11 values
"i started taking contrave 7 months ago today and by working with it changing some of my eating habits i have lost 60 lbs!!!! i have about 45 to go but i feel amazing. i still eat the things i like but it has curbed my appetite which allows me to make better choices. it has taken away all the cravings. my blood sugar has gone from 147 to 106 and my a1c is within acceptable range for the first time in probably 30 years! i'm 57 years old and this just goes to show it is never too late to make a change! i have recommended it to several people and they are all having varying degrees of success. i wish you the best, it has saved my life!"
"5 8", 130lbs male, 20mg works very well for me. do not expect this drug to work the first night you try it! this is especially true if you just quit a hypnotic like zolpidem and just started taking it. the initial "paradoxical effect" and unusual dreams subsided after a few days, once my brain "adjusted" to it. (i had a similar effect when i first began using zolpidem which just made me feel drugged but kept me awake). also, this drug is specifically made for a neurological hyperarousal condition - that is, for people that are predisposed towards insomnia in either their brain structure or neurochemical composition. if your insomnia is due to sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, bad sleep hygiene, late-shift work, etc, it won't work as designed."
birth control
"i'm 18 and i've had 4 depo shots. so many things in my body and personality have changed and i have just today realized that it's all because of this shot. i have had horrible stomach pains almost every day sometimes multiple times a day, sometimes coming with diarrhea. also i've had no sex drive, mood swings, terrible anxiety, and depression. i am never getting this shot again, any other form of birth control would be better then this one. do not try the depo shot."
"ativan will definitely help calm you down, but stick to the script! if you quit cold turkey you will have withdrawals for a week. you build a slight tolerance for it and want more. if you give in and take more you will run out before refill time and then come the withdrawals! but it does do its job on anxiety!"
"i am over 50 and i no longer get the amount of sleep that i used to.went from 8 hours to now i'm lucky if i get 5 hours and it's interrupted sleep. i tried prescription sleeping pills once, but they had nasty side affects melatonin really helps. if you take too high a dose( larger than 3mg) you will wake up with a headache i break a 3mg pill in half and take it"
"i have been on yaz for 7 months now to treat my chin acne. the first three months of taking yaz, i had the worst cystic breakouts in places i have never gotten breakouts before. it was terrible but i wanted to give it some time. now it has been 7 months and i still break out on my chin, there has been time maybe two weeks when i haven't gotten any breakouts at all but now it is the same thing as before. i also quit sugar and dairy and using all natural skin care products but still no dramatic improvement. also, yaz made me gain weight and i have noticed eyelash hair loss."
"i have chronic anxiety associated with ptsd and chronic panic attacks. i was given this for about 4 months with no effect on my panic whatsoever. i had a doctor that was dead set against benzodiazapines and she later put me on buspar for 8 months which was also worthless. i have switched doctors and am currently on 0.5mg of xanax 2 x day and it takes care of all my symptoms. "
emergency contraception
"if you are scrolling down at these reviews panicking wondering if this will work then stop it. i was in your shoes not that long ago. i took plan b on the 29th of january after having unprotected sex my boyfriend came inside me 100% i took it about 20 minutes after the incident was okay. the next day ... we had more unprotected sex (yeah i'm aware how dumb we are) so i went to get plan b again couldn't find it so we had to settle for my way ( took it 2 hrs after) i was just really tired and had crazy cravings.. my period was late and i was so afraid but it came 2 days late and i was extremely happy! don't stress it ! this works !!"
bipolar disorde
"this was the best medication i have ever had. i take 2 at night and 1 in the morning. i only trouble i have had was at one time the doctor tried to up me to 2 night and 2 in the morning and it caused terrible vertigo like feeling. i couldn't even stand up. overal i would say it's a great medication."
"i've tried straterra, dexedrine, ritalin, vyvanse. i would take vyvanse but it's way too $$. generic adderall has been the best as far as cost and effects. the only thing i have disliked is the connotation adderall has because i can tell some doctors are against it. i have had two doctors lecture me on how something else must be wrong because i take 75 mg daily. i tried to switch to the xr and lower my dose to 60mg, but insurance won't cover it. this medication has been really helpful for me, but i feel like i need it because without it i'm a wild ape (hyper, make silly noises, annoying). it keeps me calm and focused on the big picture. i would use modafilin if i could because the side effects are less pronounced, but again the price."
"i have neuropathy in both feet up to my knees and both hands and without this drug i couldn't walk or do much of anything else. i have been taking oxycodone for one and a half years and would not even consider stopping."
"before taking viibryd was on lexapro for a year. i experienced severe withdrawals while transitioning medication. electric jolts..severe headaches..extreme anxiety..extreme aggression..paranoia then once the viibryd started working everything stopped i feel good 40mg works best for me. i am bi polar, this drug has helped a great deal with severe mood swings. i hope it continues to work for me."
birth control
"during my first week i had aura migraines, so bad that i vomitted at times. i'm a month and 4 days into pack 2 and i've had horrible anxiety, depression, decrease in sex drive, loss of appetite and nausea! this has been the worst experience of my life! i'd rather be pregnant."
emergency contraception
"hi! so i took ellaone last month and i took it within 10 hours of having unprotected sex. i was convinced everything would be ok until my period was 10 days late! of course i freaked out and was convinced i was pregnant as my period had only ever been up to 3 days late before. took one pregnancy test, came back negative, took another pregnancy test and it was faulty- one line was vertical and one was horizontal (both meant to be vertical if pregnant) so i booked in to see doctor. i had all the symptoms of pregnancy but unfortunately for us women, most of the pregnancy symptoms are the exact same as period symptoms. anyway to cut a long story short- my period came today! ella one does work. it's just a high dose of hormonas."
birth control
"i have had the implanon for almost 8 months. i have experienced so much bleeding. i was on my period for six months. off for a month, then on again. recently it stopped for a few days and i have had some spotting just today. my sex drive is normal and it does what it's meant to do not get me pregnant. i like how i don't have to remember to take it as often as other birth control and it lasts for a while."
