3 values
can't tell if my paper is super easy or I'm just doing a terrible job
My work is little difficult I have to put more effort.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
can't tell if my paper is super easy or I'm just doing a terrible job Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
This test is as bad as when I hear the words "Sorry our ice cream machine isn't working right now" at Chickfila. liferuined
His test is as bad as when I hear the words "Sorry our ice cream machine isn't working right now" that is also good I don't get sick.
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
This test is as bad as when I hear the words "Sorry our ice cream machine isn't working right now" at Chickfila. liferuined Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
if today is a preview of how the rest of the week will be i may not make it until friday
I am going to make it through this week, and I will be a smarter person.
if today is a preview of how the rest of the week will be i may not make it until friday Strategy: ['growth']
I'd like to know how I'm supposed to study when I'm too busy puking.. sick
Even though I'm puking, I'm still able to study for my exams.
I'd like to know how I'm supposed to study when I'm too busy puking.. sick Strategy: ['optimism']
And she gives us a 65 question review on the Scarlet Letter plus a stupid project to do on it!!!
I would love to be done with this project and review on the Scarlet Letter as soon as possible.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
And she gives us a 65 question review on the Scarlet Letter plus a stupid project to do on it!!! Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Roll on 6pm seriously can't wait to see the end of this effing week. tired
I want this week to end quickly! Tired ...
Roll on 6pm seriously can't wait to see the end of this effing week. tired Strategy: ['neutralizing']
If never called me I would be outside waiting for my bus like a ediot It's not even that bad outside
I'm glad they called me and I didn't wait outside
If never called me I would be outside waiting for my bus like a ediot It's not even that bad outside Strategy: ['optimism']
Well apparently I can't do anything right or anything on my ownI don't know anymore
I need to slowly start doing things on my own going forward and be independent.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
Well apparently I can't do anything right or anything on my ownI don't know anymore Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
This month is gonna be the worst month of 2013. April, here we go!! busy testingseason
This month is not going to be the best month of 2013, because I'll be busy. But I'm sure the next month will be better.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
This month is gonna be the worst month of 2013. April, here we go!! busy testingseason Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
To all the people who said getting your master's is easier than undergrad, you are all liars stressed
Getting your master's is sure tough, and not as easy as some may think, but it will be worth it in the end.
To all the people who said getting your master's is easier than undergrad, you are all liars stressed Strategy: ['impermanence']
Feeling super anxious.. Afraid of making a decision I will regret Need a sign! anxious
I have to calm down to make the best decision and not regret it
Feeling super anxious.. Afraid of making a decision I will regret Need a sign! anxious Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Never ever again will I get a house that needs loads of stuff doing to it sick
I've learned my lesson about houses that need a lot of work to do on it.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
Never ever again will I get a house that needs loads of stuff doing to it sick Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
I Ain't Hit A Blunt In Like A YEAR ! I Think It's About That Time Stressed
Haven't smoked in a year. Thinking about it
I Ain't Hit A Blunt In Like A YEAR ! I Think It's About That Time Stressed Strategy: ['neutralizing']
This anatomy test!!!! :( idk why my teachers all decided to pile all their tests over the span of today and tomorrow
This anatomy test... I don't know why my teachers all decided to pile all their tests over the span of today and tomorrow, but what I do know is that I'm going to study, and do well in these tests.
This anatomy test!!!! :( idk why my teachers all decided to pile all their tests over the span of today and tomorrow Strategy: ['optimism']
I've interviewed for dozens of companies, and offered jobs at almost every single one of them. But without fail I'm over thinking
I've been offered jobs at almost every company I've applied to!
