1 value
10 values
10 values
4 values
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOAD_PROMPT_STATUS_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOAD_PROMPT_STATUS_H_ // The status of the download prompt. // A Java counterpart will be generated for this enum. // GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: enum class DownloadPromptStatus { SHOW_INITIAL, // Show the prompt because it hasn't been shown before. SHOW_PREFERENCE, // Show the prompt because user indicated preference. DONT_SHOW // Don't show the prompt because user indicated preference. }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOAD_PROMPT_STATUS_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluez_dbus_manager.h" #include <memory> #include <utility> #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/feature_list.h" #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" #include "base/sys_info.h" #include "base/threading/thread.h" #include "dbus/bus.h" #include "dbus/dbus_statistics.h" #include "dbus/message.h" #include "dbus/object_manager.h" #include "dbus/object_proxy.h" #include "device/base/features.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_adapter_client.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_agent_manager_client.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_device_client.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_gatt_characteristic_client.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_gatt_descriptor_client.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_gatt_manager_client.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_gatt_service_client.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_input_client.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_le_advertising_manager_client.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_media_client.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_media_transport_client.h" #include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_profile_manager_client.h" #include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h" namespace bluez { static BluezDBusManager* g_bluez_dbus_manager = nullptr; static bool g_using_bluez_dbus_manager_for_testing = false; BluezDBusManager::BluezDBusManager(dbus::Bus* bus, bool use_dbus_fakes) : bus_(bus), object_manager_support_known_(false), object_manager_supported_(false), weak_ptr_factory_(this) { // On Chrome OS, Bluez might not be ready by the time we initialize the // BluezDBusManager so we initialize the clients anyway. bool should_check_object_manager = true; #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) should_check_object_manager = false; #endif if (!should_check_object_manager || use_dbus_fakes) { client_bundle_.reset(new BluetoothDBusClientBundle(use_dbus_fakes)); InitializeClients(); object_manager_supported_ = true; object_manager_support_known_ = true; return; } CHECK(GetSystemBus()) << "Can't initialize real clients without DBus."; dbus::MethodCall method_call(dbus::kObjectManagerInterface, dbus::kObjectManagerGetManagedObjects); GetSystemBus() ->GetObjectProxy( GetBluetoothServiceName(), dbus::ObjectPath( bluetooth_object_manager::kBluetoothObjectManagerServicePath)) ->CallMethodWithErrorCallback( &method_call, dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT, base::BindOnce(&BluezDBusManager::OnObjectManagerSupported, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), base::BindOnce(&BluezDBusManager::OnObjectManagerNotSupported, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } BluezDBusManager::~BluezDBusManager() { // Delete all D-Bus clients before shutting down the system bus. client_bundle_.reset(); } dbus::Bus* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetSystemBus() { return bus_; } void BluezDBusManager::CallWhenObjectManagerSupportIsKnown( base::Closure callback) { object_manager_support_known_callback_ = callback; } BluetoothAdapterClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothAdapterClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_adapter_client(); } BluetoothLEAdvertisingManagerClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothLEAdvertisingManagerClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_le_advertising_manager_client(); } BluetoothAgentManagerClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothAgentManagerClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_agent_manager_client(); } BluetoothDeviceClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothDeviceClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_device_client(); } BluetoothGattCharacteristicClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothGattCharacteristicClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_characteristic_client(); } BluetoothGattDescriptorClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothGattDescriptorClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_descriptor_client(); } BluetoothGattManagerClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothGattManagerClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_manager_client(); } BluetoothGattServiceClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothGattServiceClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_service_client(); } BluetoothInputClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothInputClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_input_client(); } BluetoothMediaClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothMediaClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_media_client(); } BluetoothMediaTransportClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothMediaTransportClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_media_transport_client(); } BluetoothProfileManagerClient* bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothProfileManagerClient() { DCHECK(object_manager_support_known_); return client_bundle_->bluetooth_profile_manager_client(); } void BluezDBusManager::OnObjectManagerSupported(dbus::Response* response) { VLOG(1) << "Bluetooth supported. Initializing clients."; object_manager_supported_ = true; client_bundle_.reset(new BluetoothDBusClientBundle(false /* use_fakes */)); InitializeClients(); object_manager_support_known_ = true; if (!object_manager_support_known_callback_.is_null()) { object_manager_support_known_callback_.Run(); object_manager_support_known_callback_.Reset(); } } void BluezDBusManager::OnObjectManagerNotSupported( dbus::ErrorResponse* response) { VLOG(1) << "Bluetooth not supported."; object_manager_supported_ = false; // We don't initialize clients since the clients need ObjectManager. object_manager_support_known_ = true; if (!object_manager_support_known_callback_.is_null()) { object_manager_support_known_callback_.Run(); object_manager_support_known_callback_.Reset(); } } void BluezDBusManager::InitializeClients() { std::string bluetooth_service_name = GetBluetoothServiceName(); client_bundle_->bluetooth_adapter_client()->Init(GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); client_bundle_->bluetooth_agent_manager_client()->Init( GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); client_bundle_->bluetooth_device_client()->Init(GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_characteristic_client()->Init( GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_descriptor_client()->Init( GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_manager_client()->Init(GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_service_client()->Init(GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); client_bundle_->bluetooth_input_client()->Init(GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); client_bundle_->bluetooth_le_advertising_manager_client()->Init( GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); client_bundle_->bluetooth_media_client()->Init(GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); client_bundle_->bluetooth_media_transport_client()->Init( GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); client_bundle_->bluetooth_profile_manager_client()->Init( GetSystemBus(), bluetooth_service_name); } std::string BluezDBusManager::GetBluetoothServiceName() { return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(device::kNewblueDaemon) ? bluetooth_object_manager::kBluetoothObjectManagerServiceName : bluez_object_manager::kBluezObjectManagerServiceName; } // static void BluezDBusManager::Initialize(dbus::Bus* bus, bool use_dbus_stub) { // If we initialize BluezDBusManager twice we may also be shutting it down // early; do not allow that. if (g_using_bluez_dbus_manager_for_testing) return; CHECK(!g_bluez_dbus_manager); CreateGlobalInstance(bus, use_dbus_stub); } // static std::unique_ptr<BluezDBusManagerSetter> bluez::BluezDBusManager::GetSetterForTesting() { if (!g_using_bluez_dbus_manager_for_testing) { g_using_bluez_dbus_manager_for_testing = true; CreateGlobalInstance(nullptr, true); } return base::WrapUnique(new BluezDBusManagerSetter()); } // static void BluezDBusManager::CreateGlobalInstance(dbus::Bus* bus, bool use_stubs) { CHECK(!g_bluez_dbus_manager); g_bluez_dbus_manager = new BluezDBusManager(bus, use_stubs); } // static bool BluezDBusManager::IsInitialized() { return g_bluez_dbus_manager != nullptr; } // static void BluezDBusManager::Shutdown() { // Ensure that we only shutdown BluezDBusManager once. CHECK(g_bluez_dbus_manager); BluezDBusManager* dbus_manager = g_bluez_dbus_manager; g_bluez_dbus_manager = nullptr; g_using_bluez_dbus_manager_for_testing = false; delete dbus_manager; VLOG(1) << "BluezDBusManager Shutdown completed"; } // static BluezDBusManager* bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get() { CHECK(g_bluez_dbus_manager) << "bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get() called before Initialize()"; return g_bluez_dbus_manager; } BluezDBusManagerSetter::BluezDBusManagerSetter() = default; BluezDBusManagerSetter::~BluezDBusManagerSetter() = default; void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothAdapterClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothAdapterClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get()->client_bundle_->bluetooth_adapter_client_ = std::move(client); } void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothLEAdvertisingManagerClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothLEAdvertisingManagerClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get() ->client_bundle_->bluetooth_le_advertising_manager_client_ = std::move(client); } void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothAgentManagerClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothAgentManagerClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get() ->client_bundle_->bluetooth_agent_manager_client_ = std::move(client); } void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothDeviceClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothDeviceClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get()->client_bundle_->bluetooth_device_client_ = std::move(client); } void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothGattCharacteristicClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothGattCharacteristicClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get() ->client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_characteristic_client_ = std::move(client); } void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothGattDescriptorClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothGattDescriptorClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get() ->client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_descriptor_client_ = std::move(client); } void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothGattManagerClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothGattManagerClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get() ->client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_manager_client_ = std::move(client); } void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothGattServiceClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothGattServiceClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get() ->client_bundle_->bluetooth_gatt_service_client_ = std::move(client); } void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothInputClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothInputClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get()->client_bundle_->bluetooth_input_client_ = std::move(client); } void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothMediaClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothMediaClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get()->client_bundle_->bluetooth_media_client_ = std::move(client); } void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothMediaTransportClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothMediaTransportClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get() ->client_bundle_->bluetooth_media_transport_client_ = std::move(client); } void BluezDBusManagerSetter::SetBluetoothProfileManagerClient( std::unique_ptr<BluetoothProfileManagerClient> client) { bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get() ->client_bundle_->bluetooth_profile_manager_client_ = std::move(client); } } // namespace bluez
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/latency/stream_analyzer.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "ui/latency/frame_metrics_test_common.h" namespace ui { namespace frame_metrics { namespace { class StreamAnalyzerTest : public testing::Test { public: StreamAnalyzerTest() { NewAnalyzer(10, {2, 7, 10}); } void SetUp() override {} StreamAnalyzer* analyzer() { return analyzer_.get(); } void NewAnalyzer(size_t window_size, std::vector<uint32_t> thresholds) { shared_client_.max_window_size = window_size; for (auto& t : thresholds) { t *= kFixedPointMultiplier; } thresholds_ = std::move(thresholds); std::unique_ptr<TestHistogram> histogram = std::make_unique<TestHistogram>(); histogram_ = histogram.get(); analyzer_ = std::make_unique<StreamAnalyzer>( &client_, &shared_client_, thresholds_, std::move(histogram)); } protected: size_t window_size; TestStreamAnalyzerClient client_; SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient shared_client_; std::vector<uint32_t> thresholds_; TestHistogram* histogram_; std::unique_ptr<StreamAnalyzer> analyzer_; }; TEST_F(StreamAnalyzerTest, AllResultsTheSame) { // Try adding a single sample vs. multiple samples. for (size_t samples : {1u, 100u}) { // A power of 2 sweep for both the value and weight dimensions. for (uint64_t value = 1; value < 0x100000000ULL; value *= 2) { // Adding too many samples can result in overflow when multiplied by the // weight. Divide by samples to avoid overflow. for (uint64_t weight = 1; weight < 0x100000000ULL / samples; weight *= 2) { analyzer()->Reset(); AddSamplesHelper(analyzer(), value, weight, samples); uint64_t expected_value = value * TestStreamAnalyzerClient::result_scale; EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, analyzer_->ComputeMean()); EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, analyzer_->ComputeRMS()); EXPECT_NEAR_SMR(analyzer_->ComputeSMR(), expected_value, weight); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0, analyzer_->ComputeStdDev()); EXPECT_NEAR_VARIANCE_OF_ROOT(0, analyzer_->ComputeVarianceOfRoots(), expected_value, weight); // Verify values are forwarded to the WindowedAnalyzer. EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, analyzer_->window().ComputeWorstMean().value); EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, analyzer_->window().ComputeWorstRMS().value); EXPECT_NEAR_SMR(expected_value, analyzer_->window().ComputeWorstSMR().value, weight); } } } // All min/max combinations of value and weight. for (uint64_t value : {0u, 0xFFFFFFFFu}) { for (uint64_t weight : {1u, 0xFFFFFFFFu}) { const size_t kSamplesToAdd = weight == 1 ? 100 : 1; analyzer()->Reset(); AddSamplesHelper(analyzer(), value, weight, kSamplesToAdd); // TestWindowedAnalyzerClient scales the result by 2. uint64_t expected_value = value * TestStreamAnalyzerClient::result_scale; // Makes sure our precision is good enough. EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, analyzer_->ComputeMean()); EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, analyzer_->ComputeRMS()); EXPECT_NEAR_SMR(expected_value, analyzer_->ComputeSMR(), weight); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0, analyzer_->ComputeStdDev()); EXPECT_NEAR_VARIANCE_OF_ROOT(0, analyzer_->ComputeVarianceOfRoots(), expected_value, weight); // Verify values are forwarded to the WindowedAnalyzer. EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, analyzer_->window().ComputeWorstMean().value); EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, analyzer_->window().ComputeWorstRMS().value); EXPECT_NEAR_SMR(expected_value, analyzer_->window().ComputeWorstSMR().value, weight); } } } // This applies a pattern of 2 values that are easy to calculate the expected // results for. It verifies the mean, rms, smr, standard deviation, // variance of the roots, and thresholds are calculated properly. // This doesn't check histogram or windowed analyzer related values since they // are tested separately and other unit tests verify their interactions // with StreamAnalyzer. TEST_F(StreamAnalyzerTest, AllResultsDifferent) { const uint32_t kSampleWeight = 100; const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern49 = {4, 9, 4, 9, 4, 9}; const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern4 = {4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4}; const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern9 = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9}; // Calculate the expected values for an equal number of 4's and 9's. const double expected_mean = (4 + 9) * .5 * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestStreamAnalyzerClient::result_scale; const double expected_rms = std::sqrt((16 + 81) * .5) * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestStreamAnalyzerClient::result_scale; const double mean_root = (2 + 3) * .5; const double expected_smr = mean_root * mean_root * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestStreamAnalyzerClient::result_scale; const double expected_std_dev = (9 - 4) * .5 * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestStreamAnalyzerClient::result_scale; const double std_dev_of_roots = (3 - 2) * .5; const double expected_variance_of_roots = std_dev_of_roots * std_dev_of_roots * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestStreamAnalyzerClient::result_scale; std::vector<ThresholdResult> thresholds; // Alternate 4 and 9. for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { AddPatternHelper(&shared_client_, analyzer(), pattern49, kSampleWeight); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_mean, analyzer_->ComputeMean()); EXPECT_NEAR_SMR(expected_smr, analyzer_->ComputeSMR(), kSampleWeight); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_rms, analyzer_->ComputeRMS()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_std_dev, analyzer_->ComputeStdDev()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_variance_of_roots, analyzer_->ComputeVarianceOfRoots()); } thresholds = analyzer_->ComputeThresholds(); ASSERT_EQ(3u, thresholds.size()); EXPECT_EQ(client_.TransformResult(thresholds_[0]), thresholds[0].threshold); EXPECT_EQ(client_.TransformResult(thresholds_[1]), thresholds[1].threshold); EXPECT_EQ(client_.TransformResult(thresholds_[2]), thresholds[2].threshold); EXPECT_EQ(1.0, thresholds[0].ge_fraction); EXPECT_EQ(0.5, thresholds[1].ge_fraction); EXPECT_EQ(0.0, thresholds[2].ge_fraction); // 4's then 9's. analyzer()->Reset(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 500; i++) { AddPatternHelper(&shared_client_, analyzer(), pattern4, kSampleWeight); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 500; i++) { AddPatternHelper(&shared_client_, analyzer(), pattern9, kSampleWeight); } thresholds = analyzer_->ComputeThresholds(); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_mean, analyzer_->ComputeMean()); EXPECT_NEAR_SMR(expected_smr, analyzer_->ComputeSMR(), kSampleWeight); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_rms, analyzer_->ComputeRMS()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_std_dev, analyzer_->ComputeStdDev()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_variance_of_roots, analyzer_->ComputeVarianceOfRoots()); EXPECT_EQ(client_.TransformResult(thresholds_[0]), thresholds[0].threshold); EXPECT_EQ(client_.TransformResult(thresholds_[1]), thresholds[1].threshold); EXPECT_EQ(client_.TransformResult(thresholds_[2]), thresholds[2].threshold); EXPECT_EQ(1.0, thresholds[0].ge_fraction); EXPECT_EQ(0.5, thresholds[1].ge_fraction); EXPECT_EQ(0.0, thresholds[2].ge_fraction); // 9's then 4's. analyzer()->Reset(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 500; i++) { AddPatternHelper(&shared_client_, analyzer(), pattern9, kSampleWeight); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 500; i++) { AddPatternHelper(&shared_client_, analyzer(), pattern4, kSampleWeight); } thresholds = analyzer_->ComputeThresholds(); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_mean, analyzer_->ComputeMean()); EXPECT_NEAR_SMR(expected_smr, analyzer_->ComputeSMR(), kSampleWeight); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_rms, analyzer_->ComputeRMS()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_std_dev, analyzer_->ComputeStdDev()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_variance_of_roots, analyzer_->ComputeVarianceOfRoots()); EXPECT_EQ(client_.TransformResult(thresholds_[0]), thresholds[0].threshold); EXPECT_EQ(client_.TransformResult(thresholds_[1]), thresholds[1].threshold); EXPECT_EQ(client_.TransformResult(thresholds_[2]), thresholds[2].threshold); EXPECT_EQ(1.0, thresholds[0].ge_fraction); EXPECT_EQ(0.5, thresholds[1].ge_fraction); EXPECT_EQ(0.0, thresholds[2].ge_fraction); } TEST_F(StreamAnalyzerTest, SamplesForwardedToHistogram) { const uint32_t kSampleWeight = 123; const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern = {4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49}; AddPatternHelper(&shared_client_, analyzer(), pattern, kSampleWeight); std::vector<TestHistogram::ValueWeightPair> samples( histogram_->GetAndResetAllAddedSamples()); ASSERT_EQ(pattern.size(), samples.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < samples.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(pattern[i] * kFixedPointMultiplier, samples[i].value); EXPECT_EQ(kSampleWeight, samples[i].weight); } } TEST_F(StreamAnalyzerTest, PercentilesModifiedByClient) { double result0 = 7; double result1 = 11; histogram_->SetResults({{result0, result1}}); PercentileResults results = analyzer()->ComputePercentiles(); EXPECT_EQ(client_.TransformResult(result0), results.values[0]); EXPECT_EQ(client_.TransformResult(result1), results.values[1]); } // StreamAnalyzerNaive is a subset of stream analyzer that only uses single // precision floating point accumulators and can accumulate error. // This is used to verify patterns that accumulate error, so we can then verify // those patterns don't result in acculated error in the actual implementation. struct StreamAnalyzerNaive { void AddSample(uint32_t value, uint32_t weight, uint64_t weighted_value, uint64_t weighted_root, const Accumulator96b& weighted_square) { accumulator_ += static_cast<double>(weight) * value; root_accumulator_ += static_cast<double>(weight) * std::sqrt(value); square_accumulator_ += static_cast<double>(weight) * value * value; total_weight_ += weight; } double ComputeMean() { return client_.TransformResult(accumulator_ / total_weight_); } double ComputeRMS() { return client_.TransformResult( std::sqrt(square_accumulator_ / total_weight_)); } double ComputeSMR() { double mean_root = root_accumulator_ / total_weight_; return client_.TransformResult(mean_root * mean_root); } float total_weight_ = 0; float accumulator_ = 0; float root_accumulator_ = 0; float square_accumulator_ = 0; TestStreamAnalyzerClient client_; }; // Unlike the WindowedAnalyzer, there aren't patterns of input that would // affect the precision of our results very much with double precision floating // point accumulators. This is because we aren't subtracting values like the // WindowedAnalyzer does. Nevertheless, there can be issues if the accumulators // are only single precision. TEST_F(StreamAnalyzerTest, Precision) { StreamAnalyzerNaive naive_analyzer; uint32_t large_value = 20 * base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerSecond; uint32_t large_weight = large_value; size_t large_sample_count = 1; AddSamplesHelper(&naive_analyzer, large_value, large_weight, large_sample_count); AddSamplesHelper(analyzer(), large_value, large_weight, large_sample_count); uint32_t small_value = 1 * base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond; uint32_t small_weight = small_value; size_t small_sample_count = 60 * 60 * 60; // 1hr of 60Hz frames. AddSamplesHelper(&naive_analyzer, small_value, small_weight, small_sample_count); AddSamplesHelper(analyzer(), small_value, small_weight, small_sample_count); double total_weight = static_cast<double>(large_sample_count) * large_weight + static_cast<double>(small_sample_count) * small_weight; double large_value_f = large_value; double small_value_f = small_value; double expected_mean = client_.TransformResult( (large_value_f * large_weight + small_sample_count * small_value_f * small_weight) / total_weight); EXPECT_ABS_LT(expected_mean * .001, expected_mean - naive_analyzer.ComputeMean()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_mean, analyzer_->ComputeMean()); double large_value_squared = large_value_f * large_value_f * large_weight; double small_value_squared = small_value_f * small_value_f * small_weight; double mean_square = (large_value_squared + small_sample_count * small_value_squared) / total_weight; double expected_rms = client_.TransformResult(std::sqrt(mean_square)); EXPECT_ABS_LT(expected_rms * .001, expected_rms - naive_analyzer.ComputeRMS()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_rms, analyzer_->ComputeRMS()); double large_value_root = std::sqrt(large_value_f) * large_weight; double small_value_root = std::sqrt(small_value_f) * small_weight; double mean_root = (large_value_root + small_sample_count * small_value_root) / total_weight; double expected_smr = client_.TransformResult(mean_root * mean_root); EXPECT_ABS_LT(expected_smr * .001, expected_smr - naive_analyzer.ComputeSMR()); EXPECT_NEAR_SMR(expected_smr, analyzer_->ComputeSMR(), 1); } } // namespace } // namespace frame_metrics } // namespace ui
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screenshot_testing/screenshot_tester.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "ash/shell.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screenshot_testing/SkDiffPixelsMetric.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screenshot_testing/SkImageDiffer.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screenshot_testing/SkPMetric.h" #include "chromeos/chromeos_switches.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h" #include "ui/compositor/compositor_switches.h" #include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h" #include "ui/snapshot/snapshot.h" namespace { // Sets test mode for screenshot testing, using regular comparison. const char kTestMode[] = "test"; // Sets update mode for screenshot testing. const char kUpdateMode[] = "update"; // Sets test mode for screenshot testing, using PerceptualDiff as comparison. const char kPdiffTestMode[] = "pdiff-test"; } // namespace namespace chromeos { ScreenshotTester::ScreenshotTester() : test_mode_(false), pdiff_enabled_(false), weak_factory_(this) {} ScreenshotTester::~ScreenshotTester() {} ScreenshotTester::Result::Result() {} ScreenshotTester::Result::Result(const Result& other) = default; ScreenshotTester::Result::~Result() {} bool ScreenshotTester::TryInitialize() { base::CommandLine& command_line = *base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (!command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kEnableScreenshotTestingWithMode)) return false; std::string mode = command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII( switches::kEnableScreenshotTestingWithMode); CHECK(mode == kUpdateMode || mode == kTestMode || mode == kPdiffTestMode) << "Invalid mode for screenshot testing: " << mode; CHECK(command_line.HasSwitch(chromeos::switches::kGoldenScreenshotsDir)) << "No directory with golden screenshots specified, use " "--golden-screenshots-dir"; golden_screenshots_dir_ = command_line.GetSwitchValuePath(switches::kGoldenScreenshotsDir); if (mode == kTestMode || mode == kPdiffTestMode) { test_mode_ = true; generate_artifacts_ = command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kArtifactsDir); if (generate_artifacts_) { artifacts_dir_ = command_line.GetSwitchValuePath(switches::kArtifactsDir); } } if (mode == kPdiffTestMode) { pdiff_enabled_ = true; } return true; } std::string ScreenshotTester::GetImageFileName( const std::string& file_name_prefix, ImageCategories category) { std::string file_name = file_name_prefix + "_"; switch (category) { case kGoldenScreenshot: { file_name += "golden_screenshot"; break; } case kFailedScreenshot: { file_name += "failed_screenshot"; break; } case kDifferenceImage: { file_name += "difference"; break; } } return file_name + ".png"; } base::FilePath ScreenshotTester::GetImageFilePath( const std::string& file_name_prefix, ImageCategories category) { std::string file_name = GetImageFileName(file_name_prefix, category); base::FilePath file_path; if (category == kGoldenScreenshot) { file_path = golden_screenshots_dir_.AppendASCII(file_name); } else { file_path = artifacts_dir_.AppendASCII(file_name); } return file_path; } void ScreenshotTester::Run(const std::string& test_name) { PNGFile current_screenshot = TakeScreenshot(); base::FilePath golden_screenshot_path = GetImageFilePath(test_name, kGoldenScreenshot); PNGFile golden_screenshot = LoadGoldenScreenshot(golden_screenshot_path); if (test_mode_) { CHECK(golden_screenshot.get()) << "A golden screenshot is required for screenshot testing"; VLOG(0) << "Loaded golden screenshot"; Result result = CompareScreenshots(golden_screenshot, current_screenshot); VLOG(0) << "Compared"; LogComparisonResults(result); if (!result.screenshots_match && generate_artifacts_) { // Saving diff imag if (!pdiff_enabled_) { base::FilePath difference_image_path = GetImageFilePath(test_name, kDifferenceImage); CHECK(SaveImage(difference_image_path, result.diff_image)); } // Saving failed screenshot base::FilePath failed_screenshot_path = GetImageFilePath(test_name, kFailedScreenshot); CHECK(SaveImage(failed_screenshot_path, current_screenshot)); } ASSERT_TRUE(result.screenshots_match); } else { bool golden_screenshot_needs_update; if (golden_screenshot.get()) { // There is a golden screenshot, so we need to check it first. Result result = CompareScreenshots(golden_screenshot, current_screenshot); golden_screenshot_needs_update = (!result.screenshots_match); } else { // There is no golden screenshot for this test at all. golden_screenshot_needs_update = true; } if (golden_screenshot_needs_update) { bool golden_screenshot_saved = SaveImage(golden_screenshot_path, current_screenshot); CHECK(golden_screenshot_saved); } else { VLOG(0) << "Golden screenshot does not differ from the current one, no " "need to update"; } } } void ScreenshotTester::IgnoreArea(const SkIRect& area) { ignored_areas_.push_back(area); } void ScreenshotTester::EraseIgnoredAreas(SkBitmap& bitmap) { for (std::vector<SkIRect>::iterator it = ignored_areas_.begin(); it != ignored_areas_.end(); ++it) { bitmap.eraseArea((*it), SK_ColorWHITE); } } bool ScreenshotTester::SaveImage(const base::FilePath& image_path, PNGFile png_data) { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(content::BrowserThread::UI); if (!png_data.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "There is no png data"; return false; } if (!base::CreateDirectory(image_path.DirName())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't create directory" << image_path.DirName().value(); return false; } if (static_cast<size_t>(base::WriteFile( image_path, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(png_data->front()), png_data->size())) != png_data->size()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't save screenshot " << image_path.BaseName().value() << "."; return false; } VLOG(0) << "Screenshot " << image_path.BaseName().value() << " saved to " << image_path.DirName().value() << "."; return true; } void ScreenshotTester::ReturnScreenshot(base::RunLoop* run_loop, PNGFile* screenshot, PNGFile png_data) { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(content::BrowserThread::UI); *screenshot = png_data; run_loop->Quit(); } ScreenshotTester::PNGFile ScreenshotTester::TakeScreenshot() { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(content::BrowserThread::UI); aura::Window* primary_window = ash::Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow(); gfx::Rect rect = primary_window->bounds(); PNGFile screenshot; base::RunLoop run_loop; ui::GrabWindowSnapshotAsyncPNG( primary_window, rect, base::Bind(&ScreenshotTester::ReturnScreenshot, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Unretained(&run_loop), &screenshot)); run_loop.Run(); return screenshot; } ScreenshotTester::PNGFile ScreenshotTester::LoadGoldenScreenshot( base::FilePath image_path) { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(content::BrowserThread::UI); if (!base::PathExists(image_path)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Can't find a golden screenshot for this test"; return 0; } int64_t golden_screenshot_size; base::GetFileSize(image_path, &golden_screenshot_size); if (golden_screenshot_size == -1) { CHECK(false) << "Can't get golden screenshot size"; } scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedBytes> png_data = new base::RefCountedBytes; png_data->data().resize(golden_screenshot_size); base::ReadFile(image_path, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(png_data->data()[0])), golden_screenshot_size); return png_data; } SkBitmap ScreenshotTester::ProcessImageForComparison(const PNGFile& image) { CHECK(image.get()); SkBitmap current_bitmap; gfx::PNGCodec::Decode(image->front(), image->size(), &current_bitmap); EraseIgnoredAreas(current_bitmap); return current_bitmap; } ScreenshotTester::Result ScreenshotTester::CompareScreenshots( const PNGFile& model, const PNGFile& sample) { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(content::BrowserThread::UI); SkBitmap model_bitmap; SkBitmap sample_bitmap; model_bitmap = ProcessImageForComparison(model); sample_bitmap = ProcessImageForComparison(sample); if (pdiff_enabled_) { return CompareScreenshotsPerceptually(model_bitmap, sample_bitmap); } else { return CompareScreenshotsRegularly(model_bitmap, sample_bitmap); } } void ScreenshotTester::LogSimilarity(double similarity, bool screenshots_match) { VLOG(0) << "Screenshots similarity: " << std::setprecision(5) << similarity * 100 << "\%"; if (!pdiff_enabled_ && screenshots_match) { if (similarity == 1) { // 100% VLOG(0) << "Screenshots match perfectly"; } else { VLOG(0) << "Screenshots differ slightly, but it is still a match"; } } } void ScreenshotTester::LogComparisonResults( const ScreenshotTester::Result& result) { std::string comparison_type = pdiff_enabled_ ? "PerceptualDiff" : "regular"; if (result.screenshots_match) { VLOG(0) << "Screenshot testing passed using " << comparison_type << " comparison"; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Screenshot testing failed using " << comparison_type << " comparison"; if (!pdiff_enabled_) { VLOG(0) << "(HINT): Result may be false negative. Try using " "PerceptualDiff comparison (use pdiff-test mode instead of " "test)"; } } LogSimilarity(result.similarity, result.screenshots_match); } ScreenshotTester::Result ScreenshotTester::CompareScreenshotsRegularly( SkBitmap model_bitmap, SkBitmap sample_bitmap) { SkDifferentPixelsMetric differ; SkImageDiffer::BitmapsToCreate diff_parameters; diff_parameters.rgbDiff = true; SkImageDiffer::Result result; differ.diff(&model_bitmap, &sample_bitmap, diff_parameters, &result); Result testing_result; testing_result.screenshots_match = (result.result >= kPrecision && result.maxRedDiff <= kMaxAllowedColorDifference && result.maxGreenDiff <= kMaxAllowedColorDifference && result.maxBlueDiff <= kMaxAllowedColorDifference); testing_result.similarity = result.result; scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedBytes> diff_image(new base::RefCountedBytes); diff_image->data().resize(result.rgbDiffBitmap.computeByteSize()); CHECK(gfx::PNGCodec::EncodeBGRASkBitmap(result.rgbDiffBitmap, false, &diff_image->data())) << "Could not encode difference to PNG"; testing_result.diff_image = diff_image; return testing_result; } ScreenshotTester::Result ScreenshotTester::CompareScreenshotsPerceptually( SkBitmap model_bitmap, SkBitmap sample_bitmap) { SkPMetric differ; SkImageDiffer::BitmapsToCreate diff_parameters; SkImageDiffer::Result result; differ.diff(&model_bitmap, &sample_bitmap, diff_parameters, &result); ScreenshotTester::Result testing_result; testing_result.similarity = result.result; testing_result.screenshots_match = (result.result == SkImageDiffer::RESULT_CORRECT); return testing_result; } } // namespace chromeos
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 MediaTek Inc. * Author: Shunli Wang <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include <linux/clk-provider.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include "clk-mtk.h" #include "clk-gate.h" #include <dt-bindings/clock/mt2701-clk.h> static const struct mtk_gate_regs disp0_cg_regs = { .set_ofs = 0x0104, .clr_ofs = 0x0108, .sta_ofs = 0x0100, }; static const struct mtk_gate_regs disp1_cg_regs = { .set_ofs = 0x0114, .clr_ofs = 0x0118, .sta_ofs = 0x0110, }; #define GATE_DISP0(_id, _name, _parent, _shift) { \ .id = _id, \ .name = _name, \ .parent_name = _parent, \ .regs = &disp0_cg_regs, \ .shift = _shift, \ .ops = &mtk_clk_gate_ops_setclr, \ } #define GATE_DISP1(_id, _name, _parent, _shift) { \ .id = _id, \ .name = _name, \ .parent_name = _parent, \ .regs = &disp1_cg_regs, \ .shift = _shift, \ .ops = &mtk_clk_gate_ops_setclr, \ } static const struct mtk_gate mm_clks[] = { GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_SMI_COMMON, "mm_smi_comm", "mm_sel", 0), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_SMI_LARB0, "mm_smi_larb0", "mm_sel", 1), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_CMDQ, "mm_cmdq", "mm_sel", 2), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_MUTEX, "mm_mutex", "mm_sel", 3), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_DISP_COLOR, "mm_disp_color", "mm_sel", 4), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_DISP_BLS, "mm_disp_bls", "mm_sel", 5), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_DISP_WDMA, "mm_disp_wdma", "mm_sel", 6), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_DISP_RDMA, "mm_disp_rdma", "mm_sel", 7), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_DISP_OVL, "mm_disp_ovl", "mm_sel", 8), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_MDP_TDSHP, "mm_mdp_tdshp", "mm_sel", 9), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_MDP_WROT, "mm_mdp_wrot", "mm_sel", 10), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_MDP_WDMA, "mm_mdp_wdma", "mm_sel", 11), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_MDP_RSZ1, "mm_mdp_rsz1", "mm_sel", 12), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_MDP_RSZ0, "mm_mdp_rsz0", "mm_sel", 13), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_MDP_RDMA, "mm_mdp_rdma", "mm_sel", 14), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_MDP_BLS_26M, "mm_mdp_bls_26m", "pwm_sel", 15), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_CAM_MDP, "mm_cam_mdp", "mm_sel", 16), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_FAKE_ENG, "mm_fake_eng", "mm_sel", 17), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_MUTEX_32K, "mm_mutex_32k", "rtc_sel", 18), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_DISP_RDMA1, "mm_disp_rdma1", "mm_sel", 19), GATE_DISP0(CLK_MM_DISP_UFOE, "mm_disp_ufoe", "mm_sel", 20), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_DSI_ENGINE, "mm_dsi_eng", "mm_sel", 0), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_DSI_DIG, "mm_dsi_dig", "dsi0_lntc_dsi", 1), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_DPI_DIGL, "mm_dpi_digl", "dpi0_sel", 2), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_DPI_ENGINE, "mm_dpi_eng", "mm_sel", 3), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_DPI1_DIGL, "mm_dpi1_digl", "dpi1_sel", 4), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_DPI1_ENGINE, "mm_dpi1_eng", "mm_sel", 5), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_TVE_OUTPUT, "mm_tve_output", "tve_sel", 6), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_TVE_INPUT, "mm_tve_input", "dpi0_sel", 7), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_HDMI_PIXEL, "mm_hdmi_pixel", "dpi1_sel", 8), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_HDMI_PLL, "mm_hdmi_pll", "hdmi_sel", 9), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_HDMI_AUDIO, "mm_hdmi_audio", "apll_sel", 10), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_HDMI_SPDIF, "mm_hdmi_spdif", "apll_sel", 11), GATE_DISP1(CLK_MM_TVE_FMM, "mm_tve_fmm", "mm_sel", 14), }; static const struct of_device_id of_match_clk_mt2701_mm[] = { { .compatible = "mediatek,mt2701-mmsys", }, {} }; static int clk_mt2701_mm_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct clk_onecell_data *clk_data; int r; struct device_node *node = pdev->dev.of_node; clk_data = mtk_alloc_clk_data(CLK_MM_NR); mtk_clk_register_gates(node, mm_clks, ARRAY_SIZE(mm_clks), clk_data); r = of_clk_add_provider(node, of_clk_src_onecell_get, clk_data); if (r) dev_err(&pdev->dev, "could not register clock provider: %s: %d\n", pdev->name, r); return r; } static struct platform_driver clk_mt2701_mm_drv = { .probe = clk_mt2701_mm_probe, .driver = { .name = "clk-mt2701-mm", .of_match_table = of_match_clk_mt2701_mm, }, }; builtin_platform_driver(clk_mt2701_mm_drv);
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
#ifndef __iop_sap_in_defs_h #define __iop_sap_in_defs_h /* * This file is autogenerated from * file: ../../inst/io_proc/rtl/iop_sap_in.r * id: <not found> * last modfied: Mon Apr 11 16:08:45 2005 * * by /n/asic/design/tools/rdesc/src/rdes2c --outfile iop_sap_in_defs.h ../../inst/io_proc/rtl/iop_sap_in.r * id: $Id: iop_sap_in_defs.h,v 1.5 2005/04/24 18:31:05 starvik Exp $ * Any changes here will be lost. * * -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- */ /* Main access macros */ #ifndef REG_RD #define REG_RD( scope, inst, reg ) \ REG_READ( reg_##scope##_##reg, \ (inst) + REG_RD_ADDR_##scope##_##reg ) #endif #ifndef REG_WR #define REG_WR( scope, inst, reg, val ) \ REG_WRITE( reg_##scope##_##reg, \ (inst) + REG_WR_ADDR_##scope##_##reg, (val) ) #endif #ifndef REG_RD_VECT #define REG_RD_VECT( scope, inst, reg, index ) \ REG_READ( reg_##scope##_##reg, \ (inst) + REG_RD_ADDR_##scope##_##reg + \ (index) * STRIDE_##scope##_##reg ) #endif #ifndef REG_WR_VECT #define REG_WR_VECT( scope, inst, reg, index, val ) \ REG_WRITE( reg_##scope##_##reg, \ (inst) + REG_WR_ADDR_##scope##_##reg + \ (index) * STRIDE_##scope##_##reg, (val) ) #endif #ifndef REG_RD_INT #define REG_RD_INT( scope, inst, reg ) \ REG_READ( int, (inst) + REG_RD_ADDR_##scope##_##reg ) #endif #ifndef REG_WR_INT #define REG_WR_INT( scope, inst, reg, val ) \ REG_WRITE( int, (inst) + REG_WR_ADDR_##scope##_##reg, (val) ) #endif #ifndef REG_RD_INT_VECT #define REG_RD_INT_VECT( scope, inst, reg, index ) \ REG_READ( int, (inst) + REG_RD_ADDR_##scope##_##reg + \ (index) * STRIDE_##scope##_##reg ) #endif #ifndef REG_WR_INT_VECT #define REG_WR_INT_VECT( scope, inst, reg, index, val ) \ REG_WRITE( int, (inst) + REG_WR_ADDR_##scope##_##reg + \ (index) * STRIDE_##scope##_##reg, (val) ) #endif #ifndef REG_TYPE_CONV #define REG_TYPE_CONV( type, orgtype, val ) \ ( { union { orgtype o; type n; } r; r.o = val; r.n; } ) #endif #ifndef reg_page_size #define reg_page_size 8192 #endif #ifndef REG_ADDR #define REG_ADDR( scope, inst, reg ) \ ( (inst) + REG_RD_ADDR_##scope##_##reg ) #endif #ifndef REG_ADDR_VECT #define REG_ADDR_VECT( scope, inst, reg, index ) \ ( (inst) + REG_RD_ADDR_##scope##_##reg + \ (index) * STRIDE_##scope##_##reg ) #endif /* C-code for register scope iop_sap_in */ /* Register rw_bus0_sync, scope iop_sap_in, type rw */ typedef struct { unsigned int byte0_sel : 2; unsigned int byte0_ext_src : 3; unsigned int byte0_edge : 2; unsigned int byte0_delay : 1; unsigned int byte1_sel : 2; unsigned int byte1_ext_src : 3; unsigned int byte1_edge : 2; unsigned int byte1_delay : 1; unsigned int byte2_sel : 2; unsigned int byte2_ext_src : 3; unsigned int byte2_edge : 2; unsigned int byte2_delay : 1; unsigned int byte3_sel : 2; unsigned int byte3_ext_src : 3; unsigned int byte3_edge : 2; unsigned int byte3_delay : 1; } reg_iop_sap_in_rw_bus0_sync; #define REG_RD_ADDR_iop_sap_in_rw_bus0_sync 0 #define REG_WR_ADDR_iop_sap_in_rw_bus0_sync 0 /* Register rw_bus1_sync, scope iop_sap_in, type rw */ typedef struct { unsigned int byte0_sel : 2; unsigned int byte0_ext_src : 3; unsigned int byte0_edge : 2; unsigned int byte0_delay : 1; unsigned int byte1_sel : 2; unsigned int byte1_ext_src : 3; unsigned int byte1_edge : 2; unsigned int byte1_delay : 1; unsigned int byte2_sel : 2; unsigned int byte2_ext_src : 3; unsigned int byte2_edge : 2; unsigned int byte2_delay : 1; unsigned int byte3_sel : 2; unsigned int byte3_ext_src : 3; unsigned int byte3_edge : 2; unsigned int byte3_delay : 1; } reg_iop_sap_in_rw_bus1_sync; #define REG_RD_ADDR_iop_sap_in_rw_bus1_sync 4 #define REG_WR_ADDR_iop_sap_in_rw_bus1_sync 4 #define STRIDE_iop_sap_in_rw_gio 4 /* Register rw_gio, scope iop_sap_in, type rw */ typedef struct { unsigned int sync_sel : 2; unsigned int sync_ext_src : 3; unsigned int sync_edge : 2; unsigned int delay : 1; unsigned int logic : 2; unsigned int dummy1 : 22; } reg_iop_sap_in_rw_gio; #define REG_RD_ADDR_iop_sap_in_rw_gio 8 #define REG_WR_ADDR_iop_sap_in_rw_gio 8 /* Constants */ enum { regk_iop_sap_in_and = 0x00000002, regk_iop_sap_in_ext_clk200 = 0x00000003, regk_iop_sap_in_gio1 = 0x00000000, regk_iop_sap_in_gio13 = 0x00000005, regk_iop_sap_in_gio18 = 0x00000003, regk_iop_sap_in_gio19 = 0x00000004, regk_iop_sap_in_gio21 = 0x00000006, regk_iop_sap_in_gio23 = 0x00000005, regk_iop_sap_in_gio29 = 0x00000007, regk_iop_sap_in_gio5 = 0x00000004, regk_iop_sap_in_gio6 = 0x00000001, regk_iop_sap_in_gio7 = 0x00000002, regk_iop_sap_in_inv = 0x00000001, regk_iop_sap_in_neg = 0x00000002, regk_iop_sap_in_no = 0x00000000, regk_iop_sap_in_no_del_ext_clk200 = 0x00000001, regk_iop_sap_in_none = 0x00000000, regk_iop_sap_in_or = 0x00000003, regk_iop_sap_in_pos = 0x00000001, regk_iop_sap_in_pos_neg = 0x00000003, regk_iop_sap_in_rw_bus0_sync_default = 0x02020202, regk_iop_sap_in_rw_bus1_sync_default = 0x02020202, regk_iop_sap_in_rw_gio_default = 0x00000002, regk_iop_sap_in_rw_gio_size = 0x00000020, regk_iop_sap_in_timer_grp0_tmr3 = 0x00000006, regk_iop_sap_in_timer_grp1_tmr3 = 0x00000004, regk_iop_sap_in_timer_grp2_tmr3 = 0x00000005, regk_iop_sap_in_timer_grp3_tmr3 = 0x00000007, regk_iop_sap_in_tmr_clk200 = 0x00000000, regk_iop_sap_in_two_clk200 = 0x00000002, regk_iop_sap_in_yes = 0x00000001 }; #endif /* __iop_sap_in_defs_h */
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_SHELL_TEST_RUNNER_MOCK_WEB_THEME_ENGINE_H_ #define CONTENT_SHELL_TEST_RUNNER_MOCK_WEB_THEME_ENGINE_H_ #include "build/build_config.h" #include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_theme_engine.h" namespace test_runner { class MockWebThemeEngine : public blink::WebThemeEngine { public: virtual ~MockWebThemeEngine() {} #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) // blink::WebThemeEngine: blink::WebSize GetSize(blink::WebThemeEngine::Part) override; void Paint(blink::WebCanvas*, blink::WebThemeEngine::Part, blink::WebThemeEngine::State, const blink::WebRect&, const blink::WebThemeEngine::ExtraParams*) override; #endif // !defined(OS_MACOSX) }; } // namespace test_runner #endif // CONTENT_SHELL_TEST_RUNNER_MOCK_WEB_THEME_ENGINE_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/android/window_android.h" #include "base/android/jni_android.h" #include "base/android/jni_array.h" #include "base/android/jni_string.h" #include "base/android/jni_weak_ref.h" #include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h" #include "base/observer_list.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "components/viz/common/frame_sinks/begin_frame_args.h" #include "components/viz/common/frame_sinks/begin_frame_source.h" #include "jni/WindowAndroid_jni.h" #include "ui/android/window_android_compositor.h" #include "ui/android/window_android_observer.h" namespace ui { using base::android::AttachCurrentThread; using base::android::JavaParamRef; using base::android::JavaRef; using base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef; const float kDefaultMouseWheelTickMultiplier = 64; class WindowAndroid::WindowBeginFrameSource : public viz::BeginFrameSource { public: explicit WindowBeginFrameSource(WindowAndroid* window) : BeginFrameSource(kNotRestartableId), window_(window), observers_(base::ObserverListPolicy::EXISTING_ONLY), observer_count_(0), next_sequence_number_(viz::BeginFrameArgs::kStartingFrameNumber), paused_(false) {} ~WindowBeginFrameSource() override {} // viz::BeginFrameSource implementation. void AddObserver(viz::BeginFrameObserver* obs) override; void RemoveObserver(viz::BeginFrameObserver* obs) override; void DidFinishFrame(viz::BeginFrameObserver* obs) override {} bool IsThrottled() const override { return true; } void OnVSync(base::TimeTicks frame_time, base::TimeDelta vsync_period); void OnPauseChanged(bool paused); private: WindowAndroid* const window_; base::ObserverList<viz::BeginFrameObserver> observers_; int observer_count_; viz::BeginFrameArgs last_begin_frame_args_; uint64_t next_sequence_number_; bool paused_; }; void WindowAndroid::WindowBeginFrameSource::AddObserver( viz::BeginFrameObserver* obs) { DCHECK(obs); DCHECK(!observers_.HasObserver(obs)); observers_.AddObserver(obs); observer_count_++; obs->OnBeginFrameSourcePausedChanged(paused_); window_->SetNeedsBeginFrames(true); // Send a MISSED BeginFrame if possible and necessary. if (last_begin_frame_args_.IsValid()) { viz::BeginFrameArgs last_args = obs->LastUsedBeginFrameArgs(); if (!last_args.IsValid() || last_args.frame_time < last_begin_frame_args_.frame_time) { DCHECK(last_args.sequence_number < last_begin_frame_args_.sequence_number || last_args.source_id != last_begin_frame_args_.source_id); last_begin_frame_args_.type = viz::BeginFrameArgs::MISSED; // TODO( A deadline doesn't make too much sense // for a missed BeginFrame (the intention rather is 'immediately'), // but currently the retro frame logic is very strict in discarding // BeginFrames. last_begin_frame_args_.deadline = base::TimeTicks::Now() + last_begin_frame_args_.interval; obs->OnBeginFrame(last_begin_frame_args_); } } } void WindowAndroid::WindowBeginFrameSource::RemoveObserver( viz::BeginFrameObserver* obs) { DCHECK(obs); DCHECK(observers_.HasObserver(obs)); observers_.RemoveObserver(obs); observer_count_--; if (observer_count_ <= 0) window_->SetNeedsBeginFrames(false); } void WindowAndroid::WindowBeginFrameSource::OnVSync( base::TimeTicks frame_time, base::TimeDelta vsync_period) { // frame time is in the past, so give the next vsync period as the deadline. base::TimeTicks deadline = frame_time + vsync_period; last_begin_frame_args_ = viz::BeginFrameArgs::Create( BEGINFRAME_FROM_HERE, source_id(), next_sequence_number_, frame_time, deadline, vsync_period, viz::BeginFrameArgs::NORMAL); DCHECK(last_begin_frame_args_.IsValid()); next_sequence_number_++; for (auto& obs : observers_) obs.OnBeginFrame(last_begin_frame_args_); } void WindowAndroid::WindowBeginFrameSource::OnPauseChanged(bool paused) { paused_ = paused; for (auto& obs : observers_) obs.OnBeginFrameSourcePausedChanged(paused_); } // static WindowAndroid* WindowAndroid::FromJavaWindowAndroid( const JavaParamRef<jobject>& jwindow_android) { if (jwindow_android.is_null()) return nullptr; return reinterpret_cast<WindowAndroid*>(Java_WindowAndroid_getNativePointer( AttachCurrentThread(), jwindow_android)); } WindowAndroid::WindowAndroid(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, int display_id, float scroll_factor) : display_id_(display_id), compositor_(NULL), begin_frame_source_(new WindowBeginFrameSource(this)), needs_begin_frames_(false) { java_window_.Reset(env, obj); mouse_wheel_scroll_factor_ = scroll_factor > 0 ? scroll_factor : kDefaultMouseWheelTickMultiplier * GetDipScale(); } void WindowAndroid::Destroy(JNIEnv* env, const JavaParamRef<jobject>& obj) { delete this; } ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> WindowAndroid::GetJavaObject() { return base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject>(java_window_); } WindowAndroid::~WindowAndroid() { DCHECK(parent_ == nullptr) << "WindowAndroid must be a root view."; DCHECK(!compositor_); Java_WindowAndroid_clearNativePointer(AttachCurrentThread(), GetJavaObject()); } WindowAndroid* WindowAndroid::CreateForTesting() { JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread(); long native_pointer = Java_WindowAndroid_createForTesting(env); return reinterpret_cast<WindowAndroid*>(native_pointer); } void WindowAndroid::OnCompositingDidCommit() { for (WindowAndroidObserver& observer : observer_list_) observer.OnCompositingDidCommit(); } void WindowAndroid::AddObserver(WindowAndroidObserver* observer) { if (!observer_list_.HasObserver(observer)) observer_list_.AddObserver(observer); } void WindowAndroid::AddVSyncCompleteCallback(const base::Closure& callback) { vsync_complete_callbacks_.push_back(callback); } void WindowAndroid::RemoveObserver(WindowAndroidObserver* observer) { observer_list_.RemoveObserver(observer); } viz::BeginFrameSource* WindowAndroid::GetBeginFrameSource() { return begin_frame_source_.get(); } void WindowAndroid::AttachCompositor(WindowAndroidCompositor* compositor) { if (compositor_ && compositor != compositor_) DetachCompositor(); compositor_ = compositor; for (WindowAndroidObserver& observer : observer_list_) observer.OnAttachCompositor(); } void WindowAndroid::DetachCompositor() { compositor_ = NULL; for (WindowAndroidObserver& observer : observer_list_) observer.OnDetachCompositor(); observer_list_.Clear(); } void WindowAndroid::RequestVSyncUpdate() { JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread(); Java_WindowAndroid_requestVSyncUpdate(env, GetJavaObject()); } void WindowAndroid::SetNeedsBeginFrames(bool needs_begin_frames) { if (needs_begin_frames_ == needs_begin_frames) return; needs_begin_frames_ = needs_begin_frames; if (needs_begin_frames_) RequestVSyncUpdate(); } void WindowAndroid::SetNeedsAnimate() { if (compositor_) compositor_->SetNeedsAnimate(); } void WindowAndroid::Animate(base::TimeTicks begin_frame_time) { for (WindowAndroidObserver& observer : observer_list_) observer.OnAnimate(begin_frame_time); } void WindowAndroid::OnVSync(JNIEnv* env, const JavaParamRef<jobject>& obj, jlong time_micros, jlong period_micros) { // Warning: It is generally unsafe to manufacture TimeTicks values. The // following assumption is being made, AND COULD EASILY BREAK AT ANY TIME: // Upstream, Java code is providing "System.nanos() / 1000," and this is the // same timestamp that would be provided by the CLOCK_MONOTONIC POSIX clock. DCHECK_EQ(base::TimeTicks::GetClock(), base::TimeTicks::Clock::LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); base::TimeTicks frame_time = base::TimeTicks() + base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(time_micros); base::TimeDelta vsync_period( base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(period_micros)); begin_frame_source_->OnVSync(frame_time, vsync_period); for (const base::Closure& callback : vsync_complete_callbacks_) callback.Run(); vsync_complete_callbacks_.clear(); if (needs_begin_frames_) RequestVSyncUpdate(); } void WindowAndroid::OnVisibilityChanged(JNIEnv* env, const JavaParamRef<jobject>& obj, bool visible) { for (WindowAndroidObserver& observer : observer_list_) observer.OnRootWindowVisibilityChanged(visible); } void WindowAndroid::OnActivityStopped(JNIEnv* env, const JavaParamRef<jobject>& obj) { for (WindowAndroidObserver& observer : observer_list_) observer.OnActivityStopped(); } void WindowAndroid::OnActivityStarted(JNIEnv* env, const JavaParamRef<jobject>& obj) { for (WindowAndroidObserver& observer : observer_list_) observer.OnActivityStarted(); } void WindowAndroid::SetVSyncPaused(JNIEnv* env, const JavaParamRef<jobject>& obj, bool paused) { begin_frame_source_->OnPauseChanged(paused); } bool WindowAndroid::HasPermission(const std::string& permission) { JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread(); return Java_WindowAndroid_hasPermission( env, GetJavaObject(), base::android::ConvertUTF8ToJavaString(env, permission)); } bool WindowAndroid::CanRequestPermission(const std::string& permission) { JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread(); return Java_WindowAndroid_canRequestPermission( env, GetJavaObject(), base::android::ConvertUTF8ToJavaString(env, permission)); } WindowAndroid* WindowAndroid::GetWindowAndroid() const { DCHECK(parent_ == nullptr); return const_cast<WindowAndroid*>(this); } ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> WindowAndroid::GetWindowToken() { JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread(); return Java_WindowAndroid_getWindowToken(env, GetJavaObject()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Native JNI methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- jlong JNI_WindowAndroid_Init(JNIEnv* env, const JavaParamRef<jobject>& obj, int sdk_display_id, float scroll_factor) { WindowAndroid* window = new WindowAndroid(env, obj, sdk_display_id, scroll_factor); return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(window); } } // namespace ui
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * arch/arm/mach-vt8500/vt8500.c * * Copyright (C) 2012 Tony Prisk <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <linux/io.h> #include <linux/pm.h> #include <linux/reboot.h> #include <asm/mach-types.h> #include <asm/mach/arch.h> #include <asm/mach/time.h> #include <asm/mach/map.h> #include <linux/of.h> #include <linux/of_address.h> #include <linux/of_irq.h> #define LEGACY_GPIO_BASE 0xD8110000 #define LEGACY_PMC_BASE 0xD8130000 /* Registers in GPIO Controller */ #define VT8500_GPIO_MUX_REG 0x200 /* Registers in Power Management Controller */ #define VT8500_HCR_REG 0x12 #define VT8500_PMSR_REG 0x60 static void __iomem *pmc_base; static void vt8500_restart(enum reboot_mode mode, const char *cmd) { if (pmc_base) writel(1, pmc_base + VT8500_PMSR_REG); } static struct map_desc vt8500_io_desc[] __initdata = { /* SoC MMIO registers */ [0] = { .virtual = 0xf8000000, .pfn = __phys_to_pfn(0xd8000000), .length = 0x00390000, /* max of all chip variants */ .type = MT_DEVICE }, }; static void __init vt8500_map_io(void) { iotable_init(vt8500_io_desc, ARRAY_SIZE(vt8500_io_desc)); } static void vt8500_power_off(void) { local_irq_disable(); writew(5, pmc_base + VT8500_HCR_REG); asm("mcr p15, 0, %0, c7, c0, 4" : : "r" (0)); } static void __init vt8500_init(void) { struct device_node *np; #if defined(CONFIG_FB_VT8500) || defined(CONFIG_FB_WM8505) struct device_node *fb; void __iomem *gpio_base; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_FB_VT8500 fb = of_find_compatible_node(NULL, NULL, "via,vt8500-fb"); if (fb) { np = of_find_compatible_node(NULL, NULL, "via,vt8500-gpio"); if (np) { gpio_base = of_iomap(np, 0); if (!gpio_base) pr_err("%s: of_iomap(gpio_mux) failed\n", __func__); of_node_put(np); } else { gpio_base = ioremap(LEGACY_GPIO_BASE, 0x1000); if (!gpio_base) pr_err("%s: ioremap(legacy_gpio_mux) failed\n", __func__); } if (gpio_base) { writel(readl(gpio_base + VT8500_GPIO_MUX_REG) | 1, gpio_base + VT8500_GPIO_MUX_REG); iounmap(gpio_base); } else pr_err("%s: Could not remap GPIO mux\n", __func__); of_node_put(fb); } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_FB_WM8505 fb = of_find_compatible_node(NULL, NULL, "wm,wm8505-fb"); if (fb) { np = of_find_compatible_node(NULL, NULL, "wm,wm8505-gpio"); if (!np) np = of_find_compatible_node(NULL, NULL, "wm,wm8650-gpio"); if (np) { gpio_base = of_iomap(np, 0); if (!gpio_base) pr_err("%s: of_iomap(gpio_mux) failed\n", __func__); of_node_put(np); } else { gpio_base = ioremap(LEGACY_GPIO_BASE, 0x1000); if (!gpio_base) pr_err("%s: ioremap(legacy_gpio_mux) failed\n", __func__); } if (gpio_base) { writel(readl(gpio_base + VT8500_GPIO_MUX_REG) | 0x80000000, gpio_base + VT8500_GPIO_MUX_REG); iounmap(gpio_base); } else pr_err("%s: Could not remap GPIO mux\n", __func__); of_node_put(fb); } #endif np = of_find_compatible_node(NULL, NULL, "via,vt8500-pmc"); if (np) { pmc_base = of_iomap(np, 0); if (!pmc_base) pr_err("%s:of_iomap(pmc) failed\n", __func__); of_node_put(np); } else { pmc_base = ioremap(LEGACY_PMC_BASE, 0x1000); if (!pmc_base) pr_err("%s:ioremap(power_off) failed\n", __func__); } if (pmc_base) pm_power_off = &vt8500_power_off; else pr_err("%s: PMC Hibernation register could not be remapped, not enabling power off!\n", __func__); } static const char * const vt8500_dt_compat[] = { "via,vt8500", "wm,wm8650", "wm,wm8505", "wm,wm8750", "wm,wm8850", NULL }; DT_MACHINE_START(WMT_DT, "VIA/Wondermedia SoC (Device Tree Support)") .dt_compat = vt8500_dt_compat, .map_io = vt8500_map_io, .init_machine = vt8500_init, .restart = vt8500_restart, MACHINE_END
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <pthread.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include "native_client/src/untrusted/irt/irt.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/completion_callback.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/instance.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/module.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/tcp_socket.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/var.h" #include "ppapi/utility/completion_callback_factory.h" #if defined(__clang__) // ipc_message_attachment_set.h depends on C++11 which nacl-g++ does not // fully support. #include "ipc/ipc_message_attachment_set.h" #endif namespace { std::string g_last_error; pp::Instance* g_instance = NULL; // This should be larger than or equal to // MessageAttachmentSet::kMaxDescriptorsPerMessage in // ipc/ipc_message_attachment_set.h. const size_t kMaxDescriptorsPerMessage = 128; #if defined(__clang__) static_assert(kMaxDescriptorsPerMessage >= IPC::MessageAttachmentSet::kMaxDescriptorsPerMessage, "kMaxDescriptorsPerMessage is not up to date"); #endif // Returns true if the resource file whose name is |key| exists and its content // matches |content|. bool LoadManifestInternal(nacl_irt_resource_open* nacl_irt_resource_open, const std::string& key, const std::string& content) { int desc; int error; error = nacl_irt_resource_open->open_resource(key.c_str(), &desc); if (0 != error) { g_last_error = "Can't open file " + key; return false; } std::string str; char buffer[4096]; int len; while ((len = read(desc, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1)) > 0) { // Null terminate. buffer[len] = '\0'; str += buffer; } if (close(desc)) { g_last_error = "Close failed: file=" + key; return false; } if (str != content) { g_last_error = "Wrong file content: file=" + key + ", expected=" + content + ", actual=" + str; return false; } return true; } // Tests if open_resource works in a packaged app. This test is similar to // NaClBrowserTest*.IrtManifestFile, but unlike the NaCl test, this one tests // the "fast path" in DownloadNexe() in which opens // resource files without using URLLoader. void LoadManifest() { if (pthread_detach(pthread_self())) { g_last_error = "pthread_detach failed"; return; } struct nacl_irt_resource_open nacl_irt_resource_open; if (sizeof(nacl_irt_resource_open) != nacl_interface_query(NACL_IRT_RESOURCE_OPEN_v0_1, &nacl_irt_resource_open, sizeof(nacl_irt_resource_open))) { g_last_error = "NACL_IRT_RESOURCE_OPEN_v0_1 not found"; return; } for (size_t i = 0; i <= kMaxDescriptorsPerMessage; ++i) { std::stringstream key; key << "test_file" << i; std::string content = "Example contents for open_resource test" + std::string(i % 2 ? "2" : ""); if (!LoadManifestInternal(&nacl_irt_resource_open, key.str(), content)) break; // Open the same resource file again to make sure each file descriptor // returned from open_resource has its own file offset. if (!LoadManifestInternal(&nacl_irt_resource_open, key.str(), content)) break; } } void PostReply(void* user_data, int32_t status) { if (!g_last_error.empty()) g_instance->PostMessage(g_last_error.c_str()); else g_instance->PostMessage("PASS"); } void* RunTestsOnBackgroundThread(void* thread_id) { LoadManifest(); pp::Module::Get()->core()->CallOnMainThread( 0, pp::CompletionCallback(&PostReply, NULL)); return NULL; } class MyInstance : public pp::Instance { public: explicit MyInstance(PP_Instance instance) : pp::Instance(instance), socket_(this), factory_(this) { g_instance = this; } virtual ~MyInstance() { } void DidBindSocket(int32_t result) { // We didn't ask for socket permission in our manifest, so it should fail. if (result == PP_ERROR_NOACCESS) PostMessage("PASS"); else PostMessage(result); } virtual bool Init(uint32_t argc, const char* argn[], const char* argv[]) { pthread_t thread; // irt_open_resource() isn't allowed to be called on the main thread once // Pepper starts, so the test must happen on a background thread. if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &RunTestsOnBackgroundThread, NULL)) { g_last_error = "pthread_create failed"; PostReply(NULL, 0); } // Attempt to bind a socket. We don't have permissions, so it should fail. PP_NetAddress_IPv4 ipv4_address = {80, {127, 0, 0, 1} }; pp::NetAddress address(this, ipv4_address); socket_.Bind(address, factory_.NewCallback(&MyInstance::DidBindSocket)); return true; } private: pp::TCPSocket socket_; pp::CompletionCallbackFactory<MyInstance> factory_; }; class MyModule : public pp::Module { public: MyModule() : pp::Module() { } virtual ~MyModule() { } virtual pp::Instance* CreateInstance(PP_Instance instance) { return new MyInstance(instance); } }; } // namespace namespace pp { Module* CreateModule() { return new MyModule(); } } // namespace pp
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/events/ozone/device/device_manager.h" #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" #include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h" #if defined(USE_UDEV) #include "ui/events/ozone/device/udev/device_manager_udev.h" #else #include "ui/events/ozone/device/device_manager_manual.h" #endif namespace ui { std::unique_ptr<DeviceManager> CreateDeviceManager() { TRACE_EVENT0("ozone", "CreateDeviceManager"); #if defined(USE_UDEV) return std::make_unique<DeviceManagerUdev>(); #else return std::make_unique<DeviceManagerManual>(); #endif } } // namespace ui
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROMEOS_DBUS_FAKE_SHILL_SERVICE_CLIENT_H_ #define CHROMEOS_DBUS_FAKE_SHILL_SERVICE_CLIENT_H_ #include <map> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h" #include "chromeos/dbus/shill_service_client.h" namespace chromeos { // A fake implementation of ShillServiceClient. This works in close coordination // with FakeShillManagerClient and is not intended to be used independently. class CHROMEOS_EXPORT FakeShillServiceClient : public ShillServiceClient, public ShillServiceClient::TestInterface { public: FakeShillServiceClient(); ~FakeShillServiceClient() override; // ShillServiceClient overrides void Init(dbus::Bus* bus) override; void AddPropertyChangedObserver( const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, ShillPropertyChangedObserver* observer) override; void RemovePropertyChangedObserver( const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, ShillPropertyChangedObserver* observer) override; void GetProperties(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const DictionaryValueCallback& callback) override; void SetProperty(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const std::string& name, const base::Value& value, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void SetProperties(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const base::DictionaryValue& properties, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void ClearProperty(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const std::string& name, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void ClearProperties(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const std::vector<std::string>& names, const ListValueCallback& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void Connect(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void Disconnect(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void Remove(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void ActivateCellularModem(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const std::string& carrier, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void CompleteCellularActivation(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void GetLoadableProfileEntries( const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const DictionaryValueCallback& callback) override; ShillServiceClient::TestInterface* GetTestInterface() override; // ShillServiceClient::TestInterface overrides. void AddService(const std::string& service_path, const std::string& guid, const std::string& name, const std::string& type, const std::string& state, bool visible) override; void AddServiceWithIPConfig(const std::string& service_path, const std::string& guid, const std::string& name, const std::string& type, const std::string& state, const std::string& ipconfig_path, bool visible) override; base::DictionaryValue* SetServiceProperties(const std::string& service_path, const std::string& guid, const std::string& name, const std::string& type, const std::string& state, bool visible) override; void RemoveService(const std::string& service_path) override; bool SetServiceProperty(const std::string& service_path, const std::string& property, const base::Value& value) override; const base::DictionaryValue* GetServiceProperties( const std::string& service_path) const override; void ClearServices() override; void SetConnectBehavior(const std::string& service_path, const base::Closure& behavior) override; private: typedef base::ObserverList<ShillPropertyChangedObserver> PropertyObserverList; void NotifyObserversPropertyChanged(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const std::string& property); base::DictionaryValue* GetModifiableServiceProperties( const std::string& service_path, bool create_if_missing); PropertyObserverList& GetObserverList(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path); void SetOtherServicesOffline(const std::string& service_path); void SetCellularActivated(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path, const ErrorCallback& error_callback); void ContinueConnect(const std::string& service_path); base::DictionaryValue stub_services_; // Per network service, stores a closure that is executed on each connection // attempt. The callback can for example modify the services properties in // order to simulate a connection failure. std::map<std::string, base::Closure> connect_behavior_; // Observer list for each service. std::map<dbus::ObjectPath, std::unique_ptr<PropertyObserverList>> observer_list_; // Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and // invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed. base::WeakPtrFactory<FakeShillServiceClient> weak_ptr_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FakeShillServiceClient); }; } // namespace chromeos #endif // CHROMEOS_DBUS_FAKE_SHILL_SERVICE_CLIENT_H_
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* sunvdc.c: Sun LDOM Virtual Disk Client. * * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 David S. Miller <> */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/blkdev.h> #include <linux/hdreg.h> #include <linux/genhd.h> #include <linux/cdrom.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/spinlock.h> #include <linux/completion.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/list.h> #include <linux/scatterlist.h> #include <asm/vio.h> #include <asm/ldc.h> #define DRV_MODULE_NAME "sunvdc" #define PFX DRV_MODULE_NAME ": " #define DRV_MODULE_VERSION "1.2" #define DRV_MODULE_RELDATE "November 24, 2014" static char version[] = DRV_MODULE_NAME ".c:v" DRV_MODULE_VERSION " (" DRV_MODULE_RELDATE ")\n"; MODULE_AUTHOR("David S. Miller ("); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Sun LDOM virtual disk client driver"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_VERSION(DRV_MODULE_VERSION); #define VDC_TX_RING_SIZE 512 #define VDC_DEFAULT_BLK_SIZE 512 #define WAITING_FOR_LINK_UP 0x01 #define WAITING_FOR_TX_SPACE 0x02 #define WAITING_FOR_GEN_CMD 0x04 #define WAITING_FOR_ANY -1 static struct workqueue_struct *sunvdc_wq; struct vdc_req_entry { struct request *req; }; struct vdc_port { struct vio_driver_state vio; struct gendisk *disk; struct vdc_completion *cmp; u64 req_id; u64 seq; struct vdc_req_entry rq_arr[VDC_TX_RING_SIZE]; unsigned long ring_cookies; u64 max_xfer_size; u32 vdisk_block_size; u64 ldc_timeout; struct timer_list ldc_reset_timer; struct work_struct ldc_reset_work; /* The server fills these in for us in the disk attribute * ACK packet. */ u64 operations; u32 vdisk_size; u8 vdisk_type; u8 vdisk_mtype; u32 vdisk_phys_blksz; char disk_name[32]; }; static void vdc_ldc_reset(struct vdc_port *port); static void vdc_ldc_reset_work(struct work_struct *work); static void vdc_ldc_reset_timer(unsigned long _arg); static inline struct vdc_port *to_vdc_port(struct vio_driver_state *vio) { return container_of(vio, struct vdc_port, vio); } /* Ordered from largest major to lowest */ static struct vio_version vdc_versions[] = { { .major = 1, .minor = 2 }, { .major = 1, .minor = 1 }, { .major = 1, .minor = 0 }, }; static inline int vdc_version_supported(struct vdc_port *port, u16 major, u16 minor) { return port->vio.ver.major == major && port->vio.ver.minor >= minor; } #define VDCBLK_NAME "vdisk" static int vdc_major; #define PARTITION_SHIFT 3 static inline u32 vdc_tx_dring_avail(struct vio_dring_state *dr) { return vio_dring_avail(dr, VDC_TX_RING_SIZE); } static int vdc_getgeo(struct block_device *bdev, struct hd_geometry *geo) { struct gendisk *disk = bdev->bd_disk; sector_t nsect = get_capacity(disk); sector_t cylinders = nsect; geo->heads = 0xff; geo->sectors = 0x3f; sector_div(cylinders, geo->heads * geo->sectors); geo->cylinders = cylinders; if ((sector_t)(geo->cylinders + 1) * geo->heads * geo->sectors < nsect) geo->cylinders = 0xffff; return 0; } /* Add ioctl/CDROM_GET_CAPABILITY to support cdrom_id in udev * when vdisk_mtype is VD_MEDIA_TYPE_CD or VD_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD. * Needed to be able to install inside an ldom from an iso image. */ static int vdc_ioctl(struct block_device *bdev, fmode_t mode, unsigned command, unsigned long argument) { int i; struct gendisk *disk; switch (command) { case CDROMMULTISESSION: pr_debug(PFX "Multisession CDs not supported\n"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct cdrom_multisession); i++) if (put_user(0, (char __user *)(argument + i))) return -EFAULT; return 0; case CDROM_GET_CAPABILITY: disk = bdev->bd_disk; if (bdev->bd_disk && (disk->flags & GENHD_FL_CD)) return 0; return -EINVAL; default: pr_debug(PFX "ioctl %08x not supported\n", command); return -EINVAL; } } static const struct block_device_operations vdc_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .getgeo = vdc_getgeo, .ioctl = vdc_ioctl, }; static void vdc_blk_queue_start(struct vdc_port *port) { struct vio_dring_state *dr = &port->vio.drings[VIO_DRIVER_TX_RING]; /* restart blk queue when ring is half emptied. also called after * handshake completes, so check for initial handshake before we've * allocated a disk. */ if (port->disk && blk_queue_stopped(port->disk->queue) && vdc_tx_dring_avail(dr) * 100 / VDC_TX_RING_SIZE >= 50) { blk_start_queue(port->disk->queue); } } static void vdc_finish(struct vio_driver_state *vio, int err, int waiting_for) { if (vio->cmp && (waiting_for == -1 || vio->cmp->waiting_for == waiting_for)) { vio->cmp->err = err; complete(&vio->cmp->com); vio->cmp = NULL; } } static void vdc_handshake_complete(struct vio_driver_state *vio) { struct vdc_port *port = to_vdc_port(vio); del_timer(&port->ldc_reset_timer); vdc_finish(vio, 0, WAITING_FOR_LINK_UP); vdc_blk_queue_start(port); } static int vdc_handle_unknown(struct vdc_port *port, void *arg) { struct vio_msg_tag *pkt = arg; printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Received unknown msg [%02x:%02x:%04x:%08x]\n", pkt->type, pkt->stype, pkt->stype_env, pkt->sid); printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Resetting connection.\n"); ldc_disconnect(port->vio.lp); return -ECONNRESET; } static int vdc_send_attr(struct vio_driver_state *vio) { struct vdc_port *port = to_vdc_port(vio); struct vio_disk_attr_info pkt; memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); pkt.tag.type = VIO_TYPE_CTRL; pkt.tag.stype = VIO_SUBTYPE_INFO; pkt.tag.stype_env = VIO_ATTR_INFO; pkt.tag.sid = vio_send_sid(vio); pkt.xfer_mode = VIO_DRING_MODE; pkt.vdisk_block_size = port->vdisk_block_size; pkt.max_xfer_size = port->max_xfer_size; viodbg(HS, "SEND ATTR xfer_mode[0x%x] blksz[%u] max_xfer[%llu]\n", pkt.xfer_mode, pkt.vdisk_block_size, pkt.max_xfer_size); return vio_ldc_send(&port->vio, &pkt, sizeof(pkt)); } static int vdc_handle_attr(struct vio_driver_state *vio, void *arg) { struct vdc_port *port = to_vdc_port(vio); struct vio_disk_attr_info *pkt = arg; viodbg(HS, "GOT ATTR stype[0x%x] ops[%llx] disk_size[%llu] disk_type[%x] " "mtype[0x%x] xfer_mode[0x%x] blksz[%u] max_xfer[%llu]\n", pkt->tag.stype, pkt->operations, pkt->vdisk_size, pkt->vdisk_type, pkt->vdisk_mtype, pkt->xfer_mode, pkt->vdisk_block_size, pkt->max_xfer_size); if (pkt->tag.stype == VIO_SUBTYPE_ACK) { switch (pkt->vdisk_type) { case VD_DISK_TYPE_DISK: case VD_DISK_TYPE_SLICE: break; default: printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: Bogus vdisk_type 0x%x\n", vio->name, pkt->vdisk_type); return -ECONNRESET; } if (pkt->vdisk_block_size > port->vdisk_block_size) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: BLOCK size increased " "%u --> %u\n", vio->name, port->vdisk_block_size, pkt->vdisk_block_size); return -ECONNRESET; } port->operations = pkt->operations; port->vdisk_type = pkt->vdisk_type; if (vdc_version_supported(port, 1, 1)) { port->vdisk_size = pkt->vdisk_size; port->vdisk_mtype = pkt->vdisk_mtype; } if (pkt->max_xfer_size < port->max_xfer_size) port->max_xfer_size = pkt->max_xfer_size; port->vdisk_block_size = pkt->vdisk_block_size; port->vdisk_phys_blksz = VDC_DEFAULT_BLK_SIZE; if (vdc_version_supported(port, 1, 2)) port->vdisk_phys_blksz = pkt->phys_block_size; return 0; } else { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: Attribute NACK\n", vio->name); return -ECONNRESET; } } static void vdc_end_special(struct vdc_port *port, struct vio_disk_desc *desc) { int err = desc->status; vdc_finish(&port->vio, -err, WAITING_FOR_GEN_CMD); } static void vdc_end_one(struct vdc_port *port, struct vio_dring_state *dr, unsigned int index) { struct vio_disk_desc *desc = vio_dring_entry(dr, index); struct vdc_req_entry *rqe = &port->rq_arr[index]; struct request *req; if (unlikely(desc->hdr.state != VIO_DESC_DONE)) return; ldc_unmap(port->vio.lp, desc->cookies, desc->ncookies); desc->hdr.state = VIO_DESC_FREE; dr->cons = vio_dring_next(dr, index); req = rqe->req; if (req == NULL) { vdc_end_special(port, desc); return; } rqe->req = NULL; __blk_end_request(req, (desc->status ? -EIO : 0), desc->size); vdc_blk_queue_start(port); } static int vdc_ack(struct vdc_port *port, void *msgbuf) { struct vio_dring_state *dr = &port->vio.drings[VIO_DRIVER_TX_RING]; struct vio_dring_data *pkt = msgbuf; if (unlikely(pkt->dring_ident != dr->ident || pkt->start_idx != pkt->end_idx || pkt->start_idx >= VDC_TX_RING_SIZE)) return 0; vdc_end_one(port, dr, pkt->start_idx); return 0; } static int vdc_nack(struct vdc_port *port, void *msgbuf) { /* XXX Implement me XXX */ return 0; } static void vdc_event(void *arg, int event) { struct vdc_port *port = arg; struct vio_driver_state *vio = &port->vio; unsigned long flags; int err; spin_lock_irqsave(&vio->lock, flags); if (unlikely(event == LDC_EVENT_RESET)) { vio_link_state_change(vio, event); queue_work(sunvdc_wq, &port->ldc_reset_work); goto out; } if (unlikely(event == LDC_EVENT_UP)) { vio_link_state_change(vio, event); goto out; } if (unlikely(event != LDC_EVENT_DATA_READY)) { pr_warn(PFX "Unexpected LDC event %d\n", event); goto out; } err = 0; while (1) { union { struct vio_msg_tag tag; u64 raw[8]; } msgbuf; err = ldc_read(vio->lp, &msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf)); if (unlikely(err < 0)) { if (err == -ECONNRESET) vio_conn_reset(vio); break; } if (err == 0) break; viodbg(DATA, "TAG [%02x:%02x:%04x:%08x]\n", msgbuf.tag.type, msgbuf.tag.stype, msgbuf.tag.stype_env, msgbuf.tag.sid); err = vio_validate_sid(vio, &msgbuf.tag); if (err < 0) break; if (likely(msgbuf.tag.type == VIO_TYPE_DATA)) { if (msgbuf.tag.stype == VIO_SUBTYPE_ACK) err = vdc_ack(port, &msgbuf); else if (msgbuf.tag.stype == VIO_SUBTYPE_NACK) err = vdc_nack(port, &msgbuf); else err = vdc_handle_unknown(port, &msgbuf); } else if (msgbuf.tag.type == VIO_TYPE_CTRL) { err = vio_control_pkt_engine(vio, &msgbuf); } else { err = vdc_handle_unknown(port, &msgbuf); } if (err < 0) break; } if (err < 0) vdc_finish(&port->vio, err, WAITING_FOR_ANY); out: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vio->lock, flags); } static int __vdc_tx_trigger(struct vdc_port *port) { struct vio_dring_state *dr = &port->vio.drings[VIO_DRIVER_TX_RING]; struct vio_dring_data hdr = { .tag = { .type = VIO_TYPE_DATA, .stype = VIO_SUBTYPE_INFO, .stype_env = VIO_DRING_DATA, .sid = vio_send_sid(&port->vio), }, .dring_ident = dr->ident, .start_idx = dr->prod, .end_idx = dr->prod, }; int err, delay; hdr.seq = dr->snd_nxt; delay = 1; do { err = vio_ldc_send(&port->vio, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); if (err > 0) { dr->snd_nxt++; break; } udelay(delay); if ((delay <<= 1) > 128) delay = 128; } while (err == -EAGAIN); if (err == -ENOTCONN) vdc_ldc_reset(port); return err; } static int __send_request(struct request *req) { struct vdc_port *port = req->rq_disk->private_data; struct vio_dring_state *dr = &port->vio.drings[VIO_DRIVER_TX_RING]; struct scatterlist sg[port->ring_cookies]; struct vdc_req_entry *rqe; struct vio_disk_desc *desc; unsigned int map_perm; int nsg, err, i; u64 len; u8 op; map_perm = LDC_MAP_SHADOW | LDC_MAP_DIRECT | LDC_MAP_IO; if (rq_data_dir(req) == READ) { map_perm |= LDC_MAP_W; op = VD_OP_BREAD; } else { map_perm |= LDC_MAP_R; op = VD_OP_BWRITE; } sg_init_table(sg, port->ring_cookies); nsg = blk_rq_map_sg(req->q, req, sg); len = 0; for (i = 0; i < nsg; i++) len += sg[i].length; desc = vio_dring_cur(dr); err = ldc_map_sg(port->vio.lp, sg, nsg, desc->cookies, port->ring_cookies, map_perm); if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "ldc_map_sg() failure, err=%d.\n", err); return err; } rqe = &port->rq_arr[dr->prod]; rqe->req = req; desc->hdr.ack = VIO_ACK_ENABLE; desc->req_id = port->req_id; desc->operation = op; if (port->vdisk_type == VD_DISK_TYPE_DISK) { desc->slice = 0xff; } else { desc->slice = 0; } desc->status = ~0; desc->offset = (blk_rq_pos(req) << 9) / port->vdisk_block_size; desc->size = len; desc->ncookies = err; /* This has to be a non-SMP write barrier because we are writing * to memory which is shared with the peer LDOM. */ wmb(); desc->hdr.state = VIO_DESC_READY; err = __vdc_tx_trigger(port); if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "vdc_tx_trigger() failure, err=%d\n", err); } else { port->req_id++; dr->prod = vio_dring_next(dr, dr->prod); } return err; } static void do_vdc_request(struct request_queue *rq) { struct request *req; while ((req = blk_peek_request(rq)) != NULL) { struct vdc_port *port; struct vio_dring_state *dr; port = req->rq_disk->private_data; dr = &port->vio.drings[VIO_DRIVER_TX_RING]; if (unlikely(vdc_tx_dring_avail(dr) < 1)) goto wait; blk_start_request(req); if (__send_request(req) < 0) { blk_requeue_request(rq, req); wait: /* Avoid pointless unplugs. */ blk_stop_queue(rq); break; } } } static int generic_request(struct vdc_port *port, u8 op, void *buf, int len) { struct vio_dring_state *dr; struct vio_completion comp; struct vio_disk_desc *desc; unsigned int map_perm; unsigned long flags; int op_len, err; void *req_buf; if (!(((u64)1 << (u64)op) & port->operations)) return -EOPNOTSUPP; switch (op) { case VD_OP_BREAD: case VD_OP_BWRITE: default: return -EINVAL; case VD_OP_FLUSH: op_len = 0; map_perm = 0; break; case VD_OP_GET_WCE: op_len = sizeof(u32); map_perm = LDC_MAP_W; break; case VD_OP_SET_WCE: op_len = sizeof(u32); map_perm = LDC_MAP_R; break; case VD_OP_GET_VTOC: op_len = sizeof(struct vio_disk_vtoc); map_perm = LDC_MAP_W; break; case VD_OP_SET_VTOC: op_len = sizeof(struct vio_disk_vtoc); map_perm = LDC_MAP_R; break; case VD_OP_GET_DISKGEOM: op_len = sizeof(struct vio_disk_geom); map_perm = LDC_MAP_W; break; case VD_OP_SET_DISKGEOM: op_len = sizeof(struct vio_disk_geom); map_perm = LDC_MAP_R; break; case VD_OP_SCSICMD: op_len = 16; map_perm = LDC_MAP_RW; break; case VD_OP_GET_DEVID: op_len = sizeof(struct vio_disk_devid); map_perm = LDC_MAP_W; break; case VD_OP_GET_EFI: case VD_OP_SET_EFI: return -EOPNOTSUPP; break; }; map_perm |= LDC_MAP_SHADOW | LDC_MAP_DIRECT | LDC_MAP_IO; op_len = (op_len + 7) & ~7; req_buf = kzalloc(op_len, GFP_KERNEL); if (!req_buf) return -ENOMEM; if (len > op_len) len = op_len; if (map_perm & LDC_MAP_R) memcpy(req_buf, buf, len); spin_lock_irqsave(&port->vio.lock, flags); dr = &port->vio.drings[VIO_DRIVER_TX_RING]; /* XXX If we want to use this code generically we have to * XXX handle TX ring exhaustion etc. */ desc = vio_dring_cur(dr); err = ldc_map_single(port->vio.lp, req_buf, op_len, desc->cookies, port->ring_cookies, map_perm); if (err < 0) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->vio.lock, flags); kfree(req_buf); return err; } init_completion(&; comp.waiting_for = WAITING_FOR_GEN_CMD; port->vio.cmp = &comp; desc->hdr.ack = VIO_ACK_ENABLE; desc->req_id = port->req_id; desc->operation = op; desc->slice = 0; desc->status = ~0; desc->offset = 0; desc->size = op_len; desc->ncookies = err; /* This has to be a non-SMP write barrier because we are writing * to memory which is shared with the peer LDOM. */ wmb(); desc->hdr.state = VIO_DESC_READY; err = __vdc_tx_trigger(port); if (err >= 0) { port->req_id++; dr->prod = vio_dring_next(dr, dr->prod); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->vio.lock, flags); wait_for_completion(&; err = comp.err; } else { port->vio.cmp = NULL; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->vio.lock, flags); } if (map_perm & LDC_MAP_W) memcpy(buf, req_buf, len); kfree(req_buf); return err; } static int vdc_alloc_tx_ring(struct vdc_port *port) { struct vio_dring_state *dr = &port->vio.drings[VIO_DRIVER_TX_RING]; unsigned long len, entry_size; int ncookies; void *dring; entry_size = sizeof(struct vio_disk_desc) + (sizeof(struct ldc_trans_cookie) * port->ring_cookies); len = (VDC_TX_RING_SIZE * entry_size); ncookies = VIO_MAX_RING_COOKIES; dring = ldc_alloc_exp_dring(port->vio.lp, len, dr->cookies, &ncookies, (LDC_MAP_SHADOW | LDC_MAP_DIRECT | LDC_MAP_RW)); if (IS_ERR(dring)) return PTR_ERR(dring); dr->base = dring; dr->entry_size = entry_size; dr->num_entries = VDC_TX_RING_SIZE; dr->prod = dr->cons = 0; dr->pending = VDC_TX_RING_SIZE; dr->ncookies = ncookies; return 0; } static void vdc_free_tx_ring(struct vdc_port *port) { struct vio_dring_state *dr = &port->vio.drings[VIO_DRIVER_TX_RING]; if (dr->base) { ldc_free_exp_dring(port->vio.lp, dr->base, (dr->entry_size * dr->num_entries), dr->cookies, dr->ncookies); dr->base = NULL; dr->entry_size = 0; dr->num_entries = 0; dr->pending = 0; dr->ncookies = 0; } } static int vdc_port_up(struct vdc_port *port) { struct vio_completion comp; init_completion(&; comp.err = 0; comp.waiting_for = WAITING_FOR_LINK_UP; port->vio.cmp = &comp; vio_port_up(&port->vio); wait_for_completion(&; return comp.err; } static void vdc_port_down(struct vdc_port *port) { ldc_disconnect(port->vio.lp); ldc_unbind(port->vio.lp); vdc_free_tx_ring(port); vio_ldc_free(&port->vio); } static int probe_disk(struct vdc_port *port) { struct request_queue *q; struct gendisk *g; int err; err = vdc_port_up(port); if (err) return err; /* Using version 1.2 means vdisk_phys_blksz should be set unless the * disk is reserved by another system. */ if (vdc_version_supported(port, 1, 2) && !port->vdisk_phys_blksz) return -ENODEV; if (vdc_version_supported(port, 1, 1)) { /* vdisk_size should be set during the handshake, if it wasn't * then the underlying disk is reserved by another system */ if (port->vdisk_size == -1) return -ENODEV; } else { struct vio_disk_geom geom; err = generic_request(port, VD_OP_GET_DISKGEOM, &geom, sizeof(geom)); if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "VD_OP_GET_DISKGEOM returns " "error %d\n", err); return err; } port->vdisk_size = ((u64)geom.num_cyl * (u64)geom.num_hd * (u64)geom.num_sec); } q = blk_init_queue(do_vdc_request, &port->vio.lock); if (!q) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: Could not allocate queue.\n", port->; return -ENOMEM; } g = alloc_disk(1 << PARTITION_SHIFT); if (!g) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: Could not allocate gendisk.\n", port->; blk_cleanup_queue(q); return -ENOMEM; } port->disk = g; /* Each segment in a request is up to an aligned page in size. */ blk_queue_segment_boundary(q, PAGE_SIZE - 1); blk_queue_max_segment_size(q, PAGE_SIZE); blk_queue_max_segments(q, port->ring_cookies); blk_queue_max_hw_sectors(q, port->max_xfer_size); g->major = vdc_major; g->first_minor = port->vio.vdev->dev_no << PARTITION_SHIFT; strcpy(g->disk_name, port->disk_name); g->fops = &vdc_fops; g->queue = q; g->private_data = port; set_capacity(g, port->vdisk_size); if (vdc_version_supported(port, 1, 1)) { switch (port->vdisk_mtype) { case VD_MEDIA_TYPE_CD: pr_info(PFX "Virtual CDROM %s\n", port->disk_name); g->flags |= GENHD_FL_CD; g->flags |= GENHD_FL_REMOVABLE; set_disk_ro(g, 1); break; case VD_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD: pr_info(PFX "Virtual DVD %s\n", port->disk_name); g->flags |= GENHD_FL_CD; g->flags |= GENHD_FL_REMOVABLE; set_disk_ro(g, 1); break; case VD_MEDIA_TYPE_FIXED: pr_info(PFX "Virtual Hard disk %s\n", port->disk_name); break; } } blk_queue_physical_block_size(q, port->vdisk_phys_blksz); pr_info(PFX "%s: %u sectors (%u MB) protocol %d.%d\n", g->disk_name, port->vdisk_size, (port->vdisk_size >> (20 - 9)), port->vio.ver.major, port->vio.ver.minor); device_add_disk(&port->vio.vdev->dev, g); return 0; } static struct ldc_channel_config vdc_ldc_cfg = { .event = vdc_event, .mtu = 64, .mode = LDC_MODE_UNRELIABLE, }; static struct vio_driver_ops vdc_vio_ops = { .send_attr = vdc_send_attr, .handle_attr = vdc_handle_attr, .handshake_complete = vdc_handshake_complete, }; static void print_version(void) { static int version_printed; if (version_printed++ == 0) printk(KERN_INFO "%s", version); } static int vdc_port_probe(struct vio_dev *vdev, const struct vio_device_id *id) { struct mdesc_handle *hp; struct vdc_port *port; int err; const u64 *ldc_timeout; print_version(); hp = mdesc_grab(); err = -ENODEV; if ((vdev->dev_no << PARTITION_SHIFT) & ~(u64)MINORMASK) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Port id [%llu] too large.\n", vdev->dev_no); goto err_out_release_mdesc; } port = kzalloc(sizeof(*port), GFP_KERNEL); err = -ENOMEM; if (!port) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Cannot allocate vdc_port.\n"); goto err_out_release_mdesc; } if (vdev->dev_no >= 26) snprintf(port->disk_name, sizeof(port->disk_name), VDCBLK_NAME "%c%c", 'a' + ((int)vdev->dev_no / 26) - 1, 'a' + ((int)vdev->dev_no % 26)); else snprintf(port->disk_name, sizeof(port->disk_name), VDCBLK_NAME "%c", 'a' + ((int)vdev->dev_no % 26)); port->vdisk_size = -1; /* Actual wall time may be double due to do_generic_file_read() doing * a readahead I/O first, and once that fails it will try to read a * single page. */ ldc_timeout = mdesc_get_property(hp, vdev->mp, "vdc-timeout", NULL); port->ldc_timeout = ldc_timeout ? *ldc_timeout : 0; setup_timer(&port->ldc_reset_timer, vdc_ldc_reset_timer, (unsigned long)port); INIT_WORK(&port->ldc_reset_work, vdc_ldc_reset_work); err = vio_driver_init(&port->vio, vdev, VDEV_DISK, vdc_versions, ARRAY_SIZE(vdc_versions), &vdc_vio_ops, port->disk_name); if (err) goto err_out_free_port; port->vdisk_block_size = VDC_DEFAULT_BLK_SIZE; port->max_xfer_size = ((128 * 1024) / port->vdisk_block_size); port->ring_cookies = ((port->max_xfer_size * port->vdisk_block_size) / PAGE_SIZE) + 2; err = vio_ldc_alloc(&port->vio, &vdc_ldc_cfg, port); if (err) goto err_out_free_port; err = vdc_alloc_tx_ring(port); if (err) goto err_out_free_ldc; err = probe_disk(port); if (err) goto err_out_free_tx_ring; dev_set_drvdata(&vdev->dev, port); mdesc_release(hp); return 0; err_out_free_tx_ring: vdc_free_tx_ring(port); err_out_free_ldc: vio_ldc_free(&port->vio); err_out_free_port: kfree(port); err_out_release_mdesc: mdesc_release(hp); return err; } static int vdc_port_remove(struct vio_dev *vdev) { struct vdc_port *port = dev_get_drvdata(&vdev->dev); if (port) { unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&port->vio.lock, flags); blk_stop_queue(port->disk->queue); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->vio.lock, flags); flush_work(&port->ldc_reset_work); del_timer_sync(&port->ldc_reset_timer); del_timer_sync(&port->vio.timer); del_gendisk(port->disk); blk_cleanup_queue(port->disk->queue); put_disk(port->disk); port->disk = NULL; vdc_free_tx_ring(port); vio_ldc_free(&port->vio); dev_set_drvdata(&vdev->dev, NULL); kfree(port); } return 0; } static void vdc_requeue_inflight(struct vdc_port *port) { struct vio_dring_state *dr = &port->vio.drings[VIO_DRIVER_TX_RING]; u32 idx; for (idx = dr->cons; idx != dr->prod; idx = vio_dring_next(dr, idx)) { struct vio_disk_desc *desc = vio_dring_entry(dr, idx); struct vdc_req_entry *rqe = &port->rq_arr[idx]; struct request *req; ldc_unmap(port->vio.lp, desc->cookies, desc->ncookies); desc->hdr.state = VIO_DESC_FREE; dr->cons = vio_dring_next(dr, idx); req = rqe->req; if (req == NULL) { vdc_end_special(port, desc); continue; } rqe->req = NULL; blk_requeue_request(port->disk->queue, req); } } static void vdc_queue_drain(struct vdc_port *port) { struct request *req; while ((req = blk_fetch_request(port->disk->queue)) != NULL) __blk_end_request_all(req, -EIO); } static void vdc_ldc_reset_timer(unsigned long _arg) { struct vdc_port *port = (struct vdc_port *) _arg; struct vio_driver_state *vio = &port->vio; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&vio->lock, flags); if (!(port->vio.hs_state & VIO_HS_COMPLETE)) { pr_warn(PFX "%s ldc down %llu seconds, draining queue\n", port->disk_name, port->ldc_timeout); vdc_queue_drain(port); vdc_blk_queue_start(port); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vio->lock, flags); } static void vdc_ldc_reset_work(struct work_struct *work) { struct vdc_port *port; struct vio_driver_state *vio; unsigned long flags; port = container_of(work, struct vdc_port, ldc_reset_work); vio = &port->vio; spin_lock_irqsave(&vio->lock, flags); vdc_ldc_reset(port); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vio->lock, flags); } static void vdc_ldc_reset(struct vdc_port *port) { int err; assert_spin_locked(&port->vio.lock); pr_warn(PFX "%s ldc link reset\n", port->disk_name); blk_stop_queue(port->disk->queue); vdc_requeue_inflight(port); vdc_port_down(port); err = vio_ldc_alloc(&port->vio, &vdc_ldc_cfg, port); if (err) { pr_err(PFX "%s vio_ldc_alloc:%d\n", port->disk_name, err); return; } err = vdc_alloc_tx_ring(port); if (err) { pr_err(PFX "%s vio_alloc_tx_ring:%d\n", port->disk_name, err); goto err_free_ldc; } if (port->ldc_timeout) mod_timer(&port->ldc_reset_timer, round_jiffies(jiffies + HZ * port->ldc_timeout)); mod_timer(&port->vio.timer, round_jiffies(jiffies + HZ)); return; err_free_ldc: vio_ldc_free(&port->vio); } static const struct vio_device_id vdc_port_match[] = { { .type = "vdc-port", }, {}, }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(vio, vdc_port_match); static struct vio_driver vdc_port_driver = { .id_table = vdc_port_match, .probe = vdc_port_probe, .remove = vdc_port_remove, .name = "vdc_port", }; static int __init vdc_init(void) { int err; sunvdc_wq = alloc_workqueue("sunvdc", 0, 0); if (!sunvdc_wq) return -ENOMEM; err = register_blkdev(0, VDCBLK_NAME); if (err < 0) goto out_free_wq; vdc_major = err; err = vio_register_driver(&vdc_port_driver); if (err) goto out_unregister_blkdev; return 0; out_unregister_blkdev: unregister_blkdev(vdc_major, VDCBLK_NAME); vdc_major = 0; out_free_wq: destroy_workqueue(sunvdc_wq); return err; } static void __exit vdc_exit(void) { vio_unregister_driver(&vdc_port_driver); unregister_blkdev(vdc_major, VDCBLK_NAME); destroy_workqueue(sunvdc_wq); } module_init(vdc_init); module_exit(vdc_exit);