"i've been on narcotic pain meds for over 20 years for severe degenerative joint disease in my back and several other joints. my doctor gave me lidocaine 5% patches to try about a month ago. i seriously doubted they would help, as any other topical creams have never helped much, but i was pleasantly surprised. they work so well that i have decreased my opiate dosage by half and am able to be more active than i have been in years. i don't think that they will work that well for everyone, but i do recommend everyone try them if they can, it has been a godsend for me."
"this was, by far, the best med that i have ever taken for my mood and anxiety. i'm bipolar with severe anxiety, and it helped me to feel normal for 8 months. unfortunately, i developed joint and nerve pain after a month or so, which over time became so severe that i could barely walk and spent most time lying in pain. it took almost 3 months after stopping the med, but i am now physically back to normal (with an extra 30lbs due to inactivity). my mood plummeted quickly after stopping the med, and i became severely depressed. i have returned to the rough shape i was in before starting the med. such a shame; i thought it was my miracle drug."
birth control
"i hate bc. i have tried them all. i stayed off of them for several years and became tired with condoms and finally gave in. well.. i gained 10 lbs and did everything to lose it. i had the sweetest sexiest bf and he broke up with me after 4 months on the pill (which i took for him) because i became a crazy emotional mess. i fought with anyone and everyone. i was unmotivated and severely depressed to the extreme. it is not worth it. just use condoms or refrain from sex. you have a better chance of a long term relationship with no sex at all than becoming the crazy monster this pill makes you."
birth control
"i've been on this medication for almost 13 months. my ob/gyn thought this was a good fit for me being that i'm a nursing mom. i am back down to my pre pregnancy weight, no acne issues like others have experienced and no mood changes as i did with the depo shot. all in all my experiences have been good and positive but each person is different."
birth control
"i was at first thrilled with the idea of 3 years of effective birth control without shots or pills every day, so i decided to try it. i have depression and anxiety and i didn't notice any changes with that or significantly with my weight. i bled for the first two months (lightly) and then it stopped for three months and the whole time i'm thinking this is the best birth control ever, worry free long term birth control and no periods, but then it came back with a vengeance, i've been bleeding for three months (lightly) with no signs of it stopping. i tried taking the pill on top of it and then i stopped taking the pill and had a full-fledged period and it stopped for about 4-5 days just to tease me then went right back to it."
"got this at er. caused my depression to worsen after three weeks. despite drowsiness, the co-occurrence with restlessness initially caused inability to sleep. further use led to somnolence, further lack of motivation and suicidal ideation. discontinuation caused depersonalization and severe aggression. read the story of dan markingson. not recommended at all for depression."
birth control
"i was on this pill for two months, by the end of it i couldn't stand it anymore. i also felt a lot of anxiety and was very irritable. i also noticed a huge decline in sex drive and acne increased a lot. i found myself getting irritated for no reason a lot of the time. i am very happy i stopped taking it."
birth control
"i've been taking this for a little over a month. i had some concerns at first because of all the side effects people have experienced, however i haven't had any problems yet. the only thing i have experienced is a nauseous feeling, but nothing that really makes me lose my appetite."
weight loss
"my last post was in february 2014. to sum up my experience: starting weight: 161.4, height 5'3. received two total bottles of 37.5mg pills, which lasted me from february '14 to june '14. i would halve pills, skip days, etc if i felt the need, so these lasted quite awhile. my lowest weight once all was said and done: 141.2 on june 20th, 20.2 lbs lost. today, jan 30 2015, i weigh 146.2. i am happy that in 7 months time i've only managed to gain 5 lbs (and after the holidays thank you very much!). this pill is great, but it's not a miracle. it also won't last forever as you can only have 3 refills a year if you meet the bmi requirement for medical weight loss. taught me portion control"
birth control
"i have an ovarian cyst. i've taken ortho tri-cyclen lo for about 2.5 weeks. i read so many reviews, all were so negative. i was stressing out about taking it. but to my surprise and somewhat disappointment. i didn't get any side effects. no headaches, no nausea, no digestive system problems. i don't know yet how effective it is for my problem (ovarian cyst) but it didn't clear up my shoulder acne. actually, it got somewhat worse. so i'm wondering if it's actually working for me. don't know how it works as birth control, somewhat scared getting off the condoms. as for the price, i had to pay $70 for one month, which is a lot for me. i'm 17, about 5'2", about 115-120 lbs. hope this helps!!"
