3 values
So I have to leave my double bed to a shitty single bed cos my roofs gunna fall down
I have to switch to a single bed but I'm thankful I have a bed
So I have to leave my double bed to a shitty single bed cos my roofs gunna fall down Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Work, work, work! Major work overload! Starting to forget what a life really is! Give me a break! tired
Need to ensure a good work-life balance. After all, there is more to life than just work.
Work, work, work! Major work overload! Starting to forget what a life really is! Give me a break! tired Strategy: ['growth']
Let a mf come at me stupid today! You WILL get smacked tf up! !
Let a come at me stupid today hope don't happen again.
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
Let a mf come at me stupid today! You WILL get smacked tf up! ! Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
homeschooling is NOT fun. Trying to work from home and help 3 kids, I'm feeling stressed out and already had tears from my eldest todayits only Monday FFS!!
Homeschooling have bad aspect but it can help kids too!
homeschooling is NOT fun. Trying to work from home and help 3 kids, I'm feeling stressed out and already had tears from my eldest todayits only Monday FFS!! Strategy: ['optimism']
What hurts the most? Is you not even telling me.keeping this from me. I trusted you.with everything I had.and you lied to me.:'( ..
It's really painful when you notice that was trusting a liar. From here on out, I'm going to be more alert.
What hurts the most? Is you not even telling me.keeping this from me. I trusted you.with everything I had.and you lied to me.:'( .. Strategy: ['impermanence']
Patho might be easier if I could pronounce half of the words in this packet help
Patho might be easier if I could pronounce half of the words in this packet. So, I'll train the pronunciation, and then I'll be better at this.
Patho might be easier if I could pronounce half of the words in this packet help Strategy: ['growth']
Its been a while since i sat in a class and genuinely had no idea wtf was going on
Was lost in class today but the fact I found it hard is a good thing because I will be challenged by it.
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Its been a while since i sat in a class and genuinely had no idea wtf was going on Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Why stuff me around so much for? I just had things totally sorted and now I'm super stressed twojobssucks frustrated
I just sorted things out, and I don’t feel like being stuffed now.
Why stuff me around so much for? I just had things totally sorted and now I'm super stressed twojobssucks frustrated Strategy: ['neutralizing']
When you plan a weekend away the week before you move So much crap to do
I’m so happy I could have had a weekend before I moved in.
When you plan a weekend away the week before you move So much crap to do Strategy: ['optimism']
I have to work on my patience.. tutoring little kids is NOT helping !! :(( notagoodrolemodel >;,>;
Tutoring little kids is not so easy as I need to work on my patience. I need to be more patient.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
I have to work on my patience.. tutoring little kids is NOT helping !! :(( notagoodrolemodel >;,>; Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
Anything and everything is making me mad right now. CAN'T ANYONE WORK WITH ME HERE
I hope someone would help me in my work to ease my tension.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Anything and everything is making me mad right now. CAN'T ANYONE WORK WITH ME HERE Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Omg!! Discount dance sent me Bloch 5 1x. I need 5 4x! I need pointe shoes now! wtf
I will get some new shoes to dance.
Omg!! Discount dance sent me Bloch 5 1x. I need 5 4x! I need pointe shoes now! wtf Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Love leaving the house at 7:15 and getting home at 10 = long days for the next 3. As I try to pack and get ready forthe holidays
I love leaving home early to sleep sooner during the holiday.
Love leaving the house at 7:15 and getting home at 10 = long days for the next 3. As I try to pack and get ready forthe holidays Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Been such a long day! Drama is going to be the cause of my death
It's been such a long day! A lot of drama going on. But I'm confident that tomorrow will be a better day.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Been such a long day! Drama is going to be the cause of my death Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
My possible grades range from being able to make the Dean's list to doing so bad I have to drop out FinalsAreWorthSoMuch crunch
I hope I do well in my Finals and come out with better results that I imagine.
My possible grades range from being able to make the Dean's list to doing so bad I have to drop out FinalsAreWorthSoMuch crunch Strategy: ['growth']
I need to ingest some serious calories or I'm afraid I might pass out teaching lessons tonight. finalsweek noappetite
I hope to improve my health to teach lessons tonight as it is finals’ week.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I need to ingest some serious calories or I'm afraid I might pass out teaching lessons tonight. finalsweek noappetite Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
AP Bio lab report ???s have me questioning everything I write and by the end I'm not sure I understand life.
This lab report sure is tough but I'm glad I have the strength to handle all of it.
