Another great one by Tarantino, but Dogs was his best I've seen this movie a million times, and everytime I watch it, I laugh, I cringe, I love. However, Resivoir Dogs is what really got the ball rolling for Tarantino and for me will remain my favorite of all his films. Pulp Fiction has mass appeal, which to me is great, but I can't hold it as close to my heart as Dogs, cause it just isn't as gritty. Don't get me wrong though, there is grit...just not as much as Dogs or even Jackie Brown. And if there's one thing Tarantino knows, it's grit. Just look at Natural Born Killers, or True Romance, those are gritty. This is superb though, and remains one of the best films since it's release. This DVD is a no-brainer for fans of this film. It has all the extras you could want and then some. If you own the first no fills disc, time to update. You will not be let down, and just goes to prove that DVD is the best way to go.
More than meets the eye This is the definitive Christmas Carol. Alastair Sim's portrayal of Scrooge is nonpariel. The protrayal of Jacob Marley is superb as is that of Bob Crachett. During the scene when Scrooge is looking in the mirror, after his conversion, look for a stage hand appearing in the background in the mirror. I found out about this in a video magazine years ago. Fascinating find.
Weak Plot My wife and I discussed the plot and how it could be improved. The accusation of too many villains has been suggested by reviewers. However, each villian contributes in substantive ways to the emotional climax. My biggest complaint is the reworking of how Peter's uncle died. It didn't quite fit with the original movie.I'm not sure what's wrong with the plot, but it just seems weak. It has been a while since I've read the comic book; however, this plot seems like a soap opera. Peter and his girlfriend have many troubles. However, they seem more like troubles kids would have in junior high rather than two adults in their twenties. For the soap opera plot devices: amnesia for Goblin is introduced; Goblin is then healed and is evil again; and then forces MJ to break up with Peter. Also a character who is a top model, the commissioner's daughter, and is in all of Peter's classes is introduced just to make things complicated.Another problem with the plot is venom. A meteorite hits and it just happens to be a few hundred yards from where Peter is. This gives venom an opportunity to slither onto the Peter's scooter. Talk about Deus ex machina.The movie lacks humor also. There are a few very good lines, but on the whole it is not very entertaining.On the positive side, the CGI and other special effects were very good. The Sandman effects were very good. Spidey's swinging was even better than the last film. The acting was ok. I thought Church was very good. Maguire looked a little emaciated, he almost had the Gollum look going on in some scenes. There were musical numbers in this movie and they just did not fit.In summary, the movie is ok. It's long, so keep your expectations low and it may work for you.
First class directing+first class acting=First class Movie Alex Cox has created a visionary cinematic masterpiece of Pop Culture. This film is filled with anger, passion and honesty. I feel as close to the characters as I would to a deviant sibiling thanks to the realism and epic direction. Symbolism and foreshadowing create the canvas that Cox has used to tell a story of love beyond all bounds.Gary Oldman, Probablly one of the finest and under-rated actors trying to break into the Hollywood Machine, takes a very true to life approach to the character. Oldman melds his acting skills with real life pain to recreate the Character. Gary olman is Sid Vicious.Don't let the Punk Rock fairy tale of The Sex Pistols elude the underlying allegory of the purest love story since Romeo and Juliet. The Punk Rock band "The Circle Jerks" once Screamed "Love Kills", and this time it did. One of the ironic twists is that Courney Love, wife of troubled Punker Kurt Cobain, has a small part in this film. Love and Cobain have been compared to Sid and Nancy on many occaissions.I would highly recomend this film to anyone from Cinematic Connoisseurs seeking fine direction and acting to Gen Xers who want a violent love story with all the Punk Rock trimmings.
Underappreciated Although I haven't received this in the mail yet I have of course seen it and have a certain level of respect for the way it was done. I hope the current SW TV series has more of a cross-over than I am expecting, probably none, because so far I feel the microseries covers much more exciting details, just not drawn very well IMO.
i like bcieclipse's movie packs, but this one is not one i'll keep like i said i own many of these bcieclipse sets and have found most of them to be very good,however this set is the pits.they are now scrapeing the bottom of the public domain titles to fill their collections. not one good movie to be had here and i intend to sell this one as soon as possible.
Extremely Confusing, but totally original movie. Yes, it's totally original. The person who made this movie created a whole plot that maybe only he/she would understand.....I had to go on the internet and look up explanations to figure the movie out. Basically, the hero of the movie is thrusted into an alternate universe where certain rules apply. Thankfully the director's cut inserts the laws/rules of the alternate universe as text for you to read, which may clear things up a bit. There's a lot to see in this movie, and a second viewing is helpful or by going to internet descussion sites. The main characters bunny friend gave me nightmares, very scary.
Finally, Mad Max on a high-quality DVD! I am very pleased with the job they did in releasing this DVD. I never bought the original on DVD, because it was dubbed, had a lot of video artifact, and no added features. The Special Edition has a great commentary track, the original trailers and a couple of featurettes. The video transfer looks excellent to me, and the 5.1 soundtrack is great! I bought a VHS tape with Mel Gibson's original dialog, but the video quality was awful. This gives me the best of both. I strongly recommend the Special Edition DVD to any Mad Max fan. (Make sure you get the new one, there is another, authorized "Mad Max" DVD available)
Great fantasy. I have read other reviews of this DVD that weren't too kind and I just don't understand that. Maybe they should just watch Barney. This is among the best fantasy films of all-time. Python meets Wizard of OZ. A bargain at twice the price!
Love That Movie What more could I say about this movie that hasn't been said. It's the kind of movie you watch when you're feeling down. It's a pick-me-up movie. Spectacular settings, performers and acting. Love that Emma Thompson. Kate Winslet is adorable. Would love Alan Rickman with a bag over his head. I highly recommend this movie to all Jane Austen fans and lovers of period pieces.
Dead like me wonderful What a great show that just did not get a chance to really thrive. The movie was ok but it really was the first two seasons that made this quirky show the best.
Admit it - you liked the movie. Sure, it's not going to win any writers immortal fame as brilliant storyline crafters, but, face it, The Fast and the Furious is a decent, nay, *good* movie. It was exactly what it was billed as - a movie about chicks, rice rockets and racing. Whether any red-blooded male could dislike this movie is certainly a question in the first place. The Fast and the Furious has some sweet chase / race scenes, nice cars and hot girls. What male could say it sucked? But, beyond that, it's a fairly decent movie. Unlike many movies, ranging from the action genre, to the horror genre, to the infamous gross-out comic genre, have plots that resemble something thrown up after one too many bowls of Trix in the morning. While it's not exceptional, The Fast and the Furious has a decent, vaguely palatable and even engrossing plot. It's not offensive, at the very least, although the ending is quite lacking. Paul Walker's acting is, admittedly, poor, but Vin Diesel is a very convincing and powerful character, and, in general, the array of supporting actors and actressess do their jobs quite nicely. Overall, an enjoyable viewing.
Garbage....pure garbage Watched it out of curiosity, more because of Moore's publicity whoring at the Oscars - and I was not impressed. They give Oscars for this garbage????Too many editorial liberties were taken in the production of this "film" - such as the hack & slash editing of pieces involving Charlton Heston. More time should've been spent on the "whys" of Columbine, and not on the blame game.Not a fan of Moore's politics, but I thought I would give it a chance - big mistake. I think Moore seems to think that each and every white male in America should go and apoligize to each and every disinfranchised group in this country.....
I don't you guys! This DVD is awesome. It's a documentary DVD, so don't look for any good-quality songs here. But it's still BLOODY HILLARIOUS!
Great DVD!! I recommend this DVD to anyone who is a Dracula or Lugosi fan. This DVD has the spanish version of Dracula also. The American crew show Lugosi's dracula during the day, then the spanish crew came on the same set with different actors and shot the spanish version at night. I viewed both versions one afternoon. If you watch the Spanish version with English subtitles, it's a true treat! The Spanish version is a lot longer than the English version. I highly recommend this DVD for you.
