3 values
I need to go on college visits but I don't even know where to begin.
Looking for a way to begin the college visits.
I need to go on college visits but I don't even know where to begin. Strategy: ['growth']
Its really disappointing to see the terrible service is giving the wife. Even their CEO doesnt acknowledge receipt of a complaint! The incompetence of their customer service is astonishing complaint pregnant Vulnerable
The customer service should improve, especially for pregnant women
Its really disappointing to see the terrible service is giving the wife. Even their CEO doesnt acknowledge receipt of a complaint! The incompetence of their customer service is astonishing complaint pregnant Vulnerable Strategy: ['neutralizing']
So much on my mind I wish I could just know what choice to make confused
So much going on, so many decisions to make. It's scary, but I know I can do it.
So much on my mind I wish I could just know what choice to make confused Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
Can I just cuddle up to oomf? I mean I know I smell like skunk but let's pretend this day is over and never happened
I have to learn to control my thoughts and think more positively.
Can I just cuddle up to oomf? I mean I know I smell like skunk but let's pretend this day is over and never happened Strategy: ['impermanence']
Tomorrow is the last day of the semester. You guys I might just cry. It's probably bad that that's the least of my worries.
Finally, tomorrow is the last day of the semester. Now I'm going to focus on other things.
Tomorrow is the last day of the semester. You guys I might just cry. It's probably bad that that's the least of my worries. Strategy: ['optimism']
I'm at that point in my life/week where I just don't give two futs anymore.
I have never been more relaxed and happy in my life.
I'm at that point in my life/week where I just don't give two futs anymore. Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
I hate thinking about the future.. the fact that I have no idea what I'm going to do after high school makes me want to cry.
I don't like thinking about the future because I don't know what I'm going to do next, I prefer living in the present.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I hate thinking about the future.. the fact that I have no idea what I'm going to do after high school makes me want to cry. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
right when you think you got ur shit together life bitch slaps you and says think again mf.
I might have trouble keeping my shit together for now, but one day I think it will all work out.
right when you think you got ur shit together life bitch slaps you and says think again mf. Strategy: ['impermanence']
When your paycheck is a lot more less then you thought it would be <;<;<;<;<;
My paycheck is not as much as I thought it would be, still I am glad to have a job and thankful to have an income
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
When your paycheck is a lot more less then you thought it would be <;<;<;<;<; Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
Im transferring to a different chickfila when I move and I just got off of the phone with the hiring manager there and instead of saying Thank you to him I said My pleasure and now Im not only rude but also a suck up. tryhard
I am thankful that I will retain my job when I move. I misspoke when talking to the hiring manager, but it won’t impact my employment.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
Im transferring to a different chickfila when I move and I just got off of the phone with the hiring manager there and instead of saying Thank you to him I said My pleasure and now Im not only rude but also a suck up. tryhard Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
All I kno is I need to be drinking HEAVILY this wknd! And that's the fucken truth!
It's been a stressful week, drinking a little will help me relax!
All I kno is I need to be drinking HEAVILY this wknd! And that's the fucken truth! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I hate being in the dark and just wondering about things. I let my fears get the better of me. thinkingtoomuch
Time I learned how to overcome my fears about being in the dark.
I hate being in the dark and just wondering about things. I let my fears get the better of me. thinkingtoomuch Strategy: ['growth']
Behind the scenes of my reality: I have 649 photos to edit and animate by Monday.
I have over 600 photos to edit, at least it's a fun job.
Behind the scenes of my reality: I have 649 photos to edit and animate by Monday. Strategy: ['optimism']
Decided this is going to be one of the worst birthday ever. Any efforts to make it better is much appreciated.
I hope this birthday would not be bad as I expect as I think someone would make it better.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Decided this is going to be one of the worst birthday ever. Any efforts to make it better is much appreciated. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I need to start applying for internships too!! I wonder if would take me in Or :( studentlife
I want to get a good job after my studies.
I need to start applying for internships too!! I wonder if would take me in Or :( studentlife Strategy: ['impermanence']
I don't want to make any more big girl decisions. Can't I just be a kid again
I want to be a kid again
I don't want to make any more big girl decisions. Can't I just be a kid again Strategy: ['neutralizing']
When I say something I mean it. You can trust me. You can come to me. Just talk to me. Gosh
I hope people have more confidence in me and trust me more.
