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6,088,484 | 2020-10-28 | 2021-03-25 | epub | null | 4,924,565 | null | 7344d1ae0ae3db52d93a29b633825e94 | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | ePubLibre | spanish | 1832 | | 1 | null | 0 |
10,730,484 | 2020-12-04 | 2021-02-04 | pdf | 1,017,734 | 1,017,734 | d39b834ac6162310de880b6206379906 | d39b834ac6162310de880b6206379906 | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | 2012 | 0 | pilimi-zlib-9460000-10999999.torrent | 0 |
11,633,023 | 2021-02-18 | 2021-02-18 | pdf | null | 31,711,025 | null | f1beeb2c524daf6d0014e0964742e823 | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Orbis Ventures | spanish | 2004 | | 1 | null | 0 |
16,370,641 | 2021-06-17 | 2022-05-27 | epub | null | 13,810,670 | null | db33d7153554d506027f53907bce31fd | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | ePubLibre | other | 1832 | 1 | null | 0 |
16,370,643 | 2021-06-17 | 2022-05-27 | epub | null | 975,531 | null | 76b4b3907eb4a5cc93e114fdf7a60265 | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | ePubLibre | other | 1806 | 1 | null | 0 |
16,370,644 | 2021-06-17 | 2022-05-27 | epub | null | 4,016,002 | null | af74184e65a8f16196e61d561d1603b9 | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | ePubLibre | other | 1806 | 1 | null | 0 |
16,830,413 | 2021-07-23 | 2022-07-15 | epub | null | 958,470 | null | 95075fe14520860c8274f06149997adb | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | other | 2013 | A coleção Encontro com os Clássicos apresenta adaptações dos grandes clássicos da literatura universal para os leitores jovens. O objetivo é favorecer um primeiro contato com essas obras por meio de linguagem acessível às novas gerações, preservando o enredo e as principais características de cada obra, motivando o gosto pela boa leitura e pelo aprofundamento no conhecimento dos clássicos e de seus autores. Considerado símbolo cultural da Modernidade, Fausto é um poema de proporções épicas que retrata a tragédia do Dr. Fausto, homem de ciência que, desiludido com o conhecimento de seu tempo, faz um pacto com o demônio. Nesta obra, é possível vislumbrar traços de uma lenda popular alemã na qual o protagonista assume o caráter de médico, mágico e alquimista. A primeira parte do poema – a mais famosa – foi publicada em 1806 e a segunda, em 1832, às vésperas da morte do autor. | 1 | null | 0 |
17,828,007 | 2021-10-26 | 2022-08-14 | epub | 1,595,528 | 1,595,528 | 76562536b3ad5dd1d1716bea21dca659 | 76562536b3ad5dd1d1716bea21dca659 | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | epubGratis | other | 1805 | Este poema dramático, inspirado en una leyenda medieval, narra la historia de Fausto, sabio anciano que, en el ocaso de su existencia, establece un pacto con Mefistófeles, a quien entrega su alma a cambio de la juventud. Las dos partes del Fausto, cuya escritura abarca toda la vida creativa de Goethe, conforman un clásico inagotable de la literatura universal. En él, la filosofía y el arte se dan la mano para representar la inquietud del hombre en busca del saber y la belleza. El presente volumen recupera la fiel traducción en verso de Pedro Gálvez y la empareja con el texto original en alemán que Albrecht Schöne fijó para la Deutscher Klassiker Verlag (Insel) y que ha sido considerado unánimemente su edición definitiva. Completan el tomo una exhaustiva e iluminadora introducción del editor y un apéndice con todos los escritos autobiográficos de Goethe, que atestiguan el extenso y laborioso proceso de escritura de la obra, que va de la década de 1760 a la muerte del poeta en 1832. | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-17780000-17859999.torrent | 0 |
18,720,250 | 2022-01-10 | 2022-07-15 | epub | 769,522 | 769,522 | 2b98db606dddab858ec40fa951f5d90d | 2b98db606dddab858ec40fa951f5d90d | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Grupo Planeta | other | 2014 | Casi doscientos cincuenta años después del nacimiento de su autor, "Fausto" sigue siendo un clásico, pues plantea el problema de los límites y el sentido de la acción humana, y lo hace bajo la parábola del pacto con el diablo. La obra mantiene su vigencia hoy porque, mediante los interrogantes propios de la condición humana, reaviva la inquietud en una época que pretende sentirse ajena a ellos. En realidad, "Fausto "reúne dos obras distintas enmarcadas en momentos muy concretos de la historia europea: el posterior a la Revolución Francesa y el de la consiguiente Restauración monárquica. En el drama se citan, igualmente, dos perfiles muy distintos de Goethe (Frankfurt, 1749 - Weimar, 1832): el alma de un joven lleno de desasosiego y la atemperada vejez de un funcionario jubilado. Si a lo largo de sesenta y cuatro años de creación varía el autor, también cambia su personaje. En la primera parte, un triste erudito se lanza a una desesperada acumulación de experiencias. En la segunda,... | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-18700000-18809999.torrent | 0 |
19,284,325 | 2022-03-04 | 2022-06-23 | pdf | null | 34,367,553 | null | 7869479cb87bc1068b3773b6eb23e9e6 | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Colihue | other | 2015 | 768 | 1 | null | 0 |
19,299,790 | 2022-03-07 | 2022-08-22 | pdf | null | 15,080,962 | null | 5c09635b6488a9747799b6748b419555 | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Colihue | other | 2015 | 1 | null | 0 |
21,356,742 | 2022-04-17 | 2022-07-15 | epub | 5,087,640 | 5,087,640 | 6bc37f34521f9cec8d6500ecda6a4c59 | 6bc37f34521f9cec8d6500ecda6a4c59 | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | ePubLibre | other | 1805 | Fausto es sin duda una de las obras fundamentales y más originales de la historia de la literatura. Y quizá su universalidad resida en el hecho de que el lector, cualquier lector, no puede menos que reconocerse en su personaje central, en la parte más negativa, en los defectos o «pecados» de su protagonista, Fausto: en su desmesura, su soberbia, su egoísmo y su angustia existencial. Pues, en efecto, Fausto es un héroe negativo que simboliza la eterna insatisfacción del hombre, sobre todo del hombre moderno, un hombre mucho más complejo que el medieval o el antiguo y que ya no se basta con logros y comodidades materiales. Fausto es un hombre torturado por ansias nunca satisfechas de un no sé qué, un hombre que se pasa la vida corriendo en pos de nuevas metas que nunca terminan de llenarle… Fausto simboliza todo lo que somos: el hombre entero. | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-21320000-21399999.torrent | 0 |
22,275,486 | 2022-08-06 | 2022-08-09 | epub | 329,116 | 329,116 | 339e5e7231af283ef48d14088a54a94c | 339e5e7231af283ef48d14088a54a94c | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Centaur | other | 2011 | '' | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-22200000-22299999.torrent | 0 |
22,386,735 | 2022-08-20 | 2022-08-21 | epub | 21,578,125 | 21,578,125 | 8216cd6bd43e1afe1c5321ce4e5e00ff | 8216cd6bd43e1afe1c5321ce4e5e00ff | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | ePubLibre | other | 1831 | La figura del doctor Fausto, personaje legendario que vende su alma al demonio a cambio del disfrute de la vida mediante el logro de todos los impulsos de la voluntad, fue recreada desde el Renacimiento por diversos literatos, pero fue J. W. Goethe (1749-1832) quien enriqueció la leyenda y le confirió un profundo valor filosófico y humano. En su «Fausto», publicado en dos partes (1808 y 1832), la búsqueda de lo absoluto y de la plenitud vital convierte al personaje en un prototipo del espíritu siempre insatisfecho del hombre romántico y en un símbolo del destino de la humanidad. Sin embargo, esta obra cumbre de la literatura no nos da un arquetipo humano, como don Juan o el rey Lear o Tartufo. En verdad, todo lo que acontece a Fausto a lo largo del poema no constituye su tragedia: su tragedia no es algo en que se realiza su vida, sino que es precisamente la vida misma. Desesperado y desengañado por el intelecto, el protagonista proclama la acción como principio del mundo, mas todas las formas de la acción contienen un destino de error (y dolor) inevitable: el que lleva aparejado toda elección. | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-22300000-22399999.torrent | 0 |
22,421,726 | 2022-08-23 | 2022-08-23 | epub | 1,081,842 | 1,081,842 | cfd0737d2d1fb71a2106e0cefd62332f | cfd0737d2d1fb71a2106e0cefd62332f | Fausto | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | ePubLibre | other | 1805 | Este poema dramático, inspirado en una leyenda medieval, narra la historia de Fausto, sabio anciano que, en el ocaso de su existencia, establece un pacto con Mefistófeles, a quien entrega su alma a cambio de la juventud. Las dos partes del Fausto, cuya escritura abarca toda la vida creativa de Goethe, conforman un clásico inagotable de la literatura universal. En él, la filosofía y el arte se dan la mano para representar la inquietud del hombre en busca del saber y la belleza.
