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1,054,239 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-12 | epub | null | 78,205 | null | c243bd4469523c14ea458da6db959371 | Iphigenie auf Tauris | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | german | 1787 | 1 | null | 0 |
5,504,676 | 2020-05-14 | 2021-02-22 | pdf | 1,891,678 | 1,891,678 | 90df1147c79cc6c220483e01cc65a2b9 | 90df1147c79cc6c220483e01cc65a2b9 | Válka s mloky | Karel Čapek | Městská knihovna v Praze | czech | 2018 | 245 | <i>Rus</i>: "Война с саламандрами"; <i>Eng</i>: "War with the Newts"<br><br>Spisovateli Karlu Čapkovi (1890-1938) patří v české literatuře XX století jedno z nejvýznamnějších míst. Znění tohoto textu vychází z díla Válka s mloky tak, jak bylo vydáno v Praze nakladatelstvím Československý spisovatel v roce 1981.<br> | 0 | pilimi-zlib-5500000-5519999.torrent | 0 |
3,557,952 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-18 | pdf | null | 20,557,308 | null | 81709007a47978991a8c5dce81618397 | 1001 Pitfalls in German | Henry Strutz | Barron’s Educational Series Inc. | english | 1st | 1981 | 212 | 1 | null | 0 |
2,335,106 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-30 | pdf | null | 1,911,019 | null | c33d209dc12def83a5bed43fe8586e23 | The Nominal Structure in Slavic and Beyond | Lilia Schurcks, Anastasia Giannakidou, Urtzi Etxeberria | Mouton de Gruyter | english | Studies in Generative Grammar 116 | 2013 | 487 | The contributions in this volume shed new light on the discussion of whether the DP hypothesis applies universally or not. The issue is prominent not only for Slavic languages. Drawing on evidence from many other languages, Greek, East Asian, and Basque among them, the book has important implications for answering fundamental questions about the nature of definiteness and quantification. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,843,865 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-17 | djvu | null | 5,617,687 | null | 2c89ab22bd1c44861c5efc06323bb923 | Meaning and the Structure of Language | Wallace L. Chafe | University of Chicago Press | english | 1 | 1970 | 360 | Meaning And The Structure Of Language, by Chafe, Wallace L. | 1 | null | 0 |
3,398,226 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-03-03 | pdf | null | 53,239,274 | null | e9b35daa52793d13aac5d1e07be4592d | Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Literatur Seit 1945 | Ralf Schnell | J.B. Metzler | german | 1993 | 619 | 1 | null | 0 |
3,399,130 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-18 | pdf | null | 50,633,662 | null | a25da66daec3fd5146deef0e71ef5bc6 | Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur seit 1945 | Ralf Schnell | J.B. Metzler | german | 2 | 2003 | 633 | <p>Dieser Klassiker unter den Geschichten zur neueren deutschsprachigen Literatur liegt hier in einer vollständig neu bearbeiteten und aktualisierten Fassung vor. Die wichtigste Veränderung: Die Literaturen der DDR und der Bundesrepublik werden unter dem Aspekt einer vielfältig aufeinander bezogenen gemeinsamen Geschichte neu dargestellt. Ralf Schnell beschreibt die Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur von der 'Stunde Null' bis zum Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Er analysiert die Entstehung von Literatur vor dem Hintergrund ihrer institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen und im Zusammenhang gesellschaftlich-politischer Entwicklungen. Der Literaturbetrieb und die Vielfalt des literarischen Lebens werden in einem eigenen Kapitel dargestellt.</p> | 1 | null | 0 |
873,242 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-10 | epub | null | 1,893,977 | null | f54d6d50eefdf36074223944039cf75d | The Grammar of English Grammars | Goold Brown | english | 2009 | 1 | null | 0 |
17,146,734 | 2021-08-29 | 2022-07-15 | epub | 2,669,314 | 2,669,314 | 031c2d59e5ae1927f7bedfaa2e9f93f3 | 031c2d59e5ae1927f7bedfaa2e9f93f3 | The Grammar of English Grammars | Goold Brown | other | 2004 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-17060000-17149999.torrent | 0 |
2,166,256 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-03-11 | pdf | null | 13,641,070 | null | fea5418b6dff26d98b5bed6139c3f390 | Abkhaz | B. G. Hewitt | North-Holland | english | Lingua Descriptive Studies 2 | 1979 | 283 | 1 | null | 0 |
17,030,783 | 2021-08-20 | 2022-07-15 | epub | 297,227 | 297,227 | 7263d22d2e3ac68876ecd884f5ee409b | 7263d22d2e3ac68876ecd884f5ee409b | In 80 Tagen um die Welt | Jules Verne | other | 2015 | „Ich wette mit Jedem um zwanzigtausend Pfund, daß ich die Reise um den Erdball in längstens achtzig Tagen machen werde.“ Der wohlhabende und exzentrische Phineas Fogg geht mit den Mitgliedern seines Londoner Clubs eine gewagte Wette ein. Gemeinsam mit seinem neuen Diener versucht er, die Welt in nur 80 Tagen zu umrunden. Bei der beispiellosen Reise ins Unbekannte stürzt Fogg von einem Abenteuer ins Nächste. Doch bald steht nicht mehr nur die Hälfte seines Vermögens auf dem Spiel, sondern auch sein Leben. | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-16960000-17059999.torrent | 0 |
4,994,429 | 2019-05-06 | 2021-04-02 | pdf | null | 81,327,129 | null | 8327e47fd279add3336578aaae8ed81e | Intransitive Predication | Leon Stassen | OUP Oxford | english | Paperback | 2003 | 800 | Stassen makes a major contribution to the study of language typology with Intransitive Predication. Basing his analysis on a sample of 410 languages, he presents a universally applicable model for defining the domain of intransitive predication in natural languages. Intransitive predicates are defined in terms of four domains: events (Sarah is walking), classes (Sarah is a secretary), properties (Sarah is tall), and locations (Sarah is in the garden).<br /> | 1 | null | 0 |
658,072 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-25 | djvu | null | 2,295,049 | null | 6e4dc5d266e489a75a295f0cefc4e2e5 | Ich will Zeugnis ablegen bis zum letzten | Victor Klemperer | SPIEGEL-Verlag | german | 2007 | 363 | 1 | null | 0 |
685,971 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-15 | pdf | null | 1,984,577 | null | a870e555646265747b945254a1ac6680 | On Apologising in Negative and Positive Politeness Cultures | Eva Ogiermann | John Benjamins | english | Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 191 | 2009 | 313 | This book investigates how speakers of English, Polish and Russian deal with offensive situations. It reveals culture-specific perceptions of what counts as an apology and what constitutes politeness. It offers a critical discussion of Brown and Levinson's theory and provides counterevidence to the correlation between indirectness and politeness underlying their theory. Their theory is applied to two languages that rely less heavily on indirectness in conveying politeness than does English, and to a speech act that does not become more polite through indirectness. An analysis of the face considerations involved in apologising shows that in contrast to disarming apologies, remedial apologies are mainly directed towards positive face needs, which are crucial for the restoration of social equilibrium and maintenance of relationships. The data show that while English apologies are characterised by a relatively strong focus on both interlocutors negative face, Polish apologies display a particular concern for positive face. For Russian speakers, in contrast, apologies seem to involve a lower degree of face threat than they do in the other two languages. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,945,633 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-20 | epub | null | 5,564,842 | null | 551020607c1f7b561fe6e3b4664e1e7d | Remnant Movement | Günther Grewendorf | De Gruyter | english | Studies in Generative Grammar SGG. | 2015 | This book addresses two crucial problems associated with the phenomenon of Remnant Movement: First, what evidence can be brought to bear in favor or, or opposing to Remnant Movement analyses of linguistic phenomena? Secondly, what does the presence or absence of Remnant Movement in the syntax tell us about constraints imposed by Universal Grammar on syntactic operations? | 1 | null | 0 |
19,279,114 | 2022-03-03 | 2022-07-15 | mobi | 102,763 | 102,763 | 5962f1520402789d8e3786c14881b5d6 | 5962f1520402789d8e3786c14881b5d6 | Buch von der deutschen Poeterei | Martin Opitz | (Privatkopie) | other | 2010 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-19250000-19329999.torrent | 0 |
2,084,081 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 1,879,323 | null | 019f9df2ccec6fed7195fff5928c74cc | Estética da criaçao verbal | Mikhail Bakhtin | Martins Fontes | portuguese | 2 | 1997 | 230 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,053,562 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 119,933,591 | null | 8b82bdfee3969e832233b05f5ddb55f7 | Significato ed esperienza | Patrizia Violi | Bompiani | italian | 1. ed. Studi Bompiani | 1997 | 178 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,063,370 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-22 | pdf | null | 23,592,360 | null | d4de1b53354b5e33e0c9cb0a5bdc805a | La métaphore vive | Paul Ricoeur | Seuil | french | 1975 | 415 | 1 | null | 0 |
5,568,383 | 2020-06-13 | 2021-04-17 | epub | null | 2,968,223 | null | 6c83e2e299445d78f8929033d0bc8861 | La Métaphore vive | Paul Ricoeur | Le Seuil | french | 2013 | 416 | Pour comprendre toutes les implications de la métaphore - en fait de la rhétorique et des «figures» dans le langage -, ces huit études suivent une progression qui va du mot à la phrase, puis au discours.Des origines à nos jours, la rhétorique a pris le mot pour unité de référence. En ce sens, la métaphore n'est que déplacement et extension du sens des mots.Dès lors que la métaphore est replacée dans le cadre de la phrase, elle n'est plus une dénomination déviante mais un énoncé impertinent. Emile Benveniste est ici l'auteur qui permet à l'analyse de franchir un pas décisif, avec l'opposition entre une sémiotique, pour laquelle le mot n'est qu'un signe dans le code lexical, et une sémantique, où la phrase porte la signification complète minimale.En passant de la phrase au discours proprement dit (poème, récit, discours philosophique), on quitte le niveau sémantique pour le niveau herméneutique. Ici, ce qui est en question n'est plus la forme de la métaphore (comme pour la rhétorique), ni son sens (comme pour la sémantique), mais sa référence, c'est-à-dire la «réalité» en dehors du langage. La métaphore, en dernier ressort, est pouvoir de redécrire la réalité, mais selon une pluralité de modes de discours qui vont de la poésie à la philosophie. Dans tous les cas, nous sommes fondés à parler de «vérité métaphorique». | 1 | null | 0 |
