3 values
Coffee, I need coffee! I've got water in the bathroom, that sounds ok but it isn't. That water is infiltrating from the roof.
ve got water in the bathroom, but it's not from the taps, it's from the roof! I need to make a call for maintenance and then get me some coffee!
Coffee, I need coffee! I've got water in the bathroom, that sounds ok but it isn't. That water is infiltrating from the roof. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
The day when I actually need to talk to my mom is the day she's impossible to reach. ugh
Annoying I can't get through to my mum right now but at least she's busy and probably having a great time.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
The day when I actually need to talk to my mom is the day she's impossible to reach. ugh Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Have to finish all my Christmas shopping this weekend on half of a paycheck cause I don't get paid again till AFTER Christmas
I will complete my Christmas shopping as soon as possible.
['growth', 'optimism']
Have to finish all my Christmas shopping this weekend on half of a paycheck cause I don't get paid again till AFTER Christmas Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
sometimes all u need is a peace and quiet place..cause everything around you is so loud and
Finding my peace away from everyone is something I value very much.
['optimism', 'self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
sometimes all u need is a peace and quiet place..cause everything around you is so loud and Strategy: ['optimism', 'self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
Parents allow their children to skip school because it is cold or they're stressed. My parents never got that memo.
Some parents raise their children differently than other parents
Parents allow their children to skip school because it is cold or they're stressed. My parents never got that memo. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Crying infront of people is the worst thing to me.. But that fact i couldnt help but cry soo much today kills me embarrassed
I actually cried infront of people today, but in the end I know letting these emotions are a good thing
Crying infront of people is the worst thing to me.. But that fact i couldnt help but cry soo much today kills me embarrassed Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
They stupid ugly looking fucking trams!! Slow fuckers takes about an hour to get through princes street? The bus is overheating
These trams are very slow, and the bus is overheating, but I am glad that I am able to use these old means of transport.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
They stupid ugly looking fucking trams!! Slow fuckers takes about an hour to get through princes street? The bus is overheating Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Actually sick of me life feel so irritated. Wish 8 o'clock would hurry up so a can scran some pancakes then off work for 2 days!
Once I'm done with work tonight, I'm off work for two days!
Actually sick of me life feel so irritated. Wish 8 o'clock would hurry up so a can scran some pancakes then off work for 2 days! Strategy: ['optimism']
Shouldve gotten my softball bat sent to my work. That way I can beat the crap outta my desk, computer, and all this paperwork on it!
Learning to manage anger at work is always challenging!
Shouldve gotten my softball bat sent to my work. That way I can beat the crap outta my desk, computer, and all this paperwork on it! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
If I didnt like my thick head of hair, Id be pulling it ALL out ()
I love having thick hair even if it takes extra work.
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
If I didnt like my thick head of hair, Id be pulling it ALL out () Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
I HATE printers and computers and all the other stupid things that don't do why they're supposed to do!
I hope the printers and computers are of better quality and do their job well.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I HATE printers and computers and all the other stupid things that don't do why they're supposed to do! Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Not tryna do this college life no more swear it's whatever at this point too much on my plate
College is hard, but if I keep at it then I can end up with a good degree.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Not tryna do this college life no more swear it's whatever at this point too much on my plate Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Whata fucking stressful night rarhh needastiffdrink pissedoff feellikeachode kill some bears on ac3 for me PLEASE
The night is over, so now I can just relax and play video games.
Whata fucking stressful night rarhh needastiffdrink pissedoff feellikeachode kill some bears on ac3 for me PLEASE Strategy: ['optimism']
You know your having a bad day when you lose your phone and forget your wallet, and my day hasnt even started.
I will try not to have a bad day.