The Last of an Era It has been told that film was the last live action Disney film which supervised by Walt himself(The last animated film Walt had his stamp on was the Jungle Book). This forty year old film was and still is a weak musical Disney vehicle. You could see that there were Disney touches in this production. However, in this film, touches would help only a bandade does not help a gaping bleeding woundThis musical with songs and score from Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman, the studio's resident songwriting team seems forced into this film. This motion picture could have worked better without being a musical. One of the problems is the film fall flat with the off key and out of tune singing of Fred MacMurray and Greer Garson. British import Tommy Steele as the wise-alec butler John showcases his British song and dance reputation. the two vocal duets of Leslie Anne Warren (who was hand picked for this role by Disney himself ) and John Davidson is sweet, but too few.One would assume this movie would be in genre of Mary Poppins, Disney's other live action musical hit...but it misses in many ways including its casting. Fred MacMurray may have been a great actor for the studio, but he is the weak link as the Biddle father figure. The characters of the Biddle boys (Paul Peterson & Eddie Hodges) vanish after one sceneIn hinesight, this stylized musical seems like a dinosaur in the Disney Backlist compare to other films. Norman Tokar's direction, which is usually fast paced, focus on odd long shots, focusing on MacMurray's close ups and Tommy Steele's smiling mug, rather than moving this film to any pacing.As classic family entertainment, It is okay. but rather long timewise and tonewise. For those parents who want to share this film with their kids, note this DVD is the Roadshow edition which has an intermission. so I suggest ,you can show this film to the kids in two partsWith all the talent involved, I rate it three stars for all that is jammed into this movie.Bennet Pomerantz AUDIOWORLD
Keanu Reeves in a wet suit...who could want more?! I really like this movie a lot. It is VERY exciting. Keanu as an FBI agent who gets paid to surf...reality, huh? He and Busey have to infiltrate a band of bank robbers who are thought to be surfers. The bank robbers call themselves "The Ex Presidents" because they wear rubber life masks of ex presidents as disguises. I really like Keanu Reeves a lot. I don't care what he is doing...I will watch it! What a face! He could be changing cat litter and I'd pay to see him do it! Enough of that. This movie is hella cool! The skydiving scene at the end is my favorite, you GOTTA see it! I Also like the way this movie ends. I like the song by Ratt-Nobody Rides For Free over the credits, very appropriate. I love the ocean, so that's a plus. There are lots of good looking men in it...another plus. James Le Gros is excellent. First time I ever saw him...very impressive. Swayze is cool. Gary Busey's character is quite likable. Anthony Keidis of Red Hot Chili Peppers plays a beach hoodlum...yet another plus. This is just as exciting as Speed, but the story and characters are easier to get emotionally involved with. I didn't like Lori Petty as Keanu's love interest, no chemistry. And Keanu in a wet suit...worth the rental fee! What a man!
Ironic Timliness At a time when we are comparing Pearl Harbor with 911, and the treatment of Afganisganians living here with that of the Japanese Americans in WW2, to accidently come upon such a delightful portrayal came as a surprise to me. I had never heard of it before, but bought it because I noticed the actors and the fair price and took a gamble on it. This should be re released!!!!! It would be a smash. Children can leaarn a gentle lesson of what went on at that time and perhaps relate it to our present situation. I don't often find such a jewel.
It's a jungle out there kid! As I review this film, I can't help but think back to when I was a boy and how this film affected me when I first viewed it. As a boy, the introduction actually bored me, but the introduction is necessary to the story if you are to understand the character of the animals that are to appear in the story and what they mean.Who did fascinate me was Mowgli. First off seeing Sabu again as a adult, it's clear Sabu was obviously born to play this role. Physically, he is one beautiful male to watch on the silver screen; a simply lovely specimin of the male human animal. The young man's sex appeal goes without saying in other words. As a boy I was aware of his physical beauty; but equally attracked to his pureness of heart in the character he played. But beyond that, the character of Mowgli, a boy born in the wild, raised by the animals, with the ability to communicate with them, while then experiencing the contrast of the civilized human world, intrigued my mind and heart as a boy, asking the question; how it might have felt to be him, experiencing what he did, next to the world I grew up in.While Disney's animated version of the Jungle book was more a musical, this adaptation did a great job trying to capture the real ambiance of the original story in my view. The book had an even darker ambiance to it than communicated in this film. You can read the Amazon review if you want a summary of the story. I'm simply trying to add in things in my review I think will be an addition no one else has mentioned when considering this film for purchase. I actually enjoyed it greatly both as a boy and nearly half a century later. In short, I see this as a good film for the whole family.Allot obviously went into the making of this film. The animal scenes are just marvelous to watch and the lessons the story teaches, about the vices and virtues of human nature, are timeless.By no means is Mowgli a simple character to be dismissed by the viewer. There are complexities going on in this character that defy description in this review and must be viewed to be appreciated.So if you want a somber, but delightful story one evening, this is one to watch. A great job was done in restoring this old classic: Looks almost new, like the day I first saw it back in the 1960's.
Another great movie A really good, funny movie. Love Chunk. The other young actors did a fine job also. A good adventure movie for the kids.
Ridiculous...and I loved it. This movie is just plain ridiculous. However, it remains one of my favorites and I watch it over and over.
Gives you a nice urban 'western' type film - Mel , not Clint This film will give those who never thought much of Australian films either more fuel for the fire or a wake up call .This is a classic and I suppose there are some who would call it a cult film , but it is full of intense performances and whilst not science fiction , it does have an otherwordly quality to it .Forget Mel Gibson is in it - watch this film for its own brand of drama , revenge , thrills , action and good old fashioned mean-heartedness .If you think about it , the plot for this film was recycled for 'Gladiator' , which was another breakthrough film for an actor from the Aussie part of the world .Buy and enjoy this distinctive film on DVD , with a healthy and worthwhile dose of extras .
The US answer to Shaun of the Dead? Yeah, right!!! This had to be the worst zombie movie (with the exception of (The Undead)) that I've ever had the chance to zone out to. My problem is that: I'm just too much of a serious horror fan. Now, I like a good laugh just as much as the next person, but this was just too corny for words. Two stars? Well, actually I gave it a one, but added the second because of Gina Phillips (Jeepers Creepers). I still think she's just too cute.
"Towers" over all of last year's sequels Lord of the Rings: Two Towers is certainly much better than 2002's other sequels. Attack of the Clones had some good character development, but lack of good screenplay and overabundance of special effects. Chamber of Secrets had just enough special effects and a not so bad screenplay, but lack of character development. Two Towers has just enough of everything and a good screenplay.There were several things I liked in particular about TT. I really liked Sean Astin as Sam and Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn, they put such emotion and presence into their roles as possible and greatly improved my opinion of them. All the other actors did a good job too, especially John Rhys-Davies as Gimli, Miranda Otto as Eowyn, and Brad Dourif as Wormtongue.Secondly, the special effects, which perhaps barely outranked those of FOTR. The beginning fight with the Balrog, the cool Ents (especially at the end, when poor Saruman met his match: kung-fu trees), the Wargs battle (though added scene was well-done) and the Wraiths on Wings were very good. And of course the brilliant Andy Serkis doing the movements and excellent voice for an equally brilliant CG Gollum. He was robbed an Oscar nomination. Helm's Deep was a really cool battle scene too.Now for the complaints: what in the world was up with Faramir? While I understand the reason for changing his character according to the words of Galadriel, I was still upset with them. I always admired the nobility in Faramir of the books, but they've gone and ruined that. The exorcism of Theoden wasn't as bad as I heard, but it was still a little weird. The scenes of Arwen and Elrond always made be uncomfortable, because Arwen wasn't supposed to be there and Elrond was too un-elven.But in general, the movie is really cool and the music is excellent. Go and see it, but make sure you saw the first movie first.
Want a scare... rent the oringinal This movie was okay. There was some scary and dull scenes. It's kind of stupid, the old version in black & white is scarier then the new version with all that gore. the classic version will keep you at the edge of seat.
A faithful adaptation I will always think fondly of this movie because it inspired me to pick up the first Harry Potter book and I've been a rabid fan ever since. I'm one of those book before movie people so I had to read the novel in order to go see this movie and I was pleased to see that it was such a faithful adaptation to Rowling's wonderful tale.This movie did a wonderful job of capturing the wonder and awe of the first HP novel. Hogwarts was an especially lovely effect and when Harry first walks into the Great Hall and all the candles are floating overhead, I felt all the magic I felt when reading those words on the page. I think Columbus and crew captured the essence of the castle and somehow managed to create a visual of something so fantastical.The casting of the movie was also extremely well done. I adore Maggie Smith as McGonagall and Richard Harris captures the mischievous and wise nature of Dumbledore. Perhaps best of all the adult casting is that of Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid. He looks exactly as I pictured the character but, more importantly, he captures Hagrid's rather childlike nature and the accent is wonderful. Coltrane doesn't just portray Hagrid, he is Hagrid.I also thought the children were wonderfully cast. Daniel Radcliffe looks like Harry and I fought back tears when his earnest young face first looked into the Mirror of Erised. Rupert Grint looks just as I pictured Ron Weasley and Emma Watson is wonderfully bossy and a fantastic know-it-all as Hermione Granger. The casting of the Phelps brothers as the Weasley twins was absolutely brilliant and I think they were dead on in their interpretation of the lovable scoundrels.Yet in spite of its fantastical nature, this film, like the book, feels as though it is something like our own reality. There are many wonderful things in Harry's world but it's not that different from our own. The same prejudices and the same human frailties that exist in our world exist in Harry's. Though being a wizard is pretty darn cool, it's not the answer to Harry's problems and the film makes clear that he has some difficult challenges ahead of him.I think the central theme of this movie is one that is invaluable for both children and adults alike: that love is the most powerful magic that exists. Even with all the wand waving and fantastical creatures, it is love that is Harry's salvation.
