Hope Can Never Die Note: Some immature Mormon has been slamming my reviews because I wrote some negative reviews of books attempting to defend the Book of Mormon.So your "helpful" votes are greatly appreciated. A short review is not necessarily a bad review if it leads you to a great movie. I've just noted the general theme. ThanksI hesitated to see this movie because I don't care for prison shows, but at last I rented it. Wow, what a powerful drama. It grabbed me and wouldn't let go. With terrific acting and a compelling plot, you are caught up in the life of an innocent man accused of murder and sent to the notorious "Shawshank" prison in Maine.This is the kind of movie that you will walk away from feeling inspired about the determination of human beings not only to survive but to triumph.Read my short review, then see the movie. Save the longer reviews until after. I hope I've written enough to plant the hook. Like me, you will wonder why you hesitated on this movie.
One for the ages I believe that,like good friends, we can count the truly great movies on the fingers of our hands. This picture is in my top 5 of all time. The performances alone, of all the cast, not just Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins, are superb. For me,it is the voice over of Mr Freeman that elevates the different moods and tones over the course of the story. Far from turning this into another jail break fiasco, we are left to wonder at the endurance of the human spirit and grieve at its frailty. There is no glorification of the physical violence, no homage to the "tough guy" routine, offered - rather a slow subtle appreciation for the ability to survive and to adapt to a hostile environment. Morgan Freeman's closing soliloquy of "I hope........" is not the atypical Hollywood triumphant ending but, a considered dose of reality. Please G-d, there wont be a sequel!
Bad 3D This review is not about the movie. It is about the 3D. A lot of people say the 3D is very good, so I hope that mine is just defective. I almost fell to the floor and had a grand mal seizure attack watching the blurryness of the movements. Horrible 3D quality on the one sent to me. No, it is not my TV and player because all my other 3D's work fine.
Brilliant This film based on Thomas Harris's masterpiece of a novel, is equally a masterpiece. Hopkins and Foster deliver Oscar winning performances and the adapted screenplay from the novel is great, leaving in all of the best moments.Hopkins stars as Hannibal Lecter, an imprisoned cannibal, who is interviewed by Agent Clarice Starling, played by Foster. He is interviewed by her on information on a series of killings. She asks information on "Buffalo Bill", a killer who skins women. Hannibal aggrees, but in return asks for personal information on Starling. Starling doesn't know though whether Lecter is just playing with her or whether or not he is giving true information. When a senator's daughter gets kidnapped, the chase is on.I am about to give away an event which some people may not want to know before watching this film.The movie contains the best scene of all time, that beeing Hannibal's escape; while the conclusion is absolutely brilliant. This thriller is heart pounding and smart and fast, and is recommended to everyone. It is my favorite movie of all time, and I recommend reading the book also as it gives away more interesting information.
Okay! Not as good as the 2000 version!! Okay! Different story line. Just liked the later version better than this one.
Don "The Dragon" Wilson's Terminator! Framed for murder and android police sent after him. I liked this quite a bit, has a lot of action and some good fights.
absurdly entertaining Its hard for me to review this movie as an adult. I was a large fan of the Indiana Jones movie as a child growing up, and this was the only one of the original trilogy that I had the opportunity to see on the big screen, and I loved it. It was very action packed and funny and never really let up. It did capture the imagination of my child mind, but now watching it as an adult I have to say that the reason that it captures your imagination is that none of it is possible. The movie starts with a great introduction of Indiana as a teenager discovering "evil grave robbers" discover a historic cross, wait a second isn't that kinda what indy does his whole life, digging up historical artifacts, because as it is explained "it belongs in a meuseum". It is with such broad stroke morality that the rest of the movie can be told. In the special features it is discussed that this is really the one that Spielberg and Lucas made as a crowd pleaser. The chase ends with a train pursuit where we learn in broad strokes where Indy's fear of snakes comes from and where he originally got his scar. At the end of it, Indy is trapped at a locked kaboose with no way to escape, but wait, there are a lot of items used in a magic act laying about in the car, so Indy goes into a magic box and when the bad guys come in to find him, they open the box that desinigrates but with no trace of Indy. Indy is then scene running outside the car, which by the way opens for the bad guys to better see Indy making his escape. I remember from that era that magic was really popular, and really worked best on film as you could cut it together to make it look however you want, even though we know this is impossible for magic prop to transport indy outside of the car, its an effective film gag that leaves my adult self scratching my head. Indy returns to his house where the police are waiting and take the cross back to the legal and rightful owners, cut to adult Indy, still searching after the cross, where he kills every one of the legal owners to take it back to a meusium. Also notice that the lovable villain that gave Indy his trademark hat isn't on the boat that gets blown up. So we learn about the grail then go to Venice to the most problematic scene of the movie. The sewer made of gas. Indy and his love interest are walking through said moat of petrol with torches that you can see pits of the tourch dropping off and falling still ablaze into the liquid. The defenders of the grail discover Indy is looking for the grail and light the sewer. Indy hides under the coffin that keeps them from burning up, looks underwater, i guess the liquid turned to water, cause gasoline would burn your eyes if you were swimming in it, and finds an exit to swim into the vinice sewer system. Thats right, the petrol sewer under the library connects with the water based venice sewer, nulifying the need to go through the library to begin with, not to mention that the petrol would dilute with the water, and notice how as the defenders of the grail, when leaving the library, are in a dead sprint, as if they know Indy escaped, but its so faced paced, you really aren't supposed to ask questions. I don't understand why Indy is let go after the boat chase. We go to get his father from Austria, and I still don't understand why Indy goes through the window to avoid triggering the door alarm when after he reunites with his father, they leave through said door. I don't see why the plain would go through the tunnel, makes no sense. Also when on the blimp and the funny no ticket line that all the germans react to, when its not in german, and it would definately give Indy away as being an American. There is the sign that says Venice this way, Berlin the other, like those are the only two points that are of any consequence in Austria. The entire movie is driven to get to the stunt scenes, embrace the popular christian faith as to reinforce basic morality without becoming preachy as their is no substance to this movie, and show a humorous coming together between Indy and his father. Nazi's are stupid and as Stevie says, its a get out of jail free card to abuse a Nazi. Its broad strokes history that in retrospect Nazi's were bad, they burned books, Indy saved the day. This is the worst of the original trilogy by far, and even though its not exactly a reality based series by any means, a lot of the solutions that are made in this movie are so impractical that it head scratching. I do love the Sean Connery, especially his well now what do you want to talk about speach, or that they both diddled the same girl. There is definately style in this movie, but I think the creator became too comfortable in that style and quit trying, not as bad as crystal skull which is unwatchable, but still very shallow film. Great effects and do have to watch it without thinking too hard. Great visuals. Definately worth watching though, at least once.
Dramatic movie I've seen this movie about 3 times and will be buying the DVD and watching it for the 4th, 5th... time. The movie represents the best and worst in humans and should be watched by everyone (except young children). Check your preconceptions at the door and watch it with an open and honest mind and you WILL be affected. There are probably some creative interpretations, but in whole this movie delivers its purpose with compassion.
Not a huge fan of this Bond here's why - Bond was always a classy cat with a lot of interesting spy weapons and gadgets. This is more like another action film and this Bond is to rough. Not bad, but just another action movie.
Masterpiece I have watched this movie at least three times and find it to be one of the most moving I have ever seen (Incendies is another). The movie excels on many levels. The story is fascinating, the characters have depth, and the love relationship is portrayed magnificently. The history adds validity to the story and it even has a surprise ending. Oh yes, the music provides another layer that very few movies have (Robert Altman's Nashville and Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge are great examples of this).
A movie that takes a deep look at homosexuality. This is probably the best indy-film I have ever seen. Kevin Smith does a fantastic job telling us this story of an average guy who falls in love with a lesbian. I've seen this kind of thing happen several times in movies, but this movie takes it a step further and really shows how these two people deal with it instead of just brushing it off.This is Ben Affleck's best performance ever! He deals with his eagerness to fall in love with this woman in a very sophisticated and sometimes emotional way. He tries to adapt to the idea of being just friends, but of course he can't take it any more and sits down with the girl and acts out one of the best monologues I've seen in a movie. Just watching him pour his heart out to this girl is beyond fantastic!Joey Lauren Adams as the girl of Ben Affleck's dreams shines tremendously. She is a very powerful actress in this film and plays this lesbian role with such great energy.Kevin Smith can tell a raw, yet emotional story about the tough things of love like not many other actors. Just watching the leading man and lady work off of each other is terrific.The one thing I truly learned from this film is that gays and lesbians are people. They don't deserve all of the jokes they are open to in film and television all the time. One's sexual orientation should not be frowned on by anyone.
This version of "Sabrina" was superbly done. The rendition of 1954's "Sabrina" was magnificently done! Sydney Pollack is an obviously superb director because the entire movie was wonderful--the enhanced script, the locations, and especially, the cast. Julia Ormond gave an outstanding encore to Hepburn's performance. She graced the character with such a serene and open-hearted presence that made her an absolute pleasure to watch. Harrison Ford was simply phenomenal as Linus Larrabee. He enhanced his character with what I call "Ford Finesse"--refined charisma and strength. His performance was fluid and his sensuality is always worth watching over and over again! Greg Kinnear also did a magnificent job as David Larrabee. He moved into his character with ease and brought such comic relief throughtout the movie that you'll want to rewind some parts over and over! I thoroughly enjoyed this movie! In fact, if you watch it without comparing it to the original, you want to watch this one over and over again!