You know your having a bad day when you lose your phone and forget your wallet, and my day hasnt even started. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
So much to do in so little time. Why do i leave everything till the last minute
I have so much to do in very little time because of postponing everything to the last minute. I’ve decided not to postpone things hereafter.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
So much to do in so little time. Why do i leave everything till the last minute Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
This evidence vault is stressing me out to the max. Less than a week to go and I'm not completely done yet. TeacherProbs
I can't wait to be done with this evidence vault in the next week. It has been stressing me out a bit.
This evidence vault is stressing me out to the max. Less than a week to go and I'm not completely done yet. TeacherProbs Strategy: ['optimism']
I have searched up and down this house for my grandma's blanket And its not here
I know that I will eventually find my grandma's blanket, no need to stress about it.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
I have searched up and down this house for my grandma's blanket And its not here Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Everyone and everything is stressing me out Just knock it off, tomorrow is my birthday and I ain't having none of this crap.
Everyone and everything is stressing me out I have to be calm.
['self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
Everyone and everything is stressing me out Just knock it off, tomorrow is my birthday and I ain't having none of this crap. Strategy: ['self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
Might be commuting for my last year of school depending on how well Mark's interviews go next month
I will stay at this school so I can get a diploma and have a bright future.
Might be commuting for my last year of school depending on how well Mark's interviews go next month Strategy: ['optimism']
Why is it that every time I trust someone I either get hurt or I end up hurting the other person and they get mad at me.. Ugh..
I need to start being more reserved and not so trusting, when I meet people for the first time.
Why is it that every time I trust someone I either get hurt or I end up hurting the other person and they get mad at me.. Ugh.. Strategy: ['growth']
Im telling you one of these days im gonna completely snap and that person is getting a full 20 years of anger held back
Time to learn to ignore despite being provoked by that person for 20 years.
Im telling you one of these days im gonna completely snap and that person is getting a full 20 years of anger held back Strategy: ['growth']
I need a drink. A stiff one. Which might be a problem, considering it is 10.50am.
I want a drink right now, but I'm sure if I wait that craving will go away.
I need a drink. A stiff one. Which might be a problem, considering it is 10.50am. Strategy: ['impermanence']
Why does it take 1 hour to checkin at Luton have you not heard of online checkin (without charging) crazy timewaste
Luton should enable free online check-in procedures so that customers can save considerable time during check-in.
Why does it take 1 hour to checkin at Luton have you not heard of online checkin (without charging) crazy timewaste Strategy: ['neutralizing']
That moment when I realize all three of my mid term papers are due a week from todaylol
Got one week to get all three of my midterm papers in. One week of uber hard work and then I can relax and enjoy myself. If I work consistently and efficiently I know I can do this!
['growth', 'impermanence']
That moment when I realize all three of my mid term papers are due a week from todaylol Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence']
What a busy day: trying to meet a deadline, watch my daughter perform at the civic center, and a friends wedding!
What an eventful day: trying to meet a deadline, watch my daughter perform at the civic center, and a friends wedding, Hurray!
What a busy day: trying to meet a deadline, watch my daughter perform at the civic center, and a friends wedding! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
So sick of being fat. I just want my size 7/9's back. Mainly 7's, but still. Slowly but surely.
I'm tired of being fat and can't wait to change it.
['growth', 'impermanence']
So sick of being fat. I just want my size 7/9's back. Mainly 7's, but still. Slowly but surely. Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence']
I've put on weight, and my arms have gotten bigger, so why am I not throwing harder?!
I don't think I am throwing harder inspite of putting weight and having bigger arms. I can do that after I practise more..
['impermanence', 'optimism']
I've put on weight, and my arms have gotten bigger, so why am I not throwing harder?! Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Please be praying, I woke up sick and throwing up and my throat is sore and feels swollen again.
I feel sick but I have faith that God will help cure me soon.
['optimism', 'self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
Please be praying, I woke up sick and throwing up and my throat is sore and feels swollen again. Strategy: ['optimism', 'self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
Headphones in and music blaring. Gotta get away from this crazy world for a little bit.
