- Shall we ?
- Let's.
Hello, there!
Happy morn to ya!
And a good mornin' to you all too !
Say, you wouldn't happen to be... the Wilks brothers, now, would ya?
- Yes.
- No !
- No.
- My name is Blodgett, Dr. Alexander Blodgett.
This here is Franciscus, uh,
Adolphus and Jim.
- Oh, shoot.
- Adolphus ?
- I reckon it don't matter.
They already missed it anyways.
- Missed ?
What ?
Was an, um, economic opportunity they missed, huh ?
Oh, ho ho !
No, no, no.
They'll get the money and the property all right, but... they missed the death of their brother Peter Wilks... down at Phelps Landing.
He died.
Last night.
- Too bad.
- So sad.
He said he ain't seen his two brothers... in more than 20 years.
Yeah ?
So, uh, why did you think we was them ?
Well, one of the brothers, the preacher ?
He's a lot older.
And the one that's deaf and dumb... he's a lot younger, see.
So when I saw you two, I just reckoned maybe--
- Are you leaving the area for a while ?
- I'm goin' to New Orleans.
Well, methinks this calls for a small libation!
- Ha ha ha ha !
- I'll drink to that !
Right this way, my gold-toothed friend !
We in trouble, Huck.
The King and the Duke found out... that the dead guy's brothers lived over in England.
They hadn't had much time to get the letter... and might not have gotten it at all.
So those two rat bags grilled that flathead... about everything and everybody in his village, right down to the damn dog next door.
- Woof!
- Mighty smart of ya !
Mighty smart of ya.
Was Peter Wilks well off?
Oh, he was, uh, he was as rich as King Soromon himself.
I tell you,Jim, the hand of providence is bound to take a swing at them two.
And knowin' them, they'll duck.
How are you at playing a preacher ?
- How are you at playin' deaf and dumb ?
- Pardon ?
- Heh heh heh heh heh !
- Ha ha ha ha !
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Attention, passengers!
jubilee leaving for Phelps Landing in 1 5 minutes!
Do I have to wear this?
Wanted to learn a trade, didn't ya ?
- Why can't we just wait here ?
- Because I don't trust ya.
You'd hightail it for sure, and we need to leave this raft here for our getaway.
Besides, we'll be more convincing... after we arrive with an innocent young boy as our valet.
Who you callin' innocent ?
Look, you wouldn't want us to accidentally turn in... your runaway slave friend, now, would ya ?
Come on.
Play along with us for a couple of days.
We'll give ya 1 0 percent.
- 1 5.
- Deal.
- You never looked better!
- I have too looked better!
- You're beautiful !
- I feel ridiculous!
- Hey, King !
- Yeah ?
- Let's go buy those tickets.
- All right.
- Be right back.
- Shoo!
Shoo, fly!
Shoo !
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !
Funny, Huck.
Very funny.
What in hell's bells are you supposed to be ?
The King said I was a Swahili warrior.
Even taught me some Swahili, or what he said was Swahili.
- Sounded like a pig in heat to me.
- Hee hee.
I'd poked around a little... and found out that a steamboat was leavin'... from Phelps Landing the day after tomorrow... and heading'all the way up to Cairo.
So all we had to do was put up with them rat bags for two more days, then it was off to freedom.
Uh, begging your pardon on this, can any of you good people tell me... where Mr. Peter Wilks lives ?
I'm looking for Mr. Peter Wilks.
Get out of the way, for heaven's sake.