"when i started paxil 7 months ago i was clinically depressed. i had panic attacks that would come several times a day and my body was always tense. i had obsessive compulsive disorder. i was wrecked after an emotional trauma. my brain was on overdrive. within the first 2 months on paxil i kept a journal blogging symptoms and changes and after a while i realized i stopped writing altogether. i would always write when i was sad. the medicine kept being more effective as time went on but i eventually got a dose upage from 20mg to 30mg. i have never felt so happy, ever."
"i am diagnosed with borderline personality disorder with psychotic features. i was put in intensive out patient care after going to the emergency room for intense auditory hallucinations that were so malicious i feared for my own life. lost my job and everything. seroquel has given me hope as well as lorazepam for my anxiety. to me seroquel is a miracle drug for its antipsychotic features as well as depression. i'm having to up the dosage lately because my voices are creeping back in. searching for further pychiactric help but right now i'm stable and i thought that would be impossible. sharing a good experience. thanks for reading."
birth control
"i just started sprintec four days ago, this is the first birth control ever for me i am 23. the main side effect on day one was nausea, i was so sick i slept by the trash can that night. it has been getting better though. i will write an update review when i finish the first pack."
"i've tried so many different things like topical and antibiotics, i'm so glad i caught my acne early! i'm only on month 3 and my face is almost cleared up! accutane is truly a miracle pill! i also barely have any side effects, weirdly enough my lips are not dry and chapped."
"i have fibromyalgia and was first prescribed gabapentin, which helped some of my issues, but i needed something more to ease my widespread pain. my doctor than added etodolac 400 mg every 6 hrs as needed. at first i only took it periodically but i didn't see results. then i began taking it 3 times spread throughout the day. i can now move and walk and my pain has almost disappeared. i did have some bloating and gas side effects, but can totally tolerate that versus the pain that i was in."
birth control
"i have been on it for 3 months and have noticed my mood swings are up and down. i am always on the edge of crying no matter what and my boyfriend and i bicker a lot more. another big issue is that i have lost 10lbs on it and i'm already a tiny girl. "
"i started taking phentermine 37.5 on july 19, 2015 (265 pounds) on the morning of july 27, 2015 i lost 9 pounds, in just one week. that's amazing to me. i start to get jittery when i forget to eat, in which i try to eat healthy foods, chicken, fish, turkey, veggie's and fruit at least 3 times a day. it's very important and helpful to drink plenty of water, also chewing gums helps. the one side affect for me is constipation. my goal is to get to 175 and maintain it. best of luck to us all."
birth control
"i got this in august 2016, the only part that hurt was the numbing shot. i got my period when i usually did yet it was so heavy and so painful. the blood clots were very large also which was horrible. my first three periods were very heavy to the point where i was debating if i should take it out as well as they were slight prolonged (about a week and a half) then i skipped my period for two months and now my period is prolonged (it's been almost two weeks). my period was about to end normally, i felt myself get off my period and so i decided to have sex. the day after i start bleeding again and it's just blood clots and brownish red blood? i'm just hoping my body is cleaning out the two month build up. overall not bad and no side effects"
"i started taking contrave friday, dec. 11, 2015. today is the 15th. i took 4 pills a day, 2 in the am and 2 in the pm. yesterday, i took 2 pills @ 4am, from there it was downhill. i was nausea all day, restless, and body sweats. i tried ginger ale, crackers, broth, and water to ease the pain. around 8pm i vomited. kool. i ate broth, drank water, and drank a glass of red wine. at 9pm, i vomited til 9:45pm to the point tears came streaming down my face. finally around 12am i fell asleep. it's 4 am and i'm up writing this. after reading other comments like mine, i similar side effects. after this, i will pray for strength to control my own mind without med to loose weight! "
"my doctor prescribed pristiq to help me deal with overwhelming grief after death of my son. i never took any antidepressants before, so i have nothing to compare it with. it worked very well for me, after taking it for just 3 days,without major side effects. i don't cry everyday like i used to, but also feel somewhat emotionally numb. i am calmer, happier and able to go on with my life."
birth control
"like most women i had uncontrolled spotting for the brunt of the time on nexplananon. there is a solution! go to your doctor or free clinic (if you don't have insurance you can still be seen and prescribed) and ask about the mini pill. i've taken it for a month, and boom, no spotting. my libido has even gone back to normal. now i see why some people love nexplanon, it's awesome if you aren't spotting! i'm uninsured and a two month supply cost me 20 bucks."
weight loss
"i started taking the medication on tuesday, so i have now been on it for four days. the second day i wanted to eat everything and anything i can put in my mouth so i know i must have put on some weight. today is friday and finished dinner, i am sick to my stomach and want to throw up. the thought of food right now is making me sick. i had stomach cramps a couple of days ago. usually around this time i am going to the refrigerator to see what i can put in my mouth whether hungry or not. i plan on increasing my dose next tuesday to 2 a day and so on. i hope this will work for me because nothing else has."
birth control
"i switched to this after taking yaz for years due to cost. under the affordable health care act, bcbs offered me gianvi for free whereas i had to pay $50 for yaz. after 6 months, i'd pay anything to switch back. since going on gianvi, i've seen considerable weight gain (some attributable to lifetime changes) but i now experience uncontrollable bouts of anger that near the level of rage. my sex drive is virtually non-existent and my skin isn't nearly as clear as it was on yaz. i switched back as of today. the only upside... after dealing with my increasingly awful personality for the past few months, my boyfriend is still around. guess the gianvi was confirmation that man really does love me!"
