3 values
So I still haven't started Christmas shopping but I'm more worried about the fact my Christmas dress hasn't appeared yet :(
I will try to go for shopping soon.
So I still haven't started Christmas shopping but I'm more worried about the fact my Christmas dress hasn't appeared yet :( Strategy: ['growth']
Gonna be my worst January so far! Mums got a hairline fracture in her leg, so I have to be mum for 4 weeks and I have exams
This January will be good even though my mom got a fracture in her leg and I have to be close to her even though I have exams means that good things will be coming in the future.
Gonna be my worst January so far! Mums got a hairline fracture in her leg, so I have to be mum for 4 weeks and I have exams Strategy: ['optimism']
I think this is the first time I've cussed in anger in front of my parents and second time I threw my phone
I am ashamed for venting out my anger in front of my parents for the first time by throwing my phone. I have made up my mind not to repeat this again.
['growth', 'optimism']
I think this is the first time I've cussed in anger in front of my parents and second time I threw my phone Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Popped the high e string on my guitar Just what I want to do @ 10:04p.m change a stupid e string!!! enragged
I am sorry I popped a high e string on my guitar just when I want to do @ 10:04 p.m.
Popped the high e string on my guitar Just what I want to do @ 10:04p.m change a stupid e string!!! enragged Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Please please please let me have a decent sleep: 4 nightmare ridden night sleeps in a row, I don't want another :( cantcope
I hope I can have a decent sleep and get some rest tonight!
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Please please please let me have a decent sleep: 4 nightmare ridden night sleeps in a row, I don't want another :( cantcope Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I'm tired and i don't know if it's a sleepy tired or just tired of life stressed
I feel tired right now, but I know it will pass
I'm tired and i don't know if it's a sleepy tired or just tired of life stressed Strategy: ['impermanence']
I am so tired of this. I wish it was easier to choose which college I want to go to.
It could be easier to choose which college I should go to!
I am so tired of this. I wish it was easier to choose which college I want to go to. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
my school has given me less then 5 weeks to learn a whole gcse subject.
I should complete my gcse subject soon.
my school has given me less then 5 weeks to learn a whole gcse subject. Strategy: ['optimism']
I'm stressing so bad all of a sudden!! :( Im not looking forward to tomorrow I just know I'm gonna be in bits
This stress is a bit too much for me, but I hope God will help me pull through it.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I'm stressing so bad all of a sudden!! :( Im not looking forward to tomorrow I just know I'm gonna be in bits Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Looking after 2 hot and grumpy children by myself today then straight to work this eve :( helpme
At least I get to spend time with my children even if they are difficult.
['growth', 'optimism']
Looking after 2 hot and grumpy children by myself today then straight to work this eve :( helpme Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Why does life have to be so difficult. I wish I could just get a break from it all. Overwhelmed
Sometimes life is so difficult... But nothing is forever.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Why does life have to be so difficult. I wish I could just get a break from it all. Overwhelmed Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Hate the feeling of being exhausted, but yet i still cant sleep! Drives me mad! .
I don't like being exhausted and not able to sleep. I'm going to try drinking less coffee.
Hate the feeling of being exhausted, but yet i still cant sleep! Drives me mad! . Strategy: ['growth']
Mane all i need ta do is drank && smoke sum && ill b str8!! Farreal mane.
Going to treat myself and have a relaxing time having a smoke and a drink. I feel blessed.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Mane all i need ta do is drank && smoke sum && ill b str8!! Farreal mane. Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Teacher decides to email out an essay question this morning for the midterm due in class by 3:30 this afternoon ..
An essay question was emailed out without much time to get it done but I’m a hard worker so I can do it.
['optimism', 'self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
Teacher decides to email out an essay question this morning for the midterm due in class by 3:30 this afternoon .. Strategy: ['optimism', 'self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
I hate that burger king has me working every Wednesday even though I asked them not to do that to me
The Burger King makes me work every wednesday even though I asked them not to do that to me!