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * Cryptographic API. * * Serpent Cipher Algorithm. * * Copyright (C) 2002 Dag Arne Osvik <> * 2003 Herbert Valerio Riedel <> * * Added tnepres support: * Ruben Jesus Garcia Hernandez <>, 18.10.2004 * Based on code by hvr * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <asm/byteorder.h> #include <linux/crypto.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <crypto/serpent.h> /* Key is padded to the maximum of 256 bits before round key generation. * Any key length <= 256 bits (32 bytes) is allowed by the algorithm. */ #define PHI 0x9e3779b9UL #define keyiter(a, b, c, d, i, j) \ ({ b ^= d; b ^= c; b ^= a; b ^= PHI ^ i; b = rol32(b, 11); k[j] = b; }) #define loadkeys(x0, x1, x2, x3, i) \ ({ x0 = k[i]; x1 = k[i+1]; x2 = k[i+2]; x3 = k[i+3]; }) #define storekeys(x0, x1, x2, x3, i) \ ({ k[i] = x0; k[i+1] = x1; k[i+2] = x2; k[i+3] = x3; }) #define store_and_load_keys(x0, x1, x2, x3, s, l) \ ({ storekeys(x0, x1, x2, x3, s); loadkeys(x0, x1, x2, x3, l); }) #define K(x0, x1, x2, x3, i) ({ \ x3 ^= k[4*(i)+3]; x2 ^= k[4*(i)+2]; \ x1 ^= k[4*(i)+1]; x0 ^= k[4*(i)+0]; \ }) #define LK(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, i) ({ \ x0 = rol32(x0, 13);\ x2 = rol32(x2, 3); x1 ^= x0; x4 = x0 << 3; \ x3 ^= x2; x1 ^= x2; \ x1 = rol32(x1, 1); x3 ^= x4; \ x3 = rol32(x3, 7); x4 = x1; \ x0 ^= x1; x4 <<= 7; x2 ^= x3; \ x0 ^= x3; x2 ^= x4; x3 ^= k[4*i+3]; \ x1 ^= k[4*i+1]; x0 = rol32(x0, 5); x2 = rol32(x2, 22);\ x0 ^= k[4*i+0]; x2 ^= k[4*i+2]; \ }) #define KL(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, i) ({ \ x0 ^= k[4*i+0]; x1 ^= k[4*i+1]; x2 ^= k[4*i+2]; \ x3 ^= k[4*i+3]; x0 = ror32(x0, 5); x2 = ror32(x2, 22);\ x4 = x1; x2 ^= x3; x0 ^= x3; \ x4 <<= 7; x0 ^= x1; x1 = ror32(x1, 1); \ x2 ^= x4; x3 = ror32(x3, 7); x4 = x0 << 3; \ x1 ^= x0; x3 ^= x4; x0 = ror32(x0, 13);\ x1 ^= x2; x3 ^= x2; x2 = ror32(x2, 3); \ }) #define S0(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x4 = x3; \ x3 |= x0; x0 ^= x4; x4 ^= x2; \ x4 = ~x4; x3 ^= x1; x1 &= x0; \ x1 ^= x4; x2 ^= x0; x0 ^= x3; \ x4 |= x0; x0 ^= x2; x2 &= x1; \ x3 ^= x2; x1 = ~x1; x2 ^= x4; \ x1 ^= x2; \ }) #define S1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x4 = x1; \ x1 ^= x0; x0 ^= x3; x3 = ~x3; \ x4 &= x1; x0 |= x1; x3 ^= x2; \ x0 ^= x3; x1 ^= x3; x3 ^= x4; \ x1 |= x4; x4 ^= x2; x2 &= x0; \ x2 ^= x1; x1 |= x0; x0 = ~x0; \ x0 ^= x2; x4 ^= x1; \ }) #define S2(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x3 = ~x3; \ x1 ^= x0; x4 = x0; x0 &= x2; \ x0 ^= x3; x3 |= x4; x2 ^= x1; \ x3 ^= x1; x1 &= x0; x0 ^= x2; \ x2 &= x3; x3 |= x1; x0 = ~x0; \ x3 ^= x0; x4 ^= x0; x0 ^= x2; \ x1 |= x2; \ }) #define S3(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x4 = x1; \ x1 ^= x3; x3 |= x0; x4 &= x0; \ x0 ^= x2; x2 ^= x1; x1 &= x3; \ x2 ^= x3; x0 |= x4; x4 ^= x3; \ x1 ^= x0; x0 &= x3; x3 &= x4; \ x3 ^= x2; x4 |= x1; x2 &= x1; \ x4 ^= x3; x0 ^= x3; x3 ^= x2; \ }) #define S4(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x4 = x3; \ x3 &= x0; x0 ^= x4; \ x3 ^= x2; x2 |= x4; x0 ^= x1; \ x4 ^= x3; x2 |= x0; \ x2 ^= x1; x1 &= x0; \ x1 ^= x4; x4 &= x2; x2 ^= x3; \ x4 ^= x0; x3 |= x1; x1 = ~x1; \ x3 ^= x0; \ }) #define S5(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x4 = x1; x1 |= x0; \ x2 ^= x1; x3 = ~x3; x4 ^= x0; \ x0 ^= x2; x1 &= x4; x4 |= x3; \ x4 ^= x0; x0 &= x3; x1 ^= x3; \ x3 ^= x2; x0 ^= x1; x2 &= x4; \ x1 ^= x2; x2 &= x0; \ x3 ^= x2; \ }) #define S6(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x4 = x1; \ x3 ^= x0; x1 ^= x2; x2 ^= x0; \ x0 &= x3; x1 |= x3; x4 = ~x4; \ x0 ^= x1; x1 ^= x2; \ x3 ^= x4; x4 ^= x0; x2 &= x0; \ x4 ^= x1; x2 ^= x3; x3 &= x1; \ x3 ^= x0; x1 ^= x2; \ }) #define S7(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x1 = ~x1; \ x4 = x1; x0 = ~x0; x1 &= x2; \ x1 ^= x3; x3 |= x4; x4 ^= x2; \ x2 ^= x3; x3 ^= x0; x0 |= x1; \ x2 &= x0; x0 ^= x4; x4 ^= x3; \ x3 &= x0; x4 ^= x1; \ x2 ^= x4; x3 ^= x1; x4 |= x0; \ x4 ^= x1; \ }) #define SI0(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x4 = x3; x1 ^= x0; \ x3 |= x1; x4 ^= x1; x0 = ~x0; \ x2 ^= x3; x3 ^= x0; x0 &= x1; \ x0 ^= x2; x2 &= x3; x3 ^= x4; \ x2 ^= x3; x1 ^= x3; x3 &= x0; \ x1 ^= x0; x0 ^= x2; x4 ^= x3; \ }) #define SI1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x1 ^= x3; x4 = x0; \ x0 ^= x2; x2 = ~x2; x4 |= x1; \ x4 ^= x3; x3 &= x1; x1 ^= x2; \ x2 &= x4; x4 ^= x1; x1 |= x3; \ x3 ^= x0; x2 ^= x0; x0 |= x4; \ x2 ^= x4; x1 ^= x0; \ x4 ^= x1; \ }) #define SI2(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x2 ^= x1; x4 = x3; x3 = ~x3; \ x3 |= x2; x2 ^= x4; x4 ^= x0; \ x3 ^= x1; x1 |= x2; x2 ^= x0; \ x1 ^= x4; x4 |= x3; x2 ^= x3; \ x4 ^= x2; x2 &= x1; \ x2 ^= x3; x3 ^= x4; x4 ^= x0; \ }) #define SI3(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x2 ^= x1; \ x4 = x1; x1 &= x2; \ x1 ^= x0; x0 |= x4; x4 ^= x3; \ x0 ^= x3; x3 |= x1; x1 ^= x2; \ x1 ^= x3; x0 ^= x2; x2 ^= x3; \ x3 &= x1; x1 ^= x0; x0 &= x2; \ x4 ^= x3; x3 ^= x0; x0 ^= x1; \ }) #define SI4(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x2 ^= x3; x4 = x0; x0 &= x1; \ x0 ^= x2; x2 |= x3; x4 = ~x4; \ x1 ^= x0; x0 ^= x2; x2 &= x4; \ x2 ^= x0; x0 |= x4; \ x0 ^= x3; x3 &= x2; \ x4 ^= x3; x3 ^= x1; x1 &= x0; \ x4 ^= x1; x0 ^= x3; \ }) #define SI5(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x4 = x1; x1 |= x2; \ x2 ^= x4; x1 ^= x3; x3 &= x4; \ x2 ^= x3; x3 |= x0; x0 = ~x0; \ x3 ^= x2; x2 |= x0; x4 ^= x1; \ x2 ^= x4; x4 &= x0; x0 ^= x1; \ x1 ^= x3; x0 &= x2; x2 ^= x3; \ x0 ^= x2; x2 ^= x4; x4 ^= x3; \ }) #define SI6(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x0 ^= x2; \ x4 = x0; x0 &= x3; x2 ^= x3; \ x0 ^= x2; x3 ^= x1; x2 |= x4; \ x2 ^= x3; x3 &= x0; x0 = ~x0; \ x3 ^= x1; x1 &= x2; x4 ^= x0; \ x3 ^= x4; x4 ^= x2; x0 ^= x1; \ x2 ^= x0; \ }) #define SI7(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ({ \ x4 = x3; x3 &= x0; x0 ^= x2; \ x2 |= x4; x4 ^= x1; x0 = ~x0; \ x1 |= x3; x4 ^= x0; x0 &= x2; \ x0 ^= x1; x1 &= x2; x3 ^= x2; \ x4 ^= x3; x2 &= x3; x3 |= x0; \ x1 ^= x4; x3 ^= x4; x4 &= x0; \ x4 ^= x2; \ }) int __serpent_setkey(struct serpent_ctx *ctx, const u8 *key, unsigned int keylen) { u32 *k = ctx->expkey; u8 *k8 = (u8 *)k; u32 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4; int i; /* Copy key, add padding */ for (i = 0; i < keylen; ++i) k8[i] = key[i]; if (i < SERPENT_MAX_KEY_SIZE) k8[i++] = 1; while (i < SERPENT_MAX_KEY_SIZE) k8[i++] = 0; /* Expand key using polynomial */ r0 = le32_to_cpu(k[3]); r1 = le32_to_cpu(k[4]); r2 = le32_to_cpu(k[5]); r3 = le32_to_cpu(k[6]); r4 = le32_to_cpu(k[7]); keyiter(le32_to_cpu(k[0]), r0, r4, r2, 0, 0); keyiter(le32_to_cpu(k[1]), r1, r0, r3, 1, 1); keyiter(le32_to_cpu(k[2]), r2, r1, r4, 2, 2); keyiter(le32_to_cpu(k[3]), r3, r2, r0, 3, 3); keyiter(le32_to_cpu(k[4]), r4, r3, r1, 4, 4); keyiter(le32_to_cpu(k[5]), r0, r4, r2, 5, 5); keyiter(le32_to_cpu(k[6]), r1, r0, r3, 6, 6); keyiter(le32_to_cpu(k[7]), r2, r1, r4, 7, 7); keyiter(k[0], r3, r2, r0, 8, 8); keyiter(k[1], r4, r3, r1, 9, 9); keyiter(k[2], r0, r4, r2, 10, 10); keyiter(k[3], r1, r0, r3, 11, 11); keyiter(k[4], r2, r1, r4, 12, 12); keyiter(k[5], r3, r2, r0, 13, 13); keyiter(k[6], r4, r3, r1, 14, 14); keyiter(k[7], r0, r4, r2, 15, 15); keyiter(k[8], r1, r0, r3, 16, 16); keyiter(k[9], r2, r1, r4, 17, 17); keyiter(k[10], r3, r2, r0, 18, 18); keyiter(k[11], r4, r3, r1, 19, 19); keyiter(k[12], r0, r4, r2, 20, 20); keyiter(k[13], r1, r0, r3, 21, 21); keyiter(k[14], r2, r1, r4, 22, 22); keyiter(k[15], r3, r2, r0, 23, 23); keyiter(k[16], r4, r3, r1, 24, 24); keyiter(k[17], r0, r4, r2, 25, 25); keyiter(k[18], r1, r0, r3, 26, 26); keyiter(k[19], r2, r1, r4, 27, 27); keyiter(k[20], r3, r2, r0, 28, 28); keyiter(k[21], r4, r3, r1, 29, 29); keyiter(k[22], r0, r4, r2, 30, 30); keyiter(k[23], r1, r0, r3, 31, 31); k += 50; keyiter(k[-26], r2, r1, r4, 32, -18); keyiter(k[-25], r3, r2, r0, 33, -17); keyiter(k[-24], r4, r3, r1, 34, -16); keyiter(k[-23], r0, r4, r2, 35, -15); keyiter(k[-22], r1, r0, r3, 36, -14); keyiter(k[-21], r2, r1, r4, 37, -13); keyiter(k[-20], r3, r2, r0, 38, -12); keyiter(k[-19], r4, r3, r1, 39, -11); keyiter(k[-18], r0, r4, r2, 40, -10); keyiter(k[-17], r1, r0, r3, 41, -9); keyiter(k[-16], r2, r1, r4, 42, -8); keyiter(k[-15], r3, r2, r0, 43, -7); keyiter(k[-14], r4, r3, r1, 44, -6); keyiter(k[-13], r0, r4, r2, 45, -5); keyiter(k[-12], r1, r0, r3, 46, -4); keyiter(k[-11], r2, r1, r4, 47, -3); keyiter(k[-10], r3, r2, r0, 48, -2); keyiter(k[-9], r4, r3, r1, 49, -1); keyiter(k[-8], r0, r4, r2, 50, 0); keyiter(k[-7], r1, r0, r3, 51, 1); keyiter(k[-6], r2, r1, r4, 52, 2); keyiter(k[-5], r3, r2, r0, 53, 3); keyiter(k[-4], r4, r3, r1, 54, 4); keyiter(k[-3], r0, r4, r2, 55, 5); keyiter(k[-2], r1, r0, r3, 56, 6); keyiter(k[-1], r2, r1, r4, 57, 7); keyiter(k[0], r3, r2, r0, 58, 8); keyiter(k[1], r4, r3, r1, 59, 9); keyiter(k[2], r0, r4, r2, 60, 10); keyiter(k[3], r1, r0, r3, 61, 11); keyiter(k[4], r2, r1, r4, 62, 12); keyiter(k[5], r3, r2, r0, 63, 13); keyiter(k[6], r4, r3, r1, 64, 14); keyiter(k[7], r0, r4, r2, 65, 15); keyiter(k[8], r1, r0, r3, 66, 16); keyiter(k[9], r2, r1, r4, 67, 17); keyiter(k[10], r3, r2, r0, 68, 18); keyiter(k[11], r4, r3, r1, 69, 19); keyiter(k[12], r0, r4, r2, 70, 20); keyiter(k[13], r1, r0, r3, 71, 21); keyiter(k[14], r2, r1, r4, 72, 22); keyiter(k[15], r3, r2, r0, 73, 23); keyiter(k[16], r4, r3, r1, 74, 24); keyiter(k[17], r0, r4, r2, 75, 25); keyiter(k[18], r1, r0, r3, 76, 26); keyiter(k[19], r2, r1, r4, 77, 27); keyiter(k[20], r3, r2, r0, 78, 28); keyiter(k[21], r4, r3, r1, 79, 29); keyiter(k[22], r0, r4, r2, 80, 30); keyiter(k[23], r1, r0, r3, 81, 31); k += 50; keyiter(k[-26], r2, r1, r4, 82, -18); keyiter(k[-25], r3, r2, r0, 83, -17); keyiter(k[-24], r4, r3, r1, 84, -16); keyiter(k[-23], r0, r4, r2, 85, -15); keyiter(k[-22], r1, r0, r3, 86, -14); keyiter(k[-21], r2, r1, r4, 87, -13); keyiter(k[-20], r3, r2, r0, 88, -12); keyiter(k[-19], r4, r3, r1, 89, -11); keyiter(k[-18], r0, r4, r2, 90, -10); keyiter(k[-17], r1, r0, r3, 91, -9); keyiter(k[-16], r2, r1, r4, 92, -8); keyiter(k[-15], r3, r2, r0, 93, -7); keyiter(k[-14], r4, r3, r1, 94, -6); keyiter(k[-13], r0, r4, r2, 95, -5); keyiter(k[-12], r1, r0, r3, 96, -4); keyiter(k[-11], r2, r1, r4, 97, -3); keyiter(k[-10], r3, r2, r0, 98, -2); keyiter(k[-9], r4, r3, r1, 99, -1); keyiter(k[-8], r0, r4, r2, 100, 0); keyiter(k[-7], r1, r0, r3, 101, 1); keyiter(k[-6], r2, r1, r4, 102, 2); keyiter(k[-5], r3, r2, r0, 103, 3); keyiter(k[-4], r4, r3, r1, 104, 4); keyiter(k[-3], r0, r4, r2, 105, 5); keyiter(k[-2], r1, r0, r3, 106, 6); keyiter(k[-1], r2, r1, r4, 107, 7); keyiter(k[0], r3, r2, r0, 108, 8); keyiter(k[1], r4, r3, r1, 109, 9); keyiter(k[2], r0, r4, r2, 110, 10); keyiter(k[3], r1, r0, r3, 111, 11); keyiter(k[4], r2, r1, r4, 112, 12); keyiter(k[5], r3, r2, r0, 113, 13); keyiter(k[6], r4, r3, r1, 114, 14); keyiter(k[7], r0, r4, r2, 115, 15); keyiter(k[8], r1, r0, r3, 116, 16); keyiter(k[9], r2, r1, r4, 117, 17); keyiter(k[10], r3, r2, r0, 118, 18); keyiter(k[11], r4, r3, r1, 119, 19); keyiter(k[12], r0, r4, r2, 120, 20); keyiter(k[13], r1, r0, r3, 121, 21); keyiter(k[14], r2, r1, r4, 122, 22); keyiter(k[15], r3, r2, r0, 123, 23); keyiter(k[16], r4, r3, r1, 124, 24); keyiter(k[17], r0, r4, r2, 125, 25); keyiter(k[18], r1, r0, r3, 126, 26); keyiter(k[19], r2, r1, r4, 127, 27); keyiter(k[20], r3, r2, r0, 128, 28); keyiter(k[21], r4, r3, r1, 129, 29); keyiter(k[22], r0, r4, r2, 130, 30); keyiter(k[23], r1, r0, r3, 131, 31); /* Apply S-boxes */ S3(r3, r4, r0, r1, r2); store_and_load_keys(r1, r2, r4, r3, 28, 24); S4(r1, r2, r4, r3, r0); store_and_load_keys(r2, r4, r3, r0, 24, 20); S5(r2, r4, r3, r0, r1); store_and_load_keys(r1, r2, r4, r0, 20, 16); S6(r1, r2, r4, r0, r3); store_and_load_keys(r4, r3, r2, r0, 16, 12); S7(r4, r3, r2, r0, r1); store_and_load_keys(r1, r2, r0, r4, 12, 8); S0(r1, r2, r0, r4, r3); store_and_load_keys(r0, r2, r4, r1, 8, 4); S1(r0, r2, r4, r1, r3); store_and_load_keys(r3, r4, r1, r0, 4, 0); S2(r3, r4, r1, r0, r2); store_and_load_keys(r2, r4, r3, r0, 0, -4); S3(r2, r4, r3, r0, r1); store_and_load_keys(r0, r1, r4, r2, -4, -8); S4(r0, r1, r4, r2, r3); store_and_load_keys(r1, r4, r2, r3, -8, -12); S5(r1, r4, r2, r3, r0); store_and_load_keys(r0, r1, r4, r3, -12, -16); S6(r0, r1, r4, r3, r2); store_and_load_keys(r4, r2, r1, r3, -16, -20); S7(r4, r2, r1, r3, r0); store_and_load_keys(r0, r1, r3, r4, -20, -24); S0(r0, r1, r3, r4, r2); store_and_load_keys(r3, r1, r4, r0, -24, -28); k -= 50; S1(r3, r1, r4, r0, r2); store_and_load_keys(r2, r4, r0, r3, 22, 18); S2(r2, r4, r0, r3, r1); store_and_load_keys(r1, r4, r2, r3, 18, 14); S3(r1, r4, r2, r3, r0); store_and_load_keys(r3, r0, r4, r1, 14, 10); S4(r3, r0, r4, r1, r2); store_and_load_keys(r0, r4, r1, r2, 10, 6); S5(r0, r4, r1, r2, r3); store_and_load_keys(r3, r0, r4, r2, 6, 2); S6(r3, r0, r4, r2, r1); store_and_load_keys(r4, r1, r0, r2, 2, -2); S7(r4, r1, r0, r2, r3); store_and_load_keys(r3, r0, r2, r4, -2, -6); S0(r3, r0, r2, r4, r1); store_and_load_keys(r2, r0, r4, r3, -6, -10); S1(r2, r0, r4, r3, r1); store_and_load_keys(r1, r4, r3, r2, -10, -14); S2(r1, r4, r3, r2, r0); store_and_load_keys(r0, r4, r1, r2, -14, -18); S3(r0, r4, r1, r2, r3); store_and_load_keys(r2, r3, r4, r0, -18, -22); k -= 50; S4(r2, r3, r4, r0, r1); store_and_load_keys(r3, r4, r0, r1, 28, 24); S5(r3, r4, r0, r1, r2); store_and_load_keys(r2, r3, r4, r1, 24, 20); S6(r2, r3, r4, r1, r0); store_and_load_keys(r4, r0, r3, r1, 20, 16); S7(r4, r0, r3, r1, r2); store_and_load_keys(r2, r3, r1, r4, 16, 12); S0(r2, r3, r1, r4, r0); store_and_load_keys(r1, r3, r4, r2, 12, 8); S1(r1, r3, r4, r2, r0); store_and_load_keys(r0, r4, r2, r1, 8, 4); S2(r0, r4, r2, r1, r3); store_and_load_keys(r3, r4, r0, r1, 4, 0); S3(r3, r4, r0, r1, r2); storekeys(r1, r2, r4, r3, 0); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(__serpent_setkey); int serpent_setkey(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *key, unsigned int keylen) { return __serpent_setkey(crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm), key, keylen); } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(serpent_setkey); void __serpent_encrypt(struct serpent_ctx *ctx, u8 *dst, const u8 *src) { const u32 *k = ctx->expkey; const __le32 *s = (const __le32 *)src; __le32 *d = (__le32 *)dst; u32 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4; /* * Note: The conversions between u8* and u32* might cause trouble * on architectures with stricter alignment rules than x86 */ r0 = le32_to_cpu(s[0]); r1 = le32_to_cpu(s[1]); r2 = le32_to_cpu(s[2]); r3 = le32_to_cpu(s[3]); K(r0, r1, r2, r3, 0); S0(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4); LK(r2, r1, r3, r0, r4, 1); S1(r2, r1, r3, r0, r4); LK(r4, r3, r0, r2, r1, 2); S2(r4, r3, r0, r2, r1); LK(r1, r3, r4, r2, r0, 3); S3(r1, r3, r4, r2, r0); LK(r2, r0, r3, r1, r4, 4); S4(r2, r0, r3, r1, r4); LK(r0, r3, r1, r4, r2, 5); S5(r0, r3, r1, r4, r2); LK(r2, r0, r3, r4, r1, 6); S6(r2, r0, r3, r4, r1); LK(r3, r1, r0, r4, r2, 7); S7(r3, r1, r0, r4, r2); LK(r2, r0, r4, r3, r1, 8); S0(r2, r0, r4, r3, r1); LK(r4, r0, r3, r2, r1, 9); S1(r4, r0, r3, r2, r1); LK(r1, r3, r2, r4, r0, 10); S2(r1, r3, r2, r4, r0); LK(r0, r3, r1, r4, r2, 11); S3(r0, r3, r1, r4, r2); LK(r4, r2, r3, r0, r1, 12); S4(r4, r2, r3, r0, r1); LK(r2, r3, r0, r1, r4, 13); S5(r2, r3, r0, r1, r4); LK(r4, r2, r3, r1, r0, 14); S6(r4, r2, r3, r1, r0); LK(r3, r0, r2, r1, r4, 15); S7(r3, r0, r2, r1, r4); LK(r4, r2, r1, r3, r0, 16); S0(r4, r2, r1, r3, r0); LK(r1, r2, r3, r4, r0, 17); S1(r1, r2, r3, r4, r0); LK(r0, r3, r4, r1, r2, 18); S2(r0, r3, r4, r1, r2); LK(r2, r3, r0, r1, r4, 19); S3(r2, r3, r0, r1, r4); LK(r1, r4, r3, r2, r0, 20); S4(r1, r4, r3, r2, r0); LK(r4, r3, r2, r0, r1, 21); S5(r4, r3, r2, r0, r1); LK(r1, r4, r3, r0, r2, 22); S6(r1, r4, r3, r0, r2); LK(r3, r2, r4, r0, r1, 23); S7(r3, r2, r4, r0, r1); LK(r1, r4, r0, r3, r2, 24); S0(r1, r4, r0, r3, r2); LK(r0, r4, r3, r1, r2, 25); S1(r0, r4, r3, r1, r2); LK(r2, r3, r1, r0, r4, 26); S2(r2, r3, r1, r0, r4); LK(r4, r3, r2, r0, r1, 27); S3(r4, r3, r2, r0, r1); LK(r0, r1, r3, r4, r2, 28); S4(r0, r1, r3, r4, r2); LK(r1, r3, r4, r2, r0, 29); S5(r1, r3, r4, r2, r0); LK(r0, r1, r3, r2, r4, 30); S6(r0, r1, r3, r2, r4); LK(r3, r4, r1, r2, r0, 31); S7(r3, r4, r1, r2, r0); K(r0, r1, r2, r3, 32); d[0] = cpu_to_le32(r0); d[1] = cpu_to_le32(r1); d[2] = cpu_to_le32(r2); d[3] = cpu_to_le32(r3); } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(__serpent_encrypt); static void serpent_encrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src) { struct serpent_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm); __serpent_encrypt(ctx, dst, src); } void __serpent_decrypt(struct serpent_ctx *ctx, u8 *dst, const u8 *src) { const u32 *k = ctx->expkey; const __le32 *s = (const __le32 *)src; __le32 *d = (__le32 *)dst; u32 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4; r0 = le32_to_cpu(s[0]); r1 = le32_to_cpu(s[1]); r2 = le32_to_cpu(s[2]); r3 = le32_to_cpu(s[3]); K(r0, r1, r2, r3, 32); SI7(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4); KL(r1, r3, r0, r4, r2, 31); SI6(r1, r3, r0, r4, r2); KL(r0, r2, r4, r1, r3, 30); SI5(r0, r2, r4, r1, r3); KL(r2, r3, r0, r4, r1, 29); SI4(r2, r3, r0, r4, r1); KL(r2, r0, r1, r4, r3, 28); SI3(r2, r0, r1, r4, r3); KL(r1, r2, r3, r4, r0, 27); SI2(r1, r2, r3, r4, r0); KL(r2, r0, r4, r3, r1, 26); SI1(r2, r0, r4, r3, r1); KL(r1, r0, r4, r3, r2, 25); SI0(r1, r0, r4, r3, r2); KL(r4, r2, r0, r1, r3, 24); SI7(r4, r2, r0, r1, r3); KL(r2, r1, r4, r3, r0, 23); SI6(r2, r1, r4, r3, r0); KL(r4, r0, r3, r2, r1, 22); SI5(r4, r0, r3, r2, r1); KL(r0, r1, r4, r3, r2, 21); SI4(r0, r1, r4, r3, r2); KL(r0, r4, r2, r3, r1, 20); SI3(r0, r4, r2, r3, r1); KL(r2, r0, r1, r3, r4, 19); SI2(r2, r0, r1, r3, r4); KL(r0, r4, r3, r1, r2, 18); SI1(r0, r4, r3, r1, r2); KL(r2, r4, r3, r1, r0, 17); SI0(r2, r4, r3, r1, r0); KL(r3, r0, r4, r2, r1, 16); SI7(r3, r0, r4, r2, r1); KL(r0, r2, r3, r1, r4, 15); SI6(r0, r2, r3, r1, r4); KL(r3, r4, r1, r0, r2, 14); SI5(r3, r4, r1, r0, r2); KL(r4, r2, r3, r1, r0, 13); SI4(r4, r2, r3, r1, r0); KL(r4, r3, r0, r1, r2, 12); SI3(r4, r3, r0, r1, r2); KL(r0, r4, r2, r1, r3, 11); SI2(r0, r4, r2, r1, r3); KL(r4, r3, r1, r2, r0, 10); SI1(r4, r3, r1, r2, r0); KL(r0, r3, r1, r2, r4, 9); SI0(r0, r3, r1, r2, r4); KL(r1, r4, r3, r0, r2, 8); SI7(r1, r4, r3, r0, r2); KL(r4, r0, r1, r2, r3, 7); SI6(r4, r0, r1, r2, r3); KL(r1, r3, r2, r4, r0, 6); SI5(r1, r3, r2, r4, r0); KL(r3, r0, r1, r2, r4, 5); SI4(r3, r0, r1, r2, r4); KL(r3, r1, r4, r2, r0, 4); SI3(r3, r1, r4, r2, r0); KL(r4, r3, r0, r2, r1, 3); SI2(r4, r3, r0, r2, r1); KL(r3, r1, r2, r0, r4, 2); SI1(r3, r1, r2, r0, r4); KL(r4, r1, r2, r0, r3, 1); SI0(r4, r1, r2, r0, r3); K(r2, r3, r1, r4, 0); d[0] = cpu_to_le32(r2); d[1] = cpu_to_le32(r3); d[2] = cpu_to_le32(r1); d[3] = cpu_to_le32(r4); } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(__serpent_decrypt); static void serpent_decrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src) { struct serpent_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm); __serpent_decrypt(ctx, dst, src); } static int tnepres_setkey(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *key, unsigned int keylen) { u8 rev_key[SERPENT_MAX_KEY_SIZE]; int i; for (i = 0; i < keylen; ++i) rev_key[keylen - i - 1] = key[i]; return serpent_setkey(tfm, rev_key, keylen); } static void tnepres_encrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src) { const u32 * const s = (const u32 * const)src; u32 * const d = (u32 * const)dst; u32 rs[4], rd[4]; rs[0] = swab32(s[3]); rs[1] = swab32(s[2]); rs[2] = swab32(s[1]); rs[3] = swab32(s[0]); serpent_encrypt(tfm, (u8 *)rd, (u8 *)rs); d[0] = swab32(rd[3]); d[1] = swab32(rd[2]); d[2] = swab32(rd[1]); d[3] = swab32(rd[0]); } static void tnepres_decrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src) { const u32 * const s = (const u32 * const)src; u32 * const d = (u32 * const)dst; u32 rs[4], rd[4]; rs[0] = swab32(s[3]); rs[1] = swab32(s[2]); rs[2] = swab32(s[1]); rs[3] = swab32(s[0]); serpent_decrypt(tfm, (u8 *)rd, (u8 *)rs); d[0] = swab32(rd[3]); d[1] = swab32(rd[2]); d[2] = swab32(rd[1]); d[3] = swab32(rd[0]); } static struct crypto_alg srp_algs[2] = { { .cra_name = "serpent", .cra_driver_name = "serpent-generic", .cra_priority = 100, .cra_flags = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_CIPHER, .cra_blocksize = SERPENT_BLOCK_SIZE, .cra_ctxsize = sizeof(struct serpent_ctx), .cra_alignmask = 3, .cra_module = THIS_MODULE, .cra_u = { .cipher = { .cia_min_keysize = SERPENT_MIN_KEY_SIZE, .cia_max_keysize = SERPENT_MAX_KEY_SIZE, .cia_setkey = serpent_setkey, .cia_encrypt = serpent_encrypt, .cia_decrypt = serpent_decrypt } } }, { .cra_name = "tnepres", .cra_flags = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_CIPHER, .cra_blocksize = SERPENT_BLOCK_SIZE, .cra_ctxsize = sizeof(struct serpent_ctx), .cra_alignmask = 3, .cra_module = THIS_MODULE, .cra_u = { .cipher = { .cia_min_keysize = SERPENT_MIN_KEY_SIZE, .cia_max_keysize = SERPENT_MAX_KEY_SIZE, .cia_setkey = tnepres_setkey, .cia_encrypt = tnepres_encrypt, .cia_decrypt = tnepres_decrypt } } } }; static int __init serpent_mod_init(void) { return crypto_register_algs(srp_algs, ARRAY_SIZE(srp_algs)); } static void __exit serpent_mod_fini(void) { crypto_unregister_algs(srp_algs, ARRAY_SIZE(srp_algs)); } module_init(serpent_mod_init); module_exit(serpent_mod_fini); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Serpent and tnepres (kerneli compatible serpent reversed) Cipher Algorithm"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Dag Arne Osvik <>"); MODULE_ALIAS_CRYPTO("tnepres"); MODULE_ALIAS_CRYPTO("serpent"); MODULE_ALIAS_CRYPTO("serpent-generic");
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
#include <asm/poll.h>
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/inspector/identifiers_factory.h" #include "third_party/blink/public/platform/platform.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/weak_identifier_map.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_client.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/inspector/inspected_frames.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/loader/document_loader.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/assertions.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_builder.h" namespace blink { namespace { volatile int g_last_used_identifier = 0; } // namespace // static String IdentifiersFactory::CreateIdentifier() { int identifier = AtomicIncrement(&g_last_used_identifier); return AddProcessIdPrefixTo(identifier); } // static String IdentifiersFactory::RequestId(DocumentLoader* loader, unsigned long identifier) { if (!identifier) return String(); if (loader && loader->MainResourceIdentifier() == identifier) return LoaderId(loader); return AddProcessIdPrefixTo(identifier); } // static String IdentifiersFactory::SubresourceRequestId(unsigned long identifier) { return RequestId(nullptr, identifier); } // static String IdentifiersFactory::FrameId(Frame* frame) { // Note: this should be equal to ToTraceValue(frame). return String(ToTraceValue(frame).data()); } // static LocalFrame* IdentifiersFactory::FrameById(InspectedFrames* inspected_frames, const String& frame_id) { for (auto* frame : *inspected_frames) { if (frame->Client() && frame_id == IdFromToken(frame->GetDevToolsFrameToken())) { return frame; } } return nullptr; } // static String IdentifiersFactory::LoaderId(DocumentLoader* loader) { if (!loader) return g_empty_string; const base::UnguessableToken& token = loader->GetDevToolsNavigationToken(); // token.ToString() is latin1. return String(token.ToString().c_str()); } // static String IdentifiersFactory::IdFromToken(const base::UnguessableToken& token) { if (token.is_empty()) return g_empty_string; // token.ToString() is latin1. return String(token.ToString().c_str()); } // static String IdentifiersFactory::AddProcessIdPrefixTo(int id) { static uint32_t process_id = Platform::Current()->GetUniqueIdForProcess(); StringBuilder builder; builder.AppendNumber(process_id); builder.Append('.'); builder.AppendNumber(id); return builder.ToString(); } // static int IdentifiersFactory::RemoveProcessIdPrefixFrom(const String& id, bool* ok) { size_t dot_index = id.find('.'); if (dot_index == kNotFound) { *ok = false; return 0; } return id.Substring(dot_index + 1).ToInt(ok); } } // namespace blink
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ios/chrome/browser/chrome_constants.h" const char kIOSChromeInitialBrowserState[] = "Default"; const char kIOSChromeMultiBrowserStatePrefix[] = "Profile "; const base::FilePath::CharType kIOSChromeCacheDirname[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Cache"); const base::FilePath::CharType kIOSChromeChannelIDFilename[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Origin Bound Certs"); const base::FilePath::CharType kIOSChromeCookieFilename[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Cookies"); const base::FilePath::CharType kIOSChromeCRLSetFilename[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Certificate Revocation Lists"); const base::FilePath::CharType kIOSChromeNetworkPersistentStateFilename[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Network Persistent State");
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * Copyright 2010 Tilera Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, GOOD TITLE or * NON INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. */ #ifndef _ASM_TILE_SWAB_H #define _ASM_TILE_SWAB_H /* Tile gcc is always >= 4.3.0, so we use __builtin_bswap. */ #define __arch_swab32(x) __builtin_bswap32(x) #define __arch_swab64(x) __builtin_bswap64(x) #define __arch_swab16(x) (__builtin_bswap32(x) >> 16) #endif /* _ASM_TILE_SWAB_H */
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * GPL HEADER START * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License version 2 for more details (a copy is included * in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; If not, see * * * GPL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. * * Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation. */ /* * This file is part of Lustre, * Lustre is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Author: Nathan Rutman <> * * Kernel <-> userspace communication routines. * Using pipes for all arches. */ #define DEBUG_SUBSYSTEM S_CLASS #define D_KUC D_OTHER #include "../include/obd_support.h" #include "../include/lustre_kernelcomm.h" /** * libcfs_kkuc_msg_put - send an message from kernel to userspace * @param fp to send the message to * @param payload Payload data. First field of payload is always * struct kuc_hdr */ int libcfs_kkuc_msg_put(struct file *filp, void *payload) { struct kuc_hdr *kuch = (struct kuc_hdr *)payload; ssize_t count = kuch->kuc_msglen; loff_t offset = 0; mm_segment_t fs; int rc = -ENXIO; if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(filp)) return -EBADF; if (kuch->kuc_magic != KUC_MAGIC) { CERROR("KernelComm: bad magic %x\n", kuch->kuc_magic); return rc; } fs = get_fs(); set_fs(KERNEL_DS); while (count > 0) { rc = vfs_write(filp, (void __force __user *)payload, count, &offset); if (rc < 0) break; count -= rc; payload += rc; rc = 0; } set_fs(fs); if (rc < 0) CWARN("message send failed (%d)\n", rc); else CDEBUG(D_KUC, "Sent message rc=%d, fp=%p\n", rc, filp); return rc; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(libcfs_kkuc_msg_put); /* * Broadcast groups are global across all mounted filesystems; * i.e. registering for a group on 1 fs will get messages for that * group from any fs */ /** A single group registration has a uid and a file pointer */ struct kkuc_reg { struct list_head kr_chain; int kr_uid; struct file *kr_fp; char kr_data[0]; }; static struct list_head kkuc_groups[KUC_GRP_MAX + 1] = {}; /* Protect message sending against remove and adds */ static DECLARE_RWSEM(kg_sem); /** Add a receiver to a broadcast group * @param filp pipe to write into * @param uid identifier for this receiver * @param group group number * @param data user data */ int libcfs_kkuc_group_add(struct file *filp, int uid, unsigned int group, void *data, size_t data_len) { struct kkuc_reg *reg; if (group > KUC_GRP_MAX) { CDEBUG(D_WARNING, "Kernelcomm: bad group %d\n", group); return -EINVAL; } /* fput in group_rem */ if (!filp) return -EBADF; /* freed in group_rem */ reg = kmalloc(sizeof(*reg) + data_len, 0); if (!reg) return -ENOMEM; reg->kr_fp = filp; reg->kr_uid = uid; memcpy(reg->kr_data, data, data_len); down_write(&kg_sem); if (!kkuc_groups[group].next) INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kkuc_groups[group]); list_add(&reg->kr_chain, &kkuc_groups[group]); up_write(&kg_sem); CDEBUG(D_KUC, "Added uid=%d fp=%p to group %d\n", uid, filp, group); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(libcfs_kkuc_group_add); int libcfs_kkuc_group_rem(int uid, unsigned int group) { struct kkuc_reg *reg, *next; if (!kkuc_groups[group].next) return 0; if (!uid) { /* Broadcast a shutdown message */ struct kuc_hdr lh; lh.kuc_magic = KUC_MAGIC; lh.kuc_transport = KUC_TRANSPORT_GENERIC; lh.kuc_msgtype = KUC_MSG_SHUTDOWN; lh.kuc_msglen = sizeof(lh); libcfs_kkuc_group_put(group, &lh); } down_write(&kg_sem); list_for_each_entry_safe(reg, next, &kkuc_groups[group], kr_chain) { if (!uid || (uid == reg->kr_uid)) { list_del(&reg->kr_chain); CDEBUG(D_KUC, "Removed uid=%d fp=%p from group %d\n", reg->kr_uid, reg->kr_fp, group); if (reg->kr_fp) fput(reg->kr_fp); kfree(reg); } } up_write(&kg_sem); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(libcfs_kkuc_group_rem); int libcfs_kkuc_group_put(unsigned int group, void *payload) { struct kkuc_reg *reg; int rc = 0; int one_success = 0; down_write(&kg_sem); list_for_each_entry(reg, &kkuc_groups[group], kr_chain) { if (reg->kr_fp) { rc = libcfs_kkuc_msg_put(reg->kr_fp, payload); if (!rc) { one_success = 1; } else if (rc == -EPIPE) { fput(reg->kr_fp); reg->kr_fp = NULL; } } } up_write(&kg_sem); /* * don't return an error if the message has been delivered * at least to one agent */ if (one_success) rc = 0; return rc; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(libcfs_kkuc_group_put); /** * Calls a callback function for each link of the given kuc group. * @param group the group to call the function on. * @param cb_func the function to be called. * @param cb_arg extra argument to be passed to the callback function. */ int libcfs_kkuc_group_foreach(unsigned int group, libcfs_kkuc_cb_t cb_func, void *cb_arg) { struct kkuc_reg *reg; int rc = 0; if (group > KUC_GRP_MAX) { CDEBUG(D_WARNING, "Kernelcomm: bad group %d\n", group); return -EINVAL; } /* no link for this group */ if (!kkuc_groups[group].next) return 0; down_read(&kg_sem); list_for_each_entry(reg, &kkuc_groups[group], kr_chain) { if (reg->kr_fp) rc = cb_func(reg->kr_data, cb_arg); } up_read(&kg_sem); return rc; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(libcfs_kkuc_group_foreach);
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_PUBLIC_PLATFORM_WEB_DOUBLE_SIZE_H_ #define THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_PUBLIC_PLATFORM_WEB_DOUBLE_SIZE_H_ #include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_common.h" #if INSIDE_BLINK #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/double_size.h" #else #include <ui/gfx/geometry/size_f.h> #include <ui/gfx/geometry/vector2d_f.h> #endif namespace blink { class WebDoubleSize { public: bool IsEmpty() const { return width_ <= 0 || height_ <= 0; } WebDoubleSize() : width_(0), height_(0) {} WebDoubleSize(double width, double height) : width_(width), height_(height) {} #if INSIDE_BLINK WebDoubleSize(const DoubleSize& size) : width_(size.Width()), height_(size.Height()) {} WebDoubleSize& operator=(const DoubleSize& size) { width_ = size.Width(); height_ = size.Height(); return *this; } operator DoubleSize() const { return DoubleSize(width_, height_); } #else WebDoubleSize(const gfx::SizeF& size) : width_(size.width()), height_(size.height()) {} WebDoubleSize(const gfx::Vector2dF& vector) : width_(vector.x()), height_(vector.y()) {} WebDoubleSize& operator=(const gfx::SizeF& size) { width_ = size.width(); height_ = size.height(); return *this; } WebDoubleSize& operator=(const gfx::Vector2dF& vector) { width_ = vector.x(); height_ = vector.y(); return *this; } #endif double Width() const { return width_; } double Height() const { return height_; } private: double width_; double height_; }; inline bool operator==(const WebDoubleSize& a, const WebDoubleSize& b) { return a.Width() == b.Width() && a.Height() == b.Height(); } inline bool operator!=(const WebDoubleSize& a, const WebDoubleSize& b) { return !(a == b); } } // namespace blink #endif
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * Code for working with individual keys, and sorted sets of keys with in a * btree node * * Copyright 2012 Google, Inc. */ #define pr_fmt(fmt) "bcache: %s() " fmt "\n", __func__ #include "util.h" #include "bset.h" #include <linux/console.h> #include <linux/sched/clock.h> #include <linux/random.h> #include <linux/prefetch.h> #ifdef CONFIG_BCACHE_DEBUG void bch_dump_bset(struct btree_keys *b, struct bset *i, unsigned set) { struct bkey *k, *next; for (k = i->start; k < bset_bkey_last(i); k = next) { next = bkey_next(k); printk(KERN_ERR "block %u key %u/%u: ", set, (unsigned) ((u64 *) k - i->d), i->keys); if (b->ops->key_dump) b->ops->key_dump(b, k); else printk("%llu:%llu\n", KEY_INODE(k), KEY_OFFSET(k)); if (next < bset_bkey_last(i) && bkey_cmp(k, b->ops->is_extents ? &START_KEY(next) : next) > 0) printk(KERN_ERR "Key skipped backwards\n"); } } void bch_dump_bucket(struct btree_keys *b) { unsigned i; console_lock(); for (i = 0; i <= b->nsets; i++) bch_dump_bset(b, b->set[i].data, bset_sector_offset(b, b->set[i].data)); console_unlock(); } int __bch_count_data(struct btree_keys *b) { unsigned ret = 0; struct btree_iter iter; struct bkey *k; if (b->ops->is_extents) for_each_key(b, k, &iter) ret += KEY_SIZE(k); return ret; } void __bch_check_keys(struct btree_keys *b, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; struct bkey *k, *p = NULL; struct btree_iter iter; const char *err; for_each_key(b, k, &iter) { if (b->ops->is_extents) { err = "Keys out of order"; if (p && bkey_cmp(&START_KEY(p), &START_KEY(k)) > 0) goto bug; if (bch_ptr_invalid(b, k)) continue; err = "Overlapping keys"; if (p && bkey_cmp(p, &START_KEY(k)) > 0) goto bug; } else { if (bch_ptr_bad(b, k)) continue; err = "Duplicate keys"; if (p && !bkey_cmp(p, k)) goto bug; } p = k; } #if 0 err = "Key larger than btree node key"; if (p && bkey_cmp(p, &b->key) > 0) goto bug; #endif return; bug: bch_dump_bucket(b); va_start(args, fmt); vprintk(fmt, args); va_end(args); panic("bch_check_keys error: %s:\n", err); } static void bch_btree_iter_next_check(struct btree_iter *iter) { struct bkey *k = iter->data->k, *next = bkey_next(k); if (next < iter->data->end && bkey_cmp(k, iter->b->ops->is_extents ? &START_KEY(next) : next) > 0) { bch_dump_bucket(iter->b); panic("Key skipped backwards\n"); } } #else static inline void bch_btree_iter_next_check(struct btree_iter *iter) {} #endif /* Keylists */ int __bch_keylist_realloc(struct keylist *l, unsigned u64s) { size_t oldsize = bch_keylist_nkeys(l); size_t newsize = oldsize + u64s; uint64_t *old_keys = l->keys_p == l->inline_keys ? NULL : l->keys_p; uint64_t *new_keys; newsize = roundup_pow_of_two(newsize); if (newsize <= KEYLIST_INLINE || roundup_pow_of_two(oldsize) == newsize) return 0; new_keys = krealloc(old_keys, sizeof(uint64_t) * newsize, GFP_NOIO); if (!new_keys) return -ENOMEM; if (!old_keys) memcpy(new_keys, l->inline_keys, sizeof(uint64_t) * oldsize); l->keys_p = new_keys; l->top_p = new_keys + oldsize; return 0; } struct bkey *bch_keylist_pop(struct keylist *l) { struct bkey *k = l->keys; if (k == l->top) return NULL; while (bkey_next(k) != l->top) k = bkey_next(k); return l->top = k; } void bch_keylist_pop_front(struct keylist *l) { l->top_p -= bkey_u64s(l->keys); memmove(l->keys, bkey_next(l->keys), bch_keylist_bytes(l)); } /* Key/pointer manipulation */ void bch_bkey_copy_single_ptr(struct bkey *dest, const struct bkey *src, unsigned i) { BUG_ON(i > KEY_PTRS(src)); /* Only copy the header, key, and one pointer. */ memcpy(dest, src, 2 * sizeof(uint64_t)); dest->ptr[0] = src->ptr[i]; SET_KEY_PTRS(dest, 1); /* We didn't copy the checksum so clear that bit. */ SET_KEY_CSUM(dest, 0); } bool __bch_cut_front(const struct bkey *where, struct bkey *k) { unsigned i, len = 0; if (bkey_cmp(where, &START_KEY(k)) <= 0) return false; if (bkey_cmp(where, k) < 0) len = KEY_OFFSET(k) - KEY_OFFSET(where); else bkey_copy_key(k, where); for (i = 0; i < KEY_PTRS(k); i++) SET_PTR_OFFSET(k, i, PTR_OFFSET(k, i) + KEY_SIZE(k) - len); BUG_ON(len > KEY_SIZE(k)); SET_KEY_SIZE(k, len); return true; } bool __bch_cut_back(const struct bkey *where, struct bkey *k) { unsigned len = 0; if (bkey_cmp(where, k) >= 0) return false; BUG_ON(KEY_INODE(where) != KEY_INODE(k)); if (bkey_cmp(where, &START_KEY(k)) > 0) len = KEY_OFFSET(where) - KEY_START(k); bkey_copy_key(k, where); BUG_ON(len > KEY_SIZE(k)); SET_KEY_SIZE(k, len); return true; } /* Auxiliary search trees */ /* 32 bits total: */ #define BKEY_MID_BITS 3 #define BKEY_EXPONENT_BITS 7 #define BKEY_MANTISSA_BITS (32 - BKEY_MID_BITS - BKEY_EXPONENT_BITS) #define BKEY_MANTISSA_MASK ((1 << BKEY_MANTISSA_BITS) - 1) struct bkey_float { unsigned exponent:BKEY_EXPONENT_BITS; unsigned m:BKEY_MID_BITS; unsigned mantissa:BKEY_MANTISSA_BITS; } __packed; /* * BSET_CACHELINE was originally intended to match the hardware cacheline size - * it used to be 64, but I realized the lookup code would touch slightly less * memory if it was 128. * * It definites the number of bytes (in struct bset) per struct bkey_float in * the auxiliar search tree - when we're done searching the bset_float tree we * have this many bytes left that we do a linear search over. * * Since (after level 5) every level of the bset_tree is on a new cacheline, * we're touching one fewer cacheline in the bset tree in exchange for one more * cacheline in the linear search - but the linear search might stop before it * gets to the second cacheline. */ #define BSET_CACHELINE 128 /* Space required for the btree node keys */ static inline size_t btree_keys_bytes(struct btree_keys *b) { return PAGE_SIZE << b->page_order; } static inline size_t btree_keys_cachelines(struct btree_keys *b) { return btree_keys_bytes(b) / BSET_CACHELINE; } /* Space required for the auxiliary search trees */ static inline size_t bset_tree_bytes(struct btree_keys *b) { return btree_keys_cachelines(b) * sizeof(struct bkey_float); } /* Space required for the prev pointers */ static inline size_t bset_prev_bytes(struct btree_keys *b) { return btree_keys_cachelines(b) * sizeof(uint8_t); } /* Memory allocation */ void bch_btree_keys_free(struct btree_keys *b) { struct bset_tree *t = b->set; if (bset_prev_bytes(b) < PAGE_SIZE) kfree(t->prev); else free_pages((unsigned long) t->prev, get_order(bset_prev_bytes(b))); if (bset_tree_bytes(b) < PAGE_SIZE) kfree(t->tree); else free_pages((unsigned long) t->tree, get_order(bset_tree_bytes(b))); free_pages((unsigned long) t->data, b->page_order); t->prev = NULL; t->tree = NULL; t->data = NULL; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_btree_keys_free); int bch_btree_keys_alloc(struct btree_keys *b, unsigned page_order, gfp_t gfp) { struct bset_tree *t = b->set; BUG_ON(t->data); b->page_order = page_order; t->data = (void *) __get_free_pages(gfp, b->page_order); if (!t->data) goto err; t->tree = bset_tree_bytes(b) < PAGE_SIZE ? kmalloc(bset_tree_bytes(b), gfp) : (void *) __get_free_pages(gfp, get_order(bset_tree_bytes(b))); if (!t->tree) goto err; t->prev = bset_prev_bytes(b) < PAGE_SIZE ? kmalloc(bset_prev_bytes(b), gfp) : (void *) __get_free_pages(gfp, get_order(bset_prev_bytes(b))); if (!t->prev) goto err; return 0; err: bch_btree_keys_free(b); return -ENOMEM; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_btree_keys_alloc); void bch_btree_keys_init(struct btree_keys *b, const struct btree_keys_ops *ops, bool *expensive_debug_checks) { unsigned i; b->ops = ops; b->expensive_debug_checks = expensive_debug_checks; b->nsets = 0; b->last_set_unwritten = 0; /* XXX: shouldn't be needed */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_BSETS; i++) b->set[i].size = 0; /* * Second loop starts at 1 because b->keys[0]->data is the memory we * allocated */ for (i = 1; i < MAX_BSETS; i++) b->set[i].data = NULL; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_btree_keys_init); /* Binary tree stuff for auxiliary search trees */ static unsigned inorder_next(unsigned j, unsigned size) { if (j * 2 + 1 < size) { j = j * 2 + 1; while (j * 2 < size) j *= 2; } else j >>= ffz(j) + 1; return j; } static unsigned inorder_prev(unsigned j, unsigned size) { if (j * 2 < size) { j = j * 2; while (j * 2 + 1 < size) j = j * 2 + 1; } else j >>= ffs(j); return j; } /* I have no idea why this code works... and I'm the one who wrote it * * However, I do know what it does: * Given a binary tree constructed in an array (i.e. how you normally implement * a heap), it converts a node in the tree - referenced by array index - to the * index it would have if you did an inorder traversal. * * Also tested for every j, size up to size somewhere around 6 million. * * The binary tree starts at array index 1, not 0 * extra is a function of size: * extra = (size - rounddown_pow_of_two(size - 1)) << 1; */ static unsigned __to_inorder(unsigned j, unsigned size, unsigned extra) { unsigned b = fls(j); unsigned shift = fls(size - 1) - b; j ^= 1U << (b - 1); j <<= 1; j |= 1; j <<= shift; if (j > extra) j -= (j - extra) >> 1; return j; } static unsigned to_inorder(unsigned j, struct bset_tree *t) { return __to_inorder(j, t->size, t->extra); } static unsigned __inorder_to_tree(unsigned j, unsigned size, unsigned extra) { unsigned shift; if (j > extra) j += j - extra; shift = ffs(j); j >>= shift; j |= roundup_pow_of_two(size) >> shift; return j; } static unsigned inorder_to_tree(unsigned j, struct bset_tree *t) { return __inorder_to_tree(j, t->size, t->extra); } #if 0 void inorder_test(void) { unsigned long done = 0; ktime_t start = ktime_get(); for (unsigned size = 2; size < 65536000; size++) { unsigned extra = (size - rounddown_pow_of_two(size - 1)) << 1; unsigned i = 1, j = rounddown_pow_of_two(size - 1); if (!(size % 4096)) printk(KERN_NOTICE "loop %u, %llu per us\n", size, done / ktime_us_delta(ktime_get(), start)); while (1) { if (__inorder_to_tree(i, size, extra) != j) panic("size %10u j %10u i %10u", size, j, i); if (__to_inorder(j, size, extra) != i) panic("size %10u j %10u i %10u", size, j, i); if (j == rounddown_pow_of_two(size) - 1) break; BUG_ON(inorder_prev(inorder_next(j, size), size) != j); j = inorder_next(j, size); i++; } done += size - 1; } } #endif /* * Cacheline/offset <-> bkey pointer arithmetic: * * t->tree is a binary search tree in an array; each node corresponds to a key * in one cacheline in t->set (BSET_CACHELINE bytes). * * This means we don't have to store the full index of the key that a node in * the binary tree points to; to_inorder() gives us the cacheline, and then * bkey_float->m gives us the offset within that cacheline, in units of 8 bytes. * * cacheline_to_bkey() and friends abstract out all the pointer arithmetic to * make this work. * * To construct the bfloat for an arbitrary key we need to know what the key * immediately preceding it is: we have to check if the two keys differ in the * bits we're going to store in bkey_float->mantissa. t->prev[j] stores the size * of the previous key so we can walk backwards to it from t->tree[j]'s key. */ static struct bkey *cacheline_to_bkey(struct bset_tree *t, unsigned cacheline, unsigned offset) { return ((void *) t->data) + cacheline * BSET_CACHELINE + offset * 8; } static unsigned bkey_to_cacheline(struct bset_tree *t, struct bkey *k) { return ((void *) k - (void *) t->data) / BSET_CACHELINE; } static unsigned bkey_to_cacheline_offset(struct bset_tree *t, unsigned cacheline, struct bkey *k) { return (u64 *) k - (u64 *) cacheline_to_bkey(t, cacheline, 0); } static struct bkey *tree_to_bkey(struct bset_tree *t, unsigned j) { return cacheline_to_bkey(t, to_inorder(j, t), t->tree[j].m); } static struct bkey *tree_to_prev_bkey(struct bset_tree *t, unsigned j) { return (void *) (((uint64_t *) tree_to_bkey(t, j)) - t->prev[j]); } /* * For the write set - the one we're currently inserting keys into - we don't * maintain a full search tree, we just keep a simple lookup table in t->prev. */ static struct bkey *table_to_bkey(struct bset_tree *t, unsigned cacheline) { return cacheline_to_bkey(t, cacheline, t->prev[cacheline]); } static inline uint64_t shrd128(uint64_t high, uint64_t low, uint8_t shift) { low >>= shift; low |= (high << 1) << (63U - shift); return low; } static inline unsigned bfloat_mantissa(const struct bkey *k, struct bkey_float *f) { const uint64_t *p = &k->low - (f->exponent >> 6); return shrd128(p[-1], p[0], f->exponent & 63) & BKEY_MANTISSA_MASK; } static void make_bfloat(struct bset_tree *t, unsigned j) { struct bkey_float *f = &t->tree[j]; struct bkey *m = tree_to_bkey(t, j); struct bkey *p = tree_to_prev_bkey(t, j); struct bkey *l = is_power_of_2(j) ? t->data->start : tree_to_prev_bkey(t, j >> ffs(j)); struct bkey *r = is_power_of_2(j + 1) ? bset_bkey_idx(t->data, t->data->keys - bkey_u64s(&t->end)) : tree_to_bkey(t, j >> (ffz(j) + 1)); BUG_ON(m < l || m > r); BUG_ON(bkey_next(p) != m); if (KEY_INODE(l) != KEY_INODE(r)) f->exponent = fls64(KEY_INODE(r) ^ KEY_INODE(l)) + 64; else f->exponent = fls64(r->low ^ l->low); f->exponent = max_t(int, f->exponent - BKEY_MANTISSA_BITS, 0); /* * Setting f->exponent = 127 flags this node as failed, and causes the * lookup code to fall back to comparing against the original key. */ if (bfloat_mantissa(m, f) != bfloat_mantissa(p, f)) f->mantissa = bfloat_mantissa(m, f) - 1; else f->exponent = 127; } static void bset_alloc_tree(struct btree_keys *b, struct bset_tree *t) { if (t != b->set) { unsigned j = roundup(t[-1].size, 64 / sizeof(struct bkey_float)); t->tree = t[-1].tree + j; t->prev = t[-1].prev + j; } while (t < b->set + MAX_BSETS) t++->size = 0; } static void bch_bset_build_unwritten_tree(struct btree_keys *b) { struct bset_tree *t = bset_tree_last(b); BUG_ON(b->last_set_unwritten); b->last_set_unwritten = 1; bset_alloc_tree(b, t); if (t->tree != b->set->tree + btree_keys_cachelines(b)) { t->prev[0] = bkey_to_cacheline_offset(t, 0, t->data->start); t->size = 1; } } void bch_bset_init_next(struct btree_keys *b, struct bset *i, uint64_t magic) { if (i != b->set->data) { b->set[++b->nsets].data = i; i->seq = b->set->data->seq; } else get_random_bytes(&i->seq, sizeof(uint64_t)); i->magic = magic; i->version = 0; i->keys = 0; bch_bset_build_unwritten_tree(b); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_bset_init_next); void bch_bset_build_written_tree(struct btree_keys *b) { struct bset_tree *t = bset_tree_last(b); struct bkey *prev = NULL, *k = t->data->start; unsigned j, cacheline = 1; b->last_set_unwritten = 0; bset_alloc_tree(b, t); t->size = min_t(unsigned, bkey_to_cacheline(t, bset_bkey_last(t->data)), b->set->tree + btree_keys_cachelines(b) - t->tree); if (t->size < 2) { t->size = 0; return; } t->extra = (t->size - rounddown_pow_of_two(t->size - 1)) << 1; /* First we figure out where the first key in each cacheline is */ for (j = inorder_next(0, t->size); j; j = inorder_next(j, t->size)) { while (bkey_to_cacheline(t, k) < cacheline) prev = k, k = bkey_next(k); t->prev[j] = bkey_u64s(prev); t->tree[j].m = bkey_to_cacheline_offset(t, cacheline++, k); } while (bkey_next(k) != bset_bkey_last(t->data)) k = bkey_next(k); t->end = *k; /* Then we build the tree */ for (j = inorder_next(0, t->size); j; j = inorder_next(j, t->size)) make_bfloat(t, j); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_bset_build_written_tree); /* Insert */ void bch_bset_fix_invalidated_key(struct btree_keys *b, struct bkey *k) { struct bset_tree *t; unsigned inorder, j = 1; for (t = b->set; t <= bset_tree_last(b); t++) if (k < bset_bkey_last(t->data)) goto found_set; BUG(); found_set: if (!t->size || !bset_written(b, t)) return; inorder = bkey_to_cacheline(t, k); if (k == t->data->start) goto fix_left; if (bkey_next(k) == bset_bkey_last(t->data)) { t->end = *k; goto fix_right; } j = inorder_to_tree(inorder, t); if (j && j < t->size && k == tree_to_bkey(t, j)) fix_left: do { make_bfloat(t, j); j = j * 2; } while (j < t->size); j = inorder_to_tree(inorder + 1, t); if (j && j < t->size && k == tree_to_prev_bkey(t, j)) fix_right: do { make_bfloat(t, j); j = j * 2 + 1; } while (j < t->size); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_bset_fix_invalidated_key); static void bch_bset_fix_lookup_table(struct btree_keys *b, struct bset_tree *t, struct bkey *k) { unsigned shift = bkey_u64s(k); unsigned j = bkey_to_cacheline(t, k); /* We're getting called from btree_split() or btree_gc, just bail out */ if (!t->size) return; /* k is the key we just inserted; we need to find the entry in the * lookup table for the first key that is strictly greater than k: * it's either k's cacheline or the next one */ while (j < t->size && table_to_bkey(t, j) <= k) j++; /* Adjust all the lookup table entries, and find a new key for any that * have gotten too big */ for (; j < t->size; j++) { t->prev[j] += shift; if (t->prev[j] > 7) { k = table_to_bkey(t, j - 1); while (k < cacheline_to_bkey(t, j, 0)) k = bkey_next(k); t->prev[j] = bkey_to_cacheline_offset(t, j, k); } } if (t->size == b->set->tree + btree_keys_cachelines(b) - t->tree) return; /* Possibly add a new entry to the end of the lookup table */ for (k = table_to_bkey(t, t->size - 1); k != bset_bkey_last(t->data); k = bkey_next(k)) if (t->size == bkey_to_cacheline(t, k)) { t->prev[t->size] = bkey_to_cacheline_offset(t, t->size, k); t->size++; } } /* * Tries to merge l and r: l should be lower than r * Returns true if we were able to merge. If we did merge, l will be the merged * key, r will be untouched. */ bool bch_bkey_try_merge(struct btree_keys *b, struct bkey *l, struct bkey *r) { if (!b->ops->key_merge) return false; /* * Generic header checks * Assumes left and right are in order * Left and right must be exactly aligned */ if (!bch_bkey_equal_header(l, r) || bkey_cmp(l, &START_KEY(r))) return false; return b->ops->key_merge(b, l, r); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_bkey_try_merge); void bch_bset_insert(struct btree_keys *b, struct bkey *where, struct bkey *insert) { struct bset_tree *t = bset_tree_last(b); BUG_ON(!b->last_set_unwritten); BUG_ON(bset_byte_offset(b, t->data) + __set_bytes(t->data, t->data->keys + bkey_u64s(insert)) > PAGE_SIZE << b->page_order); memmove((uint64_t *) where + bkey_u64s(insert), where, (void *) bset_bkey_last(t->data) - (void *) where); t->data->keys += bkey_u64s(insert); bkey_copy(where, insert); bch_bset_fix_lookup_table(b, t, where); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_bset_insert); unsigned bch_btree_insert_key(struct btree_keys *b, struct bkey *k, struct bkey *replace_key) { unsigned status = BTREE_INSERT_STATUS_NO_INSERT; struct bset *i = bset_tree_last(b)->data; struct bkey *m, *prev = NULL; struct btree_iter iter; BUG_ON(b->ops->is_extents && !KEY_SIZE(k)); m = bch_btree_iter_init(b, &iter, b->ops->is_extents ? PRECEDING_KEY(&START_KEY(k)) : PRECEDING_KEY(k)); if (b->ops->insert_fixup(b, k, &iter, replace_key)) return status; status = BTREE_INSERT_STATUS_INSERT; while (m != bset_bkey_last(i) && bkey_cmp(k, b->ops->is_extents ? &START_KEY(m) : m) > 0) prev = m, m = bkey_next(m); /* prev is in the tree, if we merge we're done */ status = BTREE_INSERT_STATUS_BACK_MERGE; if (prev && bch_bkey_try_merge(b, prev, k)) goto merged; #if 0 status = BTREE_INSERT_STATUS_OVERWROTE; if (m != bset_bkey_last(i) && KEY_PTRS(m) == KEY_PTRS(k) && !KEY_SIZE(m)) goto copy; #endif status = BTREE_INSERT_STATUS_FRONT_MERGE; if (m != bset_bkey_last(i) && bch_bkey_try_merge(b, k, m)) goto copy; bch_bset_insert(b, m, k); copy: bkey_copy(m, k); merged: return status; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_btree_insert_key); /* Lookup */ struct bset_search_iter { struct bkey *l, *r; }; static struct bset_search_iter bset_search_write_set(struct bset_tree *t, const struct bkey *search) { unsigned li = 0, ri = t->size; while (li + 1 != ri) { unsigned m = (li + ri) >> 1; if (bkey_cmp(table_to_bkey(t, m), search) > 0) ri = m; else li = m; } return (struct bset_search_iter) { table_to_bkey(t, li), ri < t->size ? table_to_bkey(t, ri) : bset_bkey_last(t->data) }; } static struct bset_search_iter bset_search_tree(struct bset_tree *t, const struct bkey *search) { struct bkey *l, *r; struct bkey_float *f; unsigned inorder, j, n = 1; do { unsigned p = n << 4; p &= ((int) (p - t->size)) >> 31; prefetch(&t->tree[p]); j = n; f = &t->tree[j]; /* * n = (f->mantissa > bfloat_mantissa()) * ? j * 2 * : j * 2 + 1; * * We need to subtract 1 from f->mantissa for the sign bit trick * to work - that's done in make_bfloat() */ if (likely(f->exponent != 127)) n = j * 2 + (((unsigned) (f->mantissa - bfloat_mantissa(search, f))) >> 31); else n = (bkey_cmp(tree_to_bkey(t, j), search) > 0) ? j * 2 : j * 2 + 1; } while (n < t->size); inorder = to_inorder(j, t); /* * n would have been the node we recursed to - the low bit tells us if * we recursed left or recursed right. */ if (n & 1) { l = cacheline_to_bkey(t, inorder, f->m); if (++inorder != t->size) { f = &t->tree[inorder_next(j, t->size)]; r = cacheline_to_bkey(t, inorder, f->m); } else r = bset_bkey_last(t->data); } else { r = cacheline_to_bkey(t, inorder, f->m); if (--inorder) { f = &t->tree[inorder_prev(j, t->size)]; l = cacheline_to_bkey(t, inorder, f->m); } else l = t->data->start; } return (struct bset_search_iter) {l, r}; } struct bkey *__bch_bset_search(struct btree_keys *b, struct bset_tree *t, const struct bkey *search) { struct bset_search_iter i; /* * First, we search for a cacheline, then lastly we do a linear search * within that cacheline. * * To search for the cacheline, there's three different possibilities: * * The set is too small to have a search tree, so we just do a linear * search over the whole set. * * The set is the one we're currently inserting into; keeping a full * auxiliary search tree up to date would be too expensive, so we * use a much simpler lookup table to do a binary search - * bset_search_write_set(). * * Or we use the auxiliary search tree we constructed earlier - * bset_search_tree() */ if (unlikely(!t->size)) { i.l = t->data->start; i.r = bset_bkey_last(t->data); } else if (bset_written(b, t)) { /* * Each node in the auxiliary search tree covers a certain range * of bits, and keys above and below the set it covers might * differ outside those bits - so we have to special case the * start and end - handle that here: */ if (unlikely(bkey_cmp(search, &t->end) >= 0)) return bset_bkey_last(t->data); if (unlikely(bkey_cmp(search, t->data->start) < 0)) return t->data->start; i = bset_search_tree(t, search); } else { BUG_ON(!b->nsets && t->size < bkey_to_cacheline(t, bset_bkey_last(t->data))); i = bset_search_write_set(t, search); } if (btree_keys_expensive_checks(b)) { BUG_ON(bset_written(b, t) && i.l != t->data->start && bkey_cmp(tree_to_prev_bkey(t, inorder_to_tree(bkey_to_cacheline(t, i.l), t)), search) > 0); BUG_ON(i.r != bset_bkey_last(t->data) && bkey_cmp(i.r, search) <= 0); } while (likely(i.l != i.r) && bkey_cmp(i.l, search) <= 0) i.l = bkey_next(i.l); return i.l; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(__bch_bset_search); /* Btree iterator */ typedef bool (btree_iter_cmp_fn)(struct btree_iter_set, struct btree_iter_set); static inline bool btree_iter_cmp(struct btree_iter_set l, struct btree_iter_set r) { return bkey_cmp(l.k, r.k) > 0; } static inline bool btree_iter_end(struct btree_iter *iter) { return !iter->used; } void bch_btree_iter_push(struct btree_iter *iter, struct bkey *k, struct bkey *end) { if (k != end) BUG_ON(!heap_add(iter, ((struct btree_iter_set) { k, end }), btree_iter_cmp)); } static struct bkey *__bch_btree_iter_init(struct btree_keys *b, struct btree_iter *iter, struct bkey *search, struct bset_tree *start) { struct bkey *ret = NULL; iter->size = ARRAY_SIZE(iter->data); iter->used = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_BCACHE_DEBUG iter->b = b; #endif for (; start <= bset_tree_last(b); start++) { ret = bch_bset_search(b, start, search); bch_btree_iter_push(iter, ret, bset_bkey_last(start->data)); } return ret; } struct bkey *bch_btree_iter_init(struct btree_keys *b, struct btree_iter *iter, struct bkey *search) { return __bch_btree_iter_init(b, iter, search, b->set); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_btree_iter_init); static inline struct bkey *__bch_btree_iter_next(struct btree_iter *iter, btree_iter_cmp_fn *cmp) { struct btree_iter_set unused; struct bkey *ret = NULL; if (!btree_iter_end(iter)) { bch_btree_iter_next_check(iter); ret = iter->data->k; iter->data->k = bkey_next(iter->data->k); if (iter->data->k > iter->data->end) { WARN_ONCE(1, "bset was corrupt!\n"); iter->data->k = iter->data->end; } if (iter->data->k == iter->data->end) heap_pop(iter, unused, cmp); else heap_sift(iter, 0, cmp); } return ret; } struct bkey *bch_btree_iter_next(struct btree_iter *iter) { return __bch_btree_iter_next(iter, btree_iter_cmp); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_btree_iter_next); struct bkey *bch_btree_iter_next_filter(struct btree_iter *iter, struct btree_keys *b, ptr_filter_fn fn) { struct bkey *ret; do { ret = bch_btree_iter_next(iter); } while (ret && fn(b, ret)); return ret; } /* Mergesort */ void bch_bset_sort_state_free(struct bset_sort_state *state) { if (state->pool) mempool_destroy(state->pool); } int bch_bset_sort_state_init(struct bset_sort_state *state, unsigned page_order) { spin_lock_init(&state->time.lock); state->page_order = page_order; state->crit_factor = int_sqrt(1 << page_order); state->pool = mempool_create_page_pool(1, page_order); if (!state->pool) return -ENOMEM; return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_bset_sort_state_init); static void btree_mergesort(struct btree_keys *b, struct bset *out, struct btree_iter *iter, bool fixup, bool remove_stale) { int i; struct bkey *k, *last = NULL; BKEY_PADDED(k) tmp; bool (*bad)(struct btree_keys *, const struct bkey *) = remove_stale ? bch_ptr_bad : bch_ptr_invalid; /* Heapify the iterator, using our comparison function */ for (i = iter->used / 2 - 1; i >= 0; --i) heap_sift(iter, i, b->ops->sort_cmp); while (!btree_iter_end(iter)) { if (b->ops->sort_fixup && fixup) k = b->ops->sort_fixup(iter, &tmp.k); else k = NULL; if (!k) k = __bch_btree_iter_next(iter, b->ops->sort_cmp); if (bad(b, k)) continue; if (!last) { last = out->start; bkey_copy(last, k); } else if (!bch_bkey_try_merge(b, last, k)) { last = bkey_next(last); bkey_copy(last, k); } } out->keys = last ? (uint64_t *) bkey_next(last) - out->d : 0; pr_debug("sorted %i keys", out->keys); } static void __btree_sort(struct btree_keys *b, struct btree_iter *iter, unsigned start, unsigned order, bool fixup, struct bset_sort_state *state) { uint64_t start_time; bool used_mempool = false; struct bset *out = (void *) __get_free_pages(__GFP_NOWARN|GFP_NOWAIT, order); if (!out) { struct page *outp; BUG_ON(order > state->page_order); outp = mempool_alloc(state->pool, GFP_NOIO); out = page_address(outp); used_mempool = true; order = state->page_order; } start_time = local_clock(); btree_mergesort(b, out, iter, fixup, false); b->nsets = start; if (!start && order == b->page_order) { /* * Our temporary buffer is the same size as the btree node's * buffer, we can just swap buffers instead of doing a big * memcpy() */ out->magic = b->set->data->magic; out->seq = b->set->data->seq; out->version = b->set->data->version; swap(out, b->set->data); } else { b->set[start].data->keys = out->keys; memcpy(b->set[start].data->start, out->start, (void *) bset_bkey_last(out) - (void *) out->start); } if (used_mempool) mempool_free(virt_to_page(out), state->pool); else free_pages((unsigned long) out, order); bch_bset_build_written_tree(b); if (!start) bch_time_stats_update(&state->time, start_time); } void bch_btree_sort_partial(struct btree_keys *b, unsigned start, struct bset_sort_state *state) { size_t order = b->page_order, keys = 0; struct btree_iter iter; int oldsize = bch_count_data(b); __bch_btree_iter_init(b, &iter, NULL, &b->set[start]); if (start) { unsigned i; for (i = start; i <= b->nsets; i++) keys += b->set[i].data->keys; order = get_order(__set_bytes(b->set->data, keys)); } __btree_sort(b, &iter, start, order, false, state); EBUG_ON(oldsize >= 0 && bch_count_data(b) != oldsize); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_btree_sort_partial); void bch_btree_sort_and_fix_extents(struct btree_keys *b, struct btree_iter *iter, struct bset_sort_state *state) { __btree_sort(b, iter, 0, b->page_order, true, state); } void bch_btree_sort_into(struct btree_keys *b, struct btree_keys *new, struct bset_sort_state *state) { uint64_t start_time = local_clock(); struct btree_iter iter; bch_btree_iter_init(b, &iter, NULL); btree_mergesort(b, new->set->data, &iter, false, true); bch_time_stats_update(&state->time, start_time); new->set->size = 0; // XXX: why? } #define SORT_CRIT (4096 / sizeof(uint64_t)) void bch_btree_sort_lazy(struct btree_keys *b, struct bset_sort_state *state) { unsigned crit = SORT_CRIT; int i; /* Don't sort if nothing to do */ if (!b->nsets) goto out; for (i = b->nsets - 1; i >= 0; --i) { crit *= state->crit_factor; if (b->set[i].data->keys < crit) { bch_btree_sort_partial(b, i, state); return; } } /* Sort if we'd overflow */ if (b->nsets + 1 == MAX_BSETS) { bch_btree_sort(b, state); return; } out: bch_bset_build_written_tree(b); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bch_btree_sort_lazy); void bch_btree_keys_stats(struct btree_keys *b, struct bset_stats *stats) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i <= b->nsets; i++) { struct bset_tree *t = &b->set[i]; size_t bytes = t->data->keys * sizeof(uint64_t); size_t j; if (bset_written(b, t)) { stats->sets_written++; stats->bytes_written += bytes; stats->floats += t->size - 1; for (j = 1; j < t->size; j++) if (t->tree[j].exponent == 127) stats->failed++; } else { stats->sets_unwritten++; stats->bytes_unwritten += bytes; } } }
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef COMPONENTS_TRANSLATE_CORE_BROWSER_MOCK_TRANSLATE_CLIENT_H_ #define COMPONENTS_TRANSLATE_CORE_BROWSER_MOCK_TRANSLATE_CLIENT_H_ #include <memory> #include <string> #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" #include "components/infobars/core/infobar.h" #include "components/translate/core/browser/translate_client.h" #include "components/translate/core/browser/translate_driver.h" #include "components/translate/core/browser/translate_prefs.h" #include "components/translate/core/common/language_detection_details.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #include "third_party/metrics_proto/translate_event.pb.h" namespace translate { namespace testing { extern const char* preferred_languages_prefs; extern const char* accept_languages_prefs; class MockTranslateClient : public TranslateClient { public: MockTranslateClient(TranslateDriver* driver, PrefService* prefs); ~MockTranslateClient() override; TranslateDriver* GetTranslateDriver() override; PrefService* GetPrefs() override; std::unique_ptr<TranslatePrefs> GetTranslatePrefs() override; MOCK_METHOD0(GetTranslateAcceptLanguages, TranslateAcceptLanguages*()); MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetInfobarIconID, int()); MOCK_METHOD1(RecordTranslateEvent, void(const metrics::TranslateEventProto&)); #if !defined(USE_AURA) MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(CreateInfoBarMock, infobars::InfoBar*(TranslateInfoBarDelegate*)); std::unique_ptr<infobars::InfoBar> CreateInfoBar( std::unique_ptr<TranslateInfoBarDelegate> delegate) const { return base::WrapUnique(CreateInfoBarMock(delegate.get())); } #endif MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(RecordLanguageDetectionEvent, void(const LanguageDetectionDetails&)); MOCK_METHOD5(ShowTranslateUI, void(translate::TranslateStep, const std::string&, const std::string&, TranslateErrors::Type, bool)); MOCK_METHOD1(IsTranslatableURL, bool(const GURL&)); MOCK_METHOD1(ShowReportLanguageDetectionErrorUI, void(const GURL&)); private: TranslateDriver* driver_; PrefService* prefs_; }; } // namespace testing } // namespace translate #endif // COMPONENTS_TRANSLATE_CORE_BROWSER_MOCK_TRANSLATE_CLIENT_H_
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * linux/drivers/video/fbmon.c * * Copyright (C) 2002 James Simmons <> * * Credits: * * The EDID Parser is a conglomeration from the following sources: * * 1. SciTech SNAP Graphics Architecture * Copyright (C) 1991-2002 SciTech Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * * 2. XFree86 4.3.0, interpret_edid.c * Copyright 1998 by Egbert Eich <Egbert.Eich@Physik.TU-Darmstadt.DE> * * 3. John Fremlin <> and * Ani Joshi <> * * Generalized Timing Formula is derived from: * * GTF Spreadsheet by Andy Morrish (1/5/97) * available at * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public * License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive * for more details. * */ #include <linux/fb.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <video/edid.h> #include <video/of_videomode.h> #include <video/videomode.h> #include "../edid.h" /* * EDID parser */ #undef DEBUG /* define this for verbose EDID parsing output */ #ifdef DEBUG #define DPRINTK(fmt, args...) printk(fmt,## args) #else #define DPRINTK(fmt, args...) #endif #define FBMON_FIX_HEADER 1 #define FBMON_FIX_INPUT 2 #define FBMON_FIX_TIMINGS 3 #ifdef CONFIG_FB_MODE_HELPERS struct broken_edid { u8 manufacturer[4]; u32 model; u32 fix; }; static const struct broken_edid brokendb[] = { /* DEC FR-PCXAV-YZ */ { .manufacturer = "DEC", .model = 0x073a, .fix = FBMON_FIX_HEADER, }, /* ViewSonic PF775a */ { .manufacturer = "VSC", .model = 0x5a44, .fix = FBMON_FIX_INPUT, }, /* Sharp UXGA? */ { .manufacturer = "SHP", .model = 0x138e, .fix = FBMON_FIX_TIMINGS, }, }; static const unsigned char edid_v1_header[] = { 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 }; static void copy_string(unsigned char *c, unsigned char *s) { int i; c = c + 5; for (i = 0; (i < 13 && *c != 0x0A); i++) *(s++) = *(c++); *s = 0; while (i-- && (*--s == 0x20)) *s = 0; } static int edid_is_serial_block(unsigned char *block) { if ((block[0] == 0x00) && (block[1] == 0x00) && (block[2] == 0x00) && (block[3] == 0xff) && (block[4] == 0x00)) return 1; else return 0; } static int edid_is_ascii_block(unsigned char *block) { if ((block[0] == 0x00) && (block[1] == 0x00) && (block[2] == 0x00) && (block[3] == 0xfe) && (block[4] == 0x00)) return 1; else return 0; } static int edid_is_limits_block(unsigned char *block) { if ((block[0] == 0x00) && (block[1] == 0x00) && (block[2] == 0x00) && (block[3] == 0xfd) && (block[4] == 0x00)) return 1; else return 0; } static int edid_is_monitor_block(unsigned char *block) { if ((block[0] == 0x00) && (block[1] == 0x00) && (block[2] == 0x00) && (block[3] == 0xfc) && (block[4] == 0x00)) return 1; else return 0; } static int edid_is_timing_block(unsigned char *block) { if ((block[0] != 0x00) || (block[1] != 0x00) || (block[2] != 0x00) || (block[4] != 0x00)) return 1; else return 0; } static int check_edid(unsigned char *edid) { unsigned char *block = edid + ID_MANUFACTURER_NAME, manufacturer[4]; unsigned char *b; u32 model; int i, fix = 0, ret = 0; manufacturer[0] = ((block[0] & 0x7c) >> 2) + '@'; manufacturer[1] = ((block[0] & 0x03) << 3) + ((block[1] & 0xe0) >> 5) + '@'; manufacturer[2] = (block[1] & 0x1f) + '@'; manufacturer[3] = 0; model = block[2] + (block[3] << 8); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(brokendb); i++) { if (!strncmp(manufacturer, brokendb[i].manufacturer, 4) && brokendb[i].model == model) { fix = brokendb[i].fix; break; } } switch (fix) { case FBMON_FIX_HEADER: for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (edid[i] != edid_v1_header[i]) { ret = fix; break; } } break; case FBMON_FIX_INPUT: b = edid + EDID_STRUCT_DISPLAY; /* Only if display is GTF capable will the input type be reset to analog */ if (b[4] & 0x01 && b[0] & 0x80) ret = fix; break; case FBMON_FIX_TIMINGS: b = edid + DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS_START; ret = fix; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (edid_is_limits_block(b)) { ret = 0; break; } b += DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE; } break; } if (ret) printk("fbmon: The EDID Block of " "Manufacturer: %s Model: 0x%x is known to " "be broken,\n", manufacturer, model); return ret; } static void fix_edid(unsigned char *edid, int fix) { int i; unsigned char *b, csum = 0; switch (fix) { case FBMON_FIX_HEADER: printk("fbmon: trying a header reconstruct\n"); memcpy(edid, edid_v1_header, 8); break; case FBMON_FIX_INPUT: printk("fbmon: trying to fix input type\n"); b = edid + EDID_STRUCT_DISPLAY; b[0] &= ~0x80; edid[127] += 0x80; break; case FBMON_FIX_TIMINGS: printk("fbmon: trying to fix monitor timings\n"); b = edid + DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS_START; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!(edid_is_serial_block(b) || edid_is_ascii_block(b) || edid_is_monitor_block(b) || edid_is_timing_block(b))) { b[0] = 0x00; b[1] = 0x00; b[2] = 0x00; b[3] = 0xfd; b[4] = 0x00; b[5] = 60; /* vfmin */ b[6] = 60; /* vfmax */ b[7] = 30; /* hfmin */ b[8] = 75; /* hfmax */ b[9] = 17; /* pixclock - 170 MHz*/ b[10] = 0; /* GTF */ break; } b += DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE; } for (i = 0; i < EDID_LENGTH - 1; i++) csum += edid[i]; edid[127] = 256 - csum; break; } } static int edid_checksum(unsigned char *edid) { unsigned char csum = 0, all_null = 0; int i, err = 0, fix = check_edid(edid); if (fix) fix_edid(edid, fix); for (i = 0; i < EDID_LENGTH; i++) { csum += edid[i]; all_null |= edid[i]; } if (csum == 0x00 && all_null) { /* checksum passed, everything's good */ err = 1; } return err; } static int edid_check_header(unsigned char *edid) { int i, err = 1, fix = check_edid(edid); if (fix) fix_edid(edid, fix); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (edid[i] != edid_v1_header[i]) err = 0; } return err; } static void parse_vendor_block(unsigned char *block, struct fb_monspecs *specs) { specs->manufacturer[0] = ((block[0] & 0x7c) >> 2) + '@'; specs->manufacturer[1] = ((block[0] & 0x03) << 3) + ((block[1] & 0xe0) >> 5) + '@'; specs->manufacturer[2] = (block[1] & 0x1f) + '@'; specs->manufacturer[3] = 0; specs->model = block[2] + (block[3] << 8); specs->serial = block[4] + (block[5] << 8) + (block[6] << 16) + (block[7] << 24); specs->year = block[9] + 1990; specs->week = block[8]; DPRINTK(" Manufacturer: %s\n", specs->manufacturer); DPRINTK(" Model: %x\n", specs->model); DPRINTK(" Serial#: %u\n", specs->serial); DPRINTK(" Year: %u Week %u\n", specs->year, specs->week); } static void get_dpms_capabilities(unsigned char flags, struct fb_monspecs *specs) { specs->dpms = 0; if (flags & DPMS_ACTIVE_OFF) specs->dpms |= FB_DPMS_ACTIVE_OFF; if (flags & DPMS_SUSPEND) specs->dpms |= FB_DPMS_SUSPEND; if (flags & DPMS_STANDBY) specs->dpms |= FB_DPMS_STANDBY; DPRINTK(" DPMS: Active %s, Suspend %s, Standby %s\n", (flags & DPMS_ACTIVE_OFF) ? "yes" : "no", (flags & DPMS_SUSPEND) ? "yes" : "no", (flags & DPMS_STANDBY) ? "yes" : "no"); } static void get_chroma(unsigned char *block, struct fb_monspecs *specs) { int tmp; DPRINTK(" Chroma\n"); /* Chromaticity data */ tmp = ((block[5] & (3 << 6)) >> 6) | (block[0x7] << 2); tmp *= 1000; tmp += 512; specs->chroma.redx = tmp/1024; DPRINTK(" RedX: 0.%03d ", specs->chroma.redx); tmp = ((block[5] & (3 << 4)) >> 4) | (block[0x8] << 2); tmp *= 1000; tmp += 512; specs->chroma.redy = tmp/1024; DPRINTK("RedY: 0.%03d\n", specs->chroma.redy); tmp = ((block[5] & (3 << 2)) >> 2) | (block[0x9] << 2); tmp *= 1000; tmp += 512; specs->chroma.greenx = tmp/1024; DPRINTK(" GreenX: 0.%03d ", specs->chroma.greenx); tmp = (block[5] & 3) | (block[0xa] << 2); tmp *= 1000; tmp += 512; specs->chroma.greeny = tmp/1024; DPRINTK("GreenY: 0.%03d\n", specs->chroma.greeny); tmp = ((block[6] & (3 << 6)) >> 6) | (block[0xb] << 2); tmp *= 1000; tmp += 512; specs->chroma.bluex = tmp/1024; DPRINTK(" BlueX: 0.%03d ", specs->chroma.bluex); tmp = ((block[6] & (3 << 4)) >> 4) | (block[0xc] << 2); tmp *= 1000; tmp += 512; specs->chroma.bluey = tmp/1024; DPRINTK("BlueY: 0.%03d\n", specs->chroma.bluey); tmp = ((block[6] & (3 << 2)) >> 2) | (block[0xd] << 2); tmp *= 1000; tmp += 512; specs->chroma.whitex = tmp/1024; DPRINTK(" WhiteX: 0.%03d ", specs->chroma.whitex); tmp = (block[6] & 3) | (block[0xe] << 2); tmp *= 1000; tmp += 512; specs->chroma.whitey = tmp/1024; DPRINTK("WhiteY: 0.%03d\n", specs->chroma.whitey); } static void calc_mode_timings(int xres, int yres, int refresh, struct fb_videomode *mode) { struct fb_var_screeninfo *var; var = kzalloc(sizeof(struct fb_var_screeninfo), GFP_KERNEL); if (var) { var->xres = xres; var->yres = yres; fb_get_mode(FB_VSYNCTIMINGS | FB_IGNOREMON, refresh, var, NULL); mode->xres = xres; mode->yres = yres; mode->pixclock = var->pixclock; mode->refresh = refresh; mode->left_margin = var->left_margin; mode->right_margin = var->right_margin; mode->upper_margin = var->upper_margin; mode->lower_margin = var->lower_margin; mode->hsync_len = var->hsync_len; mode->vsync_len = var->vsync_len; mode->vmode = 0; mode->sync = 0; kfree(var); } } static int get_est_timing(unsigned char *block, struct fb_videomode *mode) { int num = 0; unsigned char c; c = block[0]; if (c&0x80) { calc_mode_timings(720, 400, 70, &mode[num]); mode[num++].flag = FB_MODE_IS_CALCULATED; DPRINTK(" 720x400@70Hz\n"); } if (c&0x40) { calc_mode_timings(720, 400, 88, &mode[num]); mode[num++].flag = FB_MODE_IS_CALCULATED; DPRINTK(" 720x400@88Hz\n"); } if (c&0x20) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[3]; DPRINTK(" 640x480@60Hz\n"); } if (c&0x10) { calc_mode_timings(640, 480, 67, &mode[num]); mode[num++].flag = FB_MODE_IS_CALCULATED; DPRINTK(" 640x480@67Hz\n"); } if (c&0x08) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[4]; DPRINTK(" 640x480@72Hz\n"); } if (c&0x04) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[5]; DPRINTK(" 640x480@75Hz\n"); } if (c&0x02) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[7]; DPRINTK(" 800x600@56Hz\n"); } if (c&0x01) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[8]; DPRINTK(" 800x600@60Hz\n"); } c = block[1]; if (c&0x80) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[9]; DPRINTK(" 800x600@72Hz\n"); } if (c&0x40) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[10]; DPRINTK(" 800x600@75Hz\n"); } if (c&0x20) { calc_mode_timings(832, 624, 75, &mode[num]); mode[num++].flag = FB_MODE_IS_CALCULATED; DPRINTK(" 832x624@75Hz\n"); } if (c&0x10) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[12]; DPRINTK(" 1024x768@87Hz Interlaced\n"); } if (c&0x08) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[13]; DPRINTK(" 1024x768@60Hz\n"); } if (c&0x04) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[14]; DPRINTK(" 1024x768@70Hz\n"); } if (c&0x02) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[15]; DPRINTK(" 1024x768@75Hz\n"); } if (c&0x01) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[21]; DPRINTK(" 1280x1024@75Hz\n"); } c = block[2]; if (c&0x80) { mode[num++] = vesa_modes[17]; DPRINTK(" 1152x870@75Hz\n"); } DPRINTK(" Manufacturer's mask: %x\n",c&0x7F); return num; } static int get_std_timing(unsigned char *block, struct fb_videomode *mode, int ver, int rev, const struct fb_monspecs *specs) { int i; for (i = 0; i < DMT_SIZE; i++) { u32 std_2byte_code = block[0] << 8 | block[1]; if (std_2byte_code == dmt_modes[i].std_2byte_code) break; } if (i < DMT_SIZE && dmt_modes[i].mode) { /* DMT mode found */ *mode = *dmt_modes[i].mode; mode->flag |= FB_MODE_IS_STANDARD; DPRINTK(" DMT id=%d\n", dmt_modes[i].dmt_id); } else { int xres, yres = 0, refresh, ratio; xres = (block[0] + 31) * 8; if (xres <= 256) return 0; ratio = (block[1] & 0xc0) >> 6; switch (ratio) { case 0: /* in EDID 1.3 the meaning of 0 changed to 16:10 (prior 1:1) */ if (ver < 1 || (ver == 1 && rev < 3)) yres = xres; else yres = (xres * 10)/16; break; case 1: yres = (xres * 3)/4; break; case 2: yres = (xres * 4)/5; break; case 3: yres = (xres * 9)/16; break; } refresh = (block[1] & 0x3f) + 60; DPRINTK(" %dx%d@%dHz\n", xres, yres, refresh); calc_mode_timings(xres, yres, refresh, mode); } /* Check the mode we got is within valid spec of the monitor */ if (specs && specs->dclkmax && PICOS2KHZ(mode->pixclock) * 1000 > specs->dclkmax) { DPRINTK(" mode exceed max DCLK\n"); return 0; } return 1; } static int get_dst_timing(unsigned char *block, struct fb_videomode *mode, int ver, int rev, const struct fb_monspecs *specs) { int j, num = 0; for (j = 0; j < 6; j++, block += STD_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) num += get_std_timing(block, &mode[num], ver, rev, specs); return num; } static void get_detailed_timing(unsigned char *block, struct fb_videomode *mode) { mode->xres = H_ACTIVE; mode->yres = V_ACTIVE; mode->pixclock = PIXEL_CLOCK; mode->pixclock /= 1000; mode->pixclock = KHZ2PICOS(mode->pixclock); mode->right_margin = H_SYNC_OFFSET; mode->left_margin = (H_ACTIVE + H_BLANKING) - (H_ACTIVE + H_SYNC_OFFSET + H_SYNC_WIDTH); mode->upper_margin = V_BLANKING - V_SYNC_OFFSET - V_SYNC_WIDTH; mode->lower_margin = V_SYNC_OFFSET; mode->hsync_len = H_SYNC_WIDTH; mode->vsync_len = V_SYNC_WIDTH; if (HSYNC_POSITIVE) mode->sync |= FB_SYNC_HOR_HIGH_ACT; if (VSYNC_POSITIVE) mode->sync |= FB_SYNC_VERT_HIGH_ACT; mode->refresh = PIXEL_CLOCK/((H_ACTIVE + H_BLANKING) * (V_ACTIVE + V_BLANKING)); if (INTERLACED) { mode->yres *= 2; mode->upper_margin *= 2; mode->lower_margin *= 2; mode->vsync_len *= 2; mode->vmode |= FB_VMODE_INTERLACED; } mode->flag = FB_MODE_IS_DETAILED; DPRINTK(" %d MHz ", PIXEL_CLOCK/1000000); DPRINTK("%d %d %d %d ", H_ACTIVE, H_ACTIVE + H_SYNC_OFFSET, H_ACTIVE + H_SYNC_OFFSET + H_SYNC_WIDTH, H_ACTIVE + H_BLANKING); DPRINTK("%d %d %d %d ", V_ACTIVE, V_ACTIVE + V_SYNC_OFFSET, V_ACTIVE + V_SYNC_OFFSET + V_SYNC_WIDTH, V_ACTIVE + V_BLANKING); DPRINTK("%sHSync %sVSync\n\n", (HSYNC_POSITIVE) ? "+" : "-", (VSYNC_POSITIVE) ? "+" : "-"); } /** * fb_create_modedb - create video mode database * @edid: EDID data * @dbsize: database size * * RETURNS: struct fb_videomode, @dbsize contains length of database * * DESCRIPTION: * This function builds a mode database using the contents of the EDID * data */ static struct fb_videomode *fb_create_modedb(unsigned char *edid, int *dbsize, const struct fb_monspecs *specs) { struct fb_videomode *mode, *m; unsigned char *block; int num = 0, i, first = 1; int ver, rev; mode = kzalloc(50 * sizeof(struct fb_videomode), GFP_KERNEL); if (mode == NULL) return NULL; if (edid == NULL || !edid_checksum(edid) || !edid_check_header(edid)) { kfree(mode); return NULL; } ver = edid[EDID_STRUCT_VERSION]; rev = edid[EDID_STRUCT_REVISION]; *dbsize = 0; DPRINTK(" Detailed Timings\n"); block = edid + DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS_START; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, block+= DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) { if (!(block[0] == 0x00 && block[1] == 0x00)) { get_detailed_timing(block, &mode[num]); if (first) { mode[num].flag |= FB_MODE_IS_FIRST; first = 0; } num++; } } DPRINTK(" Supported VESA Modes\n"); block = edid + ESTABLISHED_TIMING_1; num += get_est_timing(block, &mode[num]); DPRINTK(" Standard Timings\n"); block = edid + STD_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS_START; for (i = 0; i < STD_TIMING; i++, block += STD_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) num += get_std_timing(block, &mode[num], ver, rev, specs); block = edid + DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS_START; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, block+= DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) { if (block[0] == 0x00 && block[1] == 0x00 && block[3] == 0xfa) num += get_dst_timing(block + 5, &mode[num], ver, rev, specs); } /* Yikes, EDID data is totally useless */ if (!num) { kfree(mode); return NULL; } *dbsize = num; m = kmalloc(num * sizeof(struct fb_videomode), GFP_KERNEL); if (!m) return mode; memmove(m, mode, num * sizeof(struct fb_videomode)); kfree(mode); return m; } /** * fb_destroy_modedb - destroys mode database * @modedb: mode database to destroy * * DESCRIPTION: * Destroy mode database created by fb_create_modedb */ void fb_destroy_modedb(struct fb_videomode *modedb) { kfree(modedb); } static int fb_get_monitor_limits(unsigned char *edid, struct fb_monspecs *specs) { int i, retval = 1; unsigned char *block; block = edid + DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS_START; DPRINTK(" Monitor Operating Limits: "); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, block += DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) { if (edid_is_limits_block(block)) { specs->hfmin = H_MIN_RATE * 1000; specs->hfmax = H_MAX_RATE * 1000; specs->vfmin = V_MIN_RATE; specs->vfmax = V_MAX_RATE; specs->dclkmax = MAX_PIXEL_CLOCK * 1000000; specs->gtf = (GTF_SUPPORT) ? 1 : 0; retval = 0; DPRINTK("From EDID\n"); break; } } /* estimate monitor limits based on modes supported */ if (retval) { struct fb_videomode *modes, *mode; int num_modes, hz, hscan, pixclock; int vtotal, htotal; modes = fb_create_modedb(edid, &num_modes, specs); if (!modes) { DPRINTK("None Available\n"); return 1; } retval = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_modes; i++) { mode = &modes[i]; pixclock = PICOS2KHZ(modes[i].pixclock) * 1000; htotal = mode->xres + mode->right_margin + mode->hsync_len + mode->left_margin; vtotal = mode->yres + mode->lower_margin + mode->vsync_len + mode->upper_margin; if (mode->vmode & FB_VMODE_INTERLACED) vtotal /= 2; if (mode->vmode & FB_VMODE_DOUBLE) vtotal *= 2; hscan = (pixclock + htotal / 2) / htotal; hscan = (hscan + 500) / 1000 * 1000; hz = (hscan + vtotal / 2) / vtotal; if (specs->dclkmax == 0 || specs->dclkmax < pixclock) specs->dclkmax = pixclock; if (specs->dclkmin == 0 || specs->dclkmin > pixclock) specs->dclkmin = pixclock; if (specs->hfmax == 0 || specs->hfmax < hscan) specs->hfmax = hscan; if (specs->hfmin == 0 || specs->hfmin > hscan) specs->hfmin = hscan; if (specs->vfmax == 0 || specs->vfmax < hz) specs->vfmax = hz; if (specs->vfmin == 0 || specs->vfmin > hz) specs->vfmin = hz; } DPRINTK("Extrapolated\n"); fb_destroy_modedb(modes); } DPRINTK(" H: %d-%dKHz V: %d-%dHz DCLK: %dMHz\n", specs->hfmin/1000, specs->hfmax/1000, specs->vfmin, specs->vfmax, specs->dclkmax/1000000); return retval; } static void get_monspecs(unsigned char *edid, struct fb_monspecs *specs) { unsigned char c, *block; block = edid + EDID_STRUCT_DISPLAY; fb_get_monitor_limits(edid, specs); c = block[0] & 0x80; specs->input = 0; if (c) { specs->input |= FB_DISP_DDI; DPRINTK(" Digital Display Input"); } else { DPRINTK(" Analog Display Input: Input Voltage - "); switch ((block[0] & 0x60) >> 5) { case 0: DPRINTK("0.700V/0.300V"); specs->input |= FB_DISP_ANA_700_300; break; case 1: DPRINTK("0.714V/0.286V"); specs->input |= FB_DISP_ANA_714_286; break; case 2: DPRINTK("1.000V/0.400V"); specs->input |= FB_DISP_ANA_1000_400; break; case 3: DPRINTK("0.700V/0.000V"); specs->input |= FB_DISP_ANA_700_000; break; } } DPRINTK("\n Sync: "); c = block[0] & 0x10; if (c) DPRINTK(" Configurable signal level\n"); c = block[0] & 0x0f; specs->signal = 0; if (c & 0x10) { DPRINTK("Blank to Blank "); specs->signal |= FB_SIGNAL_BLANK_BLANK; } if (c & 0x08) { DPRINTK("Separate "); specs->signal |= FB_SIGNAL_SEPARATE; } if (c & 0x04) { DPRINTK("Composite "); specs->signal |= FB_SIGNAL_COMPOSITE; } if (c & 0x02) { DPRINTK("Sync on Green "); specs->signal |= FB_SIGNAL_SYNC_ON_GREEN; } if (c & 0x01) { DPRINTK("Serration on "); specs->signal |= FB_SIGNAL_SERRATION_ON; } DPRINTK("\n"); specs->max_x = block[1]; specs->max_y = block[2]; DPRINTK(" Max H-size in cm: "); if (specs->max_x) DPRINTK("%d\n", specs->max_x); else DPRINTK("variable\n"); DPRINTK(" Max V-size in cm: "); if (specs->max_y) DPRINTK("%d\n", specs->max_y); else DPRINTK("variable\n"); c = block[3]; specs->gamma = c+100; DPRINTK(" Gamma: "); DPRINTK("%d.%d\n", specs->gamma/100, specs->gamma % 100); get_dpms_capabilities(block[4], specs); switch ((block[4] & 0x18) >> 3) { case 0: DPRINTK(" Monochrome/Grayscale\n"); specs->input |= FB_DISP_MONO; break; case 1: DPRINTK(" RGB Color Display\n"); specs->input |= FB_DISP_RGB; break; case 2: DPRINTK(" Non-RGB Multicolor Display\n"); specs->input |= FB_DISP_MULTI; break; default: DPRINTK(" Unknown\n"); specs->input |= FB_DISP_UNKNOWN; break; } get_chroma(block, specs); specs->misc = 0; c = block[4] & 0x7; if (c & 0x04) { DPRINTK(" Default color format is primary\n"); specs->misc |= FB_MISC_PRIM_COLOR; } if (c & 0x02) { DPRINTK(" First DETAILED Timing is preferred\n"); specs->misc |= FB_MISC_1ST_DETAIL; } if (c & 0x01) { printk(" Display is GTF capable\n"); specs->gtf = 1; } } int fb_parse_edid(unsigned char *edid, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var) { int i; unsigned char *block; if (edid == NULL || var == NULL) return 1; if (!(edid_checksum(edid))) return 1; if (!(edid_check_header(edid))) return 1; block = edid + DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS_START; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, block += DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) { if (edid_is_timing_block(block)) { var->xres = var->xres_virtual = H_ACTIVE; var->yres = var->yres_virtual = V_ACTIVE; var->height = var->width = 0; var->right_margin = H_SYNC_OFFSET; var->left_margin = (H_ACTIVE + H_BLANKING) - (H_ACTIVE + H_SYNC_OFFSET + H_SYNC_WIDTH); var->upper_margin = V_BLANKING - V_SYNC_OFFSET - V_SYNC_WIDTH; var->lower_margin = V_SYNC_OFFSET; var->hsync_len = H_SYNC_WIDTH; var->vsync_len = V_SYNC_WIDTH; var->pixclock = PIXEL_CLOCK; var->pixclock /= 1000; var->pixclock = KHZ2PICOS(var->pixclock); if (HSYNC_POSITIVE) var->sync |= FB_SYNC_HOR_HIGH_ACT; if (VSYNC_POSITIVE) var->sync |= FB_SYNC_VERT_HIGH_ACT; return 0; } } return 1; } void fb_edid_to_monspecs(unsigned char *edid, struct fb_monspecs *specs) { unsigned char *block; int i, found = 0; if (edid == NULL) return; if (!