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Being a huge fan of the original (DVD), I couldn't wait to get my hands on the blu-ray release... and I wasn't disappointed.Some of the close up or darker scenes show a little graininess, but overall the movie is gorgeous looking. And the audio soundtrack (which fans of the movie will appreciate) has received the audio tweak that blu-ray movies are becoming accustomed to - it sounds spectacular.Old school fans of the movie will be in for a treat with this blu-ray feature - awesome movie.
If you want to see a movie that tries way too hard to be charming (but isn't), with lots of improv stories that are meant to be clever (but aren't), and you are willing to sit and patiently give occasional courtesy laughs (at best) for the length of a feature film, then you'll love this one. Seriously, by the end I was rolling my eyes whenever a character began yet another pointless, unbelievable and supposedly "charming" recollection/story.Good points: the music and the singing (particularly Streep's vocal performances - is there anything this woman can't do?).Bad points: pretty much everything else.I guess there's a reason that PHC is a radio show. Should've stayed that way.
Director: David KoeppCast: Kevin Bacon, Zachary David Cope, Kathryne Erbe, Illeana Douglas, Kevin Dunn, Conor O'Farrell, Lusia Strus, Stephen Eugene Walker.Running Time: 99 minutesRated R for violence, sexuality and language."Stir of Echoes" is more like a very good murder/mystery thriller then a film about the paranormal. Combining both crime and the supernatural by both the writer and director of the movie Richard Matheson and David Koepp and doing it as well as they did put it a step or two above even the great supernatural movie "The Sixth Sense" which "Stir of Echoes" is always compared too and was released just about the same time in the summer of 1999. Unlike "The Sixth Sense" there's no slick and tricky ending that will have you want to go back to see the film over again to spot what you missed, the ending of "Stir of Echoes" is straight-forward and direct and hits you right between the eyes and unlike the Bruce Willis classic you do see it coming. Renting a house in a Chicago working-class neighborhood Tom Witzky, a telephone worker, and his wife Maggie, Kathryn Erbe, and little boy Jack, Zachary David Cope, seem to be fitting it with those living around them. Little Jack later seems to be seeing things and talking to himself but that does not bother his parents since they think that it's normal for a little boy to daydream. One night Tom and Maggie go to see Maggie's friend Lisa, Illeana Douglas, who dabbles in the occult and the supernatural and Tom reluctantly agrees to be hypnotized by her and the results opens his mind to a world that he scarcely knew and didn't, up to then, believe in. Like his son Jack Tom has, as it's called in the movie, "The Eye" to see disembodied spirits or people and one of the spirits that both he and young Jack see is a young girl Samantha Kozac, Jennifer Morrison, who's been missing since last March when she disappeared from sight. One night Debbie, Liza Well, Samantha's sister was baby-sitting Jack and when she heard him mention Samantha and that he knows where she is Debbie loses it and almost kidnapped Jack in order to have him tell her where she can find her sister.Tom also starts seeing flashes of light and ghostly appearances that become more and more real to the point where his wife Maggie thinks that he's losing his mind and, together with little Jack, almost leaves him. As Tom's mind becomes more tuned in with the astral world, that world that between life and death, he realizes that Samantha is somehow connected with the house he living in and that she did not disappeared last March in some kind of accident but was murdered and that her body was hidden somewhere in the house by her murderer or murderers. The story is very effective, presented more as a psychological horror film rather than the grisly gore so prevalent in the genre. Numerous comparisons have been made between this film and `The Shining' and `Close Encounters of the Third Kind', somehow implying that because this film used some of the effective devices from those films, it is without value. I couldn't disagree more. There is a difference between ripping off a story and adapting effective devices used in other films. This film did the later par extraordinaire. This story used a novel approach to a well plowed genre. It combined the supernatural element with a mystery to produce a powerful hybrid. Forget the comparison with `Sixth Sense'. The only thing these films had in common was dead people.Writer/Director David Koepp did a terrific job in both capacities. The story was plausible, frightening and drew the viewer in. There were some dangling dead end plot lines (Maggie's pregnancy disappeared as a plot element after the announcement; and what was Neil about?) that just wasted our time. But mostly, everything fit together well. The direction was fabulous; designed to scare the hell out of you and that it did. Koepp created incredible suspense without the use of expensive special effects, simply by using the camera and sound effectively. Kevin Bacon was at the top of his game in this film. His obsession with finding Samantha was played with intensity and single mindedness. Kathryn Erbe was also good as Maggie, bringing both strength and passion to the part. An extremely underrated, underappreciated thriller that rivals many of the late 1990's and early part of the 2000 decade.
The acting of Eddie Murphy and Jamie Foxx supplemented with the singing of Jennifer Hudson and Beyonce' - the makings of a great musical film, right? Unfortunately Dreamgirls does not deliver.The plot of Dreamgirls focuses on the struggle of a naive trio of talented young singers during the 1960's. Unfortunately the film focuses much of its attention on the root cause of all evil in the U.S. during this time period - white people. Seriously, the only time you see a caucasian or hear a reference to one during this film, it is to make the point that they racists or thieves who don't appreciate good music.In the end, I expected a lot more from this talented cast and therefore came away disappointed.
Love JJ Abrams and love Fringe. Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson and John Noble are AMAZING. This is a series I will watch again and again!
I loved the 20th Century Fox one, this Disney one just isn't as good. They changed the dialog for Mei and Satsuki and some of it just doesn't really fit in well with the movie; also they changed the way Satsuki's name is pronounced. If you listen carefully they changed the way the cat bus meows. If I would have known that this wasn't going to be the same movie as the old VHS one I wouldn't have bought it. It's still good, but not as good as the 20th Century Fox version. Most of the dialog for the father and granny is the same and also most of the background sounds but you can tell they added some more music that to me just doesn't really fit with the original music. But now I know to make sure that when I buy movies I need to make sure they are what I really want. (i just noticed that on the cover on the Disney version they have mixed Satsuki and Mei together! Mei's hair and Satsuki's clothes.)
Very enjoyable movie. I now own all but the very last one. The characters are so much fun to watch especially the interaction between baby and Diego.I'm glad they decided to make more movies and keep the same characters and the same people for the voices. They worked great together.
I purchased the DVD boxsets for the Dragonball Z series... seasons 1 through 7, and plan on buying the rest once they are released. These are excellent DVDs. The ability to run the episodes back to back as a 'marathon' series that cuts out the intro vids / credits between each episode is a great way to enjoy this series.I would highly recommend this to anyone who is a fan of this great anime series.
This movie was great! I think we all have to remember that when you see movies some 10 - 11 years after they were made, it is going to "lose something in the translation"(See TOP GUN!) The movie flowed along nicely, provided a lot of action, took a look inside seal combat training, and brought the seals to life in a time when they weren't as well known as they are now. The Beriut seen at the end was one of the greatest action scenes of ever and was very innovative and creative.
Peter Hyams explains his version of the oft-told Dumas tale as a "re-vision" of The Three Musketeers. (The hyphen in the word "re-vision" is not mine, it is included in all the accompanying literature associated with the Miramax release. Mr. Hyams does not explain why the story needs to be re-vised. Yet, after dozens of works of fiction, including stage, movie, television, radio drama, pantomime, ballet, orchestral works and point-of-purchase candy bar display racks, somehow Hollywood has determined that what keeps this classic swashbuckling product from selling is its story. So it gets re-vised. God save us all from the re-vision thing.Just to bring you up on the Hyams version of the story: D'Artagnan, the only son of a retired Gascon musketeer, is orphaned as a boy, as his celebrated father is just beginning to teach him the ultra-deadly Hong Kong style of epée swordsmanship that once made the old musketeer famous fighting for Charles IV against the Yakuza. Both D'Artagnan's parents are killed before his very eyes by the evil Tim Roth and his faction of cardinalist guards. Tim Roth, who ranks with Phyllis Diller's characterization in The Bugaloos as a Saturday morning cartoon villain, might better be remembered for his identical role in Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves, in which he masticated entire soundstages and set pieces before this reviewer's horrified eyes, and performed the most offensive rape scene ever perpetrated by a major Hollywood release.This D'Artagnan is an orphan, who is raised by his father's servant Planchet. This Planchet is a master demolitions expert and Chinese-style swordsman, who, while disguised as Noel Redding from the Jimi Hendrix Experience, teaches D'Artagnan everything he needs to know about being a musketeer. This apparently would include how to fight when suspended from a guy wire, how to attach an German epée guard and hilt to a Chinese sword, and how to passably mimic either a French or British accent. It is only this last skill that eludes D'Artagnan before it his time for him to seek his fortune in Paris and meet M. de Treville, captain of the king's musketeers.This M. Treville is a doddering old fool, whose musketeers are in disgrace after they are framed for doing the exact kind of thing the American CIA was doing in Central and South America during the 1960s and 1970s. After meeting the sodden Porthos and Aramis, whose characters in this "re-vision" have been reduced to one-dimensional mercenaries straight out of the movie ConAir, this D'Artagnan find lodgings with this M. Bonacieux - who is the uncle of the pretty young Bonacieux this time around. I can't find a more likely reason for this plot change than to make M. Bonacieux more repulsive, but Bill Treacher does a fair job of that on his own. The pretty young Bonacieux (played by young ingenue Mena Suvari with all the emotional depth of a Clinique ad) now has the given name of Francesca and is of Spanish descent this time around, also is now unmarried and is on the cover of Cosmo for reasons that escape me.Several key characterizations are absent in the three famous musketeers themselves. They are drunken, ill-disciplined, scheming and without respect to women, true enough, but here their similarities to the Dumas characters end. That is where the characters themselves end, since they are given no courage, no thirst for justice, and no unwavering loyalty to king and to France that made them so compelling in the first place. Instead, we have in all of the musketeers generally, a sort of defeated rabble to be roused by D'Artagnan's youthful idealism.Cardinal Richelieu (Stephen Rea, "you mean they really couldn't get Tim Curry again?"), the classic arch villain and traditionally the venomous creature at the center of this classic web of action and intrigue, has been reduced to an impotent second banana when faced with Tim Roth's over-the-top LeFebre.(LeFebre? LeFebre? the critic and student of French popular literature cries as he thumbs through his dog-eared translation of The Three Musketeers, finally realizing that this character, the central villain, doesn't even exist in the book! And why should he, really, when there are already a number of villains and ne'er-do-wells who would serve just as well? )Gone is Jussac. Gone is Lady Clarik De Winter, and the main motivation for Athos and D'Artagnan. Rochefort is a walk-on, dust beneath the feet of this impostor LeFebre. Gone is the romantic intrigue between Lord Buckingham and Queen Anne. D'Artagnan has no internal turmoil over being infatuated with the wife of his landlord, since she's now his niece, quite available, and willing. Gone is the story.Gone is the action, too; largely due to Hyams shooting all fight scenes from the torso up, which makes it impossible to figure out and who is actually fighting whom. A potentially brilliant piece of combat business involving sword combat while perched atop, and occasionally leaping from, 25-foot tall ladders becomes tedious and poorly realized, like a scene out of MacGyver. Justin Chambers is given lines that would embarrass the writers of Who's the Boss? and everything involving battle from a carriage was lifted nearly shot by shot from Stagecoach.The Musketeer is not entirely without merit, although specific examples of where that might be true elude me. Costumes and weapons are noticeable in their tawdriness, and what should be an important state dinner honoring the presence of Lord Buckingham in the court of Louis XIII looks more like the $50-a-plate Royale Banquet deal at your local renaissance festival. (And when is Hollywood going to realize that a four-pound cannon does not shoot an incendiary firework that makes its victims do cartwheels on impact? It shoots molten-hot grapeshot, a particularly deadly cluster of projectiles that goes through the victim's flesh, carving its victims into small, difficult-to-identify pieces.) However, since the screenplay did away with the entire plot and characters of its original material, it's a pretty easy story for the average 8 year old to follow, so it does have that going for it.