The 'dogs' are on form This is, and continues to be one of my favourite films. The characters come alive, the dialogue is groovy baby. The Reservoir Dogs are the coolest bunch of guys i know. This film will stand for all time as a classic. Tartantino is a very gifted and creative man.
Three Legends, but not a great show. This is a great tape to own for any blues fan. Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, Junior Wells, and Pinetop Perkins on the same stage is very cool footage to see. Unfortunately, the sound quality is not very good, and the show itself is not the best. There are some great moments with Buddy Guy and Junior Wells, but when Muddy takes the stage, the show never really picks up. Buy the tape for the footage, and not for the music.
EXCELLENT What more can you really say? This movie was tremendously touching and as my nickname attests to, it leaves an impression ("Get busy livin' or get busy dying"). Morgan Freeman & Tim Robbins give the performance of their careers. Great supporting cast. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Great action movie Great movie with lots of bonus features on Bluray. Action scenes are entertaining and plot is intriguing. I enjoy the diversity and backstory of all the characters.
El Dorado When you are buying this video you must remember what "Region" you are ordering from. "Region 2" is overseas and is formated in PAL. The PAL format will not work on our american tvs. Other than that the cd was great to watch.
Funny I liked it better the the first but I found that this version cuts out some sceens that r in the original so i'd get the original instead.
Good World War II Fiction!!! Never has any World War II fictional movie been as suspenseful as those based from the novels of Alistair MacLean where it involves espionage and daring life at risk attempts such as "The Guns of Navarone", "Force Ten from Navarone" and "Where Eagles Dare". All of these MacLean novels fit the criteria where one would wonder "what will happen next?""Where Eagles Dare" has a great cast of characters with two veteran actors such as Richard Burton who plays the British commander Major Smith and Clint Eastwood as the only American involved in the rescue attempt, Army Ranger Lieutenant Schaffer, who make a daring attempt to rescue an American general before they could make him talk inside the fortress castle called the "Schloss Adler" (Castle of the Eagles).The movie was, perhaps, a little too modern for its time. The helicopter, in reality, was planned and under development around the time of World War II in America by Igor Sikorsky, but was not put into use until sometime before the Korean War. The downside of the movie was that of a Gestapo chief, Major Von Hapen (Derren Nesbitt), wearing a black SS Schutzstaffel uniform when, in reality, the Gestapo was a civilian organization. These were made up of agents that did not wear armbands or uniforms since they had to secretly spy on the general public throughout Nazi Germany and occupied countries under their control. The upside of the movie was the mind-boggling by Major Smith shortly after he and Lieutenant Schaffer confront the "general's" captors and British double agents while they were questioning him. One would have to watch the movie more than once in order to understand this segment of the plot. The fight scene on the cable car was also exciting to watch as was the destruction of the Schloss Adler while the daring escape took place.Overall, this action-packed movie was brilliantly conceived as it was exciting to watch.
Seabiscuit "You don't throw something away just because it's banged up a bit," says trainer Tom Smith of his current horse with a wounded leg. This proverbial line of dialogue presents one of the major themes of Seabiscuit; it's a film about second chances, turning nothing into something, and rising to victory during the darkest of times and circumstances (the fight of the underdog). The film borrows its title from the legendary racehorse Seabiscuit, who rose from the depths of mediocrity and assumed worthlessness to become a vastly adept racer capable of remarkable things. Long before "The Biscuit" ever set hoof in an arena, he already had one strike against him: he was too small. To boot, he was notoriously lethargic with a violent temperament. After the horse shook too many disappointed heads and caused too many grimaces (resulting in him being shoved from owner to owner at rock-bottom prices), his career as a racehorse was finally given the chance to flourish as he falls into the caring hands of hard-working and determined automotive businessman Charles Howard. He employs empathetic trainer Tom Smith, who had worked with less-than-perfect horses in the past, and young jockey Red Pollard, a bruised-and-battered boxer who also happens to be 5'7"-considered too tall for a jockey and a perfect match for the likewise imperfect Seabiscuit. The band of underdogs finally set out to race, and together they bring Seabiscuit to victory and acclaim, while simultaneously helping each other to accomplish their goals and realize their dreams. And because this story is true, their triumphs become all the more satisfying and genuine.The film shines courtesy of outstanding performances by the lead actors. In "period pieces" such as this one, actors are presented with a double-challenge: say the lines passionately and believably, and be able to make the character realistic within the context of that period. The period in this film is the 1930s, in the wake of the Great Depression, and the performances by Jeff Bridges, Tobey Maguire and Chris Cooper beautifully reflect the feelings, the dreams, and the ideology belonging to many people during the period. It was wise for the filmmakers to emphasize the historical context in which the story of Seabiscuit took place: such aforementioned ideals of hard work and determination are greatly enhanced by the circumstances of this disappointing time in history. Rather than completely delineating the back-stories of each of the central characters, the filmmakers give us snippets of what looks to be extracted straight from a Depression documentary, using still images and dictated factual information to bolster our understanding of the early-30s zeitgeist. We can then slip into the characters' stories en media res and clearly understand each of their motives. The film also boasts technical prowess. The cinematography is often used creatively to represent elements of the theme. At times, the higher-angle shots can be quite breathtaking. The editing works well; a fine mixture of extended shots and quick cutaways captures all of the nail-biting suspense of horseracing.Seabiscuit is an inspiring and beautifully told story of the ability to achieve even the most impossible of goals during the most unforgiving of circumstances.
Not 'Strange' or 'Bizarre'... just disappointing!!! I agree with the reviewer 'MJ' here! This compilation was really promoted as being something truly odd and bizarre... and really I didn't find anything in the least bit interesting about it, and some segments were just plain boring!... plus at least 3-4 segments can be found on the longer compilation "Holiday TV Classics" dvd set. Unfortunately, not thinking, I didn't look at the reviews for this dvd here, and purchased it from another distributor (one learns from his mistakes!). Regarding the 'Punch and Judy' movie... gee I found it way less 'violent' than anything kids watch on TV now!
Score ruins it The score absolutely ruins the movie you cant hear the diolouge! They turned the sound up too loud! Try to find the edition without the score!
...But you are still not having fun "Face/Off" is a dynamite-packed action powerhouse, with loads of stuff being blown to Kingdom Come, lots of people getting shot at and shot and loads of fun tossed in for good measure.The basic plot takes you along with obsessive FBI agent Sean Archer in his all-consuming chase for arch-enemy and criminal nasty type, Castor Troy, backed up by his genius brother, Pollux. Part of this chase requires Archer to assume Troy's identity via surgery, completely off the record and totally "black bag". Of course, it all goes wrong."Face/Off" almost seems choreographed in its fight sequences and shoot outs, which is pretty usual for director John Woo's style. However, the action is fast, furious and volatile. There is also lots of it.Both John Travolta and Nicholas Cage are brilliant as Sean Archer and Castor Troy, a challenging duality of personalities to act. Both actors did a marvelous job of it.Under all the violence, there are glimpses of Archer's personal journey as he delves into Castor Troy's world. Archer's dealings with Sasha, (Troy's girlfriend), promote some realisation and increased humanity in him.I have seen this movie a whole heap of times, and find that the years have not diminished it as a great action movie. It is one that can be seen again and again, with the same sense of relish and entertainment.
Good concept, badly done This is a psychological thriller. Scary but no gore- how I prefer it. Problem being? Nicole Kidman's terrible from beginning to end. The movie is set back before electricity existed and men were away at war, so the dialogue and the children are pretty boring and minimal. Everything is focused around the dictator-like character Nicole tries to play. Yawn. The best parts of this movie are what you saw in the trailer for it! It drags on until the plot twist which reminded me of another certain movie that it worked a LOT better for. Rent this movie if you like these types of movie's but really, don't expect much or you'll be very disappointed. And irritated about the wasted time you can never get back!