840,836 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-24 | pdf | null | 5,292,395 | null | 748bec38b0235489d0e7fb13b2995680 | Conversational Competence and Social Development | Ioanna Dimitracopoulou | english | 1990 | 180 | This book provides new insight into the development of the child's ability to become a competent participant in conversation. The author combines a pragmatic analysis of the functions language can perform with an innovative and extensive empirical investigation of the development of young children's language use and sociocognitive skills. She gives a detailed description of the development of children's language between the ages of three-and-a-half and seven, broadens the scope of theorizing about language development by placing it in relation to the development of social understanding, and provides a new framework for understanding speech problems and designing ways to solve them. It is the first study to find a strong link between language, sociocognitive development, and social development. It will be welcomed by child language specialists, developmental and social psychologists, conversation and discourse analysts, and their advanced students. | 1 | null | 0 |
5,224,892 | 2019-08-03 | 2021-04-09 | pdf | 2,968,197 | 2,968,197 | 181367a12385013977df546b28b630f0 | 181367a12385013977df546b28b630f0 | Against Facts | Arianna Betti | english | 0 | pilimi-zlib-2830000-5239999.torrent | 0 |
21,667,271 | 2022-05-28 | 2022-08-08 | pdf | null | 1,225,328 | null | 5cd33eb9dd09b1e0a8ce7da8f3ca9093 | Against Facts | Arianna Betti | The MIT Press | other | 2015 | 323 | 1 | null | 0 |
11,613,192 | 2021-02-17 | 2021-02-17 | epub | 246,654 | 246,654 | f5e1ffa440cf8e2360bbb12ce8f1c1e3 | f5e1ffa440cf8e2360bbb12ce8f1c1e3 | In Times of Peril | G. A. Henty | Blackmask Online | english | 2010 | 0 | pilimi-zlib-11600000-11659999.torrent | 0 |
1,121,472 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-22 | epub | null | 543,763 | null | a854e3164c9176b0fe0d24bc52559d70 | American Indian Children at School, 1850-1930 | Michael C. Coleman | Univ Pr of Mississippi (Txt) | english | 1993 | 1 | null | 0 |
3,606,235 | 2018-10-12 | 2021-04-17 | mobi | 460,681 | 460,681 | 1f0e2b602a598bf786db424af228603e | 1f0e2b602a598bf786db424af228603e | the framework of language | ROMAN JAKOBSON | english | 0 | pilimi-zlib-2830000-5239999.torrent | 0 |
2,655,049 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 7,648,850 | null | 97e8b634142326bdf20cd39482b957ef | The Handbook of Speech Production | Melissa A. Redford | Wiley-Blackwell | english | Blackwell handbooks in linguistics | 1 | 2015 | 616 | "The Handbook of Speech Production provides a state-of-the-art survey of the interdisciplinary field of speech production"-- <br> Abstract: The Handbook of Speech Production is the first reference work to provide an overview of this burgeoning area of study. Twenty-four chapters written by an international team of authors examine issues<span> in speech planning, motor control, the physical aspects of speech production, and external factors that impact speech production.</span> <span>�<span>Read more...</span></span> | 1 | null | 0 |
5,264,824 | 2019-10-12 | 2021-04-19 | pdf | null | 10,311,999 | null | 779f1190528bffc9b5c8b33b6759c2c8 | Questions and Responses in English Conversation | Anna-Brita Stenström | C. W. K. Gleerup | english | Lund Studies in English 68 | 1984 | 312 | 1 | null | 0 |
861,475 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 5,913,950 | null | 5bc03c941c3874a02b32a4509c052c85 | Conditions on Phonological Government | Monik Charette | Cambridge University Press | english | Cambridge Studies in Linguistics | 1991 | 246 | This is the first extended study written within the framework of phonological government. Following the presentation of main aspects of this theory, the process of vowel-zero alternations is addressed and analyzed together with the idea that phonological processes are determined by principles of Universal Grammar along with parameters that distinguish languages. Vowel-zero alternations are investigated in terms of proper government of empty nuclei, which receive no phonetic interpretation when properly governed. Dr. Charette also considers the constraints on proper government, and argues for their derivation resulting from conflict among different grammatical parameters. | 1 | null | 0 |
6,098,917 | 2020-10-28 | 2021-03-29 | epub | null | 267,354 | null | 800df385b355d22f5abf0e1d3f8db020 | Expletive Deleted | Ruth Wajnryb | Simon & Schuster | english | 2005 | 1 | null | 0 |
645,119 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-20 | pdf | null | 2,539,094 | null | 8b162b446dbb8dd841cdf93bac96a9ed | Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations | Victor Isakov | Springer | english | Applied Mathematical Sciences | 2nd ed. | 2010 | 358 | A comprehensive description of the current theoretical and numerical aspects of inverse problems in partial differential equations. Applications include recovery of inclusions from anomalies of their gravity fields, reconstruction of the interior of the human body from exterior electrical, ultrasonic, and magnetic measurement. By presenting the data in a readable and informative manner, the book introduces both scientific and engineering researchers as well as graduate students to the significant work done in this area in recent years, relating it to broader themes in mathematical analysis. | 1 | null | 0 |
740,616 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-13 | pdf | null | 1,763,562 | null | f7ec0ac6c67d3daea67fc0113a8f6a60 | Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations | Victor Isakov | Springer | english | Applied Mathematical Sciences | 2nd | 2005 | 359 | A comprehensive description of the current theoretical and numerical aspects of inverse problems in partial differential equations. Applications include recovery of inclusions from anomalies of their gravity fields, reconstruction of the interior of the human body from exterior electrical, ultrasonic, and magnetic measurement. By presenting the data in a readable and informative manner, the book introduces both scientific and engineering researchers as well as graduate students to the significant work done in this area in recent years, relating it to broader themes in mathematical analysis. | 1 | null | 0 |
11,060,930 | 2020-12-23 | 2021-04-01 | pdf | 11,439,055 | 11,439,055 | 15e76fe3b35953c9f28d7846944d38ea | 15e76fe3b35953c9f28d7846944d38ea | Properties of the Thirty-Two Point Groups | George F. Koster | M.I.T. Press | english | 24 | 1963 | 0 | pilimi-zlib-11040000-11079999.torrent | 0 |
11,060,972 | 2020-12-23 | 2021-03-10 | pdf | null | 54,746,132 | null | 142f1f7e1a97a45db13de05191ca85e4 | Properties of the Thirty-Two Point Groups | George F. Koster | M.I.T. Press | english | 24 | 1963 | 1 | null | 0 |
2,192,037 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-20 | epub | null | 28,145,004 | null | 06bfc1fffefb3b8a7857a3effec1c4bb | The Functions of Mathematical Physics | Harry Hochstadt | John Wiley & Sons Inc | english | Pure & Applied Mathematics | 1971 | 334 | Comprehensive textbook provides both mathematicians and applied scientists with a detailed treatment of orthogonal polynomials, principal properties of the gamma function, hypergeometric functions, Legendre functions, confluent hypergeometric functions, and Hill's equation. Lucid and useful presentations for anyone working in pure or applied mathematics or physics. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,292,960 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-24 | epub | null | 28,144,076 | null | 9649e95a8294a9499111b893e1024c59 | The Functions of Mathematical Physics | Harry Hochstadt | Dover Publications | english | Dover Books on Physics | 2012 | 352 | Comprehensive textbook provides both mathematicians and applied scientists with a detailed treatment of orthogonal polynomials, principal properties of the gamma function, hypergeometric functions, Legendre functions, confluent hypergeometric functions, and Hill's equation. Lucid and useful presentations for anyone working in pure or applied mathematics or physics. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,334,062 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-13 | djvu | null | 3,711,159 | null | 24415c45268b436d270aa89dbe3b2a88 | Nonlinear Vibrations in Mechanical and Electrical Systems | J. J. Stoker | John Wiley & Sons Inc | english | Pure and applied mathematics (Interscience Publishers), v. 2 | 1st | 1950 | 296 | Presents underlying principles and theories using an easily understood approach. Focuses specifically on those features of the problems in which nonlinearity results in a variety of distinctive new phenomena that can be treated by techniques both interesting and instructive in themselves and which do not require the use of sophisticated mathematics. Recent work discussed includes the endeavors of Levinson and Smith on the existence and uniqueness of the periodic solution in a general case of the self-excited type, Haag and Dorodnitsyn on asymptotic developments and quantities associated with relaxation oscillations. Along with 5 appendices containing rigorous existence and uniqueness proofs, readers are both implicitly and explicitly supplied with hints regarding new problems to be tackled plus numerous ideas and techniques that can be used to solve them. | 1 | null | 0 |
574,879 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-14 | djvu | null | 2,091,795 | null | f385be0b4fbf7ee1f7398d2c5cbca659 | Convex Sets | Frederick A. Valentine | McGraw-Hill Book Company | english | 1964 | 246 | 1 | null | 0 |
16,027,282 | 2021-06-07 | 2022-07-15 | pdf | 77,919,018 | 77,919,018 | 97afff2b4ec8d0367d14b3c489182045 | 97afff2b4ec8d0367d14b3c489182045 | Ignatius of Loyola | Karl Rahner | Collins | other | 2 | 1979 | 63 | 0 | pilimi-zlib2-15680000-16179999.torrent | 0 |
16,674,693 | 2021-07-10 | 2022-06-25 | pdf | null | 78,988,870 | null | 1acaf47112ac717e4bc12e0a4ae54a75 | Advanced Calculus | Watson Fulks | other | Second | 624 | 1 | null | 0 |