(edid_checksum(edid))) return; if (!(edid_check_header(edid))) return; memset(specs, 0, sizeof(struct fb_monspecs)); specs->version = edid[EDID_STRUCT_VERSION]; specs->revision = edid[EDID_STRUCT_REVISION]; DPRINTK("========================================\n"); DPRINTK("Display Information (EDID)\n"); DPRINTK("========================================\n"); DPRINTK(" EDID Version %d.%d\n", (int) specs->version, (int) specs->revision); parse_vendor_block(edid + ID_MANUFACTURER_NAME, specs); block = edid + DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS_START; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, block += DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) { if (edid_is_serial_block(block)) { copy_string(block, specs->serial_no); DPRINTK(" Serial Number: %s\n", specs->serial_no); } else if (edid_is_ascii_block(block)) { copy_string(block, specs->ascii); DPRINTK(" ASCII Block: %s\n", specs->ascii); } else if (edid_is_monitor_block(block)) { copy_string(block, specs->monitor); DPRINTK(" Monitor Name: %s\n", specs->monitor); } } DPRINTK(" Display Characteristics:\n"); get_monspecs(edid, specs); specs->modedb = fb_create_modedb(edid, &specs->modedb_len, specs); /* * Workaround for buggy EDIDs that sets that the first * detailed timing is preferred but has not detailed * timing specified */ for (i = 0; i < specs->modedb_len; i++) { if (specs->modedb[i].flag & FB_MODE_IS_DETAILED) { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) specs->misc &= ~FB_MISC_1ST_DETAIL; DPRINTK("========================================\n"); } /** * fb_edid_add_monspecs() - add monitor video modes from E-EDID data * @edid: 128 byte array with an E-EDID block * @spacs: monitor specs to be extended */ void fb_edid_add_monspecs(unsigned char *edid, struct fb_monspecs *specs) { unsigned char *block; struct fb_videomode *m; int num = 0, i; u8 svd[64], edt[(128 - 4) / DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE]; u8 pos = 4, svd_n = 0; if (!edid) return; if (!edid_checksum(edid)) return; if (edid[0] != 0x2 || edid[2] < 4 || edid[2] > 128 - DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) return; DPRINTK(" Short Video Descriptors\n"); while (pos < edid[2]) { u8 len = edid[pos] & 0x1f, type = (edid[pos] >> 5) & 7; pr_debug("Data block %u of %u bytes\n", type, len); if (type == 2) { for (i = pos; i < pos + len; i++) { u8 idx = edid[pos + i] & 0x7f; svd[svd_n++] = idx; pr_debug("N%sative mode #%d\n", edid[pos + i] & 0x80 ? "" : "on-n", idx); } } else if (type == 3 && len >= 3) { /* Check Vendor Specific Data Block. For HDMI, it is always 00-0C-03 for HDMI Licensing, LLC. */ if (edid[pos + 1] == 3 && edid[pos + 2] == 0xc && edid[pos + 3] == 0) specs->misc |= FB_MISC_HDMI; } pos += len + 1; } block = edid + edid[2]; DPRINTK(" Extended Detailed Timings\n"); for (i = 0; i < (128 - edid[2]) / DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE; i++, block += DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) if (PIXEL_CLOCK) edt[num++] = block - edid; /* Yikes, EDID data is totally useless */ if (!(num + svd_n)) return; m = kzalloc((specs->modedb_len + num + svd_n) * sizeof(struct fb_videomode), GFP_KERNEL); if (!m) return; memcpy(m, specs->modedb, specs->modedb_len * sizeof(struct fb_videomode)); for (i = specs->modedb_len; i < specs->modedb_len + num; i++) { get_detailed_timing(edid + edt[i - specs->modedb_len], &m[i]); if (i == specs->modedb_len) m[i].flag |= FB_MODE_IS_FIRST; pr_debug("Adding %ux%u@%u\n", m[i].xres, m[i].yres, m[i].refresh); } for (i = specs->modedb_len + num; i < specs->modedb_len + num + svd_n; i++) { int idx = svd[i - specs->modedb_len - num]; if (!idx || idx >= ARRAY_SIZE(cea_modes)) { pr_warning("Reserved SVD code %d\n", idx); } else if (!cea_modes[idx].xres) { pr_warning("Unimplemented SVD code %d\n", idx); } else { memcpy(&m[i], cea_modes + idx, sizeof(m[i])); pr_debug("Adding SVD #%d: %ux%u@%u\n", idx, m[i].xres, m[i].yres, m[i].refresh); } } kfree(specs->modedb); specs->modedb = m; specs->modedb_len = specs->modedb_len + num + svd_n; } /* * VESA Generalized Timing Formula (GTF) */ #define FLYBACK 550 #define V_FRONTPORCH 1 #define H_OFFSET 40 #define H_SCALEFACTOR 20 #define H_BLANKSCALE 128 #define H_GRADIENT 600 #define C_VAL 30 #define M_VAL 300 struct __fb_timings { u32 dclk; u32 hfreq; u32 vfreq; u32 hactive; u32 vactive; u32 hblank; u32 vblank; u32 htotal; u32 vtotal; }; /** * fb_get_vblank - get vertical blank time * @hfreq: horizontal freq * * DESCRIPTION: * vblank = right_margin + vsync_len + left_margin * * given: right_margin = 1 (V_FRONTPORCH) * vsync_len = 3 * flyback = 550 * * flyback * hfreq * left_margin = --------------- - vsync_len * 1000000 */ static u32 fb_get_vblank(u32 hfreq) { u32 vblank; vblank = (hfreq * FLYBACK)/1000; vblank = (vblank + 500)/1000; return (vblank + V_FRONTPORCH); } /** * fb_get_hblank_by_freq - get horizontal blank time given hfreq * @hfreq: horizontal freq * @xres: horizontal resolution in pixels * * DESCRIPTION: * * xres * duty_cycle * hblank = ------------------ * 100 - duty_cycle * * duty cycle = percent of htotal assigned to inactive display * duty cycle = C - (M/Hfreq) * * where: C = ((offset - scale factor) * blank_scale) * -------------------------------------- + scale factor * 256 * M = blank_scale * gradient * */ static u32 fb_get_hblank_by_hfreq(u32 hfreq, u32 xres) { u32 c_val, m_val, duty_cycle, hblank; c_val = (((H_OFFSET - H_SCALEFACTOR) * H_BLANKSCALE)/256 + H_SCALEFACTOR) * 1000; m_val = (H_BLANKSCALE * H_GRADIENT)/256; m_val = (m_val * 1000000)/hfreq; duty_cycle = c_val - m_val; hblank = (xres * duty_cycle)/(100000 - duty_cycle); return (hblank); } /** * fb_get_hblank_by_dclk - get horizontal blank time given pixelclock * @dclk: pixelclock in Hz * @xres: horizontal resolution in pixels * * DESCRIPTION: * * xres * duty_cycle * hblank = ------------------ * 100 - duty_cycle * * duty cycle = percent of htotal assigned to inactive display * duty cycle = C - (M * h_period) * * where: h_period = SQRT(100 - C + (0.4 * xres * M)/dclk) + C - 100 * ----------------------------------------------- * 2 * M * M = 300; * C = 30; */ static u32 fb_get_hblank_by_dclk(u32 dclk, u32 xres) { u32 duty_cycle, h_period, hblank; dclk /= 1000; h_period = 100 - C_VAL; h_period *= h_period; h_period += (M_VAL * xres * 2 * 1000)/(5 * dclk); h_period *= 10000; h_period = int_sqrt(h_period); h_period -= (100 - C_VAL) * 100; h_period *= 1000; h_period /= 2 * M_VAL; duty_cycle = C_VAL * 1000 - (M_VAL * h_period)/100; hblank = (xres * duty_cycle)/(100000 - duty_cycle) + 8; hblank &= ~15; return (hblank); } /** * fb_get_hfreq - estimate hsync * @vfreq: vertical refresh rate * @yres: vertical resolution * * DESCRIPTION: * * (yres + front_port) * vfreq * 1000000 * hfreq = ------------------------------------- * (1000000 - (vfreq * FLYBACK) * */ static u32 fb_get_hfreq(u32 vfreq, u32 yres) { u32 divisor, hfreq; divisor = (1000000 - (vfreq * FLYBACK))/1000; hfreq = (yres + V_FRONTPORCH) * vfreq * 1000; return (hfreq/divisor); } static void fb_timings_vfreq(struct __fb_timings *timings) { timings->hfreq = fb_get_hfreq(timings->vfreq, timings->vactive); timings->vblank = fb_get_vblank(timings->hfreq); timings->vtotal = timings->vactive + timings->vblank; timings->hblank = fb_get_hblank_by_hfreq(timings->hfreq, timings->hactive); timings->htotal = timings->hactive + timings->hblank; timings->dclk = timings->htotal * timings->hfreq; } static void fb_timings_hfreq(struct __fb_timings *timings) { timings->vblank = fb_get_vblank(timings->hfreq); timings->vtotal = timings->vactive + timings->vblank; timings->vfreq = timings->hfreq/timings->vtotal; timings->hblank = fb_get_hblank_by_hfreq(timings->hfreq, timings->hactive); timings->htotal = timings->hactive + timings->hblank; timings->dclk = timings->htotal * timings->hfreq; } static void fb_timings_dclk(struct __fb_timings *timings) { timings->hblank = fb_get_hblank_by_dclk(timings->dclk, timings->hactive); timings->htotal = timings->hactive + timings->hblank; timings->hfreq = timings->dclk/timings->htotal; timings->vblank = fb_get_vblank(timings->hfreq); timings->vtotal = timings->vactive + timings->vblank; timings->vfreq = timings->hfreq/timings->vtotal; } /* * fb_get_mode - calculates video mode using VESA GTF * @flags: if: 0 - maximize vertical refresh rate * 1 - vrefresh-driven calculation; * 2 - hscan-driven calculation; * 3 - pixelclock-driven calculation; * @val: depending on @flags, ignored, vrefresh, hsync or pixelclock * @var: pointer to fb_var_screeninfo * @info: pointer to fb_info * * DESCRIPTION: * Calculates video mode based on monitor specs using VESA GTF. * The GTF is best for VESA GTF compliant monitors but is * specifically formulated to work for older monitors as well. * * If @flag==0, the function will attempt to maximize the * refresh rate. Otherwise, it will calculate timings based on * the flag and accompanying value. * * If FB_IGNOREMON bit is set in @flags, monitor specs will be * ignored and @var will be filled with the calculated timings. * * All calculations are based on the VESA GTF Spreadsheet * available at VESA's public ftp ( * * NOTES: * The timings generated by the GTF will be different from VESA * DMT. It might be a good idea to keep a table of standard * VESA modes as well. The GTF may also not work for some displays, * such as, and especially, analog TV. * * REQUIRES: * A valid info->monspecs, otherwise 'safe numbers' will be used. */ int fb_get_mode(int flags, u32 val, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info) { struct __fb_timings *timings; u32 interlace = 1, dscan = 1; u32 hfmin, hfmax, vfmin, vfmax, dclkmin, dclkmax, err = 0; timings = kzalloc(sizeof(struct __fb_timings), GFP_KERNEL); if (!timings) return -ENOMEM; /* * If monspecs are invalid, use values that are enough * for 640x480@60 */ if (!info || !info->monspecs.hfmax || !info->monspecs.vfmax || !info->monspecs.dclkmax || info->monspecs.hfmax < info->monspecs.hfmin || info->monspecs.vfmax < info->monspecs.vfmin || info->monspecs.dclkmax < info->monspecs.dclkmin) { hfmin = 29000; hfmax = 30000; vfmin = 60; vfmax = 60; dclkmin = 0; dclkmax = 25000000; } else { hfmin = info->monspecs.hfmin; hfmax = info->monspecs.hfmax; vfmin = info->monspecs.vfmin; vfmax = info->monspecs.vfmax; dclkmin = info->monspecs.dclkmin; dclkmax = info->monspecs.dclkmax; } timings->hactive = var->xres; timings->vactive = var->yres; if (var->vmode & FB_VMODE_INTERLACED) { timings->vactive /= 2; interlace = 2; } if (var->vmode & FB_VMODE_DOUBLE) { timings->vactive *= 2; dscan = 2; } switch (flags & ~FB_IGNOREMON) { case FB_MAXTIMINGS: /* maximize refresh rate */ timings->hfreq = hfmax; fb_timings_hfreq(timings); if (timings->vfreq > vfmax) { timings->vfreq = vfmax; fb_timings_vfreq(timings); } if (timings->dclk > dclkmax) { timings->dclk = dclkmax; fb_timings_dclk(timings); } break; case FB_VSYNCTIMINGS: /* vrefresh driven */ timings->vfreq = val; fb_timings_vfreq(timings); break; case FB_HSYNCTIMINGS: /* hsync driven */ timings->hfreq = val; fb_timings_hfreq(timings); break; case FB_DCLKTIMINGS: /* pixelclock driven */ timings->dclk = PICOS2KHZ(val) * 1000; fb_timings_dclk(timings); break; default: err = -EINVAL; } if (err || (!(flags & FB_IGNOREMON) && (timings->vfreq < vfmin || timings->vfreq > vfmax || timings->hfreq < hfmin || timings->hfreq > hfmax || timings->dclk < dclkmin || timings->dclk > dclkmax))) { err = -EINVAL; } else { var->pixclock = KHZ2PICOS(timings->dclk/1000); var->hsync_len = (timings->htotal * 8)/100; var->right_margin = (timings->hblank/2) - var->hsync_len; var->left_margin = timings->hblank - var->right_margin - var->hsync_len; var->vsync_len = (3 * interlace)/dscan; var->lower_margin = (1 * interlace)/dscan; var->upper_margin = (timings->vblank * interlace)/dscan - (var->vsync_len + var->lower_margin); } kfree(timings); return err; } #ifdef CONFIG_VIDEOMODE_HELPERS int fb_videomode_from_videomode(const struct videomode *vm, struct fb_videomode *fbmode) { unsigned int htotal, vtotal; fbmode->xres = vm->hactive; fbmode->left_margin = vm->hback_porch; fbmode->right_margin = vm->hfront_porch; fbmode->hsync_len = vm->hsync_len; fbmode->yres = vm->vactive; fbmode->upper_margin = vm->vback_porch; fbmode->lower_margin = vm->vfront_porch; fbmode->vsync_len = vm->vsync_len; /* prevent division by zero in KHZ2PICOS macro */ fbmode->pixclock = vm->pixelclock ? KHZ2PICOS(vm->pixelclock / 1000) : 0; fbmode->sync = 0; fbmode->vmode = 0; if (vm->flags & DISPLAY_FLAGS_HSYNC_HIGH) fbmode->sync |= FB_SYNC_HOR_HIGH_ACT; if (vm->flags & DISPLAY_FLAGS_VSYNC_HIGH) fbmode->sync |= FB_SYNC_VERT_HIGH_ACT; if (vm->flags & DISPLAY_FLAGS_INTERLACED) fbmode->vmode |= FB_VMODE_INTERLACED; if (vm->flags & DISPLAY_FLAGS_DOUBLESCAN) fbmode->vmode |= FB_VMODE_DOUBLE; fbmode->flag = 0; htotal = vm->hactive + vm->hfront_porch + vm->hback_porch + vm->hsync_len; vtotal = vm->vactive + vm->vfront_porch + vm->vback_porch + vm->vsync_len; /* prevent division by zero */ if (htotal && vtotal) { fbmode->refresh = vm->pixelclock / (htotal * vtotal); /* a mode must have htotal and vtotal != 0 or it is invalid */ } else { fbmode->refresh = 0; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(fb_videomode_from_videomode); #ifdef CONFIG_OF static inline void dump_fb_videomode(const struct fb_videomode *m) { pr_debug("fb_videomode = %ux%u@%uHz (%ukHz) %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u\n", m->xres, m->yres, m->refresh, m->pixclock, m->left_margin, m->right_margin, m->upper_margin, m->lower_margin, m->hsync_len, m->vsync_len, m->sync, m->vmode, m->flag); } /** * of_get_fb_videomode - get a fb_videomode from devicetree * @np: device_node with the timing specification * @fb: will be set to the return value * @index: index into the list of display timings in devicetree * * DESCRIPTION: * This function is expensive and should only be used, if only one mode is to be * read from DT. To get multiple modes start with of_get_display_timings ond * work with that instead. */ int of_get_fb_videomode(struct device_node *np, struct fb_videomode *fb, int index) { struct videomode vm; int ret; ret = of_get_videomode(np, &vm, index); if (ret) return ret; ret = fb_videomode_from_videomode(&vm, fb); if (ret) return ret; pr_debug("%s: got %dx%d display mode from %s\n", of_node_full_name(np), vm.hactive, vm.vactive, np->name); dump_fb_videomode(fb); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(of_get_fb_videomode); #endif /* CONFIG_OF */ #endif /* CONFIG_VIDEOMODE_HELPERS */ #else int fb_parse_edid(unsigned char *edid, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var) { return 1; } void fb_edid_to_monspecs(unsigned char *edid, struct fb_monspecs *specs) { } void fb_edid_add_monspecs(unsigned char *edid, struct fb_monspecs *specs) { } void fb_destroy_modedb(struct fb_videomode *modedb) { } int fb_get_mode(int flags, u32 val, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info) { return -EINVAL; } #endif /* CONFIG_FB_MODE_HELPERS */ /* * fb_validate_mode - validates var against monitor capabilities * @var: pointer to fb_var_screeninfo * @info: pointer to fb_info * * DESCRIPTION: * Validates video mode against monitor capabilities specified in * info->monspecs. * * REQUIRES: * A valid info->monspecs. */ int fb_validate_mode(const struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info) { u32 hfreq, vfreq, htotal, vtotal, pixclock; u32 hfmin, hfmax, vfmin, vfmax, dclkmin, dclkmax; /* * If monspecs are invalid, use values that are enough * for 640x480@60 */ if (!info->monspecs.hfmax || !info->monspecs.vfmax || !info->monspecs.dclkmax || info->monspecs.hfmax < info->monspecs.hfmin || info->monspecs.vfmax < info->monspecs.vfmin || info->monspecs.dclkmax < info->monspecs.dclkmin) { hfmin = 29000; hfmax = 30000; vfmin = 60; vfmax = 60; dclkmin = 0; dclkmax = 25000000; } else { hfmin = info->monspecs.hfmin; hfmax = info->monspecs.hfmax; vfmin = info->monspecs.vfmin; vfmax = info->monspecs.vfmax; dclkmin = info->monspecs.dclkmin; dclkmax = info->monspecs.dclkmax; } if (!var->pixclock) return -EINVAL; pixclock = PICOS2KHZ(var->pixclock) * 1000; htotal = var->xres + var->right_margin + var->hsync_len + var->left_margin; vtotal = var->yres + var->lower_margin + var->vsync_len + var->upper_margin; if (var->vmode & FB_VMODE_INTERLACED) vtotal /= 2; if (var->vmode & FB_VMODE_DOUBLE) vtotal *= 2; hfreq = pixclock/htotal; hfreq = (hfreq + 500) / 1000 * 1000; vfreq = hfreq/vtotal; return (vfreq < vfmin || vfreq > vfmax || hfreq < hfmin || hfreq > hfmax || pixclock < dclkmin || pixclock > dclkmax) ? -EINVAL : 0; } #if defined(CONFIG_FIRMWARE_EDID) && defined(CONFIG_X86) /* * We need to ensure that the EDID block is only returned for * the primary graphics adapter. */ const unsigned char *fb_firmware_edid(struct device *device) { struct pci_dev *dev = NULL; struct resource *res = NULL; unsigned char *edid = NULL; if (device) dev = to_pci_dev(device); if (dev) res = &dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE]; if (res && res->flags & IORESOURCE_ROM_SHADOW) edid = edid_info.dummy; return edid; } #else const unsigned char *fb_firmware_edid(struct device *device) { return NULL; } #endif EXPORT_SYMBOL(fb_firmware_edid); EXPORT_SYMBOL(fb_parse_edid); EXPORT_SYMBOL(fb_edid_to_monspecs); EXPORT_SYMBOL(fb_edid_add_monspecs); EXPORT_SYMBOL(fb_get_mode); EXPORT_SYMBOL(fb_validate_mode); EXPORT_SYMBOL(fb_destroy_modedb);
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * Driver for Digigram pcxhr compatible soundcards * * main file with alsa callbacks * * Copyright (c) 2004 by Digigram <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/dma-mapping.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/mutex.h> #include <sound/core.h> #include <sound/initval.h> #include <sound/info.h> #include <sound/control.h> #include <sound/pcm.h> #include <sound/pcm_params.h> #include "pcxhr.h" #include "pcxhr_mixer.h" #include "pcxhr_hwdep.h" #include "pcxhr_core.h" #include "pcxhr_mix22.h" #define DRIVER_NAME "pcxhr" MODULE_AUTHOR("Markus Bollinger <>, " "Marc Titinger <>"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Digigram " DRIVER_NAME " " PCXHR_DRIVER_VERSION_STRING); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("{{Digigram," DRIVER_NAME "}}"); static int index[SNDRV_CARDS] = SNDRV_DEFAULT_IDX; /* Index 0-MAX */ static char *id[SNDRV_CARDS] = SNDRV_DEFAULT_STR; /* ID for this card */ static bool enable[SNDRV_CARDS] = SNDRV_DEFAULT_ENABLE_PNP;/* Enable this card */ static bool mono[SNDRV_CARDS]; /* capture mono only */ module_param_array(index, int, NULL, 0444); MODULE_PARM_DESC(index, "Index value for Digigram " DRIVER_NAME " soundcard"); module_param_array(id, charp, NULL, 0444); MODULE_PARM_DESC(id, "ID string for Digigram " DRIVER_NAME " soundcard"); module_param_array(enable, bool, NULL, 0444); MODULE_PARM_DESC(enable, "Enable Digigram " DRIVER_NAME " soundcard"); module_param_array(mono, bool, NULL, 0444); MODULE_PARM_DESC(mono, "Mono capture mode (default is stereo)"); enum { PCI_ID_VX882HR, PCI_ID_PCX882HR, PCI_ID_VX881HR, PCI_ID_PCX881HR, PCI_ID_VX882E, PCI_ID_PCX882E, PCI_ID_VX881E, PCI_ID_PCX881E, PCI_ID_VX1222HR, PCI_ID_PCX1222HR, PCI_ID_VX1221HR, PCI_ID_PCX1221HR, PCI_ID_VX1222E, PCI_ID_PCX1222E, PCI_ID_VX1221E, PCI_ID_PCX1221E, PCI_ID_VX222HR, PCI_ID_VX222E, PCI_ID_PCX22HR, PCI_ID_PCX22E, PCI_ID_VX222HRMIC, PCI_ID_VX222E_MIC, PCI_ID_PCX924HR, PCI_ID_PCX924E, PCI_ID_PCX924HRMIC, PCI_ID_PCX924E_MIC, PCI_ID_VX442HR, PCI_ID_PCX442HR, PCI_ID_VX442E, PCI_ID_PCX442E, PCI_ID_VX822HR, PCI_ID_PCX822HR, PCI_ID_VX822E, PCI_ID_PCX822E, PCI_ID_LAST }; static const struct pci_device_id pcxhr_ids[] = { { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xb001, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX882HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xb101, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX882HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xb201, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX881HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xb301, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX881HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xb021, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX882E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xb121, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX882E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xb221, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX881E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xb321, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX881E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xb401, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX1222HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xb501, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX1222HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xb601, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX1221HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xb701, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX1221HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xb421, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX1222E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xb521, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX1222E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xb621, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX1221E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xb721, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX1221E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xba01, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX222HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xba21, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX222E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xbd01, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX22HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xbd21, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX22E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xbc01, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX222HRMIC, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xbc21, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX222E_MIC, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xbb01, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX924HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xbb21, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX924E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xbf01, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX924HRMIC, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xbf21, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX924E_MIC, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xd001, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX442HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xd101, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX442HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xd021, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX442E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xd121, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX442E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xd201, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX822HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9656, 0x1369, 0xd301, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX822HR, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xd221, 0, 0, PCI_ID_VX822E, }, { 0x10b5, 0x9056, 0x1369, 0xd321, 0, 0, PCI_ID_PCX822E, }, { 0, } }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, pcxhr_ids); struct board_parameters { char* board_name; short playback_chips; short capture_chips; short fw_file_set; short firmware_num; }; static struct board_parameters pcxhr_board_params[] = { [PCI_ID_VX882HR] = { "VX882HR", 4, 4, 0, 41 }, [PCI_ID_PCX882HR] = { "PCX882HR", 4, 4, 0, 41 }, [PCI_ID_VX881HR] = { "VX881HR", 4, 4, 0, 41 }, [PCI_ID_PCX881HR] = { "PCX881HR", 4, 4, 0, 41 }, [PCI_ID_VX882E] = { "VX882e", 4, 4, 1, 41 }, [PCI_ID_PCX882E] = { "PCX882e", 4, 4, 1, 41 }, [PCI_ID_VX881E] = { "VX881e", 4, 4, 1, 41 }, [PCI_ID_PCX881E] = { "PCX881e", 4, 4, 1, 41 }, [PCI_ID_VX1222HR] = { "VX1222HR", 6, 1, 2, 42 }, [PCI_ID_PCX1222HR] = { "PCX1222HR", 6, 1, 2, 42 }, [PCI_ID_VX1221HR] = { "VX1221HR", 6, 1, 2, 42 }, [PCI_ID_PCX1221HR] = { "PCX1221HR", 6, 1, 2, 42 }, [PCI_ID_VX1222E] = { "VX1222e", 6, 1, 3, 42 }, [PCI_ID_PCX1222E] = { "PCX1222e", 6, 1, 3, 42 }, [PCI_ID_VX1221E] = { "VX1221e", 6, 1, 3, 42 }, [PCI_ID_PCX1221E] = { "PCX1221e", 6, 1, 3, 42 }, [PCI_ID_VX222HR] = { "VX222HR", 1, 1, 4, 44 }, [PCI_ID_VX222E] = { "VX222e", 1, 1, 4, 44 }, [PCI_ID_PCX22HR] = { "PCX22HR", 1, 0, 4, 44 }, [PCI_ID_PCX22E] = { "PCX22e", 1, 0, 4, 44 }, [PCI_ID_VX222HRMIC] = { "VX222HR-Mic", 1, 1, 5, 44 }, [PCI_ID_VX222E_MIC] = { "VX222e-Mic", 1, 1, 5, 44 }, [PCI_ID_PCX924HR] = { "PCX924HR", 1, 1, 5, 44 }, [PCI_ID_PCX924E] = { "PCX924e", 1, 1, 5, 44 }, [PCI_ID_PCX924HRMIC] = { "PCX924HR-Mic", 1, 1, 5, 44 }, [PCI_ID_PCX924E_MIC] = { "PCX924e-Mic", 1, 1, 5, 44 }, [PCI_ID_VX442HR] = { "VX442HR", 2, 2, 0, 41 }, [PCI_ID_PCX442HR] = { "PCX442HR", 2, 2, 0, 41 }, [PCI_ID_VX442E] = { "VX442e", 2, 2, 1, 41 }, [PCI_ID_PCX442E] = { "PCX442e", 2, 2, 1, 41 }, [PCI_ID_VX822HR] = { "VX822HR", 4, 1, 2, 42 }, [PCI_ID_PCX822HR] = { "PCX822HR", 4, 1, 2, 42 }, [PCI_ID_VX822E] = { "VX822e", 4, 1, 3, 42 }, [PCI_ID_PCX822E] = { "PCX822e", 4, 1, 3, 42 }, }; /* boards without hw AES1 and SRC onboard are all using fw_file_set==4 */ /* VX222HR, VX222e, PCX22HR and PCX22e */ #define PCXHR_BOARD_HAS_AES1(x) (x->fw_file_set != 4) /* some boards do not support 192kHz on digital AES input plugs */ #define PCXHR_BOARD_AESIN_NO_192K(x) ((x->capture_chips == 0) || \ (x->fw_file_set == 0) || \ (x->fw_file_set == 2)) static int pcxhr_pll_freq_register(unsigned int freq, unsigned int* pllreg, unsigned int* realfreq) { unsigned int reg; if (freq < 6900 || freq > 110000) return -EINVAL; reg = (28224000 * 2) / freq; reg = (reg - 1) / 2; if (reg < 0x200) *pllreg = reg + 0x800; else if (reg < 0x400) *pllreg = reg & 0x1ff; else if (reg < 0x800) { *pllreg = ((reg >> 1) & 0x1ff) + 0x200; reg &= ~1; } else { *pllreg = ((reg >> 2) & 0x1ff) + 0x400; reg &= ~3; } if (realfreq) *realfreq = (28224000 / (reg + 1)); return 0; } #define PCXHR_FREQ_REG_MASK 0x1f #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_48000 0x00 #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_24000 0x01 #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_12000 0x09 #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_32000 0x08 #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_16000 0x04 #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_8000 0x0c #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_44100 0x02 #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_22050 0x0a #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_11025 0x06 #define PCXHR_FREQ_PLL 0x05 #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_192000 0x10 #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_96000 0x18 #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_176400 0x14 #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_88200 0x1c #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_128000 0x12 #define PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_64000 0x1a #define PCXHR_FREQ_WORD_CLOCK 0x0f #define PCXHR_FREQ_SYNC_AES 0x0e #define PCXHR_FREQ_AES_1 0x07 #define PCXHR_FREQ_AES_2 0x0b #define PCXHR_FREQ_AES_3 0x03 #define PCXHR_FREQ_AES_4 0x0d static int pcxhr_get_clock_reg(struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr, unsigned int rate, unsigned int *reg, unsigned int *freq) { unsigned int val, realfreq, pllreg; struct pcxhr_rmh rmh; int err; realfreq = rate; switch (mgr->use_clock_type) { case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_INTERNAL : /* clock by quartz or pll */ switch (rate) { case 48000 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_48000; break; case 24000 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_24000; break; case 12000 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_12000; break; case 32000 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_32000; break; case 16000 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_16000; break; case 8000 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_8000; break; case 44100 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_44100; break; case 22050 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_22050; break; case 11025 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_11025; break; case 192000 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_192000; break; case 96000 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_96000; break; case 176400 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_176400; break; case 88200 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_88200; break; case 128000 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_128000; break; case 64000 : val = PCXHR_FREQ_QUARTZ_64000; break; default : val = PCXHR_FREQ_PLL; /* get the value for the pll register */ err = pcxhr_pll_freq_register(rate, &pllreg, &realfreq); if (err) return err; pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_ACCESS_IO_WRITE); rmh.cmd[0] |= IO_NUM_REG_GENCLK; rmh.cmd[1] = pllreg & MASK_DSP_WORD; rmh.cmd[2] = pllreg >> 24; rmh.cmd_len = 3; err = pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh); if (err < 0) { dev_err(&mgr->pci->dev, "error CMD_ACCESS_IO_WRITE " "for PLL register : %x!\n", err); return err; } } break; case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_WORD_CLOCK: val = PCXHR_FREQ_WORD_CLOCK; break; case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_AES_SYNC: val = PCXHR_FREQ_SYNC_AES; break; case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_AES_1: val = PCXHR_FREQ_AES_1; break; case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_AES_2: val = PCXHR_FREQ_AES_2; break; case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_AES_3: val = PCXHR_FREQ_AES_3; break; case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_AES_4: val = PCXHR_FREQ_AES_4; break; default: return -EINVAL; } *reg = val; *freq = realfreq; return 0; } static int pcxhr_sub_set_clock(struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr, unsigned int rate, int *changed) { unsigned int val, realfreq, speed; struct pcxhr_rmh rmh; int err; err = pcxhr_get_clock_reg(mgr, rate, &val, &realfreq); if (err) return err; /* codec speed modes */ if (rate < 55000) speed = 0; /* single speed */ else if (rate < 100000) speed = 1; /* dual speed */ else speed = 2; /* quad speed */ if (mgr->codec_speed != speed) { pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_ACCESS_IO_WRITE); /* mute outputs */ rmh.cmd[0] |= IO_NUM_REG_MUTE_OUT; if (DSP_EXT_CMD_SET(mgr)) { rmh.cmd[1] = 1; rmh.cmd_len = 2; } err = pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh); if (err) return err; pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_ACCESS_IO_WRITE); /* set speed ratio */ rmh.cmd[0] |= IO_NUM_SPEED_RATIO; rmh.cmd[1] = speed; rmh.cmd_len = 2; err = pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh); if (err) return err; } /* set the new frequency */ dev_dbg(&mgr->pci->dev, "clock register : set %x\n", val); err = pcxhr_write_io_num_reg_cont(mgr, PCXHR_FREQ_REG_MASK, val, changed); if (err) return err; mgr->sample_rate_real = realfreq; mgr->cur_clock_type = mgr->use_clock_type; /* unmute after codec speed modes */ if (mgr->codec_speed != speed) { pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_ACCESS_IO_READ); /* unmute outputs */ rmh.cmd[0] |= IO_NUM_REG_MUTE_OUT; if (DSP_EXT_CMD_SET(mgr)) { rmh.cmd[1] = 1; rmh.cmd_len = 2; } err = pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh); if (err) return err; mgr->codec_speed = speed; /* save new codec speed */ } dev_dbg(&mgr->pci->dev, "pcxhr_sub_set_clock to %dHz (realfreq=%d)\n", rate, realfreq); return 0; } #define PCXHR_MODIFY_CLOCK_S_BIT 0x04 #define PCXHR_IRQ_TIMER_FREQ 92000 #define PCXHR_IRQ_TIMER_PERIOD 48 int pcxhr_set_clock(struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr, unsigned int rate) { struct pcxhr_rmh rmh; int err, changed; if (rate == 0) return 0; /* nothing to do */ if (mgr->is_hr_stereo) err = hr222_sub_set_clock(mgr, rate, &changed); else err = pcxhr_sub_set_clock(mgr, rate, &changed); if (err) return err; if (changed) { pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_MODIFY_CLOCK); rmh.cmd[0] |= PCXHR_MODIFY_CLOCK_S_BIT; /* resync fifos */ if (rate < PCXHR_IRQ_TIMER_FREQ) rmh.cmd[1] = PCXHR_IRQ_TIMER_PERIOD; else rmh.cmd[1] = PCXHR_IRQ_TIMER_PERIOD * 2; rmh.cmd[2] = rate; rmh.cmd_len = 3; err = pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh); if (err) return err; } return 0; } static int pcxhr_sub_get_external_clock(struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr, enum pcxhr_clock_type clock_type, int *sample_rate) { struct pcxhr_rmh rmh; unsigned char reg; int err, rate; switch (clock_type) { case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_WORD_CLOCK: reg = REG_STATUS_WORD_CLOCK; break; case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_AES_SYNC: reg = REG_STATUS_AES_SYNC; break; case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_AES_1: reg = REG_STATUS_AES_1; break; case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_AES_2: reg = REG_STATUS_AES_2; break; case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_AES_3: reg = REG_STATUS_AES_3; break; case PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_AES_4: reg = REG_STATUS_AES_4; break; default: return -EINVAL; } pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_ACCESS_IO_READ); rmh.cmd_len = 2; rmh.cmd[0] |= IO_NUM_REG_STATUS; if (mgr->last_reg_stat != reg) { rmh.cmd[1] = reg; err = pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh); if (err) return err; udelay(100); /* wait minimum 2 sample_frames at 32kHz ! */ mgr->last_reg_stat = reg; } rmh.cmd[1] = REG_STATUS_CURRENT; err = pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh); if (err) return err; switch (rmh.stat[1] & 0x0f) { case REG_STATUS_SYNC_32000 : rate = 32000; break; case REG_STATUS_SYNC_44100 : rate = 44100; break; case REG_STATUS_SYNC_48000 : rate = 48000; break; case REG_STATUS_SYNC_64000 : rate = 64000; break; case REG_STATUS_SYNC_88200 : rate = 88200; break; case REG_STATUS_SYNC_96000 : rate = 96000; break; case REG_STATUS_SYNC_128000 : rate = 128000; break; case REG_STATUS_SYNC_176400 : rate = 176400; break; case REG_STATUS_SYNC_192000 : rate = 192000; break; default: rate = 0; } dev_dbg(&mgr->pci->dev, "External clock is at %d Hz\n", rate); *sample_rate = rate; return 0; } int pcxhr_get_external_clock(struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr, enum pcxhr_clock_type clock_type, int *sample_rate) { if (mgr->is_hr_stereo) return hr222_get_external_clock(mgr, clock_type, sample_rate); else return pcxhr_sub_get_external_clock(mgr, clock_type, sample_rate); } /* * start or stop playback/capture substream */ static int pcxhr_set_stream_state(struct snd_pcxhr *chip, struct pcxhr_stream *stream) { int err; struct pcxhr_rmh rmh; int stream_mask, start; if (stream->status == PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_SCHEDULE_RUN) start = 1; else { if (stream->status != PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_SCHEDULE_STOP) { dev_err(chip->card->dev, "pcxhr_set_stream_state CANNOT be stopped\n"); return -EINVAL; } start = 0; } if (!stream->substream) return -EINVAL; stream->timer_abs_periods = 0; stream->timer_period_frag = 0; /* reset theoretical stream pos */ stream->timer_buf_periods = 0; stream->timer_is_synced = 0; stream_mask = stream->pipe->is_capture ? 1 : 1<<stream->substream->number; pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, start ? CMD_START_STREAM : CMD_STOP_STREAM); pcxhr_set_pipe_cmd_params(&rmh, stream->pipe->is_capture, stream->pipe->first_audio, 0, stream_mask); chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(stream->substream); err = pcxhr_send_msg(chip->mgr, &rmh); if (err) dev_err(chip->card->dev, "ERROR pcxhr_set_stream_state err=%x;\n", err); stream->status = start ? PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_STARTED : PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_STOPPED; return err; } #define HEADER_FMT_BASE_LIN 0xfed00000 #define HEADER_FMT_BASE_FLOAT 0xfad00000 #define HEADER_FMT_INTEL 0x00008000 #define HEADER_FMT_24BITS 0x00004000 #define HEADER_FMT_16BITS 0x00002000 #define HEADER_FMT_UPTO11 0x00000200 #define HEADER_FMT_UPTO32 0x00000100 #define HEADER_FMT_MONO 0x00000080 static int pcxhr_set_format(struct pcxhr_stream *stream) { int err, is_capture, sample_rate, stream_num; struct snd_pcxhr *chip; struct pcxhr_rmh rmh; unsigned int header; chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(stream->substream); switch (stream->format) { case SNDRV_PCM_FORMAT_U8: header = HEADER_FMT_BASE_LIN; break; case SNDRV_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE: header = HEADER_FMT_BASE_LIN | HEADER_FMT_16BITS | HEADER_FMT_INTEL; break; case SNDRV_PCM_FORMAT_S16_BE: header = HEADER_FMT_BASE_LIN | HEADER_FMT_16BITS; break; case SNDRV_PCM_FORMAT_S24_3LE: header = HEADER_FMT_BASE_LIN | HEADER_FMT_24BITS | HEADER_FMT_INTEL; break; case SNDRV_PCM_FORMAT_S24_3BE: header = HEADER_FMT_BASE_LIN | HEADER_FMT_24BITS; break; case SNDRV_PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT_LE: header = HEADER_FMT_BASE_FLOAT | HEADER_FMT_INTEL; break; default: dev_err(chip->card->dev, "error pcxhr_set_format() : unknown format\n"); return -EINVAL; } sample_rate = chip->mgr->sample_rate; if (sample_rate <= 32000 && sample_rate !=0) { if (sample_rate <= 11025) header |= HEADER_FMT_UPTO11; else header |= HEADER_FMT_UPTO32; } if (stream->channels == 1) header |= HEADER_FMT_MONO; is_capture = stream->pipe->is_capture; stream_num = is_capture ? 0 : stream->substream->number; pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, is_capture ? CMD_FORMAT_STREAM_IN : CMD_FORMAT_STREAM_OUT); pcxhr_set_pipe_cmd_params(&rmh, is_capture, stream->pipe->first_audio, stream_num, 0); if (is_capture) { /* bug with old dsp versions: */ /* bit 12 also sets the format of the playback stream */ if (DSP_EXT_CMD_SET(chip->mgr)) rmh.cmd[0] |= 1<<10; else rmh.cmd[0] |= 1<<12; } rmh.cmd[1] = 0; rmh.cmd_len = 2; if (DSP_EXT_CMD_SET(chip->mgr)) { /* add channels and set bit 19 if channels>2 */ rmh.cmd[1] = stream->channels; if (!is_capture) { /* playback : add channel mask to command */ rmh.cmd[2] = (stream->channels == 1) ? 0x01 : 0x03; rmh.cmd_len = 3; } } rmh.cmd[rmh.cmd_len++] = header >> 8; rmh.cmd[rmh.cmd_len++] = (header & 0xff) << 16; err = pcxhr_send_msg(chip->mgr, &rmh); if (err) dev_err(chip->card->dev, "ERROR pcxhr_set_format err=%x;\n", err); return err; } static int pcxhr_update_r_buffer(struct pcxhr_stream *stream) { int err, is_capture, stream_num; struct pcxhr_rmh rmh; struct snd_pcm_substream *subs = stream->substream; struct snd_pcxhr *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(subs); is_capture = (subs->stream == SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE); stream_num = is_capture ? 0 : subs->number; dev_dbg(chip->card->dev, "pcxhr_update_r_buffer(pcm%c%d) : addr(%p) bytes(%zx) subs(%d)\n", is_capture ? 'c' : 'p', chip->chip_idx, (void *)(long)subs->runtime->dma_addr, subs->runtime->dma_bytes, subs->number); pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_UPDATE_R_BUFFERS); pcxhr_set_pipe_cmd_params(&rmh, is_capture, stream->pipe->first_audio, stream_num, 0); /* max buffer size is 2 MByte */ snd_BUG_ON(subs->runtime->dma_bytes >= 0x200000); /* size in bits */ rmh.cmd[1] = subs->runtime->dma_bytes * 8; /* most significant byte */ rmh.cmd[2] = subs->runtime->dma_addr >> 24; /* this is a circular buffer */ rmh.cmd[2] |= 1<<19; /* least 3 significant bytes */ rmh.cmd[3] = subs->runtime->dma_addr & MASK_DSP_WORD; rmh.cmd_len = 4; err = pcxhr_send_msg(chip->mgr, &rmh); if (err) dev_err(chip->card->dev, "ERROR CMD_UPDATE_R_BUFFERS err=%x;\n", err); return err; } #if 0 static int pcxhr_pipe_sample_count(struct pcxhr_stream *stream, snd_pcm_uframes_t *sample_count) { struct pcxhr_rmh rmh; int err; pcxhr_t *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(stream->substream); pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_PIPE_SAMPLE_COUNT); pcxhr_set_pipe_cmd_params(&rmh, stream->pipe->is_capture, 0, 0, 1<<stream->pipe->first_audio); err = pcxhr_send_msg(chip->mgr, &rmh); if (err == 0) { *sample_count = ((snd_pcm_uframes_t)rmh.stat[0]) << 24; *sample_count += (snd_pcm_uframes_t)rmh.stat[1]; } dev_dbg(chip->card->dev, "PIPE_SAMPLE_COUNT = %lx\n", *sample_count); return err; } #endif static inline int pcxhr_stream_scheduled_get_pipe(struct pcxhr_stream *stream, struct pcxhr_pipe **pipe) { if (stream->status == PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_SCHEDULE_RUN) { *pipe = stream->pipe; return 1; } return 0; } static void pcxhr_start_linked_stream(struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr) { int i, j, err; struct pcxhr_pipe *pipe; struct snd_pcxhr *chip; int capture_mask = 0; int playback_mask = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_SND_DEBUG_VERBOSE ktime_t start_time, stop_time, diff_time; start_time = ktime_get(); #endif mutex_lock(&mgr->setup_mutex); /* check the pipes concerned and build pipe_array */ for (i = 0; i < mgr->num_cards; i++) { chip = mgr->chip[i]; for (j = 0; j < chip->nb_streams_capt; j++) { if (pcxhr_stream_scheduled_get_pipe(&chip->capture_stream[j], &pipe)) capture_mask |= (1 << pipe->first_audio); } for (j = 0; j < chip->nb_streams_play; j++) { if (pcxhr_stream_scheduled_get_pipe(&chip->playback_stream[j], &pipe)) { playback_mask |= (1 << pipe->first_audio); break; /* add only once, as all playback * streams of one chip use the same pipe */ } } } if (capture_mask == 0 && playback_mask == 0) { mutex_unlock(&mgr->setup_mutex); dev_err(&mgr->pci->dev, "pcxhr_start_linked_stream : no pipes\n"); return; } dev_dbg(&mgr->pci->dev, "pcxhr_start_linked_stream : " "playback_mask=%x capture_mask=%x\n", playback_mask, capture_mask); /* synchronous stop of all the pipes concerned */ err = pcxhr_set_pipe_state(mgr, playback_mask, capture_mask, 0); if (err) { mutex_unlock(&mgr->setup_mutex); dev_err(&mgr->pci->dev, "pcxhr_start_linked_stream : " "error stop pipes (P%x C%x)\n", playback_mask, capture_mask); return; } /* the dsp lost format and buffer info with the stop pipe */ for (i = 0; i < mgr->num_cards; i++) { struct pcxhr_stream *stream; chip = mgr->chip[i]; for (j = 0; j < chip->nb_streams_capt; j++) { stream = &chip->capture_stream[j]; if (pcxhr_stream_scheduled_get_pipe(stream, &pipe)) { err = pcxhr_set_format(stream); err = pcxhr_update_r_buffer(stream); } } for (j = 0; j < chip->nb_streams_play; j++) { stream = &chip->playback_stream[j]; if (pcxhr_stream_scheduled_get_pipe(stream, &pipe)) { err = pcxhr_set_format(stream); err = pcxhr_update_r_buffer(stream); } } } /* start all the streams */ for (i = 0; i < mgr->num_cards; i++) { struct pcxhr_stream *stream; chip = mgr->chip[i]; for (j = 0; j < chip->nb_streams_capt; j++) { stream = &chip->capture_stream[j]; if (pcxhr_stream_scheduled_get_pipe(stream, &pipe)) err = pcxhr_set_stream_state(chip, stream); } for (j = 0; j < chip->nb_streams_play; j++) { stream = &chip->playback_stream[j]; if (pcxhr_stream_scheduled_get_pipe(stream, &pipe)) err = pcxhr_set_stream_state(chip, stream); } } /* synchronous start of all the pipes concerned */ err = pcxhr_set_pipe_state(mgr, playback_mask, capture_mask, 1); if (err) { mutex_unlock(&mgr->setup_mutex); dev_err(&mgr->pci->dev, "pcxhr_start_linked_stream : " "error start pipes (P%x C%x)\n", playback_mask, capture_mask); return; } /* put the streams into the running state now * (increment pointer by interrupt) */ mutex_lock(&mgr->lock); for ( i =0; i < mgr->num_cards; i++) { struct pcxhr_stream *stream; chip = mgr->chip[i]; for(j = 0; j < chip->nb_streams_capt; j++) { stream = &chip->capture_stream[j]; if(stream->status == PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_STARTED) stream->status = PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_RUNNING; } for (j = 0; j < chip->nb_streams_play; j++) { stream = &chip->playback_stream[j]; if (stream->status == PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_STARTED) { /* playback will already have advanced ! */ stream->timer_period_frag += mgr->granularity; stream->status = PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_RUNNING; } } } mutex_unlock(&mgr->lock); mutex_unlock(&mgr->setup_mutex); #ifdef CONFIG_SND_DEBUG_VERBOSE stop_time = ktime_get(); diff_time = ktime_sub(stop_time, start_time); dev_dbg(&mgr->pci->dev, "***TRIGGER START*** TIME = %ld (err = %x)\n", (long)(ktime_to_ns(diff_time)), err); #endif } /* * trigger callback */ static int pcxhr_trigger(struct snd_pcm_substream *subs, int cmd) { struct pcxhr_stream *stream; struct snd_pcm_substream *s; struct snd_pcxhr *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(subs); switch (cmd) { case SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_START: dev_dbg(chip->card->dev, "SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_START\n"); if (snd_pcm_stream_linked(subs)) { snd_pcm_group_for_each_entry(s, subs) { if (snd_pcm_substream_chip(s) != chip) continue; stream = s->runtime->private_data; stream->status = PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_SCHEDULE_RUN; snd_pcm_trigger_done(s, subs); } pcxhr_start_linked_stream(chip->mgr); } else { stream = subs->runtime->private_data; dev_dbg(chip->card->dev, "Only one Substream %c %d\n", stream->pipe->is_capture ? 'C' : 'P', stream->pipe->first_audio); if (pcxhr_set_format(stream)) return -EINVAL; if (pcxhr_update_r_buffer(stream)) return -EINVAL; stream->status = PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_SCHEDULE_RUN; if (pcxhr_set_stream_state(chip, stream)) return -EINVAL; stream->status = PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_RUNNING; } break; case SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_STOP: dev_dbg(chip->card->dev, "SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_STOP\n"); snd_pcm_group_for_each_entry(s, subs) { stream = s->runtime->private_data; stream->status = PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_SCHEDULE_STOP; if (pcxhr_set_stream_state(chip, stream)) return -EINVAL; snd_pcm_trigger_done(s, subs); } break; case SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_PAUSE_PUSH: case SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_PAUSE_RELEASE: /* TODO */ default: return -EINVAL; } return 0; } static int pcxhr_hardware_timer(struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr, int start) { struct pcxhr_rmh rmh; int err; pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_SET_TIMER_INTERRUPT); if (start) { /* last dsp time invalid */ mgr->dsp_time_last = PCXHR_DSP_TIME_INVALID; rmh.cmd[0] |= mgr->granularity; } err = pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh); if (err < 0) dev_err(&mgr->pci->dev, "error pcxhr_hardware_timer err(%x)\n", err); return err; } /* * prepare callback for all pcms */ static int pcxhr_prepare(struct snd_pcm_substream *subs) { struct snd_pcxhr *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(subs); struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr = chip->mgr; int err = 0; dev_dbg(chip->card->dev, "pcxhr_prepare : period_size(%lx) periods(%x) buffer_size(%lx)\n", subs->runtime->period_size, subs->runtime->periods, subs->runtime->buffer_size); mutex_lock(&mgr->setup_mutex); do { /* only the first stream can choose the sample rate */ /* set the clock only once (first stream) */ if (mgr->sample_rate != subs->runtime->rate) { err = pcxhr_set_clock(mgr, subs->runtime->rate); if (err) break; if (mgr->sample_rate == 0) /* start the DSP-timer */ err = pcxhr_hardware_timer(mgr, 1); mgr->sample_rate = subs->runtime->rate; } } while(0); /* do only once (so we can use break instead of goto) */ mutex_unlock(&mgr->setup_mutex); return err; } /* * HW_PARAMS callback for all pcms */ static int pcxhr_hw_params(struct snd_pcm_substream *subs, struct snd_pcm_hw_params *hw) { struct snd_pcxhr *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(subs); struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr = chip->mgr; struct pcxhr_stream *stream = subs->runtime->private_data; snd_pcm_format_t format; int err; int channels; /* set up channels */ channels = params_channels(hw); /* set up format for the stream */ format = params_format(hw); mutex_lock(&mgr->setup_mutex); stream->channels = channels; stream->format = format; /* allocate buffer */ err = snd_pcm_lib_malloc_pages(subs, params_buffer_bytes(hw)); mutex_unlock(&mgr->setup_mutex); return err; } static int pcxhr_hw_free(struct snd_pcm_substream *subs) { snd_pcm_lib_free_pages(subs); return 0; } /* * CONFIGURATION SPACE for all pcms, mono pcm must update channels_max */ static struct snd_pcm_hardware pcxhr_caps = { .info = (SNDRV_PCM_INFO_MMAP | SNDRV_PCM_INFO_INTERLEAVED | SNDRV_PCM_INFO_MMAP_VALID | SNDRV_PCM_INFO_SYNC_START), .formats = (SNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_U8 | SNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_S16_LE | SNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_S16_BE | SNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_S24_3LE | SNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_S24_3BE | SNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_FLOAT_LE), .rates = (SNDRV_PCM_RATE_CONTINUOUS | SNDRV_PCM_RATE_8000_192000), .rate_min = 8000, .rate_max = 192000, .channels_min = 1, .channels_max = 2, .buffer_bytes_max = (32*1024), /* 1 byte == 1 frame U8 mono (PCXHR_GRANULARITY is frames!) */ .period_bytes_min = (2*PCXHR_GRANULARITY), .period_bytes_max = (16*1024), .periods_min = 2, .periods_max = (32*1024/PCXHR_GRANULARITY), }; static int pcxhr_open(struct snd_pcm_substream *subs) { struct snd_pcxhr *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(subs); struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr = chip->mgr; struct snd_pcm_runtime *runtime = subs->runtime; struct pcxhr_stream *stream; int err; mutex_lock(&mgr->setup_mutex); /* copy the struct snd_pcm_hardware struct */ runtime->hw = pcxhr_caps; if( subs->stream == SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK ) { dev_dbg(chip->card->dev, "pcxhr_open playback chip%d subs%d\n", chip->chip_idx, subs->number); stream = &chip->playback_stream[subs->number]; } else { dev_dbg(chip->card->dev, "pcxhr_open capture chip%d subs%d\n", chip->chip_idx, subs->number); if (mgr->mono_capture) runtime->hw.channels_max = 1; else runtime->hw.channels_min = 2; stream = &chip->capture_stream[subs->number]; } if (stream->status != PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_FREE){ /* streams in use */ dev_err(chip->card->dev, "pcxhr_open chip%d subs%d in use\n", chip->chip_idx, subs->number); mutex_unlock(&mgr->setup_mutex); return -EBUSY; } /* float format support is in some cases buggy on stereo cards */ if (mgr->is_hr_stereo) runtime->hw.formats &= ~SNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_FLOAT_LE; /* buffer-size should better be multiple of period-size */ err = snd_pcm_hw_constraint_integer(runtime, SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_PERIODS); if (err < 0) { mutex_unlock(&mgr->setup_mutex); return err; } /* if a sample rate is already used or fixed by external clock, * the stream cannot change */ if (mgr->sample_rate) runtime->hw.rate_min = runtime->hw.rate_max = mgr->sample_rate; else { if (mgr->use_clock_type != PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_INTERNAL) { int external_rate; if (pcxhr_get_external_clock(mgr, mgr->use_clock_type, &external_rate) || external_rate == 0) { /* cannot detect the external clock rate */ mutex_unlock(&mgr->setup_mutex); return -EBUSY; } runtime->hw.rate_min = external_rate; runtime->hw.rate_max = external_rate; } } stream->status = PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_OPEN; stream->substream = subs; stream->channels = 0; /* not configured yet */ runtime->private_data = stream; /* better get a divisor of granularity values (96 or 192) */ snd_pcm_hw_constraint_step(runtime, 0, SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_BUFFER_SIZE, 32); snd_pcm_hw_constraint_step(runtime, 0, SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_PERIOD_SIZE, 32); snd_pcm_set_sync(subs); mgr->ref_count_rate++; mutex_unlock(&mgr->setup_mutex); return 0; } static int pcxhr_close(struct snd_pcm_substream *subs) { struct snd_pcxhr *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(subs); struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr = chip->mgr; struct pcxhr_stream *stream = subs->runtime->private_data; mutex_lock(&mgr->setup_mutex); dev_dbg(chip->card->dev, "pcxhr_close chip%d subs%d\n", chip->chip_idx, subs->number); /* sample rate released */ if (--mgr->ref_count_rate == 0) { mgr->sample_rate = 0; /* the sample rate is no more locked */ pcxhr_hardware_timer(mgr, 0); /* stop the DSP-timer */ } stream->status = PCXHR_STREAM_STATUS_FREE; stream->substream = NULL; mutex_unlock(&mgr->setup_mutex); return 0; } static snd_pcm_uframes_t pcxhr_stream_pointer(struct snd_pcm_substream *subs) { u_int32_t timer_period_frag; int timer_buf_periods; struct snd_pcxhr *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(subs); struct snd_pcm_runtime *runtime = subs->runtime; struct pcxhr_stream *stream = runtime->private_data; mutex_lock(&chip->mgr->lock); /* get the period fragment and the nb of periods in the buffer */ timer_period_frag = stream->timer_period_frag; timer_buf_periods = stream->timer_buf_periods; mutex_unlock(&chip->mgr->lock); return (snd_pcm_uframes_t)((timer_buf_periods * runtime->period_size) + timer_period_frag); } static const struct snd_pcm_ops pcxhr_ops = { .open = pcxhr_open, .close = pcxhr_close, .ioctl = snd_pcm_lib_ioctl, .prepare = pcxhr_prepare, .hw_params = pcxhr_hw_params, .hw_free = pcxhr_hw_free, .trigger = pcxhr_trigger, .pointer = pcxhr_stream_pointer, }; /* */ int pcxhr_create_pcm(struct snd_pcxhr *chip) { int err; struct snd_pcm *pcm; char name[32]; sprintf(name, "pcxhr %d", chip->chip_idx); if ((err = snd_pcm_new(chip->card, name, 0, chip->nb_streams_play, chip->nb_streams_capt, &pcm)) < 0) { dev_err(chip->card->dev, "cannot create pcm %s\n", name); return err; } pcm->private_data = chip; if (chip->nb_streams_play) snd_pcm_set_ops(pcm, SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, &pcxhr_ops); if (chip->nb_streams_capt) snd_pcm_set_ops(pcm, SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, &pcxhr_ops); pcm->info_flags = 0; pcm->nonatomic = true; strcpy(pcm->name, name); snd_pcm_lib_preallocate_pages_for_all(pcm, SNDRV_DMA_TYPE_DEV, snd_dma_pci_data(chip->mgr->pci), 32*1024, 32*1024); chip->pcm = pcm; return 0; } static int pcxhr_chip_free(struct snd_pcxhr *chip) { kfree(chip); return 0; } static int pcxhr_chip_dev_free(struct snd_device *device) { struct snd_pcxhr *chip = device->device_data; return pcxhr_chip_free(chip); } /* */ static int pcxhr_create(struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr, struct snd_card *card, int idx) { int err; struct snd_pcxhr *chip; static struct snd_device_ops ops = { .dev_free = pcxhr_chip_dev_free, }; chip = kzalloc(sizeof(*chip), GFP_KERNEL); if (! chip) { dev_err(card->dev, "cannot allocate chip\n"); return -ENOMEM; } chip->card = card; chip->chip_idx = idx; chip->mgr = mgr; if (idx < mgr->playback_chips) /* stereo or mono streams */ chip->nb_streams_play = PCXHR_PLAYBACK_STREAMS; if (idx < mgr->capture_chips) { if (mgr->mono_capture) chip->nb_streams_capt = 2; /* 2 mono streams */ else chip->nb_streams_capt = 1; /* or 1 stereo stream */ } if ((err = snd_device_new(card, SNDRV_DEV_LOWLEVEL, chip, &ops)) < 0) { pcxhr_chip_free(chip); return err; } mgr->chip[idx] = chip; return 0; } /* proc interface */ static void pcxhr_proc_info(struct snd_info_entry *entry, struct snd_info_buffer *buffer) { struct snd_pcxhr *chip = entry->private_data; struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr = chip->mgr; snd_iprintf(buffer, "\n%s\n", mgr->longname); /* stats available when embedded DSP is running */ if (mgr->dsp_loaded & (1 << PCXHR_FIRMWARE_DSP_MAIN_INDEX)) { struct pcxhr_rmh rmh; short ver_maj = (mgr->dsp_version >> 16) & 0xff; short ver_min = (mgr->dsp_version >> 8) & 0xff; short ver_build = mgr->dsp_version & 0xff; snd_iprintf(buffer, "module version %s\n", PCXHR_DRIVER_VERSION_STRING); snd_iprintf(buffer, "dsp version %d.%d.%d\n", ver_maj, ver_min, ver_build); if (mgr->board_has_analog) snd_iprintf(buffer, "analog io available\n"); else snd_iprintf(buffer, "digital only board\n"); /* calc cpu load of the dsp */ pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_GET_DSP_RESOURCES); if( ! pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh) ) { int cur = rmh.stat[0]; int ref = rmh.stat[1]; if (ref > 0) { if (mgr->sample_rate_real != 0 && mgr->sample_rate_real != 48000) { ref = (ref * 48000) / mgr->sample_rate_real; if (mgr->sample_rate_real >= PCXHR_IRQ_TIMER_FREQ) ref *= 2; } cur = 100 - (100 * cur) / ref; snd_iprintf(buffer, "cpu load %d%%\n", cur); snd_iprintf(buffer, "buffer pool %d/%d\n", rmh.stat[2], rmh.stat[3]); } } snd_iprintf(buffer, "dma granularity : %d\n", mgr->granularity); snd_iprintf(buffer, "dsp time errors : %d\n", mgr->dsp_time_err); snd_iprintf(buffer, "dsp async pipe xrun errors : %d\n", mgr->async_err_pipe_xrun); snd_iprintf(buffer, "dsp async stream xrun errors : %d\n", mgr->async_err_stream_xrun); snd_iprintf(buffer, "dsp async last other error : %x\n", mgr->async_err_other_last); /* debug zone dsp */ rmh.cmd[0] = 0x4200 + PCXHR_SIZE_MAX_STATUS; rmh.cmd_len = 1; rmh.stat_len = PCXHR_SIZE_MAX_STATUS; rmh.dsp_stat = 0; rmh.cmd_idx = CMD_LAST_INDEX; if( ! pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh) ) { int i; if (rmh.stat_len > 8) rmh.stat_len = 8; for (i = 0; i < rmh.stat_len; i++) snd_iprintf(buffer, "debug[%02d] = %06x\n", i, rmh.stat[i]); } } else snd_iprintf(buffer, "no firmware loaded\n"); snd_iprintf(buffer, "\n"); } static void pcxhr_proc_sync(struct snd_info_entry *entry, struct snd_info_buffer *buffer) { struct snd_pcxhr *chip = entry->private_data; struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr = chip->mgr; static const char *textsHR22[3] = { "Internal", "AES Sync", "AES 1" }; static const char *textsPCXHR[7] = { "Internal", "Word", "AES Sync", "AES 1", "AES 2", "AES 3", "AES 4" }; const char **texts; int max_clock; if (mgr->is_hr_stereo) { texts = textsHR22; max_clock = HR22_CLOCK_TYPE_MAX; } else { texts = textsPCXHR; max_clock = PCXHR_CLOCK_TYPE_MAX; } snd_iprintf(buffer, "\n%s\n", mgr->longname); snd_iprintf(buffer, "Current Sample Clock\t: %s\n", texts[mgr->cur_clock_type]); snd_iprintf(buffer, "Current Sample Rate\t= %d\n", mgr->sample_rate_real); /* commands available when embedded DSP is running */ if (mgr->dsp_loaded & (1 << PCXHR_FIRMWARE_DSP_MAIN_INDEX)) { int i, err, sample_rate; for (i = 1; i <= max_clock; i++) { err = pcxhr_get_external_clock(mgr, i, &sample_rate); if (err) break; snd_iprintf(buffer, "%s Clock\t\t= %d\n", texts[i], sample_rate); } } else snd_iprintf(buffer, "no firmware loaded\n"); snd_iprintf(buffer, "\n"); } static void pcxhr_proc_gpio_read(struct snd_info_entry *entry, struct snd_info_buffer *buffer) { struct snd_pcxhr *chip = entry->private_data; struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr = chip->mgr; /* commands available when embedded DSP is running */ if (mgr->dsp_loaded & (1 << PCXHR_FIRMWARE_DSP_MAIN_INDEX)) { /* gpio ports on stereo boards only available */ int value = 0; hr222_read_gpio(mgr, 1, &value); /* GPI */ snd_iprintf(buffer, "GPI: 0x%x\n", value); hr222_read_gpio(mgr, 0, &value); /* GP0 */ snd_iprintf(buffer, "GPO: 0x%x\n", value); } else snd_iprintf(buffer, "no firmware loaded\n"); snd_iprintf(buffer, "\n"); } static void pcxhr_proc_gpo_write(struct snd_info_entry *entry, struct snd_info_buffer *buffer) { struct snd_pcxhr *chip = entry->private_data; struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr = chip->mgr; char line[64]; int value; /* commands available when embedded DSP is running */ if (!(mgr->dsp_loaded & (1 << PCXHR_FIRMWARE_DSP_MAIN_INDEX))) return; while (!snd_info_get_line(buffer, line, sizeof(line))) { if (sscanf(line, "GPO: 0x%x", &value) != 1) continue; hr222_write_gpo(mgr, value); /* GP0 */ } } /* Access to the results of the CMD_GET_TIME_CODE RMH */ #define TIME_CODE_VALID_MASK 0x00800000 #define TIME_CODE_NEW_MASK 0x00400000 #define TIME_CODE_BACK_MASK 0x00200000 #define TIME_CODE_WAIT_MASK 0x00100000 /* Values for the CMD_MANAGE_SIGNAL RMH */ #define MANAGE_SIGNAL_TIME_CODE 0x01 #define MANAGE_SIGNAL_MIDI 0x02 /* linear time code read proc*/ static void pcxhr_proc_ltc(struct snd_info_entry *entry, struct snd_info_buffer *buffer) { struct snd_pcxhr *chip = entry->private_data; struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr = chip->mgr; struct pcxhr_rmh rmh; unsigned int ltcHrs, ltcMin, ltcSec, ltcFrm; int err; /* commands available when embedded DSP is running */ if (!(mgr->dsp_loaded & (1 << PCXHR_FIRMWARE_DSP_MAIN_INDEX))) { snd_iprintf(buffer, "no firmware loaded\n"); return; } if (!mgr->capture_ltc) { pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_MANAGE_SIGNAL); rmh.cmd[0] |= MANAGE_SIGNAL_TIME_CODE; err = pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh); if (err) { snd_iprintf(buffer, "ltc not activated (%d)\n", err); return; } if (mgr->is_hr_stereo) hr222_manage_timecode(mgr, 1); else pcxhr_write_io_num_reg_cont(mgr, REG_CONT_VALSMPTE, REG_CONT_VALSMPTE, NULL); mgr->capture_ltc = 1; } pcxhr_init_rmh(&rmh, CMD_GET_TIME_CODE); err = pcxhr_send_msg(mgr, &rmh); if (err) { snd_iprintf(buffer, "ltc read error (err=%d)\n", err); return ; } ltcHrs = 10*((rmh.stat[0] >> 8) & 0x3) + (rmh.stat[0] & 0xf); ltcMin = 10*((rmh.stat[1] >> 16) & 0x7) + ((rmh.stat[1] >> 8) & 0xf); ltcSec = 10*(rmh.stat[1] & 0x7) + ((rmh.stat[2] >> 16) & 0xf); ltcFrm = 10*((rmh.stat[2] >> 8) & 0x3) + (rmh.stat[2] & 0xf); snd_iprintf(buffer, "timecode: %02u:%02u:%02u-%02u\n", ltcHrs, ltcMin, ltcSec, ltcFrm); snd_iprintf(buffer, "raw: 0x%04x%06x%06x\n", rmh.stat[0] & 0x00ffff, rmh.stat[1] & 0xffffff, rmh.stat[2] & 0xffffff); /*snd_iprintf(buffer, "dsp ref time: 0x%06x%06x\n", rmh.stat[3] & 0xffffff, rmh.stat[4] & 0xffffff);*/ if (!(rmh.stat[0] & TIME_CODE_VALID_MASK)) { snd_iprintf(buffer, "warning: linear timecode not valid\n"); } } static void pcxhr_proc_init(struct snd_pcxhr *chip) { struct snd_info_entry *entry; if (! snd_card_proc_new(chip->card, "info", &entry)) snd_info_set_text_ops(entry, chip, pcxhr_proc_info); if (! snd_card_proc_new(chip->card, "sync", &entry)) snd_info_set_text_ops(entry, chip, pcxhr_proc_sync); /* gpio available on stereo sound cards only */ if (chip->mgr->is_hr_stereo && !snd_card_proc_new(chip->card, "gpio", &entry)) { snd_info_set_text_ops(entry, chip, pcxhr_proc_gpio_read); entry->c.text.write = pcxhr_proc_gpo_write; entry->mode |= S_IWUSR; } if (!snd_card_proc_new(chip->card, "ltc", &entry)) snd_info_set_text_ops(entry, chip, pcxhr_proc_ltc); } /* end of proc interface */ /* * release all the cards assigned to a manager instance */ static int pcxhr_free(struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < mgr->num_cards; i++) { if (mgr->chip[i]) snd_card_free(mgr->chip[i]->card); } /* reset board if some firmware was loaded */ if(mgr->dsp_loaded) { pcxhr_reset_board(mgr); dev_dbg(&mgr->pci->dev, "reset pcxhr !\n"); } /* release irq */ if (mgr->irq >= 0) free_irq(mgr->irq, mgr); pci_release_regions(mgr->pci); /* free hostport purgebuffer */ if (mgr->hostport.area) { snd_dma_free_pages(&mgr->hostport); mgr->hostport.area = NULL; } kfree(mgr->prmh); pci_disable_device(mgr->pci); kfree(mgr); return 0; } /* * probe function - creates the card manager */ static int pcxhr_probe(struct pci_dev *pci, const struct pci_device_id *pci_id) { static int dev; struct pcxhr_mgr *mgr; unsigned int i; int err; size_t size; char *card_name; if (dev >= SNDRV_CARDS) return -ENODEV; if (! enable[dev]) { dev++; return -ENOENT; } /* enable PCI device */ if ((err = pci_enable_device(pci)) < 0) return err; pci_set_master(pci); /* check if we can restrict PCI DMA transfers to 32 bits */ if (dma_set_mask(&pci->dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32)) < 0) { dev_err(&pci->dev, "architecture does not support 32bit PCI busmaster DMA\n"); pci_disable_device(pci); return -ENXIO; } /* alloc card manager */ mgr = kzalloc(sizeof(*mgr), GFP_KERNEL); if (! mgr) { pci_disable_device(pci); return -ENOMEM; } if (snd_BUG_ON(pci_id->driver_data >= PCI_ID_LAST)) { kfree(mgr); pci_disable_device(pci); return -ENODEV; } card_name = pcxhr_board_params[pci_id->driver_data].board_name; mgr->playback_chips = pcxhr_board_params[pci_id->driver_data].playback_chips; mgr->capture_chips = pcxhr_board_params[pci_id->driver_data].capture_chips; mgr->fw_file_set = pcxhr_board_params[pci_id->driver_data].fw_file_set; mgr->firmware_num = pcxhr_board_params[pci_id->driver_data].firmware_num; mgr->mono_capture = mono[dev]; mgr->is_hr_stereo = (mgr->playback_chips == 1); mgr->board_has_aes1 = PCXHR_BOARD_HAS_AES1(mgr); mgr->board_aes_in_192k = !PCXHR_BOARD_AESIN_NO_192K(mgr); if (mgr->is_hr_stereo) mgr->granularity = PCXHR_GRANULARITY_HR22; else mgr->granularity = PCXHR_GRANULARITY; /* resource assignment */ if ((err = pci_request_regions(pci, card_name)) < 0) { kfree(mgr); pci_disable_device(pci); return err; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) mgr->port[i] = pci_resource_start(pci, i); mgr->pci = pci; mgr->irq = -1; if (request_threaded_irq(pci->irq, pcxhr_interrupt, pcxhr_threaded_irq, IRQF_SHARED, KBUILD_MODNAME, mgr)) { dev_err(&pci->dev, "unable to grab IRQ %d\n", pci->irq); pcxhr_free(mgr); return -EBUSY; } mgr->irq = pci->irq; sprintf(mgr->shortname, "Digigram %s", card_name); sprintf(mgr->longname, "%s at 0x%lx & 0x%lx, 0x%lx irq %i", mgr->shortname, mgr->port[0], mgr->port[1], mgr->port[2], mgr->irq); /* ISR lock */ mutex_init(&mgr->lock); mutex_init(&mgr->msg_lock); /* init setup mutex*/ mutex_init(&mgr->setup_mutex); mgr->prmh = kmalloc(sizeof(*mgr->prmh) + sizeof(u32) * (PCXHR_SIZE_MAX_LONG_STATUS - PCXHR_SIZE_MAX_STATUS), GFP_KERNEL); if (! mgr->prmh) { pcxhr_free(mgr); return -ENOMEM; } for (i=0; i < PCXHR_MAX_CARDS; i++) { struct snd_card *card; char tmpid[16]; int idx; if (i >= max(mgr->playback_chips, mgr->capture_chips)) break; mgr->num_cards++; if (index[dev] < 0) idx = index[dev]; else idx = index[dev] + i; snprintf(tmpid, sizeof(tmpid), "%s-%d", id[dev] ? id[dev] : card_name, i); err = snd_card_new(&pci->dev, idx, tmpid, THIS_MODULE, 0, &card); if (err < 0) { dev_err(&pci->dev, "cannot allocate the card %d\n", i); pcxhr_free(mgr); return err; } strcpy(card->driver, DRIVER_NAME); sprintf(card->shortname, "%s [PCM #%d]", mgr->shortname, i); sprintf(card->longname, "%s [PCM #%d]", mgr->longname, i); if ((err = pcxhr_create(mgr, card, i)) < 0) { snd_card_free(card); pcxhr_free(mgr); return err; } if (i == 0) /* init proc interface only for chip0 */ pcxhr_proc_init(mgr->chip[i]); if ((err = snd_card_register(card)) < 0) { pcxhr_free(mgr); return err; } } /* create hostport purgebuffer */ size = PAGE_ALIGN(sizeof(struct pcxhr_hostport)); if (snd_dma_alloc_pages(SNDRV_DMA_TYPE_DEV, snd_dma_pci_data(pci), size, &mgr->hostport) < 0) { pcxhr_free(mgr); return -ENOMEM; } /* init purgebuffer */ memset(mgr->hostport.area, 0, size); /* create a DSP loader */ err = pcxhr_setup_firmware(mgr); if (err < 0) { pcxhr_free(mgr); return err; } pci_set_drvdata(pci, mgr); dev++; return 0; } static void pcxhr_remove(struct pci_dev *pci) { pcxhr_free(pci_get_drvdata(pci)); } static struct pci_driver pcxhr_driver = { .name = KBUILD_MODNAME, .id_table = pcxhr_ids, .probe = pcxhr_probe, .remove = pcxhr_remove, }; module_pci_driver(pcxhr_driver);
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* atmclip.h - Classical IP over ATM */ /* Written 1995-1998 by Werner Almesberger, EPFL LRC/ICA */ #ifndef LINUX_ATMCLIP_H #define LINUX_ATMCLIP_H #include <linux/sockios.h> #include <linux/atmioc.h> #define RFC1483LLC_LEN 8 /* LLC+OUI+PID = 8 */ #define RFC1626_MTU 9180 /* RFC1626 default MTU */ #define CLIP_DEFAULT_IDLETIMER 1200 /* 20 minutes, see RFC1755 */ #define CLIP_CHECK_INTERVAL 10 /* check every ten seconds */ #define SIOCMKCLIP _IO('a',ATMIOC_CLIP) /* create IP interface */ #endif
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_PUBLIC_COMMON_BROWSER_CONTROLS_STATE_H_ #define CONTENT_PUBLIC_COMMON_BROWSER_CONTROLS_STATE_H_ namespace content { // A Java counterpart will be generated for this enum. // GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.content_public.common enum BrowserControlsState { BROWSER_CONTROLS_STATE_SHOWN = 1, BROWSER_CONTROLS_STATE_HIDDEN = 2, BROWSER_CONTROLS_STATE_BOTH = 3, BROWSER_CONTROLS_STATE_LAST = BROWSER_CONTROLS_STATE_BOTH, }; } // namespace content #endif // CONTENT_PUBLIC_COMMON_BROWSER_CONTROLS_STATE_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_ROUTER_MOJO_MEDIA_ROUTE_PROVIDER_UTIL_WIN_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_ROUTER_MOJO_MEDIA_ROUTE_PROVIDER_UTIL_WIN_H_ #include "base/callback.h" namespace media_router { // Asynchronously checks whether there will be a firewall prompt for using local // ports on Windows. |callback| will be called with the result where |true| // means that local ports can be used without triggering a firewall prompt. void CanFirewallUseLocalPorts(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback); } // namespace media_router #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_ROUTER_MOJO_MEDIA_ROUTE_PROVIDER_UTIL_WIN_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef COURGETTE_ASSEMBLY_PROGRAM_H_ #define COURGETTE_ASSEMBLY_PROGRAM_H_ #include <stdint.h> #include <vector> #include "base/macros.h" #include "courgette/courgette.h" #include "courgette/image_utils.h" #include "courgette/instruction_utils.h" #include "courgette/label_manager.h" #include "courgette/memory_allocator.h" // For CheckBool. namespace courgette { class EncodedProgram; // An AssemblyProgram stores Labels extracted from an executable file, and // (optionally) Label annotations. It is initialized by a Disassembler, but // stores separate state so that the Disassembler can be deleted. Typical usage: // // * The Disassembler calls PrecomputeLabels() and injects RVAs for abs32/rel32 // references. These are used to initialize labels. // * The Disassembler calls DefaultAssignIndexes() to assign addresses to // positions in the address tables. // * [Optional step] // * The Disassembler can use Labels in AssemblyProgram to convert the // executable file to an EncodedProgram, serialized to an output stream. // * Later, the Disassembler can use the AssemblyProgram to can be deserialized // and assembled into the original executable file via an EncodedProgram. // // The optional step is to adjust Labels in the AssemblyProgram. One form of // adjustment is to assign indexes in such a way as to make the EncodedProgram // for an executable look more like the EncodedProgram for another exectuable. // The adjustment process should call UnassignIndexes(), do its own assignment, // and then call AssignRemainingIndexes() to ensure all indexes are assigned. class AssemblyProgram { public: AssemblyProgram(ExecutableType kind, uint64_t image_base); ~AssemblyProgram(); ExecutableType kind() const { return kind_; } const std::vector<Label*>& abs32_label_annotations() const { return abs32_label_annotations_; } const std::vector<Label*>& rel32_label_annotations() const { return rel32_label_annotations_; } // Traverses RVAs in |abs32_visitor| and |rel32_visitor| to precompute Labels. void PrecomputeLabels(RvaVisitor* abs32_visitor, RvaVisitor* rel32_visitor); // Removes underused Labels. Thresholds used (0 = no trimming) is // architecture-dependent. void TrimLabels(); void UnassignIndexes(); void DefaultAssignIndexes(); void AssignRemainingIndexes(); // Looks up abs32 label. Returns null if none found. Label* FindAbs32Label(RVA rva); // Looks up rel32 label. Returns null if none found. Label* FindRel32Label(RVA rva); // Uses |gen| to initializes |*_label_annotations_|. CheckBool AnnotateLabels(const InstructionGenerator& gen); // Initializes |encoded| by injecting basic data and Label data. bool PrepareEncodedProgram(EncodedProgram* encoded) const; private: static const int kLabelLowerLimit; // Looks up a label or creates a new one. Might return NULL. Label* FindLabel(RVA rva, RVAToLabel* labels); const ExecutableType kind_; const uint64_t image_base_; // Desired or mandated base address of image. // Storage and lookup of Labels associated with target addresses. We use // separate abs32 and rel32 labels. LabelManager abs32_label_manager_; LabelManager rel32_label_manager_; // Label pointers for each abs32 and rel32 location, sorted by file offset. // These are used by Label adjustment during patch generation. std::vector<Label*> abs32_label_annotations_; std::vector<Label*> rel32_label_annotations_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AssemblyProgram); }; } // namespace courgette #endif // COURGETTE_ASSEMBLY_PROGRAM_H_
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * Filename: ks0108.h * Version: 0.1.0 * Description: ks0108 LCD Controller driver header * License: GPLv2 * * Author: Copyright (C) Miguel Ojeda Sandonis * Date: 2006-10-31 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef _KS0108_H_ #define _KS0108_H_ /* Write a byte to the data port */ extern void ks0108_writedata(unsigned char byte); /* Write a byte to the control port */ extern void ks0108_writecontrol(unsigned char byte); /* Set the controller's current display state (0..1) */ extern void ks0108_displaystate(unsigned char state); /* Set the controller's current startline (0..63) */ extern void ks0108_startline(unsigned char startline); /* Set the controller's current address (0..63) */ extern void ks0108_address(unsigned char address); /* Set the controller's current page (0..7) */ extern void ks0108_page(unsigned char page); /* Is the module inited? */ extern unsigned char ks0108_isinited(void); #endif /* _KS0108_H_ */
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef MEDIA_AUDIO_PULSE_AUDIO_MANAGER_PULSE_H_ #define MEDIA_AUDIO_PULSE_AUDIO_MANAGER_PULSE_H_ #include <pulse/pulseaudio.h> #include <string> #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "media/audio/audio_manager_base.h" namespace media { class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioManagerPulse : public AudioManagerBase { public: AudioManagerPulse(std::unique_ptr<AudioThread> audio_thread, AudioLogFactory* audio_log_factory, pa_threaded_mainloop* pa_mainloop, pa_context* pa_context); ~AudioManagerPulse() override; // Implementation of AudioManager. bool HasAudioOutputDevices() override; bool HasAudioInputDevices() override; void GetAudioInputDeviceNames(AudioDeviceNames* device_names) override; void GetAudioOutputDeviceNames(AudioDeviceNames* device_names) override; AudioParameters GetInputStreamParameters( const std::string& device_id) override; const char* GetName() override; // Implementation of AudioManagerBase. AudioOutputStream* MakeLinearOutputStream( const AudioParameters& params, const LogCallback& log_callback) override; AudioOutputStream* MakeLowLatencyOutputStream( const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& device_id, const LogCallback& log_callback) override; AudioInputStream* MakeLinearInputStream( const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& device_id, const LogCallback& log_callback) override; AudioInputStream* MakeLowLatencyInputStream( const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& device_id, const LogCallback& log_callback) override; protected: void ShutdownOnAudioThread() override; AudioParameters GetPreferredOutputStreamParameters( const std::string& output_device_id, const AudioParameters& input_params) override; private: void GetAudioDeviceNames(bool input, media::AudioDeviceNames* device_names); // Callback to get the devices' info like names, used by GetInputDevices(). static void InputDevicesInfoCallback(pa_context* context, const pa_source_info* info, int error, void* user_data); static void OutputDevicesInfoCallback(pa_context* context, const pa_sink_info* info, int error, void* user_data); // Callback to get the native sample rate of PulseAudio, used by // UpdateNativeAudioHardwareInfo(). static void AudioHardwareInfoCallback(pa_context* context, const pa_server_info* info, void* user_data); // Called by MakeLinearOutputStream and MakeLowLatencyOutputStream. AudioOutputStream* MakeOutputStream(const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& device_id); // Called by MakeLinearInputStream and MakeLowLatencyInputStream. AudioInputStream* MakeInputStream(const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& device_id); // Updates |native_input_sample_rate_| and |native_channel_count_|. void UpdateNativeAudioHardwareInfo(); pa_threaded_mainloop* input_mainloop_; pa_context* input_context_; AudioDeviceNames* devices_; int native_input_sample_rate_; int native_channel_count_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AudioManagerPulse); }; } // namespace media #endif // MEDIA_AUDIO_PULSE_AUDIO_MANAGER_PULSE_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <stddef.h> #include <limits> #include <vector> #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" #include "base/numerics/math_constants.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "components/viz/service/display/bsp_compare_result.h" #include "components/viz/service/display/draw_polygon.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "ui/gfx/transform.h" namespace viz { #if !defined(OS_WIN) void DrawPolygon::RecomputeNormalForTesting() { ConstructNormal(); } #endif static int sign(float v) { static const float epsilon = 0.00001f; if (v > epsilon) return 1; if (v < -epsilon) return -1; return 0; } bool IsPlanarForTesting(const DrawPolygon& p) { static const float epsilon = 0.00001f; for (size_t i = 1; i < p.points_.size(); i++) { if (gfx::DotProduct(p.points_[i] - p.points_[0], p.normal_) > epsilon) return false; } return true; } bool IsConvexForTesting(const DrawPolygon& p) { if (p.points_.size() < 3) return true; gfx::Vector3dF prev = p.points_[p.points_.size() - 1] - p.points_[p.points_.size() - 2]; gfx::Vector3dF next = p.points_[0] - p.points_[p.points_.size() - 1]; int ccw = sign(gfx::DotProduct(CrossProduct(prev, next), p.normal_)); for (size_t i = 1; i < p.points_.size(); i++) { prev = next; next = p.points_[i] - p.points_[i - 1]; int next_sign = sign(gfx::DotProduct(CrossProduct(prev, next), p.normal_)); if (ccw == 0) ccw = next_sign; if (next_sign != 0 && next_sign != ccw) return false; } return true; } namespace { #define CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON(name, points_vector, normal, polygon_id) \ DrawPolygon name(NULL, points_vector, normal, polygon_id) #define CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(name, points_vector, normal, polygon_id) \ std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> name(std::make_unique<DrawPolygon>( \ nullptr, points_vector, normal, polygon_id)) #define CREATE_TEST_DRAW_FORWARD_POLYGON(name, points_vector, id) \ DrawPolygon name(NULL, points_vector, gfx::Vector3dF(0, 0, 1.0f), id); \ name.RecomputeNormalForTesting() #define CREATE_TEST_DRAW_REVERSE_POLYGON(name, points_vector, id) \ DrawPolygon name(NULL, points_vector, gfx::Vector3dF(0, 0, -1.0f), id); \ name.RecomputeNormalForTesting() #define EXPECT_FLOAT_WITHIN_EPSILON_OF(a, b) \ LOG(WARNING) << "a=" << a << " b= " << b << " diff=" << std::abs(a - b); \ EXPECT_TRUE(std::abs(a - b) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()); #define EXPECT_POINT_EQ(point_a, point_b) \ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(point_a.x(), point_b.x()); \ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(point_a.y(), point_b.y()); \ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(point_a.z(), point_b.z()); #define EXPECT_NORMAL(poly, n_x, n_y, n_z) \ EXPECT_FLOAT_WITHIN_EPSILON_OF(poly.normal().x(), n_x); \ EXPECT_FLOAT_WITHIN_EPSILON_OF(poly.normal().y(), n_y); \ EXPECT_FLOAT_WITHIN_EPSILON_OF(poly.normal().z(), n_z); static void ValidatePoints(const DrawPolygon& polygon, const std::vector<gfx::Point3F>& points) { EXPECT_EQ(polygon.points().size(), points.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { EXPECT_POINT_EQ(polygon.points()[i], points[i]); } } static void ValidatePointsWithinDeltaOf(const DrawPolygon& polygon, const std::vector<gfx::Point3F>& points, float delta) { EXPECT_EQ(polygon.points().size(), points.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { EXPECT_LE((polygon.points()[i] - points[i]).Length(), delta); } } // A simple square in a plane. TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, NormalNormal) { gfx::Transform Identity; DrawPolygon polygon(nullptr, gfx::RectF(10.0f, 10.0f), Identity, 1); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } // More complicated shapes. TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, TestNormal) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices; vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); CREATE_TEST_DRAW_FORWARD_POLYGON(polygon, vertices, 1); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, ClippedNormal) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices; vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.1f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 9.9f, 0.0f)); vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); CREATE_TEST_DRAW_FORWARD_POLYGON(polygon, vertices, 1); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, SlimTriangleNormal) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices; vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5000.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10000.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); CREATE_TEST_DRAW_FORWARD_POLYGON(polygon, vertices, 2); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, ManyVertexNormal) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_c; std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_d; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const double step = i * base::kPiDouble / 50; vertices_c.push_back(gfx::Point3F(cos(step), sin(step), 0.0f)); vertices_d.push_back( gfx::Point3F(cos(step) + 99.0f, sin(step) + 99.0f, 100.0f)); } CREATE_TEST_DRAW_FORWARD_POLYGON(polygon_c, vertices_c, 3); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_c, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); CREATE_TEST_DRAW_FORWARD_POLYGON(polygon_d, vertices_d, 4); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_d, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } // A simple rect being transformed. TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, SimpleNormal) { gfx::RectF src(-0.1f, -10.0f, 0.2f, 20.0f); gfx::Transform transform_i(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); DrawPolygon polygon_i(nullptr, src, transform_i, 1); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_i, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, DISABLED_NormalInvertXY) { gfx::RectF src(-0.1f, -10.0f, 0.2f, 20.0f); gfx::Transform transform(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); DrawPolygon polygon_a(nullptr, src, transform, 2); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_a, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, DISABLED_NormalInvertXZ) { gfx::RectF src(-0.1f, -10.0f, 0.2f, 20.0f); gfx::Transform transform(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); DrawPolygon polygon_b(nullptr, src, transform, 3); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_b, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, DISABLED_NormalInvertYZ) { gfx::RectF src(-0.1f, -10.0f, 0.2f, 20.0f); gfx::Transform transform(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); DrawPolygon polygon_c(nullptr, src, transform, 4); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_c, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); } TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, NormalRotate90) { gfx::RectF src(-0.1f, -10.0f, 0.2f, 20.0f); gfx::Transform transform(0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); DrawPolygon polygon_b(nullptr, src, transform, 3); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_b, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, InvertXNormal) { gfx::RectF src(-0.1f, -10.0f, 0.2f, 20.0f); gfx::Transform transform(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); DrawPolygon polygon_d(nullptr, src, transform, 5); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_d, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, InvertYNormal) { gfx::RectF src(-0.1f, -10.0f, 0.2f, 20.0f); gfx::Transform transform(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); DrawPolygon polygon_d(nullptr, src, transform, 5); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_d, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } TEST(DrawPolygonConstructionTest, InvertZNormal) { gfx::RectF src(-0.1f, -10.0f, 0.2f, 20.0f); gfx::Transform transform(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); DrawPolygon polygon_d(nullptr, src, transform, 5); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_d, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); } // Two quads are nearly touching but definitely ordered. Second one should // compare in front. TEST(DrawPolygonSplitTest, NearlyTouchingOrder) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_a; vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_b; vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 10.0f, -1.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 10.0f, -1.0f)); gfx::Vector3dF normal(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON(polygon_a, vertices_a, normal, 0); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_b, vertices_b, normal, 1); std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> front; std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> back; bool is_coplanar; polygon_a.SplitPolygon(std::move(polygon_b), &front, &back, &is_coplanar); EXPECT_EQ(is_coplanar, false); EXPECT_EQ(front, nullptr); EXPECT_NE(back, nullptr); } // Two quads are definitely not touching and so no split should occur. TEST(DrawPolygonSplitTest, NotClearlyInFront) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_a; vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(87.2f, 1185.0f, 0.9f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(288.3f, 1185.0f, -0.7f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(288.3f, 1196.0f, -0.7f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(87.2f, 1196.0f, 0.9f)); gfx::Vector3dF normal_a = gfx::CrossProduct(vertices_a[1] - vertices_a[0], vertices_a[1] - vertices_a[2]); normal_a.Scale(1.0f / normal_a.Length()); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_b; vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(62.1f, 1034.7f, 1.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(313.4f, 1035.3f, -1.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(313.4f, 1196.0f, -1.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(62.1f, 1196.0f, 1.0f)); gfx::Vector3dF normal_b = gfx::CrossProduct(vertices_b[1] - vertices_b[0], vertices_b[1] - vertices_b[2]); normal_b.Scale(1.0f / normal_b.Length()); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON(polygon_a, vertices_a, normal_a, 0); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_b, vertices_b, normal_b, 1); std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> front; std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> back; bool is_coplanar; polygon_a.SplitPolygon(std::move(polygon_b), &front, &back, &is_coplanar); EXPECT_EQ(is_coplanar, false); EXPECT_NE(front, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(back, nullptr); } // Two quads are definitely not touching and so no split should occur. TEST(DrawPolygonSplitTest, NotTouchingNoSplit) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_a; vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_b; vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 10.0f, 5.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 10.0f, 15.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f)); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON(polygon_a, vertices_a, gfx::Vector3dF(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_b, vertices_b, gfx::Vector3dF(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1); std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> front; std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> back; bool is_coplanar; polygon_a.SplitPolygon(std::move(polygon_b), &front, &back, &is_coplanar); EXPECT_EQ(is_coplanar, false); EXPECT_NE(front, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(back, nullptr); } // One quad is resting against another, but doesn't cross its plane so no // split // should occur. TEST(DrawPolygonSplitTest, BarelyTouchingNoSplit) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_a; vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_b; vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 10.0f, -10.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON(polygon_a, vertices_a, gfx::Vector3dF(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_b, vertices_b, gfx::Vector3dF(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1); std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> front; std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> back; bool is_coplanar; polygon_a.SplitPolygon(std::move(polygon_b), &front, &back, &is_coplanar); EXPECT_EQ(is_coplanar, false); EXPECT_EQ(front, nullptr); EXPECT_NE(back, nullptr); } // One quad intersects a pent with an occluded side. TEST(DrawPolygonSplitTest, SlimClip) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_a; vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_b; vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(9.0f, 9.0f, 5.000f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.001f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.000f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(1.002f, 1.002f, -0.005f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(9.0f, 9.0f, -4.000f)); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_a, vertices_a, gfx::Vector3dF(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR( polygon_b, vertices_b, gfx::Vector3dF(sqrt(2) / 2, -sqrt(2) / 2, 0.000000), 1); // These are well formed, convex polygons. EXPECT_TRUE(IsPlanarForTesting(*polygon_a)); EXPECT_TRUE(IsConvexForTesting(*polygon_a)); EXPECT_TRUE(IsPlanarForTesting(*polygon_b)); EXPECT_TRUE(IsConvexForTesting(*polygon_b)); std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> front_polygon; std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> back_polygon; bool is_coplanar; polygon_a->SplitPolygon(std::move(polygon_b), &front_polygon, &back_polygon, &is_coplanar); EXPECT_FALSE(is_coplanar); EXPECT_TRUE(front_polygon != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(back_polygon != nullptr); } // One quad intersects another and becomes two pieces. TEST(DrawPolygonSplitTest, BasicSplit) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_a; vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_b; vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 10.0f, -5.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 10.0f, 5.0f)); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_a, vertices_a, gfx::Vector3dF(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_b, vertices_b, gfx::Vector3dF(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1); std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> front_polygon; std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> back_polygon; bool is_coplanar; polygon_a->SplitPolygon(std::move(polygon_b), &front_polygon, &back_polygon, &is_coplanar); EXPECT_FALSE(is_coplanar); EXPECT_TRUE(front_polygon != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(back_polygon != nullptr); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> test_points_a; test_points_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); test_points_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f)); test_points_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 10.0f, 5.0f)); test_points_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> test_points_b; test_points_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); test_points_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 10.0f, -5.0f)); test_points_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f)); test_points_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); ValidatePoints(*front_polygon, test_points_a); ValidatePoints(*back_polygon, test_points_b); EXPECT_EQ(4u, front_polygon->points().size()); EXPECT_EQ(4u, back_polygon->points().size()); } // In this test we cut the corner of a quad so that it creates a triangle and // a pentagon as a result. TEST(DrawPolygonSplitTest, AngledSplit) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_a; vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_b; vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(2.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(2.0f, -5.0f, 1.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(-1.0f, -5.0f, -2.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(-1.0f, 5.0f, -2.0f)); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_a, vertices_a, gfx::Vector3dF(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_b, vertices_b, gfx::Vector3dF(0.707107f, 0.0f, -0.707107f), 1); std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> front_polygon; std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> back_polygon; bool is_coplanar; polygon_b->SplitPolygon(std::move(polygon_a), &front_polygon, &back_polygon, &is_coplanar); EXPECT_FALSE(is_coplanar); EXPECT_TRUE(front_polygon != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(back_polygon != nullptr); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> test_points_a; test_points_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 9.0f)); test_points_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); test_points_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> test_points_b; test_points_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); test_points_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); test_points_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f)); test_points_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f)); test_points_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 9.0f)); ValidatePointsWithinDeltaOf(*front_polygon, test_points_a, 1e-6f); ValidatePointsWithinDeltaOf(*back_polygon, test_points_b, 1e-6f); } // This test was derived from An almost coplanar // pair of polygons are used for splitting. In this case, the // splitting plane distance signs are [ 0 0 + - ]. This configuration // represents a case where snapping to the splitting plane causes the // polygon to become twisted. Splitting should still give a valid // result, indicated by all four of the input split polygon vertices // being present in the output polygons. TEST(DrawPolygonSplitTest, AlmostCoplanarSplit) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_a; vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(723.814758300781250f, 552.810119628906250f, -206.656036376953125f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(797.634155273437500f, 549.095703125000000f, -209.802902221679688f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(799.264648437500000f, 490.325805664062500f, -172.261627197265625f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(720.732421875000000f, 493.944458007812500f, -168.700469970703125f)); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_b; vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(720.631286621093750f, 487.595977783203125f, -164.681198120117188f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(799.672851562500000f, 484.059020996093750f, -168.219161987304688f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(801.565490722656250f, 416.416809082031250f, -125.007690429687500f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(717.096801757812500f, 419.792327880859375f, -120.967689514160156f)); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR( splitting_polygon, vertices_a, gfx::Vector3dF(-0.062916249036789f, -0.538499474525452f, -0.840273618698120f), 0); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR( split_polygon, vertices_b, gfx::Vector3dF(-0.061713f, -0.538550f, -0.840330f), 1); std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> front_polygon; std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> back_polygon; bool is_coplanar; splitting_polygon->SplitPolygon(std::move(split_polygon), &front_polygon, &back_polygon, &is_coplanar); EXPECT_FALSE(is_coplanar); EXPECT_TRUE(front_polygon != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(back_polygon != nullptr); for (auto vertex : vertices_b) { EXPECT_TRUE(base::ContainsValue(front_polygon->points(), vertex) || base::ContainsValue(back_polygon->points(), vertex)); } } // In this test we cut the corner of a quad so that it creates a triangle and // a pentagon as a result, and then cut the pentagon. TEST(DrawPolygonSplitTest, DoubleSplit) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_a; vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_b; vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(2.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(2.0f, -5.0f, 1.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(-1.0f, -5.0f, -2.0f)); vertices_b.push_back(gfx::Point3F(-1.0f, 5.0f, -2.0f)); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_a, vertices_a, gfx::Vector3dF(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_b, vertices_b, gfx::Vector3dF(sqrt(2) / 2, 0.0f, -sqrt(2) / 2), 1); std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> front_polygon; std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> back_polygon; bool is_coplanar; polygon_b->SplitPolygon(std::move(polygon_a), &front_polygon, &back_polygon, &is_coplanar); EXPECT_FALSE(is_coplanar); EXPECT_TRUE(front_polygon != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(back_polygon != nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(3u, front_polygon->points().size()); EXPECT_EQ(5u, back_polygon->points().size()); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> saved_back_polygon_vertices = back_polygon->points(); std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_c; vertices_c.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f)); vertices_c.push_back(gfx::Point3F(1.0f, -0.05f, 0.0f)); vertices_c.push_back(gfx::Point3F(10.0f, 0.05f, 9.0f)); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON_PTR(polygon_c, vertices_c, gfx::Vector3dF(0.005555f, -0.99997f, 0.005555f), 0); polygon_c->RecomputeNormalForTesting(); std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> second_front_polygon; std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> second_back_polygon; polygon_c->SplitPolygon(std::move(back_polygon), &second_front_polygon, &second_back_polygon, &is_coplanar); EXPECT_FALSE(is_coplanar); EXPECT_TRUE(second_front_polygon != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(second_back_polygon != nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(4u, second_front_polygon->points().size()); EXPECT_EQ(3u, second_back_polygon->points().size()); for (auto vertex : saved_back_polygon_vertices) { EXPECT_TRUE(base::ContainsValue(second_front_polygon->points(), vertex) || base::ContainsValue(second_back_polygon->points(), vertex)); } } TEST(DrawPolygonTransformTest, TransformNormal) { std::vector<gfx::Point3F> vertices_a; vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(-1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)); vertices_a.push_back(gfx::Point3F(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); CREATE_NEW_DRAW_POLYGON(polygon_a, vertices_a, gfx::Vector3dF(sqrt(2) / 2, 0.0f, -sqrt(2) / 2), 0); EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_a, sqrt(2) / 2, 0.0f, -sqrt(2) / 2); gfx::Transform transform; transform.RotateAboutYAxis(45.0f); // This would transform the vertices as well, but we are transforming a // DrawPolygon with 0 vertices just to make sure our normal transformation // using the inverse tranpose matrix gives us the right result. polygon_a.TransformToScreenSpace(transform); // Note: We use EXPECT_FLOAT_WITHIN_EPSILON instead of EXPECT_FLOAT_EQUAL here // because some architectures (e.g., Arm64) employ a fused multiply-add // instruction which causes rounding asymmetry and reduces precision. // EXPECT_NORMAL(polygon_a, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); } } // namespace } // namespace viz
