '' i said . melba 's daughter is married to a man named taylor brown who happens to own nursing homes all over the state . '' `` you do n't think melba is being held hostage in one of those nursing homes do you ? '' `` that idea occurred to me . i think tomorrow i 'm going to call the department of health and find out if mr. brown owns a nursing home in amarillo . '' while rebekah and i were talking , peter came running around the corner . `` mom , reggie stole my fire truck ! '' he said before spotting me . `` daddy , you 're home ! '' `` yeah , come here big boy , '' i said . peter ran over and raised his hands to be picked up . i pulled him up and held him in my arms . `` let 's go see if i can rescue your truck . '' `` okay , reggie 's mean . '' we walked down the hall and entered into reggie 's room . he had gathered a fleet of trucks that would have made any teamster proud . `` wow , where did you get all those trucks ? '' how do you like my convoy ? '' reggie replied . `` pretty cool . you did n't happen to see a stray fire truck did you ? ''
[["well", 7], ["wells", 7], ["participation", 36], ["anonymous", 52], ["medium", 70], ["mediums", 70], ["media", 70], ["focus", 81], ["melba", 90], ["thorn", 96], ["rather", 103], ["since", 118], ["purpose", 130], ["program", 145], ["honor", 157], ["know", 195], ["knowest", 195], ["first", 224], ["firstest", 224], ["start", 230], ["support", 241], ["supporting", 241], ["university", 256], ["shortly", 272], ["husband", 290], ["husbanding", 290], ["death", 299], ["probably", 314], ["thing", 334], ["howard", 341], ["know", 352], ["knowest", 352], ["knew", 352], ["money", 377], ["moneys", 377], ["never", 388], ["give", 393], ["gave", 393], ["away", 408], ["earn", 427], ["earned", 427], ["dean", 440], ["deans", 440], ["pope", 445], ["say", 450], ["sayest", 450], ["said", 450], ["personally", 483], ["sure", 496], ["spend", 508], ["spends", 508], ["spendest", 508], ["spent", 508], ["lot", 514], ["time", 522], ["much", 565], ["program", 590], ["programs", 590], ["support", 604], ["supported", 604], ["financially", 616], ["love", 628], ["loved", 628], ["student", 641], ["students", 641], ["affectionately", 698], ["call", 705], ["called", 705], ["grandma", 717], ["grandmas", 717], ["must", 739], ["musts", 739], ["great", 757], ["tragedy", 765], ["die", 779], ["died", 779], ["devastating", 815], ["lose", 854], ["friend", 869], ["wonderful", 883], ["woman", 889], ["womans", 889], ["financial", 909], ["loss", 914], ["overwhelming", 949], ["heir", 975], ["heirs", 975], ["pick", 980], ["left", 1000], ["leave", 1000], ["afraid", 1029], ["robert", 1036], ["roberts", 1036], ["take", 1047], ["took", 1047], ["father", 1064], ["fathered", 1064], ["fathering", 1064], ["think", 1080], ["thinkest", 1080], ["jane", 1088], ["janes", 1088], ["control", 1099], ["controlled", 1099], ["fortune", 1111], ["different", 1137], ["regretfully", 1151], ["taylor", 1187], ["brown", 1193], ["browns", 1193], ["pretty", 1200], ["prettiest", 1200], ["control", 1213], ["go", 1223], ["goest", 1223], ["goes", 1223], ["deference", 1257], ["mother", 1273], ["mothered", 1273], ["motherest", 1273], ["little", 1296], ["generous", 1310], ["sense", 1349], ["reply", 1372], ["replied", 1372], ["accident", 1408], ["strange", 1429], ["pope", 1440], ["popes", 1440], ["stiffen", 1450], ["stiffens", 1450], ["stiffened", 1450], ["seem", 1485], ["seeming", 1485], ["seems", 1485], ["rich", 1523], ["old", 1527], ["lady", 1532], ["colorado", 1550], ["family", 1566], ["run", 1575], ["runs", 1575], ["sprang", 1599], ["spring", 1599], ["sprung", 1599], ["springs", 1599], ["go", 1635], ["goest", 1635], ["happen", 1660], ["happened", 1660], ["chauffeur", 1677], ["right", 1710], ["rightest", 1710], ["matter", 1724], ["mattering", 1724], ["fact", 1732], ["sheriff", 1759], ["ask", 1766], ["thorough", 1813], ["investigation", 1827], ["find", 1837], ["found", 1837], ["nothing", 1845], ["anything", 1879], ["apparently", 1908], ["member", 1924], ["members", 1924], ["horseback", 1953], ["ride", 1960], ["rode", 1960], ["ridings", 1960], ["riding", 1960], ["fifty", 1966], ["mile", 1972], ["miles", 1972], ["occur", 2004], ["occurest", 2004], ["occurred", 2004], ["anyone", 2024], ["go", 2042], ["goest", 2042], ["went", 2042], ["day", 2055], ["alone", 2061], ["think", 2093], ["thinkest", 2093], ["thought", 2093], ["drive", 2119], ["driving", 2119], ["get", 2171], ["getting", 2171], ["limo", 2180], ["limos", 2180], ["fix", 2186], ["fixes", 2186], ["fixed", 2186], ["mrs", 2192], ["decide", 2207], ["decided", 2207], ["take", 2215], ["son", 2223], ["rent", 2231], ["car", 2235], ["drive", 2245], ["scenario", 2294], ["really", 2317], ["like", 2359], ["always", 2385], ["drive", 2392], ["driven", 2392], ["ca", 2418], ["cas", 2418], ["imagine", 2430], ["treacherous", 2459], ["mountain", 2468], ["road", 2473], ["tell", 2496], ["strung", 2570], ["string", 2570], ["strings", 2570], ["nursing", 2581], ["home", 2587], ["homing", 2587], ["homes", 2587], ["around", 2594], ["state", 2604], ["happen", 2666], ["amarillo", 2690], ["nearly", 2717], ["five", 2722], ["fived", 2722], ["talk", 2739], ["talking", 2739], ["straight", 2768], ["home", 2773], ["homing", 2773], ["anxious", 2781], ["anxiousest", 2781], ["rebekah", 2797], ["laundry", 2843], ["room", 2848], ["roomed", 2848], ["washing", 2856], ["washings", 2856], ["clad", 2864], ["clothe", 2864], ["clothes", 2864], ["arrive", 2879], ["arrived", 2879], ["hi", 2887], ["babe", 2892], ["watch", 2919], ["stop", 2924], ["come", 2944], ["came", 2944], ["single", 3036], ["wreck", 3046], ["body", 3088], ["bodied", 3088], ["incinerate", 3104], ["incinerates", 3104], ["bizarre", 3235], ["yeah", 3263], ["particularly", 3278], ["usually", 3322], ["every", 3339], ["place", 3345], ["mountain", 3409], ["mountains", 3409], ["nobody", 3424], ["daughter", 3478], ["married", 3489], ["man", 3498], ["mans", 3498], ["manned", 3498], ["name", 3504], ["named", 3504], ["happen", 3529], ["happens", 3529], ["hold", 3614], ["held", 3614], ["hostage", 3622], ["idea", 3677], ["tomorrow", 3711], ["tomorrows", 3711], ["go", 3722], ["goest", 3722], ["going", 3722], ["call", 3730], ["department", 3745], ["health", 3755], ["healths", 3755], ["find", 3764], ["mr", 3774], ["peter", 3859], ["peters", 3859], ["run", 3872], ["running", 3872], ["corner", 3890], ["mom", 3899], ["moms", 3899], ["reggie", 3908], ["steal", 3914], ["stole", 3914], ["fire", 3922], ["truck", 3928], ["spot", 3957], ["spotting", 3957], ["daddy", 3971], ["come", 4006], ["big", 4015], ["bigs", 4015], ["boy", 4019], ["run", 4043], ["ran", 4043], ["raise", 4059], ["raised", 4059], ["hand", 4069], ["hands", 4069], ["pick", 4082], ["picked", 4082], ["pull", 4096], ["pulled", 4096], ["arm", 4127], ["arms", 4127], ["let", 4136], ["lets", 4136], ["see", 4146], ["rescue", 4162], ["okay", 4186], ["mean", 4203], ["meanest", 4203], ["walk", 4218], ["walked", 4218], ["hall", 4232], ["enter", 4244], ["entered", 4244], ["gather", 4282], ["gatherest", 4282], ["gathered", 4282], ["fleet", 4290], ["fleeting", 4290], ["truck", 4300], ["trucks", 4300], ["teamster", 4334], ["teamsters", 4334], ["proud", 4340], ["wow", 4349], ["get", 4369], ["convoy", 4417], ["convoyed", 4417], ["cool", 4454], ["stray", 4490], ["strays", 4490], ["strayed", 4490]]
`` yeah , he joined the convoy in la , '' reggie said . `` well how about if peter takes her in for mechanical repair in frisco . '' `` dad i need all these trucks . especially a fire truck in case there 's a crash on highway 121 . '' `` if there 's a crash you can get on your cb and call peter , he 'll be happy to respond , '' i said . `` okay , '' reggie said and then tossed the truck into the middle of the room . i put peter down , he picked up the fire truck , climbed up on the top bunk and began to play with it . `` tell us a story , daddy , '' peter said . please , daddy , '' reggie joined in . `` tell us the story about you falling off the railroad bridge . '' `` oh come on , you 've heard it a dozen times , '' i said . `` well tell us a new story then , '' peter said . okay , '' i said . i climbed up onto the top bunk and laid down next to peter . reggie jumped on the bottom bunk and laid back to listen to the story . peter wandered in and sat down in the middle of the room . `` okay , once upon a time i was with my boy scout troop camping near mt . shasta in california . we had gotten up early to take a hike and were approaching a small creek . when we got to the creek we all started looking for places to cross without getting wet . i spotted a big log that was laying across the entire creek so i started to cross it . suddenly i looked down and saw that i was about to step on a water moccasin . '' i turned quickly to tickle him and suddenly the bunk collapsed . peter and i looked at each other in shock . then i realized we were lying on top of reggie . i bolted off the bed and tried to pull up the mattress but peter was still on it . `` peter , get off . reggie is under there . '' peter began to laugh hysterically at his brothers plight . reluctantly he crawled off the bed . `` reggie ! rebekah came running in the room . reggie climbed out from underneath the mattress looking rather confused . are you sure you 're okay reggie ? '' rebekah moaned . `` i guess the bolts were loose on the supports , '' i said . `` stan you had no business being up there ! '' rebekah yelled . `` you 're just like a little kid sometimes ! '' `` okay , i 'm sorry , reggie 's fine . `` hey dad , '' reggie said . `` did the water moccasin bite you ? '' `` no , it turned out he had just swallowed a trout so he was harmless , '' i replied . that was lucky , '' reggie said . rebekah continued to scowl at me for a minute and then said , `` okay , dinner is ready , come on before your dad maims one of you , '' rebekah said . the next day i had an early appointment with pete hall . i did n't know exactly what we were going to talk about , but i was sure i could allay his fears a day or two until kurt could get back . pete was a short , red faced man and very extroverted . when the door opened i jumped up to greet him . after getting coffee we sat down . `` cynthia said you had some questions that you needed to get answered right away , '' i said . `` yes , you know i 've known kurt for a long time , '' pete said . `` he used to date my daughter , ruth . '' `` yeah , he set her up in the dry cleaning business , hollywood cleaners . you know , down on turtle creek . '' `` oh yeah , i 've gone by it . '' `` kurt 's a great guy and he 's always been good to me and ruth but sometimes he gets in over his head in some of these deals . '' `` well , kurt 's pretty shrewd but every once in a while he deals with people smarter than he is . like mohammed bhangi . '' `` he 's a guy from beverly hills that kurt bought some apartments from last year . after the deal was made it turned out mohammed had a partner he neglected to tell kurt about . mohammed disappeared and his partner sued kurt . '' i did n't hear about any lawsuits . '' `` anyway , i know that was n't necessarily kurt 's fault but i want to be sure this panhandle building deal is clean . '' `` you do n't have to worry about that , you guys are going to get a title policy when the deal is closed . '' `` i know that stan , but i just want you to make double sure that everything is okay with this deal .