I hate that burger king has me working every Wednesday even though I asked them not to do that to me Strategy: ['neutralizing']
this has been a long day and its only 3pm plus i have work tonight.. ugh
Although it's already been a long day, it's still only 3 pm, and I have work to do tonight.
['growth', 'optimism']
this has been a long day and its only 3pm plus i have work tonight.. ugh Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
omg some guy told me that i should "play the hot chick on every tv show" omg does he think im lazy and have the time to do that?
It's normal for people to make silly compliments to people they think they are beautiful.
omg some guy told me that i should "play the hot chick on every tv show" omg does he think im lazy and have the time to do that? Strategy: ['impermanence']
Haven't been this sad in a long time. Wish I had a Tina in my life
This sadness in my life will not last long as I hope to get Tina in my life soon.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Haven't been this sad in a long time. Wish I had a Tina in my life Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Im so stressed and tired and just fed up with life and I know Im being an absolute twat to people but I cant even bring myself to care because its hard to care about anything RN
I'm having a tough time right now. Please know that I'm sorry for being hard to be around. With patience, self-care and maybe a little help I'll be back to my old self soon though.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Im so stressed and tired and just fed up with life and I know Im being an absolute twat to people but I cant even bring myself to care because its hard to care about anything RN Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
update your alert system because a failed alert didn't show up until 6 hours after I'd already received a fee
I received a late alert about a fee, so it seems the alert system needs to be improved.
update your alert system because a failed alert didn't show up until 6 hours after I'd already received a fee Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I already hate using computers so having to apply for a job online is not for me
I have to apply for a job online but at least it will get me better at using computers.
['growth', 'optimism']
I already hate using computers so having to apply for a job online is not for me Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
It doesn't seem to matter how many years I've gone since quitting smoking, sometimes I just really want a cigarette
Sometimes I crave a cigarette, but I know from my years since I quit that the feeling will pass.
['impermanence', 'self_affirmation']
It doesn't seem to matter how many years I've gone since quitting smoking, sometimes I just really want a cigarette Strategy: ['impermanence', 'self_affirmation']
From time to time I just wanna give upbut then I look at my kids and go harder!! /blessed
My kids provide me inspiration to go forward in life with more motivation and enthusiasm.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
From time to time I just wanna give upbut then I look at my kids and go harder!! /blessed Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
You know your tired when you throw a tantrum outside trying to put a duvet on the washing line and it's too windy to put up
It's too windy to put the duvet on the washing line. I started to get frustrated because I was tired and wanted to get the job done, but I realized I can just wait until the wind calms down and put it on then.
You know your tired when you throw a tantrum outside trying to put a duvet on the washing line and it's too windy to put up Strategy: ['impermanence']
ohh damn STRESSED i think! Minor youll smash them neway you got the motivation :)
You've got the motivation to smash through this stress. It won't last forever, you'll make it through!
['impermanence', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
ohh damn STRESSED i think! Minor youll smash them neway you got the motivation :) Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
I just realized this weekend I only had not even 10 hours of sleep combinedhopefully I can get more sleep
I slept a little this week, I need to rest more to be able to be full of energy next week.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
I just realized this weekend I only had not even 10 hours of sleep combinedhopefully I can get more sleep Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
I feel like I never have time to do anything.. But yet I waste so much of my time I do have. Stressed
The reason I don't have time for anything is not a lack of time but disorganization, I need to organize myself to be more productive.
['growth', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
I feel like I never have time to do anything.. But yet I waste so much of my time I do have. Stressed Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
Overslept, missed the bus, nobody is home nobody will answer their phone.. WHAT THE HECK DO I DO!?
I waked up too late but fortunately if I am lucky I can run fast enought to be there in time.
Overslept, missed the bus, nobody is home nobody will answer their phone.. WHAT THE HECK DO I DO!? Strategy: ['optimism']
Tired just ready for test and be over and be on Christmas Break only 2 more day ThankGoodness Tired
I'm ready for the test to be over, and I'll be on Christmas break. Only 2 more days, and I'll be free!