Why can't we have the original version with James Mason and Pat Boone? It is one of may all-time favorite movies. This one doesn't do much for me.
This commercially popular take on the book Nueromancer takes film making to an entirly different level.The complex shots and thrilling action sequences make this one of my favorite movies.The good: The matrix is entertaing with a good story and superb acting.The bad: Keanu Reeves drags at parts and the added love story subplot was un-needed.The ugly: They are already starting The Matrix 2 & 3... sequels never match up to the original.I give it an overall of four. For being a great and intertaing movie that attempts to liberate the mind but falls up short for bowing in to commercialism.
This really is as good as it gets when it comes to romantic comedy! While this movie may fall into the "sappy" category for true film aficionados, it manages to mix wry humor and legitimate drama with enough sentimentality to satisfy even the weepiest movie-goers. Unlike other films of its genre, As Good As It Gets has a point - a not-so-trite main idea that is simple yet profound. The fine characterization accomplished by the writers and a superb cast (Helen Hunt; Jack Nicholson, who admittedly does not stray far from his usual character; Greg Kinnear, whose work in a supporting role underscores the film's thematic content; and Cuba Gooding, Jr.)supports the theme that threads its way throughout the plot. Simon (Kinnear), the gay next-door-neighbor artist, articulates the idea in a considerably early portion of the film: "Have you ever looked at somebody who doesn't know they're being watched?...This flash comes over them...it's nothing external, because that hasn't changed. If you look at someone long enough, you discover their humanity."This film is comforting to some because it glorifies the individual; it illuminates the humanity, and, ultimately, the beauty of everyday characters. (While the obssessive-compulsive romance writer may not be the most typical personality, many people can probably identify with individual crises, big and small, of Carol and Simon.) In the final scene, Melvin (Nicholson) gives a reminder of Simon's earlier reflections after singing the praises of Carol the waitress (Hunt): "I might be the only one who sees that you're the most wonderful woman in the world." It becomes clear that Melvin loves Carol for, above all, her humanity. The significant age gap between the two main characters seems to be bridged by this understanding.Still wary of AGAIG because of its romanticomedy label? Fear not. Despite its pathos, it at least offers a few laughs and a generally pessimistic protagonist to amuse the cynics.
Blade Runner.A key picture of the 80's.A film that became a classic of its own.A film that defined science fiction in a new way.After all this year this movie never aged.First if you wanna explore Blade Runner again do it with the Blue Ray.The remastering is unbelievable beyond every imagination.Every grain, every pixel and most of all the sound hits you right away.From the first sound attack through Vangelis' classic score you can dive into the picture.The extras are numerous you have to take some days to put you through all the specials.But ecspecially the Five Cuts make you jump skyhigh.For me this is a must own on ray and the perfect start to start your collection
Having never been in Vietnam myself, but in the Army in the 70s, I explained offhand to a young 26 year old man how herion was a huge problem in Vietnam, how a lot of GIs came back hooked.He understnadably could not understand how people got hooked on herion of all things in a combat zone.I thought of the herion death scene in Platoon leader, and remebered by and large it was a terrific movie.Thats why I found it on Amazon and ordered it, mostly to show him our current troubles seem insignificant to the fatalities suffered then.I havent seen the movie in gee, 15 years? Ive never forgotten it, tho.
I am also worried as to what has happened to the Definitive Cut. I am one of the original Blade Runner fans, and just want a fine, remastered edition of it. I want it so badly! I have been talking to my 20 year-old son about it for years, as a fellow science fiction fan. He keeps talking about the Fifth Element etc - which is but a shadow of Blade Runner in my opinion. He has never seen Blade Runner, which is awful. So please, just release the thing. It is keeping us in agonies. Put us out of our misery.
I've a soft spot for this silly movie; I grew watching it in late movie shows on my tiny B&W; TV.It's not a great, great movie (the swordfight is too long and unnecessary to the plot) but I truly love Peter Falk and Jack Lemmon's shenanigans during its entire run. Normally, I'd give a 3-star review, maybe even a 4-star if I was feeling generous, but here I'm not reviewing the movie by itself but the quality of the final product.Once again, Warner Video has provided us a product of shoddy value. Though the quality of the video is top-notch, the 10 first minutes or so of the quality of the audio track is of very poor, showing several moments of muffled music, instances when the volume fades in or out unexpectely, along with a few occurances when you can hear some very audible snaps and cracks. Although the quality improves right before the board meeting where Tony Curtis exposes his great plan, this killed my overall enjoyment of the entire movie...Shame on you Warner, for making such a poor digital transfer.
I saw original in theater when released years ago. This uncut version has surprises around every corner... Like seeing a whole new film
I love this movie! It is too funny and always makes me laugh which is why I decided to buy it, it's too funny! I love Jim Carrey.
Low budget & yes the entire document basically revolves around 2 individuals. Period. If you're looking for something that focuses on the music this ain't it. If you're looking for disjointed views about Norwegians needing a "pure bloodline" & music being secondary then this lump of crap is for you.
I can not tell you much about the movie, the Gotham Distributors/ Alpha Video DVD is so bad that I had to stop it 10 minutes in and force the store to accept the return of an open DVD.The AUDIO is DISTORDED, making it very hard to understand Leo Gorcey's humorous banter.The VIDEO is WASHED OUT so that you can not see their faces.The film print they used was also splicy, but that would have been tolerable if you could see & hear the movie. Wait until someone like Platinum, Front Row, Brentwood, or Goodtimes releases this public domain title.
The Great Escape was a good film. There was action, drama and some comedy relief. The only problem with it though was the music score was a little too uplifting, it needed to be more serious. Also in the film the way the SS officers treated the prisoners was too easy. They were much more physical with them than the movie showed. Other than that it was a good film, I would recommend it to anyones DVD collection.
I was able to buy this DVD when it appeared in my Amazon Gold Box (having a one-year-old in the house, the Gold Box is the only way I can buy DVD's anymore!), and I could not refuse the [inexpensive] price I was offered. I'm very glad now that I opened my Gold Box at the right time. Even at full-price, this is a must-see film.My first introduction to director Christopher Nolan's work was in Insomnia- another must-see if you haven't already.As the Amazon review explains, Shelby Leonard (Guy Pearce) is a man with an unusual mental condition that prevents him from creating new memories. To complicate the situation, he is trying to search for his wife's murderer. The police won't help him because they don't believe him- as they see it, the case is open-and-shut.The most effective way Christopher Nolan found to confuse the viewer (as much as Leonard must have been) was to portray the film in ten-minute segments- in reverse. This technique reminded me a little of Tarantino's jump-around technique in Pulp Fiction, but "Memento" was more linear- the end of one segment was the beginning of the previous segment.Although I was expecting all of this from reading the other reviews here, I was not expecting to get as thorougly confused as I did. I paid full attention to what was happening, but at the end I still felt like my head was spinning. I have seen several movies that have left me confused (case in point: Eyes Wide Shut. I'm sure Kubrick was a wonderful director, but I still don't get the way that film unfolded), but this left me pleasantly confused; I'm still thinking about it several days later, and enjoying the film even more in retrospect.The entire cast was well-chosen, from Guy Pearce as the fiercely determined Leonard, to Carrie-Anne Moss as the highly intriguing Natalie. I'm still not sure if she was a "bad guy" or a "good guy." Joe Pantoliano (Moss' co-star in "The Matrix") was also excellent as John G./Teddy.Although the beginning of the movie starts with finding out the identity of Leonard's wife's killer, the film is most definitely not that simple. At the end, the film takes everything you've expected thus far and throws it upside-down.I don't typically get into "thinking person's" movies (neither does my husband), but this was one such movie that I'm sure I will be watching again, to see what I missed the first time around.For film buffs, the limited edition packaging is also a great perk: it is modeled after Leonard's evidence file in the film.