When I say something I mean it. You can trust me. You can come to me. Just talk to me. Gosh Strategy: ['optimism']
Are Tums a food group and if so where do they go on 'my fitness log
Upset belly but nothing lasts forever!!
Are Tums a food group and if so where do they go on 'my fitness log Strategy: ['impermanence']
Seriously hoping today's sofa hunting dosnt go as badly as yesterday's epic fail of flat hunting!
I'm sure today's sofa hunting will go well!
Seriously hoping today's sofa hunting dosnt go as badly as yesterday's epic fail of flat hunting! Strategy: ['optimism']
Got home to find half the house in the lorry for the move. Im not going to like this. People have already moved my stuff and I dont like it.
I arrived home and found half of the house in the truck for the move. Although I don't like it, it's natural that during the move, they mess with your things.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Got home to find half the house in the lorry for the move. Im not going to like this. People have already moved my stuff and I dont like it. Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Trying to get organised for a week long business trip whilst also looking after the kids
I hope in succeeding in the twin task of getting organized for a business trip and looking after kids.
Trying to get organised for a week long business trip whilst also looking after the kids Strategy: ['optimism']
Wish I had the money to disappear for awhile and return with a new feeling towards the everyday process of life!
Even thought right now I don't have the money to get everything I want, everything will be better and improve with time!
['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
Wish I had the money to disappear for awhile and return with a new feeling towards the everyday process of life! Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
I'd say in the past 3 weeks whilst I've been doing all these essays, my chocolate intake has increased 70%
This last 3 weeks have been a little stresfull because of all these essays, but I am almost done, and soon I will be able to rest
['impermanence', 'optimism']
I'd say in the past 3 weeks whilst I've been doing all these essays, my chocolate intake has increased 70% Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
I'm seriously about to take an F on this online homework. I have no idea what I'm doing.
I'm feel like I'm about to take an F on this online homework, because I have no idea what I'm doing now. But I'll just stop, breathe and put more effort into it, and then I'll do better.
I'm seriously about to take an F on this online homework. I have no idea what I'm doing. Strategy: ['growth']
I have to get my moms birthday present and my masquerade costume this week and I literally have no time.
I better get moving fast this week shopping for gifts and my dress-up costume, to surprise mom on her birthday.
I have to get my moms birthday present and my masquerade costume this week and I literally have no time. Strategy: ['growth']
Prioritise - focus on one thing at a time without allowing the mind to panic about all the other things I need to do.
I'm getting better and better at focusing myself and not getting overwhelmed.
['growth', 'self_affirmation']
Prioritise - focus on one thing at a time without allowing the mind to panic about all the other things I need to do. Strategy: ['growth', 'self_affirmation']
Need prayers I really want to make this Washington job happen waiting on the phone call telling me come on
They will accept me at the job because I did a good application and I will be a good worker.
Need prayers I really want to make this Washington job happen waiting on the phone call telling me come on Strategy: ['optimism']
Got accepted to my first choice of university today. Now what do I do? I have 5 days to decide the rest of my life. confused
Got accepted to my first choice of university today. I don't procrastinate. I don't even need 5 days to make my choice.
Got accepted to my first choice of university today. Now what do I do? I have 5 days to decide the rest of my life. confused Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
Seriously your going to yell at me when it wasn't even my fault!!!! :'( pissed off
People shouldn't yell at each other when things go wrong, it doesn't matter whose fault it is
Seriously your going to yell at me when it wasn't even my fault!!!! :'( pissed off Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Can already see myself paying for my lack of motivation in the next few days
Lack of motivation is no excuse to get things done. Sometimes we have to do it even without motivation, it is necessary to focus on productivity.
Can already see myself paying for my lack of motivation in the next few days Strategy: ['growth']
This spring has gone from blessed to ; we have so much school work to do, but my stupid monkey brain likes to ignore the tasks and play games instead.
When I finish all my schoolwork, I'll be able to relax playing video games
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
This spring has gone from blessed to ; we have so much school work to do, but my stupid monkey brain likes to ignore the tasks and play games instead. Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Has had a few rough days. Asking for prayers that I have done the right thing. tried prayers
Everything will be better soon and everything will work out for the best.