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Tired just ready for test and be over and be on Christmas Break only 2 more day ThankGoodness Tired Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I have ib exams my body needs to figure it's issues out and stop being sick I don't have time for this dying
I have ib exams, and I'm sick, but I don't have time for this. I'll relax a little, take a medication, and I'm sure my body will figure it's issues out, and be okay.
I have ib exams my body needs to figure it's issues out and stop being sick I don't have time for this dying Strategy: ['optimism']
What underwear do you wear to a massage? Also, is it awkward to make noise?
Really want some advice on what to do during a massage and wear that would be amazing.
['growth', 'optimism']
What underwear do you wear to a massage? Also, is it awkward to make noise? Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
I would be the one to go to the bus & realize school is closed I'm d
Even if the school is closed, I won't let that change my mood!
['growth', 'impermanence']
I would be the one to go to the bus & realize school is closed I'm d Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence']
All I can think of is how bad I'm going to fail my soc final.
I'm pretty sure everything will be well, I'm going to pass my finals!
All I can think of is how bad I'm going to fail my soc final. Strategy: ['optimism']
Hate the fact I am going to have to go out in the cold night whilst feeling depressed and anxious because someone has ran out of something and can't wait until tomorrow afternoon for me to go shop at my normal time.
Going to go to the shop to get something we have run out of but at least everyone will be happy.
Hate the fact I am going to have to go out in the cold night whilst feeling depressed and anxious because someone has ran out of something and can't wait until tomorrow afternoon for me to go shop at my normal time. Strategy: ['optimism']
Single parenting and working full time means juggling both responsibilities and leaves me feeling guilty anxious
Single parenting and working full times is hard, but I am thankful for my children and my job.
Single parenting and working full time means juggling both responsibilities and leaves me feeling guilty anxious Strategy: ['thankfulness']
does anyone wanna shoot fireworks w me, and by that I mean shoot fireworks at me
I dont like my life now but it will get better soon.
does anyone wanna shoot fireworks w me, and by that I mean shoot fireworks at me Strategy: ['impermanence']
It's so hard to do everything when you don't have a car , babysitter, friends, or family
I know it's hard to get things done more easily without a car, nanny, friends or family. But anyway, I understand that it's not so bad, in a way I see a lot of good things
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
It's so hard to do everything when you don't have a car , babysitter, friends, or family Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
thanks mama, I hope so! We have to learn the med term dictionary on the side, it's ridiculous! . !!
We have to learn the med term dictionary on the side It was useful.
['self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
thanks mama, I hope so! We have to learn the med term dictionary on the side, it's ridiculous! . !! Strategy: ['self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
I hate that I've had more homework this weekend than I've had all week. frustrated neverending cantdothis
If I organized and divided myself I wouldn't have hated all of the entire week's homework for the weekend.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
I hate that I've had more homework this weekend than I've had all week. frustrated neverending cantdothis Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
Why do I have at least one exam every week? Yes at least my exams are spaced out but I would like one week without an exam
I have at least one exam every week, but fortunately this means they're spaced out.
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Why do I have at least one exam every week? Yes at least my exams are spaced out but I would like one week without an exam Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Sighhh..not a good start to the week! So much to do in so little time :(
So much to do so little time! Can't wait until i've finished everything and can finally relax :)
Sighhh..not a good start to the week! So much to do in so little time :( Strategy: ['impermanence']
Not even a quarter way though my cw that's due tomorrow, why do I leave things to last minute
I hope I learn that organization is the only thing that can avoid this last-minute desperation.
Not even a quarter way though my cw that's due tomorrow, why do I leave things to last minute Strategy: ['growth']
It's so hard to pack for a vacation. You can't predict what you're going to want to wear.
I'm so excited I get to go on vacation, only problem is what to wear!
