A BRUTALLY HONEST FILM ABOUT LIFE!!!!! The Smokers is a very good movie and a very honest movie. It touches base on a lot of subjects. For example:life, love, rape, drugs, and even sex! Although it has a strange story, in one way or another you will be able to relate to one or a few characters in the film!I can say this: this film brings us many great young stars and each do their best to bring this story to life.Let's face it- life isn't always fun and happy and these things do take place in the world.Also, to categorize this film as trash would be wrong because the fact of the matter is-these things happen!!!I really enjoyed the film and if you decide to see it, watch it with an open mind and get in touch with reality!!!This is a brutally honest film about life and what more can you ask for from a movie?
Great cast+great script+great director = CLASSIC FILM NOIR LA Confidential is an utterly engrossing look into the seamy side of the 1940's "City of Dreams". All the actors are brilliant, especially Crowe, Pearce, Spacey, and Basinger in the lead roles. And James Cromwell is just dynamite as Captain Dudley Smith. But the real star of this film is the fantastic screenplay, as well as the great cinematography and direction. Curtis Hanson and crew have created a modern masterpiece. Any fan of film noir, detective movies, or just great filmmaking should see LA Confidential immediately.
Great movie even if it is animated Wow I like this one. Keeps moving, great plot, and the graphics are great. I like graphics so I am not just saying that. Sound track is good too. Boy turns into a man. A most have for your movie collection.
Must have for any Britney fan! If you don't already own this video, you should rush out & buy it. Very entertaining Ms. Spears at her best.
A Must Have Classic! This was the first anime I had ever seen and I still declare it to be my favorite. It has a variety of genres packed into the span of its 26 episode running time, so you get a little bit of romance, action, and sci-fy in there. This is the slim DVD collection so it is easier to store than the older releases of this series on DVD. It also is nicer quality too. This series will appropriately expose you to the culture of anime, try it out to see if you're an anime fan too!
love peanuts this is one of the most funniest Charlie Brown dvd's out there, I built a collection just by watching this first and became hooked to the Peanuts gang, the are adorable! I wish they had more cartoons with "taste" and "actual humor" just like this.
Serenity 2? This is a great movie for Firefly fans and is still pretty good for those who don't know & love the crew the way the Browncoats do! The complex characters and interesting dialog that made the series great are expertly recreated in the movie thanks to Joss Whedon's focus on the acting over special effects. While Mal and River are the main characters in the film the others do get a chance to shine, although I would have liked to see more of the lovely Inara. Jayne did get some classic Firefly lines ("gee, wouldn't it be nice to have some grenades right about now!", "you can never have enough guns")that helped liven things up. This movie was worth seeing and hopefully will lead to another movie or maybe a return of the series, although that will be hard to accomplish all things considered...
Humerous Cannot stop watching this movie. The best part is there really is no story line and that it is 100% jokes throughout.
The best show on t.v. since Friends!!!!! This has got to be the best show I have ever seen. At first, I was about 12-13 when I saw my first episode, and I was like what the hell is this, but then I saw it again when I was 15, and decided it was the best show I had ever seen. Before this, I loved family guy. I had all the seasons, and a lot of stuff, but now I've got to say this is better than family guy. All my friends seasons, and family guy seasons need to move out of the way...That '70s Show is coming in.
Bought for myself... I loved this movie...My favorite part was then end. I bought this movie as well as the soundtrack for the show. I think this is a great kids movie.
great clarity, great show. The sound is very good, the video quality is very good, and she plays a nice selection of songs. This video plays as a complete show from begining to end with no cuts/inserts/etc... you get to see it just as if you were there. Great for the family as background music on sunday afternoon cleaning house days!
The Scarlet Worm I purchased this movie not just because I like Independent films but also because many of the actors in it are friends of mine. I may be biased but I don't care. Indie films are terribly underrated by the mainstream film world. Yes they are made on shoestring budgets. Yes they can seem somewhat unprofessional and have amaturish acting. The Scarlet Worm has neither. I would describe it as a surreal Western with an underlying message.Indies tend to play much more artistically than mainstream films therefore the experience is much more personally felt.If you appreciate Indies, you will love this movie.If you don't see or have never seen an Indie film, start with Scarlet Worm and go from there. Don't deprive yourself of the artistic pleasure of this genre of films.
The Matrix This movie just blew my mind. It is my all time favorite movie with a great storyline, and awesome action scenes what more could you possibly want. Unlike many other movies I have seen this movie really makes you think. And it was even better when I saw it at my friend's house on DVD! This is the kind of movie I could see over and over again... I've already seen it 8 times! If you haven't seen the Matrix... you should, this is a movie you won't want to miss!
Just what I was looking for!!! Thanks, Rocki! This was an amazing DVD. I found just what I wanted in a yoga workout with added responsibility of pregnancy-gentleness and kindness to my own changing body and to my baby. I appreciated Rocki's emphasis on listening to your body so that you feel great pregnant, not limited by it. I feel energized and peaceful after the workout. Rocki exudes a confidence and reassurance which comes through tot he participant. I really recommend this video. It's fun, too!
great!!!!! this is a great movie, and elizabeth tayor shows, that she can be funny and not always serious in her movies:-)
It's about time!!! I am so thrilled that WB has finnally released this hilarious and smart show on DVD. Animaniacs has enough wacky antics to keep younger kids interested, and enough witty dialogue and pop references to keep older kids and adults in stiches. I grew up watching this show (in my late teens) and cant wait to get my hands on this DVD. The shorts between cartoons (like "Good idea, Bad idea") are insanely funny and anytime the characters break into song you are in for a treat! If you have never seen this show, but love cartoons, this is definitly for you. You will wonder how you ever existed w/o the Warner's and company.
Truly Untouchable Brian de Palma's masterful direction and ingenious cinematography, coupled with David Mamet's excellent script powerfully evoke the Prohibition Era of 1930's America. From the opening scene where a genial Al Capone, played by Robert de Niro, gives an interview to the international press, to the final scene where he's convicted for tax evasion in a Chicago courtroom, we're shown the menace and sudden violence lying just beneath the surface of the most notorious gangster of his time.De Niro's masterful performance is matched by an equally strong supporting cast. Kevin Costner plays young, principled, but nave US Treasury Agent Eliot Ness, who persuades savvy but cynical Chicago beat-cop Sean Connery to join his team in the fight against illegal liquor distribution. Each draws heavily from their relationship with the other as Connery regains his belief in the values that made him a cop, whilst Costner's Ness learns on the job how to handle himself in a world of corruption and violence. The pair recruits Chicago police cadet Andy Garcia, who quickly becomes Connery's protégé, whilst the unlikely final member of the team is a Treasury accountant played by Charles Martin Smith.The film follows this unlikely team of "Untouchables" through some memorable scenes in their fight against the Mob with shootouts from backroom bars, to the Canadian border, a railway station and finally the roof of a courthouse. This film is quite simply one of the best in its genre. Buy it!
judgment night judgment night is a story about 4 guys on their way to a boxing fight when they end up in the wrong area i love this movie its a great thriller the cast is great and the music is cool rent or buy this movie its one of my favorties 10/10
great movie I saw the special sneak preview of this on Saturday night, and I loved this movie. Kurt Russel was terrific in this roll. It is based on a true story and I think they did a terrific job.GO SEE IT!!