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_MODULES_SENSOR_SENSOR_PROVIDER_PROXY_H_ #define THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_MODULES_SENSOR_SENSOR_PROVIDER_PROXY_H_ #include "services/device/public/mojom/sensor.mojom-blink.h" #include "services/device/public/mojom/sensor_provider.mojom-blink.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/supplementable.h" namespace blink { class SensorProxy; // This class wraps 'SensorProvider' mojo interface and it manages // 'SensorProxy' instances. class SensorProviderProxy final : public GarbageCollectedFinalized<SensorProviderProxy>, public Supplement<LocalFrame> { USING_GARBAGE_COLLECTED_MIXIN(SensorProviderProxy); WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(SensorProviderProxy); public: static const char kSupplementName[]; static SensorProviderProxy* From(LocalFrame*); ~SensorProviderProxy(); SensorProxy* CreateSensorProxy(device::mojom::blink::SensorType, Page*); SensorProxy* GetSensorProxy(device::mojom::blink::SensorType); virtual void Trace(blink::Visitor*); private: friend class SensorProxy; // To call getSensorProvider(). explicit SensorProviderProxy(LocalFrame&); void InitializeIfNeeded(); bool IsInitialized() const { return sensor_provider_.is_bound(); } device::mojom::blink::SensorProvider* GetSensorProvider() const { return sensor_provider_.get(); } void OnSensorProviderConnectionError(); using SensorsSet = HeapHashSet<WeakMember<SensorProxy>>; SensorsSet sensor_proxies_; device::mojom::blink::SensorProviderPtr sensor_provider_; }; } // namespace blink #endif // THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_MODULES_SENSOR_SENSOR_PROVIDER_PROXY_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // Author: (Joseph Schorr) // Based on original Protocol Buffers design by // Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others. // // TODO(ksroka): Move some of these tests to #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h> #include <google/protobuf/util/field_comparator.h> #include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h> #include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer_unittest.pb.h> #include <google/protobuf/text_format.h> #include <google/protobuf/wire_format.h> #include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h> #include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h> #include <google/protobuf/any_test.pb.h> #include <google/protobuf/map_unittest.pb.h> #include <google/protobuf/unittest.pb.h> #include <google/protobuf/map_test_util.h> #include <google/protobuf/test_util.h> #include <google/protobuf/stubs/logging.h> #include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h> #include <google/protobuf/testing/googletest.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> namespace google { namespace protobuf { namespace { const FieldDescriptor* GetFieldDescriptor( const Message& message, const string& field_name) { std::vector<string> field_path = Split(field_name, ".", true); const Descriptor* descriptor = message.GetDescriptor(); const FieldDescriptor* field = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < field_path.size(); i++) { field = descriptor->FindFieldByName(field_path[i]); descriptor = field->message_type(); } return field; } void ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(util::MessageDifferencer* differencer, const Message& msg1, const Message& msg2) { differencer->set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::FULL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer->Compare(msg1, msg2)); differencer->set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer->Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicEqualityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); // Compare EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicInequalityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); msg1.set_optional_int32(-1); // Compare EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldInequalityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); msg1.add_repeated_int32(-1); // Compare EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, MapFieldEqualityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestMap msg1; unittest::TestMap msg2; MapReflectionTester tester(unittest::TestMap::descriptor()); tester.SetMapFieldsViaReflection(&msg1); tester.SetMapFieldsViaReflection(&msg2); tester.SwapMapsViaReflection(&msg1); // Compare EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicPartialEqualityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, PartialEqualityTestExtraField) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); msg1.clear_optional_int32(); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, PartialEqualityTestSkipRequiredField) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestRequired msg1; unittest::TestRequired msg2; msg1.set_a(401); msg2.set_a(401); msg2.set_b(402); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicPartialInequalityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); msg1.set_optional_int32(-1); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, PartialInequalityMissingFieldTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); msg2.clear_optional_int32(); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldPartialInequalityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); msg1.add_repeated_int32(-1); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicEquivalencyTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); // Compare EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equivalent(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, EquivalencyNotEqualTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); msg1.clear_optional_int32(); msg2.set_optional_int32(0); // Compare EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equivalent(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicInequivalencyTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); msg1.set_optional_int32(-1); // Compare EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equivalent(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicEquivalencyNonSetTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; // Compare EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equivalent(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicInequivalencyNonSetTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; msg1.set_optional_int32(-1); // Compare EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equivalent(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicPartialEquivalencyTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_message_field_comparison( util::MessageDifferencer::EQUIVALENT); differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, PartialEquivalencyNotEqualTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); msg1.set_optional_int32(0); msg2.clear_optional_int32(); // Compare EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_message_field_comparison( util::MessageDifferencer::EQUIVALENT); differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, PartialEquivalencyTestExtraField) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); msg1.clear_optional_int32(); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_message_field_comparison( util::MessageDifferencer::EQUIVALENT); differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, PartialEquivalencyTestSkipRequiredField) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestRequired msg1; unittest::TestRequired msg2; msg1.set_a(401); msg2.set_a(401); msg2.set_b(402); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_message_field_comparison( util::MessageDifferencer::EQUIVALENT); differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicPartialInequivalencyTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); msg1.set_optional_int32(-1); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_message_field_comparison( util::MessageDifferencer::EQUIVALENT); differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicPartialEquivalencyNonSetTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_message_field_comparison( util::MessageDifferencer::EQUIVALENT); differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicPartialInequivalencyNonSetTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; msg1.set_optional_int32(-1); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_message_field_comparison( util::MessageDifferencer::EQUIVALENT); differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, ApproximateEqualityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); // Compare EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, ApproximateModifiedEqualityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); const float v1 = 2.300005f; const float v2 = 2.300006f; msg1.set_optional_float(v1); msg2.set_optional_float(v2); // Compare ASSERT_NE(v1, v2) << "Should not be the same: " << v1 << ", " << v2; ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(v1, v2) << "Should be approx. equal: " << v1 << ", " << v2; EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, ApproximateEquivalencyTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); // Compare EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquivalent(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, ApproximateModifiedEquivalencyTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); // Modify the approximateness requirement const float v1 = 2.300005f; const float v2 = 2.300006f; msg1.set_optional_float(v1); msg2.set_optional_float(v2); // Compare ASSERT_NE(v1, v2) << "Should not be the same: " << v1 << ", " << v2; ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(v1, v2) << "Should be approx. equal: " << v1 << ", " << v2; EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquivalent(msg1, msg2)); // Modify the equivalency requirement too msg1.clear_optional_int32(); msg2.set_optional_int32(0); // Compare. Now should only pass on ApproximatelyEquivalent EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equivalent(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquals(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquivalent(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, ApproximateInequivalencyTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); // Should fail on equivalency msg1.set_optional_int32(-1); EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquivalent(msg1, msg2)); // Make these fields the same again. msg1.set_optional_int32(0); msg2.set_optional_int32(0); EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquivalent(msg1, msg2)); // Should fail on approximate equality check const float v1 = 2.3f; const float v2 = 9.3f; msg1.set_optional_float(v1); msg2.set_optional_float(v2); EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquivalent(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, WithinFractionOrMarginFloatTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); // Should fail on approximate equality check const float v1 = 100.0f; const float v2 = 109.9f; msg1.set_optional_float(v1); msg2.set_optional_float(v2); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); const FieldDescriptor* fd = msg1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("optional_float"); // Set float comparison to exact, margin and fraction value should not matter. differencer.set_float_comparison(util::MessageDifferencer::EXACT); // Set margin for float comparison. differencer.SetFractionAndMargin(fd, 0.0, 10.0); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Margin and fraction float comparison is activated when float comparison is // set to approximate. differencer.set_float_comparison(util::MessageDifferencer::APPROXIMATE); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Test out float comparison with fraction. differencer.SetFractionAndMargin(fd, 0.2, 0.0); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Should fail since the fraction is smaller than error. differencer.SetFractionAndMargin(fd, 0.01, 0.0); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Should pass if either fraction or margin are satisfied. differencer.SetFractionAndMargin(fd, 0.01, 10.0); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Make sure that the margin and fraction only affects the field that it was // set for. msg1.set_default_float(v1); msg2.set_default_float(v2); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); msg1.set_default_float(v1); msg2.set_default_float(v1); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, WithinFractionOrMarginDoubleTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); // Should fail on approximate equality check const double v1 = 100.0; const double v2 = 109.9; msg1.set_optional_double(v1); msg2.set_optional_double(v2); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Set comparison to exact, margin and fraction value should not matter. differencer.set_float_comparison(util::MessageDifferencer::EXACT); // Set margin for float comparison. const FieldDescriptor* fd = msg1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("optional_double"); differencer.SetFractionAndMargin(fd, 0.0, 10.0); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Margin and fraction comparison is activated when float comparison is // set to approximate. differencer.set_float_comparison(util::MessageDifferencer::APPROXIMATE); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Test out comparison with fraction. differencer.SetFractionAndMargin(fd, 0.2, 0.0); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Should fail since the fraction is smaller than error. differencer.SetFractionAndMargin(fd, 0.01, 0.0); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Should pass if either fraction or margin are satisfied. differencer.SetFractionAndMargin(fd, 0.01, 10.0); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Make sure that the margin and fraction only affects the field that it was // set for. msg1.set_default_double(v1); msg2.set_default_double(v2); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); msg1.set_default_double(v1); msg2.set_default_double(v1); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, WithinDefaultFractionOrMarginDoubleTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); // Should fail on approximate equality check const double v1 = 100.0; const double v2 = 109.9; msg1.set_optional_double(v1); msg2.set_optional_double(v2); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; // Compare EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Set up a custom field comparitor, with a default fraction and margin for // float and double comparison. util::DefaultFieldComparator field_comparitor; field_comparitor.SetDefaultFractionAndMargin(0.0, 10.0); differencer.set_field_comparator(&field_comparitor); // Set comparison to exact, margin and fraction value should not matter. field_comparitor.set_float_comparison(util::DefaultFieldComparator::EXACT); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Margin and fraction comparison is activated when float comparison is // set to approximate. field_comparitor.set_float_comparison( util::DefaultFieldComparator::APPROXIMATE); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Test out comparison with fraction. field_comparitor.SetDefaultFractionAndMargin(0.2, 0.0); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Should fail since the fraction is smaller than error. field_comparitor.SetDefaultFractionAndMargin(0.01, 0.0); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Should pass if either fraction or margin are satisfied. field_comparitor.SetDefaultFractionAndMargin(0.01, 10.0); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Make sure that the default margin and fraction affects all fields msg1.set_default_double(v1); msg2.set_default_double(v2); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicFieldOrderingsTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestFieldOrderings msg1; unittest::TestFieldOrderings msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFieldsAndExtensions(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFieldsAndExtensions(&msg2); // Compare EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicFieldOrderingInequalityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestFieldOrderings msg1; unittest::TestFieldOrderings msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFieldsAndExtensions(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFieldsAndExtensions(&msg2); msg1.set_my_float(15.00); msg2.set_my_float(16.00); // Compare EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicExtensionTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllExtensions msg1; unittest::TestAllExtensions msg2; TestUtil::SetAllExtensions(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllExtensions(&msg2); // Compare EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, BasicExtensionInequalityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestAllExtensions msg1; unittest::TestAllExtensions msg2; TestUtil::SetAllExtensions(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllExtensions(&msg2); msg1.SetExtension(unittest::optional_int32_extension, 101); msg2.SetExtension(unittest::optional_int32_extension, 102); // Compare EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, OneofTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestOneof2 msg1; unittest::TestOneof2 msg2; TestUtil::SetOneof1(&msg1); TestUtil::SetOneof1(&msg2); // Compare EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, OneofInequalityTest) { // Create the testing protos unittest::TestOneof2 msg1; unittest::TestOneof2 msg2; TestUtil::SetOneof1(&msg1); TestUtil::SetOneof2(&msg2); // Compare EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, UnknownFieldPartialEqualTest) { unittest::TestEmptyMessage empty1; unittest::TestEmptyMessage empty2; UnknownFieldSet* unknown1 = empty1.mutable_unknown_fields(); UnknownFieldSet* unknown2 = empty2.mutable_unknown_fields(); unknown1->AddVarint(243, 122); unknown1->AddLengthDelimited(245, "abc"); unknown1->AddGroup(246)->AddFixed32(248, 1); unknown1->mutable_field(2)->mutable_group()->AddFixed32(248, 2); unknown2->AddVarint(243, 122); unknown2->AddLengthDelimited(245, "abc"); unknown2->AddGroup(246)->AddFixed32(248, 1); unknown2->mutable_field(2)->mutable_group()->AddFixed32(248, 2); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(empty1, empty2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, SpecifiedFieldsEqualityAllTest) { unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields1; std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields2; msg1.GetReflection()->ListFields(msg1, &fields1); msg2.GetReflection()->ListFields(msg2, &fields2); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, fields1, fields2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, SpecifiedFieldsInequalityAllTest) { unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields1; std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields2; msg1.GetReflection()->ListFields(msg1, &fields1); msg2.GetReflection()->ListFields(msg2, &fields2); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, fields1, fields2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, SpecifiedFieldsEmptyListAlwaysSucceeds) { unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> empty_fields; util::MessageDifferencer differencer; EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, empty_fields, empty_fields)); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, empty_fields, empty_fields)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, SpecifiedFieldsCompareWithSelf) { unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields; msg1.GetReflection()->ListFields(msg1, &fields); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg1, fields, fields)); { // Compare with a subset of fields. std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> compare_fields; for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) { if (i % 2 == 0) { compare_fields.push_back(fields[i]); } } EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg1, compare_fields, compare_fields)); } { // Specify a different set of fields to compare, even though we're using the // same message. This should fail, since we are explicitly saying that the // set of fields are different. std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> compare_fields1; std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> compare_fields2; for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) { if (i % 2 == 0) { compare_fields1.push_back(fields[i]); } else { compare_fields2.push_back(fields[i]); } } EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.CompareWithFields( msg1, msg1, compare_fields1, compare_fields2)); } } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, SpecifiedFieldsEqualityAllShuffledTest) { // This is a public function, so make sure there are no assumptions about the // list of fields. Randomly shuffle them to make sure that they are properly // ordered for comparison. unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields1; std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields2; msg1.GetReflection()->ListFields(msg1, &fields1); msg2.GetReflection()->ListFields(msg2, &fields2); std::random_shuffle(fields1.begin(), fields1.end()); std::random_shuffle(fields2.begin(), fields2.end()); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, fields1, fields2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, SpecifiedFieldsSubsetEqualityTest) { // Specify a set of fields to compare. All the fields are equal. unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields1; msg1.GetReflection()->ListFields(msg1, &fields1); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> compare_fields; // Only compare the field descriptors with even indices. for (int i = 0; i < fields1.size(); ++i) { if (i % 2 == 0) { compare_fields.push_back(fields1[i]); } } util::MessageDifferencer differencer; EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, compare_fields, compare_fields)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, SpecifiedFieldsSubsetIgnoresOtherFieldDifferencesTest) { // Specify a set of fields to compare, but clear all the other fields in one // of the messages. This should fail a regular compare, but CompareWithFields // should succeed. unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields1; const Reflection* reflection = msg1.GetReflection(); reflection->ListFields(msg1, &fields1); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> compare_fields; // Only compare the field descriptors with even indices. for (int i = 0; i < fields1.size(); ++i) { if (i % 2 == 0) { compare_fields.push_back(fields1[i]); } else { reflection->ClearField(&msg2, fields1[i]); } } util::MessageDifferencer differencer; EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, compare_fields, compare_fields)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, SpecifiedFieldsDetectsDifferencesTest) { // Change all of the repeated fields in one of the messages, and use only // those fields for comparison. unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); TestUtil::ModifyRepeatedFields(&msg2); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields1; msg1.GetReflection()->ListFields(msg1, &fields1); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> compare_fields; // Only compare the repeated field descriptors. for (int i = 0; i < fields1.size(); ++i) { if (fields1[i]->is_repeated()) { compare_fields.push_back(fields1[i]); } } util::MessageDifferencer differencer; EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, compare_fields, compare_fields)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, SpecifiedFieldsEquivalenceAllTest) { unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg1); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&msg2); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields1; std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields2; msg1.GetReflection()->ListFields(msg1, &fields1); msg2.GetReflection()->ListFields(msg2, &fields2); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_message_field_comparison( util::MessageDifferencer::EQUIVALENT); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, fields1, fields2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, SpecifiedFieldsEquivalenceIgnoresOtherFieldDifferencesTest) { unittest::TestAllTypes msg1; unittest::TestAllTypes msg2; const Descriptor* desc = msg1.GetDescriptor(); const FieldDescriptor* optional_int32_desc = desc->FindFieldByName("optional_int32"); const FieldDescriptor* optional_int64_desc = desc->FindFieldByName("optional_int64"); const FieldDescriptor* default_int64_desc = desc->FindFieldByName("default_int64"); ASSERT_TRUE(optional_int32_desc != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(optional_int64_desc != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(default_int64_desc != NULL); msg1.set_optional_int32(0); msg2.set_optional_int64(0); msg1.set_default_int64(default_int64_desc->default_value_int64()); // Set a field to a non-default value so we know that field selection is // actually doing something. msg2.set_optional_uint64(23); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields1; std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields2; fields1.push_back(optional_int32_desc); fields1.push_back(default_int64_desc); fields2.push_back(optional_int64_desc); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, fields1, fields2)); differencer.set_message_field_comparison( util::MessageDifferencer::EQUIVALENT); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, fields1, fields2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldSetTest_SetOfSet) { // Create the testing protos protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); item->add_ra(1); item->add_ra(2); item->add_ra(3); item = msg1.add_item(); item->add_ra(5); item->add_ra(6); item = msg1.add_item(); item->add_ra(1); item->add_ra(3); item = msg1.add_item(); item->add_ra(6); item->add_ra(7); item->add_ra(8); item = msg2.add_item(); item->add_ra(6); item->add_ra(5); item = msg2.add_item(); item->add_ra(6); item->add_ra(8); item->add_ra(7); item = msg2.add_item(); item->add_ra(1); item->add_ra(3); item = msg2.add_item(); item->add_ra(3); item->add_ra(2); item->add_ra(1); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_repeated_field_comparison(util::MessageDifferencer::AS_SET); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldSetTest_Combination) { // Create the testing protos protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; // Treat "item" as Map, with key = "a" // Treat "item.ra" also as Set // Treat "rv" as Set // Treat "rw" as List protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(3); item->add_ra(1); item->add_ra(2); item->add_ra(3); item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(4); item->add_ra(5); item->add_ra(6); item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(1); item->add_ra(1); item->add_ra(3); item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(2); item->add_ra(6); item->add_ra(7); item->add_ra(8); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(4); item->add_ra(6); item->add_ra(5); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(2); item->add_ra(6); item->add_ra(8); item->add_ra(7); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(1); item->add_ra(1); item->add_ra(3); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(3); item->add_ra(3); item->add_ra(2); item->add_ra(1); msg1.add_rv(3); msg1.add_rv(4); msg1.add_rv(7); msg1.add_rv(0); msg2.add_rv(4); msg2.add_rv(3); msg2.add_rv(0); msg2.add_rv(7); msg1.add_rw("nothing"); msg2.add_rw("nothing"); msg1.add_rw("should"); msg2.add_rw("should"); msg1.add_rw("change"); msg2.add_rw("change"); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer1; differencer1.TreatAsMap(msg1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("item"), item->GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("a")); differencer1.TreatAsSet(msg1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("rv")); differencer1.TreatAsSet(item->GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("ra")); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer1.Compare(msg1, msg2)); util::MessageDifferencer differencer2; differencer2.TreatAsMap(msg1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("item"), item->GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("a")); differencer2.set_repeated_field_comparison(util::MessageDifferencer::AS_SET); differencer2.TreatAsList(msg1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("rw")); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer2.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldMapTest_Partial) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; // message msg1 { // item { a: 1; b: "11" } // } protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(1); item->set_b("11"); protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; // message msg2 { // item { a: 2; b: "22" } // item { a: 1; b: "11" } // } item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(2); item->set_b("22"); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(1); item->set_b("11"); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.TreatAsMap(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item"), GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.a")); differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldSetTest_Duplicates) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage a, b, c; // message a: { // rv: 0 // rv: 1 // rv: 0 // } a.add_rv(0); a.add_rv(1); a.add_rv(0); // message b: { // rv: 0 // rv: 0 // rv: 1 // } b.add_rv(0); b.add_rv(0); b.add_rv(1); // message c: { // rv: 0 // rv: 1 // } c.add_rv(0); c.add_rv(1); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.TreatAsSet(GetFieldDescriptor(a, "rv")); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(b, a)); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(c, a)); util::MessageDifferencer differencer1; differencer1.set_repeated_field_comparison(util::MessageDifferencer::AS_SET); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer1.Compare(b, a)); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer1.Compare(c, a)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldSetTest_PartialSimple) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage a, b, c; // message a: { // rm { c: 1 } // rm { c: 0 } // } a.add_rm()->set_c(1); a.add_rm()->set_c(0); // message b: { // rm { c: 1 } // rm {} // } b.add_rm()->set_c(1); b.add_rm(); // message c: { // rm {} // rm { c: 1 } // } c.add_rm(); c.add_rm()->set_c(1); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); differencer.TreatAsSet(GetFieldDescriptor(a, "rm")); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(b, a)); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(c, a)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldSetTest_Partial) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1, msg2; // message msg1: { // rm { a: 1 } // rm { b: 2 } // rm { c: 3 } // } msg1.add_rm()->set_a(1); msg1.add_rm()->set_b(2); msg1.add_rm()->set_c(3); // message msg2: { // rm { a: 1; c: 3 } // rm { b: 2; c: 3 } // rm { b: 2 } // } protobuf_unittest::TestField* field = msg2.add_rm(); field->set_a(1); field->set_c(3); field = msg2.add_rm(); field->set_b(2); field->set_c(3); field = msg2.add_rm(); field->set_b(2); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); differencer.TreatAsSet(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "rm")); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldMapTest_MultipleFieldsAsKey) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; // Treat "item" as Map, with key = ("a", "ra") // Treat "item.ra" as Set protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); // key => value: (1, {2, 3}) => "a" item->set_a(1); item->add_ra(2); item->add_ra(3); item->set_b("a"); item = msg1.add_item(); // key => value: (2, {1, 3}) => "b" item->set_a(2); item->add_ra(1); item->add_ra(3); item->set_b("b"); item = msg1.add_item(); // key => value: (1, {1, 3}) => "c" item->set_a(1); item->add_ra(1); item->add_ra(3); item->set_b("c"); item = msg2.add_item(); // key => value: (1, {1, 3}) => "c" item->set_a(1); item->add_ra(3); item->add_ra(1); item->set_b("c"); item = msg2.add_item(); // key => value: (1, {2, 3}) => "a" item->set_a(1); item->add_ra(3); item->add_ra(2); item->set_b("a"); item = msg2.add_item(); // key => value: (2, {1, 3}) => "b" item->set_a(2); item->add_ra(3); item->add_ra(1); item->set_b("b"); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.TreatAsSet(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.ra")); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> key_fields; key_fields.push_back(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.a")); key_fields.push_back(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.ra")); differencer.TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldsAsKey( GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item"), key_fields); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Introduce some differences. msg1.clear_item(); msg2.clear_item(); item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(4); item->add_ra(5); item->add_ra(6); item->set_b("hello"); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(4); item->add_ra(6); item->add_ra(5); item->set_b("world"); string output; differencer.ReportDifferencesToString(&output); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_EQ( "moved: item[0].ra[0] -> item[0].ra[1] : 5\n" "moved: item[0].ra[1] -> item[0].ra[0] : 6\n" "modified: item[0].b: \"hello\" -> \"world\"\n", output); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldMapTest_MultipleFieldPathsAsKey) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; // Treat "item" as Map, with key = ("m.a", "m.rc") // Treat "item.m.rc" as Set protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); // key => value: (1, {2, 3}) => "a" item->mutable_m()->set_a(1); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(2); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(3); item->set_b("a"); item = msg1.add_item(); // key => value: (2, {1, 3}) => "b" item->mutable_m()->set_a(2); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(1); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(3); item->set_b("b"); item = msg1.add_item(); // key => value: (1, {1, 3}) => "c" item->mutable_m()->set_a(1); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(1); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(3); item->set_b("c"); item = msg2.add_item(); // key => value: (1, {1, 3}) => "c" item->mutable_m()->set_a(1); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(3); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(1); item->set_b("c"); item = msg2.add_item(); // key => value: (1, {2, 3}) => "a" item->mutable_m()->set_a(1); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(3); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(2); item->set_b("a"); item = msg2.add_item(); // key => value: (2, {1, 3}) => "b" item->mutable_m()->set_a(2); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(3); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(1); item->set_b("b"); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.TreatAsSet(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.m.rc")); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); std::vector<std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> > key_field_paths; std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> key_field_path1; key_field_path1.push_back(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.m")); key_field_path1.push_back(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.m.a")); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> key_field_path2; key_field_path2.push_back(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.m")); key_field_path2.push_back(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.m.rc")); key_field_paths.push_back(key_field_path1); key_field_paths.push_back(key_field_path2); differencer.TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldPathsAsKey( GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item"), key_field_paths); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Introduce some differences. msg1.clear_item(); msg2.clear_item(); item = msg1.add_item(); item->mutable_m()->set_a(4); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(5); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(6); item->set_b("hello"); item = msg2.add_item(); item->mutable_m()->set_a(4); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(6); item->mutable_m()->add_rc(5); item->set_b("world"); string output; differencer.ReportDifferencesToString(&output); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_EQ( "modified: item[0].b: \"hello\" -> \"world\"\n" "moved: item[0].m.rc[0] -> item[0].m.rc[1] : 5\n" "moved: item[0].m.rc[1] -> item[0].m.rc[0] : 6\n", output); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldMapTest_IgnoredKeyFields) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; // Treat "item" as Map, with key = ("a", "ra") protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(1); item->add_ra(2); item->set_b("hello"); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(1); item->add_ra(3); item->set_b("world"); // Compare util::MessageDifferencer differencer; std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> key_fields; key_fields.push_back(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.a")); key_fields.push_back(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.ra")); differencer.TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldsAsKey( GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item"), key_fields); string output; differencer.ReportDifferencesToString(&output); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_EQ( "added: item[0]: { a: 1 ra: 3 b: \"world\" }\n" "deleted: item[0]: { a: 1 ra: 2 b: \"hello\" }\n", output); // Ignored fields that are listed as parts of the key are still used // in key comparison, but they're not used in value comparison. differencer.IgnoreField(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.ra")); output.clear(); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_EQ( "added: item[0]: { a: 1 ra: 3 b: \"world\" }\n" "deleted: item[0]: { a: 1 ra: 2 b: \"hello\" }\n", output); // Ignoring a field in the key is different from treating the left fields // as key. That is: // (key = ("a", "ra") && ignore "ra") != (key = ("a") && ignore "ra") util::MessageDifferencer differencer2; differencer2.TreatAsMap(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item"), GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.a")); differencer2.IgnoreField(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.ra")); output.clear(); differencer2.ReportDifferencesToString(&output); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer2.Compare(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_EQ( "ignored: item[0].ra\n" "modified: item[0].b: \"hello\" -> \"world\"\n", output); } static const char* const kIgnoredFields[] = {"rm.b", "rm.m.b"}; class TestIgnorer : public util::MessageDifferencer::IgnoreCriteria { public: virtual bool IsIgnored( const Message& message1, const Message& message2, const FieldDescriptor* field, const std::vector<util::MessageDifferencer::SpecificField>& parent_fields) { string name = ""; for (int i = 0; i < parent_fields.size(); ++i) { name += parent_fields[i].field->name() + "."; } name += field->name(); for (int i = 0; i < GOOGLE_ARRAYSIZE(kIgnoredFields); ++i) { if ([i]) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } }; TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, TreatRepeatedFieldAsSetWithIgnoredFields) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; TextFormat::MergeFromString("rm { a: 11\n b: 12 }", &msg1); TextFormat::MergeFromString("rm { a: 11\n b: 13 }", &msg2); util::MessageDifferencer differ; differ.TreatAsSet(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "rm")); differ.AddIgnoreCriteria(new TestIgnorer); EXPECT_TRUE(differ.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, TreatRepeatedFieldAsMapWithIgnoredKeyFields) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; TextFormat::MergeFromString("rm { a: 11\n m { a: 12\n b: 13\n } }", &msg1); TextFormat::MergeFromString("rm { a: 11\n m { a: 12\n b: 14\n } }", &msg2); util::MessageDifferencer differ; differ.TreatAsMap(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "rm"), GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "rm.m")); differ.AddIgnoreCriteria(new TestIgnorer); EXPECT_TRUE(differ.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } // Takes the product of all elements of item.ra as the key for key comparison. class ValueProductMapKeyComparator : public util::MessageDifferencer::MapKeyComparator { public: typedef util::MessageDifferencer::SpecificField SpecificField; virtual bool IsMatch( const Message &message1, const Message &message2, const std::vector<SpecificField>& parent_fields) const { const Reflection* reflection1 = message1.GetReflection(); const Reflection* reflection2 = message2.GetReflection(); // FieldDescriptor for item.ra const FieldDescriptor* ra_field = message1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("ra"); // Get the product of all elements in item.ra int result1 = 1, result2 = 1; for (int i = 0; i < reflection1->FieldSize(message1, ra_field); ++i) { result1 *= reflection1->GetRepeatedInt32(message1, ra_field, i); } for (int i = 0; i < reflection2->FieldSize(message2, ra_field); ++i) { result2 *= reflection2->GetRepeatedInt32(message2, ra_field, i); } return result1 == result2; } }; TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldMapTest_CustomMapKeyComparator) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; // Treat "item" as Map, using custom key comparator to determine if two // elements have the same key. protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); item->add_ra(6); item->add_ra(35); item->set_b("hello"); item = msg2.add_item(); item->add_ra(10); item->add_ra(21); item->set_b("hello"); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; ValueProductMapKeyComparator key_comparator; differencer.TreatAsMapUsingKeyComparator( GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item"), &key_comparator); string output; differencer.ReportDifferencesToString(&output); // Though the above two messages have different values for item.ra, they // are regarded as having the same key because 6 * 35 == 10 * 21. That's // how the key comparator determines if the two have the same key. // However, in value comparison, all fields of the message are taken into // consideration, so they are different because their item.ra fields have // different values using normal value comparison. EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_EQ( "modified: item[0].ra[0]: 6 -> 10\n" "modified: item[0].ra[1]: 35 -> 21\n", output); differencer.IgnoreField(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.ra")); output.clear(); // item.ra is ignored in value comparison, so the two messages equal. EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_EQ("ignored: item[0].ra\n", output); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, RepeatedFieldSetTest_Subset) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; msg1.add_rv(3); msg1.add_rv(8); msg1.add_rv(2); msg2.add_rv(2); msg2.add_rv(3); msg2.add_rv(5); msg2.add_rv(8); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; // Fail with only partial scope set. differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); differencer.set_repeated_field_comparison(util::MessageDifferencer::AS_LIST); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Fail with only set-like comparison set. differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::FULL); differencer.set_repeated_field_comparison(util::MessageDifferencer::AS_SET); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); // Succeed with scope and repeated field comparison set properly. differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); differencer.set_repeated_field_comparison(util::MessageDifferencer::AS_SET); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_Single) { protobuf_unittest::TestField msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestField msg2; msg1.set_c(3); msg1.add_rc(1); msg2.set_c(5); msg2.add_rc(1); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "c")); ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(&differencer, msg1, msg2); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_Repeated) { protobuf_unittest::TestField msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestField msg2; msg1.set_c(3); msg1.add_rc(1); msg1.add_rc(2); msg2.set_c(3); msg2.add_rc(1); msg2.add_rc(3); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "rc")); ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(&differencer, msg1, msg2); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_Message) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestField* field; field = msg1.add_rm(); field->set_c(3); field = msg2.add_rm(); field->set_c(4); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "rm")); ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(&differencer, msg1, msg2); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_Group) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item; item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(3); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(4); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item")); ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(&differencer, msg1, msg2); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_Missing) { protobuf_unittest::TestField msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestField msg2; msg1.set_c(3); msg1.add_rc(1); msg2.add_rc(1); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "c")); ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(&differencer, msg1, msg2); ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(&differencer, msg2, msg1); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_Multiple) { protobuf_unittest::TestField msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestField msg2; msg1.set_c(3); msg1.add_rc(1); msg1.add_rc(2); msg2.set_c(5); msg2.add_rc(1); msg2.add_rc(3); const FieldDescriptor* c = GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "c"); const FieldDescriptor* rc = GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "rc"); { // Ignore c util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(c); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } { // Ignore rc util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(rc); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } { // Ignore both util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(c); differencer.IgnoreField(rc); ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(&differencer, msg1, msg2); } } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_NestedMessage) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestField* field; field = msg1.add_rm(); field->set_c(3); field->add_rc(1); field = msg2.add_rm(); field->set_c(4); field->add_rc(1); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "rm.c")); ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(&differencer, msg1, msg2); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_NestedGroup) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item; item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(3); item->set_b("foo"); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(4); item->set_b("foo"); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.a")); ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(&differencer, msg1, msg2); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_InsideSet) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item; item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(1); item->set_b("foo"); item->add_ra(1); item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(2); item->set_b("bar"); item->add_ra(2); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(2); item->set_b("bar"); item->add_ra(2); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(1); item->set_b("baz"); item->add_ra(1); const FieldDescriptor* item_desc = GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item"); const FieldDescriptor* b = GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.b"); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(b); differencer.TreatAsSet(item_desc); ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(&differencer, msg1, msg2); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_InsideMap) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item; item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(1); item->set_b("foo"); item->add_ra(1); item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(2); item->set_b("bar"); item->add_ra(2); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(2); item->set_b("bar"); item->add_ra(2); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(1); item->set_b("baz"); item->add_ra(1); const FieldDescriptor* item_desc = GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item"); const FieldDescriptor* a = GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.a"); const FieldDescriptor* b = GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.b"); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(b); differencer.TreatAsMap(item_desc, a); ExpectEqualsWithDifferencer(&differencer, msg1, msg2); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_DoesNotIgnoreKey) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item; item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(1); item->set_b("foo"); item->add_ra(1); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(2); item->set_b("foo"); item->add_ra(1); const FieldDescriptor* item_desc = GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item"); const FieldDescriptor* a = GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "item.a"); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(a); differencer.TreatAsMap(item_desc, a); EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); } TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, IgnoreField_TrumpsCompareWithFields) { protobuf_unittest::TestField msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestField msg2; msg1.set_c(3); msg1.add_rc(1); msg1.add_rc(2); msg2.set_c(3); msg2.add_rc(1); msg2.add_rc(3); const FieldDescriptor* c = GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "c"); const FieldDescriptor* rc = GetFieldDescriptor(msg1, "rc"); std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields; fields.push_back(c); fields.push_back(rc); util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.IgnoreField(rc); differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::FULL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, fields, fields)); differencer.set_scope(util::MessageDifferencer::PARTIAL); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.CompareWithFields(msg1, msg2, fields, fields)); } // Test class to save a copy of the last field_context.parent_fields() vector // passed to the comparison function. class ParentSavingFieldComparator : public util::FieldComparator { public: ParentSavingFieldComparator() {} virtual ComparisonResult Compare( const google::protobuf::Message& message_1, const google::protobuf::Message& message_2, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field, int index_1, int index_2, const google::protobuf::util::FieldContext* field_context) { if (field_context) parent_fields_ = *(field_context->parent_fields()); if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) { return RECURSE; } else { return SAME; } } std::vector<google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer::SpecificField> parent_fields() { return parent_fields_; } private: std::vector<google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer::SpecificField> parent_fields_; }; // Tests if MessageDifferencer sends the parent fields in the FieldContext // parameter. TEST(MessageDifferencerTest, FieldContextParentFieldsTest) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; msg1.add_rm()->set_c(1); protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; msg2.add_rm()->set_c(1); ParentSavingFieldComparator field_comparator; util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_field_comparator(&field_comparator); differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2); // We want only one parent with the name "rm" ASSERT_EQ(1, field_comparator.parent_fields().size()); EXPECT_EQ("rm", field_comparator.parent_fields()[0].field->name()); } class ComparisonTest : public testing::Test { protected: ComparisonTest() : use_equivalency_(false), repeated_field_as_set_(false) { // Setup the test. TestUtil::SetAllFields(&proto1_); TestUtil::SetAllFields(&proto2_); TestUtil::SetAllExtensions(&proto1ex_); TestUtil::SetAllExtensions(&proto2ex_); TestUtil::SetAllFieldsAndExtensions(&orderings_proto1_); TestUtil::SetAllFieldsAndExtensions(&orderings_proto2_); unknown1_ = empty1_.mutable_unknown_fields(); unknown2_ = empty2_.mutable_unknown_fields(); } ~ComparisonTest() { } void SetSpecialFieldOption(const Message& message, util::MessageDifferencer* d) { if (!ignored_field_.empty()) { d->IgnoreField(GetFieldDescriptor(message, ignored_field_)); } if (repeated_field_as_set_) { d->set_repeated_field_comparison(util::MessageDifferencer::AS_SET); } if (!set_field_.empty()) { d->TreatAsSet(GetFieldDescriptor(message, set_field_)); } if (!map_field_.empty() && !map_key_.empty()) { d->TreatAsMap(GetFieldDescriptor(message, map_field_), GetFieldDescriptor(message, map_field_ + "." + map_key_)); } } string Run(const Message& msg1, const Message& msg2) { string output; // Setup the comparison. util::MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.ReportDifferencesToString(&output); if (use_equivalency_) { differencer.set_message_field_comparison( util::MessageDifferencer::EQUIVALENT); } SetSpecialFieldOption(msg1, &differencer); // Conduct the comparison. EXPECT_FALSE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); return output; } string Run() { return Run(proto1_, proto2_); } string RunOrder() { return Run(orderings_proto1_, orderings_proto2_); } string RunEx() { return Run(proto1ex_, proto2ex_); } string RunDiff() { return Run(proto1diff_, proto2diff_); } string RunUn() { return Run(empty1_, empty2_); } void use_equivalency() { use_equivalency_ = true; } void repeated_field_as_set() { repeated_field_as_set_ = true; } void field_as_set(const string& field) { set_field_ = field; } void field_as_map(const string& field, const string& key) { map_field_ = field; map_key_ = key; } void ignore_field(const string& field) { ignored_field_ = field; } unittest::TestAllTypes proto1_; unittest::TestAllTypes proto2_; unittest::TestFieldOrderings orderings_proto1_; unittest::TestFieldOrderings orderings_proto2_; unittest::TestAllExtensions proto1ex_; unittest::TestAllExtensions proto2ex_; unittest::TestDiffMessage proto1diff_; unittest::TestDiffMessage proto2diff_; unittest::TestEmptyMessage empty1_; unittest::TestEmptyMessage empty2_; unittest::TestMap map_proto1_; unittest::TestMap map_proto2_; UnknownFieldSet* unknown1_; UnknownFieldSet* unknown2_; bool use_equivalency_; bool repeated_field_as_set_; string set_field_; string map_field_; string map_key_; string ignored_field_; }; // Basic tests. TEST_F(ComparisonTest, AdditionTest) { proto1_.clear_optional_int32(); EXPECT_EQ("added: optional_int32: 101\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, Addition_OrderTest) { orderings_proto1_.clear_my_int(); EXPECT_EQ("added: my_int: 1\n", RunOrder()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, DeletionTest) { proto2_.clear_optional_int32(); EXPECT_EQ("deleted: optional_int32: 101\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, Deletion_OrderTest) { orderings_proto2_.clear_my_string(); EXPECT_EQ("deleted: my_string: \"foo\"\n", RunOrder()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, RepeatedDeletionTest) { proto2_.clear_repeated_int32(); EXPECT_EQ("deleted: repeated_int32[0]: 201\n" "deleted: repeated_int32[1]: 301\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, ModificationTest) { proto1_.set_optional_int32(-1); EXPECT_EQ("modified: optional_int32: -1 -> 101\n", Run()); } // Basic equivalency tests. TEST_F(ComparisonTest, EquivalencyAdditionTest) { use_equivalency(); proto1_.clear_optional_int32(); EXPECT_EQ("modified: optional_int32: 0 -> 101\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, EquivalencyDeletionTest) { use_equivalency(); proto2_.clear_optional_int32(); EXPECT_EQ("modified: optional_int32: 101 -> 0\n", Run()); } // Group tests. TEST_F(ComparisonTest, GroupAdditionTest) { proto1_.mutable_optionalgroup()->clear_a(); EXPECT_EQ("added: optionalgroup.a: 117\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, GroupDeletionTest) { proto2_.mutable_optionalgroup()->clear_a(); EXPECT_EQ("deleted: optionalgroup.a: 117\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, GroupModificationTest) { proto1_.mutable_optionalgroup()->set_a(2); EXPECT_EQ("modified: optionalgroup.a: 2 -> 117\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, GroupFullAdditionTest) { proto1_.clear_optionalgroup(); // Note the difference in the output between this and GroupAdditionTest. EXPECT_EQ("added: optionalgroup: { a: 117 }\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, GroupFullDeletionTest) { proto2_.clear_optionalgroup(); EXPECT_EQ("deleted: optionalgroup: { a: 117 }\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, RepeatedSetOptionTest) { repeated_field_as_set(); proto2_.clear_repeatedgroup(); proto1_.clear_repeatedgroup(); proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(317); proto2_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(909); proto2_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(907); proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(904); proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(907); proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(909); EXPECT_EQ("moved: repeatedgroup[2] -> repeatedgroup[1] : { a: 907 }\n" "moved: repeatedgroup[3] -> repeatedgroup[0] : { a: 909 }\n" "deleted: repeatedgroup[0]: { a: 317 }\n" "deleted: repeatedgroup[1]: { a: 904 }\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, RepeatedSetOptionTest_Ex) { repeated_field_as_set(); proto1ex_.ClearExtension(protobuf_unittest::repeated_nested_message_extension); proto2ex_.ClearExtension(protobuf_unittest::repeated_nested_message_extension); proto2ex_.AddExtension(protobuf_unittest::repeated_nested_message_extension) ->set_bb(909); proto2ex_.AddExtension(protobuf_unittest::repeated_nested_message_extension) ->set_bb(907); proto1ex_.AddExtension(protobuf_unittest::repeated_nested_message_extension) ->set_bb(904); proto1ex_.AddExtension(protobuf_unittest::repeated_nested_message_extension) ->set_bb(907); proto1ex_.AddExtension(protobuf_unittest::repeated_nested_message_extension) ->set_bb(909); EXPECT_EQ("moved: (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[2] ->" " (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[0] :" " { bb: 909 }\n" "deleted: (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[0]:" " { bb: 904 }\n", RunEx()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, RepeatedMapFieldTest_Group) { field_as_map("repeatedgroup", "a"); proto1_.clear_repeatedgroup(); proto2_.clear_repeatedgroup(); proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(317); // deleted proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(904); // deleted proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(907); // moved from proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(909); // moved from proto2_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(909); // moved to proto2_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(318); // added proto2_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(907); // moved to EXPECT_EQ("moved: repeatedgroup[3] -> repeatedgroup[0] : { a: 909 }\n" "added: repeatedgroup[1]: { a: 318 }\n" "deleted: repeatedgroup[0]: { a: 317 }\n" "deleted: repeatedgroup[1]: { a: 904 }\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, RepeatedMapFieldTest_MessageKey) { // Use m as key, but use b as value. field_as_map("item", "m"); protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); // The following code creates one deletion, one addition and two moved fields // on the messages. item->mutable_m()->set_c(0); item->set_b("first"); item = msg1.add_item(); item->mutable_m()->set_c(2); item->set_b("second"); item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_b("null"); // empty key moved item = msg1.add_item(); item->mutable_m()->set_c(3); item->set_b("third"); // deletion item = msg1.add_item(); item->mutable_m()->set_c(2); item->set_b("second"); // duplicated key ( deletion ) item = msg2.add_item(); item->mutable_m()->set_c(2); item->set_b("second"); // modification item = msg2.add_item(); item->mutable_m()->set_c(4); item->set_b("fourth"); // addition item = msg2.add_item(); item->mutable_m()->set_c(0); item->set_b("fist"); // move with change item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_b("null"); EXPECT_EQ( "modified: item[0].b -> item[2].b: \"first\" -> \"fist\"\n" "moved: item[1] -> item[0] : { b: \"second\" m { c: 2 } }\n" "moved: item[2] -> item[3] : { b: \"null\" }\n" "added: item[1]: { b: \"fourth\" m { c: 4 } }\n" "deleted: item[3]: { b: \"third\" m { c: 3 } }\n" "deleted: item[4]: { b: \"second\" m { c: 2 } }\n", Run(msg1, msg2)); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, RepeatedFieldSetTest_SetOfSet) { repeated_field_as_set(); // Create the testing protos protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); item->add_ra(1); item->add_ra(2); item->add_ra(3); item = msg1.add_item(); item->add_ra(5); item->add_ra(6); item = msg1.add_item(); item->add_ra(1); item->add_ra(3); item = msg1.add_item(); item->add_ra(6); item->add_ra(7); item->add_ra(8); item = msg2.add_item(); item->add_ra(6); item->add_ra(5); item = msg2.add_item(); item->add_ra(6); item->add_ra(8); item = msg2.add_item(); item->add_ra(1); item->add_ra(3); item = msg2.add_item(); item->add_ra(3); item->add_ra(2); item->add_ra(1); // Compare EXPECT_EQ("moved: item[0].ra[0] -> item[3].ra[2] : 1\n" "moved: item[0].ra[2] -> item[3].ra[0] : 3\n" "moved: item[0] -> item[3] : { ra: 1 ra: 2 ra: 3 }\n" "moved: item[1].ra[0] -> item[0].ra[1] : 5\n" "moved: item[1].ra[1] -> item[0].ra[0] : 6\n" "moved: item[1] -> item[0] : { ra: 5 ra: 6 }\n" "added: item[1]: { ra: 6 ra: 8 }\n" "deleted: item[3]: { ra: 6 ra: 7 ra: 8 }\n", Run(msg1, msg2)); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, RepeatedMapFieldTest_RepeatedKey) { // used rb as a key, but b is the value. repeated_field_as_set(); field_as_map("item", "rb"); protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); item->add_rb("a"); item->add_rb("b"); item->set_b("first"); item = msg2.add_item(); item->add_rb("c"); item->set_b("second"); item = msg2.add_item(); item->add_rb("b"); item->add_rb("a"); item->set_b("fist"); EXPECT_EQ("modified: item[0].b -> item[1].b: \"first\" -> \"fist\"\n" "moved: item[0].rb[0] -> item[1].rb[1] : \"a\"\n" "moved: item[0].rb[1] -> item[1].rb[0] : \"b\"\n" "added: item[0]: { b: \"second\" rb: \"c\" }\n", Run(msg1, msg2)); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, RepeatedMapFieldTest_RepeatedMessageKey) { field_as_map("item", "rm"); protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); protobuf_unittest::TestField* key = item->add_rm(); key->set_c(2); key->add_rc(10); key->add_rc(10); item = msg1.add_item(); key = item->add_rm(); key->set_c(0); key->add_rc(1); key->add_rc(2); key = item->add_rm(); key->set_c(0); item->add_rb("first"); item = msg2.add_item(); item->CopyFrom(msg1.item(1)); item->add_rb("second"); EXPECT_EQ("added: item[0].rb[1]: \"second\"\n" "deleted: item[0]: { rm { c: 2 rc: 10 rc: 10 } }\n", Run(msg1, msg2)); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, RepeatedSetOptionTest_Unknown) { // Currently, as_set option doesn't have affects on unknown field. // If needed, this feature will be added by request. repeated_field_as_set(); unknown1_->AddGroup(245)->AddFixed32(248, 1); unknown2_->AddGroup(245)->AddFixed32(248, 3); unknown2_->AddGroup(245)->AddFixed32(248, 1); // We expect it behaves the same as normal comparison. EXPECT_EQ("modified: 245[0].248[0]: 0x00000001 -> 0x00000003\n" "added: 245[1]: { ... }\n", RunUn()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, Matching_Unknown) { unknown1_->AddGroup(245)->AddFixed32(248, 1); unknown2_->AddGroup(245)->AddFixed32(248, 1); unknown1_->AddGroup(245)->AddFixed32(248, 3); unknown2_->AddGroup(245)->AddFixed32(248, 3); unknown2_->AddLengthDelimited(242, "cat"); unknown2_->AddGroup(246)->AddFixed32(248, 4); // report_match is false so only added/modified fields are expected. EXPECT_EQ("added: 242[0]: \"cat\"\n" "added: 246[0]: { ... }\n", RunUn()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, RepeatedSetFieldTest) { field_as_set("repeatedgroup"); proto1_.clear_repeatedgroup(); proto2_.clear_repeatedgroup(); proto2_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(909); proto2_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(907); proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(317); proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(904); proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(907); proto1_.add_repeatedgroup()->set_a(909); EXPECT_EQ("moved: repeatedgroup[2] -> repeatedgroup[1] : { a: 907 }\n" "moved: repeatedgroup[3] -> repeatedgroup[0] : { a: 909 }\n" "deleted: repeatedgroup[0]: { a: 317 }\n" "deleted: repeatedgroup[1]: { a: 904 }\n", Run()); } // Embedded message tests. TEST_F(ComparisonTest, EmbeddedAdditionTest) { proto1_.mutable_optional_nested_message()->clear_bb(); EXPECT_EQ("added: 118\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, EmbeddedDeletionTest) { proto2_.mutable_optional_nested_message()->clear_bb(); EXPECT_EQ("deleted: 118\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, EmbeddedModificationTest) { proto1_.mutable_optional_nested_message()->set_bb(2); EXPECT_EQ("modified: 2 -> 118\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, EmbeddedFullAdditionTest) { proto1_.clear_optional_nested_message(); EXPECT_EQ("added: optional_nested_message: { bb: 118 }\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, EmbeddedPartialAdditionTest) { proto1_.clear_optional_nested_message(); proto2_.mutable_optional_nested_message()->clear_bb(); EXPECT_EQ("added: optional_nested_message: { }\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, EmbeddedFullDeletionTest) { proto2_.clear_optional_nested_message(); EXPECT_EQ("deleted: optional_nested_message: { bb: 118 }\n", Run()); } // Repeated element tests. TEST_F(ComparisonTest, BasicRepeatedTest) { proto1_.clear_repeated_int32(); proto2_.clear_repeated_int32(); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(500); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(501); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(502); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(503); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(500); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(500); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(509); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(502); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(504); EXPECT_EQ("modified: repeated_int32[1]: 501 -> 509\n" "modified: repeated_int32[3]: 503 -> 504\n" "deleted: repeated_int32[4]: 500\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, BasicRepeatedTest_SetOption) { repeated_field_as_set(); proto1_.clear_repeated_int32(); proto2_.clear_repeated_int32(); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(501); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(502); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(503); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(500); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(500); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(500); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(509); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(503); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(502); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(504); EXPECT_EQ("moved: repeated_int32[1] -> repeated_int32[3] : 502\n" "moved: repeated_int32[3] -> repeated_int32[0] : 500\n" "added: repeated_int32[1]: 509\n" "added: repeated_int32[4]: 504\n" "deleted: repeated_int32[0]: 501\n" "deleted: repeated_int32[4]: 500\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, BasicRepeatedTest_SetField) { field_as_set("repeated_int32"); proto1_.clear_repeated_int32(); proto2_.clear_repeated_int32(); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(501); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(502); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(503); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(500); proto1_.add_repeated_int32(500); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(500); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(509); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(503); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(502); proto2_.add_repeated_int32(504); EXPECT_EQ("moved: repeated_int32[1] -> repeated_int32[3] : 502\n" "moved: repeated_int32[3] -> repeated_int32[0] : 500\n" "added: repeated_int32[1]: 509\n" "added: repeated_int32[4]: 504\n" "deleted: repeated_int32[0]: 501\n" "deleted: repeated_int32[4]: 500\n", Run()); } // Multiple action tests. TEST_F(ComparisonTest, AddDeleteTest) { proto1_.clear_optional_int32(); proto2_.clear_optional_int64(); EXPECT_EQ("added: optional_int32: 101\n" "deleted: optional_int64: 102\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, AddDelete_FieldOrderingTest) { orderings_proto1_.ClearExtension(unittest::my_extension_string); orderings_proto2_.clear_my_int(); EXPECT_EQ("deleted: my_int: 1\n" "added: (protobuf_unittest.my_extension_string): \"bar\"\n", RunOrder()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, AllThreeTest) { proto1_.clear_optional_int32(); proto2_.clear_optional_float(); proto2_.set_optional_string("hello world!"); EXPECT_EQ("added: optional_int32: 101\n" "deleted: optional_float: 111\n" "modified: optional_string: \"115\" -> \"hello world!\"\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, SandwhichTest) { proto1_.clear_optional_int64(); proto1_.clear_optional_uint32(); proto2_.clear_optional_uint64(); EXPECT_EQ("added: optional_int64: 102\n" "added: optional_uint32: 103\n" "deleted: optional_uint64: 104\n", Run()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, IgnoredNoChangeTest) { proto1diff_.set_v(3); proto2diff_.set_v(3); proto2diff_.set_w("foo"); ignore_field("v"); EXPECT_EQ("ignored: v\n" "added: w: \"foo\"\n", RunDiff()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, IgnoredAddTest) { proto2diff_.set_v(3); proto2diff_.set_w("foo"); ignore_field("v"); EXPECT_EQ("ignored: v\n" "added: w: \"foo\"\n", RunDiff()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, IgnoredDeleteTest) { proto1diff_.set_v(3); proto2diff_.set_w("foo"); ignore_field("v"); EXPECT_EQ("ignored: v\n" "added: w: \"foo\"\n", RunDiff()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, IgnoredModifyTest) { proto1diff_.set_v(3); proto2diff_.set_v(4); proto2diff_.set_w("foo"); ignore_field("v"); EXPECT_EQ("ignored: v\n" "added: w: \"foo\"\n", RunDiff()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, IgnoredRepeatedAddTest) { proto1diff_.add_rv(3); proto1diff_.add_rv(4); proto2diff_.add_rv(3); proto2diff_.add_rv(4); proto2diff_.add_rv(5); proto2diff_.set_w("foo"); ignore_field("rv"); EXPECT_EQ("ignored: rv\n" "added: w: \"foo\"\n", RunDiff()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, IgnoredRepeatedDeleteTest) { proto1diff_.add_rv(3); proto1diff_.add_rv(4); proto1diff_.add_rv(5); proto2diff_.add_rv(3); proto2diff_.add_rv(4); proto2diff_.set_w("foo"); ignore_field("rv"); EXPECT_EQ("ignored: rv\n" "added: w: \"foo\"\n", RunDiff()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, IgnoredRepeatedModifyTest) { proto1diff_.add_rv(3); proto1diff_.add_rv(4); proto2diff_.add_rv(3); proto2diff_.add_rv(5); proto2diff_.set_w("foo"); ignore_field("rv"); EXPECT_EQ("ignored: rv\n" "added: w: \"foo\"\n", RunDiff()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, IgnoredWholeNestedMessage) { proto1diff_.mutable_m()->set_c(3); proto2diff_.mutable_m()->set_c(4); proto2diff_.set_w("foo"); ignore_field("m"); EXPECT_EQ("added: w: \"foo\"\n" "ignored: m\n", RunDiff()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, IgnoredNestedField) { proto1diff_.mutable_m()->set_c(3); proto2diff_.mutable_m()->set_c(4); proto2diff_.set_w("foo"); ignore_field("m.c"); EXPECT_EQ("added: w: \"foo\"\n" "ignored: m.c\n", RunDiff()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, IgnoredRepeatedNested) { proto1diff_.add_rm()->set_c(0); proto1diff_.add_rm()->set_c(1); proto2diff_.add_rm()->set_c(2); proto2diff_.add_rm()->set_c(3); proto2diff_.set_w("foo"); ignore_field("rm.c"); EXPECT_EQ("ignored: rm[0].c\n" "ignored: rm[1].c\n" "added: w: \"foo\"\n", RunDiff()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, IgnoredNestedRepeated) { proto1diff_.mutable_m()->add_rc(23); proto1diff_.mutable_m()->add_rc(24); proto2diff_.mutable_m()->add_rc(25); proto2diff_.set_w("foo"); ignore_field("m.rc"); EXPECT_EQ("added: w: \"foo\"\n" "ignored: m.rc\n", RunDiff()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, ExtensionTest) { proto1ex_.SetExtension(unittest::optional_int32_extension, 401); proto2ex_.SetExtension(unittest::optional_int32_extension, 402); proto1ex_.ClearExtension(unittest::optional_int64_extension); proto2ex_.SetExtension(unittest::optional_int64_extension, 403); EXPECT_EQ( "modified: (protobuf_unittest.optional_int32_extension): 401 -> 402\n" "added: (protobuf_unittest.optional_int64_extension): 403\n", RunEx()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, MatchedUnknownFieldTagTest) { unknown1_->AddVarint(240, 122); unknown2_->AddVarint(240, 121); unknown1_->AddFixed32(241, 1); unknown2_->AddFixed64(241, 2); unknown1_->AddLengthDelimited(242, "cat"); unknown2_->AddLengthDelimited(242, "dog"); EXPECT_EQ( "modified: 240[0]: 122 -> 121\n" "deleted: 241[0]: 0x00000001\n" "added: 241[0]: 0x0000000000000002\n" "modified: 242[0]: \"cat\" -> \"dog\"\n", RunUn()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, UnmatchedUnknownFieldTagTest) { unknown1_->AddFixed32(243, 1); unknown2_->AddVarint(244, 2); unknown2_->AddVarint(244, 4); EXPECT_EQ( "deleted: 243[0]: 0x00000001\n" "added: 244[0]: 2\n" "added: 244[1]: 4\n", RunUn()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, DifferentSizedUnknownFieldTest) { unknown1_->AddVarint(240, 1); unknown1_->AddVarint(240, 3); unknown1_->AddVarint(240, 4); unknown2_->AddVarint(240, 2); unknown2_->AddVarint(240, 3); unknown2_->AddVarint(240, 2); unknown2_->AddVarint(240, 5); EXPECT_EQ( "modified: 240[0]: 1 -> 2\n" "modified: 240[2]: 4 -> 2\n" "added: 240[3]: 5\n", RunUn()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, UnknownFieldsAll) { unknown1_->AddVarint(243, 122); unknown1_->AddFixed64(244, 0x0172356); unknown1_->AddFixed64(244, 0x098); unknown1_->AddGroup(245)->AddFixed32(248, 1); unknown1_->mutable_field(3)->mutable_group()->AddFixed32(248, 2); unknown1_->AddGroup(249)->AddFixed64(250, 1); unknown2_->AddVarint(243, 121); unknown2_->AddLengthDelimited(73882, "test 123"); unknown2_->AddGroup(245)->AddFixed32(248, 3); unknown2_->AddGroup(247); EXPECT_EQ( "modified: 243[0]: 122 -> 121\n" "deleted: 244[0]: 0x0000000000172356\n" "deleted: 244[1]: 0x0000000000000098\n" "modified: 245[0].248[0]: 0x00000001 -> 0x00000003\n" "deleted: 245[0].248[1]: 0x00000002\n" "added: 247[0]: { ... }\n" "deleted: 249[0]: { ... }\n" "added: 73882[0]: \"test 123\"\n", RunUn()); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, EquivalentIgnoresUnknown) { unittest::ForeignMessage message1, message2; message1.set_c(5); message1.mutable_unknown_fields()->AddVarint(123, 456); message2.set_c(5); message2.mutable_unknown_fields()->AddVarint(321, 654); EXPECT_FALSE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(message1, message2)); EXPECT_TRUE(util::MessageDifferencer::Equivalent(message1, message2)); } TEST_F(ComparisonTest, MapTest) { repeated_field_as_set(); Map<string, string>& map1 = *map_proto1_.mutable_map_string_string(); map1["1"] = "1"; map1["2"] = "2"; map1["3"] = "3"; Map<string, string>& map2 = *map_proto2_.mutable_map_string_string(); map2["3"] = "0"; map2["2"] = "2"; map2["1"] = "1"; EXPECT_EQ( "added: map_string_string: { key: \"3\" value: \"0\" }\n" "deleted: map_string_string: { key: \"3\" value: \"3\" }\n", Run(map_proto1_, map_proto2_)); } class MatchingTest : public testing::Test { public: typedef util::MessageDifferencer MessageDifferencer; protected: MatchingTest() { } ~MatchingTest() { } string RunWithResult(MessageDifferencer* differencer, const Message& msg1, const Message& msg2, bool result) { string output; { // Before we return the "output" string, we must make sure the // StreamReporter is destructored because its destructor will // flush the stream. io::StringOutputStream output_stream(&output); MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter reporter(&output_stream); reporter.set_report_modified_aggregates(true); differencer->set_report_matches(true); differencer->ReportDifferencesTo(&reporter); if (result) { EXPECT_TRUE(differencer->Compare(msg1, msg2)); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(differencer->Compare(msg1, msg2)); } } return output; } private: GOOGLE_DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(MatchingTest); }; TEST_F(MatchingTest, StreamReporterMatching) { protobuf_unittest::TestField msg1, msg2; msg1.set_c(72); msg2.set_c(72); msg1.add_rc(13); msg2.add_rc(13); msg1.add_rc(17); msg2.add_rc(17); string output; MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_report_matches(true); differencer.ReportDifferencesToString(&output); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_EQ( "matched: c : 72\n" "matched: rc[0] : 13\n" "matched: rc[1] : 17\n", output); } TEST_F(MatchingTest, DontReportMatchedWhenIgnoring) { protobuf_unittest::TestField msg1, msg2; msg1.set_c(72); msg2.set_c(72); msg1.add_rc(13); msg2.add_rc(13); msg1.add_rc(17); msg2.add_rc(17); string output; MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.set_report_matches(true); differencer.ReportDifferencesToString(&output); differencer.IgnoreField(msg1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("c")); EXPECT_TRUE(differencer.Compare(msg1, msg2)); EXPECT_EQ( "ignored: c\n" "matched: rc[0] : 13\n" "matched: rc[1] : 17\n", output); } TEST_F(MatchingTest, ReportMatchedForMovedFields) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1, msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(53); item->set_b("hello"); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(27); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(53); item->set_b("hello"); item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(27); MessageDifferencer differencer; const FieldDescriptor* desc; desc = msg1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("item"); differencer.TreatAsSet(desc); EXPECT_EQ( "matched: item[0].a -> item[1].a : 53\n" "matched: item[0].b -> item[1].b : \"hello\"\n" "moved: item[0] -> item[1] : { a: 53 b: \"hello\" }\n" "matched: item[1].a -> item[0].a : 27\n" "moved: item[1] -> item[0] : { a: 27 }\n", RunWithResult(&differencer, msg1, msg2, true)); } TEST_F(MatchingTest, MatchesAppearInPostTraversalOrderForMovedFields) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1, msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item; protobuf_unittest::TestField* field; const FieldDescriptor* desc; const FieldDescriptor* nested_desc; const FieldDescriptor* double_nested_desc; desc = msg1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("item"); nested_desc = desc->message_type()->FindFieldByName("rm"); double_nested_desc = nested_desc->message_type()->FindFieldByName("rc"); MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.TreatAsSet(desc); differencer.TreatAsSet(nested_desc); differencer.TreatAsSet(double_nested_desc); item = msg1.add_item(); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(1); field->add_rc(2); field->add_rc(3); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(4); field->add_rc(5); field->add_rc(6); field->add_rc(7); item = msg2.add_item(); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(4); field->add_rc(7); field->add_rc(6); field->add_rc(5); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(1); field->add_rc(3); field->add_rc(2); item = msg1.add_item(); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(8); field->add_rc(10); field->add_rc(11); field->add_rc(9); item = msg2.add_item(); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(8); field->add_rc(9); field->add_rc(10); field->add_rc(11); EXPECT_EQ( "matched: item[0].rm[0].c -> item[0].rm[1].c : 1\n" "moved: item[0].rm[0].rc[0] -> item[0].rm[1].rc[1] : 2\n" "moved: item[0].rm[0].rc[1] -> item[0].rm[1].rc[0] : 3\n" "moved: item[0].rm[0] -> item[0].rm[1] : { c: 1 rc: 2 rc: 3 }\n" "matched: item[0].rm[1].c -> item[0].rm[0].c : 4\n" "moved: item[0].rm[1].rc[0] -> item[0].rm[0].rc[2] : 5\n" "matched: item[0].rm[1].rc[1] -> item[0].rm[0].rc[1] : 6\n" "moved: item[0].rm[1].rc[2] -> item[0].rm[0].rc[0] : 7\n" "moved: item[0].rm[1] -> item[0].rm[0] : { c: 4 rc: 5 rc: 6 rc: 7 }\n" "matched: item[0] : { rm { c: 1 rc: 2 rc: 3 }" " rm { c: 4 rc: 5 rc: 6 rc: 7 } }\n" "matched: item[1].rm[0].c : 8\n" "moved: item[1].rm[0].rc[0] -> item[1].rm[0].rc[1] : 10\n" "moved: item[1].rm[0].rc[1] -> item[1].rm[0].rc[2] : 11\n" "moved: item[1].rm[0].rc[2] -> item[1].rm[0].rc[0] : 9\n" "matched: item[1].rm[0] : { c: 8 rc: 10 rc: 11 rc: 9 }\n" "matched: item[1] : { rm { c: 8 rc: 10 rc: 11 rc: 9 } }\n", RunWithResult(&differencer, msg1, msg2, true)); } TEST_F(MatchingTest, MatchAndModifiedInterleaveProperly) { protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage msg1, msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage::Item* item; protobuf_unittest::TestField* field; const FieldDescriptor* desc; const FieldDescriptor* nested_key; const FieldDescriptor* nested_desc; const FieldDescriptor* double_nested_key; const FieldDescriptor* double_nested_desc; desc = msg1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName("item"); nested_key = desc->message_type()->FindFieldByName("a"); nested_desc = desc->message_type()->FindFieldByName("rm"); double_nested_key = nested_desc->message_type()->FindFieldByName("c"); double_nested_desc = nested_desc->message_type()->FindFieldByName("rc"); MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.TreatAsMap(desc, nested_key); differencer.TreatAsMap(nested_desc, double_nested_key); differencer.TreatAsSet(double_nested_desc); item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(1); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(2); field->add_rc(3); field->add_rc(4); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(5); field->add_rc(6); field->add_rc(7); field->add_rc(8); item = msg1.add_item(); item->set_a(9); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(10); field->add_rc(11); field->add_rc(12); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(13); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(1); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(5); field->add_rc(8); field->add_rc(8); field->add_rc(6); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(3); field->add_rc(2); field->add_rc(4); item = msg2.add_item(); item->set_a(9); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(10); field->add_rc(12); field->add_rc(11); field = item->add_rm(); field->set_c(13); EXPECT_EQ( "matched: item[0].a : 1\n" "matched: item[0].rm[1].c -> item[0].rm[0].c : 5\n" "moved: item[0].rm[1].rc[0] -> item[0].rm[0].rc[2] : 6\n" "moved: item[0].rm[1].rc[2] -> item[0].rm[0].rc[0] : 8\n" "added: item[0].rm[0].rc[1]: 8\n" "deleted: item[0].rm[1].rc[1]: 7\n" "modified: item[0].rm[1] -> item[0].rm[0]: { c: 5 rc: 6 rc: 7 rc: 8 } ->" " { c: 5 rc: 8 rc: 8 rc: 6 }\n" "added: item[0].rm[1]: { c: 3 rc: 2 rc: 4 }\n" "deleted: item[0].rm[0]: { c: 2 rc: 3 rc: 4 }\n" "modified: item[0]: { a: 1 rm { c: 2 rc: 3 rc: 4 }" " rm { c: 5 rc: 6 rc: 7 rc: 8 } } ->" " { a: 1 rm { c: 5 rc: 8 rc: 8 rc: 6 }" " rm { c: 3 rc: 2 rc: 4 } }\n" "matched: item[1].a : 9\n" "matched: item[1].rm[0].c : 10\n" "moved: item[1].rm[0].rc[0] -> item[1].rm[0].rc[1] : 11\n" "moved: item[1].rm[0].rc[1] -> item[1].rm[0].rc[0] : 12\n" "matched: item[1].rm[0] : { c: 10 rc: 11 rc: 12 }\n" "matched: item[1].rm[1].c : 13\n" "matched: item[1].rm[1] : { c: 13 }\n" "matched: item[1] : { a: 9 rm { c: 10 rc: 11 rc: 12 } rm { c: 13 } }\n", RunWithResult(&differencer, msg1, msg2, false)); } TEST_F(MatchingTest, MatchingWorksWithExtensions) { protobuf_unittest::TestAllExtensions msg1, msg2; protobuf_unittest::TestAllTypes::NestedMessage* nested; using protobuf_unittest::repeated_nested_message_extension; const FileDescriptor* descriptor; const FieldDescriptor* desc; const FieldDescriptor* nested_key; descriptor = msg1.GetDescriptor()->file(); desc = descriptor->FindExtensionByName("repeated_nested_message_extension"); ASSERT_FALSE(desc == NULL); nested_key = desc->message_type()->FindFieldByName("bb"); MessageDifferencer differencer; differencer.TreatAsMap(desc, nested_key); nested = msg1.AddExtension(repeated_nested_message_extension); nested->set_bb(7); nested = msg1.AddExtension(repeated_nested_message_extension); nested->set_bb(13); nested = msg1.AddExtension(repeated_nested_message_extension); nested->set_bb(11); nested = msg2.AddExtension(repeated_nested_message_extension); nested->set_bb(11); nested = msg2.AddExtension(repeated_nested_message_extension); nested->set_bb(13); nested = msg2.AddExtension(repeated_nested_message_extension); nested->set_bb(7); EXPECT_EQ( "matched: (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[0].bb ->" " (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[2].bb : 7\n" "moved: (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[0] ->" " (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[2] :" " { bb: 7 }\n" "matched: (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[1].bb :" " 13\n" "matched: (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[1] :" " { bb: 13 }\n" "matched: (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[2].bb ->" " (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[0].bb :" " 11\n" "moved: (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[2] ->" " (protobuf_unittest.repeated_nested_message_extension)[0] :" " { bb: 11 }\n", RunWithResult(&differencer, msg1, msg2, true)); } TEST(AnyTest, Simple) { protobuf_unittest::TestField value1, value2; value1.set_a(20); value2.set_a(21); protobuf_unittest::TestAny m1, m2; m1.mutable_any_value()->PackFrom(value1); m2.mutable_any_value()->PackFrom(value2); util::MessageDifferencer message_differencer; string difference_string; message_differencer.ReportDifferencesToString(&difference_string); EXPECT_FALSE(message_differencer.Compare(m1, m2)); EXPECT_EQ("modified: any_value.a: 20 -> 21\n", difference_string); } TEST(Anytest, TreatAsSet) { protobuf_unittest::TestField value1, value2; value1.set_a(20); value1.set_b(30); value2.set_a(20); value2.set_b(31); protobuf_unittest::TestAny m1, m2; m1.add_repeated_any_value()->PackFrom(value1); m1.add_repeated_any_value()->PackFrom(value2); m2.add_repeated_any_value()->PackFrom(value2); m2.add_repeated_any_value()->PackFrom(value1); util::MessageDifferencer message_differencer; message_differencer.TreatAsSet(GetFieldDescriptor(m1, "repeated_any_value")); EXPECT_TRUE(message_differencer.Compare(m1, m2)); } TEST(Anytest, TreatAsSet_DifferentType) { protobuf_unittest::TestField value1; value1.set_a(20); value1.set_b(30); protobuf_unittest::TestDiffMessage value2; value2.add_rv(40); protobuf_unittest::TestAny m1, m2; m1.add_repeated_any_value()->PackFrom(value1); m1.add_repeated_any_value()->PackFrom(value2); m2.add_repeated_any_value()->PackFrom(value2); m2.add_repeated_any_value()->PackFrom(value1); util::MessageDifferencer message_differencer; message_differencer.TreatAsSet(GetFieldDescriptor(m1, "repeated_any_value")); EXPECT_TRUE(message_differencer.Compare(m1, m2)); } } // namespace } // namespace protobuf } // namespace google