Has had a few rough days. Asking for prayers that I have done the right thing. tried prayers Strategy: ['optimism']
My life shouldn't be this scary at my age. I shouldn't have to go through any of this right now. scared
My life is scary, and I am young, but this will make me grow stronger as a person.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
My life shouldn't be this scary at my age. I shouldn't have to go through any of this right now. scared Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
I am so sick of the iPads and Schoology. Every teacher has a secret hiding spot for every assignment. Confused and
I know I take the time to understand the technology, I can get along better with the ipads and my teacher.
['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
I am so sick of the iPads and Schoology. Every teacher has a secret hiding spot for every assignment. Confused and Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
Still awake with SLEEPOVER.this stupid computer just froze and started blasting 23 by miley cyrus.
It’s a strange and funny surprise that Miley’s voice wakes me up in the mornings.
Still awake with SLEEPOVER.this stupid computer just froze and started blasting 23 by miley cyrus. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
someone help me with my APUSH extra credit assignments :( i'm not even sure where to begin :( HELP APUSH
I'm trying to make a credit assignment, but I don't even know where to start. The good thing is that I now have something more to learn.
['growth', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
someone help me with my APUSH extra credit assignments :( i'm not even sure where to begin :( HELP APUSH Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
The dress has been white and gold and blue and black for me so I don't even know what to believe anymore
It is crazy how everyone see's a different color looking at the same dress.
The dress has been white and gold and blue and black for me so I don't even know what to believe anymore Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I'm a very positive person but I already kno today's not gonna be my day .
I am positive even tho today will not be great, tommorow will be better!
['impermanence', 'optimism']
I'm a very positive person but I already kno today's not gonna be my day . Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Hate working in a traffic office when it's coming up to bank holiday toobusy and it's also roasting in here
There may be lots of traffic but I'm just glad to have a job to go to.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Hate working in a traffic office when it's coming up to bank holiday toobusy and it's also roasting in here Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
its a long night, i'm a mess worrying about this next year and packing, not sure what's next for me collegelife tired
The night seems longer as I have so many things to do, I'm packing my bags and thinking how tired I am with college.
its a long night, i'm a mess worrying about this next year and packing, not sure what's next for me collegelife tired Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Grumpy, bad day. Wish my baby was home to make me feel better broke collegeproblems
Today was a bad day, but maybe tomorrow could be a good day
Grumpy, bad day. Wish my baby was home to make me feel better broke collegeproblems Strategy: ['impermanence']
if the last day of school doesn't get here soon , i think i'm gonna have some kind of heart attack frfr .
I'm so thankful that the end of the school year is almost here.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
if the last day of school doesn't get here soon , i think i'm gonna have some kind of heart attack frfr . Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
I want it all to go back to "normal" I hate having all these feelings!!!
I'm overwhelmed by feelings right now but I know that feelings pass with time.
I want it all to go back to "normal" I hate having all these feelings!!! Strategy: ['impermanence']
If I wouldve known then, what i know now- I wouldve NEVER taken this position.
I don’t think I would have opted for this position if I had known what I know now, but I have gained a lot of experience.
['growth', 'optimism']
If I wouldve known then, what i know now- I wouldve NEVER taken this position. Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Dear school, can I have a little less stress please? I think I have a shred of my sanity left!
Stress and learning have always walked side by side. Even knew I won't become an Einstein, I must deal with stress. Unlike the fascists, I want to have a functional brain. Let's accept the stress!
['growth', 'optimism']
Dear school, can I have a little less stress please? I think I have a shred of my sanity left! Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Today is a two cup of coffee type of day . . . I usually only have
Today is a two cup of coffee type of day. I'm lucky the coffee shop on the corner is so close.
Today is a two cup of coffee type of day . . . I usually only have Strategy: ['thankfulness']
I have a lot on my mind, and I have a lot of homework to do. collegelife :/ ugh!
I have a lot on my mind, and I have a lot of homework to do. I have to finish that
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
I have a lot on my mind, and I have a lot of homework to do. collegelife :/ ugh! Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
the fact that the term journal and outstide reading for semantics is due this week
I have a lot of work to due this week, but I am sure I will be fine.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
the fact that the term journal and outstide reading for semantics is due this week Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
my billie eilish poster just fell down whilst i'm in my bed trying to sleep
I love having this Billie Eilish poster but I need to find a better way to hang it.
my billie eilish poster just fell down whilst i'm in my bed trying to sleep Strategy: ['thankfulness']
That moment when you are super tired and all you can do is stare at the ceiling and think.
