11 values
emergency contraception
"this pill works! i decided to share my experience with you because when i had unprotected sex i was searching like crazy to find out a solution. firstly, i had unprotectes sex august 20th, and the next day i swear, i was extremely anxious and nervous, i was about to die.. i took ella 30 hours after, and after some days i decided that what i could do, is wait... so i stoped worrying and became comfortable, and i was waiting for my period.. finally it came a week late. so, because i know the struggle, do not panic, this pill is very very effective because you dont get pregrant immidietly.. but remember to always have protected case you dont ..there's ella xx"
emergency contraception
"my husband and i experienced a broken condom mishap. i took it an hour after the incident.this happened 3 days before i expected my period. my period finally came 5 days late, but it was effective. i did not experience any side effects."
"slow but good progress. has definitely improved the head hunger and cravings which in turn helps with food choices, amount of food and cravings. down 20ls in 4 months without extreme dieting, just cut back and count calories"
"initially i started on citalopram 20 mg once a day. it was great for anxiety and my depression but i had no sex drive at all. my doctor changed me to effexor 75 mg once a day for long term and was taking lorazepam 1mg as needed. my anxiety was not controlled. i had to take my lorazepam up to 3 times a day. spoke to my doctor and i stayed on the effexor but he switched me over to clonazepam 1 mg twice daily as needed. lorazepam has a short life but clonazepam stays in your system way longer. ever since i started on the clonazepam i feel so much better. there are days i only take 1mg at night and that's all i need."
birth control
"i got the implant put in mid september and had it taken out in february five months later. the insertion was fine in the doctors office and did not hurt at all. major bruising and tenderness was the only side effect. my doctor told me a few side effects and that most women get used to the implant within 4 months or less and bleeding goes back to normal. however i was on my period from the time i got the implant until the day i got it taken out. it caused me to have horrible mood swings and it made me very short with people. i noticed i got mad at little things and just was moody a lot. no other side effects. my doctor recommended it be taken out because i had not stopped bleeding. a great birth control but just wasn't for my body."
"i thought that this would clear up my face, (was hoping at least), and it didn't. i mean i break out just like i did before and it's annoying, however if you don't have acne and you want a good birth control i highly recommend this because it really does do it's job. my periods are always on time, and they aren't unbearable at all. i think i gained weight, but then it went away. so it didn't affect my acne, and i think it's a good birth control."
"this is the only thing that helps me fall asleep and stay asleep, and i have tried everything. i started out at 15 mg, but then cut back to 7.5 which worked fine. i highly recommend this one."
weight loss
"i've been on this for 4 weeks and have dropped 14 pounds. i am so happy. the worst side effect for me has been the dry mouth. i've been chewing a lot of sugar-free gum. it's worth it to me, though. it has suppressed my appetite. the world doesn't revolve around me stuffing my face now. i have more energy to take the dogs out for walks. just can't see me dragging all this weight around for the rest of my natural days."
"i'm on my 3rd month of claravis 40 mg. i take 2 tablets once a day. i have had acne since i was 9. i have tried every cream, pill prescribed by my doctor, and various facial treatments. claravis is the only thing that has ever worked for me. i am on month 3 and the only time i break out is at the end of the month when i start my period. the pills are worth the side effects. i do have chapped and bloody lips, vaseline is my best friend,and i have had back pain in my lower back since month 2 of claravis. i don't know if it's related to the pills, but i did notice several folks on the board had the same pains. still for a person that's had blackheads, whiteheads, scars, and pimples all over my body since i was a kid, it's totally worth it."
"i rarely ever write reviews, but i felt compelled to share my experience because acne has been a very traumatic part of my life. i have always struggled with acne. i got it when i turned 13 and it was pretty sever during my teen years. it subsided during late-teens and early 20s, but it made a comeback just recently now that i am 25. when enough was enough, i went to my doc and he prescribed me this. if i could marry this product, i would (lol!). it worked instantaneously on my skin. i barely had a "purge". my skin literally cleared up within a few days. it was red/dark and really dry for the first week, but after 5 days of using it.. i kid you not, all of my acne disappeared!!"
"i have taken lexapro for 10 years. i had severe depression/anxiety and was put on lexapro and xanax-(initially). if i skipped or i didn't take my lexapro on time, i would have a bad bought of anxiety within a day. too much or double up, and my brain was on fire and severe anxiety. but, it has been a life saver. i am totally myself with no weird thoughts or dreams and am happy! your body will let you know when you should lower your dosage, but that will take a while, like years (headaches were my symptoms). note for women, i still felt off right before my period. my doctor added the mini pill for the estrogen and now i am 100% all month. p.s. watch some of the generics, some have bad side effects!!!!"
emergency contraception
"this will work. do not stress. i cannot say that enough. i have taken plan b twice. both times i took it because the condom broke (without us realizing) and my boyfriend came inside me. also, both times were during the portion of my cycle when i was pretty fertile. my advice: take it as soon as possible! i always took the pill within 3 hours after the condom broke (24hr pharmacies rock lol). however, manyyy of my friends have taken it a day or two after and they have all been fine too. but save yourself the extra stress and just take it as soon as possible! :) ignore the negative posts. the people saying it hasn't worked are probably lying pro-life wackos or people who took it like 5 days after the incident. you'll be fine!!"
