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Everyone remembers MOTOWN records; Smokey, Ashford & Simpson...LEGENDS! Everyone remembers PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL records; Gamble & Huff, Bell & Creed...GENIUS!!!! However, STAX records is hardly ever mentioned, much less remembered. I first saw the movie, WATTSTAX, in 1972. It was one of those movies, that one goes to see, that turns out, to be, better than one thought it would be. The fact, that WATTSTAX, will be on DVD, is long overdue. It is so wrong, to compare WATTSTAX to WOODSTOCK, because it's like comparing AMERICAN IDOL to STAR SEARCH...two entirely different shows. Just like WATTSTAX and WOODSTOCK, are two entirely different movies. Even though the Richard Pryor performances will steal the movie, the soul music is the heart, of the movie. The only thing, that is wrong, with WATTSTAX, is that...there isn't enough, of that beautiful, delicious, southern fried soul music.
John Huston's Reflections in a Golden Eye is like Tennessee Williams rewritten by the Monty Python team for Russ Meyer and directed by Stanley Kubrick as a contractual obligation, with dialogue filled with non sequiters and surreal flights of fantasy, increasingly absurd situations and relationships, all shot with a sepia-tinted color scheme that takes the title way too literally and a solemn, detached look that's worryingly close to implying we're meant to take this all very, very seriously. At other times it's as if Huston decided that the only way to approach such ripe material was to send it up, with Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor competing to see who can come up with tha mows rhidicluss Sahffan accsunt, Marlon drowning any hope of a decent performance in a sea of mannerisms while Liz gives a magnificent display of bad acting inbetween sticking her behind in the air as often as possible as the slut on a hot tin roof.A tale of stolen spoons, over-zealous yard clearance, horsewhips, repressed desires, murderous passions and a tragic failure to communicate set in an army base where all the square pegs are expected to fit into round holes, it piles absurdity on absurdity as voyeuristic private Robert Forster sneaks into Liz's bedroom to watch her sleep and sniff her clothes, but it's Marlon who really has the hots for him after seeing him riding bareback and naked. But then you know that things are screwed when Julie Harris is the most normal character, and she's performed an act of self-mutilation with the garden shears ("She's alright. She's just neurotic") and is planning on leaving her husband to run a prawn boat with her ballet-dancing peacock-painting Rachmaninov-obsessed Filipino manservant Anacleto who dreams of boots full of squirming baby mice (Zorro David, dubbed by Bond movie regular Robert Rietty). Traditionally you'd say that it will all end badly, but for anyone without a taste for absurd southern Gothic that goes for the beginning and middle as well.Warners DVD offers a 2.35:1 widescreen transfer with the original golden tint that was used for the film's first engagements and rapidly withdrawn, but not the more natural colour transfer that was most viewers are familiar with. In addition to much mute black and white home movie footage of the shoot, the original theatrical trailer is also included.
Two of the most underrated (or underdiscussed) performances in 1980s cinema was James Earl Jones' and Burt Lancaster's bravura supporting roles in "Field of Dreams." The entire cast was wonderful (my only favorite Kevin Costner role), and Ray Liotta and Amy Madigan were especially terrific. But Jones & Lancaster showed a truth and honesty in their performances that were unequaled, except to each other. Jones was so natural as to have actually BEEN Terrence Mann. The idiosyncracies of his movements and his speech were infectious and completely believable. Lancaster, as "Moonlight" Graham, gave one his finest performances ever and, to me, BECAME one of the most lovable screen characters I've ever seen.See this movie for James Earl Jones and Burt Lancaster but, as some others have written here, also see it because it will not only warm your heart, it will inspire you. This movie really isn't about baseball -- it's about what you dream for yourself in life, whatever it might be, and it will lift you spiritually in ways you cannot know. I watch this film at least every 6 months to revive my creativity and spirituality.And it's just a plain good old-fashioned cinema experience!
At first I thought this would be just a basic poorly scripted suspense flix. But it was far more complex than that. Identity is a very engaging movie that was not overly predictable. After seeing this I went into work recommending that people see it.The major annoyance I have with the film is a slight but critical blunder. I'm used to Hollywood getting psychological diagnosis wrong. Hollywood often plays with diagnostics for dramatic purposes. This blunder was not an error for dramatic effect. It was just a stupid error that should have been corrected. If a "Psychiatrist" is going to state which Axis a diagnosis is on he should be able to correctly state the Axis!
This beer movie has a great story about it. It was more about the adventures than anything else.
The movie is a re-enactment that was poorly done and poorly casted. The people who played the various family members were not even close in appearance. I actually thought this was more of a documentry with actual footage, instead, it was cheesey actors with Linda Kasabian going on and on about how remorseful she is.... actually myself and the people who watched it with me didnt buy it. I think she said what would look good, and collect a paycheck. A waste of money in my view. I am not a kid, I was 22 myself with the manson murders happend. I ve read most of the books and seen most of the movies... this one is forgetable.
1776 is a remarkable and most unusual musical. It's literate, smart, damn clever, and a lot of fun. It's as much drama and comedy as it is musical, and while some may balk at this, therein lies its great strength. Who'd have thought you could create a gripping Broadway play about the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but they did it. Part of its intelligence also comes from drawing on the quotes and writings of some of the main characters involved, the luminaries of the American Revolution like Franklin and Adams, who I suppose should get a credit for helping co-write the book for this one. Some of it isn't completely historically correct, but it's amazing they got as much of it right as they did. The songs, though not always the most melodic to ever grace Broadway, include a few that are among the most powerful to ever be performed onstage. This is a treat for all history buffs, America buffs, and musical buffs! Check it out!
I saw the wonderful Andrew-Lloyd Webber musical on Broadway and I loved it so much I got the Lon Chaney Video, I didn't think I would like a silent movie, I thought it would be boring but I was very pleasantly surprised with how wonderful Lon Chaney was as the Phantom and how wonderful the movie was considering it was made in the 1920's. I'm very glad I bought the video and I very highly recommend it! I also think the 1925 version was much better than that horrible Phantom Of The Opera mini-series that was shown in the late 80's or early 90's they completely changed the whole story and ruined it and they turned Christine into a mamby pamby wus!
Martin Scorsese is my favorite director. That said, I now reserve my seat as the only person on the planet to find this movie a hokey, predictable and childish mess. I hold the mob/gangster flick closer than any genre. I can accept any premise and watch it for that level. The premise is delicious: Jack Nicholson as a gonzo Whitey Bulger and an assorted cast of misfit sadist mobsters and dirty cops turn Boston's Southie section into a meat grinder. The cops got a rat, the bad guys got a rat and for the next 2 hours...cell phones and more cell phones. These points are my problem: Can Matt Damons character seriously have achieved such high level status in a state police special operations unit that quickly? Can Dicaprio seriously have been accepted into the inner circle of the most vicious mobster in New England by using a couple brawls and a lousy pedigree for references? Was Damon eventually going to frame that envelope? Going off the deep end to link Dicaprio and Damon by trading "sloppy seconds" with a nothing character like the shrink? A "bugged" conversation recorded in a porno theatre that has c.d. studio quality? This is the anti-Scorsese. His trademark style of Mean Streets and Goodfella's isn't here. A lower case, less glorified Irish mob flick with plenty of squibs is State Of Grace. I accepted that movie on its own level. Nobody pumped me up for a re-telling of the Godfather like they did for the dear Departed.
This movie was a joke when the put it out. If I had known this movie was going to be so bad. I would have never bought it. I gave it one star. Becase I could not give it no stars.
I went to the theater, expecting a big, climatic action packed movie all the way through. Thats not what I got. I got a long, confusing, corny movie that was boring the whole way through, except for a few certain parts. I'm sure if I actually wanted to understand the story, I could, but I don't want to have to use 100% of my brain power on a weekend, not in school, to understand a movie. Oh yea, and this is WAY to long. It's not as long as Titantic, but this movie is a solid 3 hours 15 minutes long! Don't take the kids with you. Or maybe they can just fall asleep in the theater. See, there is lots of fighting and cool parts of the movie, but half the time, you don't even know why their fighting. But, the fight scenes are awesome. Oh yea, and after the 3 hours 15 minutes, the movie isn't over. The sequel is a direct sequel that takes place right after the ending of the first. If you like the books, you'll drool over this and want to see it over and over. If not, and your just a casual movie-goer, skip it.