Columbine is the Truth The reviews written on this movie are obviously a political campaign to discredit it. For starters they all follow the same format, claim you liked the movie in the theatres then tell how appaled you were when you found out about the supposed "truth." Anybody who kows anything about film making can see that the interview with Heston was unedited as it never "cut" from one view to the other. You can look up in newspapers achieves the fact that Heston did say "from my cold dead hands" 10 days after columbine. All the facts of the movie are verifiable from independent sources. You need only look them up on google,nexus, etc. . .
Not Bad. I love the first Jurassic Park movie because it consists of three great elements: Dinosaurs, Science (Cloning), and theme parks. The second and third movies leave a lot to be desired. They all three have wonderful special effects, but everything else is a waste.Part two is pretty much your standard dino flick, a couple of people stumble onto an island and get chased and eaten. The director has blood spraying everywhere at every chance he gets, blah, blah, blah.Part three, same story, only a little less blood. Like part one and two, part three envelopes some actual science and makes some up. Fact one: The T-Rex was from the Cretaceous period not the Jurassic period. Fact two came later: In the first two movies T-Rex was a man eater, then scientist announced that T-Rex was probably a scavenger instead of a predator because his front limbs were too small and he would probably have all of his teeth ripped out while using his mouth alone. That makes sense; and the franchise had to scramble to come up with a new movie villian. Then one day while watching a nature program I saw footage of both a crocodile and a wolf bring down prey twice their size using just... their teeth!Who knows? Who cares? forget the facts, enjoy the special effects and have fun!For another fun ride, check out Dragons Versus Dinosaurs in the Amazon book department. Rock on!
Caroline smiles like sunshine Oh man! You should take a good look on the girl who played Miyo. Caroline Junko King! That was so impressive and eye-catching! But most of! she's so baeutiful! You should show more pictures of here in this website so i could see more of her often! Puh-leeeeezze! I'd be honored if you show pictures of her cause she smiles like the beautiful sunshine
narrow minded zealots ruin everything... Although it will be hard for most to do, you must put your religious beliefs aside for a moment and judge this movie on its own merits. I am neither catholic nor jewish, in fact I'm not brain washed into any such faith, and as such I was able to enjoy The Passion of The Christ as a cinematic experiance like no other. Watching the film was harrowing and definately inspired emotions as no other movie I have ever watched has - and that is what makes this such a triumph - it is an incredable feat on the part of Mel Gibson and all concerned to create a film that reaches out and touches people in such a way - even those who do not subscribe to the beliefs of the film makers themselves.Getting back to religion for a moment - the fact that it may or may not be an accurate potrayal of the gospels is neither here nor there - surely, it is more valid that it is a visual representation of the beliefs of a catholic.At the end of the day, if you don't like this film, why not just go buy Schindler's List and comfortably reaffirm your persecution complex from the comforts of your home?
Very different episodes, both great. BOTH of these episodes are great, which makes this DVD a real bargain. "Mirror/Mirror" is finely acted with real intensity, and "The Deadly Years" has some of the most hilarious performances of any episode, but it can still keep you on the edge of your seat. The DVD visual quality is excellent, allowing you to see the episodes in amazing detail, which, in "Mirror/Mirror" is really nice, since it gives you great views of Nichelle Nichols' gorgeous abdomen and pretty navel.
Poor video quality I saw this movie in Yugoslavia in 1969 and liked it alot. The movie itsleft is great but the quality of the video is very poorand it looks like a poor VHS copy. My rating is based on the video quality otherwise I would give it 4 stars.
This Film Might Be Very Funny ... ... if it weren't so very very sad. It's a film that rubs the intolerable emptiness and shame of our thwarted little lives in our faces, and then tries to wipe away our tears with a posthumous paean to the beauty we failed to appreciate while we were living. It's the hollowness of that paean that perturbs me. A millisecond of epiphany after two hours of grief! Ah. "What does it all mean?" Are the screenwriter and director being viciously ironic/sardonic or are we in Kansas after all, Toto?Six characters in search of an Author? Great ensemble acting, let's acknowledge immediately! Lester Burnham, our narrator, announces his death in a voice-over in the first minute of the film, and in a sense the plot becomes a "who'll do it", with every other character a candidate emotionally and with images of guns omnipresent. Lester is your seriously depressed 42-year-old male, who snaps. There's a hate-triangle in the Burnham household, of Lester, his frantic wife, and their 'emo' daughter. Then a second hate-triangle moves in next door, a ramrod Marine colonel, his catatonic wife, and their vampire son. Whoops, he's not a vampire, just an evolving sociopathic stoner, but this is a film that 'looks' like it should involve a vampire at some point. The Burnham daughter, a sullen Plain Jane, has a would-be Lolita best friend. That makes a septet of seven emotionally dischordant (sic) principals in a sexually a-tonal double fugue. Hey, is all that Hate really Love? The only people in the neighborhood who aren't emotionally dystonic are the two guys -- partners -- who live contentedly on the other side of the Burnham household. But the 'genius' of this film is that all these grotesque human miscreants are somehow pitifully plausible. But wow, I hope I'm not one of them!So who kills Lester? Of course I'm not going to tell! But really, the big question is 'why is Lester so happy being dead?'
Funny as "HELL" A mixture of comedy and horror. The concept is scary and the scenes are hilarious. I own all three evil dead movies, but this one is my favorite. Directed by the same guy who directed Spiderman, Sam Raimi.
Great view! The Judge Dredd widescreen edition is worth the money! With its beautiful scope to the great special effects in letterbox format, this movie is a MUST for action and science-fiction genre fans! END
best gangster movie of all time! If you like the Sopranos, you'll love this movie. I'm not a movie person at all but this is one movie I've seen multiple times and I never get tired of it.WATCH won't be sorry!
Awesome Product My son is Transformer mad, when I seen these dvd's I had to purchase them as it was costing me more by renting them every holidays. They were spot on with the description and in A1 quality. The delivery was very prompt. Thank you Amazon for fantastic service. I have since ordered more dvd's in Ben 10 and Bakugan. I have one very excited boy!
Wonderful! Ethereal! Loved It! This is a wonderful family story, beautiful and meaninful. The family members are interesting, including their struggles, discoveries and pain. This movie captivated me more than any I can remember in recent years, very engaging. It also has beautiful visual sequences associated with the mother's psychotic episodes and the daughter's gift that puts her into the spelling trances. I don't really know how to analyze this other than to say that I was spellbound by it, no pun intended.
a great epic The epic on dvdThe last time i saw this film was some years ago on tv. since then i have been waiting for it to come on dvd. Finally, its here... this story is focused on the past of a gangster and how he ends up with friends dead and more... The story was set in the 1960s but because of the flash backs it is mostly in the 1930s in the city,new york.A great movie worth seeing
very boring It did not have dialogue and the characters were ridiculous. only watched the first ten minutes. not worth the time.
"Never stop fighting till the fight is done... This is a great film on many levels. As others here have mentioned...the soundtrack is fantastic, the acting is superb, the cinematography is beautiful, and the story is strong.Imagery and allusions are throughout. The strong contrast DePalma makes between violence and family is intelligent.Di Nero, Connery, Garcia, (and even Costner) are all terrific.Watch this film--you will love it!!...Here endth the lesson."
Bring Your Daughter Movie !! What a wonderful, heart warming movie. A true classic. Bring your daughter, make it a dinner and movie night, girls only. Enjoy your child and enjoy a great movie..