El presente volumen recupera la fiel traducción en verso de Pedro Gálvez y la empareja con el texto original en alemán que Albrecht Schöne fijó para la Deutscher Klassiker Verlag (Insel) y que ha sido considerado unánimemente su edición definitiva. Completan el tomo una exhaustiva e iluminadora introducción del editor y un apéndice con todos los escritos autobiográficos de Goethe, que atestiguan el extenso y laborioso proceso de escritura de la obra, que va de la década de 1760 a la muerte del poeta en 1832. | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-22400000-22433982.torrent | 0 |
1,181,722 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-13 | pdf | null | 12,790,343 | null | 547a25bf7af6844469508e9ce4b0ac16 | Mastering VBA for Office 2010 | Richard Mansfield | Sybex | english | 2 | 2010 | 915 | A comprehensive guide to the language used to customize Microsoft OfficeVisual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the language used for writing macros, automating Office applications, and creating custom applications in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access. This complete guide shows both IT professionals and novice developers how to master VBA in order to customize the entire Office suite for specific business needs.Office 2010 is the leading productivity suite, and the VBA language enables customizations of all the Office programs; this complete guide gives both novice and experienced programmers the knowledge they need to make maximum use of VBA for OfficeSupported with real-world examples in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access, this book offers clear, systematic tutorials with both intermediate and advanced contentCovers learning how to work with VBA; recording macros; using loops and functions; using message boxes, input boxes, and dialog boxes; creating effective code; XML-based files; ActiveX; the developer tab; content controls; add-ins; embedded macros; and securityMastering VBA for Office 2010 prepares developers to customize all Microsoft Office 2010 applications for the unique needs of their employers. | 1 | null | 0 |
5,914,846 | 2020-10-10 | 2021-02-02 | pdf | null | 11,839,964 | null | afaf828baa5f2a78684741dbb94e5493 | How to Learn an Unwritten Language | Sarah C. Gudschinsky | Holt, Rinehart and Winston | english | Studies in Anthropological Method | 1967 | 64 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,167,010 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-21 | pdf | null | 14,959,349 | null | 19e10eaa27222ef3d18457d696cc9802 | The Case Book for Russian | Laura A. Janda, Steven J. Clancy | Slavica | english | Paperback/Course Russian | 2002 | 316 | 1 | null | 0 |
5,447,046 | 2020-04-13 | 2021-04-22 | pdf | 3,911,178 | 3,911,178 | e8dcee4dc568cceb4cd5a85930817a22 | e8dcee4dc568cceb4cd5a85930817a22 | Technology-Based Entrepreneurship | Brychan Thomas | english | 2018 | 0 | pilimi-zlib-5380000-5449999.torrent | 0 |
17,556,891 | 2021-10-14 | 2022-06-19 | pdf | null | 15,939,378 | null | 2a2f64bf7a590fdf313f71d58c86a790 | The Compound Verb in Hindi | Peter Edwin Hook | University of Michigan, Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies | other | 1 | 1973 | 318 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,099,164 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 812,804 | null | 0ccbb6a2c1360193f8c94ea50943802c | Spuren | Ernst Bloch | Suhrkamp Verlag | german | 1998 | 93 | 1 | null | 0 |
2,516,298 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 1,452,117 | null | 4e7dfbfd8ae7f04880194f43210fac5b | The Philosophy of Generative Linguistics | Peter Ludlow | Oxford University Press | english | 1 | 2011 | 246 | Peter Ludlow presents the first book on the philosophy of generative linguistics, including both Chomsky's government and binding theory and his minimalist program. Ludlow explains the motivation of the generative framework, describes its basic mechanisms, and then addresses some of the many interesting philosophical questions and puzzles that arise once we adopt the general theoretical approach. He focuses on what he takes to be the most basic philosophical issues about the ontology of linguistics, about the nature of data, about language/world relations, and about best theory criteria. These are of broad philosophical interest, from epistemology to ethics: Ludlow hopes to bring the philosophy of linguistics to a wider philosophical audience and show that we have many shared philosophical questions. Similarly, he aims to set out the philosophical issues in such a way as to engage readers from linguistics, and to encourage interaction between the two disciplines on foundational issues. | 1 | null | 0 |
1,014,958 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-10 | pdf | null | 22,115,669 | null | 55d02e26d257913bc72337893abc5959 | The Papuan Languages of New Guinea | William A. Foley | Cambridge University Press | english | Cambridge Language Surveys | 1986 | 320 | This introduction to the descriptive and historical linguistics of the Papuan languages of New Guinea provide an accessible account of one of the richest and most diverse linguistic situations in the world. The Papuan languages number over 700 (or 20 per cent of the world's total) in more than sixty language families. Less than a quarter of the individual languages have yet been adequately documented, and in this sense William Foley's book might be considered premature. However, in the search for language universals and generalisations in linguistic typology, it would be foolhardy to neglect the information that is available. In this respect alone, the present volume, systematically organised on mainly typology principles, is particularly timely and useful. In addition, the processes of linguistic diffusion are present in New Guinea to an extent probably paralleled elsewhere on the globe. The Papuan Languages of New Guinea will be of interest not only to general and comparative linguists and to typologists, but also to sociolinguists and anthropologists for the information it provides on the social dynamics of language content. | 1 | null | 0 |
1,113,284 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-16 | pdf | null | 2,950,761 | null | 8318cabc702f6dee857b48f1d0c3b47a | The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Forensic Psychiatry | Robert I. Simon, Liza H. Gold | American Psychiatric Pub | english | 2 | 2010 | 727 | The editors have once again assembled some of the foremost experts in forensic psychiatry for this thoroughly revised and expanded second edition of their classic text. A versatile resource, The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Forensic Psychiatry is valuable not only for practicing psychiatrists (both the general clinician and the forensic specialist) but also for psychiatric residents, those enrolled in forensic fellowship programs, and other mental health professionals. Organized around case examples and featuring an index of legal cases, the book provides the context clinicians require to navigate the legal system, understand their role as expert witnesses, and practice professionally and ethically. Evolving with current trends to fill critical gaps, the book offers new chapters on forensic geriatric psychiatry and forensic psychiatry and the Internet, topics that will only increase in importance over time. It also offers an updated chapter on ethics, which takes into account the ongoing evolution and clarification of the ethical role of forensic psychiatrists; an extensively revised chapter on psychological testing; and thorough coverage of starting and managing a forensic psychiatry practice. Current and exhaustive in coverage, the new edition will surely take its place as the preeminent textbook in the field. | 1 | null | 0 |
17,126,209 | 2021-08-27 | 2022-08-15 | epub | 1,103,329 | 1,103,329 | d0412eef73e241640b44395ca1323723 | d0412eef73e241640b44395ca1323723 | Bergkristall | Adalbert Stifter | SoTo Velag | other | 2015 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-17060000-17149999.torrent | 0 |
19,279,017 | 2022-03-03 | 2022-07-15 | mobi | 139,016 | 139,016 | 8c8d497599e92499e7d4f5bd06b064dd | 8c8d497599e92499e7d4f5bd06b064dd | Bergkristall | Adalbert Stifter | TUX | other | 2009 | In dem Bergdorf Gschaid lebt ein Schuster, dessen Sohn von ihm das Handwerk erlernt und in der Schule zu den Besten zählt, sich jedoch auf Tanzplätzen und Kegelbahnen herumtreibt. Erst nach dem Tod seiner Eltern besinnt sich der junge Mann, übernimmt das Geschäft seines Vaters und setzt seinen Ehrgeiz darauf, die Bewohner von Gschaid und auch aus anderen Tälern mit hochwertigem Schuhwerk zu versorgen. Einen Konkurrenten hat er nicht, auch wenn der alte Tobias, den er kostenlos mit Lederflecken und Sohlenabschnitten versorgt, kaputte und abgelaufene Schuhe repariert.