birth control
"i'm 34 years old with 2 kids. i had the paragard iud inserted 3 & 1/2 yrs ago shortly after the birth of my 2nd child. the procedure was quick. i experienced a little discomfort but nothing unbearable. fast forward to 2016, i requested my gyn remove the paragard iud today. it took all of 30 seconds to remove but did leave me spotting. my reasons to remove included the following: 1) shortly before my period i would spot for approximately 3-4 days and then proceed to bleed for a minimum of 9 days 2) constant vaginal discharge which resulted in me having to wear a panty liner daily and 3) since it's insertion, my cravings for sugar have tremendously increased. after 3 years, i finally just had enough of dealing with these side effects."
birth control
"i started this birth control about 3 months ago & i personally think it's awful ! the first month, i had really bad nausea, car sickness & breakouts. i still continue to break out all the time, randomly have nausea, especially in the mornings, & being out in the heat makes me nauseous and gives me migraines (not sure if that's from the medicine, but started about the time i started taking it). i also have lost 10 pounds & can not seem to gain it back, which is abnormal for me! i absolutely hate this medicine & will be switching here soon !"
birth control
"i have been on nuvaring for 6 months now and i love the ease of it. i recently got married and tried to lose weight but ended up gaining 10 pounds and have noticed a decrease in lubrication. i have not had this problem with other contraceptives, so i think this will be the end of the nuvaring for me."
"my experience with actiq was like a miracle. i get many, very severe migraines, especially when i am in a stressful, rushed situation. some of these occasions are holidays, birthdays, etc. i would try to prepare ahead of time, but frequently i would get a migraine. when a bad migraine doesn't abate after the usual rescue and pain management medicines, i would take actiq, without it i can't participate with my family to help with any preparations, spend any time with them, and can't even sit down to have a meal with them. after several times of a ruined holiday or special times with family, they either forget you or resent you. children don't understand at all. so, the next time there's a special event, you get nervous thinking of it."
"solodyn is great, but unfortunately, the side effect aren't. this product has cleared up my skin, but i had to stop taking it due to its side effects. it made me really itchy, gave me yeast infections, and hives."
weight loss
"started taking on 2/7/2016 as well as vitamin shots from a weight loss clinic and a 1200 calorie diet. starting weight 243lbs. i am 5'5 and 30 yrs old. since starting i have experience more energy, less hunger and i have lost 6lbs in 3 days. it is hard for me to get 1200 calories in. i do a meal replacement bar at breakfast with the medicine and a shake at lunch. dinner is my only real meal. i have yet to find the time to get the gym (i was going prior). i am extremely thirsty all day my intake is in excess of 130 ozs daily. prior i was at 60oz. my heart rate has increased but not to an alarming level. will update after full month"
birth control
"i was birth control-less for about one year prior to trying nexplanon. during that year i struggled a lot with acne, it just seemed to keep getting worse. my doctor suggested the implant because it steadys the hormones instead of having that spike of hormones before my period. reluctant at first, i finally gave it a shot. it's been 4 months since the implant was inserted and i have very few complaints. my only complaints would be that my 3rd and 4th period have been 1 full week to 2 full weeks long, but very light bleeding all throughout it and i was severely emotional the first week of my first period. since i've started using nexplanon my acne had cleared and i have had hardly any breakouts. i love it."
"sexually frustrated me and i was a little bit aggressive coming onto it. everyone has a specific anti-depressant that will work for them. it's all trial and error. however, even though it didn't work for me, i'm a fan of the medication. prozac, however, did the job."
"my face was breaking out so badly that i didn't even want to look in the mirror, blavk heads horrible cysts i tried using a homemade mixture for my face which did nothing. my doctor later prescribed onexton and ziana gel onexton in the morning ziana at night i had no idea that after applying the onexton and the ziana to moisturize my skin, so after two weeks of use my skin was red peeling n painful, so i decided to stop using it for a week and get m skin hydrated, than i went back to using the products, i've been using it for about 3 months now and it's cleared all the acne away and all the excess dead skin is gradually coming off. it takes time to see a major difference but i seen my difference within 1 1/2 months . i would recommend both."
"i have tried everything from proactive to skin i.d to murad and nothing has worked for my acne until i got on yaz. however, don't be discouraged because it does take a couple weeks to months for your body to adjust to the hormones and essentially your skin may worsen. i was on the pill for about a year and literally never had to worry about a breakout. i got off for about 8 months and just started back on it a week ago because my skin started to get really bad again. my face is the worst i've ever seen it right now but i know sticking with it will be worth it. it is so hard dealing with acne and there are nights when i just cry to my mom because i don't even want to show my face in public. but trust me yaz is worth the wait so stick it out."
birth control
"i've had the implanon for just over a year now, and it's been very effective in preventing pregnancy. i originally went on it because i kept forgetting to take the pill and was always paranoid. i get spotting often and light but frequent periods, which is annoying. also, my skin isn't good these days and i believe that it's due to the implanon. i did not gain weight, actually lost 5kgs, however i've been eating well and exercising. i can't imagine weight gain occurring if a person is active and eating well. no change in moods - i was already irritable prior. think i'm going to have this taken out to balance my hormones."
birth control
"no significant weight gain, no cramping during period, period lasts for a shorter amount of time, no heavy bleeding (no spotting, either). overall, i'm very happy with ocella. i'm 24 and have been taking it for 5 years. at this point, i'm not even sure how my body would react to not being on birth control since it has been so long."
bipolar disorde
"cymbalta for me has been very beneficial in treating the anxiety/depression periods of type 1 bipolar disorder. some say antidepressant medicines can cause adverse reaction in bipolar patients leading to manic episode, but it didn't with me. it worked better over a long period, the negative effects when first starting the medication, and when stopping, can be quite bad (head spins, nausea, dry mouth, very tired, etc.) and can take a while to subside. i experienced many positive effects after being crippled with depression/anxiety for sometime. biggest advice - do not stop taking suddenly and do not miss doses. decrease dosage slowly (speak to your doctor)."