499,242 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-19 | pdf | null | 13,326,912 | null | f757161c0aa649893c2308af53bd3e14 | Artificial Intelligence | Peggy Thomas | Lucent Books | english | Lucent library of science and technology | 2005 | 113 | For the past fifty years researchers have been striving to create machines that rival the thinking capacity of humans. In Artificial Intelligence learn how AI experts simulate the human brain and construct smart robots. Today AI touches every aspect of our lives from business and medicine to exploration and entertainment. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,171,055 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 31,104,173 | null | 1ada584b06ddcc00a86ab5aef807c26a | Clean Coal Engineering Technology | Bruce G. Miller | Butterworth-Heinemann | english | 2011 | 696 | Concern over the effects of airborne pollution, green house gases, and the impact of global warming has become a worldwide issue that transcends international boundaries, politics, and social responsibility. The 2nd Edition of Coal Energy Systems: Clean Coal Technology describes a new generation of energy processes that sharply reduce air emissions and other pollutants from coal-burning power plants.<br><br>Coal is the dirtiest of all fossil fuels. When burned, it produces emissions that contribute to global warming, create acid rain, and pollute water. With all of the interest and research surrounding nuclear energy, hydropower, and biofuels, many think that coal is finally on its way out. However, coal generates half of the electricity in the United States and throughout the world today. It will likely continue to do so as long as it's cheap and plentiful [Source: Energy Information Administration]. Coal provides stability in price and availability, will continue to be a major source of electricity generation, will be the major source of hydrogen for the coming hydrogen economy, and has the potential to become an important source of liquid fuels. Conservation and renewable/sustainable energy are important in the overall energy picture, but will play a lesser role in helping us satisfy our energy demands today. Dramatically updated to meet the needs of an ever changing energy market, Coal Energy Systems, 2nd Edition is a single source covering policy and the engineering involved in implementing that policy. The book addresses many coal-related subjects of interest ranging from the chemistry of coal and the future engineering anatomy of a coal fired plant to the cutting edge clean coal technologies being researched and utilized today. A 50% update over the first edition, this new book contains new chapters on processes such as CO2 capture and sequestration, Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) systems, Pulverized-Coal Power Plants and Carbon Emission Trading. <br>Existing materials on worldwide coal distribution and quantities, technical and policy issues regarding the use of coal, technologies used and under development for utilizing coal to produce heat, electricity, and chemicals with low environmental impact, vision for utilizing coal well into the 21st century, and the security coal presents. <br><br>Clean Liquids and Gaseous Fuels from Coal for Electric Power<br>Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) systems<br>Pulverized-Coal Power Plants<br>Advanced Coal-Based Power Plants<br>Fluidized-Bed Combustion Technology<br>CO2 capture and sequestration <br> | 1 | null | 0 |
19,150,216 | 2022-02-07 | 2022-08-12 | pdf | null | 78,110,339 | null | f38ec711cb1f0606bba7e3c4c9199963 | Analisi reale e complessa | Walter Rudin | Boringhieri | other | Programma di matematica fisica elettronica | 1 | 1974 | 451 | A pochi anni dalla sua pubblicazione, questo volume è già considerato un testo fondamentale dell'analisi matematica. Si tratta infatti del primo testo universitario che riesca compiutamente a realizzare un duplice obiettivo: presentare in forma rigorosa e moderna i principali risultati dell'analisi reale e complessa, mettendo in luce i molteplici legami esistenti fra le due teorie; fornire un'introduzione ai problemi effettivi della ricerca.
Gli argomenti trattati comprendono, oltre alla teoria della misura e dell'integrale di Lebesgue e a gran parte della teoria delle funzioni olomorfe in una variabile, i fondamenti della teoria degli spazi di Hilbert e di Banach, con interessanti applicazioni alle dimostrazioni di vari teoremi; nonché notizie sull'approssimazione mediante polinomi, sulle trasformate di Fourier, sull'algebra di Banach.
Concetti topologici, in particolare quello di compattezza locale, sono frequentemente usati. | 1 | null | 0 |
3,509,481 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-02 | pdf | null | 5,004,194 | null | becf22f35d0287b427f03caeea708ace | How to Solve Problems | Donald Scarl | Dosoris Press | english | 4th | 1994 | 119 | Teaches problem-solving style by explaining the methods that experienced scientist and engineers use to define a problem, to solve it, and to present their solution to others. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,613,149 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-19 | epub | null | 39,922,122 | null | d0c668f0ca159658bdff8bcb0447f8bb | Ordinary Differential Equations | Michael D. Greenberg | Wiley | english | 1 | 2012 | 544 | Features a balance between theory, proofs, and examples and provides applications across diverse fields of study Ordinary Differential Equations presents a thorough discussion of first-order differential equations and progresses to equations of higher order. The book transitions smoothly from first-order to higher-order equations, allowing readers to develop a complete understanding of the related theory. Featuring diverse and interesting applications from engineering, bioengineering, ecology, and biology, the book anticipates potential difficulties in understanding the various solution steps and provides all the necessary details. Topical coverage includes: * First-Order Differential Equations * Higher-Order Linear Equations * Applications of Higher-Order Linear Equations * Systems of Linear Differential Equations * Laplace Transform * Series Solutions * Systems of Nonlinear Differential Equations In addition to plentiful exercises and examples throughout, each chapter concludes with a summary that outlines key concepts and techniques. The book's design allows readers to interact with the content, while hints, cautions, and emphasis are uniquely featured in the margins to further help and engage readers. Written in an accessible style that includes all needed details and steps, Ordinary Differential Equations is an excellent book for courses on the topic at the upper-undergraduate level. The book also serves as a valuable resource for professionals in the fields of engineering, physics, and mathematics who utilize differential equations in their everyday work. An Instructors Manual is available upon request. Email for information. There is also a Solutions Manual available. The ISBN is 9781118398999. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,625,855 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-19 | djvu | null | 12,587,712 | null | 5491e42210c527a2accd14e64be3cc83 | Ordinary differential equations | Michael D. Greenberg | Wiley | english | 1 | 2012 | 549 | <b>Features a balance between theory, proofs, and examples and provides applications across diverse fields of study</b> <p>Ordinary Differential Equations presents a thorough discussion of first-order differential equations and progresses to equations of higher order. The book transitions smoothly from first-order to higher-order equations, allowing readers to develop a complete understanding of the related theory.</p> <p>Featuring diverse and interesting applications from engineering, bioengineering, ecology, and biology, the book anticipates potential difficulties in understanding the various solution steps and provides all the necessary details. Topical coverage includes:</p> <ul> <li> <p>First-Order Differential Equations</p> </li> <li> <p>Higher-Order Linear Equations</p> </li> <li> <p>Applications of Higher-Order Linear Equations</p> </li> <li> <p>Systems of Linear Differential Equations</p> </li> <li> <p>Laplace Transform</p> </li> <li> <p>Series Solutions</p> </li> <li> <p>Systems of Nonlinear Differential Equations</p> </li> </ul> <p>In addition to plentiful exercises and examples throughout, each chapter concludes with a summary that outlines key concepts and techniques. The book's design allows readers to interact with the content, while hints, cautions, and emphasis are uniquely featured in the margins to further help and engage readers.</p> <p>Written in an accessible style that includes all needed details and steps, Ordinary Differential Equations is an excellent book for courses on the topic at the upper-undergraduate level. The book also serves as a valuable resource for professionals in the fields of engineering, physics, and mathematics who utilize differential equations in their everyday work.</p> <p> </p> <p>An Instructors Manual is available upon request. Email for information. There is also a Solutions Manual available. The ISBN is 9781118398999.</p> | 1 | null | 0 |
2,216,144 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-24 | pdf | null | 26,911,389 | null | d3bb1c328b990b2a7a8997f0529528f4 | Information Security Fundamentals | Thomas R. Peltier | Auerbach Publications | english | 2nd | 2013 | 424 | Developing an information security program that adheres to the principle of security as a business enabler must be the first step in an enterprise’s effort to build an effective security program. Following in the footsteps of its bestselling predecessor, <i><b>Information Security Fundamentals, Second Edition</b></i> provides information security professionals with a clear understanding of the fundamentals of security required to address the range of issues they will experience in the field.<p>The book examines the elements of computer security, employee roles and responsibilities, and common threats. It discusses the legal requirements that impact security policies, including Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Detailing physical security requirements and controls, this updated edition offers a sample physical security policy and includes a complete list of tasks and objectives that make up an effective information protection program.<br>
• Includes ten new chapters<br>
• Broadens its coverage of regulations to include FISMA, PCI compliance, and foreign requirements<br>
• Expands its coverage of compliance and governance issues<br>
• Adds discussions of ISO 27001, ITIL, COSO, COBIT, and other frameworks<br>
• Presents new information on mobile security issues<br>
• Reorganizes the contents around ISO 27002<br>
The book discusses organization-wide policies, their documentation, and legal and business requirements. It explains policy format with a focus on global, topic-specific, and application-specific policies. Following a review of asset classification, it explores access control, the components of physical security, and the foundations and processes of risk analysis and risk management.<br>