[["yeah", 7], ["join", 19], ["joinest", 19], ["joined", 19], ["convoy", 30], ["convoyed", 30], ["la", 36], ["reggie", 48], ["say", 53], ["sayest", 53], ["said", 53], ["well", 63], ["wells", 63], ["peter", 82], ["peters", 82], ["take", 88], ["takes", 88], ["mechanical", 110], ["repair", 117], ["frisco", 127], ["dad", 139], ["need", 146], ["needest", 146], ["truck", 163], ["trucks", 163], ["especially", 176], ["fire", 183], ["truck", 189], ["case", 197], ["crash", 214], ["highway", 225], ["get", 269], ["cb", 280], ["call", 289], ["happy", 313], ["respond", 324], ["respondest", 324], ["okay", 346], ["toss", 379], ["tossed", 379], ["middle", 405], ["middles", 405], ["middling", 405], ["room", 417], ["roomed", 417], ["put", 425], ["pick", 448], ["picked", 448], ["climb", 476], ["climbed", 476], ["top", 490], ["bunk", 495], ["bunks", 495], ["bunked", 495], ["begin", 505], ["began", 505], ["play", 513], ["playest", 513], ["tell", 531], ["story", 542], ["daddy", 550], ["please", 575], ["fall", 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["hysterically", 1752], ["brother", 1768], ["brethren", 1768], ["brothers", 1768], ["plight", 1775], ["reluctantly", 1789], ["crawl", 1800], ["crawled", 1800], ["rebekah", 1834], ["come", 1839], ["came", 1839], ["run", 1847], ["running", 1847], ["underneath", 1896], ["rather", 1924], ["sure", 1948], ["moan", 1988], ["moans", 1988], ["moanest", 1988], ["moaned", 1988], ["guess", 2001], ["bolt", 2011], ["bolts", 2011], ["bolted", 2011], ["loose", 2022], ["looser", 2022], ["support", 2038], ["supports", 2038], ["stan", 2060], ["stans", 2060], ["business", 2080], ["yell", 2115], ["yelled", 2115], ["like", 2138], ["little", 2147], ["kid", 2151], ["sorry", 2187], ["fine", 2204], ["hey", 2213], ["bite", 2267], ["swallow", 2320], ["swallows", 2320], ["swallowed", 2320], ["trout", 2328], ["harmless", 2347], ["reply", 2362], ["replied", 2362], ["lucky", 2379], ["continue", 2416], ["continued", 2416], ["scowl", 2425], ["scowls", 2425], ["scowling", 2425], ["scowlest", 2425], ["minute", 2444], ["dinner", 2477], ["ready", 2486], ["maim", 2518], ["maiming", 2518], ["maims", 2518], ["day", 2562], ["appointment", 2589], ["pete", 2599], ["hall", 2604], ["know", 2621], ["knowest", 2621], ["exactly", 2629], ["go", 2648], ["goest", 2648], ["going", 2648], ["talk", 2656], ["allay", 2693], ["allays", 2693], ["fear", 2703], ["fearest", 2703], ["fears", 2703], ["two", 2716], ["twos", 2716], ["kurt", 2727], ["short", 2761], ["red", 2767], ["man", 2777], ["mans", 2777], ["manned", 2777], ["door", 2814], ["open", 2821], ["opened", 2821], ["greet", 2842], ["greeting", 2842], ["coffee", 2869], ["cynthia", 2894], ["question", 2922], ["questions", 2922], ["need", 2938], ["needest", 2938], ["needed", 2938], ["answer", 2954], ["answeres", 2954], ["answerest", 2954], ["answered", 2954], ["right", 2960], ["rightest", 2960], ["away", 2965], ["yes", 2986], ["know", 3009], ["knowest", 3009], ["known", 3009], ["long", 3025], ["longs", 3025], ["use", 3058], ["used", 3058], ["date", 3066], ["daughter", 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i 'm investing all of my retirement money and i ca n't afford to lose it . '' `` well i 've never seen the panhandle building nor do i know anything about it as an investment . you guys have to make your own decision as to whether it 's a good deal or not . i 'll make sure you own it and all the legal work is done properly . after that it 's up to kurt to rehab the building and then sell it for a big profit . you know better than i do that kurt 's awfully good at flipping property . '' just keep your eyes open stan . protect me , okay . i really trust you . '' `` i 'll have kurt call you when he returns so he can discuss the specifics of the deal with you in more depth , '' i said . i was upset by the meeting with pete . it was like everything i said to him was meaningless . he obviously did n't come to ask me any questions or listen to anything i had to say . he simply wanted to tell me that he expected me to protect him . i represented kurt and i told him and the other investors that , but they did n't listen . if anything went wrong they were going to blame it on me . i pondered what i could do to check out the investment to see if there were any holes in it . perhaps i could convince kurt to let my friend , ron johnson , close the deal at big d title company . that way i would have much better control over the entire transaction . there really was n't much else i could do . on thursday i went to work early so i could stop by st. michael 's catholic church to go to confession . i did n't tell rebekah i was going but i had been feeling guilty all week about my encounter with sheila earlier in the week and needed to talk to someone about it . there were two priest receiving confessions . i choose father henry as he seemed the wiser of the two priests that served our parish . i waited for my turn and then entered the confessional . `` forgive me father for i have sinned . it has been a year . well , maybe two years since my last confession . '' `` what brings you to seek the lord 's forgiveness after such a long time ? '' father henry asked . `` i 've coveted another man 's wife and nearly committed adultery ? '' `` no , but i have in my mind . i dream about making love to her almost every night . '' `` you must forget about her . the mind is strong but the body is weak . cleanse your thoughts of her . '' `` but , she 's the wife of one of my best clients and i 'm bound to see her again . what 's worse , the way she looks at me , i think she wants to make love with me too . '' `` then tell your client you can not work for him anymorebetter to lose a client than a wife . '' `` but father , you do n't understand . i 'm just starting out and i only have three clients . '' `` better to lose all your clients than the love of god . you 'll get other clients . do n't worry , my son . now for your absolution go do five hail marys , two our fathers and pray for god 's forgiveness . '' confession made me feel a little better but i could n't bring myself to quit working for inca oil . it was too good a client and i planned on making a big score on parker # 3 when it was drilled . i figured i would just have to stay clear of sheila . the next day i called over to see if kurt had made it back in town . cynthia answered the phone and told me that indeed kurt had returned and that he wanted me to come over and report to him on my meeting with pete hall and conversation with metro leasing . when i arrived kurt was out in the front yard with two doberman pinchers . after i parked my pinto next to the maserati i walked cautiously over to him . the dogs growled at me . `` quiet down ginger , '' kurt said . `` nice dogs , '' i said . `` i did n't know you were a dog lover . '' `` these are n't pets . they are highly trained attack dogs . we 've been having a problem with prowlers lately and i 'm teaching them to patrol the grounds . '' `` you do n't have a solid fence around this place so wo n't they just run off if you leave them ? '' they have a remote control device that gives them an electric shock if they go beyond a certain point , '' kurt said . `` after a few days they 'll patrol the ground but will not stray too close to the perimeter . '' `` what about people you invite over ? '' `` well you better get to know them so they 'll recognize you . '' `` ginger and pepper . ''
[["invest", 14], ["investing", 14], ["retirement", 35], ["money", 41], ["moneys", 41], ["ca", 50], ["cas", 50], ["afford", 61], ["lose", 69], ["well", 85], ["wells", 85], ["never", 97], ["see", 102], ["seen", 102], ["panhandle", 116], ["build", 125], ["building", 125], ["know", 139], ["knowest", 139], ["anything", 148], ["investment", 174], ["guy", 185], ["guys", 185], ["decision", 216], ["whether", 230], ["good", 243], ["deal", 248], ["sure", 273], ["legal", 302], ["work", 307], ["wrought", 307], ["properly", 324], ["kurt", 354], ["rehab", 363], ["sell", 390], ["sells", 390], ["big", 403], ["bigs", 403], ["profit", 410], ["well", 428], ["wells", 428], ["better", 428], ["awfully", 459], ["flip", 476], ["flipping", 476], ["property", 485], ["keep", 500], ["keepest", 500], ["eye", 510], ["eyed", 510], ["eyes", 510], ["open", 515], ["stan", 520], ["stans", 520], ["protect", 530], ["protectest", 530], ["okay", 540], ["really", 551], ["trust", 557], ["call", 590], ["return", 610], ["returnest", 610], ["returns", 610], ["discuss", 628], ["discusses", 628], ["discussest", 628], ["specific", 642], ["specifics", 642], ["depth", 677], ["say", 689], ["sayest", 689], ["said", 689], ["upset", 703], ["meeting", 718], ["like", 742], ["everything", 753], ["meaningless", 783], ["obviously", 798], ["come", 811], ["ask", 818], ["question", 835], ["questions", 835], ["listen", 845], ["listens", 845], ["say", 870], ["sayest", 870], ["simply", 882], ["tell", 897], ["expect", 917], ["expected", 917], ["represent", 951], ["representest", 951], ["represented", 951], ["tell", 967], ["told", 967], ["investor", 995], ["investors", 995], ["go", 1045], ["goest", 1045], ["went", 1045], ["wrong", 1051], ["go", 1067], ["goest", 1067], ["going", 1067], ["blame", 1076], ["blamest", 1076], ["ponder", 1098], ["pondered", 1098], ["check", 1123], ["see", 1149], ["hole", 1173], ["holes", 1173], ["perhaps", 1189], ["convince", 1206], ["convinced", 1206], ["convincing", 1206], ["let", 1218], ["lets", 1218], ["friend", 1228], ["ron", 1234], ["johnson", 1242], ["close", 1250], ["title", 1274], ["company", 1282], ["companys", 1282], ["companying", 1282], ["way", 1293], ["ways", 1293], ["much", 1311], ["control", 1326], ["entire", 1342], ["transaction", 1354], ["else", 1387], ["thursday", 1412], ["thursdays", 1412], ["early", 1433], ["stop", 1449], ["st", 1455], ["sts", 1455], ["michael", 1464], ["catholic", 1476], ["catholics", 1476], ["church", 1483], ["churching", 1483], ["go", 1489], ["goest", 1489], ["confession", 1503], ["rebekah", 1528], ["feel", 1563], ["feeling", 1563], ["guilty", 1570], ["week", 1579], ["encounter", 1598], ["sheila", 1610], ["early", 1618], ["need", 1641], ["needest", 1641], ["needed", 1641], ["talk", 1649], ["two", 1686], ["twos", 1686], ["priest", 1693], ["receive", 1703], ["receiving", 1703], ["confession", 1715], ["confessions", 1715], ["choose", 1726], ["father", 1733], ["fathered", 1733], ["fathering", 1733], ["henry", 1739], ["seem", 1752], ["seeming", 1752], ["seemed", 1752], ["wise", 1762], ["wiser", 1762], ["priest", 1781], ["priests", 1781], ["serve", 1793], ["served", 1793], ["parish", 1804], ["wait", 1815], ["waitest", 1815], ["waited", 1815], ["turn", 1827], ["enter", 1844], ["entered", 1844], ["confessional", 1861], ["forgive", 1874], ["forgived", 1874], ["forgiving", 1874], ["sin", 1902], ["sinned", 1902], ["year", 1923], ["maybe", 1938], ["year", 1948], ["years", 1948], ["since", 1954], ["last", 1962], ["bring", 1993], ["brings", 1993], ["seek", 2005], ["lord", 2014], ["forgiveness", 2029], ["long", 2047], ["longs", 2047], ["time", 2052], ["ask", 2076], ["asked", 2076], ["covet", 2095], ["covets", 2095], ["coveted", 2095], ["another", 2103], ["man", 2107], ["mans", 2107], ["manned", 2107], ["wife", 2115], ["nearly", 2126], ["commit", 2136], ["committed", 2136], ["adultery", 2145], ["mind", 2180], ["minding", 2180], ["dream", 2190], ["dreamt", 2190], ["dreamest", 2190], ["love", 2208], ["almost", 2222], ["every", 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["working", 3013], ["inca", 3022], ["oil", 3026], ["plan", 3067], ["planned", 3067], ["score", 3089], ["drill", 3123], ["drilling", 3123], ["drilled", 3123], ["figure", 3135], ["figured", 3135], ["stay", 3161], ["clear", 3167], ["clearest", 3167], ["next", 3188], ["day", 3192], ["call", 3201], ["called", 3201], ["back", 3238], ["town", 3246], ["cynthia", 3256], ["answer", 3265], ["answeres", 3265], ["answerest", 3265], ["answered", 3265], ["phone", 3275], ["indeed", 3299], ["return", 3317], ["returnest", 3317], ["returned", 3317], ["report", 3363], ["hall", 3399], ["conversation", 3416], ["metro", 3427], ["leasing", 3435], ["arrive", 3452], ["arrived", 3452], ["front", 3478], ["yard", 3483], ["yards", 3483], ["doberman", 3501], ["pincher", 3510], ["pinchers", 3510], ["park", 3527], ["parks", 3527], ["parked", 3527], ["pinto", 3536], ["pintos", 3536], ["maserati", 3557], ["walk", 3566], ["walked", 3566], ["cautiously", 3577], ["dog", 3600], ["dogs", 3600], ["growl", 3608], ["growls", 3608], ["growled", 3608], ["quiet", 3625], ["ginger", 3637], ["nice", 3662], ["dog", 3714], ["lover", 3720], ["pet", 3747], ["petting", 3747], ["pets", 3747], ["highly", 3765], ["train", 3773], ["trained", 3773], ["attack", 3780], ["problem", 3816], ["prowler", 3830], ["prowlers", 3830], ["lately", 3837], ["teach", 3855], ["patrol", 3870], ["ground", 3882], ["grounds", 3882], ["solid", 3914], ["fence", 3920], ["around", 3927], ["place", 3938], ["wo", 3944], ["run", 3962], ["left", 3979], ["leave", 3979], ["remote", 4008], ["remoted", 4008], ["device", 4023], ["give", 4034], ["gives", 4034], ["electric", 4051], ["shock", 4057], ["beyond", 4075], ["certain", 4085], ["point", 4091], ["day", 4128], ["days", 4128], ["ground", 4155], ["stray", 4174], ["strays", 4174], ["strayed", 4174], ["perimeter", 4201], ["people", 4227], ["invite", 4238], ["invites", 4238], ["recognize", 4306], ["pepper", 4336], ["peppered", 4336], ["peppering", 4336]]
`` come her ginger , '' i said as i knelt down and extended my hand . `` come here pepper . '' the two dogs warily approached me , sniffing my feet and my legs . slowly i moved my hand over their heads and began to pet them . they immediately warmed up to me and became very friendly . `` well , they seem to like you . i do n't think you 'll have any trouble , '' kurt said . `` no , dogs love me . i do n't know why but they always do . i always had a dog when i was a kid . rebekah does n't like dogs , so we do n't have one now , but im working on her . '' well , come on in and tell me about pete . '' i followed kurt through the house to the patio where gwen was sitting talking to cynthia . kurt sat down and told the maid to get me a drink . `` it went perfect . i got two new investors for sure and several excellent prospects . so what 's pete 's problem ? '' `` he 's just worried about the panhandle building deal , '' i said . `` you know he 's dropping all his retirement money into that project . '' `` well you know who made him all that money hes got in his retirement ? '' kurt said . when i was dating his daughter he was penniless with no retirement at all . i put him in a couple of deals for peanuts and made him over one hundred thousand dollars . '' `` he mentioned something about that . i do n't think he 's going to be a problem , he 's just a little scared and needed some reassurance . '' `` well tell him if he sticks in this panhandle deal he 'll triple his money in six months plus get a tax write off that will make his profit almost tax free , '' kurt said . `` you think it 's going to be that good ? '' once i rehab that building they 'll be buyers lining up to buy it . '' `` because none of these buyers want to go to all the trouble to locate a suitable building , hire a contractor and sink a lot of capital into a rehab project . they 're too chicken to take that kind of gamble . but when i get the building done and have it all leased up they 'll be knocking at my door to buy it . and they 'll pay me much more than the property is really worth . '' `` that makes sense , but what if you ca n't get the building leased up . is n't downtown amarillo dying ? '' amarillo has one of the most dynamic downtown areas in texas . they have a very active civic association that is constantly doing things to promote the downtown area . we wo n't have any problem getting tenants because when we 're done we 'll have one of the nicest buildings in amarillo . and it wo n't be some modern skyscraper but a building with class and style . '' `` well you sold me , '' i said . kurt smiled and said , `` you want in on this one , stan ? '' `` no , i got four kids that like to eat a lot so i pretty much spend everything i make . '' `` well if you keep doing a good job , in six months you 'll have lots of extra money . maybe you can even afford a real car , '' kurt said . i did n't respond to kurt 's comment as i was a little hurt and embarrassed . gwen sensed my embarrassment and changed the subject . `` so i heard you went down to corpus christi , '' she said . had a little business down there . `` i love corpus , '' gwen said . `` the bay is so beautiful . '' `` i love the deep blue water and salty smell in the air , '' i said . `` i hate the ocean , '' kurt said . `` i 'll take the sweet scent of the city anytime . '' `` i guess i need to talk to you about metro leasing , '' i said . `` i took care of that little bastard already . if he sets one foot on this place ginger and pepper will have him for lunch , '' kurt said . i did n't know how to respond to what kurt said so i kept my mouth shut . i wondered if he meant he had paid metro what he owed them or he got pepper and ginger to guard the rolls so it would n't be repossessed . i assumed it had to be the former . `` listen kurt , i wonder if you would do me a favor ? '' kurt said as he gave me a curious look . `` i know you have a title company you usually use , but i 've got this friend , ron johnson , who owns big d title company and who has been a big help to me getting my law practice off the ground . i was wondering if you would let big d close the panhandle building deal ? '' kurt pondered my request for a moment and then said , `` why not ? a title company is a title company .