If you have ever wanted to learn to bellydance - buy this video! I have spent hundreds of dollars for videos on this subject and this was the first time I felt I had received my money's worth. It's a great workout and Shamira does a great job teaching the steps. Great fun to do and it's obvious Shamira has fun performing. The costumes are incredible (had a hard time deciding what to concentrate on - undulations or the beading on her bra!)and the setting leads to the sensuous and lush feeling these moves will inspire!
This movie was so incredibly lame and hard to follow. It was weird! I couldn't get into it at all. Not like I expected it to be. I guess my mistake was watching the Avengers, a really great movie by the way, before watching this one. I'll never get that time back and I'm more stupid for having watched it....
Please, don't get me wrong and I beg those who loved it to forgive me, but I found this season deeply disappointing. I really understood the dark concept of the season, the dramatic twist needed after something as strong as Buffy's dead had to be huge just as the season pretended. But it failed, and believe me, that made me go through a crisis because Joss Whedon is one of my heroes. I tried to like it, I really tried, but it wasn't enough...A lot of people found this season interesting, and believe me, I did too. It wasn't a horrible season, but it was not "Buffy" anymore. Joss Whedon had me glued to my TV after the extraordinary concept introduced in season one, the gothic feeling of season two, the amazing, intelligent and powerful season three, the well executed season four that proved a series can take risks and survive, and course, the unforgettable, epic, beyond words and unbelievable season five.But season six lost it. It seemed to me more like a supernatural soap opera rather than the epic and magical TV series it used to be. The darkness was badly handled through a melodramatic touch that contrasted too much with the comedy, leading to horrible things like a shark headed mafia demon and the cancelled "(cartoon circus) wedding" that just made me feel there was no more climax with the story arcs of the principal characters.The 3 geeks were funny but should not have been treated as season villains, they just didn't have enough dramatic force to interact with Buffy that way. Perhaps, this lack of climax is what ruined the good character development of the season (one of the good points) to me.Willows fall to darkness came to late. The intention of bringing the Scooby Gang as the season point of development wasn't fulfilled properly. Willow herself had her great moments, but both her fall and recovery were to sudden (the antecedents of the event were good, but the change of heart still was too abrupt), almost like improvised (I know it wasn't, but it felt like that if compared to the excellent story development of previous seasons)Perhaps one of my problems was that the scripts of the season felt a little amateur. The idea was good, but the execution lacked something. My guess is that it wasn't good for the series going to UPN.In the other hand, there are some good points about the season like Spike's character development and Buffy's desperation to handle a house and a sister. The twists were also good (but lost a lot of power due to the bad storytelling)The season itself is worth for fans and those who loved the style of the season. But in my case, despite been a big fan I think I'm going to buy season five and consider it the end (and what a great end) of it. Season seven was better than season six, in fact it had a wonderful big bad, but the tone was still polluted (specially with the addition of Andrew - I hated so much he survived and Anya didn't, hadn't that freak been there I would have enjoyed the show)The point is that I can live without the DVD's of the last two seasons, but I can't without the ones first five seasons. I'll keep the VHS's where I recorded season six and seven, but the economy isn't great and I don't think it's worth the money. Season six was just good TV, but it had a lot of flaws and it wasn't "to die for..."
The great Rodney Dangerfield is a personal favorite of mine and 'Back to School' is his most accessible film vehicle, considered to be a comedy classic among 80's film aficionados. I have seen this film more times than I wish to admit (ok, more than 25 times) and always find it both hilarious and entertaining! With that said, this review will concentrate on the product, the video and audio quality along with any special features rather than the film itself.Is 'Back to School' on Blu Ray worth upgrading to from your VHS or DVD copies? In two words: YES!!! YES!!'Back to School' come to Blu Ray presented in the original Aspect Ratio of 1.85:1 (which is always a plus) which means you will get very thin black bars at the top and bottom of the picture. This is superior to zooming the picture to fill your 16:9 HDTV screen and in the case of 'Back to School' any help with resolution is a plus as this is an uneven and semi troubled video presentation.So how about this picture? It is THAT MUCH better than the DVD? Yes it is. But with that said, it is ALSO quite grainy on many of the indoor shots. This transfer has enough heavy grain to quality as a high fiber diet! Outdoor shots with natural light fare much better and are almost all quite a bit better to look at. I would rather see the grain than have it forcibly removed with DNR as that would take what detail there is and smear it. I did notice the problem improves a bit as the film progresses. Honestly, I think it is more a case of a dirty print and even the smallest amount of actual restoration would make this film really shine on Blu Ray. Colors are strong and actual print damage is very minimal and I noticed a very small amount of edge enhancement but nothing over the top.OH well, they did this transfer on the cheap and it looks to have been ported directly from an old HD scan. To give you an idea, it is BETTER looking than the '48 Hours' Blu Ray picture but not as good as 'Caddyshack'. If you grew up with the endless running of this film on HBO, you will be pleased with the uptick in picture quality overall. On the other hand, Rodney STILL isn't getting any respect, not with this assembly line transfer.How about the sound? The film gets a NICE uptick with a pretty impressive DTS Master Audio 5.1 mix. Everything sounds better than I remember. This is not 'Lord of the Rings' and your sub and surrounds won't be overworked, but the music sounds great, there are some ambient effects in the surrounds and the dialogue is clear as a bell. I thought the 5.1 lossless mix to be a notch better than the picture quality. The horrible censored audio of various TV versions is gone and Robert Downey Jr. now says "Do Me" instead of "Shoe Me" ! (just needed to clear that up)The special features overall are a nice addition but there is no "Play All" button and after every clip you go back to the main feature in progress. The "Making Of" documentary is actually pretty good as is the small tribute to Rodney. The "Triple Lindy" is covered in length in another feature which clears up the age old mystery of whether or not that is REALLY Rodney doing the dive. (honestly I was shocked to find out it was a stunt man) HA HA For the truly obsessive fans, the films' director has recorded a very comprehensive and amusing commentary track.Bottom Line: If you love 'Back to School' then this purchase is a no brainer. While not being any better than a sloppy cut rate catalog transfer, the film transcends this and offers fans many hours of repeat viewings. It is also likely to be the best we will see 'Back to School' looking for the home video market, at last in the foreseeable future. A pretty nice package overall and if the video quality was even a bit better, I would give this product 5 stars. As it stands, I give the movie itself 5 stars (for an 80's comedy) but this transfer between 3 and 3 and 1/2 stars.Recommended for fans who want ANY uptick in quality, maybe not so much for casual viewers who already own the DVD.
This is the first review for Amazon I've ever had the interest in writing. My wife and I saw this movie about a month ago in a free preview screening. We knew nothing about it before we saw it. We thought it was one of the funniest movies we have ever seen and the entire audience was busting out laughing for almost the entire film. The premise as you may know is a modern take on "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" and everyone involved (John Clease, Jon Lovitz, Whoopie Goldberg, etc.) is hilarous. My in-laws are going right now. I agree with the other reviewer that the trailers on TV do not do this movie justice. Rat Race will not win any Oscars but you will surely leave with a smile on your face!
In this Vincente Minnelli (1903-1986) directed backstage , Fred Astaire (1899-1987) dazzles in numbers set in a train Station (By Mysel) a penny arcade (A Shine on your shoes) a backlot Central Park (Dancing in the dark) and a smoky caf? (Girl Hunt) the letter two with the incomparable Cyd Charisse (1921-2008 ). And when he , Nanette Fabray (1920- ) and Jack Buchanan (1891-1957) play infants who "Hate Each Other very much" in the merry Triplets,its more reason to llove this movie very,very much . AS the hallmark song which orginated here goes , That?s Entertainment . Here you have a special feature two disc of worlds most famous musical . All digital transfer in super quality . Recommended
"Join the people who have joined the Army." That is the most honest recruiting slogan the Army has ever employed. What do most people get out of the Army? Friendship. Comraderie. A sense of belonging. "Gardens of Stone" shows these ties that bind, and I can think of no other movie that shows these as well, if at all. What is it like to be inside the uniform? This movie will get you as close as you can come without signing your name on the dotted line.
Spiderman 2 ranks right up there with The Empire Strikes Backs as one of the best sequels ever made. Sam Raimi super sequel not only blows away the first movie in sheer thrill but also in sheer heart as well. Movies don't get any better than this and I can't wait for the 3rd one.