Staring at the ceiling and think I wouldn't be so tired if I wasn't competent
That moment when you are super tired and all you can do is stare at the ceiling and think. Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
I hate you, then I love you. Its like I want to throw you off a cliff, then rush to the bottom to catch you!
I hate you but at the same time I love you more!
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I hate you, then I love you. Its like I want to throw you off a cliff, then rush to the bottom to catch you! Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
You'd have to knock me out and drag my body to NYC before I go to a concert here.
I wouldn't want to go to an NYC concert for the moment.
You'd have to knock me out and drag my body to NYC before I go to a concert here. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I'm realizing my anxiety about the little things is getting in the way of me living my life.
I need to control anxiety to be able to live the best of my life
['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
I'm realizing my anxiety about the little things is getting in the way of me living my life. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
Wearing sunglasses even though its not that sunny just so I can cover my face disgrace tired
The weather is changing, I think I'll wear sunglasses.
Wearing sunglasses even though its not that sunny just so I can cover my face disgrace tired Strategy: ['neutralizing']
After a week hiatus from news channels I realize that commercials are actively causing part of my stress. + + car ad with angsty woman singing while millennials stare out the car window are pushing me away from ads
I'm not going to watch commercials because they're not intended for me.
After a week hiatus from news channels I realize that commercials are actively causing part of my stress. + + car ad with angsty woman singing while millennials stare out the car window are pushing me away from ads Strategy: ['growth']
Moving to uni in 2 days with 5 left in my bank - definitely the worst its been in a while
Only 5 left in the bank but excited to be moving to uni in 2 days!
Moving to uni in 2 days with 5 left in my bank - definitely the worst its been in a while Strategy: ['optimism']
I am beyond tired. I shall now MAKE time for a nap before the chaos continues
I've had such an eventful day, now it's nap time :D
I am beyond tired. I shall now MAKE time for a nap before the chaos continues Strategy: ['optimism']
Just when I think things will work my way life goes and slaps me in the face and stands back laughing frustrating
The real-life frustrations are just like the romantic unfulfilled love
Just when I think things will work my way life goes and slaps me in the face and stands back laughing frustrating Strategy: ['neutralizing']
This has been one fucked up day im tired of fighting with people I need to relax and unwind for a day with no fighting out
I have been dealing with difficult people all day, but it is over with now.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
This has been one fucked up day im tired of fighting with people I need to relax and unwind for a day with no fighting out Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Work again tomorrow. Then a little pool time. Then studying. 4 days of class and 3 tests left
Work again tomorrow but after going to the pool to relax, can't wait!
Work again tomorrow. Then a little pool time. Then studying. 4 days of class and 3 tests left Strategy: ['impermanence']
Work dragged on forever and the rest of my nights lookin pretty shitty too. annoyed blah ilovemoneytho
Looks like a boring night, but it's better than being on the streets
Work dragged on forever and the rest of my nights lookin pretty shitty too. annoyed blah ilovemoneytho Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I just need a few hours break to go do something before continuing all of the stuff I need to do
I would be better off with a few hours break before continuing all the of the stuff I need to do.
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
I just need a few hours break to go do something before continuing all of the stuff I need to do Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
Seems like the only time I get to tweet nowdays is late at night while I'm studying Exams
I hope to be back to my tweeting days after I am done with my exam in the next few days.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
Seems like the only time I get to tweet nowdays is late at night while I'm studying Exams Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Seriously this a level 2 class and you're going to teach us level 3 work. This school is dumb
I love how my school pushes my limits and helps me learn things that are out of my comfort zone.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Seriously this a level 2 class and you're going to teach us level 3 work. This school is dumb Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Argh , my toddler is starting to hide things, something I spent days looking for he has now 'hidden'
Even though my toddler hides things, I'm just glad he doesn't do a very good job!
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
Argh , my toddler is starting to hide things, something I spent days looking for he has now 'hidden' Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
One of the worst feelings in the world is when you can't find your headphones.
I think my day would get better once I find my headphones.
One of the worst feelings in the world is when you can't find your headphones. Strategy: ['optimism']
Am I the only one who cant sleep well the night before a big Exam?
The fact that I can't sleep before a big exam, it means I care about it, and in fact I should care so I guess it's fine.