[["come", 7], ["ginger", 18], ["say", 30], ["sayest", 30], ["said", 30], ["knelt", 41], ["extend", 59], ["extended", 59], ["hand", 67], ["pepper", 89], ["peppered", 89], ["peppering", 89], ["two", 102], ["twos", 102], ["dog", 107], ["dogs", 107], ["warily", 114], ["approach", 125], ["approaches", 125], ["approached", 125], ["sniff", 139], ["sniffed", 139], ["sniffing", 139], ["foot", 147], ["feet", 147], ["leg", 159], ["legs", 159], ["slowly", 168], ["move", 176], ["moved", 176], ["head", 201], ["heads", 201], ["begin", 211], ["began", 211], ["pet", 218], ["petting", 218], ["immediately", 242], ["warm", 249], ["warmed", 249], ["become", 269], ["became", 269], ["friendly", 283], ["well", 293], ["wells", 293], ["seem", 305], ["seeming", 305], ["like", 313], ["think", 334], ["thinkest", 334], ["trouble", 359], ["troubling", 359], ["kurt", 369], ["love", 394], ["know", 413], ["knowest", 413], ["always", 433], ["dog", 457], ["kid", 474], ["rebekah", 484], ["work", 548], ["wrought", 548], ["working", 548], ["tell", 587], ["follow", 617], ["followed", 617], ["house", 640], ["patio", 653], ["gwen", 664], ["sat", 676], ["sit", 676], ["sitting", 676], ["talk", 684], ["talking", 684], ["cynthia", 695], ["sat", 706], ["sit", 706], ["tell", 720], ["told", 720], ["maid", 729], ["maids", 729], ["get", 736], ["drank", 747], ["drink", 747], ["drinking", 747], ["go", 760], ["goest", 760], ["went", 760], ["perfect", 768], ["perfectest", 768], ["get", 776], ["got", 776], ["new", 784], ["investor", 794], ["investors", 794], ["sure", 803], ["several", 815], ["excellent", 825], ["prospect", 835], ["prospects", 835], ["problem", 864], ["panhandle", 911], ["build", 920], ["builds", 920], ["building", 920], ["deal", 925], ["drop", 966], ["dropping", 966], ["retirement", 985], ["money", 991], ["moneys", 991], ["project", 1009], ["projectest", 1009], ["date", 1120], ["dating", 1120], ["daughter", 1133], ["penniless", 1150], ["put", 1184], ["couple", 1200], ["deal", 1209], ["deals", 1209], ["peanut", 1221], ["peanuts", 1221], ["hundred", 1251], ["thousand", 1260], ["dollar", 1268], ["dollars", 1268], ["mention", 1289], ["mentioned", 1289], ["go", 1339], ["goest", 1339], ["going", 1339], ["little", 1377], ["need", 1395], ["needest", 1395], ["needed", 1395], ["reassurance", 1412], ["stick", 1447], ["stickest", 1447], ["sticks", 1447], ["triple", 1484], ["six", 1501], ["month", 1508], ["months", 1508], ["plus", 1513], ["tax", 1523], ["write", 1529], ["writing", 1529], ["profit", 1559], ["almost", 1566], ["free", 1575], ["good", 1633], ["rehab", 1651], ["buyers", 1684], ["line", 1691], ["lining", 1691], ["buy", 1701], ["buyed", 1701], ["none", 1725], ["go", 1752], ["goest", 1752], ["locate", 1781], ["suitable", 1792], ["hire", 1808], ["contractor", 1821], ["sank", 1830], ["sink", 1830], ["lot", 1836], ["capital", 1847], ["chicken", 1891], ["take", 1899], ["kind", 1909], ["gamble", 1919], ["gambling", 1919], ["lease", 1977], ["leasing", 1977], ["leased", 1977], ["knock", 2001], ["knocks", 2001], ["knockest", 2001], ["knocking", 2001], ["door", 2012], ["pay", 2041], ["pays", 2041], ["payest", 2041], ["much", 2049], ["property", 2072], ["really", 2082], ["worth", 2088], ["sense", 2113], ["ca", 2134], ["cas", 2134], ["downtown", 2183], ["downtowns", 2183], ["amarillo", 2192], ["die", 2198], ["dying", 2198], ["dynamic", 2240], ["area", 2255], ["areas", 2255], ["texas", 2264], ["active", 2290], ["civic", 2296], ["civics", 2296], ["association", 2308], ["constantly", 2327], ["thing", 2340], ["things", 2340], ["promote", 2351], ["promotes", 2351], ["area", 2369], ["wo", 2377], ["get", 2406], ["getting", 2406], ["tenant", 2414], ["tenants", 2414], ["nice", 2469], ["build", 2479], ["building", 2479], ["buildings", 2479], ["modern", 2522], ["skyscraper", 2533], ["class", 2559], ["classest", 2559], ["classing", 2559], ["style", 2569], ["sell", 2591], ["sells", 2591], ["sold", 2591], ["smile", 2620], ["smiled", 2620], ["stan", 2665], ["stans", 2665], ["four", 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["wonderest", 3847], ["favor", 3874], ["favorest", 3874], ["give", 3900], ["gave", 3900], ["curious", 3913], ["look", 3918], ["title", 3947], ["company", 3955], ["companys", 3955], ["companying", 3955], ["usually", 3967], ["use", 3971], ["friend", 3999], ["ron", 4005], ["johnson", 4013], ["big", 4028], ["bigs", 4028], ["help", 4072], ["helpest", 4072], ["law", 4093], ["practice", 4102], ["ground", 4117], ["wonder", 4135], ["wonderest", 4135], ["wondering", 4135], ["let", 4152], ["lets", 4152], ["close", 4164], ["ponder", 4211], ["pondered", 4211], ["request", 4222], ["requestest", 4222], ["moment", 4235]]
it does n't matter what their name is , they all are underwritten by the same insurance companies . anyway commercial title has been kind of taking me for granted anyway . it will be good for them to realize i can go to any title company i want . maybe they will become a little more responsive to my needs in the future . '' `` well i 've got to get going . nice seeing you again gwen . cynthia , '' i said . `` do n't forget the panhandle deal has got to close in ten days . be sure your guy at big d is ready . '' when i got back to the office i immediately called ron johnson and told him the good news . he was delighted he was going to get to close on a 2.5 million dollar office building , not just once but twice . i felt good because he had been so helpful to me when i needed him and now i was able to repay him . he assured me he would be ready for the closing in ten days . that afternoon it began to rain and before long general burton showed up . i wondered if he ever actually worked . i never saw him take a client to look at real estate and he never talked about any properties he was trying to sell . the only thing i ever saw him do was go play golf or take some old friend out to lunch . my curiosity finally got the best of me so i asked him about it . `` general burton , i know you 're in the commercial real estate business , but i never hear you talking about any properties or projects your working on . '' `` you know stan i 've got a nice pension from the army so i do n't need to make a lot of money , besides in my business you only need to make a sale once or twice a year to do well . '' `` i guess i 'm in the wrong business . '' `` well most real estate agents work very hard , i 'm just lucky because i 'm a retired general and i 've got lots of friends who do most of my work for me . '' `` i guess you 've earned it . '' `` i 've paid my dues , '' general burton said . i 've got some good news about melba thorn . '' `` you wanted to talk to someone who knew her well . '' `` well we 're having lunch today with jane thorn brown . '' `` her daughter ? '' `` right , i used to see her quite a lot when i knew her parents , so i just gave her a call . she was really happy to hear from me so i invited her to lunch . '' `` oh man , that 's great . now maybe we can find out what in the hell is going on . '' 12 the merger at noon the door swung open and jane thorn brown made her appearance . she was a slim brunette , about 5'4 '' and appeared to be in her early 30 's . general burton took her into his office for a few minutes , for what purpose i was n't sure , but shortly thereafter they appeared at my door . `` jane , i want you to meet stan turner . '' `` oh , i am delighted to meet you mr. turner . general burton was just telling me about you . '' `` the pleasure is definitely mine . '' `` i hope you will go to lunch with us , '' jane said . `` well let 's be off then , '' general burton said . `` nonsense , my driver is out front with the limousine , '' jane said . jane introduced us to her driver , ralph hopkins . he was young , athletic and apparently very serious as i never once saw him give even a hint of a smile . `` ralph is a great driver . he 's been with me now for over five years . i do n't know what i would do without him , '' jane said . we rode in jane 's limousine to the italian alps , a five star italian restaurant well known for its exquisite northern italian cuisine . when the waiter spotted the general , he immediately took us to a corner table away from the usual bustle of the lunch time crowd . after we were settled in and had given the waiter our orders , general burton began to reminisce with jane . `` i can remember you when you were in high school . did n't you attend immaculate heart ? '' `` yes , that was a long time ago , '' jane replied . `` your mother was so proud of you . she wanted you to be a teacher as i recall . '' `` actually she wanted me to be a college professor . she was really into education . she believed that education was the key to solving most of the world 's ills . '' `` well , i would tend to agree with her , '' general burton said . `` if there is any one force that can change the world for the better it would certainly be our teachers . '' `` she was so disappointed when i refused to go to college . it was like i had betrayed her .
[["matter", 18], ["mattering", 18], ["name", 34], ["underwrite", 65], ["underwrites", 65], ["underwritten", 65], ["insurance", 87], ["company", 97], ["companys", 97], ["companying", 97], ["companies", 97], ["anyway", 106], ["commercial", 117], ["title", 123], ["kind", 137], ["take", 147], ["taking", 147], ["grant", 162], ["grantest", 162], ["granted", 162], ["good", 187], ["realize", 207], ["go", 216], ["goest", 216], ["company", 237], ["companys", 237], ["companying", 237], ["maybe", 252], ["become", 269], ["little", 278], ["responsive", 294], ["need", 306], ["needest", 306], ["needs", 306], ["future", 320], ["well", 333], ["wells", 333], ["get", 343], ["got", 343], ["get", 350], ["go", 356], ["goest", 356], ["going", 356], ["nice", 363], ["see", 370], ["seeing", 370], ["gwen", 385], ["cynthia", 395], ["say", 407], ["sayest", 407], ["said", 407], ["forget", 426], ["forgot", 426], ["panhandle", 440], ["deal", 445], ["close", 462], ["ten", 469], ["day", 474], ["days", 474], ["sure", 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["wrought", 1699], ["hard", 1709], ["lucky", 1727], ["retire", 1750], ["retired", 1750], ["lot", 1777], ["lots", 1777], ["friend", 1788], ["friends", 1788], ["earn", 1849], ["earned", 1849], ["pay", 1871], ["pays", 1871], ["payest", 1871], ["paid", 1871], ["due", 1879], ["dues", 1879], ["melba", 1943], ["thorn", 1949], ["talk", 1976], ["know", 1996], ["knowest", 1996], ["knew", 1996], ["today", 2044], ["jane", 2054], ["janes", 2054], ["brown", 2066], ["browns", 2066], ["daughter", 2087], ["right", 2101], ["rightest", 2101], ["use", 2110], ["used", 2110], ["see", 2117], ["quite", 2127], ["parent", 2157], ["parents", 2157], ["give", 2174], ["gave", 2174], ["call", 2185], ["really", 2202], ["happy", 2208], ["invite", 2237], ["invites", 2237], ["invited", 2237], ["oh", 2261], ["man", 2265], ["mans", 2265], ["manned", 2265], ["great", 2281], ["find", 2305], ["hell", 2326], ["hells", 2326], ["merger", 2357], ["noon", 2365], ["door", 2374], ["swung", 2380], ["swing", 2380], ["open", 2385], ["appearance", 2426], ["slim", 2443], ["brunette", 2452], ["brunettes", 2452], ["appear", 2480], ["appeared", 2480], ["early", 2499], ["take", 2527], ["took", 2527], ["minute", 2565], ["minutes", 2565], ["purpose", 2584], ["shortly", 2613], ["thereafter", 2624], ["meet", 2680], ["meeted", 2680], ["turner", 2692], ["mr", 2735], ["tell", 2777], ["telling", 2777], ["pleasure", 2811], ["definitely", 2825], ["mine", 2830], ["hope", 2845], ["let", 2903], ["lets", 2903], ["nonsense", 2957], ["driver", 2969], ["front", 2982], ["limousine", 3001], ["limousines", 3001], ["introduce", 3034], ["introduced", 3034], ["ralph", 3059], ["young", 3082], ["youngest", 3082], ["athletic", 3093], ["athletics", 3093], ["apparently", 3108], ["serious", 3121], ["give", 3150], ["even", 3155], ["evens", 3155], ["hint", 3162], ["hinting", 3162], ["smile", 3173], ["five", 3241], ["fived", 3241], ["year", 3247], ["years", 3247], ["without", 3287], ["ride", 3316], ["rode", 3316], ["italian", 3352], ["italians", 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3915], ["college", 3962], ["professor", 3972], ["education", 4004], ["believe", 4019], ["believed", 4019], ["key", 4046], ["keyed", 4046], ["keyest", 4046], ["solve", 4057], ["solving", 4057], ["world", 4075], ["ill", 4083], ["ills", 4083], ["illest", 4083], ["tend", 4111], ["agree", 4120], ["force", 4185], ["change", 4201], ["well", 4226], ["wells", 4226], ["certainly", 4245], ["teacher", 4261], ["teachers", 4261], ["refuse", 4308], ["refused", 4308], ["like", 4339], ["betray", 4354], ["betrayed", 4354], ["betraying", 4354]]
she would n't talk to me for months . '' `` why did n't you want to go to college ? '' `` i am just not the intellectual type , '' jane replied . `` i was tired of school , i wanted to travel , to meet people and maybe work in my father 's business or start a business of my own . '' `` i can identify with that , i never liked school much , '' i said . `` i always felt like i would never use what they were teaching me . for instance i took six years of french and i have n't spoken a word of french to anyone in the past five years . '' `` exactly , i was tired of learning . i wanted to experience , to taste life , '' jane said . `` so , how did it work out ? '' my dad would n't let me work in the business , he said a woman 's place is at home . of course , mom was mad at me for not going to college so she made sure none of my travel plans got funded . '' `` she got over it though , did n't she ? '' `` oh , of course , particularly after dad died . we had to pull together to bear the tragedy . '' `` yes , your father was a fine man and a great businessman . i do n't know of anyone who could analyze the merits of a business deal so quickly and accurately as your father . '' `` you 're very kind , general . '' `` i was doubly shocked to hear just the other day of your mother 's sudden death , '' general burton said . `` and such a horrid way to die . '' mom had been bugging robert and i to bring our families to colorado and vacation with her . she was so excited that we were finally all together and then all of sudden she 's dead . '' `` do you have any idea why she was driving alone in the mountains ? that seemed uncharacteristic of your mother . '' `` there had been a fight between mom and robert . she was upset and wanted to go for a drive . her driver was out having the limo fixed so she got in one of the rented cadillacs and just took off . i figured she would calm down and return after a few hours but when we all got back from horseback riding she was still gone . after four or five hours had passed i became very worried and called the police . it was then that they told me of the accident . '' `` i wonder what your mother and robert could have been arguing about that would make her so upset that she would take off like that . your mom is so mild mannered it just seems so strange , '' general burton said . `` robert was upset that mom would n't let him run the business . he wanted more power , he did n't like the way mom was giving away so much money to all her charities . he was frustrated because mom would torpedo all his ideas for expansion and reorganization of the business . if i recall , at the time they were arguing something about a merger between taylor 's company and thorn realty . taylor keeps me in the dark about his business , so i 'm not sure exactly what the argument was about , but it was very intense . '' `` general burton mentioned your mother 's death to me earlier , i 'm very sorry , '' i said . `` did the police find out why your mom 's car went out of control ? '' `` he thinks she hit a deer . they found one dead on the side of the road near where her car went off . apparently as she came around a sharp turn she was suddenly confronted by the deer . she veered to the right to avoid hitting it , however it was too late . when she hit it , she lost control of the car . jane said as she began to weep , `` and . and it spun off the cliff . '' `` i am so sorry , jane , '' general burton said . `` we should n't be talking about this . i should be able to talk about it now . the waiter brought our food and the conversation waned as we enjoyed the exquisite meal . jane seemed like a nice woman who was deeply hurt by the loss of her mother and father . i could understand her grief as i had lost my father recently as well , but i did n't quite understand all the inner-workings in the thorn family , so i pressed for more details . `` so , is your brother running the business now ? '' well he and taylor are actually . they merged their two businesses about a year ago , '' jane said . `` so what are you doing now , jane ? '' `` do you have any children yet ? '' `` no , no children . i 've been doing some of the traveling that i 've always wanted to do . '' `` does taylor travel with you ? '' he 's too wrapped up in the business for that . i usually take one of my friends and , of course , ralph comes along to watch out for us .