I have never before written such an extensive review and I really hope my efforts helps someone to avoid this product, or at least buy with full knowledge of what they are, and most importantly not, getting.This is a review of the 2008 product which is 1948 minutes long, the 2009 product is 2241 minutes. Potential buyers could ask the company if the additional 293 minutes corrected the problems the concerns I have with the product.In order to determine if the problems with the set I purchased had been corrected in the newer edition I phoned and emailed the History Channel asking for information. After three weeks I have not received a response so I am going to post this review in the hopes that it will help others avoid the disappointment I experienced.This is a fourteen DVD set.1. 1-3 DVDs deal with the revolution. A well done presentation that clearly shows the war was not about taxation without representation, that the tea party was nothing more than a bunch of people who had financial interests in causing problems by destroying the property of others, and that the colonists did not win the war but the Spanish and French did. It does a good job of showing how financing the war caused the beheading of a king. A well done and balanced presentation.2. DVD 4 deals with the Alamo and again is a good presentation showing that this was a group of illegal aliens causing a problem for Mexico's government. Does not sugar coat the backgrounds of those involved nor of the despair Mexican leaders had in loosing their great land.3. DVDs 5 and 6 deals with a small part of the Civil War. This presentation was positively horrible. No discussion was given to the who, what, why and results of the war. It is nothing more than a lot of blood and guts. A true shame. The audio mixing was horrible.4. DVD 7 deals with World War 1, and again is a well rounded and complete explanation of the reasons, and results, of the war. It even sets the stage for World War II. This, all in one DVD. An excellent job worthy of being watched by any student. One would never know that the same company that produced DVDs 5, 6, 8 & 9 did 7.5. DVDs 8 & 9 deal with World War II. Well not really - it deals with the end of the war, makes no sense at all, is just as bad as DVDs 5 & 6 that covered the Civil War, lots of blood and guts and no logic. It does show how General Eisenhower was upset with the concentration camps but had no problem with the allies killing civilians in cities for no reason at all. The extras showing the secret dealings are interesting and informative and to learn that the Japanese were doing a much better job in developing weapons of mass destruction and planes than we were was very interesting. They just did not get it done as quickly as we did. It was also interesting to learn how the Japanese legally bought the plans to our best military aircrafts. Unfortunately none of this can compensate for the total lack of covering even the reason we were part of the second world war, possibly because there was none, I certainly do not know and the DVD did not help. It should also be noted that the audio was of a quality that would get an "F" in most high school classes!6. The DVDs on Korea (10) and Vietnam (11)were well done. It showed how presidents made drastically poor decisions, failed to confront the enemy and misled the nation. One has to seriously wonder why congress would support such an effort, why our youth would submit to a draft when we were not at war and by what logic anyone would agree to pay for a non war. It does raise the question as to who, in fact, paid for it. It is very clear that elected officials and generals have no problem using our youth for cannon fodder as long as it serves their own, and those who benefit from war, purposes.7. The Gulf War (12) was also well done and showed the failures of our leaders. No holes barred here.8. The two DVDs on the Iraq War were fantastic. Again no holes barred showing the failures of both our political and military leaders. One can be very proud of our friends and family members that have decided to sacrifice their safety and future in a clearly misguided effort by our leaders. The History folks should be proud that they are willing to show us the truth behind the deceptions our leaders present to us.
my son watches this on demand on tv, he is only 18 months, but has learned quite a bit from it. he can tell you what letter comes after certain letters, and he has recognized a lot of written letters, like "A, F, Y, and X". I think it is definatly due to the videos that he knows the letters. He also finds it very interesting. It is not the most visual thing, they show real people saying the letters and then they show items that begin with that letter.
Spiderman is a new movie still in theaters. It's based on a cartoon but it has real people in it. This movie could be compared to Batman becasue they were both cartoons made into a movie with real people. I think Spiderman is a bit more realistic because it mciht actually happen that he would get bitten by a deadly spider and instead of killing him strange things happen. Not quite as strange in real life but it's fiction movie so it doesn't matter.The actor that plays in Spiderman was the main character on Pleasentville. Tobey Macguire. This shows that Macguire can play in nearly any movie with any script because Pleasentville and Spiderman are completely different.This movie was good because it had a little bit of all kinds of genre in it. There was action, comedy, romance, science-fiction, and the part with the Green Goblin could even be considered fantasy! It was really good also becuase of the incredible graphics. When Spiderman was swinging through the sity with his web it looked real!The only thing that could use changing is the Spiderman versus the Green Goblin part. At that part you can tell what's going to happen. Even though it's full of action and fighting it's not as exciting as it could be.Spiderman is probably good for people age four to fifty. It's too loud and would upset people under four and has to much blood and violence for most fifty-year-olds. All in all I think Spiderman was a really good movie!
I wanted to see this movie, Blood Creek because I like the actor Henry Cavill. I found the movie creepy. Which is a good thing. Freaked me, had trouble sleeping after watching. Love the third eye..
The wonderful adventure of Bastion on the never ending story was my favorite movie when it was released many years ago. I now have the opportunity to enjoy it all over again with my 5 year old. She is particularly intrigued by the Luck Dragon and wants one. Don't we all.Enjoy this movie as a family.Sound recording is a bit poor but I guess it was pre digital and has alot of back ground hiss.
I don't know why everyone is so down on this movie. I understand that if you've seen the original play and then the movie(which deviated greatly) that some disappointment is to be expected, but come on! Despite the differences, "Annie" the movie is still a great movie and the plot line is very apparent. A millionaire invites an orphan to his home as a publicity stunt and endsup falling in love with the little girl, wanting her as his own daughter, but she's never forgotten the parents who left her behind at the orphanage. Anyone could see it's a simple plot, but a good one. And as for Miss Hannigan; I felt that when she saved Annie from her brother, she was redeemed and that's why she was on the elephant.I've seen the Disney version of "Annie" and I couldn't get the same warm feeling that I got from "Annie" the movie. Perhaps because I saw the '82 movie as a child or perhaps because I've never seen the play. Whatever the reason, "Annie" is the tops!
I grew up watching 'Zorro' every week with my Dad when I was a kid. There are many Zorro 'incarnations,' and there is something very appealing and romantic about the masked man fighting evil against impossible odds, and winning the heart of his true love."The Mask of Zorro," with Antonio Banderas and Kathrine Zeta-Jones is a suspenseful, humorous retelling of this old story, and keeps very much to the myth of Zorro. It is set prior to California's statehood, and the costuming and scenery is spectacular.
I must admit I was taken by suprise by the special effects, but that may be the only thing that makes this movie worth while. A little love story is fine, but why over do it? Besides, movies on disasters should focus on the disasters. This one barely gives any of the limelight to it. I would much rather it use its good points on the disaster. (Poor...not reccomended! Avoid!)
Let me preface my comments by saying that I am a cavalry historian and have published a book on the U.S. Cavalry (check Amazon if you don't believe me). This movie is absolutely and completely wrong!1) Cavalry horses were never disposed of by machine-gunning them - either they were humanely put down or sold.2) No one ever stole cavalry horses to prevent them from being shot and then took them to Canada.3) The U.S. Cavalry Association, an organization composed of cavalry veterans, attempted to sue the filmmakers for slander over this film. They couldn't though, because their organization had not itself been slandered.4) There are numerous other smaller historical inaccuracies that I don't have the energy to mention, but other reviewers already have.Don't waste your time!!!
Many may have wondered what life would have been like if different choices had been made at critical junctures in one's life; how different would one's life be if one had chosen another path. This movie explores that possibility for one man who is given the opportunity to see what would have happened if a different choice had been made.Fashioned in a similar manner to "It's A Wonderful Life" Jack Campbell, played by Nicholas Cage, is forced to examine his life as it might have been if he had made a different choice at a significant turning point in his life. A supernatural character named Cash, played by Don Cheadle, takes over Jack's life and completely changes his world to what might have been and similar to "A Christmas Carol", it all takes place on one Christmas Eve night.The initial shock of the change overwhelms Jack but gradually he begins to adjust to the life that might have been should he have married his college sweetheart played by Tea Lioni. The movie is a voyage of discovery for Jack who begins to discover suppressed emotions that he had hidden for many years. The movie does a great job of telling the story in a way that touches the heart of the viewer. If you liked "It's A Wonderful Life" you'll like this one too.I recommend it for the entire family.
I put this film in the player with some trepidation. I hadn't seen Billy Wilder's "One, Two, Three" since I watched it as a kid on television. I wondered if it would have held up through the years. I wanted to see it again because it was Wilder. "The Apartment", "Some Like It Hot", "Double Indemnity", "Sunset Blvd." - these are some of my favorite films. But in some of Wilder's later work was frankly, pretty awful ("Kiss Me, Stupid", "Avanti" and worst of all, "Buddy, Buddy".)I was concerned that a film about a salesman (Jimmy Cagney in his last role before Rag Time) trying to bring Coca Cola to the Solviet Union just prior to the building of the Berlin Wall would be more than a little dated.I watched it with my teen agers and wondered if there would be too many gags and references they just wouldn't get.I'm glad to say the film holds up remarkably well. For one thing, Wilder directed it at quite a clip and the jokes keep coming, so even is some jokes about '60s politicians don't hold, more jokes are on the way.We all laughed very hard at what was meant to be a slam of rock music, but holds up because of the song used (no spoilers here.)Sure, it's no "The Apartment". It's no "Some Like It Hot" (though it has a very funny drag scene.)But it's far superior to "The Seven Year Itch".