Der Schuster freit um die schöne Färbertochter Susanna, die bei ihren Eltern in dem Marktflecken Millsdorf auf der anderen Seite eines Bergrückens lebt. Obwohl man nur drei Stunden von Gschaid nach Millsdorf läuft – was die Bewohner als Kleinigkeit empfinden – sind die Sitten und Gewohnheiten verschieden; die Bewohner von Millsdorf sind viel wohlhabender als die von Gschaid, und es geschieht nur selten, dass jemand von dem einen Ort zum anderen geht. – Erst nach längerer Zeit überredet die Färberin ihren widerstrebenden Mann, dem Schuster von Gschaid die Tochter zur Frau zu geben. | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-19250000-19329999.torrent | 0 |
2,015,034 | 2019-04-08 | 2020-11-12 | pdf | null | 267,009 | null | 08202cb18fc0c2bab1bebfadbeda1eba | Die Traumnovelle | Arthur Schnitzler | german | 2010 | 101 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,242,818 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-03-29 | pdf | null | 21,511,357 | null | ba2f4e98a37dd9d08210733e72b9a01b | Japanese and the Other Altaic Languages | Roy Andrew Miller | University of Chicago Press | english | History and Structure of Languages | 1971 | 174 | 1 | null | 0 |
648,087 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-24 | pdf | null | 598,545 | null | effcc854e9689d6974c57ec0773051ce | The locative syntax of experiencers | Idan Landau | MIT Press | english | Linguistic inquiry monographs 53 | 2010 | 179 | Experiencers—grammatical participants that undergo a certain psychological change or are in certain psychological states—are grammatically special. As objects ('John scared Mary' ; 'loud music annoy me '), experiencers display two peculiar clusters of nonobject properties across different languages: their syntax is often typical of oblique arguments and their semantic scope is typical of subjects. In The Locative Syntax of Experiencers, Idan Landau investigates this puzzling correlation and argues that experiencers are syntactically coded as (mental) locations. Drawing on results from a range of languages and theoretical frameworks, Landau examines the far-reaching repercussions of this simple claim. Landau shows that all experiencer objects are grammaticalized as locative phrases, introduced by a dative/locative preposition. “Bare” experiencer objects are in fact oblique, too, the preposition being null. This preposition accounts for the oblique psych(ological) properties, attested in case alternations, cliticization, resumption, restrictions on passive formation, and so on. As locatives, object experiencers may undergo locative inversion, giving rise to the common phenomenon of quirky experiencers. When covert, this inversion endows object experiencers with wide scope, attested in control, binding, and wh- quantifier interactions. Landau’s synthesis thus provides a novel solution to some of the oldest puzzles in the generative study of psychological verbs. The Locative Syntax of Experiencers offers the most comprehensive description of the syntax of psychological verbs to date, documenting their special properties in more than twenty languages. Its basic theoretical claim is readily translatable into alternative frameworks. Existing accounts of psychological verbs either consider very few languages or fail to incorporate other theoretical frameworks; this study takes a broader perspective, informed by findings of four decades of research. Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 53 | 1 | null | 0 |
2,377,643 | 2015-06-26 | 2020-10-23 | epub | 1,010,656 | 1,010,656 | 470027bcec21ae70d076ef3c20242c1c | 470027bcec21ae70d076ef3c20242c1c | The Meaning of Tingo | Adam Jacot De Boinod | english | 0 | pilimi-zlib-420000-2379999.torrent | 0 |
21,907,418 | 2022-07-09 | 2022-08-06 | mobi | 928,775 | 928,775 | 1b979c1589f5954d3e4991f4e4138438 | 1b979c1589f5954d3e4991f4e4138438 | The Meaning of Tingo | Adam Jacot De Boinod | ePenguin | other | 2006 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-21840000-21939999.torrent | 0 |
926,565 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-02-20 | pdf | null | 800,813 | null | b4bd053697ba48313c426470628e89be | Medea | Euripides | dutch | 84 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,061,623 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-17 | pdf | null | 1,448,346 | null | d7dae3c43bff6eb63ceebad6d5a260a3 | Medea | Euripides | Hackett Pub Co | english | 2008 | 106 | One of Euripides' most famous tragedies, Medea tells the story of the protagonist's revenge on her husband Jason, who has announced his plan to leave her and marry the daughter of the king. | 1 | null | 0 |
1,392,888 | 2019-04-07 | 2020-03-14 | doc | null | 198,144 | null | 66294031f3acd41314940d55d97a0ece | Medea | Euripides | spanish | 1 | null | 0 |
1,890,269 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-28 | pdf | null | 180,663 | null | 161a1b07951ec25cb135d2ccca934d2d | Medea | Euripides | german | 2010 | 61 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,890,270 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-28 | epub | null | 35,436 | null | aefc394e420d5d8e6156d381e4f6cc98 | Medea | Euripides | german | 2010 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,890,271 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-18 | pdf | null | 465,313 | null | 005714efbf90e9f10375c2dd90ae5b65 | Medea | Euripides | german | 2010 | 50 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,890,272 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-01-28 | rtf | null | 205,489 | null | b5b5ce73402fb5f597d2847b9fb63550 | Medea | Euripides | german | 2010 | 1 | null | 0 |
2,014,604 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-02-13 | rtf | null | 28,700,502 | null | 78caf21504242a3d55465016d57cfb2d | Medea | Euripides | german | 1 | null | 0 |
5,038,322 | 2019-06-13 | 2021-04-21 | epub | null | 752,467 | null | 014d81e068ddd1612daa9fc2301f3242 | Medea | Eurípides | spanish | 1 | null | 0 |
5,106,738 | 2019-06-24 | 2021-03-02 | rtf | null | 75,435 | null | 5ce5a507b6bb44cd1e728b334e4096c0 | Medea | Euripides | english | 1 | null | 0 |
5,181,334 | 2019-06-25 | 2021-02-18 | epub | null | 174,409 | null | 28776ac0c00f05f2bced26f3370fa58e | Medea | Euripides | german | 2015 | 1 | null | 0 |
5,437,360 | 2020-04-06 | 2021-03-27 | pdf | 146,249 | 146,249 | a7e5a15b0b34b529b66e35fabe0aaa1e | a7e5a15b0b34b529b66e35fabe0aaa1e | Medea | Euripides | spanish | 2002 | 45 | <span>Jasón no solo regresó de la Cólquide con el vellocino de oro, sino que también sedujo a la hija del rey Eetes, Medea. A su vuelta a Yolco, hallan un escenario de traición familiar del que huyen dejando un rastro carmesí. Cuando recalen en Corinto, Medea desplegará una pavorosa venganza contra Jasón al descubrir que pretende a la hija del rey Creonte. Este imperecedero personaje femenino recoge las leyendas que veían a la hechicera como una mujer exótica y salvaje que, por amor, despierta el lado atroz de lo humano. Sus coetáneos decían que Eurípides prefería representar «las cosas como son y no como debieran», y ello quizá sea lo que nos sigue atrayendo de esta princesa extranjera: su cruda realidad, su repulsión natural hacia el perjurio, su asimilación negada, su temible ira, su compromiso con la sangre.</span> | 0 | pilimi-zlib-5380000-5449999.torrent | 0 |
6,021,791 | 2020-10-18 | 2021-03-04 | epub | null | 237,188 | null | 477a0fdfc178f0162fa6409d612eba5e | Medea | Eurípides | ePubLibre | spanish | 431 | | 1 | null | 0 |
15,346,561 | 2021-05-31 | 2022-08-20 | epub | 238,246 | 238,246 | f2f6c9ad5709d36e84bf3bb3e20fea7b | f2f6c9ad5709d36e84bf3bb3e20fea7b | Medea | Eurípides | other | Jasón no solo regresó de la Cólquide con el vellocino de oro, sino que también sedujo a la hija del rey Eetes, Medea. A su vuelta a Yolco, hallan un escenario de traición familiar del que huyen dejando un rastro carmesí. Cuando recalen en Corinto, Medea desplegará una pavorosa venganza contra Jasón al descubrir que pretende a la hija del rey Creonte. Este imperecedero personaje femenino recoge las leyendas que veían a la hechicera como una mujer exótica y salvaje que, por amor, despierta el lado atroz de lo humano. Sus coetáneos decían que Eurípides prefería representar «las cosas como son y no como debieran», y ello quizá sea lo que nos sigue atrayendo de esta princesa extranjera: su cruda realidad, su repulsión natural hacia el perjurio, su asimilación negada, su temible ira, su compromiso con la sangre.La presente edición de Medea cuenta con la versión y la introducción del helenista, escritor y traductor Ramón Irigoyen. Asimismo, los profesores de comunicación audiovisual de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra Jordi Balló y Xavier Pérez han escrito a cuatro manos el epílogo «La venganza triunfal». | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-15000000-15679999.torrent | 0 |