This fashion DVD is one in a series of approximately 20 fashion DVDs. Each one is a compilation of verious designers based on the DVD's title. While the background music is not original to the various compiled shows, you see the actual designer shows with the models presenting on the runway. You see approximately, 3 minutes of each designer's show with an emphasis on repesenting the silhouettes that correspond with the theme that the Fashion DVD Title indicates. You see the Best of the Best. These DVDs are great for fashion students, fashion devotees and anyone that appreciates the Fashion Design, High Fashion Model and Real Runway Show World. These DVDs are also great for displaying on a Flat Screen TV as a backdrop in your home, boutique, Club, Coffee Shop or the backdrop at a party.The series of dvds consist of autumn/winter 2004-2005 thru Spring Summer 2005. I got all of mine from Westendenterainment.com. The Haute Couture DVD is impossible to get. For more current full Designers Shows try FashionStock.com or VidCat.com See ya on the Runway
Y'All, this movie is not that good. The script stunk. t was nothing like the original! It wasn't funny and the acting SSTTIINNKKSS! The only similarities was the plot. I don't remember nudes in the original play!The only reason I watched it was because I was in a school play for it!
Historical relevance aside, Messenger is a pretty cool movie. If you don't take it as an accurate chronicle of a figure who may or may not have existed several hundred years ago and instead just think of it as the fantastical chronicle of a confused girl, it works very well indeed.The battle scenes were awesome, the humor, if full of colloquialisms, was good but not overdone, and the acting was solid if not great. My biggest complaint is one that I am finding more and more in recent movies. At some points, the beautiful panoramic scenes which work so well on the big screen backfire on TV screens...for example, when Jeanne is running across the fields in the beginning, she is barely visible as a little speck on a big-screen TV.Overall, this was quite an enjoyable movie with some likeable characters, some utterly despicable ones, and shining fight scenes.Recommended.
I'm a huge fan of the Titanic, books, movies, Model ships Etc. This is the ultimate movie about the Titanic, Unlike the trash that was James Camron's movie. This movie focuse's on the passengers who were there, what a thought. It opens with a christening of the ship, now we all know that never happened. Titanic did not have a formal christening, it's a nice touch, it allows us to meet Charles Lightoller, Sir and LAdy Cosmo Duff. Several of the third class passegers, the shipbuilder Andrews. It invests time in them, before the crash. AND THANK GOD, MOLLY BROWN IS ACTUALLY PORTRAID THE WAY SHE WAS. She boldly took over a life boat, and rowed back to pick up survivors. Hand down, this is the best movie on the subject, I like the way how that after the collision. The pace of the movie is the same as the passengers, kind of. What happened, then as the slope of the deck gets steeper. And the danger becomes more appearent, so does the pace. And you know the end is here, when the lights go out. And Titanic takes her final plunge, this to me is the best and ultimate movie again on this story. I won't even go into the garbage that was Camron's movie, you want to watch a movie on the Titanic, watch this movie.
This dvd is HORRIBLY animated. My kids literally laughed at how poorly the dvd's are done. I would assume they were made in the 80's. I did some research and found that the company is NOT a Christian company. It was founded and is now run by a Mormon. Despite that fact, they are just very painful to watch. Save yourself the money.
My husband and I don't see a lot of movies and have no patience for below average ones. (We are known to walk out of many, last one being the last Star Wars movie - what is it with Lucas, they've been getting cheesier and cheesier). We both felt that this movie was one of the best devil movies we've seen. Loved the story, and you know good overcomes evil, yeah... but you never really see the end coming, never have expectations for what happens. I love that in a movie, it's really hard to achieve. Having had no experience with the comic led me to have no unrealistic expectations with the movie. I saw this movie in the theaters and when on a plane and given the option to see it again saw it a second time. I eventually want to purchase this one too. Really, as far as acting it was well done, as far as special effects, excellent. These types of devil movies can be cheesy and stupid, but this one rose above the norm. If you saw that other devil movie-- Keanu, Charlize Theronand Al Pacino (the name escapes me) and liked it, you'll definely like this one.
This movie is reminiscent of the book, "Who Moved My Cheese". It takes spiritual laws that are powerful and provoking, and twists them for profit and materialism in a way that can do more harm than good. (While greatly enriching the bank account of the producers!)The movie has some wonderful points, such as gratitude being an energy that helps us create more of what we love. Also, we attract what we think about. The movie also had some wonderful examples of the power of positive thinking in healing physical ailments.Where this movie goes wrong, painfully wrong, is leading people to believe that by focusing on the "stuff" that they want will make them happy. In fact, obsessing over the "stuff" you want can make you unhappy, because in essence, you are focusing on your lack instead of staying joyful in the present moment.While it is true our lives might be more comfortable when our desires are met, ultimately, only love and compassion can heal you.When you focus on your true purpose, which entails delivering your unique gift to the world, rather than focusing on your desires and ego gratification you can experience the joy of fulfilling your destiny. This does not mean suppressing your feelings of doubt and self worth by only focusing on "happy thoughts" and "what you want", but rather healing the wounds of separation through nurturing love and compassion for yourself and others. It is a subtle distinction, but a profound one.Also, the very premise that the Law of Attraction is a coveted secret is fabricated. You will find this concept in all spiritual texts. It is a beautiful concept, one that helps us remind ourselves to stay positive and to trust that things will work out for us. What the great spiritual teachers also teach us is to be kind to our fellow humans and to the earth. This movie speaks nothing of charity, of service, of being present, and of purpose. This was all about having what we think we want. Be careful what you wish for! This movie can lead you in the wrong direction.For books on nurturing self love and compassion for others, I recommend anything by Cheri Huber and Ticht Naht Hahn. :)
"Dr. Giggles" is not a horror movie...it's just a farce of a flick full of cheesey and stupid dark comedy and plagued by a sorry script. The gore designed for shock value is laughable because the script sucks so bad, and quite frankly, I got bored out of my mind watching this trash. The only thing scary about this movie is if you were misfortunate enough to rent or buy it because this is PURE GARBAGE folks!! "Dr. Giggles" is a stupid movie.
A nice sequel to Suze Orman's first two books, yes some is repeated, and yes it is a lot of common sense, but common sense is not always common knowledge. I liked the way that Suze taies in the right mental attitude about financial success. Overlooked by many other authors. I have to admit, at first I was taken back by Suze Orman, my wife is one of her biggest supporters and has constantly pestered me to read her books which I NOW HAVE. I also highy suggest three other financial books; The Millionaire Next Door, More Wealth without Rsk and Financial Self Defense..
Truly a family movie that we enjoy today as much as we did when it was first released. The only thing I think they should have changed is when the mother & all of the fish eggs except Nemo get eaten by the scary fish. THey could have come up with something different. It still doesn't sit well with my almost three yr old & my almost 5 yr old. They see it as Nemos mommy & brother & sisters. It's hard to explain to them why a bad fish ate Nemos mommy. Good grief...they could have gone with a less severe story line.Other than that...it is a wonderful movie in which I think DORY voiced by Ellen Degeneres steals the show.It will be a classic & enjoyed for many years to come!
The key to the Omen films is that you have to be patient. All of the films have a relatively slow pace, but when they do strike, the results are often pretty spectacular. Relying more on suspense than shock value, the murders are sparsely placed within the films, which make them so much more effective than the average slasher horror film. Everyone is probably familiar with the basic antichrist child plot so I won't summarize.The Special Edition DVD of the first film includes a worthwhile documentary that explains how some of the effects were created and I especially enjoyed the irony of director Richard Donner refusing to allow the goldfish to be injured while directing such a malevolent film. But, the best part of the Omen DVD is -- watching the famed 'decapitation' in slow motion so you can see how cheesy the dummy looks in 1/8 speed. But when viewed as it was intended, it is still pretty freaky, even by today's standards.
Out of all the Disney/Pixar films (so far), this is UNDOUBTABLY the best! It's not my favorite movie ever, but it's an excellent movie. When it was in theaters, I wanted to go see it but I didn't get to. My dad wanted to see this movie too, so when it came out he rented the video. I watched it 3 times! (laughing the whole time!) And if we still had it, I'd have watched it alot more. The CG animation is good, (Boo looked like a real girl!) and the monsters aren't too scary, so I don't think younger kids will be freaked out by them.So Monsters Inc. is a great movie, gotta see it...
romeo must die is a great movie it combines eastern and western stilles, Jet li it's Awsome, u will see some Fight scenes that u have never seen before, it's fun, wild, and i have to say that Russell Wong it's also Great in this movie.Aaliyah does a very good job in this film and the Score it's really awsome, and it has a very interesting Plot.This is one of those movies that make's u wanna learn Martial Arts after whatching it and finally the sound/visual effects where great in this movie Joel Silver (LW4 the Matrix) is really a master in the Prodution
Geez...Get over it people. What is most offensive about this piece of trash if not the rape footage, but rather its ability to manipulate us into thinking this is important in any way. It is badly done, strictly manipulative and in no way worthy of discussion (see, I am being ironic). If you want to witness the true horror of rape, see Kubrick's 'Clockwork' or 'Better Days'. C'mon--kitsch is kitsch and trash is trash and this definitely falls in the latter category. This is offensive not because of its IQ-reducing and blatantly ludicrous aesthetic, but because it is still in the repetoire of horror films(??!!) And the little critique from Cannes speaks volumes to the paucity of good films and postmodern French sensibilities in reviewing films. Let this piece of crap die on the slaughterbench of history--please!!