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I've interviewed for dozens of companies, and offered jobs at almost every single one of them. But without fail I'm over thinking Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
So the fact that I suck at drawing makes me second guess my degree plan
I need to practice drawing for my degree
So the fact that I suck at drawing makes me second guess my degree plan Strategy: ['growth']
supposed to be studying for exams, but somehow I manage to be doing everythingg..but studying! finals stressed
Time to learn not to procrastinate
supposed to be studying for exams, but somehow I manage to be doing everythingg..but studying! finals stressed Strategy: ['neutralizing']
You know it's going to be a bad day when you wake up the time the bus is leaving for FFA. theywaited
I need to focus on waking up earlier and more consistently, so I don't have issues like the bus leaving for FFA already.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
You know it's going to be a bad day when you wake up the time the bus is leaving for FFA. theywaited Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
This is like crunch time for school and I am trying so hard but the focus and motivation is just not there someonehelp
Soon we will be on break, and it will be relaxing.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
This is like crunch time for school and I am trying so hard but the focus and motivation is just not there someonehelp Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Yall I have 2 midterms tomorrow, Ive been studying for one all day and Im not ready for either
I know that for the next midterms I will be better prepared because I will have much more time to prepare.
['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
Yall I have 2 midterms tomorrow, Ive been studying for one all day and Im not ready for either Strategy: ['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
If today was Friday I would just throw my arms in the air in a massive huff.then fetch the bottle of wine in the work fridge!
Even if today is not Friday it will soon be and I will have time to relax.
If today was Friday I would just throw my arms in the air in a massive huff.then fetch the bottle of wine in the work fridge! Strategy: ['optimism']
How I'm going to remember all of this information in the exam I have no idea!! :(
I will study hard so that I can remember all this information.
How I'm going to remember all of this information in the exam I have no idea!! :( Strategy: ['optimism']
I'm afraid to pay this money because they're not giving me responses so idek if ill be able to start my stuff
Nobody should pay money without answers... that's indisputable! So I think I'll get my stuff started!
I'm afraid to pay this money because they're not giving me responses so idek if ill be able to start my stuff Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Nobody will ever understand how bad I just wanna be able to sleep like a normal person. I am way to busy
I am a really busy person, and sometimes I wish I wasn't so much, but being so busy is also great in many aspects
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Nobody will ever understand how bad I just wanna be able to sleep like a normal person. I am way to busy Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
It needs to start raining, So I can figure out what I'm doing this afternoon
Once it starts raining, I can figure out some great ideas for what to do this afternoon.
['growth', 'optimism']
It needs to start raining, So I can figure out what I'm doing this afternoon Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
We leave for vacation in 11 days. It might seem like a long time until you look at my mile long to do list from both work and home.
I leave for vacation in 11 days. I have a lot to do for both work and home so it doesn't seem that far away!
We leave for vacation in 11 days. It might seem like a long time until you look at my mile long to do list from both work and home. Strategy: ['optimism']
I'm really starting to hate my program in college right now -.- annoyed cantwaittillitsover !
I'm not liking my program in college right now, looking foward to the end, and a new change!
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I'm really starting to hate my program in college right now -.- annoyed cantwaittillitsover ! Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
So nervous. Have to only miss 2 problems out of 100 on my Exam today threeexamstoday stressed nervous . How's your day goin'?
Thinking about my exams today but I know I can do it.
So nervous. Have to only miss 2 problems out of 100 on my Exam today threeexamstoday stressed nervous . How's your day goin'? Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
I feel awkward gettin a u pick 2 at Panera cause like do I eat my salad first? or my mac n cheese? or both at the same time? idk
It's so cool that I can get a salad and mac n cheese, the only bad part is not knowing what to pick first.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
I feel awkward gettin a u pick 2 at Panera cause like do I eat my salad first? or my mac n cheese? or both at the same time? idk Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Graduation is in 101 days Where has the past 4 and a half years gone?! college graduation
As my graduation approaches, I hope the future holds better days for me.
['growth', 'optimism']
Graduation is in 101 days Where has the past 4 and a half years gone?! college graduation Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
That final qtr was very stressful and not ideal to be listening on radio whilst driving 110km/hr!
That final period could have been more relaxed but it is important to hear about it on the radio.