"i am 5'10 and when i started taking this medication i was at 240 after the first 45 days i was down 16 pounds and it has been a nice steady slow 6 to 10 pounds at each weigh in. i am now down to 180 and i feel great. worth every penny, and my only side effect's were dry mouth and i did have to go on a potassium supplement because i was getting leg craps. with the weight loss that this medication has helped with i was able to get off of some other medication for high blood pressure."
birth control
"i got this implant about 9 months ago and i love it! the first week after insertion i had spotting but since that first week i haven't had a period which is great. i love not having to worry about it for 3 years. the insertion wasn't bad, the numbing shot was the worst part."
birth control
"implanon has been good to me. i first put it in in 2005 and then again in 2008. i took it out in february 2009 and got pregnant by may 2009! i put it in again when my daughter was about six weeks old and have had no major issues with it in terms of the regularity of my periods, skin breakouts, mood swings and stuff."
"this medicine has been truly life changing. my anxiety and depression were severe, and no other medicine had shown promising results. after about 3 months on this medicine (only 30mg) i had remarkable results."
"we love the patch. the results with daytrana are amazing. he still eats before applying and after taking off, his personality hasn't changed, just his behavior. the only negative thing i can say is the red mark the patch leaves after you take it off, my son always says it itches."
"my doctor (a psychopharmologist-one who specializes in medication) started telling me about belsomra 2 years ago. i have acute insomnia and no drug ever worked. he explained how belsomra works in a completely different way than any other drug for sleep. he also explained that it took 2 years to get fda approval because merck (the manufacturer) was not willing to have it classified as an addictive controlled substance when the fact that addiction is far less than on any other drug for sleep. the fda also had issues w/ the dose-studies show 15-20 mg is optimal. merck finally "caved" to both issues but if you're taking 5-10 and it isn't working, ask about increasing it. works for me!"
"my don started taking focalin and started to complain that he could not see the board at school. at first i figured well maybe he is just a kid who needs glasses. his prescription was very low. now a year and a half later his principal from his school called me because he failed the state eye test with his glasses on he has a 20/50 vision. so i took him back to the doctor and they could not correct his vision with the strongest prescription. everything is blurry and out of focus, he lost all peripheral vision on both eyes. the doctors first question was "what medication is he on?" so i advised him focalin 10mg. he advised me to immediately go to the doctor who prescribed it because it is a severe side effect of focalin. grrrr"
birth control
"i had the mirena id for a year and it was the worse mistake of my life. i was lucky that i didn't have developed any cystic anomalies, however i had literally almost all the side effects. i gain 40 pounds, i had acne, i had to use sleeping aids in order to sleep, i have great hair loss, i had zero energy, i had some memory loss at times. the day my doctor pull out this iud i could felt the difference and i'm doing so much better."
bipolar disorde
"as i've only been on the medication a week, don't take this review exactly to heart. my first day on this medication was extremely brain foggy, trouble concentrating and very sleepy. i was already sleeping excessively to begin with, which is something i was needing help with. the first night i took this i slept for 14 hours, which is actually way more then i usually do. i also didn't really feel like myself taking this medication, it kinda sucks the life right out of you. i would reply slower to things, take longer to think of responses, and all in all lack the normal enthusiasm i usually had. now, as far as my mood swings went, i believe i have a mild case of bipolar. my doctor prescribed me 200 mg twice a day, which i've just been halfing"
"i saw dermatologist for mild, persistent acne. i'm a nineteen year old female and i've been having persistent acne problems for about a year now. my derm gave me the spiro. i was not sure i really needed it, but i started taking it. first few weeks, smooth sailing. then, bam, worst break out of my entire life. my skin was red, irritated, bumpy and dry. my acne has become hard and cystic. i knew that there would be a 'purging phase' so i tried to have patience. i was on it for about two months, but i'm fed up. this drug has given me hyperpigmentation i will have to deal with for months. only reason i didn't give this drug a 1 is because it did decrease my oil production a bit. not worth it. i will be starting accutane soon."
birth control
"i loved this birth control at first , but after having it for about 2 years now . i have had nothing but a terrible experience . i have had terrible mood swings and terrible acne ! i will feel completely fine one minute , the next i am ready to fight someone or start an argument . i thought i was going crazy until reading other reviews ! don't recommend it . but it does protect from pregnancy ."
"i have been on duragesic patches for the past 12 years and they work well for me. because i have been on them so long my dose is high and they are very expensive but thankfully we have insurance. if you take the brand name duragesic patches you can call the company and have overlay patches sent free, that help keep the patches on much better. i change my patches every two days. it is a very expensive medicine but definitely a live saver."
"i started this medicine last month. at first i lost a few pounds. however, the headache was incredibly bad. by week 2 i was wondering if i should continue. i read some reviews on here and everyone said to keep going until day 14, so i pushed through. by day 14, i had gained 7 pounds and my entire body ached as well as my head still hurting. my mind felt fuzzy and i, overall, felt horrible. i decided to stop taking the medicine. good luck to everyone taking the pill. it was not for me. :("
bipolar disorde
"i find abilify to be the only thing that stops the depression side of my bipolar. every time i try to stop it, after a couple of weeks i end up depressed again, being back on it for one week and depression goes.. have no side effects such as weight gain/loss, sleeplessness or sleepiness so feel lucky after reading through some of the comments here. its helped me regain control over my life."