Even though the world may seem crazy, I'm lucky that I have enough ways to escape for a bit.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Headphones in and music blaring. Gotta get away from this crazy world for a little bit. Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Dear lord, allow me to get through the next few weeks without committing a crime. finals
Finals are really hard but I have my faith so I can get through this.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Dear lord, allow me to get through the next few weeks without committing a crime. finals Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
At this rate, I am probably going to have a mental breakdown sometime before Spring Break
I hope I give my mind some rest so that I can cope up with the mental stress of my school year.
['growth', 'impermanence']
At this rate, I am probably going to have a mental breakdown sometime before Spring Break Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence']
Tomorrow will consist of reconvening my job search and endlessly applying, applying, applying! Wish me luck angels and forgive me if I seem a bit absent from time to time!
Applying for jobs tomorrow! Wish me luck
Tomorrow will consist of reconvening my job search and endlessly applying, applying, applying! Wish me luck angels and forgive me if I seem a bit absent from time to time! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Student teaching is like a semester long test that no one can fully prepare you for. notagoodtesttaker
Im so fortunate to be teaching even if I am being tested a lot.
Student teaching is like a semester long test that no one can fully prepare you for. notagoodtesttaker Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Its so hard to take care of a baby all by yourself and with No sleep -_- . .!!!!!!!
It's hard to take care of a baby all by yourself and with no sleep, but that's how motherhood is like, and that's okay.
Its so hard to take care of a baby all by yourself and with No sleep -_- . .!!!!!!! Strategy: ['impermanence']
I just can't wait until that 3:00 bell rings this Friday, and I'm officially done with this semester. tired
I'm so thankful that the end of the school year is almost here.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
I just can't wait until that 3:00 bell rings this Friday, and I'm officially done with this semester. tired Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Feels impossible to get a break. James Vane is back and managing to ruin my life.
James Vane is back, but I'm going to ignore him for my own mental health.
Feels impossible to get a break. James Vane is back and managing to ruin my life. Strategy: ['growth']
I need remotework remotejobs in dataentry or anything allowing me to WorkFromHome - strong preference to spreadsheet for 8 hrs a day/40 hrs a week. Tired of killing myself with overwork No lunches, driving 8+ hours, missing days off and dr appointments! IsThisLegal
I think I'm done with overwork, no lunches, driving 8 hours, missing days off and doctor appointments. I'm looking forward to working from home by getting remote work related to data entry for 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week!
I need remotework remotejobs in dataentry or anything allowing me to WorkFromHome - strong preference to spreadsheet for 8 hrs a day/40 hrs a week. Tired of killing myself with overwork No lunches, driving 8+ hours, missing days off and dr appointments! IsThisLegal Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I've had a cup of fruit loops and a half of pretzel the last four days Probably not good ohwell
I've had a cup of fruit loops and a half of pretzel the last four days Probably bad oh well.
I've had a cup of fruit loops and a half of pretzel the last four days Probably not good ohwell Strategy: ['growth']
Not knowing is the worst part. I'm so nervous about something that could be fine but could also turn out awful. didthistomyself
I hope things turn out positive and go my way and this uncertainty ends soon.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
Not knowing is the worst part. I'm so nervous about something that could be fine but could also turn out awful. didthistomyself Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
I have so much anxiety right now waiting in this terrible check out line I could literally cry late
I hope I get into a better frame of mind and have positive thoughts going forward.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
I have so much anxiety right now waiting in this terrible check out line I could literally cry late Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
This party trying its best to be expensive, but i know i can get around it crazy
This party attempting it is pleasant to be high-priced, but I realize I'm able to get round it insane
['growth', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
This party trying its best to be expensive, but i know i can get around it crazy Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Why do teachers think we need finals, all they do is stress us out and make us look like we dont do shit in class
It is necessary to rethink the teaching method applied by teachers, perhaps there is no need to apply final exams if you take into account the activities carried out in classrooms by the students.