CURSE YOU WAHLBERG! I viewed Saw II (I now refuse to say "saw" in connection with this series) immediately after watching Saw thanks to my buddy Matt, who bought both DVDs and then let me borrow them. With the first movie fresh in my mind, I slid the disc into my DVD player and held my breath.If Saw was a homage of Se7en, Saw II is a rip-off of Cube. If you haven't seen Cube, here's the premise: total strangers wake up in a room. The room is part of a larger structure that is really just an excuse to off the victims one by one with innovative death traps. Cube is one of my favorite movies, because the cube had its own internal logic. It was an interesting, horrifying existential take on the best and worst of the human condition.Just like Cube, Saw II has the usual cast of characters: the slinky femme fatale (Addison, played by the gorgeous Emmanuelle Vaugier), the stressed out freak (Obi, played by Tim Burd), the neurotic schlub (always the first to die, who cares who plays him), the sweet-as-pie innocent (Laura, played by Beverley Mitchell), the young punk (Daniel, played by Erik Knudsen), the mole (Shawnee Smith reprising her role as Amanda), the leader (Jonas, played by Glenn Plummer) and last but not least the most important character of all: the psychopath (Xavier, played with hulking brutality by Franky G)! That's right ladies and gentlemen, it's not just enough to put complete strangers in a room full of traps, it helps if you mix it up a bit by adding a slavering nutjob who isn't afraid to get through the traps by throwing other people into them.If Saw II sounds like a completely different film from the first, you're right. According to IMDB, this WAS another film that was retooled as a sequel to Saw. It shows.Interspersed between shots of the wacky Funhouse of Death is a psychological standoff between Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) and Daniel's father Eric, played by... Donnie Wahlberg! Curse you Wahlberg, was it not enough that you were a muttering bald man in Dreamcatcher? Is there no end to the spread of your evil?Ahem. Anyway, Wahlberg spits venom, knocks stuff over, and utterly fails to be convincing as a concerned father, a tough cop, or an actual menace to Jigsaw. By the end of the movie, I felt pretty bad for `ole Jigsaw. I mean, all the guy is trying to do is make an entertaining film by killing off a bunch of crooks. Is that so bad?This film's traps are considerably more elaborate and the gore factor is definitely upped; enough that I was given pause while eating pizza (Will I never learn? CURSE YOU WAHLBERG!). The clever riddles that Jigsaw gives Detective Wahlberg are lost in the whip-snap camera shots, rendering the second plot more of a distraction than anything else. The final twist is more of a cheat, but the real payoff is in knowing what happened to the characters from the first movie.In the end, this sequel can't possibly duplicate the taut thrills of Saw because it's actually two films awkwardly mashed together. And it has Wahlberg. Given the conclusion, perhaps we have finally seen the end of my arch nemesis.But I doubt it.
This is the worst This is the worst! I can't possible say anymore!
Breaks your heart Many years ago Robert Aubrey Davis played the Phil Ochs song "When I'm Gone" on his radio show and it just floored me; it was and remains one of the most beautiful and moving songs I've ever heard. Despite that fact, I never really got into Ochs's music in a big way or listened to it the way I listened to so many other folk singers. The songs are witty, brilliant, tragic, and topical, but perhaps at some level just not as "listenable" or accessible to me. Nevertheless, I was really pleased to see that this documentary had been made, and that it is very worthwhile, if heartbreaking on many levels. Heartbreaking because the violence of the Vietnam War, the Pinochet coup in Chile, and all the political assassinations in this country during the 1960's come flooding back and one feels them through the filter of Ochs's moral outrage. Heartbreaking because despite (or because of) his courageous and compassionate heart, Ochs succumbed to the demons of alcoholism and mental illness. Heartbreaking because the nation and the world are still torn by war and bigotry, albeit progress has arguably been made on some fronts. But it's worth getting your heart broken out of respect for Ochs's memory; this is an important film for the history of the country and the history of folk music. I also was very interested to learn that Ochs had traveled to Chile and Africa and played world music way before that became a popular trend. If he had lived, he might well have reinvented himself and enjoyed a major comeback.
SIMPLY THE BEST FILM OF ALL TIME Saving Private Ryan took my breath away. It is emotionally stirring and disturbingly realistic. Spielburg, Hanks, Damon, Burns, and all the others did a wonderful job. It ranks up there with epics like Braveheart and Laurence of Arabia.
Rerelease!!! Yea! What can one say about Disney, it was a request from my daughter for Christmas - can't wait to watch it with her. By the way she is 34!
"The Mystical Bond Between Man And Machine" Let me begin by saying that I approached my viewing of this film without knowing much about the Autobot world of Transformers. I was well past the age of interest in such things when the Hasbro toys hit the market and to be honest I probably wouldn't have been interested even if I had been a young adolescent at the time. I happen to be one of those aberrant males who never developed an interest in things mechanical, especially cars. Hence you can imagine how uninspiring the thought of a feature film about a robotic alien race that can shapeshift into cars, trucks and planes must have sounded to me.Having given my disclaimer I must now admit that I loved the film! The special effects were mind-boggling and the storyline fast and furious, with a infectious comedic flavoring spread throughout thanks to the immensely talented Shia Lebeouf. Add to the mix Megan Fox, one of the most attractive young women I've seen in quite a while and you're in for a great adventure that can be enjoyed by all (well maybe not so enjoyable for girls).*You Heard It Here First Section: Mark my words, with his innocent, boy-next-door looks and his ability to run non-stop for long distances Shia Lebeouf is destined to become the next Tom Cruise in the not-too-distant future.
Great film A great movie...probally 5th best of 9
peter pan disney platignum excellent Excellent. Great idea of special features including a read-along with script below. Wonderful for early readers.Stupendous to be able to obtain for children all one's childhood favorites in the ORIGINAL, not some politically correct version which insults one's intelligence.
Not Amazing. Regrettably I own this DVD, One would expect that at a price tag of $20+ you would receive a bit more applicable information.I was expecting instruction. The presentation is good but could have used a fair bit more polish. The individuals making the presentation I believe were knowledgeable but lack a bit of organization.(camera spooked) If your goal is to differentiate between similar basic maneuvers then you wont be disappointed. If you goal is to find several practicable forms then it is lacking, Accurate, but lacking.(Now i hope they don't show up and chop me in half..;)
Jackie Brown shows us a side of life most never see I really enjoy this movie. I've seen it over and over. I think that what I liked most about it was the fact that the lead character, Jackie, decides to take a chance when push comes to shove. She recognizes that even though she's somewhat at the mercy of some very powerful men, including gun dealer Ordell and ATF agent Ray, she's smart enough to realize that they're both cocky and overly confident, and she can use this weakness to not only break away from both their control, but she can play them against each other and also get the money. She even plays Max Cherry a little, using his infatuation with her to her own advantage.There is one scene where Jackie, knowing Ordell is coming to her home after she's bailed out of jail, has a gun hidden and ready. She could have ended up a victim like Beaumont, but she knows Ordell for what he really is and not only gets out of the jam she's in, but actually gets HIM to work for HER in her scheme.There is also another very telling scene where Jackie comes home late one night and has a message on her answering machine from Max and he gives her something like 3 different phone numbers, and you can just sense the weariness in Jackie. In fact, I imagined her thinking "men are so predictable."
It's a great film - Count on it! The tradition of the Dracula film, which has lasted almost since the movies began, is undoubtedly the main influence on the making of the film. There are influences which date back to the Hammer films of the 1950s to 1970s, and of course the very fact that the film was made must have its roots in the Universal films or even in Nosferatu. Another influence was the "Dark Knight franchise makeover", deriving its name from the way Batman was reinvented initially in comic books, and then for the big screen in the 1980s. In both cases, a reinvention was necessary because both characters and genres had become associated with cliché and spoof. We needed to be able to take our heroes and villains seriously again and films like Batman and Dracula gave us that opportunity.Francis Ford Coppola's 1992 film (not directed by Bram Stoker, as the title implies) has its heritage in the 1980s gothic revival. It was not uncommon in the late 1980s to attend a pop concert and find people dressed as vampires, even to the extent of having their teeth filed into fangs, and the glamorisation of vampirism is nowhere more evident in the casting of Sadie Frost as a vampire neophyte.Perhaps the Vlad The Impaler sub-story could have been omitted as this detracts from the idea of this being Bram Stoker's DraculaTo reinvent the genre, a different approach has been taken to several of the standard elements of Dracula films. The Count is not the debonair creature portrayed by Lugosi or Lee, although he is no less charming. The prefacing of the title with 'Bram Stoker's' suggests authenticity, as if this is the definitive version. It is understandable that the film-makers wanted to do this, because how else would they tell the public this wasn't just another Dracula movie, and break away from the camp that the name would otherwise imply? It is interesting to note that since this was made, vampire films have all tried a different angle, such as The Vampire Of Brooklyn, Interview With A Vampire, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer. The sets are beautifully made, at once magnificent and decaying, reflecting the nature of the film's central character.Apart from Gary Oldman, the most outstanding member of the cast has to be Anthony Hopkins. He makes Van Helsing less sympathetic than the traditional Peter Cushing character, but that might just be my soft spot for Cushing. Hopkins gives the character some menace that makes you believe that he is a worthy adversary to the count.
Very good movie After trashing several of John's movies I thought I would review one that I really liked. It is a good story about a man who suddenly finds that his ability to reason has been kicked up by a factor of ten. He manages to design a super fertilizer, court a lonely widow and become an icon for his small community less then a year. It is a great movie to rent with your date.Overall-If you like K-Pax you will like this..
A VERY TOUCHING MOVIE! The Krays what can i say the best film iv'e ever seen it touced me alot the way they did not get caught for 18 years i won't go on but theirs more to the the krays than meets the eye yea you can watch the films documentarys and even visit websites but thiers alot more but to all you kray lovers merry chrimbo and a happy reggie new year.