['growth', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
AP Bio lab report ???s have me questioning everything I write and by the end I'm not sure I understand life. Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
I got so much to do, yet here I am, doing nothing. You'd think I'd by smarter than this by now
I'm going to focus and finally stop procrastinating.
I got so much to do, yet here I am, doing nothing. You'd think I'd by smarter than this by now Strategy: ['growth']
Thinking about my next two weeks is stressing me out already. 4 test next week and work almost everyday.
After these really busy weeks I'll be able to finally relax!
['impermanence', 'optimism']
Thinking about my next two weeks is stressing me out already. 4 test next week and work almost everyday. Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Ughh this is always the time of the year I hate end of semester means homework, exams, essays and projects D:
The end of the semester is more busy, but a little longer, and it's all done
Ughh this is always the time of the year I hate end of semester means homework, exams, essays and projects D: Strategy: ['optimism']
sooooo close to finishing my RE essay, but keep finding stuff iv missed out :(
So close to finish my RE essay, reviewing the final details right now.
sooooo close to finishing my RE essay, but keep finding stuff iv missed out :( Strategy: ['optimism']
Goodnight all! House hunting tomorrow. You can only live with your in laws so long. Its rough two people living in one bedroom!!!!
Taking the step of leaving my in-laws' house makes me feel excited.
['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
Goodnight all! House hunting tomorrow. You can only live with your in laws so long. Its rough two people living in one bedroom!!!! Strategy: ['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
I have no idea what to do, what to think and what to feel HelpMe
I'm going to ask for support from friends and family to lift me out of my numbness.
I have no idea what to do, what to think and what to feel HelpMe Strategy: ['impermanence']
When my bro tells my 4 year old cousin he ate chicken pizza LOOLL PricelessFace CoveringHisFace hahahahahahahaha
It was soo funny to see my cousins reaction, that made my day.
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
When my bro tells my 4 year old cousin he ate chicken pizza LOOLL PricelessFace CoveringHisFace hahahahahahahaha Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
Need to find a way to calm my mind and relax this week. Not what I expected to happen now!
I will find a way to calm my mind, and relax this week, so I can feel better!
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Need to find a way to calm my mind and relax this week. Not what I expected to happen now! Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Podcast name change, cover art being redone. Seriously need a damn break. Car wreck, horse died, and changing names all in a week.
I have a lot going on this week, and I feel stressed. I am thankful this is not a typical week for me.
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
Podcast name change, cover art being redone. Seriously need a damn break. Car wreck, horse died, and changing names all in a week. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
Can't believe I'm saying this but I need a coffee. tired runningonfumes collage coffie senioritis
A coffee now would make me relaxed
Can't believe I'm saying this but I need a coffee. tired runningonfumes collage coffie senioritis Strategy: ['optimism']
I will not survive social distancing until April 30th I need to work! Bout to get a job at McDonalds because at least they are open!!
Because of the social distancing is hard to find a job but working at McDonalds is possible to at least I will have a job.
I will not survive social distancing until April 30th I need to work! Bout to get a job at McDonalds because at least they are open!! Strategy: ['optimism']
OH MY GOD This Whole Unemployed Business Is Actually Killing Me Now! Swear I'm Going Insane! unemployed bored
Being unemployed doesn't feel good but soon this situation is going to end and I will find a job
['impermanence', 'optimism']
OH MY GOD This Whole Unemployed Business Is Actually Killing Me Now! Swear I'm Going Insane! unemployed bored Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
I feel like I have been run over by a bus today. I just need a little break tired poor helpme justkeepswimming believe
I feel very tired today as if I have been run over by a bus, but a break would give me a very good relief.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I feel like I have been run over by a bus today. I just need a little break tired poor helpme justkeepswimming believe Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
My face is so broken out, should have just worn a bag over my face. gross
Some people think my face is broken out, but thankfully I know better.
My face is so broken out, should have just worn a bag over my face. gross Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Thanks Ollie the owl for running out of batteries in the night so I got no sleep. why dont you make him chargeable. tired
Despite the problems with Ollie the owl today, I can think of several advantages of having her
Thanks Ollie the owl for running out of batteries in the night so I got no sleep. why dont you make him chargeable. tired Strategy: ['thankfulness']
There's nothing worst then losing a game when you try your hardest and then barely talking to girl
It's hard to talk to your girl after a lost game but it does add some experience to my belt.
There's nothing worst then losing a game when you try your hardest and then barely talking to girl Strategy: ['growth']
I will never work, take a summer class AND work with a personal trainer at the same time again tired stressed and
I will have a less busy schedule next summer so I can enjoy it more.