Though not without flaws, it's still a good film. "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" is the kind of movie that people with either love or hate. It is also considered as a testament to the idea that some films only belong on DVD and not in movie theaters. But while opinions are very mixed about this film, I really enjoyed it, despite its obvious flaws.The most noticable aspect of "Spirits Within" would undoubtedly be its graphics, and it's probably what this film will be remembered for. The visuals are amazing and stunning, and the characters are absolutely gorgeous, although they do sometimes move a little unnaturally. It was reported that the designers created Aki last so they could use all their experience on her, and it really shows. As Dash of TechTV said, "she's worth every megabyte."Speaking of characters, "Final Fantasy" game veterans might notice that some of the characters resemble characters from the games. Aki somewhat resembles Rinoa from "FFVIII", General Hein looks eerily like Seifer from "FFVIII", and the black soldier could be a double for Barret from "FFVII". But that's just me...The story is where the trouble starts. Many have complained that the plot is cliched, stale, and unoriginal, but that's not how I feel about it. While I must admit the story isn't terribly original, it's still an interesting story. It is a little confusing at first, especially at the end, but if you pay attention you will understand it. Some people have also complained that the movie has nothing to do with the games, but I disagree. The movie isn't based upon a particular "FF" game, but it does contain a key element: the Gaia. One of the binding links between all the "FF" games is a unifying force or power that holds the world together, and it's this element that makes sure "Spirits Within" isn't using the "FF" name as a crutch.The voice acting is another trouble spot. I will admit that Ming-na (Aki) sometimes faltered into a bland and forced mode of acting, as did Donald Sutherland (Doctor Sid), which made me cringe occasionally. But I will also say that James Woods gave an almost solid performance as General Heim and made him my favorite character of the movie. The rest of the voice actors were so-so, alternating between good and not-so-good. All in all, the voice-acting wasn't terrible, but they definately could've improved it. One minor note: occasionally, the voices did speak out of synch with the lips. It doesn't degrade the movie at all, but you can't help but notice it.To put it simply, "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" isn't for everyone. Some people love simplistic and occasionally cliched sci-fi storylines, while others loathe them and want something original. While this movie does break new ground for computer graphics, it unfortunately falls short in terms of execution. I can't reccommend it to anyone because the appeal of this movie is very difficult to pin down; you will just have to see it for yourself.
Reunited father and son movie. This is about a father who left his family after feeling like a failure when he was no longer able to sell things on the road (he had been a traveling salesman but the big stores took over the mom and pop stores so he could no longer do what he thought he was suppose to do). He became a Hobo and traveled with other people and they became their own family. He decided he was going to stop in Utah and spend Christmas with his son after not seeing him for many years. This didn't go over well with his son, now an adult cop, with 2 children of his own, who's wife was deceased. He was involved with this other woman who told him his children had the right to see their grandfather. He went and brought him back to his house and they were all able to spend some time together. The day after Christmas when it was time for the grandpa (dad) to leave, he left; however, the son decided he didn't want him to leave and he and his son and daughter went to the train tracks and found him to start a new life together.
Cube Cubed I find myself experiencing two schools of thought when it comes to the CUBE series. On the one hand, they are all poorly acted, with mostly redundant plots and predictable dialogue. On the other hand, their structures are so blatantly philosophical, so unabashadly symbolic, it's kind of a treat to sit back and fiddle with the concepts it represents. Sorta the same way you'd fill in a few of the boxes on a crossword puzzle you know you're never going to finish. It's addictive like that; a plate of cheese that people talk around even as they pick it apart.And if you're wondering if these plates have the kind of cheese you like, then this review is for you.CUBE - People wake up in a labyrinthine cube with no idea of how they got there or why they've been kidnapped. They must navigate through a series of deadly traps, without knowing just what it is they're headed for (or even where it is). A doctor, a famous escapist, a cop, a mentally handicapped fella -- personalities clash, and what could've been a tight little parable of existentialism becomes a squabbling social commentary about the brutality of big, mean men. It's tense, but not paced particularly well, although the ending has a thankful spot of hope. Like the Rubik's Cube, most people will find this cube compelling for a few twists and turns, but are unlikely to find the ending all that rewarding. 3 1/2 stars.CUBE 2 - HYPERCUBE - The cube has gone hyper! Dimensional that is. Gone is the first cube's relentless dankness, replaced here by sterile, unapologetic white. Although the new cube is also fraught with hidden perils, these are mostly of the multidimensional variety. What this means for you, the viewer, is that the traps are now CGI contraptions that look not convincing in the least. It also means that many rooms have their own gravity and "variable time speeds." Oh, I almost forgot, the most awesome thing it means is that it exists in multiple dimensions at once, so there are apparently about fifteen different copies of each person wandering around at the same time.Did I say "awesome"? I'm sorry. I meant "unfortunate." Because this cube has basically no rules, virtually anything can happen, making what DOES happen less important in the long run. We've got some crazy characters -- a senile physicist, a blind girl, a private detective, a video game desinger and a lawyer -- and they all have connections with a scary-big corporation named Izon, but who cares? The least plot driven of the three movies, this film is also the darkest (in spite of how well-lit each frame is). And, of course, it succumbs to the same mistake as the first film. Instead of being about the little people coming to terms with the bizarre futility of their circumstances, it devolves into a big man going crazy and chasing everyone around with a knife. 2 stars.CUBE ZERO - I don't know why they called this CUBE ZERO instead of CUBE CUBED. Maybe it's supposed to be a prequel, but I doubt it. It's possible they just thought "zero" sounded better than "three." Or maybe it's because, for the first time ever, the viewer is treated to life outside of the cube.Don't worry. The cube is still there, just as gloomy and lethal as ever (and in far more vividly gross ways), but the group of people inside the box are at least as important as the people watching them. The watchers in this case are a couple of be-jumpsuited guys named Wynn and Dodd who sit around, play chess, and record people's dreams. These guys give the series a chance to do some more overt navel-gazing, but the end effect isn't that bad, even if it mostly just feels like a Pinter play. Specifically, THE DUMBWAITER. (Read it. It's good.)Still, no matter how full of dread and terror his plays were, Pinter always kept the terrible and dreaded things off-stage. When Wynn begins to question his duties, eventually taking drastic measures to get some answers, he causes chaos in and out of the cube. Enter three of the dreaded higher-ups. An effete and over-acted character named Jax pops in, followed closely by two well-groomed go-fers. (Everytime Jax talked to them, I could swear he was calling them Thin and Quickly, but the credits list them as Finn and Quigley.) They are heralded with whimsically creepy violin music, like an incidental theme song, and although they aren't fooling around, their presence makes the whole thing far less ominous than it normally would.Still, the wackiness they provde is menacing and self-assured, and it disguises a story with far more heart and smarts than its predecessors. Even if the story contains, yet again, a big, angry man chasing people around, that is a minor part of the much larger, much more hopeful picture. Satisfying in a lot of ways, this film also pays homage to fans who've endured the films from the beginning. 4 stars
"You Talking To Me?" This classic movie, brilliantly directed by Martin Scorsese, stars Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle.Bickle is a retired Marine who is now an urban taxi driver. He thinks that his urban area is a pile of [pooh] and shows how humanity is going downhill. He plays gaurdian angel to a prostitue, played by Jodie Foster. He is a truely disturbed individual, and becomes extreme violent and sinister. This film gives a very vivid look into the mind of a man gone insane.Scorsese shows how the most disturbing people are the ones that you least expect. How someone that you trust will never hurt you, can be lead to put you into danger. Many people who saw this movie were horrifiied and diesgusted by the storyline. The movie has often been misunderstood as a violent and graphic, however, this film is a classic look at how far and disturbed a mind can be. The evil in the movie is to show the intense disturbance inside a man's head.
A Great Baseball Film That's Sure to Become a Classic Following in the tradition of great baseball films like "Bull Durham", "The Natural", "Field of Dreams", and "For Love of the Game", "The Natural" combines a great message and fine acting performances. Dennis Quaid stars as Jimmy Morris, a high school science teacher who is blessed with a 98 mph fastball. Jimmy has always loved baseball, but his father was in the military so the family was forced to move around a lot. Jimmy found it hard to make friends, but he maintained his pitching arm by practicing against a chain link fence.Years go by, and Jimmy has accepted a job as a science teacher at the local high school, as well as becoming the baseball coach. The team hasn't been too scucesful recently, but Jimmy is determined to turn them into winners. A bet is made between the players and Jimmy; If the team advances to the state tournament, Jimmy will go to a tryout with a major league team. To Jimmy's surprise, the team holds up their end of the bargain. Jimmy goes to a tryout with the Tampa Bay Devil Rays and shows them he can still "bring the heat".A few days later, he receives a call from the Devil Rays' minor league team wanting him to sign. After discussing things with his wife Lorri (Rachel Griffiths), Jimmy joins the team. His success continues in the minors, and its not long before he gets called up to the big club. As fate would have it, Jimmy's first game is in Arlington, Texas against the Texas Rangers. Many of Jimmy's family and friends are at the game, and he gets in to face one batter, who faces the wrath of Jimmy's fastball.I'm a huge baseball movie fan, and this rates as one of the best I've seen. Dennis Quaid actually took lessons from major league pitching coaches in preparation for this role, so his pitching form and delivery are very realistic. The storyline is excellent and the message is clear; always follow your dreams and never give up. I highly recommend this top notch movie. You'll want to stand and cheer!!
Amazing This film is one of the best yet. I vote it so far to be the best film released this year. It was funny and its humour can be apreciated by all. It is one to watch.