I, personally like this movie, the story is sample but interesting.Specially, the scene that the chief inspector bet with one of the thief for the true story.Unforturnally, the quality of the movie is horible. it's smear, out of focus, and the voice is broken from time to time.I wonder my dvd is original one or a copy? my family really disappoint a lot. my last thing to said is: the story is good, interesting but the quality of movie is awful
first of all, JFK is probably one of the greatest and most contriversial movies EVER made. JFK was so contriversial, that the government themselves were scared about the threat this movie posed. because of all the uproar from the american people, the government formed an assassination committee which released certain files into the assassination of John Kennedy.the movie centers around Distric Attonrney Jim Garrisson's investigation into the murder of the century. you follow Garrisson's every move from his interrigation into the "most important witness in history" in David Ferrie to the conclussion of the trial. Great movie with many factual events and many interpretations of what could have happened. you can't fit all the information of the JFK assassination into a 3 hour movie, so you compress some of the information, like Oliver Stone did.the DVD features are great. you meet Donald Sutherland's character, X, and you see a 30 minute film on the new documents of the assassination. you also get to see a whole bunch of extra or deleted scenes. you have to watch the extra and delected scenes in order to appreciate what job the film editor and Oliver Stone did to make this masterpiece complete.great film that moves you in one way or another.
Weed is the main theme of this movie when 3 potheads try to get money for bail for the other member of the group. Jim Breuer does the best impression of a drugee in history and along with some of the best humor in the world, it is a great movie to learn about drugs and to show to any health classes.
"Moonlight Mile" is quirky, semi-autobiographical movie about how some people deal with grief. It is somewhat different from most other movies on this topic because it doesn't dwell only on the seriousness of the situation. It also sees the humor. The script is a bit underdeveloped and leaves us less attached to the characters than we would like to be.What truly makes the movie worth watching is the cast. It's a treat to watch Jake Gyllenhaal, one of the best actors of today's generation, playing opposite Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarandon, two of the greatest actors of an older generation. [Holly Hunter is also present, but her supporting role doesn't require much of her formidable talent.]The movie opens in a small New England town as Joe [Gyllenhaal] is preparing to attend his fiancée's funeral. She was killed in a local restaurant by a crazed gunman. JoJo and Ben [Sarandon and Hoffman] are the girl's parents, and Joe is staying in their home. The couple has virtually adopted Joe, who still intends to go into business with Ben, a commercial real estate developer. It's obvious that Ben doesn't really know JoJo and Ben very well. His decision to remain with them is motivated primarily by guilt. As the movie progresses, we come to know the reasons for that guilt. When he becomes attracted to a local girl [Pompeo], his bond with JoJo and Ben starts to unravel.The story takes place in the 1970s. The set design and art direction are reasonably faithful to the period.Of the performances, Gyllenhaal and Sarandon's are the strongest. Gyllenhaal's character is quite memorable. Sarandon is superb as the liberal atheist Jojo, who finds out that even a lack of faith is severely tested in times of emotional crisis.
This movie is all I see not appear to be blurred high definition is the most high-definition bad eh seen in amazon
Black and White made the atmosphere of this Romero classic perfect. Even on some levels, the Black and White helped in the racial undertones that you feel in the movie where the black man is the hero for the scared white people in the farmhouse. But colorized?The effects work in B&W.; In color they'll just look campy.This was a bad marketing idea.
At last! Though many complain the price is a bit steep, I say the high-quality images and commercial-free episodes make the Northern Exposure Season One DVD worth the few extra bucks. I, for one, have happily shuffled my ancient VHS tapes of Northern Exposure (season 1 only for now!) off to the garage. If we can just get them to release seasons two through six.... Money talks, people. BUY BUY BUY!!!
Musical score is in my library for all these years, NOW, I get to own the whole great, movie .. and in such sharp focus!
This is a collection of three Anne stories. The trilogy, as a set, has only a Three-Star rating. However, the quality of the three stories varies greatly.The first, "Anne of Green Gables", was written by the author of the popular series, and is outstanding.All characters are well acted, especially by Megan Follows as Anne Shirley. Likewise, Colleen Dewhurst and Richard Farnsworth deliver memorable performances as Marilla and Mathew Cuthbert. The show successfully deliveries a feeling of the simple life of those times and stirs a love of Prince Edward Island by the viewers. This movie from the CBS/PBS television series will enchant and thrill all fans. This production earns a full FIVE-Star rating.The second story "The Sequel" was written by the Director, Kevin Sullivan, rather than L. M. Montgomery who created the series.This story indicates that Sullivan is just trying to milk a sequel to his successful Anne of Green Gables series. This tale banters Anne as aloof and disdaining of both Gilbert and another suitor. She intertwines with the wealthy classes when she moves to accept a teaching position with another school. The story sets fairly well though and is enjoyable. However, it has lost most of its charm and innocence, along with Anne's wide-eye enjoyment of nature and people. Fans should still enjoy this story which does maintain the general feel on the characters.This production earned a FOUR-Star rating.Finally, the third story "The Continuing Story" is a great disappointment.Once again, it was entirely written by Director Kevin Sullivan and departs greatly from the author's story theme. This is a dark plot revolving around war and espionage.Reminiscent of "The Perils of Pauline" it wallows in misery and suffering during World War I. Apparently Sullivan wanted to recast the original actors in their roles but had to adjust the plot to accommodate the older actors. In doing so, he twists the story and creates a new setting with Gilbert as a soldier in France and Anne blundering from one scene of calamity to another. Except for the character names, there is precious little resemblance of this story to the originals.This productions in rated only ONE-Star, and actually doesn't deserve that high. I cannot imagine fans who would not feel offended by this cheap imitation.Please do not pass on this DVD set because of the unsatisfactory third story.I am glad that I did buy it. I have no regrets about buying it.I only wish that I had been aware that two were not actually written by the author and that the third was such a dark, non-typical Anne of Green Gables.
If you enjoyed "Pulp fiction" you don't want to miss this title. The mysterious sense of reality that characterizes all of Tarantino's pictures gears this quite simple story up to the level of the bests. Incredibly surprising action, wide plans and the indispensable dose of black humor mixed with brutality and unexpected acts of violence whirl the watcher into the narrow stream of insanity and tangled plot. Accompanied by the great music and stunning acting, this movie should become a classic for everyone.
I love these DVDs. I am so glad my daughter can watch these like I use to. She loves to watch them. She will watch these DVDs all day long, eventualy I do need a gummi break though. The only problem I have is that it is hard to find some gummi bear toy now (that don't cost $300.00)
X-men 3 is one of the most disappointing films I have ever seen. The dialogue in it is very sub par, leaving dramatic lines such as Magneto's when he loses his powers in the end incredibly anti-climatic. To someone who has never dealt with X-men before then I suppose this film could pass as entertaining, but to any X-men fan it completely defaces any reminance of a true X-men storyline. Instead of using beloved characters as the new villians, the movie uses characters that many fans don't really care about, and it uses them incorrectly. Sure there are some new villians who are a good addition, notably Juggernaut and Arclight. Callisto would have been a good addition if the movie hadn't created powers for her such as super speed similiar to Quicksilver and the ability to detect any mutant and their powers. Another addition is Kid Omega as they credit him in the movie, but instead of having massive intellectual powers this Kid Omega has the powers of Spike (who by the way is also in the movie). The rest of the new villians rarely show any powers and are taken down in such numbers by the X-men that it reminded me of the fight scenes in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There were all of these lesser known villians of the X-men universe, but nowhere to be seen were well loved brotherhood members such as Avalanche, Blob, or even an explanation as to where Sabertooth or Toad were. The X-men themselves were also greatly disappointing. So many characters were killed off that it would be near impossible to make another X-men movie to make up for this folly without it being completely corny. Wolverine apparently took the place of Cyclops as the only X-man who can truely get to Jean and break the hold of the Phoenix over her. Professor Xavier isn't the pleasant understanding Professor X you would expect, but is instead rather harsh and condescending up until the moment he is killed. I did enjoy the addition of Beast, as his fight scenes were some of my favorite, and Bobby Drake finally icing up to become Iceman was also enjoyable. But in the end it seemed like there could have been more X-men to help fight instead of just watching Wolverine fight everyone and Storm get her tail whipped by Callisto. Even Colossus couldv'e been paid a little more attention in the fight scenes, maybe even with a fight between him and the brute Juggernaut. All in all this movie completely warps any ties to the X-men comics and any true fan of the X-men will leave feeling as if this movie was made just to piss off real X-men fans.
At first, I thought that this movie would not be taut and original as the others. When I watched it, I was surprised. The movie contained all the elements of a good sequel. It contained the traditional high body count, suspense, and and black humor.The story is about Sidney Prescott, who now goes by another name. Her life is okay, but someone begins to stalk her once again in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Meanwhile, a movie called Stab 3 is in production. Before the movie is finished, a murderer begins to stalk the ones involved in the movie one by one. With each victim, the killer leaves behind a clue.Gale Wethers, who is now a major celebrity, teams with Dewwy to catch the cunning killer. As they get closer and closer to the truth, they realize that Sidney has a connection to the carnage, and she may be the next victim.With a twist or turn at every corner, the movie is guaranteed to leave you on the edge of your seat. It may have a high body count, but there is very little gore involved in the deaths. It is loaded with action and heart pounding chases between predator and prey. The cast gives a wonderful performance and the script is well written. Humor is placed in the right places and so is the violence. You would keep your eyes glued to the television screen until the shocking climax. I would recommend this to anyone who likes suspenseful sequels.