DS9 Season Seven-Badda Bing,Badda Bang!!! The final season of DS9,coming after a three season winning streak,hits a bump during the season ,yet it was still superior than any other show of it's genre .The death of Jadzia Dax somewhat took the wind out of the series,and the new Dax,Ezri(Nicole DeBoer)an unprepared new Trill host,was written as"Ally McTrill",only to emerge as more comfortable with the roll as the show wound down.Some episodes ranged from mediocre(Prodigal Daughter) to downright weak(The Emperor's New Cloak,Extreme Measures) .Aside from the Finale Arc(including Penumbra,Strange Bedfellows,Tacken To The Wind & Dogs Of War),Take Me Out To The Holosuite,The Siege at AR 558,Chimara and Inter Arma...ranks as some of DS9's greatest episodes.What makes the seventh season DVD set so special is the crew Dossier of Benjamin and Jake Sisko (Ezri Dax's profile is only available on a limited edition bonus disc),the multiple Section 31 files profiling the supporting cast,as well as "The Last Goodbye",a documentary lenghth special feature with the finale day of cast shooting(the scene at Vics with the writers and producers appearing as audience members) and the final wrap party(Terry Ferrell's appearence was a welcome surprise).Even with a mixed quality of episodes from earlier in the season,the finale arc leading up to What You Leave Behind as well as the DVD extras,reminded us of how great DS9 was,and that hopefully we'll return to her someday.
An Epic that will be forevermore in our hearts!! I saw Gone With the Wind when I was a child, and many times since, and like true classics you will find something to love about the film each time. Braveheart is a classic such as this.Okay, there are vast inaccuracies, so I will not bother to address them all for it would take pages. Randall Wallace did the screen play (had never heard of William until a vacation in Scotland!!) maintains you should never let historical facts get in the way of a good screenplay and he went to great length to demonstrate this!! But what was a so so story of Wallace rising against Longshanks, is refined and fleshed out by Mel as director. It is a long movie, and yet the pace is quick, with super battle sequences (though the Battle of Sterling Bridge is fought with the bridge here!!).I do take umbrage at the very unfair treatment of Robert the Bruce, shown fighting on the English side. At that point, he had been commanded to turn over his daughter as hostage/guarantee to Longshanks to insure he remained loyal to the British side. He had refused to do so, which meant he would have never been with the British host at Falkirk. There was no need to besmirch Bruce's character in order to make Wallace the super hero. Both played pivotal roles in the fight for Scottish freedom.Patrick McGoohan (Secret Agent, Prisoner) is frighteningly perfect as Longshanks. Angus MacFadden is gorgeous as Bruce. Sophia Marceau is radiant as the Edward II's Princess. Ian Bannen give his usual strong character support as Bruce the elder.Just forget history. There are plenty of good books out there if you wish to get the real facts of Wallace. What Mel delivers as director and as Wallace is a deeply moving, beautiful tale that catches the spirit of Wallace.Any movie that makes William Wallaces known around the world has more than fulfilled is purpose.
Sydney White I have seen this movie before, so I knew it was going to be good. What I liked about ordering it off of Amazon is that it was easily accessible on my Kindle Fire, and I didn't have to watch it immediately.
Borat A very unusual but halarious movie. This movie is for anyone who wants a good laugh. Very silly but halarious nevertheless.
Disney and Pixar do it again! I thought this latest venture by Disney and Pixar was excellent. The characters were simply wonderful. The story was one that both adults and children could follow, and once you were into the story, it took you away. I found it totally entertaining and enjoyed every minute of it. It will soon become one of the Disney Classics!
"Turn on your heart light now. . . " I sit and watch this gem of a movie and think about a song by Neil Diamond, "Heartlight".Yes, after all these years the end still moves me to weep. But it's worth it."I'll be right here." - E.T.
Compelling horror I'm a fan of horror scenes that mean nothing by themselves butin context of the rest of the movie have the greatestimplications. Exorcist 3 has several such (note the part when he sees the old woman in the kitchen). By the way, did anyone notice Fabio's "cameo" as an angel in the heaven scene?
Good DVD Although Star Trek V may not be hailed by Star Trek Fans as "The Greatest Star Trek of All Time," its not without its merit. As far the DVD, it has what you are looking for. The second disc has all the behind the scene's stuff, and interviews that you have come to expect from Two-Disc specials.
I really do not like this "yoga" dvd To me, a big part of yoga is the flow that it creates within your body. As you move from one pose to another you are able to feel your muscles stretch to the new position. With this program, it seems like there would be many different workouts all recorded separately which is what I expected. Rather, they recorded the guy starting from plank pose doing a pose then returning to plank (lying on the ground) for each pose and then the dvd just plays these in a series depending on what you want to do; each move starts and ends and there is not connection between move. For some people this could work for them, but not for me.
Alot like Sleepy Hollow Great cinematography, moderate plot, believable acting. But come on, it is little red riding hood. For sheer entertainment its a fantastic movie. For the people that dislike the movie, get over it, its a fairy tail. If anyone has ever actually read the original Brothers Grimm version, you'd have to give it at least a B+, for following the story line. This is a bit more realistic than "twilight" no pretty boys prancing here. If you liked this, you should watch Snow White A tale of Terror with Sigourney Weaver.
Good movies. Some great old horror movies in the collection. A couple of old classics and a few new ones that I hadn't heard of. Still watching and so far enjoying.
Great movie! Awsome movie. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I would recomend this movie to anyone who wants a great movie to watch!!
oh good lord.....why? This is the point where the Halloween series officially ran out of steam. After a truly horrifying ending in part 4, the filmmakers decided to completely blow it off and set us up with a ridiculous story of Michael being psychically linked to his terrified niece (Danielle Harris). Slightly better than the following Halloween 6 but that means absolutely nothing. In this film it is hinted that Michael is linked to some ancient Norse curse from a tatoo on his hand. Wasn't it scarier when no one understood why he was doing all this killing? The minute filmmakers try to explain the origin of an unstoppable serial killer, it's time to bury the guy. Quick. On a final note, don't believe the video box when it says "Michael Myers is finally unmasked! " You only get to see an extreme closeup of his eye, which doesn't look the least bit messed up (considering he was burned pretty badly at the end of Halloween 2 they could've thrown in at least a little scar tissue). Watch the first film. Then if you must see 2-4. Then stop if you know what's good for you.
A plot that had so much to explore! Uneven and confused thriller about the lives and risks of a Secret Society and a very young student who is recruited to join them. Some twists and turns here and there but with evident narrative holes that demerit the final balance. Craig T. Nelson and William Petersen do their best they can with this predictable script.Nevertheless, there are some intriguing moments that may justify its rent for a rainy weekend.
Favorite of the series, so far The third installment of the Twilight series has been my favorite so far....the acting and special effects were so much better than the first movie and there was more Edward than the second movie. There are some nice special features and behind-the-scenes stuff with the 2-disc special edition DVD as well.
5-DVD set??????? Can anyone explain why this set is a 5-DVD set when the picture only shows 4-DVD's??? What is on the 5th DVD??? 5-stars because I know I will like the set. HA! :)
A film you can dissect and see how all the elements work You must see this film with a loud sound system.Run Lola Run is high impact on every level. The plot is easy enough: Lola's motor scooter is stolen and as a result she is unable to pick up her boyfriend Manni for an important criminal gem/money exchange. Manni, forced to walk, and take the train, left the money on the train and a bum ran off with it. Lola has 20 minutes to raise 100,000 DM and save her boyfriend Manni from being killed by a crime boss.Three scenarios play out in the film. Two end in disaster, one ends in triumph. The music and thumping of the tech music soundtrack serves as the score, the beating of the main character's heart, and the tick-tock of a 20-minute window of time slipping away. The visuals are a marvel, making use of filmed scenes as well as scenes shot on video and later transfered to film for a muted look. Every scene with Lola or Manni is film while any scene without them is shot on video.Pay attention to where the color RED appears (phone, hair, ambulance, and even the color of the bedroom scenes that separate the three scenarios). Try to see where the old blind lady (God)with black sunglasses appears in each scenario and what purpose she serves. Note the occasions when glass breaks. See how the fates of peripheral but essential characters in the film change from scenario to scenario in these sudden moments of flash frames. Lola's father is a sinner, a bank executive who is cheating on his wife, Lola's mother, with a woman with fading reddish-brown hair. Red, failure, mortality. He denies Lola any help and reveals to her the affair without remorse. My favorite use of visuals is comparing a round clock (a symbol for our mortality) with the round roulette wheel in a casino (God's clock...where miracles happen). At one point Lola runs across a huge open courtyard with a fountain and it looks exactly like a roulette wheel and the betting grid. Lola is killed in one scenario, watches Manni get killed in another, but succeeds in the third because she "surrenders" to the almighty while praying and running with her eyes closed through busy Berlin. Lola is "guided to a casino, hence the roulette wheel. Of course, Lola's hair is red, but she does not bet on Red. Red is blood, red is failure, red is our mortality. When she gambles her only money she bets on the number 20 (minutes)and on the color BLACK, the color of the Nuns, the black sunglasses, and hence the intervention of God. She wins on that number twice in a row, a miracle. She walks away with over 100,000 dm.Lola is put into service for the almighty when she gets into an ambulance (red ambulance) and holds hands with a heart-attack victim (a guard from her father's bank.) Her presence gives him the will to live and his heartbeat, a thumping music of a different sort, returns to normal.Manni is also "saved" when the blind old lady with black sunglasses tells him to "wait" and sure enough Manni sees the person who stole the money from him. While Manni is chasing the bum he causes an unintentional accident in the street that hurts (punishes) Lola's rotten father as well as killing the thief who stole her motor scooter at the beginning of the film.God's wrath. Manni "surrenders" as well, giving his gun to the bum in exchange for the money.Manni, now gunless and useless as a criminal, gives the money to the crime boss, and meets Lola, who is waiting for him with a bag on money. She now realizes that not only is Manni saved from the fate of the crime boss, but she and Manni can both start an honest life together and not resort to crime seeing as how she has over 100,000 dm in a bag that is all theirs. The film ends with Lola smiling in joy as Manni simply asks: "What's in the bag?"THis is a masterpiece of fate, divine intervention, trying to take matters into our own hands, punishing the wicked and saving sinners. Yes, this movie is heavy on spirit and don't believe anyone who says otherwise. The theme of all the elements being used to facilitate either a disaster or salvation is so comprehensive and well-executed that even the the most angry-at-God person or atheist will be knocked down by how good this film is. Don't let foreign films scare you away. This is even a good film for a youth group for teens at a church! Yes it's in German and yes you will have to read subtitles. FYI, this review I just wrote has about as many words as all of the dialogue of the film so see? You can do it. Miracles happen even to the viewers of Run Lola Run!JIM MACAYEAL
What took it so long.....? What took it so long to come on DVD? I have been waiting for 4 years to see it on DVD
Fantastic Movie! I was extremely excited to purchase this movie, as I remember watching it when I was younger. The movie came to my address, which is overseas, very quickly. The movie itself I really enjoyed. I LOVE WWII movies, and WWII history all together. While I am currently living overseas, I was very happy to watch this movie, as the plane took off from a RAF base. Fantastic movie! Great buy!
