11 values
birth control
"getting implanon was the best thing i ever have done. i was bleeding almost every day for the last 3 years, they tried everything, even had surgery to try and see what was wrong. i'm 18 and way to young to lose those parts, so close to loss of hope i tried implanon, and haven't bled since, this was life changing for me. the insertion site was bruised for a little bit, but nothing painful. i am so thankful for this i would recommend this 100%!"
bipolar disorde
"best medicine ever for me. started with lithium after diagnosis for bipolar. lithium gave terrible side effects so after switching to depakote, life became much easier for a chemically challenged like me. took almost 1 year before 100%."
"i have had depression for over two years and have tried three other antidepressants with little to no success before using wellbutrin. i have taken wellbutrin for several months and it is the only antidepressant i've used that has given me no side effects and a signficantly improved mood. i still don't feel as driven and passionate about things as i once was, but at least i have some of my motivation and energy back, which is an improvement from none whatsoever. it's no cure, but i have gradually been feeling so much more emotionally stable since starting this medication."
"i am still in pain after breaking a bone in my hand over two months ago. it is still broken after one month in plaster. my hand is so swollen, my fingers won't bend. they cannot operate until swelling subsides. my doctor has prescribed 300 mg one a day. i have only taken one tablet."
"i use this for my pancreatitis, nash, and inflamed spleen. i have other health issues as well. currently this works far better than vicodin, or darvocet. those two did nothing for me with the pain, this at least takes the edge off, though. at times it does make me sleepy and drowzy at work."
emergency contraception
"i didn't even have intercourse, but there was a chance some sperm may have gotten onto my vulva area. 17 hours after this possibility, i took plan b one step. approximately 8 days later, i had some bright red bleeding for a few days. i was scared it was implantation bleeding, but also knew that a lot of women have withdrawal bleeding around this time. i took 4 pregnancy tests, all negative. my last period was july 7th and today, august 9th, my period finally started. i don't know how many hours of research i did or how many different health advisers or pharmacists i chatted with online, but they all reassured me it was highly unlikely i was pregnant. i have one test left, so i plan on using tomorrow morning, just to be certain."
emergency contraception
"just thought i'd share since it made me more comfortable reading other people's experiences before trying this pill! last period was august 3rd and had sex and the condom broke the day that period ended. i couldn't make myself buy the pill the night of because i was freaked out reading all the possible side effects! woke up the next morning very paranoid so i went and bought the pill! first day no side effects, next couple of days just cramps and backaches, next couple of days nausea at random times of the day (but it goes away after a while), and about a week after taking the pill i got my period! so two periods in a two week span, but i'll take it! ladies, just take the pill. the side effects are minimal!!! be relieved!!"
"i have taken many medications for anxiety and depression. this works just like klonopin for me right now. it takes the weight off your chest and removes my mental anxiety and even some of my physical side effects. i'm currently on 300mg a day and it's enough to calm me down and take the edge off. great medication."
birth control
"been taking this bc for a little over six months now. it's a huge upgrade from my previous bc (aubra). periods are always on time and short, usually about 3 or 4 days. only downfall i find with this prescription is the mood swings. my sex drive stayed pretty stable and haven't noticed any changes in weight (although i do believe my appetite has increased). overall, i recommend it."
"i've taken percocet for several short periods in my life such as fall resulting in herniated lumbar disc, very severely abscessed tooth that required surgery, post op for compound fracture of wrist, etc. most recently, for a post-op pain reliever (ankle surgery). i'm currently on this medicine. i've been prescribed the 7.5-325. its a wonderful pain reliever. causes minor itchiness all over and significant drowsiness (these are normal side effects) bothersome, but well worth relieving horrible pain! i do not get sleepless like i do on vicodin. actually, i am lulled to sleep when on this medicine. not only does it successfully control significant pain, it also gives the user a feeling of peaceful serenity."
birth control
"i got the mirena 3 days ago and i've had nothing but pain ever since. it's not severe pain, but bad cramps that don't go away, even with advil. the insertion was super painful and seemed to take forever, but that could have been because i had to get it done at a "teaching" clinic and the guy didn't know what he was doing. i'm 28, no kids. i like the idea of an iud but i just don't know if it's for me."
"i've tried just about everything on the market for depression, and i can tolerate almost none of them. the first dose i took of vilazodone was only 5 mg (cut a 10 mg in half), because i am extremely sensitive to medications. within a a couple hours, i had lost a lot of muscle control and felt very weak. it scared me, but i also felt incredibly calm and happy. once the side-effects wore off, i was afraid to take it again but intrigued at how good i felt. i then cut the 5 mg in half and have taken 2.5 mg for the past two days (you definitely need a pill splitter) i have had none of the muscle side effects, but definitely had intestinal upset this morning and a little drowsy. i am going to try taking it at night to see if this helps."
"i was addicted to opiates for years and when i went to treatment and came off of them was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders. zoloft has really helped with anxiety and depression. no urges to abuse opiates, a general good mood (it's not a euphoric thing, just a normal human feeling). only when i began taking it did i have side effects, and they were very mild. i felt overstimulated for a day or two and maybe had a few heart flutter feelings but after a few days no side effects and after a week or two no depression."
birth control
"i have had the bar for over 6 months now. for the first 6 months i experienced no bleeding with some cramping. (before being on bc i hardley ever experienced cramps & they were minor. my flow was regular, not too heavy.) i got my period about 3 weeks ago. it went on for 2 weeks before starting to lighten up, then suddenly got heavy and very painful. i have never experienced cramps like this, even when i messed up my cycle bad on the pill. i am in pain all day, sometimes i cant even move. made an appt with my doctor to talk about it, not sure yet if i will get it removed. i dont know what to do, i kept forgetting to take the pill on time so thats not an option for me, i just want my natural cycle back. might stop taking bc alltogether."
emergency contraception
"i had unprotected sex on september 9th, and took plan b six hours later. i have hormonal imbalances in the first place so the side effects made me hella exhausted and hungry. however, after the longest two weeks of my life, scrolling through this website and driving myself insane, i got my period this morning! trust me, this pill works. i know it's hard but try not to worry, or at least take your mind off it and let it do its work. at the end of the day, a $40 pill is way less expensive than a child."