birth control
"i've been on kariva for 7 years now and have loved it! i used to have the worst periods ever, going through tampons and pads every hours, but now my periods are light and less painful. sure, i get moody once a month, but i am a person, right? but everyone is different, and this pill has always worked for me."
birth control
"on january 13, 2008 i had my mirena inserted. it was painless and i had no cramping in the days to follow. what i did have was 8 solid months of spotting. enough to need a light tampon while i was awake and a pad while i slept. all the while my depression got worse, my face broke out, i lost my libido, i gained weight and my stomach bloated. i gained a total of 30 pounds between 1/13/08 and 8/09. july '09 is when i started lactating...a new side effect of the mirena. on 8/16/09 i had my mirena removed and it was the best thing i've ever done, painless and within a week most of my symptoms were almost totally gone. i'm still lactating and have to lose about 10 more pounds. at least it did it's job preventing pregnancy."
"hello everyone.i was prescribed this medication,for neuropathic pain,widespread head to toe muscle and skin pain( allodynia),and vulvodynia this medication did nothing to ease my pain it just made me feel horrible, my hands and feet was burning with pain just as bad as before the medication and remained as sick as i was had disturbing nightmares with it every single night, and daytime fatigue,then was prescribed imipramine 50mg similar medication also a tricyclic, and wow did it take a lot of my pain away..feeling like a human again,also i sleep like a baby without having to worry about nightmares,and my bladder burning pain and urgency completely diminished.i highly advise anyone with severe pain to try saved my life big time"
birth control
"i am in my last week of the 2nd pack. 1st my period this month was only 3 days which was awesome. i've never had a 3 day period before, ever! however, the next week i had break through bleeding for 11 straight days. the cramping was bad and i had acne like crazy. i was supposed to have gotten my period yesterday and it hasn't came yet and i am never late. i know i'm not pregnant because i couldn't have any sex since i was bleeding nearly the whole month. i know i have to wait another month for everything to get normal. so lets just hope and pray for better results 3rd pack. will update soon."
birth control
"i started the patch a few months ago from my high school's health center and it was completely free! since i have started it, i completely forget that it's even on me. it's like a little sticker, and i have reminders to change it every week. i'm forgetful, so the pill wouldn't have worked as well as the patch has. i would recommend this to anybody!"
emergency contraception
"i had protected intercourse a day before my scheduled period and the condom broke. i freaked out and it was the 1st time it have ever happened to me. so within a hour i took plan b one step and later on that day i experienced nausea, tiredness, a little diarrhea and tender breasts. so within 5 days (my period came on 5 days late). i had bleeding and cramping, the bleeding lasted for 6 days (i'm guessing the 6 day bleeding will be considered a period). it have been a month since the mishap, now i'm waiting for my scheduled period for this month(december). it says it will cause menstrual changes, so now i just have to wait."
"i have been taking generic eszopiclone 3mg for several years and haven't had a problem until i the pharmacy changed manufacturers to orchid. the orchid pill does not put me to sleep. i have had no problem with teva manufactured eszopiclone. it works just like it's should. within 30 mins of taking it, i'm asleep. a year ago i was given dr reddys manufactured and it did not put me to sleep either. so far the only generic that works for me is teva. i have a flag on my account at the pharmacy that i prefer teva but they apparently ran out of it last week!!? they gave me orchid and i haven't had a good nights sleep's really crazy to have an approved generic that doesn't work!!"
birth control
"i was extremely nervous about taking this bc. this is my first bc pill i've taken and it's been great. i just finished my first pack and all i can say is i weigh less and my period was super light! before bc, my periods were like 4 days long. on birth control, it was literally a day. i didn't have any mood swings or depression. i do feel like it increased my anxiety a tad bit. always remember, when looking for the right bc for you, never put too much into these reviews. try it out for yourself."
"i would give it a 10 but will err towards conservative and give a 9; only because it has a high abuse potential and humans are inherently prone to some type of addiction. it has pretty much no side effects if taken as directed for adult add and after 5 years on it, i feel it has stabilized me more than any others. adderall is second place for me but it is more likely to make me irritable after therapeutic effects wane for the day. i have taken desoxyn before and fell asleep!"
bipolar disorde
"i was taking seroquel xr for 5 months and was doing fine. then my insurance switched me to risperdal and i don't like it one bit. it doesn't do anything for me. i'm going back to the way i was before the seroquel."
birth control
"i've been on aviane for a little over a year. it works great as a birth control and is pretty inexpensive. i have gained weight, but i attribute it to the fact that i am no longer walking to school, and work a sedentary office job. my periods without birth control lasted only 4 days, but now they last a little more than a week, so that's no fun. my sex drive has decreased slightly but not too bad. overall i am glad i chose this product."
birth control
"i got the implanon at an early age of 17, in december of 2008. i had zero side effects and zero periods. it was awesome. towards the end of the four years, however, i started having severe breakouts that my dermatologist attributed to the birth control as it was ending its cycle. after it was removed i started a simpler form of birth control (a pill) and i hated it. i just had another implanon inserted last week."