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. namespace blink { // Stuff in blink:: should be renamed. void foo(); // Stuff in nested namespaces should be renamed. namespace nested { void foo(); } // namespace nested // blink::protocol namespace is blacklisted. namespace protocol { void foo(); } // namespace protocol } // namespace blink namespace WTF { // Stuff in WTF:: should be renamed. void foo(); // Stuff in nested namespaces should be renamed. namespace nested { void foo(); } // namespace nested } // namespace WTF // Stuff outside blink:: and WTF:: should not be. namespace other { void foo(); namespace blink { void foo(); } // namespace blink namespace WTF { void foo(); } // namespace WTF } // namespace other void foo(); void G() { blink::foo(); blink::nested::foo(); WTF::foo(); WTF::nested::foo(); other::foo(); foo(); other::blink::foo(); other::WTF::foo(); }
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/media/audible_metrics.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram_samples.h" #include "base/test/histogram_tester.h" #include "base/test/simple_test_tick_clock.h" #include "base/test/user_action_tester.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace content { namespace { static const WebContents* WEB_CONTENTS_0 = reinterpret_cast<WebContents*>(0x00); static const WebContents* WEB_CONTENTS_1 = reinterpret_cast<WebContents*>(0x01); static const WebContents* WEB_CONTENTS_2 = reinterpret_cast<WebContents*>(0x10); static const WebContents* WEB_CONTENTS_3 = reinterpret_cast<WebContents*>(0x11); static const char* CONCURRENT_TAB_WHEN_STARTING_HISTOGRAM = "Media.Audible.ConcurrentTabsWhenStarting"; static const char* MAX_CONCURRENT_TAB_IN_SESSION_HISTOGRAM = "Media.Audible.MaxConcurrentTabsInSession"; static const char* CONCURRENT_TABS_TIME_HISTOGRAM = "Media.Audible.ConcurrentTabsTime"; class AudibleMetricsTest : public testing::Test { public: AudibleMetricsTest() = default; void SetUp() override { // Set the clock to a value different than 0 so the time it gives is // recognized as initialized. clock_.Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1)); audible_metrics_.SetClockForTest(&clock_); } base::SimpleTestTickClock* clock() { return &clock_; } AudibleMetrics* audible_metrics() { return &audible_metrics_; }; const base::UserActionTester& user_action_tester() const { return user_action_tester_; } std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( const std::string& name) { return histogram_tester_.GetHistogramSamplesSinceCreation(name); } private: base::SimpleTestTickClock clock_; AudibleMetrics audible_metrics_; base::HistogramTester histogram_tester_; base::UserActionTester user_action_tester_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AudibleMetricsTest); }; } // anonymous namespace TEST_F(AudibleMetricsTest, CreateAndKillDoesNothing) { { std::unique_ptr<AudibleMetrics> audible_metrics(new AudibleMetrics()); } { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TAB_WHEN_STARTING_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(0, samples->TotalCount()); } { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( MAX_CONCURRENT_TAB_IN_SESSION_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(0, samples->TotalCount()); } { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart(CONCURRENT_TABS_TIME_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(0, samples->TotalCount()); } } TEST_F(AudibleMetricsTest, AudibleStart) { audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TAB_WHEN_STARTING_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(0)); } { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( MAX_CONCURRENT_TAB_IN_SESSION_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1)); } { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart(CONCURRENT_TABS_TIME_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(0, samples->TotalCount()); } } TEST_F(AudibleMetricsTest, AudibleStartAndStop) { audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, false); { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TAB_WHEN_STARTING_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(0)); } { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( MAX_CONCURRENT_TAB_IN_SESSION_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1)); } { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart(CONCURRENT_TABS_TIME_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(0, samples->TotalCount()); } } TEST_F(AudibleMetricsTest, AddSameTabIsNoOp) { audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TAB_WHEN_STARTING_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(0)); } { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( MAX_CONCURRENT_TAB_IN_SESSION_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1)); } { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart(CONCURRENT_TABS_TIME_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(0, samples->TotalCount()); } } TEST_F(AudibleMetricsTest, RemoveUnknownTabIsNoOp) { audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, false); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, false); EXPECT_EQ(0, GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TAB_WHEN_STARTING_HISTOGRAM)->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(0, GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( MAX_CONCURRENT_TAB_IN_SESSION_HISTOGRAM)->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(0, GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TABS_TIME_HISTOGRAM)->TotalCount()); } TEST_F(AudibleMetricsTest, ConcurrentTabsInSessionIsIncremental) { audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_2, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_3, true); std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( MAX_CONCURRENT_TAB_IN_SESSION_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(4, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(2)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(3)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(4)); } TEST_F(AudibleMetricsTest, ConcurrentTabsInSessionKeepTrackOfRemovedTabs) { audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, false); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_2, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, false); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_2, false); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_3, true); std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( MAX_CONCURRENT_TAB_IN_SESSION_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(2, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(2)); } TEST_F(AudibleMetricsTest, ConcurrentTabsInSessionIsNotCountedTwice) { audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_2, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_3, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, false); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, false); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_2, false); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_3, false); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_2, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_3, true); std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( MAX_CONCURRENT_TAB_IN_SESSION_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(4, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(2)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(3)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(4)); } TEST_F(AudibleMetricsTest, ConcurrentTabsWhenStartingAddedPerTab) { audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, true); { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TAB_WHEN_STARTING_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(2, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(0)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1)); } // Added again: ignored. audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, true); { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TAB_WHEN_STARTING_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(2, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(0)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1)); } // Removing both. audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, false); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, false); { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TAB_WHEN_STARTING_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(2, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(0)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1)); } // Adding them after removed, it is counted. audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, true); { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TAB_WHEN_STARTING_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(4, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(2, samples->GetCount(0)); EXPECT_EQ(2, samples->GetCount(1)); } } TEST_F(AudibleMetricsTest, ConcurrentTabsTimeRequiresTwoAudibleTabs) { audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, true); clock()->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000)); // No record because concurrent audible tabs still running. EXPECT_EQ(0, GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TABS_TIME_HISTOGRAM)->TotalCount()); // No longer concurrent. audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, false); { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart(CONCURRENT_TABS_TIME_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1000)); } // Stopping the second tab is a no-op. audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, false); { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart(CONCURRENT_TABS_TIME_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1000)); } } TEST_F(AudibleMetricsTest, ConcurrentTabsTimeRunsAsLongAsTwoAudibleTabs) { audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, true); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, true); clock()->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000)); audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_2, true); clock()->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(500)); // Mutes one of the three audible tabs. audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_1, false); // No record because concurrent audible tabs still running. EXPECT_EQ(0, GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart( CONCURRENT_TABS_TIME_HISTOGRAM)->TotalCount()); // Mutes the first audible tab. audible_metrics()->UpdateAudibleWebContentsState(WEB_CONTENTS_0, false); { std::unique_ptr<base::HistogramSamples> samples( GetHistogramSamplesSinceTestStart(CONCURRENT_TABS_TIME_HISTOGRAM)); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->TotalCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, samples->GetCount(1500)); } } } // namespace content
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_UI_COCOA_AUTOFILL_PASSWORD_GENERATION_POPUP_VIEW_COCOA_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_UI_COCOA_AUTOFILL_PASSWORD_GENERATION_POPUP_VIEW_COCOA_H_ #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/password_generation_popup_controller.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/autofill/autofill_popup_base_view_cocoa.h" #import "ui/base/cocoa/tracking_area.h" @class HyperlinkTextView; // Draws the native password generation popup view on Mac. @interface PasswordGenerationPopupViewCocoa : AutofillPopupBaseViewCocoa <NSTextViewDelegate> { @private // The cross-platform controller for this view. autofill::PasswordGenerationPopupController* controller_; // weak base::scoped_nsobject<NSView> passwordSection_; base::scoped_nsobject<NSTextField> passwordField_; base::scoped_nsobject<NSTextField> passwordTitleField_; base::scoped_nsobject<NSImageView> keyIcon_; base::scoped_nsobject<NSBox> divider_; base::scoped_nsobject<HyperlinkTextView> helpTextView_; ui::ScopedCrTrackingArea helpTextTrackingArea_; } // Designated initializer. - (id)initWithController: (autofill::PasswordGenerationPopupController*)controller frame:(NSRect)frame; // Determines whether |point| falls inside the password section of the popup. // |point| needs to be in the popup's coordinate system. - (BOOL)isPointInPasswordBounds:(NSPoint)point; // Informs the view that its controller has been (or will imminently be) // destroyed. - (void)controllerDestroyed; // The preferred size for the popup. - (NSSize)preferredSize; @end #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_UI_COCOA_AUTOFILL_PASSWORD_GENERATION_POPUP_VIEW_COCOA_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/dbus/chrome_proxy_resolution_service_provider_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h" namespace chromeos { ChromeProxyResolutionServiceProviderDelegate:: ChromeProxyResolutionServiceProviderDelegate() {} ChromeProxyResolutionServiceProviderDelegate:: ~ChromeProxyResolutionServiceProviderDelegate() {} scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> ChromeProxyResolutionServiceProviderDelegate::GetRequestContext() { Profile* profile = ProfileManager::GetPrimaryUserProfile(); return profile->GetRequestContext(); } } // namespace chromeos
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_BROWSER_STREAMS_STREAM_REGISTRY_H_ #define CONTENT_BROWSER_STREAMS_STREAM_REGISTRY_H_ #include <stddef.h> #include <map> #include <set> #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/sequence_checker.h" #include "content/browser/streams/stream_register_observer.h" #include "content/common/content_export.h" #include "url/gurl.h" namespace content { class Stream; // Maintains a mapping of blob: URLs to active streams. class CONTENT_EXPORT StreamRegistry { public: StreamRegistry(); virtual ~StreamRegistry(); // Registers a stream, and sets its URL. void RegisterStream(Stream* stream); // Clones a stream. Returns true on success, or false if |src_url| doesn't // exist. bool CloneStream(const GURL& url, const GURL& src_url); void UnregisterStream(const GURL& url); // Called by Stream instances to request increase of memory usage. If the // total memory usage for this registry is going to exceed the limit, // returns false. Otherwise, updates |total_memory_usage_| and returns true. // // |current_size| is the up-to-date size of ByteStream of the Stream instance // and |increase| must be the amount of data going to be added to the Stream // instance. bool UpdateMemoryUsage(const GURL& url, size_t current_size, size_t increase); // Gets the stream associated with |url|. Returns NULL if there is no such // stream. scoped_refptr<Stream> GetStream(const GURL& url); void set_max_memory_usage_for_testing(size_t size) { max_memory_usage_ = size; } void SetRegisterObserver(const GURL& url, StreamRegisterObserver* observer); void RemoveRegisterObserver(const GURL& url); // If the reader is aborted before the stream is registered, call this method // to reduce the memory consumption. After this method is called, // RegisterStream doesn't register the stream of the URL. void AbortPendingStream(const GURL& url); private: typedef std::map<GURL, scoped_refptr<Stream> > StreamMap; StreamMap streams_; std::map<GURL, StreamRegisterObserver*> register_observers_; std::set<GURL> reader_aborted_urls_; size_t total_memory_usage_; // Maximum amount of memory allowed to use for Stream instances registered // with this registry. size_t max_memory_usage_; SEQUENCE_CHECKER(sequence_checker_); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StreamRegistry); }; } // namespace content #endif // CONTENT_BROWSER_STREAMS_STREAM_REGISTRY_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/properties/longhands/webkit_border_vertical_spacing.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_context.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_property_parser_helpers.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/zoom_adjusted_pixel_value.h" namespace blink { namespace CSSLonghand { const CSSValue* WebkitBorderVerticalSpacing::ParseSingleValue( CSSParserTokenRange& range, const CSSParserContext& context, const CSSParserLocalContext&) const { return CSSPropertyParserHelpers::ConsumeLength(range, context.Mode(), kValueRangeNonNegative); } const CSSValue* WebkitBorderVerticalSpacing::CSSValueFromComputedStyleInternal( const ComputedStyle& style, const SVGComputedStyle&, const LayoutObject*, Node*, bool allow_visited_style) const { return ZoomAdjustedPixelValue(style.VerticalBorderSpacing(), style); } } // namespace CSSLonghand } // namespace blink
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * ARC PGU DRM driver. * * Copyright (C) 2016 Synopsys, Inc. ( * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #ifndef _ARCPGU_H_ #define _ARCPGU_H_ struct arcpgu_drm_private { void __iomem *regs; struct clk *clk; struct drm_fbdev_cma *fbdev; struct drm_framebuffer *fb; struct drm_crtc crtc; struct drm_plane *plane; }; #define crtc_to_arcpgu_priv(x) container_of(x, struct arcpgu_drm_private, crtc) static inline void arc_pgu_write(struct arcpgu_drm_private *arcpgu, unsigned int reg, u32 value) { iowrite32(value, arcpgu->regs + reg); } static inline u32 arc_pgu_read(struct arcpgu_drm_private *arcpgu, unsigned int reg) { return ioread32(arcpgu->regs + reg); } int arc_pgu_setup_crtc(struct drm_device *dev); int arcpgu_drm_hdmi_init(struct drm_device *drm, struct device_node *np); int arcpgu_drm_sim_init(struct drm_device *drm, struct device_node *np); struct drm_fbdev_cma *arcpgu_fbdev_cma_init(struct drm_device *dev, unsigned int preferred_bpp, unsigned int num_crtc, unsigned int max_conn_count); #endif
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * drivers/net/bond/bond_netlink.c - Netlink interface for bonding * Copyright (c) 2013 Jiri Pirko <> * Copyright (c) 2013 Scott Feldman <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/netdevice.h> #include <linux/etherdevice.h> #include <linux/if_link.h> #include <linux/if_ether.h> #include <net/netlink.h> #include <net/rtnetlink.h> #include <net/bonding.h> static size_t bond_get_slave_size(const struct net_device *bond_dev, const struct net_device *slave_dev) { return nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_STATE */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_MII_STATUS */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_LINK_FAILURE_COUNT */ nla_total_size(MAX_ADDR_LEN) + /* IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_PERM_HWADDR */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u16)) + /* IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_QUEUE_ID */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u16)) + /* IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_AD_AGGREGATOR_ID */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_AD_ACTOR_OPER_PORT_STATE */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u16)) + /* IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_AD_PARTNER_OPER_PORT_STATE */ 0; } static int bond_fill_slave_info(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct net_device *bond_dev, const struct net_device *slave_dev) { struct slave *slave = bond_slave_get_rtnl(slave_dev); if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_STATE, bond_slave_state(slave))) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_MII_STATUS, slave->link)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_LINK_FAILURE_COUNT, slave->link_failure_count)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put(skb, IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_PERM_HWADDR, slave_dev->addr_len, slave->perm_hwaddr)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u16(skb, IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_QUEUE_ID, slave->queue_id)) goto nla_put_failure; if (BOND_MODE(slave->bond) == BOND_MODE_8023AD) { const struct aggregator *agg; const struct port *ad_port; ad_port = &SLAVE_AD_INFO(slave)->port; agg = SLAVE_AD_INFO(slave)->port.aggregator; if (agg) { if (nla_put_u16(skb, IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_AD_AGGREGATOR_ID, agg->aggregator_identifier)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_AD_ACTOR_OPER_PORT_STATE, ad_port->actor_oper_port_state)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u16(skb, IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_AD_PARTNER_OPER_PORT_STATE, ad_port->partner_oper.port_state)) goto nla_put_failure; } } return 0; nla_put_failure: return -EMSGSIZE; } static const struct nla_policy bond_policy[IFLA_BOND_MAX + 1] = { [IFLA_BOND_MODE] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IFLA_BOND_ACTIVE_SLAVE] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_MIIMON] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_UPDELAY] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_DOWNDELAY] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_USE_CARRIER] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IFLA_BOND_ARP_INTERVAL] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_ARP_IP_TARGET] = { .type = NLA_NESTED }, [IFLA_BOND_ARP_VALIDATE] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_ARP_ALL_TARGETS] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_PRIMARY] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_PRIMARY_RESELECT] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IFLA_BOND_FAIL_OVER_MAC] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IFLA_BOND_XMIT_HASH_POLICY] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IFLA_BOND_RESEND_IGMP] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_NUM_PEER_NOTIF] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IFLA_BOND_ALL_SLAVES_ACTIVE] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IFLA_BOND_MIN_LINKS] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_LP_INTERVAL] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_PACKETS_PER_SLAVE] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IFLA_BOND_AD_LACP_RATE] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IFLA_BOND_AD_SELECT] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO] = { .type = NLA_NESTED }, [IFLA_BOND_AD_ACTOR_SYS_PRIO] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, [IFLA_BOND_AD_USER_PORT_KEY] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, [IFLA_BOND_AD_ACTOR_SYSTEM] = { .type = NLA_BINARY, .len = ETH_ALEN }, [IFLA_BOND_TLB_DYNAMIC_LB] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, }; static const struct nla_policy bond_slave_policy[IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_MAX + 1] = { [IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_QUEUE_ID] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, }; static int bond_validate(struct nlattr *tb[], struct nlattr *data[]) { if (tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]) { if (nla_len(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]) != ETH_ALEN) return -EINVAL; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(nla_data(tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]))) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; } return 0; } static int bond_slave_changelink(struct net_device *bond_dev, struct net_device *slave_dev, struct nlattr *tb[], struct nlattr *data[]) { struct bonding *bond = netdev_priv(bond_dev); struct bond_opt_value newval; int err; if (!data) return 0; if (data[IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_QUEUE_ID]) { u16 queue_id = nla_get_u16(data[IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_QUEUE_ID]); char queue_id_str[IFNAMSIZ + 7]; /* queue_id option setting expects slave_name:queue_id */ snprintf(queue_id_str, sizeof(queue_id_str), "%s:%u\n", slave_dev->name, queue_id); bond_opt_initstr(&newval, queue_id_str); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_QUEUE_ID, &newval); if (err) return err; } return 0; } static int bond_changelink(struct net_device *bond_dev, struct nlattr *tb[], struct nlattr *data[]) { struct bonding *bond = netdev_priv(bond_dev); struct bond_opt_value newval; int miimon = 0; int err; if (!data) return 0; if (data[IFLA_BOND_MODE]) { int mode = nla_get_u8(data[IFLA_BOND_MODE]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, mode); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_MODE, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_ACTIVE_SLAVE]) { int ifindex = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_ACTIVE_SLAVE]); struct net_device *slave_dev; char *active_slave = ""; if (ifindex != 0) { slave_dev = __dev_get_by_index(dev_net(bond_dev), ifindex); if (!slave_dev) return -ENODEV; active_slave = slave_dev->name; } bond_opt_initstr(&newval, active_slave); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_ACTIVE_SLAVE, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_MIIMON]) { miimon = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_MIIMON]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, miimon); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_MIIMON, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_UPDELAY]) { int updelay = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_UPDELAY]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, updelay); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_UPDELAY, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_DOWNDELAY]) { int downdelay = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_DOWNDELAY]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, downdelay); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_DOWNDELAY, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_USE_CARRIER]) { int use_carrier = nla_get_u8(data[IFLA_BOND_USE_CARRIER]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, use_carrier); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_USE_CARRIER, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_ARP_INTERVAL]) { int arp_interval = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_ARP_INTERVAL]); if (arp_interval && miimon) { netdev_err(bond->dev, "ARP monitoring cannot be used with MII monitoring\n"); return -EINVAL; } bond_opt_initval(&newval, arp_interval); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_ARP_INTERVAL, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_ARP_IP_TARGET]) { struct nlattr *attr; int i = 0, rem; bond_option_arp_ip_targets_clear(bond); nla_for_each_nested(attr, data[IFLA_BOND_ARP_IP_TARGET], rem) { __be32 target; if (nla_len(attr) < sizeof(target)) return -EINVAL; target = nla_get_be32(attr); bond_opt_initval(&newval, (__force u64)target); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_ARP_TARGETS, &newval); if (err) break; i++; } if (i == 0 && bond->params.arp_interval) netdev_warn(bond->dev, "Removing last arp target with arp_interval on\n"); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_ARP_VALIDATE]) { int arp_validate = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_ARP_VALIDATE]); if (arp_validate && miimon) { netdev_err(bond->dev, "ARP validating cannot be used with MII monitoring\n"); return -EINVAL; } bond_opt_initval(&newval, arp_validate); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_ARP_VALIDATE, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_ARP_ALL_TARGETS]) { int arp_all_targets = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_ARP_ALL_TARGETS]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, arp_all_targets); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_ARP_ALL_TARGETS, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_PRIMARY]) { int ifindex = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_PRIMARY]); struct net_device *dev; char *primary = ""; dev = __dev_get_by_index(dev_net(bond_dev), ifindex); if (dev) primary = dev->name; bond_opt_initstr(&newval, primary); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_PRIMARY, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_PRIMARY_RESELECT]) { int primary_reselect = nla_get_u8(data[IFLA_BOND_PRIMARY_RESELECT]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, primary_reselect); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_PRIMARY_RESELECT, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_FAIL_OVER_MAC]) { int fail_over_mac = nla_get_u8(data[IFLA_BOND_FAIL_OVER_MAC]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, fail_over_mac); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_FAIL_OVER_MAC, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_XMIT_HASH_POLICY]) { int xmit_hash_policy = nla_get_u8(data[IFLA_BOND_XMIT_HASH_POLICY]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, xmit_hash_policy); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_XMIT_HASH, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_RESEND_IGMP]) { int resend_igmp = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_RESEND_IGMP]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, resend_igmp); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_RESEND_IGMP, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_NUM_PEER_NOTIF]) { int num_peer_notif = nla_get_u8(data[IFLA_BOND_NUM_PEER_NOTIF]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, num_peer_notif); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_NUM_PEER_NOTIF, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_ALL_SLAVES_ACTIVE]) { int all_slaves_active = nla_get_u8(data[IFLA_BOND_ALL_SLAVES_ACTIVE]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, all_slaves_active); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_ALL_SLAVES_ACTIVE, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_MIN_LINKS]) { int min_links = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_MIN_LINKS]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, min_links); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_MINLINKS, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_LP_INTERVAL]) { int lp_interval = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_LP_INTERVAL]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, lp_interval); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_LP_INTERVAL, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_PACKETS_PER_SLAVE]) { int packets_per_slave = nla_get_u32(data[IFLA_BOND_PACKETS_PER_SLAVE]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, packets_per_slave); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_PACKETS_PER_SLAVE, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_AD_LACP_RATE]) { int lacp_rate = nla_get_u8(data[IFLA_BOND_AD_LACP_RATE]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, lacp_rate); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_LACP_RATE, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_AD_SELECT]) { int ad_select = nla_get_u8(data[IFLA_BOND_AD_SELECT]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, ad_select); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_AD_SELECT, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_AD_ACTOR_SYS_PRIO]) { int actor_sys_prio = nla_get_u16(data[IFLA_BOND_AD_ACTOR_SYS_PRIO]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, actor_sys_prio); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_AD_ACTOR_SYS_PRIO, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_AD_USER_PORT_KEY]) { int port_key = nla_get_u16(data[IFLA_BOND_AD_USER_PORT_KEY]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, port_key); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_AD_USER_PORT_KEY, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_AD_ACTOR_SYSTEM]) { if (nla_len(data[IFLA_BOND_AD_ACTOR_SYSTEM]) != ETH_ALEN) return -EINVAL; bond_opt_initval(&newval, nla_get_be64(data[IFLA_BOND_AD_ACTOR_SYSTEM])); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_AD_ACTOR_SYSTEM, &newval); if (err) return err; } if (data[IFLA_BOND_TLB_DYNAMIC_LB]) { int dynamic_lb = nla_get_u8(data[IFLA_BOND_TLB_DYNAMIC_LB]); bond_opt_initval(&newval, dynamic_lb); err = __bond_opt_set(bond, BOND_OPT_TLB_DYNAMIC_LB, &newval); if (err) return err; } return 0; } static int bond_newlink(struct net *src_net, struct net_device *bond_dev, struct nlattr *tb[], struct nlattr *data[]) { int err; err = bond_changelink(bond_dev, tb, data); if (err < 0) return err; err = register_netdevice(bond_dev); netif_carrier_off(bond_dev); return err; } static size_t bond_get_size(const struct net_device *bond_dev) { return nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_MODE */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_ACTIVE_SLAVE */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_MIIMON */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_UPDELAY */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_DOWNDELAY */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_USE_CARRIER */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_ARP_INTERVAL */ /* IFLA_BOND_ARP_IP_TARGET */ nla_total_size(sizeof(struct nlattr)) + nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) * BOND_MAX_ARP_TARGETS + nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_ARP_VALIDATE */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_ARP_ALL_TARGETS */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_PRIMARY */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_PRIMARY_RESELECT */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_FAIL_OVER_MAC */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_XMIT_HASH_POLICY */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_RESEND_IGMP */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_NUM_PEER_NOTIF */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_ALL_SLAVES_ACTIVE */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_MIN_LINKS */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_LP_INTERVAL */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u32)) + /* IFLA_BOND_PACKETS_PER_SLAVE */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_AD_LACP_RATE */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_AD_SELECT */ nla_total_size(sizeof(struct nlattr)) + /* IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u16)) + /* IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO_AGGREGATOR */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u16)) + /* IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO_NUM_PORTS */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u16)) + /* IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO_ACTOR_KEY */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u16)) + /* IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO_PARTNER_KEY*/ nla_total_size(ETH_ALEN) + /* IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO_PARTNER_MAC*/ nla_total_size(sizeof(u16)) + /* IFLA_BOND_AD_ACTOR_SYS_PRIO */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u16)) + /* IFLA_BOND_AD_USER_PORT_KEY */ nla_total_size(ETH_ALEN) + /* IFLA_BOND_AD_ACTOR_SYSTEM */ nla_total_size(sizeof(u8)) + /* IFLA_BOND_TLB_DYNAMIC_LB */ 0; } static int bond_option_active_slave_get_ifindex(struct bonding *bond) { const struct net_device *slave; int ifindex; rcu_read_lock(); slave = bond_option_active_slave_get_rcu(bond); ifindex = slave ? slave->ifindex : 0; rcu_read_unlock(); return ifindex; } static int bond_fill_info(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct net_device *bond_dev) { struct bonding *bond = netdev_priv(bond_dev); unsigned int packets_per_slave; int ifindex, i, targets_added; struct nlattr *targets; struct slave *primary; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_MODE, BOND_MODE(bond))) goto nla_put_failure; ifindex = bond_option_active_slave_get_ifindex(bond); if (ifindex && nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_ACTIVE_SLAVE, ifindex)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_MIIMON, bond->params.miimon)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_UPDELAY, bond->params.updelay * bond->params.miimon)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_DOWNDELAY, bond->params.downdelay * bond->params.miimon)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_USE_CARRIER, bond->params.use_carrier)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_ARP_INTERVAL, bond->params.arp_interval)) goto nla_put_failure; targets = nla_nest_start(skb, IFLA_BOND_ARP_IP_TARGET); if (!targets) goto nla_put_failure; targets_added = 0; for (i = 0; i < BOND_MAX_ARP_TARGETS; i++) { if (bond->params.arp_targets[i]) { nla_put_be32(skb, i, bond->params.arp_targets[i]); targets_added = 1; } } if (targets_added) nla_nest_end(skb, targets); else nla_nest_cancel(skb, targets); if (nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_ARP_VALIDATE, bond->params.arp_validate)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_ARP_ALL_TARGETS, bond->params.arp_all_targets)) goto nla_put_failure; primary = rtnl_dereference(bond->primary_slave); if (primary && nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_PRIMARY, primary->dev->ifindex)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_PRIMARY_RESELECT, bond->params.primary_reselect)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_FAIL_OVER_MAC, bond->params.fail_over_mac)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_XMIT_HASH_POLICY, bond->params.xmit_policy)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_RESEND_IGMP, bond->params.resend_igmp)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_NUM_PEER_NOTIF, bond->params.num_peer_notif)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_ALL_SLAVES_ACTIVE, bond->params.all_slaves_active)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_MIN_LINKS, bond->params.min_links)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_LP_INTERVAL, bond->params.lp_interval)) goto nla_put_failure; packets_per_slave = bond->params.packets_per_slave; if (nla_put_u32(skb, IFLA_BOND_PACKETS_PER_SLAVE, packets_per_slave)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_AD_LACP_RATE, bond->params.lacp_fast)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_AD_SELECT, bond->params.ad_select)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u8(skb, IFLA_BOND_TLB_DYNAMIC_LB, bond->params.tlb_dynamic_lb)) goto nla_put_failure; if (BOND_MODE(bond) == BOND_MODE_8023AD) { struct ad_info info; if (capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN)) { if (nla_put_u16(skb, IFLA_BOND_AD_ACTOR_SYS_PRIO, bond->params.ad_actor_sys_prio)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u16(skb, IFLA_BOND_AD_USER_PORT_KEY, bond->params.ad_user_port_key)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put(skb, IFLA_BOND_AD_ACTOR_SYSTEM, sizeof(bond->params.ad_actor_system), &bond->params.ad_actor_system)) goto nla_put_failure; } if (!bond_3ad_get_active_agg_info(bond, &info)) { struct nlattr *nest; nest = nla_nest_start(skb, IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO); if (!nest) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u16(skb, IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO_AGGREGATOR, info.aggregator_id)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u16(skb, IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO_NUM_PORTS, info.ports)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u16(skb, IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO_ACTOR_KEY, info.actor_key)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put_u16(skb, IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO_PARTNER_KEY, info.partner_key)) goto nla_put_failure; if (nla_put(skb, IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO_PARTNER_MAC, sizeof(info.partner_system), &info.partner_system)) goto nla_put_failure; nla_nest_end(skb, nest); } } return 0; nla_put_failure: return -EMSGSIZE; } struct rtnl_link_ops bond_link_ops __read_mostly = { .kind = "bond", .priv_size = sizeof(struct bonding), .setup = bond_setup, .maxtype = IFLA_BOND_MAX, .policy = bond_policy, .validate = bond_validate, .newlink = bond_newlink, .changelink = bond_changelink, .get_size = bond_get_size, .fill_info = bond_fill_info, .get_num_tx_queues = bond_get_num_tx_queues, .get_num_rx_queues = bond_get_num_tx_queues, /* Use the same number as for TX queues */ .slave_maxtype = IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_MAX, .slave_policy = bond_slave_policy, .slave_changelink = bond_slave_changelink, .get_slave_size = bond_get_slave_size, .fill_slave_info = bond_fill_slave_info, }; int __init bond_netlink_init(void) { return rtnl_link_register(&bond_link_ops); } void bond_netlink_fini(void) { rtnl_link_unregister(&bond_link_ops); } MODULE_ALIAS_RTNL_LINK("bond");
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef PPAPI_SHARED_IMPL_PPB_FLASH_FONT_FILE_SHARED_H_ #define PPAPI_SHARED_IMPL_PPB_FLASH_FONT_FILE_SHARED_H_ #include "ppapi/c/pp_bool.h" namespace ppapi { class PPB_Flash_FontFile_Shared { public: static PP_Bool IsSupportedForWindows() { return PP_TRUE; } }; } // namespace ppapi #endif // PPAPI_SHARED_IMPL_PPB_FLASH_FONT_FILE_SHARED_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "extensions/common/permissions/permission_message.h" namespace extensions { PermissionMessage::PermissionMessage(const base::string16& message, const PermissionIDSet& permissions) : message_(message), permissions_(permissions) {} PermissionMessage::PermissionMessage( const base::string16& message, const PermissionIDSet& permissions, const std::vector<base::string16>& submessages) : message_(message), permissions_(permissions), submessages_(submessages) {} PermissionMessage::PermissionMessage(const PermissionMessage& other) = default; PermissionMessage::~PermissionMessage() {} } // namespace extensions
2018-06-01 01:23:12+05:30
/* * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "libavutil/avassert.h" #include "cbs.h" #include "cbs_internal.h" #include "cbs_mpeg2.h" #include "internal.h" #define HEADER(name) do { \ ff_cbs_trace_header(ctx, name); \ } while (0) #define CHECK(call) do { \ err = (call); \ if (err < 0) \ return err; \ } while (0) #define FUNC_NAME(rw, codec, name) cbs_ ## codec ## _ ## rw ## _ ## name #define FUNC_MPEG2(rw, name) FUNC_NAME(rw, mpeg2, name) #define FUNC(name) FUNC_MPEG2(READWRITE, name) #define SUBSCRIPTS(subs, ...) (subs > 0 ? ((int[subs + 1]){ subs, __VA_ARGS__ }) : NULL) #define ui(width, name) \ xui(width, name, current->name, 0) #define uis(width, name, subs, ...) \ xui(width, name, current->name, subs, __VA_ARGS__) #define READ #define READWRITE read #define RWContext GetBitContext #define xui(width, name, var, subs, ...) do { \ uint32_t value = 0; \ CHECK(ff_cbs_read_unsigned(ctx, rw, width, #name, \ SUBSCRIPTS(subs, __VA_ARGS__), \ &value, 0, (1 << width) - 1)); \ var = value; \ } while (0) #define marker_bit() do { \ av_unused uint32_t one; \ CHECK(ff_cbs_read_unsigned(ctx, rw, 1, "marker_bit", NULL, &one, 1, 1)); \ } while (0) #define nextbits(width, compare, var) \ (get_bits_left(rw) >= width && \ (var = show_bits(rw, width)) == (compare)) #include "cbs_mpeg2_syntax_template.c" #undef READ #undef READWRITE #undef RWContext #undef xui #undef marker_bit #undef nextbits #define WRITE #define READWRITE write #define RWContext PutBitContext #define xui(width, name, var, subs, ...) do { \ CHECK(ff_cbs_write_unsigned(ctx, rw, width, #name, \ SUBSCRIPTS(subs, __VA_ARGS__), \ var, 0, (1 << width) - 1)); \ } while (0) #define marker_bit() do { \ CHECK(ff_cbs_write_unsigned(ctx, rw, 1, "marker_bit", NULL, 1, 1, 1)); \ } while (0) #define nextbits(width, compare, var) (var) #include "cbs_mpeg2_syntax_template.c" #undef READ #undef READWRITE #undef RWContext #undef xui #undef marker_bit #undef nextbits static void cbs_mpeg2_free_user_data(void *unit, uint8_t *content) { MPEG2RawUserData *user = (MPEG2RawUserData*)content; av_buffer_unref(&user->user_data_ref); av_freep(&content); } static void cbs_mpeg2_free_slice(void *unit, uint8_t *content) { MPEG2RawSlice *slice = (MPEG2RawSlice*)content; av_buffer_unref(&slice->header.extra_information_ref); av_buffer_unref(&slice->data_ref); av_freep(&content); } static int cbs_mpeg2_split_fragment(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, CodedBitstreamFragment *frag, int header) { const uint8_t *start, *end; uint8_t *unit_data; uint32_t start_code = -1, next_start_code = -1; size_t unit_size; int err, i, unit_type; start = avpriv_find_start_code(frag->data, frag->data + frag->data_size, &start_code); for (i = 0;; i++) { end = avpriv_find_start_code(start, frag->data + frag->data_size, &next_start_code); unit_type = start_code & 0xff; // The start and end pointers point at to the byte following the // start_code_identifier in the start code that they found. if (end == frag->data + frag->data_size) { // We didn't find a start code, so this is the final unit. unit_size = end - (start - 1); } else { // Unit runs from start to the beginning of the start code // pointed to by end (including any padding zeroes). unit_size = (end - 4) - (start - 1); } unit_data = (uint8_t *)start - 1; err = ff_cbs_insert_unit_data(ctx, frag, i, unit_type, unit_data, unit_size, frag->data_ref); if (err < 0) return err; if (end == frag->data + frag->data_size) break; start_code = next_start_code; start = end; } return 0; } static int cbs_mpeg2_read_unit(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, CodedBitstreamUnit *unit) { GetBitContext gbc; int err; err = init_get_bits(&gbc, unit->data, 8 * unit->data_size); if (err < 0) return err; if (MPEG2_START_IS_SLICE(unit->type)) { MPEG2RawSlice *slice; int pos, len; err = ff_cbs_alloc_unit_content(ctx, unit, sizeof(*slice), &cbs_mpeg2_free_slice); if (err < 0) return err; slice = unit->content; err = cbs_mpeg2_read_slice_header(ctx, &gbc, &slice->header); if (err < 0) return err; pos = get_bits_count(&gbc); len = unit->data_size; slice->data_size = len - pos / 8; slice->data_ref = av_buffer_ref(unit->data_ref); if (!slice->data_ref) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); slice->data = unit->data + pos / 8; slice->data_bit_start = pos % 8; } else { switch (unit->type) { #define START(start_code, type, read_func, free_func) \ case start_code: \ { \ type *header; \ err = ff_cbs_alloc_unit_content(ctx, unit, \ sizeof(*header), free_func); \ if (err < 0) \ return err; \ header = unit->content; \ err = cbs_mpeg2_read_ ## read_func(ctx, &gbc, header); \ if (err < 0) \ return err; \ } \ break; START(0x00, MPEG2RawPictureHeader, picture_header, NULL); START(0xb2, MPEG2RawUserData, user_data, &cbs_mpeg2_free_user_data); START(0xb3, MPEG2RawSequenceHeader, sequence_header, NULL); START(0xb5, MPEG2RawExtensionData, extension_data, NULL); START(0xb8, MPEG2RawGroupOfPicturesHeader, group_of_pictures_header, NULL); #undef START default: av_log(ctx->log_ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Unknown start code %02"PRIx32".\n", unit->type); return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; } } return 0; } static int cbs_mpeg2_write_header(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, CodedBitstreamUnit *unit, PutBitContext *pbc) { int err; switch (unit->type) { #define START(start_code, type, func) \ case start_code: \ err = cbs_mpeg2_write_ ## func(ctx, pbc, unit->content); \ break; START(0x00, MPEG2RawPictureHeader, picture_header); START(0xb2, MPEG2RawUserData, user_data); START(0xb3, MPEG2RawSequenceHeader, sequence_header); START(0xb5, MPEG2RawExtensionData, extension_data); START(0xb8, MPEG2RawGroupOfPicturesHeader, group_of_pictures_header); #undef START default: av_log(ctx->log_ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Write unimplemented for start " "code %02"PRIx32".\n", unit->type); return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME; } return err; } static int cbs_mpeg2_write_slice(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, CodedBitstreamUnit *unit, PutBitContext *pbc) { MPEG2RawSlice *slice = unit->content; GetBitContext gbc; size_t bits_left; int err; err = cbs_mpeg2_write_slice_header(ctx, pbc, &slice->header); if (err < 0) return err; if (slice->data) { if (slice->data_size * 8 + 8 > put_bits_left(pbc)) return AVERROR(ENOSPC); init_get_bits(&gbc, slice->data, slice->data_size * 8); skip_bits_long(&gbc, slice->data_bit_start); while (get_bits_left(&gbc) > 15) put_bits(pbc, 16, get_bits(&gbc, 16)); bits_left = get_bits_left(&gbc); put_bits(pbc, bits_left, get_bits(&gbc, bits_left)); // Align with zeroes. while (put_bits_count(pbc) % 8 != 0) put_bits(pbc, 1, 0); } return 0; } static int cbs_mpeg2_write_unit(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, CodedBitstreamUnit *unit) { CodedBitstreamMPEG2Context *priv = ctx->priv_data; PutBitContext pbc; int err; if (!priv->write_buffer) { // Initial write buffer size is 1MB. priv->write_buffer_size = 1024 * 1024; reallocate_and_try_again: err = av_reallocp(&priv->write_buffer, priv->write_buffer_size); if (err < 0) { av_log(ctx->log_ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate a " "sufficiently large write buffer (last attempt " "%"SIZE_SPECIFIER" bytes).\n", priv->write_buffer_size); return err; } } init_put_bits(&pbc, priv->write_buffer, priv->write_buffer_size); if (unit->type >= 0x01 && unit->type <= 0xaf) err = cbs_mpeg2_write_slice(ctx, unit, &pbc); else err = cbs_mpeg2_write_header(ctx, unit, &pbc); if (err == AVERROR(ENOSPC)) { // Overflow. priv->write_buffer_size *= 2; goto reallocate_and_try_again; } if (err < 0) { // Write failed for some other reason. return err; } if (put_bits_count(&pbc) % 8) unit->data_bit_padding = 8 - put_bits_count(&pbc) % 8; else unit->data_bit_padding = 0; unit->data_size = (put_bits_count(&pbc) + 7) / 8; flush_put_bits(&pbc); err = ff_cbs_alloc_unit_data(ctx, unit, unit->data_size); if (err < 0) return err; memcpy(unit->data, priv->write_buffer, unit->data_size); return 0; } static int cbs_mpeg2_assemble_fragment(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, CodedBitstreamFragment *frag) { uint8_t *data; size_t size, dp; int i; size = 0; for (i = 0; i < frag->nb_units; i++) size += 3 + frag->units[i].data_size; frag->data_ref = av_buffer_alloc(size + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); if (!frag->data_ref) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); data = frag->data_ref->data; dp = 0; for (i = 0; i < frag->nb_units; i++) { CodedBitstreamUnit *unit = &frag->units[i]; data[dp++] = 0; data[dp++] = 0; data[dp++] = 1; memcpy(data + dp, unit->data, unit->data_size); dp += unit->data_size; } av_assert0(dp == size); memset(data + size, 0, AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); frag->data = data; frag->data_size = size; return 0; } static void cbs_mpeg2_close(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx) { CodedBitstreamMPEG2Context *priv = ctx->priv_data; av_freep(&priv->write_buffer); } const CodedBitstreamType ff_cbs_type_mpeg2 = { .codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO, .priv_data_size = sizeof(CodedBitstreamMPEG2Context), .split_fragment = &cbs_mpeg2_split_fragment, .read_unit = &cbs_mpeg2_read_unit, .write_unit = &cbs_mpeg2_write_unit, .assemble_fragment = &cbs_mpeg2_assemble_fragment, .close = &cbs_mpeg2_close, };
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/supervised_user/legacy/custodian_profile_downloader_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager_factory.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "components/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "components/signin/core/browser/signin_manager.h" #include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_auth_util.h" CustodianProfileDownloaderService::CustodianProfileDownloaderService( Profile* custodian_profile) : custodian_profile_(custodian_profile) { } CustodianProfileDownloaderService::~CustodianProfileDownloaderService() {} void CustodianProfileDownloaderService::Shutdown() { profile_downloader_.reset(); } void CustodianProfileDownloaderService::DownloadProfile( const DownloadProfileCallback& callback) { // The user must be logged in. if (!SigninManagerFactory::GetForProfile(custodian_profile_) ->IsAuthenticated()) { return; } download_callback_ = callback; std::string current_email = custodian_profile_->GetProfileUserName(); if (gaia::AreEmailsSame(last_downloaded_profile_email_, current_email)) { // Profile was previously downloaded successfully, use it as it is unlikely // that we will need to download it again. OnProfileDownloadSuccess(profile_downloader_.get()); return; } // If another profile download is in progress, drop it. It's not worth // queueing them up, and more likely that the one that hasn't ended yet is // failing somehow than that the new one won't succeed. in_progress_profile_email_ = current_email; profile_downloader_.reset(new ProfileDownloader(this)); profile_downloader_->Start(); } bool CustodianProfileDownloaderService::NeedsProfilePicture() const { return false; } int CustodianProfileDownloaderService::GetDesiredImageSideLength() const { return 0; } std::string CustodianProfileDownloaderService::GetCachedPictureURL() const { return std::string(); } Profile* CustodianProfileDownloaderService::GetBrowserProfile() { DCHECK(custodian_profile_); return custodian_profile_; } bool CustodianProfileDownloaderService::IsPreSignin() const { return false; } void CustodianProfileDownloaderService::OnProfileDownloadSuccess( ProfileDownloader* downloader) { download_callback_.Run(downloader->GetProfileFullName()); download_callback_.Reset(); last_downloaded_profile_email_ = in_progress_profile_email_; } void CustodianProfileDownloaderService::OnProfileDownloadFailure( ProfileDownloader* downloader, ProfileDownloaderDelegate::FailureReason reason) { // Ignore failures; proceed without the custodian's name. download_callback_.Reset(); profile_downloader_.reset(); }
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "components/exo/sub_surface.h" #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" #include "components/exo/shell_surface.h" #include "components/exo/surface.h" #include "components/exo/test/exo_test_base.h" #include "components/exo/test/exo_test_helper.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace exo { namespace { using SubSurfaceTest = test::ExoTestBase; TEST_F(SubSurfaceTest, SetPosition) { auto parent = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto shell_surface = std::make_unique<ShellSurface>(parent.get()); auto surface = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto sub_surface = std::make_unique<SubSurface>(surface.get(), parent.get()); // Initial position is at the origin. EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point().ToString(), surface->window()->bounds().origin().ToString()); // Set position to 10, 10. gfx::Point position(10, 10); sub_surface->SetPosition(position); // A call to Commit() is required for position to take effect. EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point().ToString(), surface->window()->bounds().origin().ToString()); // Check that position is updated when Commit() is called. parent->Commit(); EXPECT_EQ(position.ToString(), surface->window()->bounds().origin().ToString()); // Create and commit a new sub-surface using the same surface. sub_surface.reset(); sub_surface = std::make_unique<SubSurface>(surface.get(), parent.get()); parent->Commit(); // Initial position should be reset to origin. EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point().ToString(), surface->window()->bounds().origin().ToString()); } TEST_F(SubSurfaceTest, PlaceAbove) { auto parent = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto shell_surface = std::make_unique<ShellSurface>(parent.get()); auto surface1 = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto surface2 = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto non_sibling_surface = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto sub_surface1 = std::make_unique<SubSurface>(surface1.get(), parent.get()); auto sub_surface2 = std::make_unique<SubSurface>(surface2.get(), parent.get()); ASSERT_EQ(2u, parent->window()->children().size()); EXPECT_EQ(surface1->window(), parent->window()->children()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(surface2->window(), parent->window()->children()[1]); sub_surface2->PlaceAbove(parent.get()); sub_surface1->PlaceAbove(non_sibling_surface.get()); // Invalid sub_surface1->PlaceAbove(surface1.get()); // Invalid sub_surface1->PlaceAbove(surface2.get()); // Nothing should have changed as Commit() is required for new stacking // order to take effect. EXPECT_EQ(surface1->window(), parent->window()->children()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(surface2->window(), parent->window()->children()[1]); parent->Commit(); // surface1 should now be stacked above surface2. EXPECT_EQ(surface2->window(), parent->window()->children()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(surface1->window(), parent->window()->children()[1]); } TEST_F(SubSurfaceTest, PlaceBelow) { auto parent = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto shell_surface = std::make_unique<ShellSurface>(parent.get()); auto surface1 = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto surface2 = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto non_sibling_surface = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto sub_surface1 = std::make_unique<SubSurface>(surface1.get(), parent.get()); auto sub_surface2 = std::make_unique<SubSurface>(surface2.get(), parent.get()); ASSERT_EQ(2u, parent->window()->children().size()); EXPECT_EQ(surface1->window(), parent->window()->children()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(surface2->window(), parent->window()->children()[1]); sub_surface2->PlaceBelow(parent.get()); // Invalid sub_surface2->PlaceBelow(non_sibling_surface.get()); // Invalid sub_surface1->PlaceBelow(surface2.get()); sub_surface2->PlaceBelow(surface1.get()); // Nothing should have changed as Commit() is required for new stacking // order to take effect. EXPECT_EQ(surface1->window(), parent->window()->children()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(surface2->window(), parent->window()->children()[1]); parent->Commit(); // surface1 should now be stacked above surface2. EXPECT_EQ(surface2->window(), parent->window()->children()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(surface1->window(), parent->window()->children()[1]); } TEST_F(SubSurfaceTest, SetCommitBehavior) { auto parent = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto shell_surface = std::make_unique<ShellSurface>(parent.get()); auto child = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto grandchild = std::make_unique<Surface>(); auto child_sub_surface = std::make_unique<SubSurface>(child.get(), parent.get()); auto grandchild_sub_surface = std::make_unique<SubSurface>(grandchild.get(), child.get()); // Initial position is at the origin. EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point().ToString(), grandchild->window()->bounds().origin().ToString()); // Set position to 10, 10. gfx::Point position1(10, 10); grandchild_sub_surface->SetPosition(position1); child->Commit(); // Initial commit behavior is synchronous and the effect of the child // Commit() call will not take effect until Commit() is called on the // parent. EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point().ToString(), grandchild->window()->bounds().origin().ToString()); parent->Commit(); // Position should have been updated when Commit() has been called on both // child and parent. EXPECT_EQ(position1.ToString(), grandchild->window()->bounds().origin().ToString()); bool synchronized = false; child_sub_surface->SetCommitBehavior(synchronized); // Set position to 20, 20. gfx::Point position2(20, 20); grandchild_sub_surface->SetPosition(position2); child->Commit(); // A Commit() call on child should be sufficient for the position of // grandchild to take effect when synchronous is disabled. EXPECT_EQ(position2.ToString(), grandchild->window()->bounds().origin().ToString()); } } // namespace } // namespace exo
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_PRINTING_CLOUD_PRINT_PRIVET_DEVICE_LISTER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_PRINTING_CLOUD_PRINT_PRIVET_DEVICE_LISTER_H_ #include <string> #include "chrome/browser/printing/cloud_print/device_description.h" namespace cloud_print { class PrivetDeviceLister { public: PrivetDeviceLister(); virtual ~PrivetDeviceLister(); class Delegate { public: virtual ~Delegate() {} virtual void DeviceChanged(const std::string& name, const DeviceDescription& description) = 0; virtual void DeviceRemoved(const std::string& name) = 0; virtual void DeviceCacheFlushed() = 0; }; // Start the PrivetServiceLister. virtual void Start() = 0; virtual void DiscoverNewDevices() = 0; }; } // namespace cloud_print #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_PRINTING_CLOUD_PRINT_PRIVET_DEVICE_LISTER_H_
2016-10-18 11:40:27+01:00
/* * QEMU ISA MM VGA Emulator. * * Copyright (c) 2003 Fabrice Bellard * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "qemu/osdep.h" #include "hw/hw.h" #include "ui/console.h" #include "hw/i386/pc.h" #include "vga_int.h" #include "ui/pixel_ops.h" #include "qemu/timer.h" #define VGA_RAM_SIZE (8192 * 1024) typedef struct ISAVGAMMState { VGACommonState vga; int it_shift; } ISAVGAMMState; /* Memory mapped interface */ static uint32_t vga_mm_readb (void *opaque, hwaddr addr) { ISAVGAMMState *s = opaque; return vga_ioport_read(&s->vga, addr >> s->it_shift) & 0xff; } static void vga_mm_writeb (void *opaque, hwaddr addr, uint32_t value) { ISAVGAMMState *s = opaque; vga_ioport_write(&s->vga, addr >> s->it_shift, value & 0xff); } static uint32_t vga_mm_readw (void *opaque, hwaddr addr) { ISAVGAMMState *s = opaque; return vga_ioport_read(&s->vga, addr >> s->it_shift) & 0xffff; } static void vga_mm_writew (void *opaque, hwaddr addr, uint32_t value) { ISAVGAMMState *s = opaque; vga_ioport_write(&s->vga, addr >> s->it_shift, value & 0xffff); } static uint32_t vga_mm_readl (void *opaque, hwaddr addr) { ISAVGAMMState *s = opaque; return vga_ioport_read(&s->vga, addr >> s->it_shift); } static void vga_mm_writel (void *opaque, hwaddr addr, uint32_t value) { ISAVGAMMState *s = opaque; vga_ioport_write(&s->vga, addr >> s->it_shift, value); } static const MemoryRegionOps vga_mm_ctrl_ops = { .old_mmio = { .read = { vga_mm_readb, vga_mm_readw, vga_mm_readl, }, .write = { vga_mm_writeb, vga_mm_writew, vga_mm_writel, }, }, .endianness = DEVICE_NATIVE_ENDIAN, }; static void vga_mm_init(ISAVGAMMState *s, hwaddr vram_base, hwaddr ctrl_base, int it_shift, MemoryRegion *address_space) { MemoryRegion *s_ioport_ctrl, *vga_io_memory; s->it_shift = it_shift; s_ioport_ctrl = g_malloc(sizeof(*s_ioport_ctrl)); memory_region_init_io(s_ioport_ctrl, NULL, &vga_mm_ctrl_ops, s, "vga-mm-ctrl", 0x100000); memory_region_set_flush_coalesced(s_ioport_ctrl); vga_io_memory = g_malloc(sizeof(*vga_io_memory)); /* XXX: endianness? */ memory_region_init_io(vga_io_memory, NULL, &vga_mem_ops, &s->vga, "vga-mem", 0x20000); vmstate_register(NULL, 0, &vmstate_vga_common, s); memory_region_add_subregion(address_space, ctrl_base, s_ioport_ctrl); s->vga.bank_offset = 0; memory_region_add_subregion(address_space, vram_base + 0x000a0000, vga_io_memory); memory_region_set_coalescing(vga_io_memory); } int isa_vga_mm_init(hwaddr vram_base, hwaddr ctrl_base, int it_shift, MemoryRegion *address_space) { ISAVGAMMState *s; s = g_malloc0(sizeof(*s)); s->vga.vram_size_mb = VGA_RAM_SIZE >> 20; vga_common_init(&s->vga, NULL, true); vga_mm_init(s, vram_base, ctrl_base, it_shift, address_space); s->vga.con = graphic_console_init(NULL, 0, s->vga.hw_ops, s); vga_init_vbe(&s->vga, NULL, address_space); return 0; }
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
/** * (C) 1999-2003 Lars Knoll ( * Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_sheet_list.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_engine.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/use_counter.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_style_element.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html_names.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h" namespace blink { using namespace HTMLNames; StyleSheetList* StyleSheetList::Create() { DCHECK(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::ConstructableStylesheetsEnabled()); return new StyleSheetList(); } StyleSheetList* StyleSheetList::Create( const HeapVector<Member<CSSStyleSheet>>& style_sheet_vector, ExceptionState& exception_state) { if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::ConstructableStylesheetsEnabled()) { exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Illegal constructor"); return nullptr; } return new StyleSheetList(style_sheet_vector); } StyleSheetList::StyleSheetList( const HeapVector<Member<CSSStyleSheet>>& style_sheet_vector) : style_sheet_vector_(style_sheet_vector) {} StyleSheetList::StyleSheetList(TreeScope* tree_scope) : tree_scope_(tree_scope) { CHECK(tree_scope); } inline const HeapVector<TraceWrapperMember<StyleSheet>>& StyleSheetList::StyleSheets() const { return GetDocument()->GetStyleEngine().StyleSheetsForStyleSheetList( *tree_scope_); } unsigned StyleSheetList::length() { if (!tree_scope_) return style_sheet_vector_.size(); return StyleSheets().size(); } StyleSheet* StyleSheetList::item(unsigned index) { if (!tree_scope_) { return index < style_sheet_vector_.size() ? style_sheet_vector_[index].Get() : nullptr; } const HeapVector<TraceWrapperMember<StyleSheet>>& sheets = StyleSheets(); return index < sheets.size() ? sheets[index].Get() : nullptr; } HTMLStyleElement* StyleSheetList::GetNamedItem(const AtomicString& name) const { if (!tree_scope_) return nullptr; // IE also supports retrieving a stylesheet by name, using the name/id of the // <style> tag (this is consistent with all the other collections) ### Bad // implementation because returns a single element (are IDs always unique?) // and doesn't look for name attribute. But unicity of stylesheet ids is good // practice anyway ;) // FIXME: We should figure out if we should change this or fix the spec. Element* element = tree_scope_->getElementById(name); return IsHTMLStyleElement(element) ? ToHTMLStyleElement(element) : nullptr; } CSSStyleSheet* StyleSheetList::AnonymousNamedGetter(const AtomicString& name) { if (GetDocument()) { UseCounter::Count(*GetDocument(), WebFeature::kStyleSheetListAnonymousNamedGetter); } HTMLStyleElement* item = GetNamedItem(name); if (!item) return nullptr; CSSStyleSheet* sheet = item->sheet(); if (sheet) { UseCounter::Count(*GetDocument(), WebFeature::kStyleSheetListNonNullAnonymousNamedGetter); } return sheet; } void StyleSheetList::Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor) { visitor->Trace(tree_scope_); visitor->Trace(style_sheet_vector_); ScriptWrappable::Trace(visitor); } } // namespace blink
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * linux/drivers/video/n411.c -- Platform device for N411 EPD kit * * Copyright (C) 2008, Jaya Kumar * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public * License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive for * more details. * * Layout is based on skeletonfb.c by James Simmons and Geert Uytterhoeven. * * This driver is written to be used with the Hecuba display controller * board, and tested with the EInk 800x600 display in 1 bit mode. * The interface between Hecuba and the host is TTL based GPIO. The * GPIO requirements are 8 writable data lines and 6 lines for control. * Only 4 of the controls are actually used here but 6 for future use. * The driver requires the IO addresses for data and control GPIO at * load time. It is also possible to use this display with a standard * PC parallel port. * * General notes: * - User must set dio_addr=0xIOADDR cio_addr=0xIOADDR c2io_addr=0xIOADDR * */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/string.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/list.h> #include <linux/uaccess.h> #include <linux/irq.h> #include <video/hecubafb.h> static unsigned long dio_addr; static unsigned long cio_addr; static unsigned long c2io_addr; static unsigned long splashval; static unsigned int nosplash; static unsigned char ctl; static void n411_set_ctl(struct hecubafb_par *par, unsigned char bit, unsigned char state) { switch (bit) { case HCB_CD_BIT: if (state) ctl &= ~(HCB_CD_BIT); else ctl |= HCB_CD_BIT; break; case HCB_DS_BIT: if (state) ctl &= ~(HCB_DS_BIT); else ctl |= HCB_DS_BIT; break; } outb(ctl, cio_addr); } static unsigned char n411_get_ctl(struct hecubafb_par *par) { return inb(c2io_addr); } static void n411_set_data(struct hecubafb_par *par, unsigned char value) { outb(value, dio_addr); } static void n411_wait_for_ack(struct hecubafb_par *par, int clear) { int timeout; unsigned char tmp; timeout = 500; do { tmp = n411_get_ctl(par); if ((tmp & HCB_ACK_BIT) && (!clear)) return; else if (!(tmp & HCB_ACK_BIT) && (clear)) return; udelay(1); } while (timeout--); printk(KERN_ERR "timed out waiting for ack\n"); } static int n411_init_control(struct hecubafb_par *par) { unsigned char tmp; /* for init, we want the following setup to be set: WUP = lo ACK = hi DS = hi RW = hi CD = lo */ /* write WUP to lo, DS to hi, RW to hi, CD to lo */ ctl = HCB_WUP_BIT | HCB_RW_BIT | HCB_CD_BIT ; n411_set_ctl(par, HCB_DS_BIT, 1); /* check ACK is not lo */ tmp = n411_get_ctl(par); if (tmp & HCB_ACK_BIT) { printk(KERN_ERR "Fail because ACK is already low\n"); return -ENXIO; } return 0; } static int n411_init_board(struct hecubafb_par *par) { int retval; retval = n411_init_control(par); if (retval) return retval; par->send_command(par, APOLLO_INIT_DISPLAY); par->send_data(par, 0x81); /* have to wait while display resets */ udelay(1000); /* if we were told to splash the screen, we just clear it */ if (!nosplash) { par->send_command(par, APOLLO_ERASE_DISPLAY); par->send_data(par, splashval); } return 0; } static struct hecuba_board n411_board = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .init = n411_init_board, .set_ctl = n411_set_ctl, .set_data = n411_set_data, .wait_for_ack = n411_wait_for_ack, }; static struct platform_device *n411_device; static int __init n411_init(void) { int ret; if (!dio_addr || !cio_addr || !c2io_addr) { printk(KERN_WARNING "no IO addresses supplied\n"); return -EINVAL; } /* request our platform independent driver */ request_module("hecubafb"); n411_device = platform_device_alloc("hecubafb", -1); if (!n411_device) return -ENOMEM; ret = platform_device_add_data(n411_device, &n411_board, sizeof(n411_board)); if (ret) goto put_plat_device; /* this _add binds hecubafb to n411. hecubafb refcounts n411 */ ret = platform_device_add(n411_device); if (ret) goto put_plat_device; return 0; put_plat_device: platform_device_put(n411_device); return ret; } static void __exit n411_exit(void) { platform_device_unregister(n411_device); } module_init(n411_init); module_exit(n411_exit); module_param(nosplash, uint, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(nosplash, "Disable doing the splash screen"); module_param(dio_addr, ulong, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(dio_addr, "IO address for data, eg: 0x480"); module_param(cio_addr, ulong, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(cio_addr, "IO address for control, eg: 0x400"); module_param(c2io_addr, ulong, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(c2io_addr, "IO address for secondary control, eg: 0x408"); module_param(splashval, ulong, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(splashval, "Splash pattern: 0x00 is black, 0x01 is white"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("board driver for n411 hecuba/apollo epd kit"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Jaya Kumar"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <vector> #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/test/simple_test_tick_clock.h" #include "media/cast/net/cast_transport_config.h" #include "media/cast/net/pacing/paced_sender.h" #include "media/cast/net/rtcp/receiver_rtcp_session.h" #include "media/cast/net/rtcp/rtcp_builder.h" #include "media/cast/net/rtcp/rtcp_session.h" #include "media/cast/net/rtcp/rtcp_utility.h" #include "media/cast/net/rtcp/sender_rtcp_session.h" #include "media/cast/test/skewed_tick_clock.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" namespace media { namespace cast { namespace { media::cast::RtcpTimeData CreateRtcpTimeData(base::TimeTicks now) { media::cast::RtcpTimeData ret; ret.timestamp = now; media::cast::ConvertTimeTicksToNtp(now, &ret.ntp_seconds, &ret.ntp_fraction); return ret; } using testing::_; static const uint32_t kSenderSsrc = 0x10203; static const uint32_t kReceiverSsrc = 0x40506; static const int kInitialReceiverClockOffsetSeconds = -5; static const uint16_t kTargetDelayMs = 100; class FakeRtcpTransport : public PacedPacketSender { public: explicit FakeRtcpTransport(base::SimpleTestTickClock* clock) : clock_(clock), packet_delay_(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(42)) {} void set_rtcp_destination(RtcpSession* rtcp_session) { rtcp_session_ = rtcp_session; } base::TimeDelta packet_delay() const { return packet_delay_; } void set_packet_delay(base::TimeDelta delay) { packet_delay_ = delay; } bool SendRtcpPacket(uint32_t ssrc, PacketRef packet) final { clock_->Advance(packet_delay_); rtcp_session_->IncomingRtcpPacket(&packet->data[0], packet->data.size()); return true; } bool SendPackets(const SendPacketVector& packets) final { return false; } bool ResendPackets(const SendPacketVector& packets, const DedupInfo& dedup_info) final { return false; } void CancelSendingPacket(const PacketKey& packet_key) final {} private: base::SimpleTestTickClock* const clock_; base::TimeDelta packet_delay_; RtcpSession* rtcp_session_; // RTCP destination. DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FakeRtcpTransport); }; } // namespace class RtcpTest : public ::testing::Test, public RtcpObserver { protected: RtcpTest() : sender_clock_(new base::SimpleTestTickClock()), receiver_clock_(new test::SkewedTickClock(sender_clock_.get())), rtp_sender_pacer_(sender_clock_.get()), rtp_receiver_pacer_(sender_clock_.get()), rtcp_at_rtp_sender_(sender_clock_.get(), &rtp_sender_pacer_, this, kSenderSsrc, kReceiverSsrc), rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_(receiver_clock_.get(), kReceiverSsrc, kSenderSsrc), received_pli_(false) { sender_clock_->Advance(base::TimeTicks::Now() - base::TimeTicks()); receiver_clock_->SetSkew( 1.0, // No skew. base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kInitialReceiverClockOffsetSeconds)); rtp_sender_pacer_.set_rtcp_destination(&rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_); rtp_receiver_pacer_.set_rtcp_destination(&rtcp_at_rtp_sender_); } ~RtcpTest() override = default; // RtcpObserver implementation. void OnReceivedCastMessage(const RtcpCastMessage& cast_message) override { last_cast_message_ = cast_message; } void OnReceivedRtt(base::TimeDelta round_trip_time) override { current_round_trip_time_ = round_trip_time; } void OnReceivedReceiverLog(const RtcpReceiverLogMessage& logs) override { RtcpReceiverLogMessage().swap(last_logs_); // Make a copy of the logs. for (const RtcpReceiverFrameLogMessage& frame_log_msg : logs) { last_logs_.push_back( RtcpReceiverFrameLogMessage(frame_log_msg.rtp_timestamp_)); for (const RtcpReceiverEventLogMessage& event_log_msg : frame_log_msg.event_log_messages_) { RtcpReceiverEventLogMessage event_log; event_log.type = event_log_msg.type; event_log.event_timestamp = event_log_msg.event_timestamp; event_log.delay_delta = event_log_msg.delay_delta; event_log.packet_id = event_log_msg.packet_id; last_logs_.back().event_log_messages_.push_back(event_log); } } } void OnReceivedPli() override { received_pli_ = true; } PacketRef BuildRtcpPacketFromRtpReceiver( const RtcpTimeData& time_data, const RtcpCastMessage* cast_message, const RtcpPliMessage* pli_message, base::TimeDelta target_delay, const ReceiverRtcpEventSubscriber::RtcpEvents* rtcp_events, const RtpReceiverStatistics* rtp_receiver_statistics) { RtcpBuilder builder(rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.local_ssrc()); builder.Start(); RtcpReceiverReferenceTimeReport rrtr; rrtr.ntp_seconds = time_data.ntp_seconds; rrtr.ntp_fraction = time_data.ntp_fraction; builder.AddRrtr(rrtr); RtcpReportBlock report_block; if (rtp_receiver_statistics) { report_block.remote_ssrc = 0; report_block.media_ssrc = rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.remote_ssrc(); report_block.fraction_lost = rtp_receiver_statistics->fraction_lost; report_block.cumulative_lost = rtp_receiver_statistics->cumulative_lost; report_block.extended_high_sequence_number = rtp_receiver_statistics->extended_high_sequence_number; report_block.jitter = rtp_receiver_statistics->jitter; report_block.last_sr = rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.last_report_truncated_ntp(); base::TimeTicks last_report_received_time = rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.time_last_report_received(); if (!last_report_received_time.is_null()) { uint32_t delay_seconds = 0; uint32_t delay_fraction = 0; base::TimeDelta delta = time_data.timestamp - last_report_received_time; ConvertTimeToFractions(delta.InMicroseconds(), &delay_seconds, &delay_fraction); report_block.delay_since_last_sr = ConvertToNtpDiff(delay_seconds, delay_fraction); } else { report_block.delay_since_last_sr = 0; } builder.AddRR(&report_block); } if (cast_message) builder.AddCast(*cast_message, target_delay); if (pli_message) builder.AddPli(*pli_message); if (rtcp_events) builder.AddReceiverLog(*rtcp_events); return builder.Finish(); } std::unique_ptr<base::SimpleTestTickClock> sender_clock_; std::unique_ptr<test::SkewedTickClock> receiver_clock_; FakeRtcpTransport rtp_sender_pacer_; FakeRtcpTransport rtp_receiver_pacer_; SenderRtcpSession rtcp_at_rtp_sender_; ReceiverRtcpSession rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_; base::TimeDelta current_round_trip_time_; RtcpCastMessage last_cast_message_; RtcpReceiverLogMessage last_logs_; bool received_pli_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RtcpTest); }; TEST_F(RtcpTest, LipSyncGleanedFromSenderReport) { // Initially, expect no lip-sync info receiver-side without having first // received a RTCP packet. base::TimeTicks reference_time; RtpTimeTicks rtp_timestamp; ASSERT_FALSE(rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.GetLatestLipSyncTimes(&rtp_timestamp, &reference_time)); // Send a Sender Report to the receiver. const base::TimeTicks reference_time_sent = sender_clock_->NowTicks(); const RtpTimeTicks rtp_timestamp_sent = RtpTimeTicks().Expand(UINT32_C(0xbee5)); rtcp_at_rtp_sender_.SendRtcpReport(reference_time_sent, rtp_timestamp_sent, 1, 1); // Now the receiver should have lip-sync info. Confirm that the lip-sync // reference time is the same as that sent. EXPECT_TRUE(rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.GetLatestLipSyncTimes(&rtp_timestamp, &reference_time)); const base::TimeTicks rolled_back_time = (reference_time - // Roll-back relative clock offset: base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kInitialReceiverClockOffsetSeconds) - // Roll-back packet transmission time (because RTT is not yet known): rtp_sender_pacer_.packet_delay()); EXPECT_NEAR(0, (reference_time_sent - rolled_back_time).InMicroseconds(), 5); EXPECT_EQ(rtp_timestamp_sent, rtp_timestamp); } TEST_F(RtcpTest, RoundTripTimesDeterminedFromReportPingPong) { const int iterations = 12; // Sender does not know the RTT yet. ASSERT_EQ(base::TimeDelta(), rtcp_at_rtp_sender_.current_round_trip_time()); // Do a number of ping-pongs, checking how the round trip times are measured // by the sender. base::TimeDelta expected_rtt_according_to_sender; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { const base::TimeDelta one_way_trip_time = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(static_cast<int64_t>(1) << i); rtp_sender_pacer_.set_packet_delay(one_way_trip_time); rtp_receiver_pacer_.set_packet_delay(one_way_trip_time); // Sender --> Receiver base::TimeTicks reference_time_sent = sender_clock_->NowTicks(); const RtpTimeTicks rtp_timestamp_sent = RtpTimeTicks().Expand<uint32_t>(0xbee5) + RtpTimeDelta::FromTicks(i); rtcp_at_rtp_sender_.SendRtcpReport(reference_time_sent, rtp_timestamp_sent, 1, 1); EXPECT_EQ(expected_rtt_according_to_sender, rtcp_at_rtp_sender_.current_round_trip_time()); // Validate last reported callback value is same as that reported by method. EXPECT_EQ(current_round_trip_time_, rtcp_at_rtp_sender_.current_round_trip_time()); // Receiver --> Sender RtpReceiverStatistics stats; rtp_receiver_pacer_.SendRtcpPacket( rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.local_ssrc(), BuildRtcpPacketFromRtpReceiver( CreateRtcpTimeData(receiver_clock_->NowTicks()), nullptr, nullptr, base::TimeDelta(), nullptr, &stats)); expected_rtt_according_to_sender = one_way_trip_time * 2; EXPECT_EQ(expected_rtt_according_to_sender, rtcp_at_rtp_sender_.current_round_trip_time()); } } TEST_F(RtcpTest, ReportCastFeedback) { // Sender has sent all frames up to and including first+5. rtcp_at_rtp_sender_.WillSendFrame(FrameId::first() + 5); // ACK all frames up to and including first+5, except NACK a few in first+1 // and first+2. RtcpCastMessage cast_message(kSenderSsrc); cast_message.ack_frame_id = FrameId::first() + 5; PacketIdSet missing_packets1 = {3, 4}; cast_message.missing_frames_and_packets[FrameId::first() + 1] = missing_packets1; PacketIdSet missing_packets2 = {5, 6}; cast_message.missing_frames_and_packets[FrameId::first() + 2] = missing_packets2; rtp_receiver_pacer_.SendRtcpPacket( rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.local_ssrc(), BuildRtcpPacketFromRtpReceiver( CreateRtcpTimeData(base::TimeTicks()), &cast_message, nullptr, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kTargetDelayMs), nullptr, nullptr)); EXPECT_EQ(last_cast_message_.ack_frame_id, cast_message.ack_frame_id); EXPECT_EQ(last_cast_message_.target_delay_ms, kTargetDelayMs); EXPECT_EQ(last_cast_message_.missing_frames_and_packets.size(), cast_message.missing_frames_and_packets.size()); EXPECT_TRUE( std::equal(cast_message.missing_frames_and_packets.begin(), cast_message.missing_frames_and_packets.end(), last_cast_message_.missing_frames_and_packets.begin())); } TEST_F(RtcpTest, ReportPli) { RtcpPliMessage pli_message(kSenderSsrc); rtp_receiver_pacer_.SendRtcpPacket( rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.local_ssrc(), BuildRtcpPacketFromRtpReceiver(CreateRtcpTimeData(base::TimeTicks()), nullptr, &pli_message, base::TimeDelta(), nullptr, nullptr)); EXPECT_TRUE(received_pli_); } TEST_F(RtcpTest, DropLateRtcpPacket) { // Sender has sent all frames up to and including first+2. rtcp_at_rtp_sender_.WillSendFrame(FrameId::first() + 2); // Receiver ACKs first+1. RtcpCastMessage cast_message(kSenderSsrc); cast_message.ack_frame_id = FrameId::first() + 1; rtp_receiver_pacer_.SendRtcpPacket( rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.local_ssrc(), BuildRtcpPacketFromRtpReceiver( CreateRtcpTimeData(receiver_clock_->NowTicks()), &cast_message, nullptr, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kTargetDelayMs), nullptr, nullptr)); // Receiver ACKs first+2, but with a too-old timestamp. RtcpCastMessage late_cast_message(kSenderSsrc); late_cast_message.ack_frame_id = FrameId::first() + 2; rtp_receiver_pacer_.SendRtcpPacket( rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.local_ssrc(), BuildRtcpPacketFromRtpReceiver( CreateRtcpTimeData(receiver_clock_->NowTicks() - base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(10)), &late_cast_message, nullptr, base::TimeDelta(), nullptr, nullptr)); // Validate data from second packet is dropped. EXPECT_EQ(last_cast_message_.ack_frame_id, cast_message.ack_frame_id); EXPECT_EQ(last_cast_message_.target_delay_ms, kTargetDelayMs); // Re-send with fresh timestamp late_cast_message.ack_frame_id = FrameId::first() + 2; rtp_receiver_pacer_.SendRtcpPacket( rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.local_ssrc(), BuildRtcpPacketFromRtpReceiver( CreateRtcpTimeData(receiver_clock_->NowTicks()), &late_cast_message, nullptr, base::TimeDelta(), nullptr, nullptr)); EXPECT_EQ(last_cast_message_.ack_frame_id, late_cast_message.ack_frame_id); EXPECT_EQ(last_cast_message_.target_delay_ms, 0); } TEST_F(RtcpTest, ReportReceiverEvents) { const RtpTimeTicks kRtpTimeStamp = media::cast::RtpTimeTicks().Expand(UINT32_C(100)); const base::TimeTicks kEventTimestamp = receiver_clock_->NowTicks(); const base::TimeDelta kDelayDelta = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100); RtcpEvent event; event.type = FRAME_ACK_SENT; event.timestamp = kEventTimestamp; event.delay_delta = kDelayDelta; ReceiverRtcpEventSubscriber::RtcpEvents rtcp_events; rtcp_events.push_back(std::make_pair(kRtpTimeStamp, event)); rtp_receiver_pacer_.SendRtcpPacket( rtcp_at_rtp_receiver_.local_ssrc(), BuildRtcpPacketFromRtpReceiver( CreateRtcpTimeData(receiver_clock_->NowTicks()), nullptr, nullptr, base::TimeDelta(), &rtcp_events, nullptr)); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, last_logs_.size()); RtcpReceiverFrameLogMessage frame_log = last_logs_.front(); EXPECT_EQ(frame_log.rtp_timestamp_, kRtpTimeStamp); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, frame_log.event_log_messages_.size()); RtcpReceiverEventLogMessage log_msg = frame_log.event_log_messages_.back(); EXPECT_EQ(log_msg.type, event.type); EXPECT_EQ(log_msg.delay_delta, event.delay_delta); // Only 24 bits of event timestamp sent on wire. uint32_t event_ts = (event.timestamp - base::TimeTicks()).InMilliseconds() & 0xffffff; uint32_t log_msg_ts = (log_msg.event_timestamp - base::TimeTicks()).InMilliseconds() & 0xffffff; EXPECT_EQ(log_msg_ts, event_ts); } } // namespace cast } // namespace media