It's 'Family Guy' without the humor It's not that this DVD is necessarily's just not funny. It's almost like they took a normal Family Guy episode, lengthened it, and then surgically removed all the funny stuff. If I'd wanted to watch a boring, laugh-less Fox cartoon, I would have watched any episode of King of the Hill in syndication...for free.Don't spend the money on this stinker. Rent it, Netflix it, or just borrow it from some other poor soul (like me) who bought this $20 coaster.
Worst Scream Of Them All Is On A Mediocre DVD Let's face it, Scream was never really a horror series, it was always a satire of its own genre. The first one was able to be a satire and be its own genre at the same time. Scream 2 failed at this, and 3 followed right in 2's footsteps. Scream 3 follows the same formula, with the same boring characters(who are duller than ever I might add, Cox looks bad). I don't want to give away the plot, as it might make the movie sound even worse than it already is in this review. The only reason I bought the Scream 3 DVD was because I am trying to get every Craven film, and the DVD was around the same price as the VHS. It also looked like it had some nice features. Boy was I dissapointed. The only thing good about the movie is the sound, but it still doesn't make any of the scenes scary. Picture quality is alright for the movie, but when it comes to the features, forget about it. The outtaks, the deleted scenes, the original ending, they are all presented in very crappy quality film that looks like someone filmed it with a video camera. I can't really recommend Scream 3 to anyone. Stay away, and stick with some more satisfying Craven films like People Under the Stairs.
Not quite the pit of despair, but close... The entry of Jess Franco to Harry Alan Towers' Fu Manchu series signalled the beginning of the end. Fast, cheap and amazingly bad, Franco is one of the few directors who could make Michael Winner look like Stanley Kubrick by comparison. After all, it takes denial on an Olympian scale to have David De Keyser dub three separate characters IN THE SAME SCENE or to include black and white stock footage from 'A Night to Remember' in a colour film (in The Castle of Fu Manchu) and think that if you tint it blue no-one will notice...'The Blood of Fu Manchu' is marginally the better of his two Fus, but its still a major step down for the Christopher Lee series. Fully restored, but really no better for it, the presentation is enough reason for disappointed Fu Fans to consider adding it to their collection. The print is the best you're likely to see (the film is marginally better shot than most of Franco's efforts) and the extras package is more entertaining than the film (although the same can be said of mending a faulty waste-disposal). The first of a two-part documentary gives a brief background to the series with some candid observations from Tsai Chin and Shirley Eaton, as well as a somewhat more relaxed than usual Christopher Lee, countering Franco's unwarranted enthusiasm; one of the two trailers actually makes the film look good (quite an achievement); and the notes on the Fu Manchu novels are enlightening.Incidentally, this print credits Peter Welbeck - Towers' regular pseudonym - as writer, but the film was actually written by Manfred Barthel and Jaime Jesus Blacazar.When even Harry Alan Towers admits a film is bad, you know you're in trouble. On the featurette on The Castle of Fu Manchu he recalls turning to the amazingly untalented and prolific Jess Franco after seeing the final cut and telling him "You've done something I didn't think was possible: you've killed Fu Manchu." And how...Badly directed, written, acted, photographed, recorded - heck, I'm willing to bet that even the catering was bad on this one - it's a real ordeal even for the most devoted Fu Manchu fan. If you thought the series couldn't get worse after the astonishing use of black and white stock footage from 'A Night to Remember,' you ain't seen nothin' yet. And not seeing it is probably the best thing to do by far.But, for Fu Fanatics, the disc is still a must buy, if only for the extras and the presentation. The second of the two-part documentary descends into Jess Franco telling Christopher Lee stories about other films, but the rest of the package is well put together and Blue Underground's transfer is the best the film has probably ever looked (not much of a compliment, it's true). Now, if only we could get this kind of presentation on the highly enjoyable initial entry 'The Face of Fu Manchu' or its two immediate sequels 'The Brides of Fu Manchu' and 'The Vengeance of Fu Manchu' - they may not be masterpieces, but they're a lot more fun than these FuBar foulups!
What...a...Fam...mill...lee!!! This one of very few films which I find more entertaining each time I see it again. (The others include Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Singin' in the Rain, and Young Frankenstein.) Directed by Mike Nichols, working with a script written by Elaine May, its major characters are Armand Goldman (Robin Williams), Albert Goldman when not performing as "Starina" (Nathan Lane), Senator Keeley (Gene Hackman) and his wife Louise (Diane Wiest), and Agador Spartacus (Hank Azaria). Most of those who have seen this film since it appeared in 1996 probably know that it is (somewhat) based on La Cage Aux Folles, a play written by Jean Poiret and then a film directed by Edouard Molinaro. (Actually, knowing all this neither adds to nor detracts from what Nichols and his associates achieve.) In fact, the basic dramatic situation can be traced back more than 2,000 years to classical "comedies of error."The plot line is rather straightforward. Val Goldman (Dan Futterman) informs his gay parents that he is in love and intends to marry the Keeleys' daughter, Barbara (Calista Flockhart). Most of the film focuses on a celebration dinner party in the Goldmans' home, above their nightclub, The Birdcage. Nichols brilliantly manipulates the plot (such as it is) to create a series of hilarious situations in which the Goldmans attempt to deceive the Keeleys and thereby not jeopardize their beloved son's marriage. When I think of the body of Nichols' work as a director, I am amazed by his versatiulity. (Consider his treatment of marital issues in The Birdcage juxaposed with those in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? or The Graduate. Consider how much mileage he got out of the relatively thin plot in Working Girl.) Somehow, he seems to evoke a quality and complexity of performance from his actors that they seldom (if ever) achieve in films directed by others. Gene Hackman is a case in point. His portrayal of Senator Keeley is fully-conceived but entirely in comic terms. (Why has his talent for comedy been so seldom utilized? It is only briefly suggested in Unforgiven and somewhat more evident in The Royal Tannenbaums. The same is true of Rod Steiger and George C. Scott.) In many of his roles, I think Williams impersonates rather than inhabits his character. Not so in this film. He is at all times under control -- but with appropriate restraint -- as Armand Goldman struggles to support and protect those whom he loves. As the loyal but incompoetent houseboy/cook/butler Agador Spartacus, Azaria almost steals the film from his talented colleagues. Obviously not true but so it appears, Nichols seems to direct his actors without effort. His sense of timing and pace is flawless.This film is great fun. Granted, it contains some clever social satire of hypocrisy, homophobia, self-serving politics, etc. It also includes several touching moments as when Armond attempts to reassure Albert of his fidelity and when Katherine (Christine Baranski) tries so hard to help make a favorable impression on her son's prospective in-laws. However, the film's primary purpose is to entertainand it does so without breaking any bones...or hearts. How refreshing!Indeed.... "C'est magnifique!"