Am I the only one who cant sleep well the night before a big Exam? Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Stressed To Da Extreme!!! If derre is a God then please come take me away to rid me from this pain! I can't do it nomo. RealShit
Everything will work out in the end, God is always by my side, he is always taking care of me!
['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
Stressed To Da Extreme!!! If derre is a God then please come take me away to rid me from this pain! I can't do it nomo. RealShit Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
first night at the new place.. thanks Dad and Bille-Jean for all your help! exhausted
First night at the new place. I have to used to it.
['self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
first night at the new place.. thanks Dad and Bille-Jean for all your help! exhausted Strategy: ['self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
I gotta get back on it xxx , i lost everything the gear , tha hoes , football lol
Trying to get back on it. Wish me luck
I gotta get back on it xxx , i lost everything the gear , tha hoes , football lol Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I don't understand why we don't have enough Ableride buses to get Disabled Kids home from colleges in an emergency
I hope there in the near future there are enough Ableride buses to take disabled kids home in case of an emergency.
I don't understand why we don't have enough Ableride buses to get Disabled Kids home from colleges in an emergency Strategy: ['impermanence']
After this week I'm going to need a glass of wine. Or maybe the entire bottle
I'll take a glass of wine to relax this week.
After this week I'm going to need a glass of wine. Or maybe the entire bottle Strategy: ['neutralizing']
can guarantee I will cry at least once before Friday I'm so far behind in my nursing readings it's not even funny
I fell behind my nursing readings, but I know it's my own fault, now I have to power through all of it, I can do it!
['growth', 'self_affirmation']
can guarantee I will cry at least once before Friday I'm so far behind in my nursing readings it's not even funny Strategy: ['growth', 'self_affirmation']
Ive been worring about this project and haven't even thought about all the other stuff she taught us ugh
I'm glad my professor gave us all the tools to complete this project in class last week
Ive been worring about this project and haven't even thought about all the other stuff she taught us ugh Strategy: ['thankfulness']
It never fails.. As soon as I crawl into bed my brain starts to remember all the shit I have to get done this week..
I'm going to learn how to think more positively towards the things that I do.
It never fails.. As soon as I crawl into bed my brain starts to remember all the shit I have to get done this week.. Strategy: ['growth']
I feel like once one thing goes bad it causes a chain reaction so then everything starts going bad hateit
When one thing goes bad, it seems to cause a chain reaction. I hope to stop it somehow.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I feel like once one thing goes bad it causes a chain reaction so then everything starts going bad hateit Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I'm nervous I'm going to ride terribly in my lesson tomorrow. I have so much on my mind lately.
Although I am nervous, I am sure I will do well in my lesson tomorrow.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I'm nervous I'm going to ride terribly in my lesson tomorrow. I have so much on my mind lately. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Waking up with a headache just means its going to be a bad day finals
I have woken up with a headache on finals’ day, but I hope things go fine.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Waking up with a headache just means its going to be a bad day finals Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I wish I could get my head into a good space so I can get on with my next book
I will read my book so I can get my head in a good space.
I wish I could get my head into a good space so I can get on with my next book Strategy: ['growth']
State test in a few weeks, and the students STILL don't know what we have been learning ALL year. teacherproblems s
State test in a few weeks I have to study.
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
State test in a few weeks, and the students STILL don't know what we have been learning ALL year. teacherproblems s Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
so what's a guy gotta do to get a little RAW support on the D750 5 weddings to edit!
I need some help to edit these 5 weddings, goning to make bank when they're done!
so what's a guy gotta do to get a little RAW support on the D750 5 weddings to edit! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Can't wait for Wednesday to be here so I can actually chill the fuck out! Juggling uni, assignments, work and seeing pe
Waiting for Wednesday to be here, and I'll actually chill.
Can't wait for Wednesday to be here so I can actually chill the fuck out! Juggling uni, assignments, work and seeing pe Strategy: ['neutralizing']
breaking down bc I can't deal with all of the procedures, operations, and surgeries I'm going to have to go through.
I'm struggling to deal with all the procedures, operations, and surgeries that I'm going to have to go through. But I'm going to make it, and in the end, everything will be okay.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
breaking down bc I can't deal with all of the procedures, operations, and surgeries I'm going to have to go through. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Is it bad that in cramming two exams writhing less then a week of each other because of summer vacation ? :(
I cannot wait to be done with my exams and start my summer vacations.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
Is it bad that in cramming two exams writhing less then a week of each other because of summer vacation ? :( Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Note to self, when ordering from always deliver to the store because are useless, unhelpful and rude when you try and understand their weird delivery options.