I will never work, take a summer class AND work with a personal trainer at the same time again tired stressed and Strategy: ['impermanence']
What is worse than going to bed with a headache? Waking up with a headache.. :/
I woke up with a headache, but hopefully it goes away soon.
What is worse than going to bed with a headache? Waking up with a headache.. :/ Strategy: ['impermanence']
Our New President still bringing tears to my eyes. When will blame game rhetoric be replaced with his government decided policy?
Our policies by our new president is so good.
Our New President still bringing tears to my eyes. When will blame game rhetoric be replaced with his government decided policy? Strategy: ['growth']
I'm doing really well in some class and bad in other classes I hate this
I'm doing well in some classes, in others, I need to challenge myself to do better.
I'm doing really well in some class and bad in other classes I hate this Strategy: ['growth']
Studying is a loss cause in my case I can't pay attention long enough for it
I know that when I find didactic alternatives to study, I can solve the problem of paying attention.
['growth', 'self_affirmation']
Studying is a loss cause in my case I can't pay attention long enough for it Strategy: ['growth', 'self_affirmation']
Been over stressed this week and not sleeping. Waking up at 4 when my melatonin drops and can't get back to sleep. :(
I should sleep well to take care of my health.
Been over stressed this week and not sleeping. Waking up at 4 when my melatonin drops and can't get back to sleep. :( Strategy: ['growth']
When you want a hug from your best friend, but she's nowhere to be found <;<;<;
I love my best friend because she gives the best hugs.
When you want a hug from your best friend, but she's nowhere to be found <;<;<; Strategy: ['thankfulness']
First thing I did when I woke up this morning: Paint my nails in bed, red. A preemptive pick-me-up
Painting my nails will make me more attractive.
First thing I did when I woke up this morning: Paint my nails in bed, red. A preemptive pick-me-up Strategy: ['optimism']
Lots of ginger and lemon tea, vitamin C, and water today, gotta nip this in the butt before it gets worse. wintercold
Got myself some lemon tea and vitamin C, self-care for my cold. I'll be better in no time.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Lots of ginger and lemon tea, vitamin C, and water today, gotta nip this in the butt before it gets worse. wintercold Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
You know it's a bad day when even tea doesn't make you feel better uni deadlines
A deadline is nothing but the end of a given time period. If I had organized myself since the time was given, today could be a good day.
You know it's a bad day when even tea doesn't make you feel better uni deadlines Strategy: ['growth']
Really hoping tomorrow isn't too bad :/ Have a feeling I won't be sleeping much tonight
Tommorrow will be good day for me and trying to find some rest tonight for Tommorrow.
Really hoping tomorrow isn't too bad :/ Have a feeling I won't be sleeping much tonight Strategy: ['optimism']
seems a little ridiculous that we need to be out of the residence halls by noon the day after I have two finals.
Will be a test for me to move out of the residence hall by noon, since I alos have two finals.
seems a little ridiculous that we need to be out of the residence halls by noon the day after I have two finals. Strategy: ['growth']
Hate coming into school on own clothes day. Even if I see people posting it on twitter I still wonder whether it is!
The school should learn to communicate better on when on clothes days are, so there is no confusion.
Hate coming into school on own clothes day. Even if I see people posting it on twitter I still wonder whether it is! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Everyone in Panas would be sick if they chose today to have a Fire Drill stop
Fire drills teach people safety.
Everyone in Panas would be sick if they chose today to have a Fire Drill stop Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Can not stand looking at my phone at half five just after work and having like 5 messages asking for favours pronto Stressed LeaveMeBe
I need to leave things from work to work, I cannot be stressed with messages during the night. It is essential to wake up well.
['growth', 'impermanence', 'self_affirmation']
Can not stand looking at my phone at half five just after work and having like 5 messages asking for favours pronto Stressed LeaveMeBe Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence', 'self_affirmation']
Thank god i left my 2nd job cus i cant even do school and my 1st job now wtf
After leaving my second job, I'm now able to be more focused and dedicated in school and my first job.
['growth', 'optimism']
Thank god i left my 2nd job cus i cant even do school and my 1st job now wtf Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Watching an advert for a new game and it says ' not actual game footage' why put it on tv you wouldnt even know wtf your buying
I saw a commercial for a game I really want to buy, and I can't wait to play it!
Watching an advert for a new game and it says ' not actual game footage' why put it on tv you wouldnt even know wtf your buying Strategy: ['optimism']
I'm sorry for those of you who come into contact with me for the next week!