Great film, a true classic, a raunchy classic, but definitely a classic.The HD DVD treatment is surprising in how good the film looks. Colors are strong (even nauseating when it comes to Rodney Dangerfield's outfits!) and detail is excellent. We were not expecting this older catalog title to look as good as it does. It is a pleasure to watch.Sound is what can be expected of a film from the early 80's, which means that it is not too exciting. The good news is that the dialog is clear and without distortion.We highly recommend this film for fans!
This is one of my favourite films. The language, the scenery and the costumes make you disapear in english high society. With these times of war, it's a worthy retreat. Kate Winslet is just fantastic, looking like a pristine china doll, the other lesser known performers make this film a classic.
This is without a doubt one of the greatest cinematic masterpieces of our time. Peter Jackson has done an incredibly superb job of translating the first book (or in reality two books) of The Lord of the Rings 6-book "trilogy" to the screen. Clearly there are parts of the book that could not, for reasons of time and continuity, be translated to the movie, but this does not take away from his accomplishments at all.The extra scenes in this extended addition do so very much to add to the depth of the movie and actually can make some characters, primarily Galadriel, be seen in a much different light than the theatrical version. There are also scenes that are only in the extended edition that help to make sense of certain scenes in "The Two Towers", not the least of which is the special rope that Sam has. Why does it hurt Gollum? Where did he get it? Only the Extended Edition can answer those (and other) questions.The extra music by Howard Shore is delightful. (This marks the first time that extra music was scored for any kind of home video release.) He truly knows how to stir emotion and feeling throughout the movie just from his unparalleled music.Although the Aragonath bookends are nothing more than that, they are beautifully crafted and are an absolute necessity to and true Lord of the Rings fan.Additionally, the extra special features are not the same as those on the theatrical release DVDs, which means that if you do not purchse the extended edition as well, you will miss out on a lot more of the behind-the-scenes featurettes if you just own the theatrical version.The short of it is that this extended edition set is a must have for anyone who truly considers themselves to be a Tolkein fan.
I used to catch bits and pieces of this movie on HBO growing up in the 80s. I've seen it maybe 100 times but never once all the way through. The comparison to say Dazed and Confused is apt, though this movie takes itself serious and is of its time, not nostalgia. Music selection is great, I mean, who didn't slam the door on their parents and put the Ramones on headphones! Much better than that anti-drug after school special with Helen Hunt.
I love Harvey Keitel movies, but not this one.It was painfully bad to watch.It reminded me of when Dan Aykroyd used to do hisskit on Saturday Night Live, "Bad Cinema."I love bad movies too, because sometimes they areso bad that they are good; however, this one is not oneof them. Luckly, the price is so cheap that if you buy itanyway you wont be losing much. Don't say you weren't warned.
Anyone that hasn't seen the original will love this movie with it's endless action and special effects. However, the true Kong fan will be very disappointed if he expects to see the original movie redone with state-of-the-art special effects. The movie is an hour too long, with everything over done. The acting is so-so. Naomi Watts is ok as Ann Darrow, but she surely isn't up to Fay Wray's performance in the original. Jack Black fails in his attempt to equal the role of Carl Denham, masterfully played by Robert Armstrong in the 1933 release. Credibility is lacking in many ways. The antique cars are painted bright colors, something that never happened in 1933. Dress and language are totally "today" with words like "stiffed", an expression invented in the 70's, sticking out like a sore thumb. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. This movie could be improved by editing out over an hour of superfluous material. Enjoy it as an action packed adventure, but don't expect to see an improved King Kong. It falls flat on it's face in it's attempt to do just that.
yeah so because I live so freakin far away from Germany its not possible for me to see this band live so I got this DVD. I don't know what to say about it. Only the fact that I love it when they perform live OH MAN 1 whole hour of extacy is how I would describe it. Anyway before I made my purchase I made sure that this DVD had English subtitles. My search finally ended here.
This dvd set is awesome im a big fan of the whole Osmond Family they are my heros and they are the best singers i like all of the song s on here .
The unrated version of this DVD is exactly what was shown to UK cinema goers! I was expecting to see something extra! O well, still a hilariously funny movie so long as you don't take it too seriously, and aren't easily offended.
This is a movie, that anyone can enjoy again every once in a while. Children definitely won't get enough of watching. Snow White is something to keep in reserve for raining day activities or for entertaining other people's kids.
A wonderful view of the foundation upon which later Westerns became ClassicsI would recommend this film to any and all Western oficionados.
The review is for this Blu-ray Limited Edition version. The movie is a definite 5-star film.We own this on VHS and DVD already, but wanted to see if there was any improvement over the 40th anniversary DVD transfer. Unfortunately, it won't play in our Blu-ray player. I have the latest firmware and added the necessary additional memory this disc seems to require, but it never gets past the Fox animated loading logo. After waiting 15 minutes, I gave up. The special features Blu-ray disc plays fine as does the DVD, but something must be strange with the Blu-ray movie disc. I had this issue only one other time when my firmware needed upgrading, but every disc since has played until now.In addition, it was delivered without any additional packaging--no outer carton, bubble-wrap or anything. Just a shipping label stuck to the shrink-wrap! When I checked out the contents, I found that the music box was damaged, but otherwise, still worked...sort of. The tune sounds a little fast and off-key. Nonetheless, since the Blu-ray doesn't seem to work, I'm considering sending it back.
I realize that it was used and very inexpensive but the dvd gets stock towards the end of the movie and the scene selection part does not work. I did not send it back because I only paid something like $ 15.00 .
This is the worst piece of patriotic nonsense I have ever seen in my entire life. Not to mention having more plot holes than swiss cheese. A computer virus??!? C'mon.Would someone in Hollywood please actually write a somewhat logical first-encounter movie where the aliens aren't humanlike and don't use Windows or Macintosh compatible computers and fly spaceships that could have been designed by the Air Force in about 20 years? And while you're at it, come up with some dialogue that doesn't insult our intelligence over and over and over again.Oh wait, I guess that would be "Contact."
I am a fan of war movies and this I wouldnt call a war. A mere skurmish. You cant help but fell patriotic as you watch this movie and want to squash the villans and enemies, but his movie just doesnt end. The action doesnt start until you are about 45-60 minutes into the movie. It good too much hype, and it was a total let down for me.
One of our favorites movies....A sort-of classic story of Cinderella, set as a musical that could be listed as a comedy. Lots and lots of fun to watch, with very catchy songs, and a cast that includes some all-time quirky actors. It's almost done in a fashion that resembles an on-stage show, complete with the actors doing a curtain-call at the end. And, who knew that Richard Chamberlain had such a fine voice?Completely clean for families, lots of fun, good music, and enough new twists and tangents to make it a unique Cinderella story.....probably why it never made it "big."Very well packaged, and quickly shipped!
Having read Victor Hugo's masterpiece of French literature, I was disappointed to no end by this movie adaptation. Firstly, I must say that the casting was superbly done - the respective actors perfectly match ones illusion of Hugo's protagonists (Claire Danes and Jeffrey Rush are absolutely perfect fits). However the story is a `quickie'. It leaves out much information about the characters, thereby not endearing us to them as Hugo was able to do in his text. The movie has become nothing more than a `run-of-the-mill' Hollywood love story. In doing so, it becomes shallow, and the movie viewer is not able to appreciate the true intricacy of Hugo's work; the many crossing of paths, the social commentary which accompanies the story. The ending in particular is terribly disappointing. It ends when the novel is in its twilight stage, though with an immensely interesting part to come. To be honest, I read the epic novel first, loving it greatly for the genius evident in it, and I put-off watching the movie until after reading the 1200 odd pages of text, so as not to spoil the ending - words can not describe the disappointment, the movie does a great injustice to the book. In my opinion, save yourself the time of watching the video and begin to read the unabridged text - you will be astounded by the continual quality and pace of such a long book (but by no means tedious!).
They had it, had the idea, had the willingness of the audience, and then just threw it out the window. The had nothing holding it together. One or two scattered good parts, but then nothing in the middle to fill the holes. Almost had it, then just couldnt hold on.
