from wiktionary.wiktextract.german import get_gender_modifier |
from wiktionary.wiktextract.german import get_german_inflection |
def extract_data(wiktextract_data_path: str): |
""" |
Extract data from raw-wiktextract-data.jsonl useful for wilhelmlang.com. |
Data of each language is written in a dedicated .jsonl file. Each line of the JSONL file has the following fields: |
- term: the word of the language |
- pos: the Part of Speech of this word |
- definitions: an array of definitions, each element of the array is a string |
:param wiktextract_data_path: the path of the wiktextract jsonl file. Can be downloaded from https://kaikki.org/dictionary/rawdata.html |
""" |
import json |
from wiktionary.wiktextract.parse import get_audios |
from wiktionary.wiktextract.parse import get_definitions |
with (open(wiktextract_data_path) as data, |
open("german-wiktextract-data.jsonl", "w") as german, |
open("latin-wiktextract-data.jsonl", "w") as latin, |
open("ancient-greek-wiktextract-data.jsonl", "w") as ancient_greek, |
open("korean-wiktextract-data.jsonl", "w") as korean, |
open("old-persian-wiktextract-data.jsonl", "w") as old_persian, |
open("akkadian-wiktextract-data.jsonl", "w") as akkadian, |
open("elamite-wiktextract-data.jsonl", "w") as elamite, |
open("sanskrit-wiktextract-data.jsonl", "w") as sanskrit |
): |
for line in data: |
vocabulary = json.loads(line) |
if "lang" in vocabulary: |
term = vocabulary["word"] |
pos = vocabulary["pos"] if "pos" in vocabulary else "Unknown" |
definitions = get_definitions(vocabulary) |
audios = get_audios(vocabulary) |
if vocabulary["lang"] == "German": |
term = get_gender_modifier(vocabulary) + term |
german.write( |
json.dumps({ |
"term": term, |
"part of speech": pos, |
"definitions": definitions, |
"audios": audios, |
"inflection": get_german_inflection(vocabulary) |
}) |
) |
german.write("\n") |
if vocabulary["lang"] == "Latin": |
latin.write(json.dumps({"term": term, "part of speech": pos, "definitions": definitions, "audios": audios})) |
latin.write("\n") |
if vocabulary["lang"] == "Ancient Greek": |
ancient_greek.write(json.dumps({"term": term, "part of speech": pos, "definitions": definitions, "audios": audios})) |
ancient_greek.write("\n") |
if vocabulary["lang"] == "Korean": |
korean.write(json.dumps({"term": term, "part of speech": pos, "definitions": definitions, "audios": audios})) |
korean.write("\n") |
if vocabulary["lang"] == "Old Persian": |
old_persian.write(json.dumps({"term": term, "part of speech": pos, "definitions": definitions, "audios": audios})) |
old_persian.write("\n") |
if vocabulary["lang"] == "Akkadian": |
akkadian.write(json.dumps({"term": term, "part of speech": pos, "definitions": definitions, "audios": audios})) |
akkadian.write("\n") |
if vocabulary["lang"] == "Elamite": |
elamite.write(json.dumps({"term": term, "part of speech": pos, "definitions": definitions, "audios": audios})) |
elamite.write("\n") |
if vocabulary["lang"] == "Sanskrit": |
sanskrit.write(json.dumps({"term": term, "part of speech": pos, "definitions": definitions, "audios": audios})) |
sanskrit.write("\n") |
def extract_graph(wiktextract_data_path: str): |
import json |
from wiktionary.wiktextract.parse import get_definitions |
with (open(wiktextract_data_path) as data, open("word-definition-graph-data.jsonl", "w") as graph): |
for line in data: |
vocabulary = json.loads(line) |
if "lang" in vocabulary: |
term = vocabulary["word"] |
if vocabulary["lang"] == "German": |
term = get_gender_modifier(vocabulary) + term |
source_node = {"term": term, "language": vocabulary["lang"]} |
definitions = get_definitions(vocabulary) |
for definition in definitions: |
graph.write(json.dumps({"source": source_node, "target": definition, "label": "definition"})) |
graph.write("\n") |