16,386,448 | 2021-06-19 | 2022-08-16 | pdf | 137,869 | 137,869 | ed6b5445a9913fb763781e847eda51d9 | ed6b5445a9913fb763781e847eda51d9 | Medea | Eurípides | other | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-16380000-16469999.torrent | 0 |
16,407,257 | 2021-06-21 | 2022-05-27 | epub | null | 150,228 | null | 0ee47aa4535e06a456706578e72e9c04 | Medea | Eurípides | ePubLibre | other | 431 | 1 | null | 0 |
17,042,930 | 2021-08-21 | 2022-08-14 | pdf | 675,771 | 675,771 | 7e9264c58f2e1272df3404c5bc723066 | 7e9264c58f2e1272df3404c5bc723066 | Medea | Eurípides | EspaPDF | other | Jasón no solo regresó de la Cólquide con el vellocino de oro, sino que también sedujo a la hija del rey Eetes, Medea. A su vuelta a Yolco, hallan un escenario de traición familiar del que huyen dejando un rastro carmesí. Cuando recalen en Corinto, Medea desplegará una pavorosa venganza contra Jasón al descubrir que pretende a la hija del rey Creonte. Este imperecedero personaje femenino recoge las leyendas que veían a la hechicera como una mujer exótica y salvaje que, por amor, despierta el lado atroz de lo humano. Sus coetáneos decían que Eurípides prefería representar «las cosas como son y no como debieran», y ello quizá sea lo que nos sigue atrayendo de esta princesa extranjera: su cruda realidad, su repulsión natural hacia el perjurio, su asimilación negada, su temible ira, su compromiso con la sangre. La presente edición de Medea cuenta con la versión y la introducción del helenista, escritor y traductor Ramón Irigoyen. Asimismo, los profesores de comunicación audiovisual de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra Jordi Balló y Xavier Pérez han escrito a cuatro manos el epílogo «La venganza triunfal». | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-16960000-17059999.torrent | 0 |
18,522,995 | 2021-12-25 | 2022-08-23 | pdf | 1,387,214 | 1,387,214 | 0d1ad080e5d21704ddf30d1b7ad46e42 | 0d1ad080e5d21704ddf30d1b7ad46e42 | Medea | Euripides | other | 2008 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-18510000-18609999.torrent | 0 |
21,500,100 | 2022-05-07 | 2022-07-15 | pdf | 1,300,560 | 1,300,560 | 846eb03a054c14f9a58a4a93651ef1d1 | 846eb03a054c14f9a58a4a93651ef1d1 | Medea | Euripides | İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları | other | Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikler Dizisi | 2018 | 94 | <span>Euripides (MÖ y.484-406) Atina'nın yetiştirdiği üç büyük tragedya şairi arasında günümüze ulaşan en çok sayıda esere sahip sanatçı olarak özel bir yere sahiptir. Bu durum, şenliklerde Aiskhylos ve Sophokles kadar birincilik ödülü kazanmamış olsa da halk arasında daha çok beğenilen bir şair olmasına bağlanır. Euripides'in oyun kahramanları insana özgü zayıflık ve kusurları taşırlar, yaşadıkları tragedyalar da bu kusurları ile vazgeçemedikleri tutkularından kaynaklanır. İlk kez MÖ 431 yılında sahnelenen ve Dionysos şenliklerinde üçüncülük kazanan bu oyunu en bilinen ve en çok sahnelenen Euripides oyunlarından biri kılan, başkahraman Medea'nın, intikamının şaşırtıcılığı ve nihilist karakteri ile tragedyanın diğer trajik kadın kahramanları arasından görkemli bir şekilde sıyrılmış olmasıdır.</span> | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-21490000-21589999.torrent | 0 |
21,676,515 | 2022-05-30 | 2022-08-03 | epub | 164,244 | 164,244 | 0d61dc487127a160f57551e005d073e2 | 0d61dc487127a160f57551e005d073e2 | Medea | Eurípides | ePubLibre | other | Jasón no solo regresó de la Cólquide con el vellocino de oro, sino que también sedujo a la hija del rey Eetes, Medea. A su vuelta a Yolco, hallan un escenario de traición familiar del que huyen dejando un rastro carmesí. Cuando recalen en Corinto, Medea desplegará una pavorosa venganza contra Jasón al descubrir que pretende a la hija del rey Creonte. Este imperecedero personaje femenino recoge las leyendas que veían a la hechicera como una mujer exótica y salvaje que, por amor, despierta el lado atroz de lo humano. Sus coetáneos decían que Eurípides prefería representar «las cosas como son y no como debieran», y ello quizá sea lo que nos sigue atrayendo de esta princesa extranjera: su cruda realidad, su repulsión natural hacia el perjurio, su asimilación negada, su temible ira, su compromiso con la sangre. La presente edición de Medea cuenta con la versión y la introducción del helenista, escritor y traductor Ramón Irigoyen. Asimismo, los profesores de comunicación audiovisual de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra Jordi Balló y Xavier Pérez han escrito a cuatro manos el epílogo «La venganza triunfal». | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-21590000-21689999.torrent | 0 |
21,676,522 | 2022-05-30 | 2022-08-03 | epub | 234,029 | 234,029 | 48b53361b62ffc3f07f38975897e4bfa | 48b53361b62ffc3f07f38975897e4bfa | Medea | Eurípides | ePubLibre | other | Jasón no solo regresó de la Cólquide con el vellocino de oro, sino que también sedujo a la hija del rey Eetes, Medea. A su vuelta a Yolco, hallan un escenario de traición familiar del que huyen dejando un rastro carmesí. Cuando recalen en Corinto, Medea desplegará una pavorosa venganza contra Jasón al descubrir que pretende a la hija del rey Creonte. Este imperecedero personaje femenino recoge las leyendas que veían a la hechicera como una mujer exótica y salvaje que, por amor, despierta el lado atroz de lo humano. Sus coetáneos decían que Eurípides prefería representar «las cosas como son y no como debieran», y ello quizá sea lo que nos sigue atrayendo de esta princesa extranjera: su cruda realidad, su repulsión natural hacia el perjurio, su asimilación negada, su temible ira, su compromiso con la sangre. La presente edición de «Medea» cuenta con la versión y la introducción del helenista, escritor y traductor Ramón Irigoyen. Asimismo, los profesores de comunicación audiovisual de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Jordi Balló y Xavier Pérez han escrito a cuatro manos el epílogo «La venganza triunfal». | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-21590000-21689999.torrent | 0 |
21,846,735 | 2022-06-30 | 2022-08-04 | epub | 185,245 | 185,245 | b2dfde2f7b075ac97cd1649cf3c0e2bf | b2dfde2f7b075ac97cd1649cf3c0e2bf | Medea | Eurípides | ePubLibre | other | Jasón no solo regresó de la Cólquide con el vellocino de oro, sino que también sedujo a la hija del rey Eetes, Medea. A su vuelta a Yolco, hallan un escenario de traición familiar del que huyen dejando un rastro carmesí. Cuando recalen en Corinto, Medea desplegará una pavorosa venganza contra Jasón al descubrir que pretende a la hija del rey Creonte. Este imperecedero personaje femenino recoge las leyendas que veían a la hechicera como una mujer exótica y salvaje que, por amor, despierta el lado atroz de lo humano. Sus coetáneos decían que Eurípides prefería representar «las cosas como son y no como debieran», y ello quizá sea lo que nos sigue atrayendo de esta princesa extranjera: su cruda realidad, su repulsión natural hacia el perjurio, su asimilación negada, su temible ira, su compromiso con la sangre. La presente edición de Medea cuenta con la versión y la introducción del helenista, escritor y traductor Ramón Irigoyen. Asimismo, los profesores de comunicación audiovisual de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra Jordi Balló y Xavier Pérez han escrito a cuatro manos el epílogo «La venganza triunfal». | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-21840000-21939999.torrent | 0 |
21,754,206 | 2022-06-11 | 2022-08-03 | epub | 288,726 | 288,726 | 6cb0c601ea926059582e1162293dcab9 | 6cb0c601ea926059582e1162293dcab9 | Die Kapuzinergruft | Joseph Roth | epubli u.a. | other | 2018 | Der junge Franz-Ferdinand Trotta gehört in den letzten Jahren der österreichischen Monarchie zur »dekadenten« Boheme. Wer dazugehören will, gibt sich im sicheren Wiener Lebensgefühl des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts müde und gelangweilt. Als der Erste Weltkrieg beginnt, freut sich Franz-Ferdinand auf das vermeintliche Abenteuer und das Ende der Langeweile. Doch die Freude währt nur kurz. Schon nach dem ersten Gefecht gerät er in russische Kriegsgefangenschaft. Im Jahr 1918 kehrt er nach Wien zurück und versucht vergeblich, eine neue Existenz aufzubauen. Nun mehreren Misserfolgen sehnt er sich nach dem Lebensgefühl der Habsburgermonarchie zurück. Der als Lebensbericht in Ich-Form verfasste biographische Roman »Die Kapuzinergruft« von Joseph Roth erschien 1938. | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-21690000-21799999.torrent | 0 |
5,839,013 | 2020-10-10 | 2021-03-19 | epub | null | 467,316 | null | ddd3ce5197ccdc16b35a3cf14bf4f248 | Lenguas en guerra | Irene Lozano | ePubLibre | spanish | 2005 | 1 | null | 0 |
