3 values
It's just hit me the amount of work I need to do before we break up for Easter, so starting tomorrow I'll have no social
Going to have to work really hard, so I do well at school before we break uo for Easter.
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
It's just hit me the amount of work I need to do before we break up for Easter, so starting tomorrow I'll have no social Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
This sickness must peace out.. NOW ! Wayyyy too much stress keeping my immune system down fts bullshit sick
My immune system is working very hard to combat this disease and I thank you.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
This sickness must peace out.. NOW ! Wayyyy too much stress keeping my immune system down fts bullshit sick Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
wtf is goin on where is he atwhat is he doinis he okaywhy he not hittin me back
I would like to improve our communication as I don't feel like I have enough information.
wtf is goin on where is he atwhat is he doinis he okaywhy he not hittin me back Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I feel like Chandler Bing, because all I can think is 'Could I BE in a worse mood?!?'.
I feel like Chandler Bing, because all I can think is 'Could I BE in a worse mood?. At least I'm funny like him.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
I feel like Chandler Bing, because all I can think is 'Could I BE in a worse mood?!?'. Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
My vibe too fucked up rite now finna listen to music ndd lay down about too much
I'm not feeling well right now can't wait to go home listen to music, and lay down.
My vibe too fucked up rite now finna listen to music ndd lay down about too much Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Yea, I had it rough asFUK , but I kno there's people out there that got it worse the me! RESPECT BLESSED BUT
I know I had it hard, but other people got it worse, so I'm thankful!
Yea, I had it rough asFUK , but I kno there's people out there that got it worse the me! RESPECT BLESSED BUT Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Evryone wants to go to neptunes tomorrow .. Nobody wants to drive Ugghhhh .. stressed Someone sack up
People don't always share the same decisions and that makes life more diverse.
Evryone wants to go to neptunes tomorrow .. Nobody wants to drive Ugghhhh .. stressed Someone sack up Strategy: ['neutralizing']
And this is exactly why I hate group projects! People not doing their part and it will screw my final grade. fml
Im sure if people don’t do their part in a group project then I can talk to the professors and we can sort something out.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
And this is exactly why I hate group projects! People not doing their part and it will screw my final grade. fml Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
I can't believe that in a week from now, I'll be back at school. Idk if I'm excited to go back or sad to be leaving home
In a week I will be back to school. I can't wait to go back and tell my friends about the vacation.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I can't believe that in a week from now, I'll be back at school. Idk if I'm excited to go back or sad to be leaving home Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
My life, my hair, and my face is a mess and I got less than a month to get it together before school.
I need to get organized in time for school, my hair and face can't be messed up when the day comes.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
My life, my hair, and my face is a mess and I got less than a month to get it together before school. Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
I hate waiting until the last minute to write papers for school but i have no motivation to do it when i first get the assignment
Maybe next time I'll be more proactive when I get a project, and I'll start right away.
I hate waiting until the last minute to write papers for school but i have no motivation to do it when i first get the assignment Strategy: ['growth']
What makes the fact im stuck in racking my brains with this assignment worse, is that I got asked to go Manchester. bored
I need to finish my appointments, so I can go to Manchester
What makes the fact im stuck in racking my brains with this assignment worse, is that I got asked to go Manchester. bored Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Going shopping for the 849292727 time looking for a court dress stressed I FEEL YA
I have to find a presentable dress for court
Going shopping for the 849292727 time looking for a court dress stressed I FEEL YA Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Hate how when I get stressed I avoid everything and bury my head in the sand. Then I'm stressed about being stressed.
Stress is a hateful factor that I wish to get rid of very soon.
Hate how when I get stressed I avoid everything and bury my head in the sand. Then I'm stressed about being stressed. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
thank you! The weather is terrible to be driving in. And my car is being weird.
The weather is not good and, my car is being weird. I hope this will get good soon
['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
thank you! The weather is terrible to be driving in. And my car is being weird. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
Wanna thank my girlfriend for last night shitcar wontstart cold but she sorted it out
So glad I have a good girlfriend to help when things go wrong like the car wont start.
Wanna thank my girlfriend for last night shitcar wontstart cold but she sorted it out Strategy: ['thankfulness']
I hate when something that should have taken me an hour TAKE ALL FUCKING DAY INSTEAD
I hate when something that should have taken me an hour. I have to learn to be concentrate.
I hate when something that should have taken me an hour TAKE ALL FUCKING DAY INSTEAD Strategy: ['growth']
So much things to do in such little time, but I know it will all work out! vent
Everything will work out well, I know the extent of my capabilities, and I've dealt with worse situations!