People seem to say this movie is so realistic. The storyline was so weak. The main character kept cussing to make it sound realistic. It sounds stupid. They were trying too hard.It had some decent pyrotechnics, but thats about it. The story was terrible. It was so offbeat and didn't flow smoothly.What really bugged my about this made-for-TV movie was they spent a lot of money on making it realistic, they should have spent money on a better script.Is the main character wearing lipstick???
What a let down! The promise of "never before seen footage" turns out to be the same "never before seen footage" from the last DVD. The bonus materials on this disc are a joke (and not in a funny "ha ha" way). The special "Introduction to the film by Dan Aykroyd" is 23 seconds long. The "Day on the Blues Brothers Tour" is nothing more than a lame performance by the current Blues Brothers at the House of Blues. But the real insult is the featurette called "Remembering John: An ultimate portrait of John Belushi." It clocks in at 9 minutes long (including credits). Ultimate?? This is John Belushi, not Garrett Morris!You might be reading this wondering, "So what was this guy expecting?" Well, how about an audio commentary? Perhaps some outtakes? Bloopers? Maybe concert footage of the REAL Blues Brothers on tour with Steve Martin? Why not include Blues Brothers performance footage from SNL? How about revisiting the locations made famous in the movie (the abandoned mall is still standing and still abandoned)? Instead, they chose to include John performing as the Killer Bee on SNL. Instead of a track listing booklet inside the case, they'd rather you have an ad for other "great" DVD titles available from Universal. Instead of never before seen footage, you get the same documentary, the same production notes/pictures, and the same interviews that were included in the previous release.It's obvious that this was thrown together with little thought or effort. The Chicago Sun Times did a better tribute piece to the anniversary of the Blues Brothers than Aykroyd did for his own film.Oh well...only five more years until the 30th Anniversary Edition comes out.
All I can say about this movie is that I guessed how the whole story was gonna go just by watching the trailer and a few interviews with Katie Holmes. This movie is not for the thinking kind and moves so slowly that you'll wish you were the one halluciniting and not the characters in the movie. All the actors did a fine job. And Ms. Holmes turned in yet another terrific performance giving this movie its only redeeming quality. However, I went to this movie to see a thriller and a mystery, hoping for a few scares, but I came out of it sad. Sad that the main character has so many problems in her life and sad that I didn't go see The Ring instead.
The story on CAPTAIN AMERICA is really not inspired.....Got a lot of explosions, fights but NO STORY.....well, in my opinion almost ALL MARVEL movies could had better storys.....The HULKs and this one are the WORST of all........NOT SO GOOD, NOT A GOOD MARVEL MOVIE!!!!! try Spider Man and X MEN, by far the best MARVEL put on movies!!!!!!
As a new generation of "Herbie" fans want to know how "Herbie" came to be, I recommend they watch this movie. I watched all the "Herbie" movies growing up and saw the new movie, too. You have to watch the original to know the answers to all the questions you might have. I highly recommend this movie for the whole family!
This overrated film by hip oriental director Wong Kar-Wai manages to be mildly intriguing and interesting at times but for the most part it just misses its target. Yes, there is some stylish and neat directing to find here, as well as some weird and offbeat scenes once in a while, yet the movie is ultimately too long and it seems to lack a point. What begins as an appealing story (or stories) about urban alienation and the isolation of some japanese youngsters soon turns into a repetitive, tiresome and, at parts, irritating cinematic experience ("California Dreaming", anyone??). The characters range from frustrated daydreamers to annoying and erratic losers who can`t seem to find a goal for their lives. "Chungking Express" is quircky and kind of amusing here and there, still overall it fails to convince.Average.
I think this movie was spectacular. Alot of technology was put into this movie. The dinosuars really looked real, and seemed to come off the screen at you. Once you look at this DVD you will never go back to VHS.
Hello? Doctor I have insomnia. Could you help me? Yes, watch Herzog's Nosferatu. I was cured and now I am able to get a good night's sleep. The pace of this film is tedious. The scenery is nice. So what? So is the scenery on National Geographic Explorer. One of my problems with Herzog is that he doesn't so much make films as much as he simply puts pretty pictures and scenes on film. This is not what cinema is all about. Herzog's Nosferatu fails the litmus test. Watch Psycho or Bride of Frankenstein or Halloween, then try to put this on. The inferiority of Nosferatu in comparison to those films is startling. If I want pretty pictures I'll go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I can't believe that people watch this and are entertained. Films are supposed to be gripping, enthralling, emotional. Horror films especially should be filled with suspense and a degree of the unknown. Nosferatu falls flat on all accounts.
I Remember I First Watched The Cartoon On A Sunday Morning Waking Up At 4:00 AM To Record It And Trust Me That Was Not A Disapointment Every Episode Is Enchanting And Some Times In The Show Some Parts In The book Would Appear And Charectors Would Also Come Into The Story Such As Tick Tock One Of The Minute Men In Time Town Reminded Me Of Him The Cartoon Every Episode Is Animated In A Good But Not To Good Form Such As Sometimes The Lip Sync Would Go Off That Basicly Is The Only Problem But Its Not Poorly Animated And What Would Be Nice Is If They Made A DVD Boxed Set The Show Is Just What It Would Have If L.Frank Baum Would Have Made It
I do not remember why I missed "Dark Angel" when it originally aired, but now that I have seen the first season I am willing to admit I made a big mistake (Mea Culpa, James Cameron). The story is set in Seattle, Washington, in the year 2019, which is after "The Pulse," an electromagnetic bomb that basically pushed reset on the United States. However, that is only the setting, because the star is Jessica Alba as Max Guevera, who at first glance has a day job as a bike courier, and at second glance works as a cat burglar at night, bit at third glance and closer examination turns out to be a genetically enhanced superhuman created by the government who escaped from a military training school ten years earlier."Dark Angel: The Complete First Season" has a couple of plot lines that make Max both the hunter and the hunted. Max is always on the lookout for her "siblings," the other kids who escaped from Manticore, while Lydecker (John Savage), the head of the secret program is trying to find both them and Max to return them to government service. Meanwhile, Max's days as a cat burglar are over when she tries to rob Logan Cale (Michael Weatherly), a rich kid who is the secret cyber-journalist known as "Eyes Only," who enlists her into his idealistic crusade to clean up corruption in Seattle. Of course, the two are made for each other, but we have to wait for them to catch out to this rather obvious fact. What really makes "Dark Angel" work is the extent to which this futuristic dystopia has been worked out. This is not so much a series where the mythology emerges over time, as it is one where the premises are so strong that they sustain multiple episodes and provide compelling sub-text for the rest. Compare this to similar series that take a while to find themselves, and you can see why these solid premises allowed this one to be able to have so many solid episodes early on.Creator James Cameron's imprint is clearly on this production, but mention should be made of the show's Vancouver crew, which obviously includes a lot of "X-Files" veterans. The production values on "Dark Angel" are pretty striking in creating the seedy world of post-pulse Seattle and its icon Space Needle where Max likes to go and contemplate existence. But the sense of style comes as much from the characters as the setting. Alba is truly stunning as Max, able to play hard, soft, or whatever the scene demands. Weatherly has one of the squarest jaws in television history, and Savage has fun milking everything out of the bad guy (he really does care for his children, but duty never gets in the way of such emotions). The supporting cast has some compelling texture types, from Normal (J.C. MacKenzie), the overbearing dispatcher at Jam Pony ("Bip! Bip! Bip!"), to urban philosopher Herbal Thought (Alimi Bllard), and everybody's favorite, Original Cindy (Valerie Rae Miller), Max's roommate and co-worker, who basically has the right attitude for every occasion.After watching the complete first season of "Dark Angel" you will want to move on to the complete second season, which just came out and you will be disappointed that there were only two seasons of the series. However, when you see the overall drop in quality during season two, you will not be that surprised (it takes half of that second season for the series to really get going). But "Dark Angel" is one of the better science fiction series to be produced in the last ten years, and the first season does provide a complete story arc.