11,188,282 | 2021-01-13 | 2021-04-16 | epub | null | 315,450 | null | 6f1b8ac31f4ab977bc22200af26471ce | Lenguas en guerra | Irene Lozano | ePubLibre | spanish | 2005 | El lenguaje es una facultad universal del ser humano sobre cuyos orígenes existe un gran desconocimiento, aunque se suelen situar hace 40.000 años. A pesar de sus aparentes diferencias, Chomsky ha demostrado que todas las lenguas comparten un mismo tipo de estructura y proceso gramatical, en el fondo. La razón de que hayan llegado a existir distintas lenguas hay que buscarla en el relativo aislamiento en el que vivían los distintos grupos sociales existentes hace miles de años. En España, la evolución y posterior hegemonía del castellano dista mucho de ser el resultado de la imposición imperialista castellana que los partidos nacionalistas españoles suelen aducir como parte de su campaña de auto-victimización con fines políticos. La instrumentalización política de las lenguas en España ha logrado que se olvide la función primordial de una lengua como instrumento para el conocimiento y la comunicación, poniendo restricciones geográficas y creando conceptos como el de la lengua propia. | 1 | null | 0 |
11,477,410 | 2021-01-31 | 2021-01-31 | rtf | 518,767 | 518,767 | c43c5c38b0598a47bbefe8b655d25f75 | c43c5c38b0598a47bbefe8b655d25f75 | Lenguas en guerra | Irene Lozano | 0 | pilimi-zlib-11450000-11499999.torrent | 0 |
11,480,282 | 2021-02-01 | 2021-02-01 | mobi | 484,671 | 484,671 | ab54abea4e63e63211fe2817f8a6cca0 | ab54abea4e63e63211fe2817f8a6cca0 | Lenguas en guerra | Irene Lozano | spanish | 2005 | El lenguaje es una facultad universal del ser humano sobre cuyos orígenes existe un gran desconocimiento, aunque se suelen situar hace 40.000 años. A pesar de sus aparentes diferencias, Chomsky ha demostrado que todas las lenguas comparten un mismo tipo de estructura y proceso gramatical, en el fondo. La razón de que hayan llegado a existir distintas lenguas hay que buscarla en el relativo aislamiento en el que vivían los distintos grupos sociales existentes hace miles de años. En España, la evolución y posterior hegemonía del castellano dista mucho de ser el resultado de la imposición imperialista castellana que los partidos nacionalistas españoles suelen aducir como parte de su campaña de auto-victimización con fines políticos. La instrumentalización política de las lenguas en España ha logrado que se olvide la función primordial de una lengua como instrumento para el conocimiento y la comunicación, poniendo restricciones geográficas y creando conceptos como el de la lengua propia. | 0 | pilimi-zlib-11450000-11499999.torrent | 0 |
11,501,538 | 2021-02-03 | 2021-02-26 | fb2 | 733,045 | 733,045 | fb73828bcd75303ae90c5c8211091185 | fb73828bcd75303ae90c5c8211091185 | Lenguas en guerra | Irene Lozano | spanish | 2005 | El lenguaje es una facultad universal del ser humano sobre cuyos orígenes existe un gran desconocimiento, aunque se suelen situar hace 40.000 años. A pesar de sus aparentes diferencias, Chomsky ha demostrado que todas las lenguas comparten un mismo tipo de estructura y proceso gramatical, en el fondo. La razón de que hayan llegado a existir distintas lenguas hay que buscarla en el relativo aislamiento en el que vivían los distintos grupos sociales existentes hace miles de años. En España, la evolución y posterior hegemonía del castellano dista mucho de ser el resultado de la imposición imperialista castellana que los partidos nacionalistas españoles suelen aducir como parte de su campaña de auto-victimización con fines políticos. La instrumentalización política de las lenguas en España ha logrado que se olvide la función primordial de una lengua como instrumento para el conocimiento y la comunicación, poniendo restricciones geográficas y creando conceptos como el de la lengua propia. | 0 | pilimi-zlib-11500000-11549999.torrent | 0 |
11,501,539 | 2021-02-03 | 2021-02-04 | azw3 | 544,201 | 544,201 | 9344774a39537d6fd73eb01c1c18c100 | 9344774a39537d6fd73eb01c1c18c100 | Lenguas en guerra | Irene Lozano | spanish | 2005 | El lenguaje es una facultad universal del ser humano sobre cuyos orígenes existe un gran desconocimiento, aunque se suelen situar hace 40.000 años. A pesar de sus aparentes diferencias, Chomsky ha demostrado que todas las lenguas comparten un mismo tipo de estructura y proceso gramatical, en el fondo. La razón de que hayan llegado a existir distintas lenguas hay que buscarla en el relativo aislamiento en el que vivían los distintos grupos sociales existentes hace miles de años. En España, la evolución y posterior hegemonía del castellano dista mucho de ser el resultado de la imposición imperialista castellana que los partidos nacionalistas españoles suelen aducir como parte de su campaña de auto-victimización con fines políticos. La instrumentalización política de las lenguas en España ha logrado que se olvide la función primordial de una lengua como instrumento para el conocimiento y la comunicación, poniendo restricciones geográficas y creando conceptos como el de la lengua propia. | 0 | pilimi-zlib-11500000-11549999.torrent | 0 |
16,467,657 | 2021-06-24 | 2022-08-18 | azw3 | 544,204 | 544,204 | f334ee25d29c7bde7d6a6e179c06034b | f334ee25d29c7bde7d6a6e179c06034b | Lenguas en guerra | Irene Lozano | other | 2005 | El lenguaje es una facultad universal del ser humano sobre cuyos orígenes existe un gran desconocimiento, aunque se suelen situar hace 40.000 años. A pesar de sus aparentes diferencias, Chomsky ha demostrado que todas las lenguas comparten un mismo tipo de estructura y proceso gramatical, en el fondo. La razón de que hayan llegado a existir distintas lenguas hay que buscarla en el relativo aislamiento en el que vivían los distintos grupos sociales existentes hace miles de años. En España, la evolución y posterior hegemonía del castellano dista mucho de ser el resultado de la imposición imperialista castellana que los partidos nacionalistas españoles suelen aducir como parte de su campaña de auto-victimización con fines políticos. La instrumentalización política de las lenguas en España ha logrado que se olvide la función primordial de una lengua como instrumento para el conocimiento y la comunicación, poniendo restricciones geográficas y creando conceptos como el de la lengua propia. | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-16380000-16469999.torrent | 0 |
17,862,824 | 2021-10-27 | 2022-07-15 | epub | 468,000 | 468,000 | 756f12e3b65a9a466f2ef154bb784b99 | 756f12e3b65a9a466f2ef154bb784b99 | Lenguas en guerra | Irene Lozano | other | 2005 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-17860000-17949999.torrent | 0 |
2,619,487 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-05 | epub | null | 2,333,469 | null | 342b99e31e75684426d6926468dcfa35 | The Unpredictable Species: What Makes Humans Unique | Philip Lieberman | Princeton University Press | english | 2013 | 272 | <br> <p><i>The Unpredictable Species</i> argues that the human brain evolved in a way that enhances our cognitive flexibility and capacity for innovation and imitation. In doing so, the book challenges the central claim of evolutionary psychology that we are locked into predictable patterns of behavior that were fixed by genes, and refutes the claim that language is innate. Philip Lieberman builds his case with evidence from neuroscience, genetics, and physical anthropology, showing how our basal ganglia--structures deep within the brain whose origins predate the dinosaurs--came to play a key role in human creativity. He demonstrates how the transfer of information in these structures was enhanced by genetic mutation and evolution, giving rise to supercharged neural circuits linking activity in different parts of the brain. Human invention, expressed in different epochs and locales in the form of stone tools, digital computers, new art forms, complex civilizations--even the latest fashions--stems from these supercharged circuits.</p><br> <p><i>The Unpredictable Species</i> boldly upends scientifically controversial yet popular beliefs about how our brains actually work. Along the way, this compelling book provides insights into a host of topics related to human cognition, including associative learning, epigenetics, the skills required to be a samurai, and the causes of cognitive confusion on Mount Everest and of Parkinson's disease.</p><br> | 1 | null | 0 |
21,927,487 | 2022-07-12 | 2022-08-04 | pdf | 12,498,168 | 12,498,168 | 4e667d4d2de84da84573eb4631298dbb | 4e667d4d2de84da84573eb4631298dbb | A Case of Rape | Chester B. Himes | Carroll & Graf Pub | other | 1994 | 105 | Four Black American men living in Paris are charged with the rape of a white woman<br><span>Chester Himes' most
disturbing and controversial novel, A Case of Rape has never been widely
available to his readers in the United States. That is - until now.