That final qtr was very stressful and not ideal to be listening on radio whilst driving 110km/hr! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Its getting to that point in the school year where even copying someones homework requires too much effort.
Even copying someone's homework requires too much effort. I will continue to do my own on time.
Its getting to that point in the school year where even copying someones homework requires too much effort. Strategy: ['growth']
The AC was broken, I couldn't use my phone because there are a million people here, and I didn't have a car to go get dinner :/
I hope the problems with the AC is fixed so that I can have a few hours of sleep at home.
The AC was broken, I couldn't use my phone because there are a million people here, and I didn't have a car to go get dinner :/ Strategy: ['impermanence']
Feel like putting on my head phones and drowning out the world for a few hours
Even though I'm overwhelmed at the moment, I know I'll start my project earlier next time.
Feel like putting on my head phones and drowning out the world for a few hours Strategy: ['growth']
Doing marketing homework at work, it's a problem. Eat breathe sleep school and work exhausted
Doing marketing homework at work, it's a problem. Eat breathe sleep school and work exhausted I am looking forward to end of term!
Doing marketing homework at work, it's a problem. Eat breathe sleep school and work exhausted Strategy: ['impermanence']
Pass me the wine hope the dunk has LARGE LARGE glasses after today stressed girltimeneeded xx
Could go for some nice wine right now
Pass me the wine hope the dunk has LARGE LARGE glasses after today stressed girltimeneeded xx Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I'm recognizing that this is a result of m own procrastination, I just hate myself for it. thestruggle
I know that sometimes I will fail and that's ok, as long as I get back on my feet.
['growth', 'impermanence']
I'm recognizing that this is a result of m own procrastination, I just hate myself for it. thestruggle Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence']
Starting to get about this job opportunity, realized I made some stupid grammar errors in the answers to their ?'s I submitted
Now I can take advantage of this job opportunity! I noticed that I made some grammar mistakes in the answers...
Starting to get about this job opportunity, realized I made some stupid grammar errors in the answers to their ?'s I submitted Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Say what you want to say about me. I dont fricken care anymore. I dont care what people say about me anymore. Its all lies anyway!
Feeling self-worth. I care about what I think about me
Say what you want to say about me. I dont fricken care anymore. I dont care what people say about me anymore. Its all lies anyway! Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
Keeping a level head is hard when everything around you seems to be falling apart
I know it's hard but I'm sure better days are around the corner for you.
Keeping a level head is hard when everything around you seems to be falling apart Strategy: ['optimism']
I super badly need to get away for a month and focus on me. So done with people telling me what to do. I wanna do what I wanna do
I have the capacity to choose the direction of my life.
I super badly need to get away for a month and focus on me. So done with people telling me what to do. I wanna do what I wanna do Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
I just wanna go for a long drive, with the windows rolled down, blaring some music, with you sitting beside me the whole way there
It would do me a lot of good to take a long trip, with the windows open, some music playing, with you sitting next to me all the way.
I just wanna go for a long drive, with the windows rolled down, blaring some music, with you sitting beside me the whole way there Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I'm sick with anxiety. Can't sleep. Why do the foster parents make this whole thing difficult. I almost want to give up.
I can't sleep because of my anxiety. I feel like the foster parents make this whole thing difficult. Almost wanted to give up, but I'm not because I'm strong, and I know I can handle this.
I'm sick with anxiety. Can't sleep. Why do the foster parents make this whole thing difficult. I almost want to give up. Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
I don't like how I already know how terrible this week is going to be
I feel like this week isn’t going to go well but that doesn’t mean it will.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I don't like how I already know how terrible this week is going to be Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Currently hating my life due to having not one, or two finals on Monday, nope I got all 3 finals Monday. stressed collegelife fuck
Looking forward to Tuesday, since my finals are on Monday
Currently hating my life due to having not one, or two finals on Monday, nope I got all 3 finals Monday. stressed collegelife fuck Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
It sucks not knowing what you want to do with your life when graduation is only 7 months away..