Why do teachers think we need finals, all they do is stress us out and make us look like we dont do shit in class Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Trapping us by giving us school debt.. Now I know why people rob banks. TO PAY THE BANKS BACK. Fuck.
I hope I find a way to pay back my school debt as soon as possible.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
Trapping us by giving us school debt.. Now I know why people rob banks. TO PAY THE BANKS BACK. Fuck. Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
This is the time of year where you think to yourself "would living as a hobo really be that bad?" School
I should make a place for myself to stay there permanently.
This is the time of year where you think to yourself "would living as a hobo really be that bad?" School Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
I haven't slept I been up since 6 and all I'm doing is over thinking every possible thing right now I hate feelings
I haven't slept I been up since 6 and I over think lot of things. I think I have to speak to someone about this that will help me.
I haven't slept I been up since 6 and all I'm doing is over thinking every possible thing right now I hate feelings Strategy: ['neutralizing']
On the other hand, I feel like I am drowning. Remind me why I need a degree? Can't I just nap professionally? dying
After I get my degree I will be able to grow as a person and achieve my goals! Everyday is one step closer to my goal.
['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
On the other hand, I feel like I am drowning. Remind me why I need a degree? Can't I just nap professionally? dying Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
I hate making big decisions that I know will impact the rest of my life.
I don't like making big decisions that I know will impact the rest of my life, but I understand It's part of the process of growing up and moving forward.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
I hate making big decisions that I know will impact the rest of my life. Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
I wonder if I actually get a nights sleep between now and the day I walk down the aisle because its not seeming likely atm
I'm so excited about getting married that I don't care whether I sleep till then.
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
I wonder if I actually get a nights sleep between now and the day I walk down the aisle because its not seeming likely atm Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
I just need my time to breathe and think about today a little bit. That's all I ask..
I want to take some time to relax.
I just need my time to breathe and think about today a little bit. That's all I ask.. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I don't know what's worse trying to get amazon tickets for or trying to get an appointment at my bloody doctors!
I think the processes such as getting amazon tickets or scheduling doctor appointments could be greatly improved.
I don't know what's worse trying to get amazon tickets for or trying to get an appointment at my bloody doctors! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
So I went from weighing 115lbs to 103. Uh. Not good. Time to go see a doctor.
My health comes first, and I'm sure everything will be alright after I see a doctor.
['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
So I went from weighing 115lbs to 103. Uh. Not good. Time to go see a doctor. Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
So much has happened the past week and I don't even know who to turn too
A lot has happened in the past week and I hope I find someone to turn to.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
So much has happened the past week and I don't even know who to turn too Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Ohhhh weeee I am so on edge/ crabby tonight. You know it's bad when I can even tell annoyed
I don't feel too well tonight but maybe things will look better in the morning.
Ohhhh weeee I am so on edge/ crabby tonight. You know it's bad when I can even tell annoyed Strategy: ['optimism']
I want my mama to come sing me lullabies and play with my hair until I fall asleep like I'm a little kid again.
I love spending time with my mother, like we did when I was a kid.
I want my mama to come sing me lullabies and play with my hair until I fall asleep like I'm a little kid again. Strategy: ['optimism']
Sleep would be nice..wish I could turn my brain off for a few hours insomnia
I should sleep well to give rest to my body.
['growth', 'optimism']
Sleep would be nice..wish I could turn my brain off for a few hours insomnia Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
What's the deal with lagos traffic! After a hard days job! And u still have to battle to get home. Smh.
Lagos could invest some of its budget to improve its traffic, people have hard days and going home should not be so stressful.
What's the deal with lagos traffic! After a hard days job! And u still have to battle to get home. Smh. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I wanna be on the beach, tanning, and getting pampered all day long for a week. orlonger
Once I get a break I might try to get to the beach.