I should have known better than to think that there is something new under the sun. With all the hype and you just got to look at this from friends and other searchers I did.Everybody wants more happiness in theirs lives. But this is not going to do it. Sadly the secret is that you will be exposed to convoluted and repetative jingles and sayings that might make you feel better for a moment or two but leave you with nothing to work with to truely improve the quality of your life.There are a lot of unrelated facts, some true, that can not be tied together in the real world in any fashion but in the secret they attempt that feat and try to sell you as it being a concise, factual, and linear truth. Even though there is no connection between these facts,logicaly,scientificaly, phylosophicaly, or spirutualy the secret attempts to join all of these unrelated ideas into another think your way to riches pipe dream. As one critic put it, nothing more than a info-mertial. The secret information will leave you with more questions and frustrations than true solutions.The secret is more mind over matter jibberish that does not pass the test of time. Sure positive thinking is better and healthier than negative thinking but the whole thing is nothing more than old stuff rehashed.The crass materialism that the secret suggests as a reward for accepting and practicing their idea is an insult and to any one who is on a true search for meaningfull happiness. No thinker from Aristotle to todays leading thinkers in physics have ever proposed such a simplistic and outrages notion as this secret. This is where the secret truely falls short as anything leading to happiness, its appeal to the materialistic fiber in your body.Faith without action is futile. We have had so many think your way to happiness and riches proponents that have lined their pockets by selling that fantasy and leaving the readers a few dollars poorer. That is the true secret. Come up with re-packaged ideas for familiar simplistic idealogy on how one can get rich quick without working and your materialistic desires will be satisfied.
The movie breaks itself in the scene where Edward Lewis (played by Gere) decides to have sex with Vivian Ward (played by Roberts), after teaching her a little how to play the piano. A few scenes latter, they're arguing and Lewis says something like, "I never treated you like a whore."He did treat her like one, though. I know I was disturbed, both by the sex and by the arrogance involved. I'm not disturbed by sexual content, but THIS sex scene ruined any empathetic equity Edward Lewis had earned up to that point. He became, in my mind, just another John. Well, not just another John... a John rich enough to retain the services of a hooker for an extended period of time. I haven't had any love for the uber-rich since I stopped watching the Richie Rich cartoon show.So, from that point onward, it ceases to be simply a brainless romantic comedy, and becomes a study in Stockholm Syndrome masquerading as love. Edward Lewis is revealed as a psychologically manipulative person who is power-tripping on his own obscene wealth, and Vivian Ward is a willing abuse victim who is willing to sell not only her body, but her integrity as well.
Excellent movie for young children and adults as well. My grandson (2 yrs) has watched it enough to sing the songs in it. Very good movie. Buy it. Watch it over and over.
It is a great movie. Just about the best of it's kind ever mind. Has bravura performances (yeah Gibson's great acting in it but how about some kudos for the nice looking chick playing his wife in this movie----Joanne Samuel), believable futuristic sets, plenty of action, magnificent score, memorable dialogue. It tries hard to be more than just a movie and it suceeds admirably. But now two problems with this honestly magnificent film (maybe minor problems---maybe!). One. The film looks it's made mostly for 15 year olds. I swear. It'a alot of action and emotion (too much at times) and some more story woulda really been nice in parts. Learning more about, say, Max and Jesse's marriage. Also, how civilization fell. Two. The story itelf is uneven. After the gangmember, The Knight Rider, is killed while Max (Gibson) is pursuing he (Max) is told the man's gang is out to get him. Ok. So when Max later meets up with all of them hoods it's because the gang is after him for killing the Knight Rider, right? Wrong! It's Max that is after them for incidentally (to the KnightRider's cause) killing Max's child and wife, both of whom the gang coincidentally met up with while the family of Max (and Max too) were faraway on a vacation! What happened to the gang's original plan to get Max for killing their leader? And talk about your chance meetings and it's a small world after all. These and other uneven bits (some concerning characters, like a hood called Johnny the boy) abound. Like I said story is uneven.
In response to the "Prairie Cajun", I totally agree with you. Yet the X-men films were utter disrespect to the comic/cartoon fans from da get go monami. (WHERES GAMBIT!!?) I hope they do scrap the idea for later x-men films related to these 3 and just start over with an all new cast, directors, screenwriters etc. and call it the UNCANNY X-MEN, that way there are no ties to the 1st set of movies.That way, under new management, then we could finally get characters with their REAL costumes and not excuses as to why they were never used. I mean come on, Batman & SuperMan have been wearing their costumes since before I was even born, in the movies. SuperMan was even flying (starring Chris Reeve) back in the day. And all we get is a goofy hovering, from certain characters, in the 1st two XMEN films!!Yes sadly, this film was an extreme disappointment. Personally, I feel they should have got someone with a deep passion for X-MEN, much like Sam Raimi with SpiderMan... TRUE GENIUS!!Growing up as a child this is not how I envisioned my favorite X-MEN on the big screen!! No not at all!! Its like a slap in the face.And dont forget, some years back we had the T-1000, liquid metal terminator, and those graphics for him looked better than ICEMAN!!
There are films that really impress you when you first see them, but disappoint on subsequent viewings. This is the opposite. You might be mildly amused when you first see the movie, but you'll want to watch the whole thing. You might be underwhelmed but it will stick with you and seem better over time. I've watched it a number of times and each time, it seems to get better and better.
Lust for Life is a superior production of the life of Vincent Van Gogh. Thoughout school I had the impression that Van Gogh was a mad man and this production presents the trials and tribulations of a passionate brillant man who had health issues. Our world today allows people to be "more human" than the world of yesteryear. I highly recommend this film for anyone who has compassion for art and or anyone who appreciates the difficulty of dealing with daily life.
the wizard was absolutley the greatest video game realated movie i have ever seen!!! the only flaw was that the skateboard reapeared and dissapearedso many times i lost count!!!!
This version of Little Women is not a movie, but is instead, an early television production from a series called Studio One. It comes complete with a commercial for a dishwasher which features Betty Furness. Allowances must be made for the quality of the film since it does indeed come from the "pioneering days" of television. Nostalgia buffs will surely enjoy it. Little Women fans....not so much. It is interesting to see Nancy Marchant in her introductory role, for she later became a prolific and much respected actress. This version of the story is too short (about one hour) to do justice to Louisa May Alcott's novel and of necessity, many liberties are taken. Miss Marchant does as much as possible with her "Jo" in the time allotted. I would not recommend this for children, but adults "of an age" or those interested in the developement of television could certainly find it of interest.
After viewing this film several times I can finally see whats wrong with it..Spoiler space.....The producers have the makeshift bridge fall on on Kirk in his effort to deactivate the rocket with will destory that solor system's sun. Why not have Kirk on the Enterprise as it's crashing fighting some renegade Klingons. That was the theme in Star Trek VI...I could not believe that there were no scenes with him on the bridge of the new Enterprise...no interaction or thoughts with the new crew...it would have been priceless to see him on the bridge of the new Enterprise....
i have been watching classic films for years, and somehow missed seeing this one. i bought it when it was released recently, just because i was curious to see vivien leigh's performance. it truly is one of the most visually beautiful movies i have ever seen. why isn't this film as well known as some of the others from that period? tragic story, touching musical score throughout, with wonderful performances by everyone involved. watched the early 1930s version recently and like it as well, but this 1940 film moves very nearly to the top of my all time favorites.
As you've probably read from other reviews, there's a new Blu-ray transfer of this film, which originated in Europe (first released in the Netherlands I believe?). By demand, and perhaps under pressure from Universal in Europe, Paramount are slowly putting out the new transfer in the United States.However, they seem afraid to admit their mistake, and so the whole thing is pretty secretive. So far, there's no new release with "remastered" or any such phrasing on the cover, nor is there a way to tell which discs have the new transfer save for one little detail (which may not even be 100%, but most people who've brought home these copies are reporting they have the new transfer, as do I):On the back of the case, NOT on the slipcover, normally there would be the words "2-DISC SET" above the Paramount logo in the lower right corner. If on the case itself the text isn't there, and it's just a blank space, chances are it's the new transfer. BUT KEEP IN MIND that it doesn't matter if that space is vacant on the slipcover; I made the mistake of bringing home a copy that had no text above the logo on the slipcover, and it was the old, shoddy transfer, and "2-DISC SET" was above the logo on the actual case itself.There is another thing to look out for which may not apply all across, but people have been reporting that the new transfers don't have a white title sticker on the top of the case like most releases do. Mine didn't. So if the "2-DISC SET" text is missing on the case, and there is no title sticker, it should be a definite thing that you're getting the new disc (but no promises).As for the transfer itself, it's really quite astounding--one of the best, most detailed, most richly filmic Blu-ray transfers I've seen yet. For fans of the film, or even if you're not too keen on the film but are an HD enthusiast and just want to behold the capabilities of the Blu-ray format, I suggest this Blu-ray--the new, "remastered" one. The old one really is a pile of dung, with loads of digital noise reduction to wipe out the grain and all detail with it, and tons of edge enhancement to try and compensate for the eradicated detail, causing figures to "pop out." It's a mess of a video master done for DVD ten years ago; this kind of thing was done on the DVD format so that the film could be "most visible" on small standard definition TVs. It does not pass in the high definition realm.Very highly recommended--if you can find the new transfer. Hopefully Paramount will start making it more obvious which copies of the Blu-ray have this new transfer, with a yellow UPC bar or something, or a new release altogether, promoting the new, greatly refined video master.(Apparently there is an exchange program going on for those with the old disc who wish to have the new, both in the US and the UK. Look up The Digital Bits' daily column to get information on that.)