[["talk", 18], ["month", 35], ["months", 35], ["go", 70], ["goest", 70], ["college", 81], ["intellectual", 120], ["type", 125], ["jane", 135], ["janes", 135], ["reply", 143], ["replied", 143], ["tired", 160], ["school", 170], ["schooling", 170], ["travel", 191], ["meet", 201], ["meeted", 201], ["people", 208], ["maybe", 218], ["work", 223], ["wrought", 223], ["father", 236], ["fathered", 236], ["fathering", 236], ["business", 248], ["start", 257], ["identify", 301], ["never", 321], ["like", 327], ["liked", 327], ["much", 339], ["say", 351], ["sayest", 351], ["said", 351], ["always", 365], ["feel", 370], ["felt", 370], ["like", 375], ["use", 393], ["teach", 417], ["instance", 435], ["take", 442], ["took", 442], ["six", 446], ["year", 452], ["years", 452], ["french", 462], ["speak", 484], ["spoken", 484], ["word", 491], ["anyone", 511], ["past", 523], ["five", 528], ["fived", 528], ["exactly", 550], ["learn", 576], ["learns", 576], ["learnt", 576], ["learning", 576], ["experience", 601], ["experienced", 601], ["taste", 612], ["life", 617], ["lifes", 617], ["dad", 674], ["let", 688], ["lets", 688], ["woman", 730], ["womans", 730], ["place", 739], ["home", 750], ["homing", 750], ["course", 762], ["mom", 768], ["moms", 768], ["mad", 776], ["mads", 776], ["go", 796], ["goest", 796], ["going", 796], ["sure", 824], ["none", 829], ["plan", 848], ["plans", 848], ["get", 852], ["got", 852], ["fund", 859], ["funded", 859], ["though", 890], ["oh", 915], ["particularly", 942], ["die", 957], ["died", 957], ["pull", 974], ["together", 983], ["bear", 991], ["bore", 991], ["bearest", 991], ["tragedy", 1003], ["yes", 1015], ["fine", 1040], ["man", 1044], ["mans", 1044], ["manned", 1044], ["great", 1056], ["businessman", 1068], ["know", 1084], ["knowest", 1084], ["analyze", 1112], ["analyzes", 1112], ["merit", 1123], ["merits", 1123], ["deal", 1142], ["quickly", 1153], ["accurately", 1168], ["kind", 1209], ["general", 1219], ["doubly", 1240], ["shock", 1248], ["shocked", 1248], ["hear", 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["horseback", 1971], ["ride", 1978], ["rode", 1978], ["riding", 1978], ["still", 1992], ["go", 1997], ["goest", 1997], ["gone", 1997], ["four", 2010], ["pass", 2035], ["passed", 2035], ["become", 2044], ["became", 2044], ["call", 2068], ["called", 2068], ["police", 2079], ["tell", 2108], ["told", 2108], ["accident", 2127], ["wonder", 2144], ["wonderest", 2144], ["argue", 2196], ["arguing", 2196], ["take", 2251], ["mild", 2287], ["seem", 2310], ["seeming", 2310], ["seems", 2310], ["strange", 2321], ["run", 2399], ["power", 2435], ["give", 2476], ["giving", 2476], ["away", 2481], ["money", 2495], ["moneys", 2495], ["charity", 2516], ["charities", 2516], ["frustrate", 2536], ["frustrated", 2536], ["torpedo", 2562], ["torpedoed", 2562], ["idea", 2576], ["ideas", 2576], ["expansion", 2590], ["reorganization", 2609], ["recall", 2639], ["recallest", 2639], ["time", 2653], ["merger", 2696], ["taylor", 2711], ["company", 2722], ["companys", 2722], ["companying", 2722], ["thorn", 2732], ["realty", 2739], ["keep", 2754], ["keepest", 2754], ["keeps", 2754], ["dark", 2769], ["argument", 2833], ["intense", 2869], ["mention", 2902], ["mentioned", 2902], ["early", 2937], ["sorry", 2955], ["find", 2992], ["car", 3016], ["go", 3021], ["goest", 3021], ["went", 3021], ["control", 3036], ["think", 3054], ["thinkest", 3054], ["thinks", 3054], ["hit", 3062], ["deer", 3069], ["find", 3082], ["found", 3082], ["side", 3103], ["sidest", 3103], ["road", 3115], ["near", 3120], ["apparently", 3156], ["come", 3168], ["came", 3168], ["around", 3175], ["sharp", 3183], ["sharps", 3183], ["turn", 3188], ["suddenly", 3205], ["confront", 3216], ["confronted", 3216], ["veer", 3241], ["veered", 3241], ["right", 3254], ["rightest", 3254], ["avoid", 3263], ["hit", 3271], ["hitting", 3271], ["however", 3284], ["late", 3300], ["lates", 3300], ["lose", 3329], ["lost", 3329], ["begin", 3373], ["began", 3373], ["weep", 3381], ["weeps", 3381], ["spin", 3404], ["spun", 3404], ["cliff", 3418], ["cliffs", 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["wraps", 4298], ["wrapping", 4298], ["wrapped", 4298], ["usually", 4338], ["friend", 4361], ["friends", 4361], ["ralph", 4385], ["come", 4391], ["comes", 4391], ["along", 4397], ["watch", 4406]]
but , enough about me , what have you been doing general ? '' `` playing lots of golf , '' i noted . general burton gave me a wounded look . `` do n't mind stan , he 's just jealous because he 's just starting out in his career and has lots of hard work ahead of him . as you know i 'm coasting on the fruits of forty years of labor . '' `` well , no one deserves it more than you general , '' jane replied . i was just giving the general a bad time today about all the golf he played . he so eloquently pointed out to me , however , that the important thing in the business world was not how hard , but how smart you worked . '' `` well , general burton is a wise man , so i recommend you listen carefully to everything he tells you , '' jane advised . after lunch ralph drove us back to the office . we had learned a lot , but the puzzle was far from complete . i did n't dare tell jane that her mother , or someone claiming to be her mother , had been calling me . that would have to wait until i had confirmed that melba was indeed alive . for now i had to plan my next move . where did i go from here to get closer to the truth ? it seemed i had three options , go to amarillo to scour all the nursing homes for evidence that melba was being held in one of them , go to colorado to find out more about the accident or i could confront robert thorn once again now that i had more information . somehow i did n't feel ready for robert thorn so i opted to go to colorado via amarillo . my only problems were time and money , i did n't have either . friday was a busy day , in the morning i had the big panhandle building closing and in the afternoon gena lombardi 's creditor 's meeting . but even if i had the time the money i had collected from kurt harrison for last month 's billing was gone and there was no way i could afford a week 's travel . my only hope was if general burton would fund the trip since he was as interested in solving the mystery of melba thorn as i was . when i told him of my dilemma he not only agreed to pay all my expenses but insisted his travel agent make all the arrangements . i told him it would have to wait until monday , however , due to the friday closing and rebekah 's weekend job at north central receiving hospital . during the afternoon i began final preparations for the panhandle closing . while i was engrossed in my work the phone rang . it was bird . `` hey listen , sheila and i have to come up friday to meet with tomlinson . we thought we 'd stay the weekend , so i wanted to take you up on your dinner invitation . '' `` oh , saturday . well , rebekah works on the weekends so we 'll have to work around her schedule . '' `` that 's okay just check with her and give me a call friday over at inca so we can coordinate our plans . '' what are you going to be doing with tomlinson ? '' `` we 're making final preparations on parker # 3 . we want to start drilling in a couple of weeks . '' `` so you 're telling me i 've got to decide pretty quick whether to cash in my chips or put them down on parker # 3 . '' `` it looks that way , we 've almost sold the well out so tomlinson is closing it to further investors on friday . as a matter of fact , when you call me friday let me know your decision . if you want to get paid i 'll have tomlinson cut you a check otherwise we 'll need you to come by and sign an investor letter . '' `` i guess i 've got some hard thinking to do , '' i said . `` it 's only money , stan . if you take the money your just going to spend it anyway . take a little risk . if the well comes in and you 're sitting on the outside looking in you 'll never forgive yourself . '' i 've got to talk to rebekah about it . money 's kind of tight right now . '' `` well , let us know . i 'll talk to you on friday , '' bird said . `` okay , say hello to sheila . '' bird 's call upset me . it was a bad weekend for he and sheila to come to dallas . friday was already going to be a bitch of a day and now i had to make a decision on parker # 3 to boot . then on saturday rebekah was going to meet sheila . i had worried about that ever since i came back from corpus .