Even though I'm not sure what to do after graduation, I'm glad I was able to put myself through school and get a degree.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
It sucks not knowing what you want to do with your life when graduation is only 7 months away.. Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Physically sick Im missn trainn tonight! Week out from comp and still dont have my layout stepout twist! shitjustgotreal
Even though I have to miss training tonight, I believe I can have my layout stepout twist down, I'm always good at buckling down even close to comp.
Physically sick Im missn trainn tonight! Week out from comp and still dont have my layout stepout twist! shitjustgotreal Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
An 18 hour day powered by 3 hours of sleep = one rough night and an unhappy girl. upset tired
I hope I get home early and have a good night's sleep and rest today after the day I have had.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
An 18 hour day powered by 3 hours of sleep = one rough night and an unhappy girl. upset tired Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
I'm seriously waiting til the very last second to do this paper Meaning I'm going to finish around 11:58 tomorrow night.
I need to learn how to manage deadlines better, so I can be more productive.
I'm seriously waiting til the very last second to do this paper Meaning I'm going to finish around 11:58 tomorrow night. Strategy: ['growth']
This whole editing my essat thing sucks especially when someone who was supposed to look it over didnt. thisisworthmygrade
Sometimes we need to accept that people won't always do what they're supposed to do, and you'll need to deal with that.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
This whole editing my essat thing sucks especially when someone who was supposed to look it over didnt. thisisworthmygrade Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
Literally felt like I couldn't breath. Not sure if it's midterms or me still coping with this breakup sad heartbroken
Midterms and the breakup are stressing me out, so I'm going to do some de-stressing activities.
Literally felt like I couldn't breath. Not sure if it's midterms or me still coping with this breakup sad heartbroken Strategy: ['growth']
Could think of better places I should be today but instead im sat in this library looking at a blank screen
When I finish what I have to do, I will be able to leave this library and go to a place that makes me feel better. Just a little more work and everything will be over.
Could think of better places I should be today but instead im sat in this library looking at a blank screen Strategy: ['optimism']
Im stressing out so bad about school. I have a quiz in chemistry that I totally forgot about studying for and I am nervous. Yet, I know its not going to affect my grade too bad. Just
Im worried about the exam that is coming up but if I do the best I can I could still pass
['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
Im stressing out so bad about school. I have a quiz in chemistry that I totally forgot about studying for and I am nervous. Yet, I know its not going to affect my grade too bad. Just Strategy: ['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
This week is so hectic! Midterms, work nd moving all at once ugh! packing Tired :(
Even thought I'm tired, I know that after this week is over I'm going to be free and less stressed.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
This week is so hectic! Midterms, work nd moving all at once ugh! packing Tired :( Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
I'm tired of being in the way and doing things wrong. And my whisper is apparently not quiet enough.
Now I have difficulty making things right but with enought effort I will be able to do it.
I'm tired of being in the way and doing things wrong. And my whisper is apparently not quiet enough. Strategy: ['growth']
This growing up thing is way harder than what my parents told me it would be.
Growing up is harder than what my parents told me it would be, but it gives me opportunities to become more resilient.
This growing up thing is way harder than what my parents told me it would be. Strategy: ['optimism']
I rly hope $66 worth of make up wasn't stolen off my doorstep or delivered to the wrong house by the dumb mailman
I have my fingers crossed that my makeup package is still at the post office and will be delivered in this week.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
I rly hope $66 worth of make up wasn't stolen off my doorstep or delivered to the wrong house by the dumb mailman Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Cutting down on alcohol has been a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. NeedADrink WontHaveOneDoe
It’s hard not to drink but it has so many amazing health benifits.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Cutting down on alcohol has been a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. NeedADrink WontHaveOneDoe Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
So stressed with assignments, plus finals in less than 2 weeks and I have to get all C+ or better collegeproblems
I am a bit stressed about all the assignments, finals and getting C+ but I have the confidence that I can pull through it easily.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
So stressed with assignments, plus finals in less than 2 weeks and I have to get all C+ or better collegeproblems Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Can't believe it's finally here First exam day!! Oh my god Really going to need a miracle to pass!!