"my 14-year-old son suffers from major depressive disorder/social anxiety disorder. he was previously on lexapro for 10 months, which worked well for his symptoms but gradually stopped working. he was switched to zoloft and increased from 25 mg to 50 mg after a week. only 3 days into the 50 mg dose he reports much improvement in his depression symptoms. it doesnt control his anxiety symptoms as well (yet) but we are hoping that will change in the next few weeks. overall, he feels better on zoloft. takes it in the evening due to initial side effect of headache."
weight loss
"i have been taking this medication for a week. the first day i did felt exhausted and slept my day away. so far i have managed to lose 4 pounds in seven days. the only side effect i have is dry mouth. i bought myself a refillable water bottle to carry with my at all times."
birth control
"i've been on junel for about 17 months now. as far as it working on acne, it has lessened it but it is not completely gone. my periods prior to junel were painful, full week long n extremely heavy. today they are light enough to use a panty liner only, shorter and cramping has been brought down to an all time low. overall i am happy with this pill, it made some changes and left my mood, weight, and bloating/fatigue during my periods exactly the same. hope this helps!"
birth control
"before taking sronyx i used to take loestrin 24 fe and i had no problems with that i enjoyed it doctor prescribed me sronyx recently and as soon as i took this bc i gained about 5 lbs the first month even though i exercise for almost 2 hours 4-5 times a week and my appetite has increased ...i have never felt so hungry to the point where i feel like i'm going to snap! my stomach growls also from so much hunger even though i ate 1-2 hours before!! this pill made me so irritable and angry at everyone around me ! i hate this pill , i am switching !"
birth control
"at the beginning, kariva seemed to be working well, my skin started to clear up, lighter periods, and emotional stabilization. however, once i started my second pack, my emotional state felt off. i didn't realize that it could be the pill i was taking, so i continued to use it. i felt very depressed, and sad, and on the verge of crying most times. once i told my doctor, i changed to blisovi 24 fe and my emotional state began to change in a positive way!"
"i was diagnosed with depression/ anxiety after i failed several add medications due to severe constipation. recently, l learned about taking probiotics for constipation and tried strattera again. wow, what a difference. i am much more emotionally stable/focused than i have ever been. anxiety disappeared. depression is almost unnoticeable. i'm on pristiq 50mg for depression/anxiety and two days ago, i upped my dose of strattera to 60mg. i was at 40mg for 30 days and i was much more stable emotionally, better focused & functional. so far, at 60mg, i'm fully focused and no longer feeling slightly tired. side effects wise, slow urination is almost gone. sexual side effects are moderate and dry mouth is slight. give it time to work!!!"
bipolar disorde
"i suffer from bipolar disorder and found that this drug works wonders. if i may say, this is the wonder drug they say that doesn't exist. now, i would usually complain how i went from x stone to y stone, but i'm drastically slim, so it's done me well to gain 60 pounds. this medicine helps controls psychotic disorders by allowing you that extra few seconds to respond, whereas before you would just react without thinking. it is known as a major sedative because, well, it slows you down. this drug is usually used in conjunction of antidepressant medications, and mood stabilizers. i suggest this drug, don't listen to the annoyed people who are now 20 pounds heavier. there is nothing to complain about if it helps, then it's worth every pound"
bipolar disorde
"this is the best medicine for sleep and having no manic problems. but i was 98 pounds (super tiny) now 203lb from risperdal. what is the point of being on something if it works for biploar but makes you obese?"
"i have been on xanax for about 30 years now. i have suffered with anxiety since i was a child and depression later in life. i started out only taking 0.5 mg a day, even going for periods of time without taking it at all, and then over the past 15 years i have graduated to only 1.5 mg a day. i feel no need for an increase. i suffer with all the usual anxiety symptoms, but one symptom that is most annoying is the choking sensation i feel in my throat. i believe i carry my stress and worries there. when i take xanax, it takes this terrible feeling away. i find it extremely difficult to get a doctor to prescribe me this medicine as i moved to another state. the people who abuse this drug make it extremely difficult for those of us who need it."
"i have had mild/moderate acne ever since i was 12. i've tried countless over the counter products, but decided to see a dermotoligist for real results. she put me on epiduo at 14 which worked slightly but being in the sun for a short amount of time gave me a rash on my face. i then went on once-daily cream(the cream is called once-daily) and it didn't help. my acne calmed down when i was 16, but came back just before my 17th. my doctor prescribed differen to me and i'm already getting results 2 weeks in. only thing is i can't use it every day because it dries my skin out too much, but that's to be expected. moisturiser is a must with this gel or your skin will flake! it really does help but, my skin tone is much nicer. recommend it :)"
"i started having bad anxiety after i went back to work. i started on lexapro 5mg. i'm glad i stuck with it. yes the side effects for the first 6 weeks were hell but after week 6 they all went away. i had every side effect too. but reading the reviews from people who said to stick it out it's worth it is what kept me going. after week 6 i went up to 10mg and was worried i was going to experience the side effects again. but nope no side effects. my anxiety is gone and i'm coming out of that black hole i was in. so please anyone reading this , yes stick with it! the start up side effects will go away. i had increased anxiety when i first started taking it but that too stopped. i am on the generic as well."
birth control
"it didn't give me any issues and i have been switching pills for over 8 months because i would breakthrough bleed. i never had any side effects from this at all."