Released Christmas day in 1946 "Humoresque" was Joan Crawford's follow-up film after her Oscar-winning performance in "Mildred Pierece". In "Humoresque" Crawford falls in love with a much younger violinist played beautifully by John Garfield. This was the first movie in which Crawford would play a character in love with a younger man. The chemistry between Joan and Garfield is evident as their characters struggle with different personal demons: Joan's character suffers from a bout with alcoholism and Garfield's character deals with issues from his boyhood. In the flashback scenes Garfield's character is played by a very young Robert Blake (shown in the credits as Bobby Blake) known as TV's "Barretta" and in the 2000's for his very public personal problems."Humoresque" was well-received by the critics and the public loved it. However, Joan felt she overacted and overreacted in many of the scenes and cringed when she saw the final rushes.Jean Negulesco would direct Crawford in 1959's "The Best of Everything".The film was released individually on DVD in 2005 and was also part of the first Joan Crawford box set that came out that year.
If you like drama and suspense, this movie is one of the best. It's always creeped me out when I was a kid and it's great to have it back in my collection.
The books, audio tapes, and video tapes by Jane and Phillip Mountrose have been instrumental in changing my life. They have provided the bases for spiritual and personal changes that have brought me to re-evaluate my lifestyle, and the things I want to accomplish in this life. They are well written, easy to understand, and contain simple exercises to help make the information useful and easy to apply.I have read many self-help books over the years, and in most cases they have had very helpful information, but have been difficult to implement, or have failed to inspired me enough to make a change. This is the first time I have been able to apply the information and techniques discussed, and made the necessary changes to my personal life. As a result, I have shared these techniques with friends and collegues with amazing results.I will be eternally grateful to Jane and Phillip Mountrose for their pure and insightful help.
Classic 1960's movie before the Viet Nam war put Hollywood in a dark mood. Fun, Fun, Fun! Packed with classic stars!
I just saw this at the theatre (not sure why) and it was just as bad as it was the first time I saw it. The only reason this film has any notoriety is because old ladies fainted upon seeing it in 1973. First of all, the pacing will put you to sleep. I don't need action every 2 minutes to keep my attention, but why is it that every time there would be any action in this film, the camera is somewhere else? Example 1: Near the end, the demon murders the exorcist, but the camera is out in the hall filming yet another insipid conversation between the mother and Father Carras! Example 2: A guy is pushed out a window and breaks his neck, but we only hear about this; we don't see anything happen. I don't need tons of gore (or any, really) but if I wanted to imagine the murders instead of seeing them occur, I would read the book instead. Another note: The editing is terrible. Every scene ends just as it's (finally) starting to get off the ground. Exactly what part of this movie do people find "scary"? There is no atmosphere at all. A girl spitting pea soup is not scary; it's just stupid. And if I wanted to hear a 12-year-old spewing obscenities, I would just go visit a junior high school. It's not something to make a movie about. The 70's was a good time for horror movies (not just because of 70's fashion either), with The Omen, Halloween, Carrie, and other great ones. The Exorcist isn't even in the same category. It's just a very long boring plotless movie about a girl with some green make-up. Pretty sad.
Can you imagine what it is like to write a review when you are at a loss for words? That was the way I was when Very Bad Things ended. Normally, by the time the credits start to roll, I've got a fair idea of what I will say. In this case, I first had to figure out what it was I had just seen.The movie is all energy and no substance. It tries very hard to be a black comedy, but that genre requires that the audience relate to its outrageousness. Very Bad Things gets right up in your face. It is one of the loudest, most abrasive movies I have ever seen. It doesn't work as a "buddy-buddy" picture either, because nobody's anybody's pal here. Every single character turns out to be dislikable, which works in mysteries and psychological thrillers. In other words, I can't tell you if this is a comedy, a drama or a thriller.Kyle [Jon Faureu] is about to marry Laura [Cameron Diaz]. We never know why. We do know that Laura is one mean, pushy, self-centered girl. Some of his buddies are intent on taking him to Las Vegas for a bachelor blowout. [For some reason, Vegas has become the symbol of sin in the movies recently. I don't know why. Maybe because it is close to Los Angeles.] There they gamble, get drunk, do drugs and wind up in their suite with a call girl, who is provided by their ring leader, Robert [Christian Slater]. During the wild party, the girl is accidentally killed. Rather than ruin their lives, not to mention Kyle's wedding, they bury the body in the desert.Back in L A, they attempt to resume their normal lives, which includes Kyle's marriage to the dreaded Laura. Several members of the group begin to fall apart, and the ever resourceful Robert decides to take care of the situation. You can imagine how.Cameron Diaz and Jon Faureu give decent performance. The rest of the cast shouts a lot and makes silly faces. Christian Slater, a talented actor who once seemed destined to take Jack Nicholson's place, is especially disappointing.Something tells me that the cast had a very good time making Very Bad Things. Unfortunately, they are like a bunch of mad scientists who have no idea what the results of their work will turn out to be. Writer-driector Peter Berg may indeed be fun to work with, but he has a lot to learn about the subtleties of movie making, as well as about what is entertaining.What ultimately brings the film down is its graphic violence. Personally, I find it hard to laugh when my stomach is turning. My dislike of gratuitous violence is not a political. It's simply a turn off. It's like someone telling you a joke, and then punching you in the ribs and screaming, "Get it? Get it? Get it?"One thing does disturb me. Very Bad Things is one of several recent high profile movies that are literally mean-spirited. I hope this turns out to be a fluke rather than a trend. The best pictures may sometimes be about mean events, but they are somehow civil about it.
THOSE WHO ARE AFTER THE 3D VERSION TAKE NOTE:For some reason, every review for Night of the Living Dead, no matter what version of the 1968 release is all piled into one mess. Yes, all the 4 and 5 star ratings are NOT FOR THE 3D VERSION, but instead for the Millennium edition which is not 3D and a different product!!The 3D version is a total quickie conversion scam. I was using passive polarized glasses with the correct interlace settings and all it does is make the viewing screen look a bit deeper, so you are basically looking at 2D - just a bit further back; THAT IS NOT 3D. Oh, and who ever produced this decided to super impose a few 3D gimmicks over the original 2D movie (terribly done and VERY very little of it). So, you're basically watching a 2D Movie with about 4 seconds of 3D that looks like it was created by a pre-teen with a laptop. I can only imagine how the anaglyph(red/cyan paper glasses) version looked. Probably even worse, plus a major headache.BUYER BEWAREStick with the classic 2D version -- the original film is a horror master piece, this so called, 3D version is a disgrace.
This story has already been done, and better, in an old British movie called "A Night to Remember". Instead of the grand sweep of a documentary-style film, we have here Romeo and Juliet on a Boat. If that strikes you as a great idea for a movie, my condolences. But you all loved it, so I guess that means I have no taste. OK fine.Despite 3+ hours, we don't get to really know anyone on the Titanic, except for the two romantic "heroes" -- who are very one-dimensional, to say the least -- and the fiancee played by Billy Zane who, if he had a mustache, would've no doubt twirled the ends of it while cackling with the kind of glee reminiscent of Victorian melodrama. If you think these 3 characters are deeply written, my condolences again. On this review panel, there seems to be a lot of controversy about the actors who portrayed these roles. Why bother? Leo DiCaprio was just fine as the romantic "hero". This role is a cardboard cutout -- how brilliant do you expect DiCaprio to be? Winslet sort of aggravated me: her melodramatic acting style suggests that she thinks she's in some serious Merchant/Ivory movie. And Billy Zane has no chance in such a stupid role. (I DID like the guy who played Zane's evil henchman, probably because he's old and wise enough to negotiate himself around a lousy script.)So: 3 hours, no character development. Why is the movie so long? Because Cameron decided to stretch it out (interminably!) with a "framing" sequence. Rose, now 100 yrs. old, is TELLING us the story, you see, after the Titanic's treasures are being dredged up. One teentsy-weentsy problem: if Rose is TELLING the story of her grand Love Affair on a Boat, how is she privy to details that are beyond the scope of her 1st-person narration? How does she know of conversations between, say, the Captain and his crew? or her evil fiancee's plot to frame poor Jack? You see, it's these kind of illogicalities that most of you seem not to bother with. But they bother me, all right, especially at 3-hrs length! Hackneyed scripts suck, and I don't care how many of you disagree with me.Finally, the ending, where Rose is in Ocean Liner Heaven with Jack and the Whole Crew (where's her husband[s] and kids? in steerage?) is so sentimental that the word "appalling" comes to mind. Sweet dreams, kiddies. . . .
This is one of the classics. I drive my grown kids crazy with buying children's movies, but my son did admit this one was one of his favorites.
The editorial is wrong, this has 20 episodes (2 DVDs) and is put together better than the $1 DVDs that Digiview released. Since this title is out of print, it is very unlikely that the final 20 episodes will be released on a second volume (though I am hoping they will release it once times are better). Hopefully this will happen, as Digiview did release the complete series of U.B.O.S. earlier this year (quite unexpected). With the lead voice of Scott McNeil as Nick Logan, this is a very good series to own.
A great film vandalised by a stupid decision. Why in the world would Warner Bros. fail to release the DVD edition of this last of Kubrick's great films in standadrd 1:33 format? What is the point of DVD if not to provide home viewers with the highest quality version of its theatrical release print? Why not at least give customers the choice of either format, as so many studios do on their discs? It's a crying shame, an idiotic decision, and one can only hope Criterion will pick up this title and do it justice. Warner Bros. remains at the bottom of the heap for DVD competence and quality.