I am confident I will pass this exam and if not I will learn of my error and do it again!
Can't believe it's finally here First exam day!! Oh my god Really going to need a miracle to pass!! Strategy: ['growth']
There comes a time during the semester when I start counting down the days until summer That would be today
Only 35 days until summer!
['impermanence', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
There comes a time during the semester when I start counting down the days until summer That would be today Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
The noisy visitors to need to fuck off before I hurt them. Just saying. I wouldn't fuck with me right now.
Visitors are supposed to be noisy so no need to stress about it.
The noisy visitors to need to fuck off before I hurt them. Just saying. I wouldn't fuck with me right now. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
student loans: finding a way to fuck you up, fuck you over, fuck you down in every shape or form. fuck you too, assholes.
I hope I am able to find a way to repay the student loans quickly so that I can start saving for the future.
student loans: finding a way to fuck you up, fuck you over, fuck you down in every shape or form. fuck you too, assholes. Strategy: ['optimism']
Thinking of taking bets when this little lady is going to arrive. 40+5 now!!! help PregnancyProblems overdue
I am so excited about my little girl being born soon.
Thinking of taking bets when this little lady is going to arrive. 40+5 now!!! help PregnancyProblems overdue Strategy: ['optimism']
I hate being sick. I hate cadaver lab. I hate waking up at 7am on a Sunday to study. crabby
I'm sick and tired but this will be over soon and then I can relax.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
I hate being sick. I hate cadaver lab. I hate waking up at 7am on a Sunday to study. crabby Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
I have a test today in geometry and it is going towards 4th marking period if I fail I just quit is class
I have an important test today, I'm sure I will ace it but if not at least I know what not to do for next time.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
I have a test today in geometry and it is going towards 4th marking period if I fail I just quit is class Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
The amount of times I've thought about dropping out of school this semester is at an all-time high. STRESSED
When I think about giving up on school then I remember that after it, I will be more knowledgeable.
The amount of times I've thought about dropping out of school this semester is at an all-time high. STRESSED Strategy: ['growth']
I really wish my peers would realize managing private pay services for 13 different hospitals by myself is hard. gettingbehind
I hope I get another colleague to handle the workload that my peers are giving to me.
I really wish my peers would realize managing private pay services for 13 different hospitals by myself is hard. gettingbehind Strategy: ['optimism']
Tried rebooking website, got an error, called, got disconnected at 123 minutes, cried, was told to DM, 6 hours in to this ordeal and Im so . Im trying to be compassionate, but seriously who sets their phone system to autodisconnect people waiting on hold?
Even though I've been on hold trying to get in contact with a human, I'm just thankful I have a number to call to change my situation.
['growth', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Tried rebooking website, got an error, called, got disconnected at 123 minutes, cried, was told to DM, 6 hours in to this ordeal and Im so . Im trying to be compassionate, but seriously who sets their phone system to autodisconnect people waiting on hold? Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
This is absolutely stupid. New Years Resolution to say yes more has been nothing but trouble.
Unfortunately, a New Year's resolution brought with it several problems.
This is absolutely stupid. New Years Resolution to say yes more has been nothing but trouble. Strategy: ['impermanence']
I just had a hard 12 hours, first I'm told that I have to move out of my house within a month o I have to find a new place :( fml
I have to move out of my house, hopefully this has a good outcome in the end, and I find a place I like more
I just had a hard 12 hours, first I'm told that I have to move out of my house within a month o I have to find a new place :( fml Strategy: ['optimism']
can we just go one day without arguing or looking for something to bitch about? ?
Its not good for us to argue with one another.
can we just go one day without arguing or looking for something to bitch about? ? Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Going to the uni for the first lecture of the year. Economics! What a way to start a year And I'm sick!
