from glob import glob |
from os.path import join as pjoin |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import plotly.express as px |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
import torch |
import umap.umap_ as umap |
from PIL import Image |
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, linkage |
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform |
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize |
from tqdm import tqdm |
def sentence_mean_pooling(model_output, attention_mask): |
token_embeddings = model_output[ |
0 |
] |
input_mask_expanded = ( |
attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(token_embeddings.size()).float() |
) |
return torch.sum(token_embeddings * input_mask_expanded, 1) / torch.clamp( |
input_mask_expanded.sum(1), min=1e-9 |
) |
def compute_text_embeddings(sentences, text_tokenizer, text_model): |
batch = text_tokenizer( |
sentences, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt" |
) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
model_output = text_model(**batch) |
sentence_embeds = sentence_mean_pooling(model_output, batch["attention_mask"]) |
sentence_embeds /= sentence_embeds.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) |
return sentence_embeds |
def get_compute_image_embedding_blip_vqa_pixels( |
img, blip_processor, blip_model, device="cpu" |
): |
pixel_values = blip_processor(img, "", return_tensors="pt")["pixel_values"].to( |
device |
) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
vision_outputs = blip_model.vision_model( |
pixel_values=pixel_values, |
output_hidden_states=True, |
) |
image_embeds = vision_outputs[0].sum(dim=1).squeeze() |
image_embeds /= image_embeds.norm() |
return image_embeds.detach().cpu().numpy() |
def get_compute_image_embedding_blip_vqa_question( |
img, blip_processor, blip_model, question=None, device="cpu" |
): |
question = "what word best describes this person?" if question is None else question |
inputs = blip_processor(img, question, return_tensors="pt") |
with torch.no_grad(): |
vision_outputs = blip_model.vision_model( |
pixel_values=inputs["pixel_values"].to(device), |
output_hidden_states=True, |
) |
image_embeds = vision_outputs[0] |
image_attention_mask = torch.ones(image_embeds.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long) |
question_embeds = blip_model.text_encoder( |
input_ids=inputs["input_ids"].to(device), |
attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"].to(device), |
encoder_hidden_states=image_embeds, |
encoder_attention_mask=image_attention_mask, |
return_dict=False, |
) |
question_embeds = question_embeds[0] |
question_attention_mask = torch.ones( |
question_embeds.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long |
).to(question_embeds.device) |
bos_ids = torch.full( |
(question_embeds.size(0), 1), |
fill_value=blip_model.decoder_bos_token_id, |
device=question_embeds.device, |
) |
outputs = blip_model.text_decoder.generate( |
input_ids=bos_ids, |
eos_token_id=blip_model.config.text_config.sep_token_id, |
pad_token_id=blip_model.config.text_config.pad_token_id, |
encoder_hidden_states=question_embeds, |
encoder_attention_mask=question_attention_mask, |
) |
answer = blip_processor.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True) |
res_question_embeds = question_embeds.sum(dim=1).squeeze() |
res_question_embeds /= res_question_embeds.norm() |
res_question_embeds = res_question_embeds.detach().cpu().numpy() |
return (res_question_embeds, answer) |
def make_2d_plot(embeds, text_list, color_list=None, shape_list=None, umap_spread=10): |
color_list = [0 for _ in text_list] if color_list is None else color_list |
shape_list = ["circle" for _ in text_list] if shape_list is None else shape_list |
fit = umap.UMAP( |
metric="cosine", |
n_neighbors=len(embeds) - 1, |
min_dist=1, |
n_components=2, |
spread=umap_spread, |
) |
u = fit.fit_transform(embeds) |
fig = go.Figure() |
fig.add_trace( |
go.Scatter( |
x=u[:, 0].tolist(), |
y=u[:, 1].tolist(), |
mode="markers", |
name="nodes", |
marker=dict( |
symbol=shape_list, |
color=color_list, |
), |
text=text_list, |
hoverinfo="text", |
marker_line_color="midnightblue", |
marker_line_width=2, |
marker_size=10, |
opacity=0.8, |
) |
) |
fig.update_yaxes( |
scaleanchor="x", |
scaleratio=1, |
) |
fig.update_layout( |
autosize=False, |
width=800, |
height=800, |
) |
fig.layout.showlegend = False |
return fig |