The Original Highlander - Cult Classic 1986's "Highlander" is a good science fiction movie with an exceptionally intriguing concept for a storyline, that a race of immortals live among us and are battling to the last man for an unnamed prize. The concept fueled three big screen sequels and at least two TV series. This is the movie that started it all.The movie proceeds along parallel story arcs. In one, an antique dealer named Nash, played by Christopher Lambert, battles a series of immortal opponents in modern day New York, while attracting the attention of a curious female police scientist named Brenda (played by Roxanne Hart).In the second story arc, a Scots Highlander named Connor MacLeod (also played by Lambert) who, after being mortally wounded in battle in 1536, discovers that he is immortal. Connor is sought out by an even older immortal named Ramirez (perfectly played by Sean Connery) who teaches him how to fight and how to avoid losing his head to another immortal. Ramirez prepares Connor for the necessarily lonely life he will have, outliving the mortal humans around him. Ramirez also prepares him for an eventual rematch with Kurgan, the evil seven-foot giant immortal who first wounded Connor in battle.The two story arcs will come together in New York City in the present. Nash, as Connor now calls himself, finds himself falling in love with Brenda just as his old nemesis Kurgan arrives for "the Gathering", the final battle of immortals. Connor and Kurgan (played with snarling over-the-top menace by Clancy Brown) will maneuver for a final confrontation at swordpoint that only one of them can survive."Highlander" was apparently strapped by a small budget that limited production values and special effects, but the producers more than made up for this with beautiful location shooting in Western Scotland and New York City, a magnificent score by QUEEN, and some well-staged action sequences. The interaction between Macleod and Ramirez is priceless, as Ramirez imparts both fighting skill and friendship to the young Macleod.This movie is highly recommended as an exceptionally entertaining experience to science fiction fans and to fans of the later versions of this storyline.
great movie!!!! I loved this movie so much that i had to see it 10 times or more
Refined sense and sensibility! Born in Steventon, Hampshire in 1775, Jane Austen was one of two daughters of the Reverent George Austen and his wife Cassandra. She was educated in Oxford and in Southampton, finally attending a boarding school in the Abbey gatehouse in Reading, Berkshire. The environment provided by her home was conducive to writing and she often enacted plays for her family, something that gave her the opportunity to present her stories and develop the characters in depth.Jane Austen's works are imaginative, full of emotion and depicting relationships that transcend time. Jane Austen wrote about society, about propriety and about etiquette. She was highly critical of the snobbery with which the upper classes kept away from others. Her study of human flaws and personal relationships provide great material for the development of her characters.Jane Austen wrote Sense and Sensibility in 1811, this being her first published novel. This film provides a rare combination of a superb interpretation of the author's novel and a cast that turns it into a masterpiece.In the past, when a wealthy man died, for the most part, the male son would inherit his fortune. In Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen brings forth the terrible consequences of this costume, for Mrs. Dashwood and her daughters Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret, become impoverished after her husband dies. As it was expected, John inherites the estate, Norland.John promises his father that he will take care of his sisters and step-mother, but being married to a rather selfish woman, she stops him from doing he horonable thing. So, the Dashwood women are now seen as strangers in their own home and soon set out to find alternative living quarters.The older Dashwood, Elinor is rather taken by the selfish sister in law's brother, a gentle and intelligent young man, who is to marry a woman of high rank, so given that Elinor has sense, she does not hope to see her love aspirations come to fruition.The Dashwood women move to Barton Cottage, where a distant cousin rents them affordable quarters. Marianne is the romantic sister, who upon spraining her ankle, meets a handsome young man who carries her to safety in the rain, and romance appears to strike. But the young man announces that he must return to London on business and the hopes of Marianne are shattered.As Elinor Dashwood, Emma Thompson is powerful, funny as the Dashwood sister that possesses enough sense to enchant us all. Her sister, played by Kate Winslet, is a romantic who attracts several suitors, while Elinor deals with Hugh Grant, the person who ultimately brings this romance to a sheer delight.The costumes are excellent. The setting of the manicured English countryside allows us to see the environment the author intended for the development of her wonderful characters.
love this movie The video arrived very promptly. This was one of my sons favorite movie as a child. I've seen this movie a million times. It is a classic.
Will You Like "24"? This Film Is A Great Determinant While watching this film for the second time about a week or so ago, the first thought that came to my mind was "Wow, this is exactly the kind of political/dramatic intrigue that the TV series '24' tries to accomplish each and every episode". A weaving of action, political subject matter, and gut-wrenching emotional moments puts "The Siege" up towards the top of my list (just below "A Few Good Men") of politically-based thrillers.The basic plot of the film centers on a terrorist cell that launches a series of attacks based in New York City. Denzel Washington plays a government agent given the task of coordinating the effort to subdue the terrorism, while Bruce Willis is the military general brought onto the scene when the situation begins spiraling out of control. It is rather remarkable that this film was actually made BEFORE 9/11, as it deals with some of the exact same subject matter, including the reaction to terrorism, internment camps (this time for Muslim-Americans), and the ideological clash between the Eastern and Western world.Acting-wise, Washington is at his brooding, intense best throughout the entire movie, culminating with his "bend the law, shred the constitution" speech when dealing with the issue of torture. Willis' military character is actually sorely underutilized, yet provides the perfect antithesis (but not antagonist) to Washington. Annette Bening is the other primary lead character, and she also gives a competent (if not over-the-top at times) performance.About the only reason I give this film four stars instead of five is because, although it is compelling, it falls well short of the mark now set by "24" which provides just as much political drama/action in a arc of episodes as this movie does in its entire runtime (although that is more of an affirmation of 24's genius than this film's shortcomings). If you are a fan of political films that will really make you think, you will heartily enjoy the entire experience. Plus, it could be your stepping-stone to an entirely new saga of political drama..."24".
Miami Vice with psychopaths This was the original movie adaptation of Thomas Harris' "Red Dragon." With Peterson and Farina, this was a good movie, but under the direction of Michael Mann, the colors and scenes screamed "Miami Vice." This is not a bad thing, but if you saw "Silence of the Lambs" first with its dark, foreboding colors, then this will seem as a shock. Hannibal Lector is not as spooky in a well-lit, white cell.The center of the story is the former FBI agent who is brought back to find the newest psychopathic, serial killer, the Tooth Fairy. He must get into the mindset of the killer to stop him. This has happened before when he caught Dr. Lector. From that episode, he had trouble getting out of the mindset. Throughout the movie, you see him fighting to maintain who he is. It is a good movie.I would recommend seeing this before seeing the new movie "Red Dragon."
Another blight on the franchise... The original Halloween was the greatest horror movie of all time. Since then, a series of inferior sequels were released one after the other. Some were watchable such as Halloween 4. And one was actually pretty good; Halloween H20. But most were terrible drivel. Halloween 2 was a let down, Halloween 3 was an abomination, Halloween 5 was a crime against nature, and Halloween 6 (The Curse of Michael Meyers) was perhaps the worst movie ever made. Then Halloween H20 came out and surprised everybody. It was good! Could this be a trend to revive the dying franchise? Unfortunatly, the answer is no because "H2o" was followed with "Resurrection" which effectively sank the franchise back into the depths of its own miserable oblivian.
Awesomely Diabolical! the story and the acting in this movie are INCREDIBLE! Also, besides being rather original, there's are several INSANE twists along the way that I bet no one would see coming.
Wonderland worth it if you wonder Though over directed (over and over and over again) the ultra-sleazy "Wonderland" is nonetheless compelling. The allegedly unrecognizable Dylan McDermott (he won't be so hard to spot by fans of "The Practice") turns in one of the better performances, dispite this actor's arguably limited range of expression. The DVD includes the actual LAPD Wonderland crime scene video, which may be too grim for some. There are cast interviews, a photo gallery, deleted scenes, and a brief Court TV segment (more a promotional featurette for the film than it is actual reporting). Lion's Gate is offering a bonus second disc (included) while supplies last, devoted entirely to a John Holmes documentary that's just as sleazy as "Wonderland", and makes for the perfect companion disc. If this all sounds like something you won't want to watch more than once, then you probably shouldn't buy this DVD. But for true crime fans, it's another one for the collection.
Hazel, You Haven't Changed! I have some vague memories of watching Hazel as child. I realy just remembered that the stories were touching, and Hazel reminded me of my grandmother who I loved very much. I bought this set not only for nastagia reasons, but to give my 7 year old daughter something else to watch beside the current limited choices on cable.After viewing the first couple of disks of this set, I was not disappointed. The writing in the stories seems to get deeper as the series progresses - allowing the viewer to experience the full gamet of emotions - including a good amount of happy tears.Hazel is also a very interesting character, because even though she is just a "maid," she uses some excellent persuasive skills on her boss, Mr. Baxter, who is a lawyer, and generally gets her way. Hazel is protrayed as a complete character with friends, hobbies, and other aspects of her live which give her balance.I guess on of the best parts about this show is that it brings one back in time to a simpler, slower, era, where a family has time for each other, and can appreciate sharing both the challenges and joys that come with every family. With her wisdom, humor, common sense, and above all, compassion, Hazel appears to play a major role in keeping the family strong.And there is a quiet elegance to this show which I have rarely seen. At the end of each episode you can hear "an audience applauding" in the background.Thanks Sony for bringing this jewel back. I'll be getting the additional seasons as soon as they are released.