"i felt better on a lower dose of this drug. once the "minimum effective dose" was reached, i felt really jittery and panicky. once i did my gene testing, i saw that for wellbutrin, if i take it at all, a lower dose is required."
"this is a wonderful drug. blue cross will cover other pain drugs but this is the only one that works for me, and i have tried them all. i take x3 80mg pills 3 times a day, with up to 8, 30mg morphine ir, and 8 norco 10/325. yes this is a lot of medication but it works. my doctor knows that i, a 26 year old male, 230 lbs. needs this amount, i have no side effects other than having a hard time sleeping. ms contin is good too, but oxycontin is what works best for me."
birth control
"this was by far the worst pill i have been on. i ended up getting my period the week after the placebo pills. i did not find the point in that. my cramps were so bad i would cry. i do not recommend this to anyone at all. the cost was good though."
"i had been experiencing milder depressive symptoms for a couple of months, but then suddenly one morning i woke up with all the physical symptoms of a panic attack, which i'd never had before (never had any anxiety symptoms before), and symptoms persisted almost nonstop for 4 days until i could get in with my doctor. i wasn't having anxiety about any one specific thing, i just felt hopeless and like i'd lost control of my thinking. she prescribed me klonopin for immediate relief (big help) and the generic version of lexapro (10 mg) to actually address the problem in tandem with counseling. i'm only a week in but feeling like myself and so much better in general. had some headaches and sleepiness/yawning in the first week but lessening now"
"prozac has saved my life. i was unable to function normally and was very irritable. i have been taking it for 5 months and it is amazing. other than not feeling hungry and feeling numb to things that formerly made me irate. i have had no bad side effects. i am finally living. only wish i had the nerve to take it 10 years ago. i missed out on so much due to my severe depression."
"this medicine has made me gain a lot of weight due to the fact i get hungry about 2 hours after taking it. after eating i always pass out and sleep through the night till i have to wake up for my job at 7 a.m. i have been taking this medication for two years now so i do not wake up groggy and foggy. this medication to me is a life saver for putting me to sleep and keeping me asleep. just be careful with the night hungers! other then that would totally recommend the medication if you can't sleep at night."
birth control
"i've had mine in for about a month. everyone i know who has had it said it was great and they love it. for me it has been painful and during sex my boyfriend has commented to me that he felt it poke him. i have also gained weight since the placement. i like that it keeps me protected for 5 years and that i don't have to worry about a pill everyday, but the pain is just too much. i have set an appointment to get it removed in 2 weeks."
birth control
"i just got this placed on oct 1, 2015 and i haven't bled until today, we'll see how long it lasts. i have had numbing migraines every day since implantation though and my postpartum depression meds are failing and i have no emotion most days and feel better just sleeping all day and add no sex drive either. it sucks, i want it out, but i don't wanna take a pill..."
"well if you use it properly, you should be ok i'm just an example of improper use and severe side effects i was a stupid 18/19 year old who mentally freaked out, used way too much. i've had severely burnt skin & redness the last 17 years now. quite the cross to carry. wish i never came across it (only had minor acne anyways) but to the medicine's credit, i did misuse it"
"ambien has been the only insomnia medicine that has worked consistently for the 7 years i have been taking it. i was on a combination of ambien and xanax but lost my healthcare coverage so am on ambien only. i totally have to thank the ambien makers because my life was a messy blur of nonsleep. now, i sleep and sleep well. "
birth control
"been on the shot for 5 months now and over all i don't mind some of the side effects (to me they seem mild). the most annoying one is the irregular bleeding, for example: i've had 1 regular period since the start, then it stopped the next month, then i bled (spotted) the whole next month, now i am just spotty throughout the month on and off. i still get pms symptoms, but they're not as intense as before use. it did not help clear up my acne (existing hormone issue) but it is less of a hassle than the pill. i did increase my vit. b intake with this method (as recommended). i rather deal with irregular spotting than a child so i will continue use."
birth control
"i am on my 2nd pack, i recently switched from seasonique. i am happy with both, i don't see any differences between one or the other. this is a great product since you only get a period every 3 months."
birth control
"i was on the pill for about 3 years, tri sprintec, it really had no side effects besides moodiness rarely, but i wanted to try something hormone free. i tried the paraguard iud for 8 months, it was extremely easy (after the pain from insertion subsided), but my periods were soo bad had it removed and wanted to give nuvaring a shot. super nice because you don't have to remember a pill everyday, but after about a week i was borderline suicidal, moody and breaking out like crazy. i tried to let it pass because i really wanted to give this a shot but eventually it made it difficult to orgasm or even get wet during intercourse, and my vagina feels super irritated. i hope others have better experiences, but i'll be going back to the pill!"
birth control
"i was so excited to try seasonique and have only 4 periods a year. i've been on it for a year now and during the first few months i felt great and didn't notice any side effects. as of the last couple of months i've noticed some unexplained weight gain and my face is breaking out. i've never had acne before and i exercise so i can only guess its the hormones. on the bright side, my horrible cramps have disappeared and my period only lasts a couple of days, although they have been somewhat heavy. i haven't decided if i'm going to try another method and see if these side effects go away."
birth control
"if i could rate aubra as a 0, i would! once i got on this medication i didn't really feel that many symptoms, except for my mood swings. i started to cry about little things and it started to become a big issue in my relationship. i felt like i was going crazy because there would be times i would get mad at him for the most random & unnecessary things. i've been on this for 4 months now & one tip for you ladies: if you feel like you can overcome the depression and crazy mood swings, it is best to be safe and just get off of it. there have been many times i felt, "ok i can try again this time and try to make changes" but to be honest, easier said than done. i'm mid pack right now so i'm getting off once it's done. hope to find a better brand!"