The text concludes by describing business continuity planning, preventive controls, recovery strategies, and how to conduct a business impact analysis. Each chapter in the book has been written by a different expert to ensure you gain the comprehensive understanding of what it takes to develop an effective information security program.<br>
• Provides a clear understanding of the foundations of the field and the range of issues that practitioners must address<br>
• Discusses the legal requirements that impact security policies, including Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)<br>
• Details physical security requirements and controls, and offers a sample physical security policy<br>
• Examines elements of the risk analysis process including asset definition, threat identification, and occurrence probability<br>
• Describes components of business continuity planning, explaining how to conduct a business impact analysis, and how to test a plan</p> | 1 | null | 0 |
856,359 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-18 | pdf | null | 5,853,019 | null | 61c73bae09d9b861232224a35c1d9898 | Advances in Network Management | Jianguo Ding | english | 1 | 2009 | 390 | Over the past two decades, business volume of hardware and software in the U.S has decreased by about seventy percent, while the cost of management and support has grown from $20 billion to $140 billion. With close to seventy percent of this growing figure being spent on the management of legacy systems and only thirty percent on new systems, improvements in the development of self-managing systems have become a cost-saving priority for many corporations and an issue of strategic importance for many economies. Investigating the latest theories, methods, and technologies, Advances in Network Management provides the insight of a recognized expert into the fundamental concepts and contemporary challenges in network management. From basic concepts to research-level material, it details the evolution of network management solutions in network management paradigms, protocols, and techniques. The book also addresses dependencies between network management and application-level service management. This forward-looking resource investigates advanced networks and network services including—autonomic computing, context-aware systems management, and automatic techniques aiming at self-management (self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection). With its breadth and depth of coverage in theoretical, technical, and research topics, this book provides time-tested guidance for dealing with the growing complexity of network services while improving cost efficiencies in your IT department. | 1 | null | 0 |
437,836 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 3,187,656 | null | 31debc732ae60d265ba551a112fbe6bd | Making use of Python | Rashi Gupta | John Wiley & Sons | english | 1st | 2002 | 416 | Python is a multipurpose development language that can be used on virtually every platform. It offers built-in support for critical development steps including data structures, dynamic typing, and dynamic building. It can be used in lieu of Java or C++, and Python scripts can be developed in a fraction of the time it takes to program and debug higher-level languages. * Covers language basics and how to use Python for CGI scripting, GUI development, network programming, and much more * Demonstrates why Python is arguably the most sophisticated of the popular scripting languages and why its popularity continues to grow | 1 | null | 0 |
689,505 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-22 | pdf | null | 5,558,864 | null | 91745ec93fa3d446c928240f59dcb079 | Making Use of Python | Rashi Gupta | John Wiley & Sons | english | 1st | 2002 | 416 | THE GOOD:
I read this book cover-to-cover in a week. It's a small book (300 pages) and a quick read for an experienced programmer. I liked the format of the book as well. It uses a fictitious storyline where you and the author are trying to build a website for "Techsity University".
The overall quality of editing was decent, but it could have been a lot better. I found at least 10 editorial mistakes, including a paragraph repeated verbatim right after it was stated. Yet, I found only one mistake where the code was incorrect in the whole book, which is a huge plus, as I hate finding bugs in an author's code when I am learning the language from them.
The coverage of method overriding was confusing, despite the fact I knew what the author was saying. I can easily imagine someone who does not know what method overriding is being extremely confused by this section of the book.
It's not that the overall book is confusing, because, at times, the author makes stellar points. The problem is that the quality of the writing is not consistent and can vary greatly from topic to topic, and sometimes varies greatly within a single example. For instance, the coverage of CGI programming uses antiquated HTML style and generally looks like HTML written in the 1990s.
In addition, the book does not really discuss the "Pythonic Way" to write things. This, I feel, is the greatest shortcoming of the book, since it seems to be targeted toward experienced programmers who are familiar with concepts like polymorphism and inheritance. While form should never come before substance, Python programmers believe there is a canonical way to do any task in Python. This belief is seems so engrained in the Python community that I am surprised the author did not bring it up.
There are also some technical errors in places. For instance, when the author is describing the MySQLdb module, she says that close() will close a connection to a database. This is not true. It only closes the cursor. A database connection will be trivially closed when the object is no longer in used.
Finally, this book is not for beginners! The book does not contain any exercises, so it is probably not appropriate for someone looking to learn programming. For that, I recommend Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science.
Overall, the book does not have a suitable audience. Experienced programmers probably will want a book that focus on the "Pythonic Way" presentational angle, while beginners will want exercises to test their comprehension of new concepts. | 1 | null | 0 |
735,814 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-04 | pdf | null | 5,528,927 | null | 70ffbad72a812c248ee3ddb275213994 | Making Use of Python | Rashi Gupta | Wiley | english | 1st | 2002 | 416 | THE GOOD:
I read this book cover-to-cover in a week. It's a small book (300 pages) and a quick read for an experienced programmer. I liked the format of the book as well. It uses a fictitious storyline where you and the author are trying to build a website for "Techsity University".
The overall quality of editing was decent, but it could have been a lot better. I found at least 10 editorial mistakes, including a paragraph repeated verbatim right after it was stated. Yet, I found only one mistake where the code was incorrect in the whole book, which is a huge plus, as I hate finding bugs in an author's code when I am learning the language from them.
The coverage of method overriding was confusing, despite the fact I knew what the author was saying. I can easily imagine someone who does not know what method overriding is being extremely confused by this section of the book.
It's not that the overall book is confusing, because, at times, the author makes stellar points. The problem is that the quality of the writing is not consistent and can vary greatly from topic to topic, and sometimes varies greatly within a single example. For instance, the coverage of CGI programming uses antiquated HTML style and generally looks like HTML written in the 1990s.
In addition, the book does not really discuss the "Pythonic Way" to write things. This, I feel, is the greatest shortcoming of the book, since it seems to be targeted toward experienced programmers who are familiar with concepts like polymorphism and inheritance. While form should never come before substance, Python programmers believe there is a canonical way to do any task in Python. This belief is seems so engrained in the Python community that I am surprised the author did not bring it up.
There are also some technical errors in places. For instance, when the author is describing the MySQLdb module, she says that close() will close a connection to a database. This is not true. It only closes the cursor. A database connection will be trivially closed when the object is no longer in used.
Finally, this book is not for beginners! The book does not contain any exercises, so it is probably not appropriate for someone looking to learn programming. For that, I recommend Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science.
Overall, the book does not have a suitable audience. Experienced programmers probably will want a book that focus on the "Pythonic Way" presentational angle, while beginners will want exercises to test their comprehension of new concepts. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,428,461 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-03 | djvu | null | 3,624,648 | null | d35bf9de56c343db90f748022c14ee22 | Making Use of Python | Rashi Gupta | Wiley | english | 1st | 2002 | 416 | THE GOOD:
I read this book cover-to-cover in a week. It's a small book (300 pages) and a quick read for an experienced programmer. I liked the format of the book as well. It uses a fictitious storyline where you and the author are trying to build a website for "Techsity University".
The overall quality of editing was decent, but it could have been a lot better. I found at least 10 editorial mistakes, including a paragraph repeated verbatim right after it was stated. Yet, I found only one mistake where the code was incorrect in the whole book, which is a huge plus, as I hate finding bugs in an author's code when I am learning the language from them.
The coverage of method overriding was confusing, despite the fact I knew what the author was saying. I can easily imagine someone who does not know what method overriding is being extremely confused by this section of the book.
It's not that the overall book is confusing, because, at times, the author makes stellar points. The problem is that the quality of the writing is not consistent and can vary greatly from topic to topic, and sometimes varies greatly within a single example. For instance, the coverage of CGI programming uses antiquated HTML style and generally looks like HTML written in the 1990s.