[["enough", 12], ["general", 56], ["play", 72], ["playest", 72], ["playing", 72], ["lot", 77], ["lots", 77], ["golf", 85], ["golfs", 85], ["note", 98], ["noted", 98], ["burton", 115], ["give", 120], ["gave", 120], ["wind", 133], ["wound", 133], ["wounding", 133], ["wounded", 133], ["look", 138], ["mind", 155], ["minding", 155], ["stan", 160], ["stans", 160], ["jealous", 181], ["start", 209], ["starting", 209], ["career", 227], ["hard", 248], ["work", 253], ["wrought", 253], ["ahead", 259], ["know", 280], ["knowest", 280], ["coast", 294], ["coasting", 294], ["fruit", 308], ["fruits", 308], ["forty", 317], ["year", 323], ["years", 323], ["labor", 332], ["well", 345], ["wells", 345], ["deserve", 363], ["deserved", 363], ["deserves", 363], ["jane", 398], ["janes", 398], ["reply", 406], ["replied", 406], ["give", 426], ["giving", 426], ["bad", 444], ["time", 449], ["today", 455], ["play", 484], ["playest", 484], ["played", 484], ["eloquently", 503], ["point", 511], ["pointed", 511], ["however", 531], ["important", 552], ["thing", 558], ["business", 574], ["world", 580], ["smart", 613], ["work", 624], ["wrought", 624], ["worked", 624], ["wise", 664], ["man", 668], ["mans", 668], ["manned", 668], ["recommend", 685], ["recommendest", 685], ["listen", 696], ["listens", 696], ["carefully", 706], ["everything", 720], ["tell", 729], ["tells", 729], ["advise", 751], ["advised", 751], ["lunch", 765], ["lunches", 765], ["lunched", 765], ["ralph", 771], ["drive", 777], ["drove", 777], ["back", 785], ["office", 799], ["learn", 816], ["learns", 816], ["learnt", 816], ["learned", 816], ["lot", 822], ["puzzle", 839], ["far", 847], ["complete", 861], ["dare", 878], ["tell", 883], ["mother", 904], ["mothered", 904], ["motherest", 904], ["claim", 926], ["claiming", 926], ["call", 962], ["calling", 962], ["wait", 991], ["waitest", 991], ["confirm", 1013], ["confirmed", 1013], ["melba", 1024], ["indeed", 1035], ["alive", 1041], ["plan", 1065], ["next", 1073], ["move", 1078], ["go", 1095], ["goest", 1095], ["get", 1112], ["close", 1119], ["closer", 1119], ["truth", 1132], ["seem", 1144], ["seeming", 1144], ["seemed", 1144], ["three", 1156], ["option", 1164], ["options", 1164], ["amarillo", 1181], ["scour", 1190], ["nursing", 1206], ["home", 1212], ["homing", 1212], ["homes", 1212], ["evidence", 1225], ["hold", 1251], ["held", 1251], ["colorado", 1283], ["find", 1291], ["accident", 1319], ["confront", 1339], ["robert", 1346], ["roberts", 1346], ["thorn", 1352], ["information", 1395], ["somehow", 1405], ["feel", 1420], ["ready", 1426], ["opt", 1454], ["optest", 1454], ["opted", 1454], ["via", 1476], ["problem", 1504], ["problems", 1504], ["money", 1524], ["moneys", 1524], ["either", 1548], ["friday", 1557], ["busy", 1568], ["busied", 1568], ["day", 1572], ["morning", 1589], ["big", 1603], ["bigs", 1603], ["panhandle", 1613], ["build", 1622], ["building", 1622], ["close", 1630], ["closing", 1630], ["afternoon", 1651], ["gena", 1656], ["creditor", 1677], ["meeting", 1688], ["even", 1699], ["evens", 1699], ["collect", 1743], ["collected", 1743], ["kurt", 1753], ["harrison", 1762], ["last", 1771], ["month", 1777], ["billing", 1788], ["go", 1797], ["goest", 1797], ["gone", 1797], ["way", 1818], ["ways", 1818], ["afford", 1833], ["week", 1840], ["travel", 1850], ["hope", 1865], ["fund", 1898], ["trip", 1907], ["tripping", 1907], ["since", 1913], ["interested", 1934], ["solve", 1945], ["solving", 1945], ["mystery", 1957], ["mysteries", 1957], ["tell", 1995], ["told", 1995], ["dilemma", 2013], ["dilemmas", 2013], ["agree", 2032], ["agreed", 2032], ["pay", 2039], ["pays", 2039], ["payest", 2039], ["expense", 2055], ["expenses", 2055], ["insist", 2068], ["insistest", 2068], ["insisted", 2068], ["agent", 2085], ["arrangement", 2111], ["arrangements", 2111], ["monday", 2159], ["mondays", 2159], ["due", 2175], ["rebekah", 2209], ["weekend", 2220], ["job", 2224], ["jobbing", 2224], ["north", 2233], ["central", 2241], ["receive", 2251], ["receiving", 2251], ["hospital", 2260], ["begin", 2291], ["began", 2291], ["final", 2297], ["preparation", 2310], ["preparations", 2310], ["engross", 2360], ["engrossed", 2360], ["phone", 2381], ["bird", 2400], ["hey", 2409], ["sheila", 2425], ["come", 2444], ["meet", 2462], ["meeted", 2462], ["tomlinson", 2477], ["think", 2490], ["thinkest", 2490], ["thought", 2490], ["stay", 2501], ["take", 2535], ["dinner", 2557], ["invitation", 2568], ["oh", 2579], ["saturday", 2590], ["saturdays", 2590], ["work", 2613], ["wrought", 2613], ["works", 2613], ["weekend", 2629], ["weekends", 2629], ["around", 2659], ["schedule", 2672], ["okay", 2693], ["check", 2704], ["give", 2722], ["call", 2732], ["inca", 2752], ["coordinate", 2773], ["coordinatest", 2773], ["plan", 2783], ["plans", 2783], ["go", 2807], ["goest", 2807], ["going", 2807], ["parker", 2885], ["start", 2908], ["drill", 2917], ["drilling", 2917], ["couple", 2929], ["week", 2938], ["weeks", 2938], ["tell", 2965], ["telling", 2965], ["get", 2978], ["got", 2978], ["decide", 2988], ["pretty", 2995], ["prettiest", 2995], ["quick", 3001], ["whether", 3009], ["cash", 3017], ["cashed", 3017], ["chip", 3029], ["chipping", 3029], ["chips", 3029], ["put", 3036], ["look", 3077], ["looks", 3077], ["almost", 3102], ["sell", 3107], ["sells", 3107], ["sold", 3107], ["investor", 3168], ["investors", 3168], ["matter", 3192], ["mattering", 3192], ["fact", 3200], ["let", 3230], ["lets", 3230], ["decision", 3252], ["pay", 3278], ["pays", 3278], ["payest", 3278], ["paid", 3278], ["cut", 3303], ["otherwise", 3325], ["need", 3337], ["needest", 3337], ["sign", 3361], ["investor", 3373], ["letter", 3380], ["lettering", 3380], ["guess", 3396], ["say", 3443], ["sayest", 3443], ["said", 3443], ["spend", 3521], ["spends", 3521], ["spendest", 3521], ["anyway", 3531], ["little", 3547], ["risk", 3552], ["riskest", 3552], ["come", 3572], ["comes", 3572], ["sat", 3595], ["sit", 3595], ["sitting", 3595], ["outside", 3610], ["look", 3618], ["looking", 3618], ["never", 3635], ["forgive", 3643], ["forgived", 3643], ["forgiving", 3643], ["talk", 3675], ["kind", 3711], ["tight", 3720], ["right", 3726], ["rightest", 3726], ["say", 3818], ["sayest", 3818], ["hello", 3824], ["hellos", 3824], ["upset", 3858], ["already", 3941], ["bitch", 3961], ["boot", 4025], ["worry", 4093], ["worried", 4093], ["ever", 4109], ["everest", 4109], ["come", 4122], ["came", 4122], ["corpus", 4139]]
rebekah was no dummy , she would sense the tension between sheila and i immediately and then when i got home i would get barraged with questions about my trip to corpus christi . what 's going on between you and sheila , she would want to know . if she found out about the little excursion on blackbird one , i was a dead man . as i was finishing up the panhandle paperwork i thought i would call kurt and ron to see if everything was set for friday . it was already wednesday and if anything else had to be done i needed to find out about it soon . i called kurt first . gwen answered . `` is kurt around ? '' `` no , the president and loan officer from worldwide savings and loan flew up in their corporate jet and picked up kurt on their way to amarillo to check out the panhandle building before the closing on friday . '' `` so everything looks good for friday ? '' i overheard kurt making luncheon reservations for everybody at pierre 's place at the plaza of the americas . i think he intends it to be a closing party . '' `` a closing party . i never heard of that . '' `` kurt likes to celebrate after important closings . '' okay , well tell kurt if he needs me to give me a call . '' after i hung up i called ron johnson to see if everything was ready for the closing . he advised me it was , so i packed up my briefcase to go home . i was about to leave when i remembered i needed to call gena lombardi to remind her of her creditor 's meeting friday . she was not at home so i left her a message on her answering machine to meet me at the federal courthouse fifteen minutes before the two o'clock hearing on friday . when i got home i had to go immediately to soccer practice with reggie . when we returned dinner was ready , so the family sat down together to eat . i thought it was a good time to discuss coordination of our schedules for the next few days . `` friday is going to be a busy day , '' i said . `` you 've got your big closing do n't you ? '' `` yes , but i also have a two o'clock creditors meeting . there 's no way i can get home by two-thirty . can your mother come over until five ? '' `` probably , but i 'll have to call her to be sure . '' `` i got a call from bird logan today . he wants us to have dinner with he and his wife saturday . '' `` but i 've got to work , '' rebekah said . `` that 's what i told him but he wanted me to check with you anyway . '' `` well , maybe i can get someone to trade shifts with me . i 'll have to call the hospital and find out whos working saturday . '' `` do n't knock yourself out . it 's not critical that we have dinner with them . `` i know it 's important for you to socialize with your clients , so you can get to know them better . let me call around and see if someone will switch shifts me . '' `` okay , if you can but it 's no big deal . '' rebekah got up and went into the other room to make a phone call . `` is grandma going to babysit friday ? '' `` that 's right , '' i replied . rebekah walked back into the room and sat down . she smiled and said , `` i got my shift changed to seven to three . '' `` good then , we 're all set . '' 13 the panhandle building the parties began to gather at big d title company at 9:30 a.m. ron johnson had arranged two conference rooms , one for the sellers and one for the buyers . when i arrived cynthia carson was talking to pete hall and george sanders . `` hi stan , '' cynthia replied . pete and george got up and we shook hands . `` you guys ready to put this deal to bed ? '' `` i guess so , '' pete replied . `` did the people at worldwide ever inspect the building ? '' `` yes , they went out to amarillo wednesday and they were quite pleased with how it looked , '' cynthia replied . just then ron johnson came in with a secretary carrying a large stack of documents . `` good morning gentlemen , . miss carson , '' ron said . `` here are all the closing documents for your review . '' ron placed a set of documents on the table and then excused himself to go give a set to the sellers . shortly after he left tom tower arrived . `` good morning everybody , '' he said . `` is everybody ready to make some money ? '' `` i 'm ready , '' pete said . `` have you read all these documents stan ? '' `` yes , but you all need to read them too , '' i replied . `` if you 've read them i do n't see why i should , '' george said .
[["rebekah", 7], ["dummy", 20], ["sense", 38], ["tension", 50], ["sheila", 65], ["immediately", 83], ["get", 103], ["got", 103], ["home", 108], ["homing", 108], ["get", 120], ["barrage", 129], ["question", 144], ["questions", 144], ["trip", 158], ["tripping", 158], ["corpus", 168], ["go", 192], ["goest", 192], ["going", 192], ["know", 243], ["knowest", 243], ["find", 258], ["found", 258], ["little", 279], ["excursion", 289], ["blackbird", 302], ["blackbirds", 302], ["dead", 321], ["man", 325], ["mans", 325], ["manned", 325], ["finish", 346], ["finishing", 346], ["panhandle", 363], ["paperwork", 373], ["think", 383], ["thinkest", 383], ["thought", 383], ["call", 396], ["kurt", 401], ["ron", 409], ["see", 416], ["everything", 430], ["set", 438], ["friday", 449], ["already", 466], ["wednesday", 476], ["anything", 492], ["else", 497], ["need", 521], ["needest", 521], ["needed", 521], ["find", 529], ["soon", 547], ["call", 558], ["called", 558], ["first", 569], ["firstest", 569], ["gwen", 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1146], ["wells", 1146], ["tell", 1151], ["need", 1168], ["needest", 1168], ["needs", 1168], ["give", 1179], ["hang", 1207], ["hung", 1207], ["hangs", 1207], ["johnson", 1231], ["ready", 1262], ["advise", 1291], ["advised", 1291], ["pack", 1315], ["packed", 1315], ["briefcase", 1331], ["go", 1337], ["goest", 1337], ["left", 1365], ["leave", 1365], ["remember", 1383], ["rememberest", 1383], ["remembered", 1383], ["gena", 1405], ["remind", 1424], ["creditor", 1444], ["meeting", 1455], ["left", 1494], ["leave", 1494], ["message", 1508], ["answer", 1525], ["answeres", 1525], ["answerest", 1525], ["answering", 1525], ["machine", 1533], ["meet", 1541], ["meeted", 1541], ["federal", 1559], ["courthouse", 1570], ["fifteen", 1578], ["minute", 1586], ["minutes", 1586], ["two", 1601], ["twos", 1601], ["hearing", 1617], ["soccer", 1679], ["soccers", 1679], ["practice", 1688], ["reggie", 1700], ["return", 1719], ["returnest", 1719], ["returned", 1719], ["dinner", 1726], ["family", 1752], ["sat", 1756], ["sit", 1756], ["together", 1770], ["eat", 1777], ["time", 1808], ["discuss", 1819], ["discusses", 1819], ["discussest", 1819], ["coordination", 1832], ["schedule", 1849], ["schedules", 1849], ["next", 1862], ["day", 1871], ["days", 1871], ["busy", 1905], ["busied", 1905], ["day", 1909], ["say", 1921], ["sayest", 1921], ["said", 1921], ["big", 1947], ["bigs", 1947], ["yes", 1978], ["also", 1991], ["creditor", 2020], ["creditors", 2020], ["thirty", 2075], ["mother", 2093], ["mothered", 2093], ["motherest", 2093], ["come", 2098], ["five", 2114], ["fived", 2114], ["probably", 2131], ["sure", 2171], ["bird", 2202], ["logan", 2208], ["logans", 2208], ["today", 2214], ["wife", 2264], ["saturday", 2273], ["saturdays", 2273], ["work", 2303], ["wrought", 2303], ["tell", 2346], ["told", 2346], ["anyway", 2392], ["maybe", 2413], ["trade", 2440], ["shift", 2447], ["shifts", 2447], ["hospital", 2489], ["work", 2515], ["wrought", 2515], ["working", 2515], ["knock", 2545], ["knocks", 2545], ["knockest", 2545], ["critical", 2579], ["socialize", 2658], ["socializes", 2658], ["client", 2676], ["clients", 2676], ["well", 2713], ["wells", 2713], ["let", 2719], ["lets", 2719], ["switch", 2765], ["switching", 2765], ["deal", 2823], ["go", 2852], ["goest", 2852], ["went", 2852], ["room", 2872], ["roomed", 2872], ["phone", 2888], ["grandma", 2909], ["grandmas", 2909], ["babysit", 2926], ["right", 2955], ["rightest", 2955], ["reply", 2970], ["replied", 2970], ["walk", 2987], ["walked", 2987], ["back", 2992], ["smile", 3032], ["smiled", 3032], ["shift", 3061], ["change", 3069], ["changed", 3069], ["seven", 3078], ["three", 3087], ["party", 3165], ["parties", 3165], ["begin", 3171], ["began", 3171], ["gather", 3181], ["gatherest", 3181], ["title", 3196], ["company", 3204], ["companys", 3204], ["companying", 3204], ["arrange", 3242], ["arranging", 3242], ["arranged", 3242], ["conference", 3257], ["conferencing", 3257], ["room", 3263], ["roomed", 3263], ["rooms", 3263], ["seller", 3285], ["sellers", 3285], ["buyer", 3308], ["buyers", 3308], ["arrive", 3325], ["arrived", 3325], ["cynthia", 3333], ["carson", 3340], ["talk", 3352], ["talking", 3352], ["pete", 3360], ["hall", 3365], ["george", 3376], ["sander", 3384], ["sanders", 3384], ["hi", 3392], ["stan", 3397], ["stans", 3397], ["shake", 3456], ["shook", 3456], ["hand", 3462], ["hands", 3462], ["guy", 3476], ["guys", 3476], ["put", 3489], ["bed", 3506], ["guess", 3522], ["people", 3563], ["ever", 3581], ["everest", 3581], ["inspect", 3589], ["inspectest", 3589], ["quite", 3672], ["pleased", 3680], ["look", 3699], ["looked", 3699], ["come", 3749], ["came", 3749], ["secretary", 3769], ["carry", 3778], ["carrying", 3778], ["large", 3786], ["stack", 3792], ["stacks", 3792], ["document", 3805], ["documents", 3805], ["morning", 3823], ["gentleman", 3833], ["gentlemen", 3833], ["miss", 3842], ["review", 3919], ["place", 3935], ["placed", 3935], ["table", 3967], ["tabled", 3967], ["tabling", 3967], ["excuse", 3984], ["excused", 3984], ["shortly", 4034], ["tom", 4052], ["tower", 4058], ["towered", 4058], ["towerest", 4058], ["money", 4150], ["moneys", 4150], ["read", 4203], ["reads", 4203], ["need", 4259], ["needest", 4259]]