Abosulutey Chilling I'm not easily scared by movies, but wow. This was a terribly frightening film. First things first, this is not a science fiction film. It is a psychological and sometimes graphic horror film that just happens to take place in future. If you can ignore the sometimes large plot holes and lapses in judgement (which tend to cloud current horror movies) and are looking for a good old fright fest, this is the film for you. There is a good deal of forshadowing that tends to ruin a bit of the film, but it isn't big enough to hurt it too much. The acting is top notch, even though many of the characters are paper thin. Despite this, this movie has so many jumps that are well deserved. It will make you scream and cover your eyes in parts and make you get up and walk around in the extremely tense middle. Overall, this is a very tight, gripping and frightening film with good performances and a fast paced style of directing and editing. Kudos to everyone involved in this film. They are well deserved.
i knew id like this movie, i ordered it before id seen it. id only seen the commersials for this movie, but even they looked fab.before id seen it i was either gonna cancel my order or just keep it as it it. i kept reminds me of a kind of ''exorsist'' movie. but in a different kind of storey.two thumbs up. fabulous!
I love Rose Mcgowan! This movie could best be described as being in the middle of a really bad movie and a really good movie. I think the difference is all in the film quality and lack of character development. There are no hollywood recipes for success here which makes it all the better.This is not the type of movie that most people would pay attention to, but if you apreciate bmovies and the like, you will apreciate this one. It's like a well made bmovie, yea, thats it.
Perfect! Love this movie, this makes the fourth copy of this movie I have. I would highly reccommend buying this movie.
a sad day So we find that now they are going to release the DVDs in 12 episode installments but with the price at roughly the same you can purchase the original seasons. The original 3 seasons had more episodes, more features, more artwork... its pretty ridiculous. I pre-ordered this item and was so disappointed when this arrived instead of the full 6th season. If they continue down this path, they will no longer get my money, and that's the end of that. Funny thing is, it doesn't stop me from watching them on hulu. Save your money, find another way to watch these episodes.
Typical Jim Carrey Hilarity I've heard a lot of people say that the original Ace Ventura movie was better than the second. I didn't think so. I can't really explain why, but the story had more appeal to me in the second movie. I guess I didn't really connect well with a story about a kidnapped dolphin (kidnapped sacred white bats are much more interesting!).After failing to save an animal in a scene not unlike one in Cliffhanger, Ace is a broken man. A man is sent to find him in behalf of a British Consulate in Africa. He finds Ace in a Buddhist monastery, where he seems to have been purged of all "earthly" things. The priest in charge convinces him that it would be a shame to stay and not help a defensless animal, so Ace accepts. The animal he was hired to find is a white bat, one that is held to be sacred by two different African tribes, one being peaceful (the wachati), the other not (the wachootoo). The princess of the wachati tribe was to marry the oldest son of the chief from the wachootoo tribe, and the bat was her dowry. The wachootoo view the dissappearance both an insult and a curse. Unfortunately they decide to slaughter all the people in the other tribe. Unless Ace can find the bat on time, the people of the wachati tribe are doomed.
It's all there Kvetches about the DVD release leaving out the "confident heterosexual" content, which I cannot vouch, lead people to recommend the VHS release instead.This isn't for everyone. But if you like sly slams of a genre, this one does a pretty nice job of it. Go ahead, buy it. You'll be glad you did. Just remember, this is not cerebral comedy.... well, okay, maybe a little.
absolutely wonderful I fell in love with this movie from the first time that I saw it in theatres. I was disappointed that it didn't have a longer run and I have been looking for a dvd release for months. This movie is beautiful: dramatic and comedic all at once. I think that it is a wake-up call for people, showing these students pursuing their dreams while living life simply to be living, enjoying all that is life. This movie is especially personal to me, because the life these students are living has been a dream of mine. I know that it may seem a romanticized view of the world to some, but it feels so real and fresh and I think everyone should have that kind of eye-opening experience even if it is only in a movie. L'auberge just might make people question their priorities and realize all that they're missing from life. I highly recommend this movie to everyone. I've been raving about it for months.
Grab a Fistful of Dollars and buy this DVD Let me begin by acknowledging that I am not a huge Clint Eastwood fan. I have liked some of his movies but have nenver made a habit of having to check out the latest Eastwood thriller at the multiplex. Given that, it is even more remarkable that I really loved this DVD. Unforgiven is a great film that deserved its Best Picture Oscar. Eastwood, Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman are all terrific in this movie about facing up to your past and the cost of violence to society. Hackman won the Oscar for best Supporting Actor and watching the movie again just confirms what a great choice that was. Everything about this movie is top notch- the acting, the writing, Eastood's direction. This is the best western of the past twenty years and one of the best ten ever made. The movie shines on this disc, it was a great transfer. The extras on this two disc set are delightful. There is a classic Maverick episode featuring a very young Eastwood, along with some documentries and some other wonderful extras. This belongs on any movie buff's shelf and would make a great gift for anyone who is aEastwood fan, a fan of westerns, or a fan of the movies.
An absolute travesty, a terrible mistake As a fan of the original I had to decide to put my misgivings aside as I sat down to watch the "director's cut version" of one of my favourite films of the 70s. Maybe it would be ok, maybe there wouldn't be too many unnecessary changes. Let's see.The imposition of the new special effects are indeed hard to like, expanding a claustrophobic film into something that resembles 50s pulp SF rather than the sleek, minimal dystopian 70s film it really was. The design of many of these new shots and fx are not in keeping with the original production design, others expand and distort the original shot until is unrecognisable. A third set of shots adds in new material that was never included in any form in the original. If you've never seen the original - and you're a fan of Star Wars - you'll probably like it. For everyone else, this DVD is a waste of money.Essentially, there are two unforgivable aspects to this release. First, is the ham fisted way the new effects have been added at the expense of the old film. The running time is the same as the original, so what happened? The new shots (and there are a lot of them) have been cut into the orginal edit radically altering the feel, rhythm and flow of the film. Mercifully, the sound track is intact and is still powerful and evocative.(possible spoiler)The second problem - and the one that is infuriating those who loved the original - is that the new shots are absurdly literal. In one scene in the orginal SEN is seen getting off a train. He walks to the end of a dark platform, looks down a hole and sees sparks. A loud clanging noise erupts and he flees back to the safety of the train and the familiarity of the city. In the new version, all of that is the same except when he looks down, he sees the hole and then a large monstrous scorpion. He runs. In essence, SEN runs not because he is so conditioned to life in the city that when he is confronted with freedom he baulks at the first sign of the unknown, no, in this version he runs because there really are monsters. Running would seem the prudent move.(end spoiler)This version of THX 1138 dumbs everything down and makes the SFX fit in more with the production design we know from the Star Wars films. The changes and additions have been poorly thought out. Yet what makes this DVD release all the more maddening is that it didn't have to be this way. If Lucas had put out two versions as 3 disc set, I would have happily bought it. What about a branching version with both the old and the new? How about just leaving the damn thing alone?
Animal treatment on the set My attention was drawn to this film after reading of the poor treatment of the animals (dogs) on the set. The American Humane Society that monitor the treatment of animals on film sets found that several of the dogs had contracted the Parvo virus which lead to several animals having to be destroyed.I think if the film is good or bad is besides the point. I could not show young children this film knowing that the cast were treated so poorly.The same company has released several other films on animals like Airbud and MVP. Shame on Disney for distributing this 'family' film.All of the above is true and can be verified on the American Humane Association website quote from the press release is below.American Humane Association Statement on Snow BuddiesLos Angeles (March 27, 2007)The American Humane Association is conducting an investigation after five puppies died while on location for the filming of the movie Snow Buddies. As many as six others have fallen ill after exposure to parvovirus. Twenty-eight puppies are being treated after being exposed to the virus.