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * linux/drivers/video/console/fbcon_rotate.c -- Software Rotation * * Copyright (C) 2005 Antonino Daplas <adaplas> * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public * License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive for * more details. */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/string.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <linux/vt_kern.h> #include <linux/console.h> #include <asm/types.h> #include "fbcon.h" #include "fbcon_rotate.h" static int fbcon_rotate_font(struct fb_info *info, struct vc_data *vc) { struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par; int len, err = 0; int s_cellsize, d_cellsize, i; const u8 *src; u8 *dst; if (vc-> == ops->fontdata && ops->p->con_rotate == ops->cur_rotate) goto finished; src = ops->fontdata = vc->; ops->cur_rotate = ops->p->con_rotate; len = (!ops->p->userfont) ? 256 : FNTCHARCNT(src); s_cellsize = ((vc->vc_font.width + 7)/8) * vc->vc_font.height; d_cellsize = s_cellsize; if (ops->rotate == FB_ROTATE_CW || ops->rotate == FB_ROTATE_CCW) d_cellsize = ((vc->vc_font.height + 7)/8) * vc->vc_font.width; if (info->fbops->fb_sync) info->fbops->fb_sync(info); if (ops->fd_size < d_cellsize * len) { dst = kmalloc(d_cellsize * len, GFP_KERNEL); if (dst == NULL) { err = -ENOMEM; goto finished; } ops->fd_size = d_cellsize * len; kfree(ops->fontbuffer); ops->fontbuffer = dst; } dst = ops->fontbuffer; memset(dst, 0, ops->fd_size); switch (ops->rotate) { case FB_ROTATE_UD: for (i = len; i--; ) { rotate_ud(src, dst, vc->vc_font.width, vc->vc_font.height); src += s_cellsize; dst += d_cellsize; } break; case FB_ROTATE_CW: for (i = len; i--; ) { rotate_cw(src, dst, vc->vc_font.width, vc->vc_font.height); src += s_cellsize; dst += d_cellsize; } break; case FB_ROTATE_CCW: for (i = len; i--; ) { rotate_ccw(src, dst, vc->vc_font.width, vc->vc_font.height); src += s_cellsize; dst += d_cellsize; } break; } finished: return err; } void fbcon_set_rotate(struct fbcon_ops *ops) { ops->rotate_font = fbcon_rotate_font; switch(ops->rotate) { case FB_ROTATE_CW: fbcon_rotate_cw(ops); break; case FB_ROTATE_UD: fbcon_rotate_ud(ops); break; case FB_ROTATE_CCW: fbcon_rotate_ccw(ops); break; } } EXPORT_SYMBOL(fbcon_set_rotate); MODULE_AUTHOR("Antonino Daplas <>"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Console Rotation Support"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
#ifndef RTL8180_GRF5101_H #define RTL8180_GRF5101_H /* * Radio tuning for GCT GRF5101 on RTL8180 * * Copyright 2007 Andrea Merello <> * * Code from the BSD driver and the rtl8181 project have been * very useful to understand certain things * * I want to thanks the Authors of such projects and the Ndiswrapper * project Authors. * * A special Big Thanks also is for all people who donated me cards, * making possible the creation of the original rtl8180 driver * from which this code is derived! * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #define GRF5101_ANTENNA 0xA3 extern const struct rtl818x_rf_ops grf5101_rf_ops; #endif /* RTL8180_GRF5101_H */
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef REMOTING_PROTOCOL_ICE_TRANSPORT_H_ #define REMOTING_PROTOCOL_ICE_TRANSPORT_H_ #include <list> #include <map> #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "remoting/protocol/datagram_channel_factory.h" #include "remoting/protocol/ice_transport_channel.h" #include "remoting/protocol/jingle_messages.h" #include "remoting/protocol/transport.h" namespace remoting { namespace protocol { class ChannelMultiplexer; class PseudoTcpChannelFactory; class SecureChannelFactory; class MessageChannelFactory; class IceTransport : public Transport, public IceTransportChannel::Delegate, public DatagramChannelFactory { public: class EventHandler { public: // Called when transport route changes. virtual void OnIceTransportRouteChange(const std::string& channel_name, const TransportRoute& route) = 0; // Called when there is an error connecting the session. virtual void OnIceTransportError(ErrorCode error) = 0; }; // |transport_context| must outlive the session. IceTransport(scoped_refptr<TransportContext> transport_context, EventHandler* event_handler); ~IceTransport() override; MessageChannelFactory* GetChannelFactory(); MessageChannelFactory* GetMultiplexedChannelFactory(); // Transport interface. void Start(Authenticator* authenticator, SendTransportInfoCallback send_transport_info_callback) override; bool ProcessTransportInfo(buzz::XmlElement* transport_info) override; private: typedef std::map<std::string, IceTransportChannel*> ChannelsMap; // DatagramChannelFactory interface. void CreateChannel(const std::string& name, const ChannelCreatedCallback& callback) override; void CancelChannelCreation(const std::string& name) override; // Passes transport info to a new |channel| in case it was received before the // channel was created. void AddPendingRemoteTransportInfo(IceTransportChannel* channel); // IceTransportChannel::Delegate interface. void OnChannelIceCredentials(IceTransportChannel* transport, const std::string& ufrag, const std::string& password) override; void OnChannelCandidate(IceTransportChannel* transport, const cricket::Candidate& candidate) override; void OnChannelRouteChange(IceTransportChannel* transport, const TransportRoute& route) override; void OnChannelFailed(IceTransportChannel* transport) override; void OnChannelDeleted(IceTransportChannel* transport) override; // Creates empty |pending_transport_info_message_| and schedules timer for // SentTransportInfo() to sent the message later. void EnsurePendingTransportInfoMessage(); // Sends transport-info message with candidates from |pending_candidates_|. void SendTransportInfo(); // Callback passed to StreamMessageChannelFactoryAdapter to handle read/write // errors on the data channels. void OnChannelError(int error); scoped_refptr<TransportContext> transport_context_; EventHandler* event_handler_; SendTransportInfoCallback send_transport_info_callback_; ChannelsMap channels_; std::unique_ptr<PseudoTcpChannelFactory> pseudotcp_channel_factory_; std::unique_ptr<SecureChannelFactory> secure_channel_factory_; std::unique_ptr<MessageChannelFactory> message_channel_factory_; std::unique_ptr<ChannelMultiplexer> channel_multiplexer_; std::unique_ptr<MessageChannelFactory> mux_channel_factory_; // Pending remote transport info received before the local channels were // created. std::list<IceTransportInfo::IceCredentials> pending_remote_ice_credentials_; std::list<IceTransportInfo::NamedCandidate> pending_remote_candidates_; std::unique_ptr<IceTransportInfo> pending_transport_info_message_; base::OneShotTimer transport_info_timer_; base::WeakPtrFactory<IceTransport> weak_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(IceTransport); }; } // namespace protocol } // namespace remoting #endif // REMOTING_PROTOCOL_ICE_TRANSPORT_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This file contains UTF8 strings that we want as char arrays. To avoid // different compilers, we use a script to convert the UTF8 strings into // numeric literals (\x##). #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_regex_constants.h" namespace autofill { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char kAttentionIgnoredRe[] = "attention|attn"; const char kRegionIgnoredRe[] = "province|region|other" "|provincia" // es "|bairro|suburb"; // pt-BR, pt-PT const char kAddressNameIgnoredRe[] = "address.*nickname|address.*label"; const char kCompanyRe[] = "company|business|organization|organisation" "|firma|firmenname" // de-DE "|empresa" // es "|societe|société" // fr-FR "|ragione.?sociale" // it-IT "|会社" // ja-JP "|название.?компании" // ru "|单位|公司" // zh-CN "|회사|직장"; // ko-KR const char kAddressLine1Re[] = "^address$|address[_-]?line(one)?|address1|addr1|street" "|(?:shipping|billing)address$" "|strasse|straße|hausnummer|housenumber" // de-DE "|house.?name" // en-GB "|direccion|dirección" // es "|adresse" // fr-FR "|indirizzo" // it-IT "|^住所$|住所1" // ja-JP "|morada|endereço" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Адрес" // ru "|地址" // zh-CN "|^주소.?$|주소.?1"; // ko-KR const char kAddressLine1LabelRe[] = "address" "|adresse" // fr-FR "|indirizzo" // it-IT "|住所" // ja-JP "|地址" // zh-CN "|주소"; // ko-KR const char kAddressLine2Re[] = "address[_-]?line(2|two)|address2|addr2|street|suite|unit" "|adresszusatz|ergänzende.?angaben" // de-DE "|direccion2|colonia|adicional" // es "|addresssuppl|complementnom|appartement" // fr-FR "|indirizzo2" // it-IT "|住所2" // ja-JP "|complemento|addrcomplement" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Улица" // ru "|地址2" // zh-CN "|주소.?2"; // ko-KR const char kAddressLine2LabelRe[] = "address|line" "|adresse" // fr-FR "|indirizzo" // it-IT "|地址" // zh-CN "|주소"; // ko-KR const char kAddressLinesExtraRe[] = "address.*line[3-9]|address[3-9]|addr[3-9]|street|line[3-9]" "|municipio" // es "|batiment|residence" // fr-FR "|indirizzo[3-9]"; // it-IT const char kAddressLookupRe[] = "lookup"; const char kCountryRe[] = "country|countries" "|país|pais" // es "|国" // ja-JP "|国家" // zh-CN "|국가|나라"; // ko-KR const char kCountryLocationRe[] = "location"; const char kZipCodeRe[] = "zip|postal|post.*code|pcode" "|pin.?code" // en-IN "|postleitzahl" // de-DE "|\\bcp\\b" // es "|\\bcdp\\b" // fr-FR "|\\bcap\\b" // it-IT "|郵便番号" // ja-JP "|codigo|codpos|\\bcep\\b" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Почтовый.?Индекс" // ru "|邮政编码|邮编" // zh-CN "|郵遞區號" // zh-TW "|우편.?번호"; // ko-KR const char kZip4Re[] = "zip|^-$|post2" "|codpos2"; // pt-BR, pt-PT const char kCityRe[] = "city|town" "|\\bort\\b|stadt" // de-DE "|suburb" // en-AU "|ciudad|provincia|localidad|poblacion" // es "|ville|commune" // fr-FR "|localita" // it-IT "|市区町村" // ja-JP "|cidade" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Город" // ru "|市" // zh-CN "|分區" // zh-TW "|^시[^도·・]|시[·・]?군[·・]?구"; // ko-KR const char kStateRe[] = "(?<!united )state|county|region|province" "|land" // de-DE "|county|principality" // en-UK "|都道府県" // ja-JP "|estado|provincia" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|область" // ru "|省" // zh-CN "|地區" // zh-TW "|^시[·・]?도"; // ko-KR const char kSearchTermRe[] = "search" "|suche.*" // de-DE "|搜索" // zh-CN zh-TW "|探す|検索" // ja-JP to search "|recherch.*" // fr-FR "|busca" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|جستجو" // fa "|искать|найти|поиск"; // ru ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char kNameOnCardRe[] = "card.?(?:holder|owner)|name.*(\\b)?on(\\b)?.*card" "|(?:card|cc).?name|cc.?full.?name" "|karteninhaber" // de-DE "|nombre.*tarjeta" // es "|nom.*carte" // fr-FR "|nome.*cart" // it-IT "|名前" // ja-JP "|Имя.*карты" // ru "|信用卡开户名|开户名|持卡人姓名" // zh-CN "|持卡人姓名"; // zh-TW const char kNameOnCardContextualRe[] = "name"; const char kCardNumberRe[] = "(add)?(?:card|cc|acct).?(?:number|#|no|num|field)" "|(?<!telefon|haus)nummer" // de-DE "|credito|numero|número" // es "|numéro" // fr-FR "|カード番号" // ja-JP "|Номер.*карты" // ru "|信用卡号|信用卡号码" // zh-CN "|信用卡卡號" // zh-TW "|카드"; // ko-KR const char kCardCvcRe[] = "verification|card.?identification|security.?code|card.?code" "|security.?value" "|security.?number|card.?pin|c-v-v" "|(cvn|cvv|cvc|csc|cvd|cid|ccv)(field)?" "|\\bcid\\b"; // "Expiration date" is the most common label here, but some pages have // "Expires", "exp. date" or "exp. month" and "exp. year". We also look // for the field names ccmonth and ccyear, which appear on at least 4 of // our test pages. // On at least one page (The China Shop2.html) we find only the labels // "month" and "year". So for now we match these words directly; we'll // see if this turns out to be too general. // Toolbar Bug 51451: indeed, simply matching "month" is too general for // // Instead, we match only words beginning with "month". const char kExpirationMonthRe[] = "expir|exp.*mo|exp.*date|ccmonth|cardmonth|addmonth" "|gueltig|gültig|monat" // de-DE "|fecha" // es "|date.*exp" // fr-FR "|scadenza" // it-IT "|有効期限" // ja-JP "|validade" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Срок действия карты" // ru "|月"; // zh-CN const char kExpirationYearRe[] = "exp|^/|(add)?year" "|ablaufdatum|gueltig|gültig|jahr" // de-DE "|fecha" // es "|scadenza" // it-IT "|有効期限" // ja-JP "|validade" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Срок действия карты" // ru "|年|有效期"; // zh-CN // Used to match a expiration date field with a two digit year. // The following conditions must be met: // - Exactly two adjacent y's. // - (optional) Exactly two adjacent m's before the y's. // - (optional) Separated by white-space and/or a dash or slash. // - (optional) Prepended with some text similar to "Expiration Date". // Tested in components/autofill/core/common/ const char kExpirationDate2DigitYearRe[] = "(?:exp.*date[^y\\n\\r]*|mm\\s*[-/]?\\s*)yy(?:[^y]|$)"; // Used to match a expiration date field with a four digit year. // Same requirements as |kExpirationDate2DigitYearRe| except: // - Exactly four adjacent y's. // Tested in components/autofill/core/common/ const char kExpirationDate4DigitYearRe[] = "(?:exp.*date[^y\\n\\r]*|mm\\s*[-/]?\\s*)yyyy(?:[^y]|$)"; // Used to match expiration date fields that do not specify a year length. const char kExpirationDateRe[] = "expir|exp.*date|^expfield$" "|gueltig|gültig" // de-DE "|fecha" // es "|date.*exp" // fr-FR "|scadenza" // it-IT "|有効期限" // ja-JP "|validade" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Срок действия карты"; // ru const char kGiftCardRe[] = "gift.?card"; const char kDebitGiftCardRe[] = "(?:visa|mastercard|discover|amex|american express).*gift.?card"; const char kDebitCardRe[] = "debit.*card"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char kEmailRe[] = "e.?mail" "|courriel" // fr "|メールアドレス" // ja-JP "|Электронной.?Почты" // ru "|邮件|邮箱" // zh-CN "|電郵地址" // zh-TW "|(?:이메일|전자.?우편|[Ee]-?mail)(.?주소)?"; // ko-KR ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char kNameIgnoredRe[] = "user.?name|user.?id|nickname|maiden name|title|prefix|suffix" "|vollständiger.?name" // de-DE "|用户名" // zh-CN "|(?:사용자.?)?아이디|사용자.?ID"; // ko-KR const char kNameRe[] = "^name|full.?name|your.?name|customer.?name|bill.?name|ship.?name" "|name.*first.*last|firstandlastname" "|nombre.*y.*apellidos" // es "|^nom" // fr-FR "|お名前|氏名" // ja-JP "|^nome" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|姓名" // zh-CN "|성명"; // ko-KR const char kNameSpecificRe[] = "^name" "|^nom" // fr-FR "|^nome"; // pt-BR, pt-PT const char kFirstNameRe[] = "first.*name|initials|fname|first$|given.*name" "|vorname" // de-DE "|nombre" // es "|forename|prénom|prenom" // fr-FR "|名" // ja-JP "|nome" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Имя" // ru "|이름"; // ko-KR const char kMiddleInitialRe[] = "middle.*initial|m\\.i\\.|mi$|\\bmi\\b"; const char kMiddleNameRe[] = "middle.*name|mname|middle$" "|apellido.?materno|lastlastname"; // es const char kLastNameRe[] = "last.*name|lname|surname|last$|secondname|family.*name" "|nachname" // de-DE "|apellido" // es "|famille|^nom" // fr-FR "|cognome" // it-IT "|姓" // ja-JP "|morada|apelidos|surename|sobrenome" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Фамилия" // ru "|\\b성(?:[^명]|\\b)"; // ko-KR ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char kPhoneRe[] = "phone|mobile|contact.?number" "|telefonnummer" // de-DE "|telefono|teléfono" // es "|telfixe" // fr-FR "|電話" // ja-JP "|telefone|telemovel" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|телефон" // ru "|电话" // zh-CN "|(?:전화|핸드폰|휴대폰|휴대전화)(?:.?번호)?"; // ko-KR const char kCountryCodeRe[] = "country.*code|ccode|_cc"; const char kAreaCodeNotextRe[] = "^\\($"; const char kAreaCodeRe[] = "area.*code|acode|area" "|지역.?번호"; // ko-KR const char kPhonePrefixSeparatorRe[] = "^-$|^\\)$"; const char kPhoneSuffixSeparatorRe[] = "^-$"; const char kPhonePrefixRe[] = "prefix|exchange" "|preselection" // fr-FR "|ddd"; // pt-BR, pt-PT const char kPhoneSuffixRe[] = "suffix"; const char kPhoneExtensionRe[] = "\\bext|ext\\b|extension" "|ramal"; // pt-BR, pt-PT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char kUPIVirtualPaymentAddressRe[] = "^\\w+@(" "airtel|" // My Airtel-Recharge, Bill, Bank "allbank|" // Allahabad Bank UPI "andb|" // Andhra Bank ONE "axisbank|" // Axis Pay "axisgo|" // Ola "barodampay|" // Baroda MPay "boi|" // BHIM BOI UPI "centralbank|" // Cent UPI "cnrb|" // Canara Bank UPI - Empower "csbpay|" // CSB UPI "dbs|" // digibank by DBS "dcb|" // DCB Bank "denabank|" // Dena Bank E-UPI "fbl|" // Cointab "federal|" // Lotza "hdfcbank|" // HDFC Bank MobileBanking "hsbc|" // HSBC Simply Pay "icici|" // Pockets- ICICI Bank "idbi|" // PayWiz "idfcbank|" // IDFC Bank UPI App "indianbank|" // Indian Bank UPI "indus|" // Indus Pay "iob|" // IOB UPI "jkb|" // BHIM JK Bank UPI "jsb|" // JetPay UPI "kaypay|" // KayPay "kbl|" // KBL Smartz "kotak|" // kotak Mahindra Bank "kvb|" // KVB Upay "lvb|" // LVB UPay "mahb|" // MAHAUPI "obc|" // Oriental BHIM UPI "okicici|" // Tez "okhdfcbank|" // Tez "okaxis|" // Tez "paytm|" // Paytm "pingpay|" // Samsung Pay "pnb|" // PNB UPI "pockets|" // Pockets- ICICI Bank "psb|" // PSB UPI App "rbl|" // RBL Pay "sbi|" // SBI Pay "scb|" // Standard Chartered "sib|" // SIB M-Pay (UPI Pay) "syndicate|" // Synd UPI "tjsb|" // TranZapp "ubi|" // United UPI "uboi|" // Union Bank UPI "uco|" // UCO UPI "unionbank|" // Union Bank UPI "united|" // United UPI "upi|" // BHIM Bharat Interface for Money "utbi|" // United UPI "vijb|" // Vijaya UPI App "ybl|" // Yes Pay "yesbank" // NuPay ")$"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char kUrlSearchActionRe[] = "/search(/|((\\w*\\.\\w+)?$))"; } // namespace autofill
2016-01-27 15:43:28-05:00
/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* kdc/kdc_preauth_encts.c - Encrypted timestamp kdcpreauth module */ /* * Copyright (C) 1995, 2003, 2007, 2011 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * All rights reserved. * * Export of this software from the United States of America may * require a specific license from the United States Government. * It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating * export to obtain such a license before exporting. * * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior * permission. Furthermore if you modify this software you must label * your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a * fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software. * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express * or implied warranty. */ #include <k5-int.h> #include <krb5/kdcpreauth_plugin.h> #include "kdc_util.h" static void enc_ts_get(krb5_context context, krb5_kdc_req *request, krb5_kdcpreauth_callbacks cb, krb5_kdcpreauth_rock rock, krb5_kdcpreauth_moddata moddata, krb5_preauthtype pa_type, krb5_kdcpreauth_edata_respond_fn respond, void *arg) { krb5_keyblock *armor_key = cb->fast_armor(context, rock); /* Encrypted timestamp must not be used with FAST, and requires a key. */ if (armor_key != NULL || !cb->have_client_keys(context, rock)) (*respond)(arg, ENOENT, NULL); else (*respond)(arg, 0, NULL); } static void enc_ts_verify(krb5_context context, krb5_data *req_pkt, krb5_kdc_req *request, krb5_enc_tkt_part *enc_tkt_reply, krb5_pa_data *pa, krb5_kdcpreauth_callbacks cb, krb5_kdcpreauth_rock rock, krb5_kdcpreauth_moddata moddata, krb5_kdcpreauth_verify_respond_fn respond, void *arg) { krb5_pa_enc_ts * pa_enc = 0; krb5_error_code retval; krb5_data scratch; krb5_data enc_ts_data; krb5_enc_data *enc_data = 0; krb5_keyblock key; krb5_key_data * client_key; krb5_int32 start; krb5_timestamp timenow; krb5_error_code decrypt_err = 0; = (char *)pa->contents; scratch.length = pa->length; = 0; if ((retval = decode_krb5_enc_data(&scratch, &enc_data)) != 0) goto cleanup; enc_ts_data.length = enc_data->ciphertext.length; if (( = (char *) malloc(enc_ts_data.length)) == NULL) goto cleanup; start = 0; decrypt_err = 0; while (1) { if ((retval = krb5_dbe_search_enctype(context, rock->client, &start, enc_data->enctype, -1, 0, &client_key))) goto cleanup; if ((retval = krb5_dbe_decrypt_key_data(context, NULL, client_key, &key, NULL))) goto cleanup; key.enctype = enc_data->enctype; retval = krb5_c_decrypt(context, &key, KRB5_KEYUSAGE_AS_REQ_PA_ENC_TS, 0, enc_data, &enc_ts_data); krb5_free_keyblock_contents(context, &key); if (retval == 0) break; else decrypt_err = retval; } if ((retval = decode_krb5_pa_enc_ts(&enc_ts_data, &pa_enc)) != 0) goto cleanup; if ((retval = krb5_timeofday(context, &timenow)) != 0) goto cleanup; if (labs(timenow - pa_enc->patimestamp) > context->clockskew) { retval = KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW; goto cleanup; } setflag(enc_tkt_reply->flags, TKT_FLG_PRE_AUTH); retval = 0; cleanup: if (enc_data) { krb5_free_data_contents(context, &enc_data->ciphertext); free(enc_data); } krb5_free_data_contents(context, &enc_ts_data); if (pa_enc) free(pa_enc); /* * If we get NO_MATCHING_KEY and decryption previously failed, and * we failed to find any other keys of the correct enctype after * that failed decryption, it probably means that the password was * incorrect. */ if (retval == KRB5_KDB_NO_MATCHING_KEY && decrypt_err != 0) retval = decrypt_err; (*respond)(arg, retval, NULL, NULL, NULL); } static krb5_preauthtype enc_ts_types[] = { KRB5_PADATA_ENC_TIMESTAMP, 0 }; krb5_error_code kdcpreauth_encrypted_timestamp_initvt(krb5_context context, int maj_ver, int min_ver, krb5_plugin_vtable vtable) { krb5_kdcpreauth_vtable vt; if (maj_ver != 1) return KRB5_PLUGIN_VER_NOTSUPP; vt = (krb5_kdcpreauth_vtable)vtable; vt->name = "encrypted_timestamp"; vt->pa_type_list = enc_ts_types; vt->edata = enc_ts_get; vt->verify = enc_ts_verify; return 0; }
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "storage/browser/fileapi/sandbox_origin_database_interface.h" namespace storage { SandboxOriginDatabaseInterface::OriginRecord::OriginRecord() = default; SandboxOriginDatabaseInterface::OriginRecord::OriginRecord( const std::string& origin_in, const base::FilePath& path_in) : origin(origin_in), path(path_in) { } SandboxOriginDatabaseInterface::OriginRecord::~OriginRecord() = default; } // namespace storage
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ash/wm/workspace/two_step_edge_cycler.h" #include <cstdlib> namespace ash { namespace { // We cycle to the second mode if any of the following happens while the mouse // is on the edge of the workspace: // . The user stops moving the mouse for |kMaxDelay| and then moves the mouse // again in the preferred direction from the last paused location for at least // |kMaxPixelsAfterPause| horizontal pixels. // . The mouse moves |kMaxPixels| horizontal pixels in the preferred direction. // . The mouse is moved |kMaxMoves| times since the last pause. const int kMaxDelay = 400; const int kMaxPixels = 100; const int kMaxPixelsAfterPause = 10; const int kMaxMoves = 25; } // namespace TwoStepEdgeCycler::TwoStepEdgeCycler(const gfx::Point& start, TwoStepEdgeCycler::Direction direction) : second_mode_(false), time_last_move_(base::TimeTicks::Now()), num_moves_(0), start_x_(start.x()), paused_x_(start.x()), paused_(false), direction_(direction) {} TwoStepEdgeCycler::~TwoStepEdgeCycler() = default; void TwoStepEdgeCycler::OnMove(const gfx::Point& location) { if (second_mode_) return; if ((base::TimeTicks::Now() - time_last_move_).InMilliseconds() > kMaxDelay) { paused_ = true; paused_x_ = location.x(); num_moves_ = 0; } time_last_move_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); int compare_x = paused_ ? paused_x_ : start_x_; if (location.x() != compare_x && (location.x() < compare_x) != (direction_ == DIRECTION_LEFT)) { return; } ++num_moves_; bool moved_in_the_same_direction_after_pause = paused_ && std::abs(location.x() - paused_x_) >= kMaxPixelsAfterPause; second_mode_ = moved_in_the_same_direction_after_pause || std::abs(location.x() - start_x_) >= kMaxPixels || num_moves_ >= kMaxMoves; } } // namespace ash
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "device/bluetooth/test/mock_bluetooth_device.h" #include <memory> #include <utility> #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_remote_gatt_service.h" #include "device/bluetooth/test/mock_bluetooth_adapter.h" namespace device { MockBluetoothDevice::MockBluetoothDevice(MockBluetoothAdapter* adapter, uint32_t bluetooth_class, const char* name, const std::string& address, bool paired, bool connected) : BluetoothDevice(adapter), bluetooth_class_(bluetooth_class), name_(name ? base::Optional<std::string>(name) : base::nullopt), address_(address), connected_(connected) { ON_CALL(*this, GetBluetoothClass()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(bluetooth_class_)); ON_CALL(*this, GetIdentifier()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(address_ + "-Identifier")); ON_CALL(*this, GetAddress()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(address_)); ON_CALL(*this, GetVendorIDSource()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(VENDOR_ID_UNKNOWN)); ON_CALL(*this, GetVendorID()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(0)); ON_CALL(*this, GetProductID()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(0)); ON_CALL(*this, GetDeviceID()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(0)); ON_CALL(*this, GetName()).WillByDefault(testing::Return(name_)); ON_CALL(*this, GetNameForDisplay()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return( base::UTF8ToUTF16(name_ ? name_.value() : "Unnamed Device"))); ON_CALL(*this, GetDeviceType()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(BluetoothDeviceType::UNKNOWN)); ON_CALL(*this, IsPaired()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(paired)); ON_CALL(*this, IsConnected()) .WillByDefault(testing::ReturnPointee(&connected_)); ON_CALL(*this, IsGattConnected()) .WillByDefault(testing::ReturnPointee(&connected_)); ON_CALL(*this, IsConnectable()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(false)); ON_CALL(*this, IsConnecting()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(false)); ON_CALL(*this, GetUUIDs()).WillByDefault(testing::ReturnPointee(&uuids_)); ON_CALL(*this, ExpectingPinCode()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(false)); ON_CALL(*this, ExpectingPasskey()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(false)); ON_CALL(*this, ExpectingConfirmation()) .WillByDefault(testing::Return(false)); } MockBluetoothDevice::~MockBluetoothDevice() = default; void MockBluetoothDevice::AddMockService( std::unique_ptr<MockBluetoothGattService> mock_service) { mock_services_.push_back(std::move(mock_service)); } std::vector<BluetoothRemoteGattService*> MockBluetoothDevice::GetMockServices() const { std::vector<BluetoothRemoteGattService*> services; for (const auto& service : mock_services_) { services.push_back(service.get()); } return services; } BluetoothRemoteGattService* MockBluetoothDevice::GetMockService( const std::string& identifier) const { for (const auto& service : mock_services_) { if (service->GetIdentifier() == identifier) return service.get(); } return nullptr; } void MockBluetoothDevice::PushPendingCallback(const base::Closure& callback) { pending_callbacks_.push(callback); } void MockBluetoothDevice::RunPendingCallbacks() { while (!pending_callbacks_.empty()) { pending_callbacks_.front().Run(); pending_callbacks_.pop(); } } } // namespace device
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_TAB_CONTENTS_NAVIGATION_METRICS_RECORDER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_TAB_CONTENTS_NAVIGATION_METRICS_RECORDER_H_ #include "base/macros.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h" class NavigationMetricsRecorder : public content::WebContentsObserver, public content::WebContentsUserData<NavigationMetricsRecorder> { public: ~NavigationMetricsRecorder() override; private: explicit NavigationMetricsRecorder(content::WebContents* web_contents); friend class content::WebContentsUserData<NavigationMetricsRecorder>; // content::WebContentsObserver overrides: void DidFinishNavigation( content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override; void RegisterSyntheticSigninIsolationTrial(); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NavigationMetricsRecorder); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_TAB_CONTENTS_NAVIGATION_METRICS_RECORDER_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/base/idle/idle.h" #include "base/bind.h" namespace ui { namespace { void CalculateIdleStateCallback(int idle_threshold, IdleCallback notify, int idle_time) { if (idle_time >= idle_threshold) notify.Run(IDLE_STATE_IDLE); else notify.Run(IDLE_STATE_ACTIVE); } } // namespace void CalculateIdleState(int idle_threshold, IdleCallback notify) { if (CheckIdleStateIsLocked()) { notify.Run(IDLE_STATE_LOCKED); return; } CalculateIdleTime(base::Bind(&CalculateIdleStateCallback, idle_threshold, notify)); } } // namespace ui
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2015 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "snapshot/win/process_subrange_reader.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "snapshot/win/process_reader_win.h" namespace crashpad { ProcessSubrangeReader::ProcessSubrangeReader() : name_(), range_(), process_reader_(nullptr) { } ProcessSubrangeReader::~ProcessSubrangeReader() { } bool ProcessSubrangeReader::Initialize(ProcessReaderWin* process_reader, WinVMAddress base, WinVMSize size, const std::string& name) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_SET_INITIALIZING(initialized_); if (!InitializeInternal(process_reader, base, size, name)) { return false; } INITIALIZATION_STATE_SET_VALID(initialized_); return true; } bool ProcessSubrangeReader::InitializeSubrange( const ProcessSubrangeReader& that, WinVMAddress base, WinVMSize size, const std::string& sub_name) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_SET_INITIALIZING(initialized_); INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(that.initialized_); if (!InitializeInternal( that.process_reader_, base, size, that.name_ + " " + sub_name)) { return false; } if (!that.range_.ContainsRange(range_)) { LOG(WARNING) << "range " << range_.AsString() << " outside of range " << that.range_.AsString() << " for " << name_; return false; } INITIALIZATION_STATE_SET_VALID(initialized_); return true; } bool ProcessSubrangeReader::ReadMemory(WinVMAddress address, WinVMSize size, void* into) const { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); CheckedWinAddressRange read_range(process_reader_->Is64Bit(), address, size); if (!read_range.IsValid()) { LOG(WARNING) << "invalid read range " << read_range.AsString(); return false; } if (!range_.ContainsRange(read_range)) { LOG(WARNING) << "attempt to read outside of " << name_ << " range " << range_.AsString() << " at range " << read_range.AsString(); return false; } return process_reader_->ReadMemory(address, size, into); } bool ProcessSubrangeReader::InitializeInternal(ProcessReaderWin* process_reader, WinVMAddress base, WinVMSize size, const std::string& name) { range_.SetRange(process_reader->Is64Bit(), base, size); if (!range_.IsValid()) { LOG(WARNING) << "invalid range " << range_.AsString() << " for " << name; return false; } name_ = name; process_reader_ = process_reader; return true; } } // namespace crashpad
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/avatar/user_image_sync_observer.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screens/user_image_screen.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/avatar/user_image_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/chrome_user_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/default_user_image/default_user_images.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/wizard_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/profiles/profile_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service_syncable_util.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h" #include "components/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h" #include "components/sync_preferences/pref_service_syncable.h" #include "components/user_manager/user.h" #include "components/user_manager/user_manager.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" namespace chromeos { namespace { // A dictionary containing info about user image. const char kUserImageInfo[] = "user_image_info"; // Path to value with image index. const char kImageIndex[] = "image_index"; bool IsIndexSupported(int index) { return default_user_image::IsValidIndex(index) || (index == user_manager::User::USER_IMAGE_PROFILE); } } // anonymous namespace UserImageSyncObserver::Observer::~Observer() {} UserImageSyncObserver::UserImageSyncObserver(const user_manager::User* user) : user_(user), prefs_(NULL), is_synced_(false), local_image_changed_(false) { user_manager::UserManager::Get()->AddObserver(this); notification_registrar_.reset(new content::NotificationRegistrar); if (Profile* profile = ProfileHelper::Get()->GetProfileByUser(user)) { OnProfileGained(profile); } else { notification_registrar_->Add( this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_PROFILE_PREPARED, content::NotificationService::AllSources()); } } UserImageSyncObserver::~UserImageSyncObserver() { if (!is_synced_ && prefs_) prefs_->RemoveObserver(this); if (pref_change_registrar_) pref_change_registrar_->RemoveAll(); user_manager::UserManager::Get()->RemoveObserver(this); } // static void UserImageSyncObserver::RegisterProfilePrefs( user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry_) { registry_->RegisterDictionaryPref( kUserImageInfo, user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::SYNCABLE_PRIORITY_PREF); } void UserImageSyncObserver::AddObserver(Observer* observer) { observer_list_.AddObserver(observer); } void UserImageSyncObserver::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { observer_list_.RemoveObserver(observer); } void UserImageSyncObserver::OnProfileGained(Profile* profile) { prefs_ = PrefServiceSyncableFromProfile(profile); pref_change_registrar_.reset(new PrefChangeRegistrar); pref_change_registrar_->Init(prefs_); pref_change_registrar_->Add( kUserImageInfo, base::Bind(&UserImageSyncObserver::OnPreferenceChanged, base::Unretained(this))); is_synced_ = prefs_->IsPrioritySyncing(); if (!is_synced_) { prefs_->AddObserver(this); } else { OnInitialSync(); } } void UserImageSyncObserver::OnInitialSync() { int synced_index; bool local_image_updated = false; if (!GetSyncedImageIndex(&synced_index) || local_image_changed_) { UpdateSyncedImageFromLocal(); } else if (IsIndexSupported(synced_index) && CanUpdateLocalImageNow()) { UpdateLocalImageFromSynced(); local_image_updated = true; } for (auto& observer : observer_list_) observer.OnInitialSync(local_image_updated); } void UserImageSyncObserver::OnPreferenceChanged(const std::string& pref_name) { // OnPreferenceChanged can be called before OnIsSyncingChanged. if (!is_synced_) { is_synced_ = true; prefs_->RemoveObserver(this); OnInitialSync(); } else if (CanUpdateLocalImageNow()) { UpdateLocalImageFromSynced(); } } void UserImageSyncObserver::Observe( int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK_EQ(chrome::NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_PROFILE_PREPARED, type); if (Profile* profile = ProfileHelper::Get()->GetProfileByUser(user_)) { notification_registrar_->Remove( this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_PROFILE_PREPARED, content::NotificationService::AllSources()); OnProfileGained(profile); } } void UserImageSyncObserver::OnUserImageChanged(const user_manager::User& user) { if (is_synced_) UpdateSyncedImageFromLocal(); else local_image_changed_ = true; } void UserImageSyncObserver::OnIsSyncingChanged() { is_synced_ = prefs_->IsPrioritySyncing(); if (is_synced_) { prefs_->RemoveObserver(this); OnInitialSync(); } } void UserImageSyncObserver::UpdateSyncedImageFromLocal() { int local_index = user_->image_index(); if (!IsIndexSupported(local_index)) { local_index = user_manager::User::USER_IMAGE_INVALID; } int synced_index; if (GetSyncedImageIndex(&synced_index) && (synced_index == local_index)) return; DictionaryPrefUpdate update(prefs_, kUserImageInfo); base::DictionaryValue* dict = update.Get(); dict->SetInteger(kImageIndex, local_index); VLOG(1) << "Saved avatar index " << local_index << " to sync."; } void UserImageSyncObserver::UpdateLocalImageFromSynced() { int synced_index; GetSyncedImageIndex(&synced_index); int local_index = user_->image_index(); if ((synced_index == local_index) || !IsIndexSupported(synced_index)) return; UserImageManager* image_manager = ChromeUserManager::Get()->GetUserImageManager(user_->GetAccountId()); if (synced_index == user_manager::User::USER_IMAGE_PROFILE) { image_manager->SaveUserImageFromProfileImage(); } else { image_manager->SaveUserDefaultImageIndex(synced_index); } VLOG(1) << "Loaded avatar index " << synced_index << " from sync."; } bool UserImageSyncObserver::GetSyncedImageIndex(int* index) { *index = user_manager::User::USER_IMAGE_INVALID; const base::DictionaryValue* dict = prefs_->GetDictionary(kUserImageInfo); return dict && dict->GetInteger(kImageIndex, index); } bool UserImageSyncObserver::CanUpdateLocalImageNow() { if (WizardController* wizard_controller = WizardController::default_controller()) { UserImageScreen* screen = UserImageScreen::Get(wizard_controller->screen_manager()); if (wizard_controller->current_screen() == screen) { if (screen->user_selected_image()) return false; } } return true; } } // namespace chromeos
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * Blackfin On-Chip Serial Driver * * Copyright 2006-2011 Analog Devices Inc. * * Enter bugs at * * Licensed under the GPL-2 or later. */ #if defined(CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_CONSOLE) && defined(CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ) #define SUPPORT_SYSRQ #endif #define DRIVER_NAME "bfin-uart" #define pr_fmt(fmt) DRIVER_NAME ": " fmt #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/ioport.h> #include <linux/gfp.h> #include <linux/io.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/console.h> #include <linux/sysrq.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/tty.h> #include <linux/tty_flip.h> #include <linux/serial_core.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/irq.h> #include <linux/kgdb.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/dma-mapping.h> #include <asm/portmux.h> #include <asm/cacheflush.h> #include <asm/dma.h> #include <asm/bfin_serial.h> #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_MODULE # undef CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK #endif /* UART name and device definitions */ #define BFIN_SERIAL_DEV_NAME "ttyBF" #define BFIN_SERIAL_MAJOR 204 #define BFIN_SERIAL_MINOR 64 static struct bfin_serial_port *bfin_serial_ports[BFIN_UART_NR_PORTS]; #if defined(CONFIG_KGDB_SERIAL_CONSOLE) || \ defined(CONFIG_KGDB_SERIAL_CONSOLE_MODULE) # ifndef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_PIO # error KGDB only support UART in PIO mode. # endif static int kgdboc_port_line; static int kgdboc_break_enabled; #endif /* * Setup for console. Argument comes from the menuconfig */ #define DMA_RX_XCOUNT 512 #define DMA_RX_YCOUNT (PAGE_SIZE / DMA_RX_XCOUNT) #define DMA_RX_FLUSH_JIFFIES (HZ / 50) #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_DMA static void bfin_serial_dma_tx_chars(struct bfin_serial_port *uart); #else static void bfin_serial_tx_chars(struct bfin_serial_port *uart); #endif static void bfin_serial_reset_irda(struct uart_port *port); #if defined(SERIAL_BFIN_CTSRTS) || \ defined(SERIAL_BFIN_HARD_CTSRTS) static unsigned int bfin_serial_get_mctrl(struct uart_port *port) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; if (uart->cts_pin < 0) return TIOCM_CTS | TIOCM_DSR | TIOCM_CAR; /* CTS PIN is negative assertive. */ if (UART_GET_CTS(uart)) return TIOCM_CTS | TIOCM_DSR | TIOCM_CAR; else return TIOCM_DSR | TIOCM_CAR; } static void bfin_serial_set_mctrl(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int mctrl) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; if (uart->rts_pin < 0) return; /* RTS PIN is negative assertive. */ if (mctrl & TIOCM_RTS) UART_ENABLE_RTS(uart); else UART_DISABLE_RTS(uart); } /* * Handle any change of modem status signal. */ static irqreturn_t bfin_serial_mctrl_cts_int(int irq, void *dev_id) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = dev_id; struct uart_port *uport = &uart->port; unsigned int status = bfin_serial_get_mctrl(uport); #ifdef SERIAL_BFIN_HARD_CTSRTS UART_CLEAR_SCTS(uart); if (uport->hw_stopped) { if (status) { uport->hw_stopped = 0; uart_write_wakeup(uport); } } else { if (!status) uport->hw_stopped = 1; } #else uart_handle_cts_change(uport, status & TIOCM_CTS); #endif return IRQ_HANDLED; } #else static unsigned int bfin_serial_get_mctrl(struct uart_port *port) { return TIOCM_CTS | TIOCM_DSR | TIOCM_CAR; } static void bfin_serial_set_mctrl(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int mctrl) { } #endif /* * interrupts are disabled on entry */ static void bfin_serial_stop_tx(struct uart_port *port) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_DMA struct circ_buf *xmit = &uart->port.state->xmit; #endif while (!(UART_GET_LSR(uart) & TEMT)) cpu_relax(); #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_DMA disable_dma(uart->tx_dma_channel); xmit->tail = (xmit->tail + uart->tx_count) & (UART_XMIT_SIZE - 1); uart->port.icount.tx += uart->tx_count; uart->tx_count = 0; uart->tx_done = 1; #else #if defined(CONFIG_BF54x) || defined(CONFIG_BF60x) /* Clear TFI bit */ UART_PUT_LSR(uart, TFI); #endif UART_CLEAR_IER(uart, ETBEI); #endif } /* * port is locked and interrupts are disabled */ static void bfin_serial_start_tx(struct uart_port *port) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; struct tty_struct *tty = uart->port.state->port.tty; /* * To avoid losting RX interrupt, we reset IR function * before sending data. */ if (tty->termios.c_line == N_IRDA) bfin_serial_reset_irda(port); #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_DMA if (uart->tx_done) bfin_serial_dma_tx_chars(uart); #else UART_SET_IER(uart, ETBEI); bfin_serial_tx_chars(uart); #endif } /* * Interrupts are enabled */ static void bfin_serial_stop_rx(struct uart_port *port) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; UART_CLEAR_IER(uart, ERBFI); } #if ANOMALY_05000363 && defined(CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_PIO) # define UART_GET_ANOMALY_THRESHOLD(uart) ((uart)->anomaly_threshold) # define UART_SET_ANOMALY_THRESHOLD(uart, v) ((uart)->anomaly_threshold = (v)) #else # define UART_GET_ANOMALY_THRESHOLD(uart) 0 # define UART_SET_ANOMALY_THRESHOLD(uart, v) #endif #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_PIO static void bfin_serial_rx_chars(struct bfin_serial_port *uart) { unsigned int status, ch, flg; static u64 anomaly_start; status = UART_GET_LSR(uart); UART_CLEAR_LSR(uart); ch = UART_GET_CHAR(uart); uart->port.icount.rx++; #if defined(CONFIG_KGDB_SERIAL_CONSOLE) || \ defined(CONFIG_KGDB_SERIAL_CONSOLE_MODULE) if (kgdb_connected && kgdboc_port_line == uart->port.line && kgdboc_break_enabled) if (ch == 0x3) {/* Ctrl + C */ kgdb_breakpoint(); return; } if (!uart->port.state) return; #endif if (ANOMALY_05000363) { /* The BF533 (and BF561) family of processors have a nice anomaly * where they continuously generate characters for a "single" break. * We have to basically ignore this flood until the "next" valid * character comes across. Due to the nature of the flood, it is * not possible to reliably catch bytes that are sent too quickly * after this break. So application code talking to the Blackfin * which sends a break signal must allow at least 1.5 character * times after the end of the break for things to stabilize. This * timeout was picked as it must absolutely be larger than 1 * character time +/- some percent. So 1.5 sounds good. All other * Blackfin families operate properly. Woo. */ if (anomaly_start > 0) { u64 curr, nsecs, threshold_ns; if ((~ch & (~ch + 1)) & 0xff) goto known_good_char; curr = ktime_get_ns(); nsecs = curr - anomaly_start; if (nsecs >> 32) goto known_good_char; threshold_ns = UART_GET_ANOMALY_THRESHOLD(uart) * NSEC_PER_USEC; if (nsecs > threshold_ns) goto known_good_char; if (ch) anomaly_start = 0; else anomaly_start = curr; return; known_good_char: status &= ~BI; anomaly_start = 0; } } if (status & BI) { if (ANOMALY_05000363) if (bfin_revid() < 5) anomaly_start = ktime_get_ns(); uart->port.icount.brk++; if (uart_handle_break(&uart->port)) goto ignore_char; status &= ~(PE | FE); } if (status & PE) uart->port.icount.parity++; if (status & OE) uart->port.icount.overrun++; if (status & FE) uart->port.icount.frame++; status &= uart->port.read_status_mask; if (status & BI) flg = TTY_BREAK; else if (status & PE) flg = TTY_PARITY; else if (status & FE) flg = TTY_FRAME; else flg = TTY_NORMAL; if (uart_handle_sysrq_char(&uart->port, ch)) goto ignore_char; uart_insert_char(&uart->port, status, OE, ch, flg); ignore_char: tty_flip_buffer_push(&uart->port.state->port); } static void bfin_serial_tx_chars(struct bfin_serial_port *uart) { struct circ_buf *xmit = &uart->port.state->xmit; if (uart_circ_empty(xmit) || uart_tx_stopped(&uart->port)) { #if defined(CONFIG_BF54x) || defined(CONFIG_BF60x) /* Clear TFI bit */ UART_PUT_LSR(uart, TFI); #endif /* Anomaly notes: * 05000215 - we always clear ETBEI within last UART TX * interrupt to end a string. It is always set * when start a new tx. */ UART_CLEAR_IER(uart, ETBEI); return; } if (uart->port.x_char) { UART_PUT_CHAR(uart, uart->port.x_char); uart->port.icount.tx++; uart->port.x_char = 0; } while ((UART_GET_LSR(uart) & THRE) && xmit->tail != xmit->head) { UART_PUT_CHAR(uart, xmit->buf[xmit->tail]); xmit->tail = (xmit->tail + 1) & (UART_XMIT_SIZE - 1); uart->port.icount.tx++; } if (uart_circ_chars_pending(xmit) < WAKEUP_CHARS) uart_write_wakeup(&uart->port); } static irqreturn_t bfin_serial_rx_int(int irq, void *dev_id) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = dev_id; while (UART_GET_LSR(uart) & DR) bfin_serial_rx_chars(uart); return IRQ_HANDLED; } static irqreturn_t bfin_serial_tx_int(int irq, void *dev_id) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = dev_id; spin_lock(&uart->port.lock); if (UART_GET_LSR(uart) & THRE) bfin_serial_tx_chars(uart); spin_unlock(&uart->port.lock); return IRQ_HANDLED; } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_DMA static void bfin_serial_dma_tx_chars(struct bfin_serial_port *uart) { struct circ_buf *xmit = &uart->port.state->xmit; uart->tx_done = 0; if (uart_circ_empty(xmit) || uart_tx_stopped(&uart->port)) { uart->tx_count = 0; uart->tx_done = 1; return; } if (uart->port.x_char) { UART_PUT_CHAR(uart, uart->port.x_char); uart->port.icount.tx++; uart->port.x_char = 0; } uart->tx_count = CIRC_CNT(xmit->head, xmit->tail, UART_XMIT_SIZE); if (uart->tx_count > (UART_XMIT_SIZE - xmit->tail)) uart->tx_count = UART_XMIT_SIZE - xmit->tail; blackfin_dcache_flush_range((unsigned long)(xmit->buf+xmit->tail), (unsigned long)(xmit->buf+xmit->tail+uart->tx_count)); set_dma_config(uart->tx_dma_channel, set_bfin_dma_config(DIR_READ, DMA_FLOW_STOP, INTR_ON_BUF, DIMENSION_LINEAR, DATA_SIZE_8, DMA_SYNC_RESTART)); set_dma_start_addr(uart->tx_dma_channel, (unsigned long)(xmit->buf+xmit->tail)); set_dma_x_count(uart->tx_dma_channel, uart->tx_count); set_dma_x_modify(uart->tx_dma_channel, 1); SSYNC(); enable_dma(uart->tx_dma_channel); UART_SET_IER(uart, ETBEI); } static void bfin_serial_dma_rx_chars(struct bfin_serial_port *uart) { int i, flg, status; status = UART_GET_LSR(uart); UART_CLEAR_LSR(uart); uart->port.icount.rx += CIRC_CNT(uart->rx_dma_buf.head, uart->rx_dma_buf.tail, UART_XMIT_SIZE); if (status & BI) { uart->port.icount.brk++; if (uart_handle_break(&uart->port)) goto dma_ignore_char; status &= ~(PE | FE); } if (status & PE) uart->port.icount.parity++; if (status & OE) uart->port.icount.overrun++; if (status & FE) uart->port.icount.frame++; status &= uart->port.read_status_mask; if (status & BI) flg = TTY_BREAK; else if (status & PE) flg = TTY_PARITY; else if (status & FE) flg = TTY_FRAME; else flg = TTY_NORMAL; for (i = uart->rx_dma_buf.tail; ; i++) { if (i >= UART_XMIT_SIZE) i = 0; if (i == uart->rx_dma_buf.head) break; if (!uart_handle_sysrq_char(&uart->port, uart->rx_dma_buf.buf[i])) uart_insert_char(&uart->port, status, OE, uart->rx_dma_buf.buf[i], flg); } dma_ignore_char: tty_flip_buffer_push(&uart->port.state->port); } void bfin_serial_rx_dma_timeout(struct bfin_serial_port *uart) { int x_pos, pos; unsigned long flags; dma_disable_irq_nosync(uart->rx_dma_channel); spin_lock_irqsave(&uart->rx_lock, flags); /* 2D DMA RX buffer ring is used. Because curr_y_count and * curr_x_count can't be read as an atomic operation, * curr_y_count should be read before curr_x_count. When * curr_x_count is read, curr_y_count may already indicate * next buffer line. But, the position calculated here is * still indicate the old line. The wrong position data may * be smaller than current buffer tail, which cause garbages * are received if it is not prohibit. */ uart->rx_dma_nrows = get_dma_curr_ycount(uart->rx_dma_channel); x_pos = get_dma_curr_xcount(uart->rx_dma_channel); uart->rx_dma_nrows = DMA_RX_YCOUNT - uart->rx_dma_nrows; if (uart->rx_dma_nrows == DMA_RX_YCOUNT || x_pos == 0) uart->rx_dma_nrows = 0; x_pos = DMA_RX_XCOUNT - x_pos; if (x_pos == DMA_RX_XCOUNT) x_pos = 0; pos = uart->rx_dma_nrows * DMA_RX_XCOUNT + x_pos; /* Ignore receiving data if new position is in the same line of * current buffer tail and small. */ if (pos > uart->rx_dma_buf.tail || uart->rx_dma_nrows < (uart->rx_dma_buf.tail/DMA_RX_XCOUNT)) { uart->rx_dma_buf.head = pos; bfin_serial_dma_rx_chars(uart); uart->rx_dma_buf.tail = uart->rx_dma_buf.head; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&uart->rx_lock, flags); dma_enable_irq(uart->rx_dma_channel); mod_timer(&(uart->rx_dma_timer), jiffies + DMA_RX_FLUSH_JIFFIES); } static irqreturn_t bfin_serial_dma_tx_int(int irq, void *dev_id) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = dev_id; struct circ_buf *xmit = &uart->port.state->xmit; spin_lock(&uart->port.lock); if (!(get_dma_curr_irqstat(uart->tx_dma_channel)&DMA_RUN)) { disable_dma(uart->tx_dma_channel); clear_dma_irqstat(uart->tx_dma_channel); /* Anomaly notes: * 05000215 - we always clear ETBEI within last UART TX * interrupt to end a string. It is always set * when start a new tx. */ UART_CLEAR_IER(uart, ETBEI); uart->port.icount.tx += uart->tx_count; if (!(xmit->tail == 0 && xmit->head == 0)) { xmit->tail = (xmit->tail + uart->tx_count) & (UART_XMIT_SIZE - 1); if (uart_circ_chars_pending(xmit) < WAKEUP_CHARS) uart_write_wakeup(&uart->port); } bfin_serial_dma_tx_chars(uart); } spin_unlock(&uart->port.lock); return IRQ_HANDLED; } static irqreturn_t bfin_serial_dma_rx_int(int irq, void *dev_id) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = dev_id; unsigned int irqstat; int x_pos, pos; spin_lock(&uart->rx_lock); irqstat = get_dma_curr_irqstat(uart->rx_dma_channel); clear_dma_irqstat(uart->rx_dma_channel); uart->rx_dma_nrows = get_dma_curr_ycount(uart->rx_dma_channel); x_pos = get_dma_curr_xcount(uart->rx_dma_channel); uart->rx_dma_nrows = DMA_RX_YCOUNT - uart->rx_dma_nrows; if (uart->rx_dma_nrows == DMA_RX_YCOUNT || x_pos == 0) uart->rx_dma_nrows = 0; pos = uart->rx_dma_nrows * DMA_RX_XCOUNT; if (pos > uart->rx_dma_buf.tail || uart->rx_dma_nrows < (uart->rx_dma_buf.tail/DMA_RX_XCOUNT)) { uart->rx_dma_buf.head = pos; bfin_serial_dma_rx_chars(uart); uart->rx_dma_buf.tail = uart->rx_dma_buf.head; } spin_unlock(&uart->rx_lock); return IRQ_HANDLED; } #endif /* * Return TIOCSER_TEMT when transmitter is not busy. */ static unsigned int bfin_serial_tx_empty(struct uart_port *port) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; unsigned int lsr; lsr = UART_GET_LSR(uart); if (lsr & TEMT) return TIOCSER_TEMT; else return 0; } static void bfin_serial_break_ctl(struct uart_port *port, int break_state) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; u32 lcr = UART_GET_LCR(uart); if (break_state) lcr |= SB; else lcr &= ~SB; UART_PUT_LCR(uart, lcr); SSYNC(); } static int bfin_serial_startup(struct uart_port *port) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_DMA dma_addr_t dma_handle; if (request_dma(uart->rx_dma_channel, "BFIN_UART_RX") < 0) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "Unable to attach Blackfin UART RX DMA channel\n"); return -EBUSY; } if (request_dma(uart->tx_dma_channel, "BFIN_UART_TX") < 0) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "Unable to attach Blackfin UART TX DMA channel\n"); free_dma(uart->rx_dma_channel); return -EBUSY; } set_dma_callback(uart->rx_dma_channel, bfin_serial_dma_rx_int, uart); set_dma_callback(uart->tx_dma_channel, bfin_serial_dma_tx_int, uart); uart->rx_dma_buf.buf = (unsigned char *)dma_alloc_coherent(NULL, PAGE_SIZE, &dma_handle, GFP_DMA); uart->rx_dma_buf.head = 0; uart->rx_dma_buf.tail = 0; uart->rx_dma_nrows = 0; set_dma_config(uart->rx_dma_channel, set_bfin_dma_config(DIR_WRITE, DMA_FLOW_AUTO, INTR_ON_ROW, DIMENSION_2D, DATA_SIZE_8, DMA_SYNC_RESTART)); set_dma_x_count(uart->rx_dma_channel, DMA_RX_XCOUNT); set_dma_x_modify(uart->rx_dma_channel, 1); set_dma_y_count(uart->rx_dma_channel, DMA_RX_YCOUNT); set_dma_y_modify(uart->rx_dma_channel, 1); set_dma_start_addr(uart->rx_dma_channel, (unsigned long)uart->rx_dma_buf.buf); enable_dma(uart->rx_dma_channel); uart-> = (unsigned long)(uart); uart->rx_dma_timer.function = (void *)bfin_serial_rx_dma_timeout; uart->rx_dma_timer.expires = jiffies + DMA_RX_FLUSH_JIFFIES; add_timer(&(uart->rx_dma_timer)); #else # if defined(CONFIG_KGDB_SERIAL_CONSOLE) || \ defined(CONFIG_KGDB_SERIAL_CONSOLE_MODULE) if (kgdboc_port_line == uart->port.line && kgdboc_break_enabled) kgdboc_break_enabled = 0; else { # endif if (request_irq(uart->rx_irq, bfin_serial_rx_int, 0, "BFIN_UART_RX", uart)) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "Unable to attach BlackFin UART RX interrupt\n"); return -EBUSY; } if (request_irq (uart->tx_irq, bfin_serial_tx_int, 0, "BFIN_UART_TX", uart)) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "Unable to attach BlackFin UART TX interrupt\n"); free_irq(uart->rx_irq, uart); return -EBUSY; } # ifdef CONFIG_BF54x { /* * UART2 and UART3 on BF548 share interrupt PINs and DMA * controllers with SPORT2 and SPORT3. UART rx and tx * interrupts are generated in PIO mode only when configure * their peripheral mapping registers properly, which means * request corresponding DMA channels in PIO mode as well. */ unsigned uart_dma_ch_rx, uart_dma_ch_tx; switch (uart->rx_irq) { case IRQ_UART3_RX: uart_dma_ch_rx = CH_UART3_RX; uart_dma_ch_tx = CH_UART3_TX; break; case IRQ_UART2_RX: uart_dma_ch_rx = CH_UART2_RX; uart_dma_ch_tx = CH_UART2_TX; break; default: uart_dma_ch_rx = uart_dma_ch_tx = 0; break; } if (uart_dma_ch_rx && request_dma(uart_dma_ch_rx, "BFIN_UART_RX") < 0) { printk(KERN_NOTICE"Fail to attach UART interrupt\n"); free_irq(uart->rx_irq, uart); free_irq(uart->tx_irq, uart); return -EBUSY; } if (uart_dma_ch_tx && request_dma(uart_dma_ch_tx, "BFIN_UART_TX") < 0) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "Fail to attach UART interrupt\n"); free_dma(uart_dma_ch_rx); free_irq(uart->rx_irq, uart); free_irq(uart->tx_irq, uart); return -EBUSY; } } # endif # if defined(CONFIG_KGDB_SERIAL_CONSOLE) || \ defined(CONFIG_KGDB_SERIAL_CONSOLE_MODULE) } # endif #endif #ifdef SERIAL_BFIN_CTSRTS if (uart->cts_pin >= 0) { if (request_irq(gpio_to_irq(uart->cts_pin), bfin_serial_mctrl_cts_int, IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING | IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING | 0, "BFIN_UART_CTS", uart)) { uart->cts_pin = -1; pr_info("Unable to attach BlackFin UART CTS interrupt. So, disable it.\n"); } } if (uart->rts_pin >= 0) { if (gpio_request(uart->rts_pin, DRIVER_NAME)) { pr_info("fail to request RTS PIN at GPIO_%d\n", uart->rts_pin); uart->rts_pin = -1; } else gpio_direction_output(uart->rts_pin, 0); } #endif #ifdef SERIAL_BFIN_HARD_CTSRTS if (uart->cts_pin >= 0) { if (request_irq(uart->status_irq, bfin_serial_mctrl_cts_int, 0, "BFIN_UART_MODEM_STATUS", uart)) { uart->cts_pin = -1; dev_info(port->dev, "Unable to attach BlackFin UART Modem Status interrupt.\n"); } /* CTS RTS PINs are negative assertive. */ UART_PUT_MCR(uart, UART_GET_MCR(uart) | ACTS); UART_SET_IER(uart, EDSSI); } #endif UART_SET_IER(uart, ERBFI); return 0; } static void bfin_serial_shutdown(struct uart_port *port) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_DMA disable_dma(uart->tx_dma_channel); free_dma(uart->tx_dma_channel); disable_dma(uart->rx_dma_channel); free_dma(uart->rx_dma_channel); del_timer(&(uart->rx_dma_timer)); dma_free_coherent(NULL, PAGE_SIZE, uart->rx_dma_buf.buf, 0); #else #ifdef CONFIG_BF54x switch (uart->port.irq) { case IRQ_UART3_RX: free_dma(CH_UART3_RX); free_dma(CH_UART3_TX); break; case IRQ_UART2_RX: free_dma(CH_UART2_RX); free_dma(CH_UART2_TX); break; default: break; } #endif free_irq(uart->rx_irq, uart); free_irq(uart->tx_irq, uart); #endif #ifdef SERIAL_BFIN_CTSRTS if (uart->cts_pin >= 0) free_irq(gpio_to_irq(uart->cts_pin), uart); if (uart->rts_pin >= 0) gpio_free(uart->rts_pin); #endif #ifdef SERIAL_BFIN_HARD_CTSRTS if (uart->cts_pin >= 0) free_irq(uart->status_irq, uart); #endif } static void bfin_serial_set_termios(struct uart_port *port, struct ktermios *termios, struct ktermios *old) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; unsigned long flags; unsigned int baud, quot; unsigned int ier, lcr = 0; unsigned long timeout; #ifdef SERIAL_BFIN_CTSRTS if (old == NULL && uart->cts_pin != -1) termios->c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; else if (uart->cts_pin == -1) termios->c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; #endif switch (termios->c_cflag & CSIZE) { case CS8: lcr = WLS(8); break; case CS7: lcr = WLS(7); break; case CS6: lcr = WLS(6); break; case CS5: lcr = WLS(5); break; default: printk(KERN_ERR "%s: word length not supported\n", __func__); } /* Anomaly notes: * 05000231 - STOP bit is always set to 1 whatever the user is set. */ if (termios->c_cflag & CSTOPB) { if (ANOMALY_05000231) printk(KERN_WARNING "STOP bits other than 1 is not " "supported in case of anomaly 05000231.\n"); else lcr |= STB; } if (termios->c_cflag & PARENB) lcr |= PEN; if (!(termios->c_cflag & PARODD)) lcr |= EPS; if (termios->c_cflag & CMSPAR) lcr |= STP; spin_lock_irqsave(&uart->port.lock, flags); port->read_status_mask = OE; if (termios->c_iflag & INPCK) port->read_status_mask |= (FE | PE); if (termios->c_iflag & (IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK)) port->read_status_mask |= BI; /* * Characters to ignore */ port->ignore_status_mask = 0; if (termios->c_iflag & IGNPAR) port->ignore_status_mask |= FE | PE; if (termios->c_iflag & IGNBRK) { port->ignore_status_mask |= BI; /* * If we're ignoring parity and break indicators, * ignore overruns too (for real raw support). */ if (termios->c_iflag & IGNPAR) port->ignore_status_mask |= OE; } baud = uart_get_baud_rate(port, termios, old, 0, port->uartclk/16); quot = uart_get_divisor(port, baud); /* If discipline is not IRDA, apply ANOMALY_05000230 */ if (termios->c_line != N_IRDA) quot -= ANOMALY_05000230; UART_SET_ANOMALY_THRESHOLD(uart, USEC_PER_SEC / baud * 15); /* Wait till the transfer buffer is empty */ timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(10); while (UART_GET_GCTL(uart) & UCEN && !(UART_GET_LSR(uart) & TEMT)) if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) { dev_warn(port->dev, "timeout waiting for TX buffer empty\n"); break; } /* Disable UART */ ier = UART_GET_IER(uart); UART_PUT_GCTL(uart, UART_GET_GCTL(uart) & ~UCEN); UART_DISABLE_INTS(uart); /* Set DLAB in LCR to Access CLK */ UART_SET_DLAB(uart); UART_PUT_CLK(uart, quot); SSYNC(); /* Clear DLAB in LCR to Access THR RBR IER */ UART_CLEAR_DLAB(uart); UART_PUT_LCR(uart, (UART_GET_LCR(uart) & ~LCR_MASK) | lcr); /* Enable UART */ UART_ENABLE_INTS(uart, ier); UART_PUT_GCTL(uart, UART_GET_GCTL(uart) | UCEN); /* Port speed changed, update the per-port timeout. */ uart_update_timeout(port, termios->c_cflag, baud); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&uart->port.lock, flags); } static const char *bfin_serial_type(struct uart_port *port) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; return uart->port.type == PORT_BFIN ? "BFIN-UART" : NULL; } /* * Release the memory region(s) being used by 'port'. */ static void bfin_serial_release_port(struct uart_port *port) { } /* * Request the memory region(s) being used by 'port'. */ static int bfin_serial_request_port(struct uart_port *port) { return 0; } /* * Configure/autoconfigure the port. */ static void bfin_serial_config_port(struct uart_port *port, int flags) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; if (flags & UART_CONFIG_TYPE && bfin_serial_request_port(&uart->port) == 0) uart->port.type = PORT_BFIN; } /* * Verify the new serial_struct (for TIOCSSERIAL). * The only change we allow are to the flags and type, and * even then only between PORT_BFIN and PORT_UNKNOWN */ static int bfin_serial_verify_port(struct uart_port *port, struct serial_struct *ser) { return 0; } /* * Enable the IrDA function if tty->ldisc.num is N_IRDA. * In other cases, disable IrDA function. */ static void bfin_serial_set_ldisc(struct uart_port *port, struct ktermios *termios) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; unsigned int val; switch (termios->c_line) { case N_IRDA: val = UART_GET_GCTL(uart); val |= (UMOD_IRDA | RPOLC); UART_PUT_GCTL(uart, val); break; default: val = UART_GET_GCTL(uart); val &= ~(UMOD_MASK | RPOLC); UART_PUT_GCTL(uart, val); } } static void bfin_serial_reset_irda(struct uart_port *port) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; unsigned int val; val = UART_GET_GCTL(uart); val &= ~(UMOD_MASK | RPOLC); UART_PUT_GCTL(uart, val); SSYNC(); val |= (UMOD_IRDA | RPOLC); UART_PUT_GCTL(uart, val); SSYNC(); } #ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_POLL /* Anomaly notes: * 05000099 - Because we only use THRE in poll_put and DR in poll_get, * losing other bits of UART_LSR is not a problem here. */ static void bfin_serial_poll_put_char(struct uart_port *port, unsigned char chr) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; while (!(UART_GET_LSR(uart) & THRE)) cpu_relax(); UART_CLEAR_DLAB(uart); UART_PUT_CHAR(uart, (unsigned char)chr); } static int bfin_serial_poll_get_char(struct uart_port *port) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; unsigned char chr; while (!(UART_GET_LSR(uart) & DR)) cpu_relax(); UART_CLEAR_DLAB(uart); chr = UART_GET_CHAR(uart); return chr; } #endif static struct uart_ops bfin_serial_pops = { .tx_empty = bfin_serial_tx_empty, .set_mctrl = bfin_serial_set_mctrl, .get_mctrl = bfin_serial_get_mctrl, .stop_tx = bfin_serial_stop_tx, .start_tx = bfin_serial_start_tx, .stop_rx = bfin_serial_stop_rx, .break_ctl = bfin_serial_break_ctl, .startup = bfin_serial_startup, .shutdown = bfin_serial_shutdown, .set_termios = bfin_serial_set_termios, .set_ldisc = bfin_serial_set_ldisc, .type = bfin_serial_type, .release_port = bfin_serial_release_port, .request_port = bfin_serial_request_port, .config_port = bfin_serial_config_port, .verify_port = bfin_serial_verify_port, #ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_POLL .poll_put_char = bfin_serial_poll_put_char, .poll_get_char = bfin_serial_poll_get_char, #endif }; #if defined(CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_CONSOLE) || defined(CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK) /* * If the port was already initialised (eg, by a boot loader), * try to determine the current setup. */ static void __init bfin_serial_console_get_options(struct bfin_serial_port *uart, int *baud, int *parity, int *bits) { unsigned int status; status = UART_GET_IER(uart) & (ERBFI | ETBEI); if (status == (ERBFI | ETBEI)) { /* ok, the port was enabled */ u32 lcr, clk; lcr = UART_GET_LCR(uart); *parity = 'n'; if (lcr & PEN) { if (lcr & EPS) *parity = 'e'; else *parity = 'o'; } *bits = ((lcr & WLS_MASK) >> WLS_OFFSET) + 5; /* Set DLAB in LCR to Access CLK */ UART_SET_DLAB(uart); clk = UART_GET_CLK(uart); /* Clear DLAB in LCR to Access THR RBR IER */ UART_CLEAR_DLAB(uart); *baud = get_sclk() / (16*clk); } pr_debug("%s:baud = %d, parity = %c, bits= %d\n", __func__, *baud, *parity, *bits); } static struct uart_driver bfin_serial_reg; static void bfin_serial_console_putchar(struct uart_port *port, int ch) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = (struct bfin_serial_port *)port; while (!(UART_GET_LSR(uart) & THRE)) barrier(); UART_PUT_CHAR(uart, ch); } #endif /* defined (CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_CONSOLE) || defined (CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK) */ #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_CONSOLE #define CLASS_BFIN_CONSOLE "bfin-console" /* * Interrupts are disabled on entering */ static void bfin_serial_console_write(struct console *co, const char *s, unsigned int count) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = bfin_serial_ports[co->index]; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&uart->port.lock, flags); uart_console_write(&uart->port, s, count, bfin_serial_console_putchar); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&uart->port.lock, flags); } static int __init bfin_serial_console_setup(struct console *co, char *options) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart; int baud = 57600; int bits = 8; int parity = 'n'; # if defined(SERIAL_BFIN_CTSRTS) || \ defined(SERIAL_BFIN_HARD_CTSRTS) int flow = 'r'; # else int flow = 'n'; # endif /* * Check whether an invalid uart number has been specified, and * if so, search for the first available port that does have * console support. */ if (co->index < 0 || co->index >= BFIN_UART_NR_PORTS) return -ENODEV; uart = bfin_serial_ports[co->index]; if (!uart) return -ENODEV; if (options) uart_parse_options(options, &baud, &parity, &bits, &flow); else bfin_serial_console_get_options(uart, &baud, &parity, &bits); return uart_set_options(&uart->port, co, baud, parity, bits, flow); } static struct console bfin_serial_console = { .name = BFIN_SERIAL_DEV_NAME, .write = bfin_serial_console_write, .device = uart_console_device, .setup = bfin_serial_console_setup, .flags = CON_PRINTBUFFER, .index = -1, .data = &bfin_serial_reg, }; #define BFIN_SERIAL_CONSOLE (&bfin_serial_console) #else #define BFIN_SERIAL_CONSOLE NULL #endif /* CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_CONSOLE */ #ifdef CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK static struct bfin_serial_port bfin_earlyprintk_port; #define CLASS_BFIN_EARLYPRINTK "bfin-earlyprintk" /* * Interrupts are disabled on entering */ static void bfin_earlyprintk_console_write(struct console *co, const char *s, unsigned int count) { unsigned long flags; if (bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.line != co->index) return; spin_lock_irqsave(&bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.lock, flags); uart_console_write(&bfin_earlyprintk_port.port, s, count, bfin_serial_console_putchar); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.lock, flags); } /* * This should have a .setup or .early_setup in it, but then things get called * without the command line options, and the baud rate gets messed up - so * don't let the common infrastructure play with things. (see calls to setup * & earlysetup in ./kernel/printk.c:register_console() */ static struct console bfin_early_serial_console __initdata = { .name = "early_BFuart", .write = bfin_earlyprintk_console_write, .device = uart_console_device, .flags = CON_PRINTBUFFER, .index = -1, .data = &bfin_serial_reg, }; #endif static struct uart_driver bfin_serial_reg = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .driver_name = DRIVER_NAME, .dev_name = BFIN_SERIAL_DEV_NAME, .major = BFIN_SERIAL_MAJOR, .minor = BFIN_SERIAL_MINOR, .nr = BFIN_UART_NR_PORTS, .cons = BFIN_SERIAL_CONSOLE, }; static int bfin_serial_suspend(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); return uart_suspend_port(&bfin_serial_reg, &uart->port); } static int bfin_serial_resume(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); return uart_resume_port(&bfin_serial_reg, &uart->port); } static int bfin_serial_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct resource *res; struct bfin_serial_port *uart = NULL; int ret = 0; if (pdev->id < 0 || pdev->id >= BFIN_UART_NR_PORTS) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Wrong bfin uart platform device id.\n"); return -ENOENT; } if (bfin_serial_ports[pdev->id] == NULL) { uart = kzalloc(sizeof(*uart), GFP_KERNEL); if (!uart) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "fail to malloc bfin_serial_port\n"); return -ENOMEM; } bfin_serial_ports[pdev->id] = uart; #ifdef CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK if (!(bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.membase && bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.line == pdev->id)) { /* * If the peripheral PINs of current port is allocated * in earlyprintk probe stage, don't do it again. */ #endif ret = peripheral_request_list( dev_get_platdata(&pdev->dev), DRIVER_NAME); if (ret) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "fail to request bfin serial peripherals\n"); goto out_error_free_mem; } #ifdef CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK } #endif spin_lock_init(&uart->port.lock); uart->port.uartclk = get_sclk(); uart->port.fifosize = BFIN_UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE; uart->port.ops = &bfin_serial_pops; uart->port.line = pdev->id; uart->port.iotype = UPIO_MEM; uart->port.flags = UPF_BOOT_AUTOCONF; res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); if (res == NULL) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Cannot get IORESOURCE_MEM\n"); ret = -ENOENT; goto out_error_free_peripherals; } uart->port.membase = ioremap(res->start, resource_size(res)); if (!uart->port.membase) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Cannot map uart IO\n"); ret = -ENXIO; goto out_error_free_peripherals; } uart->port.mapbase = res->start; uart->tx_irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0); if (uart->tx_irq < 0) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "No uart TX IRQ specified\n"); ret = -ENOENT; goto out_error_unmap; } uart->rx_irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 1); if (uart->rx_irq < 0) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "No uart RX IRQ specified\n"); ret = -ENOENT; goto out_error_unmap; } uart->port.irq = uart->rx_irq; uart->status_irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 2); if (uart->status_irq < 0) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "No uart status IRQ specified\n"); ret = -ENOENT; goto out_error_unmap; } #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_DMA spin_lock_init(&uart->rx_lock); uart->tx_done = 1; uart->tx_count = 0; res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_DMA, 0); if (res == NULL) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "No uart TX DMA channel specified\n"); ret = -ENOENT; goto out_error_unmap; } uart->tx_dma_channel = res->start; res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_DMA, 1); if (res == NULL) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "No uart RX DMA channel specified\n"); ret = -ENOENT; goto out_error_unmap; } uart->rx_dma_channel = res->start; init_timer(&(uart->rx_dma_timer)); #endif #if defined(SERIAL_BFIN_CTSRTS) || \ defined(SERIAL_BFIN_HARD_CTSRTS) res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_IO, 0); if (res == NULL) uart->cts_pin = -1; else uart->cts_pin = res->start; res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_IO, 1); if (res == NULL) uart->rts_pin = -1; else uart->rts_pin = res->start; #endif } #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_CONSOLE if (!is_early_platform_device(pdev)) { #endif uart = bfin_serial_ports[pdev->id]; uart-> = &pdev->dev; dev_set_drvdata(&pdev->dev, uart); ret = uart_add_one_port(&bfin_serial_reg, &uart->port); #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_CONSOLE } #endif if (!ret) return 0; if (uart) { out_error_unmap: iounmap(uart->port.membase); out_error_free_peripherals: peripheral_free_list(dev_get_platdata(&pdev->dev)); out_error_free_mem: kfree(uart); bfin_serial_ports[pdev->id] = NULL; } return ret; } static int bfin_serial_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct bfin_serial_port *uart = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); dev_set_drvdata(&pdev->dev, NULL); if (uart) { uart_remove_one_port(&bfin_serial_reg, &uart->port); iounmap(uart->port.membase); peripheral_free_list(dev_get_platdata(&pdev->dev)); kfree(uart); bfin_serial_ports[pdev->id] = NULL; } return 0; } static struct platform_driver bfin_serial_driver = { .probe = bfin_serial_probe, .remove = bfin_serial_remove, .suspend = bfin_serial_suspend, .resume = bfin_serial_resume, .driver = { .name = DRIVER_NAME, }, }; #if defined(CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_CONSOLE) static struct early_platform_driver early_bfin_serial_driver __initdata = { .class_str = CLASS_BFIN_CONSOLE, .pdrv = &bfin_serial_driver, .requested_id = EARLY_PLATFORM_ID_UNSET, }; static int __init bfin_serial_rs_console_init(void) { early_platform_driver_register(&early_bfin_serial_driver, DRIVER_NAME); early_platform_driver_probe(CLASS_BFIN_CONSOLE, BFIN_UART_NR_PORTS, 0); register_console(&bfin_serial_console); return 0; } console_initcall(bfin_serial_rs_console_init); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK /* * Memory can't be allocated dynamically during earlyprink init stage. * So, do individual probe for earlyprink with a static uart port variable. */ static int bfin_earlyprintk_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct resource *res; int ret; if (pdev->id < 0 || pdev->id >= BFIN_UART_NR_PORTS) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Wrong earlyprintk platform device id.\n"); return -ENOENT; } ret = peripheral_request_list(dev_get_platdata(&pdev->dev), DRIVER_NAME); if (ret) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "fail to request bfin serial peripherals\n"); return ret; } res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); if (res == NULL) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Cannot get IORESOURCE_MEM\n"); ret = -ENOENT; goto out_error_free_peripherals; } bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.membase = ioremap(res->start, resource_size(res)); if (!bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.membase) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Cannot map uart IO\n"); ret = -ENXIO; goto out_error_free_peripherals; } bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.mapbase = res->start; bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.line = pdev->id; bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.uartclk = get_sclk(); bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.fifosize = BFIN_UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE; spin_lock_init(&bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.lock); return 0; out_error_free_peripherals: peripheral_free_list(dev_get_platdata(&pdev->dev)); return ret; } static struct platform_driver bfin_earlyprintk_driver = { .probe = bfin_earlyprintk_probe, .driver = { .name = DRIVER_NAME, .owner = THIS_MODULE, }, }; static struct early_platform_driver early_bfin_earlyprintk_driver __initdata = { .class_str = CLASS_BFIN_EARLYPRINTK, .pdrv = &bfin_earlyprintk_driver, .requested_id = EARLY_PLATFORM_ID_UNSET, }; struct console __init *bfin_earlyserial_init(unsigned int port, unsigned int cflag) { struct ktermios t; char port_name[20]; if (port < 0 || port >= BFIN_UART_NR_PORTS) return NULL; /* * Only probe resource of the given port in earlyprintk boot arg. * The expected port id should be indicated in port name string. */ snprintf(port_name, 20, DRIVER_NAME ".%d", port); early_platform_driver_register(&early_bfin_earlyprintk_driver, port_name); early_platform_driver_probe(CLASS_BFIN_EARLYPRINTK, 1, 0); if (!bfin_earlyprintk_port.port.membase) return NULL; #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_CONSOLE /* * If we are using early serial, don't let the normal console rewind * log buffer, since that causes things to be printed multiple times */ bfin_serial_console.flags &= ~CON_PRINTBUFFER; #endif bfin_early_serial_console.index = port; t.c_cflag = cflag; t.c_iflag = 0; t.c_oflag = 0; t.c_lflag = ICANON; t.c_line = port; bfin_serial_set_termios(&bfin_earlyprintk_port.port, &t, &t); return &bfin_early_serial_console; } #endif /* CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK */ static int __init bfin_serial_init(void) { int ret; pr_info("Blackfin serial driver\n"); ret = uart_register_driver(&bfin_serial_reg); if (ret) { pr_err("failed to register %s:%d\n", bfin_serial_reg.driver_name, ret); } ret = platform_driver_register(&bfin_serial_driver); if (ret) { pr_err("fail to register bfin uart\n"); uart_unregister_driver(&bfin_serial_reg); } return ret; } static void __exit bfin_serial_exit(void) { platform_driver_unregister(&bfin_serial_driver); uart_unregister_driver(&bfin_serial_reg); } module_init(bfin_serial_init); module_exit(bfin_serial_exit); MODULE_AUTHOR("Sonic Zhang, Aubrey Li"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Blackfin generic serial port driver"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_ALIAS_CHARDEV_MAJOR(BFIN_SERIAL_MAJOR); MODULE_ALIAS("platform:bfin-uart");
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/usb/usb_blocklist.h" #include "components/variations/variations_params_manager.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" class UsbBlocklistTest : public testing::Test { public: UsbBlocklistTest() : blocklist_(UsbBlocklist::Get()) {} const UsbBlocklist& list() { return blocklist_; } void SetDynamicBlocklist(base::StringPiece list) { params_manager_.ClearAllVariationParams(); std::map<std::string, std::string> params; params["blocklist_additions"] = list.as_string(); params_manager_.SetVariationParams("WebUSBBlocklist", params); blocklist_.ResetToDefaultValuesForTest(); } private: void TearDown() override { // Because UsbBlocklist is a singleton it must be cleared after tests run // to prevent leakage between tests. params_manager_.ClearAllVariationParams(); blocklist_.ResetToDefaultValuesForTest(); } variations::testing::VariationParamsManager params_manager_; UsbBlocklist& blocklist_; }; TEST_F(UsbBlocklistTest, BasicExclusions) { SetDynamicBlocklist("18D1:58F0:0100"); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x18D1, 0x58F0, 0x0100})); // An older device version is also blocked. EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x18D1, 0x58F0, 0x0090})); // A newer device version is not blocked. EXPECT_FALSE(list().IsExcluded({0x18D1, 0x58F0, 0x0200})); // Other devices with nearby vendor and product IDs are not blocked. EXPECT_FALSE(list().IsExcluded({0x18D1, 0x58F1, 0x0100})); EXPECT_FALSE(list().IsExcluded({0x18D1, 0x58EF, 0x0100})); EXPECT_FALSE(list().IsExcluded({0x18D0, 0x58F0, 0x0100})); EXPECT_FALSE(list().IsExcluded({0x18D2, 0x58F0, 0x0100})); } TEST_F(UsbBlocklistTest, StringsWithNoValidEntries) { SetDynamicBlocklist(""); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist("~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}/*-"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist(":"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist("::"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist(","); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist(",,"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist(",::,"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist("1:2:3"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist("18D1:2:3000"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist("0000:0x00:0000"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist("0000: 0:0000"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist("000g:0000:0000"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); SetDynamicBlocklist("☯"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); } TEST_F(UsbBlocklistTest, StringsWithOneValidEntry) { SetDynamicBlocklist("18D1:58F0:0101"); EXPECT_EQ(1u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x18D1, 0x58F0, 0x0101})); SetDynamicBlocklist(" 18D1:58F0:0200 "); EXPECT_EQ(1u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x18D1, 0x58F0, 0x0200})); SetDynamicBlocklist(", 18D1:58F0:0201, "); EXPECT_EQ(1u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x18D1, 0x58F0, 0x0201})); SetDynamicBlocklist("18D1:58F0:0202, 0000:1:0000"); EXPECT_EQ(1u, list().GetDynamicEntryCountForTest()); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x18D1, 0x58F0, 0x0202})); } TEST_F(UsbBlocklistTest, StaticEntries) { // Yubikey devices. // // The specific versions of these devices that we want to block are unknown. // The device versions listed here are abitrary chosen to test that any device // will be matched. EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0010, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0018, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0030, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0110, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0111, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0112, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0113, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0114, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0115, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0116, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0120, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0200, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0211, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0401, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0402, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0403, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0404, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0405, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0406, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0407, 0x0100})); EXPECT_TRUE(list().IsExcluded({0x1050, 0x0410, 0x0100})); // Check that various devices around the Yubikey range are not blocked. EXPECT_FALSE(list().IsExcluded({0x104F, 0x0200, 0x0100})); EXPECT_FALSE(list().IsExcluded({0x1051, 0x0200, 0x0100})); }
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef ANDROID_WEBVIEW_RENDERER_AW_RENDER_VIEW_EXT_H_ #define ANDROID_WEBVIEW_RENDERER_AW_RENDER_VIEW_EXT_H_ #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "content/public/renderer/render_view_observer.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h" namespace android_webview { // Render process side of AwRenderViewHostExt, this provides cross-process // implementation of miscellaneous WebView functions that we need to poke // WebKit directly to implement (and that aren't needed in the chrome app). class AwRenderViewExt : public content::RenderViewObserver { public: static void RenderViewCreated(content::RenderView* render_view); private: AwRenderViewExt(content::RenderView* render_view); ~AwRenderViewExt() override; // RenderViewObserver: void DidCommitCompositorFrame() override; void DidUpdateLayout() override; void OnDestruct() override; void CheckContentsSize(); void PostCheckContentsSize(); gfx::Size last_sent_contents_size_; base::OneShotTimer check_contents_size_timer_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AwRenderViewExt); }; } // namespace android_webview #endif // ANDROID_WEBVIEW_RENDERER_AW_RENDER_VIEW_EXT_H_
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * USB Communications Device Class (CDC) definitions * * CDC says how to talk to lots of different types of network adapters, * notably ethernet adapters and various modems. It's used mostly with * firmware based USB peripherals. */ #ifndef __UAPI_LINUX_USB_CDC_H #define __UAPI_LINUX_USB_CDC_H #include <linux/types.h> #define USB_CDC_SUBCLASS_ACM 0x02 #define USB_CDC_SUBCLASS_ETHERNET 0x06 #define USB_CDC_SUBCLASS_WHCM 0x08 #define USB_CDC_SUBCLASS_DMM 0x09 #define USB_CDC_SUBCLASS_MDLM 0x0a #define USB_CDC_SUBCLASS_OBEX 0x0b #define USB_CDC_SUBCLASS_EEM 0x0c #define USB_CDC_SUBCLASS_NCM 0x0d #define USB_CDC_SUBCLASS_MBIM 0x0e #define USB_CDC_PROTO_NONE 0 #define USB_CDC_ACM_PROTO_AT_V25TER 1 #define USB_CDC_ACM_PROTO_AT_PCCA101 2 #define USB_CDC_ACM_PROTO_AT_PCCA101_WAKE 3 #define USB_CDC_ACM_PROTO_AT_GSM 4 #define USB_CDC_ACM_PROTO_AT_3G 5 #define USB_CDC_ACM_PROTO_AT_CDMA 6 #define USB_CDC_ACM_PROTO_VENDOR 0xff #define USB_CDC_PROTO_EEM 7 #define USB_CDC_NCM_PROTO_NTB 1 #define USB_CDC_MBIM_PROTO_NTB 2 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Class-Specific descriptors ... there are a couple dozen of them */ #define USB_CDC_HEADER_TYPE 0x00 /* header_desc */ #define USB_CDC_CALL_MANAGEMENT_TYPE 0x01 /* call_mgmt_descriptor */ #define USB_CDC_ACM_TYPE 0x02 /* acm_descriptor */ #define USB_CDC_UNION_TYPE 0x06 /* union_desc */ #define USB_CDC_COUNTRY_TYPE 0x07 #define USB_CDC_NETWORK_TERMINAL_TYPE 0x0a /* network_terminal_desc */ #define USB_CDC_ETHERNET_TYPE 0x0f /* ether_desc */ #define USB_CDC_WHCM_TYPE 0x11 #define USB_CDC_MDLM_TYPE 0x12 /* mdlm_desc */ #define USB_CDC_MDLM_DETAIL_TYPE 0x13 /* mdlm_detail_desc */ #define USB_CDC_DMM_TYPE 0x14 #define USB_CDC_OBEX_TYPE 0x15 #define USB_CDC_NCM_TYPE 0x1a #define USB_CDC_MBIM_TYPE 0x1b #define USB_CDC_MBIM_EXTENDED_TYPE 0x1c /* "Header Functional Descriptor" from CDC spec */ struct usb_cdc_header_desc { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __le16 bcdCDC; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "Call Management Descriptor" from CDC spec */ struct usb_cdc_call_mgmt_descriptor { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __u8 bmCapabilities; #define USB_CDC_CALL_MGMT_CAP_CALL_MGMT 0x01 #define USB_CDC_CALL_MGMT_CAP_DATA_INTF 0x02 __u8 bDataInterface; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "Abstract Control Management Descriptor" from CDC spec */ struct usb_cdc_acm_descriptor { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __u8 bmCapabilities; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* capabilities from */ #define USB_CDC_COMM_FEATURE 0x01 #define USB_CDC_CAP_LINE 0x02 #define USB_CDC_CAP_BRK 0x04 #define USB_CDC_CAP_NOTIFY 0x08 /* "Union Functional Descriptor" from CDC spec */ struct usb_cdc_union_desc { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __u8 bMasterInterface0; __u8 bSlaveInterface0; /* ... and there could be other slave interfaces */ } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "Country Selection Functional Descriptor" from CDC spec */ struct usb_cdc_country_functional_desc { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __u8 iCountryCodeRelDate; __le16 wCountyCode0; /* ... and there can be a lot of country codes */ } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "Network Channel Terminal Functional Descriptor" from CDC spec */ struct usb_cdc_network_terminal_desc { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __u8 bEntityId; __u8 iName; __u8 bChannelIndex; __u8 bPhysicalInterface; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "Ethernet Networking Functional Descriptor" from CDC spec */ struct usb_cdc_ether_desc { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __u8 iMACAddress; __le32 bmEthernetStatistics; __le16 wMaxSegmentSize; __le16 wNumberMCFilters; __u8 bNumberPowerFilters; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "Telephone Control Model Functional Descriptor" from CDC WMC spec 6.3..3 */ struct usb_cdc_dmm_desc { __u8 bFunctionLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubtype; __u16 bcdVersion; __le16 wMaxCommand; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "MDLM Functional Descriptor" from CDC WMC spec */ struct usb_cdc_mdlm_desc { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __le16 bcdVersion; __u8 bGUID[16]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "MDLM Detail Functional Descriptor" from CDC WMC spec */ struct usb_cdc_mdlm_detail_desc { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; /* type is associated with mdlm_desc.bGUID */ __u8 bGuidDescriptorType; __u8 bDetailData[0]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "OBEX Control Model Functional Descriptor" */ struct usb_cdc_obex_desc { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __le16 bcdVersion; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "NCM Control Model Functional Descriptor" */ struct usb_cdc_ncm_desc { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __le16 bcdNcmVersion; __u8 bmNetworkCapabilities; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "MBIM Control Model Functional Descriptor" */ struct usb_cdc_mbim_desc { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __le16 bcdMBIMVersion; __le16 wMaxControlMessage; __u8 bNumberFilters; __u8 bMaxFilterSize; __le16 wMaxSegmentSize; __u8 bmNetworkCapabilities; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* "MBIM Extended Functional Descriptor" from CDC MBIM spec 1.0 errata-1 */ struct usb_cdc_mbim_extended_desc { __u8 bLength; __u8 bDescriptorType; __u8 bDescriptorSubType; __le16 bcdMBIMExtendedVersion; __u8 bMaxOutstandingCommandMessages; __le16 wMTU; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Class-Specific Control Requests (6.2) * * section table 4 has the ACM profile, for modems. * section 3.8.2 table 10 has the ethernet profile. * * Microsoft's RNDIS stack for Ethernet is a vendor-specific CDC ACM variant, * heavily dependent on the encapsulated (proprietary) command mechanism. */ #define USB_CDC_SEND_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND 0x00 #define USB_CDC_GET_ENCAPSULATED_RESPONSE 0x01 #define USB_CDC_REQ_SET_LINE_CODING 0x20 #define USB_CDC_REQ_GET_LINE_CODING 0x21 #define USB_CDC_REQ_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE 0x22 #define USB_CDC_REQ_SEND_BREAK 0x23 #define USB_CDC_SET_ETHERNET_MULTICAST_FILTERS 0x40 #define USB_CDC_SET_ETHERNET_PM_PATTERN_FILTER 0x41 #define USB_CDC_GET_ETHERNET_PM_PATTERN_FILTER 0x42 #define USB_CDC_SET_ETHERNET_PACKET_FILTER 0x43 #define USB_CDC_GET_ETHERNET_STATISTIC 0x44 #define USB_CDC_GET_NTB_PARAMETERS 0x80 #define USB_CDC_GET_NET_ADDRESS 0x81 #define USB_CDC_SET_NET_ADDRESS 0x82 #define USB_CDC_GET_NTB_FORMAT 0x83 #define USB_CDC_SET_NTB_FORMAT 0x84 #define USB_CDC_GET_NTB_INPUT_SIZE 0x85 #define USB_CDC_SET_NTB_INPUT_SIZE 0x86 #define USB_CDC_GET_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE 0x87 #define USB_CDC_SET_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE 0x88 #define USB_CDC_GET_CRC_MODE 0x89 #define USB_CDC_SET_CRC_MODE 0x8a /* Line Coding Structure from CDC spec 6.2.13 */ struct usb_cdc_line_coding { __le32 dwDTERate; __u8 bCharFormat; #define USB_CDC_1_STOP_BITS 0 #define USB_CDC_1_5_STOP_BITS 1 #define USB_CDC_2_STOP_BITS 2 __u8 bParityType; #define USB_CDC_NO_PARITY 0 #define USB_CDC_ODD_PARITY 1 #define USB_CDC_EVEN_PARITY 2 #define USB_CDC_MARK_PARITY 3 #define USB_CDC_SPACE_PARITY 4 __u8 bDataBits; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* table 62; bits in multicast filter */ #define USB_CDC_PACKET_TYPE_PROMISCUOUS (1 << 0) #define USB_CDC_PACKET_TYPE_ALL_MULTICAST (1 << 1) /* no filter */ #define USB_CDC_PACKET_TYPE_DIRECTED (1 << 2) #define USB_CDC_PACKET_TYPE_BROADCAST (1 << 3) #define USB_CDC_PACKET_TYPE_MULTICAST (1 << 4) /* filtered */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Class-Specific Notifications (6.3) sent by interrupt transfers * * section 3.8.2 table 11 of the CDC spec lists Ethernet notifications * section table 5 specifies ACM notifications, accepted by RNDIS * RNDIS also defines its own bit-incompatible notifications */ #define USB_CDC_NOTIFY_NETWORK_CONNECTION 0x00 #define USB_CDC_NOTIFY_RESPONSE_AVAILABLE 0x01 #define USB_CDC_NOTIFY_SERIAL_STATE 0x20 #define USB_CDC_NOTIFY_SPEED_CHANGE 0x2a struct usb_cdc_notification { __u8 bmRequestType; __u8 bNotificationType; __le16 wValue; __le16 wIndex; __le16 wLength; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct usb_cdc_speed_change { __le32 DLBitRRate; /* contains the downlink bit rate (IN pipe) */ __le32 ULBitRate; /* contains the uplink bit rate (OUT pipe) */ } __attribute__ ((packed)); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Class Specific structures and constants * * CDC NCM NTB parameters structure, CDC NCM subclass 6.2.1 * */ struct usb_cdc_ncm_ntb_parameters { __le16 wLength; __le16 bmNtbFormatsSupported; __le32 dwNtbInMaxSize; __le16 wNdpInDivisor; __le16 wNdpInPayloadRemainder; __le16 wNdpInAlignment; __le16 wPadding1; __le32 dwNtbOutMaxSize; __le16 wNdpOutDivisor; __le16 wNdpOutPayloadRemainder; __le16 wNdpOutAlignment; __le16 wNtbOutMaxDatagrams; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* * CDC NCM transfer headers, CDC NCM subclass 3.2 */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NTH16_SIGN 0x484D434E /* NCMH */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NTH32_SIGN 0x686D636E /* ncmh */ struct usb_cdc_ncm_nth16 { __le32 dwSignature; __le16 wHeaderLength; __le16 wSequence; __le16 wBlockLength; __le16 wNdpIndex; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct usb_cdc_ncm_nth32 { __le32 dwSignature; __le16 wHeaderLength; __le16 wSequence; __le32 dwBlockLength; __le32 dwNdpIndex; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* * CDC NCM datagram pointers, CDC NCM subclass 3.3 */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NDP16_CRC_SIGN 0x314D434E /* NCM1 */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NDP16_NOCRC_SIGN 0x304D434E /* NCM0 */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NDP32_CRC_SIGN 0x316D636E /* ncm1 */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NDP32_NOCRC_SIGN 0x306D636E /* ncm0 */ #define USB_CDC_MBIM_NDP16_IPS_SIGN 0x00535049 /* IPS<sessionID> : IPS0 for now */ #define USB_CDC_MBIM_NDP32_IPS_SIGN 0x00737069 /* ips<sessionID> : ips0 for now */ #define USB_CDC_MBIM_NDP16_DSS_SIGN 0x00535344 /* DSS<sessionID> */ #define USB_CDC_MBIM_NDP32_DSS_SIGN 0x00737364 /* dss<sessionID> */ /* 16-bit NCM Datagram Pointer Entry */ struct usb_cdc_ncm_dpe16 { __le16 wDatagramIndex; __le16 wDatagramLength; } __attribute__((__packed__)); /* 16-bit NCM Datagram Pointer Table */ struct usb_cdc_ncm_ndp16 { __le32 dwSignature; __le16 wLength; __le16 wNextNdpIndex; struct usb_cdc_ncm_dpe16 dpe16[0]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* 32-bit NCM Datagram Pointer Entry */ struct usb_cdc_ncm_dpe32 { __le32 dwDatagramIndex; __le32 dwDatagramLength; } __attribute__((__packed__)); /* 32-bit NCM Datagram Pointer Table */ struct usb_cdc_ncm_ndp32 { __le32 dwSignature; __le16 wLength; __le16 wReserved6; __le32 dwNextNdpIndex; __le32 dwReserved12; struct usb_cdc_ncm_dpe32 dpe32[0]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* CDC NCM subclass 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NDP16_INDEX_MIN 0x000C #define USB_CDC_NCM_NDP32_INDEX_MIN 0x0010 /* CDC NCM subclass 3.3.3 Datagram Formatting */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_DATAGRAM_FORMAT_CRC 0x30 #define USB_CDC_NCM_DATAGRAM_FORMAT_NOCRC 0X31 /* CDC NCM subclass 4.2 NCM Communications Interface Protocol Code */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_PROTO_CODE_NO_ENCAP_COMMANDS 0x00 #define USB_CDC_NCM_PROTO_CODE_EXTERN_PROTO 0xFE /* CDC NCM subclass 5.2.1 NCM Functional Descriptor, bmNetworkCapabilities */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NCAP_ETH_FILTER (1 << 0) #define USB_CDC_NCM_NCAP_NET_ADDRESS (1 << 1) #define USB_CDC_NCM_NCAP_ENCAP_COMMAND (1 << 2) #define USB_CDC_NCM_NCAP_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE (1 << 3) #define USB_CDC_NCM_NCAP_CRC_MODE (1 << 4) #define USB_CDC_NCM_NCAP_NTB_INPUT_SIZE (1 << 5) /* CDC NCM subclass Table 6-3: NTB Parameter Structure */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NTB16_SUPPORTED (1 << 0) #define USB_CDC_NCM_NTB32_SUPPORTED (1 << 1) /* CDC NCM subclass Table 6-3: NTB Parameter Structure */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NDP_ALIGN_MIN_SIZE 0x04 #define USB_CDC_NCM_NTB_MAX_LENGTH 0x1C /* CDC NCM subclass 6.2.5 SetNtbFormat */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NTB16_FORMAT 0x00 #define USB_CDC_NCM_NTB32_FORMAT 0x01 /* CDC NCM subclass 6.2.7 SetNtbInputSize */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NTB_MIN_IN_SIZE 2048 #define USB_CDC_NCM_NTB_MIN_OUT_SIZE 2048 /* NTB Input Size Structure */ struct usb_cdc_ncm_ndp_input_size { __le32 dwNtbInMaxSize; __le16 wNtbInMaxDatagrams; __le16 wReserved; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* CDC NCM subclass 6.2.11 SetCrcMode */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_CRC_NOT_APPENDED 0x00 #define USB_CDC_NCM_CRC_APPENDED 0x01 #endif /* __UAPI_LINUX_USB_CDC_H */