birth control
"i had the nexplanon inserted in the beginning of may 2016. about 4 weeks later i started my period and it hasn't stopped for more than 3 days since! i cry all the time and feel like i want to rip everyone's face off when they even look at me funny. i'm actually crying as i write this because i feel so guilty about my attitude. it's like i wake up and cannot get into a good mood no matter what i do. my doctor put me on estrogen to try and stop my period and that worked. except i cry even more than normal now. i decided to go off of it for the day to see how i felt and i felt great! first time i've felt myself since i had it in, but then my period starting almost immediately. i cannot wait to get this out of my arm and be normal again!"
bipolar disorde
"i've been diagnosed with bipolar 1(runs in family)borderline personality, gen anxiety and epilepsy. i take 400 xr mg of serequal at night with 1mg lorazepam,60mg mirtazapine(snri), 10mg lexapro(ssri) in the morn, 1000mg of depakote in morn and 1300mg at night, 100mg of lamotrigine in morn and 200mg at night-before seroquel i still had the mania and depression although less intense due to my other med levels finally correct, but once on seroquel the length between phases has been much longer, and to a point even lessened the intensity of the highs and lows more , between phases i've felt more life, calmness, happy and much more. i totally recommend this drug. it's only major side effect for me has been weight gain(a lot of)"
birth control
"i started taking this medicine for its obvious indication as birth control, but also wanted to get on it for it's anti-androgenic properties. i've noticed crazy mood swings; i've had several anxiety attacks, and depression that has become out of control. i haven't really noticed a decrease in acne (although i never suffered from it to begin with, i still have the occasional couple zits on my chin). however, i have noticed a decrease in speed of growth of unwanted facial hair. decreased sex drive, nausea, and weight loss are also a side effect i have experienced. i am just now getting over the nausea. also--i had breakthrough bleeding for about 2 1/2 weeks. i'm going to try it a couple more months to see if i regulate the hormones better."
"i have struggled with insomnia for years. my biggest problem is either staying asleep or falling asleep. i worry a lot at night as well and can hear a pin drop when i'm asleep. i was taking benzos but found that i needed them almost every night and that started to worry me so my physician gave me lunesta to try. (i have tried ambien and ambien cr, both did the opposite for me and kept me up all night). i love lunesta. not only do i fall asleep comfortably, i stay asleep. it feels natural, not like i am drugged. i wake up refreshed and ready for my day. i don't even need to take it every night, i found that if i take it a few nights, i don't really need it the following nights. also i have not had the metal taste at all."
birth control
"maybe its just me but i absolutely love my mirena. some cramps and minor bleeding in the beginning as expected, no complaints, no side effects, my sex drive is way up (which i very much like) and was not the case when i was using the pill. love it."
birth control
"i've been taking jolessa for 8 months. my first 2 months went great after that everything went downhill. acne on my face, itching in certain areas and i've been having abnormal cycles. my cycle would come on twice a month and lasted about 10 days. cramps were horrible and it was heavy flow for everyday. it was some days i would just spot out of nowhere. this is one type of birth control pills i don't recommend."
birth control
"i'm using this pill for the second time -- for the last few years, i didn't need birth control as the man i was committed to had a vasectomy. the first time i used ortho tricyclen i was 18 and continued use until 21. now i'm 25 and have been using it again for 2 months now. i love this pill! the only negatives i've experienced have been very mild and include slight weight gain (5 lbs), but mainly in the breasts and hips (and whoever complained about looking more like an hourglass??), and i've also, after two periods on it, have noticed that my periods are more painful. it's not awful in my case, i never really had a problem with cramping anyway without the pill. but, my periods are very light, short (2-3 days), and manageable. no complaints!"
"this medication has completely changed my life. i was on 45 mg. mscontin and 10mg. percosets for breakthroughs and was breaking through every day, multiple times a day. then my doctor put me on fentanyl patches (generic duragesic), 25 mcg/hr., changed every 3 days. literally, my life changed overnight. pain is now down to "noise" level--yeah, i'm not 100% pain free, but no pain med can do that. now, i breakthrough maybe once over the 3-day period."
bipolar disorde
"hi, this is an updated experience. i have now been on vraylar for just under 2 months. once the side effects (pain!!! lack of sleep, blurred vision) wore off, it really became a miracle. even other people notice a difference. i did have to increase my dose, which caused severe tiredness and restlessness for a few days, but all in all it wasn't horrible. if you've been on stuff like geodon, the tiredness isn't even comparable, but definitely tired. my biggest issue is the weight gain. i have bed on top of bipolar and this has made my bed rear it's ugly head bad. but, my doctor wants me to keep with the meds because he feels it's a side effect that will wear off. overall, very happy with my improvement."
"i'm on my second week of claravis 20mg, 29yrs old. my first week was okay, until i get my period, and now i'm breaking out again. i always breakout around my period. i hope it gets better. maybe birth control pill will help my acne, but i don't want to take any birth control pills."
birth control
"i'm 18, no children but sexually active with my boyfriend. i have had skyla for 3 months now and i only have positives. insertion was uncomfortable, it didn't hurt. my face is clearer, i have less appetite, my periods are getting lighter and best of all im not a teen mom!"
birth control
"i've tried multiple birth control pills and the mirena, all of which either gave me horrible acne, mood swings, constant bleeding, or abdominal pain. i've now been on the generic of generess (kaitlib) for 4 months and have had a positive experience. i no longer have the horrible mood swings or extreme pms / pmdd symptoms that i did without birth control and on the other brands. no pregnancy, and i do take other prescriptions with it as well which have so far not interfered. the only side effects i've had are a higher appetite, slightly increased hair growth where i don't want it, and now that it cleared my facial acne, i have it on my butt.. never had to use face wash on my butt before now.."