There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion Director Terry Gilliam got his start doing animated shorts for the British comedy program Monty Python and then directing their feature films. An early non-Python project, Brazil, nevertheless contained Python cast members. No pythons were harmed during the making of Twelve Monkeys, but the same can't be said of the audience members. Look at Twelve Monkeys as a cinematic experiment that ultimately failed, but valuable information was gleaned from the experience, mostly about what not to do.First, if you are going to have a post apocalyptic scenario where all but a small percentage of humans are killed and the ones who survive live like worms underground, don't factor in time travel as a plot device, because it is just not believable that such a society could achieve time travel, given their obvious setbacks. Next, don't cast Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt (more about them later), and third, have a less ambiguous ending, where they either save the world, or not, but don't leave the whole thing unresolved, where you have to question what was the point, if any, of this novel cinematic experience.I can vouch for Gilliam. Brazil was quite inventive and creative, and The Fisher King was fantastic. Great performances from Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges in The Fisher King, but more important than any individual performance, the movie worked as a whole. Would that the same could be said of Twelve Monkeys.----------------------James Cole: I'm here about some monkeys.Jeffrey Goines: Monkeys?James Cole: Monkeys. Yes. Twelve of them.===========================James Cole (Bruce Willis) is a prisoner with a violent past who is 'volunteered' to go back to the past to find out how the deadly epidemic started, and how was the virus spread. He gives his usual smug action hero performance with just a touch of self mockery, to fool you into thinking that he doesn't take himself too serious. But he does take himself way too serious, and so all the smug mugging and ironic winks are for naught. "All I see are dead people," he says at one point. Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Willis? Is this meant to mock his role in The Sixth Sense? If so, then that is a pretty clever little joke -- but not clever enough to save this film.-------------------------James Cole: I'm looking for the Army of the Twelve Monkeys.===================================James (Bruce Willis) Cole ends up in a mental institution where he meets Jeffrey Goines (Brad Pitt). On the way in, we see a television monitor where some of the patients are watching Tex Avery cartoons. This is way too heavy handed symbolism to show that Brad Pitt is going to be acting like a cartoon. Just like Johnny Depp based a character on Pepe La Peu crossed with Keith Richards, it seems that Pitt has a similar design in mind for Jeffrey Goines. Was he trying to simultaneously play both Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd? There were moments of brilliance, but overall it just didn't work. Brad just dug himself deeper and deeper into a Pitt.-----------L.J. Washington: I don't really come from outer space.Jeffrey Goines: Oh. L. J. Washington. He doesn't really come from outer space.L.J. Washington: Don't mock me my friend. It's a condition of mental divergence. I find myself on the planet Ogo, part of an intellectual elite, preparing to subjugate the barbarian hordes on Pluto. But even though this is a totally convincing reality for me in every way, nevertheless Ogo is actually a construct of my psyche. I am mentally divergent, in that I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here. When I stop going there, I will be well. Are you also divergent, friend?==================That was a tremendous scene but the character of L.J. Washington is just a throw away. It would have been a much better movie if it had followed L.J. Washington's divergences instead of Pitt's and Willis' amateur attempts at acting. BTW, L.J., love those bunny slippers.Madeleine Stowe, who was also great in Playing by Heart, put in a strong performance as head shrinker Kathryn Railly, but she was unable to prevent the catastrophe from unfolding, i.e., the premiere of Twelve Monkeys.Fight Club(1999) Brad Pitt was Tyler DurdenPlaying By Heart(1998) Madeleine Stowe was GracieThe Fifth Element(1997) Bruce Willis was Korben Dallas... aka Le cinquième élément (France)Pulp Fiction(1994) Bruce Willis was Butch CoolidgeKalifornia(1993) Brad Pitt was Early GrayceHudson Hawk(1991) Bruce Willis was Hudson HawkThe Fisher King(1991) Directed by Terry GilliamThe Two Jakes (Special Collector's Edition)(1990) Madeleine Stowe was Lillian BodineThe Adventures of Baron Munchausen (20th Anniversary Edition)(1988) Directed by Terry GilliamBrazil(1985) Directed by Terry Gilliam-------------------Jeffrey Goines: There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion.===========================
I'd like to thank Elite Entertainment for the REAL version! This is THE biggest waste of money I have ever encountered. I hadn't seen the film since I was a kid, so I bought it hoping to see a re-enactment of my childhood memories, and it seemed that this wasn't the way I had remembered the film.So to compensate, I took a chance and bought the Elite Entertainment THX Millennium Edition of "Night Of The Living Dead" to see the way this classic was supposed to be.Well, to say the least I snapped this "30th Anniversary Edition" in half and burnt the rest of the material in protest. In short, THIS ANCHOR BAY EDITION IS THE MOST HORRIBLE PRESENTATION OF THIS CLASSIC. YOU MUST AVOID!
Run through the jungle action Look there goes Arnold running through the jungle shooting large guns and keeping his dialogue to a minimum. His friends are doing the same thing only they are getting killed. If you like movies that have high popcorn value then you should buy this Bluray disc. It is the best transfer so far of this movie available in any video format. If you have seen the DVD versions of this movie you will know what I'm talking about. They are all washed out and super murky. There are still some problems with this transfer of course- it is anything but perfect but it still looks pretty good for an action film from the 80's. If you want this movie for special effects or to show off your great bluray system this isn't the disc for you. However if you just want to watch a decent scifi movie filled with blood and frantic alien chase scenes then break out the popcorn- send the kids to bed and prepare to watch some mindless action and 80's style jungle warfare violence.
A dream behind the reality? A conservative software programmer -Neo- will be designed for the master hacker -Morpheus- curiously the Greek God of dream as the saver of the mankind.The dialogue among them is the key.Morpheus: The Matriz is everywhere . It is all around us ...It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind from the truth . And the truth is the answer behind Neo' s intriguing question is : that you are a slave. Like everyone else you were born in bondage , born into a prison that you can not smell or taste or touch . A prison for your mind . Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is . You have to see it for yourself.And the Agent Smith says to Morpheus: ... Billions of people just living their lives ...oblivious. But I believe the human beings define reality through suffering and the misery. The perfect world was a ream that your primitiove cerebrum keep trying to wake up from. Why is why the Matrix was re-designed to this: the peak of your civilization.Ignorance is bliss says the Cypher accompanied of a smooth melody played by a harp .The film has multiple readings but to my mind you have to go to Dostoievski and the Great Inquirer - the free will- and William Blake can give us important references to understand the real state of the things in which we are immersed. This clever puzzle of images and illusions where you can be living the otherness of yourself and not your real bliss and unless you do not realize, you can wake up easily of this dream at seventy when nothing can be done . Beware if you are not a centered people , because you can be damned to turn around a fashion style of living .This is a film intellectual stimulating.
OH NO This movie (DVD)is a waste of time, is one of the worst movies I saw last year. Tom Cruise is totally overacting (I believe he was trying to win an oscar in every scene) and Penelope Cruz is horrible, the only thing who saves a little is Cameron Diaz.My advice don't waste your time and money
Originally titled 'A Stranger in the House" I saw this movie on HBO in the late 1970's, as a kid, under the above listed title. This one is well worth the watch. I have watched horror movies my whole life and can honestly say that very few genuinely scared me as much as this one. (Yes, Halloween and The Exorcist were also very scary the first go 'round, but this movie affected as much as either of these movies). It may be that nowadays the plot has been repeated ad nauseam but I still feel that the impact of this movie is viable. You will not see gore, so you will have to use your imagination. That is a good thing. Your imagination is far more disturbing than any gore onscreen. The antagonist, whoever did the voice, is fantastic. He really sounds crazy, and not in a good way, either.
The Best so far I really love "The Nanny" is one of the best series of the 90's. I'm driving myself crazy just waiting for the Third season to come out, I hope they release it fast.
Eragon I read the book first. The #1 and #2 book I just started the #3 book. So to me this movie it what it is. Not as great as LOTR moive but no moive will ever be! I liked it, it is a good moive if you like these kind of moives.
jumanji review Love this movie, exciting, funny, good for the whole family! Unable to locate this item in the stores, but of course, now I'm learning, just go to to find anything you desire. Great service and prices.
We Always Do Well what We Like Best ! I know: many viewers resented the apparent lack of physical chemistry between the characters played by Connery and Zeta-Jones. Most of them had vivid memories of Sean Connery playing the always charismatic 007, and Catherine Zeta-Jones exchanging sparks with Antonio Banderas in The Mask of Zorro. But is chemistry between a man and a woman just, physical, sensual, and sexual ? I find the movie entertaining, as it shows 2 people enjoying doing what they like best - no, I am not saying you should do the same thing ! - but as it happens in life, people perform so much better when they really like what they do. The chemistry is between Zeta-Jones youth, outgoing passion for life and Connery's less evident, more inward quest for adventure which is backed up by his wisdom and longtime experience. As they go about doing and accomplishing things together, the old man develops respect and acknowledges the younger woman's worth. Slowly he starts to like her and, despite his age, or, perhaps because of his age, he feels that, to a certain extent he cares for her. While, at the same time, she turns from intellectually admiring him to actually liking him on her side. Admittedly, it is an uneasy chemistry between Connery, the Scott gentleman and Catherine, the Welsh with long brown hair and eyes, but the film offers enjoyable action moments interspersed with occasionally good dialogue and exchanges between the two leads. Watch and enjoy the movie, as I did, for what it is not for what it is not !
Everything you heard about LOLA is TRUE! Great Movie and Great Techno Soundtrack. If you like movies like MATRIX you'll will like this one.