def make_3d_plot(embeds, text_list, color_list=None, shape_list=None, umap_spread=10): |
color_list = [0 for _ in text_list] if color_list is None else color_list |
shape_list = ["circle" for _ in text_list] if shape_list is None else shape_list |
fit = umap.UMAP( |
metric="cosine", |
n_neighbors=len(embeds) - 1, |
min_dist=1, |
n_components=3, |
spread=umap_spread, |
) |
u = fit.fit_transform(embeds) |
df = pd.DataFrame( |
{ |
"x": u[:, 0].tolist(), |
"y": u[:, 1].tolist(), |
"z": u[:, 2].tolist(), |
"color": color_list, |
"hover": text_list, |
"symbol": shape_list, |
"size": [5 for _ in text_list], |
} |
) |
fig = px.scatter_3d( |
df, |
x="x", |
y="y", |
z="z", |
color="color", |
symbol="symbol", |
size="size", |
hover_data={ |
"hover": True, |
"x": False, |
"y": False, |
"z": False, |
"color": False, |
"symbol": False, |
"size": False, |
}, |
) |
fig.layout.showlegend = False |
return fig |
def sim_pairwise_avg(vecs_1, vecs_2): |
res = np.matmul(np.array(vecs_1), np.array(vecs_2).transpose()).mean() |
return res |
def sim_centroids(vecs_1, vecs_2): |
res = np.dot( |
normalize(np.array(vecs_1).mean(axis=0, keepdims=True), norm="l2")[0], |
normalize(np.array(vecs_2).mean(axis=0, keepdims=True), norm="l2")[0], |
) |
return res |
def sim_pairwise_examplar(vecs_1, vecs_2): |
res = np.matmul(np.array(vecs_1), np.array(vecs_2).transpose()).max() |
return res |
def get_cluster_order(similarity_matrix, label_names=None): |
label_names = ( |
["" for _ in range(similarity_matrix.shape[0])] |
if label_names is None |
else label_names |
) |
dissimilarity = 1 - similarity_matrix |
np.fill_diagonal(dissimilarity, 0.0) |
Z = linkage(squareform(dissimilarity, checks=False), "average") |
ddgr = dendrogram( |
Z, labels=label_names, orientation="top", leaf_rotation=90, no_plot=True |
) |
cluster_order = ddgr["leaves"] |
return cluster_order |
def make_heat_map(sim_matrix, labels_x, labels_y, scale=25): |
fig = go.Figure( |
data=go.Heatmap(z=sim_matrix, x=labels_x, y=labels_y, hoverongaps=False) |
) |
fig.update_yaxes( |
scaleanchor="x", |
scaleratio=1, |
) |
fig.update_layout( |
autosize=False, |
width=scale * len(labels_x), |
height=scale * len(labels_y), |
) |
fig.layout.showlegend = False |
return fig |
def build_heat_map_square( |
img_list, embed_field, sim_fun, label_list, row_order=None, hm_scale=20 |
): |
sim_mat = np.zeros((len(img_list), len(img_list))) |
for i, dct_i in enumerate(img_list): |
for j, dct_j in enumerate(img_list): |
sim_mat[i, j] = sim_fun(dct_i[embed_field], dct_j[embed_field]) |
if row_order is None: |
row_order = get_cluster_order(sim_mat) |
labels_sorted = [label_list[i] for i in row_order] |
sim_mat_sorted = sim_mat[np.ix_(row_order, row_order)] |
heatmap_fig = make_heat_map( |
sim_mat_sorted, labels_sorted, labels_sorted, scale=hm_scale |
) |
return heatmap_fig |
def build_heat_map_rect( |
img_list_rows, |
img_list_cols, |
label_list_rows, |
label_list_cols, |
embed_field, |
sim_fun, |
center=False, |
temperature=5, |
hm_scale=20, |
): |
sim_mat = np.zeros((len(img_list_rows), len(img_list_cols))) |
for i, dct_i in enumerate(img_list_rows): |
for j, dct_j in enumerate(img_list_cols): |
sim_mat[i, j] = sim_fun(dct_i[embed_field], dct_j[embed_field]) |
sim_mat_exp = np.exp(temperature * sim_mat) |
sim_mat_exp /= sim_mat_exp.sum(axis=1, keepdims=1) |
if center: |
sim_mat_exp_avg = sim_mat_exp.mean(axis=0, keepdims=1) |
sim_mat_exp -= sim_mat_exp_avg |
sim_mat_exp_avg = sim_mat_exp_avg * sim_mat_exp.max() / sim_mat_exp_avg.max() |
sim_mat_norm = np.sum(sim_mat_exp * sim_mat_exp, axis=1) |
row_order = np.argsort(sim_mat_norm, axis=-1) |
row_labels_sorted = [label_list_rows[i] for i in row_order] |
if center: |
col_order = np.argsort(sim_mat_exp_avg.sum(axis=0), axis=-1) |
else: |
sim_mat_exp_norm = normalize(sim_mat_exp, axis=0, norm="l2") |
cluster_cols_sim_mat = np.matmul(sim_mat_exp_norm.transpose(), sim_mat_exp_norm) |
col_order = get_cluster_order(cluster_cols_sim_mat) |
col_labels_sorted = [label_list_cols[i] for i in col_order] |
if center: |
row_order = list(row_order) + [len(row_order), len(row_order) + 1] |
row_labels_sorted = row_labels_sorted + ["_", "AVERAGE"] |
sim_mat_exp = np.concatenate( |
[sim_mat_exp, np.zeros_like(sim_mat_exp_avg), sim_mat_exp_avg], axis=0 |
) |
sim_mat_exp_sorted = sim_mat_exp[np.ix_(row_order, col_order)] |
heatmap_fig = make_heat_map( |
sim_mat_exp_sorted, col_labels_sorted, row_labels_sorted, scale=hm_scale |
) |
return heatmap_fig |