"is expensive but takes the edge off. i use for l-spine djd and combine with 300mg neurontin for best effect. less problems with gastrointestinal upset without hassle of narcotics. some skin irritation (ask for a sample if you have sensitive skin). some trouble keeping in place."
bipolar disorde
"lithium was a god send. it elevated my mood to prevent suicidal thoughts and prevented manic episodes. i had to stop taking it because i had urinary problems unassociated with the lithium, but which were taxing my kidneys and my doctor suggested i stop taking it to prevent further damage. it was hard to stop taking because it worked so well for me. i miss it. i had no other symptoms except i liked water a lot more."
birth control
"i've been using ortho novum 777 for about 6 months now, i switched from the xulane patch that i had been using for 6 years. i thought the side effects from the xulane were just me until i switched. on xulane, i was experiencing heavy flow, migraines, mood swings, and a crazy sex drive, and was really hard for me to lose weight. now i no longer experience any migraines, mood swings and my sex drive seems a lot more normal. i also have only a 2-3 day light period. the first couple of days taking ortho novum 777, i experienced light nausea but after that no more. i am not sure if this pill had any effect on me losing weight since i started exercising and eating healthier at the same time but i've lost 27 lbs."
birth control
"i had to quit this medication because it made me agitated and very paranoid. i was to the point that i was going to quit my job and was convinced that my family was turning on me. i stopped and within 1.5 months everything resolved. i am now on ocella and it works great."
"i have interstitial cystitis for 15 yrs now. i have tried everything. lyrica worked great for pain but too many side effects. i am back to amitriptyline. works really well and very inexpensive versus thousands for lyrica. i even took it during my three pregnancies. all my babies healthy. dr said this medicine has been around so long that he was comfortable giving it to me during pregnancy for my pain."
weight loss
"5'11 and 255 lbs started three months ago. early days seemed like my weight loss was minimal but once i stuck with my diet and cleaned the cobwebs off the bike. then the weight came off 3.4 pounds per week average now 212 pounds and going strong. side effect a little dry mouth the rest of side effects never happened to me. it cost 75.00 and i would have got more if i knew this was going to happen."
"taking contrave for 3 months. lost 20 pounds. side effects cotton mouth, jitters, irritable, twitching, stomach cramps. all went away after 3 weeks except the cotton mouth. if you pay full price they have a program where you pay $70 for first 3 refills then $60 after that."
birth control
"i started using sprintec after requesting a pill that helped reduce acne. 1st month i was on the pill i was extremely nauseated without vomiting during the day. it gradually decreased and i currently experience no nausea at all in my 3rd month. literally the only other con of this pill is that i have gained about 5-7 lbs. which is significant for me because i am 5'0 and have always maintained the exact same weight. on the bright side, my skin is much clear with very few breakouts (they are somewhat more frequent when i am on my period). i have no cramps which is huge for me because they used to be almost debilitating. my bra cup size has also increase from a "b" to a "c", and i feel less moody while on my period."
"very positive experience w zoloft. literally has saved my life. i started on 50mg, not very helpful. maintained dose at 100mg for several years, but finally got courage to take 150mg, and it's been so helpful. i still get acute stress rxns once in a while (less than 1x/month) but my symptoms overall are vastly improved."
"i just started conclave today. hoping to see some results i'm 40 years old female and weight 275. this is the biggest i have been my entire life. i gained a large amount of weight after having to start estrogen for my menopause and i suffer from prolapse bladder hoping this will help me and prevent me from having to have surgery. seeing all the pros and cons makes helps me with understanding what i may go through. i will update every 2 weeks hopefully with good results!!"
birth control
"i started taking lutera because i had bad cramps and my doctor recommended it. and it is by far amazing. i've been on it for a year now and i haven't gained any weight, i have less acne, and i don't crumple up on the bed for a straight week anymore! but for the past few months, the day i start my period week my emotions have been everywhere. mostly with annoyance and frustration. i'd cry cause i couldn't get the lid off the jar of jelly. i would yell at someone cause they didn't hear what i said. it's only for the first few days i am on my period. (sometimes it happens if i forget a day also.) other than what is recent, lutera is very good."
emergency contraception
"so me and my boyfriend had sex, he thinks he ejaculated inside me so i took the plan b right away. the symptoms are terrible. i had lower abdominal pain, fatigue, dizziness nausea, i was so tired all i wanted to do was sleep. today is february 11 2017 just one day after i took the pill. it's a great backup but to be honest i will never take it again. i experienced all of the symptoms at the same time. not a great feeling."
birth control
"i had the original impalanon in for three years then had it removed to have my daughter , after i had her i wanted it back in but learned they now had nexplanon and figured i'd try it i didn't have problems with the other my periods even stopped . with this nexplanon i'm 22 and constantly feel like i'm going thru menapause my periods are so bad , weeks sometimes days before in suppose to start i get really bad heat flashes that make me sick !! i'm losing so much weight my wedding ring doesn't fit anymore , . i've also had a lot of depression with this , i almost feel as if i'm bipolar "
birth control
"i love tri-sprintec! it has regulated my cycle and cleared up my skin. the first couple of months i was a little nauseated when i took it, but that has gone away. this pill helped to balance out my hormones and actually helped me to lose weight. no complaints other than the 1-2 nights of nausea i experience when i start a new pack. oh, and it's free. "
"i need to be put on the list for a lung transplant and my pulmonogist said that i must lose 10 kg in 3 months to have an evaluation.i have been on victoza for 1 month and have lost 4kg. i started on 0.6 then increased to 0.10 and now i'm on 1.2. only once did i have nausea and a slight headache. i do not feel hungry and i believe that victoza works. i was on diabetes medicine tablets and insulin. i am still taking the tablet but have stopped the insulin. and now i'm slowly, very slowly finding the courage to exercise. keep a positive mind and try to focus and do things that will complimentary weigh loss and a happy life."