What CAN'T be said about Band Of Brothers? From the actual soldiers portrayed in the series giving commentary before each act, to what is the best cinematography I've ever seen on film, this is a PERFECT tribute to those brave men who fought and Won World War II.The actors actually seem to age from episode 1, through 10 hours to episode 10. Each 1 is perfectly cast in their respective roles. With each episode, comes a different director (with Tom Hanks directing 1 as well), but the series is seemless in it's story telling.If you haven't seen this GREAT achievement yet, please do yourself (and the Soldiers this story portrays) a service, and watch it form beginning to end, in a sitting.
Is there a great movie to be told about one of the most fateful days in American history? Absolutely. Is this it? Far from it! To begin with, a movie called Pearl Harbor should feel some obligation to concentrate on the events of December 7, 1941. Instead, the movie serves up a ridiculous and uninteresting love story for most of the movie. In the skillful hands of a director such as James Cameron (as in Titanic), the ploy of using a smaller love story to bring us into the larger story of history can work; in Michael Bay's hands, it fails utterly. Only during the actual bombing sequence does the movie shine at all, and for a brief moment we see what the movie COULD have been. Sadly, the best parts of this sequence are ripped off lock, stock and barrel from Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan, almost shot for shot (Mr. Bay, you should be ashamed--but then again, you should have retired following the atrocity that was Armageddon). Low point in the movie: when Hartnett's character, as the bombs begin to fall around him, calls the airstrip and announces "I think World War II just started!" Oh, I guess nothing at all had been going on in Europe since 1939--duh. If you absolutely feel you MUST see this because Ben, Josh, and/or Kate are in it, then do yourself a favor--rent it on DVD, go to chapter select, and just watch the battle sequence. This is three hours of your life you will never get back otherwise.
This is one of the more faithful adaptations of a Philip K Dick story, though there are areas where it strays from the source material. These are more embellishment, however, and don't really detract much from what is really an underrated, well-done, clautrophobic thriller. While the movie's set on another planet, the story is set in Europe after a nuclear holocaust intended to stop the Russians from winning the Cold War. (Incidentally, the bad guys in the movie are corporate lackeys, reflecting Hollywood's current mores of loathing capitalist businessmen.) Aside from that, though, the film is largely faithful to the Dick story with many scenes copying Dick blow-for-blow. The paranoia rampant throughout all of the best of Dick's work is forcefully on display here and builds a relentless air of claustrophobic nightmare. The backdrop is effectively photographed and really adds to the intense moodiness prevalent throughout the story. Too, the acting, while not on the Wellesian level, is competent with the main actors giving fine, understated performances. Finally, the ending departs from the story, though not necessarily radically and serves add to an already well-made film. Recommended.
The ability of almost anybody to relate to this movie help elevate this movie to a cult classic. Upon the release of this movie, Twentieth Century Fox spent almost no money for promotion. In spite of this through word of mouth it has become an unbelievable success. Dealing with issues that almost anyone to relate to, relationships, dim-witted bosses, unruly electronics, frustration with the redundancy of bureaucracy, etc. has helped elevate this film to a cult classic. This is one of the few movies that can be watched and enjoyed over and over again. Save yourself the money of repeatedly renting it and the aggravation of waiting for it to appear on network or cable television and add it to your dvd collection.
I agree with the previous reviewer, this absolutely has to be the worst transfer I've ever seen. The picture goes out of focus several times during the film. It was done from a bad print in the first place. I love the movie itself, but don't waste your money on this dvd version.... you WON'T be happy if you do.
The Ultraviolet version of the digital copy is useless.It is lower quality, can't be played with iTunes, and requires you to create 2 different accounts with 2 different companies and download 2 different programs in order to use. Unfortunately, you can barely read the fine print on the actual Bluray box, let alone amazon's website. There has to be some legal concern there.To those rating the actual film, this is not a movie site; it's a product site. If a third of a product's features (blu-ray, DVD, digital copy) is worthless, how can you recommend it? Go to IMDB if you want to rate the movie as the best thing ever.I heard the Canadian version has an actual digital copy, and the blu-ray/DVD is the same region code as the US, so it will play fine. But I'd rather no one buy it at all out of protest.Flixster account = deleted.
This product didn't work. After it was received as the gift I inteneded to cheer someone up, and it didn't work, I found out that it was made for use in the UK. Don't you think that would have been a good thing to say on the websight for customers to know before ordering it?
This video should be awesome!! The first two videos were great now Best of Raw Vol 3 !!! From the best time!! 2000!!!
I remember loving it when I first saw it on video, even through its absurd moments... but, when I go back to it now, I'm left sort of ambivalent. And that's sort of the same feeling I get with Sex and Death 101, another of Danny Waters'.The basic setup is that Roderick Blank has just been sent a list... a list with every woman he's ever slept with and every woman he ever WILL sleep with. His fiancé is number 29... on a list of 101.The various players are believable in their roles. Baker swaggers through Blank's sexcapades with the all too familiar arrogant smirk we've seen before on many a ladies' man, Ryder puts on Slater's shoes this go-round as the serial killer to be (though she never actually seems to kill anyone), and Patton Oswalt has some seriously cringe-worthy, though funny, one-liners that are quickly eating up his family-friendly cred garnered from lending his voice to Remy of Pixar's Ratatouille.Then there's the veritable cornucopia of beautiful women laid before the very (un)lucky Mr.Blank. Mmmmm. Where was I?S&D101; is a mediocre movie.It's sexy, scandalous, and sometimes thoughtful, but suffers in practice. Problems mostly arise from just how much Danny wants us to take in. We're almost never on board with Blank as he breezes through women, even when the list puts him in bed with some seriously disturbing women and situations. Blank's narration is often there to spin things, but also betrays us several times for the sake of Danny's message. Wynona's `Death Nell' story line seems tacked on with very little point other than to represent a threat to Blank's oat sowing as, since he's sleeping with so many women, one of them is bound to be the mysterious post-coital assaulter.Waters plays with this sort of blasé magical realism that fails to keep us believing (in the characters and the film in general) and the rough cinematography and directing give the picture the feel that it's a student's piece.Still... there are plenty of great lines and quite a few really great individual moments. Its just that, overall, they never gel together as a movie and are, instead, just that... a series of great lines and individual moments filmed to no effect.At best, this is a forgettable rental for when you're bored... and maybe suffering a mid-life crisis and trying to justify your affair.
I loved the event, but didn't like how they used the Matt vs. Joyce event to say the new MMA warriors are so much more superior to the old ones. If you ask me, Joyce looked unprepared for the fight and not the same at all. Just because he was a legend, he shouldn't have become a target to try and prove the evolution of MMA. The only proof necessary is to watch the sport now versus the first 10 events.
I enjoyed season 2 much more than season 1 as there seemed to be more answers, more action, more character development... simply MORE. To be honest, I got a little bored with the first season at times. It was infuriating keeping you in the dark, but then it was supposed to create intrigue. But I often found that the characters or the episode plots weren't giving me enough to make up for that deficiency. Still, I stuck with it. And I'm glad I did. The second season far surpassed the standards set by the first. Not only do you learn more about the characters, the island, and the Others, but it introduced new characters, who were both likeable and dynamic in their interplay with the original ones. And it had it's fair share of shocks. Not everyone who started out in the first season made it all the way to the second. Well... Need I say more???Supposedly the third season is going to increase the level of action and answer even more of the questions, WITHOUT posing too many new ones. If that's the case, the third is going to be the best so far.Get this quick and get up to speed on the story so far. You don't want to miss out on season 3 and a show that promises to be the televisual highlight of 2007!
Sadly, this is about as derivative as it gets. Every haunted house cliché is dragged out along with a bit of The Birds and The Shining thrown in just for good measure. There are some genuinely creepy moments along the way but the formula is so tired and predictable that these moments are not enough to save the movie. Kirsten Stewart does a reasonable job of carrying the story along but the entire cast clearly lack conviction, and this lack of belief diminishes the film even more.
Not my favorite movie. Slow at times, and not the ending I expected. I guess I was hoping for a little more from the movie and it never came.
I know a lot of people will think I didn't like this movie because I didn't "get it," but I'm of the opinion that there's not much to get. I like quirky characters, unusual plots, offbeat humor, etc., but none of the above were particularly outstanding in this film. I didn't empathize with any of the characters. In fact, I think I wanted to slap nearly every one of them by the time the film was over. What a waste of my time. Avoid this one, it's a stinker.
One of the best movies I have seen in my 68 years. Inspiring.
Titanic on Blu Ray is beautiful. But the one question remains: Is it worth spending money on something just for High Definition when you bought it on VHS and DVD prior? The answer is yes. In this edition you get the full movie on one disc and it is beautifully remastered.The box art is beautiful bringing a new image of the film compared to the other VHS and DVD versions. The only thing I was disappointed in was the discs themselves. I was hoping for beautiful artwork on but instead received a normal looking disc, but it doesn't take away from the set in any way.The old special features from the Special Edition DVD version are presented as well as new special features.This is definitely a warm welcome to your Blu Ray collection for sure!
This movie is extremely overrated. It moves tooslowly. Regan(who's scared of a 12 year old?) is more funny than scarywith her outbursts. For those of you who find it so scary, you obviously haven't seen many horror movies. Amityville 2: The Possession is a MUCH, MUCH better version of possession. Case closed.