I'd Rather Sleep Wes Craven is usually an original, inventive, horror guru but this was not the case with They. The movie begins with the usual scared kid in his room, being comforted by his mother after screaming out at night. After being calmed, the mother leaves her son to the light-a-phobic shadow dwellers and they come for him (cut to main character).THE BAD STUFF: The Heroine of this movie is a Sara-plain-and-tall who is finishing her thesis for her masters in psychology. She of course suffered from `Night Terrors' as a child and has since come to terms with her past, now she is a thriving young woman with a future. Suddenly all turns up side down, a friend from the past contacts her and informs her that "THEY" are back ... !scary!! She immediately meets the crazy friend just in time to chit-chat with him before he blows his brains out. Normally this would be a very emotional and riveting scene, but it was more annoying than anything else. The script at this juncture was extremely childish and pre-packaged so that any chances and enjoyment were long gone.Now that the plot has been establish, you would expect the movie to explode with stunning situations of terror ... sorry this movie does not come with any. Two friends of the dead guy join up with our main character (who all live in weakly lit lofts or apartments, go figure) to pool their resources in an attempt to free themselves of "THEY". Normally in a movie you would expect some inventive explanation of what is going on, but the characters have no clue, and as such, nor will you. The only explanation given is that the monsters come for you initially as a child; they mark you; then retrieve you at a latter date. Once the mark returns, you're screwed! Weak all around movie!THE GOOD STUFF: On the DVD there is an alternate ending which actually had an inclining of old school Wes Craven. The main character is in an unfamiliar room that has a locked door with a window. She looks through the window and notices that she is in a mental ward, and all of the characters in the story are all either patients (like her) or doctors. She continues to look through the window when a monster smashes through; she jumps back and looks again and realizes that she just imagined that too. This, with a complete write of most of the scenes before it, would have produced at least a entertaining movie.
Still as good as when I was a kid When I was younger I used to watch this all the time. I wanted to introduce this to my 5 year old to ease her into the horror flicks. We watched the 1st episode and she was nervous about the into music, but in the end she liked it and it brought back alot of good memories when I was a kid.
If Only It Were Made Today "Batman" is a great movie. It is true to the comic book and it is definately a classic. But it does have its flaws just like any other movie. I am a fan of Batman and what would please me and maybe some others would be if it were darker and more gothic. Batman is a superhero but I mean we DO call him the "Dark Knight". What's the point of calling him the "Dark Knight" if he isn't dark. Maybe if you put in some churches or some foggy nights, that would "pour some dressing on the salad". They also should've made it longer and with it being longer, you can make the movie into an origin story, basically starting the film when he is a child and show his development into becoming Batman in a length of ten to fifteen minutes, then go on to showing his battle with the Joker.But overall, "Batman" is a great movie with style and atmosphere. Definately a must-see!
Embrace of the Vampire Item was in excellent condition and it's a great movie. Some parts a little boring but for the most part one of my all time favorites.
The Matrix Has You The Matrix on DVD. It just seems like the one was invented for the other. Go up to any stranger shopping for DVD's, and say, "I have the Matrix on DVD," the answer will always be, "Who doesn't have the Matrix on DVD?"If you haven't seen this film, don't bother renting it, just buy it. It's definately the best science fiction film of the nineties, and perhaps one of the top of all time - but time herself will have to wait for that judgement. Not since Bladerunner has a film so beautifully combined special effects and a well-developed, thought-provoking story into a single film. This leads me to a popular misconception about the Matrix. The Matrix does have eye-candy, but every ounce of it is motivated by story. At no point is a shot wasted. This is not ID4, where the story could fit on the side of a cereal box, this is real cinema. Prepare to think and be surprised. Prepare yourself for some terrific acting (okay, not Keanu - but he's alright in this one - promise). Most of all, prepare yourself for a script so tight, there is not a single moment to get away. This movie truly grabs hold and never lets go.
Wild. Alien Files is fast and sexy. All the sex scenes are great, and unlike Surrender and Seduction cinema releases, the music doesn't drown out the love scenes. Cool cheesy plot, too. The redhead, Ravenelle Richardson, is hot!
Best SciFi in a long time I was lucky enough to see this and Pans Labyrinth on the same day, it was the best day I ever spent at a theater. While it is sci-fi, its not flying cars sci-fi, it exists in a very real world that was crafted amazingly by Cuaron. Clive Owen is fantastic. Playing a man who is simply exhausted of life from his clothes to the look of hopelessness that is present on his face, he finds something to truly believe in again with the task of safeguarding the only woman to be pregnant in more that a decade. Julianne Moore also is great in her role. The two of them for their interactions just seem so natural, its just fun to watch them perform. The amount of work that went into shooting this film must have been HUGE. Some scenes go for 10 minutes without a single cut. This is what I want from my scifi, dont get me wrong I love light sabers and space fights as well, but this was a very strong film with fantastic themes and overall production. Overlooked by many, appreciated by many more.
Steel Magnolias Tear Jerker! Sally Field never fails to deliver a phenomenal performance! The cast of actors worked well together. The movie left you wanting more.
Especially for definitive collections on genre TV shows. In 1999 an explosion at a lunar nuclear waste dump sends the moon out of Earth's orbit, and the inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha find themselves on an unexpected journey across the universe with no way home. All 48 episodes of this space series have been remastered and are offered in an extensive Anniversary collection that includes bonus footage and many extras. Prior fans of the TV series will relish both the complete set and the extras, while newcomers will find it astonishing space action suitable for any well-stocked science fiction DVD collection; especially for definitive collections on genre TV shows.Diane C. DonovanCalifornia Bookwatch
Doctor Finlay I purchased this for my wife, who enjoys English programs from the 70's when we lived there.She is quite pleased with the CD.An aside, the National Health scheme in the UK as with all others, is a disaster. If you want good care on a timely basis you must go private.
loved it!!!! Well, for starters, I am one of the lucky few who received this set before the actual release date. I will not say where I got it from out of respect for Amazon but if you want to know then message me.Now, this season picks up where season 1 left off. A lot happens. If you loved season one then you will adore season two.
I've recently noticed... ...that, the longer we as Americans are exposed to computer-generated effects, the more we seem to criticize them. Anyone remember the release of Jurassic Park? We were amazed! Compare that film to, say, Phantom Menace, and I'll bet you rip apart JP.D & D was pretty true to the game, and as always, so many reviewers are trying to get their fulfillment from an adventure film. IT WAS FUN--quit being so analytical, people! I thought the effects were excellent, and the deleted scenes were very cool. Acting was a step above "B", and I'd have had a terrible crush on Justin when I was a teenager; he's a cutie! I'm a sucker for a mildly sad, good-guy-wins-the-day flick, so I'm telling you to get the DVD. I did right after it came out, and it's a fun movie!
Love it! I bought this DVD because I couldn't finish watching the movie on TV, and I was very curious. I had really liked the about 30 min. I actually watched, so I decided to give it a shot (and the good reviews helped a great deal!). I was not disappointed, this movie is very entertaining. Even though I read a review that says that it gives the wrong message (about lying to your parents, which of course isn't good), I think it approaches that touchy subject in a very natural way... who hasn't lied to their parents sometime? It doesn't, in my opinion, try to deliver the message that it's ok, it just portraits an adolescent's point of view, how they sometimes have to struggle (if they live in a foreign country and come from a very rigorous culture, like in this case). And the message that it actually delivers, again in my opinion, is that you should always do what you love if you want to be happy. That doesn't mean you have to lie, but fight for your dreams.All in all this is a highly entertaining movie, great for all ages. It's very colorful too, and we get a glimpse of Indian culture and traditions. Obviously we westerners think some of them are far off, but for them, it's what they are! It also makes us aware of the importance of tolerance and open mindedness. I'm sure you'll enjoy it... I did! I highly recommend it!
One of the year's best There are too few movies where you can take the whole family, kids and all, and have a good time. This is one of the best. Don't miss it.
Change of pace in time for Elvis! "Frankie and Johnny" is based on the old song about two lovers where Johnny is on a losing streak and decides he can change his luck with Nellie Bly. A jealous Frankie shoots her man because "he was doin' her wrong". This movie is sort of based on the song. Everything is true except the shooting part in the end, but it comes very close to actually happening. "Frankie and Johnny" is quite enjoyable no matter how "obscure" you people might find it. It's a real top-notch and every Elvis fan must see it. By the way, we need more reviews on Elvis' movies and music please.
Great family guy fun This movie focuses more on Stewie and Brian. The best characters of the show. It's hilarious and they make jokes about pop culture. Great movie, you wont be disappointed!
Morose and weak-kneed Raging Bull knock-off It would so easy to lavish accolades on this movie because it was "based on a true story". But I didn't as much as raise an eyebrow, so that's not a problem for me:) The problem for me is to see anything redeeming in a film that portrays blame shifting and gutlessness as if they were virtue. Seemed like hours and hours of Denzel Washington & Co. hemming and hawing and trying to prove his innocence and doing what is right, for nothing more than putting on a weak, cockamamie and sappily over-acted version of "Raging Bull".But don't get me wrong...Denzel Washington & Co. did a wonderful job convincing me of their cluelessness. But is this really something I need to see portrayed for the price I spent on this rental? A film should inspire, entertain, educate. This did none of the above. It just spun its wheels and lapsed into cliche and pulled easy strings to get a tear or two.Overall I give it one star - don't waste your time. Sure wish I hadn't!