Note to self, when ordering from always deliver to the store!!
Note to self, when ordering from always deliver to the store because are useless, unhelpful and rude when you try and understand their weird delivery options. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Ran late, hair and makeup sucked and a meeting with the principal, guidance counselor, head of senior project and my dad WTF
I managed to get to my meeting even though I ran late and managed to even wear makeup.
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Ran late, hair and makeup sucked and a meeting with the principal, guidance counselor, head of senior project and my dad WTF Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
that moment when your typing a paper and the person next you flips their keyboard over, yells fuck finals, and walks out.
I have to stay focused on my paper despite the external annoyances
that moment when your typing a paper and the person next you flips their keyboard over, yells fuck finals, and walks out. Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
So 6 am workouts are going to start ASAP. No way I'm spending 50-60 minutes driving to and from work everyday.
I will start working out at 6 AM, so that I can leave for work early and beat the traffic.
['growth', 'optimism']
So 6 am workouts are going to start ASAP. No way I'm spending 50-60 minutes driving to and from work everyday. Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
cannot find anything to wear for my birthdaay:( ahhh going to end up being like a tramp
I can't find anything to wear for my birthday, but I'm thankful I'm going to celebrate it!
cannot find anything to wear for my birthdaay:( ahhh going to end up being like a tramp Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Finding my headphones for them to be broken :| only one earpiece working is a n n o y i n g as hell!! annoyed
I hope I get a new pair of headphones soon so that I can start using them for some peace of mind.
Finding my headphones for them to be broken :| only one earpiece working is a n n o y i n g as hell!! annoyed Strategy: ['optimism']
Donald Trump videos stress me out. I can't handle racist, narrow minded people who talk out of their ass.
Donald Trump videos don't make me feel good. It's hard for me to handle this kind of people, so I'll just stop watching.
Donald Trump videos stress me out. I can't handle racist, narrow minded people who talk out of their ass. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Waking up at 3 in the morning to study maths should be against human rights!! tired sleepy
Waking at 3 in the morning makes me sleepy. But these fresh morning hours helps me grasp the concepts easily.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Waking up at 3 in the morning to study maths should be against human rights!! tired sleepy Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Absolutely confused, how on earth am I suppose to find out UK artists who young people look up to work
I don't know how to find out UK artists who young people look up to work, but I'll keep searching until I find.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Absolutely confused, how on earth am I suppose to find out UK artists who young people look up to work Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
I should probably get a massage and sour patch kids the night before every exam
Relaxing before taking a test may help me a lot to pass.
['growth', 'self_affirmation']
I should probably get a massage and sour patch kids the night before every exam Strategy: ['growth', 'self_affirmation']
I wish I knew what I really mean to you. If I mean anything at all. overthinking
I will be so happy when you tell me!
['impermanence', 'optimism']
I wish I knew what I really mean to you. If I mean anything at all. overthinking Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Feel like you can always get a warrant on SVU but it's so much harder on The Killing
The discrepancy on acquiring warrants on SVU and The Killing has allowed me to learn how warrants actually are acquired. The more you know.
Feel like you can always get a warrant on SVU but it's so much harder on The Killing Strategy: ['growth']
I've just been so on edge for about a week I can't seem to get a break
It's fine feeling on the edge sometimes but it can not last forever.
I've just been so on edge for about a week I can't seem to get a break Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Thankful for my dad Cried on the phone to him for 20 minutes and finally he calmed me down
I'm so thankful to have my Dad, he heard me crying on the phone for 20 minutes and his company calmed me down!
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Thankful for my dad Cried on the phone to him for 20 minutes and finally he calmed me down Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Resist your sugar cravings. You'll feel even worse when the sugar rush disappears.
I'm improving my self-control by ignoring my sugar cravings.
Resist your sugar cravings. You'll feel even worse when the sugar rush disappears. Strategy: ['growth']
Oohh yeap.! I hate THIS WEEK! Why!? Because I wake up very early and I lost all ur tweets!!
This week was a challenge because I woke up early and lost all of your tweets.
Oohh yeap.! I hate THIS WEEK! Why!? Because I wake up very early and I lost all ur tweets!! Strategy: ['neutralizing']