`` what do we pay you for ? '' `` well , actually you 're not paying me , kurt is , and it 's just good business to read everything before you sign it , '' i stressed . `` where is kurt anyway ? '' cynthia went to the window , looked outside and said , `` he should be here any minute . '' i picked up the closing documents and started passing them around . `` go ahead and start looking these over and if you have any questions i 'll be happy to answer them . '' i looked at my watch and it was now 10:15 . i wondered what had happened to kurt . it was not unusual for him to be late but this was an important closing and i was surprised he was n't here . the parties began to get restless so cynthia tried to call around to find kurt . at 11:03 we were advised the sellers were going to leave in ten minutes if kurt did n't show up . several minutes later ron johnson came in and advised us kurt was on his way and would be there in five minutes . at 11:15 kurt finally walked into the room . `` good morning , gentlemen , '' kurt said as he walked over to the head of the table and opened his briefcase . `` it 's damn near afternoon kurt , '' george said . `` i 'm sorry i 'm late but i had to do a little last minute negotiating with worldwide savings before we could close this deal , '' kurt replied . `` i thought the financing was all worked out weeks ago ? '' `` it was more or less but they wanted me to pledge all of my profits against your note . i told them i could n't do that because i needed that money to fund some of the rehabilitation costs on the building , '' kurt said . `` so did you get it resolved ? '' `` yes , they 're going to let me take two thirds of the money and put one third in a cd and pledge it against the new note . '' `` how long will it take you to do the rehab ? '' `` well , there are fifteen floors in the panhandle building , seven floors have already been done , and they are ninety percent leased . so that means we have eight floors to totally rehab and then lease up . i would say that would take maybe six months . the nice thing is we 're already cash flowing with the existing tenants . '' ron johnson entered the room accompanied by two well dressed men . `` excuse me , but i want to introduce lawrence wylie , the president of worldwide savings and his attorney , mark pointer , '' ron said . are we ready to close ? '' everyone acknowledged they were ready , so ron collected the three $ 100,000 checks from the buyers and began passing around documents for signature . when everything had been signed , mr. wylie went to the phone and called his office . when he got off the phone he said , `` the loan proceeds are being wired as i speak . '' ron left the room and everyone began conversing with one another . during the break i took the opportunity to compliment kurt on his dealings with worldwide savings . `` you 're one hell of a salesman , '' i said . `` i 've never heard of a banker turning loose of collateral once he got his greasy palms on it . '' `` they wanted this deal , i could smell it , '' kurt said . `` that gave me a lot of leverage . '' ron johnson came back into the room and asked for everyone 's attention . `` gentlemen , the funds are in our account so the closing is complete . my secretary has a copy of all the documents for each of you . thank you for closing with big d title and i hope we can serve you again soon . '' kurt then stood up and spoke to the gathering . `` before everyone leaves , i want to invite all of you to a luncheon celebration at pierre 's place at the plaza of the americas at noon . this transaction is going to be very lucrative for all of us and i think we have good reason to celebrate . pierre 's has valet parking on the pearl street entrance which i would recommend . so , i hope to see all you very soon . '' the closing broke up and everyone headed downtown for the party . as i drove up in front of the plaza of the americas i noticed kurt right behind me in his maserati . after they took my pinto i waited for him . the parking attendant 's eyes lit up when he saw kurt 's car . kurt got out , handed the attendant a $ 20 bill and said , `` take good care of this one . i do n't want any scratches . '' after everyone was seated in the restaurant kurt thanked them for their help in putting the panhandle building deal together . he promised the buyers they were going to make lots of money when the project was completed and resold .
[["pay", 17], ["pays", 17], ["payest", 17], ["well", 38], ["wells", 38], ["pay", 68], ["pays", 68], ["payest", 68], ["paying", 68], ["kurt", 78], ["good", 103], ["business", 112], ["read", 120], ["reads", 120], ["everything", 131], ["sign", 147], ["stress", 166], ["stressed", 166], ["anyway", 192], ["cynthia", 205], ["go", 210], ["goest", 210], ["went", 210], ["window", 224], ["windows", 224], ["look", 233], ["looked", 233], ["outside", 241], ["say", 250], ["sayest", 250], ["said", 250], ["minute", 284], ["pick", 298], ["picked", 298], ["close", 313], ["closing", 313], ["document", 323], ["documents", 323], ["start", 335], ["started", 335], ["pass", 343], ["passing", 343], ["around", 355], ["go", 363], ["goest", 363], ["ahead", 369], ["start", 379], ["look", 387], ["looking", 387], ["question", 428], ["questions", 428], ["happy", 443], ["answer", 453], ["answeres", 453], ["answerest", 453], ["watch", 484], ["wonder", 518], ["wonderest", 518], ["wondered", 518], ["happen", 536], ["happened", 536], ["unusual", 565], ["late", 584], ["lates", 584], ["important", 610], ["party", 668], ["parties", 668], ["begin", 674], ["began", 674], ["get", 681], ["restless", 690], ["try", 707], ["tryed", 707], ["tried", 707], ["call", 715], ["find", 730], ["advise", 762], ["advised", 762], ["seller", 774], ["sellers", 774], ["go", 785], ["goest", 785], ["going", 785], ["left", 794], ["leave", 794], ["ten", 801], ["minute", 809], ["minutes", 809], ["show", 830], ["several", 843], ["later", 857], ["ron", 861], ["johnson", 869], ["come", 874], ["came", 874], ["way", 912], ["ways", 912], ["five", 939], ["fived", 939], ["finally", 971], ["walk", 978], ["walked", 978], ["room", 992], ["roomed", 992], ["morning", 1010], ["gentleman", 1022], ["gentlemen", 1022], ["head", 1067], ["table", 1080], ["tabled", 1080], ["tabling", 1080], ["open", 1091], ["opened", 1091], ["briefcase", 1105], ["damn", 1121], ["damned", 1121], ["near", 1126], ["afternoon", 1136], ["george", 1153], ["sorry", 1174], ["little", 1209], ["last", 1214], ["worldwide", 1248], ["saving", 1256], ["savings", 1256], ["close", 1278], ["deal", 1288], ["reply", 1306], ["replied", 1306], ["think", 1321], ["thinkest", 1321], ["thought", 1321], ["financing", 1335], ["work", 1350], ["wrought", 1350], ["worked", 1350], ["week", 1360], ["weeks", 1360], ["ago", 1364], ["less", 1392], ["pledge", 1421], ["profit", 1439], ["profits", 1439], ["note", 1457], ["tell", 1466], ["told", 1466], ["need", 1508], ["needest", 1508], ["needed", 1508], ["money", 1519], ["moneys", 1519], ["fund", 1527], ["rehabilitation", 1554], ["cost", 1560], ["costs", 1560], ["build", 1576], ["building", 1576], ["resolve", 1623], ["resolved", 1623], ["yes", 1635], ["let", 1659], ["lets", 1659], ["take", 1667], ["two", 1671], ["twos", 1671], ["third", 1678], ["thirds", 1678], ["put", 1699], ["third", 1709], ["cd", 1717], ["new", 1747], ["long", 1769], ["longs", 1769], ["rehab", 1802], ["fifteen", 1835], ["floor", 1842], ["floors", 1842], ["panhandle", 1859], ["seven", 1876], ["already", 1896], ["ninety", 1928], ["nineties", 1928], ["percent", 1936], ["lease", 1943], ["leasing", 1943], ["leased", 1943], ["mean", 1959], ["meanest", 1959], ["means", 1959], ["eight", 1973], ["totally", 1991], ["lease", 2012], ["leasing", 2012], ["say", 2029], ["sayest", 2029], ["maybe", 2051], ["six", 2055], ["month", 2062], ["months", 2062], ["nice", 2073], ["thing", 2079], ["cash", 2102], ["cashed", 2102], ["flow", 2110], ["flows", 2110], ["flowing", 2110], ["exist", 2128], ["existest", 2128], ["existing", 2128], ["tenant", 2136], ["tenants", 2136], ["enter", 2161], ["entered", 2161], ["accompany", 2182], ["accompanied", 2182], ["man", 2206], ["mans", 2206], ["manned", 2206], ["men", 2206], ["excuse", 2218], ["introduce", 2247], ["lawrence", 2256], ["wylie", 2262], ["president", 2278], ["attorney", 2316], ["mark", 2323], ["marks", 2323], ["pointer", 2331], ["ready", 2360], ["everyone", 2383], ["acknowledge", 2396], ["acknowledged", 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["palmed", 3005], ["palmest", 3005], ["smelt", 3057], ["smell", 3057], ["smellest", 3057], ["give", 3090], ["gave", 3090], ["lot", 3099], ["leverage", 3111], ["leveraged", 3111], ["back", 3138], ["ask", 3162], ["asked", 3162], ["attention", 3188], ["fund", 3215], ["funds", 3215], ["account", 3234], ["complete", 3261], ["secretary", 3276], ["copy", 3287], ["thank", 3332], ["thanks", 3332], ["thankest", 3332], ["big", 3357], ["bigs", 3357], ["title", 3365], ["hope", 3376], ["serve", 3389], ["soon", 3404], ["stand", 3425], ["stood", 3425], ["standest", 3425], ["speak", 3438], ["spoken", 3438], ["spoke", 3438], ["gather", 3455], ["gathering", 3455], ["left", 3483], ["leave", 3483], ["leaves", 3483], ["invite", 3502], ["invites", 3502], ["luncheon", 3527], ["celebration", 3539], ["pierre", 3549], ["place", 3558], ["plaza", 3571], ["noon", 3595], ["transaction", 3614], ["lucrative", 3644], ["think", 3670], ["thinkest", 3670], ["reason", 3690], ["reasonest", 3690], ["celebrate", 3703], ["valet", 3725], ["valeting", 3725], ["parking", 3733], ["pearl", 3746], ["pearlest", 3746], ["street", 3753], ["entrance", 3762], ["entrancing", 3762], ["recommend", 3786], ["recommendest", 3786], ["see", 3807], ["broke", 3848], ["break", 3848], ["head", 3871], ["headed", 3871], ["downtown", 3880], ["downtowns", 3880], ["party", 3894], ["drive", 3907], ["drove", 3907], ["front", 3919], ["notice", 3958], ["noticed", 3958], ["right", 3969], ["rightest", 3969], ["behind", 3976], ["maserati", 3995], ["pinto", 4022], ["pintos", 4022], ["wait", 4031], ["waitest", 4031], ["waited", 4031], ["attendant", 4063], ["eye", 4071], ["eyed", 4071], ["eyes", 4071], ["lit", 4075], ["light", 4075], ["see", 4090], ["saw", 4090], ["car", 4102], ["hand", 4126], ["handed", 4126], ["bill", 4152], ["scratch", 4223], ["scratched", 4223], ["scratching", 4223], ["scratches", 4223], ["seat", 4254], ["seated", 4254], ["restaurant", 4272], ["thank", 4285], ["thanks", 4285], ["thankest", 4285], ["thanked", 4285], ["help", 4305], ["helpest", 4305], ["put", 4316], ["putting", 4316], ["together", 4353], ["promise", 4367], ["promised", 4367], ["lot", 4407], ["lots", 4407], ["project", 4433], ["projectest", 4433], ["complete", 4447], ["completed", 4447], ["resold", 4458]]
then the waiters poured everyone a glass of champagne and kurt gave a toast to the new venture . after a lavish lunch kurt handed me an envelope . i opened it to find twenty-five one hundred dollar bills along with a copy of my last statement for $ 2,122.50 . '' `` thank you kurt . but that 's more than you owed . '' `` the rest is a little bonus for the special attention you 've given me . i know i 'm not an easy client at times and i appreciate your patience . and tell ron johnson that was an excellent closing , i may want to use big d from time to time in the future . '' he 'll be glad to hear you were happy with the way things went , '' i said as i looked down at my watch . i 've got to get going i 've got a meeting a 2 p.m. at the federal building . '' i got up , shook hands and left . the payment from kurt was unexpected but could n't have come at a better time since rebekah and i were virtually out of money . as i counted and recounted the money i remembered i needed to call bird to advise him about saturday night and to tell him my decision on parker # 3 . now that i had a few dollars in my pocket the decision on whether to gamble or not became more difficult . had kurt not paid me i would n't have had any choice but to ask for a check . i figured if inca paid me now it would be about twenty-five hundred dollars . that was a lot of money to me at the time as just three months earlier i had been making three hundred dollars a week . by the time i got to the federal building i still did n't know what to do . i felt like parker # 3 was almost a sure thing based on the information id seen , but i had never had any luck gambling in the past , so what made me think my luck would be any different now . in desperation i pulled out a coin and decided to flip for it , heads gamble , tails take the check . i threw the coin in air and let it fall to the ground . i knelt down and saw that it was heads . a sick feeling came over me . glancing at my watch i saw it was nearly two o'clock so i went to telephone booth to call logan . `` hey , rebekah was able to switch around her shifts so well be available saturday night . '' `` good , sheila is really looking forward to meeting rebekah . '' `` rebekah is anxious to meet sheila , too . how about 7:30 ? '' `` listen , about parker # 3 . ah , i decided to . i guess , go ahead and invest in the well , '' i stuttered . `` you 're going to invest ? '' i think that 's a wise decision . you 'll need to drop by and sign an investor letter . or , if you want , i 'll just bring it by saturday night to save you a trip over here . '' i 'll just drop by , '' i said . there was no way i wanted the topic of parker # 3 to come up with rebekah around . `` good then , we 'll see you and rebekah tomorrow . '' it was getting late so i took the elevator up to the ninth floor to the trustee 's meeting room . gena was leaning against the wall across from the doorway . she was wearing a short red babydoll dress and carried a matching purse . as i approached her she stood up straight and smiled . `` stan , you made it . i was worried you would n't come , '' gena said . `` i told you i would be here . '' `` i know , but i 'm just nervous . do think any of my creditors will be here ? '' `` no , this should be real easy . all i am going to do is ask you if everything on your bankruptcy schedules is true and correct and why you had to file bankruptcy . there 's going to be five or ten other people having their creditor meetings now too , so you wo n't be alone . '' `` come on , we better get inside before they call your case . '' we went inside and sat down amongst the crowd of debtors , creditors and attorneys . the trustee walked in with his secretary and sat down . he fumbled with his tape recorder and after he got it going he commenced the meeting . `` ladies and gentlemen , i 'm robert olson . i have been appointed as interim trustee to administer your case . the cases will be called in the order in which they were filed . everyone making an appearance will need to sign in . the first case is gena lombardi . '' i stood up and motioned for gena to come forward and sit at the table in front of the trustee . she reluctantly got up , walked to the table and sat down . `` this is case number 79-43217 in the united states district court for the northern district of texas .