The Greatest Movie Ever!!!!! Dear readers,I belive the Terminator is an amazing film. I idolise Arnold Schwarzenegger, he is THE coolest. The film (or should I say the masterpiece) is about a cyborg who travels from the future to kill Sara Connor, who in the future has Jhon Connor(Jhon Connor saves humanity by leading a resistance against the machines). Sgt. Reace also goes back in time but he is sent BY Jhon Connor to save his mom.This is a sweet movie so check it out!Michael Howell
Great Movies arrived in great condition, packaged well, and fast shipping. Couldn't be happier with my purchase.
The Perfect Pair This is a great Box Set for action lovers. Zathuru and Jumanji are very like each other except Jumanji is 11 years old and is an Animal Version while Zathuru hasn't even been out a year yet and is a space version. But they each feature a Board Game where everything that the card/hole says comes to life.Zathura (2005) is about these 2 boys who are fighting alot. One of the boys finds a board game called Zathura and accidently starts it up. Soon their house is flung into space. As the boys play the game everything on the cards that pop out comes to life, Which lead to a Giant Robot, Evil Mutant Lizards and a visit from a mysterious man from the Future.Jumanji (1995) starts off way in the 1800s where these two boys are burying this game called Jumanji. In the 1969 a young boy called Alan finds the game and starts playing it with his friend Sarah. Words start appearing in a black hole in the middle of the board. Whatever it says comes to life which also traps Alan in the Jungle. 26 years later in 1995, a young girl called Judy and her younger brother called Peter also find the game and start playing with it which frees trapped Alan many strange things. Together, along with Sarah, have to finish the game and set everything right.Their brilliant Movies and are a perfect box set. You wont be dissappointed.
Good but Crapy It was good I like the 2nd movie not the 1st movie because it was boring and some times comfusing too so I like it not that much I like Jack not Rose she is sucky
Gripping story! I love this movie... It will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time... The only thing is, have your Kleenex ready because you WILL cry...
Brilliant, better than Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction fans should love this video, as it is quirkier, more exciting and funnier than Tarantino's film. Few movies of the past decade even have a plot that makes sense, let alone one that is interesting, but LS&2SB is not just well thought out, edge-of-seat suspenseful, but it is downright clever.Every single actor in this film does a fine to great job of acting, each portrays an unique character and each is perfectly cast. While not a gut-buster, this is a subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle black comedy.Unlike most other comedies, the camera work in this movie is just extraordinary. The interspersed slow motion and speeded-up filming of the departure from the card game (after one of the lead characters is swindled out of 500,000 pounds) captures a state of disbelief and sickening depression better than practically any other portrayal of emotion I can recall from any film.This movie contains a lot of violence, but it is done tastefully and in a limited fashion. The camera usually pans away from the actually violent parts, leaving the worst to our imaginations (or not, as we each see fit). This is a pleasant contrast with films like Casino, that contained revolting, sickening quantities of senseless violence.Finally, the music accompanying this film is excellent. Out of the perhaps several thousand movies I have seen or rented in the past two decades, this was the first soundtrack since Animal House that I purchased and it is a very strong collection of old and new tunes that really added a lot to the atmosphere.This one is worth buying, not just renting.
Empty experience at the movies. This movie plays like an incredibly well made, overly long, TV re-enactment. It is based upon the imagination of a moron, filled with exageration, cliche, and caricature. Why anyone would waste their time with this is beyond me.
Okay This season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was not bad, but a far cry from what made the show so unique in its earlier seasons. Granted the growth the characters had to grow up after season five, but the way the writers could have managed the whole situation could have been better. Althought the muscial and bad Willow episodes are fun, these positive gaps are too few and far between. I would recommend to just catch these episodes when they are in reruns.
Not Bad! Obviously if you like ALW you will love this video. The selections were great, the stars were wonderful. Sarah Brightman was magnificant. Michael Ball was adorable (gotta love his dimples lol). Glen Close was GREAT in the selections of Sunset Bolevard. Elaine Paige was phantastic with Memory and Don't Cry for me Argentive and the rest of the cast was exceptional as well. The only thing that was disappointing was Antonio Bandera's attempt to sing The Phantom of the Opera, hey at least he didn't sing The Music of the Night! Where's Michael Crawford when you need him! I would have greatly prefered Michael Ball singing it instead of Banderas, but Banderas was very good in Evita. Sarah Brightman, as usual, was phantastic in that selection. The rest of it was good, the only thing missing was Michael Crawford.
One of the Best War Movies Ever! One of the best War Movies of all-time features realistic and powerful battle sequences, great performances and inspired direction. Oliver Stone did a terrific job in recreating the Vietnam War for us, he showed us the war from a whole different angle; the 'grunts' point of view. Tom Berenger and Willem Dafoe give their best performances, and Sgt. Barnes and Elias clash of personalities is among the best psychological battles ever put to film. Also worth mentioning is Charlie Sheen who is great as Chris, a college drop-out scripted after Oliver Stone, who droped-out of Yale and spent 15 months in the 'Nam. Powerful film, one of the greats. Extras: spot Oliver Stone in a cameo, and a young Johnny Depp. From a scale of 1-10 I give this film a 10!
I'll try not to repeat any of the other reviews This collection of Dark Shadows episodes, the first in the ongoing reissues, has a special charm, not lost in the later episodes, but viewable here in its primal state. These episodes are very visual: perfectly choreographed images of Barnabas in the shadows, at the window of the Old House, that ironic smirk of his when he's said something with multiple meanings (lots of that going on), the painting of Barnabas, looks of fear and mystery and horrible nightmares, etc. The fact that this is all happening in black and white serves to intensify the gothic mood of horror, all of it building at a slow but powerful pace, creating the sense that the characters are all moving slowly but inescapibly towards some tragic destiny.One highlight of this set (and collection 2) is the conflict between Elizabeth and Jason. This brought out the best acting in Joan Bennett, with many impassioned and electrifying exchanges ensuing between the two. Dennis Patrick's acting is always pleasant to watch. The Irish dialect and the irony present in his veiled threats are perfectly executed. (It's a shame to learn the actor died recently.) And Jonathan Frid is always at his eeriest best.Another highlight is episode 233, Barnabas describing Josette's death. You may want to return briefly from the 1795 flashback (collection 6) to rewatch this. Unfortunately, you will have to wait until episode 264 (collection 2) for the powerful confrontation between Barnabas and Jason.I started watching Dark Shadows the first time around in the late 60's and followed a rebroadcast in the early 80's of the episodes in this collection. But it unfortunately ended before the storyline with Maggie was resolved. I had to wait twenty years to finally find out what happened! By now I'm up to collection 7 and probably won't stop.If you are going to purchase this set, be advised: you must eventually buy collections 2 and 3. In my opinion collection 3 ends at a good breaking point, wrapping up Willie Loomis' fate, and not yet establishing the new storylines. Special note for non-US buyers: all of my sets (1-6) have been in code 0, not code 1 ... I have had no problems viewing these on PCs or any European DVD players, assuming there's anyone in the world who hasn't yet gotten around the problem of the codes.
Ben 10- great! These dvd's are the best! My 5 yr old girl likes to play them over and over!
good overall This is a good set overall, but the quality is uneven. Some of the footage is good original color film. However, some is either poor quality color because of the age of the original film or it may be colorized; I'm not sure. There is also a fair amount of repetition, slightly disguised by using zoom-in/out and mirror images. Whether colorized or not, I think the color adds to the realism and am glad I came across this. I still rate "World War II the Lost Color Archive" the best of this type followed closely by "World War II in Color, the British Story" and "World War II in Color"
The most overrated movie ever made! I did indeed sit through all 57 hours of the Godfather and not only is it one of the most boring movies ever made it's completely pointless garbage. I have no clue why it's considered the greatest film ever made but then again most people are dumb so yea no suprise. The only good thing about this film is the music, if you haven't seen it don't buy into the hype that's all it is hype... BUT if you have insomnia put this movie in you should be asleep within the first 30 minutes.
Excellent! This is without a doubt one of Scott's best films. Crowe is a born star, and the cinematography is outstanding. The only historical film I enjoyed more than this is Braveheart.