"absolutely do not take this. i have never had acne and the second i started taking it my chin exploded into pimples everywhere!! not to mention how depressed i was and the anxiety it gave me. i also had no libido whatsoever!! definitely do not recommend this is horrible!!"
birth control
"my family has a negative history with birth control (mother, aunt, cousin and sister all tried and couldn't stay on it) however my periods were always extremely rough so at the advice of my doctor i got implanon to help balance the hormones in may 2013. so far so very good. i have had one 8 day period since then followed two months later by a 4 day period. both were extremely light and my symptoms were either dulled considerably or nonexistent. it was incredible! sex drive did not change at all and i had no problems losing weight on it. i've gone from a size 10 to a size 6 with healthy eating and exercise. at times i feel some water retention but that typically happens around the time i would have started my period."
birth control
"i have been on mirena for over a year now and have experienced some side effects. side effects to watch out for are severe mood swings, hair loss, depression, acne, dizziness, headaches, memory loss, and insomnia. "
bipolar disorde
"i have tried and failed every medication out there!! i just could not tolerate the side effects and weight gain. i came very close to suicide and i finally got on lamictal. what a difference!! i am finally not having the mania keeping me up for days and the severe depression of constantly writing suicide letters. i am also on klonopin. i had to go off my meds during my pregnancy and my husband said " i will never get you pregnant again!!!" that is how much better i am on the medication. my dose is 300 mg. split twice daily. i had gastric bypass as well and i am tolerating it the same as i was before. i have been on lamictal for 8 years.i wanted to share my experience so that i might touch someones' life and make a difference!"
birth control
"i'm 19, and i got the implanon towards the end of last year. my experience has been very positive so far. for the first two months i had a week or two of random spotting, with very light periods maybe once a month for 2-3 days. now i barely have a period at all, and it completely got rid of my awful cramps! i do get headaches occasionally, however they are easy to fix with painkillers. otherwise i have had no side effects, and i've actually lost some weight (however i attribute it more to lifestyle). it's also a big plus not having to remember to take a pill everyday. remember that implanon experiences vary for different people, however for me it worked out perfectly and i would highly recommend it :)"
birth control
"i was on a combo pill for years before micronor and it was the worst. i had terrible mood swings, weight gain, increase in appetite and low sex-drive, and the headaches were terrible. once i started getting aura-migraines, my doctor made me switch. i thought micronor would be just as bad, or worse. thankfully, however, everything has been good! i've only noticed around a 8lb weight gain and it pretty much all went to my chest, i went from barely a b to a full c. can't complain about that, lol. my only real complaint is that my face, which has always been clear even throughout my teenage years, now breaks out every so often. no mood swings, decreased appetite, upped sex drive, bigger boobs, regular periods, and no babies. go micronor!"
"i started taking vyvanse about 2 weeks ago. i am 14 years old i have noticed a huge difference and school and my grades have good from d's and f's to a's and b's. i love you vyvanse"
birth control
"i am 42 and have never been on bc for very long. last attempt i was on nuevo ring and wound up with a huge clot in my leg after a couple of weeks. first few weeks was a bit rocky on this one. felt bloated a little moody etc but i am midway through 2nd month and my body has stabilized. i may have had pcos, definitely had a hormonal imbalance (elevated dhea-s) and am relieved to no longer have super oily/thinning hair, dark hairs popping up on my chin, super heavy periods. i was able to get my cycles down to 33 days and more normalized prior to starting but it is great coming down to 28. sex drive was good before but even better. i am a person who does not like pills and is afraid of side effects but so far the side effects are minimal"
birth control
"i got implanon as a teenager. after insertion (which hurt like hell) i had constant light spotting for 6 months. when i tried to get it taken out, the doctor couldn't find it. i went in a second time to a different gp and again he couldn't get it out. in the end i put up with it for about 2 years, and had to go under general anesthetic and have an operation in hospital to remove it- it was deep in the muscle and curved around itself. i now have a nasty scar as a result of cutting into the arm several times to have it removed. now many years later- i have been trying to concieve for over 10 months without success. whether or not this is related i don't know- but i wish someone had been there to tell my 17 year old self to stay well away"
"i was on hopes of trying to find a drug perhaps more effective my doctor put me on viibryd. i was weaned off of paxil in 3 weeks, and put on viibryd. after 3 weeks on the drug, i started having the absolute worst panic attacks of my life. my poop turned green, and i had sleep paralysis!!! no drug should ever do that to a person...i weaned off this poison and i am through with psychiatrists. i do not recommend this drug to anyone! i was in complete misery for months and took my body a while to get back to where it was."