"male: 21 years old, been through all the medications revolving around anxiety based anger and behavioural issues, i used to suffer brutal panic attacks, mood swings and couldn't stop shaking all the time, zero motivation and constant paranoid behaviour. my oxazepam experience: in combination with cbt (cognitive behavioural therapy). i'm actually able to hold a job, go outside and talk to people, get tasks done without all of the withdrawal symptoms that i experienced with diazapam- no physical painful withdrawal symptoms when stopping unlike other benzodiazepines. i use only when needed. 15mg on nights where i can't sleep or when naturally stressful situations arise such as funerals/money struggles. respect it and it will respect you"
birth control
"so i started this birth control a little under 2 months ago. i'm 18 years old and was previously on generess fe until my insurance didn't cover it anymore. i've noticed my boobs have started to grow more which is a plus. but i am nauseous all the time. like i feel disgustingly sick. also i have insane sugar cravings and really bad mood swings. i haven't had a period on this yet most likely because my body is still adjusting. this birth control is effective considering i'm not pregnant! i'm gonna stick with this for a while longer and see if the nausea has calmed down or gone away."
birth control
"the first few months were fine. no serious side effects. obviously i did not get pregnant, so it was effective in that way. the side effects after maybe 6 months or so were terrible. bleeding for 2 1/2+ weeks out of the month, weight gain (about 30 pounds,) irritable. i dealed with it because i had the mindset, "it's better this than getting pregnant so early." after about a year and three months, i'm bleeding for 3 weeks out of the month. i'm switching to loestrin 1/20. more estrogen for me."
"i had underlying anxiety - constantly wanting to hide in bed - random crying - high intensity job - mind wouldn't shut off. told doctor - she said this had helped many clients - by my 2nd day on 1/4 of the largest pill size - i felt at ease and pretty carefree. my life is 75% easier to take and i'm able to get through life with a smile. very happy. "
birth control
"when reading reviews for this birth control i was a bit taken back from all of the negative comments and side effects that some women were having. i decided to just go ahead and give it a try, because yes it causes different women different symptoms. i haven't had a single complaint from this birth control. i have actually lost all of my usual food craving, which has caused me to lose a couple pounds, (which i needed). it hasn't caused me to have random mood swings or irregular bleeding either. i say to all of the women looking at these reviews, i say go ahead and give it a try because it does work different for everyone! you never know until you try."
"use this for chronic cluster headache. only medication that provides lessening of severe head pain. not enough research has been done with the use of vicodin es for chronic cluster headache pain. "
birth control
"i had the implanon for 13 months. i went from a size 2 to a size 9. i worked out 6 days a week and lived on salad, shakes, chicken, fish and brown rice for about 90 days. i even gave up wine and beer with dinner. i started going up a pound a week. my breast hurt as bad as they did when i was pregnant and i lost my sex drive. i have had it out for a few weeks. i haven't really worked out or eaten too healthy. my weight started to drop the second my first period started. around the same time my sex drive returned. all i can say is that everyone that did not gain wait on it is very lucky."
"on it again for ocd and depression. actually still tired after 6 weeks switched to night and screws up my sleep pattern. not sure when to take it. it does help but can you live this tired forever?."
birth control
"i switched from sprintec (due to breakthrough bleeding) and began natazia. instantly, my appetite increased and i was moody. i decided to ride it out for three months...what a mistake! i became depressed and crazy. just switched today and hoping this new pill goes better."
"tried everything from depakote to lithium and every antidepressant with them. finally paired lamictal (lamotrigine) with lexapro (escitalopram,) and hit the jackpot! i'm unipolar (severe depressive,) and the 300mg er lamotrigine with 20mg lexapro has kept me totally mood-balanced and low-anxiety. after 20 years of different meds, i finally feel like myself."
birth control
"negative side effects: 1. weight gain: i'm very petite, & i workout at least 4 times a week. i track my activity using a fitbit, & while taking this bc my activity was actually higher than the previous month. that being said, i still gained about 7 pounds. my appetite increased, but not enough to justify this weight gain. by my calculations, i should have been losing weight due to higher activity levels. additionally, the eight gain only occurred around my mid section, & felt bloated and uncomfortable. 2. mood swings: i rarely cry, and when i do it's for good reason. with this bc, i wanted to cry over everything. 3. acne- my skin was clear before taking this, & now i have cystic acne all over my forehead and cheeks."
"i have been on pristiq for 9 months now. i had the night sweats in the beginning and they went away after about 3 weeks. i thought the only other side effect i've experienced was when i would forget to take a pill. the next day i would be dizzy and would snap at people. the following day would be back to normal. i also have a bite guard to help with the jaw at night. i don't use it that often. i noticed in the past week my depression returning slightly. i was confused because pristiq has worked wonders for me. realized i have a sensitivity to caffeine. i love dr. pepper and quit drinking it when i started pristiq. started drinking dp again and had stomach problems and depression. so no more caffeine! i take 50mg."