A HILARIOUS MOVIE (did I spell that right?) The best comedy I have ever seen besides 'Clerks'. It's Jim Carrey's best, sure beats a few of his movies. Stupid is cool in this movie. And they are one big bunch of idiots (in a funny sense).
Classic stupidity at it's abseloute best. If you haven't seen Dumb and Dumber you havent seen comedy. This is one of the funniest movies ever made and has more then just a few laughing moments. Almost every minute you'll be howling with laughter at the movie's incredible stupidity. Jim Carey is great and I consider this to be his best movie. If you haven't seen this movie, you're missing out on a classic gem in movie making history. This movie is a must see and is easily worth buying regardless of it's price.
A tiny bit dated - but great Hitchcock movie making I've been a Hitchcock fan forever so I don't know how I missed this one. Don't miss it.
Great Classic Comedy First of all: the five stars are for the movie, because the DVD P.D. (Public Domain) transfer is pretty bad, with washed-out colors (this one was one of the few technicolor movies made in the '30s), so it hardly deserves 2 stars on that account. Anyway it was great to have the chance of watching two of my fave stars: Carole Lombard and Fredric March.Here they're in peak form, and team up very well together, as a reporter (March) who falls for this small-town girl (Lombard) who's supposedly goin to die of radium poisoning, then taking her to New York, where she becomes the "toast" of the city.Grand performances by Walter Connolly as March's Editor and Charlie Winninger as the small-town doctor who diagnosed the disease. Deft direction from William Wellman.Great fun!!Remade in 1954 as "Living it Up" with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.
Reflections on Old age To me good movies can be measured by the silence not by the words, this picture has few words, and very well chosen. It is the silence of how we grow up, with all our mistakes and experience, distilled in the wise moment of watching the stars.
Memories I totally enjoyed this film when it first came out and also had it on VHS years ago. I was elated to find it on DVD. The DVD arrived in a timely manner and without any damage.
Cool Set I'm glad I purchased this version of The Wizard of Oz. I love the extra features on the second disc. It's great to have an inside look at such a classic movie.
Vive les Aliens! Alien 4 has garnered some rotten reviews. Unfairly so. I suspect that one of the reasons why many people dismiss this film is that it simply doesn't take itself as seriously as either the brilliant but rather po-faced Aliens 2 and the atmospheric and even more po-faced Aliens 3. There's more comedy, more snappy one-liners and a cinematic dexterity that seems to come so easily to French filmmakers such as Marc Caro, Luc Besson, Jean-Jacques Beneix to name a few. This was perhaps what made people turn their noses up at Fifth Element; they were peeved that Besson had not quite been reverential and serious enough.And indeed at times the tone in Aliens-the Resurrection veers towards light-heartedness (even flippancy), but there's also breathtaking action scenes, stunning photography and a climax that kicks bottom, although not perhaps on the scale of the James Cameron masterpiece. The aliens are there, present and correct (they're back and this time they're really upset!)and there are loads of genetic experiments-gone-wrong to make you go: "OOOh! Urrgh! Look at That one!". The film's main weakness is some of the acting performances. Some of the thespians were perhaps chosen more on the strengths of their looks rather than acting ability, but for every Winona Ryder there's a J.E.Freeman who is once again typecast as the Dickensian bad guy, but does it brilliantly as usual. Sigourney is looking a wee bit tired (I don't think she'll be back for the fifth) but does the Ripley thing with the required - if uninspired - gutsiness. To sum up, Aliens 4 doesn't quite reach the heights of Aliens 2 - what can? - but is nevertheless miles better than Aliens 3. (Someone should talk to Paul Veerhoven about doing no. 5.) Good fun. Highly recommended.
James Bond meets the Silver Screen This is the first James Bond movie, and Bond enters the movie screen with a top-notch thriller. Agent 007 must uncover what is happening to Strageways. Little does Bond know that Strageways was murdered because he was uncovering Dr. No's evil plan. This takes 007 to Jamaica, one of the most exotic locations the Bond team has visited. James Bond's adventure takes him to Dr. No's secret lair, only Dr. No's henchmens are allowed to visit. He comes across Honey Rider, the first Bond girl, and one the most beautiful women at that. James Bond enters the silver screen in style.I personally enjoyed this movie because it has mystery entwined with action and adventure. This was an excellent movie to start the James Bond series, even though "Thunderball" would have been an excellent choice as well. "Dr. No" really sets the pace and standard for the other James Bond movies to follow. It is this formula in "Dr. No" that helped start the James Bond phenomenan into action.I'm really awaiting this special edition DVD version to arrive at my house, very soon now. The documentaries and audio commentary tracks will be full of interesting facts and will be able to learn more about the movie. It will also be neat to watch the theatrical trailer(s) that will be on this special edition disc. This is an excellent movie and I recommend it to anyone who is looking to complete their James Bond DVD library.
legends of the fall this movie is a classic. My son has watched it over and over again. He is a young adult. Great gift for the movie buff.
ok... get cohen's other stuff first this is like sacha baron cohen meets airplane the movie. not bad, but get the originals first.
Crossroads 2010 My daughter hosted me to this concert. We were there 12 hours. It was incredible. This DVD is excellent and will be a continuing reminder of our wonderful time.Amazon good price, quick shipping, convenient. Thanks.
A classic sci fi . Most of what I can say about this movie was already said. This film is one of the favorites films of many people I know, and I'm sure almost anyone reading this review has seen it at least once.To those who haven't,you better find time to see it.When you want non-stop action and excitement you sit and watch this movie. This is one of your best options,ain't no doubt. Myself,I've seen it maybe a dozen times,and still I'm excited every time all the way.I rememeber the time the film was released ,back in 1991. Seeing it on the wide screen was a major experience for me,which I carried in my mind for quite a long time. I'd recommend this DVD version to anybody who wishes to get the feeling of a cinema with a film that was made, and best viewed on the wide screen.
Really a great movie Gone With the Wind is undoubtedly one of the greatest motion pictures ever made. There's great acting, a great script, great photography, great direction, everything! I know some people think it's sudsy; that is true. I know people get upset about the depiction of the slaves; Mammy was not a demeaning character. She was subservient, but she knew a lot more than most of the other characters, and she was funny, too. Prissy was demeaning, because all she did was wail and act stupid. But once you get past those qualms, (which some people have trouble doing), you will see how great this movie is. Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable are one of the great romantic pairings in movies. Leigh is absolutly in top form here, and Gable's wryness is a delight to watch. Olivia de Havilland quietly plays the part of Melanie wonderfully. Some shots and scenes were filmed spectacularly; however, I've only seen them on TV, and I wish I saw them in a theater. The story, espicially in the first part, really holds your interest, and is even moving. This truly is an acievement in filmaking, and is one of my favorite movies. Hopefully people will put qualms they might have about it behind them they next time they see it. Then, they'll really be surprised!
Good at the end The beginning drags a bit, but in the end, I was up in my chair and ready to deal. The creepy atmosphere is the winner in this film. It's not super gory, but there are some good special effects considering the budget.Give it a try if you like indie films.
Exhilarating Sports Spectacle. Oliver Stone returns with "Any Given Sunday," which is probably the best football movie ever made. Stone, using his usual visual brilliance and complex writing style, creates a movie that is fun but effective, intelligent and sometimes thoughtful. There are ideas here. What Stone does is make a movie about football where the characters are just as important as the action going on in the field. We care just as much about the characters than the game. This is Stone's best film since "Nixon." He's usually known for political, provocative and satirical masterpieces like "JFK," "Natural Born Killers," "Nixon" and "Talk Radio," but here he examines the sports industry and perfectly exploits how football has become some sort of religion in our society. He also examines the elements of the athlete and what an athlete goes through in life. This isn't some boring chicken job where the director is afraid to explore real issues about the sports world and show some of it's less-popular or glamorous realities. Stone is a director not afraid to take chances, and that's why I admire him. In "Any Given Sunday" he also pumps up the volume with a rock/rap soundtrack and bone-crunching sports sequences. He doesn't just show us a game, he takes us INTO a game. The performances are superb as well, especially Al Pacino who burns the screen with a fury. The camera work as always is superb as is always the case with Stone. The screenplay surprisingly has it's meditative moments and complex ideas and an entertaining plot.
Meat pie or apple pie? Sure, it's a dumb movie about guys who want to get laid, but it does invent several characters that you really do begin to care about, so how can you really fault it? The gags are really quite funny, and it's hard to imagine any other situation where a girl could convince her dad that "there was nothing going on" by screaming at the top of her lungs "I'M COMING!!!!" Another phrase that will never be the same for met again is "There was this one time at Band Camp..." The infamous American pie scene is, of course, quite disgusting, but if it had been shared with anyone other than Eugene Levy...