In addition, the book does not really discuss the "Pythonic Way" to write things. This, I feel, is the greatest shortcoming of the book, since it seems to be targeted toward experienced programmers who are familiar with concepts like polymorphism and inheritance. While form should never come before substance, Python programmers believe there is a canonical way to do any task in Python. This belief is seems so engrained in the Python community that I am surprised the author did not bring it up.
There are also some technical errors in places. For instance, when the author is describing the MySQLdb module, she says that close() will close a connection to a database. This is not true. It only closes the cursor. A database connection will be trivially closed when the object is no longer in used.
Finally, this book is not for beginners! The book does not contain any exercises, so it is probably not appropriate for someone looking to learn programming. For that, I recommend Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science.
Overall, the book does not have a suitable audience. Experienced programmers probably will want a book that focus on the "Pythonic Way" presentational angle, while beginners will want exercises to test their comprehension of new concepts. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,735,805 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-03 | pdf | null | 8,240,125 | null | fbcdf96eb0b3d13d7cae157292db49f0 | Making Use of Python | Rashi Gupta | Wiley | english | 2002 | 416 | Python is a multipurpose development language that can be used on virtually every platform. It offers built-in support for critical development steps including data structures, dynamic typing, and dynamic building. It can be used in lieu of Java or C++, and Python scripts can be developed in a fraction of the time it takes to program and debug higher-level languages. Covers language basics and how to use Python for CGI scripting, GUI development, network programming, and much more. Demonstrates why Python is arguably the most sophisticated of the popular scripting languages and why its popularity continues to grow. | 1 | null | 0 |
1,000,696 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-19 | pdf | null | 36,431,990 | null | 10163244570b4dd49b26e26e09f72ab3 | Game Programming Gems 4 | Andrew Kirmse | english | 1 | 2004 | 744 | Uncover the secrets of the game industry's best programmers with the newest volume of the Game Programming Gems series With over 60 all new techniques, Game Programming Gems 4 continues to be the definitive resource for developers. Written by expert game developers who make today's amazing games, these articles not only provide quick solutions to cutting-edge problems, but they provide insights that you'll return to again and again. They'll spark your creativity and inspire your own discoveries. For the past few years, the game industry has been on an incredible journey of exploration and innovation. In conjunction with this journey, the scope of the Game Programming Gems series has broadened as well. With the variety of new platforms available, coverage has been expanded to include alternative languages and third party APIs. Most code is written in C++, but some interpreted languages (Java and Python) are also represented. The graphics articles make use of OpenGL, DirectX, and the various available shader languages. Volume 4 also includes an all new physics section that teaches innovative techniques for implementing real-time physics that will help you create emergent gameplay. To make searching between all four volumes of the series easy and efficient, we have added a cumulative index. This new volume is a definite must-have resource for every game programmer's library! | 1 | null | 0 |
2,057,094 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-22 | pdf | null | 13,493,148 | null | 0ec527fcd755fa6b6a09e8147025abf2 | Industrial Automation | IDC Technologies | Ventus | english | 2012 | 205 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,161,329 | 2019-04-09 | 2020-11-05 | pdf | null | 8,891,577 | null | 039325a4c12414f2d5e342999082cb0d | Android Cookbook | Ian F. Darwin | O'Reilly Media | english | 1 | 2011 | 688 | If youre ready to jump in and build a working Android app, this book has all of the practical recipes you need to get the job done. Youll work with the user interface, multitouch, location-aware apps, web services, device features—such as the camera, accelerometer, and GPS—and a lot more, including steps to package your app for sale in the Android Market.<br>Packed with solutions contributed by the Android community, Android Cookbook is ideal for developers experienced with Android and other mobile platforms, as well Java programmers ready to use their skills in mobile app development. Youll find hundreds of tested recipes that you can put to use immediately. Simply put, if this book doesn’t show you how to do it, then you probably dont need it.<br>-Get guidelines and recipes for designing a successful Android app<br>-Work with UI controls, effective layouts, and graphical elements<br>-Create pinch screen gestures and views for horizontal and vertical orientation<br>-Build multimedia apps with audio, video, and more<br>-Focus on networked applications, as well as SMS- and cloud-based apps<br>-Build web services, such as selling books via Amazon, or buying and selling on eBay<br>-Create location-aware apps to find landmarks and resident services | 1 | null | 0 |
1,306,371 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-10 | epub | null | 11,675,985 | null | fa51a6b6b5c68e373fd5337b78c3863e | Android Cookbook | Ian F. Darwin | O'Reilly Media | english | 1 | 2012 | 688 | <p>Jump in and build working Android apps with the help of more than 200 tested recipes. With this cookbook, you’ll find solutions for working with the user interfaces, multitouch gestures, location awareness, web services, and device features such as the phone, camera, and accelerometer. You also get useful steps on packaging your app for the Android Market.</p><p>Ideal for developers familiar with Java, Android basics, and the Java SE API, this book features recipes contributed by more than three dozen developers from the Android community. Each recipe provides a clear solution and sample code you can use in your project right away. Among numerous topics, this cookbook helps you:</p><ul><li>Use guidelines for designing a successful Android app </li><li>Work with UI controls, effective layouts, and graphical elements </li><li>Learn how to take advantage of Android’s rich features in your app </li><li>Save and retrieve application data in files, SD cards, and embedded databases </li><li>Access RESTful web services, RSS/Atom feeds, and information from websites </li><li>Create location-aware services to find locations and landmarks, and situate them on Google Maps and OpenStreetMap </li><li>Test and troubleshoot individual components and your entire application </li></ul> | 1 | null | 0 |
2,738,356 | 2019-04-08 | 2020-03-13 | pdf | null | 9,475,878 | null | cc21538c05a04cd8e2bd09302e673a9e | Android Cookbook | Ian F. Darwin | O'Reilly Media | english | 2011 | 672 | With this digital Early Release edition of Android Cookbook, you get the entire book bundle in its earliest form - the author's raw and unedited content - so you can take advantage of this content long before the book's official release. You'll also receive updates when significant changes are made, as well as the final ebook version. If you're ready to jump in and build a working Android app, this book has all of the practical recipes you need to get the job done. You'll work with the user interface, multitouch, location-aware apps, web services, device features - such as the camera, accelerometer, and GPS - and a lot more, including steps to package your app for sale in the Android Market. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,951,714 | 2019-04-08 | 2020-10-30 | pdf | null | 13,793,052 | null | 87d677eea2e2a270609fd2f0953d172a | Android Cookbook | Ian F. Darwin | O’Reilly | english | 2nd [early release] | 2016 | 415 | Jump in and build working Android apps with the help of more than 230 tested recipes. The second edition of this acclaimed cookbook includes recipes for working with user interfaces, multitouch gestures, location awareness, web services, and specific device features such as the phone, camera, and accelerometer. You also get useful info on packaging your app for the Google Play Market.<br>Ideal for developers familiar with Java, Android basics, and the Java SE API, this book features recipes contributed by more than three dozen Android developers. Each recipe provides a clear solution and sample code you can use in your project right away. Among numerous topics, this cookbook helps you:<br>Get started with the tooling you need for developing and testing Android apps<br>Create layouts with Android’s UI controls, graphical services, and pop-up mechanisms<br>Build location-aware services on Google Maps and OpenStreetMap<br>Control aspects of Android’s music, video, and other multimedia capabilities<br>Work with accelerometers and other Android sensors<br>Use various gaming and animation frameworks<br>Store and retrieve persistent data in files and embedded databases<br>Access RESTful web services with JSON and other formats<br>Test and troubleshoot individual components and your entire application | 1 | null | 0 |
5,897,014 | 2020-10-10 | 2021-03-11 | mobi | null | 28,673,405 | null | 77409948bbffc4ce8c2b263ff7684105 | Android Cookbook | Ian F. Darwin | O'Reilly Media | english | 2012 | 1 | null | 0 |
11,753,643 | 2021-03-04 | 2021-04-14 | pdf | 20,283,211 | 20,283,211 | 6b94e6f7fb8d6b41a19f95267b39e27a | 6b94e6f7fb8d6b41a19f95267b39e27a | Android Cookbook | Ian F. Darwin | english | 2012 | 0 | pilimi-zlib-11730000-11759999.torrent | 0 |
12,007,638 | 2021-04-15 | 2021-04-16 | epub | 21,742,281 | 21,742,281 | ef63d28e5abb9d96440bbc70acfd3e4e | ef63d28e5abb9d96440bbc70acfd3e4e | Android Cookbook | Ian F. Darwin | O'Reilly Media, Inc. | english | 2017 | Jump in and build working Android apps with the help of more than 230 tested recipes. The second edition of this acclaimed cookbook includes recipes for working with user interfaces, multitouch gestures, location awareness, web services, and specific device features such as the phone, camera, and accelerometer. You also get useful info on packaging your app for the Google Play Market. Ideal for developers familiar with Java, Android basics, and the Java SE API, this book features recipes contributed by more than three dozen Android developers. | 0 | pilimi-zlib-12000000-12039999.torrent | 0 |
12,007,639 | 2021-04-15 | 2021-04-15 | mobi | 56,444,286 | 56,444,286 | 4fff28ac4847d6ae49c63146c5ddade0 | 4fff28ac4847d6ae49c63146c5ddade0 | Android Cookbook | Ian F. Darwin | O'Reilly Media, Inc. | english | 2017 | Jump in and build working Android apps with the help of more than 230 tested recipes. The second edition of this acclaimed cookbook includes recipes for working with user interfaces, multitouch gestures, location awareness, web services, and specific device features such as the phone, camera, and accelerometer. You also get useful info on packaging your app for the Google Play Market. Ideal for developers familiar with Java, Android basics, and the Java SE API, this book features recipes contributed by more than three dozen Android developers. | 0 | pilimi-zlib-12000000-12039999.torrent | 0 |