An exceptional gala event that does not disappoint This is a nicely varied programme which celebrates the current musical achievements of St. Petersburg, with the exception of ballet, to a very high level indeed.All of the featured artists are very well known in Russia. The only one that I was unfamiliar with was the violinist, Viktor Tretyakov who takes the second spot and delivers a rhythmically taut performance of the Saint Saens Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso. This is a strong performance and concentrates on verve and brilliance as opposed to Gallic charm. On those terms it succeeds admirably and sets the scene for Elisso Virsaladze, a pianist of formidable musicianship and technical prowess. One of her pupils was Boris Berezovsky who went on to win the Tchaikovsky Piano Competition. She has also recorded a stunning recital at La Roque d'Antheron which I have reviewed elsewhere. Her performance of the Ravel concerto is typically tightly controlled where the jazz elements of the writing are allowed to communicate without interpretive interference. This would have pleased Ravel greatly who stated a preference for performers to stick to playing the music as written and to trust to the skills of the composer to write the 'interpretation' into the fabric of the composition. The orchestra are well able to deal with the very different idiomatic demands of this music.The final instrumental soloist is Mischa Maisky whose ringing tones on the cello, as well as his considerable sensitivity, are both shown off to good advantage in the chosen pieces by Respighi and Bruch. The vocal items showcase a young Anna Netrebko on the cusp of her flowering international career plus the hugely popular Dmitri Hvorostovsky. The Donizetti and Puccini arias demonstrate Netrebko's dark tones and sparkling range admirably and the Tchaikovsky and Verdi arias suit the melifluous tones of Dmitri Hvorostovsky equally well. The two get together for a duet from Pagliacci to finish, both being on very fine form.The orchestra has an enviable reputation as a brilliant ensemble and this has largely been the result of the work of its chief conductor, Yuri Temirkanov who takes on the opening and last items here as well as the vocal items where he watches the singers with an eagle eye similar to that of Karajan. The other items are conducted by Nilolai Alekseev who has a gentler, more rounded, visual conducting style. Yuri Temirkanov is a vastly experienced and no-nonsense style of conductor who is able to achieve very high levels of performance from the players in front of him and where they often play at an enhanced level. This is readily apparent in the Stockholm Nobel concert, reviewed elsewhere, and which is an exceptional concert. So too is this concert from a completely different point of view - that of a gala set of short pieces as opposed to a standard concert program. Despite its gala nature the whole concert still adds up to a satisfying musical total as well as a display vehicle.The recording is astonishingly crisp visually. The sound is presented in PCM 5.1 and stereo in wide ranging sound. This, however, needs to be played at a significantly higher playback level than usual as it appears to have been recorded at a lower level than normal. At normal playback settings the concert can seem to be rather pale and lacking in substance sonically. I was initially rather disconcerted by this but simply by increasing the volume setting by several decibels the whole thing dramatically improved and the full width and depth of the sound-stage became apparent.In my opinion this concert should give considerable pleasure in many ways to those who buy the disc. The program is varied and interesting and is all performed well. The imaging is excellent and so is the sound provided it is played back loudly enough. For these reasons it seems that 5 stars is a fair rating level for this disc.
Fabulous!! Kathy has put together the best information in this DVD, I have learned so much from the demonstrations and most importantly, I have learned that my thumbs are not really what I should be using....which is excellent news to me!!Everyone needs this DVD in order to learn the "right" way of doing a massage, as well as the "right" way of receiving one!!It says that this was made for the beginner, which is everyone who doesn't have this to learn with!!Very well put together, and definitely something everyone will benefit from!!Thank you so much Kathy!!
brilliant film The Matrix has to be one of the best films that i ahve seen in a long time, the storyline realy gets you thinking quite alot on whether we realy are in the real world or is everything around us not real?. Anyway for a film staring Keanu Reeves who i usualy dont think is very good i think he does star in this film realy well. If you like the good old sci fi films i think this has to be the film for 99.
Amazing Deal!!! You get a four-Disc combo of the best "Comic book" action movie to date for under $20. I originally pre-ordered this for $29.99 and felt that was a good deal. Amazon automatically refunded the difference when they lowered the price. You really can't go wrong when you order from Amazon!!! This movie is great and so is the holographic image that comes on the case. Only thing that I would change was that the while the case holds all four discs, it does so by stacking two on top of each other. Not a major issue if you are aware of what you are doing when you remove and replace the disc.
Can't go wrong with Hugh and Sandra I'm a big fan of both Grant and Bullock, so I was thrilled to see them come together for this movie. While not my favorite film of either star (those would be About A Boy and While You Were Sleeping), Two Weeks Notice is nonethless both sweet and funny, plus it includes a beautiful tribute to New York City. It's a perfect choice for anyone looking for a romantic comedy.
Inspirational Story What an inspirational story. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for people fighting this terrible disease. A MUST HAVE for any parent.
Downfall of Bruce Willis! The trailor of this movie made me believe that this movie is not to be missed..! But frankly the best of the movie is only what you see in the trailor and the remaining is very poor!The downfalls of this movie in my opinion are as follows: 1. Lack of action. 2. Lack of drama. 3. Weak story. 4. Lack of humor. 5. Lack entertainment!Bruce Willis had so many successful roles but not in this one... not because his acting was bad but the whole movie is weak. You cannot compare this movie to Robert De Niro's "Analyze This" at all.The idea of the story is fine but how the story develops and takes place makes the movie weak.If you are looking for a nice commedy, go and buy Robert De Niro's "Analyze This" instead!
Informative and Entertaining The film is informative, educational, and entertaining. Morgan Freeman's voice adds just the right touch to the storyline. His voice is soothing, yet captivating. The storyline flows with the natural events that take place in the lives of the emperor penguins and the editing is marvelous. Unlike most documentaries that are drawn out and boring, this one is interesting and I believe kids who love animals will enjoy it.
Great movie. I am so glad I was finally able to get this since I couldn't remember how it began or ended.
Look Closer I wondered why the words "look closer" appeared insmall type after the title American Beauty, then I watched themovie. If you view the world though rose tinted spectacles you probably wouldn't like this movie. This is disconcerting view of the world - how things are when you look just a little closer. Dark humor, tumoil and never a dull moment. Annette Bening and Kevin Spacey are both brilliant, as always . . .Next time you look in the mirror, look closer.
Great holiday movie A classic. Got it to introduce it to my kids who laughed a lot watching it. Got the Amazon rental with it too, which was nice since the movie was out of stock and didn't arrive until after Christmas.
Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam-Beautiful story! Loved this movie! Ajay Devgan really Shines. I wasnt sure where this movie was going, and then there were some twists and turns, do not want to spoil for others-But it was a Beautiful Love Story.
Terrible movie Had several people recommend this movie. It is one of the worst movies I HAVE EVER SEEN. DON'T BUY IT. WASTE OF MONEY
Yow! Okay. The screen credit reads: "Tom Clancy, Executive Producer". That means that Clancy maybe had a lot to do with this film, right?Here's the story: The Israelies, almost unimaginably, fumble an Atomic bomb. Oy vey! Thirty years later, the bomb is dug up by a bunch of camel-driving hicks from Cabbageville, Egypt and sold to an unscrupulous arms dealer. Then, somebody uses it to blow up the city of Baltimore and start World War III.Who plans and executes this dirty deed? Why none other than our old arch-enemies, the Nazis, of course! Full steam ahead, Mr. Gridley! Dam up the river, and head for the hills!As this highly suspenseful drama unfolds in a series of cartoon-like situations, we see Ben Affleck hamming it up and mugging his way through the film, at a cocktail party in the United States, at a Russian atomic weapons lab, then to Africa, then to Langley, then to Washington, then to Baltimore, then to Washington, then to... Which leads me to the obvious question, Who was the target audience for this film?Phony CIA operatives? Naval Reservist Impersonators? Fidel Castro? A two-bit despot living in exile somewhere?One group of people who will really get excited about this movie are your good old rabid Cleveland Browns fans - because most of them will probably get off on the idea that the evil Art Modell and the Ravens could be vaporized into a cloud of red dust. Browns fans who own this dvd will probably wear out the football segment with subsequent Baltimore apocalypse trying to visualize that happening, as bizarre as that sounds.Even so, this film was so cheezy, the only thing missing from it was a sound track or end credit song by either Dennis DeYoung or Eric Carmen, take your pick....