Bought this video for my daughter for Christmas last year. We were always big SNL fans. Especially the older 80's ones. She loves it!
This, like most Andrew McLaglen films is crap. As a matter of fact the only film I can think to compare this to is the Sea Wolves (starring Gregory Peck and David Niven and also ruined ...erm "directed" by the afore-mentioned McLaglen) which is equally awful and has an equally brilliant but ultimately wasted cast. Please do yourself a favor and skip this. I believe the majority of positive reviews are nostalgia based. This movie seriously sucks.
Spencer Olham (Gary Sinise, who also co-produced) is a respected scientist in the year 2079 who discovers a force that could destroy life as we know it. However Olham is soon fleeing the government who believe he is an alien spy in human form (Hey, some people think the same about Michael Jackson). Olham soons finds himself a man with a bounty on his head and the chase begins (in slow Hare and Tortoise fashion).Based on a short story by Phillip K. Dick (BLADE RUNNER & MINORITY REPORT) and directed by Gary Fleder (KISS THE GIRLS, DON'T SAY A WORD) IMPOSTER is a rather average and dull SF take on THE FUGITIVE. The movie veers between vague watchability and outright boredom, with a heavy sense of deja vu pervading the latter third. IMPOSTER's climactic 20 minutes are better than anything that preceeded it.Features chintzy FX that look like they've been lifted from old BATTLESTAR GALACTICA episodes and graphics that could have come from KNIGHT RIDER. But who are you going to believe? Me or the studio blurb which hails IMPOSTER as "A modern classic of psychological science fiction"? All this movie does is succeed in wasting a potentially good cast which also includes Madeline Stowe, Vincent D'Onofrio and Mekhi Phifer. Unfortunately everybody seems to be sleepwalking through this. Who can blame them?
This DVD was recommended to me by a co-worker. The statements that were made were pertaining to how funny the material was and how funny Steve was as an artist. Steve Harvey proved to be sincere and amazingly truthful, as well as entertaining. His skill as a comedian is clearly seen as he works the crowd. I really enjoyed the fact that he was not offensive and that on purpose. He even made reference to that a few times in his performance. Bottom line is.....the DVD was just as it was described with a very touching and surprising ending. I have sinced passed in on to my family members.....who have expressed the same opinion I have.....they all enoyed it.
This is one of their best your Invited videos! It was the first one I saw. It has about 5 songs including "Pizza" "pullin an all nighter" "Dare to dance" and one about videogames and scarry monsters. This video is really good!
In "Addams Family Values," the jokes are funnier, the story is much more enjoyable, and the characters are more developed and easy to follow. The original cast is back for another round of gags and comedy, while the writers and director Barry Sonnenfield have chosen to stick with a story that works with the gags and laughs instead of just providing an outlet for them. This is one of the rare sequels that surpasses the original; I loved this movie!The movie begins with the arrival of baby Pubert, in a hilarious send-up of birth scenes with a twist: the mother-to-be enjoys the labor pains. From this point on, the movie goes into three different stories which lead into one another. One dives into the children reacting to the new baby, doing everything from dropping him from the roof to placing him under the guillotine. Their antics are relentless, which leads into the second story as Gomez and Morticia decide to hire a nanny, picking the good-natured Debbie Jilinsky to care for their infant son. Fester falls head over heels in love with the new nanny, who is actually a murderess out for his wealth and fortune.Debbie's suspicions that Wednesday and Pugsley know too much leads into the third story, as she has them shipped off to summer camp, where the sun and cheery attitudes of the campers and counselors are enough to make even the audience cringe in fear. As Debbie carries out her devious plans, the children are put through the hells of the camp until they can take it no longer, rounding out the movie's comedic climax with laughs galore.Like the previous film, the original cast remains intact, with the exception of Grandmother Addams. Raul Julia and Anjelica Houston reprise the roles of Gomez and Morticia, whose romance is put on a back burner from its vivacity in the first film, allowing most of the story to rest on the shoulders of Wednesday and Pugsley, once again played by Christina Ricci and Jimmy Workman. There is a lot more to their characters as they make their way through the treacheries of camp: Wednesday has matured into a much fuller character, while Pugsley remains childlike and naive. Fester, played by Christopher Lloyd, is shown as a hopeless romantic who honestly thinks his appearance has nothing to do with his inability to attain a female partner, while Debbie is played excellently by Joan Cusack, who knack for comedy and colorful phrases make her a uniquely comedic villain.The contrasts abide within the story of Fester and Debbie and the trysts at summer camp. Fester's unconventional ways become trying for Debbie to live with; try as she might, she's still a "normal" human being. Wednesday and Pugsley's camp experience provides a sharp contrast: their refusal to take part in the events at camp bring the counselors, who are complete airheads that reminded me of the ditzy girls in high school, to the edge of losing it, but instead, they are forced into a place known as the Harmony Hut, where they are subjected to Disney films and Brady Bunch reruns.In some ways, these contrasts could make the movie a social satire of sorts. The ways in which one character's lifestyle is compared to that of another are fascinating, and while the Addams are highly unconventional, the remaining characters from the real world are in no way considered normal. So the movie poses us that very question: "Who's to say what is normal?"That said, let's move on to the story, which is highly better than that of the original movie. This one actually produces the gags, having the feel that the story was written before the laughs were. The original had the feel that all the laughs were tossed into the air and placed in random spots, which would work because the gags never seemed attached to any specific storyline. Here, the comedy comes from the story, and the two work together marvelously at producing side-splitting laughs and subtle humor.I couldn't help but enjoy myself while watching this movie. It made me laugh like I haven't laughed in a long time, while also keeping the characters intact and convincing. Sonnenfield has done a terrific job in creating this sequel, which is definitely the better of the two films.
That one-liner came from the Screaming Afro-American who played the key role of Mateo. He was one character who held the plot of the awesome healing acceptance, curious creativity shown by two Angelic Daughters, and wrenching grief or both Irish, Mother and Father! We sat straight thru the lengthy, emotionally draining story to comment..."This was heavy and emotional but definitely serves as excellent example of our other English, German/French, Italiano and African Families who settled IN America!"It called to mind: ROOTS; A TREE Grows In Brooklyn; CARUSO; and many others from the history of Music, Drama, Literature, even our Western culture of California. I would dearly love to give it more than 5 Stars! ...From an experienced reviewer, musician, and Retired Chaplain Fred W Hood
for those who enjoy short films, which i do, this is an excellent collection of 6 short gay films. from 8 to 25 min. in length, all are worth watching.
Folks, this is quite simply the greatest movie you will ever see. I could talk about this movie around the clock and still not give it enough credit. People who chose to ignore this film ought to be.....well, you get the idea. Only Heather O'Rourke could have played the main part so well. The scenery, script, actors, music, and *CAMERA ANGLES* are unforgetable, haunting you until the day you die. No matter how many times you watch this film, you will never tire of it. It is simply timeless and never loses it's scare factor. Let us "Poltergeist" fans unite and always remeber the best film of 1982 had nothing to do with an sawed-off alien at all! Let me leave with a quote about Heather: "There is no death. It is only a transition to another sphere of conciousness."
By far, "Roman Holiday" is the most romantic comedy and unlike any movie of its kind that I have seen, even today. The wonderful casts and the ironic plot are a topper. Gregory Peck was charming; and no one can forget Audrey Hepburn who was lovelier than spring when she smiles, but winter when she cried. When Gregory Peck lifted Audrey Hepburn from the fountain -- I said, "Let the adventures begin." And the movie proved itself. I sort of cursed William Wyler, the brilliant director, for chosen the bitter ending instead of a happy ending, but later on I kind of understand why he did what he had to. There's no getting around this movie. "Roman Holiday" is the best of the best.
The facts are simple you probably already know that this movie is a stinking pile of rotten meat.The costume on George Clooney was so cheesely designed that he couldn't move his neck.You all know (except for those geeky nerds that liked it)that these costumes were unquestionablely wrong because they just had to show their nipples and butts clearly I'm sure that George Clooney felt embarrassed in playing this part.This movie sucks just like The Hulk and I despise it 100%''HOLY POOPY CHEESENUGGETS BATMAN''/a quote from Robin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this movie. Every time I watch it I laugh out loud over and over. It has some of the most memorable characters of any of the John Waters films. This is also a good one to introduce folks to John Waters as it isn't as crude as say Pink Flamingos or Female Trouble, but still has the very twisted humor.