birth control
"i got kyleena inserted last week and just like everybody says it was painful but only for about 30 seconds it feels like a very strong period cramp nothing too bad. i also got it inserted on the 3rd day of my period (my periods usually last 5 days) and the iud ended my period early actually the same exact day. i didn't have any spotting until 4 days later and minimal cramping nothing to bad. the first day was the most most uncomfortable day but after that i felt fine. so far i definitely recommend it, this is my first type of birth control and i just didn't want to take a pill everyday because i know i would forget about it and the iud is a lot more effective. i will update my experience but it's not as scary as it seems like it would be."
birth control
"i got the implant 10/13/15 and i spotted for about 2 weeks then i had nothing for the next 6 months. then the bleeding started and it hasn't stopped. i might get a week break but thats been it. i've gained probably 10-20 lbs and my acne wasnt bad before i got this and now its been terrible ever since i got it in. mood swings and depression are the worst part about. only positive is that i haven't gotten pregnant."
birth control
"since i got this birth control implanted i've gained 20 lbs and have experienced irregular bleeding. i have also gone through several pregnancy tests because the implanon gives me the same symptoms as pregnancy. i'm nauseous, i get headaches, i'm tired, i have cramping, and i have mood swings. however, it is nice that i don't have to worry about a pill, patch, or a shot every three months. it has never really been painful. i would compare the pain of initial implant similar to the depo shot."
weight loss
"well i have been on 37.5 for 6 months and went from 287 to 225 i am very pleased with my results and portray i don't gain the weight back once i stop taking them"
"my 10 year old daughter started experiencing acne very suddenly and was getting teased at school. i took her to the dr who prescribed retin a .025%. after a month there was not much improvement so she also started doxycycline. a month later we started noticing significant improvement. now it's been 2 1/2 months on the retin a and about six weeks on the doxycycline and she is so happy, as am i. she still gets pimples here and there, but the huge patches of acne on her forehead and cheeks are gone. her face is sensitive to the sun and gets red at times, but we will take the pink cheeks over the acne any day!! my advice is to be patient. it gets worse before it gets better!"
bipolar disorde
"celexa worked really well for me, in terms of stabilizing my mood. i actually felt really happy and thought with clarity for once! but i had to stop taking it because the side effects are just extremely unpleasant. i wasn't able to achieve an erection and if i did i wasn't able to orgasm. i also had this sedated like feeling. my body temperature would increase. but i also felt emotionless at the same time if that makes any sense. i found it hard to respond to my partners emotions. everything was just on a cloud for me. someone could have insulted me and i would have been alright with it."
"i have been on it for about 4 days and 50% of my acne is gone, i have millions of bumps on my forehead most of them are gone and my chin still has some on it but going away slowly, my t-zone is pretty clear for the most part, i am impressed but then again i wash my face like crazy so i hope i dont breakout, also around my mouth and on my cupid bow i am getting dry skin.....waiting for the end results."
"adderall is amazing. it really works. i've never really been one to take medicines, even tylenol, but this drug has changed my life. old me was cranky, according to my wife."
"i took necon 7/7/7/ for a month and a half and it made my acne horrible. i broke out in places where i normally don't. it made me nauseous the first week or 2 then it got better. overall the pill was fine just the horrible breakouts."
birth control
"been on sprintec for about 9 months now. so far so good! no nausea, no acne, no weight gain, no baby. what more can you ask for from a birth control pill?"
birth control
"at first i was skeptical that it would not help me. i had the choice of nexplanon or a hysterectomy because of my hormones. i was dealing with very long extremely heavy and severe cramps. i got it put in and my period stopped. i no longer have one. the only thing i don't like is that recently i found out that it is now broken. which probably happened a year n a half ago when my x attacked me. so now i'm waiting to find out when they are going to take it out. i am planning on getting another one put in."
"i have been taking cymbalta for about 2 months. i started out with the 30mg and now i am taking 120mg 1x day. i take cymbalta for depression, diabetic pain, psoriatic arthritis pain, fibromyalgia, weight loss. but i have noticed about 3 days after starting the 120mg a day my psoriasis flared up very bad. i have not added anything new to my diet. the only different was the increase of the cymbalta. i will keep on taking the medication at that dose. i will just keep on using a lot of creams to help with the psoriasis rash. i must also say i have been losing a lot of weight which is a good thing."
"i suffered from postpartum depression with insomnia. i was on this medication for less than 3 years. it took 4 attempts to discontinue this medication. i felt helpless when trying to stop. i was on 600 mg at one point and i was down to 6.25 mg. i ended up taking it every other night then every 3rd night then finally stopping. i got the approval of my doctor to do this. i still have problems sleeping but i know in time it will get better. i already feel better mentally and all the swelling in my face, hands and feet are gone. seroquel served a purpose in my life when i needed it but i'm very thankful to be off this poison!"
emergency contraception
"okay so i'm writing this because i was going through hell psyching myself out and being paranoid. i'm 20 and i had unprotected sex on july 24th he said he pulled out so i didn't think any thing of then i started freaking out because that's not the best birth control so i get the plan b pill but i take it like 62 hours after the incident. i'm going insane thinking it didn't work i had no side effects to it and i'm not die for my period till august 12th. i woke up this morning with horrible back cramps (which i always get) and i very welcomed visitor from mother nature. it came a week early and i've never been more excited to bleed before. although the period seems a bit heavier and darker than before i'll put up with this for 5 days!"
birth control
"got my mirena put in yesterday and it was incredibly painful. i was worried that my pain was abnormal, so i wanted others to know this is not abnormal. with the amount of pain i had, i felt like it could be perforation. it was not. for some people, especially those with endometriosis like me, the insertion/day can be. but think of it like 5 years worth of periods on one day and it's worth it. mirena can help endometriosis so much! "
"i started on mon, it's now wed, and i'm already 4lb down!after reading up before i started, i planned my low fat menu & i've stuck to it! day 1-first tablet with a salad at 2pm. 3pm i had the sudden urge, had to wait 30 mins as i was out, and i don't think i could have waited a minute longer! as i had eaten a very healthy lunch, i can only put this down to residual fat in my system from the day(s) before. since then i've been fine, no side effects. i'm only 3 days in however nothing has ever stopped me snacking, yet i haven't even wanted to with this. it definitely makes you look at what you are eating to avoid the side effects, which has left me shocked at how much fat i ate before! i will update in a couple of weeks, good luck to you all!"