2,081,831 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-10 | djvu | null | 8,019,025 | null | 371fc12e70ebc3031913b77e87535055 | Active-Filter Cookbook | Don Lancaster | Howard W. Sams, The Bobbs-Merrill | english | 1975 | 243 | This book is about active filters. It is user-oriented. It tells you everything you need to know to build active filters, and does so with an absolute minimum of math or obscure theory. If you know nothing at all about active filters and simply need a frequency-selective circuit, this book will serve you as a catalog of ripoff circuits that are ready for immediate use—with math ranging from none at all to one or two simple multiplications. If you are interested in the how and why of active filters, there is more-detailed information here that lets you do more-involved design work, optimizing things to your particular needs and perhaps using a simple handheld calculator for the actual final design effort. Finally, if you are an active-filter specialist, you will find in this text a unified and detailed base that includes both analysis and synthesis techniques that can be easily expanded on by using a computer or programmable calculator. This book should be extremely useful as a college-level active-filter course book or supplemental text. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,664,655 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-02 | pdf | null | 5,551,070 | null | feb2df593a384169b768b8ec80aa874b | Active-Filter Cookbook | Don Lancaster | Howard W. Sams, The Bobbs-Merrill | english | 1975 | 240 | This book is about active filters. It is user-oriented. It tells you everything you need to know to build active filters, and does so with an absolute minimum of math or obscure theory. If you know nothing at all about active filters and simply need a frequency-selective circuit, this book will serve you as a catalog of ripoff circuits that are ready for immediate use—with math ranging from none at all to one or two simple multiplications. If you are interested in the how and why of active filters, there is more-detailed information here that lets you do more-involved design work, optimizing things to your particular needs and perhaps using a simple handheld calculator for the actual final design effort. Finally, if you are an active-filter specialist, you will find in this text a unified and detailed base that includes both analysis and synthesis techniques that can be easily expanded on by using a computer or programmable calculator. This book should be extremely useful as a college-level active-filter course book or supplemental text. | 1 | null | 0 |
5,278,139 | 2019-10-30 | 2021-04-03 | pdf | null | 28,475,610 | null | 029ab3107b62f81083b721aa68add5af | Active-Filter Cookbook | Don Lancaster | Howard W. Sams, The Bobbs-Merrill | english | 1975 | 240 | 1 | null | 0 |
703,515 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-03 | djvu | null | 2,681,956 | null | 1f49f251389bd9153e0014be1d8a2f53 | Why Things Are the Way They Are | B. S. Chandrasekhar | Cambridge University Press | english | 1997 | 268 | This book is the worst book I ever purchased I want my money back | 1 | null | 0 |
715,728 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-29 | djvu | null | 3,112,624 | null | 657a89f32ccf0bcdc4afa01ae895bfd4 | Why things are the way they are | B. S. Chandrasekhar | Cambridge University Press | english | 1997 | 268 | This fascinating book explains why the materials we can see and touch behave as they do. In a completely nontechnical style, using only basic arithmetic, the author explains how the properties of materials result from the way they are composed of atoms and why it is they have the properties they do: for example, why copper and rubies are colored, why metals conduct heat better than glass, why magnets attract an iron nail but not a brass pin, and how superconductors are able to conduct electricity without resistance. The book is intended for general readers, and uses mainly words, pictures and analogies, with only a minimum of very simple mathematics. The author explains how it is possible to understand the basic properties of matter, and translates the technical jargon of physics into a language that can be understood by anyone with an interest in science who wants to know why the world around us behaves in the way that it does. | 1 | null | 0 |
667,182 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-10 | pdf | null | 32,447,932 | null | 190d1ddba845169cbb07d8dffbcf4940 | Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers | Fred Eady | Newnes | english | 2004 | 370 | Sophisticated networking and communications capabilities that were previously the sole domain of mainframes, PCs, and workstations are now becoming mandatory in the realm of smaller embedded microcontrollers. However, documentation, standards, and design information is scattered among many sources and is difficult to find. In this practical book, popular columnist and embedded designer Fred Eady is your guide and advisor. He pulls together all the necessary design background and details and shows you how to use today's affordable microcontrollers for powerful communications and networking applications such as local area networks and embedded internet. Using working code examples and schematics, Eady steers you through the basics using two popular microcontroller families, PIC and Atmel. Included are a wealth of detailed design examples for: · RS-232 firmware and hardware · | 1 | null | 0 |
769,561 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-19 | pdf | null | 9,390,058 | null | 9c11cdc75656192f037d004c40418bca | Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers | Fred Eady | Newnes | english | 2004 | 373 | RS-232 firmware and hardware ·Sophisticated networking and communications capabilities that were previously the sole domain of mainframes, PCs, and workstations are now becoming mandatory in the realm of smaller embedded microcontrollers. However, documentation, standards, and design information is scattered among many sources and is difficult to find. In this practical book, popular columnist and embedded designer Fred Eady is your guide and advisor. He pulls together all the necessary design background and details and shows you how to use today's affordable microcontrollers for powerful communications and networking applications such as local area networks and embedded internet. Using working code examples and schematics, Eady steers you through the basics using two popular microcontroller families, PIC and Atmel. Included are a wealth of detailed design examples for: · | 1 | null | 0 |
2,761,066 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-11 | pdf | null | 32,365,332 | null | 7f6b551f0083d03d78af499e421769ba | Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers | Fred Eady | Newnes | english | 2004 | 370 | Sophisticated networking and communications capabilities that were previously the sole domain of mainframes, PCs, and workstations are now becoming mandatory in the realm of smaller embedded microcontrollers. However, documentation, standards, and design information is scattered among many sources and is difficult to find. In this practical book, popular columnist and embedded designer Fred Eady is your guide and advisor. He pulls together all the necessary design background and details and shows you how to use todays affordable microcontrollers for powerful communications and networking applications such as local area networks and embedded internet. Using working code examples and schematics, Eady steers you through the basics using two popular microcontroller families, PIC and Atmel. Included are a wealth of detailed design examples for: A· RS-232 firmware and hardware A· | 1 | null | 0 |
564,449 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 9,350,725 | null | e64bc4f27d355e922a7b2a8405dcdb21 | An Introduction to Space Weather | Mark Moldwin | Cambridge University Press | english | illustrated edition | 2008 | 156 | One of first undergraduate textbooks on space weather designed for introductory space physics courses. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,427,900 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-24 | djvu | null | 1,767,600 | null | 5795b64a32355571d2afe8a4ae600295 | An Introduction to Space Weather | Mark Moldwin | Cambridge University Press | english | illustrated edition | 2008 | 156 | Space weather is an emerging field of space science focused on understanding societal and technological impacts of the solar-terrestrial relationship. The Sun, which has tremendous influence on Earth's space environment, releases vast amounts of energy in the form of electromagnetic and particle radiation that can damage or destroy satellite, navigation, communication and power distribution systems. This textbook introduces the relationship between the Sun and Earth, and shows how it impacts our technological society. One of the first undergraduate textbooks on space weather aimed at non-science majors, it uses the practical aspects of space weather to introduce space physics and give students an understanding of the Sun-Earth relationship. Definitions of important terms are given throughout the text. Key concepts, supplements, and review questions are given at the end of each chapter to help students understand the materials covered. This textbook is ideal for introductory space physics courses. | 1 | null | 0 |
924,550 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 7,767,913 | null | b6a9152c1d006f6813d9d2143f7f6f89 | Vibrations and Waves in Continuous Mechanical Systems | Peter Hagedorn, Anirvan DasGupta | english | 1 | 2007 | 396 | The subject of vibrations is of fundamental importance in engineering and technology. Discrete modelling is sufficient to understand the dynamics of many vibrating systems; however a large number of vibration phenomena are far more easily understood when modelled as continuous systems. The theory of vibrations in continuous systems is crucial to the understanding of engineering problems in areas as diverse as automotive brakes, overhead transmission lines, liquid filled tanks, ultrasonic testing or room acoustics.Starting from an elementary level, Vibrations and Waves in Continuous Mechanical Systems helps develop a comprehensive understanding of the theory of these systems and the tools with which to analyse them, before progressing to more advanced topics.Presents dynamics and analysis techniques for a wide range of continuous systems including strings, bars, beams, membranes, plates, fluids and elastic bodies in one, two and three dimensions.Covers special topics such as the interaction of discrete and continuous systems, vibrations in translating media, and sound emission from vibrating surfaces, among others. Develops the reader’s understanding by progressing from very simple results to more complex analysis without skipping the key steps in the derivations.Offers a number of new topics and exercises that form essential steppingstones to the present level of research in the field.Includes exercises at the end of the chapters based on both the academic and practical experience of the authors.Vibrations and Waves in Continuous Mechanical Systems provides a first course on the vibrations of continuous systems that will be suitable for students of continuous system dynamics, at senior undergraduate and graduate levels, in mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering. It will also appeal to researchers developing theory and analysis within the field. | 1 | null | 0 |