So much things to do in such little time, but I know it will all work out! vent Strategy: ['growth']
When you say a word repeatedly and it sounds as if it has no meaning
When you say a word repeatedly and it sounds as if it has no meaning, it's funny how human brain works
When you say a word repeatedly and it sounds as if it has no meaning Strategy: ['optimism']
please don't release OP5T within next few month, i love my OP5 and don't want to be outdated so soon Panicking
Even if the OP5T gets release I still will love my OP5
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
please don't release OP5T within next few month, i love my OP5 and don't want to be outdated so soon Panicking Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Having a nervous breakdown! Hate my outfit for tomorrow and it's to short notice to find something else
I need to stay calm, I didn't like the outfit I'll be wearing tomorrow but it's been a while to find another one.
Having a nervous breakdown! Hate my outfit for tomorrow and it's to short notice to find something else Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I just can't wrap my mind around all the things I have to pack, and all the people I have to say goodbye to in the next 11 hours
There feels bad to pack many things and saying goodbye to people but it means I will have a new life so that's good.
I just can't wrap my mind around all the things I have to pack, and all the people I have to say goodbye to in the next 11 hours Strategy: ['optimism']
Im not one to give up but ur making it pretty hard for me , ThisBoy GotMeGoingCrazy
This boy is making things hard for me, but I'm persevering, and not going to give up.
Im not one to give up but ur making it pretty hard for me , ThisBoy GotMeGoingCrazy Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
Hey giving shit to deliver that they cant deliver! If I wanted to put on pants, get in my car and go pick up my own things, Id go to in the first place!
tfw you order delivery but have to pick up. service needs improvement
Hey giving shit to deliver that they cant deliver! If I wanted to put on pants, get in my car and go pick up my own things, Id go to in the first place! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Please let these cold symptoms go away I can not get sick this week toomuchtodo
I hope I recover from my cold soon.
Please let these cold symptoms go away I can not get sick this week toomuchtodo Strategy: ['optimism']
im tired if all this i really don't want to do nothing stupid but i have a feeling that i am ugh alot on my mind
It would be great to have a couple of days of free time so that I can clear my head and get into a better frame of mind.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
im tired if all this i really don't want to do nothing stupid but i have a feeling that i am ugh alot on my mind Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
I guess I am off to bed. Beat. Today was rough. No sleep last night. Mind wouldn't shut down. Worried
I didn't sleep last night and had a long day today. Glad I can finally get a chance to sleep.
['impermanence', 'thankfulness']
I guess I am off to bed. Beat. Today was rough. No sleep last night. Mind wouldn't shut down. Worried Strategy: ['impermanence', 'thankfulness']
Hate coming home from work, having to quickly get ready, with nothing to wear. girlproblems
I never have anything to wear. I should treat myself and go shopping for a new wardrobe.
Hate coming home from work, having to quickly get ready, with nothing to wear. girlproblems Strategy: ['optimism']
I was suppose to wake up at 7 and go to my library to study what a damn fail! I am hella tired! work finals tired
I overslept when I intended to go to the library, but I'm glad I got some good sleep.
I was suppose to wake up at 7 and go to my library to study what a damn fail! I am hella tired! work finals tired Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
I have to leave in 20 minutes and nothing is done and I can't find the other half to my uniform UGHHHHH.
I have 20 minutes to get done and to find the rest of my uniform.
I have to leave in 20 minutes and nothing is done and I can't find the other half to my uniform UGHHHHH. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
My son is 2 months away from turning 2 and gawd the terrible twos have already hit him like a truck
My son's starting his terrible 2s, but I'm thankful for every day with him.
My son is 2 months away from turning 2 and gawd the terrible twos have already hit him like a truck Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Seriously need to get my head out my arse and start ironing / packing!! Last minute aallll the time!! lazycow
I'm going to focus and stop procrastinating.
Seriously need to get my head out my arse and start ironing / packing!! Last minute aallll the time!! lazycow Strategy: ['growth']
This week has been another level rubbish. What's the options for a grown woman to fully hibernate for a few days FML
This week has not been that good and it would do me good to hibernate for a few days.
This week has been another level rubbish. What's the options for a grown woman to fully hibernate for a few days FML Strategy: ['optimism']
Seriously stresses out. Never have anyone to talk to about anything when I feel like this
I am feeling stressed, Im going to look for someone I can reach out to
Seriously stresses out. Never have anyone to talk to about anything when I feel like this Strategy: ['growth']
Every time I mention another idea to my parents for college I get shut down. It all leads back to going to moorpark for 2 years..