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef COMPONENTS_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_PREF_NAMES_H_ #define COMPONENTS_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_PREF_NAMES_H_ class PrefRegistrySimple; namespace certificate_transparency { namespace prefs { // Registers the preferences related to Certificate Transparency policy // in the given pref registry. void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry); // The set of hosts (as URLBlacklist-syntax filters) for which Certificate // Transparency is required to be present. extern const char kCTRequiredHosts[]; // The set of hosts (as URLBlacklist-syntax filters) for which Certificate // Transparency information is allowed to be absent, even if it would // otherwise be required (e.g. as part of security policy). extern const char kCTExcludedHosts[]; // The set of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes in the form of // <hash-name>"/"<base64-hash-value>. If a certificate matches this SPKI, then // Certificate Transparency information is allowed to be absent if one of the // following conditions are met: // 1) The matching certificate is a CA certificate (basicConstraints CA:TRUE) // that has a nameConstraints extension with a permittedSubtrees that // contains one or more directoryName entries, the directoryName has // one or more organizationName attributes, and the leaf certificate also // contains one or more organizationName attributes in the Subject. // 2) The matching certificate contains one or more organizationName // attributes in the Subject, and those attributes are identical in // ordering, number of values, and byte-for-byte equality of values. extern const char kCTExcludedSPKIs[]; // The set of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes in the form of // <hash-name>"/"<base64-hash-value>. If a certificate matches this SPKI, then // Certificate Transparency information is allowed to be absent if: // 1) The SPKI listed is a known as a publicly trusted root // (see //net/data/ssl/root_stores) // 2) The SPKI listed is not actively trusted in the current version of the // ChromiumOS or Android root stores. // (see '"legacy": true' in root_stores.json) extern const char kCTExcludedLegacySPKIs[]; } // namespace prefs } // namespace certificate_transparency #endif // COMPONENTS_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_PREF_NAMES_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_BROWSER_MEDIA_MIDI_HOST_H_ #define CONTENT_BROWSER_MEDIA_MIDI_HOST_H_ #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <memory> #include <vector> #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "content/common/content_export.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_message_filter.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "media/midi/midi_manager.h" #include "media/midi/midi_port_info.h" #include "media/midi/midi_service.mojom.h" namespace midi { class MidiService; class MidiMessageQueue; } // namespace midi namespace content { class CONTENT_EXPORT MidiHost : public BrowserMessageFilter, public midi::MidiManagerClient { public: // Called from UI thread from the owner of this object. MidiHost(int renderer_process_id, midi::MidiService* midi_service); // BrowserMessageFilter implementation. void OnChannelClosing() override; void OnDestruct() const override; bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override; // MidiManagerClient implementation. void CompleteStartSession(midi::mojom::Result result) override; void AddInputPort(const midi::MidiPortInfo& info) override; void AddOutputPort(const midi::MidiPortInfo& info) override; void SetInputPortState(uint32_t port, midi::mojom::PortState state) override; void SetOutputPortState(uint32_t port, midi::mojom::PortState state) override; void ReceiveMidiData(uint32_t port, const uint8_t* data, size_t length, base::TimeTicks timestamp) override; void AccumulateMidiBytesSent(size_t n) override; void Detach() override; // Start session to access MIDI hardware. void OnStartSession(); // Data to be sent to a MIDI output port. void OnSendData(uint32_t port, const std::vector<uint8_t>& data, base::TimeTicks timestamp); void OnEndSession(); protected: ~MidiHost() override; private: friend class base::DeleteHelper<MidiHost>; friend class BrowserThread; int renderer_process_id_; // Represents if the renderer has a permission to send/receive MIDI SysEX // messages. bool has_sys_ex_permission_; // Represents if a session is requested to start. bool is_session_requested_; // |midi_service_| manages a MidiManager instance that talks to // platform-specific MIDI APIs. It can be nullptr after detached. midi::MidiService* midi_service_; // Buffers where data sent from each MIDI input port is stored. std::vector<std::unique_ptr<midi::MidiMessageQueue>> received_messages_queues_; // Protects access to |received_messages_queues_|; base::Lock messages_queues_lock_; // The number of bytes sent to the platform-specific MIDI sending // system, but not yet completed. size_t sent_bytes_in_flight_; // The number of bytes successfully sent since the last time // we've acknowledged back to the renderer. size_t bytes_sent_since_last_acknowledgement_; // Protects access to |sent_bytes_in_flight_|. base::Lock in_flight_lock_; // How many output port exists. uint32_t output_port_count_; // Protects access to |output_port_count_|. base::Lock output_port_count_lock_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MidiHost); }; } // namespace content #endif // CONTENT_BROWSER_MEDIA_MIDI_HOST_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "extensions/browser/extension_system_provider.h" #include "components/keyed_service/content/browser_context_dependency_manager.h" namespace extensions { ExtensionSystemProvider::ExtensionSystemProvider( const char* name, BrowserContextDependencyManager* manager) : BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory(name, manager) {} ExtensionSystemProvider::~ExtensionSystemProvider() {} } // namespace extensions
2012-10-18 20:34:21+00:00
void WorkerProcessLauncher::Core::OnChannelConnected(int32 peer_pid) { DCHECK(caller_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); // |peer_pid| is send by the client and cannot be trusted. // GetNamedPipeClientProcessId() is not available on XP. The pipe's security // descriptor is the only protection we currently have against malicious // clients. // If we'd like to be able to launch low-privileged workers and let them // connect back, the pipe handle should be passed to the worker instead of // the pipe name. if (ipc_enabled_) worker_delegate_->OnChannelConnected(); }
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007 Nikolas Zimmermann <> * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Rob Buis <> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_CORE_SVG_SVG_FE_MERGE_ELEMENT_H_ #define THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_CORE_SVG_SVG_FE_MERGE_ELEMENT_H_ #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/svg_filter_primitive_standard_attributes.h" namespace blink { class SVGFEMergeElement final : public SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { DEFINE_WRAPPERTYPEINFO(); public: DECLARE_NODE_FACTORY(SVGFEMergeElement); private: explicit SVGFEMergeElement(Document&); FilterEffect* Build(SVGFilterBuilder*, Filter*) override; bool TaintsOrigin(bool inputs_taint_origin) const override; }; } // namespace blink #endif // THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_CORE_SVG_SVG_FE_MERGE_ELEMENT_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC_COMMON_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASONS_H_ #define COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC_COMMON_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASONS_H_ #include <string> #include "components/download/public/common/download_export.h" namespace download { enum DownloadInterruptReason { DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_NONE = 0, #define INTERRUPT_REASON(name, value) DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_##name = value, #include "components/download/public/common/download_interrupt_reason_values.h" #undef INTERRUPT_REASON }; std::string COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT DownloadInterruptReasonToString(DownloadInterruptReason error); } // namespace download #endif // COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC_COMMON_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASONS_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_CHROMEOS_APP_MODE_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_CHROMEOS_APP_MODE_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATER_H_ #include <map> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <utility> #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/app_mode/kiosk_external_update_validator.h" #include "chromeos/disks/disk_mount_manager.h" namespace chromeos { class KioskExternalUpdateNotification; // Observes the disk mount/unmount events, scans the usb stick for external // kiosk app updates, validates the external crx, and updates the cache. class KioskExternalUpdater : public disks::DiskMountManager::Observer, public KioskExternalUpdateValidatorDelegate { public: enum ExternalUpdateErrorCode { ERROR_NONE, ERROR_NO_MANIFEST, ERROR_INVALID_MANIFEST, }; KioskExternalUpdater( const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& backend_task_runner, const base::FilePath& crx_cache_dir, const base::FilePath& crx_unpack_dir); ~KioskExternalUpdater() override; private: enum ExternalUpdateStatus { PENDING, SUCCESS, FAILED, }; struct ExternalUpdate { ExternalUpdate(); ExternalUpdate(const ExternalUpdate& other); ~ExternalUpdate(); std::string app_name; extensions::CRXFileInfo external_crx; ExternalUpdateStatus update_status; base::string16 error; }; // disks::DiskMountManager::Observer overrides. void OnAutoMountableDiskEvent( disks::DiskMountManager::DiskEvent event, const disks::DiskMountManager::Disk& disk) override; void OnBootDeviceDiskEvent( disks::DiskMountManager::DiskEvent event, const disks::DiskMountManager::Disk& disk) override; void OnDeviceEvent(disks::DiskMountManager::DeviceEvent event, const std::string& device_path) override; void OnMountEvent( disks::DiskMountManager::MountEvent event, MountError error_code, const disks::DiskMountManager::MountPointInfo& mount_info) override; void OnFormatEvent(disks::DiskMountManager::FormatEvent event, FormatError error_code, const std::string& device_path) override; void OnRenameEvent(disks::DiskMountManager::RenameEvent event, RenameError error_code, const std::string& device_path) override; // KioskExternalUpdateValidatorDelegate overrides: void OnExternalUpdateUnpackSuccess(const std::string& app_id, const std::string& version, const std::string& min_browser_version, const base::FilePath& temp_dir) override; void OnExternalUpdateUnpackFailure(const std::string& app_id) override; // Processes the parsed external update manifest, check the // ExternalUpdateErrorCode in |result| for any manifest parsing error. using ParseManifestResult = std::pair<std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>, ExternalUpdateErrorCode>; void ProcessParsedManifest(const base::FilePath& external_update_dir, const ParseManifestResult& result); // Returns true if |external_update_| is interrupted before the updating // completes. bool CheckExternalUpdateInterrupted(); // Validates the external updates. void ValidateExternalUpdates(); // Returns true if there are any external updates pending. bool IsExternalUpdatePending() const; // Returns true if all external updates specified in the manifest are // completed successfully. bool IsAllExternalUpdatesSucceeded() const; // Returns true if the app with |app_id| should be updated to // |external_extension|. bool ShouldDoExternalUpdate(const std::string& app_id, const std::string& version, const std::string& min_browser_version); // Installs the validated extension into cache. // |crx_copied| indicates whether the |crx_file| is copied successfully. void PutValidatedExtension(const std::string& app_id, const base::FilePath& crx_file, const std::string& version, bool crx_copied); // Called upon completion of installing the validated external extension into // the local cache. |success| is true if the operation succeeded. void OnPutValidatedExtension(const std::string& app_id, bool success); void NotifyKioskUpdateProgress(const base::string16& message); void MaybeValidateNextExternalUpdate(); // Notifies the kiosk update status with UI and KioskAppUpdateService, if // there is no kiosk external updates pending. void MayBeNotifyKioskAppUpdate(); void NotifyKioskAppUpdateAvailable(); // Dismisses the UI notification for kiosk updates. void DismissKioskUpdateNotification(); // Return a detailed message for kiosk updating status. base::string16 GetUpdateReportMessage() const; // Task runner for executing file I/O tasks. const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> backend_task_runner_; // The directory where kiosk crx files are cached. const base::FilePath crx_cache_dir_; // The directory used by SandBoxedUnpacker for unpack extensions. const base::FilePath crx_unpack_dir_; // The path where external crx files resides(usb stick mount path). base::FilePath external_update_path_; // map of app_id: ExternalUpdate using ExternalUpdateMap = std::map<std::string, ExternalUpdate>; ExternalUpdateMap external_updates_; std::unique_ptr<KioskExternalUpdateNotification> notification_; base::WeakPtrFactory<KioskExternalUpdater> weak_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(KioskExternalUpdater); }; } // namespace chromeos #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_CHROMEOS_APP_MODE_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATER_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/macros.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "ui/events/ozone/chromeos/cursor_controller.h" namespace ui { namespace { const gfx::AcceleratedWidget kTestWindow = 1; } // namespace class CursorControllerTest : public testing::Test { public: CursorControllerTest() {} ~CursorControllerTest() override {} void TearDown() override { ui::CursorController::GetInstance()->ClearCursorConfigForWindow( kTestWindow); } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CursorControllerTest); }; TEST_F(CursorControllerTest, UnconfiguredIdentity) { ui::CursorController* cursor_controller = CursorController::GetInstance(); // Check that unconfigured windows use identity. gfx::Vector2dF delta(2.f, 3.f); cursor_controller->ApplyCursorConfigForWindow(kTestWindow, &delta); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(2.f, delta.x()); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(3.f, delta.y()); } TEST_F(CursorControllerTest, ClearedIdentity) { ui::CursorController* cursor_controller = CursorController::GetInstance(); // Check that configured & cleared windows use identity. cursor_controller->SetCursorConfigForWindow( kTestWindow, display::Display::ROTATE_180, 3.2f); cursor_controller->ClearCursorConfigForWindow(kTestWindow); gfx::Vector2dF delta(3.f, 5.f); cursor_controller->ApplyCursorConfigForWindow(kTestWindow, &delta); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(3.f, delta.x()); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(5.f, delta.y()); } TEST_F(CursorControllerTest, RotatedHighDpi) { ui::CursorController* cursor_controller = CursorController::GetInstance(); // Check that 90deg rotated highdpi window transforms correctly. cursor_controller->SetCursorConfigForWindow(kTestWindow, display::Display::ROTATE_90, 2.f); gfx::Vector2dF delta(3.f, 5.f); cursor_controller->ApplyCursorConfigForWindow(kTestWindow, &delta); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-10.f, delta.x()); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(6.f, delta.y()); } } // namespace ui
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
#include <asm-generic/kdebug.h>
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/cert/cert_verify_proc_mac.h" #include <memory> #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/mac/mac_util.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/cert/cert_verifier.h" #include "net/cert/cert_verify_result.h" #include "net/cert/crl_set.h" #include "net/cert/test_keychain_search_list_mac.h" #include "net/cert/test_root_certs.h" #include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h" #include "net/cert/x509_util.h" #include "net/test/cert_test_util.h" #include "net/test/gtest_util.h" #include "net/test/test_data_directory.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" using net::test::IsError; using net::test::IsOk; namespace net { namespace { // Test that a CRLSet blocking one of the intermediates supplied by the server // can be worked around by the chopping workaround for path building. (Once the // supplied chain is chopped back to just the target, a better path can be // found out-of-band. Normally that would be by AIA fetching, for the purposes // of this test the better path is supplied by a test keychain.) // // In this test, there are two possible paths to validate a leaf (A): // 1. A(B) -> B(C) -> C(E) -> E(E) // 2. A(B) -> B(F) -> F(E) -> E(E) // // A(B) -> B(C) -> C(E) is supplied to the verifier. // B(F) and F(E) are supplied in a test keychain. // C is blocked by a CRLset. // // The verifier should rollback until it just tries A(B) alone, at which point // it will pull B(F) & F(E) from the keychain and succeed. TEST(CertVerifyProcMacTest, MacCRLIntermediate) { if (base::mac::IsAtLeastOS10_12()) { // TODO( Investigate SecTrustSetKeychains issue on Sierra. LOG(INFO) << "Skipping test, SecTrustSetKeychains does not work on 10.12"; return; } CertificateList path_2_certs; ASSERT_TRUE( LoadCertificateFiles({"multi-root-A-by-B.pem", "multi-root-B-by-C.pem", "multi-root-C-by-E.pem", "multi-root-E-by-E.pem"}, &path_2_certs)); CertificateList path_3_certs; ASSERT_TRUE( LoadCertificateFiles({"multi-root-A-by-B.pem", "multi-root-B-by-F.pem", "multi-root-F-by-E.pem", "multi-root-E-by-E.pem"}, &path_3_certs)); // Add E as trust anchor. ScopedTestRoot test_root_E(path_3_certs[3].get()); // E-by-E std::vector<bssl::UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER>> intermediates; intermediates.push_back( x509_util::DupCryptoBuffer(path_2_certs[1]->cert_buffer())); // B-by-C intermediates.push_back( x509_util::DupCryptoBuffer(path_2_certs[2]->cert_buffer())); // C-by-E scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> cert = X509Certificate::CreateFromBuffer( x509_util::DupCryptoBuffer(path_3_certs[0]->cert_buffer()), std::move(intermediates)); ASSERT_TRUE(cert); std::unique_ptr<TestKeychainSearchList> test_keychain_search_list( TestKeychainSearchList::Create()); ASSERT_TRUE(test_keychain_search_list); base::FilePath keychain_path( GetTestCertsDirectory().AppendASCII("multi-root-BFE.keychain")); // SecKeychainOpen does not fail if the file doesn't exist, so assert it here // for easier debugging. ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(keychain_path)); SecKeychainRef keychain; OSStatus status = SecKeychainOpen(keychain_path.MaybeAsASCII().c_str(), &keychain); ASSERT_EQ(errSecSuccess, status); ASSERT_TRUE(keychain); base::ScopedCFTypeRef<SecKeychainRef> scoped_keychain(keychain); test_keychain_search_list->AddKeychain(keychain); scoped_refptr<CRLSet> crl_set; std::string crl_set_bytes; // CRL which blocks C by SPKI. EXPECT_TRUE(base::ReadFileToString( GetTestCertsDirectory().AppendASCII("multi-root-crlset-C.raw"), &crl_set_bytes)); ASSERT_TRUE(CRLSet::Parse(crl_set_bytes, &crl_set)); int flags = 0; CertVerifyResult verify_result; scoped_refptr<CertVerifyProc> verify_proc = new CertVerifyProcMac; int error = verify_proc->Verify(cert.get(), "", std::string(), flags, crl_set.get(), CertificateList(), &verify_result); ASSERT_EQ(OK, error); ASSERT_EQ(0U, verify_result.cert_status); ASSERT_TRUE(verify_result.verified_cert.get()); const auto& verified_intermediates = verify_result.verified_cert->intermediate_buffers(); ASSERT_EQ(3U, verified_intermediates.size()); scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> intermediate = X509Certificate::CreateFromBuffer( x509_util::DupCryptoBuffer(verified_intermediates[1].get()), {}); ASSERT_TRUE(intermediate); scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> expected_intermediate = path_3_certs[2]; EXPECT_TRUE(expected_intermediate->Equals(intermediate.get())) << "Expected: " << expected_intermediate->subject().common_name << " issued by " << expected_intermediate->issuer().common_name << "; Got: " << intermediate->subject().common_name << " issued by " << intermediate->issuer().common_name; } // Test that if a keychain is present which trusts a less-desirable root (ex, // one using SHA1), that the keychain reordering hack will cause the better // root in the System Roots to be used instead. TEST(CertVerifyProcMacTest, MacKeychainReordering) { // Note: target cert expires Dec 30 23:59:59 2019 GMT scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> cert = CreateCertificateChainFromFile( GetTestCertsDirectory(), "", X509Certificate::FORMAT_AUTO); ASSERT_TRUE(cert); // Create a test keychain search list that will Always Trust the SHA1 // cross-signed VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5 std::unique_ptr<TestKeychainSearchList> test_keychain_search_list( TestKeychainSearchList::Create()); ASSERT_TRUE(test_keychain_search_list); base::FilePath keychain_path(GetTestCertsDirectory().AppendASCII( "verisign_class3_g5_crosssigned-trusted.keychain")); // SecKeychainOpen does not fail if the file doesn't exist, so assert it here // for easier debugging. ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(keychain_path)); SecKeychainRef keychain; OSStatus status = SecKeychainOpen(keychain_path.MaybeAsASCII().c_str(), &keychain); ASSERT_EQ(errSecSuccess, status); ASSERT_TRUE(keychain); base::ScopedCFTypeRef<SecKeychainRef> scoped_keychain(keychain); test_keychain_search_list->AddKeychain(keychain); int flags = 0; CertVerifyResult verify_result; scoped_refptr<CertVerifyProc> verify_proc = new CertVerifyProcMac; int error = verify_proc->Verify(cert.get(), "", std::string(), flags, nullptr /* crl_set */, CertificateList(), &verify_result); ASSERT_EQ(OK, error); EXPECT_FALSE(verify_result.has_sha1); ASSERT_TRUE(verify_result.verified_cert.get()); const auto& verified_intermediates = verify_result.verified_cert->intermediate_buffers(); ASSERT_EQ(2U, verified_intermediates.size()); } // Test that the system root certificate keychain is in the expected location // and can be opened. Other tests would fail if this was not true, but this // test makes the reason for the failure obvious. TEST(CertVerifyProcMacTest, MacSystemRootCertificateKeychainLocation) { const char* root_keychain_path = "/System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain"; ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(base::FilePath(root_keychain_path))); SecKeychainRef keychain; OSStatus status = SecKeychainOpen(root_keychain_path, &keychain); ASSERT_EQ(errSecSuccess, status); CFRelease(keychain); } // Test that CertVerifyProcMac reacts appropriately when Apple's certificate // verifier rejects a certificate with a fatal error. This is a regression // test for // (Since 10.12, this causes a recoverable error instead of a fatal one.) // TODO(mattm): Try to find a different way to cause a fatal error that works // on 10.12. TEST(CertVerifyProcMacTest, LargeKey) { // Load root_ca_cert.pem into the test root store. ScopedTestRoot test_root( ImportCertFromFile(GetTestCertsDirectory(), "root_ca_cert.pem").get()); scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> cert( ImportCertFromFile(GetTestCertsDirectory(), "large_key.pem")); // Apple's verifier rejects this certificate as invalid because the // RSA key is too large. If a future version of OS X changes this, // large_key.pem may need to be regenerated with a larger key. int flags = 0; CertVerifyResult verify_result; scoped_refptr<CertVerifyProc> verify_proc = new CertVerifyProcMac; int error = verify_proc->Verify(cert.get(), "", std::string(), flags, NULL, CertificateList(), &verify_result); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_CERT_INVALID)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify_result.cert_status & CERT_STATUS_INVALID); } } // namespace } // namespace net
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
/* ** 2017 April 07 ** ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of ** a legal notice, here is a blessing: ** ** May you do good and not evil. ** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. ** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. ** ************************************************************************* */ #if defined(SQLITE_TEST) #include "sqlite3expert.h" #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #if defined(INCLUDE_SQLITE_TCL_H) # include "sqlite_tcl.h" #else # include "tcl.h" # ifndef SQLITE_TCLAPI # define SQLITE_TCLAPI # endif #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE /* ** Extract an sqlite3* db handle from the object passed as the second ** argument. If successful, set *pDb to point to the db handle and return ** TCL_OK. Otherwise, return TCL_ERROR. */ static int dbHandleFromObj(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *pObj, sqlite3 **pDb){ Tcl_CmdInfo info; if( 0==Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, Tcl_GetString(pObj), &info) ){ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "no such handle: ", Tcl_GetString(pObj), 0); return TCL_ERROR; } *pDb = *(sqlite3 **)info.objClientData; return TCL_OK; } /* ** Tclcmd: $expert sql SQL ** $expert analyze ** $expert count ** $expert report STMT EREPORT ** $expert destroy */ static int SQLITE_TCLAPI testExpertCmd( void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] ){ sqlite3expert *pExpert = (sqlite3expert*)clientData; struct Subcmd { const char *zSub; int nArg; const char *zMsg; } aSub[] = { { "sql", 1, "TABLE", }, /* 0 */ { "analyze", 0, "", }, /* 1 */ { "count", 0, "", }, /* 2 */ { "report", 2, "STMT EREPORT", }, /* 3 */ { "destroy", 0, "", }, /* 4 */ { 0 } }; int iSub; int rc = TCL_OK; char *zErr = 0; if( objc<2 ){ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "SUBCOMMAND ..."); return TCL_ERROR; } rc = Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[1], aSub, sizeof(aSub[0]), "sub-command", 0, &iSub ); if( rc!=TCL_OK ) return rc; if( objc!=2+aSub[iSub].nArg ){ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, aSub[iSub].zMsg); return TCL_ERROR; } switch( iSub ){ case 0: { /* sql */ char *zArg = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]); rc = sqlite3_expert_sql(pExpert, zArg, &zErr); break; } case 1: { /* analyze */ rc = sqlite3_expert_analyze(pExpert, &zErr); break; } case 2: { /* count */ int n = sqlite3_expert_count(pExpert); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(n)); break; } case 3: { /* report */ const char *aEnum[] = { "sql", "indexes", "plan", "candidates", 0 }; int iEnum; int iStmt; const char *zReport; if( Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[2], &iStmt) || Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[3], aEnum, "report", 0, &iEnum) ){ return TCL_ERROR; } assert( EXPERT_REPORT_SQL==1 ); assert( EXPERT_REPORT_INDEXES==2 ); assert( EXPERT_REPORT_PLAN==3 ); assert( EXPERT_REPORT_CANDIDATES==4 ); zReport = sqlite3_expert_report(pExpert, iStmt, 1+iEnum); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(zReport, -1)); break; } default: /* destroy */ assert( iSub==4 ); Tcl_DeleteCommand(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[0])); break; } if( rc!=TCL_OK ){ if( zErr ){ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(zErr, -1)); }else{ extern const char *sqlite3ErrName(int); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(sqlite3ErrName(rc), -1)); } } sqlite3_free(zErr); return rc; } static void SQLITE_TCLAPI testExpertDel(void *clientData){ sqlite3expert *pExpert = (sqlite3expert*)clientData; sqlite3_expert_destroy(pExpert); } /* ** sqlite3_expert_new DB */ static int SQLITE_TCLAPI test_sqlite3_expert_new( void * clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] ){ static int iCmd = 0; sqlite3 *db; char *zCmd = 0; char *zErr = 0; sqlite3expert *pExpert; int rc = TCL_OK; if( objc!=2 ){ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "DB"); return TCL_ERROR; } if( dbHandleFromObj(interp, objv[1], &db) ){ return TCL_ERROR; } zCmd = sqlite3_mprintf("sqlite3expert%d", ++iCmd); if( zCmd==0 ){ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "out of memory", (char*)0); return TCL_ERROR; } pExpert = sqlite3_expert_new(db, &zErr); if( pExpert==0 ){ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, zErr, (char*)0); rc = TCL_ERROR; }else{ void *p = (void*)pExpert; Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, zCmd, testExpertCmd, p, testExpertDel); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(zCmd, -1)); } sqlite3_free(zCmd); sqlite3_free(zErr); return rc; } #endif /* ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ int TestExpert_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp){ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE struct Cmd { const char *zCmd; Tcl_ObjCmdProc *xProc; } aCmd[] = { { "sqlite3_expert_new", test_sqlite3_expert_new }, }; int i; for(i=0; i<sizeof(aCmd)/sizeof(struct Cmd); i++){ struct Cmd *p = &aCmd[i]; Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, p->zCmd, p->xProc, 0, 0); } #endif return TCL_OK; } #endif
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2005, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // --- // Unittest for the TCMalloc implementation. // // * The test consists of a set of threads. // * Each thread maintains a set of allocated objects, with // a bound on the total amount of data in the set. // * Each allocated object's contents are generated by // hashing the object pointer, and a generation count // in the object. This allows us to easily check for // data corruption. // * At any given step, the thread can do any of the following: // a. Allocate an object // b. Increment an object's generation count and update // its contents. // c. Pass the object to another thread // d. Free an object // Also, at the end of every step, object(s) are freed to maintain // the memory upper-bound. // // If this test is compiled with -DDEBUGALLOCATION, then we don't // run some tests that test the inner workings of tcmalloc and // break on debugallocation: that certain allocations are aligned // in a certain way (even though no standard requires it), and that // realloc() tries to minimize copying (which debug allocators don't // care about). #include "config_for_unittests.h" // Complicated ordering requirements. tcmalloc.h defines (indirectly) // _POSIX_C_SOURCE, which it needs so stdlib.h defines posix_memalign. // unistd.h, on the other hand, requires _POSIX_C_SOURCE to be unset, // at least on FreeBSD, in order to define sbrk. The solution // is to #include unistd.h first. This is safe because unistd.h // doesn't sub-include stdlib.h, so we'll still get posix_memalign // when we #include stdlib.h. Blah. #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> // for testing sbrk hooks #endif #include "tcmalloc.h" // must come early, to pick up posix_memalign #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #if defined HAVE_STDINT_H #include <stdint.h> // for intptr_t #endif #include <sys/types.h> // for size_t #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include <fcntl.h> // for open; used with mmap-hook test #endif #ifdef HAVE_MMAP #include <sys/mman.h> // for testing mmap hooks #endif #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H #include <malloc.h> // defines pvalloc/etc on cygwin #endif #include <assert.h> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <new> #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/simple_mutex.h" #include "gperftools/malloc_hook.h" #include "gperftools/malloc_extension.h" #include "gperftools/tcmalloc.h" #include "thread_cache.h" #include "tests/testutil.h" // Windows doesn't define pvalloc and a few other obsolete unix // functions; nor does it define posix_memalign (which is not obsolete). #if defined(_WIN32) # define cfree free // don't bother to try to test these obsolete fns # define valloc malloc # define pvalloc malloc // I'd like to map posix_memalign to _aligned_malloc, but _aligned_malloc // must be paired with _aligned_free (not normal free), which is too // invasive a change to how we allocate memory here. So just bail static bool kOSSupportsMemalign = false; static inline void* Memalign(size_t align, size_t size) { //LOG(FATAL) << "memalign not supported on windows"; exit(1); return NULL; } static inline int PosixMemalign(void** ptr, size_t align, size_t size) { //LOG(FATAL) << "posix_memalign not supported on windows"; exit(1); return -1; } // OS X defines posix_memalign in some OS versions but not others; // it's confusing enough to check that it's easiest to just not to test. #elif defined(__APPLE__) static bool kOSSupportsMemalign = false; static inline void* Memalign(size_t align, size_t size) { //LOG(FATAL) << "memalign not supported on OS X"; exit(1); return NULL; } static inline int PosixMemalign(void** ptr, size_t align, size_t size) { //LOG(FATAL) << "posix_memalign not supported on OS X"; exit(1); return -1; } #else static bool kOSSupportsMemalign = true; static inline void* Memalign(size_t align, size_t size) { return memalign(align, size); } static inline int PosixMemalign(void** ptr, size_t align, size_t size) { return posix_memalign(ptr, align, size); } #endif // On systems (like freebsd) that don't define MAP_ANONYMOUS, use the old // form of the name instead. #ifndef MAP_ANONYMOUS # define MAP_ANONYMOUS MAP_ANON #endif #define LOGSTREAM stdout using std::vector; using std::string; DECLARE_double(tcmalloc_release_rate); DECLARE_int32(max_free_queue_size); // in DECLARE_int64(tcmalloc_sample_parameter); namespace testing { static const int FLAGS_numtests = 50000; static const int FLAGS_log_every_n_tests = 50000; // log exactly once // Testing parameters static const int FLAGS_lgmaxsize = 16; // lg() of the max size object to alloc static const int FLAGS_numthreads = 10; // Number of threads static const int FLAGS_threadmb = 4; // Max memory size allocated by thread static const int FLAGS_lg_max_memalign = 18; // lg of max alignment for memalign static const double FLAGS_memalign_min_fraction = 0; // min expected% static const double FLAGS_memalign_max_fraction = 0.4; // max expected% static const double FLAGS_memalign_max_alignment_ratio = 6; // alignment/size // Weights of different operations static const int FLAGS_allocweight = 50; // Weight for picking allocation static const int FLAGS_freeweight = 50; // Weight for picking free static const int FLAGS_updateweight = 10; // Weight for picking update static const int FLAGS_passweight = 1; // Weight for passing object static const int kSizeBits = 8 * sizeof(size_t); static const size_t kMaxSize = ~static_cast<size_t>(0); static const size_t kMaxSignedSize = ((size_t(1) << (kSizeBits-1)) - 1); static const size_t kNotTooBig = 100000; // We want an allocation that is definitely more than main memory. OS // X has special logic to discard very big allocs before even passing // the request along to the user-defined memory allocator; we're not // interested in testing their logic, so we have to make sure we're // not *too* big. static const size_t kTooBig = kMaxSize - 100000; static int news_handled = 0; // Global array of threads class TesterThread; static TesterThread** threads; // To help with generating random numbers class TestHarness { private: // Information kept per type struct Type { string name; int type; int weight; }; public: TestHarness(int seed) : types_(new vector<Type>), total_weight_(0), num_tests_(0) { srandom(seed); } ~TestHarness() { delete types_; } // Add operation type with specified weight. When starting a new // iteration, an operation type is picked with probability // proportional to its weight. // // "type" must be non-negative. // "weight" must be non-negative. void AddType(int type, int weight, const char* name); // Call this to get the type of operation for the next iteration. // It returns a random operation type from the set of registered // operations. Returns -1 if tests should finish. int PickType(); // If n == 0, returns the next pseudo-random number in the range [0 .. 0] // If n != 0, returns the next pseudo-random number in the range [0 .. n) int Uniform(int n) { if (n == 0) { return random() * 0; } else { return random() % n; } } // Pick "base" uniformly from range [0,max_log] and then return // "base" random bits. The effect is to pick a number in the range // [0,2^max_log-1] with bias towards smaller numbers. int Skewed(int max_log) { const int base = random() % (max_log+1); return random() % (1 << base); } private: vector<Type>* types_; // Registered types int total_weight_; // Total weight of all types int num_tests_; // Num tests run so far }; void TestHarness::AddType(int type, int weight, const char* name) { Type t; = name; t.type = type; t.weight = weight; types_->push_back(t); total_weight_ += weight; } int TestHarness::PickType() { if (num_tests_ >= FLAGS_numtests) return -1; num_tests_++; assert(total_weight_ > 0); // This is a little skewed if total_weight_ doesn't divide 2^31, but it's close int v = Uniform(total_weight_); int i; for (i = 0; i < types_->size(); i++) { v -= (*types_)[i].weight; if (v < 0) { break; } } assert(i < types_->size()); if ((num_tests_ % FLAGS_log_every_n_tests) == 0) { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, " Test %d out of %d: %s\n", num_tests_, FLAGS_numtests, (*types_)[i].name.c_str()); } return (*types_)[i].type; } class AllocatorState : public TestHarness { public: explicit AllocatorState(int seed) : TestHarness(seed), memalign_fraction_(0) { if (kOSSupportsMemalign) { CHECK_GE(FLAGS_memalign_max_fraction, 0); CHECK_LE(FLAGS_memalign_max_fraction, 1); CHECK_GE(FLAGS_memalign_min_fraction, 0); CHECK_LE(FLAGS_memalign_min_fraction, 1); double delta = FLAGS_memalign_max_fraction - FLAGS_memalign_min_fraction; CHECK_GE(delta, 0); memalign_fraction_ = (Uniform(10000)/10000.0 * delta + FLAGS_memalign_min_fraction); //fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "memalign fraction: %f\n", memalign_fraction_); } } virtual ~AllocatorState() {} // Allocate memory. Randomly choose between malloc() or posix_memalign(). void* alloc(size_t size) { if (Uniform(100) < memalign_fraction_ * 100) { // Try a few times to find a reasonable alignment, or fall back on malloc. for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { size_t alignment = 1 << Uniform(FLAGS_lg_max_memalign); if (alignment >= sizeof(intptr_t) && (size < sizeof(intptr_t) || alignment < FLAGS_memalign_max_alignment_ratio * size)) { void *result = reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<intptr_t>(0x1234)); int err = PosixMemalign(&result, alignment, size); if (err != 0) { CHECK_EQ(err, ENOMEM); } return err == 0 ? result : NULL; } } } return malloc(size); } private: double memalign_fraction_; }; // Info kept per thread class TesterThread { private: // Info kept per allocated object struct Object { char* ptr; // Allocated pointer int size; // Allocated size int generation; // Generation counter of object contents }; Mutex lock_; // For passing in another thread's obj int id_; // My thread id AllocatorState rnd_; // For generating random numbers vector<Object> heap_; // This thread's heap vector<Object> passed_; // Pending objects passed from others size_t heap_size_; // Current heap size int locks_ok_; // Number of OK TryLock() ops int locks_failed_; // Number of failed TryLock() ops // Type of operations enum Type { ALLOC, FREE, UPDATE, PASS }; // ACM minimal standard random number generator. (re-entrant.) class ACMRandom { int32 seed_; public: explicit ACMRandom(int32 seed) { seed_ = seed; } int32 Next() { const int32 M = 2147483647L; // 2^31-1 const int32 A = 16807; // In effect, we are computing seed_ = (seed_ * A) % M, where M = 2^31-1 uint32 lo = A * (int32)(seed_ & 0xFFFF); uint32 hi = A * (int32)((uint32)seed_ >> 16); lo += (hi & 0x7FFF) << 16; if (lo > M) { lo &= M; ++lo; } lo += hi >> 15; if (lo > M) { lo &= M; ++lo; } return (seed_ = (int32) lo); } }; public: TesterThread(int id) : id_(id), rnd_(id+1), heap_size_(0), locks_ok_(0), locks_failed_(0) { } virtual ~TesterThread() { if (FLAGS_verbose) fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Thread %2d: locks %6d ok; %6d trylocks failed\n", id_, locks_ok_, locks_failed_); if (locks_ok_ + locks_failed_ >= 1000) { CHECK_LE(locks_failed_, locks_ok_ / 2); } } virtual void Run() { rnd_.AddType(ALLOC, FLAGS_allocweight, "allocate"); rnd_.AddType(FREE, FLAGS_freeweight, "free"); rnd_.AddType(UPDATE, FLAGS_updateweight, "update"); rnd_.AddType(PASS, FLAGS_passweight, "pass"); while (true) { AcquirePassedObjects(); switch (rnd_.PickType()) { case ALLOC: AllocateObject(); break; case FREE: FreeObject(); break; case UPDATE: UpdateObject(); break; case PASS: PassObject(); break; case -1: goto done; default: assert(NULL == "Unknown type"); } ShrinkHeap(); } done: DeleteHeap(); } // Allocate a new object void AllocateObject() { Object object; object.size = rnd_.Skewed(FLAGS_lgmaxsize); object.ptr = static_cast<char*>(rnd_.alloc(object.size)); CHECK(object.ptr); object.generation = 0; FillContents(&object); heap_.push_back(object); heap_size_ += object.size; } // Mutate a random object void UpdateObject() { if (heap_.empty()) return; const int index = rnd_.Uniform(heap_.size()); CheckContents(heap_[index]); heap_[index].generation++; FillContents(&heap_[index]); } // Free a random object void FreeObject() { if (heap_.empty()) return; const int index = rnd_.Uniform(heap_.size()); Object object = heap_[index]; CheckContents(object); free(object.ptr); heap_size_ -= object.size; heap_[index] = heap_[heap_.size()-1]; heap_.pop_back(); } // Delete all objects in the heap void DeleteHeap() { while (!heap_.empty()) { FreeObject(); } } // Free objects until our heap is small enough void ShrinkHeap() { while (heap_size_ > FLAGS_threadmb << 20) { assert(!heap_.empty()); FreeObject(); } } // Pass a random object to another thread void PassObject() { // Pick object to pass if (heap_.empty()) return; const int index = rnd_.Uniform(heap_.size()); Object object = heap_[index]; CheckContents(object); // Pick thread to pass const int tid = rnd_.Uniform(FLAGS_numthreads); TesterThread* thread = threads[tid]; if (thread->lock_.TryLock()) { // Pass the object locks_ok_++; thread->passed_.push_back(object); thread->lock_.Unlock(); heap_size_ -= object.size; heap_[index] = heap_[heap_.size()-1]; heap_.pop_back(); } else { locks_failed_++; } } // Grab any objects passed to this thread by another thread void AcquirePassedObjects() { // We do not create unnecessary contention by always using // TryLock(). Plus we unlock immediately after swapping passed // objects into a local vector. vector<Object> copy; { // Locking scope if (!lock_.TryLock()) { locks_failed_++; return; } locks_ok_++; swap(copy, passed_); lock_.Unlock(); } for (int i = 0; i < copy.size(); ++i) { const Object& object = copy[i]; CheckContents(object); heap_.push_back(object); heap_size_ += object.size; } } // Fill object contents according to ptr/generation void FillContents(Object* object) { ACMRandom r(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object->ptr) & 0x7fffffff); for (int i = 0; i < object->generation; ++i) { r.Next(); } const char c = static_cast<char>(r.Next()); memset(object->ptr, c, object->size); } // Check object contents void CheckContents(const Object& object) { ACMRandom r(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object.ptr) & 0x7fffffff); for (int i = 0; i < object.generation; ++i) { r.Next(); } // For large objects, we just check a prefix/suffix const char expected = static_cast<char>(r.Next()); const int limit1 = object.size < 32 ? object.size : 32; const int start2 = limit1 > object.size - 32 ? limit1 : object.size - 32; for (int i = 0; i < limit1; ++i) { CHECK_EQ(object.ptr[i], expected); } for (int i = start2; i < object.size; ++i) { CHECK_EQ(object.ptr[i], expected); } } }; static void RunThread(int thread_id) { threads[thread_id]->Run(); } static void TryHugeAllocation(size_t s, AllocatorState* rnd) { void* p = rnd->alloc(s); CHECK(p == NULL); // huge allocation s should fail! } static void TestHugeAllocations(AllocatorState* rnd) { // Check that asking for stuff tiny bit smaller than largest possible // size returns NULL. for (size_t i = 0; i < 70000; i += rnd->Uniform(20)) { TryHugeAllocation(kMaxSize - i, rnd); } // Asking for memory sizes near signed/unsigned boundary (kMaxSignedSize) // might work or not, depending on the amount of virtual memory. #ifndef DEBUGALLOCATION // debug allocation takes forever for huge allocs for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { void* p = NULL; p = rnd->alloc(kMaxSignedSize + i); if (p) free(p); // if: free(NULL) is not necessarily defined p = rnd->alloc(kMaxSignedSize - i); if (p) free(p); } #endif // Check that ReleaseFreeMemory has no visible effect (aka, does not // crash the test): MallocExtension* inst = MallocExtension::instance(); CHECK(inst); inst->ReleaseFreeMemory(); } static void TestCalloc(size_t n, size_t s, bool ok) { char* p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(calloc(n, s)); if (FLAGS_verbose) fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "calloc(%"PRIxS", %"PRIxS"): %p\n", n, s, p); if (!ok) { CHECK(p == NULL); // calloc(n, s) should not succeed } else { CHECK(p != NULL); // calloc(n, s) should succeed for (int i = 0; i < n*s; i++) { CHECK(p[i] == '\0'); } free(p); } } // This makes sure that reallocing a small number of bytes in either // direction doesn't cause us to allocate new memory. static void TestRealloc() { #ifndef DEBUGALLOCATION // debug alloc doesn't try to minimize reallocs // When sampling, we always allocate in units of page-size, which // makes reallocs of small sizes do extra work (thus, failing these // checks). Since sampling is random, we turn off sampling to make // sure that doesn't happen to us here. const int64 old_sample_parameter = FLAGS_tcmalloc_sample_parameter; FLAGS_tcmalloc_sample_parameter = 0; // turn off sampling int start_sizes[] = { 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 }; int deltas[] = { 1, -2, 4, -8, 16, -32, 64, -128 }; for (int s = 0; s < sizeof(start_sizes)/sizeof(*start_sizes); ++s) { void* p = malloc(start_sizes[s]); CHECK(p); // The larger the start-size, the larger the non-reallocing delta. for (int d = 0; d < (s+1) * 2; ++d) { void* new_p = realloc(p, start_sizes[s] + deltas[d]); CHECK(p == new_p); // realloc should not allocate new memory } // Test again, but this time reallocing smaller first. for (int d = 0; d < s*2; ++d) { void* new_p = realloc(p, start_sizes[s] - deltas[d]); CHECK(p == new_p); // realloc should not allocate new memory } free(p); } FLAGS_tcmalloc_sample_parameter = old_sample_parameter; #endif } static void TestNewHandler() throw (std::bad_alloc) { ++news_handled; throw std::bad_alloc(); } static void TestOneNew(void* (*func)(size_t)) { // success test try { void* ptr = (*func)(kNotTooBig); if (0 == ptr) { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "allocation should not have failed.\n"); abort(); } } catch (...) { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "allocation threw unexpected exception.\n"); abort(); } // failure test // we should always receive a bad_alloc exception try { (*func)(kTooBig); fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "allocation should have failed.\n"); abort(); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { // correct } catch (...) { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "allocation threw unexpected exception.\n"); abort(); } } static void TestNew(void* (*func)(size_t)) { news_handled = 0; // test without new_handler: std::new_handler saved_handler = std::set_new_handler(0); TestOneNew(func); // test with new_handler: std::set_new_handler(TestNewHandler); TestOneNew(func); if (news_handled != 1) { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "new_handler was not called.\n"); abort(); } std::set_new_handler(saved_handler); } static void TestOneNothrowNew(void* (*func)(size_t, const std::nothrow_t&)) { // success test try { void* ptr = (*func)(kNotTooBig, std::nothrow); if (0 == ptr) { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "allocation should not have failed.\n"); abort(); } } catch (...) { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "allocation threw unexpected exception.\n"); abort(); } // failure test // we should always receive a bad_alloc exception try { if ((*func)(kTooBig, std::nothrow) != 0) { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "allocation should have failed.\n"); abort(); } } catch (...) { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "nothrow allocation threw unexpected exception.\n"); abort(); } } static void TestNothrowNew(void* (*func)(size_t, const std::nothrow_t&)) { news_handled = 0; // test without new_handler: std::new_handler saved_handler = std::set_new_handler(0); TestOneNothrowNew(func); // test with new_handler: std::set_new_handler(TestNewHandler); TestOneNothrowNew(func); if (news_handled != 1) { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "nothrow new_handler was not called.\n"); abort(); } std::set_new_handler(saved_handler); } // These are used as callbacks by the sanity-check. Set* and Reset* // register the hook that counts how many times the associated memory // function is called. After each such call, call Verify* to verify // that we used the tcmalloc version of the call, and not the libc. // Note the ... in the hook signature: we don't care what arguments // the hook takes. #define MAKE_HOOK_CALLBACK(hook_type) \ static int g_##hook_type##_calls = 0; \ static void IncrementCallsTo##hook_type(...) { \ g_##hook_type##_calls++; \ } \ static void Verify##hook_type##WasCalled() { \ CHECK_GT(g_##hook_type##_calls, 0); \ g_##hook_type##_calls = 0; /* reset for next call */ \ } \ static void Set##hook_type() { \ CHECK(MallocHook::Add##hook_type( \ (MallocHook::hook_type)&IncrementCallsTo##hook_type)); \ } \ static void Reset##hook_type() { \ CHECK(MallocHook::Remove##hook_type( \ (MallocHook::hook_type)&IncrementCallsTo##hook_type)); \ } // We do one for each hook typedef in malloc_hook.h MAKE_HOOK_CALLBACK(NewHook); MAKE_HOOK_CALLBACK(DeleteHook); MAKE_HOOK_CALLBACK(MmapHook); MAKE_HOOK_CALLBACK(MremapHook); MAKE_HOOK_CALLBACK(MunmapHook); MAKE_HOOK_CALLBACK(SbrkHook); static void TestAlignmentForSize(int size) { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing alignment of malloc(%d)\n", size); static const int kNum = 100; void* ptrs[kNum]; for (int i = 0; i < kNum; i++) { ptrs[i] = malloc(size); uintptr_t p = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptrs[i]); CHECK((p % sizeof(void*)) == 0); CHECK((p % sizeof(double)) == 0); // Must have 16-byte alignment for large enough objects if (size >= 16) { CHECK((p % 16) == 0); } } for (int i = 0; i < kNum; i++) { free(ptrs[i]); } } static void TestMallocAlignment() { for (int lg = 0; lg < 16; lg++) { TestAlignmentForSize((1<<lg) - 1); TestAlignmentForSize((1<<lg) + 0); TestAlignmentForSize((1<<lg) + 1); } } static void TestHugeThreadCache() { fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "==== Testing huge thread cache\n"); // More than 2^16 to cause integer overflow of 16 bit counters. static const int kNum = 70000; char** array = new char*[kNum]; for (int i = 0; i < kNum; ++i) { array[i] = new char[10]; } for (int i = 0; i < kNum; ++i) { delete[] array[i]; } delete[] array; } namespace { struct RangeCallbackState { uintptr_t ptr; base::MallocRange::Type expected_type; size_t min_size; bool matched; }; static void RangeCallback(void* arg, const base::MallocRange* r) { RangeCallbackState* state = reinterpret_cast<RangeCallbackState*>(arg); if (state->ptr >= r->address && state->ptr < r->address + r->length) { if (state->expected_type == base::MallocRange::FREE) { // We are expecting r->type == FREE, but ReleaseMemory // may have already moved us to UNMAPPED state instead (this happens in // approximately 0.1% of executions). Accept either state. CHECK(r->type == base::MallocRange::FREE || r->type == base::MallocRange::UNMAPPED); } else { CHECK_EQ(r->type, state->expected_type); } CHECK_GE(r->length, state->min_size); state->matched = true; } } // Check that at least one of the callbacks from Ranges() contains // the specified address with the specified type, and has size // >= min_size. static void CheckRangeCallback(void* ptr, base::MallocRange::Type type, size_t min_size) { RangeCallbackState state; state.ptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr); state.expected_type = type; state.min_size = min_size; state.matched = false; MallocExtension::instance()->Ranges(&state, RangeCallback); CHECK(state.matched); } } static void TestRanges() { static const int MB = 1048576; void* a = malloc(MB); void* b = malloc(MB); CheckRangeCallback(a, base::MallocRange::INUSE, MB); CheckRangeCallback(b, base::MallocRange::INUSE, MB); free(a); CheckRangeCallback(a, base::MallocRange::FREE, MB); CheckRangeCallback(b, base::MallocRange::INUSE, MB); MallocExtension::instance()->ReleaseFreeMemory(); CheckRangeCallback(a, base::MallocRange::UNMAPPED, MB); CheckRangeCallback(b, base::MallocRange::INUSE, MB); free(b); CheckRangeCallback(a, base::MallocRange::UNMAPPED, MB); CheckRangeCallback(b, base::MallocRange::FREE, MB); } #ifndef DEBUGALLOCATION static size_t GetUnmappedBytes() { size_t bytes; CHECK(MallocExtension::instance()->GetNumericProperty( "tcmalloc.pageheap_unmapped_bytes", &bytes)); return bytes; } #endif static void TestReleaseToSystem() { // Debug allocation mode adds overhead to each allocation which // messes up all the equality tests here. I just disable the // teset in this mode. TODO(csilvers): get it to work for debugalloc? #ifndef DEBUGALLOCATION const double old_tcmalloc_release_rate = FLAGS_tcmalloc_release_rate; FLAGS_tcmalloc_release_rate = 0; static const int MB = 1048576; void* a = malloc(MB); void* b = malloc(MB); MallocExtension::instance()->ReleaseFreeMemory(); size_t starting_bytes = GetUnmappedBytes(); // Calling ReleaseFreeMemory() a second time shouldn't do anything. MallocExtension::instance()->ReleaseFreeMemory(); EXPECT_EQ(starting_bytes, GetUnmappedBytes()); // ReleaseToSystem shouldn't do anything either. MallocExtension::instance()->ReleaseToSystem(MB); EXPECT_EQ(starting_bytes, GetUnmappedBytes()); free(a); // The span to release should be 1MB. MallocExtension::instance()->ReleaseToSystem(MB/2); EXPECT_EQ(starting_bytes + MB, GetUnmappedBytes()); // Should do nothing since the previous call released too much. MallocExtension::instance()->ReleaseToSystem(MB/4); EXPECT_EQ(starting_bytes + MB, GetUnmappedBytes()); free(b); // Use up the extra MB/4 bytes from 'a' and also release 'b'. MallocExtension::instance()->ReleaseToSystem(MB/2); EXPECT_EQ(starting_bytes + 2*MB, GetUnmappedBytes()); // Should do nothing since the previous call released too much. MallocExtension::instance()->ReleaseToSystem(MB/2); EXPECT_EQ(starting_bytes + 2*MB, GetUnmappedBytes()); // Nothing else to release. MallocExtension::instance()->ReleaseFreeMemory(); EXPECT_EQ(starting_bytes + 2*MB, GetUnmappedBytes()); a = malloc(MB); free(a); EXPECT_EQ(starting_bytes + MB, GetUnmappedBytes()); // Releasing less than a page should still trigger a release. MallocExtension::instance()->ReleaseToSystem(1); EXPECT_EQ(starting_bytes + 2*MB, GetUnmappedBytes()); FLAGS_tcmalloc_release_rate = old_tcmalloc_release_rate; #endif // #ifndef DEBUGALLOCATION } // On MSVC10, in release mode, the optimizer convinces itself // g_no_memory is never changed (I guess it doesn't realize OnNoMemory // might be called). Work around this by setting the var volatile. volatile bool g_no_memory = false; std::new_handler g_old_handler = NULL; static void OnNoMemory() { g_no_memory = true; std::set_new_handler(g_old_handler); } static void TestSetNewMode() { int old_mode = tc_set_new_mode(1); g_old_handler = std::set_new_handler(&OnNoMemory); g_no_memory = false; void* ret = malloc(kTooBig); EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ret); EXPECT_TRUE(g_no_memory); g_old_handler = std::set_new_handler(&OnNoMemory); g_no_memory = false; ret = calloc(1, kTooBig); EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ret); EXPECT_TRUE(g_no_memory); g_old_handler = std::set_new_handler(&OnNoMemory); g_no_memory = false; ret = realloc(NULL, kTooBig); EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ret); EXPECT_TRUE(g_no_memory); if (kOSSupportsMemalign) { // Not really important, but must be small enough such that // kAlignment + kTooBig does not overflow. const int kAlignment = 1 << 5; g_old_handler = std::set_new_handler(&OnNoMemory); g_no_memory = false; ret = Memalign(kAlignment, kTooBig); EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ret); EXPECT_TRUE(g_no_memory); g_old_handler = std::set_new_handler(&OnNoMemory); g_no_memory = false; EXPECT_EQ(ENOMEM, PosixMemalign(&ret, kAlignment, kTooBig)); EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ret); EXPECT_TRUE(g_no_memory); } tc_set_new_mode(old_mode); } static int RunAllTests(int argc, char** argv) { // Optional argv[1] is the seed AllocatorState rnd(argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 100); SetTestResourceLimit(); // TODO(odo): This test has been disabled because it is only by luck that it // does not result in fragmentation. When tcmalloc makes an allocation which // spans previously unused leaves of the pagemap it will allocate and fill in // the leaves to cover the new allocation. The leaves happen to be 256MiB in // the 64-bit build, and with the sbrk allocator these allocations just // happen to fit in one leaf by luck. With other allocators (mmap, // memfs_malloc when used with small pages) the allocations generally span // two leaves and this results in a very bad fragmentation pattern with this // code. The same failure can be forced with the sbrk allocator just by // allocating something on the order of 128MiB prior to starting this test so // that the test allocations straddle a 256MiB boundary. // TODO(csilvers): port MemoryUsage() over so the test can use that #if 0 # include <unistd.h> // for getpid() // Allocate and deallocate blocks of increasing sizes to check if the alloc // metadata fragments the memory. (Do not put other allocations/deallocations // before this test, it may break). { size_t memory_usage = MemoryUsage(getpid()); fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing fragmentation\n"); for ( int i = 200; i < 240; ++i ) { int size = i << 20; void *test1 = rnd.alloc(size); CHECK(test1); for ( int j = 0; j < size; j += (1 << 12) ) { static_cast<char*>(test1)[j] = 1; } free(test1); } // There may still be a bit of fragmentation at the beginning, until we // reach kPageMapBigAllocationThreshold bytes so we check for // 200 + 240 + margin. CHECK_LT(MemoryUsage(getpid()), memory_usage + (450 << 20) ); } #endif // Check that empty allocation works fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing empty allocation\n"); { void* p1 = rnd.alloc(0); CHECK(p1 != NULL); void* p2 = rnd.alloc(0); CHECK(p2 != NULL); CHECK(p1 != p2); free(p1); free(p2); } // This code stresses some of the memory allocation via STL. // It may call operator delete(void*, nothrow_t). fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing STL use\n"); { std::vector<int> v; v.push_back(1); v.push_back(2); v.push_back(3); v.push_back(0); std::stable_sort(v.begin(), v.end()); } // Test each of the memory-allocation functions once, just as a sanity-check fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Sanity-testing all the memory allocation functions\n"); { // We use new-hook and delete-hook to verify we actually called the // tcmalloc version of these routines, and not the libc version. SetNewHook(); // defined as part of MAKE_HOOK_CALLBACK, above SetDeleteHook(); // ditto void* p1 = malloc(10); CHECK(p1 != NULL); // force use of this variable VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); // Also test the non-standard tc_malloc_size size_t actual_p1_size = tc_malloc_size(p1); CHECK_GE(actual_p1_size, 10); CHECK_LT(actual_p1_size, 100000); // a reasonable upper-bound, I think free(p1); VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); p1 = calloc(10, 2); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); // We make sure we realloc to a big size, since some systems (OS // X) will notice if the realloced size continues to fit into the // malloc-block and make this a noop if so. p1 = realloc(p1, 30000); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); cfree(p1); // synonym for free VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); if (kOSSupportsMemalign) { CHECK_EQ(PosixMemalign(&p1, sizeof(p1), 40), 0); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); free(p1); VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); p1 = Memalign(sizeof(p1) * 2, 50); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); free(p1); VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); } // Windows has _aligned_malloc. Let's test that that's captured too. #if (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)) && !defined(PERFTOOLS_NO_ALIGNED_MALLOC) p1 = _aligned_malloc(sizeof(p1) * 2, 64); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); _aligned_free(p1); VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); #endif p1 = valloc(60); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); free(p1); VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); p1 = pvalloc(70); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); free(p1); VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); char* p2 = new char; CHECK(p2 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); delete p2; VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); p2 = new char[100]; CHECK(p2 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); delete[] p2; VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); p2 = new(std::nothrow) char; CHECK(p2 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); delete p2; VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); p2 = new(std::nothrow) char[100]; CHECK(p2 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); delete[] p2; VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); // Another way of calling operator new p2 = static_cast<char*>(::operator new(100)); CHECK(p2 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); ::operator delete(p2); VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); // Try to call nothrow's delete too. Compilers use this. p2 = static_cast<char*>(::operator new(100, std::nothrow)); CHECK(p2 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); ::operator delete(p2, std::nothrow); VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); // Try strdup(), which the system allocates but we must free. If // all goes well, libc will use our malloc! p2 = strdup("test"); CHECK(p2 != NULL); VerifyNewHookWasCalled(); free(p2); VerifyDeleteHookWasCalled(); // Test mmap too: both anonymous mmap and mmap of a file // Note that for right now we only override mmap on linux // systems, so those are the only ones for which we check. SetMmapHook(); SetMremapHook(); SetMunmapHook(); #if defined(HAVE_MMAP) && defined(__linux) && \ (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) int size = 8192*2; p1 = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ, MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifyMmapHookWasCalled(); p1 = mremap(p1, size, size/2, 0); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifyMremapHookWasCalled(); size /= 2; munmap(p1, size); VerifyMunmapHookWasCalled(); int fd = open("/dev/zero", O_RDONLY); CHECK_GE(fd, 0); // make sure the open succeeded p1 = mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifyMmapHookWasCalled(); munmap(p1, 8192); VerifyMunmapHookWasCalled(); close(fd); #else // this is just to quiet the compiler: make sure all fns are called IncrementCallsToMmapHook(); IncrementCallsToMunmapHook(); IncrementCallsToMremapHook(); VerifyMmapHookWasCalled(); VerifyMremapHookWasCalled(); VerifyMunmapHookWasCalled(); #endif // Test sbrk SetSbrkHook(); #if defined(HAVE_SBRK) && defined(__linux) && \ (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) p1 = sbrk(8192); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifySbrkHookWasCalled(); p1 = sbrk(-8192); CHECK(p1 != NULL); VerifySbrkHookWasCalled(); // However, sbrk hook should *not* be called with sbrk(0) p1 = sbrk(0); CHECK(p1 != NULL); CHECK_EQ(g_SbrkHook_calls, 0); #else // this is just to quiet the compiler: make sure all fns are called IncrementCallsToSbrkHook(); VerifySbrkHookWasCalled(); #endif // Reset the hooks to what they used to be. These are all // defined as part of MAKE_HOOK_CALLBACK, above. ResetNewHook(); ResetDeleteHook(); ResetMmapHook(); ResetMremapHook(); ResetMunmapHook(); ResetSbrkHook(); } // Check that "lots" of memory can be allocated fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing large allocation\n"); { const int mb_to_allocate = 100; void* p = rnd.alloc(mb_to_allocate << 20); CHECK(p != NULL); // could not allocate free(p); } TestMallocAlignment(); // Check calloc() with various arguments fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing calloc\n"); TestCalloc(0, 0, true); TestCalloc(0, 1, true); TestCalloc(1, 1, true); TestCalloc(1<<10, 0, true); TestCalloc(1<<20, 0, true); TestCalloc(0, 1<<10, true); TestCalloc(0, 1<<20, true); TestCalloc(1<<20, 2, true); TestCalloc(2, 1<<20, true); TestCalloc(1000, 1000, true); TestCalloc(kMaxSize, 2, false); TestCalloc(2, kMaxSize, false); TestCalloc(kMaxSize, kMaxSize, false); TestCalloc(kMaxSignedSize, 3, false); TestCalloc(3, kMaxSignedSize, false); TestCalloc(kMaxSignedSize, kMaxSignedSize, false); // Test that realloc doesn't always reallocate and copy memory. fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing realloc\n"); TestRealloc(); fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing operator new(nothrow).\n"); TestNothrowNew(&::operator new); fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing operator new[](nothrow).\n"); TestNothrowNew(&::operator new[]); fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing operator new.\n"); TestNew(&::operator new); fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing operator new[].\n"); TestNew(&::operator new[]); // Create threads fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing threaded allocation/deallocation (%d threads)\n", FLAGS_numthreads); threads = new TesterThread*[FLAGS_numthreads]; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_numthreads; ++i) { threads[i] = new TesterThread(i); } // This runs all the tests at the same time, with a 1M stack size each RunManyThreadsWithId(RunThread, FLAGS_numthreads, 1<<20); for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_numthreads; ++i) delete threads[i]; // Cleanup // Do the memory intensive tests after threads are done, since exhausting // the available address space can make pthread_create to fail. // Check that huge allocations fail with NULL instead of crashing fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing huge allocations\n"); TestHugeAllocations(&rnd); // Check that large allocations fail with NULL instead of crashing #ifndef DEBUGALLOCATION // debug allocation takes forever for huge allocs fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing out of memory\n"); for (int s = 0; ; s += (10<<20)) { void* large_object = rnd.alloc(s); if (large_object == NULL) break; free(large_object); } #endif TestHugeThreadCache(); TestRanges(); TestReleaseToSystem(); TestSetNewMode(); return 0; } } using testing::RunAllTests; int main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifdef DEBUGALLOCATION // debug allocation takes forever for huge allocs FLAGS_max_free_queue_size = 0; // return freed blocks to tcmalloc immediately #endif RunAllTests(argc, argv); // Test tc_version() fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "Testing tc_version()\n"); int major; int minor; const char* patch; char mmp[64]; const char* human_version = tc_version(&major, &minor, &patch); snprintf(mmp, sizeof(mmp), "%d.%d%s", major, minor, patch); CHECK(!strcmp(PACKAGE_STRING, human_version)); CHECK(!strcmp(PACKAGE_VERSION, mmp)); fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "PASS\n"); }
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ios/web/public/global_state/ios_global_state_configuration.h" namespace ios_global_state { scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetSharedNetworkIOThreadTaskRunner() { return nullptr; } } // namespace ios_global_state
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef TOOLS_GN_NINJA_BINARY_TARGET_WRITER_H_ #define TOOLS_GN_NINJA_BINARY_TARGET_WRITER_H_ #include "base/macros.h" #include "tools/gn/config_values.h" #include "tools/gn/ninja_target_writer.h" #include "tools/gn/toolchain.h" #include "tools/gn/unique_vector.h" struct EscapeOptions; class SourceFileTypeSet; // Writes a .ninja file for a binary target type (an executable, a shared // library, or a static library). class NinjaBinaryTargetWriter : public NinjaTargetWriter { public: class SourceFileTypeSet; NinjaBinaryTargetWriter(const Target* target, std::ostream& out); ~NinjaBinaryTargetWriter() override; void Run() override; private: typedef std::set<OutputFile> OutputFileSet; // Writes all flags for the compiler: includes, defines, cflags, etc. void WriteCompilerVars(const SourceFileTypeSet& used_types); // Writes to the output stream a stamp rule for inputs, and // returns the file to be appended to source rules that encodes the // implicit dependencies for the current target. The returned OutputFile // will be empty if there are no inputs. OutputFile WriteInputsStampAndGetDep() const; // has_precompiled_headers is set when this substitution matches a tool type // that supports precompiled headers, and this target supports precompiled // headers. It doesn't indicate if the tool has precompiled headers (this // will be looked up by this function). // // The tool_type indicates the corresponding tool for flags that are // tool-specific (e.g. "cflags_c"). For non-tool-specific flags (e.g. // "defines") tool_type should be TYPE_NONE. void WriteOneFlag( SubstitutionType subst_enum, bool has_precompiled_headers, Toolchain::ToolType tool_type, const std::vector<std::string>& (ConfigValues::* getter)() const, EscapeOptions flag_escape_options); // Writes build lines required for precompiled headers. Any generated // object files will be appended to the |object_files|. Any generated // non-object files (for instance, .gch files from a GCC toolchain, are // appended to |other_files|). // // input_dep is the stamp file collecting the dependencies required before // compiling this target. It will be empty if there are no input deps. void WritePCHCommands(const SourceFileTypeSet& used_types, const OutputFile& input_dep, const std::vector<OutputFile>& order_only_deps, std::vector<OutputFile>* object_files, std::vector<OutputFile>* other_files); // Writes a .pch compile build line for a language type. void WritePCHCommand(SubstitutionType flag_type, Toolchain::ToolType tool_type, Tool::PrecompiledHeaderType header_type, const OutputFile& input_dep, const std::vector<OutputFile>& order_only_deps, std::vector<OutputFile>* object_files, std::vector<OutputFile>* other_files); void WriteGCCPCHCommand(SubstitutionType flag_type, Toolchain::ToolType tool_type, const OutputFile& input_dep, const std::vector<OutputFile>& order_only_deps, std::vector<OutputFile>* gch_files); void WriteWindowsPCHCommand(SubstitutionType flag_type, Toolchain::ToolType tool_type, const OutputFile& input_dep, const std::vector<OutputFile>& order_only_deps, std::vector<OutputFile>* object_files); // pch_deps are additional dependencies to run before the rule. They are // expected to abide by the naming conventions specified by GetPCHOutputFiles. // // order_only_dep are the dependencies that must be run before doing any // compiles. // // The files produced by the compiler will be added to two output vectors. void WriteSources(const std::vector<OutputFile>& pch_deps, const OutputFile& input_dep, const std::vector<OutputFile>& order_only_deps, std::vector<OutputFile>* object_files, std::vector<SourceFile>* other_files); // Writes a build line. void WriteCompilerBuildLine(const SourceFile& source, const std::vector<OutputFile>& extra_deps, const std::vector<OutputFile>& order_only_deps, Toolchain::ToolType tool_type, const std::vector<OutputFile>& outputs); void WriteLinkerStuff(const std::vector<OutputFile>& object_files, const std::vector<SourceFile>& other_files); void WriteLinkerFlags(const SourceFile* optional_def_file); void WriteLibs(); void WriteOutputSubstitutions(); void WriteSolibs(const std::vector<OutputFile>& solibs); // Writes the stamp line for a source set. These are not linked. void WriteSourceSetStamp(const std::vector<OutputFile>& object_files); // Gets all target dependencies and classifies them, as well as accumulates // object files from source sets we need to link. void GetDeps(UniqueVector<OutputFile>* extra_object_files, UniqueVector<const Target*>* linkable_deps, UniqueVector<const Target*>* non_linkable_deps) const; // Classifies the dependency as linkable or nonlinkable with the current // target, adding it to the appropriate vector. If the dependency is a source // set we should link in, the source set's object files will be appended to // |extra_object_files|. void ClassifyDependency(const Target* dep, UniqueVector<OutputFile>* extra_object_files, UniqueVector<const Target*>* linkable_deps, UniqueVector<const Target*>* non_linkable_deps) const; // Writes the implicit dependencies for the link or stamp line. This is // the "||" and everything following it on the ninja line. // // The order-only dependencies are the non-linkable deps passed in as an // argument, plus the data file depdencies in the target. void WriteOrderOnlyDependencies( const UniqueVector<const Target*>& non_linkable_deps); // Returns the computed name of the Windows .pch file for the given // tool type. The tool must support precompiled headers. OutputFile GetWindowsPCHFile(Toolchain::ToolType tool_type) const; // Checks for duplicates in the given list of output files. If any duplicates // are found, throws an error and return false. bool CheckForDuplicateObjectFiles(const std::vector<OutputFile>& files) const; const Tool* tool_; // Cached version of the prefix used for rule types for this toolchain. std::string rule_prefix_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NinjaBinaryTargetWriter); }; #endif // TOOLS_GN_NINJA_BINARY_TARGET_WRITER_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "components/offline_pages/core/background/mark_attempt_started_task.h" #include <memory> #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/test/test_simple_task_runner.h" #include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h" #include "components/offline_pages/core/background/request_queue_in_memory_store.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace offline_pages { namespace { const int64_t kRequestId1 = 42; const int64_t kRequestId2 = 44; const GURL kUrl1(""); const ClientId kClientId1("download", "1234"); } // namespace class MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest : public testing::Test { public: MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest(); ~MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest() override; void PumpLoop(); void InitializeStore(RequestQueueStore* store); void AddItemToStore(RequestQueueStore* store); void ChangeRequestsStateCallback( std::unique_ptr<UpdateRequestsResult> result); UpdateRequestsResult* last_result() const { return result_.get(); } private: void InitializeStoreDone(bool success); void AddRequestDone(ItemActionStatus status); std::unique_ptr<UpdateRequestsResult> result_; scoped_refptr<base::TestSimpleTaskRunner> task_runner_; base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle task_runner_handle_; }; MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest() : task_runner_(new base::TestSimpleTaskRunner), task_runner_handle_(task_runner_) {} MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::~MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest() {} void MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::PumpLoop() { task_runner_->RunUntilIdle(); } void MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::InitializeStore(RequestQueueStore* store) { store->Initialize(base::Bind(&MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::InitializeStoreDone, base::Unretained(this))); PumpLoop(); } void MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::AddItemToStore(RequestQueueStore* store) { base::Time creation_time = base::Time::Now(); SavePageRequest request_1(kRequestId1, kUrl1, kClientId1, creation_time, true); store->AddRequest(request_1, base::Bind(&MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::AddRequestDone, base::Unretained(this))); PumpLoop(); } void MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::ChangeRequestsStateCallback( std::unique_ptr<UpdateRequestsResult> result) { result_ = std::move(result); } void MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::InitializeStoreDone(bool success) { ASSERT_TRUE(success); } void MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::AddRequestDone(ItemActionStatus status) { ASSERT_EQ(ItemActionStatus::SUCCESS, status); } TEST_F(MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest, MarkAttemptStartedWhenStoreEmpty) { RequestQueueInMemoryStore store; InitializeStore(&store); MarkAttemptStartedTask task( &store, kRequestId1, base::Bind(&MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::ChangeRequestsStateCallback, base::Unretained(this))); task.Run(); PumpLoop(); ASSERT_TRUE(last_result()); EXPECT_EQ(1UL, last_result()->item_statuses.size()); EXPECT_EQ(kRequestId1, last_result()->; EXPECT_EQ(ItemActionStatus::NOT_FOUND, last_result()->; EXPECT_EQ(0UL, last_result()->updated_items.size()); } TEST_F(MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest, MarkAttemptStartedWhenExists) { RequestQueueInMemoryStore store; InitializeStore(&store); AddItemToStore(&store); MarkAttemptStartedTask task( &store, kRequestId1, base::Bind(&MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::ChangeRequestsStateCallback, base::Unretained(this))); // Current time for verification. base::Time before_time = base::Time::Now(); task.Run(); PumpLoop(); ASSERT_TRUE(last_result()); EXPECT_EQ(1UL, last_result()->item_statuses.size()); EXPECT_EQ(kRequestId1, last_result()->; EXPECT_EQ(ItemActionStatus::SUCCESS, last_result()->; EXPECT_EQ(1UL, last_result()->updated_items.size()); EXPECT_LE(before_time, last_result()->; EXPECT_GE(base::Time::Now(), last_result()->; EXPECT_EQ(1, last_result()->; EXPECT_EQ(SavePageRequest::RequestState::OFFLINING, last_result()->; } TEST_F(MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest, MarkAttemptStartedWhenItemMissing) { RequestQueueInMemoryStore store; InitializeStore(&store); AddItemToStore(&store); MarkAttemptStartedTask task( &store, kRequestId2, base::Bind(&MarkAttemptStartedTaskTest::ChangeRequestsStateCallback, base::Unretained(this))); task.Run(); PumpLoop(); ASSERT_TRUE(last_result()); EXPECT_EQ(1UL, last_result()->item_statuses.size()); EXPECT_EQ(kRequestId2, last_result()->; EXPECT_EQ(ItemActionStatus::NOT_FOUND, last_result()->; EXPECT_EQ(0UL, last_result()->updated_items.size()); } } // namespace offline_pages