929,805 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-24 | pdf | null | 9,617,017 | null | b0ba73587611ffbe915632d60e5600e2 | A Modern Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Water Waves | R. S. Johnson | Cambridge University Press | english | Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics | 1997 | 464 | For over a hundred years, the theory of water waves has been a source of intriguing and often difficult mathematical problems. Virtually every classical mathematical technique appears somewhere within its confines. Beginning with the introduction of the appropriate equations of fluid mechanics, the opening chapters of this text consider the classical problems in linear and nonlinear water-wave theory. This sets the stage for a study of more modern aspects, problems that give rise to soliton-type equations. The book closes with an introduction to the effects of viscosity. All the mathematical developments are presented in the most straightforward manner, with worked examples and simple cases carefully explained. Exercises, further reading, and historical notes on some of the important characters in the field round off the book and make this an ideal text for a beginning graduate course on water waves. | 1 | null | 0 |
1,270,958 | 2019-04-08 | 2020-06-06 | pdf | null | 9,616,837 | null | f13517ea42252c993448465abf0cde10 | A Modern Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Water Waves | R. S. Johnson | Cambridge University Press | english | Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics | 1997 | 462 | For over a hundred years, the theory of water waves has been a source of intriguing and often difficult mathematical problems. Virtually every classical mathematical technique appears somewhere within its confines. Beginning with the introduction of the appropriate equations of fluid mechanics, the opening chapters of this text consider the classical problems in linear and nonlinear water-wave theory. This sets the stage for a study of more modern aspects, problems that give rise to soliton-type equations. The book closes with an introduction to the effects of viscosity. All the mathematical developments are presented in the most straightforward manner, with worked examples and simple cases carefully explained. Exercises, further reading, and historical notes on some of the important characters in the field round off the book and make this an ideal text for a beginning graduate course on water waves. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,129,423 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 13,933,203 | null | 4e4e980243e212fbc94897c03f0965c9 | Lebesgue Integration | Soo Bong Chae | Springer-Verlag New York | english | Universitext | 2 | 1995 | 284 | <p>Responses from colleagues and students concerning the first edition indicate that the text still answers a pedagogical need which is not addressed by other texts. There are no major changes in this edition. Several proofs have been tightened, and the exposition has been modified in minor ways for improved clarity. As before, the strength of the text lies in presenting the student with the difficulties which led to the development of the theory and, whenever possi ble, giving the student the tools to overcome those difficulties for himself or herself. Another proverb: Give me a fish, I eat for a day. Teach me to fish, I eat for a lifetime. Soo Bong Chae March 1994 Preface to the First Edition This book was developed from lectures in a course at New College and should be accessible to advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students. The prerequisites are an understanding of introductory calculus and the ability to comprehend "e-I) arguments. " The study of abstract measure and integration theory has been in vogue for more than two decades in American universities since the publication of Measure Theory by P. R. Halmos (1950). There are, however, very few ele mentary texts from which the interested reader with a calculus background can learn the underlying theory in a form that immediately lends itself to an understanding of the subject. This book is meant to be on a level between calculus and abstract integration theory for students of mathematics and physics.</p> | 1 | null | 0 |
719,014 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-13 | djvu | null | 6,252,773 | null | 484ad3718cba7d0ec676bcb388abc51c | A treatise on analytical dynamics | L. A. Pars | Heinemann | english | 1965 | 661 | 1 | null | 0 |
2,083,404 | 2019-04-08 | 2020-12-31 | pdf | null | 20,029,356 | null | d8388c75b2c79841d82c214db3239ea9 | Fuzzy Logic for Planning and Decision Making | Freerk A. Lootsma | Springer | english | Applied Optimization | 1st | 1997 | 198 | This book starts with the basic concepts of Fuzzy Logic: the membership function, the intersection and the union of fuzzy sets, fuzzy numbers, and the extension principle underlying the algorithmic operations. Several chapters are devoted to applications of Fuzzy Logic in Operations Research: PERT planning with uncertain activity durations, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) with vague preferential statements, and Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) with weighted degrees of satisfaction. New items are: Fuzzy PERT using activity durations with triangular membership functions, Fuzzy SMART with a sensitivity analysis based upon Fuzzy Logic, the Additive and the Multiplicative AHP with a similar feature, ELECTRE using the ideas of the AHP and SMART, and a comparative study of the ideal-point methods for MOO. Finally, earlier studies of colour perception illustrate the attempts to find a physiological basis for the set-theoretical and the algorithmic operations in Fuzzy Logic. The last chapter also discusses some key issues in linguistic categorization and the prospects of Fuzzy Logic as a multi-disciplinary research activity. <br><em>Audience:</em> Researchers and students working in applied mathematics, operations research, management science, business administration, econometrics, industrial engineering, information systems, artificial intelligence, mathematical psychology, and psycho-physics. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,104,404 | 2019-04-08 | 2020-12-31 | pdf | null | 8,391,093 | null | 37294647ded3b83b016f267af9aad678 | Fuzzy Logic for Planning and Decision Making | Freerk A. Lootsma | Springer | english | Applied Optimization | 1st | 1997 | 198 | This book starts with the basic concepts of Fuzzy Logic: the membership function, the intersection and the union of fuzzy sets, fuzzy numbers, and the extension principle underlying the algorithmic operations. Several chapters are devoted to applications of Fuzzy Logic in Operations Research: PERT planning with uncertain activity durations, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) with vague preferential statements, and Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) with weighted degrees of satisfaction. New items are: Fuzzy PERT using activity durations with triangular membership functions, Fuzzy SMART with a sensitivity analysis based upon Fuzzy Logic, the Additive and the Multiplicative AHP with a similar feature, ELECTRE using the ideas of the AHP and SMART, and a comparative study of the ideal-point methods for MOO. Finally, earlier studies of colour perception illustrate the attempts to find a physiological basis for the set-theoretical and the algorithmic operations in Fuzzy Logic. The last chapter also discusses some key issues in linguistic categorization and the prospects of Fuzzy Logic as a multi-disciplinary research activity. <br><em>Audience:</em> Researchers and students working in applied mathematics, operations research, management science, business administration, econometrics, industrial engineering, information systems, artificial intelligence, mathematical psychology, and psycho-physics. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,290,882 | 2019-04-08 | 2020-12-31 | djvu | null | 2,685,153 | null | 1bfab1137676458fbe5dabcbd487019a | Fuzzy Logic for Planning and Decision Making | Freerk A. Lootsma | Springer | english | Applied Optimization | 1st | 1997 | 198 | This book starts with the basic concepts of Fuzzy Logic: the membership function, the intersection and the union of fuzzy sets, fuzzy numbers, and the extension principle underlying the algorithmic operations. Several chapters are devoted to applications of Fuzzy Logic in Operations Research: PERT planning with uncertain activity durations, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) with vague preferential statements, and Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) with weighted degrees of satisfaction. New items are: Fuzzy PERT using activity durations with triangular membership functions, Fuzzy SMART with a sensitivity analysis based upon Fuzzy Logic, the Additive and the Multiplicative AHP with a similar feature, ELECTRE using the ideas of the AHP and SMART, and a comparative study of the ideal-point methods for MOO. Finally, earlier studies of colour perception illustrate the attempts to find a physiological basis for the set-theoretical and the algorithmic operations in Fuzzy Logic. The last chapter also discusses some key issues in linguistic categorization and the prospects of Fuzzy Logic as a multi-disciplinary research activity. <br><em>Audience:</em> Researchers and students working in applied mathematics, operations research, management science, business administration, econometrics, industrial engineering, information systems, artificial intelligence, mathematical psychology, and psycho-physics. | 1 | null | 0 |
1,298,320 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-21 | pdf | null | 14,585,063 | null | 503ff0a5d2e4d556c5edbe4e799eb097 | Introduction to Fluid Mechanics | William S. Janna | CRC Press | english | 4 | 2010 | 738 | The ability to understand the area of fluid mechanics is enhanced by using equations to mathematically model those phenomena encountered in everyday life. Helping those new to fluid mechanics make sense of its concepts and calculations, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Fourth Edition makes learning a visual experience by introducing the types of problems that students are likely to encounter in practice – and then presenting methods to solve them.
A time-tested book that has proven useful in various fluid mechanics and turbomachinery courses, this volume assumes knowledge of calculus and physics in its use of mathematics to model physical principles in fluid mechanics. Among its many useful features, this book:
Updates advances and relevant examples
Introduces concepts of fluid statics and control/volume approach of determining flow
Carefully explains topics using step-by-step examples
Emphasizes applications areas, with extensive resources for design problems
Uses both SI units and British gravitational units
Includes computer and design problems formulated for use with a spreadsheet in any of the traditional programming languages
The author includes open-ended chapter-end problems designed to systematically improve the students’ ability to understand and apply the equations of fluid mechanics to various practical problems associated with scenarios such as flow from a draining coffee pot or drag force exerted on a bicycle-rider combination. Problems are arranged so that the easier ones are presented first, to build students’ confidence and aid learning, and these problems are grouped by topic, making them easier to use for both instructors and students.