My parents really want me to go to moorpark, hopefully I can convince them otherwise
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Every time I mention another idea to my parents for college I get shut down. It all leads back to going to moorpark for 2 years.. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I have bit my nails so short, they hurt. And I had previously went almost 3 years without biting them at all.
While not looking for a definitive solution to my nervousness, I will continue biting my nails and feeling this pain.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
I have bit my nails so short, they hurt. And I had previously went almost 3 years without biting them at all. Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
I'm waiting till I just break down. Idk how much more I can handle breakdown sad broken
I'm feeling pretty bad right now, I just need to take some time to be alone and tomorrow I will be better
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
I'm waiting till I just break down. Idk how much more I can handle breakdown sad broken Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Bloody PPI.. I do not have any loans or any payments coming out if my bank other than my phone bill.. :/
I dont need PPI I dont have any loans or payments, I’m super lucky.
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Bloody PPI.. I do not have any loans or any payments coming out if my bank other than my phone bill.. :/ Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Why must I be such a worry wart. I can feel the ulcers accumulating in my tummy :/ anxious
It has been a stressful time, but I am thankful that I have great doctors to help me.
Why must I be such a worry wart. I can feel the ulcers accumulating in my tummy :/ anxious Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Ohhhh Greek week we meet again. It's the worst week but best week! stressed HEYARNOLD
This week is going to be the best, I am going to do so many things.
Ohhhh Greek week we meet again. It's the worst week but best week! stressed HEYARNOLD Strategy: ['optimism']
Washing in, hair being sorted as we speak I do love leaving everything to the last minute Not!!
I have to learn and finish things earlier and not leave them for the last minutes.
Washing in, hair being sorted as we speak I do love leaving everything to the last minute Not!! Strategy: ['optimism']
My family just encourages me to want to lose weight because that's all they talk about, even my little sister worried
I could be an anorexic if I was unable to think for myself. The dysfunctional family is such a bad thing.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
My family just encourages me to want to lose weight because that's all they talk about, even my little sister worried Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Last minute studying before our finals lets do this e_moan finalsweek stressed tired hardwork @
Its great to know that we are almost done with our finals! We should finish strong, we've come this far already.
['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
Last minute studying before our finals lets do this e_moan finalsweek stressed tired hardwork @ Strategy: ['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
My face is so broken out, thanks for the guy who hit me these past two weeks have been so stressful!
Need to have a nice relaxing time and heal my wounds after a tough few weeks.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
My face is so broken out, thanks for the guy who hit me these past two weeks have been so stressful! Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Deciding to move house at 8 months pregnant is a very silly idea, should not of left this till the last minute:( tired
Decision to move the house ar 8 months pregnant does not seem to be a good decision, but the new atmosphere would set my mind at ease.
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
Deciding to move house at 8 months pregnant is a very silly idea, should not of left this till the last minute:( tired Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
I left 15 minutes after I was suppose to and now might be late to my brunch
I might be late for my brunch because I didn't leave on time. I'll put some work into improving my morning routine!
I left 15 minutes after I was suppose to and now might be late to my brunch Strategy: ['growth']
Tired Today I had a statistics midterm exam (part 2), ACT tom, work keys wed, psych quiz and paper fri and write an English paper
I love being so productive and active! I love learning!
Tired Today I had a statistics midterm exam (part 2), ACT tom, work keys wed, psych quiz and paper fri and write an English paper Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
How you can like me one day and treat me like every other person the next
I'm too good for you to act like you like me one day and then treat me like every other person the next day.
How you can like me one day and treat me like every other person the next Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
Why can't I get my children to play in their playroom with their TOYS?! Whoa, it's been a long day. mommyprobs
I hope I can get my children play with their toys in their play room.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Why can't I get my children to play in their playroom with their TOYS?! Whoa, it's been a long day. mommyprobs Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Books for next semester are so expensive. How am I going to pay for all of this
Books for next semester are so expensive. I should budget accordingly
Books for next semester are so expensive. How am I going to pay for all of this Strategy: ['neutralizing']
my professors continual lack in ability to provide proper resources and instructions makes me absolutely insane!
Even if I don’t have the necessary guidance from my teachers, I can get ahead with my knowledge and discipline
['growth', 'neutralizing']
my professors continual lack in ability to provide proper resources and instructions makes me absolutely insane! Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
Um I'll pay anybody to do my math, my opposition paragraph for English and help me study government and anatomy for tomorrow.