Who thought of this? Don't hurry to buy this. It was merely OK, and more like a long episode. Special Effects, what few there were, were noticeably bad. The acting, though, was ROTTEN. You could see the actors trying not to laugh most of the time. Shame on Frakes and Steward! Quit directing and producing your own shows and ACT.F Murray Abraham was totally wasted under the worst facial makeup I've seen in any movie made past 1950!
Annoying I like Ashton, and his attempt to spread out is admirable. This movie, initially intriguing, collapses with the preppie angle. It's interesting to see "Earl's" brother at an earlier time.
films Great movie. I am thrilled to possess a signed copy by Lelia Goldoni....Cassavetes is like the finest...Faces remains one of my top five movies ever. Who's Afraid of Virginai Woolfe is number one, Midnight Cowboy is number two, Dr.Strangelove is clearly number three, The Best Years of Our Lives is number four, Faces is five, Catch 22 may be six, Meet John Doe number seven, Hud, What Ever Happened To Baby Jane, The Great Dictator, The Marx Brothers, The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, Her of the great pieces of art ever, Hard Days Night, Double Indemnity, Scarlet Street, The Lost Weekend, Days of Wine and Roses, The Apartment, Sleepers, To Kill a Mocking bird, Baby of the greatest, The Last Picture Show, The Day The Earth Stood Still, In Cold Blood, Modern Times and City Lights, Petrified Forest, El Topo, To Sir With Love, The Servant, The Butcher Boy, Caberaet, With Nail and I, Magic Christian, Being There, Looking For Mr Goodbar, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Bonnie & Clyde, The Exorcist, Easy Rider, Dark Victory, Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, Neighbors, The Jerk, The Onion Fields, All Quiet On the Western Front, Bar Fly was pretty good, Good bye Columbus, Breakfast of Champions is really a hidden gem, it is a bit crazy, The Killing Fields, The Ballade of the Green Berets is a brilliant piece of propaganda, Drug Store Cowboy, Woody Allen movies, same with Chaplin and W.C. Fields, Mae West, Marx Brothers was something that I really grew to appreciate as I got older, Blue Angel, Casablanca, It Happened One Night, Night of the Hunter...Robert Mitchem was truly disturbing in this movie, even stranger than Cape Fear, Mancherian Candidate...The Salvador Dali pieces were great, as was the rest of the movie, Kings Row, All the Kings Men, A Face In the Crowd and Network are two of the greatest, The Hairdressers Husband, Psycho...the best part is when she is in the motel room counting the money, The Birds, Streetcar Named Desire, Suddenly Last Summer, Some Like It Hot, Clockwork Orange, Lost Highways, Five Easy Pieces, Lolita, Attack of the 40 Foot Woman, Gummo is one of the best films in the past 25 years, it really captures the lower white economic class, Imitation of Life, Trainspotting, Boys In the Band.......The French films, Blue, Red and White, each being a specific movie, a number of French and Spanish movies, Conversation, this was a great Gene Hackman movie, The Snake Pit, The Misfits...a strange exit for three of the greatest, The Hill...this was a great great movie, Human Bondage, this was a great book as well as a great movie, Johnny Got His Gun was a much better book than it was a movie, but the movie is very commendable considering how difficult it must have been to translate into film...besides, Dalton Trumbo was a significant writer, as well as a real American hero (Blacklisted), A Tree Grew In Brooklyn, another important film/book, by Sherwood Anderson. There is a collection of art films from 1890 to 1940 that is great. One time in Germany I saw one of the strangest pieces of film sure to exist, it was about 90 minutes of early film clips, it was without a doubt one of the most disturbing things I have ever had the pleasure to view, glimpses of carnage, inhumanity, poverty, everyday had a variety of tints to it, yellow and blue, electric rails that executed elephants, horses gasping their final breaths, humans staring into space awaiting certain death, babies was some of the most perplexing images. I do not know what it was, I wish I owned it. It was probably filmed in the very early 20th century, if not, some of the earliest film pieces from the late 19th century.
The Secret has changed my way of thinking I am so very happy that I purchased this DVD. I knew most of the tenets presented in the secret, the element that was missing is what changed how I apply this idea to my life. I have told everyone I know to purchase this DVD so they can refocus their lives in a positive way. Thank you Rhonda Byrne for sharing this information. You have helped countless people to understand how and why their present lives just aren't working.
A Classic Remastered It was great to see a classic redone in HD. While immediately a critic's choice when released, it took a while for the general public to catch up with the unnerving and stark realism of the film. It's nice to finally own one of my top 10 movies in Blu-ray.
awesome had no problems, everything was how it was suposed to be and arived on time. Just five more words yay....
Drew Barrymore meets Nikos Kazantzakis is he mad? or is life just nuts? pretty shallow.important elements arekey: "how long have i been asleep?" "the whole movie."repeated reference to the last temptation of christ (as a horror film in a kentucky-fried christian town), a replay of hallucinatory time-travel and alternative future in dialogue with the devil at the moment of death, in a mickey-mouse version of christ's choice in his last temptationmock allusion to elements of christ's life- donnie's denunciation of a false priest, and subsequent persecutionincreasingly magical life events, confronted by- the inevitability of isolated death (roberta sparrow's demented loss of both fear and love (of god) which are inseparable and lost together)- the sudden finality of death (donnie chooses either himself, or else gretchen, both in a deus ex machinae mode).good ideas, but needs some mature reorganisation and representation
The BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!! Titanic is the ultimate movie. The best ever in the history of movies. Leo, Kate, Billy, the whole cast was marvelous. The best the best the best the best!!!!! I enjoyed every second. I wish that they would come out with an uncut version and fast!!!
Why can't people admit this is a great movie? Ok, the number one issue that started to get this DVD bad reviews was that there would be no format on the Princess Mononoke disk that would allow the viewer to see the film in its original Japanese form complete with Japanese audio. Well, guess what, it actually does. I wish people would wait to get the FULL details about the special features of a DVD before they bad mouth it all over the internet! It even comes with English subtitles for those who want to hear it in Japanese but still want to read along (an example of that would be me). Next, is there too much violence in the movie or is it too weak? The only true violent scenes are at the beginning of the movie or close to the end. While there are much more gruesome movies, why would anyone want more? Is that how sick society has become. Frankly, I think there is just enough amount of violence to make this movie truely interesting (although, I wouldn't show this to young children, just to protect their own innocence). What is this nonsense about Princess Mononoke being called a "chick flick"? Yeah, sure, you can go see it with your girlfriend, but I wouldn't call it a chick flick. I first saw it with a lot of my friends and we all loved it (for your own information, I am a guy)! This movie is full of action, which I would think any guy would like. The animation is amazing. The plot is well thought out. Plus, it's a little educational. I learned a little about acient Japanese beliefs. I'll admit, the English dubbing could have been better, but then, you always have the original track on the DVD. So I bid the reader of this review "Enjoy! This is a great movie!"