I wanna be on the beach, tanning, and getting pampered all day long for a week. orlonger Strategy: ['impermanence']
TGIF now I know that I had a restless sleep when it took a few tries to type in Tgif a few times! Again!
At least it's Friday, and now I can kick back and relax on the weekend!
['impermanence', 'optimism']
TGIF now I know that I had a restless sleep when it took a few tries to type in Tgif a few times! Again! Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
If I don't pass this English test tomorrow I may as well go live in a hole and stay there for the rest of my sad life.
If I don't pass this English test tomorrow I will study harder next time
If I don't pass this English test tomorrow I may as well go live in a hole and stay there for the rest of my sad life. Strategy: ['growth']
super stressed. but no time to write. too tired for poetry. definitely no time for art. pent-up emotions.
Well stressed and thinking well it's the perfect opportunity for art and poetry. Imagine how many works I can create with this feeling!
['growth', 'optimism']
super stressed. but no time to write. too tired for poetry. definitely no time for art. pent-up emotions. Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
You know that annoying person clicking their pen constantly in class? That was me today Sorry y'all.
I apologize for being the person clicking the pen constantly in class today
You know that annoying person clicking their pen constantly in class? That was me today Sorry y'all. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I hate that coursework has word limits! How am I meant to cut out 500 words?!
Why does the course have to have word limits? At least I will have to cut only 500 words and not 1000.
I hate that coursework has word limits! How am I meant to cut out 500 words?! Strategy: ['optimism']
i am so sorry I have not been on that much. training has been really difficult + I haven't gotten much sleep. be on tmrw
I will go back to sleep better to improve my training performance.
i am so sorry I have not been on that much. training has been really difficult + I haven't gotten much sleep. be on tmrw Strategy: ['optimism']
I have so much to do in the next 3 months that I don't even know where to begin
I'll organize myself better! I have a lot to do in the next 3 months!
I have so much to do in the next 3 months that I don't even know where to begin Strategy: ['optimism']
Hate it when my parents bitch about eachother Feel so in the middle of this
My parents talk behind each other's back sometimes, but at least they love each other and have been together for so long.
Hate it when my parents bitch about eachother Feel so in the middle of this Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Only in college do you get a 7-9 minute speech assigned on a Friday due on Monday ahhhhhhh
I really need to start working now as I only have the weekend to write this speech but I can do it.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Only in college do you get a 7-9 minute speech assigned on a Friday due on Monday ahhhhhhh Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
hate typing on a computer. I can never press the letters in the right order.
Typing on a computer is hard for me but I know with practice I can get better.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
hate typing on a computer. I can never press the letters in the right order. Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Well, that sucks. I just got a 32 out of 48 on my Spanish homework. Sucks SoHard HML
At least I know most of my Spanish test with this 32 out of 48, I can focus more on the stuff I did not understand.
['growth', 'optimism']
Well, that sucks. I just got a 32 out of 48 on my Spanish homework. Sucks SoHard HML Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
kinda forgot about all the projects that their due dates are coming up woops procrastination
Oh! I forgot my due dates due to procrasination. I hope to get over this bad habit and work more harder.
['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
kinda forgot about all the projects that their due dates are coming up woops procrastination Strategy: ['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
Are you living The American Dream? Oh waitis the American Dream not having a near panic attack nearly everyday from student loan stress? studentloans theamericandream
My student debt means I’m working hard to further my education
Are you living The American Dream? Oh waitis the American Dream not having a near panic attack nearly everyday from student loan stress? studentloans theamericandream Strategy: ['growth']
Feel like spending one of those full days in bed , When even getting up for food is optional lazy tired
I feel like taking care of myself spending one of those full days in bed
Feel like spending one of those full days in bed , When even getting up for food is optional lazy tired Strategy: ['optimism']
This whole virus thing is really starting to stress me out. I haven't worked in a month. I hate feeling like I depend on someone. Check on your server friends. WeAreNotOk I need money man. HelpUs WeNeedToWork desperate
This whole virus thing is pretty bad, I haven't been working for a month, but the good thing about it is that I have someone I can count on at this difficult time, and it keeps getting better
This whole virus thing is really starting to stress me out. I haven't worked in a month. I hate feeling like I depend on someone. Check on your server friends. WeAreNotOk I need money man. HelpUs WeNeedToWork desperate Strategy: ['optimism']
4 hours at the library and I've still got at least 2 hours of work to do today alone
Productive day for me in library and only 2 hours of work is left.