Himes, the author of many popular mystery novels and creator of the
memorable black detectives, Coffin Ed Johnson and Grave Digger Jones,
wrote A Case of Rape in 1956-57. This thought-provoking, jarring
thriller examines the social and sexual relationships between the races.
A white woman is raped and killed by four black American men in Paris.
Or is she?</span> | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-21840000-21939999.torrent | 0 |
2,518,387 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-02-22 | pdf | null | 17,085,525 | null | 7c2c01e025de96d03ae4c83e468b778d | Irony in Context | Katharina Barbe | John Benjamins | english | Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 34 | 1995 | 218 | In her book, Barbe discusses verbal irony as an interpretative notion. Verbal irony is described in its various realizations and thus placed within linguistics and pragmatics. From the point of view of an analyzing observer, Barbe provides an eclectic approach to irony in context, a study of how conversational irony works, and how it compares with other concepts in which it plays a role. In addition, by means of the analysis of irony as an integrated pervasive feature of language, Barbe questions some basic unstated, literacy and culture-dependent assumptions about language. Her study of irony complements contemporary research in the area of conversational analysis. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,807,045 | 2019-04-08 | 2020-11-25 | pdf | null | 18,423,255 | null | f72fe1674a84a2966eb1e30a81411f07 | Scrambling and Barriers | Günther Grewendorf, Wolfgang Sternefeld | John Benjamins Publishing Company | english | Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 5 | 1990 | 448 | The articles in this volume deal with various phenomena which have been covered traditionally by the term scrambling. The analyses presented here refer to the most recent developments in generative grammar (the so-called Barriers-framework developed in Chomsky 1986). Some of the topics discussed are: the movement vs the base structure approach to scrambling, the correlation between the possibility of scrambling and certain infinitive structures, scrambling and ergativity, barriers and domains for scrambling. | 1 | null | 0 |
21,364,513 | 2022-04-18 | 2022-07-15 | pdf | 10,404,180 | 10,404,180 | bd4290848aab4545160f97ef766ca26a | bd4290848aab4545160f97ef766ca26a | The Linguistics of Temperature | Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm | John Benjamins Publishing Company | other | 2015 | 934 | The volume is the first comprehensive typological study of the conceptualisation of temperature in languages as reflected in their systems of central temperature terms (hot, cold, to freeze, etc.). The key issues addressed here include questions such as how languages categorize the temperature domain and what other uses the temperature expressions may have, e.g., when metaphorically referring to emotions (‘warm words’). The volume contains studies of more than 50 genetically, areally and typologically diverse languages and is unique in considering cross-linguistic patterns defined both by lexical and grammatical information. The detailed descriptions of the linguistic and extra-linguistic facts will serve as an important step in teasing apart the role of the different factors in how we speak about temperature – neurophysiology, cognition, environment, social-cultural practices, genetic relations among languages, and linguistic contact. The book is a significant contribution to semantic typology, and will be of interest for linguists, psychologists, anthropologists and philosophers. | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-21320000-21399999.torrent | 0 |
1,080,257 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-18 | pdf | null | 162,366 | null | 19b828028f9f88ff9598ee026043ebac | Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner | Bertolt Brecht | Suhrkamp Verlag | german | 1971 | 42 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,207,927 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-13 | pdf | null | 269,196 | null | bebc4fe0c66d1b95a3cf4205aa6b09b9 | Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner | Bertolt Brecht | Suhrkamp Verlag | german | 1971 | 42 | 1 | null | 0 |
17,317,578 | 2021-09-16 | 2022-07-22 | pdf | 589,885 | 589,885 | 2cc6a5ea5f4a8437c8fcf277610d67f7 | 2cc6a5ea5f4a8437c8fcf277610d67f7 | Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner | Bertolt Brecht | other | 2002 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-17250000-17339999.torrent | 0 |
17,342,058 | 2021-09-17 | 2022-08-07 | epub | 1,115,090 | 1,115,090 | 21aaa9be684d22b546da32c61cc62a7e | 21aaa9be684d22b546da32c61cc62a7e | Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner | Bertolt Brecht | Suhrkamp Verlag | other | 1972 | <p>Von 1929 bis in die fünfziger Jahre hinein schrieb Bertolt Brecht die Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner. Sie zeigen den Autor als einen Meister der kurzen Prosa, als Meister klarer sachlicher Formen und einer aggressiven, sozialen Kritik.<br></p>
<p>Insgesamt entstanden 87 Geschichten. 1929–1931 entstanden die meisten Keuner-Geschichten und Brecht stellte die elf Geschichten von Herrn Keuner für die im Frühjahr 1930 erscheinende erste Versuche-Heft zusammen. Die nächste Veröffentlichung erfolgte erst 1949 in den <em>Kalendergeschichten</em>, die insgesamt 39 Geschichten von Herrn Keuner enthielten. Diese 39 Keunergeschichten stellte Brecht 1948 aus verschiedenen Entstehungszeiten für die Sammlung der <em>Kalendergeschichten</em> zusammen. Zwischen 1950 und 1956 erschienen dann weitere Geschichten von Herrn Keuner. Nach Brechts Tod wurden seine Geschichten in weiteren Publikationen veröffentlicht.</p></br> | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-17340000-17469999.torrent | 0 |
17,401,734 | 2021-09-24 | 2022-08-06 | epub | 1,252,226 | 1,252,226 | 577b18e038b07fa087ae8027c0030227 | 577b18e038b07fa087ae8027c0030227 | Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner | Bertolt Brecht | Suhrkamp | other | 1975 | 365 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-17340000-17469999.torrent | 0 |
18,596,067 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-07-15 | mobi | 364,938 | 364,938 | bb7f2e920247b6a488dad15dcbddc061 | bb7f2e920247b6a488dad15dcbddc061 | Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner | Bertolt Brecht | Suhrkamp Verlag | other | 1972 |
<p>Von 1929 bis in die Fünfzigerjahre hinein schrieb Bertolt Brecht die Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner. Sie zeigen den Autor als einen Meister der kurzen Prosa, als Meister klarer sachlicher Formen und einer aggressiven, sozialen Kritik.<br></p>
<p>Insgesamt entstanden 87 Geschichten. 1929–1931 entstanden die meisten Keuner-Geschichten und Brecht stellte die elf Geschichten von Herrn Keuner für das im Frühjahr 1930 erscheinende erste Versuche-Heft zusammen. Die nächste Veröffentlichung erfolgte erst 1949 in den <em>Kalendergeschichten</em>, die insgesamt 39 Geschichten von Herrn Keuner enthielten. Diese 39 Keunergeschichten stellte Brecht 1948 aus verschiedenen Entstehungszeiten für die Sammlung der <em>Kalendergeschichten</em> zusammen. Zwischen 1950 und 1956 erschienen dann weitere Geschichten von Herrn Keuner. Nach Brechts Tod wurden seine Geschichten in weiteren Publikationen veröffentlicht.</p></br> | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-18510000-18609999.torrent | 0 |
2,345,157 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 2,301,621 | null | 0c6c09c46424f89e25867eb9f33951c6 | The Expression of Negation | Laurence R. Horn | De Gruyter Mouton | english | The Expression of Cognitive Categories | 1 | 2010 | 342 | Negation is at the core of human language; without negation there can be no denial, contradiction, irony, or lies. This book examines the form and function of negative sentences in a variety of languages and offers state-of-the-art surveys of the acquisition of negation by children, its processing by adults, its historical development, and its interaction with other operators and predicates within natural language sentences. Topics covered include the nature of negative polarity, the phenomenon of pleonastic or illogical negation, and the role of morphological, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, and typological factors in negative expression. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,344,351 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-03 | pdf | null | 15,749,345 | null | 1fe0d289d5dd95e7ad9f65b40373fff6 | The global translator's handbook | Morry Sofer | Taylor Trade Pub | english | 2013 | 351 | 1 | null | 0 |