"this is really strange. my mom, who has alzheimers was given this drug to help her recover from a hysterectomy. we have found a definite connection between tylox and her alzheimers- it's greatly improved! she regained about 18 months of mental deterioration from the alzheimers after taking this drug. no one can understand why there's a connection. when she stopped taking tylox, her alzheimers once again became worse. when we restarted tylox, once again, her mental capacity improved tremendously."
birth control
"i took this medication hoping it would stop my periods as it claims. it's supposed to be a generic of lybrel. i took it for 8 months, never stopped my period. in fact, i had spotting and bleeding everyday. i also became emotional and moody."
"i've been taking desoxyn for 6 yrs now for adhd and trd (treatment resistant depression). before this i had been mostly bed bound for nearly twenty years due to severe depression until i switched pdocs. i am so glad i did! now when i wake up in the morning i have hope, and now i am actually happy to be alive. long ago i tried ritalin, but had only bad effects. i'm no longer a burden to my family! the day i started it was like a switch turned on and life turned around. i graduate from college soon and even have a fiance and friends. unbelievable! i tried so many things (inc ect) before this drug and can't understand why this wasn't tried first? if you have been suffering like me beg your doctor for this. i hope this helps someone."
"i've been taking this for approx. 2-3 months. it worked wonders! i can fall asleep any time i want which is great since i work a full-time night job and 5 hours before hand at another job. so falling asleep right away is key for me. but lately i've been feeling dizzy and nausea and a dull headache which can sometimes turn into a migraine. and after reading these side-effects i'm wondering if it's the pills. i'm gonna try to stop using them to see if that makes a difference. here's to hoping it works..but it'll suck as they have been very helpful."
"i feel like ativan saved my life! before getting it prescribed, i was sure i was going to have a heart attack. my chest was tight on a daily basis and i found for most of the day i could barely breathe without consciously thinking about it. i don't take ativan daily, only when i start to feel these symptoms. and within 10-15 minutes i forget that i was uncomfortable at all. no side effects, either. i would recommend it to anyone rather than a daily anti- depressant which is often prescribed for anxiety."
birth control
"hi guys! (insertion experience) 14. november 2017 first of all im a 25y old who never had a child. i just had the kyleena inserted 2 hours ago and i was terrified and anxious about it. i did the worst thing you could possible imagine.. reading all the bad reviews of course! this only made me even more nervous about the insertion. i prepared for a nightmare and took 1000mg of regular painkillers and 400mg of ibuprofen an hour before the insertion. it didn’t hurt at all.. they gave me some numbing shots prior to the insertion and it wasn’t painfull at all! i barely felt it. would even call it uncomfortable. now i’m cramping a bit. don’t let the bad reviews get into your head! 100% recommend! "
birth control
"i'm currently on my six month with xulane. i previously has ortho evra which i absolutely loved. however after it was discontinued i took 6 months of the pill and one month of no birth control to reset my hormones. i remember how much i loved ortho evra and how happy i was all the time. with xulane i have mood swings regularly and i exprience some weakness in my extremities sometimes. but i don't have irregular bleeding or migraines. i originally loved the ortho evra patch because my regular monthly migraines disappeared. now i only get them about once every three or four months. i am a bit more irritable then my last patch. maybe in a few months ill find an alternative patch. but for now i'm doing well on xulane."
birth control
"terrible. i remember being extremely moody, tired, nauseous and got headaches when i first started. it eventually evened out; however, my face broke out and if i missed a pill and had to take two i would vomit profusely. also i got spotting mid cycle. i finally decided to go off it and just after stopping it i got awful cramps and nausea. weeks later i'm finally starting to feel like myself."
birth control
"though expensive (i can usually find a coupon), i love this birth control! i noticed no weight gain or actually cleared up my skin. very short periods (4 days of inactive pills) usually last 2 days. recommended for sure, if covered by insurance or have the money."
"amazing drug, truly a life saver. the side effects suck, but if dry skin and lips is worth perfect skin, please consider this medicine. i was on accutane for 6 months at 60-80mg per day, and have been off of it for 4 months now. i haven't had one pimple in over 5 months, and my confidence has never been higher. life-saving drug. 10/10"
birth control
"i've had my nexplanon implant for about 2 years now, and i love it! i used to get depo shots regularly which worked for me, but it was not always convenient to have to go to pp to regularly get them. since i had such positive experiences with the depo (including completely stopped periods), i was recommended the nexplanon and it's been a great fit! i've never had children and never plan to. i'd like to have my tubes tied, but i think i would still keep the implant just due to the positive effects it has on my body. my periods used to be awful, leaving me stuck in bed with horrendous cramps and migranes. i would be in a lot of pain, my mood would be erratic and generally terrible, and the bleeding was uncontrollable. no more!"