[["waiter", 16], ["waiters", 16], ["pour", 23], ["poured", 23], ["everyone", 32], ["glass", 40], ["champagne", 53], ["kurt", 62], ["give", 67], ["gave", 67], ["toast", 75], ["new", 86], ["venture", 94], ["lavish", 111], ["lunch", 117], ["lunches", 117], ["lunched", 117], ["hand", 129], ["handed", 129], ["envelope", 144], ["open", 155], ["opened", 155], ["find", 166], ["twenty", 173], ["five", 178], ["fived", 178], ["hundred", 190], ["dollar", 197], ["bill", 203], ["bills", 203], ["along", 209], ["copy", 221], ["last", 232], ["statement", 242], ["thank", 271], ["thanks", 271], ["thankest", 271], ["owe", 313], ["owes", 313], ["owing", 313], ["owed", 313], ["rest", 330], ["little", 342], ["bonus", 348], ["special", 364], ["attention", 374], ["give", 388], ["given", 388], ["know", 400], ["knowest", 400], ["easy", 417], ["client", 424], ["time", 433], ["times", 433], ["appreciate", 450], ["appreciates", 450], ["patience", 464], ["tell", 475], ["ron", 479], ["johnson", 487], ["excellent", 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["remembered", 979], ["need", 988], ["needest", 988], ["needed", 988], ["call", 996], ["bird", 1001], ["advise", 1011], ["saturday", 1030], ["saturdays", 1030], ["night", 1036], ["decision", 1064], ["parker", 1074], ["dollar", 1109], ["dollars", 1109], ["pocket", 1122], ["pocketing", 1122], ["whether", 1146], ["gamble", 1156], ["gambling", 1156], ["become", 1170], ["became", 1170], ["difficult", 1185], ["pay", 1205], ["pays", 1205], ["payest", 1205], ["paid", 1205], ["choice", 1240], ["ask", 1251], ["check", 1263], ["figure", 1275], ["figured", 1275], ["inca", 1283], ["lot", 1358], ["three", 1399], ["month", 1406], ["months", 1406], ["early", 1414], ["week", 1461], ["still", 1513], ["feel", 1546], ["felt", 1546], ["like", 1551], ["almost", 1573], ["sure", 1580], ["thing", 1586], ["base", 1592], ["basest", 1592], ["based", 1592], ["information", 1611], ["see", 1619], ["seen", 1619], ["never", 1637], ["luck", 1650], ["gambling", 1659], ["past", 1671], ["think", 1695], ["thinkest", 1695], ["different", 1726], ["desperation", 1747], ["pull", 1756], ["pulled", 1756], ["coin", 1767], ["decide", 1779], ["decided", 1779], ["flip", 1787], ["flipping", 1787], ["head", 1802], ["heads", 1802], ["tail", 1817], ["tailed", 1817], ["tails", 1817], ["take", 1822], ["throw", 1842], ["threw", 1842], ["air", 1858], ["airs", 1858], ["airing", 1858], ["let", 1866], ["lets", 1866], ["fall", 1874], ["falls", 1874], ["ground", 1888], ["knelt", 1898], ["see", 1911], ["saw", 1911], ["sick", 1938], ["feeling", 1946], ["come", 1951], ["came", 1951], ["glance", 1970], ["glancing", 1970], ["nearly", 2002], ["two", 2006], ["twos", 2006], ["telephone", 2037], ["booth", 2043], ["logan", 2057], ["logans", 2057], ["hey", 2066], ["able", 2085], ["abled", 2085], ["switch", 2095], ["switching", 2095], ["around", 2102], ["shift", 2113], ["shifts", 2113], ["well", 2121], ["wells", 2121], ["available", 2134], ["good", 2162], ["sheila", 2171], ["really", 2181], ["look", 2189], ["looking", 2189], ["forward", 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["dress", 2982], ["dressest", 2982], ["carry", 2994], ["carried", 2994], ["matching", 3005], ["purse", 3011], ["approach", 3029], ["approaches", 3029], ["approached", 3029], ["stand", 3043], ["stood", 3043], ["standest", 3043], ["straight", 3055], ["smile", 3066], ["smiled", 3066], ["stan", 3076], ["stans", 3076], ["worry", 3106], ["worried", 3106], ["tell", 3152], ["told", 3152], ["nervous", 3211], ["creditor", 3242], ["creditors", 3242], ["real", 3288], ["reis", 3288], ["everything", 3341], ["bankruptcy", 3360], ["schedule", 3370], ["schedules", 3370], ["true", 3378], ["correct", 3390], ["file", 3414], ["ten", 3460], ["people", 3473], ["creditor", 3495], ["meeting", 3504], ["meetings", 3504], ["wo", 3524], ["alone", 3537], ["inside", 3576], ["case", 3603], ["sat", 3631], ["sit", 3631], ["amongst", 3644], ["crowd", 3654], ["crowding", 3654], ["crowdest", 3654], ["debtor", 3665], ["debtors", 3665], ["attorney", 3691], ["attorneys", 3691], ["walk", 3712], ["walked", 3712], ["secretary", 3734], ["fumble", 3760], ["fumbled", 3760], ["tape", 3774], ["recorder", 3783], ["commence", 3822], ["commenced", 3822], ["lady", 3846], ["ladies", 3846], ["gentleman", 3860], ["gentlemen", 3860], ["robert", 3874], ["roberts", 3874], ["appoint", 3904], ["appointed", 3904], ["interim", 3915], ["administer", 3937], ["case", 3959], ["cases", 3959], ["call", 3974], ["called", 3974], ["order", 3987], ["orderest", 3987], ["file", 4012], ["filed", 4012], ["appearance", 4044], ["first", 4077], ["firstest", 4077], ["motion", 4128], ["sat", 4161], ["sit", 4161], ["table", 4174], ["tabled", 4174], ["tabling", 4174], ["front", 4183], ["reluctantly", 4216], ["number", 4283], ["numbering", 4283], ["district", 4322], ["court", 4328], ["courting", 4328], ["courtest", 4328], ["northern", 4345], ["northernest", 4345], ["texas", 4363]]
the debtor is here with her counsel of record . please state your name , '' the trustee said . `` gena lombardi . '' `` all right counsel , you may question the witness . '' `` miss lombardi , i 'm going to show you the original petition that you filed in this case along with the schedules attached to it . is the information contained in these documents true and correct ? '' i asked her the standard questions . there were no creditors present , so the trustee took over questioning and went through his list of questions . i was relieved that the meeting had gone so smoothly . as we got up two well dressed men approached gena . `` are you gena lombardi ? '' `` yes , '' gena replied . `` miss lombardi , you 're under arrest . please place your hands on the table . '' `` under arrest ! gena protested . `` stan you ca n't let them do this . '' `` we 're deputy u.s. marshalls . now stand back and do n't interfere . '' one of the officers frisked gena for weapons and then made her put her hands behind her back . gena began to cry . `` stan , come with me . do n't leave me alone , i 'm scared . '' `` okay , if they 'll let me , '' i said . `` to the u.s. marshall 's office on the 16th floor , '' the deputy said . `` i 'll come up with you gena , do n't worry . '' i followed the marshalls as they escorted gena to the elevators . when the doors opened they entered , but when i tried to follow them in one of them said , `` you 'll have to take another elevator , sir . '' by the time i got to the 16th floor gena was nowhere to be found . i went to the main entrance to the u.s. marshalls office and entered . there was a deputy busy doing paperwork at a front desk . `` did they just bring in gena lombardi in here ? '' `` i would n't know , they bring prisoners in the back door , '' he replied . `` can you check and see if she 's here ? '' `` wait a minute , i 'll go check . '' after a few minutes the deputy returned and said , `` she 's here but they 're checking her in now , so you ca n't see her for thirty minutes or so . '' `` can you tell me what the charges are ? '' `` mail fraud , '' he said . when he said mail fraud i suddenly remembered the telephone call from the postal inspectors office . obviously gena had not contacted her criminal attorney after i had informed her of that call . i waited around about forty-five minutes and finally the deputy said i could go see gena . they led me into small detention room where gena was sitting behind a steel mesh screen . we had to talk through an intercom . `` you all right , gena ? '' `` i guess , '' she replied . `` i 'm sorry this happened to you . did n't you call your criminal attorney about the postal inspectors that called me ? '' `` yes , but he would n't do anything unless i brought him a $ 5,000 retainer . '' `` well they have to give you a court appointed attorney , '' i said . `` yeah , but court appointed attorneys are no good . wo n't you defend me , stan ? '' i am not a criminal attorney . the only criminal case i 've been involved in was when i was tried for murder . '' `` you were charged with murder ? '' `` yes , when i was in the marine corps . '' `` i ca n't believe my attorney was charged with murder ? `` i was acquitted . '' `` now , i definitely want you to defend me . i know you 'll be better than anyone the court appoints . if it 's the money , i promise you i 'll pay you every cent of your fee no matter how much it is , '' gena said . `` i 'm sure you would try , but what if you were convicted and went to prison . you obviously could n't pay me then . '' `` my mom would pay you . '' `` just like she 's sent me that five hundred dollar retainer on your bankruptcy . '' gena fell back in her chair and took a deep breath . `` i could kill tony , that bastard . he better hope i never see his pretty face again . '' `` maybe the trustee will find him and make him pay the twenty thousand dollars back . '' `` oh stan ! i just remembered . my corvette is down in the parking lot . you ca n't let them take it . '' `` i do n't know if they 'll let me have it , '' i said . `` please , make them give it to you and keep it for me . '' `` well , i guess i could take it and park it at your house . ''
[["debtor", 10], ["counsel", 35], ["counseled", 35], ["counselled", 35], ["record", 45], ["please", 54], ["state", 60], ["name", 70], ["trustee", 87], ["say", 92], ["sayest", 92], ["said", 92], ["gena", 102], ["right", 129], ["rightest", 129], ["may", 147], ["mays", 147], ["mayest", 147], ["question", 156], ["witness", 168], ["miss", 181], ["go", 203], ["goest", 203], ["going", 203], ["show", 211], ["original", 228], ["petition", 237], ["file", 252], ["filed", 252], ["along", 271], ["schedule", 290], ["schedules", 290], ["attach", 299], ["attached", 299], ["information", 326], ["contain", 336], ["containest", 336], ["contained", 336], ["document", 355], ["documents", 355], ["true", 360], ["correct", 372], ["ask", 385], ["asked", 385], ["standard", 402], ["question", 412], ["questions", 412], ["creditor", 438], ["creditors", 438], ["present", 446], ["presentest", 446], ["take", 468], ["took", 468], ["questioning", 485], ["go", 494], ["goest", 494], ["went", 494], ["list", 511], ["relieve", 541], ["relieved", 541], ["meeting", 558], ["go", 567], ["goest", 567], ["gone", 567], ["smoothly", 579], ["get", 591], ["got", 591], ["two", 598], ["twos", 598], ["well", 603], ["wells", 603], ["man", 615], ["mans", 615], ["manned", 615], ["men", 615], ["approach", 626], ["approaches", 626], ["approached", 626], ["yes", 670], ["arrest", 730], ["place", 745], ["hand", 756], ["hands", 756], ["table", 769], ["tabled", 769], ["tabling", 769], ["protest", 807], ["protestest", 807], ["protested", 807], ["stan", 817], ["stans", 817], ["ca", 824], ["cas", 824], ["let", 832], ["lets", 832], ["deputy", 867], ["marshall", 882], ["marshalls", 882], ["stand", 894], ["stood", 894], ["standest", 894], ["back", 899], ["interfere", 920], ["officer", 945], ["officering", 945], ["officers", 945], ["frisk", 953], ["frisked", 953], ["weapon", 970], ["weapons", 970], ["put", 992], ["behind", 1009], ["begin", 1031], ["began", 1031], ["cry", 1038], ["come", 1055], ["left", 1078], ["leave", 1078], ["alone", 1087], ["scare", 1101], ["scared", 1101], ["okay", 1114], ["marshall", 1173], ["office", 1183], ["floor", 1201], ["worry", 1270], ["worried", 1270], ["follow", 1286], ["followed", 1286], ["escort", 1317], ["escorted", 1317], ["elevator", 1339], ["elevators", 1339], ["door", 1356], ["doors", 1356], ["open", 1363], ["opened", 1363], ["enter", 1376], ["entered", 1376], ["try", 1395], ["tryed", 1395], ["tried", 1395], ["follow", 1405], ["take", 1456], ["another", 1464], ["elevator", 1473], ["sir", 1479], ["sirs", 1479], ["time", 1496], ["nowhere", 1537], ["find", 1549], ["found", 1549], ["main", 1570], ["entrance", 1579], ["entrancing", 1579], ["busy", 1646], ["busied", 1646], ["paperwork", 1662], ["front", 1673], ["desk", 1678], ["bring", 1703], ["know", 1753], ["knowest", 1753], ["prisoners", 1776], ["door", 1793], ["reply", 1809], ["replied", 1809], ["check", 1828], ["see", 1836], ["wait", 1864], ["waitest", 1864], ["minute", 1873], ["go", 1884], ["goest", 1884], ["minute", 1915], ["minutes", 1915], ["return", 1935], ["returnest", 1935], ["returned", 1935], ["check", 1983], ["checking", 1983], ["thirty", 2029], ["tell", 2064], ["charge", 2084], ["charges", 2084], ["mail", 2101], ["fraud", 2107], ["frauds", 2107], ["suddenly", 2157], ["remember", 2168], ["rememberest", 2168], ["remembered", 2168], ["telephone", 2182], ["call", 2187], ["postal", 2203], ["inspector", 2214], ["inspectors", 2214], ["obviously", 2233], ["contact", 2256], ["contacted", 2256], ["criminal", 