Timeless Humor, But We Can Do Without The PC Police Here are 38 more Tom and Jerry classic cartoons. It's interesting that on the back of the DVD box, it reads "is intended for the adult collecctor and may not be suitable for children."Disc one contains early material. You can tell because they have "Mammy Two Shoes," the maid, in many of them at the beginning. She is a supporting character who's face we never see, and she was fazed out after a few years. The PC Police consider this to be racist, because she's black. A white maid, however, is okay with them. That's the typical Liberal double standard. They even change Mammy's grammar when you use the English subtitles! Puh-leeze!'Anyway, there is enough good material on here to enjoy this collection. These Tom and Jerry cartoons seem timeless. They were good 50 years ago, and still funny today.
Perfection This is one of the few movies that I consider PERFECT, so when I was ready to own it, it had to be a new copy. I am very happy with the movie that i received, it got here very fast and the condition was Excellent!! I will definitely order from them again.
This is a (toot) sweet movie! The best movie ever made for kids and adults. This is about an inventor and his family. They buy an old racecar and fix it up so it runs like "magic". They meet a young woman named Truly Scrumptious and then go off on an adventure to Vulgaria with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, their magic car. Their adventure includes an evil Baron, a Child Catcher, a helpful toymaker, and many other interesting characters. There are some great songs, such as "Me Ole Bamboo", "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", "Truly Scrumptious," and "Toot Sweets". This is a great family movie to share with your kids.
Fascinating, but I stumbled onto this movie on the IFC channel & recorded it. I became fascinated by its beauty, acting, and overall atmosphere. I do not get the opportunity to watch many Chinese movies that are not of the usual martial arts variety, so I jumped on the chance to see this window into Confucian China.My favorite parts involved some little touches as well as major plot movements: 1) the ritualistic nasal-toned calling of the hour by the signs of the Chinese zodiac, and the calling out of Confucian homilies that went along with this. 2) The acting of Gong Li, who I also recently was thrilled with in the movie Hannibal Rising. 3) the portrayal of Chinese architecture of the period, especially that of the Hidden Palace. 4) As a gardener & flower-lover, I was amazed by the sheer number of Chrysanthemums that must have been used to make the movie (& were probably used for the actual historical events such as the Festival of the Chrysanthemum). 5) The Byzantine plot & counter-plots of royal intrigue, that as one reviewer as already said, makes the Borgias look like Hello Kitty. It's easy to believe that Imperial China actually was home to such intrigues. 6) The martial arts skills portrayed in the attack & defense of the imperial doctor, his wife & daughter were quite amazing. 7) The portrayal of herbal remedies (even poisons), including the porous chair (allowing herbal vapors to seep up from the pots below) used by the Emperor to ease his arthritic pains.My quibbles with this movie: 1) As another reviewer has already noted, in the attack against the palace by Prince Jai, CGI was obviously used, and it was made to look unrealistically uniform at times during the battle. I think more care (e.g. the Lord of the Rings' Battle of the Pellenor Fields cavalry charge) could have been taken to vary the individual combatants & their weapons, so that it looked like a real battle. 2) The costumes were georgeous, especially in the portrayal of the embroidery of the golden flower itself by the Empress. However, I find it very hard to believe that the Dolly Parton-like cleavage shown on many of the actresses was actually a feature of Confucian China. From Chinese paintings of the era, one can see that noble women sometimes wore a lower horizontal neckline in their main tunic/dress, but this band went across the chest at the TOP of the cleavage, not at the very lowest point above the nipple, as is shown in the movie. If the movie portrayed bawdy Elizabeth England (aka the Tudors TV show), the push-up revealing bodice would be quite historically appropriate, but not for relatively conservative Confucian China. Whatever wild goings-on were happening in this historical milieu were happening behind a very rigid facade of propriety. Witness the comment by the Emperor that an appearance of "harmony" (a Confucian concept that pervaded every aspect of life in historical China) must be maintained in the face of the public, no matter what skullduggery & passions were simmering underneath. 3) Some plot elements & character motivations remained cloudy. For instance, I never felt that the Emperor's reasons for slowly poisoning the Empress were made clear, nor did I understand what really happened between him and his first wife to drive her away to the arms of the Imperial Doctor.All in all, however, I felt that this movie is a semi-classic that could reside in any collector's library.
Solid Crime Thriller Deserves Widescreen DVD Burt Reynolds rose from the "good ol' boy" quagmire to deliver this hard-edged crime drama. Easily his best directorial effort, Reynolds invests "Sharky's Machine" (1981) with a strong sense of ensemble, gritty Atlanta locations and some truly memorable stunts. Unfortunately, Burt's commendable police thriller has been given the budget-DVD treatment - resulting in a standard full-frame transfer and no extras. Warner Home Video should release "Sharky's Machine" in its original widescreen format as a 30th anniversary "special edition."
Can't believe I used to think the Moore movies were great... I guess it was just the timing, I was pretty much into going to movies about the time Moore was Bond, so I thought they were good then. Seem quite silly these days, though. Which is too bad, since the Connery stuff seems classic.
Hello Darkness My Old Friend............... I have said this rarely to any film ,but the Graduate is a PERFECT movie!!!!!!! Dustin Hoffman is excellent, I love Anne Bancroft in the film, Kathren Ross shimmers, and Mike Nichols shares his visions. Any serious movie buff NEEDS to see the Graduate. Take's that good!!!!! Also fun to see Dustin Hoffman's interview on the dvd (a must buy)!
When the Devil wants to find you, you cannot hide I saw this movie years ago and never get tired of watching. Out of all "The Devil Made Me Do It" based thrillers, I think this movie is the best. The fact the movie is set in New Orleans, a city rich in the occult, adds volumes to the story. But when you add Robert De Niro into the mix as the rich benefactor with an elusive secret, you get next to perfect. All the characters come together so well to give an outstanding performance about a man's search and ultimate fight for his soul. If you love a challenge and this movie does not draw you in, then I would be pressed to recommend a movie that would. And to add more intrigue, sex and excitement, the scene between Mickey Rourke and Lisa Bonet will surely cover that aspect.
My all time favorite!! This is one of the Best Disney classics because it is such a fun story but original music as well. Beautiful and fun underwater scenes. A must for any family.
Killing the blu-ray format ... This Godfather blu-ray is one of the worst video quality I have seen. It is a shame. If this can't be better so let in the DVD format. We want quality ! Reviewer at Highdef Digest must have seen a "special copy". I am shure it was not this.
Loved this when I was a kid The combo pack is fantastic. Kids and adults alike can enjoy this movie together on multiple machines. Get it while you can
An outstanding movie... I was fortunate to see this in the theaters during its limited release. This is truly one of the best movies I have seen. I was afraid my 12-yr. old daughter wouldn't be as thrilled with it as I was (I'm a big House of Tudor fanatic)...but she rates it as one of the best, as well! Cate Blanchett and Joseph Fiennes put in fantasic performances as Queen Elizabeth and Robert Dudley. I'll be sure to purchase this one so I can watch it over and over!
White Nights This movie shows the different styles of dance and how collaboration can work. These two talented dancers really know their stuff. Greg Hines was truly the epitome of tap, as well as Misha the epitome of ballet. I feel very fortunate that this movie was on DVD.
never a dull moment Not a Blade Runner or Fifth Element but action packed..will be well worth a buy recommendation when out on DVD.