5,433,773 | 2020-04-02 | 2021-04-22 | pdf | null | 8,887,793 | null | 1f0581541d82d688c15dc38d0199db7d | Syllable Theory in Prosodic Phonology | Junko Itô | Routledge | english | Routledge Library Editions: Phonetics and Phonology 10 | 1 | 2018 | 240 | First published in 1988. The goal of this study is to explore the workings of a syllable theory which is an integral part of Prosodic Phonology. It will be shown that theory-internal considerations and a variety of empirical arguments converge on a conception of syllabification as continuous template matching governed by syllable wellformedness conditions and a directional parameter. This title will be of interest to students of language and linguistics. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,658,354 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-19 | pdf | null | 1,514,034 | null | e6b58ae4f23f492ba65da298a05ea2c0 | Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew | Noam Chomsky | Routledge | english | Routledge Revivals | 2011 | 84 | <P>Routledge Revivals presents a reissue of Noam Chomksy’s MA thesis, written in 1951, and first published in 1979. <EM>Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew</EM> is a landmark study in linguistics and generative phonology, which provides not only an analysis of morphophonemics but of the entire grammar of Modern Hebrew from syntax to phonology. Professor Chomsky’s goal in this thesis is nothing less than a complete generative grammar of the Hebrew language. </P> <P></P> <P>This work is of singular importance as it contains the genesis of the author’s work in the field of generative grammar which has had such a profound impact upon the study of linguistics. This reissue of a truly pioneering work will be of great interest to all those concerned with generative grammar and its origins, and with the progression of thought of one of the greatest minds of our time.</P> | 1 | null | 0 |
11,585,265 | 2021-02-12 | 2021-04-14 | pdf | 1,522,909 | 1,522,909 | 898deba6660d5d03de68676c163fe20f | 898deba6660d5d03de68676c163fe20f | Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew | Noam Chomsky | 2012 | 0 | pilimi-zlib-11580000-11599999.torrent | 0 |
19,293,001 | 2022-03-06 | 2022-07-15 | epub | 1,412,155 | 1,412,155 | 6d87a61be96d3effa327a38936cf1dea | 6d87a61be96d3effa327a38936cf1dea | Culture et barbarie européennes | Edgar MORIN | Editions de l'Aube | other | 2020 | EDEN3413446 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-19250000-19329999.torrent | 0 |
988,160 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-22 | pdf | null | 32,064,337 | null | 2173c77ad6b79b0d38bb4bf5983c4bdd | Variation and Universals in Biolinguistics | Lyle Jenkins | Elsevier Science | english | North-Holland Linguistic Series: Linguistic Variations 62 | 1 | 2004 | 338 | 'Jenkins has succeeded in putting together a terrific volume. Some of the most creative minds in the fields tackle questions of utmost importance in biolinguistics. The clarity with which these essays are written and the insights expressed in them are sure to provide solid foundations for research in linguistics and related fields for years to come. A truly outstanding collection!' - Cedric Boeckx, Harvard University, USA. This book provides a current and interdisciplinary overview of work on the biology of language - what is sometimes called the "biolinguistic approach." A wide range of areas are investigated and reviewed by specialists: the micro-parametric theory of syntax, models of language acquisition and historical change, dynamical systems in language, genetics of populations, pragmatics of discourse, language neurology, genetic disorders of language, sign language, and evolution of language. It focuses on the interplay between variation and the universal properties of language. Detailed surveys or case studies are provided from the areas of syntactic variation, genetic variation, neurological variation and historical variation, among others, and of the universal principles and theoretical models that underlie the variation. Finally, it considers - in addition to the detailed empirical studies - philosophical, foundational and methodological issues in the study of the biology of language and its place within the natural sciences; e.g., innateness, modularity, language design and unification in biolinguistics, as well as critiques of the approach. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,343,879 | 2019-04-08 | 2020-10-28 | pdf | null | 31,654,425 | null | 84d58c77d13d7859224e22dbea0511fa | Variation and universals in biolinguistics | Lyle Jenkins | Elsevier | english | North-Holland linguistic series ;$v62 | 1 | 2004 | 448 | Jenkins has succeeded in putting together a terrific volume. Some of the most creative minds in the fields tackle questions of utmost importance in biolinguistics. The clarity with which these essays are written and the insights expressed in them are sure to provide solid foundations for research in linguistics and related fields for years to come. A truly outstanding collection! Cedric Boeckx, Harvard University,<span> USAThis book provides a current and interdisciplinary overview of work on the biology of language - what is sometimes called the "biolinguistic approach." A wide range of areas are.</span> <span><span>Read more...</span></span> <br> Content: Antisymmetry and Japanese / Richard Kayne --<br/> Toward a theory of language growth / Charles Yang --<br/> Phase transitions in language evolution / Partha Niyogi --<br/> Genetic differences and language affinities / Isabelle Dupanloup --<br/> Beyond narrow syntax / Sergey Avrutin --<br/> Evidence for and implications of a domain-specific grammatical deficit / Heather K.J. van der Lely --<br/> The representation of grammatical knowledge in the brain / Alfonso Caramazza and Kevin Shapiro --<br/> Variation in Broca's region : preliminary cross-methodological comparisons / Yosef Grodzinsky --<br/> Language emergence in a language-ready brain : acquisition / Judy Kegl --<br/> Lenneberg's dream : learning, normal language development and specific language impairment / Ken Wexler --<br/> Exploring the phenotype of specific language impairment : a look at grammatical variability / Larry Leonard --<br/> The investigation of genetic dysphasia / Myrna Gopnik --<br/> Unification in biolinguistics / Lyle Jenkins --<br/> The immune syntax : the evolution of the language virus / Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini and Juan Uriagereka --<br/> Language and mind : current thoughts on ancient problems / Noam Chomsky.<br> Abstract: Jenkins has succeeded in putting together a terrific volume. Some of the most creative minds in the fields tackle questions of utmost importance in biolinguistics. The clarity with which these essays are written and the insights expressed in them are sure to provide solid foundations for research in linguistics and related fields for years to come. A truly outstanding collection! Cedric Boeckx, Harvard University, USAThis book provides a current and interdisciplinary overview of work on the biology of language - what is sometimes called the "biolinguistic approach." A wide range of areas are | 1 | null | 0 |
16,851,517 | 2021-07-26 | 2022-07-12 | pdf | null | 9,913,166 | null | 2357c5bfbf90376125ecdeed216cfde8 | Introduction to the History of English | Thomas Kohnen | Peter Lang | other | Textbooks in English Language and Linguistics (TELL) 6 | 2014 | This book is written for students of English who are interested in the history of the language and would like to read an accessible but also comprehensive and reasonably detailed introduction. Apart from basic information about language change and the Indo-European background of English, it gives an outline of the major periods of the language (Old English, Middle English, Early Modern English and Late Modern English), with a brief examination of the perspectives of present-day English. Each period chapter provides information about the socio-historical background, the core areas of linguistic structure, discourse, speech acts and genres, and concludes with study questions and exercises. | 1 | null | 0 |
969,968 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-20 | pdf | null | 963,514 | null | 3a32cfd5ff834d991977c6d58f791e8a | Language Acquisition and Learnability | Stefano Bertolo | english | 1 | 2001 | 255 | 1 | null | 0 |
19,278,881 | 2022-03-03 | 2022-07-15 | mobi | 99,711 | 99,711 | dcc076dae9bdd4b98932858250e4b179 | dcc076dae9bdd4b98932858250e4b179 | Atta Troll | Heinrich Heine | (Privatkopie) | other | 2010 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-19250000-19329999.torrent | 0 |
865,257 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-22 | pdf | null | 20,081,296 | null | ff1beafb72c9e69289326cd7765abe9d | Wittgenstein on Mind and Language | David G. Stern | Oxford University Press | english | 1995 | 240 | 1 | null | 0 |
684,152 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-15 | pdf | null | 1,537,721 | null | d00eb0915ae1cdecb40875cb8cb0e7ca | Northern and Insular Scots | Robert McColl Millar | Edinburgh University Press | english | Dialects of English | 2007 | 187 | <P>This book describes the phonological, structural, and lexical natures of the Scots dialects of northern Scotland, Orkney, and Shetland which are among the most traditional varieties of "English"-are described along with an annotated bibliography.</P> | 1 | null | 0 |