4 hours at the library and I've still got at least 2 hours of work to do today alone Strategy: ['growth']
I've seriously just wanted to sit down and cry for the last few days but, I'm afraid if I start crying, I won't be able to stop.
I feel like crying right now, but I hope something would set me right.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I've seriously just wanted to sit down and cry for the last few days but, I'm afraid if I start crying, I won't be able to stop. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
When all you want to do is sit down for 5mins after work.. But mum asks you to do something LEAVE ME FOR 5MINUITES!!
I know I need space after work, so I'll talk to my mother about my boundaries.
When all you want to do is sit down for 5mins after work.. But mum asks you to do something LEAVE ME FOR 5MINUITES!! Strategy: ['growth']
My life is crazy right now so sorry that I'm not tweeting funny things much. :-( hectic
I need to organize my life and stop thinking about meaningless things.
My life is crazy right now so sorry that I'm not tweeting funny things much. :-( hectic Strategy: ['growth']
Hate it when someone opens the door, comes into my room and leaves without closing the door
People should be more polite when entering and leaving my room.
Hate it when someone opens the door, comes into my room and leaves without closing the door Strategy: ['impermanence']
Can someone plz tell me if im wrong for having a girls day out wit my sis in law and my bf Not go???
I'm going to have an amazing time with my sister-in-law tonight.
Can someone plz tell me if im wrong for having a girls day out wit my sis in law and my bf Not go??? Strategy: ['optimism']
If I didn't finish all my exams next Thursday I think I would actually have a break down
I am finally finishing all my exams next Thursday, I feel like celebrating!
If I didn't finish all my exams next Thursday I think I would actually have a break down Strategy: ['optimism']
Stupid bloody book shop is closed for 2 days, really not helping with the stats revision and I'm gunna need all the help I can get
Time to learn to check when the bookstore is open ahead of time rather than waiting until they are closed!
Stupid bloody book shop is closed for 2 days, really not helping with the stats revision and I'm gunna need all the help I can get Strategy: ['growth']
I actually might have to either walk or ride my sisters bike down to college tomorrow! exam
Going to college tomorrow with my sisters is a great opportunity to spend time with them
I actually might have to either walk or ride my sisters bike down to college tomorrow! exam Strategy: ['optimism']
i hate for someone to text me only bc they saw me post on twitter or instagram. feels like you're stalking
I hope I get a better circle of friends and not just online ones.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
i hate for someone to text me only bc they saw me post on twitter or instagram. feels like you're stalking Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Dreading next week but then again least ill have all my assignments done! Just right now it sucks
Just one more week and all my assignments will be done.
Dreading next week but then again least ill have all my assignments done! Just right now it sucks Strategy: ['impermanence']
sick of being a grownup today random question. If you were on masterchef, what would be your signature dish?
Grown up's can still have fun if you were on masterchef, what would your signature dish be?
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
sick of being a grownup today random question. If you were on masterchef, what would be your signature dish? Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I want my mummy to hold me and tell me everything is going to be ok.
Having the need of someone else in hard times is a feeling which is normal for people to have.
I want my mummy to hold me and tell me everything is going to be ok. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I only have a test tomorrow, a track meet, a chem 2 test Wednesday, a senior thesis paper due Thursdaynot a bust week at all
What a nice and productive day I have ahead! Hopefully all will go well!