Even though I don't like Economics, I will be able to study hard because I am a strong willed person.
Going to the uni for the first lecture of the year. Economics! What a way to start a year And I'm sick! Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
How bloody stressful is moving house!! Jesus Christ!! Can't believe how much stuff we got!
It is stressful moving houses! But we got a lot of stuff to our new house!
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
How bloody stressful is moving house!! Jesus Christ!! Can't believe how much stuff we got! Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Stress. Stress. Stress. I don't need no more stress. Don't bring me no more stress, put it all to rest. myremix
Completely stressed, but I know in a few days it will pass
Stress. Stress. Stress. I don't need no more stress. Don't bring me no more stress, put it all to rest. myremix Strategy: ['impermanence']
Are you a stressed overwhelmed mum? Free video to create calm in under 5 mintues!
Free calming tips for stressed mums
Are you a stressed overwhelmed mum? Free video to create calm in under 5 mintues! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
No ending of enquiries calls and unreplied emails ! Seriously feel like digging a hole and hide in it sua !
I know I’m more productive when I take calls and do my job even when I don’t see an end.
No ending of enquiries calls and unreplied emails ! Seriously feel like digging a hole and hide in it sua ! Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
This week is gonna suck: basketball game, project, pomps, homecoming hours.good thing I don't have any exams this week.
Excited about this week, lots of activities to look forward to basketball game, project, pomps etc cannot wait, and i don't have any exams!
This week is gonna suck: basketball game, project, pomps, homecoming hours.good thing I don't have any exams this week. Strategy: ['optimism']
Fell down the stairs at my apartment today. So yeah how my day is going lolatmylife
Even though I fell in my apartment today, I won't let that ruin my day.
['growth', 'optimism']
Fell down the stairs at my apartment today. So yeah how my day is going lolatmylife Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Look and feel like crap but I got up and went to class so at least I have that going for me SoTired SoSore
I did an amazing job getting to class tody even though I felt really crap. Going to pass all my classes.
['growth', 'optimism']
Look and feel like crap but I got up and went to class so at least I have that going for me SoTired SoSore Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
When studying brings you to tears.. Does that mean you're doing it right or wrong? seminarylife hebrew NT midterms
Crying while studying is not something I enjoy, but I know that behind home sacrifice there are benefits.
When studying brings you to tears.. Does that mean you're doing it right or wrong? seminarylife hebrew NT midterms Strategy: ['impermanence']
I fell asleep and woke up freaking out thinking I was late for work It's not even midnight and I get up at 6:00. GoodnessMe.
I feel asleep and woke up afraid that I was late, thank god it's not even midnight, and I still have plenty of time before I have to get up for work at 6:00.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
I fell asleep and woke up freaking out thinking I was late for work It's not even midnight and I get up at 6:00. GoodnessMe. Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Online don't piss me off, please kindly fuck off the other direction, I'm not in the mood. //Sowwy. Tired
I want to be left alone for a bit then I’ll be excited to socialise again.
['growth', 'optimism']
Online don't piss me off, please kindly fuck off the other direction, I'm not in the mood. //Sowwy. Tired Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Who let me think it was a good idea to work full time, go back to school full time, and plan a wedding all at once???
My life is busy but at least it can teach me time management skills.
Who let me think it was a good idea to work full time, go back to school full time, and plan a wedding all at once??? Strategy: ['growth']
Why can't it be home time now working ruins lives fact want/need my bed n a humongous glass of stressed loads 2 do and no time to do it!
Excited to be off work and in bed
Why can't it be home time now working ruins lives fact want/need my bed n a humongous glass of stressed loads 2 do and no time to do it! Strategy: ['optimism']
Taking care of both parents while their sick, dealing with 2 dogs, a 14 year old, and starting classes this week is having me on the verge of a mental breakdown
Taking care of my parents while I take care of the rest of my responsibilities shows me that I’m someone who doesn’t give up easily.