An overly long, bloated piece of self-indulgence. Magnolia is an interesting film. It is littered with colorful characters, and each has a story to tell. The problem with this movie is just that: it tells all of these stories. As I said to a friend, Magnolia would be wonderful if it was cut in half and made into two seperate films. This film is just too long, with too many plots to keep in your head. The biggest problem this movie has is pacing. The first climax of the film occurs halfway through the movie, and the second occurs 15 minutes before the movie ends. Considering this movie is 3 hours and 18 minutes long, that is an awful long time to have to wait for something to happen. P.T. Anderson simply went overboard on this one. While no one scene was bad, put in context it just turns into one big mess, and no one character or actor has enough consecutive screentime to pull the movie above its bloated excesses. And believe me, this movie has many strong characters and actors. But just as you start to connect with a character, you're snatched away to another one. When you come back to the previous one, the connection has been severed and must be made again, thus making whatever happens seem trifling. The only character I could connect with was Tom Cruise's, because Cruise gave easily the best performance of his career. Other characters, such as Julianne Moore's, were downright annoying. So, take the advice, P.T., keep writing these interesting characters but please please keep the time to two hours or less. The extended time did not give the characters time to develop, it gave me reason to leave the theater unsatisfied and wanting my [money] back. Skip this one and go do something worthwhile.
A must-have movie for every family This movie covers nearly every quirk that every family has. It is funny, and it is poignent. I have heard quotes from this movie used by many people (including myself) to describe some of life's hardest learned lessons. "Normalizes" the human condiitons of families and family members.It is a must see for every family. It is funny - and it is educational in a "between the lines" sort of way.I highly recommend it!
Not faithful to Wells but good as it's own thing It's pretty good in it's own right but it's loosely based on what Wells did, sort of like how some Shakespeare plays have been re-done with modern settings.The Martians invade the whole world but California is the area focused on. The first battle with the Martians is in the Sierra mountains near my house but later it shifts to Southern California with Los Angeles being invaded and razed by the flying Martian machines.The Martians crush the humans pretty badly. The humans suck even more in this than in the book. The British managed to blow up a couple of tripods and kill a number of Martians with guns and the Thunder Child. But the Martians have invinco-shields (Which Independance Day stole later) that make them completely indestructible. They replace the black smoke with green distengration beams which aren't as cool in my opinion. The red weed is absent, too bad because that was cool stuff.It's a fun hookey old movie. I liked the old world feel though I know that at the time the special effects must have been pretty amazing. There is a sense of wonder (Which this movie has) about old sci-fi that is lost in ID4 and some other contempary stuff.The reason I'm not whoelly satisfied with the movie is that they turn it into a religious thing. This is absurd because in a universe with many sentinent races wouldn't the Martians also have been created by God?
Heart-Pounding Suspense... I have to say that I was very disappointed in the editor's review of this movie...Resident Evil was a very well done suspense ride. I don't normally go to theaters to see horror flicks. I went to Res Evil primarily because I am a fan of the games. The first whole half of the movie was nothing but build-you-up-on-the-edge-of-your-seat suspense. Wash the second half down with a tall glass of anxiety, fear, and anxiousness. Very well done effects, lighting and sound! The story stayed very true to the games and even had a great tie-in with the third game in the series "Nemesis". What was even beter about this movie was the ending. Nowadays great movies get slaughtered by horrible endings. This ending was simple, clean, and to the point - Milla Jovovich is coming back for a sequel to kick more zombie butt!Bottom line is - on July 30th, go buy this DVD or rent it, pop some pop corn, get a nice cold soda, curl up on your couch with a loved one, and get the hell scared right into you :)
snow white the movie that started it all! I just recieved my copy of this dvd set and it was worth every penny and arrived quickly. It was beautifully remastered. It looks and sounds much better than my vhs copy. I now have a complete collection of the disney princess collection on dvd and I'm soooo happy about it! Thanks amazon for having available all these out of print titles. I loooooove this website!
Poor Quality Control When I received this video, the disc was loose and rattling around in the packaging because it wasn't properly snapped in place. I was reluctant to open it but finally did and, as I expected the disk was badly scratched. It did, however, play without incedent.
brilliant The Others is a remarkable film. There is no crazed axe murderer. The are no car chases. There are no naked ladies and no lame jokes. In short, it's one of the few movies for grown folks that hit the theaters last year.Nicole Kidman gives a performance as Grace, the mother, that will stop people from saying, "Oh yeah, Tom Cruise's ex wife," once and for all. Kidman shows that she's an A-list actress and not just a gorgeous face.The character, Grace is a complicated woman. It's obvious from the first moment we see her that she's just barely hanging on. Her children have a life threatening condition and can not be exposed to sun light. Her daughter is angry with her. Her estate is lonely and no one ever comes to visit. Her husband is at war. Her nerves are shot and it's just a matter of time before she cracks. And then weird things start happening...Is someone trying to scare Grace or is she imagining all this?The ending, which I won't give away completely shocked me. It's the last thing you'd expect and explains everything that's gone on in the film perfectly.If you like your horror to be in the Shirley Jackson mode or if you're just a Kidman fan this movie is for you.
Great Movie for Adventure Lovers If you like exciting movies and great books then you should see Holes. I really enjoyed it. I have read the book many times before, and the movie left out some stuff but it was still a great movie and some of the characters are hot. (zero)
The Intrusion of Technology and Loss Of Privacy An amazing film at the time it was made and one of the great 70s films, The Conversation tells the story of a surveillance man using the latest technology to spy on a couple walking in a park. The couple is trying to avoid being spied on during a conversation. Despite their location and the noise surrounding them, Gene Hackman as Harry Caul is able to use technology to tape their conversation. Harrison Ford appears the helper of a corporate executive who has hired the surveillance of the couple. He appears to be the woman's husband played by Cindy Williams. The executive is Robert Duvall. With all these actors and a very sparse, tight story, the film feels claustrophobic and slow. The story can be confusing simply because none of the characters are open and honest and live in secrecy. Harry becomes obsessed with tape he has made and the woman whose conversation he has taped and fears for her life. He is fearful and shy, but becomes indirectly involved in trying to find out the situation and if there will be a murder because of his work. In the end, the spy becomes spied on and there is little clarity. A fascinating, wonderful film that takes patience and time but is well worth the effort. A truly great film.
A POTENT NUCLEAR TIME CAPSULE FOR THE LIVING ! ! IN A NUTSHELL: SEEMS CRAZY, PERHAPS EVEN INSANE, TODAY BUT . . .A half century ago, everything we now see on "The Atomic Cafe" not only seemed real, but it was designed to provide us with (and was effective at this) both the motivation and security to weather the nuclear age in every way -- or at least that is what we believed! Most of all, propaganda provided the fear which provided us with the motivation to maintain the vigilance that we thought was needed to honorably provide security for our way of life.WERE WE WRONG?: THE ATOMIC CAFE MEANS DIFFERENT THINGS TO DIFFERENT PEOPLE!I did live through the shelter drills and the Cuban Missle Crisis, but what it all meant relative to propaganda shorts such as "Duck and Cover" we may never fully understand. Did we really need atomic weapons? Did anyone? Were atomic weapons something that added to, or detracted from, our security? What about the rest of the world?Yes, the passage of time does reveal a great deal about the nuclear age and our policies. "The Atomic Cafe" can be used as a sort of historic tour-guide to this recent era's effect on the media and us through excerpts of official government films of the times.Propaganda always seems so ridiculous and superfluous when it is put in historic context, so what makes this type of propaganda different and significant? Maybe that question can't be answered yet, but see "The Atomic Cafe" and you may have part of the answer.ABOUT THE VIDEO:Since this video was essentially pieced together from old propaganda films, the quality of the transfer is less than ideal from the start. Add to that, "The Atomic Cafe" was made from these already old film scaps in 1982, and we can see that this is going to be a tired-looking video in terms of the state of its preservation. I have not seen the DVD yet, but I think I should probably buy one before this VHS copy wears out.BOTTOM LINE: SHOULD BE A FITTING REQUIEM FOR THE NUCLEAR AGEThis is a documentary that needs to be seen to be appreciated as it will have different though valid and significant meanings to different people.
A Movie worth watching The many reviews here tell the story. I gave this five stars because it is a gripping suspenseful film. I especially liked the ending where he asks his waitress girlfriend if she "believes" and I won't spoil the ending for you. Definitely worth watching. Besides I love Anthony Edwards (not crazy about Mare Winningham, but oh well).
Utter nonsense Nonsense plot, only manipulative effects used here. Thomas Newmans musik normally elevates the film experience, here is is implemented in a manipulative manner, and seemingly endlessly (although somewhere I think I heard Arvo Pärt's Fratres, often wonder why I never encountered that piece in a movie before). Claire Forlani's is constantly filmed with reflections in her eyes, how romaantic. Death falls in love! Blaaaahhh