Peter's brothers, right ?
Uh, heh-heh-heh.
- I can tell by your fancy accent.
- But we're sorry to say... we can only tell you where Peter did live... up until yesterday.
What you're tellin'me, I think, is that my dear, sweet brother Peter... has gone to the Lord.
He held on for you as long as he could, but yesterday he passed.
And we came all the way from England.
And we never got to see him.
Excuse me.
I must communicate with me deaf brother.
- I told you before, she's my woman!
- No, she's not!
Hey, don't I know you two ?
Yeah, I do !
You're that--
Stand aside !
Welcome to America !
My dear, sweet MaryJane.
- Uncle Harvey.
- Ho-ho-ho!
Mmm, mmm--
Ah,you're as blooming'beautiful as Peter said you was.
- You sure are.
- Ha ha ha!
This is my, uh, valet, Adolphus.
My English valet, right ?
Right, right.
- Isn't he the sweetest looking boy ?
- Why, thank you, missus !
Oh, and this is my Swahili warrior...
I picked up in Africa on a safari with the Duke of York.
He makes a great slave.
Yes, of course.
Er, might we, uh, pay our respects to our brother's remainders ?
Oh, oh, yes, yes.
Rather, William.
Uh, my brother says... he'd like to invite friends of the family for supper, people mentioned by our dear Peter so often in his letters.
- No, I won't forget--
- You know, we might just prosper... hanging around with them two.
More than likely, we'll get our necks stretched.
Well, that old King juiced it plenty, spittin'out word-for-word everything that young flathead told him.
And how's that damn dog next door ?
Smelly as the dickens.
Oh, thank ya ever so.
So I says to the pope,
" Pope, I'd like to stay and help ya, but I've got a blinking'job to do... down in the bloomin' Indian Ocean saving' the blinking' pirates."
Watch yourself, Huck.
She's just a girl,Jim.
Adolphus, have you ever seen the king ?
- Him ?
Oh, yeah.
William III.
- George IV.
Oh, the King of England !
Oh, why didn't you bloody say so ?
Course I have.
He goes to our church, regular.
But I thought he lived in London.
- Well, he does.
- But you live in Sheffield.
That is to say... he goes to our church when he's in Sheffield.
Do you go to church ?
Of course I do.
We got our own pew right up front.
- Whose pew ?
- Why, ours.
Your Uncle Harvey's, of course.
What would he need a pew for ?
Isn't he preaching up in the pulpit ?
My thoughts exactly.
Now, do you suppose... there ain't but one bloody, blinkin' preacher to a bloomin' church ?
- What would they want more for ?
- Style.
If it's a priest before a king, you got to have lots of style goin' on.
In our church, we've got 1 7 bloody, blinking', blooming'preachers.
- Where's Buckingham Palace?
- In Buckingham.
- Who's the King married to ?
- His wife.
- What's her name ?
- Uh, the queen.
- Queen what ?
- Queen of England.
Ha !
You don't know anything, do ya ?
Well, I think...
-you're the biggest fibber--
How dare you speak to him so, him being a stranger in a strange land, so far from his own people.
He was telling a few stretchers, and I wasn't swallowing them.
You apologize to him this instant.
I apologize, Adolphus.