A so-so MARVEL movie I suppose spring 2004 was a time really not meant for revenge flicks. I remember 2 revenge flicks released during April/May. The first one was The Punisher, second was Man on Fire. I managed to catch the Punisher in Theaters but missed Man on Fire. But of course I eventually saw that one too and did not think it was that great. The Punisher, I believe was the better of the two. I will admit that when I saw this movie in theaters 2 years ago, I loved it. I wrote a review right away and gave it 5 stars. I even waited eagerly for its DVD release that year and purchased it almost right away. However now being 2006, I have realized that I lost the enthusiasm for this film that I once had. And its not like I watched it so many times that I got bored of it, I rarely ever watched it. I think I only watched all the way through maybe one or twice since I got it. I guess perhaps that I was so hyped up back then about there being a Punisher film. Who would not be excited that MARVEL's famous Skull T-Shirt would finally be on the big screen and that it would be worn by Thomas Jane (Deep Blue Sea) and his enemy would be played by John Travolta (who was a terrific villain in Face/Off and Swordfish) I guess all that excitement had me look past at all the bad elements. I am not saying at all that this is a bad movie, I just realized it is not a very good one. It is just ok, but when I look back now and remember myself raving about this movie, I say, "what was I thinking?" Anyway here is the story.The movie starts off in Florida where FBI agent Frank Castle (Thomas Jane) in a sting operation taking down suspects (mainly 2 kids) for buying illegal guns. However in the process, one of the kids is killed. That being Frank's last mission, he can now retire from the FBI and live a peaceful life with his family. However it turns out the kid who got killed was the son of a very powerful crime boss, Howard Saint (John Trovalta). Saint then orders his men to not only kill Frank Castle, but also his family. On his family reunion, Saints men crash the party and create a massacre, shooting everybody in sight, and ending it by killing Castle's wife and son last and leaving Frank for dead. But Frank actually survives the massacre. Now after losing everything he had going for him, and realizing the law may do nothing to help Frank decided to settle the score himself. He becomes reborn into something else, a vigilante who will stop at nothing to take down Howard Saint. Loaded with deadly arsenals and a skull T-Shirt, he becomes the Punisher. What he is doing is not revenge, its punishment.Let me explain first why I have changed my opinion about this movie. (WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD) First off, let me state that the action scenes in this movie were very well. One reason could be that Director Jonathan Hensleigh chose not to use any CGI for the action sequences. He wanted to do everything old school. I respect that very much because it made the action sequences more enjoyable because they looked real. However, they are few and far apart and short. I would guess that the longest action sequence in this movie was when the Castle family was being killed, that is if you categorize a defensless family being shot as "action". Another reason was that this film had too many plot holes. How does Frank Castle all of sudden return to Florida with out having anything. Also, how do the bad guy all of a sudden just find out where he lives. And even if they do know where he lives, why does not Howard send every man he has o kill Castle. Also I had a problem with Frank's revenge plan. The film was interesting up until after Frank becomes the Punisher. He then devises a plan to make it seem like Saint's wife having an affair with his best friend, making Saint kill them both. Why do that, when he can just kill all of them very easily. One last thing could be that John Travolta plays one pf the worst villains ever. He hardly does anything. All he does is order his men do stuff. Sure he kills his friend and his wife, but who could blame him. When the Punisher attacks, he runs away. It was only till the end when he and the Punisher are actually face to faceIn conclusion, I am gonna say that this film did not become what it could have been. I thought this would be Thomas Jane's star making roll, sadley it was not meant to be. If you want to see really good action movie with Tom Jane, see Dee Blue Sea. I can totally understand why this movie did not do so well in the box office or why it did not get much positive feedback. I know I was once crazy about this, but I now plan to get rid of it sometime soon.
WOW, why did I wait so long to watch this masterpiece? What can I say that hasn't been said before many times. What I would say is that you should see the movie Ed Wood (with Johnny Depp) before you watch this, it will give you a background in why this film is what it is, also check out the IMDB page on the movie and you will appreciate the *quality* of the movie even more.So, we watched this at home with friends who are connoisseurs of bad movies and this one delivered to the max. Remember that this film was made in black-and-white on a shoe-string budget (you can tell). The acting is exuberant but I would not say that it was Oscar worthy (although maybe for comedic reasons).The *special effects* are wonderful, they are so bad that you just laugh your way through them, continuity is a misnomer and the sets are amazing, meaning that it's amazing that they used them at all.The use of Bela Lugosi was really an accident, Ed Wood was friends with him and he filmed him just before he died and then wrote the film around the scenes that he used. The character of the old man was played by someone else (where he was terrorizing people), the person playing him there covered his face and was taller than Bela Lugosi (funny as hell).This DVD also has a documentary (quite an old one) containing interviews with the cast members and shots of places that were in the movie, very interesting.All in all this is great value for a night at the movies, as long as you embrace the general cheesyness of the plot, terrible acting, worse plot, continuity errors, bad special effects you'll have a great time.
hidden message The message is hidden so deep.It's too hard to understand it.People just see the amazing pictures.But the real idea is failed to be deliverd.
Romance is alive This is a great movie. I would have thought that true love stories/romance died with the fine writings of the early 60's. But here it is.... a movie that can stand the test of time. It will always move you. Take your date to is a winner for a romantic date. I have watched this movie numerous times and never get tired of it. It is one of Tom Hanks best pictures. Is it realistic...NO! Will you love it? Only if you have a heart! A must see....
Looney Tunes Movie Collection The image quality of the movie is excellent despite the passage of time. And the content, of course, remains a classic: all the wit and creativity of the old escapades and "charming" confrontations between Daffy Duck and...the world at large; Porky Pig with his endearing lisp; and, my favorite, Bugs Bunny: all come alive and STAY alive in this wonderful, perfect cartoon movie. Thanks!
Can't even be qualified in the same class as "SCARY MOVIE" This was a pretty dull movie. The best part would be the opening(much like in the original), with James Woods. Other than that, it was pretty crappy, and I don't really recommend it. If your gonna go to a movie, I suggest "The Fast and The Furious", or maybe "A.I." The sequel was the exact opposite of the first; the first one was hilarious, to the point of tears, and this was unfunny to the point of tears. As far as sequels goes, I suggest waiting for "American Pie 2", or "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back". Those two look like they have more to offer. But I thought this had a lot to offer, so I guess looks really can be deceiving. I gave this two stars because that's about how many time I really laughed. [...]
Five Stars Is Not Enough For This One John Grisham's Explosive Bestseller Came To The Screen Ten Years Ago Now.And I Am STILL Passing This One Around.Chock Full Of Stars,A Plot That Erupts All Over You,Keeping You Riveted To The Screen Till It Finally Fades To Black,Leaving You Wrenched.Ten Year Old Tonya Hailey,A Black Child From A Small Mississippi Town,Is Walking Home From The Store In The Late Nineties When She Is Pulled Into A Pickup And Brutally Raped,Destroying Her Womb.She Is Then Left To Die,But Miraculously Lives.The Father Of The Child Lies In Wait As Her Accused Molesters Are Brought To The Courtroom For Arraignment,And Guns Them Down Dead.In That Same Courtroom His Fate Will Now Be Decided.A Young Inexperienced Lawyer Named Jake Brigance,Grimly Determined Because "If The Same Thing Happened To (Daughter) Hannah,That Happened To Tonya He Would Have Killed Those Boys Too",Will Be His Only Chance For Survival.Going Up Against Everyone Begging Him To Drop The Case-From His Best Freind To His Secretary To His Wife,Jake Will Fight Even The Klan For Tonya's Father's Day In Court,And That Court Case Is Bound To Be Revolutionary.Boasting An All-Star Cast That Includes Samuel L. Jackson,Matthew McConaughey,Kevin Spacey,Oliver Platt,Ashley Judd,Sandra Bullock,Brenda Fricker,Charles S. Dutton,Donald And Keifer Sutherland,Patrick McGoohan,Chris Cooper,Nicky Katt,Doug Hutchison,M Emmett Walsh,And Anthony Heald,This One Will Leaving You Happy,Angry,Drained-AND TALKING.Only The Best Movies Do,After All.
Peter Jackson provides a beautiful movie yet again Cinematography is just classic Jackson. It's very beautiful to watch. It's slow at times though. I'm glad the high action happened soon in the film. I loved the stampede & T-Rex scenes although some of it seemed waaaaay too impossible. Like, why would THREE different t-rexes go after one single chic when there are several other creatures to comsume? Why would the first t-rex chase after her after it just ate the other dinosaur? Anyway, we won't get into technical survival tactics cuz that will just make me sound like a discovery channel/animal planet addict.Some hated the scene where Jane & Kong are scooting around on the frozen lake but I loved it. I thought it was a very nice quiet moment amidst the chaotic police chase. I still loved it. I don't care if it was overrated (which I admit it really was).