['growth', 'optimism']
I only have a test tomorrow, a track meet, a chem 2 test Wednesday, a senior thesis paper due Thursdaynot a bust week at all Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Everyday I leave school with a developed migraine from the one I had when I woke up
I leave school with a developed migraine from the one I had when I woke up I think I have to consult a doctor.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
Everyday I leave school with a developed migraine from the one I had when I woke up Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
Wedding planning is impossible when you have a full time and a part time job.
Wedding planning is not so easy when you have a full -time and part -time job.
Wedding planning is impossible when you have a full time and a part time job. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Not being able to sleep<;<; ive got too much on my mind and all i can think about is losing her
Whatever will be will be, I know that if this relationship doesnt work out ill be ok
['growth', 'neutralizing']
Not being able to sleep<;<; ive got too much on my mind and all i can think about is losing her Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
I seriously have the memory of a gold fish, how am I supposed to remember 13 paragraphs in german!?
Keep studying and trying hard, and I'm sure you will do well on your test.
['growth', 'optimism']
I seriously have the memory of a gold fish, how am I supposed to remember 13 paragraphs in german!? Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
I am seriously a dumbass. I'm almost 19 and I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. nottheslightestclue crying
I'm almost 19, and I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. But I'm still pretty young, and I shouldn't be so hard on myself.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
I am seriously a dumbass. I'm almost 19 and I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. nottheslightestclue crying Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
I just want to run off on vacation just me and my new car..I mean it hasn't disappointed me yet anyways.
I will feel refreshed if I go on a vacation in my favorite new car.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I just want to run off on vacation just me and my new car..I mean it hasn't disappointed me yet anyways. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Make list. Slowly start getting things done. My night should be loads of fun. seniorproblems
Having senior problems means I am not a kid anymore. Getting things done is just for who is competent. I am.
Make list. Slowly start getting things done. My night should be loads of fun. seniorproblems Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
Life is excruciatingly hard right now, and I'm sick of it! But I can't put my mind elsewhere! overtired overthinking
Even thought life can be hard, I'm sure that everything will get better eventually
['impermanence', 'optimism']
Life is excruciatingly hard right now, and I'm sick of it! But I can't put my mind elsewhere! overtired overthinking Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Still home from school sick gonna pay big time when i get back should be doing homework all weekend on the plane :( st
Even though I will have work to catch up on I'm grateful that I'm slowly feeling better.
Still home from school sick gonna pay big time when i get back should be doing homework all weekend on the plane :( st Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Only just in from school and I need to muck out and ride 3 horses, write two essays and do loads of other school work
I am confident I can finish all the assignments from school and pass them.
Only just in from school and I need to muck out and ride 3 horses, write two essays and do loads of other school work Strategy: ['optimism']
So stressed out about school! Praying I make it through these next two weeks! Come on May 9th!! tired
School is a bit stressful. I hope to pull through the next two weeks, so that I can be happy after that.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
So stressed out about school! Praying I make it through these next two weeks! Come on May 9th!! tired Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Can't pay rent in full but at least I'm going on vacation in less than a week hah
Going on vacation to refresh and recharge and get ready to return to the real world
['impermanence', 'optimism']
Can't pay rent in full but at least I'm going on vacation in less than a week hah Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
My 11:30am - 3:30pm class ended TODAY back to 11:30am - 5:30pm classes TOMORROW NoBreak Stressed both mentally and physically
Feeling stressed about these classes but I'm getting an education
My 11:30am - 3:30pm class ended TODAY back to 11:30am - 5:30pm classes TOMORROW NoBreak Stressed both mentally and physically Strategy: ['optimism']
Massive EPIC FAIL I'm on 24kg and I haven't got everything in yet!! ICANTDOTHIS help
I couldn't do it, and I am at 24 kgs, some help would be really useful but I will not stop trying.
Massive EPIC FAIL I'm on 24kg and I haven't got everything in yet!! ICANTDOTHIS help Strategy: ['self_affirmation']