I think I laughed twice. Not even sure why I watched the whole thing. I guess if you like movies that involve lots of drugs and getting promotions for public indecency then this is your movie but I just wasn't impressed at all.
Must See ! AMAZING Movie ! Must have for any DVD Collection ! Will Blow you AWAY !
Was waiting for this for ever - what a disappointment that my Blu-Ray disc would not play on my Blu-Ray player because I did not have BDLIVE and my player hooked up to the internet. Pretty sad state when you have to have your Blu-Ray player hooked to the web. Won't be buying anymore Blu-Ray disc from Warner Brothers as I have no plans to hook my player to the internet. Good news - get to save money not bying this crap.
I LOVE MONTY PYTHON!! No one will ever come close to what they've done over the years, that's a guarantee. This is a look back at all of their best sketches from Monty Python's Flying Circus, their highly successful television show. Some of their best work is on here, the Lumberjack Song, the Dead Parrot Sketch, How To Defend Yourself Against Fruit, the Funniest Joke Ever Told, Upper-Class Twit of the year and more!! What more could you possibly ask for?? Buy it just for the fact that it has Mr. Gumby, Michael Palin's intelligence-deprived dimwit, on the cover, he's funny just to look at!! Anything Monty Python does is funny, but this is one of my favorite things they've done because it gave all of us who never had a chance to watch their show an opportunity to see their best work over and over and over and over and over again."I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day. -He's a lumberjack and he's okay, he sleeps all night and he works all day.- I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lavatory. On Wednesdays I go shoppin' and have buttered scones for tea. -He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch, he goes to the lavatory. On Wednesdays he goes shoppin' and has buttered scones for tea. He's a lumberjack and he's okay, he sleeps all night and he works all day.- I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wildflowers. I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars. -He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps, he likes to press wildflowers. He put's on women's clothing, and hangs around in...bars? He's a lumberjack and he's okay, he sleeps all night and he works all day.- I cut down trees, I wear high heels, suspendies and a bra. I wish I'd been a girlie, just like my dear papa! -He cuts down trees, he wears high heels, suspenders and a...bra? He wishes he'd been a girlie, just like his dear papa. He's a lumberjack and he's okay, he sleeps all night and he works all day.- ...I wish I'd been a girlie, just like my dear PAPA!!"
It was with great anticipation that I went to see this movie. But what a disappointment!!! The original SWAT TV series was 100 times better than this movie. This movie is just a thrown together action film without any plot to appeal to low intelligence audience. AVOID at all costs.
Clint Esatwood's masterpiece of film making give's us a look into the world of the charactor that he brought to life in the 60's,70's, and 80's. Basically the lead, William Munny,is no different than the Man With No Name that Eastwood gave us in his hayday. We get to see life after gunfighting.Eastwood's Munny is an ex outlaw who goes out for one last run when a bounty is put on the head's of two cowboy's who one attacked a prostitute and cut her face. Morgan Freeman plays Ned Logan one ofMunny's partners who knew him befor Munny met his wife and changed his ways (In the beggining of the film we find out that Munny's wife has passed away).The bounty is placed by the working girls of Big Whiskey a small town run by a ruthless and very nasty sheriff named Little Bill played by Gene Hackman (Hackman would win an Oscar for the role). We see just how nasty Little Bill can be when English Bob (Richard Harris) wounders into town looking to collect the bounty.Eastwood showed real courage by not being afraid to show his charactor as both older and flawed.One of the best thing's about this film is that you get to see the human side of all the people involved. Littler bill building a house and Munny raising pigs show just how diverse the charactors are.This film won four Oscars including Best Film Editing, Supporting actor, Best Director (Eastwood) and Best Picture. Eastwood himself was also nomminated for best Actor. If you have never seen this film don't just rent it or see it on tv go out and buy it, you'll be glad you did.
Mike (Jon Favreau)has just broken up with his longtime girlfriend. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot seem to get out of the depressive state that he is in. So his smooth, fast-talking friend Trent (Vince Vaughn)decides he will do whatever it takes to show Mike a good time. Trent's vast array of cheering up techniques is filled with everything from laughing over martinis in a cocktail lounge, to picking up beautiful babies on their way to Las Vegas. Whatever it may be, these young "Swingers" are determined to re-write the rules on dating."Swingers" is without a doubt one of the funniest films to come out of the 90's, and it truly captures the dating scene of today. Jon Favreau wrote the amazing script. It provides for tons of killer dialogue which includes one of the most memorable lines of all time "You are so money, and you don't even know it." This film made me laugh harder than I ever have before. The most memorable scene is when Jon Favreau repeatedly calls the answering machine because it keeps hanging up on him. It goes on for about five minutes, until the woman finally picks up, and tells him to never call her again. It had me in tears from laughing so hard. The performances are what make this film succeed. Jon Favreau is amazing as Mike. He will make you feel sorry for him, and make you laugh at the same time with how bad his luck is. Vince Vaughn obviously gives the best performance as Trent. His advice on dating, and his smooth, player-like nature is the reason he became one of my all time favorite characters. Heather Grahm, Ron Livingston, Patrick Van Horn, and Alex Desert are all outstanding as the supporting cast.All I can say is thank you Miramax for releasing the Collector's Series DVD!! The DVD is simply amazing, and lets you see the film in a whole new light. My favorite special feature is the illustrated action commentary with Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn. Another great bonus is an original documentary on the making of the film entitled "Making it in Hollywood." It takes an in depth look into : the writing of the story, getting the film made, and the "Swingers" culture. You also get a short film entitled"Swingblade", deleted scenes, and a gag reel. The special features are worth the price alone! Do yourself a favor and buy this DVD, because you will not be dissapointed.
Rip roaring rip off of the Matrix movies that has Keanu Reeves redoing his Neo character for a supernatural tale that does not have a lot of common sense. Keanu is pretty bad in this film and it's apparent that this was an attempt to cash in on his Matrix success and some of the things that happens in the film including the over blown ending are scenes taken directly from the Matrix films. It seems to me that they were trying to establish another franchise with Keanu but this film really does not deserve a follow up. There are some good thing to say about it like the performances of Rachel Weisz, who does do far more for this film with her great and powerful performance than it does for her and Peter Stormare, whose tem minute cameo has more meat and soul than most of the performances of the film (with the excerption of Rachel Weisz of course) . Other than them, the movie is really a vanity project for those who are looking to cash in on the Matrix movies.
I was all excited about this box set until I noticed that this wasn't the COMPLETE Harry Potter Collection. All I want is a Harry Potter Box Set that has EVERYTHING, extended, bonus, digital, all the bells and whistles... majorly bummed that this is NOT the box set I've been waiting for :(
I thought I, Robot was great because there is cool action,good comedy,and the robots look so perfect!!!A++++
Leone's masterpiece is well worth a viewing not only to see a classic piece of western lore of good versus evil but also to be transported to a time when analysis of the need to fight the corruption bred by wealth and power was an acceptable plot line. It was striking to see this from the perspective of post 9-11 America. Movie buffs will enjoy the movie as cinema and the additional disc is chock full of goodies. For all this package offered this was a great buy and all of these factors helped make my viewing of Once Upon a Time in the West a truly wonderful experiecne.
was a gift. they wanted it and liked it. great price for DVD. packed well. arrived on time for gift giving.