birth control
"switched from yasmin to tri-sprintec (third type of pill i've tried) and i had an awful experience. i barely gave it a month before calling my doc to switch to a new pill-my body reacted terribly to it. experienced persistent itching rash (mild allergic reaction), extreme vaginal dryness, fatigue, weight gain, and mild acne (where it used to be controlled on my other pills). "
"i have to share my experience. i have developed anxiety over the last few months. small panic attacks, moody behavior. my doctor prescribed me the 4 week introduction pack 10mg i must be super sensitive. i took one pill and within an hour i was unable to function. severe mania, made my anxiety worse. my eyes started to get really sensitive. this is the day after and i am still suffering. "
"i have mdd, gad, and adhd. the worse trifecta in my opinion. the reason why is because when i start treating one disorder the others get worse. well i had gotten my mdd and gad in check and on to treat my adhd so i was given a very low dose of adderall xr (10mg). it was way too over stimulating for me. i had so much anxiety that i couldn't even focus which is what adderall is supposed to help you do. so i switched over to 5mg adderall xr and while my anxiety didn't shoot up like the last dosage it still was ineffective."
"this medication saved my life. in 2015, my depression and anxiety were so horrible. i was sad and/or angry all the time and i was having 1-3 panic attacks a day. i've been suffering with depression since about 4th grade (i'm almost 21 now) but my anxiety didn't really get aggressive until i was a sophomore in high school. after i graduated is when it became a really big problem for me. i stopped taking zoloft in 2015 after a few months because i lost my insurance. i got put back on it in may of 2016. it's been nearly a year and i'm a brand new person. happier, funnier, more full of life, more excited about life, i feel incredible! i only have about 1 panic attack every 2-4 months and my mood is positive and amazing! so happy to have this"
weight loss
"i have been using this combination, first as qysmia, ($150/month) then as a phentermine/topamax ($34/month) prescribed separately by my dr. along with weight watchers and this combination works great! it totally has me not thinking about food all the time, especially when i'm bored. my mind used to think about what to eat next, or what would taste good, so i snacked all the time, with the meds it really has me not thinking those thoughts. i still feel hungry when i'm hungry, but not in between meals. plus ww helps with portion control, so i can still eat the foods i want and not feel deprived of pizza (my favorite) which i eat every week. i do recommend this weight loss regimen. so far i've lost 25 pounds over 3 months."
bipolar disorde
"i have been on geodon for over 4 years now. granted, it was tough to start this medication with excessive sleepiness, but i did not give up on it because my doctor really recommended it and we titrated up to 120 mg per day taken in 4 separate doses of 40 mg. geodon is an integral part of my bipolar disorder regimen! it stabilizes me perfectly with lamotrigine and wellbutrin xl. it's a miracle drug!"
birth control
"i have to rate this a 5/10 because on one hand it is really effective. my husband and i use no form of backup contraceptives (i.e condoms) and have not fallen pregnant. i also rarely have periods, and when i do they are fairly light. however, on the other hand i have been on the implant for 1 year and 8 months, and have gained so much weight. i have gained upwards of 30 pounds, and i have been trying to figure out why. my eating/fitness habits have not changed one bit since i got the implanon inserted, so it is quite obviously due to the implanon which seems to be a common complaint. i also have zero sex drive, bad mood swings, and periods of extreme lethargy. i am often too tired to do anything. i have an appointment for removal next week."
"i have been using tri-nessa for three months and it has been pretty good. my doctor put it on me to balance my hormones and control my acne. as for my acne, my skin was clearing up in the first two months and then steadily got worse again. although my periods on tri-nessa have been extremely regular (which was not the case for me before) and i have had no negative side-effects."
"i have depression. prozac did not help me. after 4 weeks and several side effects, the only positive experience was the fact that i didn't feel anything "bad" or "good". the worst was the major lack of motivation and loss of all interest in what i enjoyed in life. that was kind of the problem before the medicine. this is my second day off prozac and i feel better each day. good luck all."
birth control
"honestly, this is the first and only birth control i've been on. i started taking it to prevent pregnancy about 11 months ago, and still currently on it. if you don't eat with the pill your going to feel sick , so i've learned to really stay on top of it. besides that, the only other compliant i have is it makes me 5xs more emotional once my period rolls around, and i'm generally emotional anyways about some things so this really makes my moods only when on my period, very in the air! i would recommend this for first time birth control seekers as it has been working for me just fine (knock on wood). i would rate it a 9/10 because of the mood swings!"
"i took doryx for 2 months and it worked. i stopped taking it and it started coming back in 2 months. now i paid $270 to buy it again as my insurance would not cover it."
"i have been on zoloft and celexa, both just taking the edge off, for the last 7 yrs. i had been in a pretty deep depression for the last few months, so my pcp suggested viibryd. she told me to take it in the morning with food for the nausea. i took the 10mg dose with half my daily celexa dose for the first week. i felt a difference on day 1. the clutter cleared up, unreasonable emotions were easier to control, i actually felt happy. i have experienced mild gastrointestinal issues, evening sweets cravings and stomach bloat, none of which i realized were side effects until reading up here. i am now on my second week of 40mg/day doses, feeling great. i combat the restless leg (read: whole body) by dosing in the morning with food. i have very high hopes for this medicine."
"been taking for 27 years. only drug that had any effect on my profound clinical depression of 15 years duration. gave me my life back. some side effects initially but minor compared to the relief of depression. wish it were more available to more people who are not helped by the more frequently used antidepressants."