I am thankful for all the people who put up with me when I have a bad week.
I'm sorry for those of you who come into contact with me for the next week! Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Of course everything would all go wrong at the last minute! About to lose my mind! PunchingBagPlease
Well, I have to refocus and fix all the things that went wrong.
Of course everything would all go wrong at the last minute! About to lose my mind! PunchingBagPlease Strategy: ['growth']
to hear a disabled lady was suck in the multi story car park tonight for 45mins plus She called for help and no one came ? She called the hospital the car park system
It’s terrible to know that an older woman had to put up with something like that, but I’m relieved to know that at least it wasn’t me.
to hear a disabled lady was suck in the multi story car park tonight for 45mins plus She called for help and no one came ? She called the hospital the car park system Strategy: ['thankfulness']
I hate that a stupid, rude remark made weeks ago is still eating at me. I wish I could talk to him about what you said.
I need to be more mature and learn to deal with things, I can't let a simple comment made for weeks consume me.
['growth', 'impermanence']
I hate that a stupid, rude remark made weeks ago is still eating at me. I wish I could talk to him about what you said. Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence']
A big thank you and well done to Hugh 'know how' guy at Currys for dealing with my mother and I today!
Currys have been so amazing in heling me and my mum in store.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
A big thank you and well done to Hugh 'know how' guy at Currys for dealing with my mother and I today! Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
feel rather sick to my stomachjust need to get through 3pm and then I'll feel better. Thank god I'm not eating anything soon
I'm glad I have nothing in my stomach right now because I don't feel so well.
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
feel rather sick to my stomachjust need to get through 3pm and then I'll feel better. Thank god I'm not eating anything soon Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
SO READY FOR SPRING BREAK! I need a get away in a real bad way!
I'm ready to get away over Spring Break!
SO READY FOR SPRING BREAK! I need a get away in a real bad way! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
My life is so busy, handling school, babe, friends, the gym, eating right, and keeping up w/my two online classes..
I am proud of my ability to stay on top of my priorities and goals.
My life is so busy, handling school, babe, friends, the gym, eating right, and keeping up w/my two online classes.. Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
Thinking about June and all that's going on this month is making me feel sick
I'm looking forward to seeing how much I can get done this month.
Thinking about June and all that's going on this month is making me feel sick Strategy: ['growth']
Its all getting a bit too much for my pea sized brain to handle !! confused toomuchtodo
I know this is too much for my pea sized brain, but I am sure I have the will power to handle it inspite of all the confusion.
['growth', 'optimism']
Its all getting a bit too much for my pea sized brain to handle !! confused toomuchtodo Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Feeling Stressed? Get us on for the best chilled out tunes on Cwtch on the Couch till 1am!
Check out some chill tunes on Cwtch on the Couch. Goin' till 1 AM
Feeling Stressed? Get us on for the best chilled out tunes on Cwtch on the Couch till 1am! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Considering I didn't sleep till 4am I took the longest nap ever. And I'm still tired.
I didn't sleep till 4am I took the longest nap ever. And I'm still tired. I have to be productive
['growth', 'neutralizing']
Considering I didn't sleep till 4am I took the longest nap ever. And I'm still tired. Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
Guys this paper is due by midnight and I'm still 262 words short of the length requirement :/
I will put my everything this night to finish this paperwork! Everything will be alright.
['growth', 'optimism']
Guys this paper is due by midnight and I'm still 262 words short of the length requirement :/ Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
I seriously think I could get 12 hours of sleep and still wake up tired :(
I need to learn that sleeping 8 hours a day is the optimal.
['growth', 'self_affirmation']
I seriously think I could get 12 hours of sleep and still wake up tired :( Strategy: ['growth', 'self_affirmation']
I'm so done with everything right now and that just pushed me over the edge. Going to sleep now. Sick Irritated
I am done with everything and feel tired. A good sleep would help me now.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
I'm so done with everything right now and that just pushed me over the edge. Going to sleep now. Sick Irritated Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Between flying back east for the funeral n now trying to move into a new apartment, I don't know if my stress will allow me the energy to write writerslife indieauthors authors indie
I'll need a break between going to the funeral and finding a new apartment to move into. At least I'll have less stress on my back by stepping away from writing.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Between flying back east for the funeral n now trying to move into a new apartment, I don't know if my stress will allow me the energy to write writerslife indieauthors authors indie Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Can somebody please tell me what career I want to do for the rest of my lifebecause I obviously have no clue confused
I don't have an idea of what I want to do yet with my career but I have lots of time to decide.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Can somebody please tell me what career I want to do for the rest of my lifebecause I obviously have no clue confused Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
It is times like these that make me wish that I lived somewhere else frustrated
Even when times are difficult and frustrating, I value my strength to stay here and accept these challenges.