Regardless of high ratings by many people, this book is not appropriate for young readers due to too liberal sexuality remarks. My 12 year old daughter gave zero star after she read the book. I felt so bad as a parent for not having examined the book beforehand.
First, I LOVED "Barbarosa." I was one of the underwhelming few who tracked it down when it was in its original theatrical release, and greedily recorded it on VHS from a widescreen cable broadcast. Alas, that recording is gone, along with a heartbreakingly large quantity of other presently unobtainable material.The fatal flaw with this product is that it is presented ONLY in what they ironically call "full-screen" format; chop off nearly half of what you saw on the theater screen, and you get "full-screen." This film has been tragically butchered.The logic of producing this product in this manner utterly eludes me. Those of us who appreciate and value good films enough to lay out our money for an individual title on DVD want to experience the vision of the director who made it, and/or re-experience, as nearly as possible, what we first saw in the theater; not the "vision" of some nameless technician artlessly cropping two noses to fit into the same frame.This is not a widely known film. Who is more likely to seek out and buy this title? Someone who appreciated it in its original form, and now wants to see it again, or watch it with others he believes could share in his appreciation of it? Or, someone who just needs something the right size and shape to fill the blank picture tube of his standard format television? I posit that ANY piece of junk will fill that empty space, and such a person is far more likely to fill it with free broadcast content than to pay to fill it with this film which they probably never heard of in the first place! I believe that anyone who is looking for this movie will be disappointed or angry that it was hacked apart; it reminds me of knocking the arms and head off from a statue to get it into a packing crate. This was a good-- I'd say great-- movie. No one had to do a thing except transfer it to digital and ship it out the door, and I'd have bought it, and loved it. The director had one vision; whose vision is THIS? Instead of "the director's cut," we're presented with "the vandal's cut."This is an awful shame, because, as I said in the beginning, I love this movie in its true form. I believe the story is memorably good, the photography was beautiful, the actors were well-chosen. If you can get past the fact that this film was vandalized, there is still much to like. I'm going to wait and hope for an undefiled version to be released, or record it on my computer the next time I see it shown in widescreen on cable. But, if you're too impatient for that, or seeing the original version did not spoil this version for you, then I can recommend this. "Barbarosa" is one of my favorite movies... but, sadly, I do not recognize this version as that movie.
What a great film. While it certainly is not deemed a classic film by any standards, it is a gay-themed film that should be seen by all. The casting is perfect (catch that go-go dancer/Trick) and Tori Spelling is ideal in the role she is given. It was totally engrossing, uplifting and 90 minutes well spent. I was smiling at the end, and what better recommendation than that is needed.
The Bachelor is a movie with great intentions. The plot is cute, even though unrealistic. The actors are even good. However, that je ne sais quoi, the indescribable something, that all great movies have is missing from this film. I found myself during the comedic scenes wanting to laugh, but not finding any reason to do so. The touching scenes almost warmed my heart, but not quite. I wanted to like the movie, but I couldn't. The characters were unlikeable, however well acted. The only enjoyable part was Anne played by Renee Zellwegger and, unfortunately, too much of the movie was absent of her. Somewhere along the road to greatness, The Bachelor stopped at mediocrity. Trust me, this one isn't worth the trip.
Forget the other "Rocky" films that came before this one. This movie is simply horrible. I am a huge "Rocky" fan, but this sequel attempts to reach and it reaches too far. It's obvious that the script intended for Rocky to end-up a street-fighter, which is in no way in character with Rocky in any of the previous films. Not to compare it with the other films, but you have to know where Rocky is coming from, and it's not from the street-fighting realm. He's a trained, yet sloppy, loser-fighter in the clubs of Philadelphia of the mid-1970's. If he ever fought in the streets, there's never any indication that he did so before. That's how this film reaches by rewriting the Rocky character, which is just not acceptable after four films have already been made about his life. Rocky is a fascinating Everyman, but a dirty, low-class, blood-thirsty street-fighter he is not. The film tries to make him seem glorious for returning to his roots after overcoming them, which is what makes the Rocky saga so amazing in the first place. Rocky V is based on a totally different character which is not Rocky Balboa, but a cheap imposter. Save your money and just be concerned with Rocky's I thru IV. And, be leary of Stallone's future sixth installment of the "Rocky" series...it can't possibly recover from this disaster! (Although, I'd like to be proven wrong.)
I haven't finshed watching the whole video but what I've seen has been very helpful. Yes, it's boring but I expected it to be boring -- it's a video about knitting, after all! But what I've seen so far has been very instructive and things I didn't know how to do before I now can do. The one drawback I found was that she uses a knitting style that is foreign to me so either I must relearn her style (not sure I'm going to do that) or I must continue to translate her left-handed knitting in my brain to my right-handed style. But overall I thought this was a great buy.
I think this was one of Dolph's better movies. It does a pretty good job of representing the factions in Angola. It has a solid plot. Red Scorpion does what its supposed to do, which is make Dolph the savior of the people in Angola while showing off his body. Its unrealistic that one man is going to come along and single handedly end a war thats been going on for years (especially in Africa) but thats why its only a movie.
Predator 2 is by all means a good sequel. Truly enough, most fans are upset that there is no return of Arnold Schwarzenegger's character, but everybody has to realize that the Predator movies aren't like Aliens where Siqourney Weaver always returns to battle aliens. This is different, these Predator movies s aren't based on Arnie, there based on the Predator. Arnold isn't the main character, his charactor's name isn't even in the title, the predator is the main charactor and its name is in the title. Arnold's name is in Terminator and he made a reapearence in that because he was the main character. This series is based on the Predator and those who go in its way, in which this time, the man that faces the Predator is Danny Glover. Anyway, here is the plot.A new Predator comes to town and This time the story takes place in a city, not a jungle. The predator has an eye out for a cop named Mike Harrigan (Danny Glover from LETHAL WEAPON) ). But instead of just going straight for him, the predator starts having the appetite for drug dealers and starts killing many gangs in the city. Although I am not really sure, but I think the Predator does that to mess w/ Mike Harrigan's head. And things start to become personal when the Predator kills Harrigan's partner. Mike Harrigan thinks that all the havoc is being caused by some major drug lord and will stop at nothing to find out. Harrigan's problems isn't just getting catching this psych, or predator, but another person named Peter Keyes (Gary Busy who also happens to be from LETHAL WEAPON) also tries to crack the case and won't stop at anything to do so. So now, both Harrigan and Keyes battle the Predator and each other. And as far as I am concerned, the two have no intentions on getting along.That is pretty much everything you will need to know about the movie's plot. This film is not as good as the first one, yet still good. Danny Glover may be no Arnold Schwarzenegger yet he still does as good as Arnie would have done it. I would be rating this a five star movie if the plot would have been a little better. The plot is okay but does have a confusing ending. Overall, I do suggest buying this movie this movie along w/ the first.
its so cute and funny... the best story every... i just love it, i have since i was about 5 im 16 now and still love it :)if you havent seen it you have to see this movie!!!
I'm 17 and recently seen a lot of disney latest movies and was kind of dissapointed but this movie was different. I loved the story and the caracters. It is a story that has it all. It made me laugh, cry, and in the end warm my heart. I'd recommend everybody to get the DVD or a least see it once. All does bad reviews come form disney haters and people who can't take the time to really analyze a movie. I'd recommend this movie to everyone, even adults. The music in the movie is also great. Do yourself a favor and see this movie. You won't regret it.
I recently just saw this film and at the end I sat and wondered how could this ever happen. As i sat though the film (with floods of tears running down my face, in some parts)..I thought about all the pain and truth in it and started to question injustice issues and bully issues that occur everywhere. Wouldn't it be great if we could let every teacher, every bully, everyone who is anyone see the pain and tortue some people go through just to get an education. Whats the point. To me this film helped me realise that there is help out there, one way or another, justice will be given. I strongly recommend this film to anyone who has ever felt like this and not just to those people, but to anyone who hasn't, but wants to know what is going on in that troubled mind. The answer is in front of u, just watch this film.
I can't believe people actually like this movie. It was as about as dumb as they come. That's all I can say about it. I read everyone's reviews, was expecting to watch a great movie and it was so stupid I had to log on again and make sure I was watching the same movie everyone else on this page was. Like I said...As bad as they come!
Sometimes a movie is so bad that it is actually fun to watch . . like THE BLOB or INDEPENDENCE DAY . . . but this one has nothing to save it. Full of clichés, including a Cheney-like VP, global warming presented as absolutely the origin of the disaster, the good guys surviving . . . something resembling credibility was needed and was missing. Even the "special effects" were not special. Don't waste your time on this one.
This is an excellent dvd that was great to watch and learn, and a wonderful way to learn more about nature.
I have always enjoyed this movie. Owning this DVD was a goal I set for me.
Julie Andrews was incredible in this. This musical came out brilliantly on film. The music is wonderful and the imagination is great for both children and adults.Other classics not to forget about are:Mary PoppinsMy Fair LadyThe Wizard of OzChitty Chitty Bang BandThe first Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryThe Sound of MusicOliverWest Side StoryFiddler on the RoofSinging in the RainThe WizLittle MermaidAladdinBeauty and the BeastGreaseThe King and IOklahomaThe Music ManSouth PacificMy Voice Students are always asking me for recommendations so I though I'd post it for all! We can't forget about these great musicals!