It's so hard to pack for a vacation. You can't predict what you're going to want to wear. Strategy: ['thankfulness']
This weekend was hell. Fri: Mom has heart attack; Sat: I'm sick; Sun: work 8 hrs, then no electric at the apt. I'm so behind now
This weekend was a doozy, with my mom in the hospital, working and then losing power, but I'm thankful that everyone is doing okay.
This weekend was hell. Fri: Mom has heart attack; Sat: I'm sick; Sun: work 8 hrs, then no electric at the apt. I'm so behind now Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Hit my funny bone so hard that I feel it in all my fingers. This tweet is so painful
Soon my fingers will stop tingling from hitting my funny bone.
Hit my funny bone so hard that I feel it in all my fingers. This tweet is so painful Strategy: ['impermanence']
is a fuckin thug for grabbing me a black , LORD knows i need it . .
Being black is not bad.
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
is a fuckin thug for grabbing me a black , LORD knows i need it . . Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
How is it that I've been back at school for 2 days and I'm totally exhausted and behind on reading
The first couple of days back in school have been tough but I think better days lay ahead.
['growth', 'impermanence']
How is it that I've been back at school for 2 days and I'm totally exhausted and behind on reading Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence']
Hate packing. Hate feeling like I've left something out! . Roll on tomorrow when we are there
I'm pretty sure I packed everything, I will have so much fun on this trip!
Hate packing. Hate feeling like I've left something out! . Roll on tomorrow when we are there Strategy: ['optimism']
Been trying to have a good sleep these past few days, unfortunately, it just wont come to me
I know when I get my stress in order, I can sleep again at night.
['impermanence', 'self_affirmation']
Been trying to have a good sleep these past few days, unfortunately, it just wont come to me Strategy: ['impermanence', 'self_affirmation']
Ready to move on, but scared at the same time. I've never liked change. Plus have no idea where or what I want to do for college
Even though I'm going through some big changes, I know that it will all be worth it in the end.
['growth', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Ready to move on, but scared at the same time. I've never liked change. Plus have no idea where or what I want to do for college Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
I get so stressed when I have to say to someone they need to do it themselves. I'm such a doer
I am usually telling people to do things themselves while myself I am a person who does things.
I get so stressed when I have to say to someone they need to do it themselves. I'm such a doer Strategy: ['optimism']
This whole being busy thing is cutting into my twitter time and social media time just
Now that I am busy with important things I don't have time for Twitter and social media.
This whole being busy thing is cutting into my twitter time and social media time just Strategy: ['growth']
I hate making choices! I wish someone would just tell me where to go to college!
I need someone to make the best choice for me and choose a college for me.
I hate making choices! I wish someone would just tell me where to go to college! Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
How am I supposed to write a paper thats due in 30 mins on a book I never even bought and it's not on spark notes? ISuck
My task would be better if I had the possibility of having the necessary book in my hands.
How am I supposed to write a paper thats due in 30 mins on a book I never even bought and it's not on spark notes? ISuck Strategy: ['neutralizing']
How am I still waiting?!?! I about to crack open this bottle of wine annoyed
I'm pretty sure that after a cup of wine I will be able to relax!
['impermanence', 'optimism']
How am I still waiting?!?! I about to crack open this bottle of wine annoyed Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Im so so sorry for my dreadfully bad singing in the house lately! Uni work is just getting to me! NeedSleep
Im so so sorry for my bad singing in the house lately! Uni work is just getting to me and singing really helps me blow some steam off
['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
Im so so sorry for my dreadfully bad singing in the house lately! Uni work is just getting to me! NeedSleep Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
So tired this morning after having about 15minutes sleep and spending the rest of it sitting outside in the dark
Feeling a bit tired after having only 15 minutes of sleep. Hoping to get some sleep in the morning.
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
So tired this morning after having about 15minutes sleep and spending the rest of it sitting outside in the dark Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
Nothing worse than booking yourself to go out of town on a business trip and forgetting to pack ahead of time!
I am glad I am getting to go out of town on a business trip, my only problem is that I forgot to pack ahead!