['growth', 'self_affirmation']
It is times like these that make me wish that I lived somewhere else frustrated Strategy: ['growth', 'self_affirmation']
Feeling really run down this Monday morning. Ridiculous cold sore on my nose and I could hardly sleep last night. Long day ahead.
Feeling ill is going to make my day harder, so I'm going to make sure I get a lot of rest tonight.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Feeling really run down this Monday morning. Ridiculous cold sore on my nose and I could hardly sleep last night. Long day ahead. Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Im so afraid to run into someone from administration b/c I deadass dont think I can control myself
Might run into someone from administration today but when it happens I can deal with it.
['growth', 'optimism']
Im so afraid to run into someone from administration b/c I deadass dont think I can control myself Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Classes started on Tuesday and I'm already counting down the number of days until this semester is over
I cannot wait for this semester to be over so that I can have some peace of mind.
Classes started on Tuesday and I'm already counting down the number of days until this semester is over Strategy: ['impermanence']
I've n0tice, last f0ll0wing days im s0 Tired and . . Ah cgur0, need to have a
I've notice, last following days I feel tired, but who isn't, right?
I've n0tice, last f0ll0wing days im s0 Tired and . . Ah cgur0, need to have a Strategy: ['impermanence']
sex, cuddling, and bacon are supposed to relieve stressout of luck on all three :( helpplease
Taking this time to learn healthier coping mechanisms
sex, cuddling, and bacon are supposed to relieve stressout of luck on all three :( helpplease Strategy: ['growth']
Of course the traffic is the worst I've ever seen it when I need to get somewhere
The traffic is intense but at least it give me time to read my book.
Of course the traffic is the worst I've ever seen it when I need to get somewhere Strategy: ['optimism']
Huntin for a dummy, wen I left the house there was two here sumwhere! Aleiah walkin round cryin sayin 'nummy'. !
I can't find any dummies, but I know it must be here somewhere.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Huntin for a dummy, wen I left the house there was two here sumwhere! Aleiah walkin round cryin sayin 'nummy'. ! Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I dont feel physically sick. But mentally. My mind is twisting in so many ways.
I hope I get into a better frame of mind mentally in the coming days.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
I dont feel physically sick. But mentally. My mind is twisting in so many ways. Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Customer service absolutely shocking! In dispute with an 82 year old woman; no contact to explain payment change! Direct debit from 91 to over 600 a month for electricity! Her house is mostly gas I might add and she lives alone! tearsdisrespect
I'll hang up and call again to try to get a new agent on the phone who will better understand my needs.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Customer service absolutely shocking! In dispute with an 82 year old woman; no contact to explain payment change! Direct debit from 91 to over 600 a month for electricity! Her house is mostly gas I might add and she lives alone! tearsdisrespect Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
When life is so shitty u literally laugh and be like wtf do u have lined up for me next shitday nocar
When life is hard, you laugh and wait for the next big thing
['growth', 'optimism']
When life is so shitty u literally laugh and be like wtf do u have lined up for me next shitday nocar Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Today is the kind of day where you walk in the house door and immediately make a drink.
After having the drink at home will make the today feel lighter.
Today is the kind of day where you walk in the house door and immediately make a drink. Strategy: ['optimism']
It was a really weird strange meeting. It was worthless. And stupid. I hated it. I feel bogged down. thingscathysays
The meeting could have been better, because I don't feel good. But, I'll feel better soon.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
It was a really weird strange meeting. It was worthless. And stupid. I hated it. I feel bogged down. thingscathysays Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
why am i still awake?? ohh yeah cause i take 10 hours to pack for a week long trip overpackerprobs
Even though I have to stay up late packing, I'm just thankful that I get to take this trip.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
why am i still awake?? ohh yeah cause i take 10 hours to pack for a week long trip overpackerprobs Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Sometimes, face your problems head on. Other times, avoid them like the plague until they sort their lives out stressed x
Deciding when to face my problems or relax x
Sometimes, face your problems head on. Other times, avoid them like the plague until they sort their lives out stressed x Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I hate this weather . All I wanted to do was go out, play a game of netball and have an hour of not doing any work . But no .