A great docu of an incredible live performer Big-time Elton fans -- you already have this tape. For anyone else, this is a great filmed documentary of an amazing live performer, at an artistic peak.By 1977, Elton John had broken every record in the music business there was to break, played almost every city and venue there was to play. It's easy to forget that Elton-mania swept the US though the early and mid seventies to an extent that only Elvis and The Beatles have approached or exceeded, before or since. He was at that time, simply stated, the world's best known and most commercially successful performer.The performances on this tape were captured in early 1979 at the end of a self-imposed "retirement" that began in 1977. This short tour of Russia and Eastern Europe so inspired Elton and percussionist Ray Cooper that it blossomed into a worldwide tour, culminating in US stops at relatively intimate venues in the fall of 1979.This tour is legendary among long time Elton fans, and this tape gives you a taste of why. It's simply the songs, his extraordinary musicianship, and an added element of drama provided by Ray Cooper -- unforgettable to those who were there. The backdrop of the Iron Curtain era USSR -- beautiful, officially unforgiving to outsiders, unofficially curious about the Western World -- is quite interesting; viewed today the film higlights the radical changes that have taken place, and how fragile they must be.You can't watch this without realizing that his is an enormous talent, and that many of his songs are already timeless classics. This is an "A&E" type docu (but not 'hosted') with heavy concert footage, filmed with 1979 technology. The soundtrack quality is okay but not sensational; that is my only quibble with what is otherwise a gem of a film: you witness a huge talent at peak performance, artistically sparking.For fourteen bucks, this is a no-brainer.
Childhood Revisited I've loved this movie since I was a wee lad. The banshee kept me awake at night for years. Disney's special effects were amazing for the time. It really was incredible how they could make a person believe that an average sized actor really was the size of a leprecaun. The extra features were nice as well. It was interesting to see Sean Connery discuss his memories of the production and the special on Disney actually travelling to Ireland to get the king for his movie was cool as well.I'm extreemly happy that my child will now be able to enjoy Darby for years to come, just like his dad.
a killer rabbit, a black knight, and lots of coconuts! Hi my name is Andrew and I am 12 years old. this is my #2 favorite movie and my friend Claire's favorite movie too. This movie is so funny that your arm will fall off but do not worry it will just be a flesh wound and you will get better. My favorite scenes are the tale of sir lancelot (you stay here till I get back) the killer rabbit (run away run away!) and I love the french people (you cheesey second handed british donkey bottom bitters.I unplug my nose in your general direction). I love the black knight (oh its just a flesh wound)and much more there is never a boring second with Monty Python. So you had better buy it cause it is funnier than you can shake a coconut at. I love the special edition. It has a scene where it is all made out of legos, and a scene in Japanese,and a sing a long like with the brave brave Sir Robin song, and so much more! tThis is one of the best movies. You had better buy it or I will say NI! at you.
30 Days Just imagine - you and your buddy have the chance of a lifetime: to soak in the local ambiance of the English countryside. You don't have much money, and when you can't hitch a ride: you walk.The road on the moor is muddy, the air damp and chilly. The barren hills seemingly go on forever. As the gloom is descending into night, you enter a village. You are cold and hungry, so when you see the pub, you hurry into the "Slaughtered Lamb."The clientele hush, gawk, and then turn back to playing their games and tipping their pints. The barmaid takes your order, a man tells a joke, and as a man is about to throw a dart, you ask, what the pentagram and candles are for? The dart misses. The pub's atmosphere darkens with clouds of fear and unwelcome winds blow you out into the night.You press on, surely there is another place you can stop. To add to your misery, a cold rain begins to shroud you in its clammy wetness. Thankfully, it is short lived; the clouds part, moonlight bathes the mist.To your consternation, the full moon doesn't reveal the road; where is it? Time to go back! You try to retrace your steps, but then - from just beyond the blowing mist - comes a hair-raising howl . . . . Before this night is over, your buddy will join the undead, and in 30 days, you will create pandemonium in Piccadilly Circus . . . .Blu-ray experience: When you select "pause", "slow motion", or "fast motion", a nearly useless menu intrudes at the bottom of the screen. Picture quality: 3.5, grainy.
Nazi UFO Secrets - Yeah Right!!! Oh Jeez, what a load of hogwash. It appears as though someone has cut and pasted images of the past, and created an unbelievable story line to it.All the credible images are clear (Such as the German V-2, V-1 rockets) and all non-credible images (The Honey Bell UFO) nothing but blurred tacky images, which the narrator then makes something out of. "Conspiracy!" What the.....!!!If you believe in this, then you surely believe in pigs can fly!Can't believe that this is able to be purchased on Amazon!Thank you for ruining my buying experience from Amazon, as I will never again trust, or buy a DVD that I can not physically handle.The Disc has been burnt (copied at home by some clown, the cover, photo copied by some five-year-old.The only person, who benefited out of this, is my dog! The Disc and Cover makes an awesome frizbi.
100 Stars if I could I often watch movies, good, bad, I just want to kill time after supper or after sports before. But I haven't met a lot of good movies yet, in fact, zero, in my mind. To me the worst book I've ever read is better than the best movie I've watched. When I browse the Amazon bestseller list, I skip the movie category no matter what is hot in it. I was totally disappointed with these Hollywood potboilers. I hate wasting time in selecting-watching-being-disappointed format. I love music, I spend a lot of time on Amazon music section. As far as I can tell, since last summer, Once has been always in top 100, maybe top 50. But I didn't even try the sample, because I've never heard of Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova.Yesterday, when I'm doing my routine browse on Amazon, the CD finally caught my eye. I clicked the link then found it was the music from the movie Once. I listened to the samples, then decided to watch the indie(though only 4.5 stars on Amazon, but the samples from OST added another .5). It's only 86 minutes, It won't take a long time.I didn't budge an inch on my chair during the movie, even the credits began to roll. I couldn't even believe when It ended. How can it end so fast, what's next? The movie is just incredibly beautiful, I know that foreign movies are much better than Hollywood's(Whale Rider, Pan's Labyrinth, the Sea Inside), this one is another find in 2007, I just don't know how to simplify my feelings.The story is simple, the friendship and chemistry between two main characters are convincing and touching, the performance was down-to-earth, no exaggeration, no special-effect of course, but full of warmness and sincerity. The music is passionate and delighting. So what else do you want for a movie about real life? Conspiracy? Ghost? Exploit?Please, drop everything and see this great movie.
A classic revised Patrick Stewart lends his incredible talent to the Dickens classic. His portrayal of the Christmas curmudgeon is second only to George C. Scotts and will rank as one of the best of all time.
Bang! Splat! Whoopee! Ah, if it only had a brain. The extended cut does make a couple of things a tiny bit more sensible, but they still don't wash, they really don't. Best to just lay back and let this spectacle roll over you -- if you get critical, then you miss the fun elements (and there are plenty) and you might as well ditch this and go watch a Bergman or Woody Allen flick. It's big, it's loud, it's stupid, and people love it for exactly the reason that they love the circus, or fun fair, or roller coasters, or even Disneyland.Contrary to another reviewer's comments, the picture quality is excellent, with superb mastering, a high bitrate, smooth seamless branching in the special edition, and even a blipless layer switch on my Toshiba SD1200. The sound is terrific, with rock-the-house lows and some marvelous surround work. The extras, meanwhile, are okay -- disc two is more so-so than I'd like, but does have some good features. I would have liked an isolated score track on that second disc, though -- that was a highlight of the Patton set. The Emmerich/Devlin commentary is a hoot, because neither of them are po-faced about their work, and the irreverence is refreshing. The visual effects commentary is quite the opposite -- a serious and engaging discussion that should be listened to several times by aspiring VFX techs, wannabe directors, and even screenwriters aiming to create a blockbuster sci-fi (as opposed to science fiction) event. In the real world, as part of a seminar, that second track would cost you serious money.Why three stars? Because the DVD rates about a 4 and the movie itself around a 2. I think I'll keep mine for a while, and not just for the kids, either.