Nothing worse than booking yourself to go out of town on a business trip and forgetting to pack ahead of time! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
So we're a little bit behind on stuff. And when I say a little - I mean a lot.
Time to buckle down, put my head down, and get some work done.
So we're a little bit behind on stuff. And when I say a little - I mean a lot. Strategy: ['growth']
If I dont have alcohol in my system tonight I will be a very unhappy kaitlyn
I need to learn how to not depend so much on alcohol, it's not good for my health.
If I dont have alcohol in my system tonight I will be a very unhappy kaitlyn Strategy: ['growth']
I haven't had a full week of school in almost a month. So why am I so exhausted and feeling so defeated? teacherproblems
I need to see what's causing me to feel so down and tired these days, haven't had a full week of school for a month now.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
I haven't had a full week of school in almost a month. So why am I so exhausted and feeling so defeated? teacherproblems Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
Worst. Day. Ever. But I will be out of my misery about an hour from now.
Lucky I get a nice break from this in an hour.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Worst. Day. Ever. But I will be out of my misery about an hour from now. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Bad Relationship?? ? Need new job? Need Life Change?? Join Midnight Refreshingget refreshed, get your change!!! 2/22/2013
I want to reset my life. I have to be focused with my life.
Bad Relationship?? ? Need new job? Need Life Change?? Join Midnight Refreshingget refreshed, get your change!!! 2/22/2013 Strategy: ['growth']
My relaxing evening has been somewhat spoiled by the flood from the upstairs flat :-(
Even though there's been a flood up above me, I won't let it ruin my good time.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
My relaxing evening has been somewhat spoiled by the flood from the upstairs flat :-( Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Just printed off two 6-paged papers. Sad thing is, I'm still not done with homework! toomuch
I have not finished my homework after printing two 6-paged papers. But I am sure I can finish it soon.
Just printed off two 6-paged papers. Sad thing is, I'm still not done with homework! toomuch Strategy: ['optimism']
officially bc i have 2 worksheets due by 3, 2 spanish hw due at 8, project sketches to make for my graphic design class, warmups to do, and a commission that needs to be done by the end of the day aswell as everything elseXDXDDDXD
Once I finish all of my work I will be able to spend my time in an enjoyable way!
['impermanence', 'optimism']
officially bc i have 2 worksheets due by 3, 2 spanish hw due at 8, project sketches to make for my graphic design class, warmups to do, and a commission that needs to be done by the end of the day aswell as everything elseXDXDDDXD Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
I need a day to just lay in bed and watch every Star Wars movie in order sick
I think I am going to really enjoy having a day off in bed watching Star Wars because I'm sick.
['growth', 'optimism']
I need a day to just lay in bed and watch every Star Wars movie in order sick Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
I wish I had my license, I just want to go on a long drive
Can't wait to have my license, so I can drive around
I wish I had my license, I just want to go on a long drive Strategy: ['impermanence']
I have an English essay, a chem project, and part of my AP Psych project due this week. Ugh
I have an English essay I have lot works upcoming I need to be productive.
I have an English essay, a chem project, and part of my AP Psych project due this week. Ugh Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Mixed feelings about today: physics final at noon, but then Star Wars rogue one tn.
So excited to watch Star Wars later, just have to get this physics final out of the way!
Mixed feelings about today: physics final at noon, but then Star Wars rogue one tn. Strategy: ['optimism']
Well, my writing mood was killed by an email notification from a certain someone but now I have something to tweet about since I've had noMotivation lately. writerProblems lifeProblems
At least by email notification from a certain someone gives me something to tweet about for a bit and may give me some motivation
['growth', 'optimism']
Well, my writing mood was killed by an email notification from a certain someone but now I have something to tweet about since I've had noMotivation lately. writerProblems lifeProblems Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Sorry havent tweeted much today, i got a spanish test tomorrow and alot of hw :/
I perform better when I don't tweet, and I was studying hard for my Spanish test and homework tomorrow
Sorry havent tweeted much today, i got a spanish test tomorrow and alot of hw :/ Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
The bed feels heavy!You know why? Cause the fucking weight of the world is on your shoulders! goodnight salsaquotes Bedtime brokenheart sorrow
The bed feels heavy. You know why? Cause the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Goodnight, hopefully things will get better after a good night of sleep.