2269], ["attorney", 2278], ["inform", 2299], ["informs", 2299], ["informed", 2299], ["wait", 2327], ["waitest", 2327], ["waited", 2327], ["around", 2334], ["forty", 2346], ["five", 2351], ["fived", 2351], ["finally", 2371], ["lead", 2418], ["leaded", 2418], ["led", 2418], ["small", 2432], ["detention", 2442], ["room", 2447], ["roomed", 2447], ["sat", 2470], ["sit", 2470], ["sitting", 2470], ["steel", 2485], ["mesh", 2490], ["meshes", 2490], ["meshest", 2490], ["screen", 2497], ["screening", 2497], ["talk", 2514], ["intercom", 2534], ["guess", 2576], ["sorry", 2609], ["happen", 2623], ["happened", 2623], ["call", 2712], ["called", 2712], ["anything", 2758], ["unless", 2765], ["unlesss", 2765], ["bring", 2775], ["brought", 2775], ["retainer", 2798], ["give", 2829], ["court", 2841], ["courting", 2841], ["courtest", 2841], ["appoint", 2851], ["appointed", 2851], ["yeah", 2882], ["attorney", 2914], ["attorneys", 2914], ["good", 2926], ["wo", 2931], ["defend", 2946], ["involve", 3035], ["involved", 3035], ["murder", 3070], ["murderest", 3070], ["charge", 3095], ["charged", 3095], ["marine", 3146], ["marines", 3146], ["corps", 3152], ["believe", 3177], ["acquit", 3234], ["acquitted", 3234], ["definitely", 3261], ["well", 3310], ["wells", 3310], ["anyone", 3322], ["appoint", 3341], ["appoints", 3341], ["money", 3362], ["moneys", 3362], ["promise", 3374], ["pay", 3388], ["pays", 3388], ["payest", 3388], ["every", 3398], ["cent", 3403], ["fee", 3415], ["matter", 3425], ["mattering", 3425], ["much", 3434], ["sure", 3470], ["try", 3484], ["tryed", 3484], ["convict", 3517], ["convicted", 3517], ["prison", 3536], ["mom", 3589], ["moms", 3589], ["like", 3621], ["send", 3633], ["sent", 3633], ["hundred", 3654], ["dollar", 3661], ["bankruptcy", 3689], ["fall", 3704], ["falls", 3704], ["fell", 3704], ["chair", 3722], ["chairing", 3722], ["deep", 3738], ["deeply", 3738], ["breath", 3745], ["breathest", 3745], ["kill", 3763], ["tony", 3768], ["bastard", 3783], ["hope", 3800], ["never", 3808], ["pretty", 3823], ["prettiest", 3823], ["face", 3828], ["maybe", 3848], ["find", 3870], ["twenty", 3902], ["thousand", 3911], ["dollar", 3919], ["dollars", 3919], ["oh", 3935], ["corvette", 3974], ["parking", 3997], ["lot", 4001], ["keep", 4140], ["keepest", 4140], ["park", 4198], ["parks", 4198], ["house", 4215]]
`` you can take it and drive it if you want , just do n't let anyone take it away from me , '' gena said . `` i 'll go ask them about it . i 've got to get going anyway i 've got my mother-in-law at home babysitting . '' `` i do n't know for sure , but probably tomorrow morning after they set your bond , if someone will post it . your court appointed attorney will arrange to get you out . '' `` would you call my mother for me ? '' you hang in there now . i 'll take care of your car and call your mother . '' youre the best attorney i 've ever had . '' `` the cheapest too , i bet . '' `` someday you 'll make lots of money off me , do n't you worry . '' i was severely shaken by gena 's arrest . it was totally unexpected and i felt guilty about not helping her with the postal inspectors . the marshall 's office released gena 's car to me so i was now faced with the logistical problem of getting her car back to her house . i drove the corvette home and then had my father-in-law drive me back downtown to pick up the pinto . i thought about leaving it there hoping it would get stolen but figured with my luck it would just get towed off and i 'd have to pay to get it released . it was n't until nearly 6:30 that i finally got home and relieved my mother-in-law from babysitting . with all the excitement of the afternoon i had n't been able to stop at the bank and deposit the money kurt had given me . after dinner i sat down on the sofa and began playing with the twenty-five hundred dollar bills . peter came over and sat down next to me to watch . `` is that play money , daddy ? '' `` no , actually this is real . '' `` is that a million dollars ? '' it looks like it , dad . '' `` it 's two thousand five hundred dollars . if you multiplied this by four hundred it would be a million dollars , '' i said . `` no , we need it to pay bills and buy groceries . '' seeking to avoid further discussion about the money i put it away and suggested we all play fish . i put marcia in my lap and leaned against the sofa in front of the coffee table . the three boys sat around the table and the game began . we played about an hour until reggie had beaten us all pretty badly . i do n't why but he was a whiz at any kind of game . it was late , so i put marcia and peter to bed and mark , reggie and i watched tv for another hour until it was their bedtime . at 11:30 p.m. rebekah came home . i was asleep on the sofa and did n't hear her come in . she sat down next to me and gave me a kiss . i opened my eyes , looked at her and smiled . `` tough day , honey ? '' i sat up and looked at rebekah . `` there was a boating accident this afternoon at lake dallas . they brought in a man whose head had been sliced up pretty badly by a propeller . '' `` he was damn near dead when he came in but the doctors tried everything to keep him alive . his wife was hysterical , she kept asking me if he was okay . i told her we were doing everything we could but i knew in my heart he would die . '' `` im sorry , honey . '' `` i kept thinking what if that were you or one of the kids . i do n't want you or the kids to ever go skiing . '' `` accidents can happen anytime doing anything , '' i said . `` if you had seen what i did , you 'd feel the same way . '' `` i 'm kind of upset too , '' i said . `` gena lombardi got arrested today at her creditor 's meeting . '' `` no , it was horrible . of course , she was worried more about losing her yellow corvette than being in jail . oh , guess what else , '' i said . `` kurt paid me today , twenty-five hundred dollar bills . '' `` peter thought it was a million dollars . '' `` that 's a sweet thought . '' i guess i better tell you one other thing . '' she looked at me intently . `` i do n't like the tone of your voice . '' `` i took the plunge on parker # 3 . '' `` you didnt ? we agreed not to do that . i dont remember agreeing to anything . rebekah glared at me.oh ! i am so pissed , stanley turner . we could have really used that money . now well probably lose it all . '' but since we never got it we wo n't miss it . maybe we 'll get lucky and the well will come in . '' `` it better for your sake . '' `` just think , over seven grand a month . can you imagine getting that before you even got up in the morning .
[["take", 15], ["drive", 28], ["let", 61], ["lets", 61], ["anyone", 68], ["away", 81], ["gena", 99], ["say", 104], ["sayest", 104], ["said", 104], ["go", 118], ["goest", 118], ["ask", 122], ["get", 148], ["got", 148], ["get", 155], ["go", 161], ["goest", 161], ["going", 161], ["anyway", 168], ["mother", 188], ["mothered", 188], ["motherest", 188], ["law", 195], ["home", 203], ["homing", 203], ["babysitted", 215], ["babysitting", 215], ["know", 237], ["knowest", 237], ["sure", 246], ["probably", 261], ["tomorrow", 270], ["tomorrows", 270], ["morning", 278], ["set", 293], ["bond", 303], ["post", 326], ["court", 342], ["courting", 342], ["courtest", 342], ["appoint", 352], ["appointed", 352], ["attorney", 361], ["arrange", 374], ["arranging", 374], ["call", 412], ["hang", 443], ["hung", 443], ["hangs", 443], ["car", 486], ["good", 527], ["best", 527], ["ever", 547], ["everest", 547], ["cheap", 572], ["cheapest", 572], ["bet", 584], ["someday", 600], ["lot", 618], ["lots", 618], ["money", 627], ["moneys", 627], ["worry", 653], ["worried", 653], ["severely", 673], ["shake", 680], ["shaken", 680], ["arrest", 698], ["totally", 715], ["unexpected", 726], ["feel", 737], ["felt", 737], ["guilty", 744], ["help", 762], ["helpest", 762], ["helping", 762], ["postal", 782], ["inspector", 793], ["inspectors", 793], ["marshall", 808], ["office", 818], ["release", 827], ["released", 827], ["face", 864], ["faced", 864], ["logistical", 884], ["problem", 892], ["get", 903], ["getting", 903], ["back", 916], ["house", 929], ["drive", 939], ["drove", 939], ["corvette", 952], ["father", 980], ["fathered", 980], ["fathering", 980], ["downtown", 1010], ["downtowns", 1010], ["pick", 1018], ["pinto", 1031], ["pintos", 1031], ["think", 1043], ["thought", 1043], ["thinkest", 1043], ["left", 1057], ["leave", 1057], ["leaving", 1057], ["hope", 1073], ["hoping", 1073], ["steal", 1093], ["stole", 1093], ["stolen", 1093], ["figure", 1105], ["figured", 1105], ["luck", 1118], ["tow", 1142], ["towed", 1142], ["pay", 1167], ["pays", 1167], ["payest", 1167], ["nearly", 1212], ["finally", 1232], ["relieve", 1254], ["relieved", 1254], ["excitement", 1314], ["afternoon", 1331], ["able", 1351], ["abled", 1351], ["stop", 1359], ["bank", 1371], ["deposit", 1383], ["kurt", 1398], ["give", 1408], ["given", 1408], ["dinner", 1426], ["sat", 1432], ["sit", 1432], ["sofa", 1449], ["begin", 1459], ["began", 1459], ["play", 1467], ["playest", 1467], ["playing", 1467], ["twenty", 1483], ["five", 1488], ["fived", 1488], ["hundred", 1496], ["dollar", 1503], ["bill", 1509], ["bills", 1509], ["peter", 1517], ["peters", 1517], ["come", 1522], ["came", 1522], ["next", 1545], ["watch", 1560], ["play", 1578], ["playest", 1578], ["daddy", 1592], ["real", 1627], ["reis", 1627], ["million", 1653], ["dollar", 1661], ["dollars", 1661], ["look", 1675], ["looks", 1675], ["like", 1680], ["dad", 1689], ["two", 1707], ["twos", 1707], ["thousand", 1716], ["multiply", 1757], ["multiplied", 1757], ["four", 1770], ["need", 1838], ["needest", 1838], ["buy", 1862], ["buyed", 1862], ["grocery", 1872], ["groceries", 1872], ["seek", 1885], ["seeking", 1885], ["avoid", 1894], ["discussion", 1913], ["put", 1935], ["suggest", 1957], ["suggested", 1957], ["fish", 1974], ["fishes", 1974], ["fishest", 1974], ["marcia", 1989], ["lap", 1999], ["laps", 1999], ["lapping", 1999], ["lean", 2010], ["leans", 2010], ["leaned", 2010], ["front", 2036], ["coffee", 2050], ["table", 2056], ["tabled", 2056], ["tabling", 2056], ["three", 2068], ["boy", 2073], ["boys", 2073], ["around", 2084], ["game", 2107], ["play", 2125], ["playest", 2125], ["played", 2125], ["hour", 2139], ["reggie", 2152], ["beat", 2163], ["beaten", 2163], ["pretty", 2177], ["prettiest", 2177], ["badly", 2183], ["whiz", 2216], ["kind", 2228], ["late", 2250], ["lates", 2250], ["bed", 2285], ["mark", 2294], ["marks", 2294], ["watch", 2317], ["watched", 2317], ["tv", 2320], ["another", 2332], ["bedtime", 2364], ["bedtimes", 2364], ["rebekah", 2388], ["asleep", 2413], ["hear", 2442], ["hears", 2442], ["come", 2451], ["give", 2489], ["gave", 2489], ["kiss", 2499], ["kisses", 2499], ["kissest", 2499], ["open", 2510], ["opened", 2510], ["eye", 2518], ["eyed", 2518], ["eyes", 2518], ["look", 2527], ["looked", 2527], ["smile", 2545], ["smiled", 2545], ["tough", 2556], ["day", 2560], ["honey", 2568], ["honeys", 2568], ["accident", 2638], ["lake", 2661], ["bring", 2683], ["brought", 2683], ["man", 2692], ["mans", 2692], ["manned", 2692], ["whose", 2698], ["head", 2703], ["slice", 2719], ["sliced", 2719], ["propeller", 2750], ["damn", 2770], ["damned", 2770], ["near", 2775], ["dead", 2780], ["doctor", 2812], ["doctorest", 2812], ["doctoring", 2812], ["doctors", 2812], ["try", 2818], ["tryed", 2818], ["tried", 2818], ["everything", 2829], ["keep", 2837], ["keepest", 2837], ["alive", 2847], ["wife", 2858], ["hysterical", 2873], ["keep", 2884], ["keepest", 2884], ["kept", 2884], ["ask", 2891], ["asking", 2891], ["okay", 2909], ["tell", 2918], ["told", 2918], ["know", 2967], ["knowest", 2967], ["knew", 2967], ["heart", 2979], ["die", 2992], ["sorry", 3009], ["think", 3041], ["thinkest", 3041], ["thinking", 3041], ["kid", 3082], ["kids", 3082], ["skiing", 3132], ["accident", 3150], ["accidents", 3150], ["happen", 3161], ["anytime", 3169], ["anything", 3184], ["see", 3217], ["seen", 3217], ["feel", 3242], ["way", 3255], ["ways", 3255], ["upset", 3282], ["arrest", 3330], ["arrested", 3330], ["today", 3336], ["creditor", 3352], ["meeting", 3363], ["horrible", 3392], ["course", 3404], ["worry", 3422], ["worried", 3422], ["lose", 3440], ["losing", 3440], ["yellow", 3451], ["jail", 3479], ["jails", 3479], ["jailing", 3479], ["jailest", 3479], ["oh", 3484], ["guess", 3492], ["else", 3502], ["pay", 3529], ["pays", 3529], ["payest", 3529], ["paid", 3529], ["sweet", 3644], ["well", 3674], ["wells", 3674], ["better", 3674], ["tell", 3679], ["thing", 3699], ["intently", 3730], ["tone", 3758], ["toned", 3758], ["toning", 3758], ["voice", 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