"first post: i got contrave from my np a month ago with the scale down program. took me two weeks to even try it because i was so afraid of nausea. i am sensitive to nausea. week one was fine, no side effects to speak of. week two i have felt a twinge of nausea when i take the second pill at night. no biggie. this is my first diet medication of any kind and i am skeptical but i admit i may feel less cravings. maybe fuller faster. starting weight 321. wk 2 i am down to 309."
birth control
"i started taking aviane after experiencing horrible side effects from the first brand i was on. the only side effect i have experienced is nausea, so all i did was take my pill around supper time and it went away. i would definitely recommend aviane to someone looking for a good birth control pill. :)"
birth control
"i was on the patch for almost 6 years and didn't experience any bad side effects. it was perfect for someone as forgetful as myself. the only cons were the patch may fall off and a rash may develop where the patch was applied. two years ago, i switched to the nuvaring upon my doctor's recommendation. it was the wrong move. i was on nuvaring for 3-4 months and gained 10 lbs! from nuvaring, i started taking a pill upon my doctor's recommendation (once again!). i took it for 10 months and experienced terrible side effects, including weight gain and night sweats. as soon as i stopped taking the pill altogether, the night sweats stopped. however, my skin started freaking out. i will be consulting with my doctor again about the patch."
birth control
"i have had mirena for a year now and i'm loving it. insertion was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. i was up and ready to go as soon as my doctor was done. i had some cramping for about an hour afterward, but some ibuprofen and a heating pad knocked that out in no time. i had some heavy bleeding for about a week after, the light brownish spotting for about 3 weeks. the next 6 months i would have brownish spotting for about a day and a half when i was supposed to get my period, and my breasts would still get tender. since then no period, no pms, no period symptoms at all! i have gained weight, but i put that down to my own laziness as opposed to anything to do with the iud. my husband says occasionally that he can feel it during sex."
birth control
"this is my first birth control pill and have been on it going on 3months. aside from the fact that it seems to be working well with lighter & shorter periods, there are some negatives. it gives me terrible lingering headaches; which sometimes turn into migraines. it also makes me very nauseous. i feel dizzy & squeeze at times. with this said, i take it in the evenings before i go to bed, so i'm not awake during the instant side effects. i realized i have also been a bit irritable, gained weight and i have also been feeling very overwhelmed by things! with all of this said, maybe i will consider changing over. but each one has it's new side effects. so maybe i'll stick it out."
"no better adhd drug on the planet and i have tried them all. i started with cylert and wellbutrin in 1997. my life changed, i cannot even describe how much. i became the person i always knew i could be. 2005 the cure was taken off the market. after so many different drug attempts and extended periods without any medication. i'm now on vyvanse. let me tell you it does not hold a candle to cylert but i thought i was somewhat closer. i have done my research and the "cure" still exists. i was so happy to ready the above comments. i feel a little less alone."
"16 years old on solodyn and ziana for 3wks. my face has cleared up significantly. i have cystic acne, i started breaking out badly in sept of this year. i tried basically everything over the counter. my mom took me to a dermatologist and this is what he prescribed , so far it works. however , still wash with panoxyl am and pm and benzac for spot treatment. when my skin is vey dry i use yes to tomatoes moisturizer and daily repair treatment ."
"i was prescribed accutane when i was 17 years old for the first time. in the beginning of the treatment it got worse but after that it just got better and better and better. i am on another 4 month course. i am currently on my 6th week and my skin has just gotten bad breakouts but i know it will all clear up. accutane is the best thing anyone can ever do for themselves. it does have its side effects but so does everything in life. for the dryness i use blistex medicated lip ointment and clinique moisturizer. stick it out. it is all worth it at the end of the day. i love accutane."
"i do not like taking medicine but had extreme anxiety and trouble paying attention before. i wish i took this before been a few days and more so much more focused. i haven't misplaced phone or car keys"
bipolar disorde
"i have had bi-polar disorder for 38 years. i have tried several medications that i consider myself a "walking pharmacy." when gabapentin was added to my other medications, it was like night and day. my psychiatrist said gabapentin is not toxic to the liver...that was good news. i am on a 3000 mg. per day. gabapentin makes me sane and stable, i'm less irritable, i'm focused and motivated. i feel no side effects with gabapentin. in addition to therapy, gabapentin helps me manage symtoms of bipolar disease calms the raging "tsunami" in my head, nevertheless, i am still struggling with feelings of hopelessness and guilt. i severe memory loss, and a low depakote level in my blood"
birth control
"i have been on the patch for three weeks now and the first week was horrible i was very tired and nauseous and week 2 and 3 have been great and i'm sexually active and it has not affected me in any way in the area, the sex is still great. no period yet but this following week is my one week they suggest you keep the patch off and continue it the following week so let's see what happens."