"i started taking xanax over ten years ago for my anxiety. i started with .5 mg twice a day and ended up at .5 mg every 4 hours and still felling like i needed more as i was addicted. i had one heck of a time weaning off. i now take 1/2 of a .25 mg tablet every 3 to 4 hours when needed for my tinnitus. it works to lessen the anxiety caused by the constant ringing in my ears and i try some days to take it only once or twice. it has worked great for me but i suggest being very conservative with your dosing because it is very easy to build a tolerance and form an addiction."
birth control
"important: i started yaz about a year ago and at first i noticed nothing. then i became extremely irritable towards my boyfriend for no reason. my breasts grew a full cup size (plus), but yaz gave me a yeast infection for four months and made me gain ten pounds. i know everyone is different but i really did not notice how much weight i gained, my infection is terrible and i am switching."
birth control
"i've been on loestrin (and the other generic brands like junel) for about a year and a half and i'm satisfied with it. i haven't tried any other birth control prior to loestrin, so maybe that's why it's hard for me to give a comparative judgment. i can say that in terms of excessive weight gain, acne, or mood swings, loestrin didn't cause me to experience any of these, contrary to some of the posts that i've read on here. also, i take my pill every morning on an empty stomach and don't experience any nausea or anything like that. it has also regulated my hormones so my pms is not as extreme as it used to be before taking the pill. only con is that i have experienced occasional break through spotting before my cycle some months."
"this medication changed my life! i was depressed overcome with fatigue and generally unpleasant to be around! after the first two weeks of fatigue passes i am back to the old laurie "the nice to be around laurie" also noticed a decrease in appetite...which is super for me being slightly overweight! although it's expensive i am blessed to have insurance and only paid 20$ for the name brand...i wish all who suffer with peri menopausal symptoms and or depression would give this medication a try!"
weight loss
"you may lose weight, but you will probably lose your mind, too. this stuff gave me the worst add and confusion. i was constantly like, "what was i doing? where did i put that? what was i saying?" i mean, it was bad!! and the longer i took it the worse it got! and the headaches and irritability, the racing racing heart, shortness of breath, the blurred vision, it's just awful!! sure i lost 10 pounds in 11 days, but i felt like i was going to absolutely die. so i took a break for a couple of weeks and thought i would try it again. a week into it was the same exact scenario. and exercise? how? my heart already feels like it is going to explode when i'm just sitting around! this stuff is toxic. a gastric bypass would be healthier!!"
birth control
"i had the implanon after a previous pregnancy and it was the best form of birth control i had ever taken. so after my last pregnancy i decided to go the same route. not knowing that it woulf affect me different. needless to say i have had it in for a year and i bleed every week or every other week. the blood is dark, as if it were old blood. which scares me as to what could or would be bleeding. it has been effective in preventing pregnancy. but of course no baby making actions constantly bleeding. i am at my wits end. tired of the diaper constantly because the bleeding. i am so. i feel better having a little more information from all of the reviews. im always moody, never once had i associated it with the implant. im having it removed asap"
"after a tragic death in my family my depression got worse. i did not realize i had depression until this tragedy occurred. i would cry every day to exhaustion -- until i had nothing left -- just a lifeless emptiness. my doctor put me on citalopram and i am on 30mg's/day. i feel so much better!! -- no real highs and no real lows. i have tried to go medication free but it is not meant to be. i will have to be on this for life and i am thankful for this drug."
bipolar disorde
"was misdiagnosed for a very long time with major depression that included thoughts of suicide and after medications after medications i finally was reevaluated by a psychiatrist who properly diagnosed me with bipolar disorder and since have been taking trileptal. since starting the medication i have improved drastically and feel much more active and confident in myself and the environment in which i am in. before i was always nervous and anxious and assumed people were against me but now i have allowed people in. i'm getting some emotion back including love. i have been married for years and for the first time in a while i am beginning to feel the happiness the illness had deprived me of. i hope to continue this medication. i'm happy"
birth control
"i'm writing a post insertion review. i got my iud inserted 5 days ago. the insertion was quick, about 2 min. i have a low pain threshold. but it wasn't much worse than a pap exam. i have white coat syndrome, so i was clammy and nervous. but that's normal for me. i cramped with really dull cramps that evening. but they have since been fewer and further between. i sat on the floor to do my nails after and that felt better than laying down. ibuprofen and heated adhesive pads helped a lot. my period started 2 days before insertion, and was heavy for 24 hours, but after that, normal. after reading some reviews, i plan to take iron supplements and probiotics to prevent iron deficiency and vaginal infections. i was on the nuvaring for 5 years. :)"
"went on 60mg cymbalta. was amazingly good for about a year. minimal side effects except for some reduction in appetite which was a bit of a problem and causing tiredness at work. it got my life back for me for a while at a time when i thought only of death. i began socializing and getting into hobbies, etc. i then had to work on issues i had created while in depression such as drinking. at about 1 year however some strange effects started occurring. i would for about a week per month become fearful and could not leave the house. eventually went to a psychiatrist who suggested stopping cold turkey. that was okay, no problems."