Truly breathtaking! In a nutshell -- this version of Hamlet left me speachless; Branagh's interpretation is magnificent!! Not to be missed! I highly recommend!!!
Like Totally Awesome!... Yeah, totally awesome, that is all that can be said about this movie. I agree this movie is the 80's and it needs to be on DVD. This is the hardest movie in the world to find. I have a copy on VHS and I am afraid to watch it because I may never get the movie again. Nicolas Cage was at his best and I was in love with Deborah Foreman and that smile of hers. The parents were a groovy 60's couple and that was cool too. My all time favorite feel-good movie. Let's rally 'round the flag boys and bring this movie to DVD!...
Great!!!!! I have always been a fan. I really can't say much more. If you find a picture you can watch over and over again and it still remains fresh and new then there is no other option than to own that picture until you wear out the DVD.
second worst Trek film ever. This laughable rehashing of the Wrath of Kahn features people we used to know and love and now have grown tired and weary of their own legendary status. The embarrassing 18 million dollar opening weekend stated solidly that this is the worst Trek film since #5, the final Frontier. I was a huge fan of the series and I loved First Contact and I really thought this was going to be a powerful last entry in the Trek mythos and yet I got tired dialogue from tired actors who obviously didn't want to be there.The writer, John Logan (co-writer on Gladiator) bragged ahead of time that he had a great idea about #11 and he'd bust up that old track record of the even number films being good ones and odd bad. Well, not to worry, he already busted up THAT record. Don't waste your money.
i love kiefer this is the best film i have eva watched.Like a lot of girls the reason i watched it is for kiefer sutherland he looks so yummy, even as a vampire. I think the film is soooooo funny esp the grandad with his one liners and the frog-brothers are really funny 2. I have got the video and i have to say it is the most watched video in the house. This film is a must see. Even the soundtrack to the film is gr8 the best i have eva heard.
Lesson Must have to teach your children about life and that God is in control of this life. America must get back to God, these DVD's will help your child to grow in the Lord, the stories bring me back to my parents teaching and bible school classes. Children need to know that life decisions rather right or wrong affects each and every one of us.
"IN ROCKY IV, HE FOUGHT FOR HIS COUNTRY! " After communism broke out in "ROCKY IV, East vs West" the "Russian Fighting Machine" dolph lundgren (2 Time European Kickboxing Champion! ) is back,in one of his blockbusters "THE RED SCORPION" ACTION ALL THE WAY! A MUST TO SEE!
A cool movie! ENTERTAINING film with a GREAT looking cover! LETTER-BOXED and restored! I love reading all of the negative reviews here on AMAZON...shows it takes all kinds of people to make a world. These films were made for ELVIS fans and to be ENTERTAINING...I have no idea how someone could even compare ELVIS and NANCY SINATRA to BEN and JENNIFER LOPEZ?
Disappointing It's not as if Men of Respect is a poor tranposition of the play Macbeth; it's just a bad mob movie. I was hoping to find a Godfather meets Macbeth, but instead got a Carlito's Way meets Macbeth. There was a reason I had never heard of this movie until recently. I should have known from the lame title.
Pathetic attempt at keeping the series alive EH.. When I learned Andy Whitfield died I initially thought this series was doomed. To my surprise, the second season "God's of the Arena" was great! almost as good as the first season. I was really looking forward to Vengence cause the writing of the second season was very cleaver. I don't think writing can save this show. I realized the reason season2 was so good was because of Quintes Batiatus. He's gone now, and the new Spartacus is not fit for the role. Even Crixus has "dumbed down" to his level. Physically the new Spartacus doesn't look like he can win against any slave in his entourage. He's just not believable. They even had to change Neavia. I would have much rather prefered they let Spartacus die and let the series focus around Crixus and Ganacus. It's just ok
"Fun" Space Fantasy! Ok, so it's a little campy, but sometimes it's fun to watch movies like this. Especially when the sexy Timothy Dalton makes an appearance, or when the music is provided by one of the best 80's groups there was--Queen! Ornella Muti is good too, so is Max Von Sydow as Ming. In this sometimes serious world, you can always use a bit of fantasy, only this one takes place in Space, you know...sorta like "Star Trek" but not as cheesy!
Shows the essential unity of all Faiths As a member of the Baha'i Faith, I have long looked for a good means of introducing my Christian brothers to the notion that all Faiths have come from God, and all provide the same proof of their truth, which is that they produce in people a strong will to do good, to be virtuous.This film shows that will as it works in the world, and affects world affairs. It gives a glimpse, in my view, not only of the history of this great Religion of God, but also offers insights into the wonderful even if very different story that must have played out after the advent of Christ. Someday, God willing, we will have a film of those events which is as historically accurate, and as respectful.I would strongly recommend this film to all seekers of truth, all people of good will, and all those sincerely interested in promoting peace through understanding.
I love it. Wonderful program, I haven't complete it yet, but like it so far. I will definitely recommend this tape to friends.
Classic I watched this movie as a child and I brought it for my 9 year old daughter, she loves it just as I suspected.
Wonderfully surprised! I bought this on Amazon when it was on sale for their Musical deal of the day :) and what a great purchase this was! I was wonderfully surprised when I saw on the box that this also includes the 45th Anniversary Soundtrack CD! I had no idea that it was also included! I was so happy because I was about to buy the CD too! Also, I collect music boxes and I loved that a hand painted music box was part of this collection. I love this collection, it has so many wonderful goodies and well worth the price. Even though I got it for a lower price than what it is now, it's still totally worth its current price. I bought this along with the Singin' in the Rain collector's edition box set which costed twice the $$, but hands down this Sound of Music box set was the better purchase. Totally satisfied with my purchase :)
One of the best... ...goofy, silly, but smart comedies that I've seen in a long time. The writing is excellent. The flow is solid. Just a perfectly absurd hour-and-a-half, along with a cute little love story that I'm sure lots of people could relate to. It's a shame this one isn't a lot bigger, but in a way it's good because we can all say we have a gem no one else knows.
Top Flight This was a great little heart-warming picture, full of intelligence and grace, humor and pathos. What a simple idea, strangely not of this time. A classic road picture with two likable types who have nothing going for them. We love them for this finally, as do the gals they meet on their wine-tasting adventure. The actors are very charming and fully realize their parts. I especially liked Sandra Oh, who is passionate and intelligent. The guys are fine, although I wonder about seeing a lot of them - they may be too ordinary to make it in tinsel town. This is a kind of retro-60s film, it seems to me, small, counter-cultural in a way, slightly subversive of the call to success. These kinds of film made my generation love going to the movies. Encore.