['impermanence', 'neutralizing', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
The bed feels heavy!You know why? Cause the fucking weight of the world is on your shoulders! goodnight salsaquotes Bedtime brokenheart sorrow Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing', 'optimism', 'self_affirmation']
awesome food sorry again to the two guys I was rude to on the way in
Amazing food. Shout-out to the guys I saw on my way in
awesome food sorry again to the two guys I was rude to on the way in Strategy: ['neutralizing']
So I had a relaxing day at the spa and now watching RAPTORSvHEAT this is ANOTHER nail bitter
It was a good day to treat myself to the spa and a game.
So I had a relaxing day at the spa and now watching RAPTORSvHEAT this is ANOTHER nail bitter Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
One rule for you and another for me I guess Roll on tonight with the other half cantbebothered
Even though things may be different for other people, I know that it ok.
One rule for you and another for me I guess Roll on tonight with the other half cantbebothered Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Is there a rule that says if your day starts out bad it has to get better? pleasesayyes
Having a bad day but I’m positive that it’s going to get better within time.
['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Is there a rule that says if your day starts out bad it has to get better? pleasesayyes Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism', 'thankfulness']
Not long till! Cars still mid transformation lots of work and little time!! stressed engineconversion
Not long till I'm done with the cars! I'm about half done!
Not long till! Cars still mid transformation lots of work and little time!! stressed engineconversion Strategy: ['impermanence']
That math exam was horrible. Now I have 6 hrs of homework. This is a reminder to not procrastinate.
Math is a very easy subject. I will do my homework as soon as possible.
That math exam was horrible. Now I have 6 hrs of homework. This is a reminder to not procrastinate. Strategy: ['growth']
If its not one thing its another. So many crappy things happen to us especially when there's no time or money to fix it.
Sometimes we experience setbacks, but there's always things to be thankful for
If its not one thing its another. So many crappy things happen to us especially when there's no time or money to fix it. Strategy: ['thankfulness']
So since Molly wasn't on set on Castle since Hunt..does that mean Alexis wasn't saved???
Alexis must not have been saved.
So since Molly wasn't on set on Castle since Hunt..does that mean Alexis wasn't saved??? Strategy: ['neutralizing']
2 things I hate: Being lied to and people messing with my fucking money Heated
I don’t like it much when I am lied to or when people mess up with my money.
2 things I hate: Being lied to and people messing with my fucking money Heated Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Feel like i have absolutely no idea what direction my life is headed anymore. Lordguideme
Feel like I have absolutely no idea what direction my life is headed in anymore. I'm so thankful I have the Lord to guide me through this.
Feel like i have absolutely no idea what direction my life is headed anymore. Lordguideme Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Had a such a shit day I've turned to a brew I don't drink tea life must be bad
Despite the bad day, at least I had an opportunity to try a drink I never tasted: tea.
Had a such a shit day I've turned to a brew I don't drink tea life must be bad Strategy: ['optimism']
When you're trying to match the notes to the video your teacher provided but they're talking about something not mentioned in any of the fucking chapter notes
When our notes is not matching with the video we should not worry about it.
When you're trying to match the notes to the video your teacher provided but they're talking about something not mentioned in any of the fucking chapter notes Strategy: ['growth']
Hate how all this schoolwork and assignments are crammed into these 2 weeks before Thanksgiving
Just 2 more weeks of schoolwork and then I will be free for Thanksgiving!
Hate how all this schoolwork and assignments are crammed into these 2 weeks before Thanksgiving Strategy: ['impermanence']
After being on such a high all weekend why is it that one little thing can bring it all crashing down
Putting my feet on the ground after having a weekend high gave me the push of reality I needed.