Couldn't play netball or work-out today due to bad weather, I'll try to get some fun and work-out time tomorrow.
I hate this weather . All I wanted to do was go out, play a game of netball and have an hour of not doing any work . But no . Strategy: ['impermanence']
I'd do just about anything to be laying in this sunshine with a twisted tea right about now.
I'm really looking forward to laying in the sunshine with a Twisted Tea.
I'd do just about anything to be laying in this sunshine with a twisted tea right about now. Strategy: ['optimism']
Definitely been a morning to forget. Who knew planning a funeral could be so difficult and draining?
This has been a tough morning, as planning tnis funeral has worn me out but this has been an experience for me.
Definitely been a morning to forget. Who knew planning a funeral could be so difficult and draining? Strategy: ['optimism']
my aunty isnt going tomorrow ffs :(! so gotta try sort plans out to bring my cousin
My aunt isn't going tomorrow, so I am making a plan to bring my cousin over, I really miss him
['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
my aunty isnt going tomorrow ffs :(! so gotta try sort plans out to bring my cousin Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
I can't wait for this semester to be over so I never have to take another math class.
Even thought I don't like math, I see it as an opportunity to improve my mental quickness!
['growth', 'optimism']
I can't wait for this semester to be over so I never have to take another math class. Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Monk came over and I tried to introduce myself but I forgot my name tired
I actually managed to forget my own name, still I'm brave meeting Monk when I'm so tired and not just going to sleep.
['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
Monk came over and I tried to introduce myself but I forgot my name tired Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
Are you as out as we are? A steamy cup of Mint Moringa Leaf Tea will cure what ails ya! At least for several minutes
It is always good to start the day with a steamy cup of Mint Moringa Leaf Tea.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
Are you as out as we are? A steamy cup of Mint Moringa Leaf Tea will cure what ails ya! At least for several minutes Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
so my mom basically put it all on me to decide if we were moving back or not
so my mom basically put it all on me to decide if we were moving back or not. I'm glad she trusts me so much.
so my mom basically put it all on me to decide if we were moving back or not Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Worst day. 12 hours of school every Monday all summer, very bad idea! caseofthemondays studentlife
Have school in the summer but it's going to be great for my grades.
['growth', 'optimism']
Worst day. 12 hours of school every Monday all summer, very bad idea! caseofthemondays studentlife Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Your information but you ask people if you can tell them. The heck why call it yours. Sorry for ranting
Some clarification is needed regarding what is considered your information.
Your information but you ask people if you can tell them. The heck why call it yours. Sorry for ranting Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I neva knew shopping got you this tired and i aint even done half of it
I am so tired from shopping, but it was a lot of fun.
I neva knew shopping got you this tired and i aint even done half of it Strategy: ['optimism']
So stressed about how much work I need to do that I can't start working or think about working :/ problem
So stressed about how much work I need to do, on other the hand I'm thankful for having a job in these difficult times.
['impermanence', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
So stressed about how much work I need to do that I can't start working or think about working :/ problem Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
How am I supposed to know what to the right thing to do is. decisions
Making decisions can be hard, but once they are made, you can relax.
How am I supposed to know what to the right thing to do is. decisions Strategy: ['impermanence']
Of course I'm bloody moody, I'm only 24 and have been addicted to nicotine for 11 years. That's nearly half my life
If I was able to start smoking then I will also be able to quit it because I have a strong will.
Of course I'm bloody moody, I'm only 24 and have been addicted to nicotine for 11 years. That's nearly half my life Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
Dont you just hate it when you think you have your uni work under control and the lecturer disagrees.
Feeling overwhelmed by my new uni work, but I'm so interested to move on to these new subjects.
['growth', 'thankfulness']
Dont you just hate it when you think you have your uni work under control and the lecturer disagrees. Strategy: ['growth', 'thankfulness']
The dreaded half hour when tries to decide what he is wearing for the night tensetimes
I'm so thankful for tonight I'm going to have a great time, but I just need to find something to wear.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
The dreaded half hour when tries to decide what he is wearing for the night tensetimes Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
When it's 8 am and you've already made a to do list that seems impossible to get done in one day teacherlife
The to-do list seems to be too long for a day in a teacher’s life, but I am sure I can sort things out.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
When it's 8 am and you've already made a to do list that seems impossible to get done in one day teacherlife Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Pulling two all nighters in a row to finish all my packing to move.. yuck tired
Moving is going to be amazing the packing will be worth it.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Pulling two all nighters in a row to finish all my packing to move.. yuck tired Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']