emergency contraception
"i had unprotected sex (stupid i know) but he did pull out but i noticed i was in my ovulation days once i checked my app that tracks all of my periods and such. in all honestly i've been successful with the withdrawal method but being so close to ovulation scared me (you know with the whole pre-cum debate) so i went out the next day and purchased a plan b and immediately took it about 18 hours later. i didn't feel any side effects right away but a week later i got my period! (which came a week early) don't know if i needed it but i'd rather pay 40 dollars than risk it. :)"
birth control
"there's a lot of bad reviews on here, so i thought i'd offer my experience to balance it out. camila has been fine for me. switching from estrogen-based birth control to progestin-only i have noticed a few negative side effects. i have slightly more acne/greasier skin. i also have a lot more breast pain/tenderness when i pms than i did before. i hate having to remember it every day, and given the side effects, would go back on estrogen in a heartbeat. since that's not an option, this has worked out fine for me. i haven't noticed any weight gain or moodiness"
birth control
"i started this birth control after my insurance stopped covering loloestrine fe.. the first 2 months of this were a breeze. i had little to no symptoms, almost like i wasn't even on birth control. i finally reached my 3rd month and i am truly horrified by my experience with this bc. i am a sexually active woman and the symptoms i'm experiencing are making me feel like i may be pregnant even though i am not. it started with severe constipation, frequent urination, loss of appetite all together, nausea all day every day mostly at night. i truly can't take it anymore and i decided to stop this bc last night in hopes of the nausea stopping. if you are feeling this way please go to your gyno and seek a new pill. it's truly not worth this feeling"
"i have only been on this for about a month at 15mg. while daily suicidal thoughts are gone, i am emotionally dead. while i don't have feelings of doom and gloom...i also have no happy emotions. i feel nothing. i literally can't figure out what to do during the day, because nothing interests me or even makes me a little happy. i'm not sad...but feeling nothing is just as bad to me. husband keeps asking if i'm ok, a discussion about the kids today and he said "it seems like you don't care." i do..but i can't feel any of it. it's really bothering me. and i have read people say to wait it out...i'm just not sure i can. having an adverse reaction to prozac and trying to commit suicide on it, i get very nervous about meds. calling dr tomorrow"
birth control
"i'm 21, i've been on this pill for about 5 months now and it's been terrible. i got on this pill because i wouldn't get a period for about 4 or 5 months and when i finally got my period it was super heavy and cramps were unbearable. i now get a period every month and they are light, last 4-5 days, but i still get intense cramping. i also have dark brown spotting every month probably a week after my period and that lasts another week. but this month i have been spotting none stop and waking up with cramps everyday. ever since i started it i have also had the worst mood swings, crying at everything, been pushing my boyfriend away and it's been effecting our relationship badly, 0 sex drive and severe depression and making my anxiety worse."
"it's by far the most efficient medication for my depression and social anxiety with negligible abuse potential and no side effects, the problem is my psychiatrist refuses to prescribe it to me and even threatened to sue my gp over prescribing it to me for depression, she would rather have me on expansive inefficient shit with tons of side effects because of big pharma lobbying and money she gets from it...sick world we live in."
bipolar disorde
"i took saphris for over a full year along with wellbutrin, prozac and lamictal. i actually became worse since i have been on it. i would say that if you wish to only get a good nights rest, then this is for you, other than that i would not recommend this to anyone. it did not help my anxiety, mood swings or depression. i was switched to seroquel xr hopefully this will help. but not all of us have the same side effects so maybe saphris will work well for others."
birth control
"i have had this in for a little over a year and i hate it i have gained at least 20 lbs my hubs is always telling me that my mood had chances and i almost never want sex anymore. i don't feel myself ever. i'm getting it taken out as i type this. i always tell my friends i have it and i let them know that as of now it has done its job in holding off babies but other than that it sucks. ps according to my dr weight gain isn't a side effect i'm calling bs because everyone i know that has tried it says otherwise."
"complications from a first colo-rectal surgery had me in the or two additional times within a three week span. very painful. doc had me on meprozine for pain and valium for colon spasms. meprozine was very good at pain relief--kept me feeling drunk and out-of-it. side effects were extreme drowsiness, and blurred vision. "
birth control
"i've been on lutera for a year and i literally renewed my prescription today. it's so good that i'm scared to try anything else. i don't have any side effects. if anything else it has calmed me down a bit (i'm really emotional/anxious) i haven't had any weight gain or anything crazy. would recommend to anyone who is interested in trying birth control."
birth control
"this pull is awful. i've been on it for a year now, & my breast have gone from a b-d (not fun having to go buy all new bras) & they basically always have a tender feeling. i've gained about 15-20 pounds. i live a very active lifestyle & eat very well. i could literally starve myself & can't lose the weight i've gained from this pill. as well, the low sex drive is crazy. & don't miss your pill whatever you do. you will start spitting asap. i thought i was crazy until i read these post, & i'm so glad i'm not alone. oh, & i get horrible headaches now due to this pill."
"today is my third day on tenuate. i am taking the 75 mg once per day and have found that it works really well when i take it on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. i lost about 30 lbs on my own and then got stuck because i could not overcome being hungry all the time. so i went to a weight loss clinic and was prescribed this pill. in the last three days, i have had so much energy, no problems sleeping and my appetite has decreased enough that i can stick to my 1100 calories per day with no problem. i am already down 8 lbs. i know i won't lose like this every week, but it is nice to be out of the rut i was in!"
"i have anxiety disorder and ocd which has made me depressed over the years. i have tried various ssri's and some antipsychotics, none of which seemed to help with my overwhelming anxiety obsessional thoughts and compulsions. they also gave me unwanted side effects. i am very scared when it comes to taking medication, and will only take a pill if i really need too. the only thing that seems to help in easing my mind is klonopin! i have no noticeable side effects from taking it . it makes me feel like my old self, helps me to be focused and relaxed, and gives me the confidence to do more things. i would definitely recommend this medication for other anxiety sufferers out there."
"i was prescribed 5mg ambien after 3 months of not getting more than 2-3 hours of sleep in each 24 hour period. i had tried benadryl, hydroxyzine, and valium previously, all of which kept me wide awake. i took the 5mg right before bed, as instructed, and laid there awake all night. the next night i decided to try 1 1/2 (7.5 mg) as i keep reading horror stories about 10mg. i took it, waited about 10 minutes, then went to bed. it took me over an hour to fall asleep, but once i did, i'm thrilled to say i slept all night! unfortunately even after a full night of sleep it was very hard to wake up. i'd wake up then doze back off. that happened several times for about an hour. once i was able to wake up enough to get up, i was fine"