You won't get many kicks out of this sad and depressing martial arts film Bloodfight has to be the most depressing martial arts film I've ever seen. This thing throws on the sackcloth and rolls around in the ashes for a while. Sure, the dramatic events that unfold set the stage for an unlikely comeback by Kai against the younger and all but invincible Chong Lee (Bolo Yeung), but you're not going to come away from Bloodfight with a smile on your face. That's not to say there's no entertainment value to the film, though. Kai's recruitment of Ryu is laughably absurd, and a good bit of unintentional humor can easily be found in the movie's dialogue - which is filmed in bad English to begin with, thus saving Western distributors the chore of badly dubbing the film themselves.Yasuaki Kurata plays Masahiro Kai, a former champion of the World Championship free-fighting tournament (which actually takes place in a dark and seedy gym on some back street in Hong Kong). A shadow of his former self, Kai runs a ridiculously poor excuse of a gym in hopes of finding a protégé who can follow in his fading footsteps. After his wife leaves him, he seems to get pretty desperate, recruiting a mean and undisciplined local hooligan as his student. I'm not sure how a white dude comes to lead a gang in Hong Kong, especially one as incredibly gay as this one, but the bigger mystery is why Kai would watch a gang of hoodlums terrorize an innocent young lady and then offer to train the guy responsible. Not surprisingly, this little mentor relationship doesn't work out very well - but it does lead him to another young prospect named Ryu Tenmei (Simon Yam). This young man has no desire to train and compete, and the very idea frightens his hot girlfriend to death. Of course, he does end up competing in the big tournament, and let's just say the experience ends pretty badly.The big fight scene at the end isn't bad at all, but there's a whole lot of bad movie to wade through in order to get that far. By the midpoint of Bloodfight, I was thinking this was quite possibly the worst martial arts movie I had ever seen. The story had gone from boring to downright laughable, the film editor had seemingly thrown in bunches of short and insignificant scenes for apparently no reason, and all of the characters were pretty hard to like. The emotional intensity of the second half of the film definitely leaves an impression on the viewer, though. This isn't the kind of Saturday afternoon matinee film you pop in for ninety minutes of great fun watching crazy kung fu action. Unless you're a real martial arts fan junkie or a fan of Bolo Yeung, you and Bloodfight need never cross one another's paths.
Almost as good as the first, but lacking Alright, look the first matrix is my second favorite film of all time. I mean what didn't it have? It had amazing graphics, a great plot, the best action sequences I've ever seen in any movie, and for god revolutionized the visual effects industry. And I was waiting for the sequal for months, a week before hand I had reserved tickets....and I went to see it, and how does it start...great, it's so cool...however, once they arrive at the orgy/techno scene, as I refer to it, where keanu and carrie are making love, that scene is lost in an otherwise five star film, it is unneccessary to the premise of the movie, and takes away from it. Also some of the computer graphic shots in the movie are a little obvious, however...the plot is amazing, and so is the just leaves u wanting more. This is a definite must see...and for anybody who has seen the first matrix 3 times or more, a definite must buy...there are some amazing characters in there...the ghosts, that french guy...haha, "I love cursing in french, it is like wiping ur ass with silk", and of course...the best part of the whole film is that Neo can freaking fly, how cool is that?? And what an amazing way to save trinity's life. Sure there are the annoying things like agent smith's repetiveness...we get the idea ok, he can go into other people, and duplicate himself....but if u want a movie that u can watch over and over and enjoy over and over, if you want a movie with an amazing soundtrack, great acting, some wisdom, and most importantly...a movie that will make you think, and leaves you gripping...this is your movie my friend. 4/5 stars...and that's all folks!!!
End of Watching This Movie Forever! Considering the raving reviews, and not just from critics, I went into this movie with high expectations, AND I wanted to like it. I really enjoyed Training Day, which director, David Ayer produced. So I figured End of Watch was going to be of the same ilk. Not so. Let's count 'em down:1. PRESENTATION: While the whole shaky camera thing was effective in some parts and quite nifty in others, on the whole, it became rather annoying, especially during the fight scenes. I mean, really? Someone in a brutal fight was holding a camera? I know that if I was in one of those confrontations, I would want BOTH of my hands. Just sayin'!2. DIRECTION: Considering the use of documentary-style filming, it was done quite well; cameras were literally everywhere. It must have been quite an uptaking for the editing department. Even though Mr. Ayer wrote the script, he didn't give himself much to work with. It took a long time before I could determine where the story was going ... close to 45 minutes. That's almost half the movie--ridiculous.3. ACTING: As everyone has noted in other reviews, the camaraderie and chemistry of the two leads was exceptional, some of it a bit tongue-in-cheek and ambiguous, but exceptional, nonetheless. The cartel members, especially "Bad Evil" and his girlfriend were WAY over-the-top with WAY too much overplay. I have been around people like that, and no one, NO ONE, says the F-Bomb that frequently. Sure, it comes up, but not with every other word as depicted here. The only time I have truly witnessed that type of repetitiveness concerning profane words in a purposeful situation was at a George Carlin concert back in the '80s.4. STORY: Weak, at best. As already alluded to, the story really didn't get going until the middle of Act 2. There was simply way to much time focused on back-story. It could have been presented in such a way that would speed up the whole "get the audience to care about these characters" process. That would have freed up more time to allow a more expansive focus on the primary narrative.5. OVERALL: Overrated. This movie is on par with being nothing more than a good episode of Southland. It is on par with every other ho-hum, so-so cop movie. Not bad, but not great. I liked some parts, and I had to suspend my belief system for others. It is a parity, but not (thank goodness) a parody.Three stars: ***
A film assembled from 20.000 feet shot by Maya Deren "Divine Horsemen" is the name of Maya Deren's monograph published in 1953, an account of the cosmology of Voudoun. The title was used by Teiji ( Maya's husband at the time of her death) and Cherel Ito in their assembled film made from Deren's footage ( Deren by the way was born in Kiev in 1917 but lived in the USA from 1922 to her death in 1961). One of her largest frustrations was her inability to edit 20.000 feet of footage she shot in 1947, and 1949, 1954. This was primarily due to lack of funding and support from orthodox anthropologists where she was considered an encroacher on their revered territory. In a sense the Ito's did editorial work for her after her death but it is important to recognize that this is not Deren's. One does get a sense of her work with this video and what she tried to accomplish. The voice overs and animation are all the work of the Ito's-- Deren's own film was to use the sound she recorded in the field in Haiti and which she released as an album "The Voices of Haiti". The original footage is to be found at Anthology Film Archives in New York. This film shows the brilliance of Deren's use of choreocinema in filming where she tried to respect the ceremonial logic of this beautiful religion.
Really entertaining Excellent show with action, comedy and romance. The cast really works well together, and you never know what is gonna happen next. I really enjoy watching jeffrey donavon play different cover ids, he's such a convincing actor. I also love how fiona is the trigger happy one out of the bunch. For sure the best show on television.
We've Seen This Already...But... We have seen everything in this film before. It is the same as every other "what-to-do-when-you-know-you're-going-to-die" movie. Nicholson seems to be trying to recreate his "As Good As It Gets" character. All these things aside, this really is a good movie at it's core. It is still well done and worth watching. Anyone who has lost someone to the scourge of cancer will be touched. Don't expect anything drastically new, but do expect a quality film.
Great Foreign Film People say Returner copies ideas from other movies, but in this age of unoriginality (which movies is Hollywood remaking or making crappy sequels to this year?), the least that can be said is that it does a fine job of representing ideas from other movies.The title is original, though, it's one of those Japanese-made-up English words: RI-TAA-NAA. I think it's derived from the idea that Milly (Suzuki An) "returns" to the past, and is therefore The Returner (even though the posters make it look like Kaneshiro Takeshi's character is The Returner).I used to be one of those people who hates watching subtitles, but after watching dozens of Hong Kong films, I've gotten used to it, so I watched Returner first in the original Japanese, then in dubbed English. I must say that the English dub sucks. They tried TOO HARD to stretch English dialog over slow moments of Japanese lip movement, and the English voice acters didn't sound like they cared at all about the characters they played. (The leads sounded goofy and the old woman always sounded like she was on her death bed.)In short, Returner is a fun movie, and for the best viewing experence, you should watch it in the orignal Japanese.
A Holiday Classic???? Perhaps it was the build-up... I never saw this movie before today. People thought that I must be kidding but I was not. My daughter was anxious to show it to her young son, who wants to go shooting, to send home the danger/safety message. I always thought Ralphie lost his eye, but he didn't. Maybe it just didn't hold up over time. I did enjoy the lamp though. All these years of seeing such lamps in catalogs and I never knew it was from this movie. The movie was OK, but not likely to become an annual event for me.