This movie is told through the eyes of Scotty Smalls (Tom Guiry). Scotty has just moved to California with his mom (Karen Allen) and stepfather (Denis Leary). Upon moving in to their new home, Scotty's mom tells him that she wants him to make some new friends instead of staying inside all of the time. One day, Scotty comes across a group of boys plaing baseball in a sandlot. He goes over to watch, but he changes his mind. He's embarrassed because he doesn't know how to throw or catch. He asks his stepfather to help, but Scotty doesn't get any better.One of the boys at the sandlot noticed Scotty. He introduces himself as Benny (Mike Vitar) and proceeds to show Scotty the finer points of baseball. In no time at all, Scotty is catching, throwing, hitting, and has become a part of the team. These nine boys become inseparable, spending their days playing baseball, swimming, riding bikes, and doing the things most grade school age boys do on summer vacation. The boys do have one problem in their lives; the beast. The beast is a large dog that lives behind the fence which surrounds the sandlot where the boys play baseball. Every time someone hits a ball over the fence, it is automatically assumed that the ball is lost forever, because no one has ever ventured into the yard to get their ball back. Such a case arises for Scotty and his friends.One day while playing ball, someone hit the ball over the fence. Scotty volunteered to go home and get another one. He brought it back to the field and the game began again. Scotty himself ends up hitting the ball he brought over the fence, but the ball was autographed by Babe Ruth. The boys try all different kinds of ideas to get the valuable ball back, but nothing seems to work. One night, Benny has a dream about Babe Ruth and getting the ball back. Babe tells Benny that he must go into the yard to retrieve the ball. Will Benny Survive his encounter with the beast?This is an excellent movie. It takes me back to my own childhood when I would do the same thing as the boys in the movie; play baseball from early morning until late in the afternoon. I thought the story was exceptional. It was fun watching the boys learn about life along the way as well. The scene where "Squints" fakes drowning and is revived by the cute lifeguard was one of the best scenes in the movie. Benny overcoming his own uncertainties as he prepared to retrieve the Babe Ruth ball was equally as good. I'm a huge baseball fan and I've seen such classics as "Eight Men Out", "The Natural" and "Field of Dreams". "The Sandlot" ranks with these as being one of the best baseball movies I've ever seen. I highly recommend this movie. If you're a baseball fan like me or if you enjoy watching movies about friendship and growing up, then this movie is one you won't want to miss. Watch "The Sandlot" and see how a group of boys bond as friends through playing baseball.
It's a bit choppy, uneven, but overall it was entertaining. (If I want to be educated, I'll watch a documentary.) I would have preferred 31/2 stars, but can't do it on Amazon. Tilda Swinton is always good, and is good here, if underutilized. Rachel Whatever was overpaid if she made more than $1, the supporting cast was fun, Lucifer is not to be missed.
It is an unfortunate fact of humanity that few things seem to stimulate it more than watching hundreds of thousands die in war, no matter the enemy and no matter the necessity. But it is equally true that war has been commented upon time immemorial on the big screen, sometimes with utter jingoism being involved (as with most John Wayne war films), but usually with a "Man's inhumanity to Man" comment involved. The latter is clearly true of director Stanley Kubrick's 1957 film PATHS OF GLORY, set against the horrible backdrop of World War I and involving a criminal court-martial that, just on the basis of the charges being leveled, can be considered even more horrible than the war itself.Based on Humphrey Cobb's novel of the same name, PATHS OF GLORY involves a French army regiment's charge against a heavily fortified German ant hill on the Western Front, instigated by an ambitious general (George Macready) who has been promised a promotion by his superior (Adolphe Menjou) should it succeed. Needless to say, despite the efforts of most of the men, the withering mortar fire of the Germans causes the attack to be a crippling disaster; and Macready, looking for someone to blame for an attack that was clearly pointless, orders that three men (Timothy Carey; Ralph Meeker; Joe Turkel) who could not advance far out of the trenches be put on trial for cowardice, a charge that carries with it execution by firing squad. Kirk Douglas, in one of his best roles ever, is the men's commander in the trenches, and, given his background as a lawyer in civilian life, is given the unenviable task of defending his men against charges that, just on face value alone, are extremely ludicrous, but he is prevented by the General Staff and the prosecutors (including Richard Anderson) from presenting exculpatory evidence. As a result, not even three days after the Ant Hill attack, the three men are executed. Douglas, however, uncovers evidence of Macready's complicity in the attack and the fact that he ordered other French troops to fire on the men for their failed efforts. He also confronts Menjou with Menjou's own complicity in that whole sick incident.Having achieved a great early standing with his 1956 crime film THE KILLING, Kubrick became internationally known on the basis of this masterful and scathing combination of war and courtroom drama that, as would be the pattern of many of his films, was also the source of controversy. Its depiction of the behavior of French commanding officers attracted a lot of scorn in France, so much so that PATHS OF GLORY was not shown there until the late 1970s; and several US bases in other countries in Europe weren't allowed to show it either until the early 1970s. As with so many detractors of Kubrick's films, however, the French and American military censors missed the point. The film does not dishonor the men who actually did the fighting in the war, but it does severely scrutinize the commanders who sit behind their desks in sheltered chateaus and prosecute wars and trials as if they were marks of manhood, and destroy those who won't follow the most ludicrous of orders, without having a clue as to what their decisions will mean in the end. This can be said not only of World War I, but also of almost every military conflict that has come in its wake, from World War II to Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. What is equally important is how Kubrick, often criticized in his career as a cold director, is able to depict the best of humanity (in Douglas and the three men he has to defend) against both the inhumanity of the kind of trench warfare that World War I was, and the basic inhuman military bureaucracy represented by Macready, Menjou, and Anderson. PATHS OF GLORY, much like the similar Lewis Milestone classic ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT, is a hard-hitting look at what war does; and unlike so many jingoistic films of the war genre, it shows how it damages soldiers and also how it absolutely corrupts commanders.Kubrick shot most of this film in the countryside outside of Munich, West Germany, and he gets the most out of his actors, including Douglas (in one of his most powerful and humane performances), while Menjou and Macready accurately depict the toadying commanders who plan and decide with only glory in their minds (but as the old saying goes, "the paths of glory lead but to the grave"). The end result in PATHS OF GLORY was a milestone film for Kubrick as a director, and a signpost for Hollywood that it could no longer depict war as merely a flag-waving, patriotic venture or grist for political propaganda. It is a masterpiece of the highest order.
I absolutely love this movie! The movie itself deserves five stars. For those of you who have not seen this movie it is a wonderful tale of a unicorn that is looking for others like her. Along the way she meets many new people and encounters many mishaps which include being turned into a human. But as with other reviewers I believe there are some flaws in the DVD. I was greatly hoping that with a DVD release there would be some extra futures and to my disappointment there are none. The scene selection is a minor plus. I like the fact that I can skip through at a whim and listen to the music from America. I believe picture quality is just as it was on the VHS but it may be a little crisper when the people are involved, but as a whole the screen still remains a little shaky while being played. Lastly a member of my family has some problems hearing and subtitles are unavailable on this DVD. It's not perfect but for the price it was well worth it.
I am sure the movie is fine since I have always liked it. I inadvertently purchased a Region 2 dvd since that was all that was available. I contacted the seller of my error, and I asked if I could exchange it for a Region 1 version. I received a message that I should have looked closer at my purchase. I guess they are right. This is the only time I overlooked this. Of course, the purchaser (me) is not happy. It is unfortunate that manufacturers have all of these regions and the dvds are not adapted to this. It is hard to find and all region dvds or especially blu-rays.
This classic movie of James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan is one of my favorite movies and later revised for, You Got Mail with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. You will note Meg Ryan's store in You Got Mail is called Shop Around The Corner.
A very interesting idea. A babysitter who is so attractive that she influences erotic fantasies in everyone she meets. But when the daydreams turn into nightmares at the expense of a life, the party's over. Good execution of a good idea is spoiled by the music. The score is just so utterly innopropriate for a movie like this, that is drags the whole thing down to pit level. And Silverstone's character also metamorphesizes in the end, doing a complete 160 degree that no one was expecting. The moral: Don't drink a drive, kids.
This is the first movie I have seen this year that was worth a crap. I wouldnt have pictured Downey / Law playing Holmes / Watson, but they did an excellent job. The visuals were great, it had a story line that kept me very interested, and the fight scenes were very cool (whilst still remaining within the laws of physics most of the time). IMHO this is an incredible movie that was probably drowned out by hype over New Moon. Sorry ladies, no sparkly emo kids here, or sweaty shirtless dog boys. Only 2 hours of mystery, explosions, and good old fashioned ass kicking.
this is one stripped-down DVD: no director's commentary, no special features of note. no "making of", no sfx reel, no deleted scenes. Basically, you get ... the movie. Ok, you get one of the trailers. Disappointing after the lavish "Fight Club" double DVD.
I rented this movie, thinking "OH, it'll be funny and I'm sure I'll enjoy it."Boy was I wrong! THis was like a sugary Nightmare! If I ran into someone like Betty, I'd pull my hair out and scream at the top of my lungs!! SHe is perhaps the most annoying character in the movies of recent years! I didn't feel any sympathy for her.The setup was alright, but the storyline was completely fake and forced. THe Hispanic woman who lends her house to Betty? FAKE. The relationship between Morgan and Chris's characters? Unrealistic, not to mention embarassingly unfunny! (The "Bland CAnyon", that's a joke anyone can come up with). The ending? Just plain boring and anti-climactic.I can't believe any of these big, talented stars wasted their time with this movie. IT was a big fat waste of time.
I've seen antz and toy story and without a doubt this is the best animated movie of the 90's