emergency contraception
"my girlfriend and i had unprotected sex on 2/5 around 8:00pm. the condom broke and i was not sure whether or not i fully pulled out, so we paniced, went out to cvs, and bought plan b 30 minutes later. her last period was on 1/15 but she does not track her period and usually they are irregular so being a really sensitive boyfriend, i completely lost my mind thinking only about the hypotheticals and negatives for the next few weeks to follow. she started spotted about 5 days after taking the pill and the side effects that followed included breast tenderness and she complained about being very tired very often. i'm not sure whether or not the symptoms lasted for more than a week, but she finally got her period today on march 5th. (51 days after he last period and 30 days after taking plan b). it completely distorts a woman's cycle and while i understand that my panicking was not uncalled for, it definitely affected my ability to think straight. if you take the pill within the instructed time frame and are under the weight limit, you will be great. now to start a birth control regimen lol. also, i reached out to a bunch of friends who were in these same situations, and more than half of them had their girlfriends get their periods at least 4-5 weeks after taking the pill, so a delayed period is completely normal. good luck everyone, hope this review was informative and reliable."
birth control
"i was on implanon for exactly one year before i got it removed. i did not like this birthcontrol as i had horrible side-effects. i chose this birth control because the only birth control i've been on was depo the shot, which i got every three months, so i thought three years that's great. however after about 6 months i felt as though i was losing weight, i had what felt like constant spotting, so my menstruation never stopped it felt like and my libido was in over-drive. so the doctor said one year to the day i got it took out and went back on the shot, where i'll stay."
"i've battled depression for 10 years plus im on 40 mg citalopram and have been on this for 8 years. 2 year's ago i was put on quetiapine brilliant results but horrid side affect then my consultant put me on 300 mg (slowy increased) lamotrigine same result and no side affects i noticed results within the first week and progression carried on for a good wile i feel a normal member of the human race again. i still have little episodes but are managible i am very happy with this drug its changed me for the better."
emergency contraception
"i took plan b 6 hours after we had unprotected sex and was worried he got precum in me. i rushed to the pharmacy and took it asap. then came 2 mentally painful weeks of waiting to see if i got pregnant and i had already ovulated the day that i took the pill. i didn't have any symptoms except feeling slight nausea the morning after i took it. but at the end of all this worrying i didn't end up pregnant. def take this pill it's worth it. even to ease your mind. try not to worry it only makes it worse. and for the first time i was so happy to see blood!!!"
"i was on 15 different medicines for pain and muscle spasms. i have been on the patch for 4 months and my pain has dropped so much it is unreal. i didn't know about this, until 4 months ago i had been in the bed for almost 15 years due to car crash. i find this medicine to wonderful."
birth control
"i had my nexplanon inserted may 29, 2013 i was on the pill and it was my pill free week. so my cycle was supposed to start soon. as i had nexplanon inserted my cycle started. it lasted for 10 days, moderate flow, flow for 4 days then light the last 6. i didn't feel anything but a little burning from the numbing shot. my arm now has a scar but when i first got it the bruising was kind of bad but it still gets better with the days. i love nexplanon."
"i switched from prozac (which if anything made me feel more depressed) to zoloft about a month ago and it has been fantastic. 75mg a day, kicked in about 2 weeks, little to no side effects, more energy and generally just a massive relief. in my case, it's also caused a bit of weight loss (around 5 pounds) which is likely due to the medicine causing a loss of appetite and some diarrhea which is far from pleasant."
birth control
"i was on microgestin fe 1/20 for about eight months. the first few months were alright and normal, typical birth control stuff. out of nowhere, i realized i would find myself crying over absolutely nothing, have these awful mood swings, and had zero sex drive. finally fed up with it i went to my gyno and they switched me to apri. i've been on apri for a week and i feel 100x better than i did on microgestin and i have a sex drive back!!"
birth control
"first 3 months was a nonstop period. the flow varied. that was horrible. good thing, i've only spotted a couple times since. i have already gained about 15-20lbs and i haven't even had it for a year. it's seriously convenient and all but if i cant keep my weight in control i might have it removed"
"i'm 5'10 and 298 lbs. tried all diets and failed at all of the. decided to try belviq. my doctor was against it because he was worried about side effects. i told him i was in more danger by not losing the weight. i was really worried as i was also starting a new job and needed to travel 90% of the time. eating on the road and everyone warned me when they started they all gained weight. i decided that wasn't going to get worse! i've been out my first week and started belviq at the same time. it's day five and i'm never hungry no cravings a and it's amazing. i have no idea how it will continue and no idea if i've lost anything but my rings fit better and my watch slides around already. i won't be able to weigh for 2 weeks so i'll keep u posted."
birth control
"i switched to nuvaring 4 yeas ago from orthotricyclen. i've had absolutely no side effects, and it's the easiest form of birth control i've ever taken. my periods are lighter is the only thing i've noticed. it's unfortunate that i'm seeing so many bad experiences on here - i honestly recommend it to all my girlfriends."
birth control
"i was on nexplanon for about 20 months, two months after having a baby. i've given it a rating of '3' simply because i did not fall pregnant. i did not have periods but the bc often made me feel pregnant, leading to me testing several times. other side effects included: unable to lose pregnancy weight, despite breastfeeding and regular exercise. breast cysts (which i cannot confirm was a result of nexplanon, but the bc does increase the likelihood). headaches for the first five months (as in, i had a headache for three out of every ten days). low and bad moods - i had a well of anger that i could just reach into. anxiety. brain fog. fatigue. in short, i really lost myself. i've been off for a month now, and feel like the old me again."
birth control
"i had been off birth control for about a year when i decided i wanted to go back on it. my doctor recommended reclipsen; she believe it would clear up the little bit of acne that i had on my cheeks and forehead. i took reclipsen for 4 months in total and it was a nightmare. the first month my breasts were extremely tender. they were tender to the point that it was painful to sleep in various positions and i could hardly exercise due to the pain. by month 2 i started to feel like my whole body was swollen. my face also looked swollen, and my acne actually became much worse! i lost my sex drive and felt miserable. i stopped taking it because i felt like i was becoming a monster! lutera was much better for me, so i'm back to that!"
"switched a while back from hydrocodone, tramadol, soma in combination for many years to this nucynta er and ir. i take 2 ers a day and one ir a day. i am thankful for nucynta, it actually melts the pain away and keeps your mind awake. i don't have to take 8 hydrocodones a day 6 tramadols, and 2 somas to get relief. i have been with my "new" doctor for about 8 months, and have been on this new combination for 5 or 6 mos. it is nice to only have to take a couple of pills instead of eating them like they are candy to get relief."
"i am a healthy 21 year old but have trouble getting and staying asleep. i have tried melatonin and i feel it may help me get to sleep but not stay asleep. the other night i laid awake until 5:30 am trying to keep my eyes closed with no luck. so the next day i researched some over the counter sleep aids and unisom had great reviews, so that day i picked some up. i took one at ten that night and started getting sleepy an hour later. by 11:30 i was fast asleep. although i woke up a few times throughout the night, as i usually do, i was still tired and found it very easy to fall back to sleep without tossing and turning for ten minutes at a time. i woke up at 9:00am the next day felling minimally drowsy. i will continue to take unisom"
"i took remeron for the first time last night and it worked like a dream. i take effexor for depression and it gives me complete insomnia. i have tried about every sleep aid out there and either couldn't deal with the side effects or the med just stopped working. i was prescribed 15mg of remeron to take at bedtime, i took half of that based on the reviews i read here. i fell asleep in a reasonable amount of time, i may have rolled over a couple of times in the middle of the night but i actually slept for most of the night. this is the first time in a month i can say i got restorative sleep. i was just a little hungover this morning but nothing i couldn't deal. i think this medication is going to be my lifesaver."
weight loss
"i began taking adipex 8/2014 & by 10/2015 i had lost 45 lbs. & reached my ideal bmi. i have gone from a size 14 in jeans to a size 2! i suggest to anyone taking this or any weight loss meds to exercise. i now have excess skin to get rid of & at age 55 its really hard to do. i was also taking a lipo shot once a week, which she said i could continue but i haven't been back yet due to the holidays. i also tapered off the adipex. i was still eating the way i was while on the pill but gained 6 lbs. during the holidays. now i'm having the worst hunger pangs i've ever had. i can eat & hour or so later it starts. has anyone experienced this? i have also started going back to the gym in hopes that i won't gain it all back & try to tone it up."
birth control
"i love this birth control. i've been on it for roughly 6-7 months. i've had two experiences with it. the first time i had to get off of it because it made me very moody so i switched to different kinds then about a year later i was out back on lolo again and it's been great! i've not had an symptoms besides breast tenderness and headaches occasionally. as soon as i got on it my periods went away (which worried me at first) but my healthcare provider told me i was fine. after taking it about 4 months, i had very very light bleeding for like two days and then it was done and i haven't bled since. it's been great for my body and i've been happy, haven't faced any mood swings!"
"took this halfway through 10th grade to through summer. first experience after being diagnosed with add so in attention without being hyper. no motavation from this almost made me feel worse with serve exaustion and depression i felt like every day was a chore and i wasn't as happy i used to be and my friends said i wasn't as free spirited or fun. gave me social anxiety also and shaking. i would highy recommend adderall xr i switched to it and got none of the side effects but all of the results. i feel like i can function and am more social than even without medicine and i also can plan out my thoughts and lists of what i have to do and homework. concerta sucks take adderall instead"
"it's the silver bullet! well, for me at least. i can only add my highest recommendation for bactrim to treat my cystic acne, the kind that produces cysts around 2-3 cm in diameter all over my body and face. i've been on accutane and every other antibiotic there is, but the bactrim has saved me. it is hard on your digestive system, and i still haven't come up with a good solution for that yet, but i can certainly live with it if it means no more painful cysts which need to be cut out and operated on medically (no fun at all). i've always had cystic acne, but the bactrim seems to kill the bacteria that produce the cysts, so as long as it keeps working i'm happy."
"i've been using psyllium fiber for several months. but after i suspended from using it my metabolic system seems to require more fiber input. i actually gained weight in a faster rate. now i'm still taking fiber supplement but it helps only in maintaining my weight. not anymore on losing some fat (i guess). i'm giving a try with xenical in my hope to lose for at least 3 kgs. . good luck to us!"
birth control
"i used this for the full five years after having my 2 kids. i had no side effects except perhaps that my weight stabilized at a higher weight than pre-pregnancy days. my husband occasionally said he could feel the string. at the very end of use i had night sweats and extreme weight fluctuations (up and down by 20 lbs). i recommend getting it removed as soon as symptoms start. this was very cost effective long term although initially a high cost. when considering the monthly cost of other forms this was less. in addition with no periods, there was no cost for pads/tampons or pain medication for cramping. i'm now back on pills, but miss the mirena. i now have mood swings, motivation issues, weight gain, acne, and normal period issues."
emergency contraception
"took next choice 12 hours after intercourse, on day 13 of cycle. i didn't fully understand how much ovulation increased your chances of conception, so i didn't know taking next choice was worthless at that time. felt weird the first day, and a little queasy, but really i had no side effects. i was terrified that i would be in agony and vomiting. nothing though. the next two weeks were horrible with anxiety. i started getting period cramps 7 (constant) days before actual period, and would get nauseous in car as well. neither of these two symptoms normally happen to me. it was probably because of stress though. i got my period today, right when it was due (15 days after taking next choice). ladies, don't have sex near ovulation if not on birth control. "
bipolar disorde
"i have been using saphris for about three weeks. my psychiatrist changed me from abilify. she started me on a low dose (5 mg) and took me off abilify and raised my lamictal. i had a very hard few days. she increased my dose to 20 mg and i now feel as stable as i did with abilify. it's still early. she also put me on clonidine (low dose) for post traumatic stress disorder and that helped and is helping my blood pressure as well! the only negative thing i have to say is the packaging is bad. someone needs to package it in a container that doesn't take the jaws it's life to try it open and then you have to try very hard to peel the covering off each individual tab. whew."
birth control
"skyla is great at prevent pregnancy however the insertion was extremely painful - worst cramps i have felt. they lasted a couple days, but it was manageable. however, i've been on this for 8 months and have been on my period non-stop. 8 months of having a period. the bleeding isn't serious, but enough to wear a tampon. i am planning to have this removed."
birth control
"i am on my second pack and will not be starting the third one. i was so happy to start the pill because i thought i wouldn't see nearly as much blood as i usually do, but i was wrong. i had the worst breakthrough bleeding. i bleed for almost a month straight, and some days it was heavy enough for a tampon and some it was just panty liners and as soon as it went away my period would come. i had bad back pain. some nights i can't even sleep it hurts so bad. i also do not even feel like myself anymore. i would honestly rather not even be on the pill then have to take this again."
"i have been on pristiq for 10 days now. the first two and a half days i felt sick, dizzy and fuzzy. i have had no side effects since. lost 2.5 lbs the first week, which is a plus. was on lexapro a few years ago and gained a lot of weight. i also suffer from panic attacks and am taking xanax when needed. going through divorce, 23 year marriage."
birth control
"late 20s, no children. worked great as far as birth control. sklya insertion was extremely painful. i spotted on and off for about a month. my period decreased however my cramps increased times 10. it has been 5 months and i was in a lot of pain. i previously would only have cramps on the day my cycle started but now it was the entire week leading up to it. i gave it till this long thinking my body would adjust. just went to the doctor and she stated that it was still placed correctly but it was not as high up as it should be. i decided to have it removed. i felt an immediate relief! as if my body did not want that thing in there. switching back to nuva ring."
birth control
"i started implanon december of 2009. everything was wonderful for the first year and a half. i didn't have my period or pms symptoms whatsoever. less than a year ago i started having pms symptoms and within 3 months i started having my period again without any reason or cause. what is my worry is that i am ovulating and i am not sure if it is working anymore. my periods have been worse than when i was on the pill. i also didn't like the cost of the implanon. due to the cost and the fact that i am not even sure if it is working anymore, i can't say i have been happy with implanon."
"i'm a 43 y.o. female diagnosed with add or adhd at the age of 30-it's actually the inattentive type if you want to be specific. i kind of knew i had it most of my life because my bro and father had it. was prescribed ritalin-had energy....but increased my anxiety & insomnia (1-2 yrs) . only lasted 4-6 hours but racing thoughts & heart palps at night. now at 43-i had to ask dr. repeatedly to prescribe stratterra-non stimu-helps tremendously w/ anxiety & i can focus somewhat better. tired in the day but i can complete tasks faster-sleeping much better :) bonus: i pee less during the day. took about 1 mo to kick in- side effects: tingling and tiredness. got used to it."
"i have lost 11.5 lbs in the first six weeks of taking this drug. however, the first week the side effects were horrible (anxiety, insomnia, irregular heart beat) until my body got used to the product. as i enter week 7 of my 3 month course, i find that meridia is having an opposite effect on my appetite. i am constantly hungry at this point. my dr will probably have to increase my dose for the next month. please keep in mind that you have to do everything you can to control your own diet and exercise schedule. this is not a miracle drug, but something to get you over the hill for a short period of time until you are comfortable enough to continue weight loss of your free will. hope this helps. good luck to all."
birth control
"i have taken this pills for 3 months this has turned out to be the worst birth control pills i have gained 20 pounds on it without changing my diet i have had anxiety, no energy, severe bloating i spot in between periods i'll be switching back to my old birth control $30 per month copay this ones were covered at 100% but not worth it"
birth control
"i have been on this pill for about a month now. i have one more pill to take before i start my second month. i have increased breast tenderness and have lost weight. i do however have a bigger appetite and my sex drive has increased a whole since coming off the mirena. i did not have a period but not sure if i ever will since i haven't had a period since dec of 2008. so far i like the pill but reading reviews i'm seeing that most real side effects don't come until after the second month."
"started taking temazepam (30 mg) two months ago and manage to fall asleep within 30 minutes of taking it. sometimes i will wake after 2 hours of sleep but can fall back asleep easily. was getting less than an hour of sleep a night, but now can sleep for 5 to 5 1/2 hours. stopped taking one night and did not sleep a wink. also taking wellbutrin (450 mg) - for depression, seroquel xr (600 mg) - for anxiety, and evoxac (30 mg) - for dry mouth, and the only side effects i added with this medicine is doing things that i have no recollection of doing, short term memory loss, and restlessness during waking hours. overall, this has done wonders for me."