Today is a good opportunity to help other people who are willing to help me with my homework.
Um I'll pay anybody to do my math, my opposition paragraph for English and help me study government and anatomy for tomorrow. Strategy: ['growth']
When you're in a bad moo and someone doesn't know when to leave you alone.
I'm going to be patient with people who bother me and practice setting healthy boundaries with others.
When you're in a bad moo and someone doesn't know when to leave you alone. Strategy: ['growth']
Please universe, let me find some reliable, decent paying work so I can get out of this debt pit that a a couple years of really bad mental health put me into.
I could reduce the suffering by accepting the reality. I could also stop caring about money and become a hermit. However, the experience of not being underpaid and have good mental health sounds better. I hope the universe will gift me some luck.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Please universe, let me find some reliable, decent paying work so I can get out of this debt pit that a a couple years of really bad mental health put me into. Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Trying to manage working almost everyday, going to college and making a car payment while trying to buy Christmas presents
Though working hard to make a car payment and going to college is somewhat tedious I am happy about it as I am financially independent.
['growth', 'optimism']
Trying to manage working almost everyday, going to college and making a car payment while trying to buy Christmas presents Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Woke up from one of those worst case scenario all night long cant escape the shit dreams ..
I had a worst-case scenario in last night's dream. I need to relax before bed.
Woke up from one of those worst case scenario all night long cant escape the shit dreams .. Strategy: ['growth']
Sometimes health and fitness is really all I think about and frankly I'm exhausted from it tookovermylife
I'm happy that I care about my health and my physical conditioning, I just need to be in control so that it's not the only thing I think about all the time.
['growth', 'self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
Sometimes health and fitness is really all I think about and frankly I'm exhausted from it tookovermylife Strategy: ['growth', 'self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
Forget it. I'm doneeee. This is exactly why I HATE computers and online assignments. badnight annoyed
I don’t like computers and online assignmente, Hope they discover some other means of education.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Forget it. I'm doneeee. This is exactly why I HATE computers and online assignments. badnight annoyed Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Why does everything have to be due on the same day for every class??? Why???
Teachers should really consider making assignments due on different days, instead of all at once.
Why does everything have to be due on the same day for every class??? Why??? Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Ive been so emotional lately . Sometime I just want to break down and cry .
Emotions are getting the better part of me, so much that I feel like breaking down and crying. But I'm sure I'm not alone and I have to pick things up to get bolder and come out stronger.
['growth', 'impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Ive been so emotional lately . Sometime I just want to break down and cry . Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Why so BUSY :( this month of "AUGUST and SEPTEMBER" is so :( :'( :( huhuhuhu . BUSY feeling stressed
These months of August and September are being very busy, but I'm learning a lot, so that's good.
Why so BUSY :( this month of "AUGUST and SEPTEMBER" is so :( :'( :( huhuhuhu . BUSY feeling stressed Strategy: ['growth']
so much work to do this week why can't i just be off already! :(
As soon as I finish my work, I know I’ll go home!
so much work to do this week why can't i just be off already! :( Strategy: ['impermanence']
Why is it when you need to finish early everything goes wrong should of stayed in bed
I had to finish everything early, and it didn't work out very well. The good thing is that now I can at least rest and keep trying later.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Why is it when you need to finish early everything goes wrong should of stayed in bed Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Falling asleep trying to do my homework .I can't keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds.. frustrating
I'm too sleepy right now. Maybe I should catch on some sleep, feel fresh and then do my homework.
Falling asleep trying to do my homework .I can't keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds.. frustrating Strategy: ['impermanence']
Got all this coloring due tomorrow 6th grader, eh? I had this junior year.
Coloring work due tomorrow for this 6th grader.
Got all this coloring due tomorrow 6th grader, eh? I had this junior year. Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
Why some people cant get it if a girl say no so its mean go away and stop bothering her Storyofmylife
I will make people understand that when a girl says no, it is no.
['growth', 'optimism']
Why some people cant get it if a girl say no so its mean go away and stop bothering her Storyofmylife Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Snowing like mad. Can't leave early, cuz I'll get fired. Really hope the buses are running. I hate winter.
It’s snowing heavily outside. My boss should’ve let everybody leave early, so we can catch the bus home.