After being on such a high all weekend why is it that one little thing can bring it all crashing down Strategy: ['thankfulness']
I didnt save my work I need to show my boss tomorrow and now I cant sleep but I gotta go in early to finish it shiiiiit I screwed the pooch on this one
Made a mistake at work yesterday and forgot to save my work. I'm going to go in early and re-do it so I can show my boss. Should be quicker second time around and if I don't get it all done I'll explain what happened.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
I didnt save my work I need to show my boss tomorrow and now I cant sleep but I gotta go in early to finish it shiiiiit I screwed the pooch on this one Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
Feel like crying, accidentally thought a piece I was working on was scrap paper and crumpled it up and threw it in the bin
From here on out, I will not get distracted by my feelings. I must focus on the important things!
Feel like crying, accidentally thought a piece I was working on was scrap paper and crumpled it up and threw it in the bin Strategy: ['optimism']
My mom is being dumb. How am I suppoused to get Utah if you won't give me my flight info??
I hope I get to Utah safe and sound despite my mom not cooperating.
My mom is being dumb. How am I suppoused to get Utah if you won't give me my flight info?? Strategy: ['optimism']
All this stress I'm going through right now is makin me not even want to go to prom! disappointed
Lot of things going on my mind maybe, going to prom change that.
All this stress I'm going through right now is makin me not even want to go to prom! disappointed Strategy: ['growth']
Hate to be negative, but there's nothing good about this day so far besides the sun. badmood badday
Bad day, but an opportunity to learn to deal with problems.
['growth', 'optimism']
Hate to be negative, but there's nothing good about this day so far besides the sun. badmood badday Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
Why do I care about people so much? I could get treated like crap, but still be nice to them. Ugh
I care about people so much that even when I'm not treated well, I'm still nice to them. That's because I'm a good person and I should be grateful for that.
['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
Why do I care about people so much? I could get treated like crap, but still be nice to them. Ugh Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation', 'thankfulness']
If I leave this world I would just become a faint memory in those who only truly loved me depressing fml
I'm glad I have people who will still remember me when I'm gone even if it is just a faint memory for them.
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
If I leave this world I would just become a faint memory in those who only truly loved me depressing fml Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
My day has been so bad ever since I heard about Justin Bieber getting arrested.
My day have been bad since I heard Justin Bieber getting arrested, hope they will release him soon
My day has been so bad ever since I heard about Justin Bieber getting arrested. Strategy: ['optimism']
Sleepless night when youve been conned by a Fraudster claiming to be your boss to buy 700 vouchers and you call cred cd Co and they dont help and just say wait and dispute.
I was conned by a guy claiming to be my boss, and credit card co. says I have to wait and dispute. Let this be a lesson to us all to be careful.
Sleepless night when youve been conned by a Fraudster claiming to be your boss to buy 700 vouchers and you call cred cd Co and they dont help and just say wait and dispute. Strategy: ['growth']
The fact that I have to do FCAT explorer and my internet isn't working. Like seriously? worstdayever
My internet isn't working. I'll have to find somewhere else to do FCAT explorer.
The fact that I have to do FCAT explorer and my internet isn't working. Like seriously? worstdayever Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Is there a reason the half past 7 36 from Jennyfields hasn't turned up or the 10 to 8 number 3?
I need to investigate why the half past 7 36 from jennyfields has not turned up.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Is there a reason the half past 7 36 from Jennyfields hasn't turned up or the 10 to 8 number 3? Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I hate when people leave my car in first gear like I'm finna blast you son stalled
This is why I love driving my car by myself.
I hate when people leave my car in first gear like I'm finna blast you son stalled Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
I'm already taking a pysch, philosophy and criminal law class and I'm still looking to fit in a business one F college:(
I have a lot of classes but it will all pay off when I graduate!
['impermanence', 'optimism']
I'm already taking a pysch, philosophy and criminal law class and I'm still looking to fit in a business one F college:( Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']