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/cast/sender/vp8_encoder.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "media/base/video_frame.h" #include "media/cast/constants.h" #include "third_party/libvpx/source/libvpx/vpx/vp8cx.h" namespace media { namespace cast { namespace { // After a pause in the video stream, what is the maximum duration amount to // pass to the encoder for the next frame (in terms of 1/max_fps sized periods)? // This essentially controls the encoded size of the first frame that follows a // pause in the video stream. const int kRestartFramePeriods = 3; // The following constants are used to automactically tune the encoder // parameters: |cpu_used| and |min_quantizer|. // The |half-life| of the encoding speed accumulator. // The smaller, the shorter of the time averaging window. const int kEncodingSpeedAccHalfLife = 120000; // 0.12 second. // The target encoder utilization signal. This is a trade-off between quality // and less CPU usage. The range of this value is [0, 1]. Higher the value, // better the quality and higher the CPU usage. // // For machines with more than two encoding threads. const double kHiTargetEncoderUtilization = 0.7; // For machines with two encoding threads. const double kMidTargetEncoderUtilization = 0.6; // For machines with single encoding thread. const double kLoTargetEncoderUtilization = 0.5; // This is the equivalent change on encoding speed for the change on each // quantizer step. const double kEquivalentEncodingSpeedStepPerQpStep = 1 / 20.0; // Highest/lowest allowed encoding speed set to the encoder. The valid range // is [4, 16]. Experiments show that with speed higher than 12, the saving of // the encoding time is not worth the dropping of the quality. And with speed // lower than 6, the increasing of quality is not worth the increasing of // encoding time. const int kHighestEncodingSpeed = 12; const int kLowestEncodingSpeed = 6; bool HasSufficientFeedback( const FeedbackSignalAccumulator<base::TimeDelta>& accumulator) { const base::TimeDelta amount_of_history = accumulator.update_time() - accumulator.reset_time(); return amount_of_history.InMicroseconds() >= 250000; // 0.25 second. } } // namespace Vp8Encoder::Vp8Encoder(const FrameSenderConfig& video_config) : cast_config_(video_config), target_encoder_utilization_( video_config.video_codec_params.number_of_encode_threads > 2 ? kHiTargetEncoderUtilization : (video_config.video_codec_params.number_of_encode_threads > 1 ? kMidTargetEncoderUtilization : kLoTargetEncoderUtilization)), key_frame_requested_(true), bitrate_kbit_(cast_config_.start_bitrate / 1000), next_frame_id_(FrameId::first()), encoding_speed_acc_( base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(kEncodingSpeedAccHalfLife)), encoding_speed_(kHighestEncodingSpeed) { config_.g_timebase.den = 0; // Not initialized. DCHECK_LE(cast_config_.video_codec_params.min_qp, cast_config_.video_codec_params.max_cpu_saver_qp); DCHECK_LE(cast_config_.video_codec_params.max_cpu_saver_qp, cast_config_.video_codec_params.max_qp); thread_checker_.DetachFromThread(); } Vp8Encoder::~Vp8Encoder() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); if (is_initialized()) vpx_codec_destroy(&encoder_); } void Vp8Encoder::Initialize() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(!is_initialized()); // The encoder will be created/configured when the first frame encode is // requested. } void Vp8Encoder::ConfigureForNewFrameSize(const gfx::Size& frame_size) { if (is_initialized()) { // Workaround for VP8 bug: If the new size is strictly less-than-or-equal to // the old size, in terms of area, the existing encoder instance can // continue. Otherwise, completely tear-down and re-create a new encoder to // avoid a shutdown crash. if (frame_size.GetArea() <= gfx::Size(config_.g_w, config_.g_h).GetArea()) { DVLOG(1) << "Continuing to use existing encoder at smaller frame size: " << gfx::Size(config_.g_w, config_.g_h).ToString() << " --> " << frame_size.ToString(); config_.g_w = frame_size.width(); config_.g_h = frame_size.height(); config_.rc_min_quantizer = cast_config_.video_codec_params.min_qp; if (vpx_codec_enc_config_set(&encoder_, &config_) == VPX_CODEC_OK) return; DVLOG(1) << "libvpx rejected the attempt to use a smaller frame size in " "the current instance."; } DVLOG(1) << "Destroying/Re-Creating encoder for larger frame size: " << gfx::Size(config_.g_w, config_.g_h).ToString() << " --> " << frame_size.ToString(); vpx_codec_destroy(&encoder_); } else { DVLOG(1) << "Creating encoder for the first frame; size: " << frame_size.ToString(); } // Populate encoder configuration with default values. CHECK_EQ(vpx_codec_enc_config_default(vpx_codec_vp8_cx(), &config_, 0), VPX_CODEC_OK); config_.g_threads = cast_config_.video_codec_params.number_of_encode_threads; config_.g_w = frame_size.width(); config_.g_h = frame_size.height(); // Set the timebase to match that of base::TimeDelta. config_.g_timebase.num = 1; config_.g_timebase.den = base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond; // |g_pass| and |g_lag_in_frames| must be "one pass" and zero, respectively, // in order for VP8 to support changing frame sizes during encoding: config_.g_pass = VPX_RC_ONE_PASS; config_.g_lag_in_frames = 0; // Immediate data output for each frame. // Rate control settings. config_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 0; // The encoder may not drop any frames. config_.rc_resize_allowed = 0; // TODO(miu): Why not? Investigate this. config_.rc_end_usage = VPX_CBR; config_.rc_target_bitrate = bitrate_kbit_; config_.rc_min_quantizer = cast_config_.video_codec_params.min_qp; config_.rc_max_quantizer = cast_config_.video_codec_params.max_qp; // TODO(miu): Revisit these now that the encoder is being successfully // micro-managed. config_.rc_undershoot_pct = 100; config_.rc_overshoot_pct = 15; // TODO(miu): Document why these rc_buf_*_sz values were chosen and/or // research for better values. Should they be computed from the target // playout delay? config_.rc_buf_initial_sz = 500; config_.rc_buf_optimal_sz = 600; config_.rc_buf_sz = 1000; config_.kf_mode = VPX_KF_DISABLED; vpx_codec_flags_t flags = 0; CHECK_EQ(vpx_codec_enc_init(&encoder_, vpx_codec_vp8_cx(), &config_, flags), VPX_CODEC_OK); // Raise the threshold for considering macroblocks as static. The default is // zero, so this setting makes the encoder less sensitive to motion. This // lowers the probability of needing to utilize more CPU to search for motion // vectors. CHECK_EQ(vpx_codec_control(&encoder_, VP8E_SET_STATIC_THRESHOLD, 1), VPX_CODEC_OK); // This cpu_used setting is a trade-off between cpu usage and encoded video // quality. The default is zero, with increasingly less CPU to be used as the // value is more negative or more positive. The encoder does some automatic // adjust on encoding speed for positive values, however at least at this // stage the experiments show that this automatic behaviour is not reliable on // windows machines. We choose to set negative values instead to directly set // the encoding speed to the encoder. Starting with the highest encoding speed // to avoid large cpu usage from the beginning. encoding_speed_ = kHighestEncodingSpeed; CHECK_EQ(vpx_codec_control(&encoder_, VP8E_SET_CPUUSED, -encoding_speed_), VPX_CODEC_OK); } void Vp8Encoder::Encode(const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& video_frame, const base::TimeTicks& reference_time, SenderEncodedFrame* encoded_frame) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(encoded_frame); // Note: This is used to compute the |encoder_utilization| and so it uses the // real-world clock instead of the CastEnvironment clock, the latter of which // might be simulated. const base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now(); // Initialize on-demand. Later, if the video frame size has changed, update // the encoder configuration. const gfx::Size frame_size = video_frame->visible_rect().size(); if (!is_initialized() || gfx::Size(config_.g_w, config_.g_h) != frame_size) ConfigureForNewFrameSize(frame_size); // Wrapper for vpx_codec_encode() to access the YUV data in the |video_frame|. // Only the VISIBLE rectangle within |video_frame| is exposed to the codec. vpx_image_t vpx_image; vpx_image_t* const result = vpx_img_wrap( &vpx_image, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, frame_size.width(), frame_size.height(), 1, video_frame->data(VideoFrame::kYPlane)); DCHECK_EQ(result, &vpx_image); vpx_image.planes[VPX_PLANE_Y] = video_frame->visible_data(VideoFrame::kYPlane); vpx_image.planes[VPX_PLANE_U] = video_frame->visible_data(VideoFrame::kUPlane); vpx_image.planes[VPX_PLANE_V] = video_frame->visible_data(VideoFrame::kVPlane); vpx_image.stride[VPX_PLANE_Y] = video_frame->stride(VideoFrame::kYPlane); vpx_image.stride[VPX_PLANE_U] = video_frame->stride(VideoFrame::kUPlane); vpx_image.stride[VPX_PLANE_V] = video_frame->stride(VideoFrame::kVPlane); // The frame duration given to the VP8 codec affects a number of important // behaviors, including: per-frame bandwidth, CPU time spent encoding, // temporal quality trade-offs, and key/golden/alt-ref frame generation // intervals. Bound the prediction to account for the fact that the frame // rate can be highly variable, including long pauses in the video stream. const base::TimeDelta minimum_frame_duration = base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(1.0 / cast_config_.max_frame_rate); const base::TimeDelta maximum_frame_duration = base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(static_cast<double>(kRestartFramePeriods) / cast_config_.max_frame_rate); base::TimeDelta predicted_frame_duration; if (!video_frame->metadata()->GetTimeDelta( media::VideoFrameMetadata::FRAME_DURATION, &predicted_frame_duration) || predicted_frame_duration <= base::TimeDelta()) { // The source of the video frame did not provide the frame duration. Use // the actual amount of time between the current and previous frame as a // prediction for the next frame's duration. predicted_frame_duration = video_frame->timestamp() - last_frame_timestamp_; } predicted_frame_duration = std::max(minimum_frame_duration, std::min(maximum_frame_duration, predicted_frame_duration)); last_frame_timestamp_ = video_frame->timestamp(); // Encode the frame. The presentation time stamp argument here is fixed to // zero to force the encoder to base its single-frame bandwidth calculations // entirely on |predicted_frame_duration| and the target bitrate setting being // micro-managed via calls to UpdateRates(). CHECK_EQ(vpx_codec_encode(&encoder_, &vpx_image, 0, predicted_frame_duration.InMicroseconds(), key_frame_requested_ ? VPX_EFLAG_FORCE_KF : 0, VPX_DL_REALTIME), VPX_CODEC_OK) << "BUG: Invalid arguments passed to vpx_codec_encode()."; // Pull data from the encoder, populating a new EncodedFrame. encoded_frame->frame_id = next_frame_id_++; const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t* pkt = NULL; vpx_codec_iter_t iter = NULL; while ((pkt = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(&encoder_, &iter)) != NULL) { if (pkt->kind != VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT) continue; if (pkt->data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY) { // TODO(hubbe): Replace "dependency" with a "bool is_key_frame". encoded_frame->dependency = EncodedFrame::KEY; encoded_frame->referenced_frame_id = encoded_frame->frame_id; } else { encoded_frame->dependency = EncodedFrame::DEPENDENT; // Frame dependencies could theoretically be relaxed by looking for the // VPX_FRAME_IS_DROPPABLE flag, but in recent testing (Oct 2014), this // flag never seems to be set. encoded_frame->referenced_frame_id = encoded_frame->frame_id - 1; } encoded_frame->rtp_timestamp = RtpTimeTicks::FromTimeDelta(video_frame->timestamp(), kVideoFrequency); encoded_frame->reference_time = reference_time; encoded_frame->data.assign( static_cast<const uint8_t*>(pkt->data.frame.buf), static_cast<const uint8_t*>(pkt->data.frame.buf) + pkt->; break; // Done, since all data is provided in one CX_FRAME_PKT packet. } DCHECK(!encoded_frame->data.empty()) << "BUG: Encoder must provide data since lagged encoding is disabled."; // Compute encoder utilization as the real-world time elapsed divided by the // frame duration. const base::TimeDelta processing_time = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time; encoded_frame->encoder_utilization = processing_time.InSecondsF() / predicted_frame_duration.InSecondsF(); // Compute lossy utilization. The VP8 encoder took an estimated guess at what // quantizer value would produce an encoded frame size as close to the target // as possible. Now that the frame has been encoded and the number of bytes // is known, the perfect quantizer value (i.e., the one that should have been // used) can be determined. This perfect quantizer is then normalized and // used as the lossy utilization. const double actual_bitrate = encoded_frame->data.size() * 8.0 / predicted_frame_duration.InSecondsF(); const double target_bitrate = 1000.0 * config_.rc_target_bitrate; DCHECK_GT(target_bitrate, 0.0); const double bitrate_utilization = actual_bitrate / target_bitrate; int quantizer = -1; CHECK_EQ(vpx_codec_control(&encoder_, VP8E_GET_LAST_QUANTIZER_64, &quantizer), VPX_CODEC_OK); const double perfect_quantizer = bitrate_utilization * std::max(0, quantizer); // Side note: If it was possible for the encoder to encode within the target // number of bytes, the |perfect_quantizer| will be in the range [0.0,63.0]. // If it was never possible, the value will be greater than 63.0. encoded_frame->lossy_utilization = perfect_quantizer / 63.0; DVLOG(2) << "VP8 encoded frame_id " << encoded_frame->frame_id << ", sized: " << encoded_frame->data.size() << ", encoder_utilization: " << encoded_frame->encoder_utilization << ", lossy_utilization: " << encoded_frame->lossy_utilization << " (quantizer chosen by the encoder was " << quantizer << ')'; if (encoded_frame->dependency == EncodedFrame::KEY) { key_frame_requested_ = false; } if (encoded_frame->dependency == EncodedFrame::KEY) { encoding_speed_acc_.Reset(kHighestEncodingSpeed, video_frame->timestamp()); } else { // Equivalent encoding speed considering both cpu_used setting and // quantizer. double actual_encoding_speed = encoding_speed_ + kEquivalentEncodingSpeedStepPerQpStep * std::max(0, quantizer - cast_config_.video_codec_params.min_qp); double adjusted_encoding_speed = actual_encoding_speed * encoded_frame->encoder_utilization / target_encoder_utilization_; encoding_speed_acc_.Update(adjusted_encoding_speed, video_frame->timestamp()); } if (HasSufficientFeedback(encoding_speed_acc_)) { // Predict |encoding_speed_| and |min_quantizer| for next frame. // When CPU is constrained, increase encoding speed and increase // |min_quantizer| if needed. double next_encoding_speed = encoding_speed_acc_.current(); int next_min_qp; if (next_encoding_speed > kHighestEncodingSpeed) { double remainder = next_encoding_speed - kHighestEncodingSpeed; next_encoding_speed = kHighestEncodingSpeed; next_min_qp = static_cast<int>(remainder / kEquivalentEncodingSpeedStepPerQpStep + cast_config_.video_codec_params.min_qp + 0.5); next_min_qp = std::min(next_min_qp, cast_config_.video_codec_params.max_cpu_saver_qp); } else { next_encoding_speed = std::max<double>(kLowestEncodingSpeed, next_encoding_speed) + 0.5; next_min_qp = cast_config_.video_codec_params.min_qp; } if (encoding_speed_ != static_cast<int>(next_encoding_speed)) { encoding_speed_ = static_cast<int>(next_encoding_speed); CHECK_EQ(vpx_codec_control(&encoder_, VP8E_SET_CPUUSED, -encoding_speed_), VPX_CODEC_OK); } if (config_.rc_min_quantizer != static_cast<unsigned int>(next_min_qp)) { config_.rc_min_quantizer = static_cast<unsigned int>(next_min_qp); CHECK_EQ(vpx_codec_enc_config_set(&encoder_, &config_), VPX_CODEC_OK); } } } void Vp8Encoder::UpdateRates(uint32_t new_bitrate) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); if (!is_initialized()) return; uint32_t new_bitrate_kbit = new_bitrate / 1000; if (config_.rc_target_bitrate == new_bitrate_kbit) return; config_.rc_target_bitrate = bitrate_kbit_ = new_bitrate_kbit; // Update encoder context. if (vpx_codec_enc_config_set(&encoder_, &config_)) { NOTREACHED() << "Invalid return value"; } VLOG(1) << "VP8 new rc_target_bitrate: " << new_bitrate_kbit << " kbps"; } void Vp8Encoder::GenerateKeyFrame() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); key_frame_requested_ = true; } } // namespace cast } // namespace media
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
#ifndef _UAPI_LINUX_DCCP_H #define _UAPI_LINUX_DCCP_H #include <linux/types.h> #include <asm/byteorder.h> /** * struct dccp_hdr - generic part of DCCP packet header * * @dccph_sport - Relevant port on the endpoint that sent this packet * @dccph_dport - Relevant port on the other endpoint * @dccph_doff - Data Offset from the start of the DCCP header, in 32-bit words * @dccph_ccval - Used by the HC-Sender CCID * @dccph_cscov - Parts of the packet that are covered by the Checksum field * @dccph_checksum - Internet checksum, depends on dccph_cscov * @dccph_x - 0 = 24 bit sequence number, 1 = 48 * @dccph_type - packet type, see DCCP_PKT_ prefixed macros * @dccph_seq - sequence number high or low order 24 bits, depends on dccph_x */ struct dccp_hdr { __be16 dccph_sport, dccph_dport; __u8 dccph_doff; #if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN_BITFIELD) __u8 dccph_cscov:4, dccph_ccval:4; #elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD) __u8 dccph_ccval:4, dccph_cscov:4; #else #error "Adjust your <asm/byteorder.h> defines" #endif __sum16 dccph_checksum; #if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN_BITFIELD) __u8 dccph_x:1, dccph_type:4, dccph_reserved:3; #elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD) __u8 dccph_reserved:3, dccph_type:4, dccph_x:1; #else #error "Adjust your <asm/byteorder.h> defines" #endif __u8 dccph_seq2; __be16 dccph_seq; }; /** * struct dccp_hdr_ext - the low bits of a 48 bit seq packet * * @dccph_seq_low - low 24 bits of a 48 bit seq packet */ struct dccp_hdr_ext { __be32 dccph_seq_low; }; /** * struct dccp_hdr_request - Connection initiation request header * * @dccph_req_service - Service to which the client app wants to connect */ struct dccp_hdr_request { __be32 dccph_req_service; }; /** * struct dccp_hdr_ack_bits - acknowledgment bits common to most packets * * @dccph_resp_ack_nr_high - 48 bit ack number high order bits, contains GSR * @dccph_resp_ack_nr_low - 48 bit ack number low order bits, contains GSR */ struct dccp_hdr_ack_bits { __be16 dccph_reserved1; __be16 dccph_ack_nr_high; __be32 dccph_ack_nr_low; }; /** * struct dccp_hdr_response - Connection initiation response header * * @dccph_resp_ack - 48 bit Acknowledgment Number Subheader (5.3) * @dccph_resp_service - Echoes the Service Code on a received DCCP-Request */ struct dccp_hdr_response { struct dccp_hdr_ack_bits dccph_resp_ack; __be32 dccph_resp_service; }; /** * struct dccp_hdr_reset - Unconditionally shut down a connection * * @dccph_reset_ack - 48 bit Acknowledgment Number Subheader (5.6) * @dccph_reset_code - one of %dccp_reset_codes * @dccph_reset_data - the Data 1 ... Data 3 fields from 5.6 */ struct dccp_hdr_reset { struct dccp_hdr_ack_bits dccph_reset_ack; __u8 dccph_reset_code, dccph_reset_data[3]; }; enum dccp_pkt_type { DCCP_PKT_REQUEST = 0, DCCP_PKT_RESPONSE, DCCP_PKT_DATA, DCCP_PKT_ACK, DCCP_PKT_DATAACK, DCCP_PKT_CLOSEREQ, DCCP_PKT_CLOSE, DCCP_PKT_RESET, DCCP_PKT_SYNC, DCCP_PKT_SYNCACK, DCCP_PKT_INVALID, }; #define DCCP_NR_PKT_TYPES DCCP_PKT_INVALID static inline unsigned int dccp_packet_hdr_len(const __u8 type) { if (type == DCCP_PKT_DATA) return 0; if (type == DCCP_PKT_DATAACK || type == DCCP_PKT_ACK || type == DCCP_PKT_SYNC || type == DCCP_PKT_SYNCACK || type == DCCP_PKT_CLOSE || type == DCCP_PKT_CLOSEREQ) return sizeof(struct dccp_hdr_ack_bits); if (type == DCCP_PKT_REQUEST) return sizeof(struct dccp_hdr_request); if (type == DCCP_PKT_RESPONSE) return sizeof(struct dccp_hdr_response); return sizeof(struct dccp_hdr_reset); } enum dccp_reset_codes { DCCP_RESET_CODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0, DCCP_RESET_CODE_CLOSED, DCCP_RESET_CODE_ABORTED, DCCP_RESET_CODE_NO_CONNECTION, DCCP_RESET_CODE_PACKET_ERROR, DCCP_RESET_CODE_OPTION_ERROR, DCCP_RESET_CODE_MANDATORY_ERROR, DCCP_RESET_CODE_CONNECTION_REFUSED, DCCP_RESET_CODE_BAD_SERVICE_CODE, DCCP_RESET_CODE_TOO_BUSY, DCCP_RESET_CODE_BAD_INIT_COOKIE, DCCP_RESET_CODE_AGGRESSION_PENALTY, DCCP_MAX_RESET_CODES /* Leave at the end! */ }; /* DCCP options */ enum { DCCPO_PADDING = 0, DCCPO_MANDATORY = 1, DCCPO_MIN_RESERVED = 3, DCCPO_MAX_RESERVED = 31, DCCPO_CHANGE_L = 32, DCCPO_CONFIRM_L = 33, DCCPO_CHANGE_R = 34, DCCPO_CONFIRM_R = 35, DCCPO_NDP_COUNT = 37, DCCPO_ACK_VECTOR_0 = 38, DCCPO_ACK_VECTOR_1 = 39, DCCPO_TIMESTAMP = 41, DCCPO_TIMESTAMP_ECHO = 42, DCCPO_ELAPSED_TIME = 43, DCCPO_MAX = 45, DCCPO_MIN_RX_CCID_SPECIFIC = 128, /* from sender to receiver */ DCCPO_MAX_RX_CCID_SPECIFIC = 191, DCCPO_MIN_TX_CCID_SPECIFIC = 192, /* from receiver to sender */ DCCPO_MAX_TX_CCID_SPECIFIC = 255, }; /* maximum size of a single TLV-encoded DCCP option (sans type/len bytes) */ #define DCCP_SINGLE_OPT_MAXLEN 253 /* DCCP CCIDS */ enum { DCCPC_CCID2 = 2, DCCPC_CCID3 = 3, }; /* DCCP features (RFC 4340 section 6.4) */ enum dccp_feature_numbers { DCCPF_RESERVED = 0, DCCPF_CCID = 1, DCCPF_SHORT_SEQNOS = 2, DCCPF_SEQUENCE_WINDOW = 3, DCCPF_ECN_INCAPABLE = 4, DCCPF_ACK_RATIO = 5, DCCPF_SEND_ACK_VECTOR = 6, DCCPF_SEND_NDP_COUNT = 7, DCCPF_MIN_CSUM_COVER = 8, DCCPF_DATA_CHECKSUM = 9, /* 10-127 reserved */ DCCPF_MIN_CCID_SPECIFIC = 128, DCCPF_SEND_LEV_RATE = 192, /* RFC 4342, sec. 8.4 */ DCCPF_MAX_CCID_SPECIFIC = 255, }; /* DCCP socket control message types for cmsg */ enum dccp_cmsg_type { DCCP_SCM_PRIORITY = 1, DCCP_SCM_QPOLICY_MAX = 0xFFFF, /* ^-- Up to here reserved exclusively for qpolicy parameters */ DCCP_SCM_MAX }; /* DCCP priorities for outgoing/queued packets */ enum dccp_packet_dequeueing_policy { DCCPQ_POLICY_SIMPLE, DCCPQ_POLICY_PRIO, DCCPQ_POLICY_MAX }; /* DCCP socket options */ #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_PACKET_SIZE 1 /* XXX deprecated, without effect */ #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_SERVICE 2 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_CHANGE_L 3 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_CHANGE_R 4 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_GET_CUR_MPS 5 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_SERVER_TIMEWAIT 6 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_SEND_CSCOV 10 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_RECV_CSCOV 11 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_AVAILABLE_CCIDS 12 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_CCID 13 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_TX_CCID 14 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_RX_CCID 15 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_QPOLICY_ID 16 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_QPOLICY_TXQLEN 17 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_CCID_RX_INFO 128 #define DCCP_SOCKOPT_CCID_TX_INFO 192 /* maximum number of services provided on the same listening port */ #define DCCP_SERVICE_LIST_MAX_LEN 32 #endif /* _UAPI_LINUX_DCCP_H */
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/trace_event/memory_dump_request_args.h" #include "base/logging.h" namespace base { namespace trace_event { // static const char* MemoryDumpTypeToString(const MemoryDumpType& dump_type) { switch (dump_type) { case MemoryDumpType::PERIODIC_INTERVAL: return "periodic_interval"; case MemoryDumpType::EXPLICITLY_TRIGGERED: return "explicitly_triggered"; case MemoryDumpType::PEAK_MEMORY_USAGE: return "peak_memory_usage"; case MemoryDumpType::SUMMARY_ONLY: return "summary_only"; } NOTREACHED(); return "unknown"; } MemoryDumpType StringToMemoryDumpType(const std::string& str) { if (str == "periodic_interval") return MemoryDumpType::PERIODIC_INTERVAL; if (str == "explicitly_triggered") return MemoryDumpType::EXPLICITLY_TRIGGERED; if (str == "peak_memory_usage") return MemoryDumpType::PEAK_MEMORY_USAGE; if (str == "summary_only") return MemoryDumpType::SUMMARY_ONLY; NOTREACHED(); return MemoryDumpType::LAST; } const char* MemoryDumpLevelOfDetailToString( const MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail& level_of_detail) { switch (level_of_detail) { case MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::BACKGROUND: return "background"; case MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::LIGHT: return "light"; case MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::DETAILED: return "detailed"; } NOTREACHED(); return "unknown"; } MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail StringToMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail( const std::string& str) { if (str == "background") return MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::BACKGROUND; if (str == "light") return MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::LIGHT; if (str == "detailed") return MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::DETAILED; NOTREACHED(); return MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::LAST; } } // namespace trace_event } // namespace base
2018-06-01 01:23:12+05:30
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Muhammad Faiz <> * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef AVFILTER_SHOWCQT_H #define AVFILTER_SHOWCQT_H #include "libavcodec/avfft.h" #include "avfilter.h" #include "internal.h" typedef struct Coeffs { FFTSample *val; int start, len; } Coeffs; typedef struct RGBFloat { float r, g, b; } RGBFloat; typedef struct YUVFloat { float y, u, v; } YUVFloat; typedef union { RGBFloat rgb; YUVFloat yuv; } ColorFloat; typedef struct ShowCQTContext { const AVClass *class; AVFilterContext *ctx; AVFrame *axis_frame; AVFrame *sono_frame; enum AVPixelFormat format; int sono_idx; int sono_count; int step; AVRational step_frac; int remaining_frac; int remaining_fill; int remaining_fill_max; int64_t next_pts; double *freq; FFTContext *fft_ctx; Coeffs *coeffs; FFTComplex *fft_data; FFTComplex *fft_result; FFTComplex *cqt_result; float *attack_data; int fft_bits; int fft_len; int cqt_len; int cqt_align; ColorFloat *c_buf; float *h_buf; float *rcp_h_buf; float *sono_v_buf; float *bar_v_buf; float cmatrix[3][3]; float cscheme_v[6]; /* callback */ void (*cqt_calc)(FFTComplex *dst, const FFTComplex *src, const Coeffs *coeffs, int len, int fft_len); void (*permute_coeffs)(float *v, int len); void (*draw_bar)(AVFrame *out, const float *h, const float *rcp_h, const ColorFloat *c, int bar_h, float bar_t); void (*draw_axis)(AVFrame *out, AVFrame *axis, const ColorFloat *c, int off); void (*draw_sono)(AVFrame *out, AVFrame *sono, int off, int idx); void (*update_sono)(AVFrame *sono, const ColorFloat *c, int idx); /* performance debugging */ int64_t fft_time; int64_t cqt_time; int64_t process_cqt_time; int64_t update_sono_time; int64_t alloc_time; int64_t bar_time; int64_t axis_time; int64_t sono_time; /* option */ int width, height; AVRational rate; int bar_h; int axis_h; int sono_h; int fullhd; /* deprecated */ char *sono_v; char *bar_v; float sono_g; float bar_g; float bar_t; double timeclamp; double attack; double basefreq; double endfreq; float coeffclamp; /* deprecated - ignored */ char *tlength; int count; int fcount; char *fontfile; char *font; char *fontcolor; char *axisfile; int axis; int csp; char *cscheme; } ShowCQTContext; void ff_showcqt_init_x86(ShowCQTContext *s); #endif
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/at_exit.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <ostream> #include <utility> #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/logging.h" namespace base { // Keep a stack of registered AtExitManagers. We always operate on the most // recent, and we should never have more than one outside of testing (for a // statically linked version of this library). Testing may use the shadow // version of the constructor, and if we are building a dynamic library we may // end up with multiple AtExitManagers on the same process. We don't protect // this for thread-safe access, since it will only be modified in testing. static AtExitManager* g_top_manager = nullptr; static bool g_disable_managers = false; AtExitManager::AtExitManager() : processing_callbacks_(false), next_manager_(g_top_manager) { // If multiple modules instantiate AtExitManagers they'll end up living in this // module... they have to coexist. #if !defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) DCHECK(!g_top_manager); #endif g_top_manager = this; } AtExitManager::~AtExitManager() { if (!g_top_manager) { NOTREACHED() << "Tried to ~AtExitManager without an AtExitManager"; return; } DCHECK_EQ(this, g_top_manager); if (!g_disable_managers) ProcessCallbacksNow(); g_top_manager = next_manager_; } // static void AtExitManager::RegisterCallback(AtExitCallbackType func, void* param) { DCHECK(func); RegisterTask(base::Bind(func, param)); } // static void AtExitManager::RegisterTask(base::Closure task) { if (!g_top_manager) { NOTREACHED() << "Tried to RegisterCallback without an AtExitManager"; return; } AutoLock lock(g_top_manager->lock_); DCHECK(!g_top_manager->processing_callbacks_); g_top_manager->stack_.push(std::move(task)); } // static void AtExitManager::ProcessCallbacksNow() { if (!g_top_manager) { NOTREACHED() << "Tried to ProcessCallbacksNow without an AtExitManager"; return; } // Callbacks may try to add new callbacks, so run them without holding // |lock_|. This is an error and caught by the DCHECK in RegisterTask(), but // handle it gracefully in release builds so we don't deadlock. base::stack<base::Closure> tasks; { AutoLock lock(g_top_manager->lock_); tasks.swap(g_top_manager->stack_); g_top_manager->processing_callbacks_ = true; } // Relax the cross-thread access restriction to non-thread-safe RefCount. // It's safe since all other threads should be terminated at this point. ScopedAllowCrossThreadRefCountAccess allow_cross_thread_ref_count_access; while (!tasks.empty()) { base::Closure task =; task.Run(); tasks.pop(); } // Expect that all callbacks have been run. DCHECK(g_top_manager->stack_.empty()); } void AtExitManager::DisableAllAtExitManagers() { AutoLock lock(g_top_manager->lock_); g_disable_managers = true; } AtExitManager::AtExitManager(bool shadow) : processing_callbacks_(false), next_manager_(g_top_manager) { DCHECK(shadow || !g_top_manager); g_top_manager = this; } } // namespace base
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_run.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character.h" namespace blink { struct ExpectedTextRunSize { DISALLOW_NEW(); const void* pointer; int integers[2]; float floats[2]; uint32_t bitfields : 10; TabSize tab_size; }; static_assert(sizeof(TextRun) == sizeof(ExpectedTextRunSize), "TextRun should have expected size"); void TextRun::SetText(const String& string) { len_ = string.length(); if (!len_) { data_.characters8 = nullptr; is8_bit_ = true; return; } is8_bit_ = string.Is8Bit(); if (is8_bit_) data_.characters8 = string.Characters8(); else data_.characters16 = string.Characters16(); } std::unique_ptr<UChar[]> TextRun::NormalizedUTF16( unsigned* result_length) const { const UChar* source; String string_for8_bit_run; if (Is8Bit()) { string_for8_bit_run = String::Make16BitFrom8BitSource(Characters8(), length()); source = string_for8_bit_run.Characters16(); } else { source = Characters16(); } auto buffer = std::make_unique<UChar[]>(len_ + 1); *result_length = 0; bool error = false; unsigned position = 0; while (position < len_) { UChar32 character; U16_NEXT(source, position, len_, character); // Don't normalize tabs as they are not treated as spaces for word-end. if (NormalizeSpace() && Character::IsNormalizedCanvasSpaceCharacter(character)) { character = kSpaceCharacter; } else if (Character::TreatAsSpace(character) && character != kNoBreakSpaceCharacter) { character = kSpaceCharacter; } else if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures:: RenderUnicodeControlCharactersEnabled() && Character::LegacyTreatAsZeroWidthSpaceInComplexScript( character)) { character = kZeroWidthSpaceCharacter; } else if (Character::TreatAsZeroWidthSpaceInComplexScript(character)) { character = kZeroWidthSpaceCharacter; } U16_APPEND(buffer, *result_length, len_, character, error); DCHECK(!error); } DCHECK(*result_length <= len_); return buffer; } unsigned TextRun::IndexOfSubRun(const TextRun& sub_run) const { if (Is8Bit() == sub_run.Is8Bit() && sub_run.Bytes() >= Bytes()) { size_t start_index = Is8Bit() ? sub_run.Characters8() - Characters8() : sub_run.Characters16() - Characters16(); if (start_index + sub_run.length() <= length()) return start_index; } return std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(); } } // namespace blink
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * Driver for the Analog Devices digital potentiometers * * Copyright (C) 2010 Michael Hennerich, Analog Devices Inc. * * Licensed under the GPL-2 or later. */ #ifndef _AD_DPOT_H_ #define _AD_DPOT_H_ #include <linux/types.h> #define DPOT_CONF(features, wipers, max_pos, uid) \ (((features) << 18) | (((wipers) & 0xFF) << 10) | \ ((max_pos & 0xF) << 6) | (uid & 0x3F)) #define DPOT_UID(conf) (conf & 0x3F) #define DPOT_MAX_POS(conf) ((conf >> 6) & 0xF) #define DPOT_WIPERS(conf) ((conf >> 10) & 0xFF) #define DPOT_FEAT(conf) (conf >> 18) #define BRDAC0 (1 << 0) #define BRDAC1 (1 << 1) #define BRDAC2 (1 << 2) #define BRDAC3 (1 << 3) #define BRDAC4 (1 << 4) #define BRDAC5 (1 << 5) #define MAX_RDACS 6 #define F_CMD_INC (1 << 0) /* Features INC/DEC ALL, 6dB */ #define F_CMD_EEP (1 << 1) /* Features EEPROM */ #define F_CMD_OTP (1 << 2) /* Features OTP */ #define F_CMD_TOL (1 << 3) /* RDACS feature Tolerance REG */ #define F_RDACS_RW (1 << 4) /* RDACS are Read/Write */ #define F_RDACS_WONLY (1 << 5) /* RDACS are Write only */ #define F_AD_APPDATA (1 << 6) /* RDAC Address append to data */ #define F_SPI_8BIT (1 << 7) /* All SPI XFERS are 8-bit */ #define F_SPI_16BIT (1 << 8) /* All SPI XFERS are 16-bit */ #define F_SPI_24BIT (1 << 9) /* All SPI XFERS are 24-bit */ #define F_RDACS_RW_TOL (F_RDACS_RW | F_CMD_EEP | F_CMD_TOL) #define F_RDACS_RW_EEP (F_RDACS_RW | F_CMD_EEP) #define F_SPI (F_SPI_8BIT | F_SPI_16BIT | F_SPI_24BIT) enum dpot_devid { AD5258_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_TOL, BRDAC0, 6, 0), /* I2C */ AD5259_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_TOL, BRDAC0, 8, 1), AD5251_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_TOL | F_CMD_INC, BRDAC1 | BRDAC3, 6, 2), AD5252_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_TOL | F_CMD_INC, BRDAC1 | BRDAC3, 8, 3), AD5253_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_TOL | F_CMD_INC, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1 | BRDAC2 | BRDAC3, 6, 4), AD5254_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_TOL | F_CMD_INC, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1 | BRDAC2 | BRDAC3, 8, 5), AD5255_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_TOL | F_CMD_INC, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1 | BRDAC2, 9, 6), AD5160_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_8BIT, BRDAC0, 8, 7), /* SPI */ AD5161_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_8BIT, BRDAC0, 8, 8), AD5162_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 8, 9), AD5165_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_8BIT, BRDAC0, 8, 10), AD5200_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_8BIT, BRDAC0, 8, 11), AD5201_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_8BIT, BRDAC0, 5, 12), AD5203_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_8BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1 | BRDAC2 | BRDAC3, 6, 13), AD5204_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1 | BRDAC2 | BRDAC3, 8, 14), AD5206_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1 | BRDAC2 | BRDAC3 | BRDAC4 | BRDAC5, 8, 15), AD5207_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 8, 16), AD5231_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_EEP | F_CMD_INC | F_SPI_24BIT, BRDAC0, 10, 17), AD5232_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_EEP | F_CMD_INC | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 8, 18), AD5233_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_EEP | F_CMD_INC | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1 | BRDAC2 | BRDAC3, 6, 19), AD5235_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_EEP | F_CMD_INC | F_SPI_24BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 10, 20), AD5260_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_8BIT, BRDAC0, 8, 21), AD5262_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 8, 22), AD5263_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1 | BRDAC2 | BRDAC3, 8, 23), AD5290_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_8BIT, BRDAC0, 8, 24), AD5291_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_SPI_16BIT | F_CMD_OTP, BRDAC0, 8, 25), AD5292_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_SPI_16BIT | F_CMD_OTP, BRDAC0, 10, 26), AD5293_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0, 10, 27), AD7376_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_8BIT, BRDAC0, 7, 28), AD8400_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0, 8, 29), AD8402_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 8, 30), AD8403_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_WONLY | F_AD_APPDATA | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1 | BRDAC2, 8, 31), ADN2850_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_EEP | F_CMD_INC | F_SPI_24BIT, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 10, 32), AD5241_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW, BRDAC0, 8, 33), AD5242_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 8, 34), AD5243_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 8, 35), AD5245_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW, BRDAC0, 8, 36), AD5246_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW, BRDAC0, 7, 37), AD5247_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW, BRDAC0, 7, 38), AD5248_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 8, 39), AD5280_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW, BRDAC0, 8, 40), AD5282_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 8, 41), ADN2860_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW_TOL | F_CMD_INC, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1 | BRDAC2, 9, 42), AD5273_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_CMD_OTP, BRDAC0, 6, 43), AD5171_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_CMD_OTP, BRDAC0, 6, 44), AD5170_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_CMD_OTP, BRDAC0, 8, 45), AD5172_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_CMD_OTP, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 8, 46), AD5173_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_CMD_OTP, BRDAC0 | BRDAC1, 8, 47), AD5270_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_CMD_OTP | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0, 10, 48), AD5271_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_CMD_OTP | F_SPI_16BIT, BRDAC0, 8, 49), AD5272_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_CMD_OTP, BRDAC0, 10, 50), AD5274_ID = DPOT_CONF(F_RDACS_RW | F_CMD_OTP, BRDAC0, 8, 51), }; #define DPOT_RDAC0 0 #define DPOT_RDAC1 1 #define DPOT_RDAC2 2 #define DPOT_RDAC3 3 #define DPOT_RDAC4 4 #define DPOT_RDAC5 5 #define DPOT_RDAC_MASK 0x1F #define DPOT_REG_TOL 0x18 #define DPOT_TOL_RDAC0 (DPOT_REG_TOL | DPOT_RDAC0) #define DPOT_TOL_RDAC1 (DPOT_REG_TOL | DPOT_RDAC1) #define DPOT_TOL_RDAC2 (DPOT_REG_TOL | DPOT_RDAC2) #define DPOT_TOL_RDAC3 (DPOT_REG_TOL | DPOT_RDAC3) #define DPOT_TOL_RDAC4 (DPOT_REG_TOL | DPOT_RDAC4) #define DPOT_TOL_RDAC5 (DPOT_REG_TOL | DPOT_RDAC5) /* RDAC-to-EEPROM Interface Commands */ #define DPOT_ADDR_RDAC (0x0 << 5) #define DPOT_ADDR_EEPROM (0x1 << 5) #define DPOT_ADDR_OTP (0x1 << 6) #define DPOT_ADDR_CMD (0x1 << 7) #define DPOT_ADDR_OTP_EN (0x1 << 9) #define DPOT_DEC_ALL_6DB (DPOT_ADDR_CMD | (0x4 << 3)) #define DPOT_INC_ALL_6DB (DPOT_ADDR_CMD | (0x9 << 3)) #define DPOT_DEC_ALL (DPOT_ADDR_CMD | (0x6 << 3)) #define DPOT_INC_ALL (DPOT_ADDR_CMD | (0xB << 3)) #define DPOT_SPI_RDAC 0xB0 #define DPOT_SPI_EEPROM 0x30 #define DPOT_SPI_READ_RDAC 0xA0 #define DPOT_SPI_READ_EEPROM 0x90 #define DPOT_SPI_DEC_ALL_6DB 0x50 #define DPOT_SPI_INC_ALL_6DB 0xD0 #define DPOT_SPI_DEC_ALL 0x70 #define DPOT_SPI_INC_ALL 0xF0 /* AD5291/2/3 use special commands */ #define DPOT_AD5291_RDAC 0x01 #define DPOT_AD5291_READ_RDAC 0x02 #define DPOT_AD5291_STORE_XTPM 0x03 #define DPOT_AD5291_CTRLREG 0x06 #define DPOT_AD5291_UNLOCK_CMD 0x03 /* AD5270/1/2/4 use special commands */ #define DPOT_AD5270_1_2_4_RDAC 0x01 #define DPOT_AD5270_1_2_4_READ_RDAC 0x02 #define DPOT_AD5270_1_2_4_STORE_XTPM 0x03 #define DPOT_AD5270_1_2_4_CTRLREG 0x07 #define DPOT_AD5270_1_2_4_UNLOCK_CMD 0x03 #define DPOT_AD5282_RDAC_AB 0x80 #define DPOT_AD5273_FUSE 0x80 #define DPOT_AD5170_2_3_FUSE 0x20 #define DPOT_AD5170_2_3_OW 0x08 #define DPOT_AD5172_3_A0 0x08 #define DPOT_AD5170_2FUSE 0x80 struct dpot_data; struct ad_dpot_bus_ops { int (*read_d8) (void *client); int (*read_r8d8) (void *client, u8 reg); int (*read_r8d16) (void *client, u8 reg); int (*write_d8) (void *client, u8 val); int (*write_r8d8) (void *client, u8 reg, u8 val); int (*write_r8d16) (void *client, u8 reg, u16 val); }; struct ad_dpot_bus_data { void *client; const struct ad_dpot_bus_ops *bops; }; int ad_dpot_probe(struct device *dev, struct ad_dpot_bus_data *bdata, unsigned long devid, const char *name); int ad_dpot_remove(struct device *dev); #endif
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef EXTENSIONS_COMMON_EXTENSION_UPDATER_UMA_H_ #define EXTENSIONS_COMMON_EXTENSION_UPDATER_UMA_H_ namespace extensions { // These enum values are used in UMA, they should NOT be reordered. enum class ExtensionUpdaterUpdateResult { NO_UPDATE = 0, UPDATE_SUCCESS = 1, UPDATE_ERROR = 2, UPDATE_RESULT_COUNT }; } // namespace extensions #endif // EXTENSIONS_COMMON_EXTENSION_UPDATER_UMA_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef BASE_THREADING_THREAD_ID_NAME_MANAGER_H_ #define BASE_THREADING_THREAD_ID_NAME_MANAGER_H_ #include <map> #include <string> #include "base/base_export.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" namespace base { template <typename T> struct DefaultSingletonTraits; class BASE_EXPORT ThreadIdNameManager { public: static ThreadIdNameManager* GetInstance(); static const char* GetDefaultInternedString(); // Register the mapping between a thread |id| and |handle|. void RegisterThread(PlatformThreadHandle::Handle handle, PlatformThreadId id); // The callback is called on the thread, immediately after the name is set. // |name| is a pointer to a C string that is guaranteed to remain valid for // the duration of the process. using SetNameCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(const char* name)>; void InstallSetNameCallback(SetNameCallback callback); // Set the name for the current thread. void SetName(const std::string& name); // Get the name for the given id. const char* GetName(PlatformThreadId id); // Unlike |GetName|, this method using TLS and avoids touching |lock_|. const char* GetNameForCurrentThread(); // Remove the name for the given id. void RemoveName(PlatformThreadHandle::Handle handle, PlatformThreadId id); private: friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<ThreadIdNameManager>; typedef std::map<PlatformThreadId, PlatformThreadHandle::Handle> ThreadIdToHandleMap; typedef std::map<PlatformThreadHandle::Handle, std::string*> ThreadHandleToInternedNameMap; typedef std::map<std::string, std::string*> NameToInternedNameMap; ThreadIdNameManager(); ~ThreadIdNameManager(); // lock_ protects the name_to_interned_name_, thread_id_to_handle_ and // thread_handle_to_interned_name_ maps. Lock lock_; NameToInternedNameMap name_to_interned_name_; ThreadIdToHandleMap thread_id_to_handle_; ThreadHandleToInternedNameMap thread_handle_to_interned_name_; // Treat the main process specially as there is no PlatformThreadHandle. std::string* main_process_name_; PlatformThreadId main_process_id_; SetNameCallback set_name_callback_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ThreadIdNameManager); }; } // namespace base #endif // BASE_THREADING_THREAD_ID_NAME_MANAGER_H_
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* * ImgTec IR Decoder found in PowerDown Controller. * * Copyright 2010-2014 Imagination Technologies Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. */ #ifndef _IMG_IR_H_ #define _IMG_IR_H_ #include <linux/io.h> #include <linux/spinlock.h> #include "img-ir-raw.h" #include "img-ir-hw.h" /* registers */ /* relative to the start of the IR block of registers */ #define IMG_IR_CONTROL 0x00 #define IMG_IR_STATUS 0x04 #define IMG_IR_DATA_LW 0x08 #define IMG_IR_DATA_UP 0x0c #define IMG_IR_LEAD_SYMB_TIMING 0x10 #define IMG_IR_S00_SYMB_TIMING 0x14 #define IMG_IR_S01_SYMB_TIMING 0x18 #define IMG_IR_S10_SYMB_TIMING 0x1c #define IMG_IR_S11_SYMB_TIMING 0x20 #define IMG_IR_FREE_SYMB_TIMING 0x24 #define IMG_IR_POW_MOD_PARAMS 0x28 #define IMG_IR_POW_MOD_ENABLE 0x2c #define IMG_IR_IRQ_MSG_DATA_LW 0x30 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_MSG_DATA_UP 0x34 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_MSG_MASK_LW 0x38 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_MSG_MASK_UP 0x3c #define IMG_IR_IRQ_ENABLE 0x40 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_STATUS 0x44 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_CLEAR 0x48 #define IMG_IR_IRCORE_ID 0xf0 #define IMG_IR_CORE_REV 0xf4 #define IMG_IR_CORE_DES1 0xf8 #define IMG_IR_CORE_DES2 0xfc /* field masks */ /* IMG_IR_CONTROL */ #define IMG_IR_DECODEN 0x40000000 #define IMG_IR_CODETYPE 0x30000000 #define IMG_IR_CODETYPE_SHIFT 28 #define IMG_IR_HDRTOG 0x08000000 #define IMG_IR_LDRDEC 0x04000000 #define IMG_IR_DECODINPOL 0x02000000 /* active high */ #define IMG_IR_BITORIEN 0x01000000 /* MSB first */ #define IMG_IR_D1VALIDSEL 0x00008000 #define IMG_IR_BITINV 0x00000040 /* don't invert */ #define IMG_IR_DECODEND2 0x00000010 #define IMG_IR_BITORIEND2 0x00000002 /* MSB first */ #define IMG_IR_BITINVD2 0x00000001 /* don't invert */ /* IMG_IR_STATUS */ #define IMG_IR_RXDVALD2 0x00001000 #define IMG_IR_IRRXD 0x00000400 #define IMG_IR_TOGSTATE 0x00000200 #define IMG_IR_RXDVAL 0x00000040 #define IMG_IR_RXDLEN 0x0000003f #define IMG_IR_RXDLEN_SHIFT 0 /* IMG_IR_LEAD_SYMB_TIMING, IMG_IR_Sxx_SYMB_TIMING */ #define IMG_IR_PD_MAX 0xff000000 #define IMG_IR_PD_MAX_SHIFT 24 #define IMG_IR_PD_MIN 0x00ff0000 #define IMG_IR_PD_MIN_SHIFT 16 #define IMG_IR_W_MAX 0x0000ff00 #define IMG_IR_W_MAX_SHIFT 8 #define IMG_IR_W_MIN 0x000000ff #define IMG_IR_W_MIN_SHIFT 0 /* IMG_IR_FREE_SYMB_TIMING */ #define IMG_IR_MAXLEN 0x0007e000 #define IMG_IR_MAXLEN_SHIFT 13 #define IMG_IR_MINLEN 0x00001f00 #define IMG_IR_MINLEN_SHIFT 8 #define IMG_IR_FT_MIN 0x000000ff #define IMG_IR_FT_MIN_SHIFT 0 /* IMG_IR_POW_MOD_PARAMS */ #define IMG_IR_PERIOD_LEN 0x3f000000 #define IMG_IR_PERIOD_LEN_SHIFT 24 #define IMG_IR_PERIOD_DUTY 0x003f0000 #define IMG_IR_PERIOD_DUTY_SHIFT 16 #define IMG_IR_STABLE_STOP 0x00003f00 #define IMG_IR_STABLE_STOP_SHIFT 8 #define IMG_IR_STABLE_START 0x0000003f #define IMG_IR_STABLE_START_SHIFT 0 /* IMG_IR_POW_MOD_ENABLE */ #define IMG_IR_POWER_OUT_EN 0x00000002 #define IMG_IR_POWER_MOD_EN 0x00000001 /* IMG_IR_IRQ_ENABLE, IMG_IR_IRQ_STATUS, IMG_IR_IRQ_CLEAR */ #define IMG_IR_IRQ_DEC2_ERR 0x00000080 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_DEC_ERR 0x00000040 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_ACT_LEVEL 0x00000020 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_FALL_EDGE 0x00000010 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_RISE_EDGE 0x00000008 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_DATA_MATCH 0x00000004 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_DATA2_VALID 0x00000002 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_DATA_VALID 0x00000001 #define IMG_IR_IRQ_ALL 0x000000ff #define IMG_IR_IRQ_EDGE (IMG_IR_IRQ_FALL_EDGE | IMG_IR_IRQ_RISE_EDGE) /* IMG_IR_CORE_ID */ #define IMG_IR_CORE_ID 0x00ff0000 #define IMG_IR_CORE_ID_SHIFT 16 #define IMG_IR_CORE_CONFIG 0x0000ffff #define IMG_IR_CORE_CONFIG_SHIFT 0 /* IMG_IR_CORE_REV */ #define IMG_IR_DESIGNER 0xff000000 #define IMG_IR_DESIGNER_SHIFT 24 #define IMG_IR_MAJOR_REV 0x00ff0000 #define IMG_IR_MAJOR_REV_SHIFT 16 #define IMG_IR_MINOR_REV 0x0000ff00 #define IMG_IR_MINOR_REV_SHIFT 8 #define IMG_IR_MAINT_REV 0x000000ff #define IMG_IR_MAINT_REV_SHIFT 0 struct device; struct clk; /** * struct img_ir_priv - Private driver data. * @dev: Platform device. * @irq: IRQ number. * @clk: Input clock. * @sys_clk: System clock. * @reg_base: Iomem base address of IR register block. * @lock: Protects IR registers and variables in this struct. * @raw: Driver data for raw decoder. * @hw: Driver data for hardware decoder. */ struct img_ir_priv { struct device *dev; int irq; struct clk *clk; struct clk *sys_clk; void __iomem *reg_base; spinlock_t lock; struct img_ir_priv_raw raw; struct img_ir_priv_hw hw; }; /* Hardware access */ static inline void img_ir_write(struct img_ir_priv *priv, unsigned int reg_offs, unsigned int data) { iowrite32(data, priv->reg_base + reg_offs); } static inline unsigned int img_ir_read(struct img_ir_priv *priv, unsigned int reg_offs) { return ioread32(priv->reg_base + reg_offs); } #endif /* _IMG_IR_H_ */
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/base/dragdrop/os_exchange_data_provider_aurax11.h" #include "base/strings/string16.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/test/scoped_task_environment.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "ui/base/dragdrop/file_info.h" #include "ui/events/platform/x11/x11_event_source_glib.h" #include "ui/gfx/x/x11_atom_cache.h" #include "url/gurl.h" const char kFileURL[] = "file:///home/user/file.txt"; const char kFileName[] = "/home/user/file.txt"; const char kGoogleTitle[] = "Google"; const char kGoogleURL[] = ""; namespace ui { class OSExchangeDataProviderAuraX11Test : public testing::Test { public: OSExchangeDataProviderAuraX11Test() : scoped_task_environment_( base::test::ScopedTaskEnvironment::MainThreadType::UI), event_source(gfx::GetXDisplay()) {} void AddURLList(const std::string& list_contents) { std::string contents_copy = list_contents; scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> mem( base::RefCountedString::TakeString(&contents_copy)); provider.format_map_.Insert(gfx::GetAtom(ui::Clipboard::kMimeTypeURIList), mem); } protected: base::test::ScopedTaskEnvironment scoped_task_environment_; X11EventSourceGlib event_source; ui::OSExchangeDataProviderAuraX11 provider; }; TEST_F(OSExchangeDataProviderAuraX11Test, MozillaURL) { // Check that we can get titled entries. provider.SetURL(GURL(kGoogleURL), base::ASCIIToUTF16(kGoogleTitle)); { GURL out_gurl; base::string16 out_str; EXPECT_TRUE(provider.GetURLAndTitle( OSExchangeData::DO_NOT_CONVERT_FILENAMES, &out_gurl, &out_str)); EXPECT_EQ(base::ASCIIToUTF16(kGoogleTitle), out_str); EXPECT_EQ(kGoogleURL, out_gurl.spec()); } // Check that we can get non-titled entries. provider.SetURL(GURL(kGoogleURL), base::string16()); { GURL out_gurl; base::string16 out_str; EXPECT_TRUE(provider.GetURLAndTitle( OSExchangeData::DO_NOT_CONVERT_FILENAMES, &out_gurl, &out_str)); EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), out_str); EXPECT_EQ(kGoogleURL, out_gurl.spec()); } } TEST_F(OSExchangeDataProviderAuraX11Test, FilesArentURLs) { AddURLList(kFileURL); EXPECT_TRUE(provider.HasFile()); EXPECT_TRUE(provider.HasURL(ui::OSExchangeData::CONVERT_FILENAMES)); EXPECT_FALSE(provider.HasURL(ui::OSExchangeData::DO_NOT_CONVERT_FILENAMES)); } TEST_F(OSExchangeDataProviderAuraX11Test, HTTPURLsArentFiles) { AddURLList(kGoogleURL); EXPECT_FALSE(provider.HasFile()); EXPECT_TRUE(provider.HasURL(ui::OSExchangeData::CONVERT_FILENAMES)); EXPECT_TRUE(provider.HasURL(ui::OSExchangeData::DO_NOT_CONVERT_FILENAMES)); } TEST_F(OSExchangeDataProviderAuraX11Test, URIListWithBoth) { AddURLList("file:///home/user/file.txt\n"); EXPECT_TRUE(provider.HasFile()); EXPECT_TRUE(provider.HasURL(ui::OSExchangeData::CONVERT_FILENAMES)); EXPECT_TRUE(provider.HasURL(ui::OSExchangeData::DO_NOT_CONVERT_FILENAMES)); // We should only receive the file from GetFilenames(). std::vector<FileInfo> filenames; EXPECT_TRUE(provider.GetFilenames(&filenames)); ASSERT_EQ(1u, filenames.size()); EXPECT_EQ(kFileName, filenames[0].path.value()); // We should only receive the URL here. GURL out_gurl; base::string16 out_str; EXPECT_TRUE(provider.GetURLAndTitle( OSExchangeData::DO_NOT_CONVERT_FILENAMES, &out_gurl, &out_str)); EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), out_str); EXPECT_EQ(kGoogleURL, out_gurl.spec()); } TEST_F(OSExchangeDataProviderAuraX11Test, OnlyStringURLIsUnfiltered) { const base::string16 file_url = base::UTF8ToUTF16(kFileURL); provider.SetString(file_url); EXPECT_TRUE(provider.HasString()); EXPECT_FALSE(provider.HasURL(ui::OSExchangeData::DO_NOT_CONVERT_FILENAMES)); } TEST_F(OSExchangeDataProviderAuraX11Test, StringAndURIListFilterString) { const base::string16 file_url = base::UTF8ToUTF16(kFileURL); provider.SetString(file_url); AddURLList(kFileURL); EXPECT_FALSE(provider.HasString()); base::string16 out_str; EXPECT_FALSE(provider.GetString(&out_str)); EXPECT_TRUE(provider.HasFile()); } } // namespace ui
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_BROWSER_CACHE_STORAGE_CACHE_STORAGE_QUOTA_CLIENT_H_ #define CONTENT_BROWSER_CACHE_STORAGE_CACHE_STORAGE_QUOTA_CLIENT_H_ #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "content/common/content_export.h" #include "storage/browser/quota/quota_client.h" #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/quota/quota_types.mojom.h" #include "url/origin.h" namespace content { class CacheStorageManager; // CacheStorageQuotaClient is owned by the QuotaManager. There is one per // CacheStorageManager, and therefore one per // ServiceWorkerContextCore. class CONTENT_EXPORT CacheStorageQuotaClient : public storage::QuotaClient { public: explicit CacheStorageQuotaClient( base::WeakPtr<CacheStorageManager> cache_manager); ~CacheStorageQuotaClient() override; // QuotaClient overrides ID id() const override; void OnQuotaManagerDestroyed() override; void GetOriginUsage(const url::Origin& origin, blink::mojom::StorageType type, GetUsageCallback callback) override; void GetOriginsForType(blink::mojom::StorageType type, GetOriginsCallback callback) override; void GetOriginsForHost(blink::mojom::StorageType type, const std::string& host, GetOriginsCallback callback) override; void DeleteOriginData(const url::Origin& origin, blink::mojom::StorageType type, DeletionCallback callback) override; bool DoesSupport(blink::mojom::StorageType type) const override; private: base::WeakPtr<CacheStorageManager> cache_manager_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CacheStorageQuotaClient); }; } // namespace content #endif // CONTENT_BROWSER_CACHE_STORAGE_CACHE_STORAGE_QUOTA_CLIENT_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/ssl/channel_id_service.h" #include <memory> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/task_runner.h" #include "base/test/null_task_runner.h" #include "base/test/scoped_task_environment.h" #include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h" #include "crypto/ec_private_key.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h" #include "net/cert/asn1_util.h" #include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h" #include "net/ssl/default_channel_id_store.h" #include "net/test/channel_id_test_util.h" #include "net/test/gtest_util.h" #include "net/test/net_test_suite.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" using net::test::IsError; using net::test::IsOk; namespace net { namespace { void FailTest(int /* result */) { FAIL(); } class MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet : public DefaultChannelIDStore { public: MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet() : DefaultChannelIDStore(NULL), channel_id_count_(0) {} int GetChannelID(const std::string& server_identifier, std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey>* key_result, const GetChannelIDCallback& callback) override; void SetChannelID(std::unique_ptr<ChannelID> channel_id) override { channel_id_count_ = 1; } int GetChannelIDCount() override { return channel_id_count_; } void CallGetChannelIDCallbackWithResult(int err, crypto::ECPrivateKey* key); private: GetChannelIDCallback callback_; std::string server_identifier_; int channel_id_count_; }; int MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet::GetChannelID( const std::string& server_identifier, std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey>* key_result, const GetChannelIDCallback& callback) { server_identifier_ = server_identifier; callback_ = callback; // Reset the cert count, it'll get incremented in either SetChannelID or // CallGetChannelIDCallbackWithResult. channel_id_count_ = 0; // Do nothing else: the results to be provided will be specified through // CallGetChannelIDCallbackWithResult. return ERR_IO_PENDING; } void MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet::CallGetChannelIDCallbackWithResult( int err, crypto::ECPrivateKey* key) { if (err == OK) channel_id_count_ = 1; base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(callback_, err, server_identifier_, base::Passed(key ? key->Copy() : nullptr))); } class ChannelIDServiceTest : public testing::Test { public: ChannelIDServiceTest() : service_(new ChannelIDService(new DefaultChannelIDStore(NULL))) {} protected: std::unique_ptr<ChannelIDService> service_; }; TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, GetDomainForHost) { EXPECT_EQ("", ChannelIDService::GetDomainForHost("")); EXPECT_EQ("", ChannelIDService::GetDomainForHost("")); EXPECT_EQ("", ChannelIDService::GetDomainForHost("")); EXPECT_EQ("", ChannelIDService::GetDomainForHost("")); EXPECT_EQ("", ChannelIDService::GetDomainForHost("")); EXPECT_EQ("", ChannelIDService::GetDomainForHost("")); EXPECT_EQ("goto", ChannelIDService::GetDomainForHost("goto")); EXPECT_EQ("", ChannelIDService::GetDomainForHost("")); } TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, GetCacheMiss) { std::string host(""); int error; TestCompletionCallback callback; ChannelIDService::Request request; // Synchronous completion, because the store is initialized. std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key; EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->channel_id_count()); error = service_->GetChannelID(host, &key, callback.callback(), &request); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); EXPECT_FALSE(request.is_active()); EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->channel_id_count()); EXPECT_FALSE(key); } TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, CacheHit) { std::string host(""); int error; TestCompletionCallback callback; ChannelIDService::Request request; // Asynchronous completion. std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key1; EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->channel_id_count()); error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key1, callback.callback(), &request); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request.is_active()); error = callback.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->channel_id_count()); EXPECT_TRUE(key1); EXPECT_FALSE(request.is_active()); // Synchronous completion. std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key2; error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key2, callback.callback(), &request); EXPECT_FALSE(request.is_active()); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->channel_id_count()); EXPECT_TRUE(KeysEqual(key1.get(), key2.get())); // Synchronous get. std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key3; error = service_->GetChannelID(host, &key3, callback.callback(), &request); EXPECT_FALSE(request.is_active()); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->channel_id_count()); EXPECT_TRUE(KeysEqual(key1.get(), key3.get())); EXPECT_EQ(3u, service_->requests()); EXPECT_EQ(2u, service_->key_store_hits()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, service_->inflight_joins()); } TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, StoreChannelIDs) { int error; TestCompletionCallback callback; ChannelIDService::Request request; std::string host1(""); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key1; EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->channel_id_count()); error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host1, &key1, callback.callback(), &request); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request.is_active()); error = callback.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->channel_id_count()); std::string host2(""); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key2; error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host2, &key2, callback.callback(), &request); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request.is_active()); error = callback.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(2, service_->channel_id_count()); std::string host3(""); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key3; error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host3, &key3, callback.callback(), &request); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request.is_active()); error = callback.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(3, service_->channel_id_count()); EXPECT_FALSE(KeysEqual(key1.get(), key2.get())); EXPECT_FALSE(KeysEqual(key1.get(), key3.get())); EXPECT_FALSE(KeysEqual(key2.get(), key3.get())); } // Tests an inflight join. TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, InflightJoin) { std::string host(""); int error; std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key1; TestCompletionCallback callback1; ChannelIDService::Request request1; std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key2; TestCompletionCallback callback2; ChannelIDService::Request request2; error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key1, callback1.callback(), &request1); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request1.is_active()); // Should join with the original request. error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key2, callback2.callback(), &request2); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request2.is_active()); error = callback1.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); error = callback2.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(2u, service_->requests()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, service_->key_store_hits()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, service_->inflight_joins()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, service_->workers_created()); } // Tests an inflight join of a Get request to a GetOrCreate request. TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, InflightJoinGetOrCreateAndGet) { std::string host(""); int error; std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key1; TestCompletionCallback callback1; ChannelIDService::Request request1; std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key2; TestCompletionCallback callback2; ChannelIDService::Request request2; error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key1, callback1.callback(), &request1); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request1.is_active()); // Should join with the original request. error = service_->GetChannelID(host, &key2, callback2.callback(), &request2); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request2.is_active()); error = callback1.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); error = callback2.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_TRUE(KeysEqual(key1.get(), key2.get())); EXPECT_EQ(2u, service_->requests()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, service_->key_store_hits()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, service_->inflight_joins()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, service_->workers_created()); } // Tests that the callback of a canceled request is never made. TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, CancelRequest) { std::string host(""); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key; int error; ChannelIDService::Request request; error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key, base::Bind(&FailTest), &request); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request.is_active()); request.Cancel(); EXPECT_FALSE(request.is_active()); // Wait for reply from ChannelIDServiceWorker to be posted back to the // ChannelIDService. NetTestSuite::GetScopedTaskEnvironment()->RunUntilIdle(); // Even though the original request was cancelled, the service will still // store the result, it just doesn't call the callback. EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->channel_id_count()); } // Tests that destructing the Request cancels the request. TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, CancelRequestByHandleDestruction) { std::string host(""); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key; int error; std::unique_ptr<ChannelIDService::Request> request( new ChannelIDService::Request()); error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key, base::Bind(&FailTest), request.get()); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request->is_active()); // Delete the Request object. request.reset(); // Wait for reply from ChannelIDServiceWorker to be posted back to the // ChannelIDService. NetTestSuite::GetScopedTaskEnvironment()->RunUntilIdle(); // Even though the original request was cancelled, the service will still // store the result, it just doesn't call the callback. EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->channel_id_count()); } TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, DestructionWithPendingRequest) { std::string host(""); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key; int error; ChannelIDService::Request request; error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key, base::Bind(&FailTest), &request); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request.is_active()); // Cancel request and destroy the ChannelIDService. request.Cancel(); service_.reset(); // ChannelIDServiceWorker should not post anything back to the // non-existent ChannelIDService, but run the loop just to be sure it // doesn't. base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); // If we got here without crashing or a valgrind error, it worked. } // Tests that making new requests when the ChannelIDService can no longer post // tasks gracefully fails. This is a regression test for TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, RequestAfterPoolShutdown) { service_->set_task_runner_for_testing( base::MakeRefCounted<base::NullTaskRunner>()); // Make a request that will force synchronous completion. std::string host(""); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key; int error; ChannelIDService::Request request; error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key, base::Bind(&FailTest), &request); // If we got here without crashing or a valgrind error, it worked. ASSERT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request.is_active()); } // Tests that simultaneous creation of different certs works. TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, SimultaneousCreation) { int error; std::string host1(""); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key1; TestCompletionCallback callback1; ChannelIDService::Request request1; std::string host2(""); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key2; TestCompletionCallback callback2; ChannelIDService::Request request2; std::string host3(""); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key3; TestCompletionCallback callback3; ChannelIDService::Request request3; error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host1, &key1, callback1.callback(), &request1); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request1.is_active()); error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host2, &key2, callback2.callback(), &request2); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request2.is_active()); error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host3, &key3, callback3.callback(), &request3); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request3.is_active()); error = callback1.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_TRUE(key1); error = callback2.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_TRUE(key2); error = callback3.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_TRUE(key3); EXPECT_FALSE(KeysEqual(key1.get(), key2.get())); EXPECT_FALSE(KeysEqual(key1.get(), key3.get())); EXPECT_FALSE(KeysEqual(key2.get(), key3.get())); EXPECT_EQ(3, service_->channel_id_count()); } TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, AsyncStoreGetOrCreateNoChannelIDsInStore) { MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet* mock_store = new MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet(); service_ = std::unique_ptr<ChannelIDService>(new ChannelIDService(mock_store)); std::string host(""); int error; TestCompletionCallback callback; ChannelIDService::Request request; // Asynchronous completion with no certs in the store. std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key; EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->channel_id_count()); error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key, callback.callback(), &request); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request.is_active()); mock_store->CallGetChannelIDCallbackWithResult(ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, nullptr); error = callback.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->channel_id_count()); EXPECT_TRUE(key); EXPECT_FALSE(request.is_active()); } TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, AsyncStoreGetNoChannelIDsInStore) { MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet* mock_store = new MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet(); service_ = std::unique_ptr<ChannelIDService>(new ChannelIDService(mock_store)); std::string host(""); int error; TestCompletionCallback callback; ChannelIDService::Request request; // Asynchronous completion with no certs in the store. std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key; EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->channel_id_count()); error = service_->GetChannelID(host, &key, callback.callback(), &request); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request.is_active()); mock_store->CallGetChannelIDCallbackWithResult(ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, nullptr); error = callback.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->channel_id_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, service_->workers_created()); EXPECT_FALSE(key); EXPECT_FALSE(request.is_active()); } TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, AsyncStoreGetOrCreateOneCertInStore) { MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet* mock_store = new MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet(); service_ = std::unique_ptr<ChannelIDService>(new ChannelIDService(mock_store)); std::string host(""); int error; TestCompletionCallback callback; ChannelIDService::Request request; // Asynchronous completion with a cert in the store. std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key; EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->channel_id_count()); error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key, callback.callback(), &request); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request.is_active()); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> expected_key( crypto::ECPrivateKey::Create()); mock_store->CallGetChannelIDCallbackWithResult(OK, expected_key.get()); error = callback.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->channel_id_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, service_->requests()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, service_->key_store_hits()); // Because the cert was found in the store, no new workers should have been // created. EXPECT_EQ(0u, service_->workers_created()); EXPECT_TRUE(key); EXPECT_TRUE(KeysEqual(expected_key.get(), key.get())); EXPECT_FALSE(request.is_active()); } TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, AsyncStoreGetOneCertInStore) { MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet* mock_store = new MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet(); service_ = std::unique_ptr<ChannelIDService>(new ChannelIDService(mock_store)); std::string host(""); int error; TestCompletionCallback callback; ChannelIDService::Request request; // Asynchronous completion with a cert in the store. std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key; std::string private_key, spki; EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->channel_id_count()); error = service_->GetChannelID(host, &key, callback.callback(), &request); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request.is_active()); std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> expected_key( crypto::ECPrivateKey::Create()); mock_store->CallGetChannelIDCallbackWithResult(OK, expected_key.get()); error = callback.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->channel_id_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, service_->requests()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, service_->key_store_hits()); // Because the cert was found in the store, no new workers should have been // created. EXPECT_EQ(0u, service_->workers_created()); EXPECT_TRUE(KeysEqual(expected_key.get(), key.get())); EXPECT_FALSE(request.is_active()); } TEST_F(ChannelIDServiceTest, AsyncStoreGetThenCreateNoCertsInStore) { MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet* mock_store = new MockChannelIDStoreWithAsyncGet(); service_ = std::unique_ptr<ChannelIDService>(new ChannelIDService(mock_store)); std::string host(""); int error; // Asynchronous get with no certs in the store. TestCompletionCallback callback1; ChannelIDService::Request request1; std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key1; EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->channel_id_count()); error = service_->GetChannelID(host, &key1, callback1.callback(), &request1); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request1.is_active()); // Asynchronous get/create with no certs in the store. TestCompletionCallback callback2; ChannelIDService::Request request2; std::unique_ptr<crypto::ECPrivateKey> key2; EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->channel_id_count()); error = service_->GetOrCreateChannelID(host, &key2, callback2.callback(), &request2); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsError(ERR_IO_PENDING)); EXPECT_TRUE(request2.is_active()); mock_store->CallGetChannelIDCallbackWithResult(ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, nullptr); // Even though the first request didn't ask to create a cert, it gets joined // by the second, which does, so both succeed. error = callback1.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); error = callback2.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_THAT(error, IsOk()); // One cert is created, one request is joined. EXPECT_EQ(2U, service_->requests()); EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->channel_id_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, service_->workers_created()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, service_->inflight_joins()); EXPECT_TRUE(key1); EXPECT_TRUE(KeysEqual(key1.get(), key2.get())); EXPECT_FALSE(request1.is_active()); EXPECT_FALSE(request2.is_active()); } } // namespace } // namespace net
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/common/throttling/task_queue_throttler.h" #include <cstdint> #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" #include "base/optional.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/base/real_time_domain.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/common/throttling/budget_pool.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/common/throttling/throttled_time_domain.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/main_thread/frame_scheduler_impl.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/main_thread/main_thread_scheduler.h" namespace blink { namespace scheduler { namespace { base::Optional<base::TimeTicks> NextTaskRunTime(LazyNow* lazy_now, TaskQueue* queue) { if (queue->HasTaskToRunImmediately()) return lazy_now->Now(); return queue->GetNextScheduledWakeUp(); } template <class T> T Min(const base::Optional<T>& optional, const T& value) { if (!optional) { return value; } return std::min(optional.value(), value); } template <class T> base::Optional<T> Min(const base::Optional<T>& a, const base::Optional<T>& b) { if (!b) return a; if (!a) return b; return std::min(a.value(), b.value()); } template <class T> T Max(const base::Optional<T>& optional, const T& value) { if (!optional) return value; return std::max(optional.value(), value); } template <class T> base::Optional<T> Max(const base::Optional<T>& a, const base::Optional<T>& b) { if (!b) return a; if (!a) return b; return std::max(a.value(), b.value()); } } // namespace TaskQueueThrottler::TaskQueueThrottler( RendererSchedulerImpl* renderer_scheduler, TraceableVariableController* tracing_controller) : control_task_queue_(renderer_scheduler->ControlTaskQueue()), renderer_scheduler_(renderer_scheduler), tracing_controller_(tracing_controller), tick_clock_(renderer_scheduler->tick_clock()), time_domain_(new ThrottledTimeDomain()), allow_throttling_(true), weak_factory_(this) { pump_throttled_tasks_closure_.Reset(base::BindRepeating( &TaskQueueThrottler::PumpThrottledTasks, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); forward_immediate_work_callback_ = base::BindRepeating(&TaskQueueThrottler::OnQueueNextWakeUpChanged, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); renderer_scheduler_->RegisterTimeDomain(time_domain_.get()); } TaskQueueThrottler::~TaskQueueThrottler() { // It's possible for queues to be still throttled, so we need to tidy up // before unregistering the time domain. for (const TaskQueueMap::value_type& map_entry : queue_details_) { TaskQueue* task_queue = map_entry.first; if (IsThrottled(task_queue)) { task_queue->SetTimeDomain(renderer_scheduler_->GetActiveTimeDomain()); task_queue->RemoveFence(); } if (map_entry.second.throttling_ref_count != 0) task_queue->SetObserver(nullptr); } renderer_scheduler_->UnregisterTimeDomain(time_domain_.get()); } void TaskQueueThrottler::IncreaseThrottleRefCount(TaskQueue* task_queue) { DCHECK_NE(task_queue, control_task_queue_.get()); std::pair<TaskQueueMap::iterator, bool> insert_result = queue_details_.insert(std::make_pair(task_queue, Metadata())); insert_result.first->second.throttling_ref_count++; // If ref_count is 1, the task queue is newly throttled. if (insert_result.first->second.throttling_ref_count != 1) return; TRACE_EVENT1("renderer.scheduler", "TaskQueueThrottler_TaskQueueThrottled", "task_queue", task_queue); task_queue->SetObserver(this); if (!allow_throttling_) return; task_queue->SetTimeDomain(time_domain_.get()); // This blocks any tasks from |task_queue| until PumpThrottledTasks() to // enforce task alignment. task_queue->InsertFence(TaskQueue::InsertFencePosition::kBeginningOfTime); if (!task_queue->IsQueueEnabled()) return; if (!task_queue->IsEmpty()) { LazyNow lazy_now(tick_clock_); OnQueueNextWakeUpChanged(task_queue, NextTaskRunTime(&lazy_now, task_queue).value()); } } void TaskQueueThrottler::DecreaseThrottleRefCount(TaskQueue* task_queue) { TaskQueueMap::iterator iter = queue_details_.find(task_queue); if (iter == queue_details_.end()) return; if (iter->second.throttling_ref_count == 0) return; if (--iter->second.throttling_ref_count != 0) return; TRACE_EVENT1("renderer.scheduler", "TaskQueueThrottler_TaskQueueUnthrottled", "task_queue", task_queue); task_queue->SetObserver(nullptr); MaybeDeleteQueueMetadata(iter); if (!allow_throttling_) return; task_queue->SetTimeDomain(renderer_scheduler_->GetActiveTimeDomain()); task_queue->RemoveFence(); } bool TaskQueueThrottler::IsThrottled(TaskQueue* task_queue) const { if (!allow_throttling_) return false; auto find_it = queue_details_.find(task_queue); if (find_it == queue_details_.end()) return false; return find_it->second.throttling_ref_count > 0; } void TaskQueueThrottler::ShutdownTaskQueue(TaskQueue* task_queue) { auto find_it = queue_details_.find(task_queue); if (find_it == queue_details_.end()) return; // Reset a time domain reference to a valid domain, otherwise it's possible // to get a stale reference when deleting queue. task_queue->SetTimeDomain(renderer_scheduler_->GetActiveTimeDomain()); task_queue->RemoveFence(); std::unordered_set<BudgetPool*> budget_pools = find_it->second.budget_pools; for (BudgetPool* budget_pool : budget_pools) { budget_pool->UnregisterQueue(task_queue); } // Iterator may have been deleted by BudgetPool::RemoveQueue, so don't // use it here. queue_details_.erase(task_queue); // NOTE: Observer is automatically unregistered when unregistering task queue. } void TaskQueueThrottler::OnQueueNextWakeUpChanged( TaskQueue* queue, base::TimeTicks next_wake_up) { if (!control_task_queue_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()) { control_task_queue_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(forward_immediate_work_callback_, base::RetainedRef(queue), next_wake_up)); return; } TRACE_EVENT0("renderer.scheduler", "TaskQueueThrottler::OnQueueNextWakeUpChanged"); // We don't expect this to get called for disabled queues, but we can't DCHECK // because of the above thread hop. Just bail out if the queue is disabled. if (!queue->IsQueueEnabled()) return; base::TimeTicks now = tick_clock_->NowTicks(); next_wake_up = std::max(now, next_wake_up); auto find_it = queue_details_.find(queue); if (find_it == queue_details_.end()) return; for (BudgetPool* budget_pool : find_it->second.budget_pools) { budget_pool->OnQueueNextWakeUpChanged(queue, now, next_wake_up); } // TODO(altimin): This probably can be removed —- budget pools should // schedule this. base::TimeTicks next_allowed_run_time = GetNextAllowedRunTime(queue, next_wake_up); MaybeSchedulePumpThrottledTasks( FROM_HERE, now, std::max(next_wake_up, next_allowed_run_time)); } void TaskQueueThrottler::PumpThrottledTasks() { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer.scheduler", "TaskQueueThrottler::PumpThrottledTasks"); pending_pump_throttled_tasks_runtime_.reset(); LazyNow lazy_now(tick_clock_); for (const auto& pair : budget_pools_) pair.first->OnWakeUp(lazy_now.Now()); for (const TaskQueueMap::value_type& map_entry : queue_details_) { TaskQueue* task_queue = map_entry.first; UpdateQueueThrottlingStateInternal(lazy_now.Now(), task_queue, true); } } /* static */ base::TimeTicks TaskQueueThrottler::AlignedThrottledRunTime( base::TimeTicks unthrottled_runtime) { const base::TimeDelta one_second = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1); return unthrottled_runtime + one_second - ((unthrottled_runtime - base::TimeTicks()) % one_second); } void TaskQueueThrottler::MaybeSchedulePumpThrottledTasks( const base::Location& from_here, base::TimeTicks now, base::TimeTicks unaligned_runtime) { if (!allow_throttling_) return; // TODO(altimin): Consider removing alignment here. base::TimeTicks runtime = std::max(now, unaligned_runtime) .SnappedToNextTick(base::TimeTicks(), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1)); DCHECK_LE(now, runtime); // If there is a pending call to PumpThrottledTasks and it's sooner than // |runtime| then return. if (pending_pump_throttled_tasks_runtime_ && runtime >= pending_pump_throttled_tasks_runtime_.value()) { return; } pending_pump_throttled_tasks_runtime_ = runtime; pump_throttled_tasks_closure_.Cancel(); base::TimeDelta delay = pending_pump_throttled_tasks_runtime_.value() - now; TRACE_EVENT1("renderer.scheduler", "TaskQueueThrottler::MaybeSchedulePumpThrottledTasks", "delay_till_next_pump_ms", delay.InMilliseconds()); control_task_queue_->PostDelayedTask( from_here, pump_throttled_tasks_closure_.GetCallback(), delay); } CPUTimeBudgetPool* TaskQueueThrottler::CreateCPUTimeBudgetPool( const char* name) { CPUTimeBudgetPool* time_budget_pool = new CPUTimeBudgetPool( name, this, tracing_controller_, tick_clock_->NowTicks()); budget_pools_[time_budget_pool] = base::WrapUnique(time_budget_pool); return time_budget_pool; } WakeUpBudgetPool* TaskQueueThrottler::CreateWakeUpBudgetPool(const char* name) { WakeUpBudgetPool* wake_up_budget_pool = new WakeUpBudgetPool(name, this, tick_clock_->NowTicks()); budget_pools_[wake_up_budget_pool] = base::WrapUnique(wake_up_budget_pool); return wake_up_budget_pool; } void TaskQueueThrottler::OnTaskRunTimeReported(TaskQueue* task_queue, base::TimeTicks start_time, base::TimeTicks end_time) { if (!IsThrottled(task_queue)) return; auto find_it = queue_details_.find(task_queue); if (find_it == queue_details_.end()) return; for (BudgetPool* budget_pool : find_it->second.budget_pools) { budget_pool->RecordTaskRunTime(task_queue, start_time, end_time); } } void TaskQueueThrottler::UpdateQueueThrottlingState(base::TimeTicks now, TaskQueue* queue) { UpdateQueueThrottlingStateInternal(now, queue, false); } void TaskQueueThrottler::UpdateQueueThrottlingStateInternal(base::TimeTicks now, TaskQueue* queue, bool is_wake_up) { if (!queue->IsQueueEnabled() || !IsThrottled(queue)) { return; } LazyNow lazy_now(now); base::Optional<base::TimeTicks> next_desired_run_time = NextTaskRunTime(&lazy_now, queue); if (CanRunTasksAt(queue, now, is_wake_up)) { // Unblock queue if we can run tasks immediately. base::Optional<base::TimeTicks> unblock_until = GetTimeTasksCanRunUntil(queue, now, is_wake_up); DCHECK(unblock_until); if (!unblock_until || unblock_until.value() > now) { queue->InsertFenceAt(unblock_until.value()); } else if (unblock_until.value() == now) { queue->InsertFence(TaskQueue::InsertFencePosition::kNow); } else { DCHECK_GE(unblock_until.value(), now); } // Throttled time domain does not schedule wake-ups without explicitly // being told so. if (next_desired_run_time && next_desired_run_time.value() != now && next_desired_run_time.value() < unblock_until) { time_domain_->SetNextTaskRunTime(next_desired_run_time.value()); } base::Optional<base::TimeTicks> next_wake_up = queue->GetNextScheduledWakeUp(); // TODO(altimin, Find a testcase to repro freezes // mentioned in the bug. if (next_wake_up) { MaybeSchedulePumpThrottledTasks( FROM_HERE, now, GetNextAllowedRunTime(queue, next_wake_up.value())); } return; } if (!next_desired_run_time) return; base::TimeTicks next_run_time = GetNextAllowedRunTime(queue, next_desired_run_time.value()); // Insert a fence of an approriate type. base::Optional<QueueBlockType> block_type = GetQueueBlockType(now, queue); DCHECK(block_type); switch (block_type.value()) { case QueueBlockType::kAllTasks: queue->InsertFence(TaskQueue::InsertFencePosition::kBeginningOfTime); { // Braces limit the scope for a declared variable. Does not compile // otherwise. TRACE_EVENT1( "renderer.scheduler", "TaskQueueThrottler::PumpThrottledTasks_ExpensiveTaskThrottled", "throttle_time_in_seconds", (next_run_time - next_desired_run_time.value()).InSecondsF()); } break; case QueueBlockType::kNewTasksOnly: if (!queue->HasActiveFence()) { // Insert a new non-fully blocking fence only when there is no fence // already in order avoid undesired unblocking of old tasks. queue->InsertFence(TaskQueue::InsertFencePosition::kNow); } break; } // Schedule a pump. MaybeSchedulePumpThrottledTasks(FROM_HERE, now, next_run_time); } base::Optional<QueueBlockType> TaskQueueThrottler::GetQueueBlockType( base::TimeTicks now, TaskQueue* queue) { auto find_it = queue_details_.find(queue); if (find_it == queue_details_.end()) return base::nullopt; bool has_new_tasks_only_block = false; for (BudgetPool* budget_pool : find_it->second.budget_pools) { if (!budget_pool->CanRunTasksAt(now, false)) { if (budget_pool->GetBlockType() == QueueBlockType::kAllTasks) return QueueBlockType::kAllTasks; DCHECK_EQ(budget_pool->GetBlockType(), QueueBlockType::kNewTasksOnly); has_new_tasks_only_block = true; } } if (has_new_tasks_only_block) return QueueBlockType::kNewTasksOnly; return base::nullopt; } void TaskQueueThrottler::AsValueInto(base::trace_event::TracedValue* state, base::TimeTicks now) const { if (pending_pump_throttled_tasks_runtime_) { state->SetDouble( "next_throttled_tasks_pump_in_seconds", (pending_pump_throttled_tasks_runtime_.value() - now).InSecondsF()); } state->SetBoolean("allow_throttling", allow_throttling_); state->BeginDictionary("time_budget_pools"); for (const auto& map_entry : budget_pools_) { BudgetPool* pool = map_entry.first; pool->AsValueInto(state, now); } state->EndDictionary(); state->BeginDictionary("queue_details"); for (const auto& map_entry : queue_details_) { state->BeginDictionaryWithCopiedName(PointerToString(map_entry.first)); state->SetInteger("throttling_ref_count", map_entry.second.throttling_ref_count); state->EndDictionary(); } state->EndDictionary(); } void TaskQueueThrottler::AddQueueToBudgetPool(TaskQueue* queue, BudgetPool* budget_pool) { std::pair<TaskQueueMap::iterator, bool> insert_result = queue_details_.insert(std::make_pair(queue, Metadata())); Metadata& metadata = insert_result.first->second; DCHECK(metadata.budget_pools.find(budget_pool) == metadata.budget_pools.end()); metadata.budget_pools.insert(budget_pool); } void TaskQueueThrottler::RemoveQueueFromBudgetPool(TaskQueue* queue, BudgetPool* budget_pool) { auto find_it = queue_details_.find(queue); DCHECK(find_it != queue_details_.end() && find_it->second.budget_pools.find(budget_pool) != find_it->second.budget_pools.end()); find_it->second.budget_pools.erase(budget_pool); MaybeDeleteQueueMetadata(find_it); } void TaskQueueThrottler::UnregisterBudgetPool(BudgetPool* budget_pool) { budget_pools_.erase(budget_pool); } base::TimeTicks TaskQueueThrottler::GetNextAllowedRunTime( TaskQueue* queue, base::TimeTicks desired_run_time) { base::TimeTicks next_run_time = desired_run_time; auto find_it = queue_details_.find(queue); if (find_it == queue_details_.end()) return next_run_time; for (BudgetPool* budget_pool : find_it->second.budget_pools) { next_run_time = std::max( next_run_time, budget_pool->GetNextAllowedRunTime(desired_run_time)); } return next_run_time; } bool TaskQueueThrottler::CanRunTasksAt(TaskQueue* queue, base::TimeTicks moment, bool is_wake_up) { auto find_it = queue_details_.find(queue); if (find_it == queue_details_.end()) return true; for (BudgetPool* budget_pool : find_it->second.budget_pools) { if (!budget_pool->CanRunTasksAt(moment, is_wake_up)) return false; } return true; } base::Optional<base::TimeTicks> TaskQueueThrottler::GetTimeTasksCanRunUntil( TaskQueue* queue, base::TimeTicks now, bool is_wake_up) const { base::Optional<base::TimeTicks> result; auto find_it = queue_details_.find(queue); if (find_it == queue_details_.end()) return result; for (BudgetPool* budget_pool : find_it->second.budget_pools) { result = Min(result, budget_pool->GetTimeTasksCanRunUntil(now, is_wake_up)); } return result; } void TaskQueueThrottler::MaybeDeleteQueueMetadata(TaskQueueMap::iterator it) { if (it->second.throttling_ref_count == 0 && it->second.budget_pools.empty()) queue_details_.erase(it); } void TaskQueueThrottler::DisableThrottling() { if (!allow_throttling_) return; allow_throttling_ = false; for (const auto& map_entry : queue_details_) { if (map_entry.second.throttling_ref_count == 0) continue; TaskQueue* queue = map_entry.first; queue->SetTimeDomain(renderer_scheduler_->GetActiveTimeDomain()); queue->RemoveFence(); } pump_throttled_tasks_closure_.Cancel(); pending_pump_throttled_tasks_runtime_ = base::nullopt; TRACE_EVENT0("renderer.scheduler", "TaskQueueThrottler_DisableThrottling"); } void TaskQueueThrottler::EnableThrottling() { if (allow_throttling_) return; allow_throttling_ = true; LazyNow lazy_now(tick_clock_); for (const auto& map_entry : queue_details_) { if (map_entry.second.throttling_ref_count == 0) continue; TaskQueue* queue = map_entry.first; // Throttling is enabled and task queue should be blocked immediately // to enforce task alignment. queue->InsertFence(TaskQueue::InsertFencePosition::kBeginningOfTime); queue->SetTimeDomain(time_domain_.get()); UpdateQueueThrottlingState(lazy_now.Now(), queue); } TRACE_EVENT0("renderer.scheduler", "TaskQueueThrottler_EnableThrottling"); } } // namespace scheduler } // namespace blink
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/******************************************************************************* * * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef I40IW_VERBS_H #define I40IW_VERBS_H struct i40iw_ucontext { struct ib_ucontext ibucontext; struct i40iw_device *iwdev; struct list_head cq_reg_mem_list; spinlock_t cq_reg_mem_list_lock; /* memory list for cq's */ struct list_head qp_reg_mem_list; spinlock_t qp_reg_mem_list_lock; /* memory list for qp's */ int abi_ver; }; struct i40iw_pd { struct ib_pd ibpd; struct i40iw_sc_pd sc_pd; atomic_t usecount; }; struct i40iw_hmc_pble { union { u32 idx; dma_addr_t addr; }; }; struct i40iw_cq_mr { struct i40iw_hmc_pble cq_pbl; dma_addr_t shadow; }; struct i40iw_qp_mr { struct i40iw_hmc_pble sq_pbl; struct i40iw_hmc_pble rq_pbl; dma_addr_t shadow; struct page *sq_page; }; struct i40iw_pbl { struct list_head list; union { struct i40iw_qp_mr qp_mr; struct i40iw_cq_mr cq_mr; }; bool pbl_allocated; u64 user_base; struct i40iw_pble_alloc pble_alloc; struct i40iw_mr *iwmr; }; #define MAX_SAVE_PAGE_ADDRS 4 struct i40iw_mr { union { struct ib_mr ibmr; struct ib_mw ibmw; struct ib_fmr ibfmr; }; struct ib_umem *region; u16 type; u32 page_cnt; u32 page_size; u64 page_msk; u32 npages; u32 stag; u64 length; u64 pgaddrmem[MAX_SAVE_PAGE_ADDRS]; struct i40iw_pbl iwpbl; }; struct i40iw_cq { struct ib_cq ibcq; struct i40iw_sc_cq sc_cq; u16 cq_head; u16 cq_size; u16 cq_number; bool user_mode; u32 polled_completions; u32 cq_mem_size; struct i40iw_dma_mem kmem; spinlock_t lock; /* for poll cq */ struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl; }; struct disconn_work { struct work_struct work; struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; }; struct iw_cm_id; struct ietf_mpa_frame; struct i40iw_ud_file; struct i40iw_qp_kmode { struct i40iw_dma_mem dma_mem; u64 *wrid_mem; }; struct i40iw_qp { struct ib_qp ibqp; struct i40iw_sc_qp sc_qp; struct i40iw_device *iwdev; struct i40iw_cq *iwscq; struct i40iw_cq *iwrcq; struct i40iw_pd *iwpd; struct i40iw_qp_host_ctx_info ctx_info; struct i40iwarp_offload_info iwarp_info; void *allocated_buffer; atomic_t refcount; struct iw_cm_id *cm_id; void *cm_node; struct ib_mr *lsmm_mr; struct work_struct work; enum ib_qp_state ibqp_state; u32 iwarp_state; u32 qp_mem_size; u32 last_aeq; atomic_t close_timer_started; spinlock_t lock; /* for post work requests */ struct i40iw_qp_context *iwqp_context; void *pbl_vbase; dma_addr_t pbl_pbase; struct page *page; u8 active_conn:1; u8 user_mode:1; u8 hte_added:1; u8 flush_issued:1; u8 destroyed:1; u8 sig_all:1; u8 pau_mode:1; u8 rsvd:1; u16 term_sq_flush_code; u16 term_rq_flush_code; u8 hw_iwarp_state; u8 hw_tcp_state; struct i40iw_qp_kmode kqp; struct i40iw_dma_mem host_ctx; struct timer_list terminate_timer; struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl; struct i40iw_dma_mem q2_ctx_mem; struct i40iw_dma_mem ietf_mem; struct completion sq_drained; struct completion rq_drained; }; #endif
2017-05-12 08:32:58+10:00
/* Driver for Realtek PCI-Express card reader * Header file * * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see <>. * * Author: * Wei WANG ( * Micky Ching ( */ #ifndef __REALTEK_RTSX_TRACE_H #define __REALTEK_RTSX_TRACE_H struct rtsx_chip; #ifdef _MSG_TRACE void _rtsx_trace(struct rtsx_chip *chip, const char *file, const char *func, int line); #define rtsx_trace(chip) \ _rtsx_trace(chip, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__) #else static inline void rtsx_trace(struct rtsx_chip *chip) { } #endif #endif /* __REALTEK_RTSX_TRACE_H */
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_UI_COCOA_DEV_TOOLS_CONTROLLER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_UI_COCOA_DEV_TOOLS_CONTROLLER_H_ #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h" #include "chrome/browser/devtools/devtools_window.h" @class FocusTracker; @class DevToolsContainerView; class Profile; namespace content { class WebContents; } // A class that handles updates of the devTools view within a browser window. // It swaps in the relevant devTools contents for a given WebContents or removes // the view, if there's no devTools contents to show. @interface DevToolsController : NSObject { @private // A view hosting docked devTools contents. base::scoped_nsobject<DevToolsContainerView> devToolsContainerView_; base::scoped_nsobject<FocusTracker> focusTracker_; } - (id)init; // This controller's view. - (NSView*)view; // Depending on |contents|'s state, decides whether the docked web inspector // should be shown or hidden and adjusts inspected page position. // Returns true iff layout has changed. - (BOOL)updateDevToolsForWebContents:(content::WebContents*)contents withProfile:(Profile*)profile; @end #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_UI_COCOA_DEV_TOOLS_CONTROLLER_H_
2018-04-07 23:43:03+00:00
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_PUBLIC_BROWSER_WEB_UI_CONTROLLER_H_ #define CONTENT_PUBLIC_BROWSER_WEB_UI_CONTROLLER_H_ #include "base/strings/string16.h" #include "content/common/content_export.h" class GURL; namespace base { class ListValue; } namespace content { class RenderFrameHost; class WebUI; // A WebUI page is controller by the embedder's WebUIController object. It // manages the data source and message handlers. class CONTENT_EXPORT WebUIController { public: explicit WebUIController(WebUI* web_ui) : web_ui_(web_ui) {} virtual ~WebUIController() {} // Allows the controller to override handling all messages from the page. // Return true if the message handling was overridden. virtual bool OverrideHandleWebUIMessage(const GURL& source_url, const std::string& message, const base::ListValue& args); // Called when a RenderFrame is created. This is *not* called for every // page load because in some cases a RenderFrame will be reused, for example // when reloading or navigating to a same-site URL. virtual void RenderFrameCreated(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host) {} WebUI* web_ui() const { return web_ui_; } private: WebUI* web_ui_; }; } // namespace content #endif // CONTENT_PUBLIC_BROWSER_WEB_UI_CONTROLLER_H_