5,439,568 | 2020-04-08 | 2021-03-27 | pdf | null | 15,150,589 | null | efb8572299170131d0db4521a180c446 | Audiologic Interpretation Across the Lifespan | Debra Busacco | Pearson | english | 1 | 2009 | 192 | <p> <i>Audiologic Interpretation Across the Lifespan</i> uses a case study approach to learning about diagnosis of hearing loss in clients of all ages. Ideal for use as a supplement or as a main text, this practical guide allows readers to familiarize themselves with real world cases, learn the testing procedures involved, think critically about the key concepts surrounding audiometry, and immerse themselves in problem-based learning. Learning objectives and practice questions allow students to learn the material covered in the book while references, recommended readings, enrichment projects and a bibliography allow students to continue and expand on their learning in the future. </p> <p> </p>This textbook is divided into three sections. Section 1 is an overview of audiological testing procedures including pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, immittance testing, otoacoustic emissions and auditory brainstem response testing. Section 2 is dedicated to pediatric audiometry and case studies that illustrate hearing disorders that are commonly found in this population, while Section 3 focuses on diagnosis of hearing loss in adult/older persons and the effects of aging on the human body with particular interest on the auditory mechanism. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,957,205 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-16 | pdf | null | 9,821,608 | null | 0788d2fc67d47557006790c8c7117de0 | Kriegsfibel | Bertolt Brecht | Eulenspiegel Verlag | german | 3rd | 1977 | 147 | 1 | null | 0 |
459,544 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-19 | djvu | null | 21,520,143 | null | 3dac4a81ca6b7af46582c1e3a9a485ce | Plan recognition in natural language dialogue | Sandra Carberry | MIT Press | english | ACL-MIT Press series in natural language processing | 1990 | 302 | Plan Recognition in Natural Language Dialogue critically examines plan recognition - the inference of an agent's goals and how he or she intends to achieve them. It describes significant models of plan inference and presents in detail the author's own model, which infers new goals from user utterances and integrates them into the system's model of the user's plan, incrementally expanding and adding detail to its beliefs about what the information seeker wants to do. Carberry then outlines computational strategies for interpreting two kinds of problematic utterances: utterances that violate the pragmatic rules of the system's world model and intersentential elliptical fragments. She also suggests directions for future research. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,065,950 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-09 | djvu | null | 2,866,062 | null | 5e544c1793b07dae146ae8b2bdf20862 | Plan Recognition in Natural Language Dialogue | Sandra Carberry | The MIT Press | english | ACL-MIT Press series in natural language processing | 1st | 1990 | 302 | <b>Sandra Carberry addresses the problem of creating computational strategies that can improve user-computer communication by assimilating ongoing dialogue and reasoning on the acquired knowledge.</b><p>In most current natural language systems each query is treated as an isolated request for information regardless of its context in dialogue. Sandra Carberry addresses the problem of creating computational strategies that can improve user-computer communication by assimilating ongoing dialogue and reasoning on the acquired knowledge. <i>Plan Recognition in Natural Language Dialogue</i> critically examines plan recognition--the inference of an agent's goals and how he or she intends to achieve them. It describes significant models of plan inference and presents in detail the author's own model, which infers new goals from user utterances and integrates them into the system's model of the user's plan, incrementally expanding and adding detail to its beliefs about what the information seeker wants to do. Carberry then outlines computational strategies for interpreting two kinds of problematic utterances: utterances that violate the pragmatic rules of the system's world model and intersentential elliptical fragments. She also suggests directions for future research.<br></p><p><i>Plan Recognition in Natural Language Dialogue</i> is included in the ACL-MIT Press Series in Natural Language Processing edited by Aravind Joshi.<br></p> | 1 | null | 0 |
2,372,089 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-21 | pdf | null | 11,038,453 | null | e2e1c662c3029b2859034cd7939f326e | Studies on Universal Grammar and Typological Variation | Artemis Alexiadou, T. Alan Hall | John Benjamins Publishing Company | english | Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today | 1997 | 260 | The articles of the present volume consist of generative analyses dealing with several current topics of discussion and debate in syntactic theory, such as clitics, word order, scrambling, directionality, movement. The data in the volume are drawn from a number of typologically diverse languages (e.g. Arabic, Berber, Dutch, Gaelic, Greek, Malagasy).<br /> | 1 | null | 0 |
22,262,441 | 2022-08-03 | 2022-08-14 | epub | null | 686,432 | null | 4921010b8689a2785bd9227a37cc733a | The Taiwan Conundrum in U.S. China Policy | Martin L. Lasater | Routledge | other | 2000 | 345 | 1 | null | 0 |
3,642,086 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-17 | pdf | null | 15,278,996 | null | 4fd2c2320d0c8580b87cba7dc7bf0af1 | Gods of the North | Brian Branston | Thames and Hudson | english | 1955 | 337 | Scanned by artmisa using Canon DR2580C + flatbed option
Printed in Great Britain by Robert Maclehouse and Co Ltd Glasgow
Re-Issued 1970 | 1 | null | 0 |
11,124,940 | 2021-01-02 | 2021-04-15 | pdf | 11,409,459 | 11,409,459 | 26d7ecf8bae9acbdfe0d00bb2f53614f | 26d7ecf8bae9acbdfe0d00bb2f53614f | Gods Of The North | Brian Branston | Thames & Hudson | english | 1955 | 336 | 0 | pilimi-zlib-11080000-11129999.torrent | 0 |
2,014,933 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-02-27 | pdf | null | 3,181,033 | null | d92e9d3f6d840a963022ff655c1b68c7 | Jeder stirbt für sich allein | Hans Fallada | german | 2012 | 657 | 1 | null | 0 |
18,786,026 | 2022-01-16 | 2022-07-04 | pdf | null | 19,147,013 | null | 820acd80b235649625eaa270e8c44c74 | The Penguin Dictionary of Language | David Crystal | Penguin Group | other | 2 | 1999 | 404 | A comprehensive, authoritative A-Z of everything the general reader (and the linguist) needs to know about language, languages, linguistics, grammatical and literary concepts. | 1 | null | 0 |
17,133,193 | 2021-08-28 | 2022-07-15 | epub | 157,223 | 157,223 | 1d56c407e3c30465557a3dca37711924 | 1d56c407e3c30465557a3dca37711924 | Novella degli scacchi | Stefan Zweig | EINAUDI | other | 2013 | <p>Chi è lo sconosciuto in grado di tenere testa al grande Czentovic, il campione del mondo di scacchi? Dice il vero, quando sostiene di non giocare da più di venti anni? Quale mistero nasconde in realtà quest'enigmatico giocatore? Scritto pochi mesi prima che Zweig si suicidasse nella città brasiliana di Petrópolis, Novella degli scacchi è una inquietante favola, «un piccolo contributo - come sostiene con dolorosa ironia il protagonista - a questa nostra epoca così grande e soave». *** «Fra i due si instaurò di colpo un rapporto diverso; una pericolosa tensione, un odio appassionato. Ormai non erano più due persone che volevano mettere alla prova la propria perizia nel gioco, erano due nemici che avevano giurato di distruggersi a vicenda».</p> | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-17060000-17149999.torrent | 0 |
17,186,485 | 2021-08-31 | 2022-07-15 | epub | null | 157,581 | null | a7d81719dd3c140710feb8456ca4abf6 | Novella degli scacchi | Stefan Zweig | Einaudi | other | 2013 | <p>Chi è lo sconosciuto in grado di tenere testa al grande Czentovic, il campione del mondo di scacchi? Dice il vero, quando sostiene di non giocare da più di venti anni? Quale mistero nasconde in realtà quest'enigmatico giocatore? Scritto pochi mesi prima che Zweig si suicidasse nella città brasiliana di Petrópolis, Novella degli scacchi è una inquietante favola, «un piccolo contributo - come sostiene con dolorosa ironia il protagonista - a questa nostra epoca così grande e soave». *** «Fra i due si instaurò di colpo un rapporto diverso; una pericolosa tensione, un odio appassionato. Ormai non erano più due persone che volevano mettere alla prova la propria perizia nel gioco, erano due nemici che avevano giurato di distruggersi a vicenda».</p> | 0 | null | 1 |
17,310,233 | 2021-09-14 | 2022-07-15 | epub | 495,508 | 495,508 | 4c62f9ed0dbae7ac4bfcf4614016393c | 4c62f9ed0dbae7ac4bfcf4614016393c | Novella degli scacchi | Stefan Zweig | Garzanti Classici | other | 2021 | Stefan Zweig scrisse la Novella degli scacchi nel 1941, pochi mesi prima di suicidarsi insieme alla moglie. In questo racconto lo stato d’animo di abbandono e di rinuncia alla lotta è prefigurato nella sconfitta di colui che rappresenta la sensibilità, l’intelligenza e la cultura da parte di un ottuso uomo-robot. Come terreno dello scontro tra questi due protagonisti, Zweig sceglie una scacchiera. Sembra quasi che, dallo sfacelo dell’Europa, non voglia salvare neppure il gioco degli scacchi: non più prerogativa di talentuosi e appassionati giocatori, esso è dominato da «campioni» come Czentovic, rozzo per quanto prodigioso accumulo di facoltà meccaniche. | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-17250000-17339999.torrent | 0 |
18,837,614 | 2022-01-22 | 2022-07-15 | epub | 522,394 | 522,394 | 7fa1e91f8fc6f3e71c488888f098df46 | 7fa1e91f8fc6f3e71c488888f098df46 | Novella degli scacchi | Stefan Zweig | Garzanti Classici | other | 2021 | EDGT1648867 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-18810000-19019999.torrent | 0 |