Snowing like mad. Can't leave early, cuz I'll get fired. Really hope the buses are running. I hate winter. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
The stress of the economics midterm is worse than exams! Legit feel like I won't make it to the end of the year
The economics midterm and the exams aren't the best, but I'll make it through
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
The stress of the economics midterm is worse than exams! Legit feel like I won't make it to the end of the year Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I think I may go and put some rounds down range before I break and end up on CNN.
Feeling stressed; I'm going to practice my sporting skills.
I think I may go and put some rounds down range before I break and end up on CNN. Strategy: ['growth']
Finished work at 5 and just sat down! Holiday tom TF Work, baby number 2 on the way, moving house tom and getting wed next year
Thank goodness, I'm done with work for the day! I have a lot to look forward to, with another baby, a new house, and a wedding in the next year!
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Finished work at 5 and just sat down! Holiday tom TF Work, baby number 2 on the way, moving house tom and getting wed next year Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Tired? Stressed? In pain? I can help! How to Unleash your Hidden Healing Potential - via
Tired? Stressed? In pain? I can help!
Tired? Stressed? In pain? I can help! How to Unleash your Hidden Healing Potential - via Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I need ah vacation ! Two days at least thtss all I ask for !
I hope I get a vacation of atleast two days so that I can have some peace of mind.
I need ah vacation ! Two days at least thtss all I ask for ! Strategy: ['optimism']
Don't think I could be anymore stressed right now! Give he some alcohol Ffs grr
I am a bit stressed, and I hope some alcohol would make me better.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Don't think I could be anymore stressed right now! Give he some alcohol Ffs grr Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
i cannot physically stay up until 1 doing schoolwork. even though i need to, my body will not let me.
I have to stay up till 1 AM to do my schoolwork, but then I will be able to go to sleep!
i cannot physically stay up until 1 doing schoolwork. even though i need to, my body will not let me. Strategy: ['impermanence']
i hate being FB friends with people from work i have to watch what i say about August and on
I'm determined to improve my interpersonal relationship on FB with people from work.
i hate being FB friends with people from work i have to watch what i say about August and on Strategy: ['neutralizing']
The fact that everyone is getting accepted to university and I haven't is extremely upsetting :( justwantto
The fact that everyone is getting accepted to university and I feel very happy.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
The fact that everyone is getting accepted to university and I haven't is extremely upsetting :( justwantto Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
Why does this have to be so complicated?! Why can't everything just go smoothly and workout the way I need it to?!?
Life is not simple, so I really understand that every day is a battle, even if this is very difficult.
['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
Why does this have to be so complicated?! Why can't everything just go smoothly and workout the way I need it to?!? Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
This lab is due in 12 hours. Please post your data. I'll bake you cookies.
Very happy that I will be able to eat cookies for a long time
This lab is due in 12 hours. Please post your data. I'll bake you cookies. Strategy: ['optimism']
I need a time machine, back to 1999 please. I just need to give myself a bit of advice. sad depressed
Sometimes I want a time machine, to go back to 1999, and I give myself some advice. But time doesn't return. I have to be strong, and look forward instead of worrying about the past.
I need a time machine, back to 1999 please. I just need to give myself a bit of advice. sad depressed Strategy: ['growth']
There is only one reason to go home other than that I can't do it
I will get home eventually and rest for a while!
['impermanence', 'optimism']
There is only one reason to go home other than that I can't do it Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
This is why I hate exams Can't relax, can't stop biting my nails and feeling sick. This can't be good for my health! hateexams
Exams always make me feel sick and anxious, but I believe I can get through this! With good relaxation and stress reducing technique, I will be just fine!
This is why I hate exams Can't relax, can't stop biting my nails and feeling sick. This can't be good for my health! hateexams Strategy: ['optimism']
A bit stressed that in selfridges put the wrong size shoes in my box. Not ideal when it's the day of your party!
I have the wrong size shoes but I know I can run and get some new ones and return these.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
A bit stressed that in selfridges put the wrong size shoes in my box. Not ideal when it's the day of your party! Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
This whole month has been harder then I thought it would be sad justwanttheholidays to be over now
This month has been a hard one for me, but hoping for things to change once the holidays are over.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
This whole month has been harder then I thought it would be sad justwanttheholidays to be over now Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Well I can happily say I'm well an truly fucked for my economics exams tomorrow
Well I can certainly say I'm not prepared for my economics exams tomorrow. Only some good luck could get me through.
Well I can happily say I'm well an truly fucked for my economics exams tomorrow Strategy: ['neutralizing']
So done with this data analysis now :( it all seemed easy when I was just inputting data
I just need to push through this data analysis, and then I can be finished.