With an abundance of new material, this book is a thorough and comprehensible presentation of fluid mechanics from a practical viewpoint, rather than an encyclopedic and inaccessible volume. | 1 | null | 0 |
16,565,003 | 2021-06-29 | 2022-06-30 | pdf | null | 116,951,560 | null | 7df66d984ce15e7fcd6bae4d40451c38 | Introduction to fluid mechanics | William S. Janna | CRC Press | other | Sixth | 2020 | 1 | null | 0 |
572,272 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-19 | pdf | null | 1,420,944 | null | 3a2aacb77d3e661aa7b90f407ba690d8 | Anisotropic diffusion in image processing | Joachim Weickert | Teubner | english | 1998 | 182 | 1 | null | 0 |
2,583,035 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-03 | pdf | null | 11,107,930 | null | 85b84317273c797b3b80041d03e1a280 | Probability on Trees and Networks | Russell Lyons, Yuval Peres | english | Draft | 2014 | 724 | 1 | null | 0 |
2,936,764 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-22 | pdf | null | 25,546,093 | null | bbab873ce5144eb1dfb0305d3c8b0d38 | Probability on Trees and Networks | Russell Lyons, Yuval Peres | Cambridge | english | 2016 | 718 | 1 | null | 0 |
3,374,933 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 15,426,499 | null | 0a5bf40de2b8439f49c01597799e6131 | Probability on Trees and Networks | Russell Lyons, Yuval Peres | Cambridge University Press | english | Cambridge series on statistical and probabilistic mathematics 42 | 1 | 2016 | 720 | Starting around the late 1950s, several research communities began relating the geometry of graphs to stochastic processes on these graphs. This book, twenty years in the making, ties together research in the field, encompassing work on percolation, isoperimetric inequalities, eigenvalues, transition probabilities, and random walks. Written by two leading researchers, the text emphasizes intuition, while giving complete proofs and more than 850 exercises. Many recent developments, in which the authors have played a leading role, are discussed, including percolation on trees and Cayley graphs, uniform spanning forests, the mass-transport technique, and connections on random walks on graphs to embedding in Hilbert space. This state-of-the-art account of probability on networks will be indispensable for graduate students and researchers alike | 1 | null | 0 |
2,552,694 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-17 | pdf | null | 7,929,564 | null | f0212922d19c1a859ba8519d50e10777 | CCNP Routing and Switching ROUTE 300-101 Official Cert Guide | Kevin Wallace | Cisco Press | english | 1 | 2015 | 1012 | Trust the best-selling Official Cert Guide series from Cisco Press to help you learn, prepare, and practice for exam success. They are built with the objective of providing assessment, review, and practice to help ensure you are fully prepared for your certification exam.
CCNP Routing and Switching ROUTE 300-101 Official Cert Guide from Cisco Press enables you to succeed on the exam the first time and is the only self-study resource approved by Cisco. Expert instructor and best-selling author Kevin Wallace shares preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,777,491 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-12 | epub | null | 66,163,212 | null | ef71711cc440129f68698f501686a251 | CCNP Routing and Switching ROUTE 300-101 Official Cert Guide | Kevin Wallace | Cisco Press | english | 2014 | Официальное руководство Cisco по подготовке к сертификационным экзаменам CCNP Routing and Switching ROUTE 300-101 | 1 | null | 0 |
1,181,573 | 2019-04-08 | 2020-10-15 | pdf | null | 4,502,015 | null | 53dea153fb5144d334e74b5e9fa1676f | Testing Code Security | Maura A. van der Linden | Auerbach Publications | english | 1 | 2007 | 292 | The huge proliferation of security vulnerability exploits, worms, and viruses place an incredible drain on both cost and confidence for manufacturers and consumers. The release of trustworthy code requires a specific set of skills and techniques, but this information is often dispersed and decentralized, encrypted in its own jargon and terminology, and can take a colossal amount of time and data mining to find. Written in simple, common terms, Testing Code Security is a consolidated resource designed to teach beginning and intermediate testers the software security concepts needed to conduct relevant and effective tests. Answering the questions pertinent to all testing procedures, the book considers the differences in process between security testing and functional testing, the creation of a security test plan, the benefits and pitfalls of threat-modeling, and the identification of root vulnerability problems and how to test for them. The book begins with coverage of foundation concepts, the process of security test planning, and the test pass. Offering real life examples, it presents various vulnerabilities and attacks and explains the testing techniques appropriate for each. It concludes with a collection of background overviews on related topics to fill common knowledge gaps. Filled with cases illustrating the most common classes of security vulnerabilities, the book is written for all testers working in any environment, and it gives extra insight to threats particular to Microsoft Windows® platforms. Providing a practical guide on how to carry out the task of security software testing, Testing Code Security gives the reader the knowledge needed to begin testing software security for any project and become an integral part in the drive to produce better software security and safety. | 1 | null | 0 |
19,238,168 | 2022-02-23 | 2022-05-13 | azw3 | null | 5,674,801 | null | bbc1de18eb429be3e8093360b647a0e3 | Inside the Machine | Jon Stokes | No Starch Press | other | 2006 | 1 | null | 0 |
3,493,188 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-22 | pdf | null | 27,348,496 | null | 763ec45841954d4b3aaae6a58b1b3664 | Flow-Induced Vibration | Robert D. Blevins | Krieger Pub Co | english | Reprint | 2001 | 488 | Focuses on applications for offshore platforms and piping; and, wind-induced vibration of buildings, bridges, and towers. This title also focuses on acoustic and mechanical vibration of heat exchangers, power lines, and process ducting. | 1 | null | 0 |
603,792 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-23 | pdf | null | 25,361,649 | null | d26a526a344fa01e4a9040de2b97da45 | Sensorless Vector and Direct Torque Control | Peter Vas | Oxford University Press, USA | english | Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering | illustrated edition | 1998 | 376 | In recent years vector-controlled a.c. drives have taken over from more conventional d.c. drives. Applications are found everywhere including machine tools, robotics, electric traction, and computer peripherals. This book examines sensorless vector-controlled drives and direct torque controlled drives. It builds on the author's popular Vector Control of AC Drives and brings the subject fully up to date. | 1 | null | 0 |
643,508 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-04-17 | pdf | null | 4,900,784 | null | 516d9e7481817372f1b2ef4acf07ff5d | PHP Programming Solutions | Vikram Vaswani | McGraw-Hill | english | 1 | 2007 | 578 | I purchesed this book hoping it would give good examples. NOT!!! Just another book for people who already know what they are doing. Now this is my opinion and this book did nothing to help explain the INCLUDE function or how to handle directories in php which is the help I was looking for. | 1 | null | 0 |
676,947 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-26 | pdf | null | 4,925,114 | null | 6c8ba2177c1fa8fffc4b5d31689fb641 | PHP Programming Solutions | Vikram Vaswani | McGraw-Hill | english | 2007 | 578 | 1 | null | 0 |
648,196 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-20 | djvu | null | 2,207,548 | null | 3c36ffe9fc3c887f58077467b6a94d90 | Physics of the space environment | Tamas I. Gombosi | Cambridge University Press | english | Cambridge atmospheric and space science series | 2004 | 357 | The book is not recommended for people who have had no introduction to the topic. It is a good reference for people who are somewhat experienced in this area. It is mostly equations and very little theory. | 1 | null | 0 |
716,929 | 2019-04-09 | 2021-04-18 | djvu | null | 3,540,398 | null | a3d4a31c8b189b9def231ecf0266fd36 | Physics of the Space Environment | Tamas I. Gombosi | CUP | english | Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series | 2004 | 357 | This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the physical phenomena that result from the interaction of the sun and the planets - often termed space weather. Physics of the Space Environment explores the basic processes in the Sun, in the interplanetary medium, in the near-Earth space, and down into the atmosphere. The first part of the book summarizes fundamental elements of transport theory relevant for the atmosphere, ionosphere and the magnetosphere. This theory is then applied to physical phenomena in the space environment. The fundamental physical processes are emphasized throughout, and basic concepts and methods are derived from first principles. This book is unique in its balanced treatment of space plasma and aeronomical phenomena. Students and researchers with a basic mathematics and physics background will find this book invaluable in the study of phenomena in the space environment. | 1 | null | 0 |
5,396,231 | 2020-03-30 | 2020-09-25 | pdf | null | 15,961,849 | null | fae11f0fc2b576c830c9e254847b4a27 | The Wave Mechanics of Electrons in Metals | Stanley Raimes | North-Holland Publishing Company - Amsterdam | english | Second Printing edition | 1963 | 388 | The Wave Mechanics of Electrons in Metals is an old classic by Dr. Stanley Raimes which is very technical in approach with emphasis on the approximate methods employed in Condensed Matter Physics. | 1 | null | 0 |
2,066,443 | 2019-04-08 | 2021-03-27 | djvu | null | 2,916,027 | null | fdb332fb276c5c063d82a2e7fdd3d771 | Black holes | Jean-Pierre Luminet | Cambridge University Press | english | 1995 | 336 | 1 | null | 0 |
5,410,110 | 2020-03-30 | 2021-04-13 | pdf | null | 21,652,609 | null | cb301f80760151dcf3af72678aa0d8b6 | Black Holes | Jean-Pierre Luminet | Cambridge University Press | english | Paperback | 1992 | 336 | 1 | null | 0 |