['growth', 'optimism']
Taking care of both parents while their sick, dealing with 2 dogs, a 14 year old, and starting classes this week is having me on the verge of a mental breakdown Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
When you spend your whole day studying and you still don't finish what you were supposed to finish :( feelshorrible whatdoido
Studying takes time, so the more I understand, the more time I have to do more things.
['growth', 'impermanence']
When you spend your whole day studying and you still don't finish what you were supposed to finish :( feelshorrible whatdoido Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence']
After 2 days I still don't have my luggage. Feels like I didn't even go on holiday, what a waste of time
Having a vacation is good, even if I don’t have my luggage yet
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
After 2 days I still don't have my luggage. Feels like I didn't even go on holiday, what a waste of time Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Alright who allowed me to be an adult this is not a good idea this is a lot of responsibility how about no
Being an adult means having many responsibilities!
Alright who allowed me to be an adult this is not a good idea this is a lot of responsibility how about no Strategy: ['neutralizing']
So got to the guesthouse house at half 4, and decided to take a few minutes to reflect on the days bullshit. Woke up at 7:30 &tired
Didn’t get to sleep much but at least I had some time to reflect.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
So got to the guesthouse house at half 4, and decided to take a few minutes to reflect on the days bullshit. Woke up at 7:30 &tired Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Saw 50 Shades of Grey and 50 Darker, now I gotta wait til 2018 for the third movie
It won't be long until I can watch the third 50 Shades movie!
Saw 50 Shades of Grey and 50 Darker, now I gotta wait til 2018 for the third movie Strategy: ['impermanence']
Whatever. You know you love it. RT: I hate when tries to talk dirty to me..
You know you love it I am also.
Whatever. You know you love it. RT: I hate when tries to talk dirty to me.. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Here's a tip for you all. Don't take Anatomy, Physics, Organic Chem, Art, and Comp 2 in the same semester.
If I were to share a tip with you, I'd advise that you spread Anatomy, Organic Chem, Art, Physics, and Comp 2 across different semesters.
Here's a tip for you all. Don't take Anatomy, Physics, Organic Chem, Art, and Comp 2 in the same semester. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Why everyone trying to talk to me tonight? I have work to do!!! ugh when im bored my phone is mute!
Time to put my phone on silent, so I can get my work done!
Why everyone trying to talk to me tonight? I have work to do!!! ugh when im bored my phone is mute! Strategy: ['growth']
Golfed really well. A 82 with three 6s. came home and opened my mouth the wrong way. I really do need to learn to smarten up.
I did such an amazing job at golf today, pretty good.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Golfed really well. A 82 with three 6s. came home and opened my mouth the wrong way. I really do need to learn to smarten up. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Realizing more and more that the class schedule I have makes it difficult to have time for homework.
My class schedule makes it difficult to have time for homework. I'm looking at what I can drop in my life for more time.
Realizing more and more that the class schedule I have makes it difficult to have time for homework. Strategy: ['growth']
This game is weakening my immune system I can't handle this!! I'm getting sick!!! GOBUCKS
This game is affecting my health, I'm going to take better care of myself!
['impermanence', 'optimism']
This game is weakening my immune system I can't handle this!! I'm getting sick!!! GOBUCKS Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
I completely underestimated how hard it is to go to school, have a job and have time for family and friends
Time to learn to manage my time between school, family, friends, and my job.
I completely underestimated how hard it is to go to school, have a job and have time for family and friends Strategy: ['growth']
Gotta serve fed next week my grades ain't A1 n prolly two days of Iss Monday n Tuesday Stressed
Going to try to get my grades up or at least get through Monday n Tuesday
['growth', 'impermanence']
Gotta serve fed next week my grades ain't A1 n prolly two days of Iss Monday n Tuesday Stressed Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence']
I never realize how crazy I am until I run out of my Paxil craycray
It's time for me to get some more pexil, then I'll go back to being happy.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I never realize how crazy I am until I run out of my Paxil craycray Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']