So done with this data analysis now :( it all seemed easy when I was just inputting data Strategy: ['impermanence']
I HATE choosing paint!! Yes HATE! I have 8 shades of grey paint on my walls and I can't Decide! !!!! annoyed
Even though it's hard choosing paint, I'm positive I will find a shade I like.
I HATE choosing paint!! Yes HATE! I have 8 shades of grey paint on my walls and I can't Decide! !!!! annoyed Strategy: ['optimism']
Just feel like im not good enough for anything, girlfriend seems mad at me and i fucked up big time :'( depressed
I'm having a bad day but I'm sure it will pass and I can sort things out with my girlfriend.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Just feel like im not good enough for anything, girlfriend seems mad at me and i fucked up big time :'( depressed Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
For the past 11 years I have been procrastinating with school work, and every year it has fucked me over cramforexam
I need to learn how to stop procrastinating with school work, this year I'll break the habit.
For the past 11 years I have been procrastinating with school work, and every year it has fucked me over cramforexam Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
The squirrels on campus have become twice their size in the past two weeks i swear. ?
This is good because it means fewer acorns to step on.
The squirrels on campus have become twice their size in the past two weeks i swear. ? Strategy: ['optimism']
Don't let a mess get you too stressed! That's what KingofMaids is here for! cleaning
Stress is part of everyone's life so it shouldn't be let to control the life.
Don't let a mess get you too stressed! That's what KingofMaids is here for! cleaning Strategy: ['impermanence']
The fact that I have absolutely no idea what grade I have had in ap world ALL NINE WEEKS and the grading period ends Friday..
I have no idea what grade I got in the AP world and the deadline is Friday. The good thing is that I still have a few days, I'll be distracted by other things.
['growth', 'optimism']
The fact that I have absolutely no idea what grade I have had in ap world ALL NINE WEEKS and the grading period ends Friday.. Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
When school and exams are finally over I'm going to need some serious time for retail therapy and hibernation!
When school and exams are finally over I'm going to need some serious time for retail therapy and hibernation! It's a good thing that I'll have the free time to do it starting next week.
['impermanence', 'thankfulness']
When school and exams are finally over I'm going to need some serious time for retail therapy and hibernation! Strategy: ['impermanence', 'thankfulness']
And I'm suppose to take a practice MCAT exam tomorrow which is about to be an absolute fail in my current mindset Mad
I have to change my failure mindset, so I can do the practice MCAT well
And I'm suppose to take a practice MCAT exam tomorrow which is about to be an absolute fail in my current mindset Mad Strategy: ['impermanence']
Please Get well soon " : In so much pain. I hate being sick. My neck fucking hurtttttts.
I am sick and my neck hurts. I hope soon I'll be healed and active again.
Please Get well soon " : In so much pain. I hate being sick. My neck fucking hurtttttts. Strategy: ['impermanence']
How on earth am I supposed to study for my psychology exam tomorrow when I can't stop crying? whyamiemotional
I tend to get very emotional when I have major things happening, like my psychology exam tomorrow. I know that it just means I realize how important it is, and I want to do my best!
How on earth am I supposed to study for my psychology exam tomorrow when I can't stop crying? whyamiemotional Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
It's almost birthday and I have absolutely no idea on what I should get him
I'm trying to think of the perfect gift to show him I love him.
It's almost birthday and I have absolutely no idea on what I should get him Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
Feeling beat down having to pursue something I hate at school rather then continuing to work on what I truly love
Once school is over I can get back to working on my true passion.
Feeling beat down having to pursue something I hate at school rather then continuing to work on what I truly love Strategy: ['impermanence']
Way to much to do and no time to do it :/ to the max.
I will take my own time to do, beacuse having many ways to do.
Way to much to do and no time to do it :/ to the max. Strategy: ['growth']
When ur stressed, don't look down-ur fixatg on life that's already happend or fears of the future.
When you're stressed, don't look on the back but think positively towards the future.
When ur stressed, don't look down-ur fixatg on life that's already happend or fears of the future. Strategy: ['growth']
It worries me slightly that I don't remember any of the Russian RevolutionGulp! Exam is tomorrow!
I am afraid I don't remember any of the Russian Revolution! Hope I remenber it after I brush It up for tomorrow’s exam.
It worries me slightly that I don't remember any of the Russian RevolutionGulp! Exam is tomorrow! Strategy: ['optimism']