"this medicine did wonders for me at 19 to 20yrs of age. i slipped into a severe depression. i had to think about what to think about. felt like my mind would go blank at any moment. but after being given this medicine, within 3 weeks i snapped out of it. i stopped taking it and haven't needed it again since. but it is a comfort to know it is there should i ever go through that again. "
bipolar disorde
"i was on antidepressants for many years. the other antidepressants made me hyper, anxious and and i had mood swings (sometimes several during a matter of hours). i am finally being treated by a good psych doc and he prescribed this great mood stabilizer for me. now on 75 mgs once daily and i have been taking this for 7 weeks. i did have thinning hair; take multivitamin and vitamin d and notice difference! i feel better, don't get angry at work, moods more even and am able to think clearly. i wake up at night with terrible sweats and don't know what that is about (will discuss with doc next week). i walk a lot and exercise is excellent for the body and mind. wish i had this medication 30 years ago."
"i have taken trazodone since i was 16 (i'm 25 now). i started out at 50 mg but found that 100 mg was the best for me. i honestly don't know what i would do without it. i fall asleep anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour after taking it (depending on how awake or tired i am). the only downside for me is that i literally cannot sleep a wink without taking it. i know part of it is physiological, but i have also developed a dependence over the years. i'd like to be able to sleep on my own eventually but it just works too well!"
"lexapro has helped my anxiety and depression and i am glad to be on it. started in january of 2002 and it brought me back to my senses and i was able to get out of a bad relationship and meet my husband. the side effects are minimal and blend into my daily life without much thought. sexual side effects can be frustrating but my husband and i have a system figured out that works for us. i will be upping to 20 mg from 15 mg because of some social anxiety over the last few months from a job loss and the isolation and excess worry that followed. for panic, i take klonopin which has been a life saver. once lexapro kicked in, i felt like i had always wanted to feel since the age of 15 - normal! not sad, not scared, not worried or anxious."
"i have been taking lexapro for about six months now. i was put on it for a panic attack and mild depression. i am someone who never takes meds unless i have too and was very worried about being on this drug because i feared the side affects when it would be time to get off. i decided on therapy and lexapro. i am only on ten milagrams, 39 and petite. i can't say that this drug has caused me weight gain but if i am extra hungry i choose a healthier snack. i will say that the first few days of taking the med i did feel tired, and tense in my arms but i will say the panic attack attributed to that. i am doing great i am more relaxed and happier . therapy is key too. hang in there and talk to someone!!"
birth control
"i am on my second round of implanon. i had the first one inserted in october 2007 and had the second one put in yesterday afternoon. my boyfriend and i absolutely love this birth control. i haven't ever had mood swings, weight gain, or depression. i have my periods regularly and all in all i very much love this form of birth control. since i have gotten mine my 3 sisters have followed suit and none of them have any side effects either. before i originally got the first one i did tons of research and discovered that implanon is a better form of birth control than getting your tubes tied at 1 in 15,000 women getting pregnant when using implanon where as have your tubes tied is a 1 in 12,000 chance of getting pregnant. i absolutely love it!"
birth control
"i did my liletta insertion during my menstrual cycle and my doctor said thats fine cuz the insertion will be easier since my cervix or uterus will be more open and i did feel a tiny pinch. the nurse held my hand during that part and after that it was over. it took five minutes and than i went home. because i had my period when i got my liletta inserted cramping and pain was normal for me..but afterwards spotting is still there and i have mild cramps and back pain. i am in week 4 so its still too early for me to say if i like it but for now its on and off but i am not bothered. i know everyone is different. i have 3 children so i don't plan to have anymore and i am 30 so this birth control works for me for now."
birth control
"i've been on this pill for a month. i specifically asked my doctor for a low-dose pill because i have had really bad experiences with birth control in the past, from weight gain to ridiculous mood swings, pms, to my sex drive gone, to constant spotting. i am a healthy, slim, active 37 year old. this pill is the best! it's like i am not on anything at all. i have not gained any weight. no acne, no mood swings, and my sex drive has increased, actually. the only reason why i can't give it a 10 is because it is a little pricey and one thing i was not expecting was the boob growth! i was already a 32dd, and i am popping out of those bras already. my man is not complaining"
"i'm 21 years old and have terrible social anxiety, hypochondria, gad, and night terrors. i've tried xanax, klonopin, and ativan for my anxiety. xanax didn't last long enough, klonopin gave me moodiness, and ativan did nothing. my doctor gives me diazepam (valium) 5 mg/four times a day and it's a miracle. i can't tell you how tremendously valium has improved my life. i'm constantly mellow now, can think straight, and sleep restfully at night. the effects also last all day and keep me anxiety-free. valium has definitely given me my life back!"
weight loss
"i tried to lose weight with diet and exercise for years. doctor first put me on an expensive medication and it worked but i didn't want to pay $200 a month! doc told me about lomaira and how it could be used to target eating in the afternoon and reduce my exposure to too much medicine. so far so good. no bad side effects and my appetite is definitely lower. i'm taking one tablet in the morning and a second before lunch."
"i have been on yaz for hormonal acne for about 3 years now. let me just say the first two years were awesome. no chin breakouts, less oily. now for some reason it is no longer working. i am getting painful cysts again around my period. i thought it was temporary but i started noticing it in december and it is now september. i'm nervous to get off of it for fear it will